Electronic appts. for drawing lots - is by back projection of numbers onto a viewing screen
Реферат: The roll of film denoting a series of numerical or alphabetic characters is projected onto a viewing screen (5). The film can be stopped automatically, to give a particular character, denoting a winning ticket, by a seated operator whose hand is in front of an electronic eye, connected to the control system for the projector (H). The screen may be covered by sliding doors (10) which obscure it from view of the audience, seated in front of the screen (5), until the projector (H) is stopped and the winning ticket displayed.
Method for drawing lottery
Номер патента: RU2160141C1. Автор: М.Р. Фрейдзон. Владелец: Фрейдзон Максим Робертович. Дата публикации: 2000-12-10.