Опубликовано: 31-10-1944
Реферат: 387,032. Accounting-machines. KRUPP AKT.-GES., F., Essen, Germany. Sept. 11, 1931, No. 25521. Convention date, Sept. 13, 1930. [Class 106 (i).] Printing-mechanism.-In a machine adapted for registering and recording banking transactions the customer's book and account card are automatically set during the machine operations to the requisite columns for receiving the records of the amounts and also to the required line as selected by depression of numeral keys. Each single operation of the machine is also recorded on a record-strip and certain operations also on a voucher. The details printed at each operation on the book and card vary in number according to the nature of the operation (entering old balance, entering present transaction, and obtaining new balance), the control of the impressions being effected automatically by the positioning of notched bars that permit or prevent the actions of the various platens. Setting arrangements. The machine is controlled from a keyboard, Fig. 1, provided with amount keys 10, debit and credit totalizerselecting keys 1a, 2a, transaction-control keys 3a. motor key 6, idle release key 7, cashier's locks 8, lever 4 for controlling the balancing (add-subtract) totalizer. operation-control lever 5 and the usual totalizer-selecting levers 1, 2, 3 for use when taking totals. The account numbers are set at 13 on a separate keyboard, Fig. 2, the clerk's designation is set at 14, and keys 15, 16 are for the purpose of setting up the line to be printed on. Printing arrangements. The type-wheels are disposed, substantially in duplicate, on two lines 105, 106, Fig. 14, and each type-wheel in general has repeated type above and below, thus enabling an item to be recorded in quadruplicate at A, B, C, D. The customer's account card is printed at A, the customer's book at B, the voucher at C, and the record-strip at D. The card and book are laid on a table 68 capable of longitudinal movement for line-selection and lateral displacement for column selection. Columnselection. The table 68 is shifted laterally under the control of the keys 3a and lever 3 by means of a differential gear. The keys OC, OD (for old credit or old debit balance) have no effect on a slide 24, Fig. 3, but the other keys cause one, two or three steps of movement to be imparted to the slide and so to a shaft 29. The lever 3 is also capable, by means of a cam slot 35, of turning this shaft to the full extent of three steps. An arm 37, Fig. 4, rigid with the shaft has a pin 38 lying in a notch in a disc 40 loose on the shaft and carrying a lever 42 extending into the space between two drums 45, 46 having stepped peripheral surfaces to engage the lever, (see Fig. 8). The drums are secured to sleeves 47, 49 terminating in pinions 50, 51, Fig. 5, meshing with respective racks. At each cycle of operation a frame 56 is reciprocated to drive through a common pinion 55, the racks and therefore the drums 45, 46 until both drums engage from opposite sides, the lever 42, the position of this lever thus determining the relative turning of the drums and the final position of an arm 62 projecting between the drums and fast on a shaft 48 geared with elongated pinions 66 meshing with racks 69 on the underside of the table. In consequence of these arrangements the table is moved to its second or third column position according to whether the control shaft is given two or three steps of movement and is locked by a pawl and notched disc 77 until the end of the operation when the table and the drums are restored to normal (first column) position. Keys OC, OD (old balance) have no effect on the slide 24 and shaft 29 and so the table remains in normal position, the old balance in the arrangement illustrated not being printed. Similarly if key De (paid-out transaction) is depressed the onestep movement given to shaft 29 is lost at 38, 40 as regards transmission to lever 42 and the table is not shifted, and the item is printed in the first column. Use of key En (paid-in transaction) on the other hand produces a shift of the table to the second column, while a balance-taking transaction causes through depression of one or other blank key NC, ND a three-step displacement of the shaft 29 and movement of the table to the third column. A similar result occurs when totals are taken from the totalizers belonging to keys 3a by the setting of lever 3. In a modification the slide 24 may be shaped to enable key De to effect the same column selection as key En the old balance in this case being printed in the first column. Line selection. The tens and units keys 16, 15, Fig. 2, control through pincer-like stopmechanism 82, 83, Fig. 5, connections 86, 87, 90, 91, differential gear 93 and rack and pinion 95 the longitudinal position of the table which is then locked by a machine-operated bar 104 and wheel 103. Type-wheel arrangement. The similar typewheels on the two lines 105, 106 are respectively interconnected by gears mounted on intermediate shafts and are set by nested sleeves and gearing from the machine in the known manner. Of the various groups of type-wheels on, for example, line 105, Fig. 18, 112 print above and below, the date, 113 the amount, 114 the cashier's characteristic, and 115 the account number. In addition wheels 117 .. 120 print the symbols for the credit and debit totalizers, wheels 117, 118 printing only at the upper line and 119, 120 at the lower line. These wheels are spaced apart to allow for different columnar positions of the amount so as to effect printing always in the allotted respective credit and debit symbol columms. Other type-wheels provided are 141, 142, 143 for the clerk's initials, 158 set by bank 3a or lever 3, for denoting the registering totalizer engaged, and 163 for signifying a debit balance. In the case of wheel 158 in the right-hand type line this is set only by lever 3 because the registering totalizer symbol is only required on the book in total-taking operations. The right-hand type line also includes a set of type-wheels 171, 172, 173, Fig. 19, for recording the consecutive number of each supplementary transaction, the wheels being sleeve-connected with a counter 170. Item counter for supplementary operations. The operation-control lever 5 has a cam 181, Fig. 19, adapted to rock a lever 184 through one step when lever 5 is moved upwardly and through two steps when it is moved downwardly. The lever 184 is connected by a link 190, Fig. 21, with a coupling lever 191 forked to control the axial position of a sleeve 193 carrying a pin 199 to drive a geneva wheel and thus advance the counter. The sleeve is rotated by the machine through a bevel gear 197 shiftable into and out of effective position by connection through lever 210, Fig. 22, with slides 217, 218 of the debit and credit key banks. The result of this dual control of the counter actuation is that the drive takes place when a credit or debit key is depressed in conjunction with a setting of the lever 5 to " additional book " or " additional card " but not otherwise. Platen control. As seen in Fig. 18 the various type-wheel groups are provided with separate platens below them which are rocked for impression by spring-controlled bars 241, Fig. 14, pivoted to levers 243 controlled by cam discs 251 driven by the machine. The upper platen 230 for the record-strip is effective in every operation, being- rocked by a spring under control of a cam disc 221. The upper platen 265 for the voucher is operated by a bar 264 controlled similarly to the bars 241. The selection of the lower platens is effected by the longitudinal setting of notched bars I, II, III, Figs. 24 and 31, lying alongside one another and controlled by shaft 29 (for bar I), lever 189, Fig. 19 (for bar II), and a further cam disc 277 fixed to lever 5 (for bar III). Moreover, the bar I slidably supports a supplementary bar Ib provided with a lug 274 overlying bar II so that the latter through its lug 275 may shift bar Ib and thus exert an additional influence on the control of the platens. The combined effect of the notched bars as regards their locking or freeing of the lower platens may be summarized as follows. In the registering of the old balance the platens are all locked except the date platens, the printing of the old balance itself on the card and book being unnecessary in view of its appearance already as the result of the previous transaction. If the new transaction is a withdrawal the setting of key De results, in the next operation of the machine, in the freeing of the platens for typing the amount, the debit totalizer symbol and the clerk's initial. If the new entry is a receipt key En is used together with a key 2a and a similar release of the platens occurs but in conjunction with a shift of the table to the next column position. Upon taking the new balance, the lever 4 being moved to " balance " depresses one or other key NC, ND to shift bar I three steps, bars II, III still remaining unaffected owing to lever 5 being at " Addition." Consequently the amount is printed in the third column and the cashier's sign, the registering totalizer symbol, and the account number are also printed. The voucher is printed in the second of these operations with a complete record of the new item. Transfer transactions. When an amount has to be transferred from one account to another, possibly in another bank, transactions may have to be registered without the presence of a book or of a card, the necessary entries in these having to be effected subsequently without registration in the totalizers. When a transfer operation takes place the corresponding credit or debit totalizer key operates a bar 346, Fig. 14, to rock a bail 340 under the tails of all the book-printing platens 253 .. 258. When subsequently the entries are to be made in the book the lever 5 is set to " Additional Book " and the entries printed in the usual way (but not registered) except that a spec
Стерилизатор-дистиллятор бытовой
Номер патента: RU0000000031U1. Автор: Касаткин Л.В.. Владелец: Государственный научно-испытательный полигон авиационных систем. Дата публикации: 1994-08-25.