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19-06-2017 дата публикации

Способ управления технической системой с параллельным включением компьютеров управления с процедурой интеллектуального выбора управляющего устройства

Номер: RU2622661C2

Изобретение относится к автоматическому управлению техническими системами. В способе управления технической системой с параллельным включением компьютеров управления с процедурой интеллектуального выбора управляющего устройства, вводится группа, состоящая из двух программных процедур, а именно процедура интеллектуального выбора управляющего устройства и процедура оценки необходимого уровня потребления вычислительных ресурсов компьютеров управления со стороны каждой отдельной подсистемы. Процедуры нацелены на недопущение выхода компьютеров управления из штатного состояния работы; мониторинг уровня потребления вычислительных ресурсов со стороны подсистем; реализацию функции оптимального перераспределения каналов передачи данных всех подсистем исходя из особенностей протекания технологического процесса в каждой из них. Повышается срок службы компьютеров. 1 ил.

20-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636081C2
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству очистки воздуха. Способ очистки воздуха включает этапы, на которых получают информацию о растениях, содержащихся в целевой области обнаружения, и управляют целевым устройством очистки воздуха, чтобы задействовать функцию очистки воздуха, если принято решение, в соответствии с информацией о растениях, содержащихся в целевой области обнаружения, и заданной опорной информацией о растении, вызывающем аллергию, что целевая область обнаружения содержит растение, вызывающее аллергию, и растение, вызывающее аллергию, находится в состоянии цветения. Устройство очистки воздуха содержит модуль получения, выполненный с возможностью получать информацию о растениях, содержащихся в целевой области обнаружения, и модуль управления, выполненный с возможностью управлять целевым устройством очистки воздуха. Устройство очистки воздуха содержит процессор и память для хранения инструкций, исполняемых процессором. Процессор выполнен с возможностью получать информацию ...

01-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611994C2

Группа изобретений относится к средствам планирования графиков расписания. Технический результат – обеспечение средств создания и изменения графика расписания для устройств различного типа. Для этого в одном из вариантов осуществления графический пользовательский интерфейс отображает график расписания, показывающий соотношение между временем и по меньшей мере одним задаваемым пользователем условием, которое должно быть удовлетворено по меньшей мере одним задаваемым пользователем действием, которое должно быть выполнено, или по меньшей мере одной предустановкой, представляющей выбираемое пользователем состояние окружающей среды для заданного физического пространства. График расписания изменяют при помощи манипулирования графиком, осуществляемого пользователем. График расписания предоставляют программируемому мультимедиа контроллеру. Программируемый мультимедиа контроллер используют для управления по меньшей мере одним устройством в соответствии с графиком расписания. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU195824U1

Полезная модель относится к области оборудования пожарной сигнализации, а именно к управляющим и регулирующим устройствам систем пожарной сигнализации.Технический результат заключается в возможности подключения к стенду систем диспетчеризации и систем контроля доступом сторонних производителей, а при использовании стенда для обучения персонала имеется возможность имитации различных неисправностей оборудования.Указанный технический результат достигается за счет того, что заявлен проверочно-демонстрационный стенд автоматической установки пожарной сигнализации, имеющий оповещатель пожарный со световой и звуковой сигнализацией, отличающийся тем, что пульт контроля и управления охранно-пожарный подключен к: блоку сигнально-пусковому, контроллеру двухпроводной линии связи, прибору приемно-контрольному охранно-пожарному, причем блок сигнально-пусковой подключен к контроллеру двухпроводной линии связи; при этом к контроллеру двухпроводной линии связи подключены последовательно пожарные дымовые ...

29-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU180915U1

Модуль процессора (МП) содержит микропроцессор, связанный через буферный регистр и шину передачи данных с множеством внешних модулей ввода-вывода данных, оперативное запоминающее устройство, связанное через внутреннюю шину передачи данных с микропроцессором, постоянное запоминающее устройство (флэш-память), связанное через внутреннюю шину передачи данных с микропроцессором, регистр вывода данных, связанный через внутреннюю шину передачи данных с микропроцессором, блок индикации, подключенный к регистру вывода данных, интерфейс CAN, связанный через контроллер интерфейса CAN с микропроцессором и сконфигурированный для связи микропроцессора с внешними контролируемыми и управляемыми устройствами, снабженные интерфейсом CAN, и для программирования модуля с персонального компьютера.

15-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628289C1

Изобретение относится к системам автоматизации зданий. Интеллектуальная гибридная модульная система управления зданием (умный дом) содержит контроллер, выполненный с возможностью работы в проводной сети RS-485 с использованием протокола Modbus и в беспроводной сети с использованием протокола ZigBee. К контроллеру подключены с использованием проводной сети RS-485 исполнительные проводные модули, предназначенные для подключения к контроллеру датчиков и исполнительных устройств. К контроллеру подключены с использованием беспроводной сети по протоколу ZigBee исполнительные беспроводные модули, предназначенные для подключения к контроллеру датчиков и исполнительных устройств. Технический результат заключается в объединении в одной системе проводного и беспроводного протоколов.

18-08-2021 дата публикации

Учебный лабораторный стенд для изучения технических средств автоматизации и основ управления технологическими процессами

Номер: RU206052U1

Полезная модель относится к учебному оборудованию, содержащему технические средства, относящиеся к области автоматизации технологических процессов и электронной вычислительной техники, и может быть использовано в высших и средних специальных учебных заведениях для проведения практических и лабораторных занятий по монтажу, наладке и программированию средств автоматизации, изучению основ управления технологическими процессами.Технический результат - расширение функциональных возможностей учебного лабораторного стенда.На лицевой стороне монтажной панели лабораторного стенда расположены физическая модель технологического объекта, программируемый логический контроллер, последовательные порты RS-485 которого соединены для обмена данными с аналогичными последовательными портами модуля дискретного ввода/вывода, модуля аналогового ввода, сенсорной панели оператора, отображающей технологические параметры и обеспечивающей ввод управляющих воздействий, последовательные порты RS-485 контроллера соединены с последовательными портами программируемого реле, к первому аналоговому входу которого подключен встроенный в физическую модель датчик температуры; на монтажной панели расположено устройство задания сигналов, аналоговые входы которого подключены к аналоговым выходам программируемого реле; на монтажной панели расположено твердотельное реле, входы которого подключены к выходам устройства задания сигналов; на монтажной панели расположен датчик температуры окружающей среды, аналоговый выход которого подключен к второму входу аналогового модуля ввода программируемого реле; на монтажной панели расположено охлаждающее оборудование, входы которых соединены с выходом модуля дискретного ввода/вывода, программируемый логический контроллер выполнен с возможностью связи через порты USB Device с портом USB персонального компьютера для обмена данными с установленной SCADA-системой и пакетом прикладных программ для моделирования виртуальных объектов управления.Учебно-лабораторный стенд ...

16-12-2019 дата публикации

Устройство удаленного управления домофоном через глобальную сеть Интернет

Номер: RU194556U1

Полезная модель относится к автоматизированным устройствам контроля и управления доступом в многоквартирных домах и может быть использована в коммунальном хозяйстве.Устройство удаленного управления домофоном выполнено в едином корпусе и содержит размещенные на печатной плате одноплатный микрокомпьютер, соединенный с блоком распознавания данных, с блоком обработки звука, с блоком управления внешними объектами, с блоком индикации, с блоком питания и с блоком сопряжения с датчиками, причем на плате установлены разъемы для соединения блока распознавания данных с шиной передачи данных, блока обработки звука - с шиной передачи звука, блока управления внешними объектами - с внешними объектами, блока сопряжения с датчиками - с внешними датчиками, а микрокомпьютер через интернет связан с удаленным сервером.Полезная модель позволяет расширить функциональные возможности устройства удаленного управления домофоном благодаря возможности согласования с существующими аналоговыми домофонными системами многоквартирных домов. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 556 U1 (51) МПК H04M 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H04M 11/025 (2019.08); H04M 11/007 (2019.08); H04Q 5/00 (2019.08); G05B 15/00 (2019.08); G05B 19/00 (2019.08); H04W 4/20 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019119926, 25.06.2019 25.06.2019 Дата регистрации: 16.12.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 16.12.2019 Бюл. № 35 1 9 4 5 5 6 R U (54) Устройство удаленного управления домофоном через глобальную сеть Интернет (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к соединения блока распознавания данных с шиной автоматизированным устройствам контроля и передачи данных, блока обработки звука - с управления доступом в многоквартирных домах шиной передачи звука, блока управления и может быть использована в коммунальном внешними объектами - с внешними объектами, хозяйстве. блока сопряжения с датчиками - с внешними Устройство удаленного управления датчиками, а ...

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679739C1

Система автоматизации с динамической функциональной архитектурой содержит не менее двух интеллектуальных электронных устройств (IED), связанных между собой через коммуникационную сеть и выполненных с возможностью перераспределения функций между собой на основании выявленных в системе автоматизации критических состояний. Обеспечивается повышение надежности системы и уменьшение аппаратного резерва. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

14-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789893C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу управления по выходу и воздействиям системой автоматического управления. Для управления по выходу и воздействиям на вход (2) объекта управления (1) подаётся управляющее воздействие (μ), на вход (4) объекта управления (1) поступает возмущающее воздействие (f), а на выходе (3) объекта управления (1) формируется выходная управляемая переменная (y), на вход (6) исполнительного устройства (5) подается сигнал управления (u), а на выходе (7) исполнительного устройства (5), который связан со входом (2) объекта управления (1), формируется управляющее воздействие (μ), на вход (8) системы автоматического управления поступает задающее воздействие (g), а на вход (11) формирователя многоканального управления по выходу и воздействиям (9), введенного в систему автоматического управления, поступает сигнал задающего воздействия (g), на вход (12) формирователя многоканального управления по выходу и воздействиям (9) со знаком минус подается выходная управляемая переменная ...

23-04-2019 дата публикации

Способ двухуровневого управления (варианты)

Номер: RU2685906C1

Изобретение относится к области управления техническими средствами. В способе двухуровневого управления на пункте управления второго уровня осуществляется сбор, обработка, анализ, доопределение данных об объектах воздействия, оценка возможностей своих технических средств и принятие решения на осуществление воздействия. На пункте управления первого уровня доопределяются данные об объектах воздействия, оценивается эффективность воздействия всех своих технических средств на все объекты воздействия и распределение объектов для осуществления воздействия. При управлении на обоих пунктах управления формируют базы данных, осуществляют анализ и доопределение данных, идентификацию и классификацию объектов воздействия, определение приоритетов и формирование списка объектов воздействия в соответствии с их приоритетами, а также оценку эффективности осуществления воздействия, формирование списка технических средств по эффективности, распределение объектов воздействия между техническими средствами, формирование ...

22-01-2021 дата публикации

Способ двухуровневого управления техническими средствами (варианты)

Номер: RU2741264C1

Изобретения относятся к области управления техническими средствами и могут быть использованы для расширения функциональных возможностей управления ТС различного назначения, например кибербезопасности, охраны, связи. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей способа управления. Группа изобретения включает в себя выполнение на пункте управления (ПУ) второго уровня таких функций управления, как сбор, обработка, анализ, доопределение данных об объектах воздействия, оценка возможностей своих ТС и принятие решения на осуществление воздействия, а на ПУ первого уровня - функций доопределения данных об объектах воздействия, оценки эффективности осуществления воздействия всех ТС на все объекты воздействия и самостоятельного распределения объектов для осуществления воздействия, а при управлении на ПУ второго и первого уровней осуществляют формирование баз данных, анализ и доопределение данных, идентификацию и классификацию объектов воздействия, определение приоритетов ...

24-01-2018 дата публикации

Способ телемеханического контроля и управления удаленными объектами

Номер: RU2642365C1

Изобретение относится к средствам телемеханического контроля и управления объектами. Технический результат - повышение эффективности управления удаленными объектами. Для этого предложен способ, который включает установку на удаленных объектах микрокомпьютеров, применение каналов связи, сбор массивов первичных данных и выдачу управляющих команд на исполнительные механизмы удаленных объектов, приемопередачу данных и их обработку с применением средств программного обеспечения, визуализацию, хранение, реализацию доступа к данным, а также использование автоматизированных рабочих мест, причем пакеты с данными передают на сервер телемеханики, а просмотр данных об удаленных объектах и выдачу команд управления организуют при использовании стандартных Web-браузеров с заданием IP-адреса сервера телемеханики. В качестве источников данных используют помимо микрокомпьютеров базы данных сторонних систем, интегрируемых в единую систему телемеханического контроля, а приемопередачу данных осуществляют по ...

05-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666105C1

Изобретение относится к автоматическому регулированию. Система связи управления удаленными объектами содержит соединенные прямую и передаточную среду, идентификатор, формирователь регулирующего воздействия. Также в данной системе применяется формирователь ряда Тейлора. Решение направлено на предотвращение аварийных режимов работы внутренних звеньев объекта. 223 ил.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Способ управления устройствами с большим количеством управляемых элементов с помощью манипулятора "мышь"

Номер: RU2718613C1

Изобретение относится к реализуемым процессором способам управления управляемым устройством. Технический результат - повышение точности и скорости управления устройствами, а также обеспечение автоматизации обработки данных устройства ввода. Для этого в способе формируют область управления, в которой осуществляется перемещение программного указателя, причем регистрируются координаты указателя; задают две кнопки устройства ввода для активации управления первой и второй характеристиками управляемого устройства, соответствующими первому и второму режимам управления; задают массив координат местоположения указателя, причем в массив координат сохраняются координаты последнего местоположения указателя для соответствующего режима управления при переключении на другой режим управления; задают формулы расчета управляющих команд; отображают область управления; регистрируют события устройства ввода; при регистрации события формируют команду управления для одного из режимов управления; передают команду ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725354C1

Изобретение относится к области железнодорожной автоматики и телемеханики. Используют хранящиеся на сервере данные, такие как инцидент, фактический уровень риска, допустимая интенсивность отказа технических средств 1 и 2 категорий, фактическая интенсивность отказов технических средств 1 и 2 категорий. В структуру инцидента входят данные об объекте, о типе инцидента, категории отказа технических средств, о классификаторе инцидента 1-го уровня, о классификаторе инцидента 2-го уровня, о дате и времени начала инцидента, о примечании инцидента, о потере поездо-часов, об активе инцидента. Сервер приложений принимает при помощи модуля связи с внешними системами указанные данные от сервера. При помощи модуля расчетов сервера приложений вычисляют для выбранного объекта показатели, такие как интенсивность инцидентов, фактический уровень риска, прогнозный уровень риска, ожидаемая интенсивность инцидентов, проводят анализ Парето, формируют проект плана повышения надежности, оценивают эффективность ...

22-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020126233A1

Ein System für eine synchrone Steuerung von mehreren Sensoren, um zumindest eine Eigenschaft, wie beispielsweise Temperatur, Schwingung oder Bewegung, von zumindest einem Lager zu erfassen, wird bereitgestellt. Das System weist die mehreren Sensoren auf, die in Verbindung mit zumindest einer Maschine sind. Das System weist auch eine Verwaltungsvorrichtung auf, die kommunikativ mit den mehreren Sensoren gekoppelt ist. Das System stellt an die mehreren Sensoren einen Messbefehl bereit, um die mehreren Sensoren anzuweisen, synchrone Messungen der zumindest einen Maschine durchzuführen. Das System empfängt von den mehreren Sensoren mehrere Messwerte, die den synchronen Messungen entsprechen.

05-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003177094D1
Принадлежит: FANUC LTD

24-04-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Modulklassenobjekte zur Konfiguration von fehlenden Einrichtungen in verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen

Номер: DE102007046642A1

Verfahren und Modulklassenobjekte zur Konfiguration fehlender Einrichtungen in verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen werden offenbart. Ein beispielhaftes offenbartes Verfahren zum Erzeugen einer Konfigurationsentität zur Verwendung bei der Konfiguration einer verfahrenstechnischen Anlage schließt das Erzeugen eines Klassenobjekts ein, das eine Prozessentität in der verfahrenstechnischen Anlage wiedergibt, die eine erste Datenstruktur einschließt, die ein Prozesselement oder mehrere Prozesselemente wiedergibt, aus dem/denen die Prozessentität zusammengesetzt ist; sowie das Erzeugen eines Modulobjekts auf der Basis des Klassenobjekts, das eine zweite Datenstruktur einschließt, wobei die zweite Datenstruktur eine konfigurierbare erste Angabe einschließt, um wiederzugeben, ob ein spezifisches Prozesselement fehlt, das einem ersten Prozesselement des einen Prozesselements oder der mehreren Prozesselemente entspricht, aus dem/denen die Prozessentität zusammengesetzt ist.

29-05-2013 дата публикации

Lift-gas optimization with choke control

Номер: GB0201306791D0

10-07-2008 дата публикации

Method and system for modernisation of a lift installation

Номер: AU2007254610A1

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Intelligently-controlled catalytic converter for biofuel-fired boiler

Номер: AU2011323160A1

An intelligently controlled catalytic converter automatically monitors various operating parameters, such as water jacket temperature, catalytic input temperature, catalytic converter output temperature, oxygen level, ambient temperature, ambient humidity and/or ambient barometric air pressure, of a biofuel-fired device and automatically controls dampers, blowers and electric heaters in the device.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Infusion device

Номер: AU2017207518A1

The invention relates to portable devices for transferring fluids from an external source and controllably infusing the fluids into a patient, particularly portable infusion pump devices, and protective housings for such devices. Devices comprise a pump unit, a computer, a portable fuel source, and a sealing means for securing the contents substantially within the protective housings of the device. Devices may be formed as a single infusion pump unit or may be formed when two infusion pump units are engaged. The invention also relates to methods of use of portable devices and method for the manufacture of portable devices and protective housings for such devices.

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017200213B2

A control system for synchronizing food processing steps performed by a multi function cooking apparatus with food processing steps performed by one or more remote kitchen appliances, includes a recipe program interface configured to access a recipe program on a data storage device wherein the recipe program is configured to be executed by the cooking apparatus and has internal instructions configured to control functions of the cooking apparatus for performing food processing steps thereon, and has at least one external instruction for a remote food processing step performed by the remote kitchen appliance; a control parameter interface configured to receive temperature data associated with a component of the food product; a control parameter evaluator configured to check compliance of the received temperature data with control parameters of the at least one external instruction; a recipe program adjustment component configured to adjust if the received temperature data does not comply ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020294261A1

... -21 Abstract SYSTEM AND METHOD TO AUTOMATICALLY POSITION A MACHINE IN AN OPERATING CONFIGURATION A machine (100) comprising a frame (106) supported on a movable carrier (102). A first actuator (114) is adapted to actuate a boom (108) coupled to the frame (106). Afirst sensor generates (116) signals indicative of a spatial orientation of the boom (108). At least one second actuator actuates a drilling work device (118) coupled to the boom (108). A second sensor (130) generates signals indicative of a spatial orientation of the drilling work device (118). A controller (132) receives signals indicative of the spatial orientation of the boom (108) and the drilling work device (118) and actuates at least one of the first actuator (114) and the second actuator through predetermined sequential steps to automatically position the machine (100) in a default configuration. The controller (132) further receives signals indicative of data corresponding to at least one drilling hole and automatically ...

28-12-2000 дата публикации

An operator interface for a skid steer loader

Номер: AU0005287500A

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003022423A1

The generation of a factory order to control production of nucleotide sequences by a gene manufacturing system includes receiving an expression indicating an operation on sequence operands, each representing at least one nucleotide sequence part, evaluating the expression to a sequence specification, wherein the sequence specification comprises a data structure including one or more first-level operations and one or more second-level operations, and generating the factory order based upon execution of the one or more first-level operations and the one or more second-level operations. In a recursive manner, the one or more first-level operations operate on at least one first-level sequence operand, the value of which is resolved by execution of one or more of the second-level operations. The factory order may then be provided to the gene manufacturing system to assemble the sequence parts into nucleotide sequences represented by the sequence specification.

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003066494A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

A workstation controller includes a processor. A memory, a first drive control output, a first current sensor, and one or more user operable controls are each communicatively coupled to the processor. When the workstation controller is communicatively connected to a first drive controller that operates at least a first workstation actuator, the processor is configured to (i) receive, from the first current sensor, a first current reading of electrical current flowing from the first drive controller to the first workstation actuator, and (ii) in response to the processor determining that the first current reading exceeds a predetermined current threshold associated with obstructive interference, transmit to the first drive controller, by way of the drive control output, one or more commands to operate the first workstation actuator to perform a safety protocol stored in the memory.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002952355A1

A system and method for mapping parameter data acquired by a robot mapping system is disclosed. Parameter data characterizing the environment is collected while the robot localizes itself within the environment using landmarks. Parameter data is recorded in a plurality of local grids, i.e., sub-maps associated with the robot position and orientation when the data was collected. The robot is configured to generate new grids or reuse existing grids depending on the robot's current pose, the pose associated with other grids, and the uncertainty of these relative pose estimates. The pose estimates associated with the grids are updated over time as the robot refines its estimates of the locations of landmarks from which determines its pose in the environment. Occupancy maps or other global parameter maps may be generated by rendering local grids into a comprehensive map indicating the parameter data in a global reference frame extending the dimensions of the environment.

14-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870381C

A system and method for mapping parameter data acquired by a robot mapping system is disclosed. Parameter data characterizing the environment is collected while the robot localizes itself within the environment using landmarks. Parameter data is recorded in a plurality of local grids, i.e., sub-maps associated with the robot position and orientation when the data was collected. The robot is configured to generate new grids or reuse existing grids depending on the robot's current pose, the pose associated with other grids, and the uncertainty of these relative pose estimates. The pose estimates associated with the grids are updated over time as the robot refines its estimates of the locations of landmarks from which determines its pose in the environment. Occupancy maps or other global parameter maps may be generated by rendering local grids into a comprehensive map indicating the parameter data in a global reference frame extending the dimensions of the environment.

15-07-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for a burn fashion transition in a gas turbine.

Номер: CH0000709120A2

Erfindungsgemäss werden ein Verfahren, ein System (120) und ein Gasturbinensystem für den Übergang zwischen Verbrennungsmodi in einer Gasturbine bereitgestellt. Ein Prozessor erzeugt Daten, die für einen ursprünglichen Satz Splits stehen, um Kraftstoff und/oder Luft zu mindestens einer Brennkammer in der Gasturbine zu leiten. Ein Gasturbinenmodellmodul (510) erzeugt Daten, die für mindestens eine Turbinenbetriebsbedingung stehen. Ein erstes Splitberechnungsmodul (512) erzeugt Daten, die für mindestens einen Satz aktiver Steuersplits stehen, zur Steuerung der Gasturbine in einem ersten Verbrennungsmodus, wobei als eine Eingabe die ursprünglichen Splitdaten verwendet werden. Ein zweites Splitberechnungsmodul (514) erzeugt Daten, die für mindestens einen Satz passiver Steuersplits stehen, zur Steuerung der Gasturbine in mindestens einem zweiten Verbrennungsmodus. Der Übergang zwischen Verbrennungsmodi kann durch die Verwendung mindestens eines der aktiven Steuersplits und der passiven Steuersplits ...

15-09-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for a burn fashion transition in a gas turbine.

Номер: CH0000709120A8

Erfindungsgemäss werden ein Verfahren, ein System (120) und ein Gasturbinensystem für den Übergang zwischen Verbrennungsmodi in einer Gasturbine bereitgestellt. Ein Prozessor erzeugt Daten, die für einen ursprünglichen Satz Splits stehen, um Kraftstoff und/oder Luft zu mindestens einer Brennkammer in der Gasturbine zu leiten. Ein Gasturbinenmodellmodul (510) erzeugt Daten, die für mindestens eine Turbinenbetriebsbedingung stehen. Ein erstes Splitberechnungsmodul (512) erzeugt Daten, die für mindestens einen Satz aktiver Steuersplits stehen, zur Steuerung der Gasturbine in einem ersten Verbrennungsmodus, wobei als eine Eingabe die ursprünglichen Splitdaten verwendet werden. Ein zweites Splitberechnungsmodul (514) erzeugt Daten, die für mindestens einen Satz passiver Steuersplits stehen, zur Steuerung der Gasturbine in mindestens einem zweiten Verbrennungsmodus. Der Übergang zwischen Verbrennungsmodi kann durch die Verwendung mindestens eines der aktiven Steuersplits und der passiven Steuersplits ...

22-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003071158A1

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140000189A

17-07-2018 дата публикации

conjunto copiador de operações e método para um copiador de operações

Номер: BR102016030331A2

02-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: SE0008304743D0

02-12-1986 дата публикации

Numerical control system

Номер: US0004626756A

PCT No. PCT/JP81/00273 Sec. 371 Date May 28, 1982 Sec. 102(e) Date May 28, 1982 PCT Filed Oct. 8, 1981 PCT Pub. No. WO82/01426 PCT Pub. Date Apr. 29, 1982.A numerical control system suited for application to a machine tool having an axis of rotation, such as a robot which employs a cylindrical coordinate system. For example, when the arm (3) of an industrial robot is rotated to transport a wrist (2), which is attached to the end of the arm (3), from a starting point (P1) to an end point (P2), the straight line (Ln) interconnecting the starting point (P1) and the end point (P2) is divided into a plurality of intervals {Qi, Q(i+1), . . . }, positional data for each axis at each of the division points is generated, and linear interpolation for each of the intervals is performed by using the positional data for each axis to move the wrist (2) approximately along the straight line.

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200521A1

A compact media processing device enables recording on a process medium and then processing the process medium based on the result of recording. The media processing device conveys a process medium and processes the conveyed process medium by a first process unit disposed to the conveyance path, and an operation selection unit then determines the content of the next operation based on the result of the first process. After the next operation is determined, the conveyance control unit conveys the process medium upstream to or upstream of the process position of a second process unit. A process control unit then applies the selected operation to the process medium by the second process unit that is disposed downstream from the first process unit on the conveyance path of the process medium. 120.-. (canceled)21. A media processing device comprising:a conveyance unit that conveys a process medium;a first process unit that is disposed in a conveyance path through which the process medium is conveyed and processes the process medium;a second process unit that is disposed downstream from the first process unit in the conveyance path through which the process medium is conveyed wherein, a distance between the first process unit and the second process unit is shorter than a length of the process medium; anda conveyance control unit that conveys the process medium upstream to a process position of the second process unit or an upstream side of the process position of the second process unit according to a result of processing by the first process unit.22. The media processing device described in claim 21 , further comprising:an operation selection unit that determines an operating content after processing by the first process unit based on the result of processing by the first process unit, wherein the operating content is determined according to a result of processing by the first process.23. The media processing device described in claim 21 , further comprising:a plurality ...

09-09-2014 дата публикации

Manipulator system

Номер: US0008826766B2
Принадлежит: Kabushiki Kaisha Yaskawa Denki

From a desired wrist joint position and a desired elbow rotation angle, a temporary elbow joint position is calculated on the assumption that a distance between a shoulder joint and an elbow joint is fixed. The shoulder joint has a first axis, a second axis, and a third axis, and the elbow joint has a fourth axis. From the calculated temporary elbow joint position, temporary angles of the first and second axes or temporary angles of the first to fourth axes are determined. The temporary angles are corrected in accordance with at least one evaluation function calculated from the temporary angles.

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Demand response technology utilizing a simulation engine to perform thermostat-based demand response simulations

Номер: US10241528B1
Принадлежит: ENERGYHUB INC, EnergyHub, Inc.

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a computer storage medium, for performing a thermostat-based demand response event. In one aspect, a method includes accessing, for sites, historical readings of HVAC activity, indoor temperature, and outdoor temperature and building a model for each of the sites using the historical readings of HVAC activity, indoor temperature, and outdoor temperature. The method also includes using a simulation engine to achieve a target load shed and load reduction shape for a thermostat-based demand response event, and performing the thermostat-based demand response event based on results of the simulation engine.

13-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2644587C2

Изобретение относится к области управления электронными устройствами. Технический результат заключается в автоматическом предоставлении пользователю интерфейса, предназначенного для управления выбранным устройством, а также в обеспечении передачи данных только между соединяемыми по каналу передачи по телу устройствами. Для этого первое электронное устройство включает в себя первый интерфейс связи через тело, сконфигурированный для передачи идентификационных данных, относящихся к обозначению первого электронного устройства, по каналу передачи по телу, идущему по телу пользователя, а второе электронное устройство, когда тело пользователя находится в непосредственной близости к первому интерфейсу связи через тело и второму интерфейсу связи через тело во втором электронном устройстве, принимает по каналу передачи по телу идентификационные данные, предназначенные для получения управляющего интерфейса пользователя для управления первым электронным устройством. При этом непосредственная близость ...

17-04-2017 дата публикации

Способ управления технической системой с балансировкой вычислительной мощности между параллельно включёнными подсистемами

Номер: RU2616480C2

Изобретение относится к автоматическим системам управления. В способе управления технической системой с балансировкой вычислительной мощности между параллельно включенными подсистемами, содержащей управляющий компьютер и набор независимых параллельно включенных подсистем, способных исполнять независимые технологические процессы, в основной код управления системой вводят семь программных процедур. Программные процедуры нацелены на соблюдение штатного состояния работы управляющего компьютера, на ограничение канала передачи данных с подсистемами в момент высокой нагрузки на управляющий компьютер, на расчет оптимального уровня потребления ресурсов управляющего компьютера для каждой подсистемы. Повышается срок службы управляющего компьютера. 1 ил.

21-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2748282C1

Изобретение относится к промышленной безопасности. В способе дистанционного контроля промышленной безопасности опасного производственного объекта измеряют параметры объекта контроля, формируют базу метаданных, классифицируют нарушения границ типовых зон. По каждому контролируемому параметру выявляют событие соответствующего класса опасности путем единичной фиксации и/или неоднократной последовательной фиксации числового или логического значения параметра в пределах определенного класса опасности в течение определенного интервала времени. На основании полученных данных рассчитывают продолжительность каждого из событий соответствующего класса опасности или совокупности событий, относящихся по меньшей мере к двум соседним классам опасности. Затем формируют упреждающие частные показатели о количестве упомянутых событий. Повышается оперативность и достоверность контроля. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 748 282 C1 (51) МПК G05B 15/00 (2006.01) G06Q 50/04 (2012.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G05B 15/00 (2020.08); G06Q 50/04 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019136909, 18.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.05.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 21.05.2021 Бюл. № 15 2 7 4 8 2 8 2 R U (54) СПОСОБ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО КОНТРОЛЯ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ОПАСНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОГО ОБЪЕКТА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к промышленной в пределах определенного класса опасности в безопасности. В способе дистанционного течение определенного интервала времени. На контроля промышленной безопасности опасного основании полученных данных рассчитывают производственного объекта измеряют параметры продолжительность каждого из событий объекта контроля, формируют базу метаданных, соответствующего класса опасности или классифицируют нарушения границ типовых зон. совокупности событий, относящихся по меньшей По ...

02-05-2024 дата публикации

Автоматизированная система мониторинга загрязнения водных объектов стоками промышленных предприятий

Номер: RU2818532C1

Изобретение относится к специализированным системам автоматического контроля качества поверхностных вод и может быть использовано для анализа и моделирования загрязнения водных объектов стоками промышленных предприятий, для оперативного информационного обеспечения процессов мониторинга экологических рисков и принятия управленческих решений по минимизации негативного влияния на гидросферу. Система содержит последовательно соединенные центр пользователей, блок принятия решений при ЧС, центр мониторинга геоинформационной системы мониторинга экологических рисков, включающий базу геоданных и базу метаданных, средства отображения и документирования, центр локального мониторинга, прикладное программное обеспечение, системное программное обеспечение, сервер архива базы данных локальных систем мониторинга, блоки локальных систем мониторинга экологических рисков, блоки ранжирования, каналы связи, датчики уровня воды, переключатели, сумматоры, блоки прогноза, датчики температуры воды и датчики температуры ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Способ контроля качества производства обтекателей ракет

Номер: RU2759326C1

Использование: для контроля качества производства обтекателей ракет. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что осуществляют контроль параметров качества отдельных операций технологического процесса изготовления и наземной отработки, контроль состояния технологического и испытательного оборудования,регистрация параметров качества каждой технологической операции проводится в своей системе координат, начало отсчета которой жестко связано с особенностями данного технологического оборудования, а параметры качества готового обтекателя ракет в процессе наземной отработки (испытаний) регистрируются в системе координат, начало отсчета которой связано с характерными конструктивными особенностями конструкции, далее при обнаружении в конструкции обтекателя аномальных зон в процессе наземных испытаний, отличающихся от технических требований задания, выявляются текущие координаты аномальных зон в системах координат, связанных с особенностями технологического оборудования на каждой операции технологического ...

22-01-2021 дата публикации

Способ двухуровневого управления техническими системами (варианты)

Номер: RU2741265C1

Изобретения относятся к области управления техническими системами (ТС) и могут быть использованы для расширения функциональных возможностей управления ТС различного назначения, например кибербезопасности, охраны, связи, разведки, радиоэлектронной борьбы, радиолокации и др. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей способа управления. Заявленные варианты способа управления содержат выполнение на пункте управления (ПУ) второго уровня таких функций управления, как сбор, обработка, анализ и принятие решения на осуществление воздействия, а на ПУ первого уровня - функций доопределения данных об объектах воздействия, оценки эффективности осуществления воздействия всех ТС на все объекты воздействия и самостоятельного распределения объектов для осуществления воздействия, при управлении на ПУ второго и первого уровней осуществляют формирование баз данных, анализ и доопределение данных, идентификацию и классификацию объектов воздействия, оценку эффективности осуществления ...

20-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772455C1

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к системам и способам управления буровыми работами. Система управления буровыми работами включает главный компьютер и буровой станок, содержащий устройство сопряжения, бортовой компьютер, систему связи, датчик-инклинометр и сторожевой модуль. Устройство сопряжения подключено к бортовому компьютеру и буровому станку и выполнено с возможностью опроса по крайней мере одного из компонентов бурового станка, преобразования команд, полученных от бортового компьютера, и генерации управляющего сигнала для исполнительных механизмов бурового станка. Сторожевой модуль выполнен с возможностью мониторинга по крайней мере одного из компонентов бурового станка и инициации аварийной остановки системы, при этом система связи выполнена с возможностью определения координат и значений азимута угла вектора движения. Для осуществления способа управления буровыми работами формируют команду для бурового станка при помощи главного компьютера. Отправляют команду на буровой ...

12-02-2019 дата публикации

Способ двухуровневого управления техническими средствами (варианты)

Номер: RU2679703C1

Изобретение относится к управлению техническими средствами. В способе двухуровневого управления техническими средствами на пункте управления второго уровня происходит сбор, обработка, анализ, доопределение данных об объектах воздействия, оценка возможностей своих технических средств, принятие решения на осуществление воздействия и распределение объектов воздействия между техническими средствами выделенной группы. На пункте управления первого уровня производят: доопределение данных об объектах воздействия, оценку эффективности осуществления воздействия всех технических средств на все объекты воздействия и самостоятельное распределение объектов для осуществления воздействия. Расширяются функциональные возможности способа управления. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

05-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729209C1

Группа изобретений относится к системам автоматизации. Технический результат - уменьшение времени, требуемого для разработки и развертывания функций автоматизации за счет обеспечения платформы, которая абстрагирует детали реализации базовых системы и оборудования автоматизации. Для этого предложена система реализации функций автоматизации через уровни абстракции, которая включает в себя приложение управления и платформу абстракции оборудования автоматизации, исполняемую в среде выполнения. Приложение управления спроектировано с возможностью связи с оборудованием автоматизации с использованием одной или более функций автоматизации. Каждая функция автоматизации содержит одну или более независимых от оборудования инструкций. Платформа абстракции оборудования автоматизации принимает независимые от оборудования инструкции и обозначение конкретной единицы оборудования автоматизации. Платформа абстракции оборудования автоматизации преобразует независимые от оборудования инструкции в инструкции ...

06-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017102685A3

24-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642347C1

Изобретение относится к системам управления ответственными технологическими процессами, в частности к системам управления движением поездов на железнодорожном транспорте. Технический результат – изобретение обеспечивает обнаружение константных состояний устройства каждого из дублирующих каналов путем проверки динамического характера контрольных сигналов, поступающих на устройство сравнения, за счет чего повышается безопасность функционирования устройства, упрощается структура его построения. Способ и устройство для его реализации могут быть использованы в любых управляющих устройствах, независимо от их назначения и области применения. Управляющие устройства могут быть построены на основе средств вычислительной техники, микропроцессоров, цифровых или аналоговых элементов. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

25-09-2013 дата публикации

Lift-gas optimization with choke control

Номер: GB0002500496A

A method of optimizing production of wells using choke control includes generating, for each well, an intermediate solution to optimize the production of each well. The generating includes using an offline model that includes a mixed-integer nonlinear program solver and includes using production curves based on a choke state and a given wellhead pressure. The method further includes calculating, using a network model and the intermediate solution of each well, a current online wellhead pressure for each well. The method further includes setting the intermediate solution as a final solution based on determining that a difference between the current online wellhead pressure of each well and a prior online wellhead pressure of each well is less than a tolerance amount. The method further includes adjusting, using the final solution of each well, at least one operating parameter of the wells.

14-05-2003 дата публикации

Interconnected zones within a process control system

Номер: GB0000308043D0

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for optimizing film production and minimizing film scrap

Номер: AU2011215823B2

The present invention relates to a method of optimizing self-supporting film production which includes the steps of: determining at least one scrap factor which relates to a total amount of scrap in processing a film product; correlating the at least one scrap factor to at least one processing parameter; and adjusting the at least one processing parameter to reduce the total amount of scrap in processing the film product.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for optimizing film production and minimizing film scrap

Номер: AU2011215823C1

The present invention relates to a method of optimizing self-supporting film production which includes the steps of: determining at least one scrap factor which relates to a total amount of scrap in processing a film product; correlating the at least one scrap factor to at least one processing parameter; and adjusting the at least one processing parameter to reduce the total amount of scrap in processing the film product.

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Adaptive mapping with spatial summaries of sensor data

Номер: AU2016213835B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

ADAPTIVE MAPPING WITH SPATIAL SUMMARIES OF SENSOR DATA A system and method for mapping parameter data acquired by a robot mapping system is disclosed. Parameter data characterizing the environment is collected while the robot localizes itself within the environment using landmarks. Parameter data is recorded in a plurality of local grids, i.e., sub-maps associated with the robot position and orientation when the data was collected. The robot is configured to generate new grids or reuse existing grids depending on the robot's current pose, the pose associated with other grids, and the uncertainty of these relative pose estimates. The pose estimates associated with the grids are updated overtime as the robot refines its estimates of the locations of landmarks from which determines its pose in the environment. Occupancy maps or other global parameter maps may be generated by rendering local grids into a comprehensive map indicating the parameter data in a global reference frame extending the ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for manufacturing biologically-produced products

Номер: AU2018243777A1

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to systems and methods for manufacturing biologically-produced pharmaceutical products. Some of the systems described herein comprise an upstream component comprising a bioreactor and at least one filter (e.g., a filter probe) integrated with a downstream component comprising a purification module comprising at least a first partitioning unit and a second partitioning unit. In some embodiments, these integrated biomanufacturing systems may be operated under continuous or conditions and may be capable of efficiently producing pure, high-quality pharmaceutical products.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044108A1

A system includes an animated character head having one or more processors configured to receive an input, to make an animation selection based on the input, and to provide a first control based on the animation selection. The animated character head also includes a display configured to provide an indication of the animation selection for visualization by a performer operating the animated character head.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002814370C

A method of optimizing production of wells using choke control includes generating, for each well, an intermediate solution to optimize the production of each well. The generating includes using an offline model that includes a mixed-integer nonlinear program solver and includes using production curves based on a choke state and a given wellhead pressure. The method further includes calculating, using a network model and the intermediate solution of each well, a current online wellhead pressure for each well. The method further includes setting the intermediate solution as a final solution based on determining that a difference between the current online wellhead pressure of each well and a prior online wellhead pressure of each well is less than a tolerance amount. The method further includes adjusting, using the final solution of each well, at least one operating parameter of the wells.

16-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789536C
Принадлежит: MONOSOLRX LLC

The present invention relates to a method of optimizing self-supporting film production. The method includes the steps of: determining at least one scrap factor which relates to a total amount of scrap in processing a film product; correlating the at least one scrap factor to at least one processing parameter; and adjusting the at least one processing parameter to reduce the total amount of scrap in processing the film product. The present invention also relates to a system for optimizing film production.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002874519A1

There is provided a gas mixer arrangement comprising a first gas source for supplying a first gas; a second gas source for supplying a second gas different from said first gas; first and second flow regulation devices for regulating the respective flow of the first gas and second gases from the first and second gas sources; a mixer;and an outlet. The mixer is located downstream of the first and second flow regulation devices and arranged, in use, to mix the first and second gases to provide a mixed gas to the outlet. The gas mixer arrangement further comprises a meter comprising a first sensor assembly operable to determine the average molecular weight of the mixed gas and including a high-frequency planar piezoelectric crystal oscillator in contact with the mixed gas, a second sensor assembly operable to determine the pressure of the gas downstream of one of the first or second flow regulation devices, and a controller operable, in response to the average molecular weight of the mixed ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002815827A1

An intelligently controlled catalytic converter automatically monitors various operating parameters, such as water jacket temperature, catalytic input temperature, catalytic converter output temperature, oxygen level, ambient temperature, ambient humidity and/or ambient barometric air pressure, of a biofuel-fired device and automatically controls dampers, blowers and electric heaters in the device.

31-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003015708B1
Принадлежит: SOMFY SAS

11-07-2017 дата публикации

método e aparelho de controle de dispositivo inteligente baseado em modo de cenário predefinido

Номер: BR112015015622A2

26-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012010451A1

The invention relates to a humanoid robot equipped with an interface for natural dialogue with an interlocutor. In the prior art, the methods of dialogue between humanoid robots equipped, moreover, with developed movement functionalities and human beings are limited particularly by the capabilities of voice and visual recognition processing with which said robots can be fitted. The present invention equips said robots with capabilities for removing doubt from several methods of communication for the messages which they receive and for combining these different methods, which allow a great improvement in the quality and the natural character of the dialogues with those with whom the robots are speaking. The invention likewise provides simple and user-friendly means for implementing the programming of the functions which allow the free flow of these dialogues using multiple methods to be ensured.

20-03-2008 дата публикации

Architectural Hierarchy of Control for a Fuel Processor

Номер: US2008070074A1

A control technique for use in a fuel processor is disclosed. In one aspect, a control system includes a subsystem manager controller the operation of a respective physical subsystem for each of a plurality of physical subsystems in the fuel processor. The subsystem managers take their direction from a master control manager. In a second aspect, the subsystem managers collectively form a layer operating in conjunction with a second layer capable of interfacing the subsystem managers to their respective physical subsystems, a third layer capable of interfacing the subsystem managers with the second layer. In a third aspect, master control manager manages the operation of each physical subsystem through a respective subsystem manager, directs state transitions of the subsystem managers, and routs interaction between the subsystem managers from the master control manager.

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140324271A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

A cleaning robot is provided. The cleaning robot includes a main body, a moving assembly to move the main body around a home, an imaging unit to obtain images around the main body, a controller to generate a map of the home using the obtained images, and a communication unit to transmit the generated map to a home monitoring apparatus. A procedure to match location and type information of electric devices to a two-Dimensional (2D) or three-Dimensional (3D) map of the home may be automated. As described above, the map of the home may be realistically generated by utilizing a map generated by the cleaning robot and inconvenience experienced by a user to manually register electric devices located in each room of the home may be solved by automatically registering the electric devices.

12-04-2016 дата публикации

Automated case order sequencing method and system

Номер: US0009309056B2

A system and method for automatically preparing client orders in a distribution facility, where the inputs to the system are complete pallets of cases of individual products and the outputs of the system are client order pallets of mixed products. Specifically, the methods and systems are for conveying, storing, and dispensing cases using automated case order sequencing typically using non-product-dedicated and non-accumulating buffer conveyors.

14-04-2015 дата публикации

Lock device with wireless function and method thereof

Номер: US0009007171B2
Автор: Yao-Kun Yang, YANG YAO-KUN
Принадлежит: YANG YAO-KUN

A lock device with wireless function includes a body having an entry key set assembled on a surface thereof, the body having a processing unit, a wireless unit, a power supplier and a main board assembled therein, the main board electrically connected to the entry key set, the processing unit, the wireless unit and the power supplier. Therefore, a corresponding key is unnecessary for the user to unlock the body.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138824A1

A motion sensor assembly may include a cover plate configured to be mounted to an electrical box. The cover plate may include a front surface configured to face away from the electrical box and a rear surface opposite the front surface. The cover plate may further include an aperture configured to receive a toggle or rocker type switch. A motion sensor may be coupled to the cover plate. A power source and processor may be operably coupled to the motion sensor. Furthermore, the processor may be operably coupled to a communication device.

25-12-2018 дата публикации

Sensors for detecting presence, occupancy, and/or motion and related systems and methods

Номер: US0010161646B2

A motion sensor assembly may include a cover plate configured to be mounted to an electrical box. The cover plate may include a front surface configured to face away from the electrical box and a rear surface opposite the front surface. The cover plate may further include an aperture configured to receive a toggle or rocker type switch. A motion sensor may be coupled to the cover plate. A power source and processor may be operably coupled to the motion sensor. Furthermore, the processor may be operably coupled to a communication device.

20-07-1994 дата публикации

Controlling method to follow-up target value

Номер: EP0000606656A2

A controlling method in a control system comprising a target value setting portion (1) for setting a target value Y of the controlled physical quantity, a desired variation operation portion (2) for obtaining a desired variation dXw of the controlled physical quantity in accordance with a target value Y and a present value of the controlled physical quantity, a control demand output portion (3) for outputting a control demand value in accordance with the desired variation dXw so as to change the controlled physical quantity by the function of the controlled apparatus (4) in accordance with the control demand value is caused the controlled physical quantity to follow a target value smoothly to maximum. ...

12-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669575C2
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области пользовательских интерфейсов, а именно к интерфейсу для управления электронным устройством. Технический результат заключается в повышении скорости отображения интерфейса управления для интеллектуального устройства за счет уменьшения количества выполняемых пользователем вручную операций. Для этого получают целевое изображение и определяют управляемое устройство путем распознавания целевого изображения посредством извлечения информации о профиле объекта, включенного в целевое изображение с использованием арифметики распознавания изображений для распознавания профиля объекта, и определения управляемого устройства в соответствии с информацией о профиле, которая соответствует профилю всего устройства или компонента устройства. Затем отображают интерфейс управления для управляемого устройства и управляют управляемым устройством для его функционирования в ответ на обнаружение операции управления для интерфейса управления. При этом этап, на котором определяют управляемое ...

21-02-2018 дата публикации

Устройство ввода дискретных сигналов с диагностикой исправности входных цепей

Номер: RU177438U1

Устройство ввода дискретных сигналов, содержащее микропроцессорный элемент, источник стабилизированного напряжения питания микропроцессорного элемента, узел приема/передачи данных с гальванической развязкой и каналы ввода дискретных сигналов, входные цепи которых содержат последовательно соединенные входной резистор, стабилитрон и вход элемента оптронной развязки, при этом для гальванически связанных контролируемых сигналов входные цепи объединены в группы с общим проводом, а выходы элементов оптронной развязки соединены с микропроцессорным элементом предпочтительно по принципу мультиплексного группового опроса, отличающееся тем, что для каждой группы входных сигналов устройство дополнительно содержит управляемый микропроцессорным элементом узел переключения полюсов источника питания контролируемых сигналов, выход которого подключен к общему проводу группы через стабилитрон, включенный встречно по отношению к стабилитронам входных цепей.Техническим результатом является упрощение устройства ...

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017105869A3

08-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU180379U1

Полезная модель относится к области сбора данных о предоставлении жилищно-коммунальных услуг, а именно к конструкции устройств для считывания показаний с приборов учета (счетчиков и датчиков) с целью дальнейшей передачи информации по сети Wi-Fi пользователям и заинтересованным службам. Техническим результатом полезной модели является снижение энергозатрат при использовании сети Wi-Fi для передачи данных за счет использования двухпроцессорной архитектуры устройства сбора и передачи данных, предусматривающей постоянный сбор данных с приборов учета и кратковременное включение энергозатратного Wi-Fi модуля связи в необходимые моменты времени для передачи данных на сервер, что позволяет использовать химические элементы тока (батарейки, аккумуляторы) в качестве источников питания. Технический результат достигается при использовании устройства сбора данных с приборов учета, содержащего блок питания, реализованный на химических элементах тока, исполнительный модуль для считывания сигналов с приборов учета и управления, имеющий процессор, соединенный с процессором Wi-Fi модуля связи и режимов обмена данными с сервером для создания двухпроцессорной архитектуры, выполненной с возможностью непрерывного сбора данных с приборов учета и кратковременного включения Wi-Fi модуля связи и режимов обмена данными с сервером. 2 з.п. ф-лы. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 379 U1 (51) МПК G01D 4/00 (2006.01) G06Q 50/00 (2012.01) G05B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01D 4/00 (2016.11); G05B 15/00 (2016.11); G06Q 50/00 (2018.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016130066, 22.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Лосев Владимир Владимирович (RU), Григорьев Василий Сергеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 08.06.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 130098 U1 10.07.2013. RU (45) Опубликовано: 08.06.2018 Бюл. № 16 1 8 0 3 7 9 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ...

16-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669791C1

FIELD: control systems. SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to the field of automation of operation of polymerization reactors, in particular to a method for controlling a slurry polymerization reactor by controlling the temperature in the reaction zone by changing the supply of the coolant to the reactor-polymerizer jacket and changing the agitator rotation speed. Control system for the suspension polymerization process consists of two control loops. First circuit provides the specified speed of rotation of the mixer N SP reactor-polymerizer with the help of regulator 3 (R N ). Second circuit ensures the stabilization of the temperature of the reaction mass T inside the reactor-polymerizer by means of a regulator 8 (R T ). Method consists in that with a change in output signal U N from the controller 3 (R N ), advance action S K 1 is produced into the temperature stabilization circuit of the reaction mass T in the reactor-polymerizer, and with a change in the temperature of the reaction mass, advance action S K 2 is produced into the speed control loop of the reactor-polymer mixer. EFFECT: improvement of the quality of control of the technological object due to changes in the dynamic properties of the channels controlling the temperature of the reaction mass and stabilizing the rotation speed of the reactor-polymer mixer, depending on the state of the control object and, as a consequence, improving the quality of the product obtained. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 669 791 C1 (51) МПК G05D 27/00 (2006.01) G05D 23/30 (2006.01) G05D 24/02 (2006.01) G05B 15/00 (2006.01) C08F 2/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G05D 27/00 (2018.08); G05D 23/30 (2018.08); G05D 24/02 (2018.08); G05B 15/00 (2018.08); C08F 2/18 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018120499, 04.06.2018 04.06.2018 Дата регистрации: 16.10.2018 R U 2 6 6 9 7 9 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 125047, Москва, пл. Миусская, 9, ...

08-09-2020 дата публикации

Устройство формирования программных сигналов управления

Номер: RU2731741C1

Устройство формирования программных сигналов управления подключено своими выходами к входам шести следящих систем и содержит восемнадцать сумматоров, восемнадцать блоков умножения, четыре квадратора, блок извлечения квадратного корня, блок деления, блок интегрирования, соединенные определенным образом. Обеспечивается формирование программных сигналов для задания скорости перемещения динамических объектов по пространственным траекториям и требуемой ориентации в пространстве. 2 ил.

23-08-2019 дата публикации

Многоуровневая система навигационно-информационного обеспечения органов исполнительной власти и способ её формирования и/или применения

Номер: RU2698246C1

Изобретение относится к системе навигационно-информационного обеспечения. Технический результат заключается в автоматизации навигационно-информационного обеспечения. Система содержит типовые центры мониторинга на трёх иерархических уровнях управления, каждый уровень включает типовой центр мониторинга, а аппаратно-программные средства каждого типового центра мониторинга построены с использованием сервис-ориентированной инфраструктуры (SOA), общей информационной модели (CIM), веб-технологий мониторинга и управления (WBEM) и включают взаимосвязанные между собой подсистему интеграции, подсистему мониторинга контролируемых объектов, систему управления пространственными данными, средства связи и информационного взаимодействия. 1 ил.

21-08-2024 дата публикации

Устройство управления одноконтурной зависимой системой отопления

Номер: RU2825177C1

Изобретение относится к области автоматического цифрового регулирования и может быть использовано для управления системами отопления. Техническим результатом является улучшение точности регулирования температуры воздуха в помещении в зависимости от условий окружающей среды и особенностей отапливаемых помещений, что приводит к снижению энергетических затрат. Сущность изобретения в том, что устройство осуществляет поддержание требуемой температуры, давления и подачи теплоносителя в системе отопления путем регулирования степени открытия питающей задвижки и управления интенсивностью работы циркуляционного насоса, по показаниям от нескольких датчиков температуры наружного воздуха и нескольких датчиков температуры в помещении. При этом, чтобы снизить температуру воды в отопительном контуре, задвижка ограничивает подачу теплоносителя, в то время как циркуляционный насос запускается для поддержания необходимого давления в системе отопления. Устройство включает каскад пропорционально-интегрально-дифференциальных ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2619794C1
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Изобретение относится к управляющим станциям. Управляющая станция для подвижных и неподвижных платформ содержит первую управляющую станцию, расположенную в первой платформе, содержащую управляющую систему для получения информации для задачи; дисплейную систему для ее надевания на голову оператора станции; систему захвата движения на основе инерционного датчика, отслеживающую перемещения головы; пользовательское устройство ввода. Также имеется кресло, связанное с пользовательским устройством; кислородная система управляющей станции; рабочая поверхность и процессор, сообщающийся с дисплейной системой, системой захвата движения и пользовательским устройством ввода. Повышается компактность станции. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Способ управления вычислительным модулем системы автоматики

Номер: RU2756430C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления вычислительным модулем системы автоматики. Технический результат заключается в оптимизации работы функций автоматики. Способ содержит: (I) получение дополнительным вычислительным модулем (4) списка функций автоматики, которые необходимо выполнить вычислительному модулю (3); (II) определение посредством дополнительного вычислительного модуля (4) для каждой функции автоматики величины выдержки времени, которая используется в алгоритме выполнения функции автоматики; (III) ранжирование функций автоматики посредством дополнительного вычислительного модуля (4) по критерию возрастания выдержки времени; (IV) установку посредством дополнительного вычислительного модуля (4) таймеров запуска и выполнение посредством вычислительного модуля (3) функций автоматики в следующем порядке: функции автоматики, действующие на отключение оборудования и передающие команды управления без выдержки времени, функции автоматики, относящиеся к резервированию отказа управления ...

09-04-2019 дата публикации

Способ управления распределенной интеллектуальной микросистемой электроснабжения с персональными энергоблоками (ПЭБ)

Номер: RU2684482C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления распределенной интеллектуальной микросистемой электроснабжения с персональными энергоблоками (ПЭБ). Технический результат заключается в автоматизации управления электроснабжением. В способе в каждом ПЭБ определяют текущий заряд аккумуляторных батарей (АКБ) с учетом ретроспективных данных, планируют график заряда-разряда АКБ, выбирают и фиксируют направление передачи электроэнергии (ЭЭ) между ПЭБ, измеряют объем ЭЭ, переданной по линии электропередачи, измеряют уровни тока и напряжения на линии электропередачи и осуществляют обмен информацией между ПЭБ об измеренных значениях, с блока управления (БУ) конкретного ПЭБ передают к БУ соседних ПЭБ сообщения с указанием необходимого объема ЭЭ, на соседних ПЭБ в соответствии с принятым сообщением и со своими графиками заряда-разряда АКБ устанавливают стоимость ЭЭ, которую они могут передать, далее устанавливают равновесную цену ЭЭ на локальном рынке ЭЭ, образованном соседними ПЭБ, используют конкурсные ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683481C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству инициализации умного дома, машиночитаемому носителю данных. Технический результат заключается в автоматизации выполнения инициализации умного дома посредством аудиосигнала инициализации. Способ включает в себя прием аудиосигнала инициализации, воспроизводимого целевым устройством, причем аудиосигнал инициализации представляет собой аудиосигнал целевых символов, полученный путем кодирования исходных данных инициализации для умного дома, декодирование аудиосигнала инициализации в соответствии с заранее заданными соответствиями между заранее заданными символами и исходными данными для этих заранее заданных символов, чтобы получить исходные данные инициализации, причем заранее заданные символы, по меньшей мере, включают в себя целевые символы, и инициализацию умного дома в соответствии с исходными данными инициализации. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Einstellvorrichtung und Einstellverfahren

Номер: DE102018205015A1

Um Lernen unter Verwendung einer Maschinenlernvorrichtung geeignet zu steuern. Eine Einstellvorrichtung 300, 320, 330, die eine Steuervorrichtung 100, 100A, 110, 120, 130 zum Steuern von Motoren, die mindestens zwei Achsen antreibt, und eine Maschinenlernvorrichtung 200, 210, 220) zum Durchführen von maschinellen Lernen mit Bezug auf die Steuervorrichtung steuert. Die Einstellvorrichtung umfasst: eine Startbefehlsausgabeeinheit 304 zum Ausgeben eines Startbefehls zum Starten der Maschinenlernvorrichtung; eine Rückkopplungsinformations-Erfassungseinheit 308 zum Erfassen von Rückkopplungsinformation, die auf der Grundlage eines durch die Steuervorrichtung ausgeführten Bewertungsprogramms erfasst wird, von der Steuervorrichtung; eine Rückkopplungsinformations-Übertragungseinheit 301 zum Übertragen der erfassten Rückkopplungsinformation an die Maschinenlernvorrichtung; eine Parametereinstellinformations-Erfassungseinheit 302 zum Erfassen von Steuerparameter-Einstellinformation, die durch maschinelles ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Fahrzeuginterne Vorrichtung und Programm

Номер: DE112012007250T5

Ein ASL 10 ist mit einem APP-Modul 9 verknüpft, der eine bestehende APP SW-C(1) 5 als ein Kommunikationsziel aufweist. Ein Pufferteil 13 sammelt Daten an die bestehende APP SW-C(1) 5 und Daten von der bestehenden APP SW-C(1) 5. Ein Kommunikationsverarbeitungsteil 12 übermittelt die Daten für die bestehende APP SW-C(1) 5, die in dem Pufferteil 13 gesammelt sind, an die bestehende APP SW-C(1) 5, empfängt von der bestehenden APP SW-C(1) 5 übermittelte Daten, und speichert die empfangenen Daten in dem Pufferteil 13. Ein API-Verarbeitungsteil 14 empfängt als Eingabe von dem APP-Modul 9 Daten an die bestehende APP SW-C(1) 5, speichert die empfangenen Daten als Eingabe in dem Pufferteil 13, empfängt als Eingabe von dem Pufferteil 13 Daten von der bestehenden APP SW-C(1) 5, und gibt die empfangenen Daten als Eingabe an den APP-Modul 9 aus.

26-07-2006 дата публикации

Multi-layer filtering cartridge for filtration of liquids

Номер: GB0002422331A

Multi-layer filtering cartridge for filtration of liquids comprises a central tube (1) provided with vents or holes (2) for the passage of liquid, covered with a grille-type laminar support rolled in a spiral. This assembly is covered with an outer layer of porous filtering material (4) which is also rolled in a spiral with the desired number of sub-layers depending on the pore size. The ends are sealed with covers (5) with an axial hole that matches the central tube (1). Preferably the filtering material has a structure of small channels formed between links (6) strung together as a chain with side chains. Advantageously the filter cartridge may be used in the filtration of liquids such as water which may flow from the outside to the inside or in an opposite direction.

16-07-2008 дата публикации

Building automation system facilitating user customization

Номер: GB2445686A

Systems and methods for interacting with and customizing a dynamically extensible and automatically configurable building automation system (BAS). In one embodiment, a graphical user interface (GUI) of the BAS comprises a building summary pages. The invention is also directed to a space summary page and an equipment summary page.

04-07-2007 дата публикации

Logic-based Computing Device and Method

Номер: GB0002425868B

26-11-2014 дата публикации

Methods derived from a theoretical model of knowledge-generating systems

Номер: GB0201418194D0

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Система автоматизации помещений (варианты)

Номер: RU0000184073U1

Техническое решение относится к автоматическим системам управления, в частности к системам автоматизации жилых и нежилых помещений, позволяющим дистанционно, в том числе через сеть Интернет, и/или автоматически, в том числе по заданным пользователем или пользователями параметрам и сценариям, управлять электрическими приборами, в том числе широким спектром бытовых приборов.Задача, на решение которой направлено заявленное техническое решение, заключается в снижении общей стоимости, повышении надежности базовой автоматизации жилых и нежилых помещений, расширении спектра ее функциональных возможностей в плане способов управления электрическими приборами, а также в улучшении таких ее эксплуатационных характеристик, как быстрота и удобство установки, настройки и последующего технического обслуживания.Данная задача достигается за счет того, что система автоматизации помещений, характеризуется тем, что представляет собой устройство, размещающееся в распределительной коробке электрической сети помещения и состоящее из блока питания соединенного с разъемом для подключения проводников питающего кабеля, при этом блок питания снижает и выпрямляет напряжение для питания управляющего и исполнительных узлов, причем исполнительные узлы соединены с разъемами для подключения проводников кабелей от управляемых электроприборов, а управляющий узел включает в себя модуль синхронизации, коммуникационный модуль, а также вычислительный модуль, который принимает данные с разъемов для подключения проводников кабелей от настенных выключателей и периферии, обменивается данными с модулем синхронизации и коммуникационным модулем, обрабатывает полученные данные и в зависимости от них управляет исполнительными узлами.Техническим результатом, обеспечиваемым приведенной совокупностью признаков, является централизация элементов автоматики каждого отдельного помещения за счет размещения функциональных узлов системы автоматизации в распределительной коробке, расширение функциональных возможностей системы ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103181A1

A method of controlling the deposition of semifinished elements for tyre production, includes: sending a first radiation onto one tyre being processed, consisting of one forming support with at least one portion of the tyre component laid on the support, the tyre component being at least partly formed of a plurality of semifinished elements defining a radially external layer of the tyre being processed; receiving a first reflected radiation from a radially external surface of the tyre being processed; determining, as a function of the reflected radiation, parameters representative of the thickness of the layer; comparing the parameters with reference values; and generating an alarm signal as a function of the comparison. 138-. (canceled)39. A method of controlling the deposition of semifinished elements for tyre production , comprising:sending a first radiation onto at least one component of a tyre being processed, said component being at least partly formed with a plurality of semifinished elements defining a radially external layer of said tyre being processed;receiving a corresponding first reflected radiation from a radially external surface of said tyre being processed;determining, as a function of at least said first reflected radiation one or more parameters representative of a thickness of said radially external layer;comparing said one or more parameters with corresponding reference values; andgenerating an alarm signal as a function of said comparison.40. The method as claimed in claim 39 , wherein said first reflected radiation is representative of a distance between the radially external surface of the tyre being processed and a receiving point of said reflected radiation.41. The method as claimed in claim 39 , wherein said one or more parameters comprise a first parameter representative of mutual overlapping of said semifinished elements.42. The method as claimed in claim 41 , wherein determining said one or more parameters comprises:determining a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142948A1

A photochromic lens manufacturing system has an orderer side computer () and a manufacturer side computer () connected with each other through a communication line (), and is adapted to manufacture a photochromic lens with an optical surface forming device (), a photochromic film forming device () and a hard film forming device () under control of the manufacturer side computer (). The orderer side computer () transmits lens substrate data related to a substrate material of the lens, optical surface data related to optical surfaces of the lens, data related to the photochromic film and data related to a hard film to the manufacturer side computer () through the communication line (). 1. A photochromic lens manufacturing system having an orderer side computer and a manufacturer side computer connected with each other through a communication line , and adapted to manufacture a photochromic lens using an optical surface forming device , a photochromic film forming device and a hard film forming device arranged on the manufacturer side and controlled by the manufacturer side computer ,wherein the orderer side computer transmits the following data to the manufacturer side computer through the communication line: lens substrate data related to substrate material of the lens, optical surface data related to optical surfaces of the lens, data related to a photochromic film, and data related to a hard film, a lens substrate selecting means adapted to select a lens substrate formed of a suitable material based on the lens substrate data received from the orderer side computer;', 'an optical surface forming data selecting means adapted to select suitable optical surface forming data based on the optical surface data and output the selected data to the optical surface forming device;', 'a photochromic film forming data selecting means adapted to select at least forming data of the photochromic film based on the data related to the photochromic film, and output the selected data ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158684A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The appliance control system includes a control device, a human detection sensor, and a manual operation switch. The control device includes a selecting unit configured to select a mode of an appliance driving unit controlling an appliance, from an operation mode in which the appliance driving unit operates the appliance, a limited mode in which the appliance driving unit limits an operation of the appliance, and a rest mode in which the appliance driving unit terminates the operation of the appliance. The selecting unit changes the appliance driving unit to the operation mode when the manipulation switch is turned on. The selecting unit changes the appliance driving unit to the rest mode when the manipulation switch is turned off. The selecting unit changes the appliance driving unit to the waiting mode when the human detection sensor does not detect a human within waiting time while the appliance driving unit is in the operation mode. While the appliance driving unit is in the waiting mode, the selecting unit changes the appliance driving unit to the operation mode when the human detection sensor detects a human within waiting time, and changes the appliance driving unit to the rest mode when the human detection sensor does not detect a human within waiting time. While the appliance driving unit is in the rest mode, the selecting unit does not change the appliance driving unit to the operation mode even if the human detection sensor detects a human. 1. An appliance control system comprising:a control device;a human detection sensor; anda manual operation switch,wherein said control device includes:a controlling unit configured to control an appliance;a selecting unit configured to select a mode of said controlling unit from an operation mode in which said controlling unit operates the appliance, a limited mode in which said controlling unit limits an operation of the appliance, and a rest mode in which said controlling unit terminates the operation of the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling lifting operation of wearable robot

Номер: US20130173058A1
Автор: Jung Ho Seo, Woo Sung Yang
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

Disclosed herein is a method and system for controlling the lifting operation of a wearable robot. A final force that must be applied by the robot to an object upon conducting a lifting operation is derived based on a difference between a weight force applied by the object to the robot and an apply force applied by a wearing user to the robot. A target position to which the robot lifts the object is set. A spring-damper virtual force model is applied to an end of the robot and to joints of the robot, the final force is converted into final torques required by the joints of the robot by being incorporated into the virtual force model, and then the joints of the robot are operated based on the final torques. The final force is fixed once the robot has lifted the object to the target position.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204428A1
Принадлежит: BRAINLAB AG

The invention relates to a method for controlling apparatus, in particular medical apparatus, comprising the following steps: 1. A method for controlling an apparatus , comprising:identifying at least one object and at least one part of a user's body;capturing a position, movement and/or alignment of the identified part of the body and the identified object; andcontrolling at least one apparatus via of a corresponding predetermined command, said controlling based on fulfilment of predetermined criteria for the identity of the object and/or part of the body and a respective position, movement and/or alignment.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the position claim 1 , movement and/or alignment of the part of the body and the object relative to each other and/or relative to another identified object is/are additionally captured claim 1 , and wherein the apparatus is controlled by means of a corresponding and predetermined command claim 1 , if predetermined criteria for the identity of the object and/or part of the body and its/their position claim 1 , movement and/or alignment relative to each other and/or relative to another identified object are fulfilled.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein capturing includes optically capturing visual features of the object and/or part of the body.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein optically capturing includes using at least one optical camera to capture the visual features.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein identifying and/or capturing is/are performed within a predetermined space.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the predetermined space is a medical treatment room.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein parts of the bodies of a plurality of users are captured and identified.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined command is stored in a database.9. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising capturing the controls exercised within a predetermined ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Manipulator system

Номер: US20130213172A1
Принадлежит: Yaskawa Electric Corp

From a desired wrist joint position and a desired elbow rotation angle, a temporary elbow joint position is calculated on the assumption that a distance between a shoulder joint and an elbow joint is fixed. The shoulder joint has a first axis, a second axis, and a third axis, and the elbow joint has a fourth axis. From the calculated temporary elbow joint position, temporary angles of the first and second axes or temporary angles of the first to fourth axes are determined. The temporary angles are corrected in accordance with at least one evaluation function calculated from the temporary angles.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218339A1

A humanoid robot equipped with an interface for natural dialog with an interlocutor is provided. Previously, the modalities of dialog between humanoid robots equipped moreover with evolved displacement functionalities and human beings are limited notably by the capabilities for voice and visual recognition processing that can be embedded onboard said robots. The present disclosure provides robots are presently equipped with capabilities to resolve doubt on a several modalities of communication of the messages that they receive and for combining these various modalities which make it possible to greatly improve the quality and the natural character of dialogs with the robots' interlocutors. This affords simple and user-friendly means for carrying out the programming of the functions making it possible to ensure the fluidity of these multimodal dialogs. 1. A humanoid robot comprising at least two channels for natural communication of messages with at least one interlocutor according to different modalities , said at least two channels each being chosen from a group of channels comprising receive , send channels , and a control module (for the inputs/outputs of said channels , wherein said control module is configured to improve the understanding of the messages received by said robot based on execution of at least one function chosen from a group of functions comprising a function of combining messages received/sent on a first channel and on a second channel , and a function of sending a second message generated based on a first message received on a channel.2. The humanoid robot of claim 1 , wherein said communication channels are chosen from a group of communication channels for sending and/or receiving audible claim 1 , visual claim 1 , tactile claim 1 , gestural claim 1 , positional or symbolic messages.3. The humanoid robot of claim 2 , wherein a first communication channel is a sound send channel and a second communication channel is a channel for receiving ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238151A1

The techniques described herein include for forming a power grid array with multiple power generators coupled to a power distribution unit. The power distribution unit is adapted to monitor operational data from each of the power generators to perform load balancing among the generators and to optimize the performance of the power grid array. A microgrid network is also provided within the power grid array to enable communication among the power distribution unit and the multiple generators in the array. This communication facilitates monitoring of the power grid as well as receiving and storing the operational data from each of the generators in the grid. The microgrid network can then be used to communicate the operational data over one or more connected networks allowing users to remotely access the power grid and to monitor and control the operational characteristics of the generators. 1. A method of using a power distribution unit , the method comprising:coupling together a plurality of power generators in a power grid array with a power distribution unit, wherein the power generators share an overall electrical load of the power grid array;monitoring the power grid array using a computer built into the power distribution unit;receiving operational data from each of the plurality of power generators via a digital control signal; andstoring the operational data received from each of the plurality of generators in a memory of the computer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising automatically synchronizing the plurality of generators in the power grid array.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising coordinating an amount of power each of the plurality of generators in the power grid array should contribute to the electrical load.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising storing the operational data of the generators in the power grid array as log files in the memory of the computer when the power grid array is operational.5. The method of claim 1 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System for controlling HVAC and lighting functionality

Номер: US20130245837A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for automatic setup and control of Lighting, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems comprising a set of occupancy detectors and at least one controller where the controller determines various aspects of the building control based on the input of the occupancy detectors.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method And System For Facilitating Control Of An Industrial System

Номер: US20130257863A1
Автор: Mikkelsen Christine

A method for displaying a two-dimensional image in a three-dimensional view. The two-dimensional image is formed by a plurality of objects representing elements of an industrial system. The three-dimensional view is displayed on a display of a control system of the industrial system, wherein at least one object is associated with a parameter value pertaining to a state of a corresponding element in the industrial system. The method includes determining the parameter value for the object; mapping the parameter value to a depth layer, which depth layer defines part of the three-dimensional view; and displaying the object in the depth layer. A corresponding control system is also presented herein. 1. A method for displaying a two-dimensional image in a three-dimensional view , the two-dimensional image being formed by a plurality of objects representing elements of an industrial system , the three-dimensional view being displayed on a display device of the industrial system , wherein at least one object is associated with a parameter value pertaining to a state of a corresponding element in the industrial system , wherein the method comprises:determining the parameter value for the at least one object mapping the parameter value to a depth layer, which depth layer defines part of the three-dimensional view, anddisplaying the at least one object in the depth layerwherein the step of mapping comprises mapping the at least one object to a depth layer in a near field of the three-dimensional view when the parameter value deviates from a criterion associated with a corresponding element in the industrial system.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:repeating the steps of determining and mapping, and provided that the mapping determines another depth layer,displaying the at least one object in the another depth layer.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of mapping comprises comparing the parameter value of the at least one object with the ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Lock Access Control Management Using Social Networks

Номер: US20130293351A1

A system for managing accessing to a locking device is disclosed. A group of users can register with a social networking service and an access management application hosted by the social networking service. A first user can grant, to a second user connected to the first user, access to the locking device and contents thereof. The access management application can notify the second user of the access, and the second user can initialize a mobile application on a mobile device. The mobile application can synchronize with the access management application to verify credentials of the second user. The second user can use the mobile device to connect, via a short-range communication connection, to the locking device and open the locking device.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Barrier Operator Feature Enhancement

Номер: US20200002997A1
Принадлежит: Chamberlain Group Inc

A barrier operator feature enhancement device is designed to provide one or more features found in modern barrier operator devices and to incorporate those features into a previously installed barrier operator system. To facilitate ease of use, the barrier operator feature enhancement device can communicate with a large variety of barrier operators. Such communication may be wireless or wired, depending on the communication protocol implemented by a particular previously installed barrier operator. To facilitate the ease of installation, the device is designed to configure itself to operate with the communication protocol of the previously installed barrier operator. Once configured to be able to communicate with the previously installed barrier operator, the feature enhancement device works with the barrier operator to provide one or more additional features to enhance the capabilities of the previously installed barrier operator.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003602A1
Автор: Russak Zeev
Принадлежит: AZURE VAULT LTD.

A method for controlling the mixing of a plurality of samples subject to a chemical process, the method comprising computer executed steps, the steps comprising: for each one of the samples, receiving respective data on a result obtained for the sample using the chemical process, and for each one of at least two of the samples, further receiving respective data on classification of the sample into one of at least two classes, for each one of the samples, calculating a respective rank based on the result obtained for the sample using the chemical process, finding among the samples, at least one pair of samples classified into different ones of the classes, such that for each respective one of the found pairs, none of the samples having a calculated rank in between the ranks calculated for the two samples of the found pair are classified into one of the classes. 1. A method for controlling the mixing of a plurality of samples subject to a chemical process , the method comprising computer executed steps , the steps comprising:a) for each one of the samples, receiving respective data on a result obtained for the sample using the chemical process, and for each one of at least two of the samples, further receiving respective data on classification of the sample into one of at least two classes;b) for each one of the samples, calculating a respective rank based on the result obtained for the sample using the chemical process;c) finding among the samples, at least one pair of samples classified into different ones of the classes, such that for each respective one of the found pairs, none of the samples having a calculated rank lower than the calculated rank of a first one of the samples of the found pair and higher than the calculated rank of a second one of the samples of the found pair, are classified into one of the classes;d) identifying a pair consisting of samples that are least close to each other in their calculated ranks among the found pairs; ande) generating ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011563A1

Disclosed is a method for controlling a smart air purifier, the method including: obtaining first air cleanliness of a first area in which a first air purifier is placed, and obtaining second air cleanliness of a second area in which a second air purifier is placed; when at least one of the first air cleanliness or the second air cleanliness is equal to or smaller than a preset threshold value, driving both the first air purifier and the second air purifier; monitoring a variation of the first air cleanliness and the second air cleanliness; calculating a weight that is proportional to the variation of the first air cleanliness and the second air cleanliness; and setting a driving mode for the first air purifier and the second air purifier based on the weight. 1. A method for controlling a smart air purifier , the method comprising:obtaining first air cleanliness of a first area in which a first air purifier is placed, and obtaining second air cleanliness of a second area in which a second air purifier is placed;when at least one of the first air cleanliness or the second air cleanliness is equal to or smaller than a preset threshold value, driving both the first air purifier and the second air purifier;monitoring a variation of the first air cleanliness and the second air cleanliness;calculating a first weight that is proportional to the variation of the first air cleanliness and a second weight that is proportional to the variation of the second air cleanliness; andsetting a driving mode for the first air purifier and the second air purifier based on the weight.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driving of the first and second air purifiers comprises randomly changing the driving mode at a predetermined time interval.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the monitoring of the variation of the first air cleanliness and the second air cleanliness comprises matching the driving mode and a state of the air cleanliness at the predetermined time interval.4. The method ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Device and method for monitoring and switching a load circuit

Номер: US20160025792A1
Автор: Oestreicher Michael

The invention relates to a device for monitoring and switching a load circuit, having an input part and an output part, having switching inputs to connect a controller to the input part, having switching outputs to connect at least one load circuit with at least one load to be switched to the output part, having at least one load switch to switch, in particular to switch on and off, the at least one load, having at least one fault detection circuit to detect a fault in the load circuit and to generate at least a first fault signal in the output part, and having a galvanic isolation stage for galvanically isolated transmission of this first fault signal and/or a second fault signal derived from this first fault signal from the output part to the input part. According to the invention the input part has an input circuit which converts switching commands of the controller incoming via the switching inputs into switching processes of the load switches. The transmitted fault signal is made available via the switching inputs for evaluation. 1. A device for monitoring and switching a load circuit , having:a) an input part and an output part,b) switching inputs to connect a controller to the input part,c) switching outputs to connect at least one load circuit with at least one load to be switched to the output part,d) at least one load switch for switching, in particular for switching on and off, the at least one load, whereine) the input part has an input circuit which converts switching commands of the controller incoming via the switching inputs into switching processes of the load switches,f) having at least one fault detection circuit to detect a fault in the load circuit and to generate at least a first fault signal in the output part andg) a galvanic isolation stage for galvanically isolated transmission of at least one of: this first fault signal or a second fault signal derived from this first fault signal from the output part to the input part,h) wherein the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Device and method for monitoring and switching a load circuit

Номер: US20160025793A1
Автор: Oestreicher Michael

In a device for monitoring and switching a load circuit, having an input part and an output part, having switching inputs to connect a controller to the input part, having switching outputs to connect at least one load circuit with at least one load to be switched to the output part, having at least one load switch to switch, in particular to switch on and off, the at least one load, having a first fault detection circuit, connected in parallel with the load circuit, to detect faults in the load circuit, and having a second fault detection circuit, connected in series with the load circuit, to detect faults in the load circuit, the input part has an input circuit which converts switching commands of the controller incoming via the switching inputs into switching processes of the load switches. The first and the second fault detection circuit respectively generate intermediate fault signals which are logically linked in a logic circuit to form an overall fault signal. The overall fault signal is transmitted from the output part to the input part and made available via the switching inputs for evaluation. 1. A device for monitoring and switching a load circuit , having:a) an input part and an output part,b) switching inputs to connect a controller to the input part,c) switching outputs to connect at least one load circuit with at least one load to be switched to the output part,d) at least one load switch for switching the at least one load,e) wherein the input part has an input circuit which converts switching commands of the controller incoming via the switching inputs into switching processes of the load switches,f) having a first fault detection circuit, connected in parallel with the load circuit, to detect faults in the load circuit andg) having a second fault detection circuit, connected in series with the load circuit, to detect faults in the load circuit,h) wherein the first and the second fault detection circuit each generate intermediate fault signals which ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114485A1
Автор: Nakada Hayato

The invention relates to a control device applied to an engine including a controlled object and for controlling the operation state of the controlled object such that the controlled output from the controlled object corresponds to the target controlled output. In the invention, when the reference engine state parameter is maintained constant during the predetermined time period and it is predicted that the reference engine state parameter changes at the predetermined time period having elapsed, the primary or secondary predicted controlled output which satisfies the output control condition at the predetermined time period having elapsed assuming that the reference engine state parameter does not change during the predetermined time period is calculated as a look-ahead predicted controlled output and then, the target controlled output setting logic for performing the functions of the target controlled output setting architecture is corrected on the basis of the look-ahead predicted controlled output. 1. A control device applied to an internal combustion engine comprising a controlled object and for controlling an operation state of the controlled object such that a controlled output from the controlled object corresponds to a target controlled output , the control device comprising a target controlled output setting architecture having:', 'a function for calculating as a primary predicted controlled output, a predicted controlled output in the case that the operation state of the controlled object is controlled using the base controlled output set on the basis of the reference engine state parameter as the target controlled output;', 'a function for setting the base controlled output as the target controlled output when the primary predicted controlled output satisfies the output constraint condition relating thereto and on the other hand, correcting the base controlled output to calculate a primary corrected base controlled output when the primary predicted ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Personalized ambient temperature management

Номер: US20160047565A1
Автор: David Robinson
Принадлежит: EchoStar UK Holdings Ltd

Systems, methods, and apparatus for automation control for personalized ambient temperature management are disclosed. First input corresponding to a first set of sensors may be processed. A location of a first occupant of a home may be determined based on the first input. Second input corresponding to a second set of sensors may be processed. A first temperature in the location may be determined based on the second input corresponding to the second set of one or more sensors. A first state of the first occupant in the location may be determined based on third input corresponding to the first set of sensors or corresponding to a third set of sensors. An adjustment may be determined based on the location, the first temperature, and the first state of the first occupant. One or more components of the home may be caused to adjust based on the adjustment.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Barrier Operator Feature Enhancement

Номер: US20140125499A1

A barrier operator feature enhancement device is designed to provide one or more features found in modern barrier operator devices and to incorporate those features into a previously installed barrier operator system. To facilitate ease of use, the barrier operator feature enhancement device can communicate with a large variety of barrier operators. Such communication may be wireless or wired, depending on the communication protocol implemented by a particular previously installed barrier operator. To facilitate the ease of installation, the device is designed to configure itself to operate with the communication protocol of the previously installed barrier operator. Once configured to be able to communicate with the previously installed barrier operator, the feature enhancement device works with the barrier operator to provide one or more additional features to enhance the capabilities of the previously installed barrier operator. 1. An apparatus comprising:a barrier operator communication module configured to be able to communicate with a plurality of barrier operator types by sending communication signals by wireless or wired communication protocols; 'control of operation of at least one feature of the at least one pre-installed barrier operator, or monitoring of at least one aspect of the at least one pre-installed barrier operator;', 'control circuitry configured to use the barrier operator communication module to communicate with any of the plurality of barrier operator types, the control circuitry configured to use the barrier operator communication module to communicate to at least one pre-installed barrier operator to effect at least one ofan input/output module operatively in communication with the control circuitry, the input/output module configured to receive communications from at least one peripheral device configured to provide information of at least one of regarding an operation status of the pre-installed barrier operator or to effect operation of ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Barrier Operator Feature Enhancement

Номер: US20220065024A1

A barrier operator feature enhancement device is designed to provide one or more features found in modern barrier operator devices and to incorporate those features into a previously installed barrier operator system. To facilitate ease of use, the barrier operator feature enhancement device can communicate with a large variety of barrier operators. Such communication may be wireless or wired, depending on the communication protocol implemented by a particular previously installed barrier operator. To facilitate the ease of installation, the device is designed to configure itself to operate with the communication protocol of the previously installed barrier operator. Once configured to be able to communicate with the previously installed barrier operator, the feature enhancement device works with the barrier operator to provide one or more additional features to enhance the capabilities of the previously installed barrier operator.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220076177A1
Принадлежит: Zymergen Inc.

The generation of a factory order includes receiving an expression indicating an operation on a first sequence operand and a second sequence operand. The first sequence operand represents multiple biological sequence parts, and the second sequence operand represents at least one biological sequence part. The expression is evaluated to a sequence specification, which represents modifications to at least one biological sequence, and comprises a data structure representing (a) the first and second sequence operands, (b) one or more first-level operations to be performed on one or more first-level sequence operands, and (c) one or more second-level operations, the execution of at least one of which resolves values of at least one of the first-level sequence operands. A factory order is generated based upon execution of at least one first-level operation and at least one second-level operation. 172.-. (canceled)73. A method comprising:(i) receiving, at a computing device, an expression indicating an operation on a first sequence operand and a second sequence operand, wherein the first sequence operand represents a plurality of biological sequence parts, and the second sequence operand represents at least one biological sequence part;(ii) executing, by a computing device, instructions to evaluate the expression to a sequence specification, wherein the sequence specification comprises a data structure representing (a) the first and second sequence operands, (b) one or more first-level operations to be performed on one or more first-level sequence operands, and (c) one or more second-level operations, the execution of at least one of which resolves a plurality of values of at least one of the one or more first-level sequence operands, wherein the sequence specification represents modifications to one or more biological sequences; and(iii) generating a factory order based upon execution, by a computing device, of one or more of the first-level operations and one or more of ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Energy exchange systems having actuators with multi-parametric control

Номер: US20190072917A1
Автор: David Zeltzer
Принадлежит: Individual

A dynamic energy exchange platform is described that provides real time control of various system components by using regular sensors as well as sensorless actuators, resulting in an overall balance of energy for the entire system. A sensorless multi-parametric control solution may provide regular operation control, support control, and improvement control. The regular operation control comprises system control during normal operation. The support control comprises abnormal operation recovery control, and the improvement control allows potential system growth and/or controlling aging degradation. Embodiments of the disclosure encompass man-machine and machine-machine (or machine/material) interfaces with active points where energy exchange takes place.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140156034A1
Автор: Taheri Mohammad Ali

Provided is a method for applying a consciousness field to industrial processes. 1. A method for improving product of an industrial process , comprising:a) having a person who is connected to interuniversal consciousness that exists inherently in every person to exhibit a consciousness field;b) having the person apply the consciousness field to an industrial process by associating the industrial process with the consciousness field to produce a product with a quality that is superior to a product obtained from the same industrial process without use of a consciousness field.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the person obtains the consciousness field by connecting with another person who already is connected to the interuniversal consciousness.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the connection can be in person.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the connection can be over a communication network.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the consciousness field that is applied is one or more of general consciousness field (Faradarmani) claim 1 , defensive radiation (Non organic Faradarmani) claim 1 , Purposeful Faradarmani (shared mind) claim 1 , and combination thereof (all radiation).6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method results in a change of form and arrangement of molecules.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method results in formation or analysis of new compounds.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method results in a structure rehabilitation.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the consciousness field involves being present at least once during the manufacturing process.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the industrial process produces one or more of cement claim 1 , nano materials claim 1 , composites claim 1 , alloys claim 1 , catalysts claim 1 , mixtures of chemicals claim 1 , formulations of chemicals or ingredients claim 1 , pharmaceuticals claim 1 , disinfectants claim 1 , or pain relievers. It has been more than three decades that two ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082989A1

A transport control system divides a series of data-processing operations into mutually independent processes, and causes the process execution units to execute the respective processes. The data input or output by each process execution unit is stored in the data storage separate from the process execution unit, and transfer of the data between the respective process execution units is performed via the data storage instead of being performed directly between the process execution units. By separating the processes from each other and also separating the processes from the data in this manner, without affecting process execution units other than a process execution unit to be changed and the data storage, the process execution unit to be changed can be changed to a different process execution unit. 1. A transport control system configured to perform a series of data-processing operations for controlling transport of an article , the transport control system comprising:a plurality of process execution units configured to execute a plurality of mutually independent processes constituting the data-processing operations;at least one data storage configured to store therein a plurality of pieces of data input or output by the process execution units; andan adapter via which data is transferred between the process execution units and the data storage,wherein a first process execution unit out of the process execution units inputs data as a target of the data-processing operations, executes a predetermined process using the data, and outputs data obtained by executing this process to the data storage,each process execution unit between the first process execution unit and a last process execution unit out of the process execution units inputs data that is output to the data storage by a process execution unit immediately preceding this process execution unit, executes a predetermined process using the data, and outputs data obtained by executing this process to the data ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200084164A1
Принадлежит: Clearpath Robotics Inc.

A system, apparatus and method for automatic environmental data collection and analysis are provided, including a server comprising: a processor and a communication interface, the processor configured to: receive, using the communication interface, a geographic survey request from a first computing device; translate the geographic survey request into mission data for collecting geographic survey data; transmit, using the communication interface, the mission data to a second computing device associated with a geographic survey entity; receive, using the communication interface, the geographic survey data collected by the geographic survey entity using the mission data; analyze the geographic survey data to generate processed geographic survey data; and, transmit, using the communication interface, the processed geographic survey data to the first computing device. 114.-. (canceled)15. A system for automatic environmental data collection and analysis , the system comprising:an unmanned vehicle associated with a geographical survey entity; and receive, via the communication interface, a geographic survey request;', 'determine whether one or more sets of stored geographic survey data stored in a memory is sufficient to satisfy the geographic survey request; and', translate the geographic survey request into mission data for collecting geographic survey data, wherein the mission data comprises data for instructing the unmanned vehicle to collect the geographic survey data;', 'transmit, via the communication interface, the mission data to a survey computing device associated with the geographic survey entity;', 'receive, via the communication interface, the geographic survey data collected by the geographic survey entity using the mission data and the unmanned vehicle; and', 'analyze the geographic survey data to generate a processed geographic survey data., 'in response to determining the geographic survey request cannot be satisfied with the one or more sets of stored ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Barrier Operator Feature Enhancement

Номер: US20190085615A1

A barrier operator feature enhancement device is designed to provide one or more features found in modern barrier operator devices and to incorporate those features into a previously installed barrier operator system. To facilitate ease of use, the barrier operator feature enhancement device can communicate with a large variety of barrier operators. Such communication may be wireless or wired, depending on the communication protocol implemented by a particular previously installed barrier operator. To facilitate the ease of installation, the device is designed to configure itself to operate with the communication protocol of the previously installed barrier operator. Once configured to be able to communicate with the previously installed barrier operator, the feature enhancement device works with the barrier operator to provide one or more additional features to enhance the capabilities of the previously installed barrier operator. 1. An apparatus comprising:an input/output module configured to communicate with a computing device;a presence detector configured to detect the presence of a vehicle; andcontrol circuitry communicatively coupled to the input/output module and the presence detector;the control circuitry configured to effect synchronization, in response to detection of the vehicle by the presence detector, between vehicle data stored by a storage device of the vehicle and computing device data stored by the computing device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is a server remote from at least one of the vehicle and the apparatus.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control circuitry is configured to effect synchronization between the vehicle data and the computing device data by causing the input/output module to communicate data between the computing device and the storage device of the vehicle.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle data includes media files claim 1 , mapping data claim 1 , navigation data claim 1 , ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

System and method of controlling surrounding devices, based on topology

Номер: US20140173063A1

A system and method of controlling surrounding devices, based on a topology are provided. The method of controlling sub surrounding devices, which is performed by a main surrounding device, includes receiving a plurality of pieces of surrounding device information about the sub surrounding devices from a host device; receiving context information about a context of the host device from the host device; obtaining topology setting information about topology configuration standards; determining a sub surrounding device to be comprised in a topology from among the sub surrounding devices, based on the context information and the topology setting information; connecting the main surrounding device with the host device and the sub surrounding device; and controlling the sub surrounding device, based on control information received from the host device.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Wastewater treatment system design

Номер: US20160107908A1

Embodiments of the invention describe components to be utilized on the design, management and implementation of a wastewater treatment system. Said wastewater treatment system may include containers that, for example, may be consistent with ISO specifications for intermodal containers. In some embodiments, these containers act in concert to perform the same wastewater management function (e.g., the containers may function together as equalization basins). In other embodiments, said containers may each perform a separate function (e.g., some containers may function as an aeration tank while others container may function as a membrane basin), or may each perform a plurality of functions. Furthermore, said containers may form an independent wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), or may be utilized to augment a pre-existing WWTP (e.g., a WWTP according to the prior art).

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170108245A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Provided are a heliostat calibration, device and a heliostat calibration method that can suppress time-change-dependent control error increases and can reduce calibration frequency. The present invention is provided with: an initial position information acquisition unit that acquires initial position information for a heliostat; a theoretical value calculating unit that calculates from the heliostat initial position information and sun position information a theoretical value that is related to the orientation of the heliostat; a deviation calculation unit that, using as input an actual measured value for the orientation of the heliostat, calculates the deviation between the theoretical value and the actual measured value at least two times a day; and a coordinate calibration unit that, when the deviation exceeds a threshold value, calibrates the coordinates of the heliostat such that the deviation is at or below the threshold value. 1. A calibration device for a heliostat that reflects sunlight toward a receiver by following the sun , the device comprising:an initial position information obtaining unit that obtains initial position information of the heliostat;a theoretical value calculation unit that calculates a theoretical value related to the orientation of the heliostat from the initial position information of the heliostat and position information of the sun;a deviation calculation unit that obtains a measured value of the orientation of the heliostat as input and calculates the deviation between the theoretical value and the measured value at least at two time points in one day; anda coordinate calibration unit that calibrates, in a case where the deviation exceeds a threshold, the coordinates of the heliostat to coordinates at which the deviation is less than or equal to the threshold.2. The calibration device for a heliostat according to claim 1 ,wherein when the time point at which the azimuth angle formed by the heliostat, the receiver, and the sun is ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Reactive Replenishable Device Management

Номер: US20160114684A1
Принадлежит: AeroVironment Inc

Reactive replenishable device management comprises receiving device measurement data from at least one device, updating one or more device usage profiles associated with the at least one device, and if an analysis of the one or more device usage profiles indicates usage of the at least one device is sub-optimal, performing one or more of: controlling at least one of an attribute or an operation of the at least one device, issuing one or more device management recommendations to a user of the at least one device, and issuing one or more user alerts to the user. The at least one device comprises at least one of one or more replenishable devices, one or more replenishers associated with the one or more replenishable devices, and one or more other devices associated with the one or more replenishable devices.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150120079A1

An information processing apparatus includes an input unit, an output unit, a change amount determination unit, and an instruction unit. The input unit is configured to input a measured temperature that is a measured value of a temperature of a measurement point. The output unit is configured to output a manipulated variable to a temperature control mechanism configured to control the temperature of the measurement point to be a set temperature, the manipulated variable being used for controlling the set temperature. The change amount determination unit is configured to determine an amount of temporal change of the input measured temperature. The instruction unit is configured to instruct the output unit to output a unit manipulated variable with a predetermined manipulated variable as a unit, based on a determination by the change amount determination unit. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:an input unit configured to input a measured temperature that is a measured value of a temperature of a measurement point;an output unit configured to output a manipulated variable to a temperature control mechanism configured to control the temperature of the measurement point to be a set temperature, the manipulated variable being used for controlling the set temperature;a change amount determination unit configured to determine an amount of temporal change of the input measured temperature; andan instruction unit configured to instruct the output unit to output a unit manipulated variable with a predetermined manipulated variable as a unit, based on a determination by the change amount determination unit.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe change amount determination unit is configured to determine whether the amount of temporal change falls within a predetermined range, andthe instruction unit is configured to give an instruction to output the unit manipulated variable when it is determined that the amount of temporal ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200112529A1
Принадлежит: LINE Plus Corporation

Provided is a method of controlling an Internet of Things (IoT) device using a messenger bot, the method including adding a chatroom with a bot for interaction between an IoT server and a user of a messenger; and instructing the IoT server to transmit a control signal to the IoT device in response to a control input that is input from the user to the bot through the chatroom. 1. An Internet of Things (IoT) control method implemented by a computer system including processing circuitry configured to execute computer-readable instructions included in a memory , the method comprising:adding, by the processing circuitry, a chatroom with a bot for interaction between an IoT server and a user of a messenger installed on the computer system; andinstructing, by the processing circuitry, the IoT server to transmit a control signal to an IoT device in response to a control input that is input from the user to the bot through the chatroom.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes adding the chatroom with the bot to a chatroom list of the messenger in response to an input from the user adding an account of the IoT server.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes claim 1 ,providing a user interface for receiving user information from the user, andadding the chatroom with the bot after verifying whether the user is registered with the IoT server based on user information about the user.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes transmitting user information about the user and registered with the messenger to the IoT server to enable the IoT server to one of newly register the user information claim 1 , match the user information to existing user information about the user that has been registered with the IoT server claim 1 , or both.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes claim 1 ,retrieving information about the IoT device through a device search using near field communication as a device to be controlled through the chatroom ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134594A1

Embodiments of the invention describe components to be utilized on the design, management and implementation of a wastewater treatment system. Said wastewater treatment system may include containers that, for example, may be consistent with ISO specifications for intermodal containers. In some embodiments, these containers act in concert to perform the same wastewater management function (e.g., the containers may function together as equalization basins). In other embodiments, said containers may each perform a separate function (e.g., some containers may function as an aeration tank while others container may function as a membrane basin), or may each perform a plurality of functions. Furthermore, said containers may form an independent wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), or may be utilized to augment a pre-existing WWTP (e.g., a WWTP according to the prior art). 1. (canceled)2. A system comprising: detecting a change to a target operational parameter of the plurality of wastewater treatment basins based on sensor data received from the one or more sensors;', 'based on whether the change to the target operational parameter relates to a first wastewater treatment function or a second wastewater treatment function of the plurality of wastewater treatment basins, determining to, via a routing piping subsystem, bring one or more of the plurality of wastewater treatment basins online or take one or more of the wastewater treatment basins offline; and', 'communicating one or more instructions to the control compartment to, via the routing piping subsystem, perform the bringing of one or more of the plurality of wastewater treatment systems online or taking of the one or more of basins offline., 'a computer executed control system communicatively coupled to one or more sensors and a control compartment, the control system configured to perform operations for managing wastewater treatment in a plurality of wastewater treatment basins, the operations comprising3. The system ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Correction of non-imaging thermal measurement devices

Номер: US20190134709A1
Принадлежит: Sigma Labs Inc

A system and a corresponding method of correcting temperature data from a non-imaging optical sensor involve collecting temperature data generated using the optical sensor. The temperature data describes temperature changes across a surface of a material during an additive manufacturing operation in which the material is heated by a heat source. The method includes estimating a size of a hot spot corresponding to a hottest region formed on the surface by the heat source; and estimating a size of a heated region corresponding to a locus of points within the field of view that contribute to the temperature data. The method further includes correcting the temperature data based on the estimated sizes of the hot spot and the heated region.

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150148937A1

An arrangement includes a grinding wheel and a hand-held power tool. The hand-held power tool comprises a housing, a drive shaft, a drive unit configured to drive the drive shaft, a first handle and a second handle which are each fixed on the housing, a sensor, and an evaluation and control device. The sensor is configured to record at least one property information of the grinding wheel so as to determine a diameter of the grinding wheel. The evaluation and control device is configured to generate a setpoint value for a rotational speed based on the at least one property information of the grinding wheel recorded. 1. An arrangement comprising:a grinding wheel; and a housing;', 'a drive shaft;', 'a drive unit configured to drive the drive shaft;', 'a first handle and a second handle which are each fixed on the housing;', 'a sensor configured to record at least one property information of the grinding wheel so as to determine a diameter of the grinding wheel; and', 'an evaluation and control device configured to generate a setpoint value for a rotational speed based on the at least one property information of the grinding wheel recorded., 'a hand-held power tool comprising2. The arrangement as recited in claim 1 , wherein the hand-held power tool is an angle grinder.3. The arrangement as recited in claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an optical sensor.4. The arrangement as recited in claim 3 , wherein the optical sensor is a light scanner or an image acquisition unit.5. The arrangement as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one property information of the grinding wheel is a coded marking provided on the grinding wheel claim 1 , the coded marking being configured to change when the diameter of the grinding wheel is reduced.6. The arrangement as recited in claim 5 , wherein the coded marking is an optically recordable marking.7. The arrangement as recited in claim 6 , wherein the optically recordable marking is provided on the grinding wheel in a two-dimensional ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160704A1
Автор: ASAI Yuusuke, EIRAKU Taiki
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A management system determines whether or not there exists a display rule which considers a selected type of a type to which one or more elements selected based on a monitoring result belongs, to be a first type. When a result of the determination is positive, the management system displays two or more columns arranged in an arrangement order in accordance with the display rule. The display rule is a customized rule and includes the first type, one or more second types, and an arrangement order of display of two or more columns respectively. A first column, a column corresponding to the selected type, displays one or more objects respectively corresponding to the one or more selected elements. Each of one or more second columns displays an object corresponding to an element belonging to a type corresponding to the second column and is topologically related to at least one of the one or more selected elements. 1. A management system for managing an information system including a plurality of elements belonging to a plurality of types , the management system comprising:an interface device coupled to the information system;a storage unit; and (A) determine whether or not a display rule is stored in the storage unit, the display rule considering a selected type that is a type to which one or more elements selected based on a monitoring result belong, to be a first type; and', '(B) when a determination result of (A) is positive, display two or more columns which are arranged in an arrangement order in accordance with the display rule,, 'a processor configured to detect the plurality of elements by collecting configuration information from the information system, store the configuration information in the storage unit, and monitor the plurality of detected elements, the processor being configured tothe display rule being a customized rule and including the first type, one or more second types, and an arrangement order of display of two or more columns respectively ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160842A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

Pursuant to the increase in the number of objects to be managed and the complication of relations of the objects to be managed, the current condition is that the visibility of the GUI of management software is deteriorating. As one such current condition, there is a problem in that the display name of equipment to be managed on the GUI cannot be entirely displayed depending on the screen. Thus, the present invention improves the readability on the GUI by changing the display name according to the objective of the administrator by using a label in which the display name is divided into morphemes and the priority assigned thereto, as well as using topology information, and fitting the display name within the display area prepared on the screen. 1. A management computer which is connected to a computer system configured from equipment including a computer , a switch and a storage apparatus , and which displays management information of the equipment in a GUI , the management computer comprising:a memory including:equipment management information which includes an identifier of the equipment and a display name to be displayed on the GUI of the equipment;topology information which shows a relation of the equipment;label information which includes a label as a morpheme configuring the display name; andscreen information which includes an identifier of the equipment to be displayed on the GUI of the equipment and a displayable area of the equipment; anda processor which executes processing of:referring to the equipment management information and the screen information and identifying the display name to be displayed on the GUI; andreferring to the topology information and the label information and adding or deleting the label to or from the display name so that the display name to be displayed on the GUI fits in the displayable area.2. The management computer according to claim 1 ,wherein the label information further includes a priority, andwherein the addition or ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150168958A1

There is provided a gas mixer arrangement comprising a first gas source for supplying a first gas; a second gas source for supplying a second gas different from said first gas; first and second flow regulation devices for regulating the respective flow of the first gas and second gases from the first and second gas sources; a mixer, and an outlet. The mixer is located downstream of the first and second flow regulation devices and arranged, in use, to mix the first and second gases to provide a mixed gas to the outlet. The gas mixer arrangement further comprises a meter comprising a first sensor assembly operable to determine the average molecular weight of the mixed gas and including a high-frequency planar piezoelectric crystal oscillator in contact with the mixed gas, a second sensor assembly operable to determine the pressure of the gas downstream of one of the first or second flow regulation devices, and a controller operable, in response to the average molecular weight of the mixed gas and said gas pressure, to control automatically said first and second flow regulation devices to control the relative proportion of the first and second gases in said mixed gas and the pressure or mass flow rate of the mixed gas from the outlet. 1. A gas mixer arrangement comprising:a first gas source for supplying a first gas;a second gas source for supplying a second gas different from said first gas; first and second flow regulation devices for regulating the respective flow of the first gas and second gases from the first and second gas sources;a mixer, andan outlet, the mixer being located downstream of the first and second flow regulation devices and arranged, in use, to mix the first and second gases to provide a mixed gas to the outlet, wherein the gas mixer arrangement further comprises a meter, the meter comprising:a first sensor assembly operable to determine the average molecular weight of the mixed gas and including a high-frequency planar piezoelectric crystal ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Intelligent Temperature Controller for Biofuel-Fired Burner

Номер: US20200158339A1

A controller monitors temperature in a bio-fuel fired device and automatically controls dampers, blowers and the like to reduce generation of smoke or other pollutants, thereby promoting proper operation of a catalytic converter. 1. A bio-fuel fire control system comprising:a first port configured to be coupled to a temperature sensor and to receive from the temperature sensor a signal indicating a temperature of exhaust gas from a bio-fuel fire;a second port configured to be coupled to an air handler that supplies air to the bio-fuel fire and to supply to the air handler a control signal that controls a rate at which the air handler supplies air to the bio-fuel fire; and repeatedly receive, via the first port, the signal indicating the temperature of the exhaust gas, thereby receiving a series of temperature level samples; and', compare the temperature level sample to a first predetermined value; and', generate a control signal configured to cause the air handler to increase the rate at which the air handler supplies air to the bio-fuel fire; and', 'send, via the second port, the generated control signal to the air handler., 'when, as a result of the comparison, the temperature level sample is found to be less than the first predetermined value], 'for each temperature level sample of at least some of the series of temperature level samples], 'a controller coupled to the first and second ports and configured to automatically2. A bio-fuel fire control system according to claim 1 , wherein the first predetermined value is about 213° F.3. A bio-fuel fire control system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to automatically calculate a temperature at which moisture is exhausted by the exhaust gas from the bio-fuel fire and set the first predetermined value to the calculated temperature. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/363,123, filed Nov. 29, 2016, titled “Intelligent Oxygen Level Controller for Biofuel-Fired ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150192912A1

A method and system for transferring between combustion modes in a gas turbine engine is provided. A processor generates data representative of an initial set of splits for providing at least one of fuel and air to at least one combustor in the gas turbine engine. A gas turbine engine model module generates data representative of at least one engine operating condition. A first split calculation module generates data representative of at least one set of active control splits to control the engine in a first combustion mode, using as an input the initial split data. A second split calculation module generates data representative of at least one set of passive control splits to control the engine in at least a second combustion mode. Transfer between combustion modes may be accomplished via use of at least one of the active control splits and the passive control splits. 1. A method for use in transferring between combustion modes in a gas turbine engine , said method implemented using a computing device including a processor coupled to a memory device , said method comprising:generating, with the computing device, data representative of an initial set of splits for providing at least one of fuel and air to at least one combustor in the gas turbine engine;generating, with the computing device, a model of the gas turbine engine, wherein the gas turbine engine model generates as an output data representative of at least one operating condition within the gas turbine engine;generating, with a first split calculation module within the computing device, data representative of at least one set of active control splits for use in controlling the gas turbine engine in a first combustion mode, using as an input the initial split data; andgenerating, with at least a second split calculation module within the computing device, data representative of at least one set of passive control splits for use in controlling the gas turbine engine in at least a second combustion mode, ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Barrier Operator Feature Enhancement

Номер: US20160194912A1
Принадлежит: Chamberlain Group Inc

A barrier operator feature enhancement device is designed to provide one or more features found in modern barrier operator devices and to incorporate those features into a previously installed barrier operator system. To facilitate ease of use, the barrier operator feature enhancement device can communicate with a large variety of barrier operators. Such communication may be wireless or wired, depending on the communication protocol implemented by a particular previously installed barrier operator. To facilitate the ease of installation, the device is designed to configure itself to operate with the communication protocol of the previously installed barrier operator. Once configured to be able to communicate with the previously installed barrier operator, the feature enhancement device works with the barrier operator to provide one or more additional features to enhance the capabilities of the previously installed barrier operator.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186767A1

A motion sensor assembly may include a cover plate configured to be mounted to an electrical box. The cover plate may include a front surface configured to face away from the electrical box and a rear surface opposite the front surface. The cover plate may further include an aperture configured to receive a toggle or rocker type switch. A motion sensor may be coupled to the cover plate. A power source and processor may be operably coupled to the motion sensor. Furthermore, the processor may be operably coupled to a communication device. 1. A motion sensor assembly for an electrical box , the motion sensor assembly comprising:a cover plate configured to at least partially cover the electrical box when mounted;a motion sensor coupled to the cover plate;a processor configured to receive signals from the motion sensor and detect movement based on the received signals; anda communication device configured to transmit an indication of movement detected by the processor.2. The motion sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cover plate comprises a central aperture configured to receive a switch.3. The motion sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cover plate comprises at least one mounting hole for fixing the cover plate to the electrical box.4. The motion sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:another cover plate disposed adjacent to the cover plate,wherein the cover plates are configured to cover the electrical box when mounted.5. The motion sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the cover plate comprises a front surface that faces away from the electrical box when mounted, and a rear surface opposite the front surface;the processor and the communication device are behind the rear surface of the cover plate; andthe motion sensor is positioned to sense motion from the front surface of the cover plate.6. The motion sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an indicator visible from a front surface of the cover plate.7. The motion sensor assembly of claim 1 , ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160199249A1
Автор: Dunham Brian, Laren Carter

An example sexual aid apparatus is disclosed. In an embodiment, the sexual aid apparatus includes an electro-mechanical device configured to operate according to a control pattern to facilitate the achievement of an orgasm within a user during a session and transmit a device state. The apparatus also includes a sensor configured to measure physiological data of a user during use of the electro-mechanical device. The apparatus further includes a control engine configured to receive the physiological data from the sensor and the device state from the electro-mechanical device and determine an adjustment to the control pattern based on the physiological data from the sensor and the device state. The control engine is also configured to transmit signals related to the adjusted control pattern to the electro-mechanical device causing the electro-mechanical device to operate according to the adjusted control pattern. 1. A sexual aid apparatus comprising: operate according to a control pattern to facilitate an achievement of an orgasm within a user during a session, and', 'transmit a device state;, 'an electro-mechanical device configured toa sensor configured to measure physiological data of a user during use of the electro-mechanical device; and receive the physiological data from the sensor and the device state from the electro-mechanical device,', 'determine an adjustment to the control pattern based on the physiological data from the sensor and the device state, and', 'transmit signals related to the adjusted control pattern to the electro-mechanical device causing the electro-mechanical device to operate according to the adjusted control pattern., 'a control engine configured to2. The sexual aid apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control engine is included within a server remotely located from the electro-mechanical device.3. The sexual aid apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the physiological data includes at least one of a vaginal air pressure claim 1 , a heart rate ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222498A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Global Mining Equipment LLC

A machine comprising a frame supported on a movable carrier. A first actuator is adapted to actuate a boom coupled to the frame. A first sensor generates signals indicative of a spatial orientation of the boom. At least one second actuator actuates a drilling work device coupled to the boom. A second sensor generates signals indicative of a spatial orientation of the drilling work device. A controller receives signals indicative of the spatial orientation of the boom and the drilling work device and actuates at least one of the first actuator and the second actuator through predetermined sequential steps to automatically position the machine in a default configuration. The controller further receives signals indicative of data corresponding to at least one drilling hole and automatically positions the machine in an operating configuration. 1. A machine comprising:a movable carrier;a frame supported on the movable carrier;a boom coupled to the frame;a first actuator adapted to actuate the boom;at least one first sensor configured to generate signals indicative of a spatial orientation of the boom;a drilling work device coupled at a distal portion of the boom;at least one second actuator adapted to actuate the drilling work device;at least one second sensor configured to generate signals indicative of a spatial orientation of the drilling work device;a user input interface configured to generate signals indicative of data corresponding to at least one drilling hole; and receive signals indicative of the spatial orientation of the boom;', 'receive signals indicative of the spatial orientation of the drilling work device;', 'actuate selectively the first actuator and the second actuator through predetermined sequential steps to automatically position the machine in a default configuration;', 'receive signals indicative of the data corresponding to the at least one drilling hole; and', 'actuate at least one of the first actuator and the second actuator based on the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200186612A1
Автор: Saint Clair Gordon

A system and method for managing, routing and controlling devices and inter-device connections located within an environment to manage and control the environment using a control client is presented. A user configures a presentation environment into one or more sub-environments, restricts access to one or more devices of a presentation sub-environment, or schedules one or more resources within a presentation sub-environment. 1a server configured to host a database that includes information describing a set of static connections and information describing a set of adaptable nodes and that is further configured to run a scheduling service;a control client that is configured to control at least one output device within the environment and to communicate with the scheduling service;a control client web application including one or more components configured to render a user interface on the control client,a control switch that is configured to communicate with the control client; andan output device configurator that is configured to send a request to access the output device to the scheduling service and through the control switch, to send configuration information to the output device, and to send control information to the output device, wherein the scheduling service is configured to manage availability of the output device for access and the output device is locked to the control client to prevent any other second control client from controlling the at least one output device.. An apparatus for controlling an environment, comprising: The present invention relates to a system and method for controlling, managing and routing data among multiple devices that are sources or consumers of streaming data and control devices present in a given environment in a hardware independent manner. In one embodiment, audiovisual data streams and other controllable devices in a presentation environment are controlled by the present system and method. Other embodiments allow users to ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Air Conditioner Mister, Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20190191595A1
Принадлежит: Mistbox, Inc.

An apparatus includes a mister having an on state and an off state. A thermostat is coupled to an air conditioner compressor and to the mister. The thermostat informs the mister when the air conditioner compressor is running and the mister uses that information to determine whether to transition between the on state and the off state. 119-. (canceled)20. An apparatus comprising:a mister having an on state and an off state;a thermostat coupled to an air conditioner compressor and to the mister; andwherein the thermostat informs the mister when the air conditioner compressor is running and the mister uses that information to determine whether to transition between the on state and the off state.21. The apparatus of wherein the thermostat is wirelessly coupled to the mister.22. An apparatus comprising:a mister having an on state and an off state;an air conditioner compressor having a fan; anda sensor coupled to the air conditioner compressor and to the mister, wherein the sensor detects a difference in light adjacent the air conditioner compressor when the air conditioner compressor is on and the fan is spinning versus when it is off and the fan is not spinning;wherein the mister uses the sensor to determine whether to transition between the on state and the off state.23. The apparatus of wherein the sensor detects a difference in the intensity of light adjacent the air conditioner compressor when the air conditioner compressor is on and the fan is spinning versus when it is off and the fan is not spinning.24. The apparatus of wherein the fan has blades and the apparatus further comprises:a mirror coupled to one of the blades of the fan and positioned so that it will direct light in flashes to the sensor once per revolution of the fan; andwherein the sensor detects the once-per-revolution flashes of light.25. The apparatus of wherein the fan has blades and the sensor detects a difference in the intensity of light adjacent the air conditioner compressor when a blade of ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210234818A1
Принадлежит: LINE Plus Corporation

Provided is a method of controlling an Internet of Things (IoT) device using a messenger bot, the method including adding a chatroom with a bot for interaction between an IoT server and a user of a messenger; and instructing the IoT server to transmit a control signal to the IoT device in response to a control input that is input from the user to the bot through the chatroom. 1. An Internet of Things (IoT) control method implemented by a computer system including processing circuitry configured to execute computer-readable instructions included in a memory , the method comprising:adding, by the processing circuitry, a chatroom with a bot for interaction between an IoT server and a user of a messenger installed on the computer system;providing, on the chatroom, an IoT device list including IoT devices controllable through the chatroom with the bot and a menu list including at least one function of an IoT device selected from the IoT devices;receiving a control input from the user based on a selection from the IoT device list and the menu list;specifying an IoT device among the IoT devices to be controlled and a control instruction for the IoT device in response to the control input; andinstructing, by the processing circuitry, the IoT server to transmit a control signal including the control instruction to the IoT device in response to the control input.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes adding the chatroom with the bot to a chatroom list of the messenger in response to an input from the user adding an account of the IoT server.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes claim 1 ,providing a user interface for receiving user information from the user, andadding the chatroom with the bot after verifying whether the user is registered with the IoT server based on user information about the user.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding includes transmitting user information about the user and registered with the messenger to the IoT ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190204797A1

Feedback is provided to a user based on a setting for a set of energy consuming devices. While a user modifies a thermostat's schedule or provides user commands to adjust a setting for the set of energy consuming devices, a user interface component generates feedback to the consumer in response to an adjusted setting based on a condition for a predetermined function. A positive feedback component generates a positive feedback, such as a positive image in the user interface if the setting meets or exceeds a recommended performance metric for an operational parameter for the set of energy consuming devices. A negative feedback component generates a negative feedback, such as a negative image if the setting meets or exceeds a second condition, such as a discouraged performance metric. 1. (canceled)2. An apparatus comprising:a memory storing computer-executable instructions; accessing property data associated with an individual property among multiple monitored properties;', 'accessing utility data associated with the individual property among the multiple monitored properties;', 'determining an energy profile of the individual property based on the accessed property data and the accessed utility data;', 'compiling the energy profile of the individual property into an aggregate property database for the multiple monitored properties;', 'using the aggregate property database to compare the energy profile of the individual property to energy profiles of other similar type properties; and', 'presenting, to a user, results of the comparison of the energy profile of the individual property to the energy profiles of other similar type properties., 'a processor, communicatively coupled to the memory, that facilitates execution of the computer-executable instructions to perform operations comprising3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein accessing property data associated with an individual property among multiple monitored properties comprises accessing physical and demographic ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Information Handling System with a Common Air Duct for Multiple Air Flow Guiding Configurations

Номер: US20190204883A1
Принадлежит: Dell Products LP

An information handling system includes a tray having a central processing unit. A main air duct component mounts on the tray over the central processing unit. The main air duct component includes a first portion having a first side vent region and a second side vent region. The main air duct component receives first and second side covers to cover the first and second side vent regions in response to the main air duct component being in a first configuration. The main air duct component receives a partition within the first portion to direct air flow out of the first and second side vent regions in response to the main air duct component being in a second configuration.

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Using a Foam Panel in Water-Based Cooling

Номер: US20190223328A1
Принадлежит: Mistbox, Inc.

A foam panel has a front face and a rear face. The foam panel is used in water-based cooling of air entering an air conditioner compressor. A plurality of channels is manufactured in a predetermined pattern into the foam panel from the front face to the rear face. 1. An apparatus comprising:a foam panel, having a front face and a rear face, for use in water-based cooling of air entering an air conditioner compressor;a plurality of channels manufactured in a predetermined pattern into the foam panel from the front face to the rear face.2. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of channels is sized and placed such that when the foam panel is wet with water claim 1 , air flowing through the channels is cooled by evaporation of water.3. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of channels is sized and placed such that when the foam panel is wet with water claim 1 , air flow from the front face to the rear face through the plurality of channels has an impedance of less than a predetermined impedance.4. The apparatus of wherein the foam panel is manufactured from a foam material having antibacterial properties.5. The apparatus of wherein the foam panel is made of a material having a three-dimensional open cell structure in which the cells are interconnected.6. The apparatus of wherein the material is a polyvinyl alcohol.7. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of channels is manufactured into the foam panel by die cutting.8. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of channels is manufactured into the foam panel by water jet cutting.9. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of channels is manufactured into the foam panel using a mold.10. The apparatus of wherein the pattern is regular.11. The apparatus of wherein the pattern has a plurality of long rows of channels interleaved with a plurality of short rows of channels.12. The apparatus of wherein the pattern has a plurality of rows of channels.13. The apparatus of wherein the pattern is a random pattern.14. The apparatus of ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200237133A1

A control system, method and computer program product for controlling food processing steps performed by a multi-function cooking apparatus and food processing steps performed by one or more remote kitchen appliances for preparing a food product. A recipe program interface is configured to access on a data storage device a recipe program for preparing the food product wherein the recipe program is configured to be executed by the cooking apparatus and to synchronize food processing steps performed by the cooking apparatus with food processing steps performed by the one or more remote kitchen appliances. A validation component is configured to check if the one or more remote kitchen appliances are registered with the cooking apparatus in an appliance registry, and is further configured to check if technical specifications of registered remote kitchen appliances comply with control parameters in respective recipe program instructions. 1. A control system for controlling food processing steps performed by a multi-function cooking apparatus and by one or more remote kitchen appliances for preparing a food product , comprising:a recipe program interface configured to access on a data storage device a recipe program for preparing the food product wherein the recipe program is configured to be executed by the cooking apparatus and to synchronize food processing steps performed by the cooking apparatus with food processing steps performed by the one or more remote kitchen appliances;a registration component configured to register the one or more remote kitchen appliances with the cooking apparatus in an appliance registry; 'wherein the control system is further configured to notify a recipe execution engine of the cooking apparatus that the recipe program cannot be executed, if at least one of the one or more remote kitchen appliances is not registered in the appliance registry, and to trigger execution of the recipe program by the cooking apparatus to initiate the ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Operating a High Pressure Ethylene Polymerization Unit

Номер: US20190244682A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Disclosed are high-pressure polymerization methods and systems using optimized operation sequence logic established at least partly from an analysis of a database containing data of previous operations. The optimized operation sequence logic and collected current process and system data are used to automate the operation of a high pressure ethylene polymerization process and unit.

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140371913A1
Автор: Zeltzer David

A dynamic energy exchange platform is described that provides real time control of various system components by using regular sensors as well as sensorless actuators, resulting in an overall balance of energy for the entire system. A sensorless multi-parametric control solution may provide regular operation control, support control, and improvement control. The regular operation control comprises system control during normal operation. The support control comprises abnormal operation recovery control, and the improvement control allows potential system growth and/or controlling aging degradation. Embodiments of the disclosure encompass man-machine and machine-machine (or machine/material) interfaces with active points where energy exchange takes place. 1. A mechanical energy exchange system , the system comprising a first component and a second component transferring mechanical energy to each other at one or more active points at an interface of the first component and the second component to achieve overall energy balance in the system , the first component comprising:at each of the one or more active points,one or more sensorless actuators coupled to the active point; anda controller for calculating a control vector based on multiple parameters to dynamically determine an operational mode of the mechanical energy exchange system, wherein the multiple parameters include two characteristic inter-related parameters per sensorless actuator.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a product of the two characteristic inter-related parameters provides an output power of the respective sensorless actuator.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the system further comprises:at each of the one or more active points,one or more regular actuators with dedicated sensors coupled to the active point, the sensors collecting real-time data to determine a first set of additional parameters that characterize the one or more regular actuators; andone or more system sensors coupled to the active ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150302319A1

Systems and methods providing an application having one or more management modules, wherein at least one management module is configured to display a metric value, and wherein the metric value is obtained by the application based on a query of a database containing information about a fleet of assets. Embodiments of the present invention provide information to an end user in response to the end user's request regarding one or more assets from the fleet of assets. The requests may include aspects of fleet performance, and individual assets within the fleet, and may relate to energy consumption, asset health or repair status, or movement through a network. 1. A system comprising:a data center having at least one database containing metric value information about a fleet of assets;a data communication infrastructure; anda controller operable to implement a management module that is configured to display on a display of the controller at least one metric value for the fleet of assets, the at least one metric value obtained from the data center via the data communication infrastructure, and the at least one metric value includes at least one of an energy consumption metric value of the fleet of assets or a value for an energy saving system of the fleet of assets.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one metric value further includes a percent of time the energy saving system is in use verses the available amount of time the fleet of assets is in use and a set of determined conditions are met signifying that the energy saving system is available for use.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the amount of time that the energy saving system is available for use is based on one or more of weather claim 2 , equipment condition claim 2 , environmental considerations claim 2 , and available usage knowledge.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy saving system is a trip plan fuel optimization system.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fleet of assets comprises at ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180299275A1

A system and method for mapping parameter data acquired by a robot mapping system is disclosed. Parameter data characterizing the environment is collected while the robot localizes itself within the environment using landmarks. Parameter data is recorded in a plurality of local grids, i.e., sub-maps associated with the robot position and orientation when the data was collected. The robot is configured to generate new grids or reuse existing grids depending on the robot's current pose, the pose associated with other grids, and the uncertainty of these relative pose estimates. The pose estimates associated with the grids are updated over time as the robot refines its estimates of the locations of landmarks from which determines its pose in the environment. Occupancy maps or other global parameter maps may be generated by rendering local grids into a comprehensive map indicating the parameter data in a global reference frame extending the dimensions of the environment. 1. (canceled)2. A method of mapping an environment , the method comprising:receiving landmark information corresponding to an environment from at least one robot of a plurality of robots;generating a first map of parameters that include the landmark information and that are measured by the at least one robot of the plurality of robots;receiving a second map of parameters measured by at least one other robot of the plurality of robots; andoperating the at least one robot to traverse the environment, wherein the at least one robot has the parameters measured by the at least one other robot.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the first map of parameters is generated based on the at least one robot performing operations comprising:estimating a first current pose of the at least one robot in the environment based on the parameters measured by the at least one robot, the at least one robot having a visual sensor and the parameters measured by the at least one robot including obstacles and clear spaces ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150324935A1

There are provided: a demand forecasting section that calculates a demand forecast value of the power system as a whole; a supply planning section that calculates a planned supply value of the power system as a whole; a difference extraction section that finds the difference between said demand forecast value and planned supply value; an economic load allocation section of a distribution system that allocates the difference obtained by the difference extraction section with respect to control subjects provided in the distribution system, in accordance with a cost optimization technique; and a control section that outputs control amounts based on the allocated amounts obtained by the economic load allocation section of said distribution system to the control subjects. 1. A control system for a power system comprising:a demand forecasting section that calculates a demand forecast value of said power system as a whole;a supply planning section that calculates a planned supply value of said power system as a whole;a difference extraction section that finds a difference between said demand forecast value and planned supply value;an economic load allocation section of a distribution system that allocates said difference obtained by said difference extraction section with respect to control subjects provided in said distribution system, in accordance with a cost optimization technique; anda control section that outputs control amounts based on said allocated amounts obtained by said economic load allocation section of said distribution system to said control subjects.2. The control system for a power system according to claim 1 ,wherein said power system comprises a plurality of distribution systems, comprising a difference allocation amount calculation section that allocates said difference obtained by said difference extraction section in accordance with a respective difference adjustment capability of distribution systems.3. The control system for a power system ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Air conditioner

Номер: US20190309978A1
Автор: Dongwoo Han, Taeyup SONG

A method of operating an air conditioner, including: obtaining an image acquired by a camera; determining a distance and a direction of an occupant relative to the air conditioner, based on the image; using at least one machine-learning network to classify an air-blowable space of the air conditioner into an intensive air blowing area and a non-intensive air blowing area, based on the distance and the direction of the occupant; controlling the air conditioner to operate in an intensive operation mode with respect to the intensive air blowing area; and controlling the air conditioner to operate in a non-intensive operation mode with respect to the intensive air blowing area and the non-intensive air blowing area based on completion of the intensive operation mode. A time duration of the intensive operation mode is smaller than a time duration of the non-intensive operation mode.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Method for adjusting settings in a water recirculating device, a water recirculating device and a data processing hub for handling data

Номер: US20190323211A1

A method for adjusting settings in a water recirculating device is provided. The water recirculating device comprises an outlet configured to output treated water, a water collecting arrangement configured to collect used water, a water treatment arrangement configured to receive used water from the water collecting arrangement and output the treated water, wherein said water treatment arrangement is further configured to hold a replaceable water treatment device, an external water input device configured to input external water to said recirculating device, a circulation pump configured to provide a flow in said water recycling device, and a data processing device configured to control said water recycling device. The method comprises retrieving information associated to said replaceable water treatment device, determining identification data for said replaceable water treatment device by processing said information, retrieving settings data connected to said identification data, and adjusting said water recirculating device according to said settings data.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Air purification method and apparatus

Номер: US20160346721A1
Автор: Huayijun Liu, KE Wu, Xinyu Liu
Принадлежит: Xiaomi Inc

An air purification method for use in an apparatus is provided. The air purification method includes: acquiring plant information associated with one or more plants located in a target detection region; determining, based on the plant information and predetermined reference plant information of an allergy-causing plant, that the target detection region contains the allergy-causing plant and the allergy-causing plant is in a blooming state; and in response to the determining, enabling an air purification function of an air purification device.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200326735A1
Автор: Dushane Steven
Принадлежит: VENSTAR, INC.

A thermostat system comprises a thermostat located on the inside of the building, comprising (i) a screen display, (ii) a control input for receiving thermostat programming information, and (iii) interface circuitry for coupling to an environmental system comprising one or more items of equipment selected from the group heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment. A doorbell is located on the outside of said building. Optionally a camera may be located proximate said doorbell. 1. A method for communicating in a system comprising a smart thermostat and doorbell communicator , the method comprising:generating a doorbell signal by a doorbell communicator, the doorbell signal indicating presence of an individual seeking entry into a facility;receiving the doorbell signal by a smart thermostat;generating a video signal by the doorbell communicator, the video signal comprising images of the individual seeking entry into the facility;receiving the video signal of images of the individual seeking entry into the facility by the smart thermostat;performing facial recognition of the images of the individual seeking entry into the facility; and,determining, as a result of the performance of the facial recognition, whether the individual seeking entry into the facility as being identified as an occupant of the facility or a person known to the facility.2. The method for communicating in a system comprising the smart thermostat and the doorbell communicator of claim 1 , the method further comprising generating a greeting to the individual seeking entry into the facility if the individual seeking entry into the facility is recognized as an occupant of the facility by the smart thermostat.3. The method for communicating in a system comprising the smart thermostat and the doorbell communicator of claim 2 , the method further comprising receiving a confirmation code from the individual seeking entry into the facility claim 2 , the confirmation code having been previously ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150362981A1

A method of managing a system having a multitude of power sources and power loads, configured for execution in a computing device, the computing device being assigned to the system; and system having a multitude of power sources and power loads, wherein such a managing method is applied to the system. 1. A method of managing a system comprising a plurality of power sources and a plurality of power loads , configured for execution in a computing device , the computing device being assigned to the system , the method comprising:dividing the plurality of sources and the plurality of loads into a plurality of groups of sources and a plurality of groups of loads; andexecuting the managing of the system for each group separately,wherein the dividing is carried out according to at least one property of the sources and loads, in such a way that the sources and loads of each group share at least one similar property.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the property for executing the grouping is a relative physical proximity of devices comprising the sources claim 1 , the loads claim 1 , or the sources and the loads.3. The method of claim 2 , herein the relative physical proximity of devices is estimated automatically claim 2 , to obtain a proximity estimation claim 2 , andwherein one criterion or a combination of criteria which are attributed to the device are interpreted for the proximity estimation.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein each interpreted criterion is evaluated for each device with a level of confidence.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the level of confidence rises with a degree of similarity of each criterion compared to the corresponding criteria of other devices of the group.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein evaluated criteria are weighted according to a set of rules.7. Method according to any one The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the executing claim 1 , the sources of a group are automatically matched to the loads of a group claim 1 , in a ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации

System and method for electrical component management

Номер: US20170351232A1

A system for managing performance of one or more electrical components in real-time is disclosed. The system includes one or more sensors coupled to one or more energy consuming devices and adapted to provide working conditions of the one or more energy consuming devices. The system further includes one or more actuators coupled to and configured to control the one or more energy consuming devices. Additionally, the system includes a computing device in electrical communication with the one or more sensors and the one or more actuators. The system also includes a database capable of retaining an instruction program for the computing device. The computing device includes a processor that is configured to receive data from the one or more sensors, analyze data from the one or more sensors, and execute the instruction program received from the database in order to optimize operation of the one or more energy consuming devices based on one or more criteria.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for automated annotation and screening of biological sequences

Номер: US20170357752A1
Автор: James Diggans
Принадлежит: Twist Bioscience Corp

The present disclosure describes software tools for effective biosecurity based on community knowledge and participation. Annotation tools described herein provide assistance to the synthetic biology community to track emerging science on the link between individual proteins and negative outcomes. Screening tools described herein enables the community to broaden both interest and effective practice of biosecurity so that practitioners and biological sequence or construct providers are empowered to evaluate the safety of order requests rather than waiting until synthesis or even expression. In addition, screening tools described herein provide for screening of polynucleotides across the same or multiple orders for sequences associated with harmful biological sequences from a reference database.

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190346821A1

Techniques to facilitate protection of control system content used in an industrial automation environment are disclosed herein. In at least one implementation, the control system content for use in the industrial automation environment is received, wherein the control system content comprises controller program code that directs an industrial controller to drive a machine system. Content protection instructions for the control system content are also received, wherein the content protection instructions comprise restrictions on execution of the control system content. An execution license that includes process-related constraints for the control system content is generated based on the content protection instructions. The execution license is applied to the control system content to generate protected content, wherein use of the control system content is granted subject to the process-related constraints of the execution license. 1. A method for protecting control system content used in one or more industrial automation environments , the method comprising: identifying content protection instructions for the control system content, wherein the content protection instructions comprise restrictions on execution of the control system content and wherein the control system content comprises controller program code that controls machine system operations;', 'generating an execution license that includes process-related constraints for the control system content based on the content protection instructions, wherein the process-related constraints of the execution license comprise production limits; and', 'applying the execution license to the control system content to generate protected content; and, 'in a control program editor executed on a computing systemin one or more industrial controllers in the one or more industrial automation environments, executing one or more instances of the protected content in accordance with the process-related constraints of the ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Barrier Operator Feature Enhancement

Номер: US20200355015A1

A barrier operator feature enhancement device is designed to provide one or more features found in modern barrier operator devices and to incorporate those features into a previously installed barrier operator system. To facilitate ease of use, the barrier operator feature enhancement device can communicate with a large variety of barrier operators. Such communication may be wireless or wired, depending on the communication protocol implemented by a particular previously installed barrier operator. To facilitate the ease of installation, the device is designed to configure itself to operate with the communication protocol of the previously installed barrier operator. Once configured to be able to communicate with the previously installed barrier operator, the feature enhancement device works with the barrier operator to provide one or more additional features to enhance the capabilities of the previously installed barrier operator. 1. A barrier operator feature enhancement device comprising:a barrier operator communication module configured to communicate with a plurality of barrier operator types that use different communication protocols by sending communication signals by wireless or wired communication protocols;an input/output module configured to communicate with a camera and at least one peripheral device;control circuitry communicatively coupled to the barrier operator communication module and the input/output module, the control circuitry configured to cause the barrier operator communication module to communicate with any of the plurality of barrier operator types;the control circuitry configured to determine a vehicle presence based at least in part on communication with the camera; andwherein the control circuitry is further configured to effect a change in a status of the at least one peripheral device upon the determination of the vehicle presence.2. The barrier operator feature enhancement device of wherein effecting a change in status of the at least ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling object movement

Номер: US20160379416A1

Methods and apparatuses are provided for controlling movement of a first object. A screen photographed by a camera is displayed on a display of an electronic device. A virtual area is set on the screen based on user input. A first object is identified on the screen. The first object is controlled to move within the virtual area.

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Initialization method and device for smart home

Номер: US20180374485A1
Автор: Dingpeng CAO
Принадлежит: Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co Ltd

The disclosure relates to an initialization method for the smart home and the device thereof. The method includes receiving an initialization audio signal played by a target device, wherein the initialization audio signal is an audio signal of target characters obtained by encoding source data of initialization data for the smart home; decoding the initialization audio signal based on pre-stored correspondences between pre-set characters and source data of the pre-set characters so as to obtain the source data of the initialization data, wherein the pre-set characters include at least the target characters; and initializing the smart home based on the source data of the initialization data.

11-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE3417042C2

22-06-1988 дата публикации

Cutting device for paper web and method for controlling thereof

Номер: KR880001074B1

A pair of blades which are mounted on separate carriages along rails extending transverse to the direction of movement of the web being cut are moved to a predetermined position and locked in this predetermined position. The method includes compensation for changes in the width of the cutting blade due to sharpening and grinding by measuring the distance of the cutting edge of the blade from a bench mark on the carriage. This distance is compared to a standard to form an offset amount used to correct the amount of movement of the carriage so that the blades are positoned on the desired cutting line.

27-07-1988 дата публикации

Cutting edge correction

Номер: EP0167472B1
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp

07-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: IN165373B
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp

21-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: JPS60259398A
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

03-06-1986 дата публикации

Method for controlling the position of the cutting edges of longitudinal web cutting blades and a longitudinal cutting apparatus utilizing the same

Номер: US4592259A
Автор: Bernd Gorner, Heinz Zeyher
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp

A method for positioning coacting circular cutting blades in a slitting device for a web of material characterized by moving the pair of blades which are mounted on separate carriages along rails extending transverse to the direction of movement of the web being cut to a predetermined position, and locking the carriages of the blades in this predetermined position with the method including compensating for changes in the width of the cutting blade due to sharpening and grinding by measuring the distance of the cutting edge of the blade from a bench mark on the carriage, comparing this distance to a standard to form an offset amount and using the offset amount to correct the amount of movement of the carriage so that the blades are positioned on the desired cutting line. The invention is also directed to the apparatus of a web slitting device having an arrangement of sensors to determine the distance of the cutting edge of the blade from a bench mark on the carriage for the blade and utilizing this distance to determine the offset amount used in positioning the carriage.

01-12-1986 дата публикации

Perfeccionamientos con su aparato correspondiente para con- trolar la posicion de los filos de un par de cuchillas cir- culares para el corte longitudinal de papel continuo o simi-lares

Номер: ES8701572A1
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp


08-10-1986 дата публикации

Cutting edge correction

Номер: EP0167472A3
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp

08-01-1986 дата публикации

Cutting edge correction

Номер: EP0167472A2
Принадлежит: Beloit Corp

Given the method, the pairs of circular knives (4,5) of a longitudinal cutter apparatus are displaced on rails (7) proceeding transversely relative to the web, being displaced thereon by prescribable positioning distances from an outer, apparatus-fixed bench mark up to a carriage-fixed bench mark. In order to be able to take the alterred position of the cutting edge (19) which may have arisen under given circumstances due to re-grinding into consideration, the distance of the cutting edge (19) from an edge (69) fixed to the carriage of a circular knife is measured by means of position sensors (80) and is input into the control as part of the positioning distances. The carriage (6) is thereby positioned at a different location such that the cutting edge (19) again lies at the proper location despite the re-grinding.

13-12-1985 дата публикации

종이웨브의 절단장치와 작동 제어 방법

Номер: KR850008125A

내용 없음

27-03-2018 дата публикации

Risk assessment for therapeutic drugs

Номер: US9927443B2
Принадлежит: Conquerab Inc

Methods to estimate safety and/or efficacy of therapeutic drugs, which include portable devices for anti-drug antibody (ADA) testing and databases containing anonymized data from humans and/or animal models, and related analyses, are provided. These methods and compositions can be used in various applications, including but not restricted to the following: uniform testing of patients for ADA; selection of therapeutic drug for patient treatment; evaluation of the need to change therapeutic drug or to apply tolerance regimens; selection of patients for clinical trials; comparison of therapeutic drugs marketed for a given disease and also gene therapy; scientific guidance for discovering and/or developing therapeutic drugs; postmarketing surveillance of therapeutic drugs.

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Infusion device

Номер: AU2017207518B2
Принадлежит: Infusion Innovations Pty Ltd

The invention relates to portable devices for transferring fluids from an external source and controllably infusing the fluids into a patient, particularly portable infusion pump devices, and protective housings for such devices. Devices comprise a pump unit, a computer, a portable fuel source, and a sealing means for securing the contents substantially within the protective housings of the device. Devices may be formed as a single infusion pump unit or may be formed when two infusion pump units are engaged. The invention also relates to methods of use of portable devices and method for the manufacture of portable devices and protective housings for such devices.

28-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108601891A
Принадлежит: Infusion Innovations Ltd


02-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN109564771A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc


17-04-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for testing valve drive mechanism, as well as corresponding computer device

Номер: RU2719266C2

FIELD: machine building.SUBSTANCE: method for testing a valve drive mechanism connected to a process control device, includes control stages by means of pressure process control device (804) in valve drive mechanism to change pressure from initial pressure value towards predetermined pressure limit, monitoring (806) position of the valve drive mechanism for detecting movement of the valve drive mechanism and when one of pressure values (810) in the valve drive reaches a predetermined pressure limit or detection (806) of movement of the pressure control valve driving mechanism (808) in the actuator valve mechanism to return to initial pressure.EFFECT: invention discloses a method and a system for testing a valve actuator, as well as a corresponding computer device.17 cl, 21 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 719 266 C2 (51) МПК F16K 37/00 (2006.01) F15B 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 37/00 (2019.08); F15B 19/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017133529, 18.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФИШЕР КОНТРОЛЗ ИНТЕРНЕШНЕЛ ЛЛС (US) Дата регистрации: 17.04.2020 19.03.2015 US 62/135,377; 10.03.2016 US 15/066,495 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 19.04.2019 Бюл. № 11 (45) Опубликовано: 17.04.2020 Бюл. № 11 (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 19.10.2017 US 2016/023079 (18.03.2016) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 7 1 9 2 6 6 WO 2016/149590 (22.09.2016) R U 2 7 1 9 2 6 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2011114191 A1, 19.05.2011. DE 102005004477 A1, 10.08.2006. US 2002145515 A1, 10.10.2002. Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 18.03.2016 (72) Автор(ы): ДЖАНК Кеннет В. (US) Адрес для переписки: 197101, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 128, "АРСПАТЕНТ", М.В. Хмара (54) СПОСОБ И СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ ИСПЫТАНИЯ ПРИВОДНОГО МЕХАНИЗМА КЛАПАНА, А ТАКЖЕ СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕЕ КОМПЬЮТЕРНОЕ ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of integration of systems and/or means of providing navigation and monitoring information and hardware and software complex - center for competencies

Номер: RU2654237C1

FIELD: astronautics. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to systems of acquisition and processing information of spacecraft for navigation and monitoring purposes. Systems integration method and/or means of providing navigation and monitoring information involves formation of cloud computing environment, which collects and/or processes metainformation from systems and/or tools integrated during integration. Cloud computing environment is used to collect correction data for satellite navigation information and user information about application of satellite navigation. This meta-information is used to provide access to said systems and/or facilities through stationary and mobile multi-functional consumer terminals. EFFECT: technical result of group of inventions is to ensure required accuracy of spatial binding of information provided, to increase stability and reliability of navigation and information support system. 3 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 654 237 C1 (51) МПК G05B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G05B 15/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017104246, 09.02.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 17.05.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 2 6 5 4 2 3 7 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2568924 C1, 20.11.2015. RU 2338233 C2, 10.11.2008. US 2016/0323392 A1, 03.11.2016. (54) Способ интеграции систем и/или средств обеспечения навигационной и мониторинговой информацией и аппаратно-программный комплекс - центр компетенций (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к системам применении спутниковой навигации. Указанную получения и обработки информации космических метаинформацию используют для обеспечения аппаратов навигационного и мониторингового обращения к указанным системам и/или назначения. Способ интеграции систем и/или средствам через стационарные и мобильные средств обеспечения навигационной и ...

24-09-2010 дата публикации

System and method for manufacturing printed circuit boards using non-uniformly modified images

Номер: KR100983748B1
Принадлежит: 오르보테크 엘티디.

본 발명은 전기 회로(40)의 표현을 불균일하게 수정함으로써 디지털 제어 이미지(46)가 생성되는 전기 회로를 제작하는 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것으로, 디지털 제어 이미지(46)를 이용하여 기판(12) 위에 기록된 전기 회로 패턴(72)은 이미 형성된 전기 회로부(62)와 정확하게 맞게 된다. The present invention relates to a system and method for fabricating an electrical circuit in which a digital control image 46 is generated by non-uniformly modifying the representation of the electrical circuit 40, using the digital control image 46 on the substrate 12. The recorded electrical circuit pattern 72 fits exactly with the already formed electrical circuit portion 62.

09-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DD217334A5
Автор: Manfred Niese
Принадлежит: Bayer AG

Eine Anlage zur Herstellung chemischer Stoffe wird in dezentral gefuehrte Steuerbereiche unterteilt, in denen jeweils eine abgeschlossene Teilaufgabe autark durchgefuehrt wird. Der Arbeitszustand eines Steuerbereichs wird durch vorgebbare Betriebsarten und eine begrenzte Anzahl diskreter Fahrwerte bestimmt. Jedem Fahrwert werden in einer Rezeptur die den Steuerbereichszustand bestimmenden Prozessparameter zugeordnet. Diese Parameter werden mit Hilfe der entsprechenden Geraete eingestellt; bei Abweichungen eines Parameters erfolgt keine Anpassung der anderen Rezepturparameter, sondern - bei Ueberschreitung der zulaessigen Parametergrenzen - eine Unterbrechung des Vorganges. Fahrtwerterhoehungen sind nur aus einem quasistaetionaeren Arbeitszustand heraus zugelassen, der durch ein aus den Prozessmesswerten gebildetes Normalsignal gekennzeichnet wird. Bei mehreren Steuerbereichen wird durch eine Flussentkopplung durch Puffer die erforderliche Flexibilitaet gewaehrleistet. Gleichartige Steuerbereiche werden zu Gruppen, unterschiedliche Gruppen zu Hauptgruppen (40 ... 42) zusammengefasst. Gruppen und Hauptgruppen werden gemeinsam gefuehrt und untereinander durch strategische Puffer (43 ... 47) entkoppelt. Fig. 5 A plant for the production of chemical substances is subdivided into decentralized control areas, in each of which a completed subtask is carried out independently. The operating state of a control area is determined by predefinable operating modes and a limited number of discrete driving values. Each driving value is assigned the process parameters determining the control area state in a recipe. These parameters are set using the appropriate devices; If one parameter deviates, the other recipe parameters are not adjusted, but - if the permissible parameter limits are exceeded - the process is interrupted. Rise value increases are permitted only from a quasistaetionaeren working state, which is characterized by a normal signal formed from the process measured ...

13-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5965304A
Принадлежит: Bayer AG

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。
