Device for carrying objects
Реферат: Device (1) for carrying objects, in particular excrement. This device consists of a film sheet which is provided with openings (3-5) and is placed on the base of a cat litter tray. The cat litter tray is then filled with grit in the conventional manner. To remove excrement the user has to grasp the film at handles (7) in the film sheet which extend outside the cat litter tray close to the ends. The openings (3-5) are made such that excrement cannot pass through openings but the cat litter grit will remain on the base of the cat litter tray. Optionally a number of such film sheets can be placed on top of one another for regular removal of excrement without a large quantity of grit being consumed.
Device for carrying objects
Номер патента: WO2001011947A1. Автор: Berend Koster. Владелец: Berend Koster. Дата публикации: 2001-02-22.