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10-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015120636A3

21-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739101C1

Изобретение относится к монтажным элементам для установки муфт отключения передних ведущих колес на полноприводный автомобиль ГАЗ 2217 «Соболь» 4х4. Комплект установочный для установки муфт отключения передних ведущих колес автомобиля состоит из уложенных вилки привода, устанавливаемой вместо штатной на привод передних колес автомобиля, шлицевый конец которой проходит через отверстие установленной на поворотный кулак цапфы, на которую установлена ступица с подшипниками для последующей установки на нее диска тормоза. Шлицевый конец вилки привода установлен в шлицы шестерни муфты, которая фиксируется на торце ступицы болтами и имеет рукоятку для разблокирования ведущей шестерни. Достигается увеличение ресурса привода. 1 ил.

01-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003716070A1

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000447496T

31-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002787075A1

A circular folding wheel has a center wheel section encompassing the center of a circle and adapted to be mounted to an axle at the center, with a side substantially corresponding to a chord of the circle. A wheel segmentis pivotally attached to the center wheel section about a pivot axis extending along the side of the center wheel section. The wheel segment is movable from a rolling orientation, where the outer edge of the wheel segment is aligned with an outer edge of the center wheel section such that the folding wheel takes a rolling circular shape, to a folded orientation where the wheel segment extends laterally away from the pivot axis. Two, three, or more wheel segments can be pivotally attached to corresponding sides of the center wheel section.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003017279A1

The present disclosure provides Al-Si-Mg aluminum alloys comprising a deliberate addition of Mn between 0.05-0.40 weight percent to increase at least one tensile property (such as the yield strength) of an aluminum product comprising such alloy. The Al-Si-Mg alloy comprises, in weight percent, 5-9% Si, 0.35-0.75% Mg, 0.05-0.4% Mn, less than 0.15% Fe, up to 0.15% Ti, 0.005-0.03% Sr and the balance being aluminum and unavoidable impurities, wherein the unavoidable impurities may be present in an amount of up to 0.05% each and up to 0.15% total. The present disclosure provides a foundry ingot comprising the above Al-Si-Mg aluminum alloy, a process for making the above Al-Si-Mg aluminum alloy and an aluminum alloy obtainable by said process.

14-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005437A1

L'invention concerne une jante (1) pour une roue de véhicule motorisé, comportant un moyeu (11) et une partie périphérique (3) assemblés l'un à l'autre par un moyen de liaison, comportant au moins un moyen d'amortissement des vibrations de ladite jante disposé à la surface de la jante. Lorsque le moyen de liaison comporte une flasque (2), ledit au moins un moyen d'amortissement (4) peut être disposé à la jonction de ladite flasque et de ladite partie périphérique.

23-02-1999 дата публикации

Balance weight retention system for vehicle wheel or hub

Номер: US0005873636A

A balance weight retention system for a vehicle whcel or a vehicle hub including an inner portion and an outer portion having a non-threaded opening formed therethrough and a balance weight having a non-threaded opening formed therethrough. A fastener extends through the non-threaded opening of the balance weight and into the non-threaded opening of the outer portion of the wheel or hub to thereby secure the balance weight to the associated vehicle wheel or vehicle hub.

23-01-2024 дата публикации

Omnidirectional wheel and scooter having omnidirectional wheel

Номер: US0011878551B2
Автор: Xiuyu Shi, Lei Yang

An omnidirectional wheel and a scooter having an omnidirectional wheel are provided. The omnidirectional wheel includes: a hub; support members, in which the support members are circumferentially distributed on the hub, each of the support members has a first mounting surface and a second mounting surface disposed oppositely, the first mounting surface is provided with a first mounting shaft, the second mounting surface is provided with a second mounting shaft, and a distance between a first axis of the first mounting shaft and a wheel center of the hub is less than a distance between a second axis of the second mounting shaft and the wheel center of the hub; first rollers, in which at least one of the first rollers is rotatably disposed on each first mounting shaft; and second rollers, in which at least one of the second rollers is rotatably disposed on each second mounting shaft.

23-03-1990 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002012649B2

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557642C2
Принадлежит: ГАЛИЛЕО ВИЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Сборный движитель содержит усеченно-коническую конструкцию, содержащую по меньшей мере одну гибкую деталь, имеющую усеченно-коническую поверхность, вытянутую от своего более узкого основания до более широкого основания вдоль оси усеченного конуса. Указанная усеченно-коническая деталь обладает способностью к обратимой деформации, изменяющей ее форму из подпружиненной круглой, соответствующей нормальному состоянию усеченного конуса, вертикальная боковая проекция которого является круглой, в деформированный усеченный конус, вертикальная боковая проекция которого является некруглой. Эта усеченно-коническая конструкция может служить опорой по меньшей мере для одной сцепляющейся с поверхностью детали, способной изменять свою конфигурацию между круглой колесообразной, в которой ее вертикальная боковая проекция является круглой, и деформированной конфигурацией, в которой ее вертикальная боковая проекция является некруглой, и в которой увеличивается ...

24-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU183439U1

Полезная модель относится к области автомобилестроения, а именно к эксплуатации колесных дисков транспортных средств.Технической задачей предложенной полезной модели является создание недорогого, практичного, удобного в использовании и хранении приспособления, в виде металлической пластины различного профиля с крепежными отверстиями, для диска колеса. Установка крепежной пластины повышает проходимость автомобиля.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU180692U1

Полезная модель относится к конструкции колес с металлическим ободом, в частности к ободьям колес, изменяющим свое аксиальное положение относительно ступицы.Технический результат достигается тем, что адаптивное колесо с раздвижным ободом, содержащее смонтированную на цапфе ступицу с закраиной обода, несущую подвижную в осевом направлении втулку с другой закраиной, упругую шину, размещенную между названными закраинами обода, и силовой орган, изменяющий расстояние между ними, колесо снабжено микропроцессором, входы которого соединены с выходами тензометрических датчиков, расположенных на внутренней части упругой шины, а выходы микропроцессора соединены с силовым органом с возможностью управления его перемещением.Технический результат - возможность автоматического управления диаметром колеса на ходу транспортного средства, исходя из геометрических размеров преодолеваемых препятствий. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 692 U1 (51) МПК B60B 3/00 (2006.01) B60B 15/00 (2006.01) B60B 23/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60B 3/00 (2006.01); B60B 15/00 (2006.01); B60B 23/12 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017145808, 25.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.12.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 21.06.2018 Бюл. № 18 U1, 20.01.2000. SU 473625 A, 21.01.1976. RU 2064868 C1, 10.08.1996. US 3620278 A, 16.11.1971. (54) АДАПТИВНОЕ КОЛЕСО С РАЗДВИЖНЫМ ОБОДОМ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к конструкции микропроцессором, входы которого соединены колес с металлическим ободом, в частности к с выходами тензометрических датчиков, ободьям колес, изменяющим свое аксиальное расположенных на внутренней части упругой положение относительно ступицы. шины, а выходы микропроцессора соединены с Технический результат достигается тем, что силовым органом с возможностью управления адаптивное колесо с раздвижным ободом, его перемещением. ...

06-02-2019 дата публикации

Centreless wheel with drive

Номер: GB0002552650B
Принадлежит: ALAN RALLINGS, Alan Rallings

07-09-2016 дата публикации

Centreless wheel

Номер: GB0201612893D0

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000523265T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422426T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000243120T

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Shaped preform for face portion of a composite wheel

Номер: AU2018317944A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A shaped preform component (200) for a face portion (104) of a composite wheel (100), the shaped preform (200) having a hub (206) that extends around a central axis (Y), the shaped preform component (200) being formed from a cured composite fibre material having a compressibility of < 2% volumetric under moulding conditions of 50 bar hydrostatic pressure and a temperature of 60 to 200°C.

12-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002000506A1

TITLE Vehicle Wheel A wheel formed of a rim joined to a hub by a multi-spoke foam structure that is coated with a fiber reinforced resin material is defined by particular relationships between the spokes and the radiused sections joining the spokes to the hub and the rim. D.51 CD-2290 ...

06-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002940676C

The invention relates to a method for producing a wheel disk of a vehicle wheel, in which the wheel disk is produced from a blank composed of a steel by hot forming, the blank is at least partially hardened, preferably is press-hardened, during or after the hot forming, wherein the blank is hot formed using at least one punch and at least one die, and at least one opening is introduced into the blank using hot trimming means. The object of specifying a method for producing a wheel disk of a vehicle wheel, with which a wheel disk can be produced highly precisely in a simple manner such that the wheel disk accomplishes a further reduction in weight and the required geometries and safety requirements, is achieved in a method for producing a wheel disk of a vehicle wheel in that at least one opening is introduced during the hot trimming using at least one trimming bolt and an application bolt, wherein the application bolt has at least one region having a cross-sectional shape which is variable ...

17-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003051142A1

Roue d'aéronef comportant une jante (2) comprenant deux parties de jante (3a, 3b) assemblées entre elles, chaque partie de jante (3a, 3b) comportant une surface d'appui (7) s'étendant selon un plan perpendiculaire à un axe de rotation (X) de la roue d'aéronef. La roue d'aéronef comporte en outre une entretoise (9) située entre les deux surfaces d'appui (7) lorsque les parties de jante (3a, 3b) sont assemblées entre elles.

21-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005437B1
Принадлежит: NAGEOTTE

05-05-2020 дата публикации

Automatic wheel detecting device

Номер: US0010641621B1

The disclosure discloses an automatic wheel detecting device. The device can automatically detect marks of spoke back cavities and the inner side coaxiality and the outer side coaxiality of wheels, the wheels with marks being missed are identified in time, the values of the inner side coaxiality and the outer side coaxiality of the wheels on a production line are monitored in time, if the values are out of tolerance, an alarm is given out in time, and the device can be used for automatic production.

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595209C2
Принадлежит: ЧЭНЬ Куань-Тинг (TW)

Колесо транспортного средства включает в себя основную часть колеса и множество лопастей обода, которые соединены с, по меньшей мере, одной боковой поверхностью основной части колеса. Каждая из лопастей обода содержит направляющую воздушный поток секцию и способствующую воздушному потоку секцию, которые размещены в последовательности спереди и сзади на лопасти обода. Лопасти обода выполнены за одно целое с модулем обода. Модуль обода имеет окружность, на которой предусмотрено множество защелкивающихся элементов. Защелкивающиеся элементы защелкиваются в выемки внутреннего обода внешней поверхности основной части колеса, чтобы соединять модуль обода с внешней поверхностью основной части колеса. Технический результат - снижение аэродинамического сопротивления, а также шума колеса. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600954C1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению, а именно к нескоростным колесным движителям, выполненным по схеме шарикоподшипника и используемым преимущественно на местности со сложным рельефом и рыхлосыпучим грунтом. Сущность технического решения по предлагаемому изобретению состоит в том, что зубчатые ролики под внутренний зуб ремня чередуются с равноудаленными от оси вращения колеса свободно вращающимися конусными роликами под боковые поверхности ремня, смонтированными в шахматном порядке с чередующейся встречно равновеликой конусностью каждого ролика. Техническим результатом от использования предлагаемого изобретения является расширение функциональных возможностей колеса шасси. 2 ил.

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012136381A

... 1. Сборный движитель, содержащий конструкцию усеченно-конической формы, содержащую по меньшей мере одну гибкую деталь с усеченно-конической поверхностью, вытянутой между ее более узким и более широким основаниями вдоль оси усеченного конуса, при этом деталь усеченно-конической формы обладает способностью к обратимой деформации из подпружиненного состояния, соответствующего нормальной форме усеченного конуса, в которой вертикальная боковая проекция имеет круглую форму, в состояние в виде деформированного усеченного конуса, вертикальная боковая проекция которого является некруглой.2. Сборный движитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что усеченно-коническая конструкция содержит по меньшей мере одну дополнительную гибкую деталь усеченно-конической формы, имеющую усеченно-коническую поверхность, вытянутую между более узким и более широким основаниями вдоль оси усеченного конуса, благодаря чему указанная конструкция формируется по меньшей мере одной парой деталей усеченно-конической формы, располагающихся ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113528A

... 1. Колесо транспортного средства, содержащее:основную часть колеса; имножество лопастей обода, которые соединены с, по меньшей мере, одной боковой поверхностью основной части колеса, причем каждая из лопастей обода содержит направляющую воздушный поток секцию и способствующую воздушному потоку секцию, при этом направляющая воздушный поток секция и способствующая воздушному потоку секция размещены в последовательности спереди и сзади на лопасти обода.2. Колесо транспортного средства по п. 1, в котором лопасти обода выполнены за одно целое на боковой поверхности основной части колеса.3. Колесо транспортного средства по п. 1, в котором направляющая воздушный поток секция содержит, по меньшей мере, одну наклоненную направляющую поверхность.4. Колесо транспортного средства по п. 1, в котором способствующая воздушному потоку секция содержит множество направляющих блоков и множество способствующих подталкиванию поверхностей, причем направляющие блоки имеют высоту больше высоты способствующих подталкиванию ...

12-09-1985 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ausrichten von Fahrzeugraedern

Номер: DE0003443207C1

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bearbeitung einer axialen Anlagefläche zwischen Radfelge und Radbremse

Номер: DE102013015983A1

Verfahren zur Bearbeitung einer axialen Anlagefläche (4) zwischen Radbremse (3) und Radfelge (2), umfassend die folgenden Schritte: Bereitstellen einer Radfelge (2) oder einer Radbremse (3); Aufbringen einer Suspension (5), bestehend aus einem Fluid und Hartstoffpartikeln, auf die axiale Anlagefläche (4) der Radfelge (2) oder der Radbremse (3) oder auf eine Druckplatte (6) einer Vorrichtung (1); Anpressen der Druckplatte (6) auf die axiale Anlagefläche (4) der Radbremse (3) oder Radfelge (2) mit einem definierten Druck für eine definierte Zeit; Abnehmen der Radfelge (2) oder Radbremse (3) von der Druckplatte (6) nach Ablauf der definierten Zeit; Entfernen der Suspension (5) zumindest von der Radfelge (2) oder Radbremse (3), sowie eine Vorrichtung zur Bearbeitung der axialen Anlagefläche (4) zwischen Radbremse (3) und Radfelge (2) nach einem solchen Verfahren, aufweisend eine Druckplatte (6), die eine Gegendruckfläche (6a) als Auflage für die axiale Anlagefläche (4) der Radbremse (3) oder ...

12-10-2022 дата публикации

Bicycle Wheel

Номер: GB0002605583A

A bicycle wheel 14 comprising an annular rim 2 having an inner circumferential portion 6, an outer circumferential portion 4 and a pair of side portions that extend between the inner circumferential portion 6 and the outer circumferential portion 4. Each side portion comprises a primary surface 12 and a plurality of pockets 20 that are recessed below the primary surface 12. In one embodiment, the inner circumference is zero, such that the rim 2 forms a disc (figure 10). The pockets induce turbulence, improving the wheel’s performance in cross-winds.

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000168633T

14-05-2009 дата публикации

Molded Wheel with Integral Hub

Номер: AU2007254675A1

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Deformable wheel assembly

Номер: AU2011210371B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A locomotion assembly is provided, suitable to be used in a vehicle. The locomotion assembly comprises a frustum-conical structure comprising at least one flexible member having a frustum-conical surface extending between its relatively narrow and wide ends along a frustum-conical axis, the frustum-conical member being reversibly deformable from its biased rounded shape corresponding to a frustum-conical shape in which its side elevation is circular into a deformed frustum-conical shape in which its side elevation is non-circular. The frustum-conical structure may serve for supporting at least one surface-engaging member convertible between a round wheel-like configuration, in which its side elevation is substantially circular, and a deformed configuration, in which its side elevation is non-circular and in which a larger portion of the surface-engaging member is in contact with a movement surface.

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014202209A1

VEHICLE WHEEL A vehicle wheel includes a wheel body and a plurality of rim blades. The plurality of rim blades is coupled to at least one side surface of the wheel body. Each of the rim blades is provided with at least one airflow guide section and at least one airflow-assisting section. The airflow guide section and the airflow-assisting section are arranged in the form of front and rear series on the rim blade. When the vehicle wheel is coupled with a tire, the airflow guide section is located at the side of the rim blade facing a forwarding direction of rotation of the wheel and the airflow-assisting section is located at the side of the rim blade opposite to the forwarding rotation of the wheels. As such, airflow is increased, wind resistance is reduced, and noise is reduced. Fig.1I ...

07-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002171072A1

La présente invention concerne un dispositif pour insonoriser une roue, et, notamment une roue (1) de véhicule automobile, roue comprenant un voile (2) central circulaire, une jante (3) sensiblement cylindrique composée d'une partie arrière (4) et d'une partie avant (5), les parties étant séparées par le plan du voile (3) qui s'étend sensiblement perpendiculairement à l'axe longitudinal (6) de la jante, caractérisé en ce qu'il est composé d'au moins un panneau, associé à la jante (3), placé parallèlement au voile (2) de roue, ledit panneau comportant au moins une couche d'un matériau viscoélastique et un moyen de couplage mécanique radial disposé en périphérie du panneau pour être associé à, au moins, une des parties (4, 5) cylindriques de la jante (3).

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Hub structure and manufacturing technology thereof

Номер: CN0108583148A

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Protective cap

Номер: FR0003080999A3

25-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003051142B1

30-08-1934 дата публикации


Номер: FR0000043777E

30-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: PT3360640T

04-12-2018 дата публикации

Automatic carving device for wheel

Номер: US0010144244B2

An automatic carving device for a wheel, including a rack, a chassis, a lifting cylinder, brackets, bearing blocks, linear bearings, mounting plates, guide shafts, a lifting shaft, a servo motor, a synchronous pulley, a connection plate, a synchronous belt, a synchronous pulley, a pedestal, a connection shaft, a servo motor, a shaft sleeve, a lower end cover, a connection shaft, a shaft sleeve, and an oil cylinder. The automatic carving device for the wheel can automatically carve characters on the wheel, meanwhile it also has the characteristics of simple structure, convenience for manufacturing, stable performance and high precision that can meet the machining requirement, and can also meet the requirement of automatic production.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Lummi Rex

Номер: US20190152381A1
Принадлежит: Donaldo Rex Mitogo

The Lummi Rex, is an advanced car tire that displays contrasting colors within the tire by the aid of the shining chromes found on the rims and it is to yield caution to other drivers and pedestrians. The sole purpose of the “Lummi Rex” is to reduce and eliminate road accidents due to poor driving, drunk driving, irresponsible drivers, reckless drivers, car malfunctions, broken taillights, and miscommunication between drivers, pedestrians, and everything in its surroundings. The mission of the “Lummi Rex” is, but not limited to ease the communication process between drivers and pedestrians in a novel manner. Pedestrians will know that when this advanced car tire is illuminating in color “Blue” it means the car ignition is on, color “Red” means the car is in motion and finally, when the entire tire is glowing in color “Green” simply means that the brakes have been applied.

16-01-2024 дата публикации

Corrosion resistant wheels, anticorrosion layers associated with wheels, and methods for manufacturing the same

Номер: US0011872589B2
Автор: Phil Pierce
Принадлежит: PRP Industries, Inc., Phil Pierce

The present invention is directed to a method for manufacturing a corrosion resistant wheel adapted for securement to a vehicle and/or trailer, including the steps of: providing a wheel body, applying a primary anticorrosion composition, and forming a primary anticorrosion layer.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021100641A1

Ein Fahrzeugrad (10) umfasst einen Nabenabschnitt (11), einen Felgenabschnitt (12) und einen Scheibenabschnitt (13). Der Scheibenabschnitt (13) ist so aufgebaut, dass sich ein Fensterabschnitt (14), ein Speichenabschnitt (131) und ein dünner Plattenabschnitt (132), betrachtet aus einer Richtung einer Radachse, so angeordnet sind, dass sie sich nicht überlappen. Der dünne Plattenabschnitt (132) ist über einen Verbindungsabschnitt (19) mit wenigstens einem Teil des Nabenabschnitts (11), des Felgenabschnitt (12) und des Speichenabschnitts (131) verbunden. Eine Querschnittsfläche des Verbindungsabschnitts (19), die erscheint, wenn der Verbindungsabschnitt (19) in einer Radradialrichtung geschnitten wird, ändert sich so, dass eine Querschnittsfläche eines Endes des Verbindungsabschnitts (19) kleiner als eine Querschnittsfläche eines weiteren Abschnitts des Verbindungsabschnitts (19) wird.

12-02-1997 дата публикации

Train Tire Profile

Номер: CA0002155914A1

18-09-2018 дата публикации

Production process of thermal-formed spoke of truck

Номер: CN0108544191A

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014033754A1

A commercial vehicle wheel comprises of a rim (101), and a disc (102), wherein the rim (101) includes an outer flange (103), an inner flange (104), an outer bead seat (105), an inner bead seat (106), a connecting region (107) for connecting the rim (101) and disc (102), a circumferential mounting groove (108) connected between the connecting region (107) and inner bead seat (106), wherein a valve hole (109) is provided in the outer bead seat (105) for positioning a valve (110), wherein said valve (110) stem is externally projecting outside the disc (102), thereby results in pave the way for achieving larger clearance between the valve and drum/caliper.

02-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001054924A1
Автор: BERNONI, Claudio

The invention relates to a wheel (1) made of three parts: an outer rim (2), an inner rim (3), a disc (4) joined by means of coach screws of stud bolts (18) directly screwed into the thickness of the wall (10) of the inner rim (3), the outer rim (2) can be made of stamped light alloy plate, whilst the other parts can be otained by casting: advantages are achieved in terms of lightness, economy and aesthetics.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104984A1
Принадлежит: Jiti Logistics Co., Ltd.

Provided is a vehicle wheel. The vehicle wheel disclosed herein includes a disc member to which an axle is connected, and a rim portion connected to the disc member and on which a tire is mounted. The rim portion includes a first tire mounting portion connected to the disc member and including a first bead seat coming into contact with an outer bead of the tire, a second tire mounting portion located including a second bead seat coming into contact with an inner bead of the tire, and a well portion including an outer well portion extending from the first tire mounting portion, and an inner well portion configured to connect the outer well portion to the second tire mounting portion, and wherein a thickness is formed to be thinner in an order of the outer well portion, the second bead seat, and the inner well portion. 1. A vehicle wheel comprising:a disc member to which an axle is connected; anda rim portion connected to the disc member and on which a tire is mounted,wherein the rim portion includes:a first tire mounting portion connected to the disc member and including a first bead seat coming into contact with an outer bead of the tire;a second tire mounting portion located and spaced apart from the first tire mounting portion and including a second bead seat coming into contact with an inner bead of the tire; anda well portion including an outer well portion extending from the first tire mounting portion, and an inner well portion configured to connect the outer well portion to the second tire mounting portion, andwherein a thickness is formed to be thinner in an order of the outer well portion, the second bead seat, and the inner well portion.2. The vehicle wheel of claim 1 , wherein the first tire mounting portion further includes:a first movement restriction portion protruding from the first bead seat and configured to come into contact with the outer bead to restrict movement of the outer bead; anda well wall portion extending from the first bead seat or the ...

22-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: JP0005610049B1
Автор: 田中 毅

... 【課題】1ピースホイールでありながら高級感のある意匠性が得られ、清掃性を向上でき、しかも軽量化が可能で、意匠性を低下させることなく重量バランスの調整が容易な車両用ホイールを提供する。【解決手段】円筒状のリム部2と、リム部2内側に設けたディスク部3とを備え、ディスク部3にその中央部からリム部2側へ延びて、外端部をリム部2に連設した複数のスポーク部7を形成した1ピースタイプの車両用ホイール1において、車両用ホイール1のデザイン面側に、リム部2とスポーク部7との境界部に沿って境界溝23を形成した。【選択図】図1 ...

12-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681674C2
Принадлежит: ГАЛИЛЕО ВИЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Сборный движитель содержит гибкую сцепляющуюся с землей деталь из эластомера, имеющую колесообразную, в целом круглую конфигурацию, со сцепляющейся с землей поверхностью, с первым и вторым бортами, соответствующими первой и второй сторонам сборного движителя. Первый и второй борта содержат, соответственно, первую и вторую проходящие по окружности V-образные канавки, расположенные симметрично и противоположно направленные. Движитель выполнен с возможностью радиального сжатия сборного движителя за счет обратимой деформации первой и второй канавок, обеспечивающей тем самым обратимую деформацию сцепляющейся с землей детали из круглой формы в сплюснутую форму, когда увеличенный участок сцепляющейся с землей поверхности контактирует с поверхностью передвижения. Технический результат – повышение проходимости транспортного средства. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

01-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU214500U1

Полезная модель содержит основную часть (1) колеса, при этом основная часть колеса содержит две пластины колеса, которые могут быть собраны вместе, причем область (2) вырезов образуется между двумя пластинами колеса при сборке вместе двух пластин колеса; первый соединительный элемент (4), обеспеченный в области (2) вырезов; первый механизм в виде направляющей, по меньшей мере частично предусмотренный на первом соединительном элементе (4), и его оставшаяся часть обеспечена на пластинах колеса, при этом первый механизм в виде направляющей содержит первую канавку (31) направляющей и первый поворотный стержень (32), встроенный в первую канавку (31) направляющей, при этом две пластины колеса могут быть собраны друг с другом или отделены друг от друга вдоль первой канавки (31) направляющей посредством первого поворотного стержня (32) и могут быть перевернуты относительно первого соединительного элемента (4) посредством первого поворотного стержня (32); и фиксирующий механизм для фиксации двух ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU178194U1

Полезная модель относится к области автомобилестроения, а именно к эксплуатации автомобильных дисков для шин транспортных средств.Технической задачей предложенной полезной модели является создание дисков, которые помимо выполнения функций передвижения автомобиля, смены внешнего общего вида машины при навешивании декоративных колпаков, накладок или страз на диски, дополнительно имеют функции крепления к ним дополнительного оборудования, устанавливаемого на колесо автомобиля, через выдвижные крепежные элементы в виде кренштейнов, для спасения автомобиля в чрезвычайных сложных ситуациях как на дороге или в бездорожье, а также для передачи крутящего момента другим дискам или агрегатам, механизмам, приспособлениям на дороге или в бытовых условиях. В качестве дополнительного оборудования можно рассмотреть противобуксовочные средства, тросы, шкивы, разъемные шкивы, созданные из крепежных кронштейнов, включая с отверстиями, расположенных по окружности внешней, внутренней боковой поверхности диска ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015120636A

... 1. Сборный движитель для наземного транспортного средства, содержащий гибкую сцепляющуюся с землей деталь из эластомера, имеющую колесообразную, в целом круглую конфигурацию, со сцепляющейся с землей поверхностью, с первым и вторым бортами, соответствующими первой и второй сторонам сборного движителя, при этом первый и второй борта содержат, соответственно, первую и вторую проходящие по окружности V-образные канавки, расположенные симметрично и противоположно направленные, и выполненный с возможностью радиального сжатия сборного движителя за счет обратимой деформации первой и второй канавок, обеспечивающей тем самым обратимую деформацию сцепляющейся с землей детали из круглой формы в сплюснутую форму, когда увеличенный участок сцепляющейся с землей поверхности контактирует с поверхностью передвижения.2. Сборный движитель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что каждая из V-образных канавок определена первой, более наружной стенкой, и второй, более центральной стенкой соответствующей стороны сборного ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Beschichtungsstruktur, Verfahren zur Bildung der Beschichtungsstruktur und Fahrzeugrad

Номер: DE112017002552T5

Eine Beschichtungsstruktur, die subtile Veränderungen von verschiedenen Farbtönen in einem ähnlichen Farbsystem und ein Muster bereitstellt, enthält eine Basisschicht 12, die auf ein Grundmetall 11 laminiert ist, eine Farbschicht 13, die auf die Basisschicht 12 laminiert ist, und eine klare Schicht 15 als eine äußerste Schicht, die auf die Farbschicht 13 laminiert ist. Die Basisschicht 12 und die Farbschicht 13 zeigen verschiedene Farben. Die Basisschicht 12 hat Vertiefungen 12a in spezifischen Bereichen 10x. Die Basisschicht 12 ist dünner in den spezifischen Bereichen 10x als in den anderen Bereichen 10y. Die Farbschicht 13 hat Ausbuchtungen 13a in den spezifischen Bereichen 10x, die in die Vertiefungen 12a eingefüllt sind. Die Farbschicht 13 ist dicker in den spezifischen Bereichen 10x als in den anderen Bereichen 10y.

27-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001309441C

A road wheel for a track laying vehicle comprising a metallic disc and rim part wherein the rim portion of the part is of towardly geometry. An elastomeric tire part is bonded to the outer surface of the rim portion and has a cylindrical outer face adapted for engagement with the track treads of the track laying vehicle. The cross sectional thickness of the metallic disc and rim part is substantially uniform throughout the same. The rim portion has a radially in-turned flange at the free end thereof extending at an acute angle to the axis of the road wheel. The disc portion merges with the rim portion integrally through a bend portion and extends radially inwardly a given distance to provide a track lug wear surface. The disc portion also has a reverse bend offset axially toward the outer free edge of the rim portion to provide clearance for track guide lugs in the operation of said wheel. The rim portion has a radius of curvature taken in radial cross section in a plane including the wheel ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932830A1

An aerodynamically optimized drag-reduction means and method for optimal minimization of the drag-induced resistive forces upon a terrestrial vehicle wheel, where the drag-induced resistive moments on wheel surfaces pivoting about the point of ground contact are reduced, and the vehicle propulsive forces needed to countervail the resistive forces on the wheel are reduced. The drag reduction means includes a streamlined wheel cover positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; a streamlined wind-deflecting fairing positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; an engine exhaust pipe disposed on a vehicle whereby exhaust gases deflect headwinds to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces of an automotive wheel; an automotive spoked wheel having streamlined oval-shaped wheel spokes arranged in one or more rows for greater axial strength; a streamlined tailfin rotatably attached to a wheel spoke.

29-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002231863A1

This invention provides a wheel (20) having a rim (22) for mounting a tire (24) and also including a brake lining structure including a portion which is formed of friction material (44) which extends at least partially around the rotational axis of the wheel (20) in a position which is radially-inwards of the rim (22). The brake lining structure including a portion which is formed of friction material (44) has a radially-inner frictional material braking surface for engagement by arcuate brake arms (60) of a wheel assembly when the arcuate brake arms (60) are forced radially-outwards. The wheel (20), upon removal from a vehicle, may be changed for replacement of the brake lining structure. The brake lining assembly thus has a unitary brake lining structure including a portion which is formed of friction material (44) which is concentrically carried within a brake lining carrier (50). An automotive vehicle on which such wheels (20) are mounted includes mechanism for drawing fluid from a ...

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Spoke and hub full-spinning wheel manufacturing method

Номер: CN0108971903A

04-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002731389B1

22-05-2020 дата публикации

A rim with a structured portion.

Номер: FR0003088582A1

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle wheel decoration method and decoration device

Номер: TW0202043067A

In the present invention, a three-dimensional wheel design face is decorated with only two-dimensional movement of one of a discharge nozzle and a holding member and tilting of the other. This vehicle wheel decoration method is characterized by including a set step of holding the wheel body so as to be freely attached and removed with respect to a holding member so that the wheel design face and the discharge nozzle face each other, and a decoration step of forming a decorative layer on the wheel design face of the wheel body held in the holding member by discharging a coating from the discharge opening of the discharge nozzle toward the wheel design face while moving the discharge nozzle in two intersecting directions along the wheel design face relative to the wheel design face, wherein in the decoration step, due to the relative motion of one of the discharge nozzle or the holding member or of both the discharge nozzle and the holding member, the wheel body is tilted relatively in a ...

18-12-1972 дата публикации

Номер: SE7207514L

04-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997031792A1

A light metal rim ring for vehicle wheels made of an aluminium alloy and consisting mainly of at least one multicavitied hollow profile (1) which comprises a reinforced, in particular a solid portion (2) for the attachment of a wheel disc (3) or spokes. In the method for constructing this rim ring, the multicavitied hollow profile is first extruded and subsequently fixed with the extremities to one another. The use of such a hollow profile enables to construct lighter rim rings. The extremities are preferably connected to one another by means of a diffusion soldering process or an electron beam or a laser beam welding process which permit small wall thicknesses and large differences in wall thickness.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190299717A1

A wheel and tire assembly a plurality of includes support elements for supporting part of a load of a vehicle and an annular shear band extending circumferentially around the support elements. The shear band has a radially inner circumferential membrane, a radially outer circumferential membrane, and a shear layer interconnecting the inner membrane and the outer membrane for controlling shear deflection between the inner membrane and the outer membrane. The shear layer defines a connecting film layer radially sandwiched between a first radially inner, cylindrical flat film layer and a second radially outer, cylindrical film layer. The connecting film layer defines a periodic wave shape as the connecting film layer extends circumferentially between the first and second film layers.

21-06-2011 дата публикации

Method and system for producing alloy wheels for motor vehicles

Номер: US0007963028B2
Автор: Roberto Tosi, TOSI ROBERTO

A method for producing alloy wheels for motor vehicles in which each wheel is provided with a hub and a rim contemplates realizing a finishing operation with a cutting machine tool, measuring the unbalance of the wheel, checking whether the unbalance falls within the predetermined acceptability values by means of a control unit and issuing a signal related to the acceptability of the unbalance.

23-06-1942 дата публикации

Airplane wheel

Номер: US2287236A

30-01-2018 дата публикации

Upper wheel fairing reducing critical vehicle drag

Номер: US0009878745B2
Принадлежит: MAGEE GARTH L, Magee Garth L.

A method and apparatus for shielding critical faster-moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds reduces vehicle propulsive counterforces needed to countervail mechanically magnified upper wheel drag forces combined with drag forces on the apparatus itself. The apparatus includes various upper wheel fairings of FIGS. 1-6. Each fairing shields a critical primary vehicle-drag-inducing upper wheel surface from headwinds otherwise impinging thereon.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190216193A1

A soft sided container with a wheel assembly securable to the sidewalls of the container. The wheel assembly is formed from a cage bearing rotatably coupled to a hub. The hub, formed integral with a base plate, engages an internally positioned mounting plate, eliminating the need for a cross axle. The use of a large hub limits rotation to an outer circumference of the wheel assembly. 1. A portable soft-sided insulated container comprising:a body defining an insulated chamber therewithin, said body having a base, a front and rear wall extending upward from said base, opposing left and right side walls extending upward from said base between said front and rear walls;a cover positionable over an upper edge of said walls, said cover hingedly attached to said rear wall;a closure mechanism attached to said upper edge of said right wall, said front wall and said left wall, said closure mechanism securing said cover to body while in a closed position and allowing access to said insulated chamber when said cover is positioned in an open position;a wheel assembly secured to each said side wall, said wheel assembly including a base plate positioned on an outer surface of each said side wall and securable to a mounting plate positioned on an inner surface of each said side wall, said base plate including an integral hub supporting a cage bearing rotatably secured to a trim ring forming a wheel.2. The portable soft-sided insulated container according to wherein said cage bearing consists of an inner rim having a plurality of projections for securing to a socket formed in said base plate.3. The portable soft-sided insulated container according to wherein said outer rim is rotatable around a plurality of ball bearings spaced apart by a ball bearing holder claim 2 , wherein said ball bearing holder allows said outer rim to spin independently of said inner rim.4. The portable soft-sided insulated container according to including a tire like non-marring material securable to said ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU178176U1

Новое время - новые скорости. Как известно неспешное передвижение слона или жирафа гораздо эффективнее, чем бегущего муравья или таракана для преодоления расстояния. Для передвижения на большие расстояния по крупным континентам требуется крупное машиностроение. Чем крупнее и вместительнее автобус, самолет или пароход, тем больше и быстрее передвигается грузовая масса. Железнодорожный транспорт - в преимуществе количества вагон состава, но не может похвастаться скоростями в силу устаревшей компоновки вагона. Для больших скоростей требуется новый тип железнодорожного полотна и конструкции вагона. Где время в пути сократится в 2, 3 раза.Это можно достичь новым типом самодвижущегося вагона, с большими колесами, которые крепятся не под вагоном, а с боков конструкции рамы вагона - равные высоте вагона. При этом и колея железнодорожного полотна должна быть шире в четыре раза. Такая конструкция и будет достигать больших скоростей, подобно болидам, где для устойчивости широко расставлены большие ...

07-02-2018 дата публикации

Centreless wheel

Номер: GB0002552650A

A centreless wheel 101 for a vehicle is suitable for use in a road-going vehicle, a wheelchair, a trolley, etc. It comprises a rotor 102 that is annular around an axis A. The rotor has an outer surface 103 for engagement with a surface, and an inner surface 104 having a plurality of radial teeth to form an annular gear. The rotor is mounted in a member which is annular around the axis. The member has a housing 106 for a drive mechanism comprising a driveshaft (306, see fig 3) with a pinion (307) mounted thereon in engagement with the annular gear to transmit torque to the rotor. A connection assembly connects the member to the vehicle. An actuator is configured to act upon the housing to move the member and the rotor relative to the connection assembly. The housing may comprise a plurality of radial teeth to form a gear against which said actuator may act to rate the centereless wheel with respect to the connection assembly.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850886A1

A vehicle wheel includes a wheel body and a plurality of rim blades. The plurality of rim blades is coupled to at least one side surface of the wheel body. Each of the rim blades is provided with at least one airflow guide section and at least one airflow-assisting section. The airflow guide section and the airflow-assisting section are arranged in the form of front and rear series on the rim blade. When the vehicle wheel is coupled with a tire, the airflow guide section is located at the side of the rim blade facing a forwarding direction of rotation of the wheel and the airflow-assisting section is located at the side of the rim blade opposite to the forwarding rotation of the wheels. As such, airflow is increased, wind resistance is reduced, and noise is reduced.

12-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2932830C

An aerodynamically optimized drag-reduction means and method for optimal minimization of the drag-induced resistive forces upon a terrestrial vehicle wheel, where the drag-induced resistive moments on wheel surfaces pivoting about the point of ground contact are reduced, and the vehicle propulsive forces needed to countervail the resistive forces on the wheel are reduced. The drag reduction means includes a streamlined wheel cover positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; a streamlined wind-deflecting fairing positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; an engine exhaust pipe disposed on a vehicle whereby exhaust gases deflect headwinds to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces of an automotive wheel; an automotive spoked wheel having streamlined oval-shaped wheel spokes arranged in one or more rows for greater axial strength; a streamlined tailfin rotatably attached to a wheel spoke.

29-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002787075C

A circular folding wheel has a center wheel section encompassing the center of a circle and adapted to be mounted to an axle at the center, with a side substantially corresponding to a chord of the circle. A wheel segmentis pivotally attached to the center wheel section about a pivot axis extending along the side of the center wheel section. The wheel segment is movable from a rolling orientation, where the outer edge of the wheel segment is aligned with an outer edge of the center wheel section such that the folding wheel takes a rolling circular shape, to a folded orientation where the wheel segment extends laterally away from the pivot axis. Two, three, or more wheel segments can be pivotally attached to corresponding sides of the center wheel section.

04-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002787885A1

A locomotion assembly is provided, suitable to be used in a vehicle. The locomotion assembly comprises a frustum-conical structure comprising at least one flexible member having a frustum-conical surface extending between its relatively narrow and wide ends along a frustum-conical axis, the frustum-conical member being reversibly deformable from its biased rounded shape corresponding to a frustum-conical shape in which its side elevation is circular into a deformed frustum-conical shape in which its side elevation is non-circular. The frustum-conical structure may serve for supporting at least one surface-engaging member convertible between a round wheel-like configuration, in which its side elevation is substantially circular, and a deformed configuration, in which its side elevation is non-circular and in which a larger portion of the surface-engaging member is in contact with a movement surface.

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Machining and spinning integrated aluminum alloy automobile wheel machining technology

Номер: CN0108608172A

13-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002731389A1

La présente invention concerne un dispositif pour insonoriser une roue, et, notamment une roue (1) de véhicule automobile, roue comprenant un voile (2) central circulaire, une jante (3) sensiblement cylindrique composée d'une partie arrière (4) et d'une partie avant (5), les parties étant séparées par le plan du voile (2) qui s'étend sensiblement perpendiculairement à l'axe longitudinal (6) de la jante, caractérisé en ce qu'il est composé d'au moins un panneau, associé à la jante (3), placé parallèlement au voile (2) de roue, ledit panneau comportant au moins une couche d'un matériau viscoélastique et un moyen de couplage mécanique radiale disposé en périphérie du panneau pour être associé à, au moins, une des parties (4, 5) cylindriques de la jante (3).

24-09-2020 дата публикации

wheel caterpillar variable

Номер: BR112014015161B8

14-07-2011 дата публикации

Rad für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE0019747348B4

Gussrad für ein Kraftfahrzeug aus einer Leichtmetalllegierung bestehend, mit mindestens zwei Beschichtungen, welche zumindest auf der nach außen weisenden Sichtseite des Rades vorgesehen sind, wobei eine Beschichtung durch ein Chromatierungsverfahren aufgebracht ist, gekennzeichnet dadurch, dass dieen geschliffen und poliert ist, die durch das Chromatierungsverfahren aufgebrachte Schicht transparent und von einer klaren Pulverlackschicht abgedeckt ist, welche eine Dicke von 40 bis 60 aufweist.

22-04-2009 дата публикации

Sacrificial anode for a vehicle wheel

Номер: GB2453742A

A vehicle wheel includes a sacrificial anode 50 to improve corrosion resistance. The anode 50 comprises a cylinder which is retained upon a fastener such as a wheel nut 10 or bolt and contacts the vehicle wheel.

16-05-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle wheels having locking-hole reinforcement structure

Номер: GB0002548881B

22-04-2015 дата публикации

A noise-reducing device for a vehicle

Номер: GB0201503714D0

04-06-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle wheel

Номер: GB0201407005D0

21-06-1934 дата публикации

Process for the production of flanged metal discs, more particularly for disc-wheels for power vehicles

Номер: GB0000412156A

... 412,156. Making vehicle wheels. AUTO-RADER UND FELGENFABRIK M. HERING AKT.-GES., Ronneburg, Thuringia, Germany. March 15, 1934, No. 8187. Convention date, Nov. 2, 1933. [Classes 83 (ii) and 83 (iv).] A flanged wheel disc is cut from a square a of less size than the unflanged disc diameter b, the flange therefore when formed having a varying width, narrow at A and wide at B where the attachment to a rim can be made.

31-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002155914C

A section of a train wheel tread is formed into a continuous hyperbolic curve to respond asymptotically to changes in the path of a rail, thus,dampening lateral oscillation of the train wheels back and forth across rail. The hyperbolic curve at a minimum extends from a taping line to a wheel lift point. However, for further dampening effects the hyperbolic curve is extended from a fillet section across the taping line toward the field side of the wheel. Two tires having the same hyperbolic profile work in conjunction as a feedback system to dampen lateral oscillation while at the same time saving energy, reducing tire and rail wear.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859966A1

A variable track wheel (1) comprises a rim (2) suitable for receiving a tyre, and a disc (3) through which said wheel (1) is mountable on a hub (37), said disc (3) being removably secured by fastenings (6) to a connecting member (4) provided in said rim (2), said connecting member (4) projecting towards a rotation axis (X) of said wheel (1), said wheel further comprising a plurality of spacers (15) interposed between an annular perimeter zone (36) of said disc (3) and said connecting member (4) of said rim (2), said disc (3) and said rim (2) being mountable in a plurality of reciprocal axial positions and in a plurality of reciprocal orientations to obtain a variation in the track of said wheel (1), said wheel (1) further comprising at least one centring device (8; 9) for mutual positioning of said disc (3) and of said rim (2), said centring device (8; 9) comprising a hole (10; 10a; 10b) and a pin (11), said hole (10; 10a; 10b) or said pin (11) being provided in said connecting member ( ...

06-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1265559A

A non-pneumatic convoluted cone wheel having a hub section and a resilient section that has a ground-engaging rim at its peripheral outer edge portion to which a tire tread can be provided for the ground engaging rim including an internal element to vary the rate of the wheel with deformation under load which is turnable for changing stiffness with deformation of the resilient section.

26-04-1991 дата публикации

Jante pour roue de véhicule.

Номер: FR0002653383A

L'alésage de cette jante (1) présente une série de bossages (2) disposés annulairement, dans un plan radial, avec une répartition angulaire régulière et dans lesquels sont aménagés des trous taraudés, gui sont, eux aussi, de répartition angulaire régulière, bossages (2) contre lesquels est fixé un disque (3) au moyen de vis (5) traversant des perçages (4) du disque (3) et engagées dans les trous taraudés des bossages (2), ce disque (3) reliant la jante (1) au moyeu ou partie centrale de la roue.

11-09-1934 дата публикации

Process for the manufacture of body of sheet discs, more particularly intended for the construction of wheels of motor vehicles

Номер: FR0000770298A

29-05-2020 дата публикации

Protective cap

Номер: FR0003080999B3

26-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002653383A1

22-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003048918A1

Ébauche (1) de pièce pour roue de véhicule automobile, comprenant une face destinée à former une partie visible de la roue une fois la roue positionnée sur le véhicule, caractérisée en ce que ladite face présente un relief à au moins un premier niveau dit haut (h1) et un deuxième niveau dit bas (h2) pour définir une première identité visuelle de jante en effectuant un usinage surfacique de ladite face extérieure jusqu'au niveau haut (h1) et une deuxième identité visuelle de jante en effectuant un usinage surfacique de ladite face extérieure jusqu'au niveau bas (h2).

14-08-2018 дата публикации

estrutura de suporte não pneumática

Номер: BR102017024572A2

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190299704A1
Принадлежит: Campagnolo S.r.l.

A process for manufacturing a bicycle wheel component, comprising the steps of providing a component having at least one braking area that cooperates with a braking body made by molding of composite material having structural fibers in a polymeric material, and post-molding machining of at least one region of the braking area by removing only polymeric material, without removal of the structural fiber, from the entire region so that the structural fiber outcrops at least in part from the polymeric material, and removing the structural fiber and possibly the polymeric material according to at least one groove within the region. A bicycle wheel component having a braking area of composite material, wherein in a region of the braking area, the structural fiber outcrops at least from the polymeric material, and the region comprises a groove through the structural fiber and possibly the polymeric material of the composite material.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Wheel including tread

Номер: US20120019052A1
Автор: Michael A. Morris
Принадлежит: Geo Plastics Inc

Wheels and methods of making wheels are disclosed including an inner portion and a tread mechanically coupled to the inner portion. The tread may be mechanically coupled to the inner portion on an inside and an outside of the wheel. The inner portion may include a rim including a plurality of apertures. The inner portion may be high density polyethylene and the tread may be thermoplastic elastomer.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Tire/Wheel Assembly

Номер: US20130076108A1
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A tire/wheel assembly includes a wheel having an attaching portion for attaching the wheel to a vehicle and a pneumatic tire that is fit on a periphery of the wheel. The pneumatic tire includes a plurality of tire protrusions and/or a plurality of tire recesses of a tire side portion that constitutes a vehicle outer side, and the wheel includes a plurality of wheel recesses in a surface that constitutes the vehicle outer side.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140874A1
Автор: FUKAYA Noriyuki
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co., Ltd.

A wheel for an automobile is configured in such a manner that the wheel disc comprises an outer peripheral ring section having protrusions and recesses, the outer peripheral ring section being formed by continuously and alternately forming circular arc-shaped contact sections and contactless protrusion sections along the circumferential direction of the wheel, the circular arc-shaped contact sections being in contact with and welded to the bent peripheral section of the wheel rim, the contactless protrusion sections protruding further toward the front side than the circular arc-shaped contact sections and separating from the bent peripheral section. Welded sections at which the circular arc-shaped contact sections and the bent peripheral sections are welded together are intermittently arranged in the circumferential direction of the wheel. The configuration provides a large design surface to improve the freedom of design and improves the rigidity because of the shape effect of the outer peripheral ring section having protrusions and recesses. 1. An automotive wheel provided with a wheel rim including bead seat portions for supporting beads of a tire and rim flange portions continuously formed from the bead seat portions and bending to radial outsides , each of which is provided on a front and a back sides , and a wheel disc , and in which the wheel disc and the wheel rim are welded together ,wherein the wheel disc comprises:an outer peripheral concavoconvex annular portion in which a plurality of arc-shaped abutting portions abutting on bending peripheral portions continuously formed from front bead seat portions to front rim flange portions of the wheel rim and formed intermittently along a circumference of the wheel, are formed along the circumference of the wheel continuously with a plurality of non-abutting convex portions formed to protrude toward the front side with respect to the arc-shaped abutting portions, spaced from the bending peripheral portion, and ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Wheel and hub assemblies removable without tools

Номер: US20130200685A1
Принадлежит: Geo Plastics Inc

A hub or wheel assembly includes a retaining element, biasing element, and hand-maneuverable release mechanism. The housing includes an axle bore configured to receive an axle and a pin sleeve including a first end in fluid communication with the axle bore, a second end, and a conduit between the first end and the second end. The retaining element is within the conduit and is configured to operatively engage a groove in an axle. The biasing element is within the conduit and is configured to bias the retaining element towards the axle bore. The hand-maneuverable release mechanism is configured to displace the retaining element away from the axle bore.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234497A1
Автор: Franklin Dennis

A wheel assembly for use on vehicles in rugged conditions including, without limitation, off-road and trail conditions. A rim assembly having a rim flange is supported by a central hub member. The rim flange has a bead seat and allows a tire—including an under inflated tire—to flex without chaffing or cutting of the tire. A sacrificial abrasion ring is mounted to the outer surface of the rim flange. An optional removable accessory cap can mount to the wheel assembly to prevent mud, snow and/or other debris from collecting in the center of the wheel assembly. 1. A wheel assembly comprising:a. a bold pad having a plurality of holes;b. a hub member connected to said bolt pad; (i) a pair of bead seats oriented substantially parallel to one another, each of said bead seats defining an axial outer edge,', '(ii) a well disposed between said bead seats, and', '(iii) a ring member disposed on an outer edge of at least one of said bead seats., 'c. a rim assembly connected to said central hub member comprising2. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein said hub member has a substantially concave shape.3. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of holes extending through said hub member.4. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising two valve stem holes extending through said hub member.5. The wheel assembly of claim 4 , wherein said two valve stem holes are oriented one hundred eighty degrees from each other around the circumference of said hub member.6. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of gauge holes disposed in said ring member.7. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a sacrificial cover disposed on said ring member.8. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first retention rib disposed on at least one of said bead seats.9. The wheel assembly of claim 8 , further comprising a second retention rib disposed on said at least one of said bead seats.10. The wheel assembly of . further comprising ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Automobile wheel

Номер: US20130257139A1
Автор: Yoshifumi Goto
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co Ltd

An automobile wheel is provided with a spoke section and a disk flange section. The spoke section is provided with a central groove section and raised side section disposed on either side of the central groove section. The raised side sections are provided with a peak side section that protrudes to the front and a flange section that extends from the side edge of the peak side section to the back. Meanwhile, the disk flange section is provided with a connector section and front edge sections that curve radially inward from the front edge of the connector section. The front edge sections are depressed toward the back relative to the peak side section of the raised side section. This automobile wheel, by means of the synergy between the shape effects of the spoke section and the disk flange section, improves strength and rigidity for withstanding radial loads and bending/torsional loads.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035348A1
Автор: von Tardy-Tuch Georg

A vehicle wheel rim () having a wheel rim well () and having a wheel disk (), wherein the wheel rim well () has a substantially axially extending region () and the wheel disk () has a substantially axially extending region (), wherein the wheel disk () and the wheel rim well () are connected to one another in the axially extending regions (). 11216253723162537891625372389. A vehicle wheel rim () having a wheel rim well () and having a wheel disk ( , , ) , wherein the wheel rim well () has a substantially axially extending region () and the wheel disk ( , , ) has a substantially axially extending region ( , ) , wherein the wheel disk ( , , ) and the wheel rim well () are connected to one another in the axially extending regions ( , , ).21162537452021542120. The vehicle wheel rim () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wheel disk ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is formed from a first shell element ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) and a second shell element ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ).31426452021. The vehicle wheel rim as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a cavity ( claim 2 , ) is formed between the shell elements ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ).411625373031323230313130. The vehicle wheel rim () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wheel disk ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is formed by three shell elements ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) claim 1 , wherein the third shell element () is arranged as a link between the first shell element ( claim 1 , ) and the second shell element ( claim 1 , ).5135. The vehicle wheel rim () as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the third shell element connects the first and the second shell elements radially at the inside claim 4 , in particular in the region of the conical hub region ().614520213031321015223334. The vehicle wheel rim () as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the shell elements ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ) are connected to one another in such a way that they overlap ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ) at least in ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Lawn Mower Wheel and Lawn Mower with such a Wheel

Номер: US20140047812A1
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

A lawn mower wheel () is provided. The lawn mower wheel () comprises a hub () arranged for attachment to a lawn mower wheel axle extending in an axial direction. The lawn mower wheel () comprises a tread (). The tread () has a tread width () in the axial direction. The tread is a web structure of material portions () separated by through openings () to reduce the area of the tread () onto which grass clippings may attach. The lawn mower wheel () comprises a rim (). The rim () extends from the hub () to the tread (). The rim () has a rim width () in the axial direction. The rim width () corresponds to less than half of the tread width (), to allow grass clippings to fall from one through opening () of the tread () to another. 111.-. (canceled)12. A lawn mower wheel comprising:a hub arranged for attachment to a lawn mower wheel axle that extends in an axial direction;a tread portion having a tread width defined in the axial direction and extending coaxially with an axis of the hub to define a wheel volume, the tread portion being arranged to contact a surface over which the wheel is operable responsive to movement of the lawn mower, the tread portion comprising a web structure of material portions separated by through openings to reduce an area of the tread portion; anda rim portion extending between the hub and the tread portion, the rim portion being present in less than half of the wheel volume defined by the tread portion.13. The lawn mower wheel of claim 12 , wherein the rim portion comprises a single web structure of material portions separated by through openings.14. The lawn mower wheel of claim 13 , wherein the rim portion and the tread portion are comprised of a single unitary structure.15. The lawn mower wheel of claim 12 , wherein the rim portion defines a rim width in the axial direction claim 12 , and wherein the rim width corresponds to less than half of the tread width.16. The lawn mower wheel of claim 15 , wherein the rim width corresponds to less ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Wheel with folding segments

Номер: US20140057505A1
Принадлежит: Draganfly Holdings Inc

A circular folding wheel has a center wheel section encompassing the center of a circle and adapted to be mounted to an axle at the center, with a side substantially corresponding to a chord of the circle. A wheel segment is pivotally attached to the center wheel section about a pivot axis extending along the side of the center wheel section. The wheel segment is movable from a rolling orientation, where the outer edge of the wheel segment is aligned with an outer edge of the center wheel section such that the folding wheel takes a rolling circular shape, to a folded orientation where the wheel segment extends laterally away from the pivot axis. Two, three, or more wheel segments can be pivotally attached to corresponding sides of the center wheel section.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001913A1

A vehicle wheel disk and a manufacturing method thereof is provided. The vehicle wheel disk is manufactured from a disk material of a flat plate. The vehicle wheel disk includes a hub coupling portion, a disk flange and a hat. The hat includes a hat top protruding outwardly in an axial direction of the disk, a radially inner hat portion connecting the hat top and the hub coupling portion, and a radially outer hat portion connecting the hat top and the disk flange. In the vehicle wheel disk, a first thickness-reduced portion is smaller in thickness than the disk material that is formed at the radially outer hat portion. 1. A vehicle wheel disk manufactured from a disk material of a flat plate , the vehicle wheel disk comprising:a hub coupling portion, a disk flange and a hat connecting the hub coupling portion and the disk flange,the disk flange extending straight in an axial direction of the disk in a cross section taken along a radially extending Diane of the disk,the hat including a hat top protruding outwardly in the axial direction of the disk, a radially inner hat portion connecting the hat top and the hub coupling portion and a radially outer hat portion connecting the hat top and the disk flange,wherein a first thickness-reduced portion smaller in thickness than the disk material is formed at the radially outer hat portion.2. A vehicle wheel disk according to claim 1 , wherein a second thickness-reduced portion smaller in thickness than the disk material is formed at the disk flange.3. A vehicle wheel disk according to claim 1 , wherein the disk flange includes a thick disk flange portion located at at least an inner end portion of the disk flange in the axial direction of the disk and at least a portion of the disk flange in a circumferential direction of the disk.4. A vehicle wheel disk according to claim 1 , wherein 'the first thickness-reduced portion is formed at a portion of the radially outer hat portion spaced outwardly from the vent window in a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001663A1
Автор: McGill John

The present invention is directed to airless tires. Exemplary airless tires include a hub configured for attachment to an axle and includes a hub support extending away from the hub. Such exemplary airless tires also include a heel configured around the hub and connected at a distal end of the hub support, whereby the heel includes an elastomer base oriented in a ring around a circumference of the hub support. Such exemplary airless tires also include elastomeric tubes extending radially outward from the heel. Other exemplary airless tires include a centerless hub assembly configured for attachment to an axle and a heel configured around the centerless hub assembly. The heel in such exemplary airless tires includes an elastomer base oriented in a ring around a circumference of the centerless hub assembly. These other exemplary airless tires include elastomeric tubes extending radially outward from the heel. 1. An airless tire comprising:a hub configured for attachment to an axle;a hub support extending away from the hub;a heel configured around the hub and connected at a distal end of the hub support, the heel comprising an elastomer base oriented in a ring around a circumference of the hub support; anda plurality of elastomeric tubes extending radially outward from the heel.2. The airless tire of wherein the hub support further comprises spokes.3. The airless tire of wherein the hub support further comprises braces.4. The airless tire of wherein the hub support further comprises a disc.5. The airless tire of wherein the heel further comprises a heel brace embedded in the elastomer base.6. The airless tire of wherein the heel further comprises a metal support arch embedded in the elastomer base.7. The airless tire of wherein the plurality of elastomeric tubes further comprise solid tubes.8. The airless tire of wherein the plurality of elastomeric tubes further comprise hollow tubes.9. The airless tire of wherein a portion of the plurality of elastomeric tubes are ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Wheel for Passenger Cars

Номер: US20160001592A1
Принадлежит: Maxion Wheels Germany Holding GmbH

Vehicle wheel comprising a rim part and a disc part formed from a one-piece sheet metal blank and including a central portion with bolt holes and a plurality of radially extending spoke arrangements merging into a disc edge delimiting together with the spoke arrangements ventilation apertures which extend over the region between the edge webs and the disc edge. In order to create steel wheels with four-hole fixing in which high strength and stiffness are achieved the number of spoke arrangements and of bolt holes is four and these are in each case arranged mirror-symmetrically with respect to a common radial line, with the width of each spoke arrangement narrowing radially towards the outside and each ventilation aperture extending in the circumferential direction over an arc length of more than ⅙ of the circumference of the disc part. Further, each ventilation aperture is having on a radial line a maximum radial clear width which is equal to or preferably greater than the radial width of the metal portion of the disc part on the same radial line. 115. A vehicle wheel for passenger cars comprising: a rim part for receiving a tyre and a disc part which is connected to the rim part and is formed from a one-piece sheet metal blank by shaping and cutting or punching , which disc part includes a central portion having bolt holes for wheel bolts , a central aperture for a vehicle hub and a plurality of radially extending spoke arrangements , formed by shaping the sheet metal , for transmitting force between vehicle hub and rim part , each spoke arrangement being provided with a radially extending central web which merges on each side into a radially extending lateral web , bent outwardly from the plane of the central web , and then into an edge web bent back again with respect to the lateral web , radially outer ends of the central webs and of the lateral webs merging into a circumferential annular disc edge oriented precisely parallel or substantially parallel axially to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001700A1
Автор: Taylor Fredrick

This disclosure concerns wheels for industrial vehicles, including scissor lift vehicles and aerial platform vehicles. More particularly, this disclosure concerns a wheel fabricated with a substantially cylindrical wheel rim and a front face surface which includes a center hub section that is inwardly offset from the front edge by an amount and at an angle providing flexibility to recover from incidences that can damage the wheel. 1. A wheel for an industrial vehicle comprising:a substantially cylindrical wheel rim including opposed first and second annular edges and a rim base there between;a hub aperture;a surface extending radially from the hub aperture to the first annular edge of the wheel rim; anda back flange formed extending inwardly from the second annular edge of the wheel rim, the back flange formed at an angle with respect to the rim base,wherein the surface comprises a center hub section about the hub aperture, a transition section extending outwardly from the center hub section, and an outer annular face section extending outwardly from the transition section to the first annular edge of the wheel rim, andwherein the wheel has a longitudinal axis passing through hub aperture, the longitudinal axis being parallel to the longitudinal axis of an axle to which the wheel is configured to be mounted and a center line passing vertically through a cross-section of the wheel, the center line being equidistantly spaced between the first and second annular edges.2. The wheel of claim 1 , wherein the center hub section has a substantially planar cross-section that lies on the center line.3. The wheel of claim 1 , wherein the center hub section has a substantially planar cross-section and the outer annular face section has a substantially planar cross-section claim 1 , the substantially planar cross-section of the center hub section and the substantially planar cross-section of the outer annular face section being substantially parallel to each other claim 1 , and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Torque bar retention for wheel assemblies

Номер: US20200001985A1
Принадлежит: Goodrich Corp

A wheel assembly includes a wheel portion comprises a web having an inboard surface. The web may define a torque bar retention slot that extends from the inboard surface of the web. The wheel assembly may also include a bushing disposed in the torque bar retention slot, wherein the bushing comprises an open end and a closed end. Still further, the wheel assembly may include a torque bar coupled to the wheel, and the torque bar may include a boss extending into the bushing through the open end of the bushing such that the boss of the torque bar is at least partially disposed within the torque bar retention slot of the wheel portion.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009258A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A rim section is provided with e disk section and is secured to a jig by patting the disk section as the lower side. By allowing a groove section l an engaging section) provided along a circumferential direction of the inner peripheral surface of the rim section to engage with a bent end section of a reinforced member attached from the upper side of the jig, the reinforced member can be easily positioned on the inner peripheral surface of the rim section 1. A light alloy wheel for a vehicle , comprising:a rim having an inner peripheral surface, and an outer peripheral surface on which a tire is mounted; anda circular reinforced member composed of a reinforced fiber member and configured to be fitted and adhered to a part of the inner peripheral surface of the rim along a circumferential direction of the rim, whereinthe rim has a position-determining section formed on the inner peripheral surface of the rim and configured, to determine a position of the reinforced member.2. The wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe rim has a disk section provided on one axial end side in an axial direction of the rim,the position-determining section is an engaging section formed, along the inner peripheral surface on the other axial end side of the rim in the axial direction, andthe circular reinforced member is positioned by engaging in part with the engaging section and is adhered and attached by an adhesive to the inner peripheral surface of the other axial end side of the rim in the axial direction.3. The wheel according to claim 2 , whereinthe circular reinforced member has a hook shape in a cross section of the member along a plane along the axial direction, the hook shape having a bent end section abutting the inner peripheral surface of the other axial end side of the rim, andthe engaging section is a groove section or a step section formed on the inner peripheral surface of the rim so as to engage with the bent end section of the hook shape, thereby to place and maintain ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009259A1
Автор: Chung Suny, Kovacs Myles

A cap configured to be connected to a wheel having a hub and a series of openings configured to receive fasteners attaching the wheel to a vehicle. The cap includes a disc defining a series of openings. The number of openings in the cap is less than the number of openings in the wheel. Each opening in the cap is configured to align with a corresponding opening in the wheel. Additionally, the cap is configured to conceal a remainder of the openings in the wheel that are not aligned with the openings in the cap. 1. (canceled)2. An automobile wheel , comprising:an outer rim;a hub defined generally at the center of the automobile wheel, the hub having a recessed outer surface and a first plurality of openings;a plurality of spokes extending radially between the outer rim and the hub; anda cap configured to be removably disposed in the hub of the automobile wheel so that the cap covers a subset of the first plurality of openings and leaves exposed the remaining first plurality of openings such that said remaining first plurality of openings receive a plurality of threaded studs of an automobile wheel hub assembly therein when the automobile wheel is mounted to the automobile.3. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , wherein a bottom surface of the cap conforms to the recessed outer surface of the hub.4. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , further comprising:a plurality of holes in the cap; anda plurality of fasteners extending through the plurality of holes and into the hub to couple the cap to the hub.5. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , further comprising:a center bore defined in the wheel;a cover coupled to one end of the center bore; anda central opening in the cap, wherein the central opening is concentric with the cover on the wheel.6. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , wherein the cap has a second plurality of openings configured to be aligned with the remaining first plurality of openings and leave the remaining first plurality of openings exposed claim 2 , wherein a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009909A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal CO., LTD

The present application provides an adjustable position gauge, which comprises a measuring column, an adjusting block, a set screw, a base plate, a tensioning block, a nut, a conical block and the like. The application may measure the angle between different bolt holes and the position of the wheel bolt hole with different pitch sizes. 1inner hole of the nut has a thread and is fixed to the top of the base plate, upper end of the tensioning block is T-shaped, and outer side of lower end of the tensioning block is a circular surface, upper T-shaped portion of the tensioning block is matched with the T-shaped grooves in central portion of the base plate; inner side of the tensioning block is conical and is matched with conical surface of lower end of the conical block, middle portion of the conical block has an external thread to match with the inner hole of the nut.. Adjustable position gauge, comprising: a measuring column, an adjusting block, a set screw, a base plate, a tensioning block, a nut and a conical block; central portion of the base plate is provided with a plurality of T-shaped grooves uniformly distributed in the circumferential direction, and outer side of the central portion of the base plate is also provided with a plurality of T-shaped grooves which are uniformly distributed in the circumferential direction and have a certain arc length; T-shaped portion of the adjusting block is matched with curved T-shaped groove of the base plate; bottom of the adjusting block is provided with a plurality of threaded holes which are matched with the measuring column, so that horizontal position of the measuring column is configured to be adjusted as needed; the set screw is installed in top of the adjusting block, and bottom of the adjusting block is in contact with top of the base plate; This application claims priority to Chinese Patent Application No. 201810722826.7 filed on Jul. 4, 2018, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle Hub Unit and Air Pressure Adjusting Device

Номер: US20150013866A1
Автор: TANNO Atsushi

A vehicle hub unit that supports a wheel that attaches to a pneumatic tire and is attached to a joint and an air pressure adjusting device that has this vehicle hub unit, provided with a first air passage that is formed with a first opening in at least one location on a surface that attaches to the wheel, is attached to pneumatic piping of the joint that supplies air, and supplies air from the first opening to the wheel; and a second air passage that is formed with a second opening in at least one location on a surface that attaches to the wheel, is attached to pneumatic piping of the joint that exhausts air of the joint, and collects air of the wheel from the second opening. 1. A vehicle hub unit that supports a wheel that attaches to a pneumatic tire and is attached to a joint , comprising:a first air passage that is formed with a first opening in at least one location on a surface that attaches to the wheel, is attached to pneumatic piping of the joint that supplies air, and supplies air from the first opening to the wheel; anda second air passage that is formed with a second opening in at least one location on a surface that attaches to the wheel, is attached to pneumatic piping of the joint that exhausts air, and collects air of the wheel from the second opening.2. The vehicle hub unit according to claim 1 , further comprising: a release valve that is disposed in the second air passage and exhausts air in the second air passage to the outside.3. The vehicle hub unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a release valve that is disposed in the first air passage and exhausts air in the first air passage to the outside.4. An air pressure adjusting device claim 1 , comprising: the vehicle hub unit described in ; anda wheel that is attached to the vehicle hub unit and supports the pneumatic tire,the wheel including a hub installation portion that attaches to the vehicle hub unit, a rim portion that supports the pneumatic tire, a first wheel air passage that ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103701A1
Автор: Chung Suny, Kovacs Myles

A cap configured to be connected to a wheel having a hub and a series of openings configured to receive fasteners attaching the wheel to a vehicle. The cap includes a disc defining a series of openings. The number of openings in the cap is less than the number of openings in the wheel. Each opening in the cap is configured to align with a corresponding opening in the wheel. Additionally, the cap is configured to conceal a remainder of the openings in the wheel that are not aligned with the openings in the cap. 1. A cap configured to be connected to a wheel having a hub and a first plurality of openings configured to receive fasteners attaching the wheel to a vehicle , the cap comprising: the number of openings in the second plurality of openings is less than the number of openings in the first plurality of openings; and', 'each opening of the second plurality of openings is configured to align with a corresponding one of the openings of the first plurality of openings; and, 'a disc defining a second plurality of openings, whereinwherein the disc is configured to conceal a remainder of the openings of the first plurality of openings in the wheel.2. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the disc further comprises an inner surface configured to conform to a portion of the hub.3. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of openings in the wheel comprises from eight to ten openings and the second plurality of openings in the cap comprises from four to six openings.4. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the openings of the second plurality of openings are circumferentially disposed around the disc.5. The cap of claim 1 , wherein a shape and size of each of the openings of the second plurality of openings substantially matches a shape and size of the corresponding one of the openings of the first plurality of openings.6. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the disc further comprises a central opening configured to receive a hub cover on the wheel.7. The cap of claim 6 , further ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023310A1
Автор: SCHOENBOCK Clement

A method of restoring a wheel () to compliance, the wheel having a plurality of ovalized bores (). The method is characterized in that it includes at least a step of boring a first ovalized bore () with the help of a reamer () presenting a longitudinal pilot portion () and a longitudinal cutter portion (), the cutter portion () presenting teeth () defining a cutting diameter (D), and the pilot portion () presenting a pilot diameter (D) strictly less than the cutting diameter (D), the step of boring this first ovalized bore () consisting in inserting the reamer () into the first ovalized bore (), beginning with the pilot portion () and followed by the cutter portion (), the pilot diameter (D) being such that it enables the reamer () to be guided in translation inside the first ovalized bore () for boring. 112233334231223233132abbaab. A method of restoring a wheel () to compliance , the wheel having a plurality of ovalized bores () , the method being characterized in that it includes at least a step of boring a first ovalized bore () with the help of a reamer () presenting a longitudinal pilot portion () and a longitudinal cutter portion () , the cutter portion () presenting teeth () defining a cutting diameter (D) , and the pilot portion () presenting a pilot diameter (D) strictly less than the cutting diameter (D) , the step of boring this first ovalized bore () consisting in inserting the reamer () into the first ovalized bore () , beginning with the pilot portion () and followed by the cutter portion () , the pilot diameter (D) being such that it enables the reamer () to be guided in translation inside the first ovalized bore () for boring.233535. The method of restoring compliance according to claim 1 , wherein the reamer () extends along a longitudinal axis of symmetry (X-X) of the reamer claim 1 , and during the boring step claim 1 , the reamer () is assembled to a rotary drive machine () arranged to drive the reamer () in rotation about said longitudinal axis ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022153A1

Disclosed are wheel assemblies for motor vehicle powertrains, methods for making and methods for using wheel assemblies, and motor vehicles with wheel units each composed of a tire and a wheel assembly. For example, a multi-hub wheel assembly for a motor vehicle is disclosed. The motor vehicle includes a tire and a suspension component, such as a hub-and-bearing assembly, mounted to the vehicle body. The wheel assembly includes an outer wheel with an annular rim well attached to a central hub. The central hub mounts onto the vehicle's suspension component, e.g., via lugs and bolts, while the tire mounts onto the rim well. The wheel assembly also includes an intermediate hub with a deflection annular rim attached to a mounting base. The mounting base is attached to the outer wheel. The intermediate hub mounts inside a hollow core of the outer wheel, interposed between the central hub and the suspension component. 1. A wheel assembly for a motor vehicle , the motor vehicle including a vehicle body , a tire , and a suspension component mounted to the vehicle body , the wheel assembly comprising:an outer wheel with a rim well attached to a central hub to define a hollow core, the central hub being configured to mount on the suspension component of the motor vehicle, and the rim well being configured to mount thereon the tire; andan intermediate hub attached to the outer wheel and including a deflection rim attached to a mounting base, the intermediate hub being configured to mount inside the hollow core of the outer wheel interposed between the central hub and the suspension component.2. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the deflection rim of the intermediate hub projects at an oblique angle from the mounting base.3. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the deflection rim of the intermediate hub is annular and extends continuously around an outer periphery of the mounting base.4. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the deflection rim of the intermediate hub ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023066A1
Автор: KIM Juho

A disc portion and a rim portion of a tire wheel are integrally formed simultaneously, with a resonance pipe formed between the disc and rim portions, by inserting a molten metal into a space formed by a mold combined with the resonance pipe by core pins. 1. A tire wheel for a vehicle , comprising:a disc portion configured to be mounted to the vehicle and forming a radially central and axially outermost face of the tire wheel;a rim portion configured to mount a tire thereonto, the rim portion integrally formed with the disc portion by molding, and forming a radially outer portion of the tire wheel; anda resonance pipe of a ring-shaped hollow pipe formed between the disc portion and the rim portion along a circumference of and in an interior of the tire wheel.2. The tire wheel of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of sound absorbing holes that penetrates into an interior of the resonance pipe are formed in the rim portion claim 1 , the plurality of sound absorbing holes equally spaced along a circumference of the resonance pipe.3. The tire wheel of claim 1 , wherein the resonance pipe is made of a material having a melting point higher than a material of the disc portion and the rim portion.4. The tire wheel of claim 3 , wherein the resonance pipe is made of steel or a steel alloy material.5. A method for manufacturing a tire wheel having a disc portion mounted to a vehicle and a rim portion for mounting a tire claim 3 , the method comprising steps of:combining a plurality of core pins with a resonance pipe of a ring-shaped hollow pipe;preheating the resonance pipe;combining the preheated resonance pipe to a mold through the plurality of core pins;inserting a molten metal into the mold such that the resonance pipe may be circumferentially formed between the disc portion and the rim portion and formed inside the tire wheel; andfabricating a plurality of sound absorbing holes that penetrate into the resonance pipe and are equally spaced along a circumference of the rim ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037275A1
Автор: Magee Garth L.

An aerodynamically optimized drag-reduction apparatus and method for optimal minimization of the drag-induced resistive forces upon a terrestrial vehicle, where the drag-induced resistive moments on wheel surfaces pivoting about the stationary point of ground contact are reduced, and the vehicle propulsive forces needed to countervail the resistive forces on the wheel are reduced. The drag reduction apparatus includes: a streamlined fairing or wind deflector positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; an engine exhaust pipe disposed on a vehicle whereby exhaust gases deflect headwinds to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces of an automotive wheel; an automotive spoked wheel having streamlined oval-shaped wheel spokes; a wheel assembly with a streamlined tailfin rotatably attached to a wheel spoke; a wheel with a tapered spoke having a thin aerodynamic profile near the rim and tapering to a round profile toward the central hub; and a tire having streamlined tread blocks arranged in an aerodynamic pattern. 1. An apparatus for reducing aerodynamic drag-induced resistive forces upon a terrestrial vehicle employing a wheel assembly exposed to headwinds and crosswinds above the level of an axle of the wheel assembly when the vehicle is in forward motion , comprising:a longitudinally tapered structural spoke fastening an outer rim to a central hub of a wheel assembly exposed to headwinds impinging thereon above the level of an axle of said wheel assembly while employed on a vehicle in forward motion;said tapered spoke disposed to reduced drag from a combined headwind and crosswind impinging on a surface of said spoke when said surface is positioned directly above the axle within an uppermost region of said wheel assembly comprising a major upper drag-inducing surface, with said region being located wholly above the level of the axle of said wheel assembly and including primary vehicle-drag inducing wheel surfaces;said ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042150A1
Автор: Goto Yoshifumi
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co., Ltd.

Each spoke portion includes spoke projecting threads on both sides thereof, and a reinforcing plate portion is formed so as to protrude from a side edge of each of the spoke projecting threads outward in a spoke widthwise direction. The reinforcing plate portion is formed continuously with an inter-spoke plate potion extended from a fitting portion of a disc flange portion to a wheel radially inner side, and forms an integral plate surface with the inter-spoke plate portion. With this configuration, it is possible to reduce imbalance of rigidity of the spoke portion in a radial direction, and to increase rigidity of an automobile wheel. 1. An automobile wheel , comprising:a wheel rim for supporting beads of a tire; and a hub mounting portion to be coupled to a hub of an axle;', 'a disc flange portion connected to an inner peripheral surface of the wheel rim; and', 'a plurality of spoke portions extended from the hub mounting portion to a wheel radially outer side so as to couple the hub mounting portion and the disc flange portion together,', 'the hub mounting portion, the disc flange portion, and the plurality of spoke portions being formed integrally with each other,', 'the wheel disc having openings each being surrounded by adjacent spoke portions among the plurality of spoke portions, the disc flange portion, and the hub mounting portion,, 'a wheel disc comprising a center groove bottom portion formed at a center position of the each of the plurality of spoke portions in a spoke widthwise direction so as to extend in a wheel radial direction; and', 'spoke projecting threads arranged side by side on both sides of the center groove bottom portion in the spoke widthwise direction, each of the spoke projecting threads being curved and formed so that a cross-section thereof in the spoke widthwise direction projects to a wheel axially front side in a mountain shape,', 'the hub mounting portion comprising spoke projecting thread coupling portions each configured to ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Direct bolt simulated cap

Номер: US20170043620A1
Автор: Myles Kovacs, Suny Chung
Принадлежит: Design Infini Inc

A cap configured to be connected to a wheel having a hub and a series of openings configured to receive fasteners attaching the wheel to a vehicle. The cap includes a disc defining a series of openings. The number of openings in the cap is less than the number of openings in the wheel. Each opening in the cap is configured to align with a corresponding opening in the wheel. Additionally, the cap is configured to conceal a remainder of the openings in the wheel that are not aligned with the openings in the cap.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Automatically moving floor treatment appliance

Номер: US20190045987A1
Автор: Michael Blum
Принадлежит: Vorwerk and Co Interholding GmbH

An automatically moving floor treatment appliance has at least one wheel, which can be rotated about an axis of rotation and which has a circumferential surface, wherein the circumferential surface has a plurality of profile blocks, which, based on the axis of rotation, face radially to the outside and which are embodied in succession in the circumferential direction. To facilitate a negotiating of obstacles by means of the floor treatment appliance, the profile blocks form a profile of the circumferential surface, which is completely heterogeneous in the circumferential direction, so that the structure of the profile is not repeated in the circumferential direction.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047546A1

Disclosed is a vehicle support device comprising a polygonal surface which may be affixed to a front edge of an at least one circumferential plate () or to a midline of an at least one circumferential plate (). The polygonal surface () may be a pentagon polygon having five sides, a hexagon polygon having six sides, an octagon polygon having eight sides, or any polygonal shape. The polygonal front surface may have an at least one asymmetrical side. The polygonal front surface () may have a plurality of lug bolt supports (), which may have five lug bolt supports (), seven lug bolt supports (), eight lug bolt supports (), or twelve lug bolt supports (). The vehicle support device may have an axle support centerline (), a vehicle support device centerline (), and an non-zero centerline offset () between the axle support centerline () and the vehicle support centerline () to provide for offset alignment of the vehicle support device in a vehicle wheel well. 1. A vehicle support device comprising{'b': '105', 'a polygonal surface () having a side length (a) and apothem (r),'}{'b': 110', '1', '2, 'an at least one outer tangential circumferential plate () having a longitudinal width (w) and a lateral width (w),'}{'b': '115', 'an axle support (),'}{'b': '120', 'a plurality of lug bolt supports (),'}{'b': '125', 'an axle support centerline (),'}{'b': '130', 'a vehicle support device centerline (), and'}{'b': 140', '110', '105, 'an edge affixment () to affix an at least one outer tangential circumferential plate () to the polygonal surface ().'}2105. The vehicle support device of wherein the polygonal surface () comprises a pentagon.3105. The vehicle support device of wherein the polygonal surface () comprises a hexagon.4105. The vehicle support device of wherein the polygonal surface () comprises an octagon.5105110. The vehicle support device of wherein the polygonal surface () is affixed to a front edge of the at least one outer tangential circumferential plate ().6105855110. ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047551A1
Автор: McKay John C.

A wheel for a non-motorized vehicle (e.g., a shopping cart) can include a housing assembly and a tread assembly. The housing assembly can be configured to sealingly house electronics or other components. The tread assembly can removably mate with the housing assembly such that the electronics or other components remain closed and/or sealed within the housing assembly when the tread assembly is mated or unmated with the housing assembly. 1. (canceled)2. A wheel for a human-propelled cart , the wheel comprising:a hub having an inner cavity and comprising a frame engaging surface having a first mating feature, the inner cavity configured to receive an electrical component; an annular tread configured to engage a surface on which the wheel is configured to roll; and', a radially outward portion configured to be received in the annular tread;', 'a radially inward portion having a hub engaging surface, the hub engaging surface having a second mating feature and being configured to releasably couple with the frame engaging surface of the hub; and', 'one or more tread securement features configured to inhibit axial movement of the frame relative to the hub,', 'wherein the one or more tread securement features comprise a locking flange adapted to engage a frame engagement feature of the hub when the hub is received in the tread assembly, thereby inhibiting movement of the hub relative to the frame in a direction substantially parallel to the axis of rotation of the tread assembly., 'a frame configured to engage with the annular tread, the frame comprising], 'a tread assembly configured to axially receive a portion of the hub, the tread assembly having a generally circular shape and an axis of rotation, the tread assembly comprising3. The wheel of claim 2 , wherein the one or more tread securement features comprise a radially-deflectable portion connected to the locking flange and to the radially inward portion of the frame.4. The wheel of claim 3 , wherein the radially- ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132059A1
Автор: Patrick David Michael
Принадлежит: 4SPHERE LLC

A wheel assembly is provided that includes a body coupled to the central hub to rotate about the axis of rotation. The body forms an alternating pattern circumscribed about the central hub at constant radial distance from the axis of rotation. The body defines a median circle centered on and transverse to the axis of rotation. The alternating pattern of the body is evenly distributed across the median circle, resulting in an effective width greater than the width of the body. On hard surfaces, the wheel assembly provides a broad track while maintaining a relatively thin contact area, as result providing reduced friction than a traditional wheel. On soft surfaces, the wheel assembly provides substantial traction. 1. A wheel assembly , comprising:a central hub defining the axis of rotation; anda body coupled to the central hub to rotate about the axis of rotation, the body forming an alternating pattern circumscribed about the central hub, the body having a constant radial distance from the axis of rotation.2. The wheel assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the alternating pattern of the body defines a median circle at the constant radial distance from the axis of rotation.3. The wheel assembly as defined in claim 2 , wherein the body is formed of a plurality of arcs connected in sequential claim 2 , adjacent alignment to circumscribe the central hub claim 2 , each arc having an arc center that is spaced apart from the axis of rotation claim 2 , such that adjacent arcs have arc center on opposing sides of the body.4. The wheel assembly as defined in claim 2 , wherein the alternating pattern of the body defines a wave pattern having a constant amplitude and a constant frequency claim 2 , relative to the median circle.5. The wheel assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the body has an effective width (W) to diameter ratio of at least 0.2.6. The wheel assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the body defines an effective width (W) greater than a body width (W).7. ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061354A1
Принадлежит: WORK CO., LTD.

Provided is a one piece vehicle wheel capable of obtaining design having a high-class feeling, improving the cleaning property, reducing the weight, and easily adjusting the weight balance without deteriorating the design. 1. A vehicle wheel of one piece type comprising:a cylindrical rim;a disk provided inside the rim;a plurality of spokes formed on the disk, the spokes each extending from a central part of the disk toward the rim and having an outer end connected to the rim; anda boundary groove formed on a design surface side of the vehicle wheel along the boundary between the rim and each of the spokes.2. The vehicle wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the outer end of each of the spokes is connected to an outer flange of the rim.3. The vehicle wheel according to claim 2 , wherein an outer peripheral arc surface is formed on a design surface side of a base of the outer flange at a position between outer ends of adjacent ones of the spokes claim 2 , the outer peripheral arc surface being arranged within a plane substantially perpendicular to a rotation axis of the vehicle wheel.4. The vehicle wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the boundary groove is formed to have an arc cross section.5. The vehicle wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the spokes are each formed to have a semicircular cross section.6. The vehicle wheel according to claim 1 , wherein color coating is applied to at least a design surface of the vehicle wheel before forming the boundary groove therein claim 1 , the boundary groove and the surface on a design surface side of the outer flange are then cut to allow a metal surface to be exposed claim 1 , and clear coating is then applied to at least the design surface of the vehicle wheel.7. The vehicle wheel according to claim 1 , wherein a center groove extending in the length direction of each of the spokes is formed on a central part in the width direction on a design surface side of each of the spokes claim 1 , color coating is applied to at ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065414A1
Автор: Huang Joey Chih-Wei

Various embodiments of an airless tire are disclosed. In some embodiments, the tire can include a hub and a tread. A cushioning unit can be positioned between the hub and the tread. A support can be positioned between, and can provide structural support to, the cushioning unit and the tread. 1. An airless tire that is configured to roll across a surface , the airless tire comprising:a hub having an opening configured to receive an axle, the hub comprising a plurality of first securing members;a frame comprising a plurality of second securing members;a tread configured to contact the surface, the tread secured to the frame; an inner rim comprising a radially inner face that is connected with the hub, the inner face comprising a plurality of axially extending flanges that are received in the first securing members of the hub;', 'an outer rim comprising a radially outer face that is connected with the frame, the outer face comprising a plurality of axially extending flanges that are received in the second securing members of the tread; and', 'a plurality of compression spokes configured to deflect in response to radial compression of the tire, each of the compression spokes comprising a first end coupled with the inner rim and a second end coupled with the outer rim, the second end being circumferentially offset from the first end., 'a cushioning unit comprising2. The airless tire of claim 1 , wherein each of the compression spokes have an arc shape from a side vantage point of the tire.3. The airless tire of claim 1 , wherein the first securing members on the hub comprise recesses.4. The airless tire of claim 1 , wherein the second securing members on the tread comprise recesses positioned on radially inwardly-extending rims of the tread.5. The airless tire of claim 1 , further comprising a support ring positioned radially between the tread and the frame claim 1 , wherein the support ring comprises metal.6. The airless tire of claim 1 , wherein the compression spokes ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082773A1

A hub or wheel assembly includes a retaining element, biasing element, and hand-maneuverable release mechanism. The housing includes an axle bore configured to receive an axle and a pin sleeve including a first end in fluid communication with the axle bore, a second end, and a conduit between the first end and the second end. The retaining element is within the conduit and is configured to operatively engage a groove in an axle. The biasing element is within the conduit and is configured to bias the retaining element towards the axle bore. The hand-maneuverable release mechanism is configured to displace the retaining element away from the axle bore. 1. (canceled)2. An assembly comprising: a first sleeve including a bore configured to receive a device comprising a groove; and', 'a second sleeve including a first end, a second end, and a conduit between the first end and the second end, the first end in fluid communication with the bore;, 'a housing includinga retaining element in the conduit, the retaining element configured to operatively engage the groove;a biasing element in the conduit and configured to bias the retaining element towards the bore; a tab configured to be manipulated by a hand of a user;', 'a lifter at least partially and non-removably in the second sleeve, the lifter configured to interact with the retaining element, the lifter connected to the tab, wherein movement of the tab is configured to cause movement of the lifter; and', 'a connector coupled to the tab and coupled to the lifter, the retaining element including a lip configured to interact with the release mechanism, the connector substantially orthogonal to at least one of the tab and the lifter; and, 'a hand-maneuverable release mechanism configured to displace the retaining element away from the bore, the release mechanism includinga restraining element configured to inhibit at least one of the retaining element and the biasing element from exiting the second end of the second sleeve.3. ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086135A1
Автор: Prezecki Leonard Gus

A spare wheel assembly comprising a tire and a rim to which the tire is attached is disclosed. The rim includes a center mounting plate having a center bore, inner and outer opposed flanges, and a disk between the center bore and the flanges. The disk includes a pair of elongated, curved slots formed on opposite sides of the center bore. Each of the slots is an ergonomically-formed hand hold for receiving fingers of an operator's hand. The inner and outer opposed flanges of the rim define perimeters of the rim between which the tire is held. The curved slots are concentric with respect to the perimeter of the outer flange and with respect to the center bore. A centerline is formed radially through the assembly. The disk is positioned on one side of the centerline and the mounting plate is positioned on the other side of the centerline. 1. A spare wheel assembly for use with a vehicle , the assembly comprising:a tire;a rim to which said tire is attached, said rim having a center mounting plate having a center bore, inner and outer opposed flanges, and a disk therebetween, said disk having a pair of elongated slots formed on opposite sides of said center bore, each of said slots being a hand hold for receiving fingers of a hand.2. The spare wheel assembly of wherein each of said elongated slots is curved.3. The spare wheel assembly of wherein said flanges define perimeters of said rim between which said tire is held.4. The spare wheel assembly of wherein said slots are formed adjacent said outer flange.5. The spare wheel assembly of wherein said slots are curved and wherein said slots are concentric with respect to said perimeter of said outer flange.6. The spare wheel assembly of further including a centerline formed radially through said tire and said rim claim 1 , said disk being on one side of said centerline and said center mounting plate being on the other side of said centerline.7. The spare wheel assembly of wherein said elongated slots are elongated curved ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Rim for a wheel

Номер: US20170087929A1
Принадлежит: Dymag Group Ltd

Herein is described a non-metallic rim for a wheel, the rim comprising: a barrel having first and second flanges extending radially outward from opposing edges of the barrel, and the barrel comprising a first bead seat and a second bead seat arranged axially inwardly, respectively, of the first and second flanges, wherein a primary structural component extends at least through the first flange and the barrel, the primary structural component being capable of bearing the majority of the radial and/or lateral load that, in use, would be borne by the rim a protective insert is disposed between an outer face of the first flange and the primary structural component and/or at least a portion of the first bead seat is spaced apart from the primary structural component and the primary structural component, bead seat and, if present, the protective insert are bound by a polymer matrix.

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102656A1
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co., Ltd.

Each spoke portion () includes a center valley portion (), and spoke projecting threads () formed on both sides of the center valley portion (). Each of the spoke projecting threads () includes an inclined surface portion (), which protrudes outward in a spoke widthwise direction from a top () and inclines downward to a wheel axially back side. The inclined surface portion () is formed so that a length thereof in a range of from the top () to an outer end of the inclined surface portion () in the spoke widthwise direction becomes larger toward a spoke distal end side, and that an average downward inclination angle thereof becomes smaller toward the spoke distal end side. With this configuration, it is possible to increase rigidity of the spoke portion with good balance while avoiding interference with a braking device. 1. An automobile wheel , comprising:a wheel rim for supporting beads of a tire; and a hub mounting portion to be coupled to a hub of an axle;', 'a disc flange portion connected to an inner peripheral surface of the wheel rim; and', 'a plurality of spoke portions extended from the hub mounting portion to a wheel radially outer side so as to couple the hub mounting portion and the disc flange portion together,', 'the hub mounting portion, the disc flange portion, and the plurality of spoke portions being formed integrally with each other,, 'a wheel disc comprising a center valley portion formed at a center position of the each of the plurality of spoke portions in a spoke widthwise direction so as to extend in a wheel radial direction; and', 'spoke projecting threads arranged side by side on both sides of the center valley portion in the spoke widthwise direction so that a cross-section of each of the spoke projecting threads in the spoke widthwise direction projects to a wheel axially front side in a mountain shape,', 'the each of the plurality of spoke portions being formed so that a separation distance between tops of the spoke projecting threads ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101405A1
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co., Ltd.

A manufacturing method for a wheel disc, includes forming a flange portion, wherein the flange portion is formed such that an inner mold and an outer mold having a cylindrical inner surface with a first inside radius larger than the first outside radius and placed above the inner mold coaxially to the inner mold are brought close relative to each other in an axial direction by one stroke so that the outer edge of the disc material is bent downward, and the cylindrical inner surface of the outer mold is provided with recessed portions hollowed outwardly in a wheel radial direction, the recessed portions being formed in ranges corresponding to the window portions in the wheel circumferential direction and in a range from a middle position to a bottom end in the wheel axial direction. 1. A manufacturing method for a wheel disc that has an annular flange at an outer periphery of the wheel disc , the annular flange extending inwardly in a vehicle width direction generally parallel to a wheel axial direction , the annular flange including a plurality of base portions and a plurality of window portions that alternate with each other around a circumference of the annular flange , each of the base portions having a uniform basic length in the wheel axial direction extending from a bottom of the annular flange to an outermost edge of the annular flange , and each of the window portions having a length in the wheel axial direction extending from the bottom of the annular flange to the outermost edge of the annular flange that is shorter than the basic length , so that the outermost edge of the annular flange has a plurality of recesses corresponding to the window portions , the manufacturing method comprising:forming the annular flange by bending an outer edge of a disc material in which the annular flange has not been formed inwardly in the vehicle width direction over an entirety of a circumference of the disc material so that the annular flange is generally parallel to the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Variable-track rolling toy

Номер: US20150111462A1
Автор: Thomas Barse
Принадлежит: PARROT SA

The present invention relates to a toy comprising at least two parallel wheels each comprising a hub ( 14 ), a rim ( 16 ) provided with a tread ( 18 ), and a plurality of spokes ( 20 ) made of an elastically deformable material. The unit formed by the hub and the spokes is mounted into the rim under compressive stress on the spokes, so as to produce, by buckling effect, a bending of the spokes curving these latter and offsetting axially the plane of the hub with respect to that of the rim. The unit can hence take two stable positions in the direction of bending of the spokes, i.e. an extended position with an enlarged track and a retracted position with a reduced track. It is just needed to apply an external mechanical effort on the rim, in one direction or the other, to reverse the direction of bending of the spokes, and thus to switch from the extended position to the retracted position, or vice versa.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170108074A1

There is provided an anti-vibration wheel for an automobile, comprising: a disk member connected to an axle hub with a rim member extending from a circumferential edge of the disk member for mounting a tire, the rim member further having: an outer bead seat positioned at an outer end of the rim member where an outer bead of the tire sits, an inner bead seat positioned at an inner end of the rim member where an inner bead of the tire sits, and a well portion which is inclined and extends between the outer bead seat and the inner bead seat, with an outer well portion extending from the outer bead seat and an inner well portion extending from the outer well portion, with the thickness of the outer well portion being greater than the thickness of the inner bead seat which is greater than the thickness of the inner well portion. 1. An anti-vibration wheel for an automobile , comprising:{'b': 100', '160', '100', '200, 'a disk member () connected to an axle hub with a rim member () extending from a circumferential edge of the disk member () for mounting a tire (),'}{'b': '160', 'the rim member () further having{'b': 162', '160', '201', '200, 'an outer bead seat () positioned at an outer end of the rim member () where an outer bead () of the tire () sits,'}{'b': 162', '160', '202', '200, 'i': 'a', 'an inner bead seat () positioned at an inner end of the rim member () where an inner bead () of the tire () sits, and'}{'b': 163', '162', '162', '163', '162', '163', '163', '163', '162', '163, 'i': a', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b, 'a well portion () which is inclined and extends between the outer bead seat () and the inner bead seat (), with an outer well portion () extending from the outer bead seat () and an inner well portion () extending from the outer well portion (), with the thickness of the outer well portion () being greater than the thickness of the inner bead seat () which is greater than the thickness of the inner well portion ().'}2163163ba. The anti-vibration wheel ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105942A1
Автор: Webber Kimel

The present invention relates generally to the field of vehicle rims, and more specifically relates to Logo-Rims The present invention also relates to a vehicle Logo-Rim apparatus, and a method of making same. More particularly, the invention encompasses a customized tire rim for a vehicle. The invention also provides a user to replace their existing tire rims with the inventive customized vehicle rim having, and using a customized or a personalized logo. A line of specially designed tire rims that are adorned with a variety of striking designs, sporting logos germane to sports, businesses, and popular culture, is also disclosed. The invention also provides an inventive design which is intended to provide automobile enthusiasts with an attractive alternative to ordinary tire rims. 1. A wheel for an automotive vehicle , comprising(a) a tire rim hub having, a central opening for mounting to an axle of an automotive vehicle via a wheel hub;(b) a tire rim disposed radially outward from said tire rim hub and being configured for receiving a tire on its peripheral external radial wall surface;(c) at least one support structure extending between said tire rim hub and a peripheral internal radial wall surface of said tire rim, and wherein said at least one support structure is in physical contact and secured to said peripheral internal radial wall surface of said tire rim at at least two different locations; and(d) wherein at least an external portion of said at least one support structure is configured to represent at least one logo.2. The wheel for an automotive vehicle of claim 1 , wherein said tire rim hub is integrated into and is a part of said at least one logo.3. The wheel for an automotive vehicle of claim 1 , wherein at least one logo plug slideably and engageably covers said tire rim hub central opening4. The wheel for an automotive vehicle of claim 1 , wherein at least one logo plug slideably and engageably covers said tire rim hub central opening claim 1 , and ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190111734A1
Автор: Chung Suny, Kovacs Myles

A cap configured to be connected to a wheel having a hub and a series of openings configured to receive fasteners attaching the wheel to a vehicle. The cap includes a disc defining a series of openings. The number of openings in the cap is less than the number of openings in the wheel. Each opening in the cap is configured to align with a corresponding opening in the wheel. Additionally, the cap is configured to conceal a remainder of the openings in the wheel that are not aligned with the openings in the cap. 1. (canceled)2. An automobile wheel , comprising:a hub defined generally at the center of the automobile wheel, the hub having a recessed portion and a first plurality of openings; anda cap configured to be removably disposed in the recessed portion of the hub of the automobile wheel so that the cap covers a subset of the first plurality of openings and leaves exposed the remaining first plurality of openings such that said remaining first plurality of openings at least partially receive a plurality of threaded studs of an automobile wheel hub assembly therein when the automobile wheel is mounted to the automobile.3. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , wherein at least portion of a bottom surface of the cap conforms to an outer surface of the recessed portion of the hub claim 2 , wherein at least portion of the bottom surface of the cap contacts at least a portion of the outer surface of the recessed portion of the bub when the cap is disposed in the recessed portion of the hub.4. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , further comprising:a plurality of holes in the cap; anda plurality of fasteners extending through the plurality of holes and into the hub to couple the cap to the hub.5. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , further comprising:a center bore defined in the wheel;a cover coupled to one end of the center bore; anda central opening in the cap, wherein the central opening is concentric with the cover on the wheel.6. The automobile wheel of claim 2 , wherein the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180118292A1

An embodiment is developed for a cylindrically shaped, elliptical rolling robot that has the ability to morph its outer surface as it rolls. The morphing actuation alters lengths of the major and minor axes, resulting in a torque imbalance that rolls the robot along faster or brakes its motion. A control scheme is implemented, whereby angular position and horizontal velocity are used as feedback to trigger and define morphing actuation. A goal of the control scheme is to cause the robot to follow a given velocity profile comprised of steps and ramps. Equations of motion for the rolling robot are formulated, which include rolling resistance torque caused by deformation of the outer surface tread. A computer program solves the equations of motion, and resulting plots show that by automatically morphing its shape in a periodic fashion, the rolling robot is able to commence from an initial position, achieve constant average velocity and slow itself. 1. A rolling robot , comprising:(a) a flexible hollow cylindrical shell, said shell having an interior; (1) a telescoping rack column having a first end and a second end, said rack column having a rack gear attached thereto, said rack column spanning said interior of said shell, said first and second rack column ends being in mechanical communication with said shell,', '(2) a telescoping pinion column having a first end and a second end, said pinion column, said pinion column spanning said interior of said shell, said first and second pinion column ends being in mechanical communication with said shell,', '(3) a pinion gear positioned to engage said rack gear, and,', '(4) a servomotor in mechanical communication with said pinion gear and with said pinion column, said servomotor at least for rotating said pinion gear to extend and contract said linear actuator;, '(b) a dual telescoping linear actuator positioned within said shell, said linear actuator comprising'}(c) a first sensor for measuring an angular position of said ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Method of Designing and Producing Carbon Fiber Wheels

Номер: US20150130261A1
Автор: Warren Patrick

A method of designing and producing the spoke section of a vehicle wheel using chopped carbon fiber pre-impregnated composite material is provided, wherein the method allows wheel designers to machine several different wheel designs, wheel diameters, and wheels with different offsets without using different material molds for each, as is customary with traditional carbon fiber reinforced plastic wheels designed using a layup procedure. The present method greatly reduces material waste, engineering design effort for each wheel, and the cost of each wheel over existing methods by using a single mold that can accommodate different wheel designs. 1. A method of designing and producing composite wheels using chopped carbon fiber , comprising the steps of:choosing one or a plurality of wheel designs;concentrically overlaying said wheel designs to determine a single wheel blank design;creating a reverse mold of said single wheel blank design;compression molding a wheel blank using said reverse mold;machining said wheel blank into one of said wheel designs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said choosing said wheel designs further comprises the steps of:determining the diameter, wheel offset, hub design, bolt pattern, and spoke design of said wheel designs prior to overlaying said wheel designs.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:fastening said wheel design after machining to a wheel barrel section to create a three piece wheel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein compression molding said wheel blank further comprising the steps of:heating chopped carbon fiber;communicating said chopped carbon fiber after heating into said mold;compressing said material in said mold using a press;removing said material after cooling.5. A three piece composite wheel claim 1 , comprising:a wheel barrel section having a diameter and an internal ledge;a wheel spoke section having a wheel offset, bolt pattern, outer perimeter, spoke design, wheel hub, and fastener locations ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Base station for a floor processing device, drive wheel for a floor processing device as well as system comprised of a base station and a floor processing device

Номер: US20210157328A1
Автор: Harald Windorfer
Принадлежит: Vorwerk and Co Interholding GmbH

A base station performs a service treatment on a floor processing device, wherein the base station has a basic housing with an interface for docking the floor processing device. In order to support docking in a purely mechanical way, the base station has a guide extension arm allocated to the interface and facing away from the basic housing with a predominant longitudinal extension for exclusively mechanically guiding a docking movement of the floor processing device to the interface, wherein an outer contour of the guide extension arm as observed in a vertical top view tapers proceeding from the basic housing up to a free end area of the guide extension arm facing away from the basic housing.

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140217808A1
Автор: Chang Alice

Vehicle tires with solid materials, such as rubber and polymer, are designed to increase the safety of the vehicle without the risk of having a flat tire. The tires are non pneumatic and have treads. The tires are for use on a variety of vehicles, including cars, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, trucks, buses, aircrafts, earthmovers, tractors, trailers, carts, heavy equipments, and lawnmowers. 1. A non-pneumatic tire system for use with a vehicle comprising:a non-pneumatic tire assembly having;a non-pneumatic tire having;an inner circumference;an outer circumference;ribs;treads; anda tire-body;a rim having;an outer periphery;an inner periphery; anda rim-body;wherein said non-pneumatic tire system for use with a vehicle comprises said non-pneumatic tire assembly, said non-pneumatic tire assembly for use on said vehicle;wherein said non-pneumatic tire assembly comprises in combination said non-pneumatic tire and said rim, said rim removably mountable to said vehicle via said rim-body, said non-pneumatic tire removably mounted about said outer periphery of said rim;wherein parameters of said tire-body of said non-pneumatic tire are defined by said inner circumference and said outer circumference oriented substantially parallel to a road-engaging surface, said outer circumference providing said road-engaging surface comprising said treads, said treads useful for providing positive grip on a road surface;wherein said tire-body of said non-pneumatic tire comprises a solid cross-section defined vertically via exterior walls substantially perpendicular to said road-engaging surface;wherein said rim-body of said rim is defined by said outer periphery and said inner periphery;wherein said rim-body of said rim comprises fastener receivers for fastening said rim to said vehicle; andwherein said non-pneumatic tire and said rim are balanced as said non-pneumatic tire assembly for safe transport of said vehicle between locations, said non-pneumatic tire assembly providing traction ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136811A1

A wheel for a motor vehicle comprises a rim having an outer radius and a wheel spider including a radially inner hub and a plurality of spokes extending from said hub towards said rim. At least one through-hole extends, with respect to the wheel axis, in a circumferential direction through at least one of said spokes. A radially outer edge of said through-hole or of an outermost of said through-holes is located at maximum at 75%, preferably at maximum at ⅔, of said outer radius of the rim measured at a wheel spider side of the rim. 1. A wheel for a motor vehicle , said wheel having a wheel axis and comprisinga rim having an outer radius and a radially inner hub and', 'a plurality of spokes extending from said hub towards said rim,, 'a wheel spider including'}at least one through-hole extending, with respect to the wheel axis, in a circumferential direction through at least one of said spokes,wherein a radially outer edge of said through-hole or of an outermost of said through-holes is located at maximum of 75% of said outer radius of the rim measured at a wheel spider side of the rim.2. The wheel of claim 1 ,wherein at least one of said plurality of spokes has a branched shape, said branched shape having a knot point and a plurality of webs, at least two webs of the plurality of webs extending from said knot point towards at least one of said rim and said hub, at least one web of the plurality of webs extending from said knot to the other of said rim and said hub.3. The wheel of claim 2 ,wherein the branched shape is an X-shape having the knot point, the plurality of webs including two inner webs extending from the knot point towards the hub, and two outer webs extending from the knot point towards the rim.4. The wheel of claim 2 ,wherein the branched shape is a Y-shape having the knot point, the plurality of webs including an inner web extending from the knot point towards the hub and two outer webs extending from the knot point towards the rim.5. The wheel of ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle Wheel for Passenger Cars

Номер: US20190135029A1
Принадлежит: Maxion Wheels Germany Holding GmbH

Vehicle wheel comprising a rim part and a disc part formed from a one-piece sheet metal blank and including a central portion with bolt holes and a plurality of radially extending spoke arrangements merging into a disc edge delimiting together with the spoke arrangements ventilation apertures which extend over the region between the edge webs and the disc edge. In order to create steel wheels with four-hole fixing in which high strength and stiffness are achieved the number of spoke arrangements and of bolt holes is four and these are in each case arranged mirror-symmetrically with respect to a common radial line, with the width of each spoke arrangement narrowing radially towards the outside and each ventilation aperture extending in the circumferential direction over an arc length of more than ⅙ of the circumference of the disc part. Further, each ventilation aperture is having on a radial line a maximum radial clear width which is equal to or preferably greater than the radial width of the metal portion of the disc part on the same radial line. 1. A vehicle wheel for passenger cars comprising: a rim part for receiving a tyre and a disc part which is connected to the rim part and is formed from a one-piece sheet metal blank by shaping and cutting or punching , which disc part includes a central portion having bolt holes for wheel bolts , a central aperture for a vehicle hub and a plurality of radially extending spoke arrangements , formed by shaping the sheet metal , for transmitting force between vehicle hub and rim part , each spoke arrangement being provided with a radially extending central web which merges on each side into a radially extending lateral web , bent outwardly from the plane of the central web , and then into an edge web bent back again with respect to the lateral web , radially outer ends of the central webs and of the lateral webs merging into a circumferential annular disc edge oriented precisely parallel or substantially parallel axially to a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Aerodynamic Bicycle Rim and Wheel

Номер: US20190135031A1

Embodiments described herein provide aerodynamic bicycle rims and wheels. Embodiments can include a bicycle rim that is wider than the width of the tire proximate to the outer edge of the rim and is shaped so that there is a tangent line tangent to the rim and the tire. The tangent line can be tangent to the rim on the sidewall or elsewhere on the rim. The widest part of the rim can be radially inward from the outer edge of the rim or elsewhere on the rim and the tangent line can be tangent at the widest part of the rim or elsewhere on the rim. 1a rim body comprising a set of sidewalls, each sidewall extending radially from a nose of the bicycle rim to a corresponding transition to a circumferential outer surface, the rim body having a maximum rim body width that is greater than the maximum width of the tire, the maximum rim body width occurring radially closer to a radially outermost edge of the rim body than to a centerline of the rim body, the set of sidewalls tapering inward from a widest part of the rim body to the nose at a constant or increasing rate;wherein, the bicycle rim is operable to seat the tire so that the cross-sectional shape of the tire and rim body is asymmetrical about the widest portion of the cross-sectional shape and there is a tangent line tangent to the tire and tangent to a sidewall of the bicycle rim.. An aerodynamic bicycle rim adapted to seat a clincher tire, the bicycle rim comprising: This application is a continuation of, and claims a benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. 120 of the filing date of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/276,199 filed Sep. 26, 2016, entitled “Aerodynamic Bicycle Rim and Wheel”, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/520,207 filed Oct. 21, 2014, entitled “Aerodynamic Bicycle Rim and Wheel”, issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,463,666, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/553,026 filed Sep. 2, 2009, entitled “Aerodynamic Bicycle Rim and Wheel”, issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8 ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid rim of a wheel with a wheel hub motor

Номер: US20200130407A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal Co Ltd

A hybrid rim of a wheel provided with a wheel hub motor of a motor vehicle includes a non-metal part and a metal part, wherein a rotor housing of the wheel hub motor at least partially forms the metal part of the hybrid rim.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130754A1
Автор: Magee Garth L.

An aerodynamic tailfin rotatably attached to a shaft-shaped member disposed on a vehicle. The tailfin swivels about the round shaft-shaped member for reduced drag in response to winds varying in direction impinging thereon. 1. An apparatus for reducing drag on a wind-exposed shaft-shaped member that is disposed on a vehicle , comprising:an aerodynamic tailfin disposed in rotatable attachment to the shaft-shaped member wherein the tailfin may swivel freely about said shaft-shaped member in response to winds varying in direction impinging thereon.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shaft-shaped member is an antenna.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shaft-shaped member is a taut rope or a taut cable.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a boat.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the shaft-shaped member is a taut rope or a taut cable.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the boat is a sailboat.7. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the boat is a sailboat.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is an aircraft.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the shaft-shaped member is a taut rope or a taut cable.10. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the aircraft is a hang glider.11. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the aircraft is a paraglider.12. The apparatus of claim 10 , wherein the shaft-shaped member is a taut rope or a taut cable.13. An apparatus for reducing drag on a wind-exposed shaft-shaped member that is disposed on a vehicle claim 10 , comprising:an aerodynamic tailfin disposed in rotatable attachment to the shaft-shaped member wherein the tailfin may swivel freely about said shaft-shaped member in response to winds varying in direction impinging thereon; andthe vehicle is a boat.14. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the boat is a sailboat.15. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the shaft-shaped member is a taut rope or a taut cable.16. The apparatus of claim 15 , wherein the boat is a sailboat.17. An apparatus for reducing ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Painting Kit

Номер: US20160144385A1
Автор: Espaillat Marcos

A wheel painting kit for painting a wheel while the wheel is coupled to a vehicle includes the wheel that may be coupled to the vehicle. A tire is coupled to the wheel. A cover is structured to be coupled to the tire so the wheel is exposed. A first container is provided. The first container contains a primer. The first container selectively releases the primer onto the wheel after the cover is positioned on the tire. The primer is applied only to the wheel. The wheel and the tire remain on the vehicle while the primer is applied to the wheel. A second container is provided. The second container contains a paint. The second container selectively releases the paint onto the wheel after the primer is applied to the wheel.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143745A1

A stable, low-weight wheel which is particularly suitable for high system-weight bicycles, such as electrically powered bicycles and cargo bikes, includes a hub, at least three solid-body spokes disposed rotationally symmetrical to the wheel axis, and a rim. The body of the hub, spokes and rim is made in one piece by injection molding of a glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastic. The spokes have an S-shaped cross-section with an opening angle which increases in the direction of the rim, taper from the rim towards the hub in a central cross-section of the wheel, and taper from the hub towards the rim in a wheel cross-section running through the center of least one spoke. A method for producing the wheel is also provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A wheel , comprising:a one-piece glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastic body having characteristics of having been made in by injection molding;said one-piece body being formed of a hub, a rim and at least three solid-body spokes disposed rotationally symmetrical to a wheel axle;said spokes having an S-shaped cross-section with an opening angle increasing in a direction of said rim;said spokes tapering from said rim towards said hub in a central cross-section of the wheel; andsaid spokes tapering from said hub towards said rim in a wheel cross-section running through a center of least one of said spokes.17. The wheel according to claim 16 , wherein the wheel is an electric bicycle or cargo bike wheel.18. The wheel according to claim 16 , wherein said spokes include 3 to 8 spokes.19. The wheel according to claim 16 , wherein said spokes include 5 or 6 spokes.20. The wheel according to claim 16 , wherein said spokes have a wall thickness in a range of from 1.5 to 5 mm.21. The wheel according to claim 16 , wherein said spokes have a wall thickness in a range of from 2.5 to 3.5 mm.22. The wheel according to claim 16 , which further comprises continuous transitions at least one of between said spokes and said rim or between adjacent spokes ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143746A1
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co., Ltd.

A manufacturing method for a wheel disc, includes forming a flange portion, wherein the flange portion is formed such that an inner mold and an outer mold having a cylindrical inner surface with a first inside radius larger than the first outside radius and placed above the inner mold coaxially to the inner mold are brought close relative to each other in an axial direction by one stroke so that the outer edge of the disc material is bent downward, and the cylindrical inner surface of the outer mold is provided with recessed portions hollowed outwardly in a wheel radial direction, the recessed portions being formed in ranges corresponding to the window portions in the wheel circumferential direction and in a range from a middle position to a bottom end in the wheel axial direction. 1. A manufacturing method for a wheel disc including an annular flange portion provided in an outer periphery so as to extend inwardly in a vehicle width direction generally in parallel with a wheel axial direction , the flange portion including a plurality of base portions provided in a plurality of ranges different from each other in a wheel circumferential direction and having a uniform basic length in the wheel axial direction , and a plurality of window portions each provided between the base portions adjacent to each other in the wheel circumferential direction and having a length , in the wheel axial direction , shorter than the basic length , the manufacturing method comprising forming the flange portion such that an outer edge of a disc material in which the flange portion has not been formed is bent inwardly in the vehicle width direction over a whole circumferential region so as to be generally in parallel with the wheel axial direction , wherein:in the forming the flange portion, the flange portion is formed such that, in a state where the disc material is coaxially put on an inner mold having a cylindrical outer surface with a first outside radius, the inner mold and an outer ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Mounting Wheel for Motor Vehicle and Mounted Assembly Comprising Such a Mounting Wheel

Номер: US20200139755A1

A mounting wheel () for a motor vehicle comprising an internal surface () and an external surface (), the internal surface () not being visible when the mounting wheel () is mounted on the motor vehicle, and at least one fixing element () configured to attach the mounting wheel () to the motor vehicle. The fixing element () is arranged on the internal surface () of the mounting wheel () so that the fixing element () is not visible when the mounting wheel () is mounted on the motor vehicle. 1. Mounting wheel for a motor vehicle comprising an internal surface and an external surface , the internal surface not being visible when the mounting wheel is mounted on the motor vehicle , and at least one fixing element configured to attach the mounting wheel to the motor vehicle , wherein the fixing element is arranged on the internal surface of the mounting wheel in such a way as to leave the external surface of the mounting wheel free of any fixing element so that the fixing element is not visible when the mounting wheel is mounted on the motor vehicle.2. The mounting wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing element comprises one part of at least one fixing of the fixing hole-fixing shank type.3. The mounting wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the fixing hole is a bore or a nut and the fixing shank is an at least partially threaded screw or stud.4. The mounting wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the fixing hole is formed on the internal surface of the mounting wheel.5. The mounting wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the fixing shank is mounted on the internal surface of the mounting wheel.6. The mounting wheel according to claim 1 , comprising between 3 and 9 fixing elements.7. The mounting wheel according to claim 6 , wherein the fixing elements are uniformly distributed about an axis of rotation of the mounting wheel.8. A mounted assembly comprising a tread configured to allow the mounted assembly to roll along a roadway claim 1 , comprising the mounting ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220295955A1
Автор: SHALGI Netta
Принадлежит: ORG Group, LLC

An axle-free wheel comprising: an outer rim member having a ground interface on an external surface thereof and an outer ball race or rolling race on an inner surface thereof; an inner rim member having an inner ball or rolling race on an outer surface thereof. 1. An axle-free wheel comprising:a. an outer rim member having a ground interface on an external surface thereof and an outer ball race or rolling race on an inner surface thereof;b. an inner rim member having an inner ball or rolling race on an outer surface thereof;c. rolling means distributed between said inner and outer ball races by a separator wherein said axle-free wheel further comprises attachment means configured for attaching said axle-free wheel to an object to be transported.2. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein said rolling means is a plurality of balls or rollers.3. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein said attachment means is selected from the group consisting of mechanical bayonet means claim 1 , magnetic means claim 1 , reversibly gluing means claim 1 , screws or any combination thereof.4. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein said outer and inner rim members are made of an elastically stretchable material such that said outer and inner rim members being stretched to provide the axle-free wheel with dismountability thereof for maintenance.5. The wheel according to comprising at least one side external cover attachable to said wheel.6. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein said side bayonet means comprises stopper means.7. The wheel according to claim 6 , wherein said stopper means is selected from the group consisting of a stopper screw claim 6 , a first magnetic fixture claim 6 , a click claim 6 , a snap and any combination thereof.8. The wheel according to comprising a gasket seal disposed between said outer rim member and said external cover.9. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein said ground interface is a tire.10. The wheel according to claim 9 , wherein said tire ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Reversible Wheel and Methods of Making and Using the Same

Номер: US20140239704A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Reversible wheels are disclosed. Methods of making and using reversible wheels are further disclosed.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297178A1

The present invention explains a process for manufacturing tubeless vehicle wheel without welding using a hoop having an outboard end , a centre region , an inboard end . The process includes spinning the outboard end to obtain a disc region , spinning disc end to obtain preform nave region . Forming the disc region to obtain a disc profile and a nave region , forming the centre region , inboard end to obtain a straight rim profile . Spinning and forming outer end of the straight rim profile to obtain an outboard flange and spinning the straight rim profile to obtain a concave rim profile with a preform inboard flange . Spinning the concave rim profile to obtain bead seats , well region and, forming the preform inboard flange to obtain an inboard flange 1. A process for manufacturing tubeless vehicle wheel without welding comprising the steps of ,{'b': 100', '101', '102', '103, 'providing a hoop having an outboard end , a centre region and an inboard end made of metallic materials;'}{'b': 101', '100', '202, 'spinning the outboard end of the hoop to obtain a disc region ;'}{'b': 203', '202', '301, 'spinning disc end of the disc region to obtain a preform nave region ;'}characterized in that{'b': 202', '401', '403', '102', '103', '100', '402, 'forming the disc region to obtain a disc profile and a nave region and forming the centre region , inboard end of the hoop to obtain a straight rim profile ;'}{'b': 405', '402', '502, 'i': 'a;', 'spinning and forming outer end of the straight rim profile to obtain an outboard flange'}{'b': 402', '601', '602, 'i': a', 'a;, 'spinning the straight rim profile to obtain a concave rim profile with a preform inboard flange'}{'b': 601', '701', '703, 'i': a', 'a', 'a;, 'spinning the concave rim profile to obtain bead seats , a well region'}{'b': 602', '704, 'i': a', 'a, 'forming the preform inboard flange to obtain an inboard flange ; and'}{'b': 801', '401', '802', '701, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'a., 'providing a plurality of vent holes at ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297472A1

A wheel rim assembly includes a rim defining a rim opening, a wheel disk disposed in the rim opening, a plurality of first fastening members fastening the wheel disk to the rim, and a plurality of second fastening members. The wheel disk includes a center disk defining a center bore that is coaxial with the rim, and a plurality of spokes interconnecting the center disk and the rim. The first fastening members fasten the spokes to the rim such that removal of the first fastening member permits separation of the spoke from the rim. The second fastening members fasten the spokes to the center disk such that removal of the second fastening member permits separation of the spoke from the center disk. 1. A wheel rim assembly comprising:a rim that defines a rim opening; a center disk defining a center bore that is coaxial with said rim, and', 'a plurality of spokes interconnecting said center disk and said rim;, 'a wheel disk that is disposed in said rim opening, and that includes'}a plurality of first fastening members that fasten. said wheel disk to said rim, each of said first fastening members fastening removably a respective one of said spokes to said rim such that removal of said first fastening member permits separation of said spoke from said rim; anda plurality of second fastening members, each of said second fastening members fastening removably a respective one of said spokes to said center disk such that removal of said second fastening member permits separation of said spoke from said center disk.2. The wheel rim assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said wheel disk further includes a plurality of adornment panels arranged along a circumference of said rim claim 1 , each of said adornment panels being registered with a space between a respective adjacent pair of said spokes.3. The wheel rim assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein each adjacent pair of said adornment panels define a gap that exposes a respective one of said spokes.4. The wheel rim assembly ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147670A1
Автор: CHEN Wei-Chin

The invention relates to a manufacturing method and a structure of a wheel rim. The manufacturing method mainly comprises the steps of forming a rim body made of a carbon fiber material in a cavity of a molding die; forming a rim assembly by extruding a metal material and assembling the rim assembly to the rim body; and forming a rim coating by tightly encapsulating a carbon fiber material on a surface of the rim body assembled with the rim assembly. 1. A manufacturing method of a wheel rim , comprising the steps of:(a) forming a rim body: preparing a molding die having a cavity and coating plural layers of carbon fiber material in the cavity for hardening and shaping to form the rim body;(b) forming a rim assembly: extruding a metal material to form the rim assembly having two engaging ribs opposite to each other on an upper end thereof and assembling the rim assembly to the rim body; and(c) forming a rim coating: tightly encapsulating at least one carbon fiber material on a surface of the rim body assembled with the rim assembly to form the rim coating.2. The manufacturing method of a wheel rim as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rim body comprises two lateral walls opposite to each other claim 1 , a bottom wall for connecting lower ends of the two lateral walls claim 1 , and an accommodating space defined by the two lateral walls and the bottom wall and having an opening formed at an upper end of the rim body claim 1 , and wherein the rim assembly is correspondingly assembled to the accommodating space of the rim body and comprises two connecting parts opposite to each other for respectively contacting the two lateral walls of the rim body for positioning claim 1 , a basal part for connecting lower ends of the two connecting parts claim 1 , and two engaging ribs respectively bending inwardly at upper ends of the two connecting parts and located at the opening at an upper end of the accommodating space.3. The manufacturing method of a wheel rim as claimed in claim ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Low gravity all-surface vehicle

Номер: US20170158270A1
Автор: Benjamin Meager
Принадлежит: Paha Designs LLC

Vehicles are disclosed which have a lower center of gravity than existing all-terrain, amphibious, and unmanned ground vehicles due to the location of propulsion units and other vehicle components inside the wheels of the vehicle. The vehicles can climb over large obstacles yet are also able to corner at high speeds. The vehicles can be configured for direct manual operation or operation by remote control, and can also be configured for a wide variety of missions.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147999A1
Автор: KIM Juho

A disc portion and a rim portion of a tire wheel are integrally formed simultaneously, with a resonance pipe formed between the disc and rim portions, by inserting a molten metal into a space formed by a mold combined with the resonance pipe by core pins. 1. A method for manufacturing a tire wheel having a disc portion mounted to a vehicle and a rim portion for mounting a tire , the method comprising steps of:combining a plurality of core pins with a resonance pipe of a ring-shaped hollow pipe;preheating the resonance pipe;combining the preheated resonance pipe to a mold through the plurality of core pins;inserting a molten metal into the mold such that the resonance pipe may be circumferentially formed between the disc portion and the rim portion and formed inside the tire wheel; andfabricating a plurality of sound absorbing holes that penetrate into the resonance pipe and are equally spaced along a circumference of the rim portion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resonance pipe is made of a material having a melting point higher than a material of the disc portion and the rim portion.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the resonance pipe is made of steel or a steel alloy material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the core pin is made of titanium or a titanium alloy material. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/825,630 filed on Nov. 29, 2017, which claims the benefit of priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2017-0092510 filed on Jul. 21, 2017 with the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the entire contents of both are incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates to a tire wheel and a method manufacturing the same.A tire of a vehicle typically plays roles of supporting a vehicle body, delivering a driving torque to vehicle body by interacting with a road surface, and absorbing and thus reducing impact delivered from the road surface to the vehicle body.Such a tire is generally installed ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162164A1
Автор: Carter Mark C.

A releasable wheel assembly is presented. The releasable wheel assembly includes a base plate and a bracket coupled to the base plate. The bracket includes multiple bosses and each boss includes a hole. An axle passing through the hole of each boss. The axle includes a circumferential groove adjacent to each end of the axle. Additionally, a brace is coupled to the base plate and the axle. 1. A releasable wheel assembly comprising:a base plate;a bracket coupled to the base plate, the bracket comprising a plurality of bosses, each boss comprising a hole;an axle passing through the hole of each boss, the axle including a circumferential groove adjacent to each end of the axle; anda brace coupled to the base plate and the axle.2. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 1 , in which the brace comprises a first portion claim 1 , a second portion claim 1 , and a third portion.3. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 2 , in which:the first portion is coupled to the base plate;the third portion is coupled to the axle; andthe second portion extends between the first portion and the second portion at an upward angle.4. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 3 , in which the second portion further extends at an outward angle in relation to the base plate claim 3 , such that the first portion is on a different plane in comparison to a plane of the third portion.5. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 4 , in which a height of the first portion is less than a height of the third portion.6. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 3 , in which the third portion comprises a hole for receiving the axle.7. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the brace is coupled to a sidewall of the base plate.8. The releasable wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a first plurality of wheels on the axle, the axle extending through a hub on each wheel; anda plurality of locking caps, each locking cap fitting over an end of the axle, and each locking cap comprising a clip for ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Corrosion resistant wheels, anticorrosion layers associated with wheels, and methods for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20170165714A1
Автор: Phil Pierce
Принадлежит: Prp Industries Inc

A corrosion resistant wheel including a body having an outer surface and an inner surface, and a mounting plate having a front surface and a rear surface, wherein the body is adapted for securement to a vehicle and/or trailer, a primary anticorrosion layer associated with at least one of the inner and outer surfaces of the wheel body and/or at least one of the front and rear surfaces of the mounting plate, an optional secondary layer associated with the primary anticorrosion layer, and a tertiary layer associated with the secondary layer.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156404A1
Принадлежит: Wheels India Limited

The present invention provides a new style or design for a steel wheel in passenger vehicle with improvement in performance and aesthetics. In the new design of the steel wheel , a vent-hole outer region is folded inwardly to form two ends, wherein one end is welded to an outboard bead seat of the steel wheel rim and the other end welded to a portion of an outboard flange portion . The inward folding of the vent hole outer region increases the vent-hole area and thereby improves better air flow and cooling of a brake drum. The passenger vehicle steel wheel design enables for spot welding throughout the circumference of the rim-disc contact surface for better contact and higher load/moment transfer. Further, the passenger vehicle steel wheel may utilize an existing rim without any special machining or modification. 1. A new generation passenger vehicle steel wheel comprising ,a cylindrical wheel rim including a rim base, an inboard flange portion, an outboard flange portion, an inboard bead seat, an outboard bead seat, an inboard safety hump and an outboard safety hump;plurality of vent-holes, wherein the vent holes are folded inwardly and that is welded to the outboard bead seat portion of the wheel rim instead of the flange portion of the disc being welded to the outboard bead seat;a hub mounting plate with plurality of lug bolt hole;a valve hole;a central bore; anda wheel disc with plurality of spokes, wherein the plurality of spokes are embossed outwardly and the plurality of spokes connects the outboard flange portion and the hub mounting plate.2. The passenger vehicle steel wheel of claim 1 , wherein the position and shape of the vent-hole and the vent hole folding on the wheel disc improves the performance of the steel wheel.3. The passenger vehicle steel wheel of claim 1 , wherein the passenger vehicle steel wheel design is also implemented on existing standard profile rim and the wheel rim need not subject to any special machining or modification.4. The ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206198A1
Автор: Pieronek David

A commercial vehicle wheel including a rim configured to hold a tire and a wheel disc attached to the rim with an attachment region for removable attachment to a wheel carrier. The wheel disc is formed from at least two parts, which are joined together. At least one of the parts consists of a multiphase steel alloy or a heat-treatable steel alloy. 111.-. (canceled)12. A commercial vehicle wheel , comprising:a rim configured to hold a tire, anda wheel disc attached to the rim, the wheel disc including an attachment region configured to removably attach to a wheel carrier, wherein the wheel disc is formed from at least two parts, which are joined together,wherein at least one of the wheel disc parts consists of a multiphase steel alloy or a heat-treatable steel alloy.13. The commercial vehicle wheel of claim 12 , wherein the multiphase steel alloy is a dual-phase steel claim 12 , a complex-phase steel claim 12 , a ferrite-bainite steel or a martensite-phase steel alloy claim 12 , wherein the structure of the multiphase steel alloy consists of at least two of the phases: ferrite claim 12 , bainite claim 12 , austenite or martensite claim 12 , or the heat-treatable steel alloy is a hot forming steel or air hardening steel alloy claim 12 , wherein the structure of the heat-treatable steel alloy consists predominantly of martensite.14. The commercial vehicle wheel of claim 13 , wherein the multiphase steel alloy has a tensile strength of at least 500 MPa.15. The commercial vehicle wheel of claim 13 , wherein the heat-treatable steel alloy has a tensile strength of at least 700 MPa.16. The commercial vehicle wheel of claim 13 , wherein more than 90% of the structure of the heat-treatable steel alloy consists of martensite.17. The commercial vehicle wheel of claim 12 , wherein the at least two parts each consist of a multiphase steel alloy or a heat-treatable steel alloy.18. The commercial vehicle wheel of claim 12 , wherein the wheel disc is substantially shell-shaped ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176515A1
Автор: Buttimer Ryan

Wheel apparatus for use with vehicles are disclosed. An example apparatus includes a wheel for a vehicle. The wheel has a groove disposed on an annular wall adjacent a drop well and extending away from the drop well. The example apparatus also includes a ring positioned in the groove. 1. An apparatus comprising:a wheel for a vehicle, the wheel having a groove disposed on an annular wall adjacent a drop well and extending away from the drop well; anda ring positioned in the groove.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ring includes an outer surface extending between a surface of the drop well and a bead seat of the wheel to facilitate mounting a tire to the wheel.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the outer surface includes a curved portion disposed at an inner radius of the ring.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ring includes a flat to be received by a protrusion forming at least part of the groove to couple to the ring to wheel.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the flat defines an outer surface of the ring facing toward the drop well to engage the protrusion.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ring is hollow.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the ring includes one or more openings extending to an inner portion of the ring to enable a fluid to move into or out of the ring.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the one or more openings are radially distributed relative to a central axis of the ring.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ring is shaped to engage a contour of a surface formed by the groove.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the ring includes a cross-sectional shape that is oblong.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the groove is continuous.12. An apparatus comprising:a vehicle having a wheel rotatably coupled thereto, wherein the wheel includes an annular groove facing a drop well of the wheel; anda ring extending through the annular groove.13. The apparatus of claim 12 , wherein the ring defines a first surface to ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle wheel

Номер: US20210221169A1
Автор: Takanori Amano
Принадлежит: Central Motor Wheel Co Ltd

A vehicle wheel includes a hub portion, a rim portion, and a disc portion. The disc portion is arranged such that a window portion, a spoke portion, and a thin plate portion do not overlap when viewed from a wheel axis direction. The thin plate portion is connected to at least a part of the hub portion, the rim portion, and the spoke portion via a connection portion. A cross-sectional area of the connection portion that appears when the connection portion is cut in a wheel radial direction changes such that a cross-sectional area of an end of the connection portion becomes smaller than a cross-sectional area of another portion of the connection portion.

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Upper wheel fairing reducing critical vehicle drag

Номер: US20170197673A9
Автор: Garth L. Magee
Принадлежит: Individual

An aerodynamically optimized drag-reduction means and method for optimal minimization of the drag-induced resistive forces upon a terrestrial vehicle wheel, where the drag-induced resistive moments on wheel surfaces pivoting about the point of ground contact are reduced, and the vehicle propulsive forces needed to countervail the resistive forces on the wheel are reduced. The drag reduction means includes: a streamlined wheel cover positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; a streamlined wind-deflecting fairing positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; an engine exhaust pipe diposed on a vehicle whereby exhaust gases deflect headwinds to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces of an automotive wheel; an automotive spoked wheel having streamlined oval-shaped wheel spokes arranged in one or more rows for greater axial strength; a streamlined tailfin rotatably attached to a wheel spoke, which thereby may pivot about the spoke in response to varying crosswinds; and a tire having streamlined tread blocks arranged in an aerodynamic pattern.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150210109A1

A motor vehicle wheel with a radially inner hub and a radially outer rim. The rim has an axially inner internal rim flange, which faces the motor vehicle in the installation position, on a first side, an axially outer external rim flange, which faces away from the motor vehicle in the installation position, on a second side, and a rim base, which is positioned between the two flanges. At least one circular hollow chamber which runs in the circumferential direction is formed between the rim and the hub in the radial direction in the region of the second side. 1. A motor vehicle wheel , with a radially inner hub and a radially outer rim , wherein the rim has an axially inner internal rim flange on a first side , which faces the motor vehicle in the installed position , an axially outer external rim flange on a second side , which faces away from the motor vehicle in the installed position , and a rim base which is positioned between said two rim flanges , wherein at least one hollow chamber encircling in a circumferential direction is formed in a radial direction between the rim and the hub in the region of the second side.2. The motor vehicle wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wheel has a single hollow chamber which encircles in the circumferential direction and directly adjoins the hub in the radial direction claim 1 , wherein intermediate elements having apertures positioned therebetween in the circumferential direction are formed between the hollow chamber and the rim.3. The motor vehicle wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wheel has a single hollow chamber which encircles in the circumferential direction and directly adjoins the rim in the radial direction claim 1 , wherein intermediate elements having apertures positioned therebetween in the circumferential direction are formed between the hollow chamber and the hub.4. The motor vehicle wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wheel has a single hollow chamber which encircles in the circumferential ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Wheel arrangement

Номер: US20160207350A1
Автор: Felix Paludan Ratgen
Принадлежит: Tyre Trade DK ApS

The present invention concerns a wheel construction as well as a method for making such a wheel construction for e.g. a construction or agricultural machine, such as a tractor, wherein the wheel construction at least includes a wheel rim made up of a rim ring for mounting a first tyre and further includes a hub plate which at its outer periphery is fixed to the rim ring at a distance X 1 from an annular edge thereof, and extending internally in the first rim ring between the rim ring and the central axis of the first wheel rim (rotary axis of the wheel rim), the first hub plate at an inner periphery including a number of holes and a contact face for mechanical and detachable fixing to either a central hub plate or directly to a hub of a vehicle.

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Automotive Rims

Номер: US20140292062A1

Generally described are specially designed tire or wheel-rims that are adorned with the logos of professional and college athletic teams. In one embodiment, rims according to the present disclosure provide automobile enthusiasts and sport aficionados a unique means of celebrating a favorite sports team, while adding a dazzling personal touch to ordinary tires and rims. The features of the preferred embodiments which are believed to be novel are particularly pointed out and distinctly claimed in the concluding portion of the specification. 1. A specially designed set of tire rims that are adorned with a logo.2. The set of tire rims of wherein the logo is of a professional sports team.3. The set of tire rims of wherein the logo is of a college athletic team.4. The set of tire rims of wherein the logo is etched into the surface of the spokes structures of the rims.5. The set of tire rims of wherein the logo is raised above the surface of the spokes structures of the rims.6. The set of tire rims of wherein the logo defines the support spokes of the rim.7. A method of using a set of rims comprising:obtaining a set of rims that are adorned with a logo; and,installing the set of rims on a vehicle.8. The method of wherein the logo is of a professional sports team.9. The method of wherein the logo is of a college athletic team.10. The method of wherein the logo is etched into the surface of the spokes structures of the rims.11. The method of wherein the logo is raised above the surface of the spokes structures of the rims.12. The method of wherein the logo defines the support spokes of the rim.13. A method of celebrating a sports team and driving a car comprising the steps of:obtaining a logo for a sports team;fixedly connecting said logo to a rim of an automobile wheel;operating a vehicle to which the automobile wheel is secured; and,displaying the logo wherein passersby see the logo.14. The method of wherein the logo is etched into the surface of the spokes structures of ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207978A1
Автор: Taylor Fredrick

A hybrid wheel including a functional rim, a center disc, and a wheel face insert, wherein the wheel rim and the center disc are made of a specified material, and wherein the wheel face insert is made of a dissimilar material. The wheel face insert can be secured to the center disc by at least one of screws, pins, rivets, or structural adhesive, and/or the wheel face insert can be secured to the functional rim by at least one of screws, pins, rivets, or structural adhesive. 116-. (canceled)17. A hybrid wheel comprising a functional wheel rim , a center disc , and a wheel face insert , the functional wheel rim having a first bead rim and an opposed second bead rim , and an annular opening through the center thereof along an axial direction , the annular opening having an inner annular surface ,the center disc configured to be positioned within the annular opening of the functional wheel rim and having an outer annular edge configured to be secured to the inner annular surface of the functional wheel rim, andthe wheel face insert configured to be secured directly to the center disc to form the hybrid wheel.18. The hybrid wheel of claim 17 , wherein the wheel rim and the center disc are made of a specified material claim 17 , and wherein the specified material is steel claim 17 , or a composite material claim 17 , or both.19. The hybrid wheel of claim 18 , wherein the specified material is high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel having a 45 ksi min yield in 2 mm or thinner.20. The hybrid wheel of claim 18 , wherein the wheel face insert is made of at least one of aluminum alloy claim 18 , magnesium claim 18 , carbon composite claim 18 , or plastic.21. The hybrid wheel of claim 19 , wherein the wheel face insert is made of at least one of aluminum alloy claim 19 , magnesium claim 19 , carbon composite claim 19 , or plastic.22. The hybrid wheel of claim 17 , wherein the wheel face insert is locked in place to the center disc with chamfered bolt apertures.23. The hybrid ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Fabricated Vehicle Wheel with Wheel Disc Having Lightener Pockets

Номер: US20210237506A1
Принадлежит: Maxion Wheels Holding GmbH

A fabricated vehicle wheel comprises a wheel disc and a wheel rim. The wheel disc has an annular hub portion, a center hub hole in the hub portion, opposite inboard and outboard faces of the hub portion, a plurality of circumferentially spaced lug bolt holes in the hub portion, a plurality of lightener pockets in the hub portion, and an extension portion. The lug bolt holes and the lightener pockets alternate around a circumference of the hub portion. An axis extends through the hub hole. The inboard face is planar and configured to mount to a vehicle. The inboard face is perpendicular to the axis and the extension portion extends from the hub portion along the axis. The wheel rim is secured to the extension portion. 1. A fabricated wheel disc for a vehicle wheel , the wheel disc comprising:an annular hub portion having an outboard face and an inboard face;an extension portion extending from the hub portion;a plurality of lug bolt holes in the hub portion;a center hub hole in the hub portion; andat least one lightener pocket in the hub portion.2. The fabricated wheel disc of further comprising:a wheel rim secured to the extension portion.3. The fabricated wheel disc of wherein the at least one lightener pocket is a recess in the outboard face or the inboard face.4. The fabricated wheel disc of wherein the at least one lightener pocket extends through the hub portion.5. The fabricated wheel disc of wherein lightener pocket has an opening in each of the outboard face and the inboard face.6. The fabricated wheel disc of further comprising:a first portion of the hub portion from which the extension portion extends and without the at least one lightener pocket; andan annular hub plate secured to the first portion, wherein the at least one lightener pocket is in the hub plate and the hub plate is configured to be secured to the first portion.7. The fabricated wheel disc of wherein the at least one lightener pocket is interspaced with the lug bolt holes.8. The fabricated ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237507A1

A method of assembling a vehicle road wheel includes providing a tool fixture configured to support a press-fit load and arranging on the tool fixture an isolation plate defining a plate fastener aperture and having a locating projection. The method additionally includes arranging on the isolation plate a wheel subassembly having a hub surface and an opposing fastener surface and defining a hub aperture and a wheel fastener aperture, such that the hub surface rests against the isolation plate. The method also includes aligning the hub aperture with the locating projection and the wheel fastener aperture with the plate fastener aperture. The method additionally includes installing an insert into the wheel fastener aperture and engaging the insert with the plate fastener aperture. Furthermore, the method includes applying a load to the insert to press-fit the insert into the isolation plate at the plate fastener aperture and thereby assemble the wheel. 1. A method of assembling a road wheel for a motor vehicle , the method comprising:arranging, on a tool fixture, an isolation plate defining a plate fastener aperture and having a locating projection;arranging on the isolation plate a wheel subassembly having a hub surface and an opposing fastener surface and defining a hub aperture and a wheel fastener aperture, such that the hub surface rests against the isolation plate;aligning the hub aperture with the locating projection and the wheel fastener aperture with the plate fastener aperture;installing a fastener seat insert into the wheel fastener aperture and engaging the fastener seat insert with the plate fastener aperture; andapplying a load to the fastener seat insert to press-fit the fastener seat insert into the isolation plate at the plate fastener aperture and thereby assemble the road wheel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tool fixture is defined by a convex surface claim 1 , the method further comprising centering the locating projection on the convex ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160221389A1
Автор: Rickels Nick
Принадлежит: Weld Racing, LLC

A hi-rail wheel that may be mounted on the OEM lugs, and provides a smooth ride at highway speeds, better handling and improved tire wear and life. The wheel is mounted to the OEM lugs using the OEM lug nuts eliminating extra lug nuts, an adapter plate, and requiring only one wrench size for removal and mounting of the wheel. Additionally, the wheel may be 40-80 pounds lighter per wheel than the prior art hi-rail wheels and adapters. 1. A wheel for mounting to a vehicle having an annular array of spaced apart wheel mounting studs and an axle hub , comprising:an annular rim having an outer flange, an inner flange and a barrel extending therebetween;an outer web extending inwardly from said barrel to a wheel face;said wheel face having an annular array of spaced apart stud apertures axially aligned with and adapted to receive the annular array of spaced apart wheel mounting studs, and a center bore adapted to receive the axle hub;said wheel face tying in a first plane:said outer flange lying in a second plane parallel to said first plane;said inner flange lying in a third plane parallel to said first plane; andsaid second plane extending in between said first plane and said third plane.2. The wheel of wherein said first plane of said wheel face is spaced approximately 0.5 inch from said second plane of said outer flange.3. The wheel of wherein said first plane of said wheel face is spaced between 0.5 and 2 inches from said second plane of said outer flange.4. The wheel of wherein said outer web includes a plurality of spaced apart apertures.5. The wheel of wherein said inner flange and outer flange each include a bead seat.6. The wheel of wherein each of said bead seats includes a safety hump.7. The wheel of wherein said wheel is forged.8. The wheel of having a diameter between 18 and 24 inches.9. A wheel for mounting to a vehicle having an annular array of spaced apart wheel mounting studs and an axle hub claim 1 , comprising:an annular rim having an outer flange, an ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150224818A1

The invention relates to a wheel rim having a wheel disk () made of a fiber composite and having fastener for fastening the wheel disk () to a wheel hub () of a vehicle, wherein the wheel disk () has at least one opening () for receiving the wheel hub () and the opening () is designed to have a conical centring surface () for the corresponding seat of a fastener. According to the invention the reinforcing fibers of the fiber composite are arranged in planar layers () and at least a part of the fiber layers () is arranged in an edge region () of the opening () perpendicular to the centring surface () of the wheel disk (). 115-. (canceled)16. A wheel rim , wherein the wheel rim comprises a wheel disk of fiber composite material and at least one fastener to fasten the wheel disk at a wheel hub of a vehicle , the wheel disk having an opening to accommodate the wheel hub , which opening is formed with a conical centring surface for a corresponding seat of the at least one fastener , and wherein reinforcing fibers of the fiber composite material are arranged in sheet-like fiber layers and at least one part of the fiber layers is arranged in a first border area of the opening perpendicular to the centring surface of the wheel disk.17. The wheel rim of claim 16 , wherein the conical centring surface is formed completely stretched through a wall cross-section of the wheel disk.18. The wheel rim of claim 16 , wherein the fiber layers of fiber composite material are arranged substantially parallel to a wheel contour of the wheel disk.19. The wheel rim of claim 16 , wherein the at least one fastener has a seat bottom which is formed congruently to the centring surface of the wheel disk.20. The wheel rim of claim 16 , wherein the first border area of the opening comprises a metallic insert.21. The wheel rim of claim 20 , wherein the metallic insert is arranged to surround the first border area of the opening.22. The wheel rim of claim 20 , wherein the metallic insert is formed ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180213900A1
Автор: SHALGI Netta
Принадлежит: Travel Light Ltd

An axle-free wheel comprising: an outer rim member having a ground interface on an external surface thereof and an outer ball race or rolling race on an inner surface thereof; an inner rim member having an inner ball or rolling race on an outer surface thereof. 113-. (canceled)14. A wheeled luggage case comprising:a. a storage chamber;b. a cover defining an opening on at least one side of said storage chamber for providing ready access therein; and{'b': '1', 'c. at least two axle-free wheels of claim operatively connected to said chamber for towing said case along a ground surface in a tilted position.'}15. The case according to comprising a telescopic handle having an open reinforcing profile configured for receiving attaching screws mechanically interconnecting said telescopic handle and a wall of said storage chamber.16. The case according to claim 15 , wherein said telescopic handle is clampable in at least two positions.17. The case according to claim 15 , wherein said telescopic handle is configured for supporting an additional case being placed thereon.18. The case according to comprising at least one supporting shoe in a plane of an external surface of said axle-free wheel such that said case is placeable on a side face thereof.19. The case according to comprising a compartment having a sealable cover.20. The case according to comprising a battery connectable to an electricity source for charging thereof and to user's mobile device for energizing of charging thereof.21. The case according to claim 14 , wherein said user's mobile device is placeable into an element selected from the group consisting of an outer support claim 14 , an outer partition claim 14 , inner partition claim 14 , an outer recess and any combination thereof.22. The case according to claim 14 , wherein said chamber and cover are pivotally movable relative to each other up to 270° opening.23. The case according to claim 14 , wherein said storage chamber is compartmentalized by dividers ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Mounting and Demounting Large Wheels

Номер: US20150231923A1
Автор: Dillon Ben N.
Принадлежит: Tribine Industries LLC

Disclosed is an elongate arbor for mounting a wheel or wheel/tire combination onto an axle of a vehicle. One of the axle hub or the wheel bears threaded studs and the other bears tapped holes. The elongate arbor is terminated at one end with elongate fork tubes and at the opposite end with a flange having a plurality of apertures, says 3 apertures. The wheel to be mounted has tapped holes created to match the arbor flange apertures for mounting the wheel onto the arbor with threaded studs. Forks from, for example, a forklift, can be inserted into the elongate forklift tubes to lift and maneuver the arbor/wheel combination to align the wheel mounts with the axle mounts and threaded studs inserted for securement. The large wheel now can be mounted to axle hub of the vehicle. 117-. (canceled)18. A large wheel mountable onto an axle hub of a vehicle , which comprises:said large wheel having mounting holes for mounting onto threaded bolts or studs on an axle hub of a vehicle and having arbor tapped holes between said mounting holes, said arbor tapped holes matching apertures in a rotatable flange of a mounting arbor for mounting said large wheel onto said vehicle axle hub.19. The large mountable wheel of claim 18 , wherein 3 arbor tapped holes were created in said large mounting wheel. None.Not applicable.The present disclosure relates to mounting and dismount vehicle wheels and more particular to mounting and dismounting vehicle large wheels.Mounting and removing large wheel/tire combinations from mobile machinery, such as, for example, tractors or combines, is a difficult and somewhat dangerous process. The wheels with tires mounted on them are unstable in the vertical position in which they must be mounted. They can roll or fall over. They are frequently transported in the horizontal position. They must be upended and held in the vertical position for mounting onto the axle hub of the machine.This is most frequently done with a chain or sling lifted by a truck mounted ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217376A1
Автор: Nanninga Nicholas E.

Aluminum wheels include a rim and a disc having a mounting portion. The mounting portion includes an inner mounting face and an outer mounting face. The mounting portion also includes a coarse grain region and a fine grain region. The coarse grain region can be adjacent, and at least partially form, one of the inner mounting face or the outer mounting face. The coarse grain region includes aluminum alloy grains of a first average grain length that is greater than 1 mm. The fine grain region extends between the coarse grain region and the other of the inner mounting face or the outer mounting face. The fine grain region includes aluminum alloy grains of a second average grain length that is less than 0.5 mm. 1. A wheel , comprising:a rim; and an inner mounting face and an outer mounting face; and', the coarse grain region being adjacent to, and at least partially forming, one of the inner mounting face or the outer mounting face;', 'the coarse grain region including aluminum alloy grains of a first average grain length, wherein the first average grain length is greater than 1 mm;', 'the fine grain region extending between the coarse grain region and the other of the inner mounting face or the outer mounting face; and', 'the fine grain region including aluminum alloy grains of a second average grain length, wherein the second average grain length is less than 0.5 mm., 'a coarse grain region and a fine grain region,'}], 'a disc having a mounting portion, the mounting portion including2. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the disc further comprises a disc slope region between the mounting portion and the rim claim 1 , and wherein the disc slope region includes aluminum alloy grains of the second average grain length.3. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the first average grain length is less than 25 mm.4. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the coarse grain region has a depth of no less than 0.2 mm.5. The wheel according to claim 4 , wherein the depth ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200223260A1

A hub () for a non-pneumatic wheel () and the non-pneumatic wheel () incorporating such hub (). The hub () includes an annular receiver () with a plurality of projections () and grooves () arranged in an alternating manner along the circumferential direction of the hub (). The grooves () are configured to receive tension-transmitting elements or spokes () of the non-pneumatic wheel (). The annular receiver () may be manufactured from a single sheet of metal that is folded and welded to create the projections () and grooves (). 1. A hub for a non-pneumatic wheel having a plurality of spokes , the hub defining axial , radial , and circumferential directions , the hub comprising:a central portion configured for supporting the wheel on a vehicle; a plurality of projections spaced apart from each other along the circumferential direction, each projection having a longitudinal axis extending along the axial direction; and', 'a plurality of grooves spaced apart from each other along the circumferential direction, each groove positioned between a pair of the plurality of projections, each groove having a longitudinal axis extending along the axial direction, each groove configured for the receipt of at least one radially-inner end of one or more of spokes., 'an annular receiver supported on the central portion and extending circumferentially around the central portion, the annular receiver comprising'}2. The hub for a non-pneumatic wheel as in claim 1 , wherein each projection comprises a head positioned radially-outward of a base claim 1 , wherein the head has width along the circumferential direction that is wider than a width along the circumferential direction of the base.3. The hub for a non-pneumatic wheel as in claim 2 , wherein the stem of each projection comprises a pair of sides opposed to each other along the circumferential direction with each side extending from the base to the head of the projection.4. The hub for a non-pneumatic wheel as in claim 2 , wherein ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200226957A1
Автор: Webber Kimel

The invention relates generally to the field of vehicle rims, and more specifically to Logo Rims or Dual Logo Rims. The invention also relates to a vehicle Dual or Logo Rim apparatus, and a method of making same. More particularly, the invention encompasses a customized tire rim for a vehicle. The invention also provides a user to replace their existing tire rims with the inventive customized vehicle rim having, and using a customized or a personalized logo. A line of specially designed tire rims that are adorned with a variety of striking designs, sporting logos germane to sports, businesses, and popular culture, is also disclosed. The invention also provides an inventive design which is intended to provide automobile enthusiasts with an attractive alternative to ordinary tire rims. The inventive rims can be a single unit rim or two separate rims that are joined to form a single tire rim. 1. An inventive rim for an automotive vehicle , comprising:(a) a first rim having an outer wall at one end and a first mini-rim at an opposite end, and wherein said outer wall has a first rim bead, and said first mini-rim has a plurality of first holes along a peripheral wall surface;(b) a second rim having an outer wall at one end and a second mini-rim at an opposite end, wherein said outer wall has a second rim bead, and said second mini-rim has a plurality of second holes along a peripheral wall surface;(c) wherein said first rim is secured to said second rim by aligning at least one first hole of said first mini-rim with a corresponding second hole in said second mini-rim, and securing said first mini-rim to said second mini-rim using at least one first securing means, and forming a tire rim; and(d) wherein said tire rim being configured for receiving a tire on its peripheral external radial wall surface between said first rim bead and said second rim bead, such that a first tire bead is in physical contact with said first rim bead, and a second tire bead is in physical ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170239981A1
Автор: Welsh Matthew E.

Wheels adapted to roll on and across surfaces of fields, for example, as part of irrigation systems of types used in agricultural applications. Such a wheel has an axis of rotation, a center portion comprising a central hub concentrically disposed on the axis of the wheel and multiple spokes radiating from the central hub, and a tread portion circumscribing the center portion. A radially outermost extent of each spoke terminates at a spade that is oriented parallel to the axis of the wheel. The tread portion includes tread plates, each located between and attached to adjacent pairs of the spokes. The spades protrude radially outward between and beyond adjacent pairs of the tread plates. 1. A wheel comprising:an axis of rotation;a center portion comprising a central hub concentrically disposed on the axis of the wheel and multiple spokes radiating from the central hub, a radially outermost extent of each spoke terminating at a spade that is oriented parallel to the axis of the wheel; anda tread portion circumscribing the center portion, the tread portion comprising tread plates each having a tread surface region, each of the tread plates being between and attached to adjacent pairs of the spokes, the spades of the center portion protruding radially outward between and beyond adjacent pairs of the tread plates.2. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein each of the spokes has an approximately ninety-degree twist and a radially innermost extent of each spoke is approximately perpendicular to the axis of the wheel.3. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein each tread plate has a width in an axial direction of the wheel and a length in a circumferential direction of the wheel claim 1 , each tread plate having along the length thereof a radius of curvature having a center of curvature that coincides with the axis of the wheel.4. The wheel according to claim 3 , wherein at least some of the spades have axial widths that exceed the widths of the tread plates.5. The wheel ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170239986A1

A hub or wheel assembly includes a retaining element, biasing element, and hand-maneuverable release mechanism. The housing includes an axle bore configured to receive an axle and a pin sleeve including a first end in fluid communication with the axle bore, a second end, and a conduit between the first end and the second end. The retaining element is within the conduit and is configured to operatively engage a groove in an axle. The biasing element is within the conduit and is configured to bias the retaining element towards the axle bore. The hand-maneuverable release mechanism is configured to displace the retaining element away from the axle bore. 1. (canceled)2. A wheel assembly comprising:an axle bore configured to receive an axle;a pin sleeve including a first end in fluid communication with the axle bore, a second end, and a conduit between the first end and the second end;a retaining member at least partially in the conduit of the pin sleeve, the retaining member configured to operatively engage a groove in the axle and comprising a chamfered end extending into the axle bore, the chamfered end shaped to transversely displace the retaining member upon movement of a non-chamfered axle into the axle bore, the retaining member the retaining member includes a surface configured to prevent rotation of the retaining member;a biasing element at least partially in the conduit, the biasing element configured to bias the retaining member towards the axle bore; anda hand maneuverable release mechanism configured to displace the retaining element away from the axle bore, the hand maneuverable release mechanism remaining with the wheel assembly during operation of the wheel assembly.3. The wheel assembly of claim 2 , wherein the retaining member comprises a pin.4. The wheel assembly of claim 2 , wherein the hand maneuverable release mechanism comprises a tab a tab configured to be manipulated by a hand of a user claim 2 , and wherein the hand maneuverable release ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Aluminum alloys for applications such as wheels and methods of manufacture

Номер: US20200230692A1
Автор: Nicholas E. Nanninga
Принадлежит: Accuride Corp

Aluminum alloys described herein include silicon, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, and chromium. In various implementations, the aluminum alloys also include one or more of zinc and titanium. Typically, a total amount of iron and manganese in the aluminum alloys is no less than 0.28% by weight and no greater than 0.45% by weight, and the grains in the aluminum alloys have an average grain length of no greater than 6 mm. Aluminum alloy billets can be forged for wheel production at selected temperatures.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Drag-reducing shaft tailfin

Номер: US20170247065A1
Автор: Garth L. Magee
Принадлежит: Individual

An aerodynamically optimized drag-reduction means and method for optimal minimization of the drag-induced resistive forces upon a terrestrial vehicle wheel, where the drag-induced resistive moments on wheel surfaces pivoting about the point of ground contact are reduced, and the vehicle propulsive forces needed to countervail the resistive forces on the wheel are reduced. The drag reduction means includes: a streamlined wheel cover positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; a streamlined wind-deflecting fairing positioned on a vehicle to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces from headwinds; an engine exhaust pipe diposed on a vehicle whereby exhaust gases deflect headwinds to shield the faster moving upper wheel surfaces of an automotive wheel; an automotive spoked wheel having streamlined oval-shaped wheel spokes arranged in one or more rows for greater axial strength; a streamlined tailfin rotatably attached to a wheel spoke, which thereby may pivot about the spoke in response to varying crosswinds; and a tire having streamlined tread blocks arranged in an aerodynamic pattern.

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150258848A1
Автор: Magee Garth L.

A spoked vehicle wheel having streamlined oval-shaped wheel spokes for reduced drag when exposed to headwinds. 1. An apparatus for reducing vehicle propulsory counterforces countervailing drag-induced resistive forces upon an automotive vehicle employing a wheel assembly exposed to headwinds impinging thereon above the level of an axle when the vehicle is in forward motion , comprising:said wheel assembly employing a structural spoke fastening an outer rim to a central hub of said wheel assembly and disposed to reduced drag from a headwind impinging on a longitudinal section of said spoke when the longitudinal section is positioned directly above the axle in a most elevated position within an upper region of said wheel assembly comprising a major upper drag-inducing surface of said wheel assembly located wholly above the level of the axle, with said region comprising the primary vehicle-drag-inducing wheel surface of said wheel assembly;the longitudinal section in the most elevated position extending downwards from the level of a critical elevation which is centered around the primary vehicle-drag-inducing wheel surface;the longitudinal section in the most elevated position extending above the level of the critical elevation;the longitudinal section comprising a plurality of cross-sectional profiles spaced lengthwise along the longitudinal section, wherein each said cross-sectional profile is substantially oval in shape;the longitudinal section comprising a major axis of each said cross-sectional profile aligned in the same streamlined orientation within said wheel assembly for reduced drag from headwinds;the longitudinal section disposed on an exterior lateral side of said wheel assembly wherein the longitudinal section is exposed to oncoming headwinds impinging thereon; andthe longitudinal section in the most elevated position reducing the vehicle propulsory counterforce needed to countervail an effective vehicle drag force comprising a mechanically magnified ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170253075A1

Provided is a wheel which is inexpensive, light, and sufficiently rigid. A wheel includes an annular rim to which a tire is externally fitted, a hub which is arranged at a center portion of the rim and to which an axle is connected, and a disk which is attached with the rim at a periphery portion and which covers one side of the wheel . The disk includes a planar portion and a first rib provided at a surface of one side of the planar portion and extending in the radial direction. The planar portion is provided with a first groove at a surface of the other side at a position corresponding to the first rib 1. A wheel comprising:an annular rim to which a tire is externally fitted,a hub arranged at a center portion of the rim and to which an axle is connected, anda disk which is attached with the rim at a periphery portion thereof and which covers between the rim and the hub,wherein the disk includes a planar portion and a rib, the rib being provided on a surface of the planar portion of one side in an axial line direction of the axle and including a radial direction vector in an extending direction vector, andwherein the planar portion is provided with a groove on a surface of the other side in the axial line direction of the axle at a position corresponding to the rib.2. The wheel according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of the ribs claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of the ribs include a first rib and a second rib, the second rib being unevenly arranged at a peripheral portion side of the disk than the first rib.3. The wheel according to claim 2 , comprising a plurality of the first ribs claim 2 ,wherein the first ribs extend in a radial direction from the peripheral portion to a center portion of the disk, andwherein the second rib extends in the radial direction from the peripheral portion toward the center potion side of the disk, the second rib being shorter than the first ribs and being provided between the adjacent first ribs.4. The wheel according to claim 1 ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160262510A1
Автор: SHALGI Netta
Принадлежит: TRAVEL LIGHT LTD.

A wheeled luggage case comprises (a) a storage chamber, (b) a cover defining an opening on at least one side of the storage chamber for providing ready access therein and at least two labyrinth axle-free wheels operatively connected to the chamber for towing the case along a ground surface. The labyrinth axle-free wheel comprises an internal rim, an external rim provided with a ground interface, rollers being rotatably disposed within a roller spacer between the internal and external rims in a uniform circumferential manner by means of a spacer and external covers. A labyrinth type dust passage in the wheel is defined by the rims and the external plates mechanically connected to the internal rim. 134-. (canceled)35. A labyrinth axle-free wheel; said wheel comprisinga. an internal rim;b. an external rim provided with a ground interface;c. rollers being rotatably disposed within a roller spacer between said internal and external rims in a uniform circumferential manner by means of a spacer;d. external covers;wherein said axle-free wheel comprises a labyrinth type dust passage defined by said rims and said external plates mechanically connected to said internal rim.36. The wheel according to claim 35 , wherein at least one of the following is true:a. at least one of said rims is provided with dust chambers circumferentially distributed over said rim;b. said rollers are disposed within a roller spacer having two side planar annular members; said members are provided with dust chambers circumferentially distributed thereover;c. said annular members are interconnected by means of pintles circumferentially distributed over said members which carry said rollers;d. at least one roller is provided with at least partial circumferential dust-gathering groove;e. said external covers are provided with at least one dust chambers circumferentially distributed over said cover.37. A wheeled luggage case comprising:a. a storage chamber;b. a cover defining an opening on at least one ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170259615A1
Автор: Taylor Fredrick

A hybrid wheel including a functional rim, a center disc, and a wheel face insert, wherein the wheel rim and the center disc are made of a specified material, and wherein the wheel face insert is made of a dissimilar material. The wheel face insert can be secured to the center disc by at least one of screws, pins, rivets, or structural adhesive, and/or the wheel face insert can be secured to the functional rim by at least one of screws, pins, rivets, or structural adhesive. 1. A hybrid wheel comprising a functional wheel rim , a center disc , and a wheel face insert , wherein the wheel rim and the center disc are made of a specified material , and wherein the wheel face insert is made of a dissimilar material.2. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , wherein the specified material is steel.3. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , wherein the specified material is high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel having a 45 ksi min yield in 2 mm or thinner.4. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , wherein the specified material is a composite material.5. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , wherein the wheel face insert is made of at least one of aluminum alloy claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , carbon composite claim 1 , or plastic.6. The hybrid wheel of claim 2 , wherein the wheel face insert is made of at least one of aluminum alloy claim 2 , magnesium claim 2 , carbon composite claim 2 , or plastic.7. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , wherein the wheel face insert is locked in place to the center disc with chamfered bolt apertures.8. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , wherein the wheel face insert is secured to the center disc by at least one of screws claim 1 , pins claim 1 , rivets claim 1 , or structural adhesive.9. The hybrid wheel of claim 6 , wherein the wheel face insert is secured to the center disc by at least one of screws claim 6 , pins claim 6 , rivets claim 6 , or structural adhesive.10. The hybrid wheel of claim 1 , the wheel face insert is secured to the functional rim by at least one of screws claim 1 , ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Composite wheel construction apparatus and method

Номер: US20200247178A1
Принадлежит: Lacks Enterprises Inc

A composite wheel structure includes a single continuous fiber reinforcement layer extending axially between inner and outer ends of the wheel structure. The single fiber reinforcement layer is impregnated with different matrix materials at different axial portions of the reinforcement layer to account for specific locations where high strength or high temperature performance is needed, with other portions having different matrix materials where low temperature performance and/or low strength is sufficient. The matrix materials may be provided as separate resin films that are applied side-by-side on the single reinforcement layer, or they may be provided on a single resin film. The matrix materials may be applied to the reinforcement layer in a direct coating process. The reinforcement layer may be prepregged with the matrix materials prior to a wheel layup process, or the reinforcement layer and matrix materials may be consolidated by resin film infusion during the wheel layup process.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200247186A1

This non-pneumatic tire is provided with a tread ring, a wheel which is arranged radially inside of the tread ring, and spokes which are interposed between the tread ring and the wheel. Further, the wheel has a disc part to which the vehicle shaft is linked, and a rim part which is connected on the inner peripheral side to the disc part and is joined on the outer peripheral side to the spokes. In this configuration, the average thickness (T1) of the disc part is set to be greater than the average thickness (T2) of the rim part. In other words, the relation T1>T2 holds. 1. A non-pneumatic tire comprising a tread part with a cylindrical shape that is in contact with a ground surface , a wheel part disposed inside the tread part in a radial direction , and a spoke part interposed between the tread part and the wheel part , wherein:the wheel part includes a disk part to which an axle is connected, and a rim part whose inner circumferential side is continuously connected to the disk part and outer circumferential side is joined to the spoke part; andan average thickness of the disk part is larger than an average thickness of the rim part.2. The non-pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the spoke part includes an internal ring part to which the rim part is joined claim 1 , an external ring part for which the tread part is provided claim 1 , and a plurality of spokes that integrally connect the internal ring part and the external ring part.3. The non-pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein in the wheel part claim 1 , the disk part and the rim part are provided as separate members and are joined to each other.4. The non-pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the wheel part is formed by a single member that integrally includes the disk part and the rim part. The present invention relates to a non-pneumatic tire including a tread part, a wheel part, and a spoke part.A general tire is attached to a wheel and filled with air (hereinafter this tire is ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Mounting and Demounting Large Wheels

Номер: US20140352133A1
Автор: Dillon Ben N.
Принадлежит: Tribine Industries LLC

Disclosed is an elongate arbor for mounting a wheel or wheel/tire combination onto an axle of a vehicle. One of the axle hub or the wheel bears threaded studs and the other bears tapped holes. The elongate arbor is terminated at one end with elongate fork tubes and at the opposite end with a flange having a plurality of apertures, says 3 apertures. The wheel to be mounted has tapped holes created to match the arbor flange apertures for mounting the wheel onto the arbor with threaded studs. Forks from, for example, a forklift, can be inserted into the elongate forklift tubes to lift and maneuver the arbor/wheel combination to align the wheel mounts with the axle mounts and threaded studs inserted for securement. The large wheel now can be mounted to axle hub of the vehicle. 1. An elongate arbor for mounting a large wheel onto an axle hub of a vehicle the large wheel having tapped holes created between mounting holes , which comprises:the elongate arbor having a proximal end and a distal end;(a) the elongate arbor proximal end being terminated with elongate fork tubes; and(b) the distal end terminated with a rotatable flange having a plurality of apertures that match tapped holes created in the large wheel;whereby forks are inserted into the elongate fork tubes for lifting and maneuvering the flange apertures into alignment with the large wheel tapped holes for insertion of a threaded stud to secure the large wheel onto the elongate arbor.2. The elongate arbor of claim 1 , wherein distal end flange has 3 apertures.3. The elongate arbor of claim 1 , wherein the distal end rotatable flange comprises 3 outwardly projecting arms having said plurality of apertures.4. The elongate arbor of claim 2 , wherein the distal end rotatable flange comprises 3 outwardly projecting arms having said plurality of apertures.5. The elongate arbor of claim 1 , wherein supporting gussets are mounted behind said outwardly projecting arms.6. The elongate arbor of claim 1 , which has a central ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Wheel Spraying Device

Номер: US20150273493A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal Co Ltd

The present invention provides a wheel spraying device, comprising a frame, an electric motor, a hollow shaft, a ring flange, and cylinders. During use of the device, the need of jacking up and rotating a wheel in wheel spraying can be met, and the difficulty of removing the protection plugs of bolt hole due to thickening and clogging after completion of spraying can be completely avoided. Meanwhile, the device has the characteristics of simple structure, convenience for use, low manufacturing cost, and safe and stable performance.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170267021A1
Автор: Meggiolan Mario
Принадлежит: Campagnolo S.r.l.

A bicycle disc or spider wheel including: a hub; a rim having a radially outer tire-coupling region, a first sidewall, a second sidewall; an axis of rotation; and a median plane. A pair of pretensioned disc or spider wheel-type structural elements are integral with the hub and with the rim. The first sidewall extends on a first side of the wheel, with respect to the median plane, on which a component of a motion transmission system or, when there is none, a disc of a disc brake is provided at the hub, and the second sidewall extends on the opposite side, with respect to the median plane. The first sidewall of the rim has a minimum distance from the median plane that is smaller than that of the second sidewall of the rim.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180264878A1

A system. The system includes a one-piece wheel, a tire mounted to the wheel, and an antiroll off assembly. The wheel defines an axis of rotation and includes a disc portion which defines a central opening, and a rim portion which is connected to the disc portion and defines first and second flange portions, first and second seat portions and a well portion. The anti-roll off assembly is positioned in the well portion and includes a band, a plurality of filler assemblies connected to the band and a coupler assembly configured to adjust a tension force applied to the band. The coupler assembly includes a first trunnion in contact with the band and having a first threaded opening, a second trunnion in contact with the band and having a second threaded opening, and a threaded member threadedly engaged with the first threaded opening and the second threaded opening. 1. A system , comprising: a disc portion which defines a central opening; and', first and second flange portions;', 'first and second seat portions; and', 'a well portion;, 'a rim portion connected to the disc portion, wherein the rim portion defines], 'a one-piece wheel, wherein the wheel defines an axis of rotation and comprisesa tire mounted to the wheel; and a band;', 'a plurality of filler assemblies connected to the band; and', a first trunnion in contact with the band and having a first threaded opening;', 'a second trunnion in contact with the band and having a second threaded opening; and', 'a threaded member comprising a first end threadedly engaged with the first threaded opening and a second end threadedly engaged with the second threaded opening., 'a coupler assembly configured to adjust a tension force applied to the band, wherein the coupler assembly comprises], 'an anti-roll off assembly positioned in the well portion, wherein the anti-roll off assembly comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the band defines a plurality of slots along a length of the band.3. The system of claim 2 , ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140361603A1
Автор: RATGEN Felix Paludan
Принадлежит: Tyre Trade DK ApS

The present invention concerns a wheel rim and a method for making a wheel rim of the type suited for use on an agricultural or construction vehicle. The new feature of the wheel rim according to the invention is that the central hub plate at the outer periphery includes a number of tabs extending away from the centre of the central hub plate, where the second hub plate at its inner periphery also includes a number of tabs extending towards the centre of the hub plate, where the tabs have a geometric shape such that the tabs fit between each other, where the tabs include holes arranged at the same pitch circle diameter and at right angles to the tabs. In connection with the making of the hub plate, the second hub plate and the central hub plate can be produced from a single piece of suitable material, preferably steel plate, as the mentioned tabs extend over each other when two parts are separated and turned such that the tabs come to lie upon each other. The two hub plate parts are then joined by bolts in the holes formed in the mentioned tabs. 1. A wheel rim of the type suitable for use on an agricultural or construction vehicle , wherein the rim includes a rim ring for mounting a tyre and further including an at least two-part hub plate extending inside the rim ring , where the at least two-part hub plate includes a central hub plate including a number of holes and a contact surface for mechanical and detachable securing to a hub on a vehicle , wherein the central hub plate includes holes on a contact surface at the outer periphery for joining with a second hub plate with an inner periphery and an outer periphery , wherein the second hub plate at the inner periphery includes a contact surface with corresponding holes for joining with the central hub plate , where the second hub plate at the outer periphery includes holes for direct or indirect joining with the rim ring , characterised in that wherein the central hub plate at the outer periphery includes a number ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Variable Track Wheel

Номер: US20140368025A1

A variable track wheel () comprises a rim () suitable for receiving a tyre, and a disc () through which said wheel () is mountable on a hub (), said disc () being removably secured by fastenings () to a connecting member () provided in said rim (), said connecting member () projecting towards a rotation axis (X) of said wheel (), said wheel further comprising a plurality of spacers () interposed between an annular perimeter zone () of said disc () and said connecting member () of said rim (), said disc () and said rim () being mountable in a plurality of reciprocal axial positions and in a plurality of reciprocal orientations to obtain a variation in the track of said wheel (), said wheel () further comprising at least one centring device () for mutual positioning of said disc () and of said rim (), said centring device () comprising a hole () and a pin (), said hole () or said pin () being provided in said connecting member () or in said disc (), said centring device () further comprising a coupling element () so conformed as to cooperate with said hole () and with said pin () for reciprocally coupling said pin () and said hole (). 11231373642411536342321189328910101011101010114389211010101111101010a;ba;ba;ba;b. Variable track wheel () comprising a rim () suitable for receiving a tyre , and a disc () through which said wheel () is mountable on a hub () , said disc () being removably secured by fastenings () to a connecting member () provided in said rim () , said connecting member () projecting towards a rotation axis (X) of said wheel () , said wheel further comprising a plurality of spacers () interposed between an annular perimeter zone () of said disc () and said connecting member () of said rim () , said disc () and said rim () being mountable in a plurality of reciprocal axial positions and in a plurality of reciprocal orientations to obtain a variation in the track of said wheel () , said wheel () further comprising at least one centring device (; ) for ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Wheel and rim with inner flange having strip weight reduction sockets

Номер: US20190270338A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal Co Ltd

A rim with an inner flange having strip weight reduction sockets and a wheel are provided. The rim includes the inner flange, a middle portion and an outer flange which are all annular and are connected end to end to form an annular rim, in which trapezoidal weight reduction sockets are provided on the inner wall of the inner flange; the bottom edges of the weight reduction sockets are flush with the edge of the inner flange; the top edge of each weight reduction socket has fillets; and the weight reduction sockets have a bottom edge length of 5-30 mm, a height of 15-60 mm, a top edge length of 5-15 mm, a base angle of 72-83°, and a depth of 1-5 mm.
