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10-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164994C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства и может быть использовано при изготовлении окон для заводских, складских, ярмарочных или музейных помещений или для фонарей верхнего света, или световых куполов на крышах. Прозрачный строительный элемент содержит, по меньшей мере, два параллельно расположенных листа остекления из прозрачного материала, выполненных с промежуточным пространством между листами. В промежуточном пространстве между листами размещена, по меньшей мере, одна упрочненная волокном плитка и/или упрочненный волокном мат из аэрогеля. Мат из аэрогеля выполнен с гидрофобными поверхностными группами. Матрица аэрогеля выполнена с пористостью свыше 60% и плотностью ниже 0,6 г/см3. Изобретение позволит создать прозрачный строительный элемент с высокой тепло- и звукоизоляцией. 9 з.п. ф-лы.

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2423327C2
Принадлежит: АГК Гласс Юроп (BE)

Изобретение относится к спандрелам. Технический результат изобретения заключается в снижении уровня пропускания света. Спандрел содержит первый лист стекла, содержащий оптическое покрытие, и второй лист стекла, окрашенного в массе. Второй лист стекла удален от первого листа стекла и расположен параллельно ему. Для соединения первого и второго листа стекла используют уплотняющую прокладку. Комбинация уплотняющей прокладки и листов стекла ограничивает пространство, содержащее газ. Второй лист стекла содержит светопоглощающее покрытие и имеет толщину в интервале от 5,5 до 8,5 мм. Пропускание света спандрела находится в интервале от 0,2% до 5%. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл.

22-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639750C2

Изобретение относится к изолирующим стеклопакетам с низкоэмисионными и антиотражающими покрытиями. Стеклопакет содержит первую, вторую и третью параллельно разнесенные в пространстве стеклянные подложки. Первая подложка обращена к внешнему пространству, а третья – к внутреннему пространству. На внутренние поверхности первой и третьей подложек нанесено первое и второе низкоэмиссионные покрытия. Каждое низкоэмиссионное покрытие является термически обработанным и их соответствующие подложки имеют величины ∆E* меньше 2,5. На противоположных поверхностях второй подложки размещено первое и второе антиотражающие покрытия. Каждое низкоэмиссионное покрытие содержит в порядке удаления от подложки следующие слои: слой, содержащий оксид титана, слой, содержащий оксид цинка, отражающий инфракрасное излучение слой, содержащий серебро, слой, содержащий металл, оксид или субоксид Ni и/или Cr, слой, содержащий оксид олова, и слой, содержащий нитрид кремния. Технический результат - повышение пропускания ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658405C2

Изобретение относится к стеклу с покрытием бронзового цвета. Изделие с покрытием включает стекло, на которое нанесены слои в следующей последовательности по мере удаления от стекла: первый диэлектрический слой, содержащий нитрид кремния; первый отражающий инфракрасное излучение слой, содержащий NbZr; второй диэлектрический слой, содержащий нитрид кремния; второй отражающий ИК-излучение слой, содержащий NbZr; третий диэлектрический слой, содержащий нитрид кремния. Изделие с покрытием имеет коэффициент отражения в видимой области спектра со стороны стекла не более 15%. Изделие с покрытием имеет бронзовую окраску на отражение снаружи/со стороны стекла, включая цветовое значение а* со стороны стекла/снаружи от -2,0 до +16,0 и цветовое значение b* со стороны стекла/снаружи от 0 до +20. При измерении на одинарном стекле изделие с покрытием имеет значение солнечного фактора (СФ) не более 0,31 и значение коэффициента теплопритока от солнечного излучения (КТСИ) не более 0,36 и/или при теплоизоляционном ...

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107176A3

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018125653A3

16-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774265C1

Изобретение относится к подложке, покрытой на одной из ее сторон пакетом тонких слоев со свойствами отражения в инфракрасной области спектра и/или при солнечном излучении, содержащим два функциональных металлических слоя, в частности, на основе серебра. Каждый из металлических функциональных слоев расположен между двумя диэлектрическими покрытиями. Согласно изобретению покрытие включает в себя по меньшей мере два поглощающих слоя, которые поглощают солнечное излучение в видимой области спектра, расположенных в по меньшей мере двух различных диэлектрических покрытиях. Изобретение также относится к двойным остеклениям, содержащим такую подложку с покрытием на внешней стороне остекления. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы.

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013144396A

... 1. Способ изготовления покрытого изделия, включающий:размещение первого диэлектрического слоя на стеклянной подложке;размещение нижнего контактного слоя над первым диэлектрическим слоем;размещение отражающего инфракрасное (ИК) излучение слоя над и в контакте с первым контактным слоем;размещение верхнего контактного слоя, содержащего оксид Ni и Ti, над и в контакте с отражающим ИК излучение слоем; иразмещение слоя, содержащего оксид и/или нитрид кремния, над верхним контактным слоем в качестве самого внешнего слоя покрытия.2. Способ по п. 1, при этом верхний контактный слой содержит Ni:Ti в соотношении от примерно 1:99 до 50:50 (по массе).3. Способ по п. 2, при этом верхний контактный слой содержит Ni:Ti в соотношении от примерно 20:80 (по массе).4. Способ по п. 1, при этом верхний контактный слой осаждают распылением из металлической мишени, содержащей Ni и Ti, в присутствии кислорода.5. Способ по п. 1, при этом верхний контактный слой имеет толщину от примерно 10 до 45 Ангстрем.6. Способ ...

20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009134063A

... 1. Панель остекления, включающая лист субстрата и последовательность оптических элементов, отделенных друг от друга и распределенных по большей части поверхности субстрата, при том, что каждый элемент имеет коэффициент оптической проводимости, изменяющийся в направлении его ширины параллельно плоскости субстрата от первой стороны ко второй стороне, при том, что толщина каждого элемента перпендикулярно плоскости субстрата больше на первой его стороне, чем на его второй стороне, а первая сторона каждого элемента включает отражающую боковую поверхность, направленную в основном параллельно плоскости субстрата и обращенную практически в том же направлении, что и смежные элементы последовательности. ! 2. Панель остекления по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что оптическая проводимость, по крайней мере, части каждого элемента последовательно увеличивается от первой стороны элемента к его второй стороне. ! 3. Панель остекления по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что элементы размещены в линии, частично или полностью ...

23-07-1992 дата публикации

Low radar reflection glazing element for building near airport radar installation - has thick front glass pane sepd. by wide space from back glass contg. electroconducting layer

Номер: DE0004101074A1

Low radar reflection glazing element has a 4-15 mm thick front glass pane (1) sepd. by a 6-24 mm wide gas space from a back glass pane (2) which has, on its surface facing the front glass pane, a translucent electroconductive layer (3) with a surface resistivity of 1200-3500 ohms/sq.cm./mm front pane thickness. USE/ADVANTAGE - For fitting in building walls located within the range of stationary airport radar equipment and which are oriented perpendicular to the radiation direction. Element has a smooth outer surface (for improved appearance and easy cleaning) and has low radar reflection (less than 10%, pref. less than 1% vertical incidence) esp. in the 1 GHZ region to reduce radar noise.

09-06-2011 дата публикации

Bauelement zum Verschluss von Wandöffnungen

Номер: DE202011000265U1

Bauelement zum Verschluss von Wandöffnungen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Zargenrahmen (3) des Bauelements gegen einen umgebenden Wandbereich (2) und gegen eine umgebende Atmosphäre (20, 21) durch Isolierungen (4, 5) isoliert ist.

04-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060232109D1

02-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003612681A1

The glazing comprises at least two glass panes (12, 14), between which a honeycomb (16), in particular comprising a thin metal sheet, is arranged. The connection of at least one of the panes (12 and 14) to the honeycomb (16) takes place via a UV-resistant, transparent adhesive (18). The glazing is suitable as safety glass, fire-resistant glass or as a sunscreen since directly incident sunlight can be held back by the honeycomb. ...

17-11-2011 дата публикации

Isolierbauteil, Verfahren zur Herstellung eines einen Isolierraum aufweisenden Isolierbauteils und Verfahren zur Zustandsüberprüfung der Atmosphäre in einem Isolierraum

Номер: DE102010016919A1

Ein Isolierbauteil (1), insbesondere eine Isolierglasscheibe, umfassend zumindest zwei voneinander beabstandete ebene oder gekrümmte Tafeln (10, 12), insbesondere Glastafeln, und einen die Tafeln (10, 12) im Bereich ihrer Ränder miteinander verbindenden Randverbund (14; 114), wobei der Randverbund (14; 114) einen zwischen den Tafeln (10, 12) gelegenen Isolierraum (16) abdichtend begrenzt, wobei die Atmosphäre im Isolierraum (16) aus einem Gas besteht, das sich hinsichtlich seiner Zusammensetzung und/oder seines Druckes von der Umgebungsluft unterscheidet und wobei im Isolierraum (16) zumindest ein Sensor (18; 18'; 18'') vorgesehen ist, der bei einer Veränderung der Atmosphäre im Isolierraum (16) in Bezug auf zumindest einen ein Indikatorgas bildenden Gasbestandteil der Luft reagiert und ein Signal abgibt, zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass ein das Indikatorgas adsorbierendes oder absorbierendes Sorptionsmittel vorgesehen ist, welches der Atmosphäre im Isolierraum (16) ausgesetzt ist.

13-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069924092T2

20-03-1980 дата публикации

Double glazing contg. thin plastic foils - which reflect infrared light but are protected against ultraviolet light by adhesive holding the foils on glass panes

Номер: DE0002838597A1

Two glass panes (I) are sepd. from each other by a relatively large gap, e.g. of ca. 100 mm; and one or more thin coated plastic foils which reflect infrared light (IR) are located between panes (I). The outer pane (I) is coated on its inner surface with an adhesive (II) employed to hold a clear- or IR reflecting-plastic foil (III), where the adhesive layer (II) prevents an excessive amt. of ultraviolet light (UV) from reaching foil (III). The panes (I) may be sepd. by a sealed frame filled with gas to improve heat- and sound- insulation. Alternatively, the outer part of the frame may be exposed to the outer air, and only the inner part of the frame provided with thermal insulation, in which case the perforated outer part of the frame pref. contains inorganic material absorbing sound and dust. Prevents foils (III) from being damaged by Uv light while also ensuring high light transmission through the double glazing.

05-06-1975 дата публикации

Insulated double-glazed window - with heat-conduction-resistant gas in interspace and/or an outer pane having low transmission in infrared region

Номер: DE0002358892A1

In a window having two or more panes, a gas is enclosed in the space between the panes, the gas having a high degree of resistance to heat conduction in comparison with air; and/or the outer pane, at least, is of a glass with low transmission in the infra-red spectral range. The space is pref. filled with a fluorochlorohydrocarbon, esp. CFCl3 or CHF2Cl, or with NH3. There may be a third pane of transparent plastics foil in the middle of the space between the outer and inner panes. The panes may be supported in a polyurethane foam profile.

08-02-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE8812216U1

27-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001321742A

... 1321742 Glass laminates GLAVERBEL 24 May 1971 [25 May 1970] 16580/71 Heading B5N [Also in Division C1] A method of making a panel incorporating two sheets of glass which are assembled in facing relationship and each of which is optically anisotropic in at least one zone thereof comprises securing said sheets in facing relationship with the sheets positioned and oriented relative to each other so that there is within the area of the panel at least one zone in which both sheets exhibit anisotropy in respect of at least one common optical property but in different ways such that if for each of the sheets, the differences in the magnitudes of the or a said property from one direction to another around a point located within the sheet in that zone are represented by a set of notional vectors of appropriately different lengths radiating from said point (the points in the different sheets being directly opposite each other in the panel) the geometric figures plotted by the ends of the respective ...

23-09-2015 дата публикации

Window assembly

Номер: GB0201514318D0

06-07-1988 дата публикации

Multiple sheet insulating glass for cold storage chambers

Номер: GB0002199360A

Multiple sheet insulating glass for a window-like door for separating a cold storage chamber having a relatively low air temperature from surroundings having a higher air temperature, the glass comprising an outer sheet facing the surroundings and an inner sheet facing the cold storage space and separated from the outer sheet by means of at least one intermediate space. The outer surface of the inner sheet facing away from the intermediate space is exposed to the atmosphere of the cold storage chamber. The glass is used for a cold storage chamber with forced air circulation and has a coefficient of thermal transmission of 2 W/m<2>k, preferably 1.6 W/m<2>k. The outer surface of the inner sheet (14) is provided with an infra-red reflecting coating (24), the thermal reflectively of which is more than 50% in the wavelength range above approximately 4 mu m. ...

22-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009316228D0

05-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002174412A

A transparent glazing panel comprising at least one sheet of coated glazing material bears on a first sheet face 3 a first light transmitting coating 13 at least 400 nm in thickness which comprises doped tin oxide and/or doped indium oxide and reduces the emissivity of that sheet face in respect of infra-red radiation having wavelengths in excess of 3 mu m. On a second sheet face 1, the panel bears a second light transmitting metal oxide coating 21 which comprises at least 30% tin and at least 30% titanium calculated as weight percent of the respective dioxide in that second coating. The second coating 21 increases the reflectivity of that sheet face in respect of normally incident visible light to at least 20%, while the light absorbing properties of that second coating are such that it has a computed internal transmission factor in respect of visible light of at least 60%.

17-07-2013 дата публикации

Window with vacuum containing body

Номер: GB0002498455A

A window comprises a first at least partially transparent or translucent sheet or panel 3 and at least one body 4 located adjacent a major surface of the first sheet or panel. The or each body bounds a cavity containing a vacuum. Preferably, the bodies are constituted as an array of parallel evacuated tubes. Optionally, each tube contains a second tube 5 arranged inside it, with the vacuum contained between the two tubes. The window may have a second pane 6. A getter may be coated on a wall of each cavity. The window may further include a thermoelectric device for electricity generation. The window panel may be tinted or include a photocatalytic coating. A method of manufacture is also provided. In another aspect, a window assembly includes an air-flow channel and an air movement means.

29-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002136316B

08-08-1963 дата публикации

Light transmitting and intercepting element

Номер: GB0000933113A

... 933,113. Laminates. AFG ETABLISSEMENT VADUZ, FL. Oct. 13, 1959 [Oct. 13, 1958], No. 34713/59. Class 140. [Also in Groups X and XI] A window element comprises at least one pane of glass 3 and a plurality of adjacent, open-ended elongated, tubular cells 1 having reflecting surfaces and having their axes arranged at right angles to the pane 3. The cells 1 may be of any cross-section, e.g. square or hexagonal, and may be of aluminium foil, e.g. in the form of a honeycomb structure. The cells may be arranged, preferably loosely, between two panes of glass, and the air may be evacuated from between the panes. The cells may be mounted, with the pane or panes, in a frame, and parts of the cell walls may be spray-coated to make them light-absorbent.

21-03-2007 дата публикации

Glazing panel

Номер: GB0000702353D0

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Ceiling illumination window

Номер: GB0002585997A

A ceiling illumination window (1) is provided with a transparent prism (30), and a reflecting member (40) provided on a second edge (30b) of the transparent prism (30). Further, the transparent prism (30) is installed in such a way as to enable light incident thereon at an angle, relative to a normal line to first and second transparent plates (10a, 10b), that is at least equal to a prescribed angle to be reflected at a third edge (30c) using a critical angle. In addition, when light is incident at an angle at least equal to the prescribed angle relative to the normal line, the transparent prism (30) emits the light toward an indoor ceiling side using at least two types of optical path having different numbers of reflections, using reflection at at least one of the transparent prism (30) surface and the reflecting member (40), and when light is incident at an angle less than the prescribed angle, the transparent prism allows the light to be transmitted through the third edge (30c).

04-05-2016 дата публикации

Moisture curable compositions

Номер: GB0201604971D0

07-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008321204D0

04-11-2020 дата публикации

Multistage prism window

Номер: GB0202014711D0

18-07-1979 дата публикации

Improvements in multiple glazing units

Номер: GB0002011985A

A multiple glazed unit comprises two glass panes (1, 2) with at least one film (8, 9) spaced between them; the films are attached, e.g. adhesively, to the frame portions (5, 6) or to the portion (7) and are held under tension. The unit may be hermetically sealed and filled with air or other gas or the inner space may be connected to the atmosphere via a filter. The panes and films may be silicone coated. The film may be coated with infra- red reflective material or with material opaque to ultra-violet light. Sound damping materials and/or hygroscopic material may be included in the assembly. ...

01-08-1979 дата публикации

Solar control film having insulative properties

Номер: GB2012668A

Composite solar control sheet is described of the type wherein a transparent- reflective metal layer is coated on a self-supporting transparent polyester foil and protectively covered with a transparent polymeric layer. The protective polymeric layer is chosen to transmit 80% or more of the normal room temperature radiant energy/spectrum (about 4-40 micrometer wave length) so that when the solar control film is positioned inside a window with the protective layer facing the room, heat loss from the room is significantly decreased and the cold weather performance of the film is greatly improved. Among the suitable polymers are polyethylene, polypropylene and polyacrylonitrile. ...

19-12-1979 дата публикации

Improvements in enclosures having light-transmitting walls

Номер: GB0002022671A
Автор: Olink, Jan Theodore

A hollow glazing panel for use in a building such a greenhouse comprises at least two glazing sheets 2, 3 held in spaced facing relationship e.g. by frame members 16 and spacer members 17, a portion of one side of the panel being open as at 19 to allow free intercommunication between the or each intersheet space 18 and the ambient atmosphere. An infra-red reflecting coating 5 may be applied to the outer face of one sheet 2 of the panel. ...

23-04-1980 дата публикации

Multi-pane window structure

Номер: GB0002031498A

An insulative multi-pane window structure of a refrigerator or freezer, said structure being interposable between a colder inside region and a warmer outside region of the refrigerator or freezer to permit vision therebetween and including at least a first pane having a surface exposed in use to humidity-bearing air in the warmer region and a second pane opposite to and spaced apart from the first pane, at least one of the first and second panes having an infrared reflecting coating attached in a specific manner; characterized in that said infrared reflective coating is a transparent, electrically conductive laminated structure composed of (A) a transparent solid substrate of a film-forming synthetic resin, (B) a thin layer of an oxide of titanium in contact with the substrate, said layer being derived from a layer of an organic titanium compound and containing organic residual moieties of the organic titanium compound, (C) a thin layer of an electrically conductive metal in contact with ...

06-12-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001298829A

... 1298829 Glass panels GLAVERBEL 12 Dec 1969 [10 Feb 1969] 60778/69 Heading C1M [Also in Division E1] A hollow panel comprises at least two components 1, 2, Fig. 2, each in the form of a sheet of glass with integral stiffening ribs 7, 8, located internally of the panel serving to increase the resistance of the sheet to bending under flexing forces applied externally to the central part of the panel, the components are secured together at least at a marginal zone of the panel by an endless marginal wall 10 formed by the rib or ribs on one or both of the sheets or by a strip (39, Fig. 6, not shown) interposed between margins of nested sheets, and the integral stiffening ribs of each of the components consist of or include ribs which extend at least in one direction across the full extent of the space peripherally bounded by the marginal wall. Sealing material may be applied into the channel 11 formed between the marginal walls 10. The sealed space may be maintained at a pressure of, say, not ...

26-08-2009 дата публикации

Sealing system for an energy efficient window

Номер: AP0000002033A

30-09-2005 дата публикации

Sealing system for an energy efficient window.

Номер: AP2005003352A0

30-09-2005 дата публикации

Sealing system for an energy efficient window.

Номер: AP0200503352D0

30-09-2005 дата публикации

Sealing system for an energy efficient window.

Номер: AP0200503352A0

15-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA830178A

15-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA606677A

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA292577A

15-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA473176A

15-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473176A

10-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347617B

25-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352967B

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510186A1

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510189B1

The method involves positioning of the individual glass elements (2,3) to each other, and arranging spacers (8) on the individual glass elements along a circumference (7). A plastic film (5) is introduced into an intermediate space (4) formed between the glass elements. The intermediate space is partially filled with different gases in a gas filling compactor. The plastic film is mechanically clamped by the closing of the intermediate space. An independent claim is also included for a multi-pane insulating glass element with individual glass elements and a sealant.

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510187B1

The method involves arranging two individual glass elements (2, 3) under formation of an intermediate space. The intermediate space is partially filled with gas that is different from air by a gas filling device (14). The intermediate space is sealed with the individual glass elements under formation of an edge bond. A plastic film (5) is inserted in the intermediate space against gas flow by the gas filling device. The plastic film is bidirectionally subjected with tensile strength during insertion. The glass elements are held at a distance of 10 mm to the plastic film. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a gas filling device for producing a multi-pane insulating glass element (2) a gas-filled multi-pane insulating glass element comprising individual glass elements.

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509902A1

The invention relates to a frame for a window or a door, comprising a fixed outer frame (1) and/or a wing frame (2) composed of plastic profiles, preferably made of PVC, with at least a first inner chamber in which a first infrared radiation barrier (1', 2', 3' or 4') is arranged substantially parallel to the plane of the window or the door. To increase the thermal insulation, provision is made for further infrared radiation barriers (1', 2', 3' or 4') to be arranged in at least one further inner chamber substantially perpendicularly to the plane of the window or the door.

15-10-2013 дата публикации

Photovoltaik Fenster- und/oder Fassadenelement

Номер: AT0000512678A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein neues Fenster- und/oder Fassadenelement mit vielen Photovoltaikmodulen verschalteten Photo voltaikelementen, das d a d u r chg e k e n n z e i c h n e t ist, dass es als beidseitig eine glatte Außenoberfläche (20, 40) aufweisende Mehrschichtverbundplatte (10) mit zwei mittels lichttransparentem Material (3) aneinander laminierten Scheiben (2, 4) ausgebildet ist, von denen zumindest die Lichteinfallsscheibe nur zu dem die Scheiben aneinander bindenden Laminiermaterial (3) hin eine strukturierte Oberfläche aufweist und mit vielen in gleichem Abstand voneinander angeordneten, Dreiecksquerschnitt aufweisenden dachartigen Rippen (21, 41), ausgebildet ist, und - wobei auf den jeweils in ein- und derselben Hauptrichtung (-R') hin ausgerichteten, dem Lichteinfall in der Lichteinstrahlrichtung R zugewandten Mantelflächen ( 2 1 , 4 1 ) der Rippen Dünnschichtphotovoltaikelemente ( 5 , 1 1 ) , angeordnet sind, - während die anderen in einer der Hauptrichtung (-R1) entgegengesetzten ...

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000419439T

25-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000005127U1

Ein Glaselement mit zwei voneinander beabstandeten Glasscheiben (1, 2) enthält im Scheibenzwischenraum (3) eine Einlage in Form einer Streckmetalltafel. Das Streckmetallgitter (8) ist an einem umlaufenden Halterungsprofil (6) gehalten.

15-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000018282T

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000292577A

15-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000278979A

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000105910T

15-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007942T

15-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000158637T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166941T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000312263T

25-01-1973 дата публикации

Wall part, which is trained at least partly than windows

Номер: AT0000304821B

25-05-1972 дата публикации

Wall part, which at least partly than windows out wind part, which is trained at least partly than windows is formed

Номер: AT0000298742B

15-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA81472A

25-03-1970 дата публикации

Interior of a building

Номер: AT0000279858B

10-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000286522B

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Structural body

Номер: AU2019287853B2

According to the present invention, an outer wall material (1) is provided with: two pieces of plate material (10); and slopes (30) having a circulation structure in which a reservoir (Res) for a refrigerant (HF) is formed on the side of one piece of plate material (10a) among the two pieces of plate material (10), the refrigerant (HF) that is inside the reservoir (Res) and evaporates due to the heat on the side of the one piece of plate material (10a) arrives at the side of the other piece of plate material (10b), and the refrigerant (HF) that condenses on the side of the other piece of plate material (10b) is returned to the reservoir (Res). In addition, the outer wall material (1) is provided with a latent heat storage material (PCM). When the temperature on the side of the one piece of plate material (10a) is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature, the latent heat storage material (PCM) is in a dissolved state, thus permitting the circulation of the refrigerant. When the ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Rotary fitting

Номер: AU2018394845A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A pivot window (1) is provided with a laminated body (L). The laminated body (L) has: two sheets of a plate material (10); peripheral end members (20) provided to peripheral parts of the two sheets of the plate material (10); and a cell array plate material (30) which is disposed between the two sheets of the plate material (10) and which has a plurality of cells (S), each having encapsulated therein a latent-heat storage material that has a gaseous phase and has a melting point and a freezing point in specific temperature ranges. The pivot window (1) is further provided with a rotation mechanism that causes the laminated body (L) to make at least a half-turn in the vertical direction.

14-08-2008 дата публикации

Glazing panel

Номер: AU2008212632A1

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Infrared Reflective Film

Номер: AU2016202194A1

... 5546A-AU-D1 Disclosed is an infrared reflective film (100) configured by disposing an infrared ray reflective layer (20) and a transparent protective layer (30) on a transparent 5 film backing (10) in this order. The infrared ray reflective layer (20) comprises: a first metal oxide layer (21); a metal layer (25) comprising a primary component consisting of silver; and a second metal oxide layer (22) comprised of a composite metal oxide containing zinc oxide and tin oxide, which are arranged in this order from the side of the transparent film backing (10). The transparent protective layer (30) lies in direct 10 contact with the second metal oxide layer (22). The transparent protective layer (30) has a thickness of 30 nm to 150 nm, and is preferably an organic layer having a cross-linked structure derived from an ester compound having an acidic group and a polymerizable functional group in the same molecule. Preferably, an amount of the ester compound-derived structure contained in the transparent ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Device for heating and/or cooling a chamber

Номер: AU2013265463A1

The invention relates to a device for heating and/or cooling a chamber (9). The device comprises at least one frame (4), at least one first light passage device (1) and at least one second light passage device (2). The first light passage device (1) and the second light passage device (2) are arranged on the frame (4). Furthermore, at least one first intermediate chamber (3) is formed between the first light passage device (1) and the second light passage device (2). At least one thermally conductive medium is arranged in the first intermediate chamber (3). At least one heating and/or cooling element (5) is arranged on the frame (4) such that it is in contact with the thermally conductive medium arranged in the intermediate chamber (3), the device having at least one current supply unit (8) which is powered by solar energy and which is connected to the heating and/or cooling element (5).

22-02-1996 дата публикации

Decorative multiple glazed sealed units

Номер: AU0003073495A

04-01-1994 дата публикации

Thermally insulating multipane glazing structure

Номер: AU0004599093A

22-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002710721A1

Disclosed is a sealed translucent glass glazing unit and a method of drying a sealed translucent glass glazing unit. The unit comprises two lites of translucent glass spaced apart from one another to define a gap; an absorptive filler in the gap; a spacer around the perimeter of the unit to seal the unit and maintain the gap; and a vent tube mounted within the spacer with one end open to the filler and one end open to the exterior. The method comprise subjecting the filler to exterior temperature cycling such that the filler absorbs moisture from the air as it cools and release moisture to the air as it warms, such that air flows through the tube from the gap to the exterior when heated and air flows through the tube from the exterior to the gap when cooled, the tube being sized to maintain controlled airflow according to a predetermined time constant; whereby the unit is dried. Also disclosed is a method of making a sealed glass glazing unit.

02-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3016609C

A low emissivity coating (30) includes a plurality of phase adjustment layers (40, 50, 62); a first metal functional layer (46); and a second metal functional layer (58) located over and spaced from the first metal functional layer (46). A ratio of the geometric thickness of the first metal functional layer divided by the geometric thickness of the second metal functional layer is in the range of 0.6 to 1. The low emissivity coating (30) provides a reference IGU summer/day SHGC of at least 0.4 and a reference IGU winter/night U factor of no greater than 0.4 BTU/hr-ft2-°F (2.27 W/m2-K).

19-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002624688A1

The invention provides low-emissivity coatings that are highly reflective o infrared radiation. The coating includes three infrared-reflection film regions which may each comprise silver.

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002899694A1

This infrared radiation reflecting film (100) is provided with, in order, an infrared radiation reflecting layer (20) and a transparent protective layer (30) on a transparent film substrate (10). The infrared radiation reflecting layer (20) is provided with, in order from the transparent film substrate (10) side, a first metal oxide layer (21), a metal layer (25) composed mainly of silver, and a second metal oxide layer (22) comprising a composite metal oxide containing zinc oxide and tin oxide. The transparent protective layer (30) is in direct contact with the second metal oxide layer (22). The thickness of the transparent protective layer (30) is 30 nm to 150 nm, and is preferably an organic layer having a crosslinked structure derived from an ester compound having an acidic group and a polymerizable functional group in the same molecule. The content of the structure derived from the ester compound in the transparent protective layer (30) is preferably 1 wt% to 40 wt%.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934349A1

Thin-film devices, for example, multi-zone electrochromic windows, and methods of manufacturing are described. In certain cases, a multi-zone electrochromic window comprises a monolithic EC device on a transparent substrate and two or more tinting zones, wherein the tinting zones are configured for independent operation.

21-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002786872A1

The invention relates to a method for forming a liquid radiation curable resin capable of curing into a solid upon irradiation comprising at least one thermally sensitive visual effect initiator. The liquid radiation curable resin is capable of curing into three-dimensional articles having selective visual effects. The resulting three-dimensional articles possess excellent color and/or transparency stability and excellent mechanical properties.

11-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878586A1

A display case door assembly for a temperature-controlled storage device includes a frame defining an opening into the temperature-controlled storage device and a transparent unit coupled to the frame. The transparent unit includes a first vacuum pane, a second vacuum pane, and an evacuated gap between the first and second vacuum panes. The evacuated gap has a predetermined thickness within which a vacuum is drawn, thereby providing a thermal insulation effect for the transparent unit. The transparent unit further includes a plurality of spacers disposed within the evacuated gap and configured to maintain the predetermined thickness of the evacuated gap when the vacuum is drawn therein.

30-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002114931C

... 2114931 9302853 PCTABS00019 A structural or flexible highly insulative panel which may be translucent, is formed from multi-layer polymeric material (9, 11, 13), in the form of an envelope (5) surrounding a baffle (17). The baffle (17) is designed so as to minimize heat transfer across the panel, by using material which forms substantially closed spaces to suppress convection of the low conductivity gas fill. At least a portion of the baffle (17) carries a low emissivity surface for suppression of infrared radiation.

03-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002141217A1

... 2141217 9402313 PCTABS00030 A light admitting thermal insulating structure (10) having controllable transmissivity to visible radiation (11) comprises a first layer (15) generally transparent to light, a second layer (17) generally transparent or absorptive to light and spaced from the first layer; an improved partition means separates the space between the layers into compartments; a thermal radiation suppression device (16) for suppressing thermal radiation transmission; and a variable transparency device (18) for controlling transmission of light. A suitable partition includes a novel convection baffle which transmits light and thermal radiation which improves the thermal resistance and/or reduces the cost of low emissivity layers (16).

15-01-1941 дата публикации

Verbundscheibe für Verglasungen und dergl.

Номер: CH0000213019A
Принадлежит: CAVIN & CO, CAVIN & CO.

31-12-1964 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000386087A

15-04-1965 дата публикации

Lichtdurchlässige Wärmeisolierscheibe

Номер: CH0000390513A

31-05-1965 дата публикации

Vitrage multiple

Номер: CH0000392835A

15-01-1958 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000326878A

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089684A1
Автор: Pesce Lorenzo, Tixhon Eric
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe

The invention relates to triple glazing comprising at least one glass sheet that has a system of layers on one side which are produced using sputtering and include at least one metal layer that reflects infrared radiation. The at least one glass sheet has a set of low-emission layers on the other side, said set of layers comprising one or more oxide layers that are deposited using gas phase pyrolysis. The disclosed glazing has a minimum light transmittance of 60 percent (standard EN 410, illuminant D65 at 2°) with 4 mm thick glass sheets. 1. A triple glazing comprising:a glass sheet, wherein:a first face of the glass sheet comprises a system of sputtering layers produced by sputtering and comprising an infrared-reflecting metal layer,a second face of the glass sheet comprises a set of low-emissivity layers comprising an oxide layer deposited by gas pyrolysis, andthe glazing has, for a 4 mm thick glass sheet, a light transmission which is not less than 60%.265. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the oxide layer is in position and the system of the sputtering layers is in position .3. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the glazing has a haze of less than 0.7%.4. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the oxide layer comprises a layer of doped tin oxide doped with antimony or fluorine.5. The glazing of claim 4 , wherein at least one layer of SiOxCy claim 4 , a set of layers of TiO.SiOor a set of layers of SnO.SiOis interposed between the glass sheet and the layer of doped tin oxide.6. The glazing of claim 5 , wherein the oxide layer has a thickness of not less than 200 nm.7. The glazing of claim 5 , wherein the oxide layer has a surface roughness Ra of less than 10 nm.8. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the set of layers deposited by gas pyrolysis is such that a 4 mm clear float glass sheet claim 1 , coated with the set claim 1 , has an emissivity of at most 0.20.9. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the sputtering layers are such that a 4 mm sheet coated with the layers has an ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180189A1
Автор: REIFER Franz

A façade system for buildings provides supports for glass having less surface area, whereby a more undisturbed view to the outside is provided. The equipping is conducted by fastening the used insulating transparent pane units in two steps. The weight of the used glass pane elements is supported by bearings that may be arranged at any position of at least one substantially horizontal or substantially vertical structure element. Due to their substantially horizontal or vertical alignment the bearings do not influence the size of the visible portion of the faced structure. To keep the panes tight on the building, pressure structure elements are mounted from the outside of the building to fasten the panes tight on the building structure or a carrying element of the building. 1. Façade system with less visible supports , comprising:{'b': '1', 'sub': '1', 'at least one substantially horizontal or substantially vertical structure element () having a height h;'}{'b': 3', '1, 'an inner sealing element () mounted on the at least one substantially horizontal or substantially vertical structure element ();'}{'b': '4', 'an insulating transparent pane unit () comprising at least one glass pane;'}{'b': 7', '1', '7, 'sub': '2', 'pressure structure element () for pressing the glass panes in the general direction of the at least one substantially horizontal or substantially vertical structure element (), wherein the pressure structure element () has a height h; and'}{'b': 9', '7', '1', '7', '1', '11', '1', '7', '4, 'sub': 2', '1, 'an outer sealing element () mounted on the pressure structure element (), p wherein the height hof the pressure structure element () has maximum that is equal to or less than the height hof the at least one substantially horizontal or substantially vertical structure element (), respectively, and the façade system further comprises a flat bearing structure () mounted in the at least one substantially horizontal or substantially vertical structure element ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199737A1
Автор: Wilson Michael A.
Принадлежит: Medieval Glass Millennium Ltd.

A blinds-between-glass window assembly includes spacers with a thermal break. The assembly is modular in that the same components can be used to form window assemblies of varying thicknesses by replacement of the corner keys. A spring counter-balance mechanism is mounted within a side rail to provide a counter-balancing force against a magnetic follower. Guards are disclosed to reduce scratching or marring that can occur if the blind slats bump against the frame or glass. 1. A window assembly comprising:a frame assembly, the frame assembly including an operating-side rail, a non-operating-side rail, a top rail and a bottom rail, the operating-side rail being connected to the top rail by a first corner clip and being connected to the bottom rail by a second corner clip, the non-operating-side rail being connected to the top rail by a third corner clip and being connected to the bottom rail by a fourth corner clip;an interior glass panel mounted to the frame assembly at an interior side of the frame assembly;an exterior glass panel mounted to the frame assembly at an exterior side of the frame assembly opposite from the interior side;a blind assembly operably attached to the top rail between the glass panels;a follower carriage retained within the operating-side rail, the follower carriage being operably connected to the blind assembly such that movement of the follower carriage within the operating-side rail in a first direction causes adjustment of the blind assembly towards an open configuration and movement of the follower carriage within the operating-side rail in a second direction causes adjustment of the blind assembly towards a closed configuration; andan operator magnetically coupled to the follower carriage at the interior glass panel, whereby movement of the operator causes corresponding movement of the follower carriage; and wherein:the operating-side rail includes an operating-side exterior spacer plate and an operating-side interior spacer plate, the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251923A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp.

An IG window unit includes a coating supported by a glass substrate. The coating includes at least the following on the glass substrate moving from the glass substrate outwardly: at least one dielectric layer; a layer comprising zinc oxide; an infrared (IR) reflecting layer comprising silver; a layer comprising an oxide of Ni and/or Cr; an overcoat comprising a layer comprising tin oxide located over the oxide of Ni and/or Cr and a layer comprising silicon nitride. 111-. (canceled)12. An IG window unit including a coating supported by a glass substrate , the coating from the glass substrate outwardly comprising:at least one dielectric layer;a layer comprising zinc oxide over the at least one dielectric layer;an infrared (IR) reflecting layer comprising silver on the glass substrate, located over and directly contacting the layer comprising zinc oxide, wherein the coating includes only one IR reflecting layer;a layer comprising an oxide of Ni and/or Cr located over and directly contacting the IR reflecting layer comprising silver;an overcoat comprising a layer comprising tin oxide located over the oxide of Ni and/or Cr and a layer comprising silicon nitride located over and contacting the layer comprising tin oxide; andwherein the IG unit has an SHGC value of at least 0.65, a visible transmission of at least 70%, and an Energy Rating of at least 25.13. The IG unit of claim 12 , wherein the IG unit has an SHGC value of at least 0.68 claim 12 , a visible transmission of at least 74.5% claim 12 , and an Energy Rating of at least 29.14. The IG unit of claim 12 , wherein the IG unit has a U-value of no greater than 0.30 Btu/h ft F.15. The IG unit of claim 12 , wherein said glass substrate is an interior glass substrate claim 12 , the IG unit further comprising an exterior glass substrate located adjacent an exterior of a building in which the IG unit is provided claim 12 , wherein the coating is provided on a surface of the interior glass substrate facing a gap between ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Solar Control Window Glass

Номер: US20130321904A1
Автор: Darryl J. Costin
Принадлежит: Individual

Glass formulations and methods of setting the characteristics and formulations are described. The method includes determining climate characteristics of an area in which the glasses to be used, using the climate characteristics to determine heating and cooling costs for the geographical area, using the heating costs as part of a model to select an optimum glass assembly comprising a dual pane glass assembly, using an optimization model by providing higher weighting on low emissivity in a northern climates, and high or waiting of solar control in a more southern climate.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337200A1
Автор: Noethe Axel, Paul Thomas
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

An insulated multiple glazing unit comprising at least two coated glass panes separated by at least one gap, wherein the at least two coated glass panes each comprise a low-emissivity and/or solar control coating on a first major surface of the pane and an anti-reflection coating on a second major surface of the pane, wherein two of the coated glass panes are outer panes arranged such that their low-emissivity and/or solar control coatings face each other and their anti-reflection coatings face away from each other, wherein each of said low-emissivity and/or solar control coatings is such that, if said coating coats a major surface of an otherwise uncoated clear glass pane, said pane exhibits a visible light reflectance, both when viewed normal to said coated major surface and normal to an opposing uncoated major surface, of less than 6%, and wherein the unit exhibits a visible light reflectance, when viewed normal to each of said anti-reflection coatings of the two outer panes, of less than 6%. 117-. (canceled)18. An insulated multiple glazing unit comprising at least two coated glass panes separated by at least one gap ,wherein the at least two coated glass panes each comprise a low-emissivity and/or solar control coating on a first major surface of the pane and an anti-reflection coating on a second major surface of the pane,wherein two of the coated glass panes are outer panes arranged such that their low-emissivity and/or solar control coatings face each other and their anti-reflection coatings face away from each other,wherein each of said low-emissivity and/or solar control coatings is such that, if said coating coats a major surface of an otherwise uncoated clear glass pane, said pane exhibits a visible light reflectance, both when viewed normal to said coated major surface and normal to an opposing uncoated major surface, of less than 6%, andwherein the unit exhibits a visible light reflectance, when viewed normal to each of said anti-reflection coatings of ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004283A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe

The invention relates to an insulating double glazing comprising a sheet of glass which has on the face () an assembly of layers known as low-emissivity layers, produced by sputtering and comprising at least one infrared-reflecting metallic layer, the other glass sheet comprising on the face () one or more metal oxide layers deposited by gas pyrolysis, the space located between the sheets being sealed and filled with insulating gas composed of krypton for at least 86% by volume and at most 5% of air, this glazing having a light transmission which is no less than 60% (for thicknesses of the clear glass sheets of 4 mm). 1. An insulating double glazing unit comprising two glass sheets , wherein:{'b': '2', 'a first glass sheet has a face comprising a low-emissivity assembly of layers produced by cathodic sputtering wherein the assembly comprises an infrared-reflecting metal layer, and'}{'b': '4', 'a second glass sheet has a face comprising a metal oxide layer deposited by gas pyrolysis,'}wherein a space located between the first and second glass sheets is closed and filled with an insulating gas comprising at least 86% by volume of krypton and at most 5% of air, and the glazing unit exhibits a light transmission that is not less than 60% for a 4 mm thickness of clear glass.2. The glazing unit of claim 1 , wherein the insulating gas comprises at least 88% by volume of krypton and at most 3% by volume of air.3. The glazing unit of claim 1 , wherein the insulating gas comprises at least 90% by volume of krypton and at most 1% by volume of air.4. The glazing unit of claim 1 , having a haze less than 0.7%.5. The glazing unit of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide layer comprises a layer of tin oxide doped with antimony or fluorine.6. The glazing unit of claim 5 , wherein at least one SiOxCy layer or an assembly of TiO.SiOlayers or an SnO.SiOassembly is interposed between the second glass sheet and the layer of doped tin oxide.7. The glazing unit of claim 6 , wherein a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

High quality reflectance coatings

Номер: US20140065328A1
Автор: Klaus Hartig
Принадлежит: Cardinal CG Co

Low-emissivity coatings that are highly reflective to infrared-radiation. The coating includes three infrared-reflection film regions, which may each include silver.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Aerogel Window Film System

Номер: US20140065329A1
Автор: SHOWERS Robert James

An insulated glazing unit with a nanotechnology enhanced film for improved IGU insulating capability. The present invention makes use of a layered film or sheet system to further provide a double or triple pane window glazing unit sound, vibration, and thermal insulation with the option of allowing users to still view through the unit clearly. 1. An aerogel window film system comprises ,a first pane;a second pane;a spacer;a barrier sealant;a spacer seal;an insulating gas;a plurality of insulating sheets, wherein the plurality of insulating sheets consist of a first sheet, a second sheet, a third sheet and a fourth sheet;the plurality of insulating sheets comprises a insulating film, at least one film, and an adhesive;the first pane having a first inner surface and a first outer surface;the second pane having a second inner surface and a second outer surface; andthe spacer comprises at least one gas hole and at least one hole sealer.2. The aerogel window film system as claimed in comprises claim 1 ,the spacer being peripherally adhered to the first inner surface of the first pane by the spacer seal;the second pane being aligned and adhered to spacer opposite of the first pane; andthe spacer being peripherally adhered to the second inner surface of the second pane by the spacer seal.3. The aerogel window film system as claimed in comprises claim 2 ,the spacer, the first pane, and the second pane defining a sealed space;the at least one gas hole being traversed through the spacer into the sealed space;the at least one gas hole being sealed by the at least one hole sealer;the barrier sealant being peripherally adhered to the first inner surface, the second inner surface and the spacer; andthe sealed space being filled with the insulating gas.4. The aerogel window film system as claimed in comprises claim 2 ,each insulating sheet being shaped to any shape, wherein each insulating film can be uniquely shaped into trademarks, symbols, lettering, decorative shapes, logos, ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004383A1

A substrate, or a transparent glass substrate, including a thin-film multilayer including an alternation of four functional metallic layers, or functional layers based on silver or on a metal alloy containing silver, and five antireflection coatings, each antireflection coating including at least one antireflection layer, so that each functional metallic layer is positioned between two antireflection coatings. The thickness of the second, third, and fourth functional metallic layers starting from the substrate is substantially identical, with a ratio of the thickness of one layer to the thickness of the preceding layer between 0.9 and 1.1 inclusive of these values, and the thickness of the first functional metallic layer is about half the thickness of the second functional metallic layer, with a ratio of the thickness of the second metallic layer to the thickness of the first functional metallic layer between 1.9 and 2.2 inclusive of these values. 112-. (canceled)13. A substrate or a transparent glass substrate , comprising:a thin-film multilayer comprising an alternation of four functional metallic layers, or of functional layers based on silver or on a metal alloy containing silver, and five antireflection coatings, each antireflection coating comprising at least one antireflection layer, so that each functional metallic layer is positioned between two antireflection coatings,wherein thicknesses of the second, third, and fourth functional metallic layers starting from the substrate is substantially identical, with a ratio of the thickness of one layer to the thickness of the preceding layer that is between 0.9 and 1.1 inclusive of these values, andthe thickness of the first functional metallic layer is about half the thickness of the second functional metallic layer, with a ratio of the thickness of the second metallic layer to the thickness of the first functional metallic layer that is between 1.9 and 2.2 inclusive of these values.14. The substrate as claimed in ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009516A1
Автор: Hartig Klaus

Low-emissivity coatings that are highly reflective to infrared-radiation. The coating includes three infrared-reflection film regions, which may each include silver. 1. A first pane having opposed first and second major surfaces , the first pane being part of a multiple-pane insulating glazing unit that includes a second pane , wherein the insulating glazing unit has at least one between-pane space , wherein at least one of the first and second panes has a coated interior surface that is exposed to a between-pane space of the insulating glazing unit , said coated interior surface bearing a low-emissivity coating that includes three infrared-reflection film regions each comprising silver , three blocker film regions and four transparent dielectric film regions , wherein each of the blocker film regions is provided over and contiguous to each of the three infrared-reflection film regions , and wherein at least one of the three blocker film regions comprises aluminum.2. The first pane of wherein each of the three blocker film regions comprises aluminum.3. The first pane of wherein at least one of the three blocker film regions comprises a combination including aluminum together with one or more other metallic materials.4. The first pane of wherein each of the three blocker film regions comprises a combination including aluminum together with one or more other metallic materials.5. The first pane of wherein the three infrared-reflection film regions have a combined thickness of greater than 470 angstroms.6. The first pane of wherein the three infrared-reflection film regions have a combined thickness of greater than 485 angstroms.7. The first pane of wherein at least one of the four transparent dielectric film regions comprises a film comprising zinc oxide.8. The first pane of wherein the film comprising zinc oxide comprises a mixture of zinc oxide and tin oxide.9. The first pane of wherein each of the four transparent dielectric film regions comprises a film comprising ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009837A1

Provided is a thermoplastic resin film capable of controlling the discoloration due to color staining, and capable of controlling occurrence of color irregularity after irradiation with light irrespectively of inclusion of dyes. A thermoplastic resin film according to the present invention includes a thermoplastic resin and a dye, and the thermoplastic resin film has a color difference ΔE of 4.3 or less, determined by measuring change in color tone before and after application of load on a polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test in accordance with JIS K8781-4:2013 after applying a load of 200 g/cmat 23° C. and a humidity of 25% for 1 week on a laminate made up of the thermoplastic resin film, the polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test, and a green glass in accordance with JIS R3208 having a thickness of 2 mm laminated in this order on a rubber sheet having a hardness of 60. 1. A thermoplastic resin film comprising:a thermoplastic resin; anda dye,{'sup': '2', 'the thermoplastic resin film having a color difference ΔE of 4.3 or less, determined by measuring change in color tone before and after application of load on a polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test in accordance with JIS K8781-4:2013 after applying a load of 200 g/cmat 23° C. and a humidity of 25% for 1 week on a laminate made up of the thermoplastic resin film, the polyvinyl butyral resin film for color staining test, and a green glass in accordance with JIS R3208 having a thickness of 2 mm laminated in this order on a rubber sheet having a hardness of 60.'}2. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the dye includes a dye having a molar volume of 200 cm/mol or more.3. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , further comprising a pigment.4. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is a polyvinyl acetal resin.5. The thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , including an anthraquinone-based ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010752A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to articles including anticondensation and/or low-E coatings that are exposed to an external environment, and/or methods of making the same. In certain example embodiments, the anti condensation and/or low-E coatings may be survivable in an outside environment. The coatings also may have a sufficiently low sheet resistance and hemispherical emissivity such that the glass surface is more likely to retain heat from the interior area, thereby reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) the presence condensation thereon. The articles of certain example embodiments may be, for example, skylights, vehicle windows or windshields, IG units, VIG units, refrigerator/freezer doors, and/or the like. 121-. (canceled)22. A window comprising:first and second glass substrates, wherein the window is configured so that the first glass substrate is to be located closer to an interior of a structure to which the window is to be mounted than is the second glass substrate; a first layer comprising silicon nitride located on the glass substrate;', 'a layer comprising metal oxide located on the glass substrate over at least the first layer comprising silicon nitride, wherein the first layer comprising silicon nitride is substantially thicker than is the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a second layer comprising silicon nitride located over the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a transparent conductive layer located over and directly contacting the second layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'a third layer comprising silicon nitride located over and directly contacting the transparent conductive layer, and', 'a protective layer comprising metal oxide located over and directly contacting the third layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'wherein the coating does not contain any silver-based layer; and, 'a coating supported by the first glass substrate, wherein the coating comprises the following layers moving away from the first glass ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Bus Bar Connection and Coating Technology

Номер: US20210010739A1

The invention provides an IG unit comprising two panes and a between-pane space located between the two panes. A desired surface of a selected one of the two panes bears a coating comprising both a transparent conductive oxide film, and an overcoat film located over the transparent conductive oxide film. The IG unit further comprises a bus bar and a transparent conductor bridge each located over the desired surface. The bus bar is spaced apart from the coating and is connected electrically to the transparent conductive oxide film by virtue of the transparent conductor bridge extending from the bus bar to a top surface of the overcoat film. In some embodiments, the IG unit further comprises a frit located over the desired surface and extending around a perimeter thereof. The bus bar is located over the frit. Certain embodiments provide a refrigerator having a door comprising such an IG unit. 1. A multiple-pane insulating glazing unit comprising two panes and a between-pane space , the between-pane space being located between the two panes , wherein a desired surface of a selected one of the two panes bears a coating comprising both a transparent conductive oxide film and an overcoat film , the overcoat film being located over the transparent conductive oxide film , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit further comprising a bus bar and a transparent conductor bridge each located over the desired surface , the bus bar being spaced apart from the coating , the bus bar being connected electrically to the transparent conductive oxide film by virtue of the transparent conductor bridge extending from the bus bar to a top surface of the overcoat film.2. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein an outer region of the transparent conductor bridge is in contact with the bus bar claim 1 , and an inner region of the transparent conductor bridge is in contact with the top surface of the overcoat film.3. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the inner ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Coated glass pane

Номер: US20220034155A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

The present invention relates to a transparent substrate comprising a multiple layer coating stack and the use of same in the manufacture of a double glazing unit, wherein the multiple layer coating stack comprises, n functional metal layer, m; and n plus 1 (n+1) dielectric layer, d, wherein the dielectric layers are positioned before and after each functional metal layer, and wherein n is the total number of functional metal layer in the stack counted from the substrate and is greater than or equal to 3; and wherein each dielectric layer comprises one or more layers, characterized in that the geometrical layer thickness of each functional metal layer in the coating stack Gm, is greater than the geometrical layer thickness of each functional metal layer appearing before it in the multiple layer coating stack, that is, Gmi+1>Gmi wherein i is the position of the functional metal layer in the coating stack counted from the substrate, and wherein for each dielectric layer d located before and after each functional metal layer m, the optical layer thickness of each dielectric layer (opln) is greater than or equal to the optical layer thickness of the dielectric layer (opln−1) positioned before it in the coating stack with the proviso that: twice the optical layer thickness of the first dielectric layer (opl1) in the coating stack, is less than the optical layer thickness of the second dielectric layer (opl2) in the coating stack, that is, (2×opl1)<opl2; and twice the optical layer thickness of the last dielectric layer (opln+1) in the coating stack, is greater than the thickness of the optical layer thickness of the penultimate dielectric layer (opln), that is, (opln)<(opln+1)×2.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034156A1
Принадлежит: VIEW, INC.

Thin-film devices, for example, multi-zone electrochromic windows, and methods of manufacturing are described. In certain cases, a multi-zone electrochromic window comprises a monolithic EC device on a transparent substrate and two or more tinting zones, wherein the tinting zones are configured for independent operation. 1. An electrochromic window lite comprising:(i) a monolithic EC device on a transparent substrate, the monolithic EC device comprising;(ii) two or more tinting zones, each of said two or more tinting zones configured for operation independent of the others and having its own associated bus bars;wherein the two or more tinting zones are formed by only partially cutting through the uppermost TCO of the monolithic EC device to form a resistive zone between each of said two or more tinting zones.228-. (canceled) This is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/191,138, titled “MULTI-ZONE EC WINDOWS” and filed on Nov. 14, 2018, which is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/039,370, titled “MULTI-ZONE EC WINDOWS” and filed on May 25, 2016, which is a national stage application under 35 U.S.C. § 371 to International Application PCT/US14/71314 (designating the United States), titled “MULTI-ZONE EC WINDOWS” and filed on Dec. 18, 2014, which is a continuation-in-part application to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/137,644, titled “MULTI-ZONE EC WINDOWS” and filed on Dec. 20, 2013; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/039,370 is also a continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/094,897, titled “MULTI-ZONE EC WINDOWS” and filed on Apr. 8, 2016, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/137,644 (now U.S. Pat. No. 9,341,912), titled “MULTI-ZONE EC WINDOWS” and filed on Dec. 20, 2013; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/137,644 is a continuation-in-part application of International Application PCT/US13/069913 (designating the United States), titled “MULTI-ZONE ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016271A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe

An insulating glazed element including at least one insulating glazing unit including at least a first glass sheet and a second glass sheet associated together by an intermediate frame that keeps them a certain distance from each other. The intermediate frame includes at least two horizontal spacers and at least two vertical spacers, which are transparent. The horizontal spacers include at least two compartments which are separate and contiguous. 123-. (canceled)24. An insulating glazed element comprising:at least one insulating glazing comprising at least one first glass sheet and one second glass sheet which are joined together by a spacer frame which holds the first and second glass sheets at a certain distance from one another, the frame extending along horizontal edges and vertical edges;between the at least first and second glass sheets at least one internal space comprising an insulating gas and that is closed by at least one first peripheral seal and one second peripheral seal on horizontal edges and at least one peripheral seal on vertical edges, the peripheral seals being positioned around the internal space; a fixed support, and', 'a mobile support articulated to the fixed support that enables opening and/or closing of the glazed element, which mobile support lacks lateral sashes;, 'at least one framework that supports the at least one insulating glazing, the framework comprisingwherein,the spacer frame comprises at least two vertical spacers made of transparent resin and at least two horizontal spacers, the spacers being connected together to form the frame, the horizontal spacers comprising a profile comprising at least one first compartment and one second compartment, which are separate and contiguous, the second compartment having a thickness less than or equal to a thickness of the first compartment,the at least one peripheral seal on the vertical edges is transparent,the second compartment is at least in contact with the second peripheral seal.25. ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016639A1

There is provided a paned window or door structure in which a plurality of Peltier cells are present. The paned elements have a frame with a fixed portion () and a mobile portion () in which at least one double glazing unit () is present, it being provided that in the interspace present in the double glazing unit, at an edge that is arranged in the mobile portion () of the frame, a plurality of Peltier cells () are present. The Peltier cells are in contact with an element for dissipating heat towards the outside (), made of optimal heat conduction material, which has a portion thereof () arranged at the external surface of the door or window. On each of the cells (), a sheet is superimposed made of material with high heat conductivity, acting as a heat sink () for dissipating towards the interior of the double glazing unit. 14-. (canceled)5222231112122111331142020229. A paned window or door structure having a plurality of Peltier cells for environmental climate control , , the structure having a frame () including a fixed frame portion (′) and a mobile frame portion (″) wherein said mobile frame portion (″) has at least one double glazing unit () defining a gap between glass panes , wherein in said gap at one or more edges of said mobile frame portion a plurality of Peltier cells () are arranged each in contact at a lower surface with a first heat sink element () adapted for thermal dissipation towards , an exterior and formed from a material of high heat conductivity and having a portion (′) arranged at an outer surface of said frame () , wherein each of said cells () has a sheet of high heat conductivity material disposed on an upper surface thereof acting as second heat sink element () for thermal dissipation towards the gap of said double glazing unit () , wherein said Peltier cells () are supplied with electricity via an electric circuit () having a pair of contacts (′ , ″) respectively arranged in the fixed (′) and mobile (″) frame portions , said electric ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Infrared Rays (IR) Reflective Laminated Glass For A Window

Номер: US20200016870A1

A laminated glass for a window, comprising: a first glass sheet layer comprising a first main surface to face an outside of the window and a second main surface facing other layers; a second glass sheet layer comprising a third main surface facing other layers and a fourth main glass surface to face a room side; an IR-reflective coating layer, comprising at least one silver layer, on a whole area of at least one of the second and third main surfaces; a first intermediate polymer film layer between the first and the second glass sheet layers; and a sealant on all the way through an edge portion of the IR-reflective coating layer. 1. A laminated glass for a window , comprising:a first glass sheet layer comprising (a) a first main surface to face an outside of the window and a second main surface facing other layers and (b) an R-shaped edge surface;a second glass sheet layer comprising (c) a third main surface facing other layers and a fourth main glass surface to face a room side and (b) an R-shaped edge surface;an IR-reflective coating layer, comprising at least one silver layer, on a whole area of at least one of the second and third main surfaces;a first intermediate polymer film layer between the first and the second glass sheet layers; anda sealant on all the way through an edge portion of the IR-reflective coating layer,wherein the second and the third main surfaces recess from the most outer point of the edge portions of the first and the second glass sheet layers, such that a space generated by recessing of the second and the third main surfaces by the R-shaped edge surfaces becomes a receiving area of the sealant.2. The laminated glass of claim 1 , wherein thickness of the sealant is between 30 μm and 1000 μm.3. The laminated glass of claim 1 , further comprising:a second intermediate polymer film layer between the first intermediate polymer film layer and the second glass sheet layer; anda polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) film layer between the first ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017806A1

A dynamic multi-pane insulating assembly and system including methods for dynamically maintaining the thermal resistance value of the assembly and system. The dynamic multi-pane insulating assembly and system includes first and second gas permeable panes defining an evacuated gap in communication with a vacuum source; a first exterior pane spaced from the first gas permeable pane defining a first pressurized gap in communication with a source of pressurized gas; and a second exterior pane spaced from the second gas permeable pane defining a second pressurized gap in communication with the source of pressurized gas. 1. A dynamic multi-pane assembly comprising:a first gas permeable pane;a second gas permeable pane defining an evacuated gap between the first and second gas permeable panes, the evacuated gap having a predetermined thickness within which a vacuum is drawn;a first exterior pane spaced from the first gas permeable pane and defining a first pressurized gap between the first gas permeable pane and the first exterior pane;a second exterior pane spaced from the second gas permeable pane and defining a second pressurized gap between the second gas permeable pane and the second exterior pane;a vacuum source in communication with the evacuated gap;a source of pressurized gas in communication with the respective first and second pressurized gaps,a means for sensing pressure in the evacuated gap and the respective first and second pressurized gaps; anda means for, in response to sensed pressure from at least one the respective first and second pressurized gaps, selectively actuating at least one of the source of vacuum and the source of pressurized gas to maintain a set level of vacuum within the evacuated gap at a desired level.wherein the source of pressurized gas is pressurized at a set level that is greater than or equal to a barometric pressure of the external environment, and wherein gas from the respective first and second pressurized gaps permeates through ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017811A1
Автор: HAN Jin Woo

A transparent substrate provided with a multi-layered coating is provided, the coating including the following in an order from the substrate: a first dielectric film including one or more dielectric layers, a first metallic protective layer, a first metallic layer having an infrared (IR) reflection characteristic, a second metallic protective layer, a second dielectric film including two or more dielectric layers, a third metallic protective layer, a second metallic layer having an infrared (IR) reflection characteristic, a fourth metallic protective layer, and a third dielectric film D including one or more dielectric layers, wherein the dielectric layer includes a metal oxide, a metal nitride, or a metal oxynitride, the metallic layer is silver (Ag) or a silver (Ag)-containing metal alloy, a normal emissivity is 2.0% or less, and a difference between a coated surface reflectance and an uncoated surface reflectance is 21% or more. 1. A transparent substrate provided with a multi-layered coating ,the coating comprising the following in an order from the substrate:a first dielectric film including one or more dielectric layers,a first metallic lower protective layer,a first metallic layer having an infrared (IR) reflection characteristic,a first metallic upper protective layer,a second dielectric film including two or more dielectric layers,a second metallic lower protective layer,a second metallic layer having an infrared (IR) reflection characteristic,a second metallic upper protective layer, anda third dielectric film including one or more dielectric layers,wherein the dielectric layer includes a metal oxide, a metal nitride, or a metal oxynitride,the metallic layer is silver (Ag) or a silver (Ag)-containing metal alloy, a normal emissivity is 2.0% or less, anda difference between a coated surface reflectance and an uncoated surface reflectance is 21% or more.2. The transparent substrate of claim 1 , wherein the uncoated surface reflectance is 27% to 32%.3. The ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Laminated glass pane having a sensor assembly and method for producing a laminated glass pane having a sensor assembly

Номер: US20190018366A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated glass pane. The laminated glass pane has a sensor assembly. The sensor assembly has a first glass layer and a second glass layer joined by a combination film. The sensor assembly is suitable for detecting an approach of a user's finger. According to one aspect, a hologram is arranged at the location of the sensor assembly, the hologram becoming visible to a viewer upon illumination of the hologram. According to another aspect, the hologram is arranged between the first glass layer and the second glass layer. A method for producing a laminated glass pane having a sensor assembly is also presented.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022097A1
Автор: KRASNOV Alexey

Certain embodiments of this invention relates to a writable window (e.g., IG window unit), where images (e.g., advertisements, logos, designs, pictures and/or words) can be selectively written into the window and are designed to be viewed by humans and/or animals. A substrate (e.g., glass substrate) supports a solar coating such as a low emissivity (low-E) coating which may include at least one infrared (IR) reflecting layer of or including silver that is located on and directly contacting a contact/seed layer of or including a material such as zinc oxide and/or zinc stannate. A radiation source (e.g., laser(s) and/or lamp(s)) may be used to selectively expose certain areas of the coating to radiation (e.g., UV radiation). The exposed area(s) of the coating, after being exposed and heated, have different optical characteristic(s) (e.g., higher visible transmission) than the area(s) of the coating not exposed to the radiation, so that following the laser exposure the exposed area(s) form an image(s) designed to be viewed by humans and/or animals. 1. A method of making a coated article for use in a window , the method comprising:having a coated article including a coating supported by a substrate;directing ultraviolet (UV) radiation toward the coating and exposing only part of the coating to UV radiation in order to form an image in the coating that can be seen by a human eye.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image comprises a logo.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image comprises at least one word.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises at least one layer comprising silver that is located over and directly contacting a layer comprising metal oxide that absorbs UV radiation.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the layer comprising metal oxide has a bandgap of from about 3.15 to 3.4 eV.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the layer comprising metal oxide comprises zinc oxide.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the layer comprising metal oxide ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022643A1

Certain example embodiments relate to a coated article including at least one infrared (IR) reflecting layer of a material such as silver or the like in a low-E coating, and methods of making the same. In certain cases, at least one layer of the coating is of or includes nickel and/or titanium (e.g., NiTiO). The provision of a layer including nickel titanium and/or an oxide thereof may permit a layer to be used that has good adhesion to the IR reflecting layer, and reduced absorption of visible light (resulting in a coated article with a higher visible transmission). When a layer including nickel titanium oxide is provided directly over and/or under the IR reflecting layer (e.g., as a barrier layer), this may result in improved chemical and mechanical durability. Thus, visible transmission may be improved if desired, without compromising durability; or, durability may simply be increased. 122-. (canceled)23. A coated article comprising:a glass substrate;a first dielectric layer supported by the glass substrate;a lower contact layer, wherein the first dielectric layer is located between at least the glass substrate and the lower contact layer;an infrared (IR) reflecting layer comprising silver located on an directly contacting the lower contact layer;an upper contact layer located on and directly contacting the IR reflecting layer, wherein the upper contact layer comprises an oxide of Ni and Ti,wherein the two largest metals by content in the upper contact layer are Ni and Ti;wherein the upper contact layer comprises more Ti than Ni, andwherein metal content of the upper contact layer comprises from about 70-90% Ti (weight percentage).24. An insulated glass (IG) unit , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00023', 'claim 23'}, 'the coated article of ; and'}a second glass substrate being substantially parallel to and spaced apart from the coated article.25. The coated article of claim 23 , wherein the upper contact layer comprises Ni:Ti in a ratio of about 20:80 ( ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Alloy oxide overcoat indium tin oxide coatings, coated glazings, and production methods

Номер: US20220041495A1
Принадлежит: Cardinal CG Co

The invention provides transparent conductive coatings based on indium tin oxide. The coating has an oxide overcoat, such as an alloy oxide overcoat. In some embodiments, the coating further includes one or more overcoat films comprising silicon nitride, silicon oxynitride, silicon dioxide, or titanium dioxide.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041497A1

An insulating glass (IG) window unit including first and second glass substrates that are spaced apart from each other. At least one of the glass substrate has a triple silver low-emissivity (low-E) coating on one major side thereof, and a dielectric coating for improving angular stability on the other major side thereof 113-. (canceled)14. An insulating glass (IG) widow unit comprising:first and second glass substrates;wherein the first glass substrate supports a low-E coating and an angular reduction dielectric coating on respective opposite major surfaces thereof, respectively;wherein the low-E coating comprises a plurality of infrared (IR) reflecting layers, wherein at least a first dielectric layer of the low-E coating is provided between at least first and second of the IR reflecting layers;wherein the angular reduction dielectric coating, which is on a side of the first glass substrate opposite the low-E coating, comprises a plurality of high index and low index layers, wherein at least one high index layer of the angular reduction dielectric coating comprises an oxide of titanium and/or niobium; andwherein the low-E coating and the angular reduction dielectric coating are configured so that the IG window unit has a AC value of no greater than 3.0 as viewed from an exterior of the IG window unit across a range of angles of at least 85 degrees from a normal viewing angle which is perpendicular to the IG window unit, and {'br': None, 'i': C', 'a−a', 'b−b, 'sub': o', 'o, 'sup': 2', '2', '1/2, 'Δ=[()+[()]'}, 'wherein AC is defined as'}{'sub': o', 'o, 'where “a” is an a* color value at the normal viewing angle, and “a” is an a* color viewing angle at the off-axis viewing angle, “b” is a b* color value at the normal viewing angle, and “b” is a b* color viewing angle at the off-axis viewing angle.'}15. The IG window unit of claim 14 , wherein the low-E coating and the dielectric coating are configured so that the IG window unit has an LSG value of at least 2.2 claim ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Optical Device with Aerogel Tiling Technology

Номер: US20220042369A1
Автор: Burrows Keith James

The invention provides an optical device comprising a glass assembly unit. The glass assembly unit comprises two glass sheets and a plurality of aerogel sheets. The aerogel sheets are arranged in a tiled configuration between the two glass sheets so as to cover a majority of a unit area of the glass assembly unit. In some embodiments, the tiled configuration is characterized by each of the aerogel sheets being spaced from an adjacent one of the aerogel sheets by a gap distance of no greater than 5 mm. In other embodiments, the tiled configuration is characterized by each of the aerogel sheets being in edge-to-edge contact with at least one adjacent aerogel sheet. 1. An optical device comprising a multiple-pane insulating glazing unit , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit comprising two glass sheets and a between-pane space , the between-pane space being located between the two glass sheets , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit further comprising a plurality of aerogel sheets arranged in a tiled configuration , the plurality of aerogel sheets being arranged in the tiled configuration inside the between-pane space and being adhered to an interior surface of a first one of the two glass sheets , the tiled configuration characterized by each of the aerogel sheets being spaced from an adjacent one of the aerogel sheets by a gap , each gap having a distance of no greater than 5 mm.2. The optical device of wherein the distance of each gap is in a range of from 20 μm to 2 mm.3. The optical device of wherein each gap contains only gas.4. The optical device of wherein each of the aerogel sheets has a length and a width of at least 10 cm claim 1 , and wherein for each of the aerogel sheets the length claim 1 , the width claim 1 , or both are less than 1 m.5. The optical device of wherein the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit has a vision area claim 1 , and the aerogel sheets are arranged so as to cover a majority of the vision area.6. The optical device of ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Double-Pane Insulating Glazing Units

Номер: US20220042370A1
Автор: Burrows Keith James

The invention provides a double-pane insulating glazing unit having a single between-pane space. The single between-pane space is located between the two glass panes. Preferably, the double-pane insulating glazing unit is devoid of a third glass pane. The double-pane insulating glazing unit has an aerogel layer located in the between-pane space. 1. A double-pane insulating glazing unit , the double-pane insulating glazing unit having a single between-pane space and two glass panes , such that the single between-pane space is located between the two glass panes , and the double-pane insulating glazing unit is devoid of a third glass pane , the double-pane insulating glazing unit having an aerogel layer and a low-emissivity coating , the low-emissivity coating being on an interior surface of a first one of the two glass panes , the aerogel layer being on an interior surface of a second one of the two glass panes , such that the low-emissivity coating and the aerogel layer are both located in the between-pane space , the low-emissivity coating and the aerogel layer being separated from each other by a gas gap , the gas gap containing a gaseous atmosphere , the double-pane insulating glazing unit having a U factor in a range of from 0.11 to 0.21 Btu/(h·f·° F.) , a visible transmission in a range of 0.64 to 0.76 , and a haze of from 0.5% to 4%.2. The double-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the U factor is less than 0.2 Btu/(h·f·° F.) but greater than 0.14 Btu/(h·f·° F.) claim 1 , and the visible transmission is greater than 0.65 but less than 0.76.3. The double-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the haze is from 1-2%.4. The double-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the double-pane insulating glazing unit has a transmitted color characterized by an an coordinate in a range of from 0 to −6 and a bcoordinate in a range of from −1 to 5.5. The double-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the double-pane insulating glazing unit has a transmitted color ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024410A1

Certain example embodiments relate to ultra-fast laser treatment of silver-inclusive (low-emissivity) low-E coatings, coated articles including such coatings, and/or associated methods. The low-E coating is formed on a substrate (e.g., borosilicate or soda lime silica glass), with the low-E coating including at least one sputter-deposited silver-based layer, and with each said silver-based layer being sandwiched between one or more dielectric layers. The low-E coating is exposed to laser pulses having a duration of no more than 10seconds, a wavelength of 355-500 nm, and an energy density of more than 30 kW/cm. The exposing is performed so as to avoid increasing temperature of the low-E coating to more than 300 degrees C. while also reducing (a) grain boundaries with respect to, and vacancies in, each said silver-based layer, (b) each said silver-based layer's refractive index, and (c) emissivity of the low-E coating compared to its as-deposited form. 1. A method of making a coated article , the method comprising:forming a low-emissivity (low-E) coating on a substrate, the low-E coating comprising at least one sputter-deposited silver-based layer, each said silver-based layer being sandwiched between one or more dielectric layers; and{'sup': 12', '2, "exposing the low-E coating to laser pulses having a duration of no more than 10seconds, a wavelength of 355-500 nm, and an energy density of more than 30 kW/cm, the exposing being performed so as to avoid increasing temperature of the low-E coating to more than 300 degrees C. while also reducing (a) a number of grain boundaries with respect to each said silver-based layer, (b) a number of vacancies in each said silver-based layer, (c) each said silver-based layer's refractive index, and (d) emissivity of the low-E coating compared to its as-deposited form."}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the at least one sputter-deposited silver-based layers has an Ag (111) particle size (nm) of at least 13.2 as ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024891A1

A method for manufacturing a pillar supply sheet is a method for manufacturing a pillar supply sheet including a plurality of pillars, a carrier sheet, and an adhesion layer between each of the pillars and the carrier sheet, the method including a pillar forming step. The pillar forming step is a step of forming the plurality of pillars by subjecting the base member to an etching process or a laser irradiation process and removing an unnecessary portion from the base member after the process. 1. A method for manufacturing a pillar supply sheet including a plurality of pillars for maintenance of a distance between a first substrate and a second substrate included in a glass panel unit , a carrier sheet on which the plurality of pillars are arranged apart from each other , and an adhesion layer between the carrier sheet and the plurality of pillars , the method comprising:a pillar forming step of forming the plurality of pillars by subjecting a base member to an etching process or a laser irradiation process and removing an unnecessary portion from the base member.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:a preparation step of preparing an in-process product including the carrier sheet, the adhesion layer on the carrier sheet, and the base member on the adhesion layer, whereinthe pillar forming step is performed after the preparation step.3. The method of claim 2 , whereinthe carrier sheet has a higher transmittance of a laser beam than the base member, andin the pillar forming step, the base member bonded to the carrier sheet is subjected to the laser irradiation process.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:a disposition step of disposing, on the carrier sheet, the plurality of pillars formed in the pillar forming step.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhesion layer is configured to weakly adhere to the plurality of pillars.6. The method of claim 5 , whereinthe adhesion layer has an adhesive strength of 1N/25 mm or less.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024892A1

The glass panel unit includes a first glass panel, a second glass panel, a seal, an evacuated space, and a spacer. The second glass panel is placed opposite the first glass panel. The seal with a frame shape hermetically bonds the first glass panel and the second glass panel to each other. The evacuated space is enclosed by the first glass panel, the second glass panel, and the seal. The spacer is placed between the first glass panel and the second glass panel. The spacer includes a stack of two or more films including at least one resin film. 1. A glass panel unit comprising:a first glass panel;a second glass panel placed opposite the first glass panel;a seal with a frame shape hermetically bonding the first glass panel and the second glass panel to each other;an evacuated space enclosed by the first glass panel, the second glass panel, and the seal; andat least one spacer placed between the first glass panel and the second glass panel,the at least one spacer including a stack, one or more bonding layers; and', 'two or more films including at least one or two resin films,, 'the stack includingthe two or more films being bonded to each other with the one or more bonding layers, andthe two or more films being in the same shape with each other.2. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one spacer includes two resin films, andthe two resin films of the stack are adjacent to the first glass panel and the second glass panel, respectively.3. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe at least one or two resin films are polyimide films.4. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe at least one spacer contains at least one material selected from glass, metal, ceramic, and graphite.5. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe two or more films are bonded to each other with polyamide acid.6. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe one or more bonding layers are thinner than each of the two or more films.7. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024893A1
Автор: JEONG Sang-Su, KIM Gwan-Ho

The present invention relates to a double glazed window of a polycarbonate layer and, specifically, to a double glazed window of a polycarbonate layer, comprising an outer glass layer and an inner polycarbonate layer so as to have improved heat insulation and earthquake resistance. The double glazed window of a polycarbonate layer comprises: a glass layer forming an outer layer; a polycarbonate layer forming an inner layer; a vacuum layer (VL) formed between the glass layer and the polycarbonate layer; and sealing means for sealing the VL while coupling the glass layer and the polycarbonate layer. 1. A double glazed window with a polycarbonate layer , comprising:a glass layer to form an outer layer;a polycarbonate layer to form an inner layer;a vacuum layer (VL) formed between the glass layer and the polycarbonate layer; andsealing means for sealing the vacuum layer (VL) while binding the glass layer and the polycarbonate layer.2. The double glazed window according to claim 1 , wherein the vacuum layer (VL) is formed using a porous vacuum material layer.3. The double glazed window according to claim 1 , further comprising an aluminum oxide layer provided on one side of the polycarbonate layer.4. The double glazed window according to claim 1 , wherein the polycarbonate layer is made of polycarbonate foam which has a density of 0.35 to 1.10 g/cmand a cell size of 5.0 to 18.0 μm. The present invention relates to a double glazed window of a polycarbonate layer, and particularly, a double glazed window with a polycarbonate layer, which includes an outer glass layer and an inner polycarbonate layer so as to have improved thermal insulation properties and earthquake resistance.A window as the means for ventilation and lighting of a room may be made of various materials that can ensure permeability and thermal insulation. In general, the window may be made of glass as a transparent material. However, glass has low thermal insulation properties and may be fabricated into a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024894A1

The invention provides a glazing sheet and a coating on the glazing sheet. The coating comprises, in sequence moving outwardly from the glazing sheet, a dielectric base coat comprising oxide film, nitride film, or oxynitride film, a first infrared-reflective layer, a first nickel-aluminum blocker layer in contact with the first infrared-reflective layer, a first dielectric spacer coat comprising an oxide film in contact with the first nickel-aluminum blocker layer, a second infrared-reflective layer, a second nickel-aluminum blocker layer in contact with the second infrared-reflective layer, a second dielectric spacer coat comprising an oxide film in contact with the second nickel-aluminum blocker layer, a third infrared-reflective layer, a third nickel-aluminum blocker layer in contact with the third infrared-reflective layer, and a dielectric top coat comprising an oxide film in contact with the third nickel-aluminum blocker layer. Also provided are methods of depositing such a coating. 1. A multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating on a substrate , the substrate being a sheet of glass , the multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating comprising three infrared-reflective layers and a nickel-aluminum blocker film such that the multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating includes at least one contiguous sequence of , moving outwardly away from the substrate , a zinc tin oxide film , a silver or silver-containing film , and the nickel-aluminum blocker film.2. The multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating of wherein the multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating has only one nickel-aluminum blocker film.3. The multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating of wherein the contiguous sequence further comprises an oxide film directly over the nickel-aluminum blocker film.4. The multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating of wherein said multiple-cavity controlled transmission coating has been heat-treated in air claim 1 , and nickel metal ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Insulating glazing

Номер: US20160032639A1
Принадлежит: AGC Glass Europe SA

The invention relates to an insulating double glazing comprising a sheet of glass which has on the face ( 2 ) assembly of layers known as low-emissivity layers, produced by sputtering and comprising at least one infrared-reflecting metallic layer, the other glass sheet comprising on the face ( 4 ) one or more metal oxide layers deposited by gas pyrolysis, the space located between the sheets being sealed and filled with insulating gas composed of krypton for at least 86% by volume and at most 5% of air, this glazing having a light transmission which is no less than 60% (for thickness of the clear glass sheets of 4 mm).

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049541A1
Автор: Kim Jungho, TIWARI Ratnesh

A low-cost high-performance Vacuum Insulated Glass is produced with three glass panes and bonding fiber mesh structures embedded between the glass panes. Each mesh structure is configured with elongated bonding fiber elements arranged in a grid configuration. The bonding fiber elements are formed with a fiber core covered with a low melting temperature material. The low melting temperature material melts upon heating and creates numerous vacuum sealed cells between the glass panes. The fiber core does not melt, and remains intact bonded to the glass panes, thus creating a support mechanism for supporting the glass panes at a spaced apart relationship. 1. A low-cost high-performance Vacuum Insulated Glass (VIG) , comprising:at least a first glass pane and at least a second glass pane stacked relative to said at least the first glass pane in spaced apart relationship therewith, thus defining a gap therebetween,a first bonding mechanism disposed in said gap defined between said at least first and second glass panes, anda first support mechanism disposed in said gap between said at least first and second glass panes,wherein said first bonding mechanism includes at least a first plurality and at least a second plurality of elongated bonding elements extending in crossing relationship substantially continuously within said gap between said at least first and second glass panes, thus forming at least a first mesh structure embedded in said at least one gap and bonding said at least first and second glass panes together along said elongated bonding elements; anda plurality of vacuum sealed cells defined between said at least first and second glass panes by said first mesh structure, each vacuum sealed cell being sealed along a periphery thereof by respective portions of said at least first and second elongated bonding elements crossing each other at respective crossing points.2. The Vacuum Insulated Glass of claim 1 , wherein said at least first mesh structure further ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032159A1
Автор: Hartig Klaus

Low-emissivity coatings that are highly reflective to infrared-radiation. The coating includes three infrared-reflection film regions, which may each include silver. 1. A method for depositing film onto a glass sheet , the method comprising:a) providing a coater having an extended series of sputtering chambers and a path of substrate travel extending through the sputtering chambers, the coater including downward coating equipment mounted above the path of substrate travel, the extended series of sputtering chambers including at least 60 sputtering chambers, at least some of the sputtering chambers being adapted for downward sputtering and including upper sputtering targets mounted above the path of substrate travel;b) conveying the glass sheet along the path of substrate travel in a generally horizontal orientation wherein a top major surface of the glass sheet is oriented upwardly and a bottom major surface of the glass sheet is oriented downwardly; andc) operating the downward coating equipment to deposit upon the top major surface of the glass sheet a coating including a sequence of at least seven film regions comprising, moving outwardly from the top major surface of the glass sheet, a first transparent dielectric film region, a first infrared-reflective film region comprising silver, a second transparent dielectric film region, a second infrared-reflective film region comprising silver, a third transparent dielectric film region, a third infrared-reflective film region comprising silver, and a fourth transparent dielectric film region;the method comprising depositing said at least seven film regions in a single pass of the glass sheet through the coater, and wherein during this single pass the glass sheet is conveyed at a conveyance rate of 300 inches per minute or faster.2. The method of wherein the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third infrared-reflective film regions comprising silver are each deposited at a thickness of between about 50 angstroms and ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Wall element for a curtain wall with a compartment for a wing and a sealing element

Номер: US20200032510A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sealing to seal a wall element with a fixed frame having mullions and transoms with perpendicular ends with which the transoms are attached between the mullions. The fixed frame is fitted with at least one compartment with a rebate for a frame part with an infill element to create a wing that opens, or to replace a damaged infill element, where the seal is intended to create a windproof and watertight connection between the mullions and transoms in the corners of an aforementioned compartment, where the seal is made as a corner piece that is formed and sized such that, on the level of the corners to be sealed, it fits in the form of the rebate in the mullion and transom in question and overlaps and covers the connection between this mullion and transom at the level of the rebate.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032926A1

A window structure includes first, second, and third glass layers. The third glass layer is positioned between the first and second glass layers. First and second low thermal emissivity coatings are on respective first and second opposing surfaces of the third glass layer to form a Fabry-Perot etalon that is configured as a bandpass filter having a designated frequency passband that includes at least one frequency in a range of frequencies from (6) gigahertz to (80) gigahertz. 1. A window structure comprising:first and second glass layers;a third glass layer positioned between the first and second glass layers; andfirst and second low thermal emissivity coatings on respective first and second opposing surfaces of the third glass layer to form a Fabry-Perot etalon that is configured as a bandpass filter having a designated frequency passband that includes at least one frequency in a range of frequencies from 6 gigahertz to 80 gigahertz.2. The window structure of claim 1 , wherein the third glass layer is positioned between the first and second glass layers to form a first cavity between the first glass layer and the third glass layer and to form a second cavity between the second glass layer and the third glass layer.3. The window structure of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the first surface and the first glass layer is less than a distance between the second surface and the first glass layer;wherein the first glass layer is adhered to the first low thermal emissivity coating;wherein the third glass layer is positioned between the first and second glass layers to form a cavity between the second glass layer and the third glass layer;wherein the first glass layer is configured to face an exterior of a building when the window structure is installed; andwherein the second glass layer is configured to face an interior of the building when the window structure is installed.4. The window structure of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the first surface and the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038151A1
Автор: Clarahan Gregory L.

A glass unit including a spacer, a front glass pane attached to a front side of the spacer, a back glass pane attached to a back side of the spacer, and a pressure equalization conduit defined by and within the spacer, wherein the pressure equalization conduit has a first end and a second end, wherein the pressure equalization conduit contains a desiccant and is in fluid communication with an exterior of the glass unit at a first end port adjacent to the first end and with an interior space of the glass unit at a second end port adjacent to the second end. The glass unit may further include one or more intermediate layers contained within the interior space and one or more floating suspension systems for supporting the intermediate layers. 1. A glass unit comprising:(a) a spacer defining a perimeter of the glass unit, wherein the spacer has a front side, a back side, an interior perimeter edge and an exterior perimeter edge;(b) a front glass pane attached to the front side of the spacer;(c) a back glass pane attached to the back side of the spacer, wherein the front glass pane and the back glass pane are maintained by the spacer in a spaced-apart parallel relationship which defines an interior space of the glass unit between the front glass pane and the back glass pane;(d) a pressure equalization conduit in fluid communication with an exterior of the glass unit and in fluid communication with the interior space of the glass unit, wherein the pressure equalization conduit contains a desiccant;(e) an intermediate layer contained within the interior space of the glass unit, wherein the intermediate layer has a perimeter; and (i) a film bar attached to the film layer around the perimeter of the film layer, wherein the film bar is comprised of a plurality of film bar members arranged around the perimeter of the film layer, and wherein each of the film bar members is comprised of a pair of members attached to opposing sides of the film layer so that the film layer is ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038153A1

A dosage device for extruding a bicomponent or a monocomponent sealant, particularly for an automatic machine for sealing a perimetric edge of an insulating glazing unit constituted by at least two glass sheets and by at least one spacer frame, having a finite width, is arranged proximate to the perimeter at a finite distance from the margin of the glass sheets, includes a first dosage assembly and a separate second dosage assembly for the dosage and feeding of the sealant, which can be activated alternately, in a first feeding step and in a third feeding step, so that one of them provides flow continuity to an extrusion nozzle while the other one is in the reloading step. The first and second dosage assemblies are activatable, in a second swapping step that is intermediate with respect to the first and third feeding steps, simultaneously and jointly, one of them having a flow-rate ramp that passes from the steady-state value to zero and the other one complementarily having a flow-rate ramp that passes from zero to the steady-state value. 1. A dosage device for extruding a bicomponent or a monocomponent sealant , for an automatic machine for sealing a perimetric edge of an insulating glazing unit constituted by at least two glass sheets and by at least one spacer frame , having a finite width , which is arranged proximate to the perimeter at a finite distance from the margin of said glass sheets , comprising a first dosage assembly and a separate second dosage assembly for the dosage and feeding of said sealant , which can be activated alternately , in a first feeding step and in a third feeding step , so that one of them provides flow continuity to an extrusion nozzle while the other one is in the reloading step , said first and second dosage assemblies being activatable , in a second swapping step that is intermediate with respect to said first and third feeding steps , simultaneously and jointly , one of them having a flow-rate ramp that passes from the steady- ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040268A1

A coated article is provided with a low-emissivity (low-E) coating on a glass substrate. The low-E coating includes an infrared (IR) reflecting layer between at least a pair of dielectric layers. The IR reflecting layer may be of silver or the like. The coating is designed so as to provide a highly transparent coated article that is thermally stable upon optional heat treatment and which can be made to have a low emissivity in a consistent manner. The coating is designed to have improved IR reflecting layer quality, and thus reduced tolerances with respect to manufacturability of desired emissivity values. The coated article may be used in monolithic window applications, IG window applications, or the like. 134-. (canceled)35. A coated article including a coating supported by a glass substrate , the coating comprising moving away from the glass substrate:a dielectric layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride;a layer comprising zinc stannate;a layer comprising zinc oxide located over and directly contacting the layer comprising zinc stannate;an infrared (IR) reflecting layer comprising silver located on the substrate over and directly contacting the layer comprising zinc oxide; anda layer comprising metal oxide located over at least the IR reflecting layer comprising silver;wherein the coating contains only one silver based IR reflecting layer;{'sub': 'n', 'wherein the coating has a normal emissivity (E) of no greater than 7%, and measured monolithically the coated article has a visible transmission of at least 75%.'}36. The coated article of claim 35 , wherein the layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride contains at least three times as much nitrogen as oxygen.37. The coated article of claim 35 , wherein the layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride contains at least four times as much nitrogen as oxygen.38. The coated article of claim 35 , wherein a ratio of Zr/Si (atomic) is from 0.30 to 0.47 in the layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride.39. ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Insulating glass unit fluid exchange assembly and method

Номер: US20190040674A1
Принадлежит: GED Integrated Solutions Inc

A fluid exchanging system and method for use in exchanging fluids in insulating glass units (IGUs). The fluid exchanging system includes an articulating arm having a plurality of members and arms to allow movement about multiple axes defined by the articulating arm, an optical sensor system, coupled to the articulating arm, for identifying an opening in a spacer frame of an IGU, and a fluid exchanging apparatus releasably couplable to the articulating arm. The fluid exchanging apparatus also includes a fluid exchanging head for evacuating atmospheric air from the IGU and dispensing fluid into the IGU.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039874A1

Certain example embodiments relate to ultra-fast laser treatment of silver-inclusive (low-emissivity) low-E coatings, coated articles including such coatings, and/or associated methods. The low-E coating is formed on a substrate (e.g., borosilicate or soda lime silica glass), with the low-E coating including at least one sputter-deposited silver-based layer, and with each said silver-based layer being sandwiched between one or more dielectric layers. The low-E coating is exposed to laser pulses having a duration of no more than 10seconds, a wavelength of 355-500 nm, and an energy density of more than 30 kW/cm. The exposing is performed so as to avoid increasing temperature of the low-E coating to more than 300 degrees C. while also reducing (a) grain boundaries with respect to, and vacancies in, each said silver-based layer, (b) each said silver-based layer's refractive index, and (c) emissivity of the low-E coating compared to its as-deposited form. 1. A method of making a coated article , the method comprising:forming a low-emissivity (low-E) coating on a substrate, the low-E coating comprising at least one sputter-deposited silver-based layer, each said silver-based layer being sandwiched between one or more dielectric layers; and{'sup': −12', '2, "exposing the low-E coating to laser pulses having a duration of no more than 10seconds, a wavelength of 355-500 nm, and an energy density of more than 30 kW/cm, the exposing being performed so as to avoid increasing temperature of the low-E coating to more than 300 degrees C. while also reducing (a) grain boundaries with respect to, and vacancies in, each said silver-based layer, (b) each said silver-based layer's refractive index, and (c) emissivity of the low-E coating compared to its as-deposited form."}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is borosilicate glass.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is soda lime silica glass.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each said silver-based layer is ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047878A1

A vacuum insulating glazing unit includes a first glass pane having a thickness Z, and a second glass pane made of prestressed glass having a thickness, Z, where Z is greater than Z (Z>Z) The glazing unit also includes a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes and a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter. A vacuum of pressure less than 0.1 mbar is created in an internal volume V. A thickness ratio, Z/Z, of the thickness of the first glass pane, Z, to the thickness of the second glass pane, Z, is equal to or greater than 1.30 (Z/Z≥1.30). 1. A vacuum insulating glazing unit extending along a plane , P , defined by a longitudinal axis , X , and a vertical axis , Z , comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'a. a first glass pane having a thickness Z, and a second glass pane having a thickness, Z, wherein the thicknesses are measured in a direction normal to the plane, P, and wherein Z is greater than Z (Z>Z);'}b. a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes and maintaining a distance between the first and the second glass panes;c. a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter thereof; and{'b': 0', '1, 'd. an internal volume, V, defined by the first and second glass panes and the set of discrete spacers and closed by the hermetically bonding seal and wherein a vacuum of pressure less than . mbar is created,'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein a thickness ratio, Z/Z, of the thickness of the first glass pane, Z, to the thickness of the second glass pane, Z, is equal to or greater than 1.30 (Z/Z≥1.30), and'}wherein the second glass pane is made of prestressed glass.21212. A vacuum insulating glazing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness ratio claim 1 , Z/Z claim 1 , is equal to or greater than 1.55 (Z/Z≥1.55).311. A vacuum insulating glazing unit according ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123578A1

A bio-inspired window can be created by applying one or more heat exchange layers to one or more surfaces of a window of a building, boat, vehicle or any other structure. The heat exchange layer can include an interconnected network or array of channels or microchannels that can be used to flow a fluid over the surface of the window. The fluid can be used to heat or cool the surface of the window panel to control the flow of heat across the window and reduce the heating or cooling energy load of building. The fluid can be heated or cooled using the ambient air in the building. The refractive index of the fluid can be adjusted to change of optical transparency properties of the window. In some embodiments, the window can appear nearly as clear as an ordinary panel of glass. In other embodiments, the window can color, block or scatter the incoming light. 1. A transparent medium forming a window comprising:a first transparent layer bonded to a second transparent layer;the second transparent layer including a plurality of channels defining spaces between the first transparent layer and the second transparent layer or within one layer to allow a fluid to flow through the spaces defined by the channels;a first inlet port connected to at least one of the plurality of channels to allow a fluid input to the first inlet port to flow into the at least one channel; anda first outlet port connected to at least one of the plurality of channels to allow a fluid from the at least one channel to flow out through the outlet port.2. The transparent medium according to wherein the first transparent layer is formed from a material in the group comprising glass claim 1 , crystal claim 1 , transparent plastic claim 1 , polydimethylsiloxane claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , or polysulphonate.3. The transparent medium according to wherein the second transparent layer is formed from a material in the group comprising glass claim 1 , crystal ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065027A1

A vacuum insulating glazing unit extends along a plane P, defined by a longitudinal axis X, and a vertical axis Z, and has a length L, and a width W. The glazing unit includes a first glass pane with an inner pane face and an outer pane face, with a thickness Z1, and an energetical absorptance EA. A second glass pane has an inner pane face and an outer pane face, with a thickness Z2, and an energetical absorptance EA. The second glass pane bears an infrared reflective coating on its inner pane face. A set of discrete spacers is positioned between the first and second glass panes and forms an array having a pitch λ, between 10 mm and 35 mm. A hermetically bonding seal seals the distance between the first and second glass panes. The first glass pane is thicker than the second glass pane (Z>Z).

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065028A1

A fenestration assembly includes a glazing unit includes a pane spacer between exterior and interior panes proximate glazing unit edges. A fenestration frame is coupled around the glazing unit and includes a frame core extending around the glazing unit. The frame core includes a unitary core wall including a composite material that is hollow and extends continuously from a core interior face to a core exterior face. A metal glazing cap is coupled with the frame core. The metal glazing cap having a cap end indirectly engaged with the glazing unit along the interior pane, and the cap end is remote from the pane spacer. Each of the core exterior face, the pane spacer and the metal glazing cap are thermally isolated from each other with the frame core including the unitary core wall.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Panelized Shadow Box

Номер: US20190048652A1

In a method of supplying an element for covering a non-vision area in a curtain wall on an architectural structure, a plurality of shadow boxes is prefabricated at a location remote from both a unitized curtain wall assembly shop and the architectural structure. The shadow boxes are prefabricated by sealing an interior spacer between a vision glass panel and a back structure. The back structure includes an insulating material surrounded by a rigid envelope. The vision glass panel, the back structure and the interior spacer define a hermetically sealed void therein. A structural seal is applied about the interior spacer and is affixed to the peripheral edge of the vision glass, the interior spacer and the back structure. The plurality of shadow boxes is then delivered to a selected one of the unitized curtain wall assembly shop and the architectural site. 1. A shadow box for use with an architectural curtain wall system , comprising:(a) a vision glass panel having an outside surface, an opposite inside surface and a peripheral edge;(b) an opaque back structure, having a peripheral edge, the opaque back structure including an insulating material that is sealed inside of rigid metal envelope disposed around the insulating material so that the insulating material is sealed inside of a continuous air and vapor barrier, the metal envelope having a rigidity sufficient to prevent damage to the insulating material;(c) an interior spacer, defining a plurality of chambers therein in which a desiccant is placed, disposed along the peripheral edge of the inside surface of the vision glass panel and along the peripheral edge of the opaque back structure so as to hold the vision glass panel in a spaced apart relationship from the opaque back structure;(d) a first polyisobutylene seal that seals the interior spacer to the vision glass panel and a second polyisobutylene seal that seals the interior spacer to the opaque back structure so that the vision glass panel, the opaque back ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054682A1

A vacuum insulating glazing unit is described. The vacuum insulating glazing unit has a first glass pane and a second glass pane; a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes, maintaining a distance between the first and the second glass panes; a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter thereof; an internal volume defined by the first and second glass panes and the set of discrete spacers and closed by the hermetically bonding seal, where the internal volume has an absolute vacuum pressure of less than 0.1 mbar. The outer pane face of the second glass pane is laminated to at least one glass sheet by at least one polymer interlayer forming a laminated assembly. 1. A vacuum insulating glazing unit extending along a plane , P , defined by a longitudinal axis , X , and a vertical axis , Z , the vacuum insulating glazing unit comprising:{'b': '2', 'a first glass pane having a thickness, and a second glass pane having a thickness, Z, wherein the thicknesses are measured in a direction normal to the plane, P, wherein the first and second glass panes each have an inner pane face and an outer pane face;'}a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes, maintaining a distance between the first and second glass panes;a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter thereof; andan internal volume, V, defined by the first and second glass panes and the set of discrete spacers and closed by the hermetically bonding seal, the internal volume, V, having an absolute vacuum of pressure of less than 0.1 mbar, and wherein the inner pane faces of both the first and second glass panes face the internal volume, V;{'b': '1', 'wherein the thickness of the first glass pane, Z, is equal to or greater to than 6 mm,'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein a thickness ratio, Z/Z, of the thickness of the first glass pane ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054683A1

A vacuum insulating glazing unit is described. The vacuum insulating glazing unit has a first glass pane and a second glass pane; a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes, maintaining a distance between the first and the second glass panes; a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter thereof; an internal volume defined by the first and second glass panes and the set of discrete spacers and closed by the hermetically bonding seal, where the internal volume has an absolute vacuum pressure of less than 0.1 mbar; and an absolute difference between a coefficient of thermal expansion of the first glass pane and a coefficient of thermal expansion of the second glass pane is at most 0.40*10/° C. 1. A vacuum insulating glazing unit extending along a plane , P , defined by a longitudinal axis , X , and a vertical axis , Z; the vacuum insulating glazing unit having a width , W , measured along the longitudinal axis , X , and a length , L , measured along the vertical axis , Z , and comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'sup': '−6', 'a first glass pane having a thickness Z, and a second glass pane having a thickness, Z, wherein the thicknesses are measured in a direction normal to the plane, P, wherein Z is greater than Z, wherein the first and second glass panes are float annealed glass panes; and wherein the first glass pane has a coefficient of thermal expansion, CTE, and the second glass pane has a coefficient of thermal expansion, CTE, and an absolute difference between CTE and CTE is at most 0.40*10/° C.;'}a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes, maintaining a distance between the first and second glass panes and forming an array having a pitch, λ;a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter thereof;an internal volume, V, defined by the first and second glass ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Glass panel unit, glass window, and method for manufacturing glass panel unit

Номер: US20180051506A1

The glass panel unit includes a first glass substrate, a second glass substrate, a sealing member, an inside space, and a plurality of spacers. The inside space is hermetically enclosed by the first glass substrate, the second glass substrate, and the sealing member, and has reduced pressure. The plurality of spacers are placed in the inside space. At least one of the first glass substrate and the second glass substrate is a wire-embedded glass panel with a wire structure embedded therein. The plurality of spacers are arranged so as to overlap with part of the wire structure in a plan view.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060948A1

The invention provides flash-treated transparent conductive coatings based on indium tin oxide. Some embodiments provide a multiple-pane insulating glazing unit that includes two glass panes and a between-pane space. The two glass panes respectively define two opposed external pane surfaces. At least one of the two external pane surfaces has a flash-treated transparent conductive oxide coating. 1. A multiple-pane insulating glazing unit comprising two glass panes and a between-pane space , the two glass panes respectively defining two opposed external pane surfaces , a desired one of the two external pane surfaces having a flash-treated transparent conductive oxide coating such that a desired one of the two glass panes is a coated glass pane , said coated glass pane being annealed glass having a surface stress of less than 3 ,500 psi , the coating comprising a flash-treated indium tin oxide film and an overcoat film on the flash-treated indium tin oxide film , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film having a thickness of less than 1 ,800 Å , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film being a sputtered film having a surface roughness of less than 3 nm , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film having a sheet resistance of less than 15 Ω/square in combination with said coated pane having a monolithic visible transmittance of greater than 0.82 , the flash-treated indium tin oxide film having an optical bandgap of 370 nm or shorter and being characterized by a pre-flash optical bandgap of 400 nm or longer , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit including an internal pane surface bearing a low-emissivity coating that has only one film comprising silver , the film comprising silver containing at least 50% silver by weight , the low-emissivity coating being exposed to the between-pane space , the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit having a U value of less than 0.25 together with an IGU visible transmission of greater than 75%.2. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055775A1

Disclosed herein is a glass panel unit including: a first panel including at least a first glass plate; a second panel arranged to face the first panel and including at least a second glass plate; a frame member formed in a shape of a frame corresponding in shape to respective peripheral portions which extend along edges of the first panel and the second panel, and bonded to the peripheral portions; and at least one spacer provided in a vacuum space between the first panel and the second panel. The at least one spacer contains a polyimide. The polyimide has an absorption edge at which an absorption index decreases in an optical absorption spectrum ranging from an ultraviolet ray to visible radiation. The absorption edge is equal to or less than 400 nm. 1. A glass panel unit comprising:a first panel including at least a first glass plate;a second panel arranged to face the first panel and including at least a second glass plate;a frame member formed in a shape of a frame, corresponding in shape to respective peripheral portions of the first panel and the second panel extending along edges thereof, and bonded to the peripheral portions; andat least one spacer provided in a vacuum space between the first panel and the second panel,the at least one spacer containing a polyimide,the polyimide having an absorption edge at which an absorption index decreases in an optical absorption spectrum ranging from an ultraviolet ray to visible radiation, the absorption edge being equal to or less than 400 nm.2. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe polyimide comprises an alicyclic structure.3. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe polyimide includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a fluorine group and a chlorine group.4. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe absorption edge of the polyimide is less than a wavelength at which optical transmittance of the first glass plate and the second glass plate decreases.5. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055776A1

A glass panel unit includes: a first panel; a second panel facing the first panel; a sealing member bonded to respective facing peripheral portions of the first panel and the second panel; and at least one spacer provided in a reduced pressure space between the first panel and the second panel. The at least one spacer includes a resin body and at least one ultraviolet protective layer provided on a surface of the resin body. 1. A glass panel unit comprising:a first panel including at least a first glass plate;a second panel facing the first panel and including at least a second glass plate;a sealing member formed in a frame shape and bonded hermetically to respective facing peripheral portions of the first panel and the second panel; andat least one spacer provided in an inner space between the first panel and the second panel,the inner space being a reduced pressure space,the at least one spacer including a resin body and at least one ultraviolet protective layer provided on a surface of the resin body.2. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe ultraviolet protective layer is a metallic thin film.3. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe ultraviolet protective layer is a resin layer with ultraviolet protection ability.4. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe ultraviolet protective layer includes a first ultraviolet protective layer adjacent to the first panel and a second ultraviolet protective layer adjacent to the second panel.5. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe resin body includes a polyimide.6. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , whereinthe resin body is formed of at least one resin sheet.7. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a third panel arranged to face the second panel and including at least a third glass plate;a second sealing member formed in a frame shape and bonded hermetically to respective facing peripheral portions of the second panel and the third panel; anda dry gas enclosed in a second inner space that ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063034A1
Автор: Nakamura Takuju

A structural body includes a refrigerant between a first plate and a second plate. A circulation structural part between the first and second plates includes a reservoir portion provided on a first plate side. In the circulation structural part, the refrigerant from the reservoir portion which has evaporated due to heat of the first plate side reaches a second plate side, condenses on the second plate side and is returned to the reservoir portion again. A temperature sensitive mechanism is in a first state when a temperature of the first plate side is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature to allow refrigerant circulation, and is in a second state different from the first state when the temperature is lower than the predetermined temperature to prohibit the refrigerant circulation. 1. A structural body comprising:a first plate and a second plate;a refrigerant that is enclosed between the first plate and the second plate;a circulation structural part provided in a space between the first plate and the second plate and comprising a reservoir portion for the refrigerant provided on a first plate side, the circulation structural part in which the refrigerant from the reservoir portion which has evaporated due to heat of the first plate side reaches a second plate side, condenses on the second plate side and is returned to the reservoir portion again; anda temperature sensitive mechanism that is in a first state when a temperature of the first plate side is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature to allow refrigerant circulation in which the refrigerant in the reservoir portion after evaporating condenses and returns to the reservoir portion again, and is in a second state different from the first state when the temperature of the first plate side is lower than a specific temperature that is equal to or lower than the predetermined temperature to prohibit the refrigerant circulation.2. The structural body according to claim 1 ,wherein the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059613A1

One aspect of the invention features a refrigerated display case door that includes a hinge rail, a panel assembly, and a handle. The hinge rail includes a channel portion and a hinge receiving portion. The panel assembly includes two panes of glass bounding a sealed space between the panes, and includes a first edge disposed within the channel portion of the hinge rail. The handle is secured to a surface of the panel assembly proximate a second edge of the panel assembly opposite the first edge. The sealed space is closed by a peripheral seal disposed between the panes along a periphery of the panes. The peripheral seal includes a first material extending along a first portion of the periphery and a second material extending along a second, different portion of the periphery, where the second material is more transparent to visible light than the first material. 1. A refrigerated display case door , comprising:a hinge rail comprising a channel portion and a hinge receiving portion;a panel assembly comprising two panes of glass bounding a sealed space between the panes, the panel assembly having a first edge disposed within the channel portion of the hinge rail; anda handle secured to a surface of the panel assembly proximate a second edge of the panel assembly opposite the first edge;wherein the sealed space is closed by a peripheral seal disposed between the panes along a periphery of the panes, the peripheral seal comprising a first material extending along a first portion of the periphery and a second material extending along a second, different portion of the periphery, andwherein the second material is more transparent to visible light than the first material.2. The door of claim 1 , wherein the second material has a higher transmittance of visible light than that of the first material.3. The door of claim 1 , wherein the peripheral seal is exposed to the sealed space between the panes.4. The door of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the periphery is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063146A1

A frame assembly for a modular window assembly for an opening in a structure comprises a main structural frame defining an electrical enclosure and being mountable to the structure, a removable exterior frame mountable to the main structural frame and defining an angled lip for water runoff, the removable exterior frame being configured to secure an outer glass pane of a set of glass panes of the modular window assembly, an insulating feature between the main structural frame and the removable exterior frame and configured to prevent thermal conduction therebetween, and at least one vapor neutralizer between the main structural frame and the removable exterior frame and configured to prevent moisture from accumulating within the modular window assembly. One primary benefit of this modular window assembly is the ability to swap out some or all of the set of glass panes and replace them with new glass technology as developed. 1. A modular window assembly for an opening in a structure , the modular window assembly comprising:a set of glass panes; and a main structural frame being mountable to the structure;', 'a removable exterior frame mountable to the main structural frame and defining an angled lip for water run-off, the removable exterior frame being configured to secure an outer glass pane of the set of glass panes;', 'an insulating feature disposed between the main structural frame and the removable exterior frame and configured to prevent thermal conduction therebetween; and', 'at least one vapor neutralizer between the main structural frame and the removable exterior frame and configured to prevent moisture from accumulating within the modular window assembly,, 'a frame assembly mountable to the structure, the frame assembly comprisingwherein the frame assembly is operable to receive any glass technology as developed.2. The modular window assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame assembly further comprises a carrier frame mountable to the main structural frame ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066142A1

A coated article is provided with a low-emissivity (low-E) coating on a glass substrate. The low-E coating includes an infrared (IR) reflecting layer between at least a pair of dielectric layers. The IR reflecting layer may be of silver or the like. The coating is designed so as to provide a highly transparent coated article that is thermally stable upon optional heat treatment and which can be made to have a low emissivity in a consistent manner. The coating is designed to have improved IR reflecting layer quality, and thus reduced tolerances with respect to manufacturability of desired emissivity values. The coated article may be used in monolithic window applications, IG window applications, or the like. 1. A coated article including a coating supported by a glass substrate , the coating comprising moving away from the glass substrate:a dielectric layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride;a layer comprising titanium oxide;a layer comprising zinc stannate;a layer comprising zinc oxide located over and directly contacting the layer comprising zinc stannate;an infrared (IR) reflecting layer comprising silver located on the substrate over and directly contacting the layer comprising zinc oxide; anda layer comprising metal oxide located over at least the IR reflecting layer comprising silver;wherein the coating contains only one silver based IR reflecting layer;{'sub': 'n', 'wherein the coating has a normal emissivity (E) of no greater than 7%, and measured monolithically the coated article has a visible transmission of at least 75%.'}2. The coated article of claim 1 , wherein the layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride contains at least three times as much nitrogen as oxygen.3. The coated article of claim 1 , wherein the layer comprising zirconium silicon oxynitride contains at least four times as much nitrogen as oxygen.4. The coated article of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of Zr/Si (atomic) is from 0.30 to 0.47 in the layer comprising zirconium silicon ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Windows Implementing Effectively Transparent Conductors and Related Methods of Manufacturing

Номер: US20200063487A1
Принадлежит: California Institute of Technology

Systems and methods for transparent materials implementing effectively transparent conductors in accordance with various embodiments of the invention are illustrated. One embodiment includes a window including a first transparent layer of transparent material having a first surface and a second surface, a first plurality of triangular conductors in optical communication with the first transparent layer of glass, wherein each of the first plurality of triangular conductors includes a base side that is parallel to the first surface of the first transparent layer of glass and wherein the first plurality of triangular conductors is configured to redirect a portion of incident light, wherein the portion of incident light travels through both the first surface and the second surface of the first transparent layer of glass. 1. A window comprising:a first transparent layer of transparent material having a first surface and a second surface;a first plurality of triangular conductors in optical communication with the first transparent layer of glass;wherein each of the first plurality of triangular conductors comprises a base side that is parallel to the first surface of the first transparent layer of glass; andwherein the first plurality of triangular conductors is configured to redirect a portion of incident light, wherein the portion of incident light travels through both the first surface and the second surface of the first transparent layer of glass.2. The window of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of triangular contacts is embedded in a first surface of a superstrate layer claim 1 , wherein the superstrate layer comprises a second surface opposite the first surface of the superstrate layer.3. The window of claim 2 , wherein the first surface of the superstrate layer is disposed adjacent to one of the surfaces of the first transparent layer of glass.4. The window of claim 2 , wherein the second surface of the superstrate layer is disposed adjacent to one of the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Optical Member and Window Material

Номер: US20180067244A1

Provided is an optical member including: an optical layer including a first optical layer having a surface with a concave-convex shape, a reflective layer disposed on the surface with the concave-convex shape of the first optical layer, and a second optical layer disposed on the reflective layer; a first transparent substrate disposed on a side of the first optical layer included in the optical layer; and a second transparent substrate disposed on a side of the second optical layer included in the optical layer. The reflective layer is configured to reflect near-infrared light, and the first transparent substrate and the second transparent substrate are made of a same material. The optical member has a total thickness of not more than 125 μm, a breaking strength of not less than 100 N, and a break elongation both before and after a weatherability test of not less than 60%. 1. An optical member , comprising:an optical layer including a first optical layer having a surface with a concave-convex shape, a reflective layer disposed on the surface with the concave-convex shape of the first optical layer, and a second optical layer disposed on the reflective layer;a first transparent substrate disposed on a side of the first optical layer included in the optical layer; anda second transparent substrate disposed on a side of the second optical layer included in the optical layer, whereinthe reflective layer is configured to reflect near-infrared light,the first transparent substrate and the second transparent substrate are made of a same material, andthe optical member hasa total thickness of not more than 125 μm,a breaking strength of not less than 100 N, anda break elongation before a weatherability test of not less than 60% and a break elongation after the weatherability test of not less than 60%.2. The optical member according to claim 1 , wherein one of the first transparent substrate and the second transparent substrate has a thickness greater than a thickness of ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072570A1
Автор: Abdulhalim Ibrahim

The present invention describes a liquid crystal composite tunable device for fast polarisation-independent modulation of an incident light beam comprising: (a) two supporting and functional panels, at least one of them coated with a transparent conductive electrode layer and with optionally at least one additional layer selected from an alignment layer, antireflective coating layer, thermochromic or electrochromic layer, photoconductive or photosensitive layer, and (b) a composite structure sandwiched between said two panels and made of a liquid crystal and porous microparticles infiltrated with said liquid crystal. The porous microparticles have an average refractive index approximately equals to one of the liquid crystal principal refractive indices, matching that of the liquid crystal at one orientational state (for example, parallel n), and exhibiting large mismatch at another orientational state (for example, perpendicular n). This refractive index mismatch between said microparticles and said liquid crystal is tuned by applying an external electric or magnetic field, thermally or optically. 184.-. (canceled)85. A liquid crystal composite tunable device for fast polarisation-independent modulation of an incident light beam comprising:(a) two supporting and functional panels, at least one of them coated with a transparent conductive electrode layer and with optionally at least one additional layer selected from an alignment layer, antireflective coating layer, thermochromic or electrochromic layer, photoconductive or photosensitive layer; and(b) a composite structure sandwiched between said two panels and made of a liquid crystal and porous microparticles infiltrated with said liquid crystal; (i) said porous microparticles have an average refractive index approximately equals to one of the liquid crystal principal refractive indices;', {'sub': ∥', '⊥, '(ii) an effective refractive index of the porous microparticles matches that of the liquid crystal at one ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075902A1

A sound-damped insulating glazing is described. The glazing has a first pane and a second pane, a peripheral spacer between the first pane and the second pane, an externally encircling seal in a gap between the first pane, the peripheral spacer and the second pane, a vacuum insulating panel between the first pane, the second pane and the peripheral spacer, and at least one acoustic insulating plate is arranged on at least one surface of the vacuum insulating panel. 1. A sound-damped insulating glazing comprising at least:a first pane and a second pane;a peripheral spacer between the first pane and the second pane;an externally encircling seal in a gap between the first pane, the peripheral spacer and the second pane;at least one vacuum insulating panel between the first pane, the second pane and the peripheral spacer; andat least one acoustic insulating plate is arranged on at least one surface of the at least one vacuum insulating panel.2. The insulating glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one vacuum insulating panel comprises two or more vacuum insulating panels.3. The insulating glazing according to claim 2 , wherein an acoustic dividing plate is arranged between the two or more vacuum insulating panels.4. The insulating glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one acoustic insulating plate is arranged between the second pane and the vacuum insulating panel and/or between the peripheral spacer and the at least one vacuum insulating panel.5. The insulating glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one acoustic insulating plate has a thickness between 0.5 mm to 5 mm.6. The insulating glazing according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one acoustic insulating plate and/or the acoustic dividing plate contain:thermoplastic, elastic, or duroplastic polymer foams, ori) polyurethanes, ii) polyethylene, iii) polyvinyl chloride, iv) melamine resin, v) soft polyurethane foam (PUR) and/or hard PUR, mixtures of i)-v) or copolymers of i)-v ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140157696A1

An airflow reduction system includes an insulating panel assembly for sealing a window within a jamb. The insulating panel assembly has a frame configured to fit within the jamb and a glazing panel in the frame coated with a low-emissivity or solar control coating or film. The frame may include one or more cavities extending along its length. The assembly may also include a blind stop and/or a trim stop installed on either side of the frame within the jamb. A compressible seal around the external perimeter of the frame bears against the jamb to form a first barrier impeding the flow of air, and the blind stop or the trim stop forms a second barrier impeding the flow of air. Also disclosed is a mounting assembly including an insulating panel assembly and at least one bracket and a method of installing the same. 1. An insulating panel assembly for sealing a window within a jamb having an interior side and an exterior side , the insulating panel assembly comprising: an external perimeter,', 'an internal perimeter, and', 'at least one frame portion defining at least one cavity extending along the length of the frame portion, the cavity being located between the internal perimeter of the frame and the external perimeter of the frame and being enclosed to prevent the passage of air between the external perimeter of the frame and the internal perimeter of the frame, and, 'a frame configured to fit within the jamb on the interior side of the window, the frame having'}a first glazing panel installed in and surrounded by the frame,wherein in an installed condition, the insulating panel assembly is configured to minimize conductive and radiant energy losses through the window.2. The insulating panel assembly of further comprisinga first track defined by the internal perimeter of the frame;the first glazing panel mounted within the first track;a second track defined by the internal perimeter of the frame; anda second glazing panel mounted within the second track,wherein the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079681A1

The invention provides transparent conductive coatings based on indium tin oxide. The coating has a tin oxide overcoat. In some embodiments, the coating further includes one or more overcoat films comprising silicon nitride, silicon oxynitride, or silica. The coating and its films have compositions, thicknesses, and properties that simultaneously produce low sheet resistance and high visible transmission, preferably together with neutral color properties and good durability. 1. A multiple-pane insulating glazing unit having a between-pane space and two opposed external pane surfaces , a desired one of the two external pane surfaces bearing a coating comprising both an indium tin oxide film and a tin oxide film , the tin oxide film being located over the indium tin oxide film.2. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the tin oxide film is in contact with the indium tin oxide film.3. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the tin oxide film has a thickness of between 90 angstroms and 1 claim 1 ,200 angstroms.4. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the indium tin oxide film has a thickness of between 100 angstroms and 2 claim 1 ,000 angstroms together with a sheet resistance of less than 50 ohms/square.5. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein said desired one of the two external pane surfaces is defined by a glass pane coated with said coating claim 4 , said coated glass pane having a monolithic visible transmission of greater than 75%.6. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the sheet resistance of the indium tin oxide film is less than 15 ohms/square.7. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the coating further includes an oxynitride film claim 1 , the oxynitride film being located over the tin oxide film.8. The multiple-pane insulating glazing unit of wherein the coating further includes a film comprising titanium oxide claim 7 , the film comprising titanium oxide being located ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210083375A1
Автор: LILJA Juha
Принадлежит: StealthCase Oy

A wall or façade structure for improving quality of reception of a wireless communication device inside a building from a base station located outside of the building. The building has the structure as a part of a building envelope. The structure, which is configured to boost transmission of electromagnetic signals through the building envelope, includes at least one electrically conductive low emissivity surface, a first aperture and a second aperture. The apertures are isolated from each other for providing narrow aperture diffraction and to obtain diversity reception at a first frequency in shadow areas inside the building. A distance between the apertures is between 1 and 10 meters to provide an envelope correlation coefficient of less than 0.1 for said apertures at the first frequency. 1. A wall or façade structure for improving quality of reception of a wireless communication device inside a building from a base station located outside of the building , said building having the wall or façade structure as a part of a building envelope , wherein said wall or façade structure is configured to boost transmission of electromagnetic signals through the building envelope , said wall or façade structure comprising at least one electrically conductive low emissivity surface , wherein the wall or façade structure comprises a first aperture and a second aperture , whereinsaid first aperture and said second aperture are isolated from each other for providing narrow aperture diffraction and to obtain diversity reception at a first frequency in shadow areas inside the building, anda distance between said first aperture and said second aperture is between 1 and 10 meters to provide an envelope correlation coefficient of less than 0.1 for said apertures at the first frequency.2. The wall or façade structure according to claim 1 , wherein said first aperture and said second aperture are in the same electrically conductive low emissivity surface.3. The wall or façade structure ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081242A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to insulating glass (IG) units including three substantially parallel spaced apart glass substrates, wherein at least two of the surfaces include low-emissivity (low-E) coatings and at least some of the non-low E coated surfaces have antireflective (AR) coatings disposed thereon. In certain example embodiments, low-E coatings are provided on the second and fifth surfaces of the IG unit, and each internal surface of the IG unit that does not support a low-E coating does support an AR coating. Additional AR coatings may be provided on one or both of the outermost surfaces in certain example embodiments. In some cases, the center substrate need not be heat treated because of the reduced absorption enabled by providing the low-E coatings on the two outermost substrates, as well as the reduced heat accumulation in the center lite itself and in the two adjacent spacers. 111-. (canceled)12. A method of making an insulating glass (IG) unit , the method comprising:providing first, second, and third glass substrates, the second substrate supporting first and second antireflective (AR) coatings on opposing major surfaces thereof, the first substrate supporting a first low-emissivity (low-E) coating on one major surface thereof and the third substrate supporting a second low-E coating on one major surface thereof;orienting the first, second, and third substrates in substantially parallel spaced apart relation to one another using first and second spacer systems, the first spacer system being located around peripheral edges of and spacing apart the first and second substrates and the second spacer system being located around peripheral edges of and spacing apart the second and third substrates,wherein the first substrate is an outermost substrate and the third substrate is an innermost substrate,wherein the first and second low-E coatings are disposed on interior surfaces of the first and third substrates respectively such ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Insulating glass units with low-e and antireflective coatings, and/or methods of making the same

Номер: US20170081906A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to insulating glass (IG) units including three substantially parallel spaced apart glass substrates, wherein at least two of the surfaces include low-emissivity (low-E) coatings and at least some of the non-low E coated surfaces have antireflective (AR) coatings disposed thereon. In certain example embodiments, low-E coatings are provided on the second and fifth surfaces of the IG unit, and each internal surface of the IG unit that does not support a low-E coating does support an AR coating. Additional AR coatings may be provided on one or both of the outermost surfaces in certain example embodiments. In some cases, the center substrate need not be heat treated because of the reduced absorption enabled by providing the low-E coatings on the two outermost substrates, as well as the reduced heat accumulation in the center lite itself and in the two adjacent spacers.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098095A1

A substrate coated on one of its faces with a stack of thin layers having reflection properties in the infrared and/or in solar radiation, including two metallic functional layers, in particular on the basis of silver. Each of the metallic functional layers is disposed between two dielectric coatings. The coating includes at least two absorbent layers which absorb solar radiation in the visible part of the spectrum, which is disposed at least in two different dielectric coatings. 1. A substrate coated with a stack of thin layers forming a functional coating which is constructed and arranged to act on solar radiation and/or infrared radiation , said functional coating comprising two metallic functional layers , each disposed between two dielectric coatings , so as to comprise at least the sequence of layers—first dielectric coating Di1/first metallic functional layer F1/second dielectric coating Di2/second metallic functional layer F2/third dielectric coating Di3—starting from the substrate , each dielectric coating comprising at least one layer of dielectric material , wherein the functional coating comprises at least two absorbent layers which absorb in the visible region , disposed at least in two different dielectric coatings.2. The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two absorbent layers are separated from the two metallic functional layers by at least one dielectric layer claim 1 , a geometric thickness of all the dielectric layers separating each absorbent layer from a metallic functional layer greater than or equal to 5 nm.3. The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the coated substrate comprises at least one absorbent layer in the first dielectric coating.4. The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the coated substrate comprises at least one absorbent layer in the second dielectric coating.5. The coated substrate according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one absorbent layer located in the second dielectric ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079687A1

The present invention relates to a coated substrate comprising: a substrate; a soft coating provided on at least a part of at least one face of the substrate; a protective sol-gel coating provided on at least a part of said face above the soft coating, to a process for making such coated substrate and to glazing units comprising such coated substrate. 1: A coated substrate comprising:a substrate,a soft coating comprising one or more layers deposited by physical vapor deposition provided on at least a part of at least one face of the substrate, anda sol-gel coating provided on at least a part of said face above the soft coating,wherein the sol-gel coating comprises a mixture of titanium oxide, zirconium oxide, silicon oxide and optionally bismuth oxide and/or cerium oxide in theoretical weight ratios of:{'sub': 2', '2, 'titanium oxide TiO/silicon oxide SiOranging from 0.10 to 3,'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'zirconium oxide ZrO/silicon oxide SiOranging from 0.10 to 3,'}{'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'bismuth oxide BiO/silicon oxide SiOranging from 0 to 0.03, and'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'cerium oxide CeO/silicon oxide SiOranging from 0 to 0.03.'}2: The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a glass substrate.3: The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the soft coating is a solar control or insulating low-E coating.4: The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the sol-gel coating is provided on at least a part of the face of the substrate provided with the soft coating and in direct contact with the soft coating.5: The coated substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the sol-gel coating is provided at least substantially on the entire soft coating and in direct contact with the soft coating.6: The coated substrate according to claim 2 , wherein the glass substrate is heat treated.7: The coated substrate according to claim 6 , wherein the glass substrate is tempered.8: A process for making the coated substrate according to claim 1 , comprising:a) forming ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Light-Concentrating Mechanism, Photovoltaic Power Generation Device, Window Structure, and Window Glass

Номер: US20160087135A1

[Problem] To provide a light-concentrating mechanism that is suitable for photovoltaic power generation. [Solution] This light-concentrating mechanism comprises an angle selective reflection means that reflects light having an incident angle of at least a first threshold angle and transmits at least some of the light having an incident angle smaller than the first threshold angle, and an angle-increase reflection means that reflects incident light at an angle greater than the incident angle of said light, the two means being arranged so as to have a gap therebetween. The angle-increase reflection means reflects, at an angle that is equal to or greater than the first threshold angle, at least some of the light that has been transmitted by the angle-selective reflection means, and the angle-selective reflection means reflects the light that has been reflected by the angle-increase reflection means and has an angle that is equal to or greater than the first threshold angle, and light is propagated and concentrated by the gap between the angle-selective reflection means and the angle-increase reflection means. 1. A light-concentrating mechanism comprising:an angle-selective reflector that reflects light having an incidence angle equal to or larger than a first threshold angle and transmits at least a portion of light having an incidence angle smaller than the threshold angle; andan angle-increasing reflector includes a flat holographic optical element that reflects incident light at an angle larger than an incidence angle thereof, the reflectors being disposed with a gap therebetween, whereinthe angle-increasing reflector reflects at least a portion of the light having passed through the angle-selective reflector at an angle equal to or larger than the first threshold angle,the angle-selective reflector reflects light having an angle equal to or larger than the first threshold angle, reflected by the angle-increasing reflector, andlight is concentrated by causing the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087871A1

The present disclosure discloses an insulated glazing () system () comprising at least two glass panes and a spacer element, said at least two glass panes and said spacer element defining a closed volume, a light ray shielding device () defining a plurality of transparent areas configured to allow the passage of incident light rays with a given angle of incidence, whereas light rays having other angles of radiation are unable to pass through said plurality of transparent areas and a plurality of non-transparent areas configured to block the passage of light rays, said non-transparent areas defining a first surface and a second surface, opposite to the first surface , said light ray shielding device () being situated within said closed volume, support means () mechanically connected to said spacer and operably associated with said light ray shielding device () to support it. The system is characterized in that the light ray shielding device () comprises a layer () having retroreflective properties, said layer () at least partially covering one or both of said first and second surfaces of at least one of said areas of said plurality of non-transparent areas of said light ray shielding device (). 1. An insulating glazing system comprising:at least two glass panes and a spacer element, wherein said at least two glass panes and said spacer element define a closed volume,a light ray shielding device defining:a plurality of transparent areas allowing the passage of incident light rays with a given angle of incidence, whereas light rays having other angles of radiation are unable to pass through said plurality of transparent areas anda plurality of non-transparent areas which are configured to block the passage of light rays, said non-transparent areas defining a first surface and a second surface, opposite to the first surface;said light ray shielding device being situated within said closed volume,support means connected to said spacer and operably associated with said ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Pressure compensated insulated glass units

Номер: US20160089869A1
Принадлежит: View Inc

Methods and apparatus for fabricating pressure compensated insulated glass units (IGUs). In one example, a method assembles an IGU from a first lite, a second lite and a spacer registered with and between the first and second lite, while at least the space between the first and second lites and within the perimeter of the spacer contains a heated or cooled inert gas. In another example, a method provides a vented IGU, heats or cools the vented IGU, introduces inert gas into the interior volume of the vented IGU, and seals vent ports before the IGU comes to ambient temperature. In another example, a method introduces or removes inert gas from an IGU by penetrating a seal of the IGU and then reseals the IGU. In another example, an apparatus for fabricating an IGU comprises a temperature control unit configured to heat or cool an inert gas and an IGU press wherein the apparatus is configured to introduce a heated inert gas or a cooled inert gas into the IGU as the hermetic seal of the IGU is formed.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086665A1
Автор: Yxfeldt Leif

Disclosed is a glazing unit including an insulating glazing unit that is assembled with at least three panes for use in a window or as a part of a wall in a property, including a first pane that is located closer to the exterior of the property, a second pane located closer to the interior of the property, and a third pane located between the first and the second panes, whereby the first pane is provided on its surface that is facing inwards with a coating that reduces the radiation of heat in the form of an oxide layer burned into the surface of the pane, whereby also the second pane and the third pane are provided with a coating that reduces the radiation of heat in the form of an oxide layer that is burned into the surface of the pane. 11345345343845910. A glazing unit () comprising an insulating glazing unit that is assembled with at least three panes ( , , ) for use in a window or as a part of a wall in a property , comprising a first pane () that is located closer to the exterior of the property , a second pane () located closer to the interior of the property , and a third pane () located between the first () and the second () panes , whereby the first pane () is provided on its surface that is facing inwards with a coating () that reduces the radiation of heat in the form of an oxide layer burned into the surface of the pane , wherein also the second pane () and the third pane () are provided with a coating ( , ) that reduces the radiation of heat in the form of an oxide layer that is burned into the surface of the pane.21944. The glazing unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the coating () that reduces the radiation of heat of the second pane () is arranged on the outwardly facing side of the second pane ().3110. The glazing unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the coating () of the third pane faces inwards.41. The glazing unit () according to claim 1 , wherein that the oxide layer is a metal oxide layer.513451. The glazing unit () according to claim 1 , ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Impact-Resistant Fenestration With Offset Dual Pane Insulated Glass Unit

Номер: US20180087316A1
Автор: Vander Bent Ken

Embodiments can provide an impact-resistant fenestration comprising an offset dual-pane insulated glass unit, comprising a small pane; a large pane, wherein the large pane has a greater surface area than the small pane; a layer of impact-resistant film attached to either the large pane or the small pane; wherein the small pane and the large pane are secured together using an insulated glass spacer to create an airspace between the small pane and large pane; and wherein the small pane is centrally secured on the large pane to create an overhang section; a tiered frame comprising an overhang mount and a tiered mount; and a glass stop; wherein the offset dual-pane insulated glass unit is mounted into the tiered frame such that the overhang section of the offset dual-pane insulated glass unit is secured to the overhang mount of the tiered frame using a layer of overhang adhesive, the small pane of the offset dual-pane insulated glass unit is secured to the standard mount of the tiered frame using a layer of standard adhesive, and the glass stop attaches to the overhang section and the tiered frame. 1. An impact-resistant fenestration , comprising: a small pane;', 'a large pane, wherein the large pane has a greater surface area than the small pane;', 'a layer of impact-resistant film, having the same dimensions as the large pane, attached to the large pane;', 'wherein the small pane and the large pane are secured together using an insulated glass spacer to create an airspace between the small pane and large pane;', 'wherein the small pane is centrally secured on the large pane to create an overhang section; and', 'wherein the small pane and the large pane are secured together such that the layer of impact-resistant film attached to the large pane is partially contained within the airspace and extends into the overhang section;, 'an offset dual-pane insulated glass unit, comprisinga tiered frame comprising an overhang mount and a tiered mount; anda glass stop;wherein the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088460A1
Автор: MAILLET Alexandre

A solar protection glazing includes a substrate covered with a coating of dielectric materials on each of its faces. The substrate is preferably a glass substrate. Each of the coatings consists of a layer based on titanium oxide or of a stack of layers of dielectric materials incorporating such a layer. The thickness of the layers based on titanium oxide in each of the coatings is between 10 and 70 nm. 1. A solar protection glazing comprising:a substrate, said substrate being covered with a coating of dielectric materials on each of us faces wherein each of the coatings consists of a layer based on titanium oxide or of a slack of layers of dielectric materials incorporating such a layer, the thickness of the layers based on titanium oxide being between 10 and 70 nm.2. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said dielectric materials are chosen from the nitrides claim 1 , oxides or oxynitrides claim 1 ,3. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the dielectric materials claim 1 , besides the layers based on titanium oxide claim 1 , are chosen from zinc oxides claim 1 , silicon oxides claim 1 , tin oxides claim 1 , zinc tin oxides claim 1 , silicon and/or aluminum nitrides claim 1 , and silicon and/or aluminum oxynitrides.4. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of said stacks consists of the succession of the following layers claim 1 , starting from the surface of the substrate:an underlayer or a set of underlayers, said underlayer(s) consisting of dielectric materials, anda layer based on titanium oxide, the thickness of which is between 10 and 70 nm.5. The solar protection glazing as claimed in claim 4 , wherein at least one of said coatings consists of a single layer based on titanium oxide.6. The solar protection glazing claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , on a first face of the substrate claim 1 , a first coating deposited by pyrolysis or by CVD and claim 1 , ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086596A1

An optical element is provided includes an optical layer having a flat incident surface on which light is incident and a wavelength-selective reflective layer disposed in the optical layer. Of light incident on the incident surface at an incident angle (θ, φ), the optical element selectively directionally reflects light in at least one specific wavelength range in at least one direction other than a specular reflection direction (−θ, φ+180°) while transmitting light in at least one wavelength range other than the specific wavelength range, and is transparent to light in at least one wavelength range other than the specific wavelength range. 1. An optical element comprising:an optical layer having a flat incident surface on which light is incident; anda wavelength-selective reflective layer disposed in the optical layer;wherein, of light incident on the incident surface at an incident angle (θ, φ) (wherein θ is the angle of light incident on the incident surface or reflected light exiting through the incident surface with respect to a normal to the incident surface; and φ is the angle of a component of the incident light or the reflected light projected on the incident surface with respect to a specific line in the incident surface), the optical element selectively directionally reflects light in at least one specific wavelength range in at least one direction other than a specular reflection direction (−θ, φ+180°) while transmitting light in at least one wavelength range other than the specific wavelength range, and is transparent to light in at least one wavelength range other than the specific wavelength range.2. The optical element according to claim 1 , wherein a value of transmitted-image clarity measured according to JIS K 7105 using an optical comb with a comb width of 0.5 mm in the wavelength range where light is transmitted is 50 or more.3. The optical element according to claim 1 , wherein the sum of values of transmitted-image clarity measured according ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136318A1

A triple glazing unit is disclosed. The triple glazing unit can include a first pane, a second pane, a third pane between the first pane and the second pane, an electrochemical device coupled to the third pane and between the third pane and the second pane, a first cavity between the first pane and the third pane, and a second cavity between the second pane and the third pane, wherein a distance between the first pane and the third pane is greater than a distance between the second pane and the third pane.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087197A1
Автор: Hartig Klaus

The invention provides low-emissivity coatings that are highly reflective of infrared radiation. The coating includes three infrared-reflection film regions, which may each comprise silver. 1. A first pane having opposed first and second major surfaces , the first pane being part of a multiple-pane insulating glazing unit that includes a second pane , wherein the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit has at least one between-pane space , wherein at least one of the first and second panes has a coated interior surface that is exposed to a between-pane space of the multiple-pane insulating glazing unit , said coated interior surface bearing a low-emissivity coating that includes , from said interior surface outward:a) a first transparent dielectric film region;b) a first infrared-reflection film region;c) a second transparent dielectric film region;d) a second infrared-reflection film region;e) a third transparent dielectric film region;f) a third infrared-reflection film region; andg) a fourth transparent dielectric film region;the first, second, and third transparent dielectric film regions each being a single layer of a single transparent dielectric material;the first, second, and third infrared-reflection film regions each consisting of silver combined with no more than about 5% of another metal selected from the group consisting of gold, platinum, and palladium;the low-emissivity coating comprising one or more nitride or oxynitride films; andthe low-emissivity coating having a sheet resistance of less than 1.4 ohms/square.2. The first pane of wherein the sheet resistance of the low-emissivity coating is about 1.25-1.3 ohms/square.3. The first pane of wherein the one or more nitride or oxynitride films comprise silicon nitride and/or silicon oxynitride.4. The first pane of wherein the low-emissivity coating has a total physical thickness of greater than 1 claim 1 ,750 angstroms.5. The first pane of wherein the low-emissivity coating has a total physical thickness ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Multi-zone ec windows

Номер: US20140177028A1
Принадлежит: View Inc

Thin-film devices, for example, multi-zone electrochromic windows, and methods of manufacturing are described. In certain cases, a multi-zone electrochromic window comprises a monolithic EC device on a transparent substrate and two or more tinting zones, wherein the tinting zones are configured for independent operation.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145697A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

A laminated body includes a transparent substrate having a laminated film. The laminated film includes a dielectric layer containing silicon nitride, a barrier layer composed of a single film or two or more films, and a metal layer containing silver. The barrier layer has a thickness of from 0.1 nm to 10 nm. Each film of the barrier layer includes a material having a crystal structure of a face-centered cubic structure with a lattice constant of from 3.5 to 4.2, a hexagonal close-packed structure with a lattice constant of from 2.6 to 3.3, a body-centered cubic structure with a lattice constant of from 2.9 to 3.2, or a tetragonal crystal with a lattice constant of from 2.9 to 4.4. The metal layer has a thickness of from 7 nm to 25 nm. An orientation index P of the metal layer falls within a range from 4.5 to 20. 2. The laminated body according to claim 1 ,wherein the orientation index P falls within a range from 7 to 15.3. The laminated body according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 'x', 'wherein the material “A” includes at least one selected from the group consisting of aluminum nitride (AlN), zinc oxide (ZnO), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), and a nickel-chromium alloy (NiCr(x ranging from 0.1 to 0.5)).'}4. The laminated body according to claim 1 ,wherein the barrier layer has a thickness of from 0.1 nm to 3.5 nm.5. The laminated body according to further comprising:a second dielectric layer above the metal layer containing silver,{'sub': x', 'y', 'z', 'w, 'wherein the second dielectric layer includes a compound expressed by a general formula 1.0 SiAlNO, where 0≤y/(x+y)≤0.5, 0≤w Подробнее

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100348A1

Certain example embodiments of this invention relate to articles including anticondensation and/or low-E coatings that are exposed to an external environment, and/or methods of making the same. In certain example embodiments, the anticondensation and/or low-E coatings may be survivable in an outside environment. The coatings also may have a sufficiently low sheet resistance and hemispherical emissivity such that the glass surface is more likely to retain heat from the interior area, thereby reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) the presence condensation thereon. The articles of certain example embodiments may be, for example, skylights, vehicle windows or windshields, IG units, VIG units, refrigerator/freezer doors, and/or the like. 121-. (canceled)22. A window comprising:first and second glass substrates, wherein the window is configured so that the first glass substrate is to be located closer to an interior of a structure to which the window is to be mounted than is the second glass substrate; a first layer comprising silicon nitride located on the glass substrate;', 'a layer comprising metal oxide located on the glass substrate over at least the first layer comprising silicon nitride, wherein the first layer comprising silicon nitride is substantially thicker than is the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a second layer comprising silicon nitride located over the layer comprising metal oxide;', 'a transparent conductive layer comprising indium tin oxide (ITO) located over and directly contacting the second layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'a third layer comprising silicon nitride located over and directly contacting the transparent conductive layer comprising indium tin oxide (ITO), and', 'a protective layer comprising metal oxide located over and directly contacting the third layer comprising silicon nitride,', 'wherein the coating does not contain any silver-based layer., 'a coating supported by the first glass substrate, wherein the coating ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107157A1

A main support frame is formed from sections of a plastic extrusion and has opposite side portions with peripheral recesses receiving an inner sash unit and outer sash unit each having a frame formed from sections of a plastic extrusion and supporting an insulated glass unit. Hinges support the dual sash units for pivotal movement between open and closed positions, and gear connected telescopic link members connect the main frame to the sash frames for simultaneous movement. A lock system includes a handle on the inner sash unit for moving straps with studs on the sash frames through a connector mechanism mounted on the main frame for simultaneously locking and releasing both sash units and for releasing only the inner sash unit. A screen and/or mini-blind may be supported between the sash units, and the window system with dual sash units may be constructed in various forms. 120-. (canceled)21. An insulated window assembly comprisinga main support frame for installing in a wall opening of a building structure and formed by parallel spaced vertical frame members rigidly connected by vertically spaced horizontal frame members including an upper frame member and a lower frame member,said main support frame having opposite side portions defining a peripheral inner recess and a peripheral outer recess,an inner sash unit including an inner sash frame positioned within said inner recess and an outer sash unit including an outer sash frame positioned within said outer recess, with each of said inner sash frame and said outer sash frame sealed to said main support frame by peripheral inner weather seals within the corresponding said recess,said inner sash frame and said outer sash frame having vertical and horizontal frame members and being substantially the same size, with each said sash frame having an outwardly projecting peripheral flange portion overlapping said main support frame and enclosing a transparent glazing unit,a set of hinges pivotally connecting each of said ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Insulation device

Номер: US20170101772A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An insulation device having an insulating foam disposed on a static cling sheet that allows the insulation device to be applied to the interior surface a typical window to provide thermal protection against heat loss wherein the device can be proved in either sheet or roll format to allow an installer to easily and quickly trim the insulation device to fit any portion of a window.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107753A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

A manufacturing method of a vacuum multilayer glass includes assembling an assembly including a first glass plate, a second glass plate, a sealing material and a getter material; carrying a conveyance table for conveying the assembly into a heating furnace; and heating the assembly in a reduced pressure space in the heating furnace to melt the sealing material and to activate the getter material at the same time, then solidifying the sealing material to bond the first glass plate and the second glass plate with the sealing material and to seal the reduced pressure space formed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate in a state of including the getter material, and causing the getter material to absorb gasses inside the reduced pressure space. 1. A manufacturing method of a vacuum multilayer glass , comprising:assembling an assembly including a first glass plate, a second glass plate, a sealing material and a getter material;carrying a conveyance table for conveying the assembly into a heating furnace; andheating the assembly in a reduced pressure space in the heating furnace to melt the sealing material and to activate the getter material at the same time, then solidifying the sealing material to bond the first glass plate and the second glass plate with the sealing material and to seal the reduced pressure space formed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate in a state of including the getter material, and causing the getter material to absorb gasses inside the reduced pressure space.2. The manufacturing method of the vacuum multilayer glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the sealing material is formed of a paste including glass frit, andwherein a melting temperature of the sealing material is from 350° C. to 520° C.3. The manufacturing method of the vacuum multilayer glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the sealing material is formed in a shape of a frame, andwherein a distance between the getter material and at least a part of the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Asymmetrical vacuum-insulated glazing unit

Номер: US20210123293A1

A vacuum insulating glazing unit has a length equal to or greater than 800 mm and a width equal to or greater than 500 mm. The unit includes first and second float annealed glass panes having thicknesses Z 1 and Z 2 , respectively. The thickness Z 2 is equal to or greater than 4 mm and equal to or greater than (λ−15 mm)/5. The thickness ratio Z 1 /Z 2 is equal to or greater than 1.10. The unit also has a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes and forming an array having a pitch (λ) between 10 mm and 40 nm; a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter; and an internal volume having a vacuum pressure of less than 0.1 mbar.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106931A1

A vacuum insulated glazing unit comprising a first glass pane and a second glass pane arranged in parallel, the second glass pane spaced apart from the first glass pane, wherein each glass pane comprises inner and outer surfaces, wherein the inner surfaces define a gap therebetween; a plurality of spacers arranged in the gap between of the inner surface of the first glass pane and the inner surface of the second glass pane; and a side seal material attached around a periphery of the first glass pane and the second glass pane, thereby forming a sealed cavity between the glass panes, wherein at least a portion of the inner surface of the first glass pane comprises a strengthened portion that comprises a plurality of implanted ions, wherein the plurality of implanted ions are nitrogen ions, carbon ions, argon ions, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing. 1. A vacuum insulated glazing unit comprising:a first glass pane and a second glass pane arranged in parallel, the second glass pane spaced apart from the first glass pane, wherein each glass pane comprises an inner surface and an outer surface, wherein the inner surface of the first glass pane and the inner surface of the second glass pane define a gap therebetween;a plurality of spacers arranged in the gap between of the inner surface of the first glass pane and the inner surface of the second glass pane; anda side seal material attached around a periphery of the first glass pane and the second glass pane, thereby forming a sealed cavity between the glass panes,wherein at least a portion of the inner surface of the first glass pane comprises a strengthened portion that comprises a plurality of implanted ions, wherein the plurality of implanted ions comprises nitrogen ions, carbon ions, argon ions, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.2. The vacuum insulated glazing unit of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of implanted ions comprises at least two different ions.3. The vacuum ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Coated article with ir reflecting layer and method of making same

Номер: US20150118421A1

Example embodiments of this invention relate to a coated article including an infrared (IR) reflecting layer of a material such as silver or the like, for use in an insulating glass (IG) window unit for example. In certain example embodiments, the coating is a single-silver type coating, and includes an overcoat including an uppermost layer of or including silicon nitride and a layer of or including tin oxide immediately under and contacting the silicon nitride based overcoat. In certain example embodiments, the thicknesses of the silicon nitride based overcoat and the tin oxide based layer are balanced (e.g., substantially equal, or equal plus/minus about 10%). It has surprisingly been found that such balancing results in an improvement in thermal cycling performance and improved mechanical durability. In certain example embodiments, the coating may realize surprisingly good substantially neutral film side reflective coloration, and may achieve an improved visible transmission, SHGC ratio and low U-values. Moreover, in certain example embodiments, stress in the overcoat of the coating may be reduced by reducing nitrogen gas flow (N 2 ml/kW) and cathode power during a sputter-deposition process, thereby further improving thermal cycling performance.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178195A1

A vacuum insulating glazing unit with an infrared reflecting coating, having a first glass pane with a thickness Z, bearing the infrared reflecting coating on the inner pane face, and an energetical absorptance EA; a second glass pane with a thickness Zand an energetical absorptance EA; a set of discrete spacers between the first and second glass panes maintaining a distance between the two glass panes and forming an array with a pitch λ; a hermetically bonding seal, sealing the distance between the two glass panes over a perimeter thereof; an internal volume, V, defined by the two glass panes, spacers and closed by the hermetically bonding seal; where Z>Zand ΔEA≤0.0033 ΔZ/mm−0.0468 ΔZ/mm+0.7702; where ΔEA=EA−2EA, and Z≥5 mm, Z≥3 mm, ΔZ=Z−Z≥1 mm, and 10 mm≤λ≤35 mm. 1. A vacuum insulating glazing unit provided with an infrared reflecting coating , having a length L , where 300 mm≤L≤4000 mm , and a width W , where 300 mm≤W≤1500 mm , comprising:{'sub': 1', '1, 'a first glass pane having an inner pane face and an outer pane face, having a thickness Zand bearing the infrared reflective coating on the inner pane face, the first glass pane with the infrared reflective coating having an energetical absorptance EA;'}{'sub': 2', '1', '2', '2, 'a second glass pane having an inner pane face and an outer pane face, having a thickness, Z, wherein the thicknesses Zand Zare measured in a direction normal to a plane, P, the second glass pane having an energetical absorptance EA;'}a set of discrete spacers positioned between the first and second glass panes, maintaining a distance between the first and the second glass panes and forming an array having a pitch λ, wherein 10 mm≤λ≤35 mm;a hermetically bonding seal sealing the distance between the first and second glass panes over a perimeter thereof;an internal volume, V, defined by the first and second glass panes and the set of discrete spacers and closed by the hermetically bonding seal, wherein there is a vacuum of absolute ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114588A1

A multiple-glazed glass unit of the present invention is adapted to separate an indoor space and an outdoor space and includes a pair of glass panes opposed across a gap layer to be spaced at a predetermined distance from each other. Low-emissivity (Low-E) films are formed on both principal surfaces of one of the pair of glass panes that is located closer to the indoor space. The low-emissivity film formed on one of the two principal surfaces that faces the indoor space has an arithmetic average surface roughness Ra of 14 nm or less. This multiple-glazed glass unit is configurable to have a higher SHGC value ever than before as well as keeping a low U-value. 1. A multiple-glazed glass unit adapted to separate an indoor space and an outdoor space , the multiple-glazed glass unit comprising a pair of glass panes opposed across a gap layer to be spaced at a predetermined distance from each other , whereina first low-emissivity (Low-E) film is formed on one principal surface of one of the pair of glass panes that is located closer to the indoor space, the one principal surface facing the gap layer,a second low-emissivity film is formed on the other principal surface of the one glass pane, the other principal surface facing the indoor space, andthe second low-emissivity film formed on the other principal surface facing the indoor space has an arithmetic average surface roughness Ra of 14 nm or less.2. The multiple-glazed glass unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe first low-emissivity film has a first multilayer structure comprising: a metal layer; a sacrificial layer disposed on a surface of the metal layer facing the gap layer, the sacrificial layer being in contact with the metal layer; and a pair of dielectric layers sandwiching the metal layer and the sacrificial layer, andthe second low-emissivity film has a second multilayer structure comprising, in order from the other principal surface on which the second low-emissivity film is formed, an underlayer, a ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114590A1

A daylighting film () according to an aspect of the present invention includes a first base () that has optical transparency, multiple daylighting units () which are formed on at least a first surface () of the first base () and each of which has the optical transparency, an opening space () which is provided between each of the multiple daylighting units (), and a mark () which is provided on at least any one of the first surface () side of the first base () and the second surface () side that is opposite in direction to the first surface (), and which indicates information relating a daylighting film (). 1. A daylighting member comprising:a base that has optical transparency;multiple first daylighting units which are formed on at least a first surface of the base and each of which has the optical transparency;an opening space which is provided between each of the multiple first daylighting units; andan index which is provided on at least any one of the first surface side of the base and the second surface side that is opposite in direction to the first surface, and which includes information relating a daylighting member.2. The daylighting member according to claim 1 ,wherein the index is an index indicating a direction of installation with respect to an installation-occurring object.3. The daylighting member according to claim 1 , further comprising:a filling material with which that some of opening spaces between each of the first daylighting units in a surface direction of the base are filled,wherein the index is formed by the filling material.4. The daylighting member according to claim 3 ,wherein any one of transparent resin, colorized resin, and scatterer-containing resin is used as the filling material.5. The daylighting member according to claim 1 ,wherein a protection member is provided on the base through an adhesive agent, andwherein the index is provided on one portion of the protection member.6. The daylighting member according to claim 1 ,wherein a ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112226A1

An object of the disclosure is to provide a glass panel and a glass window which are configured to stably maintain a depressurized space therein even when their spacers contain a resin. A glass panel unit of an aspect of the disclosure includes: a first glass pane; a second glass pane facing the first glass pane; a frame member which has a frame shape and which the first and second glass panes are bound together through; and spacers containing a resin and disposed between the first and second glass panes. A depressurized space is provided between the first glass pane and the second glass pane. The first and second glass panes are respectively to be exterior and interior panes. The first glass pane has lower ultraviolet transmittance than the second glass pane. 1. A glass panel unit , comprising:a first glass pane including at least a plate glass;a second glass pane including at least a plate glass facing the first glass pane;a frame member which has a frame shape and which the first glass pane and the second glass pane are bound together through; anda spacer disposed between the first glass pane and the second glass pane,a depressurized space being provided between the first glass pane and the second glass pane,the spacer containing a resin,the first glass pane being to be an exterior pane, the second glass pane being to be an interior pane, andthe first glass pane having ultraviolet transmittance lower than ultraviolet transmittance of the second glass pane.2. The glass panel unit according to claim 1 , further comprising an identification structure that allows identification of the first glass pane and the second glass pane.3. The glass panel unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe second glass pane has a mark of an exhaust port used when the depressurized space is formed.4. The glass panel unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe first glass pane includes plate-shaped glass and a thin film containing metal.5. The glass panel unit according to claim 1 , further ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109594A1

A glass panel unit including a first panel including at least a first glass plate; a second panel arranged to face the first panel and including at least a second glass plate; a frame member formed in a shape of a frame, corresponding in shape to respective peripheral portions of the first panel and the second panel extending along edges thereof, and bonded to the peripheral portions; and at least one spacer provided in a vacuum space between the first panel and the second panel. The at least one spacer containing a polyimide, where the polyimide has an absorption edge at which an absorption index decreases in an optical absorption spectrum ranging from an ultraviolet ray to visible radiation, the absorption edge being equal to or less than 400 nm, and the polyimide includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a fluorine group and a chlorine group. 1. A glass panel unit comprising:a first panel including at least a first glass plate;a second panel arranged to face the first panel and including at least a second glass plate;a frame member formed in a shape of a frame, corresponding in shape to respective peripheral portions of the first panel and the second panel extending along edges thereof, and bonded to the peripheral portions; andat least one spacer provided in a vacuum space between the first panel and the second panel,the at least one spacer containing a polyimide,the polyimide having an absorption edge at which an absorption index decreases in an optical absorption spectrum ranging from an ultraviolet ray to visible radiation, the absorption edge being equal to or less than 400 nm, andthe polyimide including at least one selected from the group consisting of a fluorine group and a chlorine group.2. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , wherein the polyimide comprises an alicyclic structure.3. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one spacer includes at least one film of the polyimide.4. The glass panel unit of claim 1 , wherein the ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109595A1

A fenestration assembly includes a glazing unit includes a pane spacer between exterior and interior panes proximate glazing unit edges. A fenestration frame is coupled around the glazing unit and includes a frame core extending around the glazing unit. The frame core includes a unitary core wall including a composite material that is hollow and extends continuously from a core interior face to a core exterior face. A metal glazing cap is coupled with the frame core. The metal glazing cap having a cap end indirectly engaged with the glazing unit along the interior pane, and the cap end is remote from the pane spacer. Each of the core exterior face, the pane spacer and the metal glazing cap are thermally isolated from each other with the frame core including the unitary core wall. 1. A fenestration assembly comprising:a glazing unit including one or more translucent panes, the glazing unit having an exterior pane and an interior pane, the glazing unit extends between glazing unit edges and includes a pane spacer between the exterior and interior panes proximate the glazing unit edges; and [ a unitary core wall including a composite material, the unitary core wall is hollow and extends continuously from a core interior face to a core exterior face; and', 'a core flange as part of the core wall, the core flange proximate the core exterior face, the core flange extends over at least a portion of the pane exterior, the core flange including a flange end remote from the pane spacer;, 'a frame core extending around the glazing unit, the frame core includes, 'a metal glazing cap coupled with the frame core, the metal glazing cap having a cap end indirectly engaged with the glazing unit along the interior pane, the cap end remote from the pane spacer; and', 'wherein each of the core exterior face, the pane spacer and the metal glazing cap are thermally isolated from each other with the frame core including the unitary core wall., 'a fenestration frame coupled around the ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125635A1

A coated article includes a low-E coating having an absorbing layer located over a functional layer (IR reflecting layer) and designed to cause the coating to have an increased outside reflectance (e.g., in an IG window unit) and good selectivity. In certain embodiments, the absorbing layer is metallic, or substantially metallic, and is provided directly over and contacting a lower of two IR reflecting layers. In certain example embodiments, a nitride based layer (e.g., silicon nitride or the like) may be located directly over and contacting the absorbing layer in order to reduce or prevent oxidation thereof during heat treatment (e.g., thermal tempering, heat bending, and/or heat strengthening) thereby permitting predictable coloration, high outside reflectance values, and/or good selectivity to be achieved. Coated articles according to certain example embodiments of this invention may be used in the context of insulating glass (IG) window units, vehicle windows, other types of windows, or in any other suitable application. 129-. (canceled)30. A coated article including a coating supported by a glass substrate , the coating comprising:a first transparent dielectric layer supported by the glass substrate;a first layer comprising zinc oxide supported by the glass substrate and located over and directly contacting the first transparent dielectric layer;first and second infrared (IR) reflecting layers comprising silver, wherein the first IR reflecting layer is located closer to the glass substrate than is the second IR reflecting layer, and wherein the first IR reflecting layer comprising silver is located over and directly contacting the first layer comprising zinc oxide;a substantially metallic absorption layer located over and directly contacting the first IR reflecting layer;a layer comprising silicon nitride located over and directly contacting the substantially metallic absorption layer;a layer comprising tin oxide located over and directly contacting the layer ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117881A1

The present invention provides high security polycarbonate laminates integrated with insulated glazing units (IGU) to produce high security windows. The laminate comprises at least nine layers, in the following order: (i) an insulated glazing unit; (ii) a thermoplastic polyurethane; (iii) a polycarbonate; (iv) a thermoplastic polyurethane; (v) a polycarbonate; (vi) a thermoplastic polyurethane; (vii) a glass; (viii) a thermoplastic polyurethane; and (ix) a polycarbonate. A frame may surround and overbite the laminate. An array of framed laminates may be arranged such that one framed laminate may be removed, without removing an adjacent laminate. 1. A laminate comprising nine layers , in the following order:(i) an insulated glazing unit;(ii) a thermoplastic polyurethane;(iii) a polycarbonate;(iv) a thermoplastic polyurethane;(v) a polycarbonate;(vi) a thermoplastic polyurethane;(vii) a glass;(viii) a thermoplastic polyurethane; and(ix) a polycarbonate.2. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the insulated glazing unit is comprised of a glass layer claim 1 , an insulating layer claim 1 , and a second glass layer.3. The laminate of claim 2 , wherein the insulating layer comprises air claim 2 , nitrogen or argon.4. The laminate of claim 2 , wherein the insulating layer comprises gas at a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure.5. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the insulated glazing unit is comprised of a glass layer claim 1 , a signal defense layer claim 1 , a second glass layer claim 1 , an insulating layer claim 1 , and a third glass layer.6. The laminate of claim 5 , wherein the insulating layer comprises air claim 5 , nitrogen or argon.7. The laminate of claim 5 , wherein the insulating layer comprises gas at a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure.8. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane layers are about 0.025 inches (0.635 mm) to about 0.125 inches (3.175 mm) in thickness.9. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the polycarbonate layers ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119176A1

An insulated glass unit () is described and includes at least first and second glass pane () and an optional third glass pane (). Any one or more of the glass panes () may have a thickness of less than or equal to about 0.7 mm. In some instances, any one or more of the glass panes may form part of an electronic display. The insulated glass unit () has a lower mass and an improved thermal performance compared to a conventional triple pane insulated glass unit, and is particularly suited for use in a display cooler door. 1. An insulated glass unit comprising:a first glass pane having an outer surface and an inner surface;a second glass pane having an outer surface and an inner surface;a first sealed gap space defined between the first glass pane and the second glass pane;wherein any one or more of the first glass pane and the second glass pane has a thickness less than or equal to about 0.7 mm.2. The insulated glass unit of claim 1 , further comprising:a third glass pane disposed between the first and second glass panes,a second sealed gap space defined between the first glass pane and the third glass pane, anda third sealed gap space defined between the second glass pane and the third glass pane.3. The insulated glass unit of claim 2 , wherein the third glass pane comprises a thickness less than or equal to about 0.7 mm.4. The insulated glass unit of claim 1 , wherein any one or more of the first glass pane and the second glass pane has a thickness in the range of about 1.7 mm to about 3.2 mm.5. The insulated glass unit of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the first glass pane is coated with at least one low emissivity coating or a mixture of coatings.6. The insulated glass unit of claim 1 , wherein any one or more of the first glass pane claim 1 , second glass pane claim 1 , and the third glass pane are strengthened.7. The insulated glass unit of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the second glass pane is coated with at least one low emissivity coating.8. ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Light Condensing Device, Photovoltaic Device, Light Condensing Sheet, Photovoltaic Sheet, and Method for Manufacturing Light Condensing Device or Photovoltaic Device

Номер: US20180120483A1

To provide a photovoltaic device and a light condensing device having a high condensing rate which can be manufactured easily and at low cost. This light condensing device is provided with: a light-guiding subtract for causing light to propagate between a rear-side surface and a front-side surface for receiving light from a light source; a reflective layer for light guiding, in which a reflection-type hologram is formed for reflecting light incident at a first incidence angle less than the critical angle of the light-guiding substrate at a reflection angle greater than the critical angle, the reflective layer being provided to the rear-side surface; and an emission window for causing light incident at a second incidence angle equal to or greater than the critical angle to be emitted from the light-guiding substrate, the emission window being provided to the front-side surface and/or the rear-side surface. 1. A light condensing device , comprising:a light-guiding substrate configured to propagate light between a front surface that receives light from a light source and a rear surface;a reflection layer for guiding light provided on the rear surface, in which a reflection-type hologram is formed, the reflection-type hologram being configured to reflect light, incident at a first incident angle less than a critical angle of the light-guiding substrate, at a reflection angle greater than the critical angle; andan emission window provided on at least one of the front surface and the rear surface, the emission window being configured to emit light, incident at a second incident angle not less than the critical angle from the light-guiding substrate.2. The light condensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the emission window includes a transmission layer for emission in which a transmission-type hologram is formed claim 1 , the transmission-type hologram being configured to refract the light claim 1 , incident at the second incident angle not less than the critical ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122802A1
Принадлежит: View Inc

Various implementations relate generally to multi-sensor devices. Some implementations more particularly relate to a multi-sensor device including a ring of radially-oriented photosensors. Some implementations more particularly relate to a multi-sensor device that is orientation-independent with respect to a central axis of the ring. Some implementations of the multi-sensor devices described herein further include one or more additional sensors. For example, some implementations include an axially-directed photosensor. Some implementations also can include one or more temperature sensors configured to sense an exterior temperature, for example, an ambient temperature of an outdoors environment around the multi-sensor. Additionally or alternatively, some implementations include one or more of an infrared sensor or infrared sensors, a cellular communication circuit, and a GPS module.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119972A1

A method of assembling a window includes positioning an insulating material in a frame thermal break defined by a middle portion of a frame intermediate a first side and a second side of the window. The method also includes connecting a cladding to the frame. The frame includes a first material visible on the first side of the window. The cladding includes a second material visible on the second side of the window. The method also includes connecting a first glass pane to a second glass pane to form an insulated glass unit and positioning the insulated glass unit in the frame. The method further includes aligning the frame thermal break and a pocket of the insulated glass unit such that a central plane of the pocket extends through a middle portion of the frame thermal break. The frame thermal break and the pocket define a continuous thermal break extending through the window. 1. A method of assembling a window , the method comprising:positioning an insulating material in a frame thermal break defined by a middle portion of a frame intermediate a first side and a second side of the window;connecting a cladding to the frame, the frame including a first material, wherein the first material is visible on the first side of the window, the cladding including a second material, wherein the second material is visible on the second side of the window, the frame defining a cavity that extends between the first side and the second side and inhibits moisture from the first side from contacting the second material;connecting a first glass pane to a second glass pane to form an insulated glass unit, wherein a pocket is defined between the first glass pane and the second glass pane, the frame thermal break circumscribing the insulated glass unit;positioning the insulated glass unit in the frame, the middle portion of the frame supporting the insulated glass unit; andaligning the frame thermal break and the pocket such that a central plane of the pocket extends through a middle ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119974A1

A building component includes a frame including a first material and cladding connected to the frame. The building component also includes a thermal break defined by the frame intermediate a first side and a second side of the building component and an insulating material within the thermal break. The building component further includes an insulated glass unit including a first glass pane and a second glass pane spaced from the first glass pane. The first glass pane and the second glass pane define a pocket therebetween. The thermal break and the pocket define a continuous thermal break when the building component is in a closed position. 1. A door comprising:a frame including a first material, wherein the first material is visible on a first side of the door;cladding connected to the frame, the cladding including a second material, wherein the second material is visible on a second side of the door, wherein the frame defines a cavity that extends between the first side and the second side of the door and is configured to inhibit moisture from the first side contacting a material on the second side;a first thermal break defined by the frame intermediate the first side and the second side;an insulating material within the first thermal break; a first glass pane; and', 'a second glass pane spaced from the first glass pane, the first glass pane and the second glass pane defining a pocket therebetween, wherein a central plane extends through the pocket and is spaced equal distances from the first glass pane and the second glass pane; and, 'an insulated glass unit includinga panel frame circumscribing the insulated glass unit and positioned in the frame, wherein the panel frame defines a second thermal break intermediate the first side and the second side, wherein the second thermal break is aligned with the pocket such that the central plane extends through the second thermal break,wherein the first thermal break, the second thermal break, and the pocket define a ...
