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20-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2324365C2
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к кормлению домашних животных. Предложена кормовая композиция, включающая стимуляторы поджелудочной железы, печени и слизистой кишечника. Предложены способ улучшения всасываемости витамина Е, способ повышения содержания витамина Е в сыворотке крови и способ улучшения внешнего вида животного, включающие кормление животных данной композицией. Изобретение позволяет повысить всасываемость и усвояемость витамина Е в организме домашних животных. 4 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600893C2
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине и касается композиции, пригодной для облегчения возрастных недомоганий у животного, в которой под возрастным недомоганием имеется в виду утрата мышечной силы или потеря чувства равновесия, содержащей терапевтически эффективное количество комбинации одной или более ненасыщенных жирных кислот (UFA); одного или более NO(оксид азота)-высвобождающих соединений (NORC); одного или более антигликирующих агентов, выбранных из группы, состоящей из карнозина, бенфотиамина, пиридоксамина, альфа-липоевой кислоты, фенацилдиметилтиазолия хлорида, таурина, аминогуанидина, резвератрола и аспирина, и молозива. Группа изобретений также касается способа облегчения возрастных недомоганий у животного, предусматривающего введение животному терапевтически эффективного количества указанной комбинации. Группа изобретений обеспечивает облегчение возрастных недомоганий у животного, представляющих утрату мышечной силы или потерю чувства равновесия. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 12 пр.

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666190C2
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH)

Настоящее изобретение относится к питательным композициям, предпочтительно предназначенным для питания младенцев, детей, матерей, для ухода при старении, для людей преклонного возраста или для оздоровительного питания. Предложена композиция, обогащенная сахаратом железа и высококонцентрированной микроинкапсулированной длинноцепочечной полиненасыщенной жирной кислотой (ДЦ-ПНЖК). Предложен способ предотвращения или уменьшения окисления ДЦ-ПНЖК в композиции, а также способ предотвращения или уменьшения постороннего привкуса ДЦ-ПНЖК к композиции, предусматривающий добавление в композицию ДЦ-ПНЖК в микроинкапсулированной форме и железа в виде сахарата железа, где ДЦ-ПНЖК микроинкапсулирована в стеклообразной матрице из молочных белков и глюкозы. Изобретение позволяет получить композицию с улучшенными органолептическими свойствами и улучшенной стабильностью при хранении. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 1 пр.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508115C2
Принадлежит: МЕДЕВИЧЕ С.П.А. (IT)

Описана фармацевтическая композиция на основе полидезоксирибонуклеотидов, экстрагированных из естественных источников. Композиция содержит фракцию полидезоксирибонуклеотидов, экстрагированных из спермы рыб, где указанные полидезоксирибонуклеотиды обладают полимерными цепями с различными молекулярными массами от 70 килодальтонов до 240 килодальтонов. Композиция пригодна для применения в качестве терапевтического средства при лечении костно-суставных патологий, особенно остеоартрита, путем внутрисуставной инъекции, обеспечивая необходимую вязкость синовиальной жидкости. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

23-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2784169C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к токсикологии, и может быть использовано для снижения неблагоприятных эффектов комбинированного действия на организм неорганических соединений меди, цинка, свинца, мышьяка и кадмия в группах риска, охватывающих как рабочих, которые подвергаются такому воздействию в условиях производства черновой меди, так и население территорий, находящихся под воздействием этого производства. Для этого лица из группы повышенного риска принимают биопрофилактический комплекс, включающий глютаминат натрия, глицин, цистеин в метаболически активной форме N-ацетилцистеина, яблочный пектин, селен, йод, кальций, железо, препарат рыбьего жира, богатый полиненасыщенными жирными кислотами класса омега-3, а также витамины А, В1, С, Д3 и Е, причем прием этого комплекса осуществляют повторными 4-недельными курсами 2 раза в год в дозах, обеспечивающих получение в день 300 мг глицина, 600 мг цистеина, 4 г глютаминовой кислоты, 25 мл рыбьего жира с содержанием 12-15% полиненасыщенных ...

03-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016130803A3

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017103243A3

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599503C1

Изобретение относится к медицине и предназначено для коррекции нарушений гомеостаза пищеварительной системы пациентов с избыточным весом или ожирением I степени и дисбиозом кишечника. В сочетании со стандартным лечебно-профилактическим питанием применяют немедикаментозные нутритивно-метаболические средства на основе биологически активной добавки. В качестве биологически активной добавки используют комплексный биокорректор Эйкозим-10 в дозе 900 мг в день при длительности курса немедикаментозной терапии не менее 21 дня. Способ позволяет обеспечить повышение лечебного эффекта для больных с сопутствующим нарушением липидного обмена. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 1 пр.

27-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2419426C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины и химико-фармацевтической промышленности, в частности к лекарственному средству для лечения гиперпластических и воспалительных заболеваний человека, содержащему в качестве активного начала 3,3'-дииндолилметан и носитель, содержащий смесь рыбьего жира и, по меньшей мере, одного полисорбата. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 9 табл.

08-07-2020 дата публикации

Комплекс озонированных ненасыщенных жирных кислот и его применение

Номер: RU2725980C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к комплексу озонированных ненасыщенных жирных кислот и его применению. Комплекс, полученный из рыбьего жира, обработанного кислородно-озоновой смесью, имеет определенный качественный и количественный состав жирных кислот. Применяют комплекс озонированных ненасыщенных жирных кислот для метаболической стимуляции процессов энергообразования в организме при патологиях органов дыхания, сердечно-сосудистой системы и органов желудочно-кишечного тракта. Группа изобретений обеспечивает улучшение усвояемости жирных кислот, входящих в состав комплекса озонированных ненасыщенных жирных кислот, повышение адаптационных возможностей организма, оптимизацию способа доставки средств, содержащих активные формы кислорода, стимулирующих метаболизм и регенерационные свойства тканей. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 8 табл., 2 пр.

03-02-2020 дата публикации

Способ повышения устойчивости организма к комбинированному вредному действию свинца и кадмия

Номер: RU2712954C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности к способу повышения устойчивости организма к развитию многосторонних вредных эффектов комбинированного действия на него свинца и кадмия в ионной форме. Способ заключается в том, что лицам, относящимся к группе риска указанного действия, назначают комплекс биологически активных препаратов, включающий глютаминат натрия, цистеин в метаболически активной форме N-ацетилцистеина, яблочный пектин, селен, йод, кальций, железо, магний, препарат рыбьего жира, богатый полиненасыщенными жирными кислотами класса омега-3, кверцетин в виде рутина, витамины А, С, Е и D3, витамины группы В1, В2, В6. Лица группы риска принимают препараты этого комплекса повторными 4-6-недельными курсами 1-2 раза в год в определенных дозах. Способ обеспечивает снижение вредных эффектов токсического, кардиотоксического и генотоксического комбинированного действия соединений кадмия и свинца в ионной форме на организм. 4 ил., 4 табл.

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010132637A

... 1. Композиция, пригодная для усиления когнитивной функции и связанных с ней функций у животного, включающая одну или более ненасыщенных жирных кислот (НЖК) и одно или более соединений, высвобождающих оксид азота (NO-ВС), в количестве, эффективном для усиления когнитивной функции и связанных с ней функций у животного. ! 2. Композиция по п.1, где животное является человеком или домашним животным. ! 3. Композиция по п.2, где домашнее животное является собакой или кошкой. ! 4. Композиция по п.1, где животное является стареющим животным. ! 5. Композиция по п.1, в которой НЖК включает одно или более из природного рыбьего жира, АЛК, ЭПК, ДПК, ДГК или другой n-3 жирной кислоты из любого источника. ! 6. Композиция по п.1, в которой НЖК является рыбьим жиром. ! 7. Композиция по п.1, включающая от примерно 0,1% до примерно 50% НЖК. ! 8. Композиция по п.1, в которой NO-ВС является аргинином или его производным, высвобождающим оксид азота. ! 9. Композиция по п.1, в которой NO-ВС является цитруллином ...

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011128442A

... 1. Нетерапевтический способ увеличения плотности костной массы и/или повышения содержания костного минерала, где указанный способ включает введение человеку в возрасте 0-36 месяцев композиции для питания содержащей 10-50 мас.% растительных липидов по отношению к сухой массе композиции, которые содержатся в липидных глобулах, имеющихi) взвешенный по объему модальный диаметр более 1,0 мкм, предпочтительно 1,0-10 мкм, и/илиii) диаметр 2-12 мкм в количестве по меньшей мере 45, предпочтительнее по меньшей мере 55 об.% по отношению к полному объему липидов.2. Способ по п.1, в котором композиция для питания предназначена также для профилактики ожирения.3. Способ по п.1 для увеличения плотности костной массы и/или повышения содержания костного минерала, где указанный человек имеет возраст более 36 месяцев, предпочтительно более 5 лет.4. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором композиция содержит 0,5-10 мас.% фосфолипидов по отношению к полной массе липидов.5. Способ по п.4, в котором фосфолипиды получают ...

11-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003365127D1

17-01-2018 дата публикации

Prevention and/or treatment of neurodegenerative disease

Номер: GB0201720119D0

11-05-1936 дата публикации

A process for preparing a remedy

Номер: GB0000447268A

A remedy for the treatment of tumours is obtained by the extraction of whole shell fish, crustaceans or fishes (e.g. herring, haddock and cod fish) with water or with a neutral organic solvent miscible with water in the presence of water, in particular with aqueous alcohol or acetone, the extract being freed from protein and after purification if necessary concentrated by removal of solvent. Mussels are a convenient raw material; oysters, crayfish and lobsters and creatures of the orders of echinoderms and coelenterates are also available. The crude extract may be purified by shaking with ether and from the watery residue the active substance may be precipitated by the addition of anhydrous alcohol or acetone. The substance may be further purified by treatment of an aqueous solution with an oxidizing agent, e.g. potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. The material may also be purified by adsorption, e.g. in active charcoal.

31-08-1989 дата публикации

EPA/DHA/Chocolate-type unit dosage forms

Номер: GB0002214051A

A palatable product of readily acceptable taste, in unit dosage form, which provides a person with at least one third, and preferably up to the full daily requirements of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in the form of fish oil enriched respective these acids, or such acids in purified form, comprises also lecithin and chocolate-forming ingredients, and may be in the form of a chocolate bar or similar. The unit dosage form is coated with a tasty outer layer. The total weight of the unit dosage form is generally in the 6 gram to 18 gram range.

01-11-1928 дата публикации

Method of treatment of the glands of the plagiostomi with a view to obtaining a new description of chemical products

Номер: GB0000284668A

... 284,668. Ehrenreich, A. Feb. 3, 1927, [Convention date]. Void [Published under Sect. 91 of the Acts]. Degumming silk.-Products of the nature of enzymes are obtained from the glands of the plagiostomi such as the sharks by removing grease from the gland, extracting the active matter, and drying it to produce a dry pulversible substance. The products obtained are suitable for use in tanning, in the un-gumming of silk by eliminating grit and sericin, and for the preparation of medicines. The glands treated are in particular those under the esophagus, the first intestinal gland, the genital glands of the male and the ovaries of the female fish, that of the cerebellum and those above the organs of evacuation. The grease may be removed by an organic solvent such as acetone and the residue dried in vacuo, or after removal of the grease the residue may be extracted with water and the extract precipitated with tannin, or the aqueous extract may be absorbed in infusorial earth or sawdust for drying ...

05-06-2019 дата публикации

Prevention and/or treatment of neurodegenerative disease

Номер: GB0002568986A

A composition comprising at least one carotenoid selected from the group consisting of lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin; and a composition comprising at least one omega-3 fatty acid; for use in the prevention and/or treatment of dementia in a human subject is provided. The omega-3 fatty acid is preferably docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A further omega-3 fatty acid, preferably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may be present. The omega-3 fatty acid is preferably provided as a component of fish oil. The composition comprising at least one carotenoid may contain each of lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin. The compositions may be formulated for oral consumption, preferably in the form of a capsule or tablet. The form of dementia is preferably Alzheimer’s disease.

28-02-2006 дата публикации

Supplement preparation.

Номер: AP0200603501D0

24-08-2009 дата публикации

Supplement preparation

Номер: AP0000002031A

31-10-1997 дата публикации

Novel use of compositions containing mother-of-pearl.

Номер: AP0009701086A0

A novel use of mother-of-pearl in medicine and/or cosmetics in disclosed. A fine powder consisting of mother-of-pearl and optionally aragonite is mixed with suitable carriers and used to prepare pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic compostions for improving the synthesis novel cytokeratins. The use of a fine powder consisting of mother-of-pearl and optionally aragonite mixed with suitable carriers for improving the synthesis of novel cytokeratins in cell culture media is alo discloed.

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201407818A0

28-02-2006 дата публикации

Supplement preparation.

Номер: AP2006003501A0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009773A0

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AP2014007818A0

13-12-2006 дата публикации

Supplement preparation.

Номер: OA0000013229A

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201407818D0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709773A0

28-02-2006 дата публикации

Supplement preparation.

Номер: AP0200603501A0

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709773D0

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415825T

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352296T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449110T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000304871T

10-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030692890T

25-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038282101T

23-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039328345T

19-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032715301T

07-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039458726T

28-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030773591T

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037015944T

21-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035621802T

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Formulation and method of use

Номер: AU2017220388A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Provided is an orally administrable formulation comprising a flavour oil that includes menthol and/or limonene and an edible oil, in which both the flavour oil and the edible oil possess anti-inflammatory properties. Methods of using the aforementioned orally administrable formulation for decreasing and/or preventing an increase in body fat and/or body weight and the prevention and/or treatment of an inflammatory disease, disorder or condition, including obesity, asthma and inflammatory bowel disease, are also provided. Also provided are methods of producing the aforementioned orally administrable formulation.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Composition for treatment of dry eye disease and meibomianitis

Номер: AU2019288931A1

The present application relates to compositions for treatment of eye disorders, particularly for treatment of dry eye disease (DED) and meibomianitis, wherein the composition comprises very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Further, the invention provides a method for treatment of DED and meibomianitis of a subject, comprising administering to the subject a composition comprising very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from natural oils. The compositions for use are suitable for oral and local applications.

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Supplement preparation

Номер: AU2004260578B2

07-04-2003 дата публикации

Composition and treatment method for brain and spinal cord injuries

Номер: AU2002335736A1

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Medical formulation for treating hypercholesterolemia

Номер: AU2013368749A1

The present invention relates to a medical formulation comprising: cinnamomum zeylanicum; Pinus pinaster; extract of a plant belonging to the Saccharum genus; Monascus purpureus; Taraxacum officinale; Camellia sinensis; vitamin B3; alpha tocopherol; coenzyme Q ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Use of a composition comprising fish oil and juice for the treatment of inflammation

Номер: AU2014299410A1

The present invention provides use of a composition comprising fish oil with low totox value and juice in an oil-in-water emulsion in treatment/resolution of inflammation and/or diseases wherein an underlying cause is inflammation. The invention encompasses further said composition comprising acetylsalicylic acid and/or derivatives and/or analogous thereof. Further the present invention is related to the combined use of a composition of the invention and a therapeutic agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases or diseases wherein an underlying cause is inflammation.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Composition comprising ferric saccharate and high concentrations of microencapsulated LC-PUFA with a reduced off taste

Номер: AU2014372631B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

The present invention is directed to compositions, preferably nutritional compositions, preferably for infant, children, maternal, ageing care, elderly or health care nutrition. The present invention is further directed to pharmaceutical and/or nutraceutical compositions. The inventive compositions described herein preferably have a neutral or acidic pH, preferably a pH ranging from about 3 to about 7.5, said compositions being fortified with a high concentration of ferric saccharate and a high concentration of microencapsulated long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), preferably microencapsulated in a glassy matrix of dairy proteins and glucose. Preferably the inventive composition also comprises an antioxidant which is a radical scavenger, preferably along with a non-sensitive oil, said oil most preferably comprising medium chain triglycerides. The present invention also describes a method for preparing such compositions and the use of such compositions, preferably in the treatment ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Omega-3 compositions, dosage forms, and methods of use

Номер: AU2015269307B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Omega-3 compositions, dosage forms, and methods of use are disclosed herein. The omega-3 compositions and dosage forms disclosed herein may comprise DHA and EPA at a ratio of about 5:2. The omega-3 compositions and dosage forms disclosed herein may comprise re-esterified triglycerides. Methods of treatment using the compositions and dosage forms are also disclosed.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Honokiol and magnolol formulations with increased stability and improved uptake, and methods of use thereof

Номер: AU2016308080A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

Described herein are formulations and methods for treating, managing, or preventing sleeplessness or restlessness, for increasing focus or concentration, or for decreasing anxiety. The formulations comprise honokiol and magnolol, which are present in magnolia bark extract, in admixture with one or more polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in virgin salmon oil. As compared to other lipid formulations of honokiol and magnolol, the formulations show improved stability and increased uptake.

22-04-2021 дата публикации

Infant formula with special lipid architecture for promoting healthy growth

Номер: AU2016338822B2

The present invention relates to formulae for infants comprising large lipid globules and/or lipid globules with a coating of phospholipids for rendering the growth trajectory or body development during the first year of life more similar to that observed for human milk fed infants.

02-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002376584A

13-09-1993 дата публикации

New use of omega-3-fatty acids

Номер: AU0003652993A

21-08-1996 дата публикации

Completely dissolved bone tissue and method for producing the same

Номер: AU0004548596A

25-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002615603A1

A method of producing a reprogrammed cell or reprogrammed cell nucleus, comprising exposing a differentiated cell, or the nucleus of a differentiated cell to a cell or cell extract thereof derived from an oocyte, egg, ovary or early embryo of a cold blooded vertebrate, wherein the cold blooded vertebrate has one or more of the following properties: (i) a primitive vertebrate body plan including laterally projecting ribs and/or spinal projections; (ii) germ cells which do not contain germ plasm; and/or (iii) the oocyte, egg, ovary or early embryo cell or cell from which the cell extract is derived, expresses a highly conserved form of Oct-4 and/or nanog. There is also provided uses of the reprogrammed cells.

25-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA965004A

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3069167A1

ABSTRACT The composition for wound healing facilitates healing of damaged tissues, promotes tissue and cell growth, protects cells and tissues, and reduces scar tissue. The composition includes hydrolyzed collagen, whey, and magnesium stearate. The composition for wound healing demonstrates improved flow, increasing the ease of manufacturing and application to a wound site. The hydrolyzed collagen may include bovine sourced hydrolyzed collagen and marine sourced hydrolyzed collagen. The composition may also include an additive, such as a therapeutic agent, an antimicrobial, a vitamin, or a preservative. CA 3069167 2020-01-22 ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003050082A1
Принадлежит: MOFFAT & CO.

Disclosed is a method of reducing the rancid fish odor smell in a topical composition comprised of fish oil which comprises mixing the composition with monolaurin. Also disclosed are various anhydrous topical compositions comprising fish oil. One comprises fish oil, cetyl ester, palm olein, medium-chain triglyceride(s) of a mixture of C8 and C10 fatty acids, mixture of C8/C10 fatty acids, and monolaurin, another one comprises fish oil, cetyl ester, palm olein, medium-chain triglyceride(s) of a mixture of C8 and C10 fatty acids, mixture of C8/C10 fatty acids, monolaurin, collagen and sea salt, an a third ne comprises fish oil, cetyl ester, palm olein, medium-chain triglyceride(s) of a mixture of C8 and C10 fatty acids, mixture of C8/C10 fatty acids, monolaurin and hydrocolloid. These compositions are useful for treating wounds and skin conditions.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071786A1

A composition comprising at least one carotenoid selected from the group consisting of lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin; and a composition comprising at least one omega-3 fatty acid; for use in the prevention and/or treatment of dementia in a human subject.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994586C
Принадлежит: NESTEC SA, NESTEC S.A.

Compositions comprising one or more unsaturated fatty acids and one or more nitric oxide releasing compounds, and methods for using such compositions for enhancing cognitive function, reducing or preventing a decline of social interaction, reducing or preventing age-related behavioral changes, increasing trainability, maintaining optimal brain function, facilitating learning and memory, reducing memory loss, retarding brain aging, preventing or treating strokes, and preventing or treating dementia in an animal. Preferably, the compositions are food compositions useful for enhancing cognitive function in humans and companion animals.

14-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950311C

Described herein are soft capsules and enteric soft capsules comprising cationic Type A gelatin and acid insoluble enteric polymers. In particular, the compositions and methods for manufacturing all-natural enteric soft capsules comprising Type A gelatin and matrix fills are described. In one embodiment, the enteric soft capsules comprise active ingredients such as non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In another embodiment, the enteric soft capsule comprises matrix fills of omega-3 fatty acids.

01-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002719272A1

This invention provides compositions comprising a protein and at least two protease inhibitors, method for treating diabetes mellitus, comprising administering same, and methods for oral administration of a protein with an enzymatic activity, including orally administering same.

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709660C
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A., NESTEC SA

Compositions comprising one or more unsaturated fatty acids and one or more nit.pi.c oxide releasing compounds, and methods for using such compositions for enhancing cognitive function, reducing or preventing a decline of social interaction, reducing or preventing age-related behavioral changes, increasing trainabihty, maintaining optimal brain function, facilitating learning and memory, reducing memory loss, retarding brain aging, preventing or treating strokes, and preventing or treating dementia in an animal Preferably, the compositions are food compositions useful for enhancing cognitive function in humans and companion animals.

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002714155A1
Принадлежит: BRION RAFFOUL

The present invention relates to a fish protein hydrolysate having a biological activity of interest, in particular an effect on the stimulation and maintenance of bone. The fish protein hydrolysate is characterized in that it is obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of at least one protein source selected from the fish species Micromesistius poutassou, Clupea harengus, Scomber scombrus, Sardina pilchardus, Trisopterus esmarki, Trachurus spp, Gadus morhua, Pollachius virens, Melanogrammus aeglefinus and Coryphaenoides rupestris, and the species of fish belonging to the order Siluriformes, said enzymatic hydrolysis being carried out by means of an endopeptidase enzyme derived from Bacillus subtilis. The protein hydrolysate according to the invention makes it possible to maintain the bone mass or to stimulate bone growth through stimulation of osteoblast cell growth and inhibition of osteoclast cell growth.

18-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002714399A1

A method of treatment for cartilage degradation in an organism, which includes administering to an organism a composition including a therapeutic amount of an extract from the plant Biota orientalis. Several key components of the extract of Biota orientalis have been identified that have also been shown to have an effect in dramatically reducing and reversing cartilage degradation.

03-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002838976A1

The present invention generally relates to the prevention or treatment of disorders related to oxidative stress. For example, the present invention provides a composition for use in the prevention or treatment of oxidative stress related disorders under post-operative conditions. One embodiment of the present invention is a composition comprising DHA and EPA as active ingredients for use in the treatment or prevention of oxidative stress and/or related disorders.

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002830476A1

The invention provides methods and compositions useful for ameliorating age related maladies, enhancing and maintaining immune function, enhancing and maintaining cognitive function, enhancing and maintaining muscle strength, enhancing and maintaining balance, and reducing and mitigating oxidative stress in an animal. The compositions comprise a combination of at least two of one or more unsaturated fatty acids (UFA); one or more nitric oxide releasing compounds (NORC); one or more anti-glycation agents; and colostrum, and the methods comprise administering to an animal a therapeutically effective amount of the compositions.

02-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002825022A1

Methods and compositions for treating, reducing, or preventing deterioration of at least one component of the visual system of an animal are disclosed. The methods comprise administering to the animal a composition comprising UFA and NORC in an amount effective to treat, reduce, or prevent deterioration of at least one component of the visual system. Methods extending the prime years of an animal's life, improving the quality of life, and promoting health and wellness of an animal using compositions comprising UFA and NORC are also disclosed.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002864578A1

The present invention relates to nanoparticles for encapsulating compounds, the preparation and uses thereof, said nanoparticles being based on a vegetable hydrophobic protein, particularly zein, and a water miscible non-volatile organic solvent, particularly propylene glycol. Said nanoparticles can encapsulate or incorporate a product of interest for use in the agricultural, cosmetic, food or pharmaceutical fields.

17-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002894448C
Принадлежит: REGENICS AS

The invention describes methods and agents for inducing in the skin one or more effects selected from stimulating fibroblast migration, stimulating elastin production, reducing expression of inflammatory factors and upregulating specific genes, thereby preventing skin cell aging processes and repairing skin damage. In preferred embodiments, the methods and agents comprise active extracts produced from fish eggs.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002873160A1

A highly unsaturated fatty acid or a highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester produced using, as feedstock oil, an oil containing a highly unsaturated fatty acid as a constituent fatty acid. The highly unsaturated fatty acid or highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester has a reduced content of environmental pollutants. The highly unsaturated fatty acid or highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester contains, among the dioxins contained, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) in an amount of less than 0.05 pg-TEQ/g, and coplanar PCB (Co-PCB) in an amount of less than 0.03 pg-TEQ/g. A method for producing the highly unsaturated fatty acid or highly unsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester, wherein free fatty acids and environmental pollutants are removed from feedstock oil by thin-film distillation, and the oil obtained is made into an ethyl ester and refined by rectification and column chromatography.

06-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002179881C
Принадлежит: Daido Hoxan Inc., Hokkaido Government

There is provided a skin substitute that can suitably be used for covering the surface of a damaged skin area which is typically a wound produced by a traumatic local loss of the skin of the human body as a result of a burn or some other cause of damage. It is a skin substitute of a laminate comprising a squid chitin sheet and a fish skin collagen coat layer, which may be a salmon skin collagen coat layer. Such a skin substitute effectively exploits the suppleness and the effect of proving an environment for encouraging the production of lysozyme and defending the wound of squid chitin and, at the same time, compensate the disadvantage of poor adhesion of fibroblast cells that operate for curing the wound. Additionally, the fibroblast cells adhering to a laminate of a squid chitin sheet and a fish skin collagen coat layer showed a normal cell proliferation curve without any delayed initial rising phase to prove the former more satisfactory that cannot be expected from a laminate comprising ...

01-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002065571C
Принадлежит: Institut de Recherche Biologique

L'invention se rapporte à de nouvelles compositions riches en lipides phosphorés d'origine naturelle. Elle a pour objet des compositions diététiques dont les constituants principaux sont: a) un triglycéride de formule dans laquelle X et Y, identiques ou différents, représentent le reste acyle d'un acide gras polyinsaturé ayant de 18 à 24 atomes de Carbone. R est de l'hydrogène ou un carboxyle et Z est un radical aminé, primaire, secondaire, tertiaire ou quaternaire et b) de l'huile de poisson des mers froides riches en DHA, en EPA et en Vitamine A en association ou en mélange avec un diluant, un agent support et/ou un agent liant et un complément alimentaire. Ces compositions sont utiles pour l'amélioration des troubles de la vision ...

28-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002082418A1

... 2082418 9116914 PCTABS00008 Some otherwise desirable oil compositions derived from natural sources are characterized by an unpleasant odor. Fractions or combinations of such oils may also be so characterized. Stable, deodorized oils may be prepared by adding an amount of a deodorizing agent effective to substantially reduce the odor of the derived oil composition, fraction or combination thereof to that oil composition, fraction or combination. The pharmaceutical topical compositions of the present invention contain these stable, deodorized oil compositions and exhibit enhanced penetration properties and achieve enhanced patient response. THe improved pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention may be used to manage pain and/or to treat the underlying ailments. Methods of making such topical pharmaceutical compositions are also discussed.

03-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002214095A1

L'invention concerne une nouvelle utilisation de la nacre à des fins médicales et/ou cosmétologiques. La présente invention a pour objet l'utilisation d'une poudre formée de nacre et éventuellement d'aragonite, sous forme finement pulvérulente et mélangée à des excipients convenables, en vue de la réalisation de compositions pharmaceutiques et/ou cosmétiques destinées à améliorer la synthèse de nouvelles cytokératines. La présente invention a encore pour objet l'utilisation d'une poudre formée de nacre et éventuellement d'aragonite, sous forme finement pulvérulente et mélangée à des excipients convenables, en vue de son application dans des milieux de cultures cellulaires, afin d'améliorer la synthèse de nouvelles cytokératines.

05-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002236422A1

The present invention pertains to hydrolysis-optimized isotonic lipid emulsions comprising medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), vegetable oils and fish oil, as well as their use for parenteral nutritition.

16-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002188793C

The present invention relates to shark cartilage extracts and to a method of producing the same, these extracts having anti-angoigenic properties (reduction of the area of blood vessels observed in vivo on experimentally induced tumors), tumor regressive activity in vivo as well as demonstrating a direct inhibitory effect on tumor cell lines. This process does not involve any denaturing solvent or product and does not involve the use of any enzymes. It consists of obtaining a blend of whole cartilage in an aqueous solution of neutral pH, preferably pure water, this blend being centrifuged and the pellet and supernatant kept for further processing. The pellet is iyophilized and tested for anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic activities in vivo and in vivo, with or without supernatant. The supernatant has been shown to have anti-angiogenic and tumor regressive activities in vivo. the composition of the supernatant has then been investigated by different ways. Fractionation of thissupernatant led ...

28-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002271268A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A composition comprising as active ingredients (i) one or several components derived from an extract of crude shark liver oil, selected from the group comprising refined shark liver oil or a fraction thereof, squalane, squalene and alkylglycerols, and/or the synthetic equivalents of these; (ii) one or several carbohydrates forming inclusion and/or chelate complex with (i); and optionally (iii) one or several non-shark liver oil derived therapeutically or cosmetically active agents. A method of preparing the composition, as well as the use of the composition for the preparation of a pharmaceutical or cosmetic.

15-10-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000567420A5

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method of mitigating adverse drug events using omega-3 fatty acids as a parenteral therapeutic drug vehicle

Номер: US20120022001A1
Автор: David F. Driscoll

A method of parenterally administering a composition, the method including parenterally administering to a person a composition including at least one omega-3 fatty acid and at least one drug, wherein the at least one omega-3 fatty acid source and the at least one drug are administered simultaneously.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Methods and compositions for treating and preventing parenteral nutrition associated liver disease

Номер: US20120277316A1

Methods and compositions for treating or preventing parenteral nutrition associated liver disease are provided. Methods and compositions for advancing enteral tolerance in subjects receiving enteral nutrition are provided. The methods involve the use of omega-3 fatty acid compositions. In some embodiments the omega-3 fatty acid compositions comprise docosahexanoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. In some embodiments the omega-3 fatty acid compositions comprise fish oil. In some embodiments the subjects to be treated are receiving parenteral nutrition. In some embodiments the subjects to be treated are infants having a low birth weight, very low birth weight, extremely low birth weight, a low gestational age, short bowel syndrome, necrotizing entercolitis, or any combination thereof.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Composition and method to alleviate joint pain

Номер: US20130005828A1
Принадлежит: US Nutraceuticals LLC

Beneficial and synergistic effects for alleviating joint pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis have been found with krill oil and/or marine oil in combination with other active constituents, including astaxanthin and polymeric hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan) in an oral dosage form.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Composition for treatment of aesthenopia

Номер: US20130052286A1
Принадлежит: Nihon Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

This is to provide a novel medicine and a food and a drink composition for treating aesthenopia excellent in improved effect of aesthenopia. The composition for the treatment of aesthenopia comprises chondroitin sulfate or a salt thereof.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089532A1
Автор: Xu Shanhua

A problem to be solved is to provide an orally ingestible composition which promotes the production of adiponectin and which is free from safety issues such as side effects and toxicity. An adiponectin production promoting composition is prepared which comprises salmon milt extract, brewer's yeast extract, avian collagen, and yeast containing mineral and having an adiponectin production promoting activity. Preferably, the salmon milt extract comprises low molecular weight components obtained by enzymatic degradation of salmon milt into oligonucleotides and oligopeptides. Preferably, the brewer's yeast extract comprises 50 to 80% of RNA. Preferably, the mineral yeast comprises, in dry yeast, 2 to 3% of zinc, 0.3 to 0.5% of copper, and 0.01 to 0.02% of selenium. Preferably, the adiponectin production promoting composition comprises 16 to 17 parts by mass of the brewer's yeast extract, 33 to 34 parts by mass of the avian collagen, and 22 to 23 parts by mass of the yeast containing mineral per 100 parts by mass of the salmon milt extract. 1. An adiponectin production promoting composition comprising salmon milt extract , brewer's yeast extract , avian collagen , and yeast containing mineral , and having an adiponectin production promoting-activity.2. The adiponectin production promoting composition according to claim 1 , wherein the salmon milt extract comprises low molecular weight components obtained by treating salmon milt with enzyme to degrade into oligonucleotides and oligopeptides.3. The adiponectin production promoting composition according to claim 1 , wherein the brewer's yeast extract comprises 50 to 80% of RNA.4. The adiponectin production promoting composition according to claim 1 , wherein the mineral yeast comprises claim 1 , 2 to 3% of zinc claim 1 , 0.3 to 0.5% of copper claim 1 , and 0.01 to 0.02% of selenium in dried yeast.5. The adiponectin production promoting composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 16 to 17 parts by ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101569A1
Автор: Weston Anthony R.

A composition of a mixture of vitamin and herbal supplements. Supplementation of the composition promotes hair growth and thickness by increasing the number of hairs and preventing hair loss. The concentration of the vitamin and herbal supplements in the composition is suitably about 0.01-100%. The composition may comprise a suitable carrier, solvent and/or emulgent. The composition may be, for example, an internally ingested tablet, a capsule, drops or a suspension. This formulation will enhance the hair thickness and provide elements for growing hair in humans and animals. 1. Promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss thereof administering a composition of mixed vitamin and herbal supplements wherein said concentration of a mixed vitamin and herbal supplements is about 0.1%.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition of vitamin and herbal supplements are a mixture of Biotin claim 1 , Calcium claim 1 , Chromium claim 1 , Copper claim 1 , DHA-docosahexaenoic acid claim 1 , EPA-eicosapentaenoic acid claim 1 , Fish oil claim 1 , Folic acid claim 1 , Ginkgo biloba claim 1 , Ginseng claim 1 , Iodine claim 1 , Iron claim 1 , Magnesium claim 1 , Manganese claim 1 , Molybdenum claim 1 , Niacin claim 1 , Omega-3 claim 1 , Pantothenic acid claim 1 , Riboflavin claim 1 , Saw palmetto claim 1 , Selenium claim 1 , Thiamin claim 1 , Vitamin A claim 1 , Vitamin B12 claim 1 , Vitamin B6 claim 1 , Vitamin C claim 1 , Vitamin D-cholecalciferol claim 1 , Vitamin E claim 1 , Vitamin K claim 1 , and Zinc.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein said composition comprises a suitable carrier claim 2 , solvent and/or emulgent.4. The composition of claim 2 , wherein said composition is administered in the form of an oral dosage.5. The composition of claim 2 , wherein said oral dosage is in the form of an internally ingested tablet claim 2 , a capsule claim 2 , drops or a suspension.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said oral dosage promotes healthy micronutrient ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of making an anti-inflammatory composition

Номер: US20130108705A1
Автор: Jassim M. Al-Hassan
Принадлежит: University of Kuwait

In order to prepare an anti-inflammatory composition extracted from the skin of the Arabian Gulf catfish ( Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes)), a gelatinous secretion is collected from the skin of the Arabian Gulf catfish. The gelatinous secretion is biologically active due to the presence of biologically active proteins and lipids. The lipids are extracted from the gelatinous secretion, and then are mixed into an inert dermatological cream. The inert dermatological cream serves as a carrier for the lipids. Preferably, the mixture includes approximately 0.2% to 0.8% of the lipids by weight. Either the total lipids may be used in the mixture, or the lipids, prior to mixing into the cream, may be fractionated into major lipid fractions.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for the prevention of chronic inflammation associated diseases

Номер: US20130156860A1
Автор: Fabien De Meester
Принадлежит: BNLfood Investments SARL

The present invention is related to a method for the prevention and possibly the treatment of chronic diseases, preferably inflammatory associated chronic diseases that may affect an animal including a human, by the administration of a sufficient amount of a (functional) food or feed to the diet of this animal.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Therapeutic or prophylactic agent for corneal epithelium disorders and/or conjunctival epithelium disorders

Номер: US20130245119A1
Принадлежит: KEIO UNIVERSITY, Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd

The present invention provides an effective and safe prophylactic and therapeutic pharmaceutical agent and supplement for corneal epithelium disorders and/or conjunctival epithelial disorders. This is a therapeutic and/or prophylactic agent for corneal epithelium disorders and/or conjunctival epithelial disorders comprising eicosapentaenoic acid and/or docosahexaenoic acid, a glycerin ester or phospholipid comprising these fatty acids as constituent fatty acids, or a lower alcohol ester of these fatty acids as active ingredients. These preferably comprise EPA and/or DHA in the form of a refined fish oil or refined krill oil. A total of at least approximately 50 to 5,000 mg of EPA and/or DHA or the esters thereof are taken daily, thereby easing corneal epithelium disorders and/or conjunctival epithelial disorders. In addition, the amount of tears may be recovered.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266662A1
Автор: McKenzie Maureen A.

This invention relates to novel compositions comprising as an active ingredient one or more berries, leaves, roots, and/or root barks obtained from one or more plant species of the genus , wherein said plant(s) is/are grown under the following conditions: (a). Subject to one or more uninterrupted photoperiod(s) of at least about 18 hours to 24 hours per day for about 60 days during flowering and fruit setting; and; (b). Subject to one or more uninterrupted photoperiod(s) of at least about 15 hours per day for about 30 days during fruit ripening and maturity. More particularly, said plant(s) is/are optionally grown at least 7 days past maturity. Further, the compositions of the inventive subject matter optionally may include an additional element comprising an oil from species. Further, said compositions may be employed to treat a variety of diseases, disorders, and conditions, as described herein. 1Vaccinium,. A method for treating or managing a disorder in an animal , which comprises administering to said animal an effective amount of a composition comprising one or more berries , obtained from one or more plant species of the genus i. subject to one or more uninterrupted photoperiods of at least about 18 hours to 24 hours per day for about 60 days during flowering and fruit setting; and', 'ii. subject to one or more uninterrupted photoperiods of at least about 15 hours per day for about 30 days during fruit ripening and maturity;, 'wherein said one or more plant species, harvested at least 7 days past peak fruit ripeness, have grown under the following conditionswherein said disorder is a urinary tract infection, tuberculosis, heart disease, diarrhea, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, or vascular dementia; wherein said composition comprises, at least in part, a metabolite produced by one or more stress-related phenylpropanoid pathways; and wherein said administering is accomplished orally, parenterally, by inhalation spray, rectally, nasally, buccally, ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Oral veterinary pharmaceutical and nutraceutical compositions

Номер: US20130273025A1
Принадлежит: AYANDA GROUP AS

This invention provides an oral veterinary pharmaceutical or nutraceutical composition comprising a physiologically tolerable gelled oil-in-water emulsion further comprising at least one component selected from taste enhancers, odour enhancers, digestive enzymes and veterinary drugs.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Composition and method to alleviate joint pain

Номер: US20130287756A1
Принадлежит: US Nutraceuticals LLC

Beneficial and synergistic effects for alleviating joint pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis have been found with krill oil and/or marine oil in combination with other active constituents, including astaxanthin and polymeric hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan) in an oral dosage form.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287858A1

A composition and method which improves blood lipid profiles and optionally reduces low density lipoprotein (LDL) per-oxidation in humans by administering a therapeutic amount of a composition comprising krill oil in combination with astaxanthin or a mixture of fish oil derived, choline based, phospholipid bound omega-3 fatty acid mixture including phospholipid bound polyunsaturated EPA and DHA. In one embodiment, the krill oil is derived from spp., comprising Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids in the form of triacylglycerides and phospholipids. The krill oil includes at least 10% EPA and 5% DHA, of which greater than 50% are in the form of phospholipids and the 1-4000 mg of krill oil per daily dose is delivered. 18-. (canceled)9. A composition to treat low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation in humans , wherein the composition includes a therapeutic amount of krill oil in combination with astaxanthin in an oral dosage form.10Euphasia. The composition according to claim 9 , wherein the krill oil is derived from spp. claim 9 , comprising Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids in the form of triacylglycerides and phospholipids.11. The composition according to claim 9 , wherein the krill oil includes at least 10% EPA and 5% DHA claim 9 , of which greater than 40% are in the form of phospholipids.12. The composition according to claim 9 , wherein the composition is formulated to deliver 1-4000 mg of krill oil.13. (canceled)14. The composition according to claim 13 , wherein the composition includes 0.1-12 mg astaxanthin supplemented to the krill oil.15Haematococcus pluvialisPfaffia. The composition according to claim 13 , wherein the astaxanthin is derived from algae claim 13 , claim 13 , krill claim 13 , or by synthetic routes claim 13 , in the known free diol claim 13 , monoester or diester form.16. The composition according to claim 9 , and further comprising an n-3 (omega-3) fatty acid rich oil derived from flax seed ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295078A1

A method of providing a pet with a benefit relating to effective assimilation of a lipid is described wherein the pet is administered, as a part of, or in addition to its regular diet, an edible composition that contains an ingredient that maintains, promotes or enhances the capacity of the pet to digest lipid efficiently. The invention extends to compositions for use in promoting lipid assimilation in pets, particularly senior or elderly pets. The compositions include pancreatic, liver and intestinal mucosa function-promoters. In embodiments, the liver function-promoter may be selected from taurine, emulsifiers, vitamins, minerals, glutathione and glutathione promoters. 1. A method of improving or maintaining absorption of vitamin E in a pet animal , the method comprising the step of feeding the pet a sufficient amount of an edible composition that effects the pet's lipid absorption capacity.2. A method according to wherein the composition comprises a promoter selected from the group consisting of a pancreatic function-promoter claim 1 , a liver function-promoter claim 1 , and an intestinal mucosa function-promoter.3. A method according to wherein the pancreatic function-promoter comprises a component selected from the group consisting of a lipase claim 2 , a gut pH modifier and a pancreatic extract.4. A method according to wherein the gut pH modifier is selected from the group consisting of an acidifier claim 3 , an alkalanizer claim 3 , a buffer claim 3 , a prebiotic and a probiotic micro-organism.5. A method according to wherein the liver function-promoter is selected from the group consisting of taurine claim 2 , emulsifiers claim 2 , vitamins claim 2 , minerals claim 2 , glutathione and glutathione promoters claim 2 , and combinations thereof6. A method according to wherein the liver function-promoter is a nutrient that increases endogenous glutathione after ingestion.7. A method according to wherein the intestinal mucosa function promoter includes a component ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309298A1

A formulation containing an active substance encapsulated within an exine shell of a naturally occurring spore, together with a protective additive which is also encapsulated within the exine shell. 137-. (canceled)38. A formulation comprising an active substance encapsulated within an exine shell of a naturally occurring spore , together with a protective additive which is also encapsulated within the exine shell , wherein the active substance comprises a hydrophilic and/or hydrolysable and/or acid-labile substance and/or a proteinaceous material; a carbohydrate; a lipid; a nucleoside , nucleotide or nucleic acid; a vitamin or co-vitamin; an essential fatty acid; an essential mineral or mineral-containing substance; a glyconutrient; a phytonutrient; a nutritional agent; or a micro-organism; and/or a substance selected from peptides , enzymes , probiotics and prebiotics; and the protective additive is a solid or semi-solid at room temperature.39. The formulation of claim 38 , wherein the active substance comprises a hydrophilic and/or hydrolysable and/or acid-labile substance and/or a substance selected from peptides claim 38 , enzymes claim 38 , probiotics and prebiotics.40. The formulation of claim 38 , wherein the active substance comprises a substance selected from peptides claim 38 , enzymes claim 38 , probiotics and prebiotics.41. The formulation of claim 38 , wherein the protective additive is water insoluble.42. The formulation of claim 38 , wherein the protective additive comprises one or more lipids or materials having a lipid component.43. The formulation of claim 42 , wherein the protective additive comprises a lipid or material having a lipid component selected from the group consisting of a butter or other solid fat; a fatty acid having a C11 to C22 carbon chain length; a fatty acid ester; a fatty acid amide; a phospholipid; a glycolipid; a lipid sulphate; a lipid sulphonate; a monoglyceride; a diglyceride claim 42 , and a triglyceride.44. The ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004205A1
Автор: Satyaraj Ebenezer
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The invention provides methods and compositions useful for ameliorating age related maladies, enhancing and maintaining immune function, enhancing and maintaining cognitive function, enhancing and maintaining muscle strength, enhancing and maintaining balance, and reducing and mitigating oxidative stress in an animal. The compositions comprise a combination of at least two of one or more unsaturated fatty acids (UFA); one or more nitric oxide releasing compounds (NORC); one or more anti-glycation agents; and colostrum, and the methods comprise administering to an animal a therapeutically effective amount of the compositions. 1. A composition useful for ameliorating age related maladies in an animal comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a combination of at least two of:one or more unsaturated fatty acids (UFA);one or more nitric oxide releasing compounds (NORC);one or more anti-glycation agents; andcolostrum.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The composition of wherein the age related malady is one or more selected from the group consisting of decreased immune function claim 1 , decline in cognition claim 1 , loss of muscle strength claim 1 , loss of balance and oxidative stress.6. The composition of wherein the UFA comprises one or more of a natural fish oil claim 1 , ALA claim 1 , EPA claim 1 , DPA claim 1 , DHA claim 1 , or another n−3 fatty acid from any source.7. (canceled)8. The composition of comprising from about 0.1% to about 50% UFA.9. The composition of wherein the NORC is arginine or a nitric oxide-releasing derivative thereof.10. (canceled)11. The composition of comprising from about 0.1% to about 20% NORC.12. The composition of wherein the anti-glycation agent is selected from the group consisting of carnosine claim 1 , benfotiamine claim 1 , pyridoxamine claim 1 , alpha-lipoic acid claim 1 , phenacyldimethylthiazolium chloride claim 1 , taurine claim 1 , aminoguanidine claim 1 , resveratrol claim 1 , and aspirin.13. (canceled)14. The ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Gastric Reflux Resistant Dosage Forms

Номер: US20140072625A1
Принадлежит: Banner Pharmacaps Inc.

Gastric resistant film-forming compositions are described herein. The composition comprises a gastric resistant natural polymer, a film-forming natural polymer, and optionally a gelling agent. Suitable gastric resistant natural polymers include polysaccharides such as pectin and pectin-like polymers. The film-forming composition can be used to prepare soft or hard shell gelatin capsules which can encapsulate a liquid or semi-solid fill material or a solid tablet (Softlet®) comprising an active agent and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. Alternatively, the composition can be administered as a liquid with an active agent dissolved or dispersed in the composition. The compositions are not only gastric resistant but may also prevent gastric reflux associated with odor causing liquids, such as fish oil or garlic oil, encapsulated in a unit dosage form and esophageal irritation due to the reflux of irritant drugs delivered orally. 1. An oral gastric resistant soft capsule shell comprising(a) a gastric resistant natural polymer present in an amount less than 5% by weight of the capsule shell;(b) a film-forming natural polymer; and(c) a gelling agent present in an amount less than 2% by weight of the shell.2. The capsule shell of claim 1 , wherein the gastric resistant natural polymer is pectin.3. The capsule shell of claim 1 , wherein the gastric resistant natural polymer is a pectin-like polymer.4. capsule shell of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the gastric resistant natural polymer is from about 2 to about 4% by weight of the capsule shell.5. The capsule shell of claim 1 , wherein the film-forming natural polymer is gelatin.6. The capsule shell of wherein the film-forming natural polymer is a gelatin-like polymer.7. The capsule shell of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the film-forming natural polymer is from about 20 to about 40% by weight of the composition capsule shell.8. The capsule shell of wherein the concentration of the film- ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072650A1
Автор: Kim Se-Kwon, RYU Bo-Mi

Disclosed is an antihypertensive composition containing as an active ingredient a gelatin extract made from the skins of a skate ray and a peptide isolated from the extract. The present invention is directed to a pharmaceutical composition for a hypertension prevention and therapy containing as an active ingredient a hydrolysate of a gelatin extract isolated from the skins of a skate ray, a method for preparing a hydrolysate of a gelatin extract made from the skins of a skate ray, and the use of a new peptide having an antihypertensive activity isolated and purified from the hydrolysate. 1. A method of preventing and treating hypertension comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a composition comprising a hydrolysate of a gelatin extract isolated from the skins of a skate ray , the hydrolysate being contained as an active ingredient.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrolysate is a second hydrolysate which is obtained by way of a first hydrolysis with Alcalase with respect to the gelatin extract and then by way of a hydrolysis with Protease type X.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the gelatin extract is obtained in such a way that the skins of a skate ray are soaked in 1% of Ca(OH)and is hot water extracted at pH 6.0 and a temperature of 60˜70° C. for 6˜7 hours.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second hydrolysate includes a peptide formed of an amino acid sequence of MVGSAPGVL (molecular weight: 829 Da) or LGPLGHQ (molecular weight: 720 Da).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrolysate is contained with a concentration of 10 ug/ml˜1500 ug/ml in the composition.6. A method of preventing and treating hypertension comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a peptide formed of an amino acid sequence of MVGSAPGVL (molecular weight: 829 Da) or LGPLGHQ (molecular weight: 720 Da) claim 1 , the peptide being contained as an active ingredient.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the peptide is isolated from a hydrolysate of a gelatin ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093554A1

The present invention relates to a nutritional composition for infants and/or toddlers comprising a lipid component which has a large lipid globule size. The composition can be used to increase bone mineral content and/or bone mass density. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of increasing bone mass density and/or increasing bone mineral content , comprising administering to a human subject at risk of developing osteoporosis or in need of enhancement of bone formation and/or bone mass maximization , a composition comprising 10 to 50 wt. % vegetable lipids , based on dry weight of the composition , wherein the vegetable lipids are comprised in lipid globules having:i) a volume-weighted mode diameter above 1.0 μm, and/orii) a diameter of 2 to 12 μm in an amount of at least 45 volume % based on total lipid, wherein the increasing bone mass density and/or increasing bone mineral content occurs later in life.21. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the lipid globules have:i) a volume-weighted mode diameter of 1.0-10 μm, and/orii) a diameter of 2 to 12 μm in an amount of at least 55 volume % based on total lipid.22. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the administration is to a human subject between 0 and 36 months of age.23. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the increasing bone mass density and/or increasing bone mineral content occurs in a human subject of 36 months of age or older.24. The method according to claim 23 , wherein the increasing bone mass density and/or increasing bone mineral content occurs in a human subject above 5 years of age.25. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the composition comprises 0.5-10 wt. % phospholipids claim 24 , based on total lipid.26. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the phospholipids are derived from milk lipids.27. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the composition comprises glycosphingolipids claim 20 , cholesterol claim 20 , or both.28. The method according to claim 27 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000136A1
Автор: FRAMROZE Bomi, ROGNE Roald
Принадлежит: Hofseth Biocare ASA

The present invention relates to the use of turbine mixing during enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic protein from species such as fish, aquatic mammals, crustaceans and/or mollusks, to obtain high quality aquatic protein hydrolysates, having very low oxidation, improved organoleptic profile and improved biological activity of interest, for human consumption and cosmetics. The turbine mixing can inhibit oxidation during hydrolysis, contribute to an increase in the bio-activity and decrease the bitter taste of the final product. The process can vary in starting material, pre-treatment, type and amount of enzyme, hydrolysis conditions, time, degree of hydrolysis and post-treatment. 118-. (canceled)19. An aquatic protein hydrolysate , obtained by a process comprising:a) subjecting an aquatic protein source material, water and at least one enzyme to turbine mixing with an axial flow pattern to enzymatically hydrolyze the aquatic protein source material;b) stopping the enzymatic hydrolysis by deactivating the at least one enzyme under turbine mixing with the axial flow pattern to obtain a hydrolyzed aquatic peptide fraction and solid material; andc) separating the hydrolyzed aquatic peptide fraction from the solid material to obtain the aquatic protein hydrolysate.20. The aquatic protein hydrolysate of claim 19 , wherein the aquatic protein hydrolysate is in a form of a capsule; a dried form; a liquid; a semi-liquid; a suspension; an emulsion; or a syrup.21. A method of preparing a composition comprising adding the aquatic protein hydrolysate according to to the composition claim 19 , wherein the composition is a food product claim 19 , a food supplement claim 19 , pet food claim 19 , animal feed claim 19 , fish feed claim 19 , fertilizer claim 19 , cosmetic product claim 19 , pharmaceutical preparation claim 19 , nutraceutical preparation claim 19 , or medicament.22. The aquatic protein hydrolysate of claim 19 , wherein the aquatic protein hydrolysate is in a form of powder ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000801A1
Автор: Stringham James

An eye health supplement and methods of using the eye health supplement are disclosed. 1. An eye health supplement dosage form , comprising:1 part by weight zeaxanthin;1-20 parts by weight lutein;10-45 parts by weight vitamin C;5-115 parts by weight vitamin E;0.5-10 parts by weight zinc; and10-200 parts by weight omega-3 oils providing 5-100 parts by weight docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 5-100 parts by weight eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), wherein the zinc is provided by zinc gluconate.2. The eye health supplement dosage form of claim 1 , wherein the eye health supplement dosage form does not comprise resveratrol.3. The eye health supplement dosage form of claim 1 , comprising:1 part by weight zeaxanthin;5 parts by weight lutein;41. 7 parts by weight vitamin C;28 parts by weight vitamin E;2. 5 parts by weight zinc; and50 parts by weight omega-3 oils providing 25 parts by weight DHA and 25 parts by weight EPA.4. The eye health supplement dosage form of claim 3 , wherein the amounts are substantially equal to:1 part by weight zeaxanthin;5 parts by weight lutein;41. 7 parts by weight vitamin C;28 parts by weight vitamin E;2.5 parts by weight zinc; and{'b': 50', '3', '25', '25, 'parts by weight omega- oils providing parts by weight DHA and parts by weight EPA.'}5. The eye health supplement dosage form of claim 1 , comprising1.5-6 mg zeaxanthin;7.5-30 mg lutein;62.5-250 mg vitamin C;42-168 mg vitamin E;3.75-15 mg zinc; and75-300 mg omega-3 oils comprising 37.5-150 mg DHA and 37.5-150 mg EPA.6. The eye health supplement dosage form of claim 1 , further comprising fish oil claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , glycerin claim 1 , sunflower oil claim 1 , yellow beeswax claim 1 , water claim 1 , carob claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. The eye health supplement dosage form of claim 6 , consisting essentially of zeaxanthin claim 6 , lutein claim 6 , vitamin C claim 6 , vitamin E claim 6 , zinc claim 6 , DHA claim 6 , EPA claim 6 , fish oil claim 6 , gelatin claim 6 , glycerin claim 6 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000802A1

The invention provides preparations, formulations, kits and other products of manufacture (e.g., blister packs) comprising combinations of beneficial ingredients that are serviceable as therapies for improving states and disease symptoms such as involving inflammation, excessive sympathoneural drive, cachexia, anorexia, and anorexia-cachexia, as well as stress or anxiety related thereto, and methods of making and using them. The invention provides compositions and therapies comprising use of a beta adrenergic antagonist (also called “beta blockers”, e.g., propranolol) in combination with an anti-inflammatory agent, e.g., a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), an anabolic steroid, a natural oil or fatty acid or any combination thereof. 135-. (canceled)37: The method of claim 36 , wherein the condition or disease comprises a maladaptive nutritional state secondary to the SIRS; anorexia; insulin resistance; anxiety; sleep disturbances; weakness; fatigue; lethargy; depression; malaise; or any combination thereof.38: The method of claim 36 , wherein the maladaptive nutritional state comprises cachexia or anorexia.39: The method of claim 38 , wherein the cachexia comprises cachexia secondary to cancer.40: The method of claim 38 , wherein the cachexia is defined as at least two of the symptoms selected from the group consisting of: 1) a hyper-inflammatory state claim 38 , 2) altered hormone levels and cytokine levels; 3) increased heart rate variability; 4) weight loss claim 38 , and 5) increased heart rate claim 38 , wherein optionally the increased heart rate is having a sustained elevated heart rate of at least about 6 bpm.4160-. (canceled)61: The method of claim 36 , wherein the therapeutic combination or the pharmaceutical composition further comprises a nutritional supplement.62: The method of claim 36 , wherein the member of the first drug group and member of the second ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000930A1

Provided are dietary supplements, formulations, kits and methods for administration to an individual with type II diabetes or at risk of developing type II diabetes. Provided herein are formulations, kits and methods useful for treating, preventing, supporting, controlling, restoring, and/or maintaining blood sugar levels in individuals with type II diabetes or at risk of developing the same. Also provided are formulations, kits and methods useful for reducing and/or eliminating requirement of ex-vivo insulin administration in an individual diagnosed with type II diabetes. 1. A dietary supplement in a form selected from the group consisting of a tablet , capsule , pill , emulsion , ointment , lotion , suppository , and aerosol , the dietary supplement consisting essentially of:{'i': 'Cornus officinalis', 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of maca, fruit extract, and a combination thereof;'}{'i': 'Gymnema sylvestre', 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of berberine, bitter melon extract, leaf extract, banaba, carnitine, and combinations thereof;'}{'i': Panax ginseng', 'Rhodiola rosea', 'Eleutherococcus senticosus, 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of vitamin C, root extract, Aswagandha root extract, holy basil leaf extract, extract, extract, vitamin B5, cactus stem extract, phosphatidylserine, vitamin D, and combinations thereof;'}{'i': Cordyceps sinesis', 'Gingko biloba', 'Garcinia cambogia', 'Rehmannia glutinosa', 'Poria cocos', 'oblonga', 'stevia, 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of extract, leaf extract, suma root, extract, extract, root extract, cinnamon extract, Fenugreek, Guggul, citrimax extract, salacia extract, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, biotin, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, chromium, vanadium, zinc, calcium, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl-cysteine, 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), choline bitartrate, glutamine, ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000931A1

Provided are dietary supplements, formulations, kits and methods for administration to an individual with type II diabetes or at risk of developing type II diabetes. Provided herein are formulations, kits and methods useful for treating, preventing, supporting, controlling, restoring, and/or maintaining blood sugar levels in individuals with type II diabetes or at risk of developing the same. Also provided are formulations, kits and methods useful for reducing and/or eliminating requirement of ex-vivo insulin administration in an individual diagnosed with type II diabetes. 1. A dietary supplement in a form selected from the group consisting of a tablet , capsule , pill , emulsion , ointment , lotion , suppository , and aerosol , the dietary supplement consisting essentially of:cactus stem extract;{'i': 'Gymnema sylvestre', 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of berberine, bitter melon extract, leaf extract, banaba, carnitine, and combinations thereof;'}{'i': Garcinia cambogia', 'Rehmannia glutinosa', 'Poria cocos, 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of extract, extract, root extract, cinnamon extract, Fenugreek, Guggul, and combinations thereof;'}{'i': 'stevia', 'at least one component selected from the group consisting of vitamin D, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin B5, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, chromium, vanadium, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl-cysteine, 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), choline bitartarate, citrimax extract, taurine, coenzyme Q10, calcium, vitamin K2, vitamin C, protein, fiber, inositol, molybdenum, luo han guo, extract rebaudioside, and combinations thereof; and'}an excipient.2. The dietary supplement of claim 1 , wherein the excipient is selected from the group consisting of gelatin claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil claim 1 , silicon dioxide claim 1 , stearic acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004102A1
Принадлежит: BIONANOPLUS, S.L.

The present invention relates to nanoparticles for encapsulating compounds, the preparation and uses thereof, said nanoparticles being based on a vegetable hydrophobic protein, particularly zein, and a water miscible non-volatile organic solvent, particularly propylene glycol. Said nanoparticles can encapsulate or incorporate a product of interest for use in the agricultural, cosmetic, food or pharmaceutical fields. 120-. (canceled)22. The nanoparticle according to claim 21 , further comprising a product of interest.23. The nanoparticle according to claim 21 , wherein the prolamine is zein.24. A process for producing a nanoparticle selected from the group consisting of:(i) a matrix nanosphere, wherein said matrix nanosphere comprises a matrix, said matrix comprising a vegetable hydrophobic protein and at least a water miscible non-volatile organic solvent,said process comprising contacting a solution of the vegetable hydrophobic protein in at least a water miscible non-volatile organic solvent with a vegetable hydrophobic protein non-solvent in order to form said nanoparticle andwherein the solution of the vegetable hydrophobic protein does not comprise a volatile organic solvent,wherein the vegetable hydrophobic protein is a prolamine and,wherein the water miscible non-volatile organic solvent is propylene glycol or a mixture of propylene glycol and other primary and/or secondary solvents;(ii) a matrix nanosphere comprising a product of interest, wherein said matrix nanosphere comprises a matrix, said matrix comprising a vegetable hydrophobic protein and at least a water miscible non-volatile organic solventsaid process comprising contacting a solution, suspension or emulsion comprising the vegetable hydrophobic protein and the product of interest in at least a water miscible non-volatile organic solvent with a vegetable hydrophobic protein non-solvent in order to form said nanoparticle andwherein the solution, suspension or emulsion comprising the vegetable ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008483A1

The present invention describes a method for obtaining freeze-dried tilapia skin, comprising the steps of cleaning by scraping, washing with physiological saline solution and trimming the edges of the skin; incubation with biocompatible detergent in a sterile recipient and rinsing, incubation with bactericidal agent in sterile recipient and rinsing, incubating with detoxifying solution and rinsing, incubation with antibiotics, rinsing and freezing, cold freeze-drying, vacuum sealing and sterilization, and more specifically the present invention includes the use of tilapia skin to prepare a remedy for treating lesions in humans and animals. The present invention relates to the fields of pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, chemistry, biotechnology and tissue engineering. 1. Method for obtaining freeze-dried animal skin characterized by comprising freeze-drying at a temperature in the range from −30° C. to −80° C. , with inner pressure lower than 50 μmHg and time from 2 to 24 h.2. Method claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized by the animal skin being obtained preferably from fishes.3Oreochromis niloticus.. Method claim 2 , according to claim 2 , characterized by the fish being optionally tilapia4. Method claim 2 , according to any one of to claim 2 , characterized by comprising the steps of:i) cleaning and trimming the skin of the tilapia;ii) incubation and rinse;iii) freezing;iv) freeze-drying;v) vacuum sealing; andvi) sterilization.5. Method claim 4 , according to characterized by further comprising a step vii) of rehydration of the freeze-dried animal skin.6. Method claim 4 , according to claim 4 , characterized in that step (ii) comprises incubation with biocompatible detergent and rinsing; followed by incubation with bactericidal agent and rinsing; followed by incubation with a detoxifying solution and rinsing.7. Method claim 6 , according to claim 6 , characterized in that it occurs in a sterile environment containing biocompatible ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008498A1
Автор: Öckerman Per-Arne

Various embodiments of the invention relate to compositions comprising vitamins, minerals and trace elements, antioxidants, amino acids, probiotics, and other components and methods for using such compositions to treat or prevent diseases associated with oxidative stress, including cardiovascular disease. 1. (canceled)2. A method of delaying or preventing the onset of a disease and/or condition associated with oxidative stress comprising administering to a human subject a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising:(i) vitamin A, vitamin B1 vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium source, potassium source, magnesium source, phosphate source, iodine, copper source, chromium source, manganese source, molybdenum source, selenium source, zinc source, lycopene, one or more carotenoids, one or more flavonoids, biotin, inositol, choline, one or more amino acids,(ii) a probiotic composition comprising the powder of one or more dried fruits and pollen extract or Terminalia arjuna or an extract thereof,(iii) fish oil, and(iv) one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients;wherein the composition delays or prevents the onset of a disease and/or condition associated with oxidative stress.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the composition comprises vitamin A (0.01-10 mg) claim 2 , vitamin B(1-50 mg) claim 2 , vitamin B(1-50 mg) claim 2 , vitamin B(1-100 mg) claim 2 , vitamin B(1-100 mg) claim 2 , vitamin B(0.5-50 mg) claim 2 , vitamin B(0.0001-2 mg) claim 2 , vitamin C (0.1-1000 mg) claim 2 , vitamin D (0.0001-1 mg) claim 2 , vitamin E (1-500 mg) claim 2 , vitamin K (0.001-5 mg) claim 2 , folic acid (0.0001-5 mg) claim 2 , calcium source (0.1-1000 mg) claim 2 , potassium source (0.1-1000 mg) claim 2 , magnesium source (0.1-1000 mg) claim 2 , phosphate source (1-500 mg) iodine source (0.0001-5 mg) claim 2 , copper source (0.0001-10 mg) claim 2 , chromium source (0.0001-10 rug) ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Very long chain fatty acid compositions

Номер: US20220016064A1
Принадлежит: Epax Norway AS

The invention relates to compositions comprising fatty acid mixtures comprising very long chain unsaturated fatty acids. The fatty acids of the fatty acid mixture are isolated from natural oils. Particularly, the fatty acid mixtures comprise an enriched amount of both very long chain monounsaturated fatty acids (VLCMUFAs) and very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFAs). In one embodiment of the invention, the amount of cholesterol in the fatty acid mixture is minimised and a method for production is provided.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007555A1

A dietary supplement composition and associated method of use has the composition formulated in a therapeutic amount to treat and alleviate symptoms of joint pain in a person having joint pain. The composition includes astaxanthin and microbial fermented, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan). The composition also includes at least one of a phospholipid, glycolipid, and sphingolipid. It is formulated into an oral dosage form and the astaxanthin is 0.1 to 15 percent by weight of the at least one phospholipid, glycolipid, and sphingolipid. 1. A method to treat and alleviate symptoms of joint pain by administering to a person having joint pain a therapeutic amount of a dietary supplement composition , including astaxanthin , pro-inflammatory low molecular weight microbial fermented sodium hyaluronate fragments having a molecular weight of 0.5 to 300 kilodaltons (kDa) , and a marine or seed oil and including a lipid selected from the group consisting of a phospholipid , glycolipid , and sphingolipid , and formulated into an oral dosage form , wherein the astaxanthin is 0.1 to 15 percent by weight of the marine or seed oil and the lipid selected from the group consisting of the phospholipid , glycolipid and sphingolipid.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the astaxanthin comprises a natural or synthetic ester or synthetic diol derivative.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising adding a pharmaceutical or food grade diluent to the marine or seed oil and the lipid selected from the group consisting of the phospholipid claim 1 , glycolipid and sphingolipid.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the phospholipid is selected from the group consisting of Phosphatidylcholine claim 1 , Phosphatidylethanolamine claim 1 , Phosphatidylserine claim 1 , Phosphatidylinositol claim 1 , Phosphatidic acid claim 1 , Lyso-Phosphatidylcholine claim 1 , Lyso-Phosphatidylethanolamine claim 1 , and Lyso-Phosphatidylserine.5. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Compositions and Methods for Nutritional Supplementation

Номер: US20160008300A1
Автор: FAERSTEIN Paul Joseph

Some embodiments herein are directed to a nutritional supplement composition including effective amounts of Coenzyme Q10, fish oil, vitamin D and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient. Some embodiments describe a method of promoting nutritional health comprising administering a nutritional supplement composition including Coenzyme Q10, fish oil, vitamin D and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient to a subject in need thereof. In some embodiments, the nutritional supplement composition may further include flax seed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin E, resveratrol, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, piperine and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, administering the nutritional supplement to a subject may ameliorate nutrient depletion, or promote cardiovascular health, liver health, or both. In some embodiments, the nutritional supplement may be used to promote nutritional health in a subject taking a cholesterol lowering drug. In some embodiments, the nutritional supplement may be used to ameliorate nutrient depletion in a subject taking a cholesterol lowering drug. In some embodiments, the cholesterol lowering drug may be a statin. 1. A method of promoting nutritional health , the method comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a composition comprising an effective amount of coenzyme Q10 , folic acid , and vitamin B12.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coenzyme Q10 is in an amount of about 10 mg to about 1000 mg claim 1 , the folic acid is in an amount of about 1 mcg to about 1000 mcg claim 1 , and the vitamin B12 is in an amount of about 6 mcg to about 1000 mcg.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises an agent selected from flax seed oil claim 1 , borage oil claim 1 , evening primrose oil claim 1 , vitamin E claim 1 , vitamin B6 claim 1 , vitamin D claim 1 , resveratrol claim 1 , piperine claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the evening primrose oil is in an ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008650A1

A barrier layer and corresponding method of making provide anti-inflammatory, non-inflammatory, and anti-adhesion functionality for a medical device implantable in a patient. The barrier layer can be combined with a medical device structure to provide anti-adhesion characteristics, in addition to improved healing, non-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory response. The barrier layer is generally formed of a naturally occurring oil, or an oil composition formed in part of a naturally occurring oil, that is at least partially cured forming a cross-linked gel. In addition, the oil composition can include a therapeutic agent component, such as a drug or other bioactive agent. 145-. (canceled)46. A method of making a barrier layer device , the method comprising the steps of:providing a medical device structure; andcreating a barrier layer formed on at least a portion of the medical device structure; wherein the barrier layer is formed of a biological oil or oil composition comprising a cured fish oil, wherein the cured fish oil comprises fatty acids and glycerides, wherein two or more of the fatty acids are cross-linked to each other by ester bonds in a substantially random configuration, wherein the barrier layer is solid but flexible and serves as a physical barrier, and wherein the barrier layer degrades into non-inflammatory substances.47. The method of claim 46 , wherein creating the barrier layer comprises:providing a biological oil or oil composition;applying the oil or oil composition to the medical device structure; andcuring the oil or oil composition on the medical device structure to form the barrier layer.48. The method of claim 47 , further comprising partially curing the biological oil or oil composition prior to applying the oil or oil composition to the medical device structure to thicken the oil or oil composition.49. The method of claim 46 , further comprising applying the oil or oil composition using multiple tiers.50. The method of claim 46 , further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008814A1
Принадлежит: AJINOMOTO CO., INC.

Compositions which contain an amino acid containing serine and a lipid containing a n-3 fatty acid are useful for the prophylaxis or improvement of peripheral neuropathy. 17-. (canceled)8. A method for the prophylaxis or improvement of peripheral neuropathy , comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an effective amount of a composition comprising at least one amino acid comprising serine , and at least one lipid comprising at least one n-3 fatty acid.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said at least one n-3 fatty acid comprises one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of eicosapentaenoic acid claim 8 , docosapentaenoic acid claim 8 , and docosahexaenoic acid.10. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said serine is present in said composition in an amount of not less than 50 wt % relative to the total amount of amino acid in said composition.11. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said composition: (1) is substantially free of threonine; or (2) has a weight ratio of serine relative to threonine of not less than 2.60.12. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the amount of said at least one n-3 fatty acid in said composition is not less than 20 wt % relative to the total amount of said at least one lipid in said composition.13. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said composition is administered in a unit package form for single intake claim 8 , and comprises not less than 0.1 g of serine in one unit and not less than 0.03 g of n-3 fatty acid in one unit.14. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said peripheral neuropathy is one or more selected from the group consisting of peripheral neuropathy due to an anticancer agent claim 8 , peripheral neuropathy due to knee osteoarthritis claim 8 , backbone neuropathy claim 8 , peripheral neuropathy due to mechanical compression of peripheral nerve trunk claim 8 , diabetic peripheral neuropathy claim 8 , renal disease uremic peripheral neuropathy claim 8 , peripheral ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015059A1

Described herein are soft capsules and enteric soft capsules comprising cationic Type A gelatin and acid insoluble enteric polymers. In particular, the compositions and methods for manufacturing all-natural enteric soft capsules comprising Type A gelatin and matrix fills are described. In one embodiment, the enteric soft capsules comprise active ingredients such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In another embodiment, the enteric soft capsule comprises matrix fills of omega-3 fatty acids. 1. An enteric soft capsule gel mass composition consisting of:(a) about 33% to about 36% Type A gelatin by mass;(b) about 3.3% pectin by mass;(c) about 16% glycerol by mass; andthe viscosity of the gel mass composition comprises about 20,000 cP to about 30,000 cP.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein upon extrusion to a ribbon claim 1 , the ribbon comprises a strength of about 1.5 kg to about 2.5 kg.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the Type A gelatin has a Bloom strength of about 150 grams to about 350 grams.5. The capsule of claim 1 , wherein the Type A gelatin comprises acid bone gelatin or pig skin gelatin.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the Type A gelatin comprises acid bone gelatin.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the Type A gelatin comprises pig skin gelatin.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ribbon comprises a thickness of about 0.03 inches to about 0.045 inches.9. A method for preparing the enteric soft capsule of claim 1 , the method comprising:combining the gelatin, pectin, glycerol and water with heating to form a gel mass; and(ii) forming an enteric soft capsule from the gel mass using rotary die technology further comprising a fill comprising one or more active ingredients.10. The enteric soft capsule formed by the method of .11. The capsule of claim 9 , wherein the capsule shell does not dissolve in simulated gastric fluid (pH 1.2) for at least 2 hours claim 9 , and begins dissolution in simulated intestinal fluid (pH ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016112A1
Автор: FORTIN Samuel C.

There are provided various compounds and compositions comprising polyunsaturated fatty acid monoglycerides and derivatives thereof. These compounds and compositions can be useful for increasing the life span of a subject; for increasing the disability-free life expectancy, for slowing down the ageing process of a subject; for increasing the mitochondrial OXPHOS of a subject; for decreasing the mitochondrial LEAK of a subject; for increasing the mitochondrial RCR or COUPLING EFFICIENCY of a subject; and for optimizing the mitochondrial functions of a subject. These compounds and compositions comprise at least one compound chosen from 183-. (canceled)85. The composition of claim 84 , wherein the at least one cannabinoid is chosen from Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) claim 84 , Cannabidiol (CBD) claim 84 , Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).86. The composition of claim 84 , wherein the at least one cannabinoid is THCA.87. The composition of claim 84 , wherein the at least one cannabinoid is CBD.88. The composition of claim 84 , wherein the at least one cannabinoid is CBDA.89. The composition of claim 84 , wherein the at least one cannabinoid is THC.90. The composition of claim 84 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of formula (I).91. The composition of claim 84 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of formula (II).92. The composition of claim 84 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of formula (III).93. The composition of claim 84 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of formula (IV).94. The composition of claim 85 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of formula (I) claim 85 , said compound of formula (III) and said compound of formula (IV).95. The composition of claim 85 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of formula (I) and said compound of formula (IV).96. The composition of claim 85 , wherein said at least one compound is said compound of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Complexes And Methods Of Treatment Using The Same

Номер: US20210015838A1
Автор: Nonomura Arthur M.

The present invention provides methods and compositions for balancing electron reduction potentials of formulations in a manner that reduces susceptibility to changes from xenobiotics. The present invention also provides novel compositions of matter based on structuring from a mobile nucleotide integral to its architecture. 1. A method of inducing P450:FMN complexes in an animal , comprising formulating a composition comprising a stabilizing excipient , 1 mcg to 50 mg of one or more flavins selected from the group consisting of flavin mononucleotide , flavin adenine dinucleotide , lumichrome , lumizine , alloxazine and combinations thereof , and salts or hydrates thereof , and one or more members selected from the group consisting of nicotinic acid , riboflavin , chocolate , an ammonium compound , a sweetener; and administering to said animal said composition in an amount effective to induce P450:FMN complexes in said animal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said animal is a human.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises one or more alcohols.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition is in the form of a liquid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition is in the form of a solid.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition is administered orally to said animal.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein said composition is administered orally to said human.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises chocolate.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein said composition is in the form of a liquid.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein said composition comprises is in the form of a solid.11. The method of claim 2 , wherein said composition is administered to said human transdermally or topically.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition is in the form of a pill.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises an alcohol.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein said alcohol is selected from ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Supplement Composition and Methods of Use

Номер: US20160022754A1
Автор: Fulgham Murray

The present disclosure provides a supplement composition for an animal comprising: cranberry oil in the volume range of 10-30%, 20-40% soybean oil in the volume range of and fish oil in the volume range of 30-70%. 1. A supplement composition comprising: cranberry oil in the volume range of 10-30% , 20-40% soybean oil in the volume range of and fish oil in the volume range of 30-70%.2. The composition of comprising cranberry oil in the volume range of 20-30%.3. The composition of comprising 20% cranberry oil.4. The composition of further comprising 25% soybean oil and 55% fish oil.5. The composition of wherein the cranberry oil is extracted from cranberry seeds.6. The composition of wherein the cranberry oil is extracted from the cranberry seeds via cold expeller extraction.7. An equine nutritional supplement consisting essentially of: cranberry oil in the volume range of 10-30% claim 5 , 20-40% soybean oil in the volume range of and fish oil in the volume range of 30-70%.8. The composition of consisting essentially of cranberry oil in the volume range of 20-30%.9. The composition of consisting essentially of 20% cranberry oil.10. The composition of further consisting essentially of 25% soybean oil and 55% fish oil.11. The composition of wherein the cranberry oil is extracted from cranberry seeds.12. The composition of wherein the cranberry oil is extracted from the cranberry seeds via cold expeller extraction.13. An animal nutritional supplement consisting of: cranberry oil in the volume range of 10-30% claim 12 , 20-40% soybean oil in the volume range of and fish oil in the volume range of 30-70%.14. The composition of consisting of cranberry oil in the volume range of 20-30%.15. The composition of consisting of 20% cranberry oil.16. The composition of further consisting of 25% soybean oil and 55% fish oil.17. The composition of wherein the cranberry oil is extracted from cranberry seeds.18. The composition of wherein the cranberry oil is extracted from the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Gastric Reflux Resistant Dosage Forms

Номер: US20150024044A1

Gastric resistant film-forming compositions are described herein. The composition comprises a gastric resistant natural polymer, a film-forming natural polymer, and optionally a gelling agent. Suitable gastric resistant natural polymers include polysaccharides such as pectin and pectin-like polymers. The film-forming composition can be used to prepare soft or hard shell gelatin capsules which can encapsulate a liquid or semi-solid fill material or a solid tablet (Softlet®) comprising an active agent and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. Alternatively, the composition can be administered as a liquid with an active agent dissolved or dispersed in the composition. The compositions are not only gastric resistant but may also prevent gastric reflux associated with odor causing liquids, such as fish oil or garlic oil, encapsulated in a unit dosage form and esophageal irritation due to the reflux of irritant drugs delivered orally. 134-. (canceled)35. An oral gastric resistant soft capsule shell , prepared by a process comprising:A) preparing a mixture comprising(a) pectin in an amount from 2% to less than 5% by weight;(b) gelatin in an amount from 25% to 40% by weight;(c) glycerol in an amount from 8% to 30% by weight;(d) a divalent cation in an amount from 1% to 2% by weight;(e) water;B) casting the gel mass into films or ribbons; andC) forming the capsule shell.36. The capsule shell of claim 35 , wherein the concentration of pectin is from 2% to 4% by weight.37. The capsule shell of claim 35 , wherein the divalent cation is selected from the group consisting of calcium salts claim 35 , magnesium salts claim 35 , and calcium gelatin.38. The capsule shell of claim 35 , wherein the mixture further comprises one or more excipients selected from the group consisting of opacifiers claim 35 , colorants claim 35 , humectants claim 35 , preservatives claim 35 , flavorings claim 35 , buffering salts and acids claim 35 , and combinations thereof.39. The capsule ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022148A9

The present invention relates to a composition for preventing or treating ischemic enteritis containing a DNA fragment mixture isolated from sperm or testis of fish. The composition of the present invention was verified to have excellent effects in the prevention or treatment of ischemic enteritis. In addition, the composition for preventing or treating ischemic enteritis of the present invention was verified to be safe and have few side effects even when administered for a long period of time. Therefore, a medicine for ischemic enteritis, which is safe without side effects and has an excellent treatment effect, is developed by using the composition for preventing or treating ischemic enteritis of the present invention, and thus the composition of the present invention is expected to be a great help in the treatment of ischemic enteritis. 1. A composition for treating ischemic colitis , the composition comprising a DNA fragment mixture as an active ingredient and a pharmaceutical excipient , wherein the DNA fragment mixture is isolated from sperm or testis of fish.2. (canceled)3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the fish is Salmonidae fish.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the DNA fragment mixture has a molecular weight of 30-2 claim 1 ,500 kDa.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the DNA fragment mixture has a molecular weight of 40-2 claim 4 ,000 kDa.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the DNA fragment mixture has a molecular weight of 50-1 claim 5 ,500 kDa.7. The composition of claim 1 , comprising the DNA fragment mixture in an amount of 0.001-50 wt % to the total weight of the composition.8. A method for treating ischemic colitis in a subject claim 1 , comprising administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a mixture of DNA fragments isolated from sperm or testis of fish.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the therapeutically effective amount is 2-25 mg/kg.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the fish is Salmonidae fish.11. ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027855A1
Принадлежит: Restorsea Llc

A composition is provided that includes a fish spawn protein isolate. A natural product extract is also present that includes unsaturated fatty acids and sterols. An emulsifier is provided to form a mixture of the isolate and the extract. A composition is also provided that includes an egg hatching protein isolate and at least one biocide protective of isolate activity. An emulsifier forms a mixture with the isolate that has an aqueous phase buffered to a pH of between 5.6 and 7.9. A process of producing such a cosmetic has an emulsion or an aqueous phase that is buffered to a pH of between 5.5 and 7.9 prior to the addition of isolate to the emulsion. A process of improving skin appearance is provided that includes the application of the cosmetic to the skin at least three times per week to achieve the improvement of the skin appearance.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating cell proliferative disease comprising mixture of feather of birds and scale of fish as an active ingredient

Номер: US20170027995A1
Автор: Sang-Moon Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating cell proliferative diseases comprising a feather of birds and a scale of fish, a scale transformed from the dermis, a degenerated or cornified variant of a scale, or a scale or horny scale of reptiles as an active ingredient. More particularly, the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating cell proliferative diseases comprising a mixture of 70˜85 weight % of a feather of birds and 15˜30 weight % of a scale of fish, a scale transformed from the dermis, a degenerated or cornified variant of a scale, or a scale or horny scale of reptiles as an active ingredient. The inventive composition has the effect of inhibiting and preventing growth of cancer cells. Accordingly, the inventive composition may be used for anticancer purposes to prevent, ameliorate or treat cancer.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Method of treating, delaying and/or preventing alzheimer's disease

Номер: US20150031653A1
Принадлежит: SMARTFISH AS

The present invention relates to the treatment and/or prevention of Alzheimer's Disease or the symptoms associated therewith by daily administration of a drink formula comprising fresh marine omega-3 oil in an emulsion and resveratrol or derivatives thereof.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Composition Comprising an Extract of Liriopsis Tuber for Protecting Brain Cells and Improving Memory

Номер: US20190030087A1
Автор: KIM Sung-jin

The present invention relates to a composition comprising an extract of for protecting brain cells or improving memory. The composition of the present invention induces protection of brain cells in men under brain damage by environmental causes such as various stress, drinking and smoking and enhancement of memory, and based on this, can be used as medicines, foodstuffs and beverages which are effective for prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and for enhancing memory. 147-. (canceled)48Liriopsis tuber. A method for protecting brain cells and improving the memory of a patient , said method comprising inhibiting nerve cell depolarization by AMPA by administering a therapeutically effective amount of a medicament to a patient in need thereof , said medicament comprising an extract of in an amount from about 0.1 mg/kg to about 500 mg/kg.49Liriopsis tuberLiriopsis tuber. The method of claim 48 , wherein said extract of is derived by a first extraction process comprising extracting the with a solvent selected from the group consisting of C1-4 lower alcohols or a mixture of said lower alcohols with water claim 48 , acetone claim 48 , chloroform claim 48 , methylene chloride claim 48 , ether claim 48 , and ethyl acetate to obtain a rough extract.50. The method of claim 49 , wherein the first extraction process is followed by a second extraction process comprising dissolving the rough extract in a mixture of C1-4 lower alcohol and water claim 49 , adjusting the pH with an acid to a range of 2-4 claim 49 , and extracting with chloroform to obtain a chloroform soluble fraction and a chloroform insoluble aqueous fraction.51. The method of claim 50 , wherein the second extraction process is followed by a third extraction process comprising adjusting the chloroform insoluble aqueous fraction with ammonium hydroxide to adjust a pH range of 9-12 and extracting with a chloroform-methanol mixture to obtain a chloroform-methanol soluble fraction and a methanol- ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030088A1
Автор: Pan Yuanlong

Compositions include arginine and one or more unsaturated fatty acids. Methods for using such compositions can enhance cognitive function, reduce or prevent a decline of social interaction, reduce or prevent age-related behavioral changes, increase trainability, maintain optimal brain function, facilitate learning and memory, reduce memory loss, retard brain aging, prevent or treat strokes, and/or prevent or treat dementia in an animal. Preferably, the compositions are food compositions useful for enhancing cognitive function in humans and companion animals. 1. A method for enhancing cognitive function in an animal , the method comprising:identifying an animal in which enhancement of cognitive function is desired; andadministering a composition comprising effective amounts of arginine and one or more unsaturated fatty acids on a regular basis, wherein the administration on a regular basis of the composition for a time period results in enhanced cognitive function in the animal compared with an equivalent animal not administered the composition for an equivalent time period.2. The method of wherein the animal is an aging animal.3. The method of wherein the one or more unsaturated fatty acids comprise one or more of a natural fish oil claim 1 , ALA claim 1 , EPA claim 1 , DPA claim 1 , DHA or another n−3 fatty acid from any source.4. The method of wherein the one or more unsaturated fatty acids are about 1% to about 15% of the composition.5. The method of wherein the arginine is about 0.1% to about 20% of the composition.6Ginkgo biloba. The method of wherein the composition is administered to the animal with one or more cognitive drugs selected from the group consisting of selegiline claim 1 , nicerogoline claim 1 , a phosphatidylserine claim 1 , propentofyline claim 1 , galantamine claim 1 , vinpocetine claim 1 , donepezil claim 1 , a extract claim 1 , a bisphosophonate claim 1 , raloxifene claim 1 , an estrogen claim 1 , a phytoestrogen claim 1 , calcitonin claim 1 ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038428A1

A composition comprising hydrophobic droplets coated by a shell and dispersed in a matrix and a consumable product comprising the composition are provided. The hydrophobic droplets comprise a hydrophobic compound, the shell comprises an irreversibly denatured protein, and the matrix comprises a protein, a starch, and a polysaccharide. Also provided are methods for preparing the composition and the consumable product. 1. A composition comprising hydrophobic droplets coated by a shell and dispersed in a matrix , wherein the hydrophobic droplets comprise a hydrophobic compound , wherein the shell comprises an irreversibly denatured protein , wherein the matrix comprises a protein , a starch , and a polysaccharide , and wherein the composition comprises less than 20 wt % water.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic compound is a bioactive agent selected from the group consisting of vitamins claim 1 , antibiotics claim 1 , carotenoids claim 1 , plant extracts claim 1 , fruit extracts claim 1 , vegetable extracts claim 1 , antioxidants claim 1 , lipids claim 1 , steroids claim 1 , phytochemicals and drugs.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the irreversibly denatured protein is prepared by applying two different external stressors claim 1 , wherein each external stressor is selected from the group consisting of an acid claim 1 , a base claim 1 , an inorganic salt claim 1 , an enzyme claim 1 , an organic solvent claim 1 , heat and sheer force claim 1 , and a combination thereof.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic droplets have a particle size within the range of 0.1 μm to 5.0 μm.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ratio between the irreversibly denatured protein and the hydrophobic droplet is within the range of 0.1:1 to 1:1 by weight.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the protein is a globular or randomly coiled protein.7. The composition of claim 6 , wherein the globular or randomly coiled protein is selected from the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038546A1
Автор: BIAVA Piermario

A cell growth and/or differentiation factor extracted from fish embryos in selected stages of stem cell differentiation, said stages being the mid-blastula-gastrula, tail bud and pharyngula stages. The invention also provides the use of growth and differentiation factors extracted from fish embryos in the control of stem cell multiplication and differentiation. 1. An extract from a fish embryo in selected stages of stem cell differentiation , said stages comprising the mid-blastula-gastrula , tail bud and pharyngula stages.2. The extract from fish embryos according to claim 1 , characterised in that it is extracted from fish embryo in the mid-blastula-gastrula claim 1 , tail bud stages and in the 5-somite claim 1 , 20-somite stages and in a pharyngula differentiation stage.3. The extract according to or claim 1 , wherein said fish is zebrafish.4. A method for the prevention or treatment of a degenerative diseases of the human body comprising the administration of a therapeutically effective amount of an extract according to .5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said degenerative diseases is selected from neurodegenerative or cardiovascular diseases.6. A method for the prevention or treatment of cancer comprising the administration of a therapeutically effective amount of an extract according to .7. A method for regenerating a human body tissue comprising the administration of a therapeutically effective amount of an extract according to .8. A composition comprising an extract according to or and a physiologically acceptable carrier.9. The composition according to wherein said composition is selected from a pharmaceutical claim 8 , nutraceutical or a cosmetic composition.10. A cosmetic method of treatment of the skin comprising the application of a cosmetically effective amount of an extract according to or .11. The cosmetic method of for the treatment of skin wrinkles or skin aging. The present invention concerns extracts from fish embryos and using mixtures ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Composition for reducing blood lipid and use thereof as healthcare dietary supplements

Номер: US20160038554A1

The present invention discloses a blood lipid-reducing composition, the active components of the composition are composed of fish oil, linseed oil, phytosterol ester or phytosterol. The composition mainly comprises components such as a-linolenic acid, EPA, DHA and phytosterol or phytosterol ester, can reduce serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), has an efficacy of reducing blood lipid. The present invention also discloses the use of the blood lipid-reducing composition in the manufacture of health food having a function of reducing blood lipid. 1. A blood lipid-reducing composition , characterized in that , the active components thereof are composed of fish oil , linseed oil and phytosterol ester or phytosterol.2. The blood lipid-reducing composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the ratio of mass proportion of each component is: 1-99 parts of fish oil claim 1 , 1-99 parts of linseed oil claim 1 , 1-99 parts of phytosterol ester or phytosterol.3. The blood lipid-reducing composition according to claim 2 , characterized in that claim 2 , the ratio of mass proportion of each component is: 10-90 parts of fish oil claim 2 , 2-20 parts of linseed oil claim 2 , 1-10 parts of phytosterol ester or phytosterol .4. The blood lipid-reducing composition according to claim 2 , characterized in that claim 2 , in the blood lipid-reducing composition claim 2 , the content of a-linolenic acid by weight is 0.5-50% claim 2 , the content of EPA by weight is 1-75% claim 2 , the content of DHA by weight is 1-55% claim 2 , the content of phytosterol ester and phytosterol in total by weight is 0.5-70%.5. The use of the blood lipid-reducing composition according to in the manufacture of health food having a function of reducing blood lipid.6. The use of the blood lipid-reducing composition in the manufacture of health food having a function of reducing blood lipid according to claim 5 , characterized in that ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035721A1
Принадлежит: AJINOMOTO CO., INC.

Compositions which contain an amino acid containing serine and a lipid containing a n-3 fatty acid are useful for the prophylaxis or improvement of peripheral neuropathy. 1. A composition for the prophylaxis or improvement of peripheral neuropathy , which comprises at least one amino acid comprising serine , and at least one lipid comprising at least one n-3 fatty acid.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one n-3 fatty acid comprises one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of eicosapentaenoic acid claim 1 , docosapentaenoic acid claim 1 , and docosahexaenoic acid.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said serine is present in an amount of not less than 50 wt % relative to the total amount of amino acid.4. The composition according to claim 1 , which (1) is substantially free of threonine claim 1 , or (2) has a weight ratio of serine relative to threonine of not less than 2.60.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of said at least one n-3 fatty acid is not less than 20 wt % relative to the total amount of said at least one lipid.6. The composition according to claim 1 , which is in a unit package form for single intake claim 1 , and comprises not less than 0.1 g of serine in one unit and not less than 0.03 g of n-3 fatty acid in one unit.7. The composition according to claim 1 , which is a medicament.8. A method for the prophylaxis or improvement of peripheral neuropathy claim 1 , comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an effective amount of a composition comprising at least one amino acid comprising serine claim 1 , and at least one lipid comprising at least one n-3 fatty acid.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said at least one n-3 fatty acid comprises one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of eicosapentaenoic acid claim 8 , docosapentaenoic acid claim 8 , and docosahexaenoic acid.10. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said serine is present in ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037882A1
Автор: FRAMROZE Bomi, ROGNE Roald

The present invention relates to the use of turbine mixing during enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic protein from species such as fish, aquatic mammals, crustaceans and/or mollusks, to obtain high quality aquatic protein hydrolysates, having very low oxidation, improved organoleptic profile and improved biological activity of interest, for human consumption and cosmetics. The turbine mixing can inhibit oxidation during hydrolysis, contribute to an increase in the bio-activity and decrease the bitter taste of the final product. The process can vary in starting material, pre-treatment, type and amount of enzyme, hydrolysis conditions, time, degree of hydrolysis and post-treatment. 1. A process for producing an aquatic protein hydrolysate with enzyme hydrolysis , comprising:a) subjecting a protein source material, water and an enzyme to turbine mixing to obtain enzymatic hydrolysis of the protein material;b) stopping the enzymatic hydrolysis by deactivating the enzyme under turbine mixing; andc) separating the obtained hydrolyzed aquatic peptide fraction from solid material.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the turbine mixing takes place in a turbine mixing system incorporated into the reactor from the side or the top and can be fully or partially submerged in the reaction mass.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the enzyme is selected from proteases from bacterial claim 1 , fungal or marine species.4BacillusBacillus licheniformis. The process of claim 3 , wherein the proteases are endo or exo proteases from strains claim 3 , Subtilisin claim 3 , including Subtilisin from such as Alcalase® claim 3 , Protamex® claim 3 , Flavourzyme® claim 3 , Neutrase® claim 3 , Protease A “Amano” claim 3 , Pescalase® claim 3 , Fromase™ Promod31™ or Maxatase™ or mixtures thereof.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the protein source material is selected from material from fish claim 1 , including fish muscle claim 1 , fish skin claim 1 , fish viscera claim 1 , fish bones claim 1 , fish ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037900A1

The present invention relates to a lipid system which not only improves stability during digestion and oral bioavailability of various bioactive compounds in a safe and effective manner, but also in many cases enhances the effects of said compounds. The present invention also relates to formulations or compositions comprising lipid systems carrying bioactive compounds for use as immunotherapy potentiators or adjuvants for patients with cancer or immunological disorders. 1. A composition comprising a supercritical rosemary extract (SRE) and a lipid system in turn comprising ratfish liver oil (RLO) or the product of an enzymatic or chemical glycerolysis process based on ratfish liver oil (RLO).2. The composition according to claim 1 , where said composition comprises ratfish liver oil (RLO) and SRE.3. The composition according to claim 2 , where said composition further comprises monoglycerides claim 2 , or further comprises between 2 and 30% w/w of monoglycerides.4. The composition according to claim 3 , where said monoglycerides are selected from the group consisting of monoolein (MO) and monostearin (MS).5. The composition according to claim 4 , where said monoglyceride is MS.6. The composition according to claim 5 , where said composition consists of +/−30% of a composition comprising:a. 91.2% w/w of RLO,b. 5.2% w/w of SRE, andc. 3.6% w/w of MS.7. The composition according to claim 1 , where the lipid system is the product of an enzymatic or chemical glycerolysis process based on ratfish liver oil claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises:a. between 25% and 35% (w/w) of monoglycerides and/or free alkylglycerols;b. between 10% and 25% (w/w) of diacylglycerol ethers (DAGEs); andc. between 40% and 60% (w/w) of monoacylglycerol ethers (MAGEs) and/or diacylglycerols (DAGs), where the proportion of MAGEs with respect to the total amount of MAGEs and DAGs present in the lipid system is at least 50% (w/w).8. The composition according to claim 1 , where the lipid system ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038687A1
Автор: Hsia Houn Simon

The present invention provides nutritional compositions that are employed as oral supplementation to the human diet. The compositions of the present invention provide for supplementation to the diet of the cancer patient, as well as preventative dietary supplementation aimed at supporting the human immune system for those not currently suffering from cancer. The present invention is comprised of specific combinations of selected forms of unique sets of certain vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and phytochemicals. 1. An orally administrable nutritional composition comprising:selenium yeast;0.5 mg to 1.5 g fish oil, the fish oil having a combined EPA/DHA content of between 10% to 90% and an EPA/DHA ratio of between 1:5 and 5:1; and500 iu to 10,000 iu beta carotene;a milk protein;a rice protein; andinositol,wherein components of the nutritional composition are provided in amounts effective to both reduce cachectic symptoms and suppress neoplastic growth in the cancer patient when provided in combination.2. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the selenium yeast is in an amount from 10 μg to 250 μg.3. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the selenium yeast is in an amount from 25 μg to 1500 μg.4Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces exiguous, Saccharomyces pastorianus, Saccharomyces boulardii, Saccharomyces bayanus, Saccharomyces eubayanus, Saccharomyces florentinusSaccharomyces fragilis.. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the selenium yeast is one or more of the group consisting of: claim 1 , and5. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the fish oil has an EPA/DHA content of between 30% to 70%.6. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the fish oil has an EPA/DHA content of between 40% to 60%.7. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the fish oil has an EPA/DHA ratio of about 2:1.8. The nutritional composition of claim 1 , wherein the fish oil has an EPA/DHA ratio of about 3:2.9. The ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050374A1
Автор: Fulgham Murray

The present invention relates to a dietary supplement composition made of: linolenic expeller pressed soybean oil in the range of 65%-85%, Omega 3 (18/12) fish oil 15%-35%, 1%-20% alpha-tocopherol, and 7.5%-15% acai berry powder and a method to use this composition to supplement the diet of a domestic animal, such as a canine or an equine. 1. A dietary supplement composition comprising: linolenic expeller pressed soybean oil in the volume range of 65%-85% , Omega 3 fish oil 15%-35% , 1%-20% alpha-tocopherol , and an additional 7.5%-15% by weight of acai berry powder.2. The composition of formulated as an equine top dress liquid mixture.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the omega 3 has EPA and DHA of 18% EPA and 12% DHA.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the acai berry powder is from an organic source5. A method for alleviating anhidrosis in a domestic animal claim 1 , the method comprising administering a nutritional supplement to said domestic animal claim 1 , the nutritional supplement consisting of linolenic expeller pressed soybean oil in the volume range of 65%-85% claim 1 , Omega 3 fish oil 15%-35% claim 1 , 1%-20% alpha tocopherol (natural vitamin E) claim 1 , and 7.5%-15% by weight of acai berry powder as the only active ingredients in the nutritional supplement.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the domestic animal is an equine.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein 1 oz. of said nutritional supplement is administered per 300 lbs of said equine per day.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the concentration of alpha-tocopherol ranges from 3 claim 7 ,000-28 claim 7 ,000 IU per day.9. The method of claim 5 , wherein the acai berry powder is from an organic source. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/969,083 filed on Aug. 16, 2013 and now U.S. Pat. No. ______, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/012,255 filed on Jan. 24, 2011 and now U.S. Pat. No. 8,536,220, which are hereby incorporated by ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062350A1
Автор: Ge Haiyan, Pacheco Javier

A gummy composition including a set emulsification of an oil phase in a water phase, wherein the water phase comprises a structurant, and wherein the gummy composition has a hardness of 150 gForce or greater and a water activity below 0.73. A method including administering a gummy composition including a set emulsification of an oil phase in a water phase and the gummy composition includes a hardness of 150 gForce or greater and a water activity below 0.73. 1. A gummy composition comprising a set emulsification of an oil phase in a water phase , wherein the water phase comprises a structurant , and wherein the gummy composition has a hardness of 150 gForce or greater and a water activity below 0.73.2. The gummy composition of claim 1 , wherein the oil phase comprises fish oil.3. The gummy composition of claim 2 , wherein the fish oil is present in an amount of at least 10 percent by weight of the composition.4. The gummy composition of claim 2 , wherein the fish oil is present in an amount of between 10 percent and 50 percent by weight of the composition.5. The gummy composition of claim 2 , wherein the fish oil comprises a fish oil in triglyceride form.6. The gummy composition of claim 2 , wherein the fish oil comprises a fish oil in an ester form.7. The gummy composition of claim 2 , further comprising an amount of Vitamin E.8. The gummy composition of claim 1 , wherein the structurant comprises gelatin.9. The gummy composition of claim 1 , wherein the structurant comprises at least one of locust bean gum and agar-agar.10. The gummy composition of claim 1 , wherein the oil phase comprises a mineral salt or herb.11. The gummy composition of claim 10 , wherein the oil phase comprises lecithin.12. The gummy composition of claim 11 , wherein the mineral salt comprises an amount of each of a calcium salt and a magnesium salt.13. The gummy composition of claim 10 , further comprising an amount of glycerin.14. A method comprising:administering a gummy composition ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051274A1
Автор: Fulgham Murray

The present invention relates to a dietary supplement composition made of: linolenic expeller pressed soybean oil in the range of 65%-85%, Omega 3 (18/12) fish oil 15%-35%, and 1%-20% alpha-tocopherol and a method to use this composition to supplement the diet of a domestic animal, such as a canine or an equine. 1. A method for alleviating stifle locking in an equine , the method comprising administering a nutritional supplement to said domestic animal , the nutritional supplement consisting of linolenic expeller pressed soybean oil in the volume range of 65%-85% , Omega 3 fish oil 15%-35% , and 1%-20% alpha tocopherol (natural vitamin E) , as the only active ingredients in the nutritional supplement , wherein the Omega 3 fish oil has EPA and DHA of 18% EPA and 12% DHA.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein 1-3 oz. of said nutritional supplement is administered per 300 lbs of said equine per day.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the concentration of alpha-tocopherol ranges from 3 claim 2 ,000-28 claim 2 ,000 IU per day.4. The method of wherein at least one active ingredient in the nutritional supplement is produced using methods of organic farming.5. A method for alleviating navicular disease in an equine claim 1 , the method comprising administering a nutritional supplement to said domestic animal claim 1 , the nutritional supplement consisting of linolenic expeller pressed soybean oil in the volume range of 65%-85% claim 1 , Omega 3 fish oil 15%-35% claim 1 , and 1%-20% alpha tocopherol (natural vitamin E) claim 1 , as the only active ingredients in the nutritional supplement claim 1 , wherein the Omega 3 fish oil has EPA and DHA of 18% EPA and 12% DHA.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein 1 oz. of said nutritional supplement is administered per 300 lbs of said equine per day.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the concentration of alpha-tocopherol ranges from 3 claim 6 ,000-28 claim 6 ,000 IU per day.8. The method of wherein at least one active ingredient in the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052623A1
Автор: KIM Ik Soo, LEE Su Yeon

The present invention relates to a liquid composition containing a high concentration of a DNA fragment mixture and a preparation method therefor. A liquid composition containing a high concentration of a DNA fragment mixture and having fluidity was prepared. The liquid composition that contains a high concentration of a DNA fragment mixture and has fluidity was identified to maintain a pharmaceutical activity, have high stability even during long-term storage, and be effectively injectable to the human body, whereby a high concentration of a DNA fragment mixture having fluidity is expected to be applicable to the development of various formulations such as injections, liquid agents, creams, and the like. 1. A liquid preparation composition with fluidity , containing a DNA fragment mixture at a high concentration and having a viscosity of 1-1 ,000 mPa·s at 20° C.2. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of claim 1 , wherein the liquid preparation composition comprises a cationic additive.3. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of claim 2 , wherein in the liquid preparation composition claim 2 , the DNA fragment mixture and the cationic additive are mixed at a weight ratio of 1:1-5.4. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of claim 1 , wherein in the liquid preparation composition claim 1 , the DNA fragment mixture is contained in 2-20 wt % relative to a total weight of the liquid preparation composition.5. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of claim 1 , wherein the DNA fragment mixture has a molecular weight of 50-10 claim 1 ,000 kDa.6. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of claim 1 , wherein the DNA fragment mixture is at least one selected from the group consisting of polydeoxyribonucleotides and polynucleotides.7. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of claim 1 , wherein the DNA fragment mixture is separated from testes or semen of fish.8. The liquid preparation composition with fluidity of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052666A1
Принадлежит: P Tech, LLC

The disclosure provides a composition for inhibiting thrombosis. The composition includes 5 to 25% by weight of Fish Oil, 15 to 55% by weight of Willow Bark Extract, and 0.2 to 5% by weight of Vitamin E. 1. A method of treating or reducing a complication of a viral or bacterial infection , the method comprising administering to the subject a composition comprising eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and an antioxidant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complication comprises a cardiovascular condition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complication comprises a blood clot or thrombosis that forms in the vascular system.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complication comprises a deep vein thrombosis.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complication comprises fibrin formation in the vascular system.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complication comprises cognitive brain function.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises fish oil comprising the EPA.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant comprises Vitamin E.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising administering an antiplatelet agent.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising administering a coumarin component comprising coumarin or a coumarin derivative.11. A method of treating or preventing thrombosis:(a) in a subject suffering from a viral and/or bacterial infection or from one or more complications thereafter or (b) in small vessels in a subject in need thereof,the method comprising administering to the subject a composition comprising eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and an antioxidant.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the thrombosis is formed in an artery claim 11 , arteriole claim 11 , capillary claim 11 , venule claim 11 , and/or vein.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the composition comprises fish oil comprising the EPA.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the antioxidant comprises Vitamin E.15. The method of claim 11 , further comprising administering an ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056295A1

The invention describes methods and agents for improving cosmetic appearance, for promoting, improving or restoring health of cells and tissues, preferably skin, and more preferably, for restoring aged or damaged skin to a healthy appearance. The agents include compositions of cells, eggs, cell extracts, egg extracts, and extract components such as purified nucleic acids, polypeptides, lipids, carbohydrates or other natural products. 1. A method of improving a parameter of wound healing in a subject , comprising:applying a composition comprising a fish egg cellular extract comprising about 50 to 500 mg/ml fish egg protein, from about one to six grams/100 grams extract fish egg lipids, an osmolarity of from about 330 to 440 mOsm, and a pH of from about 5.0 to 7.7 to a wound of said subject under conditions such that a parameter of wound healing is improved, wherein said parameter is selected from the group consisting of faster drying, faster reepithelialization, reduced inflammation, faster contraction, earlier remodeling, improved remodeling, reduction in scar tissue and improved visual appearance of the wound and combinations thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition is applied to a wound in the skin of said subject.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition is provided in a cream claim 1 , gel claim 1 , emulsion claim 1 , ointment claim 1 , spray claim 1 , powder or lotion.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said egg extract is a cytoplasmic extract. This application is a divisional of allowed U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/437,100, filed May 7, 2009 (which will issue on Nov. 4, 2014 as U.S. Pat. No. 8,877,253), which claims the benefit of expired U.S. Prov. Appl. 61/051,931 filed May 9, 2008 and expired U.S. Prov. Appl. 61/120,146 filed Dec. 5, 2008, and is a continuation-in-part of allowed U.S. application Ser. No. 11/801,778, filed May 11, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,075,920, which claims the benefit expired U.S. Prov. Appl. 60/799, ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Composition and method to improve blood lipid profiles and optionally reduce low density lipoprotein (ldl) per-oxidation in humans

Номер: US20160058801A1
Принадлежит: US Nutraceuticals LLC

A composition and method which improves blood lipid profiles and optionally reduces low density lipoprotein (LDL) per-oxidation in humans by administering a therapeutic amount of a composition comprising krill oil in combination with astaxanthin or a mixture of fish oil derived, choline based, phospholipid bound omega-3 fatty acid mixture including phospholipid bound polyunsaturated EPA and DHA. In one embodiment, the krill oil is derived from Euphasia spp., comprising Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids in the form of triacylglycerides and phospholipids. The krill oil includes at least 10% EPA and 5% DHA, of which greater than 50% are in the form of phospholipids and the 1-4000 mg of krill oil per daily dose is delivered.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058814A1
Автор: MOUSTAKAS Helen Maria

Ehanolic plant extracts of aerial parts of at least a first plant, a second plant and optionally a third plants are described with related compositions, methods and systems, in which the first plant belongs to plant genus and is in flowering stage, the second plant belongs to plant genus and the third plant belongs to the genus 1JasminumCinnamomum.. An ethanolic plant extract obtainable by contacting aerial parts of at least a first plant and a second plant with ethanol with a volume/volume ratio first plant:ethanol from about 1:1.25 to about 1:1.75 and a volume/volume ratio second plant:ethanol from about 1:10 to about 1:18 wherein the first plant belongs to plant genus and is in flowering stage , and the second plant belongs to plant genus2. The ethanolic plant extract of claim 1 , wherein the volume/volume ratio first plant:ethanol ratio is about 1:1.5 and the volume/volume ratio second plant:ethanol ratio is about 1:143Jasminum officinale. The ethanolic plant extract of claim 1 , wherein the first plant is4Cinnamomum verum. The ethanolic plant extract of claim 1 , wherein the second plant is5. The ethanolic plant extract of wherein the extract comprises alkaloids claim 1 , phenolic acids and derivatives claim 1 , polyphenols claim 1 , terpenes and steroids claim 1 , methylated phenols claim 1 , and benzopyrans claim 1 , carbohydrates free fatty acids and triglycerides.6Coffea. The ethanolic plant extract of claim 1 , wherein the aerial parts of at least a first and a second plants further comprise aerial parts of a third plant claim 1 , the third plant belongs to the genus and the aerial parts are green beans of the third plant claim 1 , and wherein the contacting further comprises contacting the aerial parts of the third plants with ethanol with a volume/volume ratio third plant:ethanol from about 1:25 to about 1:35.7. The ethanolic plant extract of claim 6 , wherein the volume/volume ratio third plant:ethanol ratio is about 1:308. The ethanolic plant extract ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058869A1
Принадлежит: N.V. NUTRICIA

The present invention relates to the use of a taste masking agent selected from the group of starch; cellulose; xanthan gum; gellan gum; alginate; galactomannans such as fenugreek, guar gum, tara gum, locust bean gum, and cassia gum; gum karaya; gum tragacanth; carrageenan; and mixture thereof, for improving one or more of mouth feel, taste, aftertaste and smell of a liquid aqueous nutritional composition comprising a nucleoside and/or a nucleotide. It also relates to a nutritional composition comprising an unsavoury nucleoside and/or nucleotide component, having improved sensory characteristics such as improved mouth feel, taste, aftertaste and smell. In particular, it relates to a composition comprising said unsavoury nucleoside and/or nucleotide component, in particular comprising an uridine-containing nucleoside and/or a nucleotide in combination with an unsavoury edible oil, such as a fish oil. 1. A method for improving one or more of mouth feel , taste , aftertaste and smell of a liquid aqueous nutritional composition comprising a nucleotide and/or a nucleoside , the method comprising adding to the composition a taste masking agent selected from the group of cellulose; starch; xanthan gum; gellan gum; alginate; galactomannans such as fenugreek , guar gum , tara gum , locust bean gum , and cassia gum; gum karaya; gum tragacanth; carrageenan; and mixture thereof , for.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nucleoside is selected from the group of adenosine claim 1 , guanosine claim 1 , uridine claim 1 , cytidine claim 1 , thymidine claim 1 , inosine claim 1 , derivatives thereof claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nucleotide is selected from the group of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) claim 1 , adenosine diphosphate (ADP) claim 1 , adenosine triphosphate (ATP) claim 1 , guanosine monophosphate (GMP) claim 1 , guanosine diphosphate (GDP) claim 1 , guanosine triphosphate (GTP) claim 1 , uridine monophosphate ( ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Fatty-acid based particles

Номер: US20190054053A1
Принадлежит: Atrium Medical Corp

The present invention is directed toward fatty acid-based particles, and methods of making such particles. The particles can be associated with an additional, therapeutic agent. Also provided herein is a method of forming fatty acid particles, comprising associating a cross-linked, fatty acid-derived biomaterial with a cryogenic liquid; and fragmenting the bio material/cryogenic liquid composition, such that fatty acid particles are formed. The particles can be used for a variety of therapeutic applications.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054126A1
Автор: Hsia Houn Simon

A nutritional supplement containing fish oil and selenium has been identified that potentiates radiotherapy of tumors in a synergistic fashion. Cotherapy with such a supplement and radiotherapy results in substantially improved reductions in tumor volume of animal models relative to radiotherapy alone, and reduces common side effects such as weight loss, inflammation, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Such cotherapy was also found to reduce the incidence of metastasis from the primary implantation site, and to modulate expression of genes associated with apoptosis in tumor cells. A formulation for such a supplement that is both well tolerated and palatable is also provided. 156.-. (canceled)57. A method of treating a tumor , comprising:applying a radiotherapy protocol to a patient in need of treatment; andproviding the patient with a nutritional supplement comprising fish oil and selenium, in an amount to provide a synergistic effect in reducing tumor volume or weight.58. The method of claim 57 , wherein the nutritional supplement is provided to the patient prior to initiation of the radiotherapy protocol.59. The method of claim 57 , wherein the nutritional supplement is provided to the patient concurrent with the radiotherapy protocol.60. The method of claim 57 , wherein the nutritional supplement is formulated such that a plurality of components of the supplement are provided in amounts as described in Table 1.61. The method of claim 57 , wherein the supplement comprises three or more components as provided in Table 1.62. A method of reducing metastasis from a tumor claim 57 , comprising:providing the patient having a metastatic tumor with a nutritional supplement comprising fish oil and selenium, andapplying a radiotherapy protocol to the patient,wherein the nutritional supplement is provided in an amount to reduce metastatic activity of the tumor.63. The method of claim 62 , wherein the nutritional supplement is provided to the patient prior to ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Tilapia Dried Tissue – Revi-Aid

Номер: US20210060206A1
Автор: Nguyen John Chung

The invention is employing the application of tilapia skin that has been processed and preserved in a dried tissue stage. To reach dried tissue stage, the fish skin is required to undergo treatment of Gludehyde and Glycerin solutions that is performed inside the clean room. The skin in new dried stage is then integrated with an adhesive strip and sterile gauze inside the clean room to create a new type of Ready-To-Use bandage that can be utilized as medical dressing for skin injuries, namely Revi-Aid. 1. A new type of bandage called Revi-Aid™ contains sterile gauze and dried tissue fish skin. The dried tissue fish skin , specifically Tilapia , naturally contains collagen to accelerate the healing process of skin injuries or flesh wounds.2. This type of bandage called Revi-Aid™ is created to intentionally cover the open wound for the burned patients; therefore , the size of Revi-Aid™ will be larger comparing to traditional medical dressing bandages.3. The adhesive strip and the non-stick plastic coating paper , along with the sterile gauze layer , will protect the dried tissue fish skin from exposure to air. That will preserve the sterile stage and dried stage for the fish skin until it is removed and ready-to-use when applying the fish skin surface to the open wounds or skin injuries.The purpose of the Revi-Aid™ will minimize the risk of open wounds or skin injuries from exposure to contaminated air, which may cause infections. The skin of the tilapia is harvested after the fish is mutilated. The skin is washed and cleaned with running cold water to remove all impurities such as excess muscles, blood, and extra fiber. The fish skin is then transferred to the Clean Room to process using the following method:Step 1: Place the skin in a container and wash with sterile saline.Step 2: Place the skin in a sterile container containing 0.25% Gludehyde solution.Step 3: Place the skin in a container with 20% alcohol solution for 24 hours to sterilize.Step 4: Wash the skin ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060444A1
Автор: Nadeau Kari C.

Mixed allergen compositions of two or more different allergens are provided. In some instances, the mixed allergen compositions include: a nut allergen; an animal allergen; and at least one of: a non-nut plant allergen; a biotic agent; and a vitamin Also provided are methods of administering the mixed allergen compositions to a subject. The mixed allergen compositions find use in a variety of applications, including health maintenance, immune balance, gut balance, immune support, health improvement and therapeutic applications. 1. A mixed allergen composition comprising:about 0.1% to about 15% by weight cashew complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight walnut complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight peanut complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight hazelnut complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight soy complete allergen; andabout 0.1% to about 15% by weight white fish complete allergen and/or pink fish complete allergen; wherein the weight is per total mass of the mixed allergen composition.2. The mixed allergen composition of claim 1 , further comprising about 0.1% to about 15% by weight shrimp complete allergen.3. The mixed allergen composition of claim 1 , further comprising about 0.1% to about 15% by weight sesame complete allergen.4. The mixed allergen composition of claim 1 , further comprising about 0.1% to about 15% by weight crustacean complete allergen.5. The mixed allergen composition of claim 3 , further comprising about 0.1% to about 15% by weight crustacean complete allergen.6. The mixed allergen composition of claim 1 , comprising about 0.1% to about 15% by weight white fish complete allergen and about 0.1% to about 15% by weight pink fish complete allergen.7. A unit formulation composition for oral administration comprising the mixed allergen composition of claim 1 , and about 5% to about 95% claim 1 , based on the weight of the total unit formulation composition claim 1 , of a pharmaceutically acceptable ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060445A1
Автор: Nadeau Kari C.

Mixed allergen compositions of one, two or more different allergens are provided. In some instances, the mixed allergen compositions include: a nut allergen; an animal allergen; and at least one of: a non-nut plant allergen; a biotic agent; and a vitamin Also provided are methods of administering the mixed allergen compositions to a subject. The mixed allergen compositions find use in a variety of applications, including health maintenance, immune balance, gut balance, immune support, health improvement and therapeutic applications. 1. A method for treating a food allergy in a subject suffering from multiple food allergies , the method comprising orally administering to the subject a mixed allergen composition comprising:about 0.1% to about 15% by weight walnut complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight peanut complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight hazelnut complete allergen;about 0.1% to about 15% by weight soy complete allergen; andabout 0.1% to about 15% by weight white fish complete allergen and/or pink fish complete allergen; wherein the weight is per total mass of the mixed allergen composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed allergen composition further comprises about 0.1% to about 15% by weight sesame complete allergen.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed allergen composition further comprises about 0.1% to about 15% by weight crustacean complete allergen.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed allergen composition comprises about 0.1% to about 15% by weight white fish complete allergen and about 0.1% to about 15% by weight pink fish complete allergen.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed allergen composition further comprises about 0.1% to about 15% by weight egg white complete allergen.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed allergen composition further comprises about 0.1% to about 15% by weight wheat complete allergen.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed allergen composition further ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080041A1
Автор: Nadeau Kari C.

Mixed allergen compositions of two or more different allergens are provided. In some instances, the mixed allergen compositions include: a nut allergen; an animal allergen; and at least one of: a non-nut plant allergen; a biotic agent; and a vitamin. Also provided are methods of administering the mixed allergen compositions to a subject. The mixed allergen compositions find use in a variety of applications, including health maintenance, immune balance, gut balance, immune support, health improvement and therapeutic applications. 1. A method of treating an autoimmune disease or inflammatory disease in a human subject in need thereof comprising administering to the subject a composition comprising:1 to 20 different protein allergens, and optionally 'wherein the composition is administered to the subject at least weekly or at least every other week.', 'a vitamin selected from vitamin D and vitamin C;'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising allowing sufficient time for the administration of the composition to inhibit the symptoms of the autoimmune disease or inflammatory disease in the human subject.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises inhibiting the symptoms of one or more food allergies.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more food allergies is a single food allergy.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more food allergies is a multiple food allergy.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treating is prophylactically treating.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein after administration the subject has an improved immune protection against autoimmune inflammation as measured by the subject's Th1 proliferation to the allergen claim 1 , as compared to levels before administration.8. A method of reducing the incidence of claim 1 , or for prophylactic treating claim 1 , an inflammatory disease or an autoimmune disease in a pediatric or pregnant subject in need thereof claim 1 , comprising administering a composition comprising: ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067202A1
Автор: MATHISEN Janne Sande
Принадлежит: SMARTFISH AS

Disclosed is a composition including a fish oil and a juice in an oil-in-water emulsion for use in treatment and post-treatment of cancer. 2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the totox value of the fish oil is below 10.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fish oil content is about 0.5 to 15% by weight based on the total weight of the composition.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the juice is about 30-95% by weight based on the total weight of the composition.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said juice is from a fruit or a berry having a suitable high level of antioxidants.9. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the juice is from a fruit or a berry selected from the group consisting of pomegranate claim 8 , apricot claim 8 , grapefruit claim 8 , orange claim 8 , cranberry claim 8 , rosehip claim 8 , pineapple claim 8 , black chokeberry claim 8 , mulberry claim 8 , cloudberry claim 8 , acerola claim 8 , raspberry claim 8 , watermelon claim 8 , peach claim 8 , grapes claim 8 , cherry claim 8 , jambolao claim 8 , apple claim 8 , mango claim 8 , pear claim 8 , aronia claim 8 , passionfruit and kiwi.10. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein the juice is selected from the group consisting of beetroot claim 8 , carrot claim 8 , lingonberry (cowberry) claim 8 , guava claim 8 , blackberry and greens.11. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said emulsifier is selected from the group consisting of milk solids claim 1 , whey protein claim 1 , oat protein and pea protein.12. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises pectin.13. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises a sweetener claim 1 , a flavouring agent claim 1 , an antioxidant and a preservative.14. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said composition is administered at a dosage in a range ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Complexes And Methods Of Treatment Using The Same

Номер: US20200061096A1
Автор: Nonomura Arthur M.

The present invention provides methods and compositions for balancing electron reduction potentials of formulations in a manner that reduces susceptibility to changes from xenobiotics. The present invention also provides novel compositions of matter based on structuring from a mobile nucleotide integral to its architecture. 1. A method of inducing P450:FMN complexes in an animal , comprising formulating a solid composition comprising bicarbonate as a stabilizing excipient , 1 mcg to 50 mg of FMN or a salt thereof protected by said stabilizing excipient , alloxazine , and a member selected from the group consisting of deazaflavin , ammonium sulfate , niacins and menadione; and administering to said animal said solid composition in an amount effective to induce P450:FMN complexes in said animal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said animal is a human.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solid composition further comprises a reducing sugar.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said reducing sugar is xylose or glucose or combinations thereof.5. The method of . wherein said solid composition further comprises a reducing sugar.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said reducing sugar is xylose or glucose or combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solid composition is in the form of a member selected from the group consisting of tablets claim 1 , troches claim 1 , lozenges claim 1 , capsules and powders.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solid composition is administered to said animal transdermally.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein said solid composition is administered to said human transdermally.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein said member is ammonium sulfate.11. The method of claim 2 , wherein said member is ammonium sulfate. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/677,381 filed Aug. 15, 2017, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/748,990 filed Jan. 24, 2013, which is a divisional of ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Composition and method to alleviate joint pain using a mixture of fish oil and fish oil derived, choline based, phospholipid bound fatty acid mixture including polyunsaturated epa and dha

Номер: US20140148405A1
Принадлежит: US Nutraceuticals LLC

Beneficial and synergistic effects for alleviating joint pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis have been found using a mixture of fish oil and fish oil derived, choline based, phospholipid bound fatty acid mixture including polyunsaturated EPA and DHA either alone or in combination with other active constituents, including astaxanthin and polymeric hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan) in an oral dosage form.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Tissue repair material derived from fish skin and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20190070224A1
Принадлежит: Body Organ Biomedical Corp

A tissue repair material derived from fish skin and manufacturing method thereof is applied to provide the tissue repair material suitable for use as a patch, a cover, a carrier, a scaffold, an implant or a reagent in various tissues. The tissue repair material has collagens to improve the wounded tissue repair, and has particular characters for desired tissue repair application. Furthermore, so far the factors of the terrestrial animal transmitted disease (caused by virus) do not survive on the tissue repair material derived from fish skin.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071995A1

The invention provides a method for extracting active therapeutic components from plant materials of the plant which comprises immersing said plant material containing active components and selected from the group consisting of fruits, flowers, leaves, stems, twigs, bark, wood, buds, seeds, roots, and pods in a solvent for a period of time of about 30 minutes to about 10 hours to achieve transfer of active components from the plant material to the solvent, separating the solvent containing active components from the plant material, and evaporating or distilling the solvent to produce a concentrated fraction containing active components. The invention further includes compositions and therapeutic formulations of such extracts to treat hypercholesterolemia and other high lipid related diseases. 1cyclanthera pedataCyclanthera pedata.. A solid-form extract derived from the fruit of plants produced by a process comprising the following steps: (1) immersing the fresh fruit from said plant in an aqueous solution , solution containing an organic peracid for a period of time of about 2 minutes to 10 minutes , (2) cutting the fruit into strips and removing the seeds and mucilage form said strips , (3) drying said strips at a temperature between 10° C. and 80° C.; (4) milling said strips to produce a powder having a size of about 1 nm to about 2-10 mm; (5) Obtaining a concentrated liquid extract by immersing the milled material in a polar solvent including water , water-alcohol mixtures , alcohols , ethers , hydrocarbons or other organic solvents or mixtures thereof for a period of time of about 30 minutes to about 15 days and perform an extraction process based on one or a combination of the following procedures: maceration , percolation , soxhlet extraction , microwave assisted extraction , ultrasound assisted extraction , accelerated solvent extraction , enhanced solvent extraction , pulse electric field assisted extraction and steam distillation; (6) concentrating said ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069625A1

The present invention provides a composition for improving vascular endothelial function, comprising: an ingredient selected from a monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms or more, a salt thereof, and an ester thereof as an active ingredient, in which the ratio of the monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms or more to the total fatty acids in the composition is 10 wt % or greater. The present invention also provides a composition for improving sleep, comprising an ingredient selected from a monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms or more, a salt thereof, and an ester thereof as an active ingredient. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of improving vascular endothelial function , including:administering a composition comprising an effective amount of an ingredient selected from a monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms or more, a salt thereof, and an ester thereof as an active ingredient to a subject, in which the ratio of the monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms or more to the total fatty acids in the composition is 10 wt % or greater.14. The method according to claim 13 , in which the active ingredient is an ingredient selected from a monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms claim 13 , a salt thereof claim 13 , and an ester thereof claim 13 , an ingredient selected from a monounsaturated fatty acid having 22 carbon atoms claim 13 , a salt thereof claim 13 , and an ester thereof claim 13 , or combinations thereof.15. The method according to claim 13 , in which the active ingredient is a glyceride containing the monounsaturated fatty acid having 20 carbon atoms or more as a constituent fatty acid.16. The method according to claim 15 , in which the glyceride is a triglyceride.17. The method according to claim 13 , in which the composition further includes an n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and an n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid claim 13 , and wherein the area ratio of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid to the n-6 ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069763A1
Автор: Mah James Nitit
Принадлежит: DuraScience Inc.

In an embodiment, a nutritional supplement composition is provided. The nutritional supplement composition is provided including a fish extract derived from fish collagen dipeptide, corn powder from from the l. strain and raspberry extract of the strain. The nutritional supplement is in the form of a compound known as DERMAGRANT™. 1. A nutritional composition consisting of:an egg extract derived from fish collagen dipeptide;{'i': 'Zea mays', 'an extract derived from l. maize; and'}{'i': 'Rubus idaeus.', 'an extract derived from'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:the fish collagen dipeptide extract is in the amount of 10.0 g,{'i': 'Zea mays', 'the l. extract is in the amount of 1.81 g, and'}{'i': 'Rubus idaeus', 'the extract is in the amount of 0.10 g.'} In the past, we commonly used all parts of natural foods when we consumed a meal. Human eating patterns naturally accessed nutrients available from what was eaten and very little nutrients were wasted as a result. For example, when eating fish, the muscular parts of the fish were consumed along with other parts such as connective tissue. When eating plants, the edible portion of the plant was consumed in its entirety. Our bodies would then filter out what was not consumable, such as the outer shell of a kernel of corn for example. As this occurred, our bodies would extract what nutrients could be found in the food to sustain and grow the human form. This allowed use of local foods to provide nutrients which were available, but was somewhat limited in that foods not available locally could not be used in most cases. Over time, we learned to travel and to ship food from where it was produced to where it could be consumed. Additionally, we learned to prepare foods, removing portions of the food which were either inedible, or undesirable. Removing the inedible parts typically provided some benefit, while parts that were simply undesirable sometimes held valuable ingredients.Fish are typically available in most ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079191A1

A cured non-polymeric gel including a plurality of non-polymeric cross-links. The non-polymeric cross-links result from curing an oil or oil composition at selected curing conditions to achieve a desired amount of cross-linking to form the non-polymeric get. The desired amount of cross-linking is selected based on a desired rate of degradation of the gel after the gel is implanted. The oil or oil composition comprises one or more of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or alphalinolenic acid (ALA). 1. A cured non-polymeric gel , comprising:a plurality of non-polymeric cross-links, wherein the non-polymeric cross-links result from curing an oil or oil composition at selected curing conditions to achieve a desired amount of cross-linking to form the non-polymeric gel, wherein the desired amount of cross-linking is selected based on a desired rate of degradation of the gel after the gel is implanted, and wherein the oil or oil composition comprises one or more of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).2. The gel of claim 1 , wherein curing the gel is achieved by application of heat claim 1 , UV claim 1 , chemicals claim 1 , or a combination including at least one of the foregoing.3. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the selected curing conditions include temperature claim 1 , time claim 1 , or a combination including at least one of the foregoing.4. The gel of claim 3 , wherein the selected curing conditions include a selected time duration of within a range between 24 hours and 3 days.5. The gel of claim 3 , wherein the selected curing conditions include a selected temperature of between about 150° F. to 200° F.6. The gel of further comprising a therapeutic agent claim 1 , wherein the cured non-polymeric gel is configured to provide controlled release of the therapeutic agent.7. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked gel is bio-absorbable.8. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked gel ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154332A1
Автор: TAM Yun Kau

The present invention provides methods of producing dosage forms for formulas of elemental compositions encompassing acetate salts of calcium, magnesium and zinc along with vitamin D. The acetate salts could be extracted from natural sources such as pearls, coral, and oyster or compounded using synthetic materials. The dosage and ratio of calcium to magnesium was estimated using in vitro and in vivo estimations. The dosage for promoting bone health and alleviation of osteoporosis is about a quarter to a third of the conventional dose. 1. A method of preparing tablets comprising calcium acetate , magnesium acetate , zinc acetate and vitamin D , the method comprises the steps of:{'sub': '3', '(i) blending a first calcium composition comprising calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, and zinc acetate with a composition comprising vitamin D; and'}(ii) blending the composition obtained from (i) with a second calcium composition comprising calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, and zinc acetate;{'sub': '3', '(iii) performing one or more rounds of blending wherein in each blending a composition obtained from a previous step is blended with yet another calcium composition comprising calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, and zinc acetate, thereby obtaining composition comprising calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, zinc acetate and vitamin Dfor preparing tablets.'}2. A tablet produced by the method of .3. A method of preparing soft gel capsules comprising calcium acetate claim 1 , magnesium acetate claim 1 , zinc acetate claim 1 , oil and vitamin D claim 1 , the method comprises the steps of:{'sub': '3', '(i) dissolving vitamin Din oil comprising omega 3 or omega 3-6-9; and'}{'sub': '3', '(ii) blending the composition obtained from (i) with a calcium composition comprising calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, and zinc acetate, thereby obtaining composition comprising calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, zinc acetate, oil and vitamin Dfor preparing soft gel capsules.'}4. The method of or ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160081927A1
Автор: Bromley Philip J.

Provided are compositions and methods for producing water-soluble powders that contain additives such as essential fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, conjugated fatty acids, and other fatty acids; phytochemicals, including phytosterols; other oils; and coenzymes, including coenzyme Q10, and other oil-based additives. 1. A water-soluble powder , comprising:a polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivative of vitamin E present in an amount of from between 0.1% and 25%, by weight of the powder; the total amount of sugar fatty acid ester and binder is between 5% and 60%, by weight of the powder; and', 'the mixture of sugar fatty acid ester and binder contains at least 5% sugar fatty acid ester;, 'a mixture of sugar fatty acid ester and a binder, whereina non-polar ingredient, other than the PEG derivative of vitamin E, present in an amount of from between 15% and 60%, by weight of the powder; andthe non-polar ingredient is a non-polar compound or contains a mixture of non-polar compounds.2. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the mixture of sugar fatty acid ester and binder is between 15% and 60% claim 1 , by weight of the powder.3. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the PEG derivative of vitamin E contains a PEG moiety having a molecular weight from between or between about 100 Da and 20 claim 1 ,000 Da.4. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the PEG derivative of vitamin E is selected from among tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol sebacate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol dodecanodioate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol suberate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol azelaate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol citraconate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol methylcitraconate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol itaconate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol maleate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol glutarate claim 1 , tocopheryl polyethylene glycol glutaconate ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Healthy Tan Type of Antioxidant Defense

Номер: US20180078600A1
Автор: Eric Lund
Принадлежит: Individual

Diverse antioxidant supplements boost humans' ability to combat exposure to ultraviolet radiation (without being a substitute for sunscreen) and may be delivered effectively with many vehicles, enhancing user compliance.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Composition for preventing or treating stroke or degenerative brain disease

Номер: US20160082063A1

The present invention relates to a composition for preventing and/or treating a stroke or a degenerative brain disease comprising: at least two substances selected from the group consisting of egg yolk lecithin, glycerol, sodium oleate, medium chain triglyceride and refined fish oil; olive oil; and soybean oil. The composition of the present invention has an excellent neuroprotective effect but no toxicity or side effects, and thus can be effectively and safely used for preventing, treating or ameliorating a stroke or a degenerative brain disease.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Multi-nutrient supplement and uses thereof

Номер: US20140161878A1
Автор: Per-Arne Öckerman
Принадлежит: Sweet Wellness AB

Various embodiments of the invention relate to compositions comprising vitamins, minerals and trace elements, antioxidants, amino acids, probiotics, and other components and methods for using such compositions to treat or prevent diseases associated with oxidative stress, including cardiovascular disease.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085726A1
Автор: LEE Sang-moon

The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating cell proliferative diseases comprising a feather of birds and a scale of fish, a scale transformed from the dermis, a degenerated or cornified variant of a scale, or a scale or horny scale of reptiles as an active ingredient. More particularly, the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating cell proliferative diseases comprising a mixture of 70˜85 weight % of a feather of birds and 15˜30 weight % of a scale of fish, a scale transformed from the dermis, a degenerated or cornified variant of a scale, or a scale or horny scale of reptiles as an active ingredient. The inventive composition has the effect of inhibiting and preventing growth of cancer cells. Accordingly, the inventive composition may be used for anticancer purposes to prevent, ameliorate or treat cancer. 1. A method for treating cell proliferative diseases comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a composition comprising 70˜85 weight % of a feather of bird and 15˜30 weight % of a scale of fish as an active ingredient.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises a scale transformed from the dermis claim 1 , a degenerated or cornified variant of a scale claim 1 , or a scale or horny scale of reptiles as an active ingredient.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the feather of bird is a powder of whole feather claim 1 , calamus or rachis.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a powder of a calamus or a rachis is prepared by a method comprising the steps of:(a) immersing a feather of birds in water of 20° C.˜77° C. for 1 minute to 2 hours.(b) sterilizing the immersed feather in brine with a salinity from 4.0 to 6.0 for 10 minutes to 2 hours.(c) washing the feather with flowing water to remove impurities.(d) immersing and sterilizing the feather in 0.1˜0.2 weight % (v/v) sodium chloride (NaCl) solution for 5 minutes to 1 hour(e) drying ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Compositions and methods for cognitive health and memory

Номер: US20180085382A1
Автор: Suzy Cohen
Принадлежит: Script Essentials LLC

The present disclosure is a compound, a method of making the compound and method of using such compound preferably in the form of a dietary supplement that, when administered, is capable of treating heart disease and heart-related disorders, among other symptoms. The unique combination of the composition is preferably administered orally. The composition is preferably comprised of about 1,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D, preferably cholecalciferol, about 250 to 1,250 mg of fish oil concentrate, about 200 to 1,200 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, about 200 to 700 mg of DHA, about 20 to 125 mg of EPA, and about 10 to 150 mg of other fatty acids. The composition can further comprise a palliative agent, and can be provided in the form of a softgel, powder, liquid or tablet.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Composition of Natural Vitamin C and Fish Scale Collagen Peptide and Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20170087220A1
Автор: CHEN Guoghui

Disclosed is a composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide, comprising the following components: natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide. Also disclosed is a method for preparing the above-mentioned composition. 117-. (canceled)18. A composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide , comprising following components: natural vitamin C and the fish scale collagen peptide.19. The composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide according to claim 18 , wherein mass parts of the components are respectively: the natural vitamin C 0.1-5 parts and the fish scale collagen peptide 98-99.9 parts.20. The composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide according to claim 18 , wherein a molecular weight of the fish scale collagen peptide is 500-3 claim 18 ,000 Dalton.21. A method of preparing the composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide according to claim 18 , comprising following steps:(1) adding ultrapure water into a formula amount of the fish scale collagen peptide to prepare an aqueous solution;(2) adding a pH regulator into the aqueous solution of the fish scale collagen peptide to adjust a pH value to 5-7; and adding, under a negative pressure condition, a formula amount of the natural vitamin C to prepare a mixed solution of the natural vitamin C and the fish scale collagen peptide;(3) concentrating the mixed solution, obtained in the step (2), under a negative pressure to give a concentrate of ¼-½ of an original volume; and(4) cold drying, freeze drying or spray drying the concentrate under a negative pressure condition, to give the composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide.22. The method of preparing the composition of natural vitamin C and a fish scale collagen peptide according to claim 21 , wherein in the step (1) claim 21 , based on a total mass of the natural vitamin C and the fish scale collagen peptide claim 21 , mass of the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220133676A1
Автор: FORTIN Samuel C.
Принадлежит: SCF PHARMA INC.

There are provided compositions comprising at least one compound chosen from compound of formula (I), compound of formula (II), compound of formula (III) and compound of formula (IV):

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Mixed allergen compositions and methods for using the same

Номер: US20220133882A1
Автор: Kari C. Nadeau
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

Mixed allergen compositions of two or more different allergens are provided. In some instances, the mixed allergen compositions include: a nut allergen; an animal allergen; and at least one of a non-nut plant allergen; a biotic agent; and a vitamin. Also provided are methods of administering the mixed allergen compositions to a subject. The mixed allergen compositions find use in a variety of applications, including health maintenance, immune balance, gut balance, immune support, health improvement and therapeutic applications.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093578A1

Provided herein are encapsulated compositions comprising one or more long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) and at least one hydrocolloid, wherein the composition has a surface free fat content of less than about 5%. Also provided are methods for stabilising emulsions comprising one or more LCPUFAs and for increasing the efficiency of encapsulation of compositions comprising one or more LCPUFAs, the methods comprising incorporating at least one hydrocolloid into the emulsions or compositions. 1. An encapsulated oil or lipid composition comprising one or more long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) and at least one hydrocolloid , wherein the composition has a surface free fat content of less than about 5% , and wherein the hydrocolloid is present in a concentration of between about 0.05% to about 1% w/w with respect to the amount of water in the composition.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of an emulsion or a powder.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the emulsion is an oil-in-water emulsion.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the oil or lipid composition comprises at least 5-55% phospholipids.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the oil comprises hill oil or a fish oil.1012.-. (canceled)13. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocolloid is xanthan gum.14. (canceled)151. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more LCPUFAs or the oil or lipid composition comprising the one or more LCPUFAs is encapsulated with an octenylsuccinic anhydride-modified starch and two or more sources of reducing sugars.16. The composition according to claim 15 , wherein one of said sources of reducing sugars has a dextrose equivalent (DE) value of between 20 and 60 claim 15 , and a second of said sources of reducing sugars has a DE value of between about 0 and 20.17. A method for increasing the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091241A1
Принадлежит: Enterin, Inc.

This invention relates to methods of treating or preventing a sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom in a subject with aminosterols or pharmaceutically acceptable salts or derivatives thereof. In particular, the disclosed methods generally comprise administering an aminosterol to a subject in need, thereby stimulating an aminosterol-induced CNS response to treat and/or prevent a sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom. 1. A method of treating or preventing a sleep disorder , sleep disturbance , or related symptom in a subject comprising administering to the subject a composition comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable grade of at least one aminosterol , or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or derivative thereof , in an amount sufficient to produce a beneficial effect.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:(a) determining a dose of an aminosterol or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or derivative thereof for the subject, wherein the aminosterol dose is determined based on the effectiveness of the aminosterol dose in improving or resolving a sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom being evaluated, (i) identifying a sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom to be evaluated;', '(ii) identifying a starting aminosterol dose for the subject; and', '(iii) administering an escalating dose of the aminosterol to the subject over a period of time until an effective dose for the sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom being evaluated is identified, wherein the effective dose is the aminosterol dose where improvement or resolution of the sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom is observed, and fixing the aminosterol dose at that level for that particular sleep disorder, sleep disturbance, or related symptom in that particular subject., '(b) followed by administering the aminosterol dose to the subject for a period of time, wherein the method comprises3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100270A1
Автор: JANG Young Jin, LEE Ho Woo

The present invention relates to a functional food composition using an anchovy processed product and a method of manufacturing the same. More specifically, the present invention comprises the steps of: preparing a raw material food composition including semi-dried anchovies and raw anchovies; salting the raw material food composition; fermenting the salted food composition under a certain condition; extracting effective ingredients from the fermented food composition; purifying the extracted effective ingredients; and freeze-drying the purified effective ingredients. 1. A functional food composition using an anchovy processed product , comprising semi-dried anchovies dried to a certain moisture content or less , raw anchovies , fermented fish meal-containing soybeans , strains , sea salt and salted anchovy sauce , which are mixed in a predetermined ratio.2. The functional food composition using an anchovy processed product according to claim 1 , wherein the functional food composition comprises 30% by weight of semi-dried anchovies claim 1 , 35% by weight of raw anchovies claim 1 , 10% by weight of fermented fish meal-containing soybeans claim 1 , 5% by weight of sea salt claim 1 , and 20% by weight of salted anchovy sauce claim 1 , which are mixed with each other.3. The functional food composition using an anchovy processed product according to claim 1 , wherein the semi-dried anchovies are semi-dried to a moisture content of 55% or less.4. The functional food composition using an anchovy processed product according to claim 1 , wherein the fermented fish meal-containing soybean includes 20% by weight of fish meal added thereto during forming fermented soybeans based on a total weight of the fermented soybeans claim 1 , and the fish meal is anchovy powders.5Bacillus velezensis. The functional food composition using an anchovy processed product according to claim 1 , wherein the strain is L2 claim 1 , and is introduced during molding fermented soybeans.6. The ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100751A1

The invention relates to a method of producing an emulsion or suspension from a biomass. The invention also relates to producing a powder or products produced therefrom. The invention also relates to an emulsion or suspension produced by a method as described herein. The invention also relates to a powder produced by a method as described herein or products produced therefrom. 1. A method of producing a powder comprising an entrapped or encapsulated bioactive and/or bioactive precursor , the method comprising:i) obtaining an aqueous mixture comprising protein and carbohydrate from a biomass of a single species of organism;ii) adding oil to the aqueous mixture;iii) forming an emulsion or suspension comprising the bioactive and/or bioactive precursor; andiv) forming a powder comprising an entrapped or encapsulated bioactive and/or bioactive precursor from the emulsion or suspension.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the powder has an induction period of about 10 to about 300 hours claim 1 , when measured at 80° C. and a 5 bar initial oxygen pressure.3. The method of or claim 1 , wherein the powder comprises about 5% to about 50% oil w/w oil.4. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the powder comprises about 10% to about 40% oil w/w oil.5. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the oil content of emulsion or suspension before forming the powder is from about 1% to about 10% w/w.6. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous mixture further comprises protein and carbohydrate from at least one further biomass from a single species of organism.7. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the biomass and/or further biomass comprises one or more of:i) a protein to carbohydrate ratio of between about 1:1 to 1:10.5;ii) a protein to carbohydrate ratio of between about 1:4.5 and about 4:1; andiii) a protein to carbohydrate ratio of between about 1:2.5 and about 2:1.8. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the bioactive and/or bioactive ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Nutritional composition

Номер: US20220168369A1
Автор: Houn Simon Hsia
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides nutritional compositions that are employed as oral supplementation to the human diet and methods for using such nutritional compositions. The compositions of the present invention provide for supplementation to the diet of the cancer patient, as well as preventative dietary supplementation aimed at supporting the human immune system for those not currently suffering from cancer. Methods are provided that utilize specific combinations of selected forms selenium. chromium, and molybdenum in combination with fish oil.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186454A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

The present invention generally relates to the prevention or treatment of disorders related to oxidative stress. For example, the present invention provides a composition for use in the prevention or treatment of oxidative stress related disorders under post-operative conditions. One embodiment of the present invention is a composition comprising DHA and EPA as active ingredients for use in the treatment or prevention of oxidative stress and/or related disorders. 1. A method for the treatment , prevention or alleviation of oxidative stress and/or related disorders induced by ischemia-reperfusion comprising administering a composition comprising DHA and EPA as active ingredients to a patient in need of same.2. Method in accordance with claim wherein the composition comprises EPA and DHA in a weight ratio of about 2:1 to 1:1.3. Method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein DHA and EPA are provided from a lipid source comprising marine oils.4. Method in accordance with claim al claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises a lipid source selected from the group consisting of cocoa butter claim 1 , soybean oil claim 1 , fish oil and sunflower oil.5. Method in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the lipid source about 5-10 weight-% cocoa butter claim 4 , about 45-55 weight-% soybean oil claim 4 , about 15-25 weight-% fish oil and about 20-25 weight-% sunflower oil.6. Method in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the lipid source comprises about 18-22 weight-% saturated fatty acids claim 3 , about 20-25 weight-% monounsaturated fatty acids and about 50-55 weight-% polyunsaturated fatty acids.7. Method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the oxidative stress related disorder is linked to the presence of free radicals in a body.8. Method in accordance with for the treatment or prevention of oxidative damage to an organ selected from the group consisting of intestine claim 1 , liver claim 1 , lung claim 1 , heart claim 1 , kidney claim 1 , and/or skin.9. Method in accordance with ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105992A1
Принадлежит: AYANDA GROUP AS

This invention provides an oral veterinary pharmaceutical or nutraceutical composition comprising a physiologically tolerable gelled oil-in-water emulsion further comprising at least one component selected from taste enhancers, odour enhancers, digestive enzymes and veterinary drugs. 1. An oral veterinary pharmaceutical or nutraceutical composition comprising a physiologically tolerable gelled oil-in-water emulsion further comprising at least one component selected from taste enhancers , odour enhancers , digestive enzymes and veterinary drugs.2. A composition as claimed in containing a digestive enzyme.3. A composition as claimed in either of and containing a protein hydrolysate.4. A composition as claimed in any one of to containing a chicken flavouring.5. A composition as claimed in any one of to containing a beef flavouring.6. A composition as claimed in any one of to containing a lamb flavouring.7. A composition as claimed in any one of to containing a rabbit flavouring.8. A composition as claimed in any one of to containing a salmon flavouring.9. A composition as claimed in any one of to containing a pork flavouring.10. An oral veterinary pharmaceutical composition comprising a physiologically tolerable gelled oil-in-water emulsion further comprising a veterinary drug for use in treatment of a non-human mammalian subject to combat a condition responsive to said veterinary drug.11. A composition as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the oil phase of said emulsion comprises an omega-3 fatty acid or ester or salt thereof.12. A method of treatment of a non-human mammalian subject by oral administration to said subject of an effective amount of a veterinary drug claim 1 , the improvement comprising administering said drug in a physiologically tolerable gelled oil-in-water emulsion.13. A method as claimed in being a method of treatment of a disease of the small intestine or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.14. A method of dietary supplementation of a ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Production method of edible sustained-release functional material and edible sustained-release functional material

Номер: US20190105266A1
Принадлежит: AOBAKASEI KK, Tohoku University NUC

A production method of an edible sustained-release functional material that has a high effect of preventing oozing of oil at the time of production, and that can inexpensively perform production, even by using fat and oil other than fish oil and continuously performing pulverization at ordinary temperature; and the edible sustained-release functional material. An edible sustained-release functional material is produced by: preparing an emulsified raw material by emulsifying fat and oil containing a hydrophobic functional ingredient; stirring and mixing the emulsified raw material, gelatin, transglutaminase, and dextrin having a DE value of 8 to 21; then forming a gel by leaving the mixture to rest; and after freeze-drying the gel, performing pulverization for powderization. An emulsifier or ammonium salt may be further added at the time of stirring and mixing.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105356A1
Принадлежит: P Tech, LLC

The disclosure provides a composition for inhibiting thrombosis. The composition includes 5 to 25% by weight of Fish Oil, 15 to 55% by weight of Willow Bark Extract, and 0.2 to 5% by weight of Vitamin E. 1. A method of treating or preventing venous thrombosis in a subject in need thereof , the method comprising administering to the subject a composition comprising eicosapantaenoic acid (EPA).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition contains a dose of EPA in the range of 240 mg to 1000 mg.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is administered 1 gram to 2 grams of EPA per day.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising administering Vitamin E to the subject.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the subject is administered 1 mg to 1 gram of Vitamin E per day.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the subject is administered 15 mg to 100 mg of Vitamin E per day.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises an antioxidant.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the antioxidant comprises Vitamin E.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising administering aspirin to the subject.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the subject is administered up to 325 mg of aspirin twice per day.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition is at least one of a tablet claim 1 , capsule claim 1 , food claim 1 , powder claim 1 , gummy claim 1 , quick melt tablet claim 1 , and an intravenous injection.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the venous thrombosis is deep vein thrombosis (DVT).13. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is at risk for venous thrombosis.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the subject at risk for venous thrombosis is selected from the group consisting of surgical patients claim 13 , women who are taking birth control pills or participating in an estrogen regime claim 13 , males who are taking steroid supplements claim 13 , patients who have active cancer claim 13 , patients who have prior incidence of thrombosis claim 13 , ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Oils with anti-inflammatory activity containing natural specialized proresolving mediators and their precursors

Номер: US20220175711A1
Принадлежит: Solutex NA LLC

The present invention encompasses oils that have anti-inflammatory or resolution-stimulating activity that contain or are enriched with Specialized Proresolving Mediators (SPM) or SPM precursors, which originate from an oil obtained from organisms containing long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, crustaceae, algae, and mollusks. The invention also encompasses a method for the production of these oils, and the utilization of the oils for nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical formulations, and cosmetic formulations, which can be employed for treating an inflammatory condition.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140193368A1

Synthetic Stem Cell-like Tissue Healing and Regeneration Medication with Anti-inflammatory, Protein Synthesis, Enzyme Deficiency Activation and Genetic Therapy, and Anti-cancer Agent derived from a series of inventions that include these products of Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Discovery from a Biologic Periodic Table of Applied Biochemistry and Biophysics. Tissue has a self healing effect promoting tissue healing and tissue regeneration. Not only does it maintain good health but also it has been observed that the patient's blood is withdrawn from the patient and applied to the ulcer has healing qualities. Cartilage placed in a wound promotes and accelerates wound healing. The anabolic biochemical and biophysical equivalent of tissue has been found in these embodiments to have the same pharmacologic qualities, when devoid of genetic DNA mismatch and other catabolic factors including the catabolic effects of microorganism overgrowth that lacks pro-biotic qualities. The healing efficacy of these tissue components gives us further appreciation of the protective action of human tissue over and above and other than the immune protective system or perhaps an integral component part of the immune system. 1. An composition comprising:a) at least one glycosaminoglycan, proteoglycan aggregate complex of hyaluronic acid, extracellular matrix, protein and chondroitin, extracellular matrix compound in an amount effective in the damaged tissue as an anti-neo-inflammatory and anti-neo-angiogenetic agent;b) about one to three grams of at least one polar surface active lipid selected from the group consisting of phosphatidic acid, phophatidylethanolamine, lecithin, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, 2-lysolecithin, plamalogen, choline plasmalogen, phostidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, sphingomyelin, and any combination of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 of said polar active surface lipids;c) a plurality of enantiomerically pure L-amino acids and glycine of about 9 to ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175850A1
Автор: Hsia Houn Simon

Compositions and methods are described in which a nutritional supplement (such as a supplement that includes chromium and certain plant-derived materials and/or a supplement that includes a selenium yeast peptide complex and fish oil is used to provide an immunotherapeutic effect, which can be demonstrated by modulation of cell-surface markers targeted by conventional immunotherapeutic drugs. The nutritional supplements can be used in combination with other antineoplastic therapies, such as radiation and/or chemotherapeutic agents. Such combination therapy can provide a synergistic effect in regard to modulation of cell surface markers that serve as immunotherapy targets. 152-. (canceled)53. A method providing immunotherapy to an individual with cancer , comprising administering a nutritional supplement comprising selenium and fish oil in an amount sufficient to modify expression of a biological marker associated with an anti-neoplastic immune function.54. The method of claim 53 , wherein the nutritional supplement is provided in the absence of a cotherapy selected from the group consisting of a chemotherapy claim 53 , a radiotherapy claim 53 , an antibody-based immunological therapy claim 53 , and a cell-based immunological therapy.55. The method of claim 53 , wherein the nutritional supplement is provided in an amount sufficient to reduce expression of the biological marker claim 53 , and wherein the biological marker is selected from the group consisting of AXL claim 53 , HSP90 claim 53 , p-mTOR claim 53 , PDL-1 claim 53 , EGFR claim 53 , HDAC1 claim 53 , p-H2X claim 53 , p-Akt claim 53 , pSmad claim 53 , mTOR claim 53 , p-PTEN claim 53 , p-STAT3 claim 53 , CXCR4 claim 53 , STAT3 claim 53 , PD-1 claim 53 , CTLA4 claim 53 , FOXP3 claim 53 , CD8 claim 53 , PTEN claim 53 , and p-P53.56. The method of claim 53 , wherein the nutritional supplement is provided in an amount sufficient to reduce ratio of expression of CD4 to expression of CD8.57. The method of claim 53 , ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110748A1

A composition which can efficiently obtain an effect of decreasing or suppressing an increase in the neutral fat level is provided. 1. Use of a composition for decreasing or suppressing an increase in the neutral fat level of a subject in need of intake of the composition ,wherein the composition contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and/or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as an active ingredient: andwherein the composition is taken by the subject in a time range for intake, essentially including a breakfast time and within 6 hours after arousal from sleep including the breakfast time.2. The use according to claim 1 , where the composition is taken by the subject only in the time range.3. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition contains docosahexaenoic acid and/or eicosapentaenoic acid in an amount of 0.01% by mass or more.4. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition contains docosahexaenoic acid and/or eicosapentaenoic acid in an amount at which the total intake dose of docosahexaenoic acid and/or eicosapentaenoic acid in said time for intake is selected from the range of 500 mg to 2000 mg.5. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition contains a fish oil containing docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid.6. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is a pharmaceutical formulation.7. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is a food product.8. The use according to claim 7 , wherein the food product is a functional food product.9. The use according to claim 7 , wherein the food product is a food product for breakfast.10. A method of treating a subject in need of treatment for decreasing or suppressing an increase in the neutral fat level comprising:providing the subject a composition for the treatment,wherein the composition contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and/or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as an active ingredient; andwherein the composition is taken by the subject in a time range for intake, ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110749A1
Автор: MATHISEN Janne Sande

Disclosed is a composition including a fish oil and a juice in an oil-in-water emulsion for use in treatment and post-treatment of cancer. 115.-. (canceled)17. The method of claim 16 , further comprising administering a therapeutic agent for the treatment and/or post treatment of cancer in combination with the composition.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the totox value of the fish oil is below 10.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the fish oil content is about 0.5 to 15% by weight based on the total weight of the composition.20. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the content of the juice is about 30-95% by weight based on the total weight of the composition.21. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the juice is from a fruit or a berry having a suitable high level of antioxidants.22. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the juice is from a fruit or a berry selected from the group consisting of pomegranate claim 21 , apricot claim 21 , grapefruit claim 21 , orange claim 21 , cranberry claim 21 , rosehip claim 21 , pineapple claim 21 , black chokeberry claim 21 , mulberry claim 21 , cloudberry claim 21 , acerola claim 21 , raspberry claim 21 , watermelon claim 21 , peach claim 21 , grapes claim 21 , cherry claim 21 , jambolao claim 21 , apple claim 21 , mango claim 21 , pear claim 21 , aronia claim 21 , passionfruit and kiwi.23. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the juice is selected from the group consisting of beetroot claim 21 , carrot claim 21 , lingonberry (cowberry) claim 21 , guava claim 21 , blackberry and greens.24. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the composition further comprises pectin.25. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the composition further comprises a sweetener claim 16 , a flavoring agent claim 16 , an antioxidant and a preservative.26. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the composition is administered at a dosage in a range from about 600 mg/day to about 5000 mg/day ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150126602A1

The present invention encompasses oils that have anti-inflammatory or resolution-stimulating activity that contain or are enriched with Specialized Proresolving Mediators (SPM) or SPM precursors, which originate from an oil obtained from organisms containing long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, crustaceae, algae, and mollusks. The invention also encompasses a method for the production of these oils, and the utilization of the oils for nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical formulations, and cosmetic formulations, which can be employed for treating an inflammatory condition. 123-. (canceled)24. A fractionate of a naturally occurring oil comprising a Specialized Proresolving Mediators (SPMs) or SPM precursors including at least 18HEPE and 17HDHA , wherein the fractionate has anti-inflammatory or resolution stimulating activity.25. The fractionate of claim 24 , wherein the oil is derived from a marine organism claim 24 , a plant claim 24 , a microbial organism claim 24 , or a transgenic organism having the capacity to form long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.26. The fractionate of claim 25 , wherein the marine organism comprises fish claim 25 , crustaceans claim 25 , algae or mollusks.27. The fractionate claim 24 , wherein the SPMs or SPM precursors are a saponifiable compounds.28. The fractionate of claim 24 , further comprising long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.29. The fractionate of claim 28 , characterized in that the long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids comprise EPA and/or DHA.30. The fractionate of claim 24 , wherein the fractionate further comprises an SPM selected from the group consisting of:resolvin E1 (RvE1; 5S,12,18-trihydroxy-eicosa-6Z,8E,10E,14Z,16E-pentaenoic acid),18S-resolvin E1 (18S-RvE1; 5S,12R,18S-trihydroxy-eicosa-6Z,8E,10E,14Z,16E-pentaenoic acid),20-hydroxy-RvE1 (5S,12R,18R,20-tetrahydroxy-eicosa-6Z,8E,10E,14Z,16E-pentaenoic acid),resolvin E2 (RvE2; 5S,18-dihydroxy-eicosa-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z, ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119711A1

Described herein are soft capsules and enteric soft capsules comprising cationic Type A gelatin and acid insoluble enteric polymers. In particular, the compositions and methods for manufacturing all-natural enteric soft capsules comprising Type A gelatin and matrix fills are described. In one embodiment, the enteric soft capsules comprise active ingredients such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In another embodiment, the enteric soft capsule comprises matrix fills of omega-3 fatty acids. 1. An enteric soft capsule gel mass composition comprising:(a) about 20% to about 40% Type A gelatin by mass;(b) about 2% to about 7% pectin by mass;(c) about 8% to about 30% glycerol by mass;(d) about 40% to about 70% water by mass; andthe composition does not contain a gelling agent such as calcium or magnesium.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein upon extrusion to a ribbon claim 1 , the ribbon comprises a strength of about 1.5 kg to about 2.5 kg.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity of the gel mass composition comprises about 20 claim 1 ,000 cP to about 30 claim 1 ,000 cP.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the Type A gelatin has a Bloom strength of about 150 grams to about 350 grams.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the Type A gelatin comprises acid bone gelatin.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ribbon comprises a thickness of about 0.03 inches to about 0.045 inches.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition consists of(a) about 33% to about 36% Type A gelatin by mass;(b) about 3.3% pectin by mass;(c) about 16% glycerol by mass; and(d) about 44 to about 47% water by mass; andthe composition does not contain a gelling agent.8. A method for preparing an enteric soft capsule consisting of(a) about 20% to about 40% Type A gelatin by mass;(b) about 2% to about 7% pectin by mass;(c) about 8% to about 30% glycerol by mass;(d) about 40% to about 70% water by mass; andthe composition does not contain a gelling agent; ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154163A1

The present invention encompasses oils that have anti-inflammatory or resolution-stimulating activity that contain or are enriched with Specialized Proresolving Mediators (SPM) or SPM precursors, which originate from an oil obtained from organisms containing long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, crustaceae, algae, and mollusks. The invention also encompasses a method for the production of these oils, and the utilization of the oils for nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical formulations, and cosmetic formulations, which can be employed for treating an inflammatory condition. 1. A method of reducing inflammation or stimulating resolution of inflammation in a subject in need thereof , the method comprising administering to the subject an effective amount of a composition comprising 18-hydroxy-eicosapentaenoic acid (18-HEPE) , 17-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid (17-HDHA) , 14-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid (14-HDHA) , 10-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid (10-HDHA) , and 4-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid (4-HDHA) , wherein 17-HDHA is present in an amount of at least 100 mg/L.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises EPA and/or DHA.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein 18-HEPE claim 1 , 17-HDHA claim 1 , 14-HDHA claim 1 , 10-HDHA claim 1 , and 4-HDHA are in the form of free fatty acid claim 1 , ester claim 1 , phospholipid claim 1 , mono-glyceride claim 1 , di-glyceride claim 1 , tri-glyceride claim 1 , remodeled tri-glyceride claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein 18-HEPE claim 1 , 17-HDHA claim 1 , 14-HDHA claim 1 , 10-HDHA claim 1 , and 4-HDHA are in the form of ethyl ester claim 1 , remodeled tri-glyceride claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein 18-HEPE claim 1 , 17-HDHA claim 1 , 14-HDHA claim 1 , 10-HDHA claim 1 , and 4-HDHA are in the ethyl ester form.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein 18-HEPE claim 1 , 17-HDHA claim 1 , 14-HDHA claim 1 , 10-HDHA claim 1 , and 4-HDHA are ...
