Gas turbine exhaust directive system - uses jets destroying recirculation bubbles for gas diversion
Реферат: The system deflects the exhaust of the gas turbine to one of two outlets, e.g. to a waste heat boiler and to atmosphere, operating on the principle of a bistable amplifier. A rectangular power jet delivers the gas, and two gas passages with flat walls discharge to one or the other of the outlets. A divider parallel to thejet lengthwise axis is mounted at the rear end in the direction of gas flow, deflecting it to one of the outlets. Two control jets discharge behind the power jet, and one or the other is pressurised so as to destroy the recirculation bubble, due to Coanda effect, along the flat wall adjacent to this jet, thus deflecting the gases towards the flat wall adjacent to the other jet.
Marine gas turbine with special-shaped lobe ejector mixer
Номер патента: NL2032035A. Автор: Zhang Limin,Wang Zhongyi,Ma Hongfei,Fu Hao,Zhou Shaowei,YIN Yue,Luan Yigang,Sun Haiou,Hu Yanchen. Владелец: Univ Harbin Eng. Дата публикации: 2023-01-19.