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10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587106C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Для обеспечения хорошей устойчивости к водородному охрупчиванию в случае, когда стальной лист после горячей штамповки подвергается обработке, приводящей к остаточным напряжениям, такой как перфорация производят лист из стали, содержащей, в мас.%: C от 0,18 до 0,26, Si больше чем 0,02 и не больше чем 0,05, Mn от 1,0 до 1,5, P 0,03 или меньше, S 0,02 или меньше, Al от 0,001 до 0,5, N 0,1 или меньше, O от 0,001 до 0,02, Cr от 0 до 2,0, Mo от 0 до 1,0, V: от 0 до 0,5, W от 0 до 0,5, Ni от 0 до 5,0, B от 0 до 0,01, Ti от 0 до 0,5, Nb от 0 до 0,5, Cu от 0 до 1,0, железа и примеси - остальное, причем концентрация содержащих марганец включений составляет не менее 0,010 мас.% и менее 0,25 мас.%, а численное отношение оксида марганца к включениям, имеющим максимальную длину от 1,0 мкм до 4,0 мкм, составляет 10,0% или более. 6 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 13 табл., 4 ил., 6 пр.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2576567C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии. Легированный, гальванизированный погружением стальной лист содержит в мас.%: C 0,10-0,4, Si 0,01-0,5, Mn 1,0-3,0, О 0,006 или менее, P 0,04 или менее, S 0,01 или менее, Al 0,1-3,0, N 0,01 или менее, Fe и неизбежные примеси - остальное. Структура стального листа содержит, об.%: бейнит и мартенсит 40 или более, остаточный аустенит 8-60, феррит менее чем 40, неизбежная структура - остальное. Поверхность стального листа подвергнута гальванизации погружением с легированием. Сумма толщины Тγ1 слоя Г1 и толщины Тγ слоя Г в слое легированного гальванического покрытия, полученного погружением, составляет 2 мкм или менее. Отношение (Тγ1/Тγ) толщины между фазой Г1 и фазой Г составляет 1 или менее. Обеспечивается исключение отделения покрывающего слоя во время механической обработки. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 2 табл.

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581334C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к получению холоднокатаного стального листа, используемого в автомобилестроении. Лист изготовлен из стали, содержащей, в мас.%: C: от более чем 0,150 до 0,300, Si: от 0,010 до 1,000, Mn: от 1,50 до 2,70, P: от 0,001 до 0,060, S: от 0,001 до 0,010, N: от 0,0005 до 0,0100, Al: от 0,010 до 0,050 и необязательно один или несколько из следующих элементов: B: от 0,0005 до 0,0020, Mo: от 0,01 до 0,50, Cr: от 0,01 до 0,50, V: от 0,001 до 0,100, Ti: от 0,001 до 0,100, Nb: от 0,001 до 0,050, Ni: от 0,01 до 1,00, Cu: от 0,01 до 1,00, Ca: от 0,0005 до 0,0050 и РЗМ: от 0,0005 до 0,0050, остальное Fe и неизбежные примеси. Металлографическая структура содержит, по относительной площади, от 40% до 90% феррита и от 10% до 60% мартенсита, дополнительно содержит одну или несколько из следующих фаз: 10% или менее перлита по относительной площади, 5% или менее остаточного аустенита по относительному объему и 20% или менее бейнита по относительной площади ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569436C2

Изобретение относится к сварной стальной детали и способу ее изготовления. Заготовка детали получена сваркой встык, по меньшей мере, одного первого и одного второго листа. Лист состоит, по меньшей мере, частично из стальной подложки и предварительного покрытия, в состав которого входит слой интерметаллического сплава в контакте со стальной подложкой, покрытый сверху слоем металлического сплава алюминия или сплава на основе алюминия. Слой (19, 20) металлического сплава удаляют с кромок (36) в непосредственной близости к зоне (35) сварки металла. Слой (17, 18) интерметаллического сплава сохраняют на месте. Сверху, по меньшей мере, части зоны (35) сварки металла соотношение между содержанием углерода в зоне сварки металла и содержанием углерода в подложке (25, 26) первого (11) или второго листа (12), который имеет наиболее высокое содержание углерода Cmax, находится между 1,27 и 1,59. Сварную заготовку (37) нагревают, чтобы получить металл зоны (35) сварки с полностью аустенитной структурой ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648104C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Для повышения прочности на растяжение и ударной вязкости при низких температурах горячештампованная деталь имеет химический состав, мас.%: С 0,120-0,400, Si 0,005-2,000, Mn, или Cr, или оба из них: в совокупности 1,00-3,00, Al 0,005-0,100, B 0,0003-0,0020, P не более 0,030, S не более 0,0100, О не более 0,0070, N не более 0,0070, Ti 0-0,100, Nb 0-0,100, V 0-0,100, Ni 0%-2,00, Cu 0-2,00, Mo 0-0,50, Ca, или редкоземельный металл (REM), или оба из них: в совокупности 0-0,0300, Fe и примеси - остальное и структуру, представленную: долей участков мартенсита, или бейнита, или обоих из них: в совокупности не менее 95%, коэффициентом покрытия границы бывших аустенитных зерен карбидами на основе железа: не более 80%, и численной плотностью карбидов на основе железа в бывших аустенитных зернах: не менее 45/мкм. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 7 табл.

18-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709560C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к высокопрочной алюминийсодержащей марганцевой стали, используемой в автомобильной промышленности, кораблестроении, аэрокосмической промышленности и т.д. Сталь имеет следующий химический состав, мас.%: С: от 0,01 до 0,3, Mn: от 4 до 10, Al: от 1 до 4, Si: от 0,01 до 1, Cr: от 0,1 до 4, Мо: от 0,02 до 1, Р: менее 0,1, S: менее 0,1, N: менее 0,3, при необходимости по меньшей мере один из: V: от 0,01 до 1, Nb: от 0,01 до 1, Ti: от 0,01 до 1, Sn: от 0 до 0,5, Cu: от 0,005 до 3, W: от 0,03 до 3, Со: от 0,05 до 3, Zr: от 0,03 до 0,5, Са: от 0,0005 до 0,1, железо и неизбежные примеси – остальное. Сталь имеет прочность на разрыв Rm от 800 МПа до 1700 МПа, удлинение при разрушении А50 от 6% до 45%, предпочтительно от 8% до 45%, и микроструктуру, содержащую от 5 до 65% остаточного аустенита. Сталь обладает высокими свойствами по деформации, высокой устойчивостью к отложенному образованию трещин и водородному охрупчиванию. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы.

29-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707769C2

Изобретение относится к способам получения холоднокатаной или горячекатаной стальной полосы из высокопрочной, закаливающейся на воздухе, многофазной стали, причем суммарное содержание (Mn+Si+Cr) в стали регулируется в соответствии с полученной толщиной полосы: вплоть до 1,00 мм сумма (Mn+Si+Cr) ≥ 2,350 и ≤ 2,500 мас.%; больше 1,00 и вплоть до 2,00 мм сумма (Mn+Si+Cr) > 2,500 и ≤ 2,950 мас.%, а больше 2,00 мм, сумма (Mn+Si+Cr) > 2,950 и ≤ 3,250 мас.%. Технический результат заключается в получении стальной полосы различной толщины с высокими технологическими характеристиками. 9 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 1 пр.

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2543590C2

Изобретение относится к горячекатаному, холоднокатаному и плакированному стальному листу, имеющим улучшенные равномерную пластичность и локальную пластичность при высокой скорости деформации. Горячекатаный стальной лист согласно одному варианту осуществления изобретения имеет металлографическую структуру, включающую основную фазу из феррита со средним диаметром зерен не более 3,0 мкм и вторую фазу, включающую по меньшей мере одну из мартенсита, бейнита и аустенита. В поверхностном слое средний диаметр зерен второй фазы составляет не более 2,0 мкм, разность (ΔnH) между средней нанотвердостью (nH) основной фазы и средней нанотвердостью (nH) второй фазы составляет 6,0-10,0 ГПа, разность (ΔσnH) среднеквадратичного отклонения нанотвердости второй фазы и среднеквадратичного отклонения нанотвердости феррита составляет не более 1,5 ГПа, и в центральной части разность (ΔnH) между средними нанотвердостями составляет от по меньшей мере 3,5 ГПа до не более 6,0 ГПа, и разность (ΔσnH) между среднеквадратичными ...

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2506321C2

Изобретение относится к линиям обработки стальной полосы для производства различных видов высокопрочных стальных изделий. Линия содержит станцию разматывания и промывки, станцию нагрева, станцию выдержки, станцию замедленного охлаждения, станцию газоструйного охлаждения, станцию водной закалки, станцию кислотной промывки, станцию повторного нагрева, станцию перестаривания, станцию конечного охлаждения, станцию правки, станцию доводки, смазочную станцию и станцию наматывания. Линия дополнительно содержит гальваническую станцию, которая посредством соединительных каналов по отдельности соединена со станцией разматывания и промывки, станцией кислотной промывки и станцией повторного нагрева, станцию горячего цинкования погружением и гальванила, которая соединена со станцией повторного нагрева посредством канала печи горячего цинкования, а также со станцией постгальванического охлаждения и станцией конечного охлаждения посредством соединительных каналов, а также станцию пассивирования и дополнительной ...

24-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018112070A3

21-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016123172A3

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017125300A3

11-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705741C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Для повышения предела текучести и степени раздачи отверстия отожжённого холоднокатаного стального листа с покрытием способ включает получение стального листа, содержащего в мас.%: С 0,1 – 0,3, Mn 1 – 3, Si 0,5 – 3,5, Al 0,05 – 1,5, Mo + Cr в диапазоне 0,2 – 0,5, железо и неизбежные примеси - остальное, холодную прокатку листа, нанесение цинкового покрытия на холоднокатаный лист с получением холоднокатаного листа с покрытием с пределом текучести между 550 и 580 МПа и степенью раздачи отверстия ниже 10%, отжиг упомянутого стального листа после нанесения указанного цинкового покрытия, причем указанный отжиг после нанесения покрытия осуществляют при температуре 150-650°C в течение периода времени, достаточного для повышения предела текучести отожженного холоднокатаного стального листа с покрытием по меньшей мере на 40% по сравнению с холоднокатаным стальным листом непосредственно после нанесения покрытия, и увеличения степени раздачи отверстия отожженного ...

18-01-2022 дата публикации

Способ производства высокопрочной особонизкоуглеродистой холоднокатаной стали с высокой пластичностью

Номер: RU2764618C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к технологии производства холоднокатаной полосы, предназначенной для изготовления деталей автомобиля методом штамповки. Способ производства холоднокатаной полосы из высокопрочной особонизкоуглеродистой стали включает выплавку стали, разливку на слябы, горячую прокатку, смотку, травление, холодную прокатку, рекристаллизационный отжиг и дрессировку полос. Выплавляют сталь, содержащую, мас. %: углерод 0,001-0,006, кремний не более 0,3, марганец 0,3-1,6, фосфор не более 0,1, алюминий не более 0,1, титан не более 0,12, ниобий не более 0,09, сера не более 0,012, азот не более 0,012, хром не более 0,07, никель не более 0,07, медь не более 0,07, железо и неизбежные примеси остальное. Холодную прокатку проводят с суммарным обжатием 65 - 90%, а рекристаллизационный отжиг полосы проводят в колпаковых печах с достижением температуры 751 - 830°С. Альтернативно рекристаллизационный отжиг полосы проводят в колпаковых печах при температуре 730 - 750°С, при ...

27-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429923C1
Принадлежит: СМС ЗИМАГ АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к совмещенному процессу непрерывной разливки и прокатки металла. Способ включает разливку сляба (3) в разливочной машине (2) и его прокатку в прокатных линиях (4, 5), непосредственно связанных с разливочной машиной (2). В случае остановки прокатных линий (4, 5) после разливочной машины (2) или черновой группы (4) прокатных клетей по направлению (F) транспортировки слябов (3) их снимают с транспортировочной линии (6) и затем возвращают на нее с помощью челночной системы (7), в которой слябы (3) хранят и нагревают. Устройство содержит разливочную машину (2), прокатные линии (4, 5) и челночную систему (7). Челночная система (7) состоит из двух или более расположенных друг за другом в направлении (F) транспортировки слябов частей (7', 7''), которые выполнены с возможностью совместного или независимого друг от друга перемещения поперек направления (F) транспортировки полосы. Достигается использование в прокатке тепла литейного процесса и гибкость ...

22-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803941C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения стальной детали с покрытием. Способ включает следующие стадии: A) обеспечивают стальной лист для термообработки, на который заранее нанесено предварительное покрытие на основе алюминия; B) наносят предварительное покрытие толщиной от 10 до 550 нм, являющееся барьером для водорода, которое содержит по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из числа следующих: никель, хром, магний, алюминий и иттрий; C) отжигают стальной лист с предварительным покрытием в периодическом режиме для получения стального листа, покрытого сплавом в качестве предварительного покрытия, причем охлаждение после отжига в периодическом режиме осуществляют со скоростью 29,0°C⋅ч-1 или меньше; D) разрезают указанный стальной лист для получения заготовки; E. выполняют термообработку заготовки при температуре от 800 до 970°C в течение от 1 до 12 минут для получения полностью аустенитной микроструктуры в стали; F. переносят заготовку в прессовый штамп; G) выполняют горячее формование ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505363C1
Принадлежит: СМС ЗИМАГ АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к способу горячей прокатки металлической ленты (1) или металлического листа и к стану (2) горячей прокатки для горячей прокатки металлической ленты или металлического листа (1). Плоскую заготовку подвергают формованию в стане (2) горячей прокатки для создания однородной, мелкозернистой, рекристаллизованной аустенитной структуры. Между по меньшей мере двумя прокатными клетями (3, 4, 5, 6) стана (2) горячей прокатки плоскую заготовку или, соответственно, ленту или лист (1) подвергают разогреву. Затем плоскую заготовку или, соответственно, ленту или лист (1) подвергают охлаждению для создания мелкозернистой структуры. Стан (2) горячей прокатки включает, по меньшей мере, две размещенных по направлению (W) прокатки последовательно друг за другом прокатных клети (3, 4, 5, 6, 7). В клетях в каждом случае плоская заготовка или, соответственно, лента или лист (1) может подвергаться формованию, в частности, для исполнения соответствующего изобретению способа. Между, по меньшей ...

20-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755721C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к оцинкованному стальному листу, используемому для изготовления автомобильных деталей методом горячей штамповки. Оцинкованный стальной лист содержит стальную подложку и плакирующий слой, сформированный на поверхности стальной подложки путем выдержки подложки, представляющей собой холоднокатаный стальной лист, при температуре от 500 до 720°С в течение от 90 до 400 секунд в восстановительной атмосфере с температурой точки росы от -20 до 0°С и затем плакирования. Стальная подложка содержит, в мас.%: С: от 0,10 до 0,5, Si: от 0,7 до 2,5, Mn: от 1,0 до 3, Al: от 0,01 до 0,5, необязательно B: 0,005 или менее, исключая 0%, остальное - количество составляют железо и неизбежные примеси. Стальная подложка имеет внутри нее внутренний оксидный слой, содержащий оксид по меньшей мере одного из Si и Mn, имеющий толщину 1 мкм или более, и обезуглероженный слой, имеющий толщину 20 мкм или менее, от поверхности раздела с плакирующим слоем по направлению ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014143828A

... 1. Способ изготовления конструктивного элемента из поддающейся преобразованию путем горячего формования стали, при котором сначала из полосы или листа вырезают пластину, затем нагревают до температуры формования и формуют, проявляя после формования по меньшей мере частично мартенситную преобразованную структуру, отличающийся тем, что вместо отверждения в пресс-форме по меньшей мере частично мартенситную преобразованную структуру создают путем аустенитизирования и быстрого охлаждения уже перед формованием в исходном материале или сначала в подлежащей формованию пластине и в последующем кондиционированную таким образом пластину с сохранением по меньшей мере частично мартенситной преобразованной структуры после формования повторно нагревают до температуры формования ниже А-температуры преобразования и подвергают формованию при этой температуре.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что для формования применяют обеспеченную металлическим покрытием пластину.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, отличающийся ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2567960C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии. Гальванизированный горячим погружением стальной лист содержит в мас.%: С 0,10-0,4, Si 0,01-0,5, Mn 1,0-3,0, О 0,006 или менее, Р 0,04 или менее, S 0,01 или менее, Al 0,1-3,0, N 0,01 или менее, Fe и неизбежные загрязняющие примеси - остальное. Структура стального листа включает, об.%: бейнит и мартенсит 40 или более, остаточный аустенит 8-60, феррит менее 40, неизбежная структура остальное. Стальной лист имеет слой из интерметаллического соединения, состоящего из Fe, Al, Zn и неизбежных загрязняющих примесей, на поверхности раздела между образованным горячей гальванизацией погружением слоем и базовым стальным листом. Средняя толщина интерметаллического соединения составляет от 0,1 до 2 мкм или менее. Размер кристаллического зерна интерметаллического соединения составляет от 0,01 или более до 1 мкм или менее. Среднее арифметическое величины Ra шероховатости поверхности базового стального листа после удаления образованного горячей гальванизацией погружением ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122998A

... 1. Способ нанесения покрытия на стальные полосы при составе основного материала, вес.%: С 0,04-1,0; Mn 9,0-30,0; Al 0,05-15,0; Si 0,05-6,0; Cr ≤6,5, Cu ≤4; Ti+Zr ≤0,7; Nb+V ≤0,5, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси, при котором стальную полосу подвергают отжигу и затем на нее электролитическим способом наносится покрытие из цинка или цинкового сплава, отличающийся тем, что в процессе отжига стальной полосы при температуре от 800 до 1000°С в атмосфере с содержанием N-Hобразуется в результате реакции с содержащимися в стали элементами обогащенная нитридами приповерхностная область, препятствующая при сварке стальной полосы с покрытием проникновению расплавленного цинка в основной материал.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что путем изменения времени и/или температуры отжига обеспечивают глубину азотирования более 1 мкм, но не более 50 мкм.3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что путем изменения времени и/или температуры отжига обеспечивают глубину азотирования более 1 мкм, но не более ...

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009137930A

... 1. Стальная деталь из стали с содержанием, мас.%: ! 0,040≤С≤0,100; ! 0,80≤Mn≤2,00; ! Si≤0,30; ! S≤0,005; ! P≤0,030; ! 0,010≤Al≤0,070; ! 0,015≤Nb≤0,100; ! 0,030≤Ti≤0,080; ! N≤0,09; ! Cu≤0,100; ! Ni≤0,100; ! Cr≤0,100; ! Mo≤0,100; ! Са≤0,006, ! остальное: железо и неизбежные примеси, образующиеся в результате плавки, и микроструктура указанной стали состоит, по меньшей мере, из 75% равноосного феррита, мартенсита в количестве не менее 5%, но не более 20%, и бейнита в количестве не превышающем 10%. ! 2. Стальная деталь по п.1, отличающаяся содержанием в указанной стали, мас.%: ! 0,050≤С≤0,080; ! 1,20≤Mn≤1,70; ! Si≤0,070; ! S≤0,004; ! P≤0,020; ! 0,020≤Al≤0,040; ! 0,030≤Nb≤0,070; ! 0,060≤Ti≤0,080; ! N≤0,009; ! Cu≤0,100; ! Ni≤0,100; ! Cr≤0,100; !Mo≤0,100; ! Са≤0,005, ! остальное: железо и неизбежные примеси, образующиеся в результате плавки. ! 3. Стальная деталь по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что средний размер зерна феррита в структуре указанной стали составляет менее 6 мкм. ! 4. Стальная деталь ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen gehärteter Stahlbauteile

Номер: DE102016102322B4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Presshärten von Stahlblechbauteilen, wobei einem Stahlblechband aus einer härtbaren Stahllegierung eine Platine ausgeschnitten wird und die Platine anschließend austenitisiert wird, indem sie auf eine Temperatur größer Ac3 erhitzt wird und anschließend in ein Umformwerkzeug eingelegt wird und in dem Umformwerkzeug umgeformt und beim Umformen mit einer Geschwindigkeit über der kritischen Härtegeschwindigkeit abgekühlt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zur Vermeidung von Mikrorissen zweiter Art der umzuformenden Blechplatien während des Umform- und Härtevorganges benachbart zu positiven Radien und/oder Ziehkanten Sauerstoff zugeführt wird und eine Vorrichtung hierzu.

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Stahlbandes mit einem Mehrphasengefüge und Stahlband hinzu

Номер: DE102020110319A1

Um ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Stahlbandes mit einem Mehrphasengefüge bereit zu stellen, mit dem die Herstellung komplexer Bauteilgeometrien mit hohem Energieaufnahmevermögen bei hoher Kantrisssicherheit ermöglicht wird, insbesondere mit dem der Abfall der Dehngrenze kompensiert und somit eine Kombination aus hoher Dehngrenze bzw. hohem Dehngrenzenverhältnis und hoher Bruchdehnung erreicht wird, wird vorgeschlagen, dass das Verfahren die folgenden Schritte aufweist:- Herstellen eines warm- oder kaltgewalzten Stahlbandes aus einem Stahl bestehend aus den folgenden Elementen in Gewichts-%:C: von 0,085 bis 0,149; Al: von 0,005 bis 0,1; Si: von 0,2 bis 0,75; Mn: 1,6 bis 2,9; P: ≤ 0,02; S: ≤ 0,005 sowie optional aus einem oder mehreren der folgenden Elemente in Gewichts-%: Cr: 0,05 bis 0,5; Mo: 0,05 bis 0,5;Ti: 0,005 bis 0,060; Nb: 0,005 bis 0,060; V: 0,001 bis 0,060; B: 0,0001 bis 0,0060; N: 0,0001 bis 0,016; Ni: 0,01 bis 0,5; Cu: 0,01 bis 0,3; Rest Eisen, einschließlich üblicher stahlbegleitender ...

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils durch Warmumformen eines Vorproduktes aus Stahl

Номер: DE102011108162B4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils durch Warmumformen eines Vorproduktes aus Stahl, bei dem das Vorprodukt auf Umformtemperatur erwärmt und anschließend umgeformt wird. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass die Erwärmung auf eine Temperatur unterhalb der Ac1-Umwandlungstemperatur erfolgt und das Vorprodukt vor der Erwärmung eine Festigkeitssteigerung durch Kaltumformung erfährt.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Höchstfester Mehrphasenstahl und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines kaltgewalzten Stahlbandes hieraus

Номер: DE102015111177A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen höchstfesten Mehrphasenstahl mit Dualphasengefüge oder Komplexphasengefüge sowie geringen Anteilen von Restaustenit insbesondere für den Fahrzeugleichtbau, ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von kaltgewalzten Stahlbändern aus einem solchen Stahl sowie damit hergestellte Stahlbänder. In Bezug auf ein neues Legierungskonzept mit dem das Prozessfenster für die Durchlaufglühung von Kaltbändern erweitert werden kann, wird ein Mehrphasenstahl mit einer Mindestzugfestigkeit von 980 MPa enthaltend (Gehalte in Gew.-%): C ≥ 0,075 bis ≤ 0,115, Si ≥ 0,400 bis ≤ 0,500, Mn ≥ 1,900 bis ≤ 2,350, Cr ≥ 0,250 bis ≤ 0,400, Al ≥ 0,005 bis ≤ 0,060, N ≥ 0,0020 bis ≤ 0,0120, S ≤ 0,0020, Nb ≥ 0,005 bis ≤ 0,060, Ti ≥ 0,005 bis ≤ 0,060, B > 0,0005 bis ≤ 0,0010, Mo > 0,200 bis ≤ 0,300, Ca > 0,0010 bis ≤ 0,0060, Cu ≤ 0,050, Ni ≤ 0,050, Rest Eisen, einschließlich üblicher stahlbegleitender erschmelzungsbedingter Verunreinigungen, bei dem im Hinblick auf ein möglichst breites Prozessfenster bei ...

07-01-2010 дата публикации

Partielles Warmformen und Härten mittels Infrarotlampenerwärmung

Номер: DE102008030279A1

Es wird vorgeschlagen, einen Bauteilrohling (4, 40) aus einem härtbaren Stahl in einer Erwärmungseinrichtung (6) auf eine homogene Temperatur kleiner dem AC3 Punkt der Legierung zu erwärmen. Anschließend wird der Bauteilrohling (4, 40) mittels eines Infrarot Lampenfeldes (7, 70) in Bereichen erster Art (47) auf eine Temperatur über den AC3 Punkt der Legierung gebracht und der Bauteilrohling (4, 40) in einem Warmform- und Härtewerkzeug (8) in den Bereichen erster Art (47) gehärtet. Dadurch wird ein Formbauteil (42) aus Stahl mit mindestens zwei Gefügebereichen unterschiedlicher Duktilität (43 bis 47) erzeugt. Vorzugsweise besteht die Erwärmungseinrichtung (6) aus einem konventionellen Durchlaufofen. Auf diese Weise können mit dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren in einer herkömmlichen Warmformlinie partiell gehärtete Bauteile hergestellt werden.

26-08-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001203202A

... 1,203,202. Annealing stainless steel. STAHLWERKE SUDWESTFALEN A.G. Jan. 17, 1969 [Jan. 20, 1968], No.2909/69. Heading C7A. Steel containing in percentage by weight C 0À04 - 0À15 Si 0 - 0À5 Mn 0À5 - 3À5 Cr 13 - 18 Ni 0À05 - 2À5 Mo 0 - 0À5 N 0À04 - 0À25 Cu 0 - 0À5 Co 0 - 0À15 Al 0 - 0À2 Fe balance and in the form of hot-rolled strip or plate is hood-annealed at 650‹-780‹C. The steel may then be cold-rolled with intermediate and/or final annealing at 500‹ - 800‹ C. It may be used for automobile trim, e.g. hub caps and bumpers, and for domestic articles.

19-08-2015 дата публикации

Method for treating sheet metal

Номер: GB0201511999D0

21-05-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to deep-drawing steel

Номер: GB0000795218A

Rimmed or semi-rimmed steel containing 0.04-0.08 per cent C p which is suitable for deep drawing contains also 0.0005-0.05 per cent B. The steel is non-ageing under the usual conditions of commercial storage. The properties of three steels containing 0.08 per cent C and 0.005 per cent N are compared, the first containing no addition, the second containing 0.04 per cent V and the third containing 0.02 per cent B.

25-03-1981 дата публикации

Method of producing cold rolled steel strip having improved press formability and bake-hardenability

Номер: GB0002057009A

A method of producing a cold rolled steel strip having improved press formability and bake-hardenability is disclosed. The steel consists essentially of: C: 0.003-0.150%, Si: not more than 1.50%, Mn: 0.03-0.25%, P: 0.03-0.20%, sol. Al: 0.02-0.15%, N: 0.002-0.015%, balance being iron and incidental impurities. The method comprises hot rolling, pickling, cold rolling, then passing the resulting steel strip to a box annealing furnace in which the steel strip is subjected to recrystallization annealing by heating it at a temperature lower than 760 DEG C. but higher than the recrystallization temperature of the steel in a steel composition area comprised of a single phase of ferrite or a dual phase of ferrite plus austenite in the Fe-C binary phase diagram and cooling it in the temperature range of from 500 DEG C. to 200 DEG C. at an average cooling rate of 10 DEG -250 DEG C./hr, and then temper rolling the annealed steel strip.

15-07-2020 дата публикации

Temperiervorrichtung zum Temperieren eines Bauteils

Номер: AT0000522005A5

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (100) zum Temperieren eines Bauteils (101). Die Vorrichtung (100) weist eine Temperierzone (106) auf, entlang welcher das Bauteil (101) entlang einer Förderrichtung (102) bewegbar ist. Die Temperierzone (106) ist konfiguriert, zumindest einen Temperierbereich (103) des Bauteils (101) zu temperieren. Ferner weist die Vorrichtung (100) eine Temperierzonensteuerung (105) auf, welche konfiguriert ist, einen Abdeckbereich (104) der Temperierzone (106) derart abzudecken, dass in dem Abdeckbereich (104) eine Temperierwirkung von der Temperierzone (106) auf den Temperierbereich (103) des Bauteils (101) reduzierbar ist. Die Temperierzonensteuerung (105) ist dabei derart konfiguriert, die Größe des Abdeckbereichs (104) einzustellen.

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000120993T

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000223506T

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000223504T

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000223507T

25-08-1967 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of, springy plates provided with curvatures, in particular clutch lamellas

Номер: AT0000256595B

23-07-2020 дата публикации

A method of dynamical adjustment for manufacturing a thermally treated steel sheet

Номер: AU2017383465B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The present invention relates to a method of dynamical adjustment for manufacturing a thermally treated steel sheet.

09-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000517058B2

19-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002693489C

A high-strength steel sheet having high stretch flangeability after working and corrosion resistance after painting is provided. The steel sheet contains, on the basis of mass percent, C: 0.02% to 0.20%, Si: 0.3% or less, Mn: 0.5% to 2.5%, P: 0.06% or less, S: 0.01% or less, Al: 0.1% or less, Ti: 0.05% to 0.25%, and V: 0.05% to 0.25%, the remainder being Fe and incidental impurities. The steel sheet has a substantially ferritic single phase, the ferritic single phase containing precipitates having a size of less than 20 nm, the precipitates containing 200 to 1750 mass ppm Ti and 150 to 1750 mass ppm V, V dissolved in solid solution being 200 or more but less than 1750 mass ppm.

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002693489A1

The invention provides a high-strength steel sheet excellent in stretch-flange characteristics after working and in corrosion resistance after coating. A steel sheet which has a composition containing by mass C: 0.02 to 0.20%, Si: 0.3% or below, Mn: 0.5 to 2.5%, P: 0.06% or below, S: 0.01% or below, Al: 0.1% or below, Ti: 0.05 to 0.25%, and V: 0.05 to 0.25% with the balance consisting of Fe and unavoidable impurities and a substantially ferrite single-phase structure wherein the contents of Ti, V, and solid-soluted V in precipitates of less than 20nm in size are 200 to 1750 mass ppm, 150 to 1750 mass ppm, and 200 to less than 1750 mass ppm respectively.

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002759913A1

Disclosed are: a high-strength hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheet having tensile strength of 980 MPa or more and excellent workability, weldability and fatigue properties; and a process for producing the steel sheet. The steel sheet comprises not less than 0.05 mass% and less than 0.12 mass% of C, not less than 0.35 mass% and less than 0.80 mass% of Si, 2.0 to 3.5 mass% of Mn, 0.001 to 0.040 mass% of P, 0.0001 to 0.0050 mass% of S, 0.005 to 0.1 mass% of Al, 0.0001 to 0.0060 mass% of N, 0.01 to 0.5 mass% of Cr, 0.010 to 0.080 mass% of Ti, 0.010 to 0.080 mass% of Nb and 0.0001 to 0.0030 mass% of B, and optionally comprises at least one component selected from 0.01 to 0.15 mass% of Mo, 0.0001 to 0.0050 mass% of Ca, 0.0001 to 0.1 mass% of REM and 0.0001 to 0.1 mass% of Sb, with the remainder being Fe and unavoidable impurities. The steel sheet has a structure composed of a ferrite phase having a volume fraction of 20 to 70% and an average crystal particle diameter of 5 µm or less, and also has ...

10-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1097197A

A metallurgical product, e.g. wire rod emerging from a hot rolling mill, is subjected to controlled cooling by immersing it in an aqueous bath kept at a temperature of at least 75.degree.C. During immersion, the bath is stirred so that its temperature is substantially homogeneous, e.g. mechanically or by means of a fluid. In a controlled cooling installation a cover arranged above the bath has a condenser for recovering vapour from the bath.

30-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1191193A

PHN 9949 12 Method of manufacturing a colour selection electrode for a colour display tube in which patterns of apertures are etched in a comparatively hard steel foil by means of a photoetching process. Mask blanks are cut from the steel foil, each mask blank having a pattern of apertures. In order to soften the mask blank in behalf of the subsequent deep drawing the mask blanks are annealed in a furnace. In order to obtain a good magnetic screening by the shadow mask a grain size of the mask material between 0.015 and 0.040 mm with an average grain size between 0.020 and 0.030 mm is necessary. In order to obtain this grain size the mask blanks must be annealed at a temperature from 600.degree.C to 850.degree.C which lies above the temperature at which the mask blanks may adhere together by thermomolecular welding. In order to prevent rejects as a result of this welding, a stack of mask blanks is laid on a curved substrate prior to annealing, which substrate preferably has the form of ...

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003091581A1

The zinc-plated steel sheet for hot stamping according to an aspect of the present invention comprises a base steel sheet and a plating layer provided on a surface of the base steel sheet, wherein the base steel sheet contains, in mass%, 0.10-0.5% of C, 0.7-2.5% of Si, 1.0-3% of Mn, and 0.01-0.5% of Al, the remaining portion being iron and incidental impurities, and the base steel sheet has, in the inside thereof, an internal oxidized layer having a thickness of 1 µm or more and containing an oxide including Si and/or Mn, and a decarbonized layer having a thickness of 20 µm or less toward the inside of the base steel sheet from an interface between the base steel sheet and the plating layer.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003019763A1

The cooling facility in a continuous annealing furnace pertaining to an embodiment of the present invention is provided with: a plurality of jetting parts each disposed in a cooling zone in a continuous annealing furnace having a heating zone, a soaking zone, and a cooling zone through which a band-shaped steel sheet is sent in sequence, the jetting parts forming a row in a sending direction of the steel sheet, and each jetting a cooling gas to which hydrogen is added from a plurality of jetting nozzles to the steel sheet; and a hydrogen concentration adjustment part for adjusting the hydrogen concentration of the cooling gas jetted from each of the plurality of jetting parts so that a hydrogen concentration distribution is formed in which the hydrogen concentration is higher in an upstream region than in a downstream region in a space in which the plurality of jetting parts are disposed in the cooling zone; the plurality of jetting nozzles in the plurality of jetting parts forming a row ...

29-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002623146A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de fabrication d'une pièce en acier présentant une microstructure multi-phasée, ladite microstructure comprenant de la ferrite et étant homogène dans chacune des zones de ladite pièce, comprenant les étapes consistant à : découper un flan dans une bande en acier dont la composition est typique de celle des aciers de microstructure multi- phasée ; chauffer ledit flan jusqu'à atteindre une température de maintien T1 supérieure à Ac1 mais inférieure à Ac3, et le maintenir à cette température de maintien T1 pendant un temps de maintien M ajusté de manière à ce que l'acier après chauffage du flan comprenne une proportion d'austénite supérieure ou égale à 25 % surfacique ; transférer ledit flan chauffé au sein d'un outillage de mise en forme de manière à former à chaud ladite pièce ; et refroidir la pièce au sein de l'outillage avec une vitesse de refroidissement V telle que la microstructure de l'acier après refroidissement de la pièce soit une microstructure ...

28-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912922C

The invention relates to a transport device for transporting steel parts for hot forming and/or hardening, having transport receptacles in which the steel parts are arranged and which are designed for transporting steel parts at temperatures of more than 650°C. Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for transporting steel parts from a device for heating the steel parts to a device for hardening, hot forming or press hardening the steel parts, wherein, in a first step, the steel part is heated in a device for heating to a predetermined first temperature above room temperature. The problem of the present invention, namely that of providing a device and a method for transporting steel parts, said device and method ensuring that the temperatures of the steel part that are necessary for hardening or tempering are maintained in a process-reliable manner, is solved in accordance with a first teaching in that means for the inductive, convective and/or radiative heating of the steel parts ...

26-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002815018A1

Tôle d'acier laminée à chaud ou à froid, caractérisée en ce que sa composition est, en pourcentages pondéraux : 0,6 % = C = 0,9 %; 17 % = Mn = 22 %; 0,2 % = Al = 0,9 %; 0,2 % = Si = 1,1 % avec 0,85 % = Al + Si = 1,9 %; 1,2 % = Cu = 1,9 %; S = 0,030 %; P = 0,080 %; N = 0,1 %; optionnellement : Nb = 0,25 % et, de préférence, compris entre 0,070 et 0,25 %; V = 0,5 % et, de préférence, compris entre 0,050 et 0,5 %; Ti = 0,5 %, et, de préférence, compris entre 0,040 et 0,5 %; Ni = 2 %; traces = Cr = 2 %, de préférence = 1 %; B = 0,010 %, et, de préférence, compris entre 0,0005 % et 0,010 %; le reste étant du fer et des impuretés résultant de l'élaboration. Procédé de fabrication de cette tôle, utilisation de cette tôle dans l'industrie automobile.

16-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002887936C

The invention concerns a method for the production of an aluminized packaging steel from a cold-rolled steel sheet made of an unalloyed or low-alloy steel with the following steps: - heating of the steel sheet by means of electromagnetic induction at temperatures in the recrystallization range of the steel at a heating rate of more than 75 K/s, so as to anneal the steel sheet in a recrystallizing manner; - dipping of the steel sheet annealed in a recrystallizing manner into a molten aluminum bath, so as to apply an aluminum layer on the steel sheet, wherein the steel sheet, upon being dipped into the aluminum bath, has a temperature of at least 700°C; - pulling the steel sheet out of the aluminum bath and cooling the aluminized steel sheet at a cooling rate of at least 100 K/s. The aluminized steel sheets produced in accordance with the invention are characterized by a high degree of strength and elongation at break and exhibit excellent formation characteristics, for example, in drawing ...

28-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002037316C

Cold-rolled steel sheets or hot-dip galvanized cold-rolled steel sheets for deep drawing which have excellent resistance to cold-work embrittlement, containing all by mass, 0.01% or less C, 0.2% or less Si, 0.05 to 1.0% Mn, 0.10% or less P, 0.02% or less S, 0.005 to 0.08% sol.Al., and 0.006% or less N, containing Ti(%) and/or Nb(%) solely or in combination within the range in which the relationship between the effective amount of Ti hereinafter referred to as Ti* defined by the following formula (1) and the amounts of Nb and C satisfies the following formula (2), and further containing 0.003% or less B when required. Ti* = total Ti - {(48/32 x S + (48/14) xN} (1) 1 ~ (Ti*/48 + Nb/93)/(C/12) ~ 4.5 (2) And the balance of Fe and inevitable impurities, the steel sheets have such a concentration gradient that, as a result of carburizing, the amount of solid-solute C decreases as it goes through the thickness direction from the sheet surface towards the center, with the maximum value of concentration ...

28-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002141097A1

A method of manufacturing hot rolled steel strip from continuously cast input stock in successive work steps includes adjusting strip-shaped input stock after solidification to hot rolling temperature and introducing the input stock into a multiple-stand rolling mill for rolling into finished strip. The rolled stock is heated by an inductive heating unit at least between the first stand and the second stand.

29-05-2009 дата публикации

Procedure and device for warming up electrically conductive uncoated or coated plates.

Номер: CH0000698129B1

Bei einem Verfahren und einer Vorrichtung zum Erwärmen von elektrisch leitfähigen unbeschichteten oder beschichteten metallischen Platinen (1) mittels Stromdurchfluss wird das Material in mindestens einer Bearbeitungsstation aufgenommen und in dieser durch zwischen mehreren Kontaktelementen über die Platine (1) fliessenden Strom erwärmt oder auf einer Temperatur über der Raumtemperatur gehalten. Die Platinen (1) werden ohne Unterbrechung des Stromflusses einer weiteren Bearbeitungsstation zugeführt.

30-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200901086A1

В заявке описан способ обработки листовой стали давлением, при осуществлении которого из листовой стали изготавливают листовую заготовку, эту листовую заготовку помещают в штамп и из листовой заготовки в штампе в одну стадию изготавливают отштампованную деталь, при этом листовую заготовку перед обработкой давлением нагревают в режиме, исключающем фазовые превращения в стали, а обработку давлением проводят при температуре, при которой сталь имеет ферритную, перлитную или бейнитную структуру, не допуская повышение температуры сверх эвтектоидной температуры или сверх температуры рекристаллизации. В заявке описано также устройство для осуществления такого способа.

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000088951C2
Принадлежит: АРСЕЛОР ФРАНС, FR

Объектом данного изобретения является способ получения детали с высокими механическими характеристиками с горячекатаной или холоднокатаной стальной полосы, включающий нанесение на указанную полосу предварительного покрытия из алюминия или алюминиевого сплава, холодную деформацию полосы, имеющей покрытие в случае необходимости, обрезание лишнего металла листа с целью получения конечной геометрии детали, нагрева детали для получения интерметаллического соединения на поверхности разделения сталь / покрытие и для аустенизации стали, перемещения детали внутрь установки для охлаждения, охлаждения детали внутри установки с такой скоростью, чтобы структура стали после охлаждения была мартенситной или бейнитной или мартенситно-бейнитной. Нанесение предварительного покрытия осуществляют с помощью электроосаждения, химического или физического осаждения в паровой фазе или совместной прокатки.

25-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000099127C2

Изобретение относится к области черной металлургии, а именно к способу изготовления стальной детали с покрытием, без покрытия, сварного изделия с использованием ее, применение этой детали и детали, полученной охлаждением выдержкой в оборудовании из стали с содержанием, в мас. %: 0,040 ≤ С ≤ 0,10, 0,80 ≤ Mn ≤ 2,0, Si ≤ 0,30, S ≤ 0,005, Р ≤ 0,030, 0,01 ≤ Al ≤ 0,07, 0,015 ≤ Nb ≤ 0,100, 0,030 ≤ Те ≤ 0,080, N ≤ 0,009, Cu ≤ 0,100, Ni ≤ 0,100, Cr ≤ 0,100, Мо ≤ 0,100, Са ≤ 0,006, остальные - железо и неизбежные примеси, образованные в результате производства, и микроструктура этой стали составлена по крайней мере с 75% равноосного феррита, 20% ≥ мартенсита ≥ 5% и бейнита <10%. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение прочности стальной детали толщиной 0,5- после горячей деформационной обработки до величины более 500 МПа с относительным удлинением до величины более 15%, гомогенности структуры и стабильности механических свойств всех ее участков.

25-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000108704C2

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690955A1

20-01-2010 дата публикации

Alloyed hot-dip galvanized steel sheet and production method thereof

Номер: CN0101629266A

Disclosed is an alloyed hot-dip galvanized steel sheet containing 2.0 to 3.5 percent by mass of Mn. The steel sheet includes a base steel sheet and a galvanized zinc-coat layer thereon, in which MnO particles are present in an average number of 10 or less per micrometer on a straight line lying in an interface between the galvanized zinc-coat layer (2) and the steel sheet (1), an Fe-Al-O alloy layer is present at the interface between the MnO particles and the steel sheet (1), and the length of the Fe-Al-O alloy layer is less than 10% of the overall length of the interface. The alloyed hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, even though having a high Mn content, is resistant to uneven alloying and excels in surface appearance, because the amounts of the MnO particles and the Fe-Al-O alloy layer that cause uneven alloying are controlled.

07-07-2010 дата публикации

High-strength steel sheet

Номер: CN0101772584A

The invention provides a high-strength steel sheet excellent in stretch-flange characteristics after working and in corrosion resistance after coating. A steel sheet which has a composition containing by mass C: 0.02 to 0.20%, Si: 0.3% or below, Mn: 0.5 to 2.5%, P: 0.06% or below, S: 0.01% or below, Al: 0.1% or below, Ti: 0.05 to 0.25%, and V: 0.05 to 0.25% with the balance consisting of Fe and unavoidable impurities and a substantially ferrite single-phase structure wherein the contents of Ti, V, and solid-soluted V in precipitates of less than 20nm in size are 200 to 1750 mass ppm, 150 to 1750 mass ppm, and 200 to less than 1750 mass ppm respectively.

17-11-2017 дата публикации

From the flexible rolling strip method of making articles

Номер: CN0103806029B

26-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002396089A

La présente invention se rapporte à un procédé pour améliorer la propreté de surface de la tôle d'acier et spécifiquement de la tôle d'acier destinée à être soumise à des opérations d'emboutissage. Le procédé est caractérisé en ce que, avant ou lors de la mise de la tôle sous forme de bobine à spires serrées avant recuit, ladite tôle est recouverte d'une substance capable de réagir avec le carbone amorphe existant sur la tôle en tant qu'élément polluant, de façon à former avec lui un composé volatil au cours du recuit de la tôle. Application notamment à la tôle d'emboutissage pour l'industrie automobile.

03-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002795744B1

30-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002438099A1

15-10-1993 дата публикации

A method of producing a steel sheet formed by continuous annealing and sheet produced by this method

Номер: FR0002689907A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de production d'une tôle d'acier par recuit continu. Une brame calmée à l'aluminium, à teneur ultra-basse en carbone, formée par coulée continue, ayant une teneur en carbone inférieure à environ 0,003 % en poids, est laminée à chaud, décapée, puis laminée à froid et ensuite soumise à un recuit continu, du Nb étant ajouté en une quantité d'environ 0,01 à 0,03 % en poids et du P étant ajouté en une quantité inférieure à environ 0,005 % en poids, la brame étant soumise à un recuit continu à une température inférieure à environ 720 degré C. Application: utilisation de ladite tôle d'acier pour la production de boites en acier par emboutissage-étirage et d'autres articles similaires.

30-11-1990 дата публикации

Feuille d'acier destinée à la production par emboutissage d'un récipient muni d'un revêtement de film organique

Номер: FR0002647467A

La présente invention concerne une feuille d'acier douée d'une grande étirabilité. L'acier utilisé renferme une quantité inférieure ou égale à 0,06 % de carbone, 0,1 à 0,5 % de manganèse, 0,01 à 0,10 % d'aluminium, le reste étant du fer et les impuretés inévitables. La feuille possède un diamètre des grains cristallins correspondant à un indice de 7,5 à 10 (JIS G 0552), un rapport des valeurs maximales P(222) à P(200) d'intensité de diffraction des rayons X dans un plan parallèle à une surface de la feuille qui est supérieur à 0,6, une limite apparente d'élasticité de 20 à 45 daN/mm**2 et une épaisseur de 50 à 100 mum. Application : production par emboutissage d'un récipient muni d'un revêtement de film organique.

09-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002889466A1

La présente invention concerne la fabrication, par emboutissage, d'une pièce métallique à partir d'un flan réalisé au moins partiellement en un matériau trempant. Le flan est chauffé à une température convenant à sa trempe ultérieure puis embouti dans un outil d'emboutissage (27, 29) qui donne à la pièce (1) la forme requise, en provoquant la trempe, et la découpe au contour intérieur et/ou extérieur requis (22, 24, 26, 42). Des moyens de chauffage localisés (32, 39, 40, 41) sont utilisés pour chauffer temporairement une zone marginale (30, 33, 34, 35), longeant le contour (22, 24, 26, 42) pour éviter l'apparition de contraintes à la découpe ou détendre les contraintes apparaissant à la découpe. Application à la prévention de criques le long du contour de la pièce emboutie.

26-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002837500A1

L'invention concerne une tôle écrouie en acier calmé à l'aluminium, qui, comporte en poids entre 0, 003 et 0, 130% de carbone, entre 0, 1 Q et 1% de manganèse, entre 0, 010 et 0,100 % d'aluminium, entre 0,0015 et 0, 0140% d'azote, le reste étant du fer et des impuretés résultant de l'élaboration, et qui comprend une teneur en carbone en solution solide Css d'au moins 50 ppm, ainsi qu'un procédé de fabrication d'un emballage à partir de cette tôle.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

스테인리스 강박

Номер: KR0101944651B1

... 두께 60㎛ 이하의 극박 스테인리스 강박이더라도 높은 판 두께 정밀도를 확보하고, 소성 변형능과 파단 신율을 동시에 확보하는 것, 즉 양호한 프레스 가공성 (딥 드로잉 가공성)을 제공한다. 본 발명은, 판 두께가 5㎛ 이상 60㎛ 이하인 스테인리스 강박이며, 스테인리스 강박의 재결정율이 90% 이상 100% 이하이고, 스테인리스 강박의 표층의 질소 농도가 1.0질량% 이하이고, 스테인리스 강박의 판 두께 방향으로 결정립을 3개 이상 가지며, 결정립의 평균 결정립경 d가 1㎛ 이상 10㎛ 이하이고, 판 두께를 t[㎛]로 한 경우에, t/3[㎛] 이상의 결정립경을 갖는 결정립이 차지하는 면적률이 20% 이하인 것을 특징으로 하는 스테인리스 강박이다.

07-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101348857B1

09-11-2018 дата публикации

연속 어닐링로에 있어서의 냉각 설비

Номер: KR1020180121949A

... 본 발명의 일 형태에 관한 연속 어닐링로에 있어서의 냉각 설비는, 띠 형상의 강판이 순서대로 이송되는 가열대, 균열대 및 냉각대를 갖는 연속 어닐링로에 있어서의 상기 냉각대에 각각 배치됨과 함께, 상기 강판의 이송 방향으로 나열되고, 수소가 첨가된 냉각 가스를 복수의 분사 노즐로부터 상기 강판에 각각 분사하는 복수의 분사부와, 상기 냉각대 중 상기 복수의 분사부가 배치된 공간에서는, 상류측의 영역 쪽이 하류측의 영역보다도 수소 농도가 높은 수소 농도 분포가 형성되도록, 상기 복수의 분사부 각각으로부터 분사되는 냉각 가스의 수소 농도를 조절하는 수소 농도 조절부를 구비하고, 상기 복수의 분사부에 있어서의 각 상기 복수의 분사 노즐은, 상기 강판의 이송 방향을 배열 방향으로 하여 나열됨과 함께, 각각 상기 강판을 향하여 연장되어 있으며, 각 상기 복수의 분사 노즐 중 적어도 상기 배열 방향의 양측에 위치하는 분사 노즐은, 선단측을 향함에 따라 상기 배열 방향의 중앙측을 향하도록 경사져 있다.

09-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060115632A

PURPOSE: A non-aging type cold rolled steel sheet capable of enhancing yield strength and lowering in-plane anisotropy by fine AlN precipitates in Nb-Ti based interstitial free steel and a method for manufacturing the same are provided. CONSTITUTION: A non-aging type cold rolled steel sheet with high yield ratio comprises, by weight percent, 0.005% or less of C, 0.08% or less of S, 0.1% or less of Al, 0.004 to 0.02% of N, 0.2% or less of P, 0.0001 to 0.002% of B, 0.002 to 0.04% of Nb and 0.005 to 0.15% of Ti with the balance being Fe and other inevitable impurities, wherein the Nb, Ti, N and C satisfy relational expressions of 1<=(Al/27)/(N^*/14)<=10 and 0.8<=(Ti^*/48+Nb/93)/(C/12)<=5.0, wherein N^*=N-0.8×(Ti-0.8×(48/32)×S)×(14/48), and Ti^*=Ti-0.8×((48/14)×N+(48/32)×S), and wherein AlN precipitates have an average size of 0.2 μm or less. © KIPO 2007 ...

08-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200003010A

09-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060115637A

PURPOSE: A cold rolled steel sheet comprising C, Cu, S, Al, N, P, B, Ti, Nb and the balance of Fe and other unavoidable impurities, which is capable of enhancing yield strength and lowering in-plane anisotropy by CuS precipitates and AlN precipitates in bake-hardening type interstitial free steel, and a method for manufacturing the same are provided. CONSTITUTION: A bake-hardening type cold rolled steel sheet with excellent in-plane anisotropy comprises, by weight percent, 0.001 to 0.01% of C, 0.01 to 0.2% of Cu, 0.005 to 0.08% of S, 0.1% or less of Al, 0.004 to 0.02% of N, 0.2% or less of P, 0.0001 to 0.002% of B, 0.005 to 0.15% of Ti and 0.002 to 0.04% of Nb with the balance being Fe and other inevitable impurities, wherein the Cu, S, Al, N, C, Ti and Nb satisfy 1<=(Cu/63.5)/(S^*/32)<=30 and 1<=(Al/27)/(N^*/14)<=10, and Cs(solute carbon) satisfies 5 to 30, wherein S^*=S-0.8×(Ti-0.8×(48/14)×N)×(32/48), N^*=N-0.8×(Ti-0.8×(48/32)×S))×(14/48), Cs=(C-Nb×12/93-Ti^*×12/48)×10000, Ti^*=Ti-0.8 ...

28-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120095466A

12-11-2018 дата публикации

개선된 연성을 갖는 툴리스 열간 성형 또는 급냉용 강

Номер: KR1020180122489A

... 본 발명은 강 부품에 관한 것으로서, 강의 조성은 중량 % 로, 0.040 % ≤ C ≤0.100 %, 0.80 % ≤ Mn ≤2.00 %, Si ≤ 0.30 %, S ≤ 0.005 %, P ≤ 0.030 %, 0.010 % ≤ Al ≤0.070 %, 0.015 % ≤ Nb ≤0.100 %, 0.030 % ≤ Ti ≤0.080 %, N ≤ 0.009 %, Cu ≤ 0.100 %, Ni ≤ 0.100 %, Cr ≤ 0.100 %, Mo ≤ 0.100 %, Ca ≤ 0.006 % 를 함유하고, 잔부는 철 및 제련으로 인한 불가피한 불순물로 이루어지며, 상기 강의 미세 조직은 적어도 75 % 의 등축 페라이트, 5 % 이상 ~ 20 % 이하의 마르텐사이트 및 10 % 이하의 베이나이트로 이루어진다.

04-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130132565A

16-11-1962 дата публикации

A deep drawing, non-ageing cold rolled steel sheet

Номер: BE0000620805A1

12-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: BR7802735A

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Steel sheet for cans with excellent surface properties after drawing and ironing and method for producing the same

Номер: US20120018055A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A component composition contains, by % by mass, 0.0016 to 0.01% of C, 0.05 to 0.60% of Mn, and 0.020 to 0.080% of Nb so that the C and Nb contents satisfy the expression, 0.4≦(Nb/C)×(12/93)≦2.5. In addition, the amount of Nb-based precipitates is 20 to 500 ppm by mass, the average grain diameter of the Nb-based precipitates is 10 to 100 nm, and the average crystal grain diameter of ferrite is 6 to 10 μm. Nb is added to ultra-low-carbon steel used as a base, and the amount and grain diameter of the Nb-based precipitates are controlled to optimize the pinning effect. Grain refinement of ferrite is achieved by specifying the Mn amount, thereby achieving softening and excellent resistance to surface roughness of steel.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Strip, Sheet or Blank Suitable for Hot Forming and Process for the Production Thereof

Номер: US20120328871A1

Disclosed is a strip, sheet or blank suitable for hot forming at a temperature of 700° C. or above, including a substrate of hot formable steel, optionally coated with an active corrosion protective coating. The optionally coated steel substrate is provided with a ceramic based coating having a thickness of at most 25 micron. Also disclosed is a process to produce such strip, sheet or blank.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Press-formed product and method for producing same

Номер: US20130180635A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

There is provided a useful method for producing a press-formed product without causing disadvantages such as hardness variation, which product has favorable formability in a level so as to be able to be produced by deep drawing, and which method is carried out by heating a thin steel sheet to a temperature not lower than an Ac 3 transformation point thereof; and then cooling the thin steel sheet at a rate not lower than a critical cooling rate, during which the thin steel sheet is formed into the press-formed product, wherein the forming is started from a temperature higher than a martensitic transformation start temperature Ms thereof, the cooling rate is kept to be 10° C./sec. or higher during the forming, and the forming is finished in a temperature range not higher than the martensitic transformation start temperature Ms.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Steel strip composite and a method for making the same

Номер: US20130189539A1

A three-layer steel strip composite of a steel strip having a first microstructure disposed between two steel strips having a second microstructure wherein a metallic coating is present on each steel strip having the second microstructure on a surface opposite the surface contacting the steel strip having the first microstructure and method of making same.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Bake-hardenable high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130240094A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

The present invention provides a bake-hardenable high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet having excellent bake hardenability, cold aging resistance, and deep-drawability, and reduced planar anisotropy, containing chemical components in % by mass of: C: 0.0010% to 0.0040%, Si: 0.005% to 0.05%, Mn: 0.1% to 0.8%, P: 0.01% to 0.07%, S: 0.001% to 0.01%, Al: 0.01% to 0.08%, N: 0.0010% to 0.0050%, Nb: 0.002% to 0.020%, and Mo: 0.005% to 0.050%, a value of [Mn %]/[P %] being in the range of 1.6 to 45, where [Mn %] is an amount of Mn and [P %] is an amount of P, an amount of C in solid solution obtained from [C %]−(12/93)×[Nb %] being in the range of 0.0005% to 0.0025%, where [C %] is an amount of C and [Nb %] is an amount of Nb, with a balance including Fe and inevitable impurities, wherein the bake-hardenable high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet satisfies the following Equation (1), where X(222), X(110), and X(200) represent ratios of integrated intensity of X-ray diffraction of {222} plane, {110} plane, and {200} plane, respectively, being parallel to a plane located at a depth of ¼ plate thickness measured from the surface of the steel sheet, and the bake-hardenable high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet has tensile strength in the range of 300 MPa to 450 MPa. X (222)/{ X (110)+ X (200)}≧3.0   Equation (1)

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Steel sheet for bottom covers of aerosol cans and method for producing same

Номер: US20130248054A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A steel sheet for bottom covers of aerosol cans includes, as chemical composition, C: 0.025 to 0.065mass %, Mn: 0.10 to 0.28mass %, P: 0.005 to 0.03mass %, Al: 0.01 to 0.04mass %, N: 0.0075 to 0.013mass %, Si: limited to 0.05mass % or less, S: limited to 0.009mass % or less, and balance consisting of Fe and unavoidable impurities, wherein yield point YP in rolling direction after aging treatment is in range of 460 to 540 MPa, total elongation in the rolling direction after the aging treatment is 15% or more, yield point elongation EL YP in the rolling direction after the aging treatment is 6% or less, and sheet thickness t in unit of mm, the yield point YP in unit of MPa in the rolling direction after the aging treatment, and the yield point elongation EL YP in unit of % in the rolling direction after the aging treatment satisfy 130≦t×YP×(1−EL YP /100).

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing hardened structural elements

Номер: US20140020795A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a hardened steel component with a coating composed of zinc or a zinc alloy; a blank is stamped out of a sheet coated with the zinc or zinc alloy, the stamped-out blank is heated to a temperature ≧Ac3 and if need be, kept at this temperature for a predetermined time in order to induce the formation of austenite, and then the heated blank is transferred to a forming die, is formed in the forming die, and is cooled at a speed that is greater than the critical hardening speed and thus hardened; the steel material is adjusted in a transformation-delaying fashion so that a quench hardening through transformation of austenite into martensite takes place at a forming temperature that lies in the range from 450° C. to 700° C.; after the heating and before the forming, an active cooling takes place at >15K/s.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing hardened components with regions of different hardness and/or ductility

Номер: US20140027026A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a hardened, steel component with regions of different hardness and/or ductility; a blank is stamped out and either heated in some regions to a temperature ≧Ac 3 , and then transferred to a forming die, is formed, and is cooled at a speed that is greater than the critical hardening speed and thus hardened or is cold formed into the finished shape and the formed blank is heated in some regions to a temperature >Ac 3 and then transferred to a hardening die and is hardened at a speed greater than the critical hardening speed; the steel material is adjusted in a transformation-delaying fashion so that a quench hardening through transformation of austenite into martensite takes place at a forming temperature that lies in the range from 450° C. to 700° C.; after the heating and before the forming, an active cooling takes place at >15 K/s.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Flat Steel Product and Method for Producing a Flat Steel Product

Номер: US20140048181A1

A flat steel product, intended to be formed into a component by hot press forming and having a base made of steel, onto which a metal anti-corrosion coating of a Zn or a Zn alloy is applied. A separate finishing coat is applied to at least one of the free surfaces of the flat steel product. The finishing coat includes at least one base metal compound (oxide, nitride, sulphide, sulphate, carbide, carbonate, fluoride, hydrate, hydroxide, or phosphate). Also, a method enabling the production of a flat steel product of this kind.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002774A1

A system for the hot stamping of workpieces having a furnace installation, in which workpieces can be heated to a forming temperature, and a forming installation, in which the heated workpieces can undergo forming. A transfer device is provided for transferring workpieces from the furnace installation to the forming installation. The transfer device is arranged in a transfer space, which is delimited at least in certain regions by a housing and largely bridges the space between the furnace installation and the forming installation. Also provided is a method for the hot stamping of workpieces. 2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises an access via which one or more workpieces can be introduced into the transfer space.3. The system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the access is designed as an access lock claim 2 , by means of which the atmosphere of the transfer space remains separated from the surrounding atmosphere.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a temperature lock region is formed between the furnace installation and the transfer device.5. The system as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the temperature lock region comprises a flow device claim 4 , by means of which a fluid flow curtain can be produced in front of the furnace installation.6. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises an outlet claim 1 , via which a workpiece removed from the furnace installation can be transferred to the forming installation and which can be closed or opened by means of a gate unit.7. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transfer device is designed as an articulated-arm robot.8. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transfer device is designed as a suspended system.9. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein one or more filler bodies are accommodated in the transfer space. The invention relates to a system for the hot stamping of workpieces, havingMoreover, the invention relates to a method for hot ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007914A1
Принадлежит: SFP Works, LLC

The invention discloses a process and apparatus for micro-treating an iron-based alloy including heating and immediately quenching to room temperature to produce high tensile iron-based alloy with varying thicknesses. The process may or may not be practiced with or without tension, under various controllable tensions in order to create desirable effects. The micro-treated iron-based alloy contains desirable bainite to increase its formability and tensile strength. The varying thickness of the iron-based alloys is desirable for different applications, such as forming automobile panels. 56. A method of making a single layer automobile panel , comprising:providing a micro-treated integral single layer steel sheet with bainite formed in at least a portion thereof, and the sheet being made of varying thicknesses by heating up to a selected temperature and immediately quenching under various tensions; andstamping the steel to form an automobile door panel having a front pillar and a rear pillar, whereby the front and rear pillars of the automobile door panel include at least a portion of bainite formed therein, which exhibits extreme strength for its thickness.57. The method of claim 56 , wherein the microtreatment step that had been performed on the single layer steel sheet was accomplished by heating up to a selected temperature of at least approximately 1832° F. and substantially immediately quenching thereafter without any holding period at the elevated temperature.58. The method of claim 56 , wherein the step of providing a microtreated steel sheet heated up to a selected temperature and then quenched is accomplished by the quenching step being performed substantially immediately after the heating step claim 56 , and wherein there is no holding at the selected temperature between the steps of heating and the quenching.59. The method of claim 56 , wherein the heating step is accomplished while the steel sheet is under tension claim 56 , including a first micro- ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033929A1

The present invention pertains to a hot press forming member having excellent resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, and a method for manufacturing same. An aspect of the present invention provides a hot press forming member having excellent resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, the hot press forming member comprising a base steel plate and an alloy-plated layer formed on the surface of the base steel plate, wherein the alloy-plated layer contains pores such that pores having a size of 5 μm or less constitute 3-30% of the surface area of the alloy-plated layer as viewed in a cross-section taken in the thickness direction of the member. 1. A hot press formed member having excellent resistance to hydrogen embrittlement , the hot press formed member comprising:a base steel sheet and an alloy-plated layer formed on a surface of the base steel sheet,wherein the alloy-plated layer contains pores such that pores having a size of 5 μm or less accounts for 3 to 30% of a surface area of the alloy-plated layer, when viewed in a cross-section taken in a thickness direction of the hot press formed member.2. A hot press formed member having excellent resistance to hydrogen embrittlement , the hot press formed member comprising:a base steel sheet and an alloy-plated layer formed on a surface of the base steel sheet,{'sup': 3', '6', '2, 'wherein the alloy-plated layer contains pores such that number density, obtained by dividing an area of the alloy-plated layer by the number of pores having a size of 5 μm or less, is 5×10to 2×10number/mm, when viewed in a cross-section taken in a thickness direction of the hot press formed member.'}31. The hot press formed member of , wherein pores , accounting for 70% or more of total pores having a size of 5 μm or less based on an area , are present in a surface layer portion of the alloy-plated layer.4. The hot press formed member of claim 2 , wherein pores claim 2 , accounting for 70% or more of total pores having a size of 5 μm or less based ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Cold-Rolled Flat Steel Product for Deep Drawing Applications and Method for Production Thereof

Номер: US20160017467A1

A cold-rolled flat steel product for deep drawing applications is disclosed, composed of a steel which, in addition to Fe and unavoidable impurities (in % by weight) contains C: 0.008%-0.1%, Al: 6.5%-12%, Nb: 0.1%-0.2%, Ti: 0.15-0.5%, P: <0.1%, S: <0.03%, N: <0.1% and optionally one or more elements from the group of “Mn, Si, REM, Mo, Cr, Zr, V, W, Co, Ni, B, Cu, Ca, N”, provided that Mn: <1%, REM: <0.2%, Si: <2%, Zr: <1%, V: <1%, W: <1%, Mo: <1%, Cr: <3%, Co: <1%, Ni: <2%, B: <0.1%, Cu: <3%, Ca: <0.015%. The ratio is 2.5 ≧% Ti/% Nb ≧1.5, %Ti=Ti content and % Nb=Nb content. For production of such a flat steel product, a steel of appropriate composition is cast to give a pre-product, which is then hot-rolled to hot strip at a hot rolling end temperature of 820-1000° C. The latter is subsequently wound at a winding temperature of up to 750° C., after winding annealed at an annealing temperature of >650-1200° C. for 1-50 h, then cold-rolled in one or more stages with a total cold rolling level of ≧65% to give the cold-rolled flat steel product and finally annealed at 650-850° C.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Hot rolled steel sheet, steel forged part and production method therefor

Номер: US20200024679A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel Corp

A hot rolled steel sheet having a chemical composition consisting of, in mass %, C: 0.020-0.070%, Si: 0.05-1.70%, Mn: 0.60-2.50%, Al: 0.005-0.020%, N: >0.0030-0.0060%, P≤0.050%, S≤0.005%, Ti: 0.015-0.170%, Nb: 0-0.100%, V: 0-0.300%, Cu: 0-2.00%, Ni: 0-2.00%, Cr: 0-2.00%, Mo: 0-1.00%, B: 0-0.0100%, Ca: 0-0.0100%, Mg: 0-0.0100%, REM: 0-0.1000%, Zr: 0-1.000%, Co: 0-1.000%, Zn: 0-1.000%, W: 0-1.000%, Sn: 0-0.050%, the balance: Fe and impurities, wherein Ca+Mg+REM≥0.0005, a metal microstructure includes, in area %, ferrite: 5-70%, bainite: 30-95%, retained γ≤2%, martensite ≤2%, pearlite ≤1%, ferrite+bainite≥95%, a number density of the precipitates in ferrite grains is 1.0×10 16 -50.0×10 16 /cm 3 , an average circle-equivalent diameter of the TiN precipitates in the steel sheet is 1.0-10.0 μm, an average of minimum distances between adjacent TiN precipitates is 10.0 μm or more, and a standard deviation of nano hardness is 1.00 GPa or less.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030567A1
Автор: DU Pengju, YI Hongliang

A steel sheet used for hot stamping includes, by weight percent, 0.18˜0.42% of C, 4˜8.5% of Mn and 0.8˜3.0% of Si+Al with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities. The alloy elements of the steel sheet enable the actual measured value of the martensitic transformation start temperature after hot stamping to be ≦280° C. The method for manufacturing the component includes: heating the material to 700˜850° C. and then stamping; cooling it to the temperature that is 150˜260° C. below the martensitic transformation start temperature by cooling in a die, cooling by air, water, or other methods; heating the component to a temperature ranging from 160 to 450° C. and maintaining the temperature for 1 to 100000 seconds for heat treatment, and then cooling the component to room temperature. The formed component has a yield strength of ≧1200 MPa, a tensile strength of ≧1600 MPa and a total elongation of ≧10%. 1. A steel sheet used for hot stamping , characterized in that the steel sheet comprises by weight percent 0.18˜0.42% of C , 5.09˜8.5% of Mn , and 0.8˜3.0% of Si+Al with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities , wherein the alloy elements of the steel sheet enable the actual measured value of the martensitic transformation start temperature of the steel sheet after hot stamping to be ≦280° C.2. The steel sheet according to claim 1 , characterized by further comprising at least one of the following components:5% or less of Cr;2.0% or less of Mo;2.0% or less of W;0.2% or less of Ti;0.2% or less of Nb;0.2% or less of Zr;0.2% or less of V;2.0% or less of Cu;4.0% or less of Ni; and0.005% or less of B.3. The steel sheet according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the steel sheet comprises a hot-rolled steel sheet claim 1 , a cold-rolled steel sheet claim 1 , or a steel sheet with a coating.4. The steel sheet according to claim 3 , characterized in that the steel sheet with a coating is a galvanized steel sheet claim 3 , which is a hot-rolled steel sheet or a ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

High-strength cold-rolled steel sheet and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20150034219A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A steel sheet has a microstructure including ferrite phase: 40% to 60%, bainite phase: 10% to 30%, tempered martensite phase: 20% to 40%, and retained austenite phase: 5% to 20% by volume fraction, and satisfying a condition that a ratio of tempered martensite phase having major axis length ≦5 μm to a total volume fraction of the tempered martensite phase is 80% to 100%.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049324A1

A method that improves stretch flange formability of a steel sheet by individual treatment matching a material of the steel sheet without performing heat treatment in a die. This method is a method for manufacturing a steel sheet for cold press, and the steel sheet is manufactured by heating an edge of the steel sheet to a temperature within a heating temperature range preset according to a microstructure of the steel sheet and cooling the steel sheet. A region, within an edge of the steel sheet subjected to shearing in a shearing step, where it is estimated that a stretch flange crack is likely to occur when a press component is formed by cold pressing is determined, and a site to be heated and cooled is set within the region. By press-forming the manufactured steel sheet, a target press component is manufactured. 1. A method for manufacturing a steel sheet for cold press , the method being a method for manufacturing a steel sheet for cold press subjected to cold pressing and comprising:a shearing step of subjecting at least a portion of an edge of the steel sheet to shearing;an analysis step of determining, within the edge of the steel sheet subjected to shearing in the shearing step, a region where it is estimated that a stretch flange crack is likely to occur when the steel sheet is formed by cold pressing; anda heating and cooling step of heating, within the edge of the steel sheet, a site included in the region determined in the analysis step to a temperature within a heating temperature range preset according to a microstructural composition of the steel sheet and cooling the site, whereinwhen, as the steel sheet, a steel sheet the principal microstructure of which is composed of a single phase of martensite is used, the method sets the heating temperature range to a heating temperature range of 500° C. or more and 700° C. or less,when, as the steel sheet, one of a steel sheet the principal microstructure of which is composed of a composite microstructure of ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049337A1

The present invention provides a steel plate plated with an aluminum-iron alloy for hot press forming, the steel plate comprising a base steel sheet and an alloy plated layer formed on the base steel sheet, wherein the alloy plated layer comprises: an alloyed layer (I) formed on the base steel sheet and containing, by weight, Al: 5-30%; an alloyed layer (II) formed on the alloyed layer (I) and containing, by weight, Al: 30-60%; and an alloyed layer (III) formed on the alloyed layer (II) and containing, by weight, Al: 20-50%, wherein the alloy layer (II) has a FeAl (Si) alloy phase dispersed and distributed therein, the FeAl(Si) alloy phase comprising, by weight, Al: 20-50% and Si: 5-20%, and the number density of the FeAl(Si) alloy phase having a circle-equivalent diameter of 5 μm or less is 103/mm2 or more. 1. A steel sheet plated with an Al—Fe alloy for hot forming , comprising:a base steel sheet; andan alloy plating layer formed on the base steel sheet,wherein the alloy plating layer comprises:an alloyed layer (I) formed on the base steel sheet and including Al: 5 to 30% by weight;an alloyed layer (II) formed on the alloyed layer (I) and including Al: 30 to 60% by weight;and an alloyed layer (III) formed on the alloyed layer (II) and including Al: 20 to 50% by weight,{'sup': ['3', '2'], '#text': 'wherein FeAl(Si) alloy phases including Al: 20 to 50% and Si: 5 to 20%, by weight, are dispersed and distributed in the alloyed layer (II), and a number density of FeAl(Si) alloy phases having a circle-equivalent diameter of 5 μm or less is 10pieces/mmor more.'}2. The steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the alloy plating layer further comprises an alloyed layer (IV) formed on the alloyed layer (III) and including Al: 30 to 60% by weight.3. The steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the base steel sheet comprises claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , C: 0.04 to 0.5% claim 1 , Si: 0.01 to 2% claim 1 , Mn: 0.1 to 5% claim 1 , P: 0.001 to 0.05% claim 1 , S: 0.0001 to 0.02% claim 1 , Al: 0. ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049338A1

The present invention provides an aluminum-based plated steel plate used in hot-press forming, the steel plate comprising: a base steel plate; and a plating layer formed on the base steel plate, wherein the plating layer comprises: an alloying layer formed on the surface of the base steel plate and including one or more of Fe 3Al, FeAl(Si), Fe 2Al 5, and FeAl 3; and an aluminum layer formed on the alloying layer and having a thickness less than 10% of the thickness of the plating layer, and the plating layer has a thickness of 5-20 μm and an oxygen content of 10 weight % or less, as measured by GDS, at a depth of 0.1 μm from the surface of the plating layer. 1. An aluminum-based plated steel sheet used in hot press forming , the aluminum-based plated steel sheet comprising:a base steel sheet; anda plating layer formed on a surface of the base steel sheet,wherein the plating layer comprises:{'sub': 3', '2', '5', '3, 'an alloying layer formed on a surface of the base steel sheet and comprising at least one of FeAl, FeAl(Si), FeAl, and FeAl; and'}an aluminum layer formed on the alloying layer and having a thickness less than 10% of the thickness of the plating layer,wherein the thickness of the plating layer is 5 μm to 20 μm and oxygen measured by GDS at a depth of 0.1 μm from a surface of the plating layer is 10 wt % or less.2. The aluminum-based plated steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the plating layer includes claim 1 , by wt % claim 1 , more than 4% and 15% or less of silicon (Si) claim 1 , a balance of aluminum (Al) claim 1 , and other inevitable impurities when an alloy composition excluding an iron (Fe) content diffused from the base steel sheet is 100%.3. The aluminum-based plated steel sheet of claim 2 , wherein the plating layer additionally includes claim 2 , by wt % claim 2 , 1.1% or less of Mg.4. The aluminum-based plated steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the base steel sheet includes claim 1 , by wt % claim 1 , 0.04% to 0.5% of carbon (C) claim 1 , 0.01% ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056552A1

A hot-pressed member having excellent bending collapsibility, a method for manufacturing the same, and a method for manufacturing a steel sheet for the hot-pressed member. The hot-pressed member includes a steel sheet as a base material, the steel sheet having a specified chemical composition. The hot-pressed member has a microstructure in which a martensite microstructure is present in a volume fraction of 70% or greater, and a number density of inclusions having a longest diameter of 25 μm or greater is 0.02/mmor less. The hot-pressed member has a tensile strength of 1.8 GPa or greater. 1. A hot-pressed member comprising a steel sheet as a base material , the steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising , by mass %:C: 0.28% or greater and less than 0.50%;Si: 0.01% or greater and 2.0% or less;Mn: 0.5% or greater and 3.5% or less;P: 0.05% or less;S: 0.01% or less;Al: 0.01% or greater and 1.00% or less;N: 0.01% or less;O: 0.0013% or less; anda balance being Fe and incidental impurities,{'sup': '2', '#text': 'wherein the hot-pressed member has a microstructure in which martensite is present in a volume fraction of 70% or greater, and a number density of inclusions having a longest diameter of 25 μm or greater is 0.02/mmor less, and'}the hot-pressed member has a tensile strength of 1.8 GPa or greater.2. The hot-pressed member according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition further comprises claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , at least one Group selected from the groups consisting of:Group A: at least one selected from the group consisting of Mo: 0.005% or greater and 0.35% or less, Cr: 0.005% or greater and 0.35% or less, Nb: 0.001% or greater and 0.10% or less, Ti: 0.001% or greater and 0.15% or less, B: 0.0002% or greater and 0.0050% or less, Sb: 0.001% or greater and 0.020% or less, Ca: 0.005% or less, V: 0.003% or greater and 0.05% or less, Cu: 0.005% or greater and 0.50% or less, Ni: 0.005% or greater and 0.50% or less, and Sn: 0.002% or greater and 0.50 ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040424A1
Принадлежит: Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.

A steel strip, sheet or blank used for painted parts, wherein the steel strip, sheet or blank is optionally metallic coated. 1. A steel strip , sheet or blank used for painted parts , wherein the steel strip , sheet or blank is optionally metallic coated , wherein the steel has grains with an essentially equi-axed median grain size smaller than 11.0 micrometer , resulting in a delta Waviness ΔWsa≤0.12 μm of the surface due to the forming of the strip , sheet or blank , ΔWsa defined as Wsa(Formed) minus Wsa(Flat) , in which Wsa(Formed) is the Wsa value of the optionally metallic coated substrate surface after the forming and Wsa(Flat) is the Wsa value of the optionally metallic coated substrate surface before the forming.2. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the essentially equi-axed grains have a median size smaller than 10.0 micrometer claim 1 , resulting in a ΔWsa≤10.0.3. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the optionally metallic coated strip claim 1 , sheet or blank before the forming has a waviness Wsa≤0.35 μm where Wsa is measured in the rolling direction.4. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the steel is an Ultra Low Carbon (ULC) steel type having a composition of (in weight %):C: max 0.007Mn: max 1.2Si: max 0.5Al: max 0.1P: max 0.15S: 0.003-0.045N: max 0.01 if Ti≥0.005 and Nb≥0.005:', '0.06≤4Ti+4Nb+2Mo≤0.60', 'otherwise', '0.06≤Ti+2Nb+2Mo≤0.60, 'Ti, Nb, Moand one or more of the optional elements:Cu: max 0.10Cr: max 0.06Ni: max 0.08B: max 0.0015V: max 0.01Ca: max 0.01Co: max 0.01Sn: max 0.01the remainder being iron and unavoidable impurities.5. The steel strip claim 4 , sheet or blank according to claim 4 , wherein the amounts of Ti claim 4 , Nb and Mo are as follows (in weight %):if Ti≥0.005 and Nb≥0.005:0.06≤4Ti+4Nb+2Mo≤0.30otherwise0.06≤Ti+2Nb+2 Mo≤0.10.7. The strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the strip claim 1 , sheet ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048432A1

The invention relates to a method for press hardening sheet steel components in which a blank is detached from a sheet steel band composed of a hardenable steel alloy and the blank is then austenitized, in that it is heated to a temperature greater than Acand is then inserted into a forming tool and formed in the forming tool, and during the forming, is cooled at a speed greater than the critical hardening speed, characterized in that in order to inhibit microcracks of the second type from being produced during the forming and hardening process in the sheet metal blanks that are to be formed, oxygen is supplied adjacent to the positive radii and/or drawing edges; the invention also relates to a device for performing this method. 1. A method for press hardening sheet steel components in which a blank is detached from a sheet steel band composed of a hardenable steel alloy and the blank is then austenitized , the method comprising: heating the blank to a temperature greater than Ac; inserting the blank into a forming tool having a mold cavity; and forming the blank in the forming tool , wherein during the forming , the blank is cooled at a speed greater than the critical hardening speed , characterized in that in order to avoid microcracks of second type from forming in the sheet metal blanks to be formed during the forming and a subsequent hardening , an oxygen-containing fluid reservoir is presentadjacent to positive radii and/or drawing edge and/orin other contact regions outside of the positive radii and/or drawing edges.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that entry of oxygen takes place by means of at least one recess provided in the forming tool adjacent to the drawing edges and/or positive radii claim 1 , which are dimensioned so that deep drawing is not negatively affected and the recess forms a reservoir for oxygen-containing fluids or else oxygen-containing fluids can be supplied via this recess.3. The method according to claim 2 , ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054488A1

A steel plate for hot stamping contains, in % by mass, C: 0.25% or more and 0.4% or less, Si: 1.05% or more and 1.4% or less, Mn: 0% or more and 1.4% or less, Cr: 0.6% or more and 3.0% or less, P: 0% or more and 0.03% or less, S: 0% or more and 0.02% or less, Al: 0.01% or more and 1% or less, N: 0% or more and 0.01% or less, B: 0.0005% or more and 0.005% or less, Ti: 0.005% or more and 0.1% or less, and iron and inevitable impurities as remainder. This steel plate for hot stamping exhibits excellent hardness stability in addition to a balance between strength and toughness as a relational expression of [C]2/9[Si]+7/9[Mn]+8/9[Cr]−7/4>0 is satisfied. 2. The steel plate of claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , in % by mass claim 1 , one or more selected from the group consisting ofMo: 0% or more and 1.0% or less,Nb: 0% or more and 0.1% or less, andV: 0% or more and 0.1% or less.3. The steel plate of claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , in % by mass claim 1 , one or more selected from the group consisting ofCu: 0% or more and 0.5% or less, andNi: 0% or more and 0.5% or less.4. The steel plate of claim 2 , comprising claim 2 , in % by mass claim 2 , one or more selected from the group consisting ofCu: 0% or more and 0.5% or less, andNi: 0% or more and 0.5% or less. The present invention relates to a steel plate for hot stamping.In recent years, there has been a demand for improvement in collision safety of motor vehicles, and in association with this, there has been a demand for a further increase in strength of steel plates for hot stamping used in parts required to exhibit rigidity of motor vehicles. However, when the strength of steel plate is improved, the low temperature toughness deteriorates and the balance between strength and toughness is thus lost. In order to cope with this problem, Non Patent Literature 1 proposes that the balance between strength and toughness of a steel plate is improved by refining the former austenite grains after hot stamping.In hot stamping, the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056255A1

A method for producing steel sheets, in particular for body shell sheets of vehicles, in which a steel alloy of a desired composition is melted, poured, and then rolled into sheet form, the steel alloy being an interstitial free steel (IF steel) and after the rolling, the steel sheet being annealed and dressed and then provided with a metallic anti-corrosion coating by means of an electrolytic process or by means of vapor deposition, wherein in order to achieve a low Wsa value with the narrowest possible spread, a niobium content of >0.01% by weight, preferably >0.011% by weight, is added to the alloy of the steel. 1. A method for producing steel sheets , in particular for body shell sheets of vehicles , comprising.melting an interstitial free steel (IF steel) alloy of a desired compositionadding a niobium content of >0.01% by weight to the steel alloy in order to achieve a low Wsa value with a narrowest possible spread;pouring the steel alloy, and rolling the steel alloy into sheet form; andannealing and dressing the steel sheet after the rolling.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , after the dressing claim 1 , providing the steel sheet with a metallic anti-corrosion coating using an electrolytic process or vapor deposition.5. The method according to claim 4 , comprising applying the metallic anti-corrosion coating to the steel sheet electrolytically or using a CVD or PVD process claim 4 , the wherein the metallic coating is selected from tire group consisting of: zinc-chromium claim 4 , zinc-nickel claim 4 , zinc-magnesium claim 4 , zinc-titanium claim 4 , zinc-calcium claim 4 , zinc alloys with zirconium claim 4 , hafnium claim 4 , cerium claim 4 , and mixed metals or metals composed of rare earths6. The method according to claim 1 , comprising using skin-pass rolls with a roughness (Ra) of 1.6 to 3.3 μm.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a degree of dressing is between 0.5 and 0.75%.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Steel sheet hot-dip plated with zinc based layer with superior bake hardenability and aging resistance, and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20190071746A1
Автор: Sang-Ho Han, Yeon-Sang Ahn
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

Provided are a cold-rolled steel sheet having excellent bake hardenability and aging resistance, and manufacturing method thereof. The cold-rolled steel sheet comprises, by weight, 0.02 to 0.08% of carbon (C), 1.3 to 2.1% of manganese (Mn), 0.3% or less (excluding 0%) of silicon (Si), 1.0% or less (excluding 0%) of chromium (Cr), 0.1% or less (excluding 0%) of phosphorus (P), 0.01% or less (excluding 0%) of sulfur (S), 0.01% or less (excluding 0%) of nitrogen (N), and 0.01 to 0.06% of acid soluble aluminum (sol.Al), comprises one or more selected from the group consisting of 0.2% or less (excluding 0%) of molybdenum (Mo) and 0.003% or less (excluding 0%) of boron (B), and comprises a remainder of iron (Fe) and unavoidable impurities, and comprises, by area, 90 to 99% of ferrite and 1 to 10% of martensite as a microstructure.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071787A1

Disclosed is a high-strength sheet containing: C: 0.15% by mass to 0.35% by mass, a total of Si and Al: 0.5% by mass to 3.0% by mass, Mn: 1.0% by mass to 4.0% by mass, P: 0.05% by mass or less (including 0% by mass), S: 0.01% by mass or less (including 0% by mass), and Ti: 0.01% by mass to 0.2% by mass, with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, wherein the steel structure satisfies that: a ferrite fraction is 5% or less, a total fraction of tempered martensite and tempered bainite is 60% or more, a retained austenite fraction is 10% or more, a fresh martensite fraction is 5% or less, retained austenite has an average grain size of 0.5 μm or less, retained austenite having a grain size of 1.0 μm or more accounts for 2% or more of the total amount of retained austenite, and a prior austenite grain size is 10 μm or less. 2: The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , satisfying any one or more of the following (a) to (e):(a) the C amount is 0.30% by mass or less,(b) the Al amount is less than 0.10% by mass,(c) further comprising one or more of Cu, Ni, Mo, Cr and B in a total content of 1.0% by mass or less,(d) further comprising one or more of V, Nb, Mo, Zr and Hf in a total content of 0.2% by mass or less, and(e) further comprising one or more of Ca, Mg and REM in a total content of 0.01% by mass or less.3: A method for manufacturing a high-strength steel sheet claim 1 , the method comprising:preparing a rolled material comprising: C: 0.15% by mass to 0.35% by mass, a total of Si and Al: 0.5% by mass to 3.0% by mass, Mn: 1.0% by mass to 4.0% by mass, P: 0% by mass to 0.05% by mass, S: 0% by mass to 0.01% by mass, Ti: 0.01% by mass to 0.2% by mass, and Fe;{'sub': 3', '3, 'heating the rolled material to a temperature of an Acpoint or higher and an Acpoint+100° C. or lower to austenitize the material;'}after the austenitization, cooling the material between 650° C. and 500° C. at an average cooling rate of 15° C./sec or more and less than 200° C./sec, ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

High strength steel sheet having excellent ductility and stretch flangeability

Номер: US20200071789A1

A high strength steel sheet as hot rolled and cold rolled products useful for frame components for vehicles and automobiles such as frames for trucks, and to a method of producing the steel sheet, as well as a use thereof.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087648A1
Принадлежит: Hille & Müller GmbH

Method of producing a low interfacial contact resistance material for use in batteries or connectors and a low interfacial contact resistance material for use in batteries or connectors produced thereby. 1. A method of producing a low interfacial contact resistance material for use in batteries or connectors comprising the following steps:providing a steel substrate in the form of a cold-rolled strip;providing a nickel or nickel-based layer on one or both sides of the steel substrate to form a plated substrate;electrodepositing a molybdenum oxide layer from an aqueous solution onto the plated substrate wherein the plated substrate acts as a cathode, wherein the aqueous solution comprises a molybdenum salt and an alkali metal phosphate and wherein the pH of the aqueous solution is adjusted to between 4.0 and 6.5;wherein the plated substrate provided with the molybdenum oxide layer is subjected to an annealing step in a reducing atmosphere to, at least partly, reduce the molybdenum oxide in the molybdenum oxide layer to molybdenum metal in a reduction annealing step and to form, simultaneously or subsequently, in the annealing step a diffusion layer which contains nickel and molybdenum, wherein the nickel originates from the nickel or nickel-based layer and the molybdenum originates from the molybdenum oxide layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the molybdenum salt is ammonium molybdate.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphate is sodium dihydrogen phosphate.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel or nickel-based layer provided on the substrate is between 0.5 and 5 μm in thickness claim 1 , and/or wherein the diffusion layer has a thickness of between 10 and 200 nm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises at least one feature selected from the group consisting of:the temperature of the aqueous solution for the electrodeposition of the molybdenum oxide layer onto the nickel plated steel substrate is ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087650A1

Disclosed herein is a light-gauge, ultra-high strength weathering steel sheet with a composition, material properties, and surface characteristics that make it suitable for hot-stamping applications and making hot-stamped products. Also disclosed herein is a high friction rolled carbon alloy steel strip free of prior austenite grain boundary depressions and having a smear pattern. Still further disclosed herein is a high friction rolled carbon alloy steel strip that has been surface homogenized to provide a thin cast steel strip free of a smear pattern. 1. A light-gauge , ultra-high strength weathering steel sheet for use in hot-stamping applications comprising:a carbon alloy thin cast steel strip cast at a cast thickness less than or equal to 2.5 mm having a composition comprising:(i) by weight, between 0.20% and 0.40% carbon, between 0.1% and 3.0% chromium, between 0.7% and 2.0% manganese, between 0.10% and 0.50% silicon, between 0.1% and 1.0% copper, less than or equal to 0.12% niobium, less than 0.5% molybdenum, between 0.1% and 3.0% nickel, and silicon killed containing less than 0.01% aluminum, and(ii) the remainder iron and impurities resulting from melting;wherein bainite or martensite is formed from prior austenite within the thin cast steel strip by cooling the thin cast steel strip at less than 100° C./s to produce a microstructure of bainite or martensite, a yield strength of between 620 and 1100 MPa, a tensile strength of between 650 and 1300 MPa, an elongation of between 3% and 10%, and having a corrosion index of 6.0 or greater independent of an additional coating.2. The steel sheet of wherein bainite is formed from the prior austenite within the thin cast steel strip by cooling the thin cast steel strip at less than 100° C./s to produce a microstructure of primarily bainite claim 1 , a yield strength of between 620 and 800 MPa claim 1 , a tensile strength of between 650 and 1300 MPa claim 1 , an elongation of between 3% and 10% claim 1 , and having a ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

High-strength hot-formed steel sheet member

Номер: US20170096724A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A high-strength hot-formed steel sheet member exhibiting both a consistent hardness and delayed-fracture resistance, and is characterized in that: the high-strength hot-formed steel sheet member has a prescribed chemical composition; the degree of Mn segregation α (=[maximum Mn concentration (mass %) at the sheet center in the thickness direction]/[average Mn concentration (mass %) at a depth of ¼ of the total thickness of the sheet from the surface]) is less than or equal to 1.6; the steel purity value as defined in JIS G 0555 (2003) is less than or equal to 0.08%; the average grain size for prior γ grains is less than or equal to 10 μm; and the number density of the residual carbides is less than or equal to 4×10 3 particles/mm 2 .

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing high strength galvanized steel sheet with excellent formability

Номер: US20140182748A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A method of manufacturing a high-strength galvanized steel sheet includes hot-rolling a slab to form a steel sheet; during continuous annealing, heating the steel sheet to a temperature of 750° C. to 900° C. at an average heating rate of at least 10° C./s at a temperature of 500° C. to an A 1 transformation point; holding that temperature for at least 10 seconds; cooling the steel sheet from 750° C. to a temperature of (Ms point—100° C.) to (Ms point—200° C.) at an average cooling rate of at least 10° C./s; reheating the steel sheet to a temperature of 350° C. to 600° C.; holding that temperature for 10 to 600 seconds; and galvanizing the steel sheet.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101695A1

The invention relates to a double-annealed steel sheet, the composition of which includes, expressed in per cent by weight, 0.20% ≦C ≦0.40%, 0.8% ≦Mn ≦1.4%, 1.60% ≦Si ≦3.00%, 0.015 ≦Nb ≦0.150%, Al ≦0.1%, Cr ≦1.0%, S ≦0.006%, P ≦0.030%, Ti ≦0.05%, V ≦0.05%, B ≦0.003%, N ≦0.01%, the remainder of the composition being constituted of iron and unavoidable impurities resulting from processing, the microstructure being constituted, in area percentages, of 10 to 30% residual austenite, 30 to 60% annealed martensite, 5 to 30% bainite, 10 to 30% fresh martensite and less than 10% ferrite. The invention further relates to its fabrication method and the use of such sheet. 1-Steel sheet , the composition of which includes , expressed in per cent by weight ,0.20% ≦C ≦0.40%0.8% ≦Mn ≦1.4%1.60% ≦Si ≦3.00% Al ≦0.1%', 'Cr ≦1.0 %', 'S ≦0.006%', 'P ≦0.030%', 'Ti ≦0.05%', 'V ≦0.05%', 'Mo <0.03%', 'B ≦0.003%', 'N ≦0.01%, '0.015 ≦Nb ≦0.150%'}the remainder of the composition being constituted by iron and unavoidable impurities resulting from processing, the microstructure being constituted, in area percentage, of 10 to 30% residual austenite, 30 to 60% annealed martensite, 5 to 30% bainite, 10 to 30% fresh martensite and less than 10% ferrite.21- Steel sheet according to claim , the composition of which includes , expressed in percent by weight0.22% ≦C ≦0.32%31- Steel sheet according to claim or 2 , the composition of which includes 2 , expressed in per cent by weight1.0% ≦Mn ≦1.4%41- Steel sheet according to any of the claims through 3 , the composition of which includes 3 , expressed in percent by weight1.8% ≦Si ≦2.5%51- Steel sheet according to any of the claims through 4 , the composition of which includes 4 , expressed in percent by weight:Cr ≦0.5%61- Steel sheet according to any of the claims through 5 , the composition of which includes 5 , expressed in percent by weight:0.020% Nb ≦0.13%71- Steel sheet according to any of the claims through comprising a coating of zinc or zinc alloy. ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Hot metal gas forming and quenching system and process therefor

Номер: US20220168792A1

A hot metal gas forming and quenching system and process therefor are provided. The system includes a hydraulic press, a die assembly, a rapid heating module and a rapid cooling module. The die assembly includes a progressive die which can realize the hot gas bulging and rapid cooling of the workpiece. Through the above system and the process, making pipes with uncoated plates has a lower cost than with coated and plated steel plates, with fewer structural defects and process risks. By using a progressive die, a resistance heating process, and hot gas bulging and quenching processes are performed in parallel, and the material is loaded progressively, thereby having a fast pace and a greatly improved efficiency. A heating state of parts is fully protected, oxidation is avoided, and no coating is required. After the workpiece is formed, it can be directly welded to a car body without shot blasting.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176434A1

A system for producing components by hot forming includes a conductive post-furnace heat station, a furnace, a computer system, and a press. The computer system comprises one or more physical processors operatively connected with the furnace in and the conductive post-furnace heat station. The one or more physical processors being programmed with computer program instructions which, when executed cause the computer system to control the furnace to heat the blank to a temperature that is below AC3 temperature; and control the conductive post-furnace heat station to heat a portion of the heated blank to a temperature above the AC3 temperature by thermal conduction. The press is constructed and arranged to receive the post-heated blank from the post-furnace heat station and to form the post-heated blank into the shape of the component. 1. A system for producing components by hot forming , comprising:a furnace constructed and arranged to receive a blank;a conductive post-furnace heat station constructed and arranged to receive a portion of the heated blank from the furnace; control the furnace to heat the blank to a temperature that is below AC3 temperature, and', 'control the conductive post-furnace heat station to heat the portion of the heated blank to a temperature above the AC3 temperature by thermal conduction; and, 'a computer system that comprises one or more physical processors operatively connected with the furnace and the conductive post-furnace heat station, the one or more physical processors being programmed with computer program instructions which, when executed cause the computer system toa press constructed and arranged to receive the post-heated blank from the conductive post-furnace heat station and to form the post-heated blank into the shape of the component.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the conductive post-furnace heat station is configured to allow a portion of the heated blank that is not heated in the conductive post-furnace heat station to ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Components made of a steel alloy and method for producing high-strength components

Номер: US20170114426A1
Автор: Uwe Diekmann
Принадлежит: Comtes Fht As, Matplus GmbH

The invention concerns a component made of a steel alloy comprising iron and as alloying element copper, in particular consisting of (in wt % in relation to the total alloy, wherein the sum of all constituents equals 100 wt %) iron≧96, carbon 0.04 to 0.12, copper 0.5 to 2.0, manganese+silicon+chromium+nickel 0.5 to 2.5, titanium 0 to 0.1, boron 0 to 0.005, and typical unavoidable impurities. In the production of semi-finished goods and of components, a combination of cold working and annealing treatment below the recrystallization temperature is used in order to thus obtain advantageous properties with regard to strength and ductility.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156000A1

The invention relates to a sheet-metal formed component and a method or producing the sheet-metal formed component, produced by hot-working and press-quenching from a quenchable, unitary and materially uniform steel alloy, wherein the sheet-metal formed component has multiple superposed martensite layers, wherein a respectively outer martensite layer of the sheet-metal formed component has higher ductility than an underlying martensite layer. 110-. (canceled)11. A sheet-metal formed component , produced by hot-working and press-quenching from a quenchable , unitary and materially uniform steel alloy , the sheet-metal formed component comprising:a plurality of superposed martensite layers,whereinone of the plurality of superposed martensite layers is an outer martensite layer and another one of the plurality of superposed martensite layers is an underlying martensite layer underlying the outer martensite layer, the outer martensite layer having higher ductility than the underlying martensite layer,the sheet-metal formed component has a tensile strength of greater than 1200 MPa, andthe sheet-metal formed component has a bending angle of greater than 60° for a wall thickness of 0.5 to 1.5 mm or a bending angle of greater than 45° for a wall thickness of 1.5 to 2.5 mm.12. The sheet-metal formed component according to claim 11 , whereinthe plurality of superposed martensite layers comprises at least three martensite layers between two opposite surfaces of the sheet-metal formed component over the wall thickness, and the outer martensite layer has a thickness of 4 μm to 140 μm.13. The sheet-metal formed component according to claim 11 , whereinthe plurality of superposed martensite layers is superposed between two opposite surfaces of the sheet-metal formed component, andboth of the surfaces are surface-decarburized layers comprising an ferritic material structure.14. The sheet-metal formed component according to claim 11 , wherein the plurality of superposed martensite ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127849A1

A hot forming by gas and direct quenching method and apparatus are disclosed. One method of using the system includes a heating step, a forming step, and a direct quenching step. This method increases the quenching speed and allows common steels with high critical cooling rate to be hot formed and quenched. This method reduces or eliminates the need for a furnace and/or the coating of the workpiece prior to the forming, as well as the removal of the coating after the forming. Furthermore, by using a hot gas containing carbon or nitrogen, the workpiece may be case hardened after the heating, forming and quenching steps. 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid or mist includes a mixture of water and dissolved air.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece includes a steel sheet.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece includes a composite of plain-carbon steel and low-carbon steel.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the hot gas contains carbon and/or nitrogen.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece includes a material selected from the group consisting of aluminum alloys claim 1 , titanium alloys claim 1 , and magnesium alloys.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece is configured to be moved manually or automatically in order to change a distance between the workpiece and the die.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the nozzles are spaced apart from one another.9. A hot sheet metal forming and direct quenching method claim 1 , the method comprising: positioning a workpiece between a die and gas chamber;', 'moving a heated gas into a die cavity disposed above the workpiece via a die inlet and out of the die cavity via a die outlet;', 'moving the heated gas into the gas chamber below the workpiece via a gas chamber inlet and out of the gas chamber via a gas chamber outlet; and', 'heating the workpiece by application of the injected heated, gas;, 'a heating step, the heating step comprising circulating the heated gas inside the die ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122209A1
Принадлежит: SMS group GmbH

A device and a method for cooling metal strips or sheets conveyed on a conveyor line, in particular hot-rolled strips in the outlet of a rolling train. For these purposes, the device includes at least one cooling beam extending across the width of the conveyor line, and the cooling beam features a connection point to which a supply tube for cooling liquid can be connected, and a number of discharge openings arranged along a longitudinal axis of the cooling beam, such that cooling liquid can be discharged through the discharge openings in the direction of the metal strip or sheet that is to be cooled. Associated with each of the individual discharge openings is a respectively adjusted flow area, such that the flow areas of the respective discharge openings decrease in a direction leading away from the connecting point along the longitudinal axis of the cooling beam. 115-. (canceled)161012. A device () for cooling metal strips or sheets conveyed on a conveyor line () , in particular hot-rolled strips in the outlet of a rolling train , comprising:{'b': 16', '14', '12', '16', '18', '20, 'cooling beams () arranged opposite from each other on a respective upper and lower side of the metal strip or sheet () that is to be cooled, and extending across the width (B) of the conveyor line (), wherein the cooling beams () respectively have, on a front face, a connection point () to which a supply tube () for cooling liquid (F) can be connected, and'}{'b': 22', '16', '22', '14, 'a plurality of discharge openings () provided along a longitudinal axis of the cooling beam (), wherein cooling liquid (F) can be discharged through the discharge openings () in the direction of the metal strip or sheet () that is to be cooled,'}{'b': 22', '16, 'wherein the individual discharge openings () are respectively formed as tubes arranged on an enclosure of the cooling beam ();'}{'b': 22', '16', '14', '14, 'sup': 3', '2, 'the specific amount of cooling liquid (F) discharged through the discharge ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170133153A1

A workpiece made of plate is subjected to a treatment which locally modifies its magnetic permeability. Subsequently, the magnetic permeability of the workpiece is examined locally resolved by a probe in order to find at least one surface region which is suitable for intended processing, and the processing is performed locally limited to the selected region. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for processing a workpiece made of plate comprising:treating the workpiece to modify a magnetic permeability of a local region thereof;subsequently examining the magnetic permeability of the workpiece to find at least one surface region which is suitable for an intended processing; andprocessing the workpiece to perform the intended processing relative to the at least one surface region.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the workpiece is ferritic and treating the workpiece comprising austenitizing the local region of the workpiece.14. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the workpiece is austenitic and treating the workpiece comprises ferritizing the local region of the workpiece.15. The method according to claim 12 , wherein treating the workpiece comprises alloying an additive material into the local region of the workpiece.16. The method according to claim 12 , wherein processing the workpiece comprises cutting the workpiece relative to the at least one surface region to obtain a part from the workpiece configured for further processing.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the workpiece comprises a plurality of identically formed austenitized regions claim 16 , the method further comprising cutting a plurality of parts from the workpiece claim 16 , each of the plurality of parts having a similarly arranged austenitized region.18. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the workpiece comprises a plate strip.19. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the workpiece comprises a blank.20. The method according to claim 12 , wherein processing the ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Steel, for Hot Forming or Quenching in a Tool, having Improved Ductility

Номер: US20140216612A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal France SA

The invention relates to a steel part, the composition of the steel of which comprises, the contents being expressed by weight: 0.040%≦C≦0.100%; 0.80%≦Mn≦2.00%; Si≦0.30%; S≦0.005%; P≦0.030%; 0.010%≦Al≦0.070%; 0.015%≦Nb≦0.100%; 0.030%≦Ti≦0.080%; N≦0.009%; Cu≦0.100%; Ni≦0.100%; Cr≦0.100%; Mo≦0.100%; and Ca≦0.006%, the balance of the composition consisting of iron and inevitable impurities resulting from the smelting, the microstructure of the steel consisting of at least 75% equiaxed ferrite, martensite in an amount not less than 5% but not exceeding 20%, and bainite in an amount not exceeding 10%.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135147A1

A hot-press molding method of the present disclosure includes a first heating process in which a steel plate is heated and the entire steel plate becomes austenite, a first cooling process in which a cooling rate of the steel plate after the first heating process is partially changed, a first region which is a part of the steel plate is transformed into martensite, and a second region other than the first region remains as austenite, a second heating process in which the entire steel plate is reheated and the first region becomes tempered martensite, and a second cooling process in which the entire steel plate after the second heating process is cooled. At least one of the first cooling process and the second cooling process is performed during a molding process in which the steel plate is press-molded on a molding die. 1. A hot-press molding method comprising:a first heating process in which a steel plate is heated and the entire steel plate becomes austenite;a first cooling process in which a cooling rate of the steel plate after the first heating process is partially changed, a first region which is a part of the steel plate is transformed into martensite and a second region other than the first region remains as austenite;a second heating process in which the entire steel plate is reheated and the first region becomes tempered martensite; anda second cooling process in which the entire steel plate after the second heating process is cooled,wherein at least one of the first cooling process and the second cooling process is performed during a molding process in which the steel plate is press-molded on a molding die.2. The hot-press molding method according to claim 1 ,wherein the second heating process is a process in which the first region is set to be lower than an austenite transformation start temperature, andthe second cooling process is a process in which the second region is transformed into martensite.3. The hot-press molding method according to claim 2 , ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for Producing an Ultra High Strength Coated or Not Coated Steel Sheet and Obtained Sheet

Номер: US20170137910A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal SA

A method for producing a cold rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength≧1470 MPa and a total elongation TE≧19%, the method comprising the steps of annealing at an annealing temperature AT≧Ac3 a non-treated steel sheet whose chemical composition contains in weight %: 0.34%≦C≦0.40%, 1.50%≦Mn≦2.30%, 1.50≦Si≦2.40%, 0%≦Cr≦0.7%, 0%≦Mo≦0.3%, 0.01%≦Al≦0.07%, the remainder being Fe and unavoidable impurities, quenching the annealed steel sheet by cooling it to a quenching temperature QT<Ms transformation point and between 150° C. and 250° C., and making a partitioning treatment by re-heating the quenched steel sheet to a partitioning temperature PT between 350° C. and 420° C. and maintaining the steel sheet at this temperature during a partitioning time Pt between 15 seconds and 250 seconds.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Hot-pressed member and method for manufacturing same, and cold-rolled steel sheet for hot pressing and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20200131597A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

Disclosed is a hot-pressed member that can exhibit very high tensile strength after hot pressing as high as TS: 1780 MPa or more, and excellent resistance to resistance welding cracking by properly adjusting its chemical composition and its microstructure such that a prior austenite average grain size is 7.5 μm or less, a volume fraction of martensite is 95% or more, and at least 10 Nb-based and Ti-based precipitates having a grain size of less than 0.10 μm are present on average per 100 μm 2 of a cross section parallel to a thickness direction of the member within a range of 100 μm or less in the thickness direction from the surface of the member, and such that a B concentration in prior austenite grain boundaries is at least 3.0 times a B concentration at a position 5 nm away from the grain boundaries.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing a composite component

Номер: US20150151379A1

A method for producing a composite component for a vehicle is proposed, wherein, in a first method step, a formed first component is provided, wherein, in a second method step, a formed second component is provided, and wherein, in a third method step, the first component and the second component are connected to one another, wherein furthermore, in the third method step, the first component and the second component are connected to one another by friction stir welding, wherein, in the first method step, a first component of a first specification is provided, and wherein, in the second method step, a second component of a second specification that differs from the first specification is provided.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet and method for producing same

Номер: US20140234655A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A high-strength hot-dip galvanized steel sheet has excellent workability, namely, excellent ductility and hole expansion formability, and high yield ratio. The steel sheet has a chemical composition containing by mass %: C: 0.05-0.15%; Si: 0.10-0.90%; Mn: 1.0-1.9%; P: 0.005-0.10%; S: 0.0050% or less; Al: 0.01-0.10%; N: 0.0050% or less; Nb: 0.010-0.100%; and the balance being Fe and incidental impurities, in which: the steel sheet has a complex phase that includes: ferrite having an average crystal grain size of 15 μm or less to at least 90% in volume fraction; martensite having an average crystal grain size of 3.0 μm or less to 0.5% or more and less than 5.0% in volume fraction; pearlite to 5.0% or less in volume fraction; and the balance being a phase generated at low temperature.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Galvanized steel sheet and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140234658A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A galvanized steel sheet includes a steel sheet and a plating layer on the surface of the steel sheet, in which the steel sheet includes, as a steel chemical composition, by mass %, C: 0.05 to 0.40%, Si: 0.5 to 3.0% and Mn: 1.5 to 3.0%, a microstructure of the steel sheet includes ferrite, bainite, by volume fraction, 30% or more of a tempered martensite, and 8% or more of an austenite, and tensile strength of the steel sheet is 980 MPa or more, and the plating layer includes an oxide including at least one chemical element selected from Si, Mn and Al, and when seen at a cross section including the steel sheet and the plating layer in a plate thickness direction, a projection area fraction of the oxide is 10% or more.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151922A1
Автор: Amborn Peter

A method is provided for forming a flat metal blank as a workpiece in a forming die. 1. A method of forming a flat metal blank as a workpiece in a forming die , comprising the steps of:providing a forming die with at least one cavity;providing at least one blankholder for fixing a workpiece to the at least one cavity during the forming;heating the workpiece to a solution heat treatment temperature; andforming the material of the workpiece to be formed by selecting a pressure of the at least one blankholder or of a marginal region of the at least one cavity onto the workpiece to enable the material of the workpiece to flow from a region of the at least one blankholder or of the marginal region of the at least one cavity into the cavity; and/oractively pushing the material of the workpiece into the at least one cavity, or forming entirely without any additional workpiece material in the at least one cavity.2. A method of forming a hollow body blank as a working piece in a forming die , comprising the steps of:providing at least one locking apparatus for a hollow body blank;providing a forming die with at least one cavity for receiving the hollow body blank during the forming;heating the hollow body blank to a solution heat treatment temperature; andforming the hollow body blank by holding the hollow body blank by the at least one locking apparatus to enable the material of the hollow body blank to flow into the cavity; and/oractively pushing the material of the hollow body blank into the at least one cavity, or forming on the basis of the material of the hollow body blank that is located within the cavity.3. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the process of heating the flat metal blank to the solution heat treatment temperature is concluded before the start of the forming.4. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the forming of the flat metal blank begins during the process of heating the flat metal blank to the solution heat treatment temperature.5. ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for producing a high strength steel sheet having improved strength and formability and obtained sheet

Номер: US20220298598A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal SA

A steel sheet made of a steel having a chemical composition containing in weight %: 0.13%≤C≤0.22%, 1.2%≤Si≤1.8%, 1.8%≤Mn≤2.2%, 0.10%≤Mo≤0.20%, Nb≤0.05%, Ti≤0.05%, Al≤0.5%, a remainder being Fe and unavoidable impurities. The steel sheet has a yield strength of at least 850 MPa, a tensile strength of at least 1180 MPa, a total elongation of at least 13% and a hole expansion ratio HER of at least 30%.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149125A1
Автор: Graf Johannes, WEBER Klaus

A process of producing a partially hardened metallic formed part comprises: heating a semi-finished product of hardenable hot-formable steel sheet to a hardening temperature; hot-forming the heated semi-finished product in a combined hot-forming cutting device into a three-dimensional formed part; cutting the formed part in the combined hot-forming cutting device; pressure-hardening the formed part in the hot-forming cutting device into a hardened formed part such that a first partial region is hardened by rapid cooling and that a second partial region of the formed part is heat-treated so as to comprise a greater ductility and a lower strength than the first partial region, wherein the operation of cutting the formed part takes place at least in one of the first and second partial region. A combined hot-forming cutting device can be used to produce a metallic formed part. 115.-. (canceled)16. A process of producing a partially hardened metallic formed part , comprising:heating a semi-finished product of hardenable hot-formable steel sheet to a hardening temperature;hot-forming the heated semi-finished product in a combined hot-forming cutting device into a three-dimensional formed part;cutting the formed part in the hot-forming cutting device;pressure-hardening the formed part in the hot-forming cutting device into a hardened formed part such that a first partial region is hardened by rapid cooling and a second partial region of the formed part is heat-treated so as to obtain a greater ductility and a lower strength than the first partial region,wherein the cutting the formed part takes place in at least one of the first partial region and of the second partial region.17. The process according to claim 16 ,wherein the combined hot-forming cutting device comprises an upper tool part and a lower tool part which are closed for hot-forming the semi-finished product, andwherein the cutting takes place while the tool part is being closed and prior to the pressure ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189518A1

The invention relates to a method for partial hardening of a steel sheet by cold deformation, where the partial hardening of a steel is done by a cold deformation with a multi-step rolling and annealing process and in order to have a steel sheet with a homogeneous thickness steel sheet is used with at least two areas having different values in mechanical and/or physical properties in longitudinal direction of the material. 1. Method for partial hardening of a steel by cold deformation characterized in that a multi-step rolling and annealing process in order to have a steel sheet with a homogeneous thickness is used with at least two areas having different values in mechanical and/or physical properties in longitudinal direction of the material.2. Method according to the claim 1 , characterized in that the rolling is carried out by flexible cold rolling.3. Method according to the claim 1 , characterized in that the rolling is carried out by eccentric cold rolling.4. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the forming degree (Φ) is in the range of 10≤Φ≤60% claim 1 , more preferably up to 40% and the ratio (r) is in the range of 1.2>r>1.75.5. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the material to be deformed is preferably a stainless steel claim 1 , more preferably an austenitic stainless steel.6. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the material to be deformed is an austenitic TWIP hardening steel claim 1 , more preferably a stable-austenitic TWIP steel.7. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the material to be deformed is a duplex stainless steel.8. Use of a cold rolled product manufactured according to the characterized in that having different mechanical values in at least two consecutive areas deformed with forming degree (Φ) in the range of 5≤Φ≤60% and having the ratio (r) between ultimate load ratio ΔF as an automotive component like an airbag bush claim 1 , a chassis-part claim 1 , subframe claim 1 , pillar ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167096A1

A metal sheet that features a substructure of a first aluminum alloy and at least one reinforcement that is pressed into at least one surface of the substructure, wherein the reinforcement has in at least a direction extending parallel to the surface a large extent in relation to the thickness of the metal sheet and consists of a second aluminum alloy that is harder than the first aluminum alloy. 114-. (canceled)15. A metal sheet featuring a substructure of a first aluminum alloy and at least one reinforcement that is pressed into at least one surface of the substructure , wherein the reinforcement has in at least a direction extending parallel to the surface a large extent in relation to the thickness of the metal sheet and consists of a second aluminum alloy that is harder than the first aluminum alloy.16. The metal sheet according to claim 15 , in which the reinforcement is formed by a wire claim 15 , a strip claim 15 , a netting or a grating.17. The metal sheet according to claim 16 , in which the grating features engaging recesses at intersecting points.18. The metal sheet according to claim 15 , in which the reinforcement is positively pressed into the substructure.19. The metal sheet according to claim 15 , in which the reinforcement can be hardened or is hardened by means of a heat treatment.20. The metal sheet according to claim 15 , in which the substructure has a greater strength in an area situated adjacent to the pressed-in reinforcement than in an area situated distant from the reinforcement due to strain-hardening.21. The metal sheet according to claim 15 , in which the reinforcement is covered with a coating.22. The metal sheet according to claim 21 , in which the coating is a foil consisting of an aluminum alloy claim 21 , particularly the first aluminum alloy.231. The metal sheet according to claim claim 21 , in which the coating is a stove-enameled paint.24. A method for manufacturing a metal sheet claim 21 , comprising:placing a reinforcement of ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Hot-rolled steel sheet and method for producing same

Номер: US20140246128A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

Provided is a hot-rolled steel sheet that has a chemical composition including, by mass %: C: 0.060% to 0.150%; Si: 0.15% to 0.70%; Mn: 1.00% to 1.90%; P: 0.10% or less; S: 0.010% or less; Al: 0.01% to 0.10%; N: 0.010% or less; Nb: 0.010% to 0.100%; and the balance including Fe and incidental impurities. The hot-rolled steel sheet has a microstructure containing ferrite of 18 μm or less in average grain size by a volume fraction of at least 75% and pearlite of at least 2 μm in average grain size by a volume fraction of at least 5%, the balance being low-temperature-induced phases, the pearlite having a mean free path of at least 5.0 μm.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160519A1

[Object] There are provided automobile parts and a method for manufacturing the automobile parts. The automobile parts have an excellent corrosion resistance after coated with a electrodeposition paint with smaller thickness, improve formability and productivity in hot pressing, and also improve chemical conversion treatability after hot press-forming. 1. A method for manufacturing an automobile part , the method comprising:using an Al plated steel sheet including a coating containing ZnO on a surface of the Al plated steel sheet;using a hot pressing method;{'sup': 2', '2, 'causing an Al plating layer having an average primary crystal diameter of 4 μm or more and 40 μm or less to have an amount of plating of 30 g/mor more and 110 g/mor less for one surface;'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'causing a ZnO amount of the coating containing ZnO to be 0.3 g/mor more and 3 g/mor less in metallic Zn equivalent for one surface;'}causing a rate of temperature increase during a heating process in hot pressing to be 12° C./second or more;causing a reaching steel sheet temperature to be 870° C. or more and 1100° C. or less; andcausing a electrodeposition paint film to have thickness of 6 μm or more and less than 15 μm.2. The method for manufacturing an automobile part according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of the Al plating layer is 50 g/mor more and 80 g/mor less for one surface.3. A method for manufacturing a high-strength automobile part claim 1 , the method comprising:using an Al plated steel sheet including a coating containing ZnO on a surface of the Al plated steel sheet;using a hot pressing method;{'sup': 2', '2, 'causing an Al plating layer having an average primary crystal diameter of 4 μm or more and 40 μm or less to have an amount of plating of 30 g/mor more and less than 60 g/mfor one surface;'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'causing a ZnO amount of the coating containing ZnO to be 0.3 g/mor more and 3 g/mor less as metallic Zn for one surface;'}causing a rate of temperature increase during a ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Ultrahigh-strength steel sheet and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20160186285A1
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an ultrahigh-strength steel sheet and a manufacturing method therefor. More specifically, the present invention can provide an ultra-high strength steel sheet which can ensure weldability and a delayed fracture resistance property by controlling the contents of elements affecting platability along with the contents of austenite-stabilizing elements and increasing twin formation through re-rolling, and simultaneously improve impact characteristics and workability by ensuring excellent yield strength and ductility.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214818A1

The present invention presents a steel for hot stamping, a hot stamping process and a hot stamped component. The steel for hot stamping in weight percentage contains C: 0.2-0.4%, Si: 0-0.8%, Al: 0-1.0%, B: 0-0.005%, Mn: 0.5-3.0%, Mo: 0-1%, Cr: 0-2%, Ni: 0-5%, V: 0-0.4%, Nb: 0-0.2%, Ti: ≤0.01%, and impurity elements such as P, S, N unavoidable during smelting, wherein 29*Mo+16*Mn+14*Cr+5.3*Ni≥30% is satisfied when B≤0.0005%, and 0.4-1.0% Al is contained when 0.0005% Подробнее

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222267A1

A method IS for producing a cold rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength ≥1470 MPa and a total elongation TE≥19%. The method includes the steps of annealing at an annealing temperature AT≥Ac3 a non-treated steel sheet whose chemical composition contains in weight %: 0.34%≤C≤0.40%, 1.50%≤Mn≤2.30%, 1.50≤Si≤2.40%, 0% Подробнее

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200188981A1

The method includes treating a metal sheet having a bcc structure and a surface satisfying conditions (a) or (b), molding the metal sheet to cause plane strain tensile deformation and biaxial tensile deformation, and allowing at least one part of the metal sheet to have a sheet thickness decrease rate of from 10% to 30%. Condition (a): an area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation of 15° or less relative to a (001) plane parallel to a surface of the metal sheet is from 0.20 to 0.35. Condition (b): the area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation of 15° or less relative to a (001) plane parallel to a surface of the metal sheet is 0.45 or less, the average crystal grain size thereof is 15 μm or less. The molded product satisfies conditions (a) or (b). 1. A molded product of a metal sheet comprising a bcc structure , wherein:a shape of the molded product results from plane strain tensile deformation and biaxial tensile deformation;a maximum sheet thickness and a minimum sheet thickness of the molded product are represented by D1 and D2, respectively, a formula 10≤(D1−D2)/D1×100≤30 is satisfied; anda surface of the molded product satisfies either of the following conditions (c) or (d):(c) an area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation of 15° or less relative to a (001) plane parallel to the surface of the molded product is from 0.20 to 0.35;(d) the area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation of 15° or less relative to a (001) plane parallel to the surface of the molded product is 0.45 or less, and an average crystal grain size thereof is 15 μm or less.2. The molded product according to claim 1 , wherein the metal sheet is a steel sheet.3. The molded product according to claim 1 , wherein the metal sheet is a ferrite-based steel sheet having a metallic-structure ferrite fraction of 50% or more. This application is a Divisional of copending Application No. 15/781,891, filed on Jun. 6, 2018, which was ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Method for producing high-strength steel parts with improved ductility, and parts obtained by said method

Номер: US20200190621A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Di and D(>2 μm) being expressed as number of particles per square millimeter, and said particles denoting all the oxides, sulfides, and nitrides, either pure or combined such as oxysulfides and carbonitrides, present in the steel matrix.

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Cold-rolled steel sheet and method for manufacturing same, and hot-stamp formed body

Номер: US20150225830A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A cold-rolled steel sheet has a predetermined chemical composition, in which a structure before and after a hot-stamping includes ferrite: 30 area % to 90 area %, martensite: 0 area % or more and less than 20 area %, pearlite: 0 area % to 10 area %, retained austenite: 5 volume % to 20 volume %, and rest structure: bainite, a hardness of the retained austenite measured with a nano indenter before and after the hot-stamping satisfies relations of H2/H1<1.1 and σHM<20, and a relation of TS×El>20000 MPa.% is satisfied.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211428A1
Автор: Cugy Philippe, Scott Colin

A hot-rolled or cold-rolled steel plate having a composition including, in weight percent: 0.6%≤C≤0.9%; 17%≤Mn≤22%; 0.2%≤Al≤0.9%; 0.2%≤Si≤1.1%; with 0.85%≤Al+Si≤1.6%; 1.2%≤Cu≤1.7%; S≤0.030%; P≤0.080%; N≤0.1%; 0 Подробнее

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Alloys And Methods To Develop Yield Strength Distributions During Formation Of Metal Parts

Номер: US20190217363A1

This invention is related to a method to increase the strength of a metal stamping by supplying a metal blank which has the ability to strengthen in-situ during stamping to achieve sets of properties not expected and much higher based on the starting properties of the blank. 1. A method to develop yield strength distributions in a formed metal part comprising:(a) supplying a metal alloy comprising at least 70 atomic % iron and at least four or more elements selected from Cr, Ni, Mn, Si, Cu, Al, or C, melting said alloy, cooling at a rate of <250 K/s, and solidifying to a thickness of 25.0 mm up to 500 mm;(b) processing said alloy into sheet form with thickness from 0.5 to 10 mm wherein said sheet exhibits a yield strength of A1 (MPa), an ultimate tensile strength of B1 (MPa), a true ultimate tensile strength C1 (MPa), and a total elongation D1;{'sup': 0', '2, 'claim-text': [{'br': None, 'i': A', 'A, '2=1±100;\u2003\u2003(i)'}, {'br': None, 'i': A', 'A', 'A', 'A, '3>1+100 and 3<1+600; and\u2003\u2003(ii)'}, {'br': None, 'i': A', 'A, '4≥1+600.\u2003\u2003(iii)'}], '(c) straining said sheet one or a plurality of times above said yield strength A1 at an ambient temperature of 1° C. to 50° C. and at a strain rate of 10/s to 10/sec and forming a metal part having a distribution of yield strengths A2, A3, and A4, wherein2. The method of wherein the said alloy in (a) contains at least 70 atomic percent iron is combined with four or more elements that are selected from Cr claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , or C.3. The method of wherein the said alloy in (a) contains at least 70 atomic percent iron is combined with five or more elements that are selected from Cr claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , or C.4. The method of wherein the said alloy in (a) contains at least 70 atomic percent iron is combined with six or more elements that are selected from Cr claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Al claim 1 ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Metal coated steel sheet, manufacturing method of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, and manufacturing method of alloyed galvannealed steel sheet

Номер: US20190218652A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

In a metal coated steel sheet, a chemical composition contains, in mass %, at least C: 0.03% to 0.70%, Si: 0.25% to 2.50%, Mn: 1.00% to 5.00%, P: 0.100% or less, S: 0.010% or less, sol. Al: 0.001% to 2.500, N: 0.020% or less, and a balance composed of iron and impurities, a metal structure contains greater than 5.0 vol % of retained austenite and greater than 5.0 vol % of tempered martensite, and satisfies a C content in the retained austenite being 0.85 mass % or more.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200216925A1

A method for producing a steel component from a flat steel sheet is provided. The produced steel component includes a substrate and a coating. The method ensures that the steel component has an Hcontent below a certain level. The low Hcontent minimizes the risk of hydrogen-induced cracking of the steel component after hot forming, including during subsequent use of the steel component. The Hcontent in the hot-formed steel component is ensured to be below a certain level by selecting furnace parameters depending on the rolling degree and the sheet thickness of the flat steel sheet. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the WOP value is determined according to step (B) within a surface spanned by straight connecting lines between the points P12 (WGB 0.8 claim 1 , WOP 300) and P13 (WGB 0.8 claim 1 , WOP 800) claim 1 , P13 (WGB 0.8 claim 1 , WOP 800) and P21 (WGB 26 claim 1 , WOP 650) claim 1 , P21 (WGB 26 claim 1 , WOP 650) and P41 (WGB 74 claim 1 , WOP 590) claim 1 , P41 (WGB 74 claim 1 , WOP 590) and P53 (WGB 150 claim 1 , WOP 520) claim 1 , P53 (WGB 150 claim 1 , WOP 520) and P52 (WGB 150 claim 1 , WOP 200) claim 1 , P52 (WGB 150 claim 1 , WOP 200) and P32 (WGB 50 claim 1 , WOP 200) claim 1 , P32 (WGB 50 claim 1 , WOP 200) and P33 (WGB 50 claim 1 , WOP 300) and P33 (WGB 50 claim 1 , WOP 300) and P12 (WGB 0.8 claim 1 , WOP 300) in a coordinate system in which the WOP value is plotted on the y axis and the rolling degree to sheet thickness ratio (WGB) is plotted on the x axis.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the flat steel product includes claim 1 , in wt. %):0.06 to 0.50 C,0.50 to 3.0 Mn,0.10 to 0.50 Si,0.01 to 1.00 Cr,up to 0.20 Ti,up to 0.10 Al,up to 0.10 P,up to 0.1 Nb,up to 0.01 N,up to 0.05 S andup to 0.1 B,remainder Fe and unavoidable impurities.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein tis 0.05 to 0.5 h.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the flat steel product is a blank made of a hot rolled strip or a blank made of a cold ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180229476A1

The present invention provide a ferritic stainless steel foil having a high thickness precision even with a thickness 60 μm or less ultrathin stainless steel foil and simultaneously having a plastic deformation ability and good elongation at break, that is, having a good press-formability (deep drawing ability). 1. A stainless steel foil having a thickness of 5 μm to 60 μm , wherein a recrystallization ratio of said stainless steel foil is 90% to 100% ,a surface layer of said stainless steel foil has a nitrogen concentration of 1.0 mass % or less,three or more crystal grains are contained in the thickness direction of said stainless steel foil, an average crystal grain diameter “d” of said crystal grains is 1 μm to 10 μm, and,when said thickness is “t” (μm), an area ratio of crystal grains having a crystal grain diameter of t/3 (μm) or more is 20% or less.2. The stainless steel foil according to claim 1 , wherein said thickness is 5 μm to 25 μm.3. The stainless steel foil according to claim 1 , wherein a surface roughness Rz is 100 nm or more claim 1 , and 1/10 or less of the thickness.4. The stainless steel foil according to claim 1 , wherein an elongation at break is 10% or more.5. The stainless steel foil according to claim 1 , wherein said stainless steel foil is ferritic stainless steel foil.6. The stainless steel foil according to claim 1 , wherein said stainless steel foil is austenitic stainless steel foil.7. The stainless steel foil according to claim 1 , wherein a resin film is laminated on at least one surface of said stainless steel foil.8. The stainless steel foil according to claim 2 , wherein a surface roughness Rz is 100 nm or more claim 2 , and 1/10 or less of the thickness.9. The stainless steel foil according to claim 2 , wherein an elongation at break is 10% or more.10. The stainless steel foil according to claim 3 , wherein an elongation at break is 10% or more.11. The stainless steel foil according to claim 2 , wherein said stainless steel foil ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180231311A1

Disclosed are methods and apparatus for impressing a temperature profile onto a sheet steel component, wherein in one or more first areas, a temperature below the AC3 temperature can be impressed on the sheet steel component, and in one or more second areas, a temperature above the AC3 temperature can be impressed on the sheet steel component, and is characterized in that the sheet steel component is firstly preheated in a production furnace, and is then transferred into the thermal re-treatment station, wherein a radiation heat source is moved over the component in the thermal re-treatment station, by means of which the one or more first areas of the sheet steel component can be kept at a temperature below the AC3 temperature or cooled down further, and the one or more second areas can be heated to or kept at a temperature above the AC3 temperature. 1. A method for impressing a temperature profile onto a sheet steel component wherein in one or more first areas , a temperature below the AC3 temperature can be impressed on the sheet steel component , and in one or more second areas , a temperature above the AC3 temperature can be impressed on the sheet steel component , characterized in that the sheet steel component is firstly preheated in a production furnace , the sheet steel component is then transferred into a thermal re-treatment station , wherein a radiation heat source is moved over the component in the thermal re-treatment station , by means of which the one or more first areas of the sheet steel component can optionally be kept at a temperature below the AC3 temperature or cooled down further , and the one or more second areas of the sheet steel component can optionally be heated to or kept at a temperature above the AC3 temperature.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the radiation heat source is a field with surface emitters that emit the radiation in the infrared spectrum.3. The method according to claim 2 , characterized in that ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Steel sheet, tailored blank, hot stamped product, steel pipe, hollow hot stamped product, and method of manufacturing steel sheet

Номер: US20210262075A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel Corp

This steel sheet has a base steel sheet, a coated portion, and an exposed portion, the shape of the end edge side of the steel sheet and the end portion on the outer side of the base steel sheet is a protruded curve represented by a curvature radius R1 and R1 is 5 μm or more.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180237873A1
Автор: SCHIEBOL Markus

In order to provide a method for hardening a metal sheet material by means of which a particularly hard and scratch-resistant surface is produced on the metal sheet material, it is proposed that the method comprises the following: 111-: (canceled)12. Metal sheet material comprising a front side which is surface-hardened by peening and/or a rear side which is surface-hardened by peening ,wherein the metal sheet material is a stainless steel sheet material,wherein the material thickness of the metal sheet material is not more than approximately 3 mm andwherein the metal sheet material has a mean final surface hardness of at least approximately 300 HV.13. Metal sheet material according to claim 12 , wherein the metal sheet material comprises both a front side which is surface-hardened by peening and also a rear side which is surface-hardened by peening.14. Metal sheet material according to claim 12 , wherein the material thickness of the metal sheet material is not more than approximately 2 mm.15. Metal sheet material according to claim 12 , wherein the metal sheet has a matt surface.16. Use of a metal sheet material comprising a front side which is surface-hardened by peening and/or a rear side which is surface-hardened by peening claim 12 ,wherein the metal sheet material is a stainless steel sheet material,wherein the material thickness of the metal sheet material is not more than approximately 3 mm andwherein the metal sheet material has a mean final surface hardness of at least approximately 300 HV, providing the metal sheet material as a starting material;', 'manufacturing a kitchen worktop panel, a sink or a basin from said starting material., 'comprising the following17. Metal sheet product claim 12 , which is configured as a kitchen worktop panel claim 12 , a sink or a basin and comprises a metal sheet material comprising a front side which is surface-hardened by peening and/or a rear side which is surface-hardened by peening claim 12 ,wherein the metal sheet ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Austenitic stainless steel foil

Номер: US20180237882A1

Provided is an austenitic stainless steel foil that demonstrates a high degree of stretch formability and little deformation anisotropy with respect to stretch forming despite having a sheet thickness of 60 μm or less. The austenitic stainless steel foil of the present invention has a sheet thickness of 5 μm to 60 μm, a recrystallization rate of 90% to 100%, and a texture in which the total of the area ratio of a crystal orientation in which the difference in orientation from the {112}<111> orientation is within 10°, the area ratio of a crystal orientation in which the difference in orientation from the {110}<112> orientation is within 10°, and the area ratio of a crystal orientation in which the difference in orientation from the {110}<001> orientation is within 10°, in a measuring field thereof, is 20% or less.

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200232083A1

A hot-dip galvanized steel sheet including: a hot-dip galvanizing layer on at least one side of a base steel sheet, wherein the hot-dip galvanizing layer has a Fe content of more than 0% and 3.0% or less and an Al content of more than 0% and 1.0% or less, the hot-dip galvanized steel sheet including: a Fe—Al alloy layer provided on an interface between the hot-dip galvanizing layer and the base steel sheet, the Fe—Al alloy layer having a thickness of 0.1 μm to 2.0 μm, and a difference between a maximum value and a minimum value of the thickness of the Fe—Al alloy layer in a width direction of the base steel sheet being within 0.5 μm; and a fine-grain layer provided in the base steel sheet and directly in contact with the Fe—Al alloy layer, the fine-grain layer having an average thickness of 0.1 μm to 5.0 μm, the fine-grain layer including a ferrite phase with an average grain diameter of 0.1 μm to 3.0 μm, the fine-grain layer containing oxides of one or more out of Si and Mn, a maximum diameter of the oxides being 0.01 μm to 0.4 μm, and a difference between a maximum value and a minimum value of the thickness of the fine-grain layer in the width direction of the base steel sheet being within 2.0 μm. 16-. (canceled)7. A hot-dip galvanized steel sheet comprising a hot-dip galvanizing layer on at least one side of a base steel sheet ,wherein the base steel sheet has a chemical composition comprised by, in mass %,C: 0.040% to 0.400%,Si: 0.05% to 2.50%,Mn: 0.50% to 3.50%,P: 0.0001% to 0.1000%,S: 0.0001% to 0.0100%,Al: 0.001% to 1.500%,N: 0.0001% to 0.0100%,O: 0.0001% to 0.0100%,Ti: 0.000% to 0.150%,Nb: 0.000% to 0.100%,V: 0.000% to 0.300%,Cr: 0.00% to 2.00%,Ni: 0.00% to 2.00%,Cu: 0.00% to 2.00%,Mo: 0.00% to 2.00%,B: 0.0000% to 0.0100%,W: 0.00% to 2.00%,Ca, Ce, Mg, Zr, La, and REM: 0.0000% to 0.0100% in total, andthe balance: Fe and an impurity, andwherein the hot-dip galvanizing layer has a Fe content of more than 0% and 3.0% or less and an Al content of more than 0% and ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Forming Tool and Method for Hot Forming and Partially Press Hardening a Workpiece Made of Sheet Steel

Номер: US20170252791A1
Автор: Loesch Siegfried

A forming tool for hot forming and partially press hardening a workpiece made of sheet steel comprising a die, a punch, and a cooling device. The die is formed of a first die part and at least one second die part which is movable relative to the first die part, while the punch is formed of a first punch part and at least one second punch part which is movable relative to the first punch part, the at least one movable second die part and the at least one movable second punch part interacting with an opening device which causes the at least one second die part and the at least one second punch part to contact the workpiece with a shorter closing time than the first die part and the first punch part. 1. A forming tool for hot forming and partially press hardening a workpiece made of sheet steel , comprising a die , a punch which can be inserted into a cavity of the die to form the workpiece , and a cooling device , wherein the die is formed of a first die part and at least one second die part which is movable relative to the first die part , while the punch is formed of a first punch part and at least one second punch part which is movable relative to the first punch part , the at least one movable second die part and the at least one movable second punch part interacting with an opening device which causes the at least one second die part and the at least one second punch part to contact the workpiece with a shorter closing time than the first die part and the first punch part.251. The forming tool according to claim 1 , wherein the die parts are movably connected to a die carrier and the punch parts are movably connected to a punch carrier claim 1 , the die carrier and the punch carrier each being provided with a ram claim 1 , and the rams causing the at least one second die part and the at least one second punch part to move apart in the closed state of the first die part and the first punch part (.) owing to the die carrier and punch carrier being moved closer ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170253957A1

A nitrided packaging steel in the form of a flat steel product and method for producing a nitrided packaging steel with a carbon content of 10-1000 ppm and uncombined nitrogen, dissolved in the steel, of more than 100 ppm. The nitriding is performed in two stages: a first stage, in which a molten steel is nitrided to a nitrogen content of at most 160 ppm by introducing a nitrogen-containing gas and/or a nitrogen-containing solid into the molten steel, and a second stage, in which a flat steel product produced from the nitrided molten steel by cold rolling is treated with a nitrogen-containing gas in order to increase further the amount of uncombined nitrogen in the flat steel product. The second stage is performed in an annealing furnace, in which the flat steel product is at the same time annealed in a recrystallizing manner. The packaging steels produced are distinguished by great strength, in excess of 600 MPa, and good elongation to fracture, regularly in excess of 5%, as well as by good forming properties. 1. A method of producing a nitrided packaging steel with a carbon content of 10 to 1000 ppm and a quantity of uncombined nitrogen dissolved in the steel of more than 100 ppm , the method comprising:a) nitriding a molten steel to a nitrogen content of a maximum of 160 ppm by feeding a nitrogen-containing gas and/or a nitrogen-containing solid into the molten steel;b) casting a slab from the molten steel and hot rolling the slab to form a hot strip;c) cold rolling the hot strip to form a flat steel product;d) recrystallization annealing the cold-rolled flat steel product in an annealing furnace, in particular a continuous annealing furnace, wherein a nitrogen-containing gas is introduced into the annealing furnace and directed onto the flat steel product so as to further increase the quantity of uncombined nitrogen in the flat steel product.2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein in Step a) claim 1 , nitriding of the molten steel takes place by feeding nitrogen ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

High Manganese Steel Strips with Excellent Coatability and Superior Surface Property, Coated Steel Strips Using Steel Strips and Method for Manufacturing the Steel Strips

Номер: US20150266519A1
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

A high-ductility, high-strength and high Mn steel strip used for steel strips of automobiles requiring superior formability and high strength, a plated steel strip produced by using the same, and a manufacturing method thereof are disclosed. The high Mn steel strip comprises, by weight %, 0.2˜1.5% of C, 10˜25% of Mn, 0.01˜3.0% of Al, 0.005˜2.0% of Si, 0.03% or less of P, 0.03% or less of S, 0.040% or less of N, and the balance of Fe and other unavoidable impurities. The high-ductility, high-strength and high Mn steel strip, and the plated steel strip produced by using the same have superior surface properties and plating characteristics.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200255919A1

The hot-rolled Nb-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet of the present invention has a composition containing C: 0.030 mass % or less, Si: 2.00 mass % or less, Mn: 2.00 mass % or less, P: 0.050 mass % or less, S: 0.040 mass % or less, Cr: 10.00 mass % to 25.00 mass %, N: 0.030 mass % or less and Nb: 0.01 mass % to 0.80 mass %, with the balance being made up of Fe and unavoidable impurities. In this hot-rolled Nb-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet, the precipitation amount of Nb carbonitrides is 0.2 mass % or more, and the number of Laves phases having a grain size of 0.1 μm or less is 10 or fewer per 10 μmof surface area. 15-. (canceled)6. A cold-rolled Nb-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet having a composition containing C: 0.030 mass % or less , Si: 2.00 mass % or less , Mn: 2.00 mass % or less , P: 0.050 mass % or less , S: 0.040 mass % or less , Cr: 10.00 mass % to 25.00 mass % , N: 0.030 mass % or less and Nb: 0.01 mass % to 0.80 mass % , with the balance being made up of Fe and unavoidable impurities ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the precipitation amount of Nb carbonitrides is 0.2 mass % or more, the number of Laves phases having a grain size of 0.1 μm or less is 10 or fewer per 10 μmof surface area, and the r-value is 1.2 or greater.'}7. The cold-rolled Nb-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet of claim 6 , having a composition further containing one or more from among Ni: 2.00 mass % or less claim 6 , Mo: 2.50 mass % or less claim 6 , Cu: 1.80 mass % or less claim 6 , Co: 0.50 mass % or less claim 6 , Al: 0.50 mass % or less claim 6 , W: 1.80 mass % or less claim 6 , V: 0.30 mass % or less claim 6 , Ti: 0.50 mass % or less claim 6 , Zr: 0.20 mass % or less claim 6 , B: 0.0050 mass % or less claim 6 , rare earth elements: 0.100 mass % or less and Ca: 0.0050 mass % or less.8. The cold-rolled Nb-containing ferritic stainless steel sheet of claim 6 , used for producing an exhaust pipe part.9. (canceled)10. The cold-rolled Nb-containing ferritic ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210340643A1

A hot-press molding method of the present disclosure includes a first heating process in which a steel plate is heated and the entire steel plate becomes austenite, a first cooling process in which a cooling rate of the steel plate after the first heating process is partially changed, a first region which is a part of the steel plate is transformed into martensite, and a second region other than the first region remains as austenite, a second heating process in which the entire steel plate is reheated and the first region becomes tempered martensite, and a second cooling process in which the entire steel plate after the second heating process is cooled. At least one of the first cooling process and the second cooling process is performed during a molding process in which the steel plate is press-molded on a molding die. 1. A hot-press molding method comprising:a first heating process in which a steel plate is heated and the entire steel plate becomes austenite;a first cooling process in which a cooling rate of the steel plate after the first heating process is partially changed, a first region which is a part of the steel plate is transformed into martensite and a second region other than the first region remains as austenite;a second heating process in which the entire steel plate is reheated and the first region becomes tempered martensite; anda second cooling process in which the entire steel plate after the second heating process is cooled,wherein at least one of the first cooling process and the second cooling process is performed during a molding process in which the steel plate is press-molded on a molding die, andwherein the second heating process is a process in which the first region and the second region are set to be lower than an austenite transformation start temperature, and the second region is transformed into ferrite, pearlite, or bainite.2. The hot-press molding method according to claim 1 ,wherein, in the second heating process, a heating time ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200263271A1

A kind of steel is able to achieve a high elongation with the steel used for hot stamping by means of simple hot stamping process. The formed component has excellent yield strength, tensile strength and elongation. The steel used for hot stamping comprises by weight percent 0.1-0.19% of C, 5.09-9.5% of Mn, 0.11-0.4% of V, and 0-2% Si+Al, wherein the combination of C and V meets one of the following two requirements: 1) 0.1-0.17% of C and 0.11-0.4% of V; and 2) 0.171-0.19% of C and 0.209-0.4% of V. 1. A steel used for hot stamping , characterized in that the steel used for hot stamping comprises , by weight percent , the following components: 0.1˜0.19% of C , 5.09˜9.5% of Mn , 0.11˜0.4% of V , and 0˜2% Si+Al , wherein the combination of C and V also meets one of the following two requirements: 1) 0.1˜0.17% of C and 0.11˜0.4% of V; and 2) 0.171˜0.19% of C and 0.209˜0.4% of V.2. The steel used for hot stamping according to claim 1 , characterized in that the steel used for hot stamping also comprises at least one of the following components: 0˜5% of Cr claim 1 , 0˜0.2% of Ti claim 1 , 0˜0.2% of Nb claim 1 , 0˜0.2% of Zr claim 1 , 0˜0.005% of B claim 1 , 0˜4% of Ni claim 1 , 0˜2% of Cu claim 1 , 0˜2% of Mo and 0˜2% of W.3. The steel used for hot stamping of claim 1 , wherein the C content ranges from 0.12 to 0.17% claim 1 , and the Mn content ranges from 5.09 to 8%.4. The steel used for hot stamping of claim 1 , wherein the steel used for hot stamping is provided on its surface with a coating selecting from the group comprising an Al—Si coating claim 1 , a galvanized coating and a high-temperature oxidization coating.5. The steel used for hot stamping of claim 1 , wherein the component ratio of the steel used for hot stamping meets the following requirement: the actual measured value of the martensitic transformation start temperature of the steel used for hot stamping after hot stamping is from 150 to 280° C.6. A hot stamping process claim 1 , wherein the hot stamping ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282835A1

A method of producing a component for a vehicle may involve providing a workpiece comprised of a heat-treatable steel material with a zinc-containing coating on both sides, at least partly heating the workpiece to a temperature above Ac1, inserting the at least partly heated workpiece into a hot-forming and/or press-hardening mold comprising at least one punch and at least one die, and closing the mold by relative movement of the punch and/or the die and hot-forming and/or press-hardening the workpiece. At least a region of the heated workpiece may be cooled in the closed mold such that there is at least partial formation of a hardened microstructure. The workpiece may have a first side with a smaller coating thickness of the zinc-containing coating compared to the second side of the workpiece.” 112.-. (canceled)13. A method of producing a component for a vehicle , the method comprising:providing a workpiece comprised of a heat-treatable steel material that has a zinc-containing coating on each side, wherein the zinc-containing coating on a first side of the workpiece has a smaller coating thickness than the zinc-containing coating on a second side of the workpiece;at least partly heating the workpiece to a temperature above Ac1;inserting the workpiece that has been at least partly heated into a mold that is for at least one of hot forming or press hardening, the mold comprising a punch and a die, wherein the workpiece is inserted into the mold such that the first side of the workpiece is positioned on a side that will be predominantly subjected to compression; andclosing the mold by a relative movement between the punch and the die, and at least one of hot forming or press hardening the workpiece, wherein at least a region of the workpiece is cooled in the mold such that there is at least partial formation of a hardened microstructure.14. The method of comprising claim 13 , prior to providing the workpiece claim 13 , separating the workpiece from the heat-treatable ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Hot-Stamping Furnace and Method of Hot Stamping

Номер: US20170304884A1

A hot-stamping furnace includes a housing defining a heating chamber partitioned into compartments configured to have different temperatures. The heating chamber includes an opening that is at least partially covered by a door movably mounted on the housing. The door is configured to extend over only a portion of the opening when in a closed position. A detachable panel extends from an edge of the door such that the panel extends over a portion of the opening that the door does not extend over. 1. A hot-stamping furnace comprising:a housing defining a heating chamber partitioned into compartments configured to have different temperatures, wherein the heating chamber includes an opening;a door movably mounted on the housing to extend over only a portion of the opening when in a closed position; anda detachable panel extending from an edge of the door such that the panel extends over a portion of the opening that the door does not extend over.2. The furnace of wherein the door includes a pair of opposing vertical sides and the edge connects between the sides.3. The furnace of wherein the edge is a bottom edge of the door and the bottom edge is above a bottom of the opening when in the closed position.4. The furnace of wherein the panel depends from the bottom edge of the door past the bottom edge of the opening.5. The furnace of wherein the edge defines a journal and the panel defines a head that is slidably received in the journal to attach the panel to the door.6. A hot-stamping furnace comprising:a housing defining a heating chamber having an opening;a partition dividing the chamber into first and second zones each extending to the opening, the second zone being configured to have a higher temperature than the first zone; anda door mounted to the housing and including a panel positioned to cover the opening in front of the second zone but not cover the opening in front of the first zone.7. The hot-stamping furnace of wherein the panel is detachable.8. The hot- ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Hot-Formed Previously Welded Steel Part with very High Mechanical Resistance and Production Method

Номер: US20170304952A1

A welded steel part with a very high mechanical strength is provided. The welded steel part is obtained by heating followed by hot forming, then cooling of at least one welded blank obtained by butt welding of at least one first and one second sheet. The at least one first and second sheets including, at least in part, a steel substrate and a pre-coating which includes an intermetallic alloy layer in contact with the steel substrate, topped by a metal alloy layer of aluminum or aluminum-based alloy. A method for the fabrication of a welded steel part and the fabrication of structural or safety parts for automotive vehicles are also provided. 1. A welded steel part obtained by heating in the austenitic range followed by hot forming , then cooling , of at least one welded blank obtained by butt welding of at least a first and a second sheet , the first and second sheet comprised at least in part of a steel substrate and a pre-coating which is constituted by an intermetallic alloy layer in contact with the steel substrate , topped by a metal alloy layer of an aluminum or aluminum-base alloy , wherein over at least a portion of a the metal alloy layer is removed from the edges in direct proximity to the weld metal zone resulting from the welding operation and constituting the bond between the first and second sheets , while the intermetallic alloy layer is retained , and in that , over at least a portion of the weld metal zone , the ratio between the carbon content of the at least a portion of the weld zone and the carbon content of the substrate of the first or second sheet , whichever has the highest carbon content Cmax , is between 1.27 and 1.59.2. The steel part of claim 1 , wherein a composition of the steel substrate of at least the first or the second sheet claim 1 , comprises the following elements claim 1 , expressed in percent by weight:0.10%≦C≦0.5%;0.5%≦Mn≦3%;0.1%≦Si≦1%;0.01%≦Cr≦1%;Ti≦0.2%;Al≦0.1%;S≦0.05%;P≦0.1%; and0.0002%≦B≦0.010%, the balance being iron ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Automobile part and method for manufacturing automobile part

Номер: US20160318093A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

[Object] There are provided automobile parts and a method for manufacturing the automobile parts. The automobile parts have an excellent corrosion resistance after coated with a electrodeposition paint with smaller thickness, improve formability and productivity in hot pressing, and also improve chemical conversion treatability after hot press-forming. [Solution] An automobile part according to the present invention includes: a formed steel sheet having an intermetallic compound layer formed on a surface of the steel sheet, the intermetallic compound layer being formed of Al—Fe intermetallic compound having a thickness of 10 μm or more and 50 μm or less, the intermetallic compound layer including a diffusion layer positioned in closest proximity to the steel sheet, the diffusion layer having a thickness of 10 μm or less; a surface coating layer provided on a surface of the intermetallic compound layer, the surface coating layer including a coating containing ZnO and a zinc phosphate coating and having a surface roughness of 3 μm or more and 20 μm or less as a maximum profile height Rt in accordance with JIS B0601 (2001); and an electrodeposition paint film provided on a surface of the surface coating layer and having a thickness of 6 μm or more and less than 15 μm.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing high-strength duplex stainless steel

Номер: US20160319391A1
Принадлежит: OUTOKUMPU OYJ

The invention relates to a method for producing a high-strength ferritic austenitic duplex stainless steel with the TRIP (Transformation induced plasticity) effect with deformation. After the heat treatment on the temperature range of 950 1150° C. in order to have high tensile strength level of at least 1000 MPa with retained formability the ferritic austenitic duplex stainless steel is deformed with a reduction degree of at least 10%, preferably at least 20% so that with a reduction degree of 20% the elongation (A 50 ) is at least 15%.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312947A1

A steel sheet for hot pressing use according to the present invention has a specified chemical component composition, wherein some of Ti-containing precipitates contained in the steel sheet, each of which having an equivalent circle diameter of 30 nm or less, have an average equivalent circle diameter of 3 nm or more, the precipitated Ti amount and the total Ti amount in the steel fulfill the relationship represented by formula (1) shown below, and the sum total of the fraction of bainite and the fraction of martensite in the metal microstructure is 80 area % or more. 1. A steel sheet , comprising , in mass % , with respect to a chemical component composition:C: 0.15-0.5%;Si: 0.2-3%;Mn: 0.5-3%;P: 0.05% or less, exclusive of 0%;S: 0.05% or less, exclusive of 0%;Al: 0.01-1%;B: 0.0002-0.01%;Ti: 3.4[N]+0.01% or more and 3.4[N]+0.1% or less, wherein [N] represents N content in mass %; andN: 0.001-0.01% respectively, with a remainder comprising iron and inevitable impurities, wherein {'br': None, 'i': N]>', 'N]], 'precipitated Ti amount (mass %)−3.4[0.5×[(total Ti amount (mass %))−3.4[\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'some of Ti-containing precipitates contained in the steel sheet, each of which having an equivalent circle diameter of 30 nm or less, have an average equivalent circle diameter of 3 nm or more, a precipitated Ti amount and a total Ti amount in the steel fulfill a relationship of formula (1), and a sum total of a fraction of bainite and a fraction of martensite in a metal microstructure is 80 area % or morewherein [N] represents the content (mass %) of N in the steel.2. The steel sheet according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one of (a)-(c) below as other elements:(a) at least one element selected from the group consisting of V, Nb and Zr by 0.1% or less, exclusive of 0%, in total;(b) at least one element selected from the group consisting of Cu, Ni, Cr and Mo by 1% or less exclusive of 0%, in total; and(c) at least one element selected from the group consisting ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170321314A1

The invention relates to a method for producing an anti-corrosion coating for hardenable sheet steels, wherein at least two metal layers are deposited one after another onto the steel substrate; the one metal layer is a zinc layer or zinc-based layer and the other layer is a layer composed of a metal that forms baser intermetallic phases with Zn or Fe and has a higher oxidation potential than Zn, namely Ni, Cu, Co, Mn, or Mo, or a layer based on these metals; and an anti-corrosion coating for hardenable sheet steels. 3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising applying the zinc layer or zinc-based layer electrolytically or using a hot-dip method.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising applying the nickel claim 1 , copper claim 1 , or manganese layer electrolytically or using a roller application method.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprising applying the nickel claim 1 , copper claim 1 , or manganese layer with a thickness of 0.5 μm to 2 μm with electrolytic deposition or with a thickness of 250 nm to 700 nm with roller application.6. The method according to claim 3 , comprising depositing the zinc layer or zinc-based layer with a thickness of 6 μm to 30 μm.7. The method according to claim 1 , comprising first depositing the layer composed of nickel claim 1 , copper claim 1 , or manganese onto the steel substrate and then depositing the zinc layer or zinc-based coating onto the steel substrate.8. The method according to claim 1 , comprising depositing the zinc coating or zinc-based coating onto the layer composed of nickel claim 1 , copper claim 1 , or manganese electrolytically or using hot-dip galvanization.9. The method according to claim 1 , comprising first applying the zinc layer or zinc-based layer to the steel substrate electrolytically or using a hot-dip coating method and then applying the nickel layer to the zinc layer electrolytically or applying the nickel layer to the zinc layer using a roller application method.10. The method ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160333439A1

Provided are a ferritic stainless steel and a method for producing the ferritic stainless steel. A ferritic stainless steel of the present invention contains, in terms of % by mass, C: 0.005% to 0.05%, Si: 0.02% to 0.50%, Mn: 0.05% to 1.0%, P: 0.04% or less, S: 0.01% or less, Cr: 15.5% to 18.0%, Al: 0.001% to 0.10%, N: 0.01% to 0.06%, V: 0.01% to 0.25%, Ti: 0.001% to 0.020%, Nb: 0.001% to 0.030%, and the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities, in which V/(Ti+Nb)≧2.0 is satisfied. 1. A ferritic stainless steel comprising , in terms of % by mass , C: 0.005% to 0.05% , Si: 0.02% to 0.50% , Mn: 0.05% to 1.0% , P: 0.04% or less , S: 0.01% or less , Cr: 15.5% to 18.0% , Al: 0.001% to 0.10% , N: 0.01% to 0.06% , V: 0.01% to 0.25% , Ti: 0.001% to 0.020% , Nb: 0.001% to 0.030% , and the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities , wherein V/(Ti+Nb)≧2.0 is satisfied.2. A ferritic stainless steel comprising , in terms of % by mass , C: 0.01% to 0.05% , Si: 0.02% to 0.50% , Mn: 0.2% to 1.0% , P: 0.04% or less , S: 0.01% or less , Cr: 16.0% to 18.0% , Al: 0.001% to 0.10% , N: 0.01% to 0.06% , V: 0.01% to 0.25% , Ti: 0.001% to 0.015% , Nb: 0.001% to 0.025% , and the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities , wherein V/(Ti+Nb)≧2.0 is satisfied.3. The ferritic stainless steel according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in terms of % by mass claim 1 , at least one selected from Cu: 0.1% to 1.0% claim 1 , Ni: 0.1% to 1.0% claim 1 , Mo: 0.1% to 0.5% claim 1 , and Co: 0.01% to 0.5%.4. The ferritic stainless steel according to claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , in terms of % by mass claim 2 , at least one selected from Cu: 0.1% to 1.0% claim 2 , Ni: 0.1% to 1.0% claim 2 , Mo: 0.1% to 0.5% claim 2 , and Co: 0.01% to 0.5%.5. The ferritic stainless steel according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in terms of % by mass claim 1 , at least one selected from Mg: 0.0002% to 0.0050% claim 1 , B: 0.0002% to 0.0050% claim 1 , REM: 0.01% to 0.10% claim 1 , and Ca: 0. ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing a Product from a Flexibly Rolled Strip Material

Номер: US20170335481A1

A method for manufacturing a product from a flexibly rolled strip material includes the steps of: providing a strip material made from sheet steel; flexibly rolling the strip material such that a variable thickness is produced along the length of the strip material; electrolytically coating the strip material with a metallic coating material containing at least 93% of zinc by mass after the flexible rolling; heat treating at temperatures above 350° C. and below a solidus line of the coating material after the electrolytic coating; working a blank from the flexibly rolled strip material; and hot forming the blank.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190323106A1

The invention relates to a device for temperature-controlling a component part. The device has a temperature-control zone, along which the component part is movable along a conveying direction. The temperature-control zone is configured to temperature-control at least one temperature-control section of the component part. Furthermore, the device has a temperature-control zone controller, which is configured to cover a covering region of the temperature-control zone such that in the covering region a temperature-control effect from the temperature-control zone on the temperature-control section of the component part is reducible. Herein, the temperature-control zone controller is configured so as to adjust the size of the covering region. 113.-. (canceled)14. Device for temperature-controlling a component part , wherein the device hasa temperature-control zone, along which the component part is movable along a conveying direction,wherein the temperature-control zone is configured to temperature-control at least a temperature-control section of the component part,a temperature-control zone controller, which is configured to cover a covering region of the temperature-control zone such that in the covering region a temperature-control effect from the temperature-control zone to the temperature-control section of the component part is reducible,wherein the temperature-control zone controller is configured to adjust the size of the covering region.15. Device according to claim 14 ,wherein the temperature-control zone has, along the conveying direction, a plurality of temperature-control elements that are located at a distance to each other.16. Device according to claim 14 ,wherein the temperature-control zone has, transverse to the conveying direction, a plurality of temperature-control elements that are located at a distance to each other.17. Device according to claim 15 ,wherein the temperature-control elements are nozzles, through which a temperature-control fluid is ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Hot-Formed Previously Welded Steel Part with very High Mechanical Resistance and Production Method

Номер: US20170341187A1

A welded steel part with a very high mechanical strength is provided. The welded steel part is obtained by heating followed by hot forming, then cooling of at least one welded blank obtained by butt welding of at least one first and one second sheet. The at least one first and second sheets including, at least in part, a steel substrate and a pre-coating which includes an intermetallic alloy layer in contact with the steel substrate, topped by a metal alloy layer of aluminum or aluminum-based alloy. A method for the fabrication of a welded steel part and the fabrication of structural or safety parts for automotive vehicles are also provided. 1. A welded steel part obtained by heating in the austenitic range followed by hot forming , then cooling , of at least one welded blank obtained by laser butt welding of at least a first and a second sheet using a filler wire , the first and second sheet comprised at least in part of a steel substrate and a pre-coating which is constituted by an intermetallic alloy layer in contact with the steel substrate , topped by a metal alloy layer of an aluminum or aluminum-base alloy , the first and second sheets having different compositions or thicknesses , wherein over at least a portion of a weld metal zone resulting from the welding operation and constituting the bond between the first and second sheets , the ratio between the carbon content of the at least a portion of the weld zone and the carbon content of the substrate of the first or second sheet , whichever has the highest carbon content Cmax , is between 1.27 and 1.59 , and wherein a carbon content of the filler wire is 0.6%≦C≦1.5% by weight , and Cis between 0.1%≦C≦0.5% by weight.2. The welded steel part of claim 1 , wherein the metal alloy layer of the first and second sheet includes silicon and aluminum.3. The welded steel part of claim 1 , wherein the metal alloy layer of the pre-coating of the first and second sheet includes claim 1 , expressed in percent by weight ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150354023A1
Автор: Ranganathan Rajesh

A method for producing a composite metallic material having a soft outer layer of a first metal or metal alloy and a hard inner layer of a second metal or metal alloy includes first selecting the soft layer and the hard layer according to the desired properties of the combined layers. The soft layer is then bonded with the hard layer. Finally, the bonded layers are annealed at a temperature within the range of 700-1200 degrees Fahrenheit to secure the bond and enhance formability. 1. A method for producing a composite metallic material having a soft outer layer and a hard inner layer comprising the steps of:a. identifying the soft layer and the hard layer according to the desired properties of the combined layers;b. bonding the soft layer with the hard layer; andc. annealing the bonded layers at a temperature within the range of 700-1200 degrees Fahrenheit to secure the bond and enhance formability.2. The method as described in wherein step a) further comprises selecting the soft outer layer from a group consisting of copper or aluminum.3. The method as described in wherein step a) further comprises the step of selecting the soft outer layer having a Rockwell hardness on the B scale of less than HRB 50.4. The method as described in wherein step a) further comprises the step of selecting the hard outer layer having a Rockwell hardness on the B scale of greater than HRB 50.5. The method as described in wherein step a) further comprises selecting the hard outer layer from a group consisting of steel claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , or titanium.6. The method as described in wherein step b) includes cold-roll bonding the soft layer with the hard layer.7. The method as described in wherein the annealing performed in step c) is in a continuous process and in a controlled atmosphere.8. The method as described in wherein the annealing is performed a controlled atmosphere selected from the group consisting of hydrogen claim 7 , nitrogen claim 7 , or a mixture of hydrogen ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190330711A1

A blank material is formed from a steel sheet, a first quenching of the blank material is performed, and a second quenching of the blank material is performed after the first quenching. When the first quenching is performed, the blank material is heated to a first temperature of not lower than (Ac3 point—50)° C. nor higher than 1200° C. at an average heating rate of 2° C./sec or more, and the blank material is cooled from the first temperature to a second temperature of 250° C. or lower. When the second quenching is performed, the blank material is heated from the second temperature to a third temperature of not lower than (Ac3 point—50)° C. nor higher than 1200° C. at an average heating rate of 2° C./sec or more, and the blank material is cooled from the third temperature to a fourth temperature of 250° C. or lower. Forming of the blank material is performed in the first quenching or the second quenching or both of the above.

29-11-2018 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing a Product from a Flexibly Rolled Strip Material

Номер: US20180340266A1

A method for manufacturing a product from a flexibly rolled strip material includes the steps of: providing a strip material made from sheet steel; flexibly rolling the strip material such that a variable thickness is produced along the length of the strip material; electrolytically coating the strip material with a metallic coating material containing at least 93% of zinc by mass after the flexible rolling; heat treating at temperature above 350° C. and below a solidus line of the coating material after the electrolytic coating; working a blank from the flexibly rolled strip material; and hot forming the blank. 1. A method for manufacturing a product from a flexibly rolled strip material comprising the steps of:providing a strip material made from hardenable sheet steel,flexible rolling the strip material, wherein a variable thickness is produced along the length of the strip material,electrolytically coating the strip material with a metallic coating material that contains at least 93% by mass of zinc, wherein the electrolytic coating is carried out after the flexible rolling,after the electrolytically coating, heat treating the strip material at temperatures above 350° C. and below a solidus line of the coating material, wherein diffusion takes place between iron contained in the strip material and zinc contained in the metallic coating material so as to form a zinc-iron layer,working a blank from the flexibly rolled strip material, andhot forming the blank such that a formed and hardened product is produced.2. The method according to wherein the metallic coating material has a minimum of 5% by mass of iron and a maximum of 7% by mass of iron.3. The method according to wherein the proportions of zinc and iron in the coating material are selected such that at least partially δ1-phase is present after the step of electrolytically coating the strip of material.4. The method according to wherein the temperature is increased during the heat treatment.5. The method ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Method of Manufacturing Cylindrical Battery Case Having Reduced Surface Roughness

Номер: US20200335736A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A method of manufacturing a cylindrical battery case includes performing an ironing process, which is one of the processes of manufacturing the battery case, a plurality of times in order to decrease the surface roughness of the battery case, thereby improving the corrosion characteristics of the battery case. The surface roughness of the cylindrical battery case is decreased by performing a thickness reducing process when a process for forming the outer circumferential surface of a body of the cylindrical battery case is performed at the time of manufacturing the cylindrical battery case. In addition, corrosion characteristics are improved for respective values of the surface roughness. 1. A method of manufacturing a cylindrical battery case , comprising: performing an ironing process a plurality of times when performing a deep-drawing process for forming an outer circumferential surface of a body of the battery case.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein performing the ironing process a plurality of times comprises:performing a primary ironing process when performing a deep-drawing process for forming the body of the battery case, andperforming a secondary ironing process when performing a deep-drawing process for forming a step portion at the battery case.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a surface roughness (Ra) of the battery case after the ironing process is 0.1 μm or less.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the battery case is reduced by the same amount during each of the plurality of times the ironing process is performed.5. A method of manufacturing a cylindrical battery case claim 1 , the method comprising:a first step of forming a nickel coating layer on at least one surface of a steel sheet;after the first step, a second step of thermally treating the steel sheet in a reducing atmosphere;after the second step, a third step of blanking and drawing the steel sheet;after the third step, a fourth step of performing a ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338381A1

A method for manufacturing a quenched molding according to the present disclosure is a method including a first heat treatment process of heating a blanked steel material to a temperature higher than its Ac3 transformation point to perform austenite transformation, and then cooling to induce martensite transformation or bainite transformation, and a second heat treatment process of heating the steel material that has undergone the first heat treatment process to a temperature higher than the Ac3 transformation point to perform austenite transformation, and then cooling to induce martensite transformation. After the steel material has been heated to a temperature higher than the Ac3 transformation point in at least one process from out of the first heat treatment process or the second heat treatment process, molding is completed at a temperature higher than an Ar3 transformation point. 130-. (canceled)31. A method for manufacturing a quenched molding , the method comprising:first processing of heating a blanked steel material to a temperature higher than its Ac3 transformation point to perform austenite transformation, and then cooling to induce martensite transformation or bainite transformation;second processing of heating the steel material that has undergone the first processing to a temperature higher than the Ac3 transformation point to perform austenite transformation, and then cooling to induce martensite transformation; andafter the steel material has been heated to a temperature higher than the Ac3 transformation point in at least one of the first processing or the second processing, completing molding at a temperature higher than a Ar3 transformation point.32. The quenched molding manufacturing method of claim 31 , wherein:a first heat treatment heating temperature to which the steel material is heated in the first processing is in a range from the Ac3 transformation point+50° C. to the Ac3 transformation point+150° C.; anda second heat treatment heating ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190345579A1
Автор: BLAISE Alexandre

A manufacturing process of a press hardened coated part including providing a furnace containing N zones, each furnace zone being respectively heated at a setting temperature Θ, Θ, . . . Θ, . . . , Θ, implementing the following successive steps: providing a steel sheet with thickness th between 0.5 and 5 mm, the steel sheet covered by an aluminium alloy precoating with a thickness between 15 and 50 μm, the emissivity coefficient being equal to 0.15(1+α), a being between 0 and 2.4, then cutting said steel sheet to obtain a precoated steel blank, then placing the precoated steel blank in furnace zone 1 for a duration tbetween 5 and 600 s, wherein Θand tare such that: Θ>Θ>Θwith: Θ=(598+A e+Ce) and Θ=(550+A′ e+C′e), A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′ being such that A=(762 e−426 e) (1−0.345α), B=(−0.031 e−0.039 e) (1+0.191α), C=(394 e−434.3 e) (1−0.364α), D=(−0.029 e−0.011 e) (1+0.475α), A′=(625 e−476 e) (1−0.345α), B′=(−0.059 e−0.039 e) (1+0.191α), C′=(393 e−180 e) (1−0.364α), D′=(−0.044 e−0.012 e) (1+0.475α), wherein Θ, ΘΘare in ° Celsius, tis in s., and th is in mm, then transferring the precoated steel blank in the furnace zone 2 heated at a setting temperature Θ=Θand maintaining isothermally the precoated steel blank for a duration t, θand tbeing such that: t≥t≥twith: t=0.95 t* and t=1.05 t*with: t=t(−0.0007 th+0.0025 th−0.0026)+33952−(55.52×Θ) wherein Θis in ° Celsius, t, t, t, t* are in s., and th is in mm, then transferring the precoated steel blank in further zones (3, . . . i, . . . , N) of the furnace, so to reach a maximum blank temperature Θbetween 850° C. and 950° C., the average heating rate Vof the blank between Θand Θbeing between 5 and 500° C./s, then transferring the heated steel blank from the furnace into a press, then hot forming the heated steel blank in said press so as to obtain part, then cooling the part at a cooling rate in order to obtain a microstructure in the steel substrate containing at least one constituent chosen among martensite or bainite. ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Sheet Metal Component

Номер: US20190352734A1

A method for producing a sheet metal component, in particular a motor vehicle structural component, includes the following steps: providing a basic structure consisting of a hot formable material, arranging at least one reinforcing structure in a region to be reinforced of the basic structure, preliminarily or definitively fixing the reinforcing structure to the basic structure, in particular by an integrally bonded connection, cold forming the basic structure with the reinforcing structure arranged thereon, and press hardening the basic structure with the reinforcing structure arranged thereon. 1. A method for producing a sheet metal component , the method comprising the steps of:providing a basic structure consisting of a hot formable material;arranging at least one reinforcing structure in a region of the basic structure to be reinforced;preliminarily or definitively fixing the reinforcing structure to the basic structure via an integrally bonded connection;cold forming the basic structure with the reinforcing structure arranged thereon; andpress hardening the basic structure with the reinforcing structure arranged thereon.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , whereinfor the preliminary fixing, the basic structure is spot welded to the reinforcing structure by way of individual tacking points.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , whereinfor the definitive fixing, the basic structure is completely circumferentially spot welded to the reinforcing structure along a circumference of the reinforcing structure.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the step of:introducing a low melting material between the basic structure and the reinforcing structure before spot welding the basic structure to the reinforcing structure.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein22MnB5 or 20MnB8 is used as the hot formable material for the basic structure and/or the reinforcing structure.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe basic structure and/or the ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190352735A1

A hot-forming line for producing hot-formed and press-quenched sheet-steel products includes a temperature control station for heating at least one sheet-metal blank, a hot-forming and press-quenching tool for hot forming and press quenching the heated sheet-metal blank and at least one blank gripper for gripping and transferring the sheet-metal blank before and/or after hot forming and press quenching. The at least one blank gripper forms at least one contact region with the sheet-metal blank during the gripping of the sheet-metal blank. Also, the at least one blank gripper is configured to cool the sheet-metal blank in the at least one contact region during gripping and transfer of the sheet-metal blank before hot forming and press quenching and/or heat the sheet-metal blank in the at least one contact region during gripping and transfer after hot forming and press quenching. 1. A hot-forming line for producing hot-formed and press-quenched sheet-steel products comprising:a temperature control station for heating at least one sheet-metal blank;a hot-forming and press-quenching tool for hot forming and press quenching the heated sheet-metal blank; and cool the sheet-metal blank in the at least one contact region in relation to an uncontacted neighboring region adjoining the contact region during gripping and transferring before hot forming and press quenching, and', 'heat the sheet-metal blank in the at least one contact region in relation to the uncontacted neighboring region adjoining the contact region during gripping and transferring after hot forming and press quenching., 'the at least one blank gripper forms at least one contact region with the sheet-metal blank during the gripping of the sheet-metal blank and the at least one blank gripper is configured to at least one of, 'at least one blank gripper for gripping and transferring the sheet-metal blank before hot forming and press quenching, after hot forming and press quenching or before and after hot ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing molded product and molded product

Номер: US20180361456A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

The following is provided based on the disclosure: a method of producing a molded product: including treating a metal sheet having a bcc structure and a surface that satisfies either of the following conditions (a) or (b); and molding the metal sheet to cause plane strain tensile deformation and biaxial tensile deformation and allowing at least one part of the metal sheet to have a sheet thickness decrease rate of from 10% to 30%: (a) an area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation of 15° or less relative to a (001) plane parallel to a surface of the metal sheet is from 0.20 to 0.35; (b) the area fraction of crystal grains having a crystal orientation of 15° or less relative to a (001) plane parallel to a surface of the metal sheet is 0.45 or less, and the average crystal grain size thereof is 15 μm or less; or a molded product that satisfies either of the conditions (a) or (b).

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363079A1

The invention relates to a method and to a device for heat treating a metal component. The method comprises at least the following steps: a) heating the component; b) setting a temperature difference between at least one first sub-region and at least one second sub-region of the component; c) at least partially forming and/or cooling the component in a press hardening tool; and d) mechanically post-processing the at least one first sub-region of the component. 1. A method for heat treating a metal component , comprising at least the following steps:a) heating the component;b) setting a temperature difference between at least one first sub-region and at least one second sub-region of the component;c) at least partially forming and/or cooling the component in a press hardening tool; andd) mechanically post-processing the at least one first sub-region of the component.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the component is heated in step a) by way of radiant heat and/or convection by at least 500 K.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the setting of the temperature difference in step b) takes place by cooling the at one first sub-region and/or heating the at least one second sub-region.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanical post-processing in step d) is carried out using at least one mechanical cutting tool.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the component is held in the press hardening tool during the mechanical post-processing operation.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first sub-region of the component claim 1 , forms a flange region and/or a region for a recess.7. A device for heat treating a metal component claim 1 , at least comprising:a heatable first furnace;at least one temperature control station, which is provided and configured for setting a temperature difference between at least one first sub-region and at least one second sub-region of the component;at least one press hardening tool; ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363092A1

Disclosed herein is a high-strength galvannealed steel sheet having a galvannealed layer on a surface of a base steel sheet and containing predetermined steel components. The steel sheet sequentially has, from the interface of the base steel sheet and the galvannealed layer, towards the base steel sheet: an internal oxide layer and containing at least one oxide selected from the group consisting of Si and Mn; a soft layer including the internal oxide layer, and satisfying a predetermined Vickers hardness; and a hard layer made up of a structure mainly composed of martensite. The average depth D of the soft layer is 20 μm or greater, and the average depth d of the internal oxide layer is 4 μm or greater and smaller than D. A coefficient of variation of KAM of the base steel sheet at the portion t/4 is 0.66 or less. 1: A high-strength galvannealed steel sheet , which has a galvannealed layer on the surface of a base steel sheet , whereinthe base steel sheet contains, in mass %,C: 0.05 to 0.25%;Si: 0.5 to 2.5%;Mn: 2.0 to 4%;P: more than 0% to 0.1% or less;S: more than 0% to 0.05% or less;Al: 0.01 to 0.1%;N: more than 0% to 0.01% or less; andiron and inevitable impurities.212-. (canceled)14: The high-strength galvannealed steel sheet according to claim 13 , wherein the base steel sheet further comprises claim 13 , in mass % claim 13 , at least one of (a) to (c) below: Cr: more than 0% to 1% or less,', 'Mo: more than 0% to 1% or less and', 'B: more than 0% to 0.01% or less;, '(a) at least one element selected from the group consisting of'} Ti: more than 0% to 0.2% or less,', 'Nb: more than 0% to 0.2% or less and', 'V: more than 0% to 0.2% or less; and, '(b) at least one element selected from the group consisting of'} Cu: more than 0% to 1% or less and', 'Ni: more than 0% to 1% or less., '(c) at least one element selected from the group consisting of'}15: The high-strength galvannealed steel sheet according to claim 13 , wherein the average depth d of the internal oxide ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170369979A1

Provided is a high-strength hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having excellent plating adhesion, formability, and hole expandability with an ultimate tensile strength of 980 MPa or more, the hot-dip galvanized steel sheet comprising a hot-dip galvanized layer formed on a surface of a base steel sheet. The base steel sheet contains, by mass %, C: 0.05% to 0.4%; Si: 0.01% to 3.0%; Mn: 0.1% to 3.0%; Al: 0.01 to 2.0%; in which Si+Al>0.5%, P: limited to 0.04% or less; S: limited to 0.05% or less; N: limited to 0.01% or less; and a balance including Fe and inevitable impurities, a microstructure of the base steel sheet contains 40% or more by total volume fraction of martensite and bainite, 8% or more by volume fraction of residual austenite, and a balance of the microstructure being ferrite or ferrite and 10% or less by volume fraction of pearlite. The martensite contains 10% or more by total volume fraction of two or more kinds of three kinds of martensites (1), (2), and (3), and the hot-dip galvanized layer contains less than 7 mass % of Fe. 2. The high-strength hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having the excellent plating adhesion claim 1 , formability claim 1 , and hole expandability with the ultimate tensile strength of 980 MPa or more according to claim 1 , wherein the base steel sheet further contains one or two or more of: by mass % claim 1 ,Cr: 0.05 to 1.0%;Mo: 0.05 to 1.0%;Ni: 0.05 to 1.0%; andCu: 0.05 to 1.0%.3. The high-strength hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having the excellent plating adhesion claim 1 , formability claim 1 , and hole expandability with the ultimate tensile strength of 980 MPa or more according to claim 1 , wherein the base steel sheet further contains one or two or more of: by mass % claim 1 ,Nb: 0.005 to 0.3%;Ti: 0.005 to 0.3%; andV: 0.01 to 0.5%.4. The high-strength hot-dip galvanized steel sheet having the excellent plating adhesion claim 1 , formability claim 1 , and hole expandability with the ultimate tensile strength of 980 MPa or more ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Ultra-high-strength hot-rolled steel sheet, steel pipe, member, and manufacturing methods therefor

Номер: US20200362429A1
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

A preferable aspect of the present invention provides: an ultra-high-strength hot-rolled steel sheet containing, by weight, one or two of 0.40-0.60% of C, 0.7-1.5% of Mn, 0.3% or less (excluding 0%) of Si, 0.03% or less (including 0%) of P, 0.004% or less (including 0%) of S, 0.04% or less (excluding 0%) of Al, 0.3% or less (excluding 0%) of Cr, 0.3% or less (excluding 0%) of Mo, 0.9-1.5% of Ni, and 0.9-1.5% of Cu, 1.1% or more of Cu+Ni, 0.04% or less (excluding 0%) of Ti, 0.005% or less (excluding 0%) of B, 0.006% or less (excluding 0%) of N, and the balance Fe and other impurities, the alloy elements satisfying relational formulas 1 and 2 below, wherein a microstructure of the hot-rolled steel sheet comprises, by volume, 7% or more of ferrite and 93% or less of perlite; a steel pipe and a member each using the same; and manufacturing methods therefor. [Relational formula 1] (Mn/Si) #3 (weight ratio) [Relational formula 2] (Ni/Si) #1 (weight ratio)

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200370187A1

The invention relates to a method for producing components from sheet metal, wherein at least one patch sheet () is placed on a base sheet () to form a material doubling and is positionally securely fixed, the component unit thus formed, comprising base sheet () and patch sheet (), is heated to a temperature suitable for hot forming and is then hot-formed to form the component and, preferably subsequently or simultaneously, is subjected to partial or total cooling or quenching for the purpose of a specific structure conversion, wherein, for the purpose of improved corrosion protection, the base of sheet () in the contact region of the patch sheet (), or the patch sheet () on the side thereof facing the base sheet (), or both base sheet () and patch sheet () in the corresponding area are coated with an anti-corrosion coating () that is resistant to the temperatures occurring during the hot forming, before the patch sheet () is placed on the base sheet (). 1. A method of making a sheet-metal part from sheet steel , the method comprising the steps of:coating at least one face of the base sheet and/or at least one face of the patch sheet with an anticorrosion paint able to withstand predetermined temperatures at which the steel of the sheets is hot workable;fixing the coated patch sheet on the coated base sheet with the faces juxtaposed at a joint to form a subassembly of double thickness;heating the subassembly of the base sheet and the patch sheet to the predetermined temperatures of hot working;hot-working the heated subassembly to form the part; andcooling or quenching the part for targeted structural transformation, whereby the coating protects the joint and thereby prevents penetration of corrosion-promoting substances into the joint of the part.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein one of the following paints is used as the corrosion paint:silicon carbide with a suitable solvent,polysiloxanes or silanes with a suitable solvent.4. The method according to ...
