Improvements in Means for Propelling Vessels.
Опубликовано: 03-09-1898
Автор(ы): Theodor Hugo August Lukatis
Принадлежит: Individual
Реферат: 14,692. Lukatis, T. H. A. July 4. Propelling b y r e - ciprocating p l a t e s.- Consists of an arrangement of gearing for driving the paddles h and maintaining them i n a vertical plane. The pinions f of the paddles gear with a central pinion j secured to the bevelwheel b<2>, which is itself keyed to the driving - shaft a. Of the n e s t of bevelwheels b<1>, b<2>, b<3>, b<4>, b<3> and b<4> are carried by a loose disc d, and b<1> is a dead wheel, so that, when the driving- s h a f t revolves, the pinions upon the axles e of the disc are carried round, while the paddles remain in a vertical position. To vary the immersion of the paddles, they are adjustably secured to their pinions by setscrews i.
Improvements in methods and means for operating on edge portions of work pieces
Номер патента: GB1028313A. Автор: George Trevor Ralphs. Владелец: Ralphs Unified Ltd. Дата публикации: 1966-05-04.