Improvements in and relating to the counters of boots and shoes
Реферат: 272,171. Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc., (Assignees of Blackwell, E, C.). June 2, 1926, [Convention date]. Stiffeners. - A moulded fibre-board counter-stiffener for Loots and shoes is characterized by an inner side 10, Fig. 3, of such length as to overlap a portion at least, of the instep, and shaped to flare outwardly and downwardly relative to the plane of the heel seat flange 8 so as to fit accurately the exact configuration of the instep of the last on which a shoe is made.. The counter is of such texture as to retain its moulded shape without reinforcement and of taking tempering without loss of shape. The stiffener is first moulded as in Fig. 2, with the part 10 more or less flat. The final moulding, to produce the form shown in Fig. 3, is preferably performed in a specially designed countermoulding machine comprising a male block having a moulding face shaped to the inside shank of the last of the particular shoe to be filled and a complemental female mould block. Fig. 6 shows a modified form for women's pumps with the stiffener extended on both sides 18, 14,
Improvements in heel pads or grips for application to the interior of shoes
Номер патента: GB177459A. Автор: . Владелец: Individual. Дата публикации: 1922-03-30.