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10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011144021A

... 1. Способ изготовления мелкодисперсных частиц поглотителя кислорода в полимерной матрице, включающий:формирование частиц поглотителя кислорода со средним размером от 1 до 25 мкм из железа, предварительно покрытого по меньшей мере из одним или больше активирующим и окисляющим порошковым компонентом,предоставление полимера в твердом состоянии;обработку частиц поглотителя кислорода и полимера поверхностно-активным веществом;смешивание указанных частиц поглотителя кислорода с полимером в твердом состоянии; иэкструдирование расплава частиц поглотителя кислорода и полимера в твердом состоянии в поглощающую кислород экструзию.2. Пленка для поглощения кислорода, которая состоит трех или более слоев, включающих слой поглощающей кислород экструзии, изготовленной в соответствии с п.1 и расположенной между двумя другими слоями.3. Мягкая емкость или мягкая емкость в составе многослойной структуры или этикетки, вставки или ламината, состоящая из поглощающей кислород экструзии по п.1.4. Мягкая емкость ...

15-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324257T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000523441T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000555025T

15-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000213752T

06-12-2001 дата публикации

Amorphous silica in packaging film

Номер: AU0000741535C
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Multilayer bottle

Номер: AU2009241077B2

Provided is a multilayer bottle wherein interlayer separation between an inner/outer layer and a gas barrier resin layer is prevented. A multilayer bottle (30) has a gas barrier resin layer (3) interposed between polyester resin layers (m). The gas barrier resin layer (3) is constituted of a plurality of quadrilaterals each consisting of two sides extending along the bottle axis (O), and two sides extending along the periphery of the bottle axis (O). The plurality of quadrilaterals are arranged at intervals (C, C) in a region (F) from the neck (13) to the body (15) of the bottle through connection layers (m, m) coupling an inner layer (m) and an outer layer (m).

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Multilayer bottle

Номер: AU2009241077A1

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Epoxy-terminated polybutadiene used as an oxygen scavenger

Номер: AU2014363890B2
Принадлежит: Baldwins Intellectual Property

The present invention relates to the use of epoxy-terminated polydiene with terminal epoxy groups, as an oxygen scavenger, in particular as a component in packaging.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Antioxidant active food packaging

Номер: AU2016325872A1
Принадлежит: K&L Gates

Food packaging material comprising a polymeric material and a natural antioxidant. The natural antioxidant may be extracted, isolated and/or derived from plant material. A method for forming a food packaging material is also provided, comprising forming a mixture comprising a natural antioxidant and a polymeric resin and processing the mixture to form a food packaging material.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002827568C

An object of the present invention is to provide a packaging material that is capable of long term storage by preventing adsorption or transfer of an easily oxidizable component and an oily component in an adhesive of a patch to the packaging material, and also preventing discoloration and decrease in drug effect due to oxidization. The present invention provides the packaging material for a patch including: an inner layer made of polyethylene terephthalate having heat sealing properties; an oxygen-absorbing layer that includes an oxygen-absorbing resin having an unsaturated alicyclic structure as an oxygen-absorbing part; and an oxygen barrier layer made of aluminum foil as an outer layer.

02-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002266503A1

A transparent oxygen-scavenging article for packaging oxygen-sensitive products, such as beer, juice, ketchup, etc. The oxygen-scavenging article includes a biaxially-oriented aromatic polyester polymers such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), and an oxygen-scavenging aromatic ester polymer compatible with the polyester polymer. The oxygen-scavenging polymer includes aromatic groups and alphahydrogen carbonyl groups of formula (I). Examples are polyesters from succinic, glutaric, adipic or suberic acid with hydroquinone, bisphenol A, styrene oxide or distyrene glycol or an aliphatic dicarboxylic acid containing copolyethylene naphthalate. Both polymers could form a copolymer, a blend or preferably different layers of the article. The oxygen-scavenging polymer may be incorporated into a barrier package at a competitive price, and provide the desired properties of transparency, thermal resistance, and pressurized strength.

07-10-2015 дата публикации

Packaging unit for oxygen-absorbent multilayer article, and storage method

Номер: CN0104968580A

04-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100107060A

16-09-2013 дата публикации

Oxygen-absorbing resin composition, oxygen-absorbing multilayer laminate, and oxygen-absorbing hollow container

Номер: TW0201336911A

... [Problem] To provide an oxygen-absorbing resin composition, an oxygen-absorbing multilayer laminate and an oxygen-absorbing hollow container, each of which can absorb oxygen contained in an atmosphere even when the atmosphere has a low humidity. [Solution] The oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to the present invention comprises: (I) an oxygen absorbent comprising a metal (a metal (I)), wherein the metal (I) is produced by subjecting an alloy comprising (A) at least one transition metal selected from the group consisting of elements belonging to the manganese group, the iron group, the platinum group and the copper group and (B) at least one element selected from the group consisting of aluminum, zinc, tin, lead, magnesium and silicon to a treatment with an aqueous acidic or alkaline solution and then removing at least a portion of the component (B) by eluting the at least one portion of the component (B); and (II) a thermoplastic resin.

18-07-2006 дата публикации

Oxygen scavenger compositions derived from isophthalic acid and/or terephthalic acid monomer or derivatives thereof

Номер: US0007078100B2
Принадлежит: Cryovac, Inc., CRYOVAC INC, CRYOVAC, INC.

An oxygen scavenger composition includes mer units that have at least one cycloalkenyl group or functionality and, further, has mer units derived from isophthalic acid or terephthalic acid or certain derivatives thereof. The oxygen scavenger composition has been found to act as an oxygen scavenger under both ambient and refrigeration conditions, to be compatible with conventional film forming packaging materials, to inhibit undesirable oligomer formation and oxidation by-product formation, and to be readily formable and processable using conventional film forming equipment. A film and laminated product having said oxygen scavenger composition are also disclosed.

10-05-2022 дата публикации

Multilayer body, packaging container, and food storing method

Номер: US0011325360B2

A multilayer body comprising a sealing layer (A) comprising a thermoplastic resin, an oxygen absorption layer (B) comprising a thermoplastic resin and iron powder, and an oxygen barrier layer (D) having oxygen barrier properties, the layers being laminated in a described order, wherein at least one of the sealing layer (A) and the oxygen absorption layer (B) comprises an ionomer as the thermoplastic resin.

10-12-2014 дата публикации

Antimony-free polyester films for use in contact with food at high temperatures

Номер: EP2810776A1

Die Erfindung betrifft die Auswahl und Herstellung von temperaturbeständigen Polyesterfolien für die Metalllaminierung (Can-Liner) sowie die Verpackung von Lebensmitteln, beispielsweise um diese Lebensmittel in einem Ofen z.B. einem Mikrowellenofen zu garen, ohne das Lebensmittel zuvor aus der Verpackung zu entnehmen. Hierfür geeignet sind Polyesterfolien, die aus antimonfreien Polyestern hergestellt sind und Radikalfänger enthalten. Solche Folien weisen eine hohe Temperaturresistenz auf, so dass aus ihnen hergestellte Verpackungen (z.B. Bratbeutel) mehr als eine Stunde in einem Ofen bei Temperaturen oberhalb von 180 °C verbleiben können, ohne zu verspröden.

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2546511C2

Изобретение относится к упаковочному материалу, сформированному из многослойного тела, содержащего по меньшей мере основной слой и термоадгезивный слой, который нанесен в качестве внешнего слоя на одной стороне упаковочного материала, и мелкие гидрофобные оксидные частицы, имеющие средний диаметр первичных частиц от 3 до 100 нм, прикрепленные к наружной поверхности там, где термоадгезивный слой не примыкает к другому слою, при этом мелкие гидрофобные оксидные частицы образуют пористый слой, имеющий трехмерную сетчатую структуру, и мелкие гидрофобные частицы в области термоадгезии внедряются в термоадгезивный слой во время процесса термоадгезии. Упаковочный материал, выполненный согласно изобретению, может сохранять превосходные водоотталкивающие свойства и неадгезионные свойства. Раскрывается также контейнер, в котором гидрофобные оксидные частицы прикрепляются к части или ко всей поверхности контейнера, которая вступает в контакт с содержимым. 4 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил., 6 табл., 32 пр ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496466C1

Изобретение относится области химико-фармацевтической промышленности, в частности к пластмассовой пленке для медицинских контейнеров, имеющей функцию поглощения кислорода, включающей по меньшей мере 4 слоя. Пленку получают способом соэкструзии. Также изобретение относится к пакету для инфузий, изготовленному из упомянутой пленки. Пленка включает: первый слой (1), состоящий из полиамида; второй слой (2) смешанного состава, который прилегает к первому слою и содержит сополимер этилена и винилового спирта и сополимер α-олефина и ангидрида ненасыщенной карбоновой кислоты или мономера ненасыщенной дикарбоновой кислоты в качестве основного компонента и соль переходного металла и полимер на основе полиена, содержащего ненасыщенную двойную связь, в качестве вспомогательных компонентов; третий слой (3), который прилегает ко второму слою и содержит сополимер α-олефина и мономера ненасыщенной карбоновой кислоты или ангидрида ненасыщенной дикарбоновой кислоты в качестве основного компонента; и герметизирующий ...

23-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019106696A3

11-10-2000 дата публикации

Microwaveable long life containers

Номер: GB0000021073D0

01-09-2005 дата публикации

Plastic multilayer structure

Номер: AU2005215307A1

22-05-1995 дата публикации

Improved barrier compositions and articles made therefrom

Номер: AU0007983894A

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Flexible panel and sealable bag with sorbent

Номер: AU2015208875A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A flexible panel in a sealable bag for disaster recovery has permeable inner layers (34) and an impermeable outer layer (33) affixed together so as to provide a plurality of cavities (69) for receiving sorbent material (70). The cavities (69) are arranged in a pattern across the flexible panel. A port (71) is shown extending through all of the layers of the flexible panel. The port (71) is used for introducing into and removing gas and/or liquid from the bag. The flexible panel may have one or more electronic components (36) operable to monitor or control the chemical environment in the bag. The components (36) may be affixed or printed on internal layers of the bag, such as: a conductor, a heater, a processor, a communications transmitter, a communications receiver and a GPS receiver. A remote module in electrical and/or wireless communication with the bag is operable to monitor and control the chemical environment in the bag.

17-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002597389A1

31-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002490240A1

A three or more layered plastic container is provided, wherein the innermost first layer (68) is a plastic layer, the intermediate second layer (70) is a plastic layer adjacent the first layer AND contains an oxygen scavenging material, and the outermost third layer (72) is a plastic layer. The thickness of the innermost layer (68) is in the range of 0.1 to 3 mils and is controlled based on the desired shelf life of the container in the unfilled condition.

23-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2974168C

A flexible panel in a sealable bag for disaster recovery has permeable inner layers (34) and an impermeable outer layer (33) affixed together so as to provide a plurality of cavities (69) for receiving sorbent material (70). The cavities (69) are arranged in a pattern across the flexible panel. A port (71) is shown extending through all of the layers of the flexible panel. The port (71) is used for introducing into and removing gas and/or liquid from the bag. The flexible panel may have one or more electronic components (36) operable to monitor or control the chemical environment in the bag. The components (36) may be affixed or printed on internal layers of the bag, such as: a conductor, a heater, a processor, a communications transmitter, a communications receiver and a GPS receiver. A remote module in electrical and/or wireless communication with the bag is operable to monitor and control the chemical environment in the bag.

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002693619A1

The invention relates to a packaging article for containing and holding food products, which article comprises barrier means for limiting permeability of oxygen through the article and into the one or more chambers, where the packaging article comprises oxygen scavenging means (3), which oxygen scavenging means together with a second plastic material is mould into a cavity in a first plastic material (2) forming walls, bottom(s) and lid(s) of the packaging article, which first plastic material (2) is suitable for contact with food products. The invention further relates to a method of manufacturing a packaging finished in one injection moulding cycle comprising three process steps: - A barrier film (1 ) with or without decoration is placed in the mould. - A first plastic material (2) suitable for contact with food products is in jected into the closed mould where the barrier film (1 ) is placed. The mould is partly filled in this step. - A second plastic material containing an oxygen scavenger ...

13-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002855149C

An improved container 10 for use in holding oxygen sensitive contents is provided. The container 10 comprises a body 14 having an open end sealed with a metal closure 12. The metal closure 12 includes a metal structural layer 42, a polymeric interior coating layer 48 and an oxygen scavenger layer 46 interposed between the metal structural layer 42 and the polymeric interior coating layer 48.

07-02-2020 дата публикации

Laminate for blister pack and blister pack using the same

Номер: KR0102075089B1

24-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101464813B1

23-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080068764A

A flexible laminate of films of thermoplastic polymer material comprises fluted ply A and substantially flat ply B, adhered to one another at the crests of A in contact with B. The wavelength of the flutes is preferably no more than 3mm. The thickness of A is generally the same within the non-bonded zones as it is within the bonded zones or A has attenuated zones extending parallel to the flute direction, each bonding zone being mainly located within a first attenuated zone. Apparatus for forming the laminate comprises aligned grooved fluting rollers and grooved laminating roller. The laminate has useful mechanical characteristics, as a flexible material, e. g. when formed into bags which may be self-supporting. Filler material may be filled into the flutes and/or perforations may be provided in one or both plies after lamination. © KIPO & WIPO 2008 ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130042023A

05-07-2011 дата публикации

composições de extração de oxigênio, laminados, filmes monocamad e artigos

Номер: BRPI0709435A2

08-12-2015 дата публикации

Film with oxygen absorbing regions

Номер: US0009205956B2
Автор: Chieh-Chun Chau
Принадлежит: Multisorb Technologies, Inc.

A packaging material includes an oxygen scavenger material dispersed in bands in a polymer sheet.

09-02-2006 дата публикации

Containers incorporating polyester-containing multilayer structures

Номер: US2006029822A1

Disclosed are injection molded hollow articles used as bottle preforms and blown bottles, comprising a coextruded or coinjected multilayer structure comprising at least one interior core layer adhered to at least one exterior layer and further comprising a polyester composition comprising from 0.005 to 7 mole % of a sulfonic acid comonomer or a salt thereof. The bottles are particularly useful for packaging liquids such as carbonated beverages, beer, juices, isotonic beverages, milk and other dairy products, and the like.

19-10-2006 дата публикации

Multilayered, transparent articles containing polyesters comprising a cyclobutanediol and a process for their preparation

Номер: US20060234073A1

Disclosed are transparent, multilayered articles having high transparency and low haze and a process for their preparation. The multilayer articles comprise at least one layer which contains at least one polyester comprising 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol and a separate layer which contains copolyamide or homogeneous blend of polyamides. The polyester component and the polyamide component have refractive indices which differ by about 0.006 to about −0.0006. The small difference in the refractive indices enable the incorporation of regrind into one or more of the layers of the article while maintaining high clarity. These articles can exhibit improved excellent barrier properties and good melt processability while retaining excellent mechanical properties. Metal catalysts can be incorporated into one or more layers to impart oxygen-scavenging properties.

15-08-1989 дата публикации

Oxygen absorbent package

Номер: US0004856650A

An oxygen absorbent package used for preservation or storage of foodstuff is disclosed. The package is partly or wholy formed with an air-permeable sheet obtained by making a sheet from plastic fiber, drying the sheet, impregnating it with a fluorine resin and pressing the resin-impregnated sheet by heated rolls. The obtained package has high proofness against water and oils. Use of the air-permeable sheet in combination with a specific porous composite film or porous low softening point resin film provides a package further improved in heat resistance, etc. Furthermore, an oxygen absorbent package used for storage of a retort food is also disclosed.

16-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: JP2010202249A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a thin-walled light weight multilayer plastic container having a superior barrier characteristic and a falling shock resistance. SOLUTION: This multi-layer plastic container has an inner polyester resin layer, an outer polyester resin layer and a barrier resin intermediate layer in at least a side wall part of the container, wherein a lower end of the barrier intermediate layer is positioned at an outside part in a radial direction of the container rather than a ground-contacted part of the bottom part of the container. COPYRIGHT: (C)2010,JPO&INPIT ...

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2290313C2

Гибкий ламинат из пленок термопластичного полимерного материала включает гофрированный слой и второй плоский слой, соединенные друг с другом в вершинах, находящихся в контакте. Шаг гофров составляет предпочтительно не более 3 мм. Толщина по существу одинакова внутри несвязанных зон, как и внутри связанных зон. Гофрированный слой имеет ослабленные зоны, проходящие параллельно направлению гофров, причем каждая зона связывания расположена по существу внутри первой ослабленной зоны. Представлен способ изготовления ламината с использованием рифленого вала. Устройство для формования ламината включает совмещенные рифленые гофрирующие валки и рифленый ламинирующий валок. Гофры могут быть наполнены материалом наполнителя. Могут быть созданы перфорации в одном или обоих слоях после ламинирования. Технический результат заключается в повышении прочности изделий, изготовленных из такого материала, и удобстве при их эксплуатации. 6 н. и 83 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил., 1 табл.

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494120C2

Изобретение относится к технологии получения многослойных пленок, поглощающих кислород, и изделий из них, имеющих покрытие с хорошо диспергированным поглотителем кислорода. Композиция для поглощения кислорода содержит частицы железного порошка со средним размером 1-25 мкм с предварительно нанесенным на них покрытием, по меньшей мере, из одного активирующего и подкисляющего порошкового соединения в виде твердых органических и неорганических солей щелочных и щелочноземельных металлов, таких как хлорид натрия и бисульфат натрия. Частицы диспергируются в полимерной смоле посредством экструзии в дву[шнековом смесителе. Композицию смешивают с гранулами полимера в твердом состоянии перед расплавлением. Гранулы полимерной смолы и железный порошок с покрытием предпочтительно обрабатывают поверхностно-активным веществом в сухом состоянии, чтобы обеспечить хорошее диспергирование. Экструдированный расплав композиций гранулируется и сохраняется в сухом состоянии для предотвращения преждевременной активации ...

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011137528A

... 1. Неадгезионный многослойный корпус, включающий мелкие гидрофобные оксидные частицы со средним диаметром первичных частиц от 3 до 100 нм, прикрепленные по меньшей мере к части внешней поверхности.2. Многослойный корпус по п.1, в котором мелкие гидрофобные оксидные частицы прикрепляются по меньшей мере к части поверхности слоя, содержащего термопластический полимер.3. Многослойный корпус по п.2, в котором гранулированный наполнитель, содержащий по меньшей мере один органический компонент и неорганический компонент, находится в слое, содержащем термопластический полимер.4. Многослойный корпус по п.1, в котором мелкие гидрофобные оксидные частицы образуют пористый слой, имеющий трехмерную сетчатую структуру.5. Многослойный корпус по п.1, в котором мелкие гидрофобные оксидные частицы состоят из гидрофобного диоксида кремния.6. Многослойный корпус по п.5, в котором гидрофобный диоксид кремния содержит триметилсилильные группы на поверхности частиц.7. Многослойный корпус по п.3, в котором средний ...

04-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069821348D1

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358691T

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000272495T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527299T

08-12-1998 дата публикации

Amorphous silica in packaging film

Номер: AU0007386098A

18-12-2000 дата публикации

Ozone containing structure for sanitizing application

Номер: AU0005724300A

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Oxygen Scavenger System in a Polyolefin Matrix

Номер: AU2013224722B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

OXYGEN SCAVENGER SYSTEM IN A POLYOLEFIN MATRIX ABsTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE An oxygen scavenging polyolefin composition and methods of making thereof are described herein. In one approach, the composition includes a continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix having oxygen scavenging domains dispersed therein. The oxygen scavenging domains include an oxidizable polymer, a transition metal catalyst or salt thereof, and a catalytic promoter effective to bind with oxygen passing through the continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix. The oxygen scavenging domains forming a discrete polar region within the continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix. The composition further includes a polymeric compatibilizer having a polar moiety and a non-polar moiety and in amounts effective to uniformly disperse the polar oxygen scavenging domains in the continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix. 0 o N-Methylpyrrolidone-NHPI-Co system -+-NHPVCo C, -4- NHPL/x3 Co c 25 - -- NH-PLVx9 Co 20 -- Co --- x9 Co 0 -I 0 4 21 24 27 45 ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Flexible panel and sealable bag with sorbent

Номер: AU2015208875B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A flexible panel in a sealable bag for disaster recovery has permeable inner layers (34) and an impermeable outer layer (33) affixed together so as to provide a plurality of cavities (69) for receiving sorbent material (70). The cavities (69) are arranged in a pattern across the flexible panel. A port (71) is shown extending through all of the layers of the flexible panel. The port (71) is used for introducing into and removing gas and/or liquid from the bag. The flexible panel may have one or more electronic components (36) operable to monitor or control the chemical environment in the bag. The components (36) may be affixed or printed on internal layers of the bag, such as: a conductor, a heater, a processor, a communications transmitter, a communications receiver and a GPS receiver. A remote module in electrical and/or wireless communication with the bag is operable to monitor and control the chemical environment in the bag.

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002719380A1

A laminated bottle 30 with a gas barrier resin layer 3 arranged between polyester resins layers m is provided. The gas barrier resin layer 3 comprises a plurality of quadrangular segments with two sides extending along the bottle axis O and two sides extending around the bottle axis O, wherein the segments are arranged at a distance C1, C2 to each other via connecting layers m3, m4 which connect the inner layer m, and the outer layer m2.

23-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2931389C

The present invention relates to the use of epoxy-terminated polydiene having terminal epoxy groups as oxygen scavenger, in particular as constituent in packaging. More specifically, the polydiene is a polybutadiene comprising monomers from three different 1,3-butadiene-derived monomer units. The present invention also relates to composite materials and composite-material packaging at least comprising the epoxy-terminated polydiene.

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002826302A1

An oxygen scavenging polyolefin composition and methods of making thereof are described herein. In one approach, the composition includes a continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix having oxygen scavenging domains dispersed therein. The oxygen scavenging domains include an oxidizable polymer, a transition metal catalyst or salt thereof, and a catalytic promoter effective to bind with oxygen passing through the continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix. The oxygen scavenging domains forming a discrete polar region within the continuous non-polar polyoletin matrix. The composition further includes a polymeric compatibilizer having a polar moiety and a non-polar moiety and in amounts effective to uniformly disperse the polar oxygen scavenging domains in the continuous non-polar polyolefin matrix.

21-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757360A1

A well dispersed oxygen scavenging particulate compounded in a polymer matrix. The oxygen scavenging formulation consists of iron powder with a mean particle sizes within 1 - 25 um and pre-coated with at least one or more activating and acidifying powdered compounds, usually in the form of solid organic and inorganic salts of alkaline and alkaline earth metals such as sodium chloride and sodium bisulfate. The pre-coated iron particulate is dispersed into a polymer resin by using a conventional melt processing method such as twin-screw extrusion. The oxygen scavenging compound is mixed with polymer pellets in the solid state prior to melting. The polymer resin pellets and the coated iron powder are preferably treated with a surfactant in the dry state to help dispersing the iron/salt powder with the resin pellets. The melt extruded compounds are pelletized and kept in the dry state to prevent premature activation.

21-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002827568A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a packaging material that is capable of long term storage by preventing adsorption or transfer of an easily oxidizable component and an oily component in an adhesive of a patch to the packaging material, and also preventing discoloration and decrease in drug effect due to oxidization. The present invention provides the packaging material for a patch including: an inner layer made of polyethylene terephthalate having heat sealing properties; an oxygen-absorbing layer that includes an oxygen-absorbing resin having an unsaturated alicyclic structure as an oxygen-absorbing part; and an oxygen barrier layer made of aluminum foil as an outer layer.

13-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002794706A1

Provided are: a multilayered structure which has very good gas barrier properties, excellent flex resistance, excellent pinhole resistance, high stretchability, excellent heat moldability and excellent interlayer adhesiveness and also has such good durability as to sustain the characteristics such as good gas barrier properties even in the case of being used in a deformed state (e.g., bended or stretched); a laminate using the multilayered structure; and a method for producing the multilayered structure and a method for producing the laminate. The aforesaid multilayered structure comprises four or more adjacently layered resin layers, the layers being formed of a resin composition containing an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer. It is preferred that the average single layer thickness of the resin layers is 0.01 to 10 µm inclusive. It is preferred that the average thickness of the multilayered structure is 0.1 to 1,000 µm inclusive. It is preferred that the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101272057B1

05-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007038153A3

A flame barrier product for use in mattresses, foundations, and upholstered furniture with one or more layers of fibers. A first component scavenges oxygen from a bum site, A second component burns to form an insulating char. The first component may comprise at least one category 2 fiber, which may comprise modacrylic. In one embodiment, the second component is a batting comprising at least one category 4 fiber, which may be cotton. The first component may be treated with a flame-retardant coating. Flame barrier products of the present invention may comprise highloft batting or densified batting. Where cotton is used, it may be treated with flame retardant chemicals, such as boric acid. A method of constructing the invention also is disclosed.

13-07-2010 дата публикации

Oxygen scavenger block copolymers and compositions

Номер: US0007754798B2
Принадлежит: Cryovac, Inc., CRYOVAC INC, CRYOVAC, INC.

An oxygen scavenger composition includes a block co-polymer having at least one block including a polyester condensation polymer segment having cycloalkenyl group(s) or functionality directly or indirectly bonded to the polymer chain of said block, and having at least one second block including a polymer segment of a thermoplastic, film forming material. The block copolymer has been found to act as an oxygen scavenger agent under both ambient and refrigerated conditions, to be compatible with conventional film forming packaging materials, and to provide compositions exhibiting low tack which can be readily formed and processed using conventional film forming equipment. A packaging material, such as a film or laminated product suitable for packaging applications, can include the oxygen scavenger composition.

08-06-2006 дата публикации

Process for detecting leaks in sealed packages

Номер: US20060121613A1
Автор: Marvin Havens

The present invention relates to a process for detecting a leak in a package. The process comprises preparing a package by covering at least a portion of an O2-sensitive product with a multilayer film comprising (i) a leak-indicator layer in which a O2-sensitive indicator is present throughout the leak-indicator layer; and (ii) an O2-barrier layer outward of the leak-indicator layer. A low O2-environment is provided within the package. The leak-indicator layer is then illuminated with light containing a wavelength absorbed by the O2-sensitive indicator, so that the O2-sensitive indicator produces an emission of radiation in an amount inversely proportional to a level of O2 present with the O2-sensitive indicator. Then the multilayer film is scanned while the O2-sensitive indicator is emitting radiation, the scanning being carried out by sensing and comparing the amount of radiation emitted from at least two different regions of the multilayer film.

10-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164920C2

Описываются новые кислородвыводящие композиции, например композиция, содержащая соль переходного металла и соединение, имеющее этиленовую или полиэтиленовую главную цепь, где указанное соединение имеет боковые или концевые остатки, которые содержат атом углерода, который образует резонансно-стабилизированный свободный радикал в условиях кислородвыведения, причем боковые или концевые остатки не содержат бензильный радикал. Описываются также пленка и изделия, содержащие вышеуказанные композиции. Эти специальные полимеры используются в качестве упаковочных пленок, а также в качестве компонентов для получения кислородвыводящих композиций. При этом упакованная в указанную пленку пища долго не портится. 6 с. и 44 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 18 табл.

24-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019109203A3

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000258568T

15-02-2007 дата публикации

Laminates of films and methods and apparatus for their manufacture

Номер: AU2002321156B2

03-11-2011 дата публикации

Oxygen scavenging films

Номер: AU2010236927A1

A well dispersed oxygen scavenging particulate compounded in a polymer matrix. The oxygen scavenging formulation consists of iron powder with a mean particle sizes within 1 - 25 um and pre-coated with at least one or more activating and acidifying powdered compounds, usually in the form of solid organic and inorganic salts of alkaline and alkaline earth metals such as sodium chloride and sodium bisulfate. The pre-coated iron particulate is dispersed into a polymer resin by using a conventional melt processing method such as twin-screw extrusion. The oxygen scavenging compound is mixed with polymer pellets in the solid state prior to melting. The polymer resin pellets and the coated iron powder are preferably treated with a surfactant in the dry state to help dispersing the iron/salt powder with the resin pellets. The melt extruded compounds are pelletized and kept in the dry state to prevent premature activation.

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Antioxidant active food packaging

Номер: AU2016325872B2

Food packaging material comprising a polymeric material and a natural antioxidant. The natural antioxidant may be extracted, isolated and/or derived from plant material. A method for forming a food packaging material is also provided, comprising forming a mixture comprising a natural antioxidant and a polymeric resin and processing the mixture to form a food packaging material.

06-03-1998 дата публикации

Multi-component oxygen scavenging composition

Номер: AU0003963597A

13-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002693619C

The invention relates to a packaging article for containing and holding food products, which article comprises bar-rier means for limiting permeability of oxygen through the article and into the one or more chambers, where the packaging article comprises oxygen scavenging means (3), which oxygen scavenging means together with a second plastic material is mould into a cavity in a first plastic material (2) forming walls, bottom(s) and lid(s) of the packaging article, which first plastic material (2) is suitable for contact with food products. The invention further relates to a method of manufacturing a packaging finished in one injection moulding cycle comprising three process steps: - A barrier film (1 ) with or without decoration is placed in the mould. A first plastic material (2) suitable for contact with food products is in jected into the closed mould where the barrier film (1 ) is placed. The mould is partly filled in this step. - A second plastic material containing an oxygen scavenger ...

26-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002723551A1

The invention relates to a packaging film (1), comprising or consisting of a layer arrangement (5), with a barrier layer (2) preventing oxygen permeation, an adhesion promoting layer (3), adjacent to the barrier layer (2), and an oxygen-depleting layer (4), adjacent to the adhesion promoting layer (3). Furthermore, the invention relates to a package (7), a package/packed product unit and a use for a packaging film (1).

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002851529A1

Single and multilayer porous polyolefin films are prepared by extruding polyolefin with poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and followed by uniaxial or biaxial stretching. PLA is used as a pore former that creates porosity. The film provides adjustable gas and water vapor transmission rate by varying the PLA content. Sorbents may optionally be added in the formulation in selective layers. The porous films are useful in packaging and consumable applications. In particular, partially miscible blends of PP and PLA is useful for creating fine porosity due to the fine PLA domains in the miscible blends.

19-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002218381A1

Disclosed is a process for esterifying and/or transesterifying a polymer having a polyethylenic backbone and pendant acid and/or ester moieties comprising contacting a melt of the polymer with a transesterifying compound so that the polymer undergoes esterification and/or transesterification but not alcoholysis. The esterified or transesterified polymer also has pendant ester moieties which differ in kind and/or number from the unreacted polymer. In one embodiment, the process also comprises adding an amount of a transition metal salt that is effective to promote oxygen scavenging. Also in a further embodiment, the process comprises irridiating the transesterified polymer with actinic radiation to reduce the induction period before oxygen scavenging commences. Also disclosed are compositions comprising a component which comprises an ethylenic or polyethylenic backbone and a pendant or terminal moiety comprising a benzylic, allylic, or ether-containing radical. The invention also embodies ...

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002218381C

Disclosed is a process for esterifying and/or transesterifying a polymer having a polyethylenic backbone and pendant acid and/or ester moieties comprising contacting a melt of the polymer with a transesterifying compound so that the polymer undergoes esterification and/or transesterification but not alcoholysis. The esterified or transesterified polymer also has pendant ester moieties which differ in kind and/or number from the unreacted polymer. In one embodiment, the process als o comprises adding an amount of a transition metal salt that is effective to promote oxygen scavenging. Also in a further embodiment , the process comprises irridiating the transesterified polymer with actinic radiation to reduce the induction period before oxygen scavengi ng commences. Also disclosed are compositions comprising a component which comprises an ethylenic or polyethylenic backbone and a pendant or terminal moiety comprising a benzylic, allylic, or ether-containing radical. The invention also embodies ...

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Oxygen scavenging films

Номер: CN0102498159A

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160094955A

... 산소투과성 수지를 주성분으로서 포함하는 산소투과층(A), 탈산소제 조성물과 열가소성 수지를 포함하는 산소흡수성 수지조성물로 이루어진 산소흡수층(B), 접착성 수지를 주성분으로서 포함하는 접착층(C) 및 가스배리어수지를 주성분으로서 포함하는 가스배리어층(D)이 내층부터 외층으로 이 순으로 적층된 4층 이상의 층구성을 갖는 다층용기로서, 상기 가스배리어수지가, 메타자일릴렌디아민단위를 70몰% 이상 포함하는 디아민단위와, 탄소수 4~20의 α,ω-직쇄지방족 디카르본산단위 85~96몰% 및 방향족 디카르본산단위 15~4몰%를 포함하는 디카르본산단위로 이루어진 폴리아미드수지(X)이며, 상기 산소투과층(A)의 두께가, 상기 다층용기의 전체두께의 15~40%이며, 상기 산소흡수층(B)의 두께가, 상기 다층용기의 전체두께의 10~40%인, 다층용기.

21-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006133847A2

Oxygen scavenging multilayer film, comprising a layer that comprises an oxygen scavenging composition, said layer being separated from a first surface of the film by one or more first layers, characterized in that the oxygen scavenging composition comprises a copolymer comprising substituted polypropylene oxide segments and polymer segments and an oxidation catalyst, wherein the copolymer has been prepared by copolymerising the corresponding monomers of the polymer segments in the presence of functionalised substituted polypropylene oxide segments, wherein the first layers have an overall oxygen permeability of at most 500 cm3 /m2. 24h.atm.

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190344945A1

A packaging bag 100 having a heat-sealed part at an end and thereby formed into a bag shape, wherein the heat-sealed part 110 has an oxygen absorption layer 10, a water-vapor absorption layer 20, and a barrier layer 30, and wherein the oxygen absorption layer 10 contains an oxygen-deficient cerium oxide 11.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Composition and film comprising a c4-c10 alpha olefin containing polyolefin

Номер: US20120034454A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention relates to a composition comprising (A) an LDPE in an amount of 15 to 50 wt.-% and (B) a polymer blend in an amount of 50 to 85 wt.-%, wherein polymer blend (B) consists of 20-80 wt.-% propylene random copolymer having a C 2 content of equal or below 4 wt.-% and 80-20 wt.-% of a polyolefm comprising at least one C 4-10 alpha olefin, a coextruded film and an article made thereof, the use of the composition as a peel layer, and the use of a C 4-10 alpha olefin in a film for lowering haze-increase when sterilising the film

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Web material and method for making same

Номер: US20120052037A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A web material containing one or more active agents and methods for making same are provided.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Laminated polyester film

Номер: US20120094113A1

The present invention provide a laminated polyester film which is capable of ensuring a good dimensional stability without being subjected to such a surface saponification treatment with an alkali solution as required for triacetyl cellulose films, is available at low costs, exhibits a good adhesion property to adhesives and a high total light transmittance, and can be suitably used as a protective film for polarizing films. The laminated polyester film of the present invention comprises a polyester film; a coating layer formed on one surface of the polyester film which comprises an acrylic resin or a urethane resin as a main component; and a coating layer formed on the other surface of the polyester film which comprises a urethane resin having a polycarbonate structure. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the coating layer comprising the acrylic resin or the urethane resin as a main component has a thickness of 0.04 to 0.15 μm, and the polyester film comprises an ultraviolet absorber.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Matte biaxially oriented polylactic acid film

Номер: US20120128974A1
Автор: Mark S. Lee
Принадлежит: Toray Plastics America Inc

A biaxially oriented laminate film including a core layer including a blend of crystalline polylactic acid polymer and a minority amount of polyolefin with a compatibilizing resin which is biaxially oriented such that a matte or opaque appearance is obtained. The laminate film may further have additional layers such as a heat sealable layer disposed on one side of the core layer including an amorphous polylactic acid resin and/or a polylactic acid resin-containing layer disposed on the side of the core layer opposite the heat sealable layer, a metal layer, or combinations thereof.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Readherable, repositionable and reusable adhesive fabric paper for printing and manufacturing method of the same

Номер: US20120135654A1
Автор: Sang Young Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

An adhesive fabric paper for printing is used to color printers for personal computers, printing machines for indoor and outdoor advertising, wide format printers, plotters to print colored images. The manufacturing method includes: heating and cooling a woven fabric; preparing a first “S” coating liquid, a second “S” coating liquid and an “R” coating liquid as coating liquids to be coated on the front face of the fabric and maturing them for three days; coating twice the rear face of the fabric; coating once the rear face of the fabric; carrying out first and second “S” coating works on the front face of the fabric with the first “S” coating liquid and the second “S” coating liquid; coating twice the front face of the fabric with the “R” coating liquid; and laminating a backer coated with an adhesive to the fabric.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for Fabrication of Integrated Lightning Strike Protection Material

Номер: US20120145319A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

The invention is directed to an integrated lightning strike protection system adapted for automated placement on a composite structure having a surfacing layer consisting of an organic polymer resin, a conductive layer of an expanded metal foil, an isolation/tack layer, and a carrier paper layer. In another embodiment of the invention, there is provided an integrated lightning strike protection system having an integrated lightning strike protection material consisting of an expanded metal foil encapsulated in organic polymer resin mounted on a carrier paper, and an automated placement machine suitable for placing the material on an aircraft composite part for protection of the composite part from lightning strikes. In another embodiment of the invention, there is provided a method for fabricating a composite structure with lightning strike protection.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Structural Glazing Spacer

Номер: US20120159880A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

A method of preparing a window module includes providing a metal frame having a first major surface, applying a structural glazing tape to the first major surface of the metal frame, and positioning a glass panel overtop the structural glazing tape. The structural glazing tape includes a polymer foam tape having first and second major surfaces, an adhesive layer overlying the first major surface for bonding the structural glazing tape to the structural frame, and a release layer overlying the second major surface. The method further includes filling a channel defined by the glass panel, the metal frame, and the structural glazing tape with a curable sealant, and curing the sealant to bond the glass panel and the metal frame together.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Self-wound tape

Номер: US20120164417A1
Автор: Albert G. Marquis
Принадлежит: Berry Plastics Corp

A self-wound flashing tape comprising a release-treated polyester film coated on the non-treated side with a butyl-based adhesive. The tape may be provided in roll form without a release liner and can be easily unwound.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Reinforced Rubber Tile with Laminated Top Layer and Air Cushion Effect

Номер: US20120189819A1
Автор: Ta-Wei Chang

An odorless composite floor tile suitable for indoor or outdoor use is formed from elastomer particles. The composite floor tile has a lower layer that is formed by binding a first group of elastomer particles with an adhesive, and is stabilized with meshes of fiberglass fibers. The composite floor tile also has a laminated upper layer. The laminated upper layer is formed by binding a second group of elastomer particles with the adhesive, or formed from synthetic rubber and/or natural rubber, polymeric materials, or fiber materials. The composite floor tile has shock absorption and anti-slippage properties. The composite floor tile has an attractive upper surface that includes a variety of color patterns. Further, the composite floor tile also has a shock absorbing lower layer providing an air cushion effect that is also permeable to air and liquids which reduces or eliminates the breeding and spread of bacteria and mildew.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Non-slip buffer device

Номер: US20120225235A1
Автор: Dawn Marie Dorsch
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-slip or anti-slip buffer device which is to be affixed to the underside of shoulder straps of purses, bags, bras, shoulder straps on clothing, backpacks, luggage, cameras, guns, etc. . . . to help prevent the strap or straps from sliding off of the shoulder of the user while remaining concealed from view. The non-slip buffer device is a self-adhesive, flexible, semi-permanent, device made of a slip resistant material. Position the self-adhesive side to the underside of the strap at the shoulder area, the pressure created from the normal tension of the shoulder strap against the wearer's shoulder along with the slip resistant material or coating prevent or minimize slippage of the strap on the user's shoulder.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Fuser member

Номер: US20120231258A1
Автор: JIN Wu
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The present teachings provide a fuser member. The fuser member includes a substrate layer comprising a polyimide polymer and an amine neutralized phosphate ester.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Laminated and molded body and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20120256356A1
Принадлежит: Yoshino Kogyosho Co Ltd

A laminated and molded body obtained by coextruding and molding at least two kinds of resin materials is preferable as a blow-molding aimed preform, a direct-blow molded bottle, a tube, or a blow molded tube, and has at least one layer constituted of a colored layer having a thickness continuously or intermittently varied in a direction parallel to the extruding direction of the at least one layer and/or in another direction intersecting the extruding direction, thereby enhancing the gradation effect.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Polylactic acid-based resin sheet

Номер: US20120288679A1

A polylactic acid-based resin sheet including polylactic acid and rubber particles and characterized by satisfying (1) to (3): (1): 0.01 μm≦|Ra1−Ra2|≦0.2 μm; (2): Ra1≦0.3 μm and (3): Ra2≦0.3 μm where Ra1 is a two-dimensional center line average roughness of one surface of the sheet, and Ra2 is a two-dimensional center line average roughness of a surface other than that subjected to measurement of Ra1.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Self-adhesive cloth

Номер: US20120315473A1
Автор: Guey N. CHIN
Принадлежит: Individual

A self-adhesive cloth in one embodiment includes a main layer ( 10 ), an adhesive layer ( 20 ) disposed under the main layer ( 10 ), and an intermediate isolation layer ( 30 ) fastened between the adhesive layer ( 20 ) and the main layer ( 10 ) for preventing printing ink from permeating to the adhesive layer ( 20 ). The adhesive layer ( 20 ) is adapted to releasably adhere to an object. The self-adhesive cloth in another embodiment further includes an advertisement layer ( 40 ) formed on a top surface of the main layer ( 10 ).

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method of Decorating a Gourd

Номер: US20130000832A1
Автор: Christopher Rodriguez
Принадлежит: Madison International LLC

A gourd carving template includes a coded image printed upon waterslide decal paper. The coded image provides indicia for informing the user as to where to remove portions of the gourd. The printed image is then covered with an adhesive layer and the adhesive layer is covered with a removable adhesive paper. Once the adhesive paper is removed the adhesive layer is exposed and can be placed upon the gourd to provide a fully adhesive template for selectively removing portions of the gourd.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Multilayered structure and laminate, and method for production of the same

Номер: US20130017383A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

An object of the invention is to provide a multilayered structure having very superior gas barrier properties and being excellent in flex resistance, pinhole resistance, stretchability, thermoformability and interlayer adhesiveness, and having superior durability enabling characteristics such as high gas barrier properties to be maintained even if used with deformation such as flexion and/or stretching, and to provide a laminate in which the multilayered structure is used, and a production method thereof. Provided by the present invention is a multilayered structure in which at least 4 resin-layers constituted with a resin composition containing an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer are contiguously laminated. A single layer of the resin layer has an average thickness of preferably no less than 0.01 μm and no greater than 10 μm. The average thickness is preferably no less than 0.1 μm and no greater than 1,000 μm. When the content of ethylene units of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer is no less than 3 mol % and no greater than 70 mol %, the saponification degree is preferably no less than 80 mol %.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Pressure sensitive shrink label

Номер: US20130022797A1
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp

A label for application to a surface having at least one compound curve is provided. The label comprises a heat shrinkable film having an inner surface and outer surface and a layer of pressure sensitive adhesive on the inner surface of the heat shrinkable film.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Access floor panel

Номер: US20130047529A1
Автор: Glenn Foden
Принадлежит: Individual

An access floor panel may have a core panel placed between a top pan and a bottom pan. The top pan and the bottom pan may be made from metal and may be formed around the core panel. The top pan may have a coating applied thereto, the coating may have one or more of several advantageous properties such as fire resistance, electrostatic dissipation properties, slip resistance, wear resistance and the like. In an embodiment, the coating may also have a predetermined surface pattern to give the panel an aesthetically pleasing look.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Shrink Film for Label

Номер: US20130095371A1
Автор: Vadim ZAIKOV
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp

A shrink film comprising a core layer comprising a glycol modified polyester, the core having an upper and lower surface; an upper skin layer disposed on the upper surface of the core layer and a lower skin layer disposed on the lower surface of the core layer, the skin layers each individually comprising (a) a resin material; and (b) an antiblocking agent.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Multilayered sheet

Номер: US20130156984A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

This invention is directed to a multilayered sheet comprising a release paper and an inorganic refractory layer coated onto one surface of the release paper wherein the refractory layer has a dry areal weight of from 15 to 50 gsm and a residual moisture content of no greater than 10 percent by weight. The paper comprises a blend of cellulose and cotton fibers and is hydrophilic.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Air vehicle with a slip protecting and gas sealing composite floor

Номер: US20130264423A1

An air vehicle with a slip protecting and gas sealing composite floor ( 1, 10 ) inside a fuselage, particularly a helicopter with a slip protecting and gas sealing composite floor ( 1, 10 ) inside a fuselage. Said slip protecting and gas sealing composite floor ( 1, 10 ) is built up of a profiled elastomer layer ( 2 ) provided at its bottom side with a cross-linking agent, n-layers ( 3 ) of a further component or a variety of different components and partially thermosetting resin covered by a profiled elastomer layer ( 2 ), a honey comb layer ( 4 ) and lower n-layers ( 5 ) of said further component or variety of different components and partially thermosetting resin, said honey comb layer ( 4 ) being sandwiched between said n-layers ( 3 ) and said lower n-layers ( 5 ).

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Refractive lens cover

Номер: US20130343065A1
Автор: Shawn Engberg

A stack of a plurality of thin film adhesively bonded members are removably coupled to a light emitting structure. A method for cleaning a light emitting surface is also disclosed. The method includes removing pre-placed polymer sheets from a light emitting surface after predetermined time intervals. The adhesive is configured to allow an exposed polymer sheet layer to be removed without removing the entire stack of rectangular members.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape for protecting surface of semiconductor parts

Номер: US20130344274A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

The present invention is for providing a pressure-sensitive adhesive tape for protecting the surface of semiconductor parts which transfers little foreign matter to an object (part) to be adhered in a manufacturing process, the pressure-sensitive adhesive tape comprising at least a base material film, a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, and a peeling liner, the base material film having the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer on one surface thereof, and the peeling liner using an unprocessed plastic film which does not contain a releasing layer being formed on the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Variable reflectance mirror system

Номер: US20140036339A1
Принадлежит: Gentex Corp

Anisotropic film laminates for use in image-preserving reflectors such as rearview automotive mirror assemblies, and related methods of fabrication. A film may comprise an anisotropic layer such as a light-polarizing layer and other functional layers. The film having controlled water content is heated under omnidirectional pressure and vacuum to a temperature substantially equal to or above a lower limit of a glass-transition temperature range of the film so as to be laminated to a substrate. The laminated film is configured as part of a mirror structure so as to increase contrast of light produced by a light source positioned behind the mirror structure and transmitted through the mirror structure towards a viewer. The mirror structure is devoid of any extended distortion and is characterized by SW and LW values less than 3, more preferably less than 2, and most preferably less than 1.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Shape memory polymer which functions as a dry adhesive clamp and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20140072771A1
Автор: Chen-Shin Wang, Tao Xie

One embodiment of the invention includes a shape memory polymer which functions similar to a traditional mechanical clamp. A shape memory polymer may exhibit adhesive properties when heated above its glass transition temperature. The shape memory polymers may function as a reversible dry adhesive clamp.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Attachable grip enhancers and sports tapes for the human body

Номер: US20140079900A1
Автор: John Ramirez
Принадлежит: Individual

According to the various features, characteristics and embodiments of the present invention which will become apparent as the description thereof proceeds, the present invention provides attachable grip enhancers for general use, as well as in playing the game of various sports, that could be attached to an individual, and uses and methods thereof. The present invention and its embodiments can, among other things, enhance the overall performance in arm tasks conducted by the wrist, forearm and/or bicep areas, as well as hand tasks by, among other things, creating a high coefficient of friction on said areas. Embodiments can additionally benefit users to, among other things, protect an injury, and/or protect from injury, by offering embodiments with a medicated additive and/or shock-absorbing member.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000835A1

An adhesive-applying method is disclosed herein. The method comprises: providing a film comprising pressure sensitive adhesive coated on a major surface thereof; heating the film to a softening point of the film; and pressing the film against a substrate with an application device, the application device comprising a film-contacting portion, the film-contacting portion comprising a foam material and having a thermal conductivity of less than 1.8 BTU/hr-in-ft-° F.; wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive on the major surface of the film adheres to the substrate. Application devices and kits that may be used in conjunction with the method are also disclosed herein. 1. A method of applying a film having a pressure sensitive adhesive on a major side thereof to a substrate having an irregular surface , the adhesive-applying method comprising:heating a portion of the film to a softening point of the film to form a heated portion of the film;pressing the heated portion of the film against the substrate with an application device, the application device comprising a film-contacting portion comprising a foam material; andwherein the pressure sensitive adhesive on the major surface of the film associated with said pressing adheres to the irregular surface of the substrate in a single pressing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating comprises heating the portion of the film using hot air.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating comprises heating the film using infrared radiation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating occurs before pressing the heated portion of the film against the substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating occurs while the portion of the film is in contact with the film-contacting portion before pressing the film against the substrate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the portion of the film to the softening point of the film comprises heating a selected portion of the film.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Self-adhering therapy pack

Номер: US20180000636A1
Автор: Michael N. Soltes
Принадлежит: Individual

A therapy pack system provides a reusable self-adhering therapy pack to skin. The therapy pack may be for example, an ice pack, heat pack or hot and cold pack. A sticky polymer gel is mounted onto a polymer casing of the therapy pack. The polymer gel is re-usable to attach the therapy pack to a user's skin at the site needing therapy. The polymer gel also buffers the skin from heat or freezer burn associated with applying a hot/cold pack to skin for an extended period. A chloride based compound may be added to the polymer gel to prevent the gel from freezing. In some embodiments, a non-woven fabric patch may support the polymer gel adhesive providing an additional layer of protection to the skin while simultaneously allowing the gel to self-adhere the therapy pack to the user.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Smooth surfaced flexible and stretchable skin for covering robotic arms in restaurant and food preparation applications

Номер: US20210001500A1
Принадлежит: Miso Robotics Inc

A sleeve apparatus for protecting a robotic kitchen arm from contamination. The sleeve includes a proximal end, a distal end, a passageway extending from the proximal end to the distal end, and an exterior surface. The passageway has an effective diameter less than the effective diameter of the robotic kitchen arm such that the exterior surface of the sleeve apparatus is substantially fold-free when the robotic arm is in the extended configuration. Methods of cleaning a robotic kitchen arm are also described.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Assembly and method for creating custom structures from printable blank sheets

Номер: US20170001408A1
Автор: Benjamin Todd Carroll
Принадлежит: Blank Acquisition LLC

A printable blank sheet includes a sheet with a top substrate and a bottom layer, a dry lift adhesive connecting the top substrate to the bottom layer, cut lines in the sheet that extend through the top substrate and the dry lift adhesive but not through the bottom layer, and an object with an intricate shape cut into the top substrate with a periphery of the object defined by the cut lines. The object can be removed from the sheet by separating the object and the bottom layer along the dry lift adhesive.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001413A1

An at least monoaxially stretched, multi-layer film with separation effect and a total thickness of ≦18 μm which has on at least one surface an at least partial embossing. 1. A multilayer polymeric film with release effect , which is oriented at least monoaxially in machine direction with an orientation of at least 1:2 and is comprised at least to an extent of 50 wt % of polyolefins , and which has a total thickness ≦18 μm , having an at least partial embossment on at least one surface , the embossed elevation of the at least partial embossment being ≧5 μm as measured according to DIN 53370 2006.2. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , having an orientation in machine direction of at least 1:5.3. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the release effect of the polymeric film is based on the at least partial embossment of at least one surface.4. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film has a release coating on at least one of its surfaces.5. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film has a shrinkage lower by at least 50% in comparison to a corresponding unembossed oriented polymeric film.6. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the embossment and/or release coating that generates the release effect is present over substantially the whole surface area claim 1 , or over a partial area of the surface of the polymeric film.7. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film is comprised to an extent of at least 70 wt % of polyolefins.8. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein as polyethylenes LDPE claim 1 , MDPE claim 1 , LLDPE or a mixture of at least two of the mentioned PE are used.9. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one layer of the polymeric film is based on a mixture of at least one PE and one PP.10. A polymeric film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the film has a barrier layer against gases claim 1 , against migration of low molecular ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001420A1

A packaging film made of an at least monoaxially stretched, multi-layered plastic film comprised of at least up to 50% by weight of polyolefins and having a total thickness ≦18 μm, which has an expansion of up to a maximum of 1% at a tensile force of at least 3N per 25 mm width according to DIN EN ISO 527.3 1. A packing film comprising an unembossed multilayer polymeric film having a total thickness ≦18 μm , which is oriented at least monoaxially in machine direction to an orientation ratio of at least 1:2 , which comprises at least to an extent of 50 wt % polyethylenes (PE) , polypropylenes (PP) , their mixtures or copolymers , and which has an elongation of up to at most 1% under a tensile force of at least 3 N per 25 mm width in accordance with DIN EN ISO 527-3 and has no embossed structure on its surface layers.2. A packaging film as claimed in claim 1 , consisting of the multilayer polymeric film.3. A packaging film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film in machine direction has an orientation ratio of at least 1:3.4. A packaging film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film comprises to an extent of at least 70 wt % polyethylenes (PE) claim 1 , polypropylenes (PP) claim 1 , their mixtures or copolymers.5. A packaging film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film is based on LDPE claim 1 , MDPE claim 1 , LLDPE claim 1 , polypropylenes (PP) claim 1 , or a mixture of at least two of said polyolefins.6. A packaging film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymeric film has at least one barrier layer against gasses claim 1 , against fats and oils or against migration of low molecular mass organic compounds and/or against moisture.7. A packaging film as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the barrier layer of the polymeric film is made up of ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymers claim 6 , polyvinyl alcohols claim 6 , polyamides claim 6 , copolyamides claim 6 , polyesters and/or polyether-polyamide block copolymers.8. A packaging film as claimed ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001422A1
Принадлежит: ROBA GROUP AG

Functionalized corrugated cardboard, at least one paper web of which is replaced by a functionalized, multi-layer plastic film. 1. A functionalized corrugated cardboard having a plurality of fluted sheets , wherein at least one facing sheet and one intermediate sheet of the corrugated cardboard is replaced by different , multilayer , functionalized plastics films.2. The functionalized corrugated cardboard having a plurality of fluted sheets as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the functionalized claim 1 , multilayer plastics films differ in structure and/or in the composition of the layers claim 1 , and/or in the thickness of the layers claim 1 , or in their functionality.3. The functionalized corrugated cardboard having a plurality of fluted sheets as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the functionalized claim 1 , multilayer plastics films have at least one layer as barrier layer against gases claim 1 , against moisture claim 1 , against migration of low-molecular-weight fractions claim 1 , or against impairment of taste or of odor claim 1 , or against oils and fats claim 1 , or against liquids.4. The functionalized corrugated cardboard having a plurality of fluted sheets as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the functionalized claim 1 , multilayer plastics film claim 1 , as a facing sheet of the corrugated cardboard claim 1 , has an absorption layer for liquids claim 1 , a surface layer with a release coating claim 1 , a printed layer with information and/or identification claim 1 , and/or has a decorative layer claim 1 , and/or a layer for improving the mechanical properties of the corrugated cardboard.5. The functionalized corrugated cardboard having a plurality of fluted sheets as claimed in claim 1 , wherein it can be rolled.6. The functionalized corrugated cardboard having a plurality of fluted sheets as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the functionalized claim 1 , multilayer plastics films have a layer sequence comprising at least the following layers:(a) as surface layer, a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Preparation of Multilayer Structural Composites Prepared Using Consolidation Liners Of High Parting Force

Номер: US20160001541A1

Composite structures prepared by laying up a plurality of plies of thermoplastic or thermoset fiber reinforced prepregs are produced by adhering a high parting force consolidation liner on at least one surface of the layup prior to curing and consolidation. The surface coating on the release paper is preferably free of controlled release additives, adheres well to consolidated compositions, and can be removed to expose the composite surface. 1. In a process for preparing a cured , multi-layer composite structure by laying up a plurality of polymer resin-containing , fiber reinforced prepregs to form an uncured multi-layer composite , and consolidating the uncured composite at elevated temperature , the improvement comprising employing a consolidation liner on at least one side of the composite during consolidation , wherein the consolidation liner has a surface coating prepared by coating a consolidation liner substrate with an aqueous emulsion comprising (A) a vinyl addition polymer , (B) an organopolysiloxane polymer bearing at least two ethylenically unsaturated groups , (C) an organosilicon crosslinker bearing at least three silicon bonded hydrogen atoms , and (D) a hydrosilylation catalyst , wherein components (B) and (C) are present in an amount of from about 5% by weight to about 50% by weight relative to the sum of (A) , (B) , and (C).2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the vinyl addition polymer (A) is an ethylene/vinylacetate copolymer.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the surface coating is essentially free of controlled release additives.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the surface coating contains less than 5 parts controlled release additive per 100 parts of (B) and (C).5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said consolidation liner is also adhered to the resin-containing fiber reinforced prepregs prior to laying up these prepregs.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein components (B) and (C) are present in an amount of from 5 to about 30 weight percent ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001595A1

There are provided rolls comprising an air and water barrier article having opposing first and second major surfaces, a pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on at least the first major surface of the article, and a liner having a first major surface that contacts the opposing second major surface of the article, and at least two adhesion modifying zones disposed between the second major surface of the article and the first major surface of the liner, wherein both of a first and second adhesion modifying zones contact the first major surface of the liner, and wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive contacts a second major surface of the liner when wound in the roll. There are also provided films made using these air and water barrier articles and building envelopes made using such films. 1. A roll comprising an air and water barrier article having opposing first and second major surfaces , a pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on at least the first major surface of the article , a liner having a first major surface that contacts the opposing second major surface of the article , and at least two adhesion modifying zones disposed between the second major surface of the article and the first major surface of the liner , wherein both of a first and second adhesion modifying zones contact the first major surface of the liner , and wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive contacts a second major surface of the liner when wound in the roll.2. The roll of wherein a release strength between the second major surface of the liner and the pressure sensitive adhesive is less than or equal to a release strength between the first major surface of the liner and the second major surface of the article.3. The roll of wherein the liner is coated on at least one of the major surfaces with a release coating.4. The roll of wherein a ratio of a width of the first adhesion modifying zone in the cross direction to a width of the second adhesion modifying zone in the cross direction is at ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Segmented protective display film

Номер: US20200001577A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A display film comprises a transparent glass layer including two or more co-planar glass layer segments and a thickness defined by a first major surface and a second major surface opposing the first major surface being less than 500 micrometers; interstitial polymer material separating adjacent segments; and transparent energy dissipation layer having a glass transition temperature of 27 degrees Celsius or less and a Tan Delta peak value of 0.5 or greater and being disposed on the first major surface.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001615A1
Принадлежит: Cintas Corporate Services, Inc.

An adhesive assembly can be used to join textile materials together creating a durable wash resistant. An emblem can be removed from a work shirt without leaving glue stains or residue. The shirt may be reused if emblems need to be removed or changed before the life of the garment expires. In various embodiments, a layer of mesh is incorporated into the heat activated glue on the back of the emblem. This mesh does not affect adherence to the garment. The emblem sticks just as well as without the mesh layer and with zero process changes to how the emblem is applied. The mesh allows for the complete removal of the adhesive from the garment when the patch is removed allowing the garment to be used even after the patch is removed. 1. A method of associating an emblem assembly with a substrate comprising the steps of:interposing a first layer of adhesive between a back face of an emblem and the substrate;interposing an adhesive retention layer between the back face of the emblem and the substrate wherein the first layer of adhesive is in contact with the adhesive retention layer;adhering the emblem to the substrate in a wash-durable manner with the first layer of adhesive; andafter the adhering step, removing the emblem assembly from the substrate inclusive of the layer of adhesive such that substantially none of the first layer of adhesive is visible on the substrate after the removing step.2. The method of further comprising:washing the substrate and emblem assembly multiple times after the adhering step and prior to the removing step.3. The method of further comprising:interposing a barrier layer between the back face of the emblem and the substrate to inhibit migration of residue from the emblem onto the substrate.4. The method of wherein the removing step further comprises one of the following steps:cold pulling the emblem assembly from the substrate; andheating the first layer of adhesive to pull the emblem assembly from the substrate.5. The method of wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Image containing laminate

Номер: US20190001622A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

One example provides a method. The method includes printing an image on a surface of laminate, the laminate including: a backing layer; and a transparency disposed over the backing layer. The transparency may have a first side having the image printed thereon and a second side disposed over a first side of the backing layer, the second side opposite the first side. The method may include detaching the second side of the transparency from the first side of the backing layer and reattaching the first side of the transparency to the first side of the backing layer to form a laminated image. The method may include disposing the laminated image over a substrate surface having a curvature.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Self-venting bag-in-box package

Номер: US20190002182A1
Принадлежит: Bemis Co Inc

A package for storing or preparing food or other products includes a flexible pouch within which the product can be sealed, and a box′ or other container sized to hold the pouch. To seal the product in the pouch, the pouch includes a peelable seal that seals a portion of a first thermoplastic film to a portion of a second thermoplastic film, such films optionally forming walls of the pouch. The package, including the container and the pouch, is configured for beating the sealed product m ″ a microwave oven, in a heated state, pressure inside the pouch increases to expand the pouch, and the container constrains or limits expansion of the pouch in some places but not at an expansion region of the container. A portion of the peelable seal is proximate such region, producing a separation in such peelable sea! portion such that the pouch self-vents through the separation.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Curable compositions, articles therefrom, and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20220006137A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A curable composition includes a polyol component comprising one or more polyols; a functional butadiene component; and a thermally conductive filler. The thermally conductive filler is present in an amount of at least 20 wt. %, based on the total weight of the curable composition. The curable composition has, upon curing, a thermal conductivity of at least 0.5 W/(mK).

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Double sided adhesive film, adhesive layer-equipped transparent plate, and laminate

Номер: US20160002501A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

To provide a double sided adhesive film, an adhesive layer-equipped transparent plate and a laminate, capable of improving reworkability. One embodiment of the double sided adhesive film of the present invention is a double sided adhesive film which has an adhesive layer made of a resin composition as a forming material and which is capable of bonding an adherend and a protective plate, wherein the adhesive layer has a first surface and a second surface on the opposite side of the first surface, the composition of the resin composition at the first surface and the composition of the resin composition at the second surface are different from each other, and the adhesive force between the first surface and the protective plate is larger than the adhesive force between the second surface and the adherend.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Silicone composition for release paper or release film, and release paper and release film

Номер: US20190002746A1
Автор: Ken Nakayama
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A compound that is devoid of epoxy groups and has a quantity of alkenyl groups corresponding to 5-1000 times the alkenyl content of a base polymer, and/or an organopolysiloxane that is devoid of alkenyl groups, has an average degree of polymerization of 2-50, and contains, per molecule, 30 mol % or more of siloxane units having epoxycyclohexyl groups bonded to silicon atoms via carbon atoms, are/is blended with a silicone composition for a release film as adhesion-enhancing components.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002846A1
Автор: FOHLIN Dag, Novarino Elena

The present invention relates to a nonwoven fabric comprising a plurality of polypropylene-containing fibers that form a nonwoven web, which fibers in addition contain a slip agent, the web has a side which is provided with an alternating pattern which consists of individualized bonded areas which bonded areas are in the form of rods which are arranged in the cross direction of the web, the alternating pattern of individualized bonded areas defines a non-bonded area, the web has a basis weight on the range of from 5-25 g/m, the surface of the bonded areas is in the range of 5-20% of the total surface of the side, and the surface of the non-bonded area is in the range of 80-95% of the total surface of the side. The present invention further relates to a process for forming the nonwoven fabric. 1. A nonwoven fabric comprising a plurality of polypropylene-containing fibers that form a nonwoven web , which fibers in addition contain a slip agent , the web has a side which is provided with an alternating pattern which consists of individualized bonded areas which are in the form of rods which are arranged in the cross direction of the web , the alternating pattern of individualized bonded areas defines a non-bonded area , the web has a basis weight on the range of from 5-25 g/m , the surface of the bonded areas is in the range of 5-20% of the total surface of the side , and the surface of the non-bonded area is in the range of 80-95% of the total surface of the side.2. A nonwoven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the surface of the non-bonded area is in the range of from 8-15% of the total surface area of the side.3. A nonwoven fabric according to claim 2 , wherein the surface of the non-bonded area is in the range of from 85-92% of the total surface area of the side.4. A nonwoven fabric process according to any one of - claim 2 , wherein the slip agent is a hydrocarbon compound having one or more functional groups selected from hydroxide claim 2 , aryls and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002931A1
Автор: Warner Neil A.

A method for producing an injection molded and anti-skid mat providing a lower mold half and an enclosing upper mold half, the mold halves defining therebetween an interior cavity which is a negative of the mat to be produced. A cavity defining surface is configured in the bottom mold half with locations for preplacement of a plurality of underside adhering portions. A flowable plasticized/rubberized material is communicated through a channel in at least one of the mold halves in order to fill the interior cavity, the material setting and cooling prior to removing the upper mold half and the formed mat. 1. A method for producing an injection molded and anti-skid mat , comprising the steps of:providing a lower mold half and an enclosing upper mold half, said mold halves defining therebetween an interior cavity which is a negative of the mat to be produced;configuring a cavity defining surface of the bottom mold half with locations for preplacement of a plurality of underside adhering portions;communicating a flowable plasticized/rubberized material through a channel in at least one of the mold halves in order to fill the interior cavity; andsetting and cooling the material prior to removing the upper mold half and the formed mat.2. The method as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of configuring the cavity defining surface with the bottom mold half with width extending locations for imparting hinge lines into the mat.3. The method as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of shaping said body as an elongated rectangle.4. The method as described in claim 1 , said step of communicating a flowable plasticized/rubberized material further comprising the step of communicating at least one of a neoprene or synthetic rubberized material.5. The method as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of configuring a cavity defining surface of the upper mold half with a textured and anti skid profile including a diamond deck pattern.6. The ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Molded ceiling material for vehicle and production method therefor

Номер: US20220016868A1
Автор: Masahiko Mikami
Принадлежит: Sanwa Kogyo Co Ltd

A ceiling material body (1a) includes a substrate layer (2) formed from rigid urethane foam; a first fiber-reinforced layer (3) provided on an in-cabin side of the substrate layer (2); a second fiber-reinforced layer (4) provided on an out-cabin side of the substrate layer (2); a surface layer (5) provided on an in-cabin side of the first fiber-reinforced layer (3); and a back layer (6) provided on an out-cabin side of the second fiber-reinforced layer (4). The second fiber-reinforced layer (4) includes a glass paper (7) overlaying the substrate layer (2) and a glass mat (8) overlaying an opposite side of the glass paper (7) from the substrate layer (2).

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008262A1

A composite sliding member includes a combination of a fiber woven fabric and a resin member, wherein the fiber woven fabric is a multilayer woven fabric having a front surface layer serving as a sliding surface and a rear surface layer adhered to the resin member, the front surface layer mainly including a fluororesin fiber and the rear surface layer mainly including a heat resistant fiber; wherein when a cross section of the composite sliding member crossing the fiber woven fabric, the resin member, and their composite interface is observed, one heat resistant fiber A of such heat resistant fiber at a position adjacent to the resin member with no intervening other fiber in the cross section is observed, and a ratio of a number of monofilaments in the heat resistant fiber A not in close contact with the resin constituting the resin member or adjacent monofilaments in relation to a number of all monofilaments constituting the heat resistant fiber A is R and R is 0 to 70%. 16.-. (canceled)7. A composite sliding member comprising a combination of a fiber woven fabric and a resin member , wherein the fiber woven fabric is a multilayer woven fabric having a front surface layer serving as a sliding surface and a rear surface layer adhered to the resin member , the front surface layer mainly comprising a fluororesin fiber and the rear surface layer mainly comprising a heat resistant fiber; wherein{'b': 1', '1, 'when a cross section of the composite sliding member crossing the fiber woven fabric, the resin member, and their composite interface is observed, one heat resistant fiber A of such heat resistant fiber at a position adjacent to the resin member with no intervening other fiber in the cross section is observed, and a ratio of a number of monofilaments in the heat resistant fiber A not in close contact with the resin constituting the resin member or adjacent monofilaments in relation to a number of all monofilaments constituting the heat resistant fiber A is R, and R ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Heating tape and system

Номер: US20190008000A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A heating tape comprises an insulated heating element that includes a heating element layer comprising a polymer composite having conductive particles and at least one set of conductive electrodes at least partially embedded in the polymer composite and extending along at least a substantial portion of the length of the heating tape. A heating tape system for a pipe or other surface, further includes a power ramp controller having a solid state relay component to regulate an in-rush of current to the heating element. The heating tape system also includes a connector having multiple contact points.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009053A1

A structure of a multilayer component in which a rigid core material, a soft surface material, and a cushioned foam layer provided between the core material and the surface material are integrated, wherein the core material includes an exposed core material portion without having the surface material and the form layer, the exposed core material portion is obtained by cutting off at least the surface material to be eliminated, and a cutting assist portion that projects toward the surface material or toward an opposite side of the surface material to assist cutting off with a cutting tool is provided in a part of the core material on which the surface material is cut off. 1. A structure of a multilayer component in which a rigid core material , a soft surface material , and a cushioned foam layer provided between the core material and the surface material are integrated , whereinthe core material includes an exposed core material portion without having the surface material and the foam layer,the exposed core material portion is obtained by cutting off at least the surface material to be eliminated, anda cutting assist portion that projects toward the surface material or toward an opposite side of the surface material to assist cutting off with a cutting tool is provided in a part of the core material on which the surface material is cut off.2. A structure of a multilayer component in which a rigid core material , a soft surface material , and a cushioned foam layer provided between the core material and the surface material are integrated , whereinthe surface material includes a seam line portion formed by sewing,the core material includes an exposed core material portion without having the surface material and the foam layer,the exposed core material portion is obtained by cutting off the surface material along with the seam line portion to be eliminated, anda cutting assist portion that projects toward the surface material or toward an opposite side of the surface ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Fabric and liquid absorbing article

Номер: US20190008687A1
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

A fabric that includes a first yarn and a second yarn which generate electric charges having different polarities with the application of external energy thereto. The fabric includes a low-density portion and a high-density portion having a lower porosity than the low-density portion.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009035A1

The present invention provides a sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition obtained by performing at least: a sterilizing step of irradiating with radiation an oxygen-absorbing resin composition containing a transition metal catalyst and a thermoplastic resin (a) having a tetralin ring as a constituent unit; and a step of heating the oxygen-absorbing resin composition at a temperature equal to or higher than the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) and equal to or lower than 200° C., after the sterilizing step. 1. A sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition obtained by performing at least:a sterilizing step of irradiating with radiation an oxygen-absorbing resin composition comprising a transition metal catalyst and a thermoplastic resin (a) having a tetralin ring as a constituent unit; anda step of heating the oxygen-absorbing resin composition at a temperature equal to or higher than a glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) and equal to or lower than 200° C., after the sterilizing step.2. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a time of the heating is 1 to 120 minutes.4. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst comprises at least one transition metal selected from the group consisting of manganese claim 1 , iron claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , and copper.5. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst is contained in an amount of 0.001 to 10 parts by mass in terms of the amount of a transition metal based on 100 parts by mass of the thermoplastic resin (a).7. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the radiation is at least one selected from the group consisting of gamma rays claim 1 , X-rays claim 1 , and electron beams.8. A sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer container obtained by ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009108A1

The present invention relates to a washable linerless self-adhesive label, and to a method and apparatus for producing said label. The present invention also relates to labelled products. 1. A printed linerless face laminate comprising the following layers in the following order:a release layer comprising a release agent,a second layer comprising a thermoplastic polymer,a second adhesive layer,a first layer comprising a thermoplastic polymer or fiber-based material, anda first adhesive layer comprising a pressure sensitive adhesive,wherein the print is on one or more printable surface(s) between the first layer and the second layer.234.-. (canceled)35. The printed face laminate of claim 1 ,wherein the first layer comprises a polymer selected from polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polylactic acid, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, cyclic olefin (co)polymer and copolymer and derivatives thereof.36. The printed face laminate of claim 1 ,wherein the first layer comprises paper.3740-. (canceled)41. The printed face laminate of claim 1 ,wherein the second layer comprises a polymer selected from polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polylactic acid, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, cyclic olefin (co)polymer and copolymer and derivatives thereof.42. The printed face laminate of claim 1 ,wherein the release agent comprises silicone, such as UV curable silicone, thermal curable silicone or a silicone from 100% solid curable, solvent based and emulsion based silicone.4346.-. (canceled)47. The printed face laminate of claim 1 ,wherein the second adhesive layer comprises an adhesive selected from a UV curable adhesive, such as a UV curable acrylic adhesive, or a polyurethane adhesive, and an activatable adhesive, such as adhesive activatable by heat or water addition.4851.-. (canceled)52. The printed face laminate of claim 1 ,wherein the total thickness of the face laminate is in the range of 20-100 μm, such as ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Pouch or Semi-Dense or Liquid Product with Applicator

Номер: US20180009196A1
Принадлежит: Amcor Flexibles Italia S.R.L.

A pouch () for semi-dense or liquid products and method for manufacturing are disclosed. The pouch () comprising a first half () and a second half () of a flexible sheet material, the flexible sheet material comprises at least an outer layer (), a tie layer () and porous layer (), the porous layer carrying at least partly a semi-dense or liquid product (), whereby the first half () and the second half () form walls of the pouch, their respective porous layers () facing a product space formed by the first half () and the second half () and whereby a sealed seam () joins the first half () and the second half () of the flexible sheet material and peelably seals the pouch, the sealed seam () being formed by the tie layer () fully impregnating the porous layer () in the area of the sealed seam () forming a peelable seal. 111-. (canceled)12. A pouch comprising: a first half and a second half of a flexible sheet material , whereby the flexible sheet material comprises at least an outer layer , a polymeric tie layer and porous layer , the porous layer carrying at least partly a semi-dense or liquid product , whereby the first half and the second half form walls of the pouch , their respective porous layers facing a product space formed by the first half and the second half and whereby a sealed seam joins the first half and the second half of the flexible sheet material and peelably seals the pouch , the sealed seam being formed by the tie layer fully impregnating the porous layer in the area of the sealed seam forming a peelable seal.13. The pouch of claim 12 , whereby the polymer forming the tie layer has a melt flow index at least 6 g/10 min claim 12 , preferably of at least 10 g/10 min and most preferably of at least 14 g/10 min.14. The pouch of claim 12 , whereby the outer layer comprises a polyethylene terephtalate layer and an aluminum layer.15. The pouch of claim 12 , whereby the tie layer comprises at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Multilayer structure and packaging material including same

Номер: US20180009202A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

The present invention provides a novel multilayer structure having good gas barrier properties and good water vapor barrier properties and further having high retort resistance and a packaging material including the multilayer structure. The present invention relates to a multilayer structure including a base (X) and a layer (Y) stacked on the base (X). The layer (Y) contains an aluminum-containing compound (A) and an organic phosphorus compound (BO), and the organic phosphorus compound (BO) contains a phosphorus atom-containing functional group and at least one metal ion (Z) selected from ions of metals of Groups 1 to 12 of the periodic table, the content of the metal ion (Z) being 0.4 to 8.0 mol % relative to the content of the phosphorus atom-containing functional group.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Substrate for release sheets, and release sheet

Номер: US20210008833A1
Принадлежит: Lintec Corp

The present invention relates to a substrate for release sheet including a support, an adhesion layer (X1), and a resin layer (Y1) containing polyethylene having a density of 930 kg/m3 or more and 960 kg/m3 or less in this order, wherein convex portions are present on the surface of the resin layer (Y1), and a difference in height of the convex portions is 0.5 μm or more.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008853A1
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemicals Inc

The present invention has an object of providing an ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated polyene copolymer composition excellent in the adhesive strength with a layer of a saponified ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer; and the present invention relates to a laminate comprising a layer of a copolymer composition comprising 100 parts by mass of an ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated polyene copolymer (A) and one or more additives selected from the following (1) to (3), and a layer of the saponified ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer (B). (1) 1.7 to 20 parts by mass of dicumyl peroxide and 2 to 20 parts by mass of a metal oxide; (2) 20 to 120 parts by mass of a hydrophilic fumed silica; and (3) 5 to 50 parts by mass of an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer (B).

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008855A1

A surfacing material that is capable of ultraviolet (UV) protection. The surfacing material is a multilayer structure composed of a woven peel ply fabric interposed between a first curable resin layer and a second curable resin layer. The surfacing material is designed to be co-cured with a composite substrate, for example, a prepreg layup. Upon curing, the peel ply fabric combined with the outer thermoset layer function as a UV protective layer. When the peel ply fabric and the outer thermoset layer are removed, a paint-ready surface is revealed. Such surface does not require any surface preparation prior to painting. 1. A surfacing material that is capable of ultraviolet (UV) protection , comprising:a woven peel ply fabric interposed between a first curable resin layer and a second curable resin layer,whereinthe woven peel ply fabric comprises polymeric fibers, has a thickness in the range of 3 mils to 5 mils (or 76 μm to 127 μm), a warp yarn count of greater than 70 yarns per square inch and a weft yarn count of at least 50 yarns per square inch, andeach curable resin layer comprises one or more thermoset resins.2. The surfacing material of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarn count is 120-200 per square inch and the weft yarn count is 50-140 per square inch.3. The surfacing material of claim 1 , wherein the woven peel ply fabric is comprised of woven polyester fibers or polyamide fibers.4. The surfacing material according to claim 1 , wherein the curable resin layers do not comprise any reinforcement fiber.5. The surfacing material according to claim 1 , further comprising an electrically conductive layer laminated to one side of the first curable resin layer such that the first curable resin layer is between the woven peel ply fabric and the conductive layer.6. The surfacing material according to claim 5 , wherein the electrically conductive layer is selective from: a porous metal screen claim 5 , a solid metal foil claim 5 , and a sheet of carbon.7. The surfacing ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009961A1
Принадлежит: LINTEC Corporation

An electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition, which contains an acrylic polymer (A), a (poly)alkylene polyol (B) having a number average molecular weight of no greater than 2000, and an ammonium salt (C), has a high adhesiveness before voltage application, but the adhesiveness can decrease effectively by voltage application for a short time. 1. An electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition comprising an acrylic polymer (A) , a (poly)alkylene polyol (B) having a number average molecular weight of 2000 or less , and an ammonium salt (C).2. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component(C) is an ammonium sulfonate.3. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 2 , wherein the ammonium sulfonate is a compound represented by the following general formula (c-1):{'br': None, '[Chem. 1]'}{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': n', '3', '4, 'RO\ue8a0RO\ue8a0SONH\u2003\u2003(c-1)'}{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Rrepresents any of an alkyl group that may have a substituent, an alkenyl group that may have a substituent, and an aryl group that may have a substituent, and a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon group is also included in the aryl group; Rrepresents an alkylene group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms that may have a substituent; and n represents a real number of 1 or more.'}4. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the component(C) is 3 to 250 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the component(A).5. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component(B) comprises a (poly)alkylene glycol.6. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 5 , wherein the (poly)alkylene glycol is a compound represented by the following general formula (b-1):{'br': None, '[Chem. 2]'}{'br': None, ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009962A1
Принадлежит: LINTEC Corporation

An electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive sheet has a pressure sensitive adhesive layer formed of an electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition comprising an acrylic copolymer (A) comprising 1 to 99 mass % of a constituent unit (a1) derived from a compound represented by the following general formula (a1), and a surfactant (B). The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive sheet has high adhesion before voltage application, but the adhesion can be effectively decreased by voltage application for a short time. 2. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic copolymer (A) further comprises 0.1 to 30 mass % of a constituent unit (a2) derived from a functional group-containing monomer (a2).3. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acrylic copolymer (A) further comprises 0.1 to 98 mass % of a constituent unit (a3) derived from an alkyl (meth)acrylate (a3) containing an alkyl group having 1 to 20 carbon atoms.4. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the compound represented by the general formula (a1) is one or more selected from the group consisting of 2-methoxyethyl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , 2-methoxyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate claim 1 , ethoxydiethylene glycol (meth)acrylate claim 1 , and methoxytriethylene glycol (meth)acrylate.5. The electrically peelable pressure sensitive adhesive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (B) is a compound represented by the following general formula (b1):{'br': None, 'sup': a', 'b', '−', '+, 'sub': m', '3, 'R\ue8a0RO\ue8a0SOX\u2003\u2003(b1)'}{'sup': a', 'b', '+, 'wherein Rrepresents any of unsubstituted or substituted alkyl group having 1 to 18 carbon atoms, unsubstituted or substituted cycloalkyl group having 3 to 18 ring carbon atoms, unsubstituted or substituted alkenyl group having 1 to 18 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009911A1

A retainer panel having a carrier made of a thermoforming film and a structural surface that is partially directly laminated to the carrier. The thermoforming film is formed to create a three-dimensional relief structure on the carrier. The structural surface is placed on the carrier with an excess of material, to create a wavy contour with peaks and valleys. The valleys are laminated to the carrier and the peaks remain unlaminated. These unlaminated portions of the structural surface are able to deform easily to adapt to the shape of the object that is placed on the retainer panel. The laminated areas of the structural surface also provide a visually recognizable layout grid. The structural surface forms one part of a touch fastener and an object to be placed on the retainer panel carries the complementary part of the touch fastener. 1: A retainer panel comprising:a carrier that is formed from a three-dimensionally contoured thermoforming film that provides a relief structure having raised areas and relief areas; anda structural surface made of a material that has a microscopic roughness and that is affixed to the carrier by direct lamination;wherein the structural surface forms one component of two components of a touch fastener;wherein the structural surface is placed on the carrier with an excess of the material and attached to the carrier, such, that the structural surface has a wavy contour with peaks and valleys on at least a face of the structural surface that faces away from the carrier, the wavy contour providing a macroscopic roughness of the structural surface;wherein only the valleys of the wavy contour of the structural surface are laminated to the carrier;wherein the direct lamination of the structural surface to the carrier creates directly laminated areas of the structural surface and the carrier and other unlaminated areas in which the structural surface is loosely placed on the carrier; andwherein the directly laminated areas are arranged to ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Outer bag for disposable body warmer packaging and disposable body warmer

Номер: US20190009960A1
Принадлежит: Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

Provided is an outer bag for disposable body warmer packaging having an accommodating portion accommodating a disposable body warmer accommodated in an air-permeable inner bag and generating heat through contact with air, the outer bag comprising a low air-permeability portion having an oxygen permeability of 1.5 to 20 cc/m2·day·atm measured at 20° C. and 90% RH and having a water vapor permeability of 0.05 to 10 g/m2·day measured at 40° C. and 90% RH; and an air-impermeable portion having an oxygen permeability of 1.3 cc/m2·day·atm or lower measured at 20° C. and 90% RH and a water vapor permeability of 2.0 g/m2·day or lower measured at 40° C. and 90% RH, wherein a ratio of an area of the low air-permeability portion to a total internal area of the accommodating portion is 15 to 75%.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Antiblock coating for adhesive in bag manufacture

Номер: US20200009841A1
Автор: Patrick G. Lennon

The present invention includes an antiblock agent added to an adhesive applied to a substrate material and the method of adding the antiblock agent to the adhesive applied to the substrate material. The antiblock agent may be a food grade starch powder. The material may be applied with dry dusting systems. The substrate material may be woven polypropylene structures or polylaminates. The woven polypropylene structures may be polywoven pinch bags.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Packages for improved release of liquids

Номер: US20190010298A1

The present invention provides packages comprising an inner surface comprising polyalkylene ether modified polyolefin. In some embodiments, the polyalkylene ether modified polyolefin is the reaction product of an amine-terminated polyalkylene ether and a maleated polyolefin.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Multilayer transparent polyester film, method for manufacturing said film and use of said film in particular in the backsheets of photovoltaic panels

Номер: US20170012151A1
Автор: Valerie Lacrampe
Принадлежит: Toray Films Europe SAS

A biaxially oriented multilayer transparent film including at least two layers of polyester, respectively a core layer and at least one outer layer, which can be identical or different, wherein: i) at least the core layer includes at least one biaxially oriented transparent polyester PE1, ii) at least one of the outer layers includes, on the one hand, at least one biaxially oriented polyester PE2, and, on the other hand, particles coming from the reaction between at least one metal compound and at least one monomeric or oligomeric unit of PE2, the particles having more preferably a d50—as μm and following an order of preference—between 0.5 and 5; between 1.0 and 4, and between 1.5 and 3.0. Also relates to the manufacture of this film and its applications as a laminate in particular in the backsheets of photovoltaic cells.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013917A1

A bonding method including an adhesive layer forming process in which a thermoplastic adhesive is applied to a substrate or a support plate and an adhesive layer is formed; a heating process in which the adhesive layer that is formed on the substrate or the support plate is heated; and a bonding process in which the substrate and the support plate are pressed against each other via the heated adhesive layer, thereby bonding the substrate and the support plate. 1. A processing method of processing a laminate in which a substrate , an adhesive layer , a release layer that is modified when absorbing light , and a supporting member are laminated in this order , the processing method comprising:a release layer removing process of modifying the release layer by irradiating the release layer with light, removing the supporting member from the laminate, and applying a stripping solution for removal of the release layer onto the release layer to remove the release layer; andan adhesive layer dissolving process of applying a dissolving solution for dissolution of the adhesive layer onto the adhesive layer to dissolve the adhesive layer.2. The processing method according to claim 1 , further comprising:a washing process of applying a washing solution, which removes the stripping solution that remains on the adhesive layer after the release layer removing process, between the release layer removing process and the adhesive layer dissolving process.3. The processing method according to claim 2 , further comprising:a drying process of drying the adhesive layer between the washing process and the adhesive layer dissolving process.4. The processing method according to claim 1 , wherein the stripping solution is composed of a material that does not dissolve the adhesive layer.5. The processing method according to claim 4 , wherein the stripping solution is alkaline.6. The processing method according to claim 5 , wherein the stripping solution is an amine-based compound.7. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Liquid crystal polymer film and laminate comprising the same

Номер: US20220032575A1
Принадлежит: Chang Chun Plastics Co Ltd

Provided are a liquid crystal polymer (LCP) film and a laminate comprising the same. The LCP film has a first surface and a second surface opposite each other, and a ratio of a ten-point mean roughness relative to a maximum height (Rz/Ry) of the first surface is from 0.30 to 0.62. By controlling Rz/Ry of at least one surface of the LCP film, the peel strength of the LCP film stacked to a metal foil can be increased, and the laminate comprising the same can still maintain the merit of low insertion loss.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Composite Foam Article

Номер: US20220032577A1
Принадлежит: Proprietect LP

A composite foam article is disclosed herein. The composite foam article comprises a polyurethane foam core presenting a first surface and a second surface facing opposite the first surface. A first skin is disposed on the first surface and a second skin is disposed on the second surface. The polyurethane foam core has a density of 15-80 kg/m 3 . The first and second skins comprise a plurality of fibers and a polymeric binder. The composite foam article has a weight per unit area of 500-1000 g/m 2 and a strength of greater than 17 N at a post-compression thickness of greater than 2 mm when tested in according with SAE J949 at 23° C.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Multilayer Films and Laminates Containing Slip Agents

Номер: US20220032588A1

The present disclosure provides a multilayer film. The multilayer film includes at least two layers including a sealant layer and a second layer in contact with the sealant layer. The sealant layer contains (A) a first ethylene-based polymer having a density from 0.900 g/cc to 0.925 g/cc and a melt index from 0.5 g/10 min to 30 g/10 min; and (B) a polyethylene-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymer having a weight average molecular weight from 1,000 g/mol to 10,000 g/mol. The second layer contains a second ethylene-based polymer. 1. A multilayer film comprising at least two layers comprising: (A) a first ethylene-based polymer having a density from 0.900 g/cc to 0.925 g/cc and a melt index from 0.5 g/10 min to 30 g/10 min;', '(B) a polyethylene-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymer having a weight average molecular weight from 1,000 g/mol to 10,000 g/mol; and, 'a sealant layer comprising'}a second layer in contact with the sealant layer, the second layer comprising a second ethylene-based polymer.2. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymer comprises a polyethylene block having a crystallinity from 0% to less than 30%.3. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymer comprises from 25 wt % to 75 wt % polydimethylsiloxane claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polyethylene-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymer.4. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the sealant layer comprises from 0.01 wt % to 2.0 wt % polyethylene-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymer claim 1 , based on the total weight of the sealant layer.5. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the first ethylene-based polymer is selected from the group consisting of an ethylene homopolymer claim 1 , an ethylene/α-olefin copolymer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The multilayer film of claim 1 , wherein the sealant layer has a pre-lamination coefficient of friction (COF) from 0.01 to 0.45 claim 1 , and ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Bonding Method to Attach Ethylene-Based Polymer Foam with Vulcanized Rubber

Номер: US20220032596A1
Автор: Liu Xin, MA Wanfu, Yu Haiyang

A process of adhering a foam structure to a rubber substrate is provided. The foam structure is composed of a first composition comprising a first ethylene-based polymer having a peak melting temperature T. A film composed of a second composition comprising a second ethylene-based polymer having a melt index≤10 g/10 min and a peak melting temperature Tis applied to the surface of the rubber substrate to form a rubber substrate/film configuration. A compression force is applied at a temperature T(38° C.≤T Подробнее

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Container in which inner surface is formed from olefin resin layer

Номер: US20220033142A1

A method of producing a directly blow-formed container. The method includes subjecting a multilayered parison having an inner surface formed of an olefin resin to direct blow forming, the olefin resin containing (i) an organic bleeding lubricant having a melting point of not higher than 50° C. in an amount of 5 to 10% by mass, and (ii) a high silica zeolite having a silica/alumina mole ratio of not less than 80 in an amount of 0.2 to 3.0% by mass.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033170A1
Принадлежит: Conopco Inc., d/b/a UNILEVER

Disclosed is a dpackaged product comprising a particulate, savoury food material, the packaging comprising a multi-layer packaging film which comprises: an inner layer comprising polypropylene; an outer layer comprising polypropylene; and an intermediate layer comprising polypropylene. 2. The packaged product according to claim 1 , wherein one of the inner and outer faces of the intermediate layer is a metallized claim 1 , chemical corona treated layer.3. (canceled)4. The packaged product according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene of the inner layer is an orientated polypropylene (OPP).5. The packaged product according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene of the outer layer is an oriented polypropylene (OPP).6. Packaging product according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer packaging film has an oxygen transmission rate of less than 0.2 cm/m/24 hr as measured according to F1927-14 ASTM.7. The packaged product according to claim 1 , wherein the outer layer comprises an oxygen barrier agent claim 1 , preferably the oxygen barrier agent is selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) claim 1 , ethylene vinyl alcohol claim 1 , and poly(vinylidene chloride).8. The packaged product according to claim 1 , wherein the savoury food material is a mixture of dry claim 1 , savoury food ingredients claim 1 , wherein the savoury food ingredients are selected from the group consisting of fat claim 1 , vegetable matter claim 1 , meat matter claim 1 , starch and salt.9. (canceled)10. The packaging product according to claim 8 , wherein the wall comprises the film oriented with at least part of the inner layer facing the cavity.11. process for producing a packaged food product according to claim 1 , comprising the step of: a. an inner layer comprising polypropylene;', 'b. an outer layer comprising polypropylene; and', 'c. an intermediate layer comprising polypropylene and having an outer face facing the outer layer and an inner face facing the inner layer,, ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015197A1
Автор: Jacobs Stephen

In an example embodiment, there is disclosed herein a sleeve that has a peel-off appliqué or label that includes desired graphics that can be combined with a drink cup or container. The label or appliqué or “collectable” acts as a “mini-poster” that is removable and repositionable. The label may have graphics of sports starts or other things such as musical performers, super heroes, etc. Particular embodiments include interior die cut images within the main graphic as “collectibles within a collectible.” In another example embodiment, a container appliqué is applied to the container

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Liquid barrier furniture protector with welded quilting

Номер: US20190014918A1
Автор: Evan Markowitz
Принадлежит: Green Point Decor LLC

Disclosed herein is a liquid barrier protective cover used to protect the outer surface of a furniture article. The liquid barrier protective cover includes a first layer formed of a protective material, a second layer formed of a liquid barrier material, and an intermediate layer, which are all fused together at one or more discrete locations. The cover also includes a retention tie connected to at least one of the first layer or the second layer. The retention tie is operable to extend around a first portion of the furniture article such that the retention tie operably anchors the first layer and the second layer to the furniture article. The retention tie is attached to at least one of the first layer or the second layer such that the liquid barrier material of the second layer is held against the first portion of the furniture article.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Porous layer structure and method for producing same

Номер: US20220034027A1

Provided is a porous layer structure including a base material (A) and a urethane foam layer provided on the base material (A), wherein the urethane foam layer is a foam layer formed by foaming a urethane prepolymer having an isocyanate group, the urethane foam layer has a density of 0.10 to 0.60 g/cm 3 , and the urethane prepolymer substantially contains no volatile component and satisfies a predetermined composition.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015478A1

Wrapper-type packaging composed of a flexible plastics sheet material in the form of a sack or bag having a front wall and a rear wall, which are located opposite one another and are sealed by a side sealing seam to form a flexible sack-like or bag-like tube, of which the opening is covered by a closure flap which is formed by a projection of the rear wall and is folded onto the front wall at least as far as the opening and is closed by longitudinal sealing and, possibly, transverse sealing or adhesive bonding, the opening having an opening aid, wherein the flexible plastics sheet material is oriented at least uniaxially and optionally is embossed and has a tear-propagation resistance in the machine direction which differs by at least 30% from the tear propagation resistance in the direction transverse to the machine direction. 1: A wrapper-type packaging composed of a flexible polymeric film in the form of a sack or bag , having a front wall and a rear wall , which are opposite to one another and are sealed in each case by a side sealing seam to form a sack like or bag like tube , of which the opening is covered by a closure flap which is formed by a projection of the rear wall and is folded onto the front wall , and also closed by respectively longitudinal side sealing and optionally transverse sealing or adhesive bonding , and optionally having an opening aid , wherein the flexible polymeric film is comprised of to an extent of at least 50 wt % of polyolefins , has through monoaxially orientation a tear propagation resistance in machine direction which differs by at least 30% in relation to the tear propagation resistance in the direction transverse to the machine direction , measured according to DIN 53356-trouser leg , and the opening aid marks the direction of relatively low tear propagation resistance for opening the packaging without tearing one of the sealed seams.2: A wrapper-type packaging as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least longitudinally side ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016390A1

A method to produce a wear resistant foil, including providing a first foil including a first thermoplastic material, applying wear resistant particles on the first foil, applying a second foil including a second thermoplastic material on the first foil, and adhering the first foil and the second foil to each other to form a wear resistant foil.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015861A1
Автор: Röding Hubert, Thoma Wulf

An insert mat for motor vehicles for placing onto a sound-absorbing wall-to-wall carpet structure of the motor vehicle, having an at least three-layer structure, in which the structure has a decorative layer, which is oriented toward the interior of the vehicle in the proper position of the insert mat and is attached to a top surface of a support layer, which surface is oriented toward the interior of the vehicle in the proper position, and a gripping layer, which in the proper position of the insert mat, is attached to a bottom surface of the support layer and is embodied to achieve a hooking interaction with a wall-to-wall carpet of a vehicle, in which the entire structure is embodied to be air permeable, wherein the decorative layer is a tuft, the support layer is a nonwoven, and the gripping layer is a tuft. 1. A method for forming an insert mat for motor vehicles for placing onto a sound-absorbing wall-to-wall carpet structure of the motor vehicle , the method comprising:forming a first intermediate product by attaching a decorative layer to a top surface of a support layer with a first thermoplastic adhesive between the decorative layer and the support layer, wherein the decorative layer is a tufted fabric with tufts having pile loops inserted into a primary backing and the pile loops have zeniths facing the support layer, the decorative layer is intended to be oriented toward an interior of a vehicle in a proper position of the insert mat, the support layer is a nonwoven, the top surface of the support layer is intended to be oriented toward the interior of the vehicle in the proper position of the insert mat, and the first thermoplastic adhesive is applied on the zeniths of the pile loops in a point pattern or line pattern to form an air-permeable connection between the decorative layer and the top surface of the support layer;forming a second intermediate product composed of a gripping layer, wherein the gripping layer is a tufted fabric with tufts having ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017092A1

An oxygen-absorbing resin composition containing a polyester compound and a transition metal catalyst, wherein the polyester compound has at least one constituent unit having a tetralin ring selected from the group consisting of constituent units represented by general formulas (1) to (4) and wherein the polyester compound is a polyester compound having a tetralin ring obtained by synthesis using a zinc compound.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035233A1
Автор: Leaf Michael

A film assembly for transferring an image to a surface includes a base layer, an ink layer that is removably adhered to the base layer, a developer layer that develops the ink layer and a transfer layer that is removably adhered to the developer layer, the transfer layer including the image that is configured to be transferred onto the surface. The base layer and the rear layer can be adhered together to form a rear layer. A frame layer can be removably adhered to the transfer layer. The ink layer can contain a non-toxic ink. The transfer layer can be manufactured with resilient materials. The frame layer can be removed from the transfer layer. The rear layer can be removed from the developer layer. The film assembly can be within a film assembly array of a plurality of film assemblies and can be disposed within a film assembly housing. 1. A film assembly for transferring an image to a surface , the film assembly comprising:a base layer;an ink layer that is removably adhered to the base layer;a developer layer that develops the ink layer; anda transfer layer that is removably adhered to the developer layer, the transfer layer including the image that is configured to be transferred onto the surface.2. The film assembly of wherein the base layer and the ink layer are adhered together to form a rear layer.3. The film assembly of wherein the rear layer has an adhesive side and an opposed non-adhesive side.4. The film assembly of wherein the rear layer is removable from the developer layer.5. The film assembly of wherein the transfer layer includes a frame layer with a frame layer base portion claim 1 , the frame layer being removably adhered to the transfer layer.6. The film assembly of wherein the frame layer includes a removable base claim 5 , the removable base being removably adhered to the frame layer base portion.7. The film assembly of further comprising a transfer film that is removably adhered to the transfer layer.8. The film assembly of wherein the ink layer ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Organic silicon resin composition, white prepreg and white laminate using same

Номер: US20180016436A1
Принадлежит: Shengyi Technology Co Ltd

Provided are an organic silicon resin composition, prepreg and laminate using the same. The organic silicon resin composition glue solution contains a condensation silicon resin, a catalyst, an auxiliary agent, a white filler and a solvent as necessary components, and is impregnated in a reinforced material such as a sheet-like fiberglass fiber base material and then dried to prepare the prepreg. The prepreg has a net structure via crosslinking of the silicon resin using a condensation reaction. Since the organic silicon resin has ultrahigh heat resistance and yellowing resistance, the present invention applies the silicon resin to a white LED copper-clad laminate instead of a traditional organic resin, satisfying the demand for high heat resistance, and replacing the ceramic substrate to be a new heat-dissipating substrate base material.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Self adhesive fouling release coating composition

Номер: US20180016444A1
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp, PPG Coatings Europe BV

A multilayer self-adhesive fouling release coating composition includes an optional removable underlying liner; an adhesive layer applied over and to the optional underlying liner when the latter is present; and a synthetic material layer applied over and to the adhesive layer. Optionally, an intermediate silicone tie coat is applied over and to the synthetic material layer. A silicone fouling release top coat is applied over and to the synthetic material layer, or, when present, over and to the intermediate silicone tie coat. Optionally, a removable polymeric film is applied over and to the fouling release top coat.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Turbine Engine Repair Methods

Номер: US20160017712A1

A method for patching a damaged polymeric erosion coating () on a gas turbine engine component. The method comprises removing a portion of the coating around a damage site () and applying a pre-formed coating patch ().

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Multilayer films and packages comprising the same

Номер: US20200016875A1
Автор: Martin Hill
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present invention provides multilayer films and packages formed from such films. In one aspect, a multilayer film comprises Layer A which is a sealant layer having a top facial surface and a bottom facial surface and comprising at least 30 weight percent low density polyethylene based on the weight of Layer A; and Layer B having a top facial surface and a bottom facial surface and comprises at least 70 weight percent of at least one of homopolymer polypropylene, random copolymer polypropylene, an impact copolymer of polypropylene, or a combination thereof based on the weight of Layer B, wherein the top facial surface of Layer B is in adhering contact with a bottom facial surface of Layer A, wherein the film is configured to provide a peelable seal that opens due to delamination between Layer A and Layer B.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016543A1
Автор: Smith Allyson

The invention comprises a fracture film for sealing a peelable membrane to a container comprising a first layer of high density polyethelene, a second layer of polybutene-1/ethylene-vinyl acetate, wherein the second layer is bonded to the first layer, and a third layer of ethylene-acrylic acid, wherein the third layer is bonded to the second layer. 1. A fracture film for sealing a peelable membrane to a container comprising:a first layer comprising high density polyethelene;a second layer comprising polybutene-1/ethylene-vinyl acetate, wherein the second layer is bonded to the first layer; anda third layer comprising ethylene-acrylic acid, wherein the third layer is bonded to the second layer.2. The fracture film of claim 1 , wherein the second layer bonds the first layer to the third layer.3. The fracture film of claim 2 , wherein the bond is a cohesive bond.4. The fracture film of claim 1 , wherein the fracture film is sealed between a peelable membrane and a metal end of a container.5. The fracture film of claim 4 , wherein the first layer of the fracture film is sealed to the peelable membrane and the third layer of the fracture film is sealed to the metal end of the container.6. The fracture film of wherein at least a portion of the third layer remains on the metal end after removal of the peelable membrane.7. The fracture film of claim 5 , wherein the second layer is configured to fracture upon peeling of the peelable membrane.8. The fracture film of claim 5 , wherein the fracture film is configured to separate between the second layer and the third layer upon peeling of the peelable membrane.9. The fracture film of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the fracture film is between about 1.0 and 2.0 mil.10. The fracture film of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the fracture film is about 1.5 mil.11. The fracture film of further comprising a peelable membrane which comprises at least one of the following layers:a polyethylene terephthalate layer;a foil layer; ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016915A1
Автор: MARKS Bruce S.

A plurality of plastic sheets to be fed into a high speed printer for forming printed labels and similar articles and a stack of printed labels formed form the sheets. Each of the sheets or labels includes a core layer and opposed, upper and lower outer skin layers. The upper outer skin layer includes a polyolefin polymer as the predominant component, by weight, thereof and is capable of receiving printed indicia thereon. The core layer includes a polyolefin polymer as the predominant component, by weight, of the core layer; preferably a high crystallinity polypropylene homopolymer. The lower outer skin layer includes a polyolefin polymer as the predominant component by weight therein; the improvement wherein the lower outer skin layer includes a blend of organic and inorganic antiblocking agents or a blend of inorganic antiblocking agents; the blend including less than 10%, by weight, of the lower outer skin layer. 129-. (canceled)30. A plurality of plastic sheets cut from a continuous roll of plastic film to be fed into a high speed printer for forming printed labels and similar articles , each of said sheets including a core layer and opposed , upper and lower outer skin layers , said upper outer skin layer including a polyolefin polymer as the predominate component , by weight , thereof and being capable of receiving printed indicia thereon that is applied by said high speed printer , said core layer including a polyolefin polymer as the predominant component , by weight , of the core layer , said lower outer skin layer including a polyolefin polymer as the predominant component , by weight , of said lower outer skin layer , the improvement wherein said lower outer skin layer includes a blend of organic and inorganic antiblocking agents , said blend including two inorganic antiblocking agents , one of said inorganic antiblocking agents being roughly spherical with an irregular surface and a second of said inorganic antiblocking agents being substantially plate- ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Multi-layered decorative wrap and method of use of the same

Номер: US20210016598A1
Автор: Eliot I. RUBIN
Принадлежит: Individual

A decorative wrap of the type used for covering automotive and other surfaces for decorative or protective purposes. The wrap is multi-layered such that multiple film layers are applied in a single application, but can be individually removed. Tabs or staggered layers can be added to facilitate the initiation of removal of a given film layer.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Packaged barrier film for electronic devices

Номер: US20210016986A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd

A package comprising a laminate of a two-layer structure including a barrier film 1 that is used for electronic devices and has a water permeability (23° C., RH 50%) that is set to be not more than 10 −4 g/m 2 /day and a desiccant sheet 3 that is so provided as to cover the one surface of the barrier film 1, characterized in that the barrier film 1 is held being wound up like a roll.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Universal tamper-evident security label for an electronic device having an integral camera

Номер: US20170018208A1
Автор: David F. Mamo
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal security label for an electronic device comprising an integral camera lens. The label includes a plastic film security label body, the security label body comprising a plurality of layers, a top surface and an adhesive base, the security label body having a width and a length, the length substantially greater than the width and sufficient to wrap and adhere the label body completely around a portion of the electronic device and over the camera lens, the adhesive base of an overlapping end of the label body configured to adhere to the top surface of another portion of the label body, the layers having tamper-evident feature such that once the adhesive base is adhered to the top surface, subsequent removal provides an indication of its removal through the top surface of the overlapping end.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017673A1
Автор: Nishimura Shota

Provided is a vinyl chloride resin composition that enables production of a vinyl chloride resin molded product that has excellent surface lubricity and can inhibit formation of voids in a foamed polyurethane molded product laminated therewith. The vinyl chloride resin composition contains a vinyl chloride resin, a plasticizer, and ether-modified silicone oil. 1. A vinyl chloride resin composition comprising a vinyl chloride resin , a plasticizer , and silicone oil , wherein the silicone oil includes at least ether-modified silicone oil.2. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ether-modified silicone oil has an HLB value of 3 or less.3. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone oil further includes at least one of fatty acid amide-modified silicone oil and unmodified silicone oil.4. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein content of the ether-modified silicone oil is higher than total content of the fatty acid amide-modified silicone oil and the unmodified silicone oil.5. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein the ether-modified silicone oil has an HLB value of 4 or more.7. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ether-modified silicone oil has a kinematic viscosity of 65 cSt or more.8. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein content of the plasticizer is 70 parts by mass or more per 100 parts by mass of the vinyl chloride resin.9. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to used for powder molding.10. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to used for powder slush molding.11. A vinyl chloride resin molded product obtained through molding of the vinyl chloride resin composition according to .12. The vinyl chloride resin molded product according to for a surface skin of an automobile instrument panel.13. A laminate comprising:a foamed polyurethane molded product; and ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Moisture-curable polyurethane hot-melt resin composition

Номер: US20200017735A1
Автор: Chenyan BAI, Rui Shi
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure provides a polyurethane hot-melt adhesive composition comprising a polyol component and an isocyanate component, wherein the polyol component comprises a polyol having two or more OH groups and a hydrogen-bridging group.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017717A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The present invention is directed to a packaging material free from aluminium in the form of a continuous foil or film, comprising a layer of microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), wherein the layer comprising MFC has been laminated or coated on at least one side with a heat-sealable material. The MFC layer contains at least 60% by weight of microfibrillated cellulose. The present invention is also directed to a method for induction sealing, wherein a packaging material to be heat-sealed by induction is placed against an induction heating surface. 1. A heat-sealable packaging material , free from aluminum in the form of a continuous foil or film , the heat-sealable packaging material comprising:a layer that comprises at least 60% by weight of microfibrillated cellulose,wherein the layer comprising at least 60% by weight of microfibrillated cellulose is laminated or coated with a heat-sealable material.2. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-sealable material is selected from the group consisting of: polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polylactic acid claim 1 , styrene acrylic latex claim 1 , styrene butadiene latex claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the heat-sealable packaging material is less than 70 μm.4. The heat-sealable packaging material according to wherein at least one side of the heat-sealable packaging material is provided with a coating that prevents the at least one side from adhering to a heated metal surface.5. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 4 , wherein the coating that prevents the at least one side from adhering to a heated metal surface is selected from the group consisting of: starch claim 4 , a wax claim 4 , a mineral or pigment coating or a polymer having a higher melting point than a melting point of the heat-sealable material.6. The heat-sealable packaging material according to claim 1 , ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020961A1

Adhesive tape for bonding that can be detached without leaving residue and without damaging the surface of a substrate when stretched in a direction of a bond plane. An adhesive tape includes an elastomeric backing having opposing first and second surfaces an acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on at least one of the first and second surfaces of the backing. The backing includes a copolymer selected from the group consisting of polyether-polyester, polyether-polyamide, and a combination thereof and from about about 20 to 60 wt % of a tackifier, based on the total weight of the backing. The backing has an elongation at break greater than 500%. 1. An adhesive tape comprising:(a) an elastomeric backing having opposing first and second surfaces, the backing comprising (i) a copolymer selected from the group consisting of polyether-polyester, polyether-polyamide, and a combination thereof and (ii) from about 20 to 60 wt % of a tackifier, based on the total weight of the backing, and wherein the backing has an elongation at break greater than 500%; and(b) an acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on at least one of the first and second surfaces of the backing,wherein when the article is disposed on a substrate, the article is capable of being stretched along a first direction and release from the substrate.2. The adhesive tape of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive tape does not include a tab to initiate the stretching.3. The adhesive tape of claim 1 , wherein after the adhesive tape is stretched along a major axis and is released from the substrate claim 1 , greater than 90% of the substrate surface previously in contact with the adhesive is free of adhesive residue.4. The adhesive tape of claim 1 , wherein after the adhesive tape is stretched along a major axis and is released from the substrate claim 1 , substantially no adhesive residue remains on the substrate.5. The adhesive tape of claim 1 , wherein the backing has an elongation at break greater than ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Encapsulation film and organic electronic device comprising the same

Номер: US20190019987A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided are an encapsulation film, an organic electronic device comprising the same, and a method of manufacturing the organic electronic device. When the organic electronic device is encapsulated using the encapsulation film, an excellent moisture barrier property may be realized, and as reflection or scattering of light is prevented by absorbing and blocking internal or external light, external defects of the organic electronic device may be prevented.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020858A1
Автор: Gloeckl Josef
Принадлежит: AERIS GMBH

A floor mat () at a standing workstation with a mat surface () is disclosed, which comprises a mat structure () made of an elastomer material and formed beneath the mat surface (), in which irregularly distributed elements () are arranged, the consistency of which is harder than the consistency of the elastomer material of the mat structure (). 1. A floor mat at a standing workstation with a mat surface , comprising a mat structure made of an elastomer material and formed beneath the mat surface , in which irregularly distributed elements are arranged , the consistency of which is harder than the consistency of the elastomer material of the mat structure.2. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein the mat surface is formed flat claim 1 , and wherein the elements with the harder consistency are provided by means of different materials claim 1 , and in that the mat structure made of elastomer material extends substantially homogeneously on the mat surface.3. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein the mat structure is arranged on a base part on/at which the elements are designed in the shape of bumps.4. The floor mat according to claim 3 , wherein the bumps extend upward different heights.5. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein the elements have different lengths in the respective longitudinal directions thereof.6. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein the elements consist of hard inserts claim 1 , which are designed to have different sizes and arranged on the bottom layer.7. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein the elements are differently shaped bodies.8. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein between the irregularly distributed elements claim 1 , special free areas are arranged claim 1 , the respective surface areas of which are larger than the average distance apart of all the elements.9. The floor mat according to claim 1 , wherein the mat structure is an upper part with recesses formed therein claim 1 , in which the hard ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023424A1
Автор: LU Xiangyang

This invention provides an environmentally friendly anti-slip floor mat, includes a leather, a polyurethane middle layer, a PU self-skinning layer and an anti-slip layer stacked together. The polyurethane middle comprises non-foam polyurethane. The PU self-skinning layer comprises foaming polyurethane. A plurality of through holes running through the anti-slip layer are located in the anti-slip layer. A surface of the PU self-skinning layer adjacent to the anti-slip layer further comprises a plurality of rivets pass through the through boles and extend to a surface of the anti-slip layer away from the PU self-skiing layer. 19-. (canceled)10. An environmentally friendly anti-slip floor mat , comprising:a PU self-skinning layer, andan anti-slip layer;the PU self-skinning layer comprises foaming material;a plurality of through holes passing through the anti-slip layer; andwherein the polyurethane middle layer further comprises a plurality of rivets, the rivets pass through the through holes and extend to the surface of the anti-slip layer away from the PU self-skinning layer.11. The environmentally friendly anti-slip floor mat of claim 10 , wherein the floor mat further comprises a leather and a polyurethane middle layer stacked on a surface of the PU self-skinning layer claim 10 , wherein the polyurethane middle layer comprises non-foam material.12. The environmentally friendly anti-slip floor mat of claim 11 , wherein the polyurethane middle layer is formed by curing an isocyanate and a first polyether polyols intermixture according to a mass ratio 100:17˜22.13. The environmentally friendly anti-slip floor mat of claim 11 , wherein the PU self-skinning layer is formed by foaming an isocyanate and a second polyether polyols intermixture according to a mass ratio 100:20˜50.14. The environmentally friendly anti-slip floor mat of claim 13 , wherein the second polyether polyols intermixture includes polyether polyols claim 13 , crosslinking agent claim 13 , composite ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023430A1
Автор: Calkins Mark A.

A surface covering that is a multilayered composite material. The multilayer composite material includes a top facing layer of polymeric film and a bottom layer of unsupported foam. 1. A surface covering comprising:a multilayered composite material, wherein, the multilayer composite material further comprises (1) a top facing layer of polymeric film and (2) a bottom layer of unsupported foam.2. The surface covering according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayered composite material further includes a plurality of vertical perforated lines and a plurality of horizontal perforated lines claim 1 , the vertical and horizontal perforated lines forming a grid.3. The surface covering according to claim 1 , wherein the top facing layer comprises single or multiple layers of a thermoplastic film.4. The surface covering according to claim 3 , wherein the top facing layer comprises a single layer of polyvinyl chloride film.5. The surface covering according to claim 4 , wherein the single layer of polyvinyl chloride film has a thickness of about 0.075 mm to 0.1775 mm.6. The surface covering according to claim 1 , wherein the top facing layer comprises a paper stock.7. The surface covering according to claim 1 , wherein the top facing layer of polymeric film is thermally fused to the bottom layer of unsupported foam.8. The surface covering according to claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive layer in-between the top facing layer of polymeric film and the bottom layer of unsupported foam.9. The surface covering according to claim 1 , further comprising an embossed pattern on the top facing layer of polymeric film.10. The surface covering according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom layer of unsupported foam comprises a polymeric compound having a diffusion of minuscule gas bubbles.11. The surface covering according to claim 10 , wherein the polymeric compound is selected from a group consisting of latex claim 10 , polyvinyl chloride claim 10 , polyurethane and ethylene vinyl acetate ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Adhesive sheet, manufacturing method thereof, and layered body

Номер: US20170021593A1
Автор: Hajime Kitano
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

An adhesive sheet, the adhesive sheet having an adhesive composition layer, the adhesive composition layer being formed using a composition including: a polythiol compound; a (meth)acrylic compound having a plurality of at least one of an acryloyl group or a methacryloyl group; a radical generator; and a Michael addition catalyst, a ratio (Ac/SH) of a total molar number (Ac) of the at least one of an acryloyl group or a methacryloyl group contained in the (meth)acrylic compound to a total molar number (SH) of thiol groups contained in the polythiol compound being from 0.25 to 0.80.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Support with antibacterial layer and laminate

Номер: US20190021314A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Provided are a support with an antibacterial layer, which exhibits excellent followability with respect to a curved surface and in which peeling does not easily occur between a support and an antibacterial layer even though the support with an antibacterial layer is bonded to a curved surface, and a laminate including the support with an antibacterial layer. The support with an antibacterial layer of the present invention includes a support and an antibacterial layer disposed in at least a portion on the support, in which the support contains a urethane resin, and the antibacterial layer contains a hydrophilic polymer and an antibacterial agent.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Nonwoven cleaning substrate

Номер: US20190021570A1
Принадлежит: GPCP IP Holdings LLC

The presently disclosed subject matter relates to nonwoven materials and their use in cleaning articles. More particularly, the nonwovens are layered structures, which can include a tacky additive. The nonwoven materials can be used to attract and collect particles, and can have improved cleaning efficiency.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022893A1
Принадлежит: Transhield, Inc.

An apparatus for curing concrete includes a multiple layer polyolefin film and an absorbent layer. The polyolefin film layer can include pH modifying components and antiskid components. The absorbent layer can also include pH modifying components. The absorbent layer can include nonwoven fabric. The apparatus can be applied to curing concrete after hydration water is applied to the curing concrete. The apparatus can also be used to enclose poured concrete members during transport of the members so as to continue the curing process during transport. The film can also be used as a barrier layer between the ground and poured concrete. 1. An apparatus for curing concrete , including:a film having a first outer layer and a second outer layer, the first and second outer layers including linear low density polyethylene, a first inner layer adjacent the first outer layer and a second inner layer adjacent the second outer layer, the first and second inner layers including linear low density polyethylene and high density polyethylene, and a third inner layer adjacent the first inner layer and a fourth inner layer adjacent the second inner layer and the third inner layer, the third and fourth inner layers including an ethylene polypropylene copolymer;an absorbent layer including a nonwoven fabric; andan adhesive material adhering the second outer layer of the film to the absorbent layer.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first outer layer of the film includes an antiskid component.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the kinetic and static coefficients of friction of the first outer layer of the film are each at least 0.74. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric includes a plurality of raised areas and a plurality of recessed areas and the adhesive adheres the second outer layer of the film to the raised areas of the nonwoven fabric.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a pH modifying component for modifying the pH of water used to hydrate the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Skin care mask pack for nail art and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20200022477A1
Автор: Sung Yeong YUN
Принадлежит: Namie Co Ltd

A skin care mask pack for nail art includes a mask pack fabric layer having a peripheral mask region patterned to cover the skin around a nail and a skin care-adhesive mixed layer obtained by mixing a liquid adhesive and one or more skin care materials and applying the resulting mixture to one side of the mask pack fabric layer. The skin care mask pack can cover the skin around a nail after the cuticle is removed, to protect the skin from external damage. Also, in a curing process which is one step of a gel nail procedure, the skin care mask pack can block ultraviolet radiation from reaching the skin around a nail, to prevent the skin from being damaged. The mask pack can also prevent the skin around the nail from being smeared with liquid gel in the process of applying the liquid gel to the nail.
