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27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2432490C2

Изобретение относится в целом к турбине или электрогенератору, производящему электричество из энергии потока воды. Гидравлическая турбина погружного типа содержит ротор 20, корпус-статор, в который заключен ротор 20, и средства для выработки электричества. Ротор 20 имеет внешний обод 22, охватывающий лопасти 21. Во внешнем ободе расположены одна или более камер 60 плавучести. Изобретение направлено на уменьшение веса ротора 20 для обретения плавучести. 9 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607713C2
Принадлежит: НАКАМУРА Такудзу (JP)

Изобретение относится к системе использования динамической силы текучей среды на плавучей конструкции и судну, приводимому в движение ветром, в котором используется система динамической силы текучей среды. Система для использования динамической силы текучей среды на плавучей конструкции содержит установку для извлечения энергии из ветра или воды и плавучую конструкцию, поддерживающую установку. Установка включает в себя часть приема силы, предназначенную для приема динамической силы текучей среды, и опоры, поддерживающие часть приема силы. Установка имеет расположенный под водой центр тяжести, поддерживается с возможностью отклонения относительно плавучей конструкции при помощи любого из следующих элементов: цилиндрического шарнира, универсального шарнира, сферического шарикового подшипника и упругой опоры корпуса, расположенных между плавучей конструкцией и установкой. Установка поддерживается с возможностью вращения вокруг центральной оси опоры относительно плавучей конструкции. По меньшей ...

01-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2748825C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству для извлечения энергии в форме электричества из потоков текучей среды. Гидрокинетический генератор 200 содержит погружной корпус, турбину 216, смонтированную в корпусе, содержащую по меньшей мере одно рабочее колесо 218 и по меньшей мере один электрический генератор для преобразования механической энергии турбины 216 в электрическую энергию. Генератор имеет множество удлиненных элементов, содержащих один или более магнитных участков и несколько обмоток, расположенных в корпусе и предназначенных для обеспечения электромагнитного взаимодействия с магнитными участками. Удлиненные элементы расположены вокруг по меньшей мере одного колеса 218 и закреплены на нем. Рабочее колесо 218 содержит множество спиральных винтообразных лопастей 215, расположенных вокруг общей оси от ее переднего конца до заднего конца. Радиус лопастей 215 экспоненциально увеличивается от переднего конца к заднему концу. Группа изобретений направлена на создание улучшенного гидрокинетического ...

14-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019117864A3

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2491445C1

Изобретение относится к области энергетики и может быть использовано в ветроэнергетических или в гидроэнергетических установках для выработки электроэнергии или для выполнения механической работы. Способ преобразования энергии течения воздушных или водных потоков характеризуется использованием вала отбора мощности, с которым через подвижную ось кинематически связывают введенное в поток по направлению его движения крыло 1 или аэродинамический профиль. Вал отбора мощности выполняют в виде коленвала 5. Крыло 1 или аэродинамический профиль связывают с коленвалом 5 стропой 4, оснащенной в непосредственной близости от крыла дополнительно короткими стропами. Стропы обеспечивают ограничение угла атаки крыла 1 в заданном диапазоне. С помощью устройства управления углом атаки 2 скачком меняют угол атаки крыла 1 от минимального к максимальному, перемещая при помощи подвижной массы акселерометра, жестко связанного с кулачком, ось крепления основной стропы относительно центра приложения аэродинамических ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011118988A

... 1. Поплавковый насос, содержащий: ! поплавковый блок, выполненный с возможностью поступательного перемещения в соответствии с действием волн в водном пространстве для перекачивания рабочей текучей среды под действием энергии волн в водном пространстве; ! поршень, размещенный с возможностью скольжения внутри поршневой камеры; ! шток поршня, содержащий множество расположенных внутри друг друга трубок, размещенный между поплавковым блоком и поршнем; и ! элементы шарового шарнира, расположенные с обоих концов штока поршня, первый из элементов шарового шарнира входит в шаровой шарнир, находящийся на поплавковом блоке, второй из элементов шарового шарнира входит в шаровой шарнир, находящийся на поршне; ! причем поршень выполнен с возможностью поступательного перемещения в первом направлении и во втором направлении в соответствии с перемещением поплавкового блока, при этом поршень перемещается во втором направлении для всасывания рабочей текучей среды в поршневую камеру и перемещается в первом ...

30-08-1985 дата публикации

Ветродвигатель для водных и сухопутных транспортных средств,а также стационарных рабочих машин и электрогенераторов

Номер: SU1176851A3

... 1. ВЕТРОДВИГАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ВОДНЫХ И СУХОПУТНЫХ ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВ, А ТАКЖЕ СТАЦИОНАРНЫХ РАБОЧИХ МАШИН И ЭЛЕКТРОГЕНЕРАТОРОВ, содержащий вал с жестко соединенными с ним лопастями , кинематически связанный с водяным гребным винтом или с устройствами для передачи мощности, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьииения мощности, лопасти соединены с валом посредством полусферы из листового материала или пластмассы. иЛ , , tOv tPus.j ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Flexible device for use in system for flexible use on seas, has one unit for receiving article, which is designed in such way that unit floats in water, where another unit is provided for receiving another article

Номер: DE102012217784A1

The flexible device (PLAT) has a unit for receiving an article (GEG), which is designed in such a way that the unit floats in water (WAT), where another unit (E2) is provided for receiving another article. The latter unit is arranged below the water line, particularly in the horizontal dimension. A third unit (E3) is provided for connecting the former unit to the latter unit. A coupling unit (KUPP) is attached to the latter unit. The coupling unit is formed of elastic material.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Umwandlung von Wellenkraft in Energie

Номер: DE202015106549U1

Vorrichtung zur Umwandlung von Wellenkraft in Energie, mit einem Gehäuse (12), in dem eine im Wesentlichen vertikale Durchgangsöffnung (14) ausgebildet ist, einem in der Durchgangsöffnung (14) (14) in Längsrichtung der Durchgangsöffnung (14) linear verschiebbar gelagerten Hubelement (16), an dessen unterem Ende ein Auftriebskörper (30) außerhalb des Gehäuses (12) angebracht ist, Einrichtungen zur Befestigung des Gehäuses (12) an einer schwimmenden Vorrichtung, mehreren an dem Hubelement (16) in dessen Längsrichtung nacheinander angebrachten Permanentmagneten (22), wobei zwei benachbarte Permanentmagnete (22) jeweils gegenpolig zu einander angebracht sind und voneinander durch eine Isolierung (24) getrennt sind, und an dem Gehäuse (12) bezüglich der Längsachse der Durchgangsöffnung (14) radial außerhalb der Permanentmagnete (22) angeordneten Generatorspulen (28).

26-07-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Gewinnung von Strömungsenergie aus fließenden Medien mittels horizontal drehender Wasserräder, gehalten durch Schwimmkörper

Номер: DE202016003874U1

Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung von Energie aus Fliessgewässern, nachfolgend genannt Horizontalwasserrad (H2W), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass dieses aus zwei oder mehr gegenläufigen, horizontal drehenden Wasserrädern (W1, W2) besteht, die symmetrisch mit der vertikalen Drehachse an den Seiten oder unterhalb eines Schwimmkörpers (S), hier Schiffsrumpf bzw. Schwimmponton, der länglich als Schiffsfloß ausgeformt ist und am Bug punktuell in der Strömung beweglich und gleichzeitig ortsfest gehalten wird, (Oe), wobei die Wasserräder (W1)‚ (W2) so befestigt sind, dass sie sich vollständig unterhalb der Wasserlinie (w) befinden und sich gleichzeitig mit der gegen die Strömung drehenden Hälfte entweder in einem Hohlraum des Schwimmkörpers (S) oder hinter einem Strömungsteiler/Strömungskörper (Sk) von der Strömung abgeschirmt gegen diese drehen können, wobei die jeweilige Drehachse sich ebenfalls knapp innerhalb oder direkt neben diesem halbkreisförmigen Strömungsteiler (Sk) so befindet, so dass dieser ...

24-02-2011 дата публикации

Windbetriebener elektrischer Generator

Номер: DE502006008711D1

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060009007T2

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Schwimmende Windenergieanlage mit integriertem Umspannwerk

Номер: DE102019122110A1

Es wird eine Windenergieanlage mit integriertem Umspannwerk und ein Floating Offshore-Windpark vorgestellt, die hinsichtlich Investitionskosten, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Bauraumbedarf optimiert sind.

14-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004006297D1

08-03-2007 дата публикации

Floating carrier base for offshore-wind power plant, has floating body engaged to ocean current by change of adjustment angle of another body, such that ocean current exerts force for correcting inclination position of system components

Номер: DE102005040797A1

The base has a vertical stand attached at a platform (6) by using connecting devices (10). An under water floating body (13) is arranged at a lower end of the stand, and another floating body (17) is arranged at an upper end of the stand. The body (13) is engaged to ocean current by a change of adjustment angle of the body (17) to system components e.g. rotor blade (2), in the inclined position of the system components to the water surface, such that the ocean current exerts a force for correcting the inclination position of the system components.

15-12-2011 дата публикации

Storage water wheel for use as deepshot water wheel to obtain kinetic flow energy of e.g. stationary water-power plant, has pendulum blades tilted before wheel bottom point, so that blades are linearly aligned with inner rigid spokes

Номер: DE102010023889A1

The wheel has pendulum blades tilted before a wheel bottom point (8), so that the pendulum blades are linearly aligned with inner rigid spokes (1). Outer pendulum spokes (2) are formed as two-armed spokes, and the rigid spokes are formed as single-armed levers (11, 12), where the pendulum and the rigid spokes are connected together by a slide-bearing pendulum joint (3). The blades are oscillated around 90 degrees in a free manner and are supported on ends of successive rigid spoke series (5). The joint is provided between a rotary point and a load point of a two-armed pendulum lever.

16-01-2002 дата публикации

Improvements in wind turbines

Номер: GB0000127897D0

04-08-2010 дата публикации

Methods and systems for energy conversion

Номер: GB0201010486D0

22-05-2013 дата публикации

Wave energy converter

Номер: GB0201306081D0

22-10-2014 дата публикации

Endless Belt Energy Converter

Номер: GB0201416040D0

08-09-2010 дата публикации

Tension leg support structures

Номер: GB0201012421D0

31-01-1996 дата публикации

Floating structure having a wind motor

Номер: GB2291632A

A horizontal axis wind motor is mounted on a floating structure for generating electricity or for directly coupled propulsion. The axis may be fixed or be mounted to allow up to 20 degrees or freedom either side thereof to help the wind motor blades face the wind direction. As shown the wind motor is rear mounted behind the sail on a yacht. Alternatively the wind motor may be mounted on sailless structures such as pontoons, floats, buoys or floating rigs. ...

07-12-2005 дата публикации

A wave power generator apparatus

Номер: GB0002414771A

Wave power generator apparatus comprising a float 1, a reaction vessel 2 and one or more rams 3 between the float and reaction vessel, wherein relative vertical and/or angular movement between the float 1 and reaction vessel 2 is converted via the rams 3 into useable energy. The apparatus may also include a control system (figure 5) with control valve (22) for adjusting the buoyancy of the float by allowing the ingress of water or air, and this control means may be operated remotely from the apparatus. The rams may be connected to a high pressure accumulator which operates a hydraulic motor used to generate electricity.

21-07-2004 дата публикации

Endless belt-type wave powered machine

Номер: GB0002397351A

A wave powered machine has a floating platform 1 upon which is mounted framework 2. Paddles 5 are fitted to endless tracks 4 which rotate as a result of horizontal wave motion. Sprocket wheels and drive shafts 3 are driven by the tracks 4 and the machine is coupled to a conventional pump system. Transfer pumps driven by the wave powered machine raise sea water to a location where a constant head is available for driving water turbines which in turn drive electrical generators 9. The machine is secured permanently by anchor 7, via link 6.

22-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002462895B

19-05-2010 дата публикации

Renewable energy island constructed from interconnected cylinders

Номер: GB0002465241A

A system incorporates wind, wave and tide powered water pumps to supply water to an array of interconnected vertical cylinders or silos. The water provided by these sources is stored in the cylinders until needed and is then used to drive a turbine and generator, which may be contained within a similar vertical cylinder. The cylinders may be arranged on a very large scale so that the structure has dimensions comparable to a small island, and may present a contoured upper surface to assist wind flow over the structure. The base of the cylinders may have openings to minimise restriction to water flow under the structure. The cylinders may be constructed in sections for ease of dismantling for repair or maintenance. The cylinders may further be connected to pumps that are located remotely (iii).

26-01-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus for generating energy from waves

Номер: GB0201021381D0

12-12-2007 дата публикации

Off-shore wave-power machines

Номер: GB0002434620B

18-05-2011 дата публикации

Wave energy generator for harvesting kinetic energy of waves and tidal flow

Номер: GB0002475405A

A wave powered generator comprises a buoyant housing (12, fig.2) having an entrance for receiving water from a portion of a wave and an outlet permitting the water to exhaust from the housing. In use the generator is tethered so that the entrance faces oncoming wave fronts. A float 20a, 20b is supported on the generator by a rigid arm 22 connected to the housing at a pivot 24, whereby an incident wave displaces the float, with respect to the structure. Energy is extracted from the wave by way of a flap 50 located between the entrance and outlet. A dog-leg connection is provided on the arm 22 and arranged to disengage in high seas and very strong winds, so as to avoid damage to the generator.

09-12-1998 дата публикации

Wave energy device

Номер: GB0002325964A

A wave energy device comprises at least one open-ended tube 1,9,10,11 for insertion into a body of water and a power conversion and pressure control module 4, which may include a pneumatic turbine, blower, exhauster or latching valves for adjusting the pressure of a fluid in the tube, such as air (3, Fig 1) or a liquid less dense than water (18, Fig 8), and thus adjust the mean water level within the tube 1,9,10,11. Power from the flow of fluid 3 caused by waves passing the device may be harnessed by a power converter, such as a cross-flow radial turbine (25, Figs 5c-e). The tubes 1,9,10,11 may be of different lengths (Fig 5) or be telescopically adjustable (6, Fig 3) and may be straight or helical.

21-11-1984 дата публикации

Wave-activated power generator

Номер: GB0002140095A

PCT No. PCT/JP83/00359 Sec. 371 Date Jun. 14, 1984 Sec. 102(e) Date Jun. 14, 1984 PCT Filed Oct. 15, 1983 PCT Pub. No. WO84/01603 PCT Pub. Date Apr. 26, 1984.The present wave-activated power generator includes a main body floatable in the water surface and an air chamber is formed in the main body. An operating passage is formed as extending from the air chamber with its open end submerged under the water; on the other hand, there is provided a guide passage communicating the air chamber to the atmosphere via a power generating means, whereby, due to the motion of the water column inside the operating passage, there is formed an air flow from the air chamber to the atmosphere through the guide passage thereby driving the power generating means. The operating passage of the present wave-activated power generator is bent approximately in the shape of "L" with its open end provided as oriented toward the downstream direction with respect to the advancing direction of waves, so that it is structured ...

17-07-2019 дата публикации

A ducted wind turbine and support platform

Номер: GB0002555536B
Принадлежит: SEAMACH LTD, Seamach Ltd

23-01-2013 дата публикации

Wind turbine foundation with pontoons

Номер: GB0002493023A

A wind turbine foundation structure for supporting an offshore wind turbine 52 at sea comprising a tower 54, which forms at least part of a tower suitable for supporting a wind turbine rotor, a plurality of pontoons 18 arranged around the base of the tower member, where each pontoon is adapted to operate in a floating configuration in which the pontoon is buoyant in water in order to allow said structure to be moved and a sunk configuration in which the pontoon is able to sink to the sea floor; an upper support structure which extends between an upper part of said tower member and each pontoon and a lower support structure which extends between a lower part of said tower member and each pontoon; wherein bending moments in said tower member during use are transferred as forces acting on said upper and lower support structures in opposite directions.

10-03-1982 дата публикации

A wave energy extractor

Номер: GB0002082687A

A wave energy device 10 incorporates at least one stabilising chamber 40 for influencing the motion of the device 10 in response to waves. The stabilising chamber 40 is open at the bottom to the sea, and has a closable port 41 at the top of the stabilising chamber 40 for controlling air flow into and out of the stabilising chamber 40 resulting from changes in level of the seawater inside the stabilising chamber 40. Appropriate timing of an opening and closing sequence of the port 41 is used to produce air pressure forces in the stabilising chamber 40 acting on the device 10 in a manner to control the heave and pitch components of the motion of the device 10. ...

07-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002082687B

31-10-2012 дата публикации

A mooring system for a hydropower apparatus

Номер: GB0201216658D0

14-01-2015 дата публикации

Floating wind powered structure

Номер: GB0201421296D0

24-06-2009 дата публикации

Hydro electric generator

Номер: GB0000908429D0

03-06-2009 дата публикации

Floating type wind power generation apparatus

Номер: GB0000906892D0

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Power system

Номер: GB0000907715D0

10-03-2021 дата публикации

Offshore power distribution

Номер: GB0002586892A

Electric power is provided to or from a subsea structure having a pressure-resistant housing 201. An electric power cable (202, Fig 16) comprises a continuous, metallic water barrier sheath (203, Fig 16) encapsulating at least one electrical lead (204, Fig 16). The water barrier sheath is sealingly terminated in a flange (201', Fig 16) of the housing, eg by soldering or welding, and the electrical lead extends through the flange to an inside of the housing. The sheath may be of lead (Pb) joined to copper (Cu), with Sn and Ag solder.

06-11-2019 дата публикации

Self-propelled buoyant energy converter and method for deploying same

Номер: GB0201913764D0

17-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: GB202100084D0

04-11-2020 дата публикации

Wind energy power plant and method of construction

Номер: GB0002583633A

A method of constructing elongate sections (6001-6003,1501-1506) for a floater (3000) of a floatable wind power plant (4000), the method comprising:assembling a plurality of flat plate panels (1530a-n) into polyhedral sections (1510,1511,1512), and successively interconnecting the polyhedral sections (1510,1511,1512) to form the elongate sections (6001-6003,1501-1506).

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Wave energy harvester

Номер: GB0000919701D0

10-08-2016 дата публикации

Wave powered electricity generator and support platform

Номер: GB0201610962D0

09-11-2022 дата публикации

Spar platform for a floating offshore wind turbine

Номер: GB0002606444A

A floating spar platform 7 for supporting an offshore wind turbine comprises at least one first ballast tank 15 for holding adjustable ballast and at least one second ballast tank 16 for holding adjustable ballast. The second ballast tank 16 is arranged vertically higher than the first ballast tank 15, allowing a vertical distance between the bottom of the spar platform 7 and the centre of centre of gravity 31 of the spar platform 7 to be controlled by adjusting the amount of ballast held within the first and/or second ballast tanks 15, 16. This provides for control over the resonant response of the floating spar platform 7. During installation of a wind turbine on the floating spar platform 7, ballast associated with the spar platform may be adjusted in order to increase the vertical distance between the bottom of the spar platform 7 and the centre of gravity 31 of the spar platform 7, which reduces wave-induced resonant motions of the spar platform 7.

06-07-2022 дата публикации

Floating wind turbine array

Номер: GB0002602462A

An array of offshore floating wind turbines comprising at least two floating wind turbine assemblies 212, each assembly having an ingoing and outgoing (242, 244, Fig. 2) electrical connections with respective first 226 and second 228 electrical cables connected, the first and second cables extending from the same lateral side of the floating wind turbine, and the second cable of a first turbine connecting to the ingoing electrical connection of a second wind turbine. The first and second cables may be connected via a junction box to remove a turbine from the array for maintenance. The second cable may be positioned on the seabed in a U-shape or a V-shape. The first and second cable may have a circumferential offset between them of less than 90°, or less than offset between them of less than 90°, or less than 45°, and the cables may be adjacent. The cables may be supported by a single bending stiffener.

29-06-2022 дата публикации

Floating wind turbine control below rated wind speed

Номер: GB0002602301A

A motion controller (fig.3, 20) for a floating wind turbine 1 comprising a plurality of rotor blades 2, arranged to adjust the blade pitch of each rotor blade when the floating wind turbine is operating in winds below the rated wind speed to dampen a surge motion of the floating wind turbine 1. The controller may calculate blade pitch adjustment based on an input of the surge motion. The controller may comprise sensors such as global positioning sensors. The controller may comprise a low pass filter for filtering out frequencies above 0.017Hz. A method of controlling a floating wind turbine comprising adjusting the pitch of the rotor blades when the turbine is operating below its rated wind speed to dampen a surge motion of the wind turbine.

05-04-2023 дата публикации

Wind turbine array

Номер: GB0002611369A

A floating wind turbine array 206, floating windfarm connection architecture (fig.1), or a windfarm, having a subsea power hub 208 which connects a plurality of groups 210 of at least two floating wind turbines 204a, 204b where each group is connected to the subsea power hub by a cable 214 from the first floating wind turbine. Preferably the power cable is dynamic, though it may be a static cable. Multiple subsea power hubs, each power hub being connected to an array (6c, fig.1) of wind turbines, may connect to a subsea transformer (16, fig.1) to form a connection architecture. The subsea power hub may have wet mate (WM, 354a-d, fig.3) connectors or dry mate (DM) connectors and may be filled with oil to compensate for depth related pressure; the connectors are preferably hot-swappable. The output from the subsea power hub is preferably a static 66kV cable fixed to the seabed carrying. The groups of wind turbines are preferably pairs. The stated benefit is reduction in CAPEX and OPEX through ...

31-10-2016 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system

Номер: AP0000003857A

31-08-2016 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system.

Номер: AP0000003779A

17-07-2013 дата публикации

Electricity generating apparatus from a flow of water such as tide, river or the like

Номер: AP0000002700A

30-04-2010 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system

Номер: AP2010005184A0

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Turbine engine with transverseflow hydraulic turbines having reduced total lift force

Номер: AP2010005264A0

31-08-2007 дата публикации

Buoyancy pump power system

Номер: AP2007004056A0

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Turbine engine with transverse-flow hydraulic turbines having reduced total lift force

Номер: AP0000003043A

31-08-2010 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system.

Номер: AP2010005329A0

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Turbine engine with transverseflow hydraulic turbines having reduced total lift force

Номер: AP0201005264D0

30-04-2010 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system

Номер: AP0201005184D0

31-08-2010 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system.

Номер: AP0201005329D0

31-08-2010 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system.

Номер: AP0201005329A0

31-08-2007 дата публикации

Buoyancy pump power system

Номер: AP0200704056A0

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Turbine engine with transverseflow hydraulic turbines having reduced total lift force

Номер: AP0201005264A0

30-04-2010 дата публикации

Fin-ring propeller for a water current power generation system

Номер: AP0201005184A0

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361420T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469023T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000441030T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501751A4

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553993T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516438T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011092U1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Wasserkraftrad mit schwingenden Schaufeln, bei dem entlang der horizontal angeordneten Antriebswelle (2) und an deren Umfang (U) mindestens zwei oder mehrere auf die Antriebswelle (2) senkrecht stehenden Achsen (8) angeordnet sind und dass die senkrecht stehenden Achsen (8) die Drehachsen für die schwingenden Schaufeln (3) bilden, wobei pro senkrecht stehender Achse (8) zwei schwingende Schaufeln (3)angebracht sind. Die Antriebswelle (2) ist beidseits in den senkrecht stehenden Seitenteilen gelagert, wobei im untersten Teil der Seitenteile (1) eine Wasserpumpe (5) und im obersten Teil der Seitenteile (1) ein Luftventil (6) angeordnet ist.

15-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016831T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327428T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000262115T

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Method for vibration damping of and vibration damper assembly for semi-submerged or submerged structure.

Номер: AU2018249260A1
Принадлежит: Collison & Co

Method for vibration damping of and Hydro Hook Support vibration damper assembly (100) for semi-submerged or submerged structure (200, 210, 220, 300), based on separating hydrodynamic added mass (m ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Hydroelectric/Hydrokinetic Turbine And Methods For Making And Using Same

Номер: AU2020220064A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The application relates to unidirectional hydrokinetic turbines having an improved flow acceleration system that uses asymmetrical hydrofoil shapes on some or all of the key components of the turbine. These components that may be hydrofoil shaped include, e.g., the rotor blades (34), the center hub (36), the rotor blade shroud (38), the accelerator shroud (20), annular diffuser(s) (40), the wildlife and debris excluder (10, 18) and the tail rudder (60). The fabrication method designs various components to cooperate in optimizing the extraction of energy, while other components reduce or eliminate turbulence that could negatively affect other component(s). 26-\ 26 -40 ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации

A single-column semi-submersible platform

Номер: AU2020270875A1

A single-column semi-submersible platform (1) for fixed anchoring in deep water.The semi-submersible platform (1) comprises a lower solid ballast module (6), amiddle seawater ballast module (7) and a top buoyancy module (8). The three modules (6,7,8) are arranged telescopically in an axial direction and can be controlled relative to each other in the axial direction such that the semi-submersible platform (1) may float vertically and steadily in a body of water. Draught for the seawater ballast module (7) and buoyancy module (8) is provided by seawater ballasting. The axial position of the solid ballast module (6) relative to the seawater ballast module (7) is controlled by seawater being pumped in and out of a closed annulus (46) formed between the solid ballast module (6) and the seawater ballast module (7). (Figure 1 to be published with the abstract) ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Turbine engine with transverse-flow hydraulic turbines having reduced total lift force

Номер: AU2008320753B2

The invention relates to a turbine engine (55) that includes at least first and second lift turbine stacks (53A, 53B) with transverse flow. The shafts of adjacent turbines in the first stack are connected by a first coupling device adapted for compensating space misalignments, and the shafts of adjacent turbines in the first stack are connected by a second coupling device adapted for compensating for space misalignments. The turbine engine includes a device (46, 48) for supporting the first and second turbine stacks, which is symmetrical to said plane, and a control device (220A, 220B, 224) adapted for permanently maintaining the symmetry between the first and second turbine stacks relative to the plane, and for maintaining the rotation speeds of the first and second turbine stacks at equal values in opposite rotation directions.

07-07-2005 дата публикации

Articulated false bed

Номер: AU2004304050A1

20-03-2014 дата публикации

A floatable wave energy converter and a method for improving the efficiency of a floatable wave energy converter

Номер: AU2007311419B2

A wave energy converter (1) comprises a housing (2) extending between a forward end (3) and an aft end (4). Three upstanding air chambers (15) are located in the housing (2) and three corresponding water accommodating ducts (16) extend aft from the air chambers (15) and terminate in aft water accommodating openings (17) for accommodating water into and out of the air chambers (15) as the housing (2) oscillates by pitching in response to passing waves. An air accommodating duct (21) communicates with the air chambers (15) through a manifold (20) for accommodating air into and out of the air chambers (15) as the water level (19a) falls and rises within the air chambers (15) as the housing (2) oscillates. A self-rectifying turbine (22) located in the air accommodating duct (21) powers an electrical generator (24) for generating electricity. A buoyancy tank (31) is located on the housing (2) above the water accommodating ducts (16) aft of the air chambers (15) for maintaining the housing (2 ...

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Energy conversion system with duplex radial flow turbine

Номер: AU2010310532A1

An energy conversion system, including a wave chamber, and a turbine wheel coupled to a shaft and fluidly coupled with the wave chamber. The energy conversion system may also include a first radial flow passage fluidly coupled with the wave chamber and the turbine wheel, and first vanes disposed at least partially in the first radial flow passage, each of the first vanes being compliantly mounted and pivotal between first and second positions, the first vanes being configured to allow a motive fluid to flow in a first radial direction through the first radial flow passage when the first vanes are in the first position, and the first vanes being configured to substantially prevent the motive fluid from flowing through the first radial flow passage in a second radial direction when the second vanes are in the second position.

21-12-1998 дата публикации

Wave energy device

Номер: AU0007782498A

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Wave energy conversion apparatus

Номер: AU2015248871B2
Принадлежит: Golja Haines & Friend

The present invention relates to a wave energy conversion apparatus for converting wave energy into a power output, comprising a floatable compliant vessel having a plurality of linear generators having ends which are interconnected at a plurality of pivot joints to provide a compliant frame structure, the plurality of linear generators being configured to produce a power output by being respectively compressed and elongated changing the relative positions of the pivot joints, an outer flexible membrane supported by and enclosing the compliant frame structure thereby defining an inner space of the floatable compliant vessel, and a power circuit arranged within the inner space and operationally connected to the linear generators to receive the power output generated by the linear generators.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Floating structure and method of installing same

Номер: AU2015265775A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The invention relates to a floating structure comprising: a flotation base comprising at least one substantially hollow body which can be filled selectively with ballast, the maximum horizontal dimension of the flotation base being greater than the maximum vertical dimension of the flotation base; a construction supported on said flotation base preferably comprising: a telescopic tower; downward thrust means; and at least three retaining cables, the upper ends of which are connected to the flotation base, preferably in peripheral positions of the flotation base, and the lower ends of which are connected to the downward thrust means, such that the retaining cables are under tension and apply to the flotation base a downward force which increases the stability of the floating structure. The invention further relates to a method of installing this floating structure.

18-08-2011 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for converting ocean wave energy into electricity

Номер: AU2009334427A1

A power-generating device located in or on the surface of the ocean for generating power utilizing the energy in ocean wave motion. The device is moored to the bow and stern at ~45° to incoming ocean waves, and with a yawing capability to adjust to change in wave direction. The device delivers power to a shore grid via a submarine cable from a generator. A rotational driving torque to the generator is produced by two long counter-rotating drive tubes, which are held by bearings in the bow hull and the stern hull of the device. As an alternative, hydraulics may be employed for energy capture and power smoothing and used to provide the rotational torque through a hydraulic motor to drive a generator. The main body is partially submerged and has multiple pod floats connected to the structure by rocker arms with bearings through which the drive tubes pass or double-acting hydraulic rams between the arms and the main body which capture energy through pod displacement and store it in accumulators ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

A wave energy absorption device, a power take-off assembly and a wave energy system

Номер: AU2015280746A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A wave energy absorption device comprises a buoy (20) adapted to move with movements of water, and a buoy oscillation device (21; 21c) attached to the buoy (20), the buoy oscillation device comprising an elongated means (210) and a rotary means (211) adapted to interact with the elongated means. A hydraulic pump with variable displacement (24) is connected to the rotary means (211) and connectable to a hydraulic circuit (51, 52). When the buoy (20) moves with movements of water, relative movement is created between the elongated means (210) and the rotary means(211), whereby the hydraulic pump (24) transforms kinetic energy into hydraulic energy which is exported to the hydraulic hose (51), and whereby a torque is applied to the rotary means (211) by the hydraulic pump (24) to dampen or amplify the movements of the buoy (20). When a plurality of buoys are connected to a central hub (10), the buoy oscillation device (21; 21c) provides individual control of the force applied to the buoy by ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Wave energy conversion apparatus

Номер: AU2015248871A1
Принадлежит: Golja Haines & Friend

The present invention relates to a wave energy conversion apparatus for converting wave energy into a power output, comprising a floatable compliant vessel having a plurality of linear generators having ends which are interconnected at a plurality of pivot joints to provide a compliant frame structure, the plurality of linear generators being configured to produce a power output by being respectively compressed and elongated changing the relative positions of the pivot joints, an outer flexible membrane supported by and enclosing the compliant frame structure thereby defining an inner space of the floatable compliant vessel, and a power circuit arranged within the inner space and operationally connected to the linear generators to receive the power output generated by the linear generators.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Water Level Flow Speed-Increasing Generating Station, Power Station, Water Supply Station, And Offshore Floating City

Номер: AU2014218435A1

The present invention relates to the field of hydraulic machinery, and relates to, by using the law of motion conversion and Bernoulli's equation, a generating station formed with a water level speed-increasing water tunnel 3 set on a special ship or offshore floating 5 city increasing a natural flow velocity V1<1 m/sec of a water source to a high speed of V2>200 m/sec to propel a turbine 2, and drive a generator 1; a power station formed with the turbine 2 driving various load machinery; and a water supply station formed with an outlet 6 of the speed-increasing water tunnel 3 being connected to a lift tube 26; the stations can lift water in the Bohai Sea to be irrigated westward to the Taklamakan Desert in 10 Xinjiang without other power devices and pumps, or lift water in the Atlantic Ocean to be irrigated eastward to the Sahara Desert in North Africa, to thoroughly improve the global climate conditions. Hence, the present invention can replace high dams of a small number, to convert ...

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Wave energy conversion device

Номер: AU2010315193A1

Several embodiments of a device for economically harvesting wave energy are disclosed. A sealed vessel for air storage, the spar buoy, is mostly submerged under water is also used as an inertial body that surface floats move relative to. The spar buoy may take many geometrical forms, but all have a stem that is above the water surface. Piston pumps are placed at the top of the stem. The pump has a gearing reduction to optimize the rotational motion of the pump drive shaft. Small angular motion at the drive shaft results in multiple cycles of linear reciprocal motion of the piston. Various mechanisms could convert the relative motion between the floats and the spar buoy to a rotational motion of the shaft. The compressed air generated by the pump is stored in the spar buoy and regenerated as electrical energy by expanding the compressed air in a turbine.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Diffuser augmented wind turbines

Номер: AU2012246089A1

Diffuser-augmented wind turbines are described. In an embodiment a wind turbine diffuser comprises a first diffuser ring arranged to form a turbine rotor cowling, the diffuser being fixed to and rotatable with the turbine rotor about the horizontal axis of the wind turbine. The first diffuser ring may have one or more dynamic, aero-elastic, vortex entrainment devices attached to a trailing edge of the diffuser. The first diffuser ring may comprise one or more slot gaps arranged within its body, each slot gap creating a channel between the interior and exterior surfaces of the first diffuser ring. In some embodiments the diffuser may optionally further comprise one or more further diffuser rings, the one or more further diffuser rings being static rings (e.g. non-rotatable about the horizontal axis)or dynamic diffuser rings (e.g. rotatable around the horizontal axis).

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Device and method for converting wave motion energy into electric power

Номер: AU2014363581A1

A device and a method for converting wave motion energy into electric power are described. The device comprises at least one support structure and a support frame to connect the floating element to the support structure. A linear element of motive power mounted on the support frame is movable with respect to the floating element and transfers motion to a motion conversion and transmission unit that converts linear motion into rotary motion, which drives kinetic energy accumulation means and one or more electric power generators. The motion conversion and transmission unit, the kinetic energy accumulation means and the electric power generators are all incorporated in the floating element.

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002785377A

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002492104A1

Apparatus (100) for generating power from a water current in a body of water comprises a longitudinally extending flotation platform (10) for maintaining the apparatus afloat in the body of water and a water turbine (101) operatively carried by the platform (10) for generating power in response to water current in the body of water. The platform (10) is configured to enhance the flow of water current over the turbine blades (120) and, as well, to enable a number of like platforms each with an associated turbine or turbines to be arrayed in a cooperative manner. The water turbine may comprise a turbine rotor with a plurality of relatively narrow, flexible elongated blades (120) arranged in circumferentially spaced rows extending along the rotor. In each row, the blades are distanced from each other in succession by a space. The rows may be staggered with respect to each other such that the blades in a given one of the rows circumferentially align with the spaces between blades in the row ...

28-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002523274C
Принадлежит: SWAY AS

An arrangement for a floating wind power station (1) tower (3) which floats in a substantially vertical position in that the effective centre of gravity of the tower (3) is below the centre of buoyancy of the tower (3), and wherein a machine house (13) including rotor (15) is non-rotatably connected to the tower (3) and the tower (3) is articulatedly connected to the seabed (5), wherein the tower (3) is rotatable about a tower axis of rotation (29) in that lower part (21) of the tower (3) is provided with a swivel joint (27a or 27b) that is designed to essentially absorb vertical tensile forces.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Offshore wind turbine installation system and method

Номер: US20120000071A1
Автор: Peter Graham Harris
Принадлежит: Technip France SAS

The disclosure provides a method and system for installing components for an offshore wind turbine assembly independent of cranes and derricks. The components are stored in an offshore structure, such as a Spar. After transporting the offshore structure horizontally to a site, the structure can be uprighted to a vertical orientation. A variable ballast component coupled to a tower of the wind turbine assembly can reciprocally retract the tower into the offshore structure to lower the tower, and extend the tower away from the offshore structure to raise the tower until the full quantity of blades are assembled to a turbine coupled to the tower. When the blades are stored in a peripheral fashion around the tower, the method and system provides for automatic rotational indexing of the tower as the tower and turbine retract and extend, so the turbine is progressively aligned with each blade to be installed.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Offshore wind park

Номер: US20120043763A1
Принадлежит: Xemc Darwind BV

Wind farm comprising at least one buoyant structure having two corners provided with a wind turbine and a third corner comprising a mooring section, e.g., with a disconnectable mooring turret. The third corner does not carry one of the wind turbines. Shared facilities for the two wind turbines, such as a helideck and/or electrical equipment, such as a converter and/or transformer, can be located on or near the third corner.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for damping motion of a wind turbine

Номер: US20120107116A1
Автор: John M. Obrecht
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A system ( 40 ) for damping motion of a wind turbine ( 10 a ) is provided. The system ( 40 ) includes a sensor ( 42 ), a movable mass ( 44 ), an actuator ( 58 ), and a controller ( 46 ). The sensor ( 44 ) is operable to provide a signal representative of a motion of the wind turbine ( 10 a ) in one or more degree of freedoms. The movable mass ( 44 ) is associated with the actuator ( 58 ) and is disposed on a blade ( 24 a ) of the wind turbine ( 10 a ) and is configured for movement along a length of the blade. In response to the sensor ( 42 ), the controller ( 46 ) is operable to direct the actuator ( 58 ) to move the movable mass ( 48 ) along a length ( 50 ) of the blade ( 24 ) to a degree effective to dampen motion of the wind turbine ( 10 a ) in one or more degree of freedoms.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Device of Floating Wind Turbine Capable of Counterbalancing Torques Therein

Номер: US20120269628A1
Автор: Kuo-Shen Liu
Принадлежит: Houly Co Ltd

A device of floating wind turbine comprises a floating foundation, wind turbines provided on the floating foundation, and a seabed anchor attached to the floating foundation, wherein the floating foundation is symmetrically provided with two wind turbines; the floating foundation and the two wind turbines are attached to the seabed anchor by tethers, whereby when the wind turbines are driven to generate electrical power, they respectively exert an upward force and a downward force at a center portion of the floating foundation between the two wind turbines; both turbines have an approximately equal speed and output power; whereby the upward force can be counterbalanced by the downward force, so that the wind turbines and the floating foundation can be maintained at a balanced condition.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Pendular system for transporting a civil engineering structure in an aquatic medium

Номер: US20120279434A1
Принадлежит: Soletanche Freyssinet SA

The invention relates to a method for transporting a civil engineering structure ( 1 ) comprising a mast ( 3 ) in an aquatic medium, the method comprising the following steps: associating the civil engineering structure ( 1 ) with at least one buoyancy unit ( 2 ) by a fastening means ( 10 ), moving the civil engineering structure ( 1 ) and the associated buoyancy unit ( 2 ) in the aquatic medium as far as a desired position, the fastening means ( 10 ) being located in a region of the civil engineering structure ( 1 ) that is situated above the centre of equilibrium of said civil engineering structure ( 1 ) associated with the buoyancy unit ( 2 ), and fastening means ( 10 ) being configured so as to uncouple the rotational movements of the buoyancy unit ( 2 ) and of the civil engineering structure ( 1 ) about at least one axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the mast ( 3 ) of the civil engineering structure ( 1 ).

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Floating Foundation for Mass Production

Номер: US20130019792A1

A floating structure has an annular support as an underwater support with a buoyant body. A tower penetrates the annular support centrally and is connected to the annular support at a location underneath the annular support by slantedly outwardly ascending tension spokes and at a location above the annular support by slantedly outwardly descending tension spokes. Anchors on the ocean floor are connected by tension elements with the annular support. The structure is built by the steps of supporting by auxiliary devices the annular support on a floor of a basin that can be flooded; positioning the tower at the center of the annular support in vertical position; attaching the tension spokes at the annular support and at the tower; flooding the basin; towing the structure to its desired final position; and lowering and anchoring the structure in a submerged floating position.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Wave power plant

Номер: US20130125541A1
Автор: Heikki Paakkinen
Принадлежит: WELLO OY

The invention relates to a wave power plant, comprising a floating body and means for converting the wave energy received by the body into electric power. The wave power plant comprises anchoring means arranged in the lower part of the body, the means including an anchoring mass suspended on a downwards extending elongated anchoring device. In connection with the anchoring mass are arranged transversely extending elongated anchoring devices which are connected to the bottom of the installation site of the wave power plant.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Chained assembly of hydroelectric power generators

Номер: US20130249216A1
Автор: Phillip Lynn Chauvin
Принадлежит: Chaup Inc

A chained assembly of hydroelectric power generators is capable of generating electrical power from a moving body of water. The chained assembly comprises at least one anchoring stand and a plurality of hydroelectric power generators. Each hydroelectric power generator comprises a buoyant shell that is buoyant or partially buoyant in a body of water. One or more of the buoyant shells are suspended from the anchoring stand. Each buoyant shell contains an electrical generator mounted on a stationary shaft. An electrical cable connects the hydroelectric power generators.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Asymmetric mooring system for support of offshore wind turbines

Номер: US20130276687A1
Принадлежит: Principle Power Inc

A mooring system for a semi-submersible platform includes buoyancy structures for providing buoyancy to the semi-submersible platform, mooring lines connected to the buoyancy structures, and anchors embedded in the sea floor that are connected to the mooring lines. At least one-half of the mooring lines are attached to one of the buoyancy structures. A ballast control system for a wind turbine platform includes a sensor that is configured to detect a rotation of a wind turbine and a controller that is configured to direct a transfer of ballast to correct the of the wind turbine.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Hydrodynamic stabilization of a floating structure

Номер: US20130277984A1
Автор: Samuel Roznitsky
Принадлежит: Individual

A floating platform including a plurality of pontoons providing buoyancy to the platform, and a ballast section imparting a spatial orientation to the platform. The ballast section includes a high density ballast being an aggregation of rocks, an aggregation of chunks of iron ore, or an aggregation of any other high density material. Further, the ballast section is permeable to a fluid medium in which the platform floats so as to cause a high friction between the high density ballast and the fluid medium.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Wind turbine stabilization

Номер: US20140017083A1
Автор: Isaac Pineda Amo
Принадлежит: Alstom Renovables Espana SL

System for stabilizing an offshore horizontal axis wind turbine having a tower, the system comprising sensors for generating signals representing detected movements of the tower, and gyroscopes. Each gyroscope has a spinning axis, an input axis and an output axis, and a flywheel rotatable about the spinning axis. The system further comprises an actuator for each gyroscope, said actuator being arranged with its related gyroscope in such a way that this actuator can apply a torque about the input axis of the gyroscope. The system also comprises a control unit for receiving the signals representing detected movements of the tower, and for providing the actuator with suitable control signals for said actuator to apply a torque about the related gyroscope input axis, said torque about the input axis producing a torque about the output axis of the same gyroscope that at least partly dampens the detected movements of the tower.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Installation and method for exploiting wind energy

Номер: US20140044541A1
Принадлежит: IDEOL

The invention relates to the field of methods and floating platforms for exploiting wind energy offshore. In particular, the invention provides a floating platform ( 1 ) anchored to at least one anchor point ( 7, 7′ ), including a wind turbine ( 2 ), and a shift device for shifting the wind turbine ( 2 ), which device is configured to shift the wind turbine ( 2 ) as a function of a set of parameters, including wind direction (V), in order to minimize the aerodynamic wake effects, and the invention also provides a method of exploiting wind energy by means of a set of floating platforms ( 1 ), each of which includes at least one wind turbine ( 2 ) and is anchored to at least one anchor point ( 7,7′ ). In this method, at least one wind turbine ( 2 ) of said set of floating platforms is shifted as a function of a set of parameters, including wind direction (V) in order to minimize the aerodynamic wake effects and in order to maximize the power generation of the set of wind turbines.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Power generator

Номер: US20140054898A1
Автор: Michael John Urch
Принадлежит: Elemental Energy Technologies Ltd

A power generator assembly for using kinetic energy from a flowing fluid to generate power. The power generator assembly includes a blade assembly and a generator. The blade assembly has a head end for facing oncoming flowing fluid, a tail end spaced from the head end for facing in the direction of flow of the fluid, and a rotational axis extending between the head end and the tail end. The blade assembly includes a blade arrangement which is arranged in generally helical fashion about the rotational axis, and at least one mounting formation connected to the blade arrangement. Each mounting formation is adapted to permit mounting of the blade assembly for rotation about its rotational axis, so that in use fluid flowing past the power generator assembly interacts with the blade arrangement to rotate the blade assembly about its rotational axis. The generator is drivingly connected to the blade assembly for generating power in response to rotation of the blade assembly.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Annular buoyant body

Номер: US20140060411A1
Автор: Thomas Choisnet
Принадлежит: IDEOL

The invention relates to the field of buoyant bodies, and more particularly to an annular buoyant body ( 1 ) including a central moonpool ( 2 ), configured such that, in water, with swell of a period substantially equal to a natural period of the buoyant body ( 1 ) while it is moving with heave motion, vertical forces exerted on the buoyant body ( 1 ) by a mass of water oscillating in the central moonpool ( 2 ) in phase opposition relative to the swell, compensate at least partially for the vertical excitation forces exerted on the buoyant body ( 1 ) by the swell. The invention also relates to a method of at least partially extinguishing heave motion of the buoyant body ( 1 ) at a natural period of the buoyant body ( 1 ).

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003147A1

The invention relates to the extraction of energy from waves and comprises a linear array of several Salter's Ducks set roughly perpendicular to the oncoming wave crest. The Ducks are each rotatably connected through a power take-off device to a rigid space frame. The Ducks are spaced and designed to have an optimized natural frequency of each Duck and the array and space frame as a whole and the response characteristics of each Duck may be further modified by controls on the power take-off in response to signals from the whole array of Ducks, particular the lead Duck, but possibly also each other Duck and the space frame motion as a whole. The whole space frame and Duck array can be moored by any means appropriate, but most likely to a single point catenary moor, though other mooring systems are possible. 1. An apparatus for converting the energy of waves in water to other useful forms comprising a multiplicity of floating ovoid bodies with a center of rotation horizontal and approximately perpendicular to an oncoming wave , said bodies being configured with an asymmetric shape about said axis of rotation so as to cause said cams to rotate about said axes of rotation when excited by said wave , said cams being arrayed in columns approximately perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave , said bodies being rotably attached to an elongated rigid structure that fixes said bodies in position relative to each other , said rotable attachment being equipped with means to convert the rotation of said bodies to other forms of energy , and said elongated structure floating horizontally near the surface of the water , supported by said bodies.2. The apparatus of where the bodies have a cross section of Salter's Duck.3. The apparatus of wherein the bodies upwave of the following bodies generate a signal that modifies the action of said energy conversion means to maximize energy extraction by varying the relationship between the moment reacting said rotation and the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003150A1
Автор: Singh Devendra

An efficient energy harvesting (EEH) water vehicle is disclosed. The base of the EEH water vehicle is fabricated with rolling cylindrical drums that can rotate freely in the same direction of the water medium. The drums reduce the drag at the vehicle-water interface. This reduction in drag corresponds to an increase in speed and/or greater fuel efficiency. The mechanical energy of the rolling cylindrical drums is also transformed into electrical energy using an electricity producing device, such as a dynamo or an alternator. Thus, the efficiency of the vehicle is enhanced in two parallel modes: from the reduction in drag at the vehicle-water interface, and from capturing power from the rotational motion of the drums. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first drum having a first rotational coupling for attachment to a hull of a watercraft and configured to rotate in response to the flow of water around the drum;a gearbox mechanically coupled to the first drum to transfer rotational mechanical energy from the rotating drums or cylinders to a generator;wherein the generator receives the rotational mechanical energy from the gearbox and produces electricity.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first drum is attached to the hull of the watercraft claim 1 , and further comprising a second drum having a second rotational coupling and attached to the hull of the watercraft symmetrically to the first drum with respect to the centerline of the watercraft.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the generator comprises a dynamo claim 1 , an alternator claim 1 , or a rotary converter.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one battery electrically connected to the generator and configured to be charged by the generator.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first drum can be drawn into the hull of the watercraft.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first drum is cylindrical in shape.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first drum is spherical in shape. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003185A1

There is provided a wind turbine apparatus, comprising a wind turbine structure and an enclosure structure, which is easily transportable and capable of being mounted on moving vehicles or buildings during operation of the wind turbine apparatus. The wind turbine structure generates electric power from kinetic energy of natural wind and comprises of a plurality of vertical blades arranged in a circular manner to form a plurality of rotatable and integrally superimposed cylindrical compartments. The enclosure structure provides support and rigidity to the wind turbine structure and comprises of a plate at one end of the housing, a closed hollow base portion at an other end of the enclosure and a plurality of connecting columns to mechanically hold together the plate and the closed hollow base portion. The wind turbine structure is placed within the enclosure structure and a connecting shaft connects the wind turbine structure to the enclosure structure. 1. An enclosure structure for a wind turbine comprising:a cage—like portion to house a plurality of vertically arranged blades of the wind turbine; and 'wherein the enclosure structure enables the wind turbine to be mounted horizontally on a moving vehicle for expedited generation of energy.', 'a closed hollow base portion to house a generator;'}2. The enclosure structure of further comprising:a plate at one end of the enclosure structure; and wherein the wind turbine is placed within the enclosure structure; and', 'a connecting shaft connects the wind turbine to the enclosure structure., 'a plurality of connecting columns forming the cage—like portion to mechanically hold together the plate and the closed hollow base portion,'}3. The enclosure structure of wherein claim 1 , a plurality of wheels are mechanically coupled to the closed hollow base portion of the enclosure structure to enable ease of transportation of the wind turbine.4. The enclosure structure of wherein claim 2 , the plurality of connecting columns ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003110A1

Substantially horizontal axis water turbine assemblies for generating electrical power in areas having poor sources of water flow including rotors mounted within housings in such a manner so as to minimize water resistance to the rotor blades with rotor blades passing through upper rotor return air spaces created within the housings and wherein the turbine assemblies may be mounted within support structures that both channel water flow to the turbine assemblies and facilitate access to the components thereof. 1. A horizontal axis water turbine for generating electrical power comprising , a rotor assembly including a rotor mounted within a support frame so as to rotate about a horizontal axis , the rotor including a pair of spaced end plate assemblies that are connected by a plurality of horizontally oriented blades each being mounted so as to rotate with respect to and between the end plate assemblies , one of a timing chain or timing belt mounted within an interior space of each of the end plate assemblies and drivingly engaging outer timing pulleys connected to rotate with the blades , the rotor being supported by a pair of stub drive shafts that are connected to drive the timing chain or timing belt and extend through the end plate assemblies and are connected to an exterior pulley that drives an exterior drive chain or belt connecter to one end of an idler shaft that connects the two exterior pulleys , a rotor housing mounted to the support frame and about the rotor and having an inlet portion directing water into the rotor to engage the blades to rotate the rotor about the horizontal axis and outlet portion for discharging water from the rotor , the rotor housing including a hood portion mounted over the rotor and providing an air space within the housing above an upper portion of the rotor such that when a blade is positioned along the upper portion of the rotor as the rotor is rotating , such blade is located within the air space above any water passing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Eccentrically Rotating Mass Turbine

Номер: US20170009734A1
Автор: Vamvas Vassilios

A turbine comprises a shaft (), a mass () eccentrically mounted for rotation about shaft (), having its center of gravity at a distance from the shaft () and a motion base (). Motion base () rigidly supports the shaft (), and is configured for moving the shaft () in any direction of at least two degrees of movement freedom, except for heave. 1. A turbine comprising:a shaft being vertical in non-operative position;a mass eccentrically and bearing mounted for rotation about and in a perpendicular plane to said shaft; said mass having a center of gravity at a distance of said shaft anda motion base rigidly supporting said shaft and said motion base, being configured for moving said shaft in any direction of at least two degrees of movement freedom of a pitch, roll and yaw rotational and a surge and sway translational degree of movement freedom.2. The turbine of wherein:said motion base comprises a shaft support for supporting said shaft, a fixed base and a plurality of actuators connecting said fixed base to said shaft support for supporting and providing motion to said shaft support, in relation to said fixed base.3. The turbine of wherein:said motion base comprises a universal pivoting shaft support for supporting said shaft, a fixed pivot base, universal joint means for universal joining of said universal pivoting shaft support with said fixed pivot base, at least one actuator connecting said fixed pivot base to said universal pivoting shaft support for pivoting in a pitch direction said universal pivoting shaft support and at least one actuator connecting said fixed pivot base to said universal pivoting shaft support for pivoting in a roll direction said universal pivoting shaft support.4. The turbine of further including:a floating vessel having a floor securely supporting said motion base, a roof enclosing entirely for protection said motion base, said shaft and said mass mounted for rotation, and being in communication with ocean waves anda floating tube ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009236A1

Disclosed is a semi-submersible floater defining an operating state and a non-operating state, and including at least two outer columns, a central column for receiving a payload, and, for each outer column, a branch in the form of pontoon connecting the outer column to the central column and defining a branch axis oriented from the central column towards the outer column. Each branch is formed from a first portion and a second portion which extend successively along the corresponding branch axis, each one over at least 10% of the total extent of the branch, along the branch axis. In the operating state of the floater, the second portion of each branch is at least partially filled with a ballast material, and the first portion does not contain any ballast material. 1. A semi-submersible floater , in particular for a floating wind turbine , defining an operating state and a non-operating state , and comprising:at least two outer columns,a central column for receiving a payload, andfor each outer column, a pontoon-shaped branch connecting this outer column to the central column and defining a branch axis oriented from the central column towards this outer column,each pontoon-shaped branch is formed by a first portion and a second portion that extend successively along the corresponding branch axis, each one over at least 10% of the total extent said pontoon-shaped branch, along this branch axis,characterized in that wherein in the operating state of the semi-submersible floater, the second portion of each branch is at least partially filled with a ballast material, and wherein in that the first portion does not contain any ballast material.2. The semi-submersible floater according to claim 1 , wherein each outer column comprises a ballast able to be filled with a ballast material claim 1 , arranged in the extension of the pontoon-shaped branch connecting the central column to this outer column along the corresponding branch axis claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 ,in the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009874A1
Автор: DIPNALL David

A device for linear propulsion () comprises a support structure () for carrying a payload, and one or more wave propulsion modules (). The or each wave propulsion module () comprises a first individually-pivoted substantially planar blade () and a second individually-pivoted substantially planar blade (). The first individually-pivoted substantially planar blade () is capable of producing a reactive force by self-attenuating by spring or dynamics of buoyancy means in response to an incoming fluid flow in the horizontal plane (). The second individually-pivoted substantially planar blade () is capable of producing a reactive force by self-attenuating by spring or dynamics of buoyancy means in response to an incoming fluid flow in the vertical plane (). 1. A device for linear propulsion comprisinga support structure for carrying a payload, andone or more wave propulsion modules,wherein each of the one or more wave propulsion modules includes a first individually-pivoted substantially planar blade that is capable of producing a reactive force by self-attenuating by spring or dynamics of buoyancy means in response to an incoming fluid flow in the horizontal plane, and a second individually-pivoted substantially planar blade that is capable of producing a reactive force by self-attenuating by spring or dynamics of buoyancy means in response to an incoming fluid flow in the vertical plane.2. A device as claimed in wherein the first and second blades are constructed to be positively buoyant.3. A device as claimed in wherein the first and second blades are constructed to be negatively buoyant.4. A device as claimed in wherein the first blade is provided with pivot means on an axis that is forward of a center of lateral resistance of the first blade.5. A device as claimed in wherein the first blade is provided with a pivot that is inclined forward at a top of the pivot claim 2 , such that an orbit of rotation of the first blade is on a forwardly-inclined plane claim 2 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Integrated offshore renewable energy floating platform

Номер: US20200010155A1
Принадлежит: Excipio Energy Inc

Systems and methods are presented for deploying and using a floating platform using articulated spar legs used as a type of hull, each of the spar legs attached to the floating platform by an articulated connection. Each of the articulated spar legs being moveable from a horizontal to a vertical position, horizontal for transport and vertical for deployment of the floating platform. The articulated spar legs serve to support the floating position of the floating platform. The articulated spar legs are moved from horizontal to vertical position by controlling ballast imposed upon or within spar legs. Each of the articulated spar legs are moveable from a vertical to a horizontal position with a ballast changing method. Systems and methods are presented for extracting natural renewable energy from the environment surrounding the floating platform with energy capture devices modularly affixed to the platform and energy capture devices incorporated into the articulated spar legs.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011286A1
Автор: Najafian Shahriar

A floating drum turbine is used for generating the electrical energy from the kinetic energy of a water stream (sea wave or river flow) that provides the mechanical energy needed to rotate an electrical generator for generating the electricity. The drum turbine is installed on a buoyant skid anchored to the seabed by some chains/ropes to keep it in a fixed position and direction along the water stream. The turbine is coupled to an electrical generator with a power transmission system, and generates the electricity that is transferred to the coast using a cable system floated on the water surface. 1. A floating drum turbine , which is used for generating the electricity from the kinetic energy of a water stream (sea wave , river/channel flow) , and transforming it into the mechanical energy to rotate an electrical generator (or mechanical pump) comprising:a drum turbine consists of some longitudinal-radial blades, side plates, and a central shaft to get the mechanical energy from the water stream;a buoyant skid consists of two hollow capsules, and two rafters that is placed below the bearing housings to float the said turbine on the water stream;two bearing housings placed on the ends of the said turbine shaft to ease the shaft rotation;two base frames installed on the hollow capsules to support the generator (or pump) and the counterweight box;an electrical generator coupled to the said turbine using a power transmission system to generate the electricity (the generator can be replaced by a mechanical pump to supply a pressurized fluid into a fluid circuit);a power transmission system (gearbox, belt/chain system) for coupling the said turbine to the said generator (or pump);a counterweight box (filled with sand or metal scrap) installed on the opposite side of the said generator (or pump) to balance the whole system;two or four chains/ropes for anchoring the said skid to the river/channel bankside or seabed to keep the skid in a fixed position and direction along ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018281A1

A wave energy converter is disclosed, comprising: a body configured to float in water and roll and/or pitch in response to wave action; a pendulum supported by the body and configured to swing in response to rolling and/or pitching of the body; an energy converting means associated with the pendulum and configured to convert swinging of the pendulum relative to the body into electrical energy; a pendulum adjusting means configured to adjust a swinging period of the pendulum, wherein the pendulum adjusting means includes one or more flywheels, each of the one or more flywheels being selectively operably connectable to the pendulum; a body tuning means configured to adjustably tune rolling characteristics of the body; and a controller configured to control the body tuning means such that a rolling period of the body approximates or matches a wave energy peak period. 117-. (canceled)18. A wave energy converter comprising:a body configured to float in water and roll and/or pitch in response to wave action;a pendulum supported by the body and configured to swing in response to rolling and/or pitching of the body;an energy converting means associated with the pendulum and configured to convert swinging of the pendulum relative to the body into electrical energy;a pendulum adjusting means configured to adjust a swinging period of the pendulum, wherein the pendulum adjusting means includes one or more flywheels, each of the one or more flywheels being selectively operably connectable to the pendulum;a body tuning means configured to adjustably tune rolling characteristics of the body; anda controller configured to control the body tuning means such that a rolling period of the body approximates or matches a wave energy peak period.19. The wave energy converter of claim 18 , wherein the pendulum is supported by the body on a rotatable shaft configured to rotate due to swinging of the pendulum claim 18 , and wherein each of the one or more flywheels are selectively operably ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025368A1
Автор: Barber Gerald L.

A wind turbine including a mast assembly having an upper support structure hingably attached to a lower support structure wherein the mast assembly has an installation position and an operational position. A wind turbine wheel is mounted to the mast assembly having a circular rim disposed at its perimeter and having an axle structure. An electrical generator is supported by the mast assembly and configured to engage with the turbine wheel for generating electricity in response to the rotation of the turbine wheel. A plurality of hydraulic lifts are provided in contact with the upper support structure when the mast assembly is in the installation position and configured to transition the upper support from the installation position to the operational position and wherein at least one hydraulic lift loses contact with the upper support structure during the transition. 1. A wind turbine assembly for generating electricity , comprising:a mast assembly having an upper support structure hingably attached to a lower support structure wherein the mast assembly has an installation position and an operational position;a wind turbine carried by the mast assembly;a first hydraulic lift in contact with the upper support structure when the mast assembly is in the installation position and configured to transition the upper support from the installation position to the operational position and wherein the first hydraulic lift is configured to lose contact with the upper support structure during the transition;a second hydraulic lift in contact with the upper support structure disposed adjacent to the first hydraulic lift when the mast assembly is in the installation position and configured to transition the upper support from the installation position to the operational position and wherein the second hydraulic lift is configured to lose contact with the upper support structure after the first hydraulic lift loses contact with the upper support structure during the transition; and ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030952A1

A water flow power generating device, including an installing platform positioned on the water surface, a rotating mechanism on the installing platform, and a tower, a nacelle and an impeller that are positioned in water. The upper end of the tower is fixed on the rotating mechanism; the impeller consists of a hub and a plurality of blades; a central shaft of a hub is parallel to the water surface and connected to a power generator; a wheel ring is nested on a distant end of each blade remote from center of the hub; the side wall of the wheel ring is of a hollow structure or the hub is of a hollow structure; the displacement of the hollow structure of the wheel ring or the hub equals the self weight of the impeller. 1. A water flow power generating device , comprising an installing platform , a frequency converter and a transformer that are provided on water surface , an impeller and a generator being provided under the installing platform ,wherein the water flow power generating device further comprises a rotating mechanism located on the installing platform and a tower and a nacelle that are inverted in the water, the nacelle is located at an end of the tower away from the water surface and an upper end of the tower near the water surface is fixed to the rotating mechanism,wherein the impeller is composed of a hub and a plurality of blades, a central shaft of the impeller that protrudes from bottom surface of the hub is parallel to the water surface and is connected to the generator, a wheel ring is nested on a distant end of each blade remote from center of the hub, a side wall of the wheel ring is configured to be a hollow structure or the hub is configured to be a hollow structure, and water displacement of the hollow structure of the side wall of the wheel ring or the water displacement of the hollow structure of the hub is equal to the impeller's own weight;wherein the installing platform is fixed on a suspension frame composed of buoys, the suspension frame ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030954A1
Автор: Dayson Clive

A floating piezoelectric assembly for generating energy from waves is provided. The assembly includes a flexible buoyant planar member, an elastic planar member coupled to the same, and two spaced-apart layers of piezoelectric elements extending on and firmly attaching to the top and bottom of the elastic planar member. The elements of a first of the layers are staggered relative to the elements of a second of the layers. The assembly includes a weighted planar member coupled to the buoyant planar member. According to a second aspect, the assembly comprises a first plurality of longitudinally spaced-apart elongate buoyant planar members, a second plurality of longitudinally spaced-apart elongate buoyant planar members, and a series of piezoelectric elements extending between the first and second plurality of buoyant planar members. The assembly further includes a plurality of elastic planar members to which respective ones of the piezoelectric elements couple. 1. An assembly for generating energy from waves , the assembly comprising:a buoyant planar member that is flexible; anda plurality of piezoelectric elements coupled to and being coplanar with the planar member.2. The assembly as claimed in further including an elastic planar member that operatively couples to and is coplanar with the buoyant planar member claim 1 , the piezoelectric elements extending along and coupling to the elastic planar member.3. The assembly as claimed in further including a flexible weighted planar member operatively coupled to the buoyant planar member.4. The assembly as claimed in wherein the assembly has a longitudinal axis and wherein the plurality of piezoelectric elements are arranged in a plurality of longitudinally spaced-apart rows of laterally-spaced said piezoelectric elements.5. The assembly as claimed in wherein the buoyant planar member is generally sheet-like in configuration claim 1 , with the assembly being configured to blanket a portion of a plurality of said waves ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Wave Power Generator

Номер: US20190032626A1
Автор: Fan Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

A wave power generator contains: a rotary shaft, a drive gear, a rotary accelerator, and a power generation set. The rotary shaft includes a first gear set fixed by using a first bearing and includes a second gear set mounted by using a second bearing, and a fixing direction of the first bearing is opposite to the second bearing. The drive gear is disposed on the rotary shaft so as to drive the rotary shaft to rotate reciprocately, wherein a chain is connected with the drive gear so as to pull a floating member to move reciprocately. A first end of the rotary accelerator is joined with the first gear set, and a second end of the rotary accelerator is coupled with the second gear set via a clutch gear. An input end of the power generation set is in connection with an output shaft of the rotary accelerator.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036761A1
Автор: CROCHAT Philippe

A drone with a horizontal rotor includes one or more rotor(s) () which rotate in a horizontal plane, each rotor () being equipped with one or more rigid or non-rigid blades (), the blade end being mounted on an electric motor () with a propeller. 111-. (canceled)12115116115116120121110111. A drone with a horizontal rotor comprising one or more rotor(s) ( , ) which rotate in a horizontal plane , each rotor ( , ) being equipped with one or more rigid or non-rigid blades ( , ) , the blade end being mounted on an electric motor ( , ) with a propeller.13122123. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , in which the blade end is equipped with a wing ( claim 12 , ).14120121. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , which comprises telescopic means that make it possible to adapt the radius of rotation of each blade ( claim 12 , ).15115116120121. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , in which each of the rotors ( claim 12 , ) is equipped with a winding claim 12 , unwinding device in order to vary the radius of rotation of each blade ( claim 12 , ) which is linked thereto.16. The drone as claimed in claim 15 , in which the winding claim 15 , unwinding device is in the hub.17120121. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , in which the propellers situated at the blade ends ( claim 12 , ) rotate in the reverse direction to the blade end vortex.18. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , in which the motors are permanent magnet motors.19. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , which comprises a single rotor and an electronic device for cyclically varying one of the aerodynamic parameters of the rotor claim 12 , combined with the presence of at least one sensor in order to ensure the stability of the drone.20115116114. The drone as claimed in claim 12 , which comprises two or more rotors ( claim 12 , ) and a device for controlling the speed of rotation of said two or more rotors so as to assure stability on one axis under the effect of the incident wind and in that the stability on the other axis is assured by ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Wave Energy Conversion Apparatus

Номер: US20170037828A1
Автор: Haaheim Øyvind

The present invention relates to a wave energy conversion apparatus for converting wave energy into a power output, comprising a floatable compliant vessel having a plurality of linear generators having ends which are interconnected at a plurality of pivot joints to provide a compliant frame structure, the plurality of linear generators being configured to produce a power output by being respectively compressed and elongated changing the relative positions of the pivot joints, an outer flexible membrane supported by and enclosing the compliant frame structure thereby defining an inner space of the floatable compliant vessel, and a power circuit arranged within the inner space and operationally connected to the linear generators to receive the power output generated by the linear generators. 231. A wave energy conversion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the spring back means is provided by at least some of the plurality of linear generators comprising a spring back mechanism () forcing the linear generators towards their neutral position.3. A wave energy conversion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the inner space of the floatable compliant vessel is substantially air tight and depressurised whereby the compliant frame structure is subject to a compression force by the outer flexible membrane urging the linear generators into a neutral position.4. A wave energy conversion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the linear generators are connected with multiple other linear generators at the pivot joints to provide a repetitive closed compliant frame structure.5300. A wave energy conversion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the linear generators are linear hydraulic pumps () generating a power output in the form of a circulating claim 1 , pressurized hydraulic fluid which is fed into the power circuit claim 1 , and the wave energy conversion apparatus further comprising a power conversion system adapted to convert the pressurised ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044045A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Renewable Technologies

An offshore wind turbine comprising a buoyancy structure intended to provide a buoyancy force to support the wind turbine, wherein said buoyancy structure comprises at least one floater tank which, in use, contains a pressurized gas. 1. An offshore wind turbine , comprising:a buoyancy structure intended to provide a buoyancy force to support the wind turbine,wherein the buoyancy structure comprises at least one floater tank which, in use, contains a pressurized gas to at least partly balance a hydrostatic pressure exerted by sea water on the walls of the tank,wherein the floater tank comprises at least two separate compartments, arranged one above the other and separate from each other by substantially horizontal partitions.2. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressurized gas in the floater tank is permanently isolated from the sea water.3. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in use the pressure of the pressurized gas in the floater tank is higher than or equal to the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the sea water on at least a portion of a side wall of the floater tank.4. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in use the pressure of the pressurized gas in the floater tank is higher than or equal to the maximum hydrostatic pressure exerted by the sea water on a side wall of the floater tank.56-. (canceled)7. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in use the pressure of the pressurized gas in each compartment is higher than or equal to the maximum hydrostatic pressure exerted by the sea water on a side wall of the compartment.8. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the floater tank has a central geometric axis and is arranged with the axis substantially aligned with a wind turbine tower axis.9. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the floater tank is substantially cylindrical.10. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the diameter of the floater tank is smaller than its length.11. ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Air Capture Turbine

Номер: US20180045178A1
Автор: BELL Gordon

An air capture turbine comprises a centrifugal fan having a plurality of fan blades and a wall from which the blades extend, and a cowling having an inner wall. The centrifugal fan housed to the inside of the inner wall of the cowling. The centrifugal fan has a ring gear mounted on a lower side thereof, the turbine further comprising at least three energy converters, each including a gear wheel for engaging the ring gear. The weight of the centrifugal fan is supported by the at least three energy converters, and the inner wall of the cowling has a plurality of openings formed therein and closure members for selectively closing one or more of the plurality of openings, the openings providing or ingress and egress of air flowing in the direction of a prevailing wind to and from the centrifugal fan and the closure members protecting fan blades moving towards the direction of the prevailing wind from being engaged by air moving in that direction. 1. An air capture turbine comprising a centrifugal fan having a plurality of fan blades and a wall from which the fan blades extend , and a cowling having an inner wall , the centrifugal fan housed to an inside of the inner wall of the cowling , wherein the centrifugal fan includes upper ring beam and lower ring beam each joined to the wall , the fan blades extending between the upper ring beam and lower ring beam , and a ring gear mounted on a lower side of the lowering beam , the air capture turbine further comprising at least three electrical energy generators , each including a gear wheel for engaging the ring gear , wherein the weight of the centrifugal fan is supported by the at least three energy converters , and wherein the inner wall of the cowling has a plurality of openings formed therein and a respective closure members associated with each one of the plurality of openings for selectively closing a selected one of the plurality of openings , the each of the plurality of openings providing for ingress and egress of ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065215A1
Принадлежит: Lone Gull Holdings, Ltd.

An apparatus that floats at the surface of a body of water over which waves pass, causing a nominally vertical axis of the apparatus to tilt away from an axis normal to the resting surface of the body of water. Tilting allows a fluid to flow through a channel that in an un-tilted apparatus would require the gravitational potential energy of the fluid to increase (i.e., to flow uphill), but, because of the tilt allows the fluid to flow through the channel in a downhill direction. Successive wave-driven tilts of the apparatus incrementally raise water to a head from which a portion of its gravitational potential energy can be converted to electrical power by causing the water to return to a lower level by flowing through a water turbine, or through some other apparatus that performs a useful function when supplied with a flow of high-pressure water.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

River and tidal turbine with power control

Номер: US20190048845A1
Автор: Kyung Soo Han
Принадлежит: Differential Dynamics Corp

A river or tidal turbine for generating a minimum predetermined value of electricity from river current received at a harnessing module comprises a harnessing module, a control module and a generating module. Han's principle is that harnessed power from a river or tidal turbine must exceed a predetermined value of control power used by the turbine. Minimum power is lost in a three variable closed mechanical control system. The three variable closed mechanical system comprises a Hummingbird control assembly of first and second spur/helical gear assemblies which may be preferably mechanically simplified. The Hummingbird control, a control motor and a generator among other components may be mounted on a floating platform for delivery of constant power at constant frequency given sufficient input from a waterwheel harnessing module driven by river current flow in at least one direction. A tidal embodiment may comprise a moveable hatch for permitting the waterwheel to turn in foe same rotational direction regardless of direction of water current flow.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Hydrokinetic Turbine Having Helical Tanks

Номер: US20190048846A1
Принадлежит: GT Hydrokinetic, LLC

A hydrokinetic energy system for producing electricity is provided. The system represents a hydrokinetic water turbine having a tubular body and an internal turbine that resides within a central pipe of the turbine. The tubular body is helix-like in shape and slowly rotates in a body of water in response to water currents. The tubular body includes two or more tanks of internal working fluid that is fluidically isolated from the body of water. Slow rotation of the turbine wheel produces a gravitational flow of internal working fluid through the tanks within the turbine. The gravitational flow of fluid turns the internal turbine at a high speed to generate electrical power. A method of generating electrical power using a hydrokinetic water turbine is also provided. 1. A hydrokinetic turbine , comprising:a helical tubular body;two or more blades configured to rotate the tubular body at a first RPM value in response to a hydrokinetic flow within a body of water;a central pipe in fluid communication with the tubular body, forming a fluid circuit;an internal working fluid that is disposed and fluidically sealed within the fluid circuit;an internal turbine that is disposed within the central pipe, wherein the internal turbine is configured to rotate at a second RPM value that is higher than the first RPM in response to gravitational flow of the internal working fluid through the central pipe during rotation of the tubular body;an internal shaft disposed along the central pipe configured to rotate with the internal turbine, and extending from the central pipe; anda first generator that is mechanically coupled to the internal shaft, such that rotation of the internal shaft causes the first generator to produce a first electrical output.2. The hydrokinetic turbine of claim 1 , wherein: the first portion of the tubular body serves as a first tank configured to hold a first volume of the internal working fluid,', 'the second portion of the tubular body serves as a second tank ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051677A1
Принадлежит: Principle Power, Inc.

A structure of a floating, semi-submersible wind turbine platform is provided. The floating wind turbine platform includes three elongate stabilizing columns, each having a top end, a keel end, and an outer shell containing an inner shaft. Each stabilizing column further includes a water entrapment plate at its keel cantilevered in a plane perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the stabilizing column. The floating wind turbine platform also includes three truss members, each truss member including two horizontal main tubular members and two diagonal tubular members. The truss members connect the stabilizing columns to form a triangular cross-section. An elongate wind turbine tower is disposed over the top end of one of the three stabilizing columns such that the longitudinal axis of the tower is substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stabilizing column. 1. A floating , semi-submersible wind turbine platform comprising:three elongate stabilizing columns, each of the three stabilizing columns having a top end, a keel end, and an outer shell containing an inner shaft, each of the three stabilizing columns having a water entrapment plate at its keel end, each water entrapment plate being cantilevered in a plane perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the stabilizing column;three truss members, each truss member including two horizontal main tubular members and two diagonal tubular members, each of the horizontal main tubular members having a first end for connecting to the inner shaft of one of the three stabilizing columns and a second end for connecting to the inner shaft of a different one of the three stabilizing columns such that the interconnected three stabilizing columns and three truss members form a triangular cross-section in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axes of the three stabilizing columns, where the three sides of the triangular cross-section are the three truss members and the three vertices of the triangular cross-section ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074380A1
Автор: Schurtenberger Walter

The application relates to unidirectional hydrokinetic turbines having an improved flow acceleration system that uses asymmetrical hydrofoil shapes on some or all of the key components of the turbine. These components that may be hydrofoil shaped include, e.g., the rotor blades (), the center hub (), the rotor blade shroud (), the accelerator shroud (), annular diffuser(s) (), the wildlife and debris excluder () and the tail rudder (). The fabrication method designs various components to cooperate in optimizing the extraction of energy, while other components reduce or eliminate turbulence that could negatively affect other component(s). 134.-. (canceled)35. A method for designing a unidirectional hydrokinetic turbine having a water entrance end and a water exit end , defining a direction of water flow through the turbine , comprising:selecting a generally cylindrical accelerator shroud that has a wall cross-section that comprises an initial asymmetrical hydrofoil shape and defines within its cylindrical cross-section a flow area, where the hydrofoil shape is selected based on fluid dynamics principles to serve to accelerate the flow of water through the accelerator shroud and to create a negative pressure field behind the accelerator shroud, in the direction of water flow;designing a rotor assembly that is mounted for rotation within the accelerator shroud around an axis that is generally parallel to the direction of water flow through the turbine, the rotor assembly comprising (i) a generally elongated cylindrical center hub having and a wall cross-section comprising an initial hydrofoil shape that is selected based on fluid dynamics principles; (ii) a plurality of rotor blades fixed to and extending radially outwardly from the center hub wall for rotation therewith and terminating at rotor tips, which blades have an initial asymmetrical hydrofoil-shaped cross-sectional configuration that is selected based on fluid dynamics principles; and (iii) a rotor outer ring ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058859A1

A floating power plant with paddle-wheels for the production of electricity, which will be utilized in the hydro power industry and mainly in the production of electricity from flowing waters, rivers, and channels. The created facility is a pontoon-type “trimaran”, including three floating bodies with vertical sides and in the shape of two mirror curvatures which connect to each other with a straight portion, and where the two end floating bodies are identical and symmetrical to the middle floating body. Each end body is half the size and shape of the middle floating body. Between the floating bodies there are two identical grooves, each groove holding a paddle-wheel. The three floating bodies are connected by a common deck, on which an electric generator is placed, coupled with a reduction gear, and connected to the major axis of each of the paddle-wheels. 1. A floating power plant for the production of electricity from flowing waters , comprising:a hauled floating pontoon-type “trimaran,” comprising:at least two paddle-wheels; between the three floating bodies are two identical grooves, each holding at least one paddle-wheel; and wherein', 'the three floating bodies are connected by a common deck, on which an electric generator is placed; said electric generator coupled with a reduction gear; said reduction gear connected to the major axis of each of the at least one paddle-wheels., 'three floating bodies comprising vertical sides and in the shape of two mirror curvatures which connect to each other with a straight portion; and wherein two of the three floating bodies are located on either end and identical and symmetrical to the middle floating body, each end body being half the size and shape of the middle floating body; and'}2. The floating power plant of claim 1 , wherein each of the two grooves comprises a length (L) and width (B) claim 1 , and further defined as the distance between the bows of the three floating bodies claim 1 , so that L is two times ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056592A1

A method for assembling a wind turbine, including: attaching an elevator carriage () to a nacelle () to form a carriage-nacelle assembly (); and mounting the carriage-nacelle assembly () on to a tower () as a unit. 1. A method for assembling a wind turbine , comprising:providing a nacelle elevator system comprising a nacelle elevator carriage;attaching the elevator carriage to a nacelle to form a carriage-nacelle assembly; andmounting the carriage-nacelle assembly as a unit on to a side of a wind turbine tower at a first position.211.-. (canceled)12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tower comprises at least one elevator rail arranged along the length of the tower- claim 1 , wherein the carriage comprises a drive system for moving the elevator carriage along the elevator rail(s) claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises activating the drive system to move the carriage-nacelle assembly claim 1 , or carriage-rotor-nacelle assembly claim 1 , up the tower from the first position to a second position adjacent the top of the tower.1322.-. (canceled)23. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nacelle is pivotally attached to the elevator carriage.2425.-. (canceled)26. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the elevator carriage is releasably attached to the nacelle; and the method further comprises connecting the nacelle to the top of the wind turbine tower comprising pivoting the nacelle with respect to the elevator carriage claim 1 , and disengaging the elevator carriage from the nacelle.2782.-. (canceled)83. A wind turbine nacelle provided with receiving formations for supporting the nacelle in a releasable pivot connection with a carriage of a nacelle elevator system claim 1 , wherein either:(i) the nacelle comprises a nacelle casing provided with the receiving formations; or(ii) the nacelle comprises an adaptor plate for securing between a yaw bearing and a tower top flange, and the adaptor plate is provided with the receiving formations. ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080853A1

Provided is a device configured to determine a power capacity of a battery of a vehicle, predict a first set of values indicative of amounts of power to be stored during a time interval by the battery, the power being generated by a renewable energy generator carried by the vehicle, and predict a second set of values indicative of amounts of energy to be consumed from the battery during the time interval based on previous energy consumption by the vehicle. The device is also configured to determine a score based on the power capacity, the first set of values, and the second set of values. The system is also configured to determine whether the score satisfies a threshold and, in response to a determination that the score satisfies the threshold, activate an internal combustion engine to charge to the battery. 1. A device , comprising: determining, with the embedded computer system, a power capacity of a battery carried by a vehicle;', 'predicting, with the embedded computer system, a first set of values indicative of amounts of power to be stored during a time interval by the battery, the power to be stored being generated during the time interval by a renewable energy generator carried by the vehicle;', 'predicting, with the embedded computer system, a second set of values indicative of amounts of energy to be consumed from the battery during the time interval, the energy consumed being predicted based on previous consumption of energy by the vehicle;', 'determining, with the embedded computer system, a score based on the power capacity of the battery, the first set of values indicative of amounts of power to be stored, and the second set of values indicative of amounts of energy to be consumed;', 'determining, with the embedded computer system, whether the score satisfies a threshold; and', 'in response to a determination that the score satisfies the threshold, activating, with the embedded computer system, an internal combustion engine to charge to the battery., ' ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Stabilisation system, in particular for a floating support, comprising at least three interconnected liquid reserves

Номер: US20190061884A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

Stabilization system (1) for a system subjected to external stresses, in particular for a floating support structure, the stabilization system comprising at least three liquid reserves (2) and at least three connecting tubes (3). The liquid reserves are spatially distributed. Furthermore, the connecting tubes provide circulation of the liquid between all the liquid reserves. The invention further relates to a floating support structure comprising such a stabilization system.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081072A1

Floating support for a wind turbine including a central support member, and at least three buoyancy assemblies, each connected to the central support member via a radial connector beam and mutually interconnected via a transverse connector beam, wherein each buoyancy assembly includes a connector body having two radial sides, an outward and an inward transverse side, wherein two transverse connector beams and a radial connector beam extend away from the inward transverse side of the connector body, an anchor is provided at or near the outward transverse side of the connector body and the radial sides of the connector body are each connected to a respective buoyancy element. 1. Floating support for a wind turbine comprising a central support member , and at least three buoyancy assemblies , each connected to the central support member via a radial connector beam and mutually interconnected via a transverse connector beam , wherein each buoyancy assembly comprises a connector body having two radial sides , an outward and an inward transverse side , wherein two transverse connector beams and a radial connector beam extend away from the inward transverse side of the connector body , anchoring means are provided at or near the outward transverse side of the connector body and the radial sides of the connector body are each connected to a respective buoyancy element.2. The floating support according to claim 1 , wherein the connector bodies carry at or near their outward transverse side at least one pivoting chain connector.3. The floating support according to according to claim 2 , comprising a chain tensioning device attached to the central support member claim 2 , a substantially straight line chain tensioning path extending from the chain connector claim 2 , between the buoyancy elements to the tensioning device.4. The floating support according to claim 1 , wherein the central support member comprises a vertical section claim 1 , an angled radial interconnecting beam ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Wind turbine on a floating support stabilized by a raised anchoring system

Номер: US20150071779A1
Принадлежит: IFP Energies Nouvelles IFPEN

A wind power system comprising a wind turbine resting on a floating support and means for anchoring the system connected to the system by attachment points. The system furthermore comprises means for raising the attachment points above the waterline of the floating support.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

System of floating platforms for generating electricity by wind turbines

Номер: US20140152017A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Wind turbines are installed on floating platforms. Each platform is connected to a central platform in a star like topology. Energy generated from a group of floating platforms is sent to the central platform over under sea coaxial cables. The central platform is connected via a transformer to the national electricity grid on shore. The grid is national in scope and transports energy to serve the needs for electricity for the whole country, such that multiple sources of generation and multiple utilities connect to it at various locations. The utilities distribute the electricity to customers in their jurisdiction. Solar panels can be mounted on racks between rows/columns of wind turbines. The central platform has housing/shelter/building for equipment used for integration as well as for management of turbines and solar panels.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074231A1
Автор: STAMIRSKI Maciej

A wave energy conversion arrangement comprising, at least two modules (M M) each of which comprises, at least one first float (P) and at least one second float (P) coupled mechanically with each other by means enabling for reciprocal and independent displacing of these floats in relation to each other over a predetermined length segment along separate straight lines parallel to each other; at least one elementary energy conversion arrangement () using reciprocating movement of said at least one first float (P) of a given module (M M) relative to said at least one second float (P) of this module (M M), connecting means () for alternative detachable connecting with each other; wherein said elementary energy conversion arrangements () of the adjoining modules (M M) are energetically coupled with each other constituting a main energy conversion arrangement (). 1. A mobile wave energy conversion arrangement comprising{'b': 1', '2', '1, 'at least two modules (M, M) aligned serially with each other forming a row defining the longitudinal axis (O) of the wave energy conversion arrangement, each of which comprises'}{'b': 1', '2, 'at least one first float (P) and at least one second float (P) coupled mechanically with each other by means enabling for reciprocating displacing of these floats in relation to each other over a predetermined length along separate straight lines parallel to each other;'}{'b': 7', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2, 'at least one elementary energy conversion arrangement () using reciprocating movement of said at least one first float (P) of a given module (M, M) relative to said at least one second float (P) of this module (Ml, M);'}{'b': '16', 'connecting means () for alternative detachable connecting with each other'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '2', '1', '2', '1, 'either said at least one first float (P) of a given module (M, M) with said at least one second float (P) of the adjoining module (M, M) fixedly and transversely relative to the longitudinal axis (O),'}{'b ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Energy Conversion Apparatus and Method for Generating Electric Energy from Waste Heat Source

Номер: US20180077821A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for generating electric energy from hot air dissipated by a system. The apparatus may comprise two chambers, a set of tubular arrangements, and an outlet port. The two chambers may comprise a first chamber and a second chamber. In one embodiment, the first chamber and the second chamber may comprise a first electrode and a second electrode respectively. The set of tubular arrangements may be mounted over the first electrode and the second electrode in a manner such that the hot air may be passed through a first end towards a second end of each tubular arrangement. The passing of the hot air may enable each tubular arrangement to contract in a manner such that second end of each tubular arrangement establishes a contact with the second electrode thereby completing an electric circuit to generate the electric energy. 1. An energy conversion apparatus for generating electric energy from hot air dissipated by at least one system , the energy conversion apparatus comprising:at least two chambers for capturing hot air dissipated by at least one system, the at least two chambers comprising a first chamber and a second chamber, wherein the first chamber and the second chamber is separated by a separating unit, and wherein the first chamber and the second chamber comprise a first electrode and a second electrode respectively;a set of tubular arrangements mounted over the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein each tubular arrangement comprises a first end and a second end connected to the first electrode and the second electrode respectively, and wherein the tubular arrangement is arranged in a manner such that the hot air is passed through the first end towards the second end; andan outlet port, connected with the second electrode, to dissipate the hot air passed through each tubular arrangement, wherein the passing of the hot air enables each tubular arrangement to contract in a manner such that second end of each tubular arrangement ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078556A1

Provided is a floating wind turbine including a hull, a wind turbine mounted on top of the hull and a counterweight suspended below the hull by a counterweight suspension is described. Also, a method for the installation is described. The counterweight includes one or more counterweight buoyancy tanks. When the internal volume of the buoyancy tanks is filled with air, the total buoyancy of the counterweight is close to or greater than its weight. Hereby it is capable of floating in a towing/maintenance position with moderate or no support in the vertical direction from the hull or other vessels. During towing, the hull substantially has the character of a barge, substantially relying on a large waterplane area and shallow draft to maintain stability. 1. A floating wind turbine comprising a hull , a wind turbine mounted on top of the hull and a counterweight suspended below the hull by a counterweight suspension , whereinthe counterweight comprises one or more counterweight buoyancy tanks;the counterweight buoyancy tanks have dimensions such that when the internal volume is filled with air or another gas, the total buoyancy of the counterweight is close to or greater than its weight, making it capable of floating in a towing/maintenance position with moderate or no support in the vertical direction from the hull or other vessels;when the counterweight buoyancy tanks are partly or completely flooded with water, the counterweight will sink to an installed position at a level determined by the counterweight suspension; andthe counterweight suspension are separately or jointly capable of transferring both forces and moments to the hull, thereby enabling the counterweight to stabilize the hull when the counterweight is in its installed position.2. The floating wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein after installation the floating foundation is functionally a spar buoy.3. The floating wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein after installation the floating ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Pontoon System for Producing Useful Work

Номер: US20180087485A1
Автор: Huebner Robert L.

A water driven system for generating useful work has a floating support structure with a pair of spaced apart frame portions. A waterwheel is mounted between the two spaced apart frame portions in an upright manner. The waterwheel has a number of water receiving troughs for turning the waterwheel in response to a flow of water against the troughs when the floating support structure is mounted on a moving body of water. The waterwheel has side plates with outwardly extending axle shafts which are used to produce useful work as the wheel rotates. 1. A water driven system for producing useful work , the system comprising:a floating support structure having a pair of spaced apart frame portions;at least one waterwheel mounted between the two spaced apart frame portions, the waterwheel being mounted in an upright manner and having a plurality of water receiving elements for turning the waterwheel in response to a flow of water against the water receiving elements when the floating support structure is mounted on a moving body of water;wherein the waterwheel has a pair of spaced apart wheel shaped side plates each having an exterior surface and an interior surface, and wherein each of the side plates has an axle shaft welded thereon at a right angle to the exterior surface at a central location on each of the side plates, the axle shafts each being mounted between the pair of spaced apart frame portions for rotational movement with respect to the frame portions;wherein the rotational movement of the axle shafts is used to produce useful work; andand wherein the water receiving elements of the waterwheel are comprised of a series of bent metal sheets which radiate outwardly from a central axis of the waterwheel and which are welded between the two side plates, each bent metal sheet having a relatively longer inner extent and a relatively shorter outer extent which is bent at an angle with respect to a line drawn perpendicular to the plane of the inner extent, each of the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087487A1
Автор: Ehrnberg Daniel

The present invention relates to a floating wind energy harvesting apparatus for offshore installation, the wind energy harvesting apparatus comprising: an elongated wind turbine body extending along a longitudinal wind turbine body axis, the wind turbine body comprising a lower body portion to be below a water surface when the wind energy harvesting apparatus is in operation and an upper body portion to be above the water surface when the wind energy harvesting apparatus is in operation; wind turbine blades attached to the upper body portion for converting wind energy to rotation of the wind turbine body around the longitudinal wind turbine body axis; an energy converter attached to the wind turbine body for converting the rotation of the wind turbine body in relation to a non-rotatable part to electrical energy; and anchorage means connecting the non-rotatable part to at least one anchor point via at least one float body. 1. A floating wind energy harvesting apparatus for offshore installation , said wind energy harvesting apparatus comprising:an elongated wind turbine body extending along a longitudinal wind turbine body axis, said wind turbine body comprising a lower body portion to be below a water surface when the wind energy harvesting apparatus is in operation and an upper body portion to be above the water surface when the wind energy harvesting apparatus is in operation;wind turbine blades attached to the upper body portion for converting wind energy to rotation of the wind turbine body around the longitudinal wind turbine body axis;an energy converter attached to said wind turbine body for converting the rotation of said wind turbine body in relation to a non-rotatable part to another form of energy; andanchorage means connecting said non-rotatable part to at least one anchor point via at least one float body.2. The floating wind energy harvesting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one float body is submerged in a body of water in ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136481A1
Принадлежит: Lone Gull Holdings, Ltd.

Disclosed is buoyant wave energy capture device, adapted to float adjacent to an upper surface of a body of water over which waves pass, and adapted to capture a portion of the radiated waves created by its own rising and falling in response to incident and/or passing environmental waves. A power take off mechanism combined with the disclosed wave energy capture device may be tuned to a specific wave frequency, and thereby optimally extract energy from a motion of a single frequency, even the wave energy capture device may be excited and/or energized by waves of any of a relatively broad range of frequencies, thereby increasing the power-generation and cost efficiencies of such devices relative to wave energy conversion devices of the prior art.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Wave energy absorption device, a power take-off assembly and a wave energy system

Номер: US20170101977A1
Автор: Sidenmark Mikael

A wave energy absorption device comprises a buoy adapted to move with movements of water, and a buoy oscillation device attached to the buoy, the buoy oscillation device comprising an elongated means and a rotary means adapted to interact with the elongated means. A hydraulic pump with variable displacement is connected to the rotary means and connectable to a hydraulic circuit. When the buoy moves with movements of water, relative movement is created between the elongated means and the rotary means, whereby the hydraulic pump transforms kinetic energy into hydraulic energy which to the hydraulic hose, and whereby a torque is applied to the rotary means by the hydraulic pump to dampen or amplify the movements of the buoy. The buoy oscillation device provides individual control of the force applied to the buoy by change of displacement in the hydraulic pump. 2. The wave energy absorption device according to claim 1 , wherein the buoy oscillation device is a rack and pinion drive.3. The wave energy absorption device according to claim 1 , wherein the elongated means is attached to any of the following: a sea bed claim 1 , a moving body with a relatively large mass to the buoy claim 1 , and a piston or heave plate in the water claim 1 , with a large added mass of water in relation to the mass of the buoy.4. The wave energy absorption device according to claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic pump is a bi-directional pump in combination with a hydraulic Graetz bridge.5. The wave energy absorption device according to claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic pump is a multi-displacement hydraulic pump claim 1 , preferably a radial piston pump claim 1 , more preferably a radial piston pump with two units of different sizes in a tandem arrangement.6. The wave energy absorption device according to claim 5 , wherein the hydraulic pump has an infinitely variable displacement claim 5 , preferably an axial piston pump with a swash plate.7. The wave energy absorption device according to claim 1 ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106187A1

This disclosure provides improved nautical craft that can travel and navigate on their own. A hybrid vessel is described that converts wave motion to locomotive thrust by mechanical means, and also converts wave motion to electrical power for storage in a battery. The electrical power can then be tapped to provide locomotive power during periods where wave motion is inadequate and during deployment. The electrical power can also be tapped to even out the undulating thrust that is created when locomotion of the vessel is powered by wave motion alone. 1. A wave powered vessel , comprising:a buoyant vessel body; a tether winch, coupled between the buoyant vessel body and the swimmer body;', 'a pressure generation device, coupled to the tether, for generating pressure from motion of the tether winch from the movement of the vessel body relative to the swimmer body caused by the wave motion;', 'a turbine generator, coupled to the pressure generation device, for generating the electrical power., 'a generating system structured to convert at least a portion of movement of the vessel body relative to the swimmer body caused by wave motion into electrical power, the generating system comprising, 'a swimmer body, mechanically coupled to the vessel body;'}2. The wave powered vessel of claim 1 , wherein the pressure generation device comprises a piston.3. The wave powered vessel of claim 2 , wherein the pressure generation device further comprises a linear hydraulic cylinder.4. The wave powered vessel of claim 3 , wherein the pressure generation device is coupled between the tether and the buoyant vessel body and a link arm of the tether.5. The wave powered vessel of claim 3 , further comprising:a second tether winch, communicatively coupled between the buoyant vessel body and the swimmer body;a second pressure generation device, coupled to the tether, for generating pressure from motion of the tether winch from the movement of the vessel body relative to the swimmer body ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178343A1
Принадлежит: JOSPA LIMITED

A towing apparatus has a spine with multiple generally parallel spine members extending in a longitudinal direction and having a length of at least 100 m, and with a leading end and a trailing end. A series of blades are mounted to the spine by couplers which allow the blade to rotate about an axis substantially transverse to the longitudinal direction, each blade having a first surface facing generally in the trailing end direction and a second surface facing generally in the leading end direction. Restraints prevent rotation of each blade by more than a pre-set amount towards the leading end, so that impingement of a wave on the first surface applies a force to the apparatus in the leading end direction. A pair of the towing apparatus' may be arranged to connect to a floating collector with a beach shape to collect floating debris on the sea surface, ridges helping to retain the debris on the slope until it is washed up into a channel. 143.-. (canceled)44. A towing apparatus comprising:a spine extending in a longitudinal direction and having a length of at least 100 m, and with a leading end and a trailing end;a series of blades each mounted to the spine to rotate about an axis substantially transverse to the longitudinal direction, each blade having a first surface facing generally in the trailing end direction and a second surface facing generally in the leading end direction; andrestraints preventing rotation of each blade by more than a pre-set amount towards the leading end, so that impingement of a wave on the first surface applies a force to the apparatus in the leading end direction.45. The towing apparatus as claimed in claim 44 , wherein the spine comprises at least one pair of parallel spine members and the blades are each coupled to both spine members.46. The towing apparatus as claimed in claim 44 , wherein at least some of the blades are mounted for rotation about substantially vertical axes claim 44 , wherein the dimension of the blades in the ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Platform for generating electricity from flowing fluid using generally prolate turbine

Номер: US20140203564A1
Автор: John Pitre
Принадлежит: Natural Power Concepts Inc

A platform-like device for generating electricity from moving fluids has two has at least two fluid turbines coupled to one another through a frame. The fluid turbines are adapted to rotate in opposite directions. The fluid turbines also provide buoyancy for the platform so that the platform is self supporting in the water. The fluid turbines preferably have helicoid flights (screw-like threads) mounted to generally prolate casings. The fluid turbines preferably connect to electric generators through belt, chain-drive, or other transmission systems. The platform may additional support a wind turbine.

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Gravity-based energy-storage system and method

Номер: US20150130191A1
Принадлежит: SeaPower Systems LLC

A system for harvesting, storing, and generating energy includes a subsurface structure supporting machinery to convert received energy into potential energy, store that potential energy, and at a later time convert that potential energy into electrical energy. The system includes one or more buoyant chambers that support the subsurface structure and are maintained with an internal that is approximately equal to the ambient pressure at their deployed depth. The system is anchored to the seafloor with one or more mo lines. Suspended from the subsurface structure are one or more weights that are hoisted up or lowered down by one or more winches The one or more winches comprise a spooling drum, and one or more motors and/or one or more generators or one or more motor/generators.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268258A1

A portable system for converting wind energy into electrical energy is disclosed. The disclosed system may include a frame hosting one or more conversion modules, arranged as desired. A given conversion module may include one or more wind energy conversion devices (WECDs), arranged as desired. The conversion modules may be electrically connected, directly or indirectly, with one or more downstream electrical energy storage elements (e.g., such as a battery or other capacitive element, optionally native to a host platform). In this manner, the disclosed system may be configured for use in storing and/or supplying electric power for downstream consumption by a host platform or otherwise. In a more general sense, the disclosed system may be utilized, for example, for micro-generation of renewable electrical energy from wind. 1. A user-portable wind energy conversion system comprising:a frame configured for mounting to a target mounting surface by a user; andat least one wind energy conversion module comprising at least one wind energy conversion device (WECD) configured to generate electrical energy from movement of wind relative to the at least one WECD, wherein the at least one wind energy conversion module is configured to be hosted by the frame and electrically connected with at least one electrical energy storage element external to the wind energy conversion system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one WECD is configured as a wind energy conversion microdevice.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one WECD has at least one of a length claim 1 , a width claim 1 , and a height in the range of about 50 mm or less.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one WECD has at least one of a length claim 1 , a width claim 1 , and a height in the range of about 10 mm or less.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein in being configured to generate electrical energy from movement of wind relative thereto claim 1 , the at least one WECD is configured to ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Water level flow speed-increasing generating station, power station, water supply station, and offshore floating city

Номер: US20150132151A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to the field of hydraulic machinery, and relates to, by using the law of motion conversion and Bernoulli's equation, a generating station formed with a water level speed-increasing water tunnel set on a special ship or offshore floating city increasing a natural flow velocity V1≦1 msec of a water source to a high speed of V2≧200 msec to propel a turbine, and drive a generator; a power station formed with the turbine driving various load machinery; and a water supply station formed with an outlet of the speed-increasing water tunnel being connected to a lift tube. Hence, the present invention can replace high dams of a small number, to convert planar flow dynamics of wide rivers, seas, and oceans into inexhaustible, cheap, clean, and sustainable energy, which is a major theme project of the third industrial revolution.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Kinetic modular machine for producing energy from fluid flows

Номер: US20210156352A1

A kinetic modular machine for producing electricity from flows, either mono or bi-directional, moving at different speeds, includes one or more turbines that are “open center” and coaxial; a floating/positioning system; and a connection between the kinetic modular machine and a docking. Each turbine has a rotor, a stator, and a synchronous generator. In different configurations, the turbines are structurally, mechanically and electrically independent. The floating/positioning system includes a floater, a wing, and a fixture linking the turbines to the floater, implementing the control of the rotational axes (roll, pitch, yaw), with the wing keeping the machine at a given distance from the shore and the fluid surface. The modular design, having independent turbines, allows for a flexible design, keeping the installation and maintenance costs low. 1. A modular kinetic machine (M) for producing electricity from fluid flows , the modular kinetic machine being adapted to be floating in a fluid , “open center” , with a swept area fully immersed and perpendicular to flow direction , comprising:one or more turbines (T; where i=1, 2, . . . n) that are mechanically and electrically independent; anda floating/positioning control device (F),wherein each turbine is structurally, mechanically, and electrically independent, by comprising a rotor with blades, a stator, and a built-in generator.2. The modular kinetic machine (M) claim 1 , according to the claim 1 , wherein each rotor and stator comprise parts centered on an axis of the modular kinetic machine rotational claim 1 , the parts being arranged to cause a minimal radial runout and a minimal out of bound runout among rotational parts.3510. The modular kinetic machine (M) claim 1 , according to the claim 1 , wherein a number of blades ( claim 1 , ) is a maximum number suitable dimensions and performances of the kinetic modular machine claim 1 , so as to reduce a load for each blade and allow using materials having a lower ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Segmented Airfoil Design For Guide Wires

Номер: US20210156359A1
Автор: Barber Gerald L.

The present invention is an improved wind turbine comprising: a wind turbine wheel having a hub, a rim and a cable extending between the hub and the rim; a set of airfoils rotatably carried by the cable and disposed between the hub and the rim; a cinch attached to the cable and disposed between adjacent airfoils; and, an upturned section included in at least one airfoil in the set of airfoils and disposed at a trailing edge of the airfoil wherein each airfoil has a different angle of attack relative to an adjacent airfoil. 1. An improved wind turbine comprising:a wind turbine wheel having a hub, a rim and a cable extending between the hub and the rim;a set of airfoils carried by the cable and disposed between the hub and the rim; and,an upturned section included in at least one airfoil in the set of airfoils defined by an upward slope of a surface contour along a top side disposed at a trailing edge of the airfoil relative to a horizontal plane extending from a leading edge to the trailing edge, and wherein each airfoil has a different angle of attack relative to an adjacent airfoil.2. The improved wind turbine of wherein a first airfoil is configured to rotate about the cable.3. The improved wind turbine of including a fin disposed at a distal end of a shaft carried by a first airfoil claim 2 , wherein the fin causes rotation of the airfoil to an optimal angle of attack relative to a wind direction.4. The improved wind turbine of including:an inner cable extending between a proximal end of the hub and the rim; and,a set of inner airfoils carried by the inner cable.5. The improved wind turbine of including:an outer cable extending between a distal end of the hub and the rim; and,a set of outer airfoils carried by the outer cable.6. The improved wind turbine of including:a first airfoil adjacent to the hub having a first length;a second airfoil adjacent to the rim having a second length; and,wherein the first length is less than the second length.7. The improved wind ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Single-Point Mooring Wind Turbine

Номер: US20210156360A1

The invention relates to a single-point mooring wind turbine having a rotor arranged on a tower, characterized by a design counteracting sway of the wind turbine caused by the rotor torque. 1. A single point mooring wind turbine comprising: a rotor arranged on a tower , anda design configured to counteract swaying of the wind turbine caused by a rotor torque.2. The wind turbine according to claim 1 , further comprising a device which counteracts the swaying of the wind turbine caused by the rotor torque.3. The wind turbine according to further comprising a floating foundation with at least two buoyancy bodies arranged in one plane.4. The wind turbine according to claim 3 , wherein the tower is inclined relative to the foundation contrary to the direction of rotation of the rotor.5. The wind turbine according to claim 4 , wherein the tower is inclined at an angle of 2°≤β≤7°.6. The wind turbine according to claim 3 , wherein the rotor rotates in a direction of rotation and the wind turbine has claim 3 , on the side opposite the direction of rotation of the rotor claim 3 , a weight which at least partially compensates for a nominal torque of the rotor.7. The wind turbine according to claim 3 , wherein a buoyancy body arranged in the direction of rotation of the rotor has a greater buoyancy than a buoyancy body arranged opposite to the direction of rotation.8. The wind turbine according to claim 2 , wherein the device has a drive which generates a thrust which counteracts the swaying caused by the rotor torque.9. A method for commissioning a single point mooring wind turbine claim 2 , which is anchored to an anchor point and freely rotatable about the anchor point claim 2 , with a rotor arranged on a tower claim 2 , said method comprising:Trimming the turbine in an inoperative state to compensate for torque generated by the rotor during operation in such a way that, in top view of the single point mooring wind turbine, an imaginary line between the anchor point and a ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136006A1

An offshore wind turbine comprising a buoyancy structure intended to provide a buoyancy force to support the wind turbine, wherein said buoyancy structure comprises at least one floater tank and a damping structure extending radially outward from the floater tank to damp forces due to heave, pitch or roll. 1. An offshore wind turbine , comprising:a buoyancy structure intended to provide a buoyancy force to support the wind turbine, wherein the buoyancy structure comprises:a floater tank; anda damping structure extending radially outward from the floater tank, wherein at least a proximal side of the damping structure is hinged to the floater tank.2. The offshore wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the damping structure comprises:a plurality of damping braces, each hinged to the floater tank; anda plurality of damping sheets, made of deformable material, each of the damping sheets having a first and a second side attached to a first and a second adjacent damping brace, respectively, and substantially covering an annular area defined by the floater tank and the two adjacent braces.3. The offshore wind turbine according to claim 2 , wherein each damping sheet is made of rubber.4. The offshore wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the damping structure comprises a damping plate structure claim 1 , the damping plate structure comprising at least one annular section arranged in an annulus configuration around the floater tank claim 1 , wherein a proximal side of each annular section is hinged to an exterior surface of the floater tank.5. The offshore wind turbine according to claim 4 , wherein the damping plate structure comprises at least three annular sections claim 4 , each annular section being up to 120° wide.6. The offshore wind turbine according to claim 5 , wherein at least one annular section is hinged to the floater tank with at least one hinge that allows movement of the annular section only around an axis that coincides with a horizontal ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210159825A1
Автор: BERGMAN Bruno

A floating electrical power generator having a three-dimensional (3D) flow passageway configured for increasing the water flow on the paddle wheel to increase the power output. 1. A floating power generator , comprising:a floating platform comprising a pair of spaced apart pontoons connected together by a bottom portion or wall, the floating platform configured to define a three-dimensional (3D) flow passageway having a closed bottom extending along a length of the floating platform;a paddle wheel mounted on the floating platform so that paddles rotate downwardly into the flow passageway; andan electrical generator driven by the paddle wheel to generate power, wherein the floating platform and paddle wheel are configured so that a cross-sectional flow area of the 3D flow passageway decreases exponentially along the 3D passageway to a location of the paddles of the paddle wheel operating in the 3D flow passageway to increase a speed of water flow operating on the paddles of the paddle wheel to increase power production.2. A floating power generator , comprising:a floating platform comprising a pair of spaced apart pontoons connected together by a bottom portion or wall defining a three-dimensional (3D) flow passageway extending along a length of the floating platform, the 3D flow passageway having a first flow passageway section tapering inwardly in a width dimension along a flow direction and having a fixed first depth, the first flow passageway transitioning into a second flow passageway having an increasing depth, the second flow passageway transitioning to a third flow passageway having a second depth greater than the first depth and a fixed width dimension in the flow direction;a paddle wheel mounted on the floating platform so that paddles operate in a second portion of the second flow passageway and a first portion of the third flow passageway; andan electrical generator configured to drive the paddle wheel.3. A floating power generator , comprising:a floating ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Mechanical System for Extracting Energy From Marine Waves

Номер: US20180128237A1

A mechanical structure used for extracting energy from oscillating marine waves is submitted. The apparatus comprises a plurality of buoyant tanks connected by a plurality of horizontal outriggers through a hinge assembly to a vertical frame located between the buoyant tanks. Marine waves create a pitching motion in the tanks forcing the outriggers to ascend and descend causing the vertical frame to rotate perpendicularly along the horizontal axis of the hinge. The power extraction system is comprised of a plurality of hydraulic cylinders connected to the vertical frame and outriggers. The pitching motion of the buoyant tanks and outriggers produce a vertical rotation along the horizontal axis of the hinge in the vertical frame, which forces contraction and expansion of the hydraulic cylinder assembly, thus extracting power from the relative motion between the members. 1. An apparatus for extracting energy from oscillating fluid comprising:a structural support assembly;a hydraulic assembly;an electrical assembly comprising a prime mover assembly and a generator;a float assembly comprising a plurality of hydraulic support, a rear tank float assembly and a front tank float assembly;wherein said structural support assembly is mechanically coupled to said rear tank float assembly and said front tank float assembly; andwherein said prime mover assembly and said generator are inside said a rear tank float assembly.2. The apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said structural support assembly comprises a supporting frame claim 1 , a movable joint claim 1 , at least a first elongated member and a second elongated member; and wherein said first elongated member is mechanically coupled to the rear tank float assembly and said second elongated member is mechanically coupled to the front tank float assembly.3. The apparatus as in claim 2 , wherein the at least first elongated member and said second elongated member are mechanically coupled to the movable joint.4. The apparatus as in ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127032A1
Принадлежит: Upy Designs LLC.

A floating wind turbine assembly, configured to self-stabilize in water without a fixed anchor. The floating wind turbine assembly has a wind turbine, joined to a turbine shaft. A beam anchor is joined to the turbine shaft. A hollow moving mass, arranged around the beam anchor, such that the hollow moving mass can be moved up or down the beam anchor. The hollow moving mass includes a pump, having a pump first end connected to the water with a first pump hose and a pump second end arranged within the hollow moving mass with a second pump hose. 1. A floating wind turbine assembly , configured to self-stabilize in water without a fixed anchor , the floating wind turbine assembly comprising:a wind turbine, joined to a turbine shaft;a beam anchor, joined to the turbine shaft;a hollow moving mass, arranged around a beam shaft joined to the beam anchor, such that the hollow moving mass can be moved up or down the beam shaft; and further comprising: a pump, having a pump first end connected to the water with a first pump hose and a pump second end arranged within the hollow moving mass with a second pump hose;a first plurality of sensors, arranged proximate the turbine shaft;a second plurality of sensors, arranged on the turbine shaft; receive a movement data from the plurality of sensors;', 'determine the excitation frequency from the movement data;', 'receive a natural frequency data from the second plurality of sensors;', 'determine the natural frequency of the wind turbine from the natural frequency data', 'adjust the hollow moving mass, 'a controller, communicatively coupled to the first plurality of sensors, the second plurality of sensors, the hollow moving mass, and the pump; wherein the controller is programmed with instructions to perform the following instructions in a loop until a natural frequency equals an excitation frequencywherein when the natural frequency equals the excitation frequency inertial forces in a sea state of the water and the wind turbine ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275784A1
Принадлежит: Lone Gull Holdings, Ltd.

Disclosed is buoyant wave energy capture device, adapted to float adjacent to an upper surface of a body of water over which waves pass, and adapted to capture a portion of the radiated waves created by its own rising and falling in response to incident and/or passing environmental waves. A power take off mechanism combined with the disclosed wave energy capture device may be tuned to a specific wave frequency, and thereby optimally extract energy from a motion of a single frequency, even the wave energy capture device may be excited and/or energized by waves of any of a relatively broad range of frequencies, thereby increasing the power-generation and cost efficiencies of such devices relative to wave energy conversion devices of the prior art. 1. A buoyant wave energy converter adapted to reduce radiation damping , comprising:a central hull;a power-take-off system housed within the central hull;a peripheral hollow barrier spaced from and surrounding the central hull, the peripheral hollow barrier having an open top and an open bottom, and a surface opposing the central hull; andperipherally spaced connectors rigidly attaching the peripheral hollow barrier to the central hull;wherein the peripheral hollow barrier is vertically disposed on the wave energy converter such that a waterline of the wave energy converter transects the peripheral hollow barrier.2. The buoyant wave energy converter of claim 1 , wherein the peripherally spaced connectors are radial panels aligned vertically.3. The buoyant wave energy converter of claim 2 , wherein the radial panels divide a volume enclosed by the peripheral hollow barrier into equal sector-shaped volumes.4. The buoyant wave energy converter of claim 1 , wherein the inwardly facing surface of the peripheral hollow barrier is curved.5. The buoyant wave energy converter of claim 1 , wherein the peripheral hollow barrier defines a volume claim 1 , and wherein said volume is substantially filled with water when said buoyant wave ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Gyro for stabilizing wind turbine movements

Номер: US20200124025A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy AS

Provided is a wind turbine including: a tower extending axially along a longitudinal axis, a nacelle and a rotor attached to an upper end of the tower, a gyroscope, a controller device for operating the gyroscope for stabilizing a movement and/or an oscillation of the wind turbine with respect to a spatial reference system.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Ocean Wind Systems, Subsystems, and Methods with Stabilization by Assemblies of Deep-Water-Masses with Articulating Floats

Номер: US20210164446A1
Автор: William C. Alexander
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and systems for operating a stable platform in a far-offshore deep-sea environment. The platform can advantageously be a wind power generation station. A structural framework carries (for example) the wind turbine in an elevated position. Multiple points on the floating structure are connected both to a surface float and to a deep mass (e.g. an enclosed volume of seawater).

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Water turbine

Номер: US20140217738A1
Автор: Harold Lipman
Принадлежит: Harold Lipman

A hydroelectric machine and system is disclosed comprising an electric generator and water turbine configured for direct immersion into a naturally flowing body of water such as the ocean, stream, or a tidal basin. In one embodiment, the water turbine includes a rotor having plurality of pivotably moveable blades which sequentially open and close to capture fluid or kinetic energy when exposed to the water current from any direction. In one embodiment, the blades are arranged in overlapping relationship to maximize the number of blades and active blade surface area for capturing fluid energy and reducing flow turbulence around the water turbine. Various embodiments include arcuately curved blades and reverse curved trailing edges for early capture of fluid and initiation of the blade extension outwards from the rotor.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138333A1
Автор: TORAN Jose

The modular hydrokinetic motor device is a power generation apparatus for generating power from water flows. The power generation apparatus has a transducer from hydraulic to mechanical energy with a hydraulic side and a mechanical side. A generator is coupled to the mechanical side of the transducer. The hydraulic side of the transducer has a guiding mechanism and a series of paddles adapted to move along the guiding mechanism. The guiding mechanism has a driving path that defines a linear movement along the guiding mechanism in a downstream direction and a driven path that defines a linear movement along the guiding mechanism in an upstream direction. The driving path and the driven path are parallel paths. The apparatus is configured so that the driving path have a higher dragging coefficient than the driven path. 2. The power generation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus comprises a transition element that changes the direction of the guiding mechanism between the upstream direction and the downstream direction.3. The power generation apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the transition element comprises an actuator to change the effective area of the paddles.4. The power generation apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the actuator is configured to rotate at least one of the paddles.5. The power generation apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the transition element comprises a no-return mechanism.6. The power generation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the paddles are driven with a larger effective area to the water flow during the driving path and with a lower effective area to the water flow during the driven path.7. The power generation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding mechanism drives the paddles with a larger area outside the water flow during the driven path.8. The power generation apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein the apparatus further comprises a floating wall configured to maintain the ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282706A1

A control system for positioning at least two floating wind turbines in a wind farm is provided. The control system includes a measuring device configured for measuring an incoming wind field at the two wind turbines, a determining device, wherein the determining device is configured for determining a wake property at the two wind turbines, wherein the determining device is configured for determining a propagation path of the wake property through the wind farm based on the determined wake property at the at least two floating wind turbines, wherein the determining device is configured for determining a location for each of the at least two floating wind turbines including a minimized wake influence based on the determined propagation path of the wake property through the wind farm, and a repositioning device configured for repositioning each of the at least two floating wind turbines to the determined location. 1. A control system for positioning at least two floating wind turbines in a wind farm , a measuring device configured for measuring an incoming wind field at the two floating wind turbines,', 'a determining device,, 'wherein the control system comprises'}wherein the determining device is configured for determining a wake property at the two floating wind turbines,wherein the determining device is configured for determining a propagation path of the wake property through the wind farm based on the determined wake property at the at least two floating wind turbines, 'a repositioning device configured for repositioning each of the at least two floating wind turbines to the determined location.', 'wherein the determining device is configured for determining a location for each of the at least two floating wind turbines comprising a minimized wake influence based on the determined propagation path of the wake property through the wind farm,'}2. The control system according to claim 1 ,wherein the determining device is further configured for determining the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Pontoon System for Producing Useful Work

Номер: US20190136822A1
Автор: Huebner Robert L.

A water driven system for generating useful work has a floating support structure with a pair of spaced apart frame portions. A waterwheel is mounted between the two spaced apart frame portions in an upright manner. The waterwheel has a number of radially extending spokes for turning the waterwheel in response to a flow of water against the spokes when the floating support structure is mounted on a moving body of water. The waterwheel has outwardly extending axle shafts which are used to produce useful work as the wheel rotates. 1. A water driven system for producing useful work , the system comprising:a floating support structure having a pair of spaced apart frame portions;at least one waterwheel mounted between the two spaced apart frame portions, the waterwheel being mounted in an upright manner and having a plurality of spokes for turning the waterwheel in response to a flow of water against the spokes when the floating support structure is mounted on a moving body of water;wherein the waterwheel has a pair of spaced apart wheel shaped side plates each having an exterior surface and an interior surface, and wherein each of the side plates has an axle shaft welded thereon at a right angle to the exterior surface at a central location on each of the side plates, the axle shafts each being mounted between the pair of spaced apart frame portions for rotational movement with respect to the frame portions;wherein the rotational movement of the axle shafts is used to produce useful work;wherein the spokes of the waterwheel are comprised of a series of bent metal sheets which radiate outwardly from a central axis of the waterwheel and which are welded between the two side plates, each bent metal sheet having a longer inner extent and a shorter outer extent which is bent at an angle in the range from 40 to 50° with respect to a line drawn perpendicular to the plane of the inner extent;wherein each of the spokes is formed by welding a longer piece of metal and a shorter ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136824A1
Автор: BORLE Delphis M.C.

There is provided a turbine with a turbine body, a support frame, and a generator. The turbine body has a plurality of turbine blades, a shaft defining a rotational axis, and a bottom apex. Each of the turbine blades has a lower edge, and the lower edges taper upward relative to the bottom apex such that the lower edges trace a convex surface as the turbine body rotates about the rotational axis. The support frame is connected to the shaft by an angularly adjustable connection that adjusts the angle of the shaft relative to the support frame. The angularly adjustable connection permits rotation of the shaft about the rotational axis, and the generator is powered by the rotation of the shaft. 1. A turbine comprising:a turbine body, the turbine body comprising a plurality of turbine blades, the turbine body having a shaft defining a rotational axis, and a bottom apex, each of the turbine blades having a lower edge, the lower edges being contained by a cone-shape that slopes upward relative to the bottom apex such that the lower edges trace a convex surface as the turbine body rotates about the rotational axis, the turbine blades being configured to rotate about the rotational axis of the shaft in response to fluid flow along a flow direction, the rotational axis being perpendicular to the flow direction;a support frame connected to the shaft by an angularly adjustable connection that adjusts the angle of the shaft relative to the support frame while maintaining the rotational axis perpendicular to the flow direction, the angularly adjustable connection permitting rotation of the shaft about the rotational axis;an actuator that actuates the angularly adjustable connection; anda generator powered by the rotation of the shaft.2. The turbine of claim 1 , wherein the angularly adjustable connection changes the orientation of the convex surface traced by the lower edges of the turbine blades.3. The turbine of claim 1 , wherein the support frame comprises floats to suspend ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Tensioned Support Ring for Wind and Water Turbines

Номер: US20210172425A9
Автор: James Kevin Rothers
Принадлежит: Individual

It is a general object of the present invention to provide a new and less expensive method of creating a horizontal axis wind turbine for electrical power generation. This approach is based on a tensioned support ring in the shape of a regular polygon. This support ring is well suited to the construction of large wind turbines because it is very light, strong, and cost efficient to create. Also provided are two types of rotor supporting tower structures including a wheeled version for land use and another that floats on water. Additionally, a method of using the support ring to generate electrical power from underwater currents. Further provided is a rope drive method of transmitting energy from the support ring to a generator below. Finally, two methods of controlling blade pitch. Both methods have similar automatic feathering systems to protect against excessive rotational speeds.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145984A1

Wave energy is utilized by and/or seawater is desalinated by a point-absorber-type wave energy converter has: an anchor affixed to an ocean floor, a buoy is tethered to the anchor, and a machine is located on the buoy; the buoy includes a spool system and a recoil system, the spool system has a first spool and a second spool mounted together on a shaft, the recoil system includes a spring, a first line connects the first spool and the anchor, so that as the wave displaces the buoy, the shaft turns and drives the machine, and a second line connects the second spool and the recoil system, so that after the displacement of the buoy, the first line is recoiled onto the first spool. 1. A point-absorber-type wave energy converter for converting a wave's energy into a usable energy form comprises:an anchor affixed to an ocean floor, a buoy is tethered to the anchor, and a machine is located on the buoy; a spool system and a recoil system, the spool system has a first spool and a second spool mounted together on a shaft, the recoil system includes a spring,', 'a first line connects the first spool and the anchor, so that as the wave displaces the buoy, the shaft turns and drives the machine, and', 'a second line connects the second spool and the recoil system, so that after the displacement of the buoy, the first line is recoiled onto the first spool., 'the buoy includes'}2. The point-absorber-type wave energy converter of wherein the spring is perpendicularly disposed to the first line.3. The point-absorber-type wave energy converter of wherein the spring is a mechanical spring and/or an air spring.4. The point-absorber-type wave energy converter of wherein the machine is a pump claim 1 , and/or a generator claim 1 , and/or a compressor.5. The point-absorber-type wave energy converter of wherein the recoil system excludes any counterweight and/or retraction buoy and/or torsion spring around the shaft for recoiling the first line on the first spool.6. The point-absorber- ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289355A1

In a marine propulsion apparatus that transmits power of at least one of an internal combustion engine (ICE) and a generator motor (GM) mounted on a ship to a propeller via a forward reverse switching mechanism, the marine propulsion apparatus can be downsized as a whole. The marine propulsion apparatus includes a connection switching mechanism capable of selectively connecting the GM to an upstream side and a downstream side of the power transmission from the ICE in the forward reverse switching mechanism. Then, the forward reverse switching mechanism is interposed between the ICE and the connection switching mechanism, and a large torque from the ICE is not directly transmitted to the connection switching mechanism. As a result, it is not necessary to increase the capacity of the connection switching mechanism, and the connection switching mechanism and thus the marine propulsion apparatus can be downsized. 1. A marine propulsion apparatus that can transmit power of an internal combustion engine mounted on a ship to a propeller via a forward reverse switching mechanism , the marine propulsion apparatus comprising:a generator motor; anda connection switching mechanism capable of selectively connecting the generator motor to a power input side and a power output side of the forward reverse switching mechanism.2. The marine propulsion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein in a state where the generator motor is connected to the power output side of the forward reverse switching mechanism by the connection switching mechanism claim 1 , when the forward reverse switching mechanism is neutral claim 1 , the propeller can be driven by power of the generator motor claim 1 , or the generator motor can be operated as a generator by an idling of the propeller due to a tidal current.3. The marine propulsion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein in a state where the generator motor is connected to the power input side of the forward reverse switching mechanism by the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290653A1

Provided is a control system for operating a floating wind turbine under sea ice conditions. The control system includes a detection device configured for detecting a formation of ice in a critical zone around the floating wind turbine, and an ice inhibiting device configured for manipulating the floating wind turbine in such a manner that the critical zone is free of a threshold amount of the detected formation of ice. Furthermore, a floating wind turbine is provided which includes a wind rotor including a wind rotor including a blade, a tower, a floating foundation, and an above-described control system. Additionally, a method for operating a floating wind turbine under sea ice conditions is provided. 1. A control system for operating a floating wind turbine under sea ice conditions , the control system comprisinga detection device configured for detecting a formation of ice in a critical zone around the floating wind turbine, andan ice inhibiting device configured for manipulating the floating wind turbine in such a manner that the critical zone is free of a threshold amount of the detected formation of ice.2. The control system according to claim 1 ,wherein the detection device comprises a vision-based detection device, particularly at least one of the group consisting of a camera, a light detection and ranging device, and a radio detection and ranging device.3. The control system according to claim 1 ,wherein the detection device comprises a device configured for analysing a change in a dynamics of the floating wind turbine, particularly a change in a damped natural frequency of the floating wind turbine, caused by a change in at least one of the group consisting of a change in a mass property, a change in a damping property and a stiffness property.4. The control system according to claim 1 ,wherein the detection device is configured for linking the formation of ice to a substructure of the floating wind turbine.5. The control system according to claim 1 , ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Floating structure and method of intalling same

Номер: US20180148140A1
Принадлежит: Esteyco SAP, SEA WIND TOWERS SL

Floating construction comprising: a flotation base, comprising at least one essentially hollow body selectively fillable with ballast, where the maximum horizontal dimension of the flotation base is greater than the maximum vertical dimension of the floating base; a building supported by said flotation base preferably comprising a telescopic tower; downward impelling means; and at least three retaining cables the corresponding upper ends of which are attached to said flotation base, preferably in peripheral positions of the flotation base, and the corresponding lower ends of which are attached to said downward impelling means, such that said retaining cables are taut and apply a downward force on said flotation base that increases the stability thereof. And the installation method for this floating construction.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145372A1

A floating platform for a wave energy converter (WEC), comprising a hollow body, in which energy converting machinery may be positioned, characterised in that the floating platform has an underside facing the water in use, an upper side facing the opposite direction and a first long-side forming a front and a second long-side forming a back, and two short-sides, wherein at least one aligning means is provided, the aligning means is configured to align the front of the floating platform with the wave front, i.e. perpendicular to the direction of the wave, wherein the front of the floating platform is at least 20 m long. 1. A floating platform for a wave energy converter (WEC) , comprising a hollow body , in which energy converting machinery may be positioned , characterised in that the floating platform has an underside facing the water in use , an upper side facing the opposite direction and a first long-side forming a front and a second long-side forming a back , and two short-sides , wherein at least one aligning means is provided , the aligning means is configured to align the front of the floating platform with the wave front , i.e. perpendicular to the direction of the wave , wherein the front of the floating platform is at least 20 m long.2. The floating platform according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the front is at least 30 m claim 1 , preferably at least 40 m claim 1 , and most preferred at least 50 m.3. The floating platform according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the front is at least two times the length of the side claim 1 , preferably at least three times claim 1 , and most preferred at least five times the length of the side.4. The floating platform according to claim 1 , wherein the height of the floating platform is at least 1 m claim 1 , preferably at least 2 m claim 1 , or at least 4 m.5. The floating platform according to claim 1 , wherein the aligning means are any one of or combination of wing/s provided at least on the upper side ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149132A1
Автор: Inoue Shunji

The present invention provides a floating offshore wind turbine capable of suppressing yawing of a nacelle caused by a gyro effect which is a cause of adverse influence of power generating efficiency of a wind turbine and endurance of devices thereof. The floating offshore wind turbine 10 includes a rotor 11 which is rotated by wind, a nacelle 13 in which a rotation shaft 12 of the rotor 11 is accommodated, and a tower 15 including a turning seated bearing 14 which supports the nacelle 13 such that the nacelle 13 can turn with respect to a sea surface P to exert a weathercock effect. The tower is provided with yawing suppressing means 16 which suppresses yawing T of the nacelle 13. According to this, it is possible to suppress the yawing T of the nacelle 13 generated by a gyro effect caused by yawing Ω generated in the floating body 31 by waves of the sea surface P. 1. A yawing suppressing apparatus of a wind turbine comprising:a rotor which is rotated by wind;a nacelle in which at least a rotation shaft of the rotor is accommodated;a structure body in shape of a tower, which is moored by a mooring method which does not suppress rotation and yawing around a center axis with respect to a water surface;yawing suppressing means which suppresses rotation and yawing of the nacelle with respect to the water surfacewherein the yawing suppressing means is a hydrodynamic damper in a blade shape, which suppresses yawing induced by a gyroscopic effect, which is faster than a rotation speed of the nacelle by a weathercock effect, by mutual interference with peripheral fluid, andthe hydrodynamic damper and an attachment portion thereof are directly provided on a lower portion of the structure body, and position only in water.2. The yawing suppressing apparatus of the wind turbine according to wherein the nacelle is provided on a windward side as compared with the rotor.3. The yawing suppressing apparatus of the wind turbine according to claim 2 , wherein a coning angle is given ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Integrated Tether and Mooring with Floating Platform for Energy Kite

Номер: US20180149137A1

Offshore airborne wind turbine systems with an aerial vehicle connected to an undersea anchor via a tether are disclosed. A floating landing platform may be coupled to the tether and be dragged along the surface of the water along with the tether. The landing platform may be designed such that the tether can freely pass through the platform, allowing the aerial vehicle to ascend, descend, move laterally, and in crosswind flight, without creating a significant tension load on landing platform. The landing platform may also include a tether drive mechanism that can actively move the tether through the platform, thus changing the platform's location along the length of the tether. 1. An offshore airborne wind turbine system , comprising:an aerial vehicle;an underwater anchor; an insulated electrical conductor,', 'an upper portion secured to the aerial vehicle, and', 'a lower portion secured to the underwater anchor; and, 'a tether comprisinga floating platform configured as a landing platform for the aerial vehicle, wherein the tether passes through the floating platform along a reference axis and is captured by the floating platform such that the tether is constrained in movement relative to the floating platform in a plane perpendicular to the reference axis and the tether can freely move through the floating platform along the reference axis.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aerial vehicle claim 1 , tether claim 1 , anchor claim 1 , and floating platform are arranged such that a pulling force of the aerial vehicle causes a tension load to extend through the tether between the aerial vehicle and the underwater anchor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tether is constrained in movement relative to the floating platform such that lateral movement of the aerial vehicle during flight causes a corresponding lateral force from the tether against the floating platform.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the underwater anchor is positioned at a seabed.5. The system ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Water wave-type power generating device

Номер: US20170152831A1
Автор: Kuo-Chang Huang
Принадлежит: Individual

A water wave-type power generating device is mounted on a shore, and includes a hub, a power generating unit, a transmitting track unit surrounding and movable relative to the hub along an endless course to generate a rotational force, a rotation transmitting unit coupled with the transmitting track unit and receiving the rotational force to generate the torque that is transmitted to the power generating unit by a torque transmitting unit, and a plurality of wave heading members disposed on the transmitting track unit and each having a heading surface that is subjected to waves of water in a wave ascending direction so as to actuate the movement of the transmitting track unit.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160836A1
Принадлежит: SOFEC, INC.

Disclosed embodiments relate to systems and methods for mating a wind turbine off-shore to a spar buoy without the use of a crane barge. The system may include a spar buoy, wherein the spar buoy is secured to a foundation, and a wind turbine to be installed on the spar buoy. The system may also include a first truss affixed to the top of the spar buoy and a second truss affixed to the bottom of the wind turbine. The first truss may comprise either stabbings or receptacles configured for mating to the second truss and the second truss may comprise either receptacles or stabbings configured for mating to the first truss. 1. A system for mating a wind turbine off shore to a spar buoy without the use of a crane barge , the system comprising:a spar buoy, wherein the spar buoy is secured to a foundation;a wind turbine to be installed on the spar buoy;a first truss affixed to the top of the spar buoy; anda second truss affixed to the bottom of the wind turbine, wherein the first truss comprises either stabbings or receptacles configured for mating to the second truss and the second truss comprises either receptacles or stabbings configured for mating to the first truss.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising shock absorbers.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the shock absorbers are damping springs.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising umbilicals configured to provide power and control signals.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the spar buoy is secured to a foundation using a mooring system.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one shock absorbing locking device7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the at least one shock absorbing locking device comprises at least one hydraulic cylinder claim 6 , at least one hydraulic pump claim 6 , and at least one hydraulic accumulator.8. A method of installing a wind turbine to a spar buoy while off shore without the use of a crane barge claim 6 , the method comprising:attaching a first truss to the bottom of ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152568A1

A flotation system for an offshore power generation platform comprises: multiple buoyant bodies each containing a high-pressure air and ballast water therein to create buoyancy; connecting members connecting the multiple buoyant bodies to each other; ballast water flowing tubes through which the ballast water contained in the multiple buoyant bodies flows with respect to each other; a high-pressure tank supplying the high-pressure air into the multiple buoyant bodies; a compressor replenishing air pressure present in the high-pressure tank; an equilibrium sensor sensing an equilibrium state of each of the multiple buoyant bodies and transmitting a signal; and a controller controlling, in response to the signal from the equilibrium sensor, an amount of air supplied from the high-pressure tank to the buoyant body and an amount of air discharged from the buoyant body. 1. A flotation system for an offshore power generation platform , the system being used in offshore wind power generation and the like and comprising:{'b': '100', 'multiple buoyant bodies () each containing a high-pressure air (A) and ballast water (B) therein to create buoyancy;'}{'b': 200', '100', '250, 'connecting members () connecting the multiple buoyant bodies () and a platform () to each other, the platform on which a power generation facility is provided;'}{'b': 300', '100, 'ballast water flowing tubes () through which the ballast water (B) contained in the multiple buoyant bodies () flows with respect to each other;'}{'b': 400', '100, 'a high-pressure tank () supplying the high-pressure air (A) into the multiple buoyant bodies ();'}{'b': 500', '400, 'a compressor () replenishing air pressure present in the high-pressure tank ();'}{'b': 600', '100, 'an equilibrium sensor () sensing an equilibrium state of each of the multiple buoyant bodies () and transmitting a signal;'}{'b': 700', '100, 'a pressure sensor () sensing pressure present in each of the multiple buoyant bodies () and transmitting a ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Run-of-the-river or ocean current turbine

Номер: US20140241855A1
Автор: Kyung Soo Han
Принадлежит: Differential Dynamics Corp

A run-of-the-river or ocean current turbine may comprise a hatch and a slanted block having protector ribs for directing water flow to a waterwheel. The hatch may be controlled by a plurality of Transgear™ gear assemblies for varying the amount of water flow to the waterwheel from extreme drought to flood conditions so that the waterwheel may turn at rated speeds and within a predetermined range. The Transgear gear assemblies may comprise an accumulator for accumulating a rough and a fine tuned waterwheel speed. The Transgear assemblies may comprise embodiments of power take-off switches for, for example, bi-directional or clockwise and counterclockwise waterwheel shaft rotation. The turbine may be aligned for top-feed, side-feed or bottom feed of water and may comprise a tail wing or first and second turbines facing in opposite directions to capture high and low tidal flow.

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Floating wind turbine comprising an integrated electrical substation

Номер: US20220299011A1
Автор: Udo Christiansen
Принадлежит: EnBW Energie Baden Wuerttemberg AG

The invention relates to a wind turbine having an integrated electrical substation, and to a floating offshore wind farm which are optimized in terms of capital costs, economic efficiency, and installation space requirements.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Multi-Tether Clock-Face De-Twist

Номер: US20190154003A1
Автор: Charles Nordstrom
Принадлежит: Makani Technologies LLC

Airborne turbine systems with multiple aerial vehicles connected via multiple tethers to a shared ground station are disclosed. The ground station includes a multi-tether clock-face de-twist apparatus with a de-twist element that rotates along with the looping aerial vehicles. The de-twist element may be passively rotated through torque applied via the tethers or may be actively rotated via a drive system.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

A free floating wave energy converter having variable buoyancy flexible pipe and enhanced capture width

Номер: US20170159636A1
Автор: Syed Mohammed Ghouse
Принадлежит: Individual

A free floating wave energy converter includes at least one flexible pipe, adapted to float at a surface of a body of water, having an inlet end for receiving alternating slugs of water and air when the pipe is moored facing at an angle to a wave direction in the body of water and having an outlet end in fluid communication with a power takeoff and other devices, a plurality of supports attached to the pipe at spaced apart locations, each of the supports extending traverse to a longitudinal axis of the pipe and outwardly in opposite directions and at least two inflatable tubes attached to the supports on opposite sides of the pipe extending longitudinally substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pipe, wherein the pipe is raised and lowered relative to the surface of the water by respectively inflating and deflating the tubes with a gas.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163567A1
Автор: French John

Various multi-stage radial turbine configurations that provide highly efficient momentum transfer between a fluid and the mechanical interface in both power producing and power consuming undertakings. 117.-. (canceled)18. A turbine system configured for use i) in a power system for a vehicle , ii) in a power-generating wind turbine system , iii) in a pump , iv) in a compressor , v) as a component of an internal combustion engine. or vi) in a hydroelectric generator , said turbine system comprising a collector , a distributor , a first multi-vane radial turbine stage rotatable about an axis , said rotation of said first multi-vane radial turbine stage configured to generate rotational output , said collector configured to capture and direct a portion of a freely flowing fluid to said distributor , said distributor configured to distribute and turn said flowing fluid from said collector into a radially outward flow that is oriented into an entrance of said first multi-vane radial turbine stage , said turned flowing fluid contacting a plurality of vanes on said first multi-vane radial turbine stage as said turned flowing fluid flows radially outward from said axis to thereby cause said first multi-vane radial turbine stage to rotate about said axis.19. The turbine system as defined in claim 18 , wherein said distributor is configured to split said fluid received from said collector into a plurality of fluid streams claim 18 , at least a first and second fluid stream from said distributor directed radially outwardly from said axis of said first multi-vane radial turbine stage.20. The turbine system as defined in claim 18 , further including a diverter movable between closed and open positions and configured to selectively divert at least a portion of said fluid flowing from said distributor away from said first multi-vane radial turbine stage and to at least partially act as an obstruction in said flowing fluid.21. The turbine system as defined in claim 18 , wherein ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Multi-resonant feedback control of multiple degree-of-freedom wave energy converters

Номер: US20180164755A1

Multi-resonant control of a 3 degree-of-freedom (heave-pitch-surge) wave energy converter enables energy capture that can be in the order of three times the energy capture of a heave-only wave energy converter. The invention uses a time domain feedback control strategy that is optimal based on the criteria of complex conjugate control. The multi-resonant control can also be used to shift the harvested energy from one of the coupled modes to another, enabling the elimination of one of the actuators otherwise required in a 3 degree-of-freedom wave energy converter. This feedback control strategy does not require wave prediction; it only requires the measurement of the buoy position and velocity.

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Autonomous sustainable wind unit, multi-blade reticular rotor, energy accumulator and energy converter and uses

Номер: US20190162167A1
Принадлежит: Individual

All models are similar and the needed materials are conventional.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307459A1
Принадлежит: Lone Gull Holdings, Ltd.

Disclosed is a system for deploying, stationing, and translocating buoyant wind- and wave-energy converters and/or other buoyant structures or devices, as well as farms of same. Also disclosed is a novel apparatus and/or machine comprising a farm of buoyant wave energy converters deployed by said method and/or configured to be deployed by said method. 1. A geographically reconfigurable wave-powered computing network , comprising:a plurality of buoyant wave energy converters;an automated system for controlling a location of the wave energy converters, at least a subset of the wave energy converters configured for generating electrical power from wave motion, said at least a subset of wave energy converters being self-propelled;propulsion units in communication with the automated system, said propulsion units configured to move the network of wave energy converters in response to commands from the automated system; anda plurality of computers on the wave energy converters, the plurality of computers powered by a portion of electrical energy generated by the wave energy converters;wherein the geographically reconfigurable wave-powered computing network transfers data among the wave energy converters during migration of the wave energy converters across a body of water.2. The geographically reconfigurable wave-powered computing network of claim 1 , wherein the propulsion units include a propeller situated below a surface of the body of water.3. The geographically reconfigurable wave-powered computing network of claim 1 , wherein the propulsion units include wave-driven propulsive flaps.4. The geographically reconfigurable wave-powered computing network of claim 1 , wherein the automated system relies on GPS satellite data to identify a current location of the wave energy converters.5. The geographically reconfigurable wave-powered computing network of claim 1 , wherein electrical energy generated by the wave energy converters is pooled among the network of wave energy ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199091A1

A floating heat pump system including a superstructure supporting a wind turbine and at least one electric generator mechanically connected to the wind turbine. Wind-induced rotation of the wind turbine causes the electric generator to generate electricity. The generated electricity may be supplied to a power grid, or a portion of the generated electricity may be used to power a heat pump also supported at least in part by the superstructure to extract heat from the ocean or another large body of water. The heat may be stored in transportable thermal storage medium. Heat stored in the thermal storage media may be used at the system or remotely for regional or district heating and cooling, industrial purposes, or to generate electricity. 1. A heat pump system comprising:a superstructure;a wind turbine supported by the superstructure;an electric generator supported by the superstructure and mechanically connected to the wind turbine; wherein wind-induced rotation of the wind turbine causes the electric generator to generate electricity; anda heat pump supported at least in part by the superstructure, the heat pump comprising a cold circuit heat exchanger in thermal contact with a heat source, wherein the heat pump is configured to be powered by electricity generated by the electric generator.2. The heat pump system of wherein the superstructure comprises a plurality of interconnected space frame modules.3. The heat pump system of wherein the superstructure further comprises:a base portion; anda tower portion extending upward from the base portion.4. The heat pump system of wherein the superstructure comprises a floating superstructure and the heat source is ocean water.5. The heat pump system of wherein the superstructure is mounted to land claim 1 , and the heat source is subterranean.6. The heat pump system of wherein the superstructure is supported by a buoyancy system comprising:a plurality of legs depending downward from the base; anda plurality of pontoons ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Floating structure for wind turbine and method of intalling same

Номер: US20180170488A1
Принадлежит: Esteyco SAP, SEA WIND TOWERS SL

Floating construction comprising: a flotation base including at least one essentially hollow body selectively fillable with ballast, where the maximum horizontal dimension of the flotation base is greater than the maximum vertical dimension of the flotation base; a building supported by said flotation base, comprising preferably a telescopic tower; downward impelling means; and at least three retaining cables, the corresponding upper ends thereof being attached to said flotation base, preferably at peripheral positions of the flotation base, and the corresponding lower ends thereof being attached to said downward impelling means, such that said retaining cables are tensioned and exert on said flotation base a downward force that increases the stability of the floating construction. And the installation method for this floating construction.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170490A1

Disclosed is a floating wind turbine assembly, including a floating platform and a wind turbine arranged on top of the floating platform, the wind turbine having a mast with a mast axis, of which a lower end is connected to the floating platform, and a nacelle arranged on top of the mast, wherein the floating platform is connected to a seafloor with a plurality of tensioned mooring lines, wherein the mooring lines each include a mooring line axis extending in a longitudinal direction of the mooring line, wherein the mooring line axes intersect each other at a crossing position on the mast axis and at an elevation level at or above the nacelle, as well as a method for mooring such a floating wind turbine assembly. 112-. (canceled)131213345678813. Floating wind turbine assembly () , comprising a floating platform () with at least three radial buoyancy tanks () and a wind turbine () arranged on top of the floating platform , the wind turbine having a mast () with a mast axis (X) , of which a lower end () is connected to the floating platform , and a nacelle () arranged on top of the mast , wherein the floating platform is connected to a seafloor () with a plurality of tensioned mooring lines () , wherein the mooring lines each comprise a mooring line axis (A) extending in a longitudinal direction of the mooring line , wherein each mooring line () comprises an incremental tensioning system acting on the mooring lines in such a way that the buoyancy tanks () are submerged.14813. Floating wind turbine assembly according to claim 13 , wherein the buoyancy tanks are adapted for providing a hydrostatic stability when the floating wind turbine assembly is in a towing configuration in which the buoyancy tanks pierce the sea surface claim 13 , and wherein each mooring line () comprises an incremental tensioning system adapted for gradually tensioning the mooring lines in such a way that the buoyancy tanks () are submerged from a position in which they pierce the sea surface and ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Wind Turbine With Improved Safety Features

Номер: US20170175713A1
Автор: Barber Gerald L.

The wind turbine includes a wind driven turbine wheel rotatable about a central axis that has sail wings that catch the wind and rotate the turbine wheel. An anchor has its anchor line attached to the turbine wheel at its axis of rotation to prevent tilting the wind turbine in response to high wind conditions. A set of streamers attached to the spokes at one end and including a free end wherein the free end is disposed in a space defined between two adjacent spokes when the turbine wheel is rotating. A trolley removably and slidably attached to a main anchor line, a secondary anchor line attached to the trolley and a secondary anchor; and, a drop line removably attached to the secondary anchor configured to lower the anchor to the main anchor so that the trolley, secondary anchor line and secondary anchor is configured to provide an anchor support structure for the main anchor. 1. A wind turbine assembly for generating electricity , comprising:a floatable support configured for floating in a body of water;a wind turbine wheel mounted on the floatable support having a circular rim disposed at its perimeter and having an axle structure;a set of sail wings extending radially from the axle structure;an electrical generator supported by the floatable support and configured to engage with the turbine wheel for generating electricity in response to the rotation of the turbine wheel;a set of spokes included in the turbine wheel support extending from the center of the turbine wheel to the circular rim of the turbine wheel;a set of streamers attached to the spokes at one end and including a free end wherein the free end is disposed in a space defined between two adjacent spokes when the turbine wheel is rotating;a buoy connected to a main anchor by a main anchor line;a docking line attached to the floatable support and the buoy for securing the floatable support to the buoy configured to allow the floatable support to rotate about the buoy so that the turbine wheel is ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Airborne Wind Turbine Tower

Номер: US20190177006A1

An example system includes an aerial vehicle, a tower, a tether, a gimbal assembly coupled to the tower, and a ring or landing surface coupled to the tower. The tether is connected between the gimbal assembly and the aerial vehicle. When the aerial vehicle is not in flight, the aerial vehicle may hang from the tether or park on the landing surface. In some embodiments, the ring or landing surface may support the tether away from the tower to prevent the aerial vehicle from contacting the tower. In some examples, the tower may include a lattice structure and guy wires, in other examples the tower may be tubular, while in other examples the tower may be a buoy. 1. A system , comprising:a tower extending upwards from a surface;a gimbal assembly coupled to the tower above the surface, wherein the gimbal assembly is configured to move in multiple axes relative to the tower;a ring coupled about the tower between the surface and the gimbal assembly, wherein the ring extends radially from the tower a first radial distance; andan aerial vehicle configured for at least a power generating flight mode and a parked mode, wherein the aerial vehicle is coupled to the gimbal assembly via a tether, wherein in power generating flight mode the aerial vehicle flies downwind from the tower, wherein in parked mode the aerial vehicle hangs from the tether such that the tether supports the weight of the vehicle, and wherein in parked mode the ring is configured to contact the tether at a contact point along the tether.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when in parked mode claim 1 , a first linear distance along a length of the tether from the contact point to a furthest end of the aerial vehicle from the tether is less than the first radial distance claim 1 , such that the aerial vehicle is prevented from contacting the tower.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein during power generating flight mode the aerial vehicle flies between a minimum flight altitude and a maximum flight ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Controlling Motion of Floating Ground Station

Номер: US20190178228A1

System and methods for controlling the oscillation of floating ground stations in aerial wind turbine systems are disclosed. Thrusters on the ground station or on one or more aerial vehicles associated with the ground station apply a compensatory force to the oscillating ground station to reduce and/or substantially eliminate wave-induced oscillations. Submerged thrusters may also rotate the ground station to a preferred alignment direction with the waves. Additionally, control systems use environmental and/or positional sensor data to develop a predictive force profile that maps desired compensatory force magnitude versus time. The control systems use that predictive force profile to direct the thrusters to apply a varying compensatory force over time. 1. A method comprising:determining an oscillation profile of a floating airborne wind turbine ground station, wherein the oscillation profile comprises a period of oscillation and an amplitude, wherein the ground station is coupled to an airborne wind turbine aerial vehicle; andapplying a compensatory force to the ground station sufficient to reduce the amplitude of the oscillation profile, wherein the compensatory force varies over time in a periodic manner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aerial vehicle applies the compensatory force to the ground station.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the aerial vehicle is coupled to the ground station via a tether claim 2 , and wherein the aerial vehicle applies the compensatory force to the ground station via the tether.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ground station comprises at least one submerged thruster claim 1 , wherein the at least one submerged thruster applies the compensatory force to the ground station.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aerial vehicle is coupled to the ground station via a tether claim 1 , wherein the ground station comprises at least one submerged thruster claim 1 , and wherein the aerial vehicle and the at least one submerged ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170184072A1

A device (OWC Oscillating Water Column) for capturing wave energy, the upper part of which contains a pressure accumulator () connected to the atmosphere through a unidirectional outlet turbine () and a vacuum accumulator () connected to the atmosphere through a unidirectional inlet turbine (). The lower portion is formed by at least one block, where each block is made up of a structural column (), which when submerged in the water gives rise to a water column () and an air chamber () in the upper portion. Each block is connected to the pressure accumulator () through a non-return intake valve (), and to the vacuum accumulator () through a non-return exhaust valve (), and having an inlet () arranged in the lower portion of each structural column (). 1. A device for capturing wave energy , of the oscillating water column (OWC) sort , comprising: a pressure accumulator connected to the atmosphere through a unidirectional outlet turbine, which encloses an air volume with a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, and', 'a vacuum accumulator connected to the atmosphere through a unidirectional inlet turbine, which encloses an air volume with a pressure less than atmospheric pressure,, 'an upper part that comprises'} a water column in the lower portion, and', 'an air chamber in the upper portion, over the water column,, 'a lower part that comprises at least one block, which comprises in turn a structural column having an inlet in the lower portion, which when submerged in the water gives rise to'}wherein the air chamber of each block is connected to the pressure accumulator through a non-return intake valve, and to the vacuum accumulator through a non-return exhaust valve,and wherein the pressure and vacuum accumulators are air manifolds, inhaling and exhaling through the blocks, and at the same time damping sudden changes in pressure.2. The device for capturing wave energy according to claim 1 , wherein the lower part comprises a plurality of blocks.3. The device for ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214058A1

Described herein is an unmanned water vehicle comprising two or more hulls, a retractable sensor apparatus, a wireless communications device, a steerable drive apparatus, a mobility and control module providing operation of the unmanned water vehicle, and a power system comprising: one or more solar panels and an energy storage device, wherein the unmanned water vehicle is capable of continuous operation for a period of at least 3 months. 1. An unmanned water vehicle comprising:(a) two or more hulls;(b) a deck coupled between the two or more hulls; (i) a wireless communications device;', '(ii) a steerable drive apparatus; and', '(iii) a mobility and control module providing operation of the unmanned water vehicle in a remote piloted mode, a semi-autonomous mode, and a fully autonomous mode; and, '(c) a mobility and control system comprising (i) one or more solar panels; and', '(ii) an energy storage device receiving energy from the one or more solar panels;, '(b) a power system comprisingthe power system enabling continuous operation of the unmanned water vehicle for a period of at least 3 months.2. The unmanned water vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising an above-water sensor coupled to one or more of the two or more hulls claim 1 , the deck claim 1 , or both.3. The unmanned water vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the above-water sensor comprises an acoustic sensor claim 2 , a RADAR claim 2 , a LiDAR claim 2 , a thermometer claim 2 , a barometer claim 2 , a pitot tube claim 2 , a pH meter claim 2 , a salinity meter claim 2 , a conductivity sensor claim 2 , a depth sensor claim 2 , wave height sensor claim 2 , a camera claim 2 , an infrared camera claim 2 , an inertial reference system claim 2 , a magnetic compass claim 2 , a magnetometer claim 2 , or any combination thereof.4. The unmanned water vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the camera comprises a 360-degree panoramic camera.5. The unmanned water vehicle of claim 3 , further comprising a data storage system to store ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170191465A1
Автор: Pitre John

A platform-like device for generating electricity from moving fluids has two has at least two fluid turbines coupled to one another through a frame. The fluid turbines are adapted to rotate in opposite directions. The fluid turbines also provide buoyancy for the platform so that the platform is self supporting in the water. The fluid turbines preferably have helicoid flights (screw-like threads) mounted to generally prolate casings. The fluid turbines preferably connect to electric generators through belt, chain-drive, or other transmission systems. The platform may additional support a wind turbine. 1. An electricity-generating platform having a buoyancy , comprising:(A) a frame; (i) a first of the at least two fluid turbines is adapted to rotate in a first direction around its axis of rotation, and', '(ii) a second of the at least two fluid turbines is adapted to rotate in a second direction around its axis of rotation, said second direction being opposite the first direction; and, '(B) at least two fluid turbines, each fluid turbine coupled to the frame and adapted to rotate about an axis when placed in a stream of flowing water, said fluid turbines collectively providing a substantial majority of the buoyancy for the platform, wherein'}(C) at least one electric generator coupled to at least one of the at least two fluid turbines and adapted to generate electricity in response to rotation of the at least one of the at least two fluid turbines.2. A platform as in wherein the fluid turbines collectively provide substantially all of the buoyancy for the platform.3. A platform as in wherein the platform buoyancy is configured to bias the frame to a position where the at least one generator is above the water line.4. A platform as in wherein said at least one electric generator comprises at least one generator for each of the at least two fluid turbines.5. A platform as in wherein said at least one electric generator comprises at least two generators for each fluid ...
