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20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429142C2
Принадлежит: ТИСС ЛИМИТЕД (GB)

Изобретение предназначено для защиты топливного бака автомобиля от несанкционированного откачивания топлива. Входная часть топливного бака содержит входной патрубок (5), выступающий из опорной конструкции (2), расположенной на его ближнем конце, устройство поплавкового клапана (7), расположенное за дальним концом входного патрубка и включающее в себя поплавковый элемент (6), и препятствие (21), закрепленное внутри корпуса (22), расположенного между ближним концом входного патрубка и поплавковым элементом. Препятствие блокирует любую линию обзора от отверстия на ближнем конце входного патрубка к поплавковому элементу. Траектория потока (23) определена между препятствием и стенкой корпуса для обеспечения протекания текучей среды к устройству поплавкового клапана вокруг препятствия. Устраняется возможность откачивания топлива из бака. 23 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU110336U1

1. Эластичный топливный бак автомобиля, содержащий: ! корпус, в котором размещена решетчатая конструкция, по существу охватывающая часть внутреннего пространства, обозначенного корпусом; причем решетчатая конструкция состоит из совокупности пересекающихся стеновых элементов, каждый из которых содержит совокупность панелей; причем совокупность панелей включает в себя податливую панель, имеющую первую и вторую секции, которые согнуты вокруг линии сгиба. ! 2. Эластичный топливный бак по п.1, в котором совокупности панелей расположены в повторяющемся порядке. ! 3. Эластичный топливный бак по п.1, в котором каждый стеновой элемент содержит перекрестную панель, имеющую по меньшей мере часть, примыкающую к корпусу. ! 4. Эластичный топливный бак по п.3, в котором каждый стеновой элемент содержит структурную панель, расположенную в той же плоскости, что и перекрестная панель. ! 5. Эластичный топливный бак по п.3, в котором высоты перекрестных панелей больше, чем высоты структурных или податливых панелей. ! 6. Эластичный топливный бак по п.1, дополнительно содержащий внутренний подузел, соединенный с решетчатой конструкцией. ! 7. Эластичный топливный бак по п.1, в котором стеновые элементы соединены в их пересечениях. ! 8. Эластичный топливный бак по п.1, в котором корпус выполнен из полимерного материала. !9. Эластичный топливный бак по п.1, в котором автомобиль представляет собой электромобиль с гибридным приводом, имеющий двигатель внутреннего сгорания и электродвигатель, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения тяговой мощности автомобилю, и в котором двигатель внутреннего сгорания сообщается с топливным баком. ! 10. Эластичны РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 110 336 (13) U1 (51) МПК B60K 15/03 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011123859/12, 14.06.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.06.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565636C1

Изобретение относится к контейнеру для рабочей текучей среды для автомобиля. Контейнер включает в себя тело контейнера, которое собрано по меньшей мере из двух оболочек из пластикового материала, которые выполнены комплементарно друг другу. Оболочки в каждом случае имеют отлитые как одно целое структуры, которые проходят в свободный объем контейнера таким образом, что они обеспечивают сдерживание волны текучей среды. Некоторые из структур на каждой из двух оболочек сварены друг с другом приблизительно в плоскости соединения контейнера. На двух оболочках предусмотрено по одному отлитому как одно целое стеновому элементу сдерживания волны. Стеновые элементы сдерживания волны двух комплементарных оболочек сварены друг с другом в плоскости соединения точкообразно. Два стеновых элемента сдерживания волны комплементарных оболочек, соединенных друг с другом в плоскости соединения, образуют пути потока между друг другом. Достигается уменьшение волнообразования в контейнере. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008142531A

... 1. Устройство входной части бака для текучее среды, содержащее ! входной патрубок, выступающий из опорной конструкции, расположенной на его ближнем конце; ! устройство поплавкового клапана, расположенное за дальним концом входного патрубка и включающее в себя поплавковый элемент; ! заглушку, размещенную внутри корпуса и расположенную между входным патрубком и поплавковым элементом; ! при этом заглушка блокирует линию обзора из входного патрубка к поплавковому элементу; и ! траектория потока определена между заглушкой и стенкой корпуса для обеспечения протекания текучей среды к устройству поплавкового клапана вокруг заглушки. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором траектория потока является кольцевой траекторией потока, окружающей заглушку. ! 3. Устройство по п.2, в котором радиальная ширина кольцевой траектории потока изменяется вдоль осевой длины корпуса, уменьшаясь от ближнего конца корпуса до минимума и затем увеличиваясь от минимума к дальнему концу корпуса. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, в котором ...

02-10-1997 дата публикации

Fuel tank installation for internal combustion engine

Номер: DE0019629165C1

The fuel tank is arranged in the cooling circuit of the internal combustion engine. An intermediary base (2), formed as a corrugated plate, is incorporated in the fuel tank. A fuel-water heat-exchanger is arranged in the fuel backflow conduit. The fuel tank and the intermediary base can be made of plastics or metal. There is fuel (3) above the intermediary base and there are connections (4) for the input and output of fuel on both sides of the fuel tank. A cooling medium (5) is circulated by a water pump below the intermediary base.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020124158A1

Die Offenbarung stellt ein Fahrzeugbetankungssteuersystem und -steuerverfahren bereit. Ein Fahrzeugbetankungssteuersystem gemäß einem beispielhaften Aspekt der vorliegenden Offenbarung beinhaltet unter anderem eine Kraftstoffeinlassleitung, die dazu konfiguriert ist, eine Kraftstoffzapfpistole aufzunehmen, und eine Blockierbaugruppe. Die Blockierbaugruppe ist dazu konfiguriert, sich zwischen einer Befüllungsblockierposition, die einen Luftstrom durch eine Öffnung der Kraftstoffzapfpistole blockiert, und einer Befüllungszulassposition, die einen Luftstrom durch die Öffnung der Kraftstoffzapfpistole zulässt, hin und her zu bewegen.

21-03-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001555396B2

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013003247A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kraftstoffbehälter (1) aus thermoplastischem Kunststoff mit einem Oberboden (2) und einem Unterboden (3), die über wenigstens ein säulenförmiges Stützelement (4) gegeneinander abgestützt sind, wobei das Stützelement (4) formschlüssig und/oder stoffschlüssig mit einer Wand (6) des Oberbodens (2) einerseits und mit einer Wand (6) des Unterbodens (3) andererseits so verbunden ist, dass dieses durch einen Behälterinnendruck bedingte Zugkräfte aufnehmen kann, wobei das Stützelement (4) als einteiliges Vollprofil ausgebildet ist und das wenigstens im Querschnitt ein Rippenprofil aufweist.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Flüssigkeitstank mit integrierter Oberflächenstruktur

Номер: DE102015210682B4

Flüssigkeitstank (10), insbesondere für Kraftfahrzeuge, mit einer ein Tankvolumen (32) umschließenden Tankwandung (30), an deren zum Tankvolumen (32) hinweisenden Innenseite (30a) wenigstens abschnittsweise eine zum Tankvolumen (32) hinweisende, einstückig mit der Tankwandung (30) ausgebildete Reliefstruktur (40) vorgesehen ist, wobei der Flüssigkeitstank (10) wenigstens zwei Schalenteile (12, 18) umfasst, die miteinander längs einer Fügefläche (28) zu einem Tankwandungsabschnitt (30) gefügt sind, wobei ein Schalenteil (18) bestimmungsgemäß einen Tankboden (38) umfasst, wobei die Reliefstruktur (40) längs einer lokalen Vorkragrichtung (V) in das Tankvolumen (32) hineinragende Vorsprünge (42) umfasst, welche orthogonal zu ihrer Vorkragrichtung (V) mit Abstand (46) voneinander angeordnet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Teil der Reliefstruktur (40) am Tankboden (38) ausgebildet ist, wobei sich die Vorsprünge (42) an einer Seitenwand (44) des Flüssigkeitstanks (10) zu der Fügefläche ...

01-03-2007 дата публикации

Plastic tank used for electrical lighting system has at least one splash wall in its inner chamber to quieten the movements of contents of the liquid

Номер: DE102005040563A1

The plastic tank comprises of at least one splash wall in its inner chamber used to quieten the movements of the contents of the liquids. The plastic tank is made from a first blow-moulded manufactured blank shape (21) and moulded via chamfering or folding in a second blank shape (30) either of which encompasses at least one splash wall pre-structure (33) .

20-01-1999 дата публикации

A means of improving tanker stability and utilisation

Номер: GB0009825750D0

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Baffle apparatus and method

Номер: GB0201609065D0

05-10-2016 дата публикации

A Liquid storage tank assembly, a baffle assembly and a vehicle

Номер: GB0201614322D0

20-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002048185B
Принадлежит: VOLVO AB

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553948T

25-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412334B

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508043A1

The invention relates to a vehicle tank (1) for liquid fuels, comprising at least two compartments (3, 4, 5) separated by a baffle (2), one compartment (3) having a withdrawal line (7) and the baffle (2) having an opening (9) which is close to the bottom and has a valve (10), and the valve (10) opening independently of a pressure and/or fill level difference in the compartments (3, 4, 5) when the fuel is on the side (4) of the valve (10) facing away from the withdrawal line.

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508043B1

The invention relates to a vehicle tank (1) for liquid fuels, comprising at least two compartments (3, 4, 5) separated by a baffle (2), one compartment (3) having a withdrawal line (7) and the baffle (2) having an opening (9) which is close to the bottom and has a valve (10), and the valve (10) opening independently of a pressure and/or fill level difference in the compartments (3, 4, 5) when the fuel is on the side (4) of the valve (10) facing away from the withdrawal line.

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509201B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Behälters (1) für Betriebsmittel von Fahrzeugen, der einen zylinderförmigen Mantel (2) und mindestens eine Schwall- oder Trennwand (5, 5', 5", 5"', 7) in seinem Inneren aufweist, welche einen in Axialrichtung umgebogenen Randabschnitt (15) hat, umfassend die Kombination der folgenden Schritte in beliebiger Reihenfolge:Aufbringen eines Abdichtungsmaterials (16, 23, 26) in umlaufender Weise auf die Innenseite des Mantels (2) oder auf den Außenumfang der Schwall- oder Trennwand (5, 5', 5", 5'", 7); undEinführen der Schwall- oder Trennwand (5, 5', 5", 5'", 7) in den Mantel (2) in Axialrichtung desselben.Die Erfindung betrifft ferner einen nach diesem Verfahren hergestellten Behälter (1).

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000423698T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0005002003A

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009042U1

Es wird eine Einrichtung zur Vermeidung von Treibstoffdiebstahl aus Fahrzeugtanks mittels eines in einen Einfüllstutzen eingeführten Absaugschlauches beschrieben, wobei der Einfüllstutzen (12) im Inneren des Tanks (10) zur Oberseite des Tanks (10) umgelenkt bis zu einer Mündung (14) weitergeführt ist, die sich in einem geringen Abstand (a) gegenüber einem Hindernis für die weitere Einführung des in den Einfüllstutzen eingeführten Absaugschlauches befindet.

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Fluid baffle for a tank

Номер: AU2019265221A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Embodiments relate to fluid baffles and parts and kits for making such baffles. For example, some embodiments relate to a fluid baffle for use in a tank, where the baffle comprises: a body defining an interior volume and defining a plurality of fluid passage apertures at spaced positions around the body to allow fluid to easily pass into and out of the interior volume; wherein the body comprises a continuous wall that defines a plurality of convex regions spaced from each other around the body and defines concave regions between the convex regions.

19-09-2002 дата публикации

Liquid fuel trap

Номер: AU2002232088A1

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Fail-safe containment device for containing volatile fluids

Номер: AU2015337107A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A fail safe container and container insert are disclosed. A flexible container insert may convert energy from a catastrophic event, including but not limited to collisions, accidents, impacts, pressure container failures or explosions such as detonations, or other catastrophic incidents, into a stretching of an internal structure of a fail-safe container insert to minimize or prevent failure of the container insert and/or the container. The stretchability of the container insert may accommodate both temperature and shape changes to protect a container, including but not limited to a pressure vessel, from rupture or other failure. Accordingly, a container insert may be considered self-healing in that it may absorb the effects of catastrophic events to prevent failure, may return to a generally previous condition, and/or may seal or otherwise reduce or minimize breaches when they do occur.

27-03-2003 дата публикации

Improved fuel filling point

Номер: AU0000758763B2

26-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002332276A1

A fuel tank for motor vehicles is constructed so that the generation of noise in the fuel tank due to sloshing fuel is minimized. For this purpose, a dampener element, which is permeable to the flow of liquid fuel, is attached to the interior of the tank. According to the invention, the dampening element has a dimensionally stable lattice or similar network structure. This dampener element is attached near the bottom wall of the fuel tank and has a generally horizontal orientation.

19-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002364755A1

A fuel tank for a motor vehicle comprises at least one fuel filling opening, at least one fuel delivery pump, at least one operational vent means and at least one refuelling vent valve. The vent means and vent valve are connected to a fuel vapor filter by way of at least one vent conduit. At least one bead removal container is connected on the upstream side of the fuel vapor filter. At least the bead removal container and the refuelling vent valve are combined to form a functional unit in the form of a vent unit adapted to fit into an opening through the wall of the tank.

23-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002445116C

The invention relates to a fuel tank (1) for a motor vehicle. The fuel tank is provided with means for the ventilation thereof and a filling tube (3) for the filling thereof. Furthermore, a recirculation line (12), communicating with the filling line (3) is provided. According to the invention, the fuel tank (1) is characterised in that the recirculation line (12) is connected to the filling line (3) roughly in the region of the outlet end of the filling line (3) within the volume enclosed by the tank.

25-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000110431C2

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Shockproof and anti-immersion oil tank

Номер: CN0109515579A

07-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003064218B1

16-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003061090B1

23-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002873330B1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD

27-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002638127A1

28-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003064217A1

L'invention concerne un accessoire interne (1) pour réservoir de véhicule (2). Selon l'invention, un tel accessoire interne (1) comprend au moins un panneau fixe (14), ledit panneau fixe (14) comprenant au moins un premier moyen de fixation (10, 11, 12, 13) apte à fixer ledit panneau fixe (14) à une paroi du réservoir (2), ledit panneau fixe(14) étant connecté à au moins un premier panneau mobile (17, 18) par au moins un premier moyen de connexion apte à permettre une rotation du au moins un premier panneau mobile (17, 18) par rapport audit panneau fixe (14), ledit panneau fixe (14) et/ou ledit premier panneau mobile (17, 18) est(sont) muni(s) d'un premier moyen de blocage dudit premier panneau mobile apte à bloquer ledit premier panneau mobile (17, 18) lorsque celui-ci se trouve dans le plan dudit panneau fixe (14).

28-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002948411A1

Réservoir à fluide (2) comportant une enceinte (4) et un certain nombre de cellules (7, 71, 72) ouvertes vers le haut, délimitées par des parois latérales (6, 61, 62, 63) et installées autour de l'enceinte (4). Les parois (6, 61, 62) les plus proches de l'enceinte (4) ont une hauteur plus grande que les parois (61, 62, 63) plus éloignées de l'enceinte (4).

10-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI0104333A

04-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007110640A1

A fluid tank inlet assembly comprises an inlet pipe (5) extending from a mounting structure (2) located at its proximal end. A float valve assembly (7) is disposed beyond the distal end of the inlet pipe (5) and includes a float member (6). An obstruction is located within a housing (22) between the inlet pipe (5) and the float member (6) . The obstruction (21) blocks line of sight from the inlet pipe (5) to the float member (6), but a flow path (23) is defined between the obstruction (21) and the housing wall to allow fluid flow to the float valve assembly (7) around the obstruction (21).

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010063801A2
Автор: SMIRRA, Karl

A collection device (10) with a collection container (11) and a plurality of conducting elements (13) guided on the collection container (11) is disposed in a fluid container (1) for a motor vehicle. The conducting elements (13) are preferably of one-piece construction together with a collection plate (12) surrounding the collection container (11). Fluid that sloshes around in the fluid container (1) is fed through the conducting elements (13) and the collection plate (12) to the collection container (11). This allows the minimum amount of fluid in the fluid container (1) required for the proper operation of the motor vehicle to be kept particularly low.

18-07-2017 дата публикации

Baffled fluid tank with stairway access

Номер: US0009707881B2

A tank for transporting fluids on a truck chassis includes a front wall, side walls, a back wall, a top, and a floor. Interior stairs extend from the floor to an opening in the top to allow stair access into the interior with integrated safety handrails on the fill port cover. Stair toe kicks act as internal transverse baffles to help control fluid motion and surging. The stairs also act as a structural stiffener between longitudinal baffles. Horizontal baffles assist in controlling fluid motion and surging. Formed baffles provide strength and stiffness. A baffle interlocking system improves joint integrity and aids manufacturing. Formed outer skins provide structural strength for the tank. Ports located in front and rear bulkheads may be used for tank ventilation or, depending on local safety codes, as secondary access points.

30-10-2001 дата публикации

Liquid stabilizing baffle system

Номер: US0006308856B1

A liquid stabilizing baffle system is described in which a plurality of elongated strips are provided, each being formed of a flexible spring material. Each strip includes longitudinal side edges joining opposed ends. At least one end hole is formed in each strip inwardly adjacent each end, and each strip is foldable into a loop configuration with ends overlapping. Fastener members are provided to be received through aligned end holes of the strips. A connector is provided on each strip, configured to enable a plurality of the strips to be linked in succession with the strips folded into loop configurations to form a strand. In a preferred form the connector includes a set of geometric shaped holes formed through the strips in the loops, and a similarly shaped bar threaded through the holes to prevent relative rotation of the loops relative to one another.

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Fuel tank

Номер: EP0000893295B1
Принадлежит: Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG.

13-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: JP2011201401A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a fuel tank structure that can increase a volume of a fuel tank of a vehicle including a breather pipe while maintaining outline dimensions. SOLUTION: A fuel tank 10 is mounted in a vehicle 1 and arranged with an air inlet 48 of a breather pipe 40 within an internal space therein. A liquid level increase delaying means 26 for delaying, when a liquid level increases inside the fuel tank 10 by being supplied with liquid fuel, the increase of the liquid level within a predetermined area 24 around the air inlet 48 of the breather pipe 40 compared to the opposite side 22 to the predetermined area in the fuel tank 10 is provided inside the fuel tank 10. COPYRIGHT: (C)2012,JPO&INPIT ...

08-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018142751A3

30-05-2001 дата публикации

Impact-resistant fuel tank device

Номер: GB0000108653D0

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Liquid fuel trap

Номер: GB0002389351A

A liquid fuel trap device (30) for a vehicle fuel tank (12), comprising a housing (33) formed with a confined space (38) with at least one inlet port (44, 48) each connectable to a corresponding fuel valve (16, 18), an outlet port (55) connectable to a fuel vapor recovery system (40), and a fuel liquid discharge valve (60) adapted for discharging liquid fuel from the space into the tank (12). The housing further comprises a connecting arrangement (78) for attaching the device on an inner surface of an upper wall (34) of the fuel tank (12).

01-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009304012D0

31-08-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fuel tanks or like containers

Номер: GB0000491319A

... 491,319. Tanks. DELANEY, C. T., and GALLAY, Ltd. March 2, 1937, No. 6169. [Class 69 (i)] [Also in Group XVII] The filling of fuel tanks or like containers having internal baffles a is facilitated by the provision of flaps d with lever or other mechanism for moving them from the position shown in Fig. 1, in which they close apertures in the baffles, to that shown in Fig. 2, in which they open the apertures to allow free passage of the fluid when the tank is being filled. In the construction shown, the flaps when in the latter position form a horizontal baffle. When the tank has a single outlet the baffles may have additional small apertures to allow the fluid to pass to it. Another tank is described in which two flaps, one above the other, are provided in each vertical baffle, the flaps forming two horizontal partitions when open. Springs, weights, or locking devices may be provided to maintain the flaps in the closed position.

27-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002049572B

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000280688T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000537992T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508585B1

The invention relates to a vehicle tank (1) for liquid fuels, comprising at least two compartments (3, 4, 5) separated by a baffle (2), one compartment (3) having a withdrawal line (7) and the baffle (2) having an opening (9) which is close to the bottom and has a valve (10), and the valve (10) opening independently of a pressure and/or fill level difference in the compartments (3, 4, 5) when the fuel is on the side (4) of the valve (10) facing away from the withdrawal line.

25-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000004237U1

A fuel tank for motor vehicles is constructed so that the generation of noise in the fuel tank due to sloshing fuel is minimized. For this purpose, a dampener element, which is permeable to the flow of liquid fuel, is attached to the interior of the tank. According to the invention, the dampening element has a dimensionally stable lattice or similar network structure. This dampener element is attached near the bottom wall of the fuel tank and has a generally horizontal orientation.

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010846U1

28-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002965631C
Принадлежит: H2SAFE, LLC, H2SAFE LLC

A fail safe container and container insert are disclosed. A flexible container insert may convert energy from a catastrophic event, including but not limited to collisions, accidents, impacts, pressure container failures or explosions such as detonations, or other catastrophic incidents, into a stretching of an internal structure of a fail-safe container insert to minimize or prevent failure of the container insert and/or the container. The stretchability of the container insert may accommodate both temperature and shape changes to protect a container, including but not limited to a pressure vessel, from rupture or other failure. Accordingly, a container insert may be considered self-healing in that it may absorb the effects of catastrophic events to prevent failure, may return to a generally previous condition, and/or may seal or otherwise reduce or minimize breaches when they do occur.

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002901648A1

The present document describes vehicle components. More specifically, the present document describes vehicle components such as fuel tanks, radiators, pedal box assemblies, reverse transmission systems and electronic control modules for a vehicle.

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201491254A1

19-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003014772A1

Il est proposé un dispositif antibruit pour réservoir de véhicule comprenant une cloison et au moins un bras de liaison flexible dont une première extrémité est reliée en un point de la cloison et dont une seconde extrémité est configurée pour être reliée en un point du réservoir.

31-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002453045A1

04-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101609084B1

... 본원은 모터 차량용 작동 유체 용기에 관한 것으로서, 상기 작동 유체 용기는 서로 상보적인 열가소성 플라스틱 재료의 적어도 2 개의 사출 성형된 쉘들 (2a, 2b) 로 조립된 용기 본체를 포함한다. 상기 쉘들 (2a, 2b) 은, 각각의 경우에, 예를 들어 상기 작동 유체 용기에서 발생된 유체 서지의 제한이 발생하도록 자유 용기 체적으로 연장되는 일체로 성형된 구조물들 (7) 을 구비한다. 2 개의 상기 쉘들 각각에서 상기 구조물들의 적어도 일부는 대략 상기 작동 유체 용기의 연결 평면 (8) 에서 적어도 부분적으로 함께 용접된다.

07-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007099691A1
Автор: FUJII, Yudai

A sound muffling device having increased freedom to size, which allows the device to maintain excellent installability even if its length is increased. The sound muffling device is inserted into a fuel tank through its opening (E) and installed in position, and damps and absorbs noise produced when the fuel in the tank moves. The sound muffling device (1) is formed in a three-dimensional shape having a lateral portion (X) with a width smaller than the width of the opening (E) and a longitudinal portion (Y) with a length greater than the width of the opening (E). The longitudinal portion (Y) has sound muffling parts (2A, 2B) connected to each other at a position intermediate the longitudinal direction of the portion (Y) by using a connection part (3).

21-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000214041A3

An adapter (16) provides for mounting an object on plastic. The adapter (16) comprises a body (30) coupled with at least two feet (34). The feet (34) are weldable to the surface of the plastic while the plastic is in a molten state. The adapter (16) also includes a coupling mechanism (32) coupled with the body (30). The coupling mechanism (32) is operable to couple the object with the adapter (16).

27-10-2015 дата публикации

Plastic fuel tank comprising a noise reduction baffle and process for manufacturing it

Номер: US0009168830B2

Plastic fuel tank comprising a noise reduction baffle and interference sections for suppressing tank deformation in the case of application of negative pressure to said tank, the interference sections projecting inward in the tank from an upper surface and a lower surface thereof respectively, and being disposed so as to be substantially opposed with a specified interval between them, one of these sections being part of a fixation device which secures the baffle to the tank wall.

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Baffled Fluid Tank with Stairway Access

Номер: US2014217716A1

A tank for transporting fluids on a truck chassis includes a front wall, side walls, a back wall, a top, and a floor. Interior stairs extend from the floor to an opening in the top to allow stair access into the interior with integrated safety handrails on the fill port cover. Stair toe kicks act as internal transverse baffles to help control fluid motion and surging. The stairs also act as a structural stiffener between longitudinal baffles. Horizontal baffles assist in controlling fluid motion and surging. Formed baffles provide strength and stiffness. A baffle interlocking system improves joint integrity and aids manufacturing. Formed outer skins provide structural strength for the tank. Ports located in front and rear bulkheads may be used for tank ventilation or, depending on local safety codes, as secondary access points.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144914A1

A fuel tank baffle assembly is provided for installation in a fuel tank, the baffle assembly comprising a main body having a first end section, a second end section, and an intermediate section interconnecting the first and second end sections. Operably associated with the main body is at least one deployable auxiliary baffle structure. The auxiliary baffle structure is configured to be positioned in an undeployed state during installation into a fuel tank, thereby defining a first installation width of the baffle assembly. Following installation, the auxiliary baffle structure is deployed into an extended position, thereby defining an operational width for subsequent usage. The operational width is greater than the installation width.

06-06-2001 дата публикации

Fuel tank vent valve with liquid carryover filter

Номер: EP0001104713A2

The invention relates to an apparatus for controlling discharge of fuel vapor from within a vehicle fuel tank. The apparatus comprises a valve container (36) adapted to be installed in a fuel tank and formed to include an inlet in communication with the fuel tank, an outlet, and a main chamber (40) defined therebetween. A valve assembly is arranged in said main chamber adapted for movement between an open position allowing flow of fuel vapor through the outlet and a closed position preventing flow of at least fuel vapor through the outlet. The valve assembly controllably provides communication between said inlet and outlet. A primary liquid separate chamber (42) in said main chamber is defined between said valve assembly and said outlet. An auxiliary liquid separation chamber (68) in said main chamber (40) is defined between said primary liquid separation chamber and said outlet. A baffle (70) is retained in said container between said primary liquid separate chamber (42) and an auxiliary ...

20-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: JP0011105559A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To reduce a noise to be produced by a movement of fuel in a fuel tank during the travel of an automobile. SOLUTION: A fuel tank 10 is provided with a cylinderlike wall member 12 set up at a space from a front end 28 or a rear end 30 in looking from a traveling direction 22. This wall member 12 is extending over a substantial part of at least height and width of this tank 10. An acute angle is formed in space between the wall member 12 and a sidewall of the tank 10. In addition, this wall member 12 is formed with a hole 34 to allow a pass of fuel and an edge recess 32 in combination. A boundary surface of the wall member 12 partitions off an inner part of the fuel tank 10, and a clearance gap with an end wall of the tank 10 is selected so as to be insufficient for making a fuel quantity being contained therein produce a noise by means of fuel motion. COPYRIGHT: (C)1999,JPO ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: JP0005907078B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2499689C2

Топливозаправочное устройство (1) состоит из заправочной головки (2) и распложенной между топливным баком и заправочной головкой (2) заливной трубы (3), имеет другую направляющую трубу (7; 23) с передним в направлении ввода концом (8) и с задним в направлении ввода концом (9), которая расположена внутри заливной трубы (3), причем передний конец (8) расположен непосредственно под заправочной головкой (2). Передний конец (8) имеет пружинный элемент (27), а задний конец (9) опирается на нижнюю коническую область (4) заливной трубы (2). Пружинный элемент (27) находит на наружную сторону (22) ограничительного конца (12) заправочной головки (2). Достигается упрощение конструкции и увеличение скорости заправки топливом. 4 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745816C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам и цистернам для транспортировки наливных грузов. Транспортное средство для перевозки наливных грузов включает цистерну (10) для перевозки наливных грузов, имеющую центральную ось и противоположные боковые стенки, и колесное шасси. Цистерна для перевозки наливных грузов включает внутреннюю решетчатую конструкцию, разделяющую цистерну на отдельные секции, которым придана такая конфигурация, чтобы замедлялось перемещение жидкости в направлении преимущественно перпендикулярно центральной оси цистерны и между смежными секциями образующей секции решетчатой конструкции для уменьшения кинетической энергии, передаваемой от жидкости одной из противоположных боковых стенок цистерны, по сравнению со случаем, при котором секции отсутствуют. Решетчатая конструкция, разделяющая цистерну на отдельные секции, выполнена из трех или более слоев секций, выполненных с помощью двух или более перегородок (18). Каждая из двух или более перегородок (18) предназначена ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации

Fluid tank for motor vehicle, has upwardly opened cells limited by side walls, where height of side walls arranged adjacent to fluid reservoir is greater than height of side walls that are arranged at distance from fluid reservoir

Номер: DE102009027952A1

The tank (2) has four upwardly opened cells (7, 71, 72) arranged around a fluid reservoir (4) in an arc shape or circular arc shape and limited by side walls (6, 61-63). The height of the side walls arranged adjacent to the fluid reservoir is greater than the height of the side walls that are arranged at a distance from the fluid reservoir. The cells are arranged adjacent to each other. An opening is provided in each wall, where the opening connects the adjacent cells with each other. The cells are formed as integral honeycomb bodies (16). The honeycomb bodies are detachable from the tank.

12-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002456525A1

23-07-2014 дата публикации

Liquid fuel tank with motorised actuated horizontal baffle

Номер: GB0002510054A

A liquid fuel tank 1 for a motor vehicle, the tank comprising a baffle device 2 having a movable baffle 3 for damping slosh loads of the fuel 6, a venting device 7 comprising a vent valve 8 and a roll over valve 9, and a fuel delivery module 10 providing fuel to the engine. The baffle device 2 comprises an actuator 11, which moved the baffle 3 up or down, towards and away from a bottom 14 of the liquid fuel tank 1 in dependence on the fuel level in the tank. There may be a fuel detector 17 to determine the fuel level in the tank and cause the baffle to be moved to lie just above the level of the fuel. The baffle may move by means of telescopic bars 19. The invention also relates to a method for operating a liquid fuel tank 1 having a movable baffle.

12-09-2018 дата публикации

Baffle apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002540459B

31-12-1980 дата публикации

Tank wagon

Номер: GB0002049572A

A tank wagon for liquid material has interior partitions with dampeners to counteract movement and kenetic energy of the material with respect to the tank in one direction only. In this way, energy can be withdrawn from the liquid material movement during braking for instance, to mitigate adverse effects of such movement. In the embodiment detailed, partitions having openings are closed by hinged flaps during braking. Normally the flaps are gravity-urged to an open position. The tank can be composed of two compartments with different cross sections and length so that a lower and smaller compartment is located directly above a set of wheels. The larger compartment is contiguous with the upper part of the smaller compartment and is angled upwardly and forwardly. Thus, the lowermost portion of the larger compartment can be at the approximate level of the wheel axes.

09-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008613826D0

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000305860T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010159U1

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509201A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Behälters (1) für Betriebsmittel von Fahrzeugen, der einen zylinderförmigen Mantel (2) und mindestens eine Schwall- oder Trennwand (5, 5', 5", 5"', 7) in seinem Inneren aufweist, welche einen in Axialrichtung umgebogenen Randabschnitt (15) hat, umfassend die Kombination der folgenden Schritte in beliebiger Reihenfolge:Aufbringen eines Abdichtungsmaterials (16, 23, 26) in umlaufender Weise auf die Innenseite des Mantels (2) oder auf den Außenumfang der Schwall- oder Trennwand (5, 5', 5", 5"', 7); undEinführen der Schwall- oder Trennwand (5, 5', 5", 5"', 7) in den Mantel (2) in Axialrichtung desselben.Die Erfindung betrifft ferner einen nach diesem Verfahren hergestellten Behälter (1).

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000523450T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508585A1

The invention relates to a vehicle tank (1) for liquid fuels, comprising at least two compartments (3, 4, 5) separated by a baffle (2), one compartment (3) having a withdrawal line (7) and the baffle (2) having an opening (9) which is close to the bottom and has a valve (10), and the valve (10) opening independently of a pressure and/or fill level difference in the compartments (3, 4, 5) when the fuel is on the side (4) of the valve (10) facing away from the withdrawal line.

07-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002960459C

A tank mounted on a working vehicle is provided with an exterior member including a first plate unit, a second plate unit, a third plate unit, a fourth plate unit, a fifth plate unit, and a sixth plate unit, a first baffle plate joined to a first inner surface of the first plate unit, a second inner surface of the second plate unit, and a third inner surface of the third plate unit, and a second baffle plate joined to a fourth inner surface of the fourth plate unit, a fifth inner surface of the fifth plate unit, and a sixth inner surface of the sixth plate unit.

04-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002647418A1

A fluid tank inlet assembly comprises an inlet pipe (5) extending from a mounting structure (2) located at its proximal end. A float valve assembly (7) is disposed beyond the distal end of the inlet pipe (5) and includes a float member (6). An obstruction is located within a housing (22) between the inlet pipe (5) and the float member (6) . The obstruction (21) blocks line of sight from the inlet pipe (5) to the float member (6), but a flow path (23) is defined between the obstruction (21) and the housing wall to allow fluid flow to the float valve assembly (7) around the obstruction (21).

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002846981A1

A tank for transporting fluids on a truck chassis includes a front wall, side walls, a back wall, a top, and a floor. Interior stairs extend from the floor to an opening in the top to allow stair access into the interior with integrated safety handrails on the fill port cover. Stair toe kicks act as internal transverse baffles to help control fluid motion and surging. The stairs also act as a structural stiffener between longitudinal baffles. Horizontal baffles assist in controlling fluid motion and surging. Formed baffles provide strength and stiffness. A baffle interlocking system improves joint integrity and aids manufacturing. Formed outer skins provide structural strength for the tank. Ports located in front and rear bulkheads may be used for tank ventilation or, depending on local safety codes, as secondary access points.

11-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002364755C

A fuel tank for a motor vehicle comprises at least one fuel filling opening, at least one fuel delivery pump, at least one operational vent means and at least one refuelling vent valve. The vent means and vent valve are connected to a fuel vapor filter by way of at least one vent conduit. At least one bead removal container is connected on the upstream side of the fuel vapor filter. At least the bead removal container and the refuelling vent valve are combined to form a functional unit in the form of a vent unit adapted to fit into an opening through the wall of the tank.

04-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002260730A1

A liquid stabilizing baffle system is described in which a plurality of elongated strips are provided, each being formed of a flexible spring material. Each strip includes longitudinal side edges joining opposed ends. At least one end hole is formed in each strip inwardly adjacent each end, and each strip is foldable into a loop configuration with ends overlapping. Fastener members are provided to be received through aligned end holes of the strips. A connector is provided on each strip, configured to enable a plurality of the strips to be linked in succession with the strips folded into loop configurations to form a strand. In a preferred form the connector includes a set of geometric shaped holes formed through the strips in the loops, and a similarly shaped bar threaded through the holes to prevent relative rotation of the loops relative to one another.

31-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003055835B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S

22-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002453045B1

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001651A1
Автор: GEBERT Klaus, QUANT Frank

The invention relates to a fuel container () of thermoplastic plastics material having an upper base () and a lower base () which are supported against each other by means of at least one column-like support element (), wherein the support element () is connected in a positive-locking manner and/or materially engaging manner to a wall () of the upper base on the one hand and to a wall () of the lower base on the other hand in such a manner that it can absorb tensile forces and/or pressure forces, wherein the support element () is constructed in several pieces and the support element is divided longitudinally and comprises at least two segments () which complement each other in cross-section and which form a common support face at the end side. 1. A fuel container of thermoplastic plastics material having an upper base and a lower base which are supported against each other by at least one column-like support element , wherein the support element is connected in a positive-locking manner and/or materially engaging manner to a wall of the upper base and to a wall of the lower base in such a manner that it can absorb tensile forces which are brought about by the pressure inside the container , wherein the support element is constructed in several pieces , characterized in that the support element is divided longitudinally and comprises at least two segments which form a common support face at the end side.2. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that at least two segments complement each other in cross-section.3. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the segments of the support element are arranged so as to be able to be moved relative to each other at least in a longitudinal direction.4. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the segments are each constructed integrally.5. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the segments have a rib profile in cross-section.6. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008391A1

Method for stake-fastening an accessory () into a plastic fuel tank, whereby: 110-. (canceled)11: A plastic fuel tank equipped with at least one accessory or support for an accessory , wherein the accessory or support for an accessory in direct contact with part of the wall of the tank and includes several orifices of oblong shape in which plastic identical to that of the wall of the tank is present , these orifices being arranged in such a way that the planes normal to the surface of the accessory at the orifices and comprising the longitudinal axes of the latter intersect on one and the same axis.1214-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method for fastening an accessory in a plastic fuel tank.Fuel tanks on board vehicles of various kinds generally have to meet imperviousness and permeability standards in relation to the type of use for which they are designed and the environmental requirements that they have to satisfy. Both in Europe and throughout the world we are currently experiencing a considerable tightening of the requirements concerned with limiting the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and into the environment in general. The design of fuel tanks is therefore evolving quickly towards techniques capable of better guaranteeing the imperviousness and safety under varying conditions of use. Furthermore, attempts are also being made to minimize the losses originating from the pipes and various accessories associated with the tanks. One means sometimes used is to incorporate certain accessories and pipe work within the tanks, thus eliminating their interface with the external surroundings. As a preference, these elements are fixed to the internal wall of the tank and do not pass through it, so as to avoid damaging the barrier layer often present in these tanks and so as to eliminate the risk of leakage associated with recourse to sealing devices.Thus, Patent Application WO 01/60592 in the name of the applicant company discloses a method of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014340A1
Автор: Smith Erick Dalee

At least one balloon or bladder is disposed inside a liquid container to take up space as liquid is removed from the container. The balloon(s) can be connected to a gas injection system to inject gas into the balloon(s) to keep the liquid fill level in the container to a filled level. This results in little or no sloshing of the liquid inside the container. The balloon(s) can be secured in place by one or more positioning boxes disposed along the container's inside periphery. One or more strings can interconnect the balloon(s) to the positioning boxes. 1. A liquid container comprising:at least one bladder disposed in the container; anda gas injection system operable to inject or retract a gas into or from the at least one bladder as liquid is removed from or added to the container, whereina liquid level in the container is maintained at a filled level as liquid is removed from the container and the at least one bladder is filled with the gas or as liquid is added to the container and gas is removed from the at least one bladder.2. The liquid container of claim 1 , further comprising at least one connector for positioning the at least one bladder in the inside the container.3. The liquid container of claim 2 , further comprising at least one positioning box interconnecting the at least one connector with an inside periphery of the container.4. The liquid container of claim 1 , wherein the at least one bladder is a plurality of bladders and the gas injection system injects or retracts an inert gas into or from each of the plurality of bladders simultaneously.5. A liquid container comprising:at least one bladder disposed along a length of the container;a gas injection system operable to inject or retract a gas into or from the at least one bladder as liquid is removed from or added to the container;at least one connector for positioning the at least one bladder in the inside the container; andat least one positioning box interconnecting the at least one connector with ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016975A1

The present disclosure is directed to a fuel tank with an internal support structure and external reinforcements to minimize deformations due to pressure variations, such as may arise from diurnal temperature variations. Uncontrolled contraction of fuel tanks may result in undesirable reductions of tank volume, and uncontrolled expansion of fuel tanks may result in unwanted collision of fuel tanks with other vehicle components. The fuel tank of the present disclosure may find utility in applications where regular venting of fuel tanks is not practical, such as in hybrid vehicles. 1. A fuel tank , comprising:a wall defining an internal space;a first support structure in the internal space, the first support structure having a first end attached to the wall and a second end spaced from the wall; anda second support structure abutting an exterior of the wall.2. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the second support structure is positioned so as to limit expansion of the wall of the fuel tank when the fuel tank is under a positive pressure.3. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the wall of the fuel tank adjacent the second end of first support structure includes one or more grooves claim 1 , the one or more grooves defining a channel within which the second end of the first support structure is received.4. The fuel tank of claim 3 , wherein the wall of the fuel tank adjacent the second end of the first support structure includes two channels.5. The fuel tank of claim 3 , wherein the channel is defined by a length claim 3 , a width claim 3 , and a depth claim 3 , and wherein the depth of the channel is less than or equal to about 6 cm.6. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the first support structure is comprised of a polymer resin material.7. The fuel tank of claim 6 , wherein the polymer is high-density polyethylene (HDPE).8. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank wall comprises at least an inner layer and an outer layer claim 1 , and at least the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle fuel pump cover assembly and method

Номер: US20200018273A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A fuel pump cover assembly and method for a vehicle includes a cover arranged over the vehicle fuel pump for inhibiting water access to the vehicle fuel pump and at least one clip securing the cover to a feed line for the vehicle fuel pump.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018274A1

A cover assembly and method for a vehicle fuel pump includes a cover base secured in a fixed position relative to the vehicle fuel pump and a flexible cover connected to the cover base and positioned by the cover base to inhibit water access to the vehicle fuel pump. The method includes securing the cover base in a fixed position relative to the vehicle fuel pump, connecting the flexible cover to the cover base, and positioning the flexible cover with the cover base to inhibit water access to the vehicle fuel pump. 1. A cover assembly for a vehicle fuel pump , comprising:a cover base secured in a fixed position relative to the vehicle fuel pump; anda flexible cover connected to the cover base and positioned by the cover base to inhibit water access to the vehicle fuel pump.2. The cover assembly of wherein the vehicle fuel pump is received within a vehicle fuel tank and has a pump flange member extending through a fuel pump opening defined in the vehicle fuel tank so as to be exposed outside the vehicle fuel tank claim 1 , the flexible cover arranged to complementarily overlap the pump flange member.3. The cover assembly of wherein the vehicle fuel pump is secured to vehicle fuel tank by a threaded mounting collar claim 2 , the threaded mounting collar annually received about the pump flange member and threadedly secured to the vehicle fuel tank.4. The cover assembly of wherein the cover base complementarily overlaps the threaded mounting collar and is secured to the threaded mounting collar.5. The cover assembly of wherein the threaded mounting collar includes a mounting collar flange portion and a threaded skirt portion depending from the flange portion claim 4 , the flange portion axially capturing the pump flange member and the threaded skirt threadedly engaged with a threaded portion of the vehicle fuel pump defining the fuel pump opening.6. The cover assembly of wherein the cover base includes a cover base flange portion overlying the mounting collar flange ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029466A1
Автор: GEBERT Klaus, QUANT Frank

The invention relates to a fuel container () of thermoplastic plastics material having an upper base () and a lower base () which are supported against each other by means of at least one column-like support element (), wherein the support element () is connected in a positive-locking manner and/or materially engaging manner to a wall () of the upper base on the one hand and to a wall () of the lower base on the other hand in such a manner that it can absorb tensile forces and/or pressure forces, wherein the support element () is constructed in several pieces and the support element is divided longitudinally and comprises at least two segments () which complement each other in cross-section and which form a common support face at the end side. 1. A thermoplastic fuel container comprising:an upper base and a lower base,at least one column support element, wherein the at least one column support element comprises a rigid material,wherein the upper base and the lower base are supported between each other by the at least one column support element,wherein the at least one column support element is connected in a positive-locking manner and/or materially engaging manner to a wall of the upper base and to a wall of the lower base, and configured to absorb tensile forces from pressure inside the container,wherein the at least one column support element is constructed in several pieces,wherein the several pieces of the at least one column support element comprise at least two segments which divide the at least one column support element longitudinally and form a common support face at an end side, andwherein the at least two segments are movable relative to each other at least in a longitudinal direction.2. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two segments complement each other in cross-section.3. (canceled)4. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two segments are each constructed integrally.5. The fuel container as ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032748A1

The mounting structure of a fuel device is for mounting the fuel device, which includes a plurality of components, on a baffle plate for suppressing waving of liquid fuel stored in a fuel tank. One of the components of the fuel device is integrally formed, as a mounting portion, with the baffle plate. The remaining components of the fuel device are mounted, as a mounted portion, on the mounting portion of the baffle plate. 1. A mounting structure of a fuel device for mounting the fuel device on a baffle plate for suppressing waving of liquid fuel stored in a fuel tank , the fuel device comprising a plurality of components , whereinone of the components of the fuel device is integrally formed, as a mounting portion, with the baffle plate, andremaining components of the fuel device are mounted, as a mounted portion, on the mounting portion of the baffle plate.2. The mounting structure of a fuel device according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel device is one of a fuel shut-off valve and a gas-liquid separator.3. The mounting structure of a fuel device according to claim 2 , whereinthe fuel device is the fuel shut-off valve,the fuel shut-off valve includes a housing having a communication opening in communication with a canister and includes a float valve arranged within the housing and floating on the liquid fuel so as to open and close the communication opening by vertically moving in accordance with fluctuation of a liquid surface,a part of the housing is formed by an outer housing member extending in a vertical direction and having a lower opening at a lower end,the outer housing member is integrally formed, as the mounting portion, with the baffle plate, andthe fuel shut-off valve detects that the fuel tank is filled with the liquid fuel when gas pressure in the fuel tank rises after the liquid surface of the liquid fuel in the fuel tank reaches the lower opening.4. The mounting structure of a fuel device according to claim 3 , whereinthe fuel shut-off valve includes ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Installing And Sealing Fuel Pump In Fuel Tank

Номер: US20180037106A1
Автор: Tipton Larry J.

Systems and methods for installing and sealing a fuel pump in a fuel tank are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system for installing and sealing a fuel pump in a fuel tank may include (1) a fuel tank with an opening in a surface thereof; and (2) a fuel pump hanger assembly, the fuel pump hanger assembly comprising; (a) a plurality of assembly screws; (b) a plurality of clamping lugs configured to thread onto the plurality of assembly screws and engage an inside surface of the fuel tank; (c) a top plate further comprising; (i) a bearing surface configured to engage an external fuel tank surface; (ii) a plurality of through holes proximate the perimeter of the top plate and perpendicular to the bearing surface; (iii) a plurality of bosses, each of the plurality of bosses adjacent to each through hole, configured to guide and position the each clamping lug; and (d) a gasket positioned between the top plate and the fuel tank. 1. A method for installing and sealing a fuel pump in a fuel tank , comprising:providing an opening in a fuel tank;securing a split clamping ring adjacent to the opening of the fuel tank;positioning a plurality of clamping lugs of the fuel pump hanger assembly through the opening and through the split clamping ring;inserting a fuel pump hanger assembly into the opening; andsecuring a plurality of assembly screws in the top of the fuel pump hanger assembly to cause the plurality of clamping lugs to engage a plurality of bosses and tighten against the split clamping ring.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising guiding the clamping lugs through the opening with the plurality of bosses.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising rotating the plurality of assembly screws to move said clamping lugs.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising moving said plurality of clamping lugs vertically with said rotation of the plurality of assembly screws.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:inserting a split clamping ring into the opening; ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Platy-filler nitrile liner low permeation fuel filler hoses

Номер: US20160047498A1
Автор: Dennis M. D'Hondt

A multilayer fuel hose may include a fuel filler hose construction which may include a first inner fuel-impermeable rubber layer, and a second outer wall layer, and a hose fitting. The inner fuel-impermeable rubber layer may include particles constructed and arranged to increase the impermeability of fuels through the inner fuel-impermeable rubber layer.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053693A1

A fuel tank includes a structural body and a membrane. The membrane extends vertically between and is attached to a top wall and a bottom wall of the structural body, and substantially extends between a first side wall and a second side wall of the structural body. The membrane defines a plurality of venting apertures operable to allow liquid fuel to move therethrough. The membrane is flexible, and includes a length, measured between a top edge and a bottom edge of the membrane, that is greater than a height of the structural body, which is measured between the top wall and the bottom wall of the structural body. The flexibility of the membrane and the length of the membrane allow the membrane to flex and move to absorb kinetic energy of fuel moving within the structural body. 1. A fuel tank for a vehicle , the fuel tank comprising:a structural body having a top wall, a bottom wall disposed vertically below the top wall, a first side wall extending between the top wall and the bottom wall, and a second side wall extending between the top wall and the bottom wall, and disposed opposite the first side wall;a membrane having a top edge attached to the top wall and a bottom edge attached to the bottom wall;wherein the membrane substantially extends between the first side wall and the second side wall, and defines a plurality of venting apertures operable to allow liquid fuel to move therethrough; andwherein the membrane is flexible and includes a length, measured between the top edge and the bottom edge of the membrane, that is greater than a height of the structural body, measured between the top wall and the bottom wall of the structural body, such that the membrane is operable to flex and move to absorb kinetic energy of moving fuel within the structural body.2. A fuel tank as set forth in wherein the length of the membrane is between 30% and 50% greater than the height of the structural body.3. A fuel tank as set forth in wherein the membrane is one of a high ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047608A1

The present disclosure is directed to a fuel tank fill pipe assembly configured to conduct liquid fuel from a fuel-dispensing nozzle to a fuel tank. The fuel tank fill pipe assembly includes a filler head assembly shaped to receive the fuel-dispensing nozzle and a filler pipe that extends from the filler head assembly toward the fuel tank. In illustrated embodiments, a coupler is included for attaching the filler head assembly to the filler pipe while blocking fuel vapor from escaping the fuel tank fill pipe assembly so that hydrocarbons present in the fuel vapor are not released into the environment. 1. A fuel tank fill pipe assembly adapted to conduct liquid fuel from a fuel-dispensing nozzle to a fuel tank , the assembly comprisinga filler head assembly shaped to receive the fuel-dispensing nozzle,a filler pipe that defines a passageway for carrying liquid fuel from filler head assembly toward the fuel tank, andjoint means for mechanically connecting the filler head assembly to the filler pipe and for sealing along an outside diameter of the filler pipe at the interface of the filler pipe with the filler head assembly to block fuel vapor from escaping the fuel tank fill pipe assembly so that hydrocarbons present in the fuel vapor are not released into the environment.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the joint means is provided by a low-permeation coupler that includes an overmolded shoulder chemically bonded to an outer surface of the filler pipe to provide a controlled outwardly-facing sealing surface claim 1 , a crimp ring attached to the filler head assembly that provides an inwardly facing sealing surface arranged in confronting relation with the outwardly-facing sealing surface of the overmolded shoulder claim 1 , and a first O-ring seal engaged with the overmolded shoulder and the crimp ring.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the overmolded shoulder is formed to include a first seal groove sized to receive a portion of the first O-ring seal so that ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050741A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

Disclosed is a baffle ( 40 ) for locating in a tank ( 16 ) for containing liquid. The baffle ( 40 ) comprises: a baffle wall enclosing an internal cavity ( 48 ); and one or more openings ( 50 ) in the baffle wall configured to permit the flow of a fluid between the internal cavity ( 48 ) of the baffle ( 40 ) and a volume external to the baffle wall. The baffle wall comprises an outer wall ( 42 ), and an inner wall ( 44 ) located within the outer wall ( 42 ). The outer and inner walls ( 42, 44 ) each comprise one or more openings. Each of the openings in the outer wall ( 42 ) is attached to a respective opening in the inner wall ( 44 ) via a respective opening side wall. The outer and inner walls ( 42, 44 ) are spaced apart to define therebetween a chamber ( 46 ).

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Self-Sealing Liquid Bladders

Номер: US20170057341A1

A self-sealing liquid bladder having a plurality of layers including a liquid impermeable material layer that is compatible with a liquid held in the bladder and at least one sealing layer that is conformally arranged to span a surface area of the liquid impermeable material layer and that is separated from a liquid held in the bladder by the liquid impermeable layer, the sealing layer including a sealing means that, in response to a penetration of both the liquid impermeable material layer and the sealing layer, substantially seals the penetration. 1. A self-sealing liquid bladder comprising a liquid bladder having a plurality of layers including a liquid impermeable material layer that is inert to a liquid held in the bladder and at least one sealing layer that is conformally arranged to span a surface area of the liquid impermeable material layer and that is separated from a liquid held in the bladder by the liquid impermeable layer wherein the sealing layer includes a plurality of shape changing structures that change geometry upon absorption of the liquid in the bladder.2. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the shape changing structures are a plurality of fibers that include at least a first material that expands upon absorption of liquid in the bladder.3. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the plurality of shape changing structures include a second material that does not substantially change geometry upon contact with liquid in the bladder.4. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the plurality of shape changing structures include a second material that absorbs liquid in the bladder and that has a bladder liquid absorption rate that is different from a bladder liquid absorption rate of the first material.5. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the shape changing structure first material encapsulates the second material.6. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the shape changing structure first material and the shape changing ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Ballooning Self-Sealing Bladders

Номер: US20170057342A1

A self-sealing liquid bladder having a wall including plurality of connected cells each cell having an elastic wall portion and a stiffened wall portion and at least one source of pressure associated with one or more of the plurality of cells. 1. A self-sealing liquid bladder comprising:a liquid bladder having a bladder wall structure that is impermeable to a liquid in the bladder, and that includes a plurality of connected cells each cell having an elastic wall portion and a stiffened wall portion; andat least one source of pressure associated with one or more of the plurality of cells wherein perforation of a cell causes the at least one source of pressure to urge the elastic wall portion of cells adjacent to the perforated cell to expand towards the perforated cell.2. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the plurality of cells are irreversibly connected to one another by one or more connections.3. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein each of the plurality of connected cells includes a source of pressure.4. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the plurality of connected cells form the liquid impermeable bladder wall.5. The self-sealing liquid bladder of including two adjacent liquid impermeable bladder walls where each adjacent liquid impermeable bladder wall includes a plurality of connected cells each cell having an elastic wall portion claim 4 , a stiffened wall portion and a source of pressure.6. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the bladder includes a first wall and a second wall spaced apart from the first wall by a plurality of elastic partition walls and at least one partition wall adjacent to each of the first wall and second wall claim 1 , the combination forming a bladder wall structure having a plurality of cells wherein each cell includes a source of pressure.7. The self-sealing liquid bladder of including two or more bladder wall structures.8. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein at least one of the first wall and the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Use of Flaps in Fuel Bladders to Seal Punctures

Номер: US20170057343A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A self-sealing bladder including a liquid impermeable material layer that is compatible with a liquid held in the bladder and a plurality of flexible sealing flaps extending inwardly from the interior surface of the liquid bladder wherein, in response to a hole formed in the bladder that establishes an unwanted flow of liquid from the bladder, at least one sealing flap responds to the unwanted flow of fluid by bending towards and at least partially covering the hole.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Self-Sealing Liquid Bladders

Номер: US20170057344A1

A self-sealing liquid bladder having a plurality of layers including a liquid impermeable material layer that is compatible with a liquid held in the bladder and at least one sealing layer that is conformally arranged to span a surface area of the liquid impermeable material layer and that is separated from a liquid held in the bladder by the liquid impermeable layer, the sealing layer including a sealing means that, in response to a penetration of both the liquid impermeable material layer and the sealing layer, substantially seals the penetration. 1. A self-sealing liquid bladder comprising a liquid bladder having a plurality of layers including a liquid impermeable material layer that is compatible with a liquid held in the bladder , and at least one sealing layer that is conformally arranged to span a surface area of the liquid impermeable material layer and that is separated from a liquid held in the bladder by the liquid impermeable layer wherein the sealing layer includes at least one compressed material that is retained in the sealing layer in a compressed state until a hole is formed in the liquid bladder at which time the compressed material adjacent to the hole expands to at least partially plug the hole.2. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the at least one compressed material is selected from or more of fibers claim 1 , open cell foams claim 1 , closed cell foams claim 1 , fabrics claim 1 , non-wovens claim 1 , felts and sponges.3. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the at least one compressed material is compressed fibers.4. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the at least one compressed material is retained in a compressed state by a bladder fluid reactive material that releases the compressed material upon contact with the liquid in the bladder.5. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the bladder fluid reactive material participates in substantially sealing a bladder hole.6. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Self-Sealing Liquid Bladders

Номер: US20170057345A1

A self-sealing liquid bladder having a plurality of layers including a liquid impermeable material layer that is compatible with a liquid held in the bladder and at least one sealing layer that is conformally arranged to span a surface area of the liquid impermeable material layer and that is separated from a liquid held in the bladder by the liquid impermeable layer, the sealing layer including a sealing means that, in response to a penetration of both the liquid impermeable material layer and the sealing layer, substantially seals the penetration. 1. A self-sealing liquid bladder comprising:a liquid bladder having a at least one sealing layer that is conformally arranged to span a surface area of the bladder and that is separated from a liquid held in the bladder by a liquid impermeable layer wherein the at least one sealing layer is at least one segmented cellular structure layer that includes a plurality of cells defined by one or more partition walls wherein at least one bladder sealing material is retained within each of a plurality of the cells.2. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein each cell includes a single partition wall.3. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein each cell includes two or more partition walls.4. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein each cell includes the same bladder sealing material.5. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein at least one cell includes a first bladder sealing material and at least one cells includes a second bladder sealing material.6. The self-sealing liquid bladder of wherein the sealing layer includes two or more adjacent segmented cellular structure layers.7. The self-sealing bladder of wherein the cells of adjacent segmented cellular structure layers are offset from one another.8. The self-sealing bladder of wherein the cells of adjacent segmented cellular structures are coterminous.9. The self-sealing bladder of wherein adjacent coterminous cells contain different bladder sealing materials.10. A ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Heat baffle clip shield

Номер: US20190061516A1
Автор: Shawn L. BOWERS
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A baffle clip shield for protecting a clip attaching a baffle to a fuel tank to protect the fuel tank from heat from an exhaust chamber located near the fuel tank is disclosed. The clip shield includes a spring foot extending from the rear side of the clip shield, the spring foot having a hook distal end that is pushed radially inward by the inclined wall as the clip shield is installed, the hook distal end of the spring foot being insertable into a hole in the inclined wall of the clip receiving portion, the hook distal end moving radially outward when installed in the hold, the hook distal end creating an interference fit with the inclined wall to prevent removal of the clip shield.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070646A1

A fuel tank lid unit includes a tank lid, an accommodation unit, and an inner terminal. The tank lid closes an opening at an upper part of a fuel tank. The accommodation unit is provided at an upper part of the tank lid, and accommodates an electronic circuit in therein. The inner terminal penetrates the tank lid and connects the electronic circuit and an electronic component inside the fuel tank. The accommodation unit includes a communication opening communicating internal and external spaces. The internal space in the accommodation unit includes a first region where the electronic circuit is arranged and a second region provided below the first region and surrounding the inner terminal. In a plan view of the accommodation unit, an area of the second region is smaller than that of the first region. Further, a communication opening is provided below a first region-side end of the second region. 1. A fuel tank lid unit comprising:a tank lid closing an opening at an upper part of a fuel tank;an accommodation unit provided on the tank lid and having an electronic circuit accommodated in an internal space thereof; andan inner terminal penetrating the tank lid and connecting the electronic circuit and an electronic component inside the fuel tank,whereinthe accommodation unit comprises a communication opening communicating the internal space and an external space,the internal space of the accommodation unit comprises a first region in which the electronic circuit is arranged and a second region provided below the first region and surrounding the inner terminal,an area of the second region is smaller than an area of the first region in a plan view of the accommodation unit, andthe communication opening is provided below an end of the second region on a first region side, andthe inner terminal is exposed to the internal space of the accommodation unit at a bottom of the second region.2. The fuel tank lid unit according to claim 1 , wherein the second region is a recess ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070647A1

Power machine fuel tanks include a plug receptacle and a cover for the plug receptacle which seals the plug receptacle from an interior of the fuel tank. A receptacle insert positioned within the plug receptacle allows a fuel plug to be removably secured to the fuel tank. The cover prevents leakage from inside the fuel tank through the plug receptacle, regardless of whether the plug is secured within the receptacle insert, unless the cover has been removed from a sealing position. 1. A fuel tank assembly for a power machine , comprising:a molded fuel tank;a plug receptacle formed in a bottom portion of the fuel tank;a molded cover formed inside the fuel tank above the plug receptacle and sealing an interior of the fuel tank from the plug receptacle;a receptacle insert positioned inside of the plug receptacle; anda fuel plug configured to be removably secured within the receptacle insert;wherein the molded cover prevents leakage from inside the fuel tank through the plug receptacle, regardless of whether the plug is secured within the receptacle insert, unless the molded cover has been removed from a sealing position.2. The fuel tank assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plug receptacle is formed in a drain well to allow drainage of fuel in the fuel tank.3. The fuel tank assembly of claim 1 , wherein the molded fuel tank is made of polymeric material.4. The fuel tank assembly of claim 3 , wherein the molded fuel tank and molded cover are formed in a same molding process such that the fuel tank and molded cover are formed of a continuous piece of polymeric material.5. A power machine comprising:an engine positioned in an engine compartment at a rear of the power machine;a lift arm structure;a frame having a first upright portion configured to support pivot connections for the lift arm structure and having a first side panel and a second side panel outwardly offset from the first side panel, the frame forming an internal compartment in the first upright portion at a rear ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077251A1

Various techniques are provided for an energy absorbing fluid bladder. In one example, the fluid bladder includes a bladder body and a perforated baffle structure. The perforated baffle structure can be disposed within the bladder body and configured to mitigate a pulse of fluid (e.g., fuel) moving within the bladder body before the pulse reaches the bladder body. Related methods are also disclosed. 1. A fluid bladder comprising:a bladder body; anda baffle structure disposed within the bladder body and configured to mitigate a pulse of fluid moving within the bladder body before the pulse reaches the bladder body.2. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein the baffle structure is configured to mitigate the pulse of fluid at least when the pulse is within a predetermined pulse range.3. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein mitigating the pulse of fluid moving within the bladder body comprises limiting a peak pulse pressure of the moving fluid.4. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein mitigating the pulse of fluid moving within the bladder body comprises absorbing at least a portion of the pulse claim 1 , wherein the baffle structure comprises a material configured to deform responsive to absorbing at least the portion of the pulse claim 1 , and wherein the baffle structure comprises a perforated structure comprising one or more perforations and at least one of the one or more perforations is configured to deform responsive to absorbing at least the portion of the pulse.5. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein the baffle structure comprises a first perforation and a second perforation different in size from the first perforation.6. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein the baffle structure comprises a cylinder with perforated walls.7. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein the baffle structure comprises a perforated polyhedron box.8. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein the baffle structure comprises a perforated sheet.9. The fluid bladder of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077252A1

Methods and systems are provided for a baffle system of a fuel tank. In one example, a baffle system for a fuel tank may include a horizontal section and a vertical section, where the vertical section is arranged perpendicular to the horizontal section and includes a first end coupled to the horizontal section. The vertical section may be rigidly attached to a top surface of the fuel tank via an attachment interface. 1. A baffle system for a fuel tank , comprising:a horizontal section;a vertical section arranged perpendicular to the horizontal section and including a first end coupled to the horizontal section, the vertical section extending across a length of the horizontal section; andan attachment surface coupled to a second end of the vertical section and including a plurality if apertures adapted to couple the baffle system to a top surface of the fuel tank.2. The baffle system of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the vertical section is coupled to a top surface of the horizontal section and mounted along a width of the horizontal section claim 1 , the width arranged perpendicular to the length claim 1 , wherein the horizontal section includes a central aperture claim 1 , and wherein the vertical section extends over and across the central aperture claim 1 , in a direction of the length.3. The baffle system of claim 1 , wherein the vertical section includes a plurality of apertures extending through a wall of the vertical section.4. The baffle system of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of apertures are arranged at outer ends of the vertical section claim 3 , a first set of apertures of the plurality of apertures arranged at a first outer end of the vertical section and a second set of apertures of the plurality of apertures arranged at a second outer end of the vertical section claim 3 , the first set of apertures separated from the second set of apertures by a central portion of the wall of the vertical section.5. The baffle system of claim 4 , wherein the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077253A1

A motor vehicle storage tank includes a tank wall having an inner tank wall and an outer tank wall which collectively define a closed interior space to receive a liquid, at least one baffle arranged in the closed interior space, and a heating element integrated in the baffle to heat the liquid received in the closed interior space. 1. A motor vehicle storage tank , comprising:a tank wall that includes an inner tank wall and an outer tank wall which collectively define a closed interior space to receive a liquid;at least one baffle arranged in the closed interior space; anda heating element integrated in the baffle to heat the liquid received in the closed interior space.2. The motor vehicle storage tank of claim 1 , further comprising an electrical connector for electrical connection to the heating element claim 1 , the electrical connection being arranged outside of the tank wall to extend through the inner tank wall and the outer tank wall and into the baffle.3. The motor vehicle storage tank of claim 1 , further comprising an electrical connector for electrical connection to the heating element claim 1 , the electrical connection being arranged outside of and at least partially encapsulated by the tank wall to extend through the inner tank wall and the outer tank wall and into the baffle.4. The motor vehicle storage tank of claim 1 , further comprising an electrical connector plug for electrical connection to the heating element claim 1 , the electrical connection being arranged outside of and encapsulated by the tank wall to extend through the inner tank wall and the outer tank wall and into the baffle.5. The motor vehicle storage tank of claim 1 , wherein the baffle is at least partially composed of thermally conductive material.6. The motor vehicle storage tank of claim 1 , wherein the baffle is at least partially composed of the same material as the tank wall.7. The motor vehicle storage tank of claim 1 , wherein the baffle and the tank wall are composed of a ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087979A1

To assist in maintaining a seal ring in a proper position in a fuel tank assembly, a retaining ring is utilized. The retaining ring surrounds the seal ring to provide a physical barrier to restrict the seal ring. The assembly includes a tank having an opening and a plurality of flanges located about the opening, a fuel pump module, the retaining ring and a seal ring. The retaining ring is located within the plurality of flanges, positioned around the opening and the fuel pump module. The seal ring is located within the plurality of flanges, positioned around the opening and the fuel pump module such that in a radial direction the seal ring is positioned between the fuel pump module and the retaining ring, and in an axial direction the seal ring is positioned between the fuel pump module and the fuel tank. 1. An assembly for storing fuel , the assembly comprising:a tank having an opening and a plurality of flanges, the opening defined by a perimeter, the plurality of flanges located about the perimeter;a fuel pump module partially located within the opening;a retaining ring located within the plurality of flanges, positioned around the opening and the fuel pump module;a seal ring, the seal ring located within the plurality of flanges, positioned around the opening and the fuel pump module such that in a radial direction the seal ring is positioned between the fuel pump module and the retaining ring, and in an axial direction the seal ring is positioned between the fuel pump module and the fuel tank.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the retaining ring includes a main body having a generally disc shaped form claim 1 , the generally disk shaped form defined by a top surface claim 1 , a bottom surface claim 1 , an inner surface and an outer surface claim 1 , a diameter of the inner surface being greater than an outer diameter of the seal ring; andthe retaining ring further includes one or more tabs extending away from the main body at the outer surface, the tabs ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Evaporative emissions fuel tank venting system positioned in vapor line

Номер: US20210094411A1
Автор: Vaughn K. Mills
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

A vent shut-off assembly configured to manage venting on a fuel tank configured to deliver fuel to an internal combustion engine includes a main housing, a poppet valve and an actuator. The main housing is positioned outside of the fuel tank and selectively vents to a canister. The poppet valve is disposed in the main housing and includes a plunger that provides over pressure relief (OPR) and over vacuum relief (OVR) functions. The actuator assembly can be housed in the main housing and includes a cam assembly having a cam shaft that includes a cam having a profile that one of opens and closes the poppet valve. When the poppet valve is in the closed position, vapor is precluded from passing between the fuel tank and the canister. When the poppet vale is in the open position, vapor is permitted from passing between the fuel tank and the canister.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093607A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for indicating whether a canister purge valve in a vehicle evaporative emissions control system is degraded. In one example, an air intake system hydrocarbon (AIS HC) trap temperature may be monitored during a refueling event, and responsive to an indication that the AIS HC trap temperature change is greater than a predetermined threshold, it may be indicated that the canister purge valve is degraded. In this way, diagnosis of whether a vehicle canister purge valve is degraded may be indicated without the use of engine manifold vacuum, and may be advantageous for vehicles configured to operate for significant amounts of time without engine operation, or without intake manifold vacuum. 1. A method comprising:monitoring a fuel vapor loading state of an adsorbent material positioned in an engine air intake while fuel is being added to a fuel tank that supplies fuel to the engine; andresponsive to an indication that an increase in the fuel vapor loading state is greater than a first predetermined threshold:indicating a canister purge valve configured to seal the fuel tank from the engine air intake is degraded.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent material positioned in the engine air intake comprises an air intake system hydrocarbon trap (AIS HC) claim 1 , and wherein the adsorbent material includes one or more of carbon claim 1 , activated carbon claim 1 , or zeolites claim 1 , and further comprising automatically starting an engine of the vehicle responsive to the fuel vapor loading state being greater than a second predetermined threshold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel vapor loading state of the adsorbent material is indicated while fuel is being added to the fuel tank based on a monitored temperature change of the adsorbent material;wherein the temperature change is monitored by one or more temperature sensors embedded in the adsorbent material; and whereina temperature increase indicates the adsorption of ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122234A1

A close-out assembly includes a housing and an inlet. The housing includes a wall that surrounds an opening. The wall includes an outer edge adjacent to the face plate and an inner edge. The inlet is coupled to the wall, and the inlet is accessible through the opening. The assembly includes a door coupled to the housing that is movable relative to the housing. The assembly includes a seal formed to the wall at the outer edge of the wall and the inner edge of the wall. The door engages one part of the seal when the door is in a closed position, and the inlet engages another part of the seal regardless of the position of the door. A method of manufacturing the assembly includes positioning a housing relative to a mold, and molding an elastomeric material to the housing using the mold to form a seal. 1. A close-out assembly for an external port of a vehicle; the close-out assembly comprising:a housing coupled to the external port, and the housing includes a face plate that defines an opening and includes a wall that surrounds the opening;wherein the wall includes an outer edge adjacent to the face plate and includes an inner edge spaced from the outer edge;an inlet coupled to the wall adjacent to the inner edge, and the inlet is accessible through the opening;a door coupled to the housing, and movable relative to the housing between an open position to access the inlet and a closed position to prevent access to the inlet; anda seal formed to the wall at the outer edge of the wall and the inner edge of the wall, and the door engages one part of the seal when the door is in the closed position, and the inlet engages another part of the seal regardless of the open and closed positions of the door.2. The assembly as set forth in wherein the seal includes a first sealing portion formed to the outer edge claim 1 , and a second sealing portion formed to the inner edge.3. The assembly as set forth in wherein:the first sealing portion includes a first lip that engages the door ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Tank reinforcement with integrated baffle

Номер: US20190105983A1

This invention relates to a reinforcement structure made of plastic material for plastic vehicle tank. The reinforcement structure comprises a first portion comprising at least one weak section and at least one strong section, which are designed so that said weak section breaks before said strong section, when said first portion is under mechanical stress, said reinforcement structure also comprises at least one second portion designed to reduce the slosh noise, said second portion extends from the strong section.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114754A1
Автор: BEYSEL Veysel Celal

The present invention relates to a plastic tank which provides storing of gasoline and urea liquid called adblue, used in automotive industry, particularly in vehicles which operate with gasoline and which reduces the damage of vehicles, which operate with gasoline, to the environment, in a single tank with two chambers, and relates to a special core heating system designed for production of this tank by using rotation technology. 1. A combined fuel tank used particularly in vehicles with diesel motor using adblue (urea-based chemical substance) and made of polymer-based material by using rotation technology , comprising a first chamber; a second chamber positioned in the vicinity of said first chamber; a double-wall and sealed wall embodied between the first chamber and the second chamber; and at least one baffle positioned in at least one of the first chamber and the second chamber and which provides dampening of noise and vibration.2. The combined fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein joining regions are embodied on said wall which are obtained by means of the kiss off method.3. The combined fuel tank according to claim 2 , wherein pluralities of joining regions are provided.4. The combined fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein said baffle comprises at least one joining region obtained by the kiss off method when required in a compliant manner to the vibration requirement.5. The combined fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein said baffle comprises pluralities of joining regions.6. The combined fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein pluralities of baffles are provided which are compliant to the dimension of the first chamber and the second chamber wherein said baffles are positioned.7. The combined fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein at least one passage gap is provided which is defined between at least one side surface of the fuel tank and the baffle and which allows movement of the liquid between two baffles.8. The combined fuel tank according to ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129779A1
Автор: SHIMOKAWA Shinji

A fuel tank supplying device includes: a fuel tank that can accommodate fuel at an interior; a circulation flow path that is connected to an interior of the fuel tank and a fuel refueling port side, and that circulates evaporated fuel vapor that is within the fuel tank to the fuel refueling port side; a variable valve that is provided on the circulation flow path, and adjusts a circulated amount of the evaporated fuel vapor; and air-passage flow path inner diameter changing means that is provided at the variable valve, and that is for changing an inner diameter of a air-passage flow path, through which the evaporated fuel vapor flows, in accordance with internal pressure of the fuel tank, and that, when the internal pressure of the fuel tank is equal to or greater than a predetermined value, makes the inner diameter of the air-passage flow path smaller. 1. A fuel supplying device comprising:a fuel tank that can accommodate fuel at an interior thereof;a circulation flow path that is connected to the interior of the fuel tank and to a fuel refueling port side, and that circulates evaporated fuel vapor that is within the fuel tank to the fuel refueling port side;a variable valve that is provided at the circulation flow path, and that adjusts a circulated amount of the evaporated fuel vapor; andan air-passage flow path inner diameter changing means that is provided at the variable valve, and that is for changing an inner diameter of an air-passage flow path, through which the evaporated fuel vapor flows, in accordance with an internal pressure of the fuel tank, and that, when the internal pressure of the fuel tank is equal to or greater than a predetermined value, makes the inner diameter of the air-passage flow path smaller.2. The fuel supplying device of claim 1 , wherein changing of the inner diameter of the air-passage flow path is carried out by fluid pressure of the evaporated fuel vapor that flows through the variable valve.3. The fuel supplying device of claim 1 ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129781A1
Автор: Eckstein Frank

Closing plug for an opening in a body structure of an automobile, wherein the closing plug closes the opening against a passage of fluid and/or gas up to a limit pressure, which acts on the closing plug, and allows a passage of fluid and/or gas above the limit pressure, characterized in that the closing plug has a base body consisting of a first plastic material, which has a holding section with holding means for holding the closing plug in the opening and a plate-shaped head section formed. at one end of the holding section with at least one opening, and in that the closing plug has a sealing body made from a second plastic material which is molded onto the base body in a plastic injection molding process, wherein the second plastic material is softer than the first plastic material, and wherein the sealing body has at least one elastically moveable sealing arm, wherein the at least one sealing arm sealingly covers the at least one opening of the plate-shaped head section from the upper side of the plate-shaped head section facing away from the holding section against a passage of fluid and/or gas up to the limit pressure, and wherein the at least one sealing arm elastically deforms upon acting of a pressure above the limit pressure with the release of the at least one opening for a passage of fluid and/or gas.

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Fuel tank

Номер: US20190126745A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

There is provided a fuel tank including: a fuel tank main body enclosed by a floor wall, side walls and an upper wall; and a separator including a strut, a first plate portion in which a first penetrating hole that penetrates in a plate thickness direction is formed, and a second plate portion in which a second penetrating hole that penetrates in a plate thickness direction is formed, the second plate portion sandwiching the strut with the first plate portion and extending in a diametric direction at an opposite side of the strut from a side thereof at which the first plate portion is disposed, wherein at least one of shapes, sizes or numbers of the first penetrating hole and the second penetrating hole is set to be different such that fluid resistances at the first plate portion and the second plate portion are different.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281313A1
Принадлежит: MAGNA Energy Storage Systems GesmbH

A plastic tank for a motor vehicle. The plastic tank includes a container wall composed of plastic, an opening arranged in the container wall, a removable cover member operable to close and open the opening, and a stiffening ring member, composed of an injection-moulded plastic, embedded into an edge of the container wall that surrounds the opening, the stiffening ring member being operable to directly or indirectly support the cover member when the opening is closed. 1. A plastic tank for a motor vehicle , the plastic tank comprising:a container wall composed of plastic;an opening arranged in the container wall;a removable cover member operable to close and open the opening; anda stiffening ring member, composed of an injection-moulded plastic, embedded into an edge of the container wall that surrounds the opening, the stiffening ring member being operable to directly or indirectly support the cover member when the opening is closed.2. The plastic tank of claim 1 , wherein the stiffening ring member is embedded into the container wall on an outside edge of the opening.3. The plastic tank of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the stiffening ring member is encapsulated by blow moulding or encapsulated by suction during formation of the container wall claim 1 , such that the stiffening ring member is embedded into the plastic of the container wall claim 1 , preferably the entire circumference of the stiffening ring member.4. The plastic tank of claim 1 , wherein an entire circumference of the stiffening ring member of the stiffening ring member is encapsulated by blow moulding or encapsulated by suction during formation of the container wall claim 1 , such that the stiffening ring member is embedded into the plastic of the container wall.5. The plastic tank of claim 1 , further comprising a bayonet ring member claim 1 , retained by the stiffening ring member claim 1 , and operable to support the cover member when the opening is closed and to facilitate removal of ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144534A1

A container including an inner wall including an opening sealed by a plate of a technical module including at least one technical device, the sealing of the opening resulting from insertion of the plate into the opening in a main direction. The plate of the technical module includes a flange including a bearing surface, and the inner wall of the vessel includes a bearing directed towards the inside of the container, which acts as a seat for the flange, to block passage of the plate of the technical module through the opening towards outside of the container. 115-. (canceled)16. A container comprising:a wall including an opening sealed by a plate of a technical module including at least one technical device, sealing of the opening resulting from insertion of the plate into the opening in a main direction;wherein the plate of the technical module includes a flange including a bearing surface; andwherein the inner wall of the container includes a bearing directed towards inside of the container, which acts as a seat for the flange, to block passage of the plate of the technical module through the opening towards outside of the container.17. A container according to claim 16 , further comprising means for restraint to prevent the plate from becoming disengaged from the opening claim 16 , while at a same time allowing the plate to move radially in relation to the main direction.18. A container according to claim 17 , wherein the means for restraint is arranged inside a cavity of the container and includes a restraining face configured to be brought into engagement with a restraining face of the flange opposite the bearing surface.19. A container according to claim 18 , wherein the means for restraint includes snap-fastening devices including a plurality of lugs claim 18 , including claws on their radially internal face positioned on the wall of the container and extending in the main direction from the internal face of the wall of the container towards inside of the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289020A1

A tank shell for a motor vehicle tank, exhibiting a tank shell inner surface facing towards the tank volume surrounded by it and a tank shell outer surface facing away from the tank volume surrounded by it, where a tank shell wall exhibits at least section-wise a multilayer layer structure, where the layer structure having at least one interior wall section produced by injection molding and located nearer to the tank shell inner surface, at least one exterior wall section produced by injection molding and located nearer to the tank shell outer surface, and a barrier film located between the interior wall section and the exterior wall section, where the tank shell wall exhibits at least one aperture penetrating through the tank shell wall along an aperture path, where a section of the barrier film is exposed in the region of the aperture; the section of the barrier film exposed in the region of the aperture is configured integrally with the barrier film in the tank shell wall and for contacting by a sealing arrangement of a conduit component realized separately from the tank shell wall. 115-. (canceled)16. A tank shell for a motor vehicle tank which exhibits a tank shell inner surface facing towards the tank volume surrounded by it and a tank shell outer surface facing away from the tank volume surrounded by it , where a tank shell wall exhibits at least section-wise a multilayer layer structure , where the layer structure comprises at least one interior wall section produced by injection molding , located nearer to the tank shell inner surface , at least one exterior wall section produced by injection molding , located nearer to the tank shell outer surface , and a barrier film located between the interior wall section and the exterior wall section , where the tank shell wall exhibits at least one aperture penetrating through the tank shell wall along an aperture path , where a section of the barrier film is exposed in the region of the aperture , wherein the ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154769A1

A stiffness reinforcement device for a fuel tank of a vehicle may include a body including a pair of pillars formed at both lateral end portions of the body; an upper fusing portion molded to an upper part of the body integrally and fused to an upper plate of the fuel tank; and a lower fusing portion molded to a lower part of the body integrally and fused to a lower plate of the fuel tank. 1. A stiffness reinforcement device for a fuel tank of a vehicle comprising:a body including a pair of pillars formed at first and second lateral end portions of the body;an upper fusing portion molded to an upper part of the body integrally and fused to an upper plate of the fuel tank; anda lower fusing portion molded to a lower part of the body integrally and fused to a lower plate of the fuel tank.2. The stiffness reinforcement device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the pillars includes a slot that is formed through the pillars and extends in a vertical direction thereof.3. The stiffness reinforcement device according to claim 1 , wherein the upper and lower fusing portions respectively have upper and lower surface areas equal to each other while being wider than a cross-sectional area of the body.4. The stiffness reinforcement device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the pillars includes arch-shaped recesses formed at internal and external surfaces of the pillars.5. The stiffness reinforcement device according to claim 2 , wherein each of the pillars has an “H”-shaped cross-sectional structure to reinforce bending stiffness of the pillar.6. The stiffness reinforcement device according to claim 1 , wherein the body further includes partitions formed on an external surface of the body at upper and lower end portions of the body integrally claim 1 , to suppress displacement of fuel.7. The stiffness reinforcement device according to claim 6 , wherein each of the partitions is formed with fuel-through-holes to allow a partial displacement of fuel.8. The stiffness ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Spare Tire Fuel Tank

Номер: US20170158051A1

A non-metallic transfer fuel tank, configured for placement in a spare tire location on a vehicle, includes a rigid non-metallic tank body with a plurality of cutouts formed in the tank body. A fill neck is coupled to the tank body along with a fuel line connector which connects the tank to the vehicle's existing fuel system. A mounting neck formed in the tank body contains a mounting rod. The mounting rod is coupled to a base plate which is below the tank body. The mounting rod is also coupled to a mounting plate which is located above the tank body. The mounting plate is further configured to couple in a winch location in the spare tire location on the vehicle using the same mounting method as was used to mount the spare tire winch. 1. A combination vehicle and vehicle underside spare tire location fuel tank , comprising:a vehicle having a spare tire location on an underside of said vehicle;a rigid non-metallic tank body coupled in said spare tire location on said vehicle;a plurality of cutouts formed in a surface of said tank body, wherein said plurality of cutouts are varying sizes;wherein said plurality of cutouts formed in said tank body allow clearance for at least one cross-beam and at least one pipe in said spare tire location on said vehicle;a filler neck in fluid communication with said tank body;a fuel line connector coupled to said tank body; andwherein said fuel line connector is fluidly coupled to an existing fuel system in said vehicle.2. The combination vehicle and vehicle underside spare tire location fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of cutouts formed in said tank body are configured to allow said tank body to be placed into different vehicle makes and models.3. The combination vehicle and vehicle underside spare tire location fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein said tank body is formed as a rounded square or rectangle.4. The combination vehicle and vehicle underside spare tire location fuel tank of claim 1 , further comprising a mounting ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for installing and sealing fuel pump in fuel tank

Номер: US20170166045A1
Автор: Larry J. Tipton
Принадлежит: Holley Performance Products Inc

Systems and methods for installing and sealing a fuel pump in a fuel tank are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system for installing and sealing a fuel pump in a fuel tank may include (1) a fuel tank with an opening in a surface thereof; and (2) a fuel pump hanger assembly, the fuel pump hanger assembly comprising; (a) a plurality of assembly screws; (b) a plurality of clamping lugs configured to thread onto the plurality of assembly screws and engage an inside surface of the fuel tank; (c) a top plate further comprising; (i) a bearing surface configured to engage an external fuel tank surface; (ii) a plurality of through holes proximate the perimeter of the top plate and perpendicular to the bearing surface; (iii) a plurality of bosses, each of the plurality of bosses adjacent to each through hole, configured to guide and position the each clamping lug; and (d) a gasket positioned between the top plate and the fuel tank.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305905A1

A combined fluid tank used in diesel engine vehicles using AdBlue is provided, wherein the AdBlue is a urea-based chemical and the combined fluid tank is manufactured using a rotation technology from a polymer-based material. The combined fluid tank includes a first chamber for diesel and a second chamber for AdBlue positioned next to the first chamber, a double-walled impermeable chamber constructed between the first chamber and the second chamber, and a baffle located in at least one of the first chamber and the second chamber and the baffle provides sound and vibration damping, and to a production method of the combined fluid tank. 1. A combined fluid tank used with at least one partition , wherein the combined fluid tank is manufactured from a polymer-based material , the combined fluid tank comprises a first chamber and a second chamber positioned next to the first chamber , a double-walled impermeable chamber constructed between the first chamber and the second chamber , and a baffle located in at least one of the first chamber and the second chamber , wherein the baffle provides sound and vibration damping; wherein the baffle and a wall comprise at least one core housing configured in a conical form.2. The combined fluid tank according to claim 1 , wherein core housings are in multiple numbers and are structured to be reverse-straight to each other respectively.3. The combined fluid tank according to claim 1 , wherein connection zones obtained by a kiss off method are structured on the wall and the baffle.4. The combined fluid tank according to claim 1 , comprising at least one passage gap claim 1 , wherein the at least one passage gap allows a movement of a liquid between two baffles and the at least one passage gap is defined between the baffle and at least one side surface of the combined fluid tank.5. The combined fluid tank according to claim 1 , wherein a wall thickness of surfaces of the combined fluid tank obtained by transferring an ambient ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206531A1
Автор: ALLAN Richard

A multi-vessel reservoir assembly is provided. The multi-vessel reservoir assembly comprises a first fluid vessel, a second fluid vessel, and at least one linkage positioned between the first and second fluid vessels. The at least one linkage serves to maintain the first and second fluid vessels in fixed and spaced-apart relationship relative to one another. The first and second fluid vessels are independent and separately operable. 114-. (canceled)15. A multi-vessel reservoir assembly comprising:a first fluid vessel;a second fluid vessel that is independent and separately operable from the first fluid vessel; andat least one linkage positioned between the first and second fluid vessels, the at least one linkage serving to maintain the first and second fluid vessels in fixed and spaced-apart relationship relative to one another,wherein the at least one linkage includes at least two primary connector elements extending between the first and second fluid vessels and at least one secondary connector element that is situated to span a gap delimited by the at least two primary connector elements.16. The multi-vessel reservoir assembly according to claim 15 , wherein each of the first fluid vessel and the second fluid vessels includes a housing claim 15 , and the at least one linkage is attached to each of the housings of the first fluid vessel and the second fluid vessel.17. The multi-vessel reservoir assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one linkage includes a web that is configured to be positioned between and connected to the housing of the first fluid vessel and the housing of the second fluid vessel.18. The multi-vessel reservoir assembly according to claim 17 , wherein an orientation of the web is generally perpendicular to an orientation of at least one of the primary connector elements.19. The multi-vessel reservoir assembly according to claim 17 , wherein an orientation of the web is parallel to an orientation of at least one secondary connector ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Fuel tank baffle with pivotable vanes

Номер: US20180178645A1

Methods and systems are provided for regulating fuel flow in a fuel tank. In one example, a method may comprise fueling a fuel tank by receiving a nozzle into a filler tube which extends into a fuel tank to fuel the fuel tank, and directing fuel through the tube against vanes in a baffle which forms a compartment within the tank. Additionally, the method may comprise enabling the vanes to open so that pressure within the compartment remains below a level which would otherwise cause shut off the nozzle during the fueling.

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Self-sealing Fuel Tank

Номер: US20210221221A1

A fuel container having walls defining a space in which fuel is to be contained, a layer of deformable material bonded to the external surfaces of the container walls, and a self-sealing layer of fuel-activated swellable material bonded to the deformable material, wherein said self-sealing layer is a latex foam, in particular a natural rubber latex foam, comprising a non-ionic associative thickener as rheology modifier and optionally other additives such as foam enhancers, foam stabilizers, accelerators and vulcanization components. 1. A method of making a self-sealing fuel tank comprising providing the fuel tank with a fuel-activated self-sealing latex foam layer wherein the fuel-activated self-sealing latex foam layer comprises a non-ionic associative thickener as rheology modifier and optionally one or more of a foam stabilizer , emulsifier , coagulator or vulcanization component.2. The method according to wherein the rheology modifier has a polymeric backbone constructed from one or more blocks of polymerized oxyalkylene units with hydrophobic groups attached to or within the backbone.3. The method according to wherein the polyoxyalkylene units are linked with a multifunctional isocyanate.4. The method according to wherein the backbone contains amine functionality.5. The method according to wherein the rheology modifier is used in an amount of up to 15% by weight based on the total self-sealing latex foam.6. A fuel container having walls defining a space in which fuel is to be contained claim 1 , a layer of deformable material bonded to the external surfaces of the container walls claim 1 , and a self-sealing layer of fuel-activated swellable material bonded to the deformable material claim 1 , wherein said self-sealing layer is a latex foam layer comprising a non-ionic associative thickener as rheology modifier and optionally one or more of a foam stabilizer claim 1 , emulsifier claim 1 , coagulator or vulcanization component.7. The fuel container according to ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214478A1

A fuel tank for a transport refrigeration system is provided. The fuel tank includes an elongate tank body. The elongated tank body has a first end wall; a second end wall; a sidewall extending between the first and second end walls; and an interior space defined by the sidewall and the first and second end walls. The fuel tank further includes a fuel tank vent configured to vent air outside of the fuel tank; a fuel outlet fitting; a fuel discharge tube fitting; and a fuel pickup tube fitting. The entire tank body can be made of a plastic. 1. A fuel tank , comprising: a first end wall;', 'a second end wall; and', 'a sidewall extending between the first and second end walls;, 'an elongate tank body, includingan interior space defined by the sidewall and the first and second end walls; anda fuel tank vent configured to vent air outside the fuel tank,wherein the entire tank body is made of a plastic.2. The fuel tank of claim 1 , further comprising:a baffle recess formed on an outer surface of the sidewall; anda baffle formed on an inner surface of the side wall, the baffle protruding into the interior space corresponding to a location of the baffle recess.3. The fuel tank of claim 1 , further comprising a continuous linear reinforcing region formed on each of the first and second end walls and through a center of the respective first and second end walls.4. The fuel tank of claim 3 , wherein the reinforcing region is a pinch seal formed during a molding process.5. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank passes a 30-feet drop test under a US Department of Transportation standard.6. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank passes a flame test under an Economic Commission for Europe standard.7. A fuel tank assembly claim 1 , comprising: [ a first end wall;', 'a second end wall; and', 'a sidewall extending between the first and second end walls;, 'an elongate tank body, comprising, 'an interior space defined by the sidewall and the first and second end ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208452A1

A dual-fluid receptacle for a diesel vehicle includes an outer wall disposed on an outer surface of the vehicle. The outer wall defines a diesel receptacle for receiving diesel fuel, a diesel-exhaust receptacle adjacent the diesel receptacle for receiving a diesel-exhaust fluid, and a bridge portion disposed between the diesel and diesel-exhaust receptacles. The receptacles are configured to simultaneously receive the diesel fuel and diesel-exhaust fluid from a single fluid dispensing unit. This allows an operator to fill the vehicle with diesel fuel and diesel-exhaust fluid, simultaneously, from a single fluid dispensing unit. A projection extends from the outer wall proximate to at least one of the two receptacles. The projection is configured to cooperate with an engagement feature of the fluid dispensing unit to selectively enable dispensing of diesel. 1. A dual-fluid receptacle for a diesel vehicle comprising:an outer wall disposed on an outer surface of the vehicle, the outer wall defining a diesel receptacle for receiving diesel fuel, a diesel-exhaust receptacle adjacent the diesel receptacle for receiving a diesel-exhaust fluid, and a bridge portion disposed between the diesel and diesel-exhaust receptacles, wherein the receptacles are configured to receive the diesel fuel and diesel-exhaust fluid from a single fluid dispensing unit; anda projection extending from the outer wall proximate to at least one of the two receptacles, the projection configured to cooperate with an engagement feature of the fluid dispensing unit to enable dispensing of diesel.2. The dual-fluid receptacle of claim 1 , wherein the projection is a pin extending from the bridge portion.3. The dual-fluid receptacle of claim 1 , wherein the outer wall includes an exterior surface and an interior surface defining a depth therebetween claim 1 , wherein the projection extends through the depth of the outer wall.4. The dual-fluid receptacle of claim 1 , further comprising a first door and a ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237559A1

An assembly for a fluid tank includes a baffle and a fluid transfer line. The baffle includes a first deflecting surface defining a first part of the tank and a second deflecting surface defining a second part of the tank. The fluid transfer line extends from the first part to the second part and is linked to the baffle by a linkage supported by the assembly. The extension of the fluid transfer line in the first part defines a first portion of the fluid transfer line, and the extension of the fluid transfer line in the second part defines a second portion of the fluid transfer line. The linkage allows for simultaneous rotation of the first portion and the second portion of the fluid transfer line towards a surface including one of the deflecting surfaces. 117-. (canceled)18. An assembly for a fluid tank comprising:a baffle, comprising a first deflecting surface intended to define a first part of the tank and a second deflecting surface intended to define a second part of the tank; anda fluid transfer line intended to extend from the first part to the second part and being linked to the baffle by a linkage supported by the assembly,wherein the extension of the fluid transfer line in the first part defines a first portion of the fluid transfer line,wherein the extension of the fluid transfer line in the second part defines a second portion of the fluid transfer line, andwherein the linkage allows for simultaneous rotation of the first portion and the second portion of the fluid transfer line towards a surface comprising one of the deflecting surfaces.19. The assembly according to claim 18 , wherein the fluid transfer line is linked to an internal peripheral edge of the baffle defining a passing hole extending between the two deflecting surfaces of the baffle claim 18 , the fluid transfer line passing through the passing hole in the baffle.20. The assembly according to claim 18 , wherein the fluid transfer line is linked to an external peripheral edge of the baffle ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237563A1

Embodiments relate to fluid baffles and parts and kits for making such baffles. For example, some embodiments relate to a fluid baffle for use in a tank, where the baffle comprises: a body defining an interior volume and defining a plurality of fluid passage apertures at spaced positions around the body to allow fluid to easily pass into and out of the interior volume; wherein the body comprises a continuous wall that defines a plurality of convex regions spaced from each other around the body and defines concave regions between the convex regions. 1. A fluid baffle for use in a tank , the baffle comprising:a body comprising a continuous wall that defines an interior volume and defines a plurality of fluid passage apertures at spaced positions around the body to allow fluid to easily pass into and out of the interior volume;wherein a shape of the body is such that outermost points of the body map onto points on a notional spherical volume and wherein recessed regions of the body between the outermost points are recessed from the outermost points.2. The baffle of claim 1 , wherein the outermost points are disposed on outermost faces claim 1 , and wherein the recessed regions are recessed relative to the outermost faces.3. The baffle of claim 2 , wherein the recessed regions define saddle regions in between the outermost faces claim 2 , orwherein the recessed regions comprise concave regions.4. The baffle of claim 3 , wherein at least some of the fluid passage apertures are defined in the recessed regions and/or the saddle regions.5. The baffle of claim 2 , wherein at least some of the fluid passage apertures are defined in the outermost faces claim 2 , or wherein the outermost faces comprise convex faces.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. A fluid baffle for use in a tank claim 2 , the baffle comprising:a body defining an interior volume and defining a plurality of fluid passage apertures at spaced positions around the body to allow fluid to easily pass into and out of the ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Fuel Tank Support

Номер: US20150224871A1

An endoskeleton to support a fuel tank body and establish a fuel tank. The endoskeleton may include columns to support fuel system components, first and second beams staggered with respect to one another and having tank contact portions attachable to the tank body, and walls extending between adjacent first and second beams to baffle fuel and to yieldably restrain movement of the body. The fuel tank body may have a wall thickness of about 2 to 4 mm, and a combined weight of the tank body and the endoskeleton may be less than a weight of the fuel tank if the body were about 4 to 6 mm in wall thickness. Also, an endoskeleton-to-tank body contact surface area ratio may be greater than about 4% of a total interior surface area of the tank body. Further, fuel tank may include a strength to weight ratio greater than 250 l-mbar/kg. 1. A fuel tank for a vehicle , comprising:a tank body having an upper wall, a lower wall, and side walls between the upper and lower walls and defining an interior in which fuel is stored;a plurality of fuel system components disposed in the interior of the tank body and including at least one of a rollover valve, a fuel level vent valve, a fuel tank isolation valve, or a fuel level indicator; and a plurality of at least partially hollow columns to support the plurality of fuel system components,', 'a plurality of spaced apart generally horizontally extending upper and lower beams being staggered with respect to one another such that the upper beams are not directly above the lower beams, and having tank contact portions attached to the upper and lower walls of the body, and', 'a plurality of walls extending between and interconnecting adjacent upper and lower beams to baffle fuel and to yieldably restrain movement of the upper and lower walls,, 'a unitary endoskeleton to reinforce the tank body, baffle fuel in the tank body, and carry the plurality of fuel system components in the tank body, and includingwherein the tank body has a wall ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229287A1
Автор: Xu JinQuan

A fill tube for an oil tank may have at least one baffle coupled to an inner wall of the fill tube. A first baffle may have an aperture. A release tube may be coupled to the baffle at the aperture. An object may be inserted through the aperture. The object may force open a flapper valve coupled to the fill tube. Pressure in the oil tank may be released through the flapper valve. The baffles may prevent hot oil from spraying out of the fill tube. After the pressure has been equalized, oil may be poured into the fill tube to fill the oil tank. 1. An oil system for a gas turbine engine comprising:an oil tank;a fill tube coupled to the oil tank;a cap coupled to a first end of the fill tube;a flapper valve coupled to the fill tube;a first baffle coupled to an inner wall of the fill tube, wherein the first baffle comprises a first aperture; anda second baffle coupled to the inner wall of the fill tube.2. The oil system of claim 1 , further comprising a release opening coupled to the first baffle.3. The oil system of claim 1 , wherein the first baffle and the second baffle overlap.4. The oil system of claim 1 , further comprising a third baffle coupled to the inner wall.5. The oil system of claim 4 , further comprising a first release opening coupled to the first baffle claim 4 , and a second release opening coupled to the third baffle.6. The oil system of claim 2 , wherein the release opening is a release tube.7. The oil system of claim 1 , wherein the flapper valve is biased to seal with the fill tube.8. A fill tube for an oil tank comprising:a cap coupled to a first end of the fill tube;a flapper valve coupled to the fill tube; anda first baffle coupled to an inner wall of the fill tube.9. The fill tube of claim 8 , further comprising a first release opening coupled to the first baffle.10. The fill tube of claim 8 , further comprising a second baffle coupled to the inner wall of the fill tube.11. The fill tube of claim 10 , further comprising a first release opening ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240759A1
Автор: Lopes Shailesh M.

A number of variations may include a product including a housing including at least one phase change material and a medium constructed and arranged for thermal energy transfer to or from a vehicle fuel. 1. A product comprising:a housing, comprising at least one phase change material and a medium, wherein the housing is constructed and arranged for thermal energy transfer to or from a fuel.2. A product as set forth in wherein the fuel comprises a diesel based fuel.3. A product as set forth in wherein the fuel comprises an ethanol based fuel.4. A product as set forth in any of wherein the medium comprises a layer in contact with or adjacent to a flow or static state of the fuel.5. A product as set forth in any of wherein the housing comprises at least one of a vehicle fuel filter component claim 1 , a vehicle fuel tank component claim 1 , or a portable insulation jacket.6. A product as set forth in any of wherein the phase change material further comprises encapsulated microspheres.7. A product as set forth in wherein the encapsulated microspheres are incorporated into a coating applied to a fiber or fabric.8. A product as set forth in wherein the coating further comprises an extensible binder.9. A product as set forth in wherein the housing further comprises a baffle of a fuel tank.10. A product as set forth in wherein the phase change material is constructed and arranged to solidify and release thermal energy to the fuel through the medium at temperatures at claim 1 , around claim 1 , or below the freezing claim 1 , gel claim 1 , or cloud point of the fuel.11. A product as set forth in wherein the phase change material is constructed and arranged to liquefy and collect thermal energy above the freezing claim 1 , gel claim 1 , or cloud point of the fuel.12. A product comprising:a fuel system for use in at least one vehicle component comprising a housing, comprising at least one phase change material and a medium, wherein the housing is constructed and arranged for ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Tank and method of manufacturing tank

Номер: US20180229602A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

A tank mounted on a working vehicle is provided with an exterior member including a first plate unit, a second plate unit, a third plate unit, a fourth plate unit, a fifth plate unit, and a sixth plate unit, a first baffle plate joined to a first inner surface of the first plate unit, a second inner surface of the second plate unit, and a third inner surface of the third plate unit, and a second baffle plate joined to a fourth inner surface of the fourth plate unit, a fifth inner surface of the fifth plate unit, and a sixth inner surface of the sixth plate unit.

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170232834A1

A fuel tank and a method for producing a fuel tank for a motor vehicle. The fuel tank is designed as a blow-molded hollow plastic member, into the interior of which a functional component support is introduced. The support, to which functional components, such as a fuel pump, a level indicator or valves can be secured, includes at least one supporting leg to be supported on an inner face of the hollow plastic member delimiting the interior thereof. The supporting leg of the functional component support is designed to include a connection point to which a functional component can be connected. 1. A fuel tank for a motor vehicle , which is designed as a blow-molded plastic hollow member , the fuel tank comprising:a functional component support arranged in an interior of the fuel tank, the functional component being adapted to have at least one functional component fasted thereto; andat least one supporting leg for providing support on an inner face that bounds the inner space of a plastic hollow member, the supporting leg of the functional component support being configured with a connection point to which the functional component is connected.2. The fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein the functional component support is a baffle wall which divides the interior of the fuel tank and is supported by supporting legs on opposite sides on the interior of the fuel tank.3. The fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting leg has a wall section with a contact surface claim 1 , which is in contact with the interior of the fuel tank via a welded connection claim 1 , and wherein a connection point of the functional component is arranged on a side of the wall section facing away from the contact surface.4. The fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein the connection point for the functional component has at least one latching element which is adapted to be brought into latching engagement with a corresponding counter-contour on the functional component.5. The fuel ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Automobile Urea Tank and Formatting Method Thereof

Номер: US20150258887A1
Принадлежит: Yapp Automotive Parts Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an automobile urea tank and a forming method thereof. The method includes the following steps: 1) producing an upper half casing and a lower half casing through an injection molding method; 2) after the upper half casing and the lower half casing are formed, assembling built-in parts of the upper half casing and the lower half casing; 3) welding the assembled upper half casing and the assembled lower half casing to form a whole; and 4) assembling components on surfaces of the upper half casing and the lower half casing. This method can improve design freedom of built-in elements of the tank body, and can save a lot of raw materials; the structure is simple and firm; moreover, the production efficiency is improved, and the production cycle is shortened.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Fuel Tank with Internal Bladder and Method

Номер: US20210300176A1
Автор: Kuykendall John

A fuel tank for a generator or the like, wherein the fuel tank includes a rigid outer fuel tank structure and an inner bladder. The outer fuel tank structure includes a longitudinal channel for receiving the inner bladder. End caps are disposed on either end of the outer fuel tank structure, so that the internal bladder may be pulled therein with cables or the like. When the internal bladder needs to be replaced due to damage or corrosion, the end caps are removed and cables may be attached to one end of the damaged internal bladder for pulling it from the outer fuel tank structure. Additionally, a replacement bladder may be attached via cables to the other end of the damaged bladder, so that the replacement bladder is pulled into one end of the outer fuel tank structure while the damaged bladder is being pulled out the other end thereof. 1. A fuel tank assembly comprising:an enclosed rigid outer fuel tank formed into a longitudinal structure including a series of support members, wherein said outer fuel tank includes a longitudinal channel for receiving an internal bladder and a pair of removable end caps that are disposed on opposed ends of thereof;a removable, collapsible internal bladder positioned within said longitudinal channel within said outer fuel tank;wherein said internal bladder may be removed from or inserted into said outer fuel tank through either end thereof when one or both end caps have been removed.2. The fuel tank assembly set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a pair of pull cables claim 1 , wherein said pull cables are attached to each longitudinal side of said internal bladder.3. The fuel tank assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein said outer fuel tank and said internal bladder both include fuel ports that are in operative communication with one another so that a user may fill said internal bladder through said fuel ports.4. The fuel tank assembly set forth in claim 3 , wherein said fuel port on said outer fuel tank is connected to said ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Fuel Filler System Seal

Номер: US20160263994A1
Принадлежит: SRG GLOBAL, INC.

A fuel door assembly for a motor vehicle is provided. The fuel door assembly includes a housing, a fuel door and a door seal. The fuel door is hingedly supported by the housing for rotation between an open position and a closed position. The door seal includes a proximal edge supported by the housing and a distal edge separated from the housing. The door seal has an arcuate shape extending from the proximal edge to the distal edge when the fuel door is in the open position. 1. A fuel door assembly for a motor vehicle , the fuel door assembly comprising:a housing;a fuel door hingedly supported by the housing between an open position and a closed position, the fuel door including an annular lip; anda door seal supported by the housing, the door seal operable to engage the annular lip when the fuel door is in the closed position.2. The fuel door assembly of claim 1 , wherein the annular lip includes a radially inwardly facing surface claim 1 , and wherein the door seal engages the radially inwardly facing surface when the fuel door is in the closed position.3. The fuel door assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a radially outwardly facing surface claim 1 , and wherein the door seal is coupled to the radially outwardly facing surface.4. The fuel door assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a radially-extending flange portion.5. The fuel door assembly of claim 4 , further comprising a body seal supported by the radially-extending flange portion.6. The fuel door assembly of claim 5 , wherein the housing includes a proximal end and a distal end claim 5 , and wherein the radially-extending flange portion is disposed between the proximal and distal ends.7. A fuel door assembly for a motor vehicle claim 5 , the fuel door assembly comprising:a housing;a fuel door hingedly supported by the housing between an open position and a closed position, the fuel door radially-extending surface and a radially inwardly facing surface; anda door seal supported by ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140367384A1

The present disclosure pertains to a sealing unit such a fuel tank cap for a tank unit of a motor vehicle. The sealing unit includes a cover element that can be arranged on or at least partially in an opening of a tank component of the motor vehicle such that it seals the opening of the tank component in an at least fluid-tight fashion. An actuator is arranged on an outer side of the cover element that faces away from the opening. In a non-actuated, normal position rests, flat against the outer side of the cover element. The actuator can be transferred into a gripping position, in which it at least partially extends oblique or transverse to the outer side of the cover element. 115-. (canceled)16. A sealing unit for a tank unit of a motor vehicle comprising:a cover element configured to be at least partially received in an opening of a tank component of the motor vehicle such that it seals the opening thereof in a fluid-tight fashion; andan actuator arranged on an outer side of the cover element that faces away from the opening, the actuator positionable between a non-actuated normal position resting flat against the outer side of the cover element and a gripping position at least partially extending oblique to the outer side of the cover element.17. The sealing unit according to further comprising a hinge element on which the actuator is arranged and rotatably transferred about a rotational axis from the non-actuated normal position into the gripping position.18. The sealing unit according to wherein the hinge element comprises a guide section which receives a projection on the actuator such that the actuator moves in a sliding fashion parallel to an axis of the hinge element during positioning from the non-actuated normal position into the gripping position.19. The sealing unit according to further comprising two actuators are arranged on the hinge element which and can be rotatably transferred in opposite rotating directions from the non-actuated normal position ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170282705A1
Автор: BOWERS Shawn L.

A baffle clip shield for protecting a clip attaching a baffle to a fuel tank to protect the fuel tank from heat from an exhaust chamber located near the fuel tank is disclosed. The clip shield includes a spring foot extending from the rear side of the clip shield, the spring foot having a hook distal end that is pushed radially inward by the inclined wall as the clip shield is installed, the hook distal end of the spring foot being insertable into a hole in the inclined wall of the clip receiving portion, the hook distal end moving radially outward when installed in the hold, the hook distal end creating an interference fit with the inclined wall to prevent removal of the clip shield. 1. A fuel tank for a motor vehicle , comprising:a fuel tank body; a clip receiving portion formed in the baffle having a generally frusto-conical shape, the clip receiving portion having a base portion recessed from a planar surface of the baffle, the clip receiving portion having a hole in the base through which a clip is inserted; and', 'an inclined wall extending from the base to the planar surface of the baffle, the inclined wall having a first radius about an axis perpendicular to the base at the base and a second radius about the axis at the planar surface, the second radius being greater than the first radius, the inclined wall having a hole between the planar surface and clip receiving portion;, 'a baffle to protect the fuel tank body from heat from an exhaust chamber located near the fuel tank body, the baffle comprisinga clip for attaching the baffle to the fuel tank body, the clip being inserted through a hole in the baffle and received by a clip receiver in the fuel tank body; and a solid body having a radius substantially similar to the second radius of the clip receiving portion, a front side facing the exhaust chamber, and a rear side facing the baffle; and', 'a spring foot extending from the rear side of the clip shield, the spring foot having a hook distal end that is ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180281585A1
Автор: Eulitz Dirk

The invention relates to a fuel tank for a motor vehicle, comprising a tank body made from thermoplastic with a tank wall which defines a tank volume which can be closed in a substantially fluid-tight manner, with at least one filler opening and with one or more functional insert components which are arranged within the tank volume, at least one blind opening with a single use closure being provided in the tank wall. 110-. (canceled)11. A fuel tank for a motor vehicle , comprising a tank body made from thermoplastic with a tank wall which defines a tank volume which can be closed in a substantially fluid-tight manner , with at least one filler opening and with one or more functional insert components which are arranged within the tank volume and which are selected from a group comprising a fuel delivery unit which comprises at least one baffle container and a fuel delivery pump , one or more suction jet pumps , one or more filling level sensors , one or more venting valves and one or more rollover safety valves , at least one blind opening with a single use closure being provided in the tank wall , the blind opening being covered and sealed outside the tank volume by way of a closure cap , and the closure cap being connected releasably to the tank wall , characterized in that the blind opening has a surround with an internal thread , and in that the surround is configured as a circumferential bulge which has a greater thickness than the tank wall outside the surround.12. The fuel tank as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the blind opening is configured as an integral shaped-out formation of the tank wall.13. The fuel tank as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the blind opening has a predetermined break line in the tank wall claim 11 , which predetermined break line defines a disk-shaped cap which can be detached from the tank wall as a single use closure.14. The fuel tank as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the closure cap is configured as a screw cap and has a thread which is ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150306951A1
Автор: SHIMOKAWA Shinji

A flow inhibiting member that inhibits a flow of vapor is provided, between a full-tank regulating valve and a sealing valve, at a communication pipe that communicates a canister and a full-tank regulating valve of a fuel tank. 1. A fuel tank structure , comprising:a fuel tank that can accommodate fuel internally;a canister that adsorbs, by means of an adsorbent, evaporated fuel inside the fuel tank, and that, after adsorption of the evaporated fuel, releases vapor to the atmosphere;a full-tank regulating valve that is provided within the fuel tank, and that closes as a result of a float floating in the fuel when a fuel liquid surface within the fuel tank reaches a full-tank liquid level that is set in advance;a communication pipe that communicates the fuel tank with the canister via the full-tank regulating valve;a sealing valve that is provided at the communication pipe and that can open and close the communication pipe by control thereof; anda flow inhibiting member that is provided at the communication pipe and that inhibits flow of vapor at the communication pipe.2. The fuel tank structure of claim 1 , wherein the flow inhibiting member comprises a variable mechanism that can change a flow path sectional area of the communication pipe.3. The fuel tank structure of claim 2 , wherein the flow inhibiting member comprises an orifice member that locally reduces the flow path sectional area of the communication pipe.4. The fuel tank structure of claim 3 , wherein:the orifice member comprises:a first orifice plate that is fitted tightly to an inner portion of the communication pipe, and that has a first orifice hole whose inner diameter is smaller than an inner diameter of the communication pipe; anda second orifice plate that is disposed further toward the full-tank regulating valve side than the first orifice plate, and that, when contacting the first orifice plate, blocks a portion of the first orifice hole, and that has one or more communication portions of which ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Fuel Tank With Carbon Dioxide Storage

Номер: US20170298880A1

A fuel tank and a motor vehicle equipped to recapture, store and recycle atmospheric carbon dioxide is disclosed. In one embodiment, such a vehicle includes a fuel tank which stores carbon dioxide in a same area with the combustible fuel of the vehicle. The fuel tank may include one or more pistons, baffles, bladders, or fixed dividers to separate carbon dioxide storage from fuel storage within a fuel tank area. The fuel tank may share volumetric space between carbon dioxide and fuel within the fuel tank. The fuel tank may be integrally formed into a carbon fiber vehicle body. The fuel tank may be integrally formed into a frame of a vehicle. 1. A fuel tank comprising:a first storage area for storing a first combustible fuel;a second storage area for storing exhaust components resulting from burning the first combustible fuel, wherein the first storage area and the second storage area share volumetric space within the fuel tank.2. The fuel tank of claim 1 , further comprising one or more pistons claim 1 , baffles claim 1 , metal walls claim 1 , carbon fiber walls or bladders which separates the first storage area from the second storage area within the shared volumetric space.3. The fuel tank of claim 2 , wherein the shared volumetric space is defined by an inner area of an enclosed space or an outer perimeter of the enclosed space.4. The fuel tank of claim 3 , wherein the enclosed space is at least partially made of at least one of a plastic claim 3 , carbon fiber claim 3 , nylon claim 3 , polyvinylidene fluoride claim 3 , polyethylene claim 3 , metal claim 3 , or a metal alloy.5. The fuel tank of claim 4 , wherein the enclosed space is integrally formed into a body structure of a vehicle.6. The fuel tank of claim 4 , wherein the enclosed space is integrally formed into a frame structure of a vehicle.7. The fuel tank of claim 4 , wherein the inner area of the enclosed space is lined with one or more membranes.8. The fuel tank of claim 1 , further comprising a third ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305265A1

To provide a component mounting structure for a fuel tank capable of suppressing an increase in the weight of the tank body and reducing the weight and thickness of the fuel tank component, the component mounting structure includes: a tank body () provided with an oblong opening (); a pump module () serving as a tank component mounted to the tank body (); a flange () that is provided to the pump module () so as to project out from an outer surface of the pump module (), has an oblong contour larger than the opening () and having a minor dimension (W) smaller than a major dimension (L) of the opening (), and is placed inside the tank body () through the opening () with an edge thereof opposing the tank body () over an entire circumference; a sealing member () placed between the tank body () and the flange (); and a fastening member () that holds the pump module () to the tank body () while compressing the sealing member () via the flange (). 1. A component mounting structure for a fuel tank , comprising:a tank body provided with an oblong opening;a tank component mounted to the tank body;a flange that is provided to the tank component so as to project out from an outer surface of the tank component, has an oblong contour larger than the opening and having a minor dimension smaller than a major dimension of the opening, and is configured to be capable of being inserted in the opening, so that the flange is placed inside the tank body with an edge thereof opposing the tank body over an entire circumference;a sealing member placed between the tank body and the flange; anda fastening member that holds the tank component to the tank body while compressing the sealing member via the flange.2. The component mounting structure according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening member comprises:an overhanging wall provided to the tank component to project out from the outer surface of the tank component at a position displaced from the flange in an outward direction of the tank ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Fuel Tank

Номер: US20180312056A1

A fuel tank for a truck, the fuel tank having a fuel tank body with a peripheral wall and end walls that define at least one receptacle to receive a liquid or gaseous medium. At least one baffle is fixedly attached to the inside surface of the peripheral wall via an inner fixing member. An outer fixing member is to fixedly attach the fuel tank body to the chassis of the truck, and is also connected to the inner fixing member through the peripheral wall. 1. A fuel tank for a truck , the fuel tank comprising:a fuel tank body having a peripheral wall and end walls that collectively define at least one receptacle to receive a liquid or gaseous medium;at least one baffle arranged in the at least one receptacle;an inner fixing member configured to fixedly attach the at least one baffle to an inside surface of the peripheral wall; andan outer fixing member configured to fixedly attach the fuel tank body to the truck, and which is also connected to the inner fixing member through the peripheral wall.2. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the inner fixing member comprises lugs.3. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the at least one baffle is also fixedly attached to the inside surface of the peripheral wall via friction connection at the outer peripheral wall.4. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the outer fixing member and the inner fixing member are arranged above a centre line of the fuel tank body.5. The fuel tank of claim 1 , further comprising a reinforcement strut extending diagonally across the surface of the at least one baffle.8. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank body is composed of aluminum.9. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank body is composed of steel.10. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank body is composed of stainless steel.11. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank body is composed of plastic.12. The fuel tank of claim 1 , wherein the outer fixing member is configured to permit the fixed attachment of the at ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312057A1
Автор: Esser Klaus

Fuel tank made of thermoplastic material comprising baffle components provided therein in the form of at least one baffle element () comprising at least one wall portion () which is clamped approximately centrally and/or at the end, so that said wall portion may perform relative movements in relation to the tank, caused by splashing movements of the fuel, at least one fastening foot being provided for the clamping, the base thereof being provided with at least one through-hole, through which the fastening foot is riveted and/or welded to the tank wall (). 110-. (canceled)11. A fuel tank for a motor vehicle comprising:at least one baffle element within a volume of the fuel tank, wherein the fuel tank is a thermoplastic fuel tank,the at least one baffle element comprising a wall portion retained to a wall of the fuel tank by a fastening foot,wherein, when fuel is in the fuel tank, the wall portion deforms in response to movements of the fuel in the fuel tank,wherein the fastening foot comprises at least one through-hole used to fasten the fastening foot to the wall of the fuel tank,wherein the at least one baffle element is configured such that, in its entirety, the at least one baffle element extends only over one part of an inside height and only over one part of an inside width of the volume of the fuel tank,wherein the wall portion is formed of thermoplastic material, andwherein the fastening foot is formed of thermoplastic material.12. The fuel tank according to claim 11 , wherein:the wall portion comprises a flexible wing which elastically deforms in response to the movements of the fuel in the fuel tank, and a region of retention which is retained by the fastening foot.13. The fuel tank according to claim 11 , wherein:when the fuel is in the fuel tank, the thermoplastic material of the fastening foot is exposed to the fuel within the fuel tank.14. The fuel tank according to claim 11 , wherein:the fastening foot is fastened to a region of an inner side of the ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150328981A1

A fuel tank having one or more support domes configured to engage with, and assist in positioning, a fuel tank insert.

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Multi-Layer Thermoplastic Spray Coating System for High Performance Sealing on Airplanes

Номер: US20200307819A1
Автор: Song Weidong

Tunable multi-layer thermoplastic polymer sealants and tunable two-layer conductive thermoplastic polymer sealants, and substrates and assemblies comprising the tunable multi-layer sealants; and edge seals and fillet seals produced comprising such sealants; and substrates, components and objects comprising the tunable edge seals and fillet seals, and methods for making and applying such edge seals and fillet seals are disclosed. 1. A seal for a substrate , said seal comprising:a first thermoplastic polymer layer applied to a substrate, said first thermoplastic polymer layer comprising a first thermoplastic polymer, said first thermoplastic polymer comprising at least one of: a thermoplastic co-polyester, a co-polymer of vinylidene fluoride and hexafluoropropylene, a thermoplastic polyurethane, a thermoplastic vulcanizate, a thermoplastic polyolefin elastomer, a styrene block co-polymer, a fluoroelastomer, and combinations thereof;a second thermoplastic polymer layer deposited onto said first thermoplastic polymer layer, said second thermoplastic polymer layer comprising a second thermoplastic polymer, said second thermoplastic polymer comprising at least one of: a polyether ether ketone, a polyether ketone ketone, a polyamide, a polysulfone, a polyphenylsulphone, a polyetheramide, and combinations thereof; andwherein the first thermoplastic polymer is different than the second thermoplastic polymer.2. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the first thermoplastic polymer layer applied to the substrate comprises a modulus less than 1000 MPa claim 1 , and wherein the second thermoplastic polymer layer deposited onto said first thermoplastic polymer layer comprises a modulus of less than 4 MP.3. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the first thermoplastic polymer layer applied to the substrate comprises an adhesion value ranging from about 10 lbs/in to about 30 lbs/in wide area in 90° peel test according to ASTM D6862-11 (2016).4. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the seal is at least one ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160347603A1

A fluid dispensing apparatus is provided and is configured to dispense two fluids to a vehicle. A rigid diesel spout delivers diesel, while a urea spout is slidably disposed on the diesel spout and configured to deliver urea to the vehicle. The urea spout includes a guide that cooperates with a rail on the diesel spout such that insertion of the diesel spout into the vehicle can slide the urea spout relative the diesel spout. A valve in the urea spout includes an area for receiving a projection member on the vehicle to open the urea spout when inserted into the vehicle. The vehicle correspondingly includes a diesel intake and a urea intake. A projection or pin is provided to cooperate with the dispensing apparatus to open the valve and allow urea to flow into the vehicle. 1. A dispensing unit for delivering diesel and urea to a vehicle , the dispensing unit comprising:a diesel spout configured to deliver diesel to the vehicle;a urea spout adjacent the diesel spout and configured to deliver urea to the vehicle, the urea spout having a body;a first surface feature disposed between the diesel spout and urea spout, the first surface feature configured to interact with a second surface feature on a fueling region of the vehicle, wherein a force provided by the second surface feature onto the first surface causes the urea spout to slide relative to the diesel spout; anda valve at least partially disposed in the urea spout and biased in a closed position to inhibit delivery of urea, the valve having a main body disposed in the urea spout and a member extending from the main body slidably disposed within the body of the urea spout;wherein the force provided by the second surface feature onto the first surface feature causes the valve to slide from the closed position to an open position to enable delivery of urea.2. The dispensing unit of claim 1 , wherein the urea spout includes a valve seat with an opening claim 1 , the valve seat disposed within the urea spout claim 1 , ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150352945A1
Принадлежит: Aeromotive, Inc.

A baffle for use in a fuel tank has a sidewall and an interior space. The sidewall is formed of a flexible material so as to be radially compressible. The compressibility of the sidewall allows the baffle to be inserted through a hole which is smaller in diameter than the uncompressed diameter of the baffle. The baffle is preferably also longitudinally compressible so that it can be mounted in fuel tanks of varying depths. 1. A baffle for mounting in a fuel tank having a top wall and a bottom wall with an access hole formed through said top wall , said baffle comprising:a) a sidewall having an initial sidewall diameter larger than the access hole in the top wall of the tank;b) an interior space within said sidewall; andc) a floor closing a lower end of said sidewall and having an initial floor diameter larger than the access hole in the top wall of the tank; whereind) said floor and said sidewall are both formed from flexible materials so as to be radially compressible from their said initial diameters to respective compressed diameters smaller than the access hole such that said baffle is insertable into the tank through the access hole in the top wall of the tank.2. The baffle as in in combination with an in-tank fuel pump positioned in said interior space.3. The baffle as in in combination with a fuel pickup for an externally mounted pump positioned in said interior space.4. The baffle as in wherein said sidewall includes a core of compressible foam.5. The baffle as in wherein said compressible foam provides an expansive force which urges said sidewall back toward its initial diameter upon insertion into the tank.6. The baffle as in wherein said compressible foam is permeable to a liquid in the tank.7. The baffle as in and further including a skin impermeable to the liquid and covering at least part of said sidewall.8. The baffle as in wherein said skin covers a lower part of said sidewall and has an upper margin such that liquid in the tank can flow over said ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160361996A1
Принадлежит: Röchling Automotive SE & Co. KG

On a liquid tank () for motor vehicles a relief structure () facing the tank volume () is at least sectionally provided on an inner side () facing the tank volume (). The relief structure () is inventively as configured one-piece with the tank wall (). 1. A liquid tank comprising;a tank wall enclosing a tank volume, on the inner side of which tank wall facing the tank volume at least one relief structure facing the tank volume is provided,wherein the relief structure is formed as one-piece with the tank wall.2. The liquid tank according to claim 1 ,wherein at least one exposed inner layer of the tank wall facing the tank volume is made, at least in the section including the relief structure, of a castable material.3. The liquid tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid tank comprises at least two shell parts that are joined to make a tank-wall section.4. The liquid tank according to claim 3 ,wherein in terms of intended use, a shell part comprises a tank bottom, wherein at least one part of the relief structure is formed on the tank bottom.5. The liquid tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the relief structure comprises projections protruding into the tank volume along a local direction of projection, which projections are arranged orthogonally to their direction of projection with spacing between them.6. The liquid tank according to claim 5 ,wherein the average distance between two immediately adjacent projections is not less than one-third and not more than five times the average thickness of the two projections.7. The liquid tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid tank is designed and intended to contain aqueous urea solution.8. A method of fabricating a liquid tank according to claim 1 , comprising the following steps:Providing of a castable mass, andCasting the mass to make a tank-wall section including a relief structure facing the tank volume of the liquid tank that is to be fabricated.9. The method according to claim 8 ,wherein the casting step ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170355261A1

A total dimension of spacing dimensions of a gap provided by a metal rod on a side opposite to a metal housing in a first assembling structure and a second assembling structure is set to be larger than a difference in a thermal expansion amount between a resin lid main body and the metal housing in a reference radial direction when a temperature exceeds a reference temperature. A total dimension of each of a spacing dimension of a gap provided by the metal rod on a side toward the metal housing and a spacing dimension between a resin protrusion and the metal housing in the first assembling structure and the second assembling structure is set to be larger than a difference in a thermal shrinkage amount between the resin lid main body and the metal housing in the reference radial direction when a temperature falls below the reference temperature. 1. A tank lid unit that is installed at a through hole of a fuel tank and houses a drive circuit for driving a fuel pump in the fuel tank , comprising:a resin lid main body that is made of a resin material and closes the through hole;a metal housing that is made of a metal material and internally houses the drive circuit; anda first assembling structure and a second assembling structure which are disposed on both sides of the metal housing in a reference radial direction of the resin lid main body, and which assemble the metal housing above the resin lid main body, wherein a metal rod that is made of a metal material;', 'a resin protrusion that is formed integrally with the resin lid main body and protrudes upward from the resin lid main body at a place spaced away from the metal housing laterally along the reference radial direction, the resin protrusion being fixedly fitted to the metal rod due to the metal rod being inserted through the resin protrusion; and', 'a metal protrusion that is formed integrally with the metal housing and protrudes from the metal housing laterally along the reference radial direction, the metal ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160368373A1

Methods and systems are provided for regulating fuel flow in a fuel tank. In one example, a method may comprise fueling a fuel tank by receiving a nozzle into a filler tube which extends into a fuel tank to fuel the fuel tank, and directing fuel through the tube against vanes in a baffle which forms a compartment within the tank. Additionally, the method may comprise enabling the vanes to open so that pressure within the compartment remains below a level which would otherwise cause shut off the nozzle during the fueling. 1. A method , comprising:receiving a nozzle into a filler tube which extends into a fuel tank to fuel the fuel tank, and directing fuel through said tube against vanes in a baffle which forms a compartment within said tank; andduring said fueling, enabling said vanes to open so that pressure within said compartment remains below a level which would otherwise cause shut off said nozzle.2. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein said enabling said vanes to open comprises a mechanical release of said vanes in response to insertion of said nozzle.3. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein said enabling said vanes to open comprises an electro-mechanical release of said vanes by a relay in response to insertion of said nozzle.4. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein said enabling said vanes to open comprises pressure exerted by said fuel acting against said vanes during said fueling which is sufficient to overcome a weight of said vanes exerting a closing force on said vanes.5. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein said vanes are positioned in a closed position when said fueling is not occurring.6. The method recited in claim 5 , further comprising supplying said fuel from said tank to an engine driving a motor vehicle.7. The method recited in claim 6 , wherein said vanes remain closed while said motor vehicle is in motion.8. A method claim 6 , comprising:fueling a fuel tank by receiving a nozzle into a filler tube which extends into said tank and ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180370350A1

A ventilation nipple configured to ventilate a tank component that is composed of a plastic material, a tank device that includes such a ventilation nipple, and a method for producing such a tank device. The ventilation nipple includes a ventilation opening and a flange body arranged in an annular manner around the ventilation opening. The flange body has a first annular collar and a second annular collar each configured for connection via a weld connection to the tank component. The first annular collar and the second annular collar are arranged coaxially with respect to each other and also with respect to the ventilation opening. The first annular collar and the second annular collar define an annular hollow space configured to receive a sealing agent and/or an adhesive between the first annular collar and the second annular collar 1. A ventilation nipple for a tank component which is composed of a plastic material , the ventilation nipple comprising:a ventilation opening;a flange body, composed of a plastic material, and arranged in an annular manner around the ventilation opening, the flange body having a first annular collar and a second annular collar each configured for connection via a weld connection to the tank component, the first annular collar and the second annular collar being arranged coaxially with respect to each other and also with respect to the ventilation opening, the first annular collar and the second annular collar defining an annular hollow space configured to receive a sealing agent and/or an adhesive between the first annular collar and the second annular collar.2. The ventilation nipple of claim 1 , further comprising an injection hole which fluidically connects claim 1 , after formation of the weld connection claim 1 , the annular hollow space to a space outside of the flange body claim 1 , to permit introduction of the sealing agent and/or the adhesive through the injection hole even after connection of the flange body to the tank ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200384851A1

A device for fastening tank insert parts, wherein the device has a holding element for holding the tank insert part and at least one elastically deformable clamping device which is connected to the holding element and by means of which a fastening structure can be received. Furthermore, a plastic tank having a fastening structure which is arranged in the interior thereof, and having a device according to the invention which is arranged thereon for fastening tank insert parts. 1. A device to fasten at least one tank installation component by way of an internal side of a tank wall of a plastics-material tank , wherein the device comprising:a holding element to hold the tank installation component;at least one clamping installation connected to the holding element;the clamping installation has two clamping legs, provided by a first clamping leg and a second clamping leg, which are mutually opposite;at least one of the two clamping legs is elastically deformable;a spacing area between the two clamping legs configured to receive a fastening structure formed by an inverted feature of the tank wall of the plastics-material tank which protrudes towards the interior space of the plastics-material tank; andthe clamp installation configured to elastically deform when the fastening structure is disposed in the spacing area.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the at least one clamping installation comprises at least two clamping installations; andthe holding element is disposed between the at least two clamping installations.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the at least one clamping installation is U-shaped or V-shaped such that the two clamping legs are connected to one another at a first end region of the clamping installation; andthe receiving space is configured to receive the fastening structure by the fastening structure being push-fitted into the spacing area between the two clamping legs by a second end region of the clamping installation, wherein ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Support assembly type baffle

Номер: US20200384855A1
Принадлежит: Donghee Industrial Co Ltd

A support assembly type baffle is proposed. The baffle may include a baffle body provided in an inner space of a vehicle tank to reduce flow noise, and having a plurality of through holes spaced apart from each other and a fastening portion formed on the inner circumferential surface of the through holes, and a support having a columnar shape, being fitted into the through holes to penetrate the through holes, and having an engagement portion coupled with the fastening portion, formed on the outer circumferential surface thereof, so that the support is fastened to the baffle body in a state of penetrating the baffle body, each of both ends of the support being fixed to two opposite sides of the inner sides of the tank to maintain the shape of the inner space of the tank.

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Operating fluid container having a compensation container for compensating for pressure fluctuations in the operating fluid container

Номер: US20200391586A1
Принадлежит: Kautex Textron GmbH and Co KG

An operating fluid container for a motor vehicle for accommodating an operating fluid. The operating fluid container has a compensation container that is at least indirectly fluidically connected to the atmosphere (ATM). The operating fluid container has the following features: the compensation container is situated within the operating fluid container in such a way that an outer surface of a compensation container upper shell is situated opposite from an inner surface of an operating fluid container upper shell; in the event of positive pressure in the operating fluid container relative to the atmosphere, a compensation container volume decreases; and in the event of negative pressure in the operating fluid container relative to the atmosphere, the compensation container volume increases. The operating fluid container is characterized in that the compensation container upper shell opposite from the operating fluid container upper shell has a shape, at least in sections, that is complementary to the operating fluid container upper shell.

24-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220371433A1

A plastic container for a motor vehicle having a container wall delimiting a container interior, and having at least one stiffening structure which is connected to the container wall in a planar manner. A border of the stiffening structure has at least two mutually identical edge profiles between two points located on the border. Further, the border, at least in sections along its longitudinal extension, in the region of each of the edge profiles, is at a distance from a direct connecting line connecting the two points. 1. A plastic container for a motor vehicle , the plastic container comprising;a container wall delimiting a container interior; andat least one stiffening structure which is connected planarly to the container wall, a border of the stiffening structure which delimits the stiffening structure has at least two mutually identical edge profiles between at least two points located on the border, and', 'the border, in a plan view of the stiffening structure, is at a distance along a longitudinal extension thereof in a region of each of the edge profiles, at least in sections, from a direct connecting line connecting the at least two points., 'wherein2. The plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein each of the edge profiles has an extension running parallel to the direct connecting line that is greater than a wall thickness of the stiffening structure.3. The plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein each of the edge profiles has an extension running parallel to the direct connecting line which is less than half an edge length of the stiffening structure.4. The plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein the edge profiles run cyclically between the at least two points.5. The plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein the border has edge profiles which are continuously differentiable.6. The plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein the border has edge profiles which are discontinuously differentiable.7. The plastic container ...

07-07-2022 дата публикации

차량용 연료탱크의 배플

Номер: KR20220095808A
Автор: 고세훈, 고형도, 윤현국
Принадлежит: 주식회사 동희산업

본 발명은 밸브가 구비된 차량용 연료탱크의 배플에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시형태에 따른 차량용 연료탱크의 배플은 차량용 연료탱크의 내부에 위치되는 배플로서, 탱크쉘의 내부에서 중력방향과 수직인 방향으로 배치되되, 중력방향과 수평방향인 연료탱크의 상부방향 및 하부방향으로 합형 및 취출되는 한 쌍의 금형에서 성형되어, 상하방향으로 관통되는 밸브 장착구가 형성되는 배플바디와; 상기 밸브 장착구에 배치되는 밸브와; 상기 밸브의 상부를 덮으면서 상기 밸브를 상기 배플바디의 밸브 장착구에 장착시키는 밸브커버를 포함한다.

20-05-2009 дата публикации

Fuel supply system

Номер: DE102007054862A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

Bei einer Kraftstoffversorgungsanlage (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit mehreren, innerhalb eines Kraftstoffbehälters (2) angeordneten Bauteilen wird eine Polysulfid enthaltende Vergussmasse eingesetzt. Die Vergussmasse dichtet, fügt und überdeckt die Bauteile. Die Vergussmasse lässt sich einfach verarbeiten und ist beständig gegen Einflüsse des Kraftstoffs. In a fuel supply system (1) for a motor vehicle with a plurality of components arranged within a fuel tank (2), a polysulfide-containing potting compound is used. The potting compound seals, adds and covers the components. The potting compound is easy to process and is resistant to the effects of fuel.

15-04-2009 дата публикации

Valve element for check valve

Номер: JP4255363B2
Автор: 英明 高橋
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC

17-01-1996 дата публикации

Automotive plastic fuel tank

Номер: KR960001025U
Автор: 성연관
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

08-05-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle fuel system and components thereof

Номер: KR101733827B1
Принадлежит: 라발 에이.씨.에스. 엘티디

연료 증기 제어밸브는 하우징을 포함한다. 하우징은 제1 및 제2 밸브 제어 통로들을 통하여 유체 연통되는 유입 및 유출 포트들을 포함한다. 제1 밸브 제어 통로는 유입 포트 압력이 소정의 문턱값을 초과할 때에만 연료 증기가 유입 포트에서 유출 포트 방향으로 흐르도록 구성된다. 제2 밸브 제어 통로는 유입 포트 압력이 유출 포트 압력 아래로 떨어질 때에만 증기가 유출 포트에서 유입 포트 방향으로 흐르도록 구성된다. 연료 증기 제어밸브는 유입 및 유출 포트들 사이 하우징 외측 일부에 밀폐 구성을 더욱 포함한다. The fuel vapor control valve includes a housing. The housing includes inlet and outlet ports in fluid communication with the first and second valve control passages. The first valve control passage is configured such that the fuel vapor flows from the inlet port toward the outlet port only when the inlet port pressure exceeds a predetermined threshold value. The second valve control passage is configured to allow steam to flow from the outlet port toward the inlet port only when the inlet port pressure falls below the outlet port pressure. The fuel vapor control valve further comprises a closed configuration at a portion of the exterior of the housing between the inlet and outlet ports.

11-05-2022 дата публикации

Evaporative emissions fuel tank venting system positioned in vapor line

Номер: EP3802189B1
Автор: Vaughn K. Mills
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

12-08-2009 дата публикации

Elastic seal member for fuel tank

Номер: JP4311409B2
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd

08-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EP2709840B1

17-03-2022 дата публикации

SCR tank for a vehicle with antifreeze

Номер: DE102015214080B4

SCR-Tank (10) mit einem von einer Tankwandung (22, 24, 26, 28, 30) eingefassten Aufnahmeraum (32), in welchen wässrige Harnstofflösung als Betriebsflüssigkeit (B) durch eine die Tankwandung (22, 24, 26, 28, 30) durchsetzende Einfüllöffnung (34) einfüllbar ist und aus welchem eingefüllte Betriebsflüssigkeit (B) durch eine die Tankwandung (22, 24, 26, 28, 30) durchsetzende Entnahmeöffnung (36) entnehmbar ist, wobei der Tank (10) zur Aufnahme eines vorbestimmten Nenn-Betriebsflüssigkeitsvolumens ausgebildet ist, welches unter vorbestimmten Bedingungen einer vorbestimmten Füllhöhe (F) entspricht, wobei - bei Betrachtung eines Bezugszustands des Tanks (10) in einer Orientierung, die einer Einbaulage des fertig montierten Tanks (10) in einem auf horizontalem Untergrund stehenden Fahrzeug entspricht - im Aufnahmeraum (32) wenigstens eine flächige Trennwandformation (38, 40, 42, 46) vorgesehen ist, welche sich in einer ersten Richtung (g) von einer Tankdecke (22) zum Tankboden (24) hin und in einer zweiten Richtung orthogonal zur Schwerkraftwirkungsrichtung (g) erstreckt, wobei der Abstand (a1, a2, b) eines tankbodennahen Endes (38a, 40a, 42a) der wenigstens einen Trennwandformation (38, 40, 42, 46) größer als Null und wenigstens abschnittsweise kleiner als die Füllhöhe (F) über einem dem tankbodennahen Ende (38a, 40a, 42a) in Schwerkraftwirkungsrichtung (g) gegenüberliegenden Tankbodenabschnitt ist, so dass die Trennwandformation (38, 40, 42, 46) bei Befüllung des Tanks (10) mit dem Nenn-Betriebsflüssigkeitsvolumen in die eingefüllte Betriebsflüssigkeit (B) eingetaucht ist, wobei die wenigstens eine Trennwandformation (38, 40, 42, 46) von der Tankdecke (22) ausgehend zum Tankboden (24) hin auskragt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die wenigstens eine Trennwandformation (38, 40, 42, 46) orthogonal zur Schwerkraftwirkungsrichtung (g) von einem ersten Tankseitenwandabschnitt (26, 28, 30) einer sich zwischen der Tankdecke (22) und dem Tankboden (24) erstreckenden Tankseitenwand ( ...

23-03-2005 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling liquid fuel and vapor flow during refueling of a motor vehicle fuel tank

Номер: EP1332906B1
Автор: Robert P. Benjey
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

05-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for supporting tank

Номер: KR101252220B1
Автор: 장홍석
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

PURPOSE: A supporting device for a tank of a vehicle is provided to prevent oil leakage by including a stable connecting structure between components connected to the tank and by reducing the weight of the connecting structure while safely supporting the tank. CONSTITUTION: A supporting device comprises an insert plate(20), a strap(30), and a mount bracket(40). The insert plate is installed in the inside of a tank(10). The strap supports the tank by warping the outer periphery of the tank and overlaps a part of the insert plate. The mount bracket is fixed to a vehicle body structure(50) by being located to the left side of the tank and overlaps with the part of the insert plate by intersecting with the strap. The mount bracket is connected to the insert plate with the tank and the strap.

07-09-2016 дата публикации

Methods, systems and apparatus for aircraft auxiliary fuel tanks

Номер: CN105934388A
Принадлежит: Long Wisdom Joint Stock Co


07-07-2022 дата публикации

Baffle for fuel tank of vehicle

Номер: KR20220095809A
Автор: 고세훈, 고형도, 윤현국
Принадлежит: 주식회사 동희산업

본 발명은 밸브가 구비된 차량용 연료탱크의 배플에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시형태에 따른 차량용 연료탱크의 배플은 차량용 연료탱크의 내부에 위치되는 배플로서, 탱크쉘의 내부에서 중력방향과 수직인 방향으로 배치되되, 중력방향과 수평방향인 연료탱크의 양 측방향으로 합형 및 취출되는 한 쌍의 금형에서 성형되어, 상하방향으로 관통되는 밸브 장착구가 형성되는 배플바디와; 상기 밸브 장착구에 배치되는 밸브와; 상기 밸브의 상부를 덮으면서 상기 밸브를 상기 배플바디의 밸브 장착구에 장착시키는 밸브커버를 포함한다.

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Plastic fuel tank comprising noise reduction baffle and process for manufacturing it

Номер: CN102131667B
Автор: 朴世亨
Принадлежит: Inergy Automotive Systems Research SA


25-03-2019 дата публикации

Plastic fuel tank for vehicle

Номер: KR101961118B1
Автор: 김승일, 김정명
Принадлежит: (주)동희산업

The present invention relates to a plastic fuel tank for a vehicle, wherein a honeycomb-shaped fusion protrusion (330) is formed on a baffle fusion surface (321) in a structure in which a plastic baffle (2) is heat-fused to be coupled. Accordingly, a tank fusion unit (110) is heat-fused and coupled to come in contact with the surface of the baffle fusion surface (321) while covering the honeycomb-shaped fusion protrusion (330). Moreover, a resin filling groove (340) is formed on the edge of the baffle fusion unit (320), and thus a side surface unit (121) of a protrusion unit (120) is coupled to cover the edge of the baffle fusion unit (320) while the side surface unit is filled with the resin filling groove (340).

12-03-2008 дата публикации

Fuel tank structure for preventing a leakage on the top cover thereof

Номер: KR20080022687A
Автор: 이택우

본 발명은 건설중장비용 연료탱크 누유방지구조에 관한 것이며, 더욱 상세하게는 연료배출밸브가 연료탱크의 일측에 장착되며, 상기 연료탱크는 연료를 저장할 수 있도록 소정의 통체로 구획되어 상부프레임에 고정 설치된 건설중장비용 연료탱크 누유방지구조에 있어서, 상기 연료탱크 상부 또는 하부에 판재로 부착되어 상기 연료배출밸브를 지지하며, 몸체의 원주 방향 테두리에 인접하게 다수의 결합홀을 구비한 밸브지지플레이트; 상기 밸브지지플레이트와 상기 연료탱크의 결합부 사이에 설치하되, 몸체에 상기 결합홀에 상응하도록 고정부재 삽입홀이 소정간격으로 형성되며, 상기 삽입홀을 사이에 두고 외측에 탈부착 가능하게 고정된 제1 지지링과 내측에 몰딩된 제2 지지링을 구비하여 이루어진 압착패드;를 포함하여 구성된 것을 특징으로 하는 본 발명에 의하면, 압착패드의 탄성변형과 고정구조에 의하여 밸브지지플레이트와 연료탱크의 결합부분을 엄밀하게 밀봉하므로서 연료의 누출을 방지할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 압착패드 및 스톱퍼에 의하여 고정부재의 축 방향으로 지지력이 작용하므로서 고정부재의 체결 토오크가 유지되어 풀림현상이 방지되는 등 그 효과가 매우 뛰어난 장점이 있다. 연료탱크, 압착패드, 고정링, 밸브지지플레이트, 연료배출밸브

08-06-2017 дата публикации

System for cooling filling lpg bombe of bi-fuel vehicle

Номер: KR101745270B1
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 가솔린 연료와 LPG 연료를 사용하는 바이-퓨얼 차량에 있어서, 가솔린 탱크내의 가솔린 연료 온도가 LPG 봄베내의 LPG 연료 온도보다 낮은 점을 이용하여 가솔린 탱크내의 가솔린 연료 일부를 LPG 봄베내로 이송시켜 LPG 봄베의 내부 쿨링(cooling) 및 LPG 연료의 증기압을 감소시킬 수 있도록 함으로써, 혹서기 등과 같이 외부온도가 급상승하는 상황에서도 LPG 봄베 내에 LPG 연료를 용이하게 재충전할 수 있는 바이퓨얼 차량의 LPG 봄베 냉각 시스템을 제공하고자 한 것이다. In a bi-fuel vehicle using gasoline fuel and LPG fuel, the gasoline fuel temperature in the gasoline tank is lower than the LPG fuel temperature in the LPG cylinder to transfer a part of the gasoline fuel in the gasoline tank into the LPG cylinder, The internal cooling of the bomb and the vapor pressure of the LPG fuel can be reduced so that the LPG bomb cooling system of the bi-fuel vehicle that can easily recharge the LPG fuel in the LPG cylinder even in the case of the sudden rise of the external temperature .

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Urea water tank for vehicle

Номер: KR101880549B1
Автор: 계태홍, 고세훈, 기광택
Принадлежит: 주식회사 동희산업

The present invention relates to a urea water tank for a vehicle, wherein after injection molding of each of an upper body and a lower body, fusion portions formed in each of the upper body and the lower body are fused to be coupled to each other. According to the present invention, the urea water tank for a vehicle is manufactured by reducing a post-process to shorten a process period.

16-10-2020 дата публикации

Ventilation joint and tank device

Номер: CN109114419B
Принадлежит: MAGNA STEYR Fuel Systems GmbH


07-10-2019 дата публикации

Pressure relief valve (embodiments) and valve assembly containing said valve

Номер: RU2702297C2
Автор: Омер ВУЛКАН
Принадлежит: РАВАЛ Эй.Си.Эс. ЛТД.

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates generally to pressure relief valves, in particular, to pressure release valves for steam fuel systems. Pressure release valve (10) is designed to control the fluid flow between the first fluid passage (12a) and the second fluid passage (12b). Pressure relief valve comprises housing (14), diaphragm element (24) movably fixed inside housing and having hole (18) for fluid medium, first deflecting element (20) for forced movement of diaphragm element in first direction and sealing element (26) movably installed in housing and made with possibility of reversible sealing of hole (18) for fluid medium. When pressure in second fluid passage (12b) exceeds first predetermined threshold value, diaphragm element (24) is pressed to first diverting element (20), and sealing element (26) is first forced to move to fluid medium opening (18) and then comes out of contact with fluid medium opening, providing fluid communication between the second fluid passageway (12b) and the first fluid passageway (12a) by means of a fluid hole. When pressure in second channel (12b) for fluid medium decreases below second predetermined threshold value, sealing element (26) comes out of contact with diaphragm element (24), providing fluid communication between the first fluid passage and the second fluid passage by means of a fluid port. Also provided is a valve assembly comprising a pressure release valve (10) and valve (60) driven from outside. EFFECT: technical result is elimination of insufficient pressure, as well as delay of valve release at excess pressure, wherein each of these actions begins from initial closed position, wherein as soon as the sealing element stops interacting with the diaphragm element under insufficient pressure conditions, this allows the fluid medium to flow from the first hole to the second hole through the fluid medium hole. 28 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 702 297 C2 (51) МПК B60K 15/035 (2006 ...

20-09-2006 дата публикации

Valve with fuel tank

Номер: JP3824212B2
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

25-11-2022 дата публикации

In-box fastening device

Номер: CN110382277B
Принадлежит: Cotex Texron Co Ltd And Chuanghe Co

