A lathe chuck
Реферат: 553,933. Chucks. FAIRBURN, J. April 18, 1942, No. 5175. [Class 83 (iii)] ] Bevel closing chucks are arranged so that the whole diameter of the spindle bore is available for stock, the chuck being operated by levers directly engaging the jaws or collets. A cast iron body A is mounted on the spindle nose either directly or through a back plate and has a taper bore a to receive the collet B which, as shown, may be in three sections fitted with an expanding spring C. A cast iron ring D mounted on the body is backed up by a screwed adjusting ring F and has slots d in which bell crank levers E are pivoted. The shorter arms E<SP>1</SP> project through slots in the body A into holes in the section B. Rollers E<SP>3</SP> on the longer arms are engaged by a cam sleeve G<SP>1</SP> traversed by a yoke ring M<SP>1</SP>. The body is reinforced by a screwed-on, flanged ring H and fitted with a shrunk-on steel sleeve J that encases the bell cranks. The trunnions M on the yoke ring may be engaged by a hand operated yoke lever or may carry die blocks sliding in slots P<SP>2</SP> in lever P<SP>1</SP> slotted to engage fixed pins Q<SP>1</SP> and bored to receive eccentrics N<SP>1</SP> on a shaft N fitted with hand lever N2. Needle or similar roller bearings P are fitted.
On-the-go lathe chuck system
Номер патента: FR483531A. Автор: Ferdinand Girard. Владелец: Individual. Дата публикации: 1917-07-13.