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27-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2427917C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике, а именно к системе и устройствам сокращения времени взаимодействия при бесконтактной транзакции. Техническим результатом является повышение безопасности проведения транзакции в системе за счет аутентификации данных в динамическом режиме. Система содержит: устройство владельца карты, выданное эмитентом и рассчитанное на хранение данных; считывающий терминал. Устройство владельца карты содержит: модуль транзакции; модуль безопасности. Считывающий терминал содержит: бесконтактный интерфейс; модуль транзакции; модуль безопасности, связанный с модулем транзакции считывающего терминала и рассчитанный на взаимодействие с устройством владельца карты для предотвращения вмешательства нарушителя в бесконтактную транзакцию посредством проверки достоверности динамической подписи, содержащей код валюты транзакции и непредсказуемый номер устройства владельца карты. 5 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708947C2

Изобретение относится к платежным системам. Технический результат заключается в повышении безопасности. Способ применения устройства пользователя включает первый блок памяти, содержащий первый маркер транзакции, и второй блок памяти, содержащий второй маркер транзакции, причем первый и второй маркеры транзакции связаны с идентификатором счета для счета пользователя, при этом способ включает прием серверным компьютером первого сообщения с запросом авторизации, определение серверным компьютером того, что первый маркер транзакции был использован в первом канале для транзакций, отправку серверным компьютером указания о проверке маркера, прием серверным компьютером второго сообщения с запросом авторизации, определение серверным компьютером того, что второй маркер транзакции был использован во втором канале для транзакций, отправку серверным компьютером указания о том, что второй маркер транзакции проверен, со вторым сообщением с запросом авторизации. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

06-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643788C2

Изобретение относится к области осуществления денежных операций посредством беспроводного терминала, а именно к выбору банковского приложения из нескольких платежных приложений, загруженных в память терминала. Технический результат заключается в сокращении времени автоматического выбора приложения терминалом, осуществляемого на основании его местоположения, за счет получения информации о местонахождении на стадии поиска телекоммуникационной сети, в зону покрытия которой попадает этот терминал. Для этого способ выбора приложения (АР1, АР2), осуществляемый терминалом (TRM), предназначенного для по меньшей мере частичного выполнения защищенным модулем, встроенным в указанный терминал, включает стадию (Е40) получения из памяти (MEM) защищенного модуля (MSEC) информации о местонахождении терминала и стадию (Е50) выбора приложения на основе указанной информации о местонахождении. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

23-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017130615A3

15-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2744698C2

Изобретение направлено на системы и способы проведения транзакций, связанных с транспортной картой. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности проведения транзакций транспортной карты с учетом определения предопределенного порога для одного или более конкретных типов транспорта. Способ включает этапы: прием запроса выплаты и определение, является ли он запросом предварительной авторизации или запросом выплаты платежа; если запрос выплаты является запросом предварительной авторизации, определяют, авторизован ли счет для конкретного типа транспорта. Если счет авторизован, передают одобрение транспортному процессору. Если счет не авторизован, передают отказ. Если запрос выплаты является запросом выплаты платежа: определяют, достаточна ли сумма счета для оплаты суммы выплаты; в отрицательном случае запрещают, а в положительном случае одобряют транзакцию и вычитают величину и определяют, является ли сумма счета ниже предопределенного порога для конкретного типа транспорта, и ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004128451A

... 1. Способ приведения в действие игрового автомата отдельным игроком для последующей игры на данном автомате, включающий следующие этапы: подведение к игровому автомату, без физического контакта с ним, карточки, которую несет с собой игрок, причем карточка содержит соответствующие электронные средства и антенну, обеспечивающую беспроводную передачу персонифицированных данных, касающихся игрока, с карточки в игровой автомат или компьютерную сеть, связанную с данным игровым автоматом; оценку данных путем сравнения их с хранящимися в банке данных сведениями; приведение в действие игрового автомата для последующей игры при благоприятной оценке данных с карточки. 2. Способ по п. 1, по которому игрок также физически приводит в действие игровой автомат, выполняя эту операцию в качестве отдельного дополнительного этапа ввода в действие игрового автомата. 3. Способ по п. 1, по которому игрок перемещает карточку вблизи датчика на игровом автомате для предъявления карточки игровому автомату. 4. Способ ...

20-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008113214A

... 1. Способ, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! принимают сообщение с запросом авторизации, где сообщение с запросом авторизации включает в себя защищенный номер счета, причем сообщение с запросом авторизации инициировано беспроводным взаимодействием между портативным потребительским устройством бесконтактного действия, включающим в себя реальный номер счета, модуль беспроводной передачи и запоминающее устройство с предварительно загруженным защищенным номером счета, и устройством бесконтактного считывания, содержащим второй модуль беспроводной связи, при этом защищенный номер счета связан с реальным номером счета, и при этом защищенный номер счета передается беспроводным образом с первого модуля беспроводной передачи портативного потребительского устройства бесконтактного действия на второй модуль беспроводной передачи устройства бесконтактного считывания; и ! определяют реальный номер счета с использованием защищенного номера счета после приема сообщения с запросом авторизации, включающего ...

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010146246A

... 1. SIM-карта (21) или чип-карта (20) в особенности для аутентификации по меньшей мере одного мобильного оконечного устройства радиосвязи, причем SIM-карта (21) содержит по меньшей мере один процессор (1) и контактные области (22) для соединения SIM-карты (21) с мобильным оконечным устройством радиосвязи, отличающаяся тем, что SIM-карта (21) имеет антенну (15, 23) или дополнительные контактные области (14) для соединения с антенной (15), и что SIM-карта (21) имеет радиоинтерфейс (200) для установления и поддержания радиосоединения ближней зоны, причем радиоинтерфейс (200) и процессор (1, 100) SIM-карты (21) интегрированы в электронный компонент. ! 2. SIM-карта (21) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что антенна (23) плоско размещена на нижней стороне SIM-карты (21). ! 3. SIM-карта (21) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что радиоинтерфейс (200) образуется посредством встроенного в SIM-карту (21) сигнального процессора (12). ! 4. SIM-карта (21) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что радиоинтерфейс (200) имеет аналого-цифровой ...

15-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018142297A

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012148823A

... 1. Способ выбора приложения (АР1, АР2), осуществляемый терминалом (TRM), причем приложение предназначено для по меньшей мере частичного выполнения защищенным модулем, встроенным в указанный терминал, включающий следующие стадии:- стадия (Е40) получения из памяти (MEM) защищенного модуля (MSEC) информации о местонахождении терминала; и- стадия (Е50) выбора приложения на основе указанной информации о местонахождении.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что включает стадию (E10) получения указанной информации о местонахождении модулем (MACQ) получения терминала, внешним по отношению к указанному защищенному модулю, и стадию (Е20) сохранения указанной информации в защищенном модуле.3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что терминал (TRM) представляет собой телефон сотовой связи, а информацию о местонахождении на стадии (E10) получают указанным модулем (MACQ) получения в процессе поиска телекоммуникационной сети, в зоне покрытия которой находится терминал.4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся тем, что ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Datenübertragungs- und –verarbeitungsanordnung und Datenübertragungs- und –verarbeitungsverfahren zur Bezahlung einer Ware oder Leistung

Номер: DE102018105757A1

Datenübertragungs- und -verarbeitungsanordnung zur Bezahlung einer Ware oder Leistung an einer Ladenkasse eines Händlers durch einen Kunden, wobei die Anordnung aufweist: ein Händlergerät mit Ausrüstung zur Nahfeld-Datenkommunikation, NFC, welches einen Arbeitsspeicher zur Speicherung von Bezahldaten eines Zahlungsvorganges und eine mit dem Arbeitsspeicher sowie der Ausrüstung zur Nahfeld-Datenkommunikation zusammenwirkende erste Datenaustausch-Softwarekomponente, welche die Bezahldaten in einem standardisierten Datenaustauschformat im passiven Auslesemodus zur Verfügung stellt, sowie eine Datenschnittstelle zur aktiven Übertragung der Bezahldaten nach extern über das Internet aufweist, ein Kundengerät mit Ausrüstung zur Nahfeld-Datenübertragung, NFC, welches eine virtualisierte Bankkarte mit darin gespeicherten Bankverbindungsdaten, eine mit der Ausrüstung zur Nahfeld-Datenkommunikation zusammenwirkende zweite Datenaustausch-Softwarekomponente, welche zum aktiven Auslesen der am Händlergerät ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Auswählen einer kontaktlosen Zahlungskarte

Номер: DE102016104193A1

Es wird ein Ansatz für Verkaufsgegenstände unter Verwendung von kontaktlosen Zahlungsmitteln bereitgestellt (Kreditkarten und Guthabenkarten, Schlüsselanhänger, Smartcards oder andere Mittel). Der Ansatz ruft die kontaktlosen Zahlungsidentifizierer auf, die jeweils ein separates Zahlungskonto, das der Nutzer verwendet, betreffen. Einer der kontaktlosen Zahlungsidentifizierer wird basierend auf einem oder mehreren Auswahlkriterien, wie einen Nutzer und finanzielle Anreize, ausgewählt. Der Ansatz zahlt ferner für Einkäufe unter Verwenden des Zahlungskontos, das dem ausgewählten kontaktlosen Zahlungsidentifizierer entspricht.

02-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060332205D1

09-04-2009 дата публикации

Altersabhängige Zugangsberechtigung

Номер: DE102007048236A1

Zum Prüfen einer altersabhängigen Zugangsberechtigung eines Benutzers durch einen portablen Datenträger (10), in dem zumindest das Geburtsdatum (21) des Benutzers und ein aktualisierbares Vergleichsdatum (22) gespeichert ist, empfängt der Datenträger (10) von einem Prüfgerät (40) ein Prüfzertifikat (41), das ein zu prüfendes Mindestalter (24, 43) umfasst, prüft, ob das aus dem Geburtsdatum (21) und dem Vergleichsdatum (22) ableitbare Alter des Benutzers das Mindestalter (24, 43) erreicht und stellt dem Prüfgerät (40) das entsprechende positive/negative Prüfergebnis in Form einer Ja/Nein-Information (25, 26) bereit.

06-01-2010 дата публикации

Container and vending machine

Номер: GB0000920587D0

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Virtual fare card and virtual fare device

Номер: GB0002491758A

Embodiments of systems, methods, and machine-readable media are disclosed for enabling a uniquely-identifiable item as fare media in a transit system. Embodiments generally include collecting a unique identifier from the item, and sending the unique identifier, and other data, to a virtual fare device. The virtual fare device can use the unique identifier to access historical and/or other information associated with the unique identifier, calculate a fare, and/or update the information in a manner similar to how a physical fare device updates information on physical fare media, such as a stored-value card. The virtual fare device then can send data, such as priced transaction data including fare information, to other systems and/or servers of the transit system for further processing.

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Transactions using a portable electronic device and a contactless payment token

Номер: GB0002507498A

A portable electronic device 3 (e.g. mobile phone or storage device) for processing a secure payment or transaction comprises; memory means for storing payment application software 26; interface means 21 (such as a USB connector) for coupling with a host computer 5; contactless interface means 25 (such as near field communication (NFC) means) for receiving payment token data from a contactless payment token 12; and means 23 for transmitting data over a network 11. When the device is connected to a host computer, the application software is executed, and payment token data is received from the payment token so it may be transmitted to a remote system over the network. The application software is executed from the portable device, but the host computer may be used to display information or receive user input. The host computer does not process the payment, since it may be unsecure or compromised. The portable device may encrypt payment data before transmission.

07-03-2007 дата публикации

Pursuit smart card system

Номер: GB0000701323D0

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Length of pipe and length of pipe system

Номер: GB0201507012D0

08-08-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle satellite navigation system with integrated contactless payment processing

Номер: GB0201810357D0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Integration of verification tokens with mobile communication devices

Номер: AP0201306887A0

11-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003525A

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008826A0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Integration of verification tokens with mobile communication devices

Номер: AP2013006887A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508826A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508826D0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Integration of verification tokens with mobile communication devices

Номер: AP0201306887D0

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509510A3

Chipkarte bei welcher die Selektierbarkeit von Applikationen und Objekten von der benutzten Schnittstelle und / oder dem benutzen Kommunikationsprotokoll und / oder von Umgebungsbedingungen (z.B. angelegter Spannung, der zur Verfügung stehenden Energie, Feldstärke, der Frequenz, Temperatur oder Luftfeuchtigkeit) abhängig ist. Weiters steuern die oben genannten Faktoren dynamisch den Inhalt von Verzeichnissen, welche damit nur die für die jeweilige Umgebung anwendbaren Applikationen und Datenobjekte enthalten, sowie die Zugriffsrechte von Applikationen und Objekten dynamisch.

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for cryptographic authentication of contactless cards

Номер: AU2019355436A1

Example embodiments of systems and methods for data transmission between a contactless card and a receiving application are provided. The transmitting device may include a processor, memory, and communication interface. A receiving application may include instructions for execution on a receiving device having a processor, a memory, a communication interface configured to create a communication field for data communication with the transmitting device, and one or more sensors. Upon movement of the transmitting device, the receiving application is configured to receive, via one or more sensors, feedback information associated with the transmitting device, display one or more instructions regarding the position of the transmitting device relative to the receiving device until the transmitting device enters the communication field. Upon entry into the communication field, the transmitting device is configured to transmit data to the receiving device.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Delegated administration of permissions using a contactless card

Номер: AU2020241413A1

Delegated administration of permissions using a contactless card. In one example, a permissions module may receive a request from a first account to grant a second account access to a computing resource. The permissions module may receive permissions data of the first account from a contactless card and encrypted data generated by the contactless card. The permissions module may transmit the permissions data and the encrypted data to an authentication server, which may verify the encrypted data based at least in part on the private key, and determine, based on the permissions data, that the first account has permissions to grant access to the computing resource. The permissions module may receive, from the authentication server, an indication of the verification of the encrypted data and a permissions vector associated with the second account, the permissions vector reflecting the grant of access to the computing resource to the second account.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Contextual tapping engine

Номер: AU2020241824A1

Various embodiments for contextual tapping engines. For example, an application executing on a computing device may authenticate credentials associated with an account and detect a tap of a contactless card to the computing device. The application may receive, from a communications interface of the contactless card, action data used to determine an action associated with the tap of the contactless card to the computing device. The application may determine a context of the application based on a current output of the application. The application may determine, based on the action data, the determined context, and data associated with the account, a first action associated with the tap of the contactless card to the computing device, the first action associated with at least one of the application and an operating system (OS). The application may initiate performance of the first action based on the tap of the contactless card.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for cryptographic authentication of contactless cards

Номер: AU2019355878A1

System and methods of contactless card authentication systems include a contactless card and a client device having an application, a processor, and a card reader. An application on the client device receives a transaction lockdown request, sends a request to the server to begin to allow a transaction approval within a time period, receives the transaction approval via an authentication tap from the contactless card, sends the transaction approval to the server; and receive an allowance or disallowance response from the server.

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Multi-use near field communication front end on a point of sale system

Номер: AU2020202166A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

MULTI-USE NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION FRONT END ON A POINT OF SALE SYSTEM Methods and systems related to near field communication (NFC) front ends for point of sale terminals are disclosed. One point of sale system includes an applications microprocessor programmed to: (i) instantiate an operating system for the point of sale system and (ii) generate a set of data packets. The system also includes a discrete microcontroller communicatively coupled with the applications microprocessor and programmed to: (i) selectively operate in an unsecure mode and a secure mode; and (ii) filter, when operating in the unsecure mode, the set of data packets received from the applications microprocessor using a filter and a whitelist for the filter. The system also includes a near field communication front end communicatively coupled to the discrete microcontroller and an antenna, for transmitting a near field communication signal based on information from the set of data packets via the antenna. 24600805v1 ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Point of sale system and method for contactless payment

Номер: AU2018239835A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present disclosure relates to a point of sale [POS] system (1 ) for contactless payment of products, comprising a payment processing unit (10) for facilitating electronic payment of products based on payment-facilitating information received from a portable payment device (30), such as a contactless card. The payment processing unit (10) is connected to a plurality of antennas (20a-20d), each associated with a respective product and each configured to read payment-facilitating information from a portable payment device (30) when the portable payment device is brought in the vicinity of the antenna. The payment processing unit (10) is configured to, upon reading of payment-facilitating information by any of the antennas (20a- 20d), receive the payment-facilitating information and identify a product to be paid for based on which of the plurality of antennas (20a-20d) read the payment-facilitating information, and to facilitate a financial transaction comprising payment of the identified ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018203703A1

Systems, methods, and computer program products are provided for managing contactless transactions. An activation request is received. A first tap from a mobile device is identified. The first tap occurs when the mobile device is placed within a predetermined proximity to the system. A first select command including an AID corresponding to a first application is transmitted to the mobile device. A first response based on the first select command is received from the mobile device. A data request including information indicating supported data types is transmitted to the mobile device. A second response based on the data request and including transaction data is received from the mobile device.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Analog device, authentic card manager, and data exchange system

Номер: AU2015381427B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Provided in the present invention are an analog device, an authentic card manager, and a data exchange system. The analog device comprises: a first interface, which is used for receiving and transmitting to a security module first data transmitted by a terminal; the security module, which is used for receiving the first data transmitted by the first interface, processing the first data to produce second data, and transmitting the second data to a radio interface; the radio interface, which is used for receiving and transmitting to an authentic card manager the second data transmitted by the security module; the radio interface is also used for receiving and transmitting to the security module third data transmitted by the authentic card manager; the security module, which is used for receiving the third data transmitted by the radio interface, processing the third data to produce fourth data, and transmitting the fourth data to the first interface; and the first interface used for receiving ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Portable electronic apparatus

Номер: AU2013395851B2

The problem addressed by the present invention is to provide a tablet-type portable electronic apparatus having a compact size and able to perform card-based settlements. The tablet-type portable electronic apparatus (1) is provided with: a plate-shaped casing (2) having a front surface (21); a touch panel/display unit (3) provided to the front surface (21) of the casing (2); and read units (4, 5, 6) that perform read processing of a card (C2) pertaining to a settlement. The read units (4, 5, 6) are configured integrally with the casing (2).

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Analog device, authentic card manager, and data exchange system

Номер: AU2015381427B9
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Provided in the present invention are an analog device, an authentic card manager, and a data exchange system. The analog device comprises: a first interface, which is used for receiving and transmitting to a security module first data transmitted by a terminal; the security module, which is used for receiving the first data transmitted by the first interface, processing the first data to produce second data, and transmitting the second data to a radio interface; the radio interface, which is used for receiving and transmitting to an authentic card manager the second data transmitted by the security module; the radio interface is also used for receiving and transmitting to the security module third data transmitted by the authentic card manager; the security module, which is used for receiving the third data transmitted by the radio interface, processing the third data to produce fourth data, and transmitting the fourth data to the first interface; and the first interface used for receiving ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Dual-interface adapter device

Номер: AU2013229126B2

In accordance with the invention there is provided a dual-interface adapter device that enables a contact-based acceptance terminal to perform a contactless payment transaction. The dual-interface adapter device comprises a contact-based card interface which is insertable into a card slot of the contact-based acceptance terminal and is able to communicate with the contact-based acceptance terminal. The dual-interface adapter device further comprises a contactless interface, which is configured to receive power from the contact-based acceptance terminal via the contact-based card interface. The contactless interface also communicates with a contactless consumer portable payment device in a contactless manner. The adapter device further comprises an integrated circuit, which is in communication with the contact-based card interface and the contactless interface and is configured to perform cryptographic functions and translation functions.

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for emulating transactional infrastructure with a digital transaction processing unit (DTPU)

Номер: AU2017213238A1

Digital transaction apparatus including a Data Assistance Device (DAD), including a user interface that is operable to at least select data, and a DAD transmitter, a Digital Transaction Card (DTC), including a Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU), and a DTC receiver, wherein the DAD and DTC are operable to transfer data from the DAD to the DTC and when subsequently using the DTC to effect a digital transaction, the DTC operates in accordance with data selected and transferred from the DAD to the DTC, wherein the DTPU is configured to enable data communication with a digital transaction device during a digital transaction, the DTPU operable to receive and execute one or more commands that emulate commands received from the digital transaction device.

31-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691118A1

The present invention relates to an onboard computer ticketing terminal particularly on board a public transport vehicle. The computer ticketing terminal (30) comprises a body (39) fitted with at least: a card reader; an orientable customer interface (36, 37); a printer, incorporated into the said body (39), a paper delivery (40) from the printer taking place through an orientable slot made in the body (39); an orientable driver interface (34). The computer ticketing terminal (30) makes it possible in particular to use transport ticket selling applications thanks to an interface with an onboard central processor unit (21).

16-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770093A1

A parking meter mechanism is described that may include a front housing, having a display opening for viewing a display through, connected to an internal structure. Additionally or alternatively the parking meter mechanism may include a contactless payment reader located behind the display. The parking meter mechanism may be secured to a lower housing. A back housing may be secured to the lower housing as well. The front or back housing may include a solar panel compartment and solar panel mounted therein.

28-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773250C

A parking meter is described that comprises components for providing parking meter functionality and a display for displaying parking information and a metal housing for protecting the parking meter components from an environment that has a display aperture through which the display is visible. The parking meter also comprises an antenna for a contactless payment reader arranged in or on the parking meter in close proximity to the display.

19-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002699448A1

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for wirelessly accessing broadband services using intelligent covers. In some implementations, a cover for a consumer device includes side surfaces, a rear surface, a physical interface, a circuit, and a broadband service card. The side surfaces and a rear surface form an opening that receives at least a portion of a consumer device. A first portion of at least one of the surfaces includes a connector for connecting to a port of the consumer device. The circuit connects the physical interface to the connector. The broadband service card connected to the physical interface and accesses a service foreign through the wireless broadband network independent of the consumer device.

17-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757390A1

L'invention concerne un système de transaction à champ proche comprenant un premier dispositif de transaction (TT) comprenant des moyens de communication à champ proche (AC2), et un dispositif portable (HD2) comprenant des moyens de communication à champ proche (NFCC, AC3). Le système comprend en outre au moins un serveur de transaction (SV1) comprenant une zone mémoire comprenant au moins un programme application (CAPj, PAPj), et des moyens (CXP, SDV, GST) pour établir une liaison de données (CX2) entre le serveur (SV1) et les moyens de communication à champ proche (NFCC, AC3) du dispositif portable. Le programme application (CAPj, PAPj) est configuré pour conduire une transaction avec le premier dispositif de transaction (TT), en utilisant les moyens de communication à champ proche du dispositif portable comme un relais de proximité pour communiquer avec le premier terminal de transaction.

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131152A1

Delegated administration of permissions using a contactless card. In one example, a permissions module may receive a request from a first account to grant a second account access to a computing resource. The permissions module may receive permissions data of the first account from a contactless card and encrypted data generated by the contactless card. The permissions module may transmit the permissions data and the encrypted data to an authentication server, which may verify the encrypted data based at least in part on the private key, and determine, based on the permissions data, that the first account has permissions to grant access to the computing resource. The permissions module may receive, from the authentication server, an indication of the verification of the encrypted data and a permissions vector associated with the second account, the permissions vector reflecting the grant of access to the computing resource to the second account.

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002474218A1

A gaming machine (10) may be activated by an individual player for subsequent play by displaying to the gaming machine (10), without physical contact with the gaming machine, a card (16) carried by the player. The card (16) carries indicia which may include suitable electronic memory, to be sensed by apparatus (20) associated with the gaming machine (10), to cause the wireless transfer of individualized data concerning the player from the card (16) to the gaming machine (10) or to a computer network (12) that is associated with the gaming machine (10). The data is evaluated against a stored database, which database may include identification of the card holder. The data is then evaluated against the stored database, and the gaming machine (10) is activated for subsequent play upon favorable evaluation of the data.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003010798A1

Presentation of an open-loop smart chip-based payment device is obtained at a terminal-reader assembly in a closed-loop transit environment. Verification of cryptographic credentials associated with the open-loop smart chip- based payment device is carried out at a transit payment network interface processor within the closed-loop transit environment. A financial check of an account associated with the open-loop smart chip-based payment device is performed. Responsive to determining that the verification and financial check are successful, access to the transit environment is granted to a holder of the open-loop smart chip- based payment device.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003076398A1
Принадлежит: ADE & COMPANY INC.

The invention relates to a method and a system for preparing a beverage. In particular, the invention relates to a method and a system for preparing beverages according to a person-specific, customized recipe. The method for preparing a beverage according to a customized recipe is carried out by using a preparation device (10) having a placement device (13) for a drinking vessel (20) and a receiving device (11) for an identification feature, and by using the drinking vessel (20), and comprises the steps: generating a customized recipe; storing the customized recipe in a recipe pool of a data storage unit (30), the data storage unit (30) being accessible via an EDP-network; linking the identification feature to the recipe pool; placing the drinking vessel (20) in the preparation device (10), receiving the identification feature, retrieving the recipe pool linked to the identification feature, and the preparation device (10) preparing the beverage according to a recipe from the recipe pool ...

30-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3108475A1

Systems and methods for controlling data access through the interaction of a short-range transceiver, such as a contactless card, with a client device are presented. An exemplary system and method may include establishing a database storing information for a plurality of accounts, receiving from a client device of the second account holder an account link request to link a first account with a second account, the account link request generated in response to a tap action between a contactless card and the client device, transmitting to a client device of the first account holder a link approval request to approve the account link request, receiving from the first account holder client device, a link approval message generated in response to an indication by the first account holder approving the account link request, and transmitting to the second account holder client device an account link.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3113590A1

Example embodiments of systems and methods for data transmission between a contactless card and a receiving application are provided. The transmitting device may include a processor, memory, and communication interface. A receiving application may include instructions for execution on a receiving device having a processor, a memory, a communication interface configured to create a communication field for data communication with the transmitting device, and one or more sensors. Upon movement of the transmitting device, the receiving application is configured to receive, via one or more sensors, feedback information associated with the transmitting device, display one or more instructions regarding the position of the transmitting device relative to the receiving device until the transmitting device enters the communication field. Upon entry into the communication field, the transmitting device is configured to transmit data to the receiving device.

19-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003021442A1

The present disclosure provides for an apparatus and method to wirelessly receive and process a fixed sum. The apparatus may be comprised of a receiver to wirelessly receive the fixed sum from a device and a transfer device to receive the payment from the receiver and wirelessly transmit the fixed sum to a server. The apparatus is associated with an apparatus identifier and performs the task of sending cryptographic challenge to the payment device to establish authenticity of the payment device. Such a cryptogram and token provided by the payment device is forwarded for verification on a payment network, which then authorizes the transaction and sends a signal back to the apparatus.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003039264A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A system for effecting a financial transaction via multiple payment schemes from a single payment integrated circuit (IC) card is provided. The system comprises a payment IC card compatible with a payment card standard, the payment IC card having one or more selectable presets each identified by an identifying value; a wallet server storing, in association with respective identifying values, user payment scheme accounts of one or more payment schemes; and a vendor payment system configured to facilitate transactions in accordance with the payment card standard, wherein the wallet server is configured to receive an identifying value from the vendor payment system, and further wherein the wallet server is configured to effect a financial transaction with a user payment scheme account stored in association with an identifying value matching the identifying value received from the vendor payment system.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003029154A1

L'invention se rapporte à un procédé d'authentification d'au moins une donnée, procédé mis en uvre lors d'une transaction de paiement intervenant entre un terminal de communication d'un commerçant et un dispositif d'utilisateur, procédé du type comprenant l'authentification par le terminal de communication d'au moins un message m générée par le dispositif d'utilisateur, par l'intermédiaire d'une liaison de données sans fils en champs proche. Un tel procédé comprend, au sein du dispositif d'utilisateur : - une étape d'obtention (10), à partir du message m, d'une donnée aléatoire t et d'une fonction de hachage H, d'un code d'authentification S1; - une étape d'obtention (20), à partir du message m, de la donnée aléatoire t, d'une clé publique Z du terminal de communication, d'une première clé privée x du dispositif d'utilisateur et du code d'authentification S1, d'un premier composant de signature S2; - une étape d'obtention (30), à partir du message m, de la donnée aléatoire t, de la clé ...

16-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002926717C

Systems, methods, and computer program products are provided for managing contactless transactions. A tap notification including at least a first identifier is received. A first counter in a first data set associated with the first identifier is incremented. It is determined if the first counter matches one of a plurality of thresholds. If it is determined that the first counter matches one of a plurality of thresholds, a first status level in the first data set is updated. A first set of benefits from a plurality of benefits stored in a memory based on the first status level is identified. The first set of benefits is associated with the first identifier.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002982774A1

A dynamic transaction card that includes a number of layers, each of which may be interconnected to one another. For example, a dynamic transaction card may include an outer layer, a potting layer, a sensor layer, a display layer (including, for example, LEDs, a dot matrix display, and the like), a microcontroller/microprocessor storing firmware, Java applets, Java applet integration, and the like, an EMV processor, an energy storage component, one or more antenna (e.g., Bluetooth antenna, NFC antenna, and the like), a power management component, a flexible printed circuit board (PCB), a chassis, and/or a card backing layer. A display layer may include enhanced features such as the use of display components as a barcode generator.

17-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002698891C

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for selectively switching antennas of transaction cards. In some implementations, a method includes physically interfacing a card with a mobile host device including a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The card executes wireless financial transactions independent of the mobile host device. User credentials used to execute financial transactions with retail terminals are stored. Information is presented through the GUI of the mobile host device. An antenna of the card is selectively switched between an activate state and an inactive state in response to at least an event.

28-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739809A1

A method of electronic payment transaction is charac-terized by the fact that during processing of one payment transaction, a communication link (3) between the card (1) and the terminal (2) is interrupted and the ARPC answering file is received to the card (1) af-ter the original communication link (5) is interrupted. Two phases are separated by a reset of the card (1) where in the second phase initial payment data (ARQC) are used. Electronically signed ARQC payment file is stored in the card's (1) memory for at least until the correspond-ing time ARPC answering file is of received and processed. The solu-tion enables to place the mobile phone with a payment card (1) near to the terminal's (2) reader twice. The first time, a request for on-line au-thorization is generated and during the second touch the information from the payment processor (5) is recorded into the payment applica-tion.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002862507A1

A system and method for coordinating processing of a cardholder present financial transaction between the cardholder and a merchant system. The system collects a transaction amount of the financial transaction associated with merchant identification information of the merchant system. The system sends an authentication request using a wireless communication protocol configured for proximity communication between a communication interface of a computer device and a wireless communication enabled integrated circuit (IC) chip of a payment card, the authorization request including an IC command expected by computer hardware of the IC chip. The system receives an authentication response from the computer hardware of the IC chip by the wireless communication protocol, the authentication response including an encrypted value generated by the computer hardware of the IC chip. The system sends a transaction request to a payment processing system for settlement of the financial transaction, the transaction ...

28-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002874155C

A parking meter mechanism is described that may include a front housing, having a display opening for viewing a display through, connected to an internal structure. Additionally or alternatively the parking meter mechanism may include a contactless payment reader located behind the display. The parking meter mechanism may be secured to a lower housing. A back housing may be secured to the lower housing as well. The front or back housing may include a solar panel compartment and solar panel mounted therein.

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Passive equipment electronic with optical communication, process and arranges associated.

Номер: CH0000713965A2

L’apparecchiatura elettronica passiva con comunicazione ottica (100) secondo l’invenzione, comprendente un corpo sviluppantesi principalmente su una prima ed una seconda direzione, in cui la detta seconda direzione è ortogonale alla detta seconda direzione, in cui in detto corpo è presente uno stadio trasmettitore (50) avente un proprio ingresso di alimentazione elettrica, un circuito di alimentazione (34, 30, 31), configurato per fornire in uso una alimentazione elettrica temporanea al detto stadio trasmettitore, ed una memoria (40) atta a contenere dati elettronici associati alla detta carta, in cui detto stadio trasmettitore (50) è uno stadio trasmettitore ottico configurato almeno per trasmettere dati della detta memoria (40) allorché alimentato da detto circuito di alimentazione (34, 30, 31). L’invenzione riguarda anche un processo di trasferimento di dati ed un sistema di lettura di carte di pagamento elettronico.

28-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201300268A1

10-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000124307U

29-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for selecting an application in a terminal and terminal implementing said method

Номер: CN103124395A

The invention discloses a method for selecting an application in a terminal and a terminal implementing said method. The process according to various aspects can be executed by a terminal for selecting an application executable at least in part by a secure module incorporated into the terminal, and may include a step (E40) for obtaining location information of the terminal, from a memory (MEM) of the secure module (MSEC), and a selection step (E50) of an application from the obtained location information.

20-05-2015 дата публикации

Container and vending machine

Номер: CN0102666290B

11-12-2020 дата публикации

Securing a transaction using a smart card and smart card

Номер: FR0003090158B1

07-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003054349B1

04-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002985063B1
Принадлежит: MORPHO

11-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002950172B1

13-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003038769A1
Принадлежит: ROAM DATA, INC

L'invention concerne un dispositif périphérique destiné à être accouplé de manière mobile et amovible à un terminal de paiement électronique comprenant des moyens de communication sans contact, ledit dispositif périphérique comprenant au moins une première partie desdits moyens de communication dudit terminal de paiement électronique et au moins un connecteur coopérant, lorsque ledit dispositif périphérique est accouplé audit terminal de paiement électronique, avec au moins un connecteur complémentaire sur ledit terminal de paiement électronique, lesdits connecteurs formant des moyens de communication filaire entre ladite première partie des moyens de communication sans contact dudit dispositif périphérique et ledit terminal de paiement électronique. L'invention concerne également un terminal de paiement électronique.

25-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003059123A1
Принадлежит: PAYINTECH

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de mise à jour d'au moins une valeur d'une donnée (120.2) d'une puce (105), la puce comportant un identifiant (120.3), par un terminal (200). La donnée mise à jour est associée à une valeur (120.2.2) de numéro de version, la mise à jour comportant les étapes suivantes : - sollicitation sans contact du terminal par la puce en vue de la réalisation d'une action locale, - authentification de la puce, - sélection d'ordres parmi une liste d'ordres enregistrés dans une mémoire d'ordres du terminal, chaque ordre de la liste d'ordres étant associé à un numéro de version et à un identifiant de puce, la sélection produisant une sous-liste comportant les ordres dont l'identifiant de puce est égal à l'identifiant de la puce et dont la valeur de numéro de version est supérieure au à la valeur de numéro de version de la donnée à mettre à jour, - calcul d'une valeur de version maximale, la valeur de version maximale étant la valeur la plus grande dans l'ensemble formé ...

14-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005519A1
Принадлежит: PASTORELLI

La présente invention concerne un système de paiement sécurisé par carte bancaire comportant une carte bancaire comprenant une mémoire de stockage de données d'identification bancaire et un dispositif de transmission de données en champ proche, caractérisé par le fait qu'il comporte un appareil électronique sous forme d'une tablette tactile ou d'un téléphone intelligent, ledit appareil comprenant un dispositif de lecture de données en champ proche et un dispositif de communication sans fil, l'appareil étant configuré pour, lors d'une lecture par le dispositif de lecture de données en champ proche, des données d'identification bancaire transmises par le dispositif de transmission des données en champ proche, transmettre les données d'identification bancaire via un réseau, sans stockage des données d'identification bancaire au niveau de l'appareil électronique.

21-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003046868A1
Принадлежит: DUBOIS

Systéme de paiement démonétisé ou cashless permettant de charger, recharger ou rembourser le solde disponible par carte bancaire sur une caisse de vente dans un évènement type festival.

13-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101957840B1

14-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020180123026A

15-05-2001 дата публикации

Номер: KR20010040432A

28-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: SG11202104364VA

11-11-2016 дата публикации

Номер: TWI557663B

17-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008008830A2

Contactless payment devices are incorporated in wearable accessories and accouterments. The payment devices include switches, which are operable to activate proximity payment functionality of the devices. The payment devices can optionally include magnetic stripes so that the devices have both proximity and contact payment functionalities.

07-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010114499A2
Автор: GÜLSEVEN, Salih

Mobile payment device is an electronic payment device which; makes contactless payment; has an electronic, (11)touch (10)screen as well as a (12)battery supported by solar energy; stores all of the users' accounts in its (20)memory and allows the users to use them; makes data entry through its (11)touch (10)screen while making a payment; makes payment easy and safe by the mobile payment system via the internet; enables the authorized operators to load the card accounts to be taken remotely or nearly; makes money transfers and online transactions by connecting to the systems to which the accounts are linked; enables people to display the account activities and transactions loaded to its (20)memory; allows the users to display in order some information regarding their accounts at any time such as (33)remaining limit information and the (35)latest date of payment; enables the users to store any information of the (46)mobile payment device that have been lost in the (47)mobile payment servers ...

19-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009036191A2
Автор: JAIN, Deepak

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for wirelessly executing transactions with different institutions. In some implementations, a physical interface, a communication module, secure memory, a user-interface module, and a transaction module. The physical interface connects to a port of a mobile host device that includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The communication module wirelessly receives Radio Frequency (RF) signals from and transmits RF signals to an access terminal. The secure memory stores a plurality of selectable user credentials. At least one set of user credentials is used to execute transactions with the access terminal, and each set is associated with different institutions. The transaction module dynamically switches between the plurality of selectable user credentials in response to at least an event and wirelessly transmits to the access terminal a response to a requested transaction including user credentials selected from the plurality of selectable ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013116726A1
Автор: MOGHADAM, Ali Minaei

A user enables a communication, such as through a tap, between an NFC-enabled payment or funding card and a mobile device. Card information, such as the card number, type, and expiration date, are read by the mobile device. The user is then authenticated through the user device, such as by entering a CVV code, a PIN for the card, a cardholder name, and/or a billing address for the card. If confirmed, the card is added to the user's mobile/cloud wallet.

30-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008129225A1

The invention relates to a method for communicating a message relating to the transaction of a contactless application realized between a mobile terminal equipped with a contactless module and equipment comprising the steps of detecting the end of the transaction between the terminal and the equipment, obtaining a message containing information at least identifying said application and information relating to the end of the transaction, of the communication of the said message. The invention also relates to a transmission method of such a message consisting of the steps of receiving information identifying the end, identifying the application associated with the transaction, determining and transmitting the message to the mobile terminal. The invention further relates to a mobile terminal and a secured module capable of being used with a mobile terminal.

03-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012058309A3
Автор: HAMMAD, Ayman

Apparatuses, methods, and systems pertaining to the verification of portable consumer devices are disclosed. In one implementation, a verification token is communicatively coupled to a computer by a USB connection so as to use the computers networking facilities. The verification token reads identification information from a users portable consumer device (e.g., credit card) and sends the information to a validation entry over a communications network using the computers networking facilities. The validation entity applies one or more validation tests to the information that it receives from the verification token. If a selected number of tests are passed, the validation entity sends a device verification value to the verification token, and optionally to a payment processing network. The verification token may enter the device verification value into a CVV field of a web page appearing on the computers display, or may display the value to the user using the computers display.

06-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003019478A1

A traffic regulation system comprises at least one contactless smart card and separate reader. The card stores information corresponding to a predetermined period of time during which use of a vehicle associated with the card in a predetermined area is not permitted. The card transmits this information to the reader which determines whether the associated vehicle is omproperly located.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210224625A1

A transaction card may power on the transaction card using electric current induced from an interaction of the transaction card with an electromagnetic field. The transaction card may establish a communication with a device. The communication may indicate that the transaction card has powered. The transaction card may receive, from the device, a set of instructions to configure a set of applets on the transaction card after notifying the device that the transaction card has powered on. The set of applets to be configured may be related to completing one or more different transactions. The set of applets to be configured may be different than another set of applets already configured on the transaction card. The transaction card may configure the set of applets on the transaction card according to the set of instructions after receiving the set of instructions.

06-08-2019 дата публикации

Multiple merchants in cardless payment transactions and multiple customers in cardless payment transactions

Номер: US0010373151B1
Автор: Bob Lee, LEE BOB, Lee, Bob
Принадлежит: SQUARE, INC., SQUARE INC, Square, Inc.

A method includes receiving a request for a list of nearby user devices, where the list of nearby user devices will be sent to a merchant device, where the merchant device is associated with a merchant, where the merchant operates a plurality of merchant devices, and where the merchant device is included in the plurality of merchant devices; receiving a respective location for one or more user devices, where each user device is associated with the merchant; determining, for each of the one or more user devices, whether the user device is nearby the merchant device, based on the respective location, to the merchant device than the other merchant devices in the plurality of merchant devices; generating the list of nearby user devices based at least on the determination; and sending the list of nearby user devices to the merchant device.

25-03-2014 дата публикации

Flexible public transportation card with display function

Номер: US0008678293B2

A flexible public transportation card with display function is disclosed. The flexible public transportation card with display function comprises a first card body, a second card body and a flexible electronic system. The flexible electronic system is disposed between the first card body and the second card body. The flexible electronic system comprises a flexible display, a display circuit, a communication interface, a power generator and a capacitor. The display circuit is electrically connected to the flexible display. The communication interface receives a wireless signal. The power generator is electrically connected to the display circuit and the communication interface, and generates electricity according to the wireless signal. The capacitor stores the electricity generated by the power generator for providing the display circuit with the stored electricity, such that the flexible display displays a frame. The capacitance of the capacitor ranges between 0.1 and 20 microfarads.

03-08-2021 дата публикации

System for performing a validity check of a user device

Номер: US0011080692B2

There is disclosed a system for performing a validity check of a user device having an application stored thereon. The apparatus comprises a coupling device operable to communicate with the user device via near field communication, a processor, and memory storing program code for execution by the processor and validity check data. The program code comprises executable instructions to receive a determinate user device identifier from the user device via the coupling device and to receive application data from the user device via the coupling device, the application data being characteristic of the application stored on the user device. The program code processes the user device identifier and the application data to generate a test token, and determines whether the test token is a valid token using the validity check data.

13-03-2008 дата публикации

Function lock information notification method and mobile communication terminal

Номер: US20080064370A1
Принадлежит: VODAFONE K.K.

If a lock request for function of an IC card function section is executed from a locking terminal via a mobile communication network, a lock request detection section 51 detects the lock request. If the lock request is detected in this manner, the function lock section 52 locks the function of the IC card function section by sending a function lock instruction via a wired communication path to the IC card function section. The function lock notification section 53 then notifies the fact that the function has been locked to a locking notification mail communication unit pre-registered in the terminal registration table 23T via the mobile communication network. In this way, since function lock information of a contactless type communication device fitted in a mobile communication terminal is appropriately notified via a mobile communication network, convenience for the user is improved.

14-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US20080036600A1
Автор: Tsutomu OHYAMA
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

A related information presenting system includes identification devices and an information presenting apparatus The identification devices are provided in respective materials distributed to users. Each identification device stores an identifier that specifies presentation information relating to the corresponding material so that the identifier is wirelessly readable The information presenting apparatus includes a presentation information storage unit, a reading unit, a searching unit and a presenting unit. The presentation information storage unit stores the presentation information corresponding to the identifiers. The reading unit wirelessly reads an identifier from the identification device that exists within a proximity range of the reading unit. The searching unit searches the presentation information storage unit for presentation information corresponding to the read identifier. The presenting unit outputs found presentation information visually.

18-10-2011 дата публикации

Systems and methods for offering wireless financial accounts

Номер: US0008041608B2

Systems and methods consistent with the invention may offer a new financial account having a balance transfer sub-account for implementation onto a customer's wireless purchasing device. The purchasing device may have a wireless transmitter that may communicate account information stored on the purchasing device to a service terminal. Based on the account information received by the service terminal, the system may obtain the terms of the customer's current account associated with the purchasing device. The system may then determine the terms of the new account for offering to the customer. If the customer accepts the offered account, the terminal may then wirelessly reprogram the purchasing device with the information of the new account and transfer the balance of the customer's original account to the balance transfer sub-account of the new account.

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Portable e-wallet and universal card

Номер: US0009734345B2
Принадлежит: GoNow Technologies, LLC, GONOW TECH LLC

Universal cards are used in place of all the other traditional cards which a person may want to carry. The universal card can include a short range communications transceiver to communicate with a mobile device. The mobile device can include a user interface and an e-wallet application so that the user can interface with the e-wallet application for programming the universal card via the short range communication link. Once programmed, the universal card emulates a function of a traditional card.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160162862A1
Принадлежит: First Data Corporation

Devices and systems for performing contactless payments. The devices are configured such that account issuers have increased flexibility, and such that the systems and methods are extensible to encompass new technologies.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160371514A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Pay, Inc.

A system for a baseband near field magnetic stripe data transmitter includes a mobile phone, a magnetic stripe transmission (MST) device and a payment button. The mobile phone includes a payment wallet application and is configured to transmit a stream of pulses including magnetic stripe data of a payment card. The MST device includes a driver and an inductor, and the MST device is configured to receive the stream of pulses from the mobile phone, to amplify and shape the received stream of pulses and to generate and emit high energy magnetic pulses including the magnetic stripe data of the payment card. The inductor is driven by a series of timed current pulses that result in a series of high energy magnetic pulses that resemble the fluctuating magnetic field created by a moving magnetic stripe. The payment button is programmed to be associated with a pre-selected payment card and activating of the payment button initiates the emission of high energy magnetic pulses including the magnetic ...

26-08-2014 дата публикации

Methods and device for electronic entities for the exchange and use of rights

Номер: US0008819431B2
Автор: Marc Bertin
Принадлежит: Oberthur Technologies

A method of transferring an item of data representative of a right between two electronic entities, at least one of the electronic entities including short range wireless communication elements suitable for transmitting the item of data to use the right, the electronic entities being suitable for communicating directly or indirectly via a long range communication interface. The method includes steps of transmission and of reception of the item of data by the electronic entities, the item of data being transmitted via the long range communication interface, of authentication and of storage of the item of data in the electronic entity having received it.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190220840A1

An example electronic wallet device may include a plurality of card slots configured to hold transaction cards, each card slot, of the plurality of card slots, including a card reader, and the plurality of card slots holding at least two transaction cards; and one or more processors to receive transaction information associated with a transaction at a transaction terminal, select a transaction card, of the at least two transaction cards based on the received transaction information, and/or provide a transaction token, associated with the selected transaction card to be used in connection with the transaction terminal to process the transaction.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

System and methods for venue controlled buy-back and reselling of access privileges and tickets to closed group events

Номер: US20120018512A1
Принадлежит: Fortress GB Ltd

Methods and apparatus for controlling venue buy-back and resale of access privileges to controlled group events limiting third party trading of subscription.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for provisioning applications in mobile devices

Номер: US20120129452A1
Принадлежит: RFCyber Corp

Techniques for personalizing secure elements in NFC devices to enable various secure transactions over a network (wired and/or wireless network) are disclosed. With a personalized secure element (hence secured element) in place, techniques for provisioning various applications or services are also provided. Interactions among different parties are managed to effectuate a personalization or provisioning process flawlessly to enable an NFC device for a user thereof to start enjoying the convenience of commerce over a data network with minimum effort.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Transaction verification on rfid enabled payment and transaction instruments

Номер: US20120130905A1
Автор: Ersin Uzun, Gene Tsudik

A display enabled RFID tag (DERT) receives transaction details from the reader. DERT verifies that the details match their counterparts in the reader public key certificate. The process is aborted in case of a mismatch. DERT extracts and displays user-verifiable data. It then enters a countdown stage that lasts for a predetermined duration. A user observes the transaction information and, if the transaction amount and other details are deemed correct, presses an accept button provided on the DERT before the timer runs out. DERT signs the time-stamped transaction statement and sends it to the reader. This signed statement is then sent to the payment gateway and eventually to the financial institution that issued the payment DERT.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Wirelessly accessing broadband services using intelligent covers

Номер: US20120231766A1
Автор: Deepak Jain, Tuan Quoc Dao
Принадлежит: Device Fidelity Inc

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for wirelessly accessing broadband services using intelligent covers. In some implementations, a cover for a consumer device includes side surfaces, a rear surface, a physical interface, a circuit, and a broadband service card. The side surfaces and a rear surface form an opening that receives at least a portion of a consumer device. A first portion of at least one of the surfaces includes a connector for connecting to a port of the consumer device. The circuit connects the physical interface to the connector. The broadband service card connected to the physical interface and accesses a service foreign through the wireless broadband network independent of the consumer device.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for memory mapping in a composite rfid tag facility

Номер: US20120261479A1
Принадлежит: Tego Inc

In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for a method of memory mapping disparate memories on a composite radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, where the RFID tag includes a plurality of individual RFID devices each having a memory store with a physical memory address range and mounted to a common substrate, where at least one of the individual RFID devices comprises memory configuration information, and where a memory addressing facility maps the physical memory address ranges of each of the individual RFID devices to a single logical addressing space and presents the address space as a single memory, where the memory addressing facility is included on a computing facility separate from the composite RFID tag.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Parking meter with contactless payment

Номер: US20120292385A1
Принадлежит: JJ Mackay Canada Ltd

A parking meter is described that comprises components for providing parking meter functionality and a display for displaying parking information and a metal housing for protecting the parking meter components from an environment that has a display aperture through which the display is visible. The parking meter also comprises an antenna for a contactless payment reader arranged in or on the parking meter in close proximity to the display.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Flexible public transportation card with display function

Номер: US20130008967A1
Автор: Chao-Chin Chen
Принадлежит: Anica Corp

A flexible public transportation card with display function is disclosed. The flexible public transportation card with display function comprises a first card body, a second card body and a flexible electronic system. The flexible electronic system is disposed between the first card body and the second card body. The flexible electronic system comprises a flexible display, a display circuit, a communication interface, a power generator and a capacitor. The display circuit is electrically connected to the flexible display. The communication interface receives a wireless signal. The power generator is electrically connected to the display circuit and the communication interface, and generates electricity according to the wireless signal. The capacitor stores the electricity generated by the power generator for providing the display circuit with the stored electricity, such that the flexible display displays a frame. The capacitance of the capacitor ranges between 0.1 and 20 microfarads.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20130078905A1
Автор: Atsuo Yoneda
Принадлежит: Felica Networks Inc

An information processing device that includes processing devices and a relay device. Each processing device has at least one processing function associated with a unique function information item, a function determination portion, and a device information item notification portion. The function determination portion determines whether the processing device includes a processing function that corresponds to a function information item received from the relay device. If the processing device has the processing function, the device information item notification portion transmits a device information item to the relay device. The relay device includes a storage portion that stores the device information items, a function information item transmission portion, and a device information item recording portion.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092734A1
Принадлежит: Accenture Global Services Limited

A system for controlling user access to a service includes a read device that reads a payment card of a user, and a first control block coupled an entry gate determines whether online payment authorization should be requested for the payment card. A first memory stores a hot list indicating payment cards for which the first control block denies user access to the service. If the online payment authorization is denied for the payment card, the first control block adds the payment card to the hot list. A further read device is configured to read the payment card, and a second control block coupled to the further read device controls a second gate after determining whether the payment card is on the hot list stored in a second memory coupled to the second control block, the hot list being updated with modifications via a network. 1. A system for controlling user access to a service comprising:a read device configured to read a payment card of a user;a first control block coupled to the read device and an entry gate, the first control block being configured to determine whether online payment authorization should be requested for said payment card, wherein if it is determined that online payment authorization should be requested, the first control block is further configured to make an online payment authorization request and to control the entry gate to allow said user access to the service prior to completing said online payment authorization for said payment card;a first memory coupled to said first control block and comprising a memory portion storing a hot list indicating payment cards for which the first control block denies user access to the service, wherein said first control block is configured to add said payment card to said hot list if the online payment authorization is denied for that payment card;a further read device configured to read said payment card;a second control block coupled to the further read device and configured to control a second gate; ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130185202A1
Принадлежит: VERIFONE, INC.

A system processes a request by a customer to pay a transaction amount, using the customer's account, for a transaction between the customer and a merchant, to provide a payment to an account of the merchant. The transaction incorporates use of a mobile wireless device operated by the customer to provide identification information of the customer's account to an authentication server. A payment server coupled to the authentication server and the merchant passes merchant communications to the authentication server. The authentication server receives the transaction amount from the merchant and receives customer account information from the customer's wireless mobile device, and processes the transaction and account information and, if authenticated, routes the payment transaction to the payment server for payment to the merchant's account. 1. A system for processing a request by a customer to pay a transaction amount , using the customer's account , for a transaction between the customer and a merchant , to provide a payment to an account of the merchant , the transaction incorporating use of a mobile wireless device operated by the customer to provide identification information of the customer's account , the system comprising:an authentication server configured for communications with the customer's mobile wireless device; anda payment server coupled to the authentication server, the payment server configured for communications with the merchant and to pass the merchant communications to the authentication server;wherein the authentication server receives the transaction amount from the merchant and receives customer account information from the customer's wireless mobile device, and processes the transaction and account information and, if authenticated, routes the payment transaction to the payment server for payment to the merchant's account.2. The system of wherein the identification information for the payment card is provided to the mobile wireless device ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203444A1
Автор: Jurss Penny, Perry George

A method is disclosed. The method includes receiving transaction data in an authorization request message from an access device, where the transaction data is associated with a merchant and a transaction location. The method also includes analyzing the transaction data to determine if a location database comprises location data corresponding to the merchant associated with the transaction data, and adding the transaction location and information regarding the access device to the location database. 1. A method comprising:electronically receiving transaction data in an authorization request message from an access device, wherein the transaction data is associated with a merchant and a transaction location;analyzing the transaction data to determine if a location database comprises location data corresponding to the merchant associated with the transaction data; andadding the transaction location and information regarding the access device to the location database.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining if the transaction data indicates that the transaction was conducted using contactless payment claim 1 , wherein adding the transaction information is further based on the determination that the transaction data indicates that the transaction was conducted using contactless payment.3. A method comprising:electronically receiving mapping parameters, wherein the mapping parameters provide parameters for generating a map;electronically receiving location data corresponding to contactless access devices;adding, to a location database, the location data corresponding to the contactless access devices; andadding, to a mapping database, the mapping parameters.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the location data comprises one or more contactless access device geo-locations and location names associated with the contactless access devices.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the location data further comprises location contactless access device properties ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Remote communication terminal for trading on the exchange markets

Номер: US20130268426A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A terminal for trading on exchange markets, comprising a monitor and a keyboard (real or virtual), a device providing transfer of funds to user's account and withdrawal of funds from the user's account and/or money dispending, a device for remote connection configured to display a graphical interface with fields for displaying target information, connected to a control server for the user's account state. The device provides transfer of funds to/from the user's account and/or money dispensing, built into the terminal case, or located outside the case and connected to servers of exchange markets for displaying in fields of information about the current quotations, positions and calculation of profit and loss for each transaction, thus the specified unit also has a feature of displaying of positions and with a feature of input of the price for a rate (point) change and a position amount through the keyboard.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Smartcard receiving device for providing a remote communication with switching means

Номер: US20140015639A1
Принадлежит: GEMALTO SA

The invention relates to a smartcard receiving device, comprising a contact interface ( 11 ) for communicating with the received smartcard ( 2 ); a remote communication interface ( 13 ) for communicating with a first remote device ( 3 ); a protocol bridge ( 12 ) designed to establish a transaction with the received smartcard ( 2 ) through the contact interface ( 11 ). The smartcard receiving device further comprises a communicating device detector ( 14, 15 ) adapted to detect a second remote device ( 5 ) communicating according to a remote communication protocol different from the communication protocol used by said remote communication interface ( 13 ). The protocol bridge ( 12 ) interrupts the transaction with the received smartcard ( 2 ) when the second remote device ( 5 ) communicating according to said different remote communication protocol is detected.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Payment device with tag interface for transportation fare processing, transportation fare processing method of payment device with tag interface, and recording medium

Номер: US20140019216A1
Автор: Byung Yong JO
Принадлежит: LG CNS Co Ltd

Provided is a transportation fare processing method of a payment device with a tag interface, the method including executing an application on an operating system of the payment device, obtaining payment information from a payment means of a user using a communication interface supported by the payment device, processing a transaction performed by the payment means based on the payment information, in response to an execution of the application, and transmitting the processed transaction to a server.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Wirelessly accessing broadband services using intelligent covers

Номер: US20140024342A1
Автор: Deepak Jain, Tuan Quoc Dao
Принадлежит: Device Fidelity Inc

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for wirelessly accessing broadband services using intelligent covers. In some implementations, a cover for a consumer device includes side surfaces, a rear surface, a physical interface, a circuit, and a broadband service card. The side surfaces and a rear surface form an opening that receives at least a portion of a consumer device. A first portion of at least one of the surfaces includes a connector for connecting to a port of the consumer device. The circuit connects the physical interface to the connector. The broadband service card connected to the physical interface and accesses a service foreign through the wireless broadband network independent of the consumer device.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Multifunction smart card

Номер: US20140027506A1
Принадлежит: KT Corp

The disclosure is related to providing a payment processing service and a near field communication (NFC) tag processing service through the single smart card. The smart card may store identification (ID) information of one of a payment card and a NFC tag at a first memory sector and store associated information for providing a related service as the payment card and the NFC tag at predetermined memory sectors. The smart card may be also implemented with a NFC tag applet providing the ID information and the associated information as the NFC tag to the user terminal. The smart card may be recognized as the NFC tag while storing the ID information for the payment card at the first memory sector in the memory or as the payment card while storing the ID information for the NFC tag at the first memory sector in the memory.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046784A1

A method and device for managing and storing a plurality of electronic gift cards for use during a payment transaction includes receiving electronic information corresponding to a plurality of gift cards and securely storing the information in storage of a smartcard device as electronic gift cards. The smartcard device may monitor for a request to selectively activate an electronic gift card of the plurality of electronic gift cards for use during a payment transaction. The smartcard device may receive and transmit information corresponding to a selected electronic gift card using a near-field communication (NFC) data exchange. 1107-. (canceled)108. An apparatus comprising:a wallet card synchronization and backup module to receive electronic card information from a computing device using a contactless communication mechanism, the electronic card information corresponding to a purchased, complimentary, or preloaded gift card;a wallet card database to store the electronic card information corresponding to the purchased, complimentary, or preloaded gift card as an electronic wallet card, the wallet card database to store a plurality of electronic wallet cards;a wallet card selection module to receive a selection of one of the plurality of electronic wallet cards stored in the wallet card database; anda wallet card activation module to transfer the electronic card information corresponding to the selected electronic wallet card to a point-of-sale device using the contactless communication mechanism for a payment transaction.109. The apparatus of claim 108 , wherein the apparatus comprises one of a smartcard claim 108 , smart phone claim 108 , mobile internet device claim 108 , portable digital assistant claim 108 , or tablet computer claim 108 , andwherein the contactless communication mechanism comprises one of near-field communication (NFC) circuitry or Bluetooth circuitry.110. The apparatus of claim 108 , wherein to receive electronic card information from a ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Wireless transaction medium having combined magnetic stripe and radio frequency communications

Номер: US20140048597A1

A wireless financial transaction instrument, such as a card, has a magnetic stripe, a display, and an on-board power supply, such as a battery, and is usable with a dual capture point of sale terminal. Information is received by such a terminal from the card wirelessly, and also from the magnetic stripe, and the data received contactlessly is preferably used to verify that read from the stripe. The display can display the account number on command, or to display a current balance, or amount of credit remaining, or any combination of these items of information.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Pre-authenticated identification token

Номер: US20140068742A1
Автор: Simon Phillips
Принадлежит: Mastercard International Inc

A pre-authenticated token system includes an identification token having a switch, a transmitter and receiver circuit, and a sensor; a docking station having control circuitry, a transmit/receive circuit and an antenna; a personal computer; and an authentication server computer. The personal computer transmits security information to the authentication server, receives authentication information, and transmits an authentication signal to the docking station. The docking station receives the authentication signal, enters an authentication mode, and transmits the authentication signal to the identification token. The sensor of the identification token detects removal of the identification token from the user's body, and the switch then responds by disabling the identification token to prevent transmission of identification data.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Cloud-based virtual wallet nfc apparatuses, methods and systems

Номер: US20140074637A1
Автор: Ayman Hammad

The CLOUD-BASED VIRTUAL WALLET NFC APPARATUSES, METHODS AND SYSTEMS (“EAE”) transform user enhanced security transaction initiation requests using EAE components into time-limited, session-specific transaction bounding tokens. In some implementations, the disclosure provides a processor-implemented method of transforming a transaction bounding token request into transaction bounded tokens and purchase authorizations.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081785A1

Telematic Payment Card for use remotely with a Central Control & Processing Unit, for paying goods and services using mobile network, and transferring money between accounts remotely, enabling a payment card with monitor and keyboard to communicate banking and financial data remotely to financial institutions and payment networks via said central unit. 1106. An electronic card for payments () comprising:{'b': '104', 'a) card enclosure ();'}{'b': '101', 'b) first chip for communication identification and authentication ();'}{'b': 102', '103, 'c) second chip for secure payment identification and authentication (, );'}{'b': '211', 'd) input module for inputting payment amounts and other information and confirming transactions ();'}{'b': '211', 'e) display module for displaying payment amounts, transaction confirmations and other information ();'}wherein the electronic card is configured to:a) connect wirelessly with a second party;b)transfer amount to second party, whether directly or whether through a central processing server.2106. The electronic card for payments according to wherein said second party is a second electronic card for payments ().3405. The electronic card for payments according to wherein said second party is a merchant POS unit ().4106. The electronic card for payments according to wherein the electronic card () is configured to issue and/or receive confirmations of said payments.5. An electronic card for accessing and managing a bank account according to .6101. The electronic card for payments according to wherein the first chip for communication identification and authentication () is a SIM chip for wireless mobile data communication.7103. The electronic card for payments according to wherein the second chip for secure payment authentication () is a EMV chip for secure card-holder identification and payment processing.8211. The electronic card for payments according to wherein the input and display module comprises a touchscreen ().9. The ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Payment Device

Номер: US20220005010A1
Автор: Rifaat Omar, Wilson David

A program for running on a processor of a portable payment device is adapted for carrying out a payment interaction and permitting ticket storage in a memory of the portable payment device. The program is configured to interact with an access point and includes a set of instructions, a first code portion and a second code portion. The set of instructions, when executed by the processor, causes the portable payment device to perform the steps of: responsive to a first message from said access point, executing the first code portion; and responsive to a second message from the access point, executing the second code portion. The first code portion includes first instructions corresponding to the payment interaction. The second code portion includes instructions corresponding to the payment interaction and second instructions corresponding to the ticket interaction. 122.-. (canceled)23. A portable payment device comprising:a memory configured to store a first code portion including instructions related to a payment interaction, a second code portion, and stored ticket data;a communication module;a processor; and receiving, via the communication module, a message from an access point;', 'determining that the message comprises an amount to be paid and data for a ticket interaction;', 'in response to receiving the message, executing the second code portion, wherein the second code portion includes instructions related to a combined interaction including both a ticketing part and a payment part, wherein the ticketing part includes instructions for writing or updating the ticket data in the memory of the portable payment device according to the data for the ticket interaction, and wherein the second code portion is a unitary code portion; and', 'providing a response to the access point responsive to the received message, wherein the response includes content that informs the access point of interactions in the portable payment device and initiates opening of a gate., 'a non ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Dynamically Authorizing and Processing Contactless Events

Номер: US20220005014A1

Systems for contactless authentication and event processing are provided. In some examples, functionality of a self-service kiosk may be requested. In response, a user may be authenticated and a first interactive user interface may be generated and displayed by the self-service kiosk. A second, different interactive user interface may be generated and transmitted for display by an event processing device. A user may select an option displayed by the event processing device. The user selection may be made via the second interactive user interface. The user selection may then cause the self-service kiosk to execute the selected function. 1. A system , comprising: a generally planar surface having a first side and an opposite, second side;', 'a first processor arranged between the first side and the second side; and', 'a digital display arranged on one of the first side or the second side;, 'an event processing device, including at least a second processor;', 'a communication interface communicatively coupled to the at least a second processor; and', receive a request to access functionality;', 'authenticate a user in response to receiving the request to access functionality;', 'generate a first interactive user interface including a plurality of selectable options, each selectable option having a corresponding selection character;', 'generate a second interactive user interface including the selection characters corresponding to each selectable option;', 'display the first interactive user interface on a display of the self-service kiosk;', 'cause display of the second interactive user interface on the digital display of the event processing device;', 'receive user input selecting one selection character via the second interactive user interface;', 'map the received user input to the selectable option corresponding to the selected one selection character; and', 'execute a function associated with the selectable option corresponding to the selected one selection ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012705A1

A payment terminal includes a magnetic card reader slot having a magnetic head, an IC card reader slot configured to be front of a user, and a first board with a touch area for a contactless payment arranged diagonally upward toward the user. The magnetic card reader slot is arranged toward the user obliquely upward with respect to a direction parallel to the plane. The magnetic card reader slot and the IC card reader slot are arranged, so that a swipe direction of the magnetic card into the magnetic card reader slot and an insertion direction of an IC card into the IC card reader slot are substantially perpendicular to each other. The magnetic card reader slot, the IC card reader slot, and the first board are arranged in this order from the plane in a height direction. 1. A payment terminal comprising:a magnetic card reader slot has a magnetic head in the magnetic card reader slot, the magnetic head is positioned closer to a plane on which the payment terminal is placed than a position where a user holds a magnetic card when swiping the magnetic card into the magnetic card reader slot;an IC card reader slot is front of a user; anda first board with a touch area for a contactless payment is arranged diagonally upward toward the user, whereinan open space is arranged between the IC card reader slot and the first board,the IC card reader slot and the first board are arranged in order from the plane in a height direction, andthe open space is arranged across the surface with the IC card reader slot and two side surfaces next to the surface with the IC card reader slot.2. The payment terminal according to claim 1 , wherein:the open space is arranged along a part of sides of the first board.3. The payment terminal according to claim 2 , wherein:the center of the first board is defined as a first point, a vertical line from the first point to the plane on which the payment terminal is placed is defined as a first line, andthe IC card reader slot is arranged closer to the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Gift Card With Balance Indicator Panels

Номер: US20220012715A1
Автор: Rinaldi Robert C.

A gift card includes a card body having a retailer's or credit card company name and logo, a pre-printed gift card account balance representing the balance on the card when initially purchased, and a user-fillable Card Balance data field which can be completed using an ordinary pencil or pen. The gift card also may be printed with one or more prompts, such as a graphic or written instruction, to provide a user with sufficient instruction to use the re-writable functionality of the present invention, and may include dollar and cents indicators to facilitate a user to write the current and updated balance clearly and accurately. 1. A gift card system , comprising:a gift card having a body, a unique identifier, an initial card balance data field having a writing surface and a currency indicator, a plurality of successive card balance data fields having a writing surface and a currency indicator, and one or more pre-printed prompts on said card body to prompt a user to complete said card balance data fields;a card balance database corresponding to said unique identifier;a computer system connected to a data network and having a central processing unit and access to said card balance database; andmeans to identify said unique identifier of said gift card,wherein said computer system is configured to send and receive database information with other computer systems via said data network, the database information containing at least a verification of available funds associated with the gift card.2. The gift card system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more pre-printed prompts on said card body to prompt a user to complete said initial and successive card balance data fields.3. The gift card system of claim 1 , wherein the initial card balance data field and the successive card balance data fields form an array of vertically stacked card balance data fields.4. The gift card system of claim 1 , wherein the initial card balance data field and the successive card balance ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Security hierarchy on a digital transaction processing unit (dtpu)

Номер: US20220012720A1
Автор: Robert Wilson

A Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU) operable to host one or more transaction applications for digitally transacting with a Digital Transaction Device (DTD), the DTPU including a security hierarchy for hosting the one or more transaction applications, wherein the security hierarchy is configured to host at least one transaction application for transacting in contact digital transactions.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012734A1
Автор: Wilson Robert

A Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU) including a plurality of transaction applications operable for a digital transaction with a Digital Transaction Device (DTD), each of the plurality of transaction applications being associated with a tokenised primary identifier. 1. A Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU) comprising a plurality of transaction applications operable for a digital transaction with a Digital Transaction Device (DTD) , each of the plurality of transaction applications being associated with a tokenised primary identifier.2. A DTPU in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the tokenized primary identifier is a tokenized primary Personal Account Number (primary PAN).3. A DTPU in accordance with claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of transaction applications is associated with a corresponding primary PAN claim 1 , the plurality of transaction applications being associated with the same corresponding primary PAN.4. A DTPU in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the DTPU is included on a Digital Payment Device (DPD).5. A DTPU in accordance with claim 4 , wherein each of the one or more transaction applications is associated with a corresponding personality hosted by the DPD claim 4 , the one or more transaction applications being associated with the same personality.6. A DTPU in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the DPD is operable to reversibly unlock at least one of the plurality of transaction applications claim 4 , such that each of the at least one of the plurality of transaction applications is operable for a digital transaction with the DTD.7. A DTPU in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the DPD is operable to reversibly lock each other of the plurality of transaction applications claim 6 , such that each other of the plurality of transaction applications is inoperable for a digital transaction with a DTD.8. A DTPU in accordance with claim 7 , wherein the DPD includes an application selection module operable to select the at least one of the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006378A1
Автор: Blythe Simon

A user device for use in a transaction is provided. The user device includes a communicator configured to allow communication, between the user device and a reader device, for executing the transaction, a sensor configured to detect a movement of the user device, and a trigger element configured to, on detection of the movement of the user device, initiate a process for the transaction. 1. A user device for use in a transaction , the user device comprising:a communicator configured to allow communication, between the user device and a reader device, for executing the transaction;a sensor configured to detect a movement of the user device; anda trigger element configured to, on detection of the movement of the user device, initiate a process for the transaction.2. A user device according to claim 1 , wherein the transaction is a proximity transaction.3. A user device according to claim 1 , wherein the trigger element is configured to claim 1 , on the detection of the movement claim 1 , activate a component of the user device to allow the transaction to proceed.4. A user device according to claim 3 , wherein the trigger element is configured to claim 3 , on the detection of the movement claim 3 , activate the communicator to allow the transaction to proceed.5. A user device according to claim 1 , wherein the trigger element is configured to claim 1 , on the detection of the movement claim 1 , trigger the process during the transaction.6. A user device according to claim 1 , wherein the trigger element is a processor claim 1 , and wherein the processor is configured to claim 1 , on the detection of the movement claim 1 , perform at least one of initiating a decryption process for the transaction claim 1 , providing information from the movement sensor to the communicator for communication to the reader device claim 1 , storing information from the movement sensor claim 1 , and comparing information from the movement sensor with stored movement information.7. A user ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004786A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Various embodiments are generally directed to authenticating a user for non-payment purposes utilizing a payment protocol, a computer device and a contactless card. The payment protocol may be consistent with an EMV standard. An application may determine that authorization or verification of a user may be required to access non-payment features of another application associated with the user and the computer device. The application may then receive and/or facilitate transmission of encrypted data from a communications interface of a contactless card associated with an account and utilizing either an offline or online technique to do so. The offline or online technique may involve one or more operations that can verify the identity of the user and/or otherwise authorize the user to have access to various aspects of the other application. 1. A method comprising:initiating, by a mobile device, a wireless communication to verify a contactless card using near field communication (NFC);receiving, at the mobile device and as part of the wireless communication, a plurality of inputs, including an application transaction counter (ATC);generating, with the mobile device, a cryptogram based on the ATC, the remaining plurality of inputs of the wireless communication, and a symmetric key associated with the card;transmitting, by the mobile device, a message comprising the cryptogram to an authentication server, wherein the message conforms to a payment format;receiving, at the mobile device, a response from the authentication server verifying an identity of the contactless card based on the cryptogram, wherein the generation of the cryptogram and the received response from the authentication server is based on a payment protocol, and wherein the wireless communication and the card verification is distinct from completing a payment in relation to the payment protocol, wherein the response conforms to the payment format;updating, by the mobile device, the ATC based on the card ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005109A1
Автор: TAKEISHI Toshiki

According to an embodiment, an information processing apparatus includes a non-contact communication device and a processor. The non-contact communication device performs non-contact communication in a reader mode or an inter-device communication mode. The processor switches the non-contact communication device to the inter-device communication mode when transmission request information for requesting transfer of specific information is set in an electronic message received by the non-contact communication device in the reader mode from a second non-contact communication device, and cause the non-contact communication device that is switched to the inter-device communication mode to transmit the electronic message including the information requested in the transmission request information to the second non-contact communication device. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:a non-contact communication device that performs non-contact communication in a reader mode or an inter-device communication mode;a communication device that performs communication via a network; and switches the non-contact communication device from the reader mode to the inter-device communication mode when the non-contact communication device that performs the non-contact communication in the reader mode receives the first electronic message transmitted from a terminal device that performs the non-contact communication in a card mode and transmits connection information for communicatively connecting via the network to the terminal device that is a transmission source of the received first electronic message,', 'transmits the second electronic message including the connection information for the terminal device to the non-contact communication device switched in the inter-device communication mode, and', 'communicatively connects the terminal device with the communication device via the network based on the connection information transmitted to the terminal device., 'a processor ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004803A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Systems, methods, articles of manufacture, and computer-readable media. A communications interface may receive an indication that a server preauthorized a transaction. The communications interface may receive, from a point of sale device, an indication to pay for the transaction. The contactless card may determine, based on rules stored in the memory, that the location of the mobile device is within one or more locations the contactless card is permitted for use. The contactless card may generate transaction data comprising: indications of an account number and an expiration date of the contactless card, and the indication of the preauthorization. The contactless card may transmit the transaction data to the POS device as payment for the transaction. The server may authorize payment for the transaction using at least a portion of the transaction data based at least in part on identifying the indication of the preauthorization in the transaction data. 17-. (canceled)8. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having computer-readable program code embodied therewith , the computer-readable program code executable by a processor to cause the processor to perform the steps of:decrypting, by a server, encrypted data using a cryptographic algorithm and a key associated with an account, wherein the encrypted data is received by the server from an account application of a mobile device;determining, by the server based on one or more rules associated with the account, that a location of the mobile device is within a threshold distance of one or more locations a contactless card associated with the account is permitted for use;preauthorizing, by the server, a transaction for the contactless card based on the decryption of the encrypted data and the determination that the location of the mobile device is within the threshold distance of the one or more locations the contactless card is permitted for use;storing, by the server, an indication of the preauthorization for ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005223A1
Принадлежит: Square, Inc.

A payment terminal includes multiple chips that perform different processing functions within the payment terminal. A terminal chip performs general functionality of the payment terminal while a transaction chip communicates with payment devices such as chip cards and NFC payment devices and processes payment information. The transaction chip may operate in a low power during which communications and processing are limited, and a transaction processing mode in which transactions may be processed. The transaction chip may transfer between these modes based on wake-up messages provided by other devices or circuitry of the payment terminal. 1. A system for exchanging electronic payment information between a payment reader and a chip card or wireless payment device , the system comprising:a chip card interface configured to receive the chip card and exchange the electronic payment information with the chip card;a wireless payment interface configured to communicate wirelessly to exchange the electronic payment information with the wireless payment device; a transaction processing unit coupled to the chip card interface and the wireless payment interface, wherein the transaction processing unit is configured to execute wake-up instructions and transaction processing instructions; and', 'a transaction processing memory configured to store the wake-up instructions and the transaction processing instructions, wherein the wake-up instructions cause the transaction processing unit to cause the transaction chip to enter the transaction processing mode in response to a wake-up request, wherein the transaction processing instructions cause the transaction processing unit to receive the electronic payment information during the transaction processing mode in response to a request for payment information, and wherein the wake-up instructions cause the transaction processing unit to return to the low-power mode from the transaction processing mode if the request for payment ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and smart card adapted for progressive fingerprint enrollment

Номер: US20200005304A1
Принадлежит: Fingerprint Cards AB

The present invention relates to a method for progressively enrolling a user of a smart card, specifically applying a multi-step activation process for enabling fingerprint authentication for the smart card. The invention also relates to a corresponding smart card and to a computer program product. The present invention provides a solution for seamless fingerprint enrollment for a smart card user.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220019987A1

A module provided in a predetermined space of an operation panel of a transaction terminal device to input and output digital information, includes: a wireless unit, a scanner unit, and a housing. The housing has a first front surface member and a second front surface member, a lower side of the first front surface member projects toward an operator with respect to an upper side of the first front surface member, an upper side of the second front surface member projects toward the operator with respect to a lower side of the second front surface member, an antenna of the wireless unit is provided on a back side of the first front surface member, a lower side of the antenna projects toward the operator with respect to an upper side of the antenna, and the scanner unit reads a code through an opening of the second front surface member. 1. A module provided in a predetermined space of an operation panel of a transaction terminal device to input and output a digital information , the module comprising:a wireless unit, configured to perform a data communication using at least a near field communication;a scanner unit, configured to read an external code; anda housing, configured for incorporating the wireless unit and the scanner unit, a first front surface member, disposed obliquely with respect to a vertical direction; and', 'a second front surface member, provided below the first front surface member and disposed obliquely with respect to the vertical direction,, 'wherein the housing compriseswherein a lower side of the first front surface member projects toward an operator with respect to an upper side of the first front surface member,an upper side of the second front surface member projects toward the operator with respect to a lower side of the second front surface member,an antenna of the wireless unit is provided on a back side of the first front surface member,a lower side of the antenna projects toward the operator with respect to an upper side of the antenna, ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220019997A1
Автор: Gupta Saurabh

Systems and methods for secure and efficient bill capture, analysis, and execution are provided. A method may include capturing, via a camera embedded in a smart card, an image of a bill. The bill may include a plurality of text fields. The method may include processing the text fields via a microprocessor embedded in the smart card. The method may include determining, based at least in part on the processing of the text fields, a balance amount and a payment recipient associated with the bill. The method may also include executing a payment for the balance amount from an account associated with a user of the smart card to an account associated with the payment recipient. The executing may be performed via a wireless communication element embedded in the smart card which may be configured to provide wireless communication between the smart card and a payment gateway. 1. A platform for secure and efficient bill capture , analysis , and execution , said platform comprising a smart card that comprises:a microprocessor;a camera;a power source for the microprocessor and the camera;a wireless communication element configured to provide wireless communication between the smart card and a payment gateway; and capture, via the camera, an image of a bill, said bill comprising a plurality of text fields;', 'process the text fields of the image via a text processing module;', 'determine, based at least in part on the processing of the text fields, a balance amount and a payment recipient associated with the bill; and', 'execute a payment, over the payment gateway and for the balance amount, from an account associated with a user of the platform to an account associated with the payment recipient., 'a non-transitory memory storing computer-executable instructions, that, when run on the microprocessor, are configured to2. The platform of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the payment recipient is not internally detectable from the text fields claim 1 , determining the payment ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220020012A1

Example embodiments of systems and methods for data transmission system between transmitting and receiving devices are provided. In an embodiment, each of the transmitting and receiving devices can contain a master key. The transmitting device can generate a diversified key using the master key, protect a counter value and encrypt data prior to transmitting to the receiving device, which can generate the diversified key based on the master key and can decrypt the data and validate the protected counter value using the diversified key. 145.-. (canceled)46. A method for transmitting data by a contactless card having a processor and a memory , the memory containing a card key , the method comprising:generating a cryptogram;encrypting the cryptogram using the card key;transmitting the encrypted cryptogram; andtransmitting a tap password, wherein the tap password comprises a plurality of taps of the contactless card on a receiving device.47. The method of claim 46 , further comprising claim 46 , prior to the transmission of the tap password claim 46 , receiving a request for the tap password from an application comprising instructions for execution on the receiving device.48. The method of claim 46 , wherein the plurality of taps comprises a sequence of taps.49. The method of claim 46 , wherein the plurality of taps comprises a two short taps and one long tap.50. The method of claim 49 , wherein each of the two short taps last less than one second.51. The method of claim 49 , wherein the long tap lasts more than one second.52. The method of claim 49 , wherein the two short taps and the one long tap may occur in any order.53. The method of claim 46 , wherein the tap password specifies an order for the plurality of taps.54. A data transmission system comprising:a contactless card comprising:a processor; anda memory, the memory of the contactless card containing a card key, generate a cryptogram,', 'encrypt the cryptogram,', 'transmit the encrypted cryptogram, and', ' ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220027889A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Various embodiments are directed to applying, via contactless card authentication, one or more restrictions to a virtual card number and generating the card number for use by a recipient. The one or more restrictions may be specifically personalized to the recipient and may include, for example, a merchant restriction, an amount restriction, a time period restriction, or a location restriction. The generated virtual card number along with the applied one or more restrictions may be consumed in various ways, such as writing the number to a blank card, transmitting the number directly to the recipient's computing device, etc., all via near-field communication. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus , comprising:a display device;near field communication (NFC) circuitry configured to communicate data;memory configured to store instructions; detect an indication to generate a virtual card number;', 'cause a prompt to display on the display device, the prompt to prompt a user to provide a contactless card on a surface of the apparatus or within a distance of the apparatus to communicate in accordance with NFC;', 'detect, via the NFC circuitry, the contactless card;', 'receive, via the NFC circuitry, a cryptogram from the contactless card, the cryptogram comprising identifying information to authenticate the user;', 'send the cryptogram to one or more remote devices to authenticate the user;', 'receive a second indication from the one or more remote devices that authentication of the user is successful;', 'determine, in response to authentication of the user, the virtual card number; and', 'send the virtual card number to another contactless card or to a remote device., 'processing circuitry coupled with the memory, the NFC circuitry, and the display device, the processing circuitry configured to process the instructions, that when executed, cause the processing circuitry to22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the processing circuitry further configured to process the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Active peripheral device and electronic payment terminal

Номер: US20170011385A1
Автор: Rotsaert Christopher

A peripheral device intended to be coupled in a mobile and removable manner to an electronic payment terminal having contactless communication. The peripheral device includes at least one first portion of a contactless communication of the electronic payment terminal and at least one connector that cooperates, when the peripheral device is coupled to the electronic payment terminal, with at least one complementary connector on the electronic payment terminal. The connectors form a wireline communication between the first portion of the contactless communication of the peripheral device and the electronic payment terminal. 1. Peripheral device intended to be coupled in a mobile and removable manner to an electronic payment terminal comprising means of contactless communication , said peripheral device comprising at least one first portion of said means of communication of said electronic payment terminal ,characterised in that said peripheral device comprises at least one connector that cooperates, when said peripheral device is coupled to said electronic payment terminal, with at least one complementary connector on said electronic payment terminal, with said connectors forming means of wireline communication between said first portion of the means of contactless communication of said peripheral device and said electronic payment terminal,and in that said peripheral device corresponds to a protective case of said electronic payment terminal.2. Peripheral device according to claim 1 , characterised in that said first portion of the means of contactless communication comprises an antenna able to receive data and in that said data received by said antenna transits via said means of wireline communication to at least one processing module arranged on said communication terminal.3. Peripheral device according to claim 2 , characterised in that said antenna is arranged on a transparent portion of said peripheral device.4. Electronic payment terminal comprising means of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012418A1

A parking meter is described that comprises components for providing parking meter functionality and a display for displaying parking information and a metal housing for protecting the parking meter components from an environment that has a display aperture through which the display is visible. The parking meter also comprises an antenna for a contactless payment reader arranged in or on the parking meter in close proximity to the display. 1. A removable single space parking meter mechanism comprising:an internal structure to be at least partially and removably received within a lower housing of a single space parking meter;a display; andan antenna for a contactless payment reader arranged at the display.2. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of wherein the antenna for the contactless payment reader is arranged behind the display.3. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of wherein the antenna for the contactless payment reader is arranged adjacent to the display.4. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of further comprising a front housing claim 1 , to be exposed to an external environment claim 1 , coupled to the internal structure.5. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of claim 4 , wherein the front housing comprises a display opening through which the display is visible.6. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of claim 5 , wherein the antenna for the contactless payment reader is arranged behind the display.7. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of claim 5 , wherein the antenna for the contactless payment reader is arranged within the display opening.8. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of claim 5 , further comprising a transparent covering within the display opening claim 5 , wherein the antenna for the contactless payment reader is arranged on the transparent covering.9. The removable single space parking meter mechanism of claim 4 , further comprising ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Integrated payment device

Номер: US20190012655A1
Принадлежит: PAX Computer Technology Shenzhen Co Ltd

The present application is suitable for the field of payment devices, and provides an integrated payment device including a housing. A near field payment area and a code scanning payment area are provided on the housing. A near field payment module, a code scanning payment module and a circuit board configured for controlling the near field payment module and the code scanning payment module are mounted in the housing. Both the near field payment module and the code scanning payment module are electrically connected with the circuit board. The near field payment module is located at a position corresponding to the near field payment area. The code scanning payment module is located at a position corresponding to the code scanning payment area.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012301A1

A card for distributing media including any one or all of music, videos and movies said card include a main card body formed of two covers that snap or nestle together about its perimeter. One or more chips are nestled internally within the main card body and are configured to transmit information. A USB male connector is configured to pivot relative to the main card body so as to operate between a retracted position and an extended position. The USB male connector is coupled to a dongle configured to pivot about an axis relative to the main card body. The USB male connector includes executable instructions to communicate with a remote third party notifying the time and location of access to stored information. 1. A card for distributing media including any one or all of music , videos and movies said card comprising:a main card body formed of connected a top cover and a bottom cover having substantially flat and parallel upper and lower planar surfaces; the top cover and bottom cover coupled via interference fit via a groove and protrusion about the perimeter of the top cover and the bottom covers, the top cover and the bottom cover together forming a plurality of pockets internally within the main card body;a USB male connector configured to pivot relative to the main card body, the USB male connector coupled to a dongle configured to pivot about an axis relative to the main card body, the dongle operating between a retracted and extended position.2. The card of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one communications device nested between said connected top cover and bottom cover within the plurality of pockets including at least one of a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip, a Bluetooth communications device, a Radio-Frequency identification (RFID) chip, a UDP (USB Disk In Package), or combinations thereof.3. The card of claim 1 , wherein the main card body is 2-5 mm thick.4. The card of claim 1 , wherein the USB male connector includes smart links to transmit a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012322A1
Принадлежит: MasterCard International Incorporated

The invention provides methods, systems and computer program products for implementing a contactless payment card based payment transaction. The invention may in an embodiment be implemented by (i) establishing a contactless communication protocol based data channel with a contactless payment card through a processor implemented contactless communication enabled device, (ii) receiving payment card information from the contactless payment card over the contactless communication protocol based data channel, (iii) transmitting to a kernel server, a payment transaction request for onward transmission to an issuer server associated with the contactless payment card, the payment transaction request identifying a payment amount, a payee account, and payment account associated with the contactless payment card, (iv) receiving from the kernel server, a validation cryptogram, request wherein the validation cryptogram request has been generated by the issuer server transmitting the validation cryptogram to the kernel server, for onward transmission to the issuer server. 1. A system for implementing a contactless payment card based payment transaction comprising at least one processor implemented contactless communication enabled device configured for contactless communication and for network communication , and configured for:establishing a contactless communication protocol based data channel with a contactless payment card through the at least one processor implemented contactless communication enabled device;receiving payment card information from the contactless payment card over the contactless communication protocol based data channel;transmitting to a kernel server, a payment transaction request for onward transmission to an issuer server associated with the contactless payment card, the payment transaction request identifying a payment amount, a payee account, and payment account associated with the contactless payment card;receiving from the kernel server, a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Techniques to electronically share transaction card information

Номер: US20210012339A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services LLC

Various embodiments are generally directed to techniques share transaction card information with another device. More specifically, embodiments discussed here include sharing transaction card information from one device to another device, such as a mobile phone or transaction card, such that a user of the other device may perform one or more authorized transactions.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012348A1
Автор: Anantharaju Girish

One or more embodiments include obtaining information from a physical payment card. Based on the information from the physical payment card, an output is obtained that includes a valid account number corresponding to the physical payment card. The valid account number is displayed to the cardholder. The physical payment card does not contain a visual indication of the valid account number and thus cannot be used by a malicious entity. One or more embodiments may include a physical payment card. The physical payment card includes a fake account number that cannot be used for executing a transaction based on funds associated with the physical payment card. They physical payment card may also include a key that can be mapped to a valid account number that can be used for executing a transaction based on funds associated with the physical payment card. 1. One or more non-transitory machine-readable media comprising instructions which , when executed by one or more hardware processors , causes performance of operations comprising:obtaining information from a physical payment card; 'determining a valid account number, not printed on the physical payment card, corresponding to the physical payment card, that is different than a fake, single account number printed on the physical payment card; and', 'based on the information from the physical payment carddisplaying, by an application, the valid account number corresponding to the physical payment card.2. The media of claim 1 , wherein the information from the physical payment card comprises machine readable data obtained from the physical payment card.3. The media of claim 2 , wherein the information is obtained via a Near-Field Communication (NFC) device from the physical payment card.4. The media of claim 2 , wherein the information is obtained from a magnetic strip on the physical payment card.5. The media of claim 2 , wherein the information is obtained via an integrated circuit embedded in the physical payment card.6. ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012401A1
Автор: OSBORN Kevin, RULE Jeffrey
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Disclosed are a system and techniques for authenticating voice transactions with a payment card. A system example may include a purchase application executing on a smart digital device, and a payment card. The purchase application may receive an item purchase request via an audio input device of the smart digital device for an item available to purchase. The received item purchase request may be sent to an application server or the like, and, in response, a list of merchants offering the item available for purchase and each merchant's price for the item available to purchase may be received. The list may be presented on a smart digital device display for selection of at least one of the merchants selling the item may be received. A payment card may be inserted into the smart digital device's near-field communication field to provide a signal containing encrypted data. 1. A method , comprising:providing a list of items available for purchase that substantially match a requested item to an output device of the smart digital device, in response to receiving, via a smart digital device, a voice request for a purchase of the requested item, wherein the output device of the smart digital device is at least one of a display or a speaker;polling a communication interface of the smart digital device to obtain encrypted data from a contact pad of a payment card placed in range of a near-field communication device of the smart digital device;outputting, via the output device, the list of items available for purchase;receiving a selection of an item to purchase from the list of items available for purchase; the encrypted data is generated by a cryptographic algorithm that uses an encryption key, and', 'the encryption key is generated based on a master key and a counter value stored in a memory of the payment card;, 'receiving encrypted data from the contact pad of the payment card via the near-field communication device of the smart digital device, whereinforward from the smart ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013032A1

Methods, apparatus and systems for allowing users to easily and securely enroll directly into a newly issued biometric payment card. In an embodiment, a user is provided with a biometric payment card enrollment package that includes a biometric payment card, an energy sleeve having a power source and at least a front wall and a rear wall defining an opening for accepting the biometric payment card therein, and at least one light-emitting diode (LED). The power source includes circuitry to provide power to an EMV chip of the biometric payment card when the biometric payment card is seated therein, and to provide power to the LED during a biometric enrollment process. In some embodiments, a software development kit (SDK) provided by the issuer of the biometric payment card provides support and guidance which enables the user to enroll directly into the biometric payment card. 1. A biometric payment card enrollment package comprising:a biometric payment card comprising a biometric sensor located on a front wall, the biometric sensor operably connected to an EMV chip comprising a contact faceplate located on the front wall, and a memory;an energy sleeve having at least a front wall and a rear wall defining an opening therebetween and sized to accept the biometric payment card therein, the energy sleeve comprising a power source; andat least one light-emitting diode (LED) operably connected to one of the EMV chip of the biometric payment card or the power source of the energy sleeve;wherein the power source comprises circuitry that provides power via the contact faceplate to the EMV chip when the biometric payment card is inserted through the opening of the energy sleeve and seated therein, and provides power to the at least one LED during a biometric enrollment process.2. The biometric payment card enrollment package of claim 1 , wherein at least two LEDs are operably connected to the power source when the biometric payment card is inserted through the opening of the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036349A1

Example embodiments of systems and methods for data transmission system between transmitting and receiving devices are provided. In an embodiment, each of the transmitting and receiving devices can contain a master key. The transmitting device can generate a diversified key using the master key, protect a counter value and encrypt data prior to transmitting to the receiving device, which can generate the diversified key based on the master key and can decrypt the data and validate the protected counter value using the diversified key. 140-. (canceled)41. A system , comprising:a contactless card having a processor and memory, the memory of the contactless card containing a card key and transmission data;an application comprising instructions for execution on a receiving device having a processor and memory, the memory of the receiving device containing an application key; encrypt the transmission data using a cryptographic algorithm and the card key to yield encrypted transmission data, and', 'transmit the encrypted transmission data to the application; and, 'wherein the contactless card is configured to decrypt the encrypted transmission data using the cryptographic algorithm and the application key;', 'authenticate a user identity associated with a user; and', 'after authenticating the user identity, access sensitive information., 'wherein the application is configured to42. The system of claim 41 , wherein the sensitive information comprises at least one selected from the group of academic information claim 41 , financial information claim 41 , and medical information.43. The system of claim 41 , wherein:the sensitive information comprises insurance information, andthe application is further configured to transmit the insurance information to a device associated with medical provider.44. The system of claim 41 , wherein the application is further configured to claim 41 , after authenticating the user identity and prior to accessing sensitive information claim 41 , ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for Routing Within a Mobile Terminal Emulating a Contactless Payment Card

Номер: US20150020160A1
Принадлежит: Morpho SA

The present invention concerns the field of the emulation of contactless payment cards and more particularly the routing of the contactless communication within a device comprising several contactless payment card emulation circuits. The invention proposes a method for routing messages within an NFC controller. This controller has a table of the various applications hosted by the various secure elements. When the controller receives a request for the list of applications contained in the virtual payment card, it intercepts this request and responds with the list of the various applications accessible on the various secure elements. When a request aimed at selecting an application is received, the controller stores the secure element concerned and redirects all the messages to this element as long as it does not receive any new selection request.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Payment system and method

Номер: US20190019226A1
Автор: Marianna BRAUN
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a payment system and a method. The payment system comprises at least one point of sale device for processing a transaction between a dealer and a client, the point of sale device being configured to read a payment ID assigned to the client, and to send out the payment ID further and at least a deal value, and to receive an acknowledgement signal for the transaction; at least one payment ID system for further processing the transaction, the payment ID system being configured to receive at least the payment ID and the deal value, and to check the payment on the basis of data accessible by the payment ID system, and in case of a correct data to generate and to submit the acknowledgement signal to the point of sale device, and to generate and submit at least a trigger signal; at least one communication system to submit a control signal from and to the client; at least one value adding system for receiving the trigger signal and for receiving the communication signal, the value adding system being configured to determine or receive at least one add-on value that is based on to the deal value, and to accumulate each add-on value for each deal value, and to transfer the accumulated add-on values upon receipt of the communication signal to initiate a donation to a donation system.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019962A1

A multi-function transaction card may determine whether to submit a first payment as a passive payment device or to receive a second payment from another transaction card. The multi-function transaction card may have a length and a width that are in accordance with a standard for transaction cards. The multi-function transaction card may selectively perform a payment transaction based on determining whether to submit the first payment or to receive the second payment. The payment transaction may be performed by providing first card data to a transaction terminal for processing when the multi-function transaction card is to submit the first payment. The payment transaction may be performed by receiving second card data from the other transaction card, and processing the second card data via online data authentication, or via offline data authentication, when the multi-function transaction card is to receive the second payment. 1. A method , comprising: 'the multi-function transaction card having a length and a width that are in accordance with a standard for transaction cards; and', 'determining, by a multi-function transaction card, whether to submit a first payment as a passive payment device or to receive a second payment from another transaction card,'} the first payment transaction being performed by providing first card data to a transaction terminal for processing when the multi-function transaction card is to submit the first payment, or', pairing with a user device,', 'receiving, from the user device and based on pairing with the user device, an instruction to initialize a card reading functionality of the multi-function transaction card,', 'receiving, based on initializing the card reading functionality, second card data from the other transaction card,', 'determining whether an active connection exists between the multi-function transaction card and the user device, and', the online data authentication being performed based on determining that the active ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019733A1
Автор: TAFFER Sam

A device may determine information that identifies a location of a projectable transaction card that is capable of being used to conduct a transaction associated with a merchant. The device may determine that the location of the projectable transaction card matches a location associated with the merchant. The device may identify a virtual transaction number that is unique to the merchant, previously associated with the merchant, unique to an account associated with the projectable transaction card, and to be used in conducting the transaction. The device may provide the virtual transaction number for display on a display screen of the projectable transaction card. The virtual transaction number may not be displayed on the display screen of the projectable transaction card prior to a determination that the location of the projectable transaction card matches the location associated with the merchant. 1. A method , comprising: wherein the projectable transaction card comprises a physical transaction card with an integrated circuit (IC) chip, and', 'wherein the projectable transaction card is capable of being used to conduct a transaction associated with a merchant;, 'determining, by a device, information that identifies a location of a projectable transaction card,'}determining, by the device, that the location of the projectable transaction card matches a location associated with the merchant; [ unique to the merchant,', 'previously associated with the merchant,', 'unique to an account associated with the projectable transaction card, and', 'is to be used in conducting the transaction associated with the merchant, and, 'wherein the virtual transaction number is, 'wherein each of the plurality of virtual transaction numbers is associated with a single account identifier that corresponds to the account associated with the projectable transaction card;, 'identifying, by the device and based on determining that the location of the projectable transaction card matches the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019734A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Using contactless cards to pay for offline transactions. An application executing on a mobile device may receive, via a communications interface of a contactless card, an account identifier of the contactless card, and transaction data received by the contactless card from a POS device via the communications interface, the transaction data comprising at least an identifier of a merchant account, a timestamp, and an amount of the transaction, a network connection between the POS device and a payment server not available. The application may transmit the account identifier and the transaction data to the payment server via a cellular network connection of the mobile device. The mobile device may receive, from the payment server via the cellular network connection, authorization of a payment for the transaction. The application may generate a graphical indication of the authorization of the payment for the transaction and output the graphical indication of the authorization. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by an application executing on a mobile device via a communications interface of a contactless card, an account identifier associated with the contactless card and transaction data for a transaction, the transaction data received by the contactless card from a point of sale (POS) device via the communications interface, the transaction data comprising an identifier of a merchant account, a timestamp, and an amount of the transaction, wherein a network connection between the POS device and a payment server is not available;determining, by the application, that an amount of time that has elapsed relative to the timestamp does not exceed a time threshold;determining, by the application, that a number of transactions processed by the payment server using the account identifier associated with the contactless card within an amount of time does not exceed a maximum transaction threshold;transmitting, by the application, the account identifier and the transaction data ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019756A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Various embodiments are generally directed to continuous authentication of a user to a digital service based on activity of a contactless card positioned proximate to a computing device on which the digital service operates. For example, a series of periodic status messages may be provided between a client device and the contactless card to verify whether the contactless card remains active, wherein authorization to access the digital service continues while the contactless card is active, and terminates when the contactless card is inactive. 1. A system , comprising:a client device operable with a contactless card, the client device including a processor circuit; and receiving, by an application executing on the processor circuit, a request to access a digital service;', 'receiving, by the application, a first authentication based on verification of a first set of encrypted data associated with a user account;', 'requesting, by the application, a second authentication from the contactless card;', 'activating the contactless card by a magnetic field of the client device;', 'generating a second set of encrypted data based on a cryptographic algorithm and a diversified key stored in a memory of the contactless card, wherein the second set of encrypted data is associated with the user account;', 'receiving, by a card reader of the client device, the second set of encrypted data from a communications interface of the contactless card in response to the contactless card being activated;', 'verifying the user account based on the second set of encrypted data;', 'performing, by the application, the second authentication in response to the verification of the user account based on the second set of encrypted data;, 'a memory storing instructions which when executed by the processor circuit, cause the processor circuit to perform operations comprising periodically providing, by the application, a series of periodic status requests to the contactless card;', 'receiving, by ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019757A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Various embodiments are generally directed to method and devices to receive biometric data and transaction data relating to a transaction, apply a model to the biometric data and the transaction data to determine an emotional state of the user during the transaction, and determine an action associated for the transaction based on the emotional state of the user during the performance of the transaction. Embodiments further include causing performance of the action. 1. A system , comprising:a memory to store instructions; andone or more processors, coupled with the memory, the one or more processors operable to execute the instructions, that when executed, cause the one or more processors to:apply a model to user interaction data and transaction data associated with a transaction, the user interaction data including inputs and browser patterns detected by an application or a web to perform the transaction, and the model trained on historical user interaction data and historical transaction data associated with previous transactions;determine an emotional state associated of a user during the transaction, the emotional/state comprising one of a positive emotional state or a negative emotional state;determine an action for the transaction based on the emotional state of the user during the performance of the transaction; andcause performance of the action.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the browsing patterns include a frequency the user is interacting with a website associated with the transaction claim 1 , an amount of time the user has spent on the website claim 1 , an amount of time the user has spent on a particular webpage of the website claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the browsing patterns including a speed of a user touch inputs claim 1 , a pressure of the user touch inputs claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the action includes sending a confirmation message to a computing device ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025946A1

A method is disclosed. The method includes interacting with a gate access device that is capable of preventing access to a location, where the gate access device subsequently sends an authorization request message to an issuer for approval, the authorization request message including a request to charge a predetermined amount of money to pay for access to a location, and entering the location if the gate access device receives an authorization response message indicating that the charge is authorized. 120-. (canceled)21. A method comprising:receiving an indication of an interaction from a user at a gate access device that is capable of preventing access to a location;in response to receiving the indication, generating, by the gate access device, an authorization request message;transmitting the authorization request message to an issuer computer operated by an issuer for approval by way of a payment processing network in an online authorization process for immediate authorization or decline,wherein the authorization request message passes from the gate access device to the issuer computer without passing through an acquirer,wherein the authorization request message includes a request to charge a predetermined amount of money;receiving, by the gate access device, an authorization response message indicating that the charge is authorized by the issuer computer; andgranting the user access to the location, by the gate access device, by actuating the gate access device in response to receiving the authorization request message from the issuer computer indicating that the charge is authorized,wherein the payment processing network performs fraud processing on the authorization request message before the authorization request message is received at the issuer computer and after the authorization request message is sent from the gate access device to the issuer computer.22. The method of wherein the predetermined amount of money is equal to a maximum fare charged by a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025348A1

An online payment system and method including a mobile device with an NFC reader capability is disclosed. An online merchant is coupled in communication between a payment network and the mobile device. A contactless EMV IC card containing card information is provided for making a payment. The card information is readable from the contactless EMV IC card by the NFC reader of the mobile device and sent to the payment network. 1. An online payment system comprising:a mobile device including an NFC reader capability;an online merchant coupled in communication between a payment network and the mobile device; anda contactless EMV IC card containing card information for making a payment, the card information readable from the contactless EMV IC card by the NFC reader and sent to the payment network.2. An online payment system as claimed in wherein the mobile device includes an application facilitating interaction with the online merchant.3. An online payment system as claimed in further including a PC coupled in communication between the mobile device and the online store for browsing the online store and passing transaction messages between the mobile device and the online store.4. An online payment system as claimed in further including a server coupled in communication between the PC and the mobile device and coupled in communication with the payment network claim 3 , for transferring payment messages between the PC and the mobile device and transferring payment messages between the mobile device and the payment network.5. An online card payment method using a mobile device and contactless EMV IC card comprising the steps of:providing a mobile device including an NFC reader capability;coupling the mobile device in communication with an online merchant;the mobile device receiving purchase information from the online merchant;providing a contactless EMV IC card containing card information for making a payment;making a payment transaction with the contactless EMV IC card ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220044216A1

A method for routing electronic payment transactions includes receiving transaction-related information from a merchant, extracting transaction routing criteria from the received transaction-related information, dynamically identifying one or more eligible payment networks based on extracted transaction routing criteria, predicting a likelihood of authorization acceptance for each identified network based on the transaction-related information, dynamically identifying one or more breakeven transaction amounts for each identified eligible payment network, each breakeven transaction amount defining a point at which two or more eligible payment networks have the same expenses for a given transaction amount, the expenses including costs associated with a low predicted likelihood of authorization acceptance, and routing signature debit transactions from the merchant to a least cost PIN-less debit network selected from the eligible payment networks based on identification of a desired breakeven transaction amount for the PIN-less debit network. 120-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method for routing electronic payment transactions to PIN-less networks using payment pseudo-networks and electronic transaction simulation , the method comprising:predicting a likelihood of authorization acceptance for each of a plurality of eligible payment networks based on transaction-related information from a merchant; androuting transactions from the merchant to a least cost payment network selected from the plurality of eligible payment networks based at least in part on costs associated with a low predicted likelihood of authorization acceptance.22. The computer-implemented method of claim 21 , wherein the transaction related information includes one or more of:a bank identification number (“BIN”);one or more available payment network IDs;one or more merchant categories;an issuer regulatory status;a transaction amount;a preferred status;a primary account number;an issuer ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

System and method for storing credit on a value card or cellular phone rather than accepting coin change

Номер: US20220044226A1
Автор: Jarman Murray

A balance card the always maintains a balance between $0.00 and $0.99 that provides cents amount to any transaction involving a dollar amount and cents amount. If the card balance is high enough to cover the cents amount of the transaction, that is subtracted from the card. If the card balance is not high enough, the total transaction amount is augmented by $1.00 and the change amount from this is added to the card. 1. A system for allowing purchase transactions with no coin change , the system comprising:a plurality of storage devices issued to or possessed by a plurality of consumers, wherein each storage device can store only a number between 0.00 and 0.99;a merchant point of sale system constructed to read and update the number on any of said storage devices, wherein, when a consumer makes a purchase and presents one of said storage devices to the point of sale system, the point of sale system reads the number between 0.00 and 0.99 on the storage device presented;the point of sale system, after totaling an amount for a purchase consisting of a dollar amount and a coin amount, the coin amount being between $0.00 and $0.99, compares the coin amount with the number read from the storage device presented;if the number read from the storage device presented is greater or equal to the coin amount of the purchase, the point of sale system requires tender of only the dollar amount of the purchase from the consumer, and the point of sale system updates the number stored on the storage device presented to the number read from the storage device presented minus the coin amount of the purchase;if the number read from the storage device presented is not greater or equal to the coin amount of the purchase, the point of sale system requires tender of the dollar amount of the sale plus one dollar, and the point of sale system updates the number stored on the storage device presented to an amount equal to the number read from the storage device presented plus (one dollar minus ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190026727A1
Автор: Wilson Robert

The present invention relates to at least a digital transaction apparatus including a Data Assistance Device (DAD) including, a user interface that is operable to at least select data, and a DAD transmitter, a Digital Transaction Card (DTC), including a Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU), and a DTC receiver, wherein the DAD and DTC are operable to transfer data from the DAD to the DTC and when subsequently using the DTC to effect a digital transaction, the DTC operates in accordance with the data selected and transferred from the DAD to the DTC, the DTC and/or DAD operable to detect whether the digital transaction is authorised, and/or, the DTC and/or DAD operable to detect whether a digital operation is authorised, wherein a digital operation is characterised as a communication of data and/or instructions between a DAD and a DTC, and a digital transaction is characterised as a communication of data and/or instructions between a DTC and a digital transaction device. 1. Digital transaction apparatus including:a Data Assistance Device (DAD), including:a user interface that is operable to at least select data, and a DAD transmitter; 'a Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU), and a DTC receiver, wherein the DAD and DTC are operable to transfer data from the DAD to the DTC and when subsequently using the DTC to effect a digital transaction, the DTC operates in accordance with the data selected and transferred from the DAD to the DTC, the DTC operable to detect whether a digital transaction is authorised.', 'a Digital Transaction Card (DTC), including2. Digital transaction apparatus according to wherein the transferred data includes data pertaining to one or more selectable personalities.3. Digital transaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the selected and transferred data includes one or more instructions.4. Digital transaction apparatus according to wherein the one or more instructions include instructions to change a current personality of the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Processing electronic payments on a mobile computer device

Номер: US20190026741A9
Принадлежит: Mastercard International Inc

A device for processing electronic payments for the purchase of goods or services is provided. The device includes one or more computer processors in communication with non-transitory computer readable data storage and a display. The data storage includes instructions stored thereon that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the device to execute a transaction process including receiving purchase data representing one or more goods or services to be purchased, receiving user input to effect a payment transaction, determining a total transaction amount from the purchase data, reading payment credentials from a purchaser's payment device, sending a payment request, receiving data representing a received one time password (OTP), sending the received OTP to the third party authorization server for authentication against a OTP sent by the third party authorization server to a mobile device, and receiving data representing successful authentication from the third party authorization server.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025937A1
Автор: Blythe Simon

When Integrated Circuit Cards (ICC's) such as chip cards are configured to initiate electronic transactions, such as financial transactions, lapses in security can have severe consequences. Although global standardization means a high degree of interoperability, it also means that ICC's may be manufactured anywhere in the world. A frequent problem is that ICC's with older generation IC's remain in circulation, and/or some manufacturers of ICC's may use older technologies in new cards. Both of these policies may increase the security risks. In addition, ICC's can be cloned, and may be difficult to distinguish from genuine ICC's. By providing a card reader with a signal generator for providing a circuit test signal, and a signal detector, for detecting a circuit response signal, the response signal may be compared with an expected response signal to determine a degree of electrical correspondence and whether the ICC passes or fails the hardware integrity control. 2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein:{'b': 350', '350', '200', '300, 'the one or more test signal receivers () comprise one or more reader electrical contacts, configured and arranged to make electrical contact with one or more of the card contacts () after the card reader () has received the integrated circuit card (); and'}{'b': 400', '700', '300, 'the signal generator () is electrically connected to the one or more reader electrical contacts, configured and arranged to provide the circuit test signal () to the integrated circuit card () through the one or more reader electrical contacts.'}3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 610', '300', '200, 'starting an electronic transaction after bringing () the integrated circuit card () into close physical proximity to the card reader (); and'}{'b': 300', '970, 'terminating the electronic transaction if the integrated circuit card () fails () the hardware integrity control.'}4. The computer-implemented method of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027077A1

A system for securely updating an electronic transaction card held by an account holder with an additional account and/or account data. A dynamic transaction card may be securely updated with an additional account by using pre-stored shell data and/or inactive data, whereby the pre-stored shell data may be populated using data received from an issuer system and/or the inactive data may be activated via an activation signal received from an issuer system. A backend server may determine, via a fraud determination, expiration determination, and/or user-request, that new account data should be transmitted to an account holder. The dynamic transaction card may receive the data associated with a notification, update a display, instruct an EMV applet to use a key associated with a received EMV key identifier for signatures, and/or update any additional data stored on the dynamic transaction card. 135-. (canceled)36. A dynamic transaction card for receiving updated account information , the dynamic transaction card comprising:a transceiver for sending data to, and receiving data from, a user device;a microprocessor; and connect, with the transceiver, to the user device;', 'receive, at the transceiver, an activation signal from the user device;', 'activate, with the microprocessor, the inactive account data to create active account data;', 'transmit, with the transceiver, a request for the updated account information for the active account data to the user device;', 'receive, at the transceiver, the updated account information from the user device in an encrypted format; and', 'decrypt, with the microprocessor, the updated account information using the encryption key., 'memory in communication with the microprocessor and storing inactive account data, an encryption key, and a pre-loaded script that, when executed by the microprocessor, causes the dynamic transaction card to37. The dynamic transaction card of claim 36 , further comprising a display; andwherein the pre-loaded ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027276A1
Автор: WYATT David

Embodiments include multi-function electronic payment card and device systems capable of generating a programmed magnetic field of alternating polarity based on a speed of a card swipe, and methods for constructing the device for the purpose of emulating a standard credit card. An apparatus is described to allow the device to emulate behavior of a credit card when used in electronic credit card readers. Additionally methods are described to allow user control of the device for the purpose of authorizing or controlling use of the device in the application of credit, debit and cash transactions, including cryptocurrency and card-to-card transactions. Methods are also described for generating a limited-duration credit card number when performing a transaction for the purpose of creating a limited-use credit card number, which is limited in scope of use to a predetermined number of authorized transactions. Furthermore the device may interact with other similar devices in proximity for the purpose of funds or credit/debit transfers. 1. A payment system comprising:a payment card device free of any fixed payment numbers visible thereon and operable for use in payment card reader equipment; anda computing device comprising:a processor;a memory;a wireless interface;a touch-screen user interface operable to provide a visual user-interface for user payment interactions; anda user-input device coupled to the processor, andwherein the processor is operable to store a transaction sequence count, a device account number and secrets limited to the computing device, andwherein the computing device is operable to receive, store and transmit a payment card information not visible on the payment card device, andwherein the processor is operable to generate at least a portion of a limited-use card payment information for use by an authenticated card user, andwherein the computing device is operable to convey said payment information via an interface disposed of the computing device, ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027278A1
Автор: Rizvi Sajjad

A system and method may visualize data related to a payment device and various physical objects. A payment device such as a credit card including an RFID may be placed near a frontend display system that then calls a backend visualization system to show a visual representation of deterministic and probabilistic data related to the payment device and the physical object(s). Additional physical objects may be placed near the display system and identified. The visualization may then be refined based on that additional physical object. Further physical objects may be read by the frontend system to present more detailed visualizations that relate the payment device and the additional physical objects. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving a first signal from a first contactless component corresponding to a payment device, the first signal including identification data for the payment device;displaying payment network account data for transactions using the payment device, at least one of the transactions including identification data for the payment device;receiving a second signal from a second contactless component corresponding to a physical object, the second signal including identification data for the physical object;identifying, based on identification data for the payment device and the identification data for the physical object, one or more parameters corresponding to the displayed payment network account data, the one or more parameters corresponding to both the payment device and the physical object; andrefining the displayed payment network account data to display one or more visualizations of at least a portion of the displayed payment network account data, the portion of the displayed payment network account data corresponding to the one or more parameters;wherein the method is performed using one or more processors.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first signal is received at a first hotspot of a table and the second signal is ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027279A1
Автор: Hammad Ayman

The CLOUD-BASED VIRTUAL WALLET NFC APPARATUSES, METHODS AND SYSTEMS (“EAE”) transform user enhanced security transaction initiation requests using EAE components into time-limited, session-specific transaction bounding tokens. In some implementations, the disclosure provides a processor-implemented method of transforming a transaction bounding token request into transaction bounded tokens and purchase authorizations. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method comprising:receiving, at a user device, a purchase initiation input from a user in a transaction;transmitting, by the user device, a token request comprising a transaction security token generation certificate to a server computer, which extracts the transaction security token generation certificate from the token request, and determines that the transaction security token generation certificate is valid;receiving, by the user device from the server computer, a token response comprising a payment token;transmitting, by the user device to a merchant server, a purchase execution request comprising the payment token, wherein the merchant server processes the transaction using the payment token; andreceiving, by the user device from the merchant server, a purchase execution response message.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the payment token is a time-limited claim 21 , transaction bound payment token.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the merchant server transmits an authorization request message comprising the payment token to the server computer.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the token request is a transaction bounding token request.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the token request and the token response are HTTP messages.26. The method of claim 21 , wherein the payment token is only valid for the transaction.27. The method of claim 21 , wherein the token request comprises a session ID claim 21 , consumer payment data claim 21 , and transaction data.28. The method of claim 21 , wherein the server computer ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Transaction terminal device, information processing device and information processing method

Номер: US20160034173A1

A transaction terminal device includes an orientation detecting unit that detects the orientation of an information processing device with respect to the orientation of gravity, and an information processing unit that displays a work screen of work categories on a display unit based on display attributes for changing of the orientation of the information processing device configured for each of the work categories. When the display attributes are permitted for rotating the work screen based on the changing of the orientation of the information processing device, the information processing unit displays the respective elements constituting the work screen in the position/orientation based on the detected result by the orientation detecting unit. When the display attributes are prohibited from rotating the work screen, the information processing unit displays the respective elements constituting the work screen in the fixed position/orientation independent from the detected result by the orientation detecting unit.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Contactless smart sim functionality retrofit for mobile communication device

Номер: US20140117082A1
Принадлежит: On Track Innovations Ltd

A contactless transaction adaptor for use with a mobile communicator, including a thin SIM card signal interceptor portion arranged for insertion intermediate an existing SIM card, having SIM card-based contacts, and communicator based SIM card contacts located in a SIM card recess formed in the communicator, the interceptor portion having first contacts for communication with the communicator-based SIM card contacts and second contacts for communication with the SIM card-based contacts, a contactless communication circuit bearing portion arranged for insertion in the communicator, a contactless antenna and a contactless communication circuit both mounted onto the circuit bearing portion, a flexible connector portion interconnecting the intercept or portion and the circuit bearing portion, a first electrical path extending along the connector portion between the contacts of the interceptor portion and the contactless communication circuit, and a second electrical path extending along the circuit bearing portion between the antenna and the contactless communication circuit.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032359A1

An apparatus such as a mobile phone includes a contactless smart card or payment device, where the smart card is intended for use in both commerce transaction payment and transit fare payment (or other venue access) environments. The payment device may function as both an electronic wallet for commerce transactions and as a transit system card, for access to and fare payment of transit services. Implementation of both functions may be achieved by use of a dynamic memory management system that permits data for both the payment and transit applications to be stored on the card, with the transit data and storage locations isolated from those used to store data intended for use in paying for commerce transactions. The transit application specific data may include access control data (keys, passwords, identification data) or data required for fare calculations (rates, historical data on system use), for example. 140-. (canceled)41. A method comprising:receiving, by a device, first data for a first transaction at an interface over a wireless communications network;storing, by the device, the first data for the first transaction in a first data storage region of a data storage element;receiving, by the device, second data for a second transaction at the interface over the wireless communications network; accessing, by the device, an index file in the second data storage region, wherein the index file is specific to an agency associated with the second transaction, and wherein the index file identifies a plurality of data files organized within the index file,', 'identifying, by the device, a data file of the plurality of data files that includes processing instructions associated with the agency,', 'processing, by the device, the second transaction according to the processing instructions identified by the data file, and', 'updating, by the device, the data file of the plurality of data files according to the second data for the second transaction., 'storing, by the device ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033000A1
Автор: Liu Zhujie (Luke)

A contactless payment device and method streams a sequence of magnetic-field pulses directly to two magnetic-stripe read heads of a point-of-sale terminal. The stream of pulses includes essential information needed to approve a transaction. The essential information is structured for a primary “channel” associated with one of the read heads. A series of “proxy” bits are included in the stream in order to satisfy the data collection requirements for a secondary channel associated with the other read head. The proxy bits are included in a custom bit stream that may be used to improve acceptance of payment transmission data at a POS terminal. 1. A contactless electronic payment method , comprising:generating a first bit sequence in accordance with a first format of a first track of a magnetic stripe card, the first bit sequence encoding first information required by the first format;generating a second bit sequence based on a second format of a second track of the magnetic stripe card, the second bit sequence omitting at least some second information required by the second format, replacing the at least some second information omitted from the second bit sequence with a custom bit sequence;concatenating the first bit sequence in forward or reverse bit-order with the second bit sequence, including the custom bit sequence, in forward or reverse bit-order to form a third bit sequence; andtransmitting the third bit sequence from a contactless payment device as a series of magnetic-field pulses to electronically simulate a swiping of the magnetic stripe card across read heads of a magnetic stripe reader (MSR),wherein the custom bit sequence is configured to improve acceptance of the first bit sequence transmitted within the third bit sequence by a point-of-sale (POS) terminal.2. The contactless electronic payment method of claim 1 , wherein the second bit sequence includes cardholder name information.3. The contactless electronic payment method of claim 1 , wherein:the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and computer program products for managing contactless transactions

Номер: US20180033001A1
Автор: Hopkinson Emma K.

Systems, methods, and computer program products are provided for managing contactless transactions. A tap notification including at least a first identifier is received. A first counter in a first data set associated with the first identifier is incremented. It is determined if the first counter matches one of a plurality of thresholds. If it is determined that the first counter matches one of a plurality of thresholds, a first status level in the first data set is updated. A first set of benefits from a plurality of benefits stored in a memory based on the first status level is identified. The first set of benefits is associated with the first identifier. 118-. (canceled)19. A system to manage information associated with updated status levels , comprising:a mobile computing device comprising a user interface, a mobile storage device, and a mobile processor communicatively coupled to the mobile storage device; and receive a transaction notification;', 'increment a counter based on the transaction notification;', 'determine that the incremented counter exceeds one of a plurality of thresholds;', 'determine an updated status level associated with the incremented counter that exceeds the one of the plurality of thresholds;', 'associate the new status level with the wallet application; and, 'a computing system comprising a storage device and a processor communicatively coupled to the storage device, wherein the processor executes application code instructions that are stored in the storage device to cause the computing system to 'update program information associated with a prior status level to new membership program information associated with the updated status level, wherein updating the program information comprises changing visual elements associated with the prior status level displayed by the mobile computing device.', 'wherein the mobile processor executes application code instructions that are stored in the mobile storage device to cause the wallet application ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051203A1

A method for routing electronic payment transactions includes receiving transaction-related information from a merchant, extracting transaction routing criteria from the received transaction-related information, dynamically identifying one or more eligible payment networks based on extracted transaction routing criteria, predicting a likelihood of authorization acceptance for each identified network based on the transaction-related information, dynamically identifying one or more breakeven transaction amounts for each identified eligible payment network, each breakeven transaction amount defining a point at which two or more eligible payment networks have the same expenses for a given transaction amount, the expenses including costs associated with a low predicted likelihood of authorization acceptance, and routing signature debit transactions from the merchant to a least cost PIN-less debit network selected from the eligible payment networks based on identification of a desired breakeven transaction amount for the PIN-less debit network. 120-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method for routing electronic payment transactions to PIN-less networks using electronic transaction simulation , the method comprising:dynamically identifying one or more breakeven transaction amounts for one or more eligible payment networks based on transaction-related information from a merchant, each breakeven transaction amount defining a point at which two or more eligible payment networks have the same expenses for a given transaction amount; androuting transactions from the merchant to a least cost payment network selected from the eligible payment networks based on identification of a desired breakeven transaction amount for the payment network.22. The computer-implemented method of claim 21 , wherein the transaction related information includes one or more of:a bank identification number (“BIN”);one or more available payment network IDs;one or more merchant categories;an issuer ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051239A1

A toll transponder may receive transaction card data identifying a transaction card associated with a transaction account. The toll transponder may provide to a toll server device, and via a toll antenna of a toll collection system, a request for a transaction amount for a vehicle toll, and may receive a response requesting authorization for payment of the transaction amount. The toll transponder may determine, based on the response, an authorization request cryptogram for payment of the transaction amount, and generate an encrypted signal identifying the authorization request cryptogram, the transaction card data, and a toll transponder identifier identifying the toll transponder. The toll transponder may provide the encrypted signal to the toll server device via the toll antenna, and may receive from the toll server device, via the toll antenna, data indicating whether the transaction amount for the vehicle toll is approved. 1. A method , comprising:{'claim-text': {'claim-text': ['physically receiving the transaction card with the toll transponder, or', 'a contactless communication with the transaction card;'], '#text': 'wherein the transaction card data is received based on:'}, '#text': 'receiving, by a toll transponder, transaction card data identifying a transaction card associated with a transaction account,'}providing, by the toll transponder, to a toll server device, and via a toll antenna of a toll collection system, a request for a transaction amount for a vehicle toll;receiving, by the toll transponder, from the toll server device, via the toll antenna, and based on the request, a response requesting authorization for payment of the transaction amount for the vehicle toll;determining, by the toll transponder and based on the response, an authorization request cryptogram for payment of the transaction amount for the vehicle toll;generating, by the toll transponder, an encrypted signal identifying the authorization request cryptogram, the transaction card ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for user verification via short-range transceiver

Номер: US20220051241A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services LLC

Systems, methods, and computer-accessible mediums for user verification through the interaction of a short-range transceiver, such as a contactless card, with a client device are presented. User verification may be provided in the context of reading two types of data from the short-range transceiver, such as a contactless card, using a client device, sending the data to a server, obtaining identifiers from each data type and comparing with stored user identifier data. Matching stored user identifier data to two forms of identification data obtained from a short-range transceiver, such as a contactless card, provides an enhanced ability to verify that the short-range transceiver is being used by an authorized user.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Real-time configurable smart cards

Номер: US20220051248A1
Автор: Jesika Gandhi
Принадлежит: Bank of America Corp

A method for enabling, via a digital wallet application, a smart card to operate as a primary smart card for a plurality of a user's smart cards. The primary smart card may include a microprocessor, a touch screen, a wireless interface and an embedded subscriber identification module (“E-SIM”) card. The method may include retrieving on the primary smart card, from the digital wallet application, a list of a plurality of smart cards, displaying on the touch screen of the primary smart card, a selectable list of the plurality of smart cards, receiving, via the touch screen, a selected smart card and storing the card data on the E-SIM of the primary smart card. When the primary smart card is within a pre-determined proximity to a point-of-sale (“POS”) device, the primary smart card may be configured to transmit the card payment data stored on the E-SIM to the POS device.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Fraud Mitigation Via Wireless Communication of Dynamic Transaction Cards

Номер: US20220051266A1

Systems and methods disclosed herein provide fraud mitigation via dynamic transaction card wireless communication. A mobile device may cause a dynamic transaction card to periodically scan its environment to detect wireless enabled devices proximately located near the dynamic transaction card. Based on identifying the wireless enabled devices frequently located near the dynamic transaction card, a set of approved devices may be determined. During a transaction, a dynamic transaction card may scan its environment for other wireless enabled devices proximately located near the dynamic transaction card. If wireless enabled devices detected by the dynamic transaction card are all, or a subset, of the devices that are frequently located near the card, then the transaction may be authorized. However, if the wireless enabled devices detected by the dynamic transaction card are not all, or a subset, of the devices that are frequently located near the card, then the transaction may be unauthorized. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving, by a server and from a mobile device, an identification of a transaction card and first data associated with a first plurality of signals, wherein the first plurality of signals indicate one or more first devices associated with the transaction card;storing, as a profile associated with the transaction card, the one or more first devices;receiving, by the server and from a point-of-sale (POS) terminal at a time of an attempted transaction, the identification of the transaction card and second data associated with a second plurality of signals;determining, by the server, whether one or more second devices associated with the second plurality of signals comprise a subset of the one or more first devices;generating, by the server and based on a determination that the one or more second devices do not comprise the subset of the one or more first devices, a message that the attempted transaction is unauthorized; andsending, to the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051346A1
Автор: Garrett Peter

A method for capturing and aggregating transactional receipts conducted at a point of sale terminal connected to a network includes (a) using a transaction device, submitting digital payment account data to the POS terminal, (b) reading the submitted data at the 1. A method for capturing and aggregating transactional receipts conducted at a point of sale terminal connected to a network comprising the steps:(a) using a transaction device, submitting digital payment account data to the POS terminal;(b) reading the submitted data at the POS terminal and authorizing the payment data for the transaction;(c) upon approval notification, generating at the POS terminal a QR code that includes the itemized receipt data;(d) publishing the QR code generated in (c) to a digital screen on the POS terminal or to a printed paper medium;(e) capturing the QR code in POS display or printed in (d) with a mobile device equipped to scan QR codes; and(f) storing for transfer over the network, the QR code or a human-readable version thereof for archival and access.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the network is the Internet network including any sub-networks connected thereto.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in (a) the transaction device is a dynamic card enabled for wireless communications with a mobile host device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein in (a) the transaction device is a mobile phone enabled with near field communication (NFC).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein in (a) the transaction device is a wearable device like a watch enabled for wireless communications with a mobile host device.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein in (a) the account data is provided to the transaction device over a network from a cloud wallet or money pay service subscribed to by the transactor.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein in (b) the QR code includes contractual data in addition to the receipt data resulting from the transaction.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein in (d) the QR code is ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190034775A1

An account is managed using information read from a dual frequency transponder. Information stored on the dual frequency transponder can be read by a NFC-enabled device and by a UHF RFID reader. The information links, corresponds, or otherwise provides access to account information stored at a remote server. For example, a NFC-enabled device can read the information from the dual frequency transponder and use that information to enable instant and on-the-spot recharging of a toll account. In addition, a UHF RFID toll reader can scan information from the dual frequency transponder and use that information to debit toll charges from the correct toll account. The dual frequency transponder can be embedded in a license plate and read using a reader placed in the road. Additionally, the transponder can be configured to function at the correct frequency only when a valid vehicle registration sticker is applied to the license plate. 1. A system comprising: communicate via a plurality of antennas and corresponding plurality of frequencies, and', 'store information related to a user of the mobile device,, 'a wearable mobile device comprising a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag having a transponder configured to communicate at least a first portion of the information related to the user stored on the RFID tag to a first device using a first RFID reader included the first device operating at a first frequency of the plurality of frequencies, and', 'communicate at least a second portion of the information related to the user stored on the RFID tag to a second device using a second RFID reader included the second device operating at a second frequency of the plurality of frequencies., 'wherein the RFID tag is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first device is a mobile device configured to:read, using the first RFID reader, the first portion of the information related to the user stored on the RFID tag, andperform one or more actions based, in part, on ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190034911A1
Автор: Wilson Robert

Digital transaction apparatus including a Data Assistance Device (DAD), including a user interface that is operable to at least select data, and a DAD transmitter, a Digital Transaction Card (DTC), including a Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU), and a DTC receiver, wherein the DAD and DTC are operable to transfer data from the DAD to the DTC and when subsequently using the DTC to effect a digital transaction, the DTC operates in accordance with the data selected and transferred from the DAD to the DTC, the DTC including a biometric reader operable to obtain biometric data of at least one physical characteristic of a user, wherein the biometric reader is connected to the processor for data transfer therebetween, wherein reference biometric data of an authorised user is stored on the processor, and wherein the DTC is operable to compare the obtained biometric data with at least a section of the reference biometric data, such that the authorization of the user is determined. 2. Digital transaction apparatus according to wherein the transferred data includes data pertaining to one or more selectable personalities3. Digital transaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the selected and transferred data includes one or more instructions.4. Digital transaction apparatus according to wherein the one or more instructions include instructions to change a current personality of the DTC to a personality selected from a plurality of selectable personalities.5. Digital transaction apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein data pertaining to the plurality of selectable personalities is stored on the DAD claim 2 , and changing the current personality of the DTC to the selected personality includes:receiving, by the DAD and by operation of the DAD user interface, the instruction to change the current personality of the DTC to the selected personality; 'implementing, in the DTC, a change from the current personality to the selected personality in accordance with the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190034912A1
Автор: Wilson Robert

Digital transaction apparatus including a Data Assistance Device (DAD), including a user interface that is operable to at least select data, and a DAD transmitter, a Digital Transaction Card (DTC), including a Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU), and a DTC receiver, wherein the DAD and DTC are operable to transfer data from the DAD to the DTC and when subsequently using the DTC to effect a digital transaction, the DTC operates in accordance with data selected and transferred from the DAD to the DTC, wherein the DTPU is configured to enable data communication with a digital transaction device during a digital transaction, the DTPU operable to receive and execute one or more commands that emulate commands received from the digital transaction device. 1. Digital transaction apparatus including: 'a user interface that is operable to at least select data, and a DAD transmitter;', 'a Data Assistance Device (DAD), including 'a Digital Transaction Processing Unit (DTPU), and a DTC receiver, wherein the DAD and DTC are operable to transfer data from the DAD to the DTC and when subsequently using the DTC to effect a digital transaction, the DTC operates in accordance with data selected and transferred from the DAD to the DTC, wherein the DTPU is configured to enable data communication with a digital transaction device during a digital transaction, the DTPU operable to receive and execute one or more commands that emulate commands received from the digital transaction device.', 'a Digital Transaction Card (DTC), including2. Digital transaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the emulation is of one or more functions that would otherwise be enacted with the DTC in operation with the digital transaction device.3. Digital transaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the transferred data includes data pertaining to one or more selectable personalities.4. Digital transaction apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the selected and transferred data includes ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

In-vehicle banking enabled by near field communication

Номер: US20190034915A1

An automated teller machine includes a controller. The controller may be configured to transmit via inductive coupling a session key in response to receiving a signal from a nomadic device. The controller may then establish a connection with a vehicle infotainment system (VIS) using the session key and receive from the VIS, a PIN number and a request to dispense funds via the connection. After which, the controller may inhibit release of the funds until a confirmation is received via inductive coupling from the nomadic device.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Tracking an Electronic Wallet Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Номер: US20190034917A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Methods and systems are provided for tracking an electronic wallet (e-wallet) using radio frequency identification (RFID). An example apparatus includes a CPU package hosting an RFID device and a trusted platform module (TPM). The RFID device is configured to provide RFID values to an RFID reader from a device hosting an e-wallet share, wherein the RFID device comprises a flash memory to store an attestation key. The trusted platform module (TPM) is configured to provide the attestation key for signing the RFID values, e-wallet transactions, or location communications, or any combinations thereof, and create a trusted execute environment (TEE) for operation of a wallet app.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200034826A1

A dynamic transaction card that includes a number of layers, each of which may be interconnected to one another. For example, a dynamic transaction card may include an outer layer, a potting layer, a sensor layer, a display layer (including, for example, LEDs, a dot matrix display, and the like), a microcontroller/microprocessor storing firmware, Java applets, Java applet integration, and the like, an EMV processor, an energy storage component, one or more antenna (e.g., Bluetooth antenna, NFC antenna, and the like), a power management component, a flexible printed circuit board (PCB), a chassis, and/or a card backing layer. A display layer may include enhanced features such as the use of LED display components as a photosensor.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170039545A1

Fingerprints for transaction authentication are received through the touch screen of a bank customer's CE device for purposes of approving or denying transactions with the customer's electronic debit or credit card (“e-card”). 1. A device comprising:at least one processor;at least one camera to generate image information for access by the processor; andat least one computer readable storage medium including instructions which when executed by the processor configure the processor to:receive image information from the camera;execute image recognition on the image information;based at least in part on the image recognition, determine whether to authorize a financial transaction for a requested amount;determine to authorize the financial transaction for the requested amount at least in part based on a determination that a consumer electronics (CE) device is within a threshold distance of a location at which the financial transaction is attempted; anddetermine to authorize to no more than a threshold monetary amount less than the requested amount at least in part based on a determination that the CE device is not within the threshold distance of the location at which the financial transaction is attempted.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions when executed by the processor configure the processor to:compare the image recognition to at least one prestored image;determine whether the image recognition matches the prestored image;responsive to determining the image recognition matches the prestored image, return a first signal; andresponsive to determining the image recognition does not match the prestored image, return a second signal.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the first signal is used to indicate authorization and the second signal is used to indicate no authorization.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the transaction is via an electronic transaction card (e-card) associated with a person having an image matching the prestored image.5. The device of ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170039561A1
Автор: Finley Michael Cain

Techniques for credit card processing are provided. A credit card with a wireless interface wirelessly connects with a mobile device of a consumer that possesses the credit card. The mobile device is a relay between the credit card and a transaction processing device for a transaction to prove the credit card is present for the transaction and obtain Card Present rates for a retailer of the transaction. 1. A processor-implemented method programmed in memory or a non-transitory processor-readable medium and to execute on one or more processors of a device configured to execute the method , comprising:receiving, by the device, an indication from a mobile device that the mobile device is in wireless communication with a payment card of a consumer;querying, by the device, information from the payment card via interactions with the mobile device to complete a transaction with the consumer; andcompleting, from the device, the transaction on behalf of the consumer and a retailer based on the information and transaction details associated with the transaction.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving further identifying the mobile device as a registered device with the retailer on receipt of the indication.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving further includes instructing the mobile device to prompt the consumer for a Personal Identification Number (PIN) associated with the payment card for verification.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving further includes acquiring with the indication the transaction details for the transaction.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving further includes instructing the mobile device to pass an encryption key to the payment card for use in transferring the information.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein instructing further includes generating the encryption key as a temporary transaction key tied to the transaction.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein querying further includes obtaining from the information a payment card ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170039562A1
Автор: Finley Michael Cain

Techniques for credit card processing are provided. A credit card with a wireless interface wirelessly connects with a mobile device of a consumer that possesses the credit card. The mobile device is a relay between the credit card and a transaction processing device for a transaction to prove the credit card is present for the transaction and obtain Card Present rates for a retailer of the transaction. 118-. (canceled)19. A system , comprising:a transaction device having a Point-Of-Sale (POS) transaction manager programmed within memory and/or a non-transitory computer readable medium for execution on the transaction device; anda payment card device having a mobile transaction agent programmed within memory and/or a non-transitory computer-readable storage media for execution on the payment card device;wherein the POS transaction manager is configured to interact with a mobile device of a consumer for a transaction to acquire payment card details from the mobile transaction agent, the mobile transaction agent configured to interact with the mobile device to process requests sent from the POS transaction manager and return information to the POS transaction manager via the mobile device.20. The apparatus of claim 19 , wherein the payment card device is a credit card equipped with processing abilities and wireless communication abilities. Automation for goods and services has reached record levels in society. Examples are everywhere from online banking and purchasing to a wide-range of devices and physical appliances that include computing and networking capabilities, which were just wishful dreams only a decade ago. For the most part, these advances have occurred because of breakthroughs in electronics and wireless communications, which have allowed complex processing and network connectivity to be achieved in the smallest of physical devices, such as a smart phone or other handheld computing devices, for relatively small cost and effort.In addition, many retailers ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039979A1

An apparatus for effecting commercial transactions with a server using a transaction card via a communication device is provided. The apparatus includes a transaction device coupled with the communication device for capturing information from the transaction card and a controller for converting the captured card information into an encrypted audio signal and for transmitting the audio signal to the communication device. The communication device delivers the audio signal to the server for processing the commercial transaction. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus for effecting commercial transactions between an input device and a remote transaction server using a communication device , said apparatus comprising:an input device for capturing recorded information from a transaction card;a sensor incorporated into said input device for reading said recorded information stored on said transaction card;a controller coupled to said sensor for converting the recorded information stored on said transaction card into a format suitable for transmission to a communication device;a communication link for coupling the controller to said communication device for the transmission of said recorded information there between;said communication device being further adapted to receive additional transactional information directly from a user;wherein said sensor reads the recorded information stored on said transaction card, the controller converts said recorded information read by said sensor into a format suitable for transmission to said communication device and transmits said recorded information via the communication link to said communication device, said communication device converts said recorded information and additional transactional information directly from a user into a format suitable for transmission to a remote transaction server for processing a commercial transaction.22. An apparatus according to claim 21 , wherein said transaction card is selected from the group ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Wearable NFC Device For Secure Data Interaction

Номер: US20180041859A1
Автор: Ian J. Forster

A method and apparatus for near field communications. Exemplary embodiments can include a near field communication (NFC) device. The NFC device may have a wristband housing an NFC device, the wristband fitting around a wrist of a wearer, the NFC device having a secure state and an active state; and one or more sensors disposed in the wristband, the one or more sensors sensing a state of at least one of the wrist of the wearer and a hand of the wearer, wherein the state of the at least one of the wrist of the wearer and the hand of the wearer changes the state of the NFC device between a secure state and an active state.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042376A1

A method of manufacturing an electromechanical locker system may include providing a set of lockers with coin-operated locks. The coin-operated locks may be removed from the set of lockers. A conduit may be extended along and connected to a frame member from which the coin-operated locks had previously been positioned. Electromechanical lock units may be attached to the conduit so as to replace the coin-operated locks. A retrofitted coin-operated locker bank may include a coin-operated locker bank including a multiple lockers having respective doors, where the coin-operated locker bank is free of coin-operated locks. A conduit may be connected to a frame member and extend vertically adjacent to the hinged doors of a column of lockers. Multiple electromechanical lock units may be attached to the conduit so as to replace the coin-operated locks. 1. A method of manufacturing an electromechanical locker system , said method comprising:providing a set of lockers including a plurality of lockers vertically aligned with one another, the lockers including coin-operated locks and a first conduit configured to enable coins to traverse vertically from coin payment slots associated with the vertically aligned coin-operated lockers;detaching the coin-operated locks from the first conduit of the set of lockers;attaching a plurality of first portions of electromechanical lock units onto a second conduit;connecting the second conduit to a frame member at which the coin-operated locks had previously been positioned, the second conduit being positioned adjacent to and in front of the first conduit; andattaching a plurality of second portions of the electromagnetic lock units to doors of the vertically aligned lockers, the first and second portions of the electromechanical lock units being aligned with one another when the second conduit is attached to the frame member.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein attaching the second portions of the electromechanical lock units ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Method of electronic receipt capture for real-time transacted expenditures

Номер: US20220058612A1
Автор: Peter Garrett
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for capturing a receipt generated from a point of sale (POS) terminal using a transaction device or host computing device in communication with the transaction device, the transaction device adapted to complete a transaction at the POS terminal including (a) as a result of a transaction event, generating a signal, notification, or command on the transaction device, (b) receiving the signal, notification, or command in an application open and running on the host computing device to the transaction device or on the transaction device, (c) executing as a response to the signal, notification, or command of (b), one or more application features to capture the receipt, the application feature or features generic to one or more resident applications on the transaction device or host computing device and (d) capturing the receipt for display on the host computing device or transaction device. The device using one of the one or more application features.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058618A1
Автор: Singh Ravi Raj

There are provided systems and methods for a physical card having one or more location detection modules A physical payment card may include one or more components to limit card reading of card data stored to the card using a location detection chip. The location detection chip may receive power from a source when inserted to a card reader, and may then determine a location of the card, such as a coordinate location of the card or nearby detected device. The location detection chip may determine if this location or device matches authorized locations stored in a memory of the card. If it does, power may be provided to a card chip of the card. The card chip of the card reads card data from a memory of the card and may then output the card data to the card reader. 1at least two power connections configured to receive power from a power supply via at least one power conducting point on the physical card;a card chip comprising payment card data, wherein the card chip is configured to provide the payment card data to an external card reader in response to receiving the power through the at least two power connections;a gate for the at least two power connections and configured to provide the power to the card chip in response to receiving the power and a signal from the at least two power connections; anda location detection chip configured to provide the signal through one of the at least two power connections to the gate in response to detecting that a location of the physical card is an authorized location.. A physical card comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/714,648 filed Dec. 13, 2019 which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present application generally relates to physical cards having stored card data, and more particularly to location-specific physical cards for limited card reading at authorized locations.Physical “cards” or other small objects may be utilized to store data, such as magnetic stripes ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058642A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Example embodiments provide systems and methods for increasing the cryptographic strength of an encryption or message-authentication-code- (MAC) generation technique. According to some embodiments, a MAC may be constructed around a shared secret (such as a random initialization number), thereby increasing strength of the MAC against brute force attacks based on the size of the shared secret. The MAC may be combined with randomized data, and may also be encrypted to further bolster the strength of the code. These elements (shared secret, MAC algorithm, and encryption algorithm) may be employed in various combinations and to varying degrees, depending on the application and desired level of security. At each stage, the cryptographic construct operates on the cyptographically modified data from the previous stage. This layering of cryptographic constructs may increase the strength of the group of contrasts more efficiently than applying any one construct with a larger key size or similar increase in complexity. 1. A computer-readable medium storing instructions that , when executed by processing circuitry of a contactless card , cause the processing circuitry to:determine data to communicate to a recipient;access a shared secret stored in memory of the contactless card;combine the shared secret and the data;generate a first diversified session key having a first number of bits with a master key;apply, utilizing the first diversified session key, a message authentication code (MAC) algorithm to the shared secret and the data to generate a MAC output;generate a second diversified session key having a second number of bit with the master key;encrypt the MAC output with an encryption algorithm and the second diversified session key to generate encrypted data; andtransmit the encrypted data to the recipient.2. The medium of claim 1 , wherein the at least a part of the MAC output is combined with a random element claim 1 , and the random element is transmitted to the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058645A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services, LLC

Example embodiments of systems and methods for data transmission system between transmitting and receiving devices are provided. In an embodiment, each of the transmitting and receiving devices can contain a master key. The transmitting device can generate a diversified key using the master key, protect a counter value and encrypt data prior to transmitting to the receiving device, which can generate the diversified key based on the master key and can decrypt the data and validate the protected counter value using the diversified key. Example embodiments of systems and methods can be used to provide further authentication and added levels of security for transactions. 1. A contactless card to perform operations with at least two applets , comprising:a contactless interface;a memory configured to store a first applet comprising first instructions and a second applet comprising second instructions; andprocessing circuitry coupled with the memory and the contactless interface, the processing circuitry configured to process the first instructions and the second instructions,wherein the first instructions, when executed by the processing circuitry, to cause the processing circuitry to communicate first data to perform payment operations in accordance with a EMV protocol, andwherein the second instructions, when executed by the processing circuitry, to cause the processing circuitry to communicate second data to perform authentication operations.2. The contactless card of claim 1 , wherein the first applet and the second applet are Java Card Applets claim 1 , and the first applet is a payment applet and the second applet is an authentication applet.3. The contactless card of claim 1 , wherein the first applet is identified in the memory with a first applet identifier and the second applet is identified in the memory with a second applet identifier.4. The contactless card of claim 1 , wherein the memory further comprising instructions configured to cause the processing ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058906A1
Принадлежит: Bank of America Corporation

Contactless dispensing of objects from object-dispensing machines. A digital token is wirelessly communicated to the machine via short-range wireless communication, such as Near Field Communication (NFC) or the like. In response, a push notification is communicated to the user's wireless device, which includes an activatable link for launching a mobile application. In response to launching the mobile application and authenticating the user, the mobile application provides object-dispensing machine-like user interfaces that are configured to allow the user to input object requesting parameters and submit a request for objects to be dispensed from the object-dispensing machine. The request is communicated to the object-dispensing machines (or corresponding backend processing systems) and, once the request is verified, the object-dispensing machine dispenses the requested objects. 1. A system for contactless dispensing of objects from an object-dispensing apparatus , the system comprising: activate the short-range wireless communication reader to receive and read a token associated with a user,', 'determine, based on the token, a mobile communication device identifier associated with a mobile communication device utilized by the user,', 'communicate a push notification to the mobile communication device based on the mobile communication device identifier, wherein the push notification notifies the user of contactless use of the object-dispensing apparatus and provides an activatable link configured to launch a mobile application on the mobile communication device;, 'an object-dispensing apparatus comprising a first memory, at least one first processing device in communication with the first memory, a short-range wireless communication reader in communication with the first processing device, and first instructions stored in the first memory, executable by the first processing devices and configured tothe mobile communication device comprising a second memory, a second ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Credit card imaging for mobile payment and other applications

Номер: US20140122326A1
Автор: Timothy W. Markison
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile payment device includes a contactless payment module, a processing module, and a display module. The contactless payment module is coupled to execute a credit payment transaction. The processing module is coupled to detect the executing of the credit payment transaction and retrieve credit image data based on the detecting. The display module is coupled to process the credit image data into a displayed credit image.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

User device enabling access to payment information in response to mechanical input detection

Номер: US20200042970A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

In certain embodiments, an electronic device can include a secure element that detects a mechanical input. The mechanical input can correspond to an instruction to transmit securely stored payment information to another device and/or to release such information to an application on the device (e.g., for use in an in-app commerce transaction). This feature can inhibit or prevent unauthorized transmission of payment information. When the mechanical input is detected, payment information can be transmitted to a point of sale (POS) terminal (e.g., via near-field communication) or released to an app on the device. Further, a user can either use default payment information or interact with the device (before or after providing the mechanical input) to select appropriate payment information for a transaction. For example, the user can select between credit cards, debit cards and/or stored-value cards (e.g., transit card).

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200042979A1

This specifications describes techniques for processing transactions. A card reading terminal device associated with an integrated circuit (IC) card issuer identifies an IC card associated with the IC card issuer and associated with a current transaction. The card reading terminal device determines that the IC card satisfies a predetermined credit payment condition. In response to determining that the IC card satisfies the predetermined credit payment condition, the card reading terminal device completes the current transaction. The card reading terminal device generates transaction information associated with the current transaction. The IC card issuer generates a deduction request that includes the transaction information associated with the current transaction. The IC card issuer sends the deduction request to a credit authorizer, wherein the credit authorizer registers a payment account of an IC card holder in advance. The IC card issuer performs a settlement with the credit authorizer for the current transaction. 1. A computer-implemented method for processing transactions , comprising:identifying, by a card reading terminal device associated with an integrated circuit (IC) card issuer, an IC card associated with the IC card issuer and associated with a current transaction;determining, by the card reading terminal device, that the IC card satisfies a predetermined credit payment condition;in response to determining that the IC card satisfies the predetermined credit payment condition, completing, by the card reading terminal device, the current transaction associated with the IC card;generating, by the card reading terminal device, transaction information associated with the current transaction;generating, by the IC card issuer, a deduction request that includes the transaction information associated with the current transaction;sending, by the IC card issuer, the deduction request to a credit authorizer, wherein the credit authorizer registers a payment ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Dynamic modification of a verification method associated with a transaction card

Номер: US20200043002A1
Автор: Adam Koeppel, Robert Perry
Принадлежит: Capital One Services LLC

A device may determine that a verification method associated with a transaction card is to be modified from a first verification method to a second verification method. The first verification method and the second verification method may use different types of verification information. The device may provide a set of instructions to the transaction card after determining that the verification method is to be modified. The set of instructions may cause the transaction card to modify the verification method from the first verification method to the second verification method. The device may provide information identifying a modification to the verification method to a transaction backend device to notify the transaction backend device that the verification method associated with the transaction card has been modified from the first verification method to the second verification method.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043018A1

A device receives, in real-time, a request to share data. The request includes an account identifier and a merchant identifier. The device obtains transaction data associated with the account identifier included in the request, and obtains merchant attributes associated with the merchant identifier included in the request. The device determines, using a first model, a plurality of first scores for a plurality of transaction records included in the transaction data, based on the merchant attributes, where the plurality of first scores predict a measure of relevancy of the plurality of transaction records to the merchant identifier. The device identifies at least one relevant transaction record of the plurality of transaction records based on the plurality of first scores, and transmits the at least one relevant transaction record to cause an action to be performed. 1. A method , comprising: [ an account identifier, and', 'a merchant identifier, and, 'wherein the request includes, 'wherein the request corresponds to a particular transaction;, 'receiving, by a processor and in real-time, a request to share data,'} 'each transaction record, of the plurality of transaction records, including transaction metadata for a respective transaction associated with the account identifier;', 'the transaction data including a plurality of transaction records,'}, 'obtaining, by the processor, transaction data associated with the account identifier included in the request,'} 'the merchant attributes identifying at least one competitor of the merchant;', 'obtaining, by the processor, merchant attributes corresponding to a merchant identified by the merchant identifier included in the request,'} wherein the plurality of first scores predict a measure of relevancy of the plurality of transaction records to the merchant identifier,', [ 'the at least the portion of the transaction metadata including information identifying a particular competitor, of the at least one competitor of the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Docking station for an electronic payment terminal, corresponding electronic payment terminal and system

Номер: US20200044403A1

A docking station for an electronic payment terminal includes a docking surface having a guide for guiding the terminal towards a connection position with the docking station. The docking station further includes a first locking element cooperating with a second complementary locking element of the terminal. The first locking element is mobile between: a deployed position in which the first locking element protrudes relative to the docking surface and cooperates with the second locking element, and a retracted position in which the first locking element does not cooperate with the second locking element. The guide includes a front wall extending from a front edge of the docking surface and facing a front face of the terminal. The front wall bears at least one positioning hook cooperating with a recess made on the front face of the terminal so as to prevent lifting of the terminal in the connection position.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Transmitter for Transmitting a Secure Access Signal

Номер: US20170046713A1

A transmitter () for transmitting a secure access signal to a system () for providing secure access to a controlled item () is disclosed. The access is dependent on information contained in the secure access signal. The transmitter () comprises a biometric sensor () for receiving a biometric signal and a processor () for matching the biometric signal against members of a database () of biometric signatures. The transmitter () comprises enabling means (e.g., ) for enabling an inductive circuit, based on the matching of the biometric signal, to transmit the secure access signal conveying the information to the system () upon the inductive circuit being placed within range of a radio frequency field emitted by the system (). 152-. (canceled)53. A transmitter for transmitting a secure signal to a system for performing a secure transaction , the transmitter comprising:a biometric sensor for receiving a biometric signal to match against members of a database of biometric signatures;a plurality of proximity modules; anda controller for selecting one of said plurality of proximity modules when the received biometric signal matches a member of the database of biometric signatures, wherein the selected proximity module is enabled for a predetermined period while said other proximity modules remain disabled, and the enabled proximity module transmits the secure signal conveying information to the system upon said plurality of proximity modules being placed within range of a radio frequency field emitted by the system, the transaction being performed based on the information.54. The transmitter according to claim 53 , further comprising a memory containing the database of biometric signatures.55. The transmitter according to claim 53 , wherein the database of biometric signature is located in the system for performing the secure transaction.56. The transmitter according to claim 53 , wherein the transmitter is configured for populating the database of biometric signatures.57. ...
