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14-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687543C2
Принадлежит: АЭРОМОБИЛЬ, С.Р.О. (SK)

Изобретение относится к области авиации, в частности к конструкциям крыльев. Центральная панель крыла имеет переднюю секцию рамы и заднюю секцию рамы, соединенные одной или более траверсами. Центральная панель крыла может также иметь первую вертикальную ось и вторую вертикальную ось, расположенную рядом с противоположными концами передней секции рамы, при этом первое и второе крылья конфигурируются для поворота вокруг первой и второй вертикальных осей. Центральная панель крыла может дополнительно иметь первую горизонтальную ось, расположенную параллельно вдоль нижнего фрагмента передней секции рамы, при этом центральная панель крыла конфигурируется, чтобы поворачиваться вокруг первой горизонтальной оси, предоставляя возможность регулирования угла атаки крыла транспортного средства. Центральная панель крыла может также иметь вторую горизонтальную ось, проходящую вдоль нижнего фрагмента задней секции рамы, при этом задняя секция рамы конфигурируется, чтобы поворачиваться вокруг второй горизонтальной ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752039C2

Изобретение относится к области воздухоплавательных аппаратов. Гибридный воздухоплавательный аппарат, предназначенный для передвижения по бездорожью, воде и воздуху, включает электромобиль с колесами повышенной проходимости, квадрокоптер и газовые емкости, создающие подъемную силу вместе с авиационными движителями квадрокоптера. Газовые емкости выполнены в виде сильфонов, изменяющих объем газа с помощью натяжных устройств. Днище электромобиля выполнено в форме днища водоплавающего судна, что улучшает движение аппарата по воде. На дне электромобиля расположены резервные газовые емкости избыточного давления. Колеса электромобиля имеют обод и диск из алюминия, а также шины, заполненные легким газом. Изобретение направлено на расширение арсенала технических средств. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

14-11-2022 дата публикации

Автомобиль с летными свойствами

Номер: RU2783544C1

Изобретение относится к области гибридных транспортных средств. Автомобиль с летными свойствами содержит двигатель, фюзеляж с винтом на конце, поворотные крылья с центрами поворотов на фюзеляже или вблизи его, механизмы поворота, опускания и подъема крыльев, автомобильную редукторно-колесную трансмиссию от рулевой колонки, соединенную трансмиссией с двигателем, устройства складывания удаленной части с хвостовым оперением и органами его управления углом атаки крыла и поворотом. Автомобиль снабжен двумя сферическими шарнирами поворота крыла в двух плоскостях на боковых стенках фюзеляжа, редуктором задней колесной трансмиссии и винта, с функцией поворота и закрепления хвостового отсека в переднем, а крыльев в заднем положениях. Обеспечивается снижение скорости посадки и при этом уменьшение размаха крыла. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU213733U1

Полезная модель относится к авиационной технике, а именно к беспилотным летательным аппаратам. Данный аппарат может применяться для фото- и видеоразведки в режиме реального времени в автономном и управляемом полете как в воздухе, так и под водой. В сравнении с прототипом предлагаемая полезная модель обеспечивает лучшие летные характеристики (а именно маневренность как в подводной, так и в летной конфигурации). Технический результат полезной модели достигается тем, что двухсредный беспилотный летательный аппарат состоит из герметичного корпуса, выполненного в форме профиля крыла с переменной высотой, переходящего в два профиля, образующих два крыла, консоли которых имеют возможность поворота вокруг поперечной оси, снабженные электродвигателями с установленными в них воздушными винтами. В носовой части аппарата может располагаться отсек, обеспечивающий возможность установки полезной нагрузки (например, курсовая камера, газоанализатор и т.д.). По сравнению с мультироторными аппаратами данный ...

17-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743310C1

Изобретение относится к амфибийным транспортным средствам, которые способны трансформироваться в летательные аппараты самолетного типа. Трехсредное транспортное средство содержит кабину летчика и пассажирскую кабину, заднюю винтомоторную установку, убирающиеся передние и задние колеса шасси, складывающиеся правую и левую плоскости крыла с хвостовой частью при помощи тросовых механизмов для образования наземного транспортного средства. Основное шасси расположено в центре фюзеляжа и состоит из двух убирающихся ног с парами колес. Плоскости крыла снабжены передними и задними подкосами, винтомоторными установками, расположенными в передней части центральных секций крыла на удлиненных кронштейнах и способными принимать горизонтальное или вертикальное положение. Двухкилевая хвостовая часть с боковых сторон на поворотных кронштейнах имеет по винтомоторной установке, выполненной с возможностью принимать вертикальное или горизонтальное положение. Обеспечивается возможность передвижения по грунту ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

ЛЕТАЮЩИЙ АВТОМОБИЛЬ (малый экраноплан)

Номер: RU2749817C1

Изобретение относится к конструкциям гибридных транспортных средств, использующих при движении воздушную подушку. Летающий автомобиль содержит фюзеляж (1) с днищем (2), с крыльями (3), отсеками (4) для пассажиров, вентиляторные силовые установки (5) с приводом от ГТД (6), расположенные под нижней частью крыльев (3) и фюзеляжа 1. Эквидистантно им расположены с зазором (7) вставки (8) из пористого материала, соединенные с упомянутыми вентиляторными установками (5) независимо друг от друга перегородками (9), каналами (10). Каждый отсек снабжен вращающимися стабилизаторами полета (11). Фюзеляж (1) выполнен из прозрачного материала, снабжен двумя дверцами (12) на противоположных сторонах. Центральный отсек (4) для водителя расположен впереди на оси фюзеляжа (1), а сзади него расположено сопло (13) для набора горизонтальной скорости. Перегородки (9) внутри зазоров (7) расположены радиально относительно вентиляторной установки (5). Каналы (10) снабжены управляемыми газодинамическими сопротивлениями ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123713A

... 1. Телескопически удлиняемая хвостовая часть (10) для летающего транспортного средства (1), содержащая по меньшей мере одну хвостовую балку (13), которая содержит первый трубчатый хвостовой сегмент (11) и второй хвостовой сегмент (12), расположенный в первом трубчатом хвостовом сегменте (11) и выполненный с возможностью аксиального скольжения в направлении внутрь и в направлении наружу,причем хвостовая балка (13) выполнена с по меньшей мере двумя геометрически замыкающими соединительными элементами (21, 35; 31, 36), расположенными на аксиальном расстоянии (L1) друг от друга для предоставления переносящего усилие соединения между вторым хвостовым сегментом (12) и первым трубчатым хвостовым сегментом (11) в удлиненном состоянии второго хвостового сегмента (12), при этом каждый из указанных геометрически замыкающих соединительных элементов (21, 35; 31, 36) выполнен с возможностью переноса крутящего момента и поперечных усилий, и каждый из указанных геометрически замыкающих соединительных элементов ...

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Арктическая ледорезная машина

Номер: RU2718192C1

Изобретение относится к комбинированным транспортным средствам высокой проходимости и тяговооруженности и может быть использовано для ослабления структуры и прочности льда путем предварительного несквозного прорезания щелей в толстом ледовом покрове. Арктическая ледорезная машина содержит несущую платформу, герметичную кабину, основной привод пневмоколесных движителей от двигателя внутреннего сгорания и дополнительную двигательную силовую установку вертолетного типа, установленную в центре масс на шасси. На заднем мосту установлены водометы. На корме несущей платформы установлена дополнительная герметичная кабина управления. Движители установлены поколейно на средних мостах, расположенных под несущей платформой. Передний мост, регулируемый по высоте гидроцилиндром, вынесен за внешнюю границу несущей платформы. Несущий винт установлен с возможностью реверсного движения и отрицательного тангажа. На кормовой части несущей платформы установлен высокооборотный мост с закрепленными на нем циркулярными ...

14-02-2018 дата публикации

Летающий автомобиль

Номер: RU2644829C1

Изобретение относится к конструкциям транспортных средств, способных передвигаться по земле, воде и воздуху. Летающий автомобиль содержит корпус с двигателем, пассажирский салон, органы управления, колеса. Корпус соединен телескопическими стойками изменяемой длины с замкнутым полым грузоподъемным крылом конусообразной формы в вертикальном сечении, оснащенным верхним конфузором и нижними конфузорами. При этом конфузоры выполнены с возможностью их управляемого открытия и закрытия. Автомобиль содержит надувную подушку безопасности, выполненную с возможностью после наполнения сжатым воздухом принимать форму надувной лодки. Обеспечивается возможность безопасного спуска и посадки при отказе силовой установки на земную и водную поверхности. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120913A

... 1. Летательный аппарат, способный передвигаться по земле, включающий три или более колеса для передвижения по земле, присоединенных к нижней части фюзеляжа, крылья для создания подъемной силы, установленные симметрично с двух сторон фюзеляжа, и множество винтов, выполненных с возможностью быть управляемыми с помощью рычага управления и установленных на крыльях и, по крайней мере, на одной части фюзеляжа так, чтобы создавать подъемную силу и тяговую силу фюзеляжа, при этом каждое из крыльев разделено на множество отсеков так, чтобы иметь возможность складываться или изменять форму за счет давления газа.2. Аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что включает узлы изменения положения винтов, выполненные с возможностью изменять угол наклона винтов, расположенных на крыльях, после взлета летательного аппарата так, чтобы обеспечить зависание летательного аппарата в воздухе, изменение направления его полета в трехмерном пространстве и его движение в прямом и обратном направлениях.3. Аппарат по п.1, ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113896A

Амфибийный транспортный аппарат для эвакуации пострадавших в ЧС регионального масштаба, содержащий фюзеляж, включающий кабину штурмана, расположенную в надстройке сверху носовой части фюзеляжа кабину пилотов и бортинженера, установленные в кабине пульт управления двигателями, приборы контроля работы двигателей и бортовых систем, управление аппаратом, пилотажно-навигационные приборы и оборудование, радиооборудование, бортовое электрооборудование, грузовую кабину с транспортно-такелажным оборудованием, снизу в хвостовой части грузовой люк и аппарель, расположенные по бортам фюзеляжа правую и левую гондолы шасси, убирающееся в гондолы главное шасси с тормозными колесами, убирающееся в фюзеляж переднее шасси, крыло с размещенными внутри мягкими топливными баками, двухкилевое вертикальное оперение, состоящее из килей с рулями направления и триммерами, хвостовой горизонтальный стабилизатор с рулем высоты и триммером, установленные в крыльевых мотогондолах два маршевых турбовинтовых двигателя ...

02-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018130978A

28-01-2025 дата публикации


Номер: RU231421U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к транспортной технике, в частности к транспортным средствам, способным летать или совершать перемещение по воздуху для доставки пользователя в целевое место, а именно к воздушным транспортным средствам. Воздушное транспортное средство, содержащее корпус для пользователя, который может быть выполнен с возможностью соединения с ним одного или более летательных аппаратов, или с которым могут быть соединены один или более летательных аппаратов с обеспечением возможности перемещения указанного корпуса в воздухе, который может быть снабжен одним или более колесными движителями, выполненными с обеспечением возможности перемещения указанного корпуса по поверхности перемещения; модуль управления, выполненный с возможностью установления связи по меньшей мере с одним из указанных присоединенных летательных аппаратов с обеспечением возможности управления его работой; и механический привод, выполненный с обеспечением возможности приведения его в действие пользователем ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Fahrzeug zum Transport von Güter und/oder Personen auf einer Oberfläche

Номер: DE102017006828A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Fahrzeug (1) zum Transport von Personen und/oder Gütern auf einer Oberfläche mit mindestens einem Passagiersitz (3), einem Fahrwerk (5), das ausschließlich ein Kugelrad (7) zum Abrollen auf der Oberfläche aufweist, einer Antriebseinheit (9) für das Kugelrad (7), einer Energiequelle zur Energieversorgung der Antriebseinheit (9), einer mit der Antriebseinheit (9) verbundenen Lagestabilisierungseinheit (11) zum Regeln einer Schwerpunktlage des Fahrzeugs (1) relativ zum Kugelrad (7), und einer Abstellvorrichtung (13) zum Abstellen der Fahrzeug (1) auf der Oberfläche.

12-06-2003 дата публикации

Flight capable road vehicle has a tilt mounted cabin and with the drive connected to either the wheels or to an airscrew

Номер: DE0010159082A1

A road vehicle capable of flight has a cabin, or cockpit, fitted into a support frame and tilting about a longditudinal axis. A rear mounted motor drives either the rear wheels or a rear mounted ducted airscrew. The main wing is fitted to the rear of the vehicle, with a smaller wing at the front. The cabin holds at least one person and the road support has one front wheel and two rear wheels. The drive is selectively applied to the rear wheels or to the airscrew.

04-08-1994 дата публикации

Amphibious vehicle with conversion for flying

Номер: DE0004303619A1

The vehicle has a cockpit mounted in a lightweight body shell with wing shaped extensions fore and aft. To operate on land or on water the vehicle is driven along a longitudinal axis using retracting road wheels or water propulsion units. To fly the vehicle is propelled in a transverse manner using the fore and aft extensions as wings.For flying thrusters (4) are deployed on one side of the vehicle and aerofoil fins (3) are erected to control flight. IC engines or electric motors are used to power the vehicle. For water propulsion screw drives or jet thruster are used. The driving seat swivels through 90 deg. to change from amphibious travel to flight.

03-05-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to road vehicles convertible into aircraft

Номер: GB0000636653A

... 636,653. Helicopters. SOC. D'INVENTIONS AERONAUTIQUES ET MECANIQUES, S. I. A. M. Dec. 31, 1947, No. 35163. Convention date, Nov. 7, 1945. [Class 4] A helicopter which is convertible into a road vehicle comprises a centre section A, for the carriage of freight or passengers and two end sections B, C, each mounting an engine Mb, Mc and a rotor or rotors Rb, Rc, the three sections being readily attachable to or detachable from one another or other spare sections. The rotors are connected by a synchronizing shaft S and driven, through free wheel devices incorporated in variable speed gears Vb and Vc, by means of one or other or both engines Mb, Mc. Specification 567,975, [Group XXXII], is referred to.

19-08-2009 дата публикации

Flying device with improved movement on the ground.

Номер: GB0002436267B

19-12-2007 дата публикации

Flying wing boat

Номер: GB0000722171D0

06-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008916650D0

31-03-2014 дата публикации

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air, and hybrid transportationvehicle itself

Номер: AP2014007484A0

31-03-2014 дата публикации

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air, and hybrid transportationvehicle itself

Номер: AP0201407484A0

31-03-2014 дата публикации

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air, and hybrid transportationvehicle itself

Номер: AP0201407484D0

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Multipurpose Transportation POD

Номер: AT523460A2

20-04-2006 дата публикации

Personal land and air vehicle

Номер: AU2005294939A1

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air, and hybrid transportation vehicle itself

Номер: AU2012302297B2

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air includes the following transformation and reciprocal steps: Tilting the compensation cover (7) on. Expansion of both whole wings (1) from the transportation vehicle longitudinal position around two vertical axes (2) into the flying position. Expansion of rear parts of wings (1) from the top front parts of wings (1) into the spread flying position by tilting the rear of each wing (1) around a horizontal axis (3). The take-off and landing tilting of wings (1) by an angle of attack alpha = 0 to 40° of the wings onset. Front wheels track (5) is reduced by axially shifting the front wheels (5) towards the fuselage. Furthermore, a corresponding hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air is described which contains reciprocal transformation mechanisms for transformation from a sterling double or four-track automobile into a sterling aircraft for take-off and landing on the ground or water, and vice versa.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Aircraft system that enables ground traveling

Номер: AU2009307241B2

The present invention relates to an aircraft system that enables ground traveling, wherein takeoff and landing occur vertically so that traveling on the ground and flying in the air may be enabled. It specifically comprises a configuration such that at least three wheels connected at the bottom of its body are used for driving, a glide force is generated based on the wings that are installed on both sides symmetrically around said body, at least parts of said wing and body are furnished with a plurality of propellers to generate lift force and thrust force, respectively, and said wing is divided into a plurality of partitioning spaces so that it may undergo folding or transformation. Accordingly, when traveling on the ground road and encountering traffic, it takes off and flies in the air, and if required, it flies in the air and then lands to travel the ground road so that it is not limited by traffic but can move rapidly to a destination.

29-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003230582A1

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003060207A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The invention relates to a method for the transformation of motor transportation vehicle for ground and air transport. The motor transportation vehicle consists of a body (7) with a cabin, a front axle (10) and a rear axle (11), at least one actuation system, wings, covers, and a tail comprising a support and tail surfaces. For the transformation of the motor transportation vehicle for air transport to the motor transportation vehicle for ground transport the following transformation steps are performed: - minimization of the wings (1) footprint area by turning the wings around their horizontal axis, which axis run through the halves or near the halves of the wings width; - tilting of two body covers (2); - turning of the folded wings (1) into the vertical position; - turning of the folded wings (1) from the vertical position towards rear position around the horizontal axis perpendicular to the length of the motor transportation vehicle, followed by the tilting of the body covers (2) backwards ...

15-01-2003 дата публикации

Fuselage construction for a convertible car/airplane comprises a fuselage having a front canard tail, a rear wing, storage space for the fold-away wing and a four-point landing gear

Номер: CH0000692977A5

Fuselage construction, especially for a convertible car/airplane, comprises a fuselage made predominantly of a rigid material and having a rectangular base. The fuselage has a front canard tail (1), a rear wing (2), storage space (3) for storing the fold-away wing and a four-point landing gear (4), a landing gear casing (5) in the form of a float, at least one engine having at least one rear propeller (8), and a cabin (10, 11). Preferred Features: The front canard tail is offset upward relative to the rear wing. The pressurized cabin has seats for the pilot and a passenger arranged in the middle of the construction.

16-08-2021 дата публикации

Strassen- und/oder Luft-Fahrzeug/Flugzeug.

Номер: CH0000717109A1

Strassen- und/oder Luftfahrzeug/Flugzeug, welches über mehrere, hier besonders vier Propeller-Vorrichtungen verfügt, aus-ein-klappbar, für den Fall von Verschmälerung hiernach sowohl seitlich, als auch Oberdach-zugeordnet, also über zwei mal vier = acht (8) Propeller-Anordnungen verfügt, zwei Sätze QuadroKopter-Einheiten betreffend.Nach Herkömmlichem auch schwenkbar.

28-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201900319A2

26-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000097917C2
Принадлежит: Джанг Су-Чил, KR

Предложен летательный аппарат, конструкция которого обеспечивает способность двигаться по поверхности земли, который способен двигаться по дороге на земле и летать в воздухе. Летательный аппарат движется на трех или более колесах, соединенных с главным корпусом, создает подъемную силу для полета с помощью крыльев, установленных симметрично с обеих сторон главного корпуса, и имеет несколько винтов, которые управляются рычагом управления и которые установлены на крыльях и, по крайней мере, на части главного корпуса, причем каждое крыло разделяется на ряд отделений, которые складываются или изменяют свою форму под действием давления воздуха или газа. Таким образом, летательный аппарат движется по дороге на поверхности земли и взлетает и приземляется и летит в воздухе при заторе в дорожном движении, и летит в воздухе и приземляется и движется по дороге на земле, если необходимо быстро двигаться к месту назначения без негативных последствий затора в дорожном движении.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201401355A1

24-08-2018 дата публикации

Flying car

Номер: CN0108437717A

20-06-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle capable of advancing in land, air and/or water

Номер: CN0101722806B

The invention discloses a vehicle capable of advancing in land, air and/or water, comprising a vehicle body, a main engine or a main motor and a power control and transmission system. The improvement of the invention is that a main rotating shaft extending to two sides of the vehicle body is arranged; a paddle jacket is fixed on the main shaft and provided with a paddle handle capable of rotatingaround the self center line; paddles are fixed on the paddle handle; the vehicle body and/or the main rotating shaft is provided with a paddle open-close control device for controlling the paddle handle and the paddles to rotate relative to the paddle jacket and the main rotating shaft; the paddle open-close control device is capable of enabling the paddles to generate one-time opening and closing in each period along with the rotation of the main rotating shaft; when the paddle open-close control device is opened, the surfaces of the paddles are positioned on a plane which is parallel or approximately ...

27-08-1993 дата публикации

Flying motor vehicle with foldable and transportable flexible wing structure

Номер: FR0002687616A1

L'invention concerne un véhicule automobile sur lequel est monté une voilure souple assurant la sustentation en vol. Cette voilure est repliable et transportable sur le véhicule. Le véhicule est composé d'une automobile (1) sur laquelle est montée une voilure souple (2) par des ensembles de biellettes croisées (4) et (5) de longueurs calculées pour éliminer les efforts de pilotage, diminuer la traînée et permettre le pliage et le transport de la voilure sur le véhicule automobile, sans démontage. Le véhicule automobile volant est destiné au déplacement aérien et routier des personnes.

09-11-2012 дата публикации

Remotely controlled mobile platform for use in water and air mediums to carry out underwater and air recognitions, has switching unit whose reversing unit reverses rotation of electric motors that rotate marine/aerial propellers

Номер: FR0002974760A1
Принадлежит: SCHAER

L'invention est une plate-forme mobile destinée à être télécommandée comprenant deux paires de propulseurs (Pi, P2; P3, P4) ayant des axes de propulsion respectifs (Δ1, Δ2; Δ3, Δ4) orientables dans deux plans parallèles entre eux et à un axe longitudinal (X1, X'1) de la plate-forme, chaque propulseur comprenant une hélice marine (HM1, HM2; HM3, HM4) et une hélice aérienne (HA1, HA2; HA3, HA4) respectives, et, un moteur (M1, M2 - M3, M4) pour entraîner en rotation les hélices marine et aérienne, la plateforme comprenant aussi des moyens pour commuter un couplage entre le moteur et l'une ou l'autre des hélices, en inversant le sens de rotation du moteur. Une telle plateforme peur constituer un drone apte à évoluer tant dans les airs que dans les eaux.

21-10-2005 дата публикации

Vehicle for use in civil and military applications, has wing with reduced span and large chord, where wing is placed above vehicle with variable incidence, and pusher propeller placed near trailing edge to draw wing

Номер: FR0002868991A1

L'invention explique comment réaliser un véhicule, qui soit capable de voler et de circuler sur la route, sans avoir besoin d'être modifié pour passer d'un usage à l'autre. Il est caractérisé par ses dimensions qui sont proches de celles d'une voiture, soit moins de 5 mètres de long et moins de 2 mètres de large. Il est constitué principalement d'un fuselage posé sur 3 ou 4 roues, surmonté d'une aile à incidence variable, munie de panneaux à chaque extrémité. L'appareil est propulsé par une hélice située à l'arrière, près du bord de fuite de l'aile. Ce véhicule est destiné à un usage civil et militaire.

22-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002887224A1

Engin multimilieux 1, comprenant un corps 2, des ailes 4, 5 et un système propulsif 8, au moins une aile étant pliable entre une première position de sustentation pour le vol, une deuxième position de sustentation pour l'évolution à la surface de l'eau, et une troisième position de plongée.

12-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002645474A1

05-08-1988 дата публикации

Multi-function vehicle which can be used for air, land and sea transport

Номер: FR0002610254A1

20-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002885322B3

26-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101778618B1

The present invention relates to a transformable multi-copter, comprising: a body; a plurality of support rods placed on a circumference of the body to be extended towards an external side of the body; and driving units rotatably combined with an end unit of each of the support rods to generate rotatory power and to rotate in a preset direction, thereby placing a rotary shaft vertically or horizontally towards a central shaft of the body. When the rotary shaft is placed vertically to the central shaft of the body, the driving units are set to be in a flight mode which allows the multi-copter to move in the air. When the rotary shaft is placed horizontally to the central shaft of the body, the driving units are set to be in a drive mode which allows the multi-copter to move along the ground surface. As such, according to the present invention, the present invention employs on a circumference of the body a rotor, which comprises a wing unit and a ring unit wrapping around the wing unit to ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102166425B1

29-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101386959B1

29-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100043660A

PURPOSE: An air vehicle capable of travelling in the ground is provided to use the air vehicle regardless of traffic congestion, and to improve flying performance by appropriately changing the lift force occurred in a propeller. CONSTITUTION: An air vehicle capable of travelling in the ground comprises a main body(200), wings(100), and a propeller(130). Three or more wheels(220) are installed in the bottom of the main body. The wheels are connected to a motor, and are rotated. The wings are installed in both sides of the main body, and are folded depending on the pressure of air. The propeller is operated by the wings and the main body. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

14-06-2017 дата публикации

하이브리드 항공 및 지상 운송 차량을 위한 방향 제어 시스템 및 방향 제어 방법

Номер: KR1020170066567A
Автор: 클레인 스테판

... 지상 및 항공 운송용 하이브리드 운송 차량을 위한 방향 제어 시스템이 제공된다. 차량은 조향 기구에 연결된, 지상 작동에서 사용하기 위한 적어도 하나의 조향 가능한 휠과, 가동 제어면을 갖는 날개, 그리고 적어도 하나의 가동 제어면을 갖는 꼬리를 갖는다. 방향 제어 시스템은 일단부에 제1 제어 입력부를 갖고, 조향 기구에 링크된 제1 샤프트와, 제1 샤프트를 통해 연장되고, 제1 샤프트와 독립적으로 회전 가능하며 제1 샤프트에 대해 슬라이드 가능한 제2 샤프트를 포함한다. 제2 샤프트는 일단부에 있는 제2 제어 입력부, 날개에 있는 가동 제어면을 제어하기 위해 제2 샤프트의 회전 운동을 전달하도록 구성된 제1 연결 장치, 및 꼬리에 있는 가동 제어면을 제어하기 위해 제2 샤프트의 축방향 운동을 전달하도록 구성된 제2 연결 장치를 포함한다.

01-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of transformation of hybrid vehicles for land and air and hybrid vehicle

Номер: SK0050392011A3

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013181722A3
Автор: KRASTEV, Ivan

The Road-and-air transport vehicle is intended to transport people (from 1 to 4 people] on the roads, as a light passenger vehicle, and in the air - as a small aircraft. It has a body (1] with a cabin (13), 4 wheels: 2 front wheels, controllable (2) and 2 rear wheels driven (48] by two electric motors (51,52), fitted to the wheel rims, or by the main back propeller engine (28) - electric or with internal combustion which has a variable vector of the propelling force - for a short landing strip and big maneuverability, as well as several wings: 2 front telescopic wings (5,7) and (11,14), with variable angle of attack for short take-off way and big maneuverability; 2 main movable wings (19,43), whole, with bent edges, folded to the body (when it is on the road), and unfolded (when the vehicle is flying), as by means of rotation by different devices they change their swept position during the flight, they have elevons (79) and rotating flaps (77), which increase their lifting force at taking ...

14-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010051685A1
Автор: GONG, Bingxin

A flying car is composed of a main body and a lifting device (3). The main body comprises an engine, a chassis, a car body, an electric equipment, a storage box (2) for storing the lifting device, propellers (4), an air pump, a longitudinal shaft (5) and a transverse shaft (15). The lifting device is composed of two layers of low density soft airproof material. The flight altitude of the flying car is controlled by controlling the density of the air in the big chamber of the lifting device, and the flying speed and the flying direction of the flying car are controlled by controlling the propellers. The volume of the lifting device is reduced by exhausting the air in the small chamber of the interlayer of the lifting device, and the lifting device is stored in the storage box of the car body.

25-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009078633A4
Автор: KIM, Jae Won

When sliding down on the slope at the tall building or high cliff, with the big wing made of the ligt material, like cloth or vinyl, not metal, and the profella worked by the pedal or the battery, or being towed quickly by the other vehicles or running past on the road like plane's take-off, the bicycle/ motorcycle will start flying in the air because of the head of height, the sliding down power of the law of inertia, or the buoyancy of the air arising by the wing, after that by the spining profella you can fly in the sky continually.

02-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999061267A1

The present invention pertains to the field of vehicles intended for transportation in the air or on the ground, and essentially relates to an aeromobile. In order to simplify its structure and to reduce the aerodynamic loads as it travels on the ground, the aeromobile comprises a body (1), a wing (2) capable of rotation as a whole and comprising a rotation unit (3) as well as connection means (4, 5), aircraft engines (9) connected to the wing which also includes aerodynamic obstacles (12), a tail unit (6), a landing gear (7) with wheels as well as a car engine (10) which is connected by a transmission to the driving wheels of the landing gear. In order to improve safety, the portion (15) of the wing (2), which is oriented frontward when said wing is longitudinal relative to the body, comprises transverse corrugations as well as areas with variable rigidity in order to form a collapsing region in case of head-on collision. The means for connecting the front portion of the wing, when said ...

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264306C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам с тремя или более колесами. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что транспортное средство с управлением креном содержит корпус, колеса, их подвески и снабжено независимыми друг от друга системами управления курсом и креном при движении по дороге. Система управления креном содержит вал, на одном конце которого закреплено рулевое колесо, а другой конец которого связан с механизмом управления, обеспечивающим через систему тяг и качалок опускание одного колеса оси и соответствующее поднятие другого колеса этой же оси. Система также содержит пружинный механизм стабилизации крена, действующий непосредственно на рулевое колесо и выполенный с возможностью создания информативного усилия на рулевом колесе и/или корректировки этого усилия, обеспечивающей возвращение в горизонтальное положение корпуса транспортного средства и рулевого колеса - в нейтральное положение. Техническим результатом является повышение устойчивости транспортного средства. 3 ...

11-04-2018 дата публикации

Амфибийный транспортный аппарат Кочетова для эвакуации пострадавших в чрезвычайных ситуациях регионального масштаба

Номер: RU2650281C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам на воздушной подушке и может использоваться круглогодично в условиях полного бездорожья, в бассейнах рек, включая реки, не имеющие гарантированных глубин судового хода, а также для ликвидации последствий других чрезвычайных ситуаций (ЧС). Амфибийный транспортный аппарат для эвакуации пострадавших в ЧС регионального масштаба содержит каюту, соединенную с несущими конструкциями аппарата посредством виброизолирующей системы, состоящей из верхних и нижних виброизоляторов. Причем каждый из виброизоляторов системы виброизоляции выполнен в виде шайбового сетчатого виброизолятора. Достигается повышение эффективности виброизоляции. 6 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604750C2

Изобретение относится к конструкциям транспортных средств, способных перемещаться по земле и в воздухе. Автовертолет содержит корпус автомобильной формы с кабиной, рулевую систему, гиростабилизатор, парашют, жалюзийные створки, силовую установку, закрытую обтекателем, образующим с корпусом воздушный канал. Подъемно-тяговое устройство выполнено в виде двух продольно расположенных винтов, один из которых размещен перед кабиной, а другой за кабиной. Винты связаны посредством индивидуальных редукторов, муфт, главного карданного вала и ременной передачи с силовой установкой. Редуктор переднего винта связан с главным карданным валом через приводной редуктор передних колес. В нижней передней части корпуса под винтом расположены воздушные рули. Под жалюзийными створками, размещенными за кабиной, могут быть установлены два поперечно расположенных воздушных винта, приводимые в движение посредством ременных передач от общего вала, связанного с главным карданным валом посредством муфты и редуктора.

27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2344946C2

Изобретение относится к многофункциональной транспортной технике и представляет собой легковой автомобиль с возможностью трансформации в летательный аппарат с вертикальным взлетом и посадкой. Автолет содержит корпус (1) автомобильной формы, рулевую систему, гиростабилизатор, приводное шасси, силовую установку (2), парашют, двухкилевое выдвижное хвостовое оперение (33), расположенное с боков, и поворотное подъемно-тяговое устройство. Силовая установка (2), образующая с гидронасосом (3) гидромеханический источник энергии, связана посредством трубопроводов и гидрораспределителя (23) с гидромеханической коробкой передач (8) и с подъемно-тяговыми устройствами (11, 32), приводимыми в движение гидромоторами (12, 31) через ременные передачи. Подъемно-тяговые устройства (11, 32) выполнены с применением эффекта Магнуса в виде планетарных механизмов и размещены в корпусе (1) под раздвижными жалюзийными створками (15). Технический результат заключается в возможности трансформации легкового автомобиля ...

26-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2758223C2
Принадлежит: КЛЕИН, Штефан (SK)

Моторное транспортное средство для наземной и воздушной перевозки состоит из кузова (7) с кабиной, передней оси (10) и задней оси (11), системы приведения в действие крыльев, крышек и хвоста, содержащего опору и поверхности хвостового оперения. Способ трансформации моторного транспортного средства для воздушной перевозки в моторное транспортное средство для наземной перевозки включает следующие этапы трансформации: минимизация площади занимаемой поверхности крыльев (1) посредством поворота крыльев вокруг их горизонтальных осей, которые проходят через середины или рядом с серединами ширин крыльев; открытие двух крышек (2) кузова; поворот сложенных крыльев (1) в вертикальную позицию; поворот сложенных крыльев (1) из вертикальной позиции по направлению к задней позиции вокруг горизонтальной оси, перпендикулярной длине моторного транспортного средства; закрытие крышек (2) кузова; выворачивание крышки/крышек (3) опор; втягивание опоры/опор (4) поверхностей (5) хвостового оперения под открытые ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2492066C2
Принадлежит: ДЖУНГ Соо-Чеол (KR)

Летательный аппарат, способный передвигаться по земле и по воздуху, имеет фюзеляж, колеса для передвижения по земле, которые присоединены к нижней части фюзеляжа, крылья для создания подъемной силы, установленные симметрично с двух сторон фюзеляжа, и винты, установленные на крыльях и на фюзеляже с возможностью управления рычагом так, чтобы создавать подъемную силу и тяговую силу для фюзеляжа. Крылья присоединены к фюзеляжу через узлы изменения положения, каждый из которых включает множество камер изменяемого объема и узел изменения объема, выполненный с одной стороны камер изменяемого объема для регулирования степени их расширения так, чтобы каждое из крыльев могло быть сложено. Изобретение направлено на повышение устойчивости полета. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

16-08-2017 дата публикации

Всесезонный тундроход

Номер: RU2628414C1

Изобретение относится к комбинированным транспортным средствам высокой проходимости. Вездеходное транспортное средство содержит кабину, основной привод от двигателя внутреннего сгорания, широкопрофильные пневмоколесные движители большого диаметра, установленные на шасси, и грузовой отсек. Пневмоколесные движители содержат полнопрофильные с низким и средним давлением шины, а подвеска выполнена без рессор, широкорамное шасси выполнено с разноколейной системой расположения пневмоколесных движителей на разнесенных мостах со стабилизацией центра тяжести и поперечной устойчивости. На раме установлены боковые выдвигающиеся опорные колеса, между основным двигателем и грузовым отсеком в центре масс транспортного средства установлена аэродинамическая двигательная силовая установка вертолетного типа со съемными экстренно отстреливаемыми лопастями. На поперечных балках моста установлены водометы и высокооборотистая крыльчатка. Моторный отсек, кабина и грузовой отсек выполнены герметичными и изготовлены ...

15-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2807493C1

Малоразмерный беспилотный летательный аппарат с возможностью перемещения по поверхности земли содержит силовую раму, состоящую из двух нижних пластин, верхней пластины, двух передних стоек, соединяющих верхнюю и нижнюю пластину, двух передних лучей, задней стойки, двух задних лучей, закрепленных определенным образом. На конце каждого переднего луча сверху закреплен маршевый электродвигатель для вращения авиационного винта, а снизу с помощью уголка тяговый электродвигатель, на ось которого смонтирована шина, образующие передние колеса для движения по поверхности земли. На конце нижнего заднего луча с помощью кронштейна, подшипника кронштейна, вилки, оси закреплено заднее колесо, включающее подшипник колеса, диск, шину. На верхней пластине закреплены контроллер, регуляторы оборотов маршевых электродвигателей, регулятор оборотов тяговых электродвигателей, приемник, крепление для устройства съемки и передачи видеоизображения. В полости силовой рамы закреплен аккумулятор. Обеспечивается расширение ...

23-07-2018 дата публикации

Устройство системы ДАС для передвижения по ледяной, снежной, водной, земляной, гравийной, асфальтовой и воздушной поверхности

Номер: RU2662108C1

Изобретение относится к общему машиностроению, а более конкретно к транспортным средствам. Устройство для передвижения по ледяной, снежной, водяной, земляной, гравийной, асфальтовой и воздушной поверхности содержит раму, основание, устройство балансировки и маневрирования, пульт управления и торообразную камеру. Рама выполнена в виде двудонного цилиндра с консолями. Вращаемое как минимум двумя воздушно-реактивными двигателями основание выполнено в виде круглой тарелкообразной конструкции. Рама содержит седло, как минимум два воздушно-реактивных двигателя, средства редуцирования скоростей, пульт управления, обеспечивающие работу двигателей средства питания. Выполненное с возможностью вращения основание содержит вал, шарнирно установленный на двудонном цилиндре. Внутри него смонтировано устройство в виде электрогенератора, кинематически взаимодействующего с валом. На выходном валу установлен воздушный винт и маховик с коническим отверстием, взаимодействующий с коническим клином, установленным ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652423C1

Изобретение относится к области комбинированных транспортных средств, в частности к конструкциям летательных аппаратов на базе автомобилей. Особенностью построения ЛА является отсутствие открытого несущего винта и его небольшие габариты, что позволяет вписать его в габариты автомобиля. Несущим винтом и рабочим колесом, расположенным под винтом, формируют кольцевой зазор, перехватывают воздушный поток, прошедший через зазор с помощью n-трансформеров, расположенных за кольцевым зазором, и n-гибких воздуховодов, объединяют все воздуховоды в четыре группы плотных матриц. Пространственно разносят три из них вдоль основания ЛА, создавая три точки опоры ЛА при взлете-посадке, обеспечивая его пространственную устойчивость. Лопасти несущего винта установлены под углом 8-10° к плоскости диска со скважностью между собой. ЛА оснащен рабочим колесом с двумя лопаточными венцами и редуктором, соединенным с рабочим колесом, обеспечивая его вращение противоположно несущему винту, канализируют воздушную ...

20-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU204326U1

Полезная модель относится к транспортным средствам, способным передвигаться по земле и по воздуху. Преимущество данной полезной модели - возможность вертикального взлета и посадки, отсутствие дополнительного времени и физических усилий на приведение автомобиля в летное состояние, простота в управлении, отсутствие необходимости проектировать автомобиль «с нуля». Преимущество достигается тем, что автомобиль с летными эксплуатационными свойствами проектируется на базе существующего легкового автомобиля. Движение автомобиля по земле осуществляется с помощью двигателя внутреннего сгорания, трансмиссии и ходовой части. Для осуществления полета автомобиль оборудуется несущим каркасом, крепящимся на кузове автомобиля, электродвигателями, воздушными винтами, аккумуляторами и прочим дополнительным оборудованием, необходимым для осуществления полета. Воздушные винты приводятся во вращение посредством электродвигателей, питаемых от аккумуляторных батарей. Регулируя частоту вращения двигателей осуществляется ...

19-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617000C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам, способным передвигаться по земле и в воздухе. Аэромобиль содержит корпус, двигатель, движители вертикального подъема, вариатор, движители горизонтального перемещения, воздушные рули, систему путевого управления и систему управления устойчивостью движения в пространстве, посадочное устройство, механизмы управления. На верхнем и нижнем вертикальных ведомых валах каждого из движителей вертикального подъема закреплены роторы, одинаковые по конструкции. Каждый ротор содержит верхнюю и нижнюю цилиндрические части, между которыми размещена коническая часть. Нижняя цилиндрическая часть имеет на нижней торцевой части цилиндрическое углубление, в котором закреплен цилиндрический диск, имеющий на наружной торцевой поверхности лопасти вентилятора. На торцевой поверхности верхней цилиндрической части ротора выполнено цилиндрическое углубление и на его дне просверлены двойные радиальные ряды вертикальных отверстий, расположенных на равном расстоянии друг ...

27-08-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019138320A3

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU166090U1

... 1. Преобразуемое транспортное средство, отличающееся тем, что содержит пневмокатки низкого давления с суммарным водоизмещением, достаточным для удержания на плаву и выхода на глиссирование, с помощью которых можно перемещаться по воде, по снегу, болоту и грунту.2. Преобразуемое транспортное средство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что его можно использовать без крыла.3. Преобразуемое транспортное средство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что управление на воде или грунте осуществляется водным или воздушными рулями.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018130978A3

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016140199A3

06-05-2022 дата публикации

Летающий автомобиль

Номер: RU2771597C1

Изобретение относится к области транспорта, в частности к конструкциям гибридных транспортных средств. Летающий автомобиль содержит кузов, двигатель, коробку передач, колеса, аккумулятор, крыло, трансмиссию, приборную панель, рулевое управление. Также летающий автомобиль имеет цельное крыло, расположенное в исходном положении на земле параллельно оси автомобиля. Ось, на которой крепится крыло, проходит через несущую балку, которая жестко соединена с кузовом, и проходит через центр тяжести автомобиля. Механизм поворота крыла состоит из двух силовых цилиндров, поршней, шток-реек и зубчатого колеса, смонтированного на одном валу с крылом. Обеспечивается снижение веса летающего автомобиля. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

16-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016140199A

26-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658938C1

Изобретение относится к области воздухоплавательных аппаратов. Воздухоплавательный аппарат включает автомашину серийного производства, мультикоптер, гондолу, АСУ, батарейный отсек, систему ориентации и слежений. На крыше машины по центру расположена гондола, состоящая из системы газовых камер, заключенных в жесткий корпус в форме сильфона, растяжение которого контролируется автоматическими натяжными устройствами. По краям крыши машины установлены два электродвижителя с изменяемым вектором тяги, создающие направленное движение аппарата в полете. Газовые камеры заполняются из баллона со сжатым гелием. Излишек газа закачивается компрессором обратно в баллон. Изобретение направлено на расширение арсенала технических средств. 2 ил.

03-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722732C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортных средств, способных передвигаться по земле, воде и в воздухе. Транспортное средство с крылом состоит из установленной на шасси платформы (1) с воздушным движителем (7), стойки (2), закреплённой в нижней части на платформе (1), а в верхней соединено с каркасом крыла (4) через опору (3), имеющую три степени свободы. На стойке (2) через подшипниковый узел (10) закреплена траверса управления(5), имеющая три степени свободы, управляемая рычагами (13) и связанная с каркасом крыла (4) тягами (6). Управление положением крыла (4) осуществляется вручную двумя рычагами, выходящими из-за спины под руки пилота, или электроприводом, содержащим датчики положения на руле управления и исполнительные механизмы (14) с тягами (6) установленными на планшайбе (15) размещённой на стойке (2) с возможностью поворота электродвигателем (16). Обеспечивается расширение функциональных возможностей транспортного средства. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

24-01-2018 дата публикации

Беспилотный аппарат и комплекс наблюдения для него

Номер: RU2642202C1

Изобретение относится к области беспилотных аппаратов и комплексам наблюдения для них. Комплекс наблюдения содержит беспилотный аппарат и мобильный пульт контроля и управления. Беспилотный аппарат снабжен четырьмя гидролыжами, расположенными соответственно в носовой и кормовой частях корпуса и на оконечностях каждого крыла. При этом каждая гидролыжа выполнена в виде гондолы, снабженной впускными и выпускными клапанами. Гидролыжи, расположенные соответственно в носовой и кормовой частях корпуса аппарата, снабжены вертикальными движителями, а гидролыжи, расположенные на оконечностях каждого крыла, снабжены горизонтальными движителями. В комплекс наблюдения дополнительно введены радиодоплеровская система измерения скорости и высоты полета беспилотного аппарата, электронная навигационная картографическая система, доплеровский гидроакустический лаг, соединенные с маршрутным вычислительным устройством. Обеспечивается расширение функциональных возможностей беспилотного аппарата с одновременным ...

22-08-2007 дата публикации

Flying device with improved maneuverability on ground

Номер: GB0000713668D0

11-05-2011 дата публикации

The flying car

Номер: GB0201105246D0

07-03-1944 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to flying machines convertible into land vehicles

Номер: GB0000559819A

... 559,819. Aircraft. FLETCHER, O. E., MURRAY, E. A., and EVANS, A. E. Sept. 2, 1942, No. 12379. [Class 4] A flying machine convertible into a land vehicle comprises (a) a body part provided with an engine arranged to drive wheels whereby this part may be used as a land vehicle and (b) a flight structure adapted to be detachably secured to the body part to convert it into a flying machine, the flight structure being provided with air propellers driven by a separate engine or engines and control being effected from within the body part in each case. In one construction, a motor car 1 of substantially usual type with an engine at 5 and steering and driven. wheels 3, 4 respectively, is adapted, by the provision of strong frame members extending over the root, to be detachably secured, as by bolts or automatic fastenings, to a flight structure comprising wings 6, a central engine nacelle 8, propeller 9 and a tail unit. This unit comprises a tail plane 10, elevator 11, and fin 12 and is carried ...

18-06-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in submarine vessels

Номер: GB0000235363A

... 235,363. Sumner, P. J. H. May 7, 1924. Submarine vessels ; torpedoes.-A submarine which may be used as an explosive missile, is provided with fixed planes 1 set at a negative angle of incidence and floats 4. The tail plane 6 is suitably located to stabilize the craft and has a hinged tip 7 which is adjusted in accordance with the proposed angle of dive. The craft which is of the one man type is provided with a tractor propeller 11 fitted with a guard 12. Ballast tanks are dispensed with the disposition of the main planes causing a downward reaction which varies with the speed of the craft and thus regulates the dive. The craft is driven by an electric motor. An ordinary vertical rudder 8 is fitted. Spacifications 10495/00, 12686/07 and 116,299 ae referred to.

25-08-2021 дата публикации

Multi-modal vehicle

Номер: GB2592174A

A multi-modal vehicle 2 operable in a first mode as a fixed wing aircraft 4 and reconfigurable to be operable in a second mode as a ground vehicle (8, fig 3), and can be characterised as a flying car. The vehicle comprises first and second ends configured to operate in a first direction 6, with the first end leading the second end, in the first mode and in a second direction, with the second end leading the first end, in normal operation in the second mode. The vehicle comprises one or more lift generating surfaces, such as wings, which generate lift when the vehicle travels in the first direction, enabling flight. The vehicle comprises ground engaging features, such as wheels 24, configured to drive the vehicle eon the ground in the second direction. The second direction may be opposite to the first direction. The first end may face the direction of flight during the vehicles aircraft mode and the second end may face the direction of travel during ground mode.

15-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520145A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Propellerschutzrahmen, in dessen Innerem mindestens ein elektrisch angetriebener Propeller (12) integriert ist, dessen Schutzeinrichtung (9,10,16) die Propeller soweit umgibt, dass die Gefahr der Verletzung von Lebewesen und/oder der Beschädigung von Gegenständen - sowie der Propeller selbst - auf ein tolerierbares Maß reduziert wird und der mit Einrichtungen (18,19) versehen ist, die es gestatten, ihn mit einem externen Objekt ausfahrbar zu verbinden (18) sowie seine Lage in Relation zu diesem Objekt in mindestens einer Position zu fixieren (19). Weiters betrifft die Erfindung die Verwendung solcher Propellerschutzrahmen, insbesondere in Verbindung mit Objekten, die durch die von ihnen für den Antrieb der Propeller zur Verfügung gestellte Energie und Steuerung Flugtauglichkeit erlangen.

15-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520463A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein speichen- und nabenloses Rad (52), in dessen Innerem mindestens ein elektrisch antreibbarer Propeller (44) integriert ist, wobei diese Integration derart erfolgt, dass die mit der Propellerrotation einhergehenden Gefahren möglichst gering gehalten werden. Das Rad (52) kann dabei elektrisch antreibbar oder mechanisch bremsbar ausgeführt sein, beides gemeinsam, sowie weder elektrisch antreibbar, noch mechanisch bremsbar. Weiters betrifft die Erfindung die Verwendung eines solchen speichen- und nabenlosen Rades mit integrierten elektrisch antreibbaren Propellern in Verbindung mit bemannten und unbemannten Objekten, die sich durch die von ihnen für den Antrieb der Propeller (44) - sowie gegebenfalls auch des Rades (52) – über eine Versorgungsleitung (54) zur Verfügung gestellten Energie und Steuerung insbesondere - aber nicht ausschließlich - gleichermaßen an Land und in der Luft fortbewegen können.

23-06-2003 дата публикации

Multimodal, deployable vehicule

Номер: AU2002360552A8

07-02-2013 дата публикации

UAV having hermetically sealed modularized compartments and fluid drain ports

Номер: AU2011305991A1

In one possible embodiment, an amphibious unmanned aerial vehicle is provided, which includes a fuselage comprised of a buoyant material. Separators within the fuselage form separate compartments within the fuselage. Mounts associated with the compartments for securing waterproof aircraft components within the fuselage. The compartments each have drainage openings in the fuselage extending from the interior of the fuselage to the exterior of the fuselage.

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Method for transformation of motor transportation vehicle for ground and air transport, motor transportation vehicle

Номер: AU2018267204A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a method for the transformation of motor transportation vehicle for ground and air transport. The motor transportation vehicle consists of a body (7) with a cabin, a front axle (10) and a rear axle (11), at least one actuation system, wings, covers, and a tail comprising a support and tail surfaces. For the transformation of the motor transportation vehicle for air transport to the motor transportation vehicle for ground transport the following transformation steps are performed: - minimization of the wings (1) footprint area by turning the wings around their horizontal axis, which axis run through the halves or near the halves of the wings width; - tilting of two body covers (2); - turning of the folded wings (1) into the vertical position; - turning of the folded wings (1) from the vertical position towards rear position around the horizontal axis perpendicular to the length of the motor transportation vehicle, followed by the tilting of the body covers (2) backwards ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Propulsion system for a vehicle or a toy vehicle

Номер: AU2013273446B2

A propulsion system for a vehicle or toy vehicle is disclosed. The system comprises rotary drive means for driving the vehicle along ground, the rotary drive means operating in a plane and having a peripheral ground-engagement part. The system further comprises a rotor comprising one or more rotor blades rotatable about a rotor axis for producing thrust, wherein the rotary drive means and the rotor are positioned relative to each other so that during rotation of the rotor, the rotor blades pass through the plane of the rotary drive means, inside the peripheral ground-engagement part. In this way, the rotor blades are protected by the peripheral ground-engagement part.

01-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002787279A1

A combination rotor and wheel assembly for an unmanned vehicle with ground and aerial mobility has a rotor arm adapted to be attached at an inner end thereof to a vehicle body. A rotor is rotatably connected to an outer end of the rotor arm about a rotor axis, and a rotor drive mounted on the rotor arm rotates the rotor such that the rotor exerts an upward lift force on the rotor arm. An open spoked wheel is rotatably connected about the rotor axis independent of the rotor. The diameter of the wheel is greater than that of the rotor, and a bottom edge of the wheel is below the rotor. A wheel drive rotates the wheel. Vehicles can have various numbers and orientations of the rotor and wheel assembly to provide aerial and ground mobility.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002875745A1
Принадлежит: PERRY + CURRIER

A propulsion system for a vehicle or toy vehicle is disclosed. The system comprises rotary drive means for driving the vehicle along ground, the rotary drive means operating in a plane and having a peripheral ground-engagement part. The system further comprises a rotor comprising one or more rotor blades rotatable about a rotor axis for producing thrust, wherein the rotary drive means and the rotor are positioned relative to each other so that during rotation of the rotor, the rotor blades pass through the plane of the rotary drive means, inside the peripheral ground-engagement part. In this way, the rotor blades are protected by the peripheral ground-engagement part.

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201691417A1

11-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000111224C2

30-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490528A1

31-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201900319A3

31-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201900318A3

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Eight-rotor arrangement structure of tandem-wing hovercar, and eight-rotor tandem-wing hovercar

Номер: CN0108621727A

18-12-2018 дата публикации

A flying vehicle with folding wings for vertical take-off and landing

Номер: CN0109017182A

08-03-2019 дата публикации

Motorbike capable of flying

Номер: CN0109435605A

01-10-1976 дата публикации

Land, water, or air born vehicle - has double or multiple propellers driven by twin cct. hydrostatic motors

Номер: FR0002302878A1

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Combined air, water and road vehicle

Номер: US20130126666A1
Автор: John Brown

Flying Car, readable aircraft, amphibian, multimode, multifunctional, composite versatile personal transport vehicle with twin, parallel fuselages, hulls, each with inflatable pontoons and/or wheels below and a cabin. Combined, aircraft, airplane, aeroplane, flying, air, aerial, airborne vehicle with variable, folding wings which is convertible via automatic transformation to a land vehicle and to a sea vessel. Two wings are stored between the fuselages. They extend on a system of rails, pivots and counter-rotating, fuselage-mounted arms which then sink flush into the wings' undersides and lock for flight. Upon wing extension and retraction, controls for road transport and flight controls alternately emerge or are stowed inoperably, as needed. Engine power alternately drives a propeller for flight, wheels for road travel and a separate, submersible, marine propeller for water transport.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026802A1

A combined submersible vessel and unmanned aerial vehicle preferably includes a body structure, at least one wing structure, at least one vertical stabilizer structure, and at least one horizontal stabilizer structure. A propulsion system is coupled to the body structure and is configured to propel the flying submarine in both airborne flight and underwater operation. Preferably, the propulsion system includes a motor, a gearbox coupled to the motor and configured to receive power generated by the motor and provide variable output power, a drive shaft coupled to the gearbox and configured to transfer the variable output power provided by the gearbox, and a propeller coupled to the drive shaft and configured to accept power transferred to it from the drive shaft. The propeller is further configured to rotate and propel the flying submarine in both an airborne environment and in an underwater environment. 1. A flying submarine , comprising:a body structure;at least one wing structure coupled to the body structure;at least one horizontal stabilizer structure coupled to the body structure; and a motor;', 'a gearbox coupled to the motor and configured to receive power generated by the motor and provide variable output power;', 'a drive shaft coupled to the gearbox and configured to transfer the variable output power provided by the gearbox, and', 'a propeller coupled to the drive shaft and configured to accept power transferred to it from the drive shaft, and further configured to rotate and propel the flying submarine in both an airborne environment and in an underwater environment., 'a propulsion system coupled to the body structure and configured to propel the flying submarine in both airborne flight and underwater operation, wherein the propulsion system includes2. The flying submarine according to claim 1 , wherein the propulsion system is further configured to (i) operate the propeller within a first RPM range when operating in an air environment claim 1 , and (ii) ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Discoidal Seaplane

Номер: US20150001334A1
Автор: Olson Wendell

A flying vehicle, comprising a discoidal secondary wing and two airfoil primary wings. The airfoil primary wings provide out-of-surface-effect lift that acts as the main lift force for the vehicle. The discoidal secondary wing provides lift via the surface effect, stabilizes the vehicle, provides a mounting surface for solar panels, and acts as a pontoon for water landings. The vehicle can also include a retractable toroidal or round balloon to provide additional lift. The vehicle is fully scalable, from children's toys to passenger vehicles. 1. A flying vehicle , comprising:a discoidal secondary fixed wing that utilizes surface effect to provide lift force and stabilizes the flying vehicle, said discoidal secondary fixed wing being able to float in water;at least one primary wing located above the discoidal secondary wing, said primary wing providing lift force.2. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , comprising two primary wings.3. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , where the discoidal secondary fixed wing comprises means of stabilizing the vehicle to prevent tipping.4. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , where the discoidal secondary fixed wing comprises controllable flaps to prevent tipping.5. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , where the discoidal secondary fixed wing comprises a gyroscope to prevent tipping.6. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a balloon structure located above the discoidal secondary fixed wing claim 1 , said balloon structure providing lift force to the flying vehicle.7. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , where the balloon structure is retractable into the discoidal secondary fixed wing when not needed.8. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , where the balloon structure is toroidal in shape and concentric with the discoidal secondary fixed wing.9. The flying vehicle of claim 1 , where each primary wing comprises two airfoils claim 1 , a top airfoil and a bottom airfoil.10. The flying vehicle of claim 9 , where the top airfoil is slightly horizontally ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Dual engine air and land multimodal vehicle

Номер: US20180009279A1
Автор: Stewart HAMEL
Принадлежит: Skyrunner LLC

An air and land multimodal vehicle comprises a frame, a propeller engine attached to a first location of the frame supplying power and torque to a propeller, a ground engine attached to a second location of the frame supplying power and torque to one or more ground traction elements, and a flexible wing releasably connectable to the frame, wherein the propeller engine is vertically and horizontally spaced from the ground engine.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009626A1

A ground vehicle with flight capability is described including a deployable airfoil configured to deploy from a stowed configuration to a deployed configuration, preferably during ground locomotion of the vehicle. The vehicle also includes a deployment mechanism for automatically deploying the airfoil from the stowed configuration to the deployed configuration. An automated retrieval mechanism may also be included for returning the airfoil to the stowed configuration. Also described are methods of transitioning a vehicle from ground locomotion to flight, including deploying a ram-air airfoil from a stowed configuration to a deployed configuration during ground locomotion of the vehicle. 1. A ground vehicle with flight capability , comprising:a cockpit for a human pilot;a chassis;a deployable airfoil;a cage attached to the chassis and including an attachment mechanism configured to connect to the airfoil;a front wheelbase attached to at least one of the chassis or the cage;a rear wheelbase attached to at least one of the chassis or the cage; anda motor disposed rearward of the cockpit and connected to a propeller,wherein the deployable airfoil is configured to deploy from a stowed configuration to a deployed configuration during ground locomotion of the vehicle.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil is configured to attach to claim 1 , and detach from claim 1 , the cage.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is configured for powered ground locomotion using the propeller with the airfoil in the stowed configuration claim 1 , and configured for powered flight using the propeller with the airfoil in the deployed configuration.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a deployment mechanism configured to cause deployment of the airfoil from the stowed configuration to the deployed configuration.5. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the deployment mechanism includes at least one of a drogue claim 4 , a piston claim 4 , pressurized gas claim 4 , a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017209A1

The modular robotic system disclosed herein may comprise a central body that houses various essential components, a plurality of propulsion arms, and a plurality of quick-detach mechanisms. The combination is designed to be assembled, have individual components replaced, and be converted from one embodiment to another without the use of any tools. The plurality of propulsion arms may be designed for any mission-specific task or may be designed to perform multiple tasks, such as ground or aerial movement, depending on their orientation. The system is also designed to be quickly disassembled for storage and carrying in a backpack. 1. A modular robotic system , comprising:a central body;a plurality of electronic drone components;a power sourcea plurality of propulsion arms; anda plurality of quick-detach mechanisms;wherein said plurality of electronic drone components is contained within said central body; andwherein said plurality of propulsion arms are connected to said central body via said plurality of quick-detach mechanisms.2. The invention of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of means for articulation; anda plurality of motors;wherein said plurality of means for articulation cause said plurality of propulsion arms to articulate relative to said central body;wherein said plurality of motors are attached to said plurality of propulsion arms; andwherein said plurality of motors articulate relative to said plurality of propulsion arms such that said plurality of motors remain in an upright orientation.3. The invention of claim 2 ,wherein said central body further comprises a plurality of propulsion arm receivers and a plurality of body articulation points;wherein said plurality of propulsion arms further comprise a plurality of central body receivers, a plurality of arm articulation points, a plurality of motor mount receivers, and plurality of foot pads;wherein said plurality of central body receivers on said plurality of propulsion arms are connected to ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

AirShip Endurance VTOL UAV and Solar Turbine Clean Tech Propulsion

Номер: US20140103158A1

An aircraft with a wide fuselage having a longitudinal axis, a left and right forward swept wing mounted well back on the fuselage, a tail section extending from the aft portion of the fuselage, a first and second brushless ducted fan with air accelerator ring stationary and integrated into the left and right lateral fuselage, a third brushless ducted fan with integrated air accelerator ring rotatable mounted to the aft tail portion, a solar turbine based external solar film applied on the fuselage and wing surfaces and lateral fan regenerative drive that powers all ducted electric fans, that powers one internal-mounted central master impeller motor, that powers a brushless electric motor that spins three supercharger impellers via pulley chains to enable all three air accelerator rings with super compressed forced air thrust, that recharges ultracapacitors for aircraft propulsion of persistent flight endurance targeted for 30 to 90 days. 1. An aircraft comprising:a fuselage having a longitudinal axis;a left low aspect forward swept wing mounted well back on said fuselage;a right low aspect forward swept wing mounted well back on said fuselage;a tail section extending from a aft portion of said fuselage;a first electric regenerative ducted fan with integrated air accelerator ring embedded stationary from aerial through anterior to said left fuselage;a second electric regenerative ducted fan with integrated air accelerator ring embedded stationary from aerial through anterior to said right fuselage;a third electric ducted fan with integrated air accelerator ring rotatable and mounted to the aft tail swivel cross bar, anda solar turbine powered master impeller motor disposed centrally in said fuselage, said motor comprising an electric-drive impeller contained in a compression chamber having an axis of rotation oriented perpendicular to said longitudinal axis of said fuselage, and said motor powered by electricity from solar film (thin film) integrated on the entire ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021433A1
Автор: Frade Carlos

Our system and method for a towable and inflatable recreational device with a retractable wind foil. This towable and inflatable recreational device expands the existing field of art in the water sports recreational devices. 1. A system and method for a towable and inflatable recreational device with a retractable wind foil comprising an operator controlled towable recreational device with release control where the operator can make the decision of remaining connected to the tow boat or free and flying away using the airfoil controls to get some directional control in the wind generated by the tow process;2. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the wind foil starts the use of the device in the retractable position with a release control where the operator can release the wind foil which will produce drag against the forward action generated by the tow boat;3. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the operator can choose to activate the cable disconnect lever claim 1 , from this point the device will be aloft claim 1 , and the operator will use the provided flight controls to input directional commands to the device;4. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the wind foil will have the form and appearance of a parachute generally in the square format;5. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the wind foil will be connected to the device by suspension lines and links;6. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the wind foil has a canopy and a vent;7. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the device will float because of the air chambers inside the inner tubes claim 1 , generally in the round form;8. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein the device operator has a seating from where to comfortably operate the towable device while in the water claim 1 , in ascending flight claim 1 , in cruising altitude claim 1 , and during descending flight;9. The system and method in claim 1 , wherein restraining hardness will be used to keep the operator ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023527A1
Автор: Dietrich Carl C.

A combined flying-driving vehicle having a unique hybrid propulsion system architecture that provides a very high level of reliability and functionality to the user. 1. A combined flying-driving vehicle comprising:a vehicle body comprising a passenger compartment comprising a front end and an aft end, wherein the vehicle body defines a longitudinal axis along a length thereof substantially parallel to a preferred direction of motion of the vehicle along a length thereof;a plurality of wheels coupled to the body and configured to support the vehicle body on ground;a ducted fan mounted proximate the aft end of the body, wherein the ducted fan defines a fan axis substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis;at least two folding wings coupled to the body, wherein the folding wing are adapted to fold around wing folding axes substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis, and wherein the folding wings are adapted to transmit lift to the body during flight and provide less lift when folded;a plurality of pods pivotably mounted to the folding wings; anda plurality of propeller blades pivotably mounted to the pods.2. The combined flying-driving vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the wheels are adapted to be retracted into the body during flight.3. The combined flying-driving vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each pod comprises at least one electric motor.4. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising at least one of an electric motor and a hydrocarbon fuel engine adapted to power the ducted fan.5. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising a steering wheel adapted to turn the vehicle.6. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising an accelerator pedal adapted to accelerate the vehicle.7. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising a brake pedal adapted to decelerate the vehicle.8. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising at least one digital computer with at least one power source adapted to stabilize and ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024556A1

A battery powered remotely controlled robot is equipped with a drive subsystem for ground travel, a flight subsystem for flight operations, and an obstacle detection subsystem. The robot is configured so that during a mission the drive subsystem is energized to maneuver the robot on the ground for a majority of the mission. The robot is further configured so that upon detection of an obstacle, the flight subsystem is energized to traverse the obstacle. The fight subsystem is energized only to traverse obstacles thus saving battery power and increasing the mission time. 1. A method comprising:equipping a remotely controlled robot with a drive subsystem for ground travel, a flight subsystem for flight operations, and an obstacle detection subsystem;configuring the robot so that during a mission, the drive subsystem is energized to maneuver the robot on the ground for a majority of the mission;configuring the robot so that upon detection of an obstacle, the flight subsystem is energized to traverse the obstacle; andconfiguring the robot so that the flight subsystem is energized only to traverse obstacles saving energy and increasing the mission time.2. The method of in which upon detection of an obstacle claim 1 , the flight subsystem is automatically energized.3. The method of further including locking out flight operations if no obstacle is detected.4. The method of further including allowing an operator to override said lockout.5. The method of in which the flight subsystem includes ducted fans housed in a robot body.6. The method of in which the drive subsystem includes one or more motorized wheels.7. The method of including right and left motorized wheels and a non-motorized castering wheel.8. The method of further including a payload associated with the robot.9. The method of further including mounts on the robot body for said payload.10. The method of in which the obstacle detection subsystem includes a forward looking camera mounted to the robot body.11. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023701A1
Автор: SALEM Ali

The present disclosure is directed to a unique design of multi-purpose wheels for use in multi-purpose vehicles capable of operating in different transportation modes in different mediums such as flying mode and driving mode. Advantageous design of multi-purpose wheels and vehicles of the present disclosure allow for easy and convenient change in transportation mode of such vehicles without need for any special purpose transportation infrastructure. In one aspect, a multi-purpose tool includes a first set of blades configured to enable an object to which the multi-purpose tool is attached to operate in a first mode of transportation; a second set of blades configured to enable the object to operate in a second mode of transportation; and an engagement mechanism coupled to the first set of blades and the second set of blades for switching operation of the object between the first mode of transportation and the second mode of transportation. 1. A multi-purpose tool comprising:a first set of blades configured to enable an object to which the multi-purpose tool is attached to operate in a first mode of transportation;a second set of blades configured to enable the object to operate in a second mode of transportation; andan engagement mechanism coupled to the first set of blades and the second set of blades for switching operation of the object between the first mode of transportation and the second mode of transportation.2. The multi-purpose tool of claim 1 , wherein the first mode of transportation is a driving mode of transportation and the second mode of transportation is a flying mode of transportation.3. The multi-purpose tool of claim 1 , further comprising:a third set of blades configured to enable the object to operate in a third mode of transportation.4. The multi-purpose tool of claim 3 , wherein the third mode of transportation is a sailing mode of transportation.5. The multi-purpose tool of claim 1 , wherein the object is one of a drone claim 1 , a ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028150A1
Автор: Klein Stefan

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air includes the following transformation and reciprocal steps: Tilting the compensation cover () on. Expansion of both whole wings () from the transportation vehicle longitudinal position around two vertical axes () into the flying position. Expansion of rear parts of wings () from the top front parts of wings () into the spread flying position by tilting the rear of each wing () around a horizontal axis (). The take-off and landing tilting of wings () by an angle of attack alpha=0 to 40° of the wings onset. Front wheels track () is reduced by axially shifting the front wheels () towards the fuselage. Furthermore, a corresponding hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air is described which contains reciprocal transformation mechanisms for transformation from a sterling double or four-track automobile into a sterling aircraft for take-off and landing on the ground or water, and vice versa. 14-. (canceled)5. A hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air comprising a body , cabin , retractable wings , chassis and driving unit with switching of the torque transfer between a propeller situated at the rear of the vehicle and driven wheels , the vehicle containing reciprocal transformation mechanisms for transformation into a sterling double or four-track automobile or into a sterling aircraft for take-off and landing on the ground or water ,{'b': 1', '4, 'where one or two first reciprocal transformation mechanisms for wings retraction and expansion of the wings () from or to a flying position are situated in the middle of the body ();'} {'b': 2', '1, 'each first reciprocal transformation mechanism contains a first actuator and a vertical axis () for refraction and expansion of the wing () by tilting around the vertical axis between a flying position in which the axis of the wing is approximately perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, and a retracted position in which the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027050A1

A flying vehicle navigation system includes a flying vehicle () and a control system () that controls the flight of the flying vehicle. The flying vehicle is configured to be switchable to autonomous driving when the flying vehicle is located in a first takeoff and landing section () set on the ground. After the flying vehicle is switched to autonomous driving, the control system guides the flying vehicle such that the flying vehicle takes off from a first takeoff and landing section, flies in a three-dimensional road as an exclusive track set in the specific region of the air, and lands on a second takeoff and landing section set on the ground. After the flying vehicle is switched to autonomous driving, operations from takeoff from the first takeoff and landing section to landing on the second takeoff and landing section are automatically carried out under control by the control system. 1. A flying vehicle navigation system comprising:a flying vehicle; anda control system configured to control a flight of the flying vehicle,wherein the flying vehicle is configured to be possible to begin the flight by autonomous driving when the flying vehicle is positioned in a first takeoff and landing section,wherein in the flight of the flying vehicle by the autonomous driving, the control system guides the flying vehicle such that the flying vehicle takes off from the first takeoff and landing section, flies in a three-dimensional road that is an exclusive track set in a specific region of the air, and lands on a second takeoff and landing section, andwherein operations of the flying vehicle from the takeoff from the first takeoff and landing section to the landing on the second takeoff and landing section are automatically carried out under a control by the control system.2. The flying vehicle navigation system according to claim 1 , wherein the flying vehicle is configured to specify a three-dimensional position of the flying vehicle claim 1 , and transmit position data ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029431A1

A personal transportation device comprises a frame, a wheel pivotably connected to a frame and switchable between a driving configuration and a flying configuration, a motor to rotate the wheel; and an automatic cruise module. The automatic cruise module is configured to control the wheel and guide the personal transportation device to fly from a first location to a second location according to a designated route as an unmanned aircraft. 1. A personal transportation device , comprising:a frame;a wheel,wherein the wheel is pivotably connected to a frame and switchable between a driving configuration and a flying configuration, and wherein the wheel constitutes a propeller at the flying configuration;a motor to power the propeller to rotate; andan automatic cruise module, wherein the automatic cruise module is configured to control the propeller and guide the personal transportation device to fly from a first location to a second location according to a designated route.2. The personal transportation device of claim 1 , wherein the automatic cruise module includes:a navigation module configured to positioning the designated route between the first location and the second location; anda route calibration module configured to control the propeller to adjust a flying route to be consistent with the designated route.3. The personal transportation device of claim 1 , where the wheel contacts a ground at the driving configuration and the wheel is taken off the ground at the flying configuration.4. The personal transportation device of claim 1 , wherein the wheel includes a lock mechanism to lock the wheel with the frame at the flying configuration or the driving configuration.5. The personal transportation device of claim 1 , wherein the wheel includes an axle claim 1 , a rim and a plurality of spokes connected with the axle and the rim claim 1 , wherein the spokes constitute blades of the propeller claim 1 , each blade rotatable around its blade axis claim 1 , and wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Saucer Car

Номер: US20180037312A1
Автор: Chen Hsiang-Shien

The basic of my invention is to use a more powerful engine then that in current car and to modify its structure and handling. This saucer car can drive in current narrow roadway with the retractable propeller. When obstacle in front, with the new “differential”, it can diverse power vertically, in that way to convert it into a helicopter. In Case the obstacle is a lake or river, the umbrella bottom, acting as propeller too, makes the car floating and sails on water. The propellers are rotated in opposite direction in order to keep car in neutral direction. 1) Differential Converter as in , &2) Propeller Joint as in3) Reverse Umbrella Design of Propeller as in Since mini car is getting much smaller and lighter the engine power requirement is lighting up. The price tag to make a flying car will be more affordable and easier. My idea is using the current manipulation of a car, which ordinary people already know how. When is needed, it can fly from driveway, at allocated shoulder space on the road, at lake shore or sea shore, it can sails as a ship. The followings are in consideration:Sincerely, Hsiang-Shien ChenThe following utility design is to modify the structure and control mechanic of the current car with the combo functions: Drive on land; Fly in air; Sail in water.: is the bird eye view of the saucer car (big circle), folding joint, (small circle). The joint is sandwich or biscuit like structure, in order to enforce the strength of propellers. The folding or unfolding is controlled by window motor in current car.Fig.: is the bird eye view of the saucer car (big circle), wheels (sausage shape), front and back wheels are passive wheels.: demonstrates the differential box to convert the land driving to helicopter driving. The box in the center has locking and unlocking gears wheels, which is controlled by differential stick as shown in . The differential at center bottom is fixed, it is similar to ordinary front wheel drive. The half circle represents the reverse ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Extended duration autonomous craft

Номер: US20190039427A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Autonomous craft capable of extended duration operations as lighter-than-air craft, having the ability to alight on the surface of a body of water and generate hydrogen gas for lift via electrolysis using power derived from a photovoltaic system, as well as methods of launching an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) having a deployable envelope from a surface of a body of water.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039658A1
Принадлежит: AEROMOBIL R&D, S.R.O.

A vehicle having a first configuration for road use and a second configuration for air use, comprising: road wheels; a traction drive propulsion unit for driving road wheels when in contact with the ground; a thrust propulsion unit for driving a propeller to drive the vehicle through the air; and wherein, when the vehicle is configurable into any of: the first configuration, in which the traction drive propulsion unit is engaged to drive the road wheels on the ground, and the thrust propulsion unit is disengaged from the propeller; the second configuration, in which the traction drive propulsion unit is disengaged such that no drive is provided to the road wheels, and the thrust propulsion unit is engaged with the propeller to drive the vehicle thorough the air; or an intermediate configuration in which the traction drive propulsion unit is engaged to drive the road wheels on the ground, and the thrust propulsion unit is engaged with the propeller to drive the vehicle through the air. A method of operating the vehicle comprises: placing the vehicle in the intermediate configuration with the road wheels in contact with the ground; operating the thrust propulsion unit to drive the propeller, and simultaneously operating the traction drive propulsion unit to drive the wheels, so as to accelerate the vehicle to a predetermined airspeed; and disengaging the traction drive propulsion unit such that no drive is provided to the road wheels, and the propeller drives the vehicle thorough the air. 2. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the intermediate configuration claim 1 , the traction drive unit is configured to modulate the power provided to drive the road wheels according to an airspeed of the vehicle.3. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the traction drive propulsion unit comprises an electric motor connected to each driven wheel.4. The vehicle as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising an internal combustion engine connected to the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047342A1
Автор: Dietrich Carl C.

An integrated transportation system with vertical take-off and landing capabilities utilizes multiple common ground, pod, and flight components to facilitate efficient vertiport operations. Automated system operations, enable individuals and cargo routing between destinations in congested urban environments, as well as in remote locations selectively using the integrated ground vehicles and flight vehicles to deliver the payload pod to the destination. 1. An integrated transportation system comprising:a flight vehicle;a payload pod, the payload pod configured to selectively couple to the flight vehicle using a first mating attachment; anda ground vehicle, the payload pod further configured to selectively couple to the ground vehicle using a second mating attachment, the ground vehicle configured to selectively attach or detach the payload pod to or from the flight vehicle when the flight vehicle has landed.2. The integrated transportation system of claim 1 , wherein the payload pod further comprises a. habitable volume for people.3. The integrated transportation system of claim 1 , wherein the payload pod further comprises a volume for transportation of cargo.4. The integrated transportation system of claim 1 , wherein the ground vehicle is adapted to charge an energy storage system in the payload pod.5. The integrated transportation system of wherein the ground vehicle is configured to selectably attach claim 1 , detach claim 1 , or combinations thereof an energy storage system from the flight vehicle.6. The integrated transportation system of wherein the ground vehicle is configured to fuel the flight vehicle.7. The integrated transportation system of claim 1 , wherein the payload pod is adapted to be at least one of charged or fueled directly from an off-board source.8. The integrated transportation system of claim 1 , wherein the ground vehicle comprises a lift mechanism to facilitate docking of the flight vehicle claim 1 , payload pod claim 1 , or ground ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131507A1

A vehicle capable of both aerial and terrestrial locomotion. The terrestrial and aerial vehicle includes a flying device and a rolling cage connected to the flying device by at least one revolute joint. The rolling cage at least partially surrounds the flying device and is free-rolling and not separately powered. 1. A terrestrial and aerial vehicle , comprising a flying device and a rolling cage connected to the flying device by at least one revolute joint.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage extends around at least a portion of the flying device.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the revolute joint comprises a shaft and a bearing.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage surrounds or encloses at least a portion of the flying device.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the flying device comprises a rotor disposed within the rolling cage.6. The vehicle of claim 5 , wherein the rotor propels both aerial and terrestrial locomotion.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the flying device comprises a rotor powered by an actuator motor claim 1 , and a non-powered rolling cage.8. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a controller adapted to receive a wireless control signal.9. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage comprises two opposing hubs and a plurality of rails.10. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of rotors.11. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a surveillance camera mounted on the flying device.12. A terrestrial and aerial vehicle claim 1 , comprising:a flying device including at least one rotor; anda rolling cage connected to the flying device by at least one revolute joint and at least partially enclosing or surrounding the flying device.13. The vehicle of claim 12 , wherein the revolute joint comprises a shaft and a bearing.14. The vehicle of claim 12 , wherein the rotor propels both aerial and terrestrial locomotion.15. The vehicle of claim 12 , wherein the flying device comprises a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056743A1

The present invention relates to a hybrid VTOL jet car comprising a light weight floatable chassis adapted for carrying a payload, a retractable tail section attached to a light weight floatable chassis at rear end adapted for stabilizing the hybrid VTOL jet car, a plurality of wheels at the bottom of the hybrid VTOL jet car, a plurality of retractable wings on the sides of light weight floatable chassis, adapted for maneuvering the hybrid VTOL jet car. Disclosed embodiments further comprising a plurality of thrust-producing engines adapted for generating the thrust required for driving the hybrid VTOL jet car on a surface as well as in the air and a plurality of parachutes attached to the hybrid VTOL jet car to safely land the hybrid VTOL jet car under emergency. 1. A hybrid VTOL jet car , comprising:a) a light weight floatable chassis adapted for carrying a payload from once place to another;b) a plurality of retractable wings;c) a plurality of thrust-producing engines disposed in said chassis;d) a retractable tail section adapted for stabilizing said chassis;e) a plurality of wheels, said plurality of wheels partially covered with a plurality of retractable wheel protectors;f) a thrust vectoring mechanism, said thrust vectoring mechanism further comprises of a plurality of rotatable thrust outlets; andg) an emergency vehicle safe landing mechanism, said emergency vehicle safe landing mechanism further comprises of a plurality of parachutes attached to said chassis adapted for stabilizing said chassis.2. The hybrid VTOL jet car of claim 1 , wherein said emergency vehicle safe landing mechanism further comprises of a plurality of seats and a seat ejection system adapted for ejecting at least one of said plurality of seats during emergency.3. The hybrid VTOL jet car of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of thrust-producing engines can be turbo fan claim 1 , turbo jet claim 1 , turbo shaft or any combination thereof.4. The hybrid VTOL jet car of claim 1 , wherein said ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061457A1

A land-and-air vehicle configured to switch between a first form to be taken during ground traveling and a second form to be taken during flight includes a main body, a main wing unit, an operation unit, and a controller. The controller is configured to control, on the basis of an operation performed on the operation unit by an operator, a behavior of the land-and-air vehicle during the ground traveling and during the flight. The operation unit includes a handle and a step. The handle of the operation unit includes a throttle unit. The controller is configured to control, both during the ground traveling and during the flight, yawing of the land-and-air vehicle in response to an operation performed on the handle, and to control thrust for the land-and-air vehicle during the flight in response to an operation performed on the throttle unit. 1. A land-and-air vehicle configured to switch between a first form to be taken during ground traveling and a second form to be taken during flight , the ground traveling being a state of traveling on a ground and the flight being a state of flying in air , the land-and-air vehicle comprising:a main body including an operator seat for an operator;a main wing unit attached to the main body and including a wing configured to produce lift for the land-and-air vehicle during the flight;an operation unit configured to be operated by the operator; anda controller configured to control, on a basis of an operation performed on the operation unit by the operator, a behavior of the land-and-air vehicle during the ground traveling and during the flight, a handle to be operated by a hand of the operator, and', 'a step to be operated by a foot of the operator,, 'wherein the operation unit includes'}the handle of the operation unit includes a throttle unit, andthe controller is configured to control, both during the ground traveling and during the flight, yawing of the land-and-air vehicle in response to an operation performed on the handle, ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Fly/Drive Vehicle That Is Convertible Between A Road Riding Condition And A Flying Condition

Номер: US20200055358A1

A fly/drive vehicle has a road riding condition and a flying condition, and is easily convertible between the road riding condition and the flying condition. The vehicle includes a body with a passenger compartment and a drive compartment, at least one steered wheel and at least one driven wheel, and a propulsion propeller. The propulsion propeller has a central propeller base projecting outside a longitudinal end of the vehicle, and two propeller blades hinged to the central base. In the flying condition, the propeller blades are in an operative spread-out position, in which they extend substantially in line with each other substantially perpendicular to the propeller's rotation axis. In the road riding condition, the propeller blades are hinged about substantially vertical hinge axes to be directed more parallel to the longitudinal direction. 1. The vehicle according to claim 12 , wherein the the first drive output gear wheel is coupled to the first engine via a first cardan axle claim 12 , and in engagement with a second drive output gear wheel that is coupled to the second engine via a second cardan axle; andwherein, the two cardan axles are oblique at least in the horizontal direction such that, in the direction from the engines to the propeller, their mutual distance reduces.2. The vehicle according to claim 12 , wherein the first drive output gear wheel is coupled to the first engine claim 12 , and in engagement with a second drive output gear wheel that is coupled to the second engine; andwherein the propeller gear wheel, the first drive output gear wheel and the second drive output gear wheel are bevel wheels.3. The vehicle according to claim 12 , wherein the driving mean further comprise a first drive axle that is couple to the first engine claim 12 , and a second drive axle that is coupled to the second engine;wherein the first drive output gear wheel is mounted for free rotation with respect to the first drive axle; andwherein the driving means further ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Suspension system

Номер: US20200055359A1
Принадлежит: Aeromobil R&D sro

A wheel suspension system for mounting a wheel on a vehicle body, such as a flying car, the system comprising: an upright assembly for mounting the wheel; a lower arm assembly comprising: a lower control arm; and a storage arm; a mounting structure connecting the lower arm assembly to the upright assembly; an upper control arm; and an adjustable suspension assembly pivotally connected to the upright assembly or lower control arm assembly and pivotally connected to the body; wherein one end of the lower control arm is pivotally connected to the body, and the other end of the lower control arm is connected to the mounting structure to be pivotable about a first axis; the mounting structure is connected to the upright assembly to be pivotable about a second axis that is substantially perpendicular to the first axis; the storage arm is pivotally connected to the lower control arm at one end, and is moveably connected to the body under control of an actuator at the other end; and the upper control arm having a pivot connection to an upper part of the upright assembly at one and, and a pivot connection to the body at the other end; and wherein the lateral position of the upright assembly with respect to the body is adjustable by movement of the actuator of the storage arm with respect to the body, and the vertical position of the upright assembly with respect to the body is adjustable by operation of the adjustable suspension assembly.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058483A1
Автор: Evulet Andrei

A propulsion system coupled to a vehicle. The system includes a diffusing structure and a conduit portion configured to introduce to the diffusing structure through a passage a primary fluid produced by the vehicle. The passage is defined by a wall, and the diffusing structure comprises a terminal end configured to provide egress from the system for the introduced primary fluid. A constricting element is disposed adjacent the wall. An actuating apparatus is coupled to the constricting element and is configured to urge the constricting element toward the wall, thereby reducing the cross-sectional area of the passage. 1. A propulsion system coupled to a vehicle , the system comprising:a diffusing structure;a conduit portion configured to introduce to the diffusing structure through a first passage a primary fluid produced by the vehicle, the first passage being defined by a first wall, wherein the diffusing structure comprises a terminal end configured to provide egress from the system for the introduced primary fluid;a first constricting element disposed adjacent the first wall; andan actuating apparatus coupled to the first constricting element and configured to urge the first constricting element toward the first wall, thereby reducing the cross-sectional area of the first passage.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the actuating apparatus comprises:a first translating component configured to engage the first constricting element and configured to move translationally; anda first rotational component coupled to the first translating component and configured to move rotationally.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the conduit portion is further configured to introduce the primary fluid to the diffusing structure through a second passage claim 2 , the second passage being defined by a second wall claim 2 ,the system further comprises a second constricting element disposed adjacent the second wall, whereby the actuating apparatus is coupled to the second constricting ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the measurement of contaminants in water

Номер: US20200055577A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention generally relates to the measurement and predictions of conditions and contaminants; chemical, particulate and gaseous in and around water impoundments. More specifically, the invention relates to the use of an autonomous watercraft to analyze the chemical and physical properties of a body of water, such as a pond holding water used in a hydraulic fracturing operation.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Transformation of Motor Transportation Vehicle for Ground and Air Transport, Motor Transportation Vehicle

Номер: US20200055583A1
Автор: Klein Stefan

A system and method for transformation of motor transportation vehicle for ground and air transport, motor transportation vehicle are disclosed. The motor transportation vehicle consists of the body with the cabin, the front and rear axles, an actuation system, wings, covers, and tail including the support and the tail surfaces, and for transformation of the motor transportation vehicle for air transport to the motor transportation vehicle for ground transport the following transformation steps are preformed: minimization of the wings footprint area by turning the wings around their horizontal axes, which axes run through the halves or near the halves of the wing widths; opening two body covers; turning the folded wings into the vertical position; turning the folded wings from the vertical position towards rear position around the horizontal axis perpendicular to the length of the motor transportation vehicle, followed by closing the body covers tilting the support cover/covers out; retracting the support/supports of the tail surfaces under the opened support covers; closing the support cover/covers. 1. A method of transformation of a motor transportation vehicle for ground transport and air transport , wherein the motor transportation vehicle includes a body with a cabin and side pontoons , a front axle and a rear axle , at least one actuation system , wings supplemented with two auxiliary supports upon the entire span , which supports are connected in their upper or their lower parts via a pivotal joint and wherein the wing is divided into two parts approximately in the half of its width , covers , and a tail including supports and tail surfaces , wherein it includes the following transformation steps for transformation of the motor transportation vehicle for air transport to the motor transportation vehicle for ground transport:minimization of the wings footprint areas by turning the wing's rear part together with the flaps and a little wing around the pivotal ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081851A1
Автор: ELREICH Ahmad Abu

Disclosed herein is a schematic of a transportation system for hybrid vehicles, in accordance with some embodiments. Accordingly, the transportation system may include pillars and a raised pathway. Further, the pillars configured to be vertically mounted on the ground. Further, a first pillar of the pillars may include a first lower portion and a first upper portion. Further, a second pillar of the pillars may include a second lower portion and a second upper portion. Further, the raised pathway supported by the pillars. Further, a raised pathway of the raised pathway may include a first end and a second end. Further, the first end may be supported by the first upper portion of the first pillar. Further, the second end may be supported by the second upper portion of the second pillar. Further, the raised pathway may include a raised transportation surface configured to facilitate transportation of a hybrid vehicle. 1. A transportation system for hybrid vehicles , the transportation system comprising:a plurality of pillars configured to be vertically mounted on the ground, wherein a first pillar of the plurality of pillars comprises a first lower portion and a first upper portion, wherein a second pillar of the plurality of pillars comprises a second lower portion and a second upper portion;at least one raised pathway supported by the plurality of pillars, wherein a raised pathway of the at least one raised pathway comprises a first end and a second end, wherein the first end is supported by the first upper portion of the first pillar, wherein the second end is supported by the second upper portion of the second pillar, wherein the at least one raised pathway comprises at least one raised transportation surface configured to facilitate transportation of at least one hybrid vehicle, wherein the at least one hybrid vehicle is configured for flying and moving over the at least one raised transportation surface, wherein the first pillar is further configured to guide an ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068253A1

An aerocar includes a body and a multiple of wings. The multiple of wings can be selectively extendable away from a top portion of the body for a flight mode. The multiple of wings can be selectively retractable toward the top portion of the body for a roadable mode. 120-. (canceled)21. An aerocar comprising:a body; anda multiple of wings, the multiple of wings being selectively extendable away from a top portion of the body for a flight mode and selectively retractable toward the top portion of the body for a roadable mode.22. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein the multiple of wings are stackable.23. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , further including a multiple of wheels claim 21 , wherein at least one of the multiple of wheels is a steerable wheel claim 21 , and wherein at least one of the multiple of wheels is a drive wheel.24. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein each of the multiple of wings defines a span claim 21 , and wherein the span is generally equivalent to a width of the body.25. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein each of the multiple of wings is individually selectively extendable away from the body for the flight mode.26. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein each of the multiple of wings is individually selectively retractable toward the body for the roadable mode.27. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein at least one of the multiple of wings is extended away from the body for the flight mode.28. The aerocar as recited in claim 27 , wherein the at least one of the multiple of wings is morphed from a stowed shape to a deployed shape for the flight mode.29. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein each of the multiple of wings includes an upper surface and a lower surface claim 21 , wherein the upper surface forms a generally fixed shape claim 21 , and wherein the lower surface is selectively morphable between the stowed shape and the deployed shape.30. The aerocar as recited in claim 21 , wherein all ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Flying car

Номер: US20180065435A1
Автор: Akash Girendra Barot
Принадлежит: Individual

A safe, easy to control, efficient, and compact flying car configuration is enabled through the combination of multiple vertical lift rotors, and a thrust propellers which is placed on the center of lower frame of the vehicle. The vertical lift rotors, permits a balancing of the center of lift with the center of gravity for both vertical and horizontal flight whereas the propeller help to steer the vehicle in air. This multiple rotor system has the ability to tolerate a relatively large variation of the payload weight for hover, transition, or cruise flight while also providing vertical thrust redundancy. The passengers are safe inside the vehicle as the rotors and the propeller are surrounded by a thick frame around them. This rotors provide a controlled thrust for a specific lift range.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070438A1
Автор: Hoshide Kaoru
Принадлежит: THK CO., LTD.

A flying robot comprising: a flying body unit; a propulsion portion comprising a plurality of propulsion units configured to cause propulsion to occur by driving rotor blades, the plurality of propulsion units being provided on the flying body unit; a working body unit; a manipulator unit configured to be capable of executing predetermined work and comprising one or more work manipulators provided on the working body unit; and connection units provided on the working body unit and the flying body unit so as to enable the flying body unit to be connected with and disconnected from the working body unit; wherein the flying robot executes the predetermined work by the work manipulators in a state in which the working body unit and the flying body unit are connected at the connection units. The flying robot is caused to execute a wide range of content of work as far as possible. 1. A flying robot comprising:a flying body unit;a propulsion portion comprising a plurality of propulsion units configured to cause propulsion to occur by driving rotor blades, the plurality of propulsion units being provided on the flying body unit;a working body unit;a manipulator unit configured to be capable of executing predetermined work and comprising one or more work manipulators provided on the working body unit; andconnection units provided on the working body unit and the flying body unit so as to enable the flying body unit to be connected with and disconnected from the working body unit; whereinthe flying robot executes the predetermined work by the work manipulators in a state in which the working body unit and the flying body unit are connected at the connection units.2. The flying robot according to claim 1 , whereinthe one or more work manipulators are arm units configured to be capable of grasping a target object; andthe flying robot grasps the target object by the arm units as the predetermined work while flying by the propulsion by the propulsion portion in the state in which ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072755A1

The invention pertains to an automobile and more particularly, to a flying car. A flying car, comprises a body, adapted for carrying the payload from once place to another, a tail attached to body at rear end adapted for stabilizing the vehicle, plurality of wheels at the bottom of car connected to a power transmission system, plurality of foldable wings on the sides of body, adapted for creating the pressure difference and creating lift to the vehicle. Further, plurality of jet engines adapted for driving the jet flying car on surface as well as on air. A gimbaled swivel propulsion (GSP) thrust vector control, to controls the direction of the thrust generated by the engines. And plurality of parachutes attached to the flying jet car to safe land the flying jet car under emergency. 1. Amphibious vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) unmanned device with AI data processing mobile and wearable applications apparatus , same as jet drone , jet flying car , private VTOL jet , personal jet aircraft with GSP VTOL jet engines , and self-jet charged and solar cells powered hybrid super jet electrical car all in one (electricity/fuel) method steps comprising:a modular and expandable waterproof body;a chassis same as aircraft fuselage adapted for carrying the payload from once place to another;an outer body shell comprising one or more pieces;a gimbaled swivel propulsion (GSP) system, the GSP system comprises a plurality of VTOL jet engines and VTOL jet ducted fan propellers associated with the plurality of motors, wherein the jet engines are selected from turbojet, turbofan, and variable pitch tilting jet engines, wherein the jet engines include at least a multi-blade ducted fan;a flight controller, electronic speed controllers, a buzzer, an on screen display telemetry device, a video transmitter, and a radio control receiver, wherein the power distribution board acts as the chassis;an electrical machine comprising a stator electrically connected to the electrical power storage ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Amphibious vertical takeoff and landing unmanned device with artificial intelligence (AI) and method and system for managing a crisis environment and controlling one or more targets

Номер: US20170073070A1
Автор: Xing Zhou Tian

An amphibious vertical takeoff and landing unmanned device with artificial intelligence (AI) system and method for managing a crisis environment and controlling one or more targets through an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The device includes a camera unit and a first plurality of tranquilizer guns. The camera unit captures an image of one or more targets. The first communication unit integrated with the camera unit to receive the image of the target. The GPS unit configured with the first communication unit to track geographical location of the one or more targets, and further tracks the itinerary of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The crisis detection unit to analyze the crisis environment. The first plurality of tranquilizer guns to receive the analyzed data from the crisis detection unit and initiates an action in order to sedate one or more targets. 1. An amphibious vertical takeoff and landing unmanned device with artificial intelligence (AI) for managing a crisis environment and controlling one or more target , the unmanned aerial vehicle comprising:a camera unit to capture an image of one or more target;a first communication unit integrated with the camera unit to receive the image of the target;a GPS unit configured with the first communication unit to track geographical location of the one or more target, and further tracks the itinerary of the unmanned aerial vehicle; a processing unit to control the movement of the unmanned aerial vehicle based on the received geographical location data of the target and itinerary data from the GPS unit;', 'a sensor unit having pre-stored instructions to sense the threat pertaining to the captured one or more target, and further the sensor unit programmed in order to initiate at least one of: a semi-autonomous decision, and an autonomous decision; and', 'a second communication unit to communicate the sensed data received from the sensor unit;, 'a crisis detection unit to analyze the crisis environment, the crisis detection ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070605A1
Автор: PARK Hyung Su

The present invention relates to a vertical take-off and landing method and apparatus for an automobile, capable of vertically taking off and landing an automobile using the exhaust gas generated during operation of an engine in the automobile, which consists of an internal combustion engine. The vertical take-off and landing apparatus S for an automobile includes: a branched pipe connected to an engine of an automobile that consists of a 4-stroke internal combustion engine and enables the exhaust gas generated during operation of the engine to be ventilated to mufflers , each of which is installed at one side of each of four corners of the automobile; the muffler connected to the branched pipe and installed at one side of each of the four corners of the automobile, which has an outlet in a direction of the ground so as to discharge the exhaust gas in the ground direction; plural pressure control means , each of which is provided between the muffler and the branched pipe , so that the exhaust gas discharged to each of the mufflers maintains the same pressure during take-off and landing of the automobile, and enables the pressure of the exhaust gas to be differentially applied at the time of changing directions; and a controller consisting of a vertical take-off and landing lever and a direction-switching lever , which is connected to the pressure control means by signals to control the operation of the pressure control means and, at the same time, is operated only when a gear of the automobile is in the neutral (N) state. 150comprising:{'b': 20', '22', '50', '50', '10', '20, 'a branched pipe () provided with one or more branch duct (), which is connected to the engine () in order to use the exhaust gas generated during operation of the engine () as a power source for taking off and landing the automobile, wherein the exhaust gas is emitted to four mufflers () through the branched pipe (),'}{'b': 10', '20', '22', '20, 'wherein, in order to enable the exhaust gas to ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086450A1
Автор: PARK Young Chan

An amphibious flying vehicle, including a vehicle body; a gas turbine engine installed inside of the vehicle body; a hydrogen ion engine installed at a lower portion of the vehicle body; a pair of magic square permanent magnet sets installed at an upper portion of the vehicle body; a pair of electromagnetic coil guns installed at the lower side of the vehicle body; and a pair of front wheel and rear wheel electromagnetic road wheels fixed at the bottom surface of the vehicle body. 1. An amphibious flying vehicle , comprising:{'b': '100', 'a vehicle body which is formed in a metallic spherical shape;'}{'b': 101', '100', '100, 'a gas turbine engine which is installed inside of the vehicle body and is able to generate a thrust for a forward flying when the vehicle body flies in the midair;'}{'b': 200', '100', '100, 'a hydrogen ion engine which is installed at a lower portion of the vehicle body and is able to gush out plasma at a high speed using an ion beam in order to be an underwater propulsive unit when the vehicle body sails underwater;'}{'b': 300', '300', '100', '100', '100, 'i': a', 'b, 'a pair of magic square permanent magnet sets and which are installed at an upper portion of the vehicle body and are configured to be cooled by a liquid nitrogen and are able to levitate the vehicle body in the midair and rotate the vehicle body ;'}{'b': 400', '400', '100', '100, 'i': a', 'b, 'a pair of electromagnetic coil guns and which are installed at the lower side of the vehicle body and are able to generate a propulsive force using a magnetic force which generates using a reaction occurring when an ionized seawater is passed and emitted to the rear side of the vehicle body ;'}{'b': 500', '500', '100', '100, 'i': a', 'b, 'a pair of front wheel and rear wheel electromagnetic road wheels and which are fixed at the bottom surface of the vehicle body and are used when the vehicle body lands; and'}{'b': 600', '600', '100', '100', '600', '600, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'a pair of ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094374A1

A land-and-air vehicle configured to switch between a ground traveling mode and an aerial flight mode incudes a body, a wing, a wheel, a suspension, and a lock mechanism. The wing is attached to the body. The wheel is provided on a lower side of the body. The suspension is configured to support the body via the wheel on ground, and to contract due to self-weight of the land-and-air vehicle. The lock mechanism is configured to limit expansion of the suspension from a state in which the suspension has contracted due to the self-weight. 1. A land-and-air vehicle configured to switch between a ground traveling mode and an aerial flight mode , the land-and-air vehicle comprising:a body;a wing attached to the body;a wheel provided on a lower side of the body;a suspension configured to support the body via the wheel on ground, and to contract due to self-weight of the land-and-air vehicle; anda lock mechanism configured to limit expansion of the suspension from a state in which the suspension has contracted due to the self-weight.2. The land-and-air vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe suspension is expandable and contractible between a contraction position in the ground traveling mode and an expansion position to which the suspension expands from the contraction position, andthe lock mechanism is configured to lock the suspension in the contraction position.3. The land-and-air vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the lock mechanism is configured tolimit the expansion of the suspension by being put into a lock state before takeoff of the land-and-air vehicle, andallow the expansion of the suspension by being put into an unlock state before landing of the land-and-air vehicle.4. The land-and-air vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the lock mechanism includesa lever member disposed to be operable by an occupant, anda wire configured to limit the expansion of the suspension in conjunction with the lever member, by being subjected to tension in the state in which the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092464A1

Hybrid unmanned vehicles are disclosed. An example vehicle includes a housing and a rollerball rotatably coupled to the housing and a propulsion system supported by the housing. The propulsion system is to generate lift to enable the vehicle to navigate in a first mode of operation. The vehicle includes a rollerball rotatably coupled to the housing. The rollerball to enable the housing to navigate in a second mode of operation different than the first mode of operation. The propulsion system is to generate a drive force to enable the vehicle to navigate in the second mode of operation via the rollerball. 1. A hybrid unmanned vehicle comprising:a housing;a propulsion system supported by the housing, the propulsion system to generate lift to enable the vehicle to navigate in a first mode of operation; anda rollerball rotatably coupled to the housing, the rollerball to enable the housing to navigate in a second mode of operation different than the first mode of operation, the propulsion system to generate a drive force to enable the vehicle to navigate in the second mode of operation via the rollerball.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rollerball rotates freely relative to the housing.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rollerball to be at least partially exposed from a surface of the housing.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rollerball includes a ball rotatably positioned in a carriage claim 1 , the carriage to be removably coupled to the housing.5. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the carriage includes an encoder to track rotational movement of the ball relative to the carriage claim 4 , wherein the encoder is communicatively coupled to a control system of the vehicle.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , further including a controller to maneuver the vehicle in the first mode of operation and the second mode of operation claim 1 , wherein the controller employs the same control law to maneuver the vehicle in the first mode of operation and the second mode of ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Modular and Morphable Air Vehicle

Номер: US20170096221A1
Принадлежит: Piasecki Aircraft Corporation

An unmanned air module includes one or more rotors, engines, a transmission and avionics. Any of several different ground modules may be attached to the air module. The air module may fly with and without the ground module attached. The ground module may be manned. The air module may have two rotors, which may be ducted fans. The air module may include a parachute, an airbag and landing gear. 1. A personal air vehicle apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a. an air module, said air module being unmanned;b. a first rotor and a second rotor operably attached to said air module, said first rotor having a first rotor axis of rotation, said second rotor having a second rotor axis of rotation, said first and second rotor axes of rotation being selectably tiltable about an axis of rotor tilt between a horizontal position and a vertical position;c. a ground module, said ground module and said air module being configured to be selectably attached one to the other, said first and second rotors in combination being configured to support said ground module and said air module in a flight when said ground module and said air module are attached, said first and second rotors in combination being configured to support said air module in said flight when said ground module and said air module are not attached;d. a first circular duct surrounding a periphery of said first rotor;e. a second circular duct surrounding said periphery of said second rotor, said first rotor in combination with said first circular duct defining a first ducted fan, said second rotor in combination with said second circular duct defining a second ducted fan, said first circular duct and said second circular duct defining a first and a second circular wing, said first and said second circular wings providing a lift to said air module when said air module is flying and said first and second rotor axes of rotation are in said horizontal position;f. a control system, said control system being configured to detect ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094638A1
Принадлежит: AEROMOBIL R&D, S.R.O.

A vehicle having a first configuration for road use and a second configuration for air use, comprises road wheels; a first steering control input, such as a steering wheel, for directional control of road wheels when in contact with the ground; a traction drive propulsion unit for driving road wheels when in contact with the ground, for example an electric motor connected to each driven wheel; a traction drive power control input, such as a throttle pedal; a second steering control input, such as rudder pedals, for operation of control surfaces for the aerodynamic directional control of the vehicle; an aerodynamic thrust propulsion unit for driving the vehicle through the air, such as a motor connected to a propeller mounted on the vehicle; and a thrust power control input, such as a throttle lever; and optionally a road wheel brake control input, such as a brake pedal; wherein, when the vehicle is in the second configuration and the wheels are in contact with the ground, the thrust power control input is operable to control power to the aerodynamic thrust propulsion unit and to the traction drive propulsion unit to accelerate the vehicle; and both the first steering control input and the second steering control input are operable to control the direction of travel of the vehicle. 1. A vehicle having a first configuration for road use and a second configuration for air use , comprising:road wheels;a first steering control input for directional control of road wheels when in contact with the ground;a traction drive propulsion unit for driving road wheels when in contact with the ground;a traction drive power control input;a second steering control input for operation of control surfaces for the aerodynamic directional control of the vehicle; andan aerodynamic thrust propulsion unit for driving the vehicle through the air; anda thrust power control input;wherein, when the vehicle is in the second configuration and the wheels are in contact with the ground, the thrust ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094953A1
Автор: Kondo Toyoshi

Provided is a floating type moving apparatus capable of safely moving while floating from the ground. A floating type moving apparatus includes: six or more impellers provided below an operator cab, for blasting, downward in a z direction, air taken in from the air intake space between the impellers and the operator cab; six or more motors for driving the six or more impellers; and an electricity storage unit for supplying power to the six or more motors. The floating type moving apparatus is allowed to float from the ground by the air blasted from some or all of the six or more impellers, and the six or more impellers are arranged on the circumference of a circle with the center passing through an axis parallel to the z direction. 1. A floating type moving apparatus comprising:first to sixth impellers provided below an operator cab, the first to sixth impellers configured to blast, downward in a vertical direction, air taken in from an air intake space between the impellers and the operator cab;first to sixth motors configured to drive the first to sixth impellers; andan electric storage unit configured to supply power to the first to sixth motors,wherein the floating type moving apparatus is configured to be allowed to float from ground by air blasted from some or all of the first to sixth impellers, andthe first to six impellers are arranged on a circumference of a circle with a center passing through an axis parallel to the vertical direction,the floating type moving apparatus further comprising:three or more wheels;a first actuator configured to control an orientation of a circular surface of one of the three or more wheels and an orientation of a blowing surface of the first impeller such that the circular surface and the blowing surface are oriented in a horizontal direction or downward in the vertical direction; anda transmission unit,wherein in a case where the circular surface is oriented in the horizontal direction, power is transmitted from the first ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Convertible Aircraft

Номер: US20170113797A1
Автор: Hogan Richard

An aircraft includes a fuselage, a pair of wings and landing gear which is movable between two operative positions. In a first position of the landing gear, the center of gravity of the aircraft is in a rearward, elevated position and in a second position of the landing gear, the center of gravity of the aircraft is in a forward, lowered position. The landing gear includes a front section and a rear section. The rear section is pivotably mounted to the fuselage for movement between a lowered, forward position when the landing gear is in the first position and a raised. rearward position when the landing gear is in the second position. The front section of the landing gear is axially extendible between a lowered position when the landing gear is in the first position and a raised position when the landing gear is in the second position. 1. An aircraft , comprising a fuselage , a pair of wings and landing gear , wherein the wings are movable between an operative position in which the wings extend outwardly from the fuselage and an inoperative position in which the wings are in a folded position and at least a portion of each wing is located above the fuselage.2. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein when the wings are in the inoperative position the portions of the wings located above the fuselage vertically overlap each other.3. An aircraft claim 1 , comprising a fuselage claim 1 , a pair of wings and landing gear claim 1 , wherein the landing gear is movable between at least two different operative positions claim 1 , wherein in a first operating position of the landing gear the center of gravity of the aircraft is in a first relatively rearward and elevated position and in a second operating position of the landing gear the center of gravity of the aircraft is in a second relatively forward and lowered position.4. The aircraft of wherein the landing gear includes a front section and a rear section claim 3 , wherein at least the rear section is pivotably mounted to the ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicle

Номер: US20160121673A1
Автор: Donald Bolden Hutson
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Unmanned aerial vehicles and methods for providing the same are disclosed. The unmanned aerial vehicles may have various configurations related to a support frame. The unmanned aerial vehicles may have various configurations with a continuous track for ground propulsion. The unmanned aerial vehicles may have various configurations related to payload clamps.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122015A1
Автор: Hutson Donald Bolden

Unmanned aerial vehicles and methods for providing the same are disclosed. The unmanned aerial vehicles may have various configurations related to a support frame. The unmanned aerial vehicles may have various configurations with a continuous track for ground propulsion. The unmanned aerial vehicles may have various configurations related to payload clamps. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle comprising:a frame portion comprising a first assembly, a second assembly, and a third assembly;two or more air propulsion devices arranged on the first assembly, the air propulsion devices configured to propel the frame portion through the air; andone or more ground propulsion devices configured to propel the frame portion along the ground;wherein the third assembly is disposed between the first assembly and the second assembly; andwherein the third assembly is coupled to the first assembly at a location of the first assembly between two of the air propulsion devices on the first assembly.2. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 ,wherein the third assembly is substantially perpendicular to the first assembly and the second assembly; andwherein the first assembly and the second assembly are substantially parallel to one another.3. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 ,wherein at least one of the one or more ground propulsion devices is coupled to the first assembly; andwherein at least one of the one or more ground propulsion devices is coupled to the second assembly.4. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 3 , further comprising:two or more further air propulsion devices arranged on the second assembly; andthe third assembly is coupled to the second assembly at a location between two of the further air propulsion devices.5. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 3 ,wherein the first assembly has at least one annular shape and wherein the two or more air propulsion devices are disposed in at least one opening in the at least one annular shape of the first assembly; andwherein the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Capable of Multiple Varieties of Locomotion

Номер: US20180117981A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A vehicle capable of multiple varieties of locomotion having a main body; a plurality of motors and blades providing flying capability; each motor being associated with and powering a blade assembly; two legs extending from opposing sides of the main body creating a ground propulsion system. The ground propulsion system having two legs; each leg connected to a track body at the opposing leg end; each track body comprised of a plurality of drive gears; each track body connected to and retaining a track providing ground propulsion. The vehicle can either drive or fly based on its base structure, in additional to carrying a payload. The payload is carried below the main body of the vehicle and between the tracks or running gear. When the vehicle is in flight, the tracks are able to rotate up into a fly/flight mode to protect the blades during flight.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120077A1
Автор: Kempshall Scott R.

A convertible ducted fan engine having a shroud, a drive shaft connected to a mechanical fan, and a rotational drive motor configured to rotate the mechanical fan. An embodiment includes a linear drive motor configured to translate the drive shaft and mechanical fan in a direction parallel to a longitudinal axis of the shroud. The convertible ducted fan engine includes a fluid-propulsion configuration in which the mechanical fan rotates freely with respect to the shroud to produce thrust through fluid flow, and a drive-wheel configuration in which the shroud rotates about the rotational axis. 1. A ducted fan engine , comprising:a drive shaft and a translation collar, wherein the drive shaft is configured to translate in a direction parallel to a longitudinal axis of the translation collar;a mechanical fan interconnected with the drive shaft, such that movement of the drive shaft in an axial direction causes movement of the mechanical fan in the axial direction, the mechanical fan having a plurality of blades concentrically arranged about a rotational axis, the mechanical fan configured to rotate about the rotational axis;a shroud interconnected with the translation collar;a fluid-propulsion configuration in which the mechanical fan rotates freely with respect to the shroud to produce thrust through fluid flow; anda drive-wheel configuration in which at least one of the blades in the plurality of blades is incapable of rotating with respect to the shroud, thereby causing concurrent rotation of the shroud and mechanical fan when the mechanical fan rotates about the rotational axis.2. The ducted fan engine of claim 1 , wherein drive-wheel configuration includes at least one of the blades in the plurality of blades is in contact with the shroud.3. The ducted fan engine of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades is concentrically arranged about the drive shaft claim 1 , such that the drive shaft is axially aligned with the rotational axis claim 1 , and the translation ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Safe Autonomous Light Aircraft

Номер: US20190121371A1
Автор: Russell David Wayne
Принадлежит: USDrobotics Inc.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles also known as UAVs or Drones, either autonomous or remotely piloted, are classified as drones by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as weighing under 212 pounds. The system described herein details Autonomous Flight Vehicles (AFV) which weigh over 212 pounds but less than 1,320 pounds which may require either a new classification or a classification such as Sport Light Aircraft, but without the requirement of a pilot due to the safe autonomous flight system such as the Safe Temporal Vector Integration Engine or STeVIE. Safe Autonomous Light Aircraft (SALA) are useful as drone carriers, large scale air package or cargo transport, and even human transport depending on the total lift capability of the platform. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of operating an autonomous aerial vehicle comprising:flying an autonomous aerial vehicle to a street intersection having at least one traffic signal;controlling the traffic signal to halt surface vehicle traffic at the intersection; andlanding the autonomous aerial vehicle at the intersection.22. The method according to claim 21 , further comprising carrying cargo with the autonomous aerial vehicle.23. The method according to claim 21 , further comprising carrying one or more humans with the autonomous aerial vehicle.24. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the autonomous aerial vehicle comprises a propulsion system and a motion control system.25. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the autonomous aerial vehicle weighs over 212 pounds and less than 1320 pounds.261. The method according to claim claim 21 , further comprising driving the autonomous aerial vehicle on a surface road after said landing.27. The method according to claim 26 , wherein the autonomous aerial vehicle comprises a fan propulsion system and further comprising using propulsion system covers as wheels for the autonomous aerial vehicle.28. The method according to claim 26 , wherein surface drive wheels provide motive ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Unmanned air-ground vehicle

Номер: US20160130000A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An unmanned air-ground vehicle is provided. The unmanned air-ground vehicle includes a frame having a center portion connecting two substantially parallel transversely spaced apart track supports. Tracks that generally form loops are disposed about the track supports. Track drive motors are connected to the frame and configured to propel the tracks about the track supports. A plurality of propellers, each having propeller drive motors, are attached to the frame and disposed within the loops formed by the tracks. The tracks are configured to propel the vehicle in a ground mode while the propellers are configured to propel the vehicle in a flying mode.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Flying and walking drone

Номер: US20180127091A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present application discloses an apparatus capable of walking and flight. This apparatus includes a central section supported by a plurality of limbs, wherein a distal end of each of the plurality of limbs defines a contact surface. These limbs are configured to generate a walking-type motion in which the contact surfaces of the limbs cooperate with an environmental surface in a manner sufficient to propel the central section relative the environmental surface. The apparatus further includes a motor operably coupled to at least one limb of the plurality of limbs, wherein the motor is drivingly coupled to a propeller, and wherein the motor and propeller are configured to propel the central section in flight.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127092A1

The present application discloses an apparatus capable of walking and flight. This apparatus includes a central section supported by a plurality of limbs, wherein a distal end of each of the plurality of limbs defines a contact surface. These limbs are configured to generate a walking-type motion in which the contact surfaces of the limbs cooperate with an environmental surface in a manner sufficient to propel the central section relative the environmental surface. The apparatus further includes a motor operably coupled to at least one limb of the plurality of limbs, wherein the motor is drivingly coupled to a propeller, and wherein the motor and propeller are configured to propel the central section in flight. 1. An apparatus capable of walking and flight , comprising:a central section supported by a plurality of limbs, wherein a contact surface is located near a distal end of each of the plurality of limbs;wherein the limbs are configured to generate a walking-type motion in which the contact surfaces cooperate with an environmental surface in a manner sufficient to propel the central section along the environmental surface; anda motor operably coupled to at least one limb of the plurality of limbs, wherein the motor is drivingly coupled to a propeller, and wherein the motor and propeller are configured to propel the central section in flight.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the propeller is located near a distal end of the limb claim 1 , and wherein a central hub of the propeller defines the contact surface.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a joint operably coupled to the limb claim 2 , wherein the joint is configured to transition the propeller approximately 180 degrees between a walking configuration in which the central hub of the propeller points substantially downward to a flying configuration in which the central hub of the propeller points substantially upward.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the propeller further comprises a ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136840A1

A MEUV that is able to navigate aerial, aquatic, and terrestrial environments through the use of different mission mobility attachments is disclosed. The attachments allow the MEUV to be deployed from the air or through the water prior to any terrestrial navigation. The mobility attachments can be removed or detached by and from the vehicle during a mission. 1. A multiple environment unmanned vehicle , comprising:a central platform comprising a control unit, drive system, power supply and a payload; andtwo or more mobility attachments attached to the central platform;wherein the two or more mobility attachments are selected from a group consisting of an aerial configuration kit, an aquatic configuration kit and a land configuration kit; andwherein at least one of the two or more mobility attachments cover at least one other of the two or more mobility attachments and is separable from the one other of the two or more mobility attachments by a separation system.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one of the two or more mobility attachments covering the at least one other of the two or more mobility attachments is the aerial configuration kit.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the separation system is selected from a group consisting of a mechanical release system claim 1 , a gas release system claim 1 , an explosive system claim 1 , an airbag system and a dissolved materials system.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the aquatic configuration kit comprises one or more propulsion planes.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the land configuration kit comprises one or more wheels.6. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the at least one of the two or more mobility attachments when covering the at least one other of the two or more mobility attachments configures the multiple environment unmanned vehicle into a delta wing configuration.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the payload is selected from a group consisting of a camera claim 1 , sensor claim 1 , ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147429A1
Автор: KIM Kyung Wha, WON Gi Yeon

The present invention relates to a fire extinguishing firefighting drone which, in case of a fire in a house, a structure, a building, or the like, can be rapidly introduced and extinguish a fire in an early stage of the fire, and can be remotely operated in an unmanned manner through connection with a central control system. The fire extinguishing firefighting drone includes a flight unit configured to include propeller units, a disaster prevention turret unit configured to spray a fire-extinguishing chemical, a plurality of movement units configured to move a body unit, and a disaster prevention means unit configured to be provided with items adapted to spray a fire-extinguishing chemical, to launch a fire-extinguishing bomb, or to save lives. 1. A fire extinguishing firefighting drone which is flown and controlled in an unmanned manner , the drone comprising:{'b': 102', '10', '12, 'a body unit () configured to include an upper body () and side bodies () which have a “∩” shape;'}{'b': 104', '102', '105, 'a flight unit () configured to be installed on the body unit (), and to have propeller units () so as to enable flight;'}{'b': 106', '104, 'a disaster prevention turret unit () configured to be installed on the flight unit (), and to detect status of a fire and spray a fire-extinguishing chemical;'}{'b': 108', '102', '102, 'a plurality of movement units () configured to be installed beneath the body unit (), and to move the body unit (); and'}{'b': '110', 'a disaster prevention means unit () configured to be provided with items adapted to spray a fire-extinguishing chemical, to launch a fire-extinguishing bomb, or to save lives depending on the status of the fire;'}{'b': '102', 'wherein the body unit () includes{'b': 16', '10', '30', '20', '16', '14', '12', '32', '20', '112', '20, 'a battery accommodation part () configured to supply power to a lower portion of the upper body (); and a lower body () configured such that a CPU accommodation part () is formed ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140081A1
Автор: Levy Moshe

A universal aerial platform () supports lift elements (), thrusters (), landing gear () and a fuel supply () and has a coupling mechanism () external to the aerial platform for coupling to a terrain vehicle () so as to convert any suitably adapted terrain vehicle to a flying vehicle (). The terrain vehicle forms the cockpit of the flying vehicle. The terrain vehicle () includes flight controls that are automatically coupled to the airplane structure either wirelessly or by wires when the terrain vehicle is coupled thereto. 118-. (canceled)19. An aerial platform comprising a structure that supports lift elements , thrusters , landing gear and a fuel supply and has a coupling mechanism external to said structure adapted for coupling to a suitably adapted terrain vehicle so as to convert the terrain vehicle to a flying vehicle;the aerial platform has a wingspan whose height from the ground provides sufficient clearance for accommodating terrain vehicles of different heights,the coupling mechanism is adapted to engage one or more connectors supported directly or indirectly by a chassis of the terrain vehicle,the coupling mechanism is capable of engaging the connectors regardless of the height of the terrain vehicle and of supporting the terrain vehicle off the ground after engagement.20. The aerial platform according to claim 19 , wherein the coupling mechanism is capable of being lowered and raised in order to facilitate engagement with the connectors regardless of the height of the terrain vehicle and to lift the terrain vehicle off the ground after engagement.21. The aerial platform according to claim 19 , further including adjustable legs that serve as landing gear and each of which comprises at least two telescopic elements that can be extended between a collapsed position and an extended position.22. The aerial platform according to claim 21 , wherein height adjustment of the adjustable legs serves to lower and raise the coupling mechanism in order to facilitate ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180654A1

A transmission includes a first component and a second component which are journaled for rotation relative to each other, and a locking mechanism for rotationally locking the first component and the second component relative to each other in a predetermined mutual rotation position. The locking mechanism includes a sleeve and a dog clutch, the sleeve being rotationally locked relative to the first component and the dog clutch being rotationally locked relative to the second component, the sleeve and the dog clutch being axially displaceable relative to each other for engagement of the sleeve and the dog clutch such that the first component and the second component are rotationally locked relative to each other, the sleeve and the dog clutch being engageable only in a mutual rotation position corresponding to the predetermined mutual rotation position of the first component and the second component. 1. A transmission comprising a first component and a second component which are journaled for rotation relative to each other , and a locking mechanism for rotationally locking the first component and the second component relative to each other in a predetermined mutual rotation position , wherein the locking mechanism comprises a sleeve and a dog clutch , the sleeve being rotationally locked relative to the first component and the dog clutch being rotationally locked relative to the second component , the sleeve and the dog clutch being axially displaceable relative to each other for engagement of the sleeve and the dog clutch such that the first component and the second component are rotationally locked relative to each other , the sleeve and the dog clutch being engageable only in a mutual rotation position corresponding to the predetermined mutual rotation position of the first component and the second component.2. A transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission has a first locking part and a second locking part claim 1 , the first locking part and the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167781A1

A combined submersible vessel and unmanned aerial vehicle preferably includes a body structure, at least one wing structure, at least one vertical stabilizer structure, and at least one horizontal stabilizer structure. A propulsion system is coupled to the body structure and is configured to propel the flying submarine in both airborne flight and underwater operation. Preferably, the propulsion system includes a motor, a gearbox coupled to the motor and configured to receive power generated by the motor and provide variable output power, a drive shaft coupled to the gearbox and configured to transfer the variable output power provided by the gearbox, and a propeller coupled to the drive shaft and configured to accept power transferred to it from the drive shaft. The propeller is further configured to rotate and propel the flying submarine in both an airborne environment and in an underwater environment. 1a body structure;at least one wing structure coupled to the body structure;at least one horizontal stabilizer structure coupled to the body structure; and a motor;', 'a gearbox coupled to the motor and configured to receive power generated by the motor and provide variable output power;', 'a drive shaft coupled to the gearbox and configured to transfer the variable output power provided by the gearbox, and', 'a propeller coupled to the drive shaft and configured to accept power transferred to it from the drive shaft, and further configured to rotate and propel the flying submarine in both an airborne environment and in an underwater environment., 'a propulsion system coupled to the body structure and configured to propel the flying submarine in both airborne flight and underwater operation, wherein the propulsion system includes. A flying submarine, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/765,144, filed Feb. 12, 2013, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/494,529, filed Jun. 12, 2012 (now ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Kit System For Producing A Roadable Aircraft

Номер: US20190160901A1

A roadable aircraft includes an automobile; a retractable wing arrangement secured to the automobile that is movable between an extended flight configuration and a retracted non-flight configuration; an engine and propeller assembly secured to the automobile; and a tail arrangement secured to the automobile that is movable between an extended flight position and a retracted non-flight position. The retractable wing arrangement, the engine and propeller assembly and the tail arrangement comprise components of a kit that may include a frame configured to secure the components of the kit to the automobile. The frame may include an upper frame member to which the engine and propeller assembly is secured, and a pair of side frame members that extend downwardly from opposite ends defined by the upper frame member and that are configured to be engaged with a frame of the automobile. 1. An aircraft , comprising:an automobile including an interior passenger area; anda retractable wing arrangement secured to the automobile, wherein the retractable wing arrangement is movable between an extended flight configuration and a retracted non-flight configuration;an engine and propeller assembly secured to the automobile; anda tail arrangement secured to the automobile, wherein the tail arrangement is movable between an extended flight position and a retracted non-flight position.2. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the retractable wing arrangement claim 1 , the engine and propeller assembly and the tail arrangement comprise components of a kit.3. The aircraft of claim 2 , wherein the kit further includes a frame configured to secure the components of the kit to the automobile.4. The aircraft of claim 3 , wherein the frame includes an upper frame member to which the engine and propeller assembly is secured claim 3 , and a pair of side frame members that extend downwardly from opposite ends defined by the upper frame member and that are configured to be engaged with a frame of the ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Bimodal emergency response robots

Номер: US20190161184A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A bimodal robot operable in a ground mode and a flight mode, the bimodal robot including: a frame; a ground unit including a plurality of wheels located on a lower portion of the frame and one or more arms mounted on the frame; a flight unit including a plurality of flight motors and propellers attached thereto, the flight unit located on an upper portion of the frame; a master controller in wireless communication with a remote, the master controller in communication with a ground unit slave controller for controlling the plurality of wheels during operation of the bimodal robot in a ground mode and one or more arms of the ground unit and a flight unit slave controller for controlling the plurality of flight motors during operation of the bimodal robot in a flight mode.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Triphibian Vehicle

Номер: US20210197636A1

The present invention discloses a vertical take-off and landing triphibian flight vehicle, which can travel in land, water and air. The triphibian vehicle is based on the structure of an ordinary electric automobile. Its airscrew module is stored in the front and rear spaces of the triphibian vehicle body. The triphibian vehicle has land mode, air mode, water mode. These three modes are achieved by the positional changes of the airscrew module. The triphibian vehicle does not require the runway, which can take off and landing vertically. Its self-powered power supply provides the unlimited power to the triphibian vehicle itself, eliminating the need for charging, and no mileage restrictions. 1. A triphibian vehicle may travel in land , sea and air , comprising a vehicle body , a self-powered power supply and an airscrew module , characterized in that the triphibian vehicle is based on an electric vehicle structure and has three modes of transport , 1) land mode , the vehicle driven by the motor , (2) air mode , the airscrew module can be moved out of cabin of the triphibian vehicle to provide an up force; 3) water mode , the airscrew module can be moved out of the cabin of the triphibian vehicle to provide horizontal forward power ,2. The invention discloses a method for converting the triphibian hybrid transportation tool between water mode , land mode and air mode in traveling , the method comprises the following steps of interchange conversion: 1) a land mode in which the triphibian vehicle is driven by an electric motor , and the first and second airscrew modules are stored in the first and second cabins of the triphibian vehicle , so as not to affect the vehicle traveling in the land and the structure of the vehicle; 2) converting land mode to air mode: opening the cabin hatch , the module control system as a propeller drives the retractable shaft and the extension arm to move or raise the first and second airscrew modules outside of the cabins to obtain the up ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Shape morphing fuselage for an aerocar

Номер: US20160176256A1

A shape morphing fuselage and method of transitioning an aerocar from a land mode to a flight mode are disclosed. The fuselage includes a plurality of flexible frame members and tensile skin extending between the plurality of flexible frame members as well as an actuation system configured to bend the plurality of flexible frame members between a contracted configuration associated with a flight mode and an expanded configuration associated with a land mode. The fuselage can also include a hatch pivotable about an axis of one of the flexible frame members in the expanded configuration and configured to open for deployment and retraction of wings for the aerocar.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Battery operated flying car with enclosed motors for human transportation

Номер: US20200164705A1

“Battery operated flying car with enclosed motors for human transportation” is machine that can carry humans and looks like a real flying car. The current problem with implementing this is resolved by using ducted motors with grilles around it. By covering top and bottom of car with grilles we are able to negate effect of completely covered motors. By providing grilles around motors we ensure safety of humans around it, this not only avoids direct contact but also provides continuous air flow into motors to push out from the other side. Loss of efficiency due to covered grilles are countered by use of two additional front and two rear motors. Vertically mounted front motors push air into bottom motors which significantly improves the lift capacity of the flying car. Vertically mounted rear motor pumps air out of the car and thus aids in forward movement of the flying car. 1(c) enclosing the motors and propellers within safety cages to allow the flow of air in and out of the motors but at the same time reduce human injury from exposed propellers(d) compensating for loss of air intake by providing front and rear motors also enclosed in cages or covered grilles(e) flying car that looks like a car and not like a drone or a helicopter(f) covered bottom motors with grilles for lift and descent of the flying car(g) covered vertical front motors with grilles to pull air into the flying car to compensate for the partly covered bottom motor(h) partly covered vertical rear motors with grilles for backward and forward movement of the car.. A battery operated flying car with enclosed motors for human transportation that is safe for the passengers and people around the car comprising: Example embodiments in general relate to flying cars and more specifically it relates to a battery operated flying car with enclosed motors for human transportation. There are many battery powered flying machines currently being worked on but all of them suffer from the below problems:(a) Too many ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164978A1

A rotorcraft-convertible motorcar includes a passenger cabin with at least one seat, a pair of front wheels, a central rear wheel, and two pairs of left and right supporting arms located on opposed sides of the passenger cabin, each supporting arm carrying a respective rotor assembly. The supporting arms are pivotally connected to the passenger cabin so that the rotorcraft-convertible car is convertible between an on-road configuration, where the supporting arms with the rotor assemblies are arranged inside a lateral overall size of the passenger cabin, and a flight configuration, where the supporting arms with the rotor assemblies are arranged at least partially outside the overall lateral size of the passenger cabin. The supporting arms and the rotor assemblies are configured so that in the on-road configuration the rotor assemblies are accommodated underneath the passenger cabin, on opposed sides of the central rear wheel. 1. A rotorcraft-convertible motorcar comprising:a passenger cabin comprising at least one seat,a front wheel assembly with a left front wheel and a right front wheel, and a rear wheel assembly, andat least one pair of left and right supporting arms located on opposed sides of the passenger cabin with respect to a central longitudinal plane of the passenger cabin, each supporting arm carrying a respective rotor assembly having at least one rotor,wherein each rotor comprises a rotor hub and a plurality of deployable rotor blades connected to the rotor hub,wherein the left and right supporting arms are pivotally connected to the passenger cabin so that the rotorcraft-convertible motorcar is convertible between an on-road configuration, where the left and right supporting arms with the rotor assemblies are arranged inside a lateral overall size of the passenger cabin, and a flight configuration, where the left and right supporting arms with the rotor assemblies are arranged at least partially outside the overall lateral size of the passenger cabin, ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150191246A1
Принадлежит: Illinois Institute of Technology

A vehicle capable of both aerial and terrestrial locomotion. The terrestrial and aerial vehicle includes a flying device and a rolling cage connected to the flying device by at least one revolute joint. The rolling cage at least partially surrounds the flying device and is free-rolling and not separately powered. 1. A terrestrial and aerial vehicle , comprising:a rotorcraft including a rotor powered by an actuator motor; anda non-actuated rolling cage connected to the rotorcraft by at least one revolute joint.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage extends around at least a portion of the rotorcraft.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the revolute joint comprises a shaft and a bearing.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage surrounds or encloses at least a portion of the rotorcraft.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rotor is disposed within the rolling cage.6. The vehicle of claim 5 , wherein the rotor propels both aerial and terrestrial surface locomotion.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage is a non-powered rolling cage.8. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a controller adapted to receive a wireless control signal.9. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the rolling cage comprises two opposing hubs and a plurality of rails.10. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of rotors.11. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a surveillance camera mounted on the flying device rotorcraft.12. A terrestrial and aerial vehicle claim 1 , comprising:a copter including at least one actuated rotor; anda non-actuated rolling cage connected to the copter by at least one revolute joint and at least partially enclosing or surrounding the copter.13. The vehicle of claim 12 , wherein the revolute joint comprises a shaft and a bearing.14. The vehicle of claim 12 , wherein the rotor propels both aerial and terrestrial locomotion.15. The vehicle of claim 12 , wherein the at least one rotor comprises a plurality of ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183093A1
Автор: Bialek Jason

A vehicle for providing one or more people air and ground transportation includes a body, a wing, and a coupler that attaches the wing to the body. The body is configured to carry one or more people. The wing is moveable from a first position (ground mode) in which the wing does not generate lift as the body moves through the air, to a second position (flight mode) in which the wing does generate lift as the body moves through the air. The coupler is configured to hold the wing in the first and second positions, and to hold the wing as the wing moves from the first position to the second position, during which the wing rotates about a longitudinal axis. Some embodiments of the vehicle successfully combine aircraft design features with three-wheeled motorcycle design features to create an aesthetically pleasing vehicle that can be driven from an origin on the ground to a safe location for a conventional takeoff, and transitioned, in minimal time, from a road vehicle to an aircraft with safe, conventional controls that provide good handling characteristics on par or better than general aviation aircraft on the market today. 1. A vehicle for providing one or more people air and ground transportation , the vehicle comprising:a body configured to carry one or more persons while the vehicle flies through air or travels on the ground;a wing coupled to the body and moveable from a first position in which the wing does not generate lift as the body moves through air, to a second position in which the wing generates lift as the body moves through air; anda coupler configured to attach the wing to the body and to hold the wing in the first position and in the second position, and operable to hold the wing as the wing moves from the first position to the second position, wherein as the wing moves from the first position toward the second position the wing rotates about a longitudinal axis.2. The vehicle of wherein the body is configured to carry two persons claim 1 , one ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172234A1
Автор: Neff William J.

A propulsion system for an aerial vehicle or toy aerial vehicle is disclosed. The system comprises a ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system for driving the vehicle along ground, the ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system operating in a plane and having a peripheral ground-engagement part or hubless wheel. The system further comprises a ducted fan or shrouded propeller comprising one or more blades rotatable about a ducted fan or shrouded propeller axis for producing thrust, wherein the ducted fan or shrouded propeller is mounted as such that it may tilt or rotate so that during ground travel it may be in the same plane as the hubless wheel and during operation of the ducted fan or shrouded propeller for flight the blades pass through the plane and inside the hubless wheel. In this way, the ducted fan or shrouded propeller blades of the drive system are protected from blade strikes on obstacles and personnel operating around the ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system are protected from harm from exposed rotors or blades with no duct or shroud surrounding them. 1. A propulsion system for an aerial vehicle or toy aerial vehicle comprising a ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system for driving the vehicle along ground , the ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system operating in a plane and having a peripheral ground-engagement part , as typified as a hubless wheel and a rotatable tire component , wherein the ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system comprises one or more blades or propellers rotatable about a rotor axis for producing thrust , wherein the ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system and the blades or propellers are positioned relative to each other so that during rotation of the ducted fan or shrouded propeller , the blades or propeller pass through the plane of the ducted fan or shrouded propeller drive system , inside the peripheral ground-engagement part.2. The propulsion system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197714A1

Disclosed is a drone capable of operating in an aqueous environment. The drone may include a buoyant structure configured to provide buoyancy. Further, the drone may include one or more propulsion units configured to propel the drone. Furthermore, the drone may include an upper camera disposed on an upper side of the drone. Additionally, the drone may include a lower camera disposed on a lower side of the drone. Further, each of the upper camera and the lower camera may be configured to capture images. Furthermore, one or more legs configured to enable the drone to stand on a solid surface. Additionally, the drone may include one or more leg-actuators coupled to the one or more legs. Further, the one or more leg-actuators may be configured to change a state of the one or more legs to one of an extended state and a retracted state. 1. A drone capable of operating in an aqueous environment , the drone comprising:a buoyant structure configured to provide buoyancy for the drone in water;at least one propulsion unit configured to propel the drone;an upper camera configured to capture images, wherein the upper camera is disposed on an upper side of the drone;a lower camera configured to capture images, wherein the lower camera is disposed on a lower side of the drone;at least one leg configured to enable the drone to stand on a solid surface; andat least one leg-actuator coupled to the at least one leg, wherein the at least one leg-actuator is configured to change a state of the at least one leg to one of an extended state and a retracted state.2. The drone of claim 1 , wherein an optical axis of the upper camera is coincident with an optical axis of the lower camera.3. The drone of claim 1 , wherein each of the upper camera and the lower camera is configured to capture images simultaneously.4. The drone of claim 1 , wherein the buoyant structure comprises a spherical enclosure configured to enclose each of the upper camera and the lower camera.5. The drone of claim 1 , ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140291440A1
Принадлежит: Pal-V Europe, N.V.

The present invention discloses a vehicle () capable of being converted between a flying condition and an automotive riding condition. The vehicle has a telescopically extendable tail () comprising a first tubular tail segment () and a second tail segment () disposed axially slideable within the first tubular tail segment. The tail is provided with at least two form-closing coupling members () located at an axial distance (LI) from each other for providing a force-transferring coupling between the second tail segment () and the first tubular tail segment () in the extended state of the second tail segment (), each of said form-closing coupling members () capable of transferring torque and transverse forces, and each of said form-closing coupling members () coming into engagement by axial displacement of the second tail segment () in the outward direction. 1. Telescopically extendable tail for a flying vehicle , comprising:at least one tail beam comprising a first tubular tail segment; anda second tail segment disposed within the first tubular tail segment and axially slideable in an inward direction and in an outward direction;the tail beam being provided with at least two form-closing coupling members located at an axial distance from each other for providing a force-transferring coupling between the second tail segment and the first tubular tail segment in an extended state of the second tail segment;wherein each of said form-closing coupling members are capable of transferring torque and transverse forces; andwherein each of said form-closing coupling members coming into engagement by axial displacement of the second tail segment in the outward direction.2. Tail according to claim 1 , wherein the first tubular tail segment is provided with two internal toothed rings located at a first mutual axial distance;wherein the second tail segment is provided with two external toothed rings located at a second mutual axial distance substantially equal to the first mutual ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Vertical Take-Off and Landing Roadable Aircraft

Номер: US20160207368A1
Автор: Rajesh Gaonjur
Принадлежит: Individual

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) roadable aircraft which has the features and dimensions of a typical road vehicle is disclosed. When operated on the road the wheels are powered by the engine. When the vehicle is configured for flight, a plurality of propellers is deployed from the storage compartment located on the roof and is powered by the same engine. The conversion process transforms the vehicle into a highly manoeuvrable quadcopter or a multi-rotor aircraft. The design concept enables propellers of relative large diameter to be conveniently secure to the vehicle, while allowing reliable deployment, retrieval and storage of the propellers as required. The total combined area of the propellers enables a low disk loading in the range of some helicopters with equivalent flight efficiency. The propellers are shrouded for safe operation. The conversion is automated, fast, and can be carried out while the vehicle is still moving.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229512A1
Автор: Opalinski Lukasz

The present disclosure discusses a transportation vehicle configured for transforming between a drive mode and a flight mode. The vehicle includes a chassis with a body coupled thereto and a plurality of fenders coupled to the body. Each of the fenders includes a rim comprising spokes and a tire configured to rotate during drive mode and a suspension configured to pivot the plurality of fenders from a substantially vertical orientation during drive mode to a substantially horizontal orientation during flight mode. Each of the fender also includes a propulsion mechanism configured to rotate independently of the rim to generate lift during flight mode and a motor configured to independently provide rotational force to the tire built into the rim during drive mode and rotational force to the propulsion mechanism during flight mode. 1. A vehicle , comprising:(1) a chassis with a body coupled thereto, the chassis defining (a) a vehicle roll axis extending from a front of the chassis to a rear of the chassis, (b) a vehicle pitch axis extending from a first side of the chassis to a second side of the chassis, wherein the vehicle pitch axis is perpendicular to the vehicle roll axis, and (c) a vehicle yaw axis extending from a top of the chassis to a bottom of the chassis, wherein the vehicle yaw axis is perpendicular to the vehicle roll axis and is perpendicular to the vehicle pitch axis; (a) a fender defining a wheel rotational axis, wherein the fender is selectively movable between (i) a drive position wherein the wheel rotational axis is parallel to the vehicle pitch axis and (ii) a flight position wherein the wheel rotational axis is parallel to the vehicle yaw axis;', '(b) a drive element positioned within the fender and configured to rotate with respect to the fender about the wheel rotational axis;', '(c) a tire positioned within the fender and configured to rotate with respect to the fender about the wheel rotational axis,', 'wherein, when the fender is positioned ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Modular and Morphable Air Vehicle

Номер: US20150217613A1

An unmanned air module includes one or more rotors, engines, a transmission and avionics. Any of several different ground modules may be attached to the air module. The air module may fly with and without the ground module attached. The ground module may be a vehicle ground module and may be manned. The vehicle ground module may transport the attached air module across the ground. The air module may have two rotors, which may be ducted fans. 1. A personal air vehicle apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a. an air module;b. at least one rotary wing operably attached to said air module;c. a ground module, said ground module and said air module being configured to be selectably attached one to the other, said at least one rotary wing being configured to support said ground module and said air module in a flight when said ground module and said air module are attached, said rotary wing being configured to support said air module in said flight when said ground module and said air module are not attached.2. The personal air vehicle of claim 1 , said ground module being a one of a ground vehicle claim 1 , a medical module claim 1 , a cargo module claim 1 , a weapons module claim 1 , a passenger module and a communications module.3. The personal air vehicle of wherein said at least one rotary wing is selected from a list consisting of: a combination of a single rotor and a torque reactor configured to overcome a torque of said single rotor claim 1 , a combination of two coaxial rotors claim 1 , a combination of two rotors in tandem claim 1 , a combination of two rotors that are side-by-side claim 1 , a combination of two rotors that are intermeshing claim 1 , a combination of two rotors that are configured to move between a side-by-side orientation and a tilted-rotor orientation claim 1 , and a combination of two rotors that are configured to move among said tandem orientation claim 1 , said side-by-side rotor orientation and said tilted-rotor orientation.4. The personal ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Modular and Morphable Air Vehicle

Номер: US20170210469A1
Принадлежит: Piasecki Aircraft Corporation

An air module may be attached to a ground module. The air module may be equipped with a center of gravity effector to change the relative locations and hence the center of gravity of the air and ground modules when the modules are attached. The center of gravity effector may be active or passive or a combination of active and passive. The center of gravity effector may be combined with a center of lift effector to change the relative locations of the center of gravity and center of lift. 1. A personal air vehicle apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a. an air module;b. at least one rotary wing operably attached to said air module;c. said air module is configured to be selectably attached to a ground module, said at least one rotary wing being configured to support said ground module and said air module in a flight when said ground module and said air module are attached, said rotary wing being configured to support said air module in said flight when said ground module and said air module are not attached;d. a center of gravity effector, said center of gravity effector being configured to locate a center of gravity of said ground module with respect to a center of lift of said air module when said air module is attached to said ground module.2. The personal air vehicle of claim 1 , the apparatus further comprising:a. a sensor, said sensor being configured to detect a change in an attitude of said air module or said ground module, a microprocessor operably connected to said sensor, said microprocessor being configured to send a center of gravity correction signal in response to a change in attitude detected by said sensor;b. said center of gravity effector being a dynamic center of gravity effector that is movable in one dimension, said dynamic center of gravity effector being configured to receive said center of gravity correction signal from said microprocessor, said air module having a center of lift when said air module is in flight, said ground module and said ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237849A1
Автор: Bousfield Samuel Hall

Some embodiments described herein relate to a wing that is coupled to a body of a vehicle and configured to rotate forward from a deployed configuration, in which the wing extends from the body to a retracted configuration in which a tip portion of the wing is closer to a nose portion of the body than a root portion of the wing is to the nose portion. A hinged beam having a first portion pivotably coupled to a second portion is configured to transmit loads associated with flight from the wing to the body. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a body;a wing coupled to the body, wherein the wing is configured to pivot forward from a deployed configuration, in which the wing extends from the body, to a retracted configuration; anda beam configured to transmit loads associated with flight from the wing to the body, a first portion of the beam pivotably coupled to a second portion of the beam.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a frame claim 1 , and at least a portion of the beam is configured to transmit substantially all loads and moments associated with weight and lift from the wing to the frame.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a pin configured to fix the wing in the deployed configuration claim 1 , wherein the pin is configured to resist rotation of the wing in a forward direction and transmit loads and moments from the wing to the body.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a frame claim 1 , the first portion of the beam is rotatably coupled to the frame claim 1 , and the second portion of the beam is rotatably coupled to the wing.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising:a hinge arm rotatably coupled to the wing and the frame.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the beam and the second portion of the beam form an angle of between 160 degrees and 200 degrees in the deployed configuration.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the beam and the second portion of the beam are ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Airtrain & Hydroairtrain

Номер: US20150224840A1

This invention is an airtrain, it is a half airplane and a half train. All parts and their functions are the exactly same as an airplane. It looks like a train but it functions and operates like an airliner. It does not fly in high altitude like an airliner but it stays close to the ground level in the ground effect. It is a two large airliner symmetrically joined together rear to rear of another same type of airliner. Depending on the configuration of an airtrain the speed and passenger carrying capability can easily surpass the speed trains that are operational today. An airtrain power comes from jet engines totally independent from electricity and steel tracts and by not having them it offers many advantages. This eliminates the complicated electrical power grids and wiring along the tracks which translates into billions of dollars in savings. 1. Air-Train comprised of half airplane and half-train meaning it is made of two same type of airliner joined rear to front of the airliners , equal in weight on both side of the center of gravity. All parts and functions operate exactly the same as airliner. Jet engines are used to power , fly in ground effect , vortices formed result of the air over the wings creating lift. In ground effect the vortices are compressed near the ground , thus causing the airliner to flow on a ground or body of the water. Thu Air-Train does not require any steel tracks , platforms , electricity , electric grids. At the same time it has train characteristics is that it can carry passengers like the train and cargo in mass in ground effects , low to the ground or over the body of water.2. Two airliners are symmetrical and the way it is joined is tail portion is removed and the other airliner the cockpit is removed. The two are joined rear part of airliner to the front part of the airliner. Two airliners joined but the controls and the functions are all the same as a single airliner.3. The fuselage length is equal in weights over the center of ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170217586A1
Автор: Goelet John

An aeronautical car comprises a ground-travel system including at least one traction device, an air-travel system including at least one flight mechanism configured to be selectively moved between a first position when the aeronautical car is in a driving mode and a second position when the aeronautical car is in a flying mode, and a weather manipulation device. The weather manipulation device may be configured to manipulate at least one aspect of a weather condition while the aeronautical car is in the air. 1. An aeronautical car , comprising:a ground-travel system including at least one traction device;an air-travel system including at least one flight mechanism configured to be selectively moved between a first position when the aeronautical car is in a driving mode and a second position when the aeronautical car is in a flying mode; anda weather manipulation device, the weather manipulation device configured to manipulate at least one aspect of a weather condition while the aeronautical car is in the air.2. The aeronautical car of claim 1 , wherein the at least one traction device includes four traction devices.3. The aeronautical car of claim 1 , wherein the ground-travel system includes a suspension system claim 1 , a chassis claim 1 , a transmission claim 1 , and an exterior lighting system.4. The aeronautical car of claim 1 , wherein the flight mechanism includes at least one wing.5. The aeronautical car of claim 4 , wherein the at least one wing is a fixed wing.6. The aeronautical car of claim 4 , wherein the at least one wing is a flexible wing.7. The aeronautical car of claim 1 , further including at least one propulsion device.8. The aeronautical car of claim 7 , wherein the at least one propulsion device includes a rotor.9. The aeronautical car of claim 7 , further including an engine coupled to the at least one traction device.10. The aeronautical car of claim 7 , further including an electrical power system comprising a plurality of energy storage ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210709A1
Автор: Bousfield Samuel Hall

Some embodiments described herein relate to a wing that is coupled to a body of a vehicle and configured to rotate forward from a deployed configuration, in which the wing extends from the body to a retracted configuration in which a tip portion of the wing is closer to a nose portion of the body than a root portion of the wing is to the nose portion. A hinged beam having a first portion pivotably coupled to a second portion is configured to transmit loads associated with flight from the wing to the body. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a body of an aircraft;a wing coupled to the body, the wing configured to pivot forward from a deployed configuration, in which the wing extends from the body, to a retracted configuration, in which a tip portion of the wing is closer to a nose portion of the body than a root portion of the wing is to the nose portion; anda beam configured to transmit loads associated with flight from the wing to the body, a first portion of the beam pivotably coupled to a second portion of the beam.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the beam is configured to transmit substantially all loads and moments associated with weight and lift from the wing to a frame of the body of the aircraft.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a pin configured to fix the wing in the deployed configuration claim 1 , the pin configured to resist rotation of the wing in the forward direction and transmit loads and moments from the wing to the body of the aircraft.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first portion of the beam is rotatably coupled to a frame of the body; andthe second portion of the beam is rotatably coupled to the wing.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first portion of the beam is rotatably coupled to a frame of the body; andthe second portion of the beam is rotatably coupled to the wing, the apparatus further comprising:a hinge arm rotatably coupled to the wing and the frame of the body.6. The apparatus of claim ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225728A1
Автор: Nolan Robert

Ground vehicles that may include flight capability are described. In some examples, a vehicle frame may include a main support and at least two auxiliary supports, with the main support disposed substantially along the centerline of the vehicle, and the at least two auxiliary supports extending upward and outward from the main support. In some examples, vehicles may include an inflatable airfoil, such as a ram air parachute, that includes stiffeners on or about a leading edge of the airfoil. In some examples, vehicles may include a front wheelbase attached to the main support and/or auxiliary supports, a rear wheelbase attached to the main support and/or auxiliary supports, a ground steering mechanism connected to the front wheelbase and/or the rear wheelbase, a motor connected to a propeller, and a propeller shroud at least partially encircling the propeller. 152-. (canceled)53. A ground vehicle with flight capability , comprising:an airfoil;a chassis;a cage attached to the chassis and including an attachment mechanism configured to connect to the airfoil;a front wheelbase attached to at least one of the chassis or the cage;a rear wheelbase attached to at least one of the chassis or the cage;a cockpit disposed substantially above the chassis and including a seat for a human pilot;a ground steering mechanism connected to at least one of the front wheelbase or the rear wheelbase;a motor connected to a propeller; anda propeller shroud at least partially encircling the propeller,wherein the airfoil includes a plurality of open cells, and at least some of the open cells include a stiffener configured to reinforce a leading edge of the airfoil.54. The vehicle of claim 53 , wherein the stiffener is applied to at least one of the upper camber claim 53 , front edge claim 53 , lower camber claim 53 , or vertical cells of the airfoil.55. The vehicle of claim 53 , wherein the stiffener is applied to the upper camber of the airfoil.56. The vehicle of claim 53 , wherein the ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150246720A1

A wing includes an upper surface that forms a generally fixed shape and a lower surface adjacent to the upper surface. The lower surface is morphable between a stowed shape and a deployed shape. A method of morphing a wing includes morphing a lower surface between a stowed shape and a deployed shape. The lower surface curves toward the upper surface in the stowed shape and curves away from the upper surface in the deployed shape. 1. A wing comprising:an upper surface that forms a generally fixed shape; and wherein said lower surface is morphable between a stowed shape and a deployed shape,', 'wherein said wing has a compact shape of reduced thickness when said lower surface has said stowed shape,', 'wherein said wing has an airfoil shape when said lower surface has said deployed shape,', 'wherein said wing is one of a multiple of wings stackably located atop a body of an aerocar in a roadable mode and selectively extendable away from said body in a flight mode,', 'wherein said wing has said compact shape in said roadable mode, and', 'wherein said wing has said deployed shape in said flight mode., 'a lower surface adjacent to said upper surface,'}2. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said lower surface extends between a leading edge and a trailing edge of said upper surface.3. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said lower surface comprises a morphable material.4. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said lower surface comprises a bistable composite.5. (canceled)6. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said stowed shape locates said lower surface adjacent to and generally following a contour of said upper surface.7. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said deployed shape displaces said lower surface to be spaced from said upper surface.8. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said lower surface curves toward said upper surface in said stowed shape.9. The wing as recited in claim 1 , wherein said lower surface curves away from said upper ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Amphibious Flying Car

Номер: US20160243910A1
Автор: HU Xinru

The present invention provides an amphibious flying car, comprising: a casing, a chassis, a ship bottom body, a vehicle wheel, a drive system and an operating system; an upper airfoil and a rotor wing which are arranged on the top of the casing, are fixed on a bearing carrier located at the orthocenter of the fuselage; a strake wing is provided at the position where the casing, the chassis and the ship bottom body are combined; the horizontal wing comprises a stabilizing plane and an elevator, which are respectively located at the front end and the rear end of the fuselage; the vertical twin fins are arranged at both sides of the rear end of the fuselage, and its root segments are fixedly connected to the strake wing. 13121411231265363121410312141397101121116151612852. An amphibious flying car , comprising: a casing () , a chassis () , a ship bottom body () , a vehicle wheel () , a drive system and an operating system (); characterized in that: the casing () is fixedly arranged on the chassis (); an upper airfoil () and a rotor wing () , which are arranged on the top of the casing () , are fixed on a bearing carrier located at the orthocenter of the fuselage; the upper airfoil () is hinged to the casing () via a hinged shaft; the chassis () is connected with the ship bottom body (); a strake wing () is provided at the position where the casing () , the chassis () and the ship bottom body () are combined; the horizontal wing comprises a stabilizing plane () and an elevator () , which are respectively located at the front end and the rear end of the fuselage; the vertical twin fins () are arranged at both sides of the rear end of the fuselage , and its root segments are fixedly connected to the strake wing (); the automobile engine () is arranged in the front of the chassis () , and is connected to the vehicle wheel () and the thruster () by means of a drive system; the water rudder () and the thruster () are arranged under the chassis () and at the rear of the ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Convertible unmanned aerial vehicle

Номер: US20160244160A1
Принадлежит: Fourthwing Sensors LLC

In one example, an unmanned aerial vehicle includes a fuselage and a lift assembly. The lift assembly is selected from a plurality of lift assemblies, each of the plurality of lift assemblies having a different flight modality. The fuselage includes a mounting portion configured to mount with any of the plurality of lift assemblies.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Intelligent POD Management and Transport

Номер: US20180237086A1
Автор: Evans Michael Steward

A transport system has a wheeled, steerable, self-powered, self-navigating carrier vehicle, having a substantially planar support frame, an on-board, rechargeable, battery-based power system, control circuitry, including GPS circuitry, on-board the carrier vehicle, adapted to drive and steer the carrier vehicle, and an upward-facing carrier interface adapted to the support frame, the carrier interface having first physical engagement elements, and a passenger pod adapted to carry both packages and persons, the passenger pod having a structural framework, a rechargeable, battery-based power system, and a downward-facing pod interface adapted to the structural framework, the carrier interface having second physical engagement elements. The passenger pod, placed upon the carrier vehicle, engages the downward-facing pod interface to the upward-facing carrier interface by the first and second physical engagement elements. 1. A transport system , comprising:a wheeled, steerable, self-powered, self-navigating carrier vehicle, having a substantially planar support frame, an on-board, rechargeable, battery-based power system, control circuitry, including GPS circuitry, on-board the carrier vehicle, adapted to drive and steer the carrier vehicle, and an upward-facing carrier interface adapted to the support frame, the carrier interface having first physical engagement elements; anda passenger pod adapted to carry both packages and persons, the passenger pod having a structural framework, a rechargeable, battery-based power system, and a downward-facing pod interface adapted to the structural framework, the carrier interface having second physical engagement elements;wherein the passenger pod, placed upon the carrier vehicle, engages the downward-facing pod interface to the upward-facing carrier interface by the first and second physical engagement elements.2. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein the control circuitry comprises wireless communication circuitry claim 1 , ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Aerodynamic lift enhancing system for a flying automotive vehicle

Номер: US20170240270A1
Автор: Taewoo Nam

An aerodynamic lift enhancing system for increasing aerodynamic lift generated by a body of an automotive flying vehicle is disclosed. The automotive flying vehicle includes a vehicle body enclosing a passenger compartment and having an upper surface at least partially defined by a hood, a roof extending over the passenger compartment, and a front windshield disposed between the hood and roof. The front windshield includes a leading edge positioned proximate a trailing edge of the hood and a trailing edge positioned adjacent the roof. The automotive flying vehicle includes wings extending laterally outward from the vehicle body. The aerodynamic lift enhancing system includes an air discharge nozzle located upstream from the leading edge of the front windshield, the air discharge nozzle operable to discharge a stream of air over the upper surface of the vehicle.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232745A1

The hybrid electric vehicle belongs to the field of small aircraft. This vehicle is used to move people on the ground, like a regular motorcycle and to move people through the air like an autogyro. Hybrid electric vehicle can be used by citizens, organizations, government agencies to perform various tasks: personal and official transport, tourism, monitoring, patrolling, ambulance, etc. 1. A hybrid electric vehicle designed for the riding on ground as a two-wheeled motorcycle , and for the flight in the air as an autogyro with a mast , rotor , characterized by the fact that it includes folding and fixed in planes perpendicular to the rear wheel two ducted propellers with electric motors on the axes of propellers , however , ducted propellers provide a situation where the total thrust vector generated by them is located much lower than in case of conventional autogyros and , accordingly , the vehicle's center of mass can also be located low—in the immediate vicinity of the thrust vector line , this opportunity will allow the vehicle to move steadily as in the air and on the ground and an electric motor that drives (sets in motion) the rear wheel.2. Hybrid electric vehicle according to claim 1 , characterized in that the electric motor that drives the rear wheel is built into the rear wheel.3. Hybrid electric vehicle according to claim 1 , characterized in that the electricity in it is produced by fuel cells.4. Hybrid electric vehicle according to claim 1 , characterized in that it has a control device that includes an upper steering rack with two bearings on its axis and a lower steering rack with two guide pins claim 1 , both racks are connected by a CV joint claim 1 , the switch sleeve can move between them and be installed in a position when it covers only the bearings of the upper steering rack claim 1 , allowing you to tilt the steering wheel and turn it around its axis claim 1 , or when the switch sleeve covers it also provides a CV joint and lower steering ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160257400A1

A combination rotor and wheel assembly for an unmanned vehicle with ground and aerial mobility has a rotor arm adapted to be attached at an inner end thereof to a vehicle body. A rotor is rotatably connected to an outer end of the rotor arm about a rotor axis, and a rotor drive mounted on the rotor arm rotates the rotor such that the rotor exerts an upward lift force on the rotor arm. An open spoked wheel is rotatably connected about the rotor axis independent of the rotor The diameter of the wheel is greater than that of the rotor, and a bottom edge of the wheel is below the rotor. A wheel drive rotates the wheel. Vehicles can have various numbers and orientations of the rotor and wheel assembly to provide aerial and ground mobility. 1. A combination rotor and wheel assembly for an unmanned vehicle with ground and aerial mobility , the assembly comprising:a rotor arm adapted to be movably attached at an inner end thereof to a vehicle body such that the rotor arm extends laterally from the vehicle body and can move up and down with respect to the vehicle body;a rotor rotatably connected to an outer end of the rotor arm about a rotor axis oriented substantially perpendicular to the rotor arm, and a rotor drive mounted on the rotor arm operative to rotate the rotor such that the rotor exerts an upward lift force on the rotor arm;an open spoked wheel rotatably connected to the outer end of the rotor arm about the rotor axis independent of the rotor, wherein a diameter of the wheel is greater than a diameter of the rotor, and wherein a bottom edge of the wheel is below the rotor;a wheel drive mounted on the arm and operative to rotate the wheel independently of the rotor.2. The assembly of wherein the arm is adapted to be pivotally attached to the vehicle body about a substantially horizontal arm axis.3. The assembly of wherein the rotor drive comprises a rotor motor mounted on the rotor arm and connected to the rotor and comprising a rotor control operative to vary a ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210300546A1
Принадлежит: Armada Aeronautics Inc.

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft has a first drivable configuration in which the pilot seat is positioned between the wings and facing the direction of forward travel. The VTOL may be driven in the first configuration as a normal automobile. In the first configuration the wings are aligned with the direction of forward travel and their surfaces are vertically oriented. In the first configuration, the VTOL may also attain altitude and be maneuvered using thrust from propulsion sources. In a second configuration, the pilot seat is rotated 90 degrees from the direction of forward travel to a direction of forward flight. Forward flight is achieved using thrust to rotate the wings from the vertical orientation to a lift-providing orientation. In concert with the rotation of the wings, the pi lot seat is counter-rotated to maintain the seat facing the direction of forward flight. 1. A method comprising: a frame connected to the first propulsion source and the at least one wing and rotatably connected to the seat such that the seat, while facing the first direction; may rotate with respect to the first axis, the frame, and the at least one wing; and', 'a control system, wherein:', 'each at least one wing does not generate vertical lift when oriented vertically; and', 'the first propulsion source is configured such that, with every at least one wing oriented vertically, the first propulsion source is operable to maintain apparatus altitude and stability;, 'attaining altitude, by an apparatus including a first propulsion source, at least one wing elongate along a first axis, and a seat configured to support a pilot, the altitude attained using only lift provided by thrust from the first propulsion source, every at least one wing oriented vertically, and the seat facing a first direction, the apparatus further includingcontrolling thrust from the first propulsion source to rotate the at least one wing and frame about the first axis such that the at least one ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150266349A1
Автор: Nolan Robert

Ground vehicles that may include flight capability are described. In some examples, a vehicle frame may include a fuel tank with a main tank and at least two auxiliary tanks, with the main tank disposed substantially along the centerline of the vehicle, and the at least two auxiliary tanks extending upward and outward from the main tank. In some examples, vehicles may include a chassis, a cage attached to the chassis, a front wheelbase attached to the chassis and/or cage, a rear wheelbase attached to the chassis and/or cage, a ground steering mechanism connected to the front wheelbase and/or the rear wheelbase, a motor connected to a propeller, and a propeller shroud at least partially encircling the propeller. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a chassis;a cage attached to the chassis;a front wheelbase attached to the chassis and/or cage;a rear wheelbase attached to the chassis and/or cage;a ground steering mechanism connected to the front wheelbase and/or the rear wheelbase;a motor connected to a propeller; anda propeller shroud at least partially encircling the propeller.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a ground vehicle.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle is a ground vehicle with flight capability.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , further comprising a removable airfoil configured to attach to. and detach from claim 3 , the cage.5. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the vehicle is configured for powered ground locomotion using the propeller with the airfoil detached claim 4 , and configured for powered flight using the propeller with the airfoil attached.6. The vehicle of claim 5 , wherein the propeller is the exclusive source of thrust for the powered ground locomotion and the powered flight.7. The vehicle of claim 4 , further comprising an air steering mechanism with an attachment for connection to the airfoil.8. The vehicle of claim 7 , wherein the air steering mechanism includes left and right steering pedals that are rotatatably secured at a top ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257447A1
Автор: Nam Taewoo, Uehara Yasuo

A dual-mode vehicle, wheels for the vehicle, and a method of transitioning the vehicle from a land mode to a flight mode. In the land mode, the method includes rotating a pair of spaced wheel arms about a central pivot to lower a body of the dual-mode vehicle to a ground surface. Each wheel arm extends from the central pivot to a wheel. The method also includes rotating the central pivot about a longitudinal vehicle axis to raise the wheel arms and the wheels above the ground surface. After raising the wheel arms and wheels above the ground surface, the method includes rotating the wheel arms about the central pivot to position the wheels for use as rotors in the flight mode. In the flight mode, the method includes rotating the wheels in order to extract rotor blades positioned within the wheels to extend beyond the wheels. 1. A dual-mode vehicle , comprising:a central pivot rotatable about a longitudinal vehicle axis;a pair of spaced wheel arms rotatable about the central pivot; and wherein each wheel is disposed on one of the wheel arms; and', a rim defining a recess within an interior of the wheel; and', 'a rotor blade positioned within the recess in a land mode of the dual-mode vehicle and positioned exterior to the rim in a flight mode of the dual-mode vehicle., 'wherein each wheel includes], 'a pair of wheels;'}2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein rotating the wheel arms about the central pivot modifies a ride height of the dual-mode vehicle in a land mode.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each wheel further includes a wheel cover positioned adjacent to the rim and covering the rotor blade in the land mode.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the wheel cover is spaced from the rim in the flight mode allowing the rotor blade to transition from its position within the recess in the land mode to its position exterior to the rim in the flight mode.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each wheel further includes a stanchion disposed within the recess.6. The vehicle ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257448A1

A modular air land vehicle comprising an air vehicle module and a roadworthy land vehicle module, which may interconnect by the air vehicle module landing directly on a stationary or moving land vehicle module as appropriate for the air vehicle lifting design. The air vehicle module has the capability/utility of separating from the land vehicle module and taking off in a flight mode; thereby enabling the air and land modules to be operated separately and independently without the need to take heavy roadworthy structure into flight. This invention provides the combined benefits of air vehicle travel and land vehicle travel allowing the land vehicle systems or structure to be tailored and optimized for land and road travel without unduly increasing the air vehicle weight or aerodynamic drag. 2. A modular air land vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the air vehicle module has supporting wings having an airfoil shape with a streamlined cross-sectional shape producing lift and thrust producing components such as propellers claim 1 , rotors claim 1 , or jet thrusters to produce aerodynamic forces facilitating controlled powered flight.3. A modular land vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the air vehicle module has aerodynamic control surfaces such as an elevator or rudder claim 2 , lift/thrust producing components such as propellers claim 2 , rotors claim 2 , or jet thrusters claim 2 , mounted on the frame and fuselage to produce aerodynamic forces facilitating controlled powered flight.4. A modular air land vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the land vehicle module frame includes: headlights claim 1 , tail lights claim 1 , blinkers claim 1 , bumpers claim 1 , and other related safety equipment required for public road driving.5. A modular air land vehicle according to claim 1 , including an engine and drive-train or electric motor system associated with the land vehicle module wheels to power the land vehicle module in a driving mode.6. A modular air land ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257764A1

An aerocar with a dual mode suspension system configured to operate in a roadable mode and a flight mode. The aerocar may include a front suspension assembly having a front axle, and a rear suspension assembly having a rear axle. A conduit system provides a hydraulic fluid in fluid communication between the front suspension assembly and the rear suspension assembly. An auxiliary hydraulic fluid reservoir is provided in fluid communication with the conduit system, and configured to selectively maintain or interrupt fluid communication between the front suspension assembly and the rear suspension assembly to adjust damping of the front suspension assembly. A controller may be provided, configured to direct the flow of hydraulic fluid from the rear suspension assembly to the front suspension assembly, for example, when a stroke of the rear suspension exceeds a predetermined value during landing. 1. An adjustable damping system for an aerocar , the damping system comprising:a front suspension assembly;a rear suspension assembly;a conduit system providing a hydraulic fluid in fluid communication between the front suspension assembly and the rear suspension assembly; andan auxiliary hydraulic fluid reservoir coupled to the conduit system and configured to selectively maintain or interrupt fluid communication between the front suspension assembly and the rear suspension assembly to adjust damping of the front suspension assembly after an impact force is received by the rear suspension assembly.2. The adjustable damping system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to direct a flow of hydraulic fluid within the conduit system and the auxiliary hydraulic fluid reservoir claim 1 , wherein operation of the controller is based on the aerocar being in one of a roadable mode and a flight mode.3. The adjustable damping system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the controller and the auxiliary hydraulic fluid reservoir is configured to direct the flow of ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Robust amphibious aircraft

Номер: US20180257772A1
Автор: Roger D. Bernhardt
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A robust amphibious air vehicle incorporates a fuselage with buoyant stabilizers and wings extending from the fuselage. At least one lift fan is mounted in the fuselage. Movable propulsion units carried by the wings are rotatable through a range of angles adapted for vertical and horizontal flight operations.

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Flying Car or Drone

Номер: US20160272314A1
Автор: Radu Bogdan

A vehicle which can travel on land, in water, or through air has a body like that of an automobile with powered wheels for providing propulsion on land. The vehicle also has rotors for providing propulsion in air and wings for providing lift. Storage compartments conceal the rotors during land operation, and in this mode the wings are folded down against the body, over the compartments. The wings and the rotors can be deployed to convert the vehicle to flight mode. 1. A vehicle having roadable and flying modes , said vehicle comprisinga body,powered wheels for providing propulsion on land,a plurality of rotors for providing propulsion in air,a plurality of wings for providing lift in air,said body having storage compartments for said rotors,said rotors being movable between a stowed position inside said compartments, and a deployed position outside said compartments,said wings being movable between a stowed position against said body and covering said storage compartments, and a deployed position away from said body.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein there are two said storage compartments claim 1 , one on either side of the vehicle claim 1 , and four rotors claim 1 , two on either side of the vehicle claim 1 , said compartments each housing two rotors when in the stowed position.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of storage compartment covers claim 1 , one for each of said storage compartments claim 1 , to conceal the rotors in the roadable mode.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a power unit for driving said wheels claim 1 , and a power unit for driving said rotors.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each of the rotors is supported on the body by an actuator mechanism having arms which allow the rotors to move between said stowed and deployed positions claim 1 , and to rotate between horizontal and vertical orientations when in the deployed position. This application claims benefit of provisional patent application No. 61/922, ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256193A1
Принадлежит: AEROMOBIL R&D, S.R.O.

An aircraft, such as a flying car, comprising a body structure, lift structures (such as wings), control structures (such as fins, elevators, and ailerons), and a motor; a propeller connected to the motor and mounted for rotation about a drive axis to provide thrust; the propeller comprising a hub having a plurality of blades connected thereto; and a plurality of blade housings adjacent the propeller and extending substantially parallel to the drive axis; wherein the blades are mounted on the hub so as to be moveable between an expanded position in which the blades project radially from the hub, and a folded position in which each blade extends axially from the hub so as to lie in a respective blade housing. 1. An aircraft , comprising:a body structure, lift structures, control structures, and a motor;a propeller connected to the motor and mounted for rotation about a drive axis to provide thrust;the propeller comprising a hub having a plurality of blades connected thereto; anda plurality of blade housings adjacent the propeller and extending substantially parallel to the drive axis;whereinthe blades are mounted on the hub so as to be moveable between an expanded position in which the blades project radially from the hub, and a folded position in which each blade extends axially from the hub so as to lie in a respective blade housing.2. An aircraft as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the propeller is mounted at a foremost or a rearmost extremity of the body structure.3. An aircraft as claimed in or claim 1 , comprising horizontal and/or vertical control surfaces adjacent the propeller hub.4. An aircraft as claimed in claim 3 , wherein blade housings are provided on either side of at least one control surface.5. An aircraft as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the control surfaces form part of a tail section and the propeller is mounted at a rearmost extremity of the body structure claim 4 , the tail section including horizontal control surface and blade housings being ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200254839A1
Автор: Dietrich Carl C.

A combined flying-driving vehicle having a unique hybrid propulsion system architecture that provides a very high level of reliability and functionality to the user. 1. A combined flying-driving vehicle comprising:a vehicle body comprising a passenger compartment comprising a front end and an aft end, wherein the vehicle body defines a longitudinal axis along a length thereof substantially parallel to a preferred direction of motion of the vehicle along a length thereof;a plurality of wheels coupled to the body and configured to support the vehicle body on ground;a ducted fan mounted proximate the aft end of the body, wherein the ducted fan defines a fan axis substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis;at least two folding wings coupled to the body, wherein the folding wing are adapted to fold around wing folding axes substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis, and wherein the folding wings are adapted to transmit lift to the body during flight and provide no lift when folded;a plurality of pods pivotably mounted to the folding wings; anda plurality of propeller blades pivotably mounted to the pods.2. The combined flying-driving vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the wheels are adapted to be retracted into the body during flight.3. The combined flying-driving vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each pod comprises at least one electric motor.4. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising at least one of an electric motor and a hydrocarbon fuel engine adapted to power the ducted fan.5. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising a steering wheel adapted to turn the vehicle.6. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising an accelerator pedal adapted to accelerate the vehicle.7. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising a brake pedal adapted to decelerate the vehicle.8. The combined flying-driving vehicle of further comprising at least one digital computer with more than one power source adapted to stabilize and ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190263206A1

The current technique provides an unmanned vehicle that is capable of travelling in the air, on the ground and/or in the water. The driving force of the unmanned vehicle is provided by at least one propelling module that includes a motor, a shaft and a propeller. The propelling module is coupled to a chassis. The chassis includes one or more support elements that each couples to one or more aileron member. An aileron member is configured to tilt with or about the support element to change fluid flux about the aileron member and thus change a position of the propelling force. 1. An unmanned vehicle , comprising:a chassis;a propelling module coupled to the chassis;at least one moveable member coupled to the chassis, the at least one moveable member being moveable to change a position of the propelling module relative to a movement path of the unmanned vehicle;at least two wheels coupled to the chassis, each of the at least two wheels configured to freely rotate with respect to the chassis; anda controller that, when in operation, controls a movement of the at least one moveable member.2. The unmanned vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the chassis and the propelling module are structured to be fixed with respect to one another to move as a whole relative to the movement path of the unmanned vehicle.3. The unmanned vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the at least one moveable member is coupled to the chassis through at least one hinge.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the at least one moveable member includes a first moveable member and a second moveable member claim 3 , the first moveable member coupled to the chassis through a first hinge arranged in a first direction claim 3 , the second moveable member coupled to the chassis through a second hinge arranged in a second different direction.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein first direction and the second direction are substantially perpendicular to one another.6. The unmanned vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the at least one hinge is ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Multi-Modal Flying Airplane and Underwater Glider

Номер: US20190270355A1

A multi-modal vehicle includes a main fuselage body; one or more wings extending from the main fuselage body and having a shape configured to provide aerodynamic lift when the vehicle travels through the air and hydrodynamic lift when the vehicle travels through the water; and a buoyancy control engine situated within the vehicle and configured to control the buoyancy of the vehicle relative to surrounding water when the vehicle is submerged in water, thereby providing a buoyancy force to selectively propel the vehicle upwards and downwards, respectively, through the water. 1. A multi-modal vehicle comprising:a main fuselage body;one or more wings extending from the main fuselage body and having a shape configured to provide aerodynamic lift when the vehicle travels through the air and hydrodynamic lift when the vehicle travels through the water; anda buoyancy control engine situated within the vehicle and configured to control the buoyancy of the vehicle relative to surrounding water when the vehicle is submerged in water, thereby providing a buoyancy force to selectively propel the vehicle upwards and downwards, respectively, through the water.2. A method for vehicle locomotion using a multi-modal vehicle , the method comprising the steps of:flying through the air using aerodynamic lift generated by one or more wings to provide vehicle lift;transitioning from the air into the water; andgliding through the water using hydrodynamic lift generated by the one or more wings to provide vehicle translation through the water and using a buoyancy engine to alternatively cause the vehicle to float and sink through the water using buoyancy force. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/465,594 filed Mar. 1, 2017, which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates generally to unmanned vehicles, and more particularly to multi-modal vehicles having air and sea capabilities.Autonomous underwater gliders are well- ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Dimensional Vehicle

Номер: US20180281537A1
Автор: Leppo Joshua

A multi-dimensional vehicle configured for aerial and ground mobility is provided and includes a vehicle body, a plurality of vehicle wheels movably associated with the vehicle body and configurable between a ground mobility configuration and an aerial mobility configuration and a control device, wherein the control device is configured for wireless communication and is associated with the plurality of vehicle wheels to controllably operate the plurality of vehicle wheels and to controllably configure the plurality of vehicle wheels between the ground mobility configuration and the aerial mobility configuration, wherein each of the plurality of vehicle wheels include a wheel rim having an inner rim circumference and a plurality of fan blades distributed along the inner rim circumference, wherein the plurality of fan blades are configured to create a flow channel between each of the plurality of fan blades and an adjacent fan blade. 1. A multi-dimensional vehicle configured for aerial and ground mobility , the multi-dimensional vehicle comprising:a vehicle body;a plurality of vehicle wheels, wherein the plurality of vehicle wheels are movably associated with the vehicle body and configurable between a ground mobility configuration and an aerial mobility configuration; anda control device, wherein the control device is configured for wireless communication and is associated with the vehicle body and the plurality of vehicle wheels to controllably operate the plurality of vehicle wheels and to controllably configure the plurality of vehicle wheels between the ground mobility configuration and the aerial mobility configuration,wherein each of the plurality of vehicle wheels include a wheel rim having an inner rim circumference and a plurality of fan blades distributed along the inner rim circumference, wherein the plurality of fan blades are configured to create a flow channel between each of the plurality of fan blades and an adjacent fan blade.2. The multi-dimensional ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Modular and Morphable Air Vehicle

Номер: US20180281944A1
Принадлежит: Piasecki Aircraft Corporation

A personal air vehicle may feature an air module that may be attached to a ground module. The air module may be equipped with exit vanes or vectored engine exhaust to provide redundant control effectors to the cyclic or collective pitch of at least one rotary wing under the control of a control system. 1. A personal air vehicle apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a. an air module;b. at least one rotary wing operably attached to said air module;c. a ground module, said ground module and said air module being configured to be selectably attached one to the other, said at least one rotary wing being configured to support said ground module and said air module in a flight when said ground module and said air module are attached, said rotary wing being configured to support said air module in said flight when said ground module and said air module are not attached;d. said at least one rotary wing having exit vanes.2. The personal air vehicle of wherein said at least one rotary wing has a pitch control claim 1 , said exit vanes being configured to selectably provide a redundant control authority to said pitch control of said at least one rotary wing.3. The personal air vehicle of wherein said pitch control of said at least one rotary wing is a monocyclic pitch control.4. The personal air vehicle of wherein said redundant control authority is under a control of a control system.5. The personal air vehicle of wherein said at least one rotary wing is a pair of rotary wings claim 4 , each of said rotary wings being enclosed by a circular duct claim 4 , said pair of rotary wings and said circular ducts being tiltable between a side-by-side rotor configuration and a tilted-rotor configuration.6. The personal air vehicle of wherein said monocyclic pitch is non-differential monocyclic pitch claim 5 , said non-differential monocyclic pitch and said vanes providing said redundant control authority for aircraft pitch control when said rotary wings and said circular ducts are in ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283514A1
Принадлежит: AEROMOBIL R&D, S.R.O.

A vehicle configurable for air or road use (a flying car), comprising a body having road wheels for supporting the body when configured for road use; wings connected to the body and deployable for air use; and a tail section at the rear of the body, comprising at least one horizontal tailplane; wherein the at least one horizontal tailplane includes a planar rearmost edge section that is pivotable about an axis transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle between a first position in which the plane of the rearmost edge section is substantially horizontal, and a second position in which the plane of the rearmost edge section is substantially vertical, and can function as a rear bumper in road use configuration. 1. A vehicle configurable for air or road use , comprising:a body having road wheels for supporting the body when configured for road use;wings connected to the body and deployable for air use; anda tail section at the rear of the body, comprising at least one horizontal tailplane;whereinthe at least one horizontal tailplane includes a planar rearmost edge section that is pivotable about an axis transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle between a first position in which the plane of the rearmost edge section is substantially horizontal, and a second position in which the plane of the rearmost edge section is substantially vertical.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the tailplane comprises the rearmost edge section and a fixed horizontal section claim 1 , wherein in the first position claim 1 , the rearmost edge section is positioned adjacent the fixed horizontal section so as to lie in substantially the same horizontal plane claim 1 , and in the second position is spaced rearwardly from the fixed horizontal section.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the axis about which the rearmost edge section pivots is spaced from the plane of the horizontal tailplane.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising at least one vertical fin claim 1 , a pivot ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170297395A1
Автор: Klein Stefan
Принадлежит: AeroMobil, S.R.O.

Transformation method of hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air includes the following transformation and reciprocal steps: Tilting the compensation cover () on. Expansion of both whole wings () from the transportation vehicle longitudinal position around two vertical axes () into the flying position. Expansion of rear parts of wings () from the top front parts of wings () into the spread flying position by tilting the rear of each wing () around a horizontal axis (). The take-off and landing tilting of wings () by an angle of attack alpha=0 to 40° of the wings onset. Front wheels track () is reduced by axially shifting the front wheels () towards the fuselage. Furthermore, a corresponding hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air is described which contains reciprocal transformation mechanisms for transformation from a sterling double or four-track automobile into a sterling aircraft for take-off and landing on the ground or water, and vice versa. 1. A hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air comprising:a body, a cabin, a set of retractable wings, a chassis, a driving unit that switches a torque transfer between a propeller situated at the rear of the vehicle and a pair of driven wheels, and a plurality of reciprocal transformation mechanisms for transformation of the vehicle into an automobile or into an aircraft for take-off and landing on the ground or water;wherein two first reciprocal transformation mechanisms for retraction and expansion of the wings from or to a flying position are situated in the middle of the body;wherein each first reciprocal transformation mechanism contains an actuator and a vertical axis for retraction and expansion of the wing by rotating around the vertical axis between the flying position in which an axis of the wing is approximately perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the vehicle, and a retracted position in which the wing axis is approximately parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170297605A1
Автор: Klein Stefan
Принадлежит: AeroMobil, S.R.O.

A directional control system for a hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air transportation. The vehicle has at least one steerable wheel for use in ground operation, the wheel being connected to a steering mechanism, wings having moveable control surfaces, and a tail having a moveable control surface. The system has a first shaft having a first control input at one end, wherein the first shaft is linked to the steering mechanism and a second shaft that extends through the first shaft and is independently rotatable and slidable with respect to the first shaft. The second shaft has a second control input at one end, a first linkage configured to transmit a rotational movement of the second shaft to control the moveable control surfaces on the wings, and a second linkage configured to transmit an axial movement of the second shaft to control the moveable control surface on the tail. 1. A directional control system for a hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air transportation characterized in that it comprises at least one steerable wheel for use in ground operation , the wheel being connected to a steering mechanism; wings having moveable control surfaces; and a tail having at least one moveable control surface; wherein the directional control system comprises:a first shaft having a first control input at one end, wherein the first shaft is linked to the steering mechanism; anda second shaft that extends through the first shaft and is independently rotatable and slidable with respect to the first shaft; the second shaft has: a second control input at one end, a first linkage configured to transmit a rotational movement of the second shaft to control the moveable control surfaces on the wings, and a second linkage configured to transmit an axial movement of the second shaft to control the moveable control surface on the tail.2. The directional control system of characterized in that the first shaft is linked to the steering mechanism by means of a chain ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Electronic Gear Shifter Assembly for a Dual-Mode Flying and Driving Vehicle

Номер: US20170299049A1

The present invention relates to an electronic gear shifter assembly for a dual-mode flying and driving vehicle. The electronic gear shifter assembly may include a lever moveable between a first shifting path that includes at least one drive-related operating position, and a second shifting path that includes at least one flying-related operating position. 1. An electronic gear shifter assembly for a dual-mode flying and driving vehicle , the electronic gear shifter assembly comprising:a lever moveable between a first shifting path comprising at least one drive-related operating position and a second shifting path comprising at least one flying-related operating position.2. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a plate defining an opening, wherein the lever is disposed through the opening.3. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plate comprises indicators of the drive-related and flying-related operating positions.4. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the drive-related operating positions are selected from the group consisting of park claim 1 , reverse claim 1 , neutral claim 1 , drive and low positions.5. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one flying-related operating position is selected from the group consisting of fly claim 1 , up claim 1 , and down positions.6. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one flying-related operating position is selected from the group consisting of convert claim 1 , up claim 1 , and down positions.7. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lever further comprises at least one of a pivot claim 1 , a shift knob claim 1 , a slide claim 1 , a shift button claim 1 , a compression spring claim 1 , and a gear selector pin.8. The electronic gear shifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lever is moveable in orthogonal directions.9. The electronic gear shifter assembly of ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170300054A1
Принадлежит: Unmanned Innovations, Inc.

Systems and associated methods for rapid integration and control of payloads carded by a multi-mode, unmanned vehicle configured to accommodate a variety of payloads of varying size, shape, and interface and control characteristics. Mechanical, power, signal, and logical interfaces to a variety of payloads operate to enable environmental protection, efficient placement and connection to the vehicle, and control of those payloads in multiple environmental modes as well as operational modes (including in air, on the surface of water surface, and underwater). 1. An unmanned vehicle comprising: a wing having a leading edge, a trailing edge, a port edge, a starboard edge, an upper surface, and a lower surface, and', 'a pair of substantially-parallel sponsons integrally coupled to the port and starboard edges of the wing, respectively, wherein each sponsor is characterized by a proximal wall positioned adjacent the wing and a distal wall positioned opposite the proximal wall,', 'wherein the proximal wells of the sponsons and the lower surface of the wing define therebetween a tunnel, and', 'wherein at least a portion of the vehicle body comprises at least one enclosed hull that defines at least one enclosed interior compartment capable of pressurization;, 'an aerohydrodynamic vehicle body configured to selectively operate in air, on a substantially planar water surface, and while submerged in water, and wherein the vehicle body comprisesa payload deck system carried by the vehicle body and comprising a mechanical mount point that defines a structural interface to at least one payload module;a propulsion system carried by the vehicle body and configured to propel the unmanned vehicle;a ballast system carried by the vehicle body and configured to vary buoyancy of the unmanned vehicle;a center of gravity system carried by the vehicle body and configured to vary a center of gravity of the unmanned vehicle;a pressurization system carried by the vehicle body and configured to ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160311282A1
Автор: Nam Taewoo, Uehara Yasuo

A dual-mode vehicle, wheels for the vehicle, and a method of transitioning the vehicle from a land mode to a flight mode. In the land mode, the method includes rotating a pair of spaced wheel arms about a central pivot to lower a body of the dual-mode vehicle to a ground surface. Each wheel arm extends from the central pivot to a wheel. The method also includes rotating the central pivot about a longitudinal vehicle axis to raise the wheel arms and the wheels above the ground surface. After raising the wheel arms and wheels above the ground surface, the method includes rotating the wheel arms about the central pivot to position the wheels for use as rotors in the flight mode. In the flight mode, the method includes rotating the wheels in order to extract rotor blades positioned within the wheels to extend beyond the wheels. 1. A dual-mode vehicle , comprising:a central pivot rotatable about a longitudinal vehicle axis;a pair of spaced wheel arms rotatable about the central pivot; and wherein each wheel is disposed on one of the wheel arms; and', a rim defining a recess within an interior of the wheel; and', 'a rotor blade positioned within the recess in a land mode of the dual-mode vehicle and positioned exterior to the rim in a flight mode of the dual-mode vehicle., 'wherein each wheel includes], 'a pair of wheels;'}2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein rotating the wheel arms about the central pivot modifies a ride height of the dual-mode vehicle in a land mode.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each wheel further includes a wheel cover positioned adjacent to the rim and covering the rotor blade in the land mode.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the wheel cover is spaced from the rim in the flight mode allowing the rotor blade to transition from its position within the recess in the land mode to its position exterior to the rim in the flight mode.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each wheel further includes a stanchion disposed within the recess.6. The vehicle ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305527A1
Автор: Klein Stefan
Принадлежит: AeroMobil, S.R.O.

A central wing panel for a hybrid transportation vehicle for ground and air transportation configured to enable transitioning between an air mode and a ground mode. The central wing panel has a front frame section and a rear frame section connected by one or more cross members. The central wing panel is configured to rotate enabling adjustment of an angle of attack of the vehicle. The rear frame section is configured to rotate enabling coupling and uncoupling of the rear frame section from a first wing and a second wing for transitioning between the air mode and the ground mode. The central wing panel is also configured to allow rotation of ailerons and flaps so that they fold over onto the top front portion of the wings. 1. A central wing panel for a flying vehicle comprising a body and wings positioned on each side of the body , characterized in that it comprises:a support structure for connection to the body so as to be substantially aligned with a longitudinal axis thereof;a front transverse member mounted at a front part of the support structure, and a rear transverse member mounted at a rear part of the support structure, wherein the front and rear transverse members each have a substantially horizontal rotation axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body;a wing support member connected to the front transverse member and rotatable about the axis of rotation of the front transverse member, the wing support member being provided with a wing pivot connectors by which a front part of each wing is connected to the wing support member, each wing being pivotable around a substantially vertical axis of a respective connector between a first wing position in which the wing extends substantially horizontally from the body, and a second wing position in which the wing lies substantially horizontally parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body;a wing locking member connected to the rear transverse member, the wing locking member being movable by rotation ...
