Puncture-proof vehicle tyre which eliminates spare wheel - contains small rubber balls filled with highly compressed gas
Реферат: Tyre comprising a tread and two cheeks for fastening to a vehicle wheel is filled with small hollow balls of synthetic material or rubber, contg. a compressed gas. The balls are 3-5cm dia and may be filled with compressed air or a liquified gas in which there is a substance for sealing the hole caused by the injection. Two sides of the tyre are joined at the side opposite to the tread and the tyre is easily fixed on the wheel by a detachable flange fixed by nuts and studs. Temp. to which the gas is cooled is chosen to give the desired pressure on the tyre, and the substance added seals the hole when the injection needle is withdrawn.
Container having head piece that is or can be filled with medium
Номер патента: RU2675782C2. Автор: Иоганнес Гезер,Александер ХАММЕР,Михель ШПАЛЛЕК,Карл КЁППЕЛЬ. Владелец: Кохер-Пластик Машиненбау Гмбх. Дата публикации: 2018-12-24.