Jet orifices in plane bottom and on runway - are takeoff and landing aids giving lift and reducing runway length and stalling speed
Реферат: The take off and landing aids are jet orifices underneath the body and/or the wings of the aircraft, towards the rear, from which air, gas or vapour can be blown forwards under the body/wings. In addition, there may be jet orifices or other openings in the runaway surface through which air, gas or vapour at ambient or higher temperature can be blown upwards. Trough-shaped runways provide further assistance. Control of emissions through the runaway can be from the aircraft of the airfield control tower. Provision can be made to emit foam for energy landings.
Aircraft with short or vertical take-off and landing with hybrid power plant
Номер патента: RU2729750C1. Автор: Борис Никифорович Сушенцев. Владелец: Борис Никифорович Сушенцев. Дата публикации: 2020-08-11.