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10-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2324024C2

Изобретение относится к тканям, применяемым в бумагоделательном производстве и используемым в сушильной части бумагоделательной машины. Способ изготовления ткани включает нанесение материала на основе полимерной смолы при помощи пьезоструйной системы на предварительно выбранные участки тыльной стороны основной подложки в виде капель, имеющих средний диаметр 10 мкм или более, для формирования отдельных дискретных элементов указанного материала на основе полимерной смолы, причем высота осажденного материала на отдельных предварительно выбранных участках составляет приблизительно 0,5 мм. Предварительно выбранные отдельные участки указанной основной подложки могут представлять собой бугорки, образованные переплетенными нитями, образующими ткань. Материал на основе полимерной смолы отверждают подходящим способом в соответствии с его химическим составом и при необходимости шлифуют для получения участков осажденного материала, имеющих равномерную высоту над плоскостью поверхности основной подложки ...

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422567C2
Принадлежит: МЕДИАМЕШ ГБР (DE)

Изобретение относится к ткани с основными нитями или проволоками и с уточными проволоками, и с изогнутой уточной проволокой, причем изогнутую уточную проволоку можно поворачивать вокруг ее задаваемой находящейся в ткани частью оси и тем самым довольно плоско укладывать на ткань. Изгиб особенно пригоден для крепления отдельных от ткани предметов. Ткань с основными нитями или проволоками и с уточными проволоками производится на ткацком станке, где основа располагается веером с размером между основами, позволяющим прокладку уточной проволоки, причем уточную проволоку снабжают изгибом и затем проводят далее по ее первоначальной оси, при этом изгиб имеет меньший размер, чем размер между основами. Технический результат заключается в возможности закрепления на ткани предметов без фиксации отдельного держателя. 5 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599234C2

Лента (1) ремня безопасности для устройства ремней безопасности транспортного средства имеет ткань (2) из нитей (3) основы и уточных нитей (4). Лента (1) ремня безопасности соткана саржевьм переплетением 1/2 и саржевым переплетением 2/1 попеременно, по меньшей мере, по части ее ширины. 2 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618068C2

Изобретение относится к армированным волокнами полимерным композитам и касается отверждаемых препрегов с отверстиями в поверхностях. Отверждаемые препреги обладают улучшенной способностью к удалению газов из самих препрегов и из пространства между слоями препрегов в уложенном пакете препрегов до и/или во время уплотнения и отверждения. Каждый отверждаемый препрег представляет собой пропитанный смолой тканый материал, который обработан для создания матрицы из отверстий, по меньшей мере, в одной главной поверхности. Расположение отверстий характерно для ткацкого рисунка ткани. При укладывании этих препрегов в пакет и их обработке в процессе отжимания для получения композитной детали может быть достигнуто более короткое время отжимания, по сравнению с применением препрегов без таких отверстий в поверхности. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение количества времени отжимания перед отверждением для изготовления детали и достижения структурных свойств, необходимых для конечного применения в любой ...

27-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005126344A

... 1. Искусственный мех, содержащий переплетенную часть, имеющую базовую тканую структуру и части ворса вплетенные в базовую тканую структуру, и передний клеящий слой, нанесенный на переднюю сторону переплетенной части для того, чтобы предотвратить потерю частей ворса и этим повысить износостойкость частей ворса. 2. Искусственный мех по п.1, кроме того содержащий внутреннюю клеящую часть, выполненную в переплетенной части для того, чтобы повысить прочность клеевого соединения между базовой тканой структурой и частью ворса и между частями ворса. 3. Искусственный мех по п.1, кроме того содержащий задний клеящий слой, нанесенный на изнаночную сторону переплетенной части. 4. Искусственный мех по п.1, кроме того содержащий внутреннюю клеящую часть, выполненную в переплетенной части для того, чтобы повысить прочность клеевого соединения между базовой тканой структурой и частью ворса и между частями ворса, задний клеящий слой, нанесенный на изнаночную сторону переплетенной части. 5. Способ изготовления ...

04-02-1993 дата публикации

Textiles Hebeband

Номер: DE0009112524U1

27-04-1994 дата публикации

Woven structure for preventing selvedge of woven tape from fraying

Номер: GB0009405018D0

24-09-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid woven textile for composite reinforcement

Номер: GB0201414363D0

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000326198T

15-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000048448T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010056U1

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000294276T

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000268400T

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Method for producing a textile unidirectional fabric

Номер: AU2018248483A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a method for producing a textile unidirectional fabric, wherein at least one planar layer of multi-filament reinforcement threads arranged parallel to each other are woven with each other over transverse threads, wherein transverse threads having a core-sheath structure and a titer of 10 to 40 tex are used as transverse threads, wherein the transverse threads have a first component, which structures the sheath, and a second component, which structures the core, wherein the first component has a lower melting temperature than the second component, the first component is a meltable thermoplastic polymer material and, via the first component of the transverse threads, the adjacently arranged multi-filament reinforcement threads are connected to each other by hot melting, wherein alleys are formed in the unidirectional fabric by interweaving the multi-filament reinforcement threads together with the transverse threads, by means of which a permeability of 10 to 600 l ...

02-09-2010 дата публикации

Webbing, method and ribbon needle loom for producing the same

Номер: AU2007222615B2

05-04-2007 дата публикации

Papermaker's triple layer forming fabric with non-uniform top CMD floats

Номер: AU2006220386A1

08-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003208704A1

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Enhancements for seams in on-machine-seamable papermaker's fabrics

Номер: AU0000782274B2

01-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002338662C
Принадлежит: PRODESCO, INC.

A combined stent/graft structure for repair of a body tube in a living body. The structure includes a textile graft adapted to enhance fluid integrity of the body tube and a stent expandable between a first position permitting easy insertion of the stent into the body tube and a second position wherein the stent presses securely against the inside surface of the body tube. The stent includes a first elongate wire-shaped stent member with both a stent member global axis and a stent member local axis, and is integrally secured to the graft by at least one graft yarn of which the graft is formed. Substantial portions of the first stent member global axis form a non-orthogonal angle with the graft main portion axis when projected into a plane containing the graft main portion axis. This permits repeatable, reliable manufacturing and allows the stent member to extend over substantially the whole length of the structure to provide uniform flexural properties and support throughout. Embodiments ...

03-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002769399A1

This invention relates to a forming fabric (100; 200; 300) for the forming of a fibrous web thereon, the forming fabric (100, 200; 300) comprising: a plurality of cross machine direction (CD) yarns (1-32; 1-24 ) including a set of top CD yarns (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29; 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21) a set of bottom CD yarns (2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30; 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22 ) and a set of binder CD yarns (3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, -5, 6, 11, 12, 17, 23, 24) and a plurality of machine direction (MD) yarns (1-20) including a set of top MD yarns (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20) and a set of bottom. MD yarns (2,4,7,9, 12, 14,17, 19)said top MD yarns (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20) being on a paper side of the forming fabric (100; 200; 300) said bottom MD yarns (2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 19) being on a wear side of the forming fabric (100, 200; 300) a repeating pattern of said CD yarns (1-32; 1-24) and said MD yarns (1-20), said ...

04-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002001994A1

JOINTING OF FABRIC ENDS A method of jointing the ends of a papermakers or like industrial fabric, typically a corrugator belt, is proposed wherein the ends (12, 13) of a multilayer fabric, of which adjacent layers (17, 18, 24) are joined by binder yarns, are cut back into complementary stepped configuration, the step being in a plane between two successive fabric layers (17, 18) and a clipper seam (14) is provided between the fabric layers of the respective opposing fabric ends existing below the level of the step, the fabric being slitted (at 21) beyond the line of the clipper seam and into the body of the fabric to provide a tongue (19) to receive clipper seam hooks.

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003099500A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

According to the present invention, the curling or lifting of webs that occurs during the production nonwoven fabrics, and wrinkles that form on the surface of nonwoven fabrics are prevented. Also, the webs can be easily taken off without making grip stronger than necessary. The present invention pertains to an industrial fabric formed by weaving warp and weft, wherein an embossed pattern having a concavo-convex shape is formed in the vicinity of the apex of a knuckle portion exposed on the surface side of the warp and/or weft. In particular, the industrial fabric is characterized in that the warp and/or weft having the embossed pattern are plastic monofilaments.

03-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3093376A1

The present invention relates to a dryer fabric (1) having a longitudinal direction (MD) and a cross direction (CMD) and a first surface (FS) and a second surface (SS). The dryer fabric extends in the longitudinal direction from a first end (FE) to a second end (SE) and in the cross direction from a first edge (7) to a second edge (8). The dryer fabric comprises a weft comprising cross machine direction yarns (6); a double warp, the double warp comprising a first warp comprising first machine direction yarns (5) and a second warp comprising second machine direction yarns (9), the yarns of the first warp being arranged above the yarns of the second warp on the first surface (FS) side in the thickness direction of the dryer fabric (1), the first warp comprises primary yarns (51) whose breaking load remains substantially stable within 15 days in conditions where RH = 100 %, T = 125°C and p = 2.3 bar; and a first seam-forming counterpart (3) at the first end (FE) and a second seam-forming counterpart ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002663219A1

A polyester fiber of 15 to 38 cN/dtex initial tensile resistance degree, 70% or higher elongation recovery ratio exhibited after 20% elongation and 0 .3 to 1.4% shrink release ratio exhibited after dry heat treatment at 160°C. From this polyester fiber, there can be obtained a woven knit fabric being resistant to cyclic loading, excelling in surface softness and uniformity pr operties and being free from unevenness or curling. The woven knit fabric fr om the polyester fiber is highly resistant to cyclic loading, so that it is suitable for use in a car sheet to which a human body weight is applied. ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002924080C
Принадлежит: GORE & ASS, W. L. GORE & ASSOCIATES, INC.

Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) monofilament fibers and woven fabrics formed from the ePTFE fibers are provided. The ePTFE fibers have a substantially rectangular configuration, a density less than about 1.0 g/cc, and an aspect ratio greater than 15. Additionally, the ePTFE fibers are microporous and have a node and fibril structure. The ePTFE fiber may be woven into a fabric without first twisting the fiber. A polymer membrane and/or a textile may be laminated to the woven fabric to produce a laminated article. The ePTFE woven fabric simultaneously possesses high moisture vapor transmission (highly breathable) and high water entry pressure (water resistant). The woven fabric is quiet, soft, and drapable, making it especially suitable for use in garments, gloves and footwear applications. Treatments may be provided to the surface of the ePTFE fiber and/or the woven fabric to impart one or more desired functionality, such as, for example, oleophobicity.

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002969921C

The present invention relates to dryer fabrics, such as the papermaker's or industrial fabric used on the dryer section of the paper machine, and particularly on a single-run dryer section, and further directs to an alternative approach toward a solution for preventing phenomenon or problem known as "drop off", by applying a plurality of discrete, discontinuous elements of polymeric resin material onto preselected discrete locations only on the backside of a base substrate, which is opposite to a product-contacting side. The discrete, discontinuous elements of the polymeric resin material having a height of at least 0.5 mm at the preselected locations. The base substrate is woven from lengthwise and crosswise yarns and the preselected locations are valleys between knuckles formed by the yarns on the backside.

19-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682080C

A through-air-drying (TAD) fabric for producing tissue paper and related products on a papermaking machine comprising a plurality of warp yarns interwoven with a plurality of weft yarns to produce warp and weft knuckles on a paper-side surface of the fabric, preferably to form an L-shaped knuckle pattern.

04-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002732080A1

The present invention provides a fabric for a papermaking machine. The fabric includes a machine facing side and a web facing side having pockets formed by warp and weft yarns. Each pocket is defined by four sides on the web facing side, three of the four sides each being formed by a knuckle of a single yarn, and one of the sides being formed by a knuckle of a weft and of a warp yarn, wherein the weft yarn also defines a bottom surface of the pocket.

02-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002141525A1

A woven structure is described in which optical fibers are positioned and held in the structure in a manner to maximize their optical efficiency. The structure consists of non-optical fibers extending in both the warp and woof direction, the optical fibers are positioned in channels between supporting fibers in the warp direction. Selected ones of the non-optical fibers in the warp direction may be electrical conductors. The structure is manufactured using conventional weaving equipment by positioning both the optical fibers and the non-optical warp fibers, and then weaving the woof fibers into place without causing micro-bends or discontinuities in the optical fibers. The structure is woven with the optical fibers positioned in zero warp. The woven grid-like mat can be coated with a protective material that either enables it to form a flexible sheet or a rigid, hard, grid-like mat which has aligned zero warp optical fibers embedded therein. The structure shown can be used to provide sensing ...

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Label strip fabric producing method for radio frequency transponder, involves incorporating antenna thread in plain weave carrier, tying antenna thread on back side of label strip fabric using three chaining threads

Номер: CH0000698983B1
Принадлежит: TEXTILMA AG

The method involves incorporating an antenna thread (4) in a plain weave carrier as weft thread in a meander-shaped manner without marking by an auxiliary thread on a back side of a label strip fabric (2) using a by a fly-shuttle web system. The antenna thread is tied on the back side of the fabric using three chaining threads (6a-6c), where the chaining threads are arranged at a distance from each other and the distance between two successive antenna thread limbs (4a) corresponds to two ground wefts of the label strip fabric.

29-02-2016 дата публикации

Textile structure, apparatus and method for the preparation of a textile structure.

Номер: CH0000710063A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Textilstruktur (1) zumindest umfassend Doppelfunktionsfäden (3, 4, 5), die jeweils sowohl in Kettrichtung (KR) verlaufende Kettfadenabschnitte (3a, 4a, 5a) als auch in Schussrichtung (SR) verlaufende Schussfadenabschnitte (3b, 4b, 5b) aufweisen. Gleichfalls betrifft die Erfindung eine Vorrichtung sowie ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Textilstruktur (1).

13-12-2019 дата публикации

Textile structure, apparatus and method for the preparation of a textile structure.

Номер: CH0000710063B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Textilstruktur (1) zumindest umfassend Doppelfunktionsfäden (3, 4, 5), die jeweils sowohl in Kettrichtung (KR) verlaufende Kettfadenabschnitte (3a, 4a, 5a) als auch in Schussrichtung (SR) verlaufende Schussfadenabschnitte (3b, 4b, 5b) aufweisen. Gleichfalls betrifft die Erfindung eine Vorrichtung sowie ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Textilstruktur (1).

08-03-2019 дата публикации

Down locking knitted down fabric

Номер: CN0109435382A

19-10-2018 дата публикации

Flexible strain transducer based on carbon nanofiber yarn woven fabric and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0108680095A

13-07-2011 дата публикации

Corner fitting using fiber transfer

Номер: CN0101321903B

A comer fitting (10) and a method of forming a corner fitting including steps of providing a flat woven fabric (20) including a first woven portion having first and second direction woven fibers, a second woven portion adjacent the first woven portion having the first direction fibers (28) and the sacrificial second direction fibers (26) and a third semi-woven portion having the first direction fibers selectively engaged by the sacrificial second direction yarns. The method further comprises steps of folding the flat woven fabric in at least one direction, and removing the sacrificial second direction fibers, wherein during removal, the sacrificial second direction fibers are replaced in the second woven portion by the first direction fibers of the third semi-woven portion and form a corner fitting having continuous fibers connecting all sides.

09-06-1989 дата публикации

Tissu textile destine a prendre une forme tridimensionnelle et procede pour fabriquer un tel tissu

Номер: FR0002624139A

Un tel tissu textile comprend un nombre eleve de fils obliques 1 s'etendant dans des directions radiales a partir du centre du tissu textile, et un fil circonferentiel 2 enroule en spirale dans une direction circonferentielle entre les fils obliques, ce qui a pour effet que des fils obliques voisins sont entrelaces l'un avec l'autre et que le fil circonferentiel est imbrique entre les fils obliques ainsi imbriques de sorte qu'un tel entrelacement peut apparaitre entre des spires voisines du fil circonferentiel, en fournissant au tissu textile son caractere triaxial. Application notamment aux tissus textiles destines a renforcer des structures possedant la forme de corps de revolution.

09-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003054842A1

L'invention propose un matériau textile intermédiaire sec, tissé ou tressé, notamment un renfort pour pièces composites, comportant au moins une première et une deuxième séries de fils de renfort (14, 14') à base de verre, carbone, aramide et/ou matériau céramique, comportant au moins une série de fils de liaison (26, 26a, 26b, 26') dans laquelle les fils de liaison comportent une matière thermoplastique de liaison, lesdits fils d'une série de fils de liaison étant entrecroisés avec des fils d'au moins une des séries de fils de renfort (14', 14), et en ce que les fils de liaison (26, 26a, 26b, 26') présentent une masse linéique inférieure ou égale à 50 Tex. Sont aussi proposés un procédé de fabrication d'un tel matériau, un matériau textile intermédiaire pré-imprégné et une pièce composite et son procédé de fabrication utilisant ce matériau.

07-03-1969 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001559460A

07-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101704209B1
Автор: 한현호
Принадлежит: 한현호

... 톤백은 톤백에 통풍구를 형성하여 톤백 자체의 통기성을 제공하고 톤백에 담겨져 있는 곡물의 종류를 확인할 수 있으며 톤백의 재질을 PP 모노사를 이용하여 제조하여 곡물이 담겨지거나 배출될 때 인장력에 의해 버텨줌으로써 곡물이 변질되거나 부패되는 것을 방지하고 톤백의 형태를 유지할 수 있다. 본 발명은 톤백에 통풍구를 형성함과 동시에 태양광을 반사할 수 있는 물질을 형성하여 태양광의 투과율을 일정 부분 조절할 수 있어 톤백에 담겨진 곡물이 변질되거나 부패되는 것을 방지하는 효과가 있다.

13-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101620907B1
Принадлежит: DONGWONTEX CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a triple fabric weaving machine that has a band on a front surface. The present invention is capable of simplifying and making efficient production processes, maximizing band strength, and providing high-quality products. The present invention includes: a weaving machine weaving a dual fabric by warp-weft crossing; a band weaving unit configured at an upper end of the weaving machine and weaving a front surface band of a three-dimensional fabric; a driving unit to which power of the weaving machine is transferred; and an operating unit operating the band weaving unit by converting power of the driving unit. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

07-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101627677B1

The present invention relates to a method for weaving a three-dimensional towel representing a pattern by three strands of dyed weft, and more particularly, to a method for weaving a three-dimensional towel characterized in that: a weft in which six strands of weft which includes three strands of dyeing weft representing a color and three strands of file bottom weft are sequentially repeated, and a warp including a ground warp and a pile thread are alternately woven; and according to the number of strands of ground warps crossing the three strands of dyed wefts representing the color, a pattern represented as a gradation color is generated. The three-dimensional towel according to the present invention has a density as it is, can variously represent colors, and furthermore, represent even one color by a gradation color, and thus evenly has a visual luxury and functionality. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (AA) Generate weft pattern (BB) gradation 2 (CC) gradation 1 (DD) gradation 3 (EE) Ground warp ...

02-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101682075B1

The present invention relates to a taekwondo uniform fabric and, more specifically, to a taekwondo uniform fabric having enhanced frictional sound of the fabric, excellent sweat absorptiveness and excellent deodorizing properties, and consisting of fabrics woven by a mixed yarn of a polyester and a cotton and a korean handmade paper yarn. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

20-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101658330B1

According to the present invention, carbon fiber-based hot wires (2, 2′) are woven in a length direction in a fabric (1) to be adjacent to each other and to be alternately positioned at predetermined intervals and metallic first conductive wires (5), fourth conductive wires (6′), second conductive wires (6), and third conductive wires (5′) are woven in a width direction on both sides of the fabric (1) such that electric currents can flow toward the hot wires (2, 2′) and the electric currents can flow in opposite directions through the hot wires (2, 2′). Then, a magnetic field generated by the electric current flowing through the hot wires (2) and a magnetic field generated by the electric current flowing through the hot wires (2′) can act in the opposite directions and can be offset by each other. Insulating layers (7, 7′) based on a non-conductive fiber is formed outside the conductive wires, the hot wire (2) is woven to skip the insulating layer (7′) formed outside the second conductive ...

14-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170016583A
Автор: SON, HU RAK

The present invention relates to finished selvage yarns of civil engineering fabrics and an apparatus for the same, and more specifically, to finished selvage yarns of civil engineering fabrics and an apparatus for the same, which can improve strength of fabrics and make appearance beautiful by sucking selvage yarns generated on both ends of weft yarns into the bottom of the fabrics by using an additional air gun when the civil engineering fabrics are woven with warp yarns or weft yarns so as to clearly finish the fabrics. In the process of twisting yarns together and weaving the civil engineering fabrics that are obtained by weaving warp and weft yarns supplied through twisting, warping, and wefting processes by using a weaving machine, the apparatus of the present invention comprises: a compressor provided at both upper parts of the weaving machine to generate suction air; an air gun provided on an upper part of woven warp yarns while being connected to the compressor; and a suction nozzle ...

15-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160016294A

The present invention relates to a textile sheet for a blind which alternately arranges light shielding units and light transmitting units at equal intervals, weaves the light transmitting units in a weft yarn direction while progressing in a warp yarn direction, and employs a rib unit and a reinforcement unit to suppress twisting and distortion of the light transmitting units. The textile sheet for a blind comprises light transmitting units (30) continuously woven at regular intervals in a weft yarn direction while progressing in a warp yarn direction. Light shielding units (20) and the light transmitting units (30) are alternately arranged continuously in the weft yarn direction. A reinforcement unit (40) is woven in the weft yarn direction to distinguish and reinforce a boundary area between the light transmitting units and the light shielding units alternately arranged in the warp yarn direction. A rib unit (50) is further formed in the warp yarn direction with respect to the boundary ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170070560A

The present invention relates to a makeup cosmetic puff and, more specifically, to a makeup cosmetic puff, which is formed by a fabric layer mixed and woven with at least two selected from the group consisting of polypropylene, polyurethane, polyethylene, rayon, acrylic, pulp and cellulose, wherein the fabric layer has improved absorbability of powder, liquid or gel cosmetics, and has excellent chemical resistance and heat resistance. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

30-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: SI0002010702T1

16-11-2016 дата публикации

Integrated open box-like woven fabric

Номер: TW0201639752A

An integrated open box-like woven fabric includes two inner walls connected transversely between two outer walls, a top opening formed between the outer and inner walls, and a base wall connected to the outer and inner walls oppositely of the top opening. Each outer wall has a side extension extending outwardly from a junction of the outer wall and the corresponding inner wall. A novel flattened fabric preform to form the open box-like woven fabric is also disclosed.

01-07-2020 дата публикации

Multiple chamber innerduct structure

Номер: TW0202024514A

A flexible innerduct structure having a first edge, a second edge, a first margin region, a second margin region, and a middle region. The middle region is located between the first and second margin regions. The innerduct structure comprises at least two flexible longitudinal tubes, each longitudinal tube forming two chambers. Each chamber is designed for enveloping at least one cable, where at least one of the longitudinal tubes extends from the first margin region to the second margin region, and wherein the tubes are attached together at an attachment in the middle region.

24-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000009059A2
Автор: GREENHALGH, E., Skott

L'invention concerne une structure combinée extenseur/greffon servant à réparer un tube porte-oculaire dans un corps vivant. La structure comprend un greffon en textile destiné à améliorer l'imperméabilité du tube porte-oculaire aux liquides et un extenseur capable de se déployer pour passer d'une première position, dans laquelle on peut l'insérer facilement dans le tube porte-oculaire, à une deuxième position, dans laquelle l'extenseur est pressé fermement contre la surface interne du tube porte-oculaire. L'extenseur, qui comprend un premier élément allongé filiforme par lequel passe un axe global de l'extenseur tout comme un axe local de l'élément d'extenseur, est intégralement fixé au greffon au moyen d'au moins un des fils qui forment ledit greffon. Des parties importantes de l'axe global du premier élément d'extenseur, projetées sur un plan qui comprend l'axe de la partie principale du greffon, forment un angle non orthogonal avec l'axe de la partie principale du greffon, ce qui permet ...

29-11-1892 дата публикации

Номер: US0000487149A1

04-09-2012 дата публикации

Woven multi-layer fabrics and methods of fabricating same

Номер: US0008256470B2

A multi-layer ballistic woven fabric, including an upper woven layer having upper warp yarns and upper weft yarns that are interwoven together to form the upper woven layer. The multi-layer ballistic woven fabric also includes a lower woven layer having lower warp yarns and lower weft yarns that are interwoven together, and a plurality of securing yarns, each securing yarn interwoven with at least some of the upper yarns and some of the lower yarns so as to secure the upper and lower woven layers together. At least one of the securing yarns is woven underneath a first lower weft yarn, then above a second upper weft yarn adjacent the first lower weft yarn, then underneath a third lower weft yarn adjacent the second upper weft yarn and then above a fourth upper weft yarn adjacent the third lower weft yarn. The multi-layer ballistic woven fabric is formed by interweaving the securing yarns with the warp yarns and weft yarns as the upper woven layer and lower woven layer are made.

29-06-2010 дата публикации

Seat belt webbing, method and narrow fabric needle loom for production of same

Номер: US0007743794B2
Принадлежит: BERGER JOGANN

The invention relates to a method for weaving a webbing, comprising at least one first (right-hand) weft thread and at least one second (left-hand) weft thread, characterized in that the two weft threads are introduced into the same shed from both sides of the webbing, are wound around weft thread retainers in weft change loops, are substantially retained by the weft thread retainers until shed change and are then stripped off from the left thread retainers by the reed and after shed change and are bound against the stop.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US2015137488A1

An airbag (20) for a vehicle occupant restraint system comprises a first fabric layer (10) and an opposed second fabric layer (12) each being formed of a composite fabric of wefts and warps and delimiting a chamber (14) adapted to be filled with gas. Plural weaving threads (16) are provided which exit the composite fabric of a fabric layer (10, 12) in the direction of the other fabric layer (12, 10) and are freely floating in the chamber (14) before they enter into the composite fabric of the other fabric layer (12, 10). The weaving threads (16) are movable in their longitudinal direction relative to the inlet and outlet points.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2588842C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Объектом изобретения является способ (200) изготовления металлической волокнистой конструкции (100) посредством тканья из металлических нитей утка и металлических нитей основы, отличающийся тем, что включает в себя этап тканья упомянутой волокнистой конструкции (100) посредством последовательного тканья металлических скобок (301'), выполняющих роль нитей утка, при этом упомянутое тканье осуществляют посредством введения каждой из ветвей (302, 303) каждой из упомянутых металлических скобок (301') по меньшей мере в один зев, при этом каждый зев образован двумя нитями основы. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

13-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705997C2

Гибридный тканый текстильный материал, который можно использовать для изготовления армированных волокном композитных материалов. Гибридный текстильный материал является тканым материалом, состоящим из однонаправленных волокон, переплетенных с полосами из нетканого материала с образованием тканого рисунка. В варианте осуществления гибридный текстильный материал является пористым или проницаемым для жидких смол, используемых в процессах формования с переносом смолы (ФПС), и предварительная заготовка, сформированная из этого текстильного материала, может быть залита жидкими смолами во время таких процессов ФПС. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638212C2

Изобретение относится к огнестойким фосфорсодержащим полимерам, способам получения таких полимеров, изделиям, содержащим такие полимеры (например, текстильным материалам, обработанным такими полимерами), и способам получения таких изделий. Огнестойкий фосфорсодержащий полимер содержит множество атомов фосфора, причем приблизительно 75% или более атомов фосфора в фосфорсодержащем полимере находятся в фосфиноксидных фрагментах. Изделие содержит текстильный материал, имеющий по меньшей мере одну поверхность и фосфорсодержащий полимер, расположенный на, по меньшей мере, части поверхности, причем фосфорсодержащий полимер содержит множество атомов фосфора, и при этом приблизительно 75% или более атомов фосфора в фосфорсодержащем полимере находятся в фосфиноксидных фрагментах. 4 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 5 табл.

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663397C2

Предлагается оборачиваемая текстильная оплетка и способ ее построения. Оборачиваемая текстильная оплетка включает удлиненную стенку, проходящую вдоль продольной оси между противоположными концами с продольно проходящими краями, идущими параллельно или в основном параллельно продольной оси между противоположными концами. Стенка соткана из продольно проходящих основных нитей и проходящих по окружности уточных нитей. Уточные нити формируют множество отдельных кольцевых лент, примыкающих к соседним лентам, имеющим уточные нити разного диаметра, при этом указанные соседние ленты сформированы уточными нитями, имеющими отношение диаметров примерно 1:3, чтобы обеспечить стенку с дискретными областями повышенной прочности в петле с дискретными расширенными гибкими областями, в которой области повышенной прочности в петле и области повышенной гибкости чередуются друг с другом по длине оплетки. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503757C2

Тканая заготовка, используемая для армирования композитной конструкции, содержащая центральную часть (6, 10), имеющую переплетенные слои. Заготовка также содержит первую и вторую концевые части (4, 12), имеющие независимые тканые слои (50), которые сотканы за единое целое с переплетенными слоями в центральной части (6, 10) и которые проходят вдоль всей длины заготовки. Между независимыми ткаными слоями (50) в первой и второй концевых частях вплетены диагональные прослойки (26). Первая и вторая концевые части могут иметь проходящее по всей толщине армирование (71), содержащее армирующие волокна, которые пересекают независимые тканые слои и диагональные прослойки, сцепляя их вместе. 18 н. и 40 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Зевообразовательный механизм для формирования трехосной ткани

Номер: RU191225U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности к элементам и узлам ткацких станков, и может быть использована в конструкциях зевообразовательных механизмов, предназначенных для формирования трехосных тканей. Требуемый технический результат, заключающийся в повышении надежности, достигается в устройстве, содержащем консольные галева, установленные на направляющих поверхностях ремизных рам с возможностью продольного перемещения при образовании зева и поперечного перемещения по замкнутому контуру для формирования трехосной структуры ткани посредством поворотного устройства, причем консольные галева содержат поперечные направляющие поверхности, размещенные в шахматном порядке, а поворотное устройство выполнено в виде бесконечной цепи, несущей на себе двухсторонние захваты консольных галев, при этом консольные галева имеют двутавровый профиль с заходными коническими поверхностями, выполненными с возможностью взаимодействия при образовании зева с неподвижными продольно направленными ...

20-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008122923A

... 1. Ткань с основными нитями или проволоками и с уточными проволоками, отличающаяся изогнутой уточной проволокой. ! 2. Ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что изгиб является U-образным. ! 3. Ткань по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что изгиб имеет, по меньшей мере, два, в частности четыре прямых угла. ! 4. Ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что изгиб выступает из ткани. ! 5. Ткань по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что изгиб выводит уточную проволоку из ткани дальше, чем расстояние между двумя основами, в частности дальше, чем двойное расстояние между двумя основами. ! 6. Ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что изгиб лежит в ходе уточной проволоки между двумя основами. ! 7. Ткань по п.6, отличающаяся тем, что изгиб лежит между двумя соседними основами. ! 8. Ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что изогнутую уточную проволоку можно поворачивать вокруг ее задаваемой находящейся в ткани частью оси и тем самым довольно плоско укладывать на ткань. ! 9. Ткань по п.1, отличающаяся несколько раз изогнутой уточной проволокой ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013118109A

... 1. Бесшовная осесимметричная заготовка для применения в композитных материалах, усиленных волокном, включающая:два или более слоя основных нитей, переплетенных с одной или более уточной нитью, с получением, таким образом, трубчатой тканой структуры, имеющей центральную ось.2. Заготовка по п.1, в которой два или более слоя основных нитей переплетены с одной или более уточной нитью при помощи метода непрерывного или трубчатого плетения.3. Заготовка по п.1, имеющая длину, равную двум или более диаметрам.4. Заготовка по п.3, в которой первая часть заготовки с большим диаметром наложена вдоль центральной оси на вторую часть заготовки с меньшим диаметром.5. Заготовка по п.4, в которой третья часть заготовки с наименьшим диаметром наложена на вторую часть заготовки.6. Заготовка по п.1, соответствующая по форме шаблону заданной формы.7. Заготовка по п.1, в которой основные нити направлены вдоль центральной оси заготовки.8. Заготовка по п.1, в которой уточная нить параллельна кольцевому направлению ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018101603A

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011136809A

... 1. Формующая ткань для бумагоделательной машины, содержащая:слой машинной стороны, содержащий:нижние нити основы;нижние нити утка, которые переплетены с по меньшей мере частью нижних нитей основы;слой бумажной стороны, содержащий:верхние нити основы;верхние нити утка, которые переплетены с по меньшей мере частью верхних нитей основы с созданием шаблона переплетения в зоне повторения шаблона и по меньшей мере одну из верхних нитей утка, имеющую по меньшей мере один настил бумажной стороны в зоне повторения шаблона, который проходит поверх ряда последовательных верхних нитей основы;группу двухкомбинационных связующих нитей утка, расположенных смежно с верхней нитью утка, и по меньшей мере одну двухкомбинационную связующую нить утка группы, переплетенную с частью нижних нитей основы и частью верхних нитей основы с созданием повтора двухкомбинационных связующих нитей утка, причем каждая двухкомбинационная связующая нить утка группы содержит по меньшей мере один настил в зоне повторения шаблона ...

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004131215A

... 1. Армирующая сетка для битумных покрытий, в частности, для битумсодержащих покрытий проезжей части, содержащая перекрещивающиеся пряди (1, 2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’) из синтетического материала, отличающаяся тем, что пряди (1, 2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’) из синтетического материала характеризуются разрывным удлинением в диапазоне 3-8%. 2. Армирующая сетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что разрывное удлинение прядей (1, 2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’) составляет 5-6%. 3. Армирующая сетка по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что сила, воспринимаемая прядями (1, 2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’), возрастает до диапазона разрывного удлинения в основном пропорционально величине удлинения прядей (1,2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’). 4. Армирующая сетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что пряди (1, 2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’) изготовлены из высокопрочного поливинилового спирта. 5. Армирующая сетка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что пряди (1, 2; 1’, 2’; 1’’, 2’’) изготовлены из высокопрочного поливинилового спирта. 6. Армирующая сетка по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что пряди ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150079A

... 1. Текстильная часть (10) для применения в многослойных материалах,имеющая усилительную систему (15) из усилительных нитей (17) основы и усилительных нитей (16) утка,содержащую по меньшей мере один первый участок (20) и по меньшей мере один второй участок (21),при этом усилительные нити (17) основы и усилительные нити (16) утка в первом участке (20) находятся в переплетении непосредственно друг с другом,при этом во втором участке (21) возле усилительных нитей (16) утка уложены усилительные нити (17) основы без прямого ткацкого переплетения с усилительными нитями (17) основы,отличающаяся тем, что второй участок (21) с нескольких сторон ограничен одним или несколькими первыми участками (20), зафиксирован или стабилизирован только посредством указанного по меньшей мере одного первого участка (20), и/или усилительная система (15) во втором участке (21) заключена между связующими нитями (26) утка и связующими нитями (27) основы связующей системы (25), которые находятся в переплетении друг с ...

10-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005114750A

... 1. Поддерживающая ткань для гидроперепутывания, содержащая уплощенные нити. 2. Поддерживающая ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит нити машинного направления и нити, перпендикулярные машинному направлению, а упомянутые уплощенные нити включают только часть нитей машинного направления. 3. Поддерживающая ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит нити машинного направления и нити, перпендикулярные машинному направлению, и упомянутые уплощенные нити включают все нити машинного направления. 4. Поддерживающая ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит нити машинного направления и нити, перпендикулярные машинному направлению, а уплощенные нити включают только часть нитей, перпендикулярных машинному направлению. 5. Поддерживающая ткань по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит нити машинного направления и нити, перпендикулярные машинному направлению, и упомянутые уплощенные нити включают все нити, перпендикулярные машинному направлению. 6. Поддерживающая ткань по п.1, ...

12-06-1997 дата публикации

Textilgewebe mit Zuordnungsmarkierung

Номер: DE0029705931U1

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021101668A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung stellt eine Fleece-Maschenware bereit, die ein Basismaterial und eine Vielzahl von zweiten Fadenabschnitten umfasst. Das Basismaterial umfasst mindestens einen ersten Faden. Die zweiten Fadenabschnitte stehen von einer Oberfläche des Basismaterials vor. Wenigstens ein Abschnitt des ersten Fadens ist mit den zweiten Fadenabschnitten verschmolzen und verbunden.

17-10-2001 дата публикации

Surface fastener

Номер: GB0002326191B

10-06-1998 дата публикации

Fabric and seam construction

Номер: GB0009807704D0

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000161592T

15-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000255183T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000471399T

20-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002354340A1

10-08-1995 дата публикации

Smart skin array woven fiber optic ribbon and arrays and packaging thereof

Номер: AU0001150295A

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AU2011316985A1

Preforms for use in fiber-reinforced composites, fiber-reinforced composites, and methods for making thereof are disclosed. One method includes interweaving a plurality of warp yarns with a single weft yarn so as to form a tubular woven structure with a central axis. The preform can be woven using an endless or tubular weaving technique, and can be woven so as to have two or more diameters along a length thereof. The preform can include one or more layers of a fabric formed on or attached to one or both surfaces of the tubular woven structure. The end structure can be a part of a window frame, a wheel rim, or a combustor in a jet engine.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019204914A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A flexible innerduct structure having a first edge, a second edge, a first margin region, a second margin region, and a middle region. The middle region is located between the first and second margin regions. The innerduct structure comprises at least two flexible longitudinal tubes, each longitudinal tube forming two chambers. Each chamber is designed for enveloping at least one cable, where at least one of the longitudinal tubes extends from the first margin region to the second margin region, and wherein the tubes are attached together at an attachment in the middle region.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019204914B2

A flexible innerduct structure having a first edge, a second edge, a first margin region, a second margin region, and a middle region. The middle region is located between the first and second margin regions. The innerduct structure comprises at least two flexible longitudinal tubes, each longitudinal tube forming two chambers. Each chamber is designed for enveloping at least one cable, where at least one of the longitudinal tubes extends from the first margin region to the second margin region, and wherein the tubes are attached together at an attachment in the middle region.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and means for weaving a 3D fabric, 3D fabric items thereof and their use

Номер: AU2013399916A1

A novel add-on weaving method, a device based on this method, 3D fabric items producible by this method and device, and composite materials reinforced with such 3D fabric items are disclosed. The 3D fabric items are produced directly by the add-on weaving process using a complementary fabric (CF), warp yarns (P) and weft yarns (G). The interacting woven fabric produced by interlacing the warp (P) and weft (G) yarns is simultaneously integrated with the complementary fabric (CF) used. The complementary fabric (CF) and interacting woven fabric integrate in mutual through-thickness directions at their intersecting planes and create directly 3D fabric items which are useful for manufacturing delamination resistant and high-performance composite materials.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003000639A1

A woven fabric (10) formed of a first set of yarns (12) extending in a first direction and a second set of yarns (14) extending in a second direction. The first and second sets of yarns (12, 14) are woven together. The first set of yarns (12) includes a plurality of first conductors (16), while the second set of yarns (14), includes a series of second electrical conductors (18). The first and second sets of conductors (16, 18) cross over one another at crossing points. At each crossing point, a non-conductive element (24) is disposed directly between the first and second electrical conductors (16, 18) at the crossing point (20) so as to provide a physical barrier between the first and second electrical conductors (16, 18). At some crossing points, a physical electrical connection (22) is provided between crossing electrical conductors (16, 18) in order to provide a permanent connection between the conductors (16, 18). A variety of non-conductive tie yarns (50, 52, 60-64) provided to fix ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3113382A1

The present invention relates to a method for designing and manufacturing a fabric having different moisture absorption and sweat wicking characteristics at a front surface yarn and a back surface yarn of the fabric and for calculating a capillary liquid permeability (LP) per unit area of the fabric. The design method comprises: (1) before structural design of a fabric, measuring and selecting wetting characteristics of front surface yarn and back surface yarn of the fabric, wherein a contact angle of the front surface yarn is less than or equal to a contact angle of the back surface yarn, and the contact angle of the front surface yarn is preferably 10° or more less than that of the back surface yarn; (2) providing a formula for estimating the number of yarn capillaries, using the formula to estimate yarn capillary LP characteristics of the front surface yarn and the back surface yarn, and selecting an appropriate front surface yarn or back surface yarn according to a selection criterion ...

01-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002650010A1
Принадлежит: BCF LLP

L'invention concerne un revêtement de sol provisoire notamment pour le déplacement sur sol sableux, boueux ou marécageux comportant une structure tissée formée de fils de chaîne (6) et de fils de trame (7) et dont l'armure est telle que chaque fil de chaîne (6) s'entrecroise avec les fils de trame (7) suivant, de préférence et très approximativement, la moitié des intersections des rangées et colonnes de l'armure, le fil de chaîne (6) étant laissé dans les intersections restantes, en sorte, pour chaque fil de chaîne (6), d'obtenir au moins une zone d'armure simple et serrée suivie d'une zone de flottés, l'alternance des différentes zones susdites provoquant des resserrements des fils de trame (7) créant un relief important du tissu ainsi réalisé. Selon l'invention, ce revêtement comporte des fils plats (8) disposés sur une partie au moins de la largeur de ladite structure tissée sur au moins une de ses faces, chacun desdits fils plats (8) étant pris, régulièrement ou non, par des fils de ...

28-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002645183C

The invention relates to a method for weaving a webbing, comprising at least one first (right-hand) weft thread (SFR) and at least one second (left-hand) weft thread, characterized in that the two weft threads (SFL, SFR) are introduced into the same shed from both sides of the webbing, are wound around weft thread retainers in weft change loops, are substantially retained by the weft thread retainers until shed change and are then stripped off from the weft thread retainers by the reed after shed change and are bound against the stop.

31-07-2018 дата публикации

Зевообразовательный механизм для формирования трехосной ткани

Номер: RU0000182016U1

Полезная модель относится к ткацким станкам, точнее к конструктивным элементам ткацких станков, а именно зевообразовательным механизмам. Консольные галева, имеющие поперечные направляющие, установлены на направляющих поверхностях ремизных рам с возможностью взаимодействия с двухсторонними захватами, размещенными на бесконечной цепи. Точность и надежность установки консольных галев обеспечивается конической формой направляющих поверхностей ремизных рам и консольных галев. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 016 U1 (51) МПК D03C 13/00 (2006.01) D03D 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D03C 13/00 (2006.01); D03D 13/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018106953, 26.02.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 31.07.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Ниагара" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 31.07.2018 Бюл. № 22 A2, 30.06.1948. US 4498502 A1, 12.02.1985. WO 2006117673 A1, 09.11.2006. (54) ЗЕВООБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ МЕХАНИЗМ ДЛЯ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ТРЕХОСНОЙ ТКАНИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ткацким взаимодействия с двухсторонними захватами, станкам, точнее к конструктивным элементам размещенными на бесконечной цепи. ткацких станков, а именно зевообразовательным Точность и надежность установки консольных механизмам. галев обеспечивается конической формой Консольные галева, имеющие поперечные направляющих поверхностей ремизных рам и направляющие, установлены на направляющих консольных галев. поверхностях ремизных рам с возможностью R U 1 8 2 0 1 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1458450 A1, 15.02.1989. SU 71477 Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 119049, Москва, ул. Донская, 6, стр. 2, ООО "Ниагара" 1 8 2 0 1 6 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.02.2018 R U 26.02.2018 (72) Автор(ы): Чубаров Вячеслав Герасимович (RU), Белоглазов Александр Павлович (RU), Ширяев Александр Николаевич (RU), Ширяев ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Molded fabric and methods of manufacture

Номер: US20120052282A1
Автор: John E. Meschter
Принадлежит: Individual

A novel molded fabric is made by bringing a first patterned group of numerous discrete disjoint elements positioned on a first side of a contact boundary extending throughout the thickness of the fabric being molded, together with a second patterned group of numerous discrete disjoint elements, over-lapping the first group of discrete disjoint elements, on the opposite side of the contact boundary, and joining the elements together at their tip portions. Various techniques are disclosed for maintaining separation of overlapping cross-over portions of the thread elements crossing each other during joining the terminal portions together, so that they simulate woven cloth. First and second rolls can carry the elements in molten form within cavities in the roller surfaces or patterns of solid elements within first and second matrices, can be joined together at the nip of the rolls by heat or chemical means to produce substantial savings in fabric manufacture.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Electronic textile, article and method

Номер: US20120118427A1
Принадлежит: Philadelphia University (PhilaU)

A woven article having plural weave layers comprises a plurality of electrically insulating and/or electrically conductive yarn in the warp and a plurality of electrically insulating and/or electrically conductive yarn in the weft interwoven with the yarn in the warp. An electrical function is provided by one or more circuit carriers disposed in cavities in the plural layer woven article and/or one or more functional yarn in the warp and/or the weft, wherein the circuit carrier and/or functional yarn include an electrical contact for connecting to the electrically conductive yarn in the warp and/or weft.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Woven Prosthesis and Method for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20120165918A1
Автор: George Du

A woven prosthesis, such as a woven vascular graft, woven from warp and weft yarns. Velour warp yarns forming the prosthesis are selectively incorporated into a base layer of the prosthesis so as to provide a bulbous section without compromising the porosity of the prosthesis.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Seat Belt Webbing and Method for manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20120192988A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

The invention relates to a seat belt webbing having a plurality of warp threads ( 1, 3 ), a weft thread ( 2 ) which runs from one edge of the seat belt webbing to the other edge, periodically reversing the direction in reversal points and is interwoven with the warp threads ( 1, 3 ). The weft thread ( 2 ) in the reversal points in an edge portion (B) is folded back forming a loop, and a catch thread ( 5 ) which is fed through the loops of the weft thread ( 2 ). The catch thread ( 5 ) is placed between the warp threads ( 1, 3 ) and is covered by the weft thread ( 2 ) and/or by the warp threads (1, 3) towards the surface of the seat belt webbing.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Airbag fabrics woven from slit-film polymeric tapes

Номер: US20120205901A1
Автор: Scott Westoby
Принадлежит: Invista North America LLC

Disclosed herein is the preparation of woven fabrics suitable for use in manufacturing vehicle airbags. Such fabrics are woven from a plurality of polymeric, e.g., polyamide, warp and weft tapes which have preferably been slitted, preferably in the machine direction, from a thermoplastic polymer film, and preferably from such a film which has been drawn at least in the machine direction. The resulting fabrics exhibit both the relatively low basis weight, stiffness and small packing volume typical of nylon films, and the relatively high tear strength and high damage tolerance of yarn-based woven airbag fabrics.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Microclimate controlling fabrics and methods

Номер: US20130012090A1
Принадлежит: Precision Fabrics Group Inc

A fabric comprises a woven fabric having continuous filament warp yarns and continuous filament filling yarns, wherein the warp yarns are about 30 denier to 100 denier, and the filling yarns are about 30 denier to 100 denier, wherein the warp yarns and filling yarns are woven together in a plain weave to provide a pill resistant fabric having identical surfaces on both sides thereof, and wherein each surface has a coefficient of friction that does not exceed 0.35 under both dry and wet surface conditions. The fabric has a wicking rate of between about 1.00 and 1.75 inches per minute, and has a percent dryness after 45 minutes of 90%.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Woven fabric that looks and performs like a knitted fabric and method of making thereof

Номер: US20130048140A1

A fabric with wefts that include hard yarns and elastomeric yarns in a predetermined arrangement such that at least one hard yarn is alternately arranged with at least one elastomeric yarn, the elastomeric yarns having a greater shrinkage ratio than that of the hard yarns; the hard yarns form under portions and over portions with respect to warps, said under portions being formed when said hard yarns pass along the back side of the warps and defining loop portions, and said over portions being formed when the hard yarns pass along the front side of the warps and define connection portions, wherein for each hard yarn, the number of warps passed by the loop portion is at least 6, and the elastomeric yarns form under portions and over portions with respect to said warps in a weave that is tighter than the weave of the hard yarns.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Furniture cloth and chair

Номер: US20130088065A1
Принадлежит: Okamura Corp

Plural weft fascia portions wider than wefts are arranged in a ground texture formed in a lattice shape by warps and the wefts so as to be spaced from each other from one end of the clothing fabric toward the other end thereof in the vertical direction, and the arrangement intervals between the weft fascia portions adjacent to each other in the vertical direction are gradually decreased from one end of the clothing fabric toward the other end in the vertical direction, and then are gradually increased from the minimum portion.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094898A1

A component for connecting structures to intersection regions of said component is disclosed, particularly for an aircraft or spacecraft, including a coupling element, including a first fibre which wraps around the coupling element so that the first fibre extends in a first plane in front of the coupling element and in a second plane behind the coupling element, the first and second planes intersecting, and including a second fibre which wraps around the coupling element so that the second fibre extends in a third plane in front of the coupling element and in a fourth plane behind the coupling element, the third and fourth planes intersecting, and with the first fibre portions of the first and second fibres crossing over in a first region and the second fibre portions of the first and second fibres crossing over in a second region. 1. A component for connecting structures to intersection regions of said component , in particular for an aircraft or spacecraft ,comprising a coupling element,comprising a first fibre which wraps around the coupling element in such a way that the first fibre extends, with a first fibre portion, in a first plane in front of the coupling element and, with a second fibre portion, in a second plane behind the coupling element, the first and second planes intersecting, andcomprising a second fibre which wraps around the coupling element in such a way that the second fibre extends, with a first fibre portion, in a third plane in front of the coupling element and, with a second fibre portion, in a fourth plane behind the coupling element, the third and fourth planes intersecting,the first fibre portions of the first and second fibres crossing over in a first region and the second fibre portions of the first and second fibres crossing over in a second region.2. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second planes are arranged substantially perpendicular to one another and/or the third and fourth planes are arranged ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Weaving Pattern Formation in Woven Fabrics with Additional Weft Effects

Номер: US20130105029A1

For weaving pattern formation of a woven fabric with weft threads ( 3 ), warp threads ( 1 ) and effect threads ( 2 ), data sets ( 20 ) are produced according to a method in which data values are derived from weft sequence numbers ( 30 ) and from positions of interlacing points (P) of an effect thread ( 2 ) with the weft threads ( 3 ) in the pattern repeat ( 29 ). These data sets ( 20 ) are supplemented by further data values ( 31, 32, 33, 34 ) derived from the weaving pattern, in such a manner so that they form a pattern draft ( 28 ) for a weaving pattern with additional weft effects. In a weaving machine with devices for slidingly displacing effect threads ( 2 ) in the weft direction ( 12 ), the weaving pattern formation is derived from the data sets ( 20 ) of this pattern draft ( 28 ).

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Ballistic Composite Materials and Methods of Making

Номер: US20130111640A1

A composite material of the present invention is comprised of a textile layer of woven fabric and a first elastomer layer disposed on a first side of the textile layer. The textile layer may comprise a compound fabric such as a double-layer fabric. The double-layer fabric may have a first layer woven as a plain weave and a second layer woven as a crowfoot weave (3/1 twill weave). The composite material may further comprise a second elastomer layer disposed on the second side of the textile layer. The present invention may be embodied as a method of manufacturing a composite material comprising the steps of coating a compound fabric with an elastomer material and allowing the elastomer material of the coating to cure. 1. A composite material for use in ballistic applications , comprising:a compound fabric layer having a first side and a second side; anda first elastomer layer disposed on the first side of the compound fabric layer.2. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the compound fabric layer comprises a double-layer fabric.3. The composite material of claim 2 , wherein a first layer of the double-layer fabric is connected with a second layer of the double-layer fabric using a plurality of yarns from one or both weaves.4. The composite material of claim 2 , wherein each layer of the double-layer fabric is a plain weave.5. The composite material of claim 2 , wherein a first layer of the double-layer fabric is a plain weave and a second layer of the double-layer fabric is a crowfoot weave.6. The composite material of claim 5 , wherein the crowfoot weave is a 3/1 twill weave.7. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the compound fabric layer comprises a triple-layer fabric.8. The composite material of claim 7 , wherein at least one layer of the triple-layer fabric is a crowfoot weave.9. The composite material of claim 7 , wherein at least one layer of the triple-layer fabric is a crowfoot weave claim 7 , and at least one other layer of the triple-layer ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Lighted architectural mesh

Номер: US20130141915A1

A lighted architectural mesh includes a plurality of interconnected wires forming a plurality of transverse openings. At least one light carrier is slidably received within at least one of said transverse openings. The at least one light carrier includes light nodes emitting light through the interstices on the front and/or rear side of the architectural mesh. The at least one light carrier further comprises a plurality of connecting elements, wherein the light emitter nodes of the at least one light element are releasably interconnected in series by the connecting elements.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Elevator Suspension and/or Driving Assembly Having at Least One Traction Surface Comprising Exposed Weave Fibers

Номер: US20130167967A1

An exemplary elongated elevator load bearing member includes a plurality of tension elements that extend along a length of the load bearing member. A plurality of weave fibers transverse to the tension elements are woven with the tension elements such that the weave fibers maintain a desired spacing and alignment of the tension elements relative to each other. The weave fibers at least partially cover the tension elements. The weave fibers are exposed and establish an exterior, traction surface of the load bearing member. 1. An elongated elevator load bearing member of a traction elevator system , comprising:a plurality of tension elements that extend along a length of the load bearing member; anda plurality of weave fibers transverse to the tension elements and woven with the tension elements, the weave fibers maintaining a desired spacing and alignment of the tension elements relative to each other, the weave fibers at least partially covering the tension elements, the weave fibers being exposed and establishing an exterior, traction surface of the load bearing member.2. The elongated elevator load bearing member of claim 1 , wherein the weave fibers have a thickness sufficient to prevent the tension elements from contacting a component that the traction surface engages.3. The elongated elevator load bearing member of claim 1 , wherein weave fibers are arranged in a pattern that comprises a predetermined spacing between the weave fibers that establishes a surface area of coverage over the tension elements sufficient to prevent the tension elements from contacting a component that the traction surface engages.4. The elongated elevator load bearing member of claim 1 , wherein the tension elements comprise a first material and the weave fibers comprise a second claim 1 , different material.5. The elongated elevator load bearing member of claim 4 , wherein the tension elements comprise metal and the weave fibers are non-metallic.6. The elongated elevator load bearing ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177753A1
Автор: IWASHITA Kenji, Ukuma Akio

Provided are a woven fabric having excellent lightweightness and water resistance and a garment using the woven fabric. The woven fabric has an areal weight of 100 g/mor less and a cover factor of 1,800 or more. One of the warp and weft of the woven fabric contains a false-twist crimped yarn, and the other contains a non-crimped yarn. 1. A woven fabric having an areal weight of 100 g/mor less and a cover factor of 1 ,800 or more , characterized in that one of the warp and weft of the woven fabric contains a false-twist crimped yarn , and the other contains a non-crimped yarn.2. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the false-twist crimped yarn and the non-crimped yarn has a total fineness of 10 to 50 dtex.3. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the false-twist crimped yarn and the non-crimped yarn has 48 or more filaments.4. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the total fineness of the false-twist crimped yarn is equal to or higher than the total fineness of the non-crimped yarn.5. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the false-twist crimped yarn and the non-crimped yarn is made of a polyester fiber.6. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric contains the false-twist crimped yarn as one component of a composite yarn.7. The woven fabric according to claim 6 , wherein the composite yarn has a torque of 50 T/m or less.8. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric has been subjected to water-repellent processing or calendering.9. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the woven fabric is 0.1 mm or less.10. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the water pressure resistance of the woven fabric is 800 mm or more.11. The woven fabric according to claim 10 , wherein the water-pressure resistance retention after 20 washes of the woven fabric is 70% or more.12. A garment comprising the woven fabric ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186507A1

A method for the production of a fibrous metal structure by weaving with metal weft yarns and metal warp yarns. The method includes weaving the fibrous structure by successive weaving of metal clasps that are used as weft yarns. For the purpose of weaving, each of the arms of each of the metal clasps is introduced into at least one shed, each shed being formed by two warp yarns.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Low air-permeable high-density woven fabric

Номер: US20130196561A1
Автор: Fumio Shibata
Принадлежит: INAYAMA TEXTILE Inc

Provided is a low air-permeable high-density woven fabric that is less likely to get wet even in the rain and needs only a short drying time after getting wet or being washed. The low air-permeable high-density woven fabric is obtained by applying water-repellent treatment to a woven fabric containing high twisted yarns with a twist coefficient of 5100 or more in a proportion of 50% or more of the surface area of the woven fabric and has a air-permeability of 50 cc/cm 2 /sec or less, a cover factor of 1500 or more, and a rub-resistant water repellency of 100 or more.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Architectrally Enforced Denim

Номер: US20130217288A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A denim fabric with high tenacity and/or moisture management and/or stretch materials is provided. Proportions of materials in the denim fabric may vary during the weave of the fabric to create different performance zones in the resulting garment with or without assembling different fabric pieces. 1. An architecturally enforced denim fabric comprising:up to a 65 weight percent cotton fiber yarn;at least a 35 weight percent further comprising a combination of a moisture management polymer fiber yarn and a high tenacity polymer fiber yarn; andat least a 2 weight percent elastic polymer fiber yarn.2. The architecturally enforced denim fabric of wherein claim 1 ,the high tenacity polymer fiber yarns comprise the warp yarns; andthe moisture management polymer fiber yarns comprise the fill yarns.3. An architecturally enforced denim fabric comprising:up to a 65 weight percent cotton fiber yarn;at least a 35 weight percent further comprising a high tenacity polymer fiber yarn; andat least a 2 weight percent elastic polymer fiber yarn.4. The architecturally enforced denim fabric of wherein claim 4 , the high tenacity polymer fiber yarns comprise the warp yarns.5. An architecturally enforced denim fabric piece comprising:at least two different performance zones.6. The architecturally enforced denim fabric piece of wherein the performance zones comprise at least two different architecturally enforced denim fabrics stitched together.7. The architecturally enforced denim fabric piece of wherein the performance zones comprise at least two different architecturally enforced denim fabrics woven into a single fabric piece. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/600,286, filed Feb. 17, 2012, entitled “Architecturally Enforced Denim,” which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein.Not applicable.The present invention relates to architecturally enforced denim fabrics. In particular, the present invention relates to architecturally enforced ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237110A1
Автор: Morales Francisco J.
Принадлежит: 5.11, Inc.

A ripstop fabric having multi-component polyester filament yarns interwoven into spun yarns in a ripstop pattern. 1. A ripstop fabric , comprising:spun yarn; andmulti-component polyester filament yarns interwoven into the spun yarn in a ripstop pattern.2. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spun yarn comprises warp yarns for the fabric claim 1 , and the multi-component polyester filament yarn comprises are weft yarns.3. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spun yarns are weft yarns for the fabric claim 1 , and the multi-component polyester filament yarns are warp yarns4. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises a pattern of multiple adjacent multi-component polyester filament yarns woven in the same weaving direction in regular intervals.5. The ripstop fabric of claim 4 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises at least one spun yarn skipped consistently at regular intervals during weaving of the multi-component polyester filament yarn.6. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises a pattern of multiple adjacent weft yarns woven in the same weaving direction in regular intervals.7. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises at least one weft yarn skipped consistently during weaving and at regular intervals.8. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , further comprising a stain and oil repellant finish that is added during a finishing process.9. Police clothing made with the ripstop fabric of .10. Military clothing comprising the ripstop fabric of .11. A method of forming a ripstop fabric claim 1 , comprising:weaving multi-component polyester filament yarn into a ripstop fabric pattern in spun warp yarns.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein weaving comprises weaving a pattern of multiple adjacent multi-component polyester filament yarns woven in the same weaving direction at regular intervals.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein weaving comprises skipping at least one weft yarn ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Textile substrate with water and water vapor dissipating properties

Номер: US20130269823A1
Автор: Alfred Baumeler

A textile substrate includes warp and weft, wherein the warp includes a plurality of warp threads and the weft includes a plurality of weft threads. At least one of the weft threads may include a first yarn and at least one of the weft threads may include a second yarn. The first yarn may be a yarn which includes fibers made of wool and regenerated cellulose and at least one third fiber in the form of a continuous fiber made of a synthetic material. The second yarn may contain regenerated cellulose fibers, wherein the proportion by mass of the regenerated cellulose fibers respectively contained in the second yarn as a proportion of the total mass of the second yarn is greater than the proportion by mass of the respective second regenerated cellulose fibers contained in the first yarn as a proportion of the total mass of the first yarn.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270389A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

A reinforcing fiber structure for a composite material part is woven as a single piece by multilayer weaving between plural layers of weft yarns and plural layers of warp yarns arranged in adjacent manner between two faces of the structure. The fiber structure includes at least one arcuate portion extending over one of the faces of the fiber structure, the arcuate portion including at least some of the warp yarns continuous with at least two adjacent warp yarn layers present on one of the faces of the structure. The warp yarns of the arcuate portion are of a length that is longer than the warp yarns of at least two underlying warp yarn layers of the structure. In addition, the warp yarns of the arcuate portion are not interlinked with other warp yarns of the fiber structure. 111-. (canceled)12. A composite material part comprising:fiber reinforcement densified by a matrix;the reinforcement including a reinforcing fiber structure for the composite material part, the structure being woven as a single piece by multilayer weaving between a plurality of layers of weft yarns and a plurality of layers of warp yarns arranged in adjacent manner between two faces of the fiber structure;wherein the fiber structure includes at least one arcuate portion extending over one of the faces of the fiber structure, the arcuate portion comprising at least some of the warp yarns continuous with at least two adjacent warp yarn layers present on one of the faces of the fiber structure, the warp yarns of the arcuate portion being of a length that is longer than the warp yarns of at least two underlying warp yarn layers of the fiber structure, and the warp yarns of the arcuate portion are not interlinked with other warp yarns of the fiber structure.13. A part according to claim 12 , wherein the fiber structure includes a plurality of arcuate portions arranged in adjacent manner in the weft direction.14. A part according to claim 12 , wherein the fiber structure includes a plurality of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Tire cord fabric and pneumatic tire

Номер: US20130312891A1
Автор: Miyuki Nakajima
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A cord fabric is structured by weaving a weft yarn into a large number of warp yarn ( 2 ) disposed in parallel so that the weft yarn crosses the warp yarn at a coarse density. In the cord fabric, the warp yarn is a composite cord constituted of at least one aramid first twist yarn and one aliphatic polyamide first twist yarn, and the weft yarn is a spun yarn of meta system aramid fiber. The cord fabric is used as a strip material of a belt cover layer which is wound in a spiral pattern around an outer circumference of a belt layer of a pneumatic tire in a radial direction.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Air bag

Номер: US20130328293A1
Автор: Takahiro Kuramoto
Принадлежит: Toyobo Co Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide an air bag having a mechanical characteristic durable against the gas of high output and high temperature generated from an inflator which has been compacted in recent years while reducing amount of the gas leaked from sewn part of the air bag. The air bag according to the present invention is an air bag for vehicles comprising a main body part consisting of a base fabric and a sewn part being formed by sewing, with a sewing thread, the above main body part into a bag, characterized in that, the difference between the elongation of the sewing thread upon applying the tension of 31.3/a (N/thread) to the sewing thread and the elongation of the base fabric upon applying the tension of 62.5/a to the base fabric (N/stitch) [wherein “a” (stitch(es)/cm) is a sewing pitch in the sewn part] is within a range of 0 to 5.0% in both directions of warp and weft, and the air permeability of the sewn part at 40 kPa during the initial stage of development of the air bag is less than 50 mm/cm/sec.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Fibrous structure for a part made of a composite material and having a complex shape

Номер: US20130333793A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A reinforcing fiber structure woven as a single piece for fabricating a composite material part and including: first and second fiber substructures, each fiber substructure including at least one independent portion obtained by multilayer weaving between a plurality of layers of warp yarns and a plurality of layers of weft yarns that are independent from the other substructure; and an assembly portion between the least first and second fiber substructures in which a plurality of adjacent layers of warp yarns of the first fiber substructure are interlinked by at least some of the warp yarns of the second fiber substructure.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065377A1

An abrasion resistant hand-tearable adhesive tape comprising a non-symmetrical weave fabric to which at least one adhesive has been applied. In exemplary embodiments, at least one sealant is applied to the fabric prior to application of the adhesive. The tape may be manufactured in rolls that can be unwound by hand and tape torn by hand. 1. A hand-tearable adhesive tape , comprising:(a) a fabric having a first face and a second face and comprising a material woven in a non-symmetrical pattern of warp yarns and weft yarns; and,(b) an adhesive associated with the fabric.2. The tape of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sealant applied to at least one face of the fabric.3. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the first face has a greater amount of warp yarns than weft yarns showing and the second face has a greater number of weft yarns than warp yarns showing.4. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the non-symmetrical pattern is a satin weave.5. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the non-symmetrical pattern is a weave comprising at least four weft yarns floating over a warp yarn.6. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the tape is configured to be a roll.7. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns have a denier less than 100.8. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns have a denier in a range of between 20 and 150.9. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns have a denier in a range of between 20 and 100.10. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the warp yarns have a denier in a range of between 30 and 70.11. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns have a denier of at least 100.12. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns have a denier in a range of between 100 and 1000.13. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns have a denier in a range of between 300 and 600.14. The tape of claim 1 , wherein the non-symmetrical pattern is a twill weave.15. The tape of claim 14 , wherein the non-symmetrical pattern comprises diagonal parallel ribs in which the pattern of weft in one row ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083553A1
Автор: Khokar Nandan

A novel method and means for directly producing a variety of textile materials comprising tapes oriented in two opposite oblique orientations relative to the textile's length and width directions, called Oblique Fibre Textile (OFT), are disclosed. The described method and means for producing OFT provide secondary structural integrity/stability to OFTs, in addition to primary structural integrity/stability. The process is especially advantageous for producing OFTs comprising tapes, including Spread Fibre and Highly Drawn Polymeric types. Such OFTs are needed in a number of applications such as ballistic mitigation, composite materials, safety products etc. for their improved performance, functions and aesthetics. Several different types of OFTs are producible by the novel OFT forming process which is technically unlike weaving and braiding processes. 1. A method for producing a fabric comprising tapes , wherein all the tapes are arranged in oblique orientations in relation to the fabric length direction , said method comprising the steps:laying tapes, preferably successively, in at least two mutually angular directions, each of said angular directions being oblique in relation to the fabric length and width direction; anddisplacing, the fore ends of some of the previously laid tapes in the thickness direction of the tapes, for laying of tapes between said displaced tapes and non-displaced tapes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the tapes are spread fibre tapes or highly drawn polymeric tapes.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of connecting at least some of the intersecting and overlapping tape portions by provision of connection points or connection areas between said overlapping tape portions.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of taking-up the produced fabric in the fabric length direction.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of laying the tapes comprises the sub-steps of:drawing out a specified ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000170A1
Принадлежит: TOYOBO STC CO., LTD.

A woven fabric is provided that is advantageously used for sportswear such as down wear, a down jacket, a windbreaker, a futon, a sleeping bag, rainwear, a tent, a bag, and a rucksack, and materials thereof, and that has a high tear strength, assuredly maintains a low air-permeability, and has a good abrasion resistance while the fabric is lightweight and thin. The woven fabric comprises a synthetic multifilament comprising a modified monofilament having a filament transverse cross-section of a substantially quadrilateral shape, wherein: the synthetic multifilament has a total fineness 5 to 60 dtex; the modified monofilament has a single yarn fineness of 1.0 to 7.5 dtex; the woven fabric includes the synthetic multifilament in an amount of 45% or more by mass relative to 100% by mass of the woven fabric; and an average contact length where the modified monofilament touches a modified monofilament adjacent thereto is 8 to 40 μm on a cross-section in a direction perpendicular to the synthetic multifilament. 1. A woven fabric comprisinga synthetic multifilament comprising a modified monofilament having a filament transverse cross-section of a substantially quadrilateral shape, wherein,the synthetic multifilament has a total fineness of not less than 5 dtex and not greater than 60 dtex,the modified monofilament has a single yarn fineness of not less than 1.0 dtex and not greater than 7.5 dtex,the woven fabric includes the synthetic multifilament in an amount of 45% or more by mass relative to 100% by mass of the woven fabric, andan average contact length where the modified monofilament touches a modified monofilament adjacent thereto is not less than 8 μm and not greater than 40 μm on a cross-section in a direction perpendicular to the synthetic multifilament.2. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the synthetic multifilament has an arrangement where the modified monofilaments are lined in one layer on the cross-section in the direction perpendicular to the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Zoned Fabric Systems and Methods

Номер: US20180002842A1

A garment may include a first woven component, a second woven component, a space between the first and second woven components defining a channel filled with a fill material, and a third woven component extending such that the first and second woven components are woven together where there is no channel. The channel may be filled with a filler material. Multiple channels may be provided such that they form a zoned pattern in the garment.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002852A1
Автор: Qiang Song Guo
Принадлежит: Dongguan Shichang Metals Factory Ltd.

A woven fabric for seats is made of warps and wefts woven into a pattern with a ratio of 1:1, wherein the warps density is 8 strips per unit length and the wefts density is 9.2 strips per unit length. The warps and wefts are both made of polyester and linen, wherein the polyester comprises 94% by weight and the linen comprises 6% by weight. 1. A woven fabric comprising warps and wefts woven into a pattern with a ratio of 1:1 , wherein the warps have a density of 8 strips per unit length , and the wefts have a density of 9.2 strips per unit length.2. The woven fabric according to having a surface density of 320 grams per square meter.3. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the warps are made of polyester and linen claim 1 , and the wefts are made of polyester and linen claim 1 , and wherein the polyester comprises 94% by weight and the linen comprises 6% by weight.4. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein a back surface of the fabric is coated with wool.5. A woven fabric comprising:warps made of polyester and linen and woven at a density of 8 strips per unit length; andwefts made of polyester and linen and woven at a density of 9.2 strips per unit length,wherein the polyester comprises 94% by weight of the woven fabric, andthe linen comprises 6% by weight of the woven fabric.6. The woven fabric according to claim 5 , wherein a surface density of the woven fabric is 320 grams per square meter.7. The woven fabric according to claim 5 , wherein a back surface of the fabric is coated with wool. This invention relates to the field of fabrics. More particularly, this invention relates to a woven fabric for seats, such as seats for furniture.At present, fabrics used in automobile seats, furniture seats and so on are mostly linen fabrics or cotton-linen fabrics. As people sit down on, get up from, and generally move around on a seat during daily use, it is inevitable that there is friction between the fabric on the surface of the seat and people's ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002796A1
Автор: Agarwal Arun

A method includes drawing each of multiple synthetic yarns from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented yarn, twisting and detwisting filaments within the oriented yarn to provide texture thereto, to provide a low stability interlacing during weaving, and to intermingle the filaments comprising the oriented yarn, and applying a uniform air pressure to the oriented yarn to provide a counter-twist. The method also includes forming a multi-pick yarn package based on winding all formed oriented yarns, which serve as weft yarns forming adjacent substantially parallel yarns wound together, onto a spool, simultaneously inserting the weft yarns in a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus, conveying the weft yarns across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns, and interlacing the set of warp yarns and the conveyed weft yarns to produce an incremental length of a woven textile fabric. 1. A method comprising:drawing each of multiple synthetic yarns from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented yarn;twisting and detwisting filaments within the formed oriented yarn to provide texture thereto, to provide a low stability interlacing during weaving, and to intermingle the filaments comprising the formed oriented yarn;applying a uniform air pressure to the formed oriented yarn to provide a counter-twist following the twisting and the detwisting of the filaments;forming a multi-pick yarn package based on winding all formed oriented yarns analogous to and including the formed oriented yarn onto a spool following the application of the uniform air pressure, the all formed oriented yarns serving as weft yarns forming adjacent substantially parallel yarns wound together;simultaneously inserting the weft yarns in a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus;conveying, through the pick insertion apparatus, the simultaneously inserted weft yarns across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010491A1
Автор: Collins Lynda Ellen

Disclosed are woven papermaking fabrics having a machine direction (MD) axis and a cross-machine direction (CD) axis, a machine contacting surface and a web contacting surface. The web contacting surface comprises a plurality of MD and CD oriented protuberances. Generally the MD oriented protuberances are formed from warp filaments and may be continuous across one dimension of the papermaking fabric. The CD oriented protuberances are formed from shute filaments and are discrete. The fabrics may be woven such that the CD oriented protuberances traverse at least one MD oriented protuberance and in other instances two or more MD oriented protuberances. In addition to MD and CD oriented protuberances, the web contacting surface comprises valleys disposed between adjacent MD oriented protuberances. The valleys are generally permeable to air and water and aid in the formation and structuring of webs manufactured using the fabrics. 1. A woven papermaking fabric having a machine direction axis and a cross-machine direction axis , the fabric comprising: a plurality of machine direction (MD) oriented warp filaments and a plurality of cross-machine direction (CD) oriented shute filaments , the shute filaments being interwoven with warp filaments to provide a machine contacting fabric side and opposed web contacting fabric side , the web contacting fabric side having a plurality of MD oriented protuberances formed from two or more warp filaments woven above their corresponding shute filaments , each of the plurality of MD oriented protuberances spaced apart from one another to define valleys having a depth of 0.5 mm or greater there between , and a plurality of discrete CD oriented protuberances formed from at least one shute filament woven about a corresponding warp filament.2. The woven papermaking fabric of wherein the CD oriented protuberance has an upper surface lying in a first upper surface plane and the MD oriented protuberance has an upper surface lying in a second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008235A1

Woven cloth with shoelace loops is formed by a plurality of longitudinal threads and a plurality of lateralwise threads. Each of the plurality of longitudinal thread is woven by a plurality of filaments. Each of the plurality of lateralwise thread is interwoven with and ties the plurality of longitudinal threads to form a plurality of knots. At least a part of the longitudinal threads are continuously and integrally connected to form a plurality of curved back lace loops each sized for a lace or a buckle to dispose therethrough. 1. Woven cloth with shoelace loops , formed by a plurality of longitudinal threads and a plurality of lateralwise threads , each of the plurality of longitudinal threads including a plurality of filaments , each of the plurality of lateralwise threads being interwoven with and ties the plurality of longitudinal threads to form a plurality of knots , at least a part of the plurality of longitudinal threads being continuously and integrally connected to form a plurality of curved back lace loops each sized for a lace or a buckle to dispose therethrough;wherein the plurality of curved back lace loops include at least two different loop sizes.2. The woven cloth with shoelace loops of claim 1 , wherein every adjacent two of the plurality of curved back lace loops are arranged with at least one of the plurality of longitudinal threads therebetween.3. (canceled)4. The woven cloth with shoelace loops of claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of curved back lace loops include at least one lace loop group, and each of the at least one lace loop group includes at least two different loop sizes.6. The woven cloth with shoelace loops of claim 5 , wherein the buckle hole of each of the plurality of curved back lace loops is larger than 1.5 times the mesh.8. The woven cloth with shoelace loops of claim 7 , wherein each of the plurality of longitudinal threads has an outer diameter greater than 3 times an outer diameter of each of the plurality of plurality of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009176A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc.

Curable prepregs possessing enhanced ability for the removal of gases from within prepregs and between prepreg plies in a prepreg layup prior to and/or during consolidation and curing. Each curable prepreg is a resin-impregnated, woven fabric that has been subjected to a treatment to create an array of openings in at least one major surface. Furthermore, the location of the openings is specific to the weave pattern of the fabric. 1. (canceled)2. A curable prepreg comprising:a woven fabric having two opposing faces and a weaving pattern in which a tow in a first weaving direction passes over another tow in a second weaving direction, then pass under an adjacent tow in the second weaving direction, and interstices are defined between adjacent tows;a curable, hot-melt resin film covering one or both face(s) of the fabric and penetrating partially through the thickness of the fabric leaving an inner section of the fabric, in the thickness direction, substantially free of the resin film; andan array of openings in the resin film(s), each opening exposing a single interstice in the fabric and configured to create a fluid flow path from the inner section of the fabric to at least one outer surface of the prepreg, or from at least one outer surface of the prepreg to the inner section, or from one outer surface of the prepreg to an opposite outer surface, or combination thereof.35-. (canceled)6. The curable prepreg of claim 2 , wherein the weaving pattern of the woven fabric is plain weave.7. The curable prepreg of claim 6 , wherein the openings are formed through opposing outer surfaces of the prepreg.814-. (canceled)15. A method for fabricating a curable composite material with an array of surface openings claim 6 , the method comprising:(a) partially impregnating a woven fabric with a curable, hot-melt resin such that a continuous resin film covers each face of the fabric and penetrates partially through the thickness of the fabric leaving an inner section of the fabric, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009153A1

A lacrosse head pocket and a related method of manufacture are provided to facilitate consistent, repeatable and/or custom manufacture of lacrosse equipment. The pocket can be knitted, weaved or otherwise assembled on an automated assembly machine from strands, and/or can be formed as a unitary textile material having regions/sections with different physical and/or mechanical properties. The pocket can be integrally molded within portions of a lacrosse head to eliminate manually constructed connections between the pocket and lacrosse head. The pocket can include a perimeter flange constructed from special materials and/or a perimeter flange including intermittent voids along an outer edge so that the perimeter flange stretches when the pocket is in a loaded state with the lacrosse ball therein, thereby providing dampening to the pocket when a lacrosse ball exerts force upon the pocket in the loaded state. 1. A method of making a lacrosse pocket comprising:mechanically manipulating a plurality of first strands and a plurality of second strands with an automated pocket assembly machine during an automated process to form a lacrosse pocket body during the automated process, the lacrosse pocket body including a predefined, three dimensional, concave shape, the lacrosse pocket body having a lower pocket portion, an upper pocket portion and a middle pocket portion therebetween;forming a perimeter flange in the lacrosse pocket body during the automated process, the perimeter flange including the plurality of first strands interlooped with one another; andforming at least one of the lower pocket portion, the upper pocket portion, and the middle pocket portion of the lacrosse pocket body with the plurality of second strands interlooped with one another, and with ones of the plurality of first strands, so that the perimeter flange and at least one of the lower pocket portion, the upper pocket portion, and the middle pocket portion form a unitary textile material,wherein the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010268A1
Автор: Bircher Amy
Принадлежит: MMI Textiles, Inc.

An exemplary webbing is formed from a plurality of warp yarns woven together with a plurality of weft yarns. The webbing extends from an outside edge to a needled edge. The outside edge is formed by the weaving of the warp yarns and weft yarns, and the needled edge is formed by the weaving of the warp yarns, weft yarns, and at least one catch cord. The warp yarns and weft yarns are dyed a first color. At least one warp yarn proximate the outside edge is dyed a second color and the at least catch cord is dyed a third color, the second and third colors being darker than the first color. 1. A woven webbing comprising:a plurality of warp yarns woven together with a plurality of weft yarns to form a webbing, the webbing extending from an outside edge to a needled edge;wherein the outside edge is formed by the weaving of the warp yarns and weft yarns;wherein the needled edge is formed by the weaving of the warp yarns, weft yarns, and at least one catch cord;wherein the warp yarns and weft yarns are dyed a first color;wherein at least one warp yarn proximate the outside edge is dyed a second color;wherein the at least catch cord is dyed a third color; andwherein the second and third colors are darker than the first color.2. The woven webbing of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns are died a fourth color claim 1 , the fourth color being darker than the first color and lighter than the second and third colors.3. The woven webbing of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns are died a fourth color claim 1 , the fourth color being darker than the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third colors.4. The woven webbing of claim 1 , wherein at least one warp yarn proximate the needled edge is dyed the third color.5. The woven webbing of claim 1 , wherein the first color is darker than the second color.6. The woven webbing of claim 1 , wherein the second and third colors are the same.7. A woven webbing comprising:a body extending from an outside edge to a needled edge;a pattern printed on the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010170A1
Принадлежит: K. G. Denim Limited

A woven textile fabric that is soft, comfortable and durable includes warp yarns and weft yarns, wherein the warp yarns include cotton and at least one fiber other than cotton, the weft yarns comprise polyester, the fabric comprises from 44 to 300 ends per inch warp yarn and from 24 to 1800 picks per inch weft yarn. The warp count ranges from 2 s count to 170 s count and the weft count ranges from 7 denier to 150 denier. The fabric is particularly useful as a bed linen. 1. A woven textile fabric comprising warp yarns and weft yarns , wherein the warp yarns comprise cotton and at least one fiber other than cotton , the weft yarns comprise polyester , the fabric comprises from 44 to 300 ends per inch warp yarns and from 24 to 1800 picks per inch weft yarns.2. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fiber other than cotton comprises a regenerated cellulosic fiber.3. The woven textile fabric of claim 2 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is lyocell.4. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarns comprise untwisted claim 1 , multiple filament texturized yarns.5. The woven textile fabric of claim 4 , wherein the weft yarns further comprise untwisted claim 4 , single filament texturized yarn.6. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present in an amount ranging from about 5% to about 10% claim 1 , the cotton is present in an amount greater than 51% claim 1 , and the polyester is present in an amount ranging from about 5% to about 40%.7. The woven textile fabric of claim 6 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present in an amount of about 7% claim 6 , the cotton is present in an amount of about 64% claim 6 , and the polyester is present in an amount of about 29%.8. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weave is a 1/1 plain weave claim 1 , a 2/1 twill weave claim 1 , a 4/1 satin weave claim 1 , a Dobby weave claim 1 , a Jacquard weave claim 1 , any reverse or ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010171A1

The present invention relates to a fabric having an improved winding property, and more particularly to a fabric having an improved winding property, which simultaneously has an excellent winding property and excellent mechanical properties and exhibits an effect of preventing dye migration in fabric coating, and a commodity including the same. 1. A fabric having an improved winding property , comprising:warp;weft;ground warp included to interweave the warp and the weft; andfusion parts which are included at both ends in a warp discharging direction, and are formed by bonding one type of low melting fiber selected from a core-sheath type first low melting fiber which includes a first sheath and a first core and a core-sheath type second low melting fiber which includes a second sheath having a lower melting point or softening point than the first sheath and a second core.2. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp and the weft are disposed to be interwoven and the ground warp is included to interweave the warp and the weft claim 1 , or the weft is disposed under the warp and the ground warp is included to interweave the warp and the weft.3. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp and the weft each independently include one or more selected from the group consisting of polyester fiber and PP fiber.4. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the warp and the weft each independently have a fineness of 250 to 3000 De.5. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ground warp includes one or more selected from the group consisting of polyester fiber and PP fiber.6. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ground warp includes one or more selected from the group consisting of a first low melting fiber and a second low melting fiber.7. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ground warp has a fineness of 50 to 300 De.8. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the first low melting fiber and the second low melting fiber each independently have a fineness of 50 to 300 De.9. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Fire resistant textile material

Номер: US20210010172A1
Принадлежит: Hainsworth AW and Sons Ltd

A fire resistant textile material comprising a fire resistant textile material comprising a woven face fabric composed of fibres selected from: meta-aramid, para-aramid, polyamideimide and mixtures thereof; wherein the number of warp face threads, per unit width (cm) is greater than the number of weft threads, per unit length (cm).

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010636A1

A fabric (e.g., carpet having a shadow effect) includes a backing fabric having binding warp yarns repeatedly crossing each other for providing weft receiving openings, tension warp yarns substantially extending in a warp direction, and weft yarns substantially extending in a weft direction through the weft receiving openings, pile warp yarns interlaced with weft yarns for providing piles extending out of the backing fabric, wherein, at least one weft yarn is positioned immediately adjacent to one of the crossings of the binding warp yarns provides an end weft yarn positioned at a back side relative to at least one weft separating warp yarn extending in the backing fabric substantially in the warp direction, and at least one intermediate weft yarn positioned adjacent to such an end weft yarn in the warp direction is positioned at the pile side. 2. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein at least one pile comprises two pile legs claim 1 , one of the pile legs extending out of the backing fabric between the end weft yarn and the intermediate weft yarn and the other pile leg extending out of the backing fabric between the end weft yarn and an end weft yarn of an immediately adjacent weft receiving opening claim 1 , and/or wherein at least one pile comprises a single pile leg extending out of the backing fabric between the end weft yarn and the intermediate weft yarn claim 1 , and/or wherein at least one pile comprises a single pile leg extending out of the backing fabric between the end weft yarn and an end weft yarn of an immediately adjacent weft receiving opening.3. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein in association with at least one weft receiving opening a pile is provided by interlacing a pile warp yarn with an end weft yarn of this weft receiving opening positioned immediately adjacent to the crossing of the binding warp yarns defining this weft receiving opening in a first orientation of the warp direction and claim 1 , in association with at least one ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Insulating sheer fabric

Номер: US20170016152A1
Автор: Gary Goldberg
Принадлежит: Smart Textile Products LLC

Fabrics which allow for light transmission and provide thermal insulation are described. A fabric is formed from at least one yarn to form a continuous web of fabric. The continuous web is configured to allow between 20% and 65% of incident light to be transmitted through the fabric, and to reduce heat transfer through the fabric such that the fabric has an R value of at least 0.75 K·m 2 /W. The continuous web of fabric may be a woven fabric where the at least one yarn is woven to form the woven fabric.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016153A1
Автор: Agarwal Arun

Disclosed are a method, a device and/or a system of proliferating a thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package. In one or more embodiments, multiple texturized polyester weft yarns of denier between 15 and 65 are wound on a single bobbin in a parallel adjacent fashion such that they may be fed into an air jet pick insertion apparatus and/or a rapier pick insertion apparatus of an air jet loom to weave a textile that has between 90 to 235 ends per inch cotton warp yarns and between 100 and 965 polyester weft yarns. 1. A woven textile fabric comprising:from 90 to 235 ends per inch warp yarns; andfrom 100 to 1016 picks per inch multi-filament polyester weft yarns;wherein the picks are woven into the textile fabric in groups of at least two multi-filament polyester well yarns running in a parallel form to one another,wherein the multi-filament polyester weft yarns are wound in a substantially parallel form to one another and substantially adjacent to one another on a multi-pick yarn package to enable the simultaneous inserting of the multi-filament polyester weft yarns during a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus,wherein the number of the multi-filament polyester weft yarns wound on the weft yarn package using the single pick insertion and in a substantially parallel form to one another and substantially adjacent to one another is at least two,wherein the number of the multi-filament polyester weft yarns conveyed by the pick insertion apparatus across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns in the single pick insertion event of the pick insertion apparatus of the loom apparatus is between one and eight,wherein the pick insertion apparatus of the loom apparatus is at least one of an air jet pick insertion apparatus and a rapier pick insertion apparatus, andwherein the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016712A1

A webbing includes a base made by interlacing main warps M and wefts W; and thin warps A-C, a-c that are woven into the base On the surface of the webbing, the thin warps A-C or a-c cover the main warps. The main warps M meander so as to pass over odd-numbered wefts and and to pass under even-numbered wefts and On the upper side of the webbing, the thin warps A, B, and C cover the main warps M of the base On the lower side of the webbing, the thin warps a, b, and c cover the main warps M of the base 1. A webbing comprising:a base made by interlacing main warps and wefts; andthin warps that are woven into the base and are thinner than the main warps,wherein, on the surface of the webbing, the thin warps cover the main warps.2. The webbing according to claim 1 , wherein a total of two or more thin warps are woven for each main warp.3. The webbing according to claim 2 , wherein the main warps have a fineness of 1000 to 3000 denier claim 2 , and the thin warps have a fineness of 250 to 1500 denier.4. A webbing comprising:a base made by interlacing main warps and wefts; andthin warps that are woven into the base and are thinner than the main warps,wherein the thin warps are interposed between the main warps, and the heights of the tops of the thin warps from the wefts are substantially the same as the heights of the tops of the main warps from the wefts.5. The webbing according to claim 4 , wherein the thin warps comprise first thin warps and second thin warps claim 4 ,wherein the first thin warps are interposed between the second thin warps and the base, andwherein heights of tops of the second thin warps from the wefts are substantially the same as heights of tops of the main warps from the wefts.6. The webbing according to claim 5 ,wherein the main warps have a fineness of 1000 to 3000 denier, and the first thin warps and the second thin warps have a fineness of 250 to 1500 denier, andwherein one or more second thin warps are interposed between the main warps. This ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016419A1

An abrasive product comprising an impregnated woven fabric comprising: a) A first layer of first uncrimped weft multifilaments (-) b) a second layer of second uncrimped weft multifilaments (-); wherein for each of the first uncrimped weft multifilaments (-) there is one corresponding second uncrimped weft multifilament (-), and vice versa, to form successive multifilament pairs () of first and second uncrimped weft multifilaments; c) crimped warp filaments (41-44) having four different weave types d-c4, but each weave type consisting of entwining around first uncrimped weft multifilaments; passing between first and second uncrimped weft multifilaments; entwining around second uncrimped weft multifilaments; and passing again between first and second uncrimped weft multifilaments; d) uncrimped warp filaments () passing between first (-) and second (-) uncrimped weft multifilaments of all multifilament pairs (). The abrasive product furthermore comprises either a first particulate abrasive material () embedded into the first topmost surface () of the first top layer (), or a prefabricated abrasive sheet () comprising a matrix material, a first top sheet surface () and first abrasive particles () embedded into the first top sheet surface (). 1. An abrasive product comprising{'b': '6', 'claim-text': [{'b': 301', '308, 'a) A first layer (A) of first uncrimped weft multifilaments (-) running essentially in parallel to each other and being spaced apart from each other by a distance D;'}, {'b': 309', '316, 'b) a second layer (B) of second uncrimped weft multifilaments (-) running essentially in parallel to each other and being spaced apart from each other by said distance D;'}, {'b': 301', '308', '309', '316', '301', '309', '302', '310', '303', '311', '304', '312', '305', '313', '306', '314', '307', '315', '308', '316, 'wherein for each of the first uncrimped weft multifilaments (-) there is one corresponding second uncrimped weft multifilament (-), and vice versa, to form ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017198A1

A transport or drive belt includes: warp threads extending in a longitudinal direction; and weft threads extending between side edges. The weft threads and the warp threads cross each other at least sectionally with a positive inclination or a negative inclination deviating from a right angle. The weft threads follow a wavy course. 1: A transport or drive belt , comprising:warp threads extending in a longitudinal direction; andweft threads extending between side edges,wherein the weft threads and the warp threads cross each other at least sectionally with a positive inclination or a negative inclination deviating from a right angle, andwherein the weft threads follow a wavy course.2: The transport or drive belt of claim 1 , wherein the weft threads have claim 1 , between the side edges claim 1 , at least a first region with a positive inclination having a direction component with respect to a direction of movement of the transport or drive belt and a second region with a negative inclination having a direction component with respect to the direction of movement of the transport or drive belt.3: The transport or drive belt of claim 1 , wherein the weft threads follow a regular wavy course.4: The transport or drive belt of claim 1 , wherein the weft threads extend symmetrically with respect to a central longitudinal axis.5: The transport or drive belt of claim 1 , wherein the weft threads extend continuously between the side edges.6: The transport or drive belt of claim 1 , wherein adjacent weft threads are arranged at a constant distance from each other claim 1 , in particular along an entire width of the transport or drive belt.7: The transport or drive belt of claim 1 , wherein a distance of a weft thread from an adjacent weft thread is smaller than an amplitude of the weft thread.8: The transport or drive belt of claim 7 , wherein the distance of at least one weft thread is different from distances of other weft threads.9: A transport or drive belt claim 7 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017678A1
Автор: Wu Yung-Yu

A woven textile defines a horizontal direction and a longitudinal direction. The woven textile includes a first section, a second section, and a third thread. The first section includes at least one first thread. The first thread extends wavily. The second section includes at least one second thread. The second thread extends wavily. The first section and the second section are aligned along the longitudinal direction and partially overlap to form an overlap section. The third thread extends along the horizontal direction and binds with the first thread and the second thread inside the overlap section. Each of the first thread and the second thread is a filament integrally formed of TPU. 1. A woven textile , defining a horizontal direction and a longitudinal direction , the woven textile including:at least one first section, including at least one first thread, the at least one first thread extending wavily;at least one second section, including at least one second thread, the at least one second thread extending wavily, the at least one first section and the at least one second section being aligned along the longitudinal direction and partially overlapping to form an overlap section;at least one third thread, extending along the horizontal direction and binding with the at least one first thread and the at least one second thread inside the overlap section;wherein each of the at least one first thread and the at least second thread is a filament integrally formed of TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethanes).2. The woven textile of claim 1 , including a plurality of said first sections claim 1 , a plurality of said second sections claim 1 , and a plurality of said third threads claim 1 , the first sections and the second sections being arranged alternately along the longitudinal direction claim 1 , adjacent said first sections and said second sections partially overlapping.3. The woven textile of claim 1 , wherein the at least one third thread is made of artificial sinew ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020310A1
Автор: Garg Kamal, Rai Gagan

Percale weave sheeting has warp yarn and weft yarn. The percale weave sheeting has two surfaces. Both surfaces exhibit color consistency. The warp yarn and the weft yarn are a cross weave of cotton and polyester. 1. Fabric fabricated of percale weave sheeting , the percale weave sheeting having two surfaces wherein both surfaces exhibit color consistency , the percale weave sheeting having warp yarn and weft yarn , the warp yarn and the weft yarn being a cross weave of cotton and polyester.2. The fabric as set forth in wherein the percale weave sheeting is formed as a pillowcase.3. The fabric as set forth in wherein the percale weave sheeting is formed as a top sheet.4. The fabric as set forth in wherein the percale weave sheeting is formed as a fitted sheet.5. The fabric as set forth in wherein the percale weave sheeting is formed as pillowcases claim 1 , a top sheet claim 1 , and a fitted sheet6. The fabric as set forth in wherein the warp yarn is cotton claim 1 , 15 D to 240 D denier and 30 s to 60 s thread count.7. The fabric as set forth in wherein the cotton is chief value cotton with a minimum of 51 percent cotton and 49 percent chosen from polyester/filament yarn and polyester spun yarn and cotton spun yarn.8. The fabric as set forth in wherein the weft yarn is polyester filament claim 1 , low intermingle claim 1 , 15 D to 240 D denier and 14 filament to 36 filament thread count.9. The fabric as set forth in wherein the weft yarn is polyester filament claim 1 , low intermingle claim 1 , 15 D to 240 D denier and 36 filament to 72 filament thread count.10. The fabric as set forth in wherein the weft yarn is polyester filament claim 1 , low intermingle claim 1 , 15 D to 240 D denier and 72 filament to 108 filament thread count.11. The fabric as set forth in wherein the warp yarn is cotton filament claim 1 , with a yarn count of 30 to 60 s claim 1 , and 15 D to 240 D denier claim 1 , and 14 to 216 filament claim 1 , and wherein the weft yarn is polyester ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Plexus of Filaments with Linked Members

Номер: US20180020762A1
Автор: Jamison Bradford C.

Disclosed herein is a plexus of filaments which is composed of paired filaments which travel extensively around one another to form a double helix structure, where each pair of filaments belongs to a group of filaments, traverse at crossing angles to other filaments which belong to at least another group of filaments, thus repetitively crossing the paths of the filament pairs in at least another group of filaments. Also defined within the specifications and claims herein is the linking of the filaments between the different paired groups of filaments, which facilitates the distribution of tension between the filaments within a plexus of filaments. Herein described are plexuses which exhibit greater conformal and constrictive qualities in comparison to the prior art. Also disclosed is a method of producing filament structures for a variety of uses including composite structures, with enhanced structural properties, including but not limited to; tension displacement properties, for use in applications requiring conformal load distribution with minimal weight. 1. A plexus of filaments , comprising:two or more groups of filaments;wherein the filaments within each of the groups of filaments consist of at least one pair of filaments; and,wherein each filament within each pair of filaments traverse along paths which cross each other repetitively along their lengths; and,wherein the paired filaments within each of the said two or more groups of filaments traverse along paths which cross the paths of the other group(s) of paired filaments; and,wherein filaments in each of the pairs of filaments belonging to each group of filaments, link to filaments in each of the other groups of filaments.2. A plexus of filaments claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 ,wherein each filament within each pair of filaments cross alternatively above and below each other along their lengths; andwherein each filament within each pair of filaments cross alternatively above and below filaments within the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Textile Materials Comprising Tapes In Two Oblique Orientations And Its Method And Means For Production

Номер: US20220042220A1
Автор: Khokar Nandan

A variety of textile materials comprising tapes oriented in two oblique orientations relative to the textile's length and width directions, called OFT for Oblique Fibre Textiles, are disclosed. Such OFTs are provided with secondary structural integrity/stability, in addition to primary structural integrity/stability, for improved resistance to formation of openings/gaps. OFTs comprising tapes, particularly Spread Fibre and Highly Drawn Polymeric types, are needed in a number of applications such as ballistic mitigation, composite materials, safety products etc. because they provide improved performance, material properties/functions and aesthetics. Such OFTs can be used either independently or in combination with other textile materials. Different types of OFTs are producible by a novel OFT forming process which is technically unlike weaving and braiding processes. 1. A fabric of bias type comprising:a fabric portion formed of a plurality of tapes;wherein the fabric portion has a width, a thickness and a length, wherein the width extends from a first side of the fabric portion to a second side of the fabric portion, the first side being parallel to the second side along a length direction of the fabric portion, said fabric portion further comprising at least a middle part between the first side and the second side;wherein the plurality of tapes comprises a first set of tapes of the plurality of tapes and a second set of tapes of the plurality of tapes;wherein each of the plurality of tapes is a spread fiber tape, having been spread from parent tows and having a distribution of fibers arranged linearly and parallel to each other, oriented in a length direction of the tape;wherein the first set of tapes are arranged in an intersecting and overlapping fashion with the second set of tapes;wherein the first set of tapes and the second set of tapes are structurally linked with each other;wherein each tape of the plurality of tapes is provided in a discrete length and ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024271A1
Автор: Morris David D.

An innerduct for segregating cables in a conduit is provided wherein the innerduct is constructed from one or more strip-shaped lengths of a woven textile fabric and configured to provide multiple longitudinal compartments for the cables, and the textile fabric has a warp of monofilament yarn ends and a filling of a combination of monofilament and multifilament yarn picks, with the multifilament yarn picks being multiple-inserted yarns. 1. An innerduct for a cable , comprising one or more strip-shaped lengths of woven textile fabric configured to create a flexible , longitudinal compartment for enveloping a cable , wherein the woven textile fabric is in a plain weave construction and comprises:a plurality of warp yarns, wherein the warp yarns are monofilament warp yarns; and,a plurality of filling yarns interwoven with the warp yarns, wherein the filling yarns consist of a repeating pattern of picks of monofilament yarns and multiple-inserted multifilament yarns, wherein the arrangement of monofilament yarns to multiple-inserted multifilament yarns is selected from the group consisting of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:4, and 3:5, wherein at least one-fourth of the picks of the filling yarns are multiple-inserted multifilament yarns, and wherein the multiple-inserted multifilament yarns are inserted into the fabric by a process selected from the group consisting of:(a) multiple multifilament filling yarns inserted in a shed of a loom together;(b) multiple multifilament filling yarns inserted separately, while the shed of the loom remains the same; and(c) multiple multifilament filling yarns inserted separately, where the shed of the looms remains substantially the same, that is, the position of 25% or less of the warp yarns are changed between insertions of the yarns.2. The innerduct of claim 1 , wherein the filling comprises from 14 to 22 picks per inch and the warp comprises from 25 to 75 ends per inch of polyester claim 1 , monofilament yarn.3. The innerduct of claim 1 , ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Coating material for airbag base fabric, and airbag base fabric

Номер: US20140113516A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an aqueous coating material based on a water-soluble resin having the OH group for airbag base fabric. The water-soluble resin is a polyvinyl alcohol (PVAL). An aliphatic carboxylic acid or polyisocyanate which can cross-link with the OH group of the PVAL by heat treatment, and polyol as a plasticizer such as a liquid polyethylene glycol which does not volatilize in heat treatment are added. A water-insoluble coating film having excellent heat and moisture resistance (hot water resistance) and flexibility can be formed on one surface or both surfaces of the cloth.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029335A1

The invention addresses the problem of providing a cloth, a multilayered cloth, and a textile product, which have flame retardancy and heat insulation and develop a relief structure when exposed to flame or heat. As a means for resolution, a cloth characterized in that a yarn A having a high thermal shrinkage rate and a yarn B having a low thermal shrinkage rate are alternately arranged in the warp direction or weft direction is obtained, then, as necessary, a multilayered cloth is obtained using the cloth as an intermediate layer, and further, as necessary, a textile product is formed using the multilayered cloth. 1. A cloth characterized in that a yarn A having a high thermal shrinkage rate and a yarn B having a low thermal shrinkage rate are alternately arranged in the warp direction or weft direction.2. The cloth according to claim 1 , having an afterflame time of 2.0 seconds or less in the combustion measurement in accordance with JIS L1091-1992 claim 1 , A-4 Method (12-second heating method).3. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein the yarn A having a high thermal shrinkage rate and the yarn B having a low thermal shrinkage rate are alternately arranged at intervals of 2 to 100 mm in the warp direction or weft direction.4. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein the yarn A having a high thermal shrinkage rate and/or the yarn B having a low thermal shrinkage rate is a spun yarn or a filament.5. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein the difference HAB in dry thermal shrinkage rate between the yarn A having a high thermal shrinkage rate and the yarn B having a low thermal shrinkage rate is 10% or more:{'br': None, 'Dry thermal shrinkage rate (%)=((length before testing (mm)−length after testing (mm))/(length before testing (mm))×100,'}{'br': None, 'Difference HAB in thermal shrinkage rate (%)=(dry thermal shrinkage rate of the yarn A (%))−(dry thermal shrinkage rate of the yarn B (%)).'}6. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein the yarn A having a high ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029986A1
Автор: Goenka Dipali

A decorative engineered self-hem and a method to prepare the decorative engineered self-hem in a single fabric is disclosed herein. It is prepared without having any additional cut and sew, with various weave patterns designed in a design area 10-20 inches from a selvedge area and the rest of the fabric is woven in conventional weave pattern such as satin/twill. The method of preparation includes cutting the fabric parallel to a selvedge area; folding the fabric overlapping the selvedge area; and folding the full fabric horizontally and, at the same time, hemming of edge of the selvedge area to finish. 1. A decorative engineered self-hem in a single fabric without having any additional cut and sew , with a weave pattern is designed in a design area 10-20 inches from an edge of the fabric forming a selvedge area , and the rest of the fabric is woven in a weave pattern different from the pattern of the design area.2. The decorative engineered self-hem according to claim 1 , wherein the rest of the fabric is woven in a weaver pattern such as satin/twill.3. A decorative engineered self-hem according to claim 1 , wherein said fabric is constructed with 60 s warp yarn and 60 s count weft yarn claim 1 , and wherein the final thread count is 300.4. A decorative engineered self-hem according to claim 1 , wherein said fabric is optionally constructed with 40 s claim 1 , 60 s claim 1 , 80 s claim 1 , 100 s claim 1 , 120 s yarn count claim 1 , and wherein the thread count is 200 TC or above. The present application claims foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. 119 to patent application 3394/MUM/2013, filed in India on Oct. 28, 2013, which patent application is incorporated herein by reference. The present application also is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/525,212, filed Oct. 27, 2014, and now granted as U.S. Pat. No. 9,410,271, which '212 application disclosure and '271 patent disclosure are incorporated herein by reference. The '212 application and ' ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032502A1
Автор: Beyer Sarah

A fabric having first section and having first pores created by the interlacings of yarn in a first pattern, and having a first average pore size. The fabric also includes a second fabric section having second fabric pores created by the interlacings of yarn in a second pattern, and a second average pore size. The number of first interlacings of yarn is greater than the number of second interlacings of yarn. The first fabric provides strength to the second fabric. The first fabric pattern designed to mitigate any unravel of a second pore yarn in the event it is severed. 1. A fabric comprising:a first fabric section comprising first fabric pores created by first interlacings of yarn in a first pattern, and having a first average pore size;a second fabric section having second fabric pores created by second interlacings of yarn in a second pattern, and a second average pore size, wherein the number of first interlacings of yarn is greater than the number of second interlacings of yarn; andan interface created between the first fabric section and the second fabric section,whereby the first interlacings enhance the strength of the second fabric section and reduce the potential for fray.2. The fabric of wherein the first fabric section surrounds the second fabric section.3. The fabric of wherein the first average pore size is at least 100% smaller than the second average pore size.4. The fabric of wherein the weight of the first fabric section is at least 50% greater than the weight of the second fabric section.5. The fabric of wherein the thickness of the first fabric section is at least 10% greater than the thickness of the second fabric section.6. The fabric of wherein the burst strength of the first fabric section is at least 50% greater than the burst strength of the second fabric section.7. The fabric of wherein the number of first interlacings is at least 50% more than the number of second interlacings.8. The fabric of wherein the percentage of open area of the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049383A1
Автор: Hosaka Taiki

A non-coated base fabric for an airbag is made of a polyamide fiber, wherein a CV value of the dynamic air permeability by the ASTM D6476 method is 6.0% or less, a CV value of the air permeability at a differential pressure of 500 Pa by the ASTM D3886 method is 10.0% or less, and a CV value of the air permeability at a differential pressure of 20 KPa is 10.0% or less, which are measured every 20 cm in a weft direction of the base fabric. 14-. (canceled)5. A non-coated base fabric for an airbag made of a polyamide fiber , wherein CV values of air permeability of (A) to (C) measured every 20 cm in a weft direction of the base fabric satisfy:(A) a CV value of dynamic air permeability by the ASTM D6476 method is 6.0% or less,(B) a CV value of air permeability at a differential pressure of 500 Pa by the ASTM D3886 method is 10.0% or less, and(C) a CV value of the air permeability at a differential pressure of 20 KPa according to JIS L 1096 is 10.0% or less.6. The non-coated base fabric for an airbag of claim 5 , wherein a CV value of tensile strength measured every 20 cm in a weft direction of the base fabric is 1.5% or less claim 5 , and a CV value of tear strength is 3.0% or less.7. A method of manufacturing the non-coated base fabric for an airbag of claim 5 , the method comprising:a heat setting step and a step of adjusting the surface temperature of the base fabric before the heat setting step,wherein, after adjusting the surface temperature of the base fabric to 40 to 70° C., the heat setting step is performed.8. An airbag in which the non-coated base fabric for an airbag of is sewn. This disclosure relates to a non-coated base fabric for an airbag, an airbag, and a manufacturing method of the non-coated base fabric for an airbag. More specifically, the disclosure relates to a non-coated base fabric for an airbag having a uniform air permeability in a weft direction of the base fabric, an airbag in which the non-coated base fabric for an airbag is sewn, and a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing one-piece textile by a jacquard machine and product made by the same

Номер: US20190032252A1
Автор: Hung-Ching Chou
Принадлежит: Shen Feng Textile Co Ltd

A method of manufacturing a one-piece textile by a jacquard machine includes a preparation step, a jacquard weaving step, a textile separation step, and a textile ironing step. A woven cloth is made of the method and includes a base fabric and multiple textiles connected with the base fabric by at least one sewing area. The woven cloth is a one-piece structure made by a jacquard machine. The textiles are separated by trimming the at least one sewing area from the woven cloth. Each textile is a complete product with a one-piece structure without sewing. The manufacturing method can improve the efficiency of textile production.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032432A1
Автор: Agarwal Arun

A method includes drawing each multiple partially oriented polyester yarn from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented polyester yarn as a single multi-filament polyester weft yarn, inserting the multi-filament polyester weft yarn during a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus through winding the multi-filament polyester weft yarn on a single-pick yarn package, and conveying at least two of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns in the single pick insertion event to form an incremental length of a woven textile fabric having a first surface with a majority of ends of the warp yarns and a second surface with a majority of picks of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn thereon. The method also includes solely abrading the second surface to provide for comfort to a user during contact therewith. 1. A method of a woven textile fabric comprising:drawing each of multiple partially oriented polyester yarns from a corresponding supply package to form an oriented polyester yarn therefrom as a single multi-filament polyester weft yarn;inserting the multi-filament polyester weft yarn during a single pick insertion event of a pick insertion apparatus of a loom apparatus through winding the multi-filament polyester weft yarn on a single-pick yarn package, the pick insertion apparatus being at least one of an air jet pick insertion apparatus and a rapier pick insertion apparatus;conveying, through the pick insertion apparatus, at least two of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn across a warp shed of the loom apparatus through a set of warp yarns in the single pick insertion event of the pick insertion apparatus to form an incremental length of the woven textile fabric having a first surface with a majority of ends of the warp yarns thereon and a second surface with a majority of picks of the multi-filament polyester weft yarn thereon, the second surface ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038042A1

The woven fabric according to the invention comprises a warp and weft yarns, the weft yarns comprise first weft yarns and second weft yarns, the first weft yarns and the warp yarns form a base layer of the fabric, while the at least one plurality of second weft yarns forms an additional layer of the fabric that can be broken under a stress without damaging the base layer to change the appearance of the fabric and of the clothing articles made of said fabric. 112345634231417153441113111abbba. A woven fabric () comprising warp yarns () and weft yarns ( , ) woven together , said fabric having a front side () and a back side () , wherein: said weft yarns comprise a plurality of first weft yarns () and at least one plurality of second weft yarns (); said plurality of warp yarns () and said plurality of first weft yarns () form a base layer () of said fabric; and said at least one plurality of second weft yarns () form an additional layer () of said fabric in the form of over portions (′) , characterized in that said an additional layer () is located on the front side () of the fabric and in that said first () and second () weft yarns are different and are selected give a different behaviour with respect to a same stress applied to an area of said fabric , so that at least part of said second weft yarns () in said additional layer () of the fabric breaks under said stress applied to at least one area () of said fabric and at least said first weft yarns () of said base layer () within said areas () withstand the said stress.243. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said stress is a mechanical stress and the breaking force of said second weft yarns () is lower claim 1 , preferably 2 to 7 times lower claim 1 , than the breaking force of said first weft yarns ().343. The fabric according to claim 2 , wherein the breaking force of said second weft yarns () is 3 to 5 times lower than the breaking force of said first weft yarns ().443. The fabric according to claim 1 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Fastener Tape, Slide Fastener and Fabric with Fixedly-Attached Slide Fastener

Номер: US20200037712A1
Автор: Go Takani, Yuji Sasaki
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A fastener tape includes a mounting part for mounting a fastener element and a sewing part for sewing a fabric. The mutually adjoining sides of the mounting part and sewing part are integrally connected to each other. Another side of the mounting part which is spaced distantly from the sewing part provides a fastener element mounting side for mounting the fastener element. The sewing part is constituted of a plain weave texture.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045534A1

A body support structure including a backrest, a seat connected to the backrest, and a suspension material connected to the backrest or the seat. The suspension material includes elastomeric filaments with monofilaments and multifilaments. The suspension material further includes a first zone with a first stiffness, a second zone with a second stiffness greater than the first stiffness, and a transition zone positioned between the first zone and the second zone. 1. A body support structure comprising:a backrest;a seat connected to the backrest; anda suspension material connected to the backrest or the seat and comprising filaments, the suspension material having a first zone, a second zone, and a first transition zone positioned between the first zone and the second zone,wherein the first zone has a first stiffness, the first transition zone has a range of stiffness that varies between a second stiffness that is less than the first stiffness and a third stiffness that is less than the second stiffness, and the second zone has a fourth stiffness less than the third stiffness.2. The body support structure of claim 1 , wherein the suspension material includes monofilaments and multifilaments.3. The body support structure of claim 1 , wherein the first zone is larger than the transition zone.4. The body support structure of claim 1 , wherein the first zone has a first density of suspension material claim 1 , the second zone has a second density of suspension material less than the first density claim 1 , and a density of suspension material in the transition zone varies between the first density and the second density.5. The body support structure of claim 1 , wherein the first transition zone includes monofilaments having a first elastic modulus and monofilaments having a second elastic modulus.6. The body support structure of claim 1 , wherein the suspension material is connected to a seat having a front edge claim 1 , a rear edge claim 1 , and a pair of side edges ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040555A1
Автор: Ueda Ikuo

The object of the present invention is to provide an industrial fabric which exhibits an excellent surface smoothness and an excellent filtering ability, while at the same time reduces the generation of the hydration mark. 1. The industrial fabric of the present invention including at least one upper surface side fabric constituted by upper surface side warps and upper surface side wefts and at least one lower surface side fabric constituted by lower surface side warps and lower surface side wefts , said at least one upper surface side fabric comprising at least one concave binding yarn for pulling down including a portion where a single knuckle is formed and at least one convex binding yarn for pushing up located to be adjacent to said at least one concave binding yarn for pulling down , and said at least one convex binding yarn for pushing up passes under at least one or more said upper surface side warps or said upper surface side wefts woven with a portion where a single knuckle of said at least one concave binding yarn for pulling down is formed and includes at least two or more knuckles which are formed by passing over another upper surface side warp or another upper surface side weft located adjacent to said upper surface side warps or said upper surface side wefts.2. The industrial two-layer fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one concave binding yarn for pulling down is arranged to be adjacent to said one or more said upper surface side warps or said upper surface side wefts so as to form a set with said one or more said upper surface side warps or said upper surface side wefts.3. The industrial two-layer fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one concave binding yarn for pulling down forms the single knuckle by passing over only one upper surface side warp or only one upper surface side weft.4. The industrial two-layer fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one concave binding yarn for pulling down forms the single ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040562A1
Автор: MOON Jae Hyuk

Disclosed is a camouflage fabric which simplifies a preparation process of warps and wefts so as to assure convenience in warp and weft preparation and acquires combinations of various patterns and colors using a three-ply fabric structure so as to satisfy aesthetics, i.e., one of functions of clothing, and to have an excellent camouflaging effect. Dyed yarns of a dark color and dyed yarns of a light color are alternately arranged as the warps, dyed yarns of three colors differing from the colors of the warps are used as the wefts, the warps and the wefts are woven into the camouflage fabric of a three-ply jacquard texture using a jacquard loom and, thus, the camouflage fabric may have combinations of various patterns and colors. 1. A method of weaving a camouflage fabric of a three-ply jacquard texture using a jacquard loom , comprising determining shapes and colors of patterns of the camouflage fabric desired to be woven , determining colors of warps and wefts expressing the colors of the patterns , making a weaving design and a structural textile design to express the shapes and the colors of the patterns using the warps and the wefts , programming the designs into a file , and inputting the programmed file to a controller of the jacquard loom ,wherein first and second warps of different colors having a large brightness difference are repeatedly arranged as the warps and first, second and third wefts of different colors, differing from the colors of the warps, are repeatedly arranged as the wefts, and are thus woven into the three-ply jacquard texture so as to express the patterns of different colors.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein dyed yarns are used as the first and second warps and the first claim 1 , second the third wefts claim 1 ,wherein the first warps of dark navy, the second warps of beige, the first wefts of navy, the second wefts of brown and the third wefts of khaki are woven into A-colored patterns, B-colored patterns, C-colored patterns ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Industrial textile and use of the same

Номер: US20190040579A1

The invention relates to an industrial fabric and its use. The industrial fabric () comprises several machine direction (MD) yarns () and several cross machine direction (CMD) yarns (). The MD-yarns are twisted relative their longitudinal axis so that the twisted yams have sloped surfaces () at least on a web side surface (P) of the textile. The textile is usable in paper machine, pulp machine or filtering machine. 11. An industrial textile for supporting a fibre web in a processing machine , the textile () comprising:a web side surface (P), which is facing towards the fibre web to be processed during use of the industrial textile;a roll side surface (R), which is facing towards the processing machine during the use;{'b': '2', 'several machine direction (MD) yarns () and at least some of them have flat cross sections; and'}{'b': '3', 'several cross machine direction (CMD) yams ();'}characterized in that{'b': 1', '2', '2', '2, 'i': a,', 'b, 'the textile () is a woven fabric and comprises several machine direction yams (, ), which are twisted relative to their longitudinal axis;'}{'b': 2', '2', '2', '4, 'i': a,', 'b, 'and wherein the twisted flat machine direction yarns (, ) expose as slanted surfaces () at least on the web side surface (P).'}22. The textile as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that all of the machine direction yarns () are twisted.3. The textile as claimed in or claim 1 , characterized in that{'b': 4', '2', '6', '1, 'each of the slanted surfaces () formed of the twisted flat machine direction yarns () appear as portions having shape of an outer surface of a segment of a truncated circular cone () at least on the web side surface (P) of the textile () when seen from the web side surface (P).'}4. The textile as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that{'b': 1', '2', '2', '4', '2', '1', '4', '2', '1, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'the textile () comprises several adjacent first machine direction yarns () and second machine direction yarns () which are ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040490A1
Автор: JAIN Mohit Kumar

Fibers, yarns, woven fabric including the yarns and fibers, and methods of manufacturing the same are disclosed. Fibers can include base material staple fibers and dissolvable or water-soluble fibers that are mixed together to define an ultra-homogenous yarn comprising base material and dissolvable material, which is provided in at least the warp direction to form a woven fabric having a 7-end, 8-end or 10-end sateen weave. A processing step provides for the removal of the dissolvable fibers to produce a yarn defining a plurality of pores that are uniformly distributed throughout the structure of the yarn. The woven fabric has a thread count between 450-1200. The woven fabric is thermally-insulative, breathable and moisture-wicking. 1. A process for making a breathable , moisture-wicking and thermal-insulating fabric , comprising:mixing cleaned cotton slivers comprising cleaned cotton fibers with cleaned water-soluble slivers comprising cleaned water-soluble fibers at a blow-room stage to produce one or more homogenously-blended slivers;drawing the homogenously-blended slivers on a draw frame to produce a twice-mixed ultra-homogenous sliver;spinning the twice-mixed ultra-homogenous sliver using low twist multipliers which produces a twice-mixed ultra-homogenous yarn with a bulkier surface;using the twice-mixed ultra-homogenous yarn in preparatory to make beam; andweaving the twice-mixed ultra-homogenous yarn into a greige fabric for better thermal comfort, the greige fabric comprising a 7-end, 8-end or 10-end sateen weave.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising dissolving the water-soluble fiber to form a plurality of micro passageways in the yarn of the greige fabric claim 1 , the plurality of micro passageways extending from a plurality of locations at an outer surface of the twice-mixed ultra-homogenous yarn to a central core portion thereof.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the fabric has a thread count from about 450 thread count to about 1200 thread ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Hybrid Woven Textile For Composite Reinforcement

Номер: US20160047073A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc.

A hybrid, woven textile material that can be used in the manufacturing of fiber-reinforced composite materials. The hybrid textile material is a woven fabric composed of unidirectional fibers interlaced with strips of non-woven fibers in a weaving pattern. In an embodiment, the hybrid textile material is porous or permeable with respect to liquid resins used in Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) processes and a preform formed from this textile material can be infused with liquid resins during such RTM processes. 1. A woven fabric for composite reinforcement comprising:unidirectional fiber tows arranged parallel to each other in a sheet-like formation; andstrips of nonwoven fibers interlaced with the unidirectional fiber tows in a weaving pattern,wherein each unidirectional fiber tow is comprised of a plurality of continuous fiber filaments, andwherein each strip of nonwoven fibers is self-supporting and is comprised of randomly arranged and/or randomly oriented fibers.2. The woven fabric of having an areal weight of 50 gsm to 380 gsm.3. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein each strip of nonwoven fibers has an areal weight of 2 gsm to 34 gsm.4. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein each strip of nonwoven fibers has a width of approximately 5 mm to 40 mm.5. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein each strip of nonwoven fibers has a thickness within the range of 10 μm-50 μm (or 0.01-0.05 mm).6. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the majority of the nonwoven fibers in the strips have cross-section diameters in the range of about 3 μm to 40 μm claim 1 , preferably in the range of about 5 μm to 10 μm in diameter.7. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein each unidirectional fiber tow is comprised of 1000 to 100 claim 1 ,000 fiber filaments.8. The woven fabric of claim 7 , wherein the fiber filaments in each fiber tow have cross-sectional diameters within the range of 3 μm-15 μm claim 7 , preferably 4 μm-7 μm.9. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the unidirectional fiber tows ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Proliferated thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package

Номер: US20150047736A1
Автор: Arun Agarwal
Принадлежит: AAVN Inc

Disclosed are a method, a device and a system of proliferating a thread count of a woven textile by simultaneous insertion within a single pick insertion event of a loom apparatus multiple adjacent parallel yarns drawn from a multi-pick yarn package. In one or more embodiments, multiple texturized polyester weft yarns of denier between 15 and 50 are wound on a single bobbin in a parallel adjacent fashion such that they may be fed into an air jet pick insertion apparatus of an air jet loom to weave a textile that has between 90 to 235 ends per inch cotton warp yarns and between 100 and 765 polyester weft yarns.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Conformable Microporous Fiber and Woven Fabrics Containing Same

Номер: US20170044696A1

Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) monofilament fibers and woven fabrics formed from the ePTFE fillers are provided, The ePTFE fibers have a substantially rectangular configuration, a density less than about 1.0 glee, and an aspect ratio greater than 15. Additionally, the ePTFE fibers are microporous and have a node and fibril structure. The ePTFE fiber may be woven into a fabric without first twisting the fiber. A polymer membrane and/or a textile may be laminated to the woven fabric to produce a laminated article. The ePTFE woven fabric simultaneously possesses high moisture vapor transmission (highly breathable) and high water entry pressure (water resistant). The woven fabric is quiet, soft, and drapable, making it especially suitable for use in garments, gloves and footwear applications. Treatments may be provided to the surface of the ePTFE fiber and/or the woven fabric to impart one or more desired functionality, such as, for example, oleophobicity). 1. A woven fabric comprising:a plurality of warp fibers and weft fibers, each said warp fibers and each said weft fibers comprising expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) fibers having a substantially rectangular cross sectional configuration,wherein a pre-woven width of said ePTFE fiber is greater than a width allotted to said ePTFE fiber based on an end count or pick count of said woven fabric.2. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein said ePTFE fibers are monofilament fibers claim 1 ,3. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein said ePTFE fibers have a density less than about 1.2 g/cm.4. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein said ePTFE fibers have a pre weaving density less than about 0.85 g/cm.5. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein said ePTFE fibers have nodes and fibrils defining passageways through said fiber claim 1 , andwherein said fibrils have a length from about 5 microns to about 120 microns.6. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein said woven fabric has an air permeability less than about 5 cfm.7 ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Dustproof and Antibiotic Mask Using Metal Microfilament Fabric

Номер: US20220061420A1
Автор: Chang Su Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-woven cloth mask including a metal filament having a diameter of 20-100 μm is manufactured from a metal selected from the group consisting of silver, silver alloy, copper, or copper alloy. The metal microfiber cloth of a plain weave structure is woven by using the metal filament as a weft yarn and a warp. The metal microfiber cloth is of a plain weave fabric woven from a metal filament having a diameter 20 to 100 μm manufactured from a metal selected from the group consisting of silver, silver alloy, copper, or copper alloy. The metal microfiber cloth is preferably 50 to 70% of the area of the front cover, and fixed to the front cover by stitching or high-frequency heating.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065293A1

A sliding fabric has high wear resistance and can exhibit a long-term sliding property even when subjected to repetitive frictional force accompanied by shearing force. The sliding fabric is a single-layer plain-woven fabric configured to include fluororesin fibers A and at least one type of fibers B having a tensile strength of 10 cN/dtex or more, the sliding fabric having a ratio of 1.5 or more between an area ratio of the fluororesin fibers A on one surface thereof and an area ratio of the fluororesin fibers A on another surface.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047791A1

A conveyor structure includes a first conveyor structure layer, a core structure layer, and a second conveyor structure layer. The core structure layer is provided on the first conveyor belt structure and includes a rope layer, a plurality of first wefts, a plurality of second wefts and a cloth layer. The rope layer may be provided on the first conveyor structure layer and includes a plurality of warp ropes. The cloth layer may be disposed above the rope layer. The plurality of second wefts and the plurality of first wefts may be obliquely intertwined with each other and wrapped on the rope layer, or on the cloth layer, or on the rope layer and the cloth layer. The second conveyor belt structure layer may be provided on the core structure layer. 1. A conveyor structure of an agricultural machine , the conveyor structure comprising:a first conveyor structure layer; a rope layer disposed on the first conveyor structure layer, and comprising a plurality of warp ropes;', 'a cloth layer disposed on the rope layer;', 'a plurality of first wefts; and', 'a plurality of second wefts, wherein the plurality of first wefts and the plurality of second wefts are obliquely intertwined with each other and wrapped on the rope layer, or on the cloth layer, or on the rope layer and the cloth layer; and, 'a core structure layer disposed on the first conveyor structure layer, and comprisinga second conveyor structure layer disposed on the core structure layer.2. The conveyor structure according to claim 1 , wherein the first conveyor structure layer and the second conveyor structure layer are applied by pressure during a sulfidation process claim 1 , the plurality of first wefts and the plurality of second wefts are configured to constrain the plurality of warp ropes claim 1 , the cloth layer claim 1 , or the plurality of warp ropes and the cloth layer claim 1 , so as to resist compression caused by the pressure from the sulfidation process.3. The conveyor structure according to claim 1 ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048496A1

A spike resistant package containing a pouch, a first grouping of spike resistant textile layers, and a slip layer. Each of the textile layers within the first grouping of textile layers contains a plurality of interwoven yarns or fibers having a tenacity of about 5 or more grams per denier. At least a portion of the spike resistant textile layers comprise about 10 wt. % or less, based on the total weight of the spike resistant textile layer, of a coating comprising a plurality of particles having a diameter of about 20 μm or less on at least one of the surfaces of the spike resistant textile layer. The slip layer has a stiffness of less than about 0.01 N-m and a static coefficient of friction (COF) between the slip layer and the second side of the first grouping of less than about 0.40. The pouch encapsulates the grouping of textile layers and slip layer. An article containing the package is also described. 1. A spike resistant package comprising:a pouch having an inner surface and an outer surface;a first grouping of spike resistant textile layers, wherein the grouping has a first side, a second side, and comprises plurality of spike resistant textile layers, wherein each of the spike resistant textile layers comprise a plurality of interwoven yarns or fibers having a tenacity of about 5 or more grams per denier, wherein at least a portion of the spike resistant textile layers comprise about 10 wt. % or less, based on the total weight of the spike resistant textile layer, of a coating comprising a plurality of particles having a diameter of about 20 μm or less on at least one of the surfaces of the spike resistant textile layer; and,a slip layer, wherein the slip layer has a thickness of less than about 0.1 mm, a stiffness of less than about 0.01 N-m, and a static coefficient of friction (COF) between the slip layer and the second side of the first grouping of less than about 0.40, wherein the slip layer is located on the second side of the grouping of spike ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048497A1

A spike resistant package containing a pouch, a first grouping of spike resistant textile layers, and a slip layer. Each of the textile layers within the first grouping of textile layers contains a plurality of interwoven yarns or fibers having a tenacity of about 14 or more grams per denier. The slip layer has a thickness of less than about 0.1 mm, a stiffness of less than about 0.01 N-m, and a static coefficient of friction (COF) between the slip layer and the second side of the first grouping of less than about 0.40. The pouch essentially fully encapsulates the grouping of spike resistant textile layers and the slip layer and the slip layer and the inner surface of the pouch are in direct and intimate contact. An article containing the package is also described. 1. A spike resistant package comprising:a pouch, wherein the pouch having an inner surface and an outer surface;a first grouping of spike resistant textile layers, wherein the grouping has a first side, a second side, and comprises plurality of spike resistant textile layers, wherein each spike resistant textile layer comprises a plurality of interwoven yarns or fibers having a tenacity of about 14 or more grams per denier; and,a slip layer, wherein the slip layer has a thickness of less than about 0.1 mm, a stiffness of less than about 0.01 N-m, and a static coefficient of friction (COF) between the slip layer and the second side of the first grouping of less than about 0.40, wherein the slip layer is located on the second side of the grouping of spike resistant textile layers, wherein the pouch essentially fully encapsulates the grouping of spike resistant textile layers and the slip layer, and wherein the slip layer and the inner surface of the pouch are in direct and intimate contact.2. The spike resistant package of claim 1 , wherein the static COF between the slip layer and the inner surface of the pouch is less than about 0.40.3. The spike resistant package of claim 1 , wherein the grouping of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048519A1

Provided are a method for manufacturing a composite fabric capable of further improving the strength of a carbon fiber-reinforced molded article, a composite fabric, and a carbon fiber-reinforced molded article. 1. A method for manufacturing a composite fabric , the method comprising:holding a surface of a filter part, through which a dispersion solvent and carbon nanotubes dispersed in the dispersion solvent are allowed to pass, in contact with at least one surface of a woven fabric comprising carbon fiber bundles as weaving yarn;immersing the woven fabric on which the filter part is held in a dispersion that comprises the dispersion solvent and the carbon nanotubes dispersed in the dispersion solvent and applying ultrasonic vibrations to the dispersion; andextracting the woven fabric on which the filter part is held from the dispersion and removing the filter part from the woven fabric.2. The method for manufacturing a composite fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the filter part is provided on both sides of the woven fabric and held pressed against the woven fabric.3. The method for manufacturing a composite fabric according to claim 2 , wherein the filter part is held pressed against the woven fabric by a holding part whose surface protrudes curvedly in a thickness direction.4. The method for manufacturing a composite fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the filter part is held in a state where the woven fabric is wound in a roll shape such that the filter part faces an outside.5. A composite fabric comprising:a woven fabric comprising carbon fiber bundles as weaving yarn, anda structure formed on a surface of the woven fabric and comprising a plurality of carbon nanotubes,the structure comprising a network structure part in which the plurality of carbon nanotubes are connected directly to one another,wherein an abundance ratio of aggregation portions in which the plurality of carbon nanotubes are aggregated is 25% or less per unit area.6. A carbon fiber- ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053414A1

Products and devices are described for displaying a visible marker on a screen. Some embodiments disclose using different weave patterns and/or density patterns to create the visible marker. Other embodiments disclose using different colors of thread to create the visible marker. The present disclosure also describes methods for manufacturing or displaying the visible marker on the screen. 1. A screen product adapted to:enclose a space to protect the space from debris;display a first pattern that is configured to achieve a first transparency; anddisplay a second pattern that is configured to achieve a second transparency, such that the screen product can be visually detected based on the second pattern.2. The screen product of claim 1 , wherein the screen product includes a longitudinal thread that extends along a first direction and a widthwise thread that extends along a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal thread and the widthwise thread are weaved to form a mesh claim 1 , and wherein the first pattern and the widthwise thread of the second pattern are black or charcoal in color claim 1 , and the longitudinal thread of the second pattern is white in color.3. The screen product of claim 2 , further comprising a frame that engages the screen product claim 2 , and wherein the second pattern extends along an entire length of the screen product in the first direction claim 2 , such that the second pattern is parallel to a surface of the frame.4. The screen product of claim 1 , wherein the second pattern extends approximately 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) in the second direction.5. The screen product of claim 4 , wherein the second pattern has a center point that defines a middle of the second pattern with respect to the second direction claim 4 , and wherein the second pattern is repeated approximately every 24 inches (60.96 centimeters) in the second direction claim 4 , such that the center points are ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054544A1
Принадлежит: K. G. Denim Limited

A woven textile fabric that is lightweight, soft, smooth, supple and durable has a composition including a regenerated cellulosic fiber, cotton and an elastane fiber such as spandex. The fabric includes warp yarn and weft yarn, and the weft yarn is a core spun yarn made of an elastane fiber core surrounded by a sheath of blended regenerated cellulosic fiber and cotton. The fabric construction may range from about 44 ends/inch to about 300 ends/inch and from about 30 picks/inch to about 600 picks/inch. The warp count may range from 2 s count to 140 s count, and the weft count ranges from 2 s count to 170 s count. The fabric, which can be made using a series of innovative process steps, is particularly useful as a bed linen. 1. A woven textile fabric comprising warp yarn and weft yarn and having a composition comprising a regenerated cellulosic fiber , cotton and an elastane fiber.2. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weft yarn is a core spun yarn comprising an elastane fiber core surrounded by a sheath of blended regenerated cellulosic fiber and cotton.3. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the elastane fiber is spandex.4. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is lyocell.5. The woven textile fabric of claim 3 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present in an amount ranging from about 65% to about 69% claim 3 , the cotton is present in an amount ranging from about 27% to about 33% claim 3 , and the spandex is present in an amount ranging from about 2% to about 4%.6. The woven textile fabric of claim 5 , wherein the regenerated cellulosic fiber is present at about 67% claim 5 , the cotton is present at about 30% claim 5 , and the spandex is present at about 3%.7. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weave is a 4/1 satin weave.8. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the thread count ranges from about 80 to about 2000.9. The woven textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Medical Fabric

Номер: US20210054545A1
Автор: Ryo Fukuda, Tokio Okuno
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Corp

Provided is a high-density medical fabric that can be suitably used as a graft for a branched stent graft, can accommodate diameter changes, has the burst strength required of a material to be implanted in a body, and has a seamless tubular shape that can narrow in diameter.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055674A1
Автор: Tanaka Akira, TANAKA Kengo

The problem addressed by the present invention is to provide yarn, which includes an ultrafine filament, and that has superior handling properties, elongation and contraction properties, and with which a fabric and a fiber product of high quality can be obtained, a fabric using this yarn, and a fiber product using this yarn or fabric. The solution is imparting a binder to yarn that includes a filament A-1 with a single fiber diameter of 10 to 3000 nm and a fiber A-2 with a single fiber diameter greater than the filament A-1, and obtaining a fabric or fiber product using the yarn as necessary. 1. A yarn comprising a filament A-1 having a single fiber diameter of 10 to 3000 nm and a fiber A-2 having a single fiber dimeter greater than the filament A-1 , wherein a binder is imparted to the yarn.2. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises a sizing agent and/or an oiling agent.3. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the application amount of the binder is 0.1 to 15 wt % with respect to the weight of the yarn.4. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the number of filaments of the filament A-1 included in the yarn is not less than 500.5. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the filament A-1 is obtained from a sea-island type composite fiber composed of a sea component and an island component by dissolving and removing the sea component.6. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein after combining a sea-island type composite fiber composed of a sea component and an island component with the fiber A-2 claim 1 , the filament A-1 is obtained by dissolving and removing the sea component of the sea-island type composite fiber.7. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the filament A-1 is made of polyester fibers.8. The yarn according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber A-2 is a crimped fiber having a single-fiber diameter of not less than 5 μm and an apparent crimp rate of not less than 2%.9. The yarn according to claim 8 , wherein the crimped fiber is a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057975A1

Process for making a fabric label () containing one piece of unique information; characterized by comprising the following steps: 1. A process for making a fabric label containing one piece of unique information; said process comprising:providing a fabric piece comprising a first woven pattern made by a predetermined arrangement combination of weft threads with respect to warp threads;applying at least one second decorating pattern on said fabric piece to make at least one decoration for at least one label to be made;associating at least one piece of variable label identifying information with with each said label;detecting a reference image for each said second decorating pattern, assoicated with a label of the at least one label; each reference image being adapted to show the reciprocal position of each said second decorating pattern with respect to the first woven pattern; andstoring in a database said reference image or a resumptive parameter of said reference image.2. The process for making a fabric label according to claim 1 , wherein said applying at least one second decorating pattern comprises printing said at least one second decorating pattern on said fabric piece.3. The process for making a fabric label according to claim 1 , wherein said applying at least one second decorating pattern comprises:printing said at least one second decorating pattern on a medium; andtransferring, on said fabric piece, the printed at least one second decorating pattern.4. The process for making a fabric label according to claim 1 , wherein said storing comprises electronically storing each said second decorating pattern associated with a label of the at least one label and claim 1 , in conjunction with an associated piece of said at least one piece of variable label identifying information.5. The process for making a fabric label according to claim 1 , further comprising cutting said fabric piece to make at least one said label.6. The process for making a fabric label ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062374A1

Provided are an apparatus for manufacturing a textile grid with increased adhesion and a method thereof capable of integrating the textile grid with a concrete structure by increasing the adhesion of the textile grid when the concrete structure is built, repaired, or reinforced, increasing structural safety and durability of the concrete structure, increasing a working speed by coating a surface of the textile grid with an abrasive material powder that is a surface coating material in an automatic series of processes immediately after the textile grid is manufactured, and increasing coating performance by automatically inspecting and adjusting the amount of the coating material applied to the surface of the textile grid using a camera. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a textile grid with increased adhesion , which is a manufacturing apparatus for manufacturing a textile grid for building , repairing , or reinforcing a concrete structure , the apparatus comprising:a fabric yarn supplying unit that supplies textile grid fabric yarn in a form of a bundle of yarn;a weaving-knitting machine that forms a woven-knitted textile grid in a lattice form through a manner in which the fabric yarn is woven and knitted so that wefts and warps cross to be coupled to each other;a resin impregnation tank that impregnates the woven-knitted textile grid with a resin to form a resin impregnated textile grid;a coating chamber that comprises a first coating material spraying nozzle and a second coating material spraying nozzle installed in the coating chamber, before the resin impregnated textile grid is cured, allows a surface of the resin impregnated textile grid to be coated with an abrasive material powder that is a surface coating material, and forms a coated textile grid;a camera that is installed at a rear end of the coating chamber and captures a coating-image to inspect a coating state of the coated textile grid; anda controlling device that adjusts a spraying amount of the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056308A1

A woven fabric comprising: a) A first layer of first uncrimped weft filaments; b) a second layer of second uncrimped weft filaments; wherein for each of the first uncrimped weft filaments there is one corresponding second uncrimped weft filament, and vice versa, to form successive filament pairs of first and second uncrimped weft filaments, c) crimped warp filaments having four different weave types c1-c4, but each weave type consisting of entwining around first uncrimped weft filaments; passing between first and second uncrimped weft filaments; entwining around second uncrimped weft filaments; and passing again between first and second uncrimped weft filaments; and d) uncrimped warp filaments passing between the first uncrimped weft filaments and the second uncrimped weft filaments of all filament pairs; wherein the fabric does not comprise crimped warp filaments which entwine around the first uncrimped weft filaments and the second uncrimped weft filaments in alternating manner. This fabric has good resistance to shear delamination and wear-and-tear delamination of an impregnation () impregnated into the fabric. Accordingly the fabric can be used in belts intended for applications wherein shear stress between the belt's top surface () and the belt's bottom surface () in the belt's longitudinal direction may occur. 1. A woven fabric comprising:{'b': 501', '508, 'a) A first layer (A) of first uncrimped weft filaments (-) running essentially in parallel to each other and being spaced apart from each other by a distance D;'}{'b': 509', '516, 'claim-text': {'b': 501', '508', '509', '516', '501', '509', '502', '510', '503', '511', '504', '512', '505', '513', '506', '514', '507', '515', '508', '516, 'wherein for each of the first uncrimped weft filaments (-) there is one corresponding second uncrimped weft polyester monofilament (-), and vice versa, to form successive filament pairs (/, /, /, /, /, /, /, /), each such successive filament pair being designable with a ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Woven Fabric, Method for Producing Same, and Fiber Product Containing Said Woven Fabric

Номер: US20220081809A1

Provided are: a woven fabric which exhibits appropriate stretching properties and good anti-fraying performance by being configured so that some intersecting portions of a warp and a weft that constitute the woven fabric are constituted from only a bare yarn of an elastic polyurethane yarn; and a garment or the like obtained using the woven fabric. The present invention relates to: a woven fabric which is constituted from a bare yarn (A yarn) of an elastic polyurethane yarn, and a non-elastic yarn or a composite yarn (B yarn) of a non-elastic yarn and an elastic polyurethane yarn, and which is characterized in that at an intersecting portion of a warp and a weft, a specific region is present where the warp and the weft are both the A yarn, the warp and the weft are bonded or melt bonded to each other in this specific region, and the ratio of the number of intersections between A yarns of warp and weft in the specific region relative to the total number of intersections between warp and weft in the entire structure of the woven fabric is 0.02-50%; a method for producing same; and a fiber product containing the woven fabric. 1: A woven fabric composed of polyurethane elastic yarn bare threads (A threads) and non-elastic yarn or composite yarn comprising non-elastic yarn and polyurethane elastic yarn (B threads) , wherein specific regions where both the warp yarn and weft yarn are A threads are present at the intersections between the warp yarn and weft yarn , the warp yarn and weft yarn being bonded or melt bonded at the specific regions , and in a weave repeat of the woven fabric , the proportion of the number of intersections between A threads of the warp yarn and weft yarn in the specific regions with respect to the total number of intersections between warp yarn and weft yarn is 0.02% to 50%.2: The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the number of intersections between warp B threads and weft B threads in a region delineated by the four intersections ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062960A1

A hollow fabric is obtained by providing cotton blended yarns and alkali-soluble polyester yarns which are arranged in a ratio of 10:2 as warp yarns, and providing cotton blended elastic yarns and alkali-soluble polyester filaments which are arranged in a ratio of 6:2 as weft yarns. The warp yarns and weft yarns are interwoven into plain weaves, and the plain weaves are subjected to alkali solution to remove the alkali-soluble polyester filaments, thereby obtaining greige cloth having meshes. The greige is subjected to boiled bleaching, softening and drying to obtain the hollow fabric. By optimizing the ratio of yarns and using a boiled bleaching, softening and drying process, a soft, smooth and fluffy product is produced with humidity-absorbing and breathability characteristics. 1. A hollow fabric , characterized in that the hollow fabric is obtained by the following process: providing cotton blended yarns and alkali-soluble polyester filaments as warp yarns; providing cotton blended elastic yarns and alkali-soluble polyester filaments as weft yarns; and interweaving the warp yarns and the weft yarns into greige cloth , wherein the greige cloth is subjected to an alkali solution to remove the alkali-soluble polyester filaments.2. The hollow fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that the cotton blended yarns and the alkali-soluble polyester filaments are arranged in a ratio of 10:2 as warp yarns claim 1 , and the cotton blended elastic yarns and the alkali-soluble polyester filaments are arranged in a ratio of 6: as weft yarns.3. The hollow fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that the cotton blended warp yarns are 40 Nm cotton blended yarns which are formed by blending cottons and Modal; the cotton blended elastic weft yarns are 40 Nm cotton blended elastic yarns which are formed by blending cotton claim 1 , Modal and Sutans; and the alkali-soluble polyester filaments are 75D twisted alkali-soluble polyester filaments.4. The hollow fabric ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Multiple Woven Gauze Fabric

Номер: US20190062961A1
Автор: HOZUMI Shuichi
Принадлежит: UCHINO CO., LTD.

Provided is a multiple woven gauze fabric capable of controlling the degree of wrinkling according to use. A double woven gauze fabric is formed by stacking a front surface gauze structure A and a back surface gauze structure B. The front surface gauze structure A and the back surface gauze structure B are formed, and the front surface gauze structure A and the back surface gauze structure B are joined, as appropriate. The front surface gauze structure A is composed of a non-twist yarn, and the back surface gauze structure B is composed of a hollow yarn. That is, a gauze structure composed only of twisted yarn (solid yarn) is not included. The degree of wrinkling is controlled by considering the hollow rate of the hollow yarn. 1. A multiple woven gauze fabric , comprising:at least a first gauze weave construction and a second gauze weave construction; anda plurality of connection parts joining the first gauze weave construction and the second gauze weave construction;wherein the first gauze weave construction comprises a non-twisted yarn; andwherein the second gauze weave construction comprises a hollow twisted yarn.2. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 ,wherein a hollow ratio of the hollow twisted yarn is 20-50%.3. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 ,wherein the first gauze weave construction and the second gauze weave construction cross to each other at the connection parts to be alternately replaced between the front surface and the back surface.4. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 3 , wherein the first gauze weave construction and the second gauze weave construction cross to each other at the connection parts irregularly to be alternately replaced between the front surface and the back surface.5. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the multiple woven gauze fabric is a double woven gauze fabric.6. The multiple woven gauze fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the non-twisted yarn and ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144095A1

Disclosed is a method of strengthening existing structures containing the following steps. An existing structure made of concrete, steel, timber, masonry to be reinforced and a reinforcing sheet are provided, where the reinforcing sheet contains an alternating arrangement of reinforcement zones and slitting zones. The reinforcement zones contain unidirectional strengthening fibers in the warp direction of the reinforcement sheet and the slitting zones have an absence of strengthening fibers. The reinforcement sheet is slit through the slitting zones and the reinforcement zones are adhered to the existing structure. 1. A method of strengthening existing structures comprising:providing an existing structure made of concrete, steel, timber, masonry to be reinforced;providing a reinforcing sheet, wherein the reinforcing sheet comprises a warp direction and a weft direction perpendicular to the warp direction, wherein the reinforcing sheet comprises a plurality of weft fibers in the weft direction and an alternating pattern of reinforcement zones and slitting zones across the reinforcing sheet in the weft direction, the reinforcement zones having a reinforcement width in the weft direction of the reinforcing sheet and the slitting zones having a slitting width in the weft direction of the reinforcing sheet, wherein the reinforcement zones comprise unidirectional strengthening fibers in the warp direction of the reinforcement sheet and the slitting zones have an absence of strengthening fibers in the warp direction of the reinforcing sheet;slitting the reinforcement sheet in the warp direction in at least one of the slitting zones;adhering the reinforcing sheet comprising at least one reinforcement zone to the existing structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the existing structure forms part of a structural member selected from the group consisting of beams claim 1 , joists claim 1 , girders claim 1 , stringers claim 1 , slabs claim 1 , decks claim 1 , floors claim 1 ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063297A1
Автор: Kabany Mohammad

The invention relates to a method for producing a textile piece, in particular a garment, comprising the following steps: providing a predetermination unit, which predetermines a shape and/or size and/or a textile material, providing the textile material which is formed with a textile base material, wherein, in a next step by means of a production unit, the textile base material is subdivided into at least two spatially independent textile segments which are separated by at least one cutting mark, wherein the textile segments, after their assembly, produce the textile piece predetermined by the predetermination unit, in particular a garment, wherein in a next step, electrically conductive threads are incorporated into the individual textile segments by appropriate predetermination parameters of the predetermination unit, wherein the electrically conductive threads do not intersect the cutting mark and do not run thereon, not even in at least some places. 110-. (canceled)111001. A method () for producing a textile piece () , comprising the steps of:{'b': '10', 'a) providing a predetermination unit which predetermines a shape and/or size and/or a textile material (),'}{'b': 10', '11, 'b) providing the textile material () which is formed with a textile base material (),'}{'b': 11', '210', '3', '210', '4', '4', '3, 'c) providing a production unit in which the textile base material () is subdivided into at least two spatially independent textile segments () which are separated by at least one cutting mark (), wherein the textile segments () incorporate by the predetermination unit, electrically conductive threads () wherein the electrically conductive threads () do not intersect the cutting mark () and do not run thereon, and'}{'b': '1', 'd) wherein, after assembly, a plurality of textile segments produce a textile piece () of the textile material as predetermined by the predetermination unit.'}121. The method according to claim 11 , wherein a plurality of textile pieces ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067190A1

A woven fabric to facilitate formation of embellishments such as pleats has a plurality of warp and weft yarns interlaced with each other, wherein some of the plurality of warp yarns are strands of shrinkable warp yarn that shrink in a lengthwise direction thereof more than the other warp yarns when subjected to a specific process, the shrinkable warp yarns have, at least in one section in the lengthwise direction, a first leap portion J leaping over a first predetermined number of adjacent weft yarns , and a plurality of the first leap portions J are positioned in a first predetermined pattern. Shrinkable weft yarns that shrink in a lengthwise direction thereof more than the other weft yarns when subjected to the specific process can be used in some of weft yarn 1. A woven garment , comprising:a plurality of strands of warp yarn; anda plurality of strands of weft yarn interlaced with the plurality of strands of warp yarn, whereinsome of the plurality of strands of warp yarn are strands of shrinkable warp yarn that shrink in a lengthwise direction thereof more than the other strands of warp yarn when subjected to a specific process,the strands of shrinkable warp yarn have, at least in one section in the lengthwise direction, a first leap portion where a first predetermined number of adjacent strands of weft yarn are leaped over, anda plurality of the first leap portions are positioned in a first predetermined pattern.2. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , whereinsome of the plurality of strands of weft yarn are strands of shrinkable weft yarn that shrink in a lengthwise direction thereof more than the other strands of weft yarn when subjected to the specific process,the strands of shrinkable weft yarn have, at least in one section in the lengthwise direction, a second leap portion where a second predetermined number of adjacent strands of warp yarn are leaped over, anda plurality of the second leap portions are positioned in a second predetermined pattern.3. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Blackout Material

Номер: US20210071324A1
Автор: Spencer Tony

A blackout material is provided and includes a woven fabric including a weft set and a warp set, the weft set being black. More than 50% of a first surface of the woven fabric comprises the warp set. The blackout material further comprises a light excluding coating on the outer surface of the woven fabric, the light excluding coating including at least one black layer. A method of making a blackout material is provided and includes weaving a woven fabric including a weft set and a warp set, the weft set being black. More than 50% of a first surface of the woven fabric comprises the warp set. The method further comprises applying a light excluding coating on the outer surface of the woven fabric. 1. A blackout material comprising:a woven fabric including a weft set including a plurality of black weft yarns and a warp set including a plurality of warp yarns, the woven fabric having a first surface and a second surface; anda light excluding coating on the second surface of the woven fabric, the light excluding coating including at least one black layer, wherein more than 50% of the second surface comprises the weft set.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein more than 80% of the second surface comprises the weft set.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein each of the warp yarns floats over four weft yarns before passing under one of the weft yarns.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the weft set or the warp set are flame retardant treated or inherently flame retardant.5. The material of claim 4 , wherein at least one of the weft set or the warp set are made of polyester.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein each pair of adjacent warp yarns passes under only non-adjacent weft yarns.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the light excluding coating includes at least one additional layer.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the light excluding coating is flame retardant.9. The material of claim 8 , wherein the light excluding coating comprises acrylic.10. The ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150920A1

A method of weaving a spiral-shaped textile includes inserting in the vicinity of the fell of the textile a finger adjacent to a first intermediate warp fiber between a first edge and a second edge; forming a loop around the finger with the weft fiber; wrapping weft fiber around the first intermediate warp fiber between the first edge and the second edge of the textile to secure the weft fiber in a radial direction between the first edge and the second edge of the textile; extending the weft fiber to the first edge of the textile; securing the weft fiber using a knitting system on the first edge of the textile; and removing the finger from the textile. 1. A method of weaving a spiral-shaped textile with a first edge and a second edge in a radial direction and a fell , the method comprising:inserting in the vicinity of the fell of the textile a finger adjacent to a first intermediate warp fiber between the first edge and the second edge;forming a loop around the finger with the weft fiber;wrapping weft fiber around the first intermediate warp fiber between the first edge and the second edge of the textile to secure the weft fiber in a radial direction between the first edge and the second edge of the textile;extending the weft fiber to the first edge of the textile;securing the weft fiber using a knitting system on the first edge of the textile; andremoving the finger from the textile.2. The method of claim 1 , and further comprising:extending the weft fiber from the first edge of the textile to the second edge of the textile to wrap around warp fiber on the second edge of the textile; andextending the weft fiber from the second edge of the textile back to the first edge of the textile to secure the weft fiber to the first edge of the textile using a knitting system.3. The method of claim 2 , and further comprising:reinserting in the vicinity of the fell of the textile the finger adjacent to a second intermediate warp fiber between the first edge and the second edge ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparel item configured for reduced cling perception

Номер: US20170071275A1
Автор: Christian Darby
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An apparel item configured to reduce the perception of cling is provided herein. The apparel item comprises a first set of outwardly-projecting nodes on a first portion of the apparel item, a second set of outwardly-projecting nodes on a second portion of the apparel item, and a third set of inwardly-projecting nodes on a third portion of the apparel item, where the third set of nodes is positioned between the first set of nodes and the second set of nodes. The first and second sets of outwardly-projecting nodes comprise apertures that provide a communication passage from an outer surface of the apparel item to an inner surface of the apparel item. Besides reducing the surface area of the apparel item that comes into contact with a wearer's skin surface, the nodes also facilitate cooling the wearer and speed up drying times of the apparel item when being worn.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Textile Balloon Catheters

Номер: US20180071498A1
Автор: Ruth Osbrink
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

Textile balloon catheters, textile sleeves useful in balloon catheters, and methods of making balloon catheters are described. An example catheter includes an elongate shaft and a balloon movable between uninflated and inflated configurations, and a textile sleeve secured to the balloon. The textile sleeve has a plurality of warp threads and at least one weft thread extending circumferentially around the balloon. Circumferential loops in the portion of the textile sleeve that is secured to the body of the balloon are larger in diameter than circumferential loops in the portion of the textile sleeve that is secured to one or more of the proximal neck, distal neck, proximal cone and distal cone portions of the balloon.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073169A1
Автор: CHOU Chao-Mu

A self-fastening fabric at least includes a micro-fibriform loop fabric structure and a fibriform pile fabric structure; a surface of the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure has a plurality of micro-fibriform loops formed through a heat shrinking treatment; and a surface of the fibriform pile fabric structure has hairiness and a plurality of restraining fibers respectively having a curved status and/or a bead distal end formed through a singeing treatment; when the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure on the first surface and the fibriform pile fabric structure on the second surface are in contact, the micro-fibriform loops and the restraining fibers are mutually hooked or tangled, so that a fastening effect is formed between the first surface and the second surface. 1. A self-fastening fabric , at least includes a micro-fibriform loop fabric structure and a fibriform hook-like fabric structure; the self-fastening fabric has a first surface and a second surface , both of the first surface and the second surface have the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure and the fibriform hook-like fabric structure , an area of the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure on the first surface is set to be a preset multiple of an area of the fibriform hook-like fabric structure , an area of the fibriform hook-like fabric structure on the second surface is the preset multiple of an area of the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure , and the preset multiple is greater than or equal to two; wherein , fibers contained in the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure includes at least one mixed-shrinkage yarn , a surface of the micro-fibriform loop fabric structure has a plurality of micro-fibriform loops formed by a heat shrinking process; and fibers contained in the fibriform hook-like fabric structure includes at least one thermoplastic-fiber yarn , a surface of the fibriform hook-like fabric structure has hairiness and a plurality of restraining fibers having a curved shape and/or a ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Hoop Tow Modification for a Fabric Preform for a Composite Component

Номер: US20150078891A1
Автор: Hayse Steven R.

A method of forming a fabric preform for a composite component from a fabric having a plurality of hoop tows is disclosed. One end of the fabric is received on the form such that the hoop tows of the fabric extend in a direction generally perpendicular to a central axis of the form. The fabric is wrapped around the form and at least some of the hoop tows are separated into hoop tow segments while the fabric is under a tension to enable a space to develop between ends of adjacent hoop tow segments along the length of the hoop tow. This separation of adjacent hoop tow segments accommodates increased deformation of the fabric during formation of the fabric preform while still maintaining a presence of hoop tow segments in at least portions of the fabric. 1. A fabric preform for a composite component formed from a tri-axial fabric having a plurality of hoop tows and a plurality of bi-axial tows , the fabric preform comprising:a body formed from the tri-axial fabric, the body having a central axis extending there through; andat least one feature formed in the body in which at least some of the hoop tows in the feature are separated into hoop tow segments that are spaced from one another along the length of the hoop tow.2. The fabric preform of wherein the feature extends claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , in a radial direction away from the central axis.3. The fabric preform of wherein the feature is a flange.4. The fabric preform of wherein the fabric preform is a precursor for a fan containment case.5. The fabric preform of wherein at least some of the hoop tows are not separated into hoop tow segments.6. A composite component made from a tri-axial fabric applied with resin in which the tri-axial fabric has a plurality of hoop tows and a plurality of bi-axial tows claim 1 , the composite component comprising:a body including the tri-axial fabric, the body having a central axis extending there through; andat least one feature formed in the body in which at least some ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073855A1
Автор: Goldberg Gary
Принадлежит: Smart Textile Products, LLC

Fabrics which allow for light transmission and provide thermal insulation are described. A fabric is formed from at least one yarn to form a continuous web of fabric. The continuous web is configured to allow between 20% and 65% of incident light to be transmitted through the fabric, and to reduce heat transfer through the fabric such that the fabric has an R value of at least 0.75 K·m/W. The continuous web of fabric may be a woven fabric where the at least one yarn is woven to form the woven fabric. 1. A woven fabric comprising:{'sup': '2', 'warp and filling yarns arranged in a weave pattern, the yarns and weave pattern configured to transmit between 20% and 65% of incident light through the fabric, and to provide a thermal insulation R value greater than 0.75 K·m/W.'}2. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to transmit between about 55% and 65% of incident light through the fabric.3. The woven fabric of claim 2 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to transmit between about 57.5% and about 62.5% of incident light through the fabric.4. The woven fabric of claim 3 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to transmit about 60% of incident light through the fabric.5. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to transmit between about 21% and about 27% of incident light through the fabric.6. The woven fabric of claim 5 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to transmit about 24% of incident light through the fabric.7. The woven fabric of claim 1 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to provide a thermal insulation R value between 0.75 K·m/W and 1.2 K·m/W.8. The woven fabric of claim 7 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to provide a thermal insulation R value of about 1.1 K·m/W.9. The woven fabric of claim 7 , wherein the yarns and weave pattern are configured to provide a thermal insulation R value of about 0.9 K·m/ ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Woven fabric with intricate design

Номер: US20200071860A1
Принадлежит: International Textile Group Inc

Fabrics that have a pattern of discrete ornamental designs are disclosed that can be used in numerous applications. In one embodiment, the fabric can be made from flame resistant fibers for use in protective garments, especially firefighting garments. The discrete designs make the fabric readily recognizable that provides an indicia for the excellent physical properties of the fabric. For instance, not only is the fabric lightweight, strong and abrasion resistant, but also has excellent stretch properties in multiple directions, especially in directions diagonal to the warp direction and the fill direction.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

2x2 twill bedding system

Номер: US20210079568A1
Автор: Gaurav Agarwal, Kamal Garg
Принадлежит: Individual

A twill weave sheeting fabric has warp yarn and weft yarn consisting of a cross weave of cotton rich or cotton blended with any cellulosic fibre and polyester. In a primary embodiment, the fabric has a 2/2 cross weave, 2 over and 2 under. In another embodiment, the fabric has a 1/2 cross weave, 1 over and 2 under. In another embodiment, the fabric has a 1/4 cross weave, 1 over and 4 under.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Woven Shoe Upper

Номер: US20190075888A1

The present invention concerns a shoe upper comprising a woven portion, wherein the woven portion comprises a plurality of warp yarns; a plurality of weft yarns; at least one stitching yarn, wherein the stitching yarn is integrally woven into the fabric during the weaving process by laterally displacing the stitching yarn substantially along the weft direction and moving the stitching yarn in and out of at least one open reed gap in a reed. 1. A shoe upper comprising a woven portion , wherein the woven portion comprises:a plurality of warp yarns;a plurality of weft yarns;at least one stitching yarn, wherein the stitching yarn is integrally woven into the fabric during the weaving process by laterally displacing the stitching yarn substantially along the weft direction and moving the stitching yarn in and out of at least one open reed gap in a reed.2. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein the stitching yarn has a tensile modulus greater than the tensile modulus of the warp yarns and/or the weft yarns.3. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein the stitching yarn comprises a meltable component.4. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein the stitching yarn is located in a midfoot region of the shoe.5. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein the stitching yarn is located within 2 cm from at least one lace eyelet.6. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein the stitching yarn is located in a sole region of the shoe upper.7. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein at least one stitching yarn makes an angle of between 30° and 60° with the warp or weft yarns between at least two different interlacing points.8. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein at least one stitching yarn and/or one weft yarn and/or one warp yarn is dissolvable in a solvent.9. The shoe upper according to claim 8 , wherein the solvent is water.10. The shoe upper according to claim 1 , wherein at least one stitching yarn comprises carbon fiber.11. A method of ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Low porosity high strength uhmwpe fabrics

Номер: US20170080678A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Low porosity fibrous materials, articles formed therefrom and processes for their formation. Multiple plies of high tenacity, multifilament elongate bodies are optionally stitched together and pressed as a set without being laminated, adhered or thermally fused to each other. Pressing spreads the component filaments of the elongate bodies, forcing the filaments to occupy spaces between adjacent fibers and thereby reducing porosity of the complete multi-ply material.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083875A1
Принадлежит: Mehler Engineered Products GmbH

The invention relates to a method for producing a woven fabric by means of a device, wherein in one weaving step respectively one shed is formed by means of warp threads, through which shed a weft thread is introduced and the weft thread is pushed in the direction of a woven fabric edge by means of a weaving reed. An angle for entering a weft thread is variably adjusted by means of a weft thread entering device. According to the invention, the angle of the weft thread to be entered in relation to the warp threads is adjusted between 40° and 90° by means of an adjustment unit, wherein the weft thread entering device is positioned by means of an electric drive via a gear with respect to the predetermined angle. 1. A method for producing a woven fabric by means of device , wherein in each weaving step a weaving shed through which a weft thread is inserted is formed by means of warp threads , and the weft thread is displaced in the direction of a woven-fabric periphery by means of a weaving reed , wherein by means of a weft-insertion device an angle for insertion of the weft thread is variably adjusted ,wherein the angle for insertion of the weft thread in relation to the warp threads by means of a readjustment unit is adjusted between 40° and 90°, wherein the weft-insertion device in relation to the predetermined angle is positioned by means of an electric drive by way of a gear unit.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an angle for beating the weft thread against the woven-fabric periphery in relation to the warp thread is variably adjusted.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the readjustment unit is automatically displaced in the direction of the warp threads so as to depend on a length of the woven fabric.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a beating movement of the weaving reed against the woven-fabric periphery is generated by means of at least one cylinder-and-piston unit of the readjustment unit.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083876A1
Принадлежит: Mehler Engineered Products GmbH

The invention relates to a device for producing a fabric, wherein, in each weaving step, a shed can be formed by means of warp threads, through which a weft thread can be led, and the weft thread can be pushed in the direction of a fabric edge by means of a reed. Here, a weft thread insertion device is provided, by means of which an angle of insertion of the weft thread and/or beating up the same at the edge of the fabric can be adjusted variably in relation to the weft thread. The invention further relates to such a fabric. According to the invention, the weft thread insertion device for adjusting the angle of insertion of the weft thread has at least one adjusting unit, which is coupled to the reed, wherein the adjusting unit comprises two piston-cylinder units, which are each coupled to one end of the reed. 1. A device for producing a woven fabric , wherein in each weaving step a weaving shed through which a weft thread is insertable is configurable by means of warp threads , and the weft thread is displaceable in the direction of a woven-fabric periphery by means of a weaving reed , wherein a weft-insertion device by means of which an angle for insertion of a weft thread and/or for beating the latter up against the woven-fabric periphery in relation to the warp thread is variably adjustable is provided , wherein the weft-insertion device for adjusting the angle for insertion of the weft thread has at least one readjustment unit which is linked to the weaving reed , wherein the readjustment unit and the angle to be adjusted therewith are adjustable by means of an electric drive by way of a gear unit.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an angle of the weaving reed in relation to the warp threads is adjustable by means of the readjustment unit so as to be between 40° and 90°.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the readjustment unit comprises a retaining device which is displaceable in the direction of the progression of the warp threads.4. The ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081791A1
Автор: Miglus Wanda M.

A method for weaving a multi-image graphical fabric including the step of assigned groups, each group having first, second and third yarns, wherein a first group has the first yarn being for a valley position in a most suppressed position and the second and third yarns being a first pair for a slope position in relatively raised positions, a second group has a first yarn for a ridge position with the second and third yarn forming a second pair for a slope in a descending position resulting in a combination of six fill yarns across twelve warp ends to form a weave unit so that three separate and distinct image fields are created in a face of the fabric and viewing angle determines which image field is seen. 1. A method for weaving a multi-image graphical fabric comprising the steps of:assigning groups, each group having first, second and third yarns, wherein a first group has the first yarn being for a valley position in a most suppressed position and the second and third yarns being a first pair for a slope position in relatively raised positions, a second group has a first yarn for a ridge position with the second and third yarn forming a second pair for a slope in a descending position resulting in a combination of six fill yarns across twelve warp ends to form a weave unit so that three separate and distinct image fields are created in a face of the fabric and viewing angle determines which image field is seen.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of forming the first and second pairs from yarns of a substantially constant diameter.3. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of forming the first and second pairs in contrasting colors and tonalities to delineate a pattern.4. A method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of forming the valley and ridge from yarns different yarns from the first and second pairs.5. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the three image fields conforms to a same ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080678A1

A laminate having excellent sound absorbing performance in both of a low frequency range and a high frequency range, and is excellent in flexibility, includes a woven fabric layer and a nonwoven fabric layer. The woven fabric layer contains a fiber having a total fineness of 150 to 500 dtex in an amount of 40% by mass or more based on the woven fabric layer in total, a value obtained by dividing a difference between a weave density in a warp direction of the woven fabric layer and a weave density in a weft direction of the woven fabric layer by a smaller one of the weave density in the warp direction of the woven fabric layer and the weave density in the weft direction of the woven fabric layer is 0.5 to 3.5. The woven fabric layer has a basis weight of 100 to 400 g/m 2 , a thickness of 0.3 to 2.0 mm, and an air permeability of 15 to 40 cm 3 /cm 2 /s. The nonwoven fabric layer has a basis weight of 200 to 500 g/m 2 and a thickness of 5 to 40 mm.
