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13-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638452C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Светоизлучающее устройство для использования вблизи ткани млекопитающего, например, для обезболивания, содержит гибкий корпус, имеющий лицевую поверхность для обращения к ткани млекопитающего и противоположную тыльную поверхность, при этом упомянутый гибкий корпус вмещает в себя по меньшей мере один источник света, причем упомянутый по меньшей мере один источник света выполнен с возможностью облучать область облучения упомянутой ткани млекопитающего. Теплоизолирующий слой покрывает тыльную поверхность гибкого корпуса. Теплоизолирующий слой имеет большую площадь поверхности, чем гибкий корпус. Группа изобретений относится также к комплекту деталей для такого светоизлучающего устройства и к способу сборки такого светоизлучающего устройства. 4 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2567337C2
Принадлежит: МЕРИАЛ ЛИМИТЕД (US)

Представленная группа изобретений касается композиции для борьбы с, профилактики, защиты или вызова иммунного ответа у животных против инфекции вирусом чумы плотоядных (CDV), экспрессионного вектора и способа вакцинации животных. Охарактеризованная вакцина содержит вектор, представляющий собой вирусный вектор. Указанный экспрессионный вектор содержит первый полинуклеотид, кодирующий полипептид CDV HA, и второй полинуклеотид, кодирующий полипептид GM-CSF псовых (caGM-CSF). Представленный способ включает введение композиции или вектора животному. Изобретения позволяют оптимизировать иммунологическое действие caGM-CSF при сохранении эффективности и безопасности CDV-вакцин в полевых условиях. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил., 2 табл., 7 пр.

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2345788C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины и касается способа лазерной вакцинации больных с метастатическими формами рака. Изобретение включает послеоперационное воздействие на 4-6 участков кожи диаметром 5-15 мм излучения лазера на парах меди, 1 раз в неделю, проведением 10-15 процедур на курс лечения и введение в зоны образовавшегося инфильтрата, содержащего повышенное число клеток Лангерганса, культур опухолевых клеток, полученных из биопсийного материала больного. Преимущество изобретения заключается в снижении метастазов.

20-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2202323C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины, спорта, космонавтики. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что в предлагаемом способе биомеханотерапии осуществляют массажное и терапевтическое воздействие на организм человека как тепловыми и световыми волнами, так и механическими, которые представляют собой последовательные и параллельные комбинации продольных и поперечных модулированных уединенных волн длиной от 0,005 до 0,1 м и распространяющихся по телу со скоростью от 0,01 до 12 м/с, причем уединенные волны образуются на теле вследствие импульсного воздействия отдельных термовибратодов, соединенных между собой управляемой связью и воздействующих на тело человека с температурой от 0 до 90oС, удельным давлением от 0,5•105 до 4•105 Па и сдвигающим усилием от 0,1 до 100 Н. Предлагаемый способ биомеханотерапии позволяет повысить эффективность лечебного и спортивного массажа, улучшить результаты комплексного лечения различных заболеваний. Волновая биомеханотерапия в 1,5-2 раза повышает периферийный ...

06-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017130822A3

30-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701683C2
Принадлежит: РАЙХЛЕ, Марианне (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к производству молока с высоким содержанием природного витамина D3. Выполняют облучение одного или больше лактирующих животных в крытом строении, имеющем, по меньшей мере, один светильник с лампой, испускающей УФ-А излучение и УФ-В излучение, и дойку животных. Компонент УФ-B излучения спектра испускания лампы составляет, по меньшей мере, 0,1% интенсивности излучения лампы и меньше чем 5% интенсивности излучения лампы. Повышается содержание природного витамина D3. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 2 табл.

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131906A

... 1. Фототерапевтическая установка, содержащая:корпус по меньшей мере частично определяющий зону облучения, при этом зона облучения выполнена с возможностью помещения в нее по меньшей мере части тела пациента;источник ультрафиолетового (УФ) излучения, расположенный в корпусе; ифильтр, расположенный между источником УФ излучения и зоной облучения, фильтр выполнен с возможностью по меньшей мере, по существу, устранять УФ излучения вне заданного спектра, при этом заданный спектр имеет полосу не более 10 нм и центрирован примерно на 297 нм.2. Установка по п. 1, в которойкорпус включает боковую стенку, которая по меньшей мере частично окружает зону облучения;источник УФ излучения содержит множество газоразрядных ламп высокой интенсивности;фильтр содержит множество трубок из кварцевого стекла с покрытием, которые по меньшей мере частично закрывают соответствующее множество газоразрядных ламп высокой интенсивности;при этом заданный спектр фильтра находится в диапазоне 292-302 нм; афототерапевтическая ...

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015107048A

... 1. Конструкция в виде оздоровительного центра (100), отличающаяся тем, что она содержит:опорную конструкцию (110), выполненную с возможностью поддержки основной кровати (10) на первой предварительно заданной высоте (h1) над полом (200) комнаты, в которой может быть установлена указанная конструкция, причем эта опорная конструкция (110) оснащена опорными боковыми стенками, образующими оздоровительную зону, или грот, (150) под основной кроватью (10), причем оздоровительный грот (150) оснащен входом (155), через который может проходить пользователь;вспомогательную кровать (20), расположенную внутри оздоровительной зоны, или грота, (150), причем эта вспомогательная кровать (20) расположена под основной кроватью (10) на второй высоте (h2) над полом указанной комнаты, и h Подробнее

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013115220A

... 1. Устройство для облучения тела человека когерентным излучением с терапевтическим эффектом, содержащее:рукоятку (1) с переключателем и управляющими элементами;сменную головку (2), прикрепленную к рукоятке (1);излучатель инфракрасного оптического излучения (10) в геометрическом центресменной головки (2);излучатели (8) зеленого или желтого оптического излучения, концентрично и равномерно размещенные по отношению к геометрическому центру сменной головки (2);излучатели (7) фиолетового или индиго оптического излучения, концентрично и равномерно размещенные по отношению к геометрическому центру сменной головки (2), излучатели (6) красного оптического излучения, концентрично и равномерно размещенные по отношению к геометрическому центру сменной головки (2);акустические преобразователи (9), концентрично и равномерно размещенные ближе к геометрическому центру сменной головки (2);и электромагнитную обмотку возбуждения и/или постоянные магниты (5), расположенные вдоль внешней цепи внутри сменной ...

06-02-1992 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating patient with infrared and ultraviolet radiation - has vibrating couch to support patient, with head end and body support which can be vibrated

Номер: DE0004024664A1

An apparatus for treating a patient with infra-red and ultra-violet radiation, consists of a couch (6) with a source of infra-red and ultra-violet radiation mounted above it. The couch has a head end (8) and a part (9) to support the patient's body. This part which supports the patient's body is divided into sections and can be vibrated by means of a vibrator installed under the couch. The patient is subjected to vibration and at the same time is warmed by the infra-red radiation. The vibration frequency is between 50 and 100 Hz. USE - Combined infra-red and vibration treatment.

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Light treatment cartridge

Номер: GB0201104369D0

26-09-2001 дата публикации

Therapeutic light emitting diode arrays

Номер: GB2360460A

A light source for therapy and or diagnosis comprises a non-planar array of light emitting diodes L. The light source may to conform to the shape of an external area of a patient (Fig 23c). The non-planar array may be two arrays that are movable (Fig 21) or spatially distinct with respect to one another, or on the inner surface of a housing (Fig 11a) or sleeve (Fig 22a). Alternatively the light source can bean array of light emitting diodes on an intraluminar probe (Fig 8). The light source may have a forced air convection means (Fig 2) for cooling the diodes, or a light guiding means (Fig 5). If the light source comprises two arrays of light emitting diodes, the arrays can have different emission spectra or be independently switchable.

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Skin cooling system

Номер: GB0002465245B

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Portable controller for light therapy treatment head

Номер: GB0002450455A

A controller (10) for a light therapy treatment head, providing a portable housing (16,18), containing a miniaturized control circuit (22) having a CPU (36), and series manually operated controls (20) connected to the CPU, a connection to a power supply (24), and a connection to a light treatment head, whereby the controller may be connected directly to a light treatment head, and may be plugged into a supply of electrical power, and a controller provides control for the operation of the light treatment head, independently of any connection to a computer.

06-01-2010 дата публикации

In situ UV/RIBOFLAVIN ocular treatment system

Номер: GB0000920523D0

17-07-2002 дата публикации

A therapeutic light source

Номер: GB0002370992A

A light source for medical use comprising an array of light emitting diodes arranged to give a power output intensity of 10mW/cm2 and means of cooling the LEDs by forced air convection. The diodes, possessing a spatial intensity fluctuation of 10% or less, are mounted distally in a passage S, are cooled by a proximally located fan F, and may be coupled to heatsinks H. The distal tip may be concave for positioning next to a cervix C, and possess a transparent window W. Other embodiments include a tapered light guide e.g an optical fibre, thermoelectric cooling means and semiconductor LEDs which may be mounted on a flexible circuit board and whose emission wavelengths are within the range of 430 - 660 nm. The photodiode array may comprise two sets of independently switchable LEDs. The device is for photodynamic therapy (PDT) or cosmetic treatment.

26-02-2003 дата публикации

Medical therapy apparatus

Номер: GB0000301787D0

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Optical radiation treatment

Номер: GB0000909953D0

31-10-1997 дата публикации

Biological tissue stimulation by optical energy.

Номер: AP0009701124A0

Biological tissue of a living subject is irradiated with optical energy at a wavelength and at a power dissipation level to cause the amount of optical energy absorbed and converted to heat in the tissue to be within a range bounded by a minimum absorption rate sufficient to elevate the average temperature of the irradiated tissue to a level above the basal body temperature, but which is less than the absorption rate at which tissue converted into a collagenous substance. According to this method, a therapeutic, warming effect is produced within the irradiated tissue, but without causing tissue damage by thermal overheating. The method of using a low level reactive laser system from 100 milliwatts to 800 milliwatts in either a pulsed or continuous mode with optical energy produced by a nd:yag laser at a fundamental wavelength of 1,064 nanometers has been found to reduce pain in soft tissues, reduce inflammation and enhance the healing of tissue by stimulation of microcirculatin without ...

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Biological tissue stimulation by optical energy.

Номер: AP0009901606A0

Biological tissue of a living subject is irradiated with optical energy at a wavelength and at a power dissalipation level to cause the amount of optical energy absorbed and converted to heat in the tissue to be within a range bounded by a minimum absorption rate sufficient to elevate the average temperature of the irradiated tissue to a level above the basal body temperature, but which is less than the absorption rate at which tissue is converted into a collagenous substance. According to this method, a therapeutic, warming effect is produced within the irradiated tissue, but without causing tissue damage by thermal overheating. The method of using a low level reactive laser system from 100 milliwatts per square centimeter to 1000 milliwatts per square centimeter in either a pulsed or continuous mode with optical energy produced by a nd:yag laser at a fundamental wavelength of 1,064 nanometers has been found to reduce pain in soft tissues, reduce inflammation and enhance the healing of ...

12-05-2003 дата публикации

Biological tissue stimulation by optical energy

Номер: OA0000011182A

15-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: ATA204298A

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411792T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509193B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) mit Lichtimpulsen mit zumindest zwei Lichteinheiten (2) mit jeweils einem Gehäuse (5) und jeweils zumindest einer Lichtquelle (3) zur Aussendung der Lichtimpulse mit einer Pulsfrequenz von 1 bis 10 Hz und mit einer Wellenlänge von 600 nm bis 660 nm und einer mit den Lichtquellen (3) jeder Lichteinheit (2) verbundenen Leistungsstufe(6). Zur Erzielung einer optimal anwendbaren Bestrahlungsvorrichtung (1) und optimaler therapeutischer Erfolge bei gleichzeitig kurzen Bestrahlungszeiten sind die Lichteinheiten (2) vorzugsweise über einen Bügel (15) miteinander verbunden und die Lichtquellen (3) jeder Lichteinheit (2) mit einer Steuereinrichtung (7) zur alternierenden Aktivierung der Lichtquellen (3) verbunden.

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509401A2

Eine Anordnung umfassend eine Duschkabine (1) mit Duscharmatur (2) und eine in einer seitlichen Wand (4) angeordneten Quelle (9) für Infrarot-Strahlung. In der Wand (4) sind Fenster (16) mit Abdeckungen (8) vorgesehen, die für Infrarot-Strahlung durchlässig sind. So kann die Duschkabine (1) zum Duschen und/oder zum Einwirken lassen von Infrarot-Strahlung benützt werden. In der Duschkabine (1) ist in einer Nische (21) in der auch das Fenster (16) angeordnet ist, ein Sitz (33) vorgesehen, wobei seitlich des Fensters (16) Rückenpolster (31) höhenverstellbar angeordnet sind.

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506094A1

TIFF 00000004.TIF 297 210 TIFF 00000005.TIF 297 210 ...

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505893A1

TIFF 00000004.TIF 279 215 TIFF 00000005.TIF 279 215 ...

15-10-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bestrahlung mit Licht

Номер: AT516992A1

Vorrichtung zur Bestrahlung mit Licht, bestehend aus mehreren lichtemittierenden Strahlungsquellen, die symmetrisch so angeordnet sind, dass ihre Hauptwirkrichtung einen gemeinsamen Bereich umfasst. Für jede Strahlungsquelle ist ein eigener getakteter Konverter vorgesehen, der von einem überlagerten System so gesteuert wird, das die in Teilgruppen zusammengefassten Strahlungsquellen jeweils eine örtlich veränderliche Strahlungsintensität, insbesondere eine rotierender Bestrahlungsstärke mit vorgehbarer Richtung, Winkelgeschwindigkeit und Intensität erzeugen. Die in Teilgruppen zusammengefassten Strahlungsquellen strahlen auf unterschiedlichen Frequenzen. Zusätzlich kann eine Optik zur Strahlformung vorgesehen sein.

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011237U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Wärmebehandlung mit einer Infrarot-Wärmestrahleranordnung (9) und mit einer Personenaufnahme, wobei die Infrarot-Wärmestrahleranordnung (9) an der Personenaufnahme angeordnet ist und wobei die Personenaufnahme als frei aufstellbare Liege mit einer Liegefläche (5) ausgebildet ist. Die Liege ist als um eine Schwenkachse (3) schwenkbare Schwenkliege (2) ausgebildet.

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Mouthpiece apparatus for intraoral therapy and related system and method

Номер: AU2019333935A1

Adjustable mouthpiece apparatuses for intraoral therapy are provided. The mouthpiece apparatus may comprise at least one emitting element to emit at least one therapeutic emission. In some embodiments, the mouthpiece apparatus comprises an upper panel and a lower panel and at least one adjustable connector interconnecting the upper panel and the lower panel and adjustable to change the spacing between the upper panel and the lower panel. The mouthpiece apparatus may thereby be adjusted for a range of vestibular heights. Also provided are related systems including adjustable mouthpiece apparatuses and related methods for making an adjustable mouthpiece apparatus.

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Device and method for corneal delivery of riboflavin by iontophoresis for the treatment of keratoconus

Номер: AU2011355093B2

An ocular iontophoresis device for delivering any ionized drug solution, such as riboflavin solution, to the cornea comprises, in combination: a reservoir (8) containing a riboflavin solution which is suitable to be merely positioned on the eye; an active electrode (2) disposed in or on the reservoir (8); and a passive electrode suitable to be placed on the skin of the subject, elsewhere on the body, preferably in close vicinity of the eye, such as forehead, cheeks or neck; means (10) for irradiating the cornea surface with suitable light, such as UV light, for obtaining corneal' cross- linking after the delivering of drug or of Riboflavin; wherein said reservoir (8) and said active electrode (2) are transparent to UV light and/or visible light and/or IR light. Method for delivering any ionized drug solution, such as riboflavin solution, to the cornea for treatment of keratoconus or any other ectasic corneal disease, or for reinforcing corneal stromal structure by means of an ocular iontophoresis ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Method of treating multiple sclerosis

Номер: AU2011212887B2

A method and computer program product for suppressing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) by irradiating a subject exhibiting the symptoms with a predetermined dose of UV-containing light from a light source and detecting a suppression of the clinical symptoms of MS. In particular, the detected suppression of the clinical symptoms is disassociated from the vitamin D production within the subject.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the treatment of eye conditions

Номер: AU2015338891B2

Systems, methods, and devices used to treat eyelids, meibomian glands, ducts, and surrounding tissue are described herein. In some embodiments, an eye treatment device is disclosed, which includes a scleral shield positionable proximate an inner surface of an eyelid, the scleral shield being made of, or coated with, an energy-absorbing material activated by a light energy, and an energy transducer positionable outside of the eyelid, the energy transducer configured to provide light energy at one or more wavelengths, including a first wavelength selected to heat the energy-absorbing material.

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Eye treatment system

Номер: AU2016378925A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A system (1) for treating and monitoring the condition of an eye (6) includes a light source, preferably a non-lasing LED (2), for irradiating the eye at a wavelength sufficient to reverse eye damage. The system also includes an excitation light source, preferably a non-lasing LED (4), for exciting fluorescence in the eye and a detector (22) for detecting fluorescence stimulated by the excitation LED (4). The system may also include a second non-lasing light source, preferably a non-lasing LED, for irradiating the eye; and a detector for detecting scatter of light from the eye. Methods for monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions such as cataracts are also provided.

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003102392A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A photo-thermal targeted treatment system for damaging a target embedded in a medium includes a controller and a photo -thermal treatment unit including a light source. The controller is configured for administering a treatment protocol using the light source at a preset power setting and a preset pulse timing setting. Also, a method for automatically initiating a treatment protocol using a photo -thermal targeted treatment system includes administering a cooling mechanism at a treatment location, monitoring a skin surface temperature at the treatment location and, when the skin surface temperature reaches a preset threshold, automatically initiating the photo-thermal treatment protocol. Further, a method for automatically terminating a treatment protocol using includes, during administration of the treatment protocol at a treatment area, monitoring a skin surface temperature at the treatment location, and when the skin surface temperature reaches a preset threshold, automatically terminating ...

27-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3077143A1

A phototherapeutic device for a penis and a using method thereof can include a base material, a light emitting element and means for fixing or attaching the base material to substantially conform to the shape of a body part. The light emitting element can include a plurality of LED lights that can generate light at various wavelengths. Some embodiments can also include a controller to control the light emitting element. The invention also includes methods of using a phototherapeutic device to deliver wavelengths of light to at least a portion of a body part.

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3125207A1

Embodiments enables a wearable phototherapy apparatus that produces beneficial effects to a human body such as anti-viral effects, activation of stem cells, improvement in strength, improvement in stamina, pain relief via a non-transdermal container. May include an optional transdermal container that releases or increases copper peptide GHK-Cu in a subject's body. The non-transdermal apparatus reflects or emits specific wavelengths of light to elevate levels of the copper peptide GHK-Cu in the body. The non-transdermal apparatus includes one or more materials that prevent the Left-Handed molecule from direct contact with the body while the enclosure is coupled to the body and prevents the Left-Handed molecules from entering the body. Embodiments may include or be used with any bioavailable form of copper, e.g., such as copper glycinate as an anti-viral therapy and may include an anti-inflammatory or both.

28-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003047927A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The present invention provides compositions, methods and kits for treating skin, which combine administration of glucosamine hydrochloride and red light having a peak wavelength of about 600 nm to about 750 nm, near infrared light having a peak wavelength of about 750 nm to about 1000 nm, or both.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999499A1

... ²²A device for delivering light and/or ultrasound across a skin surface is ²provided. The device ²has a layered structure comprising a light source and/or an ultrasonic ²transducer. In one embodiment, ²the light source comprises an organic light emitting diode or a plurality of ²printed light emitting diodes ²and the ultrasonic transducer comprises a piezoelectric coating. The device is ²electrically coupled to a ²controller, which is electrically coupled to one or more sensors in contact ²with the skin surface. The ²controller is operable to receive sensor data from the sensor and dynamically ²control the device in ²response to the received sensor data. The device may be provided with a ²therapeutic or cosmetic ²composition to be applied to the skin surface, wherein the light and ²ultrasound emitted from the device ²cause transdermal transport of the composition through the skin surface.² ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3136038A1

The invention relates to a device (1) for biostimulating phototherapy, in particular in conjunction with a therapy appliance (50). The device comprises at least one first light-emitting unit (4.1, 4.2) for directly and/or indirectly applying light of a first wavelength to at least one part of a human or animal body, and a control unit (2) for outputting application routines. The device also comprises a module interface (3.1, 3.2) for operatively connecting the control unit to the at least one first light-emitting unit (4.1, 4.2), and a core interface (5) for operative connection to a therapy appliance (50). The control unit (2) is designed such that it is able to receive data via the core interface (5) and, on the basis of these data, is able to control the output of an application routine via the module interface (3.1, 3.2). The invention also relates to: a therapy appliance fitted with the device according to the invention, for physical treatment of a patient using enhanced biostimulating ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003073182A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

A dual modality system includes a chassis having a receptacle and means to couple the chassis to a desired treatment area of a user's body; a durable energy subsystem coupled to the chassis, arranged and configured to deliver energy to the desired treatment area of a user's body; and a replaceable thermal subsystem arranged and configured for removable placement in the receptacle of the chassis, arranged and configured to deliver thermal energy.

24-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002537370A1

A therapy apparatus (10) for treating a patient's brain (20) is provided. The therapy apparatus (10) includes a light generator (40) having an output emission area positioned to irradiate a portion of the brain (20) with an efficacious power density and wavelength of light. The therapy apparatus (10) further includes an element (50) interposed between the light generator (40) and the patient's scalp (30). The element (50) inhibits temperature increases at the scalp (30) caused by the light.

06-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2975651C

The invention relates to a method for the production of milk with a high content of native vitamin D3, comprising the irradiation of one or more lactating animals in a roofed enclosure, having at least one luminaire with a lamp emitting UV-A and UV-B radiation, and the milking of animals. The method allows producing milk having a high content of native vitamin D. The method also leads to an improved milk yield per animal.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002817175A1

Provided herein are compositions comprising lanthanide-doped nanoparticles which upconvert electromagnetic radiation from infrared or near infrared wavelengths into the visible light spectrum. Also provided herein are methods activating light-responsive opsin proteins expressed on plasma membranes of neurons and selectively altering the membrane polarization state of the neurons using the light delivered by the lanthanide-doped nanoparticles.

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002725453A1

A therapeutic brain stimulation system comprises at least two stimulation signal emitters generating stimulation signals from different positions towards a common target region in a patient's brain. While the signal intensity of each stimulation signal is much too low to cause stimulation, the accumulated stimulation signals cause a stimulation and, thus, a therapeutic effect in the neuronal brain cells of the target region. The stimulation signals accumulating in the target region are adjustable so as not to negatively affect the anatomic structure of neuronal brain cells in the target region.

09-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002792035A1

The present invention relates to compositions and methods for the treatment of immuno-inflammatory conditions comprising the administration of a polyphenolic phytoalexin compartmentalized in a biocompatible and/or biodegradable polymeric carrier, and to the use of biocompatible and/or biodegradable polymeric carriers comprising resveratrol and block copolymers and these compositions with an additional compartmentalized pharmaceutically active agent.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002831558A1

The invention relates to ophthalmology and is intended for preventing the onset and progression of myopia. A treatment course of action on the eye is carried out with a magnetic field, with transscleral low-energy laser radiation of a wavelength of 1.3 µm, and the eyes are additionally opto-reflexively exercised. The entire treatment course consists of 5 sessions on alternate days. Beforehand, badminton is played for 2 hours 3 times a week for 2 months. During the treatment course, badminton is played twice a week on treatment-free days. After the course of treatment is finished, badminton is played 2-3 times a week for 1 year. The method makes it possible to shorten the treatment period and reduce the number of procedure sessions for the functional treatment of near-sightedness, while increasing and prolonging the effectiveness of myopia prevention and treatment and rendering children more positively psychologically disposed towards treatment.

19-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2854923C

Methods, devices and systems for delivering light therapy to human or non-human animal subjects. Included are shapeable light therapy devices which are formable into different shapes suitable for delivery of therapeutic light to different regions of the subject's body and will retain the desired shape without a need for the use of a strap or other shape-retaining apparatus. Also included are light therapy devices that, in at least some modes of operation, deliver light that is not visible to the human eye and which include indicator(s) to indicate to a user and/or to the subject being treated when non-visible light is actually being emitted.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002874848A1

Methods and devices for suppressing clinical symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) by irradiating a subject exhibiting the symptoms with an effective dose of UV-containing light from a light source and detecting a suppression of the clinical symptoms of MS. In particular, the detected suppression of the clinical symptoms is disassociated from the vitamin D production within the subject.

30-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000702877A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Einrichtung zur Lichteinwirkung auf den Körper eines Lebewesens, mit kontrollierbaren Lichtquellen (12) und einer zentralen Steuereinrichtung (I) der Lichtquellen (12). Erfindungsgemäss ist vorgesehen, dass die Lichtquellen (12) in Gruppen (IV) zusammengefasst sind und jede Gruppe (IV) der Lichtquellen (12) mit der zentralen Steuereinrichtung (I) verbunden ist, sodass die Bedienung jeder einzelnen Gruppe (IV) der Lichtquellen (12) ermöglicht wird, und weiter ein System (II) zur Messung physiologischen Parameter des Lebewesens und eine Einrichtung (V) zur Kontrolle der physiologischer Parameter vorgesehen ist, und das Messsystem (II) und die Kontrolleinrichtung (V) mit der zentralen Steuereinrichtung (I) verbunden sind.

15-10-2009 дата публикации

Irradiator in particular for the light therapy.

Номер: CH0000698770A2

Bestrahlungsgerät insbesondere für die Lichttherapie mit einem die Bestrahlungsquelle enthaltenden Bestrahlungskopf (10), dessen Abstand von der zu bestrahlenden Fläche veränderbar ist und der mit einer der Abstandsmessung dienenden Einrichtung kombiniert ist, wobei die Abstandsmesseinrichtung wenigstens zwei beidseitig und symmetrisch zur Lichtquelle (11) vorgesehene Strahler (12´, 12´´) aufweist, welche jeweils einen eng gebündelten Lichtstrahl (13) erzeugen und derart am Bestrahlungskopf (10) angeordnet sind, dass sich ihre Strahlen (13) auf der Bestrahlungsfläche (21) in einem Punkt kreuzen, wenn sich der Bestrahlungskopf (10) im vorgegebenen Abstand von der Bestrahlungsfläche (21) befindet.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Irradiator in particular for the light therapy.

Номер: CH0000698770B1

Bestrahlungsgerät insbesondere für die Lichttherapie mit einem eine Lichtquelle (11) enthaltenden Bestrahlungskopf (10), dessen Abstand von einer Bestrahlungsfläche (21) veränderbar ist und der mit einer einer Abstandsmessung dienenden Abstandsmesseinrichtung kombiniert ist, wobei die Abstandsmesseinrichtung wenigstens zwei beidseitig und symmetrisch zur Lichtquelle (11) vorgesehene Strahler (12´, 12´´) aufweist, welche jeweils einen eng gebündelten Lichtstrahl (13) erzeugen und derart am Bestrahlungskopf (10) angeordnet sind, dass sich ihre Strahlen (13) auf der Bestrahlungsfläche (21) in einem Punkt kreuzen, wenn sich der Bestrahlungskopf (10) im vorgegebenen Abstand (a2) von der Bestrahlungsfläche (21) befindet.

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Biostimulating phototherapy device.

Номер: CH0000716063A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur biostimulierenden Phototherapie, insbesondere in Verbindung mit einem Therapiegerät (50). Die Vorrichtung umfasst mindestens eine erste Lichtemissionseinheit (4.1, 4.2) zur direkten und/oder indirekten Beaufschlagung mindestens eines Teils eines menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers mit Licht einer ersten Wellenlänge, und eine Steuerungseinheit (2) zur Ausgabe von Beaufschlagungsroutinen. Die Vorrichtung umfasst weiter eine Modul-Schnittstelle (3.1, 3.2) zur Wirkverbindung der Steuerungseinheit mit der mindestens einen erste Lichtemissionseinheit (4.1, 4.2), sowie eine Kern-Schnittstelle (5) zur Wirkverbindung mit einem Therapiegerät (50). Sie Steuerungseinheit (2) ist so ausgelegt, dass sie Daten über die Kern-Schnittstelle (5) zu empfangen, und in Abhängigkeit dieser Daten die Ausgabe einer Beaufschlagungsroutine über die Modul-Schnittstelle (3.1, 3.2) zu steuern vermag. Die Erfindung betrifft weiter ein mit der erfindungsgemässen Vorrichtung ...

30-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000717060A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bestrahlungsvorrichtig (1) zur Beaufschlagung eines Bestrahlungsobjekts mit Licht, umfassend mindestens ein Leuchtmittel (2) mit einer Identifikationseinheit (3), die Leuchtmittel-spezifische Informationen beinhaltet; einen Rahmen (4), insbesondere einen reflektierenden Rahmen (4), mit mindestens einer Leuchtmittelfassung (5), an welchem das mindestens eine Leuchtmittel (2) angeordnet ist durch formschlüssiges Einfügen in die Leuchtmittelfassung (5); einen Bereich (6), der ein Detektionsfeld (B) einer Kommunikationseinrichtung (7) ermöglicht; wobei die Identifikationseinheit (3) am mindestens einen Leuchtmittel (2) derart positioniert ist, so dass sich die Identifikationseinheit (3) durch das formschlüssige Einfügen in die Leuchtmittelfassung (5) innerhalb des Detektionsfelds (B) befindet. Ebenfalls betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren, ein Computer Programm Produkt und ein Leuchtmittel.

31-10-2022 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Stimulation der Biosynthese von Vitamin D3.

Номер: CH0000718557A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Stimulation der Biosynthese von Vitamin D3. Die Vorrichtung umfasst mindestens ein erstes Leuchtmittel zur Emission von Lichtstrahlung umfassend Wellenlängen in einem Bereich von zwischen 280 nm und 315 nm. Sie umfasst weiter eine Sensoreinheit zur Erkennung eines Bestrahlungsbereichs, und eine Richteinheit zur Ausrichtung des mindestens einen Leuchtmittels auf den Bestrahlungsbereich. Die Vorrichtung umfasst zudem eine Steuereinheit, welche ausgelegt ist, den Bestrahlungsbereich zu identifizieren, und eine Emission von Lichtstrahlung umfassend Wellenlängen in einem Bereich von zwischen 280 nm und 315 nm durch das mindestens eine Leuchtmittel auszulösen. Die vorliegende Erfindung umfasst weiter ein Computerprogrammprodukt zur Steuerung einer solchen Vorrichtung.

30-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490655A1

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000108252C2

29-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201390571A1

28-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201270689A1

09-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN0105126262A

18-12-2018 дата публикации

Portable foot massage device

Номер: CN0109009990A

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Preparation technological process for stone therapy acupuncture

Номер: CN0108652963A

04-02-2020 дата публикации

Ocular treatment light source and ocular treatment device including same

Номер: CN0110753568A

15-06-2016 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for controlling a laser probe

Номер: CN0105682738A

19-10-2018 дата публикации

Medical optical fiber and laser therapeutic device

Номер: CN0108671415A
Автор: WANG YI

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Method for reducing human body fat and weight reducing instrument adopting method

Номер: CN102319141B

17-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003080567B1

03-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003018692B1

23-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002957495A1
Принадлежит: SALOMON SAS

L'invention concerne un vêtement de compression (11, 12, 13), comprenant : un matériau composite (3) incluant une matrice polymère dans laquelle sont noyées des particules d'un matériau minéral susceptible d'émettre un rayonnement infrarouge lointain ; et une étoffe (2) destinée à entourer un membre de l'utilisateur et présentant au moins une partie (6) enduite dudit matériau composite.

01-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003080567A1

13-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002957495B1
Принадлежит: SALOMON SAS

29-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101741110B1
Принадлежит: GIM, MIN SU, KIM, EUN SEONG

The present invention relates to an abdominal fat removing apparatus, and more specifically, to an abdominal fat removing apparatus using a medium frequency wave, which applies strong stimulation using the medium frequency wave on the skin while minimizing the pain applied to the skin when the medium frequency wave is applied, so patients can be protected from being surprised or feeling uncomfortable. The abdominal fat removing apparatus of the present invention modulates pulses applied to the skin when the medium frequency wave is applied from direct square wave pulses to nonlinear pulses with a gradual curvature while applying strong stimulation onto the skin, thereby minimizing the pain applied onto the skin, and the surprise and discomfort of patients. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (11) Stimulation voltage generation part (12) Stimulation voltage adjustment part (13) Medium frequency wave generation part (14) Output waveform modulation part (15) Output pad (16) Control unit (17) Interface unit ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101932579B1
Автор: 남정훈
Принадлежит: 주식회사 미주코리아

... 본 발명은 피부관리기에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 인체공학적으로 디자인된 장치를 안면 및 두피에 착용한 상태에서 치료효과가 있는 원적외선 대역의 LED광을 다양한 패턴으로 조사하며, 온열효과를 낼 수 있는 면상발열부를 적용한 피부관리기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 피부관리기는 LED에서 방출되는 원전외선 및 면상발열부에서 발생하는 온기 및 원적외선에 의해 손상된 피부와 피부색 개선, 피부의 천연 콜라겐 활성화, 섬유아세포를 자극하여 콜라겐과 엘라스틴의 생성촉진, 보습효과로 피부기능 회복, 피부의 순환 기능을 회복하여 신진대사 활동촉진, 피부의 SUN-SPOT의 원인인 멜라닌 생성억제, 안면홍조 개선, 부드러운 피부결 유지, 모세혈관 조절 및 확장으로 노폐물 배출에 의한 피부미용효과, 발상작용으로 인해 유지 중금속의 배출, 만성 피로회복 및 숙취 제거효과, 피하 심층온도 상승으로 제지방 분해 효과, 통증 완화 및 해소효과, 항균, 항곰팡이, 탈취, 조직의 부활, 조직 재생능력 향상 효과를 가진다.

06-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR2010050670A2

The present invention provides a light irradiation apparatus for improving cell-mediated immune function by using a light source for irradiating light having a range with a predetermined peak wavelength, and a method for using the light irradiation apparatus. To accomplish the aim of the present invention, a light irradiation apparatus is provided which irradiates, over the entirety or a local portion of a living body, one incoherent light from among the short wavelength light having a peak wavelength of 610±20nm or 710±30nm, so as to activate an information decoding protein structure for causing a vital reaction to reinforce immune function and thus valuably affect the cell-mediated immune system wherein a T-lymphocyte plays a central role. Also provided is a light irradiation method for increasing the immune function by using said light irradiation apparatus.

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101975635B1

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR101574474B1
Автор: KIM, YOU IN
Принадлежит: KIM, YOU IN

The present invention relates to a complex compact type fat decomposition device. More specifically, the device decomposes the fat on an epidermis layer by using a beam emitted from an LED (310), decomposes the fat on a dermis layer by using a beam emitted by a laser emitting pipe (100), and decomposes the fat on a deep skin layer by using a high frequency wave generated by an RF plate (410). The apparatus includes: a handle (200) which has a laser emitting pipe (100) built therein and provides a grip unit; a rubber unit (230) which is coupled to an end of the handle unit (200) to protect power supply lines; a ring-shaped LED PCB substrate (300) which is coupled to the other end of the handle unit (200) and has the LED (310) mounted thereon; an RF plate support (400) which has a side coupled to the LED PCB substrate (300) and the other end coupled to the RF plate (410); an RF plate (410) decomposing fat by generating the high-frequency RF wave; and a controller (500) controlling the operation ...

22-01-2013 дата публикации

Menstrual pain treatment device

Номер: KR0101225133B1

08-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101039636B1
Принадлежит: COLOR SEVEN. CO., LTD.

PURPOSE: A hand-held urinary incontinence and menses pain treatment device is provided to obtain a urinary incontinence and menses pain treatment effect and to be easily used regardless of a place. CONSTITUTION: A hand-held urinary incontinence and menses pain treatment device comprises: a case(110) which is formed in a hollow cylinder shape; a treatment mode selection switch(120) outputting a treatment mode selection signal; a treatment operating button(130) outputting a treatment operation signal; a color electrode wire(140) in which an electrode pin is connected to the other end; one or more electrode jacks(150); a microprocessor outputting a treatment finishing signal; and a treatment signal generator stopping the output of the treatment signal. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2011 ...

06-02-2009 дата публикации

Light device for bio-function activation using transparent uniform material

Номер: KR2020090001342U

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170099162A

A skin care apparatus having a skin soothing function is disclosed. The skin care apparatus having a skin soothing function comprises a handle part, a skin care body part having a skin contact part connected to one end of the handle part, a light irradiating part provided inside the skin contact part, a skin soothing part provided on the skin contact part, and a coolant lowering the temperature of the skin soothing part by coming in contact with the skin soothing part, and can instantly soothe the skin after light irradiation for skin care, skin treatment and waxing. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

13-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170113951A

Disclosed is an autonomous intelligence-type light-applying therapy system for improving efficiency in learning and working and relieving stress. By complexly determining elements of seasons, time, weather, and temperatures as well as cardiac rate of a user, light suitable to the user is applied by supplying content information of therapeutic light similar to rhythm of nature along with sun light to a plurality of light-emitting device (LED) lighting, thereby relieving stress and improving efficiency in learning and working. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (120) Wearable smart device (142) Storage unit (144) Determination unit (146) Lighting signal generation unit (160) LED light ...

13-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170124798A

The present invention relates to a capsule-type phototherapy device. More specifically, the present invention relates to a capsule-type phototherapy device capable of carrying out therapies using visible light and far-infrared radiation on human body after a user is accommodated therein. To this end, the capsule-type phototherapy device comprises: a bed where a heat source is installed therein and a user is disposed at an upper portion; and a cover where a visible light irradiation device is installed therein and which is rotatably installed at one side of the bed so as to open and close the bed. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

07-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080039971A

A treatment device includes a plurality of photon emitter arrays directed toward treatment points on a patient's body. The treatment points are at mirror image locations and the emitters are energized in a push-pull on-off fashion. The device is automatic, such that once a patient is inserted, an operator only need to press a single button to perform treatment. The treatment device includes, for example, fixed adjustable emitter arrays and motion control emitter arrays. A controller activates the emitter arrays according to a treatment program. The treatment program may be varied depending on patient needs and/or prescription, including length of treatment, intensity, modulation, etc. The treatment device is preferably applied to foot pain resulting from diabetic neuropathy, but may be applied to other body parts and/ or ailments. © KIPO & WIPO 2008 ...

09-01-1995 дата публикации

Bildskärmsanordning som avger långvågig infraröd strålning

Номер: SE0009303738L

29-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: SG11202104924WA

08-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009121158A2

The present invention relates to a device that makes use of photobiostimulation principles for treating mammary traumas (fissures and cracks) in clinical and household environments, with the aim of helping tissue cicatrization of noninfected mammary injuries as well as minimizing sequels (pain and hindrances to breastfeeding) arising in such circumstances. This device can also be used in veterinary medicine for preventing and treating teat injuries, as a way to prevent traumatic teat lesions resulting from the (manual or mechanical) milking process, and for treating noninfectious teat injuries, in this way minimizing the sequels thereof (pain, compromised milking process, reduced milk production, changes in the physico-chemical composition and quality of the milk, as well as costs and economic losses).

22-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007132494A2

The object of the present invention is a laser handpiece (1) for the treatment of deep regions of the human body. There is provided a plurality of emitters (30) arranged so that the emission cones remain disconnected at least up to the treatment depth. Moreover, the object of the present invention is a method for controlling the emission of laser radiations, which comprises the step of determining the emission parameters (switch on frequency and/or switch on time and/or emission intensity modulation) based on the patient's biological parameters (heart rate and/or breathing rate and/or blood pressure).

17-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000007661A3

L'invention concerne un appareil particulièrement, mais pas exclusivement, utile pour traiter l'impuissance chez un homme. L'appareil comporte une source de rayonnement lumineux de faible puissance, et un applicateur de rayonnement servant à tenir le pénis de l'homme et à appliquer à celui-ci un rayonnement provenant de la source, ce rayonnement étant suffisant pour provoquer un relâchement des parois des vaisseaux sanguins alimentant en sang les corps caverneux du pénis. De préférence, le rayonnement lumineux est un rayonnement laser monochromatique d'une longueur d'onde de 440-960 nm, qui est appliqué à une intensité de 20-2000 milliwatts par centimètre carré, en vue d'une exposition totale de 50-200 joules par centimètre carré, pendant une durée totale de traitement de 2-40 minutes. L'applicateur est couplé à la source de rayonnement par un distributeur qui déplace le rayonnement de façon à produire au moins un cycle d'exposition aux rayonnement comportant un trajet d'aller et un trajet ...

02-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003079883A2

A highly controlled and precise system, device and method for tissue and cellular alteration and treatment below or at surfaces with a laser. The present invention is characterized by ultra low levels of collateral damage as defined by physiologically relevant tests that measure tissue viability. The operation of the present invention is based on spectrally confining the interaction between laser energy and a targeted tissue including an essential element for physiologically relevant tests for monitoring tissue viability.

18-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008151819A3

The present invention relates to the anti-L1 monoclonal antibody 9.3 as well as to related antibodies or binding molecules and well as to the uses thereof, especially in tumor treatment.

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008141296A1

The present invention provides methods of using electromagnetic radiation in the visible portion of the spectrum to modulate mitochondrial function in the treatment of various conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, other dementias, hypoxia and diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and sensory disorders of the extremities.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013068914A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus (10) for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation comprising a resuscitation device configured for autonomously performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a stimulation device (12) configured for stimulating the endothelial function including nitric oxide synthase pathway in a patient in need thereof, and a controller for controlling the resuscitation device and/or the stimulation device.

29-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004112884A2
Автор: AZURE, Larry

An electromagnetic device is disclosed which contains an electromagnetic field generator, a microcurrent generator and a photonic accumulator. The electromagnetic field generator generates broadband electromagnetic fields to substantially envelope a subject placed in proximity thereto. The subject is placed in contact with microcurrent electrodes so as to permit a broadband microcurrent to flow through the subject or along the surface of the subject. A photonic accumulator is positioned proximate the subject to receive biophotons emitted therefrom and to activate the biophotons with a light source. In one embodiment, the light source comprises one or more coherent light sources to activate the accumulated biophotons. A power supply provides power to the various devices and may include a timer to automatically provide a therapeutic period of treatment to the subject. The electromagnetic field generator and the microcurrent generator may be configured for in phase or out of phase operation ...

05-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008067403A3

Embodiments of the present invention relate to methods and pharmacological or biological compositions to treat presbyopia in the human eye. According to the embodiments, pharmacological or biological compositions may be applied to or injected into an eye to effect a change in the accommodative ability of the eye by the breaking and reduction of lenticular bonds in the eye that may be responsible for presbyopia. The compositions may be applied in an inactive state and subsequently be activated to achieve a therapeutic effect. The application of energy may be used to either break the oxidized lenticular bonds and/or to activate one or more of the pharmacological or biological agents. The energy may be used in a focus treatment pattern to affect a change in the refractive characteristics of the eye and thereby reduce inherent optical distortions.

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: WO1994020167A1

A medical treatment apparatus using a light beam and including a radiation source (1) consisting of a number of light sources (2), i.e. metal halide arc lamps, connected to reflectors (3) arranged at a given angle to each other by means of tapered central members each atached at one portion thereof (7) to a reflector (3) and at another portion (8) to a membrane (9) mounted on a movable holder; as well as a control system (6) incorporating a position finding device connnected to the light source (2) and a conductor (4). After the ultraviolet portion of the light beam's spectrum has been filtered out by a filter, said beam is directed at a reduced-protection screen (5) in a booth. The position finding device consists of low-power incandescent lamps and an optical lens system for focusing the light spot.

20-02-2008 дата публикации

Устройство для лечения амблиопии с использованием лазера с автоматическим преобразованием частоты

Номер: RU0000070791U1
Принадлежит: Данлай ФУНГ

Настоящая полезная модель относится к устройству для лечения амблиопии с использованием лазера с автоматическим преобразованием частоты, которое содержит лазерный генератор, круговую светонепроницаемую систему, установленную на пути вывода света, и схему управления, а также содержит расширитель диапазона углового смещения, предназначенный регулирования высоты и угла выхода светового луча. Расширитель диапазона углового смещения содержит первичную выдвижную трубу, имеющую первичную линзу, установленную снаружи вторичной выдвижной трубы, имеющей вторичную линзу. Первичная выдвижная труба установлена снаружи вторичной линзы, и выполнена с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения вдоль нее. Фиксатор установлен в верхнем положении на вторичной выдвижной трубе. С одной стороны первичной выдвижной трубы выполнено отверстие для вывода света, в области первичной линзы установлен отражатель, обращенный к отверстию. Свет, выводимый лазерным генератором, передают непосредственно на вторичную линзу, затем на первичную линзу и, наконец, выводят через отверстие, после отражения отражателем. ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 70 791 (13) U1 (51) ÌÏÊ A61F 9/008 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÏÎËÅÇÍÎÉ ÌÎÄÅËÈ Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ(òèòóëüíûé ëèñò) (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007122453/22, 18.08.2005 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÔÓÍà Äàíëàé (CN), ËÈ ×æèøåíã (CN) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 18.08.2005 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÔÓÍà Äàíëàé (CN) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 19.07.2005 CN 200520114140.8 16.08.2005 CN 200520103791.7 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.02.2008 Áþë. ¹ 5 (86) Çà âêà PCT: CN 2005/001285 (18.08.2005) (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2007/009300 (25.01.2007) U 1 7 0 7 9 1 R U (54) ÓÑÒÐÎÉÑÒÂÎ ÄËß ËÅ×ÅÍÈß ÀÌÁËÈÎÏÈÈ Ñ ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈÅÌ ËÀÇÅÐÀ Ñ ÀÂÒÎÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÈÌ ÏÐÅÎÁÐÀÇÎÂÀÍÈÅÌ ×ÀÑÒÎÒÛ (57) Ôîðìóëà ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè 1. Óñòðîéñòâî äë ëå÷åíè àìáëèîïèè ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ëàçåðà ñ àâòîìàòè÷åñêèì ïðåîáðàçîâàíèåì ÷àñòîòû, ñîäåðæàùåå ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Phototherapy methods and devices comprising emissive aryl-heteroaryl compounds

Номер: US20120015998A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

Disclosed herein are compounds represented by a formula: R 1 —Ar 1 —X—Ar 2 —Ar 3 -Het, wherein R 1 , Ar 1 , X, Ar 2 , Ar 3 , and Het are described herein. Compositions and light-emitting devices related thereto are also disclosed.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Low-level energy laser therapy

Номер: US20120041521A1
Автор: Hana Tuby, Uri Oron
Принадлежит: Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd

Methods and systems ( 10, 54, 72 ) are provided for administering phototherapy to an injured tissue in a living subject by delivering visible or infrared biostimulatory energy to bone marrow at a dose sufficient to cause mesenchymal stem cells to appear in the injured tissue. The energy may be coherent light and can be administered transcutaneously, subcutaneously, or via an intramedullary probe ( 74 ). The technique is useful for treating many types of tissue injury, including ischemic cardiac and renal conditions.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

System and apparatus for treatment of biological cellular structure with electromagnetic wave energy and electromagnetic field energy sources

Номер: US20120078328A1
Принадлежит: LETEC NV Inc

A system and apparatus for treatment of cellular structure anomalies, principally in human patients, utilizes precisely controlled electromagnetic wave energy and electromagnetic field energy. The former energy is generated from a combination of coherent and incoherent light energy which is joined and focused on patients thru a unique arrangement of faceted coated reflectors and filters. The latter energy is generated in part by unique coils surrounding the light sources which include coils wound with bifilar wire. The disclosed apparatus also includes a platform, preferably segmented, that facilitates alignment of a patient's bodily area needing treatment. Additional coils are placed in the platform in strategic locations proximate the area of the patient to be treated. A digital control module can be programmed to regulate the frequency, duration, phase, duty cycle, pulse and amplitude of all energy sources in the claimed systems.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Remote unattended low level light therapy orthopedic device, wearing means and method of use

Номер: US20120116274A1
Автор: Louis Grasso IV
Принадлежит: Individual

A new and useful portable remote unattended low level light therapy (“LLLT”) orthopedic device that is lightweight, programmable, portable, affordable, able to be worn passively by the patient, able to operate unattended by a practitioner or physician, and can be used to administer multiple and/or extended treatment intervals outside the office setting. The device comprises a light therapy circuit with a power supply, controller circuit, LED driver circuit and an array of near infrared LEDs. Additionally the device comprises mode indicators and a program receiving port for programming by an external programming means. The entirety of the electrical components of the device are enclosed in a circuit housing and attached to a wearing means or brace. En toto, the device is used to direct low level light towards an indicated part of a patients anatomy in the field or orthopedic therapy.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Fluorescent handpiece

Номер: US20120130456A1
Принадлежит: Morgan Lars Ake Gustavsson

A handpiece can treat biological tissue using electromagnetic radiation, which can be substantially fluorescent light. The handpiece includes a source of electromagnetic radiation and a nonlinear waveguide. The nonlinear waveguide is adjacent the source, receives electromagnetic radiation from the source, and delivers the electromagnetic radiation to the biological tissue. The handpiece also includes a system for circulating a fluorescent substance through the nonlinear waveguide. The fluorescent substance is capable of modulating at least one property of the electromagnetic radiation.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Radiation-Based Dermatological Devices and Methods

Номер: US20120239016A1
Принадлежит: Tria Beauty Inc

A self-contained, hand-held device for providing radiation-based dermatological treatments includes a device body configured to be handheld by a user; a laser device supported in the device body, the laser device including a laser beam source configured to emit laser radiation; an application end configured to be manually moved across the surface of the skin during a treatment session; and electronics configured to control the laser beam source to emit laser radiation toward the skin to provide a dermatological treatment; wherein the device includes no optics downstream of the laser source.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation

Номер: US20120259266A1
Автор: Tony Quisenberry
Принадлежит: Thermotek Inc

A combination therapy pad that includes a first layer and a second layer operatively coupled to the first layer. A fiber-optic array is disposed between the first layer and the second layer. A third layer is operatively coupled to the first layer. The third layer includes a vacuum tube in fluid communication with a vacuum source and a therapeutic fluid tube in fluid communication with a therapeutic fluid source. The third layer provides at least one of vacuum therapy and therapeutic fluid treatment to a wound area.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Red light implants for treating osteoporosis

Номер: US20120310308A1

Red light implants for delivering red light to spinal implants to enhance osteointegration.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Laser Therapy Device and Method for Use

Номер: US20130046363A1
Автор: Michael K. Thomas
Принадлежит: Individual

A laser therapy device and method of treatment are disclosed. The laser therapy device includes a housing, laser source, power source, vial, and vial holder. Laser light will shine through the vial containing an aqueous solution where the laser will acquire the signature of the aqueous fluid. A method for the treatment of an ailment where laser light is transmitted through a solution and transmitted to a target source.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Intense pulsed light apparatus capable of controlling enegy level with scr

Номер: US20130066307A1
Автор: YoungSan Ko
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an IPL apparatus that is used as a hair removing machine or cures skin ailments by periodically irradiating Xenon lamp light on the user's skin, the IPL apparatus comprises: a double-voltage unit which has a double-voltage capacitor, and outputs a high voltage by superposing an inputted supply voltage with a voltage charged in the double-voltage capacitor; a charging capacitor which charges energy for turning on a Xenon lamp by accumulating electric charges supplied from the double-voltage unit; a reference voltage generator which sets a charging voltage level charged in the charging capacitor; and a switch unit which is positioned between the double-voltage unit and the charging capacitor, and switches on and off the movement of the electric charges to the charging capacitor from the double-voltage unit by setting an output of the reference voltage generator to a control signal.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130073011A1

A method of treating spinal cord injury (SCI) includes transcutaneously irradiating at least a portion of a spinal environment of the patient with light having a power density of at least about 0.01 mW/cmat the portion of the spinal environment. 1. A method of treating a patient having a spinal cord injury, the method comprising modulating at least one physiological activity of the patient by transcutaneously irradiating at least a portion of a spinal environment of the patient with light having a power density of at least about 0.01 mW/cmat the portion of the spinal environment, wherein the spinal environment comprises the spinal cord, the spinal vasculature, the meninges, and the cerebrospinal fluid. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/713,087, filed Feb. 25, 2010, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein and which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/970,425, filed Jan. 7, 2008, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein and which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/022,314, filed Dec. 23, 2004, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein and which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/820,443, filed Apr. 7, 2004 and now abandoned, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein and which claims the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Appl. No. 60/460,421, filed Apr. 7, 2003, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein.Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a serious clinical problem with approximately eight thousands new cases every year. SCI occurs when a traumatic event results in damage to cells within the spinal cord or severs the nerve tracts that relay signals up and down the spinal cord. The most common types of SCI include contusion and compression. Other types of injuries include lacerations, and central cord syndrome (specific damage to the corticospinal tracts of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Scalar Laser Therapy Apparatus

Номер: US20130110207A1

There is disclosed a new low-level laser therapy apparatus and method of treating tissue. The invention includes a laser system that uses laser diodes and/or alternatively light emitting diodes (LED's), or both, and a digital interface that gives the operator the ability to generate sine waves or scalar waves as opposed to the simple on/off square waves. The invention also enables the operator to modulate not only the frequency, but also other wave characteristics such as the amplitude and phase. In one aspect, the invention involves modulating the phase relationship between multiple waves by taking one channel or wave which is pulsed through the laser system and then running a second channel or wave in relationship to the first channel, thereby creating a phased relationship, which has been discovered to provide a therapeutic and quantum healing effect on tissue. In one exemplary embodiment, the laser system of the invention may have a phase relationship of approximately 180 degrees which provides a beneficial therapeutic and quantum healing effect and, in particular, neutralizes or deletes cellular memory. 1. A laser therapy apparatus comprising:a plurality of laser diodes and/or light emitting diodes configured on a housing body, a digital interface to control the operation of the laser diodes and/or light emitting diodes, the plurality of laser diodes and/or light emitting diodes defining a first track and a second track, the digital interface controlling the first track of diodes to provide a first sine waveform having a first wave phase and a first wave amplitude, and controlling the second track of diodes to provide a second sine waveform having a second wave phase and second wave amplitude, the first track of diodes having either of a phase or amplitude difference relative to the second track of diodes to provide therapeutic effect, wherein frequencies between 1 and 40,000 Hz are pulsed through the laser therapy apparatus.2. The laser therapy apparatus of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Laser assisted sclerotherapy method for treating varicose veins

Номер: US20130138033A1
Автор: Alessandro FRULLINI

The present invention relates to a method for treating varicose veins, which comprises: pre-treating a target vein segment with a pulsed laser radiation having a wavelength of from 1400 to 2300 nm, thereby causing a substantial diameter reduction of the target vein segment; delivering a sclerosing agent to the pre-treated target vein segment, thereby causing occlusion of the vein. The sclerosing agent is preferably a foam sclerosing agent. The above method in particularly effective also for larger veins, especially veins exceeding 10 mm of diameter, without causing major discomfort to the patients, and which has a very limited risk of side effects, such as those deriving from the injection of relatively large amounts of sclerosing agent or from damages to the vessel endothelium.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130143222A1
Принадлежит: RedPath Integrated Pathology, Inc

Disclosed herein are methods for treating Barrett's metaplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma and methods for determining mutational load as a predictor of the risk of disease progression from Barrett's metaplasia to esophageal adenocarcinoma. 1. A method for determining mutational load as a predictor of the risk of disease progression from Barrett's metaplasia to esophageal adenocarcinoma in a subject , the method comprising:amplifying DNA sequences from a biological specimen from the subject;detecting mutations in microsatellite regions of the amplified DNA sequences;categorizing clonality of each mutation;calculating a mutational load based on the sum of low and high clonality mutations;comparing the mutational load with a series of pre-determined mutational load cut-offs defining risk categories; andassigning the subject to a risk category corresponding to the subject's mutational load, wherein each risk category is indicative of the risk of disease progression.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pre-determined mutational load cut-offs defining risk categories are derived from a pre-determined patient population distribution with known mutational loads corresponding to a known disease state diagnosis.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the known disease state diagnosis is selected from normal squamous claim 2 , columnar epithelium without Barrett's metaplasia claim 2 , Barrett's metaplasia claim 2 , Barrett's metaplasia intermediate for dysplasia claim 2 , low grade dysplasia and high grade dysplasia.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the risk categories are selected from no mutational load claim 2 , low mutational load claim 2 , and high mutational load.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the subject is assigned to the no mutational load risk category when the subject has mutational load of 0.0.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the wherein no mutational load is indicative of no risk of disease progression from Barrett's metaplasia to esophageal adenocarcinoma. ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Laser Immunotherapy

Номер: US20130144363A1
Автор: Plunkett Malcolm

A method of immunotherapy of a mammal, or a laser device therefor, includes the step of treating one or more immune privileged cells, tissues or organs of said mammal with a laser to reduce or eliminate the immune privilege status of said one or more cells, tissues and/or organs to thereby elicit an immune response that is beneficial to the mammal. The method of immunotherapy avoids or minimizes lasting damage to the treated cells, tissues and/or organs. The laser treatment is typically, although not exclusively, to the pigmented epithelium of the eye or eyes. The method may be for treating a disease or condition selected from: a bacterial infection; a viral infection; early AMD; glaucoma; diabetic retinopathy; multiple sclerosis; Parkinson's disease; and Alzheimer's disease. Typically, the radiant exposure level of the laser treatment is no greater than 60-100% of a visible effect threshold. 117-. (canceled)18. A method of immunotherapy of a neurodegenerative disease or condition in a mammal in need of such treatment , said method including the step of irradiating the pigmented epithelium (PE) of the eye or eyes of said mammal with a laser to reduce or eliminate the immune privilege status of one or more cells , tissues and/or organs of the central nervous system of said mammal to thereby elicit an immune response that is beneficial to the mammal and thereby treat said neurodegenerative disease or condition in the mammal.19. The method of immunotherapy of claim 18 , which avoids or minimizes lasting damage to the irradiated pigmented epithelium (PE) of the eye or eyes.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein the neurodegenerative condition is selected from Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.21. The method of claim 18 , wherein the mammal is a human.22. The method of claim 18 , wherein a radiant exposure level of the laser treatment is no greater than 60-100% of a visible effect threshold (VET).23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the radiant exposure level is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

System, Method and Apparatus for Tracking Targets During Treatment Using a Radar Motion Sensor

Номер: US20130165770A1
Автор: Gu Changzhan, Li Changzhi
Принадлежит: Texas Tech University System

A system, method and apparatus tracks targets (e.g., tumors) during treatment (e.g., radiation therapy) using a radar motion sensor by generating a microwave signal, radiating the microwave signal to a subject, and receiving a modulated microwave signal from the subject. The modulated microwave signal is processed to provide a subject motion information using a sensor having an arctangent-demodulation microwave interferometry mode. A location of a target on or within the subject is determined based on the subject motion information and a three-dimensional model for the subject and the target. One or more control signals are generated based on the location of the target, and the treatment device is controlled using the one or more control signals to treat the target on or within the subject. 1. A method for controlling a treatment device comprising the steps of:generating a microwave signal;radiating the microwave signal to a subject;receiving a modulated microwave signal from the subject;processing the modulated microwave signal to provide a subject motion information using a sensor having an arctangent-demodulation microwave interferometry mode;determining a location of a target on or within the subject based on the subject motion information and a three-dimensional model for the subject and the target;generating one or more control signals based on the location of the target; andcontrolling the treatment device using the one or more control signals to treat the target on or within the subject.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the treatment device comprises a radiation beam device or a laser.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the subject is a human or an animal.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the target comprises a tumor claim 1 , a growth claim 1 , a tissue claim 1 , or a skin cancer.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the subject motion information comprises a chest wall motion information and an abdomen motion ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172959A1
Автор: Azoulay Kfir
Принадлежит: LUMENIS LTD.

A removable tip for a light energy handpiece comprises a hollow conduit configured to surround a light guide in the handpiece; a support extension having a length longer than a length of the hollow conduit; and a shielding extension coupled to the support extension at an angle less than 180 degrees and located in front of the hollow conduit. The shielding extension is configured to be inserted behind an eyelid and extend to the fornix, the shielding extension comprised of a thermally insulative material. 1. A light energy delivery system comprising:a console comprising a power supply and control electronics; anda handpiece coupled to the console, the handpiece configured to produce light energy based on power and control signals provided by the console;wherein the handpiece includes a removable tip having a shielding extension configured to be inserted posterior to an eyelid between the ocular conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva; andwherein the shielding extension is comprised of a thermally insulative material such that energy not absorbed by a target tissue is prevented from reaching ocular tissue located posterior to the eyelid.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the handpiece is configured to produce intense pulsed light energy.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the handpiece is configured to produce LED energy.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the handpiece is configured to produce laser energy.5. A removable tip for a light energy handpiece claim 1 , the removable tip comprising:a hollow conduit/cavity configured to surround a light guide in the handpiece;a support extension having a length longer than a length of the hollow conduit/cavity; anda shielding extension coupled to the support extension at an angle less than 180 degrees and located distal to the hollow conduit; andthe shielding extension configured to be inserted behind an eyelid and extend to the fornix, the shielding extension comprised of a thermally insulative material.6. The system of claim 5 ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for corneal delivery of riboflavin by iontophoresis for the treatment of keratoconus

Номер: US20130178821A1

Ocular iontophoresis device and method for delivering any ionized drug solution to the cornea includes: a reservoir containing a solution suitable to be positioned on the eye; an active electrode disposed in or on the reservoir; and a passive electrode suitable to be placed on the skin of the subject, elsewhere on the body; elements for irradiating the cornea surface with suitable light for obtaining corneal cross-linking after the drug delivery; wherein the reservoir and the active electrode are transparent to UV light and/or visible light and/or IR light. The method includes: positioning the iontophoretic device on the eye to be treated; driving the solution by a cathodic current applied for 0.5 to 5 min, at an intensity not higher than 2 mA; and thereafter irradiating, with UV light for 5 to 30 min at a power of 3 to 30 mW/cm 2 ; thereby obtaining the corneal cross-linking of the solution.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196284A1
Автор: Brawn Peter Robert

Methods are provided for regulating tooth movement and for maintaining or improving tissue health using heavy forces. Such methods comprise allowing a heavy force to be exerted on one or more teeth of a patient in need thereof; and administering an effective amount of light to the maxillary or mandibular alveolar bone of the patient, wherein the light is administered before, during, or after the heavy force is exerted. The light can have a wavelength in the range of about 585 nm to about 665 nm, or about 815 nm to about 895 nm. An apparatus useful for providing light therapy is also provided. 1. A method for regulating tooth movement , comprising:(a) allowing a heavy force to be exerted on one or more teeth of a patient in need thereof; and(b) administering an effective amount of light to the maxillary or mandibular alveolar bone of the patient, wherein the light is administered before, during, or after the heavy force is exerted.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heavy force has a magnitude ranging from about 175 grams of force to about 500 grams of force.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the patient has an orthodontic appliance on one or more of the patient's teeth.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the orthodontic appliance exerts the heavy force to the one or more teeth.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light is extra-orally administered to the maxillary or mandibular alveolar bone.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light is intra-orally administered to the maxillary or mandibular bone.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light has a wavelength of from about 585 nm to about 665 nm or from about 815 nm to about 895 nm.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising installing an orthodontic appliance on one or more of the patient's teeth.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein installing the orthodontic appliance occurs prior to administering the light.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein installing the orthodontic appliance occurs subsequent to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Electromagnetic Radiation Therapy

Номер: US20130197612A1

Apparatuses and methods for the prevention, reduction, or elimination of tissue injury by the application of electromagnetic energy. The apparatuses and methods have application for use in various tissues within diverse regions of the body, including for the prevention, reduction, or elimination of acute kidney injury, kidney failure, and contrast-induced nephropathy. 1. A method of preventing or treating kidney injury comprising subjecting kidney tissue to electromagnetic radiation in the red-near infrared range for a period of time sufficient to prevent or reduce injury to the kidney.2. The method of wherein the electromagnetic energy is laser energy.3. The method of wherein the energy has a wavelength of about 635 nm to about 1560 nm.4. The method of wherein the electromagnetic energy is light emitting diode energy.5. The method of wherein the energy has a wavelength of about 635 nm to about 1560 nm.6. The method of wherein the electromagnetic radiation has a power density of at least 0.01 mW/cmat the kidney tissue.7. The method of wherein at least a portion of the electromagnetic radiation is delivered prior to the injury to the kidney.8. The method of wherein the injury to the kidney is due at least in part to a contrast agent.9. The method of wherein at feast a portion of the electromagnetic radiation is delivered during the injury to the kidney.10. The method of wherein the injury to the kidney is due at least in part to a contrast agent.11. The method of wherein at least a portion of the electromagnetic radiation is delivered after the injury to the kidney.12. The method of wherein the injury to the kidney is due at least in part to a contrast agent.13. The method of wherein said kidney injury is induced by a pre-renal cause.14. The method of wherein said kidney injury is induced by a renal cause.15. The method of wherein said kidney injury is induced by a post-renal cause.16. The method of wherein a region of the patient's skin is cooled.17. The method of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Compositions And Methods For Treating Or Preventing Immuno-Inflammatory Disease

Номер: US20130202712A1
Принадлежит: Vindico Nanobiotechnology Inc

The present invention relates to compositions and methods for the treatment of immuno-inflammatory conditions comprising the administration of a polyphenolic phytoalexin compartmentalized in a biocompatible and/or biodegradable polymeric carrier, and to the use of biocompatible and/or biodegradable polymeric carriers comprising resveratrol and block copolymers and these compositions with an additional compartmentalized pharmaceutically active agent.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Ceramic Footbath Boots

Номер: US20130211296A1
Автор: Chau Yiu Wing

Ceramic footbath boots, ceramic materials for manufacturing the ceramic footbath boots and application of the ceramic materials to the manufacture of the ceramic footbath boots are disclosed herein. The ceramic footbath boots include a pair of boot-like footbath containers (). The footbath containers () are made of the ceramic materials, and the internal walls of the footbath containers are provided with net-like lines and papillary groups () corresponding to the reflex point zone of feet. The ceramic materials can: emit far infrared rays with wave length of 4-14 microns and the emitting rate of more than 0.92 at normal temperature; release negative ions automatically and permanently; continuously produce weak static current matching the bioelectric current of human bodies; and release mineral matters and trace elements needed by human bodies into water. The ceramic materials are preferably tourmaline-containing silicates. 1. A ceramic footbath apparatus comprises a pair of boot-like footbath containers , wherein said footbath containers are made of ceramic material , and the footbath containers are sintered into double-layered containers having a hollow space between two layers , and wherein the inner layer comprises lines with a pattern and attached thereon with a plurality of papillary extrusions corresponding to reflex point zone of a user's feet.2. The ceramic footbath apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said ceramic material comprises tourmaline-containing silicates.3. The ceramic footbath apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said footbath containers made of the silicate-based and tourmaline-containing material which is piezoelectric and thermoelectric emit far infrared rays with similar wavelength to those emitted by human body after being added with hot water claim 1 , generate a far-infrared resonance absorption radiation space claim 1 , produce weak static current at 0.06 mA that matches bioelectric current of human body claim 1 , and release negative ions claim 1 , ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Reduction of RF Electrode Edge Effect

Номер: US20130218243A1
Принадлежит: Candela Corp, SYNERON MEDICAL LTD

A skin surface is treated with RF energy (e.g., unipolar, monopolar, bipolar or multipolar RF delivery). A first semiconductive cap disposed on a first distal end of a first electrode and, optionally, a second semiconductive cap disposed on a second distal end of a second electrode are applied to the skin surface. RF energy is delivered from the first electrode and the second electrode through the first semiconductive cap and the second semiconductive cap, respectively, through the skin surface. The first semiconductive cap and/or the second semiconductive cap have an electrical conductivity matched or substantially matched to the skin's electrical conductivity (e.g., about 0.1 to about 2 times that of the skin).

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231720A1
Автор: Luellau Friedrich

The invention relates to a method for irradiating or treating areas of the body with electromagnetic radiation from a radiation source, the area of the body including at least one irregularly outlined treatment area, which is determined and irradiated. The invention is characterized in that the area of the body is divided up into a number of sub-areas, which at least partly contain the treatment area, and a proportion of the treatment area contained in each sub-area is irradiated with a radiation dose sequentially or in a scrolled manner or step-by-step or in a targeted manner. 1. Method for irradiation or treatment of body surfaces with electromagnetic irradiation from a radiation source , wherein the body surface contains at least one treatment surface with irregular edges , which surface is determined and irradiated , wherein the body surface is divided up into a number of surface sections , which contain the treatment surface , at least in part , and wherein a treatment surface portion contained in each surface section is exposed to light with a radiation dose sequentially or in scrolling or step-by-step or targeted manner.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein a topology of the treatment surface is determined.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein a radiation dose for treatment of the treatment surface is determined.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment surface is repeatedly determined.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein a maximal radiation power distribution on the surface section and/or body surface is determined.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the one radiation power distribution is adapted to the local radiation dose distribution by means of modulation of a light modulator claim 1 , preferably a micromirror actuator.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the radiation power density is adjusted by means of a change in an imaging scale of the light modulator claim 1 , and wherein an image of the light modulator on the body ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Phototherapy Device and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20130238060A1
Автор: NEVINS Michael Olen

A system for generating light flux including a lamp. The lamp having a plurality of light sources for illuminating an area. The light sources include a plurality of light-generating mechanisms at least one of which is different from the remainder. At least one of the light-generating mechanisms includes at least one of a fluorescent light source or an LED light source and at least one of the plurality of light sources having a different color temperature output than another one of the plurality of light sources. A light source controller electrically coupled with the light sources and electrically coupled to a biological spectrum setting to control the color temperature output of the light sources by applying a percentage allocation of each of the light sources. A switch electrically coupled between the lamp and a power supply and arranged to control supply of power to the lamp. 1. A fluorescent or light emitting diode-based system for generating light flux comprising: a plurality of light sources for illuminating an area, the light sources including a plurality of light-generating mechanisms at least one of which is different from the remainder, at least one of the light-generating mechanisms including at least one of a fluorescent light source or an LED light source, at least one of the plurality of light sources having a different color temperature output than another one of the plurality of light sources; and', 'a light source controller electrically coupled with the light sources and electrically coupled to a biological spectrum setting to control the color temperature output of the light sources by applying a percentage allocation of each of the light sources;, 'a lamp includinga power supply; anda switch electrically coupled between the lamp and the power supply and arranged to control the supply of power from the power supply to the lamp.2. The system for generating light flux of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of light sources having a color ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245618A1

A highly controlled and precise system, device and method for tissue and cellular alteration and treatment below or at surfaces with a laser. The present invention is characterized by ultra low levels of collateral damage as defined by physiologically relevant tests that measure tissue viability. The operation of the present invention is based on spectrally confining the interaction between laser energy and a targeted tissue including an essential element for physiologically relevant tests for monitoring tissue viability. 1. A method for treating an eye , comprising:irradiating the eye with a laser beam having laser pulses which produce multiphoton laser tissue effects in the eye; andcontrolling the laser beam, such that the eye is selectively affected by said multiphoton laser tissue effects.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said method is for treating a cataract in an eye; andwherein said controlling includes controlling the laser beam, such that the cataract is selectively affected thereby.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein said laser pulses produces multiphoton laser tissue effects in the cataract claim 2 , said controlling including controlling the laser beam such that the cataract is selectively affected by said multiphoton laser tissue effects.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein said multiphoton laser tissue effects include mechanical destruction of the cataract.5. A method according to claim 2 , wherein said treating a cataract includes treating a membrane behind a lens in the eye claim 2 , said targeting resulting in selective destruction of the membrane claim 2 , wherein collateral damage to tissue surrounding the target area is below a preselected threshold.6. A method according to claim 2 , whereby at every point other than at the cataract the laser beam has lower fluence than the fluence at the cataract.7. A method according to claim 2 , wherein thermal or other collateral damage to tissue not associated with the cataract is ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245724A1
Автор: Kaufman Michael
Принадлежит: National Biological Corporation

A phototherapeutic device comprises a system for facilitating phototherapeutic treatment. The system comprises an input device configured to receive input from a user. The system further comprises a display device configured to communicate information to the user. The system further comprises a controller. The controller is configured to receive user identification data from the input device. The controller is further configured to retrieve treatment history based on the user identification data. The controller is further configured to retrieve a treatment protocol based on the user identification data. The controller is further configured to generate a suggested treatment based on the retrieved treatment history and the retrieved treatment protocol. The controller is further configured to communicate the suggested treatment to the display device. 1. A phototherapeutic device comprising a system for facilitating phototherapeutic treatment , the system comprising:an input device configured to receive input from a user;a display device configured to communicate information to the user; and receive user identification data from the input device;', 'retrieve treatment history based on the user identification data;', 'retrieve a treatment protocol based on the user identification data;', 'generate a suggested treatment based on the retrieved treatment history and the retrieved treatment protocol; and', 'communicate the suggested treatment to the display device., 'a controller configured to2. The phototherapeutic device of claim 1 , further comprising a call device configured to receive a request from a user during a phototherapeutic treatment.3. The phototherapeutic device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is further configured to communicate a notification indicative of the request.4. The phototherapeutic device of claim 3 , wherein the notification comprises one of a text message claim 3 , an email message claim 3 , a phone call claim 3 , and an instant message.5. ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253620A1
Автор: Brawn Peter
Принадлежит: Biolux Research Ltd.

An extra-oral light therapy device comprises a support that registers against features of a patient's head. A light source is mounted to the support. The light source may comprise an array of light emitting diodes (“LEDs”). A controller controls the extra-oral light therapy device. The support may comprise a tray fitted to the patient's teeth or a head-set fitted to the patient's ears and the bridge of the patient's nose. An external light therapy device has a thin, molded substrate, at least one array of light emitters mounted onto the thin, molded substrate, an attaching means for removably attaching the device to an area of treatment, and a controller for controlling the external light therapy device. Methods for supporting light sources adjacent desired treatment locations and for treating jaw bone disorders and jaw osteonecrosis and biostimulating bone and soft tissue are also disclosed. 1. A light therapy apparatus comprising:a support configured to register with one or more anatomical features of a patient's head, the support configured to generally follow a curvature of a maxillary bone; andat least one extra-oral light source configured to be mounted on a yoke that is mounted along the support, the yoke being slidably coupled to the support, the light source being slidably coupled to the yoke and configured to apply against the skin of the patient on a jaw bone of the patient when the apparatus is worn by the patient, the extra-oral light source configured to irradiate light through the patient's skin toward a region of the jaw bone of the patient in an amount that is effective for at least one of a treatment of a bone disorder or biostimulation of at least one of bone or soft tissue.2. The light therapy apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one light source includes an extra-oral LED array.3. The light therapy apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a controller configured to provide a dosage effective for phototherapy and configured to control at ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261708A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

The present invention relates to substances, to electroluminescent device comprising these substances, and to the use thereof. 115-. (canceled)18. The compound according to claim 16 , wherein X═CH.19. The compound according to claim 16 , wherein Y═CR.22. The compound according to claim 16 , wherein Z claim 16 , identically or differently on each occurrence claim 16 , H claim 16 , D claim 16 , F claim 16 , Cl claim 16 , Br claim 16 , I claim 16 , N(R) claim 16 , CN claim 16 , NO claim 16 , Si(R) claim 16 , B(OR) claim 16 , C(═O)R claim 16 , P(═O)(R) claim 16 , S(═O)R claim 16 , S(═O)R claim 16 , OSOR claim 16 , a straight-chain alkyl claim 16 , alkoxy or thioalkoxy group having 1 to 40 C atoms or a straight-chain alkenyl or alkynyl group having 2 to 40 C atoms or a branched or cyclic alkyl claim 16 , alkenyl claim 16 , alkynyl claim 16 , alkoxy claim 16 , alkylalkoxy or thioalkoxy group having 3 to 40 C atoms claim 16 , each of which is optionally substituted by one or more radicals R claim 16 , where one or more non-adjacent CHgroups is optionally replaced by RC═CR claim 16 , C≡C claim 16 , Si(R) claim 16 , Ge(R) claim 16 , Sn(R) claim 16 , C═Se claim 16 , C═NR claim 16 , P(═O)(R) claim 16 , SO claim 16 , SO claim 16 , NR claim 16 , O claim 16 , S or CONRand where one or more H atoms is optionally replaced by D claim 16 , F claim 16 , Cl claim 16 , Br claim 16 , I claim 16 , CN or NO claim 16 , or an aromatic or heteroaromatic ring system having 5 to 60 aromatic ring atoms claim 16 , which may in each case be substituted by one or more radicals R claim 16 , or an aryloxy claim 16 , arylalkoxy or heteroaryloxy group having 5 to 60 aromatic ring atoms claim 16 , which is optionally substituted by one or more radicals R claim 16 , or a diarylamino group claim 16 , diheteroarylamino group or arylheteroarylamino group having 10 to 40 aromatic ring atoms claim 16 , which is optionally substituted by one or more radicals R claim 16 , or a combination of two or more of ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268033A1

A light therapy device () comprises: at least one light source (); a control device () for controlling the operation of the light source; a boundary memory () containing boundary information defining boundaries for the distance (D) and relative angle (f) of a user's head with respect to the light source; monitoring means () for monitoring the actual distance and actual relative angle of the user's head and generating an output signal indicating the measured distance and angle. The control device has an input coupled to the memory for receiving the boundary information, and has an input coupled to the monitoring means for receiving the output signal from the monitoring means. The control device compares the output signal from the monitoring means with the boundary information, and issues a warning signal when the actual position and/or orientation of the user's head and/or eyes is/are outside said boundaries. 11. Light therapy device () comprising:{'b': '2', 'at least one light source ();'}{'b': 10', '2, 'a control device () for controlling the operation of the light source ();'}{'b': 11', '2, "a boundary memory () containing boundary information defining boundaries (Dmin, Dmax, φ min, φmax) for the distance (D) and relative angle (φ) of a user's head with respect to the light source ();"}{'b': 30', '2, "monitoring means () for monitoring the actual distance (D) and actual relative angle (φ) of the user's head with respect to the light source (), and generating an output signal indicating the measured distance and angle;"}{'b': 10', '11, 'wherein the control device () has an input coupled to the boundary memory () for receiving the boundary information;'}{'b': 10', '30, 'wherein the control device () has an input coupled to the monitoring means () for receiving the output signal from the monitoring means;'}{'b': '10', 'wherein the control device () is designed to compare the output signal from the monitoring means with the boundary information;'}{'b': '10', "and ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268034A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Provided is a phototherapy apparatus capable of applying appropriate treatment. Specifically, the purpose of the present invention is to provide a phototherapy apparatus capable of easily supplying adequate treatment light even when a region to be treated is a bent region like finger joints of a patient having severe rheumatoid arthritis, thus making it possible to apply appropriate treatment. This phototherapy apparatus is configured to include: a light guide including a first surface on which an affected part is placed and a second surface on a back surface side of the first surface; a light source that outputs therapeutic light to enter an inside of the light guide body; and a light guide member that has softness and surface tackiness and is disposed on a part of the first surface. 1. A phototherapy apparatus comprising:a light guide body that includes a first surface on which an affected part is placed, and a second surface on a back surface side of the first surface;a light source that outputs therapeutic light to enable the therapeutic light to enter an inside of the light guide body; anda light guide member that has softness and surface tackiness and is disposed on a part of the first surface.2. The phototherapy apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the light guide member is an elastomer.3. The phototherapy apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light guide member is disposed at a position in contact with a treatment part to be irradiated with the therapeutic light claim 1 , the treatment part being part of the affected part placed on the first surface.4. The phototherapy apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light guide member has a projecting shape with respect to the first surface.5. The phototherapy apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light guide member is configured to be detachable from the first surface.6. The phototherapy apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a holding member that has a hollow ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268035A1
Автор: Araya Heidi, Ward Terry J.

A system is provided for reducing lipid content of adipocytes in a body. The system includes an optical device configured to illuminate a region of the body at a selective peak wavelength and at a selective power density for a selective time period. The system also includes a controller connected to the optical device to determine the selective wavelength, the selective power density and the selective time period to stimulate lipolysis in the adipocytes. A system is also provided for reducing pain in the body. A method is also provided for reducing lipid content of adipocytes in the body. 1. A system comprising:an optical device configured to illuminate a region of a body at a selective peak wavelength and at a selective power density for a selective time period to reduce lipid content of adipocytes in the body; anda controller connected to the optical device to determine the selective wavelength, the selective power density and the selective time period to stimulate lipolysis in the adipocytes.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the optical device is an array of LEDs claim 1 , wherein the selective peak wavelength is approximately 635 nm claim 1 , and wherein the controller is further configured to modulate an output of the LEDs at a selective frequency to stimulate the lipolysis in the adipocytes.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller includes:a switch to select between an internal modulation signal or an external modulation signal to modulate the LEDs; anda relay to transmit an input signal to the LEDs at the selective frequency based on one of the internal modulation signal or the external modulation signal.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein upon said switch being used to select the external modulation signal claim 3 , said controller includes:an inlet for receiving the external modulation signal at the selective frequency;a half-wave rectifier to convert positive portions of the external modulation signal into a direct current signal and to block ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274836A1
Автор: DOWNS Ronald K.

A portable pain treatment device including a base portion having a first plurality of light emitting devices and a first heating unit on a bottom surface, an upper portion positioned on the end of the base portion opposite the bottom surface, the base portion including an opening, a second plurality of light emitting devices and a second heating unit positioned on an inner surface of the opening, and a control unit configured to control the light intensity of the first and second plurality of light emitting devices and the heat intensity of the first and second heating units. 1. A portable pain treatment device including:a base portion having a first plurality of light emitting devices and a first heating unit on a bottom surface;an upper portion positioned on the end of the base portion opposite the bottom surface, the base portion including an opening;a second plurality of light emitting devices and a second heating unit positioned on an inner surface of the opening; anda control unit configured to control the light intensity of the first and second plurality of light emitting devices and the heat intensity of the first and second heating units.2. The portable pain treatment device of including a power supply unit in the device that is configured to provide power to the light emitting devices claim 1 , the heating units claim 1 , and the control unit.3. The portable pain treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the control unit separately controls the light intensity of the first plurality of light emitting devices and the second plurality of light emitting devices.4. The portable pain treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the opening is sized to accommodate a human foot.5. The portable pain treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of light emitting devices are configured to emit a light having a wavelength of between approximately 590 nm and 880 nm.6. The portable pain treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the light intensity of the first or second ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods to Enhance Optical Transparency of Biological Tissues for Photobiomodulation

Номер: US20130274837A1
Автор: Nemati Babak

Systems and methods for photobiomodulation of biological processes using invasive or non-invasive chemical clarification of biological tissues are provided to improve optical transmission of light energy in sub-epidermal tissue. The chemical clarification of in vivo biological tissues provides at least partial optical clarification of such tissues by applying a clarifying agent to the sub-epidermal tissue to temporarily replace water and other fluids from such tissues. Light energy is then applied to the clarified tissues, providing for deeper penetration of the light energy and more effective photobiomodulation. Lower power and wavelengths of light can be administered at high fluences into the tissue, at greater depths, and induce biological effects that are more pronounced than previously observed. 1. A method of performing photobiomodulation of biological tissue in vivo , comprising:administering a clarifying agent to a first layer of biological tissue through a surface permeability barrier layer of tissue covering the said biological tissue; andapplying a source of light energy to the clarified covered biological tissue.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the clarification agent comprises at least one of glycerol claim 1 , diatrizoate meglumine acid claim 1 , and glucose.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the clarifying agent is administered through at least one of a physical claim 2 , chemical or thermal force.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the clarifying agent is administered topically.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of topically administering the clarifying agent is performed without removal of the surface permeability barrier.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the clarifying agent further includes a penetration enhancer.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source of light energy is one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs).8. The method of claim 7 , wherein a plurality of LEDs are arranged into an array.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Shapeable Light Therapy and Method

Номер: US20130274839A1
Принадлежит: BIOPHOTAS Inc

Methods, devices and systems for delivering light therapy to human or non-human animal subjects. Included are shapeable light therapy devices which are formable into different shapes suitable for delivery of therapeutic light to different regions of the subject's body and will retain the desired shape without a need for the use of a strap or other shape-retaining apparatus. Also included are light therapy devices that, in at least some modes of operation, deliver light that is not visible to the human eye and which include indicator(s) to indicate to a user and/or to the subject being treated when non-visible light is actually being emitted.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Intra-oral light therapy apparatuses and methods for their use

Номер: US20130280671A1
Принадлежит: BIOLUX RESEARCH Ltd

In some embodiments, an apparatus comprises a housing, an emitter, and an electronic circuit. The housing is configured to fit within a patient's mouth. The emitter is at least partially encased within the housing. The emitter is configured to emit an effective amount of light to the alveolar soft tissue when the housing is disposed within the mouth. The electronic circuit is operatively coupled to the emitter. The electronic circuit is configured to control the emitter when the housing is disposed within the mouth and the apparatus is in use during orthodontic treatment. The apparatus and its use for regulating tooth movement or maintaining or improving oral tissue health are disclosed herein.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281947A1
Автор: Quisenberry Tony
Принадлежит: ThermoTek, Inc.

In one aspect, the present invention relates to a wound care system. The wound care system includes a power unit and a processor coupled to the power unit. An ultra-violet light-emitting diode array is electrically coupled to the processor. A thermoelectric element is thermally exposed to the ultra-violet light-emitting diode array. A probe is optically coupled to the ultra-violet light-emitting diode array. The thermoelectric element cools the ultra-violet light emitting diode array thereby optimizing the ultra-violet light emitting diode array. 1. A wound care system comprising:a power unit;a processor coupled to the power unit;an ultra-violet light-emitting diode array electrically coupled to the processor;a thermoelectric element thermally exposed to the ultra-violet light-emitting diode array;a probe optically coupled to the ultra-violet light-emitting diode array; andwherein the thermoelectric element absorbs excess heat from the ultra-violet light-emitting diode array and transfers the excess heat to an exhaust thereby optimizing the ultra-violet light emitting diode array.2. The wound care system of claim 1 , comprising:a pump electrically coupled to the processor and that is fluidly coupled to the probe;an exudate bottle fluidly coupled to the pump; andwherein the pump applies vacuum pressure to a wound area.3. The wound care system of claim 2 , wherein the pump operates in at least one of a high vacuum state and a low vacuum state.4. The wound care system of claim 2 , comprising:a pump solenoid fluidly coupled to the pump and electrically coupled to the processor;a probe solenoid fluidly coupled to the pump and electrically coupled to the processor; anda vent solenoid fluidly coupled to the pump and electrically coupled to the processor.5. The wound care system of claim 4 , wherein vacuum pressure is applied to the wound area via selective actuation of the pump solenoid claim 4 , the probe solenoid claim 4 , and the vent solenoid.6. The wound care system ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289672A1

To provide a laser therapy apparatus that is capable of determining a contact state between a tip portion of a laser catheter and a tissue, which includes a buried state of the tip portion in the tissue, a laser therapy system, and a determination method. 1. A laser therapy apparatus , comprising:a connection portion to which a second end portion of a laser catheter is connected, the laser catheter including a first end portion, the second end portion, and an electrode, a laser beam entering and exiting from an apical surface of the first end portion, the electrode being provided at outer periphery of the first end portion along an axial direction of the first end portion;an emission unit configured to emit a laser beam to the second end portion connected to the connection portion; to cause light reflected from the second end portion connected to the connection portion to enter, and', 'to detect an optical state of the entered reflected light;, 'an optical state detection unit configured'}an electrical state detection unit configured to detect an electrical state of the electrode via the second end portion connected to the connection portion; anda determination unit configured to determine, based on the detected optical state and electrical state, a contact state between the first end portion and a therapy-target tissue treated by using the laser catheter.2. The laser therapy apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe optical state detection unit is configured to detect an intensity of the entered reflected light,the electrical state detection unit is configured to detect a potential of the electrode, and to determine that the contact state between the first end portion and the therapy-target tissue is normal in the case where the detected intensity of light is low and the detected potential is low,', 'to determine that the first end portion is buried in the therapy-target tissue in the case where the detected intensity of light is low and the detected potential is ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Light therapy device for treatment of bone disorders and biostimulation of bone and soft tissue

Номер: US20130289674A1
Автор: Peter Robert Brawn
Принадлежит: BIOLUX RESEARCH Ltd

The present invention provides an extra-oral light therapy device including a head-set, at least one extra-oral light emitting diode (“LED”) array removably attached to the head-set, a connector for removably attaching the head-set to the at least one extra-oral LED array, and a programmable controller for controlling the extra-oral light therapy device. The present invention also provides an external light therapy device including a thin, molded substrate, at least one LED array mounted onto the thin, molded substrate, an attaching means for removably attaching the at least one LED array mounted onto the thin, molded substrate to the area of treatment, and a programmable controller for controlling the external light therapy device.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

System for Optical Stimulation of Target Cells

Номер: US20130295635A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

Various systems and methods are implemented for controlling stimulus of a cell. One such method is implemented for optical stimulation of a cell expressing a NpHR ion pump. The method includes the step of providing a sequence of stimuli to the cell. Each stimulus increases the probability of depolarization events occurring in the cell. Light is provided to the cell to activate the expressed NpHR ion pump, thereby decreasing the probability of depolarization events occurring in the cell.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Lightguide phototherapy apparatus

Номер: US20130304162A1
Принадлежит: Polyphotonix Ltd

An apparatus ( 20 ) for directing electromagnetic radiation into a respective pupil of at least one eye of a user is disclosed. The apparatus comprises first radiation emitting means comprising at least one radiation emitting layer ( 8 ) adapted to emit electromagnetic radiation and second radiation emitting means ( 6 } adapted to direct electromagnetic radiation into at least one eye and/or onto at least one eyelid of a user. A light guide ( 1 ) is adapted to receive radiation emitted by the first radiation emitting means and to direct at least part of the radiation to the second radiation emitting means, wherein a total surface area of the first emitting radiation means from which radiation is emitted is larger than a total cross sectional area of a beam of radiation entering the or each pupil of the user in use, in a direction transverse to an optical axis of the beam.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods And Compositions For Administering A Specific Wavelength Phototherapy

Номер: US20130310730A1
Принадлежит: Applied Biology Inc

Methods are disclosed for administering electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which may include filtering EMR from part of the EMR spectrum while allowing passage of EMR at a desired wavelength. A fluorescent component may be included, which absorbs EMR at one wavelength and emits EMR at the desired wavelength. Uses may include the treatment of acne. Pruritus may also be treated by allowing the passage to the skin of a particular UV wavelength from sunlight, which has an immunosuppressive effect, while protecting the skin from other harmful UV radiation.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310817A1
Автор: Frangineas George

Light sources and methods for spreading a beam of electromagnetic radiation. The light sources include a scattering element with an outlet and an angular-selective element with an inlet spatially disposed between the outlet of the scattering element and an electromagnetic radiation source. The beam enters the inlet traveling in a direction of propagation and propagates through the beam spreader to the outlet for transmission from the outlet. The scattering element includes a scattering medium configured to scatter the electromagnetic radiation in the beam to provide a two-dimensional spatial distribution for intensity that is substantially uniformly across the outlet. The angular-selective element is configured to reflect a majority of the electromagnetic radiation of the first beam scattered by the scattering medium in a direction opposite to the propagation direction and reaching the angular-selective element. 1. A method for spreading at least one beam of electromagnetic radiation , the method comprising:directing the electromagnetic radiation of a first beam to impinge an inlet to the angular-selective element at an angle of incidence greater than 10°;transmitting the electromagnetic radiation in a propagation direction through the angular-selective element and into a scattering element;scattering the electromagnetic radiation in a scattering medium of the scattering element such that an area of a two-dimensional spatial distribution of intensity output at an outlet of the scattering element is substantially uniformly across the outlet; andreflecting a majority of the electromagnetic radiation that is scattered by the scattering medium from the angular-selective element in a direction opposite to the propagation direction.2. The method of wherein the angle of incidence is in a range of 20° to 30°.3. The method of wherein the angular-selective element is tilted relative to the propagation direction.4. The method of wherein the angular-selective element and the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324945A1
Автор: Sabin Pierre

The invention concerns a novel medical system intended to be fixed in a surgically prepared osseous site of a patient and that connects external components to active entities located inside the body of the patient. 1. A percutaneous connection assembly intended to be fixed by osseointegration in an osseous structure of a patient for transfer of a flow —preferably of electricity , light , data , or matter —between the interior and exterior of the body of the patient , wherein the assembly comprises: a percutaneous socket having a first end comprising a percutaneous abutment and a second end opposite to the first end;', 'an elongated extension member intended to be inserted within a hole created into the osseous structure, said extension member having a first end coupled to the second end of the socket, and a second end opposite to the first end, the coupling of the extension member relative to the percutaneous socket being designed for angular shifting of the first end of the percutaneous socket relative to the second end of the extension member; and', 'connection elements running through the device from the first end of the percutaneous socket to the second end of the extension member, said connection elements comprising at least a first connector arranged within the percutaneous abutment;, 'An implant device havingAn external device for emission and/or reception of the flow toward and/or from the second end of the extension member, said external device including a housing with coupling elements for direct coupling of the housing onto the percutaneous abutment external to the body of the patient.2. The percutaneous connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the external device is configured to convey an electrical signal claim 1 , the housing of the external device containing one or several of elements among batteries claim 1 , electronics claim 1 , cables claim 1 , connectors claim 1 , circuitry claim 1 , coils and any other elements for emission claim 1 , reception ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Method of vaccination

Номер: US20130330363A1
Принадлежит: PCI BIOTECH AS

The present invention provides a method of expressing an antigenic molecule or a part thereof on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell, said method comprising introducing a molecule into the cell cytosol by photochemical internalisation, wherein said molecule, or a part thereof, is subsequently presented on the surface of said cell. Methods of vaccination comprising this method, together with compositions comprising said cells and uses involving said cells expressing antigenic molecules are also provided.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation

Номер: US20130331767A1
Автор: Tony Quisenberry
Принадлежит: Thermotek Inc

A combination therapy pad that includes a first layer and a second layer operatively coupled to the first layer. A fiber-optic array is disposed between the first layer and the second layer. A third layer is operatively coupled to the first layer. The third layer includes a vacuum tube in fluid communication with a vacuum source and a therapeutic fluid tube in fluid communication with a therapeutic fluid source. The third layer provides at least one of vacuum therapy and therapeutic fluid treatment to a wound area.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Optical Method And Device For Modulation Of Biochemical Processes In Adipose Tissue

Номер: US20130338739A1
Автор: Bornstein Eric

Optical methods and devices are provided for the reduction of the lipid content of adipocytes without significant heat or intolerable adverse effect on the cells and their surrounding tissues. The optical method and device can be used to irradiate adipose tissue through the skin with non-thermal and non-destructive effects by application of near infrared (NIR) irradiation at selected wave bands in selected ranges to affect modulation of innate enzymatic processes involved in lipolysis, lipogenesis, leptin secretion, adiponectin secretion, and/or glucose absorption. 1. A method of reducing lipid level in an adipocyte without generating significant heat in , or significant damage to the adipocyte , comprising the step of irradiating a target site on an individual's skin above adipose tissue with an optical radiation having a first wavelength from about 850 nm to about 879 nm and/or a second wavelength of about 905 nm to about 945 nm at a dosimetry from about 0.015 W/cm̂2 to 1 W/cm̂2 to modulate at least one of the innate biochemical processes of adipocytes.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the biochemical processes had already been initiated with exercise and/or by pharmacological means before the irradiation.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the biochemical processes of adipocytes is selected from lipolysis claim 1 , lipogenesis claim 1 , leptin production claim 1 , adiponectin production claim 1 , and glucose uptake.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the optical radiation has a wavelength from about 865 nm to about 875 nm and/or about 925 nm to about 935 nm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the optical radiation is provided for a time of from about 10 to about 120 minutes.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the optical radiation is provided for a time of from about 15 to about 100 minutes.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the optical radiation is provided for a time of ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Optical Irradiation Appliance for Dermatology and Beauty Care

Номер: US20130344454A1
Автор: NATH Günther

The appliance according to the invention for dermatological or cosmetic treatment of a patient comprises a base body (), which has a radiation source () for emitting light in a wavelength range between 350 nm and 1000 nm. An intermediate piece () sitting on the base body () conveys the light from the radiation source () in the direction of a body region () of the patient to be treated. An attachment element () secured detachably on the light output end of the intermediate piece () is brought into direct contact with the body region () to be treated, in order thereby to introduce a dermatologically or cosmetically active substance (), during irradiation with the emitted light, into the body region () to be treated. Alternatively, the attachment element () can also simply serve to adapt the radiation cross-section of the emitted light to the size and the irregularities of the body region to be treated. 1. Appliance for dermatological or cosmetic treatment of a patient comprising:{'b': 19', '6', '19', '11', '21', '41', '61', '6', '11, 'i': c', 'c, 'a base body (; ), having a radiation source (; ; ; ; ) for emission of light in a wavelength region between 320 nm and 1500 nm,'}{'b': 15', '25', '35', '45', '550', '551', '650', '6', '15', '6', '25', '19', '6', '19', '11', '21', '41', '61', '6', '11', '214, 'i': c', 'c', 'c', 'c, "an intermediate piece (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ), which is placed onto the base body (; ) in order to direct the light from the radiation source (; ; ; ; ) toward the patient's body region () being treated, and"}{'b': 18', '28', '38', '414', '418', '58', '68', '6', '18', '6', '18', '6', '18', '15', '25', '35', '45', '55', '550', '551', '650', '6', '15', '6', '25', '214, 'i': c', 'd', 'e', 'c', 'c, 'an attachment element (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ), arranged on the light exit end of the intermediate piece (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ), which is designed to be brought into direct contact with the body region () being treated, wherein'}{'b': 18', '28', '38', '414', '418', ' ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Radiation-Based Dermatological Devices and Methods

Номер: US20140005756A1
Принадлежит: Tria Beauty Inc

A self-contained, hand-held device for providing a dermatological treatment may include a device body configured to be handheld by a user, a radiation source including a beam source configured to generate an energy beam, an application end configured to be manually moved across the surface of the skin, a sensor configured to generate signals based on an interaction with the skin, and electronics configured to automatically identify a series of intrinsic skin features based on the sensor signals, and control at least one operational parameter of the radiation source based at least on the identification of such skin features.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005757A1

A cartridge, medical apparatus and method are disclosed. The cartridge and a holding element are for operable connection with each other to form a phototherapy apparatus. The cartridge includes a radiation source for emitting radiation towards an area to be treated of a user; a mount element for positioning the radiation source in a predetermined position relative to the area to be treated; wherein the mount element comprises a locating portion configured for locating the cartridge at a predetermined position with respect to a body portion of the user. 1. A cartridge for operable connection with a holding device to form a phototherapy apparatus , the cartridge comprising:a radiation source for emitting radiation towards an area to be treated of a user;a mount element for positioning the radiation source in a predetermined position relative to the area to be treated;wherein the mount element comprises a locating portion configured for locating the cartridge at a predetermined position with respect to a body portion of the user.2. A cartridge as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locating portion is configured to locate against a corresponding receiving portion of a holding device such that the cartridge can be located at the predetermined position with respect to the body portion.3. A cartridge as claimed in wherein the cartridge is configured to be inserted into the holding device.4. A cartridge as claimed in wherein the locating portion is configured to locate the cartridge against a nose bridge of the user.5. A cartridge as claimed in wherein the radiation source is one or more OLED.6. A cartridge as claimed in wherein the radiation source is arranged to emit radiation having a wavelength in the range of 450 and 580 nanometres.7. A cartridge as claimed in further comprising a power source provided integrally with the cartridge.8. A holding element for operable connection with a cartridge to form a phototherapy apparatus claim 1 , the holding element comprising:a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005758A1
Принадлежит: PhotoPill Medical Ltd.

A swallowable capsule for providing phototherapy to a patient's gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the capsule including a power supply, one or more phototherapeutic light sources, a speed determination unit for calculating speed of movement of the capsule in the GI tract, and a controller unit for activating one or more of the one or more light sources for delivering a therapeutic illumination dose to a target site in the GI tract, based, at least in part, on a determined speed. Related apparatus and methods are also described. 1. A swallowable capsule for providing phototherapy to a patient's gastrointestinal (GI) tract , the capsule comprising:a power supply;one or more phototherapeutic light sources at one or more wavelengths in ranges selected from the group consisting of visible light and Near Infra Red (NIR) light;a speed determination unit for determining speed of movement of the capsule at a target site in the GI tract; and{'sup': '2', 'a controller unit for controlling illumination by said one or more phototherapeutic light sources so as to provide an effective phototherapeutic illumination dose to be in a range of 0.1-1.0 Joules/cmand activating one or more of the one or more light sources for delivering said effective phototherapeutic illumination dose to said target site.'}2. The capsule according to claim 1 , in which claim 1 , if the speed determination unit determines a capsule speed which is substantially zero claim 1 , the controller unit is configured to cause the controller unit to turn the light sources OFF.3. (canceled)4. The capsule according to claim 1 , in which the effective phototherapeutic illumination dose is computed claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , based on said determined speed of movement of the capsule at said target site in the GI tract.5. The capsule according to claim 1 , in which the capsule controls the one or more phototherapeutic light sources based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on said determined speed of movement of ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Light Therapy for Increasing CD34+ Cell Count in Peripheral Blood

Номер: US20140012353A1
Автор: Prescott Marvin A.

Techniques for elevating CD34+ cell level in peripheral blood using light are disclosed herein. In one example, a light generating device is positioned to a body part of a patient, and a beam of light generated by the light generating device is directed to the body part of the patient to increase CD34+ cell level in the peripheral blood of the patient. In various embodiments, the beam of light is direct to a body part of the patient that is CD34+ stem/progenitor cell and/or precursor cell that give rise to CD34+ stem/progenitor cell rich. In various embodiments, the body part is the abdomen of the patient rich in adipose tissue. In various embodiments, the light beam has one or more wavelength in the range of 400 to 1300 nm. In various embodiments, the light beam is a low intensity light beam of generated by a power of 1-12 mW. 1. A method for elevating peripheral blood CD34+ cell level of a patient using a light generating device , comprising:positioning the light generating device to a body part of the patient; anddirecting a beam of light generated by the light generating device to the body part of the patient to increase the peripheral blood CD34+ cell level of the patient.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light beam includes a wavelength of 400 to 1300 nm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light beam is a low intensity beam generated by a power of 1-12 mW.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the body part includes one body area selected from the group consisting of an adipose tissue rich area: abdominal claim 1 , thigh claim 1 , and buttocks.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the light generating device includes placing the light generating device over the body part but external to the patient body.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the light generating device includes implanting the light generating device to the body part so that the device is internal to the patient body.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light beam is ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018886A1
Автор: Kerber Thomas

A liquid-containing heat filter for use with a high-intensity light, said liquid-containing heat filter comprising a substantially hollow reservoir for receiving heat-filtering liquid therein, the reservoir comprising a first optically transparent member, a second optically transparent member, and a peripheral frame for receiving and retaining said first optically transparent member and said second optically transparent member, heat-filtering liquid disposed in said substantially hollow reservoir, and a first resiliently deformable member interposed in trapped relation between the first optically transparent member and a first portion of said peripheral frame, wherein, in use, when the heat-filtering liquid in the reservoir raises in temperature due to the heating effect of the high-intensity light, the first resiliently deformable member is compressed to thereby allow the outward movement of the first optically transparent member due to expansion of the heat-filtering liquid. 1. A liquid-containing heat filter for use with a high-intensity light , said liquid-containing heat filter comprising:a substantially hollow reservoir for receiving heat-filtering liquid therein, comprising:a first light passing member;a second light passing member; anda peripheral frame for receiving and retaining said first light passing member and said second light passing member;heat-filtering liquid disposed in said substantially hollow reservoir; anda first resiliently deformable member interposed in trapped relation between the first light passing member and a first portion of said peripheral frame,wherein, in use, when the heat-filtering liquid in the reservoir raises in temperature due to the heating effect of the high-intensity light, the first resiliently deformable member is compressed to thereby allow the outward movement of the first light passing member due to expansion of the heat-filtering liquid.2. The filter of claim 1 , the reservoir further comprising a spacer for ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039377A1
Автор: Saks Asher Abraham

An ophthalmological device () for the treatment of corneal diseases such as keratocanus and glaucoma, comprises a moulding head (), a suction body () and a UV lamp (). The moulding head () has a hollow cylindrical configuration and includes a rigid moulding lens () for shaping the cornea of an eye () of a patient. The lens is curved and defines a plurality of apertures therein. The suction body () has a hollow cylindrical configuration. The lamp () is fitted to the suction body. Moulding head () and suction body () together define a chamber () from which air is evacuated so as to induce a partial vacuum within the chamber () for attracting the cornea onto the lens (). A photo-sensitizer is applied to the eye and while the cornea is held against the mould, it is irradiated with UV light by lamp () so as to cross-link collagen fibres in the cornea. 1. An ophthalmological device for the treatment of corneal diseases , which includes:a mould having a curved, transparent moulding surface defining a plurality of apertures therein, which is applied to the cornea of an eye of a patient for shaping the corneal tissue to a desired curvature;a suction body defining a suction chamber in which a partial vacuum is induced so as to form a partial vacuum within the mould which attracts the cornea onto the moulding surface; anda radiation source for irradiating the cornea with a beam of radiation.2. The ophthalmological device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mould includes a rigid lens which defines said curved moulding surface claim 1 , the moulding surface of the lens having a predetermined curvature so as to shape the corneal tissue to said desired curvature.3. The ophthalmological device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the mould lens is in the form of a rigid contact lens.4. The ophthalmological device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the mould is removably connected to the suction body claim 3 , thereby permitting the mould to be removed and replaced by another mould with a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065570A1
Автор: Chen Roger, Tsai Ming-Chih

A light guide type pain reliever includes a handle including a barrel accommodating a battery, a rear end cap and a front end cap respectively capped on two opposite ends of the barrel, a pushbutton mounted in the rear end cap and a switching connector mounted in the rear end cap and electrically connected to the battery and drivable by the pushbutton to switching on/off the battery, a holder shell connected to the front end cap and electrically coupled to the battery and having electrically connected thereto a vibrator and a light-emitting device, an adapter connected to the holder shell, and a light guide plate connected to adapter guiding out light rays emitted by the light-emitting device. 1. A light guide type pain reliever , comprising:a hollow handle, said hollow handle comprising a barrel accommodating therein a battery, a rear end cap capped on one end of said barrel, a pushbutton mounted in said rear end cap, a front end cap thread-connected to an opposite end of said barrel, and a switching connector mounted in said rear end cap and electrically connected to said battery, said switching connector comprising a switching rod linked to said pushbutton and drivable by said pushbutton to switch on/off said battery;a holder shell being a hollow member connected to said front end cap and electrically coupled to said battery, said holder shell having electrically connected thereto a vibrator and a light-emitting device;an adapter connected to said holder shell and adapted to accommodate said vibrator and said light-emitting device, said adapter comprising a plug hole located in a front side thereof; anda light guide plate having one end thereof plugged into said plug hole of said adapter and kept in line with said light-emitting device for receiving light rays emitted by said light-emitting device and an opposite end thereof suspending outside said adapter and provided with an insertion slot.2. The light guide type pain reliever as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081357A1
Принадлежит: Myolite, Inc.

The present application is directed to an eye-wear borne electromagnetic radiation refractive therapy system that may comprise an electromagnetic radiation source comprising a ring of LEDs that directs one of its on axis or off axis electromagnetic radiation to a desired peripheral retina area of a wearer's eye. The system may further comprise batteries for powering the LEDs, an antenna for receiving signals and a processor for controlling the LEDs, wherein the electromagnetic radiation source includes spectral characteristics similar to outdoor light. 1. A lighting system for the regulation of the development of the refractive state of an eye , comprising:at least one light source which produces a predetermined illuminance and a predetermined spectral power distribution.2. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined illuminance is greater than 3500 lux.3. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined illuminance is greater than 1500 lux.4. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined spectral power distribution comprises a spectral band width from 320 nm to 680 nm.5. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the light source directs one of its on axis or off axis electromagnetic radiation to the plane of the eye.6. The lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising an antenna for receiving signals from a remote control and a processor for controlling an illuminance claim 1 , correlated color temperature and spectral band width of the light produced by the light source.7. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the light source is selected from the group consisting of: LEDs claim 1 , incandescent lighting claim 1 , fluorescent lighting claim 1 , compact fluorescent lighting claim 1 , metal halide lighting claim 1 , ceramic metal halide lighting claim 1 , mercury vapor lighting claim 1 , and xenon lighting.8. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the light source is configured to produce radiation having a predetermined ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Enhanced light based lipoplasty

Номер: US20140081359A1
Автор: Bruce J. Sand
Принадлежит: YOLO Medical Inc

A light applicator configured for contacting a portion of a subject's body surface and applying light irradiation thereto for lipolysis of target tissue underlying the subject's body surface is provided. The light applicator includes: a substrate; a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) arranged on the substrate. A beam divergence of each of the plurality of LEDs is in the range of 50 to 70 steradian. The plurality of LEDs is arranged such that their emitted light beams overlap during transmission to a target tissue underlying the subject's body surface.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088439A1
Принадлежит: Photopharmics, Inc.

Light therapy apparatuses are configured to expose a subject to light that is tailored to address and/or diagnose at least one motor-related neurological condition. Blue-green light and green light are useful for treating motor-related neurological conditions or their symptoms. Deep red light and near infrared radiation may facilitate the repair of retinal cells and/or neurons that may be responsible for motor-related neurological conditions. Amber, orange and red light enable the early diagnosis of motor-related neurological conditions. 1. A system for use with a subject suffering from a motor-related neurological condition , comprising:at least one light source for emitting an above-ambient intensity of at least one first bandwidth of visible light including an intensity peak at a wavelength that treats a motor-related neurological condition, a majority of light emitted by the at least one light source comprising wavelengths that treat the motor-related neurological condition, the wavelengths that treat the motor-related neurological condition including a range of 520 nm to 570 nm.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wavelengths that treat the motor-related neurological condition are from 490 nm to 570 nm.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the light source is not configured to emit light outside of the wavelengths that treat the motor-related neurological condition.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one light source includes:at least one light source that generates the intensity peak of the at least one first bandwidth of visible light; andat least one filter for limiting ocular exposure of a subject to extraneous wavelengths of visible light generated by the light source that are outside of the first bandwidth of visible light.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one filter limits passage of the extraneous wavelengths of visible light therethrough to ambient or below-ambient amounts.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088487A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

Methods and devices are provided for activating brown adipose tissue (BAT) with light. Generally, the methods and devices can activate BAT to increase thermogenesis, e.g., increase heat production in the patient, which over time can lead to weight loss and/or improved metabolic function. In one embodiment, a medical device is provided that activates BAT by using light to stimulate nerves that activate the BAT and/or to stimulate brown adipocytes directly, thereby increasing thermogenesis in the BAT and inducing weight loss and/or improved metabolic function through energy expenditure. The light can be configured to directly or indirectly stimulate the nerves and/or the brown adipocytes. The light can be configured to indirectly stimulate the nerves and/or the brown adipocytes by activating a light activatable medium administered to a patient and configured to respond to the light to cause activation of the brown adipose tissue. 1. A medical method , comprising:positioning a device in contact with tissue of a patient proximate to a depot of brown adipose tissue; andactivating the device to deliver light energy to the patient to activate the brown adipose tissue and increase energy expenditure of the brown adipose tissue.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light energy has a wavelength in an infrared range of about 0.7 to 1000 μm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light energy has a wavelength in an ultraviolet range of about 0.01 to 0.4 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising delivering a light activatable medium to the depot of brown adipose tissue claim 1 , the light activatable medium being configured to respond to the light energy when the light energy is delivered to the patient claim 1 , the response of the light activatable medium causing activation of the brown adipose tissue.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein delivering the light activatable medium to the depot of brown adipose tissue comprises alternating at least once between delivering the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088489A1
Автор: Li Yaolin

The invention is applicable to the field of medical care products, and provides a wound care apparatus. The wound care apparatus comprises a pump and a sealed dressing connected to the pump via a first pipeline, a laser being disposed at the upper end of the sealed dressing. The wound care apparatus further comprises a pus bottle that is connected with a piece of sponge and the pump via rubber hoses, respectively. In the invention, the pump of the wound care apparatus is connected with the sealed dressing via the first pipeline, after the wound is dressed by the sealed dressing, the pump is controlled to pump the wounded area into a vacuum state, and ulceration caused by airborne bacterial infection is thus prevented. More importantly, the wound healing rate under a near-negative pressure environment is two to three times of that under normal environment. 1. A wound care apparatus , comprising:a pump and a sealed dressing connected to the pump via a first pipeline, a laser being disposed at the upper end of the sealed dressing, the wound care apparatus further comprising a pus bottle that is connected with a piece of sponge and the pump via rubber hoses, respectively.2. The wound care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sealed dressing is made of transparent materials.3. The wound care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent materials refer to transparent plastics.4. The wound care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wavelength of laser light emitted by the laser is 620 nm-655 nm.5. The wound care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wound care apparatus further comprises a vial to which the pump is connected via a pipeline. The invention belongs to the field of medical care products, particularly relates to a wound care apparatus.Skin wounds, for example cuts, burns and scalds, are common. For diabetics and paralyzed people, large-area skin ulcer is likely to appear.At present, wounds are mainly treated by patches. The ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and external preparation for lymphatic slimming

Номер: US20140088548A1
Автор: Satoshi Shinkawa
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a set of body slimming compositions, for application to a body before irradiating the body with a far-infrared ray in an atmosphere of 50° C. or thereabout. The slimming composition set includes a first external composition containing a cosmetic base, a Bacillus-fig-soybean fermented liquor, a Bacillus-Monascus-angelica-soybean fermented liquor, a Bacillus-longan-soybean fermented liquor, orizanol, tocopheryl acetate, macadamia nut oil, and glucosyl hesperidine, and a second external composition containing a cosmetic base, a Bacillus-persimmon-soybean fermented liquor, a Waltheria indica leaf extract, and ascorbyl tetrahexyldecanoate. The first external composition is applied to a lymphatic node region of the body, and the second external composition is applied to a slimming target region of the body. The composition set of the invention can activate lymph or lipase, whereby a remarkable body slimming effect can be attained.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094879A1

A light-emitting device () is disclosed. The light-emitting device () comprises a plurality of light-emitting elements () or light sources and a power module () adapted to selectively convey, supply or provide electrical power to the light-emitting elements (). The power module () may be dimensioned such as to be able to power only a proper subset of the light-emitting elements () of the light-emitting device () at a given time, the subset having a maximum number of light-emitting elements () included therein with respect to the number of light-emitting elements () included in the all subsets of the light-emitting elements () of the light-emitting device (). The plurality of sets of light-emitting elements () maybe arranged so as to emit light over a light emission area, and the plurality of sets of light-emitting elements () may be arranged relatively to each other such that different sets of light-emitting elements () emit light over different portions of the light emission area. 1. A light-emitting device comprising:a light-emitting module comprising a plurality of sets of light-emitting elements; anda power module adapted to selectively convey electrical power to the plurality of sets during respective non-overlapping time intervals for powering the respective sets;wherein the power module is configured such that it has an upper capacity limit with respect to an electrical power that can be conveyed to each of the plurality of sets, the upper capacity limit corresponding to an electrical power requirement of a set of the plurality of sets having a maximum number of light-emitting elements included therein with respect to the number of light-emitting elements included in the respective sets.2. A light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sets of light-emitting elements are arranged so as to emit light over a light emission area claim 1 , and the plurality of sets of light-emitting elements are arranged relatively to each other such that ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Lumbar Laser Traction and Lumbar Laser Decompression Therapy

Номер: US20210001144A1

A laser device for use in spinal therapy. The laser device includes a laser manifold having a plurality of recessions therein. Multiple laser modules are disposed within the laser manifold, with each laser module being disposed within one of the plurality of recessions in the laser manifold. The laser device may be incorporated into a spinal therapy bed or other apparatus. In certain embodiments, the laser device may be attached to a motorized actuator. 1a laser manifold having a plurality of recessions therein; anda plurality of laser modules, each disposed within one of the plurality of recessions in the laser manifold.. A laser therapy device, comprising: The human spine consists of four distinct regions of bony vertebra which are (generally) connected by intervertebral discs. These consist of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and Sacral regions. The Cervical region consists of locations labeled “C0”, “C1”, “C2”, “C3”, “C4”, C5”, “C6”, and “C7”. The Thoracic region consists of locations labeled “T1”, “T2”, “T3”, “T4”, “T5”, “T6”, “T7”, “T8”, “T9”, “T10”, “T11”, and “T12”. The Lumbar region consists of locations labeled “L1”, “L2”, “L3”, “L4”, and “L5”. For the purposes of traction and decompression therapy of the human spine, the only relevant location of the Sacral region is labeled “S1”.The vertebra are bone structures which vary according to the segment and region of the backbone. Most vertebra are connected by intervertebral discs which allow slight movement of the vertebra and act as “shock absorbers” for the spine. The structure of the intervertebral discs is complex, however their function is dependent primarily on the nucleus pulposus (the central portion of the intervertebral disc) which performs the function of load distribution within the spine. Intervertebral discs are labeled as, for example, the intervertebral disc located between L3 and L4 labeled “L3-4”.There is a normal curvature of the spine, the so called ‘S-Curve’. There is a normal ‘lordosis’ ( ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001145A1
Автор: Mason Stephen

The present invention is broadly directed to an artificial lighting system for emitting artificial light in an indoor environment for controlling myopia in humans. The artificial lighting system generally comprises: 1. An artificial lighting system for emitting artificial light for controlling myopia in humans , said lighting system comprising: ["i) at a predetermined wavelength emission spectrum substantially simulating the effect of sunlight, said wavelength spectrum being within a range of wavelengths detectable by an individual's eyes at a retinal level;", 'ii) at a predetermined level of illuminance measured at the eyes of at least 300 lux and up to around 1,000 lux measured at or around desk height;', 'iii) the predetermined wavelength emission spectrum being a) higher in its proportion of wavelengths at 480 nm±5 nm relative to neighbouring wavelengths, and b) relatively lower in its proportion of high energy visible light of wavelengths at between 415 nm to 455 nm,, '(A) an artificial light source of a light-emitting diode type, said light source designed to directly generate and emit artificial light without filters(B) an electronic control module operatively coupled to the artificial light source to control its emission of the artificial light which when exposed to an individual's eyes for a predetermined exposure period of time of at least 180 minutes on average per day and at least 1,800 lux-hours per day is sufficient to trigger a neurological response in the retina of each of the eyes which is effective in contributing to a reduction in the onset or progression of myopia in the individual's eyes.2. An artificial lighting system as claimed in wherein the electronic control module includes a built-in control board.3. An artificial lighting system as claimed in wherein the electronic control module is configured to vary one or more characteristics of the artificial light at predetermined time intervals.4. An artificial lighting system as claimed in wherein ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001146A1
Автор: Huang Li-Da

In one aspect, a method for measuring cell metabolism through photobiomodulation comprising steps of receiving a broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (bbNIRS) image including one or more responding signals to light stimulation regarding a specific cell; extracting two or more turning points on one of the responding signals; extracting two or more threshold points on one of the responding signals; generating a first line by curve fitting to approximate the turning points on the responding signal and determining a slop of the first line; generating a second line by curve fitting to approximate the threshold points on the responding signal and determining a slop of the second line; and comparing the input images, the first line and the second line to determine a rate of cell metabolism of the specific cell. 1. A method for in vivo and transcranial stimulation of brain tissue of a subject comprising steps of:providing at least one light source;placing the light source near the exterior of the head of the subject to stimulate the subject's brain tissue;detecting signals for before, during and after the brain stimulation;analyzing detected signals to determine a rate of brain tissue metabolism; andgenerating a feedback control signal to adjust dosage, timing and location of the light source based on the analyzed results,wherein the step of analyzing detected signals to determine brain tissue metabolism includes steps of:receiving a broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (bbNIRS) image including one or more responding signals to light stimulation regarding the brain tissue;extracting two or more turning points on one of the responding signals;extracting two or more threshold points on one of the responding signals;generating a first line by curve fitting to approximate the turning points on the responding signal and determining a slop of the first line;generating a second line by curve fitting to approximate the threshold points on the responding signal and determining a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001147A1
Автор: Huang Li-Da

A system for in vivo and transcranial stimulation of brain tissue of a subject may include at least one light source; a controller to control operation of the light source; a signal detecting unit and a processor configured to receive a signal from the signal detecting unit; analyze the signal and generate a feedback signal to the controller to control the light source until optimal results are obtained, wherein the detected signal is an electroencephalogram (EEG) signal, on which local peak frequencies are extracted and recorded periodically and repeatedly within a predetermined time frame before, during and after light stimulation, and the feedback signal is generated by comparing the local peak frequencies of before, during and after the brain stimulation to determine if brain synchronization occurs and sustains, and the feedback signal is generated. 1. A method for in vivo and transcranial stimulation of brain tissue of a subject comprising steps of:providing at least one light source;placing the light source near the exterior of the head of the subject to stimulate the subject's brain tissue;detecting signals for before, during and after the brain stimulation;analyzing detected signals to determine brain synchronization; andgenerating a feedback control signal to adjust dosage, timing and location of the light source based on the analyzed results,wherein the step of analyzing detected signals to determine brain synchronization includes steps of:periodically and repeatedly extracting feature points of local peak frequencies in an electroencephalogram (EEG) within a predetermined time frame;recording said local peak frequencies of before, during and after the brain stimulation; andcomparing the local peak frequencies of before, during and after the brain stimulation to determine if brain synchronization occurs and sustains.2. The method for in vivo and transcranial stimulation of brain tissue of a subject of claim 1 , wherein the light source is a laser ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001106A1

A light-emitting diode (LED) therapy device and method of use is provided that increases healing of tissues by targeting damaged tissue at a predetermined wavelength and pulsed at a predetermined frequency. The device includes a housing and a light radiation module enclosed within the housing. The light radiation module includes an LED, a controller unit connected to the LED to control wavelength and pulsed frequency of the LED, and a rechargeable power source. The device also includes a light-diffusing member connected to the housing designed to diffuse light emitted from the LED to damaged tissue in a human cavity. Light in the red or near infrared range and pulsed at a Nogier frequency increases the effectiveness of the LED device to stimulate healing of damaged tissues. Particular devices include incorporation into a pacifier for healing an infant's gums, or nasal, auditory, vaginal, or anal cavities and adults or children. 1. A light-emitting diode (LED) therapy device to target surfaces within a cavity , the device comprising:(i) a housing; (a) an LED for emitting light having at least one predetermined wavelength,', '(b) a controller unit connected to the LED, the controller unit capable of controlling pulse frequency of the LED for at least one predetermined frequency;', '(c) a power source electrically connected to the controller unit;, '(ii) a light radiation module substantially enclosed within the housing, the light radiation module having,'}(iii) a light diffusing member connected to the housing, the light diffusing member designed to diffuse and project light emitted from the LED.2. The device of claim 1 , and wherein the predetermined wavelength is between 600 nm and 700 nm claim 1 , and wherein the at least one predetermined frequency is at least one of a Nogier frequency and a harmonic of the Nogier frequency claim 1 ,whereby light pulsed at the Nogier frequency or the harmonic of the Nogier frequency increases the rate of tissue repair compared to ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Systems and Methods Involving Non-Surgical Laser Treatment of a Fibrous Mass

Номер: US20220008370A1
Автор: Bocian Darin

Systems and methods for treating fibrous masses associated with conditions such as Morton's neuroma, stump neuroma, plantar fibroma, plantar fibromatosis, plantar fasciitis, plantar fasciopathy, and Achilles tendinopathy. According to implementation herein, exemplary methods may comprise non-surgically delivering electromagnetic energy to such fibrous masses in various ways. 1. A method for treating a fibrous mass , comprising:identifying a location of the fibrous mass; andnon-surgically delivering electromagnetic energy having a spot size of about 8-10 mm, and other specified parameters, to the fibrous mass.2. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 1 , further comprising determining a number of a plurality of treatments.3. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 1 , wherein the identifying the location of the fibrous mass step further comprises using a medical imaging technique.4. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 3 , wherein using medical imaging techniques further comprises using magnetic resonance imaging.5. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 3 , wherein using medical imaging techniques further comprises using ultrasound imaging.6. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 1 , wherein the identifying the location of the fibrous mass step further comprises: placing a patient in a supine position; palpating the patient's skin over a suspected location of the fibrous mass; and detecting an audible click when palpating skin directly over the fibrous mass.7. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 1 , wherein the determining the first size of the fibrous mass further comprises using medical imaging techniques.8. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 7 , wherein using medical imaging techniques further comprises using magnetic resonance imaging.9. The method of or the invention of any claim herein claim 7 , wherein using medical imaging ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008622A1

An orthopedic infra-red laser medical device and methods of use for applying infra-red energy to an anatomic region of interest located within the body of a patient. The device includes a hollow needle and a housing on which the needle is releasably mounted. The housing includes an infra-red laser source for producing a laser beam and directing the beam through the needle to exit out of the open distal end of the needle. The distal end of the needle is sharp to pierce through the skin of the patient to a position closely adjacent the anatomic region of interest to deliver the infra-red laser beam thereto without any intervening skin and tissue attenuating the infra-red laser beam. The device can be used for various orthopedic purposes and can also be used on fat in a patient to release activated stem cells. 1. A method of treating fat of a patient by the irradiation of an anatomic region of fat located within the body of the patient , said method comprising:a) providing a device comprising a housing and a needle, said needle being an elongated member having a proximal end, a sharpened distal end and a hollow passageway extending therethrough from said proximal end to said distal end, said housing comprising an infra-red laser source located therein arranged when activated to produce a collimated infra-red laser beam to enter into said hollow passageway at said proximal end of said needle and pass therethrough to exit said distal end of said needle;b) introducing said needle into the body of the patient by causing said sharpened distal end to pierce the skin and underlying tissue so that said distal end of said needle is located closely adjacent the situs of the anatomic region of fat; andc) activating said laser source to produce said infra-red laser beam, whereupon said infra-red laser beam exits said distal end of said needle to impinge said anatomic region of fat without the intervening skin and underlying tissue attenuating said infra-red laser beam.2. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008625A1

A medical apparatus, system and method of producing a medical apparatus are disclosed. The apparatus includes a radiation source for emitting electromagnetic radiation towards an area to be treated of a patient; a mount element arranged to be worn by the patient for positioning the radiation source in a predetermined position relative to the area to be treated; and a controller for controlling the duration or time that the radiation source emits electromagnetic radiation, and for varying the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emitted in accordance with predetermined parameters. 1. A medical apparatus comprising:a radiation source for emitting electromagnetic radiation towards an area to be treated of a patient;a mount element arranged to be worn by the patient for positioning the radiation source in a predetermined position relative to the area to be treated; anda controller for controlling the duration or time that the radiation source emits electromagnetic radiation, and for varying the intensity, waveform, frequency or pulse modulation of electromagnetic radiation emitted in accordance with predetermined parameters.2. A medical apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller is adapted to vary the intensity claim 1 , waveform claim 1 , frequency or pulse modulation of radiation emitted in accordance with a treatment program corresponding to the predetermined parameters claim 1 , the program received at an input terminal.3. A medical apparatus as claimed in wherein the input terminal is a user interface provided on the apparatus claim 2 , or a receiver element arranged to receive a signal from a remote device.4. A medical apparatus as claimed in wherein the treatment program comprises an increase in intensity and a decrease in intensity.5. A medical apparatus as claimed in wherein the controller is provided remotely to the mount element.6. A medical apparatus as claimed in wherein the treatment program is predetermined based on a patient's personal ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008626A1

An orthopedic infra-red laser medical device and methods of use for applying infra-red energy to an anatomic region of interest located within the body of a patient. The device includes a hollow needle and a housing on which the needle is releasably mounted. The housing includes an infra-red laser source for producing a laser beam and directing the beam through the needle to exit out of the open distal end of the needle. The distal end of the needle is sharp to pierce through the skin of the patient to a position closely adjacent the anatomic region of interest to deliver the infra-red laser beam thereto without any intervening skin and tissue attenuating the infra-red laser beam. The device can be used for various orthopedic purposes and can also be used on fat in a patient to release activated stem cells. 1. A method of treating an orthopedic disease or condition of a patient by the irradiation of an anatomic region of interest located within the body of the patient , said method comprising:a) providing a device comprising a housing and a needle, said needle being an elongated member having a proximal end, a sharpened distal end and a hollow passageway extending therethrough from said proximal end to said distal end, said housing comprising an infra-red laser source located therein arranged when activated to produce a collimated infra-red laser beam to enter into said hollow passageway at said proximal end of said needle and pass therethrough to exit said distal end of said needle;b) introducing said needle into the body of the patient by causing said sharpened distal end to pierce the skin and underlying tissue so that said distal end of said needle is located closely adjacent the situs of the anatomic region of interest; andc) activating said laser source to produce said infra-red laser beam, whereupon said infra-red laser beam exits said distal end of said needle to impinge said anatomic region of interest without the intervening skin and underlying tissue ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods, Materials, Devices and Systems for Treating Injuries to Central Nervous System

Номер: US20210007898A1

There is provided improved therapy methods and apparatus for treating a patient's brain and spinal cord. The apparatus further relates to a flexible surgical balloon or cap-like device comprising one or more material layers that may have an antimicrobial element. The therapy apparatus may include portals for introducing diagnostic monitoring and/or therapeutic devices, and delivery of therapeutic drug delivery systems. Certain embodiments of the invention have an output emission area positioned to irradiate a portion of the brain with an efficacious power density and wavelength of light for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes. 1. A surgical device comprising a temporary flexible covering for an exposed brain or spinal cord that allows the brain or spinal cord to swell following injury.2. The device according to that allows for almost total exposure of the brain and affected area(s) of the spinal cord into a therapeutic claim 1 , decompressive claim 1 , monitored claim 1 , sterile environment that is amenable to additional therapeutic intervention.3. The device according to further comprising at least one access port.4. The device according to further comprising a single use claim 3 , disposable device with multiple accessible ports for monitor tubing and electrical cables claim 3 , for infusion claim 3 , for sampling of extracellular milieu claim 3 , for a fluid recirculator claim 3 , or for one or more other medical devices.5. The device according to wherein the other medical device emits energy.6. The device according to wherein the energy is light emitted is in the infrared or near infrared wave lengths.7. The device according to wherein the other medical device is magnetic claim 4 , emits radiation claim 4 , or comprised of ultrasonic waves.8. The device according to wherein the other medical device provides directed therapeutic temperature regulation including induced hypothermia.9. The device according to wherein the at least one port infuses medication ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for the Automated Delivery of Photobiomodulation Therapy to a Patient

Номер: US20210008386A1

Systems and methods for treating neuropathic pain by using a photobiomodulation device in a handheld manner. A robotic arm is attached to a light emitting device and controlled, using a visual display, to automatically position the light emitting device over areas to be treated on the patient's body. The automated light delivery process allows a patient to treat large portions of her body in a handsfree manner. 1. A method of treating peripheral neuropathic pain of a patient using an automated photobiomodulation delivery system comprising: a light emitting device;', 'a robotic member attached to the light emitting device;', "a visual display configured to acquire and display a depiction of the patient's anatomy, wherein the visual display is further configured to receive an indication of the patient's anatomy to be treated and generate data representative of said anatomy to be treated; and", 'a controller configured to receive the data representative of the anatomy to be treated and, based on the data, control a positioning of the light emitting device using the robotic member;, 'providing the photobiomodulation delivery system, wherein the photobiomodulation delivery system comprisesreceiving the indication of the patient's anatomy to be treated via the visual display; andpositioning the light emitting device to deliver light to the patient's anatomy to be treated by moving the robotic member using the controller based on the indication of the patient's anatomy to be treated.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to translate data representative of the anatomy to be treated into a plurality of positions of the robotic member.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising a data structure having a plurality of translation data claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to translate data representative of the anatomy to be treated into the plurality of positions of the robotic member using the plurality of translation data.4. The method of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008964A1

A method of inhibiting migration of a cancer cell of a tumor in a subject comprising the steps of: (a) contacting the tumor with a gold nanomaterial; and (b) irradiating the tumor with an irradiation source. 1. A method of inhibiting migration of a cancer cell of a tumor in a subject comprising the steps of:(a) contacting the tumor with a gold nanomaterial; and(b) irradiating the tumor with an irradiation source;wherein the nanomaterial inhibits the migration of the cancer cell in the subject, andwherein the cancer cell is present in the tumor in the subject.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contacting step (a) comprises injecting into the tumor a solution comprising the gold nanomaterial.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gold nanomaterial is at least one of a gold nanorod and a gold nanosphere.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the gold nanomaterial is a gold nanorod having a length dimension of from about 20 nm to about 50 nm and a width dimension of from about 3 nm to about 10 nm.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the gold nanorod has a length dimension of about 26 nm and a width dimension of about 5 nm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gold nanomaterial is conjugated to a ligand.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the ligand is one or more of a targeting moiety and a moiety that increases biocompatibility of the gold nanomaterial.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the ligand is selected from an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) peptide claim 7 , a Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS) claim 7 , Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) claim 7 , Rifampicin (RF) claim 7 , and polyethylene glycol (PEG).9. The method of claim 8 , wherein a concentration of targeting moieties on the gold nanomaterial is from about 1 claim 8 ,000 to about 50 claim 8 ,000 moieties per particle of gold nanomaterial.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the irradiation source is a laser comprising a single emission wavelength of from about 750 nm to about 1250 nm.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009104A1

A method and computer program product for suppressing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) by irradiating a subject exhibiting the symptoms with a pre-determined dose of UV-containing light from a light source and detecting a suppression of the clinical symptoms of MS. In particular, the detected suppression of the clinical symptoms is disassociated from the vitamin D production within the subject. 2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising identifying the subject with the use of pre-defined diagnostic criteria.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the suppression of the clinical symptoms includes at least one of a delay of onset of MS symptoms claim 1 , a reduction of peak of severity of MS symptoms claim 1 , and a decrease of the cumulative disease index (CDI).4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the method additionally comprises a second light dose.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the irradiating includes repeatedly irradiating with such a dose and at such repetition time intervals as to suppress clinical symptoms and wherein the subject does not develop hypercalcemia.6. A method according to claim 1 , additionally comprising the step of irradiating the subject with a second dose of light claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second doses of light comprises a UV irradiance of at least 2.5 kJ/m.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the subject is has a reference level of serum calcium and a reference level of a serum 25(OH)D3 claim 1 , and wherein the irradiating the subject includesa) irradiating the subject with a first dose of light from a light source, the first dose being adapted to cause a change of a serum 25(OH)D3 level from the reference level of a serum 25(OH)D3 to a first level that is lower than a threshold level associated with suppression of the clinical symptoms; andb) repeatedly irradiating the subject at repetition time intervals with a second dose of light from the light source, the second dose and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009399A1
Автор: Reil Julie Ann

The invention relates to devices and compositions useful for and methods of female genital skin reduction, improvement of skin tone and treatment of female urinary incontinence, as well as the treatment or improvement of other clinical conditions, including but not limited to those involving the female genitalia. 127.-. (canceled)28. A method of reducing and toning skin of a clitoral hood of a human patient , the method comprising performing a plurality of passes each comprising:applying mineral powder to skin within first, second, and third treatment areas, the skin in the first treatment area being above the clitoral hood, the skin in the second treatment area being along a first side of the clitoral hood, and the skin in the third treatment area being along a second side of the clitoral hood, the second and third treatment areas each being laterally alongside the clitoral hood;applying a gel atop the mineral powder to cool the skin in the first, second, and third treatment areas;heating the skin in the first, second, and third treatment areas using infrared light; andremoving the mineral powder and the gel from the skin in the first, second, and third treatment areas.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein heating the skin in the first claim 28 , second claim 28 , and third treatment areas comprises:placing an infrared light generating device against the skin in the first treatment area, applying moderate pressure, and actuating the infrared light generating device to thereby cause the infrared light generating device to deliver the infrared light to the skin in the first treatment area;placing the infrared light generating device against the skin in the second treatment area, applying moderate pressure, and actuating the infrared light generating device to thereby cause the infrared light generating device to deliver the infrared light to the skin in the second treatment area; andplacing the infrared light generating device against the skin in the third treatment ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Wearable Micro-LED Healing Bandage

Номер: US20200009400A1

A wound dressing and method of use is provided that increases healing of tissues by targeting damaged tissue at a predetermined wavelength. The device includes the use of a negative pressure bandage, a flexible light sheet, and one or more bioactive marine extracts. Light emitted from the flexible light sheet penetrates through the bandage to target damaged tissue, which accelerates the wound healing process and works synergistically with the negative pressure bandage and bioactive marine extracts such as collagen fibers, alginate, chitosan and fucoidan, or any combination thereof to accelerate healing. 1. A wound dressing for delivering light energy to treat medical conditions in damaged tissues , the wound dressing comprising:a flexible light sheet having a plurality of light sources capable of providing at least one effective wavelength at an effective intensity to stimulate cell proliferation on a target area of a patient;a light source controller operatively connected to the flexible light sheet to control the plurality of light sources;a translucent bandage connected to the flexible light sheet, the translucent bandage capable of permitting light energy emitted from the plurality of light sources to pass through the translucent wound dressing to the target area of the patient, wherein the translucent bandage is comprised of an absorbent material; anda therapeutic medicament layer adjacent to the translucent bandage, the therapeutic medicament layer comprising at least one medicament selected from the group consisting of at least one of collagen fibers, alginate, chitosan, and fucoidan.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light sources are a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) claim 1 , and the effectively wavelength is a wavelength within the infrared or near infrared spectrum having wavelengths between 580 and 700 nm.3. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light sources are arranged in an array and the flexible ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032086A1
Автор: Wey Albert Chin-Tang

This invention relates to a ceramic module for assembly into a therapeutic device for treating a human or animal body with irradiation of far infrared radiation and low dose ionizing radiation based on radiation hormesis effect. More specifically, the invention relates to a ceramic module that simultaneously emits far infrared radiation within 3-16 μm wavelength spectrum and ionizing radiation at a specific dose rate in the range of 0.1-11 μSv/h (micro-Sieverts per hour). Said ceramic module may be used alone or serve as components of a therapeutic device for increasing physiologic performance, immune competence, health, and mean lifespan of human or animal. 1. A ceramic module for use in a therapeutic device for treating a human or animal body , said ceramic module comprising a mixture of a first set of powdered substance emitting far infrared radiation and a second set of powdered substance emitting ionizing radiation , wherein as a result of the mixture of the first and second sets of powdered substances being calcined at a temperature at or above 900° C. into a shaped article , said ceramic module simultaneously emits far infrared radiation within 3-16 μm wavelength spectrum and ionizing radiation at a specific dose rate in the range of 0.1-11 μSv/h.2. The ceramic module according to claim 1 , wherein the ionizing radiation dose rate of said ceramic module is in the range of 0.1-0.5 μSv/h.3. The ceramic module according to claim 1 , wherein said first set of powdered substance includes one or more oxides selected from the group consisting of silicate claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , zirconia claim 1 , phosphate claim 1 , sodium oxide claim 1 , potassium oxide claim 1 , ferric oxide claim 1 , chromic oxide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide claim 1 , manganese oxide claim 1 , calcium oxide claim 1 , nickel oxide claim 1 , and cobalt oxide claim 1 , wherein at least one of the selected oxide is at least 2% by weight.4. The ceramic module according to ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Portable, HANDS-FREE, PRE-CALIBRATED and WEARABLE Laser brace/wrap type clinical-strength medical device/apparatus, with embedded Low-Level-Laser-Therapy (LLLT), providing for a new method/modality for Pain relief in the form of orthopedic LASERWRAPS, from joint related musculoskeletal pain caused by joint related illnesses including - TENNIS ELBOW, CARPEL-TUNNEL, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOPEROSIS, PLANTAR FASCITIS, TENDONITIS (BACK PAIN, KNEE TENDONITIS, HAND TENDONITIS, ACHILLES TENDONITIS), SPORT INJURIES & BURSITIS

Номер: US20170014640A1
Автор: Kariguddaiah Abijith

WEARABLE, PRE-CALIBRATED & HANDS-FREE CLINICAL-STRENGTH medical device/s for JOINT PAIN RELIEF using a sports/orthopedic brace/wrap (for Wrist, Knee, Elbow, Neck & Shoulder, Ankle & Foot & Back) embedded with therapeutic Low Level Laser therapy (LLLT) based red light (infrared and near infrared) technology. —A convenient PORTABLE device for pain relief from joint related musculoskeletal pain caused by illnesses including—TENDONITIS (BACK PAIN, KNEE TENDONITIS, HAND TENDONITIS, ACHILLES TENDONITIS) TENNIS ELBOW, CARPEL-TUNNEL, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOPEROSIS, PLANTAR FASCITIS, TISSUE HEALING from SPORTS INJURIES AND BURSITIS, and as an non-invasive alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) 1. A portable medical device , comprising:a plurality of battery powered low level laser therapy (LLLT) laser diodes embedded within a wrap and positionable around an orthopedic joint in a patient, wherein the diodes are able to:generate a pre-calibrated radiation dosage of a laser-light created by the laser diodes into the joint and at a penetration depth that are recommended by clinicians for treating the joint and/or a clinical disorder;apply a treatment of the radiation to a portion of at least one of a wrist, a knee, a back, an elbow, a neck & shoulder, and an ankle/foot joint corresponding to the placement of the brace;reduce a pain and an inflammation caused by at least one of a disease associated with a degradation of a joint or sports related injuries in the at least one of wrist, knee, back, elbow, neck/shoulder, and ankle/foot; andwherein the medical device comprises the laser diodes embedded within at least one of a glove, a knee brace, a back brace, an elbow-brace, a neck/shoulder-brace, and an ankle/foot brace.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the laser diodes comprise light emitting (LED) claim 1 , or vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes (VCSEL) claim 1 , pre-calibrated to emit a dosage specific to a joint and/or a type of medical disorder.3. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Treatment Techniques Using Radiation, Electromagnetic Fields and Small-Scale Injectable Machines

Номер: US20180014798A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention includes new techniques for radiotherapy and other external electromagnetic influence of treatment subjects. In one aspect of the invention, a plurality of nano-scale or other small-scale machines is introduced to the blood stream (for example, by hypodermic injection). The design of each small-scale machine may include different sub-devices and electrostatic or magnetic charges, at different surface or internal locations. An electromagnetic and/or electrostatic control system the remotely alters the orientation and location of the small-scale machines, and applies the machines, and variably applies different sub-devices to different treatment targets. In some aspects, the sub-devices include actuable protection and sub-devices, to deliver drugs or other factors at specific locations commanded by the control system or a user.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015192A1

A UVB lighting system for a motor vehicle includes a printed circuit board including a UVB light source and a map light. A controller operates the system. A related method is also disclosed. 1. A UVB lighting system for a motor vehicle , comprising:a printed circuit board including a UVB light source and a map light.2. The UVB lighting system of claim 1 , further including a controller configured to activate said UVB light source for a predetermined operating cycle and to flash said map light when said operating cycle is completed.3. The UVB lighting system of claim 1 , further including a UVB indicator lamp on said printed circuit board and a controller configured to activate said UVB indicator lamp when said UVB light source is activated so as to provide a visual indication of UVB light source activation.4. The UVB lighting system of claim 1 , further including a child detection device and a controller connected to said child detection device and configured to prevent activation of said UVB lighting when a child is detected in a passenger compartment of the motor vehicle.5. The UVB lighting system of claim 4 , wherein said child detection device is a seat weight sensor.6. The UVB lighting system of claim 4 , wherein said child detection device is an imaging device.7. The UVB lighting system of claim 5 , further including a visual imaging device and a controller connected to said visual imaging device and configured to adjust an operating cycle of said UVB lighting system for makeup or sunscreen worn by an occupant of a passenger compartment of said motor vehicle.8. The UVB lighting system of claim 1 , further including a controller configured to customize an operating cycle of said UVB lighting system for a particular operator.9. The UVB lighting system of claim 1 , wherein said UVB light source comprises a plurality of UVB light emitting diodes.10. The UVB lighting system of claim 9 , wherein said plurality of UVB light emitting diodes are provided in series.11. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015297A1

A system that uses light to treat concussions includes: one or more light array devices that are flexible and emit red light and infrared light; a red laser probe; an infrared laser probe; and a computing system connected to the light array devices and the laser probes. The computing system includes a processor, memory, a display device and a user input device. The memory includes multiple protocols, each protocol including multiple stages, and each stage including multiple steps for using the light array devices and the laser probes. The steps are respectively associated with predetermined settings for configuring the light array devices and the laser probes. The processor determines a given stage of a given protocol, and automatically configures settings of the light array devices and the laser probes in sequence according to the predetermined settings respectively associated with given steps within the given stage. 1. A system configured for light treatment , the system comprising:one or more light array devices that are flexible and emit red light and infrared light;at least one of a red laser probe and an infrared laser probe;a computing system connected to the one or more light array devices, the red laser probe and the infrared laser probe;the computing system comprising a processor, memory, a display device and a user input device;the memory comprising multiple protocols, each protocol comprising multiple stages, and each stage comprising multiple steps for using the one or more light array devices, and at least one of the red laser probe and the infrared laser probe, and the multiple steps respectively associated with multiple predetermined settings for configuring the one or more light array devices, and at least one of the red laser probe and the infrared laser probe; andthe processor is configured to determine a given stage of a given protocol from memory, and automatically configure settings of the one or more light array devices and at least one of the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Treatment of Diseases Using Combination of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Probiotics

Номер: US20160016002A1
Автор: John Todd Kuenstner
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of and composition for treating a patient having Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), and in embodiments including Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and/or Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis (MAH), causing one or more diseases, one embodiment of the method including administering to the patient an effective amount of one or more probiotics and administering to the patient an effective amount of ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) treatment, and an embodiment of the composition including an effective amount of one or more probiotics and an effective amount of UVBI treated blood of the patient.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Device And Method For Providing Phototherapy to The Brain

Номер: US20190015679A1

An apparatus is provided for irradiating at least a portion of a patient's brain with electromagnetic radiation to treat stroke, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, or depression. The apparatus includes a source of the electromagnetic radiation. The apparatus further includes an output optical element including a rigid and substantially thermally conductive material and a surface configured to be in thermal communication with the patient's body. The apparatus further includes a cooler thermally coupled to the output optical element to remove heat from the output optical element. The apparatus further includes a heat sink thermally coupled to the cooler, wherein the heat sink is positioned so that the electromagnetic radiation from the source propagates through the heat sink and through the output optical element. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for irradiating at least a portion of a patient's brain , comprising: a source of the electromagnetic radiation, the electromagnetic radiation having at least one wavelength in a range between about 780 nanometers and about 840 nanometers;', "an output optical element comprising sapphire, the output optical element comprising a front surface configured to face towards the patient's scalp and to be in thermal communication with the patient's scalp during treatment and a back surface configured to face away from the patient's scalp during treatment;", "a thermoelectric cooler thermally coupled to the back surface of the output optical element and configured to remove heat from the output optical element through the back surface and to actively cool an irradiated portion of the patient's scalp; and", 'a heat sink thermally coupled to the thermoelectric cooler, wherein the heat sink is positioned so that the electromagnetic radiation from the source propagates through the heat sink and through the output optical element; and, "placing a light emitting device in contact with a predetermined portion of at least one of the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016024A1

A system for vision rehabilitation therapy includes a controller, a laser generator for generating a laser beam with a cyclic frequency-varying laser pulse train having a frequency range of 10 Hz˜35 Hz, and a light spot regulating device for forming a light spot with a diameter of about 20 mm and a laser power density of less than 1.5 mW/cm. A blade is disposed in front of the laser generator and shaped to block or unblock the laser beam as the blade rotates. A speed regulating motor is provided to regulate rotation speed of the blade through a drive circuit. A pair of virtual reality three-dimensional glasses is provided to generate a virtual reality three-dimensional green scenery, and a massage device is provided to massage acupoints around the eyes and on the head of a user. 1. A system for vision rehabilitation therapy , comprising:a controller;a laser source module coupled with the controller;a laser pulse train frequency regulation and control module coupled with the laser source module, the laser source module and the laser pulse train frequency regulation and control module being capable of generating a laser beam with a cyclic frequency-varying laser pulse train having a frequency range of 10 Hz˜35 Hz; and{'sup': '2', 'a light spot regulating device coupled with the laser pulse train frequency regulation and control module, the light spot regulating device being capable of forming a light spot with a diameter of about 20 mm and a laser power density of less than 1.5 mW/cm.'}2. The system for vision rehabilitation therapy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the laser source module and the laser pulse train frequency regulation and control module comprise:a laser generator for generating the laser beam;a rotatable blade disposed in front of the laser generator, the blade being shaped to block or unblock the laser beam as the blade rotates;a speed regulating motor for rotating the blade and regulating speed of rotation of the blade; anda motor drive circuit ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018749A1

A transdermal device () comprising at least one substrate () arranged to be applied against the dermal surface or the mucous membrane. The at least one active ingredient is grafted to the substrate () by at least one photolabile ligand, and at least one light source () operated by a control mechanism arranged to generate light pulses, of a predetermined wavelength, intended to break covalent bonds between the active ingredient and the ligand in order to release the active ingredient from the substrate (). The substrate () comprises at least one porous matrix () with a three-dimensional structure comprising a plurality of pits () organized in a sponge-like fashion and constructed of a polymer chosen between chitin and chitosan, and the matrix () defines at least one three-dimensional tank (). The active ingredient is contained and grafted by the ligand. 118-. (canceled)1911. A transdermal device () for controlled administration to a patient of at least one active ingredient through a dermal surface or a mucous membrane , the transdermal device () comprising:{'b': '2', 'at least one substrate () arranged to be applied against the dermal surface or the mucous membrane,'}{'b': '2', 'the at least one active ingredient being grafted to the substrate () by at least one photolabile ligand,'}{'b': 1', '11', '2, 'in addition, the transdermal device () comprising at least one light source () operated by control means arranged to generate light pulses of a predetermined wavelength intended to break the at least one ligand and release the at least one active ingredient from the substrate (),'}{'b': 2', '6', '7', '6', '8, 'wherein the substrate () comprises at least one porous matrix () with a three-dimensional structure comprising a plurality of pits () organized in a sponge-like fashion and constructed of a polymer chosen between chitin and chitosan, the matrix () defines at least one three-dimensional tank (), and the at least one active ingredient is contained and grafted,'} ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018753A1

Systems and methods for illumination of a vascular space and its contents using an electromagnetic energy source that supplies a plurality of wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to infrared are shown. Illumination can be performed using multiple wavelengths, simultaneously or sequentially, and can be performed in accordance with a protocol where an initial illumination produces an effect that is at least partially reversed by a subsequent illumination. Illumination protocols can be stored on a database and accessed via a user interface displayed on the electromagnetic energy source. The database can be used to store data related to performance of system components, and such data can be used to override or modify an illumination protocol. 1. A method for illumination of a vascular space and its contents , comprising;providing a vascular access device comprising a waveguide, wherein at least a portion of the waveguide is within a vascular space;transmitting a first illumination through the waveguide over a first time interval, wherein the first illumination induces a first effect within the vascular space; and,transmitting a second illumination through the waveguide over a second time interval, wherein the second illumination induces a second effect within the vascular space; and,wherein the second effect at least partially reverses the first effect.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first illumination comprises an ultraviolet wavelength.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first illumination further comprises a light wavelength from 400 nm to 1200 nm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second illumination comprises a light wavelength range of about 520 nm to about 540 nm.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second illumination further comprises a light wavelength range of about 620 nm to about 640 nm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first illumination comprises a plurality of light wavelength ranges claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016426A1
Автор: Brawn Peter Robert
Принадлежит: Biolux Research Holdings, Inc.

Methods are provided for regulating tooth movement and for maintaining or improving tissue health using heavy forces. Such methods comprise allowing a heavy force to be exerted on one or more teeth of a patient in need thereof; and administering an effective amount of light to the maxillary or mandibular alveolar bone of the patient, wherein the light is administered before, during, or after the heavy force is exerted. The light can have a wavelength in the range of about 585 nm to about 665 nm, or about 815 nm to about 895 nm. An apparatus useful for providing light therapy is also provided. 128.-: (canceled)29. An intra-oral light therapy system , comprising:an oral tray configured to fit within an oral cavity of a patient;a plurality of emitters embedded within the oral tray and configured to overlie and irradiate mucosal tissue overlying a root of a tooth of the patient when in use in the oral cavity; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'a controller comprising instructions to irradiate the root of the tooth of the patient at a wavelength ranging from 620 nm to 1,000 nm and an intensity ranging from about 1 mW/cmto about 100 mW/cm.'}30. An intra-oral light therapy system , comprising:an oral tray configured to fit within an oral cavity of a patient;{'sup': 2', '2, 'a plurality of emitters embedded within the oral tray and configured to overlie and irradiate mucosal tissue overlying one or more roots of a plurality of teeth of the patient when in use in the oral cavity wherein each of the plurality of emitters is configured to emit light having a wavelength ranging from 620 nm to 1,000 nm and an intensity ranging from about 50 mW/cmto about 200 mW/cm; and'}a controller comprising instructions to activate the plurality of emitters according to a treatment regimen in response to the patient initiating a treatment session.31. An intra-oral light therapy system , comprising:an oral tray configured to fit within an oral cavity of a patient;a plurality of emitters embedded within the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018900A1

A medical apparatus and method of operating a medical apparatus are disclosed. The apparatus includes a radiation source for emitting radiation towards an area to be treated of a patient; a mount element arranged to be worn by the patient for positioning the radiation source in a predetermined position relative to the area to be treated; a sensor element arranged to provide a signal indicative of whether the apparatus is being worn by the patient; and at least one controller arranged to receive the signal from the sensor, and to determine whether the apparatus is being worn by the patient, and to determine duration data indicative of the duration for which the radiation source emits radiation whilst the apparatus is being worn by the patient. 1. A medical apparatus , comprising:a radiation source for emitting radiation towards an area to be treated of a patient;a mount element arranged to be worn by the patient for positioning the radiation source in a predetermined position relative to the area to be treated;a sensor element arranged to provide a signal indicative of whether the apparatus is being worn by the patient; andat least one controller arranged to receive the signal from the sensor, and to determine whether the apparatus is being worn by the patient, and to determine duration data indicative of the duration for which the radiation source emits radiation whilst the apparatus is being worn by the patient.2. A medical apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller is further arranged to control the operation of the radiation source.3. A medical apparatus as claimed in wherein the controller is arranged to control the operation of the radiation source such that radiation is emitted when the signal received from the sensor element indicates that the apparatus is being worn by the patient.4. A medical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mount element comprises a mask claim 1 , goggles or a visor arranged to be attached to a patient's face or ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Device and method for treatment of tinnitus

Номер: US20150018902A1
Автор: Benny Johansson

A device for the therapeutic treatment of tinnitus is disclosed, wherein a device for treatment of tinnitus comprising a topographic geometrical matrix and a support, wherein each topographic geometrical matrix is applied to the support and comprising a) at least two concentric circles, b) a circle having at least one circle inscribed, wherein said circle and said at least one circle have a common tangential arc point; wherein for both a) and b) above the innermost circle is open or closed, the diameter of the outermost circle is at most 130 mm, and the diameter of the innermost circle is at most 3 mm, and wherein the ratio between the diameter of the outermost circle and the diameter of the next circle counted inwards toward the common center of the circles is at least 1.3; and c) a set of identical circles arranged with the basis on the pattern of the flower of life shown in FIG. 2, or asymmetrical variants of a)-c) having the ability to synchronize water according to the synchronization test as defined in Example 1, as well as a method for therapeutic treatment of tinnitus, wherein at least one device as defined above and herein is applied on the body of a tinnitus patient, such as to the skin on the upper half of the body, such as to the head, such as in the vicinity of the affected ear, and is subjected to light with a wavelength of 360-4000 nm, such as daylight.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021190A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products, Inc.

A method of irradiating spinal tissue with red/NIR light, comprising: inserting a cannulated device defining a bore into the spinal column, wherein the bore contains an optically transparent substrate adapted to emit red/NIR light, and transmitting NIR/red light through the substrate to irradiate tissue within the spinal column. 1a) inserting a cannulated device defining a bore into the spinal column, wherein the bore contains an optically transparent substrate adapted to emit red/NIR light,b) transmitting NIR/red light through the substrate to irradiate tissue within the spinal column,. A method of irradiating spinal tissue with red/NIR light, comprising: This application claims priority and is a continuation from co-pending patent application U.S. Ser. No. 15/175,353, entitled “Red Light Implants for Treating Osteoporosis”, filed Jun. 7, 2016 (Attawia)(DEP5578USCNT3), which is a continuation from U.S. Ser. No. 14/499,520, entitled “Red Light Implants for Treating Osteoporosis”, filed Sep. 29, 2014 (Attawia)(Docket No. DEP5578USCNT2), which is a continuation from U.S. Ser. No. 13/587,542, filed Aug. 16, 2012, entitled “Red Light Implants for Treating Osteoporosis”, (Attawia)(now U.S. Pat. No. 8,845,703), (Docket No. DEP5578USCNT1), which is a continuation from U.S. Ser. No. 11/235,674, filed Sep. 26, 2005, entitled Red Light Implants for Treating Osteoporosis”, (Attawia), (Docket No. DEP5578USNP) (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,262,713), the specifications of which are incorporated by reference in their entireties.Osteoporosis is a disease that results in the weakening of bone and an increase in the risk of fracture. It has been reported that American females over the age of 50 have about a 50% chance of breaking a bone during their lifetime, and a 40% chance of breaking either a hip, vertebra or wrist. Post-menopausal women lose about 1-3% of their bone mass for each of the first 5-7 years after menopause. Osteoporosis is believed to contribute to about 1.5 million fractures ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Phototherapy Anti-Smog Cloth Structure

Номер: US20200022430A1
Автор: Wang Man-Ching

A cloth structure includes a first weaving layer, a second weaving layer interwoven with the first weaving layer, an intermediate connecting layer located between the first weaving layer and the second weaving layer, and a sun protection layer applied on the first weaving layer. The cloth structure presents a single-cloth fabric. The sun protection layer covers pores of the first weaving layer and forms a first protection layer to filter the smog. The first weaving layer is formed with inverted V-shaped cloth patterns, so that the first weaving layer forms a second protection layer to filter the smog. The intermediate connecting layer forms a third protection layer to filter the smog. The second weaving layer obstructs the thread openings of the first weaving layer and forms a fourth protection layer to filter the smog. 1. A cloth structure comprising:a first weaving layer;a second weaving layer;an intermediate connecting layer located between the first weaving layer and the second weaving layer; anda sun protection layer mounted on the first weaving layer;wherein:a method for forming the cloth structure comprises a first step of preparing material, a second step of weaving, a third step of shaping cloth, a fourth step of dyeing and finishing, a fifth step of tension-free full-out layering coloring, a sixth step of tension-free and dust-free drying, and a seventh step of shaping and dispersing;the first step includes providing a first texture material polymer, a second texture material polymer and a third texture material polymer;the first texture material polymer is made of polyester fiber nylon and elastic yarn;the second texture material polymer is made of polyester fiber and elastic yarn;the third texture material polymer is made of polyester fiber;the third texture material polymer is processed by fine grinding;the second step includes performing double-sided weaving to weave the first texture material polymer for forming the first weaving layer, to weave the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025444A1

Methods and systems for laser assisted delivery of therapeutic agents include preparing a site with an ultraviolet laser beam, at a wavelength appropriate for tissue ablation, such that an opening is produced in a surface of the site's tissue; and applying one or more agents to the prepared site, such that the agents penetrate the tissue through the opening to a predetermined depth. 1. A method for laser assisted delivery of agents , comprising:preparing a site with an ultraviolet laser beam, at a wavelength appropriate for tissue ablation, such that an opening is produced in a surface of the site's tissue; andapplying one or more agents to the prepared site, such that the agents penetrate the tissue through the opening to a predetermined depth.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more agents are therapeutic or cosmetic substances.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more agents are encapsulated in a biodegradable sheath.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the biodegradable sheath is a hydrogel.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the one or more agents comprises spraying the one or more agents from a same aperture as emits the laser beam.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the one or more agents further comprises:monitoring penetration depth of the one or more agents; anddetermining when the one or more agents have penetrated to the predetermined depth.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the one or more agents comprises manually spreading the one or more agents on the prepared site.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the laser beam has a wavelength of about 193 nm.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising aligning a second laser beam to provide a visual focus indication to ensure that the ultraviolet laser beam irradiates the tissue at pre-determined locations.1020-. (canceled) 1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to delivery of therapeutic and cosmetic substances and, more particularly, to laser-assisted ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Near-infrared enhancement of circadian and ultradian spatiotemporal cellular coordination

Номер: US20150025599A1
Автор: Eric Bornstein

A method is disclosed of providing photo-chrono-therapy to a wound site in a human or animal subject, the method including: determining or receiving subject circadian and/or ultradian cycle information indicative of a biological rhythm(s) of the subject; and based on the subject cycle information, delivering a photo-chrono-dose of infrared treatment light to the wound site with wavelengths within at least one infrared wavelength range and having a dosimetry configured to promote healing at the wound site.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023191A1
Автор: Brawn Peter Robert
Принадлежит: Biolux Research Holdings, Inc.

Methods are provided for regulating tooth movement and for maintaining or improving tissue health using heavy forces. Such methods comprise allowing a heavy force to be exerted on one or more teeth of a patient in need thereof; and administering an effective amount of light to the maxillary or mandibular alveolar bone of the patient, wherein the light is administered before, during, or after the heavy force is exerted. The light can have a wavelength in the range of about 585 nm to about 665 nm, or about 815 nm to about 895 nm. An apparatus useful for providing light therapy is also provided. 1. A method for reducing or preventing tooth root resorption caused by orthodontic treatment with an orthodontic appliance , comprising:exerting, using an orthodontic appliance, a force on a tooth of a subject undergoing orthodontic treatment with the orthodontic appliance and in need of reduction or prevention of tooth root resorption; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'administering, via a light-therapy apparatus, light to soft tissue supporting the tooth, wherein the light has a wavelength ranging from about 620 nm to about 1000 nm and an intensity ranging from about 1 mW/cmto about 10 W/cm.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the administering occurs for a duration of at least one minute and after the exerting.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the administering occurs for a duration of at least one minute and prior to the exerting.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the administering occurs during a first time period claim 1 , the first time period commencing prior to the exerting claim 1 , and during a second time period claim 1 , the second time period commencing at a time during the exerting or at a time after the exerting.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the administering occurs for a duration of at least ten minutes and prior to the exerting.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the administering occurs once per day for a predetermined finite minimum period of time.7. The method of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Photo-biomodulation by endogenous auto-fluorescent compounds

Номер: US20180024383A1
Принадлежит: Photoprotective Technologies Inc

According to the present invention, light filters are disclosed that provide photoprotection and contain fluorescent agents that have fluorescence emission in the near infrared region of wavelengths to effect photobiological modulation (PBM) of human cells when the cells are exposed to sunlight or any artificial lighting. The fluorescent agents include endogenous compounds. The light filters include ophthalmic lenses, skin care products with or without transparent substrate and any products that are used to filter light. When used in connection with ophthalmic lenses, the ophthalmic lense provides photoprotection and photobiological modulation to the human eye.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023246A1

Systems and methods for combined HINS and non-HINS lighting for surface disinfection. A lighting system controller is provided, which includes a memory, an i/o interface, and an electronic processor. The processor is configured to retrieve from the memory at least one characteristic of an area to be disinfected; determine, based on a signal received from a first sensor positioned to sense the presence of a person in the area, whether a person is present in the area; and, when a person is present in the area, determine a first drive signal based on the at least one characteristic and the presence of the person, and a second drive signal based on the presence of the person in the area and the first drive signal. The processor provides the first drive signal to drive to a HINS LED array and the second drive signal to drive a non-HINS LED array. 1. A lighting system for surface disinfection in an area to be disinfected , the lighting system comprising:a driver configured to provide a first drive signal and a second drive signal;a high intensity narrow spectrum (HINS) LED array configured to receive the first drive signal;a non-HINS LED array configured to receive the second drive signal;a first sensor positioned to sense the presence of a person in the area; and determine, via the first sensor, whether a person is present in the area; and', determine the first drive signal based on at least one characteristic of the area and the presence of the person;', 'determine the second drive signal based on one selected from the group consisting a desired light color range for the area and a desired light color temperature range for the area;', 'control the driver to provide the first drive signal to the HINS LED array; and', 'control the driver to provide the second drive signal to the non-HINS LED array., 'when a person is present in the area,'}], 'an electronic controller, coupled to the driver and the first sensor, including an electronic processor configured to'}2. The ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Electronic Pad for Light Treatment

Номер: US20210023387A1
Автор: DeBOW Matthew C.

A pad having a circuit board and multiple light sources to emit light having a wavelength in a range of 300 nanometers (nm) to 1100 nm for light therapy treatment of a human. A front exterior layer may have multiple raised portions to cover the multiple light sources, respectively, the front exterior layer to face a body part of the human in treatment. The pad may be conformable to the body part. 1. A flexible pad comprising:an internal layer comprising a flexible circuit board and having multiple light sources to emit light having a wavelength in a range of 300 nanometers (nm) to 1100 nm for light therapy treatment of a human;a power input jack coupled to the flexible circuit board to receive power to the flexible pad, wherein the flexible pad accommodates a power supply that facilitates mobile application of the flexible pad in the light therapy treatment of the human;a front exterior layer comprising multiple raised portions to accommodate the multiple light sources, respectively, the front exterior layer to face a body part of the human in treatment; anda back exterior layer, wherein the flexible pad is conformable to the body part.2. The flexible pad of claim 1 , comprising a timer to set exposure time of the light emitted from the multiple light sources to the human claim 1 , wherein the front exterior layer and the back exterior layer in combination encase the internal layer claim 1 , and wherein the front exterior layer and the back exterior layer each comprise a flexible polymeric material.3. The flexible pad of claim 1 , comprising a power cord adapter to couple to the power supply to facilitate the mobile operation of the flexible pad claim 1 , wherein the multiple light sources comprise at least 10 light emitting diodes (LEDs) claim 1 , wherein the back exterior layer is coupled to the front exterior layer claim 1 , and wherein a timer is disposed along a power supply cord of the flexible pad.4. The flexible pad of claim 1 , comprising an integrated ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027755A1
Принадлежит: Ojai Retinal Technology, LLC

A process for performing retinal phototherapy or photostimulation includes generating a laser light that creates a therapeutic effect to retinal and/or foveal tissues exposed to the laser light without destroying or permanently damaging the retinal or foveal tissue. The laser light is applied to a first treatment area of the retina. After a predetermined interval of time, within a single treatment session, the laser light is reapplied to the first treatment area of the retina. During the interval of time between the laser light applications to the first treatment area, the laser light is applied to one or more additional areas of the retina that is spaced apart from the first treatment area and one another. The laser light is repeatedly applied to each of the areas to be treated until a predetermined number of laser light applications to each area to be treated has been achieved. 122-. (canceled)23. A system for performing retinal photostimulation , comprising:a laser console generating a micropulsed laser light beam;an optical mask that the laser light beam passes through to optically shape the laser light beam;a coaxial wide-field non-contact digital optical viewing camera projecting the laser light beam to an area of a desired site for performing retinal photostimulation; anda mechanism that controllably moves the laser light beam during micropulse intervals to at least one other area of the desired site for performing retinal photostimulation, and subsequently returns the laser light beam to a previously treated area within a predetermined period of time during the same treatment session to reapply the laser light beam to that area.24. The system of claim 23 , wherein the laser light beam is controllably moved to achieve complete coverage of the desired site for performing retinal photostimulation.25. The system of claim 23 , wherein the laser light beam is selectively applied to disease markers on the desired site for performing retinal photostimulation.26. The ...
