Tyre Tread
Реферат: Newness and distinctiveness reside in the tread region of a tyre as shown in the accompanying representations. When considering newness and distinctiveness the features shown in dashed lines are to be given little or no weight.
Реферат: Newness and distinctiveness reside in the tread region of a tyre as shown in the accompanying representations. When considering newness and distinctiveness the features shown in dashed lines are to be given little or no weight.
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Rubber composition based on glycerol and functionalised elastomer and tyre tread
Номер патента: RU2536864C2. Автор: Кристиан БЛАНШАР,Дидье Вассер. Владелец: Мишлен Решерш Э Текникс С.А.. Дата публикации: 2014-12-27.