Conical tube rolling mill - with four-roll stands in rough and two finish conicity sections
Реферат: A rolling mill to produce continuously long conical metal tubes for use as lamp posts along motor roads consists of preparatory section where a rough conicity is given to a metal strip, and a finishing section with two elements where the final conical form is produced. The elements can be traversed on a track at right angles to the direction of feed for alternate alignment with the section the finished tube can be ejected by reversing the direction of rotation of the four dumbbell-shaped rolls of which each stand consists. This is a time-saving method of producing conical tube continuously. The longitudinal gap is easy to align for the subsequent seam welding operation.
Improvements in method of rolling out tubes in pilgrim rolling mills and equipment therefor
Номер патента: GB648919A. Автор: . Владелец: SEE FABRIKS AKTIELBOLAG. Дата публикации: 1951-01-17.