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10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581009C2
Принадлежит: ДеПАЛМА Марк С. (US)

Изобретение относится к аккредитации, а точнее к системам и способам накопления аккредитации. Технический результат заключается в повышении достоверности обработки информации. Способ накопления аккредитации включает обнаружение оценок из различных источников, относящихся по меньшей мере к одному объекту, и накопление оценок, ассоциированных с указанным по меньшей мере одним объектом, для создания аккредитации, ассоциированной с указанным по меньшей мере одним объектом. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил.

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2577472C2

Изобретение относится к постоянным считываемым компьютером носителям, серверным компьютерам и способам аутентификации участника транзакции. Технический результат заключается в повышении безопасности проведения транзакции. В способе принимают информацию о транзакции, содержащую элементы идентификационных данных, ассоциированных с участником транзакции, на основании которых генерируют хэш-значение в качестве ввода в хэш-алгоритм, при этом элементы идентификационных данных не являются восстанавливаемыми из хэш-значения, отправляют запрос авторизации на сервер управления аутентификацией, включающий в себя хэш-значение, принимают ответ авторизации от сервера управления аутентификацией, содержащий сгенерированный им указатель для аутентификации участника, указывающий, совпадают ли элементы данных участника, сохраненные сервером управления аутентификацией, с элементами идентификационных данных принятой информации о транзакции путем сравнения хэш-значения в запросе авторизации с хэш-значением, ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635826C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки данных. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: считывают уникальный код на упаковке, которая содержит продукт; в ответ на этап считывания идентифицируют географическое расположение устройства беспроводной связи с использованием GPS; сравнивают географическое расположение со списком авторизованных продавцов продукта и определяют подлинность продукта на основе этапа сравнения. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

18-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625711C1

Предложенное решение относится к заменяемым компонентам, которые содержат расходный материал, который убывает с каждым использованием системы, например заменяемые аккумуляторы, системы печати, которые распределяют текучие среды (например, чернила), или тонеры из заменяемых поставляемых картриджей и т.д. В примерной реализации печатающий поставляемый картридж содержит микроконтроллер для приема запроса согласования по времени и предоставления возможности аутентификации картриджа при предоставлении ответа на запрос. Ответ на запрос предоставляется во время ответа на запрос, которое попадает в ожидаемое временное окно. Предложенное решение обеспечивает проверку того, что заменяемое поставляемое устройство является подлинным устройством от легального производителя. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019117939A3

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643503C1

Изобретение относится к способу проверки подлинности товаров или услуг. Технический результат заключается в управлении доступом к базе данных товаров и услуг. В способе разбивают жизненный цикл товаров или услуг на этапы, на каждом этапе формируют уникальный код отслеживания, который наносят на товар или маркируют документ, соответствующий услуге, каждому такому уникальному коду отслеживания ставят в соответствие информацию в единой базе данных всех товаров и услуг, содержащую сведения о параметрах товара или услуги как на каждом следующем этапе жизненного цикла, так и на всех предыдущих, формируют список из параметров доступа пользователей, соответствующих различным правам доступа пользователей единой базы данных, которую разбивают на области, соответствующие разным параметрам доступа пользователей, для каждого пользователя формируют код идентификации пользователя, соответствующий его параметру доступа пользователя, который заносят в единую базу данных, при обращении к единой базе данных ...

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010132719A

... 1. Способ идентификации подлинности маркировки реализуемой продукции, по которому на предприятии-изготовителе дополнительно нумеруют и маркируют образцы реализуемой продукции, кодовым числом с количеством значащих цифр, выбираемых в пределах от 3 до 20, которое формируют с помощью генератора случайных чисел во взаимосвязи с проставляемым на сосудах номером, датой изготовления и кодом завода-изготовителя, который дополнительно параллельно формируют с участием органа контроля за оборотом спиртосодержащей продукции с помощью генератора случайных чисел во взаимосвязи с номером каждого сосуда, сформированный таким образом код завода-изготовителя для предотвращения его разглашения передают по конфиденциальным линиям связи через модем в нумератор сосудов и сохраняют в базе данных кодов завода-изготовителя, поддерживаемой органом контроля, полученное в результате кодовое число, идентифицирующее каждый сосуд, проставляют на сосуде таким образом, чтобы кодовое число можно было прочесть визуально ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012136827A

... 1. Постоянный считываемый компьютером носитель, хранящий в себе набор команд, которые при исполнении процессором предписывают процессору:отправлять запрос авторизации на сервер управления аутентификацией, причем запрос авторизации включает в себя данные, ассоциированные с участником в транзакции;принимать ответ авторизации от сервера управления аутентификацией, причем ответ авторизации включает в себя указатель, который указывает части данных, ассоциированных с участником в транзакции, которые верифицированы;определять, соответствует ли или превышает пороговую величину указатель; иавторизовать транзакцию, если пороговая величина соответствует или превышена.2. Постоянный считываемый компьютером носитель по п.1, в котором пороговой величиной являются все данные, ассоциированные с участником в транзакции.3. Постоянный считываемый компьютером носитель по п.1, дополнительно содержащий команды, которые предписывают процессору:отправлять запрос регистрации верификации на сервер каталогов, причем ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015110088A

... 1. Способ борьбы с обитающими в почве вредителями и/или предупреждения их появления в полезных растениях, включающий внесение соединения формулы I в место произрастания полезного растения или обработку его растительного материала для размножения соединением формулы I,где-В-В-В- представляет собой -C=N-O-, -C=N-CH-, -С=СН-O- или -N-CH-CH-;L представляет собой прямую связь или метилен;Аи Апредставляют собой С-Н, или один из Аи Апредставляет собой С-Н, а другой представляет собой N;Xпредставляет собой группу X;Rпредставляет собой С-Салкил, С-Сгалогеналкил или С-Сциклоалкил;Rпредставляет собой хлордифторметил или трифторметил;каждый Rнезависимо представляет собой бром, хлор, фтор или трифторметил;Rпредставляет собой водород, галоген, метил, галогенметил или циано;Rпредставляет собой водород;или Rи Rвместе формируют мостиковую 1,3-бутадиеновую группу;р равно 2 или 3.2. Способ по п. 1, где обитающий в почве вредитель представляет собой кукурузного корневого жука.3. Способ по п. 1, где обитающие ...

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Validierung und Einführung eines oder mehrerer Leistungsmerkmale in ein elektrisch angetriebenes System

Номер: DE112010001963T5

Es wird ein Verfahren und ein System zur Vereinfachung der Validierung der Einführung eines oder mehrerer Leistungsmerkmale in eine Variante eines elektrisch angetriebenen Systems vorgesehen. Das Verfahren umfasst die Einführung der Leistungsmerkmale in eine Mehrzahl von elektrisch angetriebenen Systemen, die zumindest teilweise durch Elektrizität angetrieben werden. Danach werden Daten erfasst, die mindestens einem Energiespeichersystem oder Energieverbrauchssystem jedes der Mehrzahl von elektrisch angetriebenen Systemen entsprechen, und zwar basierend auf den Daten, die für die Validierung der in das elektrisch angetriebene System eingeführten Leistungsmerkmale erforderlich sind. Die erfassten Daten, die dem Energiespeichersystem und dem Energieverbrauchssystem entsprechen, werden an einen entfernten Ort übertragen und ermöglichen dadurch die Analyse der Daten an dem entfernten Ort zur Validierung der Einführung des mindestens einen Leistungsmerkmals in die Variante des elektrisch angetriebenen ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Verwalten von Zollinformationen

Номер: DE112013007260T5

Ein Maklerverwaltungscomputersystem (MVCS) empfängt von einem Logistikcomputersystem (LCS) Informationen zu einem Ausrüstungsgegenstand, der in ein Land importiert werden soll. Das MVCS erstellt einen Anfangsimporteintrag in einer MVCS-Datenbank. Der Anfangsimporteintrag beinhaltet Informationen zu dem Ausrüstungsgegenstand und eine eindeutige MVCS-Kontrollnummer, die von dem MVCS erzeugt wird. Das MVCS stellt ein Anfangsimportpaket aus, das die MVCS-Kontrollnummer beinhaltet, und stellt das Anfangsimportpaket an einen Importmakler in dem Land bereit. Das MVCS empfängt von dem Importmakler ein Zollpaket mit Dokumenten, die zeigen, dass der Ausrüstungsgegenstand vom Zoll in dem Land abgefertigt wurde, einer Deklarationsnummer und der MVCS-Kontrollnummer. Das MVCS durchsucht die MVCS-Datenbank mithilfe der MVCS-Kontrollnummer als Stichwort für die Suche, findet den Anfangsimporteintrag und aktualisiert den Anfangsimporteintrag mit der Deklarationsnummer.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018005021T5
Принадлежит: AMAZON TECH INC, Amazon Technologies, Inc.

Es werden Systeme und Verfahren zur Aufrechterhaltung einer digitalen Chain-of-Custody von Containern und darin geladenen Produkten beschrieben. Ein Container kann verifiziert werden, und in den Container zu ladende Produkte können identifiziert werden. Videodaten können während des gesamten Ladevorgangs erfasst werden, und die Videodaten können, zusammen mit Produktinformationen, kombiniert werden, um ein digitales Containermodell zu generieren. Ferner kann eine Überwachungsvorrichtung innerhalb des Containers beinhaltet sein, um Daten während des Versands zusammenzutragen. Während des Versands kann das digitale Containermodells einem Empfänger des Containers bereitgestellt und von diesem überprüft werden. Nach dem Eintreffen des Containers können Überwachungsdaten der Überwachungsvorrichtung ebenfalls von dem Empfänger überprüft werden. Auf Basis von Überprüfungen des digitalen Containermodells und der Überwachungsdaten kann eine digitale Chain-of-Custody für alle oder einen Teil der ...

03-06-2015 дата публикации

Anordnung zur Erkennung von gefälschten Produkten

Номер: DE102013018036A1

Eine Anordnung, umfassend eine Vorrichtung (1), welche zumindest ein individualisierendes Merkmal (4, 4a) aufweist, ein Erfassungsmittel (9) zur Erfassung des individualisierenden Merkmals (4, 4a) und einen Datenspeicher (10), in welchem das individualisierende Merkmal (4, 4a) gespeichert und eindeutig der Vorrichtung (1) zugeordnet ist, ist im Hinblick auf die Aufgabe, eine Anordnung derart auszugestalten und weiter zu bilden, dass die Authentizität eines Produktes möglichst sicher feststellbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das individualisierende Merkmal (4, 4a) durch das Erfassungsmittel (9) erfassbar und mit einer Hinterlegung des individualisierenden Merkmals (4, 4a) vergleichbar ist, welche im Datenspeicher (10) bereits abgelegt ist.

06-02-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0002493395A

A heat transfer composition comprises up to about 30 % by weight carbon dioxide (R-744), from about 30 % to about 80 % by weight difluoromethane (R-32), and 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze), preferably R-1234ze(E). The composition preferably has a low GWP and may further comprise a lubricant, a stabiliser or a flame retardant. The composition may be a refrigerant, a blowing agent, a foam or a sprayable composition. The composition may be used in a heat transfer device e.g. automotive air conditioning systems, chiller refrigeration systems. Also shown are methods of cooling, heating, extraction and cleaning using the composition.

25-01-2012 дата публикации

Method of anti-fraud protection for commercial products

Номер: GB0201121271D0

04-05-2016 дата публикации

System and method for supporting operations in a retail store

Номер: GB0002531802A

A locator beacon 16 detects and obtains identity information from a proximate customer device 60, possibly after providing a notification to the user and receiving a user input. The information may be stored in the customer device, e.g. a smartphone, or may be entered manually by the user or using a machine readable code sucha s a barcode. The identity information may then be obtained from the customer device by the beacon using Bluetooth (RTM) when a customer enters a store. The identity information is sent to a server 20 which retrieves corresponding order information from a database 28, which is sent to an in-store device to display the order information and facilitate order collection by the customer. The in-store device may include glasses 30a worn by a member of staff 15 or a computer terminal 30b at a collection point 17. The customer device may indicate a deferral period so that the information is sent to the in-store device at a later time e.g. after the customer has had time to ...

30-12-2020 дата публикации

Real-time operations information on wearable smart heads up display

Номер: GB2585155A

To reduce costs and free on-site personnel to freely move about a well site in a hydrocarbon recovery, exploration, operation, or services environment, systems and methods are presented for collecting data associated with one or more on-site pieces of equipment, distributing the collected data using a network system, optionally storing the collected data in one or more resources including databases, and producing a notification on a wearable notification device based, at least in part, on the collected data to enable on-site users to respond to the collected data by modifying on-site operations.

28-12-2011 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0002481443A

Heat transfer compositions comprising: (i) trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)); (ii) a second component selected from difluoromethane (R-32), propene (R-1270) propane (R290) and mixtures thereof; (iii) a third component selected from pentafluoroethane (R-125), 1,1,1,2- tetrafluoroethane (R-134a), and mixtures thereof; and optionally (iv) a fourth component selected from fluoroethane (R-161), 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a) and mixtures thereof. The composition preferably has a low GWP and may further comprise a lubricant, a stabiliser or a flame retardant. The composition may be a refrigerant, a blowing agent, a foam or a sprayable composition. The composition may be used in a heat transfer device e.g. automotive air conditioning systems, chiller refrigeration systems. Also shown are methods of cooling, heating, extraction and cleaning using the composition.

25-01-2012 дата публикации

Estimating and enhancing residual performance in an energy storage system

Номер: GB0002482265A

A system and method is provided for estimating and enhancing performance that can be delivered by an energy storage system beyond the energy storage system's warranty period. The system includes an energy management system configured to communicate and manage the energy storage system and a data processing system configured to communicate with the energy management system. The system is configured to estimate performance delivered by the energy storage system beyond the energy storage system's warranty period, identify adaptations to be made to enhance the performance of the energy storage system, and make adaptations to the energy storage system, thereby enhancing the performance that can be delivered by an energy storage system beyond the energy storage system's warranty period.

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Device managment system, device managment method. Information processing device, device, and program

Номер: GB0002572925A

A distributed ledger registers manufacturing process information, activation information or information about updates to a device, such as an Internet of things (IoT) device. The distributed ledger may be a blockchain such as Ethereum (RTM) or a directed acyclic graph (DAG) such as a tangle. Manufacturing information may include a device ID, component ID, manufacturing line ID and manufacturing time information indicating when a component was inserted into the device. Activation or updating information may include a device ID, verification time information indicating when the device was activated or updated, a hash value of a file used to activate or update the device, and the device’s digital signature. The manufacturing, activation or update information may be registered in the distributed ledger during the manufacturing, activation or update process, respectively. Update information may also be registered in the distributed ledger at predetermined times. Storing device information in ...

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Activity monitoring system and method

Номер: GB0201607969D0

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0201002616D0

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Genomic technologies for agriculture production and performance management

Номер: GB0002557083A
Автор: SEAN AKADIRI, Sean Akadiri

An agriculture management and analysis system for analysis, interpretation, and visualization of genetic data to improve production, performance, and management of agriculture, such as livestock.

13-11-2019 дата публикации

Verified resource supply system and method of operation thereof

Номер: GB0002573519A

A method of verifying resources using a blockchain includes ledger arrangement hosted by a data processing arrangement into which entries representative of resources are recorded in the blockchain. The verified resource supply system includes voting arrangement for a plurality of members to input votes in respect of whether or not the entries of the blockchain are valid. The votes are derived from a multidimensional array system model accessing a database arrangement. Data recorded in database arrangement describes the suppliers of the resources of the entries of the blockchain and the expected properties of the resources represented by the entries. The ledger arrangement controls in operation whether or not a given entry of the blockchain is to be retained in the blockchain depending upon the votes. Resources include feedstock for use in feeding animals, food supplements for animals and drugs for animals.

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Recycling method and taggant for a recyclable product

Номер: GB0201809713D0

19-06-2019 дата публикации

A system and method for product authentication

Номер: GB0201906450D0

10-07-2019 дата публикации

Regulatory compliance system and method

Номер: GB0201907408D0

24-05-2023 дата публикации

Virtual real time operation

Номер: GB0002585553B

28-02-2010 дата публикации

Systems and methods for accumulating accreditation

Номер: AP2010005158A0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

Systems and methods for accumulating accreditation

Номер: AP0201005158A0

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000260010T

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Automated method for environmental hazard reduction

Номер: AU2017373670A1
Принадлежит: Patent Attorney Services

A system including a work environment having a topology comprising a plurality of computing devices coupled with at least one of one or more sensors, one or more actuators, and one or more models. One or more processors communicatively coupled with the computing devices and having a memory having stored therein instructions which, when executed, cause the processors to generate, based on the topology, a graph for the work environment; collect respective parameters associated with the computing devices, sensors, actuators, and models; identify an environmental anomaly associated with at least one of the sensors; and generate a decision tree to determine a cause of the environmental anomaly.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: AU2010346306B2

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising ...

17-12-2001 дата публикации

Pay by time system for content delivery to media playback systems

Номер: AU0006816901A

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Lighting infrastructure and revenue model

Номер: AU2013274333A1

Methods, devices, and systems for implementing lighting infrastructure application frameworks and networks and associated revenue models. In one embodiment, a computing device may receive a request from a first device to access data from a lighting infrastructure application framework, and the data from the lighting infrastructure application framework may include data from lighting node platform(s). In an embodiment, the computing device may perform authorizations related to providing access to data, as well as transmit responses to requests for data. Costs and revenues associated with applications may also be performed based on usage of platforms, sensors, and controllers within a lighting infrastructure. In an embodiment, software, applications, and other instructions may be transmitted by a computing device in response to receiving requests. In another embodiment, a computing device may process received data (e.g., sensor data from lighting node platforms) to detect trends or events ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Methods of controlling insects

Номер: AU2013305089B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to methods, preferably for controlling and/or preventing infestation of boll weevil in cotton, comprising applying to a crop of cotton plants, the locus thereof, or propagation material thereof, a compound of formula (I), wherein -B ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Managing SSL fixtures over PLC networks

Номер: AU2009225455B2

Managing solid-state luminary (SSL) fixtures over power line carrier (PLC) networks is described herein. Devices provided in this description include SSL arrays, and converter circuitry coupled to drive the SSL arrays. More specifically, the converter circuitry is adapted to convert input voltage received from a power distribution network into a level suitable for driving the SSL arrays. The devices also include (PLC) modems for coupling to PLC networks, and coupled to the converter circuitry. In particular, the PLC modems interface the converter circuitry to the PLC networks.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

A conductive magnetic coupling system

Номер: AU2009225444B2

Technologies are described herein for a conductive magnetic coupling system. The system includes a signal supply component that provides electrical and/or data signals to a signal consumption component that utilizes the signal to provide an output. The two components are magnetically coupled together such that the magnetic coupling mechanisms not only provide the bonding mechanism for securing the components to one another, but also provide the electrical and communicative continuity that allows for the transfer of electrical and/or data signals between the two components. Aspects provide for the repositioning of the signal consumption component along any section of a signal supply component configured as a magnetic track system. Aspects further provide for a flexible, fluid impermeable signal supply component in which a signal consumption component is repositionable along its length.

08-10-2001 дата публикации

Payment system

Номер: AU0004294501A

13-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002521436A1

A method and system to create personalized investor information packages, based on investor information, to be delivered to the investor to satisfy both compliance regulations and investor preferences. The method and system may deliver information in a paper or electronic format.

18-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002323872A1

A method, system and computer program product for valuating natural gas futures and options contracts using weather-based metrics. The method and computer program product allow gas buyers and traders to make informed decision on purchasing/selling natural gas futures and futures options on a regulated exchange such as the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) based on historical and forecasted weather. The system includes weather forecast, weather history, and natural gas-related databases, as well as a trading server and several workstation clients, and provides assistance to traders in reaching complex buying/hedging decisions.

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002702777A1

This disclosure relates to techniques for a computer-implemented method which receives user input that specifies values for predetermined questions provided in an environmental questionnaire, identifies environmentally friendly businesses or individuals by analyzing the user input values and determining those businesses or individuals that meet predetermined minimum requirements, and stores a list of the identified businesses or individuals within a database.

30-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2776577C

A method for establishing an agricultural pedigree for an agricultural product via an agricultural pedigree system comprising a network accessible information storage device operably connected to a communication network, the information storage device configured to store data relating to production, harvesting, distribution, processing and/or consumption of the agricultural product. The method comprises receiving, via a client device, the data from at least one of a plurality of sources, storing the data into the information storage device, providing access to at least a portion of the data in the information storage device via the communication network, the data accessed from at least one application selected from a group consisting of a tool for traceability of the agricultural product, a tool for establishing the agricultural pedigree of the agricultural product, a real time decision making tool, and a predictive modeling tool, and outputting the agricultural pedigree of the agricultural ...

19-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002764502C

Methods and systems for lift monitoring are described. In one embodiment, a first operation signal may be received from a first relay coupled to an electro-mechanical patient lift when the electro-mechanical patient lift is being operated in a first position. A second operation signal may be received from a second relay coupled to the electro-mechanical patient lift when the electro-mechanical patient lift is being operated in a second position. A determination of whether a lift qualification threshold is met may be based on the receiving of the first operation signal and the second operation signal. An occurrence of a lift may be recorded when a determination is made that the lift qualification threshold is met. Additional methods and systems are disclosed.

29-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766644C

Functionality is described for reducing the unauthorized reproduction of optical media, such as optical discs of various types. The functionality operates by adding a physical descriptor to an optical medium, forming reference descriptor information based on the descriptor, signing the reference descriptor information to produce authenticity information, and adding the authenticity information to the optical medium. At a point of consumption, the functionality operates by reading the authenticity information and reading the descriptor. Based on the information that is read, the functionality performs cryptographic analysis and descriptor-based analysis to validate the optical medium. The functionality includes various provisions to reduce the impact of wear and tear on the above-summarized analysis. The functionality can be applied to stamped or recordable optical media.

03-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002723512A1

The present invention pertains to the technical fields of production and testing of condom and glove products. The invention specifically discloses a type of real-time monitoring, feedback, identification and consistent labeling system for quality information of condom and glove products. The system includes a collection module, a processing output module connected to the collection module, an application module connected to the processing output module, and also a query module. This system allows users (consumers) to obtain real-time collected product production data or pre-entered, encryption code or pre-entered information data from each product and to compare these data with pre-entered product performance indexes. The invention provides a solution to the problem of failure in individual product quality verification and its trace objectively and directly due to absence of independent information code that are applied in real time and that is in conformity to the corresponding product ...

26-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002433457A1

This whole farm assurance and actuarial system is a multi-enterprise certification system that undertakes a modular approach, which allows farms to obtain certification for different enterprises without the need for duplication of inspections or administration. This system includes a plurality of assurance procedures separated into modules. A first module of procedures is applicable to farm independent criteria for meeting requirements of a farm regardless of the type of farm. A second module of procedures is applicable to enterprise-specific criteria for meeting requirements of a first enterprise type, and a third module of procedures applicable to enterprise-specific criteria for meeting requirements of a second enterprise type. The farm is required to comply with requirements of the first module before the farm can be certified for either of the second or third modules. In another embodiment, the system includes additional modules of procedures applicable to enterprise-specific criteria ...

19-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002398508A1

Methods and systems for operating an online marketplace for the sale of services associated with self-help moving and relocating are described. A customer enters an online marketplace where service providers offer services relating to moving and relocating, specifically in the "do-it-yourself' moving field. The venue for the online marketplace is an Internet web site or a site on a computer network and is operated by a host that determines which service providers will be listed on the site. A typical self-help moving customer may enter the marketplace after completing an initial transaction with the host, such as reserving a moving truck or trailer and other moving equipment. In many instances this transaction is what initially draws the customer to the site. Once in the marketplace, the customer can view informational content on numerous vendors providing services relating to moving and relocating. Based on the estimates provided by the marketplace, the customer selects the vendor and ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3105505A1

A charitable donation system is provided. The system includes a computer server having a memory storing charitable organization data and user data, a collection device coupled to the computer server, and a user computing device coupled to the computer server. The system establishes a geofence around the collection device. When a user computing device enters the geofence, a connection between the server and the user computing device is established. The computer server may be programmed to receive from the user computing device a signal activating a donation, the signal including user data and donation data, including a user identifying information, a donation amount, and the payment instrument initiating the payment amount. The computer server may automatically process the payment and send a communication to the collection device to account for the donation amount.

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003100746A1
Принадлежит: BRUNET & CO.

A method of remotely updating information related to a food product item is disclosed herein. The method is comprised of configuring an application that can receive nutritional, allergen, dating or other important information specific to the food product. The information may be updatable either automatically or manually. The data is input into the application and linked to a remote database via a key identifier. The food product is then tagged or labeled so that a user may access the most current updated information. The method of the present invention may be used in conjunction with an intelligent printer, such as a RFID, QR code, or barcode printer, a smart device, or a personal computer.

20-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3101126C

The invention provides a graphical user interface implemented on a computer including an information area for displaying to a user at the computer inspection status information in connection with one or more components of a linear asset infrastructure. The graphical user interface also includes a control component operable by the user at the computer to cause the graphical user interface to display additional information on the one or more components of the linear asset infrastructure.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003055038A1
Принадлежит: SMITHS IP

A system operates to determine value of a compliance parameter, where the value of the compliance parameter reflects a compliance state of the provider with respect to a set of compliance rules. The selection of the service provider for service requests may be based in part on the value of the compliance parameter, and an attribute of individual service requests which is related to the value of the compliance parameter.

21-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003077295A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3126392A1

Systems and methods for risk/reward scoring in transactional relationships are disclosed and generally comprise entrant traits, entrant factors, entrant outcomes, predictive modeling, and subscriber and application-specific modeling and scoring with enforced anonymity and data privacy rules. A risk/reward scoring system may comprise a two-tier modeling and scoring architecture wherein a first tier comprises a platform predictive intelligence model and a second tier comprises an application models tier. The first tier can output a platform predictive intelligence entrant vector based on a statistical, probabilistic and predictive intelligence comprised in a majority or all of the entrant traits, entrant factors and entrant outcomes encompassing a plurality of risk/reward scoring applications. The second tier can output statistical, probabilistic and predictive outcomes providing a risk/reward score comprising evaluative considerations and measures useful in evaluating an application-specific ...

28-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3117006A1

Various systems and methods are provided for quantum computing based optimization of stress testing. One exemplary method may comprise receiving a stress testing scenario, identifying one or more filtered stress testing factor data based on one or more stress testing factor data, stress testing scenario data, QC algorithms, and algorithm performance information, selecting one QC algorithm for each filtered stress testing factor data of the one or more filtered stress testing factor data, and utilizing the selected QC algorithm for each filtered stress testing factor data to optimize a stress testing determination for each identified filtered stress test factor data.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003009524A1

A safety data sheet management system comprises a computer, storage media and a database, the database containing data on component substances and information related to reactions between the component substance. From these component substances, a set of physical masters is created and a set of health masters is created. For example, these masters are combined together and combined with component masters to automatically generate safety data sheets.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003029427A1
Принадлежит: MOFFAT & CO.

A method at a network element for verification of chain of custody of goods within a portable container, the method including receiving, from a computing device associated with the portable container, first log data; receiving, from at least one transit element that interacted with the computing device associated with the portable container during transport of the goods, second log data; and correlating the first log data and the second log data to verify the chain of custody of the goods.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003016224A1

A water agency management platform (WAMP) optimizes groundwater sustainable yield in a groundwater basin. The WAMP takes into consideration sustainable groundwater yield and monitor groundwater utilization in the groundwater basin. The WAMP models changes to the groundwater utilization with a goal of optimizing groundwater sustainable yield in the groundwater basin. The water agency management platform provides an exchange for administering groundwater extraction rights in one or more trading-zones. The platform matches offers to trade utilization of groundwater extraction rights (GWRs), and intermediates transfers of the matched GWRs based on transfer rules. The Water Agency Management Platform (WAMP) sustainably manages water resources including groundwater extraction rights. The WAMP includes a Water Rights Registry Facilitator (WRRF), a Transfer & Market Facilitator, and a Groundwater Management Agency Formation Facilitator. The WRRF can form a virtual groundwater management agency ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003035623A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A computer-implemented method is described. The method includes generating, for display on a computing device, an identification rendering viewable on a display of the device, the identification rendering including an authority indicator and a digital image of a person. The method further includes the device triggering an interactive effect associated with the identification rendering. The triggering occurs in response to the device receiving a trigger input and the trigger can be from any input or communications sensor of the computing device. The triggered interactive effect includes an authority indicator and a freshness indicator that enables an individual viewing the display to validate the identity of the person associated with the digital image. Validation can be based on at least one of a characteristic of the interactive effect and attributes of the person or the authority indicator.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003036507A1
Принадлежит: PERRY + CURRIER

An e-commerce computer system electronically receives a selection of at least one product with at least one contractor service from a purchaser computer system. The e-commerce computer system automatically places a product code for the at least one product in an electronic shopping cart. The e-commerce computer system automatically places a service code for the at least one contractor service in the electronic shopping cart. The e-commerce computer system receives the service code electronically from a mapping computer system, the service code automatically derived by the mapping computing system programmed to map the at least one product with the at least one contractor service. The e-commerce computer system electronically presents the electronic shopping cart to the purchaser computer system with a request to complete a purchase of the at least one product and the at least one contractor service.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3112933A1

In some embodiments, a processor-implement method includes receiving a fill completion message including formulation and capsule identifiers from a fill station. The method also includes receiving a registration request including a vaporizer identifier and a compute device or user identifier from a compute device. The registration request is verified, and a registration confirmation message is sent to the compute device. The method also includes receiving a capsule attach event detection message including the capsule identifier, the vaporizer identifier, and at least one of the identifier of the compute device or the identifier of the user. A validity of the capsule attach event detection message is evaluated. If the capsule attach event detection message is valid, an unlock message is sent to the compute device or a vaporizer, and if the capsule attach event detection message is valid, an alert is sent to the compute device or the vaporizer.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3138689A1

A computer-implemented method, computer program product and computing system for: enabling a user to define a compensation plan for a performance-based employee; obtaining performance information for the performance-based employee, wherein the performance information includes supplemental performance information; and calculating compensation information for the performance-based employee based, at least in part, upon the performance information and the compensation plan.

24-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992904A1

An anti-skid mat including a skid-resistant material exhibiting flexible properties and having a generally planar configuration with a length, width and thickness. A plurality of hinges or flex lines design into the material and which enable the material to conform to any irregular surface associated with the metal roof. The mat underside can include any or both of magnetic attracting or conformal adhering undersides such that placement of the material upon a sloping magnetic attracting or non-attracting roof securely supports the weight of a user standing on the mat without slippage relative to the roof.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992904C

An anti-skid mat including a skid-resistant material exhibiting flexible properties and having a generally planar configuration with a length, width and thickness. A plurality of hinges or flex lines design into the material and which enable the material to conform to any irregular surface associated with the metal roof. The mat underside can include any or both of magnetic attracting or conformal adhering undersides such that placement of the material upon a sloping magnetic attracting or non-attracting roof securely supports the weight of a user standing on the mat without slippage relative to the roof.

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002907778A1

Methods, devices, and systems for the secure transport of material are provided. A transported material may be a biological material, such as a biological sample. Material is only transferred to a courier having a unique, single-use authorization code. Authorization codes are provided to a courier only upon arrival at a proper location and at a designated time. Courier identification or code confirmation or authorization may also be required. Identification or other confirmation regarding a custodian, material to be transferred, or both, may be required. Courier images, custodian images, or both, may be required. An authorization code may include a bar code, a number, a letter, or other symbol or code. An authorization code, an image, route information, and other information may be communicated by cell-phone, WiFi, Bluetooth, or other link. Transport containers with temperature sensors and communication links, and storage containers with light sensors, memory, and communication links are ...

12-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2929803C

The disclosed embodiments include methods and systems for accessing computation resources, such as information-technology (IT) assets, in an open environment. In certain aspects, an IT system may provide an online portal that presents an IT self-serve store of IT assets that a user may select for access or use. The IT system may, for example, determine that the selected IT assets comply with one or more compliance and permissioning policies, and based on the determination, may assemble the selected IT assets to generate or "spin-up" instances of applications executable by various hardware platforms. The IT system may also establish an enterprise data provisioning platform that maintains data, reporting, and analytical assets in formats accessible to devices and application instances executing across the enterprise, and that provisions the data, reporting, and analytical assets in a timely, accurate, and consistent manner.

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002926829A1

Embodiments of systems, methods, and computer-readable storage media for capturing, managing, presenting, and maintaining information about a home are disclosed. A server may generate notifications associated with the project. The notifications may prompt the recipient to capture media content associated with the project. The notification may include a selectable element that, when selected, launches and controls a camera application for capturing the media content, and may indicate various types of media content to be captured. Once the media content has been captured, the media content may be reviewed for compliance with one or more rules, and, once captured and verified for rules compliance, may be provided to a server configured to present the media content and other information associated with a home or project to a user, such as a homeowner.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002962143A1

A compliance monitoring system is described suitable for display units (12) in a retail store (10). A wearable device (30) is configured to be worn by a user while in use. The wearable device (30) may be coupled to a server (20). The wearable device (30) is configured to determine a display unit (2) to be checked for compliance and retrieve a reference image from the server (20), wherein the reference image shows the display unit (12) in an ideal state. The wearable device (30) may display the retrieved reference image in a field of view of the user while the user also views the display unit (12), thereby allowing a compliance comparison there between.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002959242A1

A display unit survey system (800) comprises a wearable device (830) such as smart glasses configured to capture a plurality of survey images showing display units (12) in a retail store (10) and to generate survey image metadata associated therewith. At least one server device (820) holds a survey image database (824) to store the survey images and metadata, wherein the at least one server device is configured to determine a supplier entity (850) for each survey image (900) according to the survey image metadata, collate the stored survey images into a plurality of packages 900-1,-2,-3 according to the determined supplier entity, and communicate each package to a recipient device (850) of the determined supplier entity.

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002800762A1

The invention provides a heat transfer composition comprising: (i) trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)); (ii) a second component selected from difluoromethane (R-32), propene (R-1270)propane (R290) and mixtures thereof; (iii) a third component selected from pentafluoroethane (R-125), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a), and mixtures thereof; and optionally (iv) a fourth component selected from fluoroethane (R-161), 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a) and mixtures thereof.

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002822991C

A portable wireless data transfer and display device comprises a user interface, a communication module, a display, and a short-range wireless communication module configured to wirelessly receive vehicle data from a data acquisition device mounted inside a vehicle when in close proximity to the data acquisition device. The device is configured to accept inputs of driver information from a user, to send the vehicle data and the driver information through the communication module to a network device via a long- range wireless network, and to receive one or more work requests from the network device via the long-range wireless network. The device is configured to present the work request via the display, to accept an input from a driver responding to the work request, and to forward the input from the driver to the network device via the long-range wireless communication module and the long-range wireless network.

13-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002822990C

A portable wireless data transfer and display device includes a user interface, a display, a processor, and a short-range wireless communication module configured to wirelessly receive vehicle data, in real-time, from a data acquisition device mounted inside a vehicle when in close proximity to the data acquisition device. The device is configured to receive an input of driver information and driver communications from a user via the user interface. The short-range wireless communication module is configured to communicate two ways, in real-time, the driver communications via a long-range wireless network. The device is configured to process into a trip schedule at least one of: the vehicle data, the driver information, and the driver communications via the processor. The device is further configured to present the trip schedule and the driver communications to the user via the display.

23-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002808436A1

A computerized method of using a data processor having a memory to account for carbon flows and determine a regulatory value for a biofuel includes (i) storing, in memory, a first set of one or more carbon flow values characterizing the production and use of a biofuel, wherein the biofuel is derived from a first fraction of an agricultural biomass, (ii) storing, in memory, a second set of one or more carbon flow values characterizing the sequestration of solid phase biomass carbon, wherein the solid phase biomass carbon is derived from a second fraction of the agricultural biomass and wherein the sequestration mitigates anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission, and (in) calculating, using the data processor, a regulatory value for the biofuel from the first and second sets of carbon flow values.

26-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002833588A1

Feedstock of an agricultural biomass is tracked through a first supply chain. Residue of the agricultural biomass is tracked through a second supply chain. A quantity of fuel, produced from the feedstock, having a carbon intensity value is determined based on utilization of the residue in the second supply chain.

12-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2823076C

A computing device includes a user interface, a network interface configured to receive vehicle data, driver information, and driver communications, a memory configured to store the vehicle data, the driver information, and the driver communications, and a processor configured to process the vehicle data, the driver information, and the driver communications into an electronic driver scorecard according to specified safety and efficiency criteria. The electronic driver scorecard comprises one or more alphanumerical ratings according to a selection of drivers as input by a user into the user interface.

18-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002857356A1

A computer system to monitor and authenticate the creation of a medicinal herb including information on where seeds used to grow a plant containing a medicinal herb buds were obtained from, information on how and where the seeds were grown to cultivate the plant, information on when the buds were harvested from the plant and converted into a medicinal herb full chain a custody of all personnel involved from obtaining the seeds, cultivating the seeds into a plant, harvesting growth from the plant and converting it into a medicinal herb and transportation of the medicinal herb to a dispensing facility and how the medicinal herb was dispensed to a patient.

26-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2867218C

A system and method that enables a wireless communication device to provide information about a product contained in a package. Preferably, the system and method provides to the holder of a wireless communication device a visual image of the product contained within a non-transparent package. Most preferably, the system and method provides the perception or illusion of seeing the product through the non-transparent package.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Equipment for the examination of the authenticity of a mechanical movement of a watch.

Номер: CH0000708301A2

Le dispositif de linvention est prévu pour authentifier une pièce dhorlogerie, qui comprend un mouvement mécanique (1). Le dispositif comprend au moins un élément passif (2) fixé à une partie fixe (3) du mouvement mécanique. Lélément passif peut être une lame (2) ou une plaque fixée à une partie fixe dun organe réglant (4) et configurée pour vibrer selon une ou plusieurs composantes de fréquence de vibration bien déterminées suite à la vibration du mouvement mécanique. Les composantes de fréquence de vibration de la lame ou plaque définissent une signature acoustique spécifique à la pièce dhorlogerie pour permettre de déterminer lauthenticité de la pièce dhorlogerie par une mesure de la signature acoustique au moyen dun système de mesure acoustique.

15-05-2019 дата публикации

Timepiece provided with a device for verifying the authenticity of its mechanical movement.

Номер: CH0000708301B1
Принадлежит: MONTRES BREGUET SA, Montres Breguet S.A

Le dispositif de contrôle est prévu pour authentifier une pièce d’horlogerie, qui comprend un mouvement mécanique (1). Le dispositif comprend au moins un élément passif (2) fixé à une partie fixe (3) du mouvement mécanique. L’élément passif peut être une lame (2) ou une plaque fixée à une partie fixe d’un organe réglant (4) et configurée pour vibrer selon une ou plusieurs composantes de fréquence de vibration bien déterminées suite à la vibration du mouvement mécanique. Les composantes de fréquence de vibration de la lame ou plaque définissent une signature acoustique spécifique à la pièce d’horlogerie pour permettre de déterminer l’authenticité de la pièce d’horlogerie par une mesure de la signature acoustique au moyen d’un système de mesure acoustique.

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Method of tracciamentotracciamento of a production process of alimentary products.

Номер: CH0000713859A2

La presente invenzione è relativa ad un metodo di tracciamento almeno parziale di un processo produttivo di prodotti alimentari (P) comprendente le fasi di: individuare prodotto alimentare ed il relativo processo produttivo, monitorare almeno una fase del processo produttivo di detto prodotto alimentare (P), ricavare almeno un primo contenuto informativo (1001), in particolare di tipo multimediale, in corrispondenza di almeno un primo istante temporale di una fase del processo produttivo di detto prodotto alimentare (P). Il metodo comprende inoltre le fasi di: associare univocamente detto primo contenuto informativo a detto prodotto alimentare (P) mediante un marcatore univoco (40), immagazzinare o memorizzare su un database o su un server o su uno spazio di archiviazione (15) detto primo contenuto informativo (1001) ed una prima informazione identificativa di detto marcatore univoco (40) correlata a detto primo contenuto informativo (1001), associare, a detto prodotto alimentare (P) o ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Wiedererkennung von Oberflächen.

Номер: CH0000717252A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Wiedererkennung von Oberflächen, insbesondere zur optischen Erfassung von strukturierten und/oder bildhaften Oberflächen, zum Beispiel von Gemälden oder Skulpturen, das einfach und ortsunabhängig anwendbar und sicher ist. Hierzu umfasst es die Schritte Fokussierung einer Kamera (5) auf einem markanten Bildpunkt (3) der Oberfläche (2) Erstellung von mindestens einem Live-Videostream von einem wieder zu erkennenden, kontrastreichen Bereich des Bildpunktes (3) Analyse jedes Einzelbildes des Live-Videostreams Speicherung des Einzelbildes mit der höchsten Detailtiefe Vergleich des Einzelbildes mit der höchsten Detailtiefe mit einem Ziel- bzw. Referenzbild.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Beurteilung von Kontrasten von Oberflächen.

Номер: CH0000717251A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Beurteilung von Kontrasten von Oberflächen, insbesondere zur optischen Erfassung von strukturierten und/oder bildhaften Oberflächen, zum Beispiel von Gemälden oder Skulpturen, das einfach und ortsunabhängig anwendbar und sicher ist. Hierzu umfasst es die Schritte -Fokussierung einer Kamera (5) auf einem markanten Bildpunkt (3) der Oberfläche (2) -Erstellung von mindestens zwei Bildern von einem wieder zu erkennenden, kontrastreichen Bereich des Bildpunktes (3) -Speicherung der Aufnahme mit der höchsten Detailtiefe als Referenzbild.

29-07-2022 дата публикации

Procédé d'audit de conformité en temps réel de données et/ou de documents partagés dans un réseau distribué utilisant la technologie du registre distribué.

Номер: CH0000718273A2

L'invention concerne un procédé d'audit de conformité en temps réel de données et/ou de documents partagés dans un réseau distribué comprenant un groupe associé d'au moins un dispositif de partenaire collaboratif, un dispositif de partenaire institutionnel et un dispositif de partenaire auditeur et un registre distribué avec un mécanisme de zero-knowledge proof pour stocker et partager des données et/ou des documents entre les dispositifs partenaires du groupe associé. Le procédé comprend les étapes de consistant à demander des données et/ou des documents par le dispositif de partenaire institutionnel par l'intermédiaire du registre distribué en tant que première transaction, fournir, par le dispositif de partenaire collaboratif, une réponse avec les données et/ou documents demandés sur le registre distribué en tant que deuxième transaction ; partager les première et deuxième transactions sur le registre distribué avec le dispositif de partenaire auditeur en tant que troisième transaction ...

30-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201591169A1

30-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201500002A1

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201891827A1

25-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000121374C2

30-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690649A1

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Commodity recording method and system based on block chain, and computer program product

Номер: CN0108881156A

19-04-2019 дата публикации

Financial statement fraud prevention method

Номер: CN0109658115A

06-01-2010 дата публикации

Information processing system, validation method, information processing device, and program

Номер: CN0101620719A

An information processing system includes: a terminal device including a purchase information generating unit generating purchase information for relating a user who purchased a product to the purchased product, the purchase information identified by a predetermined identifier, a verification means generating unit generating verification means verifying correctness of the identifier, and a communication unit sending a purchase verification including the verification means and the identifier verified by the verification means to a terminal of the user; and an information processing device including a communication unit receiving word-of-mouth information entered by a user and a purchase verification when the word-of-mouth information involves it, a validation unit validating correctness of the identifier contained in the received purchase verification using the verification means, and a data holding unit holding purchaser word-of-mouth information and non-purchaser word-of-mouth information ...

29-03-2019 дата публикации

A part tracking method based on a block chain technology

Номер: CN0109544177A

19-10-2018 дата публикации

Tracing method and device based on network structure, terminal equipment and storage medium

Номер: CN0108681910A

25-01-2019 дата публикации

An assembly system for an electronic traceability middleware for food safety

Номер: CN0109271140A

07-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003007169B1

07-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003007168B1

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for marketing

Номер: US20120010929A1

A method for marketing and system for marketing are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for marketing a product includes identifying the product at a mobile device associated with a user, and generating a message indicative of an endorsement of the product by the user, the generating being performed at least in part by way of the mobile device. The method further includes causing, by way of the mobile device, a sending of the message to at least one receiving device associated with at least one personal social contact of the user. Due to the causing, a seller of the product is also notified that the sending of the message has occurred.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

New environmentally friendly food products and methods to produce them

Номер: US20120021096A1
Автор: Pirjo Alho-Lehto

The invention relates to reducing or minimising the environmental footprint comprising a water footprint and a carbon footprint of a food product.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

System and method for immediate issuance of transaction cards

Номер: US20120029999A1
Принадлежит: Serve Virtual Enterprises Inc

A system and method for substantially immediate issuance of transaction cards includes at least one unassigned transaction card including a storage medium having a card number encoded thereupon. The system also includes a computing system configured to receive application information from an applicant that has been provided said unassigned transaction card, and to activate the unassigned transaction card so that access to monetary funds is extended to the applicant through said unassigned transaction card, upon an evaluation of said application information indicating that the applicant has been approved for access to the monetary funds. The unassigned transaction card bears no visible marking presenting information concerning the applicant and encodes no information concerning said applicant upon the storage medium of said unassigned transaction card.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Integrating code into a software application

Номер: US20120041886A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

A system and method for receiving code that is submitted for integrating code into a software application. In one embodiment, a method includes receiving information associated with the code; displaying the information associated with the code; verifying the information associated with the code; and if the information associated with the code successfully verifies, generating a stamp associated with the code and with the software application.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Audio video device with externally bundled tv tuner

Номер: US20120120323A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A CE device is vended with a TV tuner module which may be provided in an envelope in the same shipping container along with instructions to the consumer to connect the tuner module to the CE device if TV capabilities are desired and to return the module for a rebate if TV capabilities are not desired.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and System for Representing Laws and Rules

Номер: US20120143778A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

The complexity of regulations in healthcare, financial services, and other industries makes it difficult for enterprises to design and deploy effective compliance systems. The present invention supports compliance by using formalized portions of applicable laws to regulate business processes that use information systems. An embodiment of the present invention uses a stratified fragment of Prolog with limited use of negation to formalize a portion of the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). An embodiment of the invention provides for deployment in a prototypical hospital that implements a Web portal messaging system.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Efficiency-of-use techniques

Номер: US20120150550A1
Принадлежит: ELWHA LLC

A method for associating an efficiency-of-use-score may include, but is not limited to: associating a physical product with a user account in response to a signal indicating that a user has control of the physical product; generating an efficiency-of-use score based on information associated with how the physical product is used during a period of time that the user has control of the physical product; and associating the efficiency-of-use score with the user account.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Ecological impact quantification identifiers

Номер: US20120150756A1
Принадлежит: ELWHA LLC

Systems and methods for providing ecological impact quantification identifiers may implement operations including, but not limited to: computing an ecological impact quantification associated with manufacturing at least a portion of a product according to product specification data associated with the product; and means for associating a device-readable indicator corresponding to the ecological impact quantification associated with manufacturing at least a portion of a product with a product manufactured at least partially according the product specification data.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Integrated methods and systems for vehicle inspection reporting and hours of service compliance

Номер: US20120166346A1
Принадлежит: Innovative Software Engineering LLC

A system for electronic driver logs and electronic vehicle inspection reporting includes an onboard computer associated with a vehicle and operatively connecting to and configured to acquire data from a vehicle interface, a driver interface, and a geolocation device. The system has a first software component stored on a computer readable storage medium of the onboard computer providing instruction for receiving input from the user through the driver interface, receiving input from the vehicle interface, and receiving input from the geolocation device and determining compliance with driver regulations based on the data. The system also has a second software component stored on the computer readable storage media of the onboard computer providing instructions for receiving vehicle inspection input from the driver through the driver interface.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Optimizing Workflows

Номер: US20120173276A1
Принадлежит: Cerner Innovation Inc

Methods, systems, and computer storage media are provided for optimizing workflows by monitoring a healthcare environment. Data may be compiled from various sources to monitor interactions within the healthcare environment. Both interactions with individuals and interactions with a healthcare system may be monitored. Each of location data, clinical data, and system data, among others, may be combined to monitor the healthcare environment. By combining the data from various sources, a user is able to get a complete picture of the healthcare environment.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Recycling of product authentication devices

Номер: US20120179615A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method that involves product authentication includes associating a serial number of a device with a first consumer product, thereby allowing an authenticity of the first consumer product to be verified using the device, determining whether the first consumer product is authentic using the serial number, and associating the serial number of the device with a second consumer product after the first consumer product is sold and after the device has been returned for recycling, thereby allowing an authenticity of the second consumer product to be verified using the device.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Digital works having usage rights and method for creating the same

Номер: US20120198563A1
Принадлежит: Contentguard Holdings Inc

Digital work adapted to be distributed within a system for controlling at least one of the distribution and use of digital works. The digital work includes digital content representing a portion of a digital work suitable for being rendered by a rendering device and usage rights associated with the digital content. The usage rights specify a manner of use indicating one or more stated purposes for which the digital work can be at least one of used and distributed by an authorized party.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Digital works having usage rights and method for creating the same

Номер: US20120198567A1
Принадлежит: Contentguard Holdings Inc

Digital work adapted to be distributed within a system for controlling at least one of the distribution and use of digital works. The digital work includes digital content representing a portion of a digital work suitable for being rendered by a rendering device and usage rights associated with the digital content. The usage rights specify a manner of use indicating one or more stated purposes for which the digital work can be at least one of used and distributed by an authorized party.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

System and method for using an ordinary article of commerce to access a remote computer

Номер: US20120233174A1
Принадлежит: Neomedia Technologies Inc

A system and method for using identification codes found on ordinary articles of commerce to access remote computers on a network. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, a computer is provided having a database that relates Uniform Product Code (“UPC”) numbers to Internet network addresses (or “URLs”). To access an Internet resource relating to a particular product, a user enters the product's UPC symbol manually, by swiping a bar code reader over the UPC symbol, or via other suitable input means. The database retrieves the URL corresponding to the UPC code. This location information is then used to access the desired resource.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Crawling multiple markets and correlating

Номер: US20120240236A1
Принадлежит: LookOut Inc

A crawler program collects and stores application programs including application binaries and associated metadata from any number of sources such as official application marketplaces and alternative application marketplaces. An analysis including comparisons and correlations are performed among the collected data in order to detect and warn users about pirated or maliciously modified applications.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Energy charging apparatus, energy saving apparatus, energy consuming apparatus, and method of managing green energy

Номер: US20120253711A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An energy charging apparatus includes an energy charging unit charging green energy in an energy saving apparatus, a measured amount information acquisition unit acquiring measured amount information that indicates a charged amount of green energy measured by the energy saving apparatus from the corresponding energy saving apparatus, and a certificate issuance unit issuing a certificate for certifying an amount of green energy charged in the energy saving apparatus when a charged amount of green energy charged by the energy charging unit coincides with the charged amount of green energy shown in the measured amount information, wherein the certificate is managed in association with the energy saving apparatus and is discarded if the amount of green energy that is certified by the corresponding certificate is output from the energy saving apparatus.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Anti-counterfeiting marking with dual-code and partial concealment

Номер: US20120254052A1
Автор: Pingyi Yan, Zeming M. GAO
Принадлежит: Individual

An anti-counterfeiting method associates the first code with an article to be authenticated to identify the article, and associates a second code with the first code as a confirmation code to verify the first code. Both the first code and the second code are reproduced on the article. The reproduced first code is overt code while the reproduced second code is covert and concealed from normal viewing by a concealment means such as a scratch-off material. An authorized person (e.g., a consumer) is allowed to conditionally remove the concealment to reveal the covert code. The first code and the revealed second code are used to verify the authenticity of the product with a verification center. During the verification, the first code identifies the article, while the second code verifies the first code to test the authenticity of the associated article.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

System and method for electronic transaction verification

Номер: US20120271767A1
Принадлежит: US Postal Service (USPS)

A system and method for authenticating a physical address submitted in an online communication is disclosed. An online communication comprising a physical address to be verified is received. A verification identification (VID) is requested and received. A transaction verification document (TVD) comprising an indicia indicative of the VID is generated. An electronic copy of the TVD is transmitted. Verification data produced in response to dispatch of a physical embodiment of the TVD is received, wherein the physical embodiment is generated from the electronic copy. The physical address is authenticated based at least in part on the verification data.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

System and method for measuring ghg emissions in bioproduct production processes

Номер: US20120290267A1

The method & system hereby described allows the calculation and determination of GHG emissions produced during the generation of bioproduct from different source materials. The method comprises capturing, processing and handling different parameters and data related to GHG emissions associated to every single process needed to produce bioproduct, in order to generate a total GHG emissions value by means of applying formulae to the captioned and processed isolated data referred to GHG emissions of every process.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Transaction tracking, managing, assessment, and auditing data processing system and network

Номер: US20120310734A1
Автор: Stephen Dale Messer
Принадлежит: LinkShare Corp

An improved processing system for tracking commerce on the Internet provides for subvariable processing and includes web page scanning to discern fraud or improper content to insure proper promotion of select products within the network environment.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for utilizing content in accordance with usage rights

Номер: US20120317660A1
Принадлежит: Contentguard Holdings Inc

Apparatus, method, and media for utilizing content. An exemplary method comprises storing a description structure comprising one or more usage rights, storing content associated with the one or more usage rights, receiving a request for the content, the request corresponding to a utilization of the content, determining whether the utilization corresponds to at least one of the one or more usage rights, determining whether the computing device is an authorized device, and utilizing the content in accordance with the at least one of the one or more usage rights based at least in part on a determination that the utilization corresponds to the at least one of the one or more usage rights and a determination that the computing device is an authorized device.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for validating real time network communications

Номер: US20120330697A1

Methods and systems for managing network communications are described. An example resource management system includes a communications manager configured to access information regarding communication protocols used by corresponding broker systems and to provide message translations based on an origin and/or destination of the message to be transmitted. A message processor is coupled to the communications manager and is configured to serialize incoming and/or outgoing broker messages and to facilitate queuing of incoming and outgoing message traffic with broker systems. A communications configurer is configured to track one or more communication attributes of broker systems and changes thereto to ensure communications between the resource management systems are broker systems are conducted in accordance with the communication attributes of the broker systems. A communications rules provider is configured to determine which broker system is to be communicated with in order to fulfill a resource request.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Hosted order page/silent order post plus fraud detection

Номер: US20130018757A1

Generally, embodiments of the invention are directed to methods, computer readable medium, servers and systems for enabling merchants to use hosted order pages (HOPs) and/or silent order posts (SOPS) and thereby avoid handling payment information and the costs associated Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance, while at the same time utilize third-party fraud detection screens and thereby avoid costs associated with fraudulent transactions.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Claims data analysis

Номер: US20130024338A1
Принадлежит: Bank of America Corp

Embodiments of the invention provide for claims data analysis. The methods, apparatus and computer program products provide for receiving claims data pertaining to an abnormal event related to at least one customer account held at an entity and determining which individuals associated with the entity interacted with the customer accounts in the claims data. In addition, several embodiments described herein contemplate analysis of additional information associated with each claim to detect relationships amongst and between claims, customer accounts, and individuals who interacted with customer accounts that are the subject of claims. In such embodiments, investigation of claims may be targeted and allow for a more efficient identification of potentially culpable individuals and rapid exoneration of innocent individuals.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Co2 estimator module

Номер: US20130041724A1

Estimations of carbon dioxide (“CO2”) emission of an entity upon the condition of incomplete or missing data uses one or more algorithms implemented in a machine having a processor and a memory and data concerning the entity. The data is applied to an algorithm implemented as code executable in the processor. The algorithm produces a result that comprises an estimate of the CO2 emission of the entity. The CO2 emission estimate can be output to a user, and the underlying formula and data can inspected and optionally modified by users with suitable permissions. The CO2 emission estimate can be applied as a factor in a formula to compute a rating for the entity which can be output from the machine. Error estimates associated with the data used by the algorithm can be generated to provide improved estimates.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for automatically publishing content

Номер: US20130054416A1
Принадлежит: Contentguard Holdings Inc

The publishing system and method automates at least some portion of a publishing process. The system publishes content using metadata, rights templates and/or specifications, publishing profiles and business rules.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Social media fact checking method and system

Номер: US20130060860A1
Автор: Lucas J. Myslinski
Принадлежит: Lucas J. Myslinski

A fact checking system verifies the correctness of information and/or characterizes the information by comparing the information with one or more sources. The fact checking system automatically monitors, processes, fact checks information and indicates a status of the information.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097085A1
Автор: Peckover Douglas
Принадлежит: DT LABS, LLC

An apparatus is provided for authentication of an item or a label by storing unique random serial numbers or codes in a remote secure storage that can be used to authenticate the item or the label, generating a pointer to each stored unique random serial number/code and storing the generated pointer(s) in a client data storage. During or prior to a production run of the item(s) or label(s): the generated pointer(s) are sent from the client data storage to one or more media devices, the generated pointer(s) are obtained from the media device using a post-content manager, the unique random serial number(s)/code(s) are obtained from the server via the post-content manager using the generated pointer(s), the obtained unique random serial number(s)/code(s) are sent to the media device, and the received unique random serial number(s)/code(s) are imprinted on the item(s) or the label(s) using the media device. 1. An apparatus for authentication of one or more item(s) or one or more label(s) comprising:one or more processors;a communications interface communicably coupled to the one or more processors;one or more media devices communicably coupled to the one or more processors;one or more memory devices communicably coupled to the one or more processors, wherein at least one of the memory devices contain non-transitory computer readable instructions when executed by at least one of the processors causes the processor(s) during or prior to a production run of the item(s) or label(s) to perform the steps of obtaining a pointer to each of one or more unique random serial numbers or codes that are used to authenticate the item(s) or label(s) from the one or more media devices, obtaining the unique random serial number(s) or code(s) from a server device via the communications interface using the pointer(s), and transmitting the obtained unique random serial number(s) or code(s) to the one or more media devices; andwherein the media device(s) imprint the received unique random ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097092A1

Systems and techniques are disclosed that provide automation for the Unclaimed Property (Escheat) process. The systems and technique provide a complete ‘end to end’ solution for the unclaimed property compliance process including tracking of potential unclaimed transactions, mailing of confirmation and due diligence letters, routing responses received from the letters, and the preparation of the unclaimed property reports. In the event of a state unclaimed property audit, the solution's electronic document repository creates an ‘audit ready’ environment by providing easy access to documents including confirmation letters, documents supporting the removal of the transactions from the unclaimed property process, state required due diligence letters, and state unclaimed property reports. 1. A method of managing unclaimed property comprising:providing an electronic workflow for association with a potentially unclaimed asset associated with an entity, the electronic workflow comprising a set of pre-defined procedures for processing the potentially unclaimed asset;based upon completion of at least one procedure from the set of pre-defined procedures, determining whether a communication with a governmental authority is necessary; andif the communication is necessary, automatically generating a set of unclaimed property forms for submission to the governmental authority, andif the communication is unnecessary, automatically terminating the electronic workflow.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising tracking a status associated with each procedure included in the set of pre-defined procedures.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one procedure of the set of pre-defined procedures comprises transmitting a communication to the entity.4. The method of claim 3 , comprising determining whether the potentially unclaimed asset is to be communicated to the governmental authority based on a response to the communication or no response to the communication.5. The method of ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103599A1

The subject of the present invention is a method for certifying an opinion relating to a product or service written by an author, user of a terminal, on a server managing a space dedicated to the expression of opinions, the terminal and the server being integrated into a network, characterized in that the method involves a certification system and comprises: 1. A method for certification of at least one opinion relating to a product or service written by an identifiable author , a user of a terminal , on a server managing a space dedicated to the expression of opinions , the terminal and the server being integrated into a network having a certification system , the method comprising:transmitting by a communications interface of the certification system a request, destined for the identifiable author, for a proof authenticating the purchase or the use of the product or the service by the identifiable author;communicating an authentication element of the purchase or the use by the identifiable author;analyzing the authentication element by the certification system associated with a database;generating a certificate;transmitting the certificate to the server managing the space for expression of opinions; andassociating the certificate with the opinion written by the identifiable author.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:searching for identification of opinions written by one or more identifiable authors on one or more servers connected to the network before transmitting by the communications interface of the certification system the request.3. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein transmitting by the communications interface of the certification system the request is carried out in a manner correlated with of the opinion written by the identifiable author.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising:storing the opinion written by the identifiable author in a database of the server,wherein storing the opinion is correlated with the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Visualization Tools for Reviewing Credibility and Stateful Hierarchical Access to Credibility

Номер: US20130103600A1

Some embodiments provide a credibility system including an interface portal for presenting a holistic view of entity credibility. To provide the holistic view, the credibility system aggregates credibility data from multiple data sources. The aggregated credibility data is processed and ordered to present different dimensions of entity credibility, with each dimension graphically presented in the interface portal through an interactive credibility module. In some embodiments, the credibility data associated with each credibility module is processed to produce at least one value that quantifiably represents the credibility data. In some embodiments, the credibility data associated with each credibility module is hierarchically ordered to present the credibility data in a drill-down fashion with each hierarchical layer presenting more detailed credibility data for better understanding the credibility data presented in the preceding layer. 1. A credibility evaluation system comprising at least one server with a processor and non-transitory computer-readable memory , the system performing a computer-implemented method for assessing credibility of a plurality of different entities , the computer-implemented method comprising:aggregating to the non-transitory computer-readable memory, a plurality of messages published across a first plurality of online sites, each message expressing sentiment towards a particular entity that is referenced in the message;computing a first sentiment score quantifying credibility of the particular entity based on the sentiment expressed towards the particular entity in the plurality of messages;detecting whether the particular entity has a presence on each of a second plurality of online sites, wherein the particular entity has a presence on an online site when the particular entity has an account registered at the online site;computing a second presence score quantifying credibility of the particular entity based on how many of the second ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Anti-counterfeiting system and method

Номер: US20130124359A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An online auction website has anti-counterfeiting measures. The website requires a seller of an item to input information about the product for sale, including at least a brand of the product and a product identification code. If the brand code and product identification code are not entered, the website does not allow the seller to post the item for sale. If entered, the brand and the product identification code are included in the listing on the online auction webpage that advertises the product for sale during the auction period. Verification may be performed on the item to determine its authenticity. The verification process includes comparing the listed brand and product identification codes with a plurality of authentic brand and product identification codes. When the brand and product identification codes are determined to be counterfeit, the listing is terminated and the sale of counterfeit items is prevented.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for multi-use identification device

Номер: US20130144794A1
Автор: Beverly Ross Denny
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-function identification device (ID) provides identifying information for the person to whom the ID was issued, as well as providing machine readable indicia for conducting a transaction. The ID may be a card issued by a government agency such as a driver's license or identification card. The transactions may be conducted with one or more accounts or value amounts identified using the machine readable indicia. Credit, debit and pre-paid accounts can be accessed for transactions using the machine readable indicia. Value amounts can be read and modified using this enhanced card that implements the machine readable indicia. The user can select the functionality to be added to the ID, which can optionally be used in conjunction with the identifying information to help verify identification. The machine readable indicia can be integrated in a new ID, or applied to an issued ID using an appliqué.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for supporting regulatory requirements for the distribution of controlled and non-controlled items

Номер: US20130151373A1
Принадлежит: United Parcel Service of America Inc

Systems and methods for supporting regulatory requirements for the distribution of controlled and non-controlled items such as, for example, non-controlled prescriptions (Rx), medical devices, and controlled substances in countries such as the United States and Canada, are provided. The systems and methods incorporate a license verification module that is configured to perform license validation for a particular order placed for a controlled and/or non-controlled item. In certain embodiments, the license verification module compares order data to historically sorted data and if one or more discrepancies exist, validation is unsuccessful. The license verification module may further query a third party database for updated license information upon validation failure. The systems and methods further incorporate a suspicious order monitoring module that is configured to perform a plurality of checks on the order to identify the order as an “order of interest” that may be further investigated and deemed to be suspicious.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151426A1

An apparatus and method for labeling products may be applied to vehicle labeling, where complying with legal requirements of one jurisdiction may otherwise violate legal requirements within a second jurisdiction. Label content, format, and placement on vehicles, as imposed by federal law, creates a visual obstruction in violation of state law when a prospective customer is driving the vehicle. A new product label configured as a panel, which may be the Monroney sticker for a vehicle, or which may contain the Monroney sticker information and extend beyond that label itself, acts as a one-way panel. The panel permits transmission of light inward toward the driver, thus appearing sufficiently transparent not to create a visual obstruction. The panel may be sized from the size of a conventional Monroney sticker, up to the size of the entire window, acting as a window shade and a window sticker. 1. An apparatus comprising:a panel, having a first face and a second face;a label, formed as a product label printed on the first face;the printing, presenting labeling information corresponding to first regulatory information directed to at least one of content, format, and application of the product label; andthe panel and printing, formed to be effectively transparent in use, when viewed from the second face.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the panel claim 1 , is further formed and shaped to provide a sun shade in use claim 1 , reducing transmission of light impinging against the first face3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the panel is formed of a material selected from plastic film claim 1 , fabric claim 1 , and another material claim 1 , the other material being transparent.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the printing comprises a first pigment and a second pigment.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first pigment acts as shading claim 3 , obscuring substantially a view of the second pigment when viewed from the second face.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151427A1

An apparatus and method for labeling products may be applied to vehicle labeling, where complying with legal requirements of one jurisdiction may otherwise violate legal requirements within a second jurisdiction. Label content, format, and placement on vehicles, as imposed by federal law, creates a visual obstruction in violation of state law when a prospective customer is driving the vehicle. A new product label configured as a panel, which may be the Monroney sticker for a vehicle, or which may contain the Monroney sticker information and extend beyond that label itself, acts as a one-way panel. The panel permits transmission of light inward toward the driver, thus appearing sufficiently transparent not to create a visual obstruction. The panel may be sized from the size of a conventional Monroney sticker, up to the size of the entire window, acting as a window shade and a window sticker. 1. A system comprising:a compliance computer comprising a processor, memory comprising a computer readable storage medium, and a network connection effective to operably connect to the compliance computer system to an internetwork;a manufacturing computer corresponding to a manufacturing plant producing a product and operably connected to the internetwork; a first source computer publishing first legal requirements enforceable by a first governmental agency corresponding to a first jurisdiction;', 'a second source computer publishing second legal requirements enforceable by a second governmental agency, corresponding to a second jurisdiction;, 'the compliance computer and manufacturing computer, further connected, over the internetwork to'} a jurisdiction module effective to obtain from the first source computer and the second source computer the first and second legal requirements, respectively;', 'a reconciling module effective to compare and reconcile the first legal requirements against the second legal requirements; and, 'the compliance computer system, further storing for ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of and system for fact checking email

Номер: US20130151641A1
Автор: Lucas J. Myslinski
Принадлежит: Lucas J. Myslinski

A fact checking system verifies the correctness of information and/or characterizes the information by comparing the information with one or more sources. The fact checking system automatically monitors, processes, fact checks information and indicates a status of the information.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Cardless payment transactions

Номер: US20130159119A1
Принадлежит: Square Inc

A method that includes obtaining a current location of a mobile device of a customer; sending the current location to a cardless payment system; determining whether to send, to the cardless payment system, an indication of consent to perform a cardless payment transaction with the merchant; displaying on the mobile device whether the merchant is authorized to perform a cardless payment transaction with the customer.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173458A1

Method for reducing the carbon footprint of a community by implementation of a water filter project comprises assessment of the viability of a filter system to determine the acceptability of said filter system for implementation in a community as substitute for the sterilization of water by boiling. Filter systems are transported to a community, for example a developing country where water is sterilized by boiling on a routine basis due to the presence of waterborne illnesses. The filter systems are then installed and operated. The volume of water produced by the filtering system is then monitored and usage data is generated and communicated to a database. The volume of carbon credits associated with the usage data is calculated. Information is communicated to a consumer of carbon credits. Funds are then transferred from said consumer to a person or persons, i.e. the project proponent, providing and installing said filter system. 1. A method for reducing the carbon footprint of a community by implementation of a water filter project , comprising:(a) assessing the viability of a filter system to determine the acceptability of said filter system for implementation in a community as a substitute for the sterilization of water by boiling;(b) transporting a filter system to said community;(c) installing said filter system;(d) operating said filter system;(e) monitoring the volume of water produced by said filtering system and generating use data;(f) communicating use data to a database;(g) calculating the volume of carbon credits associated with said use data;(h) communicating carbon credits to a consumer of carbon credits; and(i) transferring funds from said consumer to a person or persons providing and installing said filter system.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the assessment of the viability of the filter system to determine the acceptability of said filter system for implementation in a community as a substitute for the sterilization of water by boiling ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173483A1

Some embodiments of the inventive subject matter are directed to incorporating a plurality of nanoparticles with a physical structure of an object. The object is transportable via locations associated with a chain of supply. Some embodiments are further directed to writing charges to modifiable portions of the plurality of nanoparticles incorporated with the physical structure of the object. Some embodiments are further directed to configuring the charges on the modifiable portions of the plurality of nanoparticles as data. The data describes one or more characteristics of the object and components of the object. The data is accessible via the locations associated with the chain of supply. 1. A computer-implemented method for configuring an object for use in a chain of supply , comprising:incorporating a plurality of nanoparticles with a physical structure of the object, wherein the object is transportable via locations associated with the chain of supply;writing charges to modifiable portions of the plurality of nanoparticles incorporated with the physical structure of the object; andconfiguring the charges on the modifiable portions of the plurality of nanoparticles as data, wherein the data describes one or more characteristics of one or more of the object and components of the object, and wherein the data is accessible via the locations associated with the chain of supply.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the charges comprise one or more of electrical charge claim 1 , photonic charge claim 1 , and magnetic charge.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more of characteristics are associated with one or more of details of a manufacturing process for the object claim 1 , materials of the object claim 1 , and unique identifiers associated with the object.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:configuring the data with a tier value, wherein the tier value represents a hierarchical ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Encoding and Controlled Authentication

Номер: US20130173484A1
Автор: Wesby Philip

A system and method for encoding and controlled authentication of security documents, ID cards, tickets and products and the like is described which can provide a secure means to determine them to be authentic. The method involves encoding the surface of the said security documents or ID cards or tickets and the like with of a pair of identity components comprising a pair of unique numbers, or a combination of a uniquely encoded image and a unique number, or a combination of a unique barcode and a unique number, or a combination of encoded images. The pair of identity components together comprise a challenge response pair and are related such that one component of the pair, the response, is a mathematical derivative of the other component, the challenge. A processing module determines the response by processing the challenge using complex mathematical functions such as one-way mathematical functions. If the processed response matches the encoded response, the challenge response pair is determined to be authentic. The use of one-way mathematical functions renders any attempt to compute the challenge response relation between the identity components outside polynomial time. The invention provides the means to modify the challenge response computation with a password or PIN number such that any document or ticket or product can be locked or unlocked accordingly. When locked, the password or PIN number corrupts the challenge response computation such that the challenge response pair is deemed non-authentic. The invention has direct application to Internet sales transactions. 1. A system for encoding and controlled authentication of a security document , or a ticket , or a product , or product packaging materials wherein each being encoded with , or associated with , at least two unique identity components wherein a first unique identity component being a derivative of a second unique identity component and wherein together both first and second components comprising a ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Core Gateway System And Method

Номер: US20130179244A1
Принадлежит: EZShiesk, Inc.

A computer implemented method for a core gateway for an identity management system can comprise: on a computer device having one or more processors and a memory storing one or more programs for execution by the one or more processors, the one or more programs including instructions for: utilizing a content management system comprising a Framework and a Module; adding a Dimension at the Framework level of the content management system, wherein the Dimension is pervasive across all Modules of the content management system; and displaying content based on the Dimension of each Module. Also, a computer system and a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium for the same. 1. A computer implemented method for a core gateway for an identity management system , comprising: utilizing a content management system comprising a Framework and a Module;', 'adding a Dimension at the Framework level of the content management system, wherein the Dimension is pervasive across all Modules of the content management system; and', 'displaying content based on the Dimension of each Module., 'on a computer device having one or more processors and a memory storing one or more programs for execution by the one or more processors, the one or more programs including instructions for2. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the content management system is DotNetNuke.3. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein each Module comprises one or more ASCX components.4. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein each Module is adapted to operate in a default mode and a Dimension-override mode.5. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising instructions for adding a Dimension-override mode to instance-specific behaviors of the content management system.6. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising instructions for adding a Dimension-override mode to session-specific parameters of the content management system.7. The computer ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Provisional Subscriber System And Method

Номер: US20130179360A1
Принадлежит: EZShield, Inc.

A computer implemented method for a provisional subscriber system for an identity management system, can comprise: on a computer device having one or more processors and a memory storing one or more programs for execution by the one or more processors, the one or more programs including instructions for: receiving information about a provisional subscriber from a partner; receiving information about the provisional subscriber from a customer; and authenticating the provisional subscriber as a valid customer based on a comparison of the information from the partner and the customer utilizing a core gateway system and a data processing engine system. Also, a computer system and a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium for the same. 1. A computer implemented method for a provisional subscriber system for an identity management system , comprising:on a computer device having one or more processors and a memory storing one or more programs for execution by the one or more processors, the one or more programs including instructions for:receiving information about a provisional subscriber from a partner;receiving information about the provisional subscriber from a customer; andauthenticating the provisional subscriber as a valid customer based on a comparison of the information from the partner and the customer utilizing a core gateway system and a data processing engine system.2. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving information about the provisional subscriber from the partner comprises an integration of partner information using the data processing engine system.3. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving information about the provisional subscriber from the customer comprises receiving information directly from the customer via the core gateway system.4. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving information about the provisional subscriber from the customer comprises receiving ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Non-Emergency Transportation Dispatching, Routing, Compliance and Auditing Software and Technology

Номер: US20130185109A1

The present disclosure relates to a computer-implemented system and method of managing non-emergency transportation to achieve a balance between cost control, high performance and high quality of service. Further goals include minimizing fraud, waste and abuse of non-emergency transportation systems. 1. A method of managing non-emergency medical transportation in a computing system comprising at least one server to host the transportation management system and at least one computing device communicably coupled to the at least one server through a communication network , the method comprising:assigning a driver a unique account identifier;transmitting the location of the driver to a central server;validating the credentials of the driver;assigning the driver to a patient transport job with a pick-up location and a drop-off location;picking up a rider by the driver;capturing unique identifiers of the rider, including at least a photograph and a signature;validating pick-up of the rider by reference to geo-location and time-stamp transmitted by the driver to the central server;monitoring the location of the driver and the length of time between the pick-up and drop-off location; andvalidating drop-off of the rider by reference to geo-location, time-stamp and signature by a person associated with the drop-off location and transmitted by the driver to the central server.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one computing device is one of a mobile device and a computer communicably coupled with the at least one server for data communication.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the communication network utilizes 128 bit RSA encrypted transfers over the communication network.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recording and storing the time-stamp and geo-location data for records and billing purposes.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recording and storing the location of driver information.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the computing device ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130185217A1

A method for supplying a feature specification of at least one authentication feature connected with a product, wherein a central device deposits in a database of the central device the feature specification and a reference code linked with the feature specification and uniquely marks the product. Within the framework of a request of a checking device, the central device receives a comparison code of the product from the checking device and ascertains the requested feature specification in the database by identifying the reference code corresponding with the comparison code. The ascertained feature specification is transferred at least partly to the checking device. In a subsequent method for checking the authenticity of the product, the checking device verifies one or several of the authentication features of the product on the basis of the received feature specification. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method for supplying a feature specification of at least one authentication feature connected with a product , comprising:depositing a feature specification and a reference code, which is linked with the feature specification and uniquely marks the product, in a database of a central device;receiving from a checking device a request comprising a comparison code of the product;ascertaining the feature specification in the database by identifying the reference code corresponding with the comparison code; andtransferring the at least partial feature specification to the checking device.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the central device deposits in the database a feature specification which relates to information about the presence of the at least one authentication feature on the product claim 16 , about the position of the at least one authentication feature on the product claim 16 , and/or about a possible verification of the at least one authentication feature claim 16 , and comprises texts claim 16 , images claim 16 , animations claim 16 , audible ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130191296A1
Автор: CLERMONT Martin
Принадлежит: Les Solutions Will (Gedden) Inc.

A method for obtaining GHG reduction credits associated with GHG reduction efforts, the method comprising grouping a plurality of sites chosen according to given GHG related parameters into a given community cluster, the GHG related parameters comprising distinct types of common potential GHG reduction efforts; profiling GHG reduction efforts provided by a corresponding site; providing an opportunity for converting the GHG reduction efforts into GHG reduction credits; upon acceptance of the opportunity for converting and performing of the GHG reduction efforts, accounting the performed GHG reduction efforts and the converted GHG reduction credits for each performing site; and returning a portion of the converted GHG reduction credits to each site. The method enables aggregating small quantities of common and generic potential GHG reduction efforts of small final emitters together to provide optimal management and monetization thereof while enabling to manage a plurality of different types of common GHG reduction efforts. 1. A method for obtaining GHG reduction credits associated with GHG reduction efforts , the method comprising:grouping a plurality of sites chosen according to given GHG related parameters into a given community cluster, said GHG related parameters comprising at least two distinct types of common potential GHG reduction efforts;profiling with GHG related profiling data at least one of the two distinct types of site GHG reduction efforts provided by a corresponding site of the given community cluster;providing an opportunity for converting the at least one of the two distinct types of site GHG reduction efforts into GHG reduction credits according to the GHG related profiling data;upon acceptance of the opportunity for converting and performing of the at least one of the two distinct types of site GHG reduction efforts, accounting the performed site GHG reduction efforts and the converted GHG reduction credits for each performing site; andreturning a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for creating and delivering customized compliance information

Номер: US20130191297A1
Принадлежит: Broadridge Content Solutions Inc

A method and system to create personalized investor information packages, based on investor information, to be delivered to the investor to satisfy both compliance regulations and investor preferences. The method and system may deliver information in a paper or electronic format.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method of and system for indicating a validity rating of an entity

Номер: US20130191298A1
Автор: Lucas J. Myslinski
Принадлежит: Lucas J. Myslinski

A fact checking system verifies the correctness of information and/or characterizes the information by comparing the information with one or more sources. The fact checking system automatically monitors, processes, fact checks information and indicates a status of the information.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method And System For Recycling Electronic Devices In Compliance with Second Hand Dealer Laws

Номер: US20130198089A1
Автор: Bowles Mark Vincent
Принадлежит: ecoATM, Inc.

A method and system for reselling electronic devices in compliance with second hand dealer laws is disclosed herein. The system includes a kiosk, a network and a server with a database. The kiosk preferably includes an external camera, a fingerprint reader and an identification (card) reader. 1. A system for reselling electronic devices in compliance with second hand dealer laws , the system comprising:an apparatus comprising a fingerprint reader, an identification reader, an exterior imaging component, a processor, an inspection area, an imaging component within the inspection area, and an electrical connector within the inspection area, the electrical connector capable of connection to an electronic device positioned within the inspection area;a network;a server with a database, the server connected to the apparatus over the network;wherein the processor of the apparatus is configured to validate an identification of a recycler, process a fingerprint of the reseller to the database, photograph an image of the recycler to the database, and acquire an identification of the electronic device, the processor configured to collect as transfer data the image of the reseller, the identification information of the reseller, the fingerprint of the reseller, the identification of the electronic device, the processor configured to transmit the transfer data to the server over the network;wherein the server is configured to analyze the transfer data in view of a second hand dealer law for a jurisdiction of a location of the apparatus, determine a procedure for compliance of the second hand dealer law, and comply with the second hand dealer law.2. The system according to further comprising a remote location with an attendant for interacting with the reseller.3. The system according to wherein the fingerprint is a thumbprint.4. The system according to wherein the identification of the electronic device is an IMEI claim 1 , MEID claim 1 , or serial number.5. The system according ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Automatically Evaluating a Delivery System

Номер: US20130198095A1

A method for automatically evaluating a delivery system with respect to the energy efficiency and emissions efficiency thereof, may include: determining a service level for the delivery system according to an energy intensity and an evaluation relevance of the particular delivery system, detecting energy data and emissions data of the delivery system corresponding to the determined service level of the delivery system, and calculating at least one indicator based on the detected energy data and emissions data and/or based on data for the energy management and environmental management of the delivery system for evaluating the delivery system with respect to the energy efficiency and emissions efficiency thereof. 1. A computer-implemented method for automatically selecting at least one delivery system from a plurality of delivery systems based on energy and emission efficiency , the method comprising:for each delivery system, determining a service level reflecting an environmental relevance for that delivery system based on an energy intensity depending on the use of energy and an evaluation relevance, depending on a delivery volume, of that delivery system;for each delivery system, acquiring energy and emission data of that delivery system based on the determined service level of that delivery system;for each delivery system, calculating at least one indicator based on the acquired energy and emission data or based on the acquired energy and emission data and data relating to that energy and environmental management of that delivery system for the evaluation of that delivery system with regard to its energy and emission efficiency; andselecting one or more delivery systems with indicators that indicate a high energy and emission efficiency, for the delivery.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an environmental and energy efficiency priority value is calculated for each delivery system based on stored indicators of the delivery systems that provide the same ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and System for Automatically Tracking and Enforcing Compliance and Version Control of regulatory training for Clinical Trials

Номер: US20130218584A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides a system that manages version changes of regulatory training and update training plans for those users who are affected by the change based on a set of rules defined by the clinical trial sponsor. The system also provides custom updated training plans when different sponsors have different rules affecting regulatory training updates.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218643A1
Принадлежит: METAPOWER, INC.

A system including a computer can be used to determine if a company is in compliance with a business program. Requirements are identified for the business program, which are mapped to asset types. Each requirement is associated with a phase of the business program. Structural and cultural dimensions are identified. For each combination of requirement/asset in structural and cultural dimensions in a given phase, a maturity level can be determined, which can then be used to determine if the company is in compliance with the business program. 1. A system , comprising:a computer;a set of requirements, stored in the computer, the set of requirements necessary to implement a business program;a set of asset types, stored in the computer, the set of asset types used to implement the set of requirements;a maturity determiner to determine a maturity level for at least one asset with an asset type with respect to at least one requirement in a plurality of dimensions including at least a structural dimension and a cultural dimension; andan assessor to assess the business program based on said maturity level for said at least one asset with said asset type.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein said plurality of dimensions includes the structural dimension claim 1 , a response to structure dimension claim 1 , a response to peers dimension claim 1 , a response to the external dimension claim 1 , and a response to leadership dimension.3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein:the system further comprises at least two different phases stored in the computer; andeach requirement in the set of requirements is associated with a phase in the at least two different phases,wherein at least a first requirement is associated with a first phase and a second requirement is associated with a second phase and no requirement is associated with two phases.4. A system according to claim 3 , wherein the at least two different phases includes a foundational phase claim 3 , a standard phase ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218788A1
Автор: Terheggen Merijn
Принадлежит: FACTLINK INC.

A computer-implemented system and method for generating and publishing fact links, which can be provided in connection with assertions and other elements of a content item. The fact links can enable a forum in which a population of users can comment on the credibility or veracity of an assertion or other element of the content item. 1. A method for monitoring credibility of online content , the method being implemented by one or more processors and comprising:enabling a user to interact with an element of a content item, the element conveying an assertion;in response to the user interacting with the element of the content item, generating a user interface feature that enables the user to enter feedback regarding the user's belief in the veracity or credibility of the assertion conveyed by the element of the content item;creating a fact link that associates the element of the content item with the feedback; andstoring the fact link.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the content item includes an article claim 1 , and wherein the fact link is spatially linked with the content element that conveys the assertion claim 1 , the content element corresponding to one or more sentences or phrases that are part of the content item.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising associating the fact link with the content item claim 1 , and enabling the fact link to be viewed by other users who render the content item.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein enabling the fact link to be viewed includes rendering the fact link with the content item for the other users claim 3 , the fact link being positioned spatially adjacent to the content element that conveys the assertion.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the element of the content item corresponds to an image claim 1 , and wherein the fact link can represent the belief of the user in the veracity or credibility of the assertion conveyed by the image.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising enabling other users to provide ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Systematic Approach to Enforcing Contiguity Constraint in Trajectory-based Methods for Combinatorial Optimization

Номер: US20130218789A1
Автор: Guo Diansheng

A computer implemented method for enforcing geographic contiguity of an optimization method for redistricting is described. The method includes randomly grouping a data set of objects into geographically contiguous districts, optimizing the objects by iteratively moving one or more objects between neighboring districts, wherein a relationship of objects is analyzed in each district to determine a minimal set of objects that will move together to maintain contiguity between districts, and generating one or more solutions for the data set. 1. A computer implemented method for enforcing geographic contiguity of an optimization method for redistricting comprising:randomly grouping a data set of objects into geographically contiguous districts;optimizing the objects by iteratively moving one or more objects between neighboring districts, wherein a relationship of objects is analyzed in each district to determine a minimal set of objects that will move together to maintain contiguity between districts; andgenerating one or more solutions for the data set.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining all cut points and bioconnected components in each district and identifying a multi-object move for each cut point.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising optimizing population equality of districts.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising optimizing compactness of districts.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a trajectory-based optimization method is utilized to optimize the objects.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the trajectory-based optimization method comprises a Tabu optimization algorithm.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the trajectory-based optimization method comprises a local greedy search optimization algorithm.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the trajectory-based optimization method comprises a Kernighan-Lin algorithm optimization algorithm.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising presenting one or more solutions to a user via a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218791A1
Автор: OGAWA Yuuki

A device management apparatus for managing a device includes a contract information acquiring unit configured to acquire contract information on the device; a status information acquiring unit configured to acquire status information indicating a status of the device; a checking unit configured to check whether the status of the device complies with a content of a contract based on the contract information and the status information; a generating unit configured to generate status history information in which a check result obtained by the checking unit is associated with the status information; and an output unit configured to output the status history information. 1. A device management apparatus for managing a device , comprising:a contract information acquiring unit configured to acquire contract information on the device;a status information acquiring unit configured to acquire status information indicating a status of the device;a checking unit configured to check whether the status of the device complies with a content of a contract based on the contract information and the status information;a generating unit configured to generate status history information in which a check result obtained by the checking unit is associated with the status information; andan output unit configured to output the status history information.2. The device management apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe status information acquiring unit periodically acquires the status information, andthe checking unit checks whether the status of the device complies with the content of the contract based on the status information and the contract information every time the status information is acquired.3. The device management apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe contract information indicates that a contract violation occurs when a specific state continues for a predetermined period, andthe checking unit determines, as the check result, that the contract violation has occurred ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226819A1
Автор: Rong Jia, Zhu Haifeng

Validating business objects is described, including: receiving from a client device associated with a requesting user a validation request associated with a business object; determining identification information associated with the business object from the validation request; obtaining historical data associated with the business object based at least in part on identification information associated with the business object, wherein the historical data includes data associated with one or more previous buyers of the business object; and selecting at least one previous buyer from the one or more previous buyers to validate the business object. 1. A system for validating business objects , comprising: receive from a client device associated with a requesting user a validation request associated with a business object;', 'determine identification information associated with the business object from the validation request;', 'obtain historical data associated with the business object based at least in part on identification information associated with the business object, wherein the historical data to includes data associated with one or more previous buyers of the business object; and', 'select at least one previous buyer from the one or more previous buyers to validate the business object; and, 'one or more processors configured toone or more memories coupled to the one or more processors and configured to provide the one or more processors with instructions.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the business object comprises a service.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the business object comprises a product.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the validation request is generated in response to a user selection of a selectable element associated with a webpage associated with the business object.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the data associated with one or more previous buyers of the business object includes identification information associated with each of the one ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and System For Generating Compliance Data

Номер: US20130226833A1

A computer implemented method for generating financial compliance data including generating by a computer system a risk tolerance questionnaire receiving data inputted by a user and stored in a first database on a computer readable medium in communication with the computer system; the risk tolerance questionnaire including data fields representative of a user's financial risk tolerance; generating by the computer system a know-your-client user profile stored in a second database on a computer readable medium in communication with the computer system; and mapping one or more fields from the first database onto one or more fields from the second database, such that the know-your-client user profile is at least partially completed with data obtained from the risk tolerance questionnaire. 1. A computer implemented method for generating financial compliance data comprising:generating by a computer system a risk tolerance questionnaire receiving data inputted by a user and stored in a first database on a computer readable medium in communication with the computer system; said risk tolerance questionnaire including data fields representative of a user's financial risk tolerance;generating by the computer system a know-your-client user profile stored in a second database on a computer readable medium in communication with the computer system;mapping one or more fields from said first database onto one or more fields from said second database, such that said know-your-client user profile is at least partially completed with data obtained from said risk tolerance questionnaire.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said risk tolerance questionnaire includes open-ended and close-ended questions; the method further including the step of periodically prompting a user to provide updated responses to said open-ended questions.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising determining by the computer system a financial portfolio recommendation for the user and ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Visualization Tools for Reviewing Credibility and Stateful Hierarchical Access to Credibility

Номер: US20130238387A1

Some embodiments provide a credibility system including an interface portal for presenting a holistic view of entity credibility. To provide the holistic view, the credibility system aggregates credibility data from multiple data sources. The aggregated credibility data is processed and ordered to present different dimensions of entity credibility, with each dimension graphically presented in the interface portal through an interactive credibility module. In some embodiments, the credibility data associated with each credibility module is processed to produce at least one value that quantifiably represents the credibility data. In some embodiments, the credibility data associated with each credibility module is hierarchically ordered to present the credibility data in a drill-down fashion with each hierarchical layer presenting more detailed credibility data for better understanding the credibility data presented in the preceding layer. 1. For a credibility evaluation system comprising at least one server with a processor and non-transitory computer-readable memory , a computer-implemented method for graphically presenting credibility of a plurality of different entities , the computer-implemented method comprising:computing overall credibility of a particular entity based on at least a first credibility dimension, a second credibility dimension, and a third credibility dimension, each credibility dimension targeting a different aspect impacting the overall credibility of the particular entity;providing a graphical user interface comprising a display area and first, second, third, and fourth selectable graphical elements;populating said display area with the first credibility dimension responsive to a selection of the first selectable graphical element, wherein populating the display area with the first credibility dimension comprises presenting (i) a first dimensional score quantifying the first credibility dimension, (ii) a first set of credibility data from which ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238516A1
Принадлежит: InVue Security Products Inc.

A merchandising system and method allow a retailer to determine whether a retail store is in compliance with an electronic retail merchandising program implemented by the retailer. A merchandising display configured to display an item of merchandise at the retail store is provided. A control module is configured to provide information relating to the item of merchandise when a customer interacts with the item of merchandise and to communicate with a network to report data relating to the merchandising display. The retailer may analyze the data obtained from the merchandising system and reported to the network in various ways to determine whether a retail store is in compliance with the electronic retail merchandising program. 1. A merchandising system comprising:a merchandising display configured to display an item of merchandise at a display position in a retail store; anda control module operably coupled to the merchandising display, the control module configured to be in communication with a network and to provide information relating to the item of merchandise when a customer interacts with the item of merchandise;wherein the merchandising display and the control module are configured to report data to a retailer via the network that allows the retailer to determine whether the retail store is in compliance with an electronic retail merchandising program implemented by the retailer.2. A merchandising system according to claim 1 , wherein the merchandising display comprises a base configured to be secured to a support surface and a sensor removably supported on the base claim 1 , and wherein the item of merchandise is attached to the sensor.3. A merchandising system according to claim 2 , wherein the merchandising display comprises triggering means for indicating that the sensor and the item of merchandise have been removed from the base.4. A merchandising system according to claim 3 , wherein the triggering means comprises magnets disposed on the base and the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Device and System for Providing a Visual Representation of Product Contents Within a Package

Номер: US20130240617A1

A method and an associated system for providing on a wireless communication device an image representing contents of a package, the method comprising the steps of reading a readable code on the package using a camera on the wireless communication device, displaying the image representing the contents of the package on the wireless communication device when the camera is positioned to view at least a portion of the package, the image being superimposed on a view of the package, and altering the image in response to relative movement between the package and the camera such that the image displayed on the wireless communication device represents the portion of the contents of the package at which the camera is pointed.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for drawing electronic contract using communication network and method thereof

Номер: US20130246289A1
Автор: Je Hyoung Ryu, Nam Gu Ryu
Принадлежит: Individual

The device and its methods, and how the invention's purpose is to input for electronic contracts using a communications network will be introduced. The present invention uses a communications network as a medium and proves contract application from the service server. When the received contract application is activated, a control medium is used to synchronize the terminals of involved electronic contract parties via the terminal set synchronization code. When the terminals are synchronized, display of notification icons to let the other involved party know of input fields within the electronic contract.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253945A1

A method is proposed for determining clinical study compliance. The method includes obtaining criteria for the clinical study and accessing stored clinical data relating to the clinical study. Thereafter, the criteria and clinical data are correlated to determine a measure of compliance with the criteria of the clinical study. 1141-. (canceled)142. A method of analyzing quality of a clinical study , comprising:creating a database including quality related aspects from criteria for the clinical study;accessing stored clinical data relating to the clinical study; andcorrelating the quality related aspects of criteria and clinical data to determine performance of the quality related aspects of the criteria of the clinical study.143. The method of claim 142 , further comprising:calculating a measure of performance for a plurality of criteria for the clinical study.144. The method of claim 142 , wherein the clinical data includes clinical actions.145. The method of claim 143 , wherein the measure of performance includes patient performance.146. The method of claim 143 , wherein the measure of performance includes performance of a clinical trial site wherein the clinical trial is performed.147. The method of claim 142 , wherein the correlating is done via a computer device.148. The method of claim 142 , wherein the clinical data and criteria for the clinical data are stored in separate databases.149. The method of claim 142 , wherein the stored criteria includes quality aspects related to patient performance criteria and quality aspects related to non-patient performance criteria.150. The method of claim 143 , wherein the criteria includes weighted criteria claim 143 , wherein the weighting affects the measure of performance.151. The method of claim 142 , wherein the criteria include measurable parameters and parameters of context.152. The method of claim 150 , wherein the criteria include measurable parameters and parameters of context.153. A device for implementing the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130254127A1

An authentication method and an authentication system of an electronic product are provided. The authentication method includes following steps: an electronic device is connected to a first authentication module via a network; the electronic device outputs first authentication information of the electronic product to the first authentication module; the first authentication module verifies the first authentication information and generates second authentication information corresponding to the electronic product; the first authentication module is connected to a second authentication module via the network; the first authentication module outputs the second authentication information to the second authentication module; and the second authentication module verifies the second authentication information. The present disclosure provides a multi-authentication method and an authentication system of the electronic product to activate corresponding services from service providers. 1. An authentication method of an electronic product , comprising following steps:an electronic device connected to a first authentication module via a network;outputting first authentication information of the electronic product to the first authentication module by the electronic device;verifying the first authentication information and generating second authentication information corresponding to the electronic product by the first authentication module;outputting the second authentication information to a second authentication module by the first authentication module; andverifying the second authentication information by the second authentication module.2. The authentication method according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic product includes the electronic device.3. The authentication method according to claim 1 , wherein the first authentication information is a product number or a universally unique identifier (UUID) of the electronic product.4. The authentication method according to ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130254128A1
Автор: SCHWEERS Michael
Принадлежит: Schweers Informationstechnologie GmbH

Method for detecting and exhibiting infringements of regulations and breaches of rules, wherein the latter are detected by means of a hand-held computer, wherein the infringement of regulations or the breach of rules is established by an inspector and is input by said inspector into the hand-held computer, and a printed notification, relating to the infringement of regulations or the breach of rules, is handed over or left behind. 1. Method for detecting and exhibiting infringements of regulations and breaches of rules , particularly by parked articles , such as vehicles , dustbins or the like , wherein an infringement of regulations and a breach of rules are detected by means of a hand-held computer , wherein the infringement of regulations or the breach of rules is established by an inspector and is input by said inspector into the hand-held computer , and a printed notification , for example in the form of a printed card , a printed slip or a printed sticker , relating to the infringement of regulations or the breach of rules is handed over or left behind , characterized in that the notification is provided with a prefabricated , in particular pre-printed , explicit identification and the inspector produces a link between the infringement of regulations which said inspector has input into the hand-held computer and the identification and then feeds the detected infringement of regulations , linked to the identification , in real time from the hand-held computer via a communication network to a central data location , from which the infringement of regulations can be read via a communication network by using the identification , for example by an owner of the article or user of the vehicle.2. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that various templates for different infringements of regulations or breaches of rules are stored in the hand-held computer and claim 1 , according to the specific situation claim 1 , are selected by the inspector in the hand- ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130262329A1
Принадлежит: CSRSI, INC.

Computer-implemented methods and systems for data breach compliance are disclosed. Organization related information may be received. Breach information relating to a data breach event of the organization may be received. The breach information may include, for example, breach event description information, compromised personally identifiable information, and remediation action information. A breach report may be generated based on the breach information, the organization related information, and one or more rules related to data breach. At least one reporting entity may be determined based on the organization related information, the breach information, and the one or more rules. The breach report may be output. 1. A computer-implemented method for data breach compliance , comprising:receiving information related to an organization;receiving breach information relating to a data breach event of the organization, the breach information including breach event description information, compromised personally identifiable information (PII), and remediation action information;generating a breach report based on the breach information, the organization related information, and one or more rules related to data breach;determining, based on a comparison of the organization related information, the breach information, and one or more of the following: state rules, federal rules, international rules, industry standards, and rules applicable to the breach event, whether the breach report is in the proper format;modifying the breach report, if it is determined that the proper format is an entity specific format, to include predetermined data entry fields; determining, if the one or more geographic locations are in the United States, any applicable attorney general reporting rules and applicable long reach rules associated with the one or more geographical locations,', 'selecting one or more reporting entities based on the applicable attorney general reporting rules and the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130262330A1

A system and method for authenticating an identity of an object being tracked while traversing a supply chain, which includes an interface communicating with object custodians in the supply chain using a standard protocol in which event tracking information for the object is stored when any one of the object custodians reports a predefined event for the object. The system and method also include a repository storing authentication data to authenticate the event tracking information for the object, the event tracking information including a first object identifier and a second object identifier, the second object identifier being independently authenticated from the first object identifier. 1. A global supply management system for authenticating an identity of an item being tracked while traversing a supply chain , comprising:a repository system which collects events generated by capturing information in the form of the events from a first item identifier using a standard observer device, and collects secure events generated by capturing information in the form of the secure events from an authenticator in the form of a marking using a secure observer device.2. The global supply management system according to claim 1 , further comprising an event management platform to obtain supply chain visibility using the collected secure events to identify at least one of tampering claim 1 , diversion claim 1 , adulteration and counterfeiting of the item in the supply chain.3. The global supply management system according to claim 2 , wherein the repository system communicates with the event management platform via a network and includes a plurality of storage devices accessible by and distributed among the global supply management system.4. The global supply management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe standard observer device is configured to capture standard information from a first object identifier, the captured information thereby forming a standard event; andthe ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130262331A1
Автор: Fischer Randal B.

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to constructing an Object Analytic Record (OAR) that may be used to store data from one or more sequential chains. Analytics may be performed on data in the OAR to generate ratings for one or more components of a supply chain or the supply chain itself. Analytics may also be performed on the OAR to provide a certification for a supply chain or for a supply chain components and products. 1. A method of performing analytics on at least one sequential chain , the method comprising:receiving data from the at least one sequential chain;constructing an Object Analytical Record (OAR) using the data from the at least one sequential chain, wherein the OAR comprises information about at least one sequential chain component, wherein constructing the OAR comprises standardizing data from the at least one sequential chain component;receiving a request to perform analytics on the at one sequential chain; andin response to receiving the request, performing the analytics using data from the OAR.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the OAR further comprises data about at least one sequential chain component host entity.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving data from the at least one sequential chain comprises receiving all data from the at least one sequential chain.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving data from the at least one sequential chain comprises receiving a subset of data from the at least one sequential chain.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the OAR is constructed as the at least one sequential chain is created.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the OAR is constructed in response to the request to perform analytics on the at least one sequential chain.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the analytics further comprises determining a rating for the at least one sequential chain.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein determining the rating is based upon a ratings function specifying at least one metric by ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268450A1

A method of securing a chain of custody of a specimen of a donor prevents tampering with or accidental mismanagement of the specimen. The method includes providing a tamper evident seal operable to indicate that an assaying device has been tampered with once the seal is sealed, the seal including a label having at least one portion including a machine-readable indicia area. The assaying device comprises a collection cup and a cap that carries at least one test strip. 1. A method of securing a chain of custody of a specimen of a donor , the method comprising the steps of:providing a cup for holding the specimen;providing an assaying device for generating a test result from the specimen;providing a tamper evident seal operable to indicate that the assaying device has been tampered with once the seal is sealed, the seal including a label having machine-readable indicia representing information associated with the donor;causing the donor of the specimen and an administrator to initial the label;associating an electronic chain of custody document with the donor;causing the donor to execute his signature on an electronic signature pad; andassociating the donor's signature, as received on the electronic signature pad, with the donor's electronic chain of custody document.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:providing a device operable to read machine-readable indicia.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the machine-readable indicia is a bar code.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of transmitting claim 1 , to a host computer claim 1 , the donor's signature claim 1 , as received on the electronic signature pad claim 1 , and associated electronic chain of custody document.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the steps of:testing the specimen so as to obtain a test result; andgenerating an electronic representation of the test result.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising the step of:electronically associating the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Livestock certification apparatus and method

Номер: US20130275316A1
Автор: Chia-Chi Teng
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for certification of animals, owners, attendants, venues, enterprises, and events relies on identification, traceability, and evaluation against selected criteria. Data maintained during agricultural production includes production, raising, selling, holding, treating, harvesting products like milk or wool, slaughter, transfer of ownership or venue, and veterinary and pharmacological interventions, whether medicaments, preventives, protocols, treatments, or inspections administered. Record keeping and selection, analysis, and notifications are according to criteria (particularly risks, exposures, or both) specified by any entity requesting or requiring a certification of a condition or lack thereof. Warnings may be triggered and distributed timely. Mobile units avoid traditional deficiencies in data, analysis, risk assessment, and timeliness.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130275317A1
Принадлежит: Alamy Limited

A computer system and a computer-implemented method for managing digital media objects is described. In at least one embodiment, the system and method may generating a model of an organizational structure comprising a first part and a second part, the model comprising a first structural node representing the first part of the organizational structure and a second structural node representing the second part of the organization structure; generating a licensing model based on licensing rules that apply to the first and second structural nodes, the licensing model comprising digital media object licensing options corresponding to the first structural node and digital media object licensing options corresponding to the second structural node; receiving a search query for digital media objects from a user; determining the user is associated with the first part of the organizational structure; retrieving at least one digital media object that matches the search query from a data repository; determining whether the at least one digital media object has been licensed to the first or second part of the organizational structure; and based on the determination and the licensing model, determining digital media object licensing options available to the user for the at least one digital media object. 1. A computer-implemented method for managing digital media objects , the method comprising:generating a model of an organizational structure comprising a first part and a second part, the model comprising a first structural node representing the first part of the organizational structure and a second structural node representing the second part of the organization structure;generating a licensing model based on licensing rules that apply to the first and second structural nodes, the licensing model comprising digital media object licensing options corresponding to the first structural node and digital media object licensing options corresponding to the second structural node; ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130275319A1

A computer-implemented system and method for embedding and authenticating ancillary information in digitally signed content are disclosed. The method and system include: loading digital content containing a digitally signed portion into memory for processing; identifying an existing digital signature block and an existing digital signature size block in a digitally signed file header of the digitally signed portion; obtaining a digital signature size value from the digital signature size block, the digital signature size value corresponding to the size of the digital signature block plus the length of an ancillary data block plus a pre-determined pad; authenticating the integrity of the digitally signed portion using the digital signature while processing the digital content; unwrapping a purchase mechanism built into as wrapper associated with the digital content; and extracting from the ancillary data block data referenced by instructions of the purchase mechanism, the extracting being performed without invalidating the digital signature. 1. A method comprising:loading digital content containing a digitally signed portion into memory for processing, while checking for the integrity of as digital signature and the contents of the digitally signed portion;identifying, by use of a processor, an existing digital signature block and an existing digital signature size block in a digitally signed file header of the digitally signed portion;obtaining a digital signature size value from the digital signature size block, the digital signature size value corresponding to the size of the digital signature block plus the length of an ancillary data block plus a pre-determined pad;authenticating the integrity oldie digitally signed portion using the digital signature while processing the digital content;unwrapping a purchase mechanism built into a wrapper associated with the digital content; andextracting from the ancillary data block, by use of the processor, data referenced ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130282601A1
Автор: Pieri Kenneth H.

A counterfeit product detection method and system for detecting whether a product is genuine or counterfeit. The method allows a consumer to check whether a product is authentic or counterfeit by way of using a sequential serial number assigned to the particular product by the manufacturer of the product. Alternatively, the authenticity of the product can be verified at the point of purchase at the retailer or over the telephone by way of the sequential serial number. The method provides a way for a manufacturer's recall to reach the consumers who purchase the product. There is also a RFID tag product verification method and system provided that allows consumers to verify the authenticity of a product based on the RFID tag that is adhered to the product and/or part of the product packaging. A two dimensional barcode verification product verification method and system is also provided. 1. A counterfeit product detection method comprising the acts of:providing a manufacturer for producing a first product known to be authentic;providing the manufacturer with a manufacturer's identification number and wherein the manufacturer creates a sequential serial number for the first product,an encrypted radio frequency identification tag provided by the manufacturer that is joined to the first product;providing the radio frequency identification tag with a receiver and a transmitter;providing a second product having a second radio frequency identification tag wherein the authenticity of the second product is unknown and the second product is potentially an imitation;providing a smart phone having a radio frequency identification reader and sending a radio signal from the radio frequency identification reader to the second radio frequency identification tag and energizing the second radio frequency identification tag joined to the second product the authenticity of which is not known;transmitting an encrypted response signal message from the second radio frequency identification ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Authorization and Disclosure for Background Information Searches

Номер: US20130282607A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and automated method for verification of employment history regarding a job applicant, the method including receiving information identifying an applicant, receiving employment history information for the job applicant, receiving information identifying an identified verification contact for verification of the employment history information, automatically providing the identified verification contact with a question pertaining to employment history information, receiving an answer from the identified verification contact, storing the answer.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130290018A1

Methods, apparatus and systems for verifying proper delivery of health care bundles to patients are described. The methods, apparatus, and systems may be configured to monitor the delivery of health care bundles to one or more patients, to collect delivery data such as sounds and/or images that can be processed to determine if delivery of the health care bundle is being or has been properly delivered to a patient, to provide feedback during delivery of a health care bundle to a patient, and/or to store an indicator that is indicative of proper delivery of the health care bundle. 1. A method of verifying delivery of a health care bundle to a patient , the method comprising:registering a health care bundle to be delivered to a selected patient using a verification unit;determining if the registered health care bundle should be delivered to the selected patient; a confirmation signal if the registered health care bundle should be delivered to the selected patient, and', 'a corrective signal if the registered health care bundle should not be delivered to the selected patient;, 'providing a registration feedback signal using the verification unit after determining if the registered health care bundle should be delivered to the selected patient, wherein the registration feedback signal comprises at least one ofcollecting delivery data during delivery of the registered health care bundle to the selected patient;determining if the data collected during delivery of the registered health care bundle comprises one or more selected features that are associated with proper delivery of the registered health care bundle; a corrective signal if the data does not include at least one selected features associated with proper delivery of the registered health care bundle, and', 'a confirmation signal if the data includes at least one selected feature associated with proper delivery of the registered health care bundle; and, 'providing a delivery feedback signal using the verification ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130290200A1
Принадлежит: MONAEO, LLC.

Systems and methods may provide automated compliance and operations management services. User tracking information may be received and stored. The tracking information may be analyzed to generate information for compliance or operations management, which may be provided to a recipient. Systems and methods may automate the process of monitoring, collecting, storing, analyzing, and utilizing data and information. Alerts may be generated. Reports may be compiled and delivered to a reporting entity, and may be used for compliance, tracking, monitoring or operations management. Some data may be fed directly into other existing systems and databases including, but not limited to, payroll processing systems, tax enterprise resource planning systems, human resource (HR) systems, time-keeping systems and billing systems. Proposed systems and methods may be used by individuals, enterprises, or other entities that gather data for regulatory or other compliance or operations management. 1. A system configured to provide automated compliance and operations management services , the system comprising:an input interface configured to receive tracking information for a user;a data store configured to store the tracking information;an analyzer configured to interpret the tracking information to generate compliance information, wherein the compliance information applies to compliance or operations management; andthe analyzer configured to provide the compliance information to a recipient.2. The system of wherein:the input interface is configured to receive the tracking information from at least one source over a communication network, wherein the at least one source is at least one of the following: a mobile device, a personal computer, a wearable computer, or a network entity.3. The system of wherein:the information includes location tracking data of a mobile device.4. The system of configured to run continuously in a background of a mobile device.5. The system of configured to wake ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130290201A1

Systems and methods are provided to enable users to assess the legitimacy of an alleged transportation provider. In an embodiment, a method for assessing the legitimacy of a transportation provider comprises retrieving from a user information relating to an alleged transportation provider. The system then accesses information relating to the alleged transportation provider. The system then assesses whether the alleged transportation provider is a legitimate transportation provider. Next, the system flags the alleged trasportation provider as legitimate or illegitimate. The system then transmits to the user information relating to the legitimacy of the alleged transportation provider. The system can provide crime insurance and other services to users based on the assessment of the legitimacy of the transport of choice and user stated preferences. 1. A system for assessing the legitimacy of a transportation provider , comprising:a first module configured to receive information relating to an alleged transportation provider from a user and store said information in a memory location;a second module operatively coupled to the first module, the second module for using the information received from the user to assess, with the aid of a processor, the legitimacy of the alleged transportation provider; anda third module operatively coupled to the second module, the third module for transmitting to the user an indication as to the legitimacy of the alleged transportation provider.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a module configured to offer crime insurance and other services to users.3. (canceled)4. A computer-implemented method for assessing the legitimacy of an alleged-stranger claim 1 , comprising:(a) retrieving from a user information relating to an alleged stranger, wherein said user is occupying a transport vehicle with said alleged stranger or about to occupy the transport vehicle with said alleged stranger;(b) accessing, from a memory location, ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Automated Standards Compliance

Номер: US20130311224A1

A method and system for risk assessment. A question set including one or more questions may be transmitted. Each question may be based on statutory, sectoral or standards requirements relating to how an entity handles information, and each question may be associated with one or more categories. An answer set may be received including one or more selected answers. Each selected answer may correspond to a question in the transmitted question set and each selected answer may be associated with a risk score. The risk score may be related to the statutory, sectoral or standards requirements. An assessment based on the answer set may be generated and transmitted. The assessment may include one or more questions and corresponding answers organized by risk score and category. A request for remediation action may be generated and transmitted when an answer corresponding to a question is associated with a risk score above a threshold risk score. 1. A computer for technical standards guidance information for a business , the method comprising:memory having at least one region for storing computer executable program code; and code for transmitting for display a first question set to a user, the first question set including a simplified translation of technical questions from master requirements relating to a Standard, Regulation or Best Practice regarding how the business processes medical, privacy or regulated information, and receiving a first answer set from the user in response to the first question set;', 'code for transmitting for display to the user a first attestation that the business conforms to a first technical standard relating to the first answer set and continuing processing upon receiving a first attestation response from the user;', 'code for transmitting a second question set regarding the handling by the business of personally identifiable information, protected health information or other confidential information, and receiving a second answer set from the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Ingredient based food allergen detection system for use by food service providers

Номер: US20130311311A1
Автор: Atul Ahuja, Dilip Chopra
Принадлежит: Individual

An internet based system for analyzing menu items offered by restaurants/food providers to identify menu items which are acceptable to person is disclosed. The system includes an online system having a server in communication with a database of food ingredients for menu items offered by a food provider. The system compares the food ingredients of menu items offered by food providers and compares it with the dietary and/or allergen information of one or more people to identify menu items offered by food provider that are acceptable to the each person.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311386A1

One example of the system and method described herein may be used to create and manage encapsulated workflow packages, which may include package identifiers specified with a universal endpoint address schema that can be used to route documents and manage document workflows. In particular, the encapsulated workflow packages may embed, among other things, full on-ramping requirements associated with documents captured therein, including any necessary workflow steps applicable to devices, entities, or other receiving destinations that may participate in on-ramping data further embedded therein. Accordingly, the encapsulated workflow packages may embed native business intelligence that can control governance, risk, and compliance across organizational boundaries. 1. A method for creating and managing encapsulated workflow packages , said method comprising:a processor defining security rules;said processor defining formatting rules;said processor defining auditing rules;an input module receiving document metadata;said input module receiving management metadata;defining business workflow based on said security rules, said formatting rules, said auditing rules, said document metadata, and said management metadata;constructing an encapsulated workflow package, based on said business workflow, audit trail, package identifier, and routing instruction, stored in a first storage.2. A method for creating and managing encapsulated workflow packages , said method comprising:a processor defining security rules;said processor defining formatting rules;said processor defining auditing rules;an input module receiving document metadata;said input module receiving management metadata;defining business workflow based on said security rules, said formatting rules, said auditing rules, said document metadata, and said management metadata;constructing an encapsulated workflow package, based on said business workflow;using a universal endpoint address schema to route documents and manage ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311387A1
Автор: Schmerler Jurgen

A predictive model provides a detection system for the risk associated with organizational representatives of an organization not being in compliance with laws, regulations, and organizational policies. The system produces a score, which measures the likelihood of non-compliance for organizational representatives, larger organizational units, or the entire organization. The predictive model is part of a system that analyzes individual interactions between representatives and their counterparts outside the organization for scoring. The system stores data about these interactions in a database, which is used to derive variables for the predictive model, and processes the model outputs. 1. A method of detecting behaviors by organizational representatives that are not compliant with policies , laws , or regulations the organization is subject of , where the representative is acting on behalf of an organization in interactions with customers , suppliers , regulators , employees , or other stakeholders of the organization , the method comprising:selecting, by one or more computing systems, one or more electronically recorded interactions to process with a predictive model; for each selected representative, deriving variables from the interactions in connection with the selected representative; andfor each selected representative, applying, by one or more computing systems, the delivered variables of the interactions to the predictive model to generate a model score indicating the relative likelihood of non-compliant behavior.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:collecting, by one or more computing systems, training data including one or more interactions leading to the suspicion of non-compliant behaviors and one or more interactions conforming to compliant behaviors; developing, by one or more computing systems, the predictive model from the training data; and storing, by one or more computing systems, the predictive model.3. The method of claim 2 , further ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311388A1
Автор: Myslinski Lucas J.

A fact checking system verifies the correctness of information and/or characterizes the information by comparing the information with one or more sources. The fact checking system automatically monitors, processes, fact checks information and indicates a status of the information. 1. A method programmed in a non-transitory memory of a device comprising:a. receiving flags by users for flagging a comment within broadcast information; andb. automatically fact checking the flagged comment within the broadcast information to determine the factual accuracy of the flagged comment by comparing the flagged comment within the broadcast information with source information to generate a result.2. The method of further comprising automatically indicating a status of the flagged comment based on the result of the comparison of the flagged comment with the source information.3. The method of wherein the flags for the comment are at least one of: true claim 1 , false claim 1 , questionable claim 1 , unverifiable claim 1 , depending on context claim 1 , spin claim 1 , comedy claim 1 , sarcasm claim 1 , hyperbole claim 1 , and hypocritical.4. The method of wherein each user of the users has a flagging rating.5. The method of wherein the flagging rating of each user is determined by comparing flagging by each user with results of corresponding fact checks.6. The method of wherein the flagging rating of a user increases if the user correctly flags comments claim 5 , and the flagging rating decreases if the user incorrectly flags the comments.7. The method of wherein a flag by the user is not used if the flagging rating of the user is below a flagging threshold.8. The method of wherein if a user has a high flagging rating claim 4 , a flag by the user is given additional weight.9. The method of wherein a weighting scheme is used so that a weight of a flag of each user is proportional to a correctness of previous flags by each user.10. The method of wherein the users are separated into ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315437A1

The present disclosure is directed to an automated precious metal bullion authentication apparatus and system that, without human intervention, develops and disseminates information to enable a user to distinguish between genuine and non-genuine precious metals bullion items. The systems and devices may work together with third-party hardware or software and, with Internet access, may be utilized 24/7, 365 days a year. The system or device enables a user to receive directly at a point of sale, or anywhere in public or private, information regarding whether an item is genuine or not. Information regarding genuineness of an item may be provided to the user before, during, or after a monetary or non-monetary exchange or transaction between individuals or entities. The system or device identifies and authenticates precious metal bullion items automatically through a multiplicity of procedures and renders a conclusion based on data from acquired digital images and other physical measurements. 1. A method of operating an article of value exchange system including at least one processor , at least one nontransitory process-readable storage medium communicatively coupled to the at least one processor , and at least one image acquisition subsystem communicatively coupled to the at least one processor , the method comprising:receiving an article of value by an article of value receiving portion of the article of value exchange system;capturing by the image acquisition subsystem a set of surface characteristics from the article of value that uniquely identifies the article of value from other articles of value of a same type and from articles of value of other types;automatically performing a plurality of authenticity assessment tests on the received article of value without human intervention, the authenticity assessment tests which assess at least constituent metal content and weight of the received article of value;determining an authenticity of genuineness of the received ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for managing pedigree information

Номер: US20130317841A1
Автор: Paul J. Schmidt
Принадлежит: Accenture Global Services Ltd

Methods and systems are provided for managing and transmitting pedigree information. The methods and systems allow a user to access a pedigree information portal to submit and transmit pedigree data to a recipient of the physical drug product. The method provides security and reliability in relaying the drug history and data. In addition, methods and systems are provided for associating the electronically transmitted pedigree information to the physical drug product. A user may thus retrieve and review pedigree information using, for example, one or more barcodes representing a sender identifier and recipient identifier.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Identifying Trusted Providers

Номер: US20130317842A1
Автор: Schoenberg Roy

A computer-implemented method includes receiving a request from a consumer associated with a first medical service provider to engage in real time with a medical service provider over the Internet. The method also includes in response to the received request, displaying a list of medical service providers to the consumer on a user interface. The method also includes providing an indicator associated with a particular medical service provider in the list of medical service providers if the particular medical service provider is a trusted medical service provider identified by the first medical service provider. 120-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method , comprising:receiving, by a computer, a request from a consumer associated with a first medical service provider to engage in a real time consultation with a medical service provider;generating by the computer a list of medical service providers available to engage with the consumer, with the list including one or more trusted medical service providers, and with a trusted medical service provider being a medical service provider receiving a recommendation from the first medical service provider;receiving, by the computer, a selection of a medical service provider from the list of medical service providers;transmitting, to a computing device associated with the consumer, information indicating whether the selected medical service provider is a trusted medical service provider that has been recommended by the first medical service provider.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the first medical service provider comprises a provider that has previously been engaged with the patient.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the first medical service provider comprises a primary care physician of the consumer.24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:receiving a request from the computing device associated with the consumer to engage with a medical service provider specializing in a particular area of medical ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods, systems, and devices for managing transfer of medical files

Номер: US20130317851A1
Автор: Guy Maresh, Jeffrey N. Yu

The disclosure herein provides methods, systems, and devices for managing, transferring, modifying, converting and/or tracking medical files and/or medical system messages. In certain embodiments, the foregoing may generally be based on requesting medical files at a first medical facility, identifying the requested medical files at a second medical facility, initiating a secure network connection between the first and second medical facility, modifying a header portion of the medical files based on patient identification information created by the first medical facility, and other processing steps.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

E-commerce purchase eligibility determination system and method

Номер: US20130317899A1
Принадлежит: Digital River Inc

A system and method for determining e-commerce purchase eligibility of product offerings restricted to particular market segments and used in conjunction with an e-commerce system is described. Identifying information provided by the user is compared to a white list of eligibility parameters selected and configured by the vendor. An e-mail confirming eligibility and containing a customized URL is provided to the user; selecting the link automatically logs the user into the account. The system allows limited or unlimited purchases to be made by qualified users. Fraud detection is performed prior to checkout. Once the order has been processed the user may immediately download the product. An e-mail is sent to the user providing delayed downloading instructions and license key. Downloading may inject the license key for automatic software product or application activation.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325499A1
Автор: Kohane Isaac S.

Methods and apparatus for coordinating patient care among members of a patient care team including a care provider and a patient are described. One embodiment includes receiving, from a first user, via a user interface, a selection of a care transition specified in a health act grammar and binding the first user to a source actor node associated with the selected care transition in the health act grammar. The method further includes identifying, using at least one processor, at least one target actor with the selected care transition based, at least in part, on a target actor role specified in the health act grammar, and notifying the at least one target actor of a patient care responsibility associated with the selected care transition. 1. A computer-implemented method for coordinating patient care among members of a patient care team including a care provider and a patient , the method comprising:receiving, from a first user, via a user interface, a selection of a care transition specified in a health act grammar;associating, using at least one processor, at least one target actor with the selected care transition, wherein the associating is based, at least in part, on a target actor role specified in the selected health act grammar; andnotifying the at least one target actor of a patient care responsibility associated with the selected care transition.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, from a second user, a selection of the health act grammar;adding the health act grammar to a set of active grammars in response to receiving the instruction; anddesignating the second user as the initiating actor for the health act grammar.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving an instruction from the initiating actor to terminate the health act grammar; andremoving the health act grammar from the set of active grammars after receiving the instruction to terminate the health act grammar.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:determining ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for providing organizational compliance monitoring

Номер: US20130325731A1

A method performed by a computing device and having one or more processors and memory storing one or more programs for execution by the one or more processors, comprising information including a representation of at least one compliance issue is received. The information is analyzed to determine at least one entity to which the at least one compliance issue is pertinent. The information is forwarded to the at least one entity in response to a determination that the legal change is pertinent to the at least one entity. A response is received from the at least one entity a response including a representation as to how the at least one entity intends to address the compliance issue.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Heat Transfer Compositions

Номер: US20130325732A1
Автор: Low Robert E.

A heat transfer composition comprising trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)), difiuoromethane (R-32) and 1,1-difluoroethane (R-152a). 1. A heat transfer composition comprising trans-1 ,3 ,3 ,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234ze(E)) , difluoromethane (R-32) and 1 ,1-difluoroethane (R-152a).2. A composition according to comprising up to about 25% by weight R-32.3. A composition according to comprising up to about 45% by weight R-152a.4. A composition according to comprising from about 5 to about 12% by weight R-32 claim 1 , from about 10 to about 45% by weight of R-152a and from about 43 to about 85% by weight R-1234ze(E).5. A composition according to comprising from about 8 to about 12% by weight R-32 claim 1 , from about 5 to about 10% by weight R-152a claim 1 , and from about 78 to about 87% by weight R-1234ze(E).6. A composition according to consisting essentially of R-32 claim 1 , R-152a and R-1234ze(E).7. A composition according to further comprising 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a).8. A composition according to comprising up to about 50% by weight of R-134a.9. A composition according to comprising from about 2 to about 15% by weight R-32 claim 8 , from about 5 to about 45% by weight R-152a claim 8 , from about 25 to about 50% R-134a claim 8 , and from about 5 to about 70% by weight R-1234ze(E).10. A composition according to claim 7 , consisting essentially of R-32 claim 7 , R-152a claim 7 , R-1234ze(E) and R-134a.11. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has a GWP of less than 1000 claim 1 , preferably less than 150.12. A composition according claim 1 , wherein the temperature glide is less than about 10K claim 1 , preferably less than about 5K.13. A composition according claim 1 , wherein the composition has a volumetric refrigeration capacity within about 15% claim 1 , preferably within about 10% of the existing refrigerant that it is intended to replace.14. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for providing and/or for processing information pertaining to and/or relating to principal/agent relationships and/or activities involving agents and third parties

Номер: US20130332377A1
Автор: Joao Raymond Anthony

A computer-implemented method, including receiving, with a receiver or a computer, a search request for information regarding an agent; processing, with the computer or with a second computer, the search request; generating, with the computer or with a second computer, a message in response to the search request, wherein the message contains information identifying at least one agent in response to the search request; and transmitting, from a transmitter, the first computer, or the second computer, the message to a communication device used by or associated with a user. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:receiving, with a receiver or a computer, a search request for information regarding an agent;processing, with the computer or with a second computer, the search request;generating, with the computer or with a second computer, a message in response to the search request, wherein the message contains information identifying at least one agent in response to the search request; andtransmitting, from a transmitter, the first computer, or the second computer, the message to a communication device used by or associated with a user.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:processing and storing information regarding a hiring, an engagement, or a retention, of the agent by the user or by a principal.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a request for information regarding a principal in a principal/agent relationship;processing, with the computer or with the second computer, the request for information;generating, with the computer or with the second computer, a second message in response to the request for information, wherein the second message contains contact information for an agent of the principal, wherein the contact information contains an e-mail, an instant message or text message number, a telephone number, or a cellular, mobile, or wireless telephone number, of or for the agent; ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130339047A1
Принадлежит: Westrock Solutions, LLC

Methods and systems for lift monitoring are described. In one embodiment, a first operation signal may be received from a first relay coupled to an electro-mechanical patient lift when the electro-mechanical patient lift is being operated in a first position. A second operation signal may be received from a second relay coupled to the electro-mechanical patient lift when the electro-mechanical patient lift is being operated in a second position. A determination of whether a lift qualification threshold is met may be based on the receiving of the first operation signal and the second operation signal. An occurrence of a lift may be recorded when a determination is made that the lift qualification threshold is met. Additional methods and systems are disclosed. 1. A method comprising: comparing the number of patient lifts performed to a compliance value;', 'modifying the compliance value based on a result of comparison between the number of patient lifts performed to the compliance value; and', 'updating the baseline data based on the number of patient lifts performed during the time period., 'determining a number of patient lifts performed during a time period in an area of a patient facility, the patient facility including a plurality of electro-mechanical patient lifts;'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a compliance adjustment from a user,wherein modifying the compliance value is based on the result of comparison between the number of patient lifts performed to the compliance value and receipt of the compliance adjustment.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:accessing baseline lift data of a patient facility, the baseline lift data associated with the plurality of electro-mechanical patient lifts in the patient facility; anddetermining a compliance value based on the baseline lift data.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein accessing comprises:receiving the baseline data from a database.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein accessing ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System And Method For Providing Digital Content

Номер: US20130339260A1
Принадлежит: Provo Craft and Novelty, Inc.

A method of delivering digital content for use on an electronic cutting machine. The method includes displaying at least one themed project in a rich internet application, where the themed project has at least one glyph of a glyph collection. The method further includes providing access to the rich internet application over a network and offering purchased access to the glyph collection. Any glyphs of the glyph collection can be added to the themed project. The themed project is cuttable on an electronic cutting machine in communication with the rich internet application. 120-. (canceled)21. A method , comprising: displaying at least one themed project in a rich internet application, the themed project having content including at least one glyph of a glyph collection, wherein the content is associated with one of a purchased ownership status and a non-purchased ownership status;', 'providing access to the content over a network for creating a design including the content;', 'initiating a cutting operation on the electronic cutting machine for cutting the created design that includes the accessed content;', 'prior to executing the initiated cutting operation, establishing communication with the rich internet application for verifying if the accessed content is associated with the purchased ownership status or the non-purchased ownership status;', 'responsive to verifying that the content is associated with the non-purchased ownership status, offering purchased access to the content; and', permitting execution of the initiated cutting operation when the offering step is accepted, and', 'prohibiting execution of the initiated cutting operation when the offering step is declined., 'responsive to the offering step], 'delivering digital content for use on an electronic cutting machine by22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising executing the rich internet application on a cloud client of a cloud computing scheme.23. The method of claim 22 , further ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130346282A1

Systems, computer-readable medium having computer program, and related computer implemented methods are provided to determine the relative market value of a sale group and to generate a genetic merit scorecard. Such systems, computer-readable medium having computer program, and related computer implemented methods utilize the genetic merit estimates of relatives of a sale group, along with associated economic weighting factors to determine the relative market value of the sale group. The genetic merit scorecard reflects the relative market value and ranking of the genetic merits of the sale group, as compared to the industry. 1. An online genetic merit scorecard system , the system comprising:one or more processors;an input/output unit adapted to be in communication with the one or more processors;one or more genetic merit databases in communication with the one or more processors to store and associate a plurality of genetic merit estimates with a plurality of economic weighting factors;one or more electronic interfaces positioned to display an online genetic merit scorecard and defining one or more genetic merit interfaces; and generating the genetic merit interface to display to a user thereof one or more online genetic merit scorecards, the genetic merit interface allowing an input of a plurality of genetic merit estimates associated with a sale group, the sale group including cattle that are fed and harvested for beef production;', 'determining relative market value and ranking of the genetic merits of the sale group responsive to receiving the plurality of genetic merit estimates from the one or more genetic merit databases; and', 'outputting to the one or more electronic interfaces the online genetic merit scorecard for the sale group responsive to determining the relative market value and the ranking of the genetic merits of the sale group, the online genetic merit scorecard including the relative market value and one or more rankings of genetic merits of ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Facilitating Financial Institution Compliance with Foreclosure Laws

Номер: US20130346285A1
Автор: Louis Karen Neely
Принадлежит: North Star Audit Consultants, LLC

A computer software application for facilitating financial institution compliance with foreclosure laws is provided. A computer may be utilized to generate a graphical user interface for initiating a loan level review of foreclosure files. During the loan level review, the computer may be utilized to identify and report missing loan file documentation and other foreclosure procedure errors, including checking for active military borrowers, bankruptcy searches and loss mitigation processes. At the completion of the review, the computer may generate a report that may be utilized in assessing compliance, following-up with the financial institution's vendors and instituting process changes. 1. A computer-implemented method of facilitating financial institution compliance with foreclosure laws , comprising:receiving, by a computer, loan information from a foreclosure file being audited;querying, by the computer, a user for information in each of a plurality of sections related to a foreclosure process in the foreclosure file being audited;assigning, by the computer, one or more numerical point values based on responses received to the user queries for information in each of the plurality of sections related to the foreclosure process in the foreclosure file;performing, by the computer, one or more of calculations for each of the plurality of sections related to the foreclosure process in the foreclosure file to determine a compliance of the financial institution with one or more of a set of federal regulations and state foreclosure laws, the one or more calculations being based on a total of the assigned one or more numerical point values and a predetermined maximum total number of numerical point values for each of the plurality of sections; andgenerating, by the computer, an audit report displaying a compliance rating determined from results of the one or more calculations performed for each of the plurality of sections, the compliance rating being based on a ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130346326A1

A system and method for ensuring compliance with pay-to-play laws. In one embodiment of the invention, the computer-implemented system and method facilitates compliance with pay-to-play laws of different jurisdictions having varying requirements. The pay-to-play compliance system and method also provides reporting functionality, and integration with other internal databases and systems in order to minimize the amount of information required to be entered by a user. In addition, the compliance system supports a refund mechanism whereby an individual who has over-contributed can report a refund amount consistent with pay-to-play laws. 1. A computer-implemented method of complying with a plurality of pay-to-play laws of a plurality of jurisdictions having a plurality of requirements , comprising the steps of:entering, by a first user on a computer system, a plurality of questions regarding political contributions;storing, in a database, the plurality of questions;entering, by the first user, a plurality of restrictions imposed on political contributions by pay-to-play laws;storing, in a database, the plurality of restrictions;entering, by a second user, a proposed political contribution amount and candidate recipient;storing, in a database, the proposed political contribution amount and candidate recipient;presenting, by a computer system, the plurality of questions to the second user;receiving, by the computer system, answers from the second user in response to the plurality of questions, the answers defining the proposed political contribution;storing, in a database, the answers from the second user;retrieving information regarding the second user from an internal database or system;determining whether the proposed political contribution is in compliance with the play-to-pay laws, using the computer system, this determination based at least in part on the information regarding the second user retrieved from the internal database or system, the stored answers, and the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130346327A1

An exemplary method and system for monitoring water rights includes obtaining water rights data from a water rights agency database, maintaining a database of water rights data, receiving a user definition of an alert basis, scanning the water rights database to identify data representative of one or more relevant water rights events, and providing alerts of the relevant water rights events. 1. A method comprising:obtaining, by a water rights monitoring system, water rights data from a water rights agency database;maintaining, by the water rights monitoring system, a water rights database comprising the water rights data;receiving, by the water rights monitoring system, a user definition of an alert basis;scanning, by the water rights monitoring system, the water rights database to identify data representative of one or more relevant water rights events; andproviding, by the water rights monitoring system, one or more alerts of the one or more relevant water rights events,wherein the one or more relevant water rights events are associated with the alert basis.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alert basis includes at least one of a water right claim 1 , a water right owner claim 1 , and an inventory.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, by the water rights monitoring system, one or more user preferences for identifying relevant water rights events,wherein the scanning of the water rights database and the providing of the one or more alerts are performed in accordance with the user preferences.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more user preferences define relevant water rights events based on one or more categories or types of water rights events.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more user preferences define relevant water rights events based on one or more water rights data elements.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the one or more water rights data elements include at least one of a quantity claim 5 , a flow rate ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130346328A1
Принадлежит: NeighborBench LLC

A method for distributing requests for artifacts to a regulated institution for risk assessment includes: storing a client profile including a risk rating value corresponding to a risk that the related regulated institution will not be compliant with a set of regulations; identifying a plurality of artifacts to be provided by the regulated institution, each artifact including a frequency, a weight, one of a plurality of waves, and one of a plurality of categories; assigning a priority value to each of the categories; grouping each artifact into a plurality of buckets, each bucket including artifacts that include a common wave and a common category, and wherein the artifacts are evenly distributed into the buckets; and generating a request schedule, wherein the request schedule is a schedule for the distribution of requests for artifacts included in each bucket over a predetermined period of time. 1. A method for distributing requests for artifacts to a regulated institution for risk assessment , comprising:storing, in a database, a client profile, wherein the client profile includes data related to a regulated institution including at least a risk rating value corresponding to a risk that the related regulated institution will not be compliant with a set of regulations;identifying, by a processing device, a plurality of artifacts to be provided by the regulated institution, wherein each artifact of the plurality of artifacts includes at least a frequency, a weight, one of,a plurality of waves, and one of a plurality of categories;assigning, by the processing device, a priority value to each of the plurality of categories;grouping, by the processing device, each artifact of the plurality of artifacts into a plurality of buckets, wherein each bucket includes artifacts of the plurality of artifacts that include a common wave and a common category, and wherein the plurality of artifacts are evenly distributed into the plurality of buckets; andgenerating, by the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140006064A1
Автор: Joao Raymond Anthony

A computer-implemented method, including receiving, with a receiver or a computer, a search request for information regarding an agent or a principal; processing, with the computer or with a second computer, the search request; generating, with the computer or with a second computer, a message in response to the search request, wherein the message contains information identifying at least one agent or at least one principal in response to the search request and contains an advertisement; and transmitting, from a transmitter, the first computer, or the second computer, the message to a communication device used by or associated with a user. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:receiving, with a receiver or a computer, a search request for information regarding an agent;processing, with the computer or with a second computer, the search request;generating, with the computer or with a second computer, a message in response to the search request, wherein the message contains information identifying at least one agent in response to the search request, and further wherein the message contains an advertisement; andtransmitting, from a transmitter, the first computer, or the second computer, the message to a communication device used by or associated with a user.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:processing and storing information regarding a hiring, an engagement, or a retention, of the agent by the user or by a principal.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a request for information regarding a principal in a principal/agent relationship;processing, with the computer or with the second computer, the request for information;generating, with the computer or with the second computer, a second message in response to the request for information, wherein the second message contains contact information for an agent of the principal, wherein the contact information contains an e-mail, an instant ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140006295A1

A method and system for identifying and tracking ownership of a power tool, a power tool battery pack, or another device (“the device”) by storing a chain-of-custody in a memory therein. Initially, a serial number that uniquely identifies the device as well as first owner information, such as the manufacturer, are stored in the chain-of-custody memory. When ownership changes, such as when the device is received by a retailer, the chain-of-custody memory is updated to include the new (second) owner information. When the device is sold by the retailer, the ownership information is updated again to include the new (third) owner information. Reading and writing to the chain-of-custody memory may be performed wirelessly using an external wireless device, such as a handheld unit. Additionally, reading and writing to the chain-of-custody memory may occur via a secure transmission to avoid improper access to the memory. 1. A power tool comprising:a motor for driving an output unit;a power supply module that supplies power to the motor; a serial number that uniquely identifies the power tool,', 'first owner information indicating a previous owner of the power tool, and', 'second owner information indicating a current owner of the power tool; and, 'a chain-of-custody memory storing'} sending, to the external wireless device, the serial number, the first owner information, and the second owner information in response to at least one read request, and', 'receiving, from the external wireless device, a write request including third owner information, which is stored in the chain-of-custody memory., 'a wireless transceiver operable to communicate with an external wireless device, the wireless transceiver2. The power tool of further comprising a user interface including a display claim 1 , the user interface claim 1 , upon a user request claim 1 , displays on the display at least one of the serial number claim 1 , the first owner information claim 1 , the second owner information ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Information Compliance Risk Assessment

Номер: US20140006296A1

Included are embodiments for information compliance risk assessment. Some embodiments include providing a plurality of questions to a user to determine a characteristic of a project that a user wishes to perform, determining, from the characteristic, a compliance area that is associated with the project, and determining a compliance officer associated with the compliance area to assist in completing the project. Some embodiments include determining a policy within the compliance area for completing the project, receiving an indication of compliance with the policy from the user, and providing the compliance officer with access to the indication of compliance and an option to indicate that the compliance area has been completed with adherence to the policy. Still some embodiments include receiving conformation from the compliance officer that the compliance area has been completed with adherence to the policy and providing the indication to the user for display. 1. A system for compliance risk assessment comprising: provide a plurality of questions to a user to determine a characteristic of a project that a user wishes to perform;', 'determine, from the characteristic, a compliance area that is associated with the project;', 'determine a compliance officer associated with the compliance area to assist in completing the project;', 'inform the compliance officer of the project;', 'determine a policy within the compliance area for completing the project;', 'receive an indication of compliance with the policy from the user;', 'provide the compliance officer with access to the indication of compliance and an option to indicate that the compliance area has been completed with adherence to the policy;', 'receive conformation from the compliance officer that the compliance area has been completed with adherence to the policy; and', 'provide the indication to the user for display., 'a memory component that stores a program that, when executed by a processor, causes the system ...
