Improvements in Steam Generators.
Номер патента: GB189819861A
Опубликовано: 26-11-1898
Автор(ы): Horace Lizzelle Freeman, Marshall Jones Freeman
Принадлежит: Individual
Опубликовано: 26-11-1898
Автор(ы): Horace Lizzelle Freeman, Marshall Jones Freeman
Принадлежит: Individual
Реферат: 19,861. Freeman, H. L., and Freeman, M. J. Sept. 19. Water-circulation, promoting.-Inclined water tubes 16 are fitted below an externally-fired boiler so as to pass through the upper part of the furnace. Fig. 2 shows a sectional elevation, and Fig. 3 a plan of the tubes. They are connected at the back to a transverse header tube 11, which communicates with the boiler by the junction piece 6, and at the front they are each connected separately to the boiler by a bent pipe with an expansion joint 24. A blow-off branch is provided as shown to the left hand of the Figures, and at 15 and 17 are caps which can be removed to permit the tubes to be cleaned.
Waste processing apparatus and method featuring power generation, water recycling and water use in steam generation
Номер патента: EP2406010A1. Автор: Jan K. Michalek,Theodore J. Thomas. Владелец: Estech LLC. Дата публикации: 2012-01-18.