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27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422863C2

Изобретение относится к решетчатому изображению (12) для получения, по меньшей мере, одного нерешетчатого полутонового изображения с множеством уровней яркости. Указанное решетчатое изображение включает в себя решетчатые узоры, определяемые постоянной решетки и угловой ориентацией, и/или, по меньшей мере, частично включает в себя решетчатые узоры, образующие матовый узор. При этом решетчатые узоры, которые содержат решетчатый рисунок, состоящий из множества определенным образом нанесенных решетчатых линий и воздействующий на электромагнитное излучение, и так, соответственно, создают, плоскую область полутонового изображения с постоянным уровнем яркости при освещении. Заявленное изобретение обеспечивает создание полутонового изображения высокого качества. 3 н. и 32 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2224451C2

Элемент искривленной поверхности, по меньшей мере часть которого имеет на внутренней или внешней поверхности дифракционную решетку, которая создает у наблюдателя ощущение цвета. Дифракционная решетка может быть голографическим оптическим элементом, присоединенным к искривленной поверхности, или дифракционной голографической картиной, вытесненной на искривленной поверхности. Технический результат - создание рождественских украшений, включающих в себя декоративные голограммы. 4 с. и 40 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531847C2

Оптическое устройство может использоваться для защиты от подделки. Оптическое устройство включает в себя рельефно-структурированный слой, содержащий первую и вторую области, первый слой, выполненный из первого материала, имеющего показатель преломления, отличающийся от показателя преломления материала рельефно-структурированного слоя, и покрывающий рельефно-структурный слой, и второй слой, выполненный из второго материала, отличающегося от первого материала, и покрывающий первый слой. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности позиционирования отражательного слоя при изготовлении защитного элемента. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил., 1 табл.

26-09-2023 дата публикации

Установка записи мультиплексных голограмм и способ записи мультиплексных голограмм

Номер: RU2804253C1

Изобретение относится к способам и устройствам для голографии, способным осуществлять мультиплексную запись с высокой плотностью. Установка записи мультиплексных голограмм содержит источник когерентного излучения, опорный канал, объектный канал, пространственные фильтры и держатель заготовки голограммы. Объектный канал оснащён по меньшей мере двумя пространственными фильтрами и выполнен с возможностью формирования и последующего совмещения по меньшей мере двух расходящихся пучков излучения со сферическим волновым фронтом и различными фокусными расстояниями, соответствующими различным длинам оптических плеч от указанных пространственных фильтров объектного канала до держателя заготовки голограммы. Изобретение позволяет расширить функциональные возможности записанных голограмм, в частности расширить поля зрения с сохранением виртуального изображения, а также упростить и облегчить проекционную систему, в которой они могут использоваться. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753146C1

Изобретение относится к области волноводных устройств виртуальной и дополненной реальности. Заявлен способ изготовления волновода с дифракционными оптическими элементами, содержащий: обеспечение волновода, фиксацию на волноводе фрагментов одной или более голографических сред; запись в каждом фрагменте голографической среды дифракционного оптического элемента, представляющего собой голограммный оптический элемент, с использованием предыскаженной объектной волны, содержащей фазово-сопряженные аберрации к аберрациям инспекционной волны, детектированным после прохождения инспекционной волной локальной структуры, образованной волноводом и этим фрагментом голографической среды. Кроме того, предусмотрен волновод с дифракционными оптическими элементами, изготовленный упомянутым выше способом, устройство виртуальной и дополненной реальности, содержащее такой волновод, и способ его работы. Также предложен способ изготовления волновода с дифракционными оптическими элементами, записанными в фрагментах ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014129193A

... 1. Световодная структура, содержащая:первую часть;вторую часть, примыкающую к первой части;первый голографический оптический элемент, расположенный на поверхности первой части и выполненный с возможностью ввода лучей света, излученных внешним устройством отображения, в первую часть таким образом, чтобы обеспечивать, после одного полного внутреннего отражения внутри первой части, распространение лучей света через место стыка первой и второй частей во вторую часть; ивторой голографический оптический элемент, расположенный на поверхности второй части и выполненный с возможностью обеспечения, после по меньшей мере одного полного внутреннего отражения внутри второй части, выхода лучей света из второй части;при этом первая и вторая части имеют различную толщину или разные показатели преломления.2. Световодная структура по п. 1, в которой вторая часть выполнена с возможностью обеспечения прохождения падающего света от объектов окружающей обстановки через себя ко второму голографическому оптическому ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011151400A

... 1. Оптическое устройство, содержащее:рельефно-структурированный слой, содержащий первую и вторую области, прилегающие одна к другой, при этом первая область содержит первую и вторую подобласти, причем первая подобласть прилегает ко второй области и продолжается вдоль границы между первой и второй областями, и вторая подобласть прилегает ко второй области через первую подобласть, помещенную между ними, причем вторая область снабжена впадинами или выступами и имеет отношение площади поверхности к видимой площади больше чем у первой области;первый слой, выполненный из первого материала, имеющего показатель преломления, отличающийся от показателя преломления материала рельефно-структурированного слоя, и покрывающий, по меньшей мере, вторую подобласть, причем участок первого слоя, соответствующий второй подобласти, имеет профиль поверхности, соответствующий профилю поверхности второй подобласти, и отношение количества первого материала в положении второй области к площади второй области устройства ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011137153A

... 1. Способ получения рисунка рельефа в виде части слоистой структуры, включающий получение рисунка рельефа на поверхности слоя упомянутой структуры, а после этого получение защитного фиксирующего слоя, по меньшей мере, на части упомянутого рисунка рельефа, исполняющего функцию защиты подстилающего рисунка рельефа во время любой последующей обработки упомянутой структуры.2. Способ по п.1, включающий стадию получения рисунка микрорельефа.3. Способ по п.1, включающий стадию получения дифракционного и/или голографического рисунка рельефа поверхности.4. Способ по п.1, включающий получение рисунка рельефа на подложке или другом надлежащем слое структуры.5. Способ по п. 1, включающий получение рисунка рельефа на поверхности слоя из термопластичного материала.6. Способ по п. 1, включающий получение рисунка рельефа на поверхности одного из слоев из органических или неорганических материалов, и где фиксирующий слой может содержать органический или неорганический материал.7. Способ по п. 1, в котором ...

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007138218A

... 1. Устройство хранения данных, содержащее: ! пластиковую подложку, имеющую множество объемов, расположенных вдоль дорожек во множестве вертикально упакованных, латерально простирающихся слоев; и множество микроголограмм, каждая из которых содержится в соответствующем одном из упомянутых объемов; ! при этом наличие или отсутствие микроголограммы в каждом из упомянутых объемов характеризует соответствующий участок хранимых данных. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором упомянутая подложка представляет собой диск диаметром приблизительно 120 мм. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором подложка содержит термопласт. ! 4. Устройство по п.3, в котором термопласт имеет нелинейную функциональную характеристику. ! 5. Устройство по п.4, в котором нелинейная функциональная характеристика является пороговой функциональной характеристикой. ! 6. Устройство по п.3, в котором подложка дополнительно содержит тепловой катализатор. ! 7. Устройство по п.1, в котором упомянутая подложка содержит краситель. ! 8. Устройство ...

10-10-2016 дата публикации

Светопроводящая панель с отводящими элементами

Номер: RU2015108650A

... 1. Плоский светораспределительный модуль для дисплея, включающий в себя светопроводящую панель, по которой свет, вводимый по меньшей мере через одну боковую поверхность, может распространяться путем полного отражения, и размещенное на одной или обеих главных поверхностях светопроводящей панели (1) и находящееся с ней в оптическом контакте плоское отводящее устройство (2), в котором размещено множество голографических оптических элементов (13), которые имеют такое строение, что они могут отбирать из светопроводящей панели (1) свет, отличающийся тем, что голографические оптические элементы (13) расположены в отводящем устройстве (2) по меньшей мере в двух пространственных направлениях без трансляционной симметрии и голографические оптические элементы (13) сконструированы как объемная решетка.2. Плоский светораспределительный модуль по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что для размещения голографических оптических элементов (13) в отводящем устройстве (2) не существует двухмерная повторяющаяся последовательность ...

12-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002630538A1

01-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003803054A1

A holographic optical element is produced using a time-averaged spatially incoherent beam of optical radiation. This beam is directed through a beam-splitter 5 which produces two beams which intersect in the region of a holographic recording material 8 where they produce a plurality of families of interierence fringes in the holographic material. The exposed holographic material is then processed to form a holographic optical element in which there is substantially no cross-talk between the families of fringes. A and B are points on e.g. a diffuser which moves in its plane during the exposure so that the relative phase between beams 4a and 4b becomes randomised so that cross-talk interference fringes become blurred and do not record. ...

12-06-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001772214B2

31-07-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Schreiben holographischer Pixel

Номер: DE102007003300A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Schreiben holographischer Pixel in einem Holographic Recordable Film, welcher eine photochemisch und/oder photophysikalisch durch Belichtung veränderbare Photokomponente enthält, wobei der Holographic Recordable Film über einem Reflexionsmaster positioniert wird, wobei ein Primärlichtstrahl auf den Holographic Recordable Film gelenkt wird, wobei der Primärlichtstrahl den Holographic Recordable Film durchdringt und an dem Reflexionsmaster zu einem Reflexionslichtstrahl reflektiert wird und wobei der Primärlichtstrahl und der Reflexionslichtstrahl in dem Holographic Recordable Film innerhalb einer Interferenzzone interferieren und die Photokomponente in der Interferenzzone das holographische Pixel bildend verändern. Sie ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zwischen dem Holographic Recordable Film und dem Reflexionsmaster ein Transmissionshologramm angeordnet wird und dass das Transmissionshologramm den Primärlichtstrahl und/oder den Reflexionslichtstrahl ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Projektionsvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug und Verfahren zur Anzeige eines virtuellen Bildes für einen Fahrer eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102016225994A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Projektionsvorrichtung (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einer Bilderzeugungseinheit (2) zur Erzeugung einer Bilddarstellung in einem Innenraum (17) der Projektionsvorrichtung (1), mit einer Abbildungsoptik (14, 15) zur Ausrichtung von Licht der Bilddarstellung in Richtung einer den Innenraum (17) der Projektionsvorrichtung (1) abschließenden Deckscheibe (20), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an der Deckscheibe (20) ein Hologramm zur Umlenkung des Lichts auf eine reflektierende Fläche (10) in dem Kraftfahrzeug außerhalb der Projektionsvorrichtung (1) vorgesehen ist.

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Folie für einen berührungsempfindlichen Bildschirm, Bildschirm mit Folie, Gerät, insbesondere mobiles Gerät, mit Bildschirm und Verfahren zum Sensieren einer Druckintensität unter Verwendung einer Folie

Номер: DE102018209305A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Folie (100) für einen berührungsempfindlichen Bildschirm (105). Die Folie (100) weist zumindest einen Einkoppelbereich (125), einen Auskoppelbereich (135) und einen Druckbereich (140) mit einem Druckhologramm (145) auf. Der Einkoppelbereich (125) ist dazu ausgebildet, optische Strahlung (130) einer Strahlungsquelle (115) einzukoppeln. Der Auskoppelbereich (135) ist dazu ausgebildet, optische Strahlung (130) auszukoppeln. Der Druckbereich (140) umfasst das Druckhologramm (145), das in einem von dem Einkoppelbereich (125) zu dem Auskoppelbereich (135) führenden Strahlungspfad (150) angeordnet ist. Das Druckhologramm (145) ist dazu ausgebildet, um abhängig von einem auf den Druckbereich (140) wirkenden Druck zumindest einen Anteil der Strahlung (130) entlang des Strahlungspfads (150) zu beugen und/oder zumindest einen Anteil der Strahlung (130) aus dem Strahlungspfad (150) auszukoppeln.

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Detektionsvorrichtung zum Bestimmen einer Lichtintensität sowie Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019206352A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Detektionsvorrichtung (D) , durch welche ein großflächiger Helligkeitssensor zum Bestimmen einer Lichtintensität bereitgestellt ist. Dazu umfasst die Detektionsvorrichtung (D) eine Fotodiode und sie stellt ein elektrisches Signal bereit, das mit der Lichtintensität von einfallendem Licht korreliert ist. Um nun eine Messfläche der Detektionsvorrichtung (D) für einfallendes Licht (L) der Umgebung (U) zu vergrößern, ist der Sensoreinrichtung (S) ein als Lichtleiter ausgebildetes Trägermedium (T, W) vorgeschaltet, an welchem ein Einkoppelbereich und ein Auskoppelbereich angeordnet sind. Der Einkoppelbereich (E) ist durch ein holographisch-optisches Element (H) bereitgestellt, welches eine einkoppelnde Ablenkstruktur (AS) aufweist, die dazu ausgebildet ist, Licht (L) aus der Umgebung (U) in das Trägermedium (T) einzukoppeln. Das Trägermedium (T) ist ausgebildet, das eingekoppelte Licht (L) mittels interner Reflexion an den Auskoppelbereich (A) zu übertragen. Die Sensoreinrichtung ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации

Optisches Sicherheitselement

Номер: DE102008024147B4
Принадлежит: OVD KINEGRAM AG, OVD Kinegram AG

Optisches Sicherheitselement (1, 4, 7) in Form eines Mehrschichtkörpers mit einem in einem ersten Bereich (13, 74) des Sicherheitselements ausgebildeten Projektionselement (2, 44, 8) zur Umformung von durch das optische Sicherheitselement im ersten Bereich transmittierten Lichts mittels Diffraktion, wobei das Projektionselement (2, 44, 8) eine Vielzahl von ersten Zonen (25, 85) aufweist, in denen eine erste Oberfläche einer Replizierschicht (22, 82) eine erste Oberflächenstruktur aufweist und eine opake metallische Schicht (25, 85) auf der ersten Oberfläche der Replizierschicht (22, 82) angeordnet ist, und eine Vielzahl transparenter zweiter Zonen (26, 86) aufweist, in denen die erste Oberfläche der Replizierschicht eine zweite Oberflächenstruktur (27, 87) mit einem sich von dem Aspektverhältnis der ersten Oberflächenstruktur unterscheidenden Aspektverhältnis aufweist und keine opake metallische Schicht vorgesehen ist, wobei die erste Oberflächenstruktur (88) eine diffraktive Oberflächenstruktur ...

13-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002264173C3

23-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002123833A1

08-08-2018 дата публикации

Spatially varying volume holographic gratings

Номер: GB0201810274D0

05-09-2018 дата публикации

A head-up display

Номер: GB0201811789D0

27-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008428855D0

17-12-1997 дата публикации

System for the production of a dynamic image for use in holography

Номер: GB0009721866D0

21-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001364563A

08-10-1997 дата публикации

Holographic rear projection screen

Номер: GB0002311873A

A holographic rear projection screen type light, includes a holographic sheet 8 having an incident surface for receiving projected light, a viewing surface having, a plurality of protrusions 4, for scattering the projected light, which are parallel to each other either vertically or horizontally, and a plurality of light absorbers 14 formed between the protrusions 4 for absorbing ambient light. There is preferably a Freshel lens sheet 6 between the projector and sheet 8. Thus, an image whose contrast is improved is displayed on a viewing surface.

29-10-1997 дата публикации

Autostereoscopic display and method

Номер: GB0002312528A

An autostereoscopic display 40 includes a projection system 42 which generates a plurality of real images that represent different spatial views of an object and further includes a plurality of contiguous 46 field lenses 44. From the real images, the field lenses form a plurality of exit pupils 56 which are separated by one interpupillary distance 60. An observer can "walk around" the display and observe different stereoscopic views of the object by positioning his eyes at an adjacent pair of exit pupils. The field lenses 44 may be arranged as a hemisphere 47 or in a planar shape (104, Fig. 6).

01-09-2004 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: GB0002398926A

A light emitting device 10 comprises a plurality of spaced energisable light sources A,B,C and a main Holographic Optical Element (HOE) or a Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) 12. Light beams emitted from the light sources A, B, C are incident on and directed by the HOE or DOE 12, so that a light beam 14 output from the HOE or DOE is a uniform or substantially uniform mixture of the incident light beams. The HOE or DOE could be replaced by a main optical element which does not cause refraction and/or reflection of the incident light beams.

01-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009011545D0

04-11-1999 дата публикации

Method of producing a holographic screen

Номер: GB0002315565A9

19-09-2012 дата публикации

Compact holographic printer

Номер: GB0002489148A

A compact 1-step holographic printer is provided comprising one or more diode- pumped pulsed lasers (101). Inexpensive and compact micro-lens arrays or equivalent holographic optical elements (109) are used in conjunction with one or more spatial light modulators (108) to generate one or more object beams encoded with suitable digital image data. One or more variable-angle reference beams are used to write simultaneously one or more holographic pixels. Use of photopolymer recording material (110) enables rapid printing of high quality 1-step full-colour reflection holograms within a compact unit with no chemical processing.

01-06-2005 дата публикации

Transflective display

Номер: GB0002408620A

A transflective display having reflective and transmissive display modes comprises a spatial light modulator such as a liquid crystal device (8). First and second volume reflection holograms (H1 and H2) are disposed behind the modulator (8) and have first and second reflective modes. The first reflective mode is responsive to a first type of illumination and provides a direct view reflective mode of the display. The second reflective mode responds to a different type of illumination and allows the display to be used with a projection attachment to provide an enlarged projected image. The transmissive mode of the display is not affected by the presence of the holograms (H1 and H2).

14-02-2018 дата публикации

Holographic projector

Номер: GB0002552850A

Holographic projection system (400, Fig. 4) comprising: light receiving surface (450, Fig. 4); light source (470, Fig. 4); controller (420, Fig. 4); Spatial Light Modulator (480, Fig. 4); detector (460, Fig. 4). Computer-Generated Hologram (CGH) represented on the Spatial Light Modulator (SLM), forming an image on the light receiving surface. CGH comprises a hologram component arranged to perform a lensing function associated with a focusing power; the controller is arranged to set the focusing power to a plurality of values to form a plurality of respective images in corresponding focal planes. The detector detects the light of the image for each of the plurality of values of focusing powers, and sends a signal to the controller. The controller determines a measure of quality of the image for each focusing power. Essentially, as light passes through SLM 1210, the detectors 460 determine the plane (in the region 1250) for which two beams 1220 and 1230 give the clearest image. The controller ...

30-09-1987 дата публикации

A method for scanning a laser beam by non-mechanical deflectors

Номер: GB0002188444A

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Instrument cluster for a vehicle and method for operating an instrument cluster for a vehicle

Номер: GB0002532556A

An instrument cluster 100 for a vehicle 101 comprises a display area 102 having at least one display element 104 for displaying a vehicle state, a transparent substrate 106 for displaying at least one virtual object 116, wherein the transparent substrate 106 is placed in front of the display area 102 as seen in the observation direction 110 of an occupant 112 of the vehicle 101. A light source 108 generates and/or makes visible the virtual object 116 on or in the transparent substrate 106 i.e. on hologram 118. The hologram may be a multiplex hologram and there substrate may have a holographic scattering plane. The virtual object may be visible in accordance with a position signal of a position of an eye of an occupant of the vehicle within a reference range.

27-09-2017 дата публикации

Filter systems

Номер: GB0002548661A

Data logging is done in respect of a vehicle such as an aircraft having a window 200 incorporating a passive filter 10 configured to prevent the transmission of radiation at a predetermined visible wavelength band covering a predetermined laser threat whilst substantially allowing visible wavelengths outside said first predetermined wavelength band to be transmitted. One or more radiation detectors 32 are configurable in respect of said window to detect radiation in the predetermined wavelength band and a data logging module 34 is communicably coupled to the radiation detectors to receive data therefrom representative of the detected incident radiation and configured to determine, using said data, a wavelength and power of the incident radiation. An angle of attack may also be determined and clock data representative of a time of radiation detection may also be logged.

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Volume optical elements

Номер: GB0002572813A

A volume optical element E has a carrier 1 having an optical relief pattern on at least one surface thereof, and at least one optically functional layer 2 applied over or onto at least one or more portions or relief features of the relief pattern on the carrier. The optical relief pattern may be a diffractive one. The optically functional layer may consist of discrete bodies, beads or globules 2 of optical material applied over or onto the respective individual relief portions or relief features or relief elements of the relief pattern on the carrier. The element may be used as a security device and the optically functional layer may be applied by vacuum deposition or vacuum sputtering.

06-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008923271D0

06-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008727969D0

21-02-1968 дата публикации

Wavefront reconstruction using a coherent reference beam

Номер: GB0001104041A

... 1,104,041. Making holograms. BATTELLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. March 22, 1965 [April 23, 1964], No. 12034/65. Heading G2C. A method of lenslessly producing images comprises directing a beam of coherent radiation from a source on to an object; positioning a detector to receive the reflected radiation from the object, which reflected radiation interferes with a portion of the coherent beam directed on to the detector after by-passing the object; and treating the detector so that at least one image of the object is recorded thereby. When the detector is a photographic plate, the wavelength of the radiation used lies between 10-11 cms. and 10-1 cms., a laser preferably being used to produce coherent radiation in the visible spectrum. In Figs. 7, 9 a two-beam inter-ferometric process is used to produce a hologram on a photographic plate 33. Part of an incident beam 23 of light from a laser 21 passes through a diffusion screen 28 and a transparent object 25 producing a beam ...

19-11-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the Formation and Reconstruction of Holograms

Номер: GB0001171443A

... 1,171,443. Holography. BATTELLE DEVELOPMENT CORP. Oct.21, 1966 [Oct.23, 1965], No.26294/69. Heading G2C. In forming a coded hologram an object 407, Fig. 1, is illuminated with a beam 401 of coherent radiation to form a first object hearing beam 415 for impinging on a detector 413, and a second reference beam 411 of radiation is provided which is coherent with beam 401 and may be provided by mirrors 405, 409, from the same laser source 403, so as to form a hologram at the detector 413, there being a translucent material 417 disposed in the path of at least one of the beams to impart the code to the hologram. If the translucent material 417 is placed a distance d 2 in front of detector 413 in the reference beam 411, the same, or an identical translucent material (417, Fig.2 not shown) is placed an equivalent distance from the hologram (413') in the illuminating beam (401') when reconstructing the hologram. Alternatively the translucent material (417) may be placed in the path of the object ...

02-11-1994 дата публикации

Display system

Номер: GB0009418330D0

03-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001204169A

... 1,204,169. Multiple image formation. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Inc. Dec.13, 1967 [Feb.20, 1967], No.56645/67. Heading G2J. Multiple images of a master image are formed by illuminating the master image 10 with monochromatic light, e.g. from a laser 11, focusing the light from the master image on to a multiple image generator 12 in the form of an interference hologram of an array of point sources at positions corresponding to the position of the images to be formed, and so locating a light-sensitive element 14 with respect to the generator 12 that multiple images of the master image 10 are formed thereon when the master image is illuminated by monochromatic light. The formation of the hologram forms the subject of Specification 1, 204, 170, and is preferably a Fourier transform of the array of point sources. In a further embodiment two or more master images 31, 36 are separately or simultaneously illuminated by separate sources of monochromatic light and focused on to respective multiple image generators ...

08-03-1995 дата публикации

Optical radiation devices

Номер: GB0009500931D0

08-01-1997 дата публикации

Optical images

Номер: GB0009623214D0

23-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002017962B

19-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001508298A

30-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001493261A

... 1493261 Replica holographic diffraction gratings TASMANIA UNIVERSITY OF 11 Nov 1974 [13 Nov 1973] 48724/74 Heading G2J The master grating is formed in photo-resist by the interference of two collimated beams of coherent light. The replica is made by evaporating a metal (e.g. aluminium) on to the developed master, securing the metal layer to a support (e.g. cementing to a glass blank) and separating the metal layer with its support from the master. The groove profile P(x) of the master grating is defined by the following functions:- where E(x) is the exposure distribution; I 1 ,I 2 are the intensities of the beams; PE is the pre- or post-exposure; # is the exposure time; x is the profile abscissa; d is the grating period; 2A is the groove depth and a, b and c are constants. The preferred values for optimum performance are ...

24-08-2022 дата публикации

Reticle overlaid within a galilean magnification system

Номер: GB0002603888A

An optical system, e.g. for a terrestrial telescope or a gunsight, comprises: a Galilean magnification device, comprising an objective lens 1307 and an eyepiece lens 1304 arranged along an axis, one of the objective lens and the eyepiece lens being a positive lens and the other being a negative lens, thereby defining an image working distance; a reticle device within the Galilean magnification device, comprising a holographic element 1302, the holographic reticle element 1302 comprising a reticle formed as an interference pattern, the reticle device being configured to receive light 1301 for illuminating the holographic reticle element from off the axis and to direct light 1303 from the holographic element onto the axis to replay an image of the reticle, such that light from the holographic element is set at the image working distance by the eyepiece lens to view a reticle. The arrangement provides a compact Galilean telescope with a correctly focussed virtual reticle overlaid on the magnified ...

15-02-2023 дата публикации

Reticle overlaid within a galilean magnification system

Номер: GB0002603888B

24-05-2023 дата публикации

Optical system of augmented reality head-up display

Номер: GB0002613018A

An optical system for an augmented reality head-up display includes a picture generation unit 202, a correcting optical unit 204 and a combiner unit 206. The correcting optical unit creates, in a direction of a horizontal field of view 306, a monotonic variation of an optical path length of light rays propagating from the picture generation unit. The combiner redirects light rays propagating from the correcting optical unit toward an eye box 208, producing virtual image(s) 302 which are observed from the eye box. The optical system produces a virtual image surface 310 inclined in the direction of the horizontal field of view for displaying the virtual images at different distances from the eye-box. The virtual image surface has a non-zero angle between projections on a horizontal plane defined by a first and second axis. The first axis is perpendicular to the virtual image surface and extends through an arbitrary intersection point on the virtual image surface. The second axis is parallel ...

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Optically variable device

Номер: AP0201306993D0

05-07-2002 дата публикации

Optical images.

Номер: AP0000001082A

A substrate is arranged to provide at least one optically variable image, the substrate being formed with a plurality of groups of elemental areas, the different groups forming respective image pixels. The different elemental areas (A1 to An) of eachi group are tormed with respective grooves or ridges or sets of grooves or ridges (121 to 12n), which are at different orientations m the different elemental areas such that each elemental area of each pixel directs light to the viewer for a respective angle of view: for any given angle of view, the image seen by the viewer is made up of light reflected or refracted without interference from the different pixels, but only from a respective elemental area of each pixel.

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Optically variable device

Номер: AP0201306993A0

30-06-1999 дата публикации

Optical images

Номер: AP0009901522A0

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Optically variable device

Номер: AP2013006993A0

30-06-1999 дата публикации

Optical images

Номер: AP0009901522D0

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: ATA16452002A

25-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412167B

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433187T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487156T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000456814T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552524T

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0016452002A

15-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000109902T

15-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000175782T

15-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000158637T

15-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000213550T

10-09-2020 дата публикации

A transmissive enhanced phase microscopy imaging measurement system based on piezoelectric ceramics

Номер: AU2020101631A4

The present invention provides a transmissive enhanced phase microscopy imaging measurement system based on piezoelectric ceramics. It is characterized by: it comprises a laser light source 1, an optical attenuator 2, a laser expansor 3, piezoelectric ceramics 4, an F-P interferometer 5, a microscopic objective 6, a detecting camera 7, and a computer 8. The present invention can be used for digital holography and refractive index measurements of microscopic objects, and can be widely used for three-dimensional microscopic imaging measuring of refractive index of the inside of various microscopic objects.

10-02-1999 дата публикации

Holographic screen projection televisions with optical correction

Номер: AU0006136398A

18-01-2007 дата публикации

Grid image and method for the production thereof

Номер: AU2006269011A1

06-06-2002 дата публикации

Optometry measurement device

Номер: AUPS196802A0

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Ultra-high efficiency color mixing and color separation

Номер: AU2011312631B2

Methods and apparatus for combining or separating spectral components by means of a polychromat. A polychromat is employed to combine a plurality of beams, each derived from a separate source, into a single output beam, thereby providing for definition of one or more of the intensity, color, color uniformity, divergence angle, degree of collimation, polarization, focus, or beam waist of the output beam. The combination of sources and polychromat may serve as an enhanced-privacy display and to multiplex signals of multiple spectral components. In other embodiments of the invention, a polychromat serves to disperse spectral components for spectroscopic or de-multiplexing applications.

29-01-2003 дата публикации

Optical switch with moveable holographic optical element

Номер: AU2002308501A1

18-12-2014 дата публикации

System and method for laser photoaltering a material using multi-beam scanning

Номер: AU2009322589B2

The present application relates to systems (10) and method of photoaltering a material. The system (10) includes a laser source (14) operable to produce a primary pulsed beam (18), a holographic optical element (32) configured to receive the primary pulsed beam (18) and transmit a plurality of secondary beams (36), and a scanner (20) operable to direct the secondary beams (36) to the material. The secondary beams (36) are based on the primary pulsed beam (18). The method includes phase shifting a pulsed laser beam to produce an input beam (36), holographically altering the input beam to produce a plurality of transmission beams (36), and scanning a portion of the material (12) with the transmission beams (36).

20-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000549942B2

30-04-2001 дата публикации

Inspection device

Номер: AU0001226101A

25-01-1996 дата публикации

An optical network

Номер: AU0003001195A

24-07-2001 дата публикации

Volume holographic diffusers

Номер: AU0003084901A

22-01-2001 дата публикации

System for generating an image

Номер: AU0004249100A

21-02-2020 дата публикации

Голографический коллиматорный прицел

Номер: RU0000196246U1

Полезная модель относится к голографическим коллиматорным прицелам, формирующим коллимированное изображение прицельной марки и может быть использована в ручном спортивном или боевом стрелковом оружии. Голографический коллиматорный прицел содержит источник монохроматического излучения (1), рельефно-фазовую фокусирующую отражательную голограммную дифракционную решетку (ФОГДР) (3) и голографический формирователь изображения неподвижной метки (4). Рельефно-фазовая ФОГДР (3) выполнена на плоской подложке, при этом между источником монохроматического излучения (1) и рельефно-фазовой ФОГДР (3) введена осесимметричная расширительная линза (2). Обеспечивается полная компенсация угловых аберраций коллимированного изображения голограммного формирователя неподвижной метки в плоскости выходного зрачка, равномерное освещение ФОГДР, уменьшение габаритов и массы прицела, упрощение технологии и снижение трудоемкости изготовления голографических коллиматорных прицелов. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 246 U1 (51) МПК F41G 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F41G 1/00 (2019.08); G02B 5/32 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019139796, 04.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.02.2020 Бюл. № 6 (54) ГОЛОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ КОЛЛИМАТОРНЫЙ ПРИЦЕЛ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к плоской подложке, при этом между источником голографическим коллиматорным прицелам, монохроматического излучения (1) и рельефноформирующим коллимированное изображение фазовой ФОГДР (3) введена осесимметричная прицельной марки и может быть использована в расширительная линза (2). Обеспечивается полная ручном спортивном или боевом стрелковом компенсация угловых аберраций оружии. Голографический коллиматорный прицел коллимированного изображения голограммного содержит источник монохроматического формирователя неподвижной метки в плоскости излучения (1), рельефно- ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Information System and Method for Providing Information Using a Holographic Element

Номер: US20120008092A1
Принадлежит: Metaio GmbH

An information system and a method for providing information in correlation with light that is incident on an eye includes a holographic element disposed in front of the eye and a device capable of recording optical signals which detects light that is incident on the eye via the holographic element. The device capable of recording optical signals detects light which is diffracted by the holographic element before the light impinges on the eye such that the diffracted light does not enter the eye.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Holographic mirror for optical interconnect signal routing

Номер: US20120014643A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A holographic mirror 10 for re-directing an optical signal that includes a base 14 having an outer surface 16, and a plurality of discrete nano-structures 12 formed into the outer surface of the base. Each nano-structure has an out-of-plane dimension 20 that is within an order of magnitude of one or both in-plane dimensions 22. The plurality of nano-structures are configured in a repeating pattern with a predetermined spacing 18 between nano-structures for re-directing an optical signal.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Holographic microscope

Номер: US20120026313A1

A holography attachment device for a digital imaging device. The holography attachment device including a chamber having a proximate end configured to attach to the digital imaging device. A distal end of the chamber includes a wall. Also, the chamber includes a sample holder section located between the proximate end and the distal end. The sample holder section is configured to receive a sample. The chamber is configured to attach to the digital imaging device.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Security device

Номер: US20120068450A1
Принадлежит: Fortress Optical Features Ltd

A security device for authenticating bank notes, documents and other items, comprises a luminescent material for producing luminescent radiation of first and second wavelengths. The security device includes an optically variable structure for controlling emission of luminescent radiation of at least one of the first and second wavelengths from the security device, the security device being arranged to permit, from an area of the optically variable structure, emission of luminescence of the first and second wavelengths from the security device. The optically variable structure causes the relative emissivity of the security device for luminescent radiation of the first and second wavelengths to change with a change m emission angle, so that the security device produces an angle-dependent colour shift m the emitted luminescent radiation. The optically variable structure may comprise an optical interference stack that controls transmission of luminescent radiation therethrough in response to the wavelength of luminescent radiation.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Holographic Sensor

Номер: US20120107944A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensor for the detection of an analyte comprising a cis-diol moiety, which comprises a holographic element comprising a medium and a hologram disposed throughout the volume of the medium, wherein an optical characteristic of the element changes as a result of a variation of a physical property occurring throughout the volume of the medium, and wherein the medium is a polymer comprising a group of formula (i) wherein n is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; each X (if present) is independently is an atom or group which, via an electronic effect, promotes formation of a tetrahedral geometry about the boron atom; and Y is a spacer which, when n is 0 or otherwise optionally, is an atom or group which, via an electronic effect, promotes formation of a tetrahedral geometry about the boron atom. Such a sensor may be used for the detection of glucose.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of fabricating patterned retarder

Номер: US20120141689A1
Автор: Su-Hyun Park
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A method of fabricating a patterned retarder includes: forming a retarder material layer on a substrate by coating a retarder material; irradiating a first polarized UV ray onto the retarder material layer, the first polarized UV ray having a first polarization axis; irradiating a second polarized UV ray onto the retarder material layer, the second polarized UV ray having a second polarization axis perpendicular to the first polarization axis; and baking the retarder material layer to form first and second oriented patterns alternating with each other, each of the first and second oriented patterns having an anisotropic property.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Negatively birefringent polyesters and optical films

Номер: US20120170118A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Presently described are multilayer optical films, oriented polyester films, negatively birefringent copolyester polymers, fluorene monomers, and polyester polymers prepared from such fluorene monomers. In one embodiment, the multilayer optical film comprises at least one first birefringent optical layer; and at least one second optical layer having a lower birefringence than the first optical layer; wherein at least one of the optical layers comprises a negatively birefringent polyester polymer comprising a backbone and repeat units comprising at least one pendent aromatic group that is conformationally locked relative to the backbone.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Image viewing device

Номер: US20120206920A1
Автор: Jeff A. Michelsen
Принадлежит: Individual

A viewing device includes an interior assembly includes an interior frame having an exterior surface, an exterior assembly coupled to the interior assembly including an exterior lens, the exterior lens having an interior surface, wherein the interior surface of the exterior lens faces the exterior surface of the interior frame. The viewing device includes a reflective surface on the exterior lens, and an object located on the interior assembly adapted to project an image onto the reflective surface. The reflective surface is configured to reflect the projected image toward the interior assembly.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Optical element, light source device, and projection-type display device

Номер: US20120224149A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A hologram layer ( 13 ) is irradiated by light from an optical element ( 10 ). The hologram layer ( 13 ) is provided with a first hologram ( 14 ) that diffracts in a predetermined direction, from among incident light from the optical element ( 10 ), X-polarized light in which the polarization component is in a specific direction and emits the light as X-polarized light of a first phase state (P 1 ), and a second hologram ( 15 ) that both diffracts in the same direction as the X-polarized light of the first phase state (P 1 ) and moreover at an equal radiation angle, from among incident light from the optical element ( 10 ), Y-polarized light in which the polarization component is in a direction orthogonal to that of the X-polarized light and converts it to X-polarized light, and emits the light as X-polarized light of a second phase state (P 2 ) that differs from the first phase state (P 1 ).

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Optical solenoid beams

Номер: US20120281263A1
Принадлежит: New York University NYU

Optical solenoid beams, diffractionless solutions of the Helmholtz equation whose diffraction-limited in-plane intensity peak spirals around the optical axis, and whose wavefronts carry an independent helical pitch. The solenoid beams have the noteworthy property of being able to exert forces on illuminated objects that are directed opposite to the direction of the light's propagation. Optical solenoid beams therefore act as true tractor beams that are capable of transporting material back toward their source.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Floating virtual hologram display apparatus

Номер: US20120300274A1
Автор: Chih-Hsiung Lin
Принадлежит: Era Optoelectronics Inc

A floating virtual hologram display apparatus, includes a scanning mechanism, a diffractive optical element and a reconstruction light source thereof. After a light beam emitted from the reconstruction light source passes through the diffractive optical element (DOE), and is diffracted by the DOE, a hologram beam spot will be displayed in front of the diffractive optical element; a floating virtual hologram is displayed after a position of the hologram beam spot is scanned and altered by the scanning mechanism; the floating virtual hologram being allowed to display a variable virtual image by controlling the reconstruction light source to emit bright, dark and different color of light corresponding to an image through the image signal processing unit.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Holographic storage method and article

Номер: US20130003151A1

A method of recording a holographic record is described. According to this method, a holographic recording medium is exposed to a desired pattern, shape, or image from a coherent light source emitting light at one or more wavelengths to which the holographic recording medium is sensitive. In this method, light having the desired pattern, shape, or image to which the holographic recording medium is exposed is diffracted by a spatially homogeneous optical diffraction element so that the holographic recording medium is exposed to a plurality of interfering light beams, thereby forming a holographic record in the holographic recording medium. Holographic recording articles are described that include a holographic recording medium and a spatially homogeneous optical diffraction element.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Color holographic optical element

Номер: US20130065159A1
Принадлежит: Intrepid World Communication Corp

A process for producing a color holographic optical element in a real-time interactive multi-channel auto-stereoscopic color image display system, including producing light comprising at least three different monochromatic parts of the optical spectrum from one or more lasers and illuminating a holographic plate with the light from different directions and recorded on a panchromatic light sensitive recording material coated on a suitable substrate.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130077057A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

A laser beam generated by a laser light source is reflected by a light beam scanning device and irradiated onto a hologram recording medium. On the hologram recording medium, an image of a scatter plate is recorded as a hologram by using reference light that converges on a scanning origin. The light beam scanning device bends the laser beam at the scanning origin and irradiates the laser beam onto the hologram recording medium. At this time, scanning is carried out by changing a bending mode of the laser beam with time so that an irradiation position of the bent laser beam on the hologram recording medium changes with time. Regardless of an irradiation position of the beam, diffracted light from the hologram recording medium produces a reproduction image of the scatter plate on the spatial light modulator. The modulated image of the spatial light modulator is projected onto a screen by a projection optical system. 1400. A projection type image display apparatus that carries out image display by projecting light onto a screen () , comprising:{'b': '200', 'a spatial light modulator () that modulates incident light according to an incidence position based on an image as a display object, and emits the light;'}{'b': 100', '110', '45', '46', '200, 'an illumination unit (, ) that supplies illumination light (L, L) to the spatial light modulator (); and'}{'b': 300', '350', '300', '200', '400, 'a projection optical system (, ) that guides illumination light (L) modulated by the spatial light modulator () to the screen (), and projects the image onto the screen, wherein'}{'b': 100', '110, 'the illumination unit (, ) includes{'b': 50', '50, 'a coherent light source () that generates a coherent light beam (L),'}{'b': 45', '46', '85', '35', '30, 'a hologram recording medium (, , ) on which an image () of a scatter plate () is recorded, and'}{'b': 60', '65', '60', '65', '45', '46', '85', '60', '65', '45', '46', '85, 'a light beam scanning device (, ) that irradiates the light ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Optical device and virtual image display

Номер: US20130077141A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An optical device includes: a light guide plate receiving, for each of N types of wavelength bands, a plurality of parallel light beams with different incident angles each corresponding to view angles, and guiding the received parallel light beams; a first and a second volume hologram gratings of reflection type having a diffraction configuration which includes N types of interference fringes each corresponding to the N types of wavelength bands, and diffracting/reflecting the parallel light beams. The optical device satisfies for each wavelength band, a relationship of ‘P>L’, where ‘L’ represents a central diffraction wavelength in the first and second volume hologram gratings, defined for a parallel light beam corresponding to a central view angle, and ‘P’ represents a peak wavelength of the parallel light beams.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088763A1
Автор: Kurashige Makio
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

A laser beam generated by a laser light source is reflected by a light beam scanning device, and irradiated onto a hologram recording medium. On the hologram recording medium, an image of a scatter plate is recorded as a hologram by using reference light that converges on a scanning origin. The light beam scanning device bends the laser beam at the scanning origin and irradiates it onto the hologram recording medium. At this time, scanning is carried out by changing the bending mode of the laser beam with time so that the irradiation position of the bent laser beam on the hologram recording medium changes with time. Regardless of the beam irradiation position, diffracted light from the hologram recording medium reproduces the same reproduction image of the scatter plate at the same position. An illumination spot in which speckles are reduced is formed on the light receiving surface of an illuminating object by the reproduction image of the hologram. 1. An illumination apparatus using a coherent light source , comprising:{'b': 50', '50, 'a coherent light source () that generates a coherent light beam (L);'}{'b': 45', '46', '85', '35', '30, 'a hologram recording medium (, , ) on which an image () of a scatter plate () is recorded; and'}{'b': 60', '65', '60', '65', '45', '46', '85', '60', '65', '60', '65', '45', '46', '85, 'a light beam scanning device (, ) that irradiates the light beam (L, L) onto the hologram recording medium (, , ), and scans the light beam (L, L) so that an irradiation position of the light beam (L, L) on the hologram recording medium (, , ) changes with time, wherein'}{'b': 30', '45', '46', '85', '23, 'the image of the scatter plate () is recorded as a hologram on the hologram recording medium (, , ) by using reference light (L, Lref) irradiated along an optical path,'}{'b': 50', '50', '35, 'the coherent light source () generates a light beam (L) with a wavelength capable of reproducing the image () of the scatter plate,'}{'b': 60', '65', '60', ' ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094084A1

Certain patternable reflective films are used as masks to make other patterned articles, and one or more initial masks can be used to pattern the patternable reflective films. An exemplary patternable reflective film has an absorption characteristic suitable to, upon exposure to a radiant beam, absorptively heat a portion of the film by an amount sufficient to change a first reflective characteristic to a different second reflective characteristic. The change from the first to the second reflective characteristic is attributable to a change in birefringence of one or more layers or materials of the patternable film. In a related article, a mask is attached to such a patternable reflective film. The mask may have opaque portions and light-transmissive portions. Further, the mask may have light-transmissive portions with structures such as focusing elements and/or prismatic elements. 1. A method of making a patterned film , comprising:providing a first film having a first reflective characteristic, the first film also having a first absorption characteristic suitable to, upon exposure to a first radiant beam, absorptively heat a portion of the first film by an amount sufficient to change the first reflective characteristic to a second reflective characteristic by a change in birefringence, and the first film comprising a first group of interior layers arranged to selectively reflect light by constructive or destructive interference to provide the first reflective characteristic;providing a second film having a first detectable characteristic that changes to a different second detectable characteristic upon exposure to a second radiant beam;directing the first radiant beam preferentially at a second zone rather than a first zone of the first film to change the first reflective characteristic to the second reflective characteristic in the second zone by a change in birefringence so as to convert the first film to a patterned mask; andusing the patterned mask to pattern ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

3-dimensional holographic image displaying apparatus

Номер: US20130100513A1

A 3-dimensional (3D) holographic image displaying apparatus is provided. The apparatus includes a hologram reproducer configured to generate surface plasmons in response to incident light and reproduce a 3D image by diffracting the generated surface plasmons by a hologram, and a surface light source unit including a light source and a light guide plate, the light guide plate being configured to allow incident light from the light source to enter into the light guide plate, internally reflect the allowed light, and output the internally reflected light through a light-output surface, the surface light source unit being configured to implement colors by adjusting an angle of the light incident to the hologram reproducer so that the outputted light through the light-output surface is incident to the hologram reproducer at a surface plasmon-forming angle for each wavelength to generate the surface plasmons corresponding to a plurality of color beams.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Volume hologram replicator for transmission type gratings

Номер: US20130120815A1
Принадлежит: Prism Solar Technologies Inc

A holographic replicator configured to mass-manufacture volumetric transmission holograms and including an imaging tank having a holographic master plate opposing a pneumatic absorber. When a segment of a recording film, moveable with respect to the master plate, is placed between the master plate and the pneumatic absorber, the pneumatic absorber is repositioned in space to locks the segment of the recording film between the master plate and the pneumatic absorber.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Blazed grating for solar energy concentration

Номер: US20130160850A1
Принадлежит: Prism Solar Technologies Inc

A solar concentrator having a photovoltaic cell in optical contact with a cover. A blazed grating is provided adjacent to and co-planar with the photovoltaic cell for preferentially diffracting light that does not directly intercept the photovoltaic cell toward the photovoltaic cell via total internal reflection in the cover.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167903A1
Принадлежит: Prism Solar Technologies Incorporated

A holographic planar concentrator of solar energy employing an array of holographically-recorded diffraction grating elements adjoining the corresponding bifacial or monofacial PV-cell. Diffracting grating elements are configured to operate in transmission and/or reflection. The array is sandwiched and, optionally, encapsulated between the two layers of structurally supporting material that are impermeable to ambient moisture. The grating elements can be blazed and the material layer in which the gratings are recorded is protected from the moisture in the ambient environment by a moisture impermeable encapsulant. 1. A photovoltaic (PV) module comprising:a PV cell having a first photo-voltaically operable surface;a first encapsulant material covering said first photo-voltaically operable surface;a holographic grating element adjacent to and substantially coplanar with the PV cell; said first optically transparent cover extending over the holographic grating element,', 'said first optically transparent cover being dimensioned to reflect light, that has been received by the holographic grating element through the first optically transparent cover at about normal incidence, along a path defined by total internal reflection in said first optically transparent cover and ending at the first photo-voltaically operable surface,, 'a first optically transparent cover disposed in optical contact with the first encapsulant layer,'}a backsheet adhered to the PV cell along a surface opposite to the first photo-voltaically operable surface,wherein said holographic grating element includes a holographic grating embedded in a second encapsulant material.2. A PV module according to claim 1 , wherein said holographic grating includes at least one of a volume hologram recorded in a gelatin material and a stamped metal hologram.3. A PV module according to claim 1 , wherein the second encapsulant material defines the backsheet.4. A PV module according to claim 1 , wherein the second ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Optical film and liquid crystal display including the same

Номер: US20130286330A1
Принадлежит: Cheil Industries Inc

An optical film and a liquid crystal display including the same, the optical film including a first compensation layer having a relation of n1z>n1x>n1y between indexes of refraction n1x, n1y, and n1z in x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis directions on a plane; and a second compensation layer having a relation of n2x>n2y>n2z between indexes of refraction n2x, n2y, and n2z in x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis directions on a plane.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308085A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

According to the present invention, provided is a birefringent transfer foil, comprising a temporary support, an orientation layer, a birefringent layer (preferably a patterned optically anisotropic layer) formed from a composition comprising a liquid-crystal compound having at least one reactive group, said orientation layer being in contact with the temporary support or a releasing layer, wherein the releasing layer being in contact with the temporary support, and said orientation layer being a layer comprising a cellulose alkyl ether or a hydroxyalkyl derivative of cellulose alkyl ether. In the birefringent transfer foil of the present invention, the above orientation layer also functions as a protective layer and a detachment layer, enabling to reduce the manufacturing cost. 1. A birefringent transfer foil , comprising a temporary support , an orientation layer , a birefringent layer formed from a composition comprising a liquid-crystal compound having at least one reactive group , said orientation layer being in contact with the temporary support or a releasing layer , wherein the releasing layer is positioned between the temporary support and the orientation layer , and said orientation layer being a layer comprising a cellulose alkyl ether or a hydroxyalkyl derivative of cellulose alkyl ether.2. The birefringent transfer foil according to wherein the birefringent layer is a patterned optically anisotropic layer having two or more regions of differing birefringence.3. The birefringent transfer foil according to claim 1 , wherein the releasing layer or the temporary support which is in direct contact with the orientation layer comprises polyester.4. The birefringent transfer foil according to claim 2 , wherein the releasing layer or the temporary support which is in direct contact with the orientation layer comprises polyester.5. The birefringent transfer foil according to claim 1 , wherein each of the alkyl group in the cellulose alkyl ether and the alkyl ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329290A1
Автор: Inoue Kyosuke

Having a layer B formed of a resin “b” having a negative intrinsic birefringence value; and layers A formed of a resin “a” having a positive intrinsic birefringence value and formed on both surfaces of the layer B, wherein the resin “b” includes a styrene-based polymer, the resin “a” includes a polycarbonate, and a difference in average refractive index between the resin “b” and the resin “a” is 0.01 or more. 1. A multilayer film , comprising a layer B formed of a resin “b” having a negative intrinsic birefringence value; and layers A formed of a resin “a” having a positive intrinsic birefringence value and formed on both surfaces of the layer B , wherein:the resin “b” includes a styrene-based polymer,the resin “a” includes a polycarbonate, anda difference in average refractive index between the resin “b” and the resin “a” is 0.01 or more.2. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein the resin “a” or the resin “b” includes a polymer containing a repeating unit derived from an acrylic compound.3. The multilayer film according to claim 2 , wherein an amount of the repeating unit derived from the acrylic compound in the polymer included in the resin “a” or the resin “b” is 5% by weight or more and 35% by weight or less.4. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein the styrene-based polymer is a copolymer containing a repeating unit derived from maleic anhydride.5. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer film is formed by a co-extrusion method.6. The multilayer film according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer film is a phase difference film whose retardation Re at an incident angle of 0° and retardation Rat an incident angle of 40° satisfy a relationship of 0.92≧R/Re≧1.08.7. A method for manufacturing the multilayer film according to claim 6 , comprising:a co-extrusion step of co-extruding a resin “b” having a negative intrinsic birefringence value and a resin “a” having a positive intrinsic birefringence value to obtain a pre ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335681A1
Автор: TAMAGAWA Minori
Принадлежит: KONICA MINOLTA , INC.

[Object] To provide cellulose ester films having high transmittance, and polarizing plates with less deterioration at the time when durability is tested and liquid crystal displays having high contrast, both of which comprise such cellulose ester films. 1. A cellulose ester film comprising a cellulose ester(s) having substitution(s) by an acyl group(s) having 3 to 4 carbon atoms , or an acyl group(s) having 2 carbon atoms and an acyl group(s) having 3 to 4 carbon atoms , said cellulose ester having a total degree of substitution with said acyl group(s) of not less than 1.0 and less than 2.0 and sufficing a weight average molecular weight of not more than 150000; anda sugar ester compound(s) having not less than one and not more than 12 sugar unit structures, said sugar unit structure being at least one of a pyranose structure or furanose structure, wherein an average percentage of substitution in said sugar unit structure is 35% to 75%;further said cellulose ester film having a film thickness of 10 to 35 μm.3. The cellulose ester film according to claim 1 , wherein said sugar ester compound is a mixture with different degrees of substitution.4. The cellulose ester film according to claim 1 , wherein a degree of substitution with an acyl group(s) having 3 or more carbon atoms of said cellulose ester is not less than 0.9 and less than 2.0.5. The cellulose ester film according to claim 1 , wherein the number of total carbon atoms of said acyl group(s) of said cellulose ester is more than 4.4.6. The cellulose ester film according to claim 1 , wherein a value of retardation in a plane Ro(590) of said cellulose ester film is in a range of from 40 to 70 nm; a value of retardation in a thickness direction Rt(590) is in a range from 100 to 200 nm; and a film contrast is 7000 to 10000.7. A polarizing plate comprising said cellulose ester film according to .8. A liquid crystal display comprising said cellulose ester film according to . 1. Technical FieldThe present invention ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130342885A1

Disclosed is a dispersion compensation optical apparatus including a first transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating and a second transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating. The first and second transmission type volume hologram diffraction gratings are arranged facing each other. A sum of an incident angle of laser light and an emitting angle of first-order diffracted light is 90° in each of the first and second transmission type volume hologram diffraction gratings. 1. A dispersion compensation optical apparatus , comprising:a first transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating; anda second transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating, whereinthe first and second transmission type volume hologram diffraction gratings are arranged facing each other, anda sum of an incident angle of laser light and an emitting angle of first-order diffracted light is 90° in each of the first and second transmission type volume hologram diffraction gratings.2. The dispersion compensation optical apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe emitting angle of the first-order diffracted light is larger than the incident angle of the laser light in the first transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating on which the laser light emitted from a semiconductor laser device is incident.3. A dispersion compensation optical apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a first transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating; anda second transmission type volume hologram diffraction grating, whereinthe first and second transmission type volume hologram diffraction gratings are arranged facing each other, andan incident angle of laser light and an emitting angle of first-order diffracted light are substantially equal in each of the first and second transmission type volume hologram diffraction gratings.4. The dispersion compensation optical apparatus according to claim 3 , whereina sum of the incident angle of the laser light and the emitting angle of the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001347A1

An optical system may include a polarization beam splitter having an input that receives multiple optical signals, a first output and a second output. The first output may provide components of the multiple optical signals having a first polarization. The second output may provide components of the multiple optical signals having a second polarization. The optical system may include a rotator having an input that receives the components to rotate the first polarization such that each of the components has the second polarization, and an output to supply components as rotated components. 1. An optical system comprising: an input that receives a plurality of optical signals, each of the plurality of optical signals comprising a corresponding one of a plurality of wavelengths;', the first output providing components of the plurality of optical signals, each of the components having a first polarization, and', 'the second output providing components of the plurality of optical signals, each of the components having a second polarization;, 'first and second outputs,'}], 'a polarization beam splitter comprising an input that receives the components,', 'the rotator being configured to rotate the first polarization such that each of the components has the second polarization, the rotator outputting the components as rotated components; and, 'a rotator comprising a substrate, the rotator being separate from the substrate;', 'first and second paths provided on the substrate, the first path receiving the rotated components and the second path receiving the components; and', the first path providing the rotated components to the optical demultiplexer circuit, and', 'the second path providing the components to the optical demultiplexer circuit,, 'an optical demultiplexer circuit provided on the substrate,'}, a plurality of outputs, each of first ones of the plurality of outputs supplying a respective one of the rotated components, and', 'each of second ones of the plurality of ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Multilayer nanostructured articles

Номер: US20140004304A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Articles comprising a substrate, a first layer comprising polymeric material with nanoparticles protruding from a major surface thereof, and away from the substrate, and a second layer having major surface is a first nanostructured. Embodiments of the articles are useful for display applications (e.g., liquid crystal displays (LCD), light emitting diode (LED) displays, or plasma displays); light extraction; electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, ophthalmic lenses; face shielding lenses or films; window films; antireflection for construction applications; and, construction applications or traffic signs.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022615A1

The subject matter described herein includes a curved VPH grating with tilted fringes and spectrographs, both retroreflective and transmissive, that use such gratings. A VPH grating according to the subject matter described herein includes a first curved surface for receiving light to be diffracted. The grating includes an interior region having tilted fringes to diffract light that passes through the first surface. The grating further includes a second curved surface bounding the interior region on a side opposite the first surface and for passing light diffracted by the fringes. 1. A curved volume phase holographic (VPH) diffraction grating with tilted fringes , the diffraction grating comprising:a first curved surface for receiving light to be diffracted;an interior region having tilted fringes arranged in a curved manner to diffract light that passes through the first surface; anda second curved surface bounding the interior region on a side opposite the first surface and for passing light diffracted by the fringes.2. The curved VPH diffraction grating of wherein the first and second curved surfaces have spherical curvatures.3. The curved VPH diffraction grating of wherein the first and second curved surfaces have non-spherical curvatures.4. The curved VPH diffraction grating of wherein at least some of the fringes have different tilt angles.5. The curved VPH diffraction grating of wherein the fringes are substantially uniformly spaced from each other.6. The curved VPH diffraction grating of wherein the fringes are holographically recorded using first and second expanded laser beams and a recording lens positioned in front of the grating claim 1 , wherein the first and second beams strike the recording lens at different angles from each other claim 1 , pass through the recording lens where they interfere with each other claim 1 , are diverted and dispersed claim 1 , and enter the grating to create the fringes with tilt angles that vary from each other.7. The ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055830A1

A phase mask includes a phase modulation layer that modulates a phase of different portions of incident light, differently, such that a different optical phase delay, in a range between 0 and 2π is imparted to different portions of the incident light. A hologram recording apparatus includes a light source; a signal beam optical system that divides a beam emitted from the light source into a reference beam and a signal beam, modulates the signal beam according to hologram pixel information, and radiates the signal beam onto a hologram recording medium. The signal beam optical system includes the phase mask. The hologram recording apparatus also includes a reference beam optical system that radiates the reference beam onto the hologram recording medium. 1. A phase mask comprising:a phase modulation layer that modulates a phase of incident light, such that the phase modulation layer imparts an optical phase delay to the incident light based on a location of the phase modulation layer on which the incident light is incident, wherein the optical phase delay is in a range between 0 and 2π.2. The phase mask of claim 1 , wherein the phase modulation layer comprises a transparent material with a non-uniform thickness having a value between 0 and nλ claim 1 , wherein n is a refractive index of the transparent material and λ is denotes a wavelength of the incident light.3. The phase mask of claim 2 , wherein the non-uniform thickness of the transparent material varies among N different thicknesses claim 2 , wherein N is a natural number.4. The phase mask of claim 1 , wherein a cross-section of light transmitted by the phase mask has a quadrilateral shape.5. The phase mask of claim 2 , wherein the phase modulation layer comprises a photoresist.6. The phase mask of claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the phase modulation layer is non-uniform claim 2 , and the phase modulation layer is formed using a photolithography process in which a diffusing angle is determined according to an ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Fabrication of high efficiency, high quality, large area diffractive waveplates and arrays

Номер: US20140092373A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Army

An apparatus and method is presented for fabricating high quality one- or two dimensional diffractive waveplates and their arrays that exhibit high diffraction efficiency over large area and being capable of inexpensive large volume production. Employed is a generally non-holographic and aperiodic polarization converter for converting the polarization of a coherent input light beam that may be of a visible wavelength into a pattern of continuous spatial modulation at the output of said polarization converter. A photoresponsive material characterized by an anisotropy axis that may be formed or aligned according to polarization of said light beam is exposed to said polarization modulation pattern and may be coated subsequently with an anisotropic material overlayer.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Digital Holographic Device

Номер: US20170003650A1

The techniques, apparatus, material and systems are described for a portable camera device which can be attached to the camera port of a conventional transmission or reflection microscope for complex wave front analysis. At least one holographic element (BS, grating) splits the beam (s) containing the sample information in two beams (r,o) and filters (r′, o′) them. The proposed invention has a relaxed alignment sensitivity to displacement of the beam coming from the microscope. Besides since it compensates the coherence plane tilt angle between reference and object arms, it allows for creating high-visibility interference over the entire field of view. The full-field off-axis holograms provide the whole sample information. 125-. (canceled)26. A hologram generating device for generating a hologram from a sample beam formed by collecting electromagnetic radiation coming from an object , the device comprising:a beam generation unit arranged to split the sample beam into an object beam and a reference beam, the object beam being a non-filtered or partially filtered first portion of the sample beam and the reference beam being a partially or completely filtered second portion of the sample beam;a coherence management unit arranged to orientate a coherence plane of at least one of the object beam and the reference beam to render the coherence plane of the object beam and the reference beam substantially parallel; anda hologram creation unit configured to combine the object beam and the reference beam to create the hologram by interference between the reference beam and the object beam.27. The device according to claim 26 , wherein the beam generation unit includes a holographic filtering element configured to split the sample beam and to spatially filter the sample beam to produce an object beam and a reference beam including the filtered split sample beam of spatial intensity uniformity; or includes a splitter to split the sample beam into a first split beam and a second ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003996A1

A holographic sight is provided having a housing that includes a plurality of holograph sight components. A laser diode mounted in the housing is configured to emit a laser light beam. The light beam is transmitted to an integrated diffraction grating and filter unit which includes a grating and a filter in a single device. The diffraction grating has a grating surface for diffracting the light beam and also diffracting unwanted ambient light transmitted into the housing. The filter is an optical filter contacting at least a portion of the grating. The optical filter is adapted to absorb at least one wavelength of the ambient light to inhibit the ambient light from diffracting into a visible spectrum that might otherwise be viewable to a user looking into the holographic sight. 1. A holographic weapons sight comprising:a reticle image hologram; and a base substrate,', 'a transparent substrate spaced from the base substrate,', 'a first epoxy between the substrates and contacting the base substrate, wherein the first epoxy includes an outer surface having a series of surface features molded thereon,', 'a reflective coating contacting the outer surface of the first epoxy and configured to diffract light toward the hologram, and', 'a dyed epoxy between the reflective coating and the transparent substrate, wherein the dyed epoxy is adapted to inhibit at least a portion of the light from reflecting to the hologram., 'an integrated grating and filter device containing2. The holographic weapons sight of wherein the surface features claim 1 , the reflective coating claim 1 , and the dyed epoxy each include a series of ridges and grooves claim 1 , wherein the ridges and grooves of the reflective coating contact the ridges and grooves of both the transparent epoxy and the dyed epoxy.3. The holographic weapons sight of wherein the dyed epoxy is dyed red and is adapted to inhibit light having a wavelength of approximately less than 575 nm from passing through the dyed epoxy.4. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Three-coordinate mapper and mapping method

Номер: US20200003546A1
Автор: Tianyi Xing, Yu Xing
Принадлежит: Siliconix Inc

A three-coordinate mapper, comprising a U-shaped chassis (11) which is formed by successively connecting a front cross-frame, a connecting frame and a rear cross-frame; a square front panel (12); a servo motor (13); a lead screw (14); one ends of four connecting rods (17) are hinged on a periphery of the nut (15); the other end of each of the four connecting rods (17) is hinged to one end of a support rod (18); a driven laser pointer (20) and a left camera (21), a right camera (22), an upper camera (23), and a lower camera (24); an intermediate camera (25) and a driving laser pointer (26); and, a plurality of auxiliary laser pointers (27). The three-coordinate mapper and the mapping method has high measurement precision and fast measurement speed.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004139A1
Автор: Arie Ady, SHAPIRA Asia

A method and system for beam shaping employing a non-collinear quasi phase-matched interaction in a crystal whose nonlinear coefficient was encoded by a computer generated hologram is provided herein. The same axis is used for both satisfying the phase-matching requirements and encoding the holographic information. This allows one-dimensional beam shaping using a very simple to fabricate nonlinear crystal pattern and two-dimensional beam shaping with high conversion efficiency. Both are demonstrated by converting a fundamental Gaussian beam into Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian beams at the second harmonic in KTiOPOand stoichiometric lithium tantalate. The suggested scheme enables broad wavelength tuning by simply tilting the crystal. 1. A system for beam shaping comprising:a light source configured to generate a pump beam; anda crystal having a nonlinear coefficient encoded by a holographic pattern,wherein the pump beam is configured to cause a non-collinear quasi phase-matched interaction at the crystal, along a crystal axis, wherein said a holographic pattern is encoded on said crystal axis used for said quasi phase-matching.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a tilt mechanism configured to tilt said crystal claim 1 , to yield beam shaping claim 1 , in accordance with the tilt angle.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said holographic pattern comprises a binary holographic pattern.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said holographic pattern is a computer generated hologram.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the beam shaping is one dimensional and is achieved by one dimensional modulation of said nonlinear coefficient.6. The system according to claim 6 , wherein a diffraction caused by the interaction is of an asymmetric nature and results with a single generated beam claim 6 , separated from a fundamental frequency of the beam.7. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the beam shaping is two dimensional and ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004219A1

A projection device is provided for displaying at least one of a two-dimensional and three-dimensional scene or of content. The projection device comprises an illumination device, at least two spatial light modulator devices and an optical system. The illumination device comprises at least one light source for generating a holographic illumination. One of said spatial light modulator devices is designed as spatial light modulator device modulating at least the phase of the light for the holographical generation of illumination patterns. This spatial light modulator device as first spatial light modulator device is followed by a second spatial light modulator device. The optical system is disposed to illuminate the second spatial light modulator device with a predefinable light distribution generated by the first spatial light modulator device. 1. A projection device for displaying at least one of a two-dimensional and three-dimensional scene or of content comprising:An illumination device comprising at least one light source for generating a holographic illumination,At least two spatial light modulator devices, where one of said spatial light modulator devices is designed as spatial light modulator device modulating at least the phase of the light for the holographical generation of illumination patterns, said spatial light modulator device as first spatial light modulator device is followed by a second spatial light modulator device,An optical system disposed to illuminate the second spatial light modulator device with a predefinable light distribution generated by the first spatial light modulator device.2. The projection device according to claim 1 , wherein the optical system comprising at least one imaging element.3. The projection device according to claim 1 , wherein the optical system is provided close to or directly at the position of the first spatial light modulator device.4. The projection device according to claim 1 , wherein the second spatial light ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003961A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Disclosed herein are devices and methods to determine a gaze associated with an eye. At least one infrared beam may be reflected off of the eye. The reflected infrared beam may be received and reflected from a projection surface that includes one or more layers that reflects infrared light. The projection surface may include a holographic optical element (HOE) that reflects the infrared light. The infrared beam reflected from the projection surface may be received by an infrared light beam receiver. A light intensity associated with the reflected infrared beam may be used to control one or more functionality associated with a projection system. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an infrared light beam emitter to emit at least one infrared light beam; andan holographic optical element (HOE) to reflect the at least one infrared light beam toward an eye.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the HOE is comprised in or on a projection surface.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a visible light beam emitter to emit at least one visible light beam claim 1 , the HOE to reflect the at least one visible light beam toward an eye.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the HOE includes a first layer and a second layer claim 1 , the first layer to reflect infrared light and the second layer to reflect visible light.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the first and second layers are situated in a stacked arrangement.6. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the first and second layers are situated in a side-by-side arrangement.7. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the first layer and the second layer are photopolymer material.8. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the HOE includes a first layer claim 1 , the first layer to reflect infrared light and further to reflect visible light.9. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising logic to ascertain gaze information associated with the eye based on a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003973A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Disclosed herein is a lens for a wearable projection system. The lens includes a holographic optical element embedded within the lens and covering a portion of the viewable area of the lens. The lens can be manufactured by providing a first lens blank, affixing the HOE to a portion of the first lens blank, and forming a second lens blank on the first lens blank to embed the HOE between the lens blanks. 1. A method to manufacture a wearable display lens , comprising:providing a partial lens blank, the partial lens blank comprising a front surface and a back surface;applying a holographic optical element (HOE) to a portion of the back surface of the partial lens blank;placing the partial lens blank and the HOE into a backside mold, the backside mold comprising a cavity, the HOE disposed within the cavity; andfilling the cavity with a lens material to form a backside lens portion on the partial lens blank, wherein the HOE is embedded between the partial lens blank and the backside lens portion.2. The method of claim 1 , the HOE comprising a first area and the back surface of the partial lens blank comprising a second area larger than the first area.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first area is between 4 and 12 times smaller than the second area.4. The method of claim 1 , filling the cavity comprising casting the lens material into the cavity.5. The method of claim 1 , filling the cavity comprising injecting the lens material into the cavity.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising applying at least one of heat or light to cure the lens material.7. The method of claim 1 , the partial lens blank comprising at least one registration mark claim 1 , the method comprising aligning the HOE on the back surface of the partial lens blank based on the at least one registration mark.8. The method of claim 1 , comprising shaping the partial lens blank and the backside lens portion to an eyewear lens shape.9. The method of claim 1 , comprising filling a cavity in a frontside ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003974A1

Disclosed herein is a lens for a wearable projection system. The lens includes a holographic optical element embedded within the lens and covering a portion of the viewable area of the lens. The lens can be manufactured by filling a cavity in a lens blank with a photosensitive material and exposing the photosensitive material to a number of light beams to form the HOE. 1. A method to manufacture a wearable display lens , comprising:filling a cavity in a lens blank with a photosensitive material; andexposing the first material with at least one light beam to form a holographic optical element (HOE) in the photosensitive material.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , shaping the lens blank to an eyewear lens shape.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:injecting, via a port in the outside surface of the lens blank, the polymer material into the cavity to fill the cavity; andsealing the port.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photosensitive material comprises polymer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the photosensitive material comprises MEK-coflouropolymer-monomer.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising:providing the partial lens blank; andemptying the cavity in the partial lens blank.7. The method of claim 6 , emptying the cavity in the partial lens blank comprising removing a filler material from the cavity claim 6 , the filler material to form the cavity during forming of the partial lens blank.8. The method of claim 1 , comprising:providing a first partial lens blank;providing a second partial lens blank, each of the first and second partial lens blank comprising a recess;coupling the first partial lens blank and the second partial lens blank to form the lens blank, the recesses aligned to form the cavity.9. The method of claim 8 , comprising drilling a hole in the first partial lens blank to access the cavity.10. The method of claim 8 , filling the cavity in the lens blank comprising sandwiching the photosensitive material between the first partial ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003975A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Disclosed herein are devices and methods to provide a holographic optical element (HOE) having a modified shape and a structural attribute. At least one wavefront may be used to cause a first structure change in a material, used for the HOE, in a first shape. The material used for the HOE may be changed from the first shape to the modified shape to cause a second structure change in the material. The structural attribute in the material may be provided from a combination of the first structure change and the second structure change. 1. A method to manufacture a holographic optical element (HOE) , the method comprising:impinging at least one wavefront on a material having a first shape, the at least one wavefront to cause a first structure change in the material;shaping the material to a second shape to cause a second structure change in the material; andforming a holographic optical element (HOE), the HOE comprising the material having the second shape and a structural attribute, the structural attribute based in part on a combination of the first structure change and the second structure change.2. The method to manufacture the HOE according to claim 1 , further comprising impinging a plurality of wavefronts on the material having the first shape to cause the first structure change in the material.3. The method to manufacture the HOE according to claim 1 , further comprising forming the HOE having the second shape and the structural attribute to conform to a defined design.4. The method to manufacture the HOE according to claim 1 , wherein the material is a photopolymer claim 1 , emulsion material claim 1 , crystal claim 1 , or photoresist-based material.5. A holographic optical element (HOE) manufactured by the method of .6. The method to manufacture the HOE according to claim 1 , wherein the first shape of the material is flat claim 1 , the second shape of the material is curved claim 1 , and the structural attribute is a nano structure of the material.7. The ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003976A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Disclosed herein is a lens for a wearable projection system. The lens includes a holographic optical element disposed between layers of the lens. Joints between the holographic optical element and the lens layers on an edge of the lens are covered with a sealant to protect the holographic optical element. 1. A method to manufacture a wearable display lens , comprising:providing a lens having a holographic optical element (HOE) disposed between a first layer and a second layer of the lens, the HOE exposed along an edge of the lens;shaping the lens; andapplying a sealant to the edge of the lens to cover the HOE.2. The method of claim 1 , shaping the lens comprising at least one of cutting the lens claim 1 , grinding the lens claim 1 , or polishing the lens.3. The method of claim 1 , shaping the lens comprising at least one of cutting the edge of the lens claim 1 , grinding the edge of the lens claim 1 , or polishing the edge of the lens.4. The method of claim 1 , applying the sealant to the edge of the lens comprising rolling the sealant onto the edge.5. The method of claim 1 , applying the sealant to the edge of the lens comprising dipping the edge of the lens in the sealant.6. The method of claim 1 , providing the lens comprising:providing the first layer and the second layer;applying the HOE to a back surface of the first layer; andapplying the second layer to the HOE to place the HOE between the first and the second layer.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the HOE is applied to the back surface of the first layer with a pressure sensitive adhesive.8. The method of claim 1 , providing the lens comprising:providing the first layer;applying the HOE to a back surface of the first layer;placing the first layer and the HOE into a mold; andfilling the mold with a lens material to form the second layer the HOE.9. The method of claim 8 , providing the first layer comprising filling the mold with the lens material to form the first layer.10. The method of claim 8 , filling ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003763A1

A hologram recording device for producing a hologram that diffracts incident light includes: a laser light source; a first half-wave plate that controls a polarization direction of a light beam emitted from the laser light source; a polarizing beam splitter that reflects S-polarized light to emit the S-polarized light as an “A” light ray and transmits P-polarized light to emit the P-polarized light as a “B” light ray with respect to the light beam passing through the first half-wave plate, and splits the light beam in two directions; a first wedge prism mirror that reflects the “A” light ray; a second half-wave plate that polarizes the “B” light ray into S-polarized light; a second wedge prism mirror that reflects the S-polarized light polarized by the second half-wave plate; and a recording medium irradiated with light rays reflected by the first wedge prism mirror and the second wedge prism mirror. 1. A light-guiding plate having a light diffractive portion that diffracts incident light by multiple-recorded hologram ,wherein the light diffractive portion has at least two or more regions and diffracts a different wavelength depending on each region when a certain light ray is incident, and power densities of light output diffracted for the different wavelengths are the same.2. The light-guiding plate according to claim 1 , wherein the light diffractive portion is used as an outgoing coupler that converts light propagating inside the light-guiding plate to light emitted outside the light-guiding plate.3. A hologram recording device for producing a hologram that diffracts incident light claim 1 , comprising:a laser light source;a first half-wave plate that controls a polarization direction of a light beam emitted from the laser light source;a polarizing beam splitter that reflects S-polarized light to emit the S-polarized light as an “A” light ray and transmits P-polarized light to emit the P-polarized light as a “B” light ray with respect to the light beam passing ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Photographing system for viewing 3d images with naked eyes and using method thereof

Номер: US20200004131A1
Автор: Tianyi Xing, Yu Xing
Принадлежит: Siliconix Inc

An image photographing system for viewing 3D images with naked eyes and using method thereof, including an L-shaped frame (1), wherein, a top end of a vertical portion of the L-shaped frame successively at equal intervals providing with: an intermediate photographing mechanism, a left photographing mechanism and a right photographing mechanism, a left driving mechanism and a right driving mechanism, a guide post, a vertical driving servo motor, a driving lead screw; a support plate drives the left driving mechanism and the right driving mechanism to move up and down by moving up and down along the guide post under the drive of the driving lead screw, so as to drive the left photographing mechanism or the right photographing mechanism to swing up and down. The present invention can see the realistic and natural 3D images with naked eyes.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Display device, in particular a head-mounted display, based on temporal and spatial multiplexing of hologram tiles

Номер: US20210003843A1
Автор: Gerald FÜTTERER
Принадлежит: SeeReal Technologies SA

The invention relates to a display device, in particular a head-mounted display or hocular, having a spatial light modulator and a controllable light-deflecting device for generating a multiple image of the spatial light modulator, which consists of segments, the multiple image being produced at least with a predefinable number of segments which determines the size of a visible area within which a 3D-scene holographically encoded in the spatial light modulator can be reconstructed for observation by an eye of an observer.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003854A1
Автор: Bartlett Terry Alan

In described examples, a system (e.g., a projection system) can include a diffractive optical element adapted to be illuminated by at least one coherent light beam. A lens array is coupled to receive a diffracted beam of light from the diffractive optical element. The lens array includes a first and a second array lens. The first array lens is coupled to receive a first sector of a pattern of illumination of the diffracted beam of light, and the second array lens is coupled to receive a second sector of the pattern of illumination of the diffracted beam of light. A spatial light modulator is coupled to receive overlapping diffracted beams of light from the first and second array lenses to form an image beam. 1. A system , comprising:a diffractive optical element adapted to be optically coupled to a coherent light beam illuminator, the diffractive optical element configured to generate a diffracted beam of light responsive to an incident coherent light beam, the diffracted beam of light including a diffracted pattern of illumination;a lens array optically coupled to the diffractive optical element, the lens array including a first array lens configured to receive a first sector of the diffracted pattern of illumination, and wherein the lens array includes a second array lens configured to receive a second sector of the diffracted pattern of illumination, the first array lens and second array lens configured to generate overlapping diffracted beams responsive to the diffracted pattern of illumination; anda spatial light modulator optically coupled to the lens array, the spatial light modulator configured to form an image beam responsive to the overlapping diffracted beams.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a projection focusing element optically coupled to the spatial light modulator claim 1 , the projection focusing element configured to focus the image beam for view.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising the coherent light beam illuminator claim 1 , the coherent ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003857A1
Автор: HAN Gil Won, Kim Sun Hee

The three-dimensional image display apparatus includes: a housing; a light source unit which is mounted in the housing, and emits light; a single light transfer unit which is disposed in the housing to face the light source unit, and refracts, diffracts, or reflects the light emitted from the light source unit; and an image display unit which forms, as an image, the light refracted, diffracted, or reflected by the light transfer unit. 1. A three-dimensional image display apparatus comprising:a housing;a light source unit which is mounted in the housing, and emits light;a single light transfer unit which is disposed in the housing so as to face the light source unit, and refracts, diffracts, or reflects the light emitted from the light source unit; andan image display unit which forms, as an image, the light refracted, diffracted, or reflected by the light transfer unit.2. The three-dimensional image display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light transfer unit comprises:a light transfer fixing unit which is mounted to the housing to face the light source unit; anda light transfer grid unit which is formed on the light transfer fixing unit, and refracts, diffracts, or reflects the light, emitted from the light source unit, toward the image display unit.3. The three-dimensional image display apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the light transfer grid unit comprises:a light transfer support unit which is vertically formed from the light transfer fixing unit toward the light source unit; anda light transfer inclination unit which is formed to be inclined at a set angle so that the light emitted from the light source unit is refracted, diffracted, or reflected toward the image display unit.4. The three-dimensional image display apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the light transfer grid unit is formed of a holographic optical element (HOE).5. The three-dimensional image display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the image display unit comprises:a plate unit which is mounted on one ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003919A1

The present disclosure relates to a photopolymer composition, and more particularly, to a compound having a novel structure, a photopolymer composition including the compound as a dye, a hologram recording medium produced from the photopolymer composition, an optical element including the hologram recording medium, and a holographic recording method using the photopolymer composition. 2. The compound according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '−', 'the An is a halide ion, a cyano ion, an alkoxy ion having 1 to 30 carbon atoms, an alkoxycarbonyl ion having 1 to 30 carbon atoms, a sulfonate ion, an alkyl-sulfonate ion having 1 to 30 carbon atoms, a substituted or unsubstituted aromatic sulfonate ion having 6 to 30 carbon atoms, an alkyl sulfate ion having 1 to 30 carbon atoms, a sulfate ion, or a substituted or unsubstituted aromatic sulfate ion having 6 to 30 carbon atoms.'}3. The compound according to claim 1 ,wherein in the Chemical Formula 1,X is silicon (Si),n and m are each 1,{'sub': 1', '2, 'Zand Zare each nitrogen (N),'}{'sub': 1', '12, 'Rto Rare identical to or different from each other, and each is hydrogen, an alkyl group having 1 to 20 carbon atoms; or a halogen group,'}{'sub': '1', 'Aris an aromatic divalent functional group having 6 to 20 carbon atoms to which at least one hydrogen, an alkyl group having 1 to 20 carbon atoms or halogen group is bonded, and'}{'sub': '1', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, '—Y—Ar\u2003\u2003[Chemical Formula 2]'}, 'Yis a functional group represented by Chemical Formula 2.'}in the Chemical Formula 2,{'sub': '2', 'Yis an ether group or an ester, and'}{'sub': '2', 'Aris an aliphatic functional group having 1 to 20 carbon atoms or an aromatic functional group having 6 to 20 carbon atoms substituted with one or more halogen groups.'}4. A photopolymer composition comprising:a polymer matrix or a precursor thereof;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a dye including the compound of ;'}a photoreactive monomer; anda ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004228A1
Принадлежит: LIGHT FIELD LAB, INC.

Holographic energy directing systems may include a waveguide array and a relay element. Disclosed calibration approaches allows for mapping of energy locations and mapping of energy locations to angular direction of energy as defined in a four-dimensional plenopic system. Distortions due to the waveguide array and relay element may also be compensated. 1. A method of calibration for an energy relay element , wherein the energy relay element is configured such that energy propagating through the energy relay element has higher transport efficiency in a longitudinal orientation , the method comprising:receiving data of energy attributes of energy at a first plurality of energy locations at a first surface of an energy relay element, wherein energy at the first plurality of energy locations was relayed from a second plurality of energy locations through the energy relay element along the longitudinal orientation; andcorrelating predetermined data of energy attributes of energy at the second plurality of energy locations and the data of energy attributes of energy at the first plurality of energy locations to create a calibrated relay function;wherein, the calibrated relay function comprises a mapping of the energy attributes at the first plurality of energy locations to the energy attributes at the second plurality of energy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy attributes at the first plurality of energy locations comprise at least position coordinates defined in a physical reference space claim 1 , and the energy attributes at the second plurality of energy locations comprise at least position coordinates defined in a first digital reference space.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the position coordinates defined in the physical reference space are converted from a second digital reference space.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:receive data of captured reference energy attributes of reference energy that was captured at the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004322A1

Systems, devices, and methods that integrate eye tracking capability into scanning laser projector (“SLP”)-based wearable heads-up displays are described. At least one narrow waveband laser diode is used in an SLP to define one or more portion(s) of a visible image. At least one corresponding narrow waveband photodetector is aligned to detect reflections of the portion(s) of the image from features of the eye. A holographic optical element (“HOE”) may be used to combine the image and environmental light into the user's “field of view.” Three narrow waveband photodetectors each responsive to a respective one of three narrow wavebands output by the RGB laser diodes of an RGB SLP are aligned to detect reflections of a projected RGB image from features of the eye. 1. A wearable heads-up display (“WHUD”) comprising:a first visible light source to output a first visible light in a first narrow waveband, the first visible light representative of at least a first portion of a displayed image;a second visible light source to output a second visible light in a second narrow waveband different from the first narrow waveband, the second visible light representative of at least a second portion of a displayed image;a transparent combiner aligned to receive the first visible light from the first light source and the second visible light from the second visible light source and to redirect both the first visible light and the second visible light towards at least one eye of a user;a first narrow waveband detector aligned to receive at least a portion of the first visible light reflected from the at least one eye of the user, wherein the first narrow waveband detector is responsive to the first visible light in the first narrow waveband and unresponsive to light that is outside of the first narrow waveband; anda second narrow waveband detector aligned to receive at least a portion of the second visible light reflected from the at least one eye of the user, wherein the second narrow ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004323A1

Systems, devices, and methods that integrate eye tracking capability into scanning laser projector (“SLP”)-based wearable heads-up displays are described. An infrared laser diode is added to an RGB SLP and an infrared photodetector is aligned to detect reflections of the infrared light from features of the eye. A holographic optical element (“HOE”) may be used to combine visible light, infrared light, and environmental light into the user's “field of view.” The HOE may be heterogeneous and multiplexed to apply positive optical power to the visible light and zero or negative optical power to the infrared light. 1. A wearable heads-up display (“WHUD”) comprising:an infrared light source to output an infrared light;a visible light source to output a visible light; receive the infrared light from the infrared light source;', 'receive the visible light from the visible light source;', 'transmit the infrared light therethrough without influencing the infrared light; and', 'separate the visible light into angle-separated copies;, 'an optical splitter aligned toa transparent combiner, the transparent combiner aligned to receive both the infrared light and the angle-separated copies of the visible light from the optical splitter and to redirect both the infrared light and the angle-separated copies of the visible light towards at least one eye of a user; andan infrared detector aligned to receive at least a portion of infrared light reflected from the at least one eye of the user.2. The WHUD of wherein:the infrared light source comprises an infrared laser diode to output infrared laser light; andthe visible light source comprises at least one visible laser light diode to output visible laser light.3. The WHUD of wherein the at least one visible laser light diode includes at least one visible laser light diode selected from the group consisting of: a red laser diode claim 2 , a green laser diode claim 2 , a blue laser diode claim 2 , and any combination of a red laser diode ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Method of operating a laser and laser apparatus using intra-cavity digital holograms

Номер: US20150009547A1

Laser apparatus includes an output coupler, a gain medium for generating laser light, a rear optical element, and an input coupler. The input coupler is arranged to direct a pump beam to the gain medium and to define an optical path between the output coupler and the rear optical element. The rear optical element is a spatial light modulator arranged to act as an intra-cavity digital holographic mirror which can be digitally addressed. The spatial light modulator displays selectively a gray-scale image of a hologram thereby to phase-modulate laser light in the cavity, thus making it possible to generate an output laser beam having a desired characteristic. The apparatus includes a computer arranged to generate at least one hologram corresponding to a desired output beam characteristic, and a driver circuit responsive to an output from the computer to generate a corresponding gray-scale image of the hologram on the spatial light modulator.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026621A1

A beam expander includes first and second optical elements spaced apart from each other, and a light diffuser having an angular aperture that diffuses incident light through the angular aperture, wherein the first optical element in-couples the diffused light such that light exiting the first optical element has a first cross-sectional shape and light having a second cross-sectional shape different from the first cross-sectional shape is incident on the second optical element, and the second optical element out-couples light incident from the first optical element. 1. A beam expander comprising:a first optical element;a second optical element spaced apart from the first optical element; anda light diffuser having an angular aperture, the light diffuser diffusing incident light through the angular aperture,wherein the first optical element in-couples the diffused light such that light exiting the first optical element has a first cross-sectional shape and light having a second cross-sectional shape different from the first cross-sectional shape is incident on the second optical element, andwherein the second optical element out-couples light incident from the first optical element.2. The beam expander of claim 1 , wherein the angular aperture of the light diffuser is greater than about 0° and equal to or less than 5°.3. The beam expander of claim 1 , wherein an intensity of the light diffused by the light diffuser has a greater uniformity over a light cross section than an intensity of the incident light.4. The beam expander of claim 1 , wherein the light diffuser outputs the incident light as a plurality of sub-lights that are spatially separated from each other.5. The beam expander of claim 1 , wherein the light diffuser modulates a phase of the incident light and outputs the incident light as a plurality of sub-lights.6. The beam expander of claim 1 , wherein the light diffuser performs spatial non-uniformity phase modulation on the incident light and outputs a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010585A1
Автор: Menon Rajesh, WANG Peng

A system for surface patterning using a three dimensional holographic mask includes a light source configured to emit a light beam toward the holographic mask. The holographic mask can be formed as a topographical pattern on a transparent mask substrate. A semiconductor substrate can be positioned on an opposite site of the holographic mask as the light source and can be spaced apart from the holographic mask. The system can also include a base for supporting the semiconductor substrate. 1. An iterative pixelated perturbation method of generating a three dimensional holographic mask based on a predetermined three dimensional pattern , comprising:providing a starting pattern for the holographic mask;computing images at multiple planes parallel to the holographic mask using a processor;computing an image metric representing a combination of diffraction efficiency of the holographic mask and fidelity of a resulting image compared with the predetermined pattern for the images at the multiple planes using the processor;perturbing an optic height of a first pixel in the starting pattern to create an intermediate pattern;computing the resulting intermediate images and computing an intermediate metric for the intermediate pattern; anddetermining whether the intermediate metric for the intermediate pattern is an improvement over the metric for the starting pattern, wherein the holographic mask is formed as a topographical pattern of the predetermined three dimensional pattern on a transparent mask substrate and includes multiple discrete levels at defined elevations.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image metric includes at least one of diffraction efficiency claim 1 , image fidelity claim 1 , exposure latitude claim 1 , line-edge roughness claim 1 , manufacturability claim 1 , normalized inverse image slope claim 1 , robustness claim 1 , and throughput.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the image metric includes diffraction efficiency and image fidelity.4. The method ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011353A1

A polarization conversion system includes a geometric phase element and a retarder element. The geometric phase element has optical anisotropy with local optical axis orientations that vary non-linearly in at least one dimension along a surface thereof. The retarder element is arranged to receive light output from the geometric phase element. Related systems and methods are also discussed. 1. A polarization conversion system , comprising:a geometric phase element having local optical axis orientations that vary non-linearly in at least one dimension along a surface thereof; anda retarder element arranged to receive light output from the geometric phase element.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein an optical anisotropy of the geometric phase element has a constant magnitude along the surface thereof.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the local optical axis orientations define a birefringence pattern having a varying periodicity along the surface of the geometric phase element.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the varying periodicity defines respective lens regions along the surface of the geometric phase element.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the periodicity at a central portion of the geometric phase element is greater than the periodicity at an edge portion of the geometric phase element.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the local optical axis orientations vary in first and second dimensions along the surface of the geometric phase element.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein an area of the surface of the geometric phase element is greater than an area of illumination provided by incident light.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the geometric phase element is arranged to receive the incident light directly from an unpolarized light source without an intervening lens element therebetween.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the geometric phase element is configured to diffract at least partially unpolarized incident light into first and second divergent beams having ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011321A1

An optical device includes: a light guide plate receiving, for each of N types of wavelength bands, a plurality of parallel light beams with different incident angles each corresponding to view angles, and guiding the received parallel light beams; a first and a second volume hologram gratings of reflection type having a diffraction configuration which includes N types of interference fringes each corresponding to the N types of wavelength bands, and diffracting/reflecting the parallel light beams. The optical device satisfies for each wavelength band, a relationship of ‘P>L’, where ‘L’ represents a central diffraction wavelength in the first and second volume hologram gratings, defined for a parallel light beam corresponding to a central view angle, and ‘P’ represents a peak wavelength of the parallel light beams. 1. An optical device comprising:a light source;a light guide plate configured to receive light, and to guide the received light;a first deflecting element configured to deflect light entering the light guide plate; anda second deflecting element configured to deflect light which has been propagated through the light guide plate,wherein a peak wavelength of the light source is closer to a central diffraction wavelength of the light with the first view angle +θ than to a central diffraction wavelength of the light with the second view angle −θ, θ being an angle relative to a normal to a surface of the light guide plate, andwherein a first deflected light by the first deflecting element corresponds to the first view angle +θ and a second deflected light by the first deflecting element corresponds to the second view angle −θ, and a first portion of the second deflecting element where the first deflected light is deflected is located farther away from the first deflecting element than a second portion of the second deflecting element where the second deflected light is deflected.2. The optical device of claim 1 , wherein the light source and the first and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011621A1
Принадлежит: LIGHT FIELD LAB, INC.

A method determines four dimensional (4D) plenoptic coordinates for content data by receiving content data; determining locations of data points with respect to a first surface to creating a digital volumetric representation of the content data, the first surface being a reference surface; determining 4D plenoptic coordinates of the data points at a second surface by tracing the locations the data points in the volumetric representation to the second surface where a 4D function is applied; and determining energy source location values for 4D plenoptic coordinates that have a first point of convergence. 1. A method of determining four dimensional (4D) plenoptic coordinates for content data , the method comprising:receiving content data;determining locations of data points with respect to a first surface to create a digital volumetric representation of the content data, the first surface being a reference surface;determining 4D plenoptic coordinates of the data points at a second surface by tracing the locations the data points in the volumetric representation to the second surface where a 4D function is applied; anddetermining energy source location values for 4D plenoptic coordinates that have a first point of convergence.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the content data comprises a signal perceptible by a visual claim 1 , audio claim 1 , textural claim 1 , sensational claim 1 , or smell sensor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the content data comprises at least one of the following: an object location claim 1 , a material property claim 1 , a virtual light source claim 1 , content for geometry at non-object location claim 1 , content out of the reference surface claim 1 , a virtual camera position claim 1 , a segmentation of objects claim 1 , and layered contents.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the content data comprises data points in a two dimensional (2D) space claim 1 , and wherein determining locations comprises applying a depth map to the data points ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011284A1

Techniques disclosed herein relate to a near-eye display system. One example of an eye-tracking system includes a substrate transparent to visible light and infrared light and a reflective holographic grating conformally coupled to a surface of the substrate. The reflective holographic grating is configured to transmit the visible light and reflectively diffract infrared light in a first wavelength range for eye tracking. The refractive index modulation of the reflective holographic grating is apodized in a direction along a thickness of the reflective holographic grating to reduce optical artifacts in the visible light. 1. An eye-tracking system comprising:a substrate transparent to visible light and infrared light; and the reflective holographic grating is configured to transmit the visible light and reflectively diffract infrared light in a first wavelength range for eye tracking; and', 'a refractive index modulation of the reflective holographic grating is apodized in a direction along a thickness of the reflective holographic grating to reduce optical artifacts in the visible light., 'a reflective holographic grating conformally coupled to a surface of the substrate, wherein2. The eye-tracking system of claim 1 , wherein a magnitude of the refractive index modulation of the reflective holographic grating is characterized by a bell-shaped curve in the direction along the thickness of the reflective holographic grating.3. The eye-tracking system of claim 2 , wherein the refractive index modulation of the reflective holographic grating has a maximum magnitude in a center region of the reflective holographic grating in the direction along the thickness of the reflective holographic grating.4. The eye-tracking system of claim 3 , wherein the thickness of the reflective holographic grating is at least 15 μm and the maximum magnitude of the refractive index modulation is at least 0.035.5. The eye-tracking system of claim 1 , wherein the refractive index modulation of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011509A1

An example luminaire includes a laser light source, a photoluminescent material and a holographic optical element. The holographic optical element has a hologram optically coupled to the laser light source and to the photoluminescent material. The hologram is configured to distribute light received from the laser light source as a pattern of light to the photoluminescent material. 1. A luminaire , for a general illumination application , the luminaire comprising:a laser light source;a holographic optical element, coupled to receive a beam of light from the laser light source, and having a hologram configured to distribute light from the beam as a pattern of light;a photoluminescent material configured to convert one or more wavelengths of incident light to wavelengths of light to provide an intended color characteristic of light for the general illumination application of the luminaire, the photoluminescent material being located to receive the pattern of light from the holographic optical element; andan optical system coupled to the photoluminescent material to distribute light from the photoluminescent material over an optical output distribution for the general illumination application of the luminaire.2. The luminaire of claim 1 , wherein the hologram is configured to: split the beam of light from the laser light source into a plurality of beams forming the pattern of light claim 1 , and to direct the plurality of beams to a plurality of regions of the photoluminescent material.3. The luminaire of claim 2 , wherein the optical system comprises a plurality of optics each coupled to a respective one of the regions of the photoluminescent material on the at least one substrate.4. The luminaire of claim 2 , wherein the optical system comprises a light transmissive substrate supporting the regions of the photoluminescent material.5. The luminaire of claim 1 , further comprising:a light transmissive substrate, supporting the photoluminescent material, at a distance ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Double-sided imaging light guide with embedded dichroic filters

Номер: US20190011708A1
Принадлежит: Vuzix Corp

An imaging light guide has a waveguide formed as a coated substrate having first and second surface coatings. A first in-coupling diffractive optic on the first coating directs diffracted light of a first wavelength range into the waveguide along a first direction. A second in-coupling diffractive optic on the second coating directs diffracted light of a second wavelength range into the waveguide along a second different direction. A first dichroic patch between the first surface of the substrate and the first surface coating for (a) transmitting the first wavelength range, (b) transmitting the second wavelength range through a range of incidence angles, and (c) reflecting the second wavelength range through a higher range of incidence angles. A second dichroic patch between the second surface of the substrate and the second surface coating for transmitting the second wavelength range and reflecting the first wavelength range.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011776A1
Автор: Shao Peng, Xu Ke
Принадлежит: Firefly Dimension Inc.

A display system for presenting a holographic image to a viewer may comprise a coherent light source, a display element, and a computing device operatively connected to the coherent light source and the display element, the coherent light source emitting a light that enters the display element from the same side of the viewer, and the display element comprising a liquid crystal layer and a partially-transmissive-partially-reflective layer, wherein the computing device is configured to provide a control signal to the display element to present the holographic image, wherein the liquid crystal layer receives light from the light source and is controlled by the control signal to modulate a phase of the light from the light source, and wherein the partially-transmissive-partially-reflective layer receives light from the liquid crystal layer and reflects the light back through the liquid crystal layer to the viewer. 1. A display system for presenting a holographic image to a viewer , comprising:a coherent light source, a display element, and a computing device operatively connected to the coherent light source and the display element, the coherent light source emitting a light that enters the display element from the same side of the viewer, and the display element comprising a liquid crystal layer and a partially-transmissive-partially-reflective layer,wherein the computing device is configured to provide a control signal to the display element to present the holographic image, wherein the liquid crystal layer receives light from the coherent light source and is controlled by the control signal to modulate a phase of the light from the coherent light source, and wherein the partially-transmissive-partially-reflective layer receives light from the liquid crystal layer and reflects the light back through the liquid crystal layer to the viewer.2. The display system according to claim 1 , wherein the partially-transmissive-partially-reflective layer is fully reflective ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012031A1
Автор: Mukawa Hiroshi

An image display device includes an image forming device, collimating optical system, and optical device, with the optical device including a light guide plate, first diffraction grating member and second diffraction grating member which are made up of a volume hologram diffraction grating, and with central light emitted from the pixel of the center of the image forming device and passed through the center of the collimating optical system being input to the light guide plate from the near side of the second diffraction grating member with a certain angle. Thus, the image display device capable of preventing occurrence of color irregularities, despite the simple configuration, can be provided. 1. An image display device comprising:an image forming device that includes a plurality of pixels arrayed in a two-dimensional matrix manner;a collimating optical system that converts light emitted from the pixels of the image forming device into parallel light; andan optical device that includes a light guide plate, a first diffraction grating member including a volume hologram diffraction grating for diffracting and reflecting light input to the light guide plate, which is disposed on the light guide plate, and a second diffraction grating member including a volume hologram diffraction grating for diffracting and reflecting light propagated within the light guide plate by total reflection, which is disposed on the light guide plate,wherein when assuming that the center of the first diffraction grating member is the origin, a normal of the first diffraction grating member passing through the origin with the direction toward the collimating optical system side as the positive direction is an Xi axis, and the axis line of the light guide plate with the direction passing through the origin, orthogonal to the Xi axis, toward the second diffraction grating member side as the positive direction is a Yi axis, the Yi axis is optically orthogonal to an interference pattern formed in ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012108A1
Автор: AYRES MARK R., Urness Adam

An optical reflective device for reflecting light including a grating medium having a first and second grating structure is disclosed. The first grating structure may be configured to reflect light of a wavelength about a first reflective axis offset from a surface normal of the grating medium at a first incidence angle. The second grating structure may be configured to reflect light of the wavelength about a second reflective axis offset from the surface normal of the grating medium at a second incidence angle different from the first incidence angle. The second reflective axis may be different from the first reflective axis. 1. A head mounted display device , comprising:a pre-distortion manager configured to produce a pre-distorted image by applying a pre-distortion to a set of pixels in an undistorted image, the set of pixels being proximal to an edge of a field of view of the undistorted image;a light source configured to generate image-bearing light that includes the pre-distorted image; andan optical system that includes a lens configured to receive the image-bearing light from the light source, wherein the lens is configured to direct the image-bearing light while producing a distortion in the image-bearing light, and wherein the pre-distortion is configured to compensate for the distortion produced by the lens in directing the image-bearing light.2. The head mounted display device defined in claim 1 , wherein the optical system comprises a waveguide and a holographic grating medium in the waveguide.3. The head mounted display device defined in claim 2 , wherein the optical system further comprises a set of volume holograms in the holographic grating medium claim 2 , the set of volume holograms being configured to diffract the image-bearing light.4. The head mounted display device defined in claim 3 , wherein the set of volume holograms comprise an input coupler.5. The head mounted display device defined in claim 4 , wherein the set of volume holograms ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013257A1
Автор: RICHARDS Martin

Light from an array of laser light sources are spread to cover the modulating face of a DMD or other modulator. The spread may be performed, for example, by a varying curvature array of lenslets, each laser light directed at one of the lenslets. Light from neighboring and/or nearby light sources overlap at a modulator. The lasers are energized at different energy/brightness levels causing the light illuminating the modulator to itself be modulated (locally dimmed). The modulator then further modulates the locally dimmed lights to produce a desired image. A projector according to the invention may utilize, for example, a single modulator sequentially illuminated or separate primary color modulators simultaneously illuminated. 1. A display , comprising:a light source comprising a set of primary colors;a display modulator; anda mid-point modulator configured to direct light from at least one of the primary colors onto the display modulator in an overlapping pattern of illuminated areas;the mid-point modulator further configured to selectively re-direct light axially aligned toward a first area of the display modulator, the re-direction changing the alignment of the light from the first area of the display modulator to a second area of the display modulator different from the first area;wherein the display modulator is energized according to image data and the overlapping pattern of illuminated areas on the display modulator and selectively re-directed light.2. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the light selectively re-directed comprises light re-directed from “dark” areas of the display modulator corresponding to dark portions of an image to be modulated to “bright” areas of the display modulator corresponding to relatively bright portions of the image to be modulated.3. The display according to claim 2 , wherein energization of the display modulator is based on the image data and a Light Field Simulation of the overlapping pattern of illuminated areas.4. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032836A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

An illumination apparatus that illuminates an illumination zone having a first direction and a second direction crossing the first direction is provided with a light source to emit a coherent light beam, and a diffraction optical device to diffract the coherent light beam incident from the light source. The diffraction optical device diffracts the incident coherent light beam so that a width of the illumination zone in the second direction gradually becomes wider along the first direction of the illumination zone from a nearer side to the diffraction optical device. 1. An illumination apparatus that illuminates an illumination zone having a first direction and a second direction crossing the first direction comprising:a light source to emit a plurality of coherent light beams having the same wavelength ranges; anda diffraction optical device to diffract the coherent light beam incident from the light source so that a width of the illumination zone in the second direction gradually becomes wider along the first direction of the illumination zone from a nearer side to the diffraction optical device,wherein the diffraction optical device comprises:a plurality of diffraction zones provided corresponding to the plurality of coherent light beams, respectively, the diffraction zones diffracting the corresponding coherent light beams to illuminate the illumination zone; anda light source controller.2. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a diffusion angle of the coherent light beams diffracted by the diffraction optical device in the second direction of the illumination zone is constant in an entire zone of the illumination zone in the first direction.3. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the diffraction optical device diffracts the plurality of coherent light beams incident from the light source so that indicators are displayed in at least part of the illumination zone in the first direction.4. The illumination apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035086A1

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing an optical element including a layer comprising anisotropic optical function and alignment capability. The layer is formed from a composition comprising polymerizable liquid crystals and one or more photo-orientable substances. Alignment on top of the layer is achieved by exposure to linearly polarized light. 1. A layer structure comprising a PLCPO layer , which has an optical anisotropic property and which has alignment capability on its surface , wherein at least in one area the alignment direction provided by the PLCPO layer is different from the liquid crystal orientation in the PLCPO layer just beneath the upper surface of the layer.2. The layer structure according to claim 1 , wherein the photo-orientable substance in the PLCPO has a density gradient claim 1 , such that the concentration of photo-orientable substance is higher at the upper surface of the PLCPO layer than in the middle of the layer.3. The layer structure according to claim 1 , wherein the photo-orientable substance comprises fluorinated and/or siloxane moieties and/or is a polysiloxane.4. The layer structure according to claim 1 , wherein the PLCPO material comprises isotropic or anisotropic fluorescent and/or non-fluorescent dyes claim 1 , dichroic dyes and/or chiral additives.5. The layer structure according to claim 1 , wherein the alignment provided by the PLCPO layer has locally different orientation.6. The layer structure according to claim 1 , which has an additional anisotropic layer in direct contact with the PLCPO layer claim 1 , the additional layer comprising liquid crystal polymers claim 1 , wherein the liquid crystal polymer of the additional layer is aligned according to the alignment information of the PLCPO layer.7. The layer structure according to claim 6 , wherein the PLCPO layer and the additional anisotropic layer are configured such that the layer structure acts as an achromatic retarder.8. An optical device ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035157A1
Автор: YOKOYAMA Osamu

Provided is a virtual image display device including an imaging light emitting device, a light-guiding member configured to guide imaging light emitted from the imaging light emitting device, and an emission-side diffraction element provided at a light-emitting portion of the light-guiding member and configured to emit the imaging light by diffraction. In the emission-side diffraction element, a light amount difference between a first component light and a second component light of the imaging light, the first component light being emitted as a central image at a first angle σ of 0° and the second component light being emitted as a peripheral image at a second angle σ of ±θ (θ>0°), is equal to or less than 20%. 1. A virtual image display device comprising:an imaging light emitting device configured to emit imaging light;a light-guiding member configured to guide the imaging light emitted from the imaging light emitting device; anda diffraction element provided at an emitting portion of the light-guiding member emitting the imaging light and configured to emit the imaging light by diffraction, whereinin the diffraction element, a light amount difference between a first component light of the imaging light and a second component light of the imaging light is equal to or less than 20%, the first component light being emitted at a first angle, and the second component light being emitted at a second angle different from the first angle.2. The virtual image display device according to claim 1 , whereinthe imaging light emitting device emits, as the imaging light, polarized light in a direction in which diffraction efficiency by the diffraction element is low.3. The virtual image display device according to claim 2 , whereinthe imaging light emitting device emits, as the imaging light, light that is a transverse magnetic (TM) wave with respect to the diffraction element.4. The virtual image display device according to claim 1 , whereinthe imaging light emitting device ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035311A1

Holographic and diffractive optical encoding techniques for forming reflection or transmission holograms. The encoding device includes a substrate having an interference pattern that can propagate light along a light propagation path from one side of the substrate to another side of the substrate. Furthermore, an optical element may be used to propagate light according to a four-dimensional light field coordinate system. 1. A waveguide comprising ,a substrate comprising a photographic medium; andan interference pattern encoded in the photographic medium, the interference pattern defining an array of substrate sites in the substrate;wherein the interference pattern is configured to propagate light along light propagation paths extending from light locations on a first side of the substrate toward a second side of the substrate;wherein the light propagation paths comprise sets of light propagation paths that extend through a same substrate site and a same light location, wherein each set of light propagation paths are configured to extend in substantially a unique direction on the second side of the substrate and converge from the same substrate site to the same light location on the first side of the substrate, the unique direction being determined by an angular direction of a chief ray propagation path in each set of light propagation paths;whereby, the array of substrate sites is configured to propagate light according to a four-dimensional light field coordinate system comprising spatial coordinates defined by positions of the substrate sites and angular coordinates defined by the unique directions of the sets of light propagation paths for each substrate site.2. The waveguide of claim 1 , wherein the photographic medium comprises at one of the materials selected from the group consisting of photographic emulsions claim 1 , dichromated gelatin claim 1 , photoresists claim 1 , photothermoplastics claim 1 , photopolymer claim 1 , and photorefractives.3. The ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

High intensity white light source

Номер: US20180017219A1

A white light source ( 100 ) comprising a first light source ( 102 ) adapted to emit first light, a reflecting wavelength converting element ( 108 ) arranged to receive first light from the first light source ( 102 ) and at least partly convert it to converted light, and a second light source ( 104 ) adapted to emit blue light which in use combines with the converted light to generate white light. The white light source further comprises a beam shaping element ( 116 ) adapted to adjust the intensity profile of the blue light emitted by the second light source ( 104 ) to match the intensity profile of the converted light. Thereby, a white light source ( 104 ) which generates a high intensity uniform white light with a desired color distribution is provided.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017801A1
Принадлежит: LUMENS CO., LTD.

A display apparatus is disclosed. The display apparatus includes: at least one LED display unit including a plurality of LED display panels outputting image lights; a light guide unit including a plurality of in-coupling zones where the image lights are received and a single out-coupling zone to which the received image lights are guided; a plurality of in-coupling holographic optical elements (HOEs) arranged in the in-coupling zones to define the propagation path of the image lights through the light guide unit; and a plurality of out-coupling HOEs arranged in the out-coupling zone to define a path through which the image lights guided through the light guide unit are sent outside the light guide unit. 1. A display apparatus comprising:at least one light emitting diode (LED) display unit comprising a plurality of LED display panels outputting image lights;a light guide unit comprising a plurality of in-coupling zones where the image lights are received and a single out-coupling zone to which the received image lights are guided;a plurality of in-coupling holographic optical elements (HOEs) arranged in the in-coupling zones to define a propagation path of the image lights through the light guide unit; anda plurality of out-coupling HOEs arranged in the out-coupling zone to define a path through which the image lights guided through the light guide unit are sent outside the light guide unit.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of LED display panels comprise a first LED display panel including a plurality of two-dimensionally arrayed first LED cells to output a first wavelength image light claim 1 , a second LED display panel including a plurality of two-dimensionally arrayed second LED cells to output a second wavelength image light claim 1 , and a third LED display panel including a plurality of two-dimensionally arrayed third LED cells to output a third wavelength image light.3. The display apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for design and manufacturing of optics for holographic sight

Номер: US20200018883A1
Принадлежит: Luminit LLC

A method for design and fabrication of holographic optical elements for a compact holographic sight is proposed. The method includes use of ray-trace software to design holographic elements having optical power using an intermediate hologram with parameters obtained through minimization of the merit function defining image quality.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018987A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

An illumination device includes an optical element including a hologram recording medium capable of diffusing a coherent light beam, the hologram recording medium comprising a plurality of regions, each region diffusing a coherent light beam to an illuminated region corresponding to that region, and an irradiation device configured to irradiate the optical element with the coherent light beam so as to allow the coherent light beam to scan the hologram recording medium. The coherent light beam incident to a position existing in each region of the hologram recording medium is diffused to an entire region of the illuminated region corresponding to the region in order to illuminate the entire region of the illuminated region. 1. An illumination device comprising:an optical element comprising a hologram recording medium where information is multiplexedly recorded in each position so as to allow a coherent light beam incident from a direction to be diffused to a plurality of illuminated regions; andan irradiation device having a light source displaceable with respect to the optical element, the irradiation device irradiating the optical element with the coherent light beam such that an incident positon of the coherent light beam on the hologram recording medium changes by displacing the light source with respect to the optical element,wherein each coherent light beam incident to a position of the hologram recording medium is diffused to the illuminated regions in order to illuminated the illuminated regions.2. An illumination device comprising:an optical element comprising a hologram recording medium capable of diffusing a coherent light beam, the hologram recording medium comprising a plurality of regions, each region diffusing a coherent light beam to an illuminated region corresponding to the region; andan irradiation device having a light source displaceable with respect to the optical element, the irradiation device irradiating the optical element with the coherent ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018720A1

The technology provides a spectroscopy system having two or more spectrometers with substantially uniform focal lengths. The spectrometers include a detector that converts optical signals into electrical signals to render spectral data. The spectroscopy system includes a computing device that is electrically coupled to one or more detectors to receive the spectral data and compare the spectral data against other spectral data. The other spectral data originates from spectrometers that have substantially similar focal lengths, slit widths, excitation laser wavelengths, or any combination of these. The technology includes an application server that is communicatively coupled to a second spectroscopy system. The application server includes software that enables data sharing among the two or more spectroscopy systems, including sharing the spectral data and the other spectral data. The application server compares sampled spectral data against stored spectral data to identify a match. 1. A spectroscopy system , comprising: a collimating lens that receives light rays therethrough;', 'a grating that is optically coupled to the collimating lens; and', a first body that includes a first lens set;', 'a second body that includes a second lens set; and', 'an air gap defined between the first lens set and the second lens set, the first and second bodies being moveable relative to each other to adjust a size of the air gap in order to modify a size of a spectral image in a first dimension according to a first amount and in a second dimension according to a second amount, the first amount being different than the second amount;, 'a focus lens that is optically coupled to the grating, the focus lens having], 'a spectrometer that is optically coupled to an excitation source and a probe through a probe assembly, the spectrometer comprisinga detector optically coupled to the focus lens, wherein the detector converts optical signals into electrical signals to render spectral data, ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Optical Mixing and Shaping System for Display Backlights and Displays Incorporating the Same

Номер: US20170019646A1

A backlight for a display comprises a plurality of independently controllable light sources and inclined surfaces inclining in a radially outward direction from each light source for shaping the distribution of emitted light. The light sources may each comprise a group of differently-colored light emitters. The backlight may include light integrators configured to mix light of the differently-colored light emitters. Inclined surfaces for shaping the distribution of emitted light may be arranged around exits of the light integrators. 1. A backlight for a projector , comprising:at least one laser light source;at least one light integrator, the at least one light integrator positioned to receive light from at least one laser light source;at least one optical element positioned to receive light from the at least one light integrator and configured to holographically alter the received light; andwherein the at least one optical element contributes to the generation of an array of light emissions comprising Point Spread Functions (PSFs) having a desired range of full-width at half-maximum angles.2. The backlight of wherein the at least one optical element is configured to operate on an array of light emissions comprising a Point Spread Function (PSF) have a range of full-width at half-maximum angles from approximately 30 degrees to 80 degrees.3. The backlight of wherein the backlight further comprises at least one optical fiber claim 1 , the at least one optical fiber receiving light from the at least one laser light source and transmits the light to the at least one light integrator.4. The backlight of wherein the light from at least one optical element is controlled so that adjacent light sources emissions of the array of light emissions mix at a ratio greater than a first desired amount of peak value within an area covered by the full width at half maximum of the PSFs.5. The backlight of wherein the first desired amount of peak value is approximately 45%.6. The ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104591A1

The present invention is a distance finder apparatus and system operable to project a laser beam spread in a line across a plane, and to determine the distance between a lens and objects that points of the spread laser beam contacts. The present invention comprises: a rangefinder incorporating an optical plate operable to cause an invisible laser beam to be spread, and a visible laser beam to be scattered, in a line along a plane, and the rangefinder is operable to measure distances at points where beams contact one or more objects; a visible pointer laser; and one or more display units. Locations where the spread beam contacts the one or more objects may be at variant distances, and measurements may be determined at any point along the scattered beam. 1. A distance finder apparatus comprising:(a) a rangefinder operable to project an invisible laser beam;(b) a laser beam pointer operable to project a visible laser beam, said laser beam pointer being attachable to the rangefinder;(c) an optical plate attachable to the ranger finder, said optical plate being operable to spread the invisible laser beam in a linear formation along a plane and to scatter the visible laser beam along the linear formation and the plane of the invisible laser beam; and(d) one or more display means operable to display one or more distance measurements generated by the rangefinder that operable to determine the one or more distance measurements being distances between one of the one or more lenses of the rangefinder and one or more points of contact of the spread invisible laser beam with one or more objects positioned in front of the rangefinder.2. The distance finder apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more display means are connected to the rangefinder by one or more of the following: a wired connection; or a wireless connection.3. The distance finder apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the optical plate incorporates at least two lenses and a holographic lens claim 1 , and the optical ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104665A1

Provided in one embodiment is an apparatus for displaying an image, comprising: an input image node configured to provide at least a first and a second image modulated lights; and a holographic waveguide device configured to propagate the at least one of the first and second image modulated lights in at least a first direction. The holographic waveguide device comprises: at least a first and second interspersed multiplicities of grating elements disposed in at least one layer, the first and second grating elements having respectively a first and a second prescriptions. The first and second multiplicity of grating elements are configured to deflect respectively the first and second image modulated lights out of the at least one layer into respectively a first and a second multiplicities of output rays forming respectively a first and second FOV tiles. 1. An apparatus for displaying an image , comprising:an input image node configured to provide at least a first and a second image modulated lights; and 'at least a first and second interspersed multiplicities of grating elements disposed in at least one layer, the first and second grating elements having respectively a first and a second prescriptions;', 'a holographic waveguide device configured to propagate the at least one of the first and second image modulated lights in at least a first direction, the holographic waveguide device comprisingwherein the first and second image modulated lights are modulated respectively with first field of view (FOV) and second FOV image information;wherein the first multiplicity of grating elements are configured to deflect the first image modulated light out of the at least one layer into a first multiplicity of output rays forming a first FOV tile, and the second multiplicity of grating elements are configured to deflect the second image modulated light out of the layer into a second multiplicity of output rays forming a second FOV tile.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020262A1
Автор: Yano Tomoya

A purpose of the present invention is to provide an image display apparatus and an image display element that are capable of achieving excellent visual effects. The image display apparatus of the present invention includes a first transparent member (), a second transparent member (), and an emission section (). The first transparent member () includes a diffusion surface () for diffusing light incident on respective points. The second transparent () includes a control surface () and is integrated with the first transparent member (), the control surface being disposed in a manner that the control surface faces the diffusion surface, controlling propagation directions of light diffused at the respective points on the diffusion surface, and forming a virtual image of the diffusion surface. The emission section () emits image light to the diffusion surface (). 1. An image display apparatus comprising:a first transparent member that includes a diffusion surface for diffusing light incident on respective points;a second transparent member that includes a control surface and that is integrated with the first transparent member, the control surface being disposed in a manner that the control surface faces the diffusion surface, controlling propagation directions of light diffused at the respective points on the diffusion surface, and forming a virtual image of the diffusion surface; andan emission section that emits image light to the diffusion surface.2. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the control surface controls the propagation directions at least by diffracting, refracting, or reflecting the diffused light.3. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the control surface collects at least a portion of the diffused light in a focus of the control surface.4. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the diffusion surface diffuses the light incident on the respective points on the diffusion surface at predetermined ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Optical resin material and optical film

Номер: US20160025898A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

An object of the present invention is to provide an optical resin material and an optical film, which are very small in both orientation birefringence and photoelastic birefringence, excellent in transparency, have few defects due to foreign substances, and are excellent in heat resistance and mechanical strength. Provided is an optical resin material containing a graft copolymer (C) obtained by polymerizing a vinyl-based monomer mixture (B) in the presence of a vinyl-based polymer (A) having at least one crosslinked structure layer, wherein the graft copolymer (C) has an orientation birefringence of −15×10 −4 to 15×10 −4 and a photoelastic constant of −10×10 −12 to 10×10 −12 Pa −1 .

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025915A1

A cured-film formation composition to form a cured film having excellent liquid-crystal alignment properties, orientation material, and retardation material by use of the orientation material. A cured-film formation composition includes: (A) one or more compounds having a photo-aligning group and hydroxy group, etc.; (B) a polymer having at least one substituent from the group of a hydroxy group, carboxy group, amino group, and alkoxysilyl group, and the like; and (C) a cross-linking agent, the component (A) contains at least a compound having a group of Formula [1] below as the photo-aligning group: 2. The cured-film formation composition according to claim 1 , wherein the compound of the component (A) is a compound having a photo-aligning group of Formula [1] and a hydroxy group.3. The cured-film formation composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a component (D) that is a compound having a hydroxy group and an acrylic group claim 1 , other than the component (A).4. The cured-film formation composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a cross-linking catalyst (E).5. An orientation material formed of the cured-film formation composition as claimed in .6. A retardation material comprising a cured film that is obtained from the cured-film formation composition as claimed in . The present invention relates to a cured-film formation composition, an orientation material, and a retardation material.Recently, in the field of displays such as televisions including liquid crystal panels, 3D displays with which 3D images can be enjoyed have been developed to achieve high performance. In such 3D displays, a stereoscopic image can be displayed by, for example, making the right eye of a viewer see an image for the right eye and making the left eye of the viewer see an image for the left eye.Various 3D display methods for displaying 3D images can be used, and examples of the methods known as methods requiring no special eyeglasses include a lenticular lens ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Head-Mounted Display

Номер: US20180024369A1
Автор: Junichi Kato

A head mounted display (HMD) is provided with a frame worn on the head of an observer and supporting an optical unit, and a position adjusting mechanism. The position adjusting mechanism adjusts the position, in a vertical direction, of the optical unit by moving a nose-pad portion in the vertical direction relative to the frame. The optical unit includes: an observation optical system positioned in front of the eyes of the observer to cause light representing an image generated by an image generation unit to be diffracted and reflected by a hologram optical element in the direction of the observer's pupil, thereby enabling the observer to observe a virtual image of the image; and a rotating mechanism for causing the optical unit to rotate about an axis along the eye-width direction of the observer and to be held in an arbitrarily defined position.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024862A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

The invention provides a structurally simple illumination device capable of safely illuminating the desired area with coherent light. An illumination device () includes a laser light source () (coherent light source), a light diffuser (), and a light scanning device (). The laser light source () emits laser beam L (coherent light). The light diffuser () diffuses the laser beam L emitted from the laser light source (). The light scanning device () guides the laser beam L to one of the illumination subareas constituting part of an illumination area, thereby scanning the laser beam L radiated from the light diffuser () across the illumination area. 1. An illumination device comprising:a coherent light source which emits coherent light;a light diffuser which diffuses the coherent light from the coherent light source; anda light scanning device which scans the coherent light from the light diffuser in an illumination area so as to direct the coherent light to illumination subareas constituting parts of the illumination area.2. The illumination device as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a controller which controls an incident timing of the coherent light to the light diffuser or a timing of illuminating the illumination area.3. The illumination device as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a timing controller which controls a timing of emitting the coherent light according to scanning of the coherent light performed by the light scanning device.4. The illumination device as defined in claim 1 ,wherein the light scanning device includes:an irradiation surface which is irradiated with the coherent light from the light diffuser and changes a path of the coherent light; anda scan drive unit which adjusts an arrangement of the irradiation surface, andwherein an angle of the coherent light diffused by the light diffuser is smaller than an angle of each of the illumination subareas relative to the irradiation surface.5. The illumination device as defined in claim 4 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Augmented Reality Vehicular Assistance for Color Blindness

Номер: US20190025584A1

The disclosure includes embodiments for providing augmented reality (“AR”) vehicular assistance for drivers who are colorblind. A method according to some embodiments includes identifying an illuminated light in a driving environment of a vehicle that includes an AR headset. The method further includes determining a vehicular action to be taken responsive to the illuminated light being identified in the driving environment of the vehicle. The method further includes displaying an AR overlay using the AR headset that visually depicts a word which describes the vehicular action to be taken responsive to the illuminated light being identified. 1. A method for a vehicle including an augmented reality (“AR”) headset , the method comprising:identifying an illuminated light in a driving environment of the vehicle;determining that the illuminated light is a point of interest based on a color of the illuminated light and a driver of the vehicle being affected by a type of color blindness;determining a vehicular action to be taken responsive to the illuminated light being identified in the driving environment of the vehicle and the illuminated light being the point of interest;receiving head position data from one or more internal cameras of the vehicle;determining based on the head position data that the point of interest is in a field of vision of the driver; andresponsive to determining that the point of interest is in the field of vision of the driver, displaying an AR overlay using the AR headset that visually depicts the vehicular action to be taken responsive to the illuminated light being identified.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the illuminated light is selected from a group that includes the following: a red light of a traffic signal; a red light of a brake light; a yellow light of a traffic signal; and a green light of a traffic signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the AR overlay visually depicts a word that is selected from a group that includes the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025590A1
Автор: Haddick John D.

Aspects of the present invention relate to methods and systems for the see-through computer display systems with integrated IR eye imaging technologies. 1. A head-worn computer with a see-through computer display , comprising:a display panel adapted to project visible image light, project infrared light, and receive infrared light;the display panel arranged in the head-worn computer such that it projects the image light and projects the infrared light in a common optical path to be received at an eye of a user, wherein reflections from the eye are transmitted back towards the display panel in the common optical path; andthe display panel comprising a plurality of IR receivers adapted to receive the infrared light, wherein the plurality of IR receivers are arranged in a radial pattern to capture the reflections from the eye that represent a middle section of the eye.2. The head-worn computer of claim 1 , wherein the display panel comprises micro-LEDs to project the visible image light.3. The head-worn computer of claim 1 , wherein the display panel comprises OLED's to project the visible image light.4. The head-worn computer of claim 1 , wherein the display panel comprises reflective pixels to project the visible image light.5. The head-worn computer of claim 1 , wherein the middle section of the eye comprises the iris of the eye.6. The head-worn computer of claim 1 , wherein the middle section of the eye comprises the pupil of the eye.7. The head-worn computer of claim 1 , wherein the middle section of the eye comprises the retina of the eye. This disclosure relates to see-through computer display systems.Head mounted displays (HMDs) and particularly HMDs that provide a see-through view of the environment are valuable instruments. The presentation of content in the see-through display can be a complicated operation when attempting to ensure that the user experience is optimized. Improved systems and methods for presenting content in the see-through display are ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025758A1

Variable digital optical images may be fabricated using generic optical matrices. A generic optical matrix may have a substrate and a plurality of pixels corresponding to color and sub-pixels corresponding to non-color effects. The pixels may include first pixels corresponding to a first color and second pixels corresponding to a second color. The sub-pixels may include first sub-pixels corresponding to a first non-color effect and second sub-pixels corresponding to a second non-color effect. Individual ones of the pixels and sub-pixels of the generic optical matrix may be obliterated according to a negative while remaining pixels and/or sub-pixels may be preserved. The remaining pixels and sub-pixels may form an optical image corresponding to a base image. The optical image may be colored based on the remaining pixels. The optical image may exhibit non-color effects corresponding to the remaining sub-pixels. The optical image may comprise a hologram or a stereo image. 1. A system configured for fabricating variable digital optical images using generic optical matrices , the system comprising:an image negative component configured to retain a negative corresponding to a base image, the negative being based on the base image and a geometry associated with a generic optical matrix having a substrate and an array of pixels disposed on the substrate,the array of pixels comprising a plurality pixels corresponding to a plurality of colors, the plurality of pixels corresponding to a plurality of colors being arranged such that individual ones of the pixels of a first color are positioned adjacent to individual ones of the pixels of a second color;wherein individual ones of the pixels comprise sub-pixels, the subpixels comprising a first sub-pixel corresponding to a first non-color effect and a second sub-pixel corresponding to a second non-color effect; andan image generation component configured to obliterate individual pixels and sub-pixels of the generic optical matrix ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025992A1

A display device for displaying images conveying depth information comprises a first display unit for representing first image information on a first screen. The first display unit comprises the first screen with a holographic optical element, HOE, provided thereon, and a first light source for providing light for illuminating the first screen. The display device further comprises a second display unit for representing second image information. The second display unit comprises a second light source for providing light with a plurality of predetermined discrete wavelengths for creating the second image information, and a second screen which is provided in parallel or oriented at an acute angle relative to the first screen in order to project the second image information onto the first screen and thereby generate a virtual image corresponding to the second image information behind the first screen. 1. A display device for displaying images conveying depth information comprising: the first screen comprising a holographic optical element, HOE, provided thereon; and', 'a first light source for providing light for illuminating the first screen;, 'a first display unit for representing first image information on a first screen, the first display unit comprising a second light source for providing light with a plurality of predetermined discrete wavelengths for creating the second image information; and', 'a second screen provided in parallel or oriented at an angle relative to the first screen in order to project the second image information onto the first screen and thereby generate a virtual image corresponding to the second image information behind the first screen,, 'a second display unit for representing second image information, the second display unit comprisingwherein the HOE is reflective for the plurality of predetermined discrete wavelengths and transmissive for other wavelengths of the visible spectrum, such that the first image information and the second image ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026140A1

An optical device includes a first A deflecting member, a first B deflecting member, a first C deflecting member, a second A deflecting member, a second B deflecting member, and a second C deflecting member. Light emitted from an image forming device that enters the first A deflecting member and is emitted toward a pupil of an observer via the first B deflecting member and the first C deflecting member. Light emitted from the image forming device that enters the second A deflecting member is emitted toward the pupil of the observer via the second B deflecting member and the second C deflecting member. A direction of light deflected by the first A deflecting member that is orthogonally projected on a light guide plate is opposite a direction of light deflected by the second A deflecting member that is orthogonally projected on the light guide plate. 1. An optical device , on which light emitted from an image forming device is incident , in which the light is guided , and from which the light is emitted , the optical device comprising:a light guide plate;a first deflecting unit; anda second deflecting unit, whereinthe first deflecting unit includes a first A deflecting member, a first B deflecting member, and a first C deflecting member,the second deflecting unit includes a second A deflecting member, a second B deflecting member, and a second C deflecting member,part of the light emitted from the image forming device enters the first A deflecting member,the light incident on the first A deflecting member is deflected by the first A deflecting member, enters the first B deflecting member by total reflection inside of the light guide plate, is deflected by the first B deflecting member, enters the first C deflecting member by total reflection inside of the light guide plate, is deflected by the first C deflecting member, and is emitted toward a pupil of an observer,at least remaining part of the light emitted from the image forming device enters the second A deflecting ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Display apparatus

Номер: US20210026141A1
Автор: Kengo Hayashi
Принадлежит: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp

A display apparatus that can surely make an image reach an observer's pupil without imposing a burden on the observer. The apparatus includes: an eyepiece optical system; and an image display apparatus including an image forming apparatus and a transfer optical system. The eyepiece optical system and the image display apparatus are spatially separated from each other, the eyepiece optical system forms an image from the transfer optical system on a retina of an observer, the image display apparatus further includes a first position detection apparatus that detects a position of the eyepiece optical system, a second position detection apparatus that detects a position of a pupil of the observer. On the basis of detected positional information of the eyepiece optical system and the pupil, the transfer optical system is controlled such that the image incident from the image forming apparatus reaches the eyepiece optical system.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027428A1

The disclosure provides for a display apparatus for a vehicle for displaying images captured by at least one image sensor to a driver of the vehicle. The display apparatus includes a display projector configured to project images derived from the image data, a display screen for displaying images projected thereon by the display projector, and a reflector positioned to reflect the images from the display screen towards a viewing direction. According to one embodiment, the display apparatus further includes an adjustment mechanism for adjusting the display projector relative to the vehicle. According to another embodiment, the display apparatus further includes a frame assembly on which the display projector, the display screen, and the reflector are mounted, the frame assembly is mounted to the vehicle such that the frame assembly may be moved relative to the vehicle to adjust the positions of the display projector, the display screen, and the reflector. 1. A display apparatus for a vehicle for displaying images captured by at least one image sensor to a driver of the vehicle , the display apparatus comprising:a display configured to display images, wherein the images are derived from the image data;a reflector positioned to reflect the images from the display towards a viewing direction; andan adjustment mechanism for adjusting the position of the display relative to the vehicle in response to an adjustment signal.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the display comprises:a display projector configured to project images, wherein the images are derived from the image data; anda display screen for displaying images projected thereon by the display projector,wherein the adjustment mechanism for adjusting the position of the display by adjusting the position of the display projector.3. The display apparatus of claim 1 , and further comprising:a controller for generating the adjustment signal in response to an indication of a head position of the driver.4. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030550A1

There is provided a colour sequential illumination device comprising in series: first and second light sources; a condenser lens; and a grating device. The grating device comprises at least one Bragg grating. The condenser lens directs light from the first and second sources into the grating device at first and second incidence angles respectively. The grating device diffracts light from the first and second sources into a common direction. Desirably, the Bragg gratings are Electrically Switchable Bragg Gratings. In one embodiment of the invention the light sources are Light Emitting Diodes, Alternatively lasers may be used. 132.-. (canceled)33. An illumination device comprising in series:at least first and second light sources;a lens;a first grating layer;a second grating layer;a half wave plate;a third grating layer; anda fourth grating layer,wherein said third grating layer and said first grating layer have identical optical prescriptions and said fourth grating layer and said second grating layer have identical optical prescriptions,wherein each said grating layer is operative to diffract light from at least one source into an illumination direction,wherein said lens collimates and directs a first polarization of light from said first source into a direction at a first angle to said illumination direction and collimates and directs a first polarization of light from said second source into a direction at second angle to said illumination direction.34. The apparatus of claim 33 , wherein at least one of said first or second grating layer multiplexes gratings for diffracting light from at least two of said sources into an illumination direction35. The apparatus of claim 33 , wherein said first grating layer claim 33 , said second grating layer claim 33 , said half wave plate claim 33 , said third grating layer and said fourth grating layer are configured as stack of layers.36. The apparatus of claim 33 , wherein said light sources are characterized by at least two ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030776A1

A waveform measurement device includes an input spectrum acquisition unit for acquiring an input intensity spectrum being an intensity spectrum of pulsed light, an optical element inputting the pulsed light and outputting light having an intensity spectrum corresponding to a phase spectrum of the pulsed light, an output spectrum acquisition unit for acquiring an output intensity spectrum being an intensity spectrum of the light output from the optical element, and a phase spectrum determination unit for determining the phase spectrum of the pulsed light by comparing an output intensity spectrum calculated when the pulsed light having an input intensity spectrum and a virtual phase spectrum is assumed to be input to the optical element with the output intensity spectrum acquired in the output spectrum acquisition unit. The phase spectrum determination unit sets the virtual phase spectrum by deforming the control phase spectrum. 1: A waveform measurement device for measuring a time waveform of pulsed light obtained by modulating a phase of input light including two or more wavelength components for each wavelength in a spatial light modulator to which a phase modulation hologram based on a control phase spectrum for controlling the time waveform of the pulsed light is presented , the waveform measurement device comprising:a first detector configured to detect the pulsed light and output an input intensity spectrum data being an intensity spectrum of the pulsed light;an optical element configured to input the pulsed light and output light having an intensity spectrum corresponding to a phase spectrum of the pulsed light;a second detector configured to detect the light output from the optical element and output an output intensity spectrum data being an intensity spectrum of the light output from the optical element; anda computer electrically coupled to the first detector and the second detector and configured to input the input intensity spectrum data and the output ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Compact Side and Multi Angle Illumination Lensless Imager and Method of Operating the Same

Номер: US20170031144A1

A system for subpixel resolution imaging of an amplitude and quantitative phase image, the system including a waveguide having a top plane, a bottom plane, and two sides, an array of light sources emitting first befit beams from one side of the two sides of a waveguide, a holographic photopolymer film positioned on the top plane or the bottom plane of the waveguide and arranged to be illuminated by the first light beams from the array of light sources via the waveguide and to produce second light beams by diffraction, and an imaging device for capturing interference pattern light beams that passed through a sample, the sample arranged to be illuminated by the second light beams. 1. A system for subpixel resolution imaging of an amplitude and quantitative phase image , the system comprising:a waveguide having a top plane, a bottom plane, and two sides;an array of light sources emitting first light beams from one side of the two sides of a waveguide;a holographic photopolymer film positioned on the top plane or the bottom plane of the waveguide and arranged to be illuminated by the first light beams from the array of light sources via the waveguide and to produce second light beams by diffraction; andan imaging device for capturing interference pattern light beams that passed through a sample, the sample arranged to be illuminated by the second light beams.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each light source of the array of light sources generate light that is spatially single mode claim 1 , the light source including at least one of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) claim 1 , a laser diode claim 1 , a super luminescent light emitting diode (SLED) claim 1 , a light emitting diode claim 1 , and a quantum dot.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the waveguide includes a Dove prism claim 1 , an array of Dove prism claim 1 , or a rectangular waveguide.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first light beams are reflected by total internal reflection of the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033853A1
Автор: Akiyama Koichi

An illuminator includes a (solid-state light source array) including a plurality of solid-state light sources, a light collecting system that collects light from the solid-state light source group at a predetermined light collection position, a collimator system disposed on the opposite side of the light collection position to the light collecting system and substantially parallelizing light from the light collecting system, and an integrator system that homogenizes the in-plane light intensity distribution of light from the collimator system. The illuminator further includes a transmissive diffusing unit that is disposed in the vicinity of the light collection position and transmits the light from the light collecting system while diffusing the light from the light collecting system. 1. An illuminator comprising:a solid-state light source group including a plurality of solid-state light sources;a light collecting system that collects light coming from the solid-state light source group;a diffusing unit that diffuses light, the light exiting from the light collecting system in a convergent fashion;a collimator system that receives light exiting from the diffusing unit; anda lens integrator system that receives light exiting from the collimator system.2. The illuminator according to claim 1 ,wherein the diffusing unit is formed of a microlens array diffuser.3. The illuminator according to claim 1 ,wherein the diffusing unit is formed of a holographic diffuser.4. The illuminator according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the solid-state light sources is a semiconductor laser.5. The illuminator according to claim 1 ,further comprising a rotary plate rotatable around a predetermined axis of rotation, the diffusing unit being provided on the rotary plate.6. The illuminator according to claim 1 ,wherein the light from the light collecting system is incident on a 1×1 mm square region of the diffusing unit.7. A projector comprising:an illuminator;a light modulator that modulates ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Diffused fiber-optic horticultural lighting

Номер: US20210029891A1
Принадлежит: Suntracker Technologies Ltd

Laser light emanates from optical components that are mounted on a substrate, each optical component being coupled to an optical fiber that delivers laser radiation combined from multiple lasers. A linear or elliptical holographic diffuser is located to diffuse the light emanating from the optical components. The laser wavelengths excite plant photopigments for predetermined physiological responses, and the light source intensities may be temporally modulated to maximize photosynthesis and control photomorphogenesis responses. Each laser is independently controlled.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Metamaterial optical filter and method for producing the same

Номер: US20180031749A1
Принадлежит: Metamaterial Technologies Inc

A metamaterial optical filter including: a transparent substrate; and a photosensitive polymer layer provided to the transparent substrate, wherein the photosensitive polymer layer is treated using a laser to form a non-conformal holographically patterned subwavelength grating, the holographic grating configured to block a predetermined wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. A system and method for manufacturing holographically patterned subwavelength grating onto the photosensitive polymer layer including: applying a photosensitive polymer layer to a transparent substrate; placing the photosensitive polymer layer between a laser and a mirror; scanning the laser over the photosensitive polymer layer such that a holographic grating is created within the photosensitive polymer layer by interaction between the laser light and light reflected from the mirror; and stacking two or more holographically patterned subwavelength grating layers to form complex metamaterial optical filter stacks.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050236A1

A display apparatus () of the present invention includes: a transparent screen () configured by a transmissive or reflective volume hologram; a first image projection section () disposed on a first main surface (Sa) side of the transparent screen (), and projecting first image light (La) onto the first main surface (Sa); and a second image projection section () disposed on a second main surface (Sb) side of the transparent screen (), and projecting second image light (Lb) onto the second main surface (Sb). The display apparatus () further includes: a first light-shielding section () preventing external light from being directly incident on the first main surface (Sa) at least at same incident angle as the first image light (La); and a second light-shielding section () preventing external light from being directly incident on the second main surface (Sb) at least at same angle as the second image light (Lb). 1. A display apparatus comprising:a transparent screen configured by a transmissive or reflective volume hologram;a first image projection section that is disposed on side of a first main surface of the transparent screen, and projects first image light onto the first main surface;a second image projection section that is disposed on side of a second main surface of the transparent screen, and projects second image light onto the second main surface;a first light-shielding section that prevents external light from being directly incident on the first main surface at least at same incident angle as the first image light; anda second light-shielding section that prevents external light from being directly incident on the second main surface at least at same incident angle as the second image light.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first image projection section is disposed at a location corresponding to a lower end of the transparent screen, andthe second image projection section is disposed at a location corresponding to an upper end of ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050371A1
Автор: Nakamura Tomoharu

An image display device according to an aspect of the present technology includes an emission portion, a transparent base material, an irradiation target, and an optical portion. The emission portion emits image light along a predetermined axis. The transparent base material includes a tapered surface having a tapered shape along the predetermined axis. The irradiation target is disposed at at least a part around the predetermined axis along the tapered surface. The optical portion controls an incident angle of the image light on the irradiation target, the image light having been emitted from the emission portion, the optical portion being disposed in a manner that the optical portion faces the emission portion on the basis of the predetermined axis. 1. An image display device comprising:an emission portion that emits image light along a predetermined axis;a transparent base material that includes a tapered surface having a tapered shape along the predetermined axis;an irradiation target disposed at at least a part around the predetermined axis along the tapered surface; andan optical portion that controls an incident angle of the image light on the irradiation target, the image light having been emitted from the emission portion, the optical portion being disposed in a manner that the optical portion faces the emission portion on a basis of the predetermined axis.2. The image display device according to claim 1 , whereinthe transparent base material has a first surface that is on a side of the predetermined axis, and a second surface that is on a side opposite to the first surface, andthe tapered surface is formed on at least one of the first surface or the second surface.3. The image display device according to claim 2 ,wherein the transparent base material supports the irradiation target.4. The image display device according to claim 3 ,wherein the irradiation target is disposed on at least one of the first surface or the second surface.5. The image display ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140118638A1
Автор: Chen Kuang-Jung

A barrier functional film that includes a substrate, at least one side wall barrier structure, a releasing film, and an adhesive is provided. The side wall barrier structure is located on the substrate. The releasing film is located above the substrate, and the side wall barrier structure is located between the substrate and the releasing film. The adhesive covers the side wall barrier structure and is located between the substrate and the releasing film. An environmental sensitive electronic device, a display apparatus, and a manufacturing method of a barrier functional film are also provided. 1. A barrier functional film comprising:a substrate;at least one side wall barrier structure located on the substrate;a releasing film located above the substrate, wherein the at least one side wall barrier structure is located between the substrate and the releasing film; andan adhesive covering the at least one side wall barrier structure, the adhesive being located between the substrate and the releasing film.2. The barrier functional film of claim 1 , further comprising a getter located on the substrate and between the substrate and the adhesive claim 1 , the getter being surrounded by the at least one side wall barrier structure.3. The barrier functional film of claim 1 , further comprising a getter distributed in the adhesive.4. The barrier functional film of claim 1 , further comprising a heat dissipation auxiliary material distributed in the adhesive.5. The barrier functional film of claim 1 , further comprising an anti-electromagnetic interference material distributed in the adhesive.6. The barrier functional film of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a metal substrate or a glass substrate.7. The barrier functional film of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises:a flexible substrate; andat least one barrier layer located on the flexible substrate.8. The barrier functional film of claim 7 , further comprising a quarter-wave compensating and polarizing film ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Collimating optical device and system

Номер: US20140118836A1
Принадлежит: Lumus Ltd

There is provided a light-guide, compact collimating optical device, including a light-guide having a light-waves entrance surface, a light-waves exit surface and a plurality of external surfaces, a light-waves reflecting surface carried by the light-guide at one of the external surfaces, two retardation plates carried by light-guides on a portion of the external surfaces, a light-waves polarizing beamsplitter disposed at an angle to one of the light-waves entrance or exit surfaces, and a light-waves collimating component covering a portion of one of the retardation plates. A system including the optical device and a substrate, is also provided.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036298A1

A transparent conductor includes a base layer, and a transparent conductive film on one or both sides of the base layer, the transparent conductive film including a metal nanowire, where the base layer includes a retardation film. An optical display apparatus includes the transparent conductor. The transparent conductor may compensate for a viewing angle of the optical display apparatus. 1. A transparent conductor comprising:a base layer; anda transparent conductive film on one or both sides of the base layer, the transparent conductive film comprising a metal nanowire,wherein the base layer comprises a retardation film.2. The transparent conductor according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent conductor has a ratio B/A of about 0.9 to about 1.1 claim 1 , B/A being a ratio of an Ro value B in nanometers (nm) at a wavelength of 450 nm to an Ro value A in nm at a wavelength of 550 nm claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': Ro', 'nx−ny', 'd, '=()×\u2003\u2003Formula 1'}, 'wherein Ro is defined by Formula 1wherein, in Formula 1, nx and ny are refractive indices in the x-axis and y-axis directions of the transparent conductor, respectively, and d is a thickness of the transparent conductor in nm.3. The transparent conductor according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent conductor has a ratio C/A of about 0.9 to about 1.1 claim 1 , C/A being a ratio of an Ro value C in nanometers (nm) at a wavelength of 650 nm to an Ro value A in nm at a wavelength of 550 nm claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': Ro', 'nx−ny', 'd, '=()×\u2003\u2003Formula 1'}, 'wherein Ro is defined by Formula 1wherein, in Formula 1, nx and ny are refractive indices in the x-axis and y-axis directions of the transparent conductor, respectively, and d is a thickness of the transparent conductor in nm.4. The transparent conductor according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent conductor has an Ro of about 135 nanometers (nm) to about 155 nm at a wavelength of 550 nm claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': Ro', 'nx−ny', 'd, '=()×\u2003\ ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Photostimulation device and photostimulation method

Номер: US20190033284A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

A photostimulation apparatus includes an objective lens arranged to face a biological object, a light source configured to output light to be radiated toward the biological object via the objective lens, a shape acquisition unit configured to acquire information about a shape with a refractive index difference in the biological object, a hologram generation unit configured to generate aberration correction hologram data for correcting aberrations due to the shape with the refractive index difference on the basis of the information acquired by the shape acquisition unit, and a spatial light modulator on which a hologram based on the aberration correction hologram data is presented and which modulates the light output from the light source.
