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27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018545U1

1. Комбинированное санитарно-гигиеническое устройство унитаз-биде, включающее унитаз с сидением, рассеиватель теплой воды для локального обмывания тела, выполненный в виде полого дугообразного стержня, огибающего в поперечном направлении внутреннюю поверхность раковины унитаза и имеющего сопло, расположенное на внутренней стороне дуги рассеивателя, по крайней мере одним концом поворотно установленного на оси в горизонтальной плоскости и подключенного к устройству подачи воды таким образом, что при его реверсивном вращении на оси поворота дугообразный стержень перемещается над внутренней поверхностью раковины унитаза в продольном направлении с разворачиванием и перемещением сопла вдоль центральной продольной оси унитаза относительно обмываемых участков тела, устройство поворота рассеивателя для его перемещения в рабочее и нерабочее положения и перемещения сопла относительно тела пользователя, выполненное в виде рукоятки, установленной на оси поворота рассеивателя с наружной стороны корпуса унитаза, а также подключенный к сети за пределами унитаза смеситель с вентилями горячей и холодной воды, соединенный с рассеивателем, и вентилятор с электрическим обогревом воздуха до заданной температуры, соединенный с выходным отверстием для просушивания тела теплым воздухом, отличающееся тем, что рассеиватель с выполненным в центральной части его дуги рядом сопел своими концами поворотно установлен в горизонтальной плоскости на осях, поворотно закрепленных в сидении унитаза, дугообразный стержень рассеивателя снабжен пружинным устройством для возвращения его после процедуры в дугообразную нишу, выполненную в задней части сидения, угол поворота дугообразного стержня рассеивателя ограничен диапазоном от 0 до 110, рукоятка для поворота рассеивателя и перемещения сопел относительно тела пользователя расположена на стороне унитаза, противоположной стороне, на которой расположен термостатический компактный смеситель, который подключен к центральным системам горячей и холодной воды, ...

10-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000025408U1

Устройство для гинекологического орошения минеральной водой, состоящее из кружки Эсмарха и трубки с наконечником для подачи воды, отличающееся тем, что кружка Эсмарха с помощью резиновой пробки через выходное отверстие соединена с системой для внутривенного капельного введения, которая имеет регулятор скорости подачи жидкости. (19) RU (11) 25 408 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002106019/20 , 13.03.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.03.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.10.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Власов С.В., Гусева Т.П., Корюкина И.П., Гребенкин Б.Е., Маслов Ю.Н. R U Адрес для переписки: 614990, г.Пермь, ул. Куйбышева, 39, Медицинская академия, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): ЗАО "Курорт Усть-Качка" (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЗАО "Курорт Усть-Качка" U 1 2 5 4 0 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для гинекологического орошения минеральной водой, состоящее из кружки Эсмарха и трубки с наконечником для подачи воды, отличающееся тем, что кружка Эсмарха с помощью резиновой пробки через выходное отверстие соединена с системой для внутривенного капельного введения, которая имеет регулятор скорости подачи жидкости. 2 5 4 0 8 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ГИНЕКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ОРОШЕНИЯ МИНЕРАЛЬНОЙ ВОДОЙ U 1 U 1 2 5 4 0 8 2 5 4 0 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 25 408 U1 RU 25 408 U1 RU 25 408 U1

27-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026290U1

1. Ванночка глазная, выполненная в виде емкости с боковой стенкой, опорной частью и нижней стенкой, выполненной более тонкой с возможностью упругой деформации при давлении в направлении к глазу пациента при промывании и/или вакуумном массаже, отличающаяся тем, что опорная часть соединена с емкостью с образованием ограничителя для пальцев рук при удерживании емкости в любом положении относительно глаза пациента при промывании и/или вакуумном массаже. 2. Ванночка глазная по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что опорная часть соединена с нижней и боковой стенками емкости и выполнена расширенной книзу, полностью или частично охватывая при этом нижнюю стенку. 3. Ванночка глазная по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что опорная часть выполнена с, по меньшей мере, двумя выступами. 4. Ванночка глазная по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что емкость выполнена с вертикальным расположением боковой стенки с отклонением выступов опорной части от боковой стенки на угол не более 170. 5. Ванночка глазная по любому из пп.1-4, отличающаяся тем, что опорная часть выполнена с горизонтальными размерами, превышающими горизонтальные размеры емкости. 6. Ванночка глазная по любому из пп.1-5, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя стенка емкости снаружи выполнена выпуклой и сопряжена с боковой стенкой и выступами опоры таким образом, что она расположена на высоте не менее одного миллиметра от оснований указанных выступов. 7. Ванночка глазная по любому из пп.1-6, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя стенка емкости внутри выполнена вогнутой со округлением к внутренней поверхности боковых стенок. 8. Ванночка глазная по любому из пп.1-7, отличающаяся тем, что емкость имеет сечения овальной формы. 9. Ванночка глазная по любому из пп.1-8, отличающаяся тем, что боковая стенка емкости выполнена со скругленной кромкой, вогнутой и выпуклой, соответственно, на широких и узких ее частях. 10. Ванночка глазная по любому из пп.1-9, отличающаяся тем, что емкость выполнена из эластичного материала, в том числе из гранулированного медицинского ...

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040338U1

1. Биде-приставка к унитазу, содержащая смеситель холодной и горячей воды и соединенную с ним подающую трубку, устанавливаемую в месте крепления крышки к унитазу, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена крепежной панелью, состоящей из двух частей - металлической крепежной планки, служащей для закрепления устройства на унитазе, и крышки к ней, в канале, образованном пространством, между которыми закреплена подающая трубка, которая соединена с выдвижной штангой, расположенной в неподвижном цилиндрическом корпусе, закрепленном на крепежной панели перпендикулярно к ней, при этом выдвижная штанга содержит поршень и расположенный под ним выдвижной патрубок, а между корпусом штанги и выдвижным патрубком размещена пружина, опирающаяся одной стороной на поршень, а второй - на торец корпуса штанги, причем выдвижной патрубок в нижней части впереди имеет углубление, нижняя поверхность которого расположена под острым углом к его оси и в ней выполнены отверствия для выхода воды, обеспечивая ее разбрызгивание вверх и в стороны, и на выдвижном патрубке снизу установлена заглушка с отверстием снабженным съемной крышкой или задвижкой для спуска воды при загрязнении патрубка осадком, кроме того, подводные шланги холодной и горячей воды на смесителе и подающая трубка расположены на нем с одной торцевой стороны. 2. Биде-приставка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя поверхность углубления с отверстиями на выдвижном патрубке расположены под углом 45° к его оси. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 338 (13) U1 (51) МПК E03D 9/08 (2000.01) A61H 35/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004105246/22 , 24.02.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.02.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Лютов С.Я. (RU), Щека А.В. (RU) Адрес для переписки: 350040, г.Краснодар, ул. 2-я пятилетка, 6/1, кв.8, Л.В. Ломакиной Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 0 3 3 8 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Биде-приставка к ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000046278U1
Автор: Лютов С.Я.

Биде-приставка к унитазу, включающая подающую трубку, соединяемую со смесителем холодной и горячей воды, крепежную панель устанавливаемую в месте крепления крышки к унитазу и состоящую из двух частей, в канале образованном пространством между которыми, закреплена подающая трубка, соединенная с выдвижной цилиндрической штангой закрепленной на крепежной панели перпендикулярно к ней, причем выдвижная цилиндрическая штанга соединена с неподвижным цилиндрическим корпусом, в котором расположен выдвижной патрубок, а между выдвижным патрубком и цилиндрическим корпусом размещена пружина, опирающаяся одной стороной на торец корпуса, при этом выдвижной патрубок спереди внизу имеет углубление, нижняя грань которого расположена под острым углом к его оси, и в ней выполнены отверстия для выхода воды, отличающаяся тем, что выдвижной патрубок в верхней части снаружи снабжен кольцевым ребром, служащим для упора второй стороны пружины, и это ребро имеет выступы, а внутри цилиндрического корпуса выполнены продольные направляющие ребра и в каналах между ними установлены выступы кольцевого ребра выдвижного патрубка, для обеспечения его прямолинейного передвижения, кроме того в нижней части выдвижного патрубка выполнены два углубления с отверстиями одно над (под) другим и нижние грани углублений расположены под одинаковыми острыми углами к оси патрубка, обеспечивая параллельное направление разбрызгиваемых струй, а днище выдвижного патрубка открытое и на нем закреплена съемная крышка, кроме этого, выдвижная штанга выполнена с изгибом вниз для уменьшения деформации напряжения и предотвращения ее излома. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 46 278 (13) U1 (51) МПК E03D 9/08 (2000.01) A61H 35/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005104126/22 , 15.02.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.02.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Лютов С.Я. (RU) (73) ...

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000046777U1
Автор: Щека А.В.

1. Биде-приставка к унитазу, содержащая смеситель холодной и горячей воды и соединенную с ним подающую трубку, устанавливаемую в месте крепления крышки к унитазу, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена крепежной панелью, состоящей из двух частей - металлической крепежной планки, служащей для закрепления устройства на унитазе и крышки к ней, в канале, образованном пространством между которыми, закреплена подающая трубка, которая соединена с выдвижной штангой, расположенной в неподвижном цилиндрическом корпусе, закрепленном на крепежной панели перпендикулярно к ней, при этом выдвижная штанга содержит поршень и расположенный под ним выдвижной патрубок, а между корпусом штанги и выдвижным патрубком размещена пружина, опирающаяся одной стороной на поршень, а второй - на торец корпуса штанги, причем выдвижной патрубок в нижней части впереди имеет углубление, нижняя поверхность которого расположена под острым углом к его оси и в ней выполнены отверствия для выхода воды, обеспечивая ее разбрызгивание вверх и в стороны, и на выдвижном патрубке снизу установлена заглушка с отверстием снабженным съемной крышкой или задвижкой для спуска воды при загрязнении патрубка осадком, кроме того, подводные шланги холодной и горячей воды на смесителе и подающая трубка расположены на нем с одной, торцевой стороны. 2. Биде-приставка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя поверхность углубления с отверстиями на выдвижном патрубке расположены под углом 45° к его оси. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 46 777 (13) U1 (51) МПК E03D 9/08 (2000.01) A61H 35/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004105246/22 , 24.02.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.02.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Щека А.В. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Щека Андрей Викторович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 6 7 7 7 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Биде-приставка к унитазу, содержащая ...

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000052707U1

Водно-световая ванна для лечения хронической артериальной недостаточности нижних конечностей, включающая корпус и светодиоды, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена съемной частью с вмонтированным в нее водяным бачком со штуцером для подачи воды и отверстиями в его нижней части для воздействия водяными струями на конечности, а также блоком программного управления, при этом светодиоды синего и зеленого цветов установлены в съемной части, а светодиоды красного цвета с выступающими оптическими линзами установлены в днище ванны для воздействия на стопы ног. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 52 707 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005132272/22 , 19.10.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.10.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЗАО Акционерное общество "Научно-производственная компания "АВЕРС" (RU) U 1 5 2 7 0 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Водно-световая ванна для лечения хронической артериальной недостаточности нижних конечностей, включающая корпус и светодиоды, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена съемной частью с вмонтированным в нее водяным бачком со штуцером для подачи воды и отверстиями в его нижней части для воздействия водяными струями на конечности, а также блоком программного управления, при этом светодиоды синего и зеленого цветов установлены в съемной части, а светодиоды красного цвета с выступающими оптическими линзами установлены в днище ванны для воздействия на стопы ног. 5 2 7 0 7 (54) ВОДНО-СВЕТОВАЯ ВАННА ДЛЯ ЛЕЧЕНИЯ ХРОНИЧЕСКОЙ АРТЕРИАЛЬНОЙ НЕДОСТАТОЧНОСТИ НИЖНИХ КОНЕЧНОСТЕЙ R U Адрес для переписки: 119146, Москва, Фрунзенская наб., 32, кв.42, В.И. Грачеву (72) Автор(ы): Грачев Владимир Иванович (RU) U 1 U 1 5 2 7 0 7 5 2 7 0 7 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 52 707 U1 Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, а именно: к ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000053910U1

1. Ванночка глазная для лечения методом электрофореза, содержащая емкость для лекарственного средства из эластичного термополимера с закрепленным в ней с возможностью снятия и повторной установки электродом, отличающаяся тем, что торцевая поверхность ванночки, предназначенная для контактирования с краями орбиты, имеет форму вытянутого овала в поперечном сечении, верхняя часть емкости выполнена со скругленной вогнутой кромкой на широких частях и скругленной выпуклой кромкой на узких частях, нижняя часть емкости имеет выпуклую овальную форму, а одна из широких частей содержит канал для ввода лекарственного средства. 2. Ванночка глазная для лечения методом электрофореза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что канал для ввода лекарственного средства дополнительно содержит заглушку. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 53 910 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61N 1/30 (2006.01) A61H 35/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006103657/22 , 08.02.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сафронов Сергей Алексеевич (RU), Кудрейко Аркадий Витальевич (RU) U 1 5 3 9 1 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Ванночка глазная для лечения методом электрофореза, содержащая емкость для лекарственного средства из эластичного термополимера с закрепленным в ней с возможностью снятия и повторной установки электродом, отличающаяся тем, что торцевая поверхность ванночки, предназначенная для контактирования с краями орбиты, имеет форму вытянутого овала в поперечном сечении, верхняя часть емкости выполнена со скругленной вогнутой кромкой на широких частях и скругленной выпуклой кромкой на узких частях, нижняя часть емкости имеет выпуклую овальную форму, а одна из широких частей содержит канал для ввода лекарственного средства. 2. Ванночка глазная для лечения методом электрофореза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что канал ...

27-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000064067U1

1. Устройство для обработки участков тела, отличающееся тем, что оно выполнено в виде капсулы для веществ, снабженной, по крайней мере, одной запорной манжетой. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно выполнено из химически стойкого материала, с подбором размера и формы в зависимости от размера обрабатываемого участка. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что запорная манжета выполнена в виде полости для нагнетания воздуха или эластичной ленты, накладываемой на свободный край капсулы для обеспечения герметичного крепления к телу пациента. 4. Устройство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что манжета выполнена в виде отдельного накладываемого поверх капсулы элемента, или виде цельнолитых с капсулой элементов. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что капсула снабжена, по крайней мере, одной канюлей для введения в полость закрепленной на теле капсулы и удаления из нее веществ для обработки. 6. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что вещества для обработки содержат ингредиенты, необходимые для проведения процедуры. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 64 067 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005136095/22 , 21.11.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.11.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ГОУ ВПО "Воронежская государственная медицинская академия им. Н.Н. Бурденко Росздрава" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 4 0 6 7 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для обработки участков тела, отличающееся тем, что оно выполнено в виде капсулы для веществ, снабженной, по крайней мере, одной запорной манжетой. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно выполнено из химически стойкого материала, с подбором размера и формы в зависимости от размера обрабатываемого участка. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что запорная манжета выполнена в виде полости для нагнетания воздуха или эластичной ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000066952U1

Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая корпус, внутри которого расположена чаша, уступ и сливное отверстие в донной части чаши, отличающаяся тем, что в чаше ванны установлены регулируемые гидромассажные форсунки, которые расположены внутри на боковых сторонах чаши, при этом на большей стороне установлено не менее четырех гидромассажных форсунок, а внутри других двух сторон установлено не менее двух гидромассажных форсунок на каждой стороне, корпус снабжен элементами управления в виде кнопки пневмопуска, регулятора подачи воздуха в гидромассажные форсунки, установленными на борту боковой стороны чаши корпуса напротив крана с душ-лейкой, а внутри боковой стороны чаши рядом с гидромассажными форсунками расположен регулятор слива с переливом, при этом корпус выполнен в прямоугольной форме, а чаша выполнена треугольной формы и уступ размещен над основанием треугольной чаши в плоскости корпуса и выполнен в виде опорной поверхности для сидения, а к корпусу прикреплены стеклопластиковые панели. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 66 952 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007109699/22 , 19.03.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.03.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) R U Адрес для переписки: 02093, Украина, Киев-93, а/я 3, Н.Е. Ясинской 6 6 9 5 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая корпус, внутри которого расположена чаша, уступ и сливное отверстие в донной части чаши, отличающаяся тем, что в чаше ванны установлены регулируемые гидромассажные форсунки, которые расположены внутри на боковых сторонах чаши, при этом на большей стороне установлено не менее четырех гидромассажных форсунок, а внутри других двух сторон установлено не менее двух гидромассажных форсунок на каждой стороне, ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000066953U1

1. Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая корпус трапециевидной формы, емкость в виде чаши, панель с рычагами управления в виде кранов холодной и горячей воды, крана с гусаком для наполнения ванны и крана для подачи воды в душ-лейку, поручни, прикрепленные к каждому борту стенки чаши и сливное отверстие, отличающаяся тем, что в донной части чаши ванны размещена серия воздушных форсунок, не менее пяти и выполнена опора для ног в виде ступенек, которые расходятся от центра задней стенки к боковым стенкам чаши, на передней стенке, сверху, выполнен подголовник в виде выступа и на внутренней поверхности установлены гидромассажные форсунки типа «микро» не менее четырех, а внутренняя поверхность чаши под рычагами управления оснащена гидромассажными форсунками типа «макси» и датчиком температуры и по боковым внутренним поверхностям чаши расположены гидромассажные форсунки типа «миди» не менее трех, симметричные отверстия перелива и гидросмок, при этом поручни прикреплены одним концом к центру боковой стенки чаши ванны, а другим к верхнему борту боковой стенки чаши, а панель с рычагами управления оснащена сенсорным выключателем, регуляторами для подачи воздуха в гидромассажные форсунки и установлена со стороны меньшего основания трапеции корпуса на задней стенке емкости чаши. 2. Бальнеологическая ванна по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что аэрофорсунки в донной части чаши ванны и гидромассажные форсунки с внутренней стороны на передней, задней и боковых стенках чаши установлены параллельно одна другой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 66 953 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007109700/22 , 19.03.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.03.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) R U Адрес для переписки: 02093, Украина, Киев-93, а/я 3, Н.Е ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000066954U1

Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая корпус и емкость трапециевидной формы с закругленными углами, до которой прикреплены поручни, панель управления с элементами управления в виде крана для наполнения ванны, крана для подачи воды в душ-лейку, термометр, отличающаяся тем, что поручни на боковых стенках емкости ванны прикреплены одним концом к центру внутренней поверхности боковой стенки, а другим концом к борту боковой стенки, в донной части емкости ванны размещено электросливное отверстие и донная часть выполнена волнообразной формы в виде вогнутых и выпуклой плоскостей, внутрення поверхность боковых стенок оборудована отверстиями перелива и гидромассажными форсунками, расположенными напротив друг друга, а на внутренней поверхности передней стенки установлены веером гидромассажные форсунки, и паралельно одна другой по краю вогнутой плоскости донной части размещены гидромассажные форсунки, на внутрененней поверхности задней стенки установлен хромоизлучатель, под которым размещены сопла, панель управления оборудована полуавтоматическим термосмесителем с наливом, кнопками влючения с регуляторами подачи воздуха в гидромассажные форсунки, кнопкой режимов хромотерапии, при этом емкость ванны оборудована водозаборником, размещенным на внутренней поверхности боковой стенки и шлангом, а к корпусу ванны прикреплены стеклопластиковые панели. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 66 954 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007117836/22 , 15.05.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.05.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) R U Адрес для переписки: 02093, Украина, г. Киев-93, а/я 3, Н.Е Ясинской Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 6 9 5 4 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая корпус и емкость трапециевидной формы с ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000069402U1

Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая оборудованный поручнями корпус и чашу с закругленными углами и в донной части чаши размещено сливное отверстие, а панель управления оборудована контрольными приборами и элементами управления, отличающаяся тем, что корпус и чаша выполнены прямоугольной формы, а боковая стенка корпуса ванны с чашей выполнена с герметичными открывающимися дверями, поручни прикреплены к борту передней и задней стенок чаши и размещены по всей длине стенок, в донной части чаши выполнено сиденье для пациента в форме выступа, на задней, передней стенках внутри чаши и в донной части установлены гидромассажные форсунки, сбоку задней стенки чаши внутри размещено отверстие перелива, а между гидромассажными форсунками установлен датчик температуры, панель управления дополнительно оборудована такими элементами управления как полуавтоматический термосмеситель с наливом, пневмокнопка, регулятор подачи воздуха в гидросистему, корпус ванны закрыт стеклопластиковыми панелями. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 69 402 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007125545/22 , 06.07.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) R U Адрес для переписки: 02093, Украина, Киев-93, а/я 3, Н.Е. Ясинской 6 9 4 0 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Бальнеологическая ванна, содержащая оборудованный поручнями корпус и чашу с закругленными углами и в донной части чаши размещено сливное отверстие, а панель управления оборудована контрольными приборами и элементами управления, отличающаяся тем, что корпус и чаша выполнены прямоугольной формы, а боковая стенка корпуса ванны с чашей выполнена с герметичными открывающимися дверями, поручни прикреплены к борту передней и задней стенок чаши и размещены ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000069403U1

Устройство для проведения гидромассажа, содержащее душевую панель, на которой установлены душевая головка с рукояткой и элемент управления, отличающееся тем, что душевая панель выполнена в виде стола, установленного на прямоугольном каркасе с вертикальними стояками, на которых расположены горизонтально планки, при этом на каждой горизонтальной планке установлены цилиндрические гидромассажные распылители, а душевая головка с рукояткой и элементом управления установлены на панели управления, которая прикреплена к задней стороне стола, панель управления дополнительно содержит такие элементы управления как кран для подачи воды в гидромасажные распылители, термометр и полуавтоматический термосмеситель, между вертикальними стояками установлен защитный экран, а на горизонтальной планке расположена декоративная шторка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 69 403 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007125546/22 , 06.07.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кадай Сергей Иванович (UA) R U Адрес для переписки: 02093, Украина, Киев-93, а/я 3, Н.Е. Ясинской 6 9 4 0 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для проведения гидромассажа, содержащее душевую панель, на которой установлены душевая головка с рукояткой и элемент управления, отличающееся тем, что душевая панель выполнена в виде стола, установленного на прямоугольном каркасе с вертикальними стояками, на которых расположены горизонтально планки, при этом на каждой горизонтальной планке установлены цилиндрические гидромассажные распылители, а душевая головка с рукояткой и элементом управления установлены на панели управления, которая прикреплена к задней стороне стола, панель управления дополнительно содержит такие элементы управления как кран для ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000078053U1

1. Крепежная деталь биде-приставки к унитазу, выполненная в виде пластины, с одной стороны которой образована продольная прорезь для взаимодействия с крепежом на унитазе съемного сиденья, а с другой образованы отверстие для установки смесителя и выемка для удерживания шланга смесителя в нерабочем его положении. 2. Крепежная пластина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет упор для взаимодействия с краем унитаза, выполненный в виде двух отбортовок с обеих ее длинных сторон в зоне образованных в ней отверстия и выемки. 3. Крепежная пластина по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что выемка образована с ее торца. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 78 053 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47K 4/00 (2006.01) A47K 7/08 (2006.01) A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008128443/22 , 14.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.07.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Гаспарян Армен Гамлетович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гаспарян Армен Гамлетович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 121165, Москва, Г-165, а/я 15, ООО "ППФ-ЮСТИС" U 1 7 8 0 5 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Крепежная деталь биде-приставки к унитазу, выполненная в виде пластины, с одной стороны которой образована продольная прорезь для взаимодействия с крепежом на унитазе съемного сиденья, а с другой образованы отверстие для установки смесителя и выемка для удерживания шланга смесителя в нерабочем его положении. 2. Крепежная пластина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет упор для взаимодействия с краем унитаза, выполненный в виде двух отбортовок с обеих ее длинных сторон в зоне образованных в ней отверстия и выемки. 3. Крепежная пластина по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что выемка образована с ее торца. 7 8 0 5 3 (54) КРЕПЕЖНАЯ ДЕТАЛЬ БИДЕ-ПРИСТАВКИ К УНИТАЗУ U 1 U 1 7 8 0 5 3 7 8 0 5 3 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 78 053 U1 Полезная модель ...

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000136341U1

1. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица, содержащая корпус и размещенные в корпусе распылители, отличающаяся тем, что ванна виброгидромассажная для лица дополнительно снабжена компрессором и вибратором. 2. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что распылители выполнены в виде диафрагмы с отверстиями. 3. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по пп.1 и 2,отличающаяся тем, что распылители, выполненные в виде диафрагмы с отверстиями, размещены в нижней части корпуса. 4. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что отверстия в диафрагме размещены согласно массажным линиям на лице. 5. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что вибратор размещен внутри корпуса в его нижней части. 6. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что компрессор размещен внутри корпуса в его нижней части с возможностью подачи воздуха непосредственно под диафрагму. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (13) 136 341 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013127462/14, 17.06.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.06.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Кульбаева Анастасия Михайловна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кульбаева Анастасия Михайловна (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.06.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2014 Бюл. № 1 1 3 6 3 4 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица, содержащая корпус и размещенные в корпусе распылители, отличающаяся тем, что ванна виброгидромассажная для лица дополнительно снабжена компрессором и вибратором. 2. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что распылители выполнены в виде диафрагмы с отверстиями. 3. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по пп.1 и 2,отличающаяся тем, что распылители, выполненные в виде диафрагмы с отверстиями, размещены в нижней части корпуса. 4. Ванна виброгидромассажная для лица по п.3, отличающаяся тем, ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Gas mist pressure bath device

Номер: US20120004600A1
Автор: Shoichi Nakamura
Принадлежит: ACP Japan Co Ltd

The invention is to provide a gas mist pressure bath device, which causes to contact carbon dioxide, oxygen or a mixed gas of carbon dioxide and oxygen to the skin or mucous membrane of the head of a living body at pressure higher than a predetermined value for efficiently enabling skin-pass absorption. This device is to cause oxygen, carbon dioxide or a mixed gas of oxygen and carbon dioxide at density higher than a predetermined value to contact the skin or mucous membrane of the head of the living body, and is composed of a gas mist generation means 11 of generating and supplying a mist prepared by pulverizing and dissolving gas and liquid; a compressed air supply means 12 of supplying compressed air; and a living body mask member 13 shaped for covering the head of the living body, having a first sealed layer 14 which is connected to the gas mist generation means 11 and to the compressed air supply means 12 , and having a second sealed layer 15 for sealing compressed air supplied from the compressed air supply means 12 , so that the gas mist is caused to contact to the skin or mucous membrane of the head of the living body by the second sealed layer 15 at pressure higher than a predetermined value.

17-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000168755U1

Экспресс-биде относится к предметам гигиенического оборудования медицинских учреждений и бытового обихода жителей домов, подключенных к системам горячего и холодного водоснабжения, канализации и к электросети. Особенностью струйного экспресс-биде является возможность для пользователя принять гигиеническую процедуру подмывания, не снимая полностью белья, аналогично тому, как это происходит при пользовании унитазом, а также провести всю гигиеническую процедуру, включая обсушивание вымытой части тела комфортно, не прибегая к помощи рук. Экспресс-биде оснащено откидным сиденьем. Корпус биде состоит из двух секций, одной из которых является ванна биде. Ванна оснащена форсункой восходящей душевой струи. Форсунка оперативно управляется с помощью рычажного смесителя по температуре и напору струи самим пользователем. Смеситель размещен во второй секции, в отсеке управления. Отсек располагается между коленей сидящего на ванне пользователя. Смеситель сблокирован с нажимным плунжером, подведенным под край откидного сиденья в опущенном его состоянии. Плунжер при внезапном, не планируемом вставании пользователя с сиденья выключает форсунку. Для обеспечения обсушки влажных после процедуры частей тела внутрь биде сзади ванны встроен фен, подающий через отверстие в стенке ванны из сопла под сидящего пользователя струю подогретого воздуха. Таймер фена обеспечивает цикличность его автоматической работы. Кнопочный выключатель, размещенный в отсеке управления, доступен пользователю через отверстие в откидном сиденье, позволяет включать фен и прерывать цикл его работы, в случае необходимости, досрочно. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 755 U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016103895, 08.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Чирков Валентин Александрович (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Капсула для изолированной санации области стопы и голени

Номер: RU0000169068U1

Устройство относится к изделиям медицинского и гигиенического назначения, может быть использовано в хирургии, травматологии и ревматологии, косметологии, дерматологии и в геронтологии с целью гигиеничного обслуживания пожилых людей. Устройство позволяет повысить качество санации, в том числе лекарственными растворами, изолированных анатомических областей тела человека, а именно нижних конечностей. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 068 U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016134249, 22.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.08.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.08.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 02.03.2017 Бюл. № 7 C2 27.10.2009. RU2065754 C1 27.08.1996. US20120150086 A1 14.06.2012. US0006423329 B1 23.07.2002. R U 1 6 9 0 6 8 (54) Капсула для изолированной санации области стопы и голени (57) Реферат: Устройство относится к изделиям гигиеничного обслуживания пожилых людей. медицинского и гигиенического назначения, Устройство позволяет повысить качество может быть использовано в хирургии, санации, в том числе лекарственными растворами, травматологии и ревматологии, косметологии, изолированных анатомических областей тела дерматологии и в геронтологии с целью человека, а именно нижних конечностей. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU64067 U1 21.11.2005. RU2371204 1 6 9 0 6 8 Адрес для переписки: 394036, г. Воронеж, ул. Студенческая, 10, ФГБОУ ВО ВГМУ им. Н.Н. Бурденко Минздрава России, отд. защиты объектов ИС (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации (RU) R U 02.03.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Глухов Александр Анатольевич (RU), Лобас Сергей Владимирович (RU), Елисеев Максим Викторович (RU) U 1 U 1 ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Капсула для изолированной санации области таза и бедра

Номер: RU0000169073U1

Устройство относится к изделиям медицинского и гигиенического назначения, может быть использовано в хирургии, травматологии и ревматологии, косметологии, дерматологии и в геронтологии с целью гигиеничного обслуживания пожилых людей. Резервуар выполнен в форме плавок или шорт, позволяет повысить качество санации, в том числе лекарственными растворами, изолированных анатомических областей тела человека, а именно таза и бедра. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 073 U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016134250, 22.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.08.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.08.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 02.03.2017 Бюл. № 7 C2 27.10.2009. RU2065754 C1 27.08.1996. US20120150086 A1 14.06.2012. US0006423329 B1 23.07.2002. R U 1 6 9 0 7 3 (54) Капсула для изолированной санации области таза и бедра (57) Реферат: Устройство относится к изделиям Резервуар выполнен в форме плавок или шорт, медицинского и гигиенического назначения, позволяет повысить качество санации, в том числе может быть использовано в хирургии, лекарственными растворами, изолированных травматологии и ревматологии, косметологии, анатомических областей тела человека, а именно дерматологии и в геронтологии с целью таза и бедра. гигиеничного обслуживания пожилых людей. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU64067 U1 27.06.2007. RU2371204 1 6 9 0 7 3 Адрес для переписки: 394036, г. Воронеж, ул. Студенческая, 10, ФГБОУ ВО ВГМУ им. Н.Н. Бурденко Минздрава России, отд. защиты объектов ИС (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации (RU) R U 02.03.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Глухов Александр Анатольевич (RU), Лобас Сергей ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Капсула для изолированной санации верхних конечностей

Номер: RU0000169074U1

Устройство относится к изделиям медицинского и гигиенического назначения, может быть использовано в хирургии, травматологии и ревматологии, косметологии, дерматологии и в геронтологии с целью гигиеничного обслуживания пожилых людей. Устройство отличается тем, что имеет цельнолитой резервуар в форме варежки или рукава, снабжено апертурами для соединения с физиотерапевтическими приборами. Использование устройства позволяет значительно снизить количество используемого раствора, расширить возможности применения дорогостоящих антисептических, противовоспалительных, гигиенических растворов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 074 U1 (51) МПК A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016134251, 22.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.08.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.08.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 02.03.2017 Бюл. № 7 U 1 C2 27.10.2009. RU2065754 C1 27.08.1996. US20120150086 A1 14.06.2012. US0006423329 B1 23.07.2002. R U (54) Капсула для изолированной санации верхних конечностей (57) Реферат: Устройство относится к изделиям рукава, снабжено апертурами для соединения с медицинского и гигиенического назначения, физиотерапевтическими приборами. может быть использовано в хирургии, Использование устройства позволяет значительно травматологии и ревматологии, косметологии, снизить количество используемого раствора, дерматологии и в геронтологии с целью расширить возможности применения гигиеничного обслуживания пожилых людей. дорогостоящих антисептических, Устройство отличается тем, что имеет противовоспалительных, гигиенических цельнолитой резервуар в форме варежки или растворов. Стр.: 1 U 1 1 6 9 0 7 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU64067 U1 27.06.2007. RU2371204 1 6 9 0 7 4 Адрес для переписки: 394036, г. Воронеж, ул. Студенческая, 10, ФГБОУ ВО ВГМУ им. Н.Н. Бурденко Минздрава России, отд. защиты объектов ...

21-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000171952U1

Предлагаемое техническое решение относится к области медицины и может быть использовано для более эффективного удаления физиологических выделений из полости носа. Предлагаемое устройство для очищения носа от физиологических выделений содержит ватный жгутик-турунду для чистки носа ребенка и винтообразную намотку, выполненную по верхней поверхности ватного жгутика-турунды в виде тканевой нити. Технический результат, указанный выше, заключается в обеспечении более лучшего сцепления с сухими корочками и слизью, находящимися в полости носа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 952 U1 (51) МПК A61F 13/538 (2006.01) A47K 7/00 (2006.01) A61H 35/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016140217, 13.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.10.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Грабовая Анастасия Валерьевна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Грабовая Анастасия Валерьевна (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 77780 U1, 10.11.2008. US 2008/ Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.10.2016 0313838 A1, 25.12.2008. JPH10-57269 A, 03.03.1998. FR 2845274 A1, 09.04.2004. R U 21.06.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 21.06.2017 Бюл. № 18 U 1 1 7 1 9 5 2 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОЧИЩЕНИЯ ПОЛОСТИ НОСА РЕБЕНКА ОТ ФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ВЫДЕЛЕНИЙ (57) Реферат: Предлагаемое техническое решение относится винтообразную намотку, выполненную по к области медицины и может быть использовано верхней поверхности ватного жгутика-турунды для более эффективного удаления в виде тканевой нити. физиологических выделений из полости носа. Технический результат, указанный выше, Предлагаемое устройство для очищения носа заключается в обеспечении более лучшего от физиологических выделений содержит ватный сцепления с сухими корочками и слизью, жгутик-турунду для чистки носа ребенка и находящимися в полости носа. 1 7 1 9 5 2 Адрес для переписки: 308590, Белгородская обл., пгт ...

28-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000175231U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмохирургии и может быть использована для насыщения роговицы, в частности фотосенсибилизатором (рибофлавин), без удаления эпителия посредством ионофореза с целью последующего проведения рибофлавин-УФ-А индуцированного (370 нм) кросслинкинга роговицы при кератоконусе. Устройство содержит блок управления (1) со встроенным питанием от заряжаемого аккумулятора, ванночковый электрод (2), заполняемый раствором для насыщения, налобный электрод (3). В блоке управления устройства устанавливается 3 режима работы при силе тока 0,5, 1,0 и 1,5 мА. Блок управления снабжен стабилизатором тока, встроенным таймером с временными интервалами 5, 10 и 15 минут, и преобразователем напряжения с 9 В на 5 В и 26 В постоянного тока на выходе. Внутренний диаметр ванночкового электрода составляет 9 мм. В качестве источника питания батарейку типа крона на 9 В. На лицевой панели корпуса пульта управления размещен жидкокристаллический текстовый дисплей, отображающий рабочие параметры и индикацию уровня заряда. Использование полезной модели расширяет технические возможности устройства за счет работы в трех режимах с временной экспозицией. 2 ил., 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 175 231 U1 (51) МПК A61F 9/00 (2006.01) A61H 35/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017114733, 26.04.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.04.2017 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.04.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 28.11.2017 Бюл. № 34 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2354335 C1, 10.05.2009. RU 1 7 5 2 3 1 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИОНОФОРЕЗА РОГОВИЦЫ ГЛАЗА (57) Реферат: Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к управления снабжен стабилизатором тока, медицине, а именно к офтальмохирургии и может встроенным таймером с временными интервалами быть использована для насыщения роговицы, в 5, 10 и 15 ...

23-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000194739U1

Полезная модель относится к изделиям для обеспечения оздоровительного воздействия активных веществ на кожный покров человека с лечебной, профилактической и косметической целью. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что в аппликаторе, содержащем матерчатую основу с нанесенным на нее активным веществом, предназначенным для воздействия на кожу пациента, помещенную во влагонепроницаемую незамкнутую оболочку, форма которой соответствует форме части тела пациента, при этом аппликатор содержит средство фиксации, обеспечивающее прилегание краевых участков открытой части оболочки к телу пациента, согласно полезной модели оболочка включает наружный слой, изготовленный из материала, имеющего теплоотражающую поверхность, который расположен с обеспечением отражения излучаемого телом пациента тепла вовнутрь оболочки, и внутренний слой, изготовленный из полимерной пленки, имеющей воздушно-пузырчатую поверхность, которая установлена воздушно-пузырчатой поверхностью вовнутрь. Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является усиление оздоравливающего действия заявляемого аппликатора. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 739 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ MG9K Прекращение действия патента на полезную модель (группу полезных моделей) в связи с выдачей патента на идентичный объект Ранее выданный патент на полезную модель: R U (11) Номер патента: 194739 Дата прекращения действия патента: 29.10.2020 Патент, выданный на идентичное изобретение (11) Номер патента: 2735270 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 29.10.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 29.10.2020 Бюл. №31 1 9 4 7 3 9 Дата публикации сведений о выдаче патента: 29.10.2020 R U 1 9 4 7 3 9 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

23-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000196933U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области медицины, а точнее к средствам личной гигиены, и предназначена для проведения оздоровительных процедур, с помощью которых проводится очищение носовой полости от болезнетворных бактерий и веществ. Устройство для промывания носовой полости содержит эластичный корпус с горловиной, стыкующейся со съемной крышкой-насадкой, поверхность которой в верхней части с внешней стороны имеет конусно-закругленную форму, а с внутренней стороны имеет патрубок, соединенный с трубкой подачи промывочного состава, располагающейся в полости корпуса. На противоположном конце трубка подачи промывочного состава имеет рассекатель с тремя сквозными сообщающимися между собой и полостью трубки сквозными отверстиями, а крышка-насадка в верхней части имеет три выпускных отверстия. Обеспечивается повышение лечебной эффективности. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 933 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо(а), передающее(ие) исключительное право: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Компания "Динамика" (RU) R U Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: Жиров Вячеслав Сергеевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Жиров Вячеслав Сергеевич (RU) Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 11.11.2020 РД0346222 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.11.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.11.2020 Бюл. №32 1 9 6 9 3 3 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, Проспект Мира, 6, этаж 3, пом. XIV, комн. 14, ООО "Патентно-правовая фирма "ЮС" R U 1 9 6 9 3 3 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

23-08-2021 дата публикации

Аппарат для промывания носа

Номер: RU0000206095U1

Полезная модель применяется в отоларингологии и предназначена для лечения ринита; воспаления носовых придатков, что свойственно гаймориту и фронтиту; для удаления носовой слизи в носовой полости и носоглотке для улучшения симптомов хронического синусита. Аппарат для промывания носа состоит из корпуса, подвижной манжеты, вакуумного насоса с регулируемым вакуумом, сосуда с промывочной жидкостью, закрепленного на регулируемом штативе, приемного сосуда, соединенных трубками. Корпус содержит расположенный внутри сгибающийся металлический стержень, позволяющий менять форму, задний баллон, клапан для раздувания заднего баллона. Подвижная манжета содержит передний баллон, клапан для раздувания переднего баллона, трубок, закрепленных в манжете, переходников. Вакуумный насос с регулируемым вакуумом соединен с электромагнитным клапаном для подачи вакуума в приемный сосуд для отработанного раствора через трубку с переходником. Электромагнитный клапан регулирует подачу через трубку с переходником промывочного раствора из сосуда с промывочным раствором, закрепленного на регулируемом штативе, причем трубка для подачи промывочного раствора выполнена на 3…8 мм длиннее трубки для откачки промывочного раствора. Применение аппарата для промывания носа позволяет повысить качество лечения и снизить срок лечения почти в 2 раза. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 095 U1 (51) МПК A61M 25/00 (2006.01) A61H 31/00 (2006.01) A61H 35/04 (2006.01) A61M 5/52 (2006.01) A61M 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61M 25/00 (2021.02); A61H 35/04 (2021.02); A61M 31/00 (2021.02); A61M 2210/0618 (2021.02); A61M 1/0062 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021107286, 18.03.2021 18.03.2021 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Куратов Илья Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 23.08.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.03.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 23.08.2021 Бюл. № 24 2 0 6 0 9 5 R U (54) Аппарат для промывания носа (57) Реферат: ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000207024U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам гигиены и хозяйственно-бытового назначения, конкретно к ваннам для купания, и предназначена для гигиенического мытья людей с возможностью очищения и массажа подошв стоп ног, и может быть использована в домашних условиях. Задача заявляемой полезной модели - улучшение качества мытья человека за счет качественного очищения стоп ног при сокращении времени мытья с обеспечением комфортности процедуры. Поставленная задача решается за счет того, что в ванночке для мытья ног, состоящей из корпуса с крепящимися к нему очищающими элементами, торцевая стенка снабжена элементами крепления к стенке ванны для мытья, очищающие элементы выполнены в виде щеток и терки-насадки, одна из щеток закреплена в нижней части одной торцевой стенки ванночки, вторая щетка расположена на дне ванночки, третья щетка выполнена в виде полусферы и закреплена в центральной части ванночки, терка-насадка расположена в нижней части второй торцевой стенки ванночки. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 024 U1 (51) МПК A47K 3/022 (2006.01) A47K 3/062 (2006.01) A61H 35/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A47K 3/022 (2021.08); A47K 3/062 (2021.08); A61H 35/006 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021122445, 26.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Яблоновская Виктория Алтеровна (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.10.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 07.10.2021 Бюл. № 28 2 0 7 0 2 4 R U (54) ВАННОЧКА ДЛЯ МЫТЬЯ НОГ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к средствам гигиены и хозяйственно-бытового назначения, конкретно к ваннам для купания, и предназначена для гигиенического мытья людей с возможностью очищения и массажа подошв стоп ног, и может быть использована в домашних условиях. Задача заявляемой полезной модели - улучшение качества мытья человека за счет качественного очищения стоп ног при сокращении времени мытья ...

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for distributing fluid

Номер: US20120305591A1
Автор: Jacob Kobelt
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and apparatuses for distributing fluid are disclosed. Fluid is received in an opening of a body, and at least some of the fluid is distributed to a first conduit in communication with a first outlet of a first discharge element coupled to said body. At least some of the fluid received in the opening is selectively distributed to a second conduit in communication with a second outlet of a second discharge element couplable to at least one of the body and the first discharge element in response to coupling and decoupling of the second discharge element.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Carbon dioxide gas mist pressure bath method and carbon dioxide gas mist pressure bath apparatus for preventing, improving or curing myocardial infarction

Номер: US20130072863A1
Автор: Shoichi Nakamura
Принадлежит: ADVANCE BIOTRON Co Ltd

Carbon dioxide is contacted to a skin and mucous membrane of a living organism directly or through clothing, thereby to improve or promote circulation of the blood in a myocardial region, and furthermore to prevent, improve or cure myocardial infarction. The following steps (a) to (d) are continued at least once per day for four weeks, that is, a step (a) of producing a carbon dioxide gas mist by pulverizing and dissolving carbon dioxide gas into a liquid, and forming this liquid into a mist; a step (b) of spraying the carbon dioxide gas mist into a carbon dioxide gas mist-enclosing means for enclosing the living organism in an air tight state, a step (c) of expelling gas existing in the carbon dioxide gas mist-enclosing means into the outside, if necessary in parallel with the step (b), in order to maintain the pressure of gas within the carbon dioxide gas mist-enclosing means at or above a prescribed value being higher than the atmospheric pressure, and a step (d) of continuing such a step of supplying, for at least 20 minutes, the carbon dioxide mist into the carbon dioxide gas mist-enclosing means.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Rapid Cooling of Body and/or Brain by Irrigating with a Cooling Liquid

Номер: US20130116761A1
Автор: Thomas Kreck
Принадлежит: NeuroSave Inc

Methods and devices are disclosed for providing therapeutic hypothermia using irrigation of the aerodigestive tract with cooled liquids. The disclosed method provides much more rapid therapeutic cooling to lower temperatures than could previously be achieved, thereby improving clinical outcomes. Novel cooling liquids and cooling devices are disclosed for carrying out the method. An external turbulent flow of cooling liquid may also be applied to the exterior of the head to further promote heat exchange. Multiple embodiments of devices are disclosed for performing rapid induction and maintenance of therapeutic hypothermia either in a hospital setting or in the field so that hypothermic treatment can be quickly instituted before significant tissue damage occurs. Methods are also disclosed for targeting brain cooling by irrigating the upper airway/aerodigestive tract, and more generalized cooling by irrigating the esophagus and/or stomach.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Manual bidet

Номер: US20130152296A1
Принадлежит: Kohler Co

According to an exemplary embodiment, a bidet assembly for a toilet generally includes a sprayer, a water supply system, and an arm. The sprayer is configured to spray water. The water supply system is configured to selectively communicate water from one or more water sources to the sprayer. The arm is operationally coupled to the water sprayer and the water supply system. The arm is configured such that rotation of the arm acts to rotate the sprayer and the arm forger comprises a feature configured to allow control of the amount of water flow from the water supply to the sprayer.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Nozzle apparatus and methods of using same

Номер: US20130158513A1

In accordance with some embodiments, a nozzle apparatus includes a body having a first portion and a second portion. The first portion has a gripping portion for attaching and removing the nozzle apparatus from a container. In one embodiment, the second portion is sized and configured to be positioned in at least one nostril of an individual. A portion of the second portion being asymmetrical to the first portion of the body. The first and second portions of the body define a fluid passageway between an inlet and an outlet of the body. A portion of the fluid passageway is centrally disposed from the inlet of the body along an axis of the body. A portion of the fluid passageway angles obliquely substantially near the outlet of the body. The outlet of the fluid passageway has a diameter greater than the diameter of the passageway.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167295A1
Принадлежит: Footsiebath LLC

A soaking basin is provided having a base unit, a disposable liner, and a frame nested therebetween to enable removal of the liner from the base unit, even when filled with liquid. In this manner, a user can remove the liner filled with liquid to pour out the liquid and discard the liner, after a treatment has been completed. Thus, the user need not lift the entire soaking basin to pour out liquid. In addition, the user can use the frame to support the new liner while filling it with liquid, and to transport the filled liner to the base unit to service clients. 1. A soaking basin , comprising:a base unit having a base housing and a peripheral wall projecting upwardly from the base housing to define a basin cavity, the base housing defining a component compartment; anda frame sized to be nested between the base unit and a disposable liner, the disposable liner preformed and sized to nest within the basin cavity and configured to hold a soaking solution, the liner including a floor and a lip disposed about the periphery of an upper end of the liner, the frame defines a plurality of voids throughout such that the frame is incapable of holding the soaking solution apart from the disposable liner.2. A soaking basin as defined in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the frame includes a lip support disposed adjacent to the lip of the liner.3. A soaking basin as defined in claim 2 , wherein the frame includes a pair of handles coupled to the lip support and configured to extend beyond the periphery of the peripheral wall of the base unit when the frame is nested therein.4. A soaking basin as defined in claim 2 , wherein the frame includes a base support coupled to the lip support and disposed below the floor of the liner.5. A soaking basin as defined in claim 1 , wherein an upper edge of the peripheral wall of the base unit defines a pair of recesses to receive the handles of the frame.6. A soaking basin as defined in claim 1 , wherein the base floor of the base unit includes ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Ceramic Footbath Boots

Номер: US20130211296A1
Автор: Chau Yiu Wing

Ceramic footbath boots, ceramic materials for manufacturing the ceramic footbath boots and application of the ceramic materials to the manufacture of the ceramic footbath boots are disclosed herein. The ceramic footbath boots include a pair of boot-like footbath containers (). The footbath containers () are made of the ceramic materials, and the internal walls of the footbath containers are provided with net-like lines and papillary groups () corresponding to the reflex point zone of feet. The ceramic materials can: emit far infrared rays with wave length of 4-14 microns and the emitting rate of more than 0.92 at normal temperature; release negative ions automatically and permanently; continuously produce weak static current matching the bioelectric current of human bodies; and release mineral matters and trace elements needed by human bodies into water. The ceramic materials are preferably tourmaline-containing silicates. 1. A ceramic footbath apparatus comprises a pair of boot-like footbath containers , wherein said footbath containers are made of ceramic material , and the footbath containers are sintered into double-layered containers having a hollow space between two layers , and wherein the inner layer comprises lines with a pattern and attached thereon with a plurality of papillary extrusions corresponding to reflex point zone of a user's feet.2. The ceramic footbath apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said ceramic material comprises tourmaline-containing silicates.3. The ceramic footbath apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said footbath containers made of the silicate-based and tourmaline-containing material which is piezoelectric and thermoelectric emit far infrared rays with similar wavelength to those emitted by human body after being added with hot water claim 1 , generate a far-infrared resonance absorption radiation space claim 1 , produce weak static current at 0.06 mA that matches bioelectric current of human body claim 1 , and release negative ions claim 1 , ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283522A1

An integrated columar structure is connected to hot and cold water supplies. On the structure is separately mounted on eyewash and faucet. In an alternative embodiment a water bubbler can be substituted for the eyewash. Water passageways within the columnar structure separately supply the appropriate temperature water to the faucet and eyewash/bubbler. Valving mounted on the columnar structure, preferably with an angle oriented at an acute angle to the axis of the column, controls the temperature of water supplied to the fauce. Cold, or slightly tempered, water is supplied to the eyewash. 1. An integral eyewash and faucet configured for mounting through a single opening in a supporting deck and connected to sources of cold and hot water , the integral eyewash and faucet comprising:a columnar structure fixedly mounted to the supporting deck;a first internal passageway within the columnar structure directly connecting the source of cold water to an eyewash water outlet;a separate, second set of internal passageways within the columnar structure, connecting both cold and hot water to a faucet water outlet;at least one valve controlling flow of water through the first internal passageway to the eyewash water outlet; andat least one valve controlling flow through at least one of the second set of passageways which is integrated into a side of the columnar structure.2. The integral eyewash and faucet of claim 1 , wherein separate valves control the flow of hot and cold water through the second set of internal passageways.3. The integral eyewash and faucet of claim 1 , wherein the axis of the body of the at least one valve controlling the flow of water through the internal passageways is mounted at an acute angle to the central axis of the columnar structure.4. The integral eyewash and faucet of claim 2 , wherein the separate valves include ceramic cartridges utilizing minimum rotational movement to control flow of water through the internal passageways.5. The integral ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340160A1
Принадлежит: MAGARL, LLC

Apparatus and method for providing tempered water to an emergency wash system. Various embodiments include simple, reliable, low-cost flow regulators to reliably provide adequate emergency wash flows. Yet other embodiments include one or more features that consider the special needs of a person temporarily blinded, and include those persons having disabilities. 1. An emergency eyewash system , comprising:a thermostatically controlled valve having an inlet for hot water, an inlet for cold water, and an outlet providing tempered water;a flow regulator having an inlet, an outlet, and a variable orifice inbetween, said regulator inlet receiving tempered water from said valve, said variable orifice becoming more restrictive to flow as the pressure of water at the regulator inlet increases and becoming less restrictive to flow as the pressure of water at the regulator inlet decreases, said regulator outlet providing an outlet flow within a predetermined range of flows; andan eyewash nozzle having an inlet for receiving the regulated flow of water and directing the regulated flow generally upwards.2. The system of which further comprises a filter receiving the regulated flow of water from said regulator and providing filtered and regulated flow of water to said nozzle.3. The system of wherein said variable orifice includes a resilient blocking member and a fixed member claim 1 , said member changing in at least one of shape or location relative to said fixed member to provide at least one of a smaller flow area or an increased flow resistance as water pressure at the regulator inlet increases.4. The system of wherein said flow regulator is a first regulator and said nozzle is a first nozzle claim 1 , and which further comprises:a second flow regulator having an inlet, an outlet, and a second variable orifice inbetween, said second regulator inlet receiving tempered water from said valve, said second variable orifice becoming more restrictive to flow as the pressure of ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Nasal rinse tip

Номер: US20140039411A1
Автор: Ketan C. Mehta
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for nasal lavage is described. The device ejects a gentle flow of fluid under pressure. The fluid stream provides a high quantity of fluid at low pressure. The low pressure fluid stream is more comfortable for a user than a high pressure fluid stream that are delivered by various types of pressurized cans of solution.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Gas mist pressure bathing method and gas mist pressure bathing system

Номер: US20140046247A1
Автор: Shoichi Nakamura
Принадлежит: ACP Japan Co Ltd

Provided are a gas mist pressure bathing method and a gas mist pressure bathing system that improve the efficiency of absorbing a gas mist from the skin and mucous membranes of a living body. The gas mist pressure bathing method is provided with a first step, a second step and a third step. The first step involves supplying a gas mist and gas for a predetermined time to at least a first cover 51 of a living body cover member 50 having said first cover 51 and a second cover 55 positioned outside of the first cover 51 , the inside of said second cover 55 being substantially sealed; covering the skin and mucous membranes of the living body; and forming a space wherein the gas mist and gas supplied by a gas mist generating means 30 are sealed. The second step involves discharging the gas mist and gas from the first cover 51 and/or the second cover 55 . The third step involves supplying the gas mist and gas for a predetermined time from the gas mist generating means 30 to the first cover 51 and the second cover 55 , and keeping the pressure inside at least the second cover 55 in a predetermined range. The first to third steps are repeated multiple times.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Emergency Eyewash Unit

Номер: US20140047633A1

An emergency eyewash unit includes a pair of water discharge ports oriented to produce a pair of upwardly directed, diverging water streams for inside-out flush flow of contaminants from a person's eyes. These eyewash streams can be combined with a plurality of smaller upwardly directed facewash streams for flushing contaminants from a person's face. The eyewash and/or facewash streams are produced by an eyewash body adapted for rotatable mounting onto a water supply conduit, with a locking clip normally preventing undesired rotational disassembly. The eyewash body may be used in combination with an overhead emergency shower which, in one preferred form, includes a shower spray head carrying multiple flow control and flow shaper elements to produce a substantially uniformly dispersed shower spray pattern. 142-. (canceled)43. An eyewash unit , comprising: a liquid inlet,', 'a first discharge port coupled to the liquid inlet, the first discharge port including a first bore defining a first longitudinal axis, and, 'an eyewash body mounted substantially horizontally, the eyewash body includinga second discharge port coupled to the liquid inlet, the second discharge port including a second bore defining a second longitudinal axis;wherein the first and second longitudinal axes angularly diverge from each other;wherein the first and second bores are configured such that the intersection of the first longitudinal axis of the first bore and the second longitudinal axis of the second bore forms an acute angle; andwherein the first and second longitudinal axes are disposed in a plane, wherein the plane is substantially perpendicular to the eyewash body.44. The eyewash unit of claim 43 , wherein the eyewash body further includes:a discharge plate, and wherein the first and second discharge ports are formed in the discharge plate.45. The eyewash unit of claim 43 , further comprising:a valve connected to a liquid supply conduit and to the liquid inlet.46. The eyewash unit of ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Emergency Eyewash Unit

Номер: US20140047634A1

An emergency eyewash unit includes a pair of water discharge ports oriented to produce a pair of upwardly directed, diverging water streams for inside-out flush flow of contaminants from a person's eyes. These eyewash streams can be combined with a plurality of smaller upwardly directed facewash streams for flushing contaminants from a person's face. The eyewash and/or facewash streams are produced by an eyewash body adapted for rotatable mounting onto a water supply conduit, with a locking clip normally preventing undesired rotational disassembly. The eyewash body may be used in combination with an overhead emergency shower which, in one preferred form, includes a shower spray head carrying multiple flow control and flow shaper elements to produce a substantially uniformly dispersed shower spray pattern. 142-. (canceled)43. A method for flushing contaminants from a person's eyes , the method comprising:causing a first stream of water to flow from a first discharge port included in an eyewash unit and simultaneously causing a second stream of water to flow from a second discharge port included in the eyewash unit; andcausing the first and second streams of water to arch upwardly and diverge angularly from each other, thereby causing the first and second streams of water to flow laterally from the insides of a person's eyes when the person leans over the first and second streams of water to the outsides of the person's eyes.44. The method of claim 43 , wherein causing the first and second streams of water to flow from the first and second discharge ports claim 43 , respectively claim 43 , includes generating streams that are relatively solid and have substantially laminar flow.45. The method of claim 43 , wherein the first and second discharge ports are formed in a discharge plate of the eyewash unit.46. The method of claim 43 , wherein causing the first and second streams to diverge angularly from each other is accomplished by:forming the first discharge port to ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Water-powered hand-washing system

Номер: US20150000030A1
Принадлежит: Clean Hands Inc

A hand washing apparatus configured to simultaneously wash both a left hand and a right hand includes an enclosure having an exterior surface and an interior space. The exterior surface having a front face and first and second side faces located on opposites sides of the front face. The enclosure includes a first opening in the first side face of the exterior surface for receiving a left hand for insertion into the interior space and a second opening in the second side face of the exterior surface for receiving a right hand for insertion into the interior space. There is a first digit support member located within the interior space having a surface for receiving and orienting a first subset of digits of the first and second hands in a predetermined position within the interior space and a second digit support member located within the interior space having a surface for receiving and orienting a second subset of digits of the first and second hands in a predetermined position within the interior space. There is a first spray nozzle, positioned in the interior space and directed toward the first digit support member at a first predetermined orientation, configured to spray a liquid toward the first subset of digits of the first and second hands when the hands are inserted into the interior space. There is a second spray nozzle, positioned in the interior space and directed toward the second digit support member at a second predetermined orientation, configured to spray a liquid toward the second subset of digits of the first and second hands when the hands are inserted into the interior space. The first and second subsets of digits comprise all of the digits of the left and right hands.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000710A1
Принадлежит: Lexor Manufacturing, LLC

A jet pump has an impeller with a magnet that can be rotated by a shaft having a magnetic drive plate and wherein the impeller and the magnetic drive plate are separated from one another by at least one solid wall surface. The impeller can be located in a pump housing having a base and a cover. The base can have a surface bearing so that the impeller can contact therewith and rotated against the surface of the surface bearing. 1. A spa pump sized and shaped for use with a basin of a pedicure chair , comprising:a motor having a motor casing and a drive shaft protruding from the motor casing, the drive shaft having a magnetic drive plate attached thereto;a pump housing having cover attached to a base and defining a pump cavity therein;a mount adaptor attached to the motor and to the base of the pump housing, the mount adaptor comprising a flange and an extension having a hollow interior having the magnetic drive plate located therein;an impeller located within the pump cavity, the impeller comprising a hub having a first end and a second end and a flange body comprising a magnet;a surface bearing attached to a base wall of the base, the surface bearing having an upper surface and an axial end face at the first end of the hub of the impeller contacts the upper surface of the surface bearing; andwherein the impeller is rotatable within the pump chamber without any shaft projecting into the hub of the impeller.2. The spa pump of claim 1 , wherein the base comprises a central stub having a central surface that is co-planar or recessed from the upper surface of the surface bearing.3. The spa pump of claim 1 , further comprising a metal securing ring attached to the surface bearing.4. The spa pump of claim 3 , further comprising a second metal securing ring attached to the surface bearing.5. The spa pump of claim 1 , wherein the magnet of the impeller comprises a plurality of magnet sections arranged in a pattern of north and south poles.6. The spa pump of claim 1 , wherein ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000688A1

A foot spa tub includes a tub basin, a first magnetic drive member rotatably coupled to a drive motor, and a first casing supporting the magnetic drive member. The first casing is disposed against an exterior surface of a sidewall of the basin. A second magnetic drive member is rotatably coupled to a blade. The first and second magnetic drive members are magnetically coupled to each other so that the blade is drivingly coupled to the drive motor. A nozzle houses the second magnetic drive member and the blade. The nozzle is detachably securable to an interior surface of the sidewall by a magnetic attraction force between the first and second magnetic drive members. A method of circulating liquid in a foot tub spa is also provided. 1. A foot spa tub , comprising:a tub basin;a first magnetic drive member rotatably coupled to a drive motor;a first casing supporting said first magnetic drive member, said first casing disposed against an exterior surface of the sidewall of said tub basin;a second magnetic drive member rotatably coupled to a blade, said first and second magnetic drive members magnetically coupled to each other so that said blade is drivingly coupled to said drive motor; anda nozzle housing said second magnetic drive member and said blade, said nozzle detachably securable to an interior surface of said sidewall by a magnetic attraction force between said first and second magnetic drive members.A locking assembly operably associated with said nozzle for locking said second magnetic drive member and said blade in said nozzle.225-. (canceled)26. A method of circulating liquid in a foot spa tub , comprising the steps of:providing a first casing having a first magnetic drive member rotatably coupled to a source of rotary motion;providing a nozzle housing a blade coupled to a second magnetic drive member;providing a basin containing a fluid;positioning the first casing on an exterior surface of the basin;positioning the nozzle adjacent an interior surface of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Portable bidet device and system

Номер: US20180010324A1
Автор: Culton, SR. Steven Edwards

A portable bidet can include a bidet tank that can contain a liquid for personal washing, a hand pump, a bidet hose, a control valve with a control lever, an angulated wand that includes a bend with a re-angulation, a spray nozzle, such that the portable bidet can be used by a person sitting on a toilet, such that the angulated wand protrudes downward and rearward between legs of the person, such that the bend of the angulated wand directs the spray of the liquid towards a perineal-genital-anal area of the person. The liquid can include water, and optionally soap and a hemorrhoid treatment composition. 1. A portable bidet , comprising:a) a bidet tank, which is configured to contain a liquid under a pressure;b) a bidet hose;c) a control valve with a control lever, such that the control valve is in fluid connection with the bidet tank via the bidet hose, such that the control lever is configured to stop a fluid flow in the control valve from the bidet tank when the control lever is not depressed, and to allow the fluid flow when the control lever is depressed; and a hollow wand, which comprises a bend in a distal portion of the hollow wand, such that the hollow wand is in fluid connection with the control valve; and', 'a spray nozzle, which connected to a distal end of the hollow wand, such that that the spray nozzle is in fluid connection with the hollow wand;, 'd) an angulated wand, comprisingsuch that the spray nozzle is configured to emit a spray of the liquid when the control lever is depressed;whereby the angulated wand is configured to be used by a person sitting on a toilet, such that the angulated wand protrudes downward and rearward between legs of the person, such that the bend of the angulated wand directs the spray of the liquid towards a perineal-genital-anal area of the person.2. The portable bidet of claim 1 , where in the bidet tank further comprises:a hand pump with a handle, such that the hand pump is configured to build up the pressure in the bidet ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014303A1

An integrated columnar structure is connected to hot and cold water supplies. On the structure is separately mounted on eyewash and faucet. In an alternative embodiment a water bubbler can be substituted for the eyewash. Water passageways within the columnar structure separately supply the appropriate temperature water to the faucet and eyewash/bubbler. Valving mounted on the columnar structure, preferably with an angle oriented at an acute angle to the axis of the column, controls the temperature of water supplied to the faucet. Cold, or slightly tempered, water is supplied to the eyewash. 1. A multi-component water dispenser and faucet fixture for discharging water from multiple outlets , comprising: (a) a first component comprising a base fixedly mounted to a surface and including at least one hot water supply conduit and multiple cold water supply conduits extending through an interior of the base, wherein the multiple cold water supply conduits comprise a first cold water supply conduit and a second cold water supply conduit,', '(b) a second component fixedly attached to and in vertical alignment above the first component including internal conduits therethrough fluidly connected to the water supply conduits in the first component, wherein the internal conduits comprise:', '(i) an internal hot water conduit fluidly connected to the at least one hot water supply conduit in the first component;', '(ii) a first internal cold water conduit fluidly connected to the first cold water supply conduit in the first component; and', '(iii) a second internal cold water conduit fluidly connected to the second cold water supply conduit in the first component, and', 'wherein valves controlling flow through the first internal cold water conduit and the internal hot water conduit extend from a periphery of the second component, and', '(c) a third component fixedly attached to and in vertical alignment above the second component, with the third component having both a lower ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015296A1
Автор: TAKEHARA Takashi

An eye mask-type hydrogen supply device that is freely portable when carried by a user and with which it is possible to supply hydrogen to the areas around both eyes and the eyeballs while warming the eyelids, wherein the eye mask-type hydrogen supply device can be used continuously by replacing a hydrogen gas supply pack. 1. An eye mask-type hydrogen supply device for supplying hydrogen gas and heat of reaction , which is generated at a time of generating the hydrogen gas , to an area surrounding both eyes of a user , the eye mask-type hydrogen supply device comprising:an eye mask main body configured to be brought into contact with a portion between eyebrows of the user and with the area surrounding both eyes of the user as an eye mask;a mounting belt for connecting the eye mask main body to a face of the user;a hydrogen gas supply pack, in which aluminum hydride powder and reaction water are sealed, for reacting the aluminum hydride powder and the reaction water with each other to generate hydrogen gas and heat of reaction; anda storage pocket for mounting the hydrogen gas supply pack to the eye mask main body, wherein the hydrogen gas supply pack is replaceable for continuous use.3. The eye mask-type hydrogen supply device according to claim 2 , wherein each of the aluminum powder bags and the reaction water bag is made of an aluminum laminate material.4. The eye mask-type hydrogen supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the outer bag is made of a waterproof moisture-permeable material.5. The eye mask-type hydrogen supply device according to claim 2 , wherein non-woven fabric is inserted in each of the aluminum powder bags.7. The eye mask-type hydrogen supply device according to claim 2 , wherein an interior of the outer bag is filled with nitrogen gas.8. The eye mask-type hydrogen supply device according to claim 2 , wherein a gap between the outer bag and each of the aluminum powder bags is filled with a polymer absorbent.9. The eye mask-type hydrogen ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015998A1
Автор: Hueton lain, Swyer Mark L.

Systems and methods for improving or preventing a condition, such as the treatment of pain syndromes and migraine headaches are disclosed. A method for treating pain can include one or more of the steps including identifying a region of the patient comprising glabrous tissue; positioning the region of the patient comprising glabrous tissue into an enclosed chamber; adjusting the relative humidity of the enclosed chamber sufficient to create a physiologic effect. The method need not involve altering the temperature within the enclosed chamber. 1. A system for stimulating glabrous tissue of a patient , comprising:a housing surrounding an enclosed chamber;a humidifer configured to supply humidified air to the chamber sufficient to minimize heat loss from the glabrous tissue, the humidifed air having a relative humidity of between about 90% and about 99%; anda patient port operably connected to the chamber and configured to house a region of the skin surface of a patient comprising the glabrous tissue, the patient port being configured to reversibly create an air-tight seal upon isolation of the region of the skin surface with respect to an interior of the chamber.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the humidifier is operably connected to the enclosed chamber via a conduit.3. The system of claim 2 , configured to have a first state in which the humidifier delivers humidified air via the conduit to the interior of the chamber; and a second state in which the conduit is disconnected from the chamber and humidified air remains sealed within the interior of the chamber.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to adjust the relative humidity of the humidified air into the chamber.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor configured to detect the humidity within the chamber.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a display configured to provide information regarding the humidity within the chamber.7. The system of claim 1 , ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017509A1

A fluid pump assembly is provided. The pump has a pair of units magnetically coupled to each other. The first unit contains a drive motor and a magnetic assembly. The second unit contains a magnetic assembly and a blade of a propeller/impeller for imparting movement to a fluid. As the first unit is activated by the drive motor, a magnetic flux is created which in turn rotates the magnetic assembly in the second unit, driving the blade. 1. A magnetically driven unit of a fluid pump assembly , comprising:a housing comprising a base and a nozzle;a rotator at least partially contained in the housing, the rotator comprising a magnet constructed and arranged to be magnetically coupled to and rotationally driven by a magnet of a drive unit;a shaft operatively connected to the rotator;a blade operatively coupled with the shaft; anda magnet cover cooperating with the base to enclose the rotator.2. The magnetically driven unit of claim 1 , further comprising an axle concentrically surrounded by the shaft.3. The magnetically driven unit of claim 2 , wherein the axle comprises a flanged base.4. The magnetically driven unit of claim 3 , wherein the flanged base contacts a surface of the base.5. The magnetically driven unit of claim 4 , further comprising a ceramic sleeve concentric with the axle and positioned between the axle and the shaft.6. The magnetically driven unit of claim 5 , wherein at least a portion of the ceramic sleeve is concentric with and surrounded by a bearing.7. The magnetically driven unit of claim 3 , wherein the axle comprises a metallic material.8. The magnetically driven unit of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises a plurality of ribs spaced apart from one another to create openings for allowing fluid to flow therethrough.9. The magnetically driven unit of claim 1 , further comprising a casing surrounding the magnet.10. The magnetically driven unit of claim 1 , further comprising a lower bearing connected to the rotator.11. A fluid pump assembly claim ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Toilet With A Front Facing User-Accessible Compartment

Номер: US20180020889A1

A toilet with a base portion containing a front facing user-accessible compartment is disclosed. A channel is provided within a base portion for connecting a floor sewer pipe to the raised base of the toilet. Multiple embodiments are disclosed in which the user-accessible front facing user-accessible compartment comprises a retractable foot spa, a retractable scale, a computer processor, and user health devices. User interfaces are disclosed for the operation of the front facing user-accessible compartment and other functions of the front facing user-accessible compartment. Latching and moving mechanisms are also disclosed and claimed herein. 1. A toilet comprising:a base portion which supports a bowl of the toilet, the base portion positioned between the toilet bowl and a floor;a front facing user-accessible compartment located in the base portion, the front facing user-accessible compartment opening toward a toilet user's feet while the toilet user is using the toilet and comprising a channel cavity through which an outlet pipe of the toilet passes;wherein the front facing user-accessible compartment is accessed by a drawer, andwherein the front facing user-accessible compartment has a height, measured vertically between the floor and the toilet bowl, of between one to twelve inches.2. The toilet of claim 1 , wherein the base portion is integrally formed with a material of the toilet bowl.3. The toilet of claim 1 , wherein the base portion is not integrally formed with a material of the toilet bowl.4. The toilet of claim 1 , wherein a sewer pipe extends through the front facing user-accessible compartment and passes through the channel cavity.519.-. (canceled)20. The toilet of claim 1 , wherein a toilet computer is stored within the base portion of the toilet. The present invention relates to the elevation of flush toilets by means of a front facing user-accessible compartment that is installed for increased convenience of a user.Toilets are hard for people with ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Leg care apparatus

Номер: US20210022564A1

A leg care apparatus includes a main body configured to provide an action space in which a leg is accommodated, a bottom module which is placed on a bottom surface of the main body and in which components for a foot bath are accommodated, and a circulation air suction fan configured to exhaust air within the action space to the outside of the action space and blow the air exhausted to the outside of the action space again to the inside of the action space.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022566A1

A leg care apparatus includes a main body configured to provide an action space in which a leg is accommodated, a bottom module which is placed on a bottom surface of the main body and in which a component for a foot bath is accommodated, and an action space adjustment module configured to adjust a size of the action space. 1. A leg care apparatus comprising:a main body configured to provide an action space to accommodate a leg;a bottom module disposed at a bottom surface of the main body and in which a component for a foot bath is accommodated; andan action space adjustment module configured to adjust a size of the action space.2. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the action space adjustment module comprises an upper module in which at least a portion of a top surface of the action space is defined and which opens and closes an inlet through which the leg is inserted into the action space.3. The leg care apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the upper module is slidable vertically with respect to the main body.4. The leg care apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a knee care part configured to care a user's knee disposed at the upper module.5. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the action space adjustment module comprises a side module in which at least a portion of a front surface of the action space is defined and which opens and closes an inlet through which the leg is inserted into the action space.6. The leg care apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the side module is rotatable with respect to the main body.7. The leg care apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the side module is supported by the bottom module.8. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a contact pad configured to conduct and transfer a temperature atmosphere by contacting a user's body disposed at at least one of the main body claim 1 , the action space adjustment module claim 1 , and the bottom module.9. ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022957A1

A leg care apparatus includes a main body configured to provide an action space in which a leg is accommodated and at least one action space adjustment module configured to adjust a size of the action space. Accordingly, a leg may be cared to fit a size and length of the user's leg. 1. A leg care apparatus comprising:a main body configured to provide an action space to accommodate a leg;at least one action space adjustment module configured to adjust a size of the action space, the at least one action space adjustment module is movable with respect to the main body; anda sensor disposed at a part of the at least one action space adjustment module that is exposed during the moving of the at least one action space adjustment module between the main body and the at least one action space adjustment module so as to sense a user's contact.2. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one action space adjustment module includes a plurality of action space adjustment modules claim 1 , andanother sensor disposed at a contact part between the plurality of the action space adjustment modulesso as to sense the user's contact.3. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one action space adjustment module comprises an upper module that vertically moves with respect to the main body.4. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one action space adjustment module comprises a side module that moves in a front and rear direction with respect to the main body.5. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one contact pad that is exposed to an inner surface of the action space so as to care the leg placed in the action space.6. The leg care apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the contact part has one surface that is exposed to an inner surface of the action space to correspond to at least one place of a user's calf or sole.7. The leg care apparatus according to claim 6 , further ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022958A1

A leg care apparatus includes a main body configured to provide an action space in which a leg is accommodated and an atomizer configured to provide mist to the action space so as to care the leg disposed in the action space. 1. A leg care apparatus comprising:a main body configured to provide an action space to accommodate a leg; andat least one of an atomizer configured to provide mist to the action space or a contact pad of which one surface is exposed to an inner surface of the action space so as to care the leg placed in the action space.2. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the contact pad is disposed on the inner surface of the action space to correspond to at least one point of a sole or a calf.3. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein an other surface of the contact part corresponds to a thermoelectric module to create a low or high temperature environment.4. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a bottom module which provides at least a portion of a bottom surface of the action space and in which components are accommodated therein; anda water storage part disposed at a top surface of the bottom module to collect water.5. The leg care apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein a bottom surface of the water storage part is gradually inclined downward from a front side to a rear side.6. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the atomizer comprises at least one of:a room-temperature atomizer configured to spray room-temperature mist; anda high-temperature atomizer configured to spray high-temperature mist.7. The leg care apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the room-temperature atomizer is configured to supply fine water particles by using ultrasonic waves.8. The leg care apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the high-temperature atomizer is operated in a tank heating manner in which water stored in a tank is heated.9. The leg care apparatus according to claim 1 , further ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Thermostatic valve with anti-failure provisions

Номер: US20150027551A1
Принадлежит: Acorn Engineering Co

Embodiments include eyewash valves in which the temperature of the water emerging from the valve is thermostatically controlled by a wax motor which regulates the flow of hot and cold water through the valve. Embodiments include provisions for continuing water flow through the valve despite failure of the hot water supply. Embodiments also include provisions for water flow through the valve despite failure of the wax motor in the upper position or in the lower position.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030282A1

For the treatment of the upper respiratory system is used sea water due to its due to its anaplastic, healing and hypertonic (osmosis) characteristics, deriving if it stays for adequate time inside the nasal conchas and nose cavities. This invention for its accomplishment, guarantees a stable column of water for adequate period of time in the nasal cavities and by the ingestion (Valsava) the water is pushed in the nasal conchas and the ducts of the nose sinuses and cavities and is consisted of Central storehouses () having a movable pin () with manually-operated provides water via the pipe () in the mouth (). The central pipe () provides the water to the nose and the small pipe () to the periphery of the mouth () that expands it for its sealed application and is based in two edges (). Alternatively the pipes () and the mouths are joined by one () which is adapted in the entrance () of the bag () with a pin (), moved by electricity () or manually-operated. 1. Device to simultaneously provide , in a controlled and repeated manner , a quantity of fixed volume of sea water or saline containing antibiotic in nasal cavities , nasal conchae and paranasal sinuses , comprising:a base; andtwo pipes, connected to the base, each having a main channel and a secondary channel, the channels ending at an end with a mouth having an expandable periphery, wherein the base is configured to simultaneously provide content to the nose through the main pipes from a main storage area and wherein the base further comprises a secondary storehouse configured to be filled with water and provide water to the periphery of the mouth to expand.2. A device according to claim 1 , where the mouth has an anatomic shape corresponding to the exit part of the nasal cavity in order to achieve sealed application claim 1 , when the periphery expands and wherein each mouth has two points one out frontal point and one out lower point claim 1 , configured so that the expanded mouth to be fitted at an upper- ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047456A1
Автор: Shavelson Dennis

A therapeutic nanoparticle diffusion system includes at least one rubber bootie; a foot bath; and a nanoparticle composition. The rubber bootie is adapted to accommodate a user's foot and the nanoparticle composition. The foot bath has a predetermined height, a vibrational base, and a heating element attached. A therapeutic method of administering nanoparticles includes providing the bootie and the foot bath; adding water to the foot bath; donning the bootie; resting the foot and the bootie in the foot bath; adding a nanoparticle composition to the bootie; activating the heating element and the vibration element; resting the subject's foot in the nanoparticle composition; doffing and emptying the bootie into the foot bath; and soaking the subject's foot in the foot bath. The temperatures and times are predetermined. 1. A therapeutic nanoparticle diffusion system , comprising:at least one rubber bootie adapted to accommodate a user's foot and a nanoparticle composition;a foot bath with a predetermined height and having a vibrational base and a heating element coupled to the foot bath; andthe nanoparticle composition.2. A therapeutic method of administering nanoparticles , comprising:a. providing at least one bootie and a foot bath with a heating element and a vibration element;b. adding water at a first temperature to the foot bath;c. donning the at least one bootie on a subject's foot;d. resting the subject's foot and the at least one bootie in the water in the foot bath for a first predetermined time;e. adding a nanoparticle composition to the at least one bootie;f. activating the heating element to maintain a second temperature and the vibration element;g. resting the subject's foot in the nanoparticle composition for a second predetermined time;h. doffing the at least one bootie, emptying the at least one bootie into the foot bath, and adjusting the foot bath to maintain a third temperature; andi. soaking the subject's foot in the foot bath for a third ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030067A1

A bidet according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a bidet body to which a toilet seat having an opening is hingedly coupled; and a nozzle assembly disposed in the bidet body. The nozzle assembly includes: a nozzle body part forming an outer appearance thereof; and a sitz bath discharging port for spraying water and forming a water-current, the sitz bath water discharging port being disposed in the nozzle body part. 1. A bidet comprising:a bidet body to which a toilet seat having an opening is hingedly coupled; anda nozzle assembly disposed in the bidet body,wherein the nozzle assembly comprises a nozzle body part forming an outer appearance of the nozzle assembly, and a sitz bath discharging port for spraying water in arc form to form a water current, the sitz bath water discharging port being disposed in the nozzle body part.2. The bidet of claim 1 , wherein a highest point of the water current is formed inside the opening in a horizontal direction of the toilet seat.3. The bidet of claim 1 , wherein a highest point of the water current is formed to range from below 25 mm to above 25 mm claim 1 , with respect to an upper surface of the toilet seat claim 1 , in a vertical direction of the toilet seat.4. The bidet of claim 1 , wherein the toilet seat is positioned above a point at which the water current arcs downwardly through a highest point of the water current.5. The bidet of claim 1 , wherein the water current and the toilet seat are not in contact with each other.6. The bidet of claim 1 , wherein the sitz bath discharging port is provided as a plurality of sitz bath discharging ports spaced apart from each other.7. The bidet of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of sitz bath discharging ports form a plurality of water currents claim 6 , and highest points of the plurality of water currents are the same.8. The bidet of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of sitz bath discharging ports form a plurality of water currents claim 6 , and highest points ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029749A1
Автор: Wade Jason

Foot care devices include a body having a concave recessed upper surface and an opposing lower surface. The upper surface has a foot treatment element connected to the body. The foot treatment element has a concave recessed configuration corresponding to the upper surface and a porous element attached to the upper surface. An immobilizing element is connected to the lower surface. The immobilizing element includes a plurality of movement-inhibiting suction members adapted to be attached to a surface and to inhibit positional movement of the body about the surface. The foot care device can include a cleansing compound embedded in the porous element and at least one hole configured to channel the liquid within the porous element. 1. A foot care device , comprising:an immobilizing element including a movement-inhibiting element attached across a base of the immobilizing element;a treatment assembly connected to the immobilizing element, the treatment assembly including a housing body having an encircling wall with an exterior surface, an interior surface, and a lower edge surface extending between the exterior surface and the interior surface, the exterior surface having an upper receiving area; anda foot treatment element attached to the treatment assembly in the receiving area, the foot treatment element having a porous element attached to the foot treatment element, the porous element having at least one hole formed partially through the porous element and configured to embed a liquid within the porous element.2. The foot care device of claim 1 , wherein the foot treatment element comprises a foot receiving area having an at least partially concave upper surface.3. The foot care device of claim 2 , further comprising an electrically operable claim 2 , localized body; the foot treatment element connected to the body such that operation of the body causes localized movement of the foot treatment element.4. The foot care device of claim 2 , further comprising a lower ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Integrated emergency wash and shower system

Номер: US20170035255A1
Принадлежит: Magarl LLC

Apparatus and methods for integrated emergency wash systems. Various embodiments include thermostatically controlled mixing valves arranged so as to permit load carrying by the body of the valve. Further, the integrated wash systems are especially suited for use in laboratories and manufacturing settings in which available space is at a premium.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036201A1

A nasal irrigation device communicates an irrigant to a device user and comprises a mechanics module and a reservoir assembly wherein a source of saline comprising a cartridge is disposed within the mechanics module adjacent a lid assembly for piercing the cartridge upon closing of a lid for releasing the cartridge contents into the reservoir assembly. A faux collapsible cartridge for testing operability of a nasal irrigation device comprises a housing including a shaft, a spring biased rod extending from the housing shaft, and a flange depending from a housing wall whereby the rod and flange are disposed to actuate a trigger assembly of the nasal irrigation device. 1. A nasal irrigation device for communicating an irrigant to a device user comprising:a mechanics module and a reservoir assembly wherein a source of saline comprising a capsule disposed within the mechanics module adjacent to a lid assembly that opens the capsule upon closing of a lid for releasing the capsule contents into the reservoir assembly.2. The device of wherein the reservoir assembly includes a selectively separable upper reservoir and a selectively separable lower reservoir.3. The device of further including a nasal interface disposed relative to the mechanics module to form a fluid passageway from the upper reservoir through the mechanics module claim 2 , through the nasal interface claim 2 , and again through the mechanics module to the lower reservoir.4. The device of wherein the mechanics module includes an evacuating pump and a cartridge tower assembly comprising the lid assembly and a trigger assembly for enabling operating of the pump and opening of the fluid passageway upon receipt of the cartridge in the capsule tower assembly and a closing of the lid.5. The device of wherein the trigger assembly includes an actuator linkage disposed for engagement of the capsule upon the closing of the lid wherein the linkage triggers a lockout switch of the mechanics module claim 4 , which switch ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Pedicure chairs and pumps for use with pedicure chairs and related methods

Номер: US20150040310A1
Автор: Christopher L. Long
Принадлежит: Individual

A jet pump associated with a heat source, such as a heating element or heating coils, is disclosed. The heating element is located in a housing chamber and coaxially with an impeller. An electrical motor rotates the impeller and circulates water within the chamber and between coils of the heating element. The heated water is then discharged into a basin found in a pedicure chair or other devices requiring agitated, heated water.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045461A1
Автор: Evavold James L.

A garment configured for placement and wearing on the upper torso, chest, and back of a wearer for soaking the breast tissue and chest of the wearer for the treatment of sore and irritated tissue. The garment having a shell portion configured to form a cavity surrounding this anatomical region allowing the wearer the ability to place a fluid into an interior space of the shell. The garment including a gasketing means and securing means coupled to the shell portion and configured to aid in providing a watertight or semi-watertight seal and securing the device in proper placement on the wearer. 1. A garment adapted for wearing by a wearer , the garment designed to function as a fluid retaining device for placement on an upper torso , back , and chest region of the wearer for soaking breast tissue of the wearer , the garment comprising:a shell portion, the shell portion sized to surround the upper torso of the wearer encompassing the chest and the back and having an upper side and a lower side;a gasketing means, the gasketing means coupled to the lower side and adapted to secure the device around the chest of the wearer, wherein the garment is generally waterproof and forming a cavity for the placement of a fluid, the fluid retained against the body through the structure of the garment; anda securing means, the securing means coupled to the upper side and adapted to secure the device around the chest of the wearer, wherein the securing means extends from the back to the chest enabling the garment to function as a hydrotherapy device.2. The garment as in claim 1 , wherein the securing means is at least one strap.3. The garment as in claim 1 , wherein the gasketing means is a first strap and second strap movable from a back of the shell to a front of the shell.4. The garment as in claim 1 , wherein the shell is comprised of two layers with a first layer on an exterior and a second layer on an interior adjacent to the body side of the wearer.5. The garment as in claim 4 , ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042812A1

An improved mount is of the type used in a foot spa. The foot spa is of the type having a surface which defines a vessel for containing water and a pump magnetically driven by rotating magnets. The mount defines part of the surface and holds the pump against rotation. The improvement comprises: a coil associated with the mount and disposed exteriorly of the surface of the basin and interiorly of the magnetic field produced by the rotating magnets to produce a current; a plurality of lights operatively connected to the coil; and light conductivity associated with the mount to permit the light to be visible interiorly of the basin. 1. An improved mount of the type used in a foot spa , the foot spa being of the type having a surface defining a vessel for containing water , a pump magnetically driven by rotating magnets and held against rotation by the mount which also defines part of the surface , the improvement comprising:a coil associated with the mount and disposed exteriorly of the surface of the basin and interiorly of the magnetic field produced by the rotating magnets to produce a current;a plurality of lights operatively connected to the coil; andlight conductivity associated with the mount to permit the light to be visible interiorly of the basin.2. The improved mount according to claim 1 , wherein the mount is one of translucent and transparent to provide said light conductivity.3. The improved mount according to claim 1 , wherein the mount includes a receiver and the coil is releasably received by the receiver.4. The improved mount according to claim 1 , wherein the coil is formed integrally with the mount.5. The improved mount according to claim 1 , wherein the mount defines a channel and further comprising a circuit board releasably received by the channel and operatively coupling the coil to the lights.6. The improved mount according to claim 5 , wherein the cover portion has receivers which engage plugs on the circuit board claim 5 , and the circuit ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047649A1
Автор: Paulson Suzanne

An eyewear apparatus which maintains a sealed cavity in front of a user's eye area when engaged to the face in an as-worn position. The device features a mask configured to contain one or both of thermal and moisture pads. The projecting edge portion surrounding said mask provides a seal to maintain the cavity between the device and the user's face to contain the temperature and humidity differential. Plugs are designed to allow the user to replace or resupply either or both of the thermal and moisture pads without removing the mask from the wearer. 1. An eyewear apparatus for maintaining a sealed cavity in front of a user's eye surrounding area when engaged to the face in an as-worn position , comprising:a cupped semi-cylindrical mask which sufficiently covers the skin around both eyes, with an extended circumferential edge;said mask having projecting edge portion formed of flexible material, extending from said circumferential edge, said projecting edge portion having a first surface positionable in contact with said face of said user in a seal, when in said as-worn position;said sealed cavity defined by the area between an interior surface of said curved mask portion and said face of said user covering said eye surrounding area, when said mask is worn in said as-worn position;said projecting edge deformable into said cavity by pressure thereon from outside said cavity;said sealed cavity providing means to maintain higher humidity and temperature differential in said cavity2. The eyewear apparatus of claim 1 , additionally comprising:said first surface positionable said projecting edge portion being substantially planar thereby providing means to increase a contact area of said seal.3. The eyewear apparatus of claim 1 , additionally comprising:said curved lens portion having an exterior surface opposite said interior surface;4. The eyewear apparatus of claim 1 , additionally comprising:means for biased engagement of said first surface of said projecting edge ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and System For Providing Whole Body Cryotherapy

Номер: US20220062031A1
Принадлежит: Impact Cryotherapy Inc

A system and method for automatically producing and monitoring a cryotherapy session within a chamber includes a plumbing system coupled to the chamber for cooling the chamber. A central controller may be coupled to the plumbing system. The central controller may be operable for: initiating the cryotherapy session within the chamber with a cryogenic gas flowing through the plumbing system for cooling the chamber to a first temperature; determining if the first temperature has been reached within the chamber; determining if a check-in command has been received for the cryotherapy session; and stopping the cryotherapy session after a predetermined period of time. The central controller may also monitor a cooling rate for the chamber and a heater associated with the cooling rate.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Device and Method for the Application of a Curable Fluid Composition to a Portion of a Bodily Organ

Номер: US20210052263A1

Disclosed are devices and methods suitable for application of a curable fluid composition to a bodily organ, such as to a lower portion of a bodily organ. The device comprises a monolithic piece of material having a lower surface, two spaced-apart sides, and two spaced-apart walls connecting the two spaced-apart sides. A receptacle for containing the curable fluid composition is defined by the lower surface, the two sides, and the two walls. At least a portion of the height of the two walls is less than the height of at least a portion of the two sides. The device is deployable underneath the bodily organ such that a lower portion of the bodily organ is supported by at least a portion of each of the two walls. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for applying a curable fluid composition to a bodily organ , the device comprising:(i) providing a device comprising:a monolithic piece of material having a lower surface, two spaced-apart sides, and two spaced-apart walls connecting the two spaced-apart sides, wherein at least a portion of the height of the two spaced-apart walls is less than the height of at least a portion of the two spaced-apart sides,wherein a receptacle for containing the curable fluid composition therein is defined by the lower surface, the two spaced-apart sides, and the two spaced-apart walls,the device deployable underneath the bodily organ such that a lower portion of the bodily organ is supported by at least a portion of each of the two spaced-apart walls;(ii) deploying the device underneath the bodily organ such that the lower portion of the bodily organ is supported by at least a portion of each of the two spaced-apart walls; and(iii) introducing an amount of the curable fluid composition into the receptacle sufficient to contact at least a portion of the bodily organ located between the two spaced-apart sides, thereby applying the composition to the bodily organ.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein deploying the device underneath the bodily organ ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052465A1
Автор: Ta Jeff, Ta Lan Van

A liner for use with a basin to contain a liquid features a plurality of bodies of flexible plastic. Portions of an inner face of a first body of flexible plastic are joined to corresponding portions of an inner face of a second body of flexible plastic, through which a plurality of openings are formed, to provide a multi-layer body of flexible plastic. Other portions of the inner face of the first body of flexible plastic are not joined to corresponding other portions of the inner face of the second body of flexible plastic, defining an air conduit between the first body of flexible plastic and the second body of flexible plastic for guiding pressurized air substantially from an air discharge apparatus. 1. A liner comprising:a first body of flexible plastic having an inner face and an opposing outer face; anda second body of flexible plastic having an inner face and an opposite outer face;wherein the second body of flexible plastic has a plurality of openings therethrough;wherein portions of the inner face of the first body of flexible plastic are joined to corresponding portions of the inner face of the second body of flexible plastic to form a two-layer body of flexible plastic;wherein other portions of the inner face of the first body of flexible plastic are not joined to corresponding other portions of the inner face of the second body of flexible plastic, the other portions of the inner faces of the first and second bodies of flexible plastic together defining an air conduit between the first body of flexible plastic and the second body of flexible plastic;wherein the air conduit is in fluidic communication with at least some of the openings in the second body of flexible plastic;wherein the air conduit has a starting end defining an opening in the two-layer body of flexible plastic and is configured to receive an air discharge apparatus at the starting end; andwherein the liner is configured to be placed in a basin such that the outer face of the first body ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Wearable soaking physiotherapeutic device with inflatable seal

Номер: US20170050020A1
Автор: Jianqiao Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

A physiotherapeutic device comprises a skin soaker for soaking a portion of the user's skin with a liquid when the device is attached to the user. The soaker comprises a tub for receiving the liquid and a resilient seal at a brim of the tub for sealing engagement with the skin to prevent leak of the liquid. The device also has an electrical stimulator comprising a first electrode and a second electrode for contacting the skin to stimulate tissues under the soaked portion of the skin. The soaked portion of the skin extends between the electrodes and the electrodes are isolated from the liquid.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052020A1
Автор: Davis Aaron N.

A tool for use on safety showers may include a funnel, a drain system, a base, and a height adjustment mechanism. The funnel has an interior with a width wider than a showerhead of the safety shower, so that a showerhead may fit within or seal against the interior of the funnel. The drain system connected to conduct a flow from the funnel. The base supports the drain system and the funnel and may be placed on a floor beneath the showerhead, and the height adjustment mechanism may be coupled to control a height of the funnel and control sealing pressure that the funnel applies to a showerhead. 1. A tool for use on a safety station , the tool comprising:a funnel;a drain system connected to conduct a flow from the funnel;a base supporting the drain system and the funnel; anda height adjustment mechanism coupled to control a height of the funnel above the base and to press an interior of the funnel against a showerhead of the safety station.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the interior of the funnel varies in width over a range including to a plurality of different widths respectively of different safety shower showerheads.3. The tool of claim 2 , wherein the range includes two inches to fourteen inches.4. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the drain system comprises a transparent portion providing a view of fluid flow through the drain system.5. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the drain system has an inlet coupled to the funnel and an outlet with a hose fitting.6. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the height adjustment system is between the base and the drain system.7. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the height adjustment system comprises telescoping pipes.8. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the height adjustment system supports a contact force of the funnel with the showerhead sufficient to seal the interior of the funnel against a perimeter of the showerhead.9. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the drain system further comprises a measurement device positioned to measure a ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Medical treatment system and method of use

Номер: US20220072288A1
Автор: Adrian Pelkus
Принадлежит: Cure Care Inc, Vaporox Inc

A medical treatment system including a treatment chamber, a source of an aqueous mist containing a medication, a source of an oxygen-enriched gas, and a control system adapted to alternately surround a human body part with a mist containing a medication and the oxygen enriched gas, which can be used to treat various skin disorders including infected lesions, bacterial infections such as acne (i.e. Propionibacterium acnes), fungal infections such as Athlete's foot (i.e. fungal genus Trichophyton), conditions associated with hair loss including alopecia as well as ulcerations and frostbite resulting from poor circulation. A method of treating skin disorders is also disclosed, that includes providing a mist containing a medication and enriched oxygen gas to the site being treated as well as providing oxygen to the patient during treatment.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064856A1
Автор: Tapadiya Dilip

Various irrigation fluid containment systems and components are disclosed. In some embodiments, the irrigation fluid containment system comprises a medical kit and/or an irrigation kit. In some embodiments, the irrigation fluid containment system comprises a medical basin and/or an irrigation basin. In some embodiments, the irrigation fluid containment system comprises an irrigation shield. In some embodiments, the irrigation fluid containment system comprises a suction hose. 177-. (canceled)78. A medical basin for collecting fluid during an irrigation procedure of a wound on a human extremity , the medical basin comprising:a base on which the medical basin is configured to rest; an interior surface;', 'an exterior surface comprising a top end and a bottom end, the exterior surface being inclined such that the bottom end of the exterior surface is closer to a center of the medical basin than the top end of the exterior surface when the medical basin is resting on the base;', 'a first side and a second side, wherein the first side and second side are opposed to each other, the first side including a first recess configured to receive the extremity and the second side including a second recess configured to receive the extremity; and', 'a third side and a fourth side, wherein the third side and fourth side are opposed to each other; and, 'a peripheral wall connected to the base, the peripheral wall and the base together bounding a cavity that is configured to receive irrigation fluid during the irrigation procedure, wherein the peripheral wall comprisesa clip configured to couple to the peripheral wall of the medical basin, the clip configured to engage and disengage with a suction hose to hold the hose in place relative to the peripheral wall to facilitate draining of irrigation fluid from the cavity.79. The medical of claim 78 , wherein the clip is movable relative to the peripheral wall.80. The medical basin of claim 78 , wherein the peripheral wall further ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150176A1
Автор: Tran Newton

A pedicure spa having a self-cleaning retractable basin provides a consistently cleaned and sanitized basin for use during a pedicure treatment. A cleansing chamber in the pedicure spa accepts the basin for a self-cleaning procedure. Cleansing products may be dispensed from one or more supply components for application to the basin by one or more cleansing devices. The self-cleaning procedure may proceed according to one or more predefined stages, which may include a drying stage provided by one or more dryers within the cleansing chamber. 1. A self-cleaning pedicure spa comprising:a body having a front end and a back end;a seat supported by the body at the back end;a retractable basin movable between an extended position and a retracted position and configured to hold at least on liquid therein for use during a pedicure treatment when in the extended position;a cleansing chamber within the back end of the body and having an opening to accept the retractable basin; andone or more cleansing devices within the cleansing chamber configured to apply one or more cleansing products to the retractable basin when the retractable basin is in the retracted position.2. The self-cleaning pedicure spa of claim 1 , wherein the seat is located above the cleansing chamber.3. The self-cleaning pedicure spa of claim 1 , wherein the back end of the body is taller than the front end of the body.4. The self-cleaning pedicure spa of claim 1 , wherein the body forms a platform at its front end for supporting the retractable basin when the retractable basin is in the extended position.5. The self-cleaning pedicure spa of further comprising a stop configured to releasably secure the retractable basin within the cleansing chamber.6. The self-cleaning pedicure spa of further comprising one or more supply components configured to store and dispense the one or more cleansing products to the one or more cleansing devices.7. The self-cleaning pedicure spa of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071479A1
Принадлежит: AIRSONNET AB

The present invention provides a practical method for treating atopic dermatitis. By subjecting patients suffering from atopic dermatitis to filtered temperature controlled laminar air flow disease symptoms have been significantly reduced and even removed. The velocity of the laminar air flow is balanced such that body convections are braked without the generation of draught. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of reducing or eliminating the symptoms of cutaneous atopic eczema on a patient's skin in a patient in need thereof , which method includes causing the avoidance of inhalation of contaminants including indoor aero allergens derived from in-mixing of ambient air and/or from convection of body currents by causing a filtered temperature controlled laminar air flow to reach the patient's breathing zone and block such contaminants from being inhaled , comprising:generating with an air blower a zone of descending air in the form of a filtered temperature controlled laminar air flow to descend downwardly,placing the patient in need of a reduction or elimination of existing cutaneous atopic eczema symptoms in the zone of descending air during situations of or corresponding to sleep for a period of at least six hours with his/her breathing zone in the path of the downwardly descending filtered temperature controlled laminar air flow, in which situations body convection currents carry contaminants to the patient's breathing zone and the breathing zone is surrounded by ambient air containing contaminants,causing the downwardly descending filtered temperature controlled laminar air flow to bring about a reduction or elimination of the symptoms of cutaneous atopic eczema by causing the downwardly descending filtered temperature controlled laminar air flow to have a density which results in displacement of the contaminants from the patient's body convention currents away from the patient's breathing zone while preventing the patient from being exposed to an unpleasant draft by ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071822A1

A spa is provided that includes: a basin; a motor having a shaft defining a rotation axis; a hub mounted to the shaft, the hub having North and South pole domains spaced apart from each other and arranged to encircle the rotation axis in alternating relation; and an impeller which is disposed in the basin in axially spaced relation to the hub and is at least substantially constrained against movement but for rotation about the axis, the impeller including a rotor body of a non-magnetic, electrically-conductive material having relatively low magnetic permeability. The improvement in which is that there are lights and coils coupled to the impeller for rotation therewith, the lights and coils being coupled and adapted such that, in use, the rotating magnetic fields associated with the drive hub created induced currents in the coils which actuate the lights and create a net force that rotates the impeller. 1. An improved spa comprising:a basin for containing water;a motor mounted exteriorly of the basin and having a rotating shaft, the shaft defining a rotation axis orientated towards the interior of the basin;a drive hub mounted to the shaft for rotation therewith, the hub having two or more North pole domains and two or more South pole domains, the North and South pole domains being spaced apart from each other and arranged to encircle the rotation axis in alternating relation; andan impeller which is disposed in the basin in axially spaced relation to the drive hub and is at least substantially constrained against movement but for rotation about the rotation axis, the impeller including a rotor body of a non-magnetic, electrically-conductive material having relatively low magnetic permeability, one or more lights coupled to the impeller for rotation therewith; and', 'one or more coils coupled to the impeller for rotation therewith and coupled to the lights,', 'the lights and coils being adapted such that, in use, the rotating magnetic fields associated with the drive ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071824A1
Автор: Park Kil Hwan

An acupressure apparatus includes a tub configured to receive the user's feet for acupressure treatment, an acupressure station having a pair of designated foot placing areas for facilitating accurate positioning of the feet on the acupressure station, a plurality of upward projections formed on an upper surface of the acupressure station, and a plurality of watering holes formed around the projections, and a water supply conduit connected to the bottom wall of the tub for supplying compressed water by operation of a water pump. The watering holes formed in the acupressure station are directed to acupressure points of the feet such that the compressed water delivered through the watering holes provides acupressure stimulations to the acupressure points of the feet. 1. An acupressure apparatus comprising:a tub having a side wall member and a bottom wall member and configured to receive feet of a user in the tub for acupressure treatment;an acupressure station positioned in the tub, the acupressure station having a pair of designated foot placing areas for facilitating accurate positioning of the feet of the user on the acupressure station for acupressure treatment, a plurality of upward projections of predetermined heights formed on an upper surface of the acupressure station, and a plurality of watering holes formed in the upper surface of the acupressure station beside the projections; anda water supply conduit connected to the bottom wall member of the tub for supplying compressed water by operation of a water pump connected to the water supply conduit,wherein the watering holes formed in the upper surface of the acupressure station are directed to acupressure points of the feet such that the compressed water delivered through the watering holes of the acupressure station provides acupressure stimulations to the acupressure points of the feet.2. The acupressure apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the acupressure station includes a pair of footing grooves claim 1 , as ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069515A1

It is an object to collect objective and quantitative experimental data, etc. and clarify, based on abundant examples that a microbubble generating device is useful for health promotion, and based on this clarification provide a health promoting apparatus. A mechanical bathing apparatus as a health promoting device includes a bathtub as a water tank , forty microbubble generating devices arranged on the bottom surface of the bathtub , a pump P for sucking hot water or the like in the bathtub via a water suction pipe and circulating and supplying pressurized water to the MB devices via a discharge pipe , and an air header for supplying air to the each MB device 1. A health promoting apparatus for promoting health of a jetting target object , comprising:a microbubble generating device that includes a container main body having a cylindrical space having a gas introduction hole formed on one end side thereof and an opening portion formed on the other side thereof, and a pressurized liquid introduction port opened in a tangential direction thereof at a part of a peripheral surface of an inner wall of the cylindrical space and connected to a pipe for feeding pressurized liquid; anda water tank for accommodating a jetting target to be exposed to microbubbles jetted by the microbubble generating device and liquid containing the microbubbles, wherein a plurality of microbubble generating apparatuses connected to branch pipes branched from the pipe are arranged so as to be opposite to the jetting target, and the opening portions are arranged in the water tank so as to face the jetting target.2. A health promoting apparatus , wherein the microbubble generating device has a negative potential of about minus 40 millivolts in liquid , and generates lots of microbubbles each having a diameter of about 10 to 40 μm , most of the microbubbles contracting from just after the generation thereof.3. The health promoting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a cap through which ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210076879A1
Принадлежит: MAGARL, LLC

Apparatus and methods for integrated emergency wash systems. Various embodiments include thermostatically controlled mixing valves arranged so as to permit load carrying by the body of the valve. Further, the integrated wash systems are especially suited for use in laboratories and manufacturing settings in which available space is at a premium. 1. An emergency water washing system , comprising:at least one spray assembly having an inlet, said spray assembly having an outlet upwardly directable;a showerhead assembly located above said spray assembly and having an inlet, said showerhead assembly having an outlet directed generally downward;a mixing valve assembly including a thermostatically controlled cartridge valve within a body, the body having a hot water inlet, a cold water inlet, and at least two tempered water outlets, said body including a first internal pocket adapted and configured to accept therein said thermostatic cartridge valve and water from said inlets and a second internal pocket adapted and configured to provide tempered water to said outlets, said cartridge valve being in fluid communication with the hot water inlet and cold water inlet and operating to mix the hot water and cold water and provide tempered water to said tempered water outlets;wherein one of said tempered water outlets provides tempered water to the inlet of said spray assembly, and the other of said tempered water outlets provides tempered water to the inlet of said showerhead assembly, and the portion of the body surrounding the second internal pocket provides structural support to at least one of said spray assembly or said showerhead assembly and provides a threaded pipe connection to the other of said spray assembly or said showerhead assembly.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said cartridge valve includes at least spaced-apart three elastomeric sealing rings claim 1 , said body includes at least three spaced-apart sealing lands claim 1 , and each one of said sealing rings ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077346A1

A pedicure chair with a basin for receiving a quantity of water therein. An autofill system can be incorporated with the basin to automatically manage spillover. The auto fill system can have a controller, a water supply valve, and a water level sensor. The water level sensor can be a proximity sensor attached externally of the basin. The water level sensor can send a signal to a controller when the water level sensor detects a predetermined water level in the basin. The controller is configured to shut off the water supply to the basin by sending a signal to actuate the water supply valve. A steamer can be used with the pedicure chair to provide heat and a therapeutic steam bath. 1. A pedicure chair assembly , comprising:a seat having a seating surface;a basin located, elevation-wise, below the seating surface, wherein the basin comprises a cavity;a steamer having a holding space for holding a quantity of liquid to be steamed out a steamer outlet; and wherein the steam distributor comprises a distributor outlet and a distributor inlet,', 'wherein the distributor inlet is in fluid connection with the steamer outlet of the steamer, and', 'wherein the steam distributor is configured to distribute steam from the steamer out the distributor outlet and into the cavity of the basin., 'a steam distributor located within the cavity of the basin,'}2. The pedicure chair assembly of claim 1 , wherein the distributor outlet is a first distributor outlet and the steam distributor comprises a second distributor outlet spaced from the first distributor outlet.3. The pedicure chair assembly of claim 1 , wherein the distributor outlet comprises an opening that is adjustable by threading a cap against a dispenser body of the steam distributor.4. The pedicure chair assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a foot rest having a foot rest surface located claim 1 , elevation-wise claim 1 , above the steam distributor and below the seating surface.5. The pedicure chair assembly of claim 4 ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077347A1
Принадлежит: Respiderm Corporation

A handheld therapeutic apparatus and method of treatment are disclosed. In one example, the apparatus includes a valve system, a detachable gas cartridge housing unit that houses a gas cartridge or gas delivery from an outside gas cylinder in fluid communication with said valve system, a detachable treatment receptacle for the delivery of gas therapies is in fluid communication with said valve system, and a detachable nozzle in fluid communication with said valve system. 1. A handheld therapeutic apparatus for the delivery of therapeutic gases , the apparatus comprising:a handle portion adapted to receive a gas cartridge;a valve housing portion adapted to house a valve system comprising a three-way valve;a treatment receptacle portion in fluid communication with the valve system and adapted to receive a treatment module; anda nozzle portion in fluid communication with the valve system.2. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the valve system contains one or more flow control pins.3. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the handle portion contains a gas cartridge clip capable of holding the gas cartridge in place.4. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the handle portion includes at least one channel arranged to receive a portion of the gas cartridge clip claim 3 , and at least one window providing visibility of at least one of the gas cartridge or written indicia on the gas cartridge clip.5. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the handle portion is compatible:with at least one of gas cartridges of varying size or with gas delivery via a connection to an external gas source.6. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle portion rotates to control the gas-vapor concentration.7. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle portion attaches to a body member covering.8. The handheld therapeutic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle portion attaches ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Genital Steaming Assembly

Номер: US20210077348A1

A genital steaming assembly includes a heating unit that is positionable on a support surface. A canister is removably coupled to the heating unit such that the canister is in thermal communication with the heating unit. Fluid is poured into the canister such that the heating unit can heat the fluid into a steam. A box is provided and the box is positionable over the heating unit for has a user to sit upon the box. The box has a steam opening therein to direct the steam onto the user's genitalia for therapeutic purposes. The box is collapsible between a deployed position and a collapsed position. Moreover, the box completely surrounds the heating unit to capture the steam for directing onto the user's genitalia. 1. A genital steaming assembly being configured to produce a heated steam for cleansing genitalia , said assembly comprising:a heating unit being positionable on a support surface, said heating unit being adjustable between a minimum temperature and a maximum temperature;a canister being removably coupled to said heating unit such that said canister is in thermal communication with said heating unit, said canister having a fluid being poured therein wherein said heating unit is configured to heat the fluid into a steam; anda box being positionable over said heating unit for having a user sitting upon said box, said box having a steam opening therein wherein said box is configured to direct the steam onto the user's genitalia for therapeutic purposes, said box being collapsible between a deployed position and a collapsed position, said box substantially surrounding said heating unit wherein said box is configured to capture the steam for directing onto the user's genitalia.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said heating unit comprises a housing having a top end claim 1 , a bottom end and an outer wall extending therebetween claim 1 , said top end being open claim 1 , said outer wall having an inside surface claim 1 , said inside surface being ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

A foot washer

Номер: US20200077846A1
Автор: Alessandro Bertani
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for washing the feet and lower legs of a user comprises a tub for receiving the feet and lower legs of the user; at least one footrest located within the tub for supporting the feet of a user during washing; a fluid supply mechanism for introducing fluid into the tub; one or more rotatable transversely extending cleaning assemblies located above the footrest for washing a user's feet; and one or more rotatable upright cleaning assemblies communicating with the fluid supply mechanism for washing one or both lower legs of the user, wherein each rotatable upright cleaning assembly is carried on a guiding mechanism for moving the one or more rotatable upright cleaning assemblies around a portion of the footrest during a lower leg and foot cleaning cycle.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Washing Water Spraying Vessel for Nasal Cavity Cleaner

Номер: US20150088069A1
Принадлежит: Yonwoo Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a washing water spraying vessel for a nasal cavity cleaner. A pumping operation of a pumping member is performed only when a pair of buttons formed on both sides of an outer cap are simultaneously pressed, which allows enabling fundamentally blocking the pumping operation through external pressure unintended by a user, thereby not only preventing washing water from being unnecessarily consumed but also preventing an inner part of the overcap from being contaminated.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170086585A1
Автор: Padagas Nicolas

A salon treatment assembly () for use by a user during a salon treatment, comprises a foot bath (), a salon chair (), and an adjuster assembly (). The salon chair () supports the user during the salon treatment and is coupled to the foot bath (). The salon chair () can have a chair body () including a seat support (), and an arm rest (A) that is movably coupled to the seat support (). The adjuster assembly () selectively moves the arm rest (A) relative to the seat support () such that the salon chair () is alternatively positioned in a closed configuration, wherein the arm rest (A) is positioned directly adjacent to a forward portion (A) of the seat support (), and an open configuration, wherein the arm rest (A) is not positioned directly adjacent to the forward portion (A) of the seat support (). 1. A salon treatment assembly for use by a user during a salon treatment that is provided relative to a surface , the salon treatment assembly comprising:a foot bath;a salon chair that supports the user during the salon treatment, the salon chair being coupled to the foot bath, the salon chair having a chair body including a seat support, and a first arm rest that is movably coupled to the seat support; anda first adjuster assembly that selectively moves the first arm rest relative to the seat support such that the salon chair is alternatively positioned in a closed configuration, wherein the first arm rest is positioned directly adjacent to a forward portion of the seat support, and an open configuration, wherein the first arm rest is not positioned directly adjacent to the forward portion of the seat support.2. The salon treatment assembly of wherein the first adjuster assembly selectively moves the first arm rest parallel to the surface relative to the seat support such that the salon chair is alternatively positioned in the closed configuration and the open configuration.3. The salon treatment assembly of wherein the forward portion of the seat support is at least ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170086624A1

Apparatus and methods for integrated emergency wash systems. Various embodiments pertain to integrated shower and eyewash emergency wash systems, including those that are particularly space efficient. Other embodiments pertain to emergency shower nozzles that provide sprayed water in sheets, especially a cylindrical sheet that generally describes the perimeter of the shower spray area, providing the user a significantly quicker removal of contaminant material during a shower. Still further embodiments pertain to improved flushing systems, especially flushing systems adapted for the space efficient, low flow integrated systems described herein. 1. A system for emergency washing , comprising:an overhead shower having an inlet and providing a downward spray pattern of tempered water;a thermostatically controlled mixing valve having a body with an inlet for cold water, an inlet for hot water, and at least one outlet, and an internal mixing assembly adapted and configured for combining the water from the cold inlet with water from the hot inlet and providing tempered water to the at least one outlet, said body supporting said overhead shower;a first shutoff valve having an inlet receiving tempered water, outlet providing tempered water to the inlet of said shower, and means for actuating between flowing and non-flowing configurations;a pivoting shutoff valve having opened and closed positions, an inlet receiving tempered water from said mixing valve, first and second members that pivot relative to one another about a horizontal axis, and an outlet, wherein in the opened position said first and second members provide fluid communication from the pivoting shutoff valve inlet to the pivoting shutoff valve outlet, and in the closed position prevent the pivoting shutoff valve outlet from receiving water from the pivoting shutoff valve inlet; andan eyewash assembly attached to one of said first or second members and spaced apart from said one member, said eyewash assembly ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Enclosed emergency wash cabinets

Номер: US20210093508A1
Принадлежит: Magarl LLC

Various apparatus and methods for providing emergency washing including means for discouraging tampering of the various valves.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160095794A1

Methods and apparatus for improving emergency wash systems. Various embodiments pertain to compact, low flow emergency eyewash systems that provide tepid water at low flow rates. Still further embodiments pertain to emergency washing systems that are adapted and configured to reduce the exposure of users to Legionnaire's Disease with washing system features that permit quick, efficient, high flow rate flushing of the plumbing providing water to the washing system. Still further embodiments pertain to emergency eyewash systems that provide tepid water from a thermostatically controlled mixing valve that has a multi-function body. 1. An emergency washing system in fluid communication with a source of water , comprising:a shutoff valve receiving water from the source and providing the water to an outlet, said valve outlet having a first quick connection feature at the outlet;an emergency eyewash housing having an inlet receiving water from said valve outlet and having an eyewash outlet, said eyewash housing including a flow control valve adapted and configured to provide a flow of water at a substantially constant rate from said inlet to said eyewash outlet over a range of inlet pressures, said eyewash housing inlet having a second quick connection feature adapted and configured to easily and quickly connect to said first quick connection feature and form a water-tight connection;a plurality of upwardly directed spray nozzles, said nozzles receiving water from the eyewash outlet and being adapted and configured to spray the water upwards in a pattern acceptable to wash the eyes of a user standing next to said eyewash housing; anda flush housing having an inlet adapted and configured to receive water from said valve outlet and a flowpath leading to a flush outlet, the flowpath being substantially unobstructed to the flow of water, said flush housing inlet having a third quick connection feature substantially identical to said second connection feature;wherein said ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091101A1
Автор: Shinoda Tetsuhiro

An object of the invention is to provide an eye-washing vessel capable of preventing or reducing damage to the vessel body and providing an improved fit of an eye-contacting portion to a portion around the eye. An eye-washing vessel () includes a vessel body () capable of containing an eyewash solution, and an eye-contacting portion () connected to the vessel body (). The vessel body () has a bottom wall () and a peripheral wall (), and the eye-contacting portion () is connected to an end of the peripheral wall () opposite to the bottom wall () side. The vessel body () is made of a vessel-body material including polyethylene, and the eye-contacting portion () is made of an eye-contacting portion material including polyethylene and a thermoplastic elastomer having a lower hardness than that of the polyethylene. 1. An eye-washing vessel for use in washing an eye with an eyewash solution , the vessel comprising:a vessel body capable of containing the eyewash solution; andan eye-contacting portion connected to the vessel body, wherein: a bottom wall, and', 'a peripheral wall which is shaped to rise from an outer edge of the bottom wall and can be held with fingers;, 'the vessel body has'}the eye-contacting portion is connected to an end of the peripheral wall opposite to the bottom wall side;the vessel body is made of a vessel-body material including polyethylene; andthe eye-contacting portion is made of an eye-contacting portion material including polyethylene and a thermoplastic elastomer having a lower hardness than a hardness of the polyethylene.2. The eye-washing vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel-body material further includes ethylene vinyl alcohol having a higher transparency than a transparency of polyethylene.3. The eye-washing vessel according to claim 2 , wherein a content of the ethylene vinyl alcohol in the vessel-body material is 30% by weight or more and 70% by weight or less.4. The eye-washing vessel according to claim 1 , wherein a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Fluid pump assembly

Номер: US20200095996A1
Принадлежит: Ecotech Inc

A fluid pump assembly is provided. The pump has a pair of units magnetically coupled to each other. The first unit contains a drive motor and a magnetic assembly. The second unit contains a magnetic assembly and a blade of a propeller/impeller for imparting movement to a fluid. As the first unit is activated by the drive motor, a magnetic flux is created which in turn rotates the magnetic assembly in the second unit, driving the blade.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Pedicure Sink, System and Method

Номер: US20190099326A1
Автор: Pham Tri Huu

The present application is directed to a portable sink that may be used as a pedicure sink usable alone or as part of a pedicure spa or other furniture. The pedicure sink includes a basin and a surface extending out from the basin that is operationally configured to support feet thereon and capture fluid and direct fluid into the basin. 1. A pedicure sink including a basin having a fluid flow surface extending from within the basin out apart from the basin in a continuous manner , wherein at least part of the fluid flow surface provides a support surface for target feet.2. The pedicure sink of wherein the basin includes an inner surface and wherein the fluid flow surface includes at least part of the inner surface of the basin.3. The pedicure sink of wherein the part of the fluid flow surface providing a support surface for target fee is operationally configured to capture fluid and direct captured fluid into the basin.4. The pedicure sink of wherein the basin includes an upper perimeter surface and wherein at least part of the fluid flow surface providing a support surface for target fee is located at an elevation greater than the upper perimeter surface.5. A pedicure sink claim 1 , including:a basin defined by an upper perimeter; anda target feet support surface extending out from the basin in a manner effective to direct fluid collected thereon into the basin via gravity, wherein the target feet support surface is located at an elevation greater than the upper perimeter of the basin.6. The pedicure sink of wherein part of the upper perimeter of the basin is defined by a transitional surface disposed between an inner surface of the basin and the target feet support surface.7. A pedicure spa including a pedicure sink and a body operationally configured to support the pedicure sink thereon claim 5 , wherein the pedicure sink includes a basin having a fluid flow surface extending from within the basin out apart from the basin in a continuous manner claim 5 , wherein ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168181A1

An emergency wash system is configured to dispense a fluid. The emergency wash system includes a basin, a sprayhead disposed at least partially over the basin, and a drain conduit coupled to the basin. The sprayhead includes a fluid inlet portion, a first fluid outlet portion coupled to the fluid inlet portion, and a second fluid inlet portion coupled to the fluid inlet portion. The fluid inlet portion is oriented substantially parallel to the drain conduit and vertically above the drain conduit. 1. An emergency wash system configured to dispense a fluid , the emergency wash system comprising:a basin; a fluid inlet portion;', 'a first fluid outlet portion coupled to the fluid inlet portion; and', 'a second fluid outlet portion coupled to the fluid inlet portion; and, 'a sprayhead disposed at least partially over the basin, the sprayhead comprisinga drain conduit coupled to the basin; andwherein the fluid inlet portion is oriented substantially parallel to the drain conduit and vertically above the drain conduit.2. The emergency wash system of claim 1 , wherein the drain conduit extends in a substantially horizontal orientation away from the basin when the emergency wash system is in use.3. The emergency wash system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid outlet portion extends upward from the fluid inlet portion claim 1 , and wherein the second fluid outlet portion extends upward from the fluid inlet portion on a substantially opposite side of the fluid inlet portion relative to the first fluid outlet portion.4. The emergency wash system of claim 1 , further comprising a drainage aperture defined by the sprayhead claim 1 , wherein the drainage aperture is disposed between the first and second fluid outlet portions.5. The emergency wash system of claim 4 , wherein the drainage aperture utilizes gravity to drain at least a portion of fluid accumulated in the sprayhead.6. The emergency wash system of claim 1 , further comprising a push plate movably coupled to a valve and ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113725A1

Methods and apparatus for washing systems, both industrial and residential. Some embodiments pertain to face washing systems that provide a gentle upward flow of water for washing a person's face, but which can be easily reconfigured to provide a downward flow of aerated water for washing of the user's hands. Other embodiments pertain to visual indicators to help a user in a dark environment in the use of an emergency eyewash system. Yet other embodiments pertain to eyewashing systems incorporating filters that are automatically flushed of debris. Still further embodiments pertain to emergency eyewashing systems in which a mixing chamber is located downstream of a thermostatically controlled valve to reduce the possibility of a hot temperature spike being provided to the eyewashing outlet apertures, which could be harmful to users. 1. An apparatus for an emergency eyewash system , comprising:a housing including a water spray nozzle having a plurality of flow orifices oriented to provide substantially vertical upward flow of water, an inlet for receiving water, an internal chamber receiving water from the inlet and providing the water toward said flow orifices, a drain aperture located within the chamber adapted and configured for gravity-assisted draining from the bottom of the chamber, and a filter having an inlet side receiving water from the inlet and an outlet side providing filtered water, and said drain aperture is located to drain water that collects between said inlet of said housing and the inlet side of said filter.2. The apparatus of wherein said drain aperture is located between said inlet of said housing and the inlet side of said filter.3. The apparatus of wherein said drain aperture is located to drain water that collects between said water spray nozzle and the outlet side of said filter.4. The apparatus of wherein said filter defines a flow area through which water flows toward said spray nozzle claim 1 , and the flow area is substantially ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190104891A1

Disclosed is a disposable for use with a surface that defines a basin for receiving liquid. The disposable has a pair of surfaces spaced apart from one another by a tubular sidewall. One of the pair of surfaces is positioned, in use, against the basin-defining surface. In use, gas issues through the sidewall in the form of bubbles. The disposable is useful in association with foot spas and the like. A mechanism for puncturing a liner is also disclosed. 1. A disposable for use with a surface that defines a basin for receiving liquid , the disposable comprising:a pad of having a pair of surfaces spaced apart from one another by a tubular sidewall, one of the pair of surface being positioned, in use, against the surface; andwherein, in use, gas is introduced into the pad and issues through the sidewall in the form of bubbles.2. The disposable according to claim 1 , wherein the one of the pair of surfaces is a self -adhesive surface adapted to hold the disposable against the basin-defining surface in use.3. The disposable according to claim 2 , further comprising a release film overlying the self -adhesive surface; and wherein the self-adhesive surface and the release film are adapted such that the release film can be removed by hand to expose the self-adhesive surface for use.4. The disposable according to claim 1 , wherein the disposable defines a central void; and further comprising a tube that extends into the void.5. The disposable according to claim 1 , wherein the disposable comprises a foam pad claim 1 , the foam having about 60 pores per inch.6. The disposable according to claim 5 , wherein the pad is about ¼″ thick.8. A system for use with a structure having a surface that defines a basin for receiving water claim 5 , the system comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'disposables according to ; and'}apparatus adapted to produce a flow of heated air and to couple to a disposable such that, in use, a flow of heated air issues through the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110951A1
Принадлежит: MAGARL, LLC

Methods and apparatus for washing systems, both industrial and residential. Some embodiments pertain to face washing systems that provide a gentle upward flow of water for washing a person's face, but which can be easily reconfigured to provide a downward flow of aerated water for washing of the user's hands. Other embodiments pertain to visual indicators to help a user in a dark environment in the use of an emergency eyewash system. Yet other embodiments pertain to eyewashing systems incorporating filters that are automatically flushed of debris. Still further embodiments pertain to emergency eyewashing systems in which a mixing chamber is located downstream of a thermostatically controlled valve to reduce the possibility of a hot temperature spike being provided to the eyewashing outlet apertures, which could be harmful to users. 133-. (canceled)34. A showerhead for an emergency wash system , comprising:a bowl-shaped housing having a water inlet;a dispensing plate attached to the interior of the bowl shape of said housing, said dispensing plate including a plurality of holes arranged in a predetermined angular pattern; anda deflecting member supported by said plate and spaced apart from said plate in a direction toward the interior of the bowl shape, said deflecting member including a plurality of apertures arranged in the predetermined angular pattern, the pattern of the apertures being in alignment with the pattern of the holes;wherein a portion of the water entering the interior from the inlet passes substantially unobstructed from the apertures through the holes.35. The showerhead of wherein a portion of the water entering the interior from the inlet passes through the apertures and impinges on the boundaries of the holes.36. The showerhead of wherein said deflecting member has a mushroom shape including a head and a stem claim 34 , the stem being supported by said plate claim 34 , the head being opposite of the inlet.37. The showerhead of wherein said ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Flexible liner with inner and outer layers for use with a liquid-receiving basin

Номер: US20210137782A1
Автор: Jeff Ta, Lan Van Ta

Other portions of the inner face of the first body of flexible plastic are not joined to corresponding other portions of the inner face of the second body of flexible plastic, defining an air conduit between the first body of flexible plastic and the second body of flexible plastic for guiding pressurized air substantially from an air discharge apparatus.

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Genitalia Washing Assembly

Номер: US20170119218A1
Автор: Tomas Del Rio
Принадлежит: Individual

A genitalia washing assembly includes a container that may contain a liquid detergent. The container has an aperture extending therethrough. The aperture may insertably receive male genitalia thereby facilitating the liquid detergent to wash the male genitalia. A lid is removably coupled to the container. The lid frictionally engages the lip such that the lid closes the opening.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Flexible liner with inner and outer layers for use with a liquid-receiving basin

Номер: US20190117507A1
Автор: Jeff Ta, Lan Van Ta
Принадлежит: Jeff Ta, Lan Van Ta

A liner for use with a basin to contain a liquid features two bodies of flexible plastic which are joined at adjacent faces of the distinct plastic bodies so as to form an interface of the plastic bodies. The liner includes an air conduit adapted for guiding pressurized air substantially within the thickness of the bag from an air discharge apparatus, which generates the pressurized air, to the interior of the liner. A length of the air conduit is formed at the interface of the plastic bodies such that a circumferential wall of the length of the air conduit is defined in part by an inner face of each plastic body. The plastic body of the liner that is arranged to contact an inside face of the basin is substantially imperforate so as to isolate the liner interior, where the liquid is received, from the basin.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125750A1

A soaking basin is provided having a magnetic jet assembly positioned to provide a therapeutic liquid circulation within the basin. The magnetic jet includes an impeller assembly and a drive assembly. The impeller assembly operatively coupled to the magnetic drive assembly only via magnetic attraction, such that a basin wall and a disposable liner are disposed between the impeller assembly and the magnetic drive assembly. 1. A portable soaking basin , comprising:a base unit having a basin base and a peripheral basin wall adjacent to and projecting upwardly from the basin base;a basin floor above the basin base as to create a basin cavity sized to receive a user's feet above the basin floor and a base compartment below the basin floor;a disposable liner sized to nest within the basin cavity and configured to hold a soaking solution, the liner including a floor and a lip disposed about a periphery of an upper end of the liner;a frame sized to be nested between the base unit and the disposable liner, the frame defining a plurality of voids throughout such that the frame is incapable of holding the soaking solution apart from the disposable liner; anda magnetic jet assembly having a magnetic drive assembly disposed within the base compartment and an impeller assembly removably disposed within the basin cavity on an opposing side of a basin wall relative to the magnetic drive assembly, the impeller assembly operatively coupled to the magnetic drive assembly only via magnetic attraction, wherein the basin floor is disposed between the impeller assembly and the magnetic drive assembly.2. The soaking basin as defined in claim 1 , wherein the disposable liner is of a pre-formed shape.3. The soaking basin as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a heating assembly having a plurality of heating elements coupled to heat sink plate attached to the basin floor and having a flexible band of heating elements disposed about the basin wall.4. The soaking basin as defined in claim 1 ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161758A1
Принадлежит: MAGARL, LLC

Methods and apparatus for improving emergency wash systems. Various embodiments pertain to compact, low flow emergency eyewash systems that provide tepid water at low flow rates. Still further embodiments pertain to emergency washing systems that are adapted and configured to reduce the exposure of users to Legionnaire's Disease with washing system features that permit quick, efficient, high flow rate flushing of the plumbing providing water to the washing system. Still further embodiments pertain to emergency eyewash systems that provide tepid water from a thermostatically controlled mixing valve that has a multi-function body. 1. An emergency washing system in fluid communication with a source of water , comprising:a shutoff valve receiving water from the source and providing the water to a shutoff valve outlet;an emergency eyewash housing having an inlet receiving water from said shutoff valve outlet and having an eyewash outlet, said eyewash housing including a flow control valve adapted and configured to provide a flow of water at a substantially constant rate from said eyewash inlet to said eyewash outlet over a range of inlet pressures;a plurality of upwardly directed spray nozzles, said nozzles receiving water from the eyewash outlet and being adapted and configured to spray the water upwards in a pattern adapted and configured to wash the eyes of a user standing next to said eyewash housing; anda flush housing having an inlet adapted and configured to receive water from said shutoff valve outlet and a flowpath from the flush housing inlet to a flush housing outlet;wherein said system operates in a washing mode expelling water at the substantially constant rate with said eyewash housing in fluid communication with said shutoff valve, or in a flushing mode expelling water at a substantially higher rate than the constant rate with said flush housing in fluid communication with said shutoff valve.2. The system of wherein in the washing mode the flow of water is ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170135528A1
Принадлежит: Alpine Technical Services, LLC

The disclosure extends to safety response systems, methods and devices, and more particularly, but not necessarily entirely, to a safety shower and/or safety eyewash bath or unit as well as a pre-cast shower base used in connection with a safety shower and/or eyewash bath or unit, which may be used in various industries that require such safety showers or safety eyewash equipment. 1. A safety shower for washing a user and removing hazardous materials from a user's body , comprising:an enclosed cubicle having a plurality of walls, wherein the enclosed cubicle is configured to accommodate a user and at least one additional person to assist the user;a liquid delivery system located within the enclosed cubicle and configured to wash the user, wherein the liquid delivery system comprises at least one of a showerhead and an eyewash station;a liquid supply source to supply a liquid to the liquid delivery system, wherein the liquid supply source comprises at least one of a tank and a directly plumbed liquid supply;a plurality of doors for entering and exiting the safety shower; anda plurality of windows for monitoring an interior of the enclosed cubicle.2. The safety shower of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of doors are each located on different sides of claim 1 , and at an angle with respect to claim 1 , the enclosed cubicle thereby allowing assisting personnel to enter and exit the safety shower from a plurality of angles and to allow multiple entrances on different sides of the cubicle to ensure that the user can quickly and easily enter the safety shower.3. The safety shower of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of windows are located on a plurality of sides of the enclosed cubicle for assisting personnel to view the user from a plurality of angles to thereby monitor the user's progress in operating the shower and removing any hazardous materials from the user's body.4. The safety shower of claim 1 , wherein the enclosed cubicle comprises at least five walls claim 1 , and ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170135529A1

The shower head nozzle as disclosed herein includes a quick-connect coupling for selectively attaching the nozzle to a downwardly extending conduit or tube for directing tested water through a test unit and into a bucket or drain, wherein the test unit may include a flow meter for measuring real-time water flow rate and a temperature sensor for measuring real-time water temperature dispensed from the shower head, thereby reducing the testing time, more accurately determining flow-rate and water temperature, and decreasing the amount of waste water. 1. A shower head nozzle , comprising:an elongated body having a hollow interior for channeling fluid therethrough;a first end of the elongated body is configured to selectively couple to an emergency wash unit in fluid communication with a fluid source; anda second end of the elongated body opposite the first end thereof is configured to selectively receive and dispense fluid, the second end including the combination of a dispense outlet having a size and shape to selectively at least partially outwardly dispense fluid therefrom when the emergency wash unit is in an activation state and a recessed engagement groove formed in an outer periphery of the elongated body projecting outwardly from the emergency wash unit and proximate the dispense outlet, the recessed engagement groove having a size and shape for select direct water-tight attachment to a quick-connect coupler for confined channeling of fluid from the dispense outlet to a remote location when the emergency wash unit is in the activation state.2. The shower head nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the elongated body includes a step transitioning the first end having a first relatively larger cross-section to an intermediate section adjacent the recessed engagement groove having a second relatively smaller cross-section claim 1 , the step facilitating select engagement with the emergency wash unit.3. The shower head nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the first end mounts within ...
