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20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587572C2
Принадлежит: ИН ЭНД ТЕК С.Р.Л. (IT)

FIELD: instrument making. SUBSTANCE: loop device for rotational movement of closing element (D) containing fixed element (11) designed to be attached to fixed support element (S), connected with moving element (10) made with possibility of being attached to closing element (D) for rotation around first longitudinal axis (X) between open and closed positions. Device additionally comprises at least one slide (20), movable along appropriate second axis (Y) between pushed and extended position. One of moving element (10) and fixed element (11) contains at least one working chamber (30) which forms second axis (Y) for arrangement of sliding slider (20), other element contains pin (40) forming first axis (X). Pin (40) and slider (20) are interconnected for rotation of moving element (10) about first axis (X) in accordance with sliding slider (20) along second axis (Y), and vice versa. EFFECT: rotary motion of the closing element. 12 cl, 113 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК E05F 3/20 (11) (13) 2 587 572 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013148900/12, 05.04.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.04.2012 (72) Автор(ы): БАККЕТТИ Лучиано (IT) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ИН ЭНД ТЕК С.Р.Л. (IT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 05.04.2011 IT VI2011A000081; 19.04.2011 IB PCT/IB2011/051688 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.05.2015 Бюл. № 13 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2009241289 A1, 01.10.2009. US 2010319260 A1, 23.12.2010. WO 03067011 A1, 14.08.2003. US 1200538 A, 10.10.1915. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 05.11.2013 2 5 8 7 5 7 2 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2016 Бюл. № 17 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 8 7 5 7 2 R U C 2 C 2 IB 2012/051707 (05.04.2012) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2012/143812 (26.10.2012) Адрес для переписки: 123242, Москва, Кудринская площадь, 1, а/я 35, "Михайлюк, Сороколат и партнеры- ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469247C2

Изобретение относится к холодильному аппарату с опорой для крепления открывающейся путем поворота двери бытового холодильного аппарата. Опора двери содержит крепежный элемент, при помощи которого она крепится на корпусе бытового прибора, а также опорный элемент, соединенный посредством опорного кронштейна с крепежным элементом и крепящийся к двери. Опорный кронштейн при открытой двери находится в положении, смещенном по высоте относительно положения покоя, которое кронштейн занимает при закрытой двери. Использование данного изобретения позволяет создать холодильный аппарат, в котором дверь обеспечивает максимальный угол поворота при ее открывании. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 469 247 (13) C2 (51) МПК F25D 23/02 (2006.01) E05D 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010104628/13, 08.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.07.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): БСХ БОШ УНД СИМЕНС ХАУСГЕРЕТЕ ГМБХ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.07.2007 DE 102007034295.2 (72) Автор(ы): РААБ Альфред (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.08.2011 Бюл. № 24 2 4 6 9 2 4 7 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2012 Бюл. № 34 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 29611392 U1, 10.10.1996. US 4620392 A, 04.11.1986. DE 3818996 A1, 14.12.1989. EP 1278033 B1, 22.01.2003. EP 1030137 A1, 23.08.2000. SU 1784811 A1, 30.12.1992. 2 4 6 9 2 4 7 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2008/058874 (08.07.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.02.2010 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/013129 (29.01.2009) Адрес для переписки: 191186, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 230, "АРСПатент", В.М.Рыбакову (54) ХОЛОДИЛЬНЫЙ АППАРАТ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к холодильному аппарату с опорой для крепления открывающейся путем поворота двери бытового холодильного аппарата. Опора двери содержит крепежный элемент, при помощи которого она крепится ...

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008100056A

1. Устройство для автоматического закрывания с возможностью поворота створки двери, присоединенное к полу, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит: ! прикрепленную группу (40), которая прикреплена к полу; ! поступательно перемещаемую группу (50), соединенную с прикрепленной группой (40) с возможностью поступательного перемещения перпендикулярно полу без поворота относительно прикрепленной группы (40), причем поступательно перемещаемая группа (50) содержит упругие средства (11) и, по меньшей мере, элемент (9), действующий как кулачковый следящий элемент и поступательно перемещаемый перпендикулярно полу, при этом упомянутые упругие средства (11) расположены между кулачковым следящим элементом (9) и кольцом (12), которое закреплено в ортогональном направлении относительно пола; ! поворотную группу (60), к которой прикрепляют створку двери, содержащую, по меньшей мере, элемент (6), действующий как кулачок относительно элемента (9), действующего как кулачковый следящий элемент; ! причем поворотная группа (60) соединена с поступательно перемещаемой группой (50) таким образом, чтобы кулачковый элемент (6) упирался в кулачковый следящий элемент (9) и при повороте поворотной группы (60) в заданном направлении кулачковый элемент (6) вызывал перемещение, перпендикулярное полу, кулачкового следящего элемента (9) и сжатие упругих средств (11); причем расширение упругих средств (11) вызывает поворот в обратном направлении поворотной группы (60), а также поворот в обратном направлении створки двери, прикрепленной к поворотной группе. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что поворотная группа (60) содержит: ! первую камеру (72), расположенную между кулачковым сл� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2008 100 056 (13) A (51) МПК E05F 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (71) Заявитель(и): ИНДУСТРИА КАСЕРИА СИЛВИО БЕЛЛАДЕЛЛИ С.р.л. (IT) (21), (22) Заявка: 2008100056/12, 09.01.2008 (30) Конвенционный ...

03-04-2008 дата публикации

Türband für einen selbstschließenden Türflügel

Номер: DE102006042741B3

Bei einem Türband für einen einer Türöffnung (1) zugeordneten, selbstschließenden Türflügel (2) mit einem am Türflügel (2) angebrachten und einem im Bereich des Rands der Türöffnung (1) angebrachten Scharnierteil (4, 5), wobei die beiden Scharnierteile (4, 5) mittels eines Scharnierbolzens (6) gegeneinander verdrehbar und in axialer Richtung gegeneinander verschiebbar miteinander verbunden sind und wobei der Scharnierbolzen (6) mit einem der beiden Scharnierteile (5) fest verbunden ist und wenigstens eine zumindest einen Abschnitt eines Schraubengangs umfassende Kulissennut (16) aufweist, in die ein auf dem jeweils anderen Scharnierteil (4) aufgenommenes Führungselement (17) eingreift, lassen sich dadurch eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Gestaltungsfreiheit erreichen, dass der Scharnierbolzen (6) am flügelseitigen Scharnierteil (5) befestigt ist und mit seinen Enden drehbar und axial verschiebbar in zugeordnete Naben (11, 12) des öffnungrandseitigen Scharnierteils (4) eingreift, dass das in ...

10-11-2005 дата публикации

Hinge for windows or doors comprises axle sleeve parts each connected to a radial cam bushing

Номер: DE102004019418A1

Hinge (1) comprises axle sleeve parts (5a, 5b) each connected to a radial cam bushing (6a, 6b). The radial cam bushings contact front surfaces facing each other on corresponding radial cams. One of the bushings has a movement play space in the axial direction of the axis of rotation relative to the other bushing and is supported within the movement play space (11). Preferred Features: Both bushings sit completely within their axle sleeve parts. The bushings can be exchanged.

13-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008315766D0

05-04-2006 дата публикации

Gates for electric fences

Номер: GB0000603710D0

18-11-2020 дата публикации

A dampened hinge assembly

Номер: GB0002584053A

A dampened hinge assembly has a male leaf and a female leaf. The female leaf has spaced apart first and second end barrels coaxially rotating with respect to a central barrel of the male leaf therebetween. An axial shaft is fixed to the second end barrel of the female leaf at a proximal end of the axial shaft. The axial shaft has a distal helicoidally threaded spindle. A compression gear having a helicoidally threaded bore matching the helicoidal thread of the spindle displaces towards the first end barrel when the leaves move into alignment and towards the second end barrel when the leaves move out of alignment. The dampened hinge assembly may be reconfigured to provide soft closure, end-of-range soft closure and/or backcheck damping.

01-04-1998 дата публикации

A self closure hinge

Номер: GB0009802586D0

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460596T

15-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA464077A

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000549477T

15-11-2015 дата публикации

Einstellbarer Beschlag - insbesondere Scharnier für einen Türflügel

Номер: AT515720A1

Einstellbarer Beschlag (1) - insbesondere Scharnier für einen Türflügel (2) - umfassend ein Türbeschlagteil (1a) das relativ zu einem Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) um eine Längsachse (21) schwenkbar gelagert ist, zumindest eine im Inneren des Beschlages (1) befindliche Verstellvorrichtung (15) mit einem durch ein Federelement (13) beaufschlagten Rastelement (17) zur Festlegung zumindest einer vorgegebenen Stellung des Türbeschlagteils (1a) relativ zum Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) und zur Rückstellung in diese vorgegebene Stellung, wobei sich bei einer Schwenkbewegung des Türbeschlagteiles (1a) relativ zum Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) um die Längsachse (21) das Rastelement (17) entlang der Längsachse (21)- relativ zum Gegenbeschlagteil (1b)- entgegen der Kraft des Federelements (13) bewegt, wobei das Rastelement (17) das Türbeschlagteil (1a) um die Längsachse (21) schwenkt.

15-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000130658T

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000258640T

24-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000605954B2

27-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000654126B2
Принадлежит: Individual

25-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1029907A

06-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002832479A1

There is disclosed an anti-sag hinge (10) which includes a mounting flange assembly (12) pivotally coupled to a strap assembly (15). The strap assembly includes a strap (31) extending from a cylinder portion (32). The strap includes elongated mounting holes (69), an adjustment screw boss (70) having a passageway (71), and a moveable adjustment bracket (77) having an adjustment screw mounting flange (78) with a threaded screw hole (79) therein in which is threadably mounted an adjustment screw (80). The adjustment screw has a head (81), a bearing flange (82), a neck (83), and a threaded shaft (84). A removable spacer (86) has a U-shaped gripping portion (87) which is snap fitted onto a portion of the threaded shaft between the bearing flange and the adjustment bracket screw flange. The adjustment bracket includes four mounting holes (88) extending therethrough and generally in alignment with strap elongated mounting holes.

05-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002090788C

In a hinge mechanism, a first hinge portion and a second hinge portion are urged toward predetermined angular relationships relative to one another. A force, directed outwardly from the first hinge portion, is applied by an axle pivotally connecting the first and second hinge portions and having a V-shaped tip against a V-shaped groove in the second hinge portion, urging the V-shaped tip and groove to engage. In addition to being urged toward predetermined angular relationships, the first and second hinge portions are kept in predetermined angular relationships until a torsional force is applied to one of the hinge portions to overcome forces keeping the V-shaped tip and groove in engagement.

15-02-1949 дата публикации

Scharnier für Öffnungen verschliessende Schwenkteile, insbesondere für Türflügel.

Номер: CH0000259775A

15-07-1948 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000255667A

30-04-1960 дата публикации

Türschliesser für Pendeltüren

Номер: CH0000346131A

30-11-1934 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000173331A

15-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000633069A5

30-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000625591A5

30-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201590685A1

29-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690693A1

10-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000115453C2

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201790808A1

18-04-2007 дата публикации

Hinge structure and portable electron device using said hinge structure

Номер: CN0001948770A

10-11-1961 дата публикации

Closure, in particular for beating doors

Номер: FR0001275403A

24-09-1930 дата публикации

Hinge plate or hinge with automatic system of closing for windows, doors or frame

Номер: FR0000690666A

17-08-1929 дата публикации

Hinge with elastic recall and compensation of wear for body and other uses

Номер: FR0000663177A

08-06-1979 дата публикации

Auto-closing hinge for swing door - has opposed spring-loaded pistons and traversing double ramps on top and bottom of fixed block

Номер: FR0002408711A1

18-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002928680A1

L'ouvrant (12) est mobile en rotation par rapport à la caisse (14) autour d'un axe transversal géométrique (T) du véhicule, dit axe de l'ouvrant, entre : - une position dans laquelle l'ouvrant (12) obture une ouverture (16) de caisse du véhicule automobile, et - une position dans laquelle l'ouvrant (12) libère au moins en partie l'ouverture (16). L'ouvrant (12) comprend des moyens de soutien (32) de l'ouvrant (12) aptes à générer un couple de sollicitation autour de l'axe (T) de l'ouvrant. Les moyens de soutien comprennent : - au moins un axe de déplacement (40 ; 40a, 40b) fixe par rapport à l'ouvrant ou à la caisse, - au moins un élément (41, 42) apte à se déplacer le long de l'axe de déplacement, - des moyens de traction (43) aptes à exercer une force de traction sur chaque élément pour le déplacer le long de l'axe de déplacement, - au moins un organe (48, 50) d'une part fixé à la caisse (14) ou à l'ouvrant (12) et d'autre part à l'élément, apte à exercer une force de poussée sur la caisse ...

04-06-1999 дата публикации

Two-part mobile telephone handset with hinge

Номер: FR0002771769A1
Принадлежит: Philips Electronics NV

The hinge has a cam which controls the alignment of the telephone flap. The hinge provides a connection between the two parts of a mobile phone, holding them in stable relative positions. In the closed position, a flap protects the keypad, whilst in the open position, it gives access to the keys. The hinge includes a cam (24) for generating an axial force and defining the stable positions. A spring is mounted coaxial with the hinge, acting on the cam but with stops limiting the total range of movement.

18-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: PT0003054073T
Принадлежит: IN & TEC SRL, IN & TEC S.R.L.

26-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005047632A1

A mechanism is described for regulating the opening of a window pane (8), such as for an openable window in the tailgate of a vehicle body. A hinge (14) comprises a lower hinge plate (14A) secured to the frame of the window opening and an upper hinge plate (14B) secured to the window pane (8). Levers (18A,18B) of a first pair have a pivotal connection (22) and respectively extend therefrom to pivotal connections (26,38) with lower and upper cross-struts (30,36). Similarly, levers (20A,20B) of a second pair have a pivotal connection (24) from which the levers respectively extend to pivotal connections (28,40) with the lower and upper cross-struts (30,36). The cross-struts (30,36) are themselves pivotally connected to the lower and upper hinge plates (14A,14B) at respective pivotal connections (32,34;and 42,46). A tension spring (50) acts between the two pairs of levers (18A,18B;20A,20B), so as to tend to pull the two pivotal connections (22,24) together. In this way, the spring tends to ...

28-08-1990 дата публикации

Automatic closure mechanism for double-acting doors

Номер: US0004951351A1
Автор: Eckel; Alan
Принадлежит: Eckel Industries, Inc.

An improved automatic door closure is provided for a door which has a door post mounted by two or more members attached to a door jamb. The door closure comprises a roller which is mounted on the door jam, a cam which is mounted on the door post so that it will rotate with the door post but is capable of limited movement relative to the post in an axial direction, and a spring for urging the cam against the roller as the door is swung between open and closed positions. The cam is contoured so as to cause it and the roller to coact with spring arranged to cause the door to return from open to closed position without any operator applied force. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the door closure apparatus comprises a compression spring for urging the door to close, and an adjustable mechanism for varying the force exerted by that spring.

22-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US0009291385B2

A refrigerator is equipped with an improved middle hinge module, by which a door is hinged to a main body, capable of preventing noise when the door is opened and closed and easily adjusting a height of the door. The middle hinge module includes a hinge member fixed to a main body, a casing rotatably coupled to the hinge member and configured to rotate with a door, a shaft accommodated in the casing and coupled to the hinge member, a cam member disposed on the shaft and configured to convert rotational movement of the door into vertical linear movement, a compression spring disposed on the cam member and configured to be compressed by vertical linear movement of the cam member, and a height adjustment screw, an upper portion of which is coupled to a lower portion of the shaft to adjust a height of the door.

24-03-2005 дата публикации

Twist-type mobile terminal and hinge device thereof

Номер: US2005064919A1

A twist-type mobile terminal includes a lower housing portion having a key pad; an upper housing portion having a display unit; and a hinge device for twist-rotating the upper housing portion while the lower housing portion and upper housing portion are folded and unfolded.

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Miniature hinge

Номер: US2007245523A1

A miniature hinge includes a hinge housing, a first cam having a shaft portion, and a plurality of first can protrusions provided with facing cam surfaces defining a valley-shaped portion and an aperture passing through the first cam, a second cam having a plurality of second cam portions with a plurality of opposite circumferential curved surfaces, a perforation passing through the second cam and a plurality of grooves formed on front end of the perforation to form an end hole, an elastic element received in the hinge housing and a hinge shaft having an axle, a circular board formed and a positioning seat. The positioning seat of the hinge shaft passes through the hinge housing, the elastic element, the first cam and the second cam. The hinge shaft is rotated in an angle in order to insert the positioning seat into the end hole of the second cam.

16-01-2013 дата публикации

Door hinge with damper

Номер: EP2546442A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Türband (1) mit einer innerhalb eines Gehäuses (2) drehbar angeordneten Spindel (5), die beim Öffnen der Tür eine Spindelmutter (11) in axialer Richtung bewegt, so dass eine Druckfeder (12) komprimiert wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass der Federraum einen ersten Druckraum (19) für eine viskose Flüssigkeit bildet, der über einen Kanal (25) mit einem Druckraum (28) verbunden ist, der sich unterhalb der Spindelmutter (11) befindet, wobei ein Ventil (26) den Durchfluss der viskosen Flüssigkeit im Kanal (25) reguliert.

18-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: JP2002303072A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a buffer function attached automatic door closing mechanism and a hinge thereof capable of more smoothly carrying out opening operation of a door on the closing operation while being buffered. SOLUTION: The automatic closing door mechanism is so constituted, that a piston 7 is stored and set in a cylinder 4 provided to one of a pair of vane plates 2 and 3, the approximately lower part of an operating rod 8 fixing the approximately upper part to the other vane plate 3 is set inside of the cylinder 4; spherical bodies 74 and 75 projected on the inside circumference placed to a predetermined position of a piston 7 in a rollable manner are engaged with a cam groove 9 having a slope section 91 formed on the circumference of the approximately lower part of the operating rod 8; the piston 7 moves back and forth in accordance with the movement of the spherical bodies 74 and 75 to the slope section 91 of the cam mechanism 9 and that a hinge 1 buffers impact by an ...

20-08-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9207049U1

01-08-1935 дата публикации

Federndes Schraubenband, insbesondere fuer Pendeltueren

Номер: DE0000616586C

28-03-1963 дата публикации

Schliesser fuer die Fluegel von Pendeltueren

Номер: DE0001146404B
Принадлежит: OTTO STERKEL

04-03-2004 дата публикации

Scharnierbeschlag für Türen

Номер: DE0059711253D1

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Door closer

Номер: GB0002474627A

A door closer comprises a housing 11 with a spindle 10 which rotates in response to the door being moved between open and closed positions. A piston 12 is disposed for movement in the axial direction. A biasing member such as a spring 13 biases the piston and spindle to a first position. A cam associated with the piston converts rotational movement of the piston into axial movement; the cam may be a helical groove 30 which engages with ball bearing 31 located in the housing; a hydraulic damper may be provided and a one-way seal included between the piston and housing. In an alternative arrangement a door closer comprising two cams is provided wherein a second cam 28 may function to provide a stable position, e.g. when the door is closed. In an alternative arrangement the housing is of plastic and at least a portion of the housing in which the piston runs is received in a metal sleeve 34. In another arrangement the housing is plastic and moulded around at least one metal liner that defines ...

22-02-1995 дата публикации

Self-closing door hinge

Номер: GB0002281099A

A self-closing door hinge comprises two co-axial cam elements 14, 16 urged together by a spring. Each element 14, 16 has two cam edges (46, 50 and 52, 54 Fig. 2) which are diametrically related and axially spaced with dwell portions (48, 54 Fig. 2) between them. One part 16 is angularly fast with a spindle 16 connected to an arm 22. As the arm is turned cam element 16 will axially displace the other cam element 14. After the door is turned through about 90 DEG the dwell portions are reached. In this position the spring will not act to return the door to the closed position. Further angular movement of the door will result in further axial displacement of the other cam element 14 causing the spring to again act to close the door. At the dwell position there may be a slight return axial movement of the other cam element 14. ...

08-09-1993 дата публикации

Hinge mechanism with positive engagement locking

Номер: GB0002264748A

In a hinge mechanism, a first hinge portion 1 and a second hinge portion 40 are urged toward predetermined angular relationships relative to one another. A force, directed outwardly from the first hinge portion, is applied by an axle 20, 28 pivotally connecting the first and second hinge portions and having a V-shaped tip 27 against a V-shaped groove 14 in the second hinge portion, urging the V-shaped tip and groove to engage. In addition to being urged toward predetermined angular relationships, the first and second hinge portions are kept in predetermined angular relationships until a torsional force is applied to one of the hinge portions to overcome forces keeping the V-shaped tip and groove in engagement. The force may be applied by a resilient member such as a coil spring so acting between two axles 20, 28. The hinge may be used in an apparatus such as a cellular telephone. ...

01-11-1995 дата публикации

Hinge assembly

Номер: GB0002271611B

18-05-2005 дата публикации

Analyzing apparatus

Номер: GB0002381867B

12-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374882B

15-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521462B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Scharnier mit einer Einstellvorrichtung, die unter anderem aufweist: - einen drehfest und axial verschiebbar am Bolzen (4) angeordneten ersten Teil (7) - einen während der Betätigung der Einstellvorrichtung relativ zum ersten Beschlag (2) drehfest und relativ zum zweiten Beschlag (3) verdrehbaren zweiten Teil (8), wobei der erste Teil (7) durch den zumindest einen Kraftspeicher (6) so relativ zum zweiten Teil (8) mit Kraft beaufschlagt ist, dass der zweite Teil (8) bei einer Betätigung des zumindest einen Betätigungsmittels (5) als Gegenlager für das zumindest eine Betätigungsmittel (5) fungiert und die durch die Betätigung des zumindest einen Betätigungsmittels (5) auf den zweiten Teil (8) ausgeübte Kraft über den mit dem zweiten Teil (8) zusammenwirkenden ersten Teil (7) auf den Bolzen (4) übertragen wird und so eine Verdrehung des ersten Beschlags (2) relativ zum zweiten Beschlag (3) bewirkt und so eine neue relative Winkellage zwischen dem ersten Beschlag ...

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000524697T

15-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AT14164U1

Scharnier (100) zur Verschwenkung einer Tür (101), insbesondere für die Tür (101) einer Duschabtrennung (110), mit wenigstens zwei Beschlägen (10, 20), wobei einer der wenigstens zwei Beschläge (10) als ein Türbeschlag (11) und ein anderer der wenigstens zwei Beschläge (20) als ein Gegenbeschlag (21) ausgebildet ist, wobei die wenigstens zwei Beschläge (10, 20) über ein Drehgelenk (34) um eine Drehachse (31) verschwenkbar miteinander verbunden sind und einer Stellvorrichtung (70), die ein Verstellen der wenigstens zwei Beschläge (10, 20) entlang einer Richtung parallel zur Drehachse (31) bewirkt, und wenigstens einem Kraftspeicher (80) mit veränderbarem Speicherinhalt, wobei der Speicherinhalt des wenigstens einen Kraftspeichers (80) durch ein Verschwenken der wenigstens zwei Beschläge (10, 20) um das Drehgelenk (34) veränderbar ist, wobei der wenigstens eine Kraftspeicher (80) eine Verschwenkung der wenigstens zwei Beschläge (10, 20) aus einer vorbestimmten Nulllage (N) unterstützt.

31-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004507185A

24-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001841692A

25-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001029907A1

22-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002905199A1

There is disclosed a hinge (10) having a cartridge (12) with a round interior channel (16), a mounting flange (20) with a mounting hole (24) therein, a bushing (28), a pivot pin (33) having a square shoulder section (43) and a round shaft (44), a cam follower (49), a cam (50), a compression spring (51) and a spring retainer (52). The cam follower has a square mounting hole (55) which hits within the square shoulder section. The cam includes a central hole (58) configured to receive the pivot pin shaft. The cam includes elongated guides (61). A cabinet mounting bracket (72) is coupled to the pivot pin. The hinge is assembled by coupling the cam follower onto the pivot pin prior to placing the combination into the cartridge with the pivot pin square shoulder section received within the cam follower square mounting hole to prevent relative rotation therebetween.

04-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002090788A1

07-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002175782C

A radiotelephone (100) has a hinge (301) for joining a body (101) a cover (103) along an axis. The hinge (301) contains the axial force generated by an urging mechanism (403,404,405) by locating the urging mechanism (403,404,405) in a can (303) and attaching a cap (305) to the can (303).

20-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002185835A1

A hinge mechanism of a button cover of an electronic apparatus includes a pair of modules installed adjacent each other in respective receiving spaces of a case body. Each module includes: a hinge housing; a hinge shaft having a shaft on a first end thereof and a protrusion on a second end thereof and being inserted into the hinge housing so that said first end is disposed outward; a cam hinge having an indent and a protrusion on the same one end thereof so that the protrusion is engaged with the indent; a hinge cover having a hooking protrusion to be coupled to the hinge housing; and a coil spring installed between the cam hinge and the hinge cover. The shaft is coupled to the button cover so that the cover is opened and shut by the action of the pair of modules.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000110820C2

10-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000115452C2

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000027728B1

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201590151A1

30-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201590680A1

05-07-2006 дата публикации

Open-close device

Номер: CN0001263359C

10-03-2010 дата публикации

Pivot device

Номер: CN0201420802Y


17-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002937671B1

17-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002903722B1

20-05-2005 дата публикации

Doorway security device for private swimming pool, has roller rolled on slopes, and spring unit compressed when door is opened, where conjugated rolling effect of roller and return of spring unit returns door to closed position

Номер: FR0002862335A1
Принадлежит: MECA STYL

The device has a shaft (1) traversed perpendicularly by an axle (10) carrying at each of its ends a roller (11) rolled on slopes (33). A spring unit (4) maintaining the roller in contact with the slopes is compressed when a door (2) integrated with the shaft is opened. The door is returned to closed position under conjugated rolling effect of the roller and return of the spring unit.

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100658462B1

13-06-2014 дата публикации

Device having a wide-angle double-hinge structure

Номер: KR0101407378B1

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100991605B1

22-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090099159A

PURPOSE: A wide angle double hinge structure passing through an electronic device at different angle is provided to perform selective switching operation in a laptop computer operating state and a back to back operating state according to the taste of the user. CONSTITUTION: A connecting plate(1) includes a first holding hole and a second holding hole for the maintenance of a cam hinge(3) and a tolerant hinge(2). The cam hinge has one end section, an anchor plate(32), a first device, a second device and a stem. The tolerance hinge works as the axis line of the first stage. The first stage flips to a laptop usage state. The cam hinge works as the other axis line for the second stage. The second state skipped to the second stage in order to pass such as the tablet computer. © KIPO 2009 ...

30-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180086097A

The present invention relates to a torsion device of a closer, comprising: a torsion housing unit fixed to any one of a hinge devices; a spring to provide a longitudinal elastic force in the torsion housing unit; a sliding member elastically supported to the spring to longitudinally reciprocate in the torsion housing unit while rotation is restricted, and coupled to a piston of a damping device to reciprocate together; a rotational member inserted into the sliding member to be able to relatively rotate with respect to the sliding member and fixed the other hinge of the hinge device; and a rotational motion conversion unit. A guide protrusion is formed on any one from parts to mutually insert the sliding member and the rotational member therein, and a guide groove to insert the guide protrusion therein is formed on the other one to be inclined from a reciprocating direction, such that the rotational motion conversion unit mutually converts rotational motion of the rotational member into ...

13-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: BR9106286A

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014006587A1
Автор: BACCHETTI, Luciano

A concealed hinge for the rotatable movement of a door (D) comprising a fixed element (10) and a movable element (20), the latter being rotatably coupled with the fixed element (10) to rotate between an open position and a closed position about a first longitudinal axis (X). The fixed element (10) includes a box-shaped hinge body (11), while the movable element (20) includes a connecting plate (21). One of the second end portions (23, 23') of the connecting plate (21) includes a curved cam element (60) rotating about the first axis (X), the box-shaped hinge body (11) further including at least one working chamber (70) defining a second longitudinal axis (Y) spaced apart from the first axis (X) and substantially parallel thereto. The at least one working chamber (70) includes a plunger member (80) slidable along the second longitudinal axis (Y) and elastic means (90) operatively connected with the plunger member (80), the latter including a front face (81) facing the curved cam element ( ...

07-12-1999 дата публикации

Hinge suitable for use in a foldable device

Номер: US0005996178A1
Принадлежит: Motorola, Inc.

A foldable device (100) includes two housings (102, 108) rotatably coupled by a hinge (3800) about an axis of rotation (211). The hinge (3800) has a stationary element (3802) and a movable element (3804) positioned in a pocket (3858) of one of the housings (102, 108). The movable element (3802) is restricted to movement along the axis of rotation (211). This prevents the generation of audible clicking noises that are characteristic of existing hinge arrangements.

01-12-2005 дата публикации

Hinged device

Номер: US2005266901A1

A hinged device. A first frame comprises a first contact surface and a first through hole. A second frame rotatably connects to the first frame. A second cam is movably disposed in the second frame, comprises a second contact surface abutting the first contact surface and a second through hole. When the first and second frames are rotated oppositely around a first direction, the second cam moves along the first direction. An elastic member is disposed between the second frame and the second cam, providing a first elastic force on the second cam. An electrical transmission media passes through the first and second through holes.

01-06-1915 дата публикации


Номер: US1141782A

02-11-2005 дата публикации

Container with a door

Номер: EP0000894933B1

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013143730A
Принадлежит: Маджи С.Р.Л.

1. Петля с регулятором усилия для противопожарных дверей, связанная со второй петлей (10), которая автоматически закрывает указанные противопожарные двери с помощью пружины кручения и которая нагружается при повороте от 0 градусов до 180 градусов, причем петля с регулятором (11) усилия содержит рамную часть (15), прикрепленную к раме (13) двери, и дверную часть (16), прикрепленную к дверной панели (14), при этом указанные части (15, 16) имеют соответствующие трубчатые части (18, 21), которые при совмещении друг с другом ограничивают приемное гнездо для петлевого узла (23, 31, 50, 57), при этом указанный петлевой узел содержит узел регулирования усилия кулачка для поворота петли, действующий на определенном угле поворота, начиная с полностью открытого положения двери при 180 градусах, связанного с опорным подшипниковым узлом, причем указанный узел регулирования усилия кулачка содержит кулачковый элемент (50), обращенный к удерживающему шарики корпусу (57), в котором размещена пара шариков (54), при этом кулачковый элемент (50) имеет поверхность, обращенную к шарикам (54) и снабженную двойной половинной канавкой (53) с уклоном в направлении двух вершин (55), при этом указанный кулачковый элемент (50) и указанные шарики (54) удерживающего шарики корпуса (57) взаимодействуют посредством пружины (62), содержащей средство регулирования силы упругости,отличающаяся тем, чтокаждая половинная канавка (53) содержит первую часть, поднимающуюся к указанной вершине (55) на первый угол (α), и вторую часть, опускающуюся от указанной вершины (55) на второй угол (β), причем указанные углы (α, β), проходят в общей сложности на 180 градусов таким образом, что в обратной фазе дверной па РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК E05D 11/04 (13) 2013 143 730 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013143730/12, 26.03.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): МАДЖИ С.Р.Л. (IT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 31.03.2011 IT ...

18-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002217471A1

24-10-2005 дата публикации

Analysis device

Номер: GB0002381867A8

10-01-1979 дата публикации

Door having a spring door closer

Номер: GB0002000546A
Автор: Wehinger, Roman

This invention relates to a door (1) having a closing device and arranged for movement about a substantially vertical axis. The closing device comprises two members (18, 22) urged towards each other by resilient means (26), one member (18) provides a cam path (19 extending both axially of and co-axially with the door axis. A rolling body (20) is mounted on the other member (22) to roll along the cam path. One of the members (18) remains stationary while the other (22) moves with the door. One of the members (22) is displaceable substantially parallel to the door axis against the resilient means (26). Opening of the door (1) causes the rolling body (20) to roll along the cam path (19) and one of the members (22) to be dis- placed against the resilient means (26) when the door (1) is released, the resilient means (26) urges the rolling body (20) back along the cam path (19) and the door (1) closed. The door (1) only moves about the axis and not along it. ...

16-02-2005 дата публикации

Analyzing apparatus

Номер: GB0000500590D0

09-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009118165D0

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383486T

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable fitting - especially for a wing hinge

Номер: AT0000015329U1

Einstellbarer Beschlag (1) - insbesondere Scharnier für einen Türflügel (2) - umfassend ein Türbeschlagteil (1a) das relativ zu einem Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) um eine Längsachse (21) schwenkbar gelagert ist, zumindest eine im Inneren des Beschlages (1) befindliche Verstellvorrichtung (15) mit einem durch ein Federelement (13) beaufschlagten Rastelement (17) zur Festlegung zumindest einer vorgegebenen Stellung des Türbeschlagteils (1a) relativ zum Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) und zur Rückstellung in diese vorgegebene Stellung, wobei sich bei einer Schwenkbewegung des Türbeschlagteiles (1a) relativ zum Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) um die Längsachse (21) das Rastelement (17) entlang der Längsachse (21) - relativ zum Gegenbeschlagteil (1b) - entgegen der Kraft des Federelements (13) bewegt, wobei das Rastelement (17) das Türbeschlagteil (1a) um die Längsachse (21) schwenkt.

15-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521462A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Scharnier in einer Einstellvorrichtung, die unter anderem aufweist: -einen drehfest und axial verschiebbar am Bolzen (4) angeordneten ersten Teil (7) -einen während der Betätigung der Einstellvorrichtung relativ zum ersten Beschlag (2) verdrehbaren zweiten Teil (8), wobei der erste Teil (7) durch den zumindest einen Kraftspeicher (6) so relativ zum zweiten Teil (8) mit Kraft beaufschlagt ist, dass der zweite Teil (8) bei einer Betätigung des zumindest einen Betätigungsmittels (5) als Gegenlager für das zumindest eine Betätigungsmittel (5) fungiert und die durch die Betätigung des zumindest einen Betätigungsmittels (5) auf den zweiten Teil (8) ausgeübte Kraft über den mit dem zweiten Teil (8) zusammenwirkenden ersten Teil (7) auf den Bolzen (4) übertragen wird und so eine Verdrehung des ersten Beschlags (2) relativ zum zweiten Beschlag (3) bewirkt und so eine neue relative Winkellage zwischen dem ersten Beschlag (2) und dem zweiten Beschlag (3), bei welcher die ...

13-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002832589A

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002843121A1

A structural arrangement with an elastomeric spring for closing doors is described, comprising a hollow tube (10) with a base (11) at one end and an elastomeric spring (20) arranged inside the tube (10), next to the base (11), with a channel base (30) positioned on the elastomeric spring (20) and receiving on the opposite side thereof the channel (31), the free end of which has an edge with a female fitting (311) on which a cam (40) with a male fitting is positioned and pressed by a pin (50) attached to the tube (10) by means of a washer (60), the arrangement also comprising an inside cover with fastening holes (70) and a protection cover (711).

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Rebounding pivot module

Номер: US20200003356A1
Принадлежит: Lianhong Art Co Ltd

A rebounding pivot module includes a mounting shaft, and a bouncing device set including a barrel having one end tooth shaped, a connecting tube mounted in the other end of the barrel, a connection rod connected to the connecting tube, a socket and a first guide block mounted onto the connection rod, the first guide block having one end beveled, a bouncing barrel mounted around the connecting rod, a second guide block supported on an elastic member in the bouncing barrel and defining therein a guide hole and having one end tooth shaped and abutted at the beveled edge of the first guide block, and a lock device fastened to connection rod that is inserted through the second guide block, the elastic member and the through hole of the bouncing barrel to lock the bouncing barrel to the connection rod.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

A dampened hinge assembly

Номер: US20210017798A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dampened hinge assembly has a male leaf and a female leaf. The female leaf has spaced apart first and second end barrels coaxially rotating with respect to a central barrel of the male leaf therebetween. An axial shaft is fixed to the second end barrel of the female leaf at a proximal end of the axial shaft. The axial shaft has a distal helicoidally threaded spindle. A compression gear having a helicoidally threaded bore matching the helicoidal thread of the spindle displaces towards the first end barrel when the leaves move into alignment and towards the second end barrel when the leaves move out of alignment. The dampened hinge assembly may be reconfigured to provide soft closure, end-of-range soft closure and/or backcheck damping.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Combined Door Hinge with Variable Hydraulic Damping and Stopper Device Performance

Номер: US20190040667A1
Автор: Feng Huaigang

An apparatus combining a door hinge and a door closer is provided. In one embodiment, the hinge provides a variable hydraulic damping speed control with spring action closing, as well as an optional stop action. In one embodiment, the hinge of the present invention includes an adjustable compression spring to operate the opening and closing of the door. After the door has closed to approximately 20 degrees or so, the hydraulic component of the door may then control the speed of the door preferably from approximately 20 degrees until closed. The hydraulic component can also be adjusted to vary the speed and force of the door opening and closing. A pair of magnets may be present in the control cylinder of the hinge to provide more force to complete the closing function. Additionally, a stop function allows for the door to remain open and in place in one embodiment. 1. An adjustable , self-closing door hinge comprising:an upper leaf connected to an upper portion of a central cylinder;a lower leaf connected to a lower portion of a central cylinder, wherein said lower leaf and said upper leaf are in pivoting relation between an open position and a closed position,a compression spring positioned within said central cylinder for imparting a force to bias said upper leaf and said lower leaf toward a closed position; anda hydraulic damper mechanism positioned within said central cylinder for imparting a force against said compression cylinder within a defined range when said upper leaf and said lower leaf are positioned between a 90 degree angle and a 0 degree angle.2. The adjustable claim 1 , self-closing door hinge set forth in claim 1 , wherein a spring adjustment mechanism for increasing and decreasing tension on said compression spring is positioned within said central cylinder so that a user may adjust an amount of force applied to said hinge by said compression spring.3. The adjustable claim 2 , self-closing door hinge set forth in claim 2 , wherein a hydraulic ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065016A1
Автор: Meyer Thomas

A door hinge for a laboratory instrument door, the door hinge comprising a hollow body with a first longitudinal axis and a curved side wall comprising a track. At least a part of the track is inclined relative to the first longitudinal axis. The door hinge further comprises a linear guiding element with a second longitudinal axis parallel to the first longitudinal axis. At least a part of the linear guiding element is arranged in the hollow. The linear guiding element and the hollow body are rotatable against each other. The door hinge further comprises a body comprising a protruding pin. The body is movably attached to the linear guiding element so that the body is movable in two opposite directions along the second longitudinal axis and the protruding pin is movable on the track. 1. A door hinge for a laboratory instrument door comprising:a hollow body with a first longitudinal axis, wherein the hollow body comprises a curved side wall, wherein the curved side wall comprises a track, wherein at least a part of the track is inclined relative to the first longitudinal axis;a linear guiding element with a second longitudinal axis parallel to the first longitudinal axis, wherein at least a part of the linear guiding element is arranged in the hollow body, wherein the linear guiding element and the hollow body are rotatable against each other; and 'wherein the door hinge further comprises a force generator configured to exert a force on the body for moving the body in a first direction of the two opposite directions, wherein the force generator is an elastic member connecting the linear guiding element with the body, wherein the force is a tension relaxation of the elastic member.', 'a body comprising a protruding pin, wherein the body is movably attached to the linear guiding element so that the body is movable in two opposite directions along the second longitudinal axis and the protruding pin is movable on the track,'}2. The door hinge for a laboratory instrument ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Security gate with closer system

Номер: US20200087964A1
Автор: Jean-Luc Gentil
Принадлежит: Dorel Juvenile Group Inc

A gate is mounted on a hinge to pivot about a pivot axis between opened and closed positions. A latch is mounted for movement relative to the gate to retain the gate in a closed and locked position

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100336A1
Автор: CHOI BONG JOO, Lee Yong Su

Disclosed herein is a hinge unit of a console armrest for a vehicle, which includes an upper bracket including an armrest installation part coupled to an armrest, and upper hinge parts formed at both sides of the armrest installation part, each having a first upper hinge hole, a lower bracket including a console installation part coupled to a console, and lower hinge parts formed at both sides of the console installation part, each having a first lower hinge hole, an upper bracket cover configured to surround at least a portion of each of the upper hinge parts and to have a second upper hinge hole formed at a position corresponding to the first upper hinge hole, and a lower bracket cover configured to surround at least a portion of each of the lower hinge parts and to have a second lower hinge hole. 1. A hinge unit of a console armrest for a vehicle , comprising:an upper bracket comprising an armrest installation part fixedly coupled to an armrest, and upper hinge parts formed at both sides of the armrest installation part while extending therefrom, each of the upper hinge parts having a first upper hinge hole through which a hinge shaft passes;a lower bracket comprising a console installation part fixedly coupled to a console, and lower hinge parts formed at both sides of the console installation part while extending therefrom, each of the lower hinge parts having a first lower hinge hole formed at a position corresponding to the first upper hinge hole, the hinge shaft passing through the first lower hinge hole;an upper bracket cover configured to surround at least a portion of each of the upper hinge parts of the upper bracket and to have a second upper hinge hole formed at a position corresponding to the first upper hinge hole; anda lower bracket cover configured to surround at least a portion of each of the lower hinge parts of the lower bracket and to have a second lower hinge hole formed at a position corresponding to the first lower hinge hole,wherein the ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Hinge device for doors, shutters and the like

Номер: US20180106087A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano

A hinge device includes a first fixed tubular half-shell having a working chamber defining a longitudinal axis, a second tubular half-shell rotatable about the longitudinal axis, a pivot rotating unitary with the latter which includes a single pass-through actuating member having a helical shape, a plunger member slidable along the longitudinal axis, and a tubular bushing having a pair of guide cam slots. A pin-inserted within the pass-through actuating member is provided to allow the mutual engagement of the pivot and the bushing. The first tubular half-shell includes an end portion susceptible to rotatably support the pivot, the second tubular half-shell and the bushing are coaxially coupled to each other, and the bushing and the first tubular half-shell are mutually unitarily coupled. 1. A hinge device for rotatably moving or checking during closing or opening a closing element anchored to a stationary support structure , the hinge device comprising:a fixed element;a movable element anchored to the closing element, one of the fixed element and movable element including a first tubular half-shell which includes a working chamber defining a longitudinal axis, the other of the fixed element and movable element including a second tubular half-shell, the second tubular half-shell and the first tubular half-shell being superimposed one on another and being rotatable in relation to each other around the longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position;a pivot positioned along the longitudinal axis externally to the working chamber, the pivot and the second tubular half-shell being rigidly coupled, the pivot comprising a tubular body;a plunger member operatively connected to the pivot and inserted within the working chamber, the plunger member sliding along the longitudinal axis between an end-stroke position proximal to the pivot, corresponding to one of the open or the closed position of the movable element, and an end-stroke position distal therefrom, ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Lift-off type hinge

Номер: US20140215760A1
Принадлежит: Kason Industries Inc

There is disclosed anti-sag hinge ( 10 ) which includes a mounting flange assembly ( 12 ) pivotally coupled to a strap assembly ( 15 ). The strap assembly includes a strap ( 31 ) extending from a cylinder portion ( 32 ). The cylindrical portion includes a coupling end ( 34 ) with a vertically extending octagonal channel ( 35 ) therethrough. The octagonal channel includes a vertically extending alignment ridge or tongue ( 36 ) and a centrally positioned, horizontally oriented, annular ridge ( 37 ). The hinge also includes an elongated cam follower ( 40 ) having a lower cam follower portion ( 41 ) with an octagonal exterior surface ( 43 ) terminating at a circumferential ledge or shoulder ( 44 ) positioned to abut and bear against the centrally positioned annular ridge of the coupling end. The lower cam follower portion also has a longitudinally extending groove ( 53 ) configured to receive the coupling end alignment tongue.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Combined Door Hinge with Variable Hydraulic Damping and Stopper Device Performance

Номер: US20200217119A1
Автор: Huaigang Feng
Принадлежит: Victory Sales & Distribution LLC

An apparatus combining a door hinge and a door closer is provided. In one embodiment, the hinge provides a variable hydraulic damping speed control with spring action closing, as well as an optional stop action. In one embodiment, the hinge of the present invention includes an adjustable compression spring to operate the opening and closing of the door. After the door has closed to approximately 20 degrees or so, the hydraulic component of the door may then control the speed of the door preferably from approximately 20 degrees until closed. The hydraulic component can also be adjusted to vary the speed and force of the door opening and closing. A pair of magnets may be present in the control cylinder of the hinge to provide more force to complete the closing function. Additionally, a stop function allows for the door to remain open and in place in one embodiment.

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Hinge device for doors, shutters or the like

Номер: US20160237730A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano
Принадлежит: IN & TEC S.R.L.

A hinge device includes a first fixed tubular half-shell having a working chamber defining a longitudinal axis, a second tubular half-shell rotatable about the longitudinal axis, a pivot rotating unitary with the latter which includes a single pass-through actuating member having a helical shape, a plunger member slidable along the longitudinal axis, and a tubular bushing having a pair of guide cam slots. A pin inserted within the pass-through actuating member is provided to allow the mutual engagement of the pivot and the bushing. The first tubular half-shell includes an end portion susceptible to rotatably support the pivot, the second tubular half-shell and the bushing are coaxially coupled to each other, and the bushing and the first tubular half-shell are mutually unitarily coupled. 110-. (canceled)11. A hinge device for a closing element , which is anchored to a stationary support structure , comprising:a fixed element fixable to the stationary support structure;a movable element fixable to the closing element, the movable element and the fixed element being mutually coupled to rotate around a longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position; andat least one slider slidably movable along the longitudinal axis between a first end-stroke position, corresponding to one of the closed or open positions, and a second end-stroke position, corresponding to the other one of the closed or open positions,wherein one of the fixed element or movable element comprises at least one working chamber disposed along the longitudinal axis for slidably housing the at least one slider, the other one of the fixed element or movable element comprising a pivot disposed along the longitudinal axis, the pivot and the at least one slider being mutually coupled such that a rotation of the movable element around the longitudinal axis corresponds to the at least partial sliding of the at least one slider along the longitudinal axis and vice versa,wherein the working chamber ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200233459A1
Принадлежит: DELL PRODUCTS L.P.

A portable information handling system rotationally couples housing portions with a hinge having an adjustable friction device that adjusts a torque resisting rotation of the housing portions between alternate settings by sending an electronic pulse to an electropermanent magnet. For instance, activation of a magnetic field pulls a lever that compresses compression discs coupled to a hinge axle to increase torque, such as to hold the housing portions in position. An electronic pulse deactivates the magnetic field when an end user desires to rotate the housing portions, such as may be indicated by an end user touch at a housing portion. 1. A portable information handling system comprising:first and second housing portions;processing components disposed in at least one of the first and second housing portions, the processing components cooperating to process information;a display disposed in at least one of the first and second housing portions, the display interfaced with the processing components and operable to present the information as visual images;a hinge rotationally coupling the first and second housing portions, the hinge having an axle interfaced with a friction device, the friction device resisting rotation of the axle with a first setting having a first friction and a second setting having a second friction;an electropermanent magnet interfaced with the friction device to select the first setting when magnetized and the second setting when demagnetized; anda controller interfaced with the electropermanent magnet, the controller selecting the first or second setting based upon one or more predetermined conditions.2. The portable information handling system of wherein the controller magnetizes the electropermanent magnet to select the first setting that increases friction relative to the second setting.3. The portable information handling system of wherein the controller magnetizes the electropermanent magnet to select the first setting that decreases ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180291663A1
Автор: WU Yulong

Provided is an angle-adjustable positioning and self-closing hinge for a highly sealed door, comprising a hinge part, a fixing base, a fixing bar, a threaded sleeve, a threaded ring, a plug, and an adjustment socket; the hinge part is provided with a bushing and a leaf; the fixing base is provided with a bushing; the fixing bar has a screw; a threaded sleeve is fastened inside the bushing, the plug is fastened inside the bushing, and the threaded sleeve and plug are spaced apart; between the threaded sleeve and plug in the two bushings are disposed the fixing bar, the two magnets, two springs, and the adjustment base; the screw of the fixing bar is screwed to the threaded sleeve. 1. An angle-adjustable positioning and self-closing hinge for a highly sealed door , comprising a hinge part , a fixing base , a fixing bar , a threaded ring and a threaded sleeve , the hinge part being provided with a bushing and a leaf fastened outside the bushing , the fixing base being provided with another bushing , the hinge part being rotatable relative to the fixing base , and the fixing bar having a screw; and characterized in that: the angle-adjustable positioning and self-closing hinge further comprises a plug and an adjustment base , the threaded sleeve is fixedly connected inside the bushing , the plug is fixedly connected inside the another bushing , and the threaded sleeve and plug are spaced apart; a fixing bar , a threaded ring , a first magnet , a second magnet , a first spring , a cup body , a second spring and an adjustment base are provided between the threaded sleeve and plug in the two bushings , the screw of the fixing bar is screwed to the threaded sleeve , a first spring abuts between the fixing bar and a front end face of a cup body , and the first magnet is movable along with the fixing bar , the second spring abuts to the plug at one end and abut the second magnet at the other end , the second magnet may move relative to the plug , the first magnet and second ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150345201A1
Автор: Ding Kun-Lin
Принадлежит: Joy Chief Hardware Industrial Corp.

A door closer has a fixing set, a bidirectional set and an extending set. The fixing set has an elongated tube. The elongated tube has two opposite sidewalls and an opening. The bidirectional set is connected to the fixing set, is movably mounted in the elongated tube and has a connecting panel formed on and protruding from the bidirectional set and extending out of the opening. The extending set is pivotally connected to the bidirectional set and has a guiding track, an extending arm, a locking board and a connecting panel. The extending arm is movably mounted in the guiding track and has a connecting end extending out of the guiding track. The locking board engages the guiding track and is connected to the extending arm to adjust a total length of the extending set. The connecting panel is connected to the connecting end of the extending arm. 1. A door closer comprising: a top;', 'a bottom;', 'a first end;', 'a second end being opposite to the first end of the elongate tube;', 'two opposite sidewalls formed on and protruding upwardly from the bottom of the elongated tube, facing to each other and each one of the opposite sidewalls having an upper track edge; and', 'an opening formed through the top of the elongated tube between the upper track edges of the opposite sidewalls;, 'an elongated tube having'}, 'a fixing set having'} 'a connecting board formed on and protruding from the bidirectional set, extending out of the opening of the elongated tube and having a top side and a bottom side; and', 'a bidirectional set connected to the fixing set, movably mounted in the elongated tube between the first end and the second end of the elongated tube and having'} [ a bottom side abutting the top side of the connecting board;', 'a top side;', 'a pivot end mounted over the over the connecting board and the elongated tube;', 'an inserting end formed on the guiding track opposite to the pivot end of the guiding track;', 'a track opening formed through the top side of the ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Hinge Device

Номер: US20190330899A1
Автор: Ken Shinmura
Принадлежит: Sugatsune Kogyo Co Ltd

In a hinge device comprising a first member attached to a main body, a second member attachable to a door and rotatable about a vertical rotation axis with respect to the first member, a cam provided in the first member, and a linear damper provided in the second member and actuatable by the cam, the linear damper is disposed below the lower surface of the door.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Hinge Device

Номер: US20190330900A1
Автор: Ken Shinmura
Принадлежит: Sugatsune Kogyo Co Ltd

A hinge device for adjusting a position of a door, includes a first member attached to a main body, a second member rotatable about a rotation axis with respect to the first member, a returner adapted to return the second member to a predetermined position, a base attachable to the door to be swingable about the rotation axis with respect to the second member, and a position adjusting member allowing an angle formed between the second member and the base around the rotation axis to be adjusted.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Hinge Device

Номер: US20190330901A1
Автор: Shinmura Ken

A hinge device is configured to apply an urging force to a case for returning the case to its neutral position. The hinge device comprises a first and a second contact portion, the case with a cylindrical portion, a coil spring fitted in the cylindrical portion of the case, a shaft inserted inside the coil spring, and a shaft member having a first and a second engaging portion fixed to the shaft in anti-rotatable. The first and second contact portion are formed integral with the cylindrical portion

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Hinge for opening/closing door

Номер: US20180363347A1
Автор: Jong Bok CHANG
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a hinge for opening/closing a door, comprising: left and right plates respectively coupled to the door and a door frame; a main housing formed in the center of any one of the left and right plates; upper and lower auxiliary housings respectively formed at the top and the bottom of the other of the left and right plates; a support member coupled to and linked with the main housing by penetrating into any one of the upper and lower auxiliary housings; a guide member coupled to and linked with the other of the upper and lower auxiliary housings, formed by inserting a portion thereof into the main housing, and having a screw hole for adjustment; an adjustment member having a screw bar for adjustment and a screw bar for fixing, which are formed to have different screwing directions as a right-handed screw and a left-handed screw, and having an adjustment space for interference prevention between the screw bar for adjustment and the screw bar for fixing; a fixing member for fixing the adjustment member by closely attaching, to the guide member through the adjustment space, the screw bar for fixing the adjustment member; and a twist spring connectedly provided between the support member and the adjustment member so as to change the strength of elasticity by the rotation of the adjustment member.

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Door hinge for oven

Номер: US20220349586A1
Принадлежит: Seo Won Korea Co Ltd

Proposed is a door hinge for an oven. More particularly, proposed is a door hinge for an oven, which when a door is opened, can prevent the door from being excessively opened and can prevent the door from being further opened at the maximum opening angle.

21-11-2018 дата публикации

Door hinge

Номер: KR101920970B1
Автор: 이준영
Принадлежит: 서원코리아 주식회사

본 발명은 스프링의 압축력 및 댐퍼부재의 완충력을 통해 도어가 급격하게 폐쇄되지 않도록 하여 도어의 안정적인 폐쇄동작을 도모할 수 있도록 한 도어 힌지에 관한 것이다. 이를 구현하기 위한 본 발명은 도어프레임에 설치된 도어를 회전 가능하게 지지하는 도어 힌지에 있어서, 상기 도어프레임에 설치되며 내부에는 공간이 형성된 하우징, 상기 하우징에 끝단이 삽입되고 그 선단은 상기 하우징의 외부로 노출된 상태에서 상기 도어에 결합되어, 상기 도어의 개폐 동작에 따라 회전하는 샤프트, 상기 샤프트의 끝단에 고정되어 상기 샤프트와 함께 회전 동작하며 그 후면에는 경사면부가 형성된 메인캠, 상기 하우징 내부 공간에 수용되며 그 전면에는 상기 메인캠의 경사면부에 맞대여지는 경사면부가 형성되어, 상기 메인캠의 회전 동작에 따라 직선 이동하며 후방으로 밀려나는 가이드캠, 상기 가이드캠과 상기 하우징의 후면벽 사이에 위치하며 상기 가이드캠의 후방 밀림 동작에 따라 압축력을 발휘하는 스프링 및 상기 하우징 내부 공간에 수용되며 상기 가이드캠의 후방 밀림 동작에 따라 완충력을 발휘하는 댐퍼부재를 포함하여 구성함을 특징으로 한다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention [0001] The present invention relates to a door hinge capable of stably closing a door by preventing a door from abruptly closing through a compression force of a spring and a buffering force of a damper member. In order to achieve the above object, according to the present invention, there is provided a door hinge for rotatably supporting a door installed on a door frame, the door hinge comprising: a housing provided in the door frame and having a space therein; an end of the door being inserted into the housing; A main cam fixed to an end of the shaft and rotating together with the shaft and having an inclined surface formed on a rear surface thereof; A guide cam formed on a front surface of the main cam and having an inclined surface opposed to an inclined surface of the main cam, the guide cam being linearly moved in accordance with a rotation operation of the main cam and being pushed rearward, A spring exerting a compressive force in accordance with the backward pivotal movement of the guide cam, And a damper member which is accommodated in the inner space of the housing and exhibits a buffering force according to a backward pivotal movement of the guide cam.

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Hinge Apparatus for Heavy Door Having Automatic Return Function

Номер: KR100586262B1
Автор: 최순우
Принадлежит: 주식회사 아이원이노텍

본 발명은 장치의 외경을 증가시키지 않고서 서로 다른 캠선도 길이를 갖는 한쌍의 캠샤프트를 통해 대형도어의 닫힘력을 보존함과 동시에 도어의 개방 시 발생되는 열림력을 최소화하여 무거운 대형도어를 적은 힘으로 용이하게 개방할 수 있는 대형도어용 힌지장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention preserves the closing force of a large door through a pair of camshafts having different cam lead lengths without increasing the outer diameter of the device, and minimizes the opening force generated when the door is opened. It is related with a hinge device for a large door that can be easily opened. 상기 본 발명은 제1 경첩에 고정 결합된 중앙 몸통과; 제2 경첩 상/하측단에 각각 고정 결합된 제1 및 제2 가이드 통과; 도어가 회전될 때 제1 및 제2 가이드 통에 발생하는 상대적인 외력에 의해 회전하는 제1 및 제2 캠샤프트와; 제1 및 제2 가이드 핀과; 제1 및 제2 캠샤프트의 회전에 연동하여 각각 제1 및 제2 캠샤프트의 원통형 몸통 내주면을 따라 승하강하는 제1 및 제2 피스톤 로드와; 제1 및 제2 상/하부 챔버를 각각 연통하는 유로를 포함하는 제1 및 제2 피스톤과; 제1 및 제2 상/하부 챔버를 이동하는 오일의 양을 제어하기 위한 제1 및 제2 체크밸브와; 제1 및 제2 가이드 통의 상/하단에 각각 실링상태로 결합된 다수의 실링캡부와; 제1 및 제2 피스톤을 탄성적으로 지지하는 탄성부재로 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention includes a central body fixedly coupled to the first hinge; Passing first and second guides fixedly coupled to the upper and lower ends of the second hinge, respectively; First and second camshafts that rotate by relative external forces generated in the first and second guide barrels when the door is rotated; First and second guide pins; First and second piston rods which move up and down along the cylindrical body inner circumferential surfaces of the first and second camshafts respectively in association with rotation of the first and second camshafts; First and second pistons including flow paths communicating with the first and second upper and lower chambers, respectively; First and second check valves for controlling the amount of oil moving through the first and second upper and lower chambers; A plurality of sealing caps coupled to the upper and lower ends of the first and second guide barrels in a sealing state, respectively; It is characterized by consisting of an elastic member for elastically supporting the first and second piston. 대형도어, 복귀속도 조절, 캠선도 각도 ...

22-06-2012 дата публикации

Door hinge

Номер: KR101157804B1
Автор: 이준영
Принадлежит: 풍원공업 주식회사

본 발명은 작동캠부재의 동작을 압축스프링에서 발생하는 비틀림력으로 간섭하여 도어가 급격하게 폐쇄되지 않도록 하여 도어의 안정적인 폐쇄동작을 도모할 수 있도록 한 도어 힌지를 제공한다. 이를 구현하기 위한 본 발명은 도어에 설치되어 있는 하우징을 관통한 상태로 상기 도어에 결합되어 상기 도어의 개폐 동작에 따라 회전 동작하는 샤프트와, 상기 샤프트의 외경에 끼워지며 양면에는 제 1, 2경사면부가 형성된 캠부재와, 상기 샤프트의 외경에 회전 가능하게 끼워지며 일면에는 상기 캠부재의 제 1경사면부에 면 접촉하는 제 1작동경사면부가 형성되어 상기 샤프트의 동작에 따라 회전하는 과정에서 상기 제 1경사면부를 타고 이동하는 제 1작동경사면부를 통해 수평방향으로 이동하는 제 1작동캠부재와, 상기 캠부재와 도어 사이에 위치하며 일면은 상기 도어에 걸림 고정되고 타면에는 상기 캠부재의 제 2경사면부에 면 접촉하는 제 2작동경사면부가 형성되어, 도어의 폐쇄동작에 따라 회전하며 상기 캠부재를 수평방향으로 밀어주는 제 2작동캠부재 및 상기 제 1작동캠부재를 탄력적으로 지지하며 상기 제 1작동캠부재와, 상기 캠부재의 밀림 동작에 따라 압축력을 발생시켜 상기 도어를 서서히 폐쇄 동작시키게 되는 압축스프링을 포함하여 구성한 것을 기술적 요지로 한다. The present invention provides a door hinge that can interfere with the operation of the actuating cam member by the torsional force generated by the compression spring to prevent the door from being suddenly closed, thereby achieving a stable closing operation of the door. The present invention for implementing this is coupled to the door in a state penetrating through the housing installed in the door and the shaft is rotated in accordance with the opening and closing operation of the door, fitted to the outer diameter of the shaft and the first, second inclined surfaces on both sides An additional cam member and a first operation inclined surface portion rotatably fitted to an outer diameter of the shaft and contacting the first inclined surface portion of the cam member are formed on one surface thereof to rotate according to the operation of the shaft. A first operating cam member moving in a horizontal direction through the first operating inclined surface portion moving along the inclined surface portion, and positioned between the cam member and the door, one surface of which is locked to the door and the other surface of the second slope surface of the cam member The second operation inclined surface portion is formed in contact with the surface, and rotates in accordance with the closing operation of the door to push the cam ...

15-04-2000 дата публикации

A complex torque hinge

Номер: KR200177385Y1

본 고안은, 소형으로도 큰 회전토크를 얻을 수 있고 또, 변좌나 카버 등의 개폐체의 회전모우멘트에 대해 세부적으로 맞추거나, 동작에 액센트 등을 가하기 용이한 복합토크힌지를 제공한다. The present invention provides a composite torque hinge that can achieve a large rotational torque even in a small size, and to easily match the rotation moment of an opening body such as a toilet seat or a carver, or to easily accent the operation. 브라켓트와, 그 브라켓트에 결합고정되는 고정축과, 그 고정축의 주위에 회전가능하게 설치된 회전통체와, 그 회전통체 내부에 설치된 부분의 그 회전통체의 회전토크를 제어하기 위한 압축스프링을 작용시킨 캠기구와, 동일하게 상기 회전통체 내부에 설치된 부분의 그 회전통체의 특정 회전방향의 회전토크를 부정하는 방향으로 활용하는 토션스프링과로 구성된다. 이 경우, 상기 캠기구를, 고정축을 중심부에 삽입, 관통시키면서 회전통체 내에 설치한 격벽에 고정한 회전캠과, 그 회전캠에 대항하여 고정축을 중심부에서 삽입, 관통시켜서 상기 고정축의 축방향으로 미끄럼운동 가능한 미끄럼캠과, 그 미끄럼캠을 고정캠축으로 가압시키는 압축스프링과로 구성할 수 있으며, 상기 토션스프링은 고정축에 결합시킨 칼라와, 회전통체와의 사이에 상기 고정축의 주위에 탄성력을 지니도록 설치할 수 있고, 상기 회전통체의 외주의 일부에 회전방지용 돌조를 설치할 수 있다. A cam which has a bracket, a fixed shaft coupled to and fixed to the bracket, a rotating cylinder rotatably installed around the fixed shaft, and a compression spring for controlling the rotating torque of the rotating cylinder of a portion provided inside the rotating cylinder. The mechanism is similarly composed of a torsion spring which utilizes a rotation torque in a specific rotational direction of the rotating cylinder of a portion provided inside the rotating cylinder. In this case, the cam mechanism includes a rotary cam fixed to the partition wall installed in the rotating cylinder while inserting and penetrating the fixed shaft into the center portion, and sliding the shaft in the axial direction of the fixed shaft by inserting and penetrating the fixed shaft from the center portion against the rotary cam. Possible sliding cam, and a compression spring for pressing the sliding cam to the fixed cam shaft, wherein the torsion spring has an elastic force around the fixed shaft between the collar and the rotating cylinder coupled to the fixed shaft; It can be installed, it can be installed a rotation preventing protrusion on a portion of the outer ...

01-08-2000 дата публикации

Door-hinge device having auto-locking function

Номер: KR200190938Y1
Автор: 민병덕
Принадлежит: 민병덕

본 고안은 자동 록킹기능을 갖는 도어 힌지장치에 관한 것으로서, 일측단이 도어(10)의 상측 지지브래킷(30)에 고정되고 그 내부에 수직 승하강하도록 된 승강체(70)가 구비되는 하우징(50)과, 상측단이 지지브래킷(30)을 통과하여 도어틀(20)의 지지브래킷(40)에 회전이 방지되도록 고정되고 하측단이 하우징(50)의 승강체(70)에 나사결합되는 나사축(60)과, 도어(10) 회전시 상승되는 상승되는 승강체(70)에 의해 압축되고 도어(10) 닫힘시 복원력을 발생하게 되는 압축스프링(80)을 포함하여 구성되는 도어 힌지장치에 있어서, The present invention relates to a door hinge device having an automatic locking function, the housing having one lifting end 70 is fixed to the upper support bracket 30 of the door 10 and vertically raised and lowered therein ( 50) and the upper end is fixed to prevent the rotation to the support bracket 40 of the door frame 20 through the support bracket 30 and the lower end is screwed to the lifting body 70 of the housing 50 Door hinge device including a screw shaft 60 and a compression spring 80 is compressed by the lifting body 70 that is raised when the door 10 is rotated and generates a restoring force when the door 10 is closed. To 승강체(70)의 외주면 양측에 소정폭의 두께를 갖는 가이드돌기(100)(101)를 각각 돌출 형성하고; 하우징(50)의 내주면에는, 가이드돌기(100)(101)가 축방향을 따라 상하로 안내될 수 있도록 한 쌍의 가이드홈(200)(201)을 소정길이 형성하되, 도어(10) 개방시 나사축(60)을 중심으로 회전되는 도어(10)측 하우징(50)이 일정각도 이상 회동하게 되면 승강체(70)의 가이드돌기(100)(101)가 수평회전되어져 압축스프링(80)의 압축과 복원력이 제어될 수 있도록 가이드홈(200)(201)의 상측부와 연장된 수평상태의 연장홈(300)(301)을 형성하는 것을 특징으로 한다. Projecting guide protrusions 100 and 101 each having a thickness of a predetermined width on both sides of the outer circumferential surface of the lifting body 70; On the inner circumferential surface of the housing 50, a pair of guide grooves 200 and 201 are formed to have a predetermined length so that the guide protrusions 100 and 101 can be guided up and down along the axial direction, but when the door 10 is opened. When the housing 10 of the door 10 side rotated about the screw shaft 60 is rotated by a predetermined angle or more, the guide protrusions 100 and 101 of the lifting body 70 are rotated horizontally, so that the compression spring 80 It is characterized in that the extension grooves 300 ...

31-10-2006 дата публикации

Door open and close structure for electromagnetic wave test chamber

Номер: KR100639168B1
Автор: 박인호
Принадлежит: 박인호

An opening and closing apparatus of a shielding door for an electromagnetic wave shielding room is provided to prevent the body damage of the user by the lock latch position control unit compensating the clearance. An opening and closing apparatus of a shielding door(1) for an electromagnetic wave shielding room(91) is composed of a cover case(10) attached at the front surface of a shielding door body(2) comprising the shielding door having a predetermined size; an air cylinder connected to an opening switch(S1) exposed at the front surface of the cover case and the outer compression air supply apparatus; an operating rod; a lock latch integrally installed at the exposure end of the operating rod, detachably combined at a hanging hook installed at a door frame(WF), and installed with a roller reducing the friction of the front end; a lock latch position control unit connected with the operating rod to selectively control the fine position of the lock latch; a link piece integrally connected with the support pipe to convert the rectilinear motion of the piston rod into the rotary motion; a lock switch(70) installed to appear and disappear at the upper end of one side of the body of the shielding door and operated through a switch operating piece(71) fixed at the door frame in the closely contacted condition without clearance between the shielding door and the door frame; and safety units each installed at the front surface of the piston rod of the air cylinder and the cover case to forcibly discharge the filling air pressure in the cylinder through the pushing operation of the worker when the air supply is stopped and to automatically immerse the piston rod for the opening motion of the shield door.

14-10-2020 дата публикации

Hinge device mounting structure

Номер: JP6769684B2
Автор: 健 新村, 新村 健
Принадлежит: Sugatsune Kogyo Co Ltd

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Door opener

Номер: JP3789894B2
Принадлежит: チャン−イン,ジョン

29-12-2021 дата публикации

Semi-automatic swing door swing hinge device

Номер: KR102344845B1
Автор: 장성복
Принадлежит: (주) 한국택트

The present invention relates to a semi-automatic swing door hinge device, capable of easily adjusting an automatic closing speed of a door, which comprises: a rotation shaft (10); a holder coupling unit (20); a fixing bracket (30); an upper cam (40); a lower cam (50) moved in a vertical direction; a cam-interlocked elastic body (60); a thrust bearing (90); an adjusting nut (70); and a door frame coupling holder (110).

13-07-2021 дата публикации

Automatic door hinge device

Номер: KR102276472B1
Автор: 신재민
Принадлежит: 신재민

본 발명은 자동 도어 힌지 장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 이를 위해 도어의 개도에 따라서 닫히는 속도를 부분적으로 빠르고 느리게 여러 단계로 제어해줌으로써 화재시 급격한 닫힘으로 인한 출입자의 상해를 최대한 억제하면서도 전체적으로는 신속하게 닫아주어 화재의 확산을 효과적으로 막아줄 수 있는 속도조절부(100); 및 속도조절부(100)의 하단에 조립되며, 도어가 180도에서 6kg의 이하에서 힘을 유지함과 아울러 속도조절도 안전하고 더하여 도어가 5도에서 동일 속도 유지 및 60뉴톤(Newton)을 유지하면서 개폐할 수 있도록 한 속도조절보조부(200);가 포함된다. 상기와 같이 구성된 본 발명은 적은 힘으로도 도어를 개폐시킬 수 있고, 열린 문을 속도의 조정을 하면서 자동적으로 닫는 기능을 수행하도록 한 것이고, 이로 인해 자동 도어 힌지 장치의 품질과 신뢰성을 대폭 향상시키므로 사용자인 소비자들의 다양한 욕구(니즈)를 충족시켜 좋은 이미지를 심어줄 수 있도록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to an automatic door hinge device. To this end, the present invention partially controls the closing speed according to the degree of opening of the door in several stages quickly and slowly, thereby suppressing injury to occupants due to rapid closing in case of fire as much as possible, and closing quickly as a whole to effectively prevent the spread of fire. a speed control unit 100; And assembled at the lower end of the speed control unit 100, the door maintains the force at 180 degrees below 6 kg, and the speed control is also safe and in addition, the door maintains the same speed at 5 degrees and 60 Newtons while maintaining A speed control auxiliary unit 200 that can be opened and closed; is included. The present invention configured as described above can open and close the door with little force and perform the function of automatically closing the opened door while adjusting the speed, which greatly improves the quality and reliability of the automatic door hinge device. It is designed to satisfy the various needs (needs) of consumers, who are users, and to instill a good image.

27-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010104628A

1. Холодильный аппарат с теплоизолированным корпусом и опорой для крепления, открывающейся путем поворота двери (2), которая содержит крепежный элемент (9), при помощи которого она крепится на корпусе (1), а также опорный элемент (6), соединенный посредством опорного кронштейна (3) с крепежным элементом (9) и крепящийся к двери (2), отличающийся тем, что опорный кронштейн (3) при открытой двери (2) находится в положении, смещенном по высоте относительно положения покоя, которое кронштейн занимает при закрытой двери (2). ! 2. Холодильный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что опорный кронштейн (3) в положении покоя скрыт за верхней кромкой двери (2). ! 3. Холодильный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что опорный кронштейн (3) при открытии двери (2) находится над верхней кромкой двери (2). ! 4. Холодильный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дверь (2) содержит подъемный элемент (7), выталкивающий при открытии двери (2) опорный кронштейн (3) опоры двери в положение, смещенное по высоте. ! 5. Холодильный аппарат по п.4, отличающийся тем, что подъемный элемент (7) выполнен в виде скоса. ! 6. Холодильный аппарат по п.5, отличающийся тем, что скос сформирован на отделочной планке (5), образующей верхнюю кромку двери (2). ! 7. Холодильный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что опорный кронштейн (3) с возможностью смещения по высоте крепится в выемке (8) корпуса (1). ! 8. Холодильный аппарат по п.7, отличающийся тем, что выемка (8) под опору двери образует пространство для подъема опорного кронштейна (3) опоры двери. ! 9. Холодильный аппарат по п.7, отличающийся тем, что внутри выемки (8) глубоко в корпусе (1) находится крепежный элемент. ! 10. Холодильный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2010 104 628 (13) A (51) МПК F25D 23/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010104628/21, 08.07.2008 (71) Заявитель(и): БСХ БОШ УНД СИМЕНС ХАУСГЕРЕТЕ ГМБХ ( ...

28-04-1997 дата публикации

Button cover opening device of portable telephone

Номер: KR970015497U
Автор: 정종갑
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

08-03-2022 дата публикации

Hinge device for rotating door

Номер: KR102371480B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 파츠텍

본 발명은 회전도어용 힌지장치에 관한 것으로서, 특히 회전하는 도어에 장착되어 도어가 다양한 방식으로 회전하면서 개폐될 수 있도록 하는 회전도어용 힌지장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 회전도어용 힌지장치는, 외력에 의해 회전된 후 일정구간에서 프리스탑 방식으로 회전되고, 프리스탑 회전 후 역회전하는 구간에서는 자동으로 역회전되도록 하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a hinge device for a rotating door, and more particularly, to a hinge device for a rotating door mounted on a rotating door so that the door can be opened and closed while rotating in various ways. The hinge device for a rotary door of the present invention is characterized in that it is rotated in a free-stop manner in a certain section after being rotated by an external force, and is automatically reversely rotated in a section in which a reverse rotation is performed after the free-stop rotation.

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Automatic door hinge device

Номер: KR20200098096A
Автор: 신재민
Принадлежит: 신재민

본 발명은 자동 도어 힌지 장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 이를 위해 도어의 개도에 따라서 닫히는 속도를 부분적으로 빠르고 느리게 여러 단계로 제어해줌으로써 화재시 급격한 닫힘으로 인한 출입자의 상해를 최대한 억제하면서도 전체적으로는 신속하게 닫아주어 화재의 확산을 효과적으로 막아줄 수 있는 속도조절부(100); 및 속도조절부(100)의 하단에 조립되며, 도어가 180도에서 6kg의 이하에서 힘을 유지함과 아울러 속도조절도 안전하고 더하여 도어가 5도에서 동일 속도 유지 및 60뉴톤(Newton)을 유지하면서 개폐할 수 있도록 한 속도조절보조부(200);가 포함된다. 상기와 같이 구성된 본 발명은 적은 힘으로도 도어를 개폐시킬 수 있고, 열린 문을 속도의 조정을 하면서 자동적으로 닫는 기능을 수행하도록 한 것이고, 이로 인해 자동 도어 힌지 장치의 품질과 신뢰성을 대폭 향상시키므로 사용자인 소비자들의 다양한 욕구(니즈)를 충족시켜 좋은 이미지를 심어줄 수 있도록 한 것이다.

27-10-1998 дата публикации

Hinge of cover of electronic device buttons (versions)

Номер: RU2121050C1

FIELD: portable bee-line telephones. SUBSTANCE: hinge includes a couple of modules adjoining each other in respective receiving spaces of body. Each module includes hinge body, hinge axle having axle on its first end and projection on its second end. Axle is located in hinge body so that said first end has cam provided with recess and projection on the same end. Projection is engageable with recess. Hinge cap has detent connected with hinge body and spiral spring installed between cam and cap of hinge. Axle is connected with cover of buttons so that cover is opened and closed with the help of action of module couple. EFFECT: simplified process of disassembly and assembly, prevented cracks on locking cover, reduced friction and higher operating characteristics and reliability of device. 15 cl, 9 dwg оОбоОгсСгс ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ “” 2 121 050 "” Сл Е 05 0 11/10, Н 04 М 1/00, 11/00 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 96118493/09, 18.09.1996 (30) Приоритет: 19.09.1995 КВ 25322/1995 24.04.1996 КК 9131/1996 (46) Дата публикации: 27.10.1998 (56) Ссылки: 4$ 5317765 А, 07.07.94. 4$ 5303291 А, 12.04.94. Ц$ 5111503 А, 05.05.92. $4 450019 А, 18.04.75. 54 556219 А, 30.05.77. (71) (72) (73) Заявитель: Самсунг Электроникс Ко., Лтд. (КК) Изобретатель: Йонг-Гэб Юнг (КК) Патентообладатель: Самсунг Электроникс Ко., Лтд. (КК) (54) ШАРНИРНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО КРЫШКИ КНОПОК ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО УСТРОЙСТВА (ВАРИАНТЫ) (57) Реферат: Изобретение предназначено для использования в портативном сотовом телефоне и включает пару модулей, установленных примыкая друг к другу в соответствующие принимающие пространства корпуса. Каждый модуль включает корпус шарнира, ось шарнира, имеющую ось на первом ее конце и выступ на втором ее конце и помещенную в корпус шарнира так, что указанный первый конец обращен наружу, кулачок, имеющий выемку и выступ на одном и том же его конце, при этом выступ взаимодействует с выемкой, ...

29-01-2009 дата публикации

The refrigerator

Номер: DE102007034295A1
Автор: Alfred Raab

Die Erfindung geht aus von einem Kältegerät mit einem Türlager zum Befestigen einer schwenkbar zu öffnenden Tür 2 des Haushalts-Kältegerätes. Das Türlager weist ein Befestigungselement 9 auf, mit dem es am Gehäuse 1 des Haushaltsgerätes befestigt ist, und ein Lagerelement 6, das über einen Lagerarm 3 mit dem Befestigungselement 9 verbunden ist und mit dem das Türlager in die Tür 2 eingreift. Erfindungsgemäß befindet sich der Lagerarm 3 bei geöffneter Tür 2 in einer gegenüber seiner Ruheposition, die er bei geschlossener Tür 2 einnimmt, höhenversetzten Position. The invention is based on a refrigeration device with a door bearing for fastening a pivotally openable door 2 of the household refrigerating appliance. The door bearing has a fastening element 9, with which it is attached to the housing 1 of the household appliance, and a bearing element 6 which is connected via a bearing arm 3 with the fastening element 9 and engages with the door bearing in the door 2. According to the invention, when the door 2 is open, the bearing arm 3 is in a position offset in height from its rest position, which it occupies when the door 2 is closed.

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR2688537B1
Автор: Paul J Kudrna
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

A hinge assembly for hingedly connecting a cover and a housing theretogether, such as a keypad cover and a housing of a portable radiotelephone. A generally tubular hinge arm is formed at an end portion of the cover, and two hinge pins, each having identical cam surfaces formed upon edge surfaces thereof are inserted into the hinge arm and positioned such that the cam surfaces of the respective hinge pins extend beyond opposing sides of the hinge arm such that the hinge pins are caused to rotate in unison with rotation of the cover. A spring member is tandemly-positioned between the two hinge pins to exert spring forces thereupon. Two cam followers are affixed to the housing in a manner such that the cam surfaces of the hinge pins abut against the cam followers. The cover may be rotated between an opened and a closed position and forces exerted upon the cam surfaces of the hinge pin by their abutting engagement with the cam followers urge the cover into or out of the open and closed positions during rotation of the cover, and urge the cover to remain in the open or the closed position in the absence of rotational moments exerted thereupon by the spring forces exerted upon the hinge pin by the spring member.

17-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: FR2688537A1
Автор: Paul J Kudrna
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

A hinge assembly for hingedly connecting a cover (106) and a housing theretogether, such as a keypad cover and a housing of a portable radiotelephone (112). A generally tubular hinge arm (124) is formed at an end portion of the cover (106), and two hinge pins (136, 148), each having identical cam surfaces formed upon edge surfaces thereof, are inserted into the hinge arm (124) and positioned such that the cam surfaces of the respective hinge pins (136, 148) extend beyond opposing sides of the hinge arm (124) such that the hinge pins (136, 148) are caused to rotate in unison with rotation of the cover (106). A spring member (142) is tandemly-positioned between the two hinge pins (136, 148) to exert spring forces thereupon. Two cam followers (154) are affixed to the housing in a manner such that the cam surfaces of the hinge pins (136, 148) abut against the cam followers (154). The cover (106) may be rotated between an opened and a closed position and forces exerted upon the cam surfaces of the hinge pins (136, 148) by their abutting engagement with the cam followers (154) urge the cover (106) into or out of the open and closed positions during rotation of the cover (106) and urge the cover (106) to remain in the open or the closed position in the absence of rotational moments exerted thereupon by the spring forces exerted upon the hinge pins (136, 148) by the spring member (142).

16-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR2439286A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: ORRACO GERALD

The hinge comprises at least two hinge plates (1, 2) articulated to a common journal (6) and comprising an integral, adjustable, elastic, angular immobilisation device. This immobilisation is obtained by snap fitting the dihedral end (7) of the journal (6) held pressed by a spring (11) into a notch (10) of a notched stop (8) fastened by screws (5) into the bottom of a hinge plate (2). The other end (16, 17) of the journal is angularly connected to the other hinge plate (1) by means of an angular link stop (13) fastened by a clamping screw (4) into the bottom of this other hinge plate. The spring (11) is arranged between the angular link stop (13) and a shim of chosen thickness (12) bearing against an internal shoulder of the journal (6).

23-05-1956 дата публикации

Automatic barrier

Номер: FR1117545A

30-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR2774237A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

L'invention décrit un mécanisme à charnière (114) pour dispositif de communication sans fil (100) ayant un corps (102) et un couvercle (104) comportant un tambour (124) (formé de façon solidaire sur le couvercle), le tambour (124) ayant une extrémité fermée et une extrémité ouverte (122); une goupille (127) moulée sur une surface extérieure de l'extrémité fermée; un ressort (116) placé dans le tambour (124); une came (118) couplée au ressort (116); un suiveur de came (120) couplé à la came (118) et s'étendant à travers l'extrémité ouverte (122) du tambour (124). La goupille (127) formée sur le tambour (124) est placée de façon à pouvoir tourner dans une cavité dans un épaulement gauche (109) du corps (102). Une partie du suiveur de came (120), qui s'étend à travers l'extrémité ouverte (122) du tambour (124), est placée dans une cavité dans un épaulement droit (111) du corps (102) de telle manière que le mouvement du suiveur de came (120) soit limité lorsque le couvercle (104) est déplacé entre une position ouverte et une position fermée. The invention describes a hinge mechanism (114) for a wireless communication device (100) having a body (102) and a cover (104) having a drum (124) (integrally formed on the cover), the drum (124) having a closed end and an open end (122); a pin (127) molded on an exterior surface of the closed end; a spring (116) placed in the drum (124); a cam (118) coupled to the spring (116); a cam follower (120) coupled to the cam (118) and extending through the open end (122) of the drum (124). The pin (127) formed on the drum (124) is rotatably positioned in a cavity in a left shoulder (109) of the body (102). A portion of the cam follower (120), which extends through the open end (122) of the drum (124), is placed in a cavity in a right shoulder (111) of the body (102) such that movement of the cam follower (120) is restricted when the cover (104) is moved between an open position and a closed position.

04-06-2002 дата публикации

Hinge mechanism for foldable electronic apparatus

Номер: CA2185835C
Автор: Jong-Gab Jung

A hinge mechanism of a button cover of an electronic apparatus includes a pair of modules installed adjacent each other in respective receiving spaces of a case body. Each module includes: a hinge housing; a hinge shaft having a shaft on a first end thereof and a protrusion on a second end thereof and being inserted into the hinge housing so that said first end is disposed outward; a cam hinge having an indent and a protrusion on the same one end thereof so that the protrusion is engaged with the indent; a hinge cover having a hooking protrusion to be coupled to the hinge housing; and a coil spring installed between the cam hinge and the hinge cover. The shaft is coupled to the button cover so that the cover is opened and shut by the action of the pair of modules.

22-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR2734442A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

Radiotéléphone (100) comportant une articulation (301) pour assembler un corps (101) et un couvercle (103) le long d'un axe. L'articulation (301) retient la force axiale générée par un mécanisme de poussée (403, 404, 405) en plaçant le mécanisme de poussée (403, 404, 405) dans un fourreau (303) et en fixant un chapeau (305) au fourreau (303). A radio telephone (100) having a joint (301) for assembling a body (101) and a cover (103) along an axis. The hinge (301) retains the axial force generated by a push mechanism (403, 404, 405) by placing the push mechanism (403, 404, 405) in a sleeve (303) and attaching a cap (305) in the scabbard (303).

22-08-2017 дата публикации

Hinge assembly for a refrigerator appliance

Номер: US9739523B1
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A hinge assembly for rotatably mounting an appliance door to a cabinet of an appliance includes a lower cam member coupled to a hinge support bracket and an upper cam member coupled to the appliance door. A pin assembly passes through the upper and lower cam members and is coupled to the hinge support bracket such that it defines an axis of rotation. The upper and lower cam members are configured to engage each other to urge the appliance door toward the closed position. The engagement may be a result of the weight of the door and the hinge assembly may further include a vertically oriented spring for assisting in the downward force of upper cam member.

15-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US9493973B2
Принадлежит: Kason Industries Inc

There is disclosed an anti-sag hinge ( 10 ) which includes a mounting flange assembly ( 12 ) pivotally coupled to a strap assembly ( 15 ). The strap assembly includes a strap ( 31 ) extending from a cylinder portion ( 32 ). The strap includes an interior recess ( 68 ) and a flexible, rubber bumper or cover ( 90 ) is configured to fit snugly into the top end of the strap recess. The recess is defined by the peripheral sidewalls ( 74 ) of the strap which extend to the most outboard portion of the hinge.

15-02-2001 дата публикации

Fire safety door has automatic door closer with release element activated in response to fire for operation of door closure element

Номер: DE19938282A1
Автор: Guenter Schulte
Принадлежит: Guenter Schulte

The fire safety door has an automatic door closer (10), provided with a release element (11) which is activated in response to a fire and a door closure element (12), exerting a closure force on the door panel (13) upon activation of the release element. The release element may provide electromagnetic operation of the door closure element.

18-12-2001 дата публикации

2-position stable hinge

Номер: JP2001526339A

(57)【要約】 ヒンジ部材(12)をデバイスハウジング(14)に枢動自在に連結するに適したヒンジ(10)が提供される。ヒンジは、ヒンジ部材をデバイスハウジングに対して開位置と閉位置の一方に維持しうる。ヒンジは、軸線(22)とカム従節(24)を有する第1ヒンジ部品(20)含む。第1ヒンジ部品はヒンジ部材とデバイスハウジングの一方に連結されうる。第1ヒンジ部品の軸線と整列しそしてそれを中心として廻動自在である第2ヒンジ部品(30)が設けられる。第2ヒンジ部品はカム表面(32)を有する。第1ヒンジ部品におけるカム従節がカム表面に接触する。カム表面は第1位置と第2位置とを有する。第2ヒンジ部品はヒンジ部材とデバイスハウジングの他方に連結されうる。カム従節をカム表面にバネ力でもって押接するバネ(40)が設けられる。第1及び第2ヒンジ部品の各々はそれぞれを通して形成される軸線方向穿孔を具備する。軸線方向負荷支持用連結体(60)が軸線方向穿孔を通して伸延して第1及び第2ヒンジ部品をバネにより発生する力が軸線方向負荷連結体において吸収されるようにして連結する。

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Adjustable anti-sag hinge

Номер: CA2832479C
Принадлежит: Kason Industries Inc

There is disclosed an anti-sag hinge (10) which includes a mounting flange assembly (12) pivotally coupled to a strap assembly (15). The strap assembly includes a strap (31) extending from a cylinder portion (32). The strap includes elongated mounting holes (69), an adjustment screw boss (70) having a passageway (71), and a moveable adjustment bracket (77) having an adjustment screw mounting flange (78) with a threaded screw hole (79) therein in which is threadably mounted an adjustment screw (80). The adjustment screw has a head (81), a bearing flange (82), a neck (83), and a threaded shaft (84). A removable spacer (86) has a U-shaped gripping portion (87) which is snap fitted onto a portion of the threaded shaft between the bearing flange and the adjustment bracket screw flange. The adjustment bracket includes four mounting holes (88) extending therethrough and generally in alignment with strap elongated mounting holes.

22-04-2019 дата публикации

Adjustable anti-sag hinge.

Номер: MX364290B
Принадлежит: Kason Ind Inc

Se divulga una bisagra anti-pandeo (10) que incluye un ensamble de brida de montaje (12) acoplada a un ensamble de pernio (15). El ensamble de pernio incluye un pernio (31) que se extiende desde una porción de cilindro (32). El pernio incluye agujeros de montaje alargados (69), una protuberancia de soporte (70) de tornillo de ajuste que incluye un paso (71), y un soporte de ajuste movible (77) que tiene una brida de montaje de tornillo de ajuste (78) con un agujero de tornillo roscado (79) en el mismo en el cual se monta por medio de rosca un tornillo de ajuste (80). El tornillo de ajuste tiene una cabeza (81), una brida de apoyo (82), un cuello (83), y un eje roscado (84). Un espaciador removible (86) tiene una porción de agarre en forma de U (87) la cual se ajusta por presión sobre una porción del eje roscado entre la brida de apoyo y la brida de montaje de tornillo de ajuste. El soporte de ajuste incluye cuatro agujeros de montaje (88) que se extienden a través del mismo y generalmente en alineamiento con los agujeros de montaje alargados del pernio.

10-12-1997 дата публикации

A hinge for joining a cover and body of a radiotelephone and the radiotelephone containing said hinge

Номер: AR001945A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

Un radioteléfono (100) tiene una bisagra (301) para unir un cuerpo (101) y una cubierta (103) a lo largo de un eje. La bisagra (301) contiene la fuerzaaxial generada por un mecanismo impulsor (403, 404, 405) ubicando el mecanismo impulsor (403,404 , 405) en un recipiente (303) y uniendo una tapa (305) con elrecipiente (303). A radiotelephone (100) has a hinge (301) to join a body (101) and a cover (103) along an axis. The hinge (301) contains the axial force generated by a drive mechanism (403, 404, 405) by locating the drive mechanism (403,404, 405) in a container (303) and attaching a lid (305) to the container (303).

07-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100251518A1
Автор: Chen-Wei Chiang
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A hinge includes a first connecting member, a second connecting member defining a through hole, a sleeve member fixed to the second connecting member, a shaft movably mounted to the first connecting member, and a fastener. The sleeve member defines a spiral slide groove therein. A clamping protrusion extends from the first connecting member for slidably engaging in the slide groove. The shaft includes a fixing portion rotatably passed through the sleeve member and the through hole. The fastener is fixed to a distal end of the fixing portion.

14-01-2020 дата публикации

Angle-adjustable positioning and self-closing hinge for highly sealed door

Номер: CA3012339C
Автор: Yulong WU

Provided is an angle-adjustable positioning and self-closing hinge for a highly sealed door, comprising a hinge part (10), a fixing base (20), a fixing bar (30), a threaded sleeve (40), a threaded ring (43), a plug (60), and an adjustment socket (70); the hinge part (10) is provided with a bushing (11) and a leaf (12); the fixing base (20) is provided with a bushing (21); the fixing bar (30) has a screw (31); a threaded sleeve (40) is fastened inside the bushing (11), the plug (60) is fastened inside the bushing (21), and the threaded sleeve (40) and plug (60) are spaced apart; between the threaded sleeve (40) and plug (60) in the two bushings are disposed the fixing bar (30), the two magnets, two springs, and the adjustment base (70); the screw (31) of the fixing bar (30) is screwed to the threaded sleeve (40); a first spring (91) abuts between the fixing bar (30) and the front outer ring edge and washer (85) of a cup body (61); the first magnet (81) and second magnet (82) are magnetically attracted to each other. The adjustment base (70) is adjusted and rotated to correspondingly fit the second magnet (82) and the bottom of the cup body (61) and plug (60), thereby adjusting and reducing the separation distance between the positions of the second magnet and the plug (60). The adjustment base (70) is adjusted and rotated to fit the second magnet and the bottom of the cup body (61) and plug (60), thereby adjusting and reducing the separation distance between the positions of the second magnet (82) and the first magnet (81). The adjustment base (70) correspondingly fits and adjusts the predetermined positioning angle of the hinge part (10), such that the hinge part (10) may self-position at the start point positions of any preset angle between predetermined positioning angles; further, the hinge part (10) at a positioning angle between the predetermined positioning angles may self-position below a position start point such that the leaf (12) of the hinge part (10) ...

17-11-2011 дата публикации

Door closing device

Номер: CA2798422A1
Автор: Claudio Bongiovanni

It refers to a door closing device (10) for an automatic closing of a door leaf (B) coupled with a floor and/or a doorpost (S) so as to swing. The door closing device (10) comprises a fixed unit (12) that is fixed on the floor and/or the doorpost (S), a translating unit (14) and a rotating unit (16) on which the door leaf (B) is fixed. The coupling of the three units (12, 14, 16) and the presence of elastic means (38) are such that, when the rotating unit (16) rotates in a first sense of rotation, the translating unit (14) is caused to translate in a direction and such that, when the translating unit (14) translates in an opposite direction, the rotating unit (16) is caused to rotate in an opposite sense of rotation.

20-11-1996 дата публикации

Hinge for a radiotelephone

Номер: GB2300881A
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

A hinge for joining a body 101 and a cover 103 of a radiotelephone along an axis contains an axial force generated by an urging mechanism by locating the urging mechanism partially within a can 303 and attaching a cap 409 to the can. The urging mechanism translates the axial force into a rotational force to urge the cover to remain in open and closed positions, preferably by means of a cam follower 403, a cam 417, and a spring 405.

14-03-2012 дата публикации

Device for damping a door of a military vehicle

Номер: EP2182156B1
Принадлежит: Nexter Systems SA

18-03-2022 дата публикации

Push-pull type storage box

Номер: CN114197982A
Автор: 张康纳, 齐拓
Принадлежит: Wobo Molding Technology Suzhou Co ltd


17-02-2005 дата публикации

Mobile radio communication apparatus

Номер: US20050035912A1
Автор: Hisamitsu Takagi
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A mobile radio communication apparatus includes a first housing, a second housing foldable over the first housing, and a hinge part that foldably connects the second housing to the first housing around a rotational center axis, wherein the hinge part includes a one touch opening part that automatically opens the second housing from a folded state by a first angle relative to the first housing around the rotational center axis in a non-stop motion, an auxiliary rotational part that rotates the second housing around an orthogonal shaft orthogonal to the rotational center axis of the hinge part, and an opening permission section that allows the second housing to open at an angle greater than the first angle relative to the first housing.

19-01-1998 дата публикации

Hinge mechanism and portable device with a hinge mechanism

Номер: SE506633C2
Автор: Per-Haakan Persson
Принадлежит: Ericsson Ge Mobile Communicat

In a hinge mechanism, a first hinge portion and a second hinge portion are urged toward predetermined angular relationships relative to one another. A force, directed outwardly from the first hinge portion, is applied by an axle pivotally connecting the first and second hinge portions and having a V-shaped tip against a V-shaped groove in the second hinge portion, urging the V-shaped tip and groove to engage. In addition to being urged toward predetermined angular relationships, the first and second hinge portions are kept in predetermined angular relationships until a torsional force is applied to one of the hinge portions to overcome forces keeping the V-shaped tip and groove in engagement.

11-05-1976 дата публикации

Cam operated spring biased counterbalance hinge mechanism for cabinet lid or the like

Номер: US3955241A
Автор: Carl H. Little
Принадлежит: Weber Knapp Co

A counterbalance hinge mechanism for a cabinet lid includes a stationary cabinet affixed hinge rod serving to rotatably support a pair of axially stationary lid mounting cam members and to slidably support a pair of non-rotatable cam followers. An adjustable spring assembly serves to bias the cam followers into engagement with the cam members, whereby to counterbalance gravity induced torque effects of the lid throughout a substantial portion of lid opening movement.

20-05-1902 дата публикации


Номер: US700694A
Автор: Samuel E Le Marr

14-09-2016 дата публикации

Hinge device for doors, shutters or the like

Номер: EP3067502A1
Автор: Luciano Bacchetti
Принадлежит: In and Tec SRL

A hinge device for rotatably moving a closing element (D), comprising a fix element (11) anchorable to the stationary support structure (S) coupled to a movable element (10) anchorable to the closing element (D) for rotating around a first longitudinal axis (X) between an open position and a closed position. The device further includes at least one slider (20) movable along a respective second axis (Y) between a compressed and an extended position. One between the movable element (10) and the fix element (11) includes at least one operating chamber (30) defining the second axis (Y) so as to slidably house the slider (20), the other element comprising a pivot (40) defining the first axis (X). The pivot (40) and the slider (20) are reciprocally coupled so that to the rotation of the movable element (10) around the first axis (X) corresponds the sliding of the slider (20) along the second axis (Y) and vice versa.

20-04-2010 дата публикации

Motion assist mechanism for a vehicle tailgate

Номер: US7699378B2
Принадлежит: Ventra Group Inc

A motion assist hinge mechanism includes a first and second hinge part mounted to the tailgate and vehicle body, respectively. The first hinge part includes a first cam having a sloped engagement surface engaged with a sloped engagement surface of a second cam of the second hinge part, under the bias of a resilient member, for moving axially along a pivot axis. The second cam is fixed to the vehicle body against pivotal movement relative to the pivot axis. When the tailgate is moved from a lowered, open position towards a raised, closed position, the resilient member translates a torque assisting force to the tailgate. The surface of the second cam may also include a detent that mates with the surface of the first cam to lock the tailgate at an angle.

03-05-2006 дата публикации

Hinge structure

Номер: CN2777915Y
Автор: 罗浦


15-05-2013 дата публикации

Door closing device

Номер: CN103109030A


21-04-2009 дата публикации

Hinge apparatus for mobile communication terminals

Номер: US7522946B2
Автор: Jin-Man Im

Disclosed is a hinge apparatus for mobile communication terminals having a camera lens module and a hinge assembly mounted therein including a terminal body and a folder part for rotating the terminal body and the folder part relative to each other about a hinge axis. The hinge apparatus includes first and second hinge housings extending in the longitudinal directions thereof, and connected to each other in line such that they can be rotated relative to each other about a hinge axis. The first and second hinge housings have accommodating spaces defined therein. A camera lens module and a hinge assembly are selectively disposed in one of the first and second hinge housings

22-01-1985 дата публикации

Swing control hinge

Номер: US4494273A
Автор: Albert E. Straus
Принадлежит: Individual

The swing control hinge disclosed is intended to control the rotational speed of a door that is tending to accelerate toward the strike as a result of spring loaded hinges. The hinge is intended to prevent slamming of the door while allowing enough speed to insure latching. The swing control hinge is housed in a hinge body that may be used as a third hinge. The hinge pin is made up of two cams that have cam parts on them which dissipate energy from conventional spring loaded hinges having helical spring or a block of rubber during the opening cycle of the door and the torsional force from the spring loaded hinges is dissipated in checking the door as it closes to keep the door from slamming.

10-11-2010 дата публикации

Device for an automatic closing of doors

Номер: EP1944447A3
Автор: Claudio Bongiovanni

A device (70) for an automatic closing of a door wing is coupled to a floor with possibility of rotation and comprises a fixed group (40) which is fixed to the floor, a rotary group (60) to which the door wing is fixed and a translating group (50) which is coupled to the fixed group (40) in such a way as to translate orthogonally to the floor and not to rotate in relation to the fixed group (40). The translating group (50) comprises elastic means (11) and at least an element (9) acting as a cam follower and translating orthogonally to the floor. The rotary group (60) to which the door wing is fixed comprises at least an element (6) acting as a cam in relation to the element (9) acting as a cam follower. The rotary group (60) is coupled to the translating group (50) so that the cam element (6) beats against the cam follower (9) and with a rotation of the rotary group (60) in a given direction the cam element (6) causes a translation, orthogonal to the floor, of the cam follower (9) and a compression of the elastic means (11). In the same manner, the expansion of the elastic means (11) causes a reverse rotation of the rotary group (60) as well as a reverse rotation of the door wing fixed to the rotary group.

20-04-2022 дата публикации

Hinge blade structure

Номер: EP3828369A4
Автор: Yulung Wu

11-08-2004 дата публикации

Hinge assembly

Номер: CN1161944C
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc


10-10-2012 дата публикации

Gear cam installation device of double-shaft hinge device for portable terminal

Номер: CN202484068U
Автор: 安成浩, 朴智勋, 白建祐


06-02-2006 дата публикации

Twist Type Mobile Communication Terminal and Hinge Device Thereof

Номер: KR100549915B1
Автор: 박도성, 안기철, 이병곤
Принадлежит: 주식회사 팬택앤큐리텔

본 발명은 이동통신단말기 및 그 힌지장치에 관한 것으로, 상부폴더가 열림과 동시에 180도 회전하는 힌지를 가지는 트위스트형 이동통신단말기를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. The present invention relates to a mobile communication terminal and a hinge device, and an object thereof is to provide a twist type mobile communication terminal having a hinge that rotates 180 degrees at the same time the upper folder is opened. 상기 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 발명에 의한 트위스트형 이동통신단말기는 키패드를 구비하는 하부폴더; 디스플레이부를 구비하는 상부폴더; 및 상기 하부폴더 상단에 고정된 제1베벨기어와, 상기 상부폴더 하단부에 고정되고 상기 제1베벨기어와 치합하여 상기 상부폴더가 열리거나 닫힐 때 상기 상부폴더를 회전시키는 제2베벨기어를 포함하는 힌지부재를 포함한다. In order to achieve the above object, the twist-type mobile communication terminal according to the present invention includes a lower folder having a keypad; An upper folder having a display unit; And a second bevel gear fixed to an upper end of the lower folder, and a second bevel gear fixed to a lower end of the upper folder and engaged with the first bevel gear to rotate the upper folder when the upper folder is opened or closed. It includes a hinge member. 따라서, 본 발명에 의한 트위스트형 이동통신단말기는 상부폴더가 닫힌 상태에서 메인 디스플레이부가 바깥쪽을 향하는 경우, 상기 상부폴더가 열림과 동시에 세로축을 중심으로 180도 회전하여, 완전히 열린 상태에서는 메인 디스플레이부가 안쪽을 향하도록 함으로써, 상기 메인 디스플레이부가 항상 사용자 방향으로 유지되도록 하는 효과가 있다. Therefore, the twist type mobile communication terminal according to the present invention rotates 180 degrees around the vertical axis at the same time as the upper folder is opened when the main display part faces outward when the upper folder is closed, so that the main display part is completely opened. By facing inwards, there is an effect that the main display unit is always maintained in the user direction. 폴더형 이동통신단말기, 베벨기어, 트위스트, 힌지부재 Folding mobile communication terminal, bevel gear, twist, hinge member

11-12-2003 дата публикации

Hinge device

Номер: WO2003102433A1

A hinge shaft (6) is turnably inserted in a through hole (22) in a first hinge member (2). A second hinge member (3) is fixed to the hinge shaft (6). A movable member (7) is connected to the first hinge member (2) non-turnably and axially movably. The movable member (7) is formed with a projection (75). A fixing member (5) for the second hinge member (3) is formed with a recess (53). The projection (75) is pressed against the bottom surface (53a) of the recess (53) by the urging force of a coil spring (8), whereby the urging force of the coil spring (8) is converted into a turning urging force tending to turn the second hinge member (3) relative to the first hinge member (2). The hinge shaft (6) is press-fitted in a through hole (22) in the first hinge member (2). Thereby, a frictional resistance tending to prevent relative rotation between the first hinge member (2) and the second hinge member (3) is produced between the inner peripheral surface of the through hole (22) and the outer peripheral surface of the hinge shaft. It is arranged that the size of this frictional resistance is smaller than that of the turning urging force produced by the coil spring (8).

25-08-2020 дата публикации

Door hinge with semi-automatic closer and stopper function

Номер: CN109555389B
Автор: 元钟锡
Принадлежит: Individual


31-10-2016 дата публикации

Hinge device for doors, shutters or the like

Номер: RS54784B1
Автор: Luciano Bacchetti
Принадлежит: In & Tec Srl

Uređaj šarke za obrtno kretanje i/ili kontrolu zatvarajućeg elementa (D), kao što su vrata, kapak ili slično, koji je pričvršćen na nepokretnu noseću konstrukciju (S), gde uređaj obuhvata:- nepokretni element (11) koji se može pričvrstiti na nepokretnu noseću konstrukciju (S);- pokretni element (10) pričvršćen za zatvarajući element (D), gde su navedeni pokretni element (10) i navedeni nepokretni element (11) uzajamno povezani radi obrtanja oko prve uzdužne ose (X) između otvorenog položaja i zatvorenog položaja;- najmanje jedan klizač (20) klizno pokretan duž odgovarajuće druge ose (Y) između pritisnutog krajnjeg položaja, koji odgovara jednom od položaja: zatvorenom i otvorenom pokretnog elementa (10), i razvučenog krajnjeg položaja, koji odgovara drugom od položaja: zatvorenom i otvorenom pokretnog elementa (10), dok se navedena prva osa (X) i navedena druga osa (Y) uzajamno poklapaju da bi obrazovale jednu osu;- elastične elemente (50) sa suprotnim delovanjem koji deluju na navedeni najmanje jedan klizač (20) za njegovo automatsko vraćanje iz jednog od navedenih krajnjih položaja: pritisnutom i razvučenom, prema drugom navedenom krajnjem položaju: pritisnutom i razvučenom, dok su navedeni elastični elementi (50) oblikovani tako da se klizno pomeraju duž navedene druge ose (Y) između maksimalnog i minimalnog izduženog položaja;pri čemu jedan navedeni pokretni element (10) i navedeni nepokretni element (11) obuhvata telo (31) šarke, uopšteno gledano, u obliku kutije i najmanje jednu radnu komoru (30) koja definiše navedenu drugu uzdužnu osu (Y) za klizno smeštanje najmanje jednog klizača (20), a drugi navedeni pokretni element (10) i navedeni nepokretni element (11) obuhvataju osovinu (40) koja definiše prvu navedenu osu (X), dok su navedena osovina (40) i navedeni najmanje jedan klizač (20) uzajamno povezani na takva način da obrtanje pokretnog elementa (10) oko navedene prve ose (X) odgovara klizanju najmanje jednog klizača (20) duž navedene druge ose (Y) i ...

08-02-2022 дата публикации

hinge sheet structure

Номер: BR112021001330A2
Автор: Yulung Wu
Принадлежит: Shandong Meiye Automation Tech Co Ltd

estrutura de folhas de dobradiça. a invenção divulga uma estrutura de folha de dobradiça, incluindo duas dobradiças, uma cobertura de conexão, uma haste fixa, uma porca, um tampão, uma haste de posicionamento de amortecimento e um cilindro atmosférico. a haste de posicionamento de amortecimento e o cilindro atmosférico estão localizados na cobertura de conexão e entre a haste fixa e os tampãos, o cilindro atmosférico e o tampão são dispostos de forma relativamente fixa, a haste de posicionamento de amortecimento e a porca são dispostas de forma relativamente fixa e a haste de posicionamento de amortecimento pode ser conectada de forma deslizante no cilindro atmosférico ao longo do comprimento da cobertura de conexão e a haste de posicionamento de amortecimento é combinada com o cilindro atmosférico para formar uma câmara de pressão atmosférica, que tem um orifício de ventilação e um orifício de entrada de ar, e o posicionamento é gerada pela resistência da câmara de pressão atmosférica em relação à haste de posicionamento de amortecimento. tem as seguintes vantagens: pode alcançar o posicionamento completo. hinge sheet structure. the invention discloses a hinge sheet structure, including two hinges, a connecting cover, a fixed rod, a nut, a plug, a damping positioning rod and an atmospheric cylinder. the damping positioning rod and the atmospheric cylinder are located in the connection cover and between the fixed rod and the plugs, the atmospheric cylinder and the plug are relatively fixedly arranged, the damping positioning rod and the nut are arranged so that relatively fixed shape and the damping positioning rod can be slidably connected in the atmospheric cylinder along the length of the connection cover, and the damping positioning rod is combined with the atmospheric cylinder to form an atmospheric pressure chamber, which has a ventilation hole and an air inlet hole, and the positioning is generated by the resistance of the atmospheric pressure chamber ...

31-07-2019 дата публикации

Hinge device for doors, shutters or the like

Номер: PL3067501T3
Автор: Luciano Bacchetti
Принадлежит: IN & TEC S.R.L.

25-06-2021 дата публикации

Self-closing hydraulic buffer hinge

Номер: CN213540043U
Автор: 伍肇坚


19-08-2020 дата публикации

Pivot hinge apparatus for door

Номер: EP3696356A1
Автор: Yongjun JO
Принадлежит: Jo, Yongjun

Disclosed herein is a pivot hinge apparatus for a door. The pivot hinge apparatus includes a torsion device configured to be mounted on a doorframe. The torsion device includes: a first cam member formed such that first and second sliding portions configured to provide guiding through vertical sliding with respect to rotation movement are disposed in upper and lower directions; and a second cam member disposed to be slidable vertically by rotation relative to the first cam member by a third sliding portion that comes into contact with the first sliding portion and configured to restrain the third sliding portion and the first sliding portion from being separated from each other in such a manner that a fourth sliding portion is guided to the second sliding portion.

23-03-2023 дата публикации

Two-way opening and closing door shaft

Номер: JP2023511989A
Автор: 肇堅 伍


17-06-1999 дата публикации

Bistable hinge mechanism

Номер: WO1999029992A1
Принадлежит: Cema Technologies, Inc.

A hinge (10) adapted to pivotably connect a hinged member (12) to a device housing (14) is provided. The hinge is adapted to maintain the hinged member in one of an open position and a closed position relative to the device housing. The hinge includes a first, hinge part (20) having an axis (22) and a cam follower (24). The first hinge part is adapted to be connected to one of the hinged members and the device housing. A second hinge part (30) is provided which is aligned with and rotatable about the axis of the first hinge part. The second hinge part has a cam surface (32). The cam follower on the first hinge part contacts the cam surface. The cam surface has a first position and a second position. The second hinge part is adapted to be connected to the other of the hinged member and the device housing. A spring (40) is provided which urges the cam follower against the cam surface with a spring force. The first and second hinge parts each have an axial bore defined therethrough. An axial load bearing connector (60) extends through the axial bores to connect first and second hinge parts such that forces generated by the spring are reacted in the axial load bearing connector.

03-07-2008 дата публикации

Hinge assembly and foldable electronic device with same

Номер: US20080155784A1
Автор: Pu Luo, Sheng-Cheng Hsu

An exemplary hinge assembly includes a shaft, a cam, a pin, a follower, a shift member, a socket, a first spring, and a second spring. A pinhole is defined in the shaft. The cam, the follower, and the shift member are rotatably sleeved on the shaft. The cam has a cam surface and a spiral slot. The pin is disposed in the pinhole and the spiral slot. The follower has an anti-rotating portion and a cam surface for engaging with the cam surface of the cam. The shift member has a controlling portion for slidably engaging with the anti-rotating portion. The first and the second spring are sleeved on the shaft. An end of the first spring resists the follower and another end of the first spring resists the shift member. An end of the second spring resists the follower and another end of the second spring resisting the socket.

18-05-2006 дата публикации

Opening and closing device

Номер: US20060101618A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An opening and closing device structured simple yet it effectively prevents the fixed cam, movable cam and other constituent components from being damaged to ensure reliable operation of opening and closing. The opening and closing device includes a fixed member, a movable member, a spring and a case. The fixed member is provided at a side with a fixed cam. The movable member is disposed so that it can rotate with respect to the fixed member, and provided at the side opposing to the fixed cam with a movable cam. The spring is for keeping the movable cam and the fixed cam in a state of elastic contact. The case has a substantially round cylindrical shape, and houses these items. There is a guiding mechanism formed between the case and the movable member for supporting the movable member so that it can move in the axis direction, which guiding mechanism is provided with a section of broader width at the end part facing to the fixed member.

10-10-2018 дата публикации

Hinge unit of console armrest for vehicle

Номер: KR101905486B1
Автор: 이용수, 최봉주
Принадлежит: 주식회사 서연이화

본 발명은 차량용 콘솔 암레스트의 힌지 유닛에 관한 것으로, 암레스트에 고정 결합되는 암레스트설치부와 암레스트설치부의 양 측부에 연장 형성되되 힌지샤프트가 관통되는 제 1 어퍼힌지홀이 구비되는 어퍼힌지부를 포함하는 어퍼브라켓, 콘솔에 고정 결합되는 콘솔설치부와 콘솔설치부의 양 측부에 연장 형성되되 힌지샤프트가 관통되는 제 1 로워힌지홀이 제 1 어퍼힌지홀과 대응되는 위치에 구비되는 로워힌지부를 포함하는 로워브라켓, 어퍼브라켓의 어퍼힌지부의 적어도 일부를 감싸고 제 1 어퍼힌지홀과 대응되는 위치에 제 2 어퍼힌지홀이 구비되는 어퍼브라켓커버, 및 로워브라켓의 로워힌지부의 적어도 일부를 감싸고 제 1 로워힌지홀과 대응되는 위치에 제 2 로워힌지홀이 구비되는 로워브라켓커버를 포함하고, 어퍼브라켓커버와 로워브라켓커버가 상호 접촉되어 어퍼브라켓과 로워브라켓의 상대적인 회전 운동을 가이드하는 것을 특징으로 함으로써, 암레스트의 안정적인 개폐가 가능하게 한다. The present invention relates to a hinge unit of a console armrest for a vehicle. The hinge unit includes an armrest mounting portion fixedly coupled to the armrest, and an upper hinge hole extending from both sides of the armrest mounting portion and having a first upper hinge hole And a lower hinge portion extending from both sides of the console mounting portion and having a first lower hinge hole through which the hinge shaft is inserted, the lower hinge portion being provided at a position corresponding to the first upper hinge hole, An upper bracket cover surrounding at least a part of the upper hinge portion of the upper bracket and having a second upper hinge hole at a position corresponding to the first upper hinge hole and a lower bracket covering at least a portion of the lower hinge portion of the lower bracket, And a lower bracket cover having a second lower hinge hole at a position corresponding to the lower hinge hole, wherein the upper bracket cover and the lower bracket cover The socket cover is in contact with each other, by characterized in that for guiding the relative rotational motion of the upper bracket and the lowers the bracket, which enables a stable opening and closing of the arm rest.

21-04-1999 дата публикации

Hinge for a Foldable Device

Номер: GB2330381A
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

A foldable device, such as an electronic device, e.g. a radiotelephone, comprises two housings and a hinge (3800) rotatably coupling the housings together, where the hinge comprises a cam (3802) whose profile (317) defines two bearing surfaces (3818,3819), and a follower (3804) with a body (3820), an arm (3822) and a head (3824) comprising two fingers whose tips are non-symmetrical and respectively contact the two bearing surfaces, and a post (See figure 5). The cam (3802) has a male element (3814) received by female socket (3862) and keeps the cam stationary. The follower is movable along the axis (3876) but has ribs (3834,3838,3846,3848) to eliminate rotation about the axis (3876). A spring (3806) biases the follower (3820) against the cam (3910). One of the housings comprises two knuckles (206,208), and the other housing comprises a central knuckle (210) aligned between the two knuckles of the first housing. The central knuckle has a pocket (3858) to retain the hinge parts, and an aperture (3860) to receive the arm (3822).

14-06-2006 дата публикации

Hinge structure

Номер: CN1787732A


24-05-2005 дата публикации

Open & close damping device of door

Номер: KR200384985Y1
Автор: 민병덕
Принадлежит: 주식회사 솔텍

본 고안은 도어와 도어 프레임간에 설치되어 도어의 자동 개폐 및 개폐 속도를 조절하는 도어 개폐 완충 장치에 있어서, The present invention is installed between the door and the door frame in the door opening and closing shock absorber for controlling the automatic opening and closing speed of the door, 상하를 관통하는 각형홀을 가진 상부 캡과; 상기 상부 캡이 통과하는 상부캡홀, 한 쌍의 유압 조절홀 및 다수개의 체결홀을 가진 고정 프레임과; 상기 각형홀에 삽입된 조절 볼트와; 중앙에 샤프트홀을 형성하고, 하부 외주면에 나사부를 형성한 상부 링과; 중앙에 형성한 내장홀의 내주면 상단에 형성한 링 나사홈과, 상기 링 나사홈으로부터 미리 설정된 길이만큼 하향 형성한 가이드 레일 및 내주면 하단에 형성한 캡 나사홈, 상기 내장홀 양쪽에 각각 형성한 1단 홀 및 2단 홀, 상기 내장홀과 1단 홀 사이를 도통하는 상/하측 1단 오일 이동홀, 상기 내장홀과 2단 홀 사이를 도통하는 상/하측 2단 오일 이동홀을 가지는 하우징과; 상기 고정 프레임의 유압 조절홀을 통해 하우징의 1단 홀에 체결되며, 상기 상측 1단 오일 이동홀로 유입되는 유량을 조절하는 1단 유압 조절 나사와; 상기 고정 프레임의 유압 조절홀을 통해 하우징의 2단 홀에 체결되며, 상기 상측 2단 오일 이동홀로 유입되는 유량을 조절하는 2단 유압 조절 나사와; 상면에 상기 조절 볼트의 단부와 결합되는 탭핑홈을 가진 각형 로드와, 상기 각형 로드의 하단에 형성한 칼라와, 상기 칼라의 하단에 형성한 원형 로드와, 상기 원형 로드의 하단에 연장 형성한 나사 로드로 이루어지며, 상기 하우징에 내장되는 샤프트와; 상기 칼라 하부에 설치되어 샤프트와 하우징간의 마찰을 감쇠시키는 볼 베어링과; 상기 볼 베어링을 지지하며, 상기 하우징의 나사홈에 결합되는 하부 링과; 상기 하우징의 하부 링 아래에 삽입된 스프링과; 상기 스프링의 하단을 지지하며, 상기 하우징의 가이드 레일에 결합되도록 외주면에 형성한 외부 가이드 돌기와, 내주면에 형성한 내부 가이드 돌기를 가진 링형 부재이며, 상기 하우징 회전시 연동하는 슬라이더와; 상기 슬라이더의 내부 가이드 돌기가 삽입되는 슬라이더 가이드홈이 외주면에 형성된 소경부와, 상기 소경부의 하단에 연장 형성한 대경부와, 상기 소경부의 상단에 설치되어 상기 샤프트의 나사 로드가 결합되는 샤프트 결합부를 가진 피스톤과; 상기 피스톤의 내부에 설치되어, 작동유의 역류를 차단하는 체크 밸브와; 상기 피스톤의 외주면에 설치되어 하우징의 내주면과 접하며, 외주면 일측에 유로홀을 가진 실린더와; 상기 피스톤 및 실린더를 지지하며, 상기 하우징 하단의 캡 나사홈에 결합되고, 상면 중앙에 유로홈을 가지며, 외주면에는 상기 유로홈과 도통하는 유로홀을 가진 캡을 제공한다. An upper cap having a rectangular hole penetrating up and down; A fixing frame having an upper cap hole through which the upper cap passes, a pair of hydraulic control holes, and a plurality of fastening holes; An adjustment bolt inserted into the square hole; An upper ring forming a shaft hole in the center and a threaded portion at a lower outer peripheral surface thereof; A ring screw groove formed at the upper end of the inner circumferential surface formed in the center, a guide rail formed downward by a predetermined length ...

25-04-2006 дата публикации

Mobile radio communication apparatus

Номер: US7034755B2
Автор: Hisamitsu Takagi
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A mobile radio communication apparatus includes a first housing, a second housing foldable over the first housing, and a hinge part that foldably connects the second housing to the first housing around a rotational center axis, wherein the hinge part includes a one touch opening part that automatically opens the second housing from a folded state by a first angle relative to the first housing around the rotational center axis in a non-stop motion, an auxiliary rotational part that rotates the second housing around an orthogonal shaft orthogonal to the rotational center axis of the hinge part, and an opening permission section that allows the second housing to open at an angle greater than the first angle relative to the first housing.

01-11-1960 дата публикации

Self-closing door hinge

Номер: US2958090A
Принадлежит: Individual

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Device for damping a door of a military vehicle

Номер: EP2182156A1
Принадлежит: Nexter Systems SA

L'invention concerne un dispositif d'amortissement d'un ouvrant (1) de véhicule militaire lors de sa fermeture et de son ouverture, ledit ouvrant étant solidaire de gonds (3) articulés par rapport à une interface (2). Ce dispositif comprend un corps tubulaire (5) solidaire des gonds et articulé entre deux paliers (4) solidaires de l'interface, ledit corps (5) renfermant deux moyens d'amortissement fixes (6, 7) entre lesquels une tige (8) est interposée, ladite tige (8) étant mobile en translation pour actionner un (6) des moyens d'amortissement lors de l'ouverture de l'ouvrant et l'autre moyen (7) d'amortissement lors de la fermeture de l'ouvrant. La tige (8) est solidaire en rotation du corps tubulaire (5) et est reliée au corps tubulaire (5) à l'aide d'une vis (9) à téton long. La tige (8) est munie d'une rainure hélicoïdale (22) dans laquelle un doigt (10) solidaire de l'interface (2) est engagé afin de lui imprimer un mouvement en translation.

06-07-2022 дата публикации

A dampened hinge assembly

Номер: GB2584053B
Автор: Farrugia Nikolaus
Принадлежит: Individual
