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16-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000012068U1

Ручной пресс для оконцевания однопроволочных жил проводов и кабелей с получением контактной лапки, содержащий корпус с нажимным устройством, установленную в корпусе матрицу с полостью и направляющим пазом, пуансон с цилиндрическим выступом, связанный с нажимным устройством, отличающийся тем, что полость матрицы имеет на дне выступ цилиндрической формы, расположенный соосно с соответствующим цилиндрическим выступом пуансона, укороченного соответственно на высоту выступа матрицы, а направляющий паз матрицы выполнен под углом к плоскости дна ее полости. (19) RU (11) 12 068 (13) U1 (51) МПК B25B 25/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99114341/20, 30.06.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.06.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 16.12.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Романов А.И., Аракчеев А.К. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Завод электромонтажных инструментов" U 1 1 2 0 6 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Ручной пресс для оконцевания однопроволочных жил проводов и кабелей с получением контактной лапки, содержащий корпус с нажимным устройством, установленную в корпусе матрицу с полостью и направляющим пазом, пуансон с цилиндрическим выступом, связанный с нажимным устройством, отличающийся тем, что полость матрицы имеет на дне выступ цилиндрической формы, расположенный соосно с соответствующим цилиндрическим выступом пуансона, укороченного соответственно на высоту выступа матрицы, а направляющий паз матрицы выполнен под углом к плоскости дна ее полости. 1 2 0 6 8 (54) РУЧНОЙ ПРЕСС ДЛЯ ОКОНЦЕВАНИЯ ОДНОПРОВОЛОЧНЫХ ЖИЛ ПРОВОДОВ И КАБЕЛЕЙ R U Адрес для переписки: 603600, Нижний Новгород, ул.Баумана, 173, ОАО "ЭМИ" (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Завод электромонтажных инструментов" U 1 U 1 1 2 0 6 8 1 2 0 6 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 12 068 U1 RU 12 068 U1 RU 12 068 U1 RU 12 068 U1

10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024412U1

1. Устройство для натяжения проволоки, содержащее пластину для закрепления изогнутого концевого участка натягиваемой проволоки, гайку и резьбовой стержень, жестко связанный с упомянутой пластиной, и кронштейн, предназначенный для крепления устройства, причем в упомянутой пластине выполнены прорезь для входа концевого участка проволоки и отверстие для ее выхода, при этом поверхность пластины между прорезью и отверстием предназначена для размещения части изогнутого концевого участка проволоки. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что толщина пластины, диаметр отверстия и ширина прорези в пластине превышает диаметр проволоки не более чем на 20%. 3. Устройство по любому из п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что кромки прорези и отверстия выполнены затупленными, например, посредством фаски или скругления. 4. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что резьбовой стержень жестко соединен с пластиной посредством сварки, а гайка размещена на кронштейне. 5. Устройство для крепления устройства для натяжения проволоки на стойках с продольными ребрами жесткости, выполненное в виде скобы П-образной формы с двумя боковыми стенками и соединительной перемычки между ними, причем в последней выполнено отверстие, в которое входит резьбовой стержень, а в боковых стенках скобы выполнены две прорези, предназначенные для взаимодействия с продольным ребром жесткости стойки в месте установки скобы. 6. Устройство по п.5, отличающееся тем, что скоба выполнена из магнитного материала. 7. Устройство по любому из п.5 или 6, отличающееся тем, что прорези в боковых стенках скобы расположены оппозитно друг другу. 8. Устройство по любому из пп.5-7, отличающееся тем, что отверстие в перемычке скобы расположено симметрично относительно боковых стенок последней. 9. Устройство по любому из пп.5-8, отличающееся тем, что центр отверстия в перемычке и точка проекции осевых линий прорезей на продольную ось симметрии скобы смещены на последней друг относительно друга. (19) RU (11) 24 412 (13) U1 (51) ...

27-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000057664U1

Устройство для пайки, собранное в единый узел и содержащее рукоятки с угольными наконечниками, силовые кабели для подвода электрического напряжения менее 20 В на угольные наконечники, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит ручные тиски на диэлектрическом основании, а также два угольных наконечника, при этом между угольными наконечниками размещен тонкий изолятор из термостойкого материала, причем желоб угольных наконечников служит для контактного электрического нагрева припаиваемых проводов (кабелей) с U-образной медной пластиной. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 57 664 (13) U1 (51) МПК B25B 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006118009/22 , 24.05.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.05.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Татнефть" имени В.Д. Шашина (RU) U 1 5 7 6 6 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для пайки, собранное в единый узел и содержащее рукоятки с угольными наконечниками, силовые кабели для подвода электрического напряжения менее 20 В на угольные наконечники, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит ручные тиски на диэлектрическом основании, а также два угольных наконечника, при этом между угольными наконечниками размещен тонкий изолятор из термостойкого материала, причем желоб угольных наконечников служит для контактного электрического нагрева припаиваемых проводов (кабелей) с U-образной медной пластиной. 5 7 6 6 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПАЙКИ R U Адрес для переписки: 423461, Республика Татарстан, г. Альметьевск, ул. Базовая, 2, ЦБПО по ЭПУ ОАО "Татнефть" им. В.Д. Шашина, М.М. Залятову (72) Автор(ы): Залятов Марат Марсович (RU), Аристов Борис Васильевич (RU), Пимуллин Геннадий Иркабаевич (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 57 664 U1 Полезная модель относится к ручным инструментам и может быть применена в электротехнической, кабельной, ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152909U1

1. Инструмент для обжима скоб, содержащий шарнирно соединенные между собой рычаги с рукоятками на одних концах и рабочие губки, шарнирно соединенные с матрицей, на других, причем рукоятка и губка каждого рычага, в свою очередь, также шарнирно соединены между собой, а матрица выполнена таким образом, что ее внешняя рабочая сторона, расположенная напротив загнутых концов губок, имеет фигурный профиль, повторяющий профиль обжимаемой скобы, отличающийся тем, что на внешней рабочей поверхности матрицы симметрично её оси выполнены отверстия с установленными в них вставками из магнитного материала. 2. Инструмент для обжима скоб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия могут быть выполнены цилиндрическими. 3. Инструмент для обжима скоб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия могут быть выполнены квадратными. 4. Инструмент для обжима скоб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия могут быть выполнены прямоугольными.

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для натяжения закручиванием проволочных растяжек

Номер: RU0000185893U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для натяжения закручиванием проволочных растяжек, которая может быть использована в железнодорожных, морских и автомобильных перевозках при креплении грузов в железнодорожных вагонах, трюмах, на палубе, в твиндеке, универсальных контейнерах и кузовах автомобилей. Устройство для натяжения закручиванием проволочных растяжек облегчает процесс эксплуатации и обеспечивает его высокую надежность за счет простоты конструкции. Устройство для натяжения закручиванием проволочных растяжек состоит из стержня (1) с ложементом под проволочную растяжку (4) и коническими ручками для натяжения, стержня (2), служащего для фиксации проволочной растяжки (4) на стержне (1) с коническими ручками для натяжения, трубы (3) с коническим отверстием внутри, для увеличения усилия натяжения закручиванием. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 185 893 U1 (51) МПК B25B 25/00 (2006.01) B60P 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B25B 25/00 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017126951, 26.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.12.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.07.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2010240821 A, 28.10.2010. SU 1 8 5 8 9 3 Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "Вятское машиностроительное предприятие "АВИТЕК" (RU) R U 26.07.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Топорищев Дмитрий Николаевич (RU) 1346467 A, 23.10.1987. JP 60006232 A, 12.01.1985. SU 293679 A1, 26.01.1971. (45) Опубликовано: 21.12.2018 Бюл. № 36 1 8 5 8 9 3 R U (54) Устройство для натяжения закручиванием проволочных растяжек (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для надежность за счет простоты конструкции. натяжения закручиванием проволочных растяжек, Устройство для натяжения закручиванием которая может быть использована в проволочных растяжек состоит из стержня (1) с железнодорожных, морских и автомобильных ложементом под ...

16-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000209481U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для ручного скручивания концов проволоки в изделиях, имеющих трудный доступ к месту скрути проволоки, и может быть использована при скручивании проволоки при стопорении гаек на соединениях стрелочных электроприводов. Ключ содержит диск, выполненный с противоположными первой и второй поверхностями и со сквозными отверстиями, расположенными по радиусу относительно центра диска, при этом со стороны первой поверхности в центре диска закреплен стержень, а отверстия со стороны второй поверхности выполнены с фасками, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен рукояткой для вращения диска при скручивании проволоки, расположенной на втором конце стержня, и выполнен с центральным отверстием, проходящим через указанный диск и предназначенным для закрепления стержня, при этом указанные сквозные отверстия выполнены двух диаметров и расположены по два отверстия одного диаметра, лежащих на одном радиусе и на одной прямой, проходящей через центр диска, при этом диск и стержень выполнены с антикоррозионным покрытием. Обеспечивается сокращение времени скрычивания, повышается надежность операции стопорения гаек скручиванием проволоки. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 481 U1 (51) МПК B21F 15/04 (2006.01) B25B 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21F 15/04 (2022.01); B25B 25/00 (2022.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021121355, 19.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 16.03.2022 Бюл. № 8 2 0 9 4 8 1 R U (54) КЛЮЧ ДЛЯ СКРУЧИВАНИЯ ПРОВОЛОКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для ручного скручивания концов проволоки в изделиях, имеющих трудный доступ к месту скрути проволоки, и может быть использована при скручивании проволоки при стопорении гаек на соединениях стрелочных электроприводов. Ключ содержит диск, выполненный с противоположными ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Band clamp tensioning tool

Номер: US20120060703A1
Принадлежит: Band IT Idex Inc

A system for protecting tubes in a heat recovery system is provided. Such tubes are often protected by shielding that is attached thereto the tubes by a plurality of band clamps. Each band clamp is associated with a guard that protects the same from the hot gases traveling through the field of tubes. In addition, an automated tool is provided for tensioning the bands about the shields. The automated tool allows the band clamps to be properly interconnected to the shields in a preferred manner.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Wire grip

Номер: US20120132874A1
Автор: Tamotsu Iwama
Принадлежит: Nagaki Seiki Co Ltd

[Problem] Provided is a wire grip, which has excellent workability for bracing the wire and which can grip a linear object for bracing the wire without applying any excessive load to the linear object. [Solution] The wire grip comprises a stationary-side wire gripping portion provided with a body and having a substantially straight front shape, and a movable-side wire gripping portion arranged to face the stationary-side wire gripping portion and set movable back and forth with respect to the stationary-side wire gripping portion, whereby the linear object can be gripped between the stationary-side wire gripping portion and the movable-side wire gripping portion, wherein a first action portion for moving the movable-side wire gripping portion back and forth and a second action portion connected to the first action portion by a connecting rod are turnably attached at their individual ends to the body, wherein the other end of the first action portion and the other end of the second action portion are turnably attached to one end of the connection rod and an intermediate portion of the connection rod, respectively, wherein the other end of the connecting rod is pulled substantially parallel to the stationary-side wire gripping portion and the movable-side wire gripping portion so that the connecting rod, the second action portion and the first action portion are linked to act to move the movable-side wire gripping portion forward with respect to the stationary-side wire gripping portion.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Cable gland for a shielded cable

Номер: US20120252259A1
Принадлежит: Hummel AG

A cable gland ( 1 ) for a shielded cable ( 2 ), including a threaded sleeve ( 9 ), a clamping insert ( 4 ) that engages therein, and a union nut ( 7 ) or pressure screw in the usual manner. The union nut or pressure screw act axially and radially upon an area of the clamping insert ( 4 ) protruding beyond the threaded sleeve ( 9 ) and radially deforms the clamping area or the clamping finger ( 6 ) of the clamping insert. The threaded sleeve ( 9 ) contains a contact device ( 10 ) having one or more contact fingers ( 11 ), which lie against the shielding of the cable ( 2 ) in a contacting manner in the working position. The contact device ( 10 ) includes a carrier or ring ( 13 ) that is arranged in the threaded sleeve ( 9 ) in the working position and that has the one or more resilient contact fingers ( 11 ), wherein the contact fingers ( 11 ) each have a deformable protrusion ( 14 ) adjacent to the carrier or ring ( 13 ) of the contact fingers in the axial direction, the deformable protrusion having a convex curvature or rectangular shape in the longitudinal section in the initial position, and in continuation thereof after a corresponding bend, the contact fingers extend approximately in the orientation direction of the cable ( 2 ), thus in the relative insertion direction of the cable.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cable tensioning device for hunting tree stands or climbing ladders

Номер: US20130111716A1
Принадлежит: Hurricane Power Lok Systems Inc

A tensioning device for installing tree stands that includes a drive end and a cable output end to attach to a medium that is placed around a tree. The tensioning device creates more tension in the medium than is generally able to be applied by hand with ratchet straps or chains, which provides safer installation of a tree stand or climbing ladder. The tensioning device includes a drive system that can be driven with standard power tools or hand tools to retract a cable. The tensioning device may be designed with or without a clutch feature. The clutch feature allows for a desired cable tension to be reached for each installation and provides feedback to the operator when the correct tension is reached. The tensioning device includes an external bracket or hook for easily attaching to a tree stand or climbing ladder.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Cable tie tensioning and cut-off tool

Номер: US20130167969A1
Принадлежит: HellermannTyton Corp

A hand held tool for the tensioning and severing of cable ties, including reciprocating means for tensioning the cable tie tail, locking means to prevent further tensioning upon the attainment of a preselected tension level in the tie tail, and severing means to sever the tie tail from the cable tie head.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167970A1
Автор: Dyer Edward P.

A hand held tool for the tensioning and severing of cable ties, including reciprocating means for tensioning the cable tie tail, locking means to prevent further tensioning upon the attainment of a preselected tension level in the tie tail, and severing means to sever the tie tail from the cable tie head. 1. A tool for tensioning and severing an elongate cable tie , said tie having a tie head portion and tie tail portion , the tool including:a pistol-shaped housing including a handle portion and a barrel portion;an elongate trigger extending downwardly from the barrel portion, forwardly of the handle portion and displaceable toward and away from the handle portion;a tensioning mechanism in the barrel portion operable to engage a tie and apply tension to the tie in response to movement of the trigger toward the handle portion;a locking mechanism in the barrel portion operable to stop application of tension to the tie when tension applied by the tensioning mechanism reaches a predetermined tie tension; anda cutoff mechanism in the barrel portion operable to cut off the tie when the locking mechanism stops tie tensioning.2. The tool of further including a tension-lock-cut linkage.3. The tool of wherein said linkage includes a pawl link mounted for horizontal claim 2 , linear reciprocal movement relative to the housing claim 2 , the pawl link further including a forward end having a pivotally attached tie gripping pawl.4. The tool of further including a pawl link actuating structure.5. The tool of further including an elongate trigger handle link that extends upwardly into the barrel portion claim 4 , the trigger handle link including two substantially parallel spaced arms at an upper end claim 4 , each of said arms including an arm aperture.6. The tool of wherein each of the arms is adapted to pivotally mount the trigger handle link for movement around a substantially horizontal pivot axis.7. The tool of wherein a pair of trigger inner links extends upwardly into the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269824A1

A tension/cutter tool for band-type clamps that include a band for tensioning around an object and a seal for securing the tensioned band around the object, in which the band is bent and severed at the seal to form a J-seal. The tool includes a body, a drive, and a feed wheel mounted to the body and operably connected to the drive. A nose piece includes two rollers and is movably mounted to the body to engage and disengage the two rollers from contact with the feed wheel. The feed wheel and rollers define a band path therebetween. A tail end of the band is fed into the tool, between the feed wheel and the roller and the drive is actuated to tension the band. Upon achieving a desired tension, the seal is engaged with the nose piece and the band is bent to form the J-seal against the seal and the band is cut beyond the J-seal. A controller monitors and controls the tool functions. 1. A tension/cutter tool for band-type clamps that include a band for tensioning around an object and a seal for securing the tensioned band around the object , the band being severed and bent at the seal to form a J-seal , to secure the tensioned band around the object , the tool comprising:a body;a drive;a feed wheel mounted to the body and operably connected to the drive for rotational movement;a nose piece movably mounted to the body, the nose piece including two rollers, the nose piece pivotally moving to engage and disengage the two rollers from contact with the feed wheel, the feed wheel and rollers defining a band path therebetween; anda cutter assembly operably connected to the nose piece,wherein a tail end of the band is fed into the tool, between the feed wheel and the roller and the drive is actuated to tension the band, and wherein upon achieving a desired tension, the seal is engaged with the nose piece and the band is bent to form the J-seal against the seal and the band is cut beyond the J-seal.2. The tool of wherein the nose piece is pivotally mounted to the body.3. The tool ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, System and Method for Tensioning an Emergency Brake System

Номер: US20130283980A1

A brake tensioning system and method are described herein for use on vehicles. The system includes a tool, and the method includes the use of the tool to effectuate tensioning of a brake system conveniently, accurately, and repeatably. 1. A tensioning tool for use in tensioning an emergency brake cable system for a vehicle , the tool being driven by a rotational driver , and the brake system including a rotatable cable end , the tool comprising:a body;a first portion rotatably positioned in the body for engaging the cable end, the first portion including a locking mechanism for receiving the cable end, the locking mechanism movable between at least a first locked position and a second unlocked position; anda second portion movably positioned relative to the body and at least partially external to the body and operably engaging the locking mechanism;wherein upon insertion of a nut into the first portion, movement of the second portion to the second locked position secures the nut in the first portion.2. The tensioning tool of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is fixed in axial position relative to the body.3. The tensioning tool of claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises an input shaft that rotates relative to the body.4. The tensioning tool of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is an elongated shaft having a front portion and a rear portion claim 1 , the front portion of the shaft including the locking mechanism and defining a recess claim 1 , the rear portion of the shaft extending through a load cell configured to remain substantially stationary relative to the body and operably bear upon a portion of the body when the shaft is engaged with the cable end.5. The tensioning tool of claim 4 , wherein the rear portion of the shaft further extends through a bearing that allows rotation of the shaft relative to the body.6. The tensioning tool of claim 4 , further comprising:a gear operably engaged with a source of rotational movement and non-rotatably engaged ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for applying tension to flexible items

Номер: US20140008591A1

An apparatus for applying tension to flexible items, including wire, barbed wire, cable, or rope, are described herein. A stationary clamping member is fixedly attached to a first end of a guide bar, extending outwardly therefrom, while a non-stationary clamping member is movably mounted to the guide bar. The first flexible item is secured in the stationary clamping member, while the second flexible item is secured in the non-stationary clamping member. A tensioning assembly, such as a ratchet-like assembly engaging notches in the guide bar, is adapted to move the non-stationary clamping member away from the stationary clamping member, thereby tensioning one or both flexible items. Once the flexible items have been tensioned, they can be connected together while under tension. 1. An apparatus for applying tension to flexible items , the apparatus comprising:a guide bar;a stationary clamping member fixedly attached to a first end of the guide bar and extending outward from the guide bar;a non-stationary clamping member movably mounted on and extending from the guide bar, wherein the non-stationary clamping member is adapted for movement along the majority of the guide bar; andan assembly for moving the non-stationary clamping member away from the stationary clamping member.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one first line guide extending from the stationary clamping member and at least one second line guide extending from the non-stationary clamping member for guiding flexible items upon which tension is to be applied and canceling torque created by the pulling of flexible items past the stationary clamping member by the non-stationary clamping member.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the guide bar comprises a plurality of notches formed within a side of the guide bar opposite a direction in which the stationary clamping member and the non-stationary clamping member extend claim 1 , wherein each notch of the plurality of notches is angled ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047778A1
Автор: DiGregory Vincent J.

Disclosed is a foldable transportable structure with a three dimensional rectangular shed roof shape having improved component and structural properties, and improved shipping and deployment capabilities. The integrated unique geometric folding pattern means provides enhanced folding accuracy and correct placement of interactive panels during collapse or assembly of the structure, and also greatly increases the flexibility for multiple unit combinations and component materials selection. The folding transportable structure provides a strong, safe, insulated weatherproof structure with a quick setup time, and requires NO tools or separate loose components for assembly. 1. A foldable transportable structure , comprising: a three dimensional structure capable of folding into a compact and stackable configuration for any transportable method; a series of interconnected structural panels and hinges arranged in a way to function structurally in either a collapsed flat or vertical erected position; a series of removable panels for optional creation of openings at various structure locations; a reversible door assembly for ingress and egress of the structure; an operable window assembly for daylight and fresh air flow; a series of adjustable pad levelers to level the structure on uneven ground and alternately guide the placement of stacked collapsed structures; a series of adjustable straps to provide conveyance handles , and secure structural tie-down of the unit in either a collapsed or erected position; and a bladder bag capable of being filled with various materials that provides weighted ballast for attaching adjustable straps to secure structural tie-down of the structure.2. A foldable transportable structure according to claim 1 , wherein said structure includes means for folding the structure to either a collapsed or vertical erected position claim 1 , within the limits of a geometric folding pattern that guides alignment and placement of interconnected structural ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Wire grip

Номер: US20140054524A1
Автор: Tamotsu Iwama
Принадлежит: Nagaki Seiki Co Ltd

[Problem] Provided is a wire grip, which has excellent workability for bracing the wire and which can grip a linear object for bracing the wire without applying any excessive load to the linear object. [Solution) The wire grip comprises a stationary-side wire gripping portion provided with a body and having a substantially straight front shape, and a movable-side wire gripping portion arranged to face the stationary-side wire gripping portion and set movable back and forth with respect to the stationary-side wire gripping portion, whereby the linear object can be gripped between the stationary-side wire gripping portion and the movable-side wire gripping portion, wherein a first action portion for moving the movable-side wire gripping portion back and forth and a second action portion connected to the first action portion by a connecting rod are turnably attached at their individual ends to the body, wherein the other end of the first action portion and the other end of the second action portion are turnably attached to one end of the connection rod and an intermediate portion of the connection rod, respectively, wherein the other end of the connecting rod is pulled substantially parallel to the stationary-side wire gripping portion and the movable-side wire gripping portion so that the connecting rod, the second action portion and the first action portion are linked to act to move the movable-side wire gripping portion forward with respect to the stationary-side wire gripping portion.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003284A1
Автор: Wood Anthony B.

A belt pulling tool is comprised of a handle, a body and two prongs, the handle and body each having two ends with one end of each being attached to the other forming a longitudinal length and the two prongs being attached to the body orthogonal to the length, wherein at least one prong is configured to be moved and fixed along a portion of the length of the body. The belt pulling tool is useful for aligning, seating and setting the tension of belts for industrially belt driven machinery. In performing the method, the belt is inserted between the gap between the prongs of the tool and the tool is rotated about an axis centered in the gap and running parallel to the prongs projecting from the body of the tool to engage the belt and cause the rotation of the sheaves, thus allowing the sheaves to be aligned using alignment tools and allowing the belt to properly seat. Once seated and aligned, the tension may be set using a belt tension gauge. 1. A belt pulling tool comprised of a handle , a body and two prongs , the handle and body each having two ends with one end of each being attached to the other forming a longitudinal length and the two prongs being attached to the body orthogonal to the length , wherein at least one prong is configured to be moved and fixed along a portion of the body parallel or nearly parallel to the longitudinal length.2. The belt pulling tool of claim 1 , wherein the body has walls defining a top face claim 1 , bottom face claim 1 , sides such that the distance between top and bottom face define a body thickness and the distance between the sides define a body width claim 1 , said body width and thickness being orthogonal to the length and the body has a prong accepting slot running along the length of the top face with a slot depth and slot width that only partially traverses the body thickness and body width.3. The belt pulling tool of claim 2 , wherein at least one prong has a prong attachment end and distal end defining a prong length ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032430A1
Автор: Irving Connor

A clamp setting tool secures a hose clamp having a pre-clamped state where a catch tab engages a stopper tab, and a clamped state where the catch tab releases from the stopper tab. The clamp setting tool includes first and second head elements having respective first and second notches formed therein, the second notch positionally corresponds to the first notch. The first and second notches receive the catch and stopper tabs. A stop mechanism is connected to one of the first and second head elements. The clamp setting tool moves the first and second head elements between an open position where the hose clamp is maintained in the pre-clamped state and a closed position where the first and second head elements move the hose clamp to the clamped state. The stop mechanism prevents movement of the first and second head elements from the open position toward the closed position. 1. A clamp setting tool capable of securing an associated hose clamp having an associated catch tab and an associated stopper tab , the associated hose clamp includes a pre-clamped state where the associated catch tab is engaged to the associated stopper tab , and a clamped state where the associated catch tab is released from the associated stopper tab , the clamp setting tool comprising:a first head element and a second head element, the first head element includes at least one first notch formed therein and the second head element includes at least one second notch formed therein that positionally corresponds to the at least one first notch; anda stop mechanism connected to one of the first and second head elements,wherein the clamp setting tool is configured to move the first and second head elements between an open position and a closed position, where in the open position the first and second head elements are adapted to maintain the associated hose clamp in the pre-clamped state, and in the closed position the first and second head elements are adapted to move the associated hose clamp to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040832A1
Автор: Schultz Noah

A connecting tool for connecting a first connecting portion and a second connecting portion of at least one connecting member. The connecting tool may include a shaft. The shaft may include a shaft axis, an operational end, and a body. The shaft may include a recess configured to engage said first connecting portion of said at least one connecting member. The operational end may include an aperture configured to engage said second connecting portion of said at least one connecting member. 1. A connecting tool for connecting a first connecting portion and a second connecting portion of a connecting member , comprising: a shaft axis;', 'an operational end; and', 'a body connected to the operational end;, 'a shaft, includingwherein the shaft includes a recess configured to engage said first connecting portion; andwherein the operational end includes an aperture configured to engage said second connecting portion.2. The connecting tool according to claim 1 , wherein:the operational end includes a tip portion having a curved surface and a planar surface; andthe curved surface is disposed axially between the recess and the planar surface.3. The connecting tool according to claim 2 , wherein:the planar surface extends substantially parallel to the shaft axis;the curved surface extends from an axial end of the planar surface to an external surface of the shaft; andthe curved surface is concave.4. The connecting tool according to claim 3 , wherein:the aperture is disposed in the planar surface;a notch is disposed in the curved surface adjacent to the aperture; andthe notch is at least partially defined by (i) a first surface that is substantially parallel to the planar surface, and (ii) a second surface that is disposed obliquely or perpendicularly to the first surface.5. The connecting tool according to claim 1 , wherein:the aperture comprises a through-hole extending through the operational end perpendicular to the shaft axis; andthe aperture has a substantially ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040833A1
Автор: Lowrey Ian

A parallelogram wire gripping apparatus () is disclosed. There is a pair of distal arms () and a pair of proximal arms (). The distal ends of the distal arms are pivoted to each other and are shaped to form a wire clamp (). Each proximal end of the distal arms is pivoted to a corresponding distal end of the proximal arms. Each proximal arm is pivoted together at a midpoint thereof. A spring () urges the wire clamp closed. A wire gripping jaws arrangement () incorporating fasteners () is also disclosed. A wire strainer incorporating two grippers (), a chain () and a winch () is also disclosed. 1. A parallelogram wire gripping apparatus for use in wire straining , said apparatus comprising a pair of distal arms and a pair of proximal arms , the distal ends of the distal arms being pivoted to each other and shaped to form a wire clamp , each proximal end of the distal arms being pivoted to a corresponding distal end of the proximal arms , each proximal arm being pivoted together at a midpoint thereof , a spring interconnecting said proximal arms at a location intermediate said distal ends of said proximal arms and said midpoints , and urging said wire clamp closed , and said proximal arms extending beyond said midpoints in opposite directions to form a pair of graspable plier-like handles which when moved against the action of said spring opens said wire clamp.2. The apparatus as claimed in wherein said spring is a helical tension spring.3. The apparatus as claimed in wherein that portion of each said proximal arm which extends beyond said midpoints is curved.4. A wire gripping jaws apparatus for holding a wire during straining claim 1 , said apparatus comprising a pair of arms pivoted together and movable to clamp and un-clamp a length of wire claim 1 , wherein one of said arms has a pair of spaced apart first fastener parts secured thereto and forming a bight opposite the other of said arms claim 1 , whereby said arms are movable to position said wire between said ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024235A1
Автор: XU Xiuyi

A slide block-based positioning mechanism and an automatic tie tool having the same. The slide block-based positioning mechanism includes a slide block and a guide rail. The slide block fits the guide rail. The guide rail limits five degrees of freedom of the slide block. The slide block slides in a length direction of the guide rail. A head portion of a tie is arranged at a predetermined position at the slide block. The slide block pushes the tie from the predetermined position to a tie installation position. 1. An automatic tie tool having a slider-based positioning mechanism , comprising a slider and a guide rail , wherein the slider is fitted to the guide rail , five spatial degrees of freedom of the slider are restricted by the guide rail , the slider slides in a lengthwise direction of the guide rail , a head of a tie is pre-positioned onto the slider , and the slider is configured to slide in the lengthwise direction of the guide rail to push the tie from a pre-positioned position to a tying operation position.2. The automatic tie tool having a slider-based positioning mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the slider has a hole allowing the tie to pass therethrough.3. The automatic tie tool having a slider-based positioning mechanism according to claim 2 , wherein the hole has a shape and size matching those of the tie so that the tie can pass through the hole.4. The automatic tie tool having a slider-based positioning mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein a protrusion structure is designed to be provided on the slider claim 1 , the protrusion structure comprises a convex rib group and a stop wall claim 1 , and the head of the tie is stuck by the convex rib group together with the stop wall.5. The automatic tie tool having a slider-based positioning mechanism according to claim 4 , wherein a cut-off blade configured to separate the tie from a tie connecting plate is mounted on the slider claim 4 , and the cut-off blade is configured to move along the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for tightening string

Номер: US20210030119A1
Автор: Sug Whan Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention discloses a string tightening device that can easily adjust the characteristics of the string, such as the length or tension of the string used in various wearing products or household items, including shoes, bags, clothing, and the like. A string tightening device of the present invention includes: a base having a space therein and including a first projection portion; a lower rotation member that is disposed in the base and moves a predetermined distance in a direction of separation from the base or the opposite direction thereof, an upper rotation member coupled to the lower rotation member, including a second locking portion corresponding to the first locking portion, and rotating only in one direction when the first locking portion and the second locking portion are closely attached; and an inner housing portion provided in the lower rotation member or the upper rotation member and wound therearound.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030951A1

A remote operating tool capable of replacing work units contains: a control unit, a connection assembly, and a work unit. The control unit includes a first plier part, a second plier part, and a fixing shaft. The first plier part has a first grip portion and a limitation extension, the second plier part has a second grip portion and an accommodation extension, and the accommodation extension has an aperture. The connection assembly includes a cable and an accommodation sleeve, the cable has a knob, and the accommodation sleeve has a fitting member, wherein the fitting member has a large-diameter section and a small-diameter section. The limitation extension has a first cutout, and the accommodation extension has a second cutout. The control unit further includes a stopper, wherein the defining member is a shell and includes a first chamber. 1. A remote operating tool capable of replacing work units comprising:a control unit, a connection assembly, and a work unit, wherein a first end of the connection assembly is connected with the control unit, a second end of the connection assembly is coupled with the work unit, and the control unit controls the work unit by ways of the connection assembly;wherein the control unit includes a first plier part, a second plier part, and a fixing shaft, the first plier part is rotatably connected with the second plier part by using the fixing shaft, the first plier part has a first grip portion extending on a first end thereof and has a limitation extension extending on a second end of the first plier part, the second plier part has a second grip portion extending on a first end thereof and has an accommodation extension extending on a second end of the second plier part, wherein the first grip portion and the limitation extension are defined between the second grip portion and the accommodation extension, and the first grip portion is proximate to the second grip portion, wherein the limitation extension is adjacent to the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052966A1
Автор: SMITH Dennis K.

A portable crimper tool is disclosed having a frame, a crimper anvil and a bolt adapted to engage the frame and connected to the crimper anvil for actuation of the crimper tool. 1. A portable crimper tool comprising a frame having a base , an anvil block , a support member , and a bolt receptacle; a crimper anvil; and a bolt adapted to engage said bolt receptacle of said frame and connected to said crimper anvil for actuation of the crimper tool.2. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said anvil block comprises a two point anvil block.3. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said crimper tool is adapted to provide a three point crimp.4. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said anvil block comprises a crimper head and is constructed and arranged to preclude turning of said crimper head.5. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said anvil block includes flat sides.6. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said bolt includes a ratchet receptacle at one end and a socket at the opposite end.7. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said anvil block includes a socket member and wherein said crimper tool further includes a ball bearing in a recess created by said bolt socket and said anvil block socket member.8. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said support frame and said support base include an opening constructed and arranged to allow for engagement of said crimper tool with a tool.9. A portable crimper tool according to wherein said frame base includes a recess at each side of said frame base constructed and arranged for said crimper tool to be held by a vise.10. A portable crimper tool comprising a frame having a base claim 1 , a two point anvil block claim 1 , a support member claim 1 , and a bolt receptacle; a crimper anvil having a crimper head and a socket; a bolt having a ratchet receptacle at one end and a socket at the opposite end and adapted to engage said bolt receptacle of said frame and connected to said ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Cable Tie Tensioning and Cut-Off Tool

Номер: US20150053300A1

A hand held tool for the tensioning and severing of cable ties, including reciprocating means for tensioning the cable tie tail, locking means to prevent further tensioning upon the attainment of a preselected tension level in the tie tail, and severing means to sever the tie tail from the cable tie head. 1. A tool for tensioning and severing an elongate cable tie , said tie having a tie head portion and tie tail portion , the tool including:a pistol-shaped housing including a handle portion and a barrel portion;an elongate trigger extending downwardly from the barrel portion, forwardly of the handle portion and displaceable toward and away from the handle portion;a locking mechanism;a tensioning mechanism in the barrel portion operable to engage a tie and apply tension to the tie in response to movement of the trigger toward the handle portion;a cutoff mechanism in the barrel portion operable to cut off the tie when the locking mechanism stops tie tensioning; anda tension adjustment system.2. The tool of wherein said tension adjustment system includes a U-bracket positioned horizontally claim 1 , and slidably moveable claim 1 , within said housing at a rear end of said barrel portion claim 1 , said U-bracket having forward ends and a rearward end.3. The tool of wherein said cutoff mechanism is a cut off cam having an elongated slot and wherein said forward ends of said U-bracket are pivotally coupled to said cut off cam by a tension pin extending through said forward ends of said U-bracket and through said elongated slot.4. The tool of further including biasing means to bias said rearward end of said U-bracket toward said rear of said barrel portion. This application is a continuation of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/534,826, filed 27 Jun. 2012, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/503,403 entitled “Cable Tie Tensioning and Cut-Off Tool and Method of Using”, filed 30 Jun. 2011.The present invention relates to ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Cable Tie Tensioning and Cut-Off Tool

Номер: US20150053301A1
Автор: Dyer Edward P.

A hand held tool for the tensioning and severing of cable ties, including reciprocating means for tensioning the cable tie tail, locking means to prevent further tensioning upon the attainment of a preselected tension level in the tie tail, and severing means to sever the tie tail from the cable tie head. 1. A tool for tensioning and severing an elongate cable tie , said tie having a tie head portion and tie tail portion , the tool including:a pistol-shaped housing including a handle portion and a barrel portion;an elongate trigger extending downwardly from the barrel portion, forwardly of the handle portion and displaceable toward and away from the handle portion;a tensioning mechanism in the barrel portion operable to engage a tie and apply tension to the tie in response to movement of the trigger toward the handle portion;a locking mechanism in the barrel portion operable to stop application of tension to the tie when tension applied by the tensioning mechanism reaches a predetermined tie tension; anda cutoff mechanism in the barrel portion operable to cut off the tie when the locking mechanism stops tie tensioning.2. The tool of further including a tension-lock-cut linkage.3. The tool of wherein said linkage includes a pawl link mounted for horizontal claim 2 , linear reciprocal movement relative to the housing claim 2 , the pawl link further including a forward end having a pivotally attached tie gripping pawl.4. The tool of further including a pawl link actuating structure.5. The tool of further including an elongate trigger handle link that extends upwardly into the barrel portion claim 4 , the trigger handle link including two substantially parallel spaced arms at an upper end claim 4 , each of said arms including an arm aperture.6. The tool of wherein each of the arms is adapted to pivotally mount the trigger handle link for movement around a substantially horizontal pivot axis.7. The tool of wherein a pair of trigger inner links extends upwardly into the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052442A1

A ratchet buckle, which is configured to connect a first strap and a second strap, includes a controlling device, an operating device connected to the first strap, a reel passing through the controlling device and the operating device along an axial line, the second strap wound around the reel, at least one ratchet set mounted on the reel, the reel being not rotated relative to the ratchet set, and a pawl device. When the user wants to unwind the second strap from the reel, the user moves and rotates the controlling device smoothly with only one hand thereof; therefore, it's very convenient for the user to operate. The special structure making the ratchet set unidirectionally rotatable, and it doesn't need any further structure, so that it is lighter and has lower cost. 1. A ratchet buckle , which is configured to connect a first strap and a second strap , comprising:a controlling device;an operating device connected to the first strap;a reel passing through the controlling device and the operating device along an axial line, the second strap wound around the reel;a pawl device having a first through hole and at least one first pawl member, the first through hole formed on the operating device therethrough, along the axial line, the reel passing through the through holes, the first pawl member defined on an inner wall of the first through hole; andat least one ratchet set mounted on the reel, the reel being not rotated relative to the ratchet set, at least a portion of the ratchet set received in the first through hole, the ratchet set movable in the first through hole via an outer force, between a first position under which the first pawl member is engaged with the ratchet set so that the ratchet set is rotatable in one direction, and a second position under which the first pawl member is disengaged from the ratchet set so that the ratchet set is rotatable in one direction or the other opposite direction.2. The ratchet buckle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Ratchet Strap Apparatus Including Easily Attachable Cargo Strap

Номер: US20140130317A1
Автор: Bermes Steven P.

A ratchet strap apparatus includes a tensioning strap adapted to be selectively tensioned and a cargo strap adapted to be secured to the apparatus using an inboard pin and an outboard pin and bending the cargo strap into a loop. In one embodiment, the outboard pin is secured to a side wall and an opening is provided between the outboard pin and another side wall whereby the outboard pin may be inserted into a cargo strap loop. In another embodiment, the outboard pin is slidingly received through a hole in one side wall and is selectively unseated from a saddle on the other side wall for insertion into the cargo strap loop. In yet another embodiment, the outboard pin is secured between two side walls and the inboard pin is selectively removable from and seated on saddles in each of the walls whereby the inboard pin extends therebetween. 1. A ratchet strap apparatus comprising a tensioning strap adapted to be selectively tensioned , an inboard pin and an outboard pin secured to the apparatus , and a cargo strap selectively attachable to the apparatus by bending into a loop with a slack end on one side thereof and a cargo engagement end on the other , locating the outboard pin through the loop and both the slack end and cargo engagement end around the inboard pin , the slack end being sandwiched between the inboard pin and the cargo engagement end whereby tension on the cargo engagement end frictionally secures the slack end between the cargo engagement end and the inboard pin , wherein:the outboard pin is secured to a side wall and extends to a terminal end;an opening is provided between the terminal end and another side wall; and,the outboard pin is located through the loop by inserting the terminal end therethrough.2. The ratchet strap apparatus of further comprising a stop member on the outboard pin terminal end projecting beyond an outer surface of said outboard pin and preventing inadvertent withdrawal from the loop while said loop is engaged over and on the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056678A1
Автор: FOX Richard Thomas

A wire strainer including a drive means having a mounting block with a drum mounted for rotation relative thereto, and an actuation means connected to the drum for selectively causing the drum to rotate relative to the mounting block. A line member is operatively connected to the drum in a manner such that rotation of the drum in one direction causes the drum to pull the line member relative to the mounting block. Locking means is operatively connected to the mounting block and adapted to selectively lock the drum against rotation in the opposite direction. Gripping means is operatively connected to the mounting block, wherein the gripping means is adapted to be releasably attached to a wire to be strained. The line member includes securing means for releasably securing the line member to a strainer post or similar anchor. 121-. (canceled)22. A wire strainer including:drive means comprising a mounting block with a drum mounted for rotation relative thereto and actuation means connected to the drum for selectively causing the drum to rotate relative to the mounting block;a line member operatively connected to the drum in a manner whereby rotation of the drum in one direction causes the drum to pull the line member relative to the mounting block;locking means operatively connected to said mounting block and adapted to selectively lock the drum against rotation in the opposite direction;gripping means operatively connected to the mounting block, said gripping means being adapted to be releasably attached to a wire to be strained; andsaid line member including securing means for releasably securing said line member to a strainer post or similar anchor.23. A wire strainer according to claim 22 , wherein said line member is a chain claim 22 , and said securing means is a hook attached to a link of the chain and adapted to hook around the chain or to the chain to thereby form a closed loop around a strainer post.24. A wire strainer according to claim 22 , wherein said ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Power Tool To Spring Torsioner Converter

Номер: US20150075336A1
Автор: Hamman Gary

A device that converts an existing power tool to apply a rotational force to a spring of a rollup or overhead door counterbalancing mechanism. The device has a rotatable driven member mounted in a casting that carries a power transmitting structure. The casting and the driven member have slots with an open end for accommodating the shaft of the counterbalancing mechanism. A removable novel coupling structure inserts into the driven member and connects the driven member to the winding cone of a spring so that rotation of the driven member will apply rotational force to the spring. The casting with the driven member is connected to the body of an existing power tool in place of the original tool head. A motor in the existing power tool body is connected to the power transmitting structure in the casting to rotate the driven member. 2. The device of including a handle integral with or connected to the casing pointing back towards the motor to assist in positioning the device over the shaft and engaging an open bore.3. The device of wherein the driven member an external-toothed gear said power transmission engaged directly so that the driven member is continuously rotated during operation of the motor.4. The device of wherein the power transmitting means includes a worm gear and shaft connected to the motor through reduction gearing.5. The device of wherein the casing comprises a body having a semi-circular chamber for the driven member claim 1 , a bearing shoulder and snap ring to hold the driven member in place claim 1 , said power transmitting means being located in said casing.6. The device of wherein the power transmission has at least one shaft adapted to be connected to the drive motor.7. The device of wherein the coupler comprises an integral hook aligned to project into an open bore or hole in the object.8. The device of wherein the coupler comprises an attached hook aligned to project into an open bore or hole in the object.9. The device of wherein the coupler ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

A tension board for straining wire netting

Номер: US20220096906A1
Автор: Ian Lowrey
Принадлежит: Wireman Pty Ltd

A tension board (30, 130) for straining net style fencing materials (42) composed of a first plurality of spaced apart substantially horizontal wires and a second plurality of spaced apart substantially vertical wires, is disclosed. The tension board takes the form of an elongate member having a longitudinal axis and a longitudinal extent at least corresponding to the distance between the first and last of the horizontal wires, and a plurality of wire grippers (10) connected to the elongate member at spaced apart locations. Each of the wire grippers (10) is configured to releasably grasp a corresponding one of the horizontal wires. This enables quick set up prior to straining and quick release once strained and tied off.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078912A1

A tool for securing a clamp having a band and a clip is provided. The tool includes a base member and a first handle coupled to the base member. A cinching handle is rotationally coupled to the base member adjacent the first handle. A crimping handle is rotationally coupled to the base member adjacent the first handle opposite the cinching handle. A holding means is provided for holding the clip. A tensioning means is provided for moving a tab end portion of the band through the clip, the tensioning means being operably coupled to the cinching handle. A crimping means is provided for locking the clip to the band, the crimping means being operably coupled to the crimping handle. A severing means is provided for severing the tab end portion from the band, the severing means being operably coupled to the crimping handle. 1. A tool for securing a clamp having a band and a clip , a portion of the band extending through the clip , the tool comprising:a base member;a first handle coupled to the base member;a cinching handle rotationally coupled to the base member adjacent the first handle;a crimping handle rotationally coupled to the base member adjacent the first handle opposite the cinching handle;a holding means for holding the clip;a tensioning means is provided for moving a tab end portion of the band through the clip, the tensioning means being operably coupled to the cinching handle;a crimping means for locking the clip to the band, the crimping means being operably coupled to the crimping handle; anda severing means for severing the tab end portion from the band, the severing means being operably coupled to the crimping handle.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the tensioning means includes:a first pawl rotationally coupled to the base member;a tensioning member slidably coupled to the base member and operably coupled to the cinching handle; anda second pawl rotationally coupled to the tensioning member.3. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the crimping means includes:a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094386A1

An installation tool for installing and uninstalling lock rings, bolts, cable lugs, hose clamps is provided. The installation tool comprises a frame assembly and a driving member secured to the frame assembly. The installation tool also comprises a gear assembly operatively coupled to the frame assembly. The gear assembly comprises a plurality of gears which are configured to receive rotational input from the driving member. The installation tool further comprises a jaw assembly operatively coupled to the gear assembly and the frame assembly. The jaw assembly comprises a plurality of jaw members which are configured to receive rotational input from the gear assembly. The installation tool comprises an electronic control unit and an intuitive graphic interface having a touch display. The installation tool ensures precise closing position of the jaw assembly to the tenth of a millimeter. 1. An installation tool comprising:a frame assembly;a driving member secured to the frame assembly;a gear assembly operatively coupled to the frame assembly, wherein the gear assembly comprises a plurality of gears configured to receive rotational input from the driving member; anda jaw assembly operatively coupled to each of the gear assembly and the frame assembly, the jaw assembly comprises a plurality of jaw members adapted to move between an initial position and a final position thereof, based on the rotational input from the gear assembly driven by the driving member.2. The installation tool as claimed in the claim 1 , wherein the frame assembly comprises a frame structure claim 1 , and at least one carrier member movably coupled to the frame structure claim 1 , wherein the at least one carrier member is operatively coupled to the gear assembly and the jaw assembly claim 1 , and the at least one carrier member is configured to pivotally rotate with respect to the frame structure.3. The installation tool as claimed in the claim 2 , wherein the at least one carrier member is ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100823A1

A multi-axis tool for pre-tensioning a camshaft-drive element tensioner in an engine includes a housing having first and second faces and a length. The housing defines a first passage arranged along a first axis and a second passage arranged along a second axis. The second axis is parallel to the first axis and each passage extends through the length of the housing. The tool also includes a first lug arranged on and extending beyond the first face. The first passage extends through the first lug. The tool also includes a second lug extending beyond the second face and arranged along a third axis that is parallel to the first axis. An indicator rod is arranged partially within the second passage and configured to selectively extend beyond the first face. An elastic element is arranged inside the second passage and configured to extend the indicator rod beyond the first face. 1. A multi-axis tool for pre-tensioning a camshaft-drive element tensioner in an internal combustion engine , the tool comprising:a housing having a first face, a second face, and a length defining a span between the first and second faces, wherein the housing defines a first passage arranged along a first axis and a second passage arranged along a second axis, and wherein the second axis is parallel to the first axis and each of the first and second passages extends through the length of the housing;a first lug arranged on and extending beyond the first face, wherein the first passage extends through the first lug;a second lug arranged on and extending beyond the second face and arranged along a third axis that is parallel to the first axis;an indicator rod arranged partially within the second passage and configured to selectively extend beyond the first face; andan elastic element arranged inside the second passage and configured to extend the indicator rod beyond the first face.2. The multi-axis tool according to claim 1 , wherein:the elastic element is a coil spring;the indicator rod includes ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Wire Loom Tool

Номер: US20140182739A1
Принадлежит: ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, Service Solution US LLC

A handheld device comprising a handle assembly containing a longitudinally tubular shank used to manage and/or insert flexible elongated components during the assembly, replacement and/or repair of wired elements of a system is described. The handheld device includes a conduit that can be used to manage and/or insert said flexible elongated components such as wires, cables, flexible tubing, lines, cords, strings, ropes, and the like through constrained spaces and/or barriers. The conduit may be partially opened or completely open to allow removing of the flexible elongated components from the handheld device.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122010A1
Автор: WEN Yuan-Hung

A pliers, configured to assemble an end cap to a vehicle cable, an end cap set including a plurality of end caps connected with one another, the pliers including: a main body and a connecting mechanism. The main body includes a first handling portion, a second handling portion and a receiving portion. The first handling portion is pivotally connected with the second handling portion. The first handling portion is movable relative to the second handling portion between a first position and a second position, and the receiving portion has a receiving space configured to receive the end cap set. The connecting mechanism is connected with the first handling portion and includes a cutting portion, a pressing portion and a feeding member. The cutting portion and the pressing portion correspond to the receiving space, and the feeding member is configured to move the end cap set. 1. A pliers , configured to assemble an end cap to a vehicle cable , an end cap set including a plurality of end caps connected with one another , the pliers including:a main body, including a first handling portion, a second handling portion and a receiving portion, the first handling portion being pivotally connected with the second handling portion, the first handling portion being movable relative to the second handling portion between a first position and a second position, the receiving portion having a receiving space configured to receive the end cap set;a connecting mechanism, being connected with the first handling portion, including a cutting portion, a pressing portion and a feeding member, the cutting portion and the pressing portion corresponding to the receiving space, the feeding member being configured to move the end cap set.2. The pliers of claim 1 , wherein when the first handling portion is moved from the first position to the second position claim 1 , the first handling portion drives the cutting portion and the pressing portion to move toward the receiving portion claim 1 , ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138527A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A reinforcing bar binding machine includes a magazine in which two wires are housed in a drawable manner; a curl guide unit that winds the juxtaposed wires around the reinforcing bars and a wire feeding unit that winds the wires around the reinforcing bars with the curl guide unit in an operation of juxtaposing and feeding the wires so that the wires are wound around the reinforcing bars. In addition, the binding machine includes a binding unit that twists crossing portions of one end side and the other end side of each of the wires wound around the reinforcing bars. The binding unit further includes a bending portion that bends the one end side and the other end side of each of the wires, which are wound around the reinforcing bars, toward the reinforcing bars. 1. A binding method comprising:feeding a wire housed in a housing;winding the fed wire in a loop around a binding object;bending the wire such that end portions of the wire which bind the binding object are located closer to the binding object than a top portion of the wire which protrudes the most in a direction away from the binding object; andtwisting the wire after the wire is bent.2. The binding method according to claim 1 , further comprising simultaneously feeding two wires in parallel claim 1 , and wherein in forming the loop claim 1 , the two wires in parallel are simultaneously wound about the binding object to form a single loop comprising the two wires; andwherein the method further comprises guiding the two wires such that they are maintained in parallel with an axis of one wire offset from an axis of a second wire in a direction of an axis of the loop.3. The binding method according to claim 2 , wherein after bending and twisting of the wire claim 2 , the top portion is the vertically highest part of the wire and the end portions are vertically lower than the top portion.4. The binding method according to claim 2 , further including claim 2 , after forming of the loop claim 2 , feeding the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Ratcheting Strap Kit

Номер: US20180118126A1
Автор: Anderson Erik Edward
Принадлежит: Remington Industries

A container and a securement strap are disclosed. The securement strap includes a crank. The container has a housing and a lid. The housing has a hollow interior adapted to receive the securement strap. The hollow interior is surrounded by a bottom wall and sidewalls to contain the securement strap, and has an open top to receive the securement strap into the hollow interior. At least one of the sidewalls has a hole therethrough. The lid is attached to the housing at the open top by a hinge. The lid being pivotable relative to the housing about the hinge between a closed position wherein access to the hollow interior is denied and an opened position in which access to the hollow interior is enabled. The lid is latchable to the housing to deny pivoting relative thereto and thereby deny receipt and removal of the securement strap. The hole is shaped and disposed to allow the crank to pass there-through to the exterior of the housing when the securement strap is received into the hollow interior, such that the crank may be used as a handle for carrying the combination. 1. In combination , a container and a securement strap:the securement strap comprising a crank;the container comprising a housing and a lid;the housing having a hollow interior adapted to receive the securement strap, the hollow interior surrounded by a bottom wall and sidewalls to contain the securement strap, and an open top to receive the securement strap into the hollow interior;at least one of the sidewalls having a hole therethrough;the lid being attached to the housing at the open top by a hinge;the lid being pivotable relative to the housing about the hinge between a closed position wherein access to the hollow interior is denied and an opened position in which access to the hollow interior is enabled;the lid being latchable to the housing to deny pivoting relative thereto and thereby deny receipt and removal of the securement strap; whereinthe hole is shaped and disposed to allow the crank to ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128388A1
Автор: Mastbeth Cory

A ratchet machine includes a receiving member that is arranged and configured to receive a distal end of a removable actuation handle. The distal end fits within an aperture of the receiving member. The aperture includes a supporting surface region. The supporting surface region fully supports a mechanical interaction between the ratchet machine and the removable actuation handle. 1. A ratchet machine comprising:a receiving member, said receiving member being adapted to receive a distal end of a removable actuation handle within an aperture thereof, said aperture being defined by a supporting surface region, the supporting surface region being adapted to fully support a mechanical interaction between said ratchet machine and said removable actuation handle.2. A ratchet machine as defined in wherein said receiving member comprises a plurality of substantially rigid plates.3. A ratchet machine as defined in wherein said receiving member is coupled to corresponding regions of first and second side plates of said ratchet machine by respective deformed portions of said receiving member.4. A ratchet machine as defined in wherein said supporting surface region includes at least a first substantially planar portion.5. A ratchet machine as defined in further comprising a supporting gusset disposed to reinforce an interface between said receiving member and a side plate of said ratchet machine.6. A ratchet machine as defined in wherein said supporting gusset is coupled to said side plate by a mechanical fastener.7. A ratchet machine as defined in wherein said receiving member is integrally formed to include a supporting gusset portion claim 1 , said supporting gusset portion including a further surface region disposed in close proximity to a side plate of said ratchet machine.8. A ratchet machine as defined in wherein said removable handle includes a first substantially rigid shaft portion and a second gripping portion claim 1 , said gripping portion including a gripping ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297274A1
Автор: TAKADA Junsuke

A wire gripper () includes a link plate (). The link plate () has a moveable-side wire gripping portion () so as to face a stationary-side wire gripping portion (), and is movable toward a direction approaching or spaced away from the stationary-side wire gripping portion () by rotation of the link plate (). The wire gripper () includes a cam plate () and an eccentric shaft (). The cam plate () is rotated depending on operation thereby directly or indirectly pressing the link plate () so as to regulate rotation of the link plate () toward a direction where the moveable-side wire gripping portion () is spaced away from the stationary-side wire gripping portion (). The eccentric shaft () can directly or indirectly further press the link plate () along with rotation, in a state in which a pressing member directly or indirectly press the link plate (). 16-. (canceled)7. A gripping tool , comprising:a main body;a link member rotatably supported by the main body;a stationary-side gripping portion provided in the main body;a moveable-side gripping portion that faces the stationary-side gripping portion and that is provided in the link member, the moveable-side gripping portion being movable toward a direction approaching or spaced away from the stationary-side gripping portion along with rotation of the link member, the stationary-side gripping portion and the moveable-side gripping portion that grip and hold a linear body;a first pressing member configured to directly or indirectly pressing the link member, by rotation or sliding of the first pressing member depending on operation, to regulate rotation of the link member toward a direction where the moveable-side gripping portion is spaced away from the stationary-side gripping portion; anda second pressing member configured to directly or indirectly further pressing the link member depending on operation, in a state in which the first pressing member directly or indirectly presses the link member,wherein a stoke in which ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Wire Twister for Powered Driver

Номер: US20190152031A1
Автор: Cordova Jose

A wire twisting device for use with a typical power driver, in the shape of a plate whereby the wires can be engaged by the device by sliding the wires through cut-outs in the outer edge of the plate to a respective port appropriately sized to accept the wire and hold in place until driver can be engaged to twist the wire into the desired braided position, connecting the wires and allowing a junction to be completed by the user. 1. A wire twisting device comprising:a plate having a wire engaging face, a tool engaging face, a plurality of grooves cut out from the outer edge of the plate, equidistant from each other, toward the center of the plate and a plurality of circular-shaped ports positioned in line with the grooves whereby the grooves are enlarged by the circular-shaped ports;a shaft operably connected to the plate such that the rotation of the shaft is imparted to the plate;wherein each of the plurality of ports are configured to substantially engage a wire.2. The wire twisting device of claim 1 , wherein the ports are positioned to engage and arrange the wire snugly and equidistant from each other.3. The wire twisting device of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is configured to operably connect to the chuck of an electrical driver.4. The method for twisting electrical wire claim 1 , comprising:providing a wire twisting device having a plate having a wire engaging face, a tool engaging face, a plurality of grooves cut out from the outer edge of the plate, equidistant from each other, toward the center of the plate and a plurality of circular-shaped ports positioned in line with the grooves whereby the grooves are enlarged by the circular-shaped ports, and a shaft operably connected to the plate such that the rotation of the shaft is imparted to the plate with the end of the shaft distal to the plate able to operably connect to the chuck of a typical electric driver;engaging a plurality of wires in the ports equidistant from each other by sliding the wire from the ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Rebar tying tool

Номер: US20220298813A1
Принадлежит: Makita Corp

A rebar tying tool is configured to tie rebars with a wire. The rebar tying tool may include: a feeding unit, a twisting unit, a grip, an indicator, and a facing surface. The feeding unit may be configured to feed the wire around the rebars. The twisting unit may be configured to twist the wire around the rebars. The grip may be disposed downward than the twisting unit and configured to be gripped by an operator. The indicator may be configured to indicate a status of the rebar tying tool. The facing surface may be disposed in front of the grip and facing the grip. The indicator may be disposed on the facing surface.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189746A1
Автор: ITAGAKI Osamu
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

It provides a reinforcing bar binding machine which reduces restrictions on a moving direction of the reinforcing bar binding machine in an operation of pulling out a reinforcing bar bound with a wire. A reinforcing bar binding machine (A) includes a curl guide unit (A) that winds a wire (W) around a reinforcing bar (S), a wire feeding unit (A) that feeds the wire (W), and a binding unit (A) that twists crossing portions between one end and the other end of the wire (W) wound around the reinforcing bar (S). The curl guide unit (A) includes a first guide unit () that curls the wire (W) fed by the feeding unit (A) and a second guide unit () that guides the wire (W) fed from the first guide unit () to the binding unit (A), and the second guide unit () includes a fixed guide unit () that restricts a position in a radial direction of the wire (W) wound around the reinforcing bar (S) and a movable guide unit () that restricts a position in an axial direction of the wire (W) wound around the reinforcing bar (S). 111-. (canceled)12. A binding machine comprising:a housing that houses a wire;a wire feeding unit that feeds the wire housed in the housing;a curl guide that receives the wire fed from the wire feeding unit and winds the wire around a binding object in a loop shape; anda binding unit that grips and twists the wire wound around the binding object by the curl guide ,wherein the curl guide includes:a first guide unit that receives the wire fed by the wire feeding unit, anda second guide unit that receives the wire from the first guide unit, andthe second guide unit includes:a third guide unit; anda fourth guide unit which is movable with respect to the third guide unit.13. The binding machine according to claim 12 , wherein the third guide unit restricts movement of the wire in a radial direction of a loop formed by the wire wound around the binding object.14. The binding machine according to claim 13 , wherein the fourth guide unit restricts movement of the wire in ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167813A1
Автор: Myers Travis J.

A hand held tool for the tensioning and severing of cable ties, including reciprocating means for tensioning the cable tie tail, locking means to prevent further tensioning upon the attainment of a preselected tension level in the tie tail, and severing means to sever the tie tail from the cable tie head. The tool includes a tension adjustment system and an independent calibration mechanism. 1. A tensioning system for adjusting the tension imparted to a cable tie in a cable tie tensioning and cut-off tool , the cut off tool including a housing and a cable tie gripping mechanism , the tensioning system comprising:a tension adjustment knob having at least one slot formed thereon and at least one spline formed therein;a ring member having at least one cog on a first side and at least one detent on a second side, the at least one cog being engagable with the at least one slot;a rotating cam having an external thread and at least one tessellated portion formed thereon, the at least one tessellated portion being engagable with the at least one spline;a fixed cam coupled to said housing and having an internal thread being engagable with the rotating cam external thread;a tension shaft having a first end, the first end being coupled to the rotating cam; andat least one tension biasing member coupled to the shaft and to the gripping mechanism.2. The tensioning system of further including a locking latch coupled to the housing and having at least one tooth engagable with the at least one detent.3. The tensioning system of further including a protrusion affixed to the fixed cam claim 1 , the protrusion being engagable with the at least one detent formed on the ring member.4. The tensioning system of wherein when engaged the locking latch prevents a disengagement of the at least one tooth and at least one detent.5. The tensioning system of further including a calibration mechanism claim 1 , the calibration mechanism comprising:a thread being formed on a first end of the tension ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161848A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A reinforcing bar binding machine includes a magazine in which two wires are housed in a drawable manner; a curl guide unit that winds the juxtaposed wires around the reinforcing bars and a wire feeding unit that winds the wires around the reinforcing bars with the curl guide unit in an operation of juxtaposing and feeding the wires so that the wires are wound around the reinforcing bars. In addition, the binding machine includes a binding unit that twists crossing portions of one end side and the other end side of each of the wires wound around the reinforcing bars. The binding unit further includes a bending portion that bends the one end side and the other end side of each of the wires, which are wound around the reinforcing bars, toward the reinforcing bars. 19-. (canceled)10. A binding machine comprising:a housing that is configured to houses a wire;a wire feeding unit that is configured to feed the wire housed in the housing;a curl guide that is configured to wind the wire from the wire feeding unit in a loop around a binding object;a binding unit that is configured to grip and twist the wire wound around the binding object to bind the binding object; anda bending unit that is configured to bend the wire such that end portions of the wire which binds the binding object are located closer to the binding object than a top portion of the wire which protrudes the most in a direction away from the binding object.11. The binding machine according to claim 10 ,wherein the binding unit includes a gripping unit which grips the wire, andthe bending unit bends the wire such that the end portions of the wire gripped by the gripping unit are located closer to the binding object than the top portion of the wire.12. The binding machine according to claim 11 ,wherein the bending unit bends the wire gripped by the gripping unit before the wire is twisted by the binding unit.13. The binding machine according to claim 10 ,wherein the bending unit bends the wire before the wire ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160637A1
Автор: Tsai Chih-Ying
Принадлежит: Jaw Ling Co., Ltd.

A hose clamp tool gun contains: a body, a push rod, and a fixing rod. The body includes a power connector, a drive segment, and a switch. The switch is configured to start a power source to flow into an action cylinder of the drive segment. The push rod includes a sliding segment and a pushing segment opposite to the sliding segment, and the sliding segment slides in the action cylinder. The fixing rod is partially mounted in the drive segment and includes a slide groove and at least one retaining recess. The slide groove is configured to accommodate the pushing segment of the push rod, and the retaining recess is configured to retain a first clamp end of a hose clamp, wherein when the pushing segment of the push rod pushes a second clamp end of the hose clamp, the hose clamp is expanded. 1. A hose clamp tool gun comprising:a body including a power connector, a drive segment, and a switch, the switch being configured to start a power source to flow into an action cylinder of the drive segment of the body;a push rod including a sliding segment arranged on a first end of the push rod, and the push rod including a pushing segment formed on a second end of the push rod, the sliding segment sliding in the action cylinder; anda fixing rod partially mounted in the drive segment of the body, the fixing rod including a slide groove and at least one retaining recess, wherein the slide groove is configured to accommodate the pushing segment of the push rod, and the at least one retaining recess is configured to retain a first clamp end of a hose clamp, wherein when the pushing segment of the push rod pushes a second clamp end of the hose clamp, the hose clamp is expanded.2. The hose clamp tool gun as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power connector is coupled with a high-pressure air tube claim 1 , and the switch is configured to turn on/off an air valve so as to control high-pressure air to flow or to stop flowing into the action cylinder of the drive segment.3. The hose ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156224A1
Автор: SUENAGA Mitsuo

A wire reel for rebar tying machine including a reel and a wire wound therearound and an engagement portion at which an earlier-wound part of the wire may be engaged with a later-wound part of the wire by the later-wound part of the wire sinking below the earlier-wound part of the wire. A manufacturing method of a wire reel for rebar tying machine includes: fixing one end of a wire to a reel; winding the wire around the reel by feeding the wire while rotating the reel; and stopping the feeding of the wire while rotating the reel to cause a later-wound part of the wire to sink below an earlier-wound part of the wire such that the later-wound part of the wire engages with the earlier-wound part of the wire. 1. A wire reel for a rebar tying machine , comprising:a reel; anda wire wound around the reel,whereinthe wire comprises an engagement portion, andat the engagement portion, an earlier-wound part of the wire is engaged with a later-wound part of the wire by the later-wound part of the wire sinking below the earlier-wound part of the wire.2. The wire reel according to claim 1 , whereinthe reel includes:a trunk portion around which the wire is wound; andflange portions provided at both ends of the trunk portion, respectively.3. The wire reel according to claim 2 , wherein at the engagement portion claim 2 , the later-wound part of the wire is engaged with the earlier-wound part of the wire and one of the flange portions.4. The wire reel according to claim 2 , wherein at least a part of the flange portions is constituted of an elastic material.5. The wire reel according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the wire from a distal end of the wire to the engagement portion is equal to or greater than a predetermined length.6. A method of manufacturing a wire reel for a rebar tying machine claim 1 , the wire reel including a reel and a wire wound around the reel claim 1 , the method comprising steps of:fixing one end of the wire to the reel;winding the wire around the reel by ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184531A1
Автор: Wang Ching-Shu

A hose clamp pliers includes a pliers assembly and a clamping device. The clamping device includes a first clamping element and a second clamping element. The second clamping element is movable with respect to the first clamping element for clamping. The first clamping element has a first stopping wall and a second stopping wall. The second clamping element has a third stopping wall and a fourth stopping wall. The first stopping wall and the third stopping wall face each other. The second stopping wall and the fourth stopping wall extend toward each other. The junction between the first stopping wall and the second stooping wall and the junction between the third stopping wall and the fourth stopping wall are adapted for the leg portions of the hose clamp to abut against. 1. A hose clamp pliers , including:a pliers assembly, including a first handle, a second handle, and a linkage bar assembly, the first handle having a first end and a second end, the second handle having a third end and a fourth end, the first handle being pivotally connected to the third end of the second handle with the first end thereof, the linkage bar assembly being pivotally arranged between the first handle and the second handle;a clamping device, including an outer tube, a wire, a first clamping element, and a second clamping element, an end of the outer tube being connected to the first end of the first handle, an other end of the outer tube being connected to the first clamping element, the wire being inserted through the outer tube, two ends of the wire extending exceeding two ends of the outer tube, one of the two ends of the wire being pivotally connected to the linkage bar assembly, the other one of the two ends of the wire being inserted through the first clamping element to connect to the second clamping element, a spring being sleeved onto the wire to be biased between the first clamping element and the second clamping element so that the first clamping element and the second ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180799A1
Автор: Ni Wei Chieh

A cable tie tensioning and severing tool includes: a cutting member, a pulling member with a pivotable pushing block abutting against the cutting member, a trigger with a stop block abutting against the pushing block, a pivotable pressing hammer, a turning knob, and an elastic member compressed between the pressing hammer and a spirally ramped end face of the turning knob such that the pressing hammer applies to the cutting member a pressing force whose magnitude can be adjusted by rotating the turning knob. The stop block can be driven by the trigger to push the pushing block, which in turn pulls a cable tie through the pulling member and, once the pressing force is overcome, pivots the cutting member to sever the cable tie. 1. A cable tie tensioning and severing tool , characterized by comprising:a housing having an end provided with an inlet and an opposite end provided with a connection opening, wherein the inlet is an entrance for a cable tie;a cutting member pivotally provided in the housing, wherein the cutting member has a front end and a rear end defined respectively on two opposite sides of a pivotally connected portion of the cutting member, and the front end is provided with a blade for severing the cable tie;a pulling member slidably provided in a channel in the housing, wherein the pulling member is provided with a toothed block for pulling the cable tie and is pivotally provided with a pushing block abutting against the rear end of the cutting member;a trigger pivotally connected to the housing, wherein the trigger is provided with a stop block abutting against the pushing block; andan adjustment mechanism comprising a pressing hammer pivotally provided in the housing, a turning knob pivotally provided in the connection opening, and an elastic member provided between the pressing hammer and the turning knob, wherein the elastic member has one end pressing against a ramped end face of the turning knob, the ramped end face has a height changing ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222456A1
Принадлежит: DSE Enterprise Inc

A cable barrier separator apparatus for separating cables from the barrier support so that the barrier support can be replaced. The cable barrier separator apparatus includes an actuator assembly; and an engagement assembly in communication with the actuator assembly for separating cables from support devices. 117-. (canceled)18. A cable separator apparatus comprising: a support bracket;', pivotally mounted to the support bracket at a proximal end,', 'configured to extend away from the support bracket in a first plane substantially orthogonal to the support bracket, and,', 'provided with a cable retaining feature at a distal end;, 'a plurality of cable retaining members, each cable retaining member being, configured to extend away from the support bracket along a first axis in the first plane, and,', 'provided at a distal end with a cable engagement feature configured to retain a first cable in alignment across the distal end when the cable engagement feature is pressed against the first cable along the first axis; and,, 'a bracket member disposed in the first plane between the plurality of hook members, the bracket member being], 'an engagement assembly comprisingan actuator operable to extend the bracket member along the first axis, wherein the actuator comprises a hydraulic cylinder.19. The apparatus of claim 18 , wherein each of the plurality of cable retaining members are configured to pivot about corresponding pivot axes oriented substantially parallel to one another.20. The apparatus of claim 18 , wherein the support bracket is provided with a wall and at least two wings extending outward from the wall in second and third planes substantially parallel to the first plane.21. The apparatus of claim 20 , wherein each of the cable retaining members is pivotally mounted to the support bracket by a corresponding support member passing through the two wings and through at least one aperture in the proximal end of the cable retaining member.22. The apparatus of claim ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202178A1

A rebar tying device is configured to tie a plurality of rebars by a wire. The rebar tying device includes a feeder configured to feed the wire wound around a reel by a rotation of a feeding motor; a guide configured to guide the wire fed by the feeder to around the plurality of rebars; a cutter configured to cut the wire fed by the feeder at a predetermined position; a twister configured to twist the wire around the plurality of rebars; a battery configured to supply power to the feeding motor; and a control unit. The control unit configured to control a feeding length of the wire by controlling an energizing time of the feeding motor based on a predetermined feeding length of the wire. 1. A rebar tying device configured to tie a plurality of rebars by a wire , the device comprising:a feeder configured to feed the wire wound around a reel by a rotation of a feeding motor;a guide configured to guide the wire fed by the feeder around the plurality of rebars;a cutter configured to cut the wire fed by the feeder at a predetermined position;a twister configured to twist the wire around the plurality of rebars;a battery configured to supply power to the feeding motor; anda control unit,wherein the control unit is configured to control a feeding length of the wire by controlling an energizing time of the feeding motor based on a predetermined feeding length of the wire.2. The rebar tying device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a setter configured to set the feeding length of the wire,wherein the energizing time of the feeding motor is set based on the feeding length of the wire set by the setter.3. The rebar tying device according to claim 1 ,wherein the energizing time of the feeding motor is set based on a state of the rebar tying device before the rotation of the feeding motor.4. The rebar tying device according to claim 3 ,wherein the energizing time of the feeding motor is set based on an open voltage of the battery before the rotation of the feeding motor.5 ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207709A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

The wire fed or pulled back from the reel by the feeding unit can be properly restricted. The invention relates to a binding machine () having a feeding unit () for feeding out a wire () from a reel () provided in a housing unit (). With respect to the entering route () of the wire () when the wire () drawn out from the reel () by the feeding unit () is guided to the feeding unit (), the first restriction unit () that restricts the drawing portion () of the wire () disposed between the reel () and the feeding unit () from being deviating from the entering route () is provided inside the housing unit (). 1. A binding machine comprising: a feeding unit that feeds a wire from a reel provided with a housing , characterized in that , with respect to an entering route of the wire when the wire fed from the reel by the feeding unit is guided to the feeding unit , a first restriction unit is provided inside the housing to restrict a drawn out portion of the wire from deviating from the entering route , the drawn out portion being between the reel and the feeding unit.2. A binding machine comprising: a feeding unit that feeds a wire from a reel provided with a housing , and that pulls back the fed wire to a reel side , characterized in that , a second restriction unit is provided inside the housing to restrict the wire pulled back to the reel side by the feeding unit from deviating from a line extending in a pullback direction of the wire by the feeding unit.3. The binding machine according to or , characterized in that a front wall of the housing is located at a position which forms the first restriction unit or the second restriction unit , the front wall including a surface to face the wire fed out from the reel.4. The binding machine according to claim 3 , characterized in that an abrasion prevention unit is provided on the front wall of the housing to prevent abrasion of the front wall due to contact of the wire.5. The binding machine according to claim 4 , ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207710A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

It Provids a reinforcing bar binding machine that reduces restrictions on arrangement of a magazine in which a wire is housed. 1. A binding machine characterized by comprising:a housing in which a wire is housed in a drawable manner;a feeding unit that includes a pair of feeding members between which the wire is sandwiched and fed, and that is capable of winding the wire around a binding object;a binding unit that twists the wire wound by the feeding unit; anda displacement unit that displaces the pair of feeding members toward and away from each other,wherein the displacement unit is provided in a direction intersecting to a feeding direction of the wire with respect to the feeding member.2. The binding machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that a wire loading space is provided between the feeding member and the housing to load the wire into the feeding member.3. The binding machine according to claim 2 , characterized in that the wire loading space is provided inside the housing.4. The binding machine according to any one of to claim 2 , characterized by further comprising:a main body; anda handle portion that protrudes from the main body in one direction,wherein the feeding member is located between the binding unit and the housing, andthe displacement unit is located between the feeding member and the handle portion in the main body.5. The binding machine according to any one of to claim 2 , characterized in that the displacement unit includes:a displacement member which displaces the pair of feeding members toward and away from each other;an operation member which displaces the displacement member; anda release member which fixes a position of the operation member and which releases the fixed position.6. The binding machine according to any one of to claim 2 , characterized by further comprising:a main body; anda handle portion that protrudes from the main body in one direction,wherein the displacement unit includes:a displacement member which ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237143A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A reinforcing steel bar binding machine is provided with: a second body part; a cover guide part attached to the second body part; and a first contact member (a second contact member) that is abutted against a reinforcing steel bar and moved. The cover guide part is provided with: a first guide recessed part and a second guide recessed part that movably guide the first contact member; and a first contact part against which the reinforcing steel bar is abutted. 1. A binding machine comprising:a body part;a cover guide part attached to the body part; anda movable part configured to be butted against a binding object and to be thus moved, a guide part configured to movably guide the movable part, and', 'a contact part against which the binding object is to be butted., 'wherein the cover guide part includes2. The binding machine according to claim 1 , wherein the cover guide part includes a first sidewall part positioned at one side of the body part claim 1 , a second sidewall part positioned at an another side of the body part claim 1 , and a connection part connecting the first sidewall part and the second sidewall part.3. The binding machine according to claim 2 , wherein the cover guide part covers the body part in at least three directions.4. The binding machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a cover part configured to cover the guide part and to be detachably attached to the cover guide part.5. The binding machine according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the guide parts is provided at a plurality of positions on the same axis along a moving direction of the movable part.6. The binding machine according to claim 1 , wherein the cover guide part is configured so that a pair of the movable parts can independently move.7. The binding machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first guide and a second guide extending in a first direction from one end portion of the body part, arranged with an interval, in which the binding object is inserted, ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150224632A1

A tool for operating a vehicle tire chain tensioner and a method of using the same. The tool is a member having spaced apart first and second ends. The first end is configured to engage a first style of chain tensioner and the second end is configured to engage a second style of chain tensioner. The first end includes a leg extending outwardly at ninety degrees from the member in a first direction; and the second end includes spaced apart first and second arms that extend outwardly at ninety degrees from the member in a second direction. The member, leg, and first and second arms are all aligned in the same plane. The leg's free end is complementary to a recess defined in the first style of chain tensioner. A section of the second style of chain tensioner is received in a gap defined between the first and second arms. 1. A tool for operating a vehicle tire chain tensioner; said tool comprising:a member having a first end and a second end; wherein the first end of the member is adapted to engage a first style of vehicle tire chain tensioner and the second end of the member is adapted to engage a second style of vehicle tire chain tensioner.2. The tool as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first end of the member includes a leg that extends outwardly from the member at an angle relative thereto; and wherein the leg has a free end adapted to engage the first style of vehicle tire chain tensioner.3. The tool as defined in claim 2 , wherein the angle that the leg extends outwardly from the member is about ninety degrees.4. The tool as defined in claim 2 , wherein the free end of the leg is of a cross-section that is adapted to be complementary to a recess defined in the first style of vehicle tire chain tensioner.5. The tool as defined in claim 4 , wherein the free end of the leg is of a rectangular or square cross-section.6. The tool as defined in claim 2 , wherein the free end of the leg tapers in a direction extending toward the member.7. The tool as defined in claim 2 ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Joint-Disconnecting Tool

Номер: US20210245333A1
Автор: Tsai Chang-Ta

A joint-disconnecting tool includes a clamp and a controller. The clamp includes a case, two branches, a pin and two linking elements. Each of the branches includes a lever extending in the case and a jaw extending out of the case. The pin connects the levers to the case. Each of the linking elements includes an end pivotally connected to one of the levers in the case. The controller includes two handles, a wire, a sheath and a spring. The handles are pivotally connected to each other. The wire includes an end connected to one of the handles and another end connected to another end of each of the linking elements. The sheath wraps the wire except for the ends. The sheath includes an end abutted against another one of the handles and another end abutted against the case. The spring tends to push the linking elements from the case. 1. A joint-disconnecting tool comprising:{'b': '10', 'claim-text': [{'b': '11', 'a case ();'}, {'b': 12', '13', '124', '134', '11', '122', '132', '11, 'two branches (, ) each of which comprises a lever (, ) extending substantially in the case () and a jaw (, ) extending out of the case ();'}, {'b': 124', '134', '11', '11, 'a first pin (A) for pivotally connecting the levers (, ) to the case (), wherein the first pin (A) is not movable relative to the case (); and'}, {'b': 14', '15', '124', '134', '11, 'two linking elements (, ) each of which comprises an end pivotally connected to one of the levers (, ) in the case (); and'}], 'a clamp () comprising{'b': '20', 'claim-text': [{'b': '21', 'two handles () pivotally connected to each other;'}, {'b': 22', '21', '14', '15, 'a wire () comprising an end connected to one of the handles () and another end connected to another end of each of the linking elements (, );'}, {'b': 23', '22', '22', '23', '21', '11, 'a sheath () wrapping the wire () except for the ends of the wire (), wherein the sheath () comprises an end abutted against another one of the handles () and another end abutted against the ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Apparatuses and methods for releasing cable ties

Номер: US20180222024A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A tool 100 comprises chassis 120, slider 110, first jaw 130, second jaw 140 and compression spring 190. Chassis 120 comprises distal end 125, proximal end 126, opposite distal end 125, and distal interior wall 111, facing proximal end 126 of chassis 120. Slider 110 comprises slider opening 113 and is coupled to chassis 120. First jaw 130 is coupled to chassis 120 and is located between distal interior wall 111 of chassis 120 and slider 110. Second jaw 140 is coupled to chassis 120 and is located between first jaw 130 and slider 110. Compression spring 190 is located between first jaw 130 and second jaw 140. When slider 110 is moved relative to chassis 120, first jaw 130 is stationary relative to chassis 120, and second jaw 140 moves relative to chassis 120 and is stationary relative to slider 110.

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Wire gripper

Номер: US20150244154A1
Принадлежит: Nagaki Seiki Co Ltd

A wire gripper 10 , which is lightweight and can perform a work for holding a gripped state of a tensioned wire easily and safely, is provided with a stationary gripping body 12 having a wire-like body pressing-down portion 24 ; a swinging member 14 swingably attached to the stationary gripping body by a supporting shaft 70 ; a movable gripping body 16 having a wire-like body holding portion; a connection member 18 swinging the swinging member; and a swinging member restricting portion 20 restricting an amount of swinging of the swinging member, wherein the stationary gripping body 12 is formed with reinforcing portions 32 and 40 in a region in which the supporting shaft is attached, and a wire-like body W clamped does not disengage from between the movable gripping body 16 whose movement amount is restricted by the swinging member restricting portion 20 and the stationary gripping body 12.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140338161A1
Автор: Armour Barry Douglas

A ratchet device for a strap has a body having a side member and a spool having a side rotatably supported by the side member and a ratchet wheel fixed thereto. The body has a member moveable between an open position in which the other side of the spool is exposed to enable a strap to be laterally loaded into the spool from the exposed side of the spool and laterally unloaded from the spool, and a closed position in which said lateral loading and unloading are prevented. 1. A ratchet device for a strap , the ratchet device comprising:a body having a side member; anda spool having a side rotatably supported by the side member and a ratchet wheel fixed thereto;wherein the body further comprises a member movable between an open position in which the other side of the spool is exposed to enable a strap to be laterally loaded into the spool from the exposed side of the spool and laterally unloaded from the spool, and a closed position in which said lateral loading and unloading are prevented.2. The ratchet device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spool comprises a hub claim 1 , and wherein a slot extends into the spool from the exposed side of the spool so that the strap can be fed into the slot sideways claim 1 , without bending the strap across its width.3. The ratchet device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the hub comprises a plurality of separate hub components.4. The ratchet device as claimed in claim 3 , comprising a rotatable spacer that is rotatably mounted to the movable member and that is configured to couple with said other side of the spool when the movable member is in the closed position claim 3 , to minimise compression of the strap between the hub components under load claim 3 , and to assist in preventing the movable member from opening.5. The ratchet device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein said other side of the spool comprises a cavity proximate to the slot and a portion of the rotatable spacer is configured to engage in the cavity.67-. (canceled)8. ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Pneumatic Linear Fastener Driving Tool

Номер: US20200238493A1
Автор: Peter Wierzchon

A pneumatic fastener driving tool includes a gas cylinder, and a piston disposed in the cylinder in such a way that a centerline of the piston is coaxial with the cylinder longitudinal axis, and the piston is movable along the cylinder longitudinal axis between ready and driven positions. The tool includes a blade having a blade first end that is connected to the piston, and a blade second end that is configured to contact a fastener during a fastener driving operation. The tool includes a reset mechanism that returns the tool to the ready to fire configuration by translating the piston along the cylinder longitudinal axis to a location in which gas is compressed in the cylinder. The reset mechanism includes a ball screw device that drives the piston toward the ready position via a force that is concentric with the centerline of the piston.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Pinch clamp removal tool and method

Номер: US20180257207A1
Принадлежит: Conbraco Industries Inc

A pinch clamp removal tool that includes a tool body having a slot extending partially across a top portion of the tool body and adapted for receiving a nub extending radially-outwardly from a pinch clamp to be removed from a pipe and a stop positioned at an end of the slot for engaging the nub when the nub is positioned in the slot. The tool body is adapted for being rotated to impart a twist to the pinch clamp nub sufficient to break the nub in order to loosen the pinch clamp and permit removal of the clamp from the pipe.

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Binding machine

Номер: US20210316428A1
Принадлежит: Max Co Ltd

A binding machine includes a body part, a feeding unit configured to feed a wire, a first guide and a second guide extending in a first direction from an end portion on one side of the body part, arranged with an interval, in which a binding object is inserted, in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, and configured to guide the wire fed by the feeding unit, a twisting unit configured to twist the wire guided by the first guide and the second guide, and a guide moving part configured to change the interval from a first distance to a second distance shorter than the first distance.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Torque-Transmitting, Locking Instrument Holder and Method for Operating the Instrument Holder

Номер: US20170266412A1
Принадлежит: SYNTHEON, LLC

A torque-transmitting, locking instrument holder, includes a hollow body having a proximal end for receiving an instrument, a distal end for protrusion of the instrument, and a handle to be gripped by an operator. A device is provided for locking the handle to and unlocking the handle from the instrument at least partly disposed within the hollow body. A method for operating the instrument holder includes providing a hollow body having a proximal end for receiving an instrument, a distal end for protrusion of the instrument, and a handle to be gripped by an operator. The instrument is placed at least partly within the hollow body and the handle is locked to and unlocked from the instrument.

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180281161A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A tool comprises housing , elongated member , trigger , first jaw , and second jaw . Housing comprises housing abutment surface . Elongated member comprises distal end , proximal end , and elongated-member abutment surface . Trigger is pivotally coupled to housing and is coupled to elongated member . Elongated member translates along axis when trigger is moved relative to housing . First jaw abuts housing abutment surface of housing and is configured to engage cable tie . First jaw is located between distal end of elongated member and housing abutment surface . Second jaw abuts elongated-member abutment surface and is configured to engage cable tie . Second jaw translates relative to first jaw along axis when trigger is pivoted with respect to housing 1100200210100. A tool () for releasing a cable tie () that comprises a head () , the tool () comprising:{'b': 110', '112, 'a housing (), comprising a housing abutment surface ();'}{'b': 120', '110, 'claim-text': {'b': 120', '122', '124', '128, 'the elongated member () comprises a distal end (), a proximal end (), and an elongated-member abutment surface ();'}, 'an elongated member (), disposed at least partially within the housing (), wherein{'b': 170', '110, 'claim-text': [{'b': 170', '120, 'the trigger () is coupled to the elongated member (), and'}, {'b': 120', '121', '170', '110, 'the elongated member () translates along an axis () when the trigger () is moved relative to the housing ();'}], 'a trigger (), pivotally coupled to the housing (), wherein{'b': 130', '112', '110', '210', '200', '212', '210', '130', '122', '120', '112', '110, 'a first jaw (), abutting the housing abutment surface () of the housing () and configured to engage the head () of the cable tie () from a first side () of the head (), wherein the first jaw () is located between the distal end () of the elongated member () and the housing abutment surface () of the housing (); and'}{'b': 140', '128', '120', '210', '200', '214', '210', '212', '140', ...

23-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210396028A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A binding machine includes: a first body part; a second body part having a curl guide and a twisting shaft that holds and twists the curled wire; and an elongated connecting part connecting the first body part and the second body part. The curl guide includes a first guide part and a second guide part projecting in a first direction from the tip end of the second body part and disposed with a prescribed gap therebetween in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction. The first body part and the second body part are disposed such that a virtual axis line is inclined toward the axis line of the twisting shaft, the virtual axis line connecting an intermediate position in the prescribed gap and an intermediate position in the lateral direction of the connecting part at the connection end of the connecting part with the first body part. 1. A binding machine comprising:a first body part;a second body part having a housing, a curl guide attached to the housing, and a twisting unit arranged in the housing, the curl guide having an opening in which a binding object can be inserted and being configured to curl a wire around the binding object inserted in the opening, and the twisting unit including a twisting shaft for twisting the curled wire; andan elongated connecting part connecting the first body part and the second body part,wherein the curl guide includes first and second guide parts projecting in a first direction from a tip end of the housing and arranged with a prescribed gap to define the opening in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, andwherein the first body part and the second body part are arranged such that a virtual axis line, which connects an intermediate position in the prescribed gap at a tip end of the second body part and an intermediate position in a lateral direction of the connecting part at a connection end of the connecting part with the first body part, is inclined relative to an axis line of the twisting shaft.2. The ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Wire pulling grip

Номер: US20170291283A1
Принадлежит: Klein Tools Inc

A wire pulling grip includes a main body, at least one cable-engaging jaw connected to the main body, and at least one cable-engaging surface included on the at least one cable-engaging jaw. A coating is disposed at least partially along the at least one cable-engaging surface, the coating including a plurality of surface protrusions arranged and configured to plastically deform an elastic cable jacket without slipping or tearing when a cable having the elastic cable jacket is engaged by the at least one cable-engaging jaw.

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Device for unfastening pipe fasteners

Номер: US20180290276A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for unfastening fasteners includes an operation device, a cable unit and a working unit. The cable unit is connected between the operation device and the working unit. The operation device includes a first part and a second part pivotably connected to each other by a pivot. The first part includes a first extension with a first hole. The second part includes a second extension with a second hole. A first slot communicates with the first hole. A second slot communicates with the second hole. The cable unit includes a cable and a sheath. The cable extends through the first and second holes via the first and second slots, and connected with an end piece which contacts the first extension. A stop member is mounted to the first extension to close the first slot. The cable is separated from the operation device easily without causing damage to the cable.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160303718A1

A hose clamp support tool includes a collar that is attached to a nose of a rotational driver. A drive extension includes a driven socket end that is connected to a drive output of the rotational driver, and a screw socket end that engages a screw of a hose clamp. A support structure is coupled to the collar, and is slideably moveable relative to the drive extension along the central drive axis. The support structure includes a cylindrical portion. The drive extension extends through and is rotatably supported by the cylindrical portion. The support structure includes a hood. The hose clamp is secured between the hood and the screw socket end of the drive extension during installation and removal operations. A biasing device is operable to bias the support structure along the central drive axis relative to the drive extension. 1. A hose clamp support tool comprising:a collar configured for attachment to a nose of a rotational driver;a support structure coupled to the collar and slideably moveable relative to the collar along a central drive axis;a drive extension rotatably supported by the support structure for rotation about the central drive axis, with the support structure slideably moveable relative to the drive extension along the central drive axis;wherein the drive extension includes a driven socket end configured for attachment to a drive output of the rotational driver, and a screw socket end configured for engaging a head of a screw of a hose clamp; andwherein the support structure includes a hood configured for engaging the hose clamp, such that the hose clamp is secured between the hood of the support structure and the screw socket end of the drive extension during installation and removal operations.2. The hose clamp support tool set forth in wherein the collar includes an annular flange portion concentric with the central drive axis claim 1 , wherein the annular flange portion defines a plurality of apertures angularly spaced about the central drive ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200290759A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A binding machine includes a wire feeding unit, a binding unit, a curl guide and an inductive guide. The inductive guide has a converging passage through which the wire fed by the wire feeding unit and curled by the curl guide passes, and a cross-sectional area of the converging passage decreases along an entry direction of the wire from an opening end portion that the wire enters. The inductive guide has an entry angle regulation part configured to change an entry angle of the wire entering the converging passage, and the inductive guide is provided on an inner side with respect to a virtual line interconnecting the opening end portion and a narrowest part of the converging passage at which the cross-sectional area is the narrowest.

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200290760A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A binding machine includes a wire feeding unit configured to feed a wire to be wound on an object to be bound, a binding unit configured to twist the wire wound on the object to be bound, a curl guide configured to curl the wire being fed by the wire feeding unit, an inductive guide configured to guide the wire curled by the curl guide toward the binding unit, and a retraction guide part configured to retract the wire to a downstream side of the binding unit with respect to a feeding direction of the wire that is fed by the wire feeding unit in a direction of curling the wire by the curl guide.

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Advanced Methods and Designs for Balancing a Stranded Termination Assembly

Номер: US20150315743A1
Автор: Richard V. Campbell
Принадлежит: Individual

Devices and methods for loading a cable in order to create a desired distribution of the load among the cable's constituent strands. Strand terminations are applied to many—and possibly all of—the cable's strands. The ultimate goal is to connect the strand terminations to a collector in order to create an overall cable termination. The relationship between each strand termination and the collector is allowed to “float” using the inventive process while the cable is tensioned and an appropriate spatial relationship between each strand tensioner and the collector is determined. One the appropriate relationship is found, it is configured to be repeatable (such as by locking the strand termination in place or by recording its position for later application to the same or similar collector).

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336694A1
Автор: JR. Wayne J., Skonieczny

A tool for tensioning, cutting and/or punching a band of a band-type clamp, a band and buckle attachment, and a band punch attachment are provided. The tool includes a nose piece to receive a tail of the band and a lever pivotably secured to the nose piece. The band and buckle attachment includes a main body having a band guide slot and a blade guide intersecting the band guide slot. A blade is movably positioned in the blade guide. A blade biasing element is positioned between the blade and the main body. The band punch attachment includes a main body having a band guide slot and a punch mechanism rotatably mounted on the main body. The punch mechanism includes a punch guide having a passageway and a punch tool movably positioned in the punch guide. A spring is positioned in the passageway urging the punch tool in a predetermined direction. 1. An attachment for a tool for tensioning , cutting and/or punching a band-type clamp , the tool having a nose piece into which a tail of a band for tensioning around a load is fed , the attachment comprising:a main body configured for attachment to the tool, the main body having a band guide slot extending in a direction in which the band is fed and a blade guide intersecting the band guide slot;a blade having a contact surface and a cutting edge, the blade movably positioned in the blade guide; anda blade biasing element positioned in the blade guide between a portion of the blade and the main body to urge the blade in a predetermined direction.2. The attachment of claim 1 , wherein the blade further includes a slotted retaining recess having an end wall claim 1 , the main body includes a fastening bore claim 1 , and the attachment further includes a retaining fastener positioned in the fastening bore and the slotted recess claim 1 , the retaining fastener configured abut the end wall of the slotted retaining recess to retain the blade in the blade guide against a biasing force of the blade biasing element.3. The attachment ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160336724A1
Принадлежит: NAGAKI SEIKI CO., LTD.

A wire gripper having a lightweight feeling and enabling attaching work to a wire-like body to be performed easily and safely, which comprises: a fixed gripping body having a wire-like body pressing-down portion; a swinging member; a movable gripping body having a wire-like body holding portion; and a connection member coupled to the swinging member by a connection member swinging shaft and allowing the swinging member to swing. A wire gripper main body is provided with an first-finger hooking portion in a connection member guiding portion for guiding the connection member when pulling the connection member and attached with a grip portion in a freely swingably movable manner, on the side toward which the connection member is pulled, so that the grip portion faces the first-finger hooking portion. The grip portion is structured so as to be able to apply tension in order to pull the connection member. 1. A wire gripper comprising:a stationary gripping body having a wire-like body pressing-down portion;a swinging member swingably attached to a wire gripper main body by a supporting shaft;a movable gripping body having a wire-like body holding portion and swinging toward the wire-like body pressing-down portion of the stationary gripping body according to swinging of the swinging member; anda connection member coupled to the swinging member by a connection member swinging shaft and swinging the swinging member, whereinthe connection member is rotationally attached with a grip portion on a side of pulling, andthe grip portion has a shape grasped with a hand of a person, and is configured to extend in a direction in which the connection member extends when the connection member is pulled.2. A wire gripper comprising:a stationary gripping body having a wire-like body pressing-down portion;a swinging member swingably attached to a wire gripper main body by a supporting shaft;a movable gripping body having a wire-like body holding portion and swinging toward the wire-like ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Cable Tie Tensioning And Cut Off Tool

Номер: US20170334587A1
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

A tool configured to tension an elongate cable tie around a wire cable bundle and sever a portion of a tie tail from the cable tie. This tool includes a pistol-shaped housing having a handle portion and a barrel portion. A slide mechanism disposed within the barrel portion comprises a gripper mechanism configured to grip a tail of the cable tie and a slide configured to move the gripper mechanism in a direction toward an end of the barrel portion and pull the tail of the cable tie through the tie head, thereby tightening the cable tie around the wire cable bundle. The tool also includes a tensioning mechanism that is configured to halt application of the tension to the cable tie when the tension applied by the slide mechanism reaches a predetermined tension threshold and a cutoff mechanism configured to sever the tie tail from the cable tie.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180333832A1
Автор: LIU Chao-Min

The pipe clamp pliers includes a first and a second clamping members. The first clamping member has a first and a second ends, and further has a first pivot portion between the first and the second ends. A first clamping portion is provided at the first end. The second clamping member has a third and a fourth ends, and further has a second pivot portion between the third and the fourth ends. A second clamping portion is provided at the third end. The second pivot portion is pivotally connected with the first pivot portion. The first and the second clamping portions are formed with a first and a second horizontal grooves. At least one of a corner of the first horizontal groove near the first pivot portion and a corner of the second horizontal groove near the second pivot portion is smaller than 90 degrees. 1. A pipe clamp pliers including:a first clamping member, having a first end and a second end, the first clamping member further having a first pivot portion located between the first end and the second end, a first clamping portion being provided at the first end, a first holding portion being provided at the second end, a first direction being defined as a direction that the first end and the second end are aligned;a second clamping member, having a third end and a fourth end, the second clamping member further having a second pivot portion located between the third end and the fourth end, the second pivot portion being pivotally connected with the first pivot portion, a second clamping portion being provided at the third end, a second holding portion being provided at the fourth end, a second direction being defined as a direction that the third end and the fourth end are aligned;wherein a first horizontal groove is formed on a face of the first clamping portion facing the second clamping portion, a second horizontal groove is formed on a face of the second clamping portion facing the first clamping portion, the second horizontal groove positionally corresponds ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Tool for Mounting a Tension Clamp

Номер: US20170349307A1
Принадлежит: Oetiker Schweiz AG

A tension clamp () includes a band () surrounding an object to be fastened and a buckle () arranged on the inner band end portion () and surrounding the band (), with the outer band end portion () extending through the buckle (). A tool for mounting the tension clamp includes a holding device for holding the buckle () along with the band () surrounding the object to be fastened, a tensioning device for tensioning the band () round the object to be fastened by applying tension to the outer band end portion (), a locking device () for locking the buckle () on dem band (), and a severing device for cutting off excessive band length. The locking device () has plier jaws () adapted to be inserted into lateral windows () of the buckle () for deforming side edge portions () of the other band end portion (). 119202122202321. A tool for mounting a tension clamp () surrounding an object to be fastened , the clamp having a band () surrounding the object to be fastened and a buckle () mounted on a first band end portion () and surrounding the band () , wherein a second band end portion () extends through the buckle () , comprising:{'b': 21', '20, 'a holder for holding the buckle () including the band () surrounding the object to be fastened;'}{'b': 20', '23, 'a tensioning device for tensioning the band () round the object to be fastened by applying tension to the second band end portion ();'}{'b': 50', '21', '20', '25', '21', '23, 'a locking device () for locking the buckle () on the band () having a clamping mechanism adapted to be inserted into a lateral window () of the buckle () for deforming a side edge of the second band end portion (); and'}a severing device for severing excessive band length,{'b': 23', '25', '24', '25, 'characterised in that the clamping mechanism for deforming a side edge of the second band end portion () has a width corresponding to the clear width of the window () as measured in the longitudinal direction of the band and is adapted to be actuated so ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180346160A1
Автор: JR. Wayne J., Skonieczny

A tool for tensioning, cutting and/or punching a band of a band-type clamp, a band and buckle attachment, and a band punch attachment are provided. The tool includes a nose piece to receive a tail of the band and a lever pivotably secured to the nose piece. The band and buckle attachment includes a main body having a band guide slot and a blade guide intersecting the band guide slot. A blade is movably positioned in the blade guide. A blade biasing element is positioned between the blade and the main body. The band punch attachment includes a main body having a band guide slot and a punch mechanism rotatably mounted on the main body. The punch mechanism includes a punch guide having a passageway and a punch tool movably positioned in the punch guide. A spring is positioned in the passageway urging the punch tool in a predetermined direction. 124-. (canceled)25. An attachment for a tool for tensioning a band-type clamp , the attachment comprising:a body configured for attachment to the tool and defining a band-guide slot and a blade guide intersecting the band-guide slot;a blade comprising a contact surface and a cutting edge, the blade positioned in the blade guide and movable relative to the body between a rest position and a cutting position; anda biasing element biasing the blade to the rest position.26. The attachment of claim 25 , further comprising a retainer that retains the blade in the blade guide when the blade is in the rest position.27. The attachment of claim 26 , wherein the retainer is mounted to the body.28. The attachment of claim 27 , wherein the retainer extends into the blade guide.29. The attachment of claim 28 , wherein the blade defines a retaining recess claim 28 , wherein the retainer is received in the retaining recess.30. The attachment of claim 29 , wherein the blade includes an end wall that partially defines the retaining recess claim 29 , wherein the end wall contacts the retainer when the blade is in the rest position.31. The ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160361805A1
Автор: Bond Lonnie Mark
Принадлежит: Zantho Tools LLC

In one aspect, the present invention relates to a mechanical winch. The mechanical winch includes a body and a spool axle. The spool axle is slidably disposed within the body and coupled to the body by at least one spring. A spool is disposed about the spool axle. A non-electrically-conductive tether is coupled to the spool. A brake axle is slidably disposed within the frame and located a fixed distance from the spool axle. Actuation of the spool applies increasing tension to non-electrically-conductive tether and causes compression of the at least one spring. 1. A mechanical winch comprising:a body;a spool rotatably coupled to the body, the spool comprising a ratchet wheel coupled to the spool;a tether secured around the spool;a handle pivotably coupled to the body and operable to impart force to the ratchet wheel so as to induce rotation of the spool;a cylinder coupled to the body;a piston disposed within the cylinder; anda spring disposed within the cylinder and operatively engaged with the piston.2. The mechanical winch of claim 1 , wherein the piston comprises indicia printed on the piston corresponding to a magnitude of tension applied to the tether.3. The mechanical winch of claim 1 , wherein the spring comprises a first spring and a second spring.4. The mechanical winch of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , responsive to tensioning of the tether claim 3 , the first spring and the second spring are compressed.5. The mechanical winch of claim 4 , wherein the second spring is disposed in a concentric arrangement with the first spring.6. The mechanical winch of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , responsive to tensioning of the tether claim 4 , the first spring is compressed and the second spring is tensioned.7. A method for monitoring tension applied to a tensionable element claim 4 , the method comprising:coupling a first connector of a mechanical winch to the tensionable element;coupling a second connector of the mechanical winch to a support;selecting a desired magnitude ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190344701A1
Автор: FOUNTAIN, III Fred Liden

Tie-down assemblies and methods of their use are provided. In one embodiment, a tie-down assembly may include a buckle, a first strap, and a second strap. The buckle may include a frame, a handle pivotably attached to the frame and configured to pivot about a first axis between an open position and a closed position, and a drum rotatably attached to the handle and configured to rotate about a second axis, wherein the second axis is spaced apart from and extends parallel to the first axis. The first strap may be attached to the frame, and the second strap may be configured to removably attach to the drum. 1. A tie-down assembly comprising: a frame;', 'a handle pivotably attached to the frame and configured to pivot about a first axis between an open position and a closed position; and', 'a drum rotatably attached to the handle and configured to rotate about a second axis, wherein the second axis is spaced apart from and extends parallel to the first axis;, 'a buckle comprisinga first strap attached to the frame; anda second strap configured to removably attach to the drum.2. The tie-down assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a first side plate and a second side plate spaced apart from one another claim 1 , and wherein the handle is pivotably attached to the first side plate and the second side plate via one or more fasteners.3. The tie-down assembly of claim 1 , wherein the drum comprises a first bar and a second bar spaced apart from one another and defining a slot therebetween claim 1 , and wherein the second strap is configured to pass through the slot.4. The tie-down assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first bar comprises a curved outer surface having a variable radius of curvature.5. The tie-down assembly of claim 4 , wherein the curved outer surface comprises a first portion having a first radius and a second portion having a second radius claim 4 , wherein the first radius is less than the second radius.6. The tie-down assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190351536A1

A tool and method of securing a clamp is provided. The tool includes a first handle having a first jaw portion on one end. An arm is pivotally coupled to the first handle, the having a second jaw portion on one end. A second handle is adjacent the first handle. A force adjustment mechanism is rotatably coupled between the arm and the second handle. The force adjustment mechanism has a biasing member operably coupled between the arm and an adjustment member, the force adjustment mechanism further having at least one bearing member disposed between the arm and the adjustment member. The second handle is arranged to rotate relative to the arm based at least in part on a force applied on the second handle by the biasing member via the at least one bearing member. 1. A tool for securing a clamp , the tool comprising:a first handle having a first jaw portion on one end;an arm pivotally coupled to the first handle, the having a second jaw portion on one end;a second handle adjacent the first handle; anda force adjustment mechanism rotatably coupled between the arm and the second handle, the force adjustment mechanism having a biasing member operably coupled between the arm and an adjustment member, the force adjustment mechanism further having at least one bearing member disposed between the arm and the adjustment member, wherein the second handle rotates relative to the arm based at least in part on a force applied on the second handle by the biasing member via the at least one bearing member.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the force adjustment mechanism further includes a breakaway member coupled to the second handle claim 1 , the breakaway member having a plurality of first recesses sized to receive the at least one bearing member.3. The tool of claim 2 , wherein:the breakaway member has a hole extending therethrough; andthe force adjustment mechanism includes a fastener extending through the hole, the fastener being rotationally coupled to the arm and engages the ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Tool for cutting or crimping cable in a medical procedure

Номер: US20200353530A1
Принадлежит: Cable Fix LLC

Disclosed herein is a tool for cutting or crimping a tensioned cable in a medical procedure. The tool comprises a cable forming assembly that is coupled with an inner shaft. The cable forming assembly comprises a cable former. The tool additionally comprises a central channel, which extends through the inner shaft, an outer tube within which the inner shaft is positioned, and the cable forming assembly along an entire length of each one of the inner shaft, the outer tube, and the cable forming assembly. The central channel is configured to receive and support the tensioned cable in-line with the tool. The cable former is actuatable to cut or crimp the tensioned cable when the tensioned cable passes through the central channel. Translational movement of the outer tube along the inner shaft in an engagement direction actuates the cable former to cut or crimp the tensioned cable.

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160380415A1
Автор: Howell Preston

A lineman's hoist that can be operated by a drill or similar device by its engagement with the head bolt. The head bolt is freely disposed with a head shaft and the head bolt is threadably engaged with a threaded shaft to displace the threaded shaft with respect to the bolt shaft. Thus this can move and displace items or wires that may be connected to the first hoist hook or second hoist hook. 1. A lineman's hoist , comprising:{'b': '60', 'a bolt shaft ();'}{'b': '50', 'a threaded shaft ();'}{'b': 70', '50, 'a head bolt () that can be disposed through said bolt shaft to be threadably engaged with said threaded shaft ().'}2. The lineman's hoist of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 20', '50, 'a first hoist hook () connected to said threaded shaft (); and'}{'b': 30', '60, 'a second hoist hook () connected to said bolt shaft ().'}3. The lineman's hoist of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 130', '50', '50, 'a travel limiter (), whereby said threaded shaft () is limited in its displacement with respect to said bolt shaft ().'}4. The lineman's hoist of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': '200', "a dead end shoe () operably connected to the lineman's hoist."}5. The lineman hoist of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 210', '220', '210', '60, 'a grab eye () having a grab eye aperture (); said grab eye () connected to said bolt shaft ().'} None.This invention relates to lineman's hoists that are used for working on electrical poles or similar devices.A lineman is a tradesman who constructs and maintains electric power transmission and distribution facilities. The term is also used for those who install and maintain telephone, telegraph, cable TV and more recent fiber optic lines. It is also used to maintain most of the telephone poles in the world. The term refers to those who work in generally outdoor installation and maintenance jobs. Those who install and maintain electrical wiring inside buildings are electricians.The current lineman's hoists are usually made of a strap ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200369415A1
Автор: JR. Wayne J., Skonieczny

A tool for tensioning, cutting and/or punching a band of a band-type clamp, a band and buckle attachment, and a band punch attachment are provided. The tool includes a nose piece to receive a tail of the band and a lever pivotably secured to the nose piece. The band and buckle attachment includes a main body having a band guide slot and a blade guide intersecting the band guide slot. A blade is movably positioned in the blade guide. A blade biasing element is positioned between the blade and the main body. The band punch attachment includes a main body having a band guide slot and a punch mechanism rotatably mounted on the main body. The punch mechanism includes a punch guide having a passageway and a punch tool movably positioned in the punch guide. A spring is positioned in the passageway urging the punch tool in a predetermined direction. 144-. (canceled)45. A tool comprising:a tool body;a nose piece connected to the tool body and configured to receive a tail of a band;a tension wheel configured to tension the band around an object;a motor operably connected to the tension wheel to drive the tension wheel; and a body defining a band-guide slot sized to receive the tail of the band;', a punch guide defining a passageway; and', 'a punch tool slidably received in the passageway and configured for reciprocal movement within the passageway; and, 'a punch mechanism mounted to the body and comprising, 'a return spring biasing the punch tool in a predetermined direction., 'an attachment connected to the nose piece and comprising46. The tool of claim 45 , wherein the punch mechanism is pivotable relative to the body between a first position and a second position.47. The tool of claim 46 , wherein the attachment further comprises a stabilizing spring biasing the punch mechanism to the first position.48. The tool of claim 45 , wherein the body comprises a mount base and a guide mount mounted to the base claim 45 , wherein the band guide slot is defined between the base and ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200399914A1
Принадлежит: MAX CO., LTD.

A reinforcing bar binding machine includes a first movable gripping member that is displaced in a direction to come in contact with and separate from one side of a fixed gripping member. A second movable gripping member is displaced in a direction to come in contact with and separate from the other side of the fixed gripping member; and a bending portion brings the first movable gripping member and the second movable gripping member into and out of contact with the fixed gripping member. The fixed gripping member includes a shaft that rotatably supports the first movable gripping member and the second movable gripping member. In addition, the bending portion includes an opening and closing pin that pushes an opening and closing guide hole provided in the first movable gripping member and an opening and closing guide hole provided in the second movable gripping member. 126-. (canceled)27. A binding machine comprising:a housing that is configured to house a wire;a wire feeding unit that is configured to feed the wire housed in the housing;a curl guide that is configured to wind the wire fed from the wire feeding unit around a binding object in a loop; anda binding unit that is configured to grip and twist the wire wound around the binding object,wherein the binding unit includes:a pair of movable gripping members each of which includes one end side and an another end side, wherein the one end sides are movable toward and away from each other; anda fixed griping member,wherein the pair of movable gripping members are provided on both sides of the fixed gripping member via the fixed gripping member,wherein one of the pair of movable gripping members is a first movable gripping member which includes a protrusion protruding toward the fixed gripping member, on a surface facing the fixed gripping member, andwherein the fixed gripping member includes a recess into which the protrusion is inserted, on a surface facing the first movable gripping member.28. The binding machine ...

11-12-2002 дата публикации

Electrolytic cylinder and sewage/waste water treatment system and method using electrolytic cylinder

Номер: KR100364176B1
Автор: 김경엽
Принадлежит: 유토파워주식회사

본 발명은 전해실린더 및 이를 이용한 오폐수 처리 장치 및 방법에 관한 것으로, 특히 본 발명은 일측에 오폐수가 유입되는 흡입구가 구비되고, 타측에 처리된 처리수가 배출되는 배출구가 구비되는 외부관과; 외부관의 내측에 외부관과 일정 간격으로 삽입 고정되며, 일극의 전원이 인가되도록 전원단자가 연결되는 중부 전극관; 및 중부 전극관의 내측에 중부 전극관과 일정 간격으로 삽입고정되며, 중부 전극관과 협력하여 오폐수를 전해반응 시키도록 중부 전극관에 인가되는 전극에 대향하는 타극의 전원을 공급하기 위한 전원단자가 연결되는 내부 전극관으로 이루어진다. 따라서, 본 발명에 의하면 전해반응에서 생성되는 반응되는 전해질들을 최대한 소화시켜 줌으로써 배출되는 슬러지를 최소화하고 대기오염원인 활성가스들을 산화 촉매제로 재활용하여 대기오염원을 제거시킬 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to an electrolytic cylinder and a wastewater treatment apparatus and method using the same, and in particular, the present invention is provided with an inlet for introducing wastewater into one side, and an outlet for discharging the treated water to the other side; A central electrode tube which is inserted into and fixed to the inner tube at a predetermined interval inside the outer tube and is connected to a power terminal so that power of one pole is applied; And a power supply terminal inserted into and fixed to the inside of the central electrode tube at a predetermined interval, and for supplying power of the other electrode opposite to the electrode applied to the central electrode tube to electrolyze the waste water in cooperation with the central electrode tube. It consists of an internal electrode tube to be connected. Therefore, according to the present invention, it is possible to minimize the sludge discharged by maximizing the digestion of the reactant electrolytes generated in the electrolytic reaction and to remove the air pollutant by recycling the active gases as the air pollutant with the oxidation catalyst.

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Cutting Apparatus for Binding Bend

Номер: KR200472507Y1
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

A binding band binding apparatus is disclosed. A first binding hole formed in a binding band binding hollow according to an embodiment of the present invention and having a forward binding band inserted therein, a first insertion hole having a length in the circumferential direction formed on one side thereof, A cutting unit including a body having a first insertion hole corresponding to one insertion hole formed therein, and a cutter provided at one side of the body to cut a binding band inserted into the body, a first insertion hole and a second insertion hole, And a winder which is inserted to penetrate the body and is wound around the binding band and is rotatable along the first insertion hole and the second insertion hole while being inserted into the first insertion hole and the second insertion hole And the winder penetrates the winder so that a portion of the outer circumferential surface of the body is surrounded by the winder, And a rotating unit that rotates together with the winder when it rotates about the center and supports the winder at both ends when the winder winds.

18-08-2011 дата публикации

Electric handheld binding device

Номер: JP3169729U
Автор: シャオジエ イ
Принадлежит: シャオジエ イ


01-10-2013 дата публикации

An electric hand-held binding apparatus

Номер: KR101312707B1
Автор: 시아오지에 이
Принадлежит: 시아오지에 이

본 발명은 헤드피스, 와이어-공급 장치, 절단 장치, 전동 모터 및 연동 조향 장치를 포함하는 휴대용 전동 결속 장치를 개시한다. 상기 와이어-공급 장치는 소재 공급 장치, 와이어-공급 채널 및 전달 장치를 포함한다. 전달 장치는 서로 맞물려 있는 구동 및 피구동 와이어-공급 휠들과 상기 구동 와이어-공급 휠 축 상에 설치되어 있는 와이어-공급 베벨 기어를 포함한다. 비틀림 장치는 비틀림 헤드와 비틀림 헤드 제어 장치를 포함한다. 비틀림 헤드 제어 장치는 비틀림 축 스퍼 기어와 비틀림 축 베벨 기어를 포함한다. 비틀림 축 스퍼 기어는 비틀림 축 베벨 기어와 맞물려 있다. 연동 조향 장치는 단식 베어링 A와 단식 베어링 B를 포함한다. The present invention discloses a portable electric binding device including a headpiece, a wire-feeding device, a cutting device, an electric motor, and an interlocking steering device. The wire-supply device includes a material supply device, a wire-feed channel and a delivery device. The delivery device includes drive and driven wire-feed wheels meshed with each other and a wire-feed bevel gear mounted on the drive wire-feed wheel shaft. The torsion device includes a torsion head and a torsion head control device. The torsion head control device includes a torsion shaft spur gear and a torsion shaft bevel gear. The torsion shaft spur gear is meshed with the torsion shaft bevel gear. The interlock steering device includes a single bearing A and a single bearing B.

30-06-2022 дата публикации

Binding machine

Номер: KR102414608B1
Принадлежит: 마크스 가부시기가이샤

와이어의 단부가 철근 등의 결속물측을 향한 상태로 하여, 와이어에 의해 결속물을 결속할 수 있도록 한 철근 결속기를 제공한다. 철근 결속기(1A)는, 2가닥의 와이어(W)를 풀어낼 수 있도록 수용되는 매거진(2A); 병렬된 와이어(W)를 철근(S)의 주위에 권취하는 컬 가이드부(5A); 와이어(W)를 병렬시켜 이송하는 동작에 의해, 와이어(W)를 컬 가이드부(5A)에 의해 철근(S)의 주위에 권취하고, 철근(S)의 주위에 권취된 와이어(W)를 철근(S)에 권취하는 와이어 이송부(3A); 및 철근(S)의 주위에 권취된 와이어(W)의 한쪽의 단부측과 다른 한쪽의 단부측의 교차 부분을 비트는 결속부(7A)를 구비한다. 결속부(7A)는, 철근(S)의 주위에 권취된 와이어(W)의 한쪽의 단부측과 다른 한쪽의 단부측을, 철근(S)측으로 절곡하는 절곡부(71)를 구비한다. Provided is a reinforcing bar binder in which the end of the wire is directed toward the side of the binder, such as reinforcing bars, so that the binder can be bound by the wire. Reinforcing bar binder (1A), the magazine (2A) accommodated so as to release the wire (W) of the two strands; Curl guide portion 5A for winding the parallel wire (W) around the reinforcing bar (S); By the operation of transferring the wire W in parallel, the wire W is wound around the reinforcing bar S by the curl guide part 5A, and the wire W wound around the reinforcing bar S is Wire transfer unit (3A) wound on the reinforcing bar (S); And it is provided with the binding part 7A which twists the intersection of the one end side and the other end side of the wire W wound around the reinforcing bar S. The bundling part 7A is provided with the bending part 71 which bends one end side and the other end side of the wire W wound around the reinforcing bar S toward the reinforcing bar S side.

05-08-2005 дата публикации

The Conveying impeller of shell breaker

Номер: KR100505734B1
Автор: 김금규
Принадлежит: 김금규

본 발명은 패각 분쇄기의 이송임펠러에 관한 것으로서, 드럼축(11)이 장착된 회전드럼(12)과; 회전드럼(12)의 외주면에 방사상으로 형성되는 것으로서 소정곡률을 가지는 날개(13)와; 회전드럼(12)이 삽입 관통되는 드럼 삽입부(14-1)와, 날개(13)가 삽입 관통되는 날개 삽입부(14-2)가 형성되며, 측부에서 보았을 때 단면이 " 형상을 가지는 다수개의 스크류편(14);을 포함하고, 회전드럼(12) 및 날개(13)에 다수개의 스크류편(14)이 상호 밀착되게 삽입 고정됨으로써, 측부에서 보았을 때 하나의 스크류편과 다음 스크류편 사이에는 삼각형 형상의 간격이 형성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a conveying impeller of a shell mill, comprising a rotating drum (12) equipped with a drum shaft (11); A blade 13 formed radially on the outer circumferential surface of the rotating drum 12 and having a predetermined curvature; A drum insert 14-1 through which the rotary drum 12 is inserted and a wing insert 14-2 through which the vanes 13 are inserted are formed. And a plurality of screw pieces 14 having a shape, and the plurality of screw pieces 14 are inserted into and fixed to the rotating drum 12 and the blade 13 to be in close contact with each other, so that one screw piece and a side view Next, a triangular gap is formed between the screw pieces.

21-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016118911A
Принадлежит: Отикер Швайц Аг

2016118911 А ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) 11) жлаз ваз за а (13 (50) МПК Вб5р 6306 (2006.01) НТ6Г. 3302 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016118911, 27.11.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): ОТИКЕР ШВАЙЦ АГ (СН) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): 26.08.2014 ЕР РСТ/ЕР2014/068046 ДЕ ВИТТОРИ Нелсон (СН), ЗЕЛОС Роберт (СН), 4 : 21.11.2017 Бюл. № 33 (43) Дата публикации заявки юл. № МЮЛЛЕР Мануэль (СН) (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 16.05.2016 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 2014/075832 (27.11.2014) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: У\О 2016/029975 (03.03.2016) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент" (54) СТЯЖНОЙ ХОМУТ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Стяжной хомут с лентой (20) и застежкой (21), охватывающей ленту и находящейся на ее первом концевом отрезке (22), причем второй концевой отрезок (23) ленты (20), опоясывающей подлежащий креплению предмет и радиально продетой через застежку вне участка первого концевого отрезка (22), фиксируется в застежке (21) посредством деформации, отличающийся тем, что одна боковина застежки (21) снабжена окном (36), а фиксация обеспечивается за счет деформации одной из боковых кромок (37) ленты (20) на участке окна (36). 2. Стяжной хомут по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что боковое окно (36) выполнено таким образом, чтобы оно образовывало режущую кромку для деформации ленты (20). 3. Стяжной хомут по любому из пи. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что две боковины застежки (21), расположенные друг против друга, имеют окна (36), благодаря чему фиксация обеспечивается за счет одновременной деформации обеих боковых кромок (37) ленты (20). 4. Стяжной хомут по п. 3, отличающийся тем, что фиксация обеспечивается с помощью клещеобразного инструмента, обеспечивающего деформацию боковых кромок (37) второго концевого отрезка ленты (23). 5. Стяжной хомут по п. 4, отличающийся тем, что на боковых кромках (50) первого концевого отрезка ...

13-01-1998 дата публикации

Cutter tool and cutter device

Номер: JPH106276A

(57)【要約】 【課題】 帯金装置で使用するための新規なカッタ工具 を提供すること。 【解決手段】 所定の幅寸法を有するワーク12、14 を押圧、切断するカッタ工具220が少なくとも1つの 切刃222を有している。この切刃は、該切刃がワーク を横断して押圧、係合するように配置されたときに、ワ ークがカッタ工具によりその幅方向にわたって切断可能 なように、カッタ工具により切断されるワークの幅寸法 に少なくとも等しい所定長さを有している。ワークの幅 方向の所定部分が、同ワークの他の部分が幅方向にカッ タ工具の少なくとも1つの切刃と係合しているにも拘ら ず刻み傷が入らないように、非切断切欠部224がカッ タ工具の少なくとも1つの切刃に形成されている。

27-02-2017 дата публикации

Brake system of wire reel in reinforcing bar binding machine

Номер: KR101708148B1
Принадлежит: 마크스 가부시기가이샤

철근 결속기는, 결속기 본체(11)에 회전 가능하게 배치된 와이어 릴(20)로부터 와이어를 송출하는 이송 수단(13, 14)과, 와이어 릴(20)의 회전을 제동하는 브레이크 수단(30)과, 이송 수단(13, 14)으로 상기 와이어를 소정 이송량까지 송출한 후, 상기 와이어 릴(20)의 회전에 대하여 상기 브레이크 수단(30)에 의한 제동을 개시하는 제어 수단(50)을 갖춘다. The reinforcing bar binder includes conveying means 13 and 14 for delivering the wire from the wire reel 20 rotatably disposed in the binder main body 11, a brake means 30 for braking the rotation of the wire reel 20, And control means (50) for starting the braking by the brake means (30) with respect to the rotation of the wire reel (20) after sending the wire to the predetermined amount of feeding by the feeding means (13, 14).

17-08-2022 дата публикации

Indirect live wire management method using indirect live wire tensioner

Номер: KR20220114233A
Автор: 지상현
Принадлежит: 지상현

본 발명은 절단된 전선의 이격이 가능하여 안전성을 향상시킴과 동시에 간접 활선 작업을 용이하게 하는 간접 활선용 전선 인장기를 이용한 간접 활선 유지 보수 방법에 관한 것으로서, 간접 활선 작업 대상 배전 선로에 사용하고 있는 전선의 규격에 따라 직선 슬리브를 결정하여 슬리브 길이에 맞게 전선(5)의 외피를 벗겨내는 전선 외피제거단계; 외피가 제거된 전선(5)에 전선 인장기(1)를 설치하는 전선 인장기 설치 단계; 전선 인장기(1)를 이용하여 전선(5)을 수축시킨 후 절단하는 전선절단단계; 절단된 전선(5)에 절연 수축튜브를 삽입하는 절연수축튜브삽입단계; 절연 수축튜브가 삽입된 전선에 직선 슬리브를 결합시키는 직선슬리브 결합 단계; 및 직선 슬리브를 이용하여 전선이 연결된 후 전선 인장기(1)를 제거하는 전선 인장기 해체 단계;를 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 하는 간접 활선용 전선 인장기를 이용한 간접 활선 유지 보수 방법을 제공한다.

08-04-2022 дата публикации

Sleeve device for live wire work of extra-high voltage wire

Номер: KR102383632B1
Автор: 김태형
Принадлежит: 김태형

이 발명은 특고압전선의 활선 작업용 슬리브를 이용한 설치 공법에 관한 것으로서, 이 발명의 구성은, 스마트스틱과 공기구를 정리하는 단계와, 선로 부하전류를 측정하는 단계와, 부하전류가 확인되면, 입상 케이블을 점검한 후 접속하는 단계와, 입상 케이블을 설치하는 단계와, 점퍼선을 일부분을 피박한 후에 피박된 부위를 절단하는 단계와, 잘라진 점퍼선의 양단에 절연캡을 각각 취부하는 단계와, 슬리브를 조립하는 단계와, 절연캡을 제거한 후, 슬리브를 삽입하는 단계와, 슬리브의 치차돌기를 회전시켜서 슬리브가 특고압전선에 고정 결합되도록 하는 단계와, 슬리브의 외주면에 절연 테이핑을 하는 단계를 포함하며, 상기 슬리브는, 양단부가 개방되면서 일단부로 특고압전선이 삽입되는 전단 하우징 및 후단 하우징과, 상기 전단 하우징 및 후단 하우징을 연결하는 체결부와, 상기 전단 하우징 및 후단 하우징의 내부에 각각 설치되어 특고압전선을 결속하기 위한 전단 결속부 및 후단 결속부와, 도체로 이루어지며 상기 전단 하우징 및 후단 하우징의 타단부를 개폐하는 전단 개폐캡 및 후단 개폐캡과, 스마트 스틱의 회전동력을 이용하여 상기 전단 결속부 및 후단 결속부에 각각 특고압전선이 밀착 고정되도록 하는 전단 회전결속수단 및 후단 회전결속수단을 포함하는 것을 사용한다. The present invention relates to an installation method using a sleeve for live wire work of an extra-high voltage electric wire, and the configuration of the invention includes the steps of arranging the smart stick and the air tool, the steps of measuring the line load current, and when the load current is confirmed, the The steps of connecting after checking the cables, installing the standing cable, cutting the uncovered part after peeling a part of the jumper wire, attaching insulation caps to both ends of the cut jumper wire, respectively, and a sleeve; It includes the steps of assembling, removing the insulating cap, inserting the sleeve, rotating the tooth protrusion of the sleeve so that the sleeve is fixedly coupled to the extra-high voltage wire, and applying insulating taping to the outer circumferential surface of the sleeve The sleeve includes a front housing and a rear housing into which an extra-high voltage wire is inserted into one end while both ends are opened, a fastening unit connecting the front housing and the rear housing, and the front housing and the rear housing are respectively installed inside A front end and rear end binding unit for binding the extra-high voltage wire, a front end opening/closing cap and rear end opening/closing cap for opening and closing the other ends of the front housing and rear ...

22-12-2011 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device

Номер: KR101096715B1
Автор: 송인덕
Принадлежит: 엘지디스플레이 주식회사

본 발명은 씨일제에 첨가되는 스페이서가 게이트 링크선과 데이터 링크선이 중첩되지 않는 영역에 위치하도록 함으로써, 기판 대향합착시 게이트 링크선과 데이터 링크선 사이에 쇼트 불량이 발생하는 것을 방지하고자 하는 액정표시소자에 관한 것으로, 본 발명의 액정표시소자는, 액티브 영역과 패드부 영역을 갖는 제 1 기판; 상기 액티브 영역에 형성되어 화소 영역을 정의하는 복수개의 게이트 배선과 데이터 배선 및 상기 게이트 배선과 데이터 배선이 교차하는 영역에 형성된 박막트랜지스터; 상기 패드부 영역에 형성되며, 상기 게이트 배선 및 데이터 배선에서 각각 연장된 게이트 링크선 및 데이터 링크선; 상기 게이트 링크선 및 데이터 링크선과 각각 접속되며, 상기 패드부 영역 내 상기 제 1 기판의 일측 가장자리에 배치된 게이트 패드와 데이터 패드; 상기 제 1 기판과 대향된 제 2 기판; 상기 제 2 기판에 형성된 블랙 매트릭스, 컬러필터층 및 공통 전극; 상기 제 1, 제 2 기판을 합착시키는 씨일제; 및 상기 씨일제 내부에 형성되어 상기 제 1, 제 2 기판의 셀 갭을 유지하는 스페이서를 포함하여 이루어지며, 상기 제 1 기판의 일측 가장자리에 상기 게이트 링크선과 데이터 링크선이 교차하여 배치되며, 상기 스페이서는 상기 패드부 영역에 형성되는 상기 게이트 링크선과 데이터 링크선이 중첩되지 않는 영역에 한정 배치된다. According to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a spacer added to a sealant is positioned in a region where the gate link line and the data link line do not overlap, whereby a short defect is generated between the gate link line and the data link line when the substrate is opposed to each other. The present invention relates to a liquid crystal display device comprising: a first substrate having an active region and a pad portion region; A thin film transistor formed in the active area and defining a plurality of gate lines and data lines defining a pixel area, and a region in which the gate lines and data lines cross each other; A gate link line and a data link line formed in the pad portion region and respectively extending from the gate line and the data line; A gate pad and a data pad respectively connected to the gate link line and the data link line and disposed at one edge of the first substrate in the pad area; A second substrate facing the first substrate; A black matrix, a color filter layer, and a common electrode formed on the second substrate; A sealant for bonding the first and second substrates together; And a spacer formed inside the sealant to maintain cell gaps of the first and second substrates, wherein the gate link line and the data link line cross each other ...

25-02-2020 дата публикации

Wire sleeve hand application tool

Номер: US10569399B1
Принадлежит: Brady Worldwide Inc

A wire sleeve hand application tool includes a handle and a plurality of mandrels received in the handle and being selectively extendable from an axial end of the handle. Each of the mandrels are biased into a retracted position in which an entirety of the respective mandrel is received in the handle. Each of the mandrels are further axially extendable to an extended position in which an axial tip and a portion of the respective mandrel extends from the axial end of the handle while an opposite axial end of the respective mandrel remains supported within the handle. An extended mandrel may be used to insert a wire sleeve or tubular marker onto a wire or other elongate member.

17-01-2003 дата публикации

A wire binding apparatus

Номер: KR200301039Y1
Автор: 전홍길
Принадлежит: 전홍길

본 고안은 건설현장의 철근과 같은 물건을 서로 맞대어 철사로 엮어서 고정할 때 사용하는 철사 결속기에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 태엽에 축적된 탄성에너지를 이용하여 철근등의 목적물을 결속하는 철사를 감아 회전하며 꼬아주어 결속함으로서 결속작업이 신속하고 용이하게 이루어지도록 한 철사 결속기에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a wire binding device used when weaving and fixing things such as reinforcing bars of a construction site with each other and weaving them with wires. The present invention relates to a wire binding machine that allows the binding operation to be performed quickly and easily by rotating and twisting the binding. 본 고안의 목적은 건설현장의 철근등을 철사로 고정하는 결속작업이 신속하고 용이하게 이루어지도록 하여 작업의 능률을 향상시키고 불필요한 노동력을 절감할 수 있는 철사 결속기를 제공함에 있다. The purpose of the present invention is to provide a wire binding machine that can improve the work efficiency and reduce unnecessary labor by making the binding work for fixing the rebar of the construction site with wires quickly and easily. 상기의 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 고안의 구성은 내부에 소정 공간을 형성하고 하부에 손잡이부를 형성한 본체와, 소정 태엽을 내장하는 태엽케이스와, 상기 태엽의 회전축상에 구비되어 태엽의 탄성력에 의한 회전력을 전달받는 구동기어와, 상기 태엽의 회전축이 상기 태엽케이스를 관통연장되어 상기 태엽을 감을 수 있도록 구비되는 태엽 권취손잡이와, 상기 태엽의 일측에 부착고정되며 외주면에 톱니형상으로 돌출된 걸림돌기를 다수 구비한 원웨이 기어와, 상기 태엽케이스의 일측에 힌지결합되어 상기 원웨이 기어의 회전방향을 제어하는 방향제어 회동핀과, 상기 본체내에 일측이 삽입되고 타측은 외부에 노출되고 소정 위치의 고정된 종동기어를 구비한 회전봉과, 상기 회전봉의 일단에 구비되어 상기 회전봉과 함께 회전하며 철사를 꼬아 결속하는 갈고리 형상의 철사 꼬임부재와, 상기 종동기어 및 회전봉의 일측이 삽입되며 상기 본체내에 구비되는 회전봉 지지케이스와, 상기 회전봉 지지케이스와 태엽케이스를 연결고정함과 아울러 상기 회전봉의 일단을 삽입하여 지지하는 연결바와, 상기 태엽케이스로부터 노출된 구동기어와 맞물리는 전달기어와, 상기 전달기어의 회전력을 감속하는 감속부와, 상기 감속부에 의해 감속된 회전력이 전달되며 일단에는 다수의 평탄면을 축방향으로 소정 길이 형성된 걸림봉을 구비한 감속축과, 상기 종동기어의 외주면 일측에 맞물리는 회전방향 전환기어와, 상기 종동기어와 회전방향 전환기어에 직선유동하며 맞물리는 제1,2회전력 전달기어와, 상기 제1,2회전력 전달기어를 구비하고 상기 감속축의 걸림봉에 삽입되어 직선유동하는 회전력 전달축과, 상기 회전력 전달축상에 일측이 삽입되며 타단은 상기 본체의 외주면에 노출되어 외력에 상기 회전력 전달축을 직선유동시키는 클러치바와, 상기 감속축상에 구비된 소정 직경의 드럼과, 상기 드럼의 외주면을 가압하여 감속축의 회전을 방지하는 드럼 가압부재와, 회전하며 상기 드럼 가압부재를 작동시키도록 일측에 가압부재를 구비하고 타측에는 간섭돌기가 형성된 작동회전바와, 상기 본체의 손잡이부를 관통하여 일단은 노출되고 타단은 직선유동시 상기 간섭돌기를 간섭하도록 구비되는 회전정지버튼과, 상기 드럼 가압부재가 탄발적으로 유동되도록 상기 드럼 가압부재의 일측을 탄성지지하는 탄성부재로 구성되어 이루어지는 ...

31-03-2021 дата публикации

Cable tie fastener

Номер: KR102234226B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 정도

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 케이블 타이 체결기는, 힌지를 포함하고 케이블 타이를 고정하는 고정부; 상기 고정부의 힌지의 일단에 회전가능하게 결합된 제 1 가동부; 상기 고정부의 힌지의 타단에 회전가능하게 결합된 제 2 가동부; 및 상기 고정부에 결합되어 상기 제 1 가동부 또는 상기 제 2 가동부에 선택적으로 결합되는 축 변환부를 포함한다. A cable tie fastener according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a fixing portion including a hinge and fixing the cable tie; A first movable part rotatably coupled to one end of the hinge of the fixed part; A second movable part rotatably coupled to the other end of the hinge of the fixed part; And a shaft conversion part coupled to the fixed part and selectively connected to the first movable part or the second movable part.
