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28-10-1999 дата публикации

Anordnung zum Wiederaufbauen des Drehmoments einer aufgeladenen Brennkraftmaschine nach einem ASR-Eingriff

Номер: DE0019817885A1

Um einen möglichst schnellen Wiederaufbau des Drehmoments nach einem ASR-Eingriff zu erreichen, sind erste Mittel (301, KFFUPSRL) vorhanden, die aus einem vorgegebenen Füllungs-Sollwert (rlsol) einen Saugrohrdruck-Sollwert (pssol) bilden und daraus über mindestens ein Kennfeld (KFVPDKSD, KFPDKSE) ein Druckverhältnis (vpsspls) des Saugrohrdruck-Sollwertes (pssol) zu einem Ladedruck-Sollwert (plsol) ableiten. Außerdem sind zweite Mittel (304, ..., 309) vorhanden, welche bei einer synamischen Fahrweise auf ein von dem mindestens einem Kennfeld (KFVPDKSD, KFVPDKSE) geliefertes Druckverhältnis (vpsspls) umschalten, das geringer ist als im stationären Betrieb, und am Ende der dynamischen Fahrweise einen allmählichen Übergang von dem niedrigeren Druckverhältnis auf ein höheres Druckverhältnis veranlassen. Diese zweiten Mittel (304, ..., 309) schalten bei einem ASR-Eingriff das gleiche Druckverhältnis (vpsspls) durch wie bei einer dynamischen Fahrweise.

17-04-2003 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for determining a driver command

Номер: US20030070656A1

The invention is directed to a method and an arrangement for determining a driver command and especially a kickdown command. This driver command is only detected when the pedal position or a desired value derived therefrom exceeds a pregiven threshold value and when the gradient of the pedal position or the desired value derived therefrom exceeds a pregiven threshold value.

14-09-1993 дата публикации

Control apparatus for continuously variable transmission connected to lean-burn engine

Номер: US0005243881A

A control apparatus for controlling a motor vehicle having a continuously variable transmission having a pair of pulleys and a belt, and a lean-burn internal combustion engine operable in a plurality of burning conditions. This control apparatus includes an engine condition determining device for determining a currently established one of the burning conditions of the engine, and a pressure regulating device for controlling a belt tensioning pressure used to control the tension of the belt, based on an output torque of the engine, depending upon the currently established burning condition determined by the engine condition determining device.

01-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling a vehicle drive unit

Номер: US0008169173B2

A method for controlling a vehicle drive unit, the vehicle drive unit having at least two individual motors. A total actual torque is continuously compared with an allowable total torque, the total actual torque being calculated from individual actual torque values of the at least two individual motors, and the allowable total torque being calculated from the allowable individual torque values of the at least two individual motors, and an error response being initiated if the comparison establishes that the total actual torque is greater than the allowable total torque.

01-04-2014 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US0008688356B2

When the variation of the knock control system learning value is large, an idle speed learning control is performed in a learning acceleration mode. In this mode, the idle speed learning update increases and idle speed learning is performed at a high speed. By performing the idle speed learning in the learning acceleration mode, the idle speed learning can immediately follow large variations of the knock control system learning value. Accordingly, the idle speed learning control performed during idling of a hybrid car can be completed in a short time, and fuel consumption during idling can be reduced.

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741526C1

FIELD: transport machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in hybrid vehicles. Hybrid vehicle (1) comprises multi-cylinder engine (10), device (18) for controlling exhaust gases, electric motor (MG2), electric power storage device (40) and controller (70), (100), (55). Device (18) for controlling exhaust gases includes a catalytic neutraliser configured to remove harmful components of exhaust gases from multi-cylinder engine (10). Electric power storage device (40) is configured to exchange electricity with electric motor (MG2). Controller (70), (100), (55) is made with possibility to control temperature rise of catalytic neutraliser at request of increasing temperature of catalytic converter during operation under load of multi-cylinder engine (10) in hybrid vehicle (1). In hybrid vehicle (1), multi-cylinder engine (10) and / or electric motor (MG2) is configured to output drive power to wheel (W). Controller (70), (100), (55) is configured to control electric motor (MG2) so as to cover the shortage of drive power obtained as a result of controlling temperature increase of catalytic neutraliser. Controlling temperature rise of catalytic neutraliser is control, which includes termination of fuel supply to at least one of cylinders of multi-cylinder engine (10) and enrichment of air-fuel ratio for other cylinders, different from said at least one cylinder. Disclosed is hybrid vehicle control method.EFFECT: technical result consists in possibility to raise temperature of catalytic neutralizer to control exhaust gases and to supply sufficient volume of oxygen into device for control of exhaust gases, at the same time avoiding deterioration of road qualities of vehicle.8 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 741 526 C1 (51) МПК B60K 6/44 (2007.10) B60W 10/06 (2006.01) F01N 3/20 (2006.01) F02D 17/02 (2006.01) F02D 41/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60K 6/42 (2020.08); ...

18-04-2000 дата публикации

System for adjusting the tension of the belt drive of a belt transmission

Номер: US0006050913A1
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch GmbH

A system for adjusting the tension of a belt of a belt transmission provides a higher accuracy of the estimate of the engine torque, which is to be expected, and therefore a better proportioning of the tension is obtained. For this purpose, signals are made available from the engine control which controls the internal combustion engine. These signals make possible a precise estimation of the engine torque. In a first embodiment, this signal can, for example, be an estimated value for the engine torque to be expected. The estimated value is, for example, formed in the engine control. In a second embodiment, these signals can be the quantity of air mass inducted by the engine (that is, the signal derived therefrom) and the ignition angle of the engine. The tension of the belt can be reduced by the more accurate estimate of the engine torque so that an improved transmission efficiency results.

03-12-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2016133698A3

Номер: RU2016133698A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

`7ВУ’” 2016133698” АЗ Дата публикации: 03.12.2019 Форма № 18 ИЗИМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2016133698/11(052280) 17.08.2016 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 1514786.1 20.08.2015 СВ Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) СПОСОБ СНИЖЕНИЯ ВЫБРОСОВ МОх ИЗ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ Заявитель: ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи, ЦЗ 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) ВбОК 6/485 (2007.10) ВбОУ/ 10/04 (2006.01) ВбОУ/ 10/06 (2006.01) ВбОУ 10/08 (2006.01) ВбОУ/ 20/16 (2016.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) ВбОК 6/00 - 6/547, В6О\ 10/00 - 10/08, В6О\У 20/00 - 20/16 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): Езрасепе, Рабеагсь 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится к гория* ...

23-05-2002 дата публикации

Regelungssystem für Hybridfahrzeug

Номер: DE0069705660T2

14-01-2009 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004208016B2

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Reduzieren der NOx-Emissionen von einer Kraftmaschine

Номер: DE102016115135A1

Ein Verfahren wird offenbart, in welchem eine Elektromaschine 16 verwendet wird, um einer Kraftmaschine 10 während eines Beschleunigungsereignisses eines Kraftfahrzeugs 5, in welchem eine plötzliche hohe Kraftmaschinendrehmomentanforderung von einem Fahrer des Kraftfahrzeugs 5 vorliegt, eine Drehmomentunterstützung bereitzustellen. Die Drehmomentunterstützung von der Elektromaschine 16 ermöglicht die Erhöhung des von der Kraftmaschine 10 bereitgestellten Drehmoments auf eine allmähliche Weise, wodurch die Größe einer Spitze in NOx-Emissionen, die sonst aufgrund einer plötzlichen hohen Drehmomentanforderung vom Fahrer auftreten würde, reduziert wird.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung von Fahrzeugverhalten

Номер: DE102016015154A1

Die Vorrichtung zur Steuerung von Fahrzeugverhalten umfasst ein Motorsteuerungsteil (30), das betreibbar ist, um, wenn eine Lenkgeschwindigkeit größer als ein vorbestimmter Schwellenwert ist und sowohl ein Lenkradwinkel eines Fahrzeugs als auch die Lenkgeschwindigkeit zunehmen, ein Ausgangsdrehmoment eines Mehrzylinderverbrennungsmotors (4) zusammen mit einer Zunahme der Lenkgeschwindigkeit zu reduzieren, und um, wenn die Lenkgeschwindigkeit kleiner oder gleich dem Schwellenwert ist, die Reduzierung des Ausgangsdrehmoments zu stoppen, und ein Schwellenwerteinstellteil (26), das betreibbar ist, um, wenn der Betriebsmodus des Motors der Betrieb mit allen Zylindern ist, den Schwellenwert auf einen ersten Schwellenwert TS1 einzustellen, und um, wenn der Betriebsmodus des Motors der reduzierte Zylinderbetrieb ist, den Schwellenwert auf einen zweiten Schwellenwert TS2 einzustellen, der kleiner als der erste Schwellenwert TS1 ist.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for operating drive train of hybrid vehicle, involves operating Otto engine in quantitative load control operating range on one hand and in layered combustion operating range on other hand

Номер: DE102011081235A1

The method involves operating an Otto engine in a quantitative load control operating range on one hand and in a layered combustion operating range on the other hand. A drive source (2,3) is operated by generator for intensified charging of an energy accumulator and by motor for intensified discharging of the energy accumulator. The operating range for the Otto engine is determined depending on the charging state of the energy accumulator while carrying out a gear change in the gearbox (5). An independent claim is included for a control device for a hybrid vehicle.

21-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002926518B1

The method involves continuously maintaining a diesel type internal combustion engine (1) at functioning points with a fuel mixture of richness equal to one, where the functioning points are sensible to full load. The internal combustion engine is maintained at the functioning points during a recharging phase of a battery (8) by an electric engine (5) driven by the internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine is maintained to the full load by maintaining an intake air controlling throttle valve of the internal combustion engine to an open degree higher than 90 degrees. The internal combustion engine is maintained for a speed range between 1250 and 1750 revolutions per minute. An independent claim is also included for a hybrid engine for a motor vehicle, comprising a diesel type internal combustion engine.

10-03-2003 дата публикации

Flexible tension control system material balance lock

Номер: KR0100362955B1
Принадлежит: 로베르트 보쉬 게엠베하

본 발명은 벨트부재의 장력을 조절하는 방법을 포함하고, 이 경우 예기할 수 있는 엔진 토크를 충분히 정확하게 평가할 수 있고 또한 장력이 가장 적합하게 배분된다. 이 때문에 내연기관을 제어하는 엔진 제어기구에 의해, 엔진 토크를 정확하게 평가하는 신호가 부여된다. 제 1 의 구성에서는 상기 신호는 예를 들면 예측되는 엔진 토크를 위한 엔진 제어 기구내에서 형성되는 평가치이다. 제 2 의 구성에서는 상기 신호는 내연기관에 의해 흡입되는 공기 질량의 량 혹은 이것에서 도출되는 신호 및 내연기관의 점화 진각이다. 엔진 토크의 정화한 평가에 의해 벨트부재의 장력이 감소할 수 있고, 이에 의해 전동 장치의 효율이 개선된다. The present invention includes a method of regulating the tension of the belt member, in which case the engine torque which can be anticipated can be evaluated sufficiently accurately and the tension is best distributed. Therefore, a signal for accurately evaluating the engine torque is given by the engine control mechanism that controls the internal combustion engine. In the first configuration, the signal is, for example, an evaluation value formed in the engine control mechanism for the predicted engine torque. In the second configuration, the signal is an amount of air mass sucked by the internal combustion engine or a signal derived therefrom and an ignition advance angle of the internal combustion engine. The clean evaluation of the engine torque can reduce the tension of the belt member, thereby improving the efficiency of the transmission.

30-05-2000 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for controlling an output torque of a drive train of a vehicle

Номер: US0006068574A1
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch GmbH

The invention is directed to a method and an arrangement for controlling an output torque of a drive train of a motor vehicle. A desired value for the output torque is made available by the adjustment of a transmission and by the control of the engine. The desired value is determined on the basis of a driver command signal as well as on the basis of a minimum and/or maximum output torque dependent upon operating variables.

02-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2644469A1
Автор: AMANO, Takashi

A hybrid vehicle includes an engine and a motor each for generating vehicle driving power. An operation region indicated by rotational speed (Ne) and torque (Te) of the engine includes: an normal region (305) in which a fuel injection amount is calculated in accordance with a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio; and an OT amount increase region (310) in which an amount of fuel is increased to exceed the fuel injection amount that is in accordance with the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio so as to suppress temperature increase of a catalyst provided in an exhausting system of the engine. A control device for the hybrid vehicle calculates a total required power of the hybrid vehicle in accordance with the vehicle state, and determines an engine operation point in accordance with the total required power. When the engine operation point (P1) is in the OT amount increase region (310), the engine operation point (P2) is changed to fall within the normal region (305) by decreasing the engine output power ...

19-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: JP2002201981A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To keep an exhaust purifying catalyst in its active condition while inhibiting the deterioration of the fuel consumption. SOLUTION: This compression ignition-type internal combustion engine has means for selectively switching the first combustion wherein the amount of an inert gas in a combustion chamber is more than the amount of inert gas to bring the peak generating amount of crocking, and the second combustion wherein the amount of the inert gas in the combustion chamber is less than the amount of the inert gas to bring the peak generating amount of crocking. An exhaust purifying catalyst 24 is mounted in an engine exhaust passage. An electric motor 37 is mounted for producing the vehicle driving force independently from the driving force of the internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine is operated to output an output value determined corresponding to the engine operating condition, and the shortage of the output of the internal combustion engine ...

26-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: JP2002180860A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a vehicle integral control system for controlling a plurality of components with respective corresponding control elements and integrally controlling the control operation of the control elements with high-order control elements, having low-order control elements constructed by utilizing conventional control resources. SOLUTION: The system for integrally controlling a vehicle drive by transmitting control commands from a manager ECU to an engine ECU and AT (automatic transmission) ECU comprises an adapter for converting target engine torque, output as the control commands to the low-order ECU by the manager ECU, into a throttle opening, whereby the low-order ECU is realized in the same control rule as that of a conventional device for controlling controlled objects in accordance with the throttle opening. Compensation function is given to a conversion part 22 constituting the adapter for compensating a control delay and conversion property correcting part ...

04-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690601C2

FIELD: engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in vehicle internal combustion engines. Method for vehicle engine (10) consists in that in response to closing valve (274) of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system (270), (272), content of oxygen downstream of engine exhaust gases and upstream of EGR valve (274) in EGR system. When the oxygen content is lower than the threshold value, engine inlet (242) with outlet (248) is connected due fluid medium through EGR system (270), (272) by opening EGR valve (274), during operating conditions, when it would otherwise be closed, for blowing system (270), (272) EGR into inlet (242). Disclosed are versions of method for vehicle engine and vehicle engine system. EFFECT: technical result consists in prevention of supply of exhaust gas flow with low concentration of oxygen into engine cylinders. 20 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F02D 21/08 F02M 26/46 F02D 29/02 F02D 41/00 (11) (13) 2 690 601 C2 (2006.01) (2016.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60W 20/00 (2018.08); B60W 20/16 (2018.08); F02D 29/02 (2018.08); F02D 41/0065 (2018.08); F02D 41/0077 (2018.08); F02M 26/06 (2018.08); F02M 26/15 (2018.08); F02M 26/25 (2018.08); F02M 26/44 (2018.08); F02M 26/46 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2015112691, 07.04.2015 07.04.2015 04.06.2019 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2010/0319664 A1, 23.12.2010. US 14.04.2014 US 14/252,595 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.10.2016 Бюл. № 30 2 6 9 0 6 0 1 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ (ВАРИАНТЫ) И СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ EGR (РЕЦИРКУЛЯЦИЕЙ ОТРАБОТАВШИХ ГАЗОВ) ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕННЫХ ДОРОЖНЫХ КАЧЕСТВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение может быть использовано в (242) двигателя с выпуском (248) через систему двигателях внутреннего сгорания транспортных (270 ...

30-11-2018 дата публикации

Patent RU2015112691A3

Номер: RU2015112691A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

`7ВУ’” 2015112691`” АЗ Дата публикации: 30.11.2018 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 9 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2015112691/06(019917) 07.04.2015 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 14/252,595 14.04.2014 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) СПОСОБ И СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЕСКВ (РЕЦИРКУЛЯЦИЕЙ ОТРАБОТАВШИХ ГАЗОВ) ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕННЫХ ДОРОЖНЫХ КАЧЕСТВ Заявитель: ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи, 05 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. п см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) Е02р 21/08 (2006.01) Е02М 26/46 (2016.01) Е020 29/02 (2006.01) Е02р0 41/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) 802М25/00-Е02М25/14, Е02М26/00-Е02М26/74, Е02МЗ35/00-Е02МЗ5/16, КО2В1/00- Е02В1/12, Е02В33/00-[Е02В33/44, Е02В37/00-Е02В37/24, Е02В47/00-Е02В47/10, Е0209/00- 8029/18, 20202 1/00-Е02021/10, Е02023/00-Е02023/02, Е02029/00-[02029/06 Е02041/00- Е02041/40, Е02243/00-Е02043/04, Е02245/00, В60\/20/00-В60\/20/50 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015112691A

1. Способ для двигателя, состоящий в том, что:продувают систему EGR, когда содержание кислорода EGR является меньшим, чем пороговое содержание кислорода, содержание кислорода EGR определяется в ответ на закрывание клапана EGR.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором продувка системы EGR состоит в том, что открывают клапан EGR на меньшее, чем пороговое, открывание клапана.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором продувка системы EGR дополнительно состоит в том, что открывают клапан EGR меньше, чем на первое пороговое время.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором продувка системы EGR дополнительно состоит в том, что закрывают клапан EGR когда уровень кислорода на впуске является большим, чем верхний пороговый уровень кислорода.5. Способ по п. 1, в котором продувка системы EGR прекращается, когда содержание EGR является большим, чем пороговое содержание кислорода.6. Способ по п. 1, в котором закрывание клапана EGR состоит в том, что закрывают клапан EGR на дольше, чем первое пороговое время.7. Способ по п. 1, в котором продувка системы EGR состоит в том, что открывают клапан EGR, только когда уровень кислорода на впуске является большим, чем пороговый уровень кислорода на впуске.8. Способ для двигателя транспортного средства, состоящий в том, что:продувают систему EGR, в том числе, открывают клапан EGR, когда клапан EGR иначе был бы закрыт, на основании измеренной концентрации кислорода системы EGR, являющейся меньшей, чем пороговая концентрация кислорода.9. Способ по п. 8, в котором измеренная концентрация кислорода измеряется после закрывания клапана EGR.10. Способ по п. 8, в котором открывание клапана EGR заключается в том, что открывают клапан EGR с пороговым открыванием клапана, а затем, закрывают клапан EGR черезпороговое время.11. Способ по п. 10, в котором открывание клапана EGR заключается в том, РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02D 21/08 (13) 2015 112 691 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015112691, 07.04. ...

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Verbrennungsmotors

Номер: DE102012101190A1

Eine Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Verbrennungsmotors führt basierend auf einem Detektionsergebnis eines Abgassensors und dem Zeitpunkt der Abschaltung des Verbrennungsmotors eine Feedbacksteuerung des Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnisses aus, beendet die Erregung einer Heizvorrichtung des Abgassensors zu einem vorgegebenen Zeitpunkt nach dem Abschalten des Verbrennungsmotors, führt eine Steuerung der Heizvorrichtung des Abgassensors aus, die für einen Fall geeignet ist, in dem die Abschaltzeit des Verbrennungsmotors so festgelegt ist, dass sie lang ist, und schützt den Abgassensor somit vor einem thermischen Schock. Die Steuervorrichtung legt die Zeitgebung zum Beenden der Erregung einer Heizvorrichtung eines Abgassensors nach dem Abschalten des Verbrennungsmotors auf einen Zeitpunkt fest, zu dem eine vorgegebene Zeit, die basierend auf der Außentemperatur festgelegt wurde, abgelaufen ist, oder auf einen Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Kühlwassertemperatur des Verbrennungsmotors auf eine vorgegebene Temperatur ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108818A1
Принадлежит: GM Global Technology Operations LLC

A powertrain optimization method is used to identify the optimal torque operating range. The method for controlling the vehicle includes: receiving, by a planning controller, a trip plan based on an input from a vehicle-operator, wherein the trip plan is indicative of a planned trip; determining, by the planning controller, a current location of the vehicle using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) of the vehicle; determining, by the planning controller, a geography of the planned trip using map data from a map database; determining, by the planning controller, a target speed profile for the vehicle as a function of the trip plan, the geography of the planned trip, and a predetermined, optimal acceleration range; determining, by an adaptive cruise controller, a torque request as a function of the target speed profile, a predetermined-optimal torque range, and a current speed of the vehicle.

12-08-2004 дата публикации

Control apparatus for variable-cylinder engine, and control apparatus for automotive vehicle including variable-cylinder engine

Номер: US20040158365A1

[OBJECT] Providing a control apparatus for a variable-cylinder engine or a vehicle control apparatus, which permits a further improvement in the fuel economy of the vehicle [SOLUTION] Decompression-state setting means 102 is arranged to place appropriate ones of non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine 10 in the decompression state, on the basis of regenerative braking state of vehicle detected by regenerative-braking-state detecting means 100 , so that only a required minimum number of the non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine 10 is/are placed in the decompression state, depending upon the detected regenerative braking state of the vehicle, making it possible to not only improve fuel economy of the vehicle but also assure sufficient engine braking of the vehicle.

30-03-1999 дата публикации

Method and an apparatus for controlling a car equipped with an automatic transmission having a lockup clutch

Номер: US0005888166A

A method and an apparatus control a car equipped with an automatic transmission having a lockup clutch. When the lockup clutch is in the lockup state, a variation of a generated torque is detected. When the range of the torque variation detected exceeds a predetermined value, an engine torque is reduced by controlling the engine, and the automatic transmission is controlled to compensate for a reduction of the driving torque due to a reduction of the engine torque. Thus, the speed change ratio is changed to the low gear side. The control unit includes a unit for controlling an output torque of an engine according to a command value, a unit for changing the transmission ratio of the automatic transmission, a unit for detecting a variation of the engine torque, a unit for deciding a target driving torque, a unit for reducing a torque command value when the range of a detected variation of the torque has exceeded a predetermined value when the lockup clutch was in the lockup state, and a unit ...

17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719087C2

FIELD: engine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to internal combustion engines. In the method of controlling a power plant of a motor vehicle during an acceleration event, it is identified that the torque demand will give a high level of NOx emissions from the engine, and in response to this electric machine is used so that requirement of torque is satisfied by combination of electric machine and engine. Engine torque is reduced to compensate for additional torque supplied by electric machine. Decrease in the specified engine torque reduces fuel consumption and increases the air-to-fuel ratio. Preset engine torque is gradually increased in accordance with torque demand from driver as auxiliary torque is reduced until engine preset torque reaches required level of driver. EFFECT: reduced level of emissions. 13 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B60K 6/485 B60W 10/04 B60W 10/06 B60W 10/08 B60W 20/16 (11) (13) 2 719 087 C2 (2007.10) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2016.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60K 6/485 (2019.08); B60W 10/04 (2019.08); B60W 10/06 (2019.08); B60W 10/08 (2019.08); B60W 20/16 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016133698, 17.08.2016 17.08.2016 Дата регистрации: 17.04.2020 20.08.2015 GB 1514786.1 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 22.02.2018 Бюл. № 6 2 7 1 9 0 8 7 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ СИЛОВОЙ УСТАНОВКОЙ МОТОРНОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА ВО ВРЕМЯ СОБЫТИЯ РАЗГОНА И МОТОРНОЕ ТРАНСПОРТНОЕ СРЕДСТВО (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к двигателям Снижение заданного крутящего момента внутреннего сгорания. В способе управления двигателя приводит к снижению расхода топлива силовой установкой моторного транспортного и к повышению отношения количества воздуха средства во время события разгона к количеству топлива. Заданный крутящий идентифицируют, что требование ...

06-10-2015 дата публикации

Control device of a motor vehicle

Номер: US0009151236B2

A control device of a motor vehicle, for controlling and/or regulating at least the operation of an internal combustion engine, wherein, before the execution of at least one defined function and/or during the execution of at least one defined function, the control device demands operation of the internal combustion engine in a defined operating state, and wherein, as a function of the length of time for which the respective defined function has not been executed and/or as a function of the length of time for which a defined operating state of the internal combustion engine has not occurred, the control device determines a defined characteristic variable, on the basis of which the control device, in a temporally variable manner, determines different and/or variable measures for influencing the operating state of the internal combustion engine.

09-03-2004 дата публикации

Automotive integrated control system

Номер: US0006704641B2
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation, DENSO CORP, DENSO CORPORATION

Automotive control system designed to control a plurality of controlled elements installed in the vehicle is provided. The control system includes control circuits and a manager circuit. The control circuits are designed to perform given control tasks using pre-defined controlled variables. The manager circuit is designed to determine a target value of a preselected output parameter of at least one of the controlled elements in the form of a second controlled variable different from one of the controlled variables employed in the control circuit for the one of the controlled elements. The control system also includes an adaptor designed to translate the second controlled variable indicative of the target value of the output parameter into a value of the corresponding controlled variable. This allows the control system to be constructed easily without redesigning typical controlled elements.

23-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: JP2001054207A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide the assist controller of a hybrid vehicle, which can inform the driver of the running-out of fuel for an engine and protect catalyst in the exhaust system of the engine from damages. SOLUTION: This assist controller of a hybrid vehicle has an engine 1 which outputs the propulsive force of a vehicle, a motor 2 which assists the output of the engine 1, a remaining quantity detecting means 7 which detects whether the remaining quantity of the fuel of the engine 1 is less than a prescribed value, and an assist limiting means 4 which limits the output assist of the motor 2 for the engine 1, when the remaining quantity detecting means 7 detects that the remaining quantity of the fuel is less than the prescribed value. COPYRIGHT: (C)2001,JPO ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for diagnosis and/or adaptation of e.g. air systems in motor car, involves determining two state variables of systems, where decision for implementation of systems is made based on state variables

Номер: DE102010030868A1

The method involves changing a control variable of systems (12, 14) in relation to an actual present value of the control variable. Two state variables of the systems are determined. A decision for implementation of the systems is made based on the state variables. A change of a diagnostic algorithm is determined based on the state variables. Alternative diagnostic algorithms are selected from a stored stock based on the determined state variables. The control variable comprises one of opening time of an injector and/or fuel pressure. The state variables are selected from one of a group consisting of sensor size, actuator size, offset-value, amplification factor, catalyst temperature and/or an oxygen level of a catalyzer. The control variable is selected from one of a group consisting of a lambda value of exhaust gas, size of an exhaust gas recirculation, firing angle, portion of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and/or hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas, dosing rate of additives ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle and vehicle control method

Номер: CN0103298670B

18-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002830799A1

Procédé pour déterminer une demande du conducteur, selon lequel la demande du conducteur se détermine à partir de la position d'un élément d'actionnement commandé par le conducteur ou d'une valeur de consigne qui en est déduite, la demande du conducteur, lors du dépassement d'une valeur de seuil prédéterminée étant reconnue par la position de l'élément d'actionnement ou de la valeur de consigne qui en est déduite. La demande du conducteur est identifiée si le gradient de la position ou de la valeur de consigne qui en est déduite dépasse un seuil prédéterminé.

19-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090109128A

A hybrid vehicle (100) adapted to be chargeable from the outside of the vehicle has a connector (50) for connecting a battery (B1) to an external commercial electric power source (55), an absorption section for absorbing fuel vapor, and an activation section for activating, while an electricity storage device is connected to the external electric power source by the connector (50), the absorption section into a state where fuel vapor is easily separates from it. The absorption section includes a canister for adsorbing fuel gas. The activation section includes a heater for heating the canister by using electric power supplied from at least either of the battery and the external electric power source. The hybrid vehicle further has a purge mechanism for purging the canister. The hybrid vehicle can treat fuel evaporation gas without reducing a distance for which the hybrid vehicle can travel in EV mode. COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

15-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210107448A1

A hybrid vehicle includes a multi-cylinder engine, an exhaust gas control apparatus, an electric motor, an electricity storage device, and a controller. The controller is configured to control the electric motor so as to cover a driving power shortage resulting from execution of catalyst temperature raising control. The catalyst temperature raising control is control that involves stopping fuel supply to at least one of cylinders of the multi-cylinder engine and enriching air-fuel ratios for the other cylinders than the at least one cylinder.

22-02-2017 дата публикации

A method of reducing NOx emissions from an engine

Номер: GB0002541435A

A method is disclosed for reducing the NOx produced by an internal combustion engine (10 fig.1) in a hybrid vehicle (5) during an acceleration event. The method comprises identifying 110 that a torque demand will result in an unacceptably high level of NOx emissions and in response to such an identification 120 engaging an electric machine (16) is used to provide a torque assist 130 to the drivetrain. The combination of the torque supplied by the engine and the electric machine then meets the torque demand level. The torque assist from the electric machine may then allow the torque provided by the engine to be increased from a reduced level in a gradual manner 140 thereby reducing the magnitude of a spike in NOx emissions that would otherwise occur due to a sudden high demand for torque from the driver. The electric machine may be an integrated starter-generator and the engine torque set point may be reduced to compensate for the torque supplied by the motor. The high level of NOx may be ...

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Device for controlling hybrid vehicle

Номер: CN0105121239A

09-11-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: CN0104937245B

27-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002830799B1

24-07-2009 дата публикации

Hybrid engine controlling method for motor vehicle i.e. hybrid vehicle, involves continuously maintaining diesel type internal combustion engine at functioning points with fuel mixture of richness equal to one

Номер: FR0002926518A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de commande d'un moteur hybride comprenant un moteur électrique (5) accouplé à un moteur à combustion interne diesel (1) muni d'un catalyseur réducteur d'oxydes d'azotes, le procédé comprenant le maintien continu du moteur à combustion interne (1) à des points de fonctionnement dans le mélange combustible présente une richesse sensiblement égale à 1.

06-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002962088A1

Procédé de diagnostic et/ou d'adaptation d'au moins un système (12, 14) d'un dispositif (10), procédé caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend les étapes suivantes : (a) on modifie au moins une grandeur de réglage (44) d'au moins un système (12, 14) du dispositif (10) par rapport à la valeur actuelle disponible de la grandeur de réglage (44) ; (b) on détermine au moins deux grandeurs d'état (46) d'au moins un système (12, 14) ; (c) en fonction de ces au moins deux grandeurs d'état (46), on décide (61) de la poursuite de l'exécution du procédé.

19-04-2016 дата публикации

Methods and systems for driveline torque control

Номер: US0009315188B2

Systems and methods for improving operation of a hybrid vehicle are presented. In one example, driveline oscillations are reduced during engine air-fuel ratio modulation. The driveline oscillations may be reduced via adjusting torque of a motor.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210460A1

Methods and systems are provided for controlling vehicle torque output during cruise control. In one example, a method may include determining future vehicle torque output by minimizing an objective function based on an instantaneous vehicle speed, an average vehicle speed, and a present vehicle torque output. The weights of the objective function may be updated based on the past and the present vehicle operating parameters. 1. A method comprising:determining a future wheel torque of a vehicle, having a combustion engine providing torque to one or more vehicle wheels, by minimizing an objective function which includes each and every of a deviation of an instantaneous vehicle speed from a requested vehicle speed, a deviation of an average vehicle speed from the requested vehicle speed, and a fuel consumption.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the objective function further includes a first weight for the deviation of the instantaneous vehicle speed form the requested vehicle speed claim 1 , a second weight for the deviation of the average vehicle speed from the requested vehicle speed claim 1 , and a third weight for the fuel consumption.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising updating one or more of the first weight claim 1 , the second weight claim 1 , and the third weight of the objective function during vehicle operation based on past and present operating parameters.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the past and present operating parameters include the average vehicle speed.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising updating the weight for fuel consumption based on the average vehicle speed.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the weight for fuel consumption is increased responsive to increase of the average vehicle speed.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the past and present operating parameters includes a past vehicle mass and a present vehicle mass.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising updating the weight for fuel consumption by multiplying a ...

09-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling a hybrid powertrain system

Номер: CN0101428615B

A control method for vehicular hybrid powertrain system includes monitoring operator inputs to an accelerator pedal and a transmission gear selector, and determining an operator torque request based upon the operator inputs to the accelerator pedal and the transmission gear selector. Torque output from the electric machine is commanded based upon the operator torque request. Engine output is controlled based upon the operator torque request and the commanded torque output from the electric machine. Vehicle hood position is monitored and the engine output is controlled correlative to the operator input to the accelerator pedal when the monitored position of the vehicle hood is open and the operator input to the transmission gear selector is one of a PARK and a NEUTRAL position.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013161413A1
Автор: IIJIMA, Kazuki

In the present invention, a stop-engine request that is output in response to the operation of the brake by the driver, and a stop-engine prohibition request that is output due to the diagnosis of a malfunction in an air-fuel ratio sensor provided in the engine exhaust system or the like, are independent requests, and when both requests are output simultaneously, the stop-engine request, which has higher priority, is executed. When the engine is thus stopped by means of a higher-priority stop-engine request, the stop-engine prohibition request is dismissed so as to prevent the unexpected restarting of the engine when the stop-engine request is cancelled.

30-05-2000 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for controlling an output torque of a drive train of a vehicle

Номер: US0006068574A

The invention is directed to a method and an arrangement for controlling an output torque of a drive train of a motor vehicle. A desired value for the output torque is made available by the adjustment of a transmission and by the control of the engine. The desired value is determined on the basis of a driver command signal as well as on the basis of a minimum and/or maximum output torque dependent upon operating variables.

27-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EP2061686A2

07-10-2015 дата публикации

A method of reducing nox emissions from an engine

Номер: GB0201514786D0

14-08-2013 дата публикации

Control device and control method both for hybrid vehicle,

Номер: CN103249622A
Автор: Amano Takashi

A hybrid vehicle is equipped with an engine and an electric motor for generating vehicle drive force. An operation region indicated by a rotation speed (Ne) and torque (Te) of the engine contains a normal region (305) where a fuel injection amount is calculated in accordance with a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, and an OT increase region (310) where the fuel injection amount is made greater than the fuel injection amount that is in accordance with the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio in order to suppress the temperature rise of a catalyst provided to an engine exhaust system. A control device for the hybrid vehicle calculates the overall power required by the hybrid vehicle in accordance with the state of the vehicle and determines an engine operating point in accordance with the overall required power. When an engine operating point (P1) is within the OT increase region (310), an engine operating point (P2) within the normal region (305) is changed by decreasing the engine output power. The ...

14-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100262356A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha

An internal combustion engine system includes: an internal combustion engine; a valve regulating exhaust gas flow rate to an intake system; an exhaust gas recirculation system opening the valve to recirculate the exhaust gas to the intake system; an intake air flow rate detecting device detecting air flow rate introduced into the engine; and a controller, when fuel injection is stopped, controlling the engine to start the fuel injection at a rate obtained by adding a first flow rate to a reference flow rate for a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio based on the detected air flow rate when the valve opening degree is lower than a predetermined degree, and controlling the engine to start the fuel injection at a rate obtained by adding a second flow rate, larger than the first flow rate, to the reference flow rate when the valve opening degree is no less than the predetermined degree.

03-09-2019 дата публикации

Fuel economy optimization using air-per-cylinder (APC) in MPC-based powertrain control

Номер: US0010399574B2

A propulsion system, control system, and method are provided for optimizing fuel economy, which use model predictive control systems to generate a plurality of sets of possible command values and determine a cost for each set of possible command values of based on a first predetermined weighting value, a second predetermined weighting value, a plurality of predicted values, and a plurality of requested values. The set of possible command values having the lowest cost is determined and defined as a set of selected command values. Fuel is minimized by minimizing engine power for a requested axle power. Accordingly, a fuel consumption rate requested value is determined based on an air-per-cylinder (APC) requested value.

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EP2243675A1

A main ECU (71) for generating an actual acceleration/deceleration running pattern based on a current running situation of a vehicle, generating a corrected acceleration/deceleration running pattern obtained by elongating an actual acceleration/deceleration period of the actual acceleration/deceleration running pattern when an actual acceleration/deceleration period (T1) in the actual acceleration/deceleration running pattern is shorter than a reference acceleration/deceleration period (T0) set in advance, and setting the actual acceleration/deceleration running pattern as a best acceleration/deceleration running pattern when the corrected acceleration/deceleration running pattern is not generated and setting the corrected acceleration/deceleration running pattern as the best acceleration/deceleration running pattern when the corrected acceleration/deceleration running pattern is generated, is provided.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Volllastschutz für ein Fahrzeug für große Höhenlagenwechsel

Номер: DE102014108488A1

Ein System zur Leistungsverbesserung eines Hybridfahrzeugs in größeren Höhenlagen. Das System schließt eine Mehrzahl von Rädern ein, einen Verbrennungsmotor, einen Höhenmesser, ein Getriebe, einen Speicher zur Speicherung von Zieldrehzahlen des Motors und einen Prozessor. Der Verbrennungsmotor versorgt die Mehrzahl der Räder über ein Getriebe mit einem Drehmoment, basierend auf Übersetzungsverhältnissen, die durch einen Schutz bei weit geöffneter Drossel (WOT) begrenzt sind. Der Höhenmesser stellt die Höhenlage des Fahrzeugs fest. Oberhalb einer gewissen Schwelle der Höhenlage ändert der Prozessor den WOT-Schutz, um die Leistung bei niedrigen Gängen zu verbessern, wie etwa die Leistung bei Start aus dem Stand.

08-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001526581A

... 本发明公开了一种车辆的起动控制装置,包括:用于驾驶员调整发动机输出的操作机构;产生使车辆行驶的动力的发动机;通过该操作机构的操作状态来调整发动机输出的装置;把发动机输出传递给驱动系统的传动装置;使传动装置的动力传递断续的离合器;把调整该发动机输出的装置的与该操作机构的操作状态相对应的特性作为与可以进行车辆起动以外的状态不同的特性的装置。根据本发明,既可以不产生对驾驶员的发动机输出调整意图的不协调感,又能进行适应起动时的离合器状态的良好起动操作。 ...

28-11-2000 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for estimating applied wheel torque in a motor vehicle

Номер: US0006154702A1

A vehicle traction control system is controlled in part by a signal value indicative of estimated wheel torque. The estimated wheel torque value is produced within the vehicle's electronic engine control (EEC) module by summing a first value which indicated the estimated torque attributable to engine combustion and a second value which is proportional to engine acceleration/deceleration which indicates the amount of torque attributable to the inertial movement of engine and drive train masses. The second value is modified by a third value based on the speed ratio across the transmission. Before summing the two signal components, the signal which indicates combustion torque is preferably delayed with respect to the signal indicating inertial torque by a delay interval whose duration varies with engine speed to take into account the delay between intake fuel rate changes and combustion forces as well as delays attributable to the timing of the calculations themselves.

12-01-1993 дата публикации

Control system for engines and automatic transmissions

Номер: US0005178041A1
Автор: Takada; Mitsuru
Принадлежит: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha

A control system for controlling both a lean combustion engine equipped with a swirl control valve and an automatic transmission. The control system includes a shift detector for detecting that a shift is being executed in the automatic transmission and a valve control inhibitor for inhibiting the switching the ON/OFF state of the swirl control valve in the course of the shift in the automatic transmission. A shift inhibitor inhibits the shift for a constant time period in case the ON/OFF state of the swirl control valve is switched. A regulation level changer changes the regulation level of the oil pressure of the automatic transmission in accordance with the ON/OFF state of the swirl control valve.

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to control warm-up of an exhaust aftertreatment system for a hybrid powertrain

Номер: EP2067678A2

An internal combustion engine (14) is controlled to achieve a preferred temperature of the exhaust aftertreatment system and to minimize a total engine energy loss. A transmission (10) is controlled to achieve a torque output based upon the preferred engine operation.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Electric vehicle, has internal combustion engine with operating point and/or load point controller for controlling operating point and/or load point based on adjustment of combustion-air ratio and/or based on fuel amount supplied to engine

Номер: DE102008059199A1

The vehicle has an electrical machine provided for driving the vehicle. An electrical energy storage supplies the electrical machine with energy. An internal combustion engine charges the electrical energy storage over a generator. The combustion engine has an operating point and/or load point controller for controlling operating point and/or load point based on adjustment of combustion-air ratio and/or based on the fuel amount supplied to the combustion engine. The combustion engine is a petrol engine. An independent claim is also included for a method for operating point and/or load point regulation of an internal combustion engine.

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Diagnostizieren eines Betriebsstatus einer Antriebsvorrichtung sowie Diagnosevorrichtung und Antriebssystem

Номер: DE102008042307A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Diagnostizieren eines Betriebsstatus einer Antriebsvorrichtung (5, 7) in einem Antriebssystem (1), insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs (2), mit zumindest zwei Antriebsvorrichtungen (4), insbesondere einer elektrischen Maschine (8) und einer Brennkraftmaschine (6), und mindestens einer die Antriebsvorrichtungen (4) einstellbar koppelnden Trennkupplung (17). Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass Soll-Drehzahlen der Antriebsvorrichtungen (4) auf vorbestimmte Werte eingestellt werden und aus der sich einstellenden Ist-Drehzahl der einen Antriebsvorrichtung (5, 7) der Betriebsstatus bestimmt wird. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung eine Diagnosevorrichtung und ein Antriebssystem (1).

19-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling internal combustion engine

Номер: CN102678349A

An apparatus for controlling an internal combustion engine executes air-fuel ratio feedback control based on a detection result of an exhaust gas sensor and when the engine is shut down, stops energization of a heater of the exhaust gas sensor at a predetermined timing after shutdown of the engine, heater control of the exhaust gas sensor is executed, which is suitable for a case in which shutdown time of the engine is set long, and thus the exhaust gas sensor is protected from thermal shock. The control apparatus sets timing for stopping energization of a heater of an exhaust gas sensor after shutdown of the engine, to a point in time when a predetermined time set based on outside air temperature has elapsed, or a point in time when cooling water temperature of the engine has dropped to a predetermined temperature.

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009007209A2

A method for operating a hybrid vehicle which can be driven by an internal combustion engine (VM) and by at least one electric motor (EM1, EM2), is characterized in that a drive-related operating state of the internal combustion engine (VM) is inferred on the basis of a Lambda signal of a Lambda probe (LS) which is arranged in the exhaust tract of the internal combustion engine (VM).

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173503A1
Принадлежит: Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft

The present invention relates to a method to detect whether combustion is taking place in an internal combustion engine (10) of a hybrid vehicle during operation of the hybrid vehicle, whereby a decoupler (13) is provided between the internal combustion engine (10) and an electric machine (12) that serves to power the hybrid vehicle. The method comprises opening (31) the decoupler between the internal combustion engine (10) and the electric machine (12), receiving (32) a speed signal when the decoupler is open (13), said signal indicating a rotational speed of the internal combustion engine (10) when the decoupler (13) is open, and determining (33, 38), on the basis of the speed signal when the decoupler (13) is open, whether combustion is taking place in the internal combustion engine (10). The present invention also relates to a control device to carry out the method according to the invention.

14-05-1998 дата публикации

Control device for motor vehicle with automatic transmission

Номер: DE0019749132A1

The automobile control device includes a stability control (200), brought into operation when the vehicle stability drops to a given threshold, for reducing the torque delivered by the engine (10), for operation of the brakes, or for controlling the gear ratio of the automatic transmission (14), for increasing the stability. The operation of the stability control is detected for blocking the operation of the manual gear selection control (208) for the automatic transmission.

28-06-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102005060858A1

Die Erfindung geht aus von einem Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Hybridantriebs mit wenigstens einer ersten und einer zweiten antriebsverbundenen Antriebsmaschine (18, 20), bei dem ein Istdrehmoment (trq) wenigstens einer der Antriebsmaschinen (18, 20) durch einen Führungsformer (10) beeinflusst wird, indem aus einem Summen-Solldrehmoment (trqDes) ein erstes Solldrehmoment (trqLeadEng) für einen langsamen und ein zweites Solldrehmoment (trqDesEng) für einen schnellen Beeinflussungspfad für die erste Antriebsmaschine (18) und ein Solldrehmoment (trqDesElm) für einen schnellen Beeinflussungspfad der zweiten Antriebsmaschine (20) erzeugt wird. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass aus dem ungefilterten Summen-Solldrehmoment (trqDes) das Vorhalte-Sollmoment (trqLeadEng) zur Beeinflussung des langsamen Beeinflussungspfads der ersten Antriebsmaschine (18) gewonnen wird, bevor das Summen-Solldrehmoment (trqDes) in dem Führungsformer (10) verarbeitet wird. The invention is based on a method for operating a hybrid drive with at least one first and one second drive-connected drive machine (18, 20), in which an actual torque (trq) of at least one of the drive machines (18, 20) is influenced by a guide former (10) in that, from a sum target torque (trqDes), a first target torque (trqLeadEng) for a fast and second target torque (trqDesEng) for a fast bias path for the first prime mover (18) and a target torque (trqDesElm) for a fast bias path of the second prime mover (20) is generated. It is suggested that from the unfiltered desired sum torque (trqDes), the desired stall torque (trqLeadEng) for influencing the slow biasing path of the first prime mover (18) is obtained before processing the desired sum torque (trqDes) in the leader former (10) becomes.

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Engine control method and engine controller

Номер: GB0002526510A

Disclosed is an engine management apparatus for a vehicle, the apparatus comprises a fuel ratio controller arranged to control the air to fuel ratio of a fuel mixture for the vehicle's engine 10. The apparatus comprises a power demand sensor 26 arranged to sense power demands made of the engine 10, a vehicle speed determiner 30 and a controller 24 configured to increase the air to fuel ratio from a first selected value to a second selected value in the event that the rate of vehicle speed change is less than a first threshold and the demand is less than a second threshold. The apparatus may be used in compression ignition engines and may be used when transitioning from a period of acceleration to a steady cruising speed.

23-04-2014 дата публикации

Engine control method and engine controller

Номер: GB0201404211D0

30-09-2003 дата публикации

Control apparatus for variable-cylinder engine, and control apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US0006629024B2

A control apparatus for a variable-cylinder engine of a vehicle, including a regenerative-braking-state detecting device operable to detect a regenerative braking state of the vehicle, and a decompression-state setting device arranged to place selected ones of non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine in a decompression state, on the basis of the regenerative braking state of vehicle detected by the regenerative-braking-state detecting device, so that only a required minimum number of the non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine is/are placed in the decompression state, depending upon the detected regenerative braking state of the vehicle, making it possible to not only improve fuel economy of the vehicle but also assure sufficient engine braking of the vehicle.

21-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EP1924474B1

08-09-1993 дата публикации

A method and an apparatus for controlling a car equipped with an automatic transmission having a lockup clutch

Номер: EP0000559342A2

The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for controlling a car equipped with an automatic transmission having a lockup clutch. According to the control method of the present invention, when the lockup clutch is in the lockup state, a variation of a generated torque is detected. When the range of the torque variation detected exceeds a predetermined value, an engine torque is reduced by controlling the engine, and the automatic transmission is controlled to compensate for a reduction of the driving torque due to a reduction of the engine torque. Thus, the speed change ratio is changed to the low gear side. The control unit of the present invention includes a unit (5) for controlling an output torque of an engine (2) according to a command value, a unit (8) for changing the transmission ratio of the automatic transmission, a unit (3) for detecting a variation of the engine torque, a unit (7) for deciding a target driving torque, a unit (4) for reducing a torque command value ...

18-07-2001 дата публикации

Control system for hybrid vehicles

Номер: EP0000800948B1

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015206536A1

Ein Verfahren für eine Kraftmaschine kann in Reaktion auf ein Schließen eines AGR-Ventils das Bestimmen eines AGR-Sauerstoffgehalts und das Entleeren eines AGR-Systems, wenn der AGR-Sauerstoffgehalt kleiner als ein Schwellen-Sauerstoffgehalt ist, umfassen.

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Systeme zur Steuerung des Antriebsstrang-Drehmoments

Номер: DE102015100461A1

Systeme und Verfahren zum Verbessern des Betriebs eines Hybridfahrzeugs werden vorgestellt. In einem Beispiel werden Antriebsstrangschwankungen während der Modulation des Luft-/Kraftstoff-Verhältnisses der Kraftmaschine reduziert. Die Antriebsstrangschwankungen können durch Anpassen des Drehmoments eines Motors reduziert werden.

17-10-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle sound enhancement systems and methods for vehicle deceleration

Номер: US0009793870B1

An audio system of a vehicle includes a mode module that sets a mode signal to a first mode when a vehicle speed is greater than a predetermined speed and a longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle is less than a predetermined acceleration. The predetermined acceleration is less than zero and the predetermined speed is greater than zero. A sound control module, when the mode signal is in the first mode, selectively sets audio characteristics for a deceleration event of the vehicle based on randomization parameters. An audio driver module, based on the audio characteristics, applies power to speakers to output sound within a passenger cabin of the vehicle.

31-10-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for driveline torque control

Номер: US0009802606B2

Systems and methods for improving operation of a hybrid vehicle are presented. In one example, driveline oscillations are reduced during engine air-fuel ratio modulation. The driveline oscillations may be reduced via adjusting torque of a motor.

06-09-2007 дата публикации

System and method for controlling vehicle operation in response to fuel vapor purging

Номер: US2007204838A1

A hybrid vehicle propulsion system, comprising of an engine having at least one combustion cylinder configured to selectively operate in one of a plurality of combustion modes, wherein a first combustion mode is a spark ignition mode and a second combustion mode is a homogeneous charge compression ignition mode, an energy storage device configured to store energy, a motor configured to absorb at least a portion of an output produced by the engine and convert said absorbed engine output to energy storable by the energy storage device and wherein the motor is further configured to produce a motor output, a fuel tank vapor purging system coupled to the engine, and a controller configured to vary fuel vapors supplied to the engine during different combustion modes of the engine.

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung von Fahrzeugverhalten

Номер: DE102016015154B4
Принадлежит: MAZDA MOTOR, Mazda Motor Corporation

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung von Fahrzeugverhalten zum Steuern eines Verhaltens eines Fahrzeugs (1), das mit einem Mehrzylinderverbrennungsmotor (4) ausgestattet ist, der Betriebsmodi zwischen einem Betrieb mit allen Zylindern, in dem Verbrennung eines Luft/Kraftstoff-Gemisches in allen von mehreren Zylinder (6A, 6B, 6C, 6D) ausgeführt wird, und einem reduzierten Zylinderbetrieb, in dem Verbrennung in einem Teil der mehreren Zylinder (6A, 6B, 6C, 6D) gestoppt wird, umschalten kann, umfassend:Motorsteuerungsteil (30), das betreibbar ist, um, wenn eine giergeschwindigkeitsbedingte Größe, die mit einer Giergeschwindigkeit des Fahrzeugs (1) in Verbindung steht, größer als ein vorbestimmter Schwellenwert ist und sowohl ein Lenkradwinkel des Fahrzeugs (1) als auch die giergeschwindigkeitsbedingte Größe steigen, ein Ausgangsdrehmoment des Motors (4) zusammen mit einer Zunahme der giergeschwindigkeitsbedingten Größe zu reduzieren, und um, wenn die giergeschwindigkeitsbedingte Größe kleiner oder gleich ...

11-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100063662A1

If an ECU of a hybrid vehicle receives an EV request signal from an EV switch, the ECU determines whether an intermittency prohibition operation for emission deterioration prevention is in progress. The EV request signal indicates that a driver requests EV running using only a motor. If the ECU determines that the intermittency prohibition operation for the emission deterioration prevention is in progress, the ECU does not allow the EV running request from the driver but operates the engine continuously. Thus, the emission deterioration of the hybrid vehicle can be inhibited appropriately.

24-10-2023 дата публикации

Power management for hybrid electric vehicles

Номер: US0011794717B2
Принадлежит: CUMMINS INC., Cummins Inc.

A system and method for power management of hybrid electric vehicles is provided. In some implementations, a plug-in series hybrid electric vehicle may include an engine, a motor/generator (MG), a traction motor, an energy storage device, and a controller. The controller is coupled to the engine and the MG to control operation of the engine and the MG such that a state-of-charge (SOC) of the energy storage device tracks a dynamic reference SOC profile during a trip and an average engine power (AEP) is maintained above a threshold. In some instances, maintaining AEP above a threshold supports emission control of the vehicle.

03-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: JP2003185007A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method and a device for accurately and optimally determining the command for the kickdown of a vehicle driver. SOLUTION: In this method for determining the driver command, the request of the driver, particularly the command for kickdown is determined based on the position of an operating element operable by the driver or a target value led from the position. In this case, when the position of the operating element or the target value led from the position exceeds a predetermined threshold, the driver command is detected. COPYRIGHT: (C)2003,JPO ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE112013006935T5

Es ist eine Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Hybridfahrzeugs vorgesehen, die ein Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Ungleichgewicht sogar während der Fahrt des Fahrzeugs erfassen kann. Da der eingerückte Zustand einer die Kraftmaschine verbindenden/trennenden Kupplung (K0) auf Grundlage der angeforderten Antriebsleistung des Fahrzeugs während des Erfassens des Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Ungleichgewichts variiert wird, kann das Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Ungleichgewicht während der Fahrt erfasst werden, während das Übertragen einer von Antriebsrädern eingebrachten Störung oder einer Störung von der Resonanzschwingung einer Leistungsübertragungsvorrichtung auf eine Kraftmaschine (14) unterdrückt wird. Da der eingerückte Zustand der die Kraftmaschine verbindenden/trennenden Kupplung (K0) auf Grundlage der angeforderten Antriebsleistung geändert wird, ist die Fahrleistung des Fahrzeugs sichergestellt. There is provided an apparatus for controlling a hybrid vehicle that can detect an air-fuel ratio imbalance even while the vehicle is running. Since the engaged state of an engine connecting / disconnecting clutch (K0) is varied based on the requested driving power of the vehicle during the detection of the air-fuel ratio imbalance, the air-fuel ratio imbalance can be detected while driving, while suppressing transmission of a disturbance introduced by drive wheels or a disturbance from the resonance vibration of a power transmission device to an engine (14). Since the engaged state of the engine connecting / disconnecting clutch (K0) is changed on the basis of the requested driving power, the running performance of the vehicle is ensured.

06-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: US2003028295A1

A control device for a hybrid vehicle includes an actual intake gas negative pressure detection unit which detects an intake air negative pressure for the engine, an estimated intake gas negative pressure calculation unit which estimates an intake air negative pressure based on a revolution number of the engine and an opening degree of a throttle, and an engine control unit which compares an actual intake gas negative pressure obtained by the actual intake gas negative pressure detection unit with an estimated intake gas negative pressure obtained by the estimated intake gas negative pressure calculation unit. The engine control unit prohibits a fuel supply to the engine until the actual intake gas negative pressure matches the estimated intake gas negative pressure, and carries out the fuel supply to the engine when the actual intake gas negative pressure matches the estimated intake gas negative pressure.

22-08-2002 дата публикации

Control apparatus for variable-cylinder engine, and control apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20020116099A1

Providing a control apparatus for a variable-cylinder engine or a vehicle control apparatus, which permits a further improvement in the fuel economy of the vehicle Decompression-state setting means 102 is arranged to place appropriate ones of non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine 10 in the decompression state, on the basis of regenerative braking state of vehicle detected by regenerative-braking-state detecting means 100, so that only a required minimum number of the non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine 10 is/are placed in the decompression state, depending upon the detected regenerative braking state of the vehicle, making it possible to not only improve fuel economy of the vehicle but also assure sufficient engine braking of the vehicle.

28-09-2021 дата публикации

Control device and control method for hybrid vehicle

Номер: US0011130484B2

A control device for a hybrid vehicle calculates a required drive force based on an accelerator position. The control device also calculates a required torque of the engine based on the required drive force. The control device further calculates a target torque for the engine by subjecting the required torque to a gradual change process for lessening a change in a value and performs an engine control such that an engine torque becomes equal to the target torque. The control device also performs a torque control on the motor such that a drive force of the hybrid vehicle becomes equal to the required drive force in a state in which the engine torque is equal to the target torque.

15-10-1997 дата публикации

Control system for hybrid vehicles

Номер: EP0000800948A3

06-07-2000 дата публикации

Arrangement for detecting internal combustion engine catalyser degradation determines degradation from estimated stored oxygen quantity, air-fuel mixture ratio after engine re-start

Номер: DE0019963277A1

The arrangement has a device for estimating the oxygen quantity stored in the catalyser (15) and a device (40) for determining a degradation of the catalyser on the basis of the estimated oxygen quantity and an output signal generated by an air-fuel mixture ratio sensor (32) after an engine re-start.

26-05-2009 дата публикации

control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: BR0PI0605922A2

01-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010034637A2
Автор: KIESER, Joerg

The invention relates to a method for diagnosing an operating status of a drive device (5,7) in a drive system (1), particularly of a motor vehicle (2), having at least two drive devices (4), particularly an electric motor (8) and an internal combustion engine (6), and at least one clutch (17) which couples the drive devices (4) in an adjustable manner. According to the invention, target rotational speeds of the drive devices (4) are adjusted to predetermined values, and the operating status is determined from the arising actual rotational speed of the drive device (5,7). The invention further relates to a diagnostic device and a drive system (1).

21-06-1995 дата публикации

Control system for engines and automatic transmissions

Номер: EP0000658710A1

A control system for controlling both a lean combustion engine (E) equipped with a swirl control valve (1) and an automatic transmission (A). The control system comprises: a shift detector (2) for detecting that a shift is being executed in the automatic transmission; and a valve control inhibitor (3) for inhibiting the switching the ON/OFF state of the swirl control valve (1) in the course of the shift in the automatic transmission. A regulation level changer (7) is provided for changing the regulation level of the oil pressure of the automatic transmission in accordance with the ON/OFF state of the swirl control valve (1). ...

01-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000797742A1

The invention comprises a method for adjusting the tension of the contact part which yields greater precision in estimating the likely engine torque and thus a better apportionment of tension. For this purpose the engine control unit, which controls the internal combustion engine, gives signals that make it possible to estimate the engine torque precisely. In a first embodiment this signal can for example be an engine control-generated estimated value for the likely engine torque. In a second embodiment these signals can be the amount of the air mass drawn by the internal combustion engine, or a signal derived therefrom, and the angular ignition spacing of the internal combustion engine. With a more precise estimation of the engine torque the tension on the contact part can be reduced, resulting in improved efficiency of the drive mechanism.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular damping control system

Номер: US20120101691A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicular damping control system that executes damping control that suppresses sprung mass vibration in the vehicle by controlling a power source mounted in a vehicle changes the control mode of the damping control according to the operating range of the power source. Changing the control mode of the damping control according to the operating range of the power source enables the vehicular damping control system to improve coordination between the damping control and other control related to the power source, for example, and thus execute appropriate damping control.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus and air-fuel ratio control method for internal combustion engine mounted on hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130211692A1
Автор: Yoshikazu Asami
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A hybrid vehicle executes intermittent operation for stopping an operation of an internal combustion engine and thereafter resuming the operation in response to an operating state. An air-fuel ratio control apparatus executes air-fuel ratio feedback control for bringing an air-fuel ratio of air-fuel mixture supplied to the engine on the basis of an output of an upstream air-fuel ratio sensor and an output of a downstream air-fuel ratio sensor into coincidence with a target air-fuel ratio. The air-fuel ratio control apparatus acquires a catalyst parameter that indicates a state of the catalyst at a start of the engine through intermittent operation. The air-fuel ratio control apparatus substantially corrects the target air-fuel ratio in response to the acquired catalyst parameter in a predetermined period after a start of the engine through intermittent operation, and learns a sub-feedback amount that is calculated using the output of the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046284A1
Автор: INOUE Toshio

A control device of a hybrid vehicle including an engine, an electric motor coupled to a power transmission path between the engine and drive wheels, and a clutch connecting/disconnecting a power transmission path between the engine and both the electric motor and the drive wheels, the control device performing detection of air-fuel ratio variation between cylinders of the engine, the control device changing an operation state of the clutch based on a request drive force of the vehicle, and the control device performing the detection of air-fuel ratio variation when the clutch is in an open state or a slip amount of the clutch is equal to or larger than a preset value. 1. A control device of a hybrid vehicle including an engine , an electric motor coupled to a power transmission path between the engine and drive wheels , and a clutch connecting/disconnecting a power transmission path between the engine and both the electric motor and the drive wheels , the control device performing detection of air-fuel ratio variation between cylinders of the engine ,the control device changing an operation state of the clutch based on a request drive force of the vehicle, andthe control device performing the detection of air-fuel ratio variation when the clutch is in an open state or a slip amount of the clutch is equal to or larger than a preset value.2. The control device of claim 1 , wherein when the request drive force of the vehicle is larger claim 1 , the slip amount of the clutch is made smaller as compared to when the request drive force is smaller.3. The control device of claim 1 , wherein when the request drive force of the vehicle is covered even by only the electric motor claim 1 , the clutch is put into the open state.4. The control device of claim 1 , wherein when the request drive force of the vehicle is output by using the engine and the electric motor at the same time claim 1 , the clutch is put into an engaged state or a slip state. The present invention relates ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071097A1

A propulsion system, control system, and method are provided for optimizing fuel economy, which use model predictive control systems to generate a plurality of sets of possible command values and determine a cost for each set of possible command values of based on a first predetermined weighting value, a second predetermined weighting value, a plurality of predicted values, and a plurality of requested values. The set of possible command values having the lowest cost is determined and defined as a set of selected command values. Fuel is minimized by minimizing engine power for a requested axle power. Accordingly, a fuel consumption rate requested value is determined based on an air-per-cylinder (APC) requested value. 1. A method for controlling a propulsion system of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:generating a plurality of sets of possible command values;determining a cost for each set of possible command values of the plurality of sets of possible command values based on a first predetermined weighting value, a second predetermined weighting value, a plurality of predicted values, and a plurality of requested values, the plurality of requested values including a fuel consumption rate requested value;determining the fuel consumption rate requested value based on an air-per-cylinder (APC) requested value;determining which set of possible command values of the plurality of sets of possible command values has a lowest cost; andselecting the set of possible command values that has the lowest cost to define a set of selected command values.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting the APC requested value from the lower of a computed APC reference value and a measured APC value.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising determining the computed APC reference value based on an estimated engine speed and an axle power requested value.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising determining the engine power-to-fuel ratio c based on an engine power ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080937A1

An engine management apparatus for a vehicle. The apparatus comprises a fuel ratio controller arranged to control the air to fuel ratio of a fuel mixture for the vehicle's engine; a power demand sensor arranged to sense power demands made of the engine; and an engine controller configured to increase the air to fuel ratio from a first selected value to a second selected value in the event that the rate of vehicle speed change is less than a first threshold and the demand is less than a second threshold. 1. An engine management apparatus for a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a fuel ratio controller arranged to control the air to fuel ratio of a fuel mixture for the vehicle's engine;a power demand sensor arranged to sense power demands made of the engine; andan engine controller configured to increase the air to fuel ratio from a first selected value to a second selected value in the event that the rate of vehicle speed change is less than a first threshold and the demand is less than a second threshold.2. The engine management apparatus of wherein the engine controller is configured to increase the air fuel ratio only in the event that the vehicle speed determiner and/or the power demand sensor identify a reduction in power demand associated with a vehicle ending a power demand phase.3. The engine management apparatus of comprising a gear ratio controller operable to change the gear ratio of a drive train of the vehicle claim 2 , wherein the engine controller is configured so that increasing the air to fuel ratio from the first selected value to the second selected value further comprises increasing the gear ratio of a drive train of the vehicle to maintain vehicle speed.4. The engine management apparatus of wherein the engine controller is configured to reduce the engine speed based on the increase in gear ratio so as to maintain vehicle speed.5. The engine management controller of any preceding claim claim 3 , wherein the engine controller is further configured ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: US20150088405A1
Автор: Kazuki Iijima
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A control device for a vehicle configured to automatically stop an engine while the vehicle is running, the control device includes: an engine stop request outputted in accordance with an operation of a driver, and an engine stop prohibition request outputted based on a driving state of the vehicle which are independent requests, the higher-priority engine stop request being preferentially performed when both the requests are simultaneously outputted, and the engine stop prohibition request being withdrawn when the engine stop is performed by the higher-priority engine stop request.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100217A1

A propulsion system, control system, and method are provided for optimizing fuel economy, which use model predictive control systems to generate a plurality of sets of possible command values and determine a cost for each set of possible command values based on weighting values, a plurality of predicted values, and a plurality of requested values. The set of possible command values having the lowest cost is determined. A linearized axle torque requested value and a linearized axle torque measured value are each created by subtracting an estimated disturbance. The estimated disturbance is determined based on a model of a relationship between measured engine output torque and measured transmission ratio. The linearized axle torque measured value is used to compute the predicted values, which are used to determine the cost. The linearized axle torque requested value is also used to determine the cost. 1. A method for controlling a propulsion system of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:determining a plurality of requested values including a first requested value;determining a plurality of measured values including a first measured value, a second measured value, and a third measured value;determining an estimated disturbance based on a model of a relationship between the first and second measured values;subtracting the estimated disturbance from the first requested value to establish a linearized requested value;subtracting the estimated disturbance from the third measured value to establish a linearized measured value;determining a plurality of predicted values based in part on the plurality of measured values including the linearized measured value;generating a plurality of sets of possible command values;determining a cost for each set of possible command values of the plurality of sets of possible command values based on a first predetermined weighting value, a second predetermined weighting value, the plurality of predicted values, and the plurality of ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113690A1

A vehicle control system is provided to promptly execute an ignition retard of the engine during shifting a gear stage in such a manner as to prevent an engine misfire, while switching air/fuel ratio from lean-burn ratio to stoichiometric ratio. An air/fuel ratio is switched between a stoichiometric ratio and a lean-burn ratio based on an operating point of an engine determined based on an engine speed and an engine torque. If a shifting operation of gear stage and a switching operation of the air/fuel ratio from the lean-burn ratio to the stoichiometric ratio are expected to be executed simultaneously, a controller delays the shifting operation of gear stage until completion of the switching operation of the air/fuel ratio. 1. A vehicle control system that is applied to a vehicle having an engine that is operated by burning an air/fuel mixture supplied to cylinders , and a transmission that transmits a drive torque delivered from the engine while changing the drive torque by shifting a gear stage among a plurality of gear stages of different gear ratios , comprising:a controller for controlling the engine and the transmission that is configured toswitch an operating mode of the engine between a stoichiometric mode in which an air/fuel ratio is set to a stoichiometric ratio, and a lean-burn mode in which the air/fuel ratio is set to a lean-burn ratio based on an operating point of the engine determined based on a speed and a torque of the engine, anddelay a shifting operation of gear stage of the transmission until completion of a switching operation of the air/fuel ratio, in a case of switching the air/fuel ratio from the lean-burn ratio to the stoichiometric ratio and the shifting operation of gear stage and the switching operation of the air/fuel ratio are expected to be executed simultaneously.2. The vehicle control system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to prevent a simultaneous execution of the switching operation of the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185341A1

Systems and methods for improving operation of a hybrid vehicle are presented. In one example, driveline oscillations are reduced during engine air-fuel ratio modulation. The driveline oscillations may be reduced via adjusting torque of a motor. 1. A method for operating a driveline , comprising:varying an engine air-fuel ratio; andadjusting torque of a motor supplying torque to the driveline in response to varying the engine air-fuel ratio.2. The method of claim 1 , where torque of the motor is adjusted to vary at a same rate as the engine air-fuel ratio is varied.3. The method of claim 2 , where the motor torque is increasing when the engine torque is decreasing.4. The method of claim 2 , where the motor torque is decreasing when the engine torque is increasing.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adjusting the motor torque in response to battery state of charge.6. The method of claim 1 , where the torque of the motor is adjusted to decrease by an amount of torque by which engine torque is increased in response to the engine air-fuel ratio.7. The method of claim 1 , where the torque of the motor is adjusted to increase by an amount of torque by which engine torque is decreased in response to the engine air-fuel ratio.814-. (canceled)15. A method for operating a driveline claim 1 , comprising:not adjusting spark timing of an engine in response to engine air-fuel ratio changes when battery state of charge is greater than a first threshold battery state of charge; andadjusting spark timing of the engine in response to engine air-fuel ratio changes when battery state of charge is less than a second threshold battery state of charge.16. The method of claim 15 , further comprising adjusting torque of a motor supplying torque to the driveline in response to the engine air-fuel ratio changes while not adjusting the spark timing claim 15 , wherein while adjusting spark timing in response to engine air-fuel ratio changes claim 15 , the method further comprises not ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217851A1

Systems and methods to reduce operating expenses of a vehicle based on control of operation of a vehicle system. The system includes a controller. The controller is structured to receive one or more parameters comprising expense data, adjust operating expenses of a vehicle system based on the one or more parameters, and generate a command structured to adjust operation of the vehicle system responsive to the adjustment of the operating expenses. 1. A system , comprising:a vehicle system; and receive one or more parameters comprising expense data;', 'adjust a performance state of the vehicle system based on the one or more parameters; and', 'generate a command structured to adjust operation of the vehicle system responsive to the adjustment of the performance state, wherein the adjustment of the operation of the vehicle system includes one of turning off and reducing a power output from an engine of the vehicle system, and wherein the adjustment of the operation of the vehicle system is structured to adjust operating expenses., 'a controller communicatively coupled to the vehicle system, the controller structured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further structured to adjust operation of the vehicle system claim 1 , an operating expense claim 1 , or a combination thereof according to an expense reduction algorithm.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle system comprises an engine system claim 1 , a generator system claim 1 , an electric motor system claim 1 , aftertreatment system claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the expense data comprises data associated with financial costs of fuel claim 1 , reductant claim 1 , electricity claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the expense data comprises actual financial costs claim 1 , predicted financial costs claim 1 , previous financial costs claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle system is ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180265075A1

When a temperature of a catalyst in an exhaust emission control device mounted in an exhaust system of an engine is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature at a time of a request for stopping the engine, a hybrid vehicle including the engine and a motor continues fuel injection of the engine until satisfaction of a predetermined condition and stops fuel injection of the engine on satisfaction of the predetermined condition. When the temperature of the catalyst is lower than the predetermined temperature at the time of the request for stopping the engine, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicle immediately stops fuel injection of the engine. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising an engine , a motor , and a control device configured to control the engine and the motor , whereinat a time of a request for stopping the engine,when a temperature of a catalyst in an exhaust emission control device mounted in an exhaust system of the engine is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature, the control device continues fuel injection of the engine until satisfaction of a predetermined condition and stops fuel injection of the engine on satisfaction of the predetermined condition, andwhen the temperature of the catalyst is lower than the predetermined temperature, the control device immediately stops fuel injection of the engine.2. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the motor is connected with an output shaft of the engine, andwhen stopping fuel injection of the engine, the control device controls the motor to reduce a rotation speed of the engine.3. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the predetermined condition includes an air-fuel ratio condition that an air-fuel ratio in the catalyst reaches a stoichiometric ratio.4. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 3 ,wherein the engine includes a variable valve timing mechanism configured to change an open-close timing of an intake valve, andthe predetermined condition includes an open-close ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Egr operation method and system for increased drivability

Номер: US20150292423A1

A method for an engine may comprise, in response to an EGR valve closing, determining an EGR oxygen content, and purging an EGR system when the EGR oxygen content is less than a threshold oxygen content.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170361842A1

A propulsion system, control system, and method are provided for optimizing fuel economy, which use model predictive control systems to generate first and second predicted actual axle torques and first and second predicted actual fuel consumption rates based on first and second sets of possible command values, respectively. The sets of possible command values include commanded engine output torques and commanded transmission ratios. First and second costs are determined for the first and second sets of possible command values, respectively, based on a first predetermined weighting value, a second predetermined weighting value, the first and second predicted actual axle torques, respectively, the first and second predicted actual fuel consumption rates, respectively, an axle torque requested, an engine output torque requested, a transmission ratio requested, and a fuel consumption rate requested. One of the first and second sets of possible command values is selected and set based on the lower cost. 1. A method for controlling a propulsion system of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:generating a first predicted actual axle torque and a first predicted actual fuel consumption rate based on a first set of possible command values, the first set of possible command values including a first commanded engine output torque and a first commanded transmission ratio;generating a second predicted actual axle torque and a second predicted actual fuel consumption rate based on a second set of possible command values, the second set of possible command values including a second commanded engine output torque and a second commanded transmission ratio;determining a first cost for the first set of possible command values based on a first predetermined weighting value, a second predetermined weighting value, the first predicted actual axle torque, the first predicted actual fuel consumption rate, an axle torque requested, an engine output torque requested, a transmission ratio ...

26-08-2002 дата публикации

Vehicle control device, vehicle control system and vehicle control method

Номер: JP3318945B2
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for controlling a car equipped with an automatic transmission having a lockup clutch. According to the control method of the present invention, when the lockup clutch is in the lockup state, a variation of a generated torque is detected. When the range of the torque variation detected exceeds a predetermined value, an engine torque is reduced by controlling the engine, and the automatic transmission is controlled to compensate for a reduction of the driving torque due to a reduction of the engine torque. Thus, the speed change ratio is changed to the low gear side. The control unit of the present invention includes a unit (5) for controlling an output torque of an engine (2) according to a command value, a unit (8) for changing the transmission ratio of the automatic transmission, a unit (3) for detecting a variation of the engine torque, a unit (7) for deciding a target driving torque, a unit (4) for reducing a torque command value when the range of a detected variation of the torque has exceeded a predetermined value when the lockup clutch was in the lockup state, and a unit (4) for deciding a transmission ratio at which the reduction of the driving torque due to the reduction of the engine torque is compensated for. <IMAGE>

16-06-2010 дата публикации

Engine system

Номер: JP4483901B2
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

23-08-2016 дата публикации

EGR operation method and system for increased drivability

Номер: US9422878B2

A method for an engine may comprise, in response to an EGR valve closing, determining an EGR oxygen content, and purging an EGR system when the EGR oxygen content is less than a threshold oxygen content.

14-04-2010 дата публикации

Power output device, control method therefor, and vehicle equipped with power output device

Номер: JP4449917B2
Автор: 浩一郎 牟田
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The power output apparatus of the invention increases a tentative engine power demand Petmp required for an engine, during a catalyst degradation detection time when degradation detection of an emission control catalyst is performed according to a variation in output of an oxygen sensor provided downstream of the emission control catalyst. The smaller between an increased power demand Peu by increasing the tentative engine power demand Petmp and an upper limit of a chargeable range of a battery is set to an engine power demand Pe* of the engine. Upon satisfaction of an auto engine stop condition that the engine power demand Pe* decreases below a preset reference power Pref, the engine is controlled to be driven at idle.

09-10-2012 дата публикации

Engine transient mitigation for hybrid vehicles

Номер: US8285470B2

A method and system for limiting a fast transient in an engine in a hybrid vehicle is provided. The predicted fuel loss percentage is calculated from an inferred air-fuel ratio (inferred lambda). The rate limit term is calculated from a measured air-fuel ratio (measured lambda) and an engine torque command change rate. The predicted fuel loss percentage and the rate limit term are inputs into a calibration table to determine an engine power rate limit and an engine torque rate limit. An engine torque command is limited using the engine torque rate limit to control a fast engine torque transient for an engine. An engine power command is limited using the engine power rate limit to control the fast engine power transient for the engine.

07-03-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and method of controlling same

Номер: CN101516705B
Автор: 北东宏之, 宫下茂树
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


08-03-2007 дата публикации

Method for controlling a vehicle drive unit

Номер: DE102005040783A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Fahrzeug-Antriebseinheit, wobei die Fahrzeugantriebseinheit mindestens zwei einzelne Motoren umfasst. Es erfolgt ein kontinuierliches Vergleichen (15) eines Gesamt-Ist-Moments (14) mit einem zulässigen Gesamtmoment (10), wobei das Gesamt-Ist-Moment (14) aus Einzel-Ist-Momentwerten (11, 12) der mindestens zwei einzelnen Motoren und das zulässige Gesamtmoment (10) aus zulässigen Einzelmomentwerten (7, 8) der mindestens zwei einzelnen Motoren berechnet wird und wobei eine Fehlerreaktion eingeleitet wird, wenn das Vergleichen (15) ergibt, dass das Gesamt-Ist-Moment (14) größer als das zulässige Gesamtmoment (10) ist. The invention relates to a method for controlling a vehicle drive unit, the vehicle drive unit comprising at least two individual motors. There is a continuous comparison (15) of a total actual torque (14) with a permissible total torque (10), the total actual torque (14) comprising individual actual values (11, 12) of the at least two individual ones Motors and the permissible total torque (10) are calculated from permissible individual torque values (7, 8) of the at least two individual motors and an error reaction is initiated if the comparison (15) shows that the total actual torque (14) is greater than is the permissible total torque (10).

12-08-2009 дата публикации

Method for controlling an engine of a hybrid powertrain in a fuel enrichment mode

Номер: CN101503092A


15-12-2015 дата публикации

Method for diagnosing an operating status of a drive device, and diagnostic device and drive system

Номер: US9211788B2
Автор: Joerg Kieser

In a method for diagnosing an operating status of a drive device in a drive system of a motor vehicle having at least two drive devices configured as an electric machine and an internal combustion engine, and having at least one separating clutch which couples the drive devices in an adjustable way, setpoint rotational speeds of the drive devices are set to predetermined values and the operating status is determined from the resulting actual rotational speed of the one drive device.

20-09-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: RU2563442C1
Принадлежит: Ниссан Мотор Ко., Лтд.

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: in compliance with this invention engine shutdown request initiated by brake depression by driver and engine shutdown inhibit request output owing to diagnostics of air-fuel ratio sensor fault, said sensor being arranged in engine exhaust system and making an independent element. When both required are output at a time, engine shutdown request of higher priority is executed. In this case, engine shutdown request inhibit is rejected to prevent spontaneous engine restart at said rejection. EFFECT: ruled out spontaneous engine restart, higher fuel efficiency. 5 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02D 29/02 B60K 6/48 B60K 6/54 B60W 10/06 (13) 2 563 442 C1 (2006.01) (2007.10) (2007.10) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014147225/06, 12.03.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.03.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ИИДЗИМА Кадзуки (JP) (73) Патентообладатель(и): НИССАН МОТОР КО., ЛТД. (JP) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 27.04.2012 JP 2012-101942 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2015 Бюл. № 26 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.11.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: JP 2013/056843 (12.03.2013) 2 5 6 3 4 4 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 20110180031 A1, 28.07.2011 . JP 2011219026 A, 04.11.2011 . JP 2011001859 A, 06.01.2011 . WO 2012056881 A1, 03.05.2012 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 5 6 3 4 4 2 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) УСТРОЙСТВО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройству которое имеет более высокий приоритет. Когда управления для транспортного средства, которое двигатель останавливается, таким образом, сконфигурировано, чтобы автоматически посредством требования остановки двигателя с останавливать двигатель. В настоящем более высоким приоритетом, ...

27-08-2009 дата публикации

Vehicle travel control device

Номер: JP2009190433A
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

【課題】アクセルオフ後の走行パターンでの燃費の向上と運転者の違和感の解消の両立 【解決手段】現在の車輌の走行状況に基づいた実加減速走行パターンを生成する実加減速走行パターン生成手段(メインECU71)と、実加減速走行パターンにおける実加減速周期T1と予め定められた基準加減速周期T0とを比較する加減速周期比較手段(メインECU71)と、実加減速周期が基準加減速周期よりも短い場合に、実加減速走行パターンの実加減速周期を長くした補正加減速走行パターンを生成する補正加減速走行パターン生成手段(メインECU71)と、補正加減速走行パターンの生成が行われなければ実加減速走行パターンを最良加減速走行パターンに設定し、補正加減速走行パターンの生成が行われれば当該補正加減速走行パターンを最良加減速走行パターンに設定する最良加減速走行パターン設定手段(メインECU71)と、を設けること。 【選択図】 図1

20-10-2004 дата публикации

Control device for variable cylinder engine and control device for vehicle

Номер: JP3578071B2
Автор: 周二 永野, 淳 田端
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control apparatus for a vehicle to be driven by both or one of a variable-cylinder engine (10) and an electric generator (MG1;MG2), as a drive power source, comprises vehicle-deceleration detecting means (124) for determining whether the vehicle is in a decelerating state, and drive-power-source braking control means (122), operable when said vehicle-deceleration detecting means determines that the vehicle is in a deceleration state, for controlling a braking torque produced by said drive power source, on the basis of a regenerative braking torque produced by said electric generator (MG1;MG2), and an amount of decompression of non-operating cylinders of said variable-cylinder engine (10). The drive-power-source braking control means (122) includes a regenerative amount control means (128) for controlling a regenerative amount by the electric generator, a decompression-pressure-state setting means (130) for setting a part of the cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine (10) in a decompression pressure state, and a decompression-pressure-amount control means (132) for controlling a rotation resistance of the cylinder of the variable-cylinder engine set in the decompression pressure state.

01-02-2019 дата публикации

For enhancing the EGR operation method and system of driving performance

Номер: CN104975991B


08-01-2009 дата публикации

Method and device for controlling an output torque of a drive train of a vehicle

Номер: DE19644881B4

Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Radmoments, das ein Ausgangsdrehmoment eines Triebstrangs eines Fahrzeugs zwischen der Getriebeausgangswelle und den Antriebsrädern ist, wobei abhängig vom Fahrerwunsch ein Sollwert für das Radmoment gebildet wird, dieser Sollwert wenigstens der Steuerung der Antriebseinheit des Fahrzeugs bereitgestellt wird, wobei bei der Bildung des Sollwertes für das Radmoment neben dem Fahrerwunsch auch ein von Betriebsgrößen abhängiges minimales Radmoment und/oder maximales Radmoment berücksichtigt wird. method for controlling a wheel torque, which is an output torque of a drive train a vehicle between the transmission output shaft and the drive wheels, depending on Driver request a setpoint for the wheel torque is formed, this setpoint at least the controller the drive unit of the vehicle is provided, wherein at the Formation of the setpoint for the wheel torque next to the driver's request and a minimum dependent on operating variables Wheel torque and / or maximum wheel torque is taken into account.

30-04-1998 дата публикации

System for Adjusting the Tension of the contact Part of a Belt Drive Mechanism

Номер: KR987001071A

본 발명은 벨트부재의 장력을 조절하는 방법을 포함하고, 이 경우 예기할 수 있는 엔진 토크를 충분히 정확하게 평가할 수 있고 또한 장력이 가장 적합하게 배분된다. 이 때문에 내연기관을 제어하는 엔진 제어기구에 의해, 엔진 토크를 정확하게 평가하는 신호가 부여된다. 제1의구성에서는 상기 신호는 예를 들면 예측되는 엔진 토크를 위한 엔진 제어 기구내에서 형성되는 평가치이다. 제2의 구성에서는 상기 신호는 내연기관에 의해 흡입되는 공기 질량의 량 혹은 이것에서 도출되는 신호 및 내연기관의 점화 진각이다. 엔진 토크의 정확한 평가에 의해 벨트부재의 장력이 감소할 수 있고, 이에의해 전동 장치의 효율이 개선된다.

25-07-1996 дата публикации

Control system for drive units and automatic transmission

Номер: DE69117370T2
Автор: Mitsuru Takada
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

19-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE502006009283D1

07-02-2023 дата публикации

Method and control device for detecting, during the operation of a hybrid vehicle, whether combustion is taking place in an internal combustion engine of the hybrid vehicle

Номер: US11572059B2
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A method to detect whether combustion is taking place in an internal combustion engine of a hybrid vehicle during operation of the hybrid vehicle, whereby a decoupler is provided between the internal combustion engine and an electric machine that serves to power the hybrid vehicle, comprising opening the decoupler between the internal combustion engine and the electric machine, receiving a speed signal when the decoupler is open, said signal indicating a rotational speed of the internal combustion engine when the decoupler is open, and determining, on the basis of the speed signal when the decoupler is open, whether combustion is taking place in the internal combustion engine. The present invention also relates to a control device to carry out the method according to the invention.

17-08-2011 дата публикации

Power output apparatus, control method of power output apparatus, and vehicle equipped with power output apparatus

Номер: CN101326069B
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

在车辆中执行的本发明的驱动控制基于反映供应到发动机的吸入空气的密度的进气温度(Ta)和大气压力(Pa)设定校正系数(keg)(步骤S140),将车辆所需的动力需求(P * )乘以所设定的校正系数(keg)来确定要从发动机输出的目标发动机动力(Pe * )(步骤S150)。然后控制发动机和两个电动机(MG1)和(MG2)以确保从发动机输出所确定的目标发动机动力(Pe * )和输出基于加速器开度(Acc)的扭矩需求(Tr * )(步骤S160至S210)。吸入空气的密度的变化会造成从发动机输出过量的动力,或者从发动机输出不足的动力。对电池充电或者电池放电以补偿从发动机输出的过量的动力,或者补偿从发动机输出的不足的动力。本发明的驱动控制有效地应对环境的变化,并防止了用超出预期的过高电力对电池进行充电,或者防止电池过度放电而供应超出预期的过高电力。

27-06-2017 дата публикации

vehicle control device

Номер: BR112014026805A2
Автор: Iijima Kazuki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor

resumo "dispositivo de controle de veículo" uma solicitação de parada de motor, emitida de acordo com uma operação de um freio de um motorista, e uma solicitação de proibição de parada de motor, emitida para um diagnostico de falha de um sensor de relação de ar-combustível, e assim em diante fornecido em um sistema de exaustão, são solicitações independentes, e quando ambas as solicitações são simultaneamente emitidas, a solicitação de parada de motor que tem uma prioridade maior é de preferência realizada. quando a parada de motor é assim realizada pela solicitação de parada de motor de prioridade maior, a solicitação de proibição de parada de motor é retirada de modo a impedir o reinício inesperado do motor quando a solicitação de parada de motor é cancelada. summary "vehicle control device" means an engine stop request issued in accordance with an operation of a driver's brake and an engine stop prohibition request issued for a fault ratio sensor diagnosis air-fuel, and so forth supplied in an exhaust system, are independent requests, and when both requests are simultaneously issued, the higher priority engine stop request is preferably performed. when the engine stop is thus performed by the higher priority engine stop request, the engine stop prohibition request is withdrawn to prevent an unexpected restart of the engine when the engine stop request is canceled.

11-06-2021 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting whether combustion is occurring during operation of a hybrid vehicle

Номер: CN108699979B
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG


17-10-2017 дата публикации

Axle torque control system for a motor vehicle

Номер: US9789876B1

A powertrain control system for a motor vehicle having a transmission and an engine includes an axle torque controller that determines a desired engine torque and a desired speed ratio from a plurality of inputs, an engine controller that determines a commanded engine torque based on the desired engine torque, wherein the commanded engine torque is used to control the engine to produce an actual engine torque, a transmission controller that determines a commanded gear ratio based on the desired gear ratio, wherein the commanded gear ratio is used to control the transmission to produce an actual gear ratio, and an estimator that determines an actual axle torque of the motor vehicle from the actual engine torque and the actual gear ratio. The plurality of inputs includes a desired axle torque, the actual axle torque, a desired fuel rate, an actual fuel rate.

29-10-2008 дата публикации

Power output apparatus, control method of power output apparatus, and vehicle equipped with power output apparatus

Номер: EP1984200A1
Автор: Koichiro Muta
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The power output apparatus of the invention increases a tentative engine power demand Petmp required for an engine (step S180), during a catalyst degradation detection time (step S120: yes) when degradation detection of an emission control catalyst is performed according to a variation in output of an oxygen sensor provided downstream of the emission control catalyst. The smaller between an increased power demand Peu by increasing the tentative engine power demand Petmp and an upper limit of a chargeable range of a battery is set to an engine power demand Pe* of the engine (step S190). Upon satisfaction of an auto engine stop condition that the engine power demand Pe* decreases below a preset reference power Pref (step S200: no), the engine is controlled to be driven at idle (step S210).

04-07-1996 дата публикации

System for adjusting the tension of the contact part of a belt drive mechanism

Номер: WO1996020364A1

The invention comprises a method for adjusting the tension of the contact part which yields greater precision in estimating the likely engine torque and thus a better apportionment of tension. For this purpose the engine control unit, which controls the internal combustion engine, gives signals that make it possible to estimate the engine torque precisely. In a first embodiment this signal can for example be an engine control-generated estimated value for the likely engine torque. In a second embodiment these signals can be the amount of the air mass drawn by the internal combustion engine, or a signal derived therefrom, and the angular ignition spacing of the internal combustion engine. With a more precise estimation of the engine torque the tension on the contact part can be reduced, resulting in improved efficiency of the drive mechanism.

03-11-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle, control method for hybrid vehicle, and recording medium recorded with a control program for hybrid vehicle

Номер: US9174627B2
Автор: Yoshiaki Atsumi
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A hybrid vehicle configured to allow charging from a source external to the vehicle includes a connector electrically connecting a battery with an external commercial power supply, an absorption unit absorbing fuel vapor, and an activation unit activating the absorption unit to facilitate disengagement of the fuel vapor during connection of the power storage device with the external power supply by the connector. The absorption unit includes a canister to which fuel vapor adheres. The activation unit includes a heater receiving electric power from at least one of the battery and external power supply to heat the canister. The hybrid vehicle further includes a purge mechanism conducting a purge relative to the canister. Thus, there can be provided a hybrid vehicle that can process fuel evaporating gas without reducing the EV allowed travel distance.

10-01-2018 дата публикации

Control device and control method for a hybrid vehicle

Номер: EP2644469B1
Автор: Takashi Amano
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Control device

Номер: JP2020196317A
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


11-08-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle movement control device

Номер: CN107031714A
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

本发明提供一种车辆用举动控制装置,即使在进行了全缸运转与减缸运转的切换的情况下也不会对驾驶员带来不适感,能够将车辆的举动控制为准确地实现驾驶员意图的举动。车辆用举动控制装置具有:发动机控制部(30),进行控制,以便在转向速度超过预先决定的阈值的情况下,在车辆的转向角增大且转向速度增大的情况下,转向速度越增大,则使发动机(4)的输出扭矩越降低,在转向速度为阈值以下的情况下,停止输出扭矩的降低;以及阈值设定部(26),在发动机的运转模式为全缸运转的情况下,将阈值设定为第1阈值(T S1 ),在发动机的运转模式为减缸运转的情况下,将阈值设定为比第1阈值小的第2阈值(T S2 )。

28-02-1996 дата публикации

Control system for engines and automatic transmissions

Номер: EP0467605B1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

01-12-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus of controlling mode switching transitions in multi-combustion mode internal combustion engine with a hybrid propulsion system

Номер: US20220379873A1
Автор: Fang Shui
Принадлежит: Individual

Engine combustion mode-switching transitions are controlled through a coordination control of an electric machine and a multi-combustion mode engine coupled to each other with a hybrid propulsion system by following predetermined combustion mode-switching strategies and control algorithms.

24-08-2004 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for determining a driver command

Номер: US6779507B2

The invention is directed to a method and an arrangement for determining a driver command and especially a kickdown command. This driver command is only detected when the pedal position or a desired value derived therefrom exceeds a pregiven threshold value and when the gradient of the pedal position or the desired value derived therefrom exceeds a pregiven threshold value.

28-03-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle, method of controlling hybrid vehicle, and recording medium having recorded thereon control program for hybrid vehicle

Номер: EP2123531B1
Автор: Yoshiaki Atsumi
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A hybrid vehicle (100) configured to allow charging from a source external to the vehicle includes a connector (50) electrically connecting a battery (B1) with an external commercial power supply (55), an absorption unit absorbing fuel vapor, and an activation unit activating the absorption unit to facilitate disengagement of the fuel vapor during connection of the power storage device with the external power supply by the connector (50). The absorption unit includes a canister to which fuel vapor adheres. The activation unit includes a heater receiving electric power from at least one of the battery and external power supply to heat the canister. The hybrid vehicle further includes a purge mechanism conducting a purge relative to the canister. Thus, there can be provided a hybrid vehicle that can process fuel evaporating gas without reducing the EV allowed travel distance.

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and method of controlling same

Номер: EP2061686B1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

27-10-1999 дата публикации

Apparatus for rebuilding the torque of turbocharged engine after operating under anti-slip regulation

Номер: EP0952324A2
Автор: Michael Baeuerle

The arrangement has a first arrangement (301) which forms a suction pipe pressure demand value from a predefined fill demand value and at least one characteristic field is used to derive a pressure ratio between demand value and a charging pressure demand value. A second arrangement (302) switches over to a pressure ratio from the characteristic field(s) (KVPDKSD, KVPDKSE) in dynamic mode, the pressure being lower than in stationary mode, and causes a gradual transition from the lower pressure ratio to a higher ratio at the end of the dynamic phase. When an ASR intervention occurs the second arrangement sets up the same pressure ratio as for dynamic mode.

04-09-2020 дата публикации

Single-turn learning for vehicle energy management optimization

Номер: CN111619541A


01-01-2009 дата публикации

Engine System

Номер: US20090000575A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

An object of the present invention is, in an engine system including a medium which chemically repeats storage and release of hydrogen, to provide an engine system where CO 2 emissions can be suppressed and system efficiency is excellent. The engine system includes a hydrogen supply device for producing hydrogen rich gas from a medium which chemically repeats the storage and release of hydrogen, and drives an engine using the hydrogen rich gas produced in the hydrogen supply device as one of the fuels. This engine system is characterized by comprising a waste heat supply device for supplying waste heat of the engine to the hydrogen supply device, a generator which generates electricity by power of the engine, an energy storage device for storing electric power produced by the generator, and a motor for converting electric power discharged from the energy storage device into power.

20-03-2008 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and method of controlling same

Номер: WO2008032195A2

A hybrid vehicle is provided with an engine (11), a generator (13) capable of generating power by being driven by the engine (11), an electric motor (12) capable of running on power supplied from the generator (13), a power split device (14) that transmits output from the engine (11) to a driving wheel (15) and the generator (13) and also transmits output from the electric motor (12) to the driving wheel (15), and a main ECU (28) that controls an output ratio of the engine (11) and an output ratio of the electric motor (12) using the power split device (14) according to the running state of the vehicle. When the operating mode of the engine (11) is switched between a lean burn operating mode and a stoichiometric bum operating mode, the main ECU (28) selectively increases and decreases the output ratio of the electric motor (12) so that the total output, which is the combined output of the engine (11 ) and the electric motor (12), is constant.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus for internal combustion engine mounted on hybrid vehicle

Номер: JP2013163484A
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

【課題】ハイブリッド車両に搭載された内燃機関の空燃比を適正化し、機関始動後の排ガスの空燃比を触媒要求空燃比に近づけ、エミッションを改善する。 【解決手段】ハイブリッド車両10は、内燃機関20の運転を停止し且つその後再開(始動)させる間欠運転を実行する。空燃比制御装置73は、上流側空燃比センサ95の出力と下流側空燃比センサ96の出力とに基づいて機関20に供給される混合気の空燃比を目標空燃比に一致させる空燃比フィードバック制御を実行する。更に、空燃比制御装置は、間欠運転による機関20の始動時に触媒29の状態を示す触媒パラメータ(触媒温度及び酸素吸蔵量に応じた値等)を取得する。空燃比制御装置は、間欠運転による機関20の始動後から所定期間、取得された触媒パラメータに応じて前記目標空燃比を実質的に補正するとともに、下流側空燃比センサ96の出力により算出されるサブフィードバック量を学習する。 【選択図】図1

17-04-2003 дата публикации

Method and device for determining a driver's request

Номер: DE10150422A1

Es werden ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Ermittlung eines Fahrerwunsches vorgeschlagen, insbesondere eines Kickdown-Wunsches, wobei dieser Fahrerwunsch nur dann erkannt wird, wenn die Pedalstellung bzw. ein daraus abgeleiteter Sollwert einen vorgegebenen Schwellenwert überschreitet und wenn der Gradient der Pedalstellung bzw. des daraus abgeleiteten Sollwertes einen vorgegebenen Schwellenwert übersteigt. A method and a device for determining a driver's request, in particular a kickdown request, are proposed, this driver's request being recognized only when the pedal position or a target value derived therefrom exceeds a predetermined threshold value and when the gradient of the pedal position or therefrom derived setpoint exceeds a predetermined threshold.

04-07-2007 дата публикации

Power output apparatus, vehicle equipped with power output apparatus, and control method of power output apparatus

Номер: CN1991153A
Автор: 内海敦子, 西垣隆弘
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


27-05-2004 дата публикации

Control apparatus for variable-cylinder engine, and control apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20040102286A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Providing a control apparatus for a variable-cylinder engine or a vehicle control apparatus, which permits a further improvement in the fuel economy of the vehicle. Decompression-state setting means 102 is arranged to place appropriate ones of non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine 10 in the decompression state, on the basis of regenerative braking state of vehicle detected by regenerative-braking-state detecting means 100, so that only a required minimum number of the non-operating cylinders of the variable-cylinder engine 10 is/are placed in the decompression state, depending upon the detected regenerative braking state of the vehicle, making it possible to not only improve fuel economy of the vehicle but also assure sufficient engine braking of the vehicle.

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and control method for this

Номер: DE102020125808A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Ein Hybridfahrzeug umfasst eine Mehrzylinderkraftmaschine (10; 10B; 10C; 10D), ein Abgassteuerungsgerät (18, 19), einen Elektromotor (MG2; MG), eine Elektrizitätsspeichervorrichtung (40; 40C; 40D; 40E) sowie eine Steuerungseinrichtung (50, 70, 100; 170, 55D; 55E, 70E, 100E). Die Steuerungseinrichtung (55, 70, 100; 170, 55D; 55E, 70E, 100E), ist eingerichtet, den Elektromotor (MG2; MG) zu steuern, um einen Antriebsenergiemangel abzudecken, der auf ein Ausführen einer Katalysatortemperaturerhöhungssteuerung zurückzuführen ist. Die Katalysatortemperaturerhöhungssteuerung ist eine Steuerung, die ein Stoppen einer Kraftstoffzufuhr zu mindestens einem von Zylindern der Mehrzylinderkraftmaschine (10; 10B; 10C; 10D) und ein Anreichern von Luft-Kraftstoffverhältnissen für die anderen Zylinder als den mindestens einen Zylinder beinhaltet. A hybrid vehicle comprises a multi-cylinder engine (10; 10B; 10C; 10D), an exhaust gas control device (18, 19), an electric motor (MG2; MG), an electricity storage device (40; 40C; 40D; 40E) and a control device (50, 70, 100; 170, 55D; 55E, 70E, 100E). The controller (55, 70, 100; 170, 55D; 55E, 70E, 100E) is configured to control the electric motor (MG2; MG) to cover a drive power shortage due to execution of a catalyst temperature increase control. The catalyst temperature increase control is a control including stopping fuel supply to at least one of cylinders of the multi-cylinder engine (10; 10B; 10C; 10D) and enriching air-fuel ratios for the cylinders other than the at least one cylinder.

11-02-2003 дата публикации

Compression ignition type engine

Номер: US6516609B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

There is provided a compression ignition type engine comprising an exhaust gas purification catalyst, and an electric motor for generating an output separated from the engine output. The engine may selectively perform a first control to make the engine output an output larger than that determined on the basis of the engine operation state, and a second control to operate the engine under the first combustion mode in which the inert gas amount in the chamber is larger than that in which the soot generation amount is peak.

02-04-2014 дата публикации

Control device for hybrid vehicle

Номер: JP5459333B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: JP4281783B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

27-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling internal combustion engine

Номер: US8939134B2
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Corp

An apparatus for controlling an internal combustion engine executes air-fuel ratio feedback control based on a detection result of an exhaust gas sensor and when the engine is shut down, stops energization of a heater of the exhaust gas sensor at a predetermined timing after shutdown of the engine, heater control of the exhaust gas sensor is executed, which is suitable for a case in which shutdown time of the engine is set long, and thus the exhaust gas sensor is protected from thermal shock. The control apparatus sets timing for stopping energization of a heater of an exhaust gas sensor after shutdown of the engine, to a point in time when a predetermined time set based on outside air temperature has elapsed, or a point in time when cooling water temperature of the engine has dropped to a predetermined temperature.

04-07-2012 дата публикации

Engine system

Номер: CN101332761B
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

一种发动机系统,具备以化学的方式反复进行氢的储存与释放的介质来生成富氢气体的氢供给装置,将由所述氢供给装置生成的富氢气体作为燃料之一来驱动发动机,具备:余热供给装置,其将所述发动机的余热供给到所述氢供给装置;发电机,其用发动机的动力进行发电;电力储存装置,其被充电了由所述发电机发电的电力;和电动机,其将所述电力储存装置放出的电力变换为动力。从而本发明的目的在于提供一种在搭载有以化学的方式反复进行氢的储存与释放的介质的发动机系统中,能够抑制CO 2 的释放且系统效率高的发动机系统。

12-10-2021 дата публикации

Control device of hybrid vehicle

Номер: US11142181B2
Автор: Kaoru Ohtsuka
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control device of a hybrid vehicle, the hybrid vehicle including an engine, a motor as a traveling power source, and a battery in which electric power to be supplied to the motor is charged, includes: a transient operation controller performing, when absolute values of an outputtable electric power and a chargeable electric power of the battery are small at a time of a transient operation of the engine, a transient operation of controlling an operating point of the engine within a wide range from low output to high output, at a position where a thermal efficiency is lower than the thermal efficiency at a time of a steady operation, and of controlling the engine to be in a combustion state where a margin to a combustion limit is greater than the margin in the steady operation.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

A vehicle control device having means for preventing interference between the transmission controls by driving stability control devices and manual shift control devices

Номер: DE19749132B4
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Gerät zum Steuern eines Kraftfahrzeugs mit einem Motor (10) und einem Automatikgetriebe (14), wobei das Gerät folgende Einrichtungen umfasst: eine Fahrstabilitätssteuereinrichtung (200), die aufgrund einer Verminderung der Fahrstabilität des Fahrzeugs unter einen vorgegebenen Ansprechwert betrieben wird, um zumindest eine Leistung des Motors, eine auf das Fahrzeug aufgebrachte Bremskraft oder eine eingerichtete Position des Automatikgetriebes so zu steuern, um die Fahrstabilität des Fahrzeugs zu verbessern, und eine manuelle Schaltsteuereinrichtung (210), die auf einen Betrieb einer manuellen Schaltvorrichtung (92) anspricht, um das Automatikgetriebe zu schalten, wobei das Gerät folgende Einrichtungen aufweist: eine Fahrstabilitätssteuererfassungseinrichtung (204) zum Erfassen eines Betriebs der Fahrstabilitätssteuereinrichtung (200), gekennzeichnet durch eine Hemmeinrichtung (212) für die manuelle Schaltsteuerung, die aufgrund einer Erfassung des Betriebs der Fahrstabilitätssteuereinrichtung durch die Fahrstabilitätssteuererfassungseinrichtung betreibbar ist, um einen Betrieb der manuellen Schaltsteuereinrichtung (210) zu hemmen, während die Fahrstabilitätssteuereinrichtung (200) betrieben wird, um das Automatikgetriebe zu steuern. Apparatus for controlling a motor vehicle with an engine (10) and an automatic transmission (14), the apparatus comprising the following devices: a driving stability control device (200) which is operated due to a reduction in the driving stability of the vehicle below a predetermined response value by at least one power the engine to control a braking force applied to the vehicle or an established position of the automatic transmission so as to improve the driving stability of the vehicle, and manual shift control means (210) responsive to an operation of a manual shift device (92) to control the automatic transmission to shift, the device having the following devices: a driving stability control detection device (204) for detecting an ...

05-03-2003 дата публикации

Controller for mixed vehicle

Номер: CN1400119A
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd


03-03-1998 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling lean-burn engine

Номер: US5722359A
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An apparatus for controlling a motor vehicle equipped with a lean-burn engine and an electric motor coupled to an output shaft of the lean-burn engine has an engine controller, a combustion-pressure variation detector, and a motor controller. The engine controller controls the lean-burn engine to operate in a lean range of air-fuel ratios. The combustion-pressure variation detector detects a variation in a combustion pressure of the lean-burn engine controlled by the engine controller. The motor controller controls the electric motor to apply a force to the output shaft of the lean-burn engine for suppressing a variation caused in a torque produced by the lean-burn engine based on the variation in the combustion pressure as detected by the combustion-pressure variation detector means if the variation in the combustion pressure is in excess of a predetermined value.

02-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: JP4325700B2
Автор: 彦和 秋本
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Upon incompletion of abnormality detection of an air-fuel ratio sensor provided in an exhaust pipe of an engine during operation of the engine (steps S310 and S320), when the state of charge SOC of a battery is lower than a preset reference charge level Sref or when the accelerator opening Acc is not less than a preset reference opening Aref (steps S330 and S340), the abnormality detection is not performed (step S350). When the state of charge SOC of the battery is not lower than the preset reference charge level Sref and when the accelerator opening Acc is less than the preset reference opening Aref (steps S330 and S340), the abnormality detection is performed to identify abnormality or normality of the air-fuel ratio sensor based on an air fuel ratio AF output from the air-fuel ratio sensor (steps S360 to S420). The drive control cuts off a fuel supply to the engine, controls a motor to enable motoring of the engine, and ensures output of a torque demand to a driveshaft, while the abnormality detection is performed.

14-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for controlling an engine of a hybrid powertrain in a fuel enrichment mode

Номер: US8630776B2

An engine is coupled to an input member of a hybrid transmission. The hybrid transmission is operative to transfer torque between the input member and a torque machine and an output member to generate an output torque in response to an operator torque request. The torque machine is connected to an energy storage device. A method for controlling the engine includes monitoring the operator torque request, determining a maximum engine torque operating the engine at stoichiometry, determining a maximum motor torque output from the torque machine, determining a maximum output torque from the hybrid transmission when the torque machine is generating the maximum motor torque and the engine is generating the maximum engine torque operating at stoichiometry, and controlling the engine in a fuel enrichment mode when the operator torque request exceeds the maximum output torque from the hybrid transmission when the torque machine is generating the maximum motor torque and the engine is generating the maximum engine torque operating at stoichiometry.

14-11-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle travel control device and vehicle travel control method

Номер: CN101687508B
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


05-02-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control system

Номер: US10196065B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle control system is provided to promptly execute an ignition retard of the engine during shifting a gear stage in such a manner as to prevent an engine misfire, while switching air/fuel ratio from lean-burn ratio to stoichiometric ratio. An air/fuel ratio is switched between a stoichiometric ratio and a lean-burn ratio based on an operating point of an engine determined based on an engine speed and an engine torque. If a shifting operation of gear stage and a switching operation of the air/fuel ratio from the lean-burn ratio to the stoichiometric ratio are expected to be executed simultaneously, a controller delays the shifting operation of gear stage until completion of the switching operation of the air/fuel ratio.

19-10-2018 дата публикации

The control device of hybrid vehicle

Номер: CN105121239B
Автор: 井上敏夫
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


14-10-2015 дата публикации

EGR Operation Method And System For Increased Drivability

Номер: CN104975991A


21-11-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle control device.

Номер: MX2014012086A
Автор: Kazuki Iijima
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor

Una petición de detención del motor de combustión interna proporcionada como salida de conformidad con una operación de un freno de un conductor, y una petición de prohibición de detención del motor de combustión interna proporcionada como salida para un diagnóstico de fallas de un detector de la proporción aire-combustible provisto en un sistema de escape, etcétera, son peticiones independientes, y cuando ambas peticiones se proporcionan como salida simultáneamente, se realiza preferencialmente la petición de detención del motor de combustión interna que tiene una mayor prioridad. Cuando la detención del motor de combustión interna se realiza de esta manera por la petición de detención del motor de combustión interna de mayor prioridad, la petición de prohibición de detención del motor de combustión interna se retira a fin de prevenir el rearranque inesperado del motor de combustión interna cuando se cancela la petición de detención del motor de combustión interna.

29-07-2022 дата публикации

Control device for hybrid vehicle

Номер: CN110293956B
Автор: 大冢郁
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018123818B4

Verfahren zum Steuern eines Antriebssystems (10) eines Kraftfahrzeugs (12), das Verfahren umfassend:Bestimmen einer Vielzahl von angeforderten Werten einschließlich einem ersten angeforderten Wert;Bestimmen einer Vielzahl von gemessenen Werten einschließlich einem ersten gemessenen Wert, einem zweiten gemessenen Wert und einem dritten gemessenen Wert;Bestimmen einer geschätzten Störung, basierend auf einem Modell einer Beziehung zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten gemessenen Wert;Subtrahieren der geschätzten Störung vom ersten angeforderten Wert, um einen angeforderten linearisierten Wert festzulegen;Subtrahieren der geschätzten Störung von dem dritten gemessenen Wert, um einen gemessenen linearisierten Wert festzulegen;Bestimmen einer Vielzahl von vorausgesagten Werten, teilweise basierend auf der Vielzahl von gemessenen Werten einschließlich dem gemessenen linearisierten Wert;Erzeugen einer Vielzahl von Sätzen möglicher Sollwerte;Bestimmen der Kosten für jeden Satz möglicher Sollwerte der Vielzahl von Sätzen möglicher Sollwerte, basierend auf einem ersten vorgegebenen Gewichtungswert, einem zweiten vorgegebenen Gewichtungswert, der Vielzahl von vorausgesagten Werten und der Vielzahl von angeforderten Werten einschließlich dem angeforderten linearisierten Wert;Bestimmen, welcher Satz möglicher Sollwerte der Vielzahl von Sätzen möglicher Sollwerte die geringsten Kosten hat; undAuswahl des Satzes möglicher Sollwerte mit den geringsten Kosten, um einen Satz von ausgewählten Sollwerten zu definieren. A method of controlling a propulsion system (10) of a motor vehicle (12), the method comprising:determining a plurality of requested values including a first requested value;determining a plurality of measured values including a first measured value, a second measured value and a third measured value value;determining an estimated interference based on a model of a relationship between the first and second measured values;subtracting the estimated interference from the ...

08-03-2007 дата публикации

Method for controlling a vehicle drive unit

Номер: WO2007025839A1

The invention relates to a method for controlling a vehicle drive unit which comprises at least two individual motors. The total actual torque (14) is continuously compared (15) to a permitted total torque (10), whereby the total actual torque (14) is calculated from individual actual torque values (11, 12) of the at least two individual motors and the permitted total torque (10) is calculated from permitted individual torque values (7, 8) of the at least two individual motors. An error reaction is triggered if the comparison (15) demonstrates that the total actual torque (14) is greater than the permitted total torque (10).

02-03-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle control device

Номер: JP7027937B2
Автор: 祥太 三宅
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

30-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CN116176555A
Автор: 李垂芳, 李瑟基
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp


29-06-2023 дата публикации

Apparatus of hybrid vehicle and method thereof

Номер: US20230202458A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A hybrid vehicle may include: an engine including a plurality of cylinders for generating power required for driving the hybrid vehicle by combustion of fuel; a first motor starting the engine and selectively operating as a generator to generate electrical energy; a second motor generating power required for driving the hybrid vehicle; a clutch provided between the engine and the second motor; and a controller configured for synchronizing a velocity of the second motor and an engine velocity and for coupling the clutch, in a transition section in which the engine moves from a stop state to an optimal operation point area as an operation area of the engine, and gradually decreasing a torque of the second motor and gradually adjusting the number of combusted cylinders among the plurality of combustion chambers to gradually increase the engine torque.

28-12-2023 дата публикации

Controller and control method for vehicle

Номер: US20230417202A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A controller is configured to control a vehicle that includes an internal combustion engine and an automatic transmission. The controller is configured to execute a shifting process that switches a gear ratio of the automatic transmission and a lean operation process that operates the internal combustion engine with an air-fuel ratio of the air-fuel mixture in a cylinder leaner than a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. The controller is further configured to, when executing the shifting process during execution of the lean operation process, set an air-fuel ratio in a case in which the shifting process is being executed to a value closer to the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio than an air-fuel ratio in a case in which the shifting process is not being executed.

09-11-2023 дата публикации

Vehicle control method and vehicle control device

Номер: US20230358187A1
Автор: Yoshiyasu Kimura
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle includes an internal combustion engine, an exhaust purification catalyst, and an air fuel ratio sensor. The internal combustion engine is structured to be motored by an electric motor generator. The exhaust purification catalyst is structured to purify exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine. The air fuel ratio sensor is located upstream of the exhaust purification catalyst and structured to sense an air fuel ratio. When a quantity of oxygen stored in the exhaust purification catalyst is larger than a reference value, it is determined that inflow of oxygen into the exhaust purification catalyst has an insignificant effect on exhaust performance. Then, fuel injection of the internal combustion engine is stopped, the internal combustion engine is motored, and air fuel ratio learning is performed for learning of a sensed value of the air fuel ratio sensor.

10-08-2023 дата публикации

Vehicle controller and vehicle control method

Номер: US20230249671A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electronic control unit includes processing circuitry. A hybrid electric vehicle has an electric traveling mode, in which the hybrid electric vehicle travels with a system clutch disengaged and an engine in a stopped state, and a hybrid traveling mode, in which the hybrid electric vehicle travels with the system clutch engaged and engine operating. The processing circuitry is configured to control, when the traveling mode is switched from the electric traveling mode to the hybrid traveling mode, a throttle opening degree of the engine at the time of completion of engagement of the system clutch in accordance with the atmospheric pressure such that a constant intake air amount is obtained regardless of the level of the atmospheric pressure.

18-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: JP2023114795A
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

