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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Long-Distance Target Detection Camera System

Номер: US20120002016A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Institute of Technology NUC

A long-distance target detection camera system for detecting a long-distance target includes a pair of convergence cameras capable of performing convergence movement. The system further includes a telephoto camera having a line of sight substantially equal to the trace line of the intersection between the lines of sight of the pair of convergence cameras and having a narrower visual field than that of each of the pair of convergence cameras. The system further includes a base on which the pair of convergence cameras and the telephoto camera are installed. The system further includes a motor for base movement that controls the movement of the base.

10-12-2016 дата публикации

Метамерический датчик трехмерной навигации

Номер: RU0000166757U1

Полезная модель относится к области получения цифровых изображений и касается метамерического датчика трехмерной навигации. Датчик включает в себя источник света и размещенные в корпусе: блок управления, соединенный с источником света, объектив, блок памяти, а также последовательно соединенные датчик изображения, блок обработки сигнала и дисплей. Кроме того, датчик содержит блок фотоэлементов, который через блок обработки сигнала соединен с блоком управления источником света. Блок обработки сигнала соединен с блоком памяти, который имеет обратную связь с блоком обработки сигнала. Объектив соединен с датчиком изображения. Техническим результатом является в упрощение конструкции устройства. 1 з.п. ф-лы,1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 757 U1 (51) МПК G01C 3/08 (2006.01) H04N 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016127997/28, 11.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.07.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Копылов Андрей Михайлович (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.07.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2016 Бюл. № 34 1 6 6 7 5 7 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Метамерический датчик трехмерной навигации, содержащий источник света и размещенные в корпусе: блок управления, соединенный с источником света, объектив, блок памяти, а также последовательно соединенные датчик изображения, блок обработки сигнала и дисплей, причем блок обработки сигнала соединен с блоком памяти, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит блок фотоэлементов, при этом блок фотоэлементов через блок обработки сигнала соединен с блоком управления источником света, блок памяти имеет обратную связь с блоком обработки сигнала, а объектив соединен с датчиком изображения. 2. Метамерический датчик трехмерной навигации по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что источник света выполнен в виде светодиодного RGB прожектора с видимым спектром излучения. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ...

07-04-2017 дата публикации

Оптико-электронный модуль с защитой фотоприёмного тракта от воздействия лазерного излучения

Номер: RU0000169946U1

Полезная модель относится к области оптического приборостроения, в частности к элементам защиты самих оптико-электронных приборов от воздействия лоцирующего лазерного излучения.Оптико-электронный модуль, содержит общее входное окно, видеокамеру с объективом, фотоприемной матрицей и блоком формирования изображения, лазерный дальномер с объективом, фотоприемником и блоком управления лазером, синхрогенератор, первый выход которого подключен к входу блока формирования изображения, а второй выход подключен к входу блока управления лазером.Технический результат заключается в повышении защиты фотоприемного тракта видеокамеры при ее совместной работе с лазерным дальномером как от внутриприборных засветок, так и от излучения, отраженного от объектов, находящихся в непосредственной близости от устройства. Другим техническим результатом является упрощение конструкции устройства. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 946 U1 (51) МПК G02F 1/01 (2006.01) G02B 23/02 (2006.01) G01C 3/08 (2006.01) G01S 7/483 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016100575, 11.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.01.2016 07.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.01.2016 Адрес для переписки: 194044, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чугунная, 14, АО "ГИРООПТИКА", генеральному директору И.В. Поповой (73) Патентообладатель(и): Российская Федерация, от имени которой выступает Министерство Обороны Российской Федерации (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2398252 C2 27.08.2010;SU (57) Формула полезной модели Оптико-электронный модуль, содержащий входное окно, корпус, в котором размещены: видеокамера, включающая телевизионный объектив, фотоприёмную матрицу и блок формирования изображения, лазерный дальномер, включающий объектив, плоское зеркало с осевым отверстием, фотоприемник и блок управления лазером, отличающийся тем, что введён синхрогенератор ...

22-08-2018 дата публикации

Твердотельный моноимпульсный лазер

Номер: RU0000182530U1

Полезная модель относится к лазерной технике, а именно к импульсным твердотельным лазерам. Заявленный твердотельный моноимпульсный лазер содержит оптический источник накачки, два активных элемента с теплоотводами, расположенных параллельно источнику накачки симметрично относительно его оси, резонатор, образованный глухим и полупрозрачным зеркалами, и оборачивающую призму с нечетным числом отражений. Оборачивающая призма установлена так, что ее основание обращено к торцам активных элементов и ориентировано параллельно им. Оборачивающая призма в сечении, лежащем в плоскости, содержащей оптические оси активных элементов, выполнена в виде равнобедренной трапеции, причем у верхней грани оборачивающей призмы, противоположной основанию и параллельной ему, введен зеркальный отражатель, совместно с оборачивающей призмой образующий оборачивающую систему, а ширина основания трапеции а и высота h оборачивающей системы связаны соотношениемгдеα>α- угол между основанием оборачивающей призмы и ее боковой гранью;а - ширина основания оборачивающей призмы в плоскости, содержащей оси активных элементов;b - расстояние между оптическими осями активных элементов (база);=arcsin 1/n - угол полного внутреннего отражения;n - показатель преломления материала оборачивающей призмы;Δb - допуск на несоосность активных элементов относительно оптической оси резонатора. Технический результат - увеличение выходной энергии лазерного излучения, повышение однородности энергии в сечении лазерного пучка и обеспечение стабильности направления лазерного пучка в процессе работы лазера. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3илл РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 530 U1 (51) МПК H01S 3/02 (2006.01) G01C 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01S 3/02 (2018.02); G01C 3/08 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017145023, 21.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 22.08.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 22.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 1 8 2 5 3 ...

22-08-2018 дата публикации

Двухканальный моноимпульсный лазер

Номер: RU0000182532U1

Полезная модель относится к лазерной технике, а именно к импульсным твердотельным лазерам. Заявленный двухканальный моноимпульсный лазер содержит оптический источник накачки, два активных элемента с теплоотводами, расположенных параллельно источнику накачки симметрично относительно его оси, резонатор, образованный глухим и полупрозрачным зеркалами, и оборачивающую призму. Причем оборачивающая призма установлена так, что ее основание обращено к торцам активных элементов и ориентировано параллельно им. Глухое зеркало резонатора выполнено в виде призмы полного внутреннего отражения. Оборачивающая призма в сечении, лежащем в плоскости, содержащей оптические оси активных элементов, выполнена в виде равнобедренной трапеции, причем, на верхнюю грань оборачивающей призмы, противоположную основанию и параллельную ему, установлена призма-крыша, гипотенузная грань которой параллельна верхней грани оборачивающей призмы. Ребро между катетными гранями призмы-крыши лежит в плоскости, содержащей оптические оси активных элементов, а ширина основания а оборачивающей призмы и суммарная высота h оборачивающей системы, состоящей из оборачивающей призмы с призмой-крышей, связаны соотношением где α>α пво - угол между основанием оборачивающей призмы и ее боковой гранью; а - ширина основания оборачивающей призмы в плоскости, содержащей оси активных элементов; b - расстояние между оптическими осями активных элементов (база); α пво =arcsin 1/n - угол полного внутреннего отражения; n - показатель преломления материала оборачивающей призмы и призмы-крыши; Δb - допуск на несоосность активных элементов относительно оптической оси резонатора. Технический результат - повышение выходной энергии лазера при улучшении однородности энергии в сечении лазерного пучка и устранении его отклонения в процессе работы лазера. 6з.п. ф-лы; 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 532 U1 (51) МПК H01S 3/02 (2006.01) G01C 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Импульсное приемное устройство

Номер: RU0000192302U1

Полезная модель относится к технике обнаружения сигналов при воздействии помех, например, в лазерной дальнометрии или в системах охранной сигнализации. Импульсное приемное устройство содержит приемник с таймером, задающим пределы рабочего времени приема. Кроме того введены коммутатор режима времени, снабженный счетчиком времени, и счетчик недостоверных измерений, связанный с выходом приемника, а также введено решающее устройство, включенное на выходе счетчика недостоверных измерений. Счетчик недостоверных измерений может включать селектор пропусков и селектор ложных тревог, включенные на выходе приемника, при этом на входе селектора пропусков введен задатчик правильных результатов. Технический результат заключается в сокращении времени испытаний при обеспечении минимального разброса результатов и без ущерба для ресурса изделия. 1 з.п. ф-лы. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 302 U1 (51) МПК G01C 3/00 (2006.01) G06F 17/18 (2006.01) G01J 1/44 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01J 1/44 (2019.05); G01C 3/00 (2019.05); G01S 17/02 (2019.05); G06F 17/18 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019121405, 09.07.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 12.09.2019 Бюл. № 26 1 9 2 3 0 2 R U (54) Импульсное приемное устройство (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к технике обнаружения сигналов при воздействии помех, например, в лазерной дальнометрии или в системах охранной сигнализации. Импульсное приемное устройство содержит приемник с таймером, задающим пределы рабочего времени приема. Кроме того введены коммутатор режима времени, снабженный счетчиком времени, и счетчик недостоверных измерений, связанный с выходом приемника, а также введено решающее устройство, включенное на выходе счетчика Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2655006 C1, 23.05.2018. RU 2288454 C2, 27.11.2006. RU 165106 U1, 10.10.2016. US ...

31-07-2020 дата публикации

Система считывания вертикального угла положения тахеометра

Номер: RU0000198897U1

Полезная модель относится к области приборостроения, в частности к геодезическим приборам - электронным тахеометрам. Система считывания вертикального угла положения тахеометра содержит цапфы 1 и 2 с прецизионными подшипниками качения 3, лагеры 5 и 10, а также датчик кругового положения 7, закрепленный на колонке 8, состоящий из лимба 6 и оправы лимба 4, которая установлена на торце А цапфы 2. Цапфы 1 и 2 закреплены на картере тахеометра 9, на цапфы 1 и 2 установлены подшипники 3, на подшипники установлены лагеры 5 и 10, которые, в свою очередь, закреплены на колонке 8. В подшипниках выбраны зазоры и создан преднатяг. Торец А цапфы 2 имеет минимальное биение относительно колонки 8, как радиальное, так и осевое.Таким образом, система считывания вертикального угла положения тахеометра обеспечивает повышение плавности поворота картера 9 относительно колонки 7 и устраняет возможность появления люфта или смещения оси вращения картера тахеометра на все время эксплуатации, наряду с применением инкрементного энкодера на фотоэлектрическом принципе действия, повышает точность измерения углов в целом.1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 897 U1 (51) МПК G01C 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01C 3/00 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019140610, 10.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 31.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 31.07.2020 Бюл. № 22 (54) Система считывания вертикального угла положения тахеометра (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области выбраны зазоры и создан преднатяг. Торец А приборостроения, в частности к геодезическим цапфы 2 имеет минимальное биение относительно приборам - электронным тахеометрам. Система колонки 8, как радиальное, так и осевое. считывания вертикального угла положения Таким образом, система считывания тахеометра содержит цапфы 1 и 2 с вертикального угла положения тахеометра прецизионными подшипниками качения ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Distance measuring device and method for measuring distance

Номер: US20120013885A1
Принадлежит: PixArt Imaging Inc

A distance measuring device having a measuring range and configured for measuring a distance of at least an object located in the measuring range is provided. The distance measuring device includes a light emitting component, a diffusing component, an adjusting component and an image sensing component. The light emitting component is configured for emitting a light beam. The diffusing component is disposed on a transmission path of the light beam and is configured for transforming the light beam into a measuring light beam with a specific pattern to irradiate the object. The adjusting component is configured for adjusting an incidence angle and an incidence location of the light beam striking at the diffusing component. The image sensing component has a field of view covering the measuring range. The distance measuring device has a far measurable distance. A method for measuring distance and another distance measuring device are also provided.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Optical Receiver Lens and Optical Distance Measuring Device

Номер: US20120013918A1

An optical receiver lens has a three-dimensional lens surface, for receiving the laser radiation of a laser distance measuring device, said laser radiation being reflected at an object, wherein the receiver lens can be described in a three-dimensional coordinate system having three axes x, y, z arranged at right angles with respect to one another and wherein the z-axis coincides with the optical axis of the receiver lens. At least one non-spherical area section of the lens surface can be described by addition of a first area, the flexure of which along the z-axis is a first function (f 1 ) of x and y, in particular of (I) and a second area, the flexure of which along the z-axis is a second function (f 2 ) of x and not of y. A distance measuring device is also described.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Optical payload with integrated laser rangefinder and target designator

Номер: US20120038901A1
Принадлежит: Flir Systems Inc

A compact optical payload for an unmanned aircraft includes two infrared cameras for wide and narrow field viewing, a daylight color camera, a laser pointer and a laser range finder.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus, imaging method, and program

Номер: US20120062694A1
Автор: Hirokazu Muramatsu
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An imaging apparatus ( 1 ) comprises: a camera ( 100 ) ( 101 ) for generating a plurality of differently exposed images with parallax; an image brightness adjuster ( 200 ) ( 201 ) for adjusting the brightness of a plurality of images based on the exposure; a matching unit ( 21 ) ( 22 ) for using a plurality of brightness-adjusted images to perform matching between the images, and determining matching information; a distance calculator ( 31 ) for determining the distance to a given subject based on matching information; a position corrector ( 24 ) for correcting positions in an image with parallax so as to eliminate the parallax from the image with parallax, based on the matching information; and a wide dynamic range image generator ( 32 ) for combining a plurality of differently exposed images in which positions are corrected by the position corrector ( 24 ), and thereby generating an image having a wider dynamic range than images imaged by the camera ( 100 ) ( 101 ).

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Laser distance measurement apparatus

Номер: US20120062867A1
Автор: Kazuhiro Shibatani
Принадлежит: Konica Minolta Opto Inc

A laser-radar distance measurement apparatus for measuring the distance between two arbitrary points on a measurement target in a non-contact fashion has a light emitter, a light receiver, a scanner, and a calculation controller. The light emitter emits laser light. The scanner deflects the laser light from the light emitter to irradiate with the laser light the two arbitrary points on the measurement target one after the other, and performs one-dimensional scanning along a straight line including the two arbitrary points. The light receiver receives the laser light reflected from the two arbitrary points to output signals respectively. The calculation controller calculates the distance between the two arbitrary points based on the signals output from the light receiver and operation information on the scanner.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Device for optically scanning and measuring an environment

Номер: US20120069325A1
Принадлежит: Faro Technologies Inc

With a device for optically scanning and measuring an environment which is designed as a laser scanner, with a light emitter, which emits an emission light beam, with a light receiver which receives a reception light beam which is reflected by an object in the surroundings of the laser scanner or scattered otherwise, with a control and evaluation unit which determines the distance to the object for a multitude of measuring points, wherein the emission light beam is a superposition of three laser beams having different wave lengths, which define the three-dimensional color space.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Laser-based coordinate measuring device and laser-based method for measuring coordinates

Номер: US20120099096A1
Принадлежит: Faro Technologies Inc

A laser based coordinate measuring device measures a position of a remote target. The laser based coordinate measuring device includes a stationary portion, a rotatable portion, and at least a first optical fiber. The stationary portion has at least a first laser radiation source and at least a first optical detector, and the rotatable portion is rotatable with respect to the stationary portion. The first optical fiber system, which optically interconnects the first laser radiation source and the first optical detector with an emission end of the first optical fiber system, has the emission end disposed on the rotatable portion. The emission end emits laser radiation to the remote target and receives laser radiation reflected from the remote target with the emission direction of the laser radiation being controlled according to the rotation of the rotatable portion.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Distance detecting induction device

Номер: US20120229797A1
Принадлежит: Shanghai Kohler Electronics Ltd

A distance detection induction device 100 comprises a housing 1, a condensing lens 2, a circuit board 3 having multiple electronic components, an infrared light emitting means 4, a light receiving means 5 for receiving and sensing the reflected infrared light. The housing 1 comprises a main body 10 and two round openings 11 and 12 on the top of the main body 10. The condensing lens 2 has an emitting lens 21 and a receiving lens 22 respectively located at the two round openings 11 and 12. The circuit board 3 bearing multiple electronic components for processing signal is mounted inside the main body 10. The infrared light emitting means 4 is to be infrared light-emitting diodes, emitting the infrared light to the emitting lens 21. The infrared light receiving means 5 is to be distance detecting sensing module, sensing the reflected light focused by the receiving lens 22. A connection part 23 having at least a bending part is set between the emitting lens 21 and the receiving lens 22. The distance detection induction device of the present invention has higher positioning precision and can enhance the induction performance of the whole device.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for obtaining 3-dimensional content

Номер: US20120242829A1
Автор: Yungwoo Jung, Yunsup Shin

An apparatus for obtaining 3D content is provided. The apparatus comprises: a lighting unit for outputting a lighting pattern having coordinate information; a depth sensor for receiving a returning beam output from the lighting unit and reflected from an object; a 2D image capturing unit for obtaining a second-dimensional image; a data processor for calculating the depth of each region using the distribution of characteristics represented on an image obtained by the depth sensor, and processing the 2D image data obtained by the 2D image capturing unit and the calculated depth data and encoding the same according to a predetermined format; and a controller for controlling the lighting unit, the 2D image capturing unit, and the data processor. The lighting unit comprises a light source and an optical element comprising a plurality of sub-grid regions for modulating beams coming from the light source.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods for measuring and modeling the structural health of pressure vessels based on electronic distance measurements

Номер: US20120250004A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods are disclosed wherein the structural health of a civil structure, pressure vessel, or the like is measured by electronic distance measurement (EDM) from a plurality of stable locations to a plurality of cardinal points on the structure in a methodical manner. By measuring the coordinates of the cardinal points, the dynamic and long-term static behavior of the structure provide an indication of the health of the structure. Analyses includes: comparison to a Finite Element Model (FEM); comparison to historical data; and modeling based on linearity, hysteresis, symmetry, creep, damping coefficient, and harmonic analysis.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Laser tracker with enhanced illumination indicators

Номер: US20120262699A1
Автор: Kenneth Steffey
Принадлежит: Faro Technologies Inc

A coordinate measurement device includes: first and second angle measuring devices; a distance meter; a position detector; a first collection of illuminators rotatable about the first axis and fixed with respect to the second axis, the first collection configured to provide a first light selected from among at least two different colors of light in a visible spectrum, the first collection configured to make the first light visible from first and second points along the second axis and external to the device, the first and second points on opposite sides of the device; a second collection of illuminators rotatable about the first and second axes, the second collection configured to provide at least a second light selected from among two different colors of illumination in the visible spectrum; and a processor configured to provide a pattern of illumination for the first and second collections.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Laser distance meter

Номер: US20120300189A1
Автор: Alexey V. Gulunov
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a laser distance meter with expanded functions, comprising a module for measuring distance, area and volume, wherein an optical axis of said module is fixed relative to a fastening point on a tripod and relative to a distance reference point, said meter also comprising a signal evaluation circuit, a microcomputer, a memory, a control panel, a screen and a battery. According to the invention, a module is provided for marking the reference axes using a pendulum and a laser fastened to the pendulum, said module, in addition to the module for measuring distance, area and volume, able to be connected for displaying the position of the axes.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Information mapping approaches

Номер: US20120320089A1
Автор: Keith Kreft
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods, systems and applications for updating, enhancing, organizing, and utilizing geographic maps, for locating points of interest and places of businesses, or POI's. Embodiments provide a method for collecting geo-coordinate data on POIs by eliciting participation of the business owners or designated employees to identify the specific locations of POI's on a map; a map program which synchronizes to a centralized database where POI and other more frequently changing and time-dependent map information is downloaded to individual users; a map program, where in addition to the standard contact information, “qualitative” information and website links are included in an POI information box to aid in pre-qualifying a POI before selection and in booking a reservation; a method for locating markers on an Internet-based search engine map; and an improved contact management system that allows locations of contacts to be viewed on a map while minimizing address geocoding.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Rangefinder With Head Covering Attachments

Номер: US20120327389A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A rangefinder with a head covering attachment comprising a housing, where the housing includes a front face, a back face, a first side wall, a second side wall, a top surface and a bottom surface; a laser window on the front face; a reader window next to the laser window on the front face; a lens attached to a side of the front face at a bottom edge, where the lens moves from an open position to a closed position; a hinge to fasten the lens to the housing; a receiving means positioned on the top surface; and a clip, where the clip includes a top arm and a bottom arm; wherein the clip connects to the receiving means to thereby attach the housing to a bill of the head covering to position the rangefinder directly in front of a user's face.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Information acquiring device and object detecting device

Номер: US20130002859A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

Laser light emitted from a laser light source is converted into light having a dot pattern by a projection optical system for projection onto a target area. The projection optical system is configured such that the density of dots in a peripheral portion of the dot pattern is smaller than that in a center portion of the dot pattern in the target area. A dot pattern captured by irradiating a dot pattern onto a reference plane is divided into segment areas. A distance to each segment area is acquired by matching between dots in each segment area, and a dot pattern acquired by capturing an image of the target area at the time of distance measurement. The segment areas are set such that a segment area in the peripheral portion of the dot pattern is larger than a segment area in the center portion of the dot pattern.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Camera distance measurement device

Номер: US20130002861A1
Автор: Tatsuya Mitsugi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A camera distance measurement device displays an image in which a plurality of graduation lines which are arranged in the form of a grid with respect to a vehicle is superimposed on a camera image which is captured by a camera mounted to the vehicle on a display unit, and estimates a distance in a direction of the width of the vehicle, and a distance in a direction of the capturing by the camera from a unit distance defined for each grid side of the graduation lines.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Laser rangefinder

Номер: US20130077081A1
Автор: Hong-Yu Lin
Принадлежит: Individual

A laser rangefinder of the present invention is utilized for detecting and displaying the distance user interests in. The laser rangefinder has a range detector and an angle detector. Thus, the laser rangefinder is able to detecting a distance between an object and the laser rangefinder and an oblique angle thereof. The laser rangefinder further has a micro processor which provides a horizontal distance according to the distance and the angle detected above. As such, the laser rangefinder can show up with the horizontal distance between the object and the laser rangefinder without disturbance of oblique thereof.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083309A1

An apparatus and method of correcting an image are provided. The apparatus includes a receiver to receive a depth value and a luminous intensity, the depth value and the luminous intensity being measured by at least one depth sensor, and a correction unit to read a correction depth value of a plurality of correction depth values mapped to different depth values and different luminous intensities from a first storage unit and to correct the measured depth value using the read correction depth value, the correction depth value being mapped to the measured depth value and the measured luminous intensity. 1. An apparatus to correct an image , the apparatus comprising:a receiver to receive a depth value and a luminous intensity, the depth value and the luminous intensity being measured by at least one depth sensor;a first storage unit storing a plurality of correction depth values mapped to different depth values and different luminous intensities; anda correction unit to read one of the correction depth values from the first storage unit and to correct the measured depth value using the read correction depth value, the correction depth value being mapped to the measured depth value and the measured luminous intensity.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the correction unit identifies a correction depth value from among the stored correction depth values claim 1 , and replaces the measured depth value with the identified correction depth value claim 1 , the identified correction depth value being simultaneously mapped to the measured depth value and the measured luminous intensity.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the correction depth values are generated based on a measurement error claim 1 , the measurement error being a difference between an actual depth value of a reference color and a measured depth value of the reference color.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the correction depth values are calculated while changing a ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094927A1
Автор: Ogawa Kazuhiko

A vehicle system includes multiple vehicles which shuttle on linear paths; a reflecting member provided on one end-side of each path; a range finding device measuring, using a laser beam, a distance between a vehicle and the reflecting member; and a communications system including a stationary communications device provided on an other end-side of the traveling path for the traveling vehicle, and performing optical wireless communication; and a mobile communications device attached to the traveling vehicle performing wireless communication with the stationary communications device. 18-. (canceled)9. A vehicle system comprising:a first vehicle that shuttles on a first path which is linear; a first reflecting member located on one end-side of the first path;', 'a first range finding device which measures, using a laser beam, a distance between one end of the first vehicle defined in a direction of a first width perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the first path and the first reflecting member;', 'a first communications system including:, 'a second vehicle which shuttles on a second path that is parallel or substantially parallel and vertically spaced relative to the first path;'} [ 'a first mobile communications device which is attached to another end of the first vehicle defined in the direction of the first width and performs wireless communication with the first stationary communications device;'}, 'a second reflecting member which is provided on one end-side of the second path;', 'a second range finding device which measures, using a laser beam, a distance between one end of the second vehicle defined in a direction of a second width that is perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the second path and the second reflecting member; and', a second stationary communications device which is provided on another end-side of the second path, and performs optical wireless communication;', 'a second mobile communications device which is attached to ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097881A1
Автор: PROFOS Markus

The invention relates to a sighting device containing at least one self-luminous light source and at least one element made of a light-guiding and/or light-collecting material. Preferably, the self-luminous light source is embodied as a tube or ring and this light source is arranged in at least a portion of the length of the tube or ring, or along its entirety, and most preferably uses a tritium gas-containing element. 11112. A sighting device ( , ) containing at least one self-luminous light source () and at least one element made of a light-guiding and/or light-collecting material ,{'b': 3', '8', '2', '3', '8, 'wherein the element is embodied as a tube () or ring (), and the light source () is arranged at least in portions in the tube () or ring ().'}23. The sighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the exterior of the tube () is uncovered.334. The sighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the tube () comprises claim 1 , at least in portions claim 1 , a casing () made of a material that is opaque in the visible light region.44. The sighting device according to claim 3 , wherein the casing () is constituted from a tubular metal sleeve.538. The sighting device according to one of to claim 3 , wherein the tube () or the ring () is constituted from plastic.635. The sighting device according to one of to claim 3 , wherein the tube () is closed off claim 3 , on a portion facing toward a user claim 3 , with a transparent material ().75. The sighting device according to or claim 3 , wherein the transparent material () is inserted into an end region of the metal sleeve.8632. The sighting device according to one of to claim 3 , wherein at least one element () made of a light-refracting material claim 3 , in particular a converging lens claim 3 , is arranged in the tube () between the light source () and a light exit side facing toward a user.95. The sighting device according to one of to claim 3 , wherein the transparent material () is shaped as a lens claim 3 , ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Fast, High Resolution 3-D Flash LADAR Imager

Номер: US20130107243A1
Принадлежит: Irvine Sensors Corp

A device and method for LADAR ranging using relatively long laser pulse widths and slower system clock speeds is provided. The center points of the sent and received laser signal such as Gaussian laser pulses are identified by time sampling the sent and received laser signal waveforms at predetermined time positions. The signal energy within each time sample of the respective sent and received laser signals defines a clock “bin”. The received laser signal generates an output from a photodetector cell on a focal plane array that is converted into voltage. The signal energy is integrated using a capacitor array for each of the clock bins and is representative of the signal energy in each time sample. The output of the capacitor array is collected in buffer and digitized. Signal processing means extracts the center of the transmitted and received pulses and the time-of-flight calculated as the time between the transmitted and returned centers of the laser signal pulses.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130114063A1
Автор: Yamada Kenji
Принадлежит: NIKON VISION CO., LTD.

A laser range finder includes: a light source emitting light from a linear light-emitting portion with making a divergent angle of the light larger in a transversal direction of the light-emitting portion than in a longitudinal direction thereof; an objective lens projecting the light onto a target object and converging reflection light; a partial reflection member disposed between the light source and the objective lens and having a partial reflection surface composed of a transmitting area transmitting light emitted from the light source and receiving areas reflecting reflection light; and a photodetector detecting the reflection light reflected by the receiving areas; wherein the light source and the partial reflection member are disposed with making the longitudinal direction of the light-emitting portion disposed substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal direction of the transmitting area as seen along an optical axis. 1. A distance measuring apparatus comprising:a light source that emits light from a light-emitting portion having a linear shape with making a divergent angle of the light larger in a transversal direction of the light-emitting portion than in a longitudinal direction of the light-emitting portion;an objective lens that projects the light onto a target object and converges reflection light reflected from the target object;a partial reflection member that is disposed between the light source and the objective lens and has a partial reflection surface composed of a transmitting area reflecting light emitted from the light source and a receiving area transmitting reflection light reflected from the target object and converged by the objective lens; anda photodetector that detects the reflection light transmitted by the receiving area of the partial reflection surface;wherein the light source and the partial reflection member are disposed with making the longitudinal direction of the light-emitting portion disposed substantially perpendicular to ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

System architecture design for time-of-flight system having reduced differential pixel size, and time-of-flight systems so designed

Номер: US20130114064A1
Автор: Cyrus Bamji, Swati Mehta
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Embodiments of the present invention provide methods to produce a high performance, feature rich TOF system, phase-based or otherwise using small TOF pixels, single-ended or preferably differential, as well as TOF systems so designed. IC chip area required for pixels is reduced by intelligently off-loading or removing from within the pixel certain components and/or functionality. In some embodiments during a single TOF system capture period, analog values from each pixel are repeatedly sampled and converted to digital values, which are combined and manipulated on the sensor chip. Combining this plurality of values enables appropriately compact data from the sensor chip. Embodiments of the present invention implement a TOF system with high ambient light resilience, high dynamic range, low motion blur and dealiasing support, while advantageously reducing pixel area size relative to prior art TOF pixels.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120564A1
Автор: Imamura Norihiro
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Provided is an imaging device including: a lens optical system L including at least an optical plane area D and an optical plane area D, the optical plane area D having an optical property that causes a focusing property of the optical plane area D to differ from a focusing property of the optical plane area D due to a light beam that has passed through the optical plane area D; an imaging element N including at least a plurality of pixels P and a plurality of pixels P which allow light that has passed through the lens optical system L to enter; and an array-shaped optical element K that is arranged between the lens optical system L and the imaging element N and is configured to cause light that has passed through the optical plane area D to enter the plurality of pixels P and to cause light that has passed through the optical plane area D to enter the plurality of pixels P 1. An imaging device , comprising:a lens optical system comprising at least a first area and a second area, the second area having an optical property that causes a focusing property of the second area to differ from a focusing property of the first area due to a light beam that has passed through the first area;an imaging element comprising at least a plurality of first pixels and a plurality of second pixels which allow light that has passed through the lens optical system to enter; andan array-shaped optical element that is arranged between the lens optical system and the imaging element and is configured to cause light that has passed through the first area to enter the plurality of first pixels and to cause light that has passed through the second area to enter the plurality of second pixels.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , further comprising a signal processing unit claim 1 ,wherein the signal processing unit calculates a distance to a subject by using brightness information of a first image obtained from the plurality of first pixels and a second image obtained from the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Optical proximity sensors with offset compensation

Номер: US20130120761A1

An optical proximity sensor includes a driver, light detector and offset signal generator. The driver selectively drives a light source. The light detector produces an analog detection signal indicative of an intensity of light detected by the light detector. The detected light can include light transmitted by the light source that reflected off an object within the sense region of the optical sensor, interference light and ambient light. The interference light includes light transmitted by the light source, and detected by the light detector, that was not reflected off an object within the sense region of the optical sensor. The offset signal generator selectively produces an analog offset signal that is combined with the analog detection signal produced by the photodetector to produce an analog compensated detection signal. The analog offset signal compensates for at least a portion of the interference light included in the light detected by the photodetector.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128259A1

A photogate electrode has a planar shape of a rectangular shape having first and second long sides opposed to each other and first and second short sides opposed to each other. First and second semiconductor regions are arranged opposite to each other with the photogate electrode in between in a direction in which the first and second long sides are opposed. Third semiconductor regions are arranged opposite to each other with the photogate electrode in between in a direction in which the first and second short sides are opposed. The third semiconductor regions make a potential on the sides of the first and second short sides higher than a potential in a region located between the first and second semiconductor regions in a region immediately below the photogate electrode. 1. A range sensor comprising:a charge generating region which generates charge according to incident light and a planar shape of which is a rectangular shape having first and second long sides opposed to each other and first and second short sides opposed to each other;at least a pair of signal charge collecting regions which are arranged opposite to each other with the charge generating region in between in a direction in which the first and second long sides are opposed, and which collect signal charge from the charge generating region;transfer electrodes each of which is arranged between the signal charge collecting region and the charge generating region and to which respective charge transfer signals of different phases are supplied; andpotential adjusting means which are arranged opposite to each other with the charge generating region in between in a direction in which the first and second short sides are opposed, and which make a potential on the sides where the first and second short sides of the charge generating region exist, higher than a potential in a region located between at least the pair of signal charge collecting regions in the charge generating region.2. The range sensor ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135604A1
Принадлежит: Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

A measuring device and a method for adjusting the measuring device is disclosed. The device includes a first electro-optical component, a second electro-optical component, a beam-shaping optical element, an optics carrier, and a printed circuit board. The optics carrier includes a first receptacle, where the first electro-optical component is mounted in the first receptacle, and a second receptacle, where the beam-shaping optical element is mounted in the second receptacle. The printed circuit board includes a third receptacle, where the second electro-optical component is mounted in the third receptacle. The first electro-optical component and the beam-shaping optical element are adjustable relative to the optics carrier in a direction of a respective optical axis of the first electro-optical component and the beam-shaping optical element and the second electro-optical component is adjustable and fixable in a plane essentially perpendicular to an optical axis of the second electro-optical element. 1. A measuring device for measuring a distance between a reference mark and a target object , comprising:a first electro-optical component;a second electro-optical component;a beam-shaping optical element;an optics carrier including a first receptacle, wherein the first electro-optical component is mounted in the first receptacle, and a second receptacle, wherein the beam-shaping optical element is mounted in the second receptacle;a printed circuit board including a third receptacle, wherein the second electro-optical component is mounted in the third receptacle; anda connecting device, wherein the optics carrier is connectable to the printed circuit board by the connecting device;wherein, during an adjustment of the measuring device, the first electro-optical component and the beam-shaping optical element are adjustable relative to the optics carrier in a direction of an associated respective optical axis of the first electro-optical component and the beam-shaping ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135606A1
Автор: Giacotto Luca
Принадлежит: Vectronix AG

The invention relates to an electro-optical distance measuring device comprising a transmitting unit comprising a light source for emitting intensity-modulated optical radiation, a receiving unit for receiving a portion of the optical radiation, said portion being reflected from a target object, by means of a photosensitive electrical component and for converting it into an electrical reception signal. Furthermore comprising a conditioning unit for conditioning the reception signal comprising at least one amplifier stage, an analogue-to-digital converter fox digitizing the conditioned reception signal, and an electronic evaluation unit, which is designed in such a way that a distance from the distance measuring device to the target object, can be determined on the basis of a signal propagation time with the aid of the digitized reception signal. According to the invention, in this case the amplifier stage is designed in such a way that it has a non-linear input-output characteristic. 1. An electro-optical distance measuring device , in particular laser distance measuring device , comprising:a transmitting unit comprising a light source, in particular a semiconductor laser or an LED, for emitting intensity-modulated optical radiation,a receiving unit for receiving a portion of the optical radiation, said portion being reflected from a target object, by means of a photosensitive electrical component and for converting it into an electrical reception signal, in particular comprising a photodiode, specifically an APD or PIN photodiode,a conditioning unit for conditioning the reception signal comprising at least one amplifier stage,an analogue-to-digital converter for digitizing the conditioned reception signal, andan electronic evaluation unit, which is designed in such a way that a distance from the distance measuring device to the target object can be determined on the basis of a signal propagation time with the aid of the digitized reception signal,whereinthe ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141710A1

Systems and methods presented herein provide for optical surveillance using modulated lasers, or other forms of light, and optical detection. In one embodiment, an optical surveillance system includes a light source, such as a laser or light emitting diode, and a signal generator operable to modulate the light source. The system also includes a detector operable to detect the modulated light source and a processor communicatively coupled to the detector to distinguish the modulated light source from other detected light based on the modulating waveform of the modulated light source. The processor is also operable to determine a presence of an object between the laser and the detector based on an obscuration of the laser pulses on the detector. 1. An optical surveillance system , comprising:a light source;a signal generator operable to modulate the light source;a detector operable to detect the modulated light source; anda processor communicatively coupled to the detector and operable to distinguish the modulated light source from other detected light based on the modulating waveform of the modulated light source, wherein the processor is further operable to determine a presence of an object between the laser and the detector based on an obscuration of the light source on the detector.2. The optical surveillance system of claim 1 , wherein:the light source is a laser operable to fire laser pulses; andthe signal generator is operable to modulate the pulse repetition frequency of the laser pulses.3. The optical surveillance system of claim 1 , further including:an optical element operable to fan the light.4. The optical surveillance system of claim 1 , wherein:the processor is further operable to determine a location of the object in a fence plane established between the light source and the detector.5. The optical surveillance system of claim 5 , wherein:the processor is further operable to determine a size of the object in the fence plane based on the location of the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Manual Distance Measuring Apparatus

Номер: US20130148098A1

A manual distance measuring apparatus includes at least one computing unit, an image acquisition means and a laser measuring device, which determines a distance of a measurement point on a measurement object in a measurement direction during a measuring process. The computing unit is configured to control, at least by open-loop control, the measurement direction depending at least on an output characteristic variable of the image acquisition means. 1. A manual distance measuring apparatus comprising:an image acquisition means;a laser measuring device configured to determine a distance of a measurement point on a measurement object in a measurement direction during a measuring process; andat least one computing unit configured to control, at least by open-loop control, the measurement direction depending at least on an output characteristic variable of the image acquisition means.2. The manual distance measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the laser measuring device includes at least one measurement direction setting unit configured to alter the measurement direction in at least one operating state.3. The manual distance measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the computing unit is further configured to determine claim 1 , from the output characteristic variable of the image acquisition means claim 1 , at least one change in orientation relative to the measurement object.4. The manual distance measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the computing unit is further configured to determine claim 1 , from the output characteristic variable of the image acquisition means claim 1 , a measurement direction in which a structural element of the measurement object is arranged.5. The manual distance measuring apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the computing unit is further configured to direct the measurement direction at the structural element of the measurement object.6. The manual distance measuring apparatus according to claim 4 , ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148099A1
Автор: Stautmeister Torsten

A measuring system for determining a distance between a sensor device and a measured object, wherein the sensor device comprises a light source for generating an illumination light beam and a detector for detecting a portion of the illumination light beam reflected on the surface of the measured object and wherein the measured object is designed so it is transparent at least for a wavelength range of the visible light, is designed and further developed under consideration of the most reliable distance measurement possible in all types of measuring situations, that the illumination light beam has a wavelength in the violet or ultraviolet range and that the measured object is designed in such a way that the illumination light beam is diffusely reflected on the surface of the measured object. In addition, a corresponding measuring system is specified for measuring measured objects that are essentially impermeable to light. 118-. (canceled)19. Measuring system for determining a distance between a sensor device and a measured object , wherein the sensor device comprises a light source for generating an illumination light beam and a detector for detecting a portion of the illumination light beam reflected on the surface of the measured object and wherein the measured object is designed so it is transparent at least for a wavelength range of the visible light , wherein the illumination light beam has a wavelength in at least one of the violet range and the ultraviolet range , and wherein the measured object is designed in such a way that the illumination light beam is diffusely reflected on the surface of the measured object.20. Measuring system according to claim 19 , wherein one surface of the measured object has a coating for creating the diffuse reflection of the illumination light beam claim 19 , which is impermeable or at least highly attenuating in the violet and/or ultraviolet wavelength range.21. Measuring system according to claim 19 , wherein the measured object ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of Localizing Objects Temporarily Shadowing a PV System

Номер: US20130148100A1
Принадлежит: SMA Solar Technology AG

A method of localizing stationary objects causing temporary shadowing of light sensitive components of a PV system is disclosed. The method includes analyzing an electrical signal of the light sensitive components with regard to an occurrence of a shadowing event caused by the stationary object, and determining from a solar altitude associated with the shadowing event a direction of the stationary object causing the shadowing event. The analysis of the electrical signal takes into account a shadow movement of the object as a function of the solar altitude. A distance of the object is determined from this analysis. The results of the method may be used to determine an energy loss associated with the stationary object and may support a decision on removal of the object to improve efficiency of the PV system.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method to Compensate for Errors in Time-of-Flight Range Cameras Caused by Multiple Reflections

Номер: US20130148102A1
Автор: Thierry Oggier
Принадлежит: MESA IMAGING AG

Due to their parallel illumination and acquisition for all the pixels, today's state-of-the-art time-of-flight (TOF) range cameras suffer from erroneous measurements caused by multiple reflections in the scene. The invention proposes to compensate for the multi-path fusing the results obtained by applying two spatially different illumination schemes, typically one to achieve highest possible lateral resolution and for the second one structuring the emitted light and by doing so lowering the lateral resolution but limiting the impact of multiple reflections.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162969A1
Автор: Liu Xingyan

The present invention discloses a distance detecting sensor, comprising: a casing, focusing lenses, a circuit board mounted with several electronic elements, and an emitting device emitting infrared light and a receiving device receiving and sensing a reflected infrared light. Wherein, the casing comprises a main body and two round openings on the top surface of the main body. The lenses comprise an emitting lens and a receiving lens arranged at the openings of the casing. The circuit board is mounted in the main body of the casing; the emitting device is an infrared emitting diode (LED), emitting infrared light toward the emitting lens. The receiving device is a distance detecting sensor module, which senses the reflected light focused by the receiving lens. The distance detecting sensor further comprises an emitting light guide unit arranged between the emitting lens and the emitting device, and the emitting light guide unit comprises small round holes at the emitting tube core of the emitting device. The present invention has higher detection accuracy and improves the overall detection performance of the sensor. 1. A distance detecting sensor mounted in sanitary ware , comprising: an infrared light emitting source , an infrared light receiving unit , and an emitting lens and an receiving lens in front of the light emitting source and the receiving unit respectively designed to focus infrared light; wherein , the light emitting source and a close range light emitting source are LEDs , and the receiving unit is a photoelectric device that is sensitive to the position of infrared light; wherein , at least a close range light emitting source is arranged near the light emitting source.2. The distance detecting sensor according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the emission power of the light emitting source is higher than that of the close range light emitting source.3. The distance detecting sensor according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the emission frequency of the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162970A1
Автор: Dang Lieu-Kim
Принадлежит: Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

A measuring device for the measurement of a distance to a target object has a beam source which is designed as an electrical-optical component and which emits a transmission beam. A detector, which is designed as a further electrical-optical component, receives a reception beam that is reflected and/or scattered by the target object. A beam splitting lens is configured to deflect the transmission and/or reception beam. Alternatively or additionally, the measuring device includes a beam shaping lens is configured for shaping the transmission and/or reception beam. A lens support is configured to accommodate the electrical-optical components. The lens support also accommodates the beam splitting lens and/or the beam shaping lens. The lens support has a first wafer for accommodating the electrical-optical components and a second wafer for accommodating the beam splitting lens, and/or the beam shaping lens. 1. A measuring device for measuring a distance to a target object , comprising:a beam source which is designed as an electrical-optical component and which emits a transmission beam;a detector which is designed as a electrical-optical component and which receives a reception beam which is reflected and/or scattered by the target object;a beam splitting lens configured to deflect the transmission and/or reception beam and/or a beam shaping lens and to shape the transmission and/or reception beam; anda lens support configured to accommodate the electrical-optical components and to accommodate the beam splitting lens and/or the beam shaping lens,wherein the lens support has a first wafer that accommodates the electrical-optical components and a second wafer that accommodates the beam splitting lens and/or the beam shaping lens.2. A measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second wafers are connected to each other via at least one spacer.3. A measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical-optical components are arranged coaxially ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162971A1

An optical system is disclosed. The optical system includes a radiation device having a rotational pointer, in particular a rotary laser, for the contactless display of an azimuth plane on a circumferentially disposed target object, which is configured to generate a light signal rotating or turning in the azimuth plane when emitting optical pointer radiation. A control and computing unit, which is configured to put the rotational pointer into a first operating mode or a second operating mode, where a light signal rotating continuously over a round angle by the rotational pointer can be generated in the first operating mode and a light signal that is rotatable in a limited angular sector of a round angle can be generated in the second operating mode. A radiation receiver is configured to receive and/or reflect optical radiation. 1. An optical system , comprising:a radiation receiver; and a rotational pointer, wherein a contactless display of an azimuth plane on a circumferentially disposed target object is displayable by the rotational pointer and wherein the rotational pointer is configured to generate a light signal rotating in the azimuth plane when emitting optical pointer radiation;', 'a control and computing unit configured to put the rotational pointer into a first operating mode or a second operating mode, wherein a light signal rotating continuously or incrementally over a round angle by the rotational pointer is generateable in the first operating mode and wherein a light signal that is rotatable in a limited angular sector of a round angle is generateable in the second operating mode;', 'an angle detection element, wherein a current azimuth angle of the light signal is detectable and transferrable to the control and computing unit by the angle detection element; and', 'a distance measuring device configured for contactless measurement of a distance between a reference point and a distance measuring point on the target object or on the radiation receiver by ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162973A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In a distance measuring system, photoelectrons are generated depending on light energy received in a light-receiving period predetermined for the emission timing of pulsed light emitted to a target object and are cumulatively stored, and a distance to the target object is determined according to a time-of-flight process. A solid-state image sensing device cumulatively stores therein photoelectrons generated depending on the light energy received in each of the first and second light-receiving periods. The first light-receiving period is part of a rise period of the reflected light intensity received by the image sensing device, and the second light-receiving period includes a peak of the reflected light intensity and a fall period thereof. An arithmetic processing unit determines the distance to the object using a light energy ratio obtained by dividing information concerning photoelectrons stored in the second light-receiving period by information concerning photoelectrons stored in the first light-receiving period. 1. A distance measuring system comprising:an irradiation unit for emitting a pulsed light to a target object, wherein the pulsed light is reflected by the target object;a solid-state image sensing device for generating photoelectrons depending on the energy of the reflected light received in a light-receiving period predetermined for the emission timing of the pulsed light, and cumulatively storing therein the generated photoelectrons; andan arithmetic processing unit for determining a distance to the target object according to a time-of-flight process using information concerning the photoelectrons cumulatively stored in the solid-state image sensing device,wherein:the light-receiving period includes a first light-receiving period and a second light-receiving period;the solid-state image sensing device cumulatively stores therein photoelectrons generated depending on the energy of the light received in the first light-receiving period, and also ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Optical detector

Номер: US20130169947A1
Принадлежит: Silicon Laboratories Inc

A technique includes using at least one emitter to generate a first optical signal to propagate along a first optical path to interact with a target, to generate a second optical signal and generate a third optical signal to propagate along a second optical path other than the first optical path to generate a fourth optical signal. The technique includes using at least one receiver to acquire a first measurement of the second optical signal and acquire a second measurement of the fourth optical signal. The technique includes generating an indication of a parameter that is associated with a target, which includes scaling a ratio of the first and second measurements based at least in part on optical communication between the emitter(s) and the receiver(s) that does not involve interaction with the target.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175435A1
Автор: Drader Marc

The disclosure relates to a method for detecting the presence of an object near a detection device, comprising: emitting pulses of an incident photon beam, detecting photodiodes which trigger avalanche after the reception by the photodiode of at least one photon of a reflected photon beam produced by a reflection of the incident beam on an object near the detection device, determining a distance between the photodiodes and an object in a detection area, as a function of the time between a transmit time of the incident beam and avalanche triggering times of the photodiodes, and correcting the distance determined as a function of a calibration measurement obtained in the absence of object in the detection area, to compensate for photon reflections on a transparent plate arranged between the photodiodes and the detection area. 1. A method , comprising: generating a bias voltage in a bias voltage generation circuit, the bias voltage being greater than the breakdown voltage of the PN junction of each photodiode;', 'reverse biasing the single photon avalanche photodiodes with the bias voltage;', 'emitting pulses of an incident photon beam, the pulses of the incident photon beam being configured to generate a reflected photon beam from a reflection on the object;', 'detecting ones of the photodiodes avalanche triggering in response to receiving at least one photon of the reflected photon beam;', 'determining a distance between the photodiodes and the object in the detection area, as a function of a transmit time of the incident photon beam and an avalanche triggering time in the photodiodes after receiving at least one photon of the reflected beam;', 'performing a calibration measurement of the detection area when the detection area is empty;', 'determining a correction value based on avalanche triggering in the photodiodes in response to reflections of the incident beam by the transparent plate and based on the calibration measurement; and', 'correcting the distance using ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Data collection and point cloud generation system and method

Номер: US20130179119A1
Принадлежит: Robotics Paradigm Systems LLC

A system has a range-finding laser device coupled to an operator that performs a latest scan measuring a plurality of data points indicative of range and angle, an attitude inertial measurement unit (IMU) that is affixed to the range-finding laser device that measures pitch, roll, and yaw of the range-finding laser device, and two zero-velocity update (zupt) IMUs coupled to the operator that estimate position, velocity, and yaw of the operator. Further, the system has logic that transforms a plurality of data points from a sensor frame of reference, based upon measurements made, to a global frame of reference using data indicative of a latest global pose to obtain data indicative of transformed data points and merges the data indicative of the transformed data points with a point cloud.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Intrusion detection apparatus and method

Номер: US20130181132A1
Автор: Seung-Ki Hong

Disclosed herein is an intrusion detection apparatus which includes an infrared emission unit for emitting infrared beams and an infrared reception unit for receiving the infrared beams. The infrared emission unit adjusts an emission direction in which the infrared beams are emitted based on information received from the infrared reception unit, and adjusts an optical axis which is formed with the infrared reception unit depending on whether infrared beam values corresponding to the adjusted emission direction fall within the normal range. The infrared reception unit adjusts a detection direction in which the infrared beams are detected based on information received from the infrared emission unit, and adjusts an optical axis which is formed with the infrared emission unit depending on whether infrared beam values corresponding to the adjusted detection direction fall within the normal range. The intrusion into a relevant region is detected using the optical axis.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130182102A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An imaging apparatus includes: an imaging optical system that obtains an optical image of a photographic subject; a plurality of image sensor elements that output image data based on the optical image of the photographic subject obtained by the imaging optical system; an electric power supply controller that controls electric power supply to the plurality of image sensor elements; and a distance metering device that includes the plurality of image sensor elements and the electric power supply controller, and measures a distance to the photographic subject based on an output of the image sensor elements, wherein the plurality of image sensor elements are aligned in line and formed on one semiconductor wafer, and the electric power supply controller performs electric power supply to the plurality of image sensor elements in accordance with operating conditions set to the imaging apparatus.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192073A1
Автор: Gleim Garrett William
Принадлежит: TROPHY TRUST, LLC

A targeting viewing device is disclosed that couples a laser pointer to a viewing device such as binoculars or a spotting scope. In one embodiment the laser pointer includes a switch to selectively activate a laser beam to project a spot of light on a distant target so as to identify the target from within a group of potential targets to other observers of the targets. The viewing device may include a spotting scope, monocular, binocular or camera. 1. A target identifying viewing device comprising:an optical viewing element; anda laser pointer assembly fastened to and co-aligned with the viewing element, wherein the viewing element permits a user to view a target through the element and wherein the pointer projects a laser light spot on a target being viewed through the viewing element.2. The device according to wherein the viewing element is a pair of binoculars.3. The device according to wherein the binoculars includes an optics housing and the pointer assembly is mounted above the housing.4. The device according to according to wherein the pointer assembly has a switch configured to energize the laser light to project the laser spot when the switch is activated.5. A method of identifying a target from amongst a group of potential targets claim 1 , the method comprising:attaching a laser pointer to a viewing device and providing the viewing device to a first party;the first party aiming the viewing device at one of the potential targets;activating the pointer to project an illuminated spot on the one of the potential targets such that a second party can see the illuminated spot;the first party positioning the illuminated spot on the target at a predetermined area; andpermitting the second party to view the illuminated spot through another viewing device to identify the target.6. A laser targeting viewing device comprising:an optical viewing device having a viewing axis; anda laser targeting assembly fastened to the optical viewing device, wherein the laser ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Displacement sensor

Номер: US20130201490A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corp

A signal processing unit (C 1 , C 2 , C 3 ) for processing a light reception signal from an imaging element ( 12 ) at different magnifications is provided in a light receiving unit ( 102 ) in a displacement sensor ( 1 ). This sensor ( 1 ) measures a displacement by using light receiving amount data generated by the signal processing unit (C 1 ) for each detection processing by a light projecting unit ( 101 ) and the light receiving unit ( 102 ), and further adjusts sensitivity for next detection processing. In sensitivity adjustment processing, when a peak value in the light receiving amount data generated by the signal processing unit (C 1 ) approximates to 0, a peak value extracted by the signal processing unit (C 2 ) to which higher magnification is applied is employed. Alternatively, when a peak value in the light receiving amount data generated by the signal processing unit (C 1 ) is saturated, a peak value extracted by the signal processing unit (C 3 ) to which 1-fold magnification is applied is employed.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

LDV with Diffractive Optical Element for Transceiver Lens

Номер: US20130208256A1
Принадлежит: Optical Air Data Systems, LLC.

A transceiver device that includes one or more light sources configured to emit a light beam that includes one or more different wavelengths, and includes a diffractive optical element configured to initiate one or more wavelength specific responses from the light beam to form one or more transmission light beams and to direct the one or more transmission light beams substantially towards a target; and further includes one or more sensor devices configured to receive the one or more transmission light beams and one or more reception light beams that are reflected back from the target. The diffractive optical element (e.g., a holographic element) is used in either a monostatic, bistatic or multistatic design to reduce the required size and/or number of optical elements, lasers and receivers. The transceiver device may be used in a LIDAR system in order to measure air and wind parameters at multiple altitudes. 1. A transceiver device , comprising:one or more light sources configured to emit a light beam that includes one or more different wavelengths;a diffractive optical element configured to initiate one or more wavelength specific responses from the light beam to form one or more transmission light beams and to direct the one or more transmission light beams substantially towards a target; andone or more sensor devices configured to receive the one or more transmission light beams and one or more reception light beams that are reflected back from the target.2. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the diffractive optical element includes one or more holographic optical elements.3. The transceiver device of claim 2 , wherein the one or more holographic optical elements are each configured to perform a plurality of optical tasks.4. The transceiver device of claim 2 ,wherein the one or more holographic optical elements include a first holographic optical element and a second holographic optical element, andwherein the first holographic optical element is ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Distance Measuring Device having Homogenizing Measurement Evaluation

Номер: US20130208258A1

A handheld measuring device for optical distance measurement includes a transmitting device, a receiving device, an evaluation device, and a homogenizing device. The transmitting device is configured to transmit periodically modulated optical measurement radiation toward a target object. The receiving device is configured to detect optical measurement radiation returning from the target object. The evaluation device is configured to receive and evaluate detection signals of the receiving device. The evaluation device comprises a plurality of accumulation devices configured to accumulate detection signals. The evaluation device conducts detection signals during a sampling time window from a plurality of sampling time windows temporally schematically changeably to an assigned accumulation device from the plurality of accumulation devices, such that the accumulation device accumulates the detection signals during the sampling time window. 1. A handheld measuring device for optical distance measurement , comprising:a transmitting device configured to transmit periodically modulated optical measurement radiation toward a target object;a receiving device configured to detect optical measurement radiation returning from the target object;an evaluation device configured to receive and evaluate detection signals of the receiving device;a homogenizing device,wherein the evaluation device comprises a plurality of accumulation devices configured to accumulate detection signals,wherein the evaluation device conducts detection signals during a sampling time window from a plurality of sampling time windows temporally schematically changeably to an assigned accumulation device from the plurality of accumulation devices, such that the accumulation device accumulates the detection signals during the sampling time window,wherein the evaluation device determines a total signal acquired over a total measurement duration from the detection signals accumulated in the accumulation devices, ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Triangulation light sensor

Номер: US20130215409A1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

A triangulation light sensor includes at least one light transmitter for transmitting a light signal into a detection zone, a light receiver having a plurality of receiver elements for receiving light from the detection zone reflected diffusely and/or specularly, and a reception optics arranged between the detection zone and the light receiver in the beam path, with the position of a light spot produced on the light receiver in a triangulation direction by the reflected light resulting in dependence on the distance of the object. The reception optics includes at least one multisegmented lens element having a plurality of lens segments with mutually spaced apart optical axes in the triangulation direction and at least one freeform lens element or one diffractive-optical element having a multisegmented lens element having a plurality of lens segments with optical axes spaced apart from one another in the triangulation direction.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fiber Optically Coupled Laser Rangefinder For Use In A Gimbal Systems

Номер: US20130222784A1

A fiber optically coupled laser rangefinder (LRF) for use in a gimbal system to input/extract a laser beam into/from a camera is disclosed. in one embodiment, the fiber optically coupled LRF includes a gimbal assembly. Further, the gimbal assembly includes a first fiber optic cable for receiving the laser beam from a remote transmitter assembly, a fiber optically coupled laser interface module to receive the laser beam and opposing mirrors to direct the laser beam to a target. In addition, the gimbal assembly includes a second fiber optic cable for transmitting a return laser beam to a remote receiver assembly. The opposing mirrors are further configured to direct the return laser bean from the target to the fiber optically coupled laser interface module. The fiber optically coupled laser interface module is further configured to transmit it to the receiver assembly via the second fiber optic cable. 1. A fiber optically coupled laser rangefinder (LRF) for use in a gimbal system , comprising: a first fiber optic cable for receiving a laser beam from a remote transmitter assembly;', 'a fiber optically coupled laser interface module configured to receive the laser beam from the first fiber optic cable;', 'a plurality of opposing mirrors configured to direct the laser beam from the fiber optically coupled laser interface module to a target; and', 'a second fiber optic cable for transmitting a return laser beam to a remote receiver assembly, wherein the plurality of opposing mirrors are further configured to direct the return laser beam from the target to the fiber optically coupled laser interface module and wherein the fiber optically coupled laser interface module is further configured to transmit the return laser beam to the remote receiver assembly via the second fiber optic cable., 'a gimbal assembly, wherein the gimbal assembly comprises2. The fiber optically coupled LRF of claim 1 , wherein the fiber optically coupled laser interface module comprises:a polarizing ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222785A1
Автор: Sasaki Takamasa

The present invention provides a measurement apparatus including a phase detection unit configured to detect, from interfering light of light reflected by a reference surface and light reflected by a test surface, a phase corresponding to an optical path length between the reference surface and the test surface, a refractive index detection unit configured to detect a refractive index of a space between the reference surface and the test surface, and a processing unit configured to obtain the distance from a first phase and a first refractive index detected when the wavelength of light from the light source is a first wavelength, a second phase and a second refractive index detected when the wavelength of light from the light source is a second wavelength, and a third phase at a synthetic wavelength of the first wavelength and the second wavelength. 1. A measurement apparatus which measures a distance between a reference surface and a test surface , comprising:a light source configured to be able to change a wavelength of light to be emitted;a light splitting element configured to split light from the light source into two light beams, and cause the one light beam to enter the reference surface and the other light beam to enter the test surface;a phase detection unit configured to detect, from interfering light of light reflected by the reference surface and light reflected by the test surface, a phase corresponding to an optical path length between the reference surface and the test surface;a refractive index detection unit configured to detect a refractive index of a space between the reference surface and the test surface; anda processing unit configured to obtain the distance from a first phase and a first refractive index detected by the phase detection unit and the refractive index detection unit, respectively, when the wavelength of light from the light source is a first wavelength, a second phase and a second refractive index detected by the phase detection ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226514A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

A system, apparatus, and method for precisely estimating a three-dimensional (3D) position and a direction. The 3D position and direction estimation apparatus may estimate a distance between at least one receiver and at least one transmitter and a direction of a remote device, based on intensity information of a signal measured at the at least one receiver, may sequentially select the minimum number of intensity information for estimating the 3D position and the direction of the remote device, in a descending order of robustness against noise, based on the estimated distance and direction of the remote device, and may precisely estimate the 3D position and the direction of the remote device based on the selected intensity information. 1. An apparatus for precisely estimating a three-dimensional (3D) position and a direction , comprising:an estimator to estimate the 3D position and the direction of a remote device, using a signal attenuation characteristic when intensity information is received;a distance calculator to calculate a distance between at least one transmitter and at least one receiver based on the estimated 3D position of the remote device; anda priority determining unit to verify a noise sensitivity of intensity information based on the distance between the at least one transmitter and the at least one receiver and a noise sensitivity of intensity information based on the direction of the remote device, and to determine a priority of intensity information to be used for position estimation based on the noise sensitivity.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the estimator selects a minimum number of intensity information for estimating the 3D position and the direction of the remote device based on the priority claim 1 , and precisely estimates the 3D position and the direction of the remote device based on the selected intensity information claim 1 , andwherein the signal attenuation characteristic varies based on the distance and the direction.3. The ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Observation Device With Range Finder

Номер: US20130229642A1

The invention describes a long-range optical device () with two observation parts () and a first observation beam path () and a measurement beam path (), in which the two observation parts () are arranged essentially parallel next to each other and spaced a predefinable distance () apart via at least one connection element (). In a plan view of the device 1 with respect to a plane, in which the longitudinal axes () of the observation parts () are arranged, the sub-regions of the observation parts () facing each other lie directly opposite each other over a length aligned parallel to the longitudinal axis () of the observation parts () of 20% to 90%, preferably 30% to 80% of a length () of the observation parts (). In addition, the observation beam path () and the measurement beam path () are arranged outside the sub-regions () of the observation parts (). 1. A long-range optical device comprising at least two observation parts and optical components arranged therein , each of the observation parts including objective-side and ocular-side ends and having at least one observation beam path and at least one measurement beam path , at least one connection element arranged between the two observation parts so that they can extend substantially parallel to each other , the observation parts include enclosures spaced from each other by the at least one connection element to define a free space clear of parts projecting therein and when the device is viewed vertically from above with respect to a plane in which longitudinal axes of the observation parts are arranged , extends over a length extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the observation parts of 20%-90% , of the length of the observation parts , the observation beam paths and the measurement beam paths are arranged outside the free space.2. A long-range optical device comprising at least two observation parts and optical components arranged therein , each of the observation parts including objective-side and ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229643A1
Автор: Moeller Bernd

A rotating laser has a source of electromagnetic radiation for production of a reference beam, and deflection means, which can rotate about a rotation axis, by which means a laser area is defined when rotated, and with the reference beam passing over a reference path. The rotating laser has a functionality for perpendicular alignment of the laser area relative to the surface, with the control means being designed such that the laser area is automatically variably inclined relative to the surface by swiveling means swiveling the rotation axis, with a reference line range from the reference line to the rotating laser being determined for each of the respective inclination angles, and with that inclination angle of the laser area being determined as the perpendicular inclination angle at which the laser area includes the reference line with the respective shortest determined reference line range, and therefore being perpendicular to the surface. 115-. (canceled)16. A rotating laser comprising:a source of electromagnetic radiation, in particular a laser beam source, for generating a reference beam;deflection means, which can be rotated about a rotation axis, for rotating emission of the reference beam, so that a laser area is defined, the reference beam travelling along a reference path and at least a part of the reference path being perceptible as a reference line visually and/or by means of a detector on a surface;swiveling means for swiveling the rotation axis about at least one swivel axis, in particular about two swivel axes;a range measurement unit for measuring ranges to points on the reference path; and varying inclination of the laser area relative to the surface by swiveling the rotation axis, determination of a reference line range from the reference line to the rotating laser respectively being carried out for the respective inclination angles,', 'determination of that inclination angle of the laser area as a perpendicular inclination angle, for which the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235365A1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

A sensor () for determining a distance of an object (), the sensor () transmitting a plurality of transmission pulses via a transmitter (), accumulating reflected reception pulses () in a histogram (), and determining therefrom a time of flight to the object (). The sensor () has a control () for processing and outputting measurement values. Measuring unit () and control () are mutually connected to pass measurement values and to set a timing for the control () via a clocked synchronizing signal in that the control () executes a control cycle each time when receiving the synchronizing signal. An output rate of measurement values is programmable by the measuring unit () setting a smallest base clock and passing an updated measurement value to the control () after a multiple of the base clock corresponding to the programmed output rate. 1101810122010218221210220110112101810241022242224242224. A distance-measuring sensor () for detecting and determining a distance of an object () , the sensor () having a transmitter () for transmitting transmission pulses , a receiver () for generating reception pulses () from the transmission pulse reflected by the object () , a measuring unit () configured to transmit a plurality of transmission pulses via the transmitter () , to accumulate the reception pulses () thus generated in the receiver () in a histogram () , and to determine therefrom a reception point in time () and thus a measurement value for a signal time of flight from the sensor () to the object () , the sensor () further having a control () for flow control in the sensor () and for processing and outputting the measurement value , wherein measuring unit () and control () are mutually connected to pass measurement values from the measuring unit () to the control () and to set a timing for the control () by the measuring unit () via a clocked synchronizing signal in that the control () executes a control cycle each time when receiving the synchronizing signal ,{'b': 24 ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235366A1
Принадлежит: Vectronix AG

An optoelectronic distance measuring device is disclosed. The device has a transmitting unit with a driver stage for emitting optical pulses, a receiving unit for receiving a portion of the optical pulses, said portion being reflected from a target object, and converting it into an electrical reception signal, via a photosensitive electrical component. It also has an analogue-digital converter for digitizing the reception signal, and an electronic evaluation unit to ascertain a distance from the target object on the basis of a signal propagation time using the digitized reception signal. The driver stage can be designed so that at least two pulse durations of different length for the optical pulses can be set. 1. An opto-electronic distance measuring device , particularly a laser distance measuring device , having:a transmitting unit having a driver stage for a light source, particularly a semiconductor light source, for emitting optical pulses as pulsed-mode-intensity-modulated optical radiation,a receiving unit for receiving a portion of the optical radiation, said portion being reflected from a target object, and converting it into an electrical reception signal, by means of a photosensitive electrical component, particularly a photodiode,an analogue-digital converter for digitizing the reception signal, andan electronic evaluation unit which is designed in such a way that a distance from the target object can be ascertained on the basis of a signal propagation time using the digitized reception signal,whereinthe driver stage is designed in such a way that at least two pulse durations of different length for the optical pulses can be set,particularly wherein extension of the pulse duration allows expansion of a distance measurement range, as a maximum ascertainable distance, to be achieved.2. The distance measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic evaluation unit is designed in such a way that the setting of the pulse duration is taken as a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241762A1

A light beam is scanned, for use in laser radar and other uses, by an optical system of which an example includes a beam-shaping optical system that includes a first movable optical element and a second movable optical element. The first optical element forms and directs an optical beam along a nominal propagation axis from the beam-shaping optical system to a target, and the second optical element includes a respective actuator by which the second optical element is movable relative to the first optical element. A controller is coupled at least to the actuator of the second optical element and is configured to induce motion, by the actuator, of the second optical element to move the optical beam, as incident on the target, relative to the nominal propagation axis. 1. An optical system , comprising:a beam-shaping optical system including a first movable optical element and a second movable optical element, the first optical element forming and directing an optical beam along a nominal propagation axis from the beam-shaping optical system to a target, and the second optical element including an actuator by which the second optical element is movable relative to the first optical element; anda controller coupled at least to the actuator of the second optical element and configured to induce motion, by the actuator, of the second optical element to move the optical beam, as incident on the target, relative to the nominal propagation axis.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second optical element is movable separately from movement of the first optical element.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the actuator of the second optical element causes the light beam to undergo a scanning motion claim 1 , relative to the nominal propagation axis.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first optical element is adjustable to focus the optical beam as incident on the target.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second optical elements are respective reflective optical ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242090A1
Автор: Yoshikawa Hiroshi

A distance measurement apparatus comprising: modulation means for modulating a luminance value of measurement pattern light to be projected on a measurement object for each two-dimensional position of the pattern light within a predetermined luminance value range; projection means for projecting, on the measurement object, the pattern light modulated by the modulation means; image capturing means for capturing the measurement object on which the pattern light has been projected by the projection means; and distance calculation means for calculating a distance to the measurement object based on the captured image captured by the image capturing means. 1. A distance measurement apparatus comprising:modulation means for modulating a luminance value of measurement wave pattern light to be projected on a measurement object for each two-dimensional position of the pattern light within a predetermined luminance value range;projection means for projecting, on the measurement object, the pattern light modulated by said modulation means;image capturing means for capturing the measurement object on which the pattern light has been projected by said projection means; anddistance calculation means for calculating a distance to the measurement object based on the captured image captured by said image capturing means.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinsaid modulation means modulates the luminance value of the pattern light, in a direction different from a base line direction which connects said projection means with said image capturing means, within the predetermined luminance value range for each two-dimensional position where the pattern light is projected.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinsaid modulation means modulates the luminance value of the pattern light in the direction different from the base line direction in a predetermined luminance value cycle.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , whereinthe predetermined luminance value cycle is one of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245937A1

The invention is generally related to the estimation of position and orientation of an object with respect to a local or a global coordinate system using reflected light sources. A typical application of the method and apparatus includes estimation and tracking of the position of a mobile autonomous robot. Other applications include estimation and tracking of an object for position-aware, ubiquitous devices. Additional applications include tracking of the positions of people or pets in an indoor environment. The methods and apparatus comprise one or more optical emitters, one or more optical sensors, signal processing circuitry, and signal processing methods to determine the position and orientation of at least one of the optical sensors based at least in part on the detection of the signal of one or more emitted light sources reflected from a surface. 1. (canceled)2. A mobile robot system , the system comprising:a mobile robot;a modulator;a first illumination projector coupled to the modulator, wherein the modulator is configured to modulate light from the first illumination projector, wherein the first illumination projector is configured to project modulated light, whereby at least one projected illumination spot is projected onto at least one non-vertical surface positioned above the first illumination projector when the first illumination projector is positioned for operation with the mobile robot;a detector configured to detect the at least one projected illumination spot based at least in part on the modulation; and 'determine a direction of the detected at least one projected illumination spot with respect to a first reference point, and determine a location of the mobile robot based at least in part on the determined direction, wherein the detector is configured to detect the at least one projected illumination spot without having a line of sight view of the first illumination projector.', 'a data processing unit configured to3. The mobile robot system of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250274A1
Автор: KUROKAWA Yoshiyuki

A distance measurement device with high detection accuracy. The distance measurement device includes a photosensor including a light-receiving element, a first transistor, and a second transistor; a wiring; a signal line; and a power supply line. The wiring is electrically connected to one electrode of the light-receiving element. The signal line is electrically connected to a gate electrode of the first transistor. The power supply line is electrically connected to one of a source electrode and a drain electrode of the second transistor. One of a source electrode and a drain electrode of the first transistor is electrically connected to a gate electrode of the second transistor. The other of the source electrode and the drain electrode of the first transistor is electrically connected to the other electrode of the light-receiving element and the other of the source electrode and the drain electrode of the second transistor. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a photosensor comprising a light-receiving element, a first transistor, and a second transistor,wherein a first electrode of the light-receiving element is electrically connected to a first terminal of the first transistor and a first terminal of the second transistor, andwherein a gate electrode of the first transistor is electrically connected to a second terminal of the second transistor.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first transistor comprises a channel formation region comprising an oxide semiconductor, andwherein the second transistor comprises a channel formation region comprising an oxide semiconductor.3. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the photosensor comprises a third transistor, andwherein a first terminal of the third transistor is electrically connected to the gate electrode of the first transistor and the second terminal of the second transistor.4. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the photosensor comprises a fourth ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Laser Range Finding Device And Distance Measurement Method Thereof

Номер: US20130250275A1
Автор: Liu Hua-Tang

A distance measurement method is provided that includes the steps of transmitting a laser signal to a target, receiving outside signals reflected by the target, converting the outside signals into an analog voltage signal, sampling the analogy voltage signal to obtain digital signals, storing the digital signals at storage addresses in a one-to-one relationship, repeating the above steps, accumulating numeral values at each storage addresses to obtain an accumulated value, outputting the accumulating value which exceeds a constant and corresponds to a time point, and calculating the distance between a laser range finding device and the target according to the time point corresponding to the output accumulated value. 1. A distance measurement method of measuring a distance between a laser range finding device and a target , comprising:(A) transmitting a laser signal of a predetermined wavelength to the target;(B) receiving outside signals in a predetermined period of time T, which comprises a reflected laser signal reflected by the target, and a noise signal of another predetermined wavelength;(C) converting the outside signals into an analog voltage signal;(D) sampling the analog voltage signal to obtain n digital signals, wherein each of the n digital signals corresponds to an numeral value;(E) storing the n digital signals in a memory unit at n storage addresses in a one-to-one relationship, wherein the predetermined period of time T is equally divided by the memory unit, and the n storage addresses of the memory unit are one-to-one correspondence with a plurality of time points;(F) repeating the step (A) to the step (E) m times so that the memory unit has m digital signals stored at each of the n storage addresses;(G) accumulating m numeral values corresponding to the m digital signals at each of the n storage addresses to obtain an accumulated value, comparing the accumulated value with a constant, and outputting the accumulated value when the accumulated value ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258097A1
Автор: Yamada Daisuke

A solid-state image sensor including a plurality of pixels each including a photoelectric conversion element formed on a semiconductor. The solid-state image sensor includes a distance measurement pixel including a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements configured to acquire signals for distance measurement and included in at least a part of the plurality of pixels, and a control electrode disposed on the semiconductor via an insulating film, wherein the control electrode is configured to control positions or shapes of the photoelectric conversion elements by applied voltages, while the distance measurement pixel maintains the number of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements. 1. A solid-state image sensor including a plurality of pixels each including a photoelectric conversion element formed on a semiconductor , the solid-state image sensor comprising:a distance measurement pixel including a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements configured to acquire signals for distance measurement and included in at least apart of the plurality of pixels; anda control electrode disposed on the semiconductor via an insulating film,wherein the control electrode is configured to control positions or shapes of the photoelectric conversion elements by applied voltages, while the distance measurement pixel maintains number of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements.2. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the control electrode is configured to change electron energy distributions of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements and therearound by the applied voltages.3. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the control electrode includes a plurality of control electrodes disposed in the distance measurement pixel.4. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the control electrode is disposed on each of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements.5. The solid-state image ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265562A1
Автор: Chen Guofeng, Tang Qiaomei
Принадлежит: Shanghai Kohler Electronics, Ltd.

A distance detecting induction device () comprises a casing (), focusing lenses (), a circuit board () provided with a plurality of electronic components, an emitting device () for emitting infrared light rays, and a receiving device () for receiving and inducing reflected infrared light rays. The casing () comprises a main body part () and two circular openings () provided on the top surface of the main body part (), and the circuit board () is arranged in the main body part (). The lenses () comprise an emitting lens () and a receiving lens () provided at the positions of the two circular openings (). The emitting device () is an infrared light emitting diode for emitting the infrared light rays to the emitting lens (). The receiving device () is a distance detection induction module for inducing the reflected light rays focused by the receiving lens (). The distance detecting induction device () further comprises an emitting light ray guiding device arranged between the emitting lens () and the emitting device (), the guiding device comprises a small circular hole () provided at the position of a transmitting tube core of the emitting device () and a big circular hole () provided at the position of the emitting lens (). 1. A distance detecting induction device , comprising a casing , focusing lenses , a circuit board provided with a plurality of electronic components , an emitting device for emitting infrared light rays , and a receiving device for receiving and inducing reflected infrared light rays. Wherein the casing comprises a main body part and two circular openings provided on the top surface of the main body part. The lenses comprise an emitting lens and a receiving lens provided at the positions of the two circular openings respectively. The circuit board is arranged inside the main body part , provided with a number of electronic components to treat signals; the emitting device is an infrared light emitting diode installed on the circuit board for ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270418A1

A large-area transmissive type optical image modulator, a method of manufacturing the same, and an optical apparatus including the transmissive type optical image modulator are provided. The large-area transmissive type optical image modulator includes: a base substrate; a first expitaxial layer formed on the base substrate; a second expitaxial layer formed on the first expitaxial layer; a first electrode formed on the first expitaxial layer and spaced apart from the second expitaxial layer; a second electrode formed on the second expitaxial layer; and a transparent substrate covering the second expitaxial layer and the second electrode, wherein the base substrate includes a through hole corresponding to a light emitting area, and the first expitaxial layer may include an n-type or p-type doping material. 1. A transmissive type optical image modulator comprising:a base substrate;a first expitaxial layer formed on the base substrate;a second expitaxial layer formed on the first expitaxial layer;a first electrode formed on the first expitaxial layer and spaced apart from the second expitaxial layer;a second electrode formed on the second expitaxial layer; anda transparent substrate covering the second expitaxial layer and the second electrode,wherein the base substrate comprises a through hole corresponding to a light emitting area.2. The transmissive type optical image modulator of claim 1 , wherein the first expitaxial layer is an etch stop layer with respect to dry etching and wet etching.3. The transmissive type optical image modulator of claim 1 , wherein the first expitaxial layer comprises one of an n-type doping material and a p-type doping material.4. The transmissive type optical image modulator of claim 1 , wherein the second expitaxial layer comprises a plurality of separated regions forming an array claim 1 , and a second electrode is formed on each of the separated regions.5. The transmissive type optical image modulator of claim 1 , wherein the second ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271746A1
Автор: Kimura Takayuki

A ranging apparatus includes a body, a substrate on which a sensor unit is mounted and fitted to a surface of the body, a sensor holder attached to the surface of the body and configured to hold the substrate, a lens unit attached to another surface of the body, and a positioning mechanism to position and connect the body, the surface and the sensor holder. The positioning mechanism includes first and second engaging parts which are provided between the body and the substrate and configured to engage the body and the substrate, and third and fourth engaging parts which are provided between the substrate and the sensor holder and configured to engage the substrate and the sensor holder. The first and second engaging parts are different in shape, and the third and fourth engaging parts are different in shape. 1. A ranging apparatus , comprising:a body;a substrate on which a sensor unit is mounted and fitted to a surface of the body;a sensor holder attached to the surface of the body and configured to hold the substrate on which the sensor unit is mounted;a lens unit attached to another surface of the body; anda positioning mechanism configured to position and connect the body, the substrate and the sensor holder,the positioning mechanism including a first engaging part and a second engaging part which are provided between the body and the substrate and configured to engage the body and the substrate, and a third engaging part and a fourth engaging part which are provided between the substrate and the sensor holder and configured to engage the substrate and the sensor holder,the first engaging part and the second engaging part being different in shape, and the third engaging part and the fourth engaging part being different in shape.2. The ranging apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first engaging part includes a first groove provided in the substrate and a first protrusion provided on the body and engaged in the first groove, the second engaging part includes ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278917A1

A light emission reference signal, the timing of which is adjusted by a first delay time control circuit, is input as a timing adjustment signal to a light emitter driver. The light emission reference signal, which is delayed by a second delay time control circuit, is output as an offset signal. The offset signal and a light emission timing signal from the light emitter driver are input to a timing correction phase comparator, and a phase comparison result is output from the timing correction phase comparator. The phase comparison result is input to a timing correction control logic circuit, and a delay adjusting signal based on the phase comparison result is output from the timing correction control logic circuit. The delay adjusting signal is input to the first delay time control circuit, whereby the timing of the light emission reference signal is adjusted. 1. A distance measuring system comprising:a light emitter that emits light toward a target object;a light receiver that receives reflected light of the emitted light from the target object and produces an output corresponding to an amount of light received;a controller for controlling the light emitter and the light receiver; anda distance calculating unit that calculates a distance to the target object by means of a time-of-flight method using the output of the light receiver,wherein the controller further comprises:a sequencer that regulates a light emission timing at which light is emitted from the light emitter and a light reception timing at which light is received by the light receiver;a reference clock signal generating unit that generates a reference clock signal and outputs the reference clock signal to the sequencer;a light emitter driver for driving the light emitter;a light receiver driver for driving the light receiver; anda timing correction unit interposed in a previous stage of the light emitter driver for correcting the light emission timing,wherein the timing correction unit includes a first ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

High precise laser rangefinder

Номер: US20130286375A1
Автор: Chen-Yu Yu
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A laser rangefinder includes a scanning laser emitter emitting a narrow laser beam, a controller in communication with the scanning laser emitter and configured to control the scanning laser emitter to emit the laser beam to scan a preset range in a preset manner, a laser detector positioned adjacent to the scanning laser emitter and configured to capture an image of a spot formed by the laser beam reflected off an object; and a processor in communication with the controller and the laser detector. The processor is configured to obtain an angle that the laser beam is tilted and process the image to obtain position coordinates of the spot in the image. The processor is further configured to calculate a distance from the laser rangefinder to the object based upon the angle and the position coordinates of the spot.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and optical method of ranging and of high bit-rate communication

Номер: US20130286376A1
Автор: Pascal Rousseau
Принадлежит: Thales SA

An optical apparatus for ranging and communication in free space comprises a rangefinder comprising a device for transmitting an optical signal to a target and a device for receiving the signals backscattered by the target. A system for optical communication in free space comprises a device for transmitting an optical signal to a remote optical receiving device. The transmitting device of the rangefinder and transmitting device of the communication system is a transmitting device common to the rangefinder and communication system and transmitting pulses of peak power greater than 50 W and shape factor less than 0.01 or a modulated continuous signal of peak power less than 10 W and shape factor equal to approximately 0.5 and the apparatus comprises a supervisor controlling the common transmitting device according to two modes, the pulse mode to perform the ranging function, or the modulated continuous mode to perform the optical communication function.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293704A1

An imaging apparatus disclosed in the present application includes a lens optical system, an imaging element and an optical array element. The lens optical system includes first and second areas having different optical characteristics with each other. The imaging element includes first and second pixels each including a filter of a first spectral transmittance characteristic, third pixels including a filter of a second spectral transmittance characteristic, and fourth pixels including a filter of a third spectral transmittance characteristic. The optical array element causes the light passing through the first area to be incident on the first pixels and one of the third and fourth pixels and causes the light passing through the second area to be incident on the second pixels and the other of third and fourth pixels. 1. An imaging apparatus , comprising:a lens optical system including a first area and a second area, the second area having an optical characteristic which provides a focusing characteristic different from the focusing characteristic by light rays which have passed the first area;an imaging element including a plurality of first pixels and a plurality of second pixels on which light which has passed the lens optical system is incident and which includes a filter having a first spectral transmittance characteristic, a plurality of third pixels on which light which has passed the lens optical system is incident and which include a filter having a second spectral transmittance characteristic, and a plurality of fourth pixels on which light which has passed the lens optical system is incident and which include a filter having a third spectral transmittance characteristic; andan optical array element located between the lens optical system and the imaging element, the optical array element causing the light which has passed the first area to be incident on the plurality of first pixels and causing the light which has passed the second area to be incident on ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Distance-measuring device of measuring distance according to variation of imaging location and calibrating method thereof

Номер: US20130293867A1

A distance-measuring device is utilized for measuring a measured distance between a measured object and the distance-measuring device. The distance-measuring device reduces the effect of a background light and a flicking light by removing the part corresponding to the background light and the flicking light from light-sensed signals generated by an image sensor of the distance-measuring device. In addition, the distance-measuring device calculates a calibrating parameter for calibrating an assemble-error angle of the distance-measuring device, according to an imaging location of a reflective light obtained by measuring a calibrating object with a predetermined distance. In this way, the distance-measuring device can correctly calculate out the measured distance. 1. A calibrating method for calibrating a distance-measuring device of measuring distance according to variation of imaging location , a lighting component of the distance-measuring device emitting a detecting light to a measured object , the measured object reflecting the detecting light to an image sensor of the distance-measuring device for imaging at a first imaging location , the distance-measuring device calculating a measured distance between the measured object and the distance-measuring device according to the first imaging location , a focus length of a first lens of the distance-measuring device , and a predetermined distance between the lighting component and the image sensor , the calibrating method comprising: 'wherein a distance between the distance-measuring device and the calibrating object is a known distance;', 'the lighting component of the distance-measuring device emitting the detecting light to a calibrating object, and the calibrating object reflecting the detecting light to the image sensor of the distance-measuring device for imaging at a second imaging location;'}calculating a calibrating parameter for calibrating an assembling-error angle according to the known distance and the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301029A1
Автор: Goering Hermann

A distance-measuring system includes a light source, a light detector, and measuring optics for projecting light emitted by the light source to a target and for guiding light reflected from said target towards the light detector. The distance-measuring system also includes reference optics for guiding light emitted by the light source within the system towards the light detector as internal reference light and a variable attenuator for adjusting intensity of light incident on the light detector. The variable attenuator includes an attenuating filter arranged in a beam path between the measuring optics and the light detector and an actuator coupled to the attenuating filter for moving the attenuating filter. The distance-measuring system further includes an optical selector coupled to at least one of the actuator or the attenuating filter and moved by the actuator together with the attenuating filter. 113.-. (canceled)14. A distance-measuring system , comprising:a light source;a light detector;measuring optics for projecting light emitted by the light source to a target and for guiding light reflected from said target towards the light detector;a variable attenuator for adjusting intensity of light incident on the light detector, the variable attenuator comprising an attenuating filter arranged in a beam path between the measuring optics and the light detector, and an actuator coupled to the attenuating filter for moving the attenuating filter; anda controller;wherein along the same direction of movement of the attenuating filter caused by the actuator the attenuating filter has first and second sections of varying transmissivity, a first section in which the transmissivity varies from higher transparency to lower transparency and a second section in which the transmissivity varies from higher transparency to lower transparency; andwherein the controller is adapted to take a decision on a kind of the target reflecting light towards the light detector, the kind of ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301030A1

A laser scanner () detects and determines distances of objects comprises a light transmitter transmitting light in a plurality of consecutive individual pulses. A rotatable deflection unit () for the periodical deflection of the transmission light beam () into the monitoring zone () and an angular measurement unit () generates angular position signals () in dependence on an angular position of the deflection unit (). An evaluation unit () identifies a received pulse associated with an object from a histogram () taken from a histogram memory () to determine the distance of the object by means of a light propagation method. The histogram () is collected over a time interval which is associated with the angular position signal (). In this connection at least two histogram memories () are provided in order to collect a first histogram and a second histogram in overlapping time intervals. 11020. A laser scanner () for the detection and determination of distances of objects in a monitoring zone () , comprising{'b': 12', '16, 'a light transmitter () for the transmission of a transmission light beam () having a plurality of consecutive individual light pulses;'}{'b': 18', '16', '20, 'a rotatable deflection unit () for the periodic deflection of the transmission light beam () into the monitoring zone ();'}{'b': 30', '62', '18, 'an angular measurement unit () for the generation of angular position signals () in dependence on an angular position of the deflection unit ();'}{'b': 26', '22', '20, 'a light receiver () for the generation of received signals from the transmission light () remitted or reflected from objects in the monitoring zone ();'}{'b': 32', '32, 'i': a', 'b, 'at least two histogram memories (, ) each having a plurality of memory spaces in which respectively a section of a received signal can be accumulated; and'}{'b': 32', '110', '32', '32', '110', '62, 'i': a', 'b, 'an evaluation unit () which is configured to identify a received pulse associated with an ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308120A1
Автор: Portegys Thomas E.

A portable distance measuring device that works by spanning separately targeted endpoints is described. The device contains a laser distance measuring component and sensing components that track changes in position and orientation of the device, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. Distance is measured by pointing the laser at an endpoint and measuring the distance to it. Once this measurement is confirmed, the device can be moved to a different vantage location to measure a second endpoint with the laser. The orientation and position of the device for the second distance measurement relative to the first measurement are calculated by the position and orientation sensors. Together these values are sufficient to calculate the distance spanning the endpoints. This calculation is performed by a computer contained in the device and the distance displayed to the user. 1. A method by which the distance between two endpoints is measured with a laser distance measuring component of a device that sequentially measures the distance from the device to the endpoints. The two measurements can be taken from different vantage points. Position and orientation sensor components within the device track and measure the relative position and orientation of the device during the interval between the distance measurements. Together the distance , position and orientation measurements are sufficient to determine the distance spanning the endpoints and the relative coordinates of the endpoints.2. Using the method of claim 1 , a computer contained within the device computes the distance spanning the endpoints and the relative coordinates of the endpoints using the distance claim 1 , position and orientation measurements produced by the device components. It also computes the accuracy of the computed distance and coordinates given the input measurements and the precision of the components.3. Using the methods of and claim 1 , the user selects an endpoint by pointing the laser beam at the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Distance measurement system

Номер: US20130314691A1
Принадлежит: PixArt Imaging Inc

A light source transmits detecting light toward an object. The object reflects the detecting light and forms a reflected light. A sensor is used for sensing the reflected light. Then, an exposure control unit coupled to the sensor performs luminance convergence on the reflected light according to luminance of the reflected light sensed by the sensor. And a distance measurement device coupled to the sensor detects a distance between the object and the light source and/or the sensor according to an image position of the reflected light on the sensor.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314692A1

An etching monitor device capable of high precision measurement in the presence of a mask region capable of producing interference. An interference optical system which acquires reflected interference light containing three interference component signals; a spectrometric measurement unit; an optical path difference analysis unit which computes optical path difference analysis data for the reflected interference spectrum; an uncorrected B-C interference distance computation unit; a correction table unit which computes and stores the relationship between mask thickness and amount of offset of optical path difference due to fusion of two interferences; a mask thickness measurement unit; a B-C interference distance true value computation unit; and an etching depth computation unit which computes the etching depth based on a corrected B-C interference distance and mask thickness. 1. An etching monitor device which monitors etching depth , which is a level difference between the surface to be etched and the top surface of a substrate in a processed region of a substrate containing a mask surface where the top surface of the substrate is covered with a mask and a surface to be etched , which is not covered by a mask , the device comprising:a light source which generates measurement light having a predetermined wavelength band;a measurement optical system which projects said measurement light onto said processed region of the substrate, and acquires reflected interference light containing three interference component signals for three types of interference, namely A-B interference, B-C interference and C-A interference, which are due respectively to optical path differences of reflected light between three sets of surfaces, namely, said mask surface and said top surface of the substrate, said top surface of the substrate and said surface to be etched, and said surface to be etched and said mask surface;a spectrometric unit which disperses a wavelength of said reflected ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130321791A1
Принадлежит: Chiaro Technologies LLC

Methods, systems, and apparatuses are provided for estimating a location on an object in a three-dimensional scene. Multiple radiation patterns are produced by spatially modulating each of multiple first radiations with a distinct combination of one or more modulating structures, each first radiation having at least one of a distinct radiation path, a distinct source, a distinct source spectrum, or a distinct source polarization with respect to the other first radiations. The location on the object is illuminated with a portion of each of two or more of the radiation patterns, the location producing multiple object radiations, each object radiation produced in response to one of the multiple radiation patterns. Multiple measured values are produced by detecting the object radiations from the location on the object due to each pattern separately using one or more detector elements. The location on the object is estimated based on the multiple measured values. 1. A method for estimating a location on an object in a three dimensional scene , the method comprising:producing a plurality of radiation patterns;measuring at least a portion of two or more of the plurality of radiation patterns at one or more detection locations in space;producing one or more illumination vectors, each comprising at least a portion of a plurality of illumination values measured at the one or more detection locations in space;illuminating the location on the object with at least a portion of each of two or more of the plurality of radiation patterns, the illuminated location on the object producing a plurality of object radiations, wherein each object radiation is produced in response to one of the plurality of radiation patterns;detecting the plurality of object radiations;producing a plurality of measured values utilizing the plurality of detected object radiations; andestimating the location on the object based on the plurality of measured values and the one or more illumination vectors.2. ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329218A1
Автор: Vogel Michael

A geodetic target for use in geodesy comprises an orienting device with a bearing direction P, a first inclinometer with a first axis of inclination A, a reflector reflecting incident measurement beams S, an imaging optics that focuses the incident measurement beams S, a matrix sensor , whose receiving surface is situated in an image plane of the imaging optics , and an interface , which is connected to the first inclinometer and the matrix sensor . The spatial arrangement and orientation of the optical axis and/or axis of symmetry A of the reflector relative to the bearing direction P of the orienting device is predetermined here. The first axis of inclination A makes an angle α other than zero with an optical axis A of the imaging optics . The optical axis A of the imaging optics coincides with an optical axis A and/or axis of symmetry of the reflector or is parallel to it or make an angle with it. The interface is designed to put out the signals received from the first inclinometer and the matrix sensor for determining a spatial orientation of the reflector reflecting the measurement beams relative to the target point Z. 1. Geodetic target , comprising:an orienting device with a bearing direction;a first inclinometer with a first axis of inclination;a reflector reflecting incident measurement beams;an imaging optics focusing the measurement beams incident on the reflector;a matrix sensor, whose receiving surface is situated in an image plane of the imaging optics; andan interface, which is connected to the first inclinometer and the matrix sensor;wherein the spatial arrangement and orientation of the optical axis and/or axis of symmetry of the reflector relative to the bearing direction of the orienting device is predetermined;wherein the first axis of inclination makes an angle α different from zero with an optical axis of the imaging optics;wherein the optical axis of the imaging optics coincides with an optical axis and/or axis of symmetry of the reflector or ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335559A1

A portable instrument or apparatus includes a portable device and a rangefinder module. The rangefinder module can be attached to the portable device, which may be any suitable smartphone, tablet or other consumer electronics device having a camera. By suitable alignment of the rangefinder and camera, the device is capable of capturing accurate data over significant ranges, including for example an image of a target together with position information concerning the target. 1. A data capture method including:a) mounting a rangefinder module to a portable device, the rangefinder module including a laser rangefinder emitting and detecting a rangefinder beam and the portable device including a camera and a display, such that, in a mounted state, the laser rangefinder and camera are in fixed relation to each other; i. capturing one or more alignment images using the camera;', 'ii. determining from the image or images a position of the rangefinder beam in the image or images; and', 'iii. determining from the position a laser rangefinder direction relative to the camera; and, 'b) determining a direction of the laser rangefinder by i. displaying an image from the camera on the display with a marker, the marker and the determined laser rangefinder direction being aligned such that the apparatus is arranged to be pointed by a user towards a target by aligning the marker with the target; and', 'ii. capturing substantially simultaneously an image including the target using the camera and a range to the target using the laser rangefinder., 'c) capturing data by2. A method as claimed in including capturing an alignment range using the laser rangefinder claim 1 , substantially simultaneously with the one or more alignment images claim 1 , the laser range finder direction being determined from the position and alignment range.3. A method as claimed in wherein the rangefinder beam is an infrared laser beam and the camera is sensitive to visible and infrared light.4. A method as ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Distance-measuring device with increased signal-to-noise ratio and method thereof

Номер: US20130335726A1
Автор: CHANG Yen-Min, Hsu En-Feng

A method of increasing signal-to-noise ratio of a distance-measuring device includes a light-emitting component emitting a detecting light to a measured object during an emitting period for generating a reflected light, a delay period after the light-emitting component emitting the detecting light, a light-sensing component sensing the energy of the reflected light to generate a light-sensing signal, and obtaining a measured distance between the distance-measuring device and the measured object according to the energy of the detecting light and the light-sensing signal. Since the measured distance is longer than a predetermined shortest measured distance, the method can accordingly calculate a proper delay period for ensuring that the reflected light reaches the light-sensing component after the delay period. In this way, the light-sensing component does not sense the background light during the delay period, so that the signal-to-noise ratio of the light-sensing signal is improved. 1. A method of increasing signal-to-noise ratio of a distance-measuring device , the distance-measuring device being utilized for measuring a measured distance between the distance-measuring device and a measured object , the measured distance being longer than a predetermined shortest measured distance and shorter than a predetermined longest measured distance , the distance-measuring device having a light-emitting component for emitting a detecting light , and a first light-sensing component for sensing and accumulating energy of light according to a first shutter periodic signal to generate a first light-sensing signal , the method comprising:the light-emitting component continuously emitting the detecting light to the measured object to generate a reflected light during an emitting period;a delay period after the light-emitting component starts to emit the detecting light, switching the first shutter periodic signal to represent turning-on during a first sensing period for the first ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002636A1

To measure the distance to points on an object by radiating a periodic amplitude-modulated optical signal to the object and detecting the phase difference between the radiated optical signal and a reflected optical signal from the object, a first photo-detection control signal is generated to control the radiation of the optical signal. A mask signal is generated such that the mask signal is activated at least during a shuttering duration for resetting the voltage level at a sensing node (associated with an operation of a previous frame). A second photo-detection control signal is generated based on the first photo-detection signal and the mask signal such that the second photo-detection signal is deactivated or masked at least during the shuttering duration. 1. A method of measuring the distance to an object by radiating a periodic amplitude-modulated optical signal to the object and detecting the phase difference between the radiated optical signal and a reflected optical signal from the object , the method comprising:generating a first photo-detection control signal to control the periodic amplitude-modulation of the radiated optical signal;generating a mask signal activated at least during a shuttering duration for resetting the voltage level at a sensing node; andgenerating a second photo-detection control signal based on Boolean combination of the first photo-detection signal and the mask signal such that the second photo-detection signal is deactivated or masked at least during the shuttering duration.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distance to the object is resolved using correlated double sampling (CDS) to compensate the detected phase difference for a reset voltage level.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mask signal is further activated at least during an activated duration of a reset control signal while detecting the reset voltage level.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the CDS includes a first duration for detecting a signal voltage level ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002806A1
Автор: Büchel Sven

The invention relates to an electro-optical distance measuring device for measuring distances in a contactless manner, comprising at least one laser distance-measuring module, which has a laser source for emitting an optical measuring light beam in the direction of an object and which has a receiver for detecting reflected portions of the optical measuring light beam, and comprising an analyzing and control unit for determining a distance on the basis of the received portions of the optical measuring light beam. According to the invention, criteria are defined and stored which characterize a determined gesture for triggering the distance measurement, said gesture being carried out by a user using a test body that crosses the measuring light beam in an encoded manner. Additionally, the analyzing and control unit is designed to carry out a measurement-triggering gesture mode in which reflected portions of the optical measuring light beam are continuously detected automatically and the continuously detected reflected portions are analyzed with respect to characteristic variables, said variables being dependent on a gesture that crosses the measuring light beam by means of a test body in an encoded manner. The characteristic variables are used to test whether said variables correspond to the defined criteria so that the gesture that is carried out by the user is identified as the gesture for triggering the distance measurement if the characteristic variables correspond to the criteria. Finally, a measurement of the distance to the object can be automatically triggered in response to an identification of the gesture for triggering the distance measurement. 114-. (canceled)15. An electro-optical distance measuring device for contactless distance measurement , comprising:a laser distance measuring module that has a laser source for emitting an optical measuring light beam in the direction of an object;a receiver for detecting reflected components of the optical measuring ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Observation Device With A Distance Meter

Номер: US20140002807A1

The invention relates to a binocular observation device, in particular a field glass, with two visual optical paths and with a laser distance meter with a laser transmitter and a laser receiver and with an opto-electronic display element. A part of an optical path of the laser transmitter is integrated in a first visual optical path and a part of an optical path of the laser receiver is also integrated in the first visual optical path. 111122142116142021111225. Magnifier device with a visual optical path (; ) and with a laser distance meter () with a laser transmitter () and a laser receiver () , and a part of an optical path () of the laser transmitter () and a part of an optical path () of the laser receiver () extend in the visual optical path (; ) , and regions of the deflection are disposed on at least one optical component , and with an opto-electronic display element () , characterized in that the regions of the deflection are located on a single optical component.21112711122142116142021111252571614111216145. Magnifier device with a visual optical path (; ) and a focusing device () for focusing at least the visual optical path (; ) claim 1 , and with a laser distance meter () with a laser transmitter () and a laser receiver () claim 1 , and a part of an optical path () of the laser transmitter () and a part of an optical path () of the laser receiver () extend in the visual optical path (; ) to the lens () claim 1 , and regions of the deflection are disposed on at least one optical component claim 1 , and with an optical display element () in particular according to claim 1 , characterized in that the focusing device () for focusing the optical path () of the laser transmitter () and the visual optical path (; ) is disposed between the optical component for deflecting the optical path () of the laser transmitter () and the lens ().31111221421161411122520211112. Binocular observation device () claim 1 , in particular a field glass claim 1 , with two visual ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Pool Cleaner with Laser Range Finder System and Method

Номер: US20140009748A1

Embodiments of the invention provide a pool cleaner control system including a laser range finder with a first laser line generator, a second laser line generator, and a camera. The first laser line generator and the second laser line generator are positioned to emit parallel laser lines and the camera is positioned to capture an image of the laser lines projected on an object. The control system also includes a controller in communication with the laser range finder and configured to control operation of the laser line generators to emit the laser lines and to control the camera to capture the image. The controller is also configured to receive the image from the camera, calculate a pixel distance between the laser lines in the image, and calculate the physical distance between the camera and the object based on the pixel distance. 1. A pool cleaner control system to detect a physical distance to an object in front of the pool cleaner , the control system comprising:a laser range finder including a first laser line generator, a second laser line generator, and a camera, the first laser line generator and the second laser line generator positioned to emit parallel laser lines and the camera positioned relative to the first laser line generator and the second laser line generator to capture an image of the laser lines projected on the object; and control operation of the first laser line generator and the second laser line generator to emit the laser lines,', 'control the camera to capture the image of the laser lines projected on the object,', 'receive the image from the camera,', 'calculate a pixel distance between the laser lines in the image, and', 'calculate the physical distance between the camera and the object based on the pixel distance., 'a controller in communication with the laser range finder and configured to'}2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the first laser line generator and the second laser line generator are vertically mounted on top of ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016113A1

The subject disclosure is directed towards a distance sensor that outputs one or more (e.g., infrared) light patterns from a transmitting element. Signals from any reflective entity (e.g., a surface or object) within the sensor's range are captured by a receiving element. The captured image is digitized into digital data representing each light pattern, and the digital data is processed (e.g., including using triangulation) to determine distance data of the distance sensor relative to the reflective surface. 1. A system comprising:a distance sensor including a transmitting element and a receiving element, the distance sensor configured to output one or more light patterns from the transmitting element that are detectable in an image captured by the receiving element via reflection from a reflective entity when within range, in which each light pattern detected by the receiving element is represented by digital data that are processed to determine distance data relative to the reflective entity.2. The system of wherein the receiving element captures an image corresponding to the one or more reflected light patterns reflected from a reflective entity within range claim 1 , and wherein coordinates representative of the one or more reflected light patterns are processed using triangulation to determine the distance data relative to the reflective entity.3. The system of wherein the transmitting element comprises at least one infrared emitter that outputs the one or more light patterns.4. The system of wherein the transmitting element comprises a plurality of infrared emitters that output a plurality of light patterns claim 1 , or at least one infrared emitter that outputs a plurality of light patterns via optics.5. The system of wherein the transmitting element strobes at least one of the one or more light patterns in synchronization with a rolling shutter of the receiving element.6. The system of wherein the transmitting element outputs at least one of the one or more ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Hand-Held Laser Distance Measuring Device

Номер: US20140016114A1

The disclosure is based on a hand-held laser distance measuring device comprising at least one laser unit which is configured to determine a first distance using a laser beam emitted in a first relative direction. The laser unit is further configured to determine at least one second distance, near instantaneously, using a laser beam emitted in at least one second relative direction which differs from the first relative direction. 1. A handheld laser distance measuring device comprising:at least one laser unit configured (i) to determine a first distance in a first relative direction using a laser beam, and (ii) to determine, almost simultaneously, at least one second distance in at least one second relative direction, which differs from the first relative direction, using the laser beam.2. The laser distance measuring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one laser unit includes a laser beam guidance means apparatus configured to guide the laser beam into the first relative direction and the at least one second relative direction.3. The laser distance measuring device as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising:a computer unit configured to set an angle at least between the first relative direction and the at least one second relative direction.4. The laser distance measuring device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the computer unit is further configured to regulate the laser beam guidance apparatus in an operating mode by virtue of a first measurement point of the first relative direction and a second measurement point of the at least one second relative direction being arranged at a predetermined distance from one another.5. The laser distance measuring device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an input unit configured to set an angle, at least between the first relative direction and the at least one second relative direction.6. The laser distance measuring device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a computer unit configured to ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022528A1

A proximity sensor and proximity sensing method using a change in light quantity of a reflected light are disclosed. The proximity sensor may include a quantity change detection unit which detects a change in a quantity of reflected light which is output light which has been reflected by an object, where an intensity of the output light changes, and a proximity determination unit which determines a proximity of the object to the quantity change detection unit based on a change in the intensity of the output light and the detected change in the quantity of the reflected light. 1. A proximity sensor comprising:a quantity change detection unit which detects a change in a quantity of reflected light which is output light which has been reflected by an object, wherein an intensity of the output light changes; anda proximity determination unit which determines a proximity of the object to the quantity change detection unit based on a change in the intensity of the output light and the detected change in the quantity of the reflected light.2. The proximity sensor of claim 1 , wherein the proximity determination unit determines the proximity of the object based on an occurrence number of events claim 1 , wherein each occurrence of an event is based on a detected change in the quantity of the reflected light during a predetermined time measured from a time when the change in intensity of the output light occurs.3. The proximity sensor of claim 1 , wherein the proximity determination unit determines the proximity of the object using a temporal distribution pattern of events based on the detected change in the quantity of the reflected light and a time when the change in the intensity of the output light occurs.4. The proximity sensor of claim 3 , wherein the proximity determination unit determines the proximity of the object using a difference between a time claim 3 , in the temporal distribution pattern of events claim 3 , when events most frequently occur and the time when ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022539A1
Автор: FRANCE Peter Glen

A method for determining absolute orientation of a platform is disclosed. In one embodiment, a first sky polarization data set for a first time Ti is measured using a sky polarization sensor disposed on a platform. A second sky polarization data set is obtained at a second time Tj. A difference in orientation between the first sky polarization data set and the second sky polarization data set is determined using an orientation determiner. The difference in orientation is provided as at least one orientation parameter for the platform at time Tj. The at least one orientation parameter is used to provide a direction relative to a reference point on the platform. 1. A method for determining absolute orientation of a platform , comprising:measuring a first sky polarization data set at a first time Ti using a sky polarization sensor disposed on a platform;obtaining a second sky polarization data set at a second time Tj;determining a difference in orientation between said first sky polarization data set and said second sky polarization data set using an orientation determiner;providing said difference in orientation as at least one orientation parameter for said platform at time Tj; andusing said at least one orientation parameter to provide a direction relative to a reference point on said platform.2. The method of further comprising:calculating the absolute orientation of said sky polarization sensor by adding said difference in orientation.3. The method of further comprising:measuring said second sky polarization data set using said sky polarization sensor on said platform.4. The method of further comprising:measuring said second sky polarization data set using a second sky polarization sensor disposed in a fixed stationary mounting, said second sky polarization sensor having a known absolute orientation.5. The method of wherein said using said orientation determiner further comprises:accessing a solar almanac to calculate sun azimuth and elevation as a function of ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036067A1

Provided are: a correction object determining section which determines whether, on an imaging plane in image data obtained by imaging an object irradiated with diffusion light from a light source by a camera, a region regarded to be in a state where a rod-like object has been irradiated with the diffusion light exists; a measurement point calculating section which estimates a light source center position of the diffusion light based on information of a luminance distribution of the diffusion light in the image data to set it as a first measurement point; and a distance calculating section which calculates a distance between the object at the first measurement point and the camera according to triangulation based on a horizontal distance between the center of the imaging plane and the first measurement point, the positions of the camera and light source, and an imaging direction angle of the camera. 1. A semiconductor integrated circuit comprising:a correction object determining section which determines whether or not, on an imaging plane in image data obtained by imaging an object irradiated with diffusion light from a light source by a camera, a region which can be regarded to be in a state where a rod-like object has been irradiated with the diffusion light exists;a measurement point calculating section which, when the region which can be regarded to be in a state where the rod-like object has been irradiated with the diffusion light exists on the imaging plane in the image data, estimates a light source center position of the diffusion light based on information of a luminance distribution of the diffusion light in the image data to set the light source center position as a first measurement point; anda distance calculating section which calculates a distance between the object at the first measurement point and the camera or the light source according to triangulation based on a horizontal distance between a center of the imaging plane in the image data and the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Stereo camera device and computer-readable recording medium

Номер: US20140043444A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The stereo camera device includes: a pair of cameras; a first converter converting images of the cameras into first conversion images; a second converter converting the images into second conversion images; and a disparity estimation unit. The first conversion image is an image in which positions of pixels are represented by two-dimensional orthogonal coordinates defined by a first angle around a first axis defined by a straight line connecting optical centers of the cameras and a second angle around a second axis defined by an optical axis of the camera. The second conversion image is an image in which positions of pixels are represented by two-dimensional orthogonal coordinates defined by the first angle and a third angle around a third axis orthogonal to the first and second axes. The disparity estimation unit calculates a disparity of a desired point in a space based on the first and second conversion images.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043597A1
Автор: Goering Hermann
Принадлежит: Trimble Jena GmbH

A distance measuring system comprises a radiation source, a radiation detector, a measuring lens system, a first damping filter, a second damping filter and an actuator. The radiation source is constructed to emit optical radiation and the radiation detector is constructed to detect optical radiation. The measuring lens system is designed to project optical radiation to a target and to conduct optical radiation reflected by the target to the radiation detector. The first damping filter has a constant damping and can be arranged in a beam path between the radiation source and the measuring lens system. The second damping filter has an adjustable damping and can be arranged in a beam path between the measuring lens system and the radiation detector. The actuator is mechanically coupled to the first and also to the second damping filter and is constructed to move the first and the second damping filter in common. 1. A distance measuring system , comprising:a radiation source;a radiation detector;a measuring lens system for projecting optical radiation emitted by the radiation source to a target and for guiding optical radiation reflected by the target to the radiation detector;a first damping filter, that has a constant damping and can be arranged in a beam path between the radiation source and the measuring lens system,a second damping filter, that has an adjustable damping and can be arranged in a beam path between the measuring lens system and the radiation detector;an actuator, that is mechanically coupled to the first as well as to the second damping filter;a reference lens system for conducting optical radiation emitted by the radiation source inside the distance measuring system to the radiation detector, whereby the reference lens system is mechanically coupled to the actuator; anda rhomboid prism mechanically decoupled from the actuator, whose entrance surface is permanently partially arranged in a beam path defined by the radiation source;whereby the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046587A1
Автор: Rintanen Kari

A system for determining a location of a vehicle in an environment provided with at least two landmarks whose location is known. The system includes at least one scanning distance sensor installed in the vehicle and configured to measure distance and direction from the vehicle to the at least two landmarks, as well as a data processing device configured to store in its memory the location of the at least two landmarks; and determine the location of the vehicle on the basis of at least the location of the at least two landmarks as well as the distance and direction from the vehicle to the at least two landmarks. 115.-. (canceled)16. A system for determining a location of a vehicle , the system comprising:at least one scanning distance sensor installed in the vehicle and configured to measure distance and direction from the vehicle to at least two of a plurality of landmarks, wherein locations of the landmarks is known to the system; store in memory the location of said at least two landmarks;', 'determine an initial location and initial heading of the vehicle based on measured distances and directions to said at least two landmarks, and on a recorded movement and change of heading, if any, between the times the at least two landmarks are observed;, 'a data processing device configured to record a change in heading and maintain heading data of the vehicle;', 'measure distance and direction to the only one landmark;', 'determine an updated location based on at least the location of said at only one landmark as well as the distance and direction from the vehicle to said only one landmark., 'and when only one landmark is visible, the data processing device is configured to17. The system as claimed in claim 16 , further configured to determine said change in location of the vehicle by utilizing satellite positioning.18. The system as claimed in claim 16 , further configured to determine said change in location of the vehicle by monitoring a travel direction of the vehicle ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Distance measuring methods

Номер: US20140055770A1
Принадлежит: Trimble 3D Scanning

A distance measuring method includes: emitting a pulse of measuring light towards an object; receiving a pulse measuring light from the object and generating a pulse signal corresponding to the pulse of measuring light received from the object; delaying a first portion of the generated pulse signal for a predetermined time; generating an intensity signal indicative of an intensity of the generated pulse signal, while delaying the first portion of the generated pulse signal; amplifying the delayed first portion of the generated pulse signal using a gain dependent on the generated intensity signal; and determining a value representing a distance based on the amplified delayed first portion of the generated pulse signal.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062772A1

An object locator system for locating an object of interest in a scene. The locator system includes: a) a body mounted pedestrian localization unit worn by an operator; b) a hand-held rangefinder configured to be grasped by the operator; c) a pose sensor for estimating relative position and orientation of the hand-held rangefinder relative to the localization device; and d) a computer control system coupled to the pedestrian localization unit, the rangefinder, and the pose sensor, the computer control system being programmed to compute a relative location of the object with respect to the body worn localization unit using range data from the rangefinder and relative pose from the pose sensor, and transform the relative location to a global location using data from the pedestrian localization unit. 1. An object locator system for locating an object of interest in a scene , comprising:a) a body mounted pedestrian localization unit worn by an operator;a) a hand-held rangefinder configured to be grasped by the operator;c) a pose sensor for estimating relative position and orientation of said hand-held rangefinder relative to said localization device; and compute a relative location of the object with respect to said body worn localization unit using range data from said rangefinder and relative pose from said pose sensor, and', 'transform the relative location to a global location using data from said pedestrian localization unit., 'd) a computer control system coupled to said pedestrian localization unit, said rangefinder, and said pose sensor, said computer control system being programmed to'}2. The system according to wherein the body worn pedestrian localization unit includes a foot mounted sensor.3. The system according to wherein the body worn pedestrian localization unit includes a torso mounted sensor.4. The system according to wherein the foot mounted sensor is an inertial sensor.5. The system according to wherein the torso mounted sensor is an inertial sensor. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063261A1
Принадлежит: Pocket Optics, LLC

Portable laser rangefinders include an objective lens situated to form an image of a distant object on an image sensor. The image sensor is coupled to a display that produces a corresponding displayed image that can be viewed directly by a user, or viewed using an eye piece. A transmitter directs a probe beam to a target, and a returned portion of the probe beam is detected to estimate target distance or target speed. An image processor is coupled to the image sensor and the display so as to provide a digital image. 1. A measuring device , comprising:an objective lens defining an entrance pupil diameter Φ; and situated to form an image of a distant object at an image sensor; anda display coupled to the image sensor and configured to produce a displayed image of the distant object based on the image formed by the objective lens; anda first eye lens situated for user viewing of the displayed image, wherein the magnifying power of the distant object is at least 0.7× for each millimeter of the entrance pupil Φ).2. The measuring device of claim 1 , further comprising a laser transmitter configured to direct a probe beam to the distant object.3. The measuring device of claim 1 , further comprising an image processor configured to process the image from the image sensor so as to provide a selected digital zoom.4. The measuring device of claim 1 , further comprising:an optical transmitter configured to produce optical radiation and direct at least a portion of the optical radiation to the distant object as a probe beam;an optical receiver situated to receive a returned portion of the probe beam from the distant object; anda rangefinding system configured to calculate a distance to the distant object based on the returned portion of the probe beam.5. The measuring device of claim 4 , further comprising:a collimating lens situated to receive optical radiation from the optical transmitter and form the probe beam; anda receiver lens situated to receive the returned portion of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071427A1
Автор: LAST Matthew Emanuel
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Fabrication of an imaging range finder is disclosed. The range finder can be formed of an imaging lens and an array of emitters and photodetectors in optical communication with the lens. The emitters in the array can be formed to emit light that is directed by the lens toward a target object. The photodetectors in the array can be formed to detect light received from the object through the lens and onto the photodetectors. The lens, the array, or both can be movable to adjust the light emitted by the range finder. The range finder can be formed to find the object's range based on characteristics of the emitted light and/or the detected light. 1. An imaging range finder comprising:an array formed of a set of emitters capable of emitting light and a set of photodetectors capable of detecting light;an imaging lens formed proximate to and in optical communication with the array and capable of collimating the emitted light from the emitters and focusing light received from an object onto the photodetectors; anda driver circuit formed proximate to the array and capable of driving the array.2. The range finder of claim 1 , further comprising:a device coupled to at least one of the array or the lens to move the array or the lens,wherein the driver circuit is coupled to the device to drive the device.3. The range finder of claim 1 , further comprising:a movable prism formed between the lens and the array,wherein the driver circuit is coupled to the prism to cause the prism to move.4. The range finder of claim 1 , further comprising:a second imaging lens formed in alignment with the imaging lens; anda device coupled to the imaging lens and the second imaging lens to move the lenses,wherein the driver circuit is coupled to the device to drive the device.5. The range finder of claim 1 , further comprising:a second imaging lens formed adjacent to the imaging lens to receive scattered light from the object and focus the scattered light onto the photodetectors.6. The range finder ...
