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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 8640. Отображено 200.
20-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2322233C2
Принадлежит: АЛЬКОН, ИНК. (CH)

Изобретение относится к медицине. Имплантируемое устройство для доставки медикаментов содержит корпус и выполненное в нем углубление для удерживания медикамента, сетку, сконструированную и размещенную для покрытия верхней части указанного углубления, при фиксировании сетки на указанном корпусе. Устройство для доставки медикамента внутри тела животного вблизи болезненного состояния содержит корпус, имеющий первую лицевую поверхность, вторую лицевую поверхность, периметр и углубление для медикамента между первой и второй лицевыми поверхностями, и сетку. Сетка фиксирована на первой лицевой поверхности вблизи пересечения углубления с первой лицевой поверхностью корпуса. При лечении заболевания внутри глаза животного осуществляют надрез в склере, вводят устройство для доставки медикаментов через надрез. Количество и размер отверстий в сетке подбирают в зависимости от свойств медикамента. Изобретение позволяет создать простую и легко производимую имплантируемую систему, а также контролировать ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604943C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины. Устройство офтальмологической линзы с энергообеспечением и с системой контроля васкуляризации сетчатки содержит: несущую вставку, содержащую переднюю и заднюю криволинейные дугообразные поверхности, причем передняя криволинейная и задняя криволинейные дугообразные поверхности формируют полость, способную содержать источник энергии, имеющий размеры в соответствии с площадью внутри полости, причем источник энергии электрически соединен и способен обеспечивать энергией микропьезоэлектрический элемент с электронной схемой обратной связи и контроллером, причем контроллер содержит вычислительный процессор, осуществляющий цифровую связь с цифровым устройством хранения данных, и причем в цифровом устройстве хранения данных хранится программный код; передатчик, находящийся в логической связи с процессором, а также в логической связи с сетью передачи данных, причем программное обеспечение выполняется по запросу и позволяет процессору: принимать данные ...

27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2234894C2

Изобретение относится к области медицинской техники, а именно к средствам для лечения глаукомы. Расширительное устройство, используемое в глазу для снижения избыточного внутриглазного давления путем улучшения дренирования жидкости через шлеммов канал и в самом канале, содержит основную часть из биологически совместимого материала. Указанная основная часть изогнута с образованием частично открытого желобообразного прохода, проходящего вдоль части длины указанной основной части и выполненного с возможностью расположения своей открытой стороны к коллекторным канальцам глаза. Внешний диаметр основной части составляет от 0,1 до 0,5 мм, а ее длина составляет от 1 до 40 мм. Для лечения глаукомы размещают по меньшей мере одно указанное расширительное устройство в шлеммовом канале. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить нормальный физиологический путь для дренирования водянистой влаги в шлеммов канал и через него. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

15-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2723534C2
Принадлежит: МАНИ, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к канюлям. Канюля, снабженная прокалывающей иглой, содержит: канюлю, выполненную с возможностью введения в глазное яблоко и применимую при офтальмологических операциях; полимерный колпачок, имеющий щель, открытую в канюлю; и прокалывающую иглу, прикрепленную к канюле, отличающаяся тем, что прокалывающая игла состоит из основной части иглы на стороне переднего конца, опорной части на стороне опорного конца, и щелепроходной части, проходящей сквозь щель в состоянии, в котором основная часть иглы и опорная часть соединены посредством щелепроходной части, и площадь поперечного сечения щелепроходной части представляет собой плоский прямоугольник и меньше, чем площадь поперечного сечения самой толстой части основной части иглы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2527353C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины. Кольцеобразное устройство предназначено для ношения на поверхности склеры, имеет отверстие для сохранения роговицы открытой, а также промежуточный участок между участком внутренней кромки и участком наружной кромки. Участок внутренней кромки имеет толщину в пределах 0,05-0,3 мм. Участок наружной кромки имеет толщину пределах 0,05-0,3 мм. Промежуточный участок имеет толщину в пределах 0,08-0,4 мм. Толщина участка с наибольшей толщиной на промежуточном участке превышает на 0,03 мм или более как максимальную толщину участка внутренней кромки, так и максимальную толщину участка наружной кромки. Другой варианте устройство может быть насыщено лекарственным средством. Настоящее изобретение нацелено на создание кольцеобразного устройства, обеспечивающего повышенное удобство ношения и повышенную устойчивость во внутриглазной среде в процессе ношения в полости глаза. Способ переноса лекарственного средства включает наложение устройства и перенос лекарственного ...

11-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2630601C2

Изобретение относится к полупроводниковым устройствам, содержащим матрицу из удерживающих ячеек, в которой каждая удерживающая ячейка сконфигурирована с возможностью содержания медикамента, и каждая удерживающая ячейка содержит элемент активации ячейки, сконфигурированный для высвобождения медикамента из удерживающей ячейки при получении триггера активации. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

12-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672124C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Контактная линза содержит: юбку гидрогеля, причем юбка гидрогеля отлита в форме контактной линзы и содержит дугообразную заднюю поверхность, расположенную вблизи роговицы пользователя во время использования контактной линзы; вставку, причем вставка содержит один или более компонентов, установленных на ней, при этом вставка является газонепроницаемой и непроницаемой для протекания жидкости через ее корпус; первую область юбки гидрогеля, причем первая область юбки гидрогеля представляет собой тот участок юбки гидрогеля, который находится между поверхностью вставки и роговицей пользователя во время использования контактной линзы; и средство в контактной линзе, предназначенное для увеличения уровней кислорода в жидкости, находящейся в контакте с первой областью, причем указанное средство содержит по меньшей мере одну прорезанную пору, продолжающуюся через вставку и расположенную так, чтобы находиться в жидкостном контакте с первой областью. Вставка содержит ...

12-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740165C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Устройство включает в себя корпус, канюлю и иглу. Канюля является гибкой и продолжается в дистальном направлении из корпуса. Игла выполнена с возможностью скольжения в канюле. Игла содержит острый дистальный наконечник и изогнутый участок. Игла выполнена с возможностью поступательного перемещения относительно канюли между проксимальным положением и дистальным положением. Дистальный наконечник выполнен с возможностью расположения внутри канюли, когда игла находится в проксимальном положении. Дистальный наконечник выполнен с возможностью расположения снаружи канюли, когда игла находится в дистальном положении. Игла упруго отклоняется для продолжения по кривой на протяжении изогнутого участка. Применение данной группы изобретений позволит расширить арсенал технических средств. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2452438C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Втулка по первому, второму и третьему вариантам содержит корпус и резервуар. Втулка по третьему варианту, кроме упомянутого, также содержит буртик, который опирается на наружную часть слезной точки, когда втулка слезной точки вводится в слезный каналец. Корпус по первому и второму вариантам имеет первый конец, второй конец и латеральную поверхность, простирающуюся между этими двумя концами. Упомянутая латеральная поверхность имеет форму круга в поперечном сечении и наружный диаметр. Часть упомянутой латеральной поверхности имеет наружный диаметр, который больше, чем наружный диаметр остальной части латеральной поверхности. Корпус по третьему варианту состоит из гибкого полимерного материала, который принимает форму слезного канальца, когда втулка слезной точки вводится в слезный каналец. Резервуар по первому варианту заключен внутрь корпуса и содержит, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие, и вмещает в себя содержащий активный агент материал, содержащий ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2478366C2
Принадлежит: КЛТ ИНК. (CA)

Изобретение относится к медицине. Описана твердая вставка с лекарственным ядром, которая может быть изготовлена с помощью впрыскивания жидкой смеси, включающей терапевтическое средство и исходный матрикс, в оболочку. Впрыскивание можно проводить при температурах, которые ниже температуры окружающей среды. Смесь отверждают, чтобы образовать твердое ядро, включающее лекарственное средство-матрикс. Терапевтическое средство при приблизительно комнатной температуре может быть жидкостью, которая образует дисперсию капель в материале матрикса. Поверхность твердого лекарственного ядра открыта, например, с помощью разрезания трубки, и открытая поверхность твердого лекарственного ядра высвобождает терапевтические количества терапевтического средства, если ядро имплантировано в организм пациента. В некоторых воплощениях тело вставки подавляет высвобождение терапевтического средства, например, с помощью материала, по существу непроницаемого для терапевтического средства, так что терапевтические количества ...

31-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016132975A3

10-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016152240A3

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496641C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к складному капсульному стекловидному телу, а также к конструкции его литейной формы и способу изготовления. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является повышение биосовместимости и эластичности складного капсульного стекловидного тела для искусственного стекловидного тела, а также улучшение технологичности его изготовления. Технический результат достигается литейной формой для изготовления складного искусственного стекловидного тела, которая содержит верхнюю форму, нижнюю форму и сердечник, расположенный между верхней формой и нижней формой. При этом сердечник соединен со штырем дренажной трубки. Штырь дренажной трубки соединен с каналом впрыска пластика, а на верхней форме и/или нижней форме выполнены отверстия для нагрева. 3 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил., 1 табл.

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578086C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии. Способ включает выполнение воспринимающего ложа и имплантацию в него по меньшей мере одного трансплантата. В качестве материала для изготовления трансплантата используют фрагмент ногтевой пластинки самого пациента, который моделируют по форме воспринимающего ложа, а после стерилизации перед имплантацией трансплантат выдерживают в сухой атмосфере. Способ обеспечивает адаптацию трансплантата к форме воспринимающего ложа в результате естественного разбухания и использования аутотрансплантата, близкого по своему химическому составу и физическим свойствам к тканям глаза. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 4 пр.

10-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007132699A

... 1. Глазной микроимплантат для имплантации в глаз, содержащий: гомогенную смесь одного или более активного ингредиента и одного или более биоразлагаемого полимера, отличающийся тем, что он имеет диаметр 0,019 дюймов или менее. ! 2. Микроимплантат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он имеет диаметр 0,015 дюймов или менее. ! 3. Микроимплантат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он имеет диаметр 10 мм или менее. ! 4. Микроимплантат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он имеет длину 7 мм или менее. ! 5. Микроимплантат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он имеет длину 1 мм или менее. ! 6. Микроимплантат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный один или более биоразлагаемый полимер представляет собой сополимер полимолочной и полигликолевой кислот (ПМГК). ! 7. Микроимплантат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный активный ингредиент представляет собой противовоспалительный агент. ! 8. Микроимплантат по п.7, отличающийся тем, что указанный противовоспалительный агент представляет собой стероидный противовоспалительный ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008143224A

... 1. Глазной имплантант, вставляемый в глазную полость, где глазной имплантат включает: ! центрально расположенный элемент, простирающийся вдоль продольной оси, от части проксимального конца к части дистального конца и имеющий промежуточную часть между ними; и ! способную к расширению, не способный к набуханию в жидкости удерживающую структуру, сцепленную с или располагающуюся вокруг части центрально расположенного элемента, причем удерживающая структура сконфигурована так, что когда она имплантирована в окулярный просвет, удерживающая структура расширяется для смещения, по крайней мере, части удерживающей структуры, расположенной рядом с промежуточной частью или частью дистального конца центрально расположенного элемента против, по крайней мере, части стенки окулярного просвета. ! 2. Глазной имплантат по п.1, где удерживающая структура расширяется из конфигурации с первым сечением, пригодной для вставления в глазную полость до конфигурации со вторым сечением большего диаметра для смещения ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009101794A

... 1. Втулка слезной точки, содержащая ! корпус, имеющий первый конец, второй конец и латеральную поверхность, простирающуюся между этими двумя концами; ! резервуар, заключенный внутрь корпуса, где резервуар содержит, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие, и содержит содержащий активный агент материал, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один активный агент; и ! где корпус непроницаем для активного агента. ! 2. Втулка слезной точки, содержащая ! корпус, имеющий первый конец, второй конец и латеральную поверхность, простирающуюся между этими двумя концами; ! резервуар, заключенный внутрь корпуса, где резервуар включает одно отверстие на первом конце, втором конце или и на первом, и втором концах корпуса, и содержит содержащий активный агент материал, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один активный агент; и ! где корпус непроницаем для активного агента. ! 3. Втулка слезной точки по п.1, где латеральная поверхность корпуса имеет наружный диаметр, который является, по существу, круговым по форме, и часть латеральной ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011138234A

... 1. Способ создания указателя для радиального выравнивания в отношении глаза, содержащий:сбор предоперационных данных по выравниванию в отношении зрачка глаза, который не дилатирован;определение местоположения центра зрачка глаза, когда он дилатирован; а такжеотображение данных по выравниванию на изображении дилатированного глаза по отношению к центру зрачка.2. Способ по п.1, в котором отображение данных выравнивания содержит отображение радиальной сетки.3. Способ по п.1, в котором отображение данных выравнивания содержит отображение, по меньшей мере, одного меридиана в отношении глаза.4. Способ по п.3, дополнительно содержащий выравнивание протрактора по отношению к меридиану.5. Способ по п.1, в котором отображение данных выравнивания дополнительно содержит отображение радиальной сетки.6. Способ по п.1, в котором определение местоположения центра зрачка содержит перемещение координатно-указательного устройства в ручном режиме для определения центральной точки глаза.7. Способ по п.1, в котором ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119813A

... 1. Режущий инструмент для подачи лекарственного средства, содержащий:трубку, задающую продольную ось режущего инструмента для подачи лекарственного средства, при этом трубка имеет ближний конец и дальний конец;полость, которая простирается продольно от ближнего конца трубки до дальнего конца трубки, причем полость заканчивается на дальнем конце трубки отверстием;первый косой срез, который образует заостренный конец на дальнем конце трубки, ирасширяющийся участок вблизи дальнего конца трубки, при этом расширяющийся участок содержит два радиально простирающихся режущих сегмента, причем радиально простирающиеся режущие сегменты имеют заостренные передние края на дальнем конце трубки.2. Режущий инструмент для подачи лекарственного средства по п.1, в котором первый косой срез направлен вверх относительно продольной оси трубки под углом в диапазоне от около 15 градусов до около 45 градусов, измеренном от заостренного конца режущего инструмента.3. Режущий инструмент для подачи лекарственного средства ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012147341A

... 1. Способ введения лекарственного средства в глаз пациента, включающий:введение полой микроиглы в белочную оболочку глаза в месте введения микроиглы, имеющей острый конец с отверстием; ивведение при помощи инфузии в течение определенного периода времени жидкой лекарственной композиции, содержащей лекарственное средство, через вставленную микроиглу в супрахориоидальное пространство глаза,при этом в течение определенного периода введенная при помощи инфузии лекарственная композиция циркулирует в пределах супрахориоидального пространства в стороне от места введения.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в течение определенного периода времени введенная при помощи инфузии жидкая лекарственная композиция протекает, по меньшей мере, на 5 мм в сторону от места введения.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что место введения находится около экватора глаза.4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что место введения находится между экватором и лимбом глаза.5. Способ по п.4, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей ...

06-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017133016A

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010112417A

... 1. Аппарат, включающий лакримальный имплантат, по крайней мере частично вставляемый в слезную точку, причем лакримальный имплантат включает: ! сердцевину имплантата; и ! корпус имплантата, причем корпус имплантата включает полость, выполненную по размеру и форме для вхождения сердцевины имплантата, ! при этом сердцевина имплантата и/или полость имплантата включает обнаруживаемое устройство, приспособленное для обеспечения автоматического обнаружения лакримального имплантата отдельным обнаруживающим устройством. ! 2. Аппарат по п.1, в котором обнаруживаемое устройство включает чип радиочастотной идентификации (РЧИ), приспособленный для передачи обнаруживаемого сигнала на обнаруживающее устройство. ! 3. Аппарат по п.1, в котором обнаруживаемое устройство включает люминесцентный материал, приспособленный для отражения света к обнаруживающему устройству. ! 4. Аппарат по п.3, в котором люминесцентный материал включает квантовую точку. ! 5. Аппарат по п.1, в котором обнаруживаемое устройство ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015119248A

... 1. Глазное устройство, выполненное с возможностью расположения на поверхности глаза по меньшей мере частично под по меньшей мере одним из верхнего и нижнего век глаза и за пределами роговицы глаза для доставки по меньшей мере одного терапевтического средства в глаз в течение продолжительного периода времени, устройство содержит:первую структуру, которая сформирована из первого материала;вторую структуру, которая сформирована из второго материала, который имеет форму сечения и трубчатую структуру, где первая структура идет через просвет трубчатой структуры, и где по меньшей мере часть формы сечения выполнена с возможностью увеличения площади поверхности второй структуры в контакте с глазом, где второй материал отличается от первого материала; ипо меньшей мере одно терапевтическое средство, диспергированное по меньшей мере в одном из первого материала первой структуры или второго материала второй структуры.2. Глазное устройство по п. 1, в котором форму сечения выбирают из группы, состоящей ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014146987A

... 1. Офтальмологическое устройство с системой контроля интраокулярного давления, содержащее:несущую вставку, содержащую переднюю криволинейную дугообразную поверхность и заднюю криволинейную дугообразную поверхность, причем передняя криволинейная дугообразная поверхность и задняя криволинейная дугообразная поверхность образуют полость, способную вмещать источник энергии, выполненный по размеру в соответствии с площадью внутри полости, причем источник энергии электрически соединен и способен обеспечивать энергией микропьезоэлектрический элемент с электронной схемой обратной связи и контроллером, причем контроллер содержит вычислительный процессор, осуществляющий цифровую связь с цифровым устройством хранения данных и причем в цифровом устройстве хранения данных хранится программный код;передатчик, находящийся в логической связи с процессором, а также в логической связи с сетью передачи данных, причем программное обеспечение выполняется по запросу и позволяет процессору:подавать выходной сигнал ...

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004130286A

... 1. Имплантируемое устройство для доставки медикаментов, содержащее углубление, сконструированное и размещенное для удерживания медикамента, причем указанное углубление окружено частью для удерживания углубления, сетку, сконструированную и размещенную для покрытия верхней части указанного углубления, при фиксировании сетки на указанной части для удерживания углубления. 2. Устройство по п. 1, дополнительно содержащее сетку, покрывающую нижнюю часть указанного углубления. 3. Устройство по п. 1, в котором указанное углубление проходит по всей указанной части для удерживания углубления, и нижняя часть указанного углубления представляет собой вторую сетку, сконструированную и размещенную для покрытия нижней части указанного углубления, при фиксировании сетки на указанной части для удерживания углубления. 4. Устройство по п. 1, в котором указанная часть для удерживания углубления является по существу планарной. 5. Устройство по п. 1, в котором размер и количество отверстий в указанной сетке зависит ...

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Буровое лопастное долото

Номер: SU1366627A1

Изобретение относится к породо- разрушающему инструменту и позволяет повысить эффективность работы долота за счет снижения энергоемкости разрушения пород. Долото содержит корпус 1 с замком 2 и ступенчатые лопасти (СЛ) 3, передние грани которых армированы породоразрушающими элементами (ПЭ) 4, расположенными под углом к оси долота; Угол наклона ПЭ 4 на всех ступенях одной и той же СЛ 3 одинаков, а на разных СЛ 3 указанные ПЭ 4 расположены под разными углами к оси долота . Причем ПЭ 4 на идентичных ступенях размещены концентрично и с зазором относительно друг друга. В ходе работы долота ПЭ 4 разрушают породу, образуя на забое кольцевые выступы. Они скалываются при радиальном биении долота, создаваемом за счет разности горизонтальных составляннцих, действукящх на СЛ 3 из-за установки ПЭ 4 под разными углами к оси долота. 2 ил. i (Л ...

24-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002640904A1

12-02-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002135533C3
Принадлежит: ALZA CORP., PALO ALTO, CALIF. (V.ST.A.)

05-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for preparing a cornea or lens implant

Номер: GB0002488546A

There is disclosed a system for use in preparing a lenticular or corneal implant for delivery to an operating site and insertion into a recipient's eye. The system includes a cartridge 16 having a generally tubular portion including a sidewall defining a longitudinal bore, of curvilinear cross section, having open forward and rearward ends; a preparation base 18 comprised of a lower portion and an upper portion, the upper portion having a recess 200 and removably engaging the cartridge 16; and an insert member 100 removably engaging the base in the recess and defining a platform for receiving the implant, and a portion adjacent the platform defining a funnel structure 101 having a wider end facing the platform, and a narrower end facing the open rearward end of the cartridge 16 when the system is assembled. In use, a corneal implant is pulled through the funnel 101 into the cartridge, the tapering of the funnel folds it into a double coil or cardioid shape. The handle is attached, and the ...

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000325840D0

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Opthalmic delivery device

Номер: GB0201516621D0

28-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008426456D0

29-09-2004 дата публикации

Sustained release ophthalmological device and method of making and using the same

Номер: GB0002399753A

An ophthalmological implant and method of making and using the same. One preferred implant (78) is prepared to include an implant member (82). A region (84) includes a pharmaceutical agent and an overlying barrier layer (80) of a bioerodible material, a biodegradable material a bioavailable material or a mixture thereof.

25-02-2004 дата публикации

Instrument for inserting tablets into an eye

Номер: GB0002373190B

06-11-1985 дата публикации

Intra-ocular lens implant

Номер: GB0002157953A

An intra-ocular lens implant comprises a lens and three support members (2,3). The support members disposed on one and the same diametrical side have the form of bent feet terminating in loops (4) facing toward the periphery of the lens. The sector-shaped member (2) is bowed at (5) toward the periphery of the lens and all support members lie in the plane of the lens. ...

13-11-2019 дата публикации

Ophthalmic delivery device

Номер: GB0002548988B
Принадлежит: OXULAR LTD, Oxular Limited

28-01-2009 дата публикации

Syringe actuator

Номер: GB0000823418D0

03-05-2017 дата публикации

Ophthalmic delivery device and ophthalmic drug compositions

Номер: GB0201704211D0

04-09-2019 дата публикации

Surgical device for storage and placement of grafts

Номер: GB0201910386D0

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397934T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357887T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000382384T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000306951T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369843T

15-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: ATA6792001A

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000484302T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486544T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451915T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000427725T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000482676T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535261T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322872T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000304979T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511832T

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Intravitrealinjektioninstrument with UV C disinfection system

Номер: AT0000518935A2

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf einen Aufsatz für Spritzen mit einem zylindrischen, teleskopartig zurückgleitenden Element (6), das einen von der Umgebung abgetrennten Raum zur Injektionsfläche schafft, sowie einer UV-Lichtquelle (7), die mittels der emittierten Strahlung den geschaffenen Raum (8) zusätzlich desinfiziert.

15-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000074752T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000274872T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000261705T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293945T

07-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006512574A

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Ring implant

Номер: AU2017350321A1

In order to make available an implant (100, 104, 110, 117, 118, 130, 137, 143, 148, 154, 156, 10,17, 23) for implantation in an eye (1, 102) and/or on an eye (29, 101), with fixing means (115, 111, 120, 121, 132, 139, 157, 9, 11, 18) arranged in a first plane (109) and with a recess (30, 31, 169, 170) extending substantially in the first plane (109), which implant avoids the disadvantages of the prior art and can be better implanted, particularly as regards measurement of the intraocular pressure and reduced trauma to a patient, it is proposed that the implant (104, 110, 117, 118, 130, 137, 143, 148, 154, 156, 10, 17, 23), in a second plane at a distance from and substantially perpendicular to the first plane (109), has holding means (106, 112, 127, 128, 129, 131, 138, 144, 147, 151, 13, 20, 25) for holding at least one sensor module (134, 141, 146, 149, 14, 28) having a sensor and/or at least one sensor module (134, 141, 146, 149, 14, 28).

11-02-2021 дата публикации

Intraocular delivery of gene therapy expression vectors

Номер: AU2019307911A1

Methods of administering a gene therapy construct to the eye including injection of the construct into the eye and application of an electric current to enhance penetration of or cellular expression of molecules in ocular tissues. These methods provide effective technique for the intraocular delivery of gene therapy vectors, especially AAV vectors, and nanoparticles.

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Ab externo intraocular shunt placement

Номер: AU2020201818A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Placing an intraocular shunt ab extemo into an eye can include inserting the shunt into the eye and either before and/or after insertion, ballooning a target outflow region of the eye to permit an outflow end of the shunt to be enveloped within the ballooned target outflow region. An injector docking device can optionally be used to guide insertion of the needle and shunt into the eye. U)r ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Biodegradable tissue replacement implant and its use

Номер: AU2019385332A1

Tissue replacement implants are disclosed that include polarized retinal pigment epithelial cells on a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffold, wherein the PLGA scaffold is 20-30 microns in thickness, has a DL-lactide/glycotide ratio of about 1:1, an average pore size of less than about 1 micron, and a fiber diameter of about 150 to about 650 nm. Also disclosed are methods of treating a subject with a retinal degenerative disease, retinal or retinal pigment epithelium dysfunction, retinal degradation, retinal damage, or loss of retinal pigment epithelium. These methods include locally administering to the eye of the subject the tissue replacement implant. In further embodiments, methods are disclosed for producing the tissue replacement implant.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Methods and biocompatible compositions to achieve sustained drug release in the eye

Номер: AU2019250153A1
Принадлежит: Baldwins Intellectual Property

A nanostructured biocompatible wafer for placement in the conjunctival cul de-sac. The wafer contains a tissue-reactive mucoadhesive polymer and a mesh formed of a plurality of hydrophobic polymer fibers. Also provided is a method for treating glaucoma, an ocular surface disorder, or an ocular surface infection using the 5 nanostructured biocompatible wafer. Additionally, an injectable sustained-release formulation for treating an ocular disorder is disclosed. The formulation includes a drug contained within a plurality of microparticles formed of a biodegradable polymer and are coated with a tissue-reactive compound. Further provided is a method for treating an ocular disorder by injecting the microparticulate sustained release 10 formulation.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Implants with controlled drug delivery features and methods of using same

Номер: AU2020201236A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Disclosed herein are drug delivery devices and methods for the treatment of ocular disorders requiring targeted and controlled administration of a drug to an interior portion of the eye for reduction or prevention of symptoms of the disorder. The devices are capable of controlled release of one or more drugs and may also include structures which allow for treatment of increased intraocular pressure by permitting aqueous humor to flow out of the anterior chamber of the eye through the device. WO 2015/184173 PCT/US2015/033036 t4l) co ...

26-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005516786A

14-07-2011 дата публикации

Intraocular drug dispenser

Номер: AU2007206638B2

Intraocular drug dispenser including an elongated support member with a pair of opposite ends for anchoring to opposite surfaces of an eye's eye wall, and a string of discrete drug containing capsules for individual time controlled release of their drug contents into an eye's vitreous cavity.

02-06-2011 дата публикации

Improved ocular lens

Номер: AU2004297967B2

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Ocular implant insertion apparatus and methods

Номер: AU2011262787B2

An exemplary ocular implant insertion system includes a case and a preloaded ocular implant insertion apparatus. The apparatus includes first and second movable structures that move the ocular implant in a predetermined sequence. The respective configurations of the case and the ocular implant insertion apparatus are such that the ocular implant insertion apparatus is not removable from the case when the ocular implant insertion apparatus is in the pre-use state and is removable after the first movable structure has moved at least a portion of the optical implant.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Drug eluting ocular implant

Номер: AU2010249683A1

Disclosed herein are drug delivery devices and methods for the treatment of ocular disorders requiring targeted and controlled administration of a drug to an interior portion of the eye for reduction or prevention of symptoms of the disorder. The devices are capable of controlled release of one or more drugs and may also include structures which allows for treatment of increased intraocular pressure by permitting aqueous humor to flow out of the anterior chamber of the eye through the device.

11-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003225829A1

18-02-2002 дата публикации

Artificial trabecula support

Номер: AU0008752601A

23-06-2003 дата публикации

Trabeculectomy (guarded filtration procedure) with tissue re-enforcement

Номер: AU2002353086A8

23-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002353086A1

01-03-2017 дата публикации

Электрод для электростимуляции зрительного нерва и зрительных путей и контроля физиологических параметров орбитальных структур глаза

Номер: RU0000169012U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии, неврологии, нейрохирургии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, физиотерапии, и может быть использована для лечения заболеваний и дистрофических процессов в зрительных путях, глазном яблоке и зрительном нерве. Разработанный электрод для электростимуляции зрительного нерва и зрительных путей и контроля физиологических параметров орбитальных структур обеспечивает постоянную безопасную адресную электростимуляцию зрительного нерва и зрительных путей. Электрод, включающий: полимерную основу, выполненную с возможностью ее размещения вдоль нижней стенки орбиты от переднего орбитального края до вершины орбиты, и расположенные в ней контакты для передачи электрических стимулирующих сигналов на глазное яблоко, зрительный нерв, зрительные пути и снятия физиологических параметров. Причем контакты выполнены с возможностью подключения к блоку управления электрогенератора и объединены в две группы, одна из которых расположена ближе к дистальному концу полимерной основы и выполнена с возможностью преимущественного воздействия на зрительный нерв и зрительные пути, другая - к проксимальному концу и выполнена с возможностью преимущественного воздействия на задний полюс глазного яблока. Ширина полимерной основы уменьшается от проксимального к дистальному концу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 012 U1 (51) МПК A61N 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016132569, 08.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.08.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Давыдов Дмитрий Викторович (RU), Яковлев Александр Евгеньевич (RU) 01.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.08.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2025114 C1, 30.12.1994. RU Адрес для переписки: 119034, Москва, пер. Пречистенский, 20, кв. 9, А.Е. Яковлеву 36214 U1, 10.03.2004. RU 2434639 C2, 27.11.2011. RU 2582407 C2, 27.04. ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Drug delivery device with active iris

Номер: US20120022506A1
Принадлежит: Alcon Research LLC

A device implantable into an eye of a patient for treatment of glaucoma. The device has an implantable dispenser. The dispenser includes an implantable reservoir configured to store a therapeutic agent. Additionally, the dispenser includes an implantable reservoir sensor configured to measure a pressure within the reservoir. The device also has an implantable processor coupled to the implantable reservoir sensor and configured to receive the measurement of the pressure within the reservoir and determine a dosage of therapeutic agent based on the measurement of the pressure within the reservoir. Furthermore, the implantable dispenser is configured to release the dosage of the therapeutic agent at a selectively variable rate from the implantable reservoir into the eye.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Posterior segment drug delivery

Номер: US20120029470A1
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4 Inc

A therapeutic device to release a therapeutic agent comprises a porous structure coupled to a container comprising a reservoir. The reservoir comprises a volume sized to release therapeutic amounts of the therapeutic agent for an extended time when coupled to the porous structure and implanted in the patient. The porous structure may comprise a first side coupled to the reservoir and a second side to couple to the patient to release the therapeutic agent. A plurality of interconnecting channels can extend from the first side to the second side so as to connect a first a plurality of openings on the first side with a second plurality of openings on the second side.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Retrobulbar needle and methods of use

Номер: US20120041369A1
Автор: Bruce Becker
Принадлежит: Individual

A syringe and needle assembly includes a needle that extends through the barrel of the syringe and is attached to a proximal portion of the syringe. The distal end of the needle extends through a sleeve attached to the distal end of the syringe. The proximal end of the needle includes a spring which biases the needle proximally, so that the distal tip of the needle is normally retracted within the sleeve. The assembly can be used for injections in portions of a patient's body including delicate tissues that could be damaged if contacted by the needle tip

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Flow regulating implant, method of manufacture, and delivery device

Номер: US20120053505A1
Автор: Ira Yaron, Orit Yarden
Принадлежит: Optonol Ltd

An implant includes a tube for permitting fluid flow. A flow controlling rod may be inserted within the tube passage. One or more holes around the circumference of the tube may be selectively permanently or temporarily occluded to give desired flow characteristics. A delivery device for implanting the implant may include a central bore in which a retractable wire is located. The retractable wire penetrates a tube passage of the implant. After the implant is in position in the eye, the retention wire is retracted out of the implant. In a method for manufacturing an implant, two tubes of different diameters are utilized. The smaller tube fits inside the longitudinal bore of the larger tube. When the tubes are cut, the smaller tube forms the tube of the implant and the remaining portions of the larger tube form the retention projection and/or disk of the implant.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Implantable Punctal Plug

Номер: US20120055490A1
Принадлежит: Alcon Research LLC

A punctal plug is disclosed, wherein the punctal plug includes a body portion and a retaining portion. The body portion is defined by an open distal end, an open proximal end and a wall portion. The wall portion further includes at least one window extending therethrough. The retaining flange is configured to have an outer periphery that is larger than the outer periphery of the body portion. A method of delivering a therapeutic agent to a patient using a punctal plug is also disclosed.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Methods for reducing or preventing transplant rejection in the eye and intraocular implants for use therefor

Номер: US20120059462A1
Автор: Vernon G. Wong
Принадлежит: Allergan Inc

Methods for reducing or preventing transplant rejection in the eye of an individual are described, comprising: a) performing an ocular transplant procedure; and b) implanting in the eye a bioerodible drug delivery system comprising an immunosuppressive agent and a bioerodible polymer.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Transplantation device

Номер: US20120059488A1
Автор: Shigeto Shimmura

The present invention is intended to provide a transplantation device which can transplant a graft into a layered tissue easily and without damaging the graft or a tissue around the transplantation site. A transplantation device ( 1 ) according to the present invention is a device for transplanting a graft to a living body, including a pair of flexible holding sheets ( 2,3 ) for holding the graft, wherein each of the holding sheets has a grip part for gripping the holding sheet, and the graft held between the holding sheets is exposed by pulling the paired grip parts ( 4,5 ) in directions away from the graft. By using the transplantation device, a graft can be transplanted into a layered tissue easily and without damaging the graft or a tissue around the transplantation site.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Seal-less device for dispensing microliter quantities of a material into a site

Номер: US20120065666A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A seal-less, hand-held dispensing device includes a support platform having a pair of finger gripping surfaces; first and second hollow members on the platform; and a compatibly sized plunger disposed in each hollow member. Each hollow member has a largest inside dimension in the range from about 0.2 mm to about 0.3 mm and each plunger has a largest outside dimension that is sized for compatible receipt within a hollow member. The largest outside dimension of each compatibly sized plunger is from about eighty percent (80%) to about ninety-five percent (95%) of the largest inside dimension of a hollow member. An actuator having a thumb actuating surface thereon is operatively engagable with each plunger. When fully extended a predetermined maximum finger span is defined between the actuating surface and the gripping surfaces, the maximum finger span being not greater than about 150 mm.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods for deploying intraocular shunts

Номер: US20120123433A1
Принадлежит: Aquesys Inc

The present invention generally relates to methods for deploying intraocular shunts without the use of an optical apparatus that contacts an eye, such as a goniolens. In certain embodiments, methods of the invention involve inserting into an eye a deployment device configured to hold an intraocular shunt, determining that a distal portion of the device is properly positioned within the eye without use of an optical apparatus that contacts the eye, and deploying the shunt from the device.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Optic nerve implants

Номер: US20120143118A1
Автор: Hampar L. Karageozian
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices for delivering therapeutic substances into the eye. An implant containing the therapeutic substance is implanted at least partially within the optic nerve and the therapeutic substance then elutes from the implant. The implant may have a lumen or it may be solid.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Uveoscleral drug delivery implant and methods for implanting the same

Номер: US20120165933A1
Принадлежит: Dose Medical Corp

Devices and methods for treating intraocular pressure are disclosed. The devices include drug delivery implants for treating ocular tissue. Optionally, the devices also include shunts for draining aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the uveoscleral outflow pathway, including the supraciliary space and the suprachoroidal space. The drug delivery implants can be implanted in ab interno or ab externo procedures.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Devices for Sustained In-Vivo Release Of an Active Agent

Номер: US20120201800A1
Принадлежит: Aciont Inc

The present invention includes methods and devices for providing sustained in-vivo release of an active agent to a subject. In some aspects, such release may be achieved by reacting an active agent in-vivo with a depot forming agent in order to form a sustained release active agent depot inside the subject. The depot can then release the active agent over a sustained period of time.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Systems and Use Thereof

Номер: US20120201859A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides a microsphere formulation for the sustained delivery of an aptamer, for example, an anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor aptamer, to a preselected locus in a mammal, such as the eye. In addition, the invention provides methods for making such formulations, and methods of using such formulations to deliver an aptamer to a preselected locus in a mammal. In particular, the invention provides a method for delivering the aptamer to an eye for the treatment of an ocular disorder, for example, age-related macular degeneration.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Sustained release latanoprost implant

Номер: US20120276186A1
Принадлежит: Allergan Inc

The present invention provides a sustained release, biodegradable intraocular latanoprost implant for reducing elevated intraocular pressure in an individual in need thereof. The implant can be configured as a film (e.g., a rolled film) or extruded filament, either of which can be inserted into the eye of the individual to provide for extended release of latanoprost for several days. Upon insertion into the eye, a rolled film may unroll to provide a film having a high surface area to volume ratio for drug diffusion.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods for treating retinopathy with extended therapeutic effect

Номер: US20120329850A1
Принадлежит: Allergan Inc

Methods for treating and preventing retinopathic conditions by administering a glucocorticoid to the vitreous chamber of a patient at risk of, or suffering from, the retinopathy.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Intravitreal injection device and method

Номер: US20130023824A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for use during an intravitreal injection procedure, the device including: a main body portion with a handle at one end for holding the device; and, a contact portion at the other end for contacting the surface of an eye; wherein the contact portion includes a distance indicator for indicating a pre-determined distance from a reference point on the eye.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Minimally-invasive method and apparatus for restructuring the retina

Номер: US20130046382A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention comprises an implant for placing inside the eye such that the implant comes into contact with the interior tissue of the eye such that it conforms to the inner globe geometry of the eye. Implants of the present invention may also be used to alter the focal length of the eye thereby providing a treatment method for the correction of myopia and hyperopia. The device may consist of several possible configurations, an open mesh structure, a solid metal ring, a solid polymer shape, a mesh polymer shape or combination of these. The shape may be a curve, a sphere, a ring or a combination thereof that are specifically shaped to approximate a desired portion of the interior globe of the eye in order to treat myopia or hyperopia.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Conformable Therapeutic Shield for Vision and Pain

Номер: US20130070200A1
Принадлежит: Nexis Vision Inc

A conformable covering comprises an outer portion with rigidity to resist movement on the cornea and an inner portion to contact the cornea and provide an environment for epithelial regeneration. The inner portion of the covering can be configured in many ways so as to conform at least partially to an ablated stromal surface so as to correct vision. The conformable inner portion may have at least some rigidity so as to smooth the epithelium such that the epithelium regenerates rapidly and is guided with the covering so as to form a smooth layer for vision. The inner portion may comprise an amount of rigidity within a range from about 1×10−4 Pa*m3 to about 5×10−4 Pa*m3 so as to deflect and conform at least partially to the ablated cornea and smooth an inner portion of the ablation with an amount of pressure when deflected.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130073039A1
Автор: Mirlay Ram Srikanth

The embodiments herein provide a pupil centered and fovea focused optics assembly comprising a ring platform provided inside a capsular bag of a mammalian eye to support an intraocular lens. The optical center of the intraocular lens is decentered with respect to the geometric center of the intraocular lens to align the optical centre of the lens with a visual axis of a pupil of the mammalian eye to improve the visual quality and to prevent an aberration. A plane of the intraocular lens is turned and tilted through a preset angle to point an optic axis of the intraocular lens to the Fovea. 111-. (canceled)12. An optics assembly for a mammalian eye , the assembly comprising:a ring platform disposed in capsular bag of the eye;an intraocular lens mounted on the ring platform, with its optical center de-centered fromits geometric center and aligned with visual axis of pupil of the eye.13. The optics assembly according to claim 12 , wherein the plane of intraocular lens is disposed at an angle to the plane of the ring platform such that the optic axis of the intraocular lens points to fovea.141. The optics assembly according to claim claim 12 , wherein vertical and meridian markings are disposed on the ring platform.151. The optics assembly according to claim claim 12 , wherein the intraocular lens is mounted on the ring platform through plurality of haptics.161. The optics assembly according to claim claim 12 , wherein the haptics of the intraocular lens are fixed to a front claim 12 , middle or back portion of the ring platform.171. The optics assembly according to claim claim 12 , wherein meridian markings are disposed on the intraocular lens. This application is a National Phase Application of PCT International Application No. PCT/IN2011/000340, International Filing Date May 16, 2011, claiming priority of Indian Patent Application No. 1489/CHE/2010, filed May 31, 2010, which is hereby incorporated by reference.1. Technical FieldThe embodiments herein generally relate ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085507A1
Автор: NAGASAKA Shinji
Принадлежит: NIDEK CO., LTD.

An intraocular lens injection instrument including: an injection part formed with an inner wall for folding the soft IOL and a front end for injecting the IOL folded along the inner wall into an eye; a cylinder body part provided with the injection part at its end portion; a push member for pushing the IOL toward the front end of the injection part, a restriction member attached to the cylinder body part to restrict movement of the IOL which is placed outside the axis; and a release member for releasing the restriction member and pushing the IOL onto the axis, wherein the release member includes a contact portion to be brought into contact with the IOL when the restriction by the restriction member is released, the contact portion having a setting surface to be brought into contact with the IOL placed on the axis. 1. An intraocular lens injection instrument for injecting an intraocular lens (IOL) into a patient's eye , including:an injection part formed with an inner wall for folding the soft IOL and a front end for injecting the IOL folded along the inner wall into an eye;a cylinder body part provided with the injection part at its end portion;a push member for pushing the IOL toward the front end of the injection part, the push member being movable back and forth along an axis extending from the front end of the injection part to a rear end of the intraocular lens injection instrument;a restriction member attached to the cylinder body part to restrict movement of the IOL which is placed outside the axis; anda release member for releasing restriction of the movement of the IOL restricted by the restriction member and pushing the IOL onto the axis,wherein the release member includes a contact portion to be brought into contact with the IOL when the restriction by the restriction member is released, the contact portion having a setting surface to be brought into contact with the IOL placed on the axis.2. The intraocular lens injection instrument according to claim 1 ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Ocular Insert Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20130090612A1

A comfortable insert comprises a retention structure sized for placement under the eyelids and along at least a portion of conjunctival sac of the upper and lower lids of the eye. The retention structure resists deflection when placed in the conjunctival sac of the eye and to guide the insert along the sac when the eye moves. The retention structure can be configured in many ways to provide the resistance to deflection and may comprise a hoop strength so as to urge the retention structure outward and inhibit movement of the retention structure toward the cornea. The insert may move rotationally with deflection along the conjunctival sac, and may comprise a retention structure having a cross sectional dimension sized to fit within folds of the conjunctiva. The insert may comprise a release mechanism and therapeutic agent to release therapeutic amounts of the therapeutic agent for an extended time. 1. An ocular insert for delivering at least one therapeutic agent to an eye for an extended period of time , the insert comprising:a first structure configured to be positioned on the eye outside a cornea of the eye and at least partially underneath at least one of the upper and lower eyelids, wherein the first structure provides a first shape of the ocular insert;a second structure supported by the first structure, wherein the second structure is of a different durometer than a material of the first structure; andat least one therapeutic agent coupled to the ocular insert;wherein the ocular insert has a first shape prior to being positioned onto the eye, and the ocular insert confirms in situ to a second shape upon being positioned onto the eye for a period of time, and wherein, upon being removed from the eye, the ocular insert has a shape that is different from the first shape.2. An ocular insert as in claim 1 , wherein the second shape conforms to a shape of the eye.3. An ocular insert as in claim 1 , wherein the second shape conforms at least in part to an anterior ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Scleral prosthesis for treating presbyopia and other eye disorders and related devices and methods

Номер: US20130103143A1
Принадлежит: Refocus Group Inc

A system includes a scleral prosthesis and an insert. The scleral prosthesis includes an elongated body having a first free end and a second free end opposite the first end. A maximum width of the body at each end is wider than a maximum width of the body between the ends. The body includes multiple first portions that form the first end of the body and a part of the body between the ends. The first portions are separated lengthwise along a substantial portion of a total length of the body. The first portions are biased so that they maintain separation from one another without external interference but are configured to be pushed towards each other. The insert is configured to be placed between the first portions to maintain a separation of the first portions. The body and/or the insert could be formed using one or more magnetic materials.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131687A1
Автор: Ianchulev Tsontcho

Apparatus for performing intraocular implant surgery, including surgical apparatus for performing intraocular implant surgery, an autorefraction device associated with the surgical apparatus, wherein the autorefraction device is configured to perform autorefraction on the aphakic eye to provide one or more aphakic refraction measurements, and a processor connected to the autorefraction device, wherein the processor is configured to process the aphakic refraction measurements and provide the user of the apparatus with information regarding the power of the intraocular lens. 117-. (canceled)18. A surgical method , comprising:implanting a first artificial intraocular lens into the eye of a patient;intraoperatively measuring refractive characteristics of the eye after the first artificial intraocular lens has been implanted in order to determine residual refractive error of the eye, as compared to a desired postoperative refraction, and determining whether the residual refractive error exceeds a desired amount; andintraoperatively performing a corrective action to reduce the residual refractive error if the residual refractive error exceeds the desired amount.19. The surgical method of claim 18 , further comprising removing the natural lens from the eye before implanting the first artificial intraocular lens.20. The surgical method of claim 18 , further comprising claim 18 , before implanting the first artificial intraocular lens claim 18 , determining spherical and cylindrical refractive powers for the first artificial intraocular lens claim 18 , the spherical and cylindrical refractive powers being estimated to leave substantially no residual error as compared to the desired postoperative refraction.21. The surgical method of claim 20 , wherein the spherical and cylindrical refractive powers of the first artificial intraocular lens are determined based on an aphakic measurement.22. The surgical method of claim 21 , further comprising performing the aphakic measurement ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142858A1

Drug delivery devices comprising a non-bioabsorbable polymer structure configured to support a composition comprising an active agent. The devices include a plurality of portions fused together and a recess configured to support the composition. At least one of the portions includes an impermeable polymer and at least one other portion includes a rate-limiting water-permeable polymer. The rate-limiting water-permeable polymer allows for transportation of the active agent to an exterior of the device. 1. A device for insertion in the eye , the device comprising:a first portion including a recess configured to support a composition comprising an active agent, the first portion comprising an impermeable polymer; anda second portion fused to the first portion, the second portion comprising a rate-limiting water-permeable polymer that allows for transportation of the active agent to an exterior of the device, wherein the rate-limiting water-permeable polymer includes a thickness in a range of about 20 μm to about 500 μm.2. The device set forth in further comprisinga flange fused to the second portion.3. The device set forth in whereinthe second portion includes a base and a flange integral with the base.4. A device for insertion in the eye claim 1 , the device comprising:a first portion comprising a rate-limiting water-permeable polymer;a second portion fused to the first portion, the second portion including a recess configured to support a composition comprising an active agent, the second portion comprising a rate-limiting water-permeable polymer; anda third portion fused to the second portion, the third portion comprising a rate-limiting water-permeable polymer,wherein the rate-limiting water-permeable polymer includes a thickness in a range of about 20 μm to about 500 μm and allows for transportation of the active agent to an exterior of the device.5. A device for insertion in the eye claim 1 , the device comprising:a non-bioabsorbable polymer structure comprising a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165860A1

An injector apparatus comprises an elongate structure having one or more openings positionable near a penetrable barrier of an implantable device so as to receive fluid of the implantable device. The apparatus comprises a needle and a sheath extending over at least a portion of the needle. The elongate structure may comprise a distal tip to penetrate tissue and the penetrable barrier, and a distal opening near the tip to release therapeutic fluid into the implantable chamber. In many embodiments the distal tip, the distal opening, and the plurality of openings are separated from a stop that engages a tissue of the patient and limit penetration depth such that the distal opening and the plurality of openings are located along an axis of the implantable device to increase an efficiency of the exchange. 151.-. (canceled)52. A system for injecting a therapeutic agent into an ocular implant , the ocular implant being at least partially implanted in an eye , the system comprising:a needle defining an injection lumen configured for injecting a therapeutic agent into the ocular implant;a sheath positioned concentrically over the needle so as to define an outlet lumen between the sheath and the needle, the outlet lumen providing a pathway through which pre-existing fluid in the ocular implant exits the ocular implant as therapeutic agent is injected into the ocular implant through the needle;a receiver chamber fluidly coupled to the outlet lumen of the sheath, the receiver chamber configured to receive fluid that exits the ocular implant via the outlet lumen;wherein injection of the therapeutic agent into the ocular implant via the injection lumen displaces pre-existing fluid in the ocular implant into the receiver chamber via the outlet lumen of the sheath;a stop, the stop configured to limit a depth of insertion of the needle into the ocular implant, wherein the stop is positioned relative to the needle or sheath such that an opening of the injection lumen and an opening ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178822A1
Принадлежит: EYEVATION, LLC

This invention provides a device for delivering substances such as medical implants and tissues. The device comprises a mandrel and a mandrel guide whereby substances are delivered by retracting the mandrel guide relative to the mandrel. Included among the various embodiments are devices specialized for delivering retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells or nanoplates containing RPE cells to the retina, devices with precise control of delivery, devices with specialized mandrels and/or nozzles, and multifunctional devices adapted to provide additional functions such as infusion and/or suction, illumination, and diathermy. 1. A device for implanting a substance comprising: (i) a mandrel guide, wherein the mandrel guide has an open distal end suitable for discharging a substance when loaded therein;', '(ii) a longitudinally elongated mandrel disposed internally to the mandrel guide, whereby relative longitudinal movement of the mandrel through the mandrel guide towards the open distal end biases the loaded substance to move longitudinally towards the open end; and, '(a) a delivery unit comprising(b) a delivery unit support providing support to the delivery unit, wherein at least one of the mandrel and the mandrel guide is not fixed the delivery unit to allow longitudinal movement there about;(c) a delivery unit biasing member imparting a force on the delivery unit to bias the delivery unit for the relative longitudinal movement;(d) a delivery unit engagement means for opposing said force on the delivery unit when the delivery unit engagement means is engaged with the delivery unit, wherein the relative longitudinal movement is prevented when the delivery unit engagement means is engaged with the delivery unit; and(e) a delivery controller configured to engage and disengage the delivery unit engagement means from the delivery unit;optionally, wherein the delivery unit support is a handpiece; andoptionally, wherein the device is configured for implanting a substance into ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Posterior Segment Drug Delivery

Номер: US20130204209A1

A therapeutic device to release a therapeutic agent comprises a porous structure coupled to a container comprising a reservoir. The reservoir comprises a volume sized to release therapeutic amounts of the therapeutic agent for an extended time when coupled to the porous structure and implanted in the patient. The porous structure may comprise a first side coupled to the reservoir and a second side to couple to the patient to release the therapeutic agent. A plurality of interconnecting channels can extend from the first side to the second side so as to connect a first a plurality of openings on the first side with a second plurality of openings on the second side. 1. A therapeutic device to treat an eye of a patient , the eye having a sclera , the therapeutic device comprising:a rigid-walled, refillable reservoir having a volume and a distal portion, at least a distal portion of the reservoir adapted to reside inside the eye when the device is implanted in the eye, the reservoir having a cross-sectional shape normal to a longitudinal axis of the device;a cap portion positioned proximal of the reservoir and adapted to be positioned against an external surface of the sclera when the device is implanted in the eye, the cap portion including at least a portion of a penetrable barrier to introduce the therapeutic agent into the device without any need to explant the device during introduction of the therapeutic agent into the device; anda neck portion distal of the cap portion, the neck having a cross-sectional shape normal to a longitudinal axis of the device, wherein the cross sectional shape of the neck portion is different than the cross sectional shape of the reservoir wherein the neck portion has a first width sized larger than a first cross-sectional dimension of the reservoir and also has a second width sized smaller than a second cross-sectional dimension of the reservoir.2. The therapeutic device of claim 1 , wherein the neck has a cross-sectional shape which ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Biodegradable ocular implant

Номер: US20130209538A1

The present invention relates to a biodegradable ocular implant for sustained drug delivery, comprising a first layer comprising a first biodegradable polymer, wherein the first layer contains a drug dispersed or dissolved therein. A multi-layered biodegradable ocular implant is also disclosed.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211335A1
Автор: Paques Michel, Roy Pierre

The invention relates to an apparatus for injection into an eye comprising of a means for displacing a conjunctival layer of the eye over an underlying scleral layer of the eye so as to form a fold in the conjunctival layer, and means for guiding a needle through the conjunctival layer once the fold has been formed. 116-. (canceled)17. An apparatus for injection into an eye comprising:means for displacing a conjunctival layer of the eye over an underlying scleral layer of the eye so as to form a fold in the conjunctival layer, andmeans for guiding a needle through the conjunctival layer once the fold has been formed.18. The apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein the means for displacing the conjunctival layer comprise two mobile legs adapted to be brought closer one to the other for pinching the conjunctival layer so as to form the fold.19. The apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein one of the mobile legs comprises a hole or an encroachment for allowing the needle to pass through the mobile leg.20. The apparatus according to claim 19 , comprising a plate for being brought into contact with the eye.21. The apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the mobile legs are extending from the plate claim 20 , the mobile legs being caused to flex relative to the plate when the plate is brought close to the eye.22. The apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the plate comprises a cut-out having an edge adapted to be positioned along a limbus delimiting a cornea and a scleral of the eye so as to adjust a position of the guiding means relative to the limbus.23. The apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein each mobile leg is arranged so as to form an angle comprised between 10° and 80° relative to a bearing surface of the plate.24. The apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein the means for displacing a conjunctival layer comprise means for engaging the conjunctival layer.25. The apparatus according to claim 22 , wherein the means for engaging the conjunctival layer ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and formulations for suprachoridal drug delivery

Номер: US20130216623A1
Принадлежит: Iscience Interventional Corp

Drug formulations, devices and methods are provided to deliver biologically active substances to the eye. The formulations are delivered into scleral tissues adjacent to or into the suprachoroidal space without damage to the underlying choroid. One class of formulations is provided wherein the formulation is localized in the suprachoroidal space near the region into which it is administered. Another class of formulations is provided wherein the formulation can migrate to another region of the suprachoroidal space, thus allowing an injection in the anterior region of the eye in order to treat the posterior region.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical Delivery Device and Method for Providing Ocular Treatment

Номер: US20130218081A1
Автор: Roth Daniel B.
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4, Inc.

Disclosed herein is a novel pharmaceutical delivery device that provides controlled, sustained local delivery of a therapeutic agent of interest to a target tissue of interest, for example, the vitreous tissue of the eye, over an extended period of time. 1. A device for treating an ophthalmic condition comprising:a reservoir having a convex upper surface configured to be penetrated for refilling of the reservoir after implantation in an eye and a concave lower surface;a conduit in fluid communication with the reservoir and coupled to the concave lower surface opposite the convex upper surface; anda valve mechanism disposed within the conduit, wherein the valve mechanism controls fluid delivery through the conduit and prevents backflow,wherein the device is configured to be implanted with the lower surface placed adjacent to a sclera of an eye and the conduit inserted into the eye through the sclera to facilitate delivery of a therapeutic agent from within the reservoir into the eye.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir has a major horizontal axis that is approximately 5 mm claim 1 , a minor horizontal axis that is approximately 3 mmm and a height between the convex upper surface and the concave lower surface that is between 0.5 mm and 0.9 mm.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutic agent is selected from the group consisting of an anti-viral agent claim 1 , ganciclovir claim 1 , acyclovir claim 1 , AZT claim 1 , a beta-blocker claim 1 , anti-angiogenesis agent claim 1 , a metalloproteinase inhibitor claim 1 , a protein kinase C inhibitor claim 1 , an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor claim 1 , angiostatin claim 1 , an anesthetic or pain killing agent claim 1 , a steroidal or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent claim 1 , an antioxidant claim 1 , an antibiotic claim 1 , antitumor agent claim 1 , a tumor necrosis factor claim 1 , an anti-cataract agent claim 1 , an anti-glaucoma agent claim 1 , insulin claim 1 , a cellular regeneration agent ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226110A1

The disclosure relates to a semiconductor device comprising an array of containment cells, wherein each containment cell is configured to contain a medicament and each containment cell comprises a cell activation element configured to release the medicament within the containment cell upon receipt of an activation trigger. 1. A semiconductor device comprising an array of containment cells , wherein each containment cell is configured to contain a medicament and each containment cell comprises a cell activation element configured to release the medicament within the containment cell upon receipt of an activation trigger.2. The semiconductor device of claim 1 , comprising control circuitry configured to activate the containment cells at predetermined times.3. The semiconductor device of claim 2 , wherein the control circuitry comprises an oscillator claim 2 , a counter and a multiplexer claim 2 , wherein the oscillator is configured to increment the counter claim 2 , the counter is configured to output a count to the multiplexer claim 2 , and the multiplexer is configured to decode the count to an address of a said containment cell.4. The semiconductor device of claim 3 , comprising interconnection circuitry configured to route the activation trigger to a said containment cell selected by the control circuitry.5. The semiconductor device of claim 4 , wherein the interconnection circuitry comprises a plurality of word lines and bit lines defining an addressable connection to the cell activation element of each containment cell.6. The semiconductor device of claim 4 , wherein the interconnection circuitry comprises a unique output line for the cell activation element of each containment cell.7. The semiconductor device of any of claim 6 , wherein the control circuitry is operable to configure the interconnection circuitry to route the activation trigger to the said selected containment cell.8. The semiconductor device of claim 7 , wherein each cell activation element ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226111A1

A drug support body is provided that can be used to appropriately administer a drug to the anterior segment of the eye while the production cost is reduced. A drug layer containing a drug component to be administered to an anterior segment of the eye is provided at a halfway portion in a longitudinal direction of a base plate, wherein the base plate includes a bending portion that allows the base plate to bend in a direction opposite to a surface of the base plate on which the drug layer is provided, and by bending the base plate at the bending portion, at least a portion of a surface facing the base plate of the drug layer is exposed from the base plate. 1. A drug support body comprising :a drug layer containing a drug component to be administered to an anterior segment of an eye, at a halfway portion in a longitudinal direction of a base plate,wherein the base plate includes a bending portion that allows the base plate to bend in a direction opposite to a surface of the base plate on which the drug layer is provided, and by bending the base plate at the bending portion, at least a portion of a surface facing the base plate of the drug layer is exposed from the base plate.2. The drug support body according to claim 1 , wherein the drug layer is formed to extend over both sides of a portion of the base plate in which the bending portion is formed claim 1 , and when the base plate is bent at the bending portion claim 1 , a portion of the drug layer on one side of the bending portion is maintained facing the base plate while another portion of the drug layer on the other side of the bending portion is exposed from the base plate and protrudes from the bending portion.3. The drug support body according to claim 1 , wherein the drug layer is formed to extend over both sides of a portion of the base plate in which the bending portion is formed claim 1 , and when the base plate is bent at the bending portion claim 1 , a predetermined portion of the drug layer including a ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Ocular implant insertion apparatus and methods

Номер: US20130226193A1
Принадлежит: Hoya Corp

An exemplary ocular implant insertion system includes a case and a preloaded ocular implant insertion apparatus. The apparatus includes first and second movable structures that move the ocular implant in a predetermined sequence. The respective configurations of the case and the ocular implant insertion apparatus are such that the ocular implant insertion apparatus is not removable from the case when the ocular implant insertion apparatus is in the pre-use state and is removable after the first movable structure has moved at least a portion of the optical implant.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Injector Apparatus and Method for Drug Delivery

Номер: US20130245544A1
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4, Inc.

Methods and apparatus provide a therapeutic fluid to devices implanted in the body, for example to containers of devices implanted in the eye of a patient. The methods and apparatus may comprise an injector to increase an amount of therapeutic agent injected into the device implanted in the eye, or a structure to receive the therapeutic fluid within the device implanted in the eye, or combinations thereof. The device implanted in the eye may comprise a reservoir chamber having a fluid with a density different than the therapeutic fluid, and the apparatus can be adapted to at least partially separate the implanted device fluid from therapeutic fluid within the reservoir chamber to increase and amount of therapeutic fluid placed in the reservoir chamber. 1. A system for injecting a therapeutic agent into an ocular implant , the ocular implant being at least partially implanted in an eye , the system comprising:an injection lumen configured to provide a pathway for injecting a therapeutic agent into the ocular implant;an outlet lumen configured to provide a pathway through which pre-existing fluid in the ocular implant exits the ocular implant as therapeutic agent is injected into the ocular implant through the injection lumen, wherein the outlet lumen surrounds at least a portion of the injection lumen;a receiver chamber fluidly coupled to the outlet lumen of the second elongated body, the receiver chamber configured to receive fluid that exits the ocular implant via the outlet lumen;wherein injection of the therapeutic agent into the ocular implant via the injection lumen displaces pre-existing fluid in the ocular implant into the receiver chamber via the outlet lumen.2. A system as in claim 1 , further comprising a needle that defines the injection lumen.3. A system as in claim 2 , further comprising a sheath positioned at least partially over the needle so as to form the outlet lumen between an inner surface of the sheath and an outer surface of the needle.4. A ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245554A1

There is provided a therapeutic instrument, for storing a sheet-type therapeutic substance to which a liquid is delivered, and delivering the stored therapeutic substance to an affected part, including: a nozzle member having an opening on a tip end of a tubular part in which the therapeutic substance can be stored, for charging and discharging the therapeutic substance; and a syringe unit that selectively causes a negative pressure and a positive pressure to act in the tubular part through a hole of a valve member , wherein the space of the tubular part is the space for sucking the therapeutic substance into the tubular part together with the liquid by causing the negative pressure in the tubular part by the syringe unit when the therapeutic substance is stored therein, and is the space for pushing out the therapeutic substance to outside of the tubular part together with the liquid by causing the positive pressure to act in the tubular part by the syringe unit when the stored therapeutic substance is delivered to the affected part. 1. A therapeutic instrument , for storing a sheet-type therapeutic substance therein , and delivering the stored therapeutic substance to an affected part , comprising:a nozzle member having a tubular part forming a space in which the therapeutic substance can be stored in a deformed state, and having an opening on a tip end of the tubular part for charging and discharging the therapeutic substance, and having a communication part on a rear end of the tubular part for communicating with the space of the tubular part; anda pressure generator that selectively causes a negative pressure and a positive pressure to act in the tubular part of the nozzle member,wherein the space of the tubular part is the space for causing the negative pressure to act in the tubular part by the pressure generator to thereby suck the therapeutic substance into the tubular part, when the therapeutic substance is stored in the tubular part, andis the space for ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Posterior Segment Drug Delivery

Номер: US20130245573A1
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4, Inc.

A therapeutic device to release a therapeutic agent comprises a porous structure coupled to a container comprising a reservoir. The reservoir comprises a volume sized to release therapeutic amounts of the therapeutic agent for an extended time when coupled to the porous structure and implanted in the patient. The porous structure may comprise a first side coupled to the reservoir and a second side to couple to the patient to release the therapeutic agent. A plurality of interconnecting channels can extend from the first side to the second side so as to connect a first a plurality of openings on the first side with a second plurality of openings on the second side. 1. A therapeutic device to treat an eye of a patient , the eye having a sclera , the therapeutic device comprising:a rigid-walled, refillable reservoir having a volume and a distal portion, at least a distal portion of the reservoir adapted to reside inside the eye when the device is implanted in the eye, the reservoir having a cross-sectional shape normal to a longitudinal axis of the device;a cap portion positioned proximal of the reservoir and adapted to be positioned against an external surface of the sclera when the device is implanted in the eye, the cap portion including at least a portion of a penetrable barrier to introduce the therapeutic agent into the device without any need to explant the device during introduction of the therapeutic agent into the device; anda neck portion distal of the cap portion, the neck having a cross-sectional shape normal to a longitudinal axis of the device, wherein the cross-sectional shape of the neck portion is different than the cross-sectional shape of the reservoir.2. The therapeutic device of claim 1 , wherein the neck has a cross-sectional shape which complements the shape of an elongated incision.3. The therapeutic device of claim 2 , wherein the neck conforms to the shape of the incision.4. The therapeutic device of claim 2 , wherein the cross-sectional ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245600A1

Drug formulations, devices and methods are provided to deliver biologically active substances to the eye. The formulations are delivered into scleral tissues adjacent to or into the suprachoroidal space without damage to the underlying choroid. One class of formulations is provided wherein the formulation is localized in the suprachoroidal space near the region into which it is administered. Another class of formulations is provided wherein the formulation can migrate to another region of the suprachoroidal space, thus allowing an injection in the anterior region of the eye in order to treat the posterior region. 1. A method of administering drugs in the suprachoroidal space of the eye comprising the steps of placing a needle in scleral tissues toward the suprachoroidal space at a depth of at least half of the scleral thickness , and injecting a drug formulation through said needle into the sclera in close proximity to the inner boundary of the sclera such that said formulation dissects the scleral tissues adjacent to said suprachoroidal space and enters said suprachoroidal space.2. A method of administering drugs in the suprachoroidal space of the eye comprising the steps of placing a needle in scleral tissues toward the suprachoroidal space at a depth of at least half of the scleral thickness , and injecting a drug formulation through said needle into the sclera such that said formulation dissects the scleral tissues adjacent to said suprachoroidal space to enter said suprachoroidal space and flows toward the posterior region of said suprachoroidal space.3. A method for administering drugs to an eye comprising:injection of a drug formulation into the suprachoroidal space,said drug formulation comprising a biologically active substance and a polymer excipient, wherein the drug formulation forms a layer between the choroid and sclera in the area of administration.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said injection comprises injection through a needle.5. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods for deploying intraocular shunts

Номер: US20130253406A1
Принадлежит: Aquesys Inc

The present invention generally relates to methods for deploying intraocular shunts without the use of an optical apparatus that contacts an eye, such as a goniolens. In certain embodiments, methods of the invention involve inserting into an eye a deployment device configured to hold an intraocular shunt, determining that a distal portion of the device is properly positioned within the eye without use of an optical apparatus that contacts the eye, and deploying the shunt from the device.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253416A1

Disclosed are methods of subretinal delivery of therapeutic compositions to the eye of a mammal. Also disclosed are devices useful for the subretinal delivery of therapeutic compositions to the eye of a mammal. 1. A device suitable for subretinal delivery of a composition , comprising:a guide configured to make contact with a surface of an eye of a subject;a piercer configured for making an incision through the sclera to the subretinal space of the eye when inserted through said guide; andan injector for subretinal injection of a therapeutic composition when said injector is inserted through said guide into an incision made by said piercer.2. A kit suitable for subretinal delivery of a composition , comprising:a guide configured to make contact with a surface of an eye of a subject;a piercer configured for making an incision in the sclera of the eye when inserted through said guide; andan injector for subretinal injection of a therapeutic composition when said injector is inserted through said guide into an incision made by said piercer.3. The kit of claim 2 , wherein said guide comprises an open-ended guide channel for accepting said piercer and thereby guiding said insertion of said piercer to make said incision claim 2 , and for accepting said injector and thereby guiding said insertion of said injector into an incision made by said piercer.412-. (canceled)13. The kit of claim 2 , wherein said piercer is an elongated piercer having a distal end and a distal piercing tip.14. The kit of claim 13 , wherein said distal end of said piercer is flat.15. (canceled)16. The kit of claim 13 , wherein said distal end of said piercer comprises a blade.17. The kit of claim 2 , wherein said piercer is configured to make an incision that is a slit.18. The kit of claim 2 , wherein said injector is an elongated injector having a distal end and distal tip claim 2 , said distal tip having cross-sectional dimensions not smaller than a distal end of a said incision made by said ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Ocular delivery systems and methods

Номер: US20130253437A1
Принадлежит: Sight Sciences Inc

Described here are systems and methods for accessing Schlemm's canal and for delivering an ocular device or fluid composition therein. The ocular devices may maintain the patency of Schlemm's canal without substantially interfering with transmural fluid flow across the canal. The fluid composition may be a viscoelastic fluid that is delivered into the canal to facilitate drainage of aqueous humor by disrupting the canal and surrounding trabeculocanalicular tissues. Tools for disrupting these tissues and minimally invasive methods for treating medical conditions associated with elevated intraocular pressure, including glaucoma, are also described.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Adjustable Valve For IOP Control With Reed Valve

Номер: US20130261530A1
Автор: Satish Yalamanchili
Принадлежит: Alcon Research LLC

A drainage device for implantation in an eye of a patient to treat an ocular condition, that includes an implant body portion comprising of a valve portion. The valve portion may comprise a flexible membrane disposed and arranged in a manner to affect flow of aqueous humor through the implant body portion. The device may also include a reed valve disposed downstream of the flexible membrane. The reed valve may be configured to prevent backflow of aqueous humor toward the membrane and configured to stabilize flow by affecting pressure at the flexible membrane. In one aspect, the reed valve is configured to create backpressure at the membrane that affects the rate of flow at the flexible membrane.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267931A1
Принадлежит: PSIVIDA US, INC.

Disclosed herein is an injector device for delivering an implant, the device including a retracting element, a cannula needle, and a plunger. The device may comprise an latch that, when actuated by a user, causes the retracting element to move the cannula needle away from the delivery site, allowing the plunger to eject the implant into the site. The device may be configured for intraocular drug delivery. 1. An injector device comprising:a syringe barrel defining a central axial cavity, and having a distal end and a proximal end;a cannula needle having a distal end and a proximal end and defining a central axial cavity in communication with the central axial cavity of the syringe barrel;a retracting element coaxially coupled to the proximal end of the cannula needle adapted to retract the cannula needle into the syringe barrel;a plunger having a distal end and a proximal end, disposed in the central axial cavity of the syringe barrel at a fixed position therein, and, when the cannula needle retracts, extending through the central axial cavity of the cannula needle and beyond the distal end of the syringe barrel; andan implant disposed in the central axial cavity of the cannula needle between the plunger rod and the distal end of the needle.2. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein the device further comprises a disengageable block that obstructs the implant from exiting the distal end of the cannula needle.3. The injector according to claim 1 , further comprising a latch located on the exterior of the syringe barrel and coupled to the retracting element such that when the latch is activated claim 1 , the cannula needle retracts.4. The injector according to claim 1 , further comprising a stop disposed on the cannula needle and having a portion that extends beyond a cross section of the cannula needle.5. The injector of claim 4 , wherein the stop includes a tubular collar coaxially positioned with the cannula needle claim 4 , and a positive cross-sectional area ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for Reducing or Preventing Transplant Rejection in the Eye and Intraocular Implants for Use Therefor

Номер: US20130274689A1
Автор: Vernon G. Wong
Принадлежит: Allergan Inc

Methods for reducing or preventing transplant rejection in the eye of an individual are described, comprising: a) performing an ocular transplant procedure; and b) implanting in the eye a bioerodible drug delivery system comprising an immunosuppressive agent and a bioerodible polymer.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274691A1
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4, Inc.

Methods and apparatus provide treatment with a first therapeutic agent and a second therapeutic agent for an extended time. The first therapeutic agent may comprise a VEGF inhibitor and the second therapeutic agent may comprise an antiinflammatory, such as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, for example a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. One or more of the first therapeutic agent or the second therapeutic agent can be injected into the eye, for example injected into a therapeutic device implanted into the eye to release the injected therapeutic agent for an extended time. 174.-. (canceled)75. A therapeutic device to treat an eye , the device comprising:a rigid-walled housing having a substantially fixed volume during implantation and use, wherein the housing is sized to extend through the sclera into the vitreous humor when the device is implanted in the eye;a first chamber located within the housing and configured to hold a first therapeutic agent, the first chamber having a first rigid, porous structure positioned at a distal end region of the first chamber; anda second chamber located within the housing and configured to hold a second therapeutic agent, the second chamber having a second rigid, porous structure positioned at a distal end region of the second chamber;wherein at least one of the first and second chambers is refillable, and wherein the first and second rigid, porous structures each have a plurality of interconnecting, irregularly-shaped channels.76. The device of claim 75 , wherein the first chamber has a first volume and the first rigid claim 75 , porous structure has a first release rate index and a first porosity so as to release the first therapeutic agent in therapeutic amounts into the vitreous humor from the device for a first extended period of time when the device is implanted in the eye.77. The device of claim 76 , wherein the first and second chambers are arranged in parallel claim 76 , and wherein both the first and second chambers are ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274692A1

A therapeutic device can be configured to place the reservoir substantially between the conjunctiva and the scleral such that the size of the reservoir can be increased and the size of the scleral penetration decreased so as to decrease invasiveness. The device may comprise a substantially constant reservoir volume and drug release mechanism, in which the volume of the reservoir and mechanism are tuned to receive a quantity of therapeutic agent with a volume of injected formulation and release the therapeutic agent for an extended time with a release rate profile. The porous structure may comprise a first side coupled to the reservoir and a second side to couple to the patient to release the therapeutic agent, and a plurality of interconnecting channels can extend from the first side to the second side. 1208.-. (canceled)209. A therapeutic device to deliver a therapeutic agent to an eye having a sclera , a conjunctiva over the sclera and a vitreous humor , the device comprising:a container having a reservoir chamber sized for placement between the conjunctiva and sclera, the reservoir chamber having a convex upper surface configured for placement against the conjunctiva, a concave lower surface configured for placement against the sclera, and a substantially constant volume between the upper and lower surfaces;a penetrable barrier disposed on the convex upper surface of the reservoir chamber for injecting an amount of a formulation of therapeutic agent into the reservoir chamber through the penetrable barrier;an elongate structure in fluid communication with the reservoir chamber through an opening in the concave lower surface, the elongate structure sized to extend through the sclera into the vitreous humor; anda porous structure positioned within the elongate structure to release the therapeutic amounts for the extended time,wherein the device is configured to release the therapeutic agent into the vitreous humor at therapeutic amounts for an extended time.210. ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Drug-delivery pumps and methods of manufacture

Номер: US20130276974A1

Embodiments of method of manufacturing an implantable pump, including providing an upper layer comprising a dome structure for housing a drug chamber and a cannula in fluid communication with the drug chamber, providing a middle deflection layer adjacent the drug chamber, providing a bottom layer comprising electrolysis electrodes, and bonding the upper layer, middle deflection layer, and bottom layer to form the pump.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Drug eluting ocular implant

Номер: US20130289467A1
Принадлежит: Dose Medical Corp

Disclosed herein are drug delivery devices and methods for the treatment of ocular disorders requiring targeted and controlled administration of a drug to an interior portion of the eye for reduction or prevention of symptoms of the disorder. The devices are capable of controlled release of one or more drugs and may also include structures which allow for treatment of increased intraocular pressure by permitting aqueous humor to flow out of the anterior chamber of the eye through the device.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289497A1

In various embodiments, a drug-delivery device includes one or more reservoirs that may each contain a therapeutic agent for delivery to a patient. 125-. (canceled)26. A drug-delivery device , comprising: a reservoir containing a liquid that comprises a therapeutic agent selected from the group consisting of acetazolamide , betaxolol , bevacizumab , bimatoprost , brimonidine , brinzolamide , carbidopa , carteolol , cidofovir , cyclosporine , dorzolamide , epinephrine , a growth factor , irinotecan , ketorolac tromethamine , ketotifen fumarate , latanoprost , levobetaxolol , levobunolol , levodopa , levofloxacin , loratadine , loteprednol etabonate , metipranolol , naphazoline , ofloxacin , pegaptanib , pemirolast , pheniramine maleate , pilocarpine , pseudoephedrine , ranibizumab , a steroid , timolol , travoprost , trifluridine , tumor necrosis factor blocker , unoprostone isopropyl , valganciclovir , verteporfin , vitravene , a drug that prevents beta amyloid deposition in the retina , a drug that prevents beta amyloid deposition in the brain , an anti-human complement activation blocker that blocks complement H activation in the eye , and siRNA molecules; and a cannula in fluid communication with the reservoir , the cannula having an outlet for delivering the therapeutic agent to a patient.2739-. (canceled) This application claims priority to and the benefit of, and incorporates herein by reference in their entirety, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/015,509, which was filed on Dec. 20, 2007, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/197,750, which was filed on Oct. 30, 2008.In various embodiments, the invention relates to apparatus and methods for delivering therapeutic agents to a patient's body part, such as, for example, to a patient's eye.Medical treatment often requires the administration of a therapeutic agent (e.g., medicament, drugs, etc.) to a particular part of a patient's body. Intravenous injection has long been a mainstay in medical ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Ocular implant made by a double extrusion proces

Номер: US20130295157A1
Принадлежит: Allergan Inc

The invention provides biodegradable implants sized for implantation in an ocular region and methods for treating medical conditions of the eye. The implants are formed from a mixture of hydrophilic end and hydrophobic end PLGA, and deliver active agents into an ocular region without a high burst release.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296810A1

In various embodiments, a drug-delivery device includes one or more reservoirs that may each contain a therapeutic agent for delivery to a patient.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Reservoir Device for Intraocular Drug Delivery

Номер: US20130304031A1

A delivery device that allows for the sustained release of an agent, particularly useful for the sustained release of a therapeutic agent to limited access regions, such as the posterior chamber of the eye and inner ear. The delivery device is minimally invasive, refillable and may be easily fixed to the treatment area. The delivery device includes a hollow body with an inlet port at its proximal end for insertion of the agent, a reservoir for holding the agent and a delivery mechanism for the sustained delivery of the agent from the reservoir to the patient. 1. A sustained release delivery device , the delivery device comprising: wherein one or more apertures formed in the pliable wall allow for sustained flow of the therapeutic agent contained in the refillable reservoir through the one or more apertures into the posterior chamber at a rate of delivery, and', 'wherein the pliable wall has a first configuration having a first cross-sectional dimension suitable for insertion of the refillable reservoir through the sclerotomy into the posterior chamber and a second configuration having a second, larger cross-sectional dimension;, 'a refillable reservoir configured to be implanted into a posterior chamber of an eye through a sutureless sclerotomy and formed of a pliable wall configured to contain a therapeutic agent,'}an inlet port positioned near a proximal end of the refillable reservoir having an injectable, self-sealing surface; andan extension projecting outward from the injectable, self-sealing surface having a lower surface configured to abut at least an external portion of the sclera surrounding the sclerotomy such that the device rests on the extension.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more apertures formed in the pliable wall are located along a length of the pliable wall of the reservoir.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more apertures formed in the pliable wall are located at a distal end of the pliable wall of the reservoir.4. The ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Intraocular Lens Cell Migration Inhibition System

Номер: US20130304205A1
Автор: Kevin H. Cuevas
Принадлежит: InSight Innovations LLC

Generally, an intraocular implant and methods for treating an ocular condition. In particular, an intraocular implant which implanted between an intraocular lens and the surface of the posterior capsule of the eye inhibits migration of residual lens epithelial cells after cataract surgery by providing structural barriers to reduce posterior capsule opacification of the eye.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Drug delivery devices for delivery of ocular therapeutic agents

Номер: US20130317458A1
Принадлежит: Aerie Pharmaceuticals Inc

Drug delivery devices comprising a non-bioabsorbable polymer structure configured to support a composition comprising an active agent. The devices include a plurality of portions fused together and a recess configured to support the composition. At least one of the portions includes an impermeable polymer and at least one other portion includes a rate-limiting water-permeable polymer. The rate-limiting water-permeable polymer allows for transportation of the active agent to an exterior of the device.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Viscous fluid injector

Номер: US20130317478A1
Принадлежит: Ataviz LLC

A self-contained apparatus and corresponding methods are provided for delivering viscous fluids in a controlled manner, such as delivering a viscous fluid in a surgical setting. The self-contained apparatus can include a motion following pressure regulator that allows for linear control of a regulated pressure. The regulated pressure can be used for dispensing a viscous fluid from a syringe that is coupled to the self-contained apparatus. The pressure regulator regulates a pressure derived from a pressurized fluid reservoir located at least partially within a housing of the apparatus. This allows the viscous fluid to be delivered using pressure to provide a driving force greater than a force easily delivered manually, while still allowing a surgeon to retain fine control over the rate of viscous fluid delivery.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Injector for eye

Номер: US20130317605A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

To provide an injector for ophthalmology which can guide an implant easily to an transplant place without causing any damage to the implant when the implant is inserted into an eyeball. The injector for an eye used for inserting an implant into an eyeball comprises an outer tube, and an implant holding structure arranged in the outer tube to be slidable with respect to the outer tube. The implant holding structure has an implant holding portion which can be contained in the outer tube and forms a space for containing the implant between the implant holding portion and the inner surface of the outer tube when it is contained in the outer tube. The implant holding portion projects from the outer tube when the implant holding structure is advanced and the implant can be taken out from the outer tube.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324942A1

A therapeutic device to release a therapeutic agent comprises a porous structure coupled to a container comprising a reservoir. The reservoir comprises a volume sized to release therapeutic amounts of the therapeutic agent for an extended time when coupled to the porous structure and implanted in the patient. The porous structure may comprise a first side coupled to the reservoir and a second side to couple to the patient to release the therapeutic agent. The length of the channels extending from the first side to the second side may comprise an effective length greater than a distance across the porous structure from the first side to the 188 second side. The therapeutic device may comprise a penetrable barrier to inject therapeutic agent into the device when implanted in the patient. 145.-. (canceled)46. An ophthalmic drug delivery system comprising: a reservoir having a reservoir volume; and', 'a rigid porous structure coupled to the reservoir and having channels extending through the rigid porous structure, the rigid porous structure having a release rate, the porous structure located at the outlet of the reservoir and tuned to release a predetermined rate profile of a drug formulation from the reservoir and into the eye to treat the eye for an extended period of time; and, 'an extended release device configured to be implanted in an eye, the device comprisinga drug formulation contained in and delivered by the extended release device, wherein the drug formulation comprises a drug having a concentration in a solution volume and a given half-life upon bolus injection of the solution volume into an eye,wherein the extended release device is tuned to the drug formulation by selecting a value for at least one of the group consisting of: the concentration, the reservoir volume, and the release rate, to achieve an effective half-life in the eye when the drug formulation is delivered by the implantable extended release device,wherein the effective half-life is longer ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324949A1
Автор: Kliman Gilbert H.

Implantable drug delivery devices, and kits and methods incorporating them are described. The devices may, for example, be configured for implantation into an ocular region of a subject. The drug delivery devices may comprise multiple, selectively-triggerable drug reservoirs for administration of sequential or concomitant drug regimens. Some variations of devices may comprise one or more reservoirs that may be triggered by an optical stimulus, e.g., light having a wavelength within a certain wavelength range. The devices, methods, and kits may be useful in the treatment chronic ocular conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration. 1. A drug delivery device for implantation into an ocular region of a subject , the device comprising:a first reservoir configured to be loaded with a first agent; anda first target region configured to receive a first stimulus to trigger release of the first agent;a second reservoir, connected to the first reservoir, configured to be loaded with a second agent,wherein at least the first reservoir is configured to be reloadable or wherein the device is configured to receive a replacement reservoir comprising the first agent.2. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the first reservoir comprises a filling port.3. The drug delivery device of claim 2 , wherein the filling port comprises a self-sealing injection region.4. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second reservoirs are separated by a self-sealing membrane.5. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second reservoirs are separated by a one-way valve.6. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the first stimulus is a first optical stimulus and the first target region is configured to selectively absorb light from the first optical stimulus.7. The drug delivery device of claim 6 , wherein the first optical stimulus triggers formation of a first orifice in the first reservoir.8. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338612A1

An apparatus for intraocular injection comprising a body adapted to accommodate an injection device and a displacement device coupled to a distal portion of the body. The displacement device comprises a first portion and a second portion connected to the first portion. Axial movement of the first portion within the body in a distal direction causes the second portion to displace a superficial layer of an eye relative to an underlying layer of the eye. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus for intraocular injection comprisinga body adapted to accommodate an injection device; anda displacement device coupled to a distal portion of the body, wherein the displacement device comprises a first portion axially movable within the body and a second portion adapted to contact a superficial layer of an eye, wherein axial movement of the first portion within the body in a distal direction causes the second portion to displace the superficial layer of the eye relative to an underlying layer of the eye.17. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the second portion is adapted to perform a linear and/or rotational movement in order to displace the superficial layer of the eye over the underlying layer.18. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the apparatus further comprises an apparatus placement foot coupled to the distal portion of the body.19. The apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein the apparatus placement foot includes a positioning component for aligning the apparatus placement foot on the eye.20. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the first portion is connected to the second portion via a spring.21. The apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the spring biases the injection device in a retracted position within the body.22. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the second portion comprises an arm having a proximal end coupled to the second portion and a distal end coupled to a manipulating foot.23. The apparatus according to claim 22 , ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Intraocular implants and related kits and methods

Номер: US20130345808A1
Принадлежит: Sight Sciences Inc

Devices, methods and kits are described for reducing intraocular pressure. The devices include a support that is implantable within Schlemm's canal and that may restore or maintain at least partial patency of the canal without substantially interfering with transmural or transluminal fluid flow across the canal. The devices utilize the natural drainage process of the eye and may be implanted with minimal trauma to the eye. Kits may include a support and an introducer for implanting the support within Schlemm's canal. Methods may include implanting a support within Schlemm's canal, where the support is capable of restoring or maintaining at least partial patency of the canal without substantial interference with transmural or transluminal fluid flow across the canal.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005514A1

An apparatus for controlled healing of ocular erosions is described. The apparatus comprising; an optical surface comprising an energizable controller capable of being programmed to transmit energy from an energy source onto/into an ocular surface, through the use of a current generator in electrical connection with energy emitting contacts capable of transmitting an electric field. The controller, current generator and energy emitting contacts are biocompatible or encapsulated by a conductive biocompatible layer to allow positioning of said apparatus in an ocular surface. 1. A method of controlling the healing of a wound in an ocular surface , the method comprising;examining an eye;diagnosing erosions in an ocular surface of the eye;gathering eye physiology data;fitting an ophthalmic device capable of delivering a controlled electric current;programming said current emitted by the ophthalmic device to aid a natural emitted current of the erosions in the ocular surface; andwearing said ophthalmic device during the healing of the diagnosed erosions.2. The method of additionally comprising;delivering an active agent upon contact of said ophthalmic device with the ocular surface and wherein the delivery of the active agent is enhanced through the use of said current.3. The method of additionally comprising;monitoring naturally emitted electric currents by the diagnosed ocular erosions.4. The method of additionally comprising;detecting a change in the naturally emitted electric currents from a predetermined threshold signaling an infection or an increase in irritation of said ocular surface.5. The method of additionally comprising;delivering an active agent upon a signal of an infection or increase in irritation of said ocular surface.6. The method of additionally comprising;delivering the active agent in pre-determined doses and frequencies to effectively treat the signaled condition.7. The method of additionally comprising;delivering an additional electrical charge to ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Restoration of accommodation by lens refilling

Номер: US20140012240A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for refilling a lens of an eye or increasing the elasticity of a lens of an eye includes removing a central portion of the lens core through the eye's cornea, a capsulorhexis in the eye's lens capsule and a gullet extending at least partially through the cortex of the lens. The lens is then refilled with a synthetic lens material. Sufficient lens core is left in place so that the synthetic material is not in contact with a lens capsule of the eye. The synthetic material used for refilling may be selected and may be formed in a shape and thickness so as to affect the refractive characteristics of the lens. An endocapsular lenticule may be inserted in the lens to affect the refractive characteristics of the lens.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012279A1
Принадлежит: Transcend Medical, Inc.

Described herein is a delivery device and methods for delivering an ocular implant into an eye. The delivery device includes a proximal handle portion; a distal delivery portion coupled to a distal end of the handle portion and configured to releasably hold an ocular implant and includes a sheath positioned axially over a guidewire; and a metering system configured to provide visual guidance regarding depth of advancement of an implant positioned on the guidewire into an anatomic region of the eye. Also disclosed is a device and method for loading an implant onto the delivery device. 1. A delivery device for delivering an ocular implant into an eye , the delivery device comprising:a proximal handle portion;a distal delivery portion coupled to a distal end of the handle portion and configured to releasably hold an ocular implant, the delivery portion comprising a sheath positioned axially over a guidewire; anda metering system configured to provide visual guidance regarding depth of advancement of an implant positioned on the guidewire into an anatomic region of the eye.2. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the anatomic region of the eye is the suprachoroidal space.3. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the metering system comprises a first series of graduated markings on the guidewire.4. The delivery device of claim 3 , wherein the metering system further comprises a second series of graduated markings on the sheath.5. The delivery device of claim 4 , wherein the first series of graduated markings correlate to the second series of graduated markings.6. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the metering system comprises one or more graduated markings on a surface of the distal delivery portion.7. The delivery device of claim 6 , further comprising an additional blank band distal to the one or more graduated markings.8. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the metering system comprises two or more unique bands of color.9. The delivery device of claim ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018771A1
Автор: Shekalim Avraham

A system () and corresponding method for introducing a drug delivery device () through at least part of a biological barrier starts with the drug delivery device () deployed within a channel of a hollow needle (). The hollow needle is inserted into the biological barrier and the drug delivery device is pushed forward by a suitable plunger. The drug delivery device is preferably anchored to the biological barrier through a radially expanding retention arrangement (), and is preferably filled with a liquid drug after deployment via a filling needle () extending within the channel of the hollow needle (). 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said reservoir is an inflatable reservoir sized for deployment within said central channel when substantially empty and inflatable by filling with a liquid drug to assume a deployed size greater than dimensions of said central channel.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said filling needle is extends through at least part of said plunger such that said filling needle engages said filling port prior to advancing of said drug delivery device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said drug delivery device deployed within said hollow needle claim 1 , said plunger claim 1 , said filling needle and said liquid injection device pre-filled with a quantity of a liquid drug claim 1 , are preassembled into a single integrated delivery system for implanting and filling said drug delivery device within the body.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said tip of said hollow needle is a beveled tip terminating at a point claim 1 , so as to facilitate introduction of said drug delivery device into a biological barrier without formation of a prior incision.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an abutment surface surrounding at least part of said hollow needle so as to define a depth of penetration claim 1 , and wherein said plunger has a predefined fully-advanced position claim 1 , such that claim 1 , after penetration of said tip into or through ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025022A1

A method of decreasing intraocular pressure (IOP) in an eye of a patient in need thereof includes implanting a first lacrimal implant through an upper punctum and into an upper lacrimal canaliculus of the eye of the patient. The method may further comprise implanting a second lacrimal implant through a lower punctum and into a lower lacrimal canaliculus of the eye of the patient, and releasing, on a sustained basis a therapeutically effective amount of an intraocular pressure-reducing therapeutic agent. 1. A method of treating a patient with Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) or Ocular Hypertension (OH) in an eye , comprising:providing a unit dosage of about 95 μg of latanoprost to an eye over a treatment period, wherein the latanoprost is administered from a lacrimal implant comprising a sustained release formulation of the 95 μg of latanoprost and the latanoprost is released in a therapeutically effective dose from the lacrimal implant over the treatment period, with the proviso that the lacrimal implant is inserted into a lower punctum and a blank lacrimal implant that does not comprise latanoprost is inserted in an upper punctum.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lacrimal implant is a punctual plug.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lacrimal implant comprises a first member defining a first axis and having a first end along the first axis; a second member defining a second axis and having a second end along the second axis; and a third member connecting the first end of the first member and the second end of the second member at a first angle to form an angled intersection.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein in the second member of the lacrimal implant further comprises a cavity for insertion of a drug core comprising the therapeutic agent.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the third member of the lacrimal implant further comprises a bore that is characterized by a third axis and a second angle claim 3 , wherein the first angle is defined by the first axis with ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031769A1
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4, Inc.

An injectable formulation of therapeutic agent may comprise the therapeutic agent and a stabilizer such that a substantial portion of the stabilizer remains in the therapeutic device to stabilize the therapeutic agent when the therapeutic agent is released from the therapeutic device. The injectable formulation may comprise one or more of binding agent particles or erodible material particles, such that the formulation can be injected into the therapeutic device. The binding agent particles can bind reversibly to the therapeutic agent so as to modulate release of the therapeutic agent, and the erodible material particles can generate protons of an acid so as to increase stability of the therapeutic agent and may modulate release of the therapeutic agent. The therapeutic agent can be combined with one or more of the stabilizer, the binding agent particles or the erodible particles to increase stability of the therapeutic agent and may modulate release. 176-. (canceled)77. A device to treat an eye , the device comprising:a reservoir chamber having a volume sized to receive an injection of an amount of a formulation of a therapeutic agent;a porous structure to release therapeutic amounts of the therapeutic agent for an extended time; anda stabilizer to maintain stability of the therapeutic agent in the reservoir chamber, the stabilizer comprising a molecular weight of at least about 5 k Daltons such that a portion of the stabilizer remains in the reservoir chamber for the extended time.78. The device of claim 77 , wherein the stabilizer comprises a molecular weight of at least about 10 k.79. The device of claim 77 , wherein the stabilizer comprises a molecular weight of at least about 25% of a molecular weight of the therapeutic agent.80. The device of claim 79 , wherein the therapeutic agent comprises a molecular weight of at least about 40 k.81. The device of claim 80 , wherein the therapeutic agent comprises a Fab antibody fragment or a derivative thereof.82. The ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus to determine diffusion properties of porous structures for drug delivery

Номер: US20140033800A1
Принадлежит: ForSight Vision4 Inc

Disclosed herein are improved therapeutic devices and methods and improved porous structures and measurement apparatus for use with therapeutic devices. In many embodiments, a porous structure is measured based on diffusion of the gas through the porous structure. The gas measurement may comprise an amount of gas measured to determine a resistance of the porous structure to diffusion. The diffusion of the gas through the porous structure can be used to determine release of a therapeutic agent through the porous structure, such that targeted amounts of therapeutic agent can be released for extended times and such that therapeutic device reservoir volume and porous frit structure can be tuned to release the therapeutic agent for an extended time above a target amount for the extended time.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039391A1

An apparatus for intraocular injection comprising a body adapted to accommodate an injection device, a displacement device coupled to a distal end of the body, and a sleeve coupled to the body and axially moveable relative to the body. The displacement device includes at least one rotatable member adapted to contact a superficial layer of an eye, and the sleeve engages and causes rotation of the at least one rotatable member as the sleeve moves from a first axial position to a second axial position. Rotation of the at least one rotatable member displaces the superficial layer relative to an underlying layer of the eye. 112-. (canceled)13. An apparatus for intraocular injection comprisinga body adapted to accommodate an injection device;a displacement device coupled to a distal end of the body, wherein the displacement device includes at least one rotatable member adapted to contact a superficial layer of an eye; anda sleeve coupled to the body and axially moveable relative to the body, wherein the sleeve engages and causes rotation of the at least one rotatable member as the sleeve moves from a first axial position to a second axial position, wherein the rotation of the at least one rotatable member displaces the superficial layer relative to an underlying layer of the eye.14. The apparatus according to wherein the at least one rotatable member is at least one wheel.15. The apparatus according wherein the sleeve engages the at least one rotatable member by frictional contact.16. The apparatus according to wherein a distal end of the sleeve comprises a tapered section.17. The apparatus according to wherein movement of the injection device within the body causes movement of the sleeve between the first and second axial positions.18. The apparatus according to wherein the rotation of the at least one rotatable member is limited to a predefined angular rotation.19. The apparatus according to wherein the at least one rotatable member is at least partially made of at ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for in vitro and in vivo imaging of cells on a substrate

Номер: US20140050386A1
Принадлежит: University of Southern California USC

Disclosed herein are generally to methods and systems that facilitate imaging of cells on a substrate and more particularly to pre-implantation (in vitro) and post-implantation (in vivo) imaging of cell-seeded substrates implanted in target tissues in the context of stem cell therapy.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051972A1

A drug delivery device includes a catheter having first and second ends; a flexible membrane having a rim securely connected to an inner surface of the catheter to define a first volume between the first end and the flexible membrane, and a second volume between the flexible membrane and the second end, such that the second volume is substantially the same as a desired drug volume; and a pressurizable member coupled to the catheter for operably delivering a drug. In use, a desired volume of the drug is preloaded into the second volume of the catheter that in turn is slid into a guidance device, when the guidance device is placed in a target of interest, the pressurizable member applies a pressure into the first volume to exert a force upon the flexible membrane to operably squeeze the second volume, thereby unloading the drug into the target. 1. A drug delivery device for delivering a desired volume of a drug into a target of interest of a human or an animal , comprising:(a) a catheter having a first end and an opposite, second end, being slidable into a guidance device;(b) a flexible membrane having a rim securely connected to an inner surface of the catheter at a position proximal to the second end of the catheter to define a first volume inside the catheter between the first end and the flexible membrane, and a second volume inside the catheter between the flexible membrane and the second end, such that the second volume is substantially the same as the desired volume of the drug, wherein the first volume and the second volume are operably and complementarily changeable; and(c) a pressurizable member coupled to the catheter for operably changing the first volume and the second volume of the catheter,wherein in use, the desired volume of the drug is preloaded into the second volume of the catheter that in turn is slid into the guidance device, and when the guidance device is placed in the target of interest, the pressurizable member applies a pressure into the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Eyelid Margin Wipes Comprising Chemical Means For Temperature Adjustment

Номер: US20140058340A1

An eyelid margin wipe comprising chemical means for adjusting the temperature of the wipe relative to the ambient temperature. The wipe is particularly useful for treatment of disorders of the eyelid or eyelid margin such as meibomian gland dysfunction. 140-. (canceled)42. The method of claim 41 , wherein the condition is eye claim 41 , eyelid or eyelid margin irritation; eye claim 41 , eyelid or eyelid margin inflammation; eye claim 41 , eyelid or eyelid margin redness; meibomian gland dysfunction; hay fever; eye dryness; a condition associated with use of eye cosmetics; or a condition associated with contact-lens wear.43. The method of claim 41 , further comprising holding the eyelid wipe on the eye region for a period of time.44. The method of claim 43 , wherein the period of time is from about 5 minutes to about 10 minutes.45. The method of claim 41 , further comprising massaging the eyelid margin with the eyelid wipe.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein the massaging is conducted after the eyelid wipe reaches the desired temperature.47. The method of claim 41 , wherein the desired temperature is in the range of about 40° C. to about 55° C.48. The method of claim 47 , wherein the desired temperature is in the range of about 40° C. to about 45° C. claim 47 , or the range of about 45° C. to about 52° C.49. The method of claim 41 , wherein the desired temperature is in the range of about 0° C. to about 25° C.50. The method of claim 49 , wherein the desired temperature is in the range of about 5° C. to about 10° C.51. The method of claim 41 , wherein the desired temperature is reached within 2 minutes after the temperature change is initiated.52. The method of claim 51 , wherein the desired temperature is reached within 1 minute after the temperature change is initiated.53. The method of claim 41 , wherein the desired temperature is maintained for more than 5 minutes.54. The method of claim 53 , wherein the desired temperature is maintained for 10 minutes or more.55 ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Novel microfabricated instruments and methods to treat recurrent corneal erosions

Номер: US20140058424A1

In one embodiment, the present invention provides a device and method for treating recurrent corneal erosion. In one embodiment, the method includes the steps of contacting an epithelium layer of a cornea with an array of glass micro-rods including a plurality of sharp features having a length that penetrates a Bowman's layer of the eye, wherein the plurality of sharp features of the array of glass micro-rods produces a plurality of punctures in the Bowman's layer of the eye that are of micro-scale or less. In another embodiment, the present invention provides a method and device for drug delivery. In one embodiment, the device includes an array of glass micro-rods, wherein at least one glass micro-rod of the array of glass micro-rods includes a sharp feature opposite a base of the array of glass micro-rods, wherein the sharp feature includes a treated surface for delivering a chemical compound to the eye.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074107A1

An intraocular lens (IOL) injector assembly comprising an injector body having a shuttle reception opening defined at least in part by a first sidewall and a second sidewall, and a shuttle comprising a first wing including a first portion of a shuttle lumen wall and a second wing including a second portion of a shuttle lumen wall. The first wing and the second wing are coupled together by a hinge. When in a closed state, the first portion of the shuttle lumen wall and the second portion of the shuttle lumen wall define at least a portion of an operative shuttle lumen. The shuttle and sidewalls are configured such that the first wing and the second wing interfere with the first sidewall and the second sidewall, respectively, as the shuttle passes through the shuttle reception opening, such that the closed state of the shuttle is attained. 1. An intraocular lens (IOL) injector assembly for folding an IOL , comprising:an injector body having a shuttle reception opening defined at least in part by a first sidewall and a second sidewall; anda shuttle comprising a first wing including a first portion of a shuttle lumen wall and a second wing including a second portion of a shuttle lumen wall, the first wing and the second wing being coupled together by an at least one hinge, and, when in a closed state, the first portion of the shuttle lumen wall and the second portion of the shuttle lumen wall define at least a portion of an operative shuttle lumen,the shuttle and sidewalls sized and shaped such that the first wing and the second wing interfere with the first sidewall and the second sidewall, respectively, as the shuttle passes through the shuttle reception opening,whereby, when the shuttle passes through the opening, the closed state of the shuttle is attained.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a third portion of the shuttle lumen claim 1 , the first wing portion coupled to the third portion by the first hinge and the second wing portion being coupled to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086974A1

Biodegradable drug delivery systems, such as extruded implants, for the sustained delivery of a protein to an ocular region of the eye or intraarticular region in the body are described. The drug delivery systems may be used to treat a variety of ocular and medical conditions, including macular degeneration. Methods for using and making the drug delivery systems are also described. The drug delivery systems can be in the form of extruded filaments configured for placement in an ocular region such as the vitreous body or anterior chamber of the eye. 1. An extruded biodegradable intraocular implant comprising a biodegradable polymer matrix and a protein associated with the biodegradable polymer matrix , wherein the biodegradable polymer matrix comprises a first poly(D ,L-lactide-co-glycolide) and a second poly(D ,L-lactide-co-glycolide) , the first poly(D ,L-lactide-co-glycolide) having an ester end group and a D ,L-lactide:glycolide ratio of about 75:25 , and the second poly(D ,L-lactide-co-glycolide) having an acid end group and a D ,L-lactide:glycolide ratio of about 50:50 , wherein the implant provides continuous release of the protein in a biologically active form for about 90 days after placement of the implant in an eye of a mammal.2. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the weight to weight ratio of first poly(D claim 2 ,L-lactide-co-glycolide) to second poly(D claim 2 ,L-lactide-co-glycolide) is about 90:10.3. An implant according to claim 2 , wherein the protein is therapeutically effective for reducing at least one symptom of an ocular condition selected from the group consisting of ocular neovascularization claim 2 , choroidal neovascularization claim 2 , macular degeneration claim 2 , and macular edema.4. An implant according to claim 3 , wherein the protein is an antibody claim 3 , antibody fragment claim 3 , DARPin claim 3 , or anticalin that binds vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).5. An implant according to ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000663A1

Disclosed herein are drug delivery devices and methods for the treatment of ocular disorders requiring targeted and controlled administration of a drug to an interior portion of the eye for reduction or prevention of symptoms of the disorder. The devices are capable of controlled release of one or more drugs and may also include structures which allow for treatment of increased intraocular pressure by permitting aqueous humor to flow out of the anterior chamber of the eye through the device. 1. (canceled)2. An implant for insertion into a punctum of the eye of a subject , comprising:an outer shell having a proximal end, a distal end, and a side wall extending from the proximal end to the distal end, said side wall of the outer shell being shaped to define an interior space and being made of a first material,the outer shell dimensioned for placement into the punctum of the eye of a subject;at least a first drug positioned within said interior space; anda cap at the proximal end of the outer shell and being made of a second material, different from the first material, wherein the second material is permeable or semi-permeable to at least the first drug and wherein the cap is positioned at least partially externally from the outer shell;wherein at least the first drug elutes from the implant to a tear film of an eye by passing through the cap.3. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the second material is elastic or semi-elastic to allow the cap to be attached to the implant shell and retained in place at least in part by an elastic rebound of the second material.4. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the implant is dimensioned to be implanted with the distal end of the outer shell positioned in the lacrimal duct or caniliculus.5. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the implant is dimensioned to be implanted with the distal end of the outer shell positioned in the lacrimal sac.6. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the implant is dimensioned to be implanted with the distal end of ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000768A9

A minimally invasive controlled drug delivery system for delivering a particular drug or drugs to a particular location of the eye, the system including a porous film template having pores configured and dimensioned to at least partially receive at least one drug therein, and wherein the template is dimensioned to be delivered into or onto the eye. 1. A drug delivery device for use in the controlled delivery of a particular drug or drugs to a particular location of the eye , the device comprising:micron sized porous silicon or silicon dioxide particles having pores configured and dimensioned to at least partially receive at least one drug therein; andwherein the particles are suitable to be delivered into or onto the eye.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the inner walls of the pores are covalently modified so that the binding efficacy of the at least one drug is enhanced and/or drug release profiles of said pores has been tuned.3. The device of wherein the covalent modification of the inner walls is selected from the group comprising functional alkenes claim 2 , silicon oxide claim 2 , functional organohalides claim 2 , and metals.4. The device of wherein the particles are oxidized so as to trap the drug or drugs in the pores.5. The device of wherein the particles are suitable for intraocular injection.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein said particles have a monitorable optical code.7. The device of wherein said drug or drugs comprises one of the group consisting of angiostatic steroids claim 1 , metalloproteinase inhibitors claim 1 , a VEGF binding drug claim 1 , pigment epithelium derived factor claim 1 , an 8-mer peptide fragment of urokinase claim 1 , and dexamethasone.8. A method of preparing a device for controlled drug delivery to a location of the eye comprising:providing a porous nanostructured silicon-containing template having pores configured to receive a particular drug,fracturing the template into micron sized particles, said particles being sized and ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000344A1

The present invention describes vertically stacked and hermetically sealed implantable pressure sensor devices for measuring a physiological signal. The implantable device comprises multiple layers, including a first wafer having a pressure sensor configured to measure the physiological signal and a second wafer having at least a digitizing integrated circuit. The first wafer is vertically stacked or disposed over the second wafer so as to form a hermetic seal. The device may include one or more additional layers adapted for energy storage and transfer, such as a third layer having a super-capacitor and a fourth layer having a thin film battery. 1. A vertically stacked and hermetically sealed implantable pressure sensor device for measuring a physiological signal , the implantable device comprising:a first wafer comprising at least a pressure sensor configured to measure the physiological signal; anda second wafer comprising at least a digitizing integrated circuit, wherein the first wafer is vertically stacked or disposed over the second wafer so as to form a hermetic seal.2. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the vertical stacking of the wafers is configured to create a hermetically sealed cavity between the first and second wafers.3. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the implantable device comprises a size or shape capable of implantation through an injector or syringe having a gauge of 19 or higher.4. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the physiological signal comprises an intraocular pressure claim 1 , an intracranial pressure claim 1 , or a cardiovascular pressure.5. The implantable device of claim 4 , wherein the implantable device is sized or shaped to be positionable within a vitreous body of an eye so as to measure an intraocular pressure of a vitreous humour.6. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensor comprises a capacitive pressure transducer.7. The implantable device of claim 6 , wherein the capacitive ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000888A1
Принадлежит: Aciont Inc.

An ophthalmic composition can include dexamethasone phosphate, or a salt thereof, dexamethasone, but in an amount not greater than 1.0 wt % relative to the amount of dexamethasone phosphate, or a salt thereof, and water. The ophthalmic composition can have a pH of about 5 to about 8 and a tonicity of from about 100 mOsm/kg to about 760 mOsm/kg. 1. An ophthalmic composition , comprising:dexamethasone phosphate, or a salt thereof, present in the composition in an amount from about 1 wt % to about 25 wt %;dexamethasone present, but in an amount not greater than 1.0 wt % relative to the amount of dexamethasone phosphate, or the salt thereof; andwater,wherein the composition has a pH of from about 5 to about 8, andwherein the composition has a tonicity of from about 200 mOsm/kg to about 760 mOsm/kg.2. The ophthalmic composition of claim 1 , wherein the dexamethasone phosphate is dexamethasone sodium phosphate.3. The ophthalmic composition of claim 1 , wherein the dexamethasone phosphate claim 1 , or the salt thereof claim 1 , is present in an amount from about 4 wt % to about 18 wt %.4. The ophthalmic composition of claim 1 , wherein dexamethasone is present claim 1 , but in an amount not more than 1.0 wt % relative to dexamethasone phosphate claim 1 , or the salt thereof claim 1 , after storage at ambient temperature for a period of 3 months or less.5. The ophthalmic composition of claim 1 , wherein dexamethasone is present claim 1 , but in an amount not more than 1.0 wt % relative to dexamethasone phosphate claim 1 , or the salt thereof claim 1 , after storage at ambient temperature for a period of 6 months or less.6. The ophthalmic composition of claim 1 , wherein dexamethasone is present claim 1 , but in an amount not more than 1.0 wt % relative to dexamethasone phosphate claim 1 , or the salt thereof claim 1 , after storage at a temperature of from about 2° C. to about 8° C. for a period of 36 months or less.7. The ophthalmic composition of claim 1 , wherein ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000589A1

A system includes a scleral prosthesis and an insert. The scleral prosthesis includes a first end configured to be pulled through a scleral tunnel in an eye and a second end. Each end is wider than a middle portion of the scleral prosthesis. Two portions form the first end of the scleral prosthesis, and the portions are separated along at least half of a length of the scleral prosthesis. The scleral prosthesis is formed from a single integrated piece of material. The second end is undivided. The insert is configured to be placeable between the two portions. The two portions may be separated from one another without external interference, and the two portions may be configured to be pushed towards each other in order to reduce a width of the first end and then separate after release. 1. A scleral prosthesis comprising:a first end configured to be pulled through a scleral tunnel in an eye and a second end, each end wider than a middle portion of the scleral prosthesis;wherein two portions form the first end of the scleral prosthesis, the portions separated along at least half of a length of the scleral prosthesis;wherein the scleral prosthesis is formed from a single integrated piece of material; andwherein the second end is undivided.2. The scleral prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein:the two portions are separated from one another without external interference; andthe two portions are configured to be pushed towards each other in order to reduce a width of the first end and then separate after release.3. The scleral prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein:the first and second ends each include cylindrical areas projecting out from sides of the scleral prosthesis; andeach of the cylindrical areas has a flat bottom.4. The scleral prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the material is polymethyl methacrylate or polyether-ether ketone.5. The scleral prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein:a top surface of the scleral prosthesis is curved; anda bottom surface of the scleral prosthesis is flat.6. ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000602A1

Embodiments of an implantable device for delivering a therapeutic agent to a patient include a reservoir configured to contain a liquid comprising the therapeutic agent, and a cannula in fluid communication with the reservoir. When a predetermined cracking pressure is reached, a valve opens and allows the liquid to flow through the cannula. 1. An implantable electrolytic pump comprising:a drug chamber for containing a liquid to be administered;a cannula in fluid communication with the drug chamber;an electrolysis chamber comprising first and second electrodes and circuitry for activating the electrodes and thereby causing a pressure in the drug chamber to change; anda valve having a predetermined cracking pressure, wherein the liquid is forced from the drug chamber through the cannula when the pressure in the drug chamber exceeds the predetermined cracking pressure.2. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the cannula is configured for fluid communication with the anterior or posterior chamber of the human eye.3. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined cracking pressure of the valve is within the range of 6 psia to 30 psia.4. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined cracking pressure of the valve is within the range of 6 psia to 15 psia.5. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the valve has a predetermined closing pressure at which the liquid ceases to be forced through the cannula.6. The pump of claim 5 , wherein the predetermined closing pressure is less than the predetermined cracking pressure.7. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the valve has a predetermined breakdown pressure below which liquid is forced into the drug chamber.8. The pump of claim 1 , further comprising a normally open valve that closes when the fluid pressure in the cannula exceeds a predetermined threshold pressure value greater than the fluid pressure outside the cannula.9. The pump of claim 8 , wherein the predetermined threshold value of the normally open valve claim 8 , is within the range of 2 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000669A1
Принадлежит: Clearside Biomedical, Inc.

The present invention provides devices to access the suprachoroidal space or sub-retinal space in an eye via a minimally invasive transconjunctival approach. The devices may also be used after a partial dissection, for example after dissection of the outer scleral layer of the eye, and using the device within the dissection to access the suprachoroidal space or the sub-retinal space. 1. A device comprising an elongated body having a distal end and proximal end , said ends in communication through an internal pathway within said body wherein:a. said distal end is configured with a sharp edge or point to penetrate into ocular tissues of the outer shell of the eye,b. a moveable guarding element disposed in a first configuration to shield said ocular tissues from said sharp edge or point, and adapted to apply a distally directed force to said tissues at the distal end of the device to displace tissue away from the distal end of the device upon entry into the suprachoroidal space or subretinal space in an eye with said distal end; wherein said guarding element is moveable to a second configuration to expose said sharp edge or point to said tissues for penetration into said tissuesc. and an access port to deliver materials and substances through said pathway in the elongated body after deployment of the guarding element within the suprachoroidal space or subretinal space.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the guarding element is attached to a spring or compressible element that upon compression thereof provides a distally directed force on the guarding element.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the distally directed force is in the range of about 1 to 5 grams force.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the guarding element comprises a flowable material selected from a fluid or gas that is directed to flow out the of the distal end of the device to provide a distally directed force.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the flowable material provides distally directed force with ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000635A1
Автор: LERNER Leonid E.

Injection devices for delivering pharmaceutical formulations into the eye are described. The devices may be integrated to include features that allow safe and atraumatic manipulation of the devices with one hand. For example, accurate placement, including proper angulation, of the device on the eye and injection of a pharmaceutical formulation into the eye can be performed using one hand. The devices may also include improved safety features. For example, the devices may include an actuation mechanism that controls the rate and depth of injection into the eye. Some devices include a dynamic resistance component capable of adjusting the amount of pressure applied to the eye surface. Related methods and systems comprising the devices are also described. 123-. (canceled)24. A device for intraocular drug delivery , comprising:a housing comprising a proximal end and a distal end;a reservoir within the housing comprising a volume of a therapeutic agent;a plunger configured to slide within the housing and deliver the volume of therapeutic agent via an exit port proximate the distal end of the housing;a slot extending axially and only partially along a sidewall of the housing in a distal portion of the sidewall of the housing; anda first actuator that extends through the slot in the sidewall of the housing, the first actuator fixedly attached to a portion of the plunger and configured to slide axially distally along the slot, the first actuator configured to be actuated with a fingertip and move the plunger axially; anda second actuator attached to the proximal end of the plunger and configured to move the plunger axially, the second actuator defining a proximal end of the injector.25. The device of claim 24 , wherein the therapeutic agent comprises a VEGF antagonist.26. A injector configured for single-handed operation claim 24 , comprising:a housing comprising a proximal end and a distal end;a reservoir within the housing comprising a volume of a therapeutic agent;a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Lacrimal implants and related methods

Номер: US20180000642A1
Принадлежит: Mati Therapeutics Inc

Lacrimal implants for treating diseases or disorders are disclosed. More particularly, lacrimal implants, methods of making such implants, and methods of treating ocular, respiration, inner ear or other diseases or disorders using such implants are disclosed.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Biocompatible Biodegradable Intraocular Implant System

Номер: US20170000644A1
Автор: Cuevas Kevin H.
Принадлежит: InSight Innovations, LLC

Generally, an intraocular implant and methods for treating an ocular condition. As to certain embodiments, an intraocular biocompatible biodegradable implant () which can provide a biocompatible biodegradable material in the form of a flexible membrane () containing an active agent () which implanted between an intraocular lens () and the surface of the posterior capsule () of the eye ()() inhibits migration of residual lens epithelial cells after cataract surgery by providing structural or pharmaceutical barriers to reduce posterior capsule () opacification of the eye ()(). 1. An intraocular implant , comprising:a) a biocompatible flexible membrane configured to implant in a localized region inside an eye; andb) an aperture element which communicates between opposed sides of said biocompatible flexible membrane to provide a passage opening, said passage opening configured to intraocularly align with a visual axis of said eye, thereby providing a line of sight which passes through said passage opening.2. The intraocular implant of claim 1 , wherein said aperture element defines a generally circular passage opening.3. The intraocular implant of claim 2 , wherein said generally circular passage opening has a diameter in the range of about 1.5 millimeter to about 9 millimeters.4. The intraocular implant of claim 1 , wherein said biocompatible flexible membrane is generated from a polymeric material selected from the group consisting of: polyurethane claim 1 , polyisobutylene claim 1 , ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymer claim 1 , acrylic polymers claim 1 , acrylic copolymers claim 1 , vinyl halide polymer claim 1 , vinyl halide copolymer claim 1 , polyvinyl esters claim 1 , polyvinylidene chloride claim 1 , polyacrylonitrile claim 1 , polyvinyl ketones claim 1 , polyvinyl aromatic claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , ethylene-methyl methacrylate copolymers claim 1 , acrylonitrile-styrene copolymers claim 1 , ABS resins claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000715A1
Принадлежит: Mati Therapeutics Inc.

An implant for insertion through a punctum and into a canalicular lumen of a patient. The implant includes a matrix of material, a therapeutic agent dispersed in the matrix of material, a sheath disposed over a portion of the matrix of material and configured to inhibit the therapeutic agent from being released from the matrix of material into the canalicular lumen and to allow the therapeutic agent to be released from a surface of the matrix of material to a tear film, and a retention structure configured to retain the implant within the canalicular lumen. 1. An implant for insertion into a punctum of a patient , the implant comprising:a drug core having a distal end and a proximal end, the distal end of the drug core having a cross section suitable for insertion through a punctum, the drug core comprising a therapeutic agent deliverable into the eye; anda sheath disposed over a portion of the drug core to define at least one exposed surface of the drug core, the at least one exposed surface of the drug core located near the proximal end to contact a tear or tear film fluid and release the therapeutic agent at therapeutic levels over a sustained period when the implant is implanted for use.2. The implant of further comprising a retention structure attached to the drug core to retain the drug core near and/or in the punctum.3. The implant of wherein the retention structure is attached to the drug core via the sheath.4. The implant of wherein the retention structure comprises a hydrogel adapted to expand when the retention structure is placed in the punctum.5. The implant of wherein the retention structure comprises an attachment member having an axially oriented surface claim 4 , the hydrogel capable of expansion to urge against the axially oriented surface to retain the hydrogel while the hydrogel is hydrated.6. The implant of wherein the attachment member comprises at least one of a protrusion claim 5 , a flange claim 5 , a rim claim 5 , or an opening through a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008628A1

Disclosed herein are methods of delivering implants to a target organ with an implant administration device, where the implant administration device includes a polymer retainer. Methods of making polymer retainers and methods of securing an implant within an implant administration device using a polymer retainer are also disclosed herein. 116.-. (canceled)17. A method for securing an implant within an implant administration device comprising:providing an implant administration device comprising an aperture;providing a polymer;providing an implant;inserting the implant within the implant administration device, so that the implant is contained within the implant administration device; andcoating or plugging the aperture of the implant administration device with the polymer to form a polymer retainer, thus securing the implant within the implant administration device.181. The method of claim , wherein the implant administration device is a syringe needle , the syringe needle comprising a sharp distal tip.192. The method of claim , wherein the polymer is hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (“HPMC”).203. The method of claim , wherein the sharp distal tip of the syringe is coated with the polymer.213. The method of claim , wherein the sharp distal tip is not coated with the polymer.223. The method of claim , wherein the syringe needle has a size selected from the group consisting of 22-gauge , 25-gauge , 27-gauge or 28-gauge.233. The method of claim , wherein the implant is an intraocular implant.243. The method of claim , wherein the polymer retainer increases the actuation force necessary to expel the implant secured within the implant administration device by about 1% to about 25% , compared to actuation force necessary to expel the implant without the polymer retainer present.25. A method for delivering an implant within an implant administration device to a patient in need thereof comprising:providing an implant administration device comprising an aperture;providing a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015944A1
Принадлежит: CORNEAGEN

Devices, kits and tools that facilitate pre-loading, storage, transportation and small incision, partial thickness corneal replacement procedures, including deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty (DLEK), Descemet's stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK) and Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK), using donor eye tissue are provided. 1. A donor corneal tissue storage and delivery device , comprising:a housing having a proximal end and a distal end;a cannula having a proximal end and a distal end, said cannula disposed at a distal end of the housing;a fluid channel connector disposed at a proximal end of the housing;at least one fluid channel with a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end coupled to the fluid channel connector and the distal end disposed within the proximal end of the cannula;a flexible support configured to receive a donor corneal tissue and retract into the cannula;a retractor shaft coupled to the flexible support;one or more loading members held by the housing, coupled to the retractor shaft and operable to retract the retractor shaft and coupled flexible support thereby retracting the flexible support and donor corneal tissue into the cannula;a removable reservoir in fluid communication with the fluid channel and configured to enclose the flexible support and cannula and to receive a volume of fluid for hydrating the donor corneal tissue received by the flexible support while the flexible support is retracted into the cannula;a deployment shaft coupled to the cannula and configured to retract into the distal end of the housing; andone or more deployment members coupled to the deployment shaft and operable to cause the deployment shaft to retract the cannula and to deliver the donor corneal tissue to an implantation site from the flexible support retracted into the cannula.2. The donor corneal tissue storage and delivery device according to claim 1 , wherein the cannula tapers toward the distal end of the housing ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008171A1

An implant for insertion through a punctum and into a canalicular lumen of a patient. The implant includes a matrix of material, a therapeutic agent dispersed in the matrix of material, a sheath disposed over a portion of the matrix of material and configured to inhibit the therapeutic agent from being released from the matrix of material into the canalicular lumen and to allow the therapeutic agent to be released from a surface of the matrix of material to a tear film, and a retention structure configured to retain the implant within the canalicular lumen. 1. A method for delivery of a therapeutic agent to an eye , comprising: a matrix of material;', 'a therapeutic agent dispersed in the matrix of material; and', 'a sheath disposed over a portion of the matrix of material and configured to inhibit the therapeutic agent from being released from the matrix of material into the canalicular lumen, wherein when the implant is inserted into the canalicular lumen an exposed surface of the drug insert is in direct contact with tear fluid to allow diffusion of the therapeutic agent from a surface of the matrix of material to a tear film of the eye., 'placing a lacrimal implant through a punctum and into a canalicular lumen of a patient, the implant comprising: a plug body comprising a drug insert; the drug insert comprising2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the therapeutic agent comprises a prostaglandin analogue.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the prostaglandin analogue is selected from the group consisting of latanoprost claim 2 , bimatoprost claim 2 , and travoprost.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix of material comprises a non-biodegradable polymer.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix of material comprises silicone or urethane.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the therapeutic agent is a thrombin inhibitor claim 1 , a fibrinolytic agent claim 1 , a vasospasm inhibitor claim 1 , a vasodilator claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007889A1
Автор: Lazar Eliot
Принадлежит: Mati Therapeutics Inc.

A device for delivering a treatment medium to an eye includes a first body portion configured to be removably inserted and secured in an opening of the eye, and a second body portion supported by the first body portion. At least the second body portion includes a treatment medium, and a coating having an opening through which the treatment medium elutes out of the device. 120-. (canceled)21. A device for delivering a treatment medium to an eye , comprising:a first portion, a second portion and a treatment medium member;wherein the first portion comprises a plug type member configured and arranged to be removably secured within a punctum of the eye and wherein the first portion secures the treatment medium portion to the device;wherein the second portion is configured and arranged to elute the treatment medium from the treatment medium member to an exterior surface of the eye, thereby controllably delivering a desired amount of the treatment medium to the eye; and,wherein the delivery device is configured and arranged such that when at least a part of the first body portion is removably inserted into the punctum, the device occludes or plugs the punctum.22. The device of claim 21 , wherein the treatment medium member comprises a biocompatible matrix and the treatment medium.23. The device of claim 21 , wherein the treatment medium comprises a prostaglandin claim 21 , anti-inflammatories claim 21 , non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or immunosuppressive agents.24. The device of claim 21 , wherein the treatment medium comprises dexamethasone or a corticosteroid.25. The device of claim 22 , wherein the treatment medium is selected from the group consisting of thrombin inhibitors; anti-thrombogenic agents; thrombolytic agents; fibrinolytic agents; vasospasm inhibitors; calcium channel blockers; vasodilators; antihypertensive agents; antimicrobial agents; inhibitors of surface glycoprotein receptors; antiplatelet agents; anti-mitotics; microtubule inhibitors; anti- ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007890A1

An apparatus includes a body, a needle, a catheter, and an actuator assembly. The needle extends distally from the body. The needle has an inner wall defining a needle lumen. The needle lumen is in fluid communication with a fluid port of the body. The catheter is slidably disposed in the needle lumen. The catheter has a catheter lumen. The first actuator assembly is configured to translate the catheter within and relative to the needle. The apparatus may also include an actuator assembly that is configured to rotate the needle relative to the body. The apparatus may be used to first deliver a leading bleb of fluid to the subretinal space in a patient's eye via the needle. The apparatus may then be used to deliver a therapeutic agent to the subretinal space in the patient's eye via the catheter. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of delivering fluid to an eye of a patient , the method comprising:(a) inserting a fluid delivery assembly into the eye of the patient;(b) moving the fluid delivery assembly in the eye of the patient toward a first location in the eye of the patient;(c) arresting movement of the fluid delivery assembly at a first time at the first location in the eye of the patient;(d) delivering a first volume of fluid to a first subretinal site in the eye of the patient via a fluid delivery member of the fluid delivery assembly while the fluid delivery assembly is arrested at the first location;(e) moving the fluid delivery member within the eye of the patient, after delivering the first volume of fluid, toward a second location in the eye of the patient, without removing the fluid delivery assembly from the eye of the patient;(f) arresting movement of the fluid delivery member at a second time at the second location in the eye of the patient; and(g) delivering a second volume of fluid to a second subretinal site in the eye of the patient via the fluid delivery member while the fluid delivery member is arrested at the second location.22. The method of claim 21 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008462A1

A method of modifying a refractive profile of an eye having an intraocular device implanted therein, wherein the method includes determining a corrected refractive profile for the eye based on an initial refractive profile, identifying one or more locations within the intraocular device based on the corrected refractive profile, and directing a pulsed laser beam at the locations to produce the corrected refractive profile. A system of modifying an intraocular device located within an eye, wherein the system includes a laser assembly and a controller coupled thereto. The laser assembly outputs a pulsed laser beam having a pulse width between 300 picoseconds and 10 femtoseconds. The controller directs the laser assembly to output the pulsed laser beam into the intraocular device. One or more slip zones are formed within the intraocular device in response thereto, and the slip zones are configured to modify a refractive profile of the intraocular device. 1. A method of modifying a refractive profile of an eye , the eye having an intraocular device implanted therein located at an initial position within the eye and the eye having an initial refractive profile , the method comprising the steps of:determining a corrected refractive profile for the eye based on the initial refractive profile;identifying one or more locations within the intraocular device based on the corrected refractive profile; anddirecting a pulsed laser beam at the one or more locations to re-orient the intraocular device to a corrected position within the eye and produce the corrected refractive profile.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the intraocular device is re-oriented in response to the directed pulsed laser beam by at least one of the group consisting of a horizontal displacement claim 1 , a vertical displacement claim 1 , a rotation claim 1 , a tilt claim 1 , a displacement towards a cornea of the eye claim 1 , and a displacement toward a retina of the eye.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023095A1

Biodegradable intraocular implants with a high loading of a prostamide compound for the immediate and sustained reduction of intraocular pressure and treatment of glaucoma in an eye of a patient are described. 3. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 2 , wherein the implant releases in vitro less than 35% of Compound 1 during the first 24 hours.4. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 2 , wherein the implant releases in vitro less than 20% of Compound 1 during the first 24 hours.5. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 2 , wherein the implant releases in vitro less than 15% of Compound 1 during the first 24 hours.6. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 2 , wherein the in vitro release of Compound 1 is measured in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution at a pH of 7.4±0.05 and at 37° C. claim 2 , and wherein the PBS solution is a PBS solution that is free of magnesium and calcium and has a pH of 7.4±0.05 at 25° C.7. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 3 , wherein the in vitro release of Compound 1 is measured in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution at a pH of 7.4±0.05 and at 37° C. claim 3 , and wherein the PBS solution is a PBS solution that is free of magnesium and calcium and has a pH of 7.4±0.05 at 25° C.8. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 4 , wherein the in vitro release of Compound 1 is measured in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution at a pH of 7.4±0.05 and at 37° C. claim 4 , and wherein the PBS solution is a PBS solution that is free of magnesium and calcium and has a pH of 7.4±0.05 at 25° C.9. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 5 , wherein the in vitro release of Compound 1 is measured in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution at a pH of 7.4±0.05 and at 37° C. claim 5 , and wherein the PBS solution is a PBS solution that is free of magnesium and calcium and has a pH of 7.4±0.05 at 25° C.10. The biodegradable intraocular implant of claim 2 , wherein the biodegradable ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Composite Lacrimal Insert and Related Methods

Номер: US20180008751A1
Принадлежит: Mati Therapeutics Inc.

Lacrimal implants, methods of making lacrimal implants, and methods of treating ocular, respiration or other diseases or disorders using lacrimal implants are disclosed. 1. A lacrimal implant comprising: the first portion including a first biocompatible polymer configured to swell less than 100 wt % when in contact with an aqueous medium,', 'the second portion including a second biocompatible polymer configured to swell greater than 100 wt % when in contact with an aqueous medium;, 'an implant body, including first and second portions, sized and shaped for at least partial insertion into a lacrimal canaliculus,'}wherein the first and second biocompatible polymers adhere at a junction between the first portion and the second portion.2. The lacrimal implant of claim 1 , wherein the first biocompatible polymer is a polyurethane polymer or copolymer.3. The lacrimal implant of claim 1 , wherein the second biocompatible polymer is a hydrogel-forming polyurethane polymer or copolymer.4. The lacrimal implant of claim 1 , wherein the junction comprises an intermediate member including a third biocompatible polymer claim 1 , the third biocompatible polymer configured to adhere to both the first biocompatible polymer and the second biocompatible polymer claim 1 , and configured to swell upon contact with an aqueous medium to a greater degree than the first polymer but to a lesser degree than the second polymer.5. The lacrimal implant of claim 4 , wherein the third polymer comprises a polyurethane polymer or copolymer claim 4 , a polyurethane-silicone copolymer claim 4 , a polyurethane-carbonate copolymer claim 4 , an aliphatic polyurethane claim 4 , an aromatic polyurethane claim 4 , or any combination thereof.6. The lacrimal implant of claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises a base member extending from a proximal end claim 1 , configured to sit at or near a lacrimal punctum when implanted and including a first diameter claim 1 , to a distal end portion claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Pre-filled plastic syringe containing a VEGF antagonist

Номер: US20210008284A1
Автор: Fiedler Bernd

The present invention relates to a pre-filled syringe containing a VEGF antagonist and comprising a plastic barrel which is silicone-free, kits comprising this syringe and the use of the syringe for the administration of a VEGF antagonist in the treatment of ocular diseases. 1. Pre-filled syringe containing a liquid formulation of a VEGF antagonist and comprising a syringe barrel , wherein the syringe barrel is made of plastic and is silicone-free.2. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the VEGF antagonist is an anti-VEGF antibody or an antigen-binding fragment of such antibody or a VEGF receptor fusion protein.3. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 2 , wherein the anti-VEGF antibody is ranibizumab or aflibercept.4. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the antagonist concentration is 1 to 100 mg/ml.5. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , containing less than 50 particles per ml of the liquid formulation having a diameter of 10 μm or greater.6. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , containing less than 5 particles per ml of the liquid formulation having a diameter of 25 μm or greater.7. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , having a slide force of less than or equal to 10N.8. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , further comprising a silicone-free stopper.9. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the syringe barrel is made of cycloolefin polymer or cycloolefin copolymer.10. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the syringe barrel comprises an internal coating other than a silicone coating.11. Pre-filled syringe according to claim 1 , comprising a staked needle.12. Kit comprising one or more pre-filled syringes of .13. A method of administering the liquid formulation of the VEGF antagonist of the pre-filled syringe of to a patient having an ocular disease.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the ocular disease is selected from the group consisting of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) claim 13 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Hypotensive lipid-containing biodegradable intraocular implants and related implants

Номер: US20200009155A1
Автор: Hughes Patrick M.

Biocompatible intraocular implants include a prostamide component and a biodegradable polymer that is effective in facilitating release of the prostamide component into an eye for an extended period of time. The prostamide component may be associated with a biodegradable polymer matrix, such as a matrix of a two biodegradable polymers. The implants may be placed in an eye to treat or reduce a at least one symptom of an ocular condition, such as glaucoma. 148.-. (canceled)49. A method of treating elevated intraocular pressure , the method comprising placing a biodegradable intraocular implant into the anterior chamber of an eye of a patient in need thereof , the implant comprising bimatoprost or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and a biodegradable polymer matrix that releases an amount of the bimatoprost or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof from the implant effective to reduce at least one symptom of glaucoma , wherein the amount of the bimatoprost or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof is released into the eye for a period of time greater than about one week after the implant is placed into the anterior chamber of the eye.50. The method of claim 49 , wherein the symptom is increased intraocular pressure in the eye.51. The method of claim 49 , wherein the biodegradable polymer matrix comprises a polylactic acid polymer.52. The method of claim 51 , wherein the biodegradable polymer matrix further comprises a polylactic acid polyglycolic acid copolymer.53. The method of claim 52 , wherein the method is effective in maintaining the intraocular pressure in the eye at a reduced level.54. The method of claim 50 , wherein the implant is injected into the anterior chamber of the patient with a needle.55. The method of claim 53 , wherein the implant is injected into the anterior chamber of the patient with a needle. The present invention generally relates to devices and methods to treat an eye of a patient, and more specifically to intraocular ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011341A1

A conformable covering comprises an outer portion with rigidity to resist movement on the cornea and an inner portion to contact the cornea and provide an environment for epithelial regeneration. The inner portion of the covering can be configured in many ways so as to conform at least partially to an ablated stromal surface so as to correct vision. The conformable inner portion may have at least some rigidity so as to smooth the epithelium such that the epithelium regenerates rapidly and is guided with the covering so as to form a smooth layer for vision. The inner portion may comprise an amount of rigidity within a range from about 1×10−4 Pa*m3 to about 5×10−4 Pa*m3 so as to deflect and conform at least partially to the ablated cornea and smooth an inner portion of the ablation with an amount of pressure when deflected. 1. A covering to treat an eye of a patient , wherein ,the eye comprises a cornea, an ablated stroma, and an epithelium, wherein the epithelium comprises an inner portion comprising irregularities characterized by an irregularity profile and an outer portion;the covering comprises a conformable inner portion comprising an upper surface profile;the covering comprises an outer portion configured to adhere to the outer portion of the epithelium; andthe upper surface profile corresponds to a profile of the ablated stroma and is configured to smooth the irregularities when the outer portion of the covering adheres to the outer portion of the epithelium.2. The covering of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the irregularity profile comprises spatial frequencies;the upper surface profile comprises spatial frequencies; andthe upper surface profile spatial frequencies are lower than the spatial frequencies of the irregularity profile.3. The covering of claim 1 , wherein the conformable inner portion comprises a stretchable material configured to stretch across the irregularities of the epithelium and to smooth the irregularities transferred from the irregularity ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031505A1
Автор: Thompson Vance M.

A conjunctival cover including an annular generally curved shell having a conjunctival portion structured to conform to and overly at least part of the conjunctiva of an eye. The annular generally partially spherical shell defines a generally central opening. The central opening is sized to leave a cornea of the eye substantially or partially uncovered when the conjunctival cover is applied to the eye. 1. A conjunctival cover , comprising:an annular curved shell structured to conform to and overly at least part of a conjunctiva of an eye, the annular curved shell having an outer edge and an inner edge;central opening formed by the inner edge of the annular curved shell and sized to leave a cornea of the eye at least partially uncovered when the conjunctival cover is applied to the eye; andat least one drug reservoir formed in the annular curved shell.2. The conjunctival cover of claim 1 , wherein the inner edge is circular claim 1 , and wherein the central opening is sized to leave the cornea completely uncovered.3. The conjunctival cover of claim 1 , wherein the outer edge is sized to extend to the conjunctival fornices.4. The conjunctival cover of claim 1 , wherein the outer edge is elliptical and is sized to conform to a portion of the eye between lid margins of eyelids.5. The conjunctival cover of claim 1 , further comprising a drug absorbed into the annular curved shell for delivery to the eye.6. The conjunctival cover of claim 1 , wherein the at least one drug reservoir comprises three drug reservoirs.7. The conjunctival cover of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the annular curved shell surrounding the at least one drug reservoir comprises a bioabsorbable or biodegradable material.8. The conjunctival cover of claim 7 , wherein the at least one drug reservoir comprises:a first drug reservoir structured to release a first contained drug aliquot after a first time period; anda second drug reservoir structured to release a second contained drug aliquot ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Ophthalmic devices, systems and methods for treating dry eye

Номер: US20220031506A1
Принадлежит: Twenty Twenty Therapeutics LLC

In some aspects, an electronic contact lens for treating dry eye is presented. According to some aspects, the electronic contact lens includes a concave surface configured to conform to an eye of a patient, a sensor configured to generate a signal indicative of an eyelid movement, and at least one capacitor configured to store energy used for stimulating the eye. The electronic contact lens may further include at least two electrodes coupled to the at least one capacitor, wherein the at least two electrodes are exposed to the concave surface and configured to deliver power from the at least one capacitor to stimulate the eye. The electronic contact lens further includes a processor coupled to the sensor and electrodes. The processor may be configured to compute a blink rate from the sensor output, and, based on the blink rate, activate the at least two electrodes to stimulate the eye.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031507A1
Принадлежит: Mati Therapeutics, Inc.

This document discusses, among other things, an apparatus comprising a lacrimal implant insertable at least partially into a lacrimal punctum. The lacrimal implant comprises an implant core, and an implant body. The implant body includes a cavity sized and shaped to receive the implant core. At least one of the implant core and the implant cavity includes a detection device configured to allow automatic detection of the lacrimal implant with a separate detector device. 1. An apparatus comprising:a lacrimal implant insertable at least partially into a lacrimal punctum, the lacrimal implant comprising:an implant core; andan implant body, wherein the implant body includes a cavity sized and shaped to receive the implant core, andwherein at least one of the implant core and the implant cavity includes a detection device configured to allow automatic detection of the lacrimal implant with a separate detector device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection device includes a radio frequency identifier (RFID) chip configured to communicate a detection signal to the detector device.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection device includes a luminescent material configured to reflect light to the detector device.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the luminescent material includes a quantum dot.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection device includes an ultrasonically reflective material configured to reflect ultrasonic energy to the detector device.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection device includes a ferromagnetic material that is capable of retaining a ferromagnetic property after application and removal of an external magnetic field claim 1 , wherein the retained ferromagnetic property is detectable by the detector device.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection device includes a magnetic material to retain a magnetic field detectable by the detector device claim 1 , wherein the magnetic material comprises at ...
