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27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578333C2
Принадлежит: РОТЕНБЕРГЕР АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к области станков для резания труб. Станок для резания трубы и скашивания ее концов содержит два нижних и два верхних поддерживающих валка для поддержания трубы с возможностью ее вращения. Станок включает два направляющих колеса между двумя нижними валками. Станок также содержит инструмент для резания трубы. Способ резания трубы и скашивания ее концов включает зажатие трубы между валками с получением ее эллипсоидного поперечного движения. Прижимают режущий инструмент к поверхности вращаемой трубы для осуществления ее резки. Поворачивают направляющее колесо для поддержания трубы во время резки в одном положении. Техническим результатом является достижение высокой точности, управляемости и надежной поддержки в процессе резки трубы и обработки ее концов. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291924C2
Принадлежит: ПЕРИНИ Фабио (IT)

Изобретение относится к устройству и способу производства бумажных рулонов. Устройство обеспечивает подрезание бумажных рулонов или заготовок и содержит секцию для входа заготовок, которые нужно подрезать; секцию для выхода подрезанных заготовок; станцию с режущими средствами для подрезания заготовок; средства для перемещения заготовок между секцией входа, режущей станцией и секцией выхода; и средства, связанные со средствами передвижения заготовок для удержания заготовок при их перемещении. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение точности и качества заготовок. 4 н.з. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

22-12-2017 дата публикации

Приспособление для базирования листовых заготовок

Номер: RU175900U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для удерживания или установки заготовки в положении обработки с зажимными средствами. Технический результат предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в упрощении конструкции приспособления для базирования листовых заготовок. Для достижения указанного технического результата приспособление выполнено следующим образом. Приспособление для базирования листовых заготовок содержит направляющие (1), переднюю опору (2) и заднюю опору (3). Передняя опора (2) жестко закреплена на направляющих (1). Задняя опора (3) выполнена со сквозными пазами (11). В верхней части задней опоры (3) выполнены торцевые выступы (10), на которые установлена задняя опора (3) на направляющие (1) с возможностью перемещения. На каждой из продольных сторон передней и задней опор (2) и (3) установлены с заданным шагом устройства крепления. Устройства крепления могут быть выполнены в виде откидных рычагов (6) с прижимными винтами (7). 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413606C1
Принадлежит: ФУТУРА С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к машине для резки логов бумаги. Станок содержит поддерживающее средство для одного или более логов (3), средство для продвижения логов (3), режущее средство для поперечного резания логов (3) и средство для блокировки логов (3). Режущее средство содержит кольцевое ленточное лезвие (4), имеющее режущие кромки (400, 401) на обоих его краях. Упомянутые режущие кромки расположены в соответствии с секцией резания (Т). Ленточное лезвие (4) имеет участок (40), определяющий соответствующую плоскость резания, которая ориентирована под прямым углом относительно продольных осей логов (3). Упомянутое ленточное лезвие снабжено затачивающим устройством (100), непрерывно воздействующим на обе режущие кромки (400, 401). Станок содержит средство для относительного перемещения логов (3) относительно ленточного лезвия (4) вдоль упомянутой плоскости резания. Ленточное лезвие (4) одновременно воздействует на один лог (3). В результате обеспечивается повышение качества резания, упрощение ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005136427A

... 1. Устройство для перемещения колод (2) в отрезных станках, содержащее платформу (1) с одним или несколькими продольными каналами (10), внутри которых располагаются предназначенные для резки колоды, и толкательное средство (3), действующее совместно с указанной платформой (1) и предназначенное для воздействия на заднюю сторону колод (2) для того, чтобы толкать их по соответствующим направляющим каналам (10) в направлении режущих средств (4), расположенных далее, отличающееся тем, что содержит зажимное средство (5), расположенное между толкательным средством (3) и режущим средством (4), и предназначенное для захвата колод (2), которые проталкиваются по каналам (10) платформы (1) толкателями, и продвижения их вплоть до режущих средств (4). 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что толкательное средство (3) содержит штангу (30), расположенную поперек каналов (10) платформы (1) и перемещаемую к зажимным средствам (5) и от них кареткой (31), связанной с соответствующим электродвигателем (32 ...

10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009131885A

... 1. Режущее устройство для отрезания полос от ленты материала, которое снабжено продолговатым верхним ножом и нижним ножом, выполненным с возможностью перемещения в продольном направлении вдоль продолговатого верхнего ножа, предназначенное для разрезания материала при перемещении нижнего ножа вдоль верхнего ножа, причем продолговатый верхний нож может быть повернут так, чтобы по меньшей мере по существу соприкоснуться с нижним ножом, причем вращательное движение содержит по меньшей мере одну составляющую, направленную перпендикулярно продолговатому верхнему ножу, отличающееся тем, что верхний нож при помощи электродвигателя, в частности сервомотора, может быть повернут до соприкосновения с нижним ножом так, что верхний нож воздействует с определенным усилием на нижний нож. ! 2. Режущее устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что электродвигатель представляет собой регулируемый электродвигатель. ! 3. Режущее устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено устройством обратной связи для ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

System for dividing large-size plate e.g. wood plate, for use in kitchen countertop, has air-jet cutter that is provided in splitter to which workpiece located in feed table is supplied through feed device

Номер: DE102012202384A1

The system (10) has a feed table (12) that stores the workpiece (14). The workpiece is divided by a splitter (32). The workpiece located in the feed table is supplied to the splitter through a feed device (16). The splitter is provided with fluid jet cutter such as air-jet cutter. A movable nozzle of the splitter is arranged transverse to feed direction (18) for producing fluid jet. Two injecting elements are arranged in the splitter for introducing solid particles into the fluid jet.

28-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003113835A1

03-02-1994 дата публикации

Gehrungschneider zum winkeltreuen Abschneiden eines Bogenendes von einem Rohr

Номер: DE0009318593U1

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Cutter for insulating material has square movable clamping element on square support body for clamping material, attachment, guide elements, holder and rotary axle

Номер: DE0010245830A1

The cutter incorporates a square support body on which is a square movable clamping element (2) between which the insulating material is clamped. At least one end of the clamping element is rotarily mounted on an attachment (6) which is continuously movable along guide elements (3) in a direction parallel with the support body. The guide elements fit into a holder (12). The clamping element swivels on a rotary axle (5).

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen einer Öffnung in einem flexiblen, hohlen Materialstrang, insbesondere eines Wasserlochs in einem Dichtmaterialstrang

Номер: DE102019131889A1

Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen einer Öffnung in einem flexiblen, hohlen Materialstrang, insbesondere eines Wasserlochs (15) in einem Dichtmaterialstrang (4), umfassend eine Quetscheinrichtung (2, 2a, 2b) zum lokalen Quetschen des Materialstrangs (4) sowie eine Stanzeinrichtung (5, 5a, 5b) zum Ausstanzen eines Randabschnitts (15) im gequetschten Bereich des Materialstrangs (4).

15-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002244144A1

01-01-1914 дата публикации

Improvements in Clampsor Presses for Slicing Machines.

Номер: GB0191318057A

... 18,057. Berkel, W. A. van. Aug. 8. Cutting slices in succession.-Relates to slicing- machines particularly those for slicing meat, of the kind in which the material is held on a feedplate by means of an adjustable clamping-bar, and consists in making this bar extensible and in pivoting it at each end to the sleeves by which it is guided. The meat plate 2 has a pair of upright posts 3, 4 on which slide the sleeves 6, 7 of the clamping-bar 5.. The bar 5 is pivotally suspended on the sleeve 7, and at its other end is attached to a pin 10, which slides in a socket 13 suspended from the sleeve 6 by a hinge-pin 14. When the bar 5 is adjusted to an inclined position, the pin 10 telescopes in the socket 13, which turns on its hinge 14. The sleeves 6, 7 may be automatically secured to the posts 3, 4 by spring-actuated collars or eccentric clamps as described in Specification 18,058/13. The securing-device may be non-automatic, as shown in Fig. 5, a collar 41 loosely pivoted to the socket 7 being ...

22-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008418294D0

05-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008531533D0

08-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008713233D0

16-05-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to slicing machines

Номер: GB0000311651A

... 311,651. Maatschappij tot Vervaardiging van Snijmachines Volgens van Berkel's Patent en van Andere Werktuigen, and Berkel, C. F. M. van. June 27, ]928. Divided on 311,584. Cutting slices in succession.-In a slicing machine, an upright, on which the clamp bar is slidable, is hollow and a member passing through the upright controls the feed nut. As shown, a clamp bar 9 is slidable on the upright 16, and a rod 15 normally kept raised by a spring 17 is slidable in the upright and controls the pivoted feed nut 8 to which it is connected by a member 14. The member 14 is adjustably secured on the rod 15 which is depressed, to disengage the :feed nut, by a cam 18 having a flat 18 which locks the rod 15 when fully depressed. The upright 16 is carried by a block 5 which slides on a tube 6 secured at its ends to the reciprocating table, or to the stationary undercarriage in machines having a reciprocating disc knife. The feed screw 7 is housed in the tube 6 and is journaled in its ends. The tube ...

10-11-1930 дата публикации

Improvements relating to meat or like holders

Номер: GB0000338157A

... 338,157. Smith, G. A., (trading as Smith Co., G, A.), and Williams, F. W. July 8, 1929. Cutting slices in succession. - The meat is substantially encircled by a springy band a which is pressed down on the meat by the usual clamping-bar of the machine. As shown, the band a is provided with a spring clip e which attaches the band to one of the clamping posts f. The ends b of the band are turned outwards, one end resting on the meat table and the other engaging between the downturned rows of spikes on the clamp bar c. An additional support d for the band may be provided. In a modification, the band a is formed in two halves pivoted together with a spring which tends to separate the two halves. The invention is applicable to clamps on feed tables or display trays.

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Cutting apparatus for cutting apertures in stoma appliances

Номер: GB0002420189B

02-06-1927 дата публикации

Improvements relating to slicing machines

Номер: GB0000253546A

... 253,546. Maatschappij tot Vervaardiging van Snijmachines Volgens van Berkel's Patent en van Andere Werktuigen. June 11, 1925, [Convention date]. Cutting slices in succession. - In a. slicing- machine, the clamping-bar has double-action locking-pawls or levers which come automatically into action against the usual upright guides (a) when the clamping bar is pressed down to grip the meat, the reaction of the meat causing the pawls to lock the bar in position, and (b) when the clamping bar is raised out of contact with the meat, the weight of the clamping bar causing the pawls to lock it again in place and prevent it from slipping downwardly on the uprights. In Fig. 1, the clamping-bar 12 is pivotally connected to sleeves 3, 4 slidable on smooth uprights 1, 2 and pawls 7, are pivated at 9, 10 to the sleeves which are slotted to allow the pawls to engage the uprights. The bar 12 is pivoted at 16 to the pawl 7 and, at the other end, is pivoted at 13 to a link 14 pivoted to the pawl 8. The pawls ...

22-09-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to clamping devices for slicing machines

Номер: GB0000277597A

... 277,597. Berkel & Parnall's Slicing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Thomas, H. April 19, 1927. Cutting slices in succession; holders. - In a slicing-machine, the clamp bar has a substancegripping surface presented by the links of a chain which is anchored between its ends to the clamp bar and is capable of adjustment into different positions by means connecting it, at points at or near its ends, to the bar. As shown in Fig. 1, one series of chain links are arranged on each side of the bar 50, distance-piece 56, 57, 58 connecting the two series. The links 52 are pivoted to the bar 50 at 55, and the distance-pieces 58 are pivoted to toggle links 59 which are interconnected at their upper ends by bolts 60 provided with butterfly-nuts 61 whereby the bolts 60 are slidable along and clamped in slots 62 in the sides of the bar. The gripping-surface may thus be altered from the straight full-line position, in which stops on the upper parts of the links abut against the lower face of the bar ...

31-10-2007 дата публикации

Apparatus for gripping and severing film-like materials

Номер: GB0002437690A

Apparatus for gripping pliable sheet materials including at least first and second elongated substantially linear jaw members (30,43), the jaw member (30) being complementary to jaw member (43), and mounting means (36,37) for mounting the jaw member (30) to allow it to conform longitudiri‡lly to the other jaw member (43) to enable the material to be clamped fully along the length of the jaw members (30,43). Typically the gripping apparatus is incorporated in a dispenser (10) and the gripping apparatus includes a pair of upper jaw members (29,30) and a pair of complementary lower jaw members (42 and 43) between which the material may be gripped for severing by a severing blade (49).

23-10-2013 дата публикации

Wire Cutter with Measuring Guides and Depth Adjustment

Номер: GB0002501263A

A board cutter having in use two elongate measuring guides 3 spaced apart by a plurality e.g. two depth gauges 4; having a flexible wire1 for cutting the board. The wire may be fixed in one place on the cutter and may be retractable by mounting to a spring-loaded wheel. A handle 1 may be provided on one end of the wire. The wire may be a serrated, studded or textured length of steel. The guides may be elongate, flat, metal e.g. aluminium ribbons disposed to flatly engage with surfaces of the board and preferably have numbering to relate to the width of the board. The depth gauges enable varying the space between the guides to match boards of different depths to securely hold the board for cutting, and may comprise long bolts, tubes or bars. The gauges may have a ratchet mechanism and may be adjustable simultaneously by disengaging a catch or latch. The gauges may have measurements, numbering or lettering on them. Legs 5 may enable the cutter to stand up. The cutter may be for cutting roof ...

25-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002558990A

A tool 1 for cutting cylindrical conduits of varied diameters comprises a body 2 having an opening 3 extending along an axis. A slot 4 extends from the bodys external surface 5 to a mouth 6 of the opening. A cutting blade 14 extends into the opening along a plane at right angles to the axis. The body has a rigid, inflexible first portion 7 and a resilient, flexible second portion 8 either side of the slot. In a first embodiment a flexible conduit holder 18 is within the opening and connected to the body. In a second embodiment at least a portion of the blades cutting edge is recessed from the mouth of the opening (fig. 5). In a third embodiment the slot has at least one protrusion (37, fig. 4) in the plane of the blade and is tapered towards the mouth of the opening. A spring (50, fig. 6) may bias the first and second portions apart.

19-04-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to slicing machines

Номер: GB0000371431A

... 371,431. Slicing- machines. DAYTON SCALE CO., 468, Huffman Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.-(Assignees of Wood, G. R.; 112, Westmount Avenue, Toronto, Canada.) Jan. 19,1931, No. 1735. Convention date, Jan. 22, 1930. [Class 28 (ii).] In a slicing-machine in which a gauge-plate or fence is used for regulating the slice thickness, the fence is supported by means which permit the insertion of a slicereceiving tray under the fence. As shown, the fence comprises a plate 52 advanced or retracted by mechanism housed in a casing which is supported by screws 38 from a frame 21 secured in cantilever fashion to the main frame 12. A slice-receiving tray may thus be interposed between the fence and the base 10. The fence casing may be steadied by a cranked member 60 extending from a vertical post 61 which with another post 63 supports a guide-bar 64 for the reciprocating carriage 66. The adjustment of the fence is effected by a knob 46 which, when pulled out against a spring 45, disengages a pointer 49 from ...

13-09-1995 дата публикации

Jig for perforating paper sheets and binding those on a ring binder

Номер: GB0009514286D0

13-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002585322A

A tool or clamp 10 comprises a first wall 14 and a second wall 16, clamp means 18 by which the first and second walls 14, 16 are adjustably connected to one another such that the positions of the first and second walls 14, 16 can be adjusted relative to one another to allow in use, a length of lagging material (12, fig 5) to be gripped therebetween, the first and second walls 14, 16 being provided with cutting guide formations (24, fig 1) to assist a user in cutting the pipe lagging material 12, wherein at least part of at least the face of the first wall 14 facing towards the second wall 16 is provided with a plurality of ribs (28, fig 4) spaced apart from one another. An insert (30, fig 6) of rigid material can be introduced into the bore of the lagging (12, fig 6) before it is inserted into the tool 10 to provide rigidity and stiffness making cutting easier.

20-10-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001250336A

30-06-1936 дата публикации

Improvements relating to slicing machines

Номер: GB0000449593A

... 449,593. Slicing-machines. BERKEL & PARNALL'S SLICING MACHINE MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., and THOMAS, H., Aden Road, Ponders End, Middlesex. Aug. 20, 1935, No. 23343. [Class 28 (ii)] In a slicing-machine, a substance holder, e.g., an end piece holder, is detachably secured in position on the feed part by engagement with an adjustable member, which supports or partly supports means for clamping the substance when the holder is not in use, in co-operation with at least one other pair of interengaging parts. As shown, the end piece holder 17 is pivoted at 20 to a frame 19 having forked projections 21, 22 which partly embrace the upright 11. The clamp sleeve 13 has a stepped inclined surface 231, 23<3>, 23<2> which, when the sleeve is lowered, engages a corresponding surface 21<1>, 21<3>, 21<2> on the fork 21. The lower fork 22 is recessed on both sides of the post 11 at 22<1>, the recesses engaging with corresponding projections on an adjustable plate 24 secured to the feed table 10. In a modification ...

04-01-1961 дата публикации

Improvements relating to slicing machines

Номер: GB0000857907A

... 857,907. Slicing machines. BERKEL & PARNALL'S SLICING MACHINE MANUFACTURING CO. Ltd. Dec. 2, 1957 [Dec. 1, 1956], No. 36806/56. Class 28 (2) The end of an extra long food block is held by a last slice holder 21 which is coupled to the feed table 10 by a pin and slot 30, 31. When the feed mechanism has ratcheted to the end of its range the pin catch 34 is released so that the slot slides over the pin until the catch 33 engages the pin 30, the last slice holder 21 being thereby advanced towards the knife pushes the food block up to the knife. The machine can then be re-set so that the feed screw ratchet operates again to feed the block towards the knife. The block is initially held on the feed table top 10 by spring fingers 38 moved to press on the block by a handle 39.

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400411T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486700T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000454819T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500935T

25-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398722B

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: ATA103391A

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000543636T

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347980T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414108B

15-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000143301T

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000161463T

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000297299T

15-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000200241T

10-10-1969 дата публикации

Cutting open machine for bread, meat and Wurstwaren, cheese u.dgl.

Номер: AT0000275074B

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Tool for cutting cylindrical conduits

Номер: AU2018270225A1
Принадлежит: Allens Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A tool (1) for cutting cylindrical conduits. The tool comprises a body (2) having an opening (3) extending along a predetermined axis through the body. A slot (4) extends from an external surface (5) of the body to a mouth (6) of the opening (3). A cutting blade (14) extends into the opening along a plane extending at right angles to said predetermined axis. The body has a first portion (7) on one side of the slot (4) and a second portion (8) on the other side of the slot.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

System for cutting and preparing seeds and method of use

Номер: AU2015256251B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A system and method for the automated or semi-automated cutting of seeds to prepare the seeds for transformation and transgenic engineering. A method and apparatus for automated seed preparation is disclosed. According to one aspect, the method includes locating the seed on a surface or container, engaging the seed with an automated tool, orienting the seed for cutting or wounding, and cutting or wounding the seed when the seed is oriented. The method may also include partially cutting the embryonic axis of the seed. In some embodiments, the cut or wounded seed is transformed with exogenous DNA.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Chicken-tenderloin extraction device

Номер: AU2015285484A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided is a chicken-tenderloin extraction device which increases the ability to extract a chicken tenderloin, and does not entail any risk of bone fragments being mixed into the tenderloin. This chicken-tenderloin extraction device has: tenderloin extraction body sections positioned both to the left and right sides in the direction of transport of a fixing jig which holds and moves a chicken carcass; a first movement means for moving the tenderloin extraction body sections toward the moving fixing jig; and a second movement means for moving the tenderloin extraction body sections away from the moving fixing jig. The tenderloin extraction body sections are equipped with a sandwiching instrument for sandwiching a chicken tenderloin between upper and lower sandwiching plates, and provided with the lower sandwiching plate which, when approaching the fixing jig, is inserted below the chicken tenderloin from the widthwise direction relative to the lengthwise direction of the chicken tenderloin ...

31-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004237185A

24-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002695808C

The powered endless belt (14) of a lower conveyor (12) transports workpieces (16) past a scanning station (18) and then past a slicing station (20), whereat the workpieces are sliced into desired thickness by a powered blade (23). An upper hold-down conveyor (24) includes a powered belt (26) that assists in holding the workpieces stationary and stable as workpieces travel past the slicing station (20). In this regard, the belt is of a compliant construction and is operated at a low enough tension to enable it to substantially conform to the contour of the upper surface of the workpiece, thereby to apply a substantially uniform load about the entire upper surface area of the workpiece.

21-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002692811C

An apparatus for partitioning a food mass, such as a solidified egg, is disclosed including a base, a holder for supporting the food mass, and a plurality of cutting members for partitioning the food mass, wherein the holder is rotatable to permit the cutting members to partition the food mass in a first orientation and in a second orientation. The apparatus further includes a retainer positionable on a top surface of the food mass having passageways permitting the cutting members to pass through a portion thereof. The apparatus may include a cleaning plate receivable by portions of the holder in a position below the food mass, the cleaning plate being removable from the holder to remove food matter from between the support portions. The apparatus may include a lock for securing apparatus in a closed or lowest position for storage.

25-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1243596A

METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FINE SHEARING A method and apparatus for fine shearing a metal workpiece involves placing the workpiece on a stationary die surface for support and driving a single punch against the workpiece such that at least a portion of the workpiece is placed in compression. The punch is then driven into and through the workpiece along a predetermined path which has a first directional component both perpendicular to and directed toward the die surface and a second directional component both parallel to the die surface and directed into the compressed portion of the workpiece. The punch is driven with a force having components both perpendicular to and parallel to the path of the punch. The force component perpendicular to the punch path is large enough to keep the compressed portion of the workpiece in a plastic state. The force component parallel to the path of the punch is large enough to overcome the shear strength of the workpiece along the path. The method and apparatus ...

26-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002588139A1

28-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001173236A1

31-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002598817A1

Apparatus for gripping pliable sheet materials including at least first and second elongated substantially linear jaw members (30,43), the jaw member (30) being complementary to jaw member (43), and mounting means (36,37) for mounting the jaw member (30) to allow it to conform longitudiriálly to the other jaw member (43) to enable the material to be clamped fully along the length of the jaw members (30,43). Typically the gripping apparatus is incorporated in a dispenser (10) and the gripping apparatus includes a pair of upper jaw members (29,30) and a pair of complementary lower jaw members (42 and 43) between which the material may be gripped for severing by a severing blade (49).

13-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002482295A1

A roller shade cutting machine includes a base, a track assembly, a shade holder, a slat cutting device and a shade cutting device. The track assembly is mounted the base and includes a stationary track and an adjustable track with a ruler slidably mounted on the stationary track. The shade holder is mounted on the stationary track and has a rotating chuck to clamp a roller of the roller shade. The shade cutting device is mounted on the stationary track below the shade holder to cut the spinning roller. The slat cutting device is mounted on the stationary track and has a rolling cutter that is swiftly turned to cut a slat of the roller shade. Therefore, the cutting machine can be used to cut not only the roller but also the slat of the roller shade so that the machine is convenient to use.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003100251A1
Принадлежит: BRION RAFFOUL

A tool (1) for cutting cylindrical conduits. The tool comprises a body (2) having an opening (3) extending along a predetermined axis through the body. A slot (4) extends from an external surface (5) of the body to a mouth (6) of the opening (3). A cutting blade (14) extends into the opening along a plane extending at right angles to said predetermined axis. The body has a first portion (7) on one side of the slot (4) and a second portion (8) on the other side of the slot.

20-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002954039C

A poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus is provided that can achieve higher poultry tenderloin extracting process performance without posing a risk of bone chips mixing in the poultry tenderloin. The poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus includes: a fixing jig configured to move while holding a poultry carcass; a poultry tenderloin extraction body section disposed on each of left and right sides with respect to a conveying direction of the fixing jig; a first moving unit configured to move the poultry tenderloin extraction body section toward the moving fixing jig; and a second moving unit configured to move the poultry tenderloin extraction body section away from the moving fixing jig. The poultry tenderloin extraction body section includes a clamping device including: a clamping lower plate to be inserted under the poultry tenderloin in a width direction relative to a longitudinal direction of the poultry tenderloin of the poultry carcass held by the fixing jig; and a clamping upper ...

28-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002815052C

A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object includes at least one gripping arrangement. The at least one gripping arrangement is configured to grip and traverse the object so as to reach a desired location on the object and to anchor the device thereto for allowing the work to be carried out.

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878955C

A two-piece grab arm housing for a grapple mechanism useable on a grapple attachment is described. The grab arm housing includes a lower arm housing with grab arms mounted to the lower arm housing, and an upper arm housing mounted to the lower arm housing. The upper arm housing and the lower arm housing are movable relative to one another in an x-direction and are moveable together in a y-direction perpendicular to the x-direction. In addition, the upper arm housing includes an opening through which a main beam of the grapple attachment can extend.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878955A1

A two-piece grab arm housing for a grapple mechanism useable on a grapple attachment is described. The grab arm housing includes a lower arm housing with grab arms mounted to the lower arm housing, and an upper arm housing mounted to the lower arm housing. The upper arm housing and the lower arm housing are movable relative to one another in an x-direction and are moveable together in a y-direction perpendicular to the x-direction. In addition, the upper arm housing includes an opening through which a main beam of the grapple attachment can extend.

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002123386A1

A method and apparatus for scoring plastic tamper indicating closures to provide the tamper indicating band that is connected to the closure by bridges formed by scoring. The scoring is achieved by successively moving a rotating closure past a stationary primary knife blade having an arcuate concave interrupted cutting edge to form the bridges and then past a secondary knife blade having an arcuate concave uninterrupted cutting edge to accurately dimension the bridges. The method and apparatus provides for supporting each knife blade on a holder wherein the position of the blade can be set by setting the blade into a knife blade holder using a setting fixture remote from the apparatus, clamping the blade within the knife blade holder, transferring the knife holder to a machine mounting on the apparatus, then attaching the knife holder to the machine mounting without further adjustment, such that the arcuate knife blade is aligned with the center of the radius of the arc of each arcuate ...

15-11-1959 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Einkerben von abzubiegenden Materialstäben

Номер: CH0000342442A

28-02-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000388545A

28-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000654515A5

31-12-1985 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting off roll sections of predetermined length from a roll of wound fibrous material

Номер: CH0000653283A5

The apparatus has a device with which the roll is pressed onto a supporting trough (1) and is held in place there so that it can be subdivided into sections of desired length by means of a saw blade (41). The device, which is arranged on either side of the saw blade (41), has two lever pairs (5a, 5b, 10a, 10b) pivotable towards one another as well as two top pressure arms (8a, 8b), the guide members (9a, 9b) of which can be moved into one (10a, 10b) of the lever pairs. The entire movement reducing the side of the opening for the roll until it is clamped in place is controlled by a cylinder/piston unit (14) via elements (12a, 12b, 23a, 23b). The apparatus is used in particular for cutting rolls of glass fibre material. ...

15-11-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting roofing felt/cardboard, has cutting device firmly guided along guide rails by guide slide carriage, where apparatus is provided with roll-holding brackets, tensioning device and legs that are folded together

Номер: CH0000703103A2

The apparatus has a rolled material cutting table (39) provided with a built-in measuring tape (60). A cutting device (A) is provided with a replaceable cutting blade and accurately calibrated with measuring tapes. The cutting device is firmly guided along guide rails by a guide slide carriage, where the apparatus is provided with roll-holding brackets (51), a tensioning device (17) and legs (6) that are folded together. The guide rails are movably mounted and pulled with a handle, and the replaceable cutting blade is secured by a wing nut and the carriage.

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus to cutting tires.

Номер: CH0000712201A1

Un appareil à découper des pneumatiques comprend un châssis, une zone d’accueil (2) destinée à recevoir un pneumatique à découper, des moyens de maintien (5, 6) latéraux d’un pneumatique, un détecteur apte à détecter une zone centrale d’un pneumatique, des lames montées coulissantes entre une position écartée de dégagement de la bande de roulement et une position de travail où elles pénètrent dans le flanc d’un pneumatique, et une commande (9) assurant que les lames ne pénètrent dans les flancs du pneumatique que lorsqu’elles sont au-dessus de sa bande de roulement. Les moyens de maintien latéraux (5, 6) comportent un mors (6) coulissant verticalement apte à s’appuyer contre le talon d’un pneumatique et une pièce (5) à deux branches portant chacune un galet aptes à venir en contact avec une surface intérieure de la bande de roulement d’un pneumatique, le mors (6) et la pièce (5) étant diamétralement opposés par rapport à la circonférence interne d’un pneumatique. Les lames, lorsqu’elles ...

30-09-2020 дата публикации

The invention relates to an apparatus for cutting tyres.

Номер: CH0000712201B1

Un appareil à découper des pneumatiques comprend un châssis, une zone d'accueil (2) destinée à recevoir un pneumatique à découper, des moyens de maintien latéraux (5, 6) d'un pneumatique, un détecteur apte à détecter une zone centrale d'un pneumatique, des lames montées coulissantes entre une position écartée de dégagement de la bande de roulement et une position de travail où elles pénètrent dans le flanc d'un pneumatique, et une commande (9) assurant que les lames ne pénètrent dans les flancs du pneumatique que lorsqu'elles sont au-dessus de sa bande de roulement. Les moyens de maintien latéraux comportent un mors (6) coulissant verticalement apte à s'appuyer contre le talon d'un pneumatique et une pièce à deux branches (5) portant chacune un galet aptes à venir en contact avec une surface intérieure de la bande de roulement d'un pneumatique, le mors (6) et la pièce à deux branches (5) étant diamétralement opposés par rapport à la circonférence interne d'un pneumatique. Les lames, lorsqu'elles ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transporting printed products variable thickness.

Номер: CH0000713149A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Transport dickenvariabler Druckprodukte durch eine Schneideinrichtung, welche eine Messerhubeinrichtung und eine Transporteinrichtung (6) aufweist, wobei die Transporteinrichtung (6) mit einer Steuereinheit (10), mit zumindest einem unteren und einem oberen Transportband (13, 13´), welche mindestens ein Paar miteinander in Wirkverbindung stehender Transportbänder (13, 13´) bilden, mit einem höhenverstellbaren ersten Zahnriemenrad (19), mit einem Antrieb (7) sowie mit zumindest einer Einstelleinrichtung mit einem Antrieb (16) zur Einstellung eines vertikalen Abstandes der Transportbänder (13, 13´) ausgebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass jede Einstelleinrichtung einen separaten Antrieb (16) besitzt und dieser Antrieb (16) von einer Steuereinheit von Takt zu Takt unabhängig angesteuert wird.

15-03-2023 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Handhaben von Schneidgut, insbesondere von Passepartouts.

Номер: CH0000718963A2

Die erfindungsgemässe Vorrichtung zum Handhaben von Schneidgut, insbesondere von Passepartouts, weist mindestens zwei Handhabungsarme (5, 6, 7, 8), die um je eine Achse (A - A, B - B, C - C, D - D) gesteuert schwenkbar sind. Zum gemeinsamen Halten insbesondere eines Passepartouts, sind Halteeinrichtungen (9, 10) vorhanden, die vorzugsweise als Vakuumhalter ausgebildet sind, die insbesondere das Passepartout an seiner Oberfläche mittels Vakuum festhalten. Zwei einander gegenüberliegende Handhabungsarme (5, 6, 7, 8) können einen gemeinsamen Schwenkantrieb (15, 16) aufweisen und synchron zur Aufnahme eines Passepartouts geschwenkt werden. Diese Vorrichtung ermöglicht ein rasches, rationelles und dennoch schonendes Handhaben des Schneidguts, insbesondere bei der Herstellung von Passepartouts aber auch bei Fertigungsprozessen mit anderen Einzellagenmaterialien.

15-11-2023 дата публикации

Stanzvorrichtung und Stanzverfahren zur Herstellung von Formetiketten.

Номер: CH0000719685A2

Es ist ein Verfahren zum Stanzen von Formetiketten mit zugehöriger Vorrichtung zum Stanzen beschrieben. Aus einem Ausgangsstapel aus blattförmigem Gut werden unter Verwendung eines hohlzylindrischen Stanzmessers (12), folgenden Schritte durchgeführt: a) Aufschieben eines Ausgangsstapels in einer Transportebene (E) auf einer Gegendruckplatte (17); b) Zentrieren des Ausgangsstapels mittels Zentriermittel auf der Gegendruckplatte (17), die mit der Schneidkante des Stanzmessers (12) in der Transportebene (E) liegt; c) Absenkung einer Druckplatte (15) mittels eines Hebe- bzw. Druckzylinder (13) bis diese auf den Ausgangsstapel aufliegt; d) Erhöhung des Druckes auf die Druckplatte, wobei der Druck die Gegendruckplatte (17) absenkt und der Ausgangsstapel in das hohlzylindrische Stanzmesser hineingedrückt und die Gegendruckplatte nach unten verschoben wird; 15 e) Anhebung der Druckplatte (15) über die Höhe eines nachfolgend einzuschiebenden Ausgangsstapels und Anhebung des gestanzten Nutzenstapels ...

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200900624A1

31-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000015624B1
Принадлежит: ВиЭр ТЕК ПТИ ЛТД. (AU)

Данное изобретение относится к устройству для разделения шин на части, обеспечивающему разрезание шин на две или более частей, причем данное устройство содержит режущий инструмент, предназначенный для разделения шины на две или более частей, устройство позиционирования, на которое устанавливается шина и которое выравнивает установленную на нем шину в соответствии с режущим инструментом, и устройство перемещения, функционально присоединенное к устройству позиционирования и при эксплуатации перемещающее это устройство между положением загрузки, в котором шина может быть загружена в устройство позиционирования и выгружена из него, и положением резания, в котором режущий инструмент входит во взаимодействие с шиной и разделяет ее на две или более частей.

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Novel energy automobile air conditioner refrigerating hose cutting device

Номер: CN0108818632A
Автор: WEN DAN

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Equalization cutting device for production and processing of paper tubes

Номер: CN0108972664A

04-01-2019 дата публикации

Environmentally friendly low-smoke flame retardant PVC material and preparation method and application thereof

Номер: CN0109129630A

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Automatic wool threading machine of piano shaft bracket

Номер: CN0109493833A

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Punching device for swivel chair cushion part production machining

Номер: CN0108789615A

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Slicing mechanism facilitating slice collection

Номер: CN0109049058A

07-04-2020 дата публикации

Pressure maintaining cutting device of natural gas hydrate sampling pipe

Номер: CN0109262698B

07-04-2020 дата публикации

Numerical control silicon rubber slicer

Номер: CN0109262693B

01-11-2006 дата публикации

Assistant device for curtain cutting

Номер: CN0002832462Y

23-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002998218A1

Machine pour la découpe des flancs (2a, 2c) d'un pneumatique (2), qui comprend, en combinaison: - un bâti (101); - des moyens (102) de liaison, configurés pour lier le pneumatique (2) dans une position préétablie par rapport au bâti (101), au niveau d'une zone (103) de chargement dudit pneumatique 2; - au moins une tête (104a, 104b) équipée d'au moins une lame de coupe (105a, 105a', 105b, 105b') pour la découpe d'un flanc (2a, 2c) du pneumatique (2); - des moyens (106) de manutention, fonctionnellement actifs sur ledit pneumatique (2) ou sur ladite tête (104a, 104b) de coupe pour permettre une mise en mouvement relatif de ladite lame (105a, 105a', 105b, 105b') de coupe par rapport au pneumatique (2); - des moyens (114) de réglage de la position relative de la lame (105a, 105a', 105b, 105b') par rapport aux moyens (102) de liaison, fonctionnellement actifs sur ladite lame (105a, 105a', 105b, 105b') ou sur les moyens (102) de liaison du pneumatique pour permettre une mise en place de la lame ...

19-06-1931 дата публикации

Chucking device for machines to cut out in sections

Номер: FR0000706157A

04-09-1958 дата публикации

Machine to cut the pork-butchery with arm juice extractor

Номер: FR0001161771A

15-06-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in the bodies of meat immobilization for machines to cut out the meat in sections

Номер: FR0000554733A

21-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002570316A


11-03-1937 дата публикации

Device of blocking particularly applicable to the presses with ham

Номер: FR0000809873A

26-04-1921 дата публикации

Trimming machines with device to cut narrow bands

Номер: FR0000516790A

13-10-2006 дата публикации

Semiautomatic ham cutting machine for effectuating boning operation, has movable blade mounted in articulated manner on blade fixed to lower end of post and actuated by jack that is connected to movable blade and upper part of post

Номер: FR0002884167A1

L'invention concerne une machine de coupe de jambon (1), comprenant des moyens de coupe (40, 41), des moyens (23, 46) de positionnement du jambon dans une position appropriée par rapport aux moyens de coupe (40, 41), et des moyens (30, 31) de blocage du jambon dans cette position ; les moyens de coupe comprennent au moins deux lames (40, 41) reliées de façon articulée pour former un dispositif de cisaillement, les lames coopérant en rotation sous la commande de moyens d'actionnement appropriés (43).

21-03-1929 дата публикации

Improvements with the chucking devices intended in particular for the machines to cut out the meat

Номер: FR0000653443A

18-01-1974 дата публикации

Flexible power transmission shaft mfr - by simultaneous development of a helical metal core and an extruded sheathing tape

Номер: FR0002187521A1

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Trimmer block pad, trimmer, and method of trimming

Номер: US20120057951A1
Автор: Jennifer Senft
Принадлежит: Jenco Microedge Inc

The present disclosure relates to a trimmer block pad, a trimmer, and a process of trimming. The process includes inserting a book into a trimmer, positioning a trimmer block pad to abut the book, the trimmer block comprising a first non-square exterior corner and a second non-square exterior corner, and trimming a portion of the book. The positioning of the trimmer block pad applies a distributed force to the book.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Film clamping and cutting device of film wrapping machine

Номер: US20120079929A1
Автор: Sheng-Tian Ciou
Принадлежит: Tien Heng Machinery Co Ltd

A film clamping and cutting device of a film wrapping machine is revealed. A connecting plate of a film clamping and cutting unit is located by a braking part. Moreover, by moment of a rotating machinery before stopping, a film clamping and cutting unit main body assembled on the rotating machinery is driven to continue moving. Under the movement of the unit main body, a pulling force is generated by a pull cord arranged between the connecting plate and a vertical-wheel of the unit main body. The pulling force rotates the vertical-wheel so that both a film clamping and cutting rod assembled with the vertical-wheel and a clamp fall toward a blade block to clamp and cut off a film. The film is also pulled and cut by an elastic recovery force of the film clamping and cutting rod. Therefore automatic film clamping and cutting is carried out.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Trimming Method

Номер: US20120247289A1
Автор: Norio Tanaka
Принадлежит: Nihon Shoryoku Kikai Co Ltd

An ultrasonic trimming method is composed of steps, driving a cutter blade having a flat plate shape and supported by an arm at an end of an articulated robot via an ultrasonic oscillator, the cutter blade being driven by the arm while the cutter blade is ultrasonically vibrated; cutting a workpiece secured by a workpiece securing portion; and during, operation for cutting, moving the cutter blade held attached to the articulated robot to the position at where the cutting edge is brought into contact with the grindstone, maintaining the cutter blades attitude such that a plane containing the cutting edge thereof contacts the grindstone, and grinding the cutter blade by pressing the cutter blade against a grinding member by the arm while the cutter blade is ultrasonically vibrated, the grinding member being disposed within a movable range of the cutter blade driven by the articulated robot.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Sheet processing apparatus and image forming system

Номер: US20120294695A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A sheet processing apparatus includes a conveying unit that conveys a booklet formed by folding a sheet bundle; a processing unit that performs a predetermined process on the booklet; a booklet holding unit that includes first and second holding members to hold the booklet and varies a gap distance between the first and second holding members depending on a state of processing the booklet while the sheet processing unit is performing the process on the booklet; and a pressing unit that presses and fixes the booklet while the processing unit is processing the booklet

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Paper discharging apparatus, paper discharging method, image forming apparatus and image forming method

Номер: US20130014624A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

A paper discharging apparatus comprises: a first conveying unit; a second conveying unit which includes a pinch roller and a feeding roller that are arranged closer to the downstream side; a movable mechanism which moves a surface part between a first position that the surface part is not contacted with the pinch roller and a second position that the surface part is contacted with the pinch roller through the paper so as to push the pinch roller; a control unit which moves the surface part to the second position, clamps the paper by the pinch roller and the surface part, and conveys the paper, thereby bending the paper, and which moves the surface part to the first position and clamps the paper by the pinch roller and the feeding roller, and rotates the feeding roller, thereby discharging the paper from the conveyance path.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167700A1
Автор: Weber Günther

An apparatus for slicing food products, in particular sausage, meat or cheese, includes a product support for at least one product, a cutting blade which is disposed after the product support and to which the product can be supplied along a conveying direction, and at least one product holder movable along the conveying direction and cooperating with the product at least at times during the slicing procedure, wherein the product support has a loading zone which is disposed between a starting position and an end position of the product holder and in which the product support can be loaded with the product and wherein the product holder is movable from the end position back into the start position while bypassing the loading zone. 1. An apparatus for slicing food products , comprising:a product support for at least one product;a cutting blade which is disposed after the product support and to which the product can be supplied along a conveying direction; andat least one product holder movable along the conveying direction and cooperating with the product at least at times during the slicing procedure,wherein the spacing between the product holder and the product support is adjustable during the slicing procedure.2. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein the product holder is configured for firmly holding the product at its rear end section.3. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein the spacing is adjustable such that the product holder holds the product in contact with the product support during the slicing procedure.4. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein the product holder can be lowered for slicing a tapering rear end section of the product such that the product holder holds a lower side of the rear end section of the product in contact with the product support during the slicing procedure.5. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein the product holder is pivotable between the product holder and the product support for ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186246A1
Автор: Franze Patrick L.

A shearing apparatus has a movable shearing blade that is moved between retracted and extended positions with a piston cylinder assembly that supplies shearing force to the blade such that the movable shearing blade may be driven through a variety of items such as metal pipes and solid items such as channels or struts. The movable shearing blade can cooperate with a fixed shearing blade disposed on the opposite side of the item being sheared as the movable shearing blade. The movable shearing blade also can cooperate with a support block without the fixed shearing blade. First and second clamp assemblies are provided on different sides of the movable shearing blade. 1. A shearing apparatus , comprising:a base frame;a blade assembly carried by the base frame; the blade assembly including a movable shearing blade that is movable between retracted and extended positions with a piston cylinder assembly that supplies shearing force to the blade such that the movable shearing blade may be driven through an item to be sheared; andfirst and second clamp assemblies disposed on different sides of the movable shearing blade; each of the first and second clamp assemblies movable between extended and retracted positions; the extended position adapted to engage the item to be sheared.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a fixed shearing blade carried by the base frame; the movable shearing blade disposed adjacent the fixed shearing blade when the movable shearing blade is in the extended position.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the fixed shearing blade is disposed adjacent a fixed shear block. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent application Ser. No. 61/590,290 filed Jan. 24, 2012; the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.The disclosure is related to apparatus used for shearing different items and, more particularly, to a portable shearing apparatus having individually-movable holders and a driven blade and that may ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248679A1
Автор: Hayden Gary James

A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object includes at least one gripping arrangement. The at least one gripping arrangement is configured to grip and traverse the object so as to reach a desired location on the object and to anchor the device thereto for allowing the work to be carried out. 1. A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object , the device including:at least one gripping arrangement, the at least one gripping arrangement being configured to grip and traverse the object so as to reach a desired location on the object and to anchor the device thereto for allowing the work to be carried out.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping arrangement comprises first and second grappling legs pivotably connected to a body of the device claim 1 , in use an end portion of each leg being arranged to move toward the other to thereby grip the object.3. A device according to claim 2 , further comprising a displacement means for effecting the movement.4. A device according to claim 3 , wherein the displacement means comprises one or more hydraulic cylinders mounted to the grappling legs and the body for moving the end portions of each leg towards and away from each other.5. A device according to any one of to claim 3 , further comprising a drive means mounted on each grappling leg at or adjacent the respective end portion for allowing the device to traverse the object.6. A device according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , once the grappling legs have gripped the object claim 5 , the drive means is lockable for anchoring the device to the object.7. A device according to or claim 5 , wherein the respective drive means are each pivotable into and out of a grappling zone defined between the grappling legs.8. A device according to any one of to claim 5 , further comprising an additional drive means mounted to the body between the grappling legs.9. A device according to any one of to claim 5 , wherein the drive means on ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Food Slicer

Номер: US20140047964A1
Автор: Zhao Gang

A food slicer for slicing food, comprising: a housing, a cutting board with generally curved cutting surface mounted inside the housing, a cutting blade oriented generally transverse to the cutting direction having a peripheral cutting edge and defining a blade plane, an electric drive motor for drivingly rotating the cutting blade of the food slicer, a first slider slidable along a first guide rail which is oriented generally parallel to the cutting direction, a first spring connected between the first slider and the housing for propelling the first slider toward the cutting board, so the first slider pushes the food articles toward the cutting board for preventing the food articles on the cutting board from moving. The food slicer further includes a board pivotally mounted in the housing with surface oriented generically parallel to the blade plane for supporting the unsliced food articles. 1. A food slicer for slicing food , comprising:a housing;a cutting board with generally curved cutting surface mounted inside the housing;a cutting blade oriented generally transverse to the cutting direction having a peripheral cutting edge and defining a blade plane;an electric drive motor for drivingly rotating the cutting blade of the food slicer;a first slider slidable along a first guide rail which is oriented generally parallel to the cutting direction;a first spring connected between the first slider and the housing for propelling the first slider toward the cutting board,whereby the first slider pushes the food articles toward the cutting board for preventing the food articles on the cutting board from moving.2. A food slicer for slicing food as in further including a lid for covering the housing claim 1 , the lid defining a feed tube opening permitting access to within the housing;a feed tube extending from a top wall of the lid, the feed tube defining a feed cavity and including a feed mouth;a board pivotally mounted in the housing with surface oriented generically ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Graft element, system and method for joining plant stem sections using such graft element, and system and method for preparing such graft element

Номер: US20140053460A1
Принадлежит: IG Specials B.V.

The present invention relates to a graft element for joining together plant stem sections. The graft element is made of a resilient material and takes the form of a tubular structure having a hollow center that extends in a longitudinal direction so as to form a cylinder. The graft element further comprises a side opening along its length and two elongated members. The side opening is connected to the hollow center over the entire length of the graft element. The two elongated members are located at opposite sides of the side opening and oriented substantially parallel thereto. The elongated members are provided with cutouts for receiving a gripping unit. The invention further relates to systems and methods for joining plant stem sections using the graft element. Finally, the invention relates to a system and a method for preparing the graft element. 1. Graft element for joining together plant stem sections , the graft element being made of a resilient material and taking the form of a tubular structure having a hollow center that extends in a longitudinal direction of the graft element so as to form a cylinder , the graft element further comprising:a side opening along its length which is connected to the hollow center over the entire length of the graft element; andtwo elongated members at opposite sides of the side opening and oriented substantially parallel thereto, the elongated members being provided with cutouts;wherein the side opening is expandable under the influence of one or more gripping units that fit into the cutouts.2. Graft element according to claim 1 , wherein the cutouts of the elongated members take the form of grooves.3. Graft element according to claim 2 , wherein the cross-sectional shape of the grooves is substantially wedge-shaped.4. Graft element according to claim 1 , wherein the cutouts of the elongated members take the form of tubes.5. Graft element according to claim 1 , wherein the cylinder has a substantially circular cross-section.6 ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001458A1

A cutting plotter includes a driving roller, a rotating shaft, pinch rollers, a cutter, and a press roller. The driving roller extends in a direction of a first axis and rotates around the first axis. The rotating shaft extends in a direction of a second axis parallel to the first axis, and is configured to be rotatable around the second axis. A passage through which a cutting target passes is formed between the driving roller and the rotating shaft. The pinch rollers are provided on the rotating shaft. The cutter is selectively pressed to the cutting target. The press roller is provided on the rotating shaft between the pinch rollers, and presses the cutting target against the driving roller. The press roller is formed by a coil spring into which the rotating shaft is inserted. 1. A cutting plotter comprising:a driving roller extending in a direction of a first axis and configured to rotate around the first axis by a driving device;a rotating shaft extending in a direction of a second axis parallel to the first axis, and configured to be rotatable around the second axis, a passage through which a cutting target passes being formed between the driving roller and the rotating shaft;a plurality of pinch rollers provided on the rotating shaft, at least two end portions of the cutting target being clamped by the driving roller and the plurality of pinch rollers;a cutter to be selectively pressed to the cutting target;a moving member to which the cutter is attached, and which moves in a direction parallel to the first axis; anda press roller provided on the rotating shaft between the plurality of pinch rollers, and configured to press the cutting target against the driving roller, the press roller being formed by a coil spring into which the rotating shaft is inserted.2. The plotter according to claim 1 , whereinthe coil spring is a tension coil spring including two end portions supported by the rotating shaft, anda gap is formed between the rotating shaft and the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Curtain Cutting Machine

Номер: US20170021518A1
Автор: Hsu Hao-Yu

A curtain cutting machine contains: a base, a first cutting mechanism, and a movable platform. The base includes a fixed platform having a front segment and a rear segment. The first cutting mechanism includes a lower cutting assembly with plural first orifices and has an upper cutting assembly with at least one second orifice. The movable platform includes two support racks, two slidable adjusting devices, and a holding plate. The two support racks are arranged on a rear side of the fixed platform of the base and extend upwardly, each of the two slidable adjusting devices is mounted on each of the two support racks and moves forward and backward on each of the two support racks, the holding plate is connected with each slidable adjusting device to hold a curtain, and the holding plate moves forward and backward on the two support racks with the two slidable adjusting devices. 1. A curtain cutting machine comprising:a base including a fixed platform, and the fixed platform having a front segment and a rear segment;a first cutting mechanism disposed on a first end of the base and including a lower cutting assembly and an upper cutting assembly, wherein the lower cutting assembly has a plurality of first orifices flushing with the base, and the upper cutting assembly is mounted on the lower cutting assembly and has at least one second orifice;a movable platform secured on the fixed platform of the base and including two support racks, two slidable adjusting devices, and a holding plate, wherein the two support racks are arranged on a rear side of the fixed platform of the base and extend upwardly, each of the two slidable adjusting devices is mounted on each of the two support racks and moves forward and backward on each of the two support racks, the holding plate is connected with each slidable adjusting device to hold a curtain, and the holding plate moves forward and backward on the two support racks with the two slidable adjusting devices, when the holding plate ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022773A1
Автор: CHOI Insung

A machine for cutting or beveling a pipe. A cutter unit rotates around the pipe while cutting any surface of the pipe after gripping and fixing the pipe. The machine includes: a main body which a pipe passes through the center portion thereof to be fixed; and a cutter unit coupled to the main body unit rotates around the fixed pipe to cut or bevel the pipe. The cutter unit may have a rotating unit on one side to pull the cutter unit aside and a locking unit on the other side to restrain or release the cutter unit. An entry control unit operating the cutter unit includes: a lever gear-engaged with an outer side surface of an entry control plate; and a clutch formed on a rotation shaft of the lever such that the restraint is released when the lever is lifted or pressed in the axial direction. 1. A pipe cutting and beveling machine comprising:a main body portion having a central portion through which a pipe passes so as to be fixed;a cutter unit coupled to the main body and configured to cut or bevel the pipe by a cutting blade while orbiting around the fixed pipe;an entry adjustment plate coupled to the cutter unit such that the cutter unit enters toward or retreats from a cut portion in the pipe; andan entry control unit configured to move the entry adjustment plate,wherein the cutter unit is provided with a pivot unit on one side thereof such that the cutter unit is tilted in a direction different from movement of the entry adjustment plate, and the cutter unit is provided with a lock unit on a remaining side thereof so as to restrain or release tilting of the cutter unit.2. The pipe cutting and beveling machine of claim 1 , wherein the pivot unit is provided with a stop ball configured to temporarily stop movement of the cutter unit when the cutter unit is tilted claim 1 , and an upper surface of the latch on which a fastening means of the lock unit is formed to be inclined so as to push the cutter unit not only in a fastening direction claim 1 , but also toward ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024238A1

A material handling apparatus and method is disclosed, including a grabber clamp apparatus and method for handling, such as grabbing and pulling, elongate binding material. The grabber clamp is capable of gripping one or more elongate binding material strands securely enough to pull it from the bale but without cutting the elongate binding material strand(s). The current invention also provides an elongate binding material puller for removing elongate binding material from a bale. The elongate binding material puller should be capable of automatically, mechanically removing elongate binding material from a bale. The method uses a grabber clamp to grip a strand of elongate binding material between two blunt points such that a portion of the elongate binding material is free from clamping pressure between the two blunt points. 1. A grabber clamp comprising:a first jaw with a forward end and a rear end;a second jaw with a forward end, the second jaw configured to (i) move toward the first jaw to close the first and second jaws and (ii) move away from the first jaw, to open the first and second jaws; anda driver for driving movement of the first jaw and the second jaw to open and close;wherein the first jaw includes a first gripping face and the second jaw includes a second gripping face, the first and second gripping faces being configured to come together when closed to define a first blunt clamping point and a second blunt clamping point spaced from the first blunt clamping point and a non-clamping area between the first and second blunt clamping points.2. The grabber clamp of wherein the first blunt clamping point includes a first surface exposed on the first gripping face claim 1 , the first surface being flat from side to side and elongate in a direction extending between the forward end and the rear end and a second flat claim 1 , elongate surface on the second gripping face aligned with the first surface and configured to butt against the first surface when the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Internal pile cutter

Номер: US20210025123A1
Автор: Leon Trudeau
Принадлежит: Individual

Assemblies to cut a hollow piling are provided, which may have a pressurized hydraulic fluid supply configured to supply enough force to cut through up to the circumference of a piling having a housing having a cavity to receive the hydraulic fluid, the housing having at least one cylinder wall; at least one piston assembly slidably disposed within the at least one cylinder wall configured to extend from the at least one cylinder wall in response to the introduction of pressurized hydraulic fluid into the housing cavity; and a blade attached at a radially distal end of the piston assembly, whereby as the blade extends through the cylinder wall, a cutting force is applied to an encountered piling wall.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033923A1

A cutting apparatus for cutting an original product includes a platform, a base, a cutting device, and a first driving device. The original product includes a stub bar and optical lenses connected to the stub bar. The base is fixed to the platform. The cutting device is mounted on the base. The cutting device includes at least one group of cutter. Two cutters in each group of the cutter are aligned with each other and are apart from each other. The first driving device is fixed to the platform. The first driving device is configured to drive the two cutters in each group to move closer to each other or to move away from each other. 1. A cutting apparatus for cutting an original product having a stub bar and optical lenses connected to the stub bar , the cutting apparatus comprising:a platform;a base fixed to the platform;a cutting device mounted on the base, the cutting device comprising at least one group of cutter, wherein each group of the at least one group includes two cutters aligned with each other and being apart from each other; anda first driving device fixed to the platform, the first driving device configured to drive the two cutters in each group to move closer to each other or to move away from each other, thereby cutting the original product between the two cutters in each group and separating the optical lenses from the stub bar.2. The cutting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the platform comprises a top surface and a bottom surface opposite to the top surface claim 1 , the base is fixed to the top surface claim 1 , the first driving device comprises two driving motors and two screws claim 1 , the driving motors are fixed to the bottom surface and pass through the platform and are received in the base claim 1 , each screw comprises first threads claim 1 , second threads at opposite ends thereof claim 1 , a direction of the first threads is reverse to a direction of the second threads claim 1 , the screws enter the base to be connected to the driving ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031145A1

A clamp includes first and second rising portions that rise from a base portion, a first extending portion extending along a first top surface of a table from the first rising portion, a second extending portion extending along a second top surface of the table from the second rising portion, a first clamp portion to urge a medium toward the first top surface, and a second clamp portion to urge the medium toward the second top surface. A gap located above a groove in the table is provided between the first clamp portion and the second clamp portion. 1. A clamp attachable to a table including a first top surface , a second top surface and a groove between the first top surface and the second top surface and extending in a first direction , the clamp being structured to press a medium placed on the first top surface and the second top surface onto the first top surface and the second top surface , the clamp comprising:a base portion accommodatable in the groove of the table;a first rising portion rising from the base portion;a first extending portion extending along the first top surface of the table from the first rising portion;a second rising portion rising from the base portion;a second extending portion extending along the second top surface of the table from the second rising portion;a first clamp portion extending in the first direction along the first top surface from the first extending portion to urge the medium toward the first top surface; anda second clamp portion extending in the first direction along the second top surface from the second extending portion to urge the medium toward the second top surface; whereina gap located above the groove of the table is between the first clamp portion and the second clamp portion.2. The clamp according to claim 1 , wherein a gap located above the groove of the table is between the first rising portion and the second rising portion.3. The clamp according to claim 1 , whereinthe base portion is a separate structure ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039021A1
Автор: RAMFJORD Harald
Принадлежит: 1 DIAMOND LLC

An apparatus for cutting a tubular part includes a carrying body configured to receive an end of the tubular part. In addition, the apparatus includes a cutting assembly disposed in the carrying body. The cutting assembly includes a continuous ring configured to be rotated relative to the carrying body. Further, the apparatus includes a first cutting element pivotally attached to the continuation ring. The first cutting element includes a cutting edge configured to engage and cut the tubular part. Still further, the apparatus includes a first actuator coupled to the first cutting element and configured to pivot the first cutting element between a retracted position and a cutting position. The apparatus also includes at least one sensor configured to measure a position of the first cutting element and a force applied to the first cutting element. 119-. (canceled)20. An apparatus for cutting a tubular part extending down into a sea or ocean bed , below the seabed , wherein the apparatus includes:a carrying body configured to receive an end of the tubular part;a cutting assembly disposed in the carrying body, wherein said cutting assembly includes a continuous ring configured to be rotated relative to the carrying body;a first cutting element pivotally attached to the continuation ring at a first hinge joint, wherein the first cutting element includes a cutting edge configured to engage and cut the tubular part;a first actuator coupled to the first cutting element and configured to pivot the first cutting element about the first hinge joint between a retracted position and a cutting position towards the tubular part that is to be cut; andat least one sensor configured to measure a position of the first cutting element and a force applied to the first cutting element.21. The apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the carrying body includes jetting nozzles configured to jet the carrying body downward into the seabed for cutting the tubular part at a level below the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and machine for cutting paper logs

Номер: US20150040735A1
Автор: Paolo Catelli
Принадлежит: Futura SpA

Machine for cutting paper logs, including a support for supporting one or more logs ( 3 ) disposed side by side, device for advancing the logs ( 3 ) on the support, device for the transverse cutting of the logs ( 3 ) and device for blocking logs ( 3 ) during their cutting. The cutting device includes an annular band blade ( 4 ) having a bevel ( 400, 401 ) on both its edges, provided in correspondence to a cutting station (T) in which the logs ( 3 ) are cut and connected to corresponding guiding and actuating structure, the blade ( 4 ) featuring a portion ( 40 ) defining a corresponding cutting plane which is oriented orthogonally with respect to the longitudinal axes of logs ( 3 ), the blade being provided with a sharpening device ( 100 ) continuously acting on both its bevels ( 400,401 ). The machine includes structure for the relative motion of logs ( 3 ) with respect to the blade ( 4 ) along the cutting plane. The blade ( 4 ) acts on one log ( 3 ) at a time.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039736A1

A package for a size-in-store window covering comprises a box having a first portion that extends for the width of the window covering and a second portion that extends for less than the width of the window covering. The window covering extends beyond an end of a bottom wall a first distance and the head rail extends beyond an end of a first side wall a second distance. A method of cutting a window covering comprises providing a window covering in a box as described above and positioning the box with the exposed portion of the window covering facing down and the exposed portion of the head rail facing a clamp. Methods of packaging a window covering comprise reducing the total number of loops in the window covering, and positioning inserts between adjacent components. 120-. (canceled)21. A packaged window covering , comprising:a box extending in a first direction between a first open end of said box and a second open end of said box, said box including a top wall, a bottom wall spaced apart from said top wall, and first and second sidewalls extending between said top and bottom walls; anda window covering including a head rail and a panel, said window covering defining a covering width of said window covering extending in the first direction of said box;wherein:at least one wall of said box defines a shorter width than the covering width of said window covering in the first direction such that, when said window covering is positioned within said box, said window covering includes first and second exposed portions at said first and second open ends of said box, respectively; andsaid first and second exposed portions comprise portions of said window covering across which said box does not cover said head rail.22. The packaged window covering of claim 21 , further comprising first and second end caps configured to be removably coupled to said box at said first and second open ends of said box claim 21 , respectively.23. The packaged window covering of claim 21 , wherein ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046666A1

The present invention relates to a processing module for a building panel and a method for processing a building panel. The processing module for a building panel comprises an input station and a manoeuvring station. The input station comprises a reception for a building panel and the building panel bundles several individual building elements. The manoeuvring station comprises a swiveling device for transporting and swiveling the building panel. 1. A processing module for a building panel , comprising:an input station, and wherein the input station comprises a reception for a building panel, wherein the building panel bundles a plurality of individual building elements, and', 'wherein the manoeuvring station comprises a swiveling device for transporting and swiveling the building panel., 'a manoeuvring station,'}2. The processing module of claim 1 , further comprising a sawing device with a cutting wire for separating the individual components from the building panel.3. The processing module of claim 2 , wherein the sawing device comprises a drive coil and a counter coil claim 2 ,wherein the drive spool is adapted to wind the cutting wire in a first direction, andwherein the counter spool is configured for tensioning the cutting wire in an opposite, second direction.4. The processing module of claim 2 , wherein the drive spool and the counter spool are configured to cyclically change their tasks so that the cutting wire is wound alternately in the first direction and the second direction for cutting.5. The processing module of claim 2 , wherein only between 1 and 10% claim 2 , preferably between 1 and 5% of a total length of the cutting wire is used for a current cutting operation.6. The processing module of claim 3 , further comprising a control unit adapted to control at least one of the spools for a constant wire tension of the cutting wire during a cutting operation.7. The processing module of claim 3 , further comprising a speed sensor for detecting an ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Cutting Unit Comprising a Blade For Cutting at Least One Fiber, Particularly For Producing Fiber Preforms

Номер: US20180043563A1

A cutting unit includes a blade for cutting at least one fiber, particularly on a cutting support, and particularly for producing fiber preforms which are, in particular, a precursor in the production of fiber-reinforced plastic components. A guide device is arranged so as to guide at least one of either the blade or a cutting support which can be moved relative to the blade, along a linear path in order for cutting to take place. At least one such cutting unit is preferably used in a device for producing fiber preforms which are, in particular, a precursor in the production of fiber-reinforced plastic components. The device has at least one unwinding station for providing at least one fiber, and at least one gripper which can grip individual or a plurality of fibers at their front ends. 113-. (canceled)14. A cutting unit , comprising:a blade for cutting at least one fiber;a cutting base;wherein said blade and said cutting base are movable relative to one another; anda guide device configured to guide at least one of said blade or said cutting base along a linear path for cutting.15. The cutting unit according to claim 14 , wherein said blade is configured for cutting fibers of fiber preforms being a preliminary stage in the production of fiber-reinforced plastics material components.16. The cutting unit according to claim 14 , wherein the linear path extends in a direction substantially transverse to an extension of said cutting base or to a cutting edge of said blade.17. The cutting unit according to claim 14 , wherein said cutting base is formed of a soft material or is formed with a soft surface so as to enable said blade to dive into the surface of said cutting base.18. The cutting unit according to claim 14 , wherein said blade and/or said cutting base is fixed so as to be adjustable in relation to a fastening point by way of a drive arrangement and said guide device is configured to guide a component of the drive arrangement claim 14 , which is adjustable ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056537A1

A device for carrying out cutting operations on an unbound formatting edge of a printed product includes a cutter to carry out edge-related cutting operations. A transporter transports the printed product from a first cutting location, at which the first cutting operation for a first formatting edge of the printed product takes place, to a second cutting location, at which a second one of the cutting operations for a second formatting edge takes place, and to a third cutting location, at which a third one of the cutting operations for a third formatting edge is carried out. The transport of the printed product from one cutting location to the next is carried out along a guide section. The transporter includes a gripper with which the printed product is gripped by the spine and conveyable from one cutting location to the next in a suspended manner. 1. A device for carrying out cutting operations on at least one unbound formatting edge of at least one printed product , the device comprising:at least one cutter configured to carry out each of a plurality of edge-related cutting operations; andat least one transporter operatively connected to a printed product-related advancing device for a first one of the cutting operations and to a printed product-related transporting device, which is operative after a last one of the cutting operations, whereby the printed product is transportable from a first cutting location, at which the first cutting operation for a first formatting edge of the printed product takes place, to a second cutting location, at which a second one of the cutting operations for a second formatting edge takes place, and to a third cutting location, at which a third one of the cutting operations for a third formatting edge is carried out, after the second cutting operation at the second cutting location has been carried out,wherein the at least one transporter includes a guide section such that the transport of the printed product from one cutting ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057109A1
Автор: Chen Po-Yu

A curtain cutting aid includes a curtain holder including an insertion space, an insertion slot in communication with the insertion space and a positioning portion disposed between the insertion space and the insertion slot, and a positioning unit including a movable bar inserted through the insertion slot into the insertion space and provided with spaced positioning grooves and an operating knob mounted in the curtain holder and coupled with the movable bar and movable between an initial position where one positioning groove of the movable bar is engaged with the positioning portion of the curtain holder to lock the movable bar in the insertion space, and a pressed position where the positioning groove of the movable bar is disengaged from the positioning portion of the curtain holder for allowing adjustment of the position of the movable bar according to the size of the curtain to be cut. 1. A curtain cutting aid , comprising:a curtain holder comprising a first sidewall, a second sidewall opposite to the first sidewall, a top wall connected between said first sidewall and said second sidewall at a top side, a bottom wall connected between said first sidewall and said second sidewall at an opposing bottom side, an insertion space surrounded by said top wall, said bottom wall, said first sidewall and said second sidewall, an insertion slot transversely cut through said first sidewall in communication with said insertion space, a sliding slot disposed adjacent to said insertion slot, a cutting slot located in said top wall in vertical communication with said insertion space and a positioning portion located in said insertion slot; anda positioning unit comprising a movable bar, an operating knob and an elastic restoring member, said movable bar being movably inserted through said insertion slot in said first sidewall of said curtain holder into said insertion space, said movable bar comprising a plurality of positioning grooves arranged in parallel on a top wall ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066126A1
Автор: Hayden Gary James

A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object includes at least one gripping arrangement. The at least one gripping arrangement is configured to grip and traverse the object so as to reach a desired location on the object and to anchor the device thereto for allowing the work to be carried out. 1. A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object , the device including:a gripping arrangement comprising a first gripping portion which is pivotally and rotatably coupled to at least one second gripping portion by way of a manipulatable arm arrangement, the first and at least one second gripping portions each comprising a pair of grappling legs coupled to respective grappling leg displacement means, each grappling leg displacement means operable to move the corresponding grappling legs between a closed position and an open position for respectively securing the gripping portion to and releasing the gripping portion from the object; anda controller for controlling the manipulatable arm arrangement and respective grappling leg displacement means so as to allow the device to traverse the object for allowing work to be carried out, whereby the traversing is effected by securing one of the respective gripping portions to the object while another is pivotably and/or rotatably moved to a desired location on the object for subsequently securing thereto.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the leg displacement means is mounted to the grappling legs and a body of the gripping portion for moving end portions of each leg towards and away from each other.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the grappling leg displacement means comprises one or more hydraulic cylinders.4. The device according to claim 2 , further comprising a drive means mounted to at least one of the gripping portions for allowing the device to move along the object while the associated grappling legs are in the closed position.5. The device according to claim 3 , ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Method and Device for Conveying Polymeric Oblates to Casting Machines and Application

Номер: US20180071940A1
Автор: Djernaes Søren
Принадлежит: RPC SUPERFOS A/S

A method for conveying pre-printed in-mould labels (IML) in a roller to a casting machine that moulds items such as cups or lids, where the in-mould labels must be integrated in items by being partially punched such that they remain fixed to the roller in points or bridges, after which the roller with the semi-punched in-mould labels is placed on a device from which the roller is rolled out in stages, such that the in-mould labels pass through a tool with holes which are shaped to fit the circumference of the in-mould labels. The in-mould labels are then removed with a device such as a robot with vacuum suction that tears over the river bridges that fix the in-mould labels to the roller and transfers them to the injection casting tool. An apparatus for achieving the method includes an unwinder for attaching a roller of in-mould labels from which the rolled-up in-mould labels are fed through a tool that contains holes which are shaped to fit the circumference of the in-mould labels. 1159. A method for conveying of pre-printed polymer oblates (IML) , which are e.g. produced in a so-called flexo printing machine and supplied in a roller , to a casting machine such as an injection press that moulds items such as cups or lids , where the oblates will be integrated in the items characterized in semi-punching of the oblates such that they remain attached to the roller in the connection points or bridges , after which the roller with the semi-punched oblates is attached to a device () from which the roller with the oblates is rolled out in stages , such that the oblates pass through a tool () with holes () that are shaped to comply to the oblate form , after which an oblate is removed with a device such as a robot that uses vacuum suction to tear over the bridges that hold the oblates onto the roller and then transfers the oblates to the injection press.2111059. Device () that is suitable for conveying roiled-up claim 1 , pre-printed polymer oblates claim 1 , which are ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082588A1
Автор: Hayden Gary James

A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object includes at least one gripping arrangement. The at least one gripping arrangement is configured to grip and traverse the object so as to reach a desired location on the object and to anchor the device thereto for allowing the work to be carried out. 1. A device for allowing work to be carried out on or about an object , the device including:a gripping arrangement comprising a first gripping portion which is coupled to at least one second gripping portion by way of a manipulatable arm arrangement comprising multiple arm segments with adjacent segments being pivotable and/or rotatable with respect to one another, the first and at least one second gripping portions each comprising a pair of grappling legs coupled to respective grappling leg displacement means, each grappling leg displacement means operable to move the corresponding grappling legs between a closed position and an open position for respectively securing the gripping portion to and releasing the gripping portion from the object; anda controller for controlling the manipulatable arm arrangement and respective grappling leg displacement means so as to allow the device to traverse the object for allowing work to be carried out, whereby the traversing is effected by securing one of the respective gripping portions to the object while another is pivotably and/or rotatably moved to a desired location on the object for subsequently securing thereto; and wherein a drive means is locatable on at least one of the gripping portions for driving the device along a substantially planar surface.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the leg displacement means is mounted to the grappling legs and a body of the gripping portion for moving end portions of each leg towards and away from each other.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the grappling leg displacement means comprises one or more hydraulic cylinders.4. The device according to claim ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082622A1
Принадлежит: Gomavial Solutions S.L.

The present invention relates to a device for removing a tread from a tire or part of a tire allowing the subsequent use thereof as an independent product in other industries. Another object of the invention is the method which allows establishing suitable pre-cuts and the subsequent removal thereof. The configuration of the machine allows automated tread removal in a very short time. The particular configuration of the cutting means allows removing helical cut portions for obtaining longer bands. 2515115126161161153. The machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the rotary drum (.) is configured by means of a cylindrical surface (..) claim 1 , preferably having a circular section claim 1 , comprising a window (..) on said surface for the passage of one end of the tread (.) with its flap (..) for fixing the flap (..) in the anchoring means (.) intended for fixing the flap.5111121112. The machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fixing means () suitable for securing the tire and for allowing a turn by rotation of said tire with respect to its main axis are made up of one or more support wheels (.) intended for the inner face of the tire to rest thereon; and a wheel (.) intended for resting on the outer face of the tire leaving the tire trapped between the inner wheel or wheels (.) and the outer wheel (.).6212611. The machine according to claim 5 , characterized in that the driving means suitable for imparting a turn by rotation of the tire with respect to its main axis are made up of a drive motor () for driving the wheel (.) intended for resting on the outer face of the tire () which in turn rests on one inner support wheels (.).7361161. The machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second cutting means () suitable for making a cut in the tread transverse to the tire giving rise to a flap (..) sore made up of a blade located in a support movable according to two degrees of freedom claim 1 , a first degree of freedom movable ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084174A1

Processing apparatus such as a food slicer () includes upper and lower conveyor units () having shiftable conveyor belts () designed to receive incoming products and to move such products along a path of travel () through the conveyor units () and into a slicer assembly (). The upper conveyor unit () is equipped with control apparatus () serving to maintain a predetermined, substantially constant force against products passing through the conveyor units (). The upper conveyor unit () is bidirectionally pivotal about respective axes parallel with the path of travel (), and transverse thereto. This allows the slicer to accommodate products of varying size, shape, and makeup. 1. A conveyor assembly operable to move product toward and into a downstream processing device , said assembly comprising:a lower conveyor unit having a shiftable lower conveyor belt presenting an upper run and a lower run;an upper conveyor unit having a shiftable upper conveyor belt presenting an upper run and a lower run; andstructure supporting said upper conveyor unit above said lower conveyor unit with the lower run of the upper conveyor belt adjacent the upper run of the lower conveyor belt to define therebetween a product passageway, so that shifting of the upper and lower conveyor belts will move said product along a path of travel toward and into said downstream processing device,said supporting structure including control apparatus operably coupled with said upper conveyor unit to maintain a predetermined, substantially constant force against said product as it is moved by said upper and lower conveyor belts, notwithstanding irregularities in the size and shape of the product.2. The conveyor assembly of claim 1 , said control apparatus comprising a pneumatic piston-and-cylinder assembly coupled with said upper conveyor unit and operable to raise and lower the upper conveyor unit in order to maintain said substantially constant force.3. The conveyor assembly of claim 1 , said processing ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for transversally sawing a tubular body

Номер: US20140174266A1

Technical problem: a low sawing precision of tubular bodies of an apparatus comprising a transverse sawing station ( 30 ), in particular said apparatus equipped with a chip-forming saw means ( 35 ), a support ( 11′,11 ″) arranged to maintain the tubular bodies ( 1 ) in rotation during the sawing step, and also comprising a carriage means ( 50 ) for carrying the tubular body ( 1 ) along the direction of its own longitudinal axis ( 16 ) towards the sawing station ( 30 ), in particular preserving the possibility of removing chips produced during the sawing from the inside of the tubular body ( 1 ), such low sawing precision, in terms of length and smoothness of the end of the portions depending upon possible small longitudinal translation movements of the tubular body ( 1 ) along the support ( 11′,11 ″). Solution: providing a carriage means ( 50 ) that comprises a holding means ( 14 ) for longitudinally holding the tubular body ( 1 ), the holding means ( 14 ) comprising a rotatable element ( 71 ) arranged to relatively rollingly engage with a surface portion ( 18 ) of the tubular body ( 1 ), in particular the rotatable element ( 71 ) is arranged to engage by rolling and pressing onto an inner surface portion ( 18 ) of said tubular body ( 1 ) proximate to said first end ( 5 ′) and radially corresponding to a surface portion of the tubular body ( 1 ) to contact a counter-support element ( 72 ) and radially corresponding to a surface portion of said tubular body ( 1 ) that is in contact with a counter-support element ( 72 ) (FIG. 18 )

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102545A1

A clamping device is described for clamping a log such as a log of wound material. 1. A clamping device for clamping a log , the clamping device comprising:a frame;a supporting arm fixed on the frame for supporting the log;a pair of clamps for clamping the log; anda base plate for carrying the pair of clamps, the pair of clamps moveably disposed on the base plate for changing the distance between the clamps, and the base plate moveably disposed on the frame for changing the distance between the clamps and the supporting arm.2. The clamping device of further comprising at least one post claim 1 , the base plate moveably connected to the at least one post.3. The clamping device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one post is a screw claim 2 , the base plate is threadedly engaged with the at least one post claim 2 , and the base plate moves relative to the frame via the rotation of the at least one post.4. The clamping device of further comprising a pair of cradles moveably disposed on the base plate claim 1 , the pair of clamps being connected to the pair of the cradles respectively.5. The clamping device of claim 4 , wherein a follower is rotatably formed on each cradle claim 4 , a profile is fixed on the frame corresponding to the follower claim 4 , the profile has a surface on which the follower moves along to change the distance between the cradles.6. The clamping device of claim 5 , wherein the follower on one cradle and a corresponding profile are symmetrical with respect to the follower on another cradle and another corresponding profile relative to a vertical plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the log and passing through a central region of the clamping device.7. The clamping device of claim 4 , wherein one clamp is fixed onto one cradle claim 4 , and another clamp is pivotably connected to another cradle and wherein the another clamp is capable of rotating between a clamping position and an open position.8. The clamping device of claim 4 , wherein a ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102546A1
Автор: Chen Po-Yu

A curtain cutting aid includes a curtain holder including two hollow holder blocks arranged in parallel and defining therein a respective insertion space in communication with each other for a insertion of a curtain, a bearing plate connected between the two hollow holder blocks and a cutting groove defining between the two hollow holder blocks for the insertion of a cutter to cut off the inserted curtain, and a stop rod selectively and detachably mounted in the insertion space of one of the two hollow holder blocks to stop the inserted curtain in place for cutting. Thus, the curtain cutting aid can effectively enhance the convenience and precision of the cutting operation. 1. A curtain cutting aid , comprising:a curtain holder comprising two hollow holder blocks arranged in parallel, a cutting groove defined between said two hollow holder blocks and a bearing plate connected between said two hollow holder blocks and facing toward said cutting groove, each said hollow holder block defining therein an insertion space, the insertion spaces of said two hollow holder blocks being disposed in communication with each other; anda stop rod selectively and detachably mounted in the insertion space in one of said two hollow holder blocks.2. The curtain cutting aid as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each said hollow holder block comprises a top wall claim 1 , a bottom wall opposite to said top wall claim 1 , a first sidewall connected between said top wall and said bottom wall at one side and a second sidewall connected between said top wall and said bottom wall at an opposite side relative to said first sidewall claim 1 , said top wall claim 1 , said bottom wall claim 1 , said first sidewall and said second sidewall defining the insertion space of the respective said hollow holder block; said stop rod is selectively and detachably mounted between the first sidewall and second sidewall of one of said two hollow holder blocks.3. The curtain cutting aid as claimed in claim 2 , ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Food Slicer Hand Guard

Номер: US20160101537A1
Автор: Schoeman John L.

Various embodiments of a food slicer hand guard/pusher having means to hold the food vertically or horizontally, protect the user's fingers and wrists and cover a sharp blade of any slicer are provided. 1. A food slicer hand guard , comprising:a clamping portion having a first arm and a second arm, wherein the first arm is operatively connected to the second arm so as to allow the clamping portion to open and close;a first extension attached to the first arm; anda second extension attached to the second arm.2. The hand guard of claim 1 , wherein the first arm and the second arm each have an inner clamping surface that contacts a food item to be sliced and an outer surface that is graspable by a user.3. The hand guard of claim 2 , wherein at least one spike is attached to the inner clamping surfaces so that the at least one spike is oriented to at least partially penetrate the food item to be sliced.4. The hand guard of claim 1 , wherein the first arm is operatively connected to the second arm by at least one of the connections selected from the group comprising a hinge claim 1 , a pivot claim 1 , a pin claim 1 , a bolt claim 1 , a screw claim 1 , a ball-and-socket claim 1 , and a flexible material.5. The hand guard of claim 1 , wherein the first extension and the second extension each have an upper surface and a lower surface.6. The hand guard of claim 5 , wherein the upper surface of the first extension and the upper surface of the second extension serve as a shield to protect a user's hand when operating the hand guard.7. The hand guard of claim 5 , wherein at least one spike is attached to the lower surface of the first extension and the lower surface of the second extension.8. The hand guard of claim 1 , further comprising a locking device operatively connected to at least one of the first arm and the second arm claim 1 , such that the clamping portion can be locked in a closed position.9. The hand guard of claim 8 , wherein the locking device is selected from ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Cutter apparatus for cutting composite sheet associated with an absorbent article, manufacturing apparatus for absorbent article, and method for cutting composite sheet associated with absorbent article

Номер: US20170106555A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

There is provided a cutter apparatus for cutting a composite sheet including a stretchable sheet and a low-extensible sheet, the low-extensible sheet being stacked on the stretchable sheet from a thickness direction and fixed to the stretchable sheet, the low-extensible sheet having an extensibility lower than that of the stretchable sheet. The cutter apparatus includes: a cutter blade that abuts the composite sheet from a side closer to the stretchable sheet; and a receiving section that have a surface area and that receives the cutter blade while abutting the composite sheet from a side closer to the low-extensible sheet.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Cutting Device

Номер: US20170106674A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A cutting device includes a cutting blade, a receiving block, a motor, a cutting blade movement mechanism, and a receiving block movement mechanism. The cutting blade includes a blade portion. The receiving block includes a contact surface including a first contact surface and a second contact surface. The motor is configured to rotate. The cutting blade movement mechanism supports the cutting blade and is configured to move the cutting blade between a separated position and a contact position in concert with a rotation of the motor. The receiving block movement mechanism is configured to move the receiving block from a first opposed position to a second opposed position in concert with the rotation of the motor.

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Trimmer and trimming method

Номер: US20200101634A1
Принадлежит: Horizon International Inc

A trimmer trims a bound material at end portions and/or corner portions of the bound material. The trimmer has a table ( 2 ), a pressing unit ( 4 ), a trimming mechanism ( 5 ) that has a trimming blade ( 52 ) and moves the trimming blade ( 52 ) to the trimming position, a rotation mechanism ( 3 ) that rotates the table ( 2 ), a rotation control unit that is operatively connected to the rotation mechanism ( 3 ) in such a way that a predetermined trimming line of the bound material positioned parallel to a longitudinal direction of the trimming blade ( 52 ), a moving mechanism ( 6 ) that moves the trimming mechanism ( 5 ) in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the trimming blade ( 52 ), and a movement control unit that is operatively connected to the moving mechanism ( 6 ) so as to move the trimming mechanism and align the trimming line and the trimming position with each other.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122095A1
Автор: Schmeiser Jorg

The invention relates to a slicing device () comprising a cutting blade () that cuts slices from the front end of a food product (). A means () conveys the food product () in the direction of the cutting blade () and/or presses the food product against a support (), and a gripper () grips the rear end () of the product. The invention further relates to a method for slicing a food product () that rests on a support (), is conveyed in the direction of a cutting blade (), and enters in contact with a gripper () at the rear end () of the product. 1. A slicing device which comprises:a cutting blade which separates slices from a front end of a food product,wherein an endless belt conveys the food product in a direction of the cutting blade and/or presses the food product against a support and a gripper grips a rear end of the food product,wherein the gripper is arranged on the endless belt so as to be modifiable in its position with a movement component in the direction of the support.2. (canceled)3. The slicing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means is a traction belt.4. The slicing device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the endless belt comprises a first portion and a second portion claim 3 , wherein the second portion is provided at an angle to the first portion.5. The slicing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means is arranged at least in portions so as to displaceable in the direction of the support.6. The slicing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a bearing is arranged between the gripper and the means.7. The slicing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means comprises a low-friction surface.8. A method for slicing a food product having the slicing device as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the food product rests on a support, is conveyed in the direction of a cutting blade and the rear end of which is moved into contact with a gripper,wherein the gripper is arranged on a top endless belt and a position of the gripper is modified relative to ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128779A1
Автор: ZHAO Yangri

A fully automated optical fiber cutter includes a fiber cutter body and a fiber clamp. The fiber cutter body includes a cutter cover body and a cutter main body, which are pivotally connected. Inside the cutter main body is provided with a movable blade-fixation seat, which comprises a blade for fiber cutting. The fiber clamp is installed on the cutter main body. The fiber clamp includes a clamp main body and a clamp cover body, which are pivotally connected. The cutter cover body, the clamp cover body and the blade-fixation seat are linked by a linkage component. When the fiber in use, the cutter cover body is pressed to drive the clamp cover body close and push the blade-fixation seat to move, thereby the blade is aligned to cut the fiber. 1. A fully-automated optical fiber cutter , characterized in that it comprises a fiber cutter body and a fiber clamp; said fiber cutter body comprises a cutter cover body and a cutter main body , and one end of said cutter main body is pivotally connected to said cutter cover body; said cutter main body is provided with a blade-fixation seat , which is provided with a blade for fiber cutting; said fiber clamp is installed on said cutter main body and comprises a clamp main body and a clamp cover body; said clamp main body is pivotally connected to said clamp cover body; said cutter cover body , said clamp cover body and said blade-fixation seat are linked by a linkage component; when the fiber cutter is not in use , said cutter cover body and clamp cover body are opened; when the fiber cutter is in use , said cutter cover body is closed by pressing , which drives said clamp cover body closed and pushes said blade-fixation seat to move , thereby said blade is aligned and cuts a fiber; after cutting , said cutter cover body springs back to open.2. The fully-automated optical fiber cutter of claim 1 , wherein said linkage component comprises a driving lever claim 1 , which is fixed on a side face of said cutter cover body claim 1 , ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Manufacturing Frame

Номер: US20190119843A1

A manufacturing frame comprises one or more alignment tabs. Each alignment tab comprises an alignment element. The alignment element interacts with a corresponding alignment element at a manufacturing station to identify to the manufacturing station the position and orientation of the frame. The frame supports a flexible material in a known position and orientation relative to the frame, allowing the manufacturing station to infer the position and orientation of the flexible material on the frame from the interaction of the alignment elements on the frame and the manufacturing station. 1. A frame for use in manufacturing having a long side and a short side , the frame comprising:a perimeter defined by the long side, a second, opposing long side, the short side, and a second, opposing short side;a first alignment tab extending from the frame long side, the first alignment tab comprising an alignment element, wherein the first alignment tab and the alignment element allow for positioning of the frame at a manufacturing station at a known location for a manufacturing process to occur within a center area defined by the perimeter.2. The frame of claim 1 , further comprising a second alignment tab claim 1 , the second alignment tab comprising a second alignment element.3. The frame of claim 2 , wherein the second alignment tab extends from the frame long side claim 2 , in an orientation the same as an orientation of the first alignment tab.4. The frame of claim 3 , wherein the first alignment tab is within 150 mm of the frame short side claim 3 , and the second alignment tab is within 150 mm of a second frame short side.5. The frame of claim 2 , wherein the alignment element of the first tab is positioned symmetrically about a center axis of the frame to the second alignment element.6. The frame of claim 2 , wherein the alignment element of the first tab is positioned asymmetrically about a center axis of the frame to the second alignment element.7. The frame of claim 1 ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170127689A1
Принадлежит: MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD.

A poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus is provided and includes: a fixing jig being moved while holding a poultry carcass; a poultry tenderloin extraction body section disposed on each of left and right sides with respect to a conveying direction of the fixing jig; and a first moving unit and a second moving unit, for moving the poultry tenderloin extraction body section toward/away from the moving fixing jig, respectively. The poultry tenderloin extraction body section includes a clamping device having: a clamping lower plate and a clamping upper plate for clamping the poultry tenderloin therebetween when the poultry tenderloin extraction body section moves toward the fixing jig. The poultry tenderloin is separated from the poultry carcass by a movement of the fixing jig toward a front side in the conveying direction and a movement of the poultry tenderloin extraction body section away from the fixing jig by the second moving unit. 1. A poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus for extracting poultry tenderloin from a poultry carcass which is eviscerated and which has leg portions and breast meat removed , the poultry tenderloin extraction apparatus comprising:a fixing jig configured to move while holding the poultry carcass;a poultry tenderloin extraction body section disposed on each of left and right sides with respect to a conveying direction of the fixing jig;a first moving unit configured to move the poultry tenderloin extraction body section toward the fixing jig which is moved; anda second moving unit configured to move the poultry tenderloin extraction body section away from the fixing jig which is moved,wherein the poultry tenderloin extraction body section includes a clamping device including: a clamping lower plate to be inserted under the poultry tenderloin in a longitudinal direction of the poultry tenderloin of the poultry carcass held by the fixing jig; and a clamping upper plate to be supported above the poultry tenderloin movably in an upper and ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Measurement Structure Adapted for Curtain Cutting Machine

Номер: US20170129121A1
Автор: Hsu Hao-Yu

A measurement structure is adapted for a curtain cutting machine, and the curtain cutting machine contains: a track, a slidable seat, a scale set, a cutting device, and a covering cover. The track includes a front segment and a rear segment, the slidable seat is disposed on and slides along the track and includes a clamping apparatus. The scale set is secured on the track so as to indicate a position of the slidable seat, the cutting device is located adjacent to the front segment of the track and includes an opening, and the covering door is mounted between the cutting device and the track and moves between a first position and a second position. When the covering door slides to the first position, it stops the opening of the cutting device, and when the covering door slides to the second position, it opens the opening of the cutting device. 1. A measurement structure being adapted for a curtain cutting machine , and the curtain cutting machine comprising:a track including a front segment and a rear segment;a slidable seat disposed on and sliding along the track, and the slidable seat including a clamping apparatus;a scale set secured on the track so as to indicate a position of the slidable seat;a cutting device located adjacent to the front segment of the track and including an opening;a covering door mounted between the cutting device and the track and moving between a first position and a second position, wherein when the covering door slides to the first position, it stops the opening of the cutting device, and when the covering door slides to the second position, it opens the opening of the cutting device;wherein a curtain is placed on the track and its one end is biased against the covering door, such that the slidable seat slides along the track and indicates its position by way of the scale set, the clamping apparatus clamps the curtain, the covering door is moved and the slidable seat drives the curtain to extend out of the opening of the cutting device ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129249A1

A system for splitting a printer cartridge. The system includes a cartridge holder, a cutting head, and an actuator. The cartridge holder is for holding the printer cartridge. The cutting head includes an idling cutting wheel configured to split the printer cartridge when in an idle state. The actuator provides relative movement between the printer cartridge and the cutting head to affect splitting of the printer cartridge by the idling cutting wheel. 1. A system for splitting a printer cartridge , the system comprising:a cartridge holder for holding the printer cartridge;a cutting head including an idling cutting wheel configured to split the printer cartridge when in an idle state; andan actuator providing relative movement between the printer cartridge and the cutting head to affect splitting of the printer cartridge by the idling cutting wheel.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the actuator is configured to move the cartridge holder and the printer cartridge toward the cutting head.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the cutting head is moveable in a direction perpendicular to the cartridge holder and is configured to be in an engaged position and an unengaged position.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a scorer having a scoring blade configured to score a scoring path into the printer cartridge.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the cutting head further includes the scorer.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the scoring path is scored into the printer cartridge prior to the printer cartridge being split by the idling cutting wheel.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the idling cutting wheel rotates in response to engagement with the printer cartridge.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the idling cutting wheel includes a continuous cutting edge disposed at an outermost circumferential edge of the idling cutting wheel claim 1 , and wherein the cutting edge is configured to continuously engage the printer cartridge during a cutting operation.9. A method of ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Bale handling apparatus with wrap remover

Номер: US20220274278A1

An apparatus for lifting, moving, and dispersing bales of material while retaining and separating wrap material from the baled material. The apparatus contains grasping features which are movable to grasp and release bales of various sizes. Grasping features further contain features to grasp and sever wrap material while minimally cutting the baled material. 1. An apparatus for separating bale contents from wrap material comprising: i. at least one of said prongs is configured with means for cutting wrap material constraining a bale without cutting through substantially all of the bale; and', 'ii. another of said prongs is configured with means for capturing and retaining wrap material constraining the bale., 'A. two or more prongs, at least one of which is movable toward and away from another of said prongs wherein2. The apparatus of wherein:A. at least one of said prongs is linearly movable toward and away from a point between said prongs.3. The apparatus of wherein said means for cutting wrap material constraining a bale without cutting through substantially all of the bale comprise:A. a movable blade.4. The apparatus of wherein:A. said movable blade extends beyond a face of said prong when cutting wrap material constraining a bale.5. The apparatus of wherein:A. said movable blade does not extend beyond a face of said prong when not cutting wrap material constraining a bale.6. The apparatus of wherein:A. said movable blade is movable along an arc about a point behind a face of said prong.7. The apparatus of wherein: 'i. a plurality of ribs which extend from a face of said prong adjacent said means for cutting wrap material.', 'A. said prong configured with means for cutting wrap material constraining a bale without cutting through substantially all of the bale further comprises8. The apparatus of wherein: 'i. extend from said face on two sides of said means for cutting wrap material constraining a bale.', 'A. said plurality of ribs which extend from a face of ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126505A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A manufacturing method includes locking a material to be cut against a cutting bed, stabilizing the material against the cutting bed, and cutting the material. 1. A manufacturing method comprising:locking a material to be cut against a cutting bed;stabilizing the material against the cutting bed; andcutting the material.2. The method of further comprising locking the material against the cutting bed to stabilize the material to be cut against the cutting bed.3. The method of wherein cutting the material includes cutting the material with a knife.4. The method of wherein cutting the material with a knife includes cutting the material with a knife that applies lateral forces to the material while the knife cuts the material.5. The method of wherein locking the material includes locking the material to be cut against the cutting bed with an end effector device attached to the knife.6. The method of further comprising turning the knife while the knife cuts the material.7. The method of further comprising changing a cutting direction of the knife in between cuts of the material.8. The method of wherein the material is thermoplastic.9. The method of wherein the material is a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic lamina ply.10. The method of wherein the step of locking the material to be cut against the cutting bed includes downwardly displacing an ultrasonic cutting device having a pressure foot coupled thereto that deflects upon downward displacement contact against the thermoplastic lamina.11. A portion of an aircraft assembled according to the method of .12. A manufacturing method claim 1 , comprising:providing a thermoplastic lamina ply to a processing surface;applying a hold down loading to the thermoplastic lamina ply to stabilize the thermoplastic lamina ply by downwardly displacing an ultrasonic cutting device having a pressure foot coupled thereto that deflects upon downward displacement contact against the thermoplastic lamina; andcutting the stabilized thermoplastic ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137400A1

A package for a size-in-store window covering comprises a box having a first portion that extends for the width of the window covering and a second portion that extends for less than the width of the window covering. The window covering extends beyond an end of a bottom wall a first distance and the head rail extends beyond an end of a first side wall a second distance. A method of cutting a window covering comprises providing a window covering in a box as described above and positioning the box with the exposed portion of the window covering facing down and the exposed portion of the head rail facing a clamp. Methods of packaging a window covering comprise reducing the total number of loops in the window covering, and positioning inserts between adjacent components. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of cutting a window covering , the method comprising:providing a stock size window covering in a box, a head rail; and', 'a panel having a width;, 'wherein the window covering comprises a top wall;', 'a first side wall terminating in a second end;', 'a second side wall;', 'a bottom wall connected to the top wall by the first side wall and the second side wall so as to define a first open end and a second open end, the bottom wall terminating in a first end and comprising an outer surface;', 'a first portion that extends for substantially the width of the window covering; and', 'a second portion that extends for less than the width of the window covering, the second portion being bounded at least in part by the first end of the bottom wall and the second end of the first side wall such that the window covering extends beyond the first end of the bottom wall a first distance to expose a first portion of the window covering and the head rail extends beyond the second end of the first side wall a second distance to expose a second portion of the head rail;, 'wherein the box comprisespositioning the box in front of a cutting device with the outer surface of the bottom wall facing ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281129A1

A cutting device decides a cutting pressure correspondence value corresponding to a pressure applied to a mounting portion of a cutting blade when cutting an object to be cut using the cutting blade based on a first pressure correspondence value corresponding to the pressure applied to the mounting portion when it is detected that the cutting blade has come into contact with the object to be cut in the course of the mounting portion, and on a second pressure correspondence value corresponding to the pressure applied to the mounting portion when it is detected that the cutting blade has reached a holding surface of the holding member of the object to be cut. A cutting device applies the pressure to the mounting portion based on the cutting pressure correspondence value and cuts the object to be cut using the cutting blade mounted to the mounting portion. 1. A cutting device comprising:a platen on which a holding member is placeable, the holding member being configured to hold an object to be cut on a holding surface of the holding member;a mounting portion to which a cutting blade is mountable;a first movement mechanism configured to relatively move the holding member placed on the platen and the mounting portion in a first direction and a second direction orthogonal to the first direction;a second movement mechanism configured to move the mounting portion in a third direction causing the mounting portion to move closer to the platen, and a fourth direction causing the mounting portion to move away from the platen, the third direction and the fourth direction being orthogonal to the first direction and the second direction;a pressure applying mechanism configured to apply pressure to the mounting portion in the third direction;a processor configured to control the first movement mechanism and the second movement mechanism; and first movement processing of moving the mounting portion, by controlling the first movement mechanism and the second movement mechanism, to a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Window Covering Sizing Method and Apparatus

Номер: US20190134839A1

A method and apparatus for cutting a window covering comprises saw for cutting the window blind. A clamp assembly moves the window covering relative to the saw. A controller moves the clamp assembly to automatically position the window covering relative to the saw. The saw is moved into engagement with the window covering to cut the window covering.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134840A1

A device for carrying out cutting operations on at least one open format edge of a printed product, includes: a transport unit configured to transfer the printed product along a guide path from a first cutting location to a second cutting location and from the second cutting location to a third cutting location for an edge-related cutting operation, the transport unit having at least one gripper configured to grip the printed product by its spine to convey the printed product from one cutting location to the next in a suspended manner, and at at least one cutting location, at least one cutting tool configured to perform the edge-related cutting operation comprising a first edge-related cutting operation and optionally at least one second subsequent edge-related cutting operation. 1. A device for carrying out cutting operations on at least one open format edge of at least one printed product , the device being operatively connected to a printed product-related feeding apparatus for position-related orientation of the printed product during a first cutting operation and with a printed product-related removal apparatus which operates after a last cutting operation , the device comprising:an at least one transport unit configured to transfer the printed product along a guide path from a first cutting location to a second cutting location and from the second cutting location to a third cutting location for an edge-related cutting operation, the transport unit having at least one gripper configured to grip the printed product by its spine to convey the printed product from one cutting location to the next in a suspended manner, andat at least one cutting location, at least one cutting tool configured to perform the edge-related cutting operation comprising a first edge-related cutting operation and optionally at least one second subsequent edge-related cutting operation.2. The device according to claim 1 ,wherein the cutting tool is configured to perform the second ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting tyres

Номер: US20200130214A1
Автор: Staffan AHLGREN

An apparatus for cutting tires comprises a frame (1), an accommodation zone (2) intended to receive a tire (31) to be cut, lateral holding means (5, 6) for a tire, a detector (4) capable of detecting a central zone of a tire (31), blades (7) mounted to slide between a separated position of disengagement of the tread and a working position in which they penetrate into the sidewall (32) of a tire, and a control (9) ensuring that the blades (7) penetrate into the side walls (32) of the tire (31) only when they are above its tread (33). The lateral holding means (5, 6) comprise a vertically sliding jaw (6) capable of pressing against the bead (34) of a tire (31) and a part (5) with two branches (37) each bearing a wheel (38) capable of coming into contact with an inner surface (35) of the tread (33) of a tire, the jaw (6) and the part (5) being diametrically opposed relative to the inner circumference of a tire. The blades (7), when they are in working position, penetrate into the side walls (32) of a tire (31) received between the two branches (37) so as to stabilize the cutting zone.

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230619A1

The invention relates to a device to remove binding materials from packaged bulk goods particularly binding wire or binding cord from compressed cuboid bales as packaged bulk goods. In order to have an automated process during removal of binding materials, a transport unit is provided to transport the packaged bulk goods into a gripping and cutting station at which the package of bulk goods is affixed on the one side by a clamping device and on the other side of the package of bulk goods by a cutting device and binding materials are gripped by the clamping device and cut by the cutting device 11234363837287. Device () to remove binding materials () from packaged bulk goods () , particularly binding wire or binding cord , from compressed cuboid bales as packaged bulk goods , characterized by a transport unit () is provided to transport the packaged bulk goods () into a gripping and cutting station () at which the package of bulk goods () is affixed on the one side by a clamping device () and on this side or another side of the package of bulk goods () by a cutting device () , and binding materials () are gripped by the clamping device () and severed by the cutting device ().298. Device as in claim 1 , characterized in that a winding device () is assigned to the clamping device ().3881. Device as in claim 1 , characterized in that the clamping device () is formed as a clamping rail (.).4818284. Device as in claim 3 , characterized in that the clamping rail (.) comprises a large number of adjacent affixing elements (.) to each of which moveable clamping grippers (.) are assigned.582848228382282. Device as in claim 4 , characterized in that each of the affixing elements (.) is positioned at a distance from one another claim 4 , and in that the clamping grippers (.) are mounted to be moveable relative to the affixing elements (.) such that they engage inserted binding materials in a space (.) between adjacent affixing elements (.) claim 4 , and clamp said binding ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Device for adsorbing oil pollution on water surface of river basin

Номер: US20200139570A1
Автор: Shuai Guoyu

The invention discloses a waste air-conditioning compressor recycling processing equipment, which includes a conveying box. The conveying box is provided with a conveying chamber with an opening facing upward. The conveying chamber is provided with a conveying device. Two left and right symmetrical fixing rods are fixedly connected, and a cutting box is fixedly connected to the fixed rods. The cutting box is provided with a cutting cavity with an opening facing downward, and the cutting cavity is provided with a power device. The lower side of the power unit is provided with a lifting device for providing the lifting movement required for cutting. The lower side of the lifting device is provided with a cutting device for cutting the compressor. The right side of the cutting device is provided for quickly clamping and fixing the compressor and the The clamping device for conveying the cut off compressor upper cover plate to the storage place can realize automatic clamping and fixing of the compressor, the installation and fixing process is simple, and the overall processing efficiency is improved. 1. A waste air-conditioning compressor recycling processing equipment , including a transmission box; the conveying box is provided with a conveying cavity with an upward opening therein , and a conveying device for conveying a compressor is provided in the conveying cavity. Two left and right symmetrical fixing rods are fixedly connected to the upper end surface of the conveying cavity. A cutting box is fixedly connected to the fixing rod , the cutting box is provided with a cutting cavity with an opening facing downward , a power device is arranged in the cutting cavity , and a lifting movement required for cutting is provided on the lower side of the power device. A lifting device is provided on the lower side of the lifting device , a cutting device for cutting the compressor is provided on the right side of the cutting device , and a clamping device is provided on the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Recovery and treatment equipment for waste air-conditioning compressor

Номер: US20200140204A1
Автор: Liangying Tong
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention discloses a waste air-conditioning compressor recycling processing equipment, which includes a conveying box. The conveying box is provided with a conveying chamber with an opening facing upward. The conveying chamber is provided with a conveying device. Two left and right symmetrical fixing rods are fixedly connected, and a cutting box is fixedly connected to the fixed rods. The cutting box is provided with a cutting cavity with an opening facing downward, and the cutting cavity is provided with a power device. The lower side of the power unit is provided with a lifting device for providing the lifting movement required for cutting. The lower side of the lifting device is provided with a cutting device for cutting the compressor. The right side of the cutting device is provided for quickly clamping and fixing the compressor and the The clamping device for conveying the cut off compressor upper cover plate to the storage place can realize automatic clamping and fixing of the compressor, the installation and fixing process is simple, and the overall processing efficiency is improved.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178623A1
Автор: KUBOTA Yuuki

A sheet bundle cutting apparatus includes a cutting portion () configured to cut, from a sheet bundle having one end bound with adhesive, a cutting scrap including a part of a spine of the sheet bundle, a pressure portion () configured to press the sheet bundle in a thickness direction while sandwiching a first surface and a second surface of the sheet bundle, and a bookbinding apparatus control CPU configured to control the pressure portion () and the cutting portion (). The bookbinding apparatus control CPU causes the pressure portion () to press connection areas connected to the spine and respectively provided on the first surface and the second surface, and then causes the cutting portion () to cut the sheet bundle so that the cutting scrap includes a pressed area pressed by the pressure portion (). Accordingly, it is possible to suppress spreading of the cutting scraps. 1. A sheet bundle cutting apparatus configured to cut a sheet bundle including a bound spine , the sheet bundle cutting apparatus comprising:a pressing unit configured to press the sheet bundle in a thickness direction of the sheet bundle while sandwiching a first surface and a second surface of the sheet bundle;a cutting unit configured to cut, from the sheet bundle, a cutting scrap including a part of the spine;a controlling unit configured to control the pressing unit and the cutting unit, the controlling unit being configured to cause the pressing unit to press connection areas connected to the spine, which are respectively provided on the first surface and the second surface, and then cause the cutting unit to cut the sheet bundle so that the cutting scrap includes a pressed area pressed by the pressing unit; anda containing unit configured to contain the cutting scrap.2. The sheet bundle cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting scrap and a remaining part of the sheet bundle from which the cutting scrap has been removed each include the pressed area.3. The sheet bundle ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140245624A1
Автор: Nobuaki Iso

There has been no ruler having an arch member on an upper surface as in related art, which is suitable for mass production to reduce the price and can be formed by using different materials for a ruler body and the arch member, and in which there is no backlash and edges for operations of the ruler body closely contact a surface of a target object so as not to move. In a ruler having an arch member on an upper surface of a ruler body for allowing the ruler body to closely contact a target object by being pressed from above, a pair of parallel standing walls facing each other on the upper surface of the ruler body in the longitudinal direction is provided, the arch member is fitted along the longitudinal direction of the standing walls, bending pieces bending inward to each other are formed on upper end edges of the standing walls, projections positioned below the bending pieces project on both outer surfaces of the arch member, and the projections are guided by the bending pieces to be inserted between standing walls.

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Cutting machine and method for slicing a loaf into slices

Номер: US20220304318A1
Принадлежит: TVI Entwicklung and Produktion GmbH

A cutting machine for slicing a loaf into slices includes a forming tube channel extending in an axial direction, with an open longitudinal side and a channel cavity. A plurality of cross press stamps of different widths can each be inserted into the open longitudinal side of the forming tube channel for forming a forming tube having a rear end and a cutting end. The cutting machine further includes a cutting device with a blade arranged in front of the cutting end of the forming tube, and the blade is displaceable in a transverse direction relative to the forming tube. A width of the channel cavity of the forming tube channel is variable, and a cross press drive is provided for displacing a cross press stamp of the plurality of cross press stamps into the open longitudinal side of the forming tube channel in a first transverse direction.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165857A1

Method for cutting of logs of paper material, wherein the cut is performed by means of two circular blades (, lib) rotating about respective axes (x-x) and acting in a cutting plane (T) orthogonal to a plane (P) in which lies the longitudinal axis (y-y) of one or more logs () subjected to cutting, and wherein, during execution of the cut, is: DL Подробнее

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305688A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to a clutch assembly () for handling a container, and an associated method for using the clutch assembly. The clutch assembly includes a shaft () configured to rotate in a first direction and a second direction, opposite from the first direction. The clutch assembly further includes a clutch coupled to a first end of the shaft. The clutch includes at least two rollers () configured to move into a first position, extending radially beyond a periphery of the clutch, and out of the first position, extending radially flush with or inward from the periphery of the clutch. 1. A clutch assembly for handling a container having an opening , the clutch assembly comprising:a shaft configured to rotate in a first direction and a second direction, opposite from the first direction; and a cam having at least two cam surfaces; and', 'at least two rollers, each roller of the at least two rollers being configured to engage against an inner surface of the opening of the container and a cam surface of the at least two cam surfaces when the shaft rotates in the first direction, and disengage from against the inner surface of the opening of the container and the cam surface when the shaft rotates in the second direction., 'a clutch at a first end of the shaft configured to at least partially fit within the opening of the container, the clutch including2. The clutch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least two rollers include three rollers generally uniformly spaced around the clutch.3. The clutch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the clutch includes at least two pairs of slots claim 1 , and each roller of the at least two rollers is configured to sit within and between at least one pair of slots of the at least two pairs of slots.4. The clutch assembly of claim 3 , wherein each pair of slots of the at least two pairs of slots is arranged such that a first end of each slot is closer to a periphery of the clutch than a second end of each slot.5. The clutch ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156276A1

A cutting device includes a guide extending in a vertical direction, a cutting mechanism that includes a cutting blade and that moves in the vertical direction along the guide, a drive device that moves the cutting mechanism in a horizontal direction by moving the guide in the horizontal direction, a pressing device that presses the cutting mechanism from above, and a reception base on which a cutting object is placed and that receives the cutting blade during the cutting movement. During cutting of the cutting object, the cutting mechanism pressed by the pressing device is moved downward along the guide and cuts the cutting object placed on the reception base with the cutting blade. 1. A cutting device comprising:a guide that extends in a vertical direction;a cutting mechanism that includes a cutting blade and is configured to move in the vertical direction along the guide;a drive device configured to move the guide in a horizontal direction, such that the cutting mechanism is moved in the horizontal direction;a pressing device configured to press the cutting mechanism downward in the vertical direction; anda reception base configured to receive an object to be cut and to receive the cutting blade during cutting of the object,wherein the pressing device is configured to press the cutting mechanism downward along the guide to cut the object when placed on the reception base with the cutting blade.2. The cutting device according to claim 1 , further comprising a support configured to support the pressing device claim 1 , wherein a position of the cutting mechanism relative to the support in the horizontal direction is changed by movement of the guide by the drive device.3. The cutting device according to claim 1 , wherein the object to be cut has an elongated shape claim 1 , and the cutting device further comprises a cutting object feed device configured to feed the object in one direction.4. The cutting device according to claim 3 , wherein the cutting device ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156279A1
Автор: Sheng Xu Wen

A dual-latch mechanism for a tool comprises a first latch rotatably coupled to the tool, a second latch rotatably coupled to the tool on a side opposite of the first latch, and a joint translationally moveable with respect to the tool and rotatably coupling the first latch to the second latch, wherein moving the first latch in a first direction causes the second latch to move in the first direction. 1. A dual-latch mechanism for a tool , comprising:a first latch rotatably coupled to the tool;a second latch rotatably coupled to the tool on a side opposite of the first latch; anda joint translationally moveable with respect to the tool and rotatably coupling the first latch to the second latch, wherein moving the first latch in a first direction causes the second latch to move in the first direction.2. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 1 , further comprising a first spring interconnecting the first latch to the tool and a second spring interconnecting the second latch to the tool.3. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the first latch and the second latch are also interconnected to the tool via at least one brace.4. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 3 , wherein the at least one brace extends about the joint.5. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the joint is located between where the first latch is rotatably coupled to the tool and where the second latch is rotatably coupled to the tool.6. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 5 , further comprising a first spring interconnecting the first latch to the tool and a second spring interconnecting the second latch to the tool.7. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 6 , wherein the first spring interconnects the first latch to the tool at a point between a free end of the first latch and the joint and the second spring interconnects the second latch to the tool at a point between a free end of the second latch and the joint.8. The dual-latch mechanism of claim 7 , wherein the first spring interconnects the first ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174778A1
Принадлежит: SEIKO LTD.

A trimming apparatus, which carries out trimming with cutter blades running from one end of a material to be cut to the other end thereof, comprises 1. A trimming apparatus , which carries out trimming with cutter blades running from one end of a material to be cut to the other end thereof , comprisingan apparatus frame,a bed surface having a bed plate for the material to be cut,a first and a second guide plates disposed in parallel above and under holding the bed surface therebetween,a first holder member slidably supported by the first guide member, and holding the first cutter blade,a second holder member slidably supported by the second guide member, and holding the second cutter blade,a connector which connects one of the second cutter blade and the second holder member to the first cutter blade, anda drive means which makes at lease one of the first holder member and the second holder member run from one end of the material to be cut to the other end.2. The trimming apparatus as described in claim 1 , whereinthe cutting edge of the first cutter blade is formed to be a non-circular arc,the cutting edge of the second cutter blade is formed to be a circular arc, andthe cutting edge of the first cutter blade and the cutting edge of the second cutter blade form cutting edges continuing in a direction of thickness of the material to be cut.3. The trimming apparatus as described in claim 2 , whereinthe first cutter blade is a flat blade having a linear cutting edge, andthe second cutter blade is a rotating blade rotatably pivoted on the second holder member.4. The trimming apparatus as described in claim 3 , whereinthe second cutter blade is rotatably pivoted on the second holder member at a position rotating in an opposite direction to the running direction owing to friction force acting between the cutter blade and a face to be cut of the material.5. The trimming apparatus as described in claim 1 , wherein the first cutter blade has a first cutting edge disposed in ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174781A1
Принадлежит: SEIKO LTD.

A trimming apparatus trims by cutter blades running from one end of a sheet bundle to the other end thereof, includes a bed surface for the sheet bundle, cutter blades for cutting the sheet bundle supported on the bed surface, a drive device for running the cutting blades from one end of the sheet bundle to the other end thereof, a support member having a support face, and a shift device for moving the support member between a working position for the support member supporting cut sheet dust pieces and a retreating position not to hinder the cut sheet dust pieces from dropping. The shift device displaces the support face from the working position to a retreating position after the cutter blades move at a predetermined distance toward the other end of the sheet bundle from one end thereof. 1. A trimming apparatus which carries out trimming by means of cutter blades running from one end of a sheet bundle to the other end thereof , comprisinga bed surface having a bed plate for the sheet bundle,cutter blades for cutting the sheet bundle supported on the bed surface,a drive means for making the cutting blades run from one end of the sheet bundle to the other end thereof,a support member having a support face, leaving a running distance for passing the cutter blades in relation with the bed surface, anda shift means for moving the support member between a working position for the support member supporting cut sheet dust pieces and a retreating position not to hinder the cut sheet dust pieces from dropping,wherein the shift means displaces the support face from the working position to a retreating position after the cutter blades move at a predetermined distance toward the other end of the sheet bundle from one end thereof.2. The trimming apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the bed surface and the support face are placed on the same plane face or on a plane face having a high and low difference.3. The trimming apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a control ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Ground Detection System for Ultrasonic Cutting

Номер: US20210206015A1

In one embodiment, systems and methods include using an ultrasonic cutter in a ground detection system to prevent damage to a substrate. The method of detecting a substrate comprises attaching a workpiece clamp to the substrate. The method further comprises cutting a layer of coating disposed on the substrate with an ultrasonic cutter, wherein the ultrasonic cutter operates at a frequency of about 20 kHz to about 40 kHz, wherein the layer of coating is non-conductive. The method further comprises contacting the substrate with the ultrasonic cutter. 1. A method of detecting a substrate , comprising:attaching a workpiece clamp to the substrate;cutting a layer of coating disposed on the substrate with an ultrasonic cutter, wherein the ultrasonic cutter operates at a frequency of 20 kHz to 40 kHz, wherein the layer of coating is non-conductive; andcontacting the substrate with the ultrasonic cutter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic cutter is electrically coupled to a timer claim 1 , a switch claim 1 , and a controller.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the timer and controller are disposed in a power source claim 2 , wherein the power source is coupled to the ultrasonic cutter.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the switch is disposed about a portion of the ultrasonic cutter.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein contacting the substrate with the ultrasonic cutter comprises of actuating the switch claim 2 , wherein the substrate is conductive.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising of actuating the timer concurrently with actuating the switch.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein actuating the timer provides a time delay in a range of about 1 second to about 10 seconds to an operator of the ultrasonic cutter.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein actuating the switch comprises of instructing the controller to turn off the power supplied to the ultrasonic cutter for the duration of the time delay.9. A ground detection system claim 7 , comprising:an ultrasonic ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185004A1

A sheet cutter is operable by one hand for maintaining a sheet on a placing table and by other hand for cutting the sheet to ensure safety of finger of the one hand. The sheet cutter includes a pressing operating member adapted to be depressed from a non-pressing position to a pressing position for maintaining the sheet on the placing table against a biasing force of a spring, and a cutting operating member for travelling a cutter unit between one end and another end of the placing table, wherein the pressing operating member and the cutting operating member are arranged at different positions with a certain interval to set their operating directions orthogonal to each other. Accordingly, a sheet on the placing table can be cut by operating the cutting operating member horizontally with the other hand while operating the pressing operating member vertically with the one hand. 1. A sheet cutter comprising:a cutter unit;a placing table having a placing surface for an object to be cut;a pressing part for depressing the object to be cut on the placing table; anda guide member for the cutter unit being arranged from one end to other end of the placing table;wherein the pressing part comprises:a pressing member movable between a pressing position and a non-pressing position,a biasing member for biasing the pressing member toward the non-pressing position, anda pressing operating member for pressing the pressing member down from the non-pressing position to the pressing position;the cutter unit comprises:a holder member being slidably supported by the guide member,a blade member being attached to the holder member, anda cutting operating member for travelling the holder member along the guide member; andthe pressing operating member and the cutting operating member are arranged at different positions with a certain interval to set their operating directions orthogonal to each other.2. The sheet cutter according to claim 1 , wherein the operating direction of the pressing ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197026A1

A method and apparatus for cutting a window covering comprises saw for cutting the window blind. A clamp assembly moves the window covering relative to the saw. A controller moves the clamp assembly to automatically position the window covering relative to the saw. The saw is moved into engagement with the window covering to cut the window covering. 121.-. (canceled)22. An apparatus for cutting a window covering comprising:a cutting device;an assembly for moving a window covering relative to the cutting device such that the window covering is automatically positioned to be cut by the cutting device;a processor for controlling operation of the assembly for moving a window covering and a data base associated with the processor, said processor receiving a desired size of a window covering and calculating a distance the center of the window covering must be positioned from the cutting device to obtain the desired cut size, and a transaction record stored in said data base for said window covering; anda scanner for reading product identification information in a machine readable form on the window covering.23. The apparatus of wherein the product identification information is encoded in bar code.24. The apparatus of wherein the product identification information is unique to the window covering with which it is associated.25. The apparatus of wherein the product identification information identifies the window covering by a unique code.26. The apparatus of wherein the product identification information contains information about a stock size of the window covering.27. The apparatus of wherein a list of valid cut ranges is stored in said data base claim 26 , said processor comparing the stock size of the window covering to said list to validate said window covering.28. An apparatus for cutting a window covering comprising:a cutting device;an assembly comprising a drive for moving a window covering relative to the cutting device such that the window covering is ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184520A1

A fluid jet cutting device for sectioning materials is provided. The device includes a compact and portable body having an equipment chamber accessible through a first panel, a working chamber accessible through a second panel and a receptacle in communication with the working chamber. A pump assembly and motor are removably positioned on a base in the equipment chamber. A guide assembly is positioned in the working chamber and a cutting head having a nozzle is movably coupled to the guide assembly for movement along three axes. A drive assembly moves the cutting head along the guide assembly. A clamp for holding a work piece includes a first face and a second face movable relative to the first face so as to secure regular, irregular or complex shaped work pieces. A basket is positioned in the receptacle below the clamp and the device may be controlled by way of a touch screen user interface. 122-. (canceled)23. A cutting device for sectioning materials for analytical sample preparation , the cutting device comprising:a body having an equipment chamber accessible through a first panel and a working chamber accessible through a second panel;a guide assembly positioned in the working chamber;a cutter head assembly movably coupled to the guide assembly for movement along three axes, the cutter head assembly configured to cut the materials;a drive assembly for moving the cutter head along the guide assembly;a clamp for holding a work piece in the working chamber, the clamp comprising a first face and a second face movable relative to the first face to secure the work piece therebetween;a user interface having a display and an input device; anda controller communicatively connected to the user interface, the drive mechanism and the cutter head assembly, wherein the controller controls operation of the drive mechanism and/or the cutter head assembly in response to an input received from the input device of the user interface.24. The cutting device of claim 23 , wherein ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Prosthetic joint cup liner cutting apparatus and method

Номер: US20150202055A1
Автор: Matthew E. MONAGHAN
Принадлежит: Zimmer Inc

In some examples, an apparatus is configured to remove a portion of a prosthetic joint cup liner. The apparatus includes a gripping portion sized and shaped to grip the cup liner. A cutting member is adjustable with respect to the gripping portion. The cutting member includes a cutting edge configured to move along a cutting plane to cut the portion of the cup liner to be removed along the cutting plane.

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Material cutter and compressor

Номер: US20180194031A1
Автор: Eric Konop, Sunny Konop
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention comprises a surface on which to place the insulation that is almost flush with the floor minimizing vertical displacement of the fiberglass. A hinged design allows a top member to compress the insulation. A machined slit provides a location for a cutting implement to be inserted and the insulation cut. Extending past the machined slit, the top portion provides a location where the user can rest his knee. Thus, an efficient cutting angle can be easily achieved and if needed more force can be used to further compress the insulation. A flange positioned at the end of the cutting slit protects the user's knee from the blade as well as any airborne insulation particles. It is also smaller than most other proposed solutions and so more easily stored and transported by a home owner or a professional from job site to job site.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197326A1
Автор: Xu Wensheng

A manual plate cutting machine, comprises a workbench, a handle and a cutter, a front support and a rear support mounted on the workbench at intervals, wherein one end of the handle is in a gear shape, which is an active sector gear, coupled with the front support; the cutter comprises a cutter holder and a cutter body, the cutter body is mounted below the cutter holder, and one end of the cutter holder is in a gear shape, which is a passive sector gear, engaged with the active sector gear, and the other end of the cutter holder is coupled with the rear support. The present application optimizes the structure of a manual plate cutting machine. Compared with the traditional machine with reset spring structure, when cutting the plate, it is not required to overcome the elastic force of the reset spring, making it easy to cut. 1. A manual plate cutting machine , comprising a workbench , a handle and a cutter , a front support and a rear support mounted on the workbench at intervals , wherein one end of the handle is in a gear shape , which is an active sector gear , coupled with the front support;the cutter comprises a cutter holder and a cutter body, the cutter body is mounted below the cutter holder, and one end of the cutter holder is in a gear shape, which is a passive sector gear, engaged with the active sector gear, and the other end of the cutter holder is coupled with the rear support.2. The manual plate cutting machine according to claim 1 , wherein a stop block is provided at a lower end of the handle.3. The manual plate cutting machine according to claim 1 , wherein a handle fixing ring is provided at a tail end of the workbench claim 1 , can rotating around the tail end of the workbench.4. The manual plate cutting machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a support frame with the same height as the workbench claim 1 , and a support frame suspension mechanism is provided at a sidewall of the workbench.5. The manual plate cutting machine according to ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150209971A1

The invention provides a flattening method for flattening the edges of a swatch of flexible material from which pieces are to be cut out. The method comprises: establishing a digital representation of at least a portion of an outline (H) of the swatch of flexible material (H); establishing a specific flattening direction (D, D) and distance (V, V) for each of the points (P, P) of the scanned portion of the outline of the swatch; and for each selected point of the scanned portion of the outline of the swatch, using a presser foot of a cutter tool, to flatten the edges of the swatch along the specific flattening direction and distance established for said point, and along a flattening direction going from within the swatch towards its edges. 110-. (canceled)11. A flattening method for flattening the edges of a swatch of flexible material from which pieces are to be cut out , the method comprising:establishing a digital representation of at least a portion of an outline of the swatch of flexible material;establishing a specific flattening direction and distance for each of the points of the scanned portion of the outline of the swatch; andfor each selected point of the scanned portion of the outline of the swatch, using a presser foot of a cutter tool, to flatten the edges of the swatch along the specific flattening direction and distance established for said point, and along a flattening direction going from within the swatch towards its edges.12. A method according to claim 11 , wherein points of the scanned portion of the outline of the swatch are selected from a set of points defined in iterative manner from an initial point situated close to or on the outline of the swatch claim 11 , each point being defined during a corresponding iteration at the intersection of the outline of the swatch and a circle centered on a point defined during a preceding iteration.13. A method according to claim 12 , wherein the circle presents a radius that is less than a dimension of ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229391A1

A method for feeding a web of printing material in a manufacturing system for producing packages, includes feeding the web from a web-fed printing press to a flat-bed machine for die-cutting or embossing while the printing press is in operation. An inserting device is used for winding the web onto an auxiliary wind-up device, moving a web-guiding element having a roller in a compensatory manner to achieve a temporary standstill of the web by converting a continuous movement of the web into an iterative movement by changing a speed of the web through changes of position of the roller, clamping the web while being cut by using a clamping unit, cross-cutting the web creating a cross cut edge by using a cutting unit adjacent the clamping unit, and inserting the web, cross cut edge first, into the flat-bed machine for at least one of die-cutting or embossing. 1. A method for feeding a web of printing material in a manufacturing system for the production of packages , including paper or board packages and folding boxes , the method comprising the following steps:feeding the web of printing material from a web-fed printing press to a flat-bed machine for at least one of die-cutting or embossing while the web-fed printing press is in operation; and a) winding the web of printing material onto an auxiliary wind-up device;', 'b) moving a web-guiding element having a roller in a compensatory manner to achieve a temporary standstill of the web of printing material by converting a continuous movement of the web of printing material into an iterative movement by changing a speed of the web of printing material through changes of position of the roller;', 'c) clamping the web of printing material while being cut by using a clamping unit;', 'd) cross-cutting the web of printing material creating a cross cut edge by using a cutting unit adjacent the clamping unit; and', 'e) inserting the web of printing material, cross cut edge first, into the flat-bed machine for at least one of ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214266A1

Metal foil base material placed on lower blade is first restricted under pressure by lower blade and pad and then cut by a shearing action based on an engagement of lower blade side cutting edge and upper blade side cutting edge. Resin face sheets are fixed to the top surface of lower blade and the pressing surface of pad, the face sheets having a larger friction coefficient than that of these surfaces. By frictional forces imparted by face sheets, metal foil base material is prevented from being dragged and moved by the pressing force of the upper blade prior to cutting. Consequently, the occurrence of “burr”, “roll-up”, and so forth is eliminated thereby ensuring a good cutting quality. 1. A cutting device for metal foil , comprising:a lower blade; andan upper blade engageable with the lower blade, anda holding device having a larger friction coefficient than that of the lower blade is provided on the lower blade in a manner to interpose between the lower blade and metal foil placed thereon,wherein the cutting device is adapted to cut metal foil placed on the lower blade by a shearing action based on an engagement of the lower blade and the upper blade.2. A cutting device for metal foil claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the holding device has a certain thickness and disposed at a location having a certain distance from a cutting edge of the lower blade side so that a gap is ensured between the lower blade and a metal foil and at a location immediately close to the cutting edge of the lower blade side.3. A cutting device for metal foil claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a pressing member for pressing the metal foil against the lower blade before cutting, the pressing member being disposed in the vicinity of the upper blade and provided with a holding device having a larger friction coefficient than that of the pressing member so that the holding device interposes between the pressing member and the metal foil to be pressed by the pressing ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for slicing rolled up crepes

Номер: US20170210022A1
Автор: Szilagyi Imre Ivan

The bite slicer apparatus, an apparatus to slice up a crepe on a paper plate, consists of three main parts the mainboard () the knife-unit () and the bite-stabilizer () consisting of the mainboard () has been designed in the shape of a U-profile with the lower handle () fitted on one side and the bearings () fitted on the opposite side, inside the bearings () is situated the axis (), the knife-unit () which is made up of a number of blades () swings 125° on the axis (), the bite-stabilizer () which is made up of a number of D-rings () swings 160° on the axis (). 1191417223911314153. The bite slicer apparatus , an apparatus to slice up a crepe on a paper plate , consists of three main parts the mainboard () the knife-unit () and the bite-stabilizer () which comprises the mainboard () has been designed in the shape of a U-profile with the lower handle () fitted on one side and the bearings () fitted on the opposite side , inside the bearings () is situated the axis () , the knife-unit () which consists of a number of blades () swings 125° on the axis () , the bite-stabilizer () which consists of a number of D-rings () swings 160° on the axis ().2911612310. The bite slicer apparatus according to wherein the knife-unit () which is made up of a number of blades () alongside each other are set equidistant using spacer rings () on one side with each of the blades' boreholes () fitted on the axis () claim 1 , the other side is connected with the blade connector profile ().39181911. The bite slicer apparatus according to wherein the knife-unit's () closing to the mainboard () claim 1 , is beneficially made to leave a practical gap between an exchangeable claim 1 , unattached silicon sheet () claim 1 , which is placed on the mainboard () claim 1 , and the edges of the knife-unit's () blades ().41415616317. The bite slicer apparatus according to wherein the bite-stabilizer () which consists of a number of D-rings () alongside each other are set equidistant using spacer-rings ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190202162A1

A device for inserting a web of printing material into a flat-bed die-cutting and/or embossing machine includes a compensator for converting a continuous movement of the web of printing material into an iterative movement of the web of printing material. A clamping unit clamps the web of printing material, a cutting unit carries out a cross cut through the web of printing material, and an inserting unit transports the web of printing material into the flat-bed die-cutting and/or embossing machine. The device advantageously allows the web of printing material to be automatically clamped, cut and fed to the flat-bed die-cutting and/or embossing machine. As a result, no further stopping of an upstream printing press is required and the amount of waste is reduced. A manufacturing system for producing packages and a method for feeding a web of printing material are also provided. 1. A device for inserting a web of printing material , including paper or board , into a flat-bed machine for at least one of die-cutting or embossing , the device comprising:a compensator configured to convert a continuous movement of the web of printing material into an iterative movement;a clamping unit configured to clamp the web of printing material;a cutting unit configured to carry out a cross cut through the web of printing material, creating a cross cut edge;said clamping unit and said cutting unit being mutually adjacent; andan inserting unit configured to transport the web of printing material, cross cut edge first, into the flat-bed machine for at least one of die-cutting or embossing.2. The inserting device according to claim 1 , wherein said inserting unit includes a gripper unit configured to grip the web of printing material claim 1 , at least one guide path and a drive associated with said gripper unit claim 1 , said gripper unit configured to be displaced along said at least one guide path and moved by said drive.3. The inserting device according to claim 2 , wherein said ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237299A1
Автор: FUKUOKA Takeomi

A cutting apparatus for cutting a workpiece includes a cutting unit for cutting the workpiece with a cutting blade, a moving unit for moving the cutting unit, a delivery pad for delivering the workpiece, and a counterbalance assembly connected to the delivery pad, for applying a pull-up force to the delivery pad. The delivery pad holds the workpiece under suction while being mounted on the moving unit and delivers the workpiece by being moved by the moving unit while holding the workpiece under suction. 1. A cutting apparatus for cutting a workpiece with a cutting blade , comprising:a chuck table having an upwardly exposed holding surface, for holding the workpiece on the holding surface;a cutting unit for cutting the workpiece held on the holding surface of the chuck table with the cutting blade that is mounted on a spindle;a processing-feed unit for moving the chuck table in a processing-feed direction parallel to the holding surface between a processing area in which the workpiece is cut by the cutting blade and a loading/unloading area in which the workpiece is loaded and unloaded;a moving unit for moving the cutting unit in an indexing-feed direction parallel to the holding surface and perpendicular to the processing-feed direction and a direction perpendicular to the holding surface;a placing area disposed adjacent to the loading/unloading area, for placing the workpiece to be cut therein;an unloading table for supporting the workpiece that has been cut, the unloading table being movable between an area directly above the loading/unloading area and an unloading area disposed adjacent to the loading/unloading area;a delivery pad for delivering the workpiece to be cut that is placed in the placing area onto the chuck table that is positioned in the loading/unloading area and delivering the workpiece that has been cut that is placed on the chuck table to onto the unloading table; anda counterbalance assembly connected to the delivery pad, for applying a pull-up ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for trimming cores

Номер: US20170217039A1
Принадлежит: Core Link AB

A core end piece collector for handling cut off end pieces during processing of tubular cores has a carrying member and a catcher arranged on the carrying member. The catcher protrudes from the carrying member at an angle in relation to the longitudinal direction of the carrying member.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Holding member, cutting apparatus and non-transitory computer-readable medium storing cutting operation control program

Номер: US20150231901A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A holding member is configured to be inserted into a cutting apparatus including an image scanning device, while holding a sheet-shaped object, so that the object is scanned by the image scanning device and cut by the cutting apparatus. The holding member includes a base having an adhesive part on which the object is removably placed, a transparent sheet holding the object between the base and itself, the transparent sheet having a proximal end fixed to a first side of the base and being movable between a closed position where the transparent sheet is laid over the adhesive part and an open position where the adhesive part is exposed, a first sign located on the base to indicate a type of the holding member, and a second sign located on the transparent sheet to indicate that the transparent sheet is located at the closed position.

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Leather Lace Beveling Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20160230238A1
Автор: Nettles L. Ronnie

A leather lace beveler apparatus and method is provided for cutting bevels on opposed sides of a strip of leather lace that is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus. The apparatus has a main frame and a first knife housing secured to the main frame and has a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame. A first fence to holds a leather strip in line and in engagement against the first knife blade to cut a bevel on one side of a strip of leather lace. A second knife housing is secured to the main frame and has a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame. A second fence holds a leather strip in line and in engagement with the second knife blade to cut a bevel on the other side of a strip of leather lace. The leather lace is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus to cut the opposed bevels on the strip of leather lace with the strip of leather lace engaging the first and second knife blades and the first and second fences. 1. A leather lace beveler apparatus for cutting bevels on opposed sides of a strip of leather lace that is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus comprising:a main frame;a first knife housing secured to the main frame and having a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame and having a first fence to hold a leather strip in line and in engagement against the first knife blade to cut a bevel on one side of a strip of leather lace; anda second knife housing secured to the main frame and having a knife blade extending through a slot in the main frame and having a second fence to hold a leather strip in line and in engagement with the second knife blade to cut a bevel on the other side of a strip of leather lace when a leather lace is pulled through the leather lace beveler apparatus.2. The leather lace beveler apparatus of claim 1 , comprising:The leather lace leveler apparatus includes angle slots for the knife blades.3. The leather lace beveler apparatus of claim 1 , comprising:The ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200221712A1

A food processing attachment for a food processing device includes a rotational adapter configured to be selectively coupled with a drive system of the food processing device. A food holder is coupled to the rotational adapter and having a base, wherein the food holder is selectively rotated by the rotational adapter. A central spear extends perpendicularly from a center of the base. A plurality of radial flanges extend perpendicularly from the base, wherein each radial flange of the plurality of flanges is discontinuous with the other radial flanges, wherein the central spear and the plurality of radial flanges are adapted to secure a food item in a processing space and in communication with the rotational adapter. A blade is coupled to an operable carriage and is adapted to selectively engage the food item within the processing space to remove at least a portion of the food item. 1. A food processing attachment for a food processing device , the food processing attachment comprising:a rotational adapter configured to be selectively coupled with a drive system of the food processing device;a food holder selectively rotated by the rotational adapter to define a processing space;a plurality of radial flanges extending perpendicularly from the food holder, each radial flange of the plurality of radial flanges being discontinuous with the other radial flanges; anda blade coupled to an operable carriage, the blade adapted to selectively move through the processing space defined proximate the food holder, the blade being biased by the operable carriage toward the processing space, wherein the blade is operable from a rest position distal from the processing space, an initial cutting position defined by the blade entering into the processing space, and a stopping position defined by the operable carriage engaging a portion of the food holder, wherein the stopping position prevents further movement of the blade through the processing space.2. The food processing attachment ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224786A1

An attachment that is configured for attachment to an arm of a piece of construction equipment. The attachment includes a pair of grapple mechanisms mounted on a main beam. Each grapple mechanism includes opposing grab arms mounted to a grab arm housing. The grab arm housings of the grapple mechanisms are each individually adjustable separate from one another relative to the main beam in one or more directions generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the main beam. The attachment can fine adjust the positions of the pipe ends relative to one another until the ends align with each other, at which point the pipe ends can be welded or otherwise secured to each other while being held in position by the grapple mechanisms. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of aligning an end of a first pipe with an end of a second pipe along x , y , z axes , the method comprising:a) attaching a grapple attachment to an arm of construction equipment, the grapple attachment includes an alignment system that has a first plurality of non-contact type sensors that are spaced circumferentially from one another and that face in the same direction toward an exterior surface of the first pipe;b) simultaneously grabbing the end of the first pipe and the end of the second pipe using the grapple attachment;c) using the first plurality of non-contact type sensors to determine alignment between the end of the first pipe and the end of the second pipe;d) based on the determined alignment, using the grapple attachment to adjust the position of the end of the first pipe and/or the end of the second pipe along one or more of the x, y and z axes;e) repeating steps c) and d) if necessary until the end of the first pipe is aligned with the end of the second pipe along the x, y and z axes.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the alignment system has a second plurality of non-contact type sensors that are spaced circumferentially from one another and that face in the same direction toward an exterior ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Tool for cutting cylindrical conduits

Номер: US20200223086A1
Автор: Scott Rampling
Принадлежит: Scott Cutters UK Ltd

A tool ( 1 ) for cutting cylindrical conduits. The tool comprises a body ( 2 ) having an opening ( 3 ) extending along a predetermined axis through the body. A slot ( 4 ) extends from an external surface ( 5 ) of the body to a mouth ( 6 ) of the opening ( 3 ). A cutting blade ( 14 ) extends into the opening along a plane extending at right angles to said predetermined axis. The body has a first portion ( 7 ) on one side of the slot ( 4 ) and a second portion ( 8 ) on the other side of the slot.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232512A1

A system for converting and attaching material strips to a substrate includes a dispenser configured to advance an en elongated tape having length l and width w with l>w relative to a surface of a substrate. A cutting tool cuts the elongated tape transversely along the width w of the tape to produce a strip having length l and width w. During the cutting, a portion of the cutting Stool pushes a first surface of the strip against a gripper while cutting the tape. The gripper holds the first surface of the strip against the gripper while moving to position an opposing, second surface of the strip over the surface of the substrate. The gripper releases the strip after positioning the strip. 1. A method comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1, 'advancing an elongated tape having length l and width w with l>w relative to a surface of a substrate;'}{'b': 1', '12', '2', '2', '1, 'cutting the elongated tape transversely along the width w of the tape using a cutting tool, the strip having a first surface and an opposing second surface, the cutting producing a strip having length and width w, wherein l=w, a portion of the cutting tool pushing the first surface of the strip against a gripper while cutting the tape;'}holding the first surface of the strip against the gripper while positioning the second surface of the strip on the surface of the substrate; andreleasing the strip from the gripper.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein holding the strip comprises vacuum gripping the strip.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein releasing the strip comprises reducing the vacuum that holds the first surface of the strip to the gripper.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the strip comprises rotating the strip around its length axis before placing the second surface of the strip on the surface of the solar cell assembly.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the strip comprises translationally moving the strip along an axis normal to the surface of the substrate.6. The method of ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160250770A1

A gas-actuated hold-down for punching devices comprising: 1. A gas-actuated hold-down for punching devices , comprising:a tubular containment body,a hold-down element, adapted to translate within said tubular body in order to protrude from and retract into a first end thereof,a tubular punch die-covering element, which is coaxial to said tubular body, for guiding said hold-down element,an annular closure body, designed to close said tubular containment body at an opposite second end thereof,a pressure chamber defined between said tubular body, said tubular punch die-covering element, said hold-down element and said annular closure body,a fixing flange, which widens radially from said tubular containment body at said second end thereof,said fixing flange having a through charging hole which extends in a radial direction with respect to a main axis of the hold-down, from a surface that is exposed in a configuration for use of the hold-down up to said pressure chamber.2. The hold-down according to claim 1 , wherein said exposed surface is constituted by the lateral surface of said fixing flange.3. The hold-down according to claim 1 , wherein said through charging hole has a threaded portion for the insertion of a gas charging valve and of a closure plug.4. The hold-down according to claim 1 , wherein said hold-down element comprises two separate parts:a first part, which is internal to the tubular body and is contoured to slide between the tubular body and the tubular punch die-covering element and is provided with an annular abutment portion, which is adapted for abutment against an extraction-preventing shoulder defined on the inner face of the tubular body,and a second part, which rests axially on said first part, comprising a hold-down body with a punch die passage hole and an extraction-preventing shoulder, said second part being designed to protrude from the first end in the configuration for operation, said second part being retained within the tubular body by a ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Cutting apparatus and method for cutting belts

Номер: US20210276212A1
Принадлежит: Flexible Steel Lacing Co

A cutting apparatus for forming fingers in an end of a belt is provided and includes a blade for cutting the belt and a table for positioning the belt below the blade. The cutting apparatus includes an actuator that is connected to the blade via a primary shaft. The actuator is also connected to the table via both a secondary shaft and a cam assembly. Rotation of the actuator causes the primary shaft to continuously reciprocate the blade in upward and downward directions. Rotation of the actuator also causes intermittent movement of the table that includes both translation of the table to index the belt relative to the blade, and pivoting of the table to change an angle of the belt relative to the blade.

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Device and method for cutting up food products

Номер: US20190240857A1
Принадлежит: Textor Maschinenbau GmbH

A method for the slicing of food products, wherein at least one product is fed to a cutting plane in which at least one cutting blade moves, in particular in a rotating and/or revolving manner, by means of a product feed which comprises at least one conveying device. At least one multifunctional work unit is adjusted in dependence on the operating situation into a contact position, in which the work unit presses the product moving in the conveying direction toward a lower product support and/or toward a lateral product contact, or into a blocking position in which the work unit counteracts a movement of the product in the conveying direction.

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210291397A1
Автор: Griffin Weston Blaine

Apparatuses and methods for cutting a sample piece, having a shape and an outer dimension, out of a porous substrate, comprising: a puncher having an outermost dimension at a punch head; a stripping sleeve; a die having an innermost dimension that is larger than the outermost dimension of the punch head; and a fixture that holds the die in a fixed position relative to the puncher and stripping sleeve. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising:a stripping sleeve;a load spring;a c-frame support having a die with an inner opening;a pillar;a puncher seated in the pillar and coaxially located within the stripping sleeve, and having a punch head to cut a biological sample from a substrate, the stripping sleeve is to hold the substrate against the die,', 'the load spring is to actuate the stripping sleeve to hold the substrate against the c-frame support as the punch head passes through the inner opening of the die,', 'the punch head is to cut the biological sample by passing through the inner opening of the die,', 'the puncher has a diameter at the punch head that is smaller than a diameter at an upper end of the puncher,', 'the stripping sleeve is movably coupled to the pillar by one or more guides and one or more channels, the one or more guides being configured to engage with the one or more channels to control relative movement between the stripping sleeve and the pillar, wherein one of the one or more guides are formed by one of the stripping sleeve and the pillar, and wherein the one or more channels are formed by the other one of the stripping sleeve and the pillar,', 'when the stripping sleeve holds the substrate against the c-frame support, the one or more guides and the one or more channels allow the stripping sleeve to move relative to the puncher to compress the load spring to apply a force to the substrate,', 'a bottom end of the stripping sleeve forms a shoulder against which the load spring presses to actuate the stripping sleeve when the puncher is ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170259450A1

A cutting pen includes a cutting pen main body including a blade projecting from one end, a medium pressing member inserted into the cutting pen main body to be movable in a state in which a cap portion projects from the one end of the cutting pen main body, and a knock mechanism configured to change the position of the medium pressing member with respect to the cutting pen main body stepwise by causing the medium pressing member to repetitively reciprocally move with respect to the cutting pen main body. 1. A cutting pen comprising:a cutting pen main body formed into a tubular shape and including a blade projecting from one end of the cutting pen main body in a longitudinal direction;a medium pressing member including a cap portion including a through hole configured to pass the blade, and inserted into the cutting pen main body to be movable in the longitudinal direction in a state in which the cap portion projects from the one end; anda knock mechanism provided in the cutting pen main body and configured to change a position of the medium pressing member in the longitudinal direction with respect to the cutting pen main body stepwise by causing the medium pressing member to repetitively reciprocally move in the longitudinal direction with respect to the cutting pen main body.2. The pen according to claim 1 , wherein the knock mechanism comprises:a rotation member arranged on a side of the other end of the cutting pen main body with respect to the medium pressing member, and configured to rotate by a predetermined angle when a reciprocal operation of the medium pressing member in the longitudinal direction is converted into a rotation operation about an axis extending in the longitudinal direction and change a position in the longitudinal direction with respect to the cutting pen main body along with the rotation;a first spring member configured to bias the rotation member to a side of the one end and hold the rotation member at a stop position regulated by the ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200246993A1

A device for automatically cutting frozen food products into portions of an exact weight, including: an entry feeder that moves longitudinally a piece of a product to be cut; a detector that provides signals suitable for determining the total length and position of the end of the piece; a motorised movable head provided with claws for gripping and moving the piece of product in a longitudinal direction from the entry feeder to a cutting area; a scanner that determines the cross section of the piece of product during the movement thereof; a cutting area provided with a vertical band saw and a carriage that moves the piece to be cut, in a transverse and alternating manner; and a programmable automaton for programming the operation of the cutting device. 12-. (canceled)3. A device for automatically cutting frozen food products into portions of an exact weight comprising:an entry feeder that longitudinally moves a piece of a food product to be cut towards a cutting area;a detector arranged in a product passage area that provides signals suitable for determining the total length of the piece of product and the position of the end of the piece;a motorised movable head with a configuration suitable for the passage of the piece of product below it and provided with claws for gripping and moving the piece of product in a longitudinal direction from the entry feeder to a cutting area;a scanner that determines the cross section of the piece of product along the same, during the movement thereof towards the cutting area;a cutting area provided with a vertical band saw arranged in a fixed position and a carriage for transverse alternating movement of the piece of product in a cutting direction and in a direction of return to the initial position; said carriage being motorised and movably mounted on transverse guides;a programmable automaton for programming the operation of the cutting device and which, depending on the information received from the detector and the volume ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170266737A1

The invention relates to a device for machining a flat workpiece, which comprises: a machine stand which comprises a support surface for a flat workpiece, wherein the support surface is formed by at least one counterholder, on the front face of which the workpiece can be placed, a hold-down unit, by means of which the workpiece is pressed against the support surface, and a processing head which can be moved relative to the support surface for the machining of the workpiece, wherein the at least one counterholder comprises a vibration damper which acts in a direction perpendicular to the support surface.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180264670A1
Принадлежит: VMI HOLLAND B.V.

A cutting station for a tire building machine includes a cutting device and a feeding device for feeding a strip of rubber material into the cutting device. The cutting device includes a cutting table for supporting the strip of rubber material in a support plane (P) and a cutting element for cutting the strip of rubber material along a cutting line (C) that extends parallel to the support plane (P), wherein the support plane (P) extends at a support angle (B) with respect to a first vertical plane in a range of five to thirty degrees and wherein the feeding device () is arranged for feeding the strip of rubber material onto the cutting table in a downward feeding direction parallel to the support plane. Also provided is a tire building machine incorporating the cutting station and a cutting method. 127-. (canceled)28: A cutting station for a tire building machine , wherein the cutting station comprises a cutting device and a feeding device for feeding a strip of rubber material into the cutting device , wherein the cutting device comprises a cutting table for supporting the strip of rubber material in a support plane and a cutting element for cutting the strip of rubber material along a cutting line that extends parallel to the support plane , wherein the support plane extends at a support angle with respect to a first vertical plane in a range of five to thirty degrees and wherein the feeding device is arranged for feeding the strip of rubber material onto the cutting table in a downward feeding direction parallel to the support plane.29: The cutting station according to claim 28 , wherein the support angle is arranged to facilitate sliding of the strip of rubber material in the downward feeding direction over the cutting table at least partially under the influence of gravity.30: The cutting station according to claim 28 , wherein the support angle is in a range of ten to twenty degrees.31: The cutting station according to claim 28 , wherein the feeding direction ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272552A1
Автор: SASAKI Katsumi
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

An optical fiber cutter includes a base that includes a pair of clamps, a blade member moving base that includes a disk-shaped blade member and is configured to move the blade member and bring an outer circumferential edge of the blade member into contact with a surface of the optical fiber, and a pressing that press-bends a scratched portion of the optical fiber to cut the optical fiber. The blade member is rotatably fixed to the blade member moving base to change a position of the outer circumferential edge to be in contact with the optical fiber. The base further includes a rotating member that is rotatably fixed to the base and configured to rotate to transmit power to rotate the blade member, and power transmission between the blade member and the rotating member is releasable. 1. An optical fiber cutter comprising:a base that includes a pair of clamps disposed with an interval therebetween in a longitudinal direction of an optical fiber;a blade member moving base that includes a disk-shaped blade member and moves the blade member between the pair of clamps and brings an outer circumferential edge of the blade member into contact with a surface of the optical fiber to scratch the surface of the optical fiber; anda pressing that press-bends a scratched portion of the optical fiber to cut the optical fiber, whereinthe blade member is rotatably fixed to the blade member moving base to change a position of the outer circumferential edge to be in contact with the optical fiber,the base further includes a rotating member that is rotatably fixed to the base and rotates to transmit power to rotate the blade member, andpower transmission between the blade member and the rotating member is releasable.2. The optical fiber cutter according to claim 1 , whereinpower transmission between the blade member and the rotating member is possible only when the blade member moving base has moved to a predetermined position.3. The optical fiber cutter according to claim 1 , ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210379784A1
Автор: Ross Christopher

A system for cutting medical tubing sourced from a spool of tubing uses two actuator groups that each reciprocate along a respective track, which are parallel to each other. Each actuator group has a clamp and a cutting tool which have an operative position along a common axis. The tubing is fed along the common axis to be operated on by the actuator groups. A forward actuator group clamps onto the tubing and is then moved along its track, pulling the tubing. A rearward actuator group then clamps onto the tubing and cuts the tubing. While still clamped onto the tubing, the rearward actuator group is moved forward, pulling more tubing, and the actuator group that was forward is moved to the rearward position and the process is repeated iteratively to produce tubing sections cut to the desired length. The tubing is pressurized and kept under pressure to straighten the tubing. 1. A system for cutting tubing to a desired length , comprising:a first track and a second track, wherein the first track and the second track are parallel to each other;a first actuator group disposed on the first track, a second actuator group disposed on the second track, wherein the first and second actuator groups are movable, forward and rearward, on their respective tracks; andeach actuator group having, from front to rear, a holding clamp, a cutting tool, and a sealing clamp; and wherein the first and second actuator groups are alternately moved forward and rearward on their respective tracks while engaging a pressurized tubing to iteratively cut the pressurized tubing to a desired length.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the holding clamp claim 1 , cutting tool claim 1 , and sealing clamp of each of the first and second actuator groups are moveable between an operative position and a raised position claim 1 , and wherein when the first and second actuator groups are moved rearward the holding clamp claim 1 , cutting tool claim 1 , and sealing clamp are moved from the operative position ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Cutting Device

Номер: US20160288540A1

A cutting device includes a receiving block configured such that an object to be cut is arranged thereon, a cutting blade that includes a blade portion, the cutting blade being configured to move between a separated position and a contact position via a clamping position, a first rotating member coupled with the cutting blade, the first rotating member being configured to cause the cutting blade to move from the separated position to the contact position via the clamping position, by the first rotating member rotating in a specified direction from a separated rotation position to a contact rotation position via a clamping rotation position, an elastic member provided on the first rotating member, a DC motor, and a second rotating member configured to rotate in accordance with rotation of the DC motor. 1. A cutting device comprising:a receiving block configured such that an object to be cut is arranged thereon;a cutting blade that includes a blade portion, the cutting blade being configured to move between a separated position and a contact position via a clamping position, the separated position being a position in which the blade portion is separated from the receiving block, the contact position being a position in which the blade portion is in contact with the receiving block, and the cutting blade being configured, when the cutting blade is in the clamping position, to clamp the object between the blade portion and the receiving block;a first rotating member coupled with the cutting blade, the first rotating member being configured to cause the cutting blade to move from the separated position to the contact position via the clamping position, by the first rotating member rotating in a specified direction from a separated rotation position to a contact rotation position via a clamping rotation position;an elastic member provided on the first rotating member;a DC motor; anda second rotating member configured to rotate in accordance with rotation of the DC motor, ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Cutting Device

Номер: US20160288541A1

A cutting device includes a cutting blade, a receiving block, a motor, a cutting blade movement mechanism, and a receiving block movement mechanism. The cutting blade includes a blade portion. The receiving block includes a contact surface including a first contact surface and a second contact surface. The motor is configured to rotate in a forward direction and a reverse direction. The cutting blade movement mechanism supports the cutting blade and is configured to move the cutting blade between a separated position and a contact position in concert with a rotation of the motor when the motor rotates in a forward direction and when the motor rotates in a reverse direction. The receiving block movement mechanism is configured to move the receiving block from a first opposed position to a second opposed position in concert with the rotation of the motor. 1. A cutting device comprising:a cutting blade that includes a blade portion;a receiving block that includes a contact surface contactable by the blade portion, the contact surface including a first contact surface and a second contact surface, the first contact surface including two portions that are contactable by the blade portion and that are aligned with a recessed portion between the two portions, and the second contact surface being a continuous portion contactable by the blade portion;a motor configured to rotate in a forward direction and a reverse direction;a cutting blade movement mechanism that supports the cutting blade, the cutting blade movement mechanism being configured to move the cutting blade between a separated position and a contact position in concert with a rotation of the motor when the motor rotates in the forward direction and when the motor rotates in the reverse direction, the separated position being a position in which the blade portion is separated from the contact surface, and the contact position being a position in which the blade portion is in contact with the contact surface; anda ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150298333A1

Machine for cutting off the sidewalls of a tire, which comprises, in combination: 1. A machine for cutting off the sidewalls of a tire , comprising:a frame;connecting means configured to connect the tire in a pre-established position with respect to the frame, in a zone for loading said tire, the connecting means for the tire comprising a carousel;a block disposed on the carousel, said block being adjustable in height and intended to support the external part of the bead of the tire that comes into contact with said carousel;at least one head equipped with at least one cutting blade for cutting off a sidewall of the tier;manipulation means that act in operation on said tire or on said cutting head in order to allow said cutting blade to be set into relative movement with respect to the tire;means for adjusting the relative position of the blade with respect to the connecting means, which act in operation on said blade or on the connecting means for the tire in order to allow said blade to be positioned such that, during said relative movement, the blade cuts off the sidewall of the tire along its circumference.2. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein said connecting means for the tire comprise a carousel configured to rotate about an axis and set the tire in rotation about said axis claim 1 , and wherein said means for relative movement act in operation on said carousel in order to rotate the tire with respect to said cutting blade.3. The machine according to claim 2 , wherein said connecting means for the tire comprise means for clamping the tire with respect to the carousel claim 2 , said means being able to move between a releasing position and a clamping position in which they act on a sidewall of the tire in order to clamp the tire to the carousel.4. The machine according to claim 3 , further comprising manipulation and drive means for the clamping means claim 3 , said manipulation and drive means being configured to manipulate the clamping means between ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Sheet cutting device and image forming apparatus including the sheet cutting device

Номер: US20190284007A1
Автор: Ryo Honda
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A sheet cutting device includes a cutter, a movable member, a driving device, and a sheet holder. The movable member moves the cutter in a cutting direction. The driving device drives the movable member. The sheet holder is disposed on a downstream side of a sheet cutting position of the cutter in a sheet conveyance direction, to hold a sheet. The sheet holder includes a sheet holding member that is disposed on a sheet cutting start side of the cutter and is movable to a sheet holding position at which the sheet holding member holds the sheet and a non-holding position at which the sheet holding member does not hold the sheet. When the sheet is cut by the cutter, the sheet holding member moves to the sheet holding position. After cutting of the sheet has been completed, the sheet holding member moves to the non-holding position.

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150313097A1

The present embodiments are directed to apparatus and methods for cutting an object. In one embodiment, the apparatus comprises a cutting device and an actuation device operatively coupled to the cutting device. A guide structure may be coupled at least partially between the cutting device and the actuation device. A supporting framework may provide a guiding path for linear advancement or retraction of the guide structure, and in turn linear advancement or retraction the cutting device, upon actuation of the actuation device. 1. An apparatus for cutting an object , the apparatus comprising:a cutting device;an actuation device operatively coupled to the cutting device;a guide structure coupled at least partially between the cutting device and the actuation device; anda supporting framework, wherein the supporting framework provides a guiding path for linear advancement or retraction of the guide structure, and in turn linear advancement or retraction the cutting device, upon actuation of the actuation device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cutting device is operatively coupled to a main frame claim 1 , the apparatus further comprising at least one gripping device coupled to the main frame and configured to grip an object to be cut.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the supporting framework comprises first and second guide rails that are parallel and laterally spaced apart relative to one another.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first and second guide rails are separated by a lateral segment claim 3 , such that at least a portion of the supporting framework forms a generally U-shape.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein a fixed end of the actuation device is secured to the lateral segment of the supporting framework.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the guide structure comprises first and second arms and a guide plate extending laterally therebetween claim 3 , wherein the first and second guide arms are disposed for axial movement along the ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Paper discharging apparatus, paper discharging method, image forming apparatus and image forming method

Номер: US20160318316A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

A paper discharging apparatus comprises: a first conveying unit; a second conveying unit which includes a pinch roller and a feeding roller that are arranged closer to the downstream side; a movable mechanism which moves a surface part between a first position that the surface part is not contacted with the pinch roller and a second position that the surface part is contacted with the pinch roller through the paper so as to push the pinch roller; a control unit which moves the surface part to the second position, clamps the paper by the pinch roller and the surface part, and conveys the paper, thereby bending the paper, and which moves the surface part to the first position and clamps the paper by the pinch roller and the feeding roller, and rotates the feeding roller, thereby discharging the paper from the conveyance path.

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200298434A1

A cutting device configured to cut a workpiece includes a base and a cover plate. The cover plate includes a base plate, a pressing member, and an elastic member. A surface of the base plate facing the base defines a receiving groove configured to receive the pressing member. The pressing member defines a number of first cutter slots to allow cutters to pass through to cut the workpiece located between the base and the cover plate. The elastic member includes a connecting portion and an elastic portion. The connecting portion is fixedly coupled to the pressing member and partially extends beyond an edge of the pressing portion. One end of the elastic portion abuts against the base plate, and a second end of the elastic portion is coupled to the connecting portion. 1. A cutting device configured to cut a workpiece , the cutting device comprising:a base; anda cover plate; wherein:the cover plate comprises a base plate, a pressing member, and an elastic member;a surface of the base plate facing the base defines a receiving groove configured to receive the pressing member;the pressing member defines a plurality of first cutter slots configured for cutters to pass through to cut the workpiece placed between the base and the cover plate;the elastic member comprises a connecting portion and an elastic portion;the connecting portion is fixedly coupled to the pressing member and partially extends beyond an edge of the pressing member;one end of the elastic portion abuts against the base plate, and a second end of the elastic portion is coupled to the connecting portion.2. The cutting device of claim 1 , wherein:the base defines a plurality of second cutter slots;the base plate defines a plurality of third cutter slots;each of the plurality of second cutter slots and the plurality of third cutter slots is respectively aligned with a corresponding one of the plurality of first cutter slots thereby the cutters may cut the workpiece.3. The cutting device of claim 1 , wherein:the ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150321367A1

A guided cutting retainer for an elongated stack set is provided. During a cutting process of an end length of the stack set, the guide cutting retainer keeps end sides of layers of the stack neat and aligned. The guide cutting retainer includes a capped sleeve having a cross-section of a frame and formed with an internal longitudinal through opening. One end of the opening is combined to a U-shaped pedestal. A cut groove is reserved between the U-shaped pedestal and the opening. The U-shaped pedestal can be wedged and fastened with a pressing and positioning frame to provide a wedging effect. Thus, the pressing and positioning frame secures the stack set to fix its end side to form a complete blade-feeding guide groove for guiding the cutting process. The cutting process yields an aligned result further with intervention of a ruler board of an end sealing ruler. 1. A guided cutting retainer for an elongated stack set , comprising:a capped sleeve, having a cross-section of a frame, including an internal longitudinal through opening and a cut surface as a guide side;a U-shaped pedestal, having vertical plates at two sides at positions parallel to frame plates at two sides of the capped sleeve, forming a mouth longitudinally in communication with the opening, horizontal fastening teeth respectively disposed at portions with flexibility and pressure capabilities at ends of the two vertical side plates;a base plate, longitudinally connected to lower surfaces of the capped sleeve and the U-shaped pedestal to form a vertical blade-feeding guide groove between the guide sides of the capped sleeve and guide sides of the U-shaped pedestal;a pressing and positioning frame, appearing similar to an inverted U shape, having two cross plates corresponding to the fastening teeth of the U-shaped pedestal and a tooth row for vertically fastening with the fastening teeth, the pressing and positioning frame capable of top-bottom wedging with the U-shaped pedestal and maintaining the ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150321370A1
Принадлежит: COMELZ S.P.A.

A device for retaining multilayer synthetic materials on cutting tables, comprising a supporting element adapted to be placed laterally to a multilayer to be processed, on a cutting table, and adapted to support a plate-like element whose dimensions are such as to protrude with respect to the supporting element and surmount the edge of the multilayer, the plate-like element passing from an inactive configuration to an active configuration in which the plate-like element is pressed with its edge against the edge of the multilayer. 111-. (canceled)12. A device for retaining multilayer synthetic materials on cutting tables , comprising a supporting element adapted to be placed laterally to a multilayer to be processed , on a cutting table , and adapted to support a plate-like element whose dimensions are such as to protrude with respect to said supporting element and surmount the edge of said multilayer , said plate-like element passing from an inactive configuration to an active configuration in which said plate-like element is pressed with its edge against the edge of said multilayer.13. The device according to claim 12 , wherein said supporting element is rendered integral with said cutting table.14. The device according to claim 12 , wherein said supporting element rests on said cutting table.15. The device according to claim 12 , wherein said supporting element has such a thickness as to bring said plate-like element to a position that lies above said multilayer.16. The device according to claim 12 , wherein said plate-like element is made of a material that is rigid but has flexibility.17. The device according to claim 12 , wherein said plate-like element can be tilted with respect to said supporting element claim 12 , so as to pass from an active configuration claim 12 , in which said plate-like element lies above said multilayer claim 12 , to an inactive configuration claim 12 , in which said multilayer can be positioned freely on said cutting table.18. The ...
