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10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556572C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам для медицинской помощи пациенту при неотложном состоянии. Устройство включает предмет одежды, контролирующее устройство, расположенное на предмете одежды и контролирующее по меньшей мере одну физиологическую функцию пациента, и терапевтическое устройство, расположенное на предмете одежды, чтобы лечить пациента, когда контролирующее устройство определяет неотложное состояние. Устройство может переноситься на теле пациента, обеспечивая мобильность пациента. Терапевтическое устройство включает перфорирующее устройство, которое может доставлять лекарство внутрикостным способом, дефибриллятор и устройство для сдавления сердца для реанимации сердца. Контролирующее устройство является функционально связанным с терапевтическим устройством и выполнено с возможностью запускать терапевтическое устройство и лечить пациента без активного участия пациента или третьих лиц, когда контролирующее устройство определяет неотложное состояние ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2465024C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для неотложной помощи пациенту. Устройство включает предмет одежды, контролирующее устройство, расположенное на нем, которое может контролировать по меньшей мере одну физиологическую функцию пациента, чтобы определить неотложное состояние, и терапевтическое устройство, расположенное на предмете одежды, оперативно соединенное с контролирующим устройством для лечения пациента. Терапевтическое устройство является респираторным терапевтическим устройством, которое может подавать кислород, ! кислородсодержащую газовую смесь и/или по крайней мере одно лекарство эндотрахеально, и включает перфорирующий блок, чтобы перфорировать трахею пациента ниже гортани. Использование изобретения позволяет расширить арсенал устройств для неотложной медицинской помощи пациенту. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2568354C2

Изобретения относятся к медицине. Способ когнитивной поведенческой терапии бессонницы осуществляют посредством системы для когнитивной поведенческой терапии. Система для когнитивной поведенческой терапии содержит устройство электронной связи, систему датчиков для обнаружения данных активности во время сна, первый блок обработки для преобразования данных активности во время сна в данные структуры сна, второй блок обработки с устройством ввода для сбора входных данных пациента, которые содержат информацию, указывающую оценку влияния бессонницы пациента на дневную деятельность пациента, третий блок обработки для приема данных структуры сна и входных данных пациента, их анализа и создания профиля сна пациента, четвертый блок обработки для анализа профиля сна пациента и обеспечения курса терапии и дисплей. Запоминающее устройство четвертого блока обработки содержит множество модулей терапевтических инструкций для представления на дисплее. Четвертый блок обработки выполнен с возможностью организации ...

22-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776563C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к способу визуализации, определения и контроля временной циклограммы дыхания при использовании тренажеров лечебного дыхания. В способе на предварительном этапе наблюдают за своим дыханием по красному и зеленому цвету светодиодной индикации и наблюдают за вычисленными значениями для каждого дыхательного акта. Далее узнают свое усредненное значение продолжительности дыхательного акта (ПДА) на временном интервале. На втором этапе способа устанавливают вычисленные значения каждого дыхательного акта для визуализации дыхания, и проводят дальнейшую работу с дыхательным тренажером Фролова по установленным значениям, с возможностью контроля и регулирования своего дыхания при использовании дыхательного тренажера Фролова. При этом в способе одновременно используют акселерометр и гироскоп для определения диафрагмального дыхания. Технический результат, достигаемый изобретением, заключается в создании способа для определения, контроля и визуализации ...

07-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015143889A3

18-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016133638A3

25-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017125303A3

21-02-2018 дата публикации

Крепежная система кровати для младенцев

Номер: RU2016133638A

18-02-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren und Tomographiegerät zur Erzeugung eines Bildes von einem durch Atmung bewegten Körperbereich eines Patienten

Номер: DE102008026037B4

Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Bildes von einem durch Atmung bewegten Körperbereich eines Patienten (P) zu mindestens einer vorbestimmten Atmungsphase (21; 22) unter Einsatz eines Tomographiegerätes (1) mit einem Aufnahmesystem (4, 6) zur Erfassung von Projektionen des Körperbereichs, wobei das Aufnahmesystem (4, 6) einen im Vergleich zu dem Körperbereich in z-Richtung kleineren Abtastbereich aufweist, mit einer in der z-Richtung verstellbaren Lagerungsvorrichtung (8), auf welcher der Patient (P) gelagert ist, und mit einer Rechnereinheit (10) zur Erzeugung des Bildes aus den erfassten Projektionen, sowie unter Einsatz einer Vorrichtung zur Erfassung von Atmungssignalen (25), bei dem basierend auf einer Auswertung der erfassten Atmungssignale (25) zyklisch – ein Abtastzeitintervall (23; 24) ermittelt wird, zu dem die vorbestimmte Atmungsphase (21; 22) eingenommen wird, – Projektionen während des Abtastzeitintervalls (23; 24) bei gleichzeitig kontinuierlicher Verstellung der Lagerungsvorrichtung ...

30-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008523968D0

23-08-2017 дата публикации

Analysis of breathing data

Номер: GB0002532883B
Принадлежит: PNEUMACARE LTD, Pneumacare Limited

11-11-2020 дата публикации

System and method for digital monitoring of sleep apnea

Номер: GB0002583861A

A system and method for digital monitoring of sleep apnea using non-invasive means for evaluating and accompanying obstructive sleep apnea by counting the number of oxygen desaturations, comprising a sensor (11) installed on the patient's finger, formed of an oximeter and an actigraph, a mobile telecommunications terminal (13) provided with a first application for interaction with said sensor and a remote server (16) provided with software for the final processing of the set of values measured by said sensor, wherein communication among the sensor, mobile terminal and remote server is provided by radiofrequency links. In addition, it is possible to monitor the patient's heart rate, body position, respiratory rate and snoring, which is captured by the microphone (14) of the mobile terminal and preprocessed therein. The result of the processing performed in the remote server can be shown in the form of a graph and/or report.

29-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008827275D0

29-04-1925 дата публикации

Improved device for indicating muscular and like expansions

Номер: GB0000232703A

... 232,703. Blakoe, R. Jan. 29, 1924. Measuring-tapes. - A device for measuring the expansion of the lungs and chest or other muscles or parts of the body comprises a steel tape G wound on the periphery of a drum B which is connected by a coiled spring F to the spindle E of a dial indicator A. The end of the tape, on which there is a stop 0, is connected by a loop H to a strap H<1> which is taken round the chest or other part and hooked to the case A at U. When the chest is expanded, the amount of expansion is indicated by a pointer L on a dial P. A second pointer Q is carried round by & pin L<1> on the pointer L and stays in position when the device is removed. A zeroizing knob T is provided for this pointer. Supporting straps are provided.

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415125T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442084T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000495791T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000434407T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527016T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000524109T

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000137095T

01-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036463591T

27-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035615267T

23-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039954856T

01-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037722284T

09-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030371424T

03-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035301353T

17-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032549935T

26-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035180209T

10-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037588884T

21-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036023899T

18-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036471796T

12-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038501673T

07-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031373378T

12-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0009004282A

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Device in the form of a garment for monitoring a physiological parameter of a user

Номер: AU2016231255B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a device (1) for monitoring the respiration of a user, said device comprising: - a textile support (2) with a tubular part (21) formed by knitting a largely electrically insulating ground thread, the tubular part (21) being suitable for covering the chest of the user, - at least one respiration sensor (3, 4) formed by knitting a detection thread (17), the detection thread (17) comprising an inner core of electrically insulating material and an outer sheath surrounding the inner core, the outer sheath being formed of electrically conductive material, in which the respiration sensor (3, 4) forms a conductive band (31, 41) having a first end (311, 411) and a second end (312, 412) which are positioned at a distance from each other, the ends being suitable for connection to an appliance for measuring the electrical resistance of the conductive band (31, 41).

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the collection of samples of exhaled air

Номер: AU2011340511A1

An apparatus for the collection of samples of exhaled air during normal respiration, comprising a flow generator, an orally insertable exhalation air receiver, and a device for isolating the nasal airways, wherein the apparatus further comprises: a sensor for detecting a change in a parameter representing the change from inhalation to exhalation and to transmit said change as a signal; a control unit adapted to receive said signal and to control said device for isolating the nasal airways; wherein the flow generator is connected to or integrated with the exhalation air receiver. A method of collecting samples of exhaled air during normal respiration conditions, comprising the steps of: detecting a change in a parameter representing the change from inhalation to exhalation and transmitting said change as a signal; receiving said signal in a control unit; activating a device for isolating the nasal airways; activating a flow generator connected to an exhalation air receiver; and collecting ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Lead for implantable medical device that affects pressures within the intrathoracic cavity through diaphragmatic stimulation

Номер: AU2017258318A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A lead for placement on a diaphragm includes a sensor assembly, a connector, and a lead body. The sensor assembly includes a housing having a first end surface and a second end surface opposite the first end surface. The first end surface is intended to contact the diaphragm. The sensor assembly includes at least one fixation structure also associated with the first end surface. The fixation structure is configured to preserve the hermetic integrity of the intrathoracic cavity. The fixation structure may extend through the diaphragm and transition to a state that forms a seal between itself and tissue of the diaphragm. Alternatively, the fixation structure may surround the sensor assembly and form a seal between itself and the surface of the diaphragm.

28-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002908792A

23-10-2001 дата публикации

Breathing movement measurements and apparatus

Номер: AU0004451701A

26-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002604969A1

This invention provides monitoring garments for non-invasively monitoring physiological parameters in un-restrained and/or restrained animals, such as monkeys, rabbits, dogs, horses, and the like. The invention also includes methods and systems for collecting and processing monitoring data.

29-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739351C

Disclosed herein is a method and apparatus for monitoring, identifying and determining the breathing cycle of an individual from processed acoustic signal waveform data. The breathing sounds of an individual are recorded using a microphone and digitized such that the breathing sounds may be plotted. The data is segmented and transformed to form a plurality of segments representative of a frequency spectrum. The frequency spectrum data is transformed so as to produce magnitude bins and the sum of lower magnitude bins and the sum of higher magnitude bins are determined in a sampling of segments. A Bands Ratio is determined from the sum of lower magnitude bins and the sum of higher magnitude bins in the sampling of segments. A first bands ratio is then determined within a given segment and compared to the mean bands ratio. If the first bands ratio of the given segment is greater than the mean bands ratio by at least a predetermined multiplier, the given segment is labeled as inspiration. If ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003086527A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The present invention relates to the field of medical monitoring, and in particular non-contact video monitoring to measure tidal volume of a patient. Systems, methods, and computer readable media are described for determining a region of interest of a patient and monitoring that region of interest to determine tidal volume of the patient. This may be accomplished using a depth sensing camera to monitor a patient and determine how their chest and/or other body parts are moving as the patient breathes. This sensing of movement can be used to determine the tidal volume measurement.

31-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3088774C

Methods, systems, and techniques for monitoring an object-of-interest within a region involve receiving at least data from two sources monitoring a region and correlating that data to determine that an object-of-interest depicted or represented in data from one of the sources is the same object-of-interest depicted or represented in data from the other source. Metadata identifying that the object-of-interest from the two sources is the same object-of-interest is then stored for later use in, for example, object tracking.

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003021049A1

A system for monitoring the respiratory activity of a subject, which comprises one or more movement sensors, applied to the thorax of a subject, for generating first signals that are indicative of movement of the thorax of the subject; a receiver for receiving the first generated signals during breathing motion of the subject; and one or more computing devices in data communication with the receiver, for analyzing the breathing motion. The computing device is operable to generate a first breathing pattern from the first signals; divide each respiratory cycle experienced by the subject and defined by the first pattern into a plurality of portions, each of the portions delimited by two different time points and calculate, for each of the plurality of portions of a given respiratory cycle of the first pattern, a slope representing a thorax velocity; derive, from the given respiratory cycle of the first pattern, a pulmonary air flow rate of the subject during predetermined portions of the respiratory ...

31-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002343537C
Принадлежит: INTERCURE LTD.

Apparatus for improving health of a user (100) is provided, including a first sensor (152), adapted to measure a first physiological variable, which is indicative of a voluntary action of the user. A second sensor (160) is adapted to measure a second physiological variable, which is substantially governed by an autonomic nervous system of the user. Circuitry (120) is adapted to receive respective first and second sensor signals from the first and second sensors, and, responsive thereto, to generate an output signal which directs the user to modify a parameter of the voluntary action.

19-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002650576A1

A monitoring device wearable by a person to be monitored, comprising: one or more sensing means for sensing cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information from the person; processing means for analysing the sensed information; memory means for storing the sensed and/or analysed information; and communication means for transmitting at least the analysed information. At least one waveform acquired from the sensed cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information is digitised in real time; analysis of the sensed and/or digitised information is performed in real-time and a welfare indication of the person computed in real-time; and the computed welfare indication of the person is transmitted by the communication means and/or stored in the memory means.

11-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002430535C

... ²²²² A monitor which can detect respiration of a sleeping ²person without being affected by the attitude of the ²sleeping person or the indoor illumination light and can ²easily evaluate detected respiration quantitatively ²through image measurement. The monitor comprises means ²(1) for projecting a specified illumination pattern, ²means (5) for picking up the image of projected light ²continuously, means (7) for calculating inter-frame ²moving amount of the illumination pattern from the image ²of two frames acquired by the image pickup means at ²different times, means (8) for generating a moving amount ²waveform data comprising inter-frame moving amounts ²arranged in time series, and means (9) for detecting the ²movement of an object from the moving amount waveform ²data.² ...

21-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002655303A1

The invention provides a system and method for determining when a person is snoring by determining a candidate snore event by detecting the occurrenc e of a person's breath, and detecting the occurrence of a sound event. Snore determination further includes confirming that the candidate snore event is not an isolated snore event by determining that breaths immediately precedi ng and following the candidate snore event include other candidate snore eve nts.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928312A1

A marker for a respiratory monitoring system, comprises: a) a base configured to be positioned in the vicinity of a subject's body; b) power supply elements; c) a LED assembly comprising a LED suitable to generate light; and, d) circuitry suitable to operate said LED.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002960742A1

The invention relates to a method and a device for determining the time curve of the depth of breath (T) of a person, in particular a sleeping person. Height profiles (H) of the person (1) at individual recording time points are continuously determined. Height profiles from adjacent recording time points are combined to give segments. The region which indicates the abdomen or chest region of the person depending on a corresponding reference point or reference region (21) is selected as an observation region (22). For each height profile (H) within the segment (S1,..., Sq), the corresponding average value of the distances of the points of the height profile (H), which points lie within the observation region (22), from a reference point or reference object is separately determined. For the segment (S1,..., Sq), a signal (si) is determined and for each recording time point (t1,..., tp) of the height profile (H), the average value determined for this height profile (H) is associated with said ...

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002681216A1

A device (1) for the medical care of a patient in an emergency which comp rises an item of clothing (2) which may be worn by the patient on the body a nd monitoring devices (8, 9) arranged on the item of clothing (2), which may monitor at least one physiological function of the patient, in order to det ect an emergency. The device further comprises a cardiac compression device (3, 4) arranged on the item of clothing (2), which is operatively connected to the monitoring device (8, 9), in order to treat the patient with a cardia c resuscitation when the monitoring device (3, 4) determines an emergency, a nd a defibrillator (5, 6, 7) as well as the intraosseous delivery of drugs i nto the bone marrow cavity of the breast bone. Moreover, a device (1) for th e medical care of a patient in an emergency, which comprises as a therapeuti c device a respiratory therapeutic device (10, 11, 12, 13) which is able to supply oxygen and/or a drug for pulmonary resuscitation into the respiratory system ...

25-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002033214C

A system and method for the operant conditioning of subjects using biofeedback includes means to measure a variable condition, such as posture, which is controllable by the subject. The apparatus sets criteria which, if not met, may result in a negative reinforcement, such as unpleasant audio tone or, if the criteria is met, will reward the subject. The criteria is automatically adjusted, upwards or downwards, in accordance with the subject's history of reaching, or not reaching the criteria. One embodiment is a device for the training of patients with idiopathic scoliosis (curvature of the spine), as a replacement for a brace. The device includes two cables (10, 11), one about the chest to measure breathing and the other longitudinally about the trunk to measure spine length. The variable lengths of the cables are converted to digital signals by rotary-to-digital converters. The device includes a programmed microcomputer.

21-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002152443C

An interactive respiratory regulator comprising a recording device wording t he respiratory pattern of a user and issuing a corresponding respiratory signal, an instruction signal generator for the generation of an instruction signal that can be perceived by the user in order to influence his respiratory behaviour, a control device controlling the instruction signal generator, a processing device which determines by means of a parameter of the respiratory signal received, wheth er the respiratory pattern during a predetermined time span meets a preadjustable standard for this parameter, and which at a certain error percentage sends a starting signal to the control device. The interactive respiratory regulator is characterized in that the processing device processes as parameter the ratio between the in-and exhalation time in a respiratory cycle. In a preferred embodiment the processing device includes the frequency of the respiratory cycles as second parmeter and the preadjustable standard ...

30-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002186706A1

An apparatus for monitoring the respirations of a patient comprises, generating means for generating a respiration signal having amplitude modulations representative of patient respirations, as well as respiration artifacts, and processing means coupled to the generating means and responsive to the respiration signal for: 1) detecting inflection points in the respiration signal; 2) determining if the slope of either one of a portion of the respiration signal which precedes or follows each detected inflection point exceeds a predetermined threshold level; and 3) developing breath indication information based upon the slope threshold determination.

15-12-1950 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Anzeige der Inspirationstiefe eines Patienten.

Номер: CH0000272415A

31-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000558524A

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Estimating an angle of a human target using a millimeter wave radar

Номер: CN0111060903A

15-12-2010 дата публикации

Apnea detector and system

Номер: CN0101917903A

An apnea detector is disclosed. A detector unit in communication with a capacitive type sensor is adapted to receive an electrical signal which is indicative of variable capacitance resulting from movement of a subject and to emit an alert signal when the received electrical signal is indicative of symptoms of apnea. In one embodiment, a detector unit is in communication with a curvature sensor adapted to detect a variable curvature of a subject body surface resulting from breathing patterns of a subject. The detector unit is attached to an article of clothing of the subject. A monitoring system comprises a detector unit for detecting one or more subject related parameters of interest and for emitting acoustical information after determining that a subject related parameter of interest has a predetermined status, and a stationary unit disposed within an audible range of the detector unit for receiving the emitted acoustical information.

19-07-2019 дата публикации

Sensing device

Номер: CN0110031145A

01-08-2017 дата публикации

System and method for determining spectral boundaries for sleep stage classification

Номер: CN0106999055A

09-01-2013 дата публикации

Respiratory motion detection apparatus

Номер: CN102869305A

The invention relates to a respiratory motion detection apparatus (1) for detecting respiratory motion of a person. An illuminator (3) illuminates the person (2) with an illumination pattern (11), and a detector (4) detects the illumination pattern (11) on the person (2) over time. A temporal respiratory motion signal being indicative of the respiratory motion of the person (2) is determined from the detected illumination pattern by a respiratory motion signal determination unit (5). The illumination pattern deforms significantly with slight movements of the person. Thus, since the respiratory motion signal determination unit (5) is adapted to determine the temporal respiratory motion signal from the detected illumination pattern, even slight respiratory movements of the person can be determined. The sensitivity of detecting respiratory movements of a person can therefore be improved.

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for monitoring the respiration activity of a subject

Номер: CN103108588A
Автор: Muehlsteff Jens

The invention relates to a method for monitoring the respiration activity of a subject, comprising the acquisition of a sensor signal of at least one Doppler-Radar sensor representing the respiration activity of a subject, the transformation oft he sensor signal into a transformation signal being a series according to Formula (I) where ak is a set of predetermined constant coefficients specific for one individual subject, and processing the transformation signal S(t). The transformation signal can be analysed with basic signal processing techniques that are applied in the field of inductive plethysmography. The invention is further related to a corresponding monitoring system.

20-06-1914 дата публикации

Apparatus to measure the variations of the tower of the chest during respiratory exercises

Номер: FR0000467781A

04-07-2016 дата публикации

Method and System for Obtaining Cycle of Physiological Signal

Номер: KR0101635825B1
Автор: 류, 쉬팡, 양, 송

... 본 발명은 일종의 생체신호주기의 획득 방법과 시스템을 제시한다. 해당 방법은 생체신호값을 수신한 후 임시값과 크기를 비교하여, 그중의 하나를 보류하며; 유지시간이 설정시간에 도달한 생체신호값을 하나의 극값으로 판정하며; 싸이클을 다시 시작하여 다음 극값을 판정하며; 어느 하나의 극값과 다음 극값사이의 시간값을 계산하는 것을 통해 생체신호주기를 획득하는 단계를 포함한다. 본 발명은 극값인식알고리즘을 통해 생체신호주기를 획득할수 있으며, 간단하고, 신속하고, 효율적이고 신뢰도가 높은 우점이 있고, 또한 생체신호의 증폭, 필터링 및 아날로그디지틀변환에 대한 요구가 상대적으로 낮고, 데이터처리가 상대적으로 용이하여, 하드웨에 비용을 대폭 줄일수 있다.

09-01-2018 дата публикации

호흡 유도 시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR0101816886B1

... 본 발명의 일 실시예는 환자의 호흡 영상을 촬영하는 촬상부; 상기 촬상부에서 획득한 환자의 호흡 영상을 영상처리 및 추적분석하여 환자의 호흡 신호를 획득하는 호흡 신호 변환부; 상기 획득한 호흡 신호가 방사선 치료에 적합한 호흡인지 여부, 상기 획득한 호흡 신호가 안정적인지 여부, 상기 환자의 호흡 신호와 가이드 호흡 간의 매칭 점수가 소정의 기준치 이상인지 여부 중 하나 이상을 판단하는 호흡 판단부; 및 상기 호흡 신호 변환부에서 획득한 환자의 호흡 신호와, 저장된 가이드 신호를 함께 제공하는 호흡 가이드부;를 포함하는 호흡 유도 시스템을 개시한다.

31-03-2017 дата публикации

통합 테라헤르츠 센서

Номер: KR1020170036079A

... 시스템 및 방법은 전자기 스펙트럼의 테라헤르츠 영역에서 동작하는 통합 소형 센서를 제공할 수 있다. 통합 소형 센서는 원격 표적을 검출하고, 비접촉, 비외과적 방식으로 동작할 수 있다. 통합 소형 센서가 생체 신호의 장기간 기록이 필요한 생명 의학, 생리학 및 기타 환경에서 사용될 때, 도플러 레이더 기술, 흡수 분광학 등과 같은 다양한 신호 분석 기술이 사용될 수 있다.

02-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070045139A

A garment and system includes a monitoring fabric that exhibits a light reflection property and substantially no light transmission property when the fabric is illuminated with light having wavelength(s) in the range of 400 to 2200 nanometers. The amount of useful light reflected by the fabric into an aperture of acceptance defined with respect to an axis extending from the fabric relative to the amount of light lost to the aperture of acceptance detectably changes when the fabric stretches in response to motion, as the motion induced by physiological activity (e.g., heart rate). The system includes at least one radiation source and at least one radiation detector, with the detector disposed in the aperture of acceptance. The source and detector may be attached to the fabric in relative positions such that the reception of incident radiation by the detector is directly affected by a change in the amount of useful light reflected by the fabric into the aperture of acceptance as the fabric ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации

멀티 센서 생리적 모니터링 시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR1020170007286A

... 심장 및 호흡기 상태를 모니터링하도록 가슴 및/또는 목의 특별 지역 아래에서 심장 및/또는 동맥 구조에서 발생하는 생리적 현상에 의해 야기되는 음향 사건들을 나타내는 신호들을 취득하기 위해 다중의 생리적 센서 소스들로부터의 연속하여 기록된 데이터를 융합하는 통합 심폐 시스템을 개시한다.

21-10-2014 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020140123100A

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012087843A2

A method that includes configuring a first and a second identification band with unique serial numbers, each of said bands being connected to a signal cable attached to a sensor is provided. The first identification band is securely fixed to a first location on the patient and the second identification band is securely fixed to a second location on the patient. The first and second identification bands may be connected with a bridging band. The signal cable is connected to a diagnostic test monitoring system and the patient's oxygen saturation is monitored. The first and second identification bands are configured to evidence tampering when removed.

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011138691A1

An optical motion sensing system (10) for use in imaging an anatomical structure employs an optical motion sensor (20) including a body contour conforming matrix ("BCCM") (30) and an optical fiber (40). Upon BCCM (30) being adjoined to the anatomical structure, BCCM (30) structurally conforms at least partially to a surface contour of the anatomical structure for reciprocating any motion by the anatomical structure. Optical fiber (40) is at least partially embedded in the BCCM (30) for generating an encoded optical signal (42) indicative of a shape of the optical fiber (40) responsive to any reciprocal motion by the BCCM (30) during an imaging of the anatomical structure. System (10) further employs a motion tracker (50) responsive to encoded optical signal (42) for periodically reconstructing the shape of optical fiber (40) with each change in the shape of optical fiber (40) representing motion by the anatomical structure.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013177431A1

Embodiments of the subject invention relate to a method and apparatus for detecting and/or analyzing respiratory motion of a patient, such as an animal or person. A specific embodiment can use a radar motion detector to measure and record respiratory movements at different parts of the body, using multiple identifiable markers, such as reflectors, positioned such that movements of the patient can be monitored by monitoring the movement of the markers. As an example, the markers can be attached to or worn by the patient, inserted into the patient (such as under the skin), or otherwise positioned in a known relation to a portion or surface of the patient. In an embodiment, the identifiable reflectors are transponders with different modulation codes (in frequency, phase, amplitude, or combinations thereof) on the reflected signal. A modulation frequency higher than the respiration rate can be used so that the multiple reflected signals received from the reflectors can be separated and respiration ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014132008A1

Automatic method of predictive determination of the position of the skin The subject of the present invention is an automatic method of predictive determination of the position and of the displacements of the skin of a subject in a zone of interest, said subject breathing freely or in an assisted manner, said method consisting, in a prior manner, in acquiring several configurations of the profile of the skin in axial planes, doing so at given successive instants, in different respiratory positions. Method characterized in that it consists, during a prior phase, for each axial plane considered, in constructing at least one deformable numerical model on the basis of the various skin profiles, thereafter logging, in a repetitive manner, the actual position of a point of the skin of the subject at the level of each of the aforesaid axial planes, the position of which is modified in a significant manner during the inhaling and exhaling phases, and in providing, substantially in real time, a ...

29-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: WO1996025877A2

A health monitoring system (100) which tracks the state of health of a patient and compiles a chronological health history of the patient uses a multiparametric monitor (108) which periodically and automatically measures and records a plurality of physiological data from sensors in contact with the patient's body. The data collected is not specifically related to a particular medical condition but, instead, provides the information necessary to derive patterns which are characteristic of healthy patients as well as those who are ill. The data collected is periodically uploaded to a database (102) in which it is stored along with similar health histories for other patients. The monitor (108) is preferably self-contained in a chest strap which is located on the patient's torso, and makes use of a controller which controls sampling of the desired data and storage of the data to a local memory device pending uploading to the database. The more voluminous data collected is reduced and compressed ...

12-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002069878A2

A measuring system determines the respiration waveform by using a chest respiration measuring unit (100a) and an abdominal respiration measuring unit (100b). Each measuring unit (100) includes a sensing section (110) for sensing a volumetric change of a measurement portion and a fixing section (120) for placing the sensing section (110) at the measurement portion. The sensing section (110) senses a volumetric change of the measurement portion from a change of pressure given from the fixing section (120) and the measurement portion. A control unit (200) controls the measurement and receives the output of the measuring unit (100). By using the arrangement, the respiration waveforms of the chest and abdominal respirations can be independently acquired. The acquired respiration waveforms are analyzed by an analyzing unit (300) and a respiration function database (350) is referred to. Thus, a medical finding about the respiration function of the subject is obtained.

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for assisting breathing

Номер: US0009623239B2
Принадлежит: Apellis Holdings, LLC, APELLIS HOLDINGS LLC

The present invention provides, among other things, apparatus and methods of use for treating a subject in need of assistance with breathing. In some embodiments the subject suffers from airflow obstruction. In some embodiments, the subject suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

27-01-2005 дата публикации

System for monitoring medical parameters

Номер: US20050017864A1
Автор: Alexandre Tsoukalis

Described is a system for monitoring medical parameters of a being, in particular a human being, comprising medical functional means including at least one sensor section for detecting at least one predetermined medical parameter, a transmitting means for transmitting the medical parameter(s) detected by said sensor section, said transmitting means being adapted to be provided at the being, and a remote serving means for receiving and processing the medical parameter(s) from said transmitting means and providing instructions and/or data on the basis of the processed medical parameters.

22-06-2006 дата публикации

System and method for monitoring or treating nervous system disorders

Номер: US20060135877A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC, INC.

A medical device system that includes a brain monitoring element, cardiac monitoring element and a processor. The processor is configured to receive a brain signal from the brain monitoring element and a cardiac signal from the cardiac monitoring element. The processor is further configured to compare the brain signal to the cardiac signal. A method of comparing a brain signal to a cardiac signal is also provided.

22-03-1994 дата публикации

Self-contained apnea monitor

Номер: US0005295490A1
Автор: Dodakian; Wayne S.

The self-contained apnea monitor of the invention detects an apnea event or shallow breathing in a patient such as an infant, and generates an audible and visual alarm in response thereto. The monitor includes an elastic fabric belt for snugly encircling the abdomen or chest of an infant and a detector unit for detecting expansion or contraction of the elastic fabric belt caused by respiration. To this end, the belt includes a helical spring extending along its length. An inextensible wire is provided within the spring connecting a remote end of the spring to the detector unit. Thus configured, respiration of the infant causes the wire to be withdrawn from the detector unit. Within the detector unit, the wire is mounted to a recoil spring assembly which provides a biasing force for recoiling the wire subsequent to respiration. A detecting arm or magnet is mounted to a barrel containing the recoil spring within an electrical circuit provided to detect motion of the detecting arm or magnet ...

25-01-2022 дата публикации

Portable device with multiple integrated sensors for vital signs scanning

Номер: US0011229370B2
Принадлежит: HEALTHY.IO LTD.

In one embodiment of the invention, a portable device with multiple integrated sensors for vital signs scanning and method of using said device is disclosed. The portable personal scanning device includes multiple sensors such as a plurality of ECG, thermometer, PPG, accelerometer, and microphone for determining a user's vital signs. The method includes concurrently scanning with one or more sensors, validating and enhancing the results of each sensor scan with other concurrent sensor scan and patient interaction models, processing the sensor scans separately or in combination to extract user's vital signs, validating the vital signs extracted by comparison to physiological models, and fusing the similar vital signs extracted from more than one process according to a determination of the measure of quality of the process that produced the vital sign.

04-05-1999 дата публикации

Interactive respiratory regulator

Номер: US0005899203A

An interactive respiratory regulator comprising a recording device recording the respiratory pattern of a user and issuing a corresponding respiratory signal, an instruction signal generator for the generation of an instruction signal that can be perceived by the user in order to influence his respiratory behavior, a control device controlling the instruction signal generator, a processing device which determines by means of a parameter of the respiratory signal received, whether the recorded respiratory pattern during a predetermined time span meets a pre-adjustable standard for this parameter, and which at a certain error percentage sends a starting signal to the control device. The interactive respiratory regulator is characterized in that the processing device processes as parameter the ratio between the in- and exhalation time in a respiratory cycle. In a preferred embodiment the processing device includes the frequency of the respiratory cycles as second parameter and the pre-adjustable ...

18-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: US0005088501A

An arrangement for acquiring a signal corresponding to respiratory motion includes a pneumatic respiratory belt which generates a mechanical pressure signal and a pressure transducer which converts the incoming mechanical pressure signal into an optical signal using a flexible membrane, which is deformed by the pressure signal, and which has a reflective surface thereon so that a modulated light signal is generated corresponding to the pressure signal. The transducer can be constructed avoiding metallic materials, thereby permitting the transducer to be disposed in the radio frequency field of a magnetic resonance imaging tomography apparatus, and thus in the immediate proximity of the respiratory belt. The pressure signals from the belt, since they must travel only a relatively short distance to the transducer, do not significantly deteriorate and thus the sensitivity of the measuring arrangement is increased.

19-05-1981 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for measuring pulmonary ventilation

Номер: US0004267845A

A device and method are described for precisely measuring pulmonary ventilation without the need for mouthpiece, face masks or other inhibiting devices subsequent to calibration. Anterior-posterior and lateral displacement of both the rib cage and abdomen are measured during breathing by at least 4 sets of magnetometers. The signals from the magnetometers are fed along with an initial signal from a breath volume measuring device to a microprocessor which correlates these signals by a least squares analysis to give constants defining the relationship between the magnetometer signals and readouts of total ventilation; respiratory rate, tidal volume and relative proportion of rib cage versus abdomen volume. Once the device is calibrated, these parameters can readily be determined independently of any direct measurement of breath volume. It has been found particularly important that calibration be performed during rebreathing at volumes of 1-2 liters of air, breathed 3-6 times to reduce the ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180256070A1

An equine respiratory detection device provides an inexpensive, portable appliance for evaluating equine health. A muzzle or mouthpiece attaches to the equine mouth region for sealably engaging with the respiratory pathway. The mouthpiece attached to a tubular vessel having a volumetric sensing apparatus for measuring respiratory inflow and outflow rates. The sensing apparatus includes a hot wire anemometer and sensing circuit for sensing flow rates based on changing electrical characteristics of a sensing element resulting from a temperature and humidity of the respiratory gases. Inhaling results in inflow gases having a cooling effect on a thermistor which affects the current flow in the sensor circuit. Similarly, exhaled outflow gases have increased temperature and humidity which allow identification of bidirectional flow and computation of an overall respiration volume to the equine patient subject.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160310038A1

An example magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system includes a sensor that detects a characteristic amplitude associated with a patient characteristic of a subject, a receiver that receive magnetic resonance data, a memory device, and a processor. The processor is programmed to determine when the characteristic amplitude of the subject reaches a first characteristic amplitude of a plurality of sequential characteristic amplitudes defined for a cycle of the patient characteristic, determine if a predetermined number of MRI images have been acquired for the first characteristic amplitude, capture magnetic resonance data with the receiver if the number of MRI images have not been acquired for the first characteristic amplitude and without regard for a location of the first characteristic amplitude in the sequence of the sequential characteristic amplitudes, and process the magnetic resonance data as an MRI image associated with the first characteristic amplitude.

19-12-2017 дата публикации

Medical device for therapeutic stimulation of the vestibular system

Номер: US0009844483B2

A method for providing vestibular stimulation includes: providing an infant in a vestibular stimulation device; associating sensors to the infant; moving the vestibular stimulation device to provide vestibular stimulation treatment; and obtaining sensor data during the treatment. The vestibular stimulation device includes a holder member; a platform; a mechanical system coupling the holder member to the platform; sensors configured to detect one or more parameters of the infant; and a computing system having a user input and/or output interface operably coupled to the mechanical system and the sensors to provide mechanical data to the mechanical system in order to control movement of the holder member relative to the platform and to collect the one or more parameters of the living subject from the sensors.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Apnea type determining apparatus and method

Номер: US20120029362A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

An apnea classification system provides for apnea monitoring and differentiation based on several sleep apnea related parameters for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Monitoring of such sleep apnea related parameters allows the apnea classification system to differentiate among the different types of apnea and hypopnea and to identify an occurrence of periodic respiration. This information may then be used to determine the best method of therapy, or adjust current therapy parameters to more effectively treat a subject.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Motion determination apparatus

Номер: US20120065524A1

The invention relates to a motion determination apparatus for determining motion of a moving object, wherein the motion determination apparatus ( 1 ) comprises a multi-axial accelerometer ( 2 ) for being positioned at the moving object ( 4 ), wherein the multi-axial accelerometer ( 2 ) is adapted to generate accelerometer signals indicative of the acceleration along different spatial axes. The motion determination apparatus further comprises a motion signal generation unit ( 3 ) for generating a motion signal indicative of the motion of the object ( 4 ) by combining the accelerometer signals of different spatial axes. The combination of the accelerometer signals of different spatial axes yields a motion signal having a large signal-to-noise ratio, even if an axis is located close to a rotational axis of the movement.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Real-Time Evaluation of CPR Performance

Номер: US20120123224A1
Принадлежит: Zoll Medical Corp

A computer-implemented method for providing summary information for lifesaving activities is disclosed. The method involves sensing one or more activities that are repeatedly and cyclically performed on a victim by a rescuer; identifying a cyclical timing interval over which performance is to be analyzed for a integer number of cycles of the one or more activities, and gathering data from the sensing of the one or more activities during the time interval; generating, from analysis of the one or more activities, summary data that condenses data sensed for the one or more activities into a summary of the one or more activities; and providing, for display to a user, a visual summary of the performance of the one or more activities over the identified time interval.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Methods & systems to determine multi-parameter managed alarm hierarchy during patient monitoring

Номер: US20120232416A1
Принадлежит: Spacelabs Healthcare LLC

The present specification discloses systems and methods of patient monitoring in which multiple sensors are used to detect physiological parameters and the data from those sensors are correlated to determine if an alarm should, or should not, be issued, thereby resulting in more precise alarms and fewer false alarms. Electrocardiogram readings can be combined with invasive blood pressure, non-invasive blood pressure, and/or pulse oximetry measurements to provide a more accurate picture of pulse activity and patient respiration. In addition, the monitoring system can also use an accelerometer or heart valve auscultation to further improve accuracy.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

ECG Artifact Reduction System

Номер: US20120238884A1

An ECG signal processing system which removes the CPR-induced artifact from measured ECG signals obtained during the administration of CPR.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Prediction of breathing signal and determining non-periodicity of breathing using signal-phase histogram

Номер: US20120253217A1
Автор: Hassan Mostafavi
Принадлежит: Varian Medical Systems Inc

A method of processing breathing signals of a subject includes obtaining breathing signals of a subject, obtaining a signal-phase histogram using the breathing signals, wherein the signal-phase histogram comprises a plurality of data points, each of the data points having at least a phase value and a signal value, determining a reference value using at least some of the plurality of data points from the signal-phase histogram, determining whether a difference between the reference value and a signal value that is associated with a current respiratory cycle exceeds a threshold, and generating an output when the difference exceeds the threshold. A method of predicting breathing signal is also provided.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for obtaining an objective measure of dyspnea

Номер: US20120330114A1

A computer-implemented method for assessing a level of dyspnea in a patient is provided. The method includes measuring physical activity of the patient over a period of time with an activity monitor to gather physical activity data; measuring respiration rate of the patient over the period of time with a respiration rate sensor to gather respiration rate data; administering a questionnaire to gather clinical information of the patient; and executing, on one or more computer processors, one or more computer program modules to determine a dyspnea value for the patient based on the respiration rate data, the physical activity data, and the clinical information of the patient. The dyspnea value is representative of the level of dyspnea in the patient.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

System for monitoring ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Номер: US20130018288A1
Автор: Michael Brian Jaffe

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation being provided to a subject is monitored. An enhanced measurement of the effectiveness of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation received by the subject is determined by correlating chest compressions with changes in movement and/or composition of gas at or near the airway of the subject. For example, one or more therapy parameters may be measured with an enhanced accuracy and/or precision, and/or one or more therapy parameters not monitored in conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation monitoring systems may be measured.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116544A1
Автор: Cates Harold, Rey Eduardo

Apparatus and methods provide a physiological status sensing device () for sensing a physiological status of a patient () and minimizing an amount of interference () generated during a resonance (MR) scan by a magnetic resonance (MR) system (). The device () includes a first, active sensor () located to sense the physiological status and experience MR scan related interference and to generate a first signal () having a physiological status component () and an interference component (). A second non-active sensor () is located closely adjacent to the first sensor () to experience substantially the same MR scan related interference () as the first sensor () and generate a second signal () having only the interference component (). A circuit or processor () subtractively combines the first () and second signals () to cancel the interference component (). 1. A physiological status sensing device for sensing a physiological status of a patient and minimizing an amount of interference generated during a magnetic resonance (MR) scan by a magnetic resonance (MR) system , the device comprising:a first, active sensor located to sense the physiological status and experience MR scan related interference and to output a first signal having a physiological status component and an interference component;a second, non-active sensor located closely adjacent to the first sensor to experience substantially the same MR scan related interference as the first sensor and output a second signal having the interference component; anda circuit which subtractively operates on the first and second signals to cancel the interference component.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the first sensor includes a first piezoresistive pressure transducer which senses a pressure related to the physiological status and the second sensor includes a second piezoresistive pressure transducer of like construction with the first piezoelectric pressure transducer claim 1 , the second pressure ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131525A1

The present invention relates to a multi-sensor system and method of monitoring vital body signals during movement of a body of a human or an animal, wherein acceleration sensors are placed at body locations in such a way that an acceleration angle change induced by said vital body signals differs between said at least two acceleration sensors. The retrieval of the vital body signals is achieved by extracting a wanted vital body signal based on measurement results from multiple sensors that may be motion contaminated. Three retrieval schemes are proposed, each with preferred sensor locations that provide optimal performance of retrieving the vital body signal(s). 1. A method of monitoring vital body signals on a body of a human or animal , the method comprising the steps of:placing at least two acceleration sensors at predetermined locations of said body in such a way that an angle change induced by said vital body signals differs between said at least two acceleration sensors,using said at least two acceleration sensors to measure an acceleration vector; andretrieving said vital body signals by applying at least one of common mode cancellation, principal component analysis and differential angle measurement to measurement results of said at least two acceleration sensors to extract said vital body signals.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said retrieving comprises estimating based on said measurement results an orientation of said acceleration sensors claim 1 , calculating a rotation matrix of said at least two acceleration sensors claim 1 , aligning coordinate systems of said at least two acceleration sensors by virtually rotating said at least two acceleration sensors claim 1 , and cancelling motion components not induced by said vital body signals.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said retrieving comprises transforming possibly correlated variables of said measurement results into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables claim 1 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Coil System and Method for Obtaining Volumetric Physiological Measurements

Номер: US20130165808A1
Автор: Eriksen Morten
Принадлежит: VoluSense AS

A coil device is provided having a member adapted to extend around and conform to an outer surface of a subject and a conductor adapted to extend only once around a first portion of the subject. The coil device can be positioned about the subject in order to measure a volume of the subject. When placed about the subject in the presence of a relatively homogeneous magnetic field, the conductor can generate a signal indicative of a volume of the first portion of the subject. The coil device may also include two or more conductors separately generating signals indicating volumes of two or more corresponding portions of the subject. In some cases the coil device includes associated authorization data that can limit use of the coil device. Systems and methods incorporating the coil device are also provided. 148-. (canceled)49. A system for measuring volume , the system comprising:an electromagnet configured to produce a magnetic field;a conductor configured to cover a portion of a subject for which a volumetric measurement is desired, the conductor configured to extend only once around the subject in a first direction and having a width generally perpendicular to the first direction, wherein upon placement of the conductor in the magnetic field the conductor is configured to produce a signal representing an average cross-sectional area, averaged over the width of the conductor, of the portion of the subject; anda control system configured to determine a volume of the portion of the subject based on the signal produced by the conductor.50. The system of claim 49 , wherein the magnetic field is a time-varying magnetic field.51. The system of claim 50 , wherein the magnetic field has a coefficient of variation of less than five percent throughout a spatial volume that encompasses the conductor when the conductor is placed in the magnetic field.52. The system of claim 49 , wherein the electromagnet is configured to be positioned entirely above the conductor when the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Using Photoplethysmography In The Administration Of Narcotic Reversal Agents

Номер: US20130172759A1

Provided according to embodiments of the present invention are methods of monitoring and treating respiratory depression that include securing a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor to a central source site of an individual; administering a central nervous system (CNS) depressant to the individual; processing PPG signals front the PPG sensor with a computer in communication with the PPG sensor; and administering a narcotic reversal agent to the individual if the PPG signals or a physiological parameter derived therefrom are outside a preset value range. Related systems are also described. 1. A method of monitoring and treating respiratory depression comprising:securing a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor to a central source site of an individual;administering a central nervous system (CNS) depressant to the individual;processing PPG signals from the PPG sensor with a controller in communication with the PPG sensor; andadministering a narcotic reversal agent to the individual if the PPG signals or a physiological parameter derived therefrom are outside a preset value range.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is administered to the individual if a respiration rate of the individual is outside the preset value range.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is administered to the individual if a respiratory effort of the individual is outside the preset value range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is naloxone.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising securing to the individual an additional sensor configured to determine at least one parameter selected from respiration rate claim 1 , end-tidal carbon dioxide content claim 1 , blood pressure claim 1 , heart rate and heart rate variability.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is administered if (a) the PPG signals or a physiological parameter derived therefrom are outside a first preset value range; and (b) a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172770A1
Автор: Muehlsteff Jens

The invention relates to a method for monitoring the respiration activity of a subject, comprising the acquisition of a sensor signal of at least one Doppler-Radar sensor representing the respiration activity of a subject, the transformation of the sensor signal into a transformation signal being a series according to Formula (I) where ais a set of predetermined constant coefficients specific for one individual subject, and processing the transformation signal S(t). The transformation signal can be analysed with basic signal processing techniques that are applied in the field of inductive plethysmography. The invention is further related to a corresponding monitoring system. 2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the set of coefficients ais taken from a look-up table.3. The method according to claim 2 , characterized in that the look-up table contains a plurality of different sets of coefficients a.4. The method according to claim 3 , characterized in that the subject is identified claim 3 , and one corresponding set of coefficients ais chosen from the plurality of sets of coefficients aaccording to the result of the identification.6. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that D(t) is the sum of the sensor signals D(t) claim 1 , i=1 to n from n sensors.7. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that a plurality of sensor signals D(t) claim 1 , i=1 to n is acquired from a plurality of n sensors claim 1 ,{'sub': 'k', 'and one set of coefficients ais determined for each one of these n sensors.'}1018. System according to claim 9 , characterized by a plurality of Doppler-Radar sensors () disposed at different positions within a measurement range.1120. System according to claim 10 , characterized in that said sensor transformation unit () is provided for transforming a sensor signal D(t) of each sensor i into a transformation signal S(t) and to summarize the resulting transformation signals S(t) to a summarized transformation ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172771A1
Автор: Muhlsteff Jens

The invention relates to a method and device for identifying a subject in a sensor based monitoring system. This method comprises an acquisition step wherein sensors of a sensor array acquire subject related sensor signals, a pattern extraction step wherein a signal pattern is derived from the sensor signals acquired in the preceding acquisition step, and an identification step wherein the signal pattern derived in the preceding pattern extraction step is compared to predetermined signal patterns, each predetermined signal pattern being related to a subject profile, to identify a subject profile whose predetermined signal pattern related thereto matches the derived signal pattern. 1. A method for identifying a subject in a sensor-based monitoring system comprising an array of sensors comprising Doppler radar sensors , said method comprising the following steps:an acquisition step wherein the Doppler radar sensors of said sensor array acquire subject-related sensor signals, which subject-related sensor signals are representative of the subject's thorax motion due to respiration;a pattern extraction step wherein a signal pattern is derived from the sensor signals acquired in the preceding acquisition step;an identification step wherein the signal pattern derived in the preceding pattern extraction step is compared to predetermined signal patterns, each predetermined signal pattern being related to a subject profile, to identify a subject profile whose predetermined signal pattern related thereto matches the derived signal pattern; anda configuration step following the identification step, wherein said array is configurated for a subsequent monitoring step wherein the subject is monitored,said array being configured according to the identified subject profile,wherein the configuration of said array in said configuration step comprises the determination of a sub-set of sensors comprised in the array to be used in the monitoring step.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190577A1
Принадлежит: SWISSTOM AG

A sensor device for EIT imaging comprises an electrode array for measuring an impedance distribution, with at least one sensor for determining spatial orientation of the electrode array coupled to the electrode array. An EIT imaging instrument is connectable to a sensor for determining spatial orientation of a test person, and optionally in addition connectable to a sensor for gathering information on electrical and/or acoustic activity and/or a sensor for gathering information on dilation. A computing device is connected or integrated for adjusting impedance data based on spatial data, which spatial data describe the spatial orientation of a test subject. An EIT imaging method for measuring an impedance distribution and adjusting said measured impedance distribution comprises measuring impedance distribution by using an impedance distribution measuring device comprising an electrode array, and transforming the measured impedance distribution into EIT images. 1. A sensor device for EIT imaging comprising:an electrode array for measuring an impedance distribution, andat least one sensor for determining a spatial orientation of a test person coupled to the electrode array.2. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor for determining the spatial orientation determines said spatial orientation with respect to the direction of a gravity vector.3. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor for determining the spatial orientation comprises a three-dimensional acceleration sensor.4. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of electrodes of the electrode array are arranged on a belt-like structure.5. The sensor device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sensor for gathering information on electrical activity coupled to the electrode array.6. The sensor device of claim 5 , wherein the at least one sensor for gathering information on electrical activity comprises an electro-cardiography sensor.7. The sensor device of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the collection of samples of exhaled air

Номер: US20130245483A1
Автор: Rüdiger EICHLER
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for the collection of samples of exhaled air during normal respiration, comprising a flow generator, an orally insertable exhalation air receiver, and a device for isolating the nasal airways, wherein the apparatus further comprises: a sensor for detecting a change in a parameter representing the change from inhalation to exhalation and to transmit said change as a signal; a control unit adapted to receive said signal and to control said device for isolating the nasal airways; wherein the flow generator is connected to or integrated with the exhalation air receiver. A method of collecting samples of exhaled air during normal respiration conditions, comprising the steps of: detecting a change in a parameter representing the change from inhalation to exhalation and transmitting said change as a signal; receiving said signal in a control unit; activating a device for isolating the nasal airways; activating a flow generator connected to an exhalation air receiver; and collecting a sample of exhaled air during exhalation when the nasal airways are isolated.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Processing a video for tidal chest volume estimation

Номер: US20130324876A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

What is disclosed is a system and method for estimating tidal chest volume using 3D surface reconstruction based on an analysis of captured reflections of structured illumination patterns from the subject with a video camera. The imaging system hereof captures the reflection of the light patterns from a target area of the subject's thoracic region. The captured information produces a depth map and a volume is estimated from the resulting 3D map. The teachings hereof provide a non-contact approach to patient respiration monitoring that is particularly useful for infant care in a neo-natal intensive care unit (NICU), and can aid in the early detection of sudden deterioration of physiological condition due to detectable changes in respiratory function. The systems and methods disclosed herein provide an effective tool for tidal chest volume study and respiratory function analysis.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Mobile Human Interface Robot

Номер: US20130338525A1
Автор: Allen Thomas P.
Принадлежит: iRobot Corporation

A mobile robot that includes a drive system, a controller in communication with the drive system, and a volumetric point cloud imaging device supported above the drive system at a height of greater than about one foot above the ground. The volumetric point cloud imaging device monitors a plurality of translations of points in the point cloud corresponding to the surface of a respiratory center of a breathing subject. The controller receives point cloud signals from the imaging device and issues an alert command based at least in part on the received point cloud signals from the identified respiratory center. 1. A mobile robot comprising:a drive system;a controller in communication with the drive system; anda volumetric point cloud imaging device supported above the drive system at a height of greater than about one foot above the ground, the imaging device configured to monitor a plurality of translations of points in a point cloud corresponding to a surface of a respiratory center of a breathing subject;wherein the controller is configured to receive point cloud signals from the imaging device and issue an alert command based at least in part on the received point cloud signals from the respiratory center.2. The mobile robot of claim 1 , wherein the signals correspond to rate of movement and change in amplitude of the surface of the respiratory center of the breathing subject.3. The mobile robot of claim 1 , wherein the alert command comprises a triggered audible or visual alarm indicating an irregular respiratory condition corresponding to a rate of movement and/or change in amplitude of the surface of the respiratory center of the breathing subject.4. The mobile robot of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to issue an alert command including communicating with the drive system and triggering autonomous relocation of the robot.5. The mobile robot of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to identify an alert condition including correlating an ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345585A1

The invention relates to a monitoring apparatus for monitoring a physiological signal. A segmentation unit () determines signal segments from a physiological signal, which correspond to periods of the physiological signal, a classification unit () classifies the signal segments into a valid class and a non-valid class based on characteristics related to the signal segments, and a physiological information determination unit () determines physiological information from at least one of i)signal segments classified into the valid class and ii) signal segments classified into the non-valid class. The physiological information can therefore be determined based on the knowledge whether the respective signal segment is valid or not. For example, a physiological parameter like a breathing rate can be determined depending on valid adapted segments of the physiological signal, which are adapted to periods of the physiological signal. This improves the quality of determining physiological information from a physiological signal. 1. A monitoring apparatus for monitoring a physiological signal , the monitoring apparatus comprising:a physiological signal providing unit for providing a periodic physiological signal,a segmentation unit for determining signal segments from the physiological signal, which correspond to periods of the physiological signal,a classification unit for classifying the signal segments into a valid class and a non-valid class based on characteristics related to the signal segments,a physiological information determination unit for determining physiological information from at least one of i) signal segments classified into the valid class and ii) signal segments classified into the non-valid class.2. The monitoring apparatus as defined in claim 1 , wherein the segmentation unit is adapted to:find valleys in the physiological signal,determine a signal segment as a segment of the physiological signal between two neighbored valleys.3. The monitoring apparatus ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Wearable communication platform

Номер: US20140070957A1
Принадлежит: Life Corporation SA

An wearable communications garment that includes one or more user-selectable inputs integrated into the garment. A sartorial communications apparatus may include a flexible material that is worn (e.g., as an undergarment) by the user and includes one or more interactive sensors that may be manually activated by a user, even through one or more intervening layers of clothing. The apparatus may also include one or more additional body sensors configured to sense a user's position, movement, and/or physiological status. The sensor(s) may be connected via a conductive trace on the garment to a sensor module for analysis and/or transmission. Methods of manufacturing the garments as well as methods of using the garments are also described.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081166A1
Принадлежит: ResMed R&D Germany GmbH

The present application is directed to a detector to detect or generate measuring signals that are indicative of the respiration of a person, wherein said detector can be used advantageously in view of hygiene and stands out due to a simple and robust configuration. According to a first aspect, the detector detects a signal that is indicative of the activity of the respiratory muscles of a person to be examined, the detector comprising a band which, in the application position, is passed around a torso region which widens and narrows when the person to be examined breathes, as well as a structure that is included in the band and loaded in accordance with the narrowing or widening of the torso region. The structure is configured such that it causes a change in the volume of a measuring space device depending on a tensile force. It is thus advantageously possible to detect or measure the forces acting on the band in a non-electric manner and, on the basis of this detection or measurement, draw conclusions relating to the widening or narrowing of the torso. 1. A detecting arrangement for detecting a signal that is indicative of activity of the respiratory muscles of a person to be examined , the detecting arrangement comprising:a band that is configured to be passed around a torso region that widens and narrows in response to the respiration of the person to be examined;a structure that is included in the band and that is loaded by the band in accordance with the narrowing and widening of the torso region; anda measuring space device including a bypass throttle bore,wherein the structure is configured such that the measuring space decreases the volume of the measuring space device when the person inhales.2. The detecting arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring space device comprises an elastically deformable chamber.3. The detecting arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein the elastic chamber includes a tube portion.4. The detecting arrangement ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Assessment and treatment of respiratory fatigue

Номер: US20190000376A1
Принадлежит: Nemours Foundation

Objective Pulmonary Function (PF) evaluation for respiratory fatigue is vital to the diagnosis and management of many pediatric respiratory diseases in the intensive care, emergency and outpatient settings. A non-invasive PF instrument utilizes sensors and software to access respiratory breathing patterns, vital parameters, asynchrony and measures the work of breathing. Software algorithms predict respiratory fatigue. The hardware includes a microcircuit board that individually links to rib cage (RC) and abdominal (ABD) inductance bands. The bands wirelessly transmit changes in RC and ABD circumference. Point-of-care, real-time indices of respiratory work, breathing patterns and respiratory fatigue indices are developed on a user-friendly graphical user interface. The diagnostic data can later be securely emailed as an attachment for entry into patients' electronic medical records or sent to a caretaker's computer, or used directly to control a respiratory therapy device. The system can also be used for telemedicine homecare.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Biological information detection device using second light from target onto which dots formed by first light are projected

Номер: US20180000359A1
Автор: Hisashi Watanabe

A biological information detection device includes a light source, an image capturing device, and one or more arithmetic circuits. The light source projects dots formed by light onto a target including a living body. The image capturing device includes photodetector cells and generates an image signal representing an image of the target onto which the dots are projected. The one or more arithmetic circuits detect a portion corresponding to at least a part of the living body in the image by using the image signal and calculate biological information of the living body by using image signal of the portion.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000378A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for recording respiratory rate of a subject. The apparatus comprises a first component to be arranged on the subject and away from nostrils of the subject, the first component comprises a battery, optionally electronics for the sensor, and electronics for transmitting respiration rate data; and a second component for being arranged in an area of the nose of the subject, the second component comprising at least one sensor for recording respiratory rate. Disclosed is also a method for recording respiratory rate of a subject with such an apparatus. The method comprises arranging the second component in an area of the nose of the subject; arranging the first component on the subject and no further than 30 centimeters from the second component; recording respiratory rate data with the second component, and sending the respiratory rate data to the first component; and sending the respiratory rate data from the first component to a monitor or a hub. 1. An apparatus for recording respiratory rate of a subject , comprisinga first component configured to be arranged on the subject and away from nostrils of the subject, the first component comprises a battery, and electronics for transmitting respiration rate data; anda second component configured to be arranged in an area of the nose of the subject, the second component comprising at least one sensor for recording respiratory rate.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first component is configured to be arranged 30 centimeters or less from the second component.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second component and the first component are connected to each other wirelessly or by a wire.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first or second component claim 1 , or both the first and second components claim 1 , comprise an arrangement for opening up one or more nostrils of the nose.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , whereinthe first component further ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000571A1
Автор: Gotman Shlomo

A method and system for respiratory monitoring and indicating intervention tool advancement timing during an intervention procedure. Features include monitoring the respiration of a subject using a respiration monitor, wherein the respiration monitor produces a respiratory signal indicative of a plurality of respiratory states of the subject, scanning the subject using an imaging device and generating a first imaging data set, wherein the imaging data set is associated with a respiratory state of the subject, and indicating when to advance an intervention tool based on the respiratory signal using an advancement indicator, such that advancement of the intervention tool occurs during the respiratory state of the subject, and where the subject need not hold his breath. 1. A respiratory monitoring method for indicating intervention tool advancement timing during an intervention procedure while respiration of a subject is continuous , the method comprising:monitoring respiration of the subject using a respiration monitor, wherein the respiration monitor produces a respiratory signal indicative of a plurality of respiratory states of the subject;generating a first imaging data set from a scan of the subject with an imaging device, wherein the first imaging data set is associated with a first respiratory state of the subject; andindicating when to advance an intervention tool based on the respiratory signal using an advancement indicator.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein indicating when to advance the intervention tool occurs during the first respiratory state of the subject.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein indicating when to advance the intervention tool occurs prior to the first respiratory state of the subject.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein indicating when to advance the intervention tool occurs at a predetermined time prior to the first respiratory state of the subject.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:determining when the first respiratory state of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for estimating momentary cardiovascular performance reserve

Номер: US20150005647A1
Принадлежит: CARDIO SCALE Ltd

The invention relates to a method for determining a cardiovascular performance reserve for each individual patient, comprising the steps of: a) receiving input physiological data from the patient for obtaining a parameter Z which is or approximates the product of the Stroke Volume (SV) by the Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR); b) providing a value representing the Respiratory Rate (RR) of said patient, wherein the Respiratory Rate (RR) value is provided by measurements using dedicated device(s), calculations from the input physiological data or manually by using best estimate; c) providing anthropometric data of said patient for calculating the Body Surface Area (BSA) of said individual, wherein the anthropometric data includes at least body dimensions (such as height and weight) of said patient; d) calculating the Cardiovascular Reserve (CVR) by using said Z parameter and said RR according to following formula: CVR=(Z/RR); e) calculating a Cardiovascular Reserve Index (CVRI) by standardizing said CVR (by said BSA) and normalizing it to a scale of 1 according to the following formula: CVRI=CVR/(BSA*4); and outputting said Cardiovascular Reserve Index.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008283A1

The invention relates to a mattress () for a piece of sleeping or reclining furniture, having at least one sensor () arranged in the mattress () for sensing vibrations, motion, and/or sound. The mattress () is characterized in that the mattress has at least one element for receiving structure-borne sound, to which the at least one sensor () is coupled. The invention further relates to a piece of sleeping or reclining furniture, in particular a bed (), having such a mattress (). 117-. (canceled)18. A mattress for a piece of sleeping or reclining furniture , said mattress comprising:a sensor arranged in the mattress and configured to detect vibration, movement and/or sound; andan element coupled to the sensor and configured to receive structure-borne sound.19. The mattress of claim 18 , wherein the sensor is a piezoelectric or electromagnetically operating sensor.20. The mattress of claim 18 , wherein the sensor is embedded in a foam material of the mattress.21. The mattress of claim 18 , further comprising two protective layers arranged within the mattress claim 18 , said sensor being positioned between the two protective layers.22. The mattress of claim 21 , wherein the protective layers comprise sponge rubber or felt.23. The mattress of claim 18 , wherein the element is a sensor plate configured for receiving structure-borne sound claim 18 , said sensor being connected to the sensor plate.24. The mattress of claim 18 , further comprising a spring core having springs claim 18 , at least one of the springs having one end resting on the sensor or on one of the protective layers claim 18 , said at least one of the springs representing the element for receiving the structure-borne sound.25. The mattress of claim 18 , further comprising an externally accessible plug contact for contacting the sensor.26. The mattress of claim 18 , further comprising at least two conductive contact surfaces for contacting the sensor.27. The mattress of claim 18 , further comprising an ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022212A1

A respiratory effort sensing belt that incorporates a PVDF transducer is constructed such that the transducer is contained within an elastic, moisture impervious plastic envelope and affixed to the envelope are a pair of cam buckles adapted to receive opposed ends of a body-encircling, single-use band. Because of the construction of the sensor module, it may be sterilized for reuse. 1. A respiratory effort belt comprising:a) a PVDF film strip having a layer of metallization on opposed major surfaces thereof;b) first and second insulated leads each with first and second ends, the first end of the first lead electrically connected to the layer of metallization on one of the opposed major surfaces and the second lead electrically connected to the layer of metallization on another of the opposed major surfaces;c) a flexible, elastic, moisture impervious, generally rectangular elastomeric envelope containing the PVDF film strip and only a distal end portion of the first and second conductive leads, the envelope having first and second end portions; andd) a pair of connectors releasably attached individually to said first and second end portions of the envelope and adapted to be releasably affixed to opposed ends of a disposable band of a length sufficient to encircle a human's torso.2. The respiratory effort belt of wherein the connectors comprise cam buckles.3. The respiratory effort belt of wherein the band comprises a web fabric. NoneI. Field of the InventionThis invention relates generally to apparatus for monitoring respiratory activity in the course of a sleep study and more particularly to a respiratory effort sensor designed such that the sensor electronics and associated leads for connecting the electronics to a polysomnograph machine (PSG) is adapted for connection to a body-encircling band and remains reusable and only the low-cost, body-encircling band position is disposable following a use thereof.II. Discussion of the Prior ArtIn published U.S. Application ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020413A1

An objective of the present invention is to provide a sensor device which is used by being attached to a lifeform, and which is capable of easily and reliably carrying out tracking of a deformation of the surface of the lifeform. This sensor device comprises: a sensor element, further comprising a sheet-shaped first dielectric layer which is formed from an elastomer composite, and a first electrode layer and a second electrode layer which are formed from a conductive composite including carbon nanotubes and which are formed respectively sandwiching the first dielectric layer upon the obverse face and the reverse face of the first dielectric layer so as to be in opposition to one another at least partially, said sensor element deforming reversibly such that the surface areas of the obverse and reverse faces of the first dielectric layer change, with the opposing portions of the first electrode layer and the second electrode layer as a detection part; and a measuring device which measures a change in capacitance in the detection part. The sensor device is used by being attached to a lifeform, and is employed in tracking of deformation of the surface of the lifeform. 1. A sensor device comprising: a sheet-like first dielectric layer comprising an elastomer composition; and', 'a first electrode layer and a second electrode layer each comprising an electroconductive composition containing carbon nanotubes,', 'wherein the first and the second electrode layers are formed on a top surface and a bottom surface of the first dielectric layer respectively, and are at least partially opposed to each other across the first dielectric layer,', 'the at least partially opposed portions of the first and the second electrode layers constitute a detection portion, and', 'the sensor element is reversibly deformable to change in an area of the top surface and the bottom surface of the first dielectric layer; and, 'a sensor element comprising;'}a measurement instrument for measuring a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022621A1
Принадлежит: West Affum Holdings Corp.

A sensor substrate to detect heart failure decompensation comprises a substrate structure, wherein the substrate structure is configured to have a patient sit, recline, or lie on a surface of the substrate structure, one or more sensors in the substrate structure, wherein the one or more sensors are configured to detect a plurality of parameters of the patient when the patient is in contact with the substrate structure, an interface in the substrate structure to receive an output from the one or more sensors, and a processor, wherein the processor is configured to detect heart failure decompensation in the patient from the plurality of parameters detected by the one or more sensors when the patient is in contact with the substrate structure. 1. A sensor substrate to detect heart failure decompensation , comprising:a substrate structure, wherein the substrate structure is configured to have a patient sit, recline, or lie on a surface of the substrate structure;one or more sensors in the substrate structure, wherein the one or more sensors are configured to detect a plurality of parameters of the patient when the patient is in contact with the substrate structure;an interface in the substrate structure to receive an output from the one or more sensors; anda processor, wherein the processor is configured to detect heart failure decompensation in the patient from the plurality of parameters detected by the one or more sensors when the patient is in contact with the substrate structure.2. The sensor substrate of claim 1 , further comprising a control module coupled with the interface to receive the plurality of parameters when the patient is in contact with the substrate structure claim 1 , wherein the processor is in the control module.3. The sensor substrate of claim 2 , wherein the control module includes a user interface.4. The sensor substrate of claim 2 , wherein the control module includes the processor and a memory coupled to the processor.5. The sensor substrate ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for motion compensation in ultrasonic respiration monitoring

Номер: US20220045451A1
Принадлежит: RESPINOR AS

Described herein are example methods, devices and systems for motion compensation in ultrasonic respiration monitoring. A respiration detection system includes a first probe placed on a front side of a patient's body and a second probe placed on a dorsal side of the body. The first probe includes an ultrasound transducer, a first accelerometer unit and a magnetic field sensor unit, and the second probe includes a second accelerometer unit and magnetic field sensor unit. Due to respiration of the patient, the abdominal region of the body moves, creating measurement errors when an ultrasound beam is directed towards an internal structure (internal tissue region) inside the patient's body. Correction for such measurement errors uses input data from the first and second accelerometer units and the magnetic field sensor unit.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035329A1
Автор: Gavish Benjamin

A capacitive pressure sensor includes first and second of mutually displaceable elastic members each having a respective electrically conductive surface separated by a thin elastic dielectric. Variations in area of pressure-induced contact between the first and second members are used to vary capacitance of the sensor that allows determination of differential pressure between the two elastic members. Both of the elastic members have respective projections, the projections of the first elastic member being disposed in interlocking relationship with the projections of the second elastic member and configured so that as the elastic members are pressed toward each other their respective projections progressively engage and create increasing areas of contact. 1. A capacitive pressure sensor comprising first and second of mutually displaceable elastic members each having a respective electrically conductive surface separated by a thin elastic dielectric , wherein:variations in area of pressure-induced contact between the first and second members are used to vary capacitance of the sensor that allows determination of differential pressure between the two elastic members; andboth of the elastic members have respective projections configured so that as the elastic members are pressed toward each other their respective projections progressively engage and create increasing areas of contact;the projections of the first elastic member being disposed in interlocking relationship with the projections of the second elastic member such that when the respective projections in the opposing surfaces engage each other they cannot be completely separated by lateral displacement along two mutually orthogonal axes.2. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the respective projections of the first elastic member are convex and the respective projections of the second elastic member are either convex or concave.3. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the respective projections of the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042551A1
Принадлежит: Bioserenity

The invention relates to a device for monitoring the breathing of a user comprising: 1. A device for monitoring the breathing of a user comprising:a textile support comprising a tubular portion formed by knitting an electrically insulating majority ground yarn, the tubular portion being able to cover the chest of the user,at least one breathing sensor formed by knitting a detection yarn, the detection yarn forming a plurality of stitches, the detection yarn comprising at least one internal core made of an electrically insulating material and an external sheath surrounding the internal core, the external sheath being made of an electrically conducting material so as to generate electric contacts between the stitches of the detection yarn,wherein the breathing sensor forms a conductive band having a first end and a second end positioned at a distance from each other, the ends being able to be connected to an apparatus for measuring the electric resistance of the conductive band,and the conductive band is positioned with respect to the tubular portion so that when the chest of the user is covered with the textile support, the conductive band is alternatively stretched and shrunk because of the breathing of the user, the stretching and the shrinking of the conductive band having the effect of modifying the electric contacts between the stitches of the detection yarn within the conductive band, causing a modification in the electric resistance of the conductive band.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detection yarn comprises at least one core made of a polymeric material claim 1 , preferably of polyamide.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sheath of the detection yarn is formed by wrapping the internal core with a yarn made of a conductive material claim 1 , preferably of silver.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sheath of the detection yarn is formed by coating the internal core with a layer made of a conductive material claim 1 ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042763A1

Methods and devices for chest compression depth measurement for CPR. 1. A system for monitoring cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) chest compressions of a patient , the system comprising:a first sensor configured to be disposed at the chest of the patient and further configured to provide a first signal indicative of the CPR chest compressions;a second sensor configured to be disposed at the back of the patient and further configured to provide a second signal indicative of the CPR chest compressions;a wrap-around structure configured to fit around the chest of the patient and provide active decompression during a CPR chest compression cycle upon administration of the CPR chest compressions by a rescuer; and receive the first signal and the second signal;', 'determine CPR chest compression parameters for the CPR chest compression cycle based on the first signal and the second signal; and', 'generate an output based on the determined CPR chest compression parameters., 'a control system, communicatively coupled to the first sensor and the second sensor, and configured to2. The system of wherein the first sensor is a first motion sensor and the determined CPR chest compression parameters correspond to motion of the chest of the patient.3. The system of wherein the second sensor is a second motion sensor and the determined CPR chest compression parameters correspond to motion of the chest of the patient.4. The system of wherein the second sensor is a second motion sensor releasably fixed to a portion of the wrap-around structure configured to be under the back of the patient during the CPR chest compressions and further wherein the determined CPR chest compression parameters include a motion of the portion of the wrap-around structure configured to be under the back of the patient during the CPR chest compressions.5. The system of wherein the first sensor and the second sensor comprise a magnetic field sensor system.6. The system of wherein the first sensor and the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043214A1
Автор: HIGASHI Daisuke

A physical activity assistance apparatus includes a blood oxygen concentration measurement section (biological information detection section and blood oxygen concentration calculation section) that measures a user's blood oxygen concentration and a breathing instruction section that instructs the user to practice a predetermined breathing method when the blood oxygen concentration is lower than or equal to a first threshold. The thus configured physical activity assistance apparatus can appropriately support the user's physical activity. 1. A physical activity assistance apparatus comprising:a blood oxygen concentration measurement section that measures a user's blood oxygen concentration; anda breathing instruction section that instructs the user to practice a predetermined breathing method when the blood oxygen concentration is lower than or equal to a first threshold.2. The physical activity assistance apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a breathing detection section that detects the user's breathing;a practice evaluation section that evaluates based on a result of the detection performed by the breathing detection section whether or not the user is practicing breathing according to the breathing method; anda handling method instruction section that instructs the user to practice a handling method when the practice evaluation section determines that the user is practicing the breathing according to the breathing method and the measured blood oxygen concentration is lower than or equal to a second threshold lower than the first threshold.3. The physical activity assistance apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a breathing detection section that detects the user's breathing;a practice evaluation section that evaluates based on a result of the detection performed by the breathing detection section whether or not the user is practicing breathing according to the breathing method;a period acquisition section that acquires, when the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Wearable Physiological Monitoring System

Номер: US20220061697A1
Автор: Robert T. Stone

A wearable respiration monitoring system having a transmitter coil that is adapted to generate and transmit multi-frequency AC magnetic fields, a receiver coil adapted to detect variable strengths in one of the AC magnetic fields and generate AC magnetic field strength signals representing anatomical displacements of a monitored subject, and at least one accelerometer that is configured to detect and monitor anatomical positions and movement of the subject, and generate and transmit accelerometer signals representing same. The wearable monitoring system further includes an electronics module that is adapted to receive the AC magnetic field strength signals and accelerometer signals, and determine at least one respiratory disorder as a function of the AC magnetic field strength signals and at least one anatomical position of the subject as a function of the accelerometer signals.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046087A1
Автор: Kuller David T.

A system and method for monitoring the tidal volume of an individual to diagnose a condition is disclosed. The system includes an electrically-conductive, elastomeric band; and a microprocessor having memory. The microprocessor is in electrical communication with said band and has functionality to monitor the respiratory activity of the individual during a period of time, collect raw data from 30 times to 34 times per second, average the data over 9-34 readings, blur from 0.3 seconds to 1.0 seconds of said averaged data to filter out artifacts; determine the beginning of a breath and the end of a breath based on said blurred data; and record an adverse event if a pre-determined period of time has elapsed without a new breath commencing. 1. A method for monitoring the tidal volume of an individual to diagnose a condition comprising:providing an electrically-conductive, elastomeric band in communication with a microprocessor having memory;monitoring the respiratory activity of the individual during a period of time by causing said microprocessor to collect raw data from 30 times to 34 times per second;averaging said data over 9-34 readings by said microprocessor;blurring the last 0.3 to 1.0 seconds of said averaged data to filter out artifacts;determining the beginning of a breath and the end of a breath based on said blurred data; andrecording an adverse event if a pre-determined period of time has elapsed without a new breath commencing.2. The method of wherein said electrically-conductive claim 1 , elastomeric band comprises knitted claim 1 , silver-coated nylon yarn.3. The method of wherein an optimum resistance of said band is linearly variable over a three to fifty percent stretch.4. The method of wherein said microprocessor averages said data over 24 readings.5. The method of further comprising blurring the last 0.72 second of averaged data to filter out artifacts.6. The method of wherein said artifact includes bodily movement and heartbeat noise.7. The method ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046971A1

A controller delivers electrical stimulation therapy to a diaphragm through the one or more electrodes, and obtains a signal indicative of a pressure within an intrathoracic cavity from a pressure measurement source. The electrical stimulation therapy is defined by stimulation parameters. The controller obtains at least one additional signal indicative of a pressure within an intrathoracic cavity by changing at least one of the stimulation parameters, and delivering an electrical stimulation therapy to the diaphragm in accordance with the changed one of the plurality of stimulation parameters. The controller repeats the process of obtaining additional signals indicative of pressure based on a changing stimulation parameter by scanning through a range of values for the changing stimulation parameter. The controller derives a measure of interest from each of the obtained signals, and selects as an optimal stimulation therapy, the electrical stimulation therapy that results in a most acceptable measure of interest. 1. A method of determining an optimal stimulation therapy for delivery to a diaphragm of a patient , the method comprising:delivering a plurality of different electrical stimulation therapies to the diaphragm overtime, where each different electrical stimulation therapy is defined by a unique set of values for stimulation parameters;for each different electrical stimulation therapy that is delivered, deriving a measure of interest based on one or more fiducial points of a waveform indicative of pressure within an intrathoracic cavity of the patient; andselecting as the optimal stimulation therapy, the different electrical stimulation therapy that results in a most acceptable measure of interest.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stimulation parameters comprise one or more of a timing parameter corresponding to a delay period between a detection of a cyclic cardiac event and a delivery of an electrical stimulation therapy claim 1 , a pulse amplitude claim ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Reusable Respiratory Effort Sensor Module

Номер: US20170049367A1

A respiratory effort sensing belt that incorporates a PVDF transducer is constructed such that the transducer is contained within an elastic, moisture impervious plastic envelope and affixed to the envelope are a pair of connectors adapted to receive opposed ends of a body-encircling, single-use band and which provide the ability to adjust belt tension. Because of the construction of the sensor module, it may be sterilized for reuse. 1. A respiratory effort belt comprising:a) a PVDF film strip having a layer of metallization on opposed major surfaces thereof;b) first and second insulated leads each with first and second ends, the first end of the first lead electrically connected to the layer of metallization on one of the opposed major surfaces and the second lead electrically connected to the layer of metallization on another of the opposed major surfaces;c) a flexible, elastic, moisture impervious, generally rectangular elastomeric envelope containing the PVDF film strip and only a distal end portion of the first and second conductive leads, the envelope having first and second end portions; andd) a pair of connectors attached individually to said first and second end portions of the envelope and adapted to be releasably affixed to opposed ends of a disposable band of a length sufficient to encircle a human's torso.2. The respiratory effort belt of wherein the connectors comprise cam buckles.3. The respiratory effort belt of wherein the band comprises a web fabric.4. The respiratory effort belt of wherein the web fabric includes a plurality of regularly longitudinally spaced and aligned apertures there through.5. The respiratory effort belt of wherein one of said pair of connectors comprises first and second planar surfaces joined to one another at corresponding edges thereof to define a gap there between claim 1 , one of the planar surfaces including a plurality of teeth for releasably engaging the band when inserted in the gap.6. The respiratory effort belt of ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049678A1

A method, apparatus, and system for measuring respiratory effort of a subject are provided. According to the method, a thoracic effort signal (T) is obtained, the thoracic effort signal (T) being an indicator of a thoracic component of the respiratory effort. An abdomen effort signal (A), the abdomen effort signal (A) being an indicator of an abdominal component of the respiratory effort. A respiratory flow (F) is obtained. The respiratory effort is determined by adjusting the components of a model of the respiratory system based on the thoracic effort signal (T), the abdomen effort signal (A), or the respiratory flow (F) or any combination of the thoracic effort signal (T), the abdomen effort signal (A), and the respiratory flow (F). 1. A method of measuring respiratory effort of a subject , the method comprising:obtaining a thoracic effort signal (T), the thoracic effort signal (T) being an indicator of a thoracic component of the respiratory effort;obtaining an abdomen effort signal (A), the abdomen effort signal (A) being an indicator of an abdominal component of the respiratory effort;obtaining a respiratory flow (F) of the subject; anddetermining the respiratory effort by adjusting the components of a model of the respiratory system based on the thoracic effort signal (T), the abdomen effort signal (A), or the respiratory flow (F) or any combination of the thoracic effort signal (T), the abdomen effort signal (A), and the respiratory flow (F).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the respiratory effort includes fitting one or more parameters of respiratory movement.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the one or more parameters include one or a combination of:an airway resistance Rr of the subject;an intercostal muscle drive force FTm;a diaphragm drive force FAm;a thorax counterforce FTb based on a force of lifting the chest weight and/or stretching muscle and skin of the chest;an abdomen counterforce FAb based on a force ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049808A1
Автор: Krimsky William S.

A method of registering an area of interest luminal network to images of the area of interest luminal network comprising. The method includes generating a model of the area of interest based on images of the area of interest, determining a location of a soft point in the area of interest, tracking a location of the location sensor while the location sensor is navigated within the area of interest, comparing the tracked locations of the location sensor within the area of interest , navigating the location sensor to the soft point, confirming the location sensor is located at the soft point, and updating the registration of the model with the area of interest based on the tracked locations of the location sensor at the soft point. 1. A method of registering an area of interest to images of the area of interest comprising:generating a model of the area of interest based on images of the area of interest;determining a location of a soft point in the area of interest;tracking a location of the location sensor while the location sensor is navigated to the area of interest;comparing the tracked locations of the location sensor within the area of interest;navigating the location sensor to the soft point;confirming the location sensor is located at the soft point; andupdating the registration of the model with the area of interest based on the tracked locations of the location sensor at the soft point.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:displaying guidance for navigating a location sensor within the area of interest.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,generating an electromagnetic field about the area of interest; andinserting the location sensor into the electromagnetic field,wherein the location sensor includes magnetic field sensors configured to sense the magnetic field and to generate position signals in response to the sensed magnetic field.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein confirming the location sensor is located at the soft point ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140128748A1

A motion/vibration sensor includes a transmit/receive antenna unit, an oscillation unit and a frequency-mixing unit. The transmit/receive antenna unit receives an output signal from the oscillation unit and transmits a detection signal toward at least one object. The detection signal is reflected by the object as a reflected detection signal and received by the transmit/receive antenna unit. The oscillation unit receives the reflected detection signal from the transmit/receive antenna unit for self-injection locking; and the frequency-mixing unit receives the reflected detection signal from the transmit/receive antenna unit for frequency demodulation. The frequency-mixing unit mixes and demodulates the reflected detection signal from the transmit/receive antenna unit with the output signal from the oscillation unit into a baseband output signal which represents a motion/vibration information. 1. A motion/vibration sensor , including:a transmit/receive antenna unit;an oscillation unit, coupled to the transmit/receive antenna unit; anda frequency-mixing unit coupled to the transmit/receive antenna unit and the oscillation unit;wherein the transmit/receive antenna unit receives an output signal from the oscillation unit and transmits a detection signal toward at least one object;the detection signal is reflected by the object as a reflected detection signal and received by the transmit/receive antenna unit;the oscillation unit receives the reflected detection signal from the transmit/receive antenna unit for self-injection locking and the frequency-mixing unit receives the reflected detection signal from the transmit/receive antenna unit for frequency demodulation; andthe frequency-mixing unit mixes and demodulates the reflected detection signal from the transmit/receive antenna unit with the output signal from the oscillation unit into a baseband output signal which represents a motion/vibration information.2. The motion/vibration sensor according to claim 1 , further ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

System and method for non-invasive health monitoring

Номер: US20180055384A1
Принадлежит: Riot Solutions Pvt Ltd

Systems and methods are provided for monitoring a patient's health is provided. The system includes a monitoring device configured to monitor one or more health parameters of the patient, wherein the monitoring device includes a sensing unit configured to receive the signals pertaining to the one or more health parameters, wherein the sensing unit includes one or more sensors configured to receive signals through non-physical contact with the patient. The system further includes a memory configured to store data pertaining to the signals, and a processor configured to analyze the data using pre-determined information and programmed artificial intelligence.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for providing proximity awareness to pleural boundaries, vascular structures, and other critical intra-thoracic structures during electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy

Номер: US20180055575A1
Автор: William S. Krimsky
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Disclosed are systems, devices and methods for providing proximity awareness to an anatomical feature while navigating inside a patient's chest, an exemplary method including receiving image data of the patient's chest, generating a three-dimensional (3D) model of the patient's chest based on the received image data, determining a location of the anatomical feature based on the received image data and the generated 3D model, tracking a position of an electromagnetic sensor included in a tool, iteratively determining a position of the tool inside the patient's chest based on the tracked position of the electromagnetic sensor, and indicating a proximity of the tool relative to the anatomical feature, based on the determined position of the tool inside the patient's chest.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055921A1

A monitoring device for obtaining data from a patient during a respiratory and/or cardiac cycle of the patient. The monitoring device includes a compliant variable capacitor securely attached to the patient The capacitance of the compliant variable capacitor changes during movement of the patient caused by the respiratory cycle and/or a cardiac cycle. The changing capacitance is used to generate a monitoring signal that includes the frequency, timing and amplitude of either the respiratory or cardiac cycle. The signal from the monitoring device is provided to a medical imaging system such that the medical imaging system can compensate for the motion of the patient during the reparatory/cardiac cycle. 1. A device for monitoring expansion and contraction of a thoracic or abdominal cavity of a patient , comprising:a movement sensor secured to the thoracic or abdominal cavity, wherein the movement sensor includes a compliant variable capacitor that changes capacitance as the thoracic or abdominal cavity expands and contracts; anda monitoring circuit that senses the changing capacitance and generates a monitoring signal that indicates the expansion and contraction of the thoracic or abdominal cavity.2. The device of wherein the movement sensor is formed as pan of a strap that surrounds the thoracic or abdominal cavity of the patient.3. The device of wherein the movement sensor is attachable to the patient by an adhesive.4. The device of wherein the compliant variable capacitor expands and contracts in omni-directions.5. The device of wherein the compliant variable capacitor includes a dielectric elastomer located between two electrodes.6. The device of wherein the movement sensor includes a plurality of compliant variable capacitors connected to each other in parallel.7. The device of further comprising a wireless transceiver coupled to the monitoring circuit to wirelessly transmit the monitoring signal from the device.8. The device of wherein the monitoring signal is ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Acoustic sensor and ventilation monitoring system

Номер: US20200054277A1

A method of monitoring respiration with an acoustic measurement device, the acoustic measurement device having a sound transducer, the sound transducer configured to measure sound associated with airflow through a mammalian trachea, the method includes correlating the measured sound into a measurement of tidal volume and generating at least one from the group consisting of an alert and an alarm if the measured tidal volume falls outside of a predetermined range.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054278A1

A method of monitoring respiration with an acoustic measurement device, the acoustic measurement device having a sound transducer, the sound transducer configured to measure sound associated with airflow through a mammalian trachea, the method includes correlating the measured sound into a measurement of tidal volume and generating at least one from the group consisting of an alert and an alarm if the measured tidal volume falls outside of a predetermined range. 1. A method of predicting an opioid overdose with an acoustic measurement device , the acoustic measurement device having a sound transducer , the sound transducer configured to measure sound associated with airflow through a mammalian trachea , the method comprising:correlating the measured sound into a measurement of tidal volume; andgenerating at least one from the group consisting of an alert and an alarm if the measured tidal volume falls outside of a predetermined range, the at least one of the alert and the alarm indicating a likelihood of an opioid overdose.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the measurement of sound associated with airflow through the trachea occurs at least periodically.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic measurement device includes a housing claim 1 , and wherein the sound transducer is suspended within the housing.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the housing of the acoustic measurement device has a width between 0.5 cm and 2.5 cm.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the housing defines an opening claim 3 , and wherein the sound transducer is disposed on an end of the housing opposite the opening.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the housing is configured to releasably couple to skin of the mammalian trachea.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the housing includes a diaphragm configured to vibrate in response to sound.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the housing is configured to engage coupling component releasably adhered to the skin claim 7 , and wherein the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Determining a Respiratory Rate of a Living Being

Номер: US20150065857A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for determining a respiratory rate of a living being includes emitting a radio signal using a radio transmitter arranged on the living being. The emitted radio signal is acquired, and the respiratory rate is determined based on the acquired radio signal.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Range gated radio frequency physiology sensor

Номер: US20190059746A1
Принадлежит: Resmed Sensor Technologies Ltd

A sensor for physiology sensing may be configured to generate oscillation signals for emitting radio frequency pulses for range gated sensing. The sensor 402 may include a radio frequency transmitter configured to emit the pulses and a receiver configured to receive reflected ones of the emitted radio frequency pulses. The received pulses may be processed to detect physiology characteristics such as motion, sleep, respiration and/or heartbeat. In some embodiments, the sensor may employ a circuit including a pulse generator configured to generate signal pulses. The circuit may also include a dielectric resonator oscillator configured to generate a radio frequency oscillating signal. A switched oscillation circuit may be coupled to the pulse generator and the dielectric resonator oscillator. The switched circuit may be configured to generate a pulsed radio frequency oscillating signal for emitting the radio frequency pulses.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

System for Dynamically Stabilizing the Chest Wall After Injury, Fracture, or Operative Procedures

Номер: US20220079517A1
Автор: Paradis Norman A.

A method for treating chest wall injuries, including rib fractures, flail chest injuries or surgical incisions. The method comprising creating a localized airtight compartment external to the chest wall and fully covering the area of injury, varying the pressure within the compartment, and providing dynamic real-time counter forces that act reciprocal to the intrathoracic pressure changes that occur during ventilation. In a preferred embodiment, the apparatus has the capability of sensing the patient's chest wall motion created by ventilation, a pressure control component capable of varying the pressure within the airtight compartment such that it opposes pressure changes within the chest. The apparatus would be particularly useful in preventing the paradoxical movement of flail chest injuries. The method would also lessen pain experienced by patients with thoracic injuries such as rib fractures and post operative suffering. 1. A device for treating chest wall injuries , the device comprising:a frame adapted to be placed external to a chest and fully covering an area of injury to create a localized airtight compartment; anda pump configured to vary the pressure within the localized airtight compartment in real-time so as to provide a dynamic counterforce to the changes in intrathoracic pressure that occur during each ventilatory cycle, the dynamic counterforce minimizing paradoxical motion of chest wall injuries by dynamically counteracting changes in intrathoracic pressure.2. The device of further comprising a sensor adapted to sense ventilation or chest wall motion in real time claim 1 , wherein the pump dynamically varies the pressure within the localized airtight compartment in response to a sensed ventilation or chest wall motion data in such a manner that the pressure within the airtight compartment opposes pressure changes within the chest.3. The device of further comprising an adherent material on a patient-side surface of the frame claim 1 , the adherent ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079522A1

A wearable health monitoring harness includes a vest, a bus comprising two wires configured to carry digitized signals and power, a plurality of pairs connectors, where each connector in a pair is connected to a wire of the bus, a battery connected to the bus, a set of sensor units, and a controller unit. Each sensor unit comprises sensor circuitry for measuring bodily signals of a person wearing the wearable harness, an analog to digital converter configured to receive analog signals from the sensor circuitry and convert the analog signals to digitized data, a processor configured to communicate data over the bus, and a pair of connector ports for detachably connecting to a pair of the connectors on the bus. The controller unit includes a processor configured to receive digitized data from the set of sensor units processors and send the digitized data to one or more external devices. 1. A wearable health monitoring harness , comprising:a vest;a bus configured to carry digitized signals and power, the bus comprising first and second wires running across the vest;first and second plurality of connectors, the first plurality of connectors connected to the first wire of the bus, the second plurality of connectors connected to the second wire of the bus, the first and second plurality of connectors configured to form a plurality of pairs connectors, each pair of connectors comprising a connector from the first plurality of connectors and a connector from the second plurality of connectors;a battery comprising first and second ports, the first battery port connected the first wire of the bus, and the second battery port connected the second wire of the bus; sensor circuitry for measuring one or more bodily signals of a person wearing the vest;', receive analog signals from the corresponding sensor circuitry; and', 'convert the received analog signals to digitized data;, 'an analog to digital converter (A/D) configured to, 'a processor configured to communicate data over ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060668A1

The present disclosure relates to a respiratory gating system for inducing respiration of a patient during radiation therapy. A respiratory gating system according to one embodiment of the present disclosure comprises: an image management unit for acquiring an MRI image of a patient and processing the acquired image; and a projection unit for displaying the MRI image acquired and processed by the image management unit to the patient in real time, wherein the projection unit may be configured to project an image of a treatment area of the patient in real time using, as a screen, a bore of a radiotherapy equipment which is formed to surround the patient in order to acquire the MRI image. 1. A respiratory gating system for inducing respiration of a patient during radiation therapy , the respiratory gating system comprising:an image management unit configured to acquire a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image of the patient and process the acquired MRI image;a projection unit configured to display the MRI image acquired and processed in the image management unit to the patient in real time; anda radiation irradiation unit configured to irradiate the patient with radiation according to a radiation therapy plan,wherein the projection unit is configured to project an image of a treatment region of the patient in real time together with a predefined boundary according to the radiation therapy plan using a bore of a radiation therapy apparatus, which is formed to surround the patient to acquire the MRI image, as a screen.2. The respiratory gating system of claim 1 , wherein the projection unit comprises a beam projector claim 1 , and the beam projector is disposed outside the bore of the radiation therapy apparatus.3. The respiratory gating system of claim 1 , wherein the image management unit comprises:an image acquiring unit configured to acquire the MRI image of the patient;a first converter configured to convert the image acquired in the image acquiring unit into an ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Interventive-diagnostic device

Номер: US20140141395A1
Принадлежит: Intercure Ltd

Apparatus for improving health of a user is provided, including a first sensor, adapted to measure a first physiological variable, which is indicative of a voluntary action of the user. A second sensor is adapted to measure a second physiological variable, which is substantially governed by an autonomic nervous system of the user. Circuitry is adapted to receive respective first and second sensor signals from the first and second sensors, and, responsive thereto, to generate an output signal which directs the user to modify a parameter of the voluntary action.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Combination physiologic sensor

Номер: US20160066810A1
Принадлежит: Dymedix Corp

A multi sensor module especially designed for use in sleep-study applications includes a PVDF film piezoelectric transducer enclosed between an upper layer of a single-sided adhesive tape strip and a lower layer of a double-sided adhesive tape strip. Also adhesively affixed to the upper single-sided adhesive tape strip, but not overlaid by the lower double-sided adhesive tape strip are first and second conductive electrodes. The combination sensor module is adapted to be adhesively affixed to the chest area of a person and further included in an extension of the PVDF strip that is adapted to overlay the suprasternal notch of a person for producing signals responsive to respiratory activity of the person.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142435A1

What is disclosed is a system and method for processing a video acquired using a 2D monocular video camera system to assess respiratory function of a subject of interest. In various embodiments hereof, respiration-related video signals are obtained from a temporal sequence of 3D surface maps that have been reconstructed based on an amount of distortion detected in a pattern placed over the subject's thoracic region (chest area) during video acquisition relative to known spatial characteristics of an undistorted reference pattern. Volume data and frequency information are obtained from the processed video signals to estimate chest volume and respiration rate. Other respiratory function estimations of the subject in the video can also be derived. The obtained estimations are communicated to a medical professional for assessment. The teachings hereof find their uses in settings where it is desirable to assess patient respiratory function in a non-contact, remote sensing environment. 1. A method for processing a video acquired using a 2D monocular video acquisition system to assess respiratory function of a subject of interest in a remote sensing environment , the method comprising:receiving a video of a target region of a subject of interest being monitored for respiratory function assessment, said video having been acquired using a 2D monocular video acquisition system, said target region having a detectable pattern thereon, said pattern being one of: reflective and emissive in a given wavelength, said wavelength being detectable by sensor elements in a detector array of said camera during acquisition of said video;processing said video to construct a temporal sequence of 3D surface maps of said patterned target region, said 3D surface maps being reconstructed by characterizing spatial attributes of a spatial distortion of said pattern over time relative to spatial characteristics of an undistorted reference pattern; andestimating a respiratory function for said ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142453A1

A method for extracting the feature of an abdominal breathing is disclosed, capable of extracting the feature of an abdominal breathing, without the requirement of a standard model of an abdominal breathing and the execution of a learning process being executed prior to the method for extracting the feature of an abdominal breathing. By means of computing a plurality of intrinsic mode functions corresponding to the abdominal breathing signal received, an Euler angle function and an instantaneous frequency function of each of the plurality of intrinsic mode functions, and comparing the plurality of instantaneous frequency function with a pre-determined zero-point threshold region, the method for extracting the feature of an abdominal breathing defines one of the plurality of instantaneous frequency function as an abdominal breathing feature function, which contains the feature of the abdominal breathing. In this way, the feature of an abdominal breathing is extracted. 1. A method for extracting the feature of an abdominal breathing , comprising the following steps of:receiving an abdominal breathing signal;executing an empirical mode decomposition process on the abdominal breathing signal, for computing a plurality of intrinsic mode functions;basing on the plurality of intrinsic mode functions and the results obtained after the execution of a Hilbert transform on the plurality of intrinsic mode functions, computing an Euler angle function of each of the plurality of intrinsic mode functions;taking the partial derivative of the Euler angle function of each of the plurality of intrinsic mode functions, with respect to time, for computing an instantaneous frequency function of each of the plurality of intrinsic mode functions, and extracting a plurality of maximum values of each of the plurality of instantaneous frequency functions; andaccording to a pre-determined sequence, comparing the plurality of maximum values of each of the plurality of instantaneous frequency ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Screening tool for patients pulmonary conditions

Номер: US20210068706A1
Автор: Jan De Backer
Принадлежит: Fluidda Respi Nv

The present invention is in the field of screening techniques for pulmonary conditions. In particular, the present invention provides systems and methods for screening a subject for the presence of pulmonary conditions. A system comprises a sensor unit configured for registering an expansion of a thorax of a subject, the system being configured for determining from data outputted by the sensor unit a local expansion of the thorax and an internal airflow distribution of the lungs of the subject.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

System and method to monitor, guide, and evaluate breathing

Номер: US20220087575A1
Автор: Andre Maxim Persidsky
Принадлежит: Prana Tech LLC

Device, system and method to monitor user breathing patterns utilizing posture and diaphragm (breathing) sensor signals. The user worn device comprises a housing attached to a retractable belt that is worn around the user's trunk. The housing contains both posture and breathing sensors. The device monitors the output signals of these sensors and measures the state of both the user's posture and diaphragm (e.g. changes in the belt's length or force on the belt as a function of user breathing) to analyze breathing signals. The system's processor receives, processes, and transmits sensor signal data, and can also calibrate and interpret these signals utilizing various algorithms. In a preferred embodiment, the posture sensor is an accelerometer, and the retractable belt winds around a spring tensioned spool in the device's housing. The software can produce posture adjusted user respiration data, and can also be used for breath training and other purposes.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070865A1

A respiratory effort sensing apparatus () includes a flexible belt member () having a first buckle member (A) and a second buckle member (B), and a wearable respiratory monitoring recording device (). The monitoring device includes: (i) a processing apparatus () structured to be selectively operable in a sleep mode and an active mode, and (ii) buckle detection circuitry () structured to detect that both buckle members are operatively coupled to the respiratory monitoring recording device and in response thereto generate a buckle detection signal. The processing apparatus is structured to, in response to receiving the buckle detection signal, automatically: (a) move from the sleep mode to the active mode, and (b) generate data indicative of a respiratory effort of a patient over time based on an effort-based signal generated by the respiratory effort sensing apparatus in response to changes in volume of a body part of the patient. 1. A respiratory effort sensing apparatus , comprising:a flexible belt member, the flexible belt member having a first buckle member provided at a first end of the flexible belt member and a second buckle member provided at a second end of the flexible belt member; anda wearable respiratory monitoring recording device including: (i) a processing apparatus structured to be selectively operable in a sleep mode and an active mode, and (ii) buckle detection circuitry structured to detect that both the first buckle member and the second buckle member are operatively coupled to the respiratory monitoring recording device and in response thereto generate a buckle detection signal and provide the buckle signal to the processing apparatus, wherein the processing apparatus is structured to, in response to receiving the buckle detection signal, automatically: (a) move from the sleep mode to the active mode, and (b) generate data indicative of a respiratory effort of a patient over time based on an effort-based signal generated by the respiratory ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Physiological monitoring garments

Номер: US20200068708A1
Принадлежит: Life Corporation SA

Described herein are apparatuses (e.g., garments, including but not limited to shirts, pants, and the like) for detecting and monitoring physiological parameters, such as respiration, cardiac parameters, and the like. Also described herein are methods of forming garments having one or more stretchable conductive ink patterns and methods of making garments having one or more highly stretchable conductive ink pattern formed of a composite of an insulative adhesive, a conductive ink, and an intermediate gradient zone between the adhesive and conductive ink. The conductive ink typically includes between about 40-60% conductive particles, between about 30-50% binder; between about 3-7% solvent; and between about 3-7% thickener. The stretchable conductive ink patterns may be stretched more than twice their length without breaking or rupturing.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076096A1

Various examples are provided for accurate heart rate measurement. In one example, a method includes determining a respiratory rate (RR) and respiration displacement from radar-measured cardiorespiratory motion data; adjusting notch depths of a harmonics comb notch digital filter (HCNDF) based upon the respiration displacement; generating filtered cardiorespiratory data by filtering the radar-measured cardiorespiratory motion data with the HCNDF; and identifying a heart rate (HR) from the filtered cardiorespiratory data. In another example, a system includes radar circuitry configured to receive a cardiorespiratory motion signal reflected from a monitored subject; and signal processing circuitry configured to determine a respiration displacement based upon the cardiorespiratory motion signal; adjust notch depths of a HCNDF based upon the respiration displacement; filter the cardiorespiratory motion data with the HCNDF; and identifying a heart rate (HR) from the filtered cardiorespiratory data. 1. A method for heart rate measurement , comprising:determining, with a computing device, a respiratory rate (RR) and respiration displacement from radar-measured cardiorespiratory motion data;adjusting, with the computing device, notch depths of a harmonics comb notch digital filter (HCNDF) based upon the respiration displacement;generating, with the computing device, filtered cardiorespiratory data by filtering the radar-measured cardiorespiratory motion data with the HCNDF; andidentifying a heart rate (HR) from the filtered cardiorespiratory data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the respiration displacement is determined from a respiration fundamental frequency and respiration demodulation-generated (DG) harmonics identified from the radar-measured cardiorespiratory motion data.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the notch depths are based upon amplitudes of the respiration fundamental frequency and the respiration DG harmonics.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the notch ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076129A1

A method of detecting subject respiratory motion and non-respiratory motion includes: transmitting a transmitted signal toward a subject, the transmitted signal being an ultrasound wave, the transmitted signal reflecting off the subject to produce a reflected signal; receiving the reflected signal and converting a form of the reflected signal from ultrasound wave to electrical; comparing the reflected signal to at least a first reference signal to determine at least a first reference phase signal indicative of a first phase difference between the first reference signal and the reflected signal, the at least a first reference signal being associated with the transmitted signal; and analyzing the first reference phase signal for respiratory motion of the subject and non-respiratory motion, the non-respiratory motion including at least one of non-respiratory motion of the subject or motion of an entity other than the subject. 1. A method of detecting motion , the method comprising:transmitting a transmitted signal toward a subject, the transmitted signal being an ultrasound wave, the transmitted signal reflecting off at least one of the subject or an entity other than the subject to produce a reflected signal;receiving the reflected signal and converting a form of the reflected signal from ultrasound wave to electrical;converting the reflected signal into a reference phase signal indicative of a phase difference between a reference signal and the reflected signal, the reference signal being associated with the transmitted signal; andanalyzing the reference phase signal for respiratory motion of the subject and motion of an entity other than the subject.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising filtering the reference phase signal to suppress frequency components of the reference phase signal that are outside of a frequency band to produce a filtered reference phase signal claim 1 , wherein the analyzing comprises analyzing the filtered reference phase signal to ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078174A1

A method and system for measuring respiratory rate are disclosed. In a first aspect, the method comprises measuring at least one respiration signal and filtering the respiration signal using a lowpass filter. The method includes peak-picking the respiration signal to determine the respiratory rate and determining a quality metric of the respiratory rate. In a second aspect, the system comprises a wireless sensor device coupled to a user via at least one electrode, wherein the wireless sensor device includes a processor and a memory device coupled to the processor, wherein the memory device stores an application which, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to carry out the steps of the method. 1. A method for measuring respiratory rate , the method comprising:measuring at least one respiration signal;filtering the respiration signal using a lowpass filter;peak-picking the respiration signal to determine the respiratory rate; anddetermining a quality metric of the respiratory rate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one respiration signal is derived using any of a chest-mounted accelerometer claim 1 , a QRS-area of an EKG signal claim 1 , a QRS-amplitude of the EKG signal claim 1 , and a respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peak-picking utilizes a changing threshold based on a standard deviation of the respiration signal at a time point.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quality metric is derived based on a coefficient of variation of a difference in minima times (c) claim 1 , a coefficient of variation of peak-to-peak values (c) claim 1 , a mean peak-to-peak value (m) claim 1 , and a ratio of a number of picked extrema to a total number of all local extrema (r).5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the quality metric is weighted using previously learned weights and transformed using an exponential to get the quality metric to a value between 0 and 1.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quality metric ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Apparatuses and Methods for Registering a Real-Time Image Feed From an Imaging Device to a Steerable Catheter

Номер: US20200078101A1
Принадлежит: Veran Medical Technologies, Inc.

A method of registering a real-time image feed from an imaging device inserted into a steerable catheter using a navigation system is provided. The method includes inserting the imaging device into a working channel of the steerable catheter and generating a real-time image feed of one or more reference points, wherein the orientation of the reference points is known. The method further includes orienting a handle of the steerable catheter to a neutral position, displaying the real-time image feed on a display of the navigation system, and registering the real-time image feed to the steerable catheter by rotating the displayed image so that the reference points in the real-time image feed are matched to the known orientation of the reference points. 1. A method of orienting an image feed on a display comprising:a) inserting an imaging device that provides the image feed into a channel of a steerable catheter, wherein the steerable catheter has a distal end portion and a localization element proximate the distal end portion;b) using the imaging device to generate a reference image feed of a reference of a known orientation;c) using a processor to determine a registered rotation angle Ø by which the reference image feed must be rotated to obtain a registered orientation such that the reference in the reference image feed is matched to its known orientation when the reference image feed is rotated to the registered orientation;d) determining a localization element orientation of the localization element of the steerable catheter;e) determining a localization element angle β between the registered orientation and the localization element orientation; andf) using the processor and the determined localization element angle β to ensure that a real-time image feed from the imaging device is shown in an “up” orientation on the display as the steerable catheter is manipulated.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processor and the display form part of a navigation system ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150087997A1

A method and device for determining a breathing movement of an object under examination is provided for the method includes determining a breathing movement of an object under examination and includes receiving a mathematical breathing model, the mathematical breathing model including a displacement of a thoracic cage of the object under examination over time, using a projection means to project a structured image pattern onto a sagittal plane and onto a thoracic region of the object under examination, using a camera to record a sequence of at least two images of the thoracic region of the object under examination, and adapting the mathematical breathing model at least in dependence on the recorded sequence of images of the thoracic region of the object under examination. The invention also describes a corresponding device for determining a breathing movement of an object under examination. 1. A method for determining a breathing movement of an object under examination comprising the following method steps:{'b': '1', 'S) receiving a mathematical breathing model, the mathematical breathing model comprising a displacement of a thoracic cage of the object under examination over time;'}{'b': '2', 'S) using a projection means to project a structured image pattern onto a sagittal plane and onto a thoracic region of the object under examination;'}{'b': '3', 'S) using a camera to record a sequence of at least two images of the thoracic region of the object under examination; and'}{'b': '4', 'S) adapting the mathematical breathing model at least in dependence on the recorded sequence of at least two images of the thoracic region of the object under examination.'}2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the structured image pattern is a line pattern with parallel lines and with a prespecifiable line spacing and a prespecifiable line width.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the camera and the projection means are aligned at least approximately identically.4. ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190083008A1

A radar system for detecting displacement of an internal organ of a patient in a medical scanner. The system includes a plurality of antennas arranged relative to an axis of the patient, wherein at least one antenna is configurable as a transmitting antenna and at least two antennas are configurable as receiving antennas. The at least one antenna is also configurable as a receiving antenna and the at least two antennas are also configurable as transmitting antennas. The system also includes a phased array radar system that energizes the antennas to form a radiation pattern that is directed toward internal organ movement of the patient wherein the phased array radar system operates in the ultra high frequency (UHF) bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum. 1. A radar system for detecting displacement of an internal organ of a patient in a medical scanner , comprising:a plurality of antennas arranged relative to an axis of the patient, wherein at least one antenna is configurable as a transmitting antenna and at least two antennas are configurable as receiving antennas and wherein the at least one antenna is also configurable as a receiving antenna and the at least two antennas are also configurable as transmitting antennas; anda phased array radar system that energizes the antennas to form a radiation pattern that is directed toward internal organ movement of the patient.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the antennas are arranged within a patient bed that supports the patient.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the antennas are arranged within or on a mat located on or under the patient.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the phased array radar system operates in the ultra high frequency (UHF) bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the antennas generate radio waves that achieve substantially far field electromagnetic radiation characteristics when they propagate within the patient's body ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Monitoring Breathing and Apnea

Номер: US20200085370A1
Принадлежит: Montana Technological University

Devices and or methods for monitoring respiratory functions of a subject. The system includes a first sensor for measuring the motion of at least on surface of a subject for abdominal, chest, or other area motion to determine volume changes in the area. The second sensor measures the thermal temperature of a target area or device on a surface of the patient, for example near the upper lip of the subject. Specific aspects of the patients breathing health may be analyzed from comparison of respiratory rates calculated from the two sensors. The systems and methods can detect regular breathing, slow breathing (hypopnea), fast breathing (tachypnea), no breathing (apnea), obstructed breathing, or other anomaly. The systems and method may further be configured to trigger an alarm in predetermined situations.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142478A1
Автор: Bliss Daniel W., RONG Yu

A precise cardiac data reconstruction method is provided, which may also be referred to herein as radar cardiography (RCG). RCG can reconstruct cardiac data, such as heart rate and/or electrocardiogram (ECG)-like heartbeat waveform signals wirelessly by using advanced radar signal processing techniques. For example, heartbeat and related characteristics can be monitored by isolating cardiovascular activity from strong respiratory interference in spatial spaces: azimuth and elevation. This results in significant improvements to pulse signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) compared to conventional approaches, facilitating heart-rate variability (HRV) analysis. 1. A method for reconstructing vital signs of a subject , comprising:receiving a first radar signal measuring a region of interest of the subject;forming a first three-dimensional (3-D) image of the region of interest;reconstructing a respiration waveform from the first 3-D image; andreconstructing cardiac data based on the first 3-D image and the respiration waveform.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising locating a chest position of the subject in the first 3-D image;wherein the respiration waveform is formed based on the chest position.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cardiac data comprises a heart rate of the subject.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein reconstructing the heart rate of the subject comprises estimating the heart rate based on a 2-order harmonic of the cardiac data and a 3-order harmonic of the cardiac data.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cardiac data comprises a heartbeat waveform of the subject.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising forming a second 3-D image of the region of interest using the respiration waveform.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising locating a heart position of the subject in the second 3-D image;wherein the heartbeat waveform is formed based on the heart position.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a second radar signal before ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Biometric Belt Connector

Номер: US20190097346A1

A belt connector is provided. The belt connector is configured to electrically connect a conductor of an electrode belt to a male portion of a snap connector electrode connected to a biometric device. The belt connector includes a frame, a fastener, and an engaging member. The frame includes a receiving hole having radial flexibility. The receiving hole is configured to receive and fasten the frame to a protrusion of the male portion of the snap connector electrode. The fastener is configured to fasten the frame to a first end of the electrode belt. The engaging member is adjacent to the receiving hole and engages the conductor of the electrode belt by the conductor passing through the receiving hole. When the male portion of the snap connector electrode penetrates the receiving hole, the conductor is forced into contact with a lateral surface of the male portion of the snap connector electrode. 1. A biometric belt connector for electrically connecting an electrode belt to a biometric device to be carried on a human or animal body , the belt connector comprising:(a) a molded plastic frame having a front side and a rear side,(b) said frame having a receiving hole with radial flexibility to function as a female snap button fastener for receiving and fastening on the frame a male snap protrusion,(c) fastening means for fastening to the frame a belt end of said electrode belt, and(d) a member adjacent to said hole to engage an electrode wire end electrically connected to said belt such that said end is in contact with said hole and comes in electrical contact with a conducting male snap fastener inserted in said hole.2. The belt connector of claim 1 , further comprising a shield member which is arranged on the rear side of said frame to electrically shield the wire from the rear side exterior of the belt connector.3. The belt connector of claim 1 , wherein radial flexibility of said receiving hole is achieved by one or more slot extending from said hole.4. The belt ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Cpr chest compression monitor with reference sensor

Номер: US20190099324A1
Принадлежит: Zoll Medical Corp

Methods and devices for chest compression depth measurement for CPR performed on infants.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Sleep performance system and method of use

Номер: US20190099582A1
Автор: Karen Crow, Matt SANDERS
Принадлежит: NeuroGeneces LLC

Sleep performance systems and methods of using the same are disclosed. The sleep performance systems can improve the quality of sleep by making one or more recommendations to the subject for increasing a sleep quality score. The sleep performance systems can have one or more electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes configured to measure a subject's brain activity during sleep. The sleep performance systems can have a processor configured to quantify the quality of the subject's slow-wave sleep by determining one or more sleep performance scores associated with the measured brain activity. The sleep performance systems can recommend and/or activate sleep improvement programs based on various threshold scores.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200099319A1
Автор: Liu Guohao, Wang Yun

A system, device and method are provided for continuously generating more than 0.01 watt of electrical energy by harnessing mechanical or kinetic energy from a reciprocating motion of a users torso during breathing. The reciprocating motion causes reciprocating lateral and medial translation of two chambers of the device housing. That reciprocating lateral and medial translation rotates a gear, which in turn, drives a dynamo to produce electrical energy. Since the conversion from the mechanical energy of the spinning rod to power is direct, the energy-conversion efficiency may be up to 90% or higher. The device may further comprise one or more charging means for providing electrical energy to one or more peripheral electronic devices. In some embodiments, additional integrated functions may include auxiliary energy storage, backup energy, emergency power, mini-MP3 player, data recorder, GPS interface, miniature video recorder, speaker, abdomen muscle exercise, timing, Bluetooth interface, and heath information analyzer. 1. A method of generating power using mechanical or kinetic energy produced by respiration , comprising{'b': 101', '200, '(a) wearing, by a user, an elastic garment (), capable of transverse expansion of a torso ();'}{'b': 100', '101', '100', '306', '307', '306', '307', '306', '307', '306', '101', '201', '307', '101', '202', '201', '202', '100', '201', '202', '303', '306', '303', '307, '(b) anchoring, by a user, a housing () to a ventral face of the garment (), wherein the housing () comprises a first chamber () and a second chamber (), wherein the first chamber () is coupled to the second chamber () in a configuration that allows the first chamber () and the second chamber () to slide in one dimension of translational freedom, wherein the first chamber () is ventrally anchored to the garment () on a first ventral side () and the second chamber () is ventrally anchored to the garment () on a second ventral side (), wherein the first ventral side () ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Volumetric Physiological Measuring System and Method

Номер: US20140187906A1
Принадлежит: VoluSense AS

A system and method for measuring volumes and areas using electromagnetic induction techniques. A current is generated and fed into one of two coil assemblies to induce voltage into another coil assembly to provide accurate values for volume or area.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Neonatal vital signs monitor

Номер: US20210121101A1

The present invention is directed to a sensing modality for measurement of vital signs, particularly in neonates, using inkjet-printed sensors in order to create a low cost and computationally less-intensive monitor. The invention incorporates the use of sensors specifically design to measure abdominal flex as a measure of their respiration rate. Neonates in particular exhibit abdominal flex during respiration. The flex sensor can be coupled with other off-the-shelf sensors or sensors made using same principles, connected together to a phone through the AUX port of a cell phone or other device for data collection and processing. The sensor can also be configured to communicate wirelessly with a computing device, such as a smartphone.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110408A1

A system and method for accounting for motion of a target in a medical procedure includes an endoscope () including a tracking mechanism () for tracking positions and orientations of the endoscope. Memory storage () is configured to record the positions of the endoscope when positioned at or near moving target tissue. A motion sensor () is configured to track cyclical motion of an organ such that the cyclical motion of the organ can be correlated to the recorded positions of the endoscope and the target tissue. 122-. (canceled)23. A system for accounting for motion of a target tissue in a medical procedure , the system comprising:an endoscope including a tracking mechanism for tracking positions of the endoscope;memory storage configured to record a plurality of positions of the endoscope when the endoscope is positioned at or near the target tissue in motion;a motion sensor configured to track cyclical motion of an organ; anda computer processing device configured to correlate the cyclical motion of the organ to the recorded positons of the endoscope and the target tissue; anda medical instrument guidable in accordance with a motion of the target tissue.24. A system for accounting for motion of a target in a medical procedure comprising:an endoscope including a tracking mechanism for tracking positions of the endoscope;memory storage configured to record the positions of the endoscope when positioned at or near moving target tissue; anda motion sensor configured to track cyclical motion of an organ such that the cyclical motion of the organ can be correlated to the recorded positions of the endoscope and the target tissue.25. The system as recited in claim 24 , wherein the tracking mechanism includes one of an electromagnetic tracking device claim 24 , optical tracking device claim 24 , and a fiber grating tracking device.26. The system as recited in claim 24 , further comprising a medical instrument guidable in accordance with the motion of the target tissue.27. ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Biometric belt connector

Номер: US20170110823A1
Принадлежит: NOX MEDICAL

A belt connector is provided. The belt connector is configured to electrically connect a conductor of an electrode belt to a male portion of a snap connector electrode connected to a biometric device. The belt connector includes a frame, a fastener, and an engaging member. The frame includes a receiving hole having radial flexibility. The receiving hole is configured to receive and fasten the frame to a protrusion of the male portion of the snap connector electrode. The fastener is configured to fasten the frame to a first end of the electrode belt. The engaging member is adjacent to the receiving hole and engages the conductor of the electrode belt by the conductor passing through the receiving hole. When the male portion of the snap connector electrode penetrates the receiving hole, the conductor is forced into contact with a lateral surface of the male portion of the snap connector electrode.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

CPR Chest Compression Monitor for Infants

Номер: US20150120201A1
Принадлежит: Zoll Medical Corp

Methods and devices for chest compression depth measurement for CPR performed on infants.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137419A1

A system for respiration monitoring includes a garment, which is configured to be fitted snugly around a body of a human subject, and which includes, on at least a portion of the garment that fits around a thorax of the subject, a pattern of light and dark pigments having a high contrast at a near infrared wavelength. A camera head is configured to be mounted in proximity to a bed in which the subject is to be placed, and includes an image sensor and an infrared illumination source, which is configured to illuminate the bed with radiation at the near infrared wavelength, and is configured to transmit a video stream of images of the subject in the bed captured by the image sensor to a processor, which analyzes movement of the pattern in the images in order to detect a respiratory motion of the thorax. 1. A system for respiration monitoring , comprising:a garment, having a size and shape suitable to surround and fit snugly around a body of a sleeping infant, and which comprises, on at least a portion of the garment that fits around a thorax of the subject, a pattern of light and dark pigments having a high contrast at a near infrared wavelength; anda camera head, which is configured to be mounted in proximity to a bed in which the infant is to be placed, and which comprises an image sensor and an infrared illumination source, which is configured to illuminate the bed with radiation at the near infrared wavelength, and which is configured to transmit a video stream of images of the subject in the bed captured by the image sensor to a processor, which analyzes movement of the pattern in the images in order to detect a respiratory motion of the thorax.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the pattern extends around a front claim 1 , a back and sides of the thorax when the garment is fitted around the body of the infant claim 1 , whereby the processor is able to detect the respiratory motion of the thorax regardless of whether the infant is lying on his or her ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137450A1
Автор: Agarwal Aditya

In one aspect, a computerized method breath monitoring and feedback application comprising the steps of providing a breath monitoring and feedback application in a mobile device; providing a means to monitor a user breath; communicating the user breath statistics to the breath monitoring and feedback application; and with the breath monitoring and feedback application, communicating an application mediation technique to the user. 1. A computerized method of a breath monitoring and feedback application comprising:providing a breath monitoring and feedback application in a mobile device;determining a user's breath state;providing a means to monitor a user breath;communicating a user breath statistics to the breath monitoring and feedback application;determining a user's emotional state; andwith the breath monitoring and feedback application, communicating an application mediation technique to the user, wherein the application mediation technique is selected based on the user's breath state and the user's emotional state.2. The computerized method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the user's breath state comprises:attaching a strain gauge to a load cell; andstrapping the strain gauge and the load cell around a user's diaphragm.3. The computerized method of claim 1 , wherein the means to monitor a user breath comprises the strain gauge attached to the load cell.4. The computerized method of claim 2 , wherein the step of determining the user's breath state comprises:calibrating the loadcell using a circumference of the user's diaphragm at a resting state; andas user breaths in and out, measuring a displacement force on the load cell.5. The computerized method of further comprising:coupling, via a local area network, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a heartrate monitor to the breath monitoring and feedback application, wherein the accelerometer, the gyroscope and the heartrate monitor are worn by the user while the user is performing a breathing exercise.6. ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110705A1

A stimulation device includes an adapter component to increase the usability of the stimulation device. The adapter may be a bipolar adapter arranged to connect to the housing of the stimulation device. The adapter may include a clip having a first channel configured to receive an operative element therein and a second channel having a return operative element therein. The return operative element is in electrical communication with an electrical circuit of said stimulation control device. Alternatively, the adapter may be a percutaneous adapter comprising a connector configured to connect to an operative element of a stimulation device and a lead wire connected to the connector. A needle may be connected to the lead wire to deliver a electrical stimulation signal to a target tissue located beneath the skin of a subject patient. 1. A bipolar adapter comprising:a clip arranged to connect to a stimulation control device, the clip comprising: a first channel configured to receive an operative element therein; and a second channel;a return operative element positioned within the second channel; andwherein the return operative element is in electrical communication with an electrical circuit of said stimulation control device.2. The bipolar adapter of claim 1 , wherein said operative element includes an insulated portion and a non-insulated tip extending beyond an end of said clip.3. The bipolar adapter of claim 1 , wherein said return operative element includes an insulated portion and a non-insulated tip extending beyond an end of said clip.4. The bipolar adapter of claim 1 , wherein said clip comprises a first portion and a second portion formed at an angle with respect to the first portion.5. The bipolar adapter of claim 4 , wherein the angle of the first portion and second portion are configured to match an angle of said operative element.6. The bipolar adapter of claim 1 , wherein said first channel and said second channel have generally semi-circular cross- ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110715A1

There is provided a method, apparatus, computer program product and wearable device for monitoring volumetric change of a lung during a breathing cycle by using an electronic signal. The method comprises: receiving by a receiver an electronic signal transmitted from a transmitter, wherein at least part of a path of the signal contours at least part of a chest wall of the lung; determining by the receiver measurements of an attribute of the signal received at the beginning and the end of a time interval during the breathing cycle; calculating by a processor a change in length of the signal path during the time interval based on the measurements of the attribute of the signal received at the beginning and the end of the time interval; and calculating by the processor a volumetric change during the time interval based on the change in signal path length. 1. A method of detecting a breathing pattern during one or more breathing cycles by using an electronic signal , the method comprising:receiving by a receiver an electronic signal transmitted from a transmitter, wherein a path of the electronic signal contours at least part of a circumference of a chest wall;determining by the receiver measurements of an attribute of the electronic signal received at the beginning and the end of a time interval during a breathing cycle of the one or more breathing cycles;calculating by a processor a change in length of the path of the electronic signal during the time interval based on the measurements of the attribute of the electronic signal; anddetecting by the processor a breathing pattern based on the change in length of the path of the electronic signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the breathing pattern is selected from a set of pre-defined breathing patterns including pathological breathing patterns.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electronic signal is a radio frequency (RF) signal.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the RF signal is selected such that a carrier ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus For Providing A Breath-Hold Feedback Signal To A Patient During Respiration

Номер: US20180116586A1
Автор: Thompson Colin

Systems, devices, and methods for providing a feedback signal to assist a patient in repeating a breath-hold at the same point in successive respiratory cycles. The tracking device includes: a spring-biased wheel; a strap configured to wrap around a patient and having a segment configured to wind around a portion of the wheel when the patient exhales, and to unwind when the patient inhales; and a processor configured to detect an angular position of the wheel and to present the patient with a corresponding feedback signal. 1. A respiratory tracking device comprising:a spring-biased wheel;a strap configured to wrap around a patient and having a segment configured to wind around a portion of the wheel when the patient exhales, and to unwind when the patient inhales; anda processor configured to detect an angular position of the wheel and to present the patient with a corresponding feedback signal.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a transducer configured to convert the angular position of the wheel into the feedback signal.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the transducer comprises an accelerometer.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the transducer comprises at least one of a strain gauge claim 2 , rotary encoder claim 2 , gyrometer claim 2 , and magnetometer.5. The device of claim 2 , wherein the transducer comprises a slotted wheel.6. The device of claim 5 , further comprising an emitter and a detector configured to pass a beam through the slotted wheel.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the processor is configured to track successive interruptions in the beam.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the feedback signal comprises a visual display.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the feedback signal comprises a haptic signal.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the feedback signal comprises a visual signal combined with one of a haptic signal and an audio signal.11. A method of facilitating a breath-hold event at a predetermined point within a respiratory cycle ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Automatic correlation modeling of an internal target

Номер: US20160121140A1
Принадлежит: Accuray Inc

A method and apparatus to automatically control the timing of an image acquisition by an imaging system in developing a correlation model of movement of a target within a patient.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119255A1

An integrated cardio-respiratory system that fuses continuously recorded data from multiple physiological sensor sources to acquire signals representative of acoustic events caused by physiological phenomena occurring in the cardiac and/or arterial structures underneath particular areas of the chest and/or neck to monitor cardiac and respiratory conditions. 1. A multi-sensor cardio-respiratory system , comprising:(a) a first sensor comprising an acoustic sensor disposed at a location external to a subject;(b) a second sensor disposed at a location external to a user, the second sensor configured to measure a physiological characteristic of the subject;(c) a computer processor; and (i) synchronously acquiring data from the first sensor and the second sensor;', '(ii) detecting one or more events in an acoustic signal acquired from the first sensor as a function of acquired data from the second sensor; and', '(iii) determining one or more cardio or respiratory conditions of the patient based on the one or more detected events., '(d) a memory storing instructions executable on the processor, the instructions, when executed by the processor, performing steps comprising2. A system as recited in :wherein the first sensor is located at a different location on the subject than the second sensor; andwherein various spatial resolution of sensors enables detection of waveform differences between the different locations.3. A system as recited in claim 1 , wherein detecting one or more events comprises acquiring spatial and temporal information regarding acoustic event source and propagation.4. A system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second sensor comprises an electrocardiogram (ECG) for monitoring an ECG signal of the patient.5. A system as recited in :wherein the first sensor comprises a cardiac acoustic sensor located at a location external to the subject associated with the subject's heart; andwherein the system further comprises a third sensor comprising a respiratory ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150126879A1

A method, apparatus, and system for measuring respiratory effort of a subject are provided. A thorax effort signal and an abdomen effort signal are obtained. The thorax effort signal and the abdomen effort signal are each divided into a volume-contributing component of the respiratory effort and a paradox component. The paradox component represents a non-volume-contributing component of the respiratory effort. The abdomen paradox component is negatively proportional to the thoracic paradox component. The thorax effort signal or the abdomen effort signal or both are weighted by a weight factor to obtain a volume-proportional signal. The volume-proportional signal is proportional to the actual respiratory volume of the respiratory effort. A calibration factor for calibrating the thorax effort signal and the abdomen effort signal is obtained by optimizing the weight factor by minimizing thoracic paradox component and the abdomen paradox component. 1. A method of measuring respiratory effort of a subject , the method comprising:obtaining a thorax effort signal (T), the thorax effort signal (T) being an indicator of a thoracic component of the respiratory effort;obtaining an abdomen effort signal (A), the abdomen effort signal (A) being an indicator of an abdominal component of the respiratory effort;{'sub': ST', 'T', 'T', 'ST, 'separating the thorax effort signal (T) into a volume-contributing thoracic component (V) and a thoracic paradox component (P), the thoracic paradox component (P) representing a non-volume-contributing thoracic component of the respiratory effort, and the volume-contributing thoracic component (V) representing a volume-contributing component of the respiratory effort;'}{'sub': SA', 'A', 'A', 'SA', 'A', 'T, 'separating the abdomen effort signal (A) into a volume-contributing abdominal component (V) and an abdomen paradox component (P), the abdomen paradox component (P) representing a non-volume-contributing abdominal component of the respiratory ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Semiconductor integrated circuit and respiratory motion testing apparatus

Номер: US20190117122A1
Принадлежит: Socionext Inc

A pulse signal generator circuit generates first and second pulse signals for electrodes placed on the chest of a subject with phases that differ by 180°. A rectifier circuit receives a potential difference signal, which reflects an impedance between the electrodes that changes according to respiratory motion and in which timing of changes caused by changes in the first pulse signal or the second pulse signal is delayed from the timing of the changes in the first pulse signal and the second pulse signal, and outputs a rectified signal produced by rectifying the potential difference signal. A control signal generator circuit causes the rectifier circuit to invert the potential difference signal, which becomes a negative voltage value from the certain timing, to a positive voltage value from the certain timing. An AD converter circuit outputs a digital value based on the magnitude of the rectified signal.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210153955A1
Автор: Krimsky William S.

Disclosed are systems, devices and methods for providing proximity awareness to an anatomical feature while navigating inside a patient's chest, an exemplary method including receiving image data of the patient's chest, generating a three-dimensional (3D) model of the patient's chest based on the received image data, determining a location of the anatomical feature based on the received image data and the generated 3D model, tracking a position of an electromagnetic sensor included in a tool, iteratively determining a position of the tool inside the patient's chest based on the tracked position of the electromagnetic sensor, and indicating a proximity of the tool relative to the anatomical feature, based on the determined position of the tool inside the patient's chest. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for providing proximity awareness to an anatomical feature while navigating inside a patient's chest , the method comprising:determining a location of the anatomical feature based on at least one of received image data of the patient's chest or a 3D model of the patient's chest;tracking a position of a microwave ablation device configured to deliver energy to tissue to create a growing ablation zone;indicating a proximity of the microwave ablation device relative to the anatomical feature, based on the tracked position of the microwave ablation device inside the patient's chest;tracking a position of a tool;indicating a proximity of the tool relative to the anatomical feature and a proximity of the tool relative to the microwave ablation device; anddetermining whether a boundary of the growing ablation zone created by the microwave ablation device is approaching the anatomical feature by determining whether the boundary of the growing ablation zone is approaching a predetermined distance from the anatomical feature.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:determining whether the microwave ablation device is within a predetermined distance from the anatomical ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128641A1

An actigraphy method includes receiving a physiological parameter signal as a function of time for a physiological parameter other than body motion (such as electrocardiography or a respiration monitor), computing a body motion artifact (BMA) signal as a function of time from the physiological parameter signal (for example, using a local signal power signal, a local variance signal, a short-time Fourier transform, or a wavelet transform over epochs of duration on order a few minutes or less), and computing an actigraphy signal as a function of time from the BMA signal, for example by applying a linear transform to the BMA signal and optionally applying filtering such as median removal and/or high-pass filtering. 1. A physiological monitoring device comprising:a sensor configured to generate a physiological parameter signal as a function of time for a physiological parameter other than body motion; andan electronic digital signal processing (DSP) device configured to perform operations including:computing a body motion artifact (BMA) signal as a function of time from the physiological parameter signal, andcomputing an actigraphy signal as a function of time from the BMA signal.2. The physiological monitoring device of wherein the sensor includes an electrocardiography (ECG) sensor and the physiological parameter includes one or more of (i) at least one ECG trace and (ii) a heart rate.3. The physiological monitoring device of wherein the sensor includes a respiratory sensor and the physiological parameter includes a respiration rate.4. The physiological monitoring device of wherein the sensor includes a Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography (RIP) sensor.5. The physiological monitoring device of wherein computing a BMA signal as a function of time from the physiological parameter signal comprises computing a local signal power signal from the physiological parameter signal.6. The physiological monitoring device of wherein computing a BMA signal as a function of time ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125444A1

The present invention relates to device, system and method for detecting a cardiac and/or respiratory disease of a subject. The proposed device comprises a sound input () for obtaining a sound signal representing sounds generated by the subject's body; a motion input () for obtaining a motion signal representing motions generated by the subject's body; and a processor () for processing the obtained sound signal and motion signal. This processing includes identifying inhalation and/or exhalation periods of the subject based on the motion signal, detecting abnormal lung sounds during inhalation and/or exhalation periods based on the sound signal, determining abnormal lung sound characteristics of the detected abnormal lung sounds, determining breathing characteristics of the subject's breathing based on the sound signal, determining the phase of the abnormal lung sounds in the inhalation-exhalation cycle, and detecting a cardiac and/or respiratory disease of the subject based on the determined abnormal lung sound characteristics, the determined breathing characteristics and the determined phase of the abnormal lung sounds in the inhalation-exhalation cycle. 1. Device for detecting a cardiac and/or respiratory disease of a subject , comprising:a sound input for obtaining a sound signal representing sounds generated by the subject's body;a motion input for obtaining a motion signal representing motions generated by the subject's body; anda processor for processing the obtained sound signal and motion signal byidentifying inhalation and/or exhalation periods of the subject based on the motion signal,detecting abnormal lung sounds during inhalation and/or exhalation periods based on the sound signal,determining abnormal lung sound characteristics of the detected abnormal lung sounds,determining breathing characteristics of the subject's breathing based on the sound signal,determining the phase of the abnormal lung sounds in the inhalation-exhalation cycle, the phase ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Monitoring physiological status based on bio-vibrational and radio frequency data analysis

Номер: US20210161480A1
Принадлежит: Zoll Medical Corp

A patient monitoring device includes an ECG sensor coupled to a patient, a sensor coupled to the patient and configured to bio-vibrational signals, and a radio frequency monitoring device configured to produce information responsive to electromagnetic energy reflected from the patient's thoracic cavity. A processor processes the ECG signals, the bio-vibrational signals, and the radio frequency information to generate a plurality of physiological parameters of the patient. The processor also performs at least one of a predictive analysis and a trend analysis of the plurality of physiological to determine a current clinical condition of the patient. The trend analysis includes determining a substantial relationship between changes in the plurality of physiological parameters. The processor can also compare the current clinical condition of the patient to predetermined clinically actionable criteria to determine one or more clinically actionable events and provide an output relating to one or more clinically actionable events.

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140213937A1
Принадлежит: The General Hospital Corporation

Systems and methods detect respiration of a subject, process respiration data, and based on the processed respiration data, perform extended monitoring. A monitoring system is configured with sensors that can be worn by the subject to provide the respiration data. The respiration data is processes to create a stability index. The stability index is used to, for example, determine sleep stages. 122-. (canceled)23. A system configured to monitor sleep of a subject , the system comprising:a garment forming substrate having a elasticity;a first conductive pad engaged with the substrate and extending along a length and a width to form a plane;a second conductive pad engaged with the substrate, extending along a length and a width to form a plane, and arranged proximate to the first conductive plane;a dielectric gap formed between the first and second conductive pads such that at least one of a length and a width of the first conductive pad extends substantially in parallel to at least one of a length and a width of the second conductive pad;a processor coupled to the first conductive pad and the second conductive pad and configured to monitor a relative capacitance between the first conductive pad and the second conductive pad as the dielectric gap is varied in response to movement imparted to the substrate and generate an indication of a characteristic of the movement imparted to the substrate.24. The system of wherein the processor is further configured to translate the characteristic of the movement imparted to the substrate into an indication of respiration.25. The system of wherein the first pad and the second pad are formed from at least one of conductive fabric claim 23 , thread claim 23 , metal film claim 23 , and conductive ink.26. A system configured to monitor sleep of a subject claim 23 , the system comprising:a elastic substrate configured to be mounted to the subject;a sensor mounted on the elastic substrate and configured to determine movement of the ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180132792A1

A wearable medical device is provided. The wearable medical device includes a garment that includes a sensing electrode, at least one of an inductive element and a capacitive element included in at least part of the garment, and a controller. The controller may be configured to determine a confidence level of information received from the sensing electrode based on at least one of an inductance of the inductive element and a capacitance of the capacitive element. 1. A wearable medical device , comprising:a garment in the shape of a vest or a shirt worn by a subject, the garment comprising a plurality of electrocardiograph sensing electrodes configured to receive electrocardiograph information from the subject;at least two therapy electrodes held by the garment against the subject's skin and configured to apply treatment to the subject;at least one of an inductive element having an inductance and a capacitive element having a capacitance included in at least part of the garment;detector circuitry configured to monitor for a change in at least one of the inductance and the capacitance; and determine whether the garment has stretched beyond a predetermined tolerance threshold based on the change in the at least one of the inductance and the capacitance, and', 'cause the wearable medical device to provide a notification responsive to determining that the garment has stretched beyond the predetermined tolerance threshold., 'a controller in communication with the detector circuitry, the controller configured to'}2. The wearable medical device of claim 1 , wherein the notification is provided to at least one of a doctor of the subject claim 1 , a family member of the subject claim 1 , a friend of the subject claim 1 , a health care provider proximate to the subject claim 1 , and a health care provider at a remote location.3. The wearable medical device of claim 1 , wherein the notification is provided one of audibly claim 1 , visually claim 1 , or haptically.4. The ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180132833A1

An automatic robotic apparatus for conducting a minimally invasive surgical procedure includes a robotic arm having a movable member made as the multilink active actuator. The end portion of the multilink active actuator is provided with the connector to which the hollow head for a needle biopsy is attached. The operation of the U-shaped head is under full control of the robotic apparatus computer system. Results of pre-procedure studies of a site of interest and the progression of the surgical procedure are displayed on a monitor of the computer system. 1. An automatic robotic apparatus for conducting a minimally invasive surgical procedure , comprising:a robotic arm which movable member comprises a means for conducting a transcutaneous needle biopsy, the surgical procedure of which being controlled by a computer system, and the course of which being displayed on the monitor screen,wherein robotic arm contains a pressurized anesthetic and a pressurized antiseptic, a means used for giving deep anesthesia, and a control unit cooperating with servo drives mechanically controlling the movable member and the means for conducting a transcutaneous needle biopsy, being comprised of a U-shaped head accommodating an output through hole for delivering an anesthetic and an antiseptic for surface anesthesia, a guide needle for intratissular anesthesia, a guide needle for a needle biopsy, and a control unit for said needles; athe computer system receiving and processing virtual CT slices of a focal mass that are transmitted by the CT scanner computer system and mapping out and subsequently modeling a minimally invasive surgical procedure.2. The automatic robotic apparatus claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein an antiseptic and an anesthetic are contained in aerosol cylinders.3. The automatic robotic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the robotic arm is fixedly attached to the floor or to the ceiling.4. The automatic robotic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Garments having stretchable and conductive ink

Номер: US20150143601A1
Принадлежит: Life Corporation SA

Methods of forming garments having one or more stretchable conductive ink patterns. Described herein are method of making garments (including compression garments) having one or more highly stretchable conductive ink pattern formed of a composite of an insulative adhesive, a conductive ink, and an intermediate gradient zone between the adhesive and conductive ink. The conductive ink typically includes between about 40-60% conductive particles, between about 30-50% binder; between about 3-7% solvent; and between about 3-7% thickener. The stretchable conductive ink patterns may be stretched more than twice their length without breaking or rupturing.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190132950A1

A textile-based electrode system includes a first fabric layer having an inner and an outer surface. The inner surface includes a knitted electrode configured to be placed in contact with the skin of a user. A second fabric layer is disposed and configured to contact the outer surface of the first fabric layer. The second fabric layer includes a knitted conductive pathway configured to be electrically coupled to the knitted electrode. Furthermore, a third fabric layer is configured and disposed to contact the second fabric layer. A connector is disposed on the third fabric layer and is configured to be electrically coupled to the knitted conductive pathway. The second fabric layer can be folded about a first fold axis and the third fabric layer can be folded about a second fold axis to place the second fabric layer in contact with the first fabric layer and the third fabric layer. 1. A textile-based electrode system , comprising:a first fabric layer having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface including a knitted electrode configured to be placed in contact with the skin of a user;a second fabric layer disposed and configured to contact the outer surface of the first fabric layer, the second fabric layer including a knitted conductive pathway configured to be electrically coupled to the knitted electrode;a third fabric layer disposed and configured to contact the second fabric layer; anda connector disposed on the third fabric layer and configured to be electrically coupled to the knitted conductive pathway.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second fabric layer is folded about a first fold axis to place the second fabric layer in contact with the outer surface of the first fabric layer.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the third fabric layer is folded about a second fold axis to place the third fabric layer in contact with the second fabric layer.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein first fabric layer is coupled to the second fabric layer and ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Body motion monitor

Номер: US20190133499A1
Автор: Ditza Auerbach
Принадлежит: BreatheVision Ltd

A system for monitoring the respiratory activity of a subject, which comprises one or more movement sensors, applied to the thorax of a subject, for generating first signals that are indicative of movement of the thorax of the subject; a receiver for receiving the first generated signals during breathing motion of the subject; and one or more computing devices in data communication with the receiver, for analyzing the breathing motion. The computing device is operable to generate a first breathing pattern from the first signals; divide each respiratory cycle experienced by the subject and defined by the first pattern into a plurality of portions, each of the portions delimited by two different time points and calculate, for each of the plurality of portions of a given respiratory cycle of the first pattern, a slope representing a thorax velocity; derive, from the given respiratory cycle of the first pattern, a pulmonary air flow rate of the subject during predetermined portions of the respiratory cycle; compare between corresponding portions of the first pattern and average flow rates during different phases of the breathing cycle, to calibrate a thorax velocities of the subject with pulmonary air flow rates; and determine respiratory characteristics of the subject for subsequent respiratory cycles experienced by the subject, based on a calculated thorax velocity and the calibration.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Condition Detector

Номер: US20200129117A1
Автор: Bruce Colin Henderson
Принадлежит: Altair Medical Ltd

An overdose detector that includes a motion sensor mounted or mountable on a chest wall and configured to detect chest wall movement, and wherein the overdose detector is configured to detect and/or predict an overdose based on the detected chest wall movement. Also described herein are associated systems, methods and computer program products.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Method for processing an accelerometric signal

Номер: US20210169378A1

A signal-processing method comprises storing, in memory, a first initial signal generated by a first set of at least one three-axis accelerometer positioned in a thoracic position of an individual. A second initial signal, generated by a second set of at least one three-axis accelerometer in an abdominal position of the individual, is also stored in the memory. The second initial signal is synchronised with the first initial signal. The data of the first initial signal is processed to compute a first final vector, representing thoracic forces experienced by the first set of at least one three-axis accelerometer. The data of the second initial signal is processed to compute a second final vector, representing abdominal forces experienced by the second set of at least one three-axis accelerometer.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Device and method for detecting respiratory movements

Номер: US20150148683A1
Принадлежит: 2-OBSERVE SA

The invention relates to a method for determining the presence of a respiratory movement in a human or an animal. This method comprises the detection of a movement by a passive infrared detector and the analysis of signals transmitted by this detector. The invention also relates to an apparatus for executing a method of detecting a respiratory movement.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180140208A1
Принадлежит: Hidalgo Limited

A monitoring device wearable by a person to be monitored, comprising: one or more sensing means for sensing cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information from the person; processing means for analysing the sensed information; memory means for storing the sensed and/or analysed information; and communication means for transmitting at least the analysed information. At least one waveform acquired from the sensed cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information is digitised in real time; analysis of the sensed and/or digitised information is performed in real-time and a welfare indication of the person computed in real-time; and the computed welfare indication of the person is transmitted by the communication means and/or stored in the memory means. 1134-. (canceled)135. A monitoring device wearable by a person to be monitored , comprising:one or more sensing means for sensing cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information from the person;processing means for analysing the sensed information and capable of processing the (primary) cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information to derive secondary cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information;memory means for storing the sensed and/or analysed information; andcommunication means for transmitting at least a portion of the analysed information, wherein:at least one waveform acquired from the sensed cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information is digitised in real-time;analysis of the sensed and/or digitised information is performed in real-time and a welfare indication of the person computed in real-time; andthe computed welfare indication of the person is transmitted by the communication means and/or stored in the memory means,the welfare indication is determinable by analysis and/or comparison of at least two forms of information selected from the primary and/or secondary cardio, respiratory, physiological and/or other information, with ...
