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10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2585779C2

Изобретение относится к бурильным компоновкам для выполнения скважины в грунте или горной породе. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении длины буровой коронки и увеличении скорости бурения. Бурильная компоновка содержит пилотное долото, бурящее среднюю часть скважины, и буровую коронку, бурящую скважину кольцевым забоем. При бурении буровая коронка установлена вокруг пилотного долота, и вращение и ударные усилия бурения направляются от пилотного долота на буровую коронку с помощью фасонных отверстий и деталей, установленных между долотами и передающих мощность, при этом буровая коронка выполнена с возможностью отведения, перемещаясь вокруг пилотного долота, и с возможностью установки на него. Накладное кольцо, выполненное с возможностью скрепления с буровой коронкой, установлено вокруг буровой коронки для соединения с трубой обсадной колонны, втягивающейся в бурящуюся скважину к буровой коронке с помощью накладного кольца. Буровая коронка содержит, по меньшей мере, две кольцевые ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2323322C2

Изобретение относится к области бурения, а именно к устройству для соединения двух, по существу, стержневидных или трубчатых элементов, например, частей буровой штанги бурильной установки и/или элемента буровой штанги с буровой коронкой или головкой бура. Соединяемые друг с другом элементы выполнены, соответственно, с принимаемым концом и ответным ему приемным концом, или смежные друг с другом концы, соответственно, охватываются муфтой или втулкой. На приемном конце или, соответственно, в муфте установлен, по меньшей мере, один участок, смещаемый или вдавливаемый, по существу, в радиальном направлении соединения к принимаемому концу и входящий в ответную выемку или углубление на принимаемом конце. Вдавливаемый или смещаемый участок ограничен щелью в приемном конце или, соответственно, муфте, которая в горизонтальной проекции ограничивает, в частности, по существу, U-образный вдавливаемый участок. Обеспечивает простое и надежное соединение друг с другом соединяемых элементов. 8 з.п. ф-лы ...

25-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2631566C2

Изобретение относится к обработке материалов и может быть использовано при сверлении отверстий сверлильными коронками. Сверлильная коронка содержит режущую часть с кольцевым участком, который на первом конце соединен с одним или несколькими режущими элементами и на втором конце имеет первый вставной элемент и участок стержня сверла с цилиндрическим хвостовиком. На конце хвостовика, обращенном к режущей части, выполнен второй вставной элемент. Указанные вставные элементы образуют в направлении вставки параллельно оси вращения вставное соединение и имеют возможность дополнительного соединения посредством по меньшей мере одного стержневого элемента, который можно вдвигать по меньшей мере в один проем в виде прорези. Обеспечивается надежное соединение вставных элементов сверлильной коронки, повышается стабильность сверления и устойчивость к растягивающей нагрузке при работе. 20 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2305169C2

Изобретение относится к горному делу и может быть применено в бурении скважин для расширения колонны труб, например обсадных. Обеспечивает исключение деформации соединителя труб при прохождении через него расширителя. Способ заключается в радиальном растяжении соединителя двух труб. Соединитель включает ниппельный элемент, имеющий концевой участок вблизи открытого конца ниппельного элемента, и муфтовый элемент. Ниппельный и муфтовый элементы имеют взаимодействующее опорное средство. Ниппельный элемент поддерживают с возможностью предотвращения направленного радиально внутрь перемещения его концевого участка во время и после радиального растяжения соединителя. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2347129C1
Принадлежит: Бауэр Машинен ГмбХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к трубной муфте для трубных элементов, состоящей из втулки и штекера, вставляемого во втулку в осевом направлении. Трубная муфта содержит соединительную область для установления соединения для совместного вращения между втулкой и штекером и область осевой фиксации штекера во втулке. Осевая фиксация образована двумя соответствующими кольцевыми канавками, в которые через входное окно может быть введен, по меньшей мере, один запорный элемент для установления соединения с кинематическим замыканием. Для фиксации запорного элемента по внутренней кольцевой канавке предусмотрено множество радиальных проточек, в которые могут быть введены фиксирующие пальцы. Изобретение повышает надежность соединения. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629035C1

Группа изобретений относится к системам, узлам и способам для антистопорного устройства для передачи крутящего момента на буровой снаряд, расположенной в стволе скважины. Cтопорная муфта для выборочной передачи крутящего момента от поворотного статора, соединенного с буровым двигателем, выполненным с возможностью установки в стволе скважины и поворотным выходным валом, соединенным с поворотным ротором бурового двигателя, содержит множество скользящих стопорных блоков, соединенных с возможностью скольжения с поворотным выходным валом. Причем указанные скользящие стопорные блоки выполнены с возможностью скольжения радиально внутрь и наружу по отношению к центральной продольной оси поворотного выходного вала. Указанные скользящие стопорные блоки разнесены друг относительно друга по окружности вокруг поворотного выходного вала, причем каждый из указанных скользящих стопорных блоков содержит первую контактирующую грань и вторую контактирующую грань, множество фиксируемых стопорных блоков, соединенных ...

05-02-2019 дата публикации

Захват для введения гибкой скрепки в кольцевую полость замкового соединения труб

Номер: RU2679023C1

Изобретение относится к буровой технике, а именно к принадлежностям замковых соединений секций обсадных труб и полых буровых колонн, требующих реверсирования направления вращения. Технический результат – уменьшение трудоемкости и повышение удобства введения гибкой скрепки в кольцевую полость замкового соединения труб в процессе его сборки. Захват для введения гибкой скрепки в кольцевую полость замкового соединения труб через прорезь в стенке муфты выполнен в виде полукольца с рукояткой на одном из его концов, расположенной в одной с ним плоскости. Внутренний радиус полукольца соответствует наружному радиусу муфты, а на его внутренней поверхности выполнена кольцевая канавка для размещения скрепки, оканчивающаяся гнездом для соединения с зацепом скрепки, выполненным по меньшей мере на одном из концов полукольца. Гнездо может быть выполнено в виде поперечной канавки, пересекающейся с кольцевой канавкой. Захват может быть снабжен вторым полукольцом, один из концов которого соединен с основным ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122095A

... 1. Бурильная компоновка для выполнения скважины в грунте или горной породе, содержащая пилотное долото (10), бурящее среднюю часть скважины, и буровую коронку (1), бурящую скважину кольцевым забоем, в варианте ситуации бурения буровая коронка (1) установлена вокруг пилотного долота (10), и вращение и ударные усилия бурения направляются от пилотного долота (10) на буровую коронку (1) с помощью фасонных отверстий и деталей (4-6); (7-9); (15, 16), установленных между долотами и передающих мощность, при этом буровая коронка (1) выполнена с возможностью отведения, перемещаясь вокруг пилотного долота (10), и с возможностью установки на него, и дополнительно накладное кольцо (2), выполненное с возможностью скрепления с буровой коронкой (1), установлено вокруг буровой коронки (1) для соединения с трубой обсадной колонны, втягивающейся в бурящуюся скважину к буровой коронке (1) с помощью накладного кольца, отличающаяся тем, что накладное кольцо (2) установлено вокруг периферии буровой коронки (1 ...

25-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015129594A

05-01-2005 дата публикации

Drill pipe for injecting e.g. cement during e.g. tunnel construction, has securing device used for securing pipe bodies together such that securing device includes cone screws that partially penetrate socket and reach nipple

Номер: DE0010327732A1

The drill pipe includes mutually coupled pipe bodies (2,3). One pipe body has a nipple (5) which is received in the socket (4) of another pipe body. A securing device (8) is used for securing the pipe bodies together. The securing device includes cone screws (10) which are placed against each other, partially penetrate the socket and reach the nipple.

27-06-1991 дата публикации

Drill tube with end coupler(s) - has for transfer elements with releasably coupled lower bolt link ring with peripheral claws

Номер: DE0003942030A1

The drill tube is used to form sectional drill line. The upper end of each tube section has a spigot (3) which fits in the bore of the lower end of the tube section above. The lower tube section end has a link ring (5) with teeth (15) formed on its end face. The teeth engage teeth (17) on adjacent tube section end. Each tube section has radial holes for bushes (6, 7) which are equally spaced around the circumference. The bushes receive bolts which fasten the two tube section together. USE/ADVANTAGE - For large file foundation boreholes, without coupler deformation, but easy release.

01-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002543826A1

19-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002606880B2
Принадлежит: STEFFE, PRINZ & CO GMBH, 5900 SIEGEN

02-02-1978 дата публикации

Borehole pump riser joint - with slide blocks in grooves joined by cylindrical sleeve

Номер: DE0002633504A1

A joint for flow strings of large diameter pipes for borehole pumps is made by several slide blocks which engage in annular grooves near the outside ends of each pipe. These slide blocks are held together by tie bolts and are secured in position by cylindrical sleeves. Some of these sleeves are used to support the internal spiders for the borehole pump shaft bearings. This joint is simple, requires little space and can be mfd. precisely. The installation on site can be carried out by unskilled personnel.

02-11-1961 дата публикации

Kupplung fuer Tiefbohrgestaenge

Номер: DE0001116167B

28-09-2021 дата публикации

Gegendrehmoment-Richtungswerkzeug zum Bohren von Spiralrohren in Mikrolöchern

Номер: DE202021104965U1

Gegendrehmoment-Richtungswerkzeug zum Bohren von Spiralrohren in Mikrolöchern, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass es einen Hauptkörper (1), einen Dichtungszylinder (2), einen festen Zylinder (3), einen Winkeleinstellzylinder (4) und einen rotierenden Außenzylinder (5) umfasst, wobei in dem Hauptkörper (1) ein Bohrflüssigkeitskanal (6) vorgesehen ist, und wobei der Hauptkörper (1) durch eine abgestufte Welle (7) und eine lange Welle (8) gebildet ist, die nacheinander verbunden sind, und wobei an der langen Welle (8) ein Begrenzungsring (9) angeordnet ist, und wobei auf der rechten Seite des Begrenzungsrings (9) der Dichtungszylinder (2) und der Winkeleinstellzylinder (4) angeordnet sind, die nacheinander an der langen Welle (8) aufgesetzt sind, und wobei an der zylindrischen Oberfläche des Winkeleinstellzylinders (4) mehrere Winkeleinstellzähne a (10) entlang der Umfangsrichtung gleichmäßig verteilt sind, und wobei auf der rechten Seite der Winkeleinstellzähne a (10) mehrere Winkeleinstellzähne ...

30-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069625472D1

26-08-1999 дата публикации

Schnellwechselsystem für Gestänge mit Kraftübertragung

Номер: DE0029909142U1

10-10-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003301016C2

09-09-1976 дата публикации

Detachable joint for well pipe - has pipe ends with circumferential projections enclosed in sleeve of adjustable diameter

Номер: DE0002508424A1

The detachable joint for well pipes includes at least one ring-shaped circumferential projection (18, 20, 22, 24) on the end section (14, 16) of the pipes forming the joint. The pipe ends are joined together by a ring sleeve (12) of adjustable diameter enclosing the pipe ends (14, 16). The sleeve has grooves (34, 36, 38, 40) on its inner surface to accommodate the circumferential projections (18, 20, 22, 24) on the pipe ends (14, 16). The circumferential projections (18, 20, 22, 24) are axially spaced, and between the sleeve (12, 16) and the pipe ends is provided a ring space (44) for accommodating a ring seal (42).

28-09-2000 дата публикации

Drilling rod, for mining operations, for example, has locking bar installed on second drill column's end and hinging between released position and locking position protruding over outer circumference of second drill column

Номер: DE0019912150A1

On the second drill column's end for fitting in the sleeve(12) of the first drill column(10) a locking bar(18) is installed and hinges between a released position and locking position protruding over the outer circumference of the second drill column(13). In this way the locking bar, when a tensioning force is exerted upon the first drill column and sleeve, bears by a locking protrusion(19) against a support face(27) cut out on the inner side of the sleeve, and which by means of an unlocking shoe(24) is hinged inwards into its released position against the force of a spring(23) preloading it into the locked position.

25-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003463809D1

27-04-1995 дата публикации

Rod, in particular for a drill stem (string)

Номер: DE0004336245A1

A rod (1), in particular for a small drill stem which can be put together from several rods (1a, 1b) of identical construction, is proposed, with which a small drill stem can be automatically set and extracted. To this end, the rod (1) is of hollow design and is provided with an axially displaceable plunger (2) in its interior, for which at least two further positions (P2, P3) can be assumed from a basic position (P1). Both the interlocking between the front rod (1a) and the drill chuck (20) and that between the front rod (1a) and the further adjoining rod (1b) is controlled by a push rod (21) performing strokes (H1, H2) in the drill chuck (20). ...

18-07-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE8514422U1

23-11-2016 дата публикации

A coupling apparatus for connecting two drill pipe sections and a method of using same

Номер: GB0002538663A

A coupling apparatus (1) and a method for connecting two drill-pipe sections in a string (100) of drill-pipe sections joined together by tool joints, the coupling apparatus (1) comprising : - a first pipe (10) with a first end portion (12) and a second end portion (14), the first end portion (12) being provided with a tool joint (16) for connection to a drill-pipe section; - a second pipe (20) with a first end portion (22) and a second end portion (24), the first end portion (22) being provided with a tool joint (26) for connection to a drill-pipe section; each of the second end portions (14, 24) of the pipes (10, 20) further being provided with a flange (18, 28) provided with at least two spaced-apart bores (30) which are each arranged to receive a bolt (32) so that the flanges (18, 28) and the bolts (32) form a flange connection configured to hold the first pipe (10) and the second pipe (20) fixed against axial movement relative to each other, each of the first pipe (10) and the second ...

14-11-2018 дата публикации

Riser monitoring system

Номер: GB0002545282B
Принадлежит: DRIL QUIP INC, Dril-Quip Inc

20-05-2015 дата публикации

Flow line connector assembly

Номер: GB0201505788D0

03-07-2013 дата публикации

Pipe coupling

Номер: GB0201308887D0

24-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009019554D0

27-08-2014 дата публикации

Downhole apparatus recovery

Номер: GB0201412391D0

16-03-2016 дата публикации

External slip having expandable slots and a retainer

Номер: GB0201601851D0

05-05-2004 дата публикации

Convertible tubular scraper

Номер: GB0002387399B

07-09-1994 дата публикации

Pipe connector with segmented latches

Номер: GB0002275748A

There are disclosed several embodiments of a connector for connecting tubular members in end-to-end relation wherein a ring supported by the one tubular member carries arcuate latches which are adapted to be moved by radial actuators into and out of positions in which locking shoulders thereon are tightly engaged with a complementary locking shoulder about the other tubular member to hold the members in end-to-end relation.

03-04-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to drills

Номер: GB0000426470A

... 426,470. Percussive drills. NORLEY, H. C., 551, Reid Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Sept. 17, 1934, No. 26612. Addition to 392,788. [Class 124] The steel 1 is formed with two opposing projections 3, 4, which enter holes 8, 9 in the detachable cutter 5. The holes are wider than the projections, thus permitting endwise movement to allow the tapering steel to jam in the recess 7.

21-03-2007 дата публикации

Deployment system

Номер: GB0002430220A

A deployment system (10) and sub sections for running multiple logging tools in a well bore. A body (12) of the deployment system is connectable to a wireline and may have slots (18) for receiving different tools around a circumference of the body. Roller wheels (30,32) may be provided to protect the system components and to locate and guide the system upon deployment in the well bore. The deployment system may include various interchangeably-connected sub sections. In various embodiments, the system may include a power sub section (300), a vibration sub section, a roller sub section (130, 230) and a housing sub section. These sections may be pivotally joined providing a flexible system that would be particularly suited for deployment of logging tools in deviated well bores.

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Compression set downhole clutch

Номер: GB0002537763A

Compression set downhole clutch (100) can include an upper body (201), a lower body (202), and a hydraulic member (205). The upper body (201) can include at least one engagement surface (204). The lower body (202) can include at least one engagement surface (203). The at least one engagement surface (204) of the upper body (201) and the at least one engagement surface (203) of the lower body (202) can each be configured to couple with one another and rotate in unison in an engaged configuration (102). The hydraulic member (205) can be configured to be responsive to a predetermined pressure; the hydraulic member (205) can also be configured to disengage the engagement surface (204) of the upper body (201) from the engagement surface (203) of the lower body (202).

16-01-2002 дата публикации

Retaining ring

Номер: GB0002351330B

17-08-2016 дата публикации

External slip having expandable slots and a retainer

Номер: GB0002535323A

An external slip includes a slip body comprising a wall having internal and external surfaces. The internal surface includes a ramp portion, and a plurality of teeth is disposed on the external surface of the wall of the slip body. A plurality of expansion slots extends through a thickness of the wall, at least one extending from a first end of the wall toward a second end of the wall but not reaching the second end. At least another of the plurality of expansion slots extends from the second end toward the first end of the wall but does not reach the first end. An installation slot extends through a thickness of the wall along a length of the wall, and a retainer is coupled to first and second gap ends of the wall across a gap created by the installation slot.

13-12-2000 дата публикации

Combined milling and scraping tool

Номер: GB0000026460D0

02-07-2014 дата публикации

Pipe coupling

Номер: GB0002503344B

02-01-2002 дата публикации

A torque isolation mechanism

Номер: GB0000127222D0

05-10-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to joints for rods and the like

Номер: GB0000167465A

... 167,465. Choppinet, J., Gillon, G., and Defays, V. Aug. 5, 1920, [Convention date]. Shaft couplings.-In a coupling for rods and other members, particularly applicable to drilling-apparatus in which the drilling- tubes s deviate from a straight line, one coupling- part A carries a cylindrical head T engaging a cylindrical recess in the other coupling-part B, endlong movement in the recess being prevented by means of a lug on the head T engaging a recess in the part B and by the engagement with a peripheral groove K in the head T of blocks E engaging a non- circular recess L in the part B. The blocks are moved by a screw D, axial movement of which is prevented bv a screw F, into engagement with the head T so as to force it frictionally into engagement with the walls of its recess. Considerable lateral pressure, however, on either of the coupling parts overcomes the frictional action, relative rocking about the axis of the head T taking place. Peripheral recesses in the part A are provided ...

08-12-2021 дата публикации

Expandable connection for expandable tubulars

Номер: GB2595808A

One illustrative method disclosed herein includes positioning a first tubular (12) adjacent a second tubular (14), wherein one of the first and second tubulars (12, 14) includes a plurality of radially deflectable fingers (12X, 14X) formed in an end thereof, mating the first and second tubulars (12, 14) into mated engagement with one another, wherein, during the mating of the first and second tubulars (12, 14), the radially deflectable fingers (12X, 14X) deflect in a radial direction, and expanding the first and second tubulars (12, 14) by forcing an expansion mandrel through the mated first and second tubulars (12, 14) such that the expanded first and second tubulars (12, 14) have an expanded inside diameter that is greater than an initial inside diameter of the first and second tubulars (12, 14).

05-09-1968 дата публикации

Masonry drilling bit

Номер: GB0001126103A

... 1,126,103. Drills. A. FISCHER. 27 May, 1966 [31 May, 1965], No. 23957/66. Heading B3C. A drill bit has a shank 4, Fig. 1, and a tip 3, the shank being adapted to be withdrawn from the bored hole, to thus leave the tip embedded in the hole. The tip may have anhexagonal socket (2a), Fig. 3 (not shown) to match the hexagonal end 2 of shank 4, or it may be of oval shape (2b), Fig. 2 (not shown). In a modification, the shank (5), Figs. 6, 7 (not shown) is hollow with a slot (6) and locking projection (7), and a crown shaped drill bit (8) has projections (9), (10), which cooperate with recesses (11), (12), on the shank.

09-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008300419D0

21-08-1996 дата публикации

High strength quick connector

Номер: GB0009612923D0

07-04-1999 дата публикации

Directional drilling apparatus

Номер: GB0009903256D0

10-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002005750B

28-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001573945A

18-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001584928A

The pipe joint has a clamping sleeve (1), slit several times over the periphery, and a threaded bolt (2) which can be inserted into the bore of the clamping sleeve (1) and is intended for expanding the latter. The pipes to be joined, which in the area of the spigot or socket end have radial bores distributed at equal angles over the periphery and in alignment with one another, accommodate the clamping sleeve (1) therein. By virtue of the fact that the pipe joint comprising only two elements is on the one hand characterised by simple assembly and reusability and is releasable and adjustable, a firm connection of the spigot or socket end of the pipe is obtained on the other hand when the clamping sleeve (1) is expanded. ...

02-11-2016 дата публикации

Modular annular debris barrier with rotationally locked segments

Номер: GB0201615690D0

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to coupling of tubulars downhole

Номер: GB0201806818D0

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Mechanical connector utilizing dog-clutch teeth

Номер: GB2591877A

A mechanical connector provided with a zero-pitch angle thread 150 on substantially matching frustoconical surfaces extending between two sets of metal seals has an ability to transfer torque structurally in addition to friction, which is solely utilized to transfer torque in traditional connectors. The threads are axisymmetric. High torsional and bending load capacities are achieved structurally by use of; splines 160, Dog-clutch teeth 880, fitted pins, keys, and/or interlocked thread systems, all used in isolation or in arbitrary combinations. The connection may be formed of a box and pin connection and may be made from titanium, aluminium or magnesium alloy or may be made of a non-metallic material such as plastic. The box and pin may utilise cladding, weld overlays or linings.

10-05-2023 дата публикации

Expandable connection for expandable tubulars

Номер: GB0002612736A

A first aspect relates to a method comprising positioning a first tubular 12 adjacent a second tubular 14. One of the first and second tubulars includes a plurality of radially deflectable fingers 12X, 14X formed in an end thereof, mating the first and second tubulars into mated engagement with one another. The radially deflectable fingers deflect in a radial direction during the mating of the first and second tubulars. The first and second tubulars are expanded by forcing an expansion mandrel through the mated tubulars such that the expanded tubulars have an expanded inside diameter that is greater than an initial inside diameter of the tubulars. After mating the tubulars and prior to expanding the tubulars, a protective ring (38, 38A, 38B, Fig 9) is positioned around the mated tubulars at an area of engagement between the first and second tubulars. A second aspect relates to an apparatus comprising the above features.

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Device for mounting a flexible line on structure, and related equipment and method.

Номер: AP0201005500D0

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Device for mounting a flexible line on structure, and related equipment and method

Номер: AP0000003044A

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Device arranged for attaching a pipe stem on a tubular body

Номер: AP2015008234A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008808A0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Device for mounting a flexible line on structure, and related equipment and method.

Номер: AP2010005500A0

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Radially expandable tubular with supported end portion.

Номер: OA0000012469A

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508808A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508808D0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Device arranged for attaching a pipe stem on a tubular body

Номер: AP0201508234A0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Device for mounting a flexible line on structure, and related equipment and method.

Номер: AP0201005500A0

15-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414259B

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000534799T

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0008712002A

27-12-1989 дата публикации

Device for connecting two abutting casing pipes

Номер: AT0000389564B

To connect two abutting casing pipes 1, 2, connecting bolts 5 are provided which pass through the one casing pipe 1 and a neck 3, engaging in this casing pipe 1, of the other casing pipe 2 in aligned through-holes 4 and project beyond the hole edges with heads 7 and 8. In order to provide a releasable connection, the one head 8 of the connecting bolts 5 is designed to be loose and engages with a coupling extension 9 in an end shank recess 10 of the bolt shank 6. A connecting screw 11 engaging in a nut thread 12 of the loose head 8 and passing through the bolt shank is provided in order to connect the loose head 8 to the bolt shank 6. ...

25-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412802B

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413420B

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508617B1

Bei einer Rohrverbindung zwischen einem ersten Rohr (1) und einem zweiten Rohr (3), wobei ein Endabschnitt des einen Rohrs als Spitzende (2) ausgebildet ist und von einem als Muffenende ausgebildeten Endabschnitt (4) des anderen Rohrs (3) übergriffen ist, wobei das Spitzende (2) einen gegenüber dem Rohrumfang verringerten Durchmesser auf weist, ist vorgesehen, daß an dem vom Rohrende abgewandten Endbereich des Spitzendes (2) eine sich wenigstens über einen Teilbereich des Umfangs des Spitzendes (2) erstreckende Vertiefung (5) ausgebildet ist.

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512740T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0016032002A

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000136094T

15-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006380T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000105918T

15-11-2016 дата публикации

Bajonettverbindung zur Kopplung von Enden von Bohrrohren, Bohrstangen oder Ankerstangen

Номер: AT15014U1

Bei einer Bajonettverbindung (1) zur Kopplung von Enden von Bohrrohren, Bohrstangen oder Ankerstangen, die einen Bajonettstecker (2) und eine Bajonettmuffe (3) aufweist, welcher Bajonettstecker (2) mit zwei um 180° beabstandeten Bajonettbolzen (4) versehen ist, welche Bajonettbolzen (4) in in der Bajonettmuffe (3) ausgebildete, im Wesentlichen L-förmige Bajonettnuten (5) einführbar und in einem im Wesentlichen waagrecht angeordneten Schenkel des L durch Drehen festlegbar sind, wobei die Bajonettnuten (5) einen gegenüber einem Durchmesser des Bajonettbolzens (4) vergrößerten Durchmesser aufweisen und eine Einstecktiefe des Bajonettsteckers (2) in die Bajonettmuffe (4) durch einen in der Bajonettmuffe (4) ausgebildeten Axialanschlag begrenzt ist, ist der Axialanschlag als Kegelfläche oder Kegelstumpffläche (7) mit einer durch den Kugelstumpf geführten Durchtrittsöffnung (8) ausgebildet, welcher Axialanschlag mit einer im Wesentlichen korrespondierenden Kegelfläche oder Kugelstumpffläche ( ...

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000027333T

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000185410T

15-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA65888A

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000248980T

15-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000174676T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263306T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000264449T

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Rod coupling comprising a pin

Номер: AU2008234990B2

The invention relates to a rod coupling for rod segments for use in horizontal earth boring, wherein the ends of the rod segments can be interconnected and are fixed by means of a cross pin.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Tubular coupling device

Номер: AU2012258555A1

A coupling device includes an upper adapter and a lower adapter. The lower adapter may be pre-installed on a downhole tool and positioned in a wellbore. The upper adapter may be attached to a conveyance and lowered into the wellbore for connection with the lower adapter. The upper adapter may be coupled to the lower adapter by sliding over the lower adapter and applying weight to actuate a locking mechanism. After coupling, axial and torque load may be transmitted from the conveyance to the downhole tool.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

A coupling apparatus for connecting two drill pipe sections and a method of using same

Номер: AU2015242533B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A coupling apparatus (1) and a method for connecting two drill-pipe sections in a string (100) of drill-pipe sections joined together by tool joints, the coupling apparatus (1) comprising : - a first pipe (10) with a first end portion (12) and a second end portion (14), the first end portion (12) being provided with a tool joint (16) for connection to a drill-pipe section; - a second pipe (20) with a first end portion (22) and a second end portion (24), the first end portion (22) being provided with a tool joint (26) for connection to a drill-pipe section; each of the second end portions (14, 24) of the pipes (10, 20) further being provided with a flange (18, 28) provided with at least two spaced-apart bores (30) which are each arranged to receive a bolt (32) so that the flanges (18, 28) and the bolts (32) form a flange connection configured to hold the first pipe (10) and the second pipe (20) fixed against axial movement relative to each other, each of the first pipe (10) and the second ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Release assembly and method of forming drilling tool

Номер: AU2014253519A1

Abstract The invention relates to a release assembly and a method of forming a drilling tool for rock or overburden drilling. The release assembly (18) is arranged axially between two drilling tool components (14a, 14b). The release assembly comprises a release mechanism allowing an initial axial length (Li) to shorten (Ls) when a joint (15) of the drilling tool components (14) provided with connecting threads (20, 21) is turned in an opening direction (Ro). Then the release assembly has a decreased second axial length (L2) and friction forces in the joint decrease. (Figure 3) 5884676_1 (GHMatters) P98148.AU BELAG Rc -21 14a 19 22a24-- 2 R -28 29 22b D1 -- 32 14b 24 2628 9 Ls Ro8 FIG. 4 24-- 30- 31 ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for drilling and lining a borehole

Номер: AU2013244044B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention concerns an arrangement at a drill for down-the-hole drilling in front of a subsequent lining pipe (58), comprising a drill bit (2) intended to be inserted at its neck (2a) into a chuck in a down-the-hole drill (100), from which impacts are transferred to the drill bit, a control means (5) for guiding the drill and the lining pipe relative to each other and that allows the drill to rotate relative to the lining pipe, a coupling arrangement (24a, 24b; 46, 47) in the form of a bayonet coupling or similar with which the drill can be coupled to the control means (5) in a manner that allows them to be separated and that in its freed condition allows the drill, together with the down-the-hole drill, to be withdrawn through the lining pipe, a flushing passage (32c) for the supply of flushing agent in front of the drill and an evacuation passage for the removal of drilling cuttings together the flushing agent. In order to achieve increased drilling efficiency, it comprises a casing ...

21-11-2002 дата публикации

Coupling for drill pipes

Номер: AU0000754683B2

03-07-1997 дата публикации

Tubing connector

Номер: AU0001068897A

29-11-1995 дата публикации

Rotatable cutting bit assembly

Номер: AU0001870795A

04-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002328849C
Принадлежит: WELLTEC A/S

In an assembly for cylindrical drill pipes made for the transport of different kind of fluids, it is the object of the invention to provide a combined flange assembly, that can combine the functions and can be assembled under low time consumption and at low costs. This object is accomplished in, that the connecting means are axially directed bolts inserted in the outer wall of the drill rod and extending axially past the end of the drill rod into internally threaded blind holes in the next drill rod to be connected to the first drill rod, and that each terminal surface of a drill rod is made with arrangements for at least one coupling means for the transport of different kind of fluids in the drill string.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Electrical Wiring for Drill Pipe, Casing, and Tubing

Номер: US20120012301A1
Принадлежит: Sunstone Technologies LLC

An apparatus includes a first pin and a second pin. The first pin has a first joint section. The first joint section has first holes extending a length of the first joint section and terminating at a first preload face. The second pin has a second joint section. The second joint section has second holes extending a length of the first joint section and terminating at a second preload face. The second joint section is adapted to receive the first joint section and the first holes match the second holes when the first pin and the second pin are mated.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for coupling of a casing tube to a drill bit

Номер: US20120227985A1
Автор: Juhani Välisalo
Принадлежит: Atlas Copco Rotex Oy AB

A method for connecting a casing tube to a drill bit. An annular groove is formed around an outer track of the bit. A drill shoe is utilized to connect the casing tube to the bit at a front edge of the bit. The connection ring is attached to the groove and the casing tube. If the connection ring is attached to the casing tube, at a first stage of the installation a chopped ring element is at least partially installed into the groove. At a second stage of the installation, the connection ring is pushed such that the ring element becomes strained simultaneously with moving into the groove, in which case when the connection ring is moved, the ring element moves in the groove and slides into the groove such that movement of the ring element to a deepest point of the groove is prohibited by a stopper.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247355A1

A system for securing a first tubular to a second tubular including a housing having at least one group of at least one window therein. A gripping assembly is disposed in the housing and has at least one member operatively arranged for selectably extending through the at least one window for internally gripping the first tubular. A coupling unit is included having a first clamping mechanism and a second clamping mechanism. The first clamping mechanism is operatively arranged for externally clamping the housing, and the second clamping mechanism is operatively arranged for externally clamping the second tubular component. A method of securing together two tubular components is also included. 1. A system for securing a first tubular to a second tubular , comprising:a housing having at least one group of at least one window therein;a gripping assembly disposed in the housing and having at least one member operatively arranged for selectably extending through the at least one window for internally gripping the first tubular; anda coupling unit having a first clamping mechanism and a second clamping mechanism, the first clamping mechanism operatively arranged for externally clamping the housing, and the second clamping mechanism operatively arranged for externally clamping the second tubular component.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a subassembly associated with each group of at least one window claim 1 , each subassembly having a first wedge and a second wedge together associated with each window claim 1 , each first wedge being disposed in a corresponding one of the at least one window and operatively arranged with the second wedge to be selectably extendable through the corresponding window due to relative movement between the first and second wedges.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one group comprises a plurality of groups of at least one window.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of groups comprises three groups of at least ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Horizontal Directional Drill Pipe Drive Connection With Locking Feature

Номер: US20140050522A1
Принадлежит: Charles Machine Works Inc

The present invention is directed to a spindle assembly for connecting a drill string to a rotational drive for use in a horizontal directional drilling operation. The assembly comprises a saver sub attached to the rotational drive, and a drive chuck for connection to the drill string. The drive chuck and saver sub form a torque-transmitting connection by engaging through a seat in the saver sub and an engagement point on the drive chuck. Dowel pins may be used to rotationally lock and provide the engagement between the saver sub and the drive chuck. A collar may thread to the saver sub and cause an interference fit by engaging the drive chuck at a shoulder.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Tapered Spline Connection for Drill Pipe, Casing, and Tubing

Номер: US20140054886A1

An apparatus comprises a first number of splines located near a first end of a first joint section and a second number of splines located near a second end of a second joint section. The first number of splines extends in an axial direction of the first joint section and spans a circumferential surface of the first joint section. Each of the first number of splines has a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks that extends from the base to the tip and forms an acute angle. Each of the first number of splines are configured to be received between adjacent pairs of splines in the second number of splines as the first end of the first joint section and the second end of the second joint section are joined. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first number of splines located near a first end of a first joint section, the first number of splines disposed on a circumferential outer surface of the first joint section, and extending in a first axial direction towards the first end and outwardly in a first radial direction from the circumferential outer surface, each of the first number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle, wherein the first number of splines have first root radii at first interfaces between the first number of splines and the circumferential outer surface, and wherein a number of first edges of the first number of splines have a first rounded off portion;a second number of splines located near a second end of a second joint section, the second number of splines disposed on a circumferential inner surface of the second joint section and extending in a second axial direction towards the second end and inwardly in a second radial direction from the circumferential inner surface, each of the second number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle. wherein the second number of splines ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002989A1

An assembly adapted to be disposed within an oil or gas wellbore and including first and second completion joints, each including a base pipe, a shunt tube disposed along the base pipe, and a tubular outer shroud disposed about respective portions of the shunt tube and the base pipe; a jumper tube coupling the shunt tube of the first completion joint to the shunt tube of the second completion joint; and a tubular sliding shroud disposed about at least one of the first and second completion joints and adapted to slide longitudinally to a run-in position, in which the tubular sliding shroud is disposed about the jumper tube and respective portions of the first and second completion joints, thereby covering the jumper tube. A method and apparatus are also provided. 1. An assembly adapted to be disposed within a wellbore , the assembly comprising: a base pipe;', 'a shunt tube disposed along the base pipe; and', 'a tubular outer shroud disposed about respective portions of the shunt tube and the base pipe;, 'first and second completion joints, each of which comprisesa jumper tube coupling the shunt tube of the first completion joint to the shunt tube of the second completion joint; anda tubular sliding shroud disposed about at least one of the first and second completion joints and adapted to slide longitudinally to a run-in position, in which the tubular sliding shroud is disposed about the jumper tube and respective portions of the first and second completion joints, thereby covering the jumper tube.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein respective portions of the base pipes and shunt tubes that are longitudinally disposed between the tubular outer shrouds of the first and second completion joints are covered by the tubular sliding shroud when the tubular sliding shroud is placed in the run-in position.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a locking mechanism connected to the first completion joint and a retaining member connected to the second joint;wherein ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Collar With Stepped Retaining Ring Groove

Номер: US20180002990A1

An assembly for a torque-transmitting connection in an inner pipe string of a dual-member drill string is formed from a collar, a retaining ring, and an inner pipe member. An endless internal groove having adjacent shallow and deep sections is formed in the collar. Formed in the inner pipe member, an endless external groove is situated in concentric relationship with the internal groove. The retaining ring, situated within the grooves, resists disconnection of the collar from the inner pipe member. When the assembly is subjected to an axial force that might otherwise tend to pull it apart, the retaining ring resists the tendency by wedging between the bottom of the shallow section of the internal groove and the crest of the external groove. 1. An assembly , comprising:a tubular collar having opposed first and second ends and an endless internal groove positioned adjacent the first end in which the groove has a step-like base defining adjacent shallow and deep sections;a pipe member having an end positioned within the collar and an endless external groove positioned adjacent the end of the pipe member and situated in concentric relationship with the internal groove; anda retaining ring situated within the grooves of both the collar and the pipe section.2. The assembly of in which the external groove is bounded on one side by a ramp.3. The assembly of in which the included angle between the ramp and the bottom of the external groove is between 120 and 165 degrees.4. The assembly of in which the included angle between the ramp and the bottom of the external groove is 135 degrees.5. The assembly of claim 1 , the collar having an internal shoulder positioned between the end of the collar and the internal groove and the pipe member having an external shoulder in which contact between the shoulders limits the axial movement of the collar and the pipe member relative to each other.6. The assembly of in which the shallow section of the groove is situated closer to the first ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Tapered Spline Connection for Drill Pipe, Casing, and Tubing

Номер: US20150008002A1

An apparatus comprises a first number of splines located near a first end of a first joint section and a second number of splines located near a second end of a second joint section. The first number of splines extends in an axial direction of the first joint section and spans a circumferential surface of the first joint section. Each of the first number of splines has a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks that extends from the base to the tip and forms an acute angle. Each of the first number of splines are configured to be received between adjacent pairs of splines in the second number of splines as the first end of the first joint section and the second end of the second joint section are joined. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first number of splines located near a first end of a first joint section, the first number of splines disposed on a circumferential outer surface of the first joint section, and extending in a first axial direction towards the first end and outwardly in a first radial direction from the circumferential outer surface, each of the first number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle, wherein the first number of splines have first root radii at first interfaces between the first number of splines and the circumferential outer surface;a second number of splines located near a second end of a second joint section, the second number of splines disposed on a circumferential inner surface of the second joint section and extending in a second axial direction towards the second end and inwardly in a second radial direction from the circumferential inner surface, each of the second number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle, wherein the second number of splines have second root radii at second interfaces between the second number of splines and the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025716A1

An auxiliary line system for a drilling riser includes a first auxiliary line portion configured to couple to a first section of the drilling riser, a second auxiliary line portion configured to couple to a second section of the drilling riser, and a breech lock connection. The breech lock connection includes a first portion configured to couple to the first auxiliary line portion and comprising a first engagement feature and a second portion configured to couple to the second auxiliary line portion and comprising a second engagement feature. The breech lock connection is configured to adjust between a locked configuration and an unlocked configuration. 1. An auxiliary line system for a drilling riser , the auxiliary line system comprising:a first auxiliary line portion configured to couple to a first section of the drilling riser;a second auxiliary line portion configured to couple to a second section of the drilling riser; and a first portion configured to couple to the first auxiliary line portion and comprising a first engagement feature; and', 'a second portion configured to couple to the second auxiliary line portion and comprising a second engagement feature, wherein the breech lock connection is configured to adjust between a locked configuration in which the first engagement feature and the second engagement feature engage one another to block relative movement between the first portion and the second portion and an unlocked configuration in which the first engagement feature and the second engagement feature are disengaged from one another to enable relative movement between the first portion and the second portion., 'a breech lock connection, comprising2. The auxiliary line system of claim 1 , wherein the first auxiliary line portion claim 1 , the second auxiliary line portion claim 1 , and the breech lock connection are configured to form a continuous auxiliary line while the breech lock connection is in the locked configuration.3. The auxiliary line ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010399A1
Автор: Poppe William David

Systems and methods for the down-hole automatic mechanical coupling and alignment of a first sensor module and a second sensor module are provided. A mating element of a first sensor module includes a sheath with a first cam and a shroud surrounding the first cam. A second mating element of a second sensor module includes a second cam complementary to the first cam. Upon mating, the sheath surrounds at least a portion of the second mating element and the first cam seats against the second cam, with a predetermined axial orientation with respect to each other. 1. A system for the down-hole alignment of a mating element and a second mating element , the system comprising: a sheath comprising an axis and a first cam, the first cam having a first cam point and a first notch; and', 'a shroud disposed around the first cam and extending past the first cam point;, 'a mating element, comprising an elongate member;', 'a second cam releasably mounted around the elongate member, the second cam having a second cam point and a second notch; and', 'a pin releasably disposed through the elongate member and the second cam, the pin having a length greater than an outer diameter of the second cam;, 'a second mating element, comprisingthe first mating element configured to mate with the second mating element such that the sheath accepts the elongate member, and the first cam seats against the second cam with a predefined orientation about the axis, the second notch accepting the first cam point and the first notch accepting the second cam point.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first cam point has a first radius of curvature and the second cam point has a second radius of curvature claim 1 , the first radius of curvature being substantially equal to the second radius of curvature.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first radius of curvature is substantially equal to 1/100 of an inch.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first cam has a first angle and the second cam has a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010332A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, LLC

A downhole assembly that includes tubulars rotationally coupled to one another. An interface is between adjacent tubulars that makes up at least a portion of the rotational coupling. Certain surfaces of adjacent tubulars come into contact with one another when adjacent tubulars are rotationally coupled; and which are defined as contact surfaces. Each contact surface is profiled with facets that are complementary to facets on a corresponding contact surface of an adjacent tubular. The profiling of the contact surfaces is such that when a contact surface is brought together with a corresponding contact surface; facets on the contact surface abut facets on the corresponding contact surface along planes that are oblique or parallel with an axis of the tubular. At least some of a rotational torque transmitted between adjacent tubulars occurs across the abutting facets. 1. A downhole assembly comprising:a drill bit;a tubular member;a shaft connected to the drill bit and configured to rotate within and relative to the tubular member to rotate the drill bit; andthe shaft comprising a first shaft member with a first engagement area and a second shaft member with a second engagement area, the first and second engagement areas engaged with each other by a threaded connection,wherein at least one of the first and second engagement areas comprises one or more torsional locking elements.2. The downhole assembly of claim 1 , wherein the one or more torsional locking elements comprise raised members on at least one of the first and second engagement areas.3. The downhole assembly of claim 1 , wherein the threaded connection is a connection with a compression element.4. The downhole assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shaft and the tubular member are coupled by one or more bearings between the shaft and the tubular member.5. The downhole assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second engagement areas are under compression when engaged.6. The downhole assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Shear Coupling

Номер: US20190010768A1
Автор: Cosse Carlos

A shear coupling includes a first half, a second half, and a shear pin connected therebetween. The connections between the shear pin and the first half and the second half substantially isolate the shear pin from torsional, bending, and compression forces experienced by the first half or the second half. The connections between the shear pin and the first half and the second half transfer tension forces experienced by the first half and the second half to the shear pin from. A tension force above a predetermined threshold causes the shear pin to separate into two pieces that remain connected to the first and second halves. 1. A shear coupling , comprising:a first half having a connection feature adapted to connect the first half to another system component;a second half having a connection feature adapted to connect the second half to another system component;a shear pin connected between the first half and the second half, the connections between the shear pin and the first half and the second half being adapted to substantially isolate the shear pin from torsional, bending, and compression forces experienced by the first half or the second half, the connections between the shear pin and the first half and the second half begin adapted to transfer tension forces experienced by the first half and the second half to the shear pin from.2. A shear coupling as recited in claim 1 , wherein the shear pin is disposed at least partially within each of the first half and the second half.3. A shear coupling as recited in claim 1 , wherein the shear pin comprises a shear groove claim 1 , wherein the shear pin is adapted to separate into two pieces at the shear groove when a tension force above a predetermined threshold is applied to the shear pin.4. A shear coupling as recited in claim 3 , wherein a first piece of the two pieces of the shear pin remains connected to the first half when the shear pin separates into the two pieces.5. A shear coupling as recited in claim 3 , ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017672A1
Автор: BACK Goran

An overshot tool for releasable connection to a head assembly as part of a core barrel drilling apparatus. The overshot tool comprises a primary engaging portion and a secondary engaging portion and is configured for the automated coupling and de-coupling to a head assembly via selected engagement of the head assembly by the engaging portion. The overshot tool is configured to both deliver and retrieve a head assembly from a latched position at a cutting end the core barrel.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016847A1

A bit for drilling with a casing or liner string includes: a tubular stem made from a high strength metal or alloy; a head: having a cutting face with an inner cone, an outer shoulder, and an intermediate nose between the cone and the shoulder; attached to an end of the stem; and made from a nonferrous metal or alloy; a plurality of blades formed integrally with the head, made from the nonferrous metal or alloy, and each extending from a center of the cutting face to the shoulder; a plurality of superhard cutters mounted along each blade; a plurality of gauge pads formed integrally with the stem; and a flush joint formed between each blade and a respective gauge pad. A yield strength of the high strength metal or alloy is at least twice a yield strength of the nonferrous metal or alloy. 1. A bit for drilling with a casing or liner string , comprising:a tubular stem made from a high strength metal or alloy; having a cutting face with an inner cone, an outer shoulder, and an intermediate nose between the cone and the shoulder;', 'attached to an end of the stem; and', 'made from a nonferrous metal or alloy;, 'a heada plurality of blades formed integrally with the head, made from the nonferrous metal or alloy, and each extending from a center of the cutting face to the shoulder;a plurality of superhard cutters mounted along each blade;a plurality of gauge pads formed integrally with the stem; anda flush joint formed between each blade and a respective gauge pad,wherein a yield strength of the high strength metal or alloy is at least twice a yield strength of the nonferrous metal or alloy.2. The bit of claim 1 , wherein:the high strength metal or alloy is steel, andthe nonferrous metal or alloy is nickel-based.3. The bit of claim 1 , further comprising a layer of hardfacing deposited on a bottom or outer surface of each blade and an outer surface of each pad.4. The bit of claim 1 , wherein:the bit further comprises a lock joint and a lap joint attaching the head to the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Whipstocking drill for ultra-short-radius well

Номер: US20190017327A1
Автор: Sujie NIU

The invention belongs to the technical field of drills for petroleum, coal mines and exploration, and provides a whipstocking drill for an ultra-short-radius well. The whipstocking drill comprises several flexible drill rods which are sequentially connected end to end, wherein the flexible drill rod at an end portion is connected with a length compensation device, and the flexible drill rods are externally sleeved with several guide sleeves which are movably connected. The invention solves the technical problems of a long whipstocking length and an excessively large turning radius of curvature during whipstocking.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Collar With Stepped Retaining Ring Groove

Номер: US20200018126A1

An assembly for a torque-transmitting connection in an inner pipe string of a dual-member drill string is formed from a collar, a retaining ring, and an inner pipe member. An endless internal groove having adjacent shallow and deep sections is formed in the collar. Formed in the inner pipe member, an external grooved region is situated in adjacent relationship with the internal groove. The retaining ring, situated within the grooves, resists disconnection of the collar from the inner pipe member. When the assembly is subjected to an axial force that might otherwise tend to pull it apart, the retaining ring resists the tendency by wedging between the bottom of the shallow section of the internal groove and the crest of the external groove. 1. An assembly , comprising:a tubular collar having opposed first and second ends and an internal groove positioned adjacent the first end in which the internal groove has a base defining adjacent shallow and deep sections;an elongate pipe member having an end positioned within the collar and at least one external grooved region positioned adjacent the end of the pipe member; anda retaining ring situated within the internal groove of the collar and the external grooved region of the pipe section;in which the shallow section of the internal groove is situated closer to the first end of the collar than is the deep section.2. The assembly of in which the external grooved region comprises an endless groove.3. The assembly of in which the external grooved region comprises a plurality of radially-disposed depressions disposed about a periphery of the pipe member.4. The assembly of in which the pipe member has a hexagonal external profile.5. The assembly of in which each of the plurality of radially-disposed depressions interrupts a vertex of the hexagonal profile.6. The assembly of in which the internal groove is defined by a radial ridge disposed between the shallow section and the deep section claim 1 , in which the groove is shallower ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Threaded connector locking device

Номер: US20140103640A1
Принадлежит: Vetco Gray LLC

A system for joining pipe segments, the system including a first pipe connector connected to a first pipe segment, and a second pipe connector threadingly connectable to the first pipe connector, and connected to a second pipe segment. The system further includes a recess in the outer surface of the first pipe connector, and an elongated key having first and second lengthwise surfaces. One of the lengthwise surfaces has protrusions that embed into a transverse surface of the second pipe connector when the key is mounted into the recess. The thickness of the key decreases with distance radially inward from the outer surface.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Threadless Torque Connector

Номер: US20150028585A1

A threadless connection assembly for use in connecting two tubular members. A connection assembly includes connection portions having interlocking splines and a link lock that secures the two connection portions axially. 1. A connection assembly for use in connecting a pair of wellbore tubular members in an end-to-end fashion , the connection assembly comprising:a first connection portion having a body with a first annular groove;a second connection portion having a body that can be reversibly assembled with the first connection portion, the second connection portion having a second annular groove that will align with the first annular groove to form a generally annular opening; anda link lock that is removably disposable within the annular opening to lock the first and second connection portions together axially.2. The connection assembly of wherein:the first connection portion has a splined section which presents a plurality of splines;the second connection portion has a splined section with a plurality of splines; andwherein the splines of the first connection portion become interlocked with the splines of the second connection portion when the connection portions are assembled so that the first and second connection portions are locked against rotation relative to each other.3. The connection assembly of wherein the link lock comprises a plurality of shear-resistant members that are flexibly connected together.4. The connection assembly of wherein the shear-resistant members are spherically shaped.5. The connection assembly of wherein the link lock is inserted into the annular opening through a lateral opening.6. The connection assembly of wherein at least one of the first and second connection portions includes a threaded connector to affixing the connection portion to a threaded wellbore tubular.7. The connection assembly of wherein the shear-resistant members are flexibly connected together by a cable that passes through each of the shear resistant members.8. ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Rotatively mounting cutters on a drill bit

Номер: US20170030146A1
Автор: Christopher C. Propes
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A method and apparatus are disclosed for rotatively mounting cutters on a drill bit. A bore is provided either directly in the drill bit or in a sleeve which is mounted on the drill bit. The bore includes a female screw thread, a circumferential groove, and one or more bearing surfaces. A cutter with a hardened table has a generally cylindrical body with a male screw thread, a circumferential groove, and one or more bearing surfaces. The cutter is engaged with the threads of the bore and then advanced until the male screw threads pass beyond the female screw threads. When the cutter is fully installed, the circumferential grooves provide relief for the screw threads so that the cutter can freely rotate within the bore.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032664A1

The present disclosure is directed to a system for retention of drilling components of a drilling rig that includes a first drilling component with a first retention feature, a second drilling component with a second retention feature, and a secondary retention device. The first drilling component is coupled to the second drilling component and the secondary retention device engages with the first retention feature of the first drilling component and with the second retention feature of the second drilling component. 1. A system for retention of components of a drilling rig , the system comprising:a first drilling component comprising a first retention feature;a second drilling component comprising a second retention feature; anda secondary retention device, wherein the first drilling component is coupled to the second drilling component and the secondary retention device engages with the first retention feature of the first drilling component and the second retention feature of the second drilling component.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first drilling component comprises a quill and the second drilling component comprises a saver sub.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first retention feature comprises one or more extensions and the secondary retention device comprises one or more annular grooves claim 1 , and the one or more annular grooves of the secondary retention device are configured to engage with the one or more extensions of the first drilling component.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first retention feature comprises one or more grooves and the secondary retention device comprises one or more extensions claim 1 , and the one or more extensions of the secondary retention device are configured to engage with the one or more grooves of the first drilling component.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first drilling component is coupled to the second drilling component via a threaded connection disposed axially between the first retention ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Connecting Assembly and Receptacle Adapted to Receive Said Connecting Assembly for Connecting Two Tubing Sections, and Method for Installing and Connecting Two Tubing Sections in a Wellbore

Номер: US20180030789A1

The invention relates to a connecting assembly to be plugged into a mating receptacle in a wellbore, comprising a first sleeve including a second sleeve and having a top connecting end and a bottom connecting end, characterized in that: the first sleeve comprises the bottom end and has a top end opposite to said bottom connecting end, said bottom connecting end being provided with an end cap for preventing entrance of materials and capable of being opened; said second sleeve comprises said top connecting end located outside of the first sleeve and has a bottom end opposed to said top connecting end; said connecting assembly comprises a locking mechanism adapted to lock said second sleeve in a position relative to said first sleeve such that the bottom end of the second sleeve is inside said first sleeve, and the dimensions of the first sleeve and second sleeve are adapted such that when said locking mechanism is unlocked, said second sleeve is allowed to move relative to said first sleeve to impinge and open said end cap. 1. A connecting assembly to be plugged into a mating receptacle , the connecting assembly comprising:a first sleeve and including a second sleeve, the connecting assembly having a top connecting end, and a bottom connecting end,wherein the first sleeve comprises the bottom end and has a top end opposite to the bottom connecting end, the bottom connecting end being provided with a shutter for preventing entrance of materials;wherein the second sleeve comprises the top connecting end located outside of the first sleeve and has a bottom end opposed to the top connecting end;wherein the connecting assembly comprises a latching mechanism adapted to lock the second sleeve in a position relative to the first sleeve such that the bottom end of the second sleeve is inside the first sleeve, andwherein the dimensions of the first sleeve and second sleeve are adapted such that when the latching mechanism is unlocked, the second sleeve is allowed to move ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032424A1
Автор: Hiorth Espen

A well tool device may include a first subsection and a second subsection connected to each other. The first subsection comprises a first connector having an outwardly facing first connection interface and the second subsection comprises a second connector having an inwardly facing second connection interface, where the second connector is provided radially outside of the first connector. The first connection interface is facing towards the second connection interface. The first connection interface comprises a first recess provided in the first connector. The second connection interface comprises a second recess provided in the second connector. The first and second recesses together are forming a bolt compartment. The well tool device further comprises a locking bolt provided in the bolt compartment formed by the first and second recesses in order to connect the first and second subsections to each other. The bolt compartment formed by the first and second recesses has an opening in the outer surface of the second connector. 1. A well tool device for use in an oil and/or gas well , comprising:a first subsection and a second subsection connected to each other, wherein the first and second subsection have a longitudinal axis;wherein the first subsection comprises a first connector having an outwardly facing first connection interface;wherein the second subsection comprises a second connector having an inwardly facing second connection interface;wherein the second connector is provided radially outside of the first connector;wherein the first connection interface is facing towards the second connection interface;wherein the first connection interface comprises a first recess provided in the first connector;wherein the second connection interface comprises a second recess provided in the second connector;wherein the first and second recesses together are forming a bolt compartment;wherein the well tool device further comprises a locking bolt provided in the bolt ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038166A1

The disclosure of this application is directed to a downhole tool comprising a central element/member and a sleeve that is rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element/member. The sleeve rotates and orbits around the central element/member responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole too. The disclosure is also related to a method of advancing the downhole tool in a well by flowing fluid through the tool. 1. A downhole tool , the tool comprising:a central element having an outlet disposed therein to permit fluid to flow from a passageway disposed through the central element into an annulus area; anda sleeve rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element, the sleeve rotates around the central element responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole tool and includes an exhaust port disposed therein uphole from the outlet disposed in the central element to permit fluid to flow from the annulus area to outside of the downhole tool, the annulus area disposed between the central element and the sleeve.2. The tool of wherein the central element has a rotor profile disposed thereon and the sleeve has a stator profile disposed on the inside to cooperate with the rotor profile to force the sleeve to rotate and orbit around the central member as fluid flows from the passageway claim 1 , through the outlet in the central member claim 1 , between the central member and the sleeve and out of the exhaust port.3. The tool of wherein the downhole tool includes a second sleeve having a stator profile disposed on the inside to cooperate with the rotor profile on the central member.4. The tool of wherein the rotor profile of the central element includes at least one lobe disposed thereon.5. The tool of wherein the stator profile of the sleeve includes a plurality of cavities disposed thereon for receiving the at least one node disposed on the central element.6. The tool of wherein the downhole tool further includes a top adapter for attaching the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Alignable Connector

Номер: US20180038171A1

Connections between drill pipe sections and drill bits used for boring into the earth may comprise two elements threadably attachable one to another. A first element may comprise a rotor rotatable with respect to a stator. A second element may thread to the stator. As it does so, the second element may rotationally fix itself to the rotor allowing for connecting elements on the second element and the rotor to align. These connecting elements may remain aligned while the second element and rotor rotate with respect to the stator. Such alignment may allow for a connection to be kept clean and free from contamination in otherwise wet and dirty environments. 1. An alignable connector , comprising:a first element comprising a rotor rotatable with respect to a stator; anda second element threadably attachable to the stator and rotationally fixable with the rotor.2. The alignable connector of claim 1 , wherein the second element comprises a threaded pin claim 1 , the stator comprises a threaded box claim 1 , and the rotor is rotationally fixable by the threaded pin through the threaded box.3. The alignable connector of claim 1 , wherein the second element comprises an elongate member with a channel capable of passing drilling fluid therethrough.4. The alignable connector of claim 3 , wherein the rotor comprises a passage therethrough alignable with the channel in the second element.5. The alignable connector of claim 3 , wherein the stator comprises a drill bit working face opposite an attachment end.6. The alignable connector of claim 5 , wherein the stator further comprises a sensor disposed thereon connected to a rotatable connection formed between the stator and the rotor.7. The alignable connector of claim 1 , wherein the second element is rotationally fixable with the rotor by a protrusion receivable within a slot claim 1 , mateable crenellations claim 1 , or a mule shoe connection.8. The alignable connector of claim 7 , further comprising a spring disposed on the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Mating connector for downhole tool

Номер: US20170044840A1
Принадлежит: Tolteq Group LLC

An apparatus for electrically connecting two downhole components configured to be disposed in a borehole. The apparatus includes two complementing tool connectors which each have a corresponding electrical connector. The tool connectors may mate using a bayonet and slot connection. The slot may be L-shaped or l-shaped. The slot may be configured for straight or rotational engagement of the tool connectors. The electrical connectors may mate using concentric contacts that share the same axis. The electrical connectors are configured to rotate without stressing the contacts during assembly, disassembly, and drilling operations. The electrical connectors may support two or more contacts.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Method for Creating a High Tensile Strength Joint for Connecting Rods and Fittings

Номер: US20190048669A1

A joint exhibits high tensile strength. The joint includes a solid rod having a slit or opening into which a wedge is inserted. The rod and wedge are inserted into a fitting. The internal surface of the fitting has a contour which continuously and nonlinearly varies with distance along the fitting. The wedge has a dimension having a similar contour. The shape of the contour can be described by a polynomial of order two or higher. The joint can be used to construct a sucker rod for an oil well, or it can be used in other applications. The joint can support high tensile loads, over long distances, while occupying a very narrow tubing bore.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Dual Member Pipe Joint For A Dual Member Drill String

Номер: US20180051525A1

A dual member drill string having a plurality of dual member drill string sections for use in horizontal directional drilling operations. Each drill string section having an outer member and an inner member that is rotatable independently of the outer member. The outer member has a pin end and a box end. The inner member has a pin end disposed within the pin end of the outer member and a box end disposed within the box end of the outer member. 1. An elongate inner member of a dual-member drill string comprising:a polygonal pin end; anda box end having an opening having a plurality of sides in which at least two adjacent sides form an included angle, measured within the opening, greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees;wherein the pin end is slidably receivable in connector free torque-transmitting engagement within a box end of an identical adjacent inner member.2. The elongate inner member of wherein the pin end comprises a tapered guide to direct the pin end of the inner member into the box end of the identical adjacent inner member.3. The elongate inner member of wherein the elongate inner member comprises a central bore.4. The elongate inner member of wherein the polygonal shape of the pin end of the elongate inner member comprises a hexagon.5. The elongate inner member of wherein the polygonal shape of the box end of the elongate inner member comprises six internal angles greater than 180 degrees.6. The elongate inner member of wherein the included angle is 210 degrees.7. A dual member pipe comprising:a hollow outer member having a pin end and a box end, wherein the pin end and the box end are correspondingly formed for torque-transmitting engagement; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the inner member of , wherein the inner member is disposed within the outer member.'}8. The pipe section of wherein the box end of the inner member is positioned within the box end of the outer member.9. A pipe section having a pair of opposed ends ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051836A1

A mechanical connector provided with a thread on substantially matching frustoconical surfaces extending between two sets of metal nipple seals is upgraded with an ability to transfer torque structurally in addition to friction, which is solely utilized to transfer torque in traditional connectors. Other than zero-pitch angle threads can be also effective in novel connector configurations. High torsional and bending load capacities are achieved structurally by use of: splines, dog-clutch teeth, fitted pins, keys, and/or interlocked thread systems, all used in isolation or in arbitrary combinations. Novel tapering of box and pin surfaces, fin and/or sandwich stiffeners and/or fairings, are provided to optimize loading in all regions of connectors and to meet specific design objectives. Thread angle mismatching between box and pin threads is introduced. Optionally assembly/disassembly fluids that solidify at least in some ranges of design temperatures can be used. 2. The mechanical connector provided with the zero-pitch angle thread on the substantially matching frustoconical surfaces of the box and the pin according to claim 1 , whereas at least one of said box or said pin is made of at least one of:a high strength steel,or a corrosion resistant alloy,or a titanium alloy,or an aluminum alloy,or a magnesium alloy,or a nickel based alloy,or a non-metallic material including a plastic material,or at least one of said box or said pin utilizes at least one of a lining or a cladding or a weld overlay.3. The mechanical connector provided with the zero-pitch angle thread on the substantially matching frustoconical surfaces of the box and the pin according to claim 1 , whereas at least one of said box or said pin features a plurality of grooves claim 1 , including a single groove claim 1 , located in an area adjacent to a metal nipple seal claim 1 , said plurality of grooves located in said area adjacent to said metal nipple seal increasing locally the flexibility of said box ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074274A1
Автор: Fox Joe

A drill pipe joint includes an annular groove formed within its loadable primary or secondary shoulders. The groove may be formed in both shoulders. The groove may have parallel or non-parallel side walls and an undulating bottom wall. One or more of the respective walls may be deformed by peening that may increase the surface hardness of the respective walls. The hardened region may extend a distance from the deformed wall surfaces. An annular wired channel may be disposed within the groove. The channel may comprise a magnetically conductive electrically insulating material enclosing a wire coil on three sides and partially enclosing a top side of the channel. One end of the wire coil may be attached to a backstop that may be grounded to the walls of the groove. The other end of the wire coil may pass through an opening in the channel exiting the shoulder. 1. A hardened groove for an inductive channel , comprising:an annular adapter body having a first end and a second end;the first end comprising an annular groove comprising deformed, opposed wall surfaces joined by a deformed bottom wall surface, andthe annular groove comprising a hardened region extending a distance from the respective deformed wall surfaces into the adapter body, andthe second end being mountable to a drill pipe.2. The hardened groove of claim 1 , wherein the opposed wall surfaces are joined by a deformed claim 1 , undulating bottom wall surface.3. The hardened groove of claim 1 , wherein the respective wall surfaces each comprise a hardness greater than the remaining body of the adapter remote from the respective wall surfaces.4. The hardened groove of claim 1 , wherein an annular wired channel is disposed within the groove adjacent the respective deformed wall surfaces.5. The hardened groove of claim 1 , wherein the annular wired channel comprises an undulating bottom wall surface complementary with the undulating bottom wall surface of the hardened groove.6. The hardened groove of claim 1 , ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Tapered Spline Connection for Drill Pipe, Casing, and Tubing

Номер: US20170067297A1

An apparatus comprises a first number of splines located near a first end of a first joint section and a second number of splines located near a second end of a second joint section. The first number of splines extends in an axial direction of the first joint section and spans a circumferential surface of the first joint section. Each of the first number of splines has a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks that extends from the base to the tip and forms an acute angle. Each of the first number of splines are configured to be received between adjacent pairs of splines in the second number of splines as the first end of the first joint section and the second end of the second joint section are joined. 1. A system , comprising:a first joint section having a first number of splines located near a first end of the first joint section, the first number of splines disposed on a circumferential outer surface of the first joint section, and extending in a first axial direction towards the first end and outwardly in a first radial direction from the circumferential outer surface, each of the first number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle, wherein the first number of splines have first root radii at first interfaces between the first number of splines and the circumferential outer surface;a second joint section having a second number of splines located near a second end of the second joint section, the second number of splines disposed on a circumferential inner surface of the second joint section and extending in a second axial direction towards the second end and inwardly in a second radial direction from the circumferential inner surface, each of the second number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle, wherein the second number of splines have second root radii at second ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071381A1

A modular foundation support system includes modular foundation support components including self-aligning and torque transmitting coupler features wherein a plurality of axially elongated ribs are aligned with a plurality of axially elongated ribs to rotationally interlocke the modular foundation support components to one another. 143-. (canceled)44. A modular foundation support system , comprising:a first modular foundation support component comprising a first steel shaft having a predetermined axial length required to support a building foundation, the steel shaft having a first distal end with a first outer surface that is at least partially rounded and at least two spaced apart ribs extending outwardly from the first outer surface; anda second modular foundation support component comprising a second steel shaft having a predetermined axial length required to support the building foundation in combination with the first modular support component, the second modular foundation support component having a second distal end with a second inner surface that is at least partially rounded, and at least two spaced apart grooves depending inwardly from the second inner surface;wherein when the first outer surface is inserted into the second inner surface the at least two ribs are received in the at least two grooves to establish a rotationally interlocked mechanical connection between the first and second foundation support components while the first and second foundation support components are being driven into the ground proximate the building foundation with a predetermined coupled shaft length.45. The modular foundation support system in accordance with claim 44 , further comprising a first fastener hole formed in the first distal end and a second fastener hole formed in the second distal end claim 44 , wherein when the at least two ribs are mated with the at least two grooves claim 44 , the first and second fastener holes are self-aligning with one another to ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140151130A1
Автор: Partouche Ashers
Принадлежит: Intelliserv, LLC

An adapter for a wired drill pipe joint includes an annular adapter having a first end and a second end, an annular recess extending partially into the first end of the adapter and an element of a communication coupler disposed at least partially within the annular recess, wherein the second end of the adapter is configured to be coupled to an end portion of the wired drill pipe joint. 1. An adapter for a wired drill pipe joint , comprising:an annular adapter having a first end and a second end;an annular recess extending partially into the first end of the adapter; andan element of a communication coupler disposed at least partially within the annular recess;wherein the second end of the adapter is configured to be coupled to an end portion of the wired drill pipe joint.2. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the adapter comprises a first material having a first hardness claim 1 , the wired drill pipe joint comprising a second material having a second hardness claim 1 , and wherein the hardness of the first material is greater than the hardness of the second material.4. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the adapter is at least partially coated with an electrically conductive material.5. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the adapter comprises a first material having a first compressive strength claim 1 , wherein the wired drill pipe joint comprises a second material having a second compressive strength claim 1 , and wherein the compressive strength of the first material is greater than the compressive strength of the second material.6. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the adapter comprises a first material having a first ductility claim 1 , wherein the wired drill pipe joint comprises a second material having a second ductility claim 1 , and wherein the ductility of the first material is lower than the ductility of the second material.7. The adapter of claim 1 , further comprising an annular latch that is in contact with the wired drill pipe joint and the adapter claim 1 ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Rod section of a ground drilling rod

Номер: US20220090452A1

A rod section of a ground drilling rod configured at its end to form at least one plug connection and having at one end (a) a connecting plug with an outer contour; or (b) a connecting socket with an inner contour, the outer contour or the inner contour being essentially sinusoidal in cross section. 110.-. (canceled)11. A rod section of a ground drilling rod , the rod section configured at an end to form at least one plug connection and comprising at one end (a) a connecting plug having an outer contour; or (b) a connecting socket having an inner contour;wherein the outer contour or the inner contour is essentially sinusoidal in cross section.12. The rod section according to claim 11 , wherein the outer contour comprises arc-shaped inwardly curved sections or the inner contour comprises arc-shaped outwardly curved sections claim 11 , and/or the outer contour comprises arc-shaped outwardly curved sections or the inner contour comprises arc-shaped inwardly curved sections.13. The rod section according to claim 12 , wherein the arc-shaped inwardly and outwardly curved sections of the inner contour have a radius that is larger than the radius of the arc-shaped outwardly curved sections of the outer contour and smaller than the radius of the inwardly curved sections of the outer contour.14. The rod section according to claim 11 , wherein the outer contour and the inner contour have straight lines claim 11 , respectively.15. The rod section according to claim 14 , wherein the straight lines have an angle to the centerline (X-X) that is the same for adjacent straight lines.16. The rod section according to claim 11 , wherein the outer contour or the inner contour extends over a length of 10 millimeters (mm) to 120 mm in longitudinal extension of the rod section.17. The rod section according to one of claim 11 , wherein the rod section comprises a chamfered end.18. Drive element for impact driving a ground drilling rod into the soil claim 11 , the drive element engaging with ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074052A1

The present invention relates to a riser section () equipped with an external locking ring (). Locking ring () cooperates with a male connector element () and a female connector element () by means of series of studs. 1. A riser section comprising a main tube element extended by a male connector element and by a female connector element , wherein a locking ring is mounted on said male connector element , and wherein said riser section additionally comprises at least one auxiliary line element , said male and female connector elements extending main tube element by increasing the section and the thickness of said main tube element so as to form flanges for passage of said auxiliary line element , characterized in that said locking ring is arranged between said main tube element and said auxiliary line element , the inner surface of said locking ring comprises a first series of studs , the outer surface of said female connector element comprises a second series of studs , said male connector element comprises a third series of studs on the outer face thereof and the inner surface of said locking ring comprises a fourth series of studs suited to cooperate with said third series of studs.2. A section as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one stud of the third and fourth series of studs protrudes over an angle range distinct from the angle range of the studs of the first and second series of studs.3. A section as claimed in claim 2 , wherein each row of the first and second series of studs comprises a number of studs distinct from the number of studs of each row of the third and fourth series of studs.4. A section as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the first and second series of studs comprise at least one row of four studs claim 3 , and the third and fourth series of studs comprise at least one row of three studs.5. A section as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first and second series of studs comprise a number of rows distinct from the number of rows of the third and ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072010A1

A remotely-operated fluid connection assembly to hold higher internal pressures in larger diameters. Disclosed embodiments gain advantage from the internal work pressure to provide improved seal performance. The assembly comprises a fluid connection adapter and a fluid connection housing assembly. When the adapter enters the housing assembly: (A) locking elements on the housing assembly constrict about the adapter; and (B) at least a first seal section on the adapter sealingly contacts a first seal bore on the housing assembly. Progressive engagement of a locking ring upon the locking elements urges the locking elements to tighten against the adapter. Internal pressure encourages adapter displacement, which then further tightens the adapter against the locking elements as now restrained by the locking ring. Internal pressure further encourages the first seal section on the adapter to expand radially to tighten the contact with the first seal bore in the housing assembly. 1. A fluid connection assembly , comprising:a fluid connection adapter having first and second adapter ends, the fluid connection adapter providing a lock engagement surface and at least a first seal section;a fluid connection housing assembly having first and second housing ends, the fluid connection housing assembly providing a retractable locking ring, a plurality of locking elements, and at least a first seal bore;wherein each locking element is disposed to constrict radially via rotation about a corresponding pivot pin;wherein each locking element has a locking element inner surface and a locking element outer surface;wherein, during entry of the second adapter end into the first housing end: (A) the locking elements rotate such that the locking element inner surfaces contact the lock engagement surface; and (B) the first seal section sealingly contacts the first seal bore;such that when the locking ring is retracted, progressive engagement of a locking ring inner surface on the locking element ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083391A1

A device is taught for gripping casing joints comprising one or more first cylinders and one or more second cylinders actuated by a singular hydraulic system. A second device is taught comprising a gripping system, said gripping system comprising one or more slips cammed against one or more inclined recesses when the gripping system is rotated to maintain gripping engagement of the casing. A third device is taught comprising a gripping system, said gripping system comprising one or more slips received into one or more inclined recesses. A fourth device is taught comprising one or more dies supported on one or more said slips by means of mating load transfer profiles. A fifth device is taught comprising a tubular guide means. A sixth device is taught comprising an integral fluid compensator chamber. A seventh device is taught comprising a hydraulic swivel comprising one or more sealing means having predictable seal fluid leak rates. 2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the singular hydraulic system comprises:a) one or more operation valves to control fluid flow to extend and retract the one or more first cylinders and to maintain the one or more second cylinders in an extended position during casing makeup and break out; andb) one or more maintenance valves, openable to supply fluid to retract the one or more second cylinders.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more first cylinders are long stroke cylinders and the one or more second cylinders are short stroke cylinders.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the one or more first cylinders are arranged in series with the one or more second cylinders.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the one or more first cylinders are located axially below the one or more second cylinders.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein each of the one or more first cylinders is arranged in a pair with each of the one or more second cylinders.7. The device of claim 6 , comprising three pairs of a first cylinder and a second cylinder in series ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080590A1
Автор: McKay David Ernest

A flow line connector assembly has first and second parts respectively comprising a plug, and a socket configured to receive the plug; a restraining device to resist disconnection of the first and second parts when the plug is received in the socket; and flow tubes, wherein each of the plug and the socket has a respective flow tube and the flow tubes are adapted to interconnect to form Ca conduit for fluid to flow between the first and second parts when the plug is received in the socket. 1. A flow line connector assembly having first and second parts , the first part having a mating portion comprising a plug and the second part having a mating portion comprising a socket configured to receive the plug , the assembly having a restraining device to resist disconnection of the first and second parts when the plug is received in the socket , wherein each of the plug and socket has a respective flow tube received in a respective axial bore within the plug and socket , the flow tubes being adapted to interconnect to form a conduit for fluid to flow between the first and second parts when the plug is received in the socket , wherein each flow tube is axially movable in the axial bore of its respective part.2. A flow line connector assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow tubes in the plug and the socket are adapted to interconnect end to end.3. A flow line connector assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each flow tube has an inner end and an outer end claim 1 , the assembly including a latching device adapted to latch the outer ends of the flow tubes together when the plug is received in the socket.4. (canceled)5. A flow line connector assembly as claimed in claim 3 , wherein at least one of the flow tubes is adapted to be latched to at least one of the plug and the socket by a change in configuration of the latching device.6. A flow line connector assembly as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the latching device is adapted to latch the flow tube in one of the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Pipe Coupling

Номер: US20160084015A1

A coupling system between tubulars such as tubing, pipes, casing and liner for location in a well bore in which profiled sections () on the tubulars () are connected using a radially applied force to form a metal to metal sealed connection. Embodiments are provided in which the profiled sections are grooved and/or tapered, additional profiles are provided to prevent relative rotation of the tubulars, the radial force is applied inwardly, outwardly or in both directions, and a connector is used as an additional tubular member to form the coupling. 1. A coupling system between first and second tubular members comprising: a first tubular member having a first end which includes a first profiled section extending circumferentially and continuously around an outer surface; a second tubular member having a first end which includes a second profiled section extending circumferentially and continuously around an inner surface; the first end of the first tubular member being inserted within the first end of the second tubular member so that the profiled sections are coaxial and by application of a force creating a metal to metal seal between the tubular members at the profiled sections.2. A coupling system according to wherein the first and second tubular members have the same outer diameter and inner diameter.3. A coupling system according to any preceding wherein the force is applied radially outwardly.4. A coupling system according to wherein the force is applied radially inwards.5. A coupling system according to wherein the first profiled section comprises one or more circumferential grooves formed on the outer surface of the first end.6. A coupling system according to wherein the second profiled section comprises one or more circumferential grooves formed on the inner surface of the first end.7. A coupling system according to wherein a continuous annular rim is formed between each pair of grooves.8. A coupling system according to wherein grooves are formed on the first ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Horizontal Directional Drill Pipe Drive Connection With Locking Feature

Номер: US20160084016A1

The present invention is directed to a spindle assembly for connecting a drill string to a rotational drive for use in a horizontal directional drilling operation. The assembly comprises a saver sub attached to the rotational drive, and a drive chuck for connection to the drill string. The drive chuck and saver sub form a torque-transmitting connection by engaging through a seat in the saver sub and an engagement point on the drive chuck. Dowel pins may be used to rotationally lock and provide the engagement between the saver sub and the drive chuck. A collar may thread to the saver sub and cause an interference fit by engaging the drive chuck at a shoulder. 1. A torque-transmitting assembly for use in a horizontal directional operation , the assembly comprising;a saver sub having an end;a drive chuck having an end;an external collar that joins adjacent ends of the saver sub and drive chuck at an interface where they are maintained in coaxial and non-contacting relationship; andan internal key that locks the drive chuck and saver sub in rotationally-fixed relationship.2. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the key comprises at least one dowel pin.3. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the drive chuck defines at least one depression for placement of the at least one dowel pin.4. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the key comprises six dowel pins.5. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the at least one dowel pin is characterized by a circular cross-section.6. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the key is placed within at least one recess formed adjacent the interface of the saver sub and the drive chuck.7. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the drive chuck comprises at least one depression for placement of the key.8. The torque-transmitting assembly of wherein the key is radially removable from the at least one depression.9. The torque-transmitting assembly of further comprising:a shoulder disposed on the drive chuck; ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084027A1

A selective locking apparatus for an indicating tool, the selective locking apparatus includes a mandrel having a rotational collet finger receiving area including a plurality of unlocked-position tracks alternatingly arranged with a plurality of locked-position detents. A rotational collet rotatably supported on the mandrel, the rotational collet including a j-track on an outer periphery of the rotational collet, the rotational collet further including a plurality of rotational collet fingers having heads engageable within the rotational collet finger receiving area of the mandrel. An indicating collet supported on the mandrel, the indicating collet including a plurality of indicating collet fingers; and, at least one pin fixedly mounted on the indicating collet for receipt within the j-track of the rotational collet; wherein longitudinal movement of the mandrel with respect to the indicating collet cycles the rotational collet via j-track interaction and selectively places the heads of the rotational collet fingers into either the plurality of unlocked-position tracks or the plurality of locked-position detents. A method of selectively locking an indicating tool. 1. A selective locking apparatus for an indicating tool , the selective locking apparatus comprising:a mandrel having a rotational collet finger receiving area including a plurality of unlocked-position tracks alternatingly arranged with a plurality of locked-position detents;a rotational collet rotatably supported on the mandrel, the rotational collet including a j-track on an outer periphery of the rotational collet, the rotational collet further including a plurality of rotational collet fingers having heads engageable within the rotational collet finger receiving area of the mandrel;an indicating collet supported on the mandrel, the indicating collet including a plurality of indicating collet fingers; and,at least one pin fixedly mounted on the indicating collet for receipt within the j-track of the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081927A1
Принадлежит: Odfjell Well Services Norway AS

A wellbore cleaning system provides a relockable shearing swivel tool that can be used in tandem with a lockable weight set circulation tool. Suspended from an upper drill string is an assembly consisting of a landing sub, the lockable weight set circulation tool and relockable shearing swivel tool are located immediately above a liner top and from which is suspended a lower drills string. The lower drill string and production liner are both significantly smaller in diameter than the upper drill string and production casing such than when fluid is pumped at high rates through the entire drill string and reduced cross sectional area of the lower drills string and production liner causes a large pressure drop characterized at surface by a high pump pressure. As part of the method, an operator makes up a drill string assembly that includes an upper drill string, a lower drill string, a landing sub or device, the lockable weight set circulation tool, and the relockable shearing swivel tool. This drill string assembly is lowered into a wellbore until the landing sub is close to a liner top or other shoulder in the wellbore. The drill string is rotated and reciprocated, pumping cleaning chemicals through the entire drill string and through the production liner. The liner top is engaged with the landing sub to open a circulation path from the upper drill string to an upper annulus. The drill string is rotated and reciprocated while pumping cleaning chemicals through the upper annulus to clean the production casing. 1. An oil well relockable shearing swivel downhole tool apparatus , comprising:a) an elongated tool body having upper and lower end portions, an upper section and a lower section;b) an upper connection that enables connection to an upper drill string section;c) a lower connection that enables connection to a lower drill string section;d) an axial bore that communicates between the upper and lower end portions;e) the lower end portion housing a ball seat and a ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Rod section of a ground drilling rod, drive element, rod section system, and ground drilling device

Номер: US20220098934A1

The invention relates to a rod section of a ground drilling rod, wherein the rod section is configured at the end side to form at least one plug connection and has at one end (a) a male connector with an outer contour or (b) a female connector with an inner contour, wherein, in cross section, the outer contour or the inner contour has a shape deviating from a circle. 1554122514132513. Rod section () of a ground drilling rod , wherein the rod section () is configured at the end side to form at least one plug connection () and has at one end (a) a male connector () with an outer contour () or (b) a female connector () with an inner contour () , characterized in that , in cross section , the outer contour () or the inner contour () has a shape deviating from a circle.25. Rod section () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the shape deviating from a circle is an oval shape claim 1 , in particular an elliptical shape.352513. Rod section () according to either or claim 1 , characterized in that the shape of the outer contour () or the inner contour () is asymmetrical in cross section.4512145161214. Rod section () according to any of to claim 1 , characterized in that the male connector () or the female connector () has an opening oriented transversely to the longitudinal axis of the rod section () for inserting a bolt () which can be detachably connected to the male connector () or to the female connector () claim 1 , so that the oval shape is broken through.5513251325. Rod section () according to claim 4 , characterized in that a line intersects the opening which encloses an angle of less than 30° with an axis of symmetry of the inner contour () or the outer contour () or with an axis running perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the inner contour () or the outer contour ().651325. Rod section () according to claim 5 , characterized in that the line extends along a minor axis of an inner contour () or outer contour () designed as an ellipse.752627282917181214. ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098947A1
Принадлежит: DynaEnergetics Europe GmbH

An adapter assembly for use with a wellbore tool string may include a tandem seal adapter (TSA) having a TSA body extending along an axial direction and a collar having a collar body formed in a substantially annular shape and extending in the axial direction. The collar may be provided outward from the TSA in a radial direction substantially perpendicular to the axial direction. The TSA body and the collar body may overlap in the axial direction. The collar may abut the TSA. 1. An adapter assembly for use with a wellbore tool string , the adapter assembly comprising:a tandem seal adapter (TSA) comprising a TSA body extending along an axial direction; anda collar comprising a collar body formed in a substantially annular shape and extending in the axial direction, the collar being provided outward from the TSA in a radial direction substantially perpendicular to the axial direction; wherein:the TSA body and the collar body overlap in the axial direction;the collar abuts the TSA; anda collar maximum outer diameter is larger than a TSA maximum outer diameter.2. The adapter assembly of claim 1 , wherein;the TSA further comprises a first seal provided on an outer surface of the TSA body;the collar further comprises a first collar coupling; andthe first seal overlaps with the first collar coupling in the axial direction.3. The adapter assembly of claim 2 , wherein a first housing of a first wellbore tool is provided between the first seal and the first collar coupling in the radial direction.4. The adapter assembly of claim 2 , wherein:the first seal is provided to a first side of a TSA center of the T SA body in the axial direction;the first collar coupling is provided to a first side of a collar center of the collar body in the axial direction;the TSA further comprises a second seal provided on the outer surface of the TSA body to a second side of the TSA center in the axial direction;the collar further comprises a second collar coupling provided to a second side of ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Anti-Rotation Wedge

Номер: US20140166308A1
Принадлежит: VETCO GRAY INC.

A key assembly is press fit into an annular space between a box and pin member to resist relative rotation of the box and pin members. The key assembly includes wedge like members that contact one another along complementary tapered surfaces, and when in contact generate radial forces into the box and pin member to secure the connection between the box and pin. The outer wedge is inserted first into the annular space between the box and pin members, and has rows of elongate teeth that project radially outward into contact with an inner surface of the box member. Because the outer wedge is pushed radially outward against the box member rather than axially sliding therebetween, the teeth protrude into the surface of the box member thereby increasing the anti-rotation force created by the outer wedge. 1. A connection system for a tubular string comprising:a box end on an end of a second tubular;a pin end on an end of a first tubular that is selectively insertable into the box end; anda key assembly comprising an interface member and backing member that are wedged together in an annular space between the box end and pin end and frictionally couple to both the box end and pin end.2. The connection system of claim 1 , wherein a pocket is provided in the annular space between the box end and pin end claim 1 , wherein the pocket extends along a portion of the circumference of the box end.3. The connection system of claim 1 , wherein the interface and backing members have complementary tapered surfaces claim 1 , and wherein when the backing member is inserted into the annular space and the tapered surfaces are in sliding contact claim 1 , the interface and backing members project radially outward into frictional engagement with the box and pin members.4. The connection system of claim 1 , wherein the interface member has teeth on a radially outward projecting surface that engage an inner surface of the box member When the backing member is inserted into the annular space.5. ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087326A1

A mast and rack assembly for a mining machine includes a mast and a rack assembly coupled to the mast. The rack assembly includes outer rails and rack segments disposed between the outer rails and the mast. At least one of the outer rails overlaps two of the rack segments. 1. A mast and rack assembly for a blasthole drill rig , the mast and rack assembly comprising:a mast;a rack assembly coupled to the mast, the rack assembly including outer rails, and rack segments disposed between the outer rails and the mast, wherein at least one of the outer rails overlaps two of the rack segments.2. The mast and rack assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outer rails and the rack segments each include a plurality of apertures configured to receive fasteners.3. The mast and rack assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the rack segments includes geared surfaces configured to engage a pinion.4. The mast and rack assembly of claim 1 , wherein one of the rack segments includes a first end and another of the rack segments includes a second end claim 1 , wherein first end and the second end each include a notch claim 1 , wherein the two rack segments are disposed next to one another such that the notches are aligned to form an open chamber claim 1 , and wherein the mast and rack assembly further includes a key configured to be received in the open chamber to prevent lateral translation of the two rack segments relative to one another.5. The mast and rack assembly of claim 1 , wherein the key is an elongate square pin.6. The mast and rack assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rack assembly further includes inner rails claim 1 , wherein the rack segments are disposed between the outer rails and the inner rails.7. The mast and rack assembly of claim 6 , wherein the mast includes a wall claim 6 , and wherein the inner rails are separate elements from the mast that press against the wall of the mast.8. The mast and rack assembly of claim 6 , wherein the inner rails are integrally formed as single ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Quick Connect System for Setting Tool

Номер: US20180087330A1
Принадлежит: Hunting Titan, Inc.

A quick connect device for well tools that allows for the connection of two components, such as a setting tool and a plug, without the need for screwing the two components together. 1. A quick connect device for well tools comprising:a substantially cylindrical upper connection body about an axis having a first end and a second end;a resilient member;a pin grip insert having a substantially cylindrical body about an axis, a first end, a second end, an inclined outer surface having larger diameter proximate the first end and a smaller diameter proximate the second end, a threaded inner bore, an upper shoulder orthogonal to the axis;a pin capture socket having a substantially cylindrical body about an axis, a first end, a second end, an inclined inner surface about a conical bore along the axis having a larger diameter proximate the first end and a smaller diameter proximate the second end;wherein the axes of the upper connection body, the pin grip insert, and the pin capture socket are aligned, the pin grip insert is constructed of a plurality of radial segments, the pin grip insert is captured within the conical bore of the pin capture socket, the resilient member is captured between the upper shoulder of the pin grip insert and the second end of the upper connection body, and the upper connection body is affixed to the first end of the pin capture socket.2. The quick connect device of wherein the resilient member biases the pin grip insert towards the second end of the pin capture socket.3. The quick connect device of wherein the threaded inner bore of the pin grip insert comprises buttress threads having the load bearing face oriented toward the first end of the pin grip insert.4. The quick connect device of wherein:the pin grip insert further comprises a lock screw hole extending radially from the outer surface into each of the plurality of radial segments;the pin capture socket further comprises a plurality of lock screw slots extending from an outer surface of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089149A1

A joint for joining together drill string components of a drill string for percussion drilling, the joint including a male part and a female part, wherein a first impact surface is arranged to co-operate with a second impact surface. When the drill string is in operation, relative axial movement is allowed between the male and the female parts when the first and the second impact surfaces are adjacent to each other. The invention also concerns a male joint part, a female joint part, a drill rod, a shank adapter, a drill head, a drill bit and a drill string component. 2. Joint according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second rotation torque transfer means are mating splines having contacting surfaces that extend in parallel with said axial direction on the respective male and female parts or extend helically on the respective male and female parts claim 1 , at a helix angle (α) between 0° and 20° to the axial direction.3. Joint according to claim 2 , wherein the first and second axial coupling means include axial engagement means formed by radially directed protrusions on one of the male and the female parts.4. Joint according to claim 3 , wherein the axial engagement means includes radially directed protrusions in the form of hook elements or abutments on one of the male and the female parts for engagement with abutment surface portions on the other one of the male and the female parts.5. Joint according to claim 3 , wherein when the male and the female parts are interconnected claim 3 , the axial engagement means are arranged to engage in forward rotation of the drill string and/or reverse rotation of the drill string and thereby limit relative axial movement between the male and the female part.6. Joint according to wherein one of the first and second axial coupling means claim 2 , is constituted by end surfaces of splines on the male or female part.7. Joint according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second axial coupling means include axial security coupling ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089399A1
Автор: Gharib Hossam Mohamed

A retention apparatus can be used for a driveshaft transmission assembly. The retention apparatus may include a catch mechanism and a resilient member. The retention apparatus may be mounted to a radial bearing assembly of a driveshaft transmission assembly. The catch mechanism of the retention apparatus may be sized to prevent the loss of certain driveshaft transmission assembly components downhole in the event of a failure of the driveshaft transmission due to dynamic loads produced during operation in a drilling system. 1. A retention apparatus for a driveshaft transmission assembly , the retention apparatus comprising:a catch mechanism having an inner diameter sized to be slidably received onto a radial bearing assembly and an outer diameter sized to extend radially beyond an outer diameter of the radial bearing assembly, the catch mechanism including ridges that are positionable proximate to corresponding protrusions on the radial bearing assembly; anda resilient member sized to be slidably received onto the radial bearing assembly and to apply a compression force on the catch mechanism for coupling the catch mechanism to the radial bearing assembly.2. The retention apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter of the catch mechanism is sized to prevent a loss of driveshaft transmission assembly components downhole subsequent to a separation of the driveshaft transmission assembly components.3. The retention apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member is a spring having a resiliency to apply the compression force on the catch mechanism such that the ridges are mounted to the corresponding protrusions having downhole edges shaped to mountably receive one of the ridges.4. The retention apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ridges are sized to be mountably received by the corresponding protrusions having downhole edges shaped to prevent the catch mechanism from rotating.5. The retention apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ridges are positionable to be ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096764A1

An interlock pipe joint includes a first and second tubular member. In some embodiments, an interrupted thread box and pin make up the interlock pipe joint. In other embodiments, a stepped interrupted thread box and pin make up the interlock pipe joint. In other embodiments, a twist-lock box and pin make up the interlock pipe joint. In some embodiments, an external or internal bushing is provided. In a method of operation, the first tubular member is inserted into the second tubular member by an axial insertion followed by a rotation to lock the pipe joint. 1. A pipe joint for use in joining tubular members comprising:a box formed in an end of a first tubular member, the box formed in the interior surface of the first tubular member, the box including internal threads and internal lands, the internal threads positioned in radial segments and separated by the internal lands, the lands being generally cylindrical segments having inner diameter larger than the largest outer diameter of the largest thread; anda pin formed in an end of a second tubular member, the pin formed in the exterior surface of the second tubular member, the pin including external threads and external lands, the external threads positioned in radial segments and separated by the external lands, the lands being generally cylindrical segments having outer diameter smaller than the smallest outer diameter of the smallest thread;the widths and positions of the external threads of the pin positioned to correspond with those of the internal lands of the box, and the widths and positions of the external lands of the pin positioned to correspond with those of the internal threads of the box when the box is inserted into the pin; andthe external threads of the box and the internal threads of the pin adapted to mesh and tighten the box to the pin.2. The pipe joint of claim 1 , wherein each of the internal and external threads and lands are of equal radial width.3. The pipe joint of claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Drill Bit with an Exchangeable Cutting Portion

Номер: US20190091777A1
Принадлежит: Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

A drill bit has a cutting portion having an annular portion, where the annular portion has a first end on which is disposed a cutting element and a second end that includes an outer insertion element and a stop shoulder. The drill bit has a drill shaft portion having a cylindrical drill shaft, where the drill shaft has an inner insertion element with an end face on a side of the drill shaft facing the cutting portion. The outer insertion element and the inner insertion element together form a plug connection in an insertion direction that is parallel to the axis of rotation and the insertion elements are connectable to each other via a pin element that is movable into a slot-shaped recess. The pin element is attached to an outside of the inner insertion element and the outer insertion element has the slot-shaped recess. 1. A drill bit that is rotatable in a rotational direction around an axis of rotation , comprising:a cutting portion having an annular portion, wherein the annular portion has a first end on which is disposed a cutting element and a second end that includes an outer insertion element and a stop shoulder; anda drill shaft portion having a cylindrical drill shaft, wherein the drill shaft has an inner insertion element with an end face on a side of the drill shaft facing the cutting portion;wherein the outer insertion element and the inner insertion element together form a plug connection in an insertion direction that is parallel to the axis of rotation and wherein the outer insertion element and the inner insertion element are connectable to each other via a pin element that is movable into a slot-shaped recess;wherein the pin element is attached to an outside of the inner insertion element and wherein the outer insertion element has the slot-shaped recess.2. The drill bit according to claim 1 , wherein the end face is in contact with the stop shoulder in a connected state.3. The drill bit according to claim 2 , wherein a length of the inner insertion ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095530A1
Принадлежит: Morphpackers Limited

A downhole coupling mechanism for use in downhole tools that find application in wells exploited by a hydraulic refracturing process. The downhole coupling mechanism connects first and second tubular sections via a tensile load arrangement of wires located in complimentary grooves, a torque arrangement of interlocking lugs and notches on opposite ends, and a seal arrangement. The downhole coupling mechanism provides a thin walled coupling where a screw-threaded connection could not achieve the required tensile load, torque and sealing properties needed. Embodiments of a thin walled anchor and packer including the downhole coupling mechanism are described. 1. A downhole coupling mechanism between a first end of a first tubular section being part of a downhole tool and a second end of a second tubular section , comprising:one or more complimentary circumferential grooves machined in opposing surfaces of each end that malign when the first and second ends are arranged co-axially one inside the other;at least one wire located within one of the circumferential grooves on the first end and a complimentary one of the circumferential grooves on the second end, wherein each pair of complimentary grooves contains the at least one wire extending around the circumference of the surface of each end;at least one lug and corresponding notch arranged on opposite of the first and second ends providing interlocking engagement when the first and second ends are arranged co-axially one inside the other, wherein the at least one notch extends from an inner surface of the second tubular section and does not extend through the wall thickness of the second tubular member; andone or more seals arranged between the opposing surfaces when the first and second ends are arranged co-axially one inside the other.2. The downhole coupling mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein a wall thickness of the downhole coupling mechanism when the first and second ends are arranged co-axially one inside the ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100354A1

The disclosure of this application is directed to a downhole tool comprising a central element/member and a sleeve that is rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element/member. The sleeve rotates and orbits around the central element/member responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole too. The disclosure is also related to a method of advancing the downhole tool in a well by flowing fluid through the tool. 1. A method , the method comprising:pumping fluid to a downhole tool to rotate and orbit a sleeve around a central member to advance the downhole tool into a wellbore, the central element having an outlet disposed therein to permit fluid to flow from a passageway disposed through the central element into an annulus area; and the sleeve rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element, the sleeve rotates around the central element responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole tool and includes an exhaust port disposed therein uphole from the outlet disposed in the central element to permit fluid to flow from the annulus area to outside of the downhole tool, the annulus area disposed between the central element and the sleeve.2. The method of wherein the downhole tool is included with other tools in a bottom hole assembly (BHA) and the downhole tool is used to advance the BHA into the wellbore.3. The method of wherein the central element has a rotor profile disposed thereon and the sleeve has a stator profile disposed on the inside to cooperate with the rotor profile to force the sleeve to rotate and orbit around the central member as fluid flows from the passageway claim 1 , through the outlet in the central member claim 1 , between the central member and the sleeve and out of the exhaust port.4. A method claim 1 , the method comprising: a central element;', 'a sleeve rotatably disposed around the central element, the sleeve rotates around the central element responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole tool; and', 'at least one ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

A Coupling Apparatus for Connecting Two Drill Pipe Sections and a Method of Using Same

Номер: US20170101829A1
Принадлежит: WellPartner AS

A coupling apparatus and a method are for connecting two drill-pipe sections in a string of drill-pipe sections joined together by tool joints. The coupling apparatus comprises: a first pipe with a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion being provided with a tool joint for connection to a drill-pipe section; a second pipe with a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion being provided with a tool joint for connection to a drill-pipe section. 1. A coupling apparatus for connecting two drill-pipe sections in a string of drill-pipe sections joined together by tool joints , the coupling apparatus comprising:a first pipe with a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion being provided with a tool joint for connection to a drill-pipe section;a second pipe with a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion being provided with a tool joint for connection to a drill-pipe section;each of the second end portions of the pipes further being provided with a flange provided with at least two spaced-apart bores which are each arranged to receive a bolt so that the flanges and the bolts form a flange connection configured to hold the first pipe and the second pipe fixed against axial movement relative to each other, wherein each of the first pipe and the second pipe is provided with a mutual engagement means configured to resist relative rotation thereof; and that the bolts are axial tension bolts subjected to axial forces only, the bolts configured to rupture on a predetermined axial load.2. The coupling apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the engagement means includes a castellated element arranged in each of the flanges so that the castellated element of one of the flanges is complementarily adapted to the castellated element of the other one of the flanges.3. The coupling apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the end portions of the bolt are each connected to a respective ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102436A1

A remotely-operated fluid connection assembly to hold higher internal pressures in larger diameters. The assembly comprises a fluid connection adapter and a fluid connection housing assembly. When the adapter enters the housing assembly: (A) locking elements on the housing assembly constrict about the adapter; and (B) at least a first seal section on the adapter sealingly contacts a first seal bore on the housing assembly. Progressive engagement of a locking ring upon the locking elements urges the locking elements to tighten against the adapter. Internal pressure encourages adapter displacement, which then further tightens the adapter against the locking elements as now restrained by the locking ring. Internal pressure further encourages the first seal section on the adapter to expand radially to tighten the contact with the first seal bore in the housing assembly. 1. A fluid connection assembly , comprising:a fluid connection adapter having first and second adapter ends, the fluid connection adapter providing a raised lock engagement surface on an external surface of the fluid connection adapter, the fluid connection adapter further providing at least a first seal section;a fluid connection housing assembly having first and second housing ends, the fluid connection housing assembly providing a displaceable locking ring, a plurality of locking elements, and at least a first seal bore;wherein each locking element is disposed to constrict radially;wherein each locking element has a locking element outer surface and a locking element inner surface;wherein, during entry of the second adapter end into the first housing end, the first seal section sealingly contacts the first seal bore;such that when the locking ring is displaced, engagement of the locking ring on the locking element outer surfaces causes the locking element inner surfaces to retain the fluid connection adapter via the lock engagement surface; andwherein the first seal section is disposed to expand ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Coiled Tubing Connector with Internal Anchor and External Seal

Номер: US20190106946A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

A connector for a coiled tubing end anchors internally and seals externally. The anchor profile is split with a gap to clear an internal spline without need to remove the spline to allow a seal to enter the coiled tubing since the seal is mounted internally to a sleeve that envelops the end of the coiled tubing. Component relative rotation extends the internal anchor radially against the coiled tubing inner wall to secure the connection with the seal engaged to the coiled tubing outer wall. 1. A connection for a borehole tool to a coiled tubing end , comprising:a mandrel having a passage therethrough;said mandrel having an end that extends both into the coiled tubing end and over said coiled tubing end for selectively sealing said mandrel end to an outer surface of the coiled tubing end and anchoring to an interior surface of the coiled tubing end.2. The connection of claim 1 , wherein:said mandrel further comprises a surrounding sleeve supported by said mandrel defining an annular space in between, said annular space adapted to accept the coiled tubing end.3. The connection of claim 2 , wherein:said surrounding sleeve further comprises a seal extending into said annular space for said selective sealing to said outer surface of the coiled tubing end.4. The connection of claim 3 , wherein:said seal comprises at least one o-ring in a groove.5. The connection of claim 1 , wherein:said anchoring further comprises a lock ring between relatively movable ramps on said mandrel such that movement of at least one of said ramps toward another of said ramps extends said lock ring radially into said interior surface of the coiled tubing end.6. The connection of claim 5 , wherein:one of said ramps is axially actuated by relative rotation of an exterior ring on said mandrel with respect to said mandrel.7. A well treatment method using a tool connected to a coiled tubing end with a connector claim 5 , comprising:leaving in place a spline inside said coiled tubing;advancing a lock ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114942A1

A coupling assembly includes a coupling, a protective ring and two tubulars, the coupling of generally cylindrical shape with a channel therethrough, the coupling having at least one internal thread and two coupling ends and a pin end of at least one of the two tubulars having an external thread for threaded mating therewith so that the coupling assembly provides a connection between the two tubulars, the protective ring including a ring body for positioning adjacent an interior wall of the coupling between the two ends thereof, the ring body being generally cylindrical and having a ring channel therethrough, the protective ring includes one of a tongue and groove and at least one of the ends of at least one of the two tubulars having the other of a tongue and groove. 1. A coupling assembly comprising:a coupling;a protective ring; andtwo tubulars;wherein the coupling comprises a generally cylindrical shape with a channel therethrough, the coupling having at least one internal thread and two coupling ends;wherein a pin end of at least one of the two tubulars includes an external thread for threaded mating with the internal thread so that the coupling assembly provides a connection between said two tubulars;wherein the protective ring includes a ring body for positioning adjacent an interior wall of said coupling between the two coupling ends thereof, said ring body being generally cylindrical and having a ring channel therethrough;wherein said protective ring comprises one of a tongue and a groove and at least one of the ends of at least one of the two tubulars comprises the other of the tongue and the groove.2. The coupling assembly of claim 1 , wherein said groove is a cylindrical groove concentric with said coupling.3. The coupling assembly of claim wherein said tongue is a cylindrical tongue concentric with said coupling.4. The coupling assembly of claim 1 , wherein said tongue is located on a side of said ring body and the other of the two tubulars also having ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112879A1
Автор: Jung Boris, STEINER Thomas

The invention relates to a drill pipe for use during the creation of a borehole in a ground from a starting point to a target point along a predetermined drill line, in particular for the near-surface laying of underground cables or electric underground cables in the ground. The invention is characterized in that the borehole is gradually created by means of a drilling device that has a drilling tool for loosening the ground when the drill pipes are advanced, each end of the drill pipe having at least one connection section for detachably connecting it to a further element of a drill string in a tensile resistant manner; in that the drill pipe has at least one element for producing a tensile-resistant connection to a corresponding element of an advance device for advancing the drill pipe into and/or retracting it from the borehole; and in that an outer wall of the drill pipe is made in one piece. The invention further relates to a device for moving at least one drill pipe into a borehole or out of the same, and to a system and a corresponding method. 127-. (canceled)28. A drill pipe for use during the creation of a borehole in a ground from a starting point to a target point along a predetermined drill line for the near-surface laying of at least one of underground cables or underground lines in the ground , wherein the borehole is gradually created by means of a drilling device comprising a drilling tool for loosening the ground when the drill pipes are advanced , comprising;at least one connection section at each end for detachably connecting the drill pipe to a further element of a drill string in a tensile-resistant manner;at least one element for producing a tensile-resistant connection to a corresponding element of an advancing device for at least one of advancing the drill pipe into or retracting it from the borehole; and,an outer wall comprising one piece.291. The drill pipe as claimed in claim , wherein the connection by the respective connection sections ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Connection methods and systems

Номер: US20180119853A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

Various novel connectors are provided. In one embodiment, the connector includes a collar configured to receive first and second components. In this embodiment, the connector may also include a load ring configured to be received in a groove of the second component and to move into and out of engagement with the collar when the second component is received by the collar. The connector of this illustrative embodiment may also include a cotter configured for installation to the second component and to inhibit disengagement of the load ring from the collar. In some embodiments, engagement of the load ring and the collar effects securing of the first and second components to one another. Other devices, systems, and methods related to connectors are also disclosed.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266377A1
Автор: Fox Joe

A drill string tool comprising a tube comprising a bore and a bore wall having externally and internally upset end portions in the bore wall. The upset end portions comprising one or more axial grooves in the bore wall open to the bore of the tube. The upset end portions further comprising a conical weld surface comprising an annular shoulder. The one or more axial grooves may be formed in the upset portions subsequent to forming the internal upset. Or, the axial grooves may be formed using a die and an internal upset mandrel comprising one or more axial lobes when the internal upset is formed in the bore wall. The upset end portions of the tube may be attached by friction welding to pin end and box end tool joints. The pin end and box end tools joints may comprise a conical weld surface comprising an annular shoulder. 1. A drill string tool and method , comprising:providing a tube comprising a central bore and a central bore wall suitable for use in a drill string tool;forming an annular external upset in the bore wall of the opposing end portions of the tube;forming an annular internal upset in the bore wall radially opposite the external upset comprising one or more axial grooves, whereinthe axial grooves in the bore wall are open to the bore of the tube.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the internal upset further comprises a conical weld surface comprising an annular shoulder intersecting the bore and bore wall of the tube and the one or more axial grooves.3. The method of claim 1 , providing a pin end tool joint comprising a secondary shoulder comprising an annular groove communicating with an axial passageway within the tool joint.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pin end tool joint further comprises a conical weld surface comprising an annular shoulder.5. The method of claim 1 , providing a box end tool joint comprising a secondary shoulder comprising an annular groove communicating with an axial passageway within the tool joint.6. The method of claim 1 ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Coiled Tubing Connector with Internal Anchor and External Seal

Номер: US20200115966A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

A connector for a coiled tubing end anchors internally and seals externally. The anchor profile is split with a gap to clear an internal spline without need to remove the spline to allow a seal to enter the coiled tubing since the seal is mounted internally to a sleeve that envelops the end of the coiled tubing. Component relative rotation extends the internal anchor radially against the coiled tubing inner wall to secure the connection with the seal engaged to the coiled tubing outer wall. 1. A connection for a borehole tool to a coiled tubing end , comprising:a mandrel having an interior surface with an axial inwardly-projecting spline;said mandrel having an end sub that extends into the coiled tubing end for anchoring to an interior surface of the coiled tubing end and a seal ring which extends over said coiled tubing end for selectively sealing said mandrel end to an outer surface of the coiled tubing end; anda lock ring having a split which straddles the spline when the end sub is within the coiled tubing end and which is expanded radially toward the interior surface upon a ramp of the mandrel to lock the mandrel within the coiled tubing end.2. The connection of claim 1 , wherein:said mandrel further comprises a surrounding sleeve supported by said mandrel defining an annular space in between, said annular space adapted to accept the coiled tubing end.3. The connection of claim 2 , wherein:said surrounding sleeve further comprises a seal extending into said annular space for said selective sealing to said outer surface of the coiled tubing end.4. The connection of claim 3 , wherein:said seal comprises at least one o-ring in a groove.5. The connection of claim 1 , wherein:one of said ramps is axially actuated by relative rotation of an exterior ring on said mandrel with respect to said mandrel.6. A well treatment method using a tool connected to a coiled tubing end with a connector. comprising:leaving in place a spline inside said coiled tubing;advancing a lock ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136408A1
Автор: Wright David

Systems and methods enable connection of, and are usable to connect, well servicing equipment to other well equipment, including wellheads, blowout preventers, and other well servicing equipment. The systems comprise connecting apparatus having a male connector and female connector. The male connector comprises an elongate body having an axial bore extending therethrough and a plurality of protrusions extending from the elongate body at an angle relative to the axial bore. The female connector can be adapted for connection with the male connector, wherein engagement between the male connector and female connector communicates the axial bore of the male connector with a bore of the female connector to define a flowpath for communicating a medium. The systems and methods enable the ability to connect or disconnect well equipment remotely without the need of a diver, an ROV, and without the need to bring the well equipment to the surface for disassembly. 1. A system for establishing a fluid connection , the system comprising: an elongate body having a bore extending longitudinally therethrough and a plurality of cavities on an outer surface of the elongate body;', 'a plurality of protrusions extending from the plurality of cavities along a radial axis, wherein the plurality of protrusions are biased in an extended position, wherein the plurality of protrusions are retractable into the plurality of cavities; and', 'a sleeve slidably positioned about the elongate body, wherein the sleeve is adapted to force the plurality of protrusions into the plurality of cavities; and, 'a male connector comprisinga female connector comprising a tubular body having a bore extending longitudinally therethrough and a plurality of apertures extending radially therethrough,wherein the elongate body of the male connector is adapted to enter the tubular body of the female connector,wherein the bore of the male connector and the bore of the female connector are adapted to join together to ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128058A1

A coupling assembly for coupling a first rod member with a second rod member, where the assembly includes a male connecting end of the first rod member being adapted for being received into a female connecting end of the second rod member, and a locking mechanism for preventing the first and second rod members from being uncoupled. The locking mechanism includes a stop positioned in between the male connecting end and a locking member such that during use the locking member engages at least a part of the female connecting end and the stop thereby preventing the male connecting end from being withdrawn from the female connecting end. 117-. (canceled)18. A coupling assembly for coupling a first rod member with a second rod member , the assembly comprising:a male connecting end of the first rod member being adapted for being received into a female connecting end of the second rod member, wherein at least a part of the male connecting end comprises an engaging surface adapted for engagement with an internal surface forming a cavity in the female connecting end and thereby preventing rotation of the male connecting end relative to the female connecting end; anda locking mechanism for preventing the first and second rod members from being uncoupled, the locking mechanism comprising a stop positioned in between the male connecting end and a locking member such that during use the locking member engages at least a part of the female connecting end and the stop thereby preventing the male connecting end from being withdrawn from the female connecting end.19. A rod assembly comprising:a male connecting end and a female connecting end such that the male connecting end of the rod assembly is adapted for being received into the female connecting end of another of the rod assembly, wherein at least a part of the male connecting end comprises an engaging surface adapted for engagement with an internal surface forming a cavity in the female connecting end and thereby preventing ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275688A1

A drive sub for a drilling assembly includes a tubular body configured to receive and releasably engage a drilling tool. The body has inner and outer faces and further has a castellated edge provided on its operative downhole end, which edge defines a plurality of lugs separated from each other by intervening slots. In one aspect the drive sub has a contour profile provided at least in partially along a circumference of the castellated edge, wherein the contour profile traverses the castellated edge substantially from the inner face to the outer face. In another aspect the drive sub has a channel provided in each of the lugs, wherein the channel at least partially traverses the lugs and leads from an inlet opening on the castellated edge to an outlet opening on the outer face. The contour profile and/or channel facilitate flow of drilling fluid and cuttings past the lugs during use. 1. A drive sub for a drilling assembly , the drive sub comprisinga tubular body configured to receive and releasably engage a tool, the body having an inner face and an outer face;a castellated edge provided at an operative downhole end of the body, the castellated edge defining a plurality of lugs separated from each other by intervening slots; anda contour profile provided at least partially along a circumference of the castellated edge, the contour profile traversing the castellated edge substantially from the inner face to the outer face, wherein the contour profile is configured to facilitate flow of drilling fluid and cuttings past the lugs during use.2. A drive sub as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the contour profile is disposed on the lugs to form a radial ramp being configured in use to deflect flow of drilling fluid and cuttings from a vicinity near the inner face towards the outer face.3. A drive sub as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the contour profile comprises a chamfer face between the castellated edge and the outer face.4. A drive sub as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127940A1

A modular foundation support system includes modular foundation support components including self-aligning and torque transmitting coupler features wherein a plurality of axially elongated ribs are aligned with a plurality of axially elongated ribs on a second distal end to rotationally interlocked the modular foundation support components to one another. First and second pair of fastener holes are self-aligning with one another to receive a fastener therethrough such that the fastener is mechanically isolated from rotational torque transmission. 1. A modular foundation support system , comprising:a first foundation support component having a first distal end and a plurality of axially elongated ribs extending from an outer surface of the first distal end, and a first pair of fastener holes extending through the outer surface proximate the first distal end; anda second foundation support component having a second distal end and plurality of spaced apart, axially elongated grooves on an inner surface of the second distal end, and a second pair of fastener holes extending through the inner surface of proximate the second distal end;wherein when the plurality of axially elongated ribs are mated with the plurality of axially extending grooves, the first and second foundation support components are rotationally interlocked with one another; andwherein when the plurality of axially elongated ribs are mated with the plurality of axially extending grooves, the first and second pair of fastener holes are self-aligning with one another to receive a first fastener therethrough such that the fastener is mechanically isolated from rotational torque transmission.2. The modular foundation support system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ribs includes a first pair of ribs opposing one another on the outer surface.3. The modular foundation support system in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the plurality of ribs includes a second pair of ribs opposing one another ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140217724A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corporation

Various novel connectors are provided. In one embodiment, the connector includes a collar configured to receive first and second components. In this embodiment, the connector may also include a load ring configured to be received in a groove of the second component and to move into and out of engagement with the collar when the second component is received by the collar. The connector of this illustrative embodiment may also include a cotter configured for installation to the second component and to inhibit disengagement of the load ring from the collar. In some embodiments, engagement of the load ring and the collar effects securing of the first and second components to one another. Other devices, systems, and methods related to connectors are also disclosed. 1. A system , comprising: a collar comprising first threads along a first end portion and second threads along a second end portion;', 'a first load ring having first mating threads; and', 'at least one anti-rotation feature configured to guide the first load ring into a first threaded engagement with the collar, wherein the first threaded engagement comprises the first threads mated with the first mating threads., 'a coupling, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one anti-rotation feature comprises at least one rod claim 1 , key claim 1 , or snap ring.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first load ring comprises a first split load ring.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one anti-rotation feature is disposed in a first split in the first split load ring.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one anti-rotation feature comprises a rod.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one anti-rotation feature comprises a key having a fastener receptacle to receive a radial fastener.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the first split ring comprises a first fastener receptacle disposed in a first circumferential end portion and a second fastener receptacle disposed in a ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144329A1

The disclosure of this application is directed to a downhole tool comprising a central element/member and a sleeve that is rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element/member. The sleeve rotates and orbits around the central element/member responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole too. The disclosure is also related to a method of advancing the downhole tool in a well by flowing fluid through the tool. 1. A downhole tool , the tool comprising:a central element; anda sleeve rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element, the sleeve rotates around the central element responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole tool.2. The tool of wherein the central element includes an outlet disposed therein to permit fluid to flow from a passageway disposed through the central element to an annulus area disposed between the central element and the sleeve.3. The tool of wherein the sleeve includes an exhaust port disposed therein to permit fluid to flow from the annulus area to outside of the downhole tool.4. The tool of wherein the central element has a rotor profile disposed thereon and the sleeve has a stator profile disposed on the inside to cooperate with the rotor profile to force the sleeve to rotate and orbit around the central member as fluid flows from the passageway claim 3 , through the outlet in the central member claim 3 , between the central member and the sleeve and out of the exhaust port.5. The tool of wherein the downhole tool further comprises a wobble joint assembly disposed adjacent to one end of the central member.6. The tool of wherein the wobble joint assembly includes a first spherical element supported by the sleeve and a second spherical element disposed on one end of the central member.7. The tool of wherein the wobble joint assembly further includes a first transition sleeve disposed around the second spherical element and a second transition sleeve disposed adjacent to the first transition sleeve and around the ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144359A1

The disclosure of this application is directed to a downhole tool comprising a central element/member and a sleeve that is rotatably and orbitally disposed around the central element/member. The sleeve rotates and orbits around the central element/member responsive to fluid flowing through the downhole too. The disclosure is also related to a method of advancing the downhole tool in a well by flowing fluid through the tool. 1. A method , the method comprising:pumping fluid to a downhole tool to rotate and orbit a sleeve around a central member to advance the downhole tool into a wellbore.2. The method of wherein the downhole tool is included with other tools in a bottom hole assembly (BHA) and the downhole tool is used to advance the BHA into the wellbore.3. The method of wherein the central element includes an outlet disposed therein to permit fluid to flow from a passageway disposed through the central element to an annulus area disposed between the central element and the sleeve.4. The method of wherein the sleeve includes an exhaust port disposed therein to permit fluid to flow from the annulus area to outside of the downhole tool.5. The method of wherein the central element has a rotor profile disposed thereon and the sleeve has a stator profile disposed on the inside to cooperate with the rotor profile to force the sleeve to rotate and orbit around the central member as fluid flows from the passageway claim 4 , through the outlet in the central member claim 4 , between the central member and the sleeve and out of the exhaust port.6. The method of wherein the downhole tool further comprises a wobble joint assembly disposed adjacent to one end of the central member.7. The method of wherein the wobble joint assembly includes a first spherical element supported by the sleeve and a second spherical element disposed on one end of the central member.8. The method of wherein the wobble joint assembly further includes a first transition sleeve disposed around the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Earth Boring Systems and Methods with Integral Debris Removal

Номер: US20170138133A1
Автор: Fenwick Matthew E.

A drill string comprising a bit portion, a distal extension portion, a proximal extension portion, and a connecting portion. The bit portion is operatively connected to the distal extension portion and the connecting portion operatively connects the distal extension portion to the proximal extension portion to define supply path and a return path. The supply path extends through the distal proximal extension portion, the connecting portion, the distal extension portion, and the bit portion to a cutter region associated with the bit portion. The return path extends from the cutter region through the bit portion, the distal extension portion, the connector portion, and the proximal extension portion. 1. A drill string comprising:a bit portion;a distal extension portion;a proximal extension portion; anda connecting portion; whereby a supply path extending through the distal proximal extension portion, the connecting portion, the distal extension portion, and the bit portion to a cutter region associated with the bit portion; and', 'a return path extending from the cutter region through the bit portion, the distal extension portion, the connector portion, and the proximal extension portion., 'the bit portion is operatively connected to the distal extension portion and the connecting portion operatively connects the distal extension portion to the proximal extension portion to define'}2. A drill string as recited in claim 1 , in which the connecting portion comprises:a first connector housing secured to the proximal extension portion;a second connector housing secured to the distal extension portion; anda connector member defining a connector passageway; whereinthe first and second housings are secured to each other to transfer rotational forces from the proximal extension portion to the distal extension portion; and a portion of the supply path extends through the connector passageway, and', 'a portion of the return path extends between the connector member and at least ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282579A1

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to a shear pin including a cylindrical shape positioned along a vertical axis having a first end having a common diameter with a second end; the first end and containing a first clutch at a point along the vertical axis that is furthest from the second end, the first clutch containing one of a recessing shape and a protruding shape; (c) the second end containing a second clutch at a point along the vertical axis that is furthest from the first end, the second clutch containing one of a recessing shape and a protruding shape; and (d) the curved portion including a diameter that is largest where the curved portion connects to each of the first end and the second end and then narrows along the curved portion, forming a curve that culminates at a neck where the diameter is smallest. 1. A shear pin configured to threadably connect within a shear coupling and to provide a point of failure for a sucker rod string , the shear pin comprising:(a) a cylindrical shape positioned along a vertical axis having a first end positioned at a top of the vertical axis and a second end positioned at a bottom of the vertical axis and having a curved portion connecting the first end to the second end; (i) a set of first threads on an outer circumference of the first end, the set of first threads having a first handedness and configured to threadably connect within the shear coupling; and', '(ii) a first clutch at a point along the vertical axis that is furthest from the second end, the first clutch comprising one of a recessing shape and a protruding shape;, '(b) the first end having a common diameter with the second end and comprising (i) a set of second threads on an outer circumference of the second end, the set of second threads having an opposite handedness from the set of first threads and configured to threadably connect within the shear coupling; and', '(ii) a second clutch at a point along the vertical axis that is ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Dual Member Pipe Joint For A Dual Member Drill String

Номер: US20190136630A1

A dual member drill string having a plurality of dual member drill string sections for use in horizontal directional drilling operations. Each drill string section having an outer member and an inner member that is rotatable independently of the outer member. The outer member has a pin end and a box end. The inner member has a pin end disposed within the pin end of the outer member and a box end disposed within the box end of the outer member. 1. A drill string section comprising:an elongate, hollow outer section having a pair of opposed ends, each end formed for torque-transmitting engagement with an end of an adjacent outer section, the outer section having an inner surface forming a first shoulder; and a body having opposed first and second ends;', 'an enlarged first stop element formed adjacent the first end of the body and engagable with the first shoulder, the first stop element defining a boundary of a longitudinal fluid passage situated between the inner and outer sections; and', 'a sleeve having opposed first and second ends, the first end receiving the second end of the body in torque-transmitting engagement and the second end configured to receive the first end of the body of an adjacent inner member in torque-transmitting engagement., 'an elongate inner section at least partially disposed within the outer section and rotatable independently of the outer section, the inner section comprising2. The drill string section of wherein the first end of the body has the shape of a conical frustum.3. The drill string section of in which the elongate section has a circular cross-sectional profile.4. The drill string section of in which the body is hollow and further comprising a first pin member press fit into the body at its first end.5. The drill string section of further comprising a first pin member welded to the body at its first end.6. The drill string section of in which the first stop member comprises at least two non-contiguous longitudinal flow passages ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136642A1

The invention relates to a connector for assembling two sections of a riser. The connector comprises two riser sections that are assembled by a locking ring with the aid of two bayonet connections. The connector additionally comprises means for securing the locking ring against the connector elements. 124.-. (canceled)25. A connector for assembling two sections of a riser including a first riser section which is extended by a first connecting element provided with a first set of lugs on an outer surface of the first connecting element , a second riser section element which is extended by a second connecting element provided with a second set of lugs on an outer surface of the second connecting element , a locking ring joining the first and second connecting elements together , the locking ring comprising a third and a fourth set of lugs on an inner surface of the locking ring which may respectively engage the first and the second sets of lugs , retainers for retaining the locking ring with respect to the connecting elements the retainers which are at least partially removable.26. The connector as claimed in claim 25 , wherein the retainers are located at ends of the locking ring.27. The connector as claimed in claim 25 , comprising a sealing sleeve claim 25 , which is fitted in the two connecting elements.28. The connector as claimed in claim 27 , wherein the sealing sleeve is fixed to the first or the second connecting element.29. The connector as claimed in claim 25 , wherein the retainer for retaining the locking ring comprises means for holding the locking ring at a first end of the locking ring claim 25 , and a guide for guiding the locking ring at a second end of the locking ring.30. The connector as claimed in claim 29 , wherein means for holding the locking ring has at least one protrusion that passes into a slot in the locking ring.31. The connector as claimed in claim 29 , wherein the guide for guiding the locking ring has at least one cylindrical surface. ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152693A1

Systems and methods for riser coupling are disclosed. A riser coupling system comprises a riser joint connector comprising a first tubular assembly coupled to a second tubular assembly. The riser coupling system further comprises a spider assembly which receives the riser joint connector and has a connector actuation tool. The connector actuation tool comprises a dog assembly, a clamping tool and a splined member. The dog assembly selectively extends a dog to engage the riser joint connector. The clamping tool couples the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly. Finally, the splined member actuates a locking member of the riser joint connector. 1. A riser coupling system , comprising: a first tubular assembly;', 'a second tubular assembly;', 'a cam ring having an upper member and a lower member, wherein the upper member and the lower member are adjustable to retain the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly together; and', 'a lock ring, wherein movement of the upper member of the cam ring and the lower member of the cam ring toward each other engages the lock ring to secure the first tubular assembly to the second tubular assembly;, 'a riser joint connector comprisinga running tool configured to move the first tubular assembly into orientation with the second tubular assembly; and a dog assembly configured to selectively extend a dog to engage the riser joint connector; and', 'a clamping tool to actuate the opposing cam ring members of the riser joint connector;, 'a spider assembly to receive the riser joint connector, the spider assembly comprising a connector actuation tool, wherein the connector actuation tool compriseswherein the riser joint connector further comprises a secondary locking mechanism coupled to the cam ring to maintain the cam ring in a locked position after disengagement of the spider assembly from the riser joint connector.2. The riser coupling system of claim 1 , wherein the connector actuation tool comprises the ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152694A1

Systems and methods for riser coupling are disclosed. A riser coupling system comprises a riser joint connector comprising a first tubular assembly coupled to a second tubular assembly. The riser coupling system further comprises a spider assembly which receives the riser joint connector and has a connector actuation tool. The connector actuation tool comprises a dog assembly, a clamping tool and a splined member. The dog assembly selectively extends a dog to engage the riser joint connector. The clamping tool couples the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly. Finally, the splined member actuates a locking member of the riser joint connector. 1. A riser coupling system , comprising: a first tubular assembly;', 'a second tubular assembly;', 'a cam ring having an upper member and a lower member, wherein the upper member and the lower member are adjustable to retain the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly together;', 'a lock ring, wherein movement of the upper member of the cam ring and the lower member of the cam ring toward each other engages the lock ring to secure the first tubular assembly to the second tubular assembly;', 'a locking member adjustable to retain the cam ring in a locked position; and', 'a locking pin for retaining the first tubular assembly in a locked orientation with respect to the cam ring and the lock ring, wherein the locking pin is removably disposed through a portion of the first tubular assembly to enable selective removal of the cam ring and lock ring from the first tubular assembly;, 'a riser joint connector comprisinga running tool configured to move the first tubular assembly into orientation with the second tubular assembly; and a clamping tool to actuate the upper cam ring member and the lower cam ring member of the riser joint connector; and', 'a splined member to actuate the locking member of the riser joint connector to secure the first tubular assembly to the second tubular assembly., 'a spider ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152698A1

Systems and methods for riser coupling are disclosed. A riser coupling system comprises a riser joint connector comprising a first tubular assembly coupled to a second tubular assembly. The riser coupling system further comprises a spider assembly which receives the riser joint connector and has a connector actuation tool. The connector actuation tool comprises a dog assembly, a clamping tool and a splined member. The dog assembly selectively extends a dog to engage the riser joint connector. The clamping tool couples the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly. Finally, the splined member actuates a locking member of the riser joint connector. 1. A riser coupling system , comprising: a first tubular assembly;', 'a second tubular assembly;', 'a cam ring having an upper member and a lower member, wherein the upper member and the lower member are adjustable to retain the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly together;', 'a lock ring, wherein movement of the upper member of the cam ring and the lower member of the cam ring toward each other engages the lock ring to secure the first tubular assembly to the second tubular assembly;', 'a locking member adjustable to retain the cam ring in a locked position; and', 'a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag disposed on the first tubular assembly;, 'a riser joint connector comprising a dog assembly configured to selectively extend a dog to engage the riser joint connector;', 'a clamping tool to actuate the upper cam ring member and the lower cam ring member of the riser joint connector;', 'a splined member to actuate the locking member; and', 'a RFID reader for detecting a signal from the RFID tag on the first tubular assembly; and, 'a spider assembly to receive the riser joint connector, the spider assembly comprising a connector actuation tool, wherein the connector actuation tool comprisesa running tool configured to move the first tubular assembly into orientation with the second tubular ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145757A1
Автор: AYASSE Conrad
Принадлежит: IOR Canada Ltd.

A dual flow/multi-flow pipe assembly for use in hydrocarbon recovery processes, having alternately-spaced apertures along a length thereof separated by packer elements, wherein alternating apertures fluidly connect with separate flow channels within the pipe assembly. A first embodiment is of a pipe-in-pipe configuration, with tubular members respectively located in alternately-spaced apertures fluidly connecting an interior pipe member with an exterior of the pipe assembly, and remaining spaced apertures fluidly connecting said exterior with an annular region between the interior pipe and the outer pipe, A second embodiment is of the divided pipe configuration, wherein a longitudinally extending divider partition is provided in each pipe member making up the multi-flow pipe assembly thereby forming two separate flow channels within each pipe member, with alternately spaced apertures fluidly communicating with a respective of the two or more flow channels formed within each pipe member by the divider partition. 1. A duel-flow pipe assembly , having a plurality of outer and inner pipe members coupled together in end-to-end relation for delivery downhole of a first fluid to a hydrocarbon-containing formation and collection from the formation of a separate second fluid , said dual-flow pipe assembly maintaining separate therewithin said first fluid from said second fluid , each dual-flow pipe member of said dual flow pipe assembly comprising:an outer cylindrical hollow pipe member, having a threaded portion at opposite ends thereof for threaded coupling to another outer pipe member;an inner cylindrical pipe member having a hollow bore, said inner pipe member situated within said outer pipe member so as to form an annular region between an exterior of said inner pipe member and an interior surface of said outer hollow pipe member, said inner cylindrical pipe member having at mutually opposite ends thereof connecting means to sealingly engage and/or connect to another ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153251A1

Methods and apparatus for running a tubular into a wellbore. The method includes attaching a first member of a lifting coupling to a first tubular, and attaching a second member of the lifting coupling to a second tubular. The second tubular extends downward through an opening of a rotary station. The method also includes connecting together the first and second members of the lifting coupling, such that a weight of the second tubular is transmitted via the lifting coupling to the first tubular. The method further includes lowering the lifting coupling, the second tubular, and at least a portion of the first tubular through the opening, and disconnecting the second member from the first member. The method additionally includes moving the second member of the lifting coupling and the second tubular laterally, away from the opening. 1. A method for running a tubular into a wellbore , comprising:attaching a first member of a lifting coupling to a first tubular;attaching a second member of the lifting coupling to a second tubular, wherein the second tubular extends downward through an opening of a rotary station;connecting together the first and second members of the lifting coupling, such that a weight of the second tubular is transmitted via the lifting coupling to the first tubular;lowering the lifting coupling, the second tubular, and at least a portion of the first tubular through the opening;disconnecting the second member from the first member, after lowering the lifting coupling, the second tubular, and the at least a portion of the first tubular; andmoving the second member of the lifting coupling and the second tubular laterally, away from the opening.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein disconnecting the first member from the second member comprises substantially avoiding a transmission of a torque from the lifting coupling onto the second tubular.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein disconnecting the first member from the second member comprises rotating at ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Dual Motor Bidirectional Drilling

Номер: US20190145186A1

The present invention discloses methods and apparatus for utilizing a downhole electric motor or motors for drilling in a well casing using a combination retrieval/electric conduit cable capable of reliability supplying sufficient electric power to drive the electric motor(s) and other components or a separate retrieval cable and electric conduit where the electrical conduit in attached to or disposed in the casing pipe wall. The electric motors may be combined with mud motors. The casing may be a combination drill pipe/casing in which the combination drill/casing pipes is rotated to rotate the drill bits, preferable in combination with downhole drive motors. 1. A system for drilling a well comprising:a) a well casing consisting of pipe joints connected together in a way to allow rotation of the joints in clockwise or counterclockwise direction;b) a bottom hole assembly disposed in the connected pipe joints having a drill bit that is effective for rotation in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction;c) an electric motor or motors of sufficient power to drive the drill bit and which can be operated to rotate the drill bit in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction; andd) means for supplying sufficient electric power to the electric motor or motors to drive the drill bit.2. The system of wherein the system is suspended from a cable having electrical conduits releasably connecting the electric motor and components of the bottom hole assembly.3. The system of wherein the cable is constructed of discrete lengths of different diameters claim 2 , the smallest diameter cable being the cable nearest the bottom hole assembly.4. The system of wherein the means for supplying electric power is electrical conduits disposed in or attached to the pipe joint with means to electrically connect the conduits electrically at each joint connection.5. The system of wherein the pipe joints are composite polymer pipe.6. The system of comprising a mud motor in addition to the electric ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145187A1
Автор: Steine Ken Erik
Принадлежит: Ace Oil Tools

There is provided a float equipment attachment assembly comprising: a float equipment for mounting to a tubing string, the float equipment comprising a tubular body and a plurality of gripping arms extending longitudinally away from the tubular body arranged to deflect radially inwards; and, an attachment sleeve, wherein the inner diameter of the attachment sleeve is tapered to form a conical abutment portion, wherein when the attachment sleeve and float equipment are arranged axially around the tubing string and pressed together the gripping arms are deflected radially inward by the conical abutment portion to grip the tubing string to mount the float equipment to the tubing string. 1. A float equipment attachment assembly comprising:a float equipment for mounting to a tubing string, the float equipment comprising a tubular body and a plurality of gripping arms extending longitudinally away from the tubular body arranged to deflect radially inwards; and,an attachment sleeve, wherein the inner diameter of the attachment sleeve is tapered to form a conical abutment portion,wherein when the attachment sleeve and float equipment are arranged axially around the tubing string and pressed together the gripping arms are deflected radially inward by the conical abutment portion to grip the tubing string to mount the float equipment to the tubing string.2. A float equipment attachment assembly according to claim 1 , in which the float equipment further comprises a seal groove for retaining a seal claim 1 , the groove arranged on an inner wall of the float equipment such that a seal can be created between the float equipment and the tubing string when the float equipment is mounted on the tubing string.3. A float equipment attachment assembly according to claim 2 , in which the seal groove is annular and extends circumferentially around the inner wall of the tubular body.4. A float equipment attachment assembly according to claim 1 , in which the float equipment further ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180148984A1

An insulating collar for a gap sub assembly for electromagnetic (EM) telemetry used in downhole drilling is disclosed. The gap sub assembly comprises a female member comprising a female mating section and a male member comprising a male mating section and a gap section. The male mating section is matingly received within the female mating section and electrically isolated therefrom. The insulating collar is positioned on the gap section. The collar is made up of a framework with a plurality of discrete bodies spaced about the framework and a portion of each of the discrete bodies protrudes above the framework. Either the framework or the discrete bodies are made of an electrical insulator material to electrically isolate one end of the collar from the other end of the collar. The collar therefore electrically isolates the male member from the female member and the male member, female member and insulating collar function as the “gap sub” for EM telemetry. 1. An insulating collar for a gap sub assembly , the collar having first and second longitudinal ends spaced apart from each other and a bore extending longitudinally through the collar , the collar comprising:a plurality of discrete bodies; and;a generally cylindrical framework configured to hold the discrete bodies at corresponding locations that are spaced apart from one another both circumferentially around and longitudinally along the framework such that a portion of each of the plurality of discrete bodies protrudes radially inwardly from an inside surface of the framework;wherein the framework and the plurality of discrete bodies extend between the first and second longitudinal ends of the collar and one or both of the framework and the plurality of discrete bodies comprises an electrical insulator material so as to electrically isolate the first and second longitudinal ends of the collar from one another.2. An insulating collar according to wherein the framework comprises a plurality of parts made of a ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Horizontal Directional Drill Pipe Drive Connection With Locking Feature

Номер: US20180148985A1

The present invention is directed to a spindle assembly for connecting a drill string to a rotational drive for use in a horizontal directional drilling operation. The assembly comprises a saver sub attached to the rotational drive, and a drive chuck for connection to the drill string. The drive chuck and saver sub form a torque-transmitting connection by engaging through a seat in the saver sub and an engagement point on the drive chuck. Dowel pins may be used to rotationally lock and provide the engagement between the saver sub and the drive chuck. A collar may thread to the saver sub and cause an interference fit by engaging the drive chuck at a shoulder. 1. A torque-transmitting assembly comprising:a saver sub;a drive chuck;an internal locking mechanism that maintains the drive chuck and saver sub in rotationally-fixed relationship; anda collar that surrounds at least a portion of the saver sub and drive chuck;wherein the saver sub and the drive chuck are in torque-transmitting engagement only at the internal locking mechanism and the collar.2. The assembly of wherein the internal locking mechanism comprises at least one dowel pin.3. The assembly of wherein the drive chuck defines at least one depression for placement of the at least one dowel pin.4. The assembly of wherein the internal locking mechanism comprises six dowel pins.5. The assembly of wherein the at least one dowel pin is characterized by a circular cross-section.6. The assembly of claim 1 , the saver sub and the drive chuck each having a rim in which a plurality of concavities are formed.7. The assembly of in which the plural concavities in one rim are alignable in one-to-one face-to-face correspondence with the plural concavities in the other rim.8. The assembly of in which the internal locking mechanism comprises a plurality of dowel pins positionable between the plural concavities of the saver sub and the plural concavities of the drive chuck.9. The assembly of wherein each of the plural dowel ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141191A1
Автор: Klein Tobias, Wurm Dieter

A rod section of a ground drilling rod, wherein the rod section is configured at its end as a plug connection and comprises at one end (a) a connection plug or (b) a connection socket, wherein the connection plug on the outside or the connection socket on the inside comprises nonround segments along a cross section, wherein the cross section is constant in configuration. 1. A rod section of a ground drilling rod , wherein the rod section is configured at its end as a plug connection and comprises at one end:(a) a connection plug or (b) a connection socket, wherein the connection plug on an outer surface thereof, or the connection socket on an inner surface thereof, comprises nonround segments along a cross section, wherein the cross section is constant in configuration.2. The rod section according to claim 1 , wherein various nonround segments are formed.3. The rod section according to claim 2 , wherein the various nonround segments alternate along the circumference.4. The rod section according to claim 1 , wherein the nonround segments extend for a length of 20 mm to 120 mm in the longitudinal extension of the rod section.5. The rod section according to claim 1 , wherein an insertion segment is formed at the entrance side to the nonround segments.6. The rod section according to claim 1 , wherein inside the rod section there is present a plug connection for an electrical connection configured coaxially to the connection socket or connection plug.7. A driving element for driving a ground drilling rod into the ground claim 1 , being configured to engage with a rod section claim 1 , wherein the driving element engaging with the rod section is configured: (a) as a connection plug claim 1 , having on the outside a cross section with nonround segment; or (b) as a connection socket claim 1 , having on the inside a cross section with nonround segments claim 1 , while the cross section is constant.8. The driving element according to claim 7 , wherein various nonround ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141204A1
Автор: Rose James A.

A casing hanger assembly includes a landing ring secured to a containment well cellar or the conductor pipe. A casing hanger welded to the external surface of the last section of surface casing seats into the landing ring. 1. A well construction system comprising:a) a conductor pipe having an upper portion and installed in a well hole;b) a surface casing having an external surface and a weight and downward force, and extending through the conductor pipe;c) a surface casing hanger secured by welding to an upper portion of the external surface of the surface casing, whereby the surface casing hanger and the welding between the surface casing hanger and the surface casing support the weight of the surface casing, and the downward force of the weight of the surface casing is parallel to the external surface of the surface casing:d) a base plate having a first area, the base plate being embedded in a region of the well hole and surrounding said conductor pipe and being attached thereto;e) a landing ring secured to a portion of said conductor pipe and having an internal profile for receiving the surface casing hanger to form a casing hanger assembly, whereby the surface casing hanger interacts through the landing ring and conductor pipe to distribute the weight of the surface casing over the first area of the base plate; andf) a wellhead assembly attached to the surface casing above the casing hanger assembly so that the casing hanger assembly is external to and below the wellhead assembly.2. The well construction system of wherein the base plate comprises a structural claim 1 , load-bearing floor portion of a sealed well cellar claim 1 , the sealed well cellar collecting well fluids and preventing the fluids from polluting the region surrounding the well site.3. The well construction system of wherein the surface casing hanger is secured to the landing ring.4. The well construction system of wherein landing ring is secured to the upper portion of the conductor pipe.7. A ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180413A1
Автор: Vargas Florent

A connector is configured to couple a first annular member to a second annular member. The connector includes a rotatable plate and multiple lock segments. The connector further includes a coupling assembly that is configured to couple the rotatable plate to the multiple lock segments, such that rotation of the rotatable plate in a circumferential direction drives the plurality of lock segments along a radial axis to adjust the connector between an unlocked configuration and a locked configuration. 1. A connector configured to couple a first annular member to a second annular member , comprising:a rotatable plate;a plurality of lock segments; anda coupling assembly configured to couple the rotatable plate to the plurality of lock segments, such that rotation of the rotatable plate in a circumferential direction drives the plurality of lock segments along a radial axis to adjust the connector between an unlocked configuration and a locked configuration.2. The connector of claim 1 , comprising:a body; anda key-slot interface between the plurality of lock segments and the body, wherein the key-slot interface is configured to enable movement of the plurality of lock segments along the radial axis and to block movement of the plurality of lock segments in the circumferential direction.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the coupling assembly comprises a plurality of grooves and a plurality of protrusions configured to engage the plurality of grooves and to follow the plurality of grooves during rotation of the rotatable plate.4. The connector of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of grooves are formed in a respective axially-facing surface of the rotatable plate claim 3 , and the plurality of protrusions extend from a respective axially-facing surface of the plurality of lock segments.5. The connector of claim 3 , wherein a first protrusion of the plurality of protrusions extends from a first lock segment of the plurality of lock segments claim 3 , and a second protrusion ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155891A1

A self-aligning and torque transmitting coupler assembly includes an outer coupler coupled to a first shaft of and an inner coupler coupled to a second shaft. The outer coupler comprises an inner surface having primary and secondary alignment and torque transmitting features, and the inner coupler comprises an outer surface having primary and secondary alignment features. The primary and secondary alignment features are configured to interlock and facilitate alignment of the first and second shafts along a common axis in an exemplary application of a foundation support system. 127-. (canceled)28. A foundation support assembly comprising:a first foundation support element including a first distal end and an outer coupler extending on the first distal end, the outer coupler formed with at least a first pair of fastener openings and a first alignment feature comprising a projection or a groove; anda second foundation support element including a second distal end and an inner coupler extending on the second distal end, the inner coupler comprising at least a second pair of fastener openings and a second alignment feature that is configured to engage the at least one first alignment feature; andwherein when the inner coupler and the outer coupler are partly mated and one of the inner coupler and outer coupler is rotated relative to the other of the inner coupler and the outer coupler, the first alignment feature is self-aligning with the second alignment feature and the first pair of fastener openings is self-aligning with the second pair of fastener openings; andwherein when the first alignment feature and the second alignment feature are aligned and mated and when a fastener is extended through each of the aligned first pair of fastener openings and the second pair of fastener openings, the inner coupler and the outer coupler are rotationally interlocked with one another to facilitate torque transmission from the first foundation support element to the second ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189802A1

A flow collar for use on a dual rod drill rod assembly includes an uphole end defined in part by a first interior portion having a first interior diameter and a downhole end defined in part by a second interior portion having a second interior diameter that is larger than the first interior diameter. The flow collar further includes a plurality of radially-extending peripheral fluid passages extending through the flow collar to the second interior portion. An outer rod interfacing surface defines a continuous annular surface with a constant outer diameter. 1. A dual rod drill rod for a dual rod drilling system having a drill string extending from an above ground drilling machine to a downhole drilling tool , the drill string being formed by a plurality of dual rod drill rods joined end-to-end , the dual rod drill rod comprising:a tubular outer rod including a first end having a shoulder, and a second, opposite end; [ a torque-carrying section; and', 'a flow collar having an outer rod interfacing surface defining a continuous annular surface with a constant outer diameter; and, 'a first end having'}, 'a torque-carrying section;', 'a second end having'}], 'an inner rod within the tubular outer rod, the inner rod including'}wherein the inner rod is constrained against movement within the outer rod in a first direction by the outer rod interfacing surface of the flow collar interfacing with the shoulder of the outer rod.2. The dual rod drill rod of claim 1 , wherein an annular fluid flow passage is defined between the inner rod and the outer rod.3. The dual rod drill rod of claim 2 , wherein the flow collar includes at least one peripheral fluid passage that allows fluid flow therethrough and that is in fluid communication with the annular fluid flow passage.4. The dual rod drill rod of claim 3 , wherein the at least one peripheral fluid passage includes a plurality of radially-extending apertures in the flow collar.5. The dual rod drill rod of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190242A1
Принадлежит: National Oilwell Varco UK Limited

A connection between a first tubular member and a second tubular member includes a first tubular end, a second tubular end, a load shoulder member threadable onto the first tubular end, and a nut receivable around the first tubular end and the load shoulder member and threadable onto the second tubular end. The connection also includes a keyway through the load shoulder member and into the first tubular end to receive a key member. 1. A connection between a first tubular member and a second tubular member , the connection comprising:a first tubular end;a second tubular end;a load shoulder member threadable onto the first tubular end;a nut receivable around the first tubular end and the load shoulder member and threadable onto the second tubular end; anda keyway through the load shoulder member and into the first tubular end to receive a key member.2. The connection of wherein the nut is threadable onto the second tubular end over the load shoulder member and the first tubular end to capture the load shoulder member between the nut and the second tubular end.3. The connection of further comprising a first threaded interface between the load shoulder member and the first tubular end claim 1 , and a second threaded interface between the nut and the second tubular end claim 1 , wherein the keyway intersects the first threaded interface.4. The connection of wherein the connection lacks a threaded interface formed directly between the first tubular end and the second tubular end.5. The connection of further comprising a second tubular end recess to receive a load shoulder member protrusion.6. The connection of further comprising a plunger extending through the nut and into the first tubular end.7. The connection of wherein the first tubular end is a pin end and the second tubular end is a box end to receive the pin end.8. The connection of wherein the box end includes external threads and lacks internal threads.9. The connection of wherein the box end is configured to ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Connection System for Subsea Connection of a Subsea Umbilical to a Subsea Appliance

Номер: US20150176340A1
Автор: BASTESEN Rolf

A connection system for subsea connection of a subsea umbilical to a subsea appliance, the system comprising a termination box fixed to the umbilical; a first coupling part mounted to the termination box; a second coupling part; a connection unit, to which the termination box is slidably mounted; and a landing unit, which has a fixed position in relation to the second coupling part. Guide members are provided on the connection unit and the landing unit for guiding the connection unit into a correct position in relation to the landing unit when the connection unit is lowered downwards into contact with the landing unit. The termination box is displaceable axially forwards in relation to the connection unit by means of an actuating unit so as to bring the first coupling part into contact with the second coupling part. 1. A connection system for subsea connection of a first subsea umbilical to a subsea appliance in the form of a second subsea umbilical or an umbilical termination assembly , wherein the first subsea umbilical and the subsea appliance comprise several fluid conduits , the connection system comprising:a termination box fixed to an end section of the first subsea umbilical, the termination box comprising a front end and an opposite rear end, wherein the first subsea umbilical extends through an opening at the rear end of the termination box;a first umbilical coupling part mounted to the termination box at the front end thereof, this coupling part comprising several first coupling members, each of which being connected to one of the fluid conduits of the first subsea umbilical;a second umbilical coupling part which is connectable to the first umbilical coupling part and comprises several second coupling members, each of which being connected to one of the fluid conduits of the subsea appliance and being configured to engage with one of the first coupling members when the first umbilical coupling part and the second umbilical coupling part are connected to ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Tapered Spline Connection for Drill Pipe, Casing, and Tubing

Номер: US20150176341A1

An apparatus comprises a first number of splines located near a first end of a first joint section and a second number of splines located near a second end of a second joint section. The first number of splines extends in an axial direction of the first joint section and spans a circumferential surface of the first joint section. Each of the first number of splines has a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks that extends from the base to the tip and forms an acute angle. Each of the first number of splines are configured to be received between adjacent pairs of splines in the second number of splines as the first end of the first joint section and the second end of the second joint section are joined. 1. A drill pipe segment , comprising:a first end comprising a first joint section, said first joint section having at least one electrical connector;a first number of splines located at said first joint section, the first number of splines disposed on a circumferential outer surface of the first joint section, and extending in a first axial direction towards the first end and outwardly in a first radial direction from the circumferential outer surface, each of the first number of splines having a base, a tip, and a pair of flanks extending from the base to the tip wherein the pair of flanks forms an acute angle, wherein the tips of the first number of splines are spaced from the first end of the first joint section, which defines a first cylindrical portion with an outer surface, and wherein the first number of splines extend outwardly from the outer surface of the first cylindrical portion;wherein one spline of the first number of splines is a different size than the other splines of the first number of splines;a second end comprising a second joint section, said second joint section having at least one electrical contact;a second number of splines located at said second joint section, the second number of splines disposed on a circumferential inner surface of the second ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198954A1
Принадлежит: NTDrill Holdings, LLC

A deployment tool that can be used on land, jack-up and floating drilling rigs. The tools is installed around a drillpipe tool joint making it independent of the drill string load path as well as independent of the drill pipe thread and drill pipe size. It is designed for the largest commonly used drillpipe size, so has a single outer dimeter configuration that can be adapted from the largest drillpipe to the smallest in use with simple mechanical adapters. Thus, one main tool and a set of adapters is all that is required. The tool may be used in the deployment of RCDs, for example in the landing of an RCD bearing assembly on an RCD housing, or in the deployment of tubing hangers, lining hangers, casing hangers or other or any other temporary completion tool. 1. A deployment tool comprising a latch assembly and two adapters whereby the latch assembly can be releasably secured to a drill string , the latch assembly comprising a tubular housing with an interior surface , and a resiliently deformable latch which is retained by the housing , wherein the adapters are releasably secured to the interior surface of the housing spaced from one another along the housing.2. A deployment tool according to wherein the adapters are tubular or annular.3. A deployment tool assembly according to wherein the adapters are formed from a plurality of arcuate parts which when put together partially claim 1 , almost completely claim 1 , or completely surround a portion of the drill string.4. A deployment tool according to wherein the latch is tubular claim 1 , and has a body which encloses a generally cylindrical passage with a longitudinal axis.5. A deployment tool according to wherein the latch has a main slot which extends parallel to the longitudinal axis and all the way through the body claim 4 , so that the latch has a generally C-shaped transverse cross-section.6. A deployment tool according to wherein the latch is provided with a plurality of smaller slots which also extend into ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Shunt Tube Connections for Wellscreen Assembly

Номер: US20140262332A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford Lamb Inc

A well screen assembly has a base pipe and one or more screen sections attached to the outer surface of the base pipe. The assembly also has one or more shunt tubes attached to the base pipe via top and bottom rings. The shunt tubes can be attached to the screen sections via B-rings and may be transport tubes or packing tubes. Connections are used for securing a jumper tube to adjoining shunt tubes of adjoining screen sections of the wellscreen assembly, which may be used in open or cased holes. At a well site, the joints of the wellscreens have timed threads so that the various shunt tubes can be aligned with one another along the assembly as the joints are made up. The connections of the present disclosure allow operators to install a jumper tubes between shunt tubes at the joint without needing to tighten fasteners or assembly components.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171724A1

A downhole coupling system for joining together two segments of a tool string includes two mandrels, each having an interlocking interface at an end that abuts the adjacent mandrel and to communicate torque from one mandrel to the next. Each of the mandrels includes a threaded exterior surface, with the threaded surfaces have opposing thread directions or differing thread pitches. The coupling includes mating internal threads. A plurality of axial grooves is formed in each of the interior surface of the coupling and the exterior surface of one of the mandrels. A keyed latch ring having a plurality of internal keys and a plurality of external keys is included to engage the axial grooves, thereby rotationally locking the coupling relative to the first mandrel and second mandrel. 1. A coupler system for use in a tool string comprising:a first mandrel having a first interlocking interface at a first end, a first threaded interface about an external surface of the first mandrel, a radial groove comprising a reduced outer-diameter portion of the mandrel and a plurality of external slots extending from the groove toward the first end of the first mandrel;a second mandrel having a second interlocking interface at a second end;a coupling comprising a first coupling threaded interface having threads that complement the threaded interface of the first mandrel, and a plurality of internal slots extending from a first end of the coupling; anda keyed latch ring having a plurality of internal keys and a plurality of external keys, the external keys corresponding to the plurality of internal slots of the coupling and the internal keys corresponding to the plurality of external slots of the first mandrel.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second mandrel comprises a second threaded interface about an external surface of the second mandrel claim 1 , the second threaded interface having a thread direction that opposes the thread direction of the threaded interface of the first ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171725A1

An orientation system includes an upper sub, a lower sub, and an orienting sleeve for rotationally aligning the upper sub with a rotational position of the lower sub. The orienting sleeve includes a keyed upper surface configured to engage a keyed lower surface of the upper surface, and an inner faceted portion configured to engage an outer faceted portion of the lower sub. The orientation system further includes an upper sleeve configured for attachment to the orienting sleeve and the upper sub, and a lower sleeve configured for attachment to the orienting sleeve and the lower sub. The upper and lower sleeves secure the upper sub to the lower sub. 1. An orientation system comprising:an upper sub including an outer surface extending from an upper end to a keyed lower surface;a lower sub slidingly engaging the upper sub, the lower sub including an outer surface extending from an upper end to a lower end, the outer surface including an outer faceted portion; andan orienting sleeve disposed around the lower sub, the orienting sleeve including a keyed upper surface and an inner bore with an inner faceted portion, wherein the inner faceted portion engages the outer faceted portion of the lower sub and the keyed upper surface engages the keyed lower surface of the upper sub to rotationally orient the upper sub relative to a rotational position of the lower sub.2. The orientation system of claim 1 , wherein the keyed lower surface of the upper sub include at least two shoulders claim 1 , and the keyed upper surface of the orienting sleeve includes at least two shoulders each engaging one of the shoulders of the keyed lower surface of the upper sub.3. The orientation system of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the lower sub further includes an expanded section below the outer faceted portion claim 1 , the expanded section forming an upper shoulder and a lower shoulder claim 1 , and wherein a lower surface of the orienting sleeve engages the upper shoulder of the lower ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Dual rod directional drilling system

Номер: US20200165880A1
Автор: Tyler J. Dorin
Принадлежит: Vermeer Manufacturing Co

A horizontal directional drilling system includes a drill head that includes a drive coupling with a central bore that is a through bore. The drill head includes a drive shaft that has an enlarged portion at a downhole end that defines a centroid positioned within the central bore of the drive coupling. The drive shaft includes a drive shaft axis that is misaligned and intersects with an end casing axis of an end casing at a balance point of the drill head. The centroid of the drive shaft is positioned to be coincident with the balance point of the drill head.

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Cam Indexing Apparatus

Номер: US20210207442A1
Автор: Napier Rory Archibald

An indexing apparatus for use with a downhole tool may include a tubular body and a mandrel. The tubular body may have a first end and a second end. The tubular body may also have a plurality of body detents on the second end of the tubular body and a recess in a surface of the tubular body. The mandrel may include a plurality of mandrel detents on a surface of the mandrel. The mandrel detents may be sized and shaped to engage with the body detents on the second end of the tubular body. The indexing apparatus may also include a cam sized to be received in the recess of the surface of the tubular body and a spring coupled to the first end of the tubular body. 1. An indexing apparatus comprising: a first end and a second end;', 'a plurality of body detents on the second end of the tubular body; and', 'a recess in a surface of the tubular body;, 'a tubular body comprisinga mandrel comprising a plurality of mandrel detents on a surface of the mandrel, each mandrel detent of the plurality of mandrel detents being sized and shaped to engage with a body detent of the plurality of body detents on the second end of the tubular body;a cam sized to be received in the recess of the surface of the tubular body; anda spring coupled to the first end of the tubular body.2. The indexing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a piston positioned at an end of the mandrel for applying a force to the end of the mandrel.3. The indexing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cam is fixed to a housing of a tubing string in which the indexing apparatus is positioned.4. The indexing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body detents and the mandrel detents are helically cut.5. The indexing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the indexing apparatus has a length that is between approximately 1 foot and approximately 4 feet.6. The indexing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mandrel is movable axially towards the tubular body in response to a force being applied on an end of the mandrel.7. The indexing ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207444A1
Автор: Olander John A.

A directional drill vice and associated methods are shown. A directional drill and associated methods are also shown. Examples of directional drill stem configurations include gripping jaws configured with a common jaw pivot. Examples of directional drill stem configurations also include a slot in a vice frame to allow lateral insertion of a drill stem segment. 1. A directional drill , comprising:a drill head movably mounted to a carriage frame;a directional drill vise mounted to the carriage frame, the directional drill vise, including: a first pair of gripping jaws located in a vise frame;', 'at least one actuating device coupled to the first pair of gripping jaws;', 'a first common jaw pivot coupled to both jaws in the first pair of gripping jaws;, 'a first gripper, including a second pair of gripping jaws located in a vise frame;', 'at least one actuating device coupled to the second pair of gripping jaws;', 'a second common jaw pivot coupled to both jaws in the second pair of gripping jaws;, 'a second gripper, includinga slot to permit sideways loading and unloading of drill rods into the first pair of gripping jaws;a rotation joint between the first gripper and the second gripper to provide rotation about a drill stem axis; anda rotation actuator to drive relative rotation between the first gripper and the second gripper.2. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the first common pivot is directly coupled in fixed relation to a structure of the directional drill vise different from the first pair of gripping jaws claim 1 , wherein both jaws in the first pair of gripping jaws are constrained to only rotational motion relative to each other about the common jaw pivot.3. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the second pair of gripping jaws is laterally enclosed without a slot for sideways loading.4. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the first pair of gripping jaws includes replaceable jaws held in jaw carriers.5. The directional drill of claim 1 ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186503A1
Автор: Nguyen Dennis P.

A system including a connector system configured to couple a first tubular to a second tubular, including a sleeve configured to couple to an exterior surface of the first tubular, wherein the sleeve comprises a coupling feature, a lock ring configured to couple to the exterior surface of the second tubular and radially engage the coupling feature on the sleeve, and a support ring configured to energize the lock ring into engagement with the sleeve. 1. A system , comprising: a sleeve configured to couple to an exterior surface of the first tubular, wherein the sleeve comprises a coupling feature;', 'a lock ring configured to couple to the exterior surface of the second tubular and radially engage the coupling feature on the sleeve; and', 'a support ring configured to energize the lock ring into engagement with the sleeve., 'a connector system configured to couple a first tubular to a second tubular, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lock ring comprises one or more protrusions configured to engage the sleeve.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coupling feature comprises one or more grooves configured to receive the lock ring.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lock ring rests within an annular groove on the second tubular.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve comprises a first radial aperture that enables the tool to couple to the sleeve.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the sleeve comprises a second radial aperture that enables the tool to extend through the sleeve and couple to the support ring.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve and the first tubular are a one-piece structure.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support ring comprises a first angled surface and the lock ring comprises a second angled surface claim 1 , and the first and second angled surfaces form an angled interface.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coupling feature comprises first threads and the lock ring comprises second threads claim 1 , and the ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Connector for assembling two riser sections with internal locking ring

Номер: US20200173239A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

The present invention relates to a compact connector design with an internal locking ring (11). The connector according to the invention comprises a locking ring (11) allowing bayonet type connection on either side with two riser sections. Furthermore, the connector comprises at least one removable pin (12) for translationally blocking locking ring (11), notably upon locking and unlocking. Removable pin (12) therefore cooperates with locking ring (11) by being arranged in a connector element (8, 9).

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170191351A1

A gravel pack joint includes a unitary tubular defining a thickness bounded by an outside surface and an inside surface and having an end configured for interconnection with another member. An opening extending from the outside surface through the tubular to the inside surface. A passageway defined within the thickness of the tubular; and a port extending from the outside surface of the tubular to intersect the passageway but not extending to the inside surface of the tubular. 1. A gravel pack joint comprising:a unitary tubular defining a thickness bounded by an outside surface and an inside surface and having an end configured for interconnection with another member;an opening extending from the outside surface through the tubular to the inside surface;a passageway defined within the thickness of the tubular; anda port extending from the outside surface of the tubular to intersect the passageway but not extending to the inside surface of the tubular.2. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the opening is a plurality of openings.3. The gravel pack joint as claimed in where in the port is a plurality of ports.4. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the passageway is a plurality of passageways claim 1 , at least two of the plurality of passageways having intersecting ports.5. The gravel pack joint as claimed in further comprising a recess defined within the thickness of the tubular and intersecting the passageway.6. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the passageway is a plurality of passageways claim 5 , each of which is intersected by the recess.7. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the port is angled.8. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the angle is along the axial direction of the joint.9. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the end includes threads.10. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the threads are helical.11. The gravel pack joint as claimed in wherein the threads are wicker threads.12. The gravel pack ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186209A1
Автор: Partouche Ashers
Принадлежит: Intelliserv, LLC

An adapter for a wired drill pipe joint includes an annular adapter body having a first end and a second end, an annular recess extending partially into the first end of the adapter body, a communication element disposed at least partially within the annular recess, wherein the second end of the adapter body is configured to releasably couple to an end portion of a first wired drill pipe joint, wherein the annular adapter body includes an arcuate key that is configured to restrict relative rotation of the adapter body with respect to the first wired drill pipe joint, wherein the annular adapter body and the communication element form a shoulder configured for engagement with a corresponding shoulder of a second wired drill pipe joint to form a rotary shouldered threaded connection between the first wired drill pipe joint and the second wired drill pipe joint. 147-. (canceled)48. An adapter for a wired drill pipe joint , comprising:an annular adapter body having a first end and a second end;an annular recess extending partially into the first end of the adapter body;a communication element disposed at least partially within the annular recess;wherein the second end of the adapter body is configured to releasably couple to an end portion of a first wired drill pipe joint;wherein the annular adapter body comprises an arcuate key that is configured to restrict relative rotation of the adapter body with respect to the first wired drill pipe joint;wherein the annular adapter body and the communication element form a shoulder configured for engagement with a corresponding shoulder of a second wired drill pipe joint to form a rotary shouldered threaded connection between the first wired drill pipe joint and the second wired drill pipe joint.49. The adapter of claim 48 , wherein the first wired drill pipe joint further comprises a slot claim 48 , and wherein the arcuate key of the adapter body is configured to be inserted at least partially into the slot.50. The adapter of ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222500A1

A directly connected drill pipe applicable to extreme conditions includes a tool joint pin and a tool joint box, where an external pipe section is located on an external side of a threaded section of the tool joint pin, and an annular groove is formed between the external pipe section and the threaded section of the tool joint pin. An insertion section of the tool joint box can be inserted into the annular groove in a matched manner. A main shoulder of the tool joint pin is located at an end of the external pipe section, a main auxiliary shoulder of the tool joint pin is located on a bottom surface of the annular groove, and an auxiliary shoulder of the tool joint pin is located at a small end of the tool joint pin. The tool joint box has three corresponding shoulders which form a 3-stage sealing with the tool joint pin. 1. A directly connected drill pipe , comprising: an outer annular projection extending axially outwardly and terminating in a main shoulder;', 'an inner annular projection extending axially outwardly and terminating in an auxiliary shoulder;', 'an annular groove disposed between the outer annular projection and the inner annular projection, the annular groove extending axially inwardly and terminating in a bottom surface comprising a main auxiliary shoulder;, 'a tool joint pin having an outer annular groove extending axially inwardly and terminating in a main shoulder;', 'an inner annular groove extending axially inwardly and terminating in an auxiliary shoulder;', 'an annular projection disposed between the outer annular groove and the inner annular groove, the annular projection extending axially outwardly and terminating in a main auxiliary shoulder;, 'a tool joint box having the outer annular projection of the tool joint pin operably connected to the outer annular groove of the tool joint box;', 'the inner annular projection of the tool joint pin operably connected to the inner annular groove of the tool joint box;', 'the annular projection of ...
