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03-05-2017 дата публикации

Магнитоконтактная система охранной сигнализации

Номер: RU0000170689U1

Полезная модель относится к области датчиков охранной сигнализации, реагирующих на изменение состояния охраняемого объекта, и может быть применена для обнаружения несанкционированных попыток вскрытия дверей, ворот, окон, сейфов и обеспечения формирования тревожного сигнала путем размыкания контактов магнитоуправляемого датчика.Большинство существующих магнитоконтактных датчиков допускают возможность саботажа внешним магнитным полем. Существующие магнитоконтактные датчики, устойчивые к саботажу, имеют сложную конструкцию. В полезной модели представлена устойчивая к саботажу магнитоконтактная охранная система простой конструкции.Сущность полезной модели заключается в использовании в системе охранной сигнализации антисаботажного датчика на основе нормально замкнутого геркона, устанавливаемого перед основным датчиком в направлении возможного саботирующего воздействия магнитным полем. В предлагаемом техническом решении основной и антисаботажный герконы включаются в электрическую цепь последовательно, и, таким образом, обеспечивается формирование сигнала тревоги при попытке саботажа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 689 U1 (51) МПК G08B 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016117036, 29.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.04.2016 03.05.2017 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью научно-производственное предприятие "Магнито-Контакт" (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.04.2016 Адрес для переписки: 390027, г. Рязань, ул. Новая, 51В, директору ООО НПП "Магнито-Контакт", О.В. Выставкину (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2253901 C2 10.06.2005. RU 103027 U1 20.03.2011. RU 2115954 C1 20.07.1998. US3668579 A1 06.06.1972. US 7218194 B2 15.05.2007. 1 7 0 6 8 9 (45) Опубликовано: 03.05.2017 Бюл. № 13 R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Выставкин Олег Владимирович (RU), Суворов ...

24-10-2018 дата публикации

Электронная радиочастотная пломба

Номер: RU0000184400U1

Пломба содержит радиопрозрачный корпус со сквозным отверстием, размещенную в корпусе радиочастотную метку, включающую RFID-чип и электрически связанную с ним антенну, фиксатор пломбы на защищаемом объекте в виде гибкой упругой полосы, один конец которой жестко связан с корпусом, а второй конец в рабочем положении защемлен в упомянутом сквозном отверстии, и встроенную в указанную полосу линию передачи сигнала. Для сохранения доступности идентификационной записи для считывания на фоне принудительного разрыва линии передачи сигнала эта линия подключена к RFID-чипу через триггер-защелку, а антенна связана с RFID-чипом независимо от линии передачи сигнала. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 400 U1 (51) МПК G09F 3/03 (2006.01) G08B 13/12 (2006.01) G08B 13/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G09F 3/03 (2006.01); G08B 13/12 (2006.01); G08B 13/06 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018122528, 19.06.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.10.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "ЦентрИнформ" (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 7202788 B2, 10.04.2007. SU (45) Опубликовано: 24.10.2018 Бюл. № 30 824245 A1, 23.04.1981. US 9728053 B2, 08.08.2017. WO 2005083647 A1, 09.09.2005. WO 2007121508 A1, 01.11.2007. US 20070120381 A1, 31.05.2007. R U (54) ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ РАДИОЧАСТОТНАЯ ПЛОМБА (57) Реферат: Пломба содержит радиопрозрачный корпус сквозном отверстии, и встроенную в указанную со сквозным отверстием, размещенную в корпусе полосу линию передачи сигнала. Для сохранения радиочастотную метку, включающую RFID-чип доступности идентификационной записи для и электрически связанную с ним антенну, считывания на фоне принудительного разрыва фиксатор пломбы на защищаемом объекте в виде линии передачи сигнала эта линия подключена к гибкой упругой полосы, один конец которой RFID-чипу через триггер-защелку, а антенна жестко ...

23-04-2019 дата публикации

Извещатель охранный магнитоконтактный взрывозащищенный

Номер: RU0000188798U1

Извещатель охранный магнитоконтактный взрывозащищенный относится к области охранной сигнализации и предназначен для подачи электрического сигнала тревоги в системах охранно-пожарной сигнализации, и может использоваться для контроля положения перемещающихся частей конструкций и механизмов при выполнении различных технологических процессов во взрывоопасных зонах 1 и 2 классов по ГОСТ IEC МЭК 60079-10-1-2011.В извещателе охранном магнитоконтактном, содержащем коробчатый корпус с крышкой, обеспечивающей пылевлагозащиту, во внутренней полости которого закреплены геркон, подключенный к взрывозащищенной клеммной колодке, взрывозащищенный кабельный ввод, скрепленный с корпусом, корпус закреплен на одном из элементов контролируемого объекта в зоне действия магнита, помещенного в другой корпус и закрепленный на другом элементе контролируемого объекта, во внутренней полости корпуса с герконом размещены второй геркон, подключенный отдельно на клеммы клеммной колодки со вторым магнитом, скрепленную с крышкой пластину из магнитного материала, которая взаимодействует со вторым герконом и вторым магнитом таким образом, что магнитное поле второго магнита вызывает переключение второго геркона при перемещении этой пластины на величину открытия крышки, недостаточную для доступа к элементам извещателя. Кроме того, во внутренней полости корпуса с герконом размещены третий геркон, подключенный отдельно на клеммы клеммной колодки, с третьим магнитом, которые размещены во внутренней полости корпуса таким образом, что магнитное поле третьего магнита переключает третий геркон при приближении магнитопроводящей поверхности со стороны днища корпуса, и четвертый геркон, отделенный от первого геркона магнитным экраном, все герконы и магниты залиты компаундом таким образом, что компаунд обеспечивает их дополнительную взрывозащиту, но не затрагивает электрические контакты взрывозащищенной клеммной колодки, четвертый геркон подключен к взрывозащищенной клеммной колодке последовательно с первым ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Извещатель охранный магнитоконтактный

Номер: RU0000191575U1

Извещатель охранный магнитоконтактный относится к области охранной сигнализации, предназначен для подачи электрического сигнала тревоги в системах охранно-пожарной сигнализации и может использоваться для контроля положения перемещающихся частей конструкций и механизмов при выполнении различных технологических процессов.В извещателе охранном магнитоконтактном, содержащем корпус, в котором размещены геркон и датчики фиксации саботажных действий, выходные контакты которых замкнуты в дежурном режиме работы извещателя и разомкнуты в тревожном режиме, закрепленный на одном элементе контролируемого объекта в зоне действия магнита, закрепленного на другом элементе контролируемого объекта, корпус снабжен преобразователем сопротивления в электрический сигнал, к входу которого подключена электрическая цепь, состоящая из последовательно соединенных выходных контактов геркона, датчиков фиксации саботажных действий и первого резистора, а параллельно выходным контактам геркона и датчиков фиксации саботажных действий подключены свои дополнительные резисторы, сопротивление первого и каждого дополнительного резистора и сумма их возможных комбинаций соответствует однозначному уровню электрического сигнала. Также сопротивление первого резистора соответствует начальному уровню электрического сигнала, а сумма сопротивлений первого и всех дополнительных резисторов соответствует конечному уровню электрического сигнала. Кроме того, в качестве преобразователя сопротивления в электрический сигнал применен преобразователь сопротивления в унифицированный токовый сигнал с диапазоном 4-20 мА, который дополнительно способен осуществлять обмен информацией по HART-протоколу.Техническим результатом усовершенствования извещателя охранного магнитоконтактного является уменьшение количества проводов для подключения его в систему сигнализации объекта охраны, при сохранении информативности извещателя о воздействии на него саботажных действий. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 фиг. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 191 ...

14-12-2021 дата публикации

Извещатель магнитоконтактный

Номер: RU0000208340U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, в частности к электрическим переключателям, управляемым с помощью магнитного поля, и предназначена для использования в качестве извещателя в системах контроля относительного положения объектов. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является увеличение защиты герконового узла при внешних механических воздействиях, которое достигается за счет того, что извещатель магнитоконтактный, содержащий корпус, внутри которого располагается герконовый узел с печатной платой, по бокам слева и справа от герконового узла, прижатая к внутренним стенкам корпуса, располагается шайба, между печатной платой герконового узла и кабельным вводом расположено прижимное кольцо, поверх которого расположен уплотнитель, между шайбой и печатной платой герконового узла дополнительно располагается слой уплотнителя контакта, который с одной стороны плотно прилегает к контактам контактной площадки печатной платы, с другой стороны плотно прилегает к шайбе. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 340 U1 (51) МПК H01H 36/00 (2006.01) G08B 13/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01H 36/00 (2021.08); G08B 13/00 (2021.08); G08B 13/24 (2021.08); H01R 13/52 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021122857, 30.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Выставкин Олег Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 14.12.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 30.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 14.12.2021 Бюл. № 35 2 0 8 3 4 0 R U (54) ИЗВЕЩАТЕЛЬ МАГНИТОКОНТАКТНЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, в частности к электрическим переключателям, управляемым с помощью магнитного поля, и предназначена для использования в качестве извещателя в системах контроля относительного положения объектов. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является увеличение защиты герконового узла при внешних ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for switch-isolated power control of one or more communication devices

Номер: US20120050040A1
Принадлежит: SmartSynch Inc

In one or more embodiments, an intelligent communications device is disclosed. In one embodiment, a plurality of circuit boards are operative to perform communication functions in a network, where the device includes a first circuit board and a second circuit board. The device includes a first actuatable member that is operative to selectively activate circuitry on the second circuit board, where the first actuatable member has a toggle switch that is operative to disable power supplied to the second circuit board while the first circuit board retains power and is fully operative to perform communications functions. The device includes a second actuatable member that is operatively coupled to an enclosure and a detachable cover. The detachable cover is configured to raise an alert when an unauthorized entity attempts to access the circuitry.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Inferring Building Metadata From Distributed Sensors

Номер: US20120086568A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Inferring building metadata from distributed sensors is described. In an embodiment multiple sensors are situated at various locations in a building detecting physical quantities (e.g. light, heat, motion). The data from at least one sensor is analyzed in order to detect events occurring in proximity to the sensor. Data about an event detected at a first sensor is compared with events detected at other sensors in order to identify correlated events from which connections between the sensor locations can be inferred and a building layout generated. In some embodiments a threshold may be applied to the data in order to filter out false events. In some embodiments the building layout may be used as part of a building control system. In some embodiments the sensor data may be used to determine if the sensor has been moved.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

System For Multiple Layered Security Within A Cargo Container

Номер: US20120112902A1
Автор: Richard C. Meyers
Принадлежит: System Planning Corp

This invention describes layers of security sensors to determine the status of a container from point of departure to a final destination of the container. In particular, the present invention discloses the use of at least three levels of security applied to a single cargo container including an inductive sensor couples with an optical sensor to detect intrusions, a door switch sensor, and an RFID reader in communications with RFID tags embedded in the cargo and other sensors throughout the cargo hold. Security layering not only serves as a deterrent but also serves as an active defensive security system for establishing security “gates.”

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods of device-free motion detection and presence detection

Номер: US20120146788A1
Принадлежит: XANDEM Tech LLC

Systems and methods are provided for device-free motion detection and presence detection within an area of interest. A plurality of nodes, configured to be arranged around the area of interest, form a wireless network. The plurality of nodes transmit wireless signals as radio waves and receive transmitted wireless signals. The received signal strength (RSS) of the transmitted wireless signals between the plurality of nodes are measured and a value is reported. A computing device receives the reported values for the measured RSS and tracks the reported values over time. The computing device processes the reported values using an aggregate disturbance calculation to detect motion and presence within the area of interest. The computing device may notify notification device of a detected disturbance within the area of interest.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Fail-safe, programmable electronic communication transducer which, when attached to a padlock or security cable, signals the integrity of said padlock or security cable.

Номер: US20120154107A1
Автор: Robert William Dzuris
Принадлежит: Individual

The largest of padlocks or security cables are easily defeated with bolt cutters. Thieves can readily sever the shackle of a padlock or a cable and hook up a trailer loaded with an expensive boat or other expensive equipment; and be off with it. Since padlocks currently do not wirelessly excite deterrents such as audio or visual alarms or alert authorities, thieves can conduct their nefarious activities in stealth. The GOTCHA alerts loud audible alarms, flashing lights and can activate scrutiny systems as both a deterrent and a means of alerting the powers that be. The GOTCHA is portable, wireless, and impervious to the effects of weather; and its protection cannot be defeated by destroying it. The GOTCHA accessory makes a padlock a part of a security system.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Alarm system with two-way voice

Номер: US20120157034A1
Принадлежит: Alarm com Inc

Techniques are described for establishing a two-way voice communication session with an alarm system. The alarm system may establish a two-way voice communication session with an operator associated with a monitoring service that provides monitoring services for alarm events detected by the alarm system. The alarm system also may establish a two-way voice communication session with a notification recipient that is interested in receiving notifications associated with events detected by the alarm system.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Authenticated security system

Номер: US20120286929A1
Автор: Eric V. Kline
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for detecting intruders within a home or business. The apparatus may include a signal generation module that generates a signal pulse. At least a portion of the signal pulse is reflected off individuals within the space. The signal pulse also includes instructions for an RFID tag to send a response message. A first distance is measured between the individual and a position sensor using the reflected portion of the signal. A second distance is measured between the RFID tag and the RFID reader. If the distances are substantially equal, the individual is treated as authorized to be in the space. If the distances are not equal, or if no response is received from the RFID tag, the individual is treated as unauthorized and security measures are taken.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Energy Monitoring System and Method

Номер: US20120303554A1
Автор: Robert Osann, Jr.
Принадлежит: Strategic Design Federation W Inc

A portable energy monitoring point includes at least one power plug receptacle, each power plug receptacle operably coupled to a separate integral power sensor circuit. Each integral power sensor circuit is configured to determine an electrical current drawn by an electrical load connected to the corresponding at least one power plug receptacle. An integral digital communications circuit is configured to wirelessly transmit to a remote device a power consumption for each of the at least one power plug receptacles. The power consumption is derived from the electrical current drawn by the electrical load connected to the corresponding at least one power plug receptacle.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Data processing apparatus

Номер: US20120320095A1
Принадлежит: IPSOTEK LTD

A method of configuring data processing apparatus for automatically determining the real size of an object in an image of a scene is provided. The method includes responding to user input by displaying in the image of the scene displayed on the display screen a virtual object representative of a real size object to establish a first datum position, and storing data defining the first datum position; varying a size of the virtual object in the image; storing data representative of a horizontal and vertical size of the virtual object relative to the displayed image at the first datum position; displaying said virtual object at a second datum position in said image; varying the size of the virtual object on the display screen at the second datum position; and storing data representative of the vertical and horizontal size of the virtual object at the second datum position.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Detecting a Security Breach of an Electronic Device

Номер: US20130024952A1
Автор: Clas Sivertsen
Принадлежит: Clas Sivertsen

A system and method for detecting a security breach of an electronic device are provided. The system includes a sensor assembly having at least one IR LED which outputs IR light, and an IR sensor which detects the IR light output by the IR LED and outputs corresponding IR detection signals. The system further includes a processor which generates an IR profile of an interior of the enclosure with reference to the IR detection signals output by the IR sensor. The processor determines that there has been a security breach of the enclosure at least in response to detecting IR activity in the enclosure from the IR detection signals that does not correspond to the IR profile. Output signals from a various other sensors may be used to confirm whether the security breach has occurred.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Door blocker with wireless attack sensor

Номер: US20130076513A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A door blocker includes a wireless transmitter coupled to a forced entry sensor. In response to sensing a stressed blocking element the transmitter emits an alarm indicator. At the same time, the blocking element continues to limit movement of the door relative to the frame to exclude an intruder.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099926A1
Автор: Peterson Diane L.

A method for protecting an advertising sign from weathering conditions is disclosed. The method includes the operation of providing a frame configured to hold a plurality of sign segments, the sign segments having a front side and a back side each configured to carry graphical images. The front and back sides of each sign segment can be covered with a substantially transparent covering configured to enable each sign segment to be essentially undamaged by weathering effects for a period of at least seven years. The plurality of sign segments can be configured to be stacked on top of one another within the frame. The frame can be configured to enable removal and replacement of one or more of the plurality of sign segments. 1. A sign system comprising ,a frame having a slot formed in a side thereof;a sign segment sized and shaped to fit within the slot in the frame;a lock on the frame configured to extend through at least a portion of the frame in a locked position to prevent the sign segment from moving out of the slot;a security system in communication with the frame configured to detect a security breach in an area proximal to the frame; anda transmitter in the frame and configured to transmit a signal to a user when the security breach is detected.2. A sign system as in claim 1 , wherein the security system is configured to detect a breach in security of the frame or the sign segment claim 1 , or of a house proximal to the frame claim 1 , the security system being at least partially located within the house.3. A sign system as in claim 1 , further comprising a camera supported by the frame and configured to capture an image of the area proximal to the frame to identify a source of the security breach.4. A sign system as in claim 1 , wherein the transmitter is configured to transmit a request to a satellite to capture a satellite image of the area proximal to the frame claim 1 , the sign system further comprising a receiver configured to receive the satellite image ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Assembly for protecting an item against theft including a marking device having a variable display

Номер: US20130118043A1
Автор: Favier Alain, Lodi Tamas
Принадлежит: EXAQTWORLD

An assembly for protecting an item against theft, includes a device () for marking the item with a view to identifying same, the device including an area () for displaying information, a storage medium () in which data to be displayed is stored, elements () for selecting data from the storage medium () to be displayed in the display area (), wherein the protection assembly includes a member () for attaching the assembly to the item to be protected or to the packaging thereof. 1. An assembly for protecting an item against theft , characterized in that it includes a device for marking the item so that it can be identified , the marking device including an information viewing zone , a support for information to be viewed , means for selecting information from the support that is to be viewed in the viewing zone , the protection assembly including means of attaching the assembly to the item that is to be protected or the packaging thereof.2. The protection assembly as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that it includes a complementary device and means of assembling the two devices with one another and of locking them in the assembled position claim 1 , the marking device and/or the complementary device including the means of attachment to the item or to the packaging thereof.3. The protection assembly as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the information support is a support including a plurality of printed information regions claim 1 , the information selection means being able to select one or more information regions to be viewed in the viewing zone claim 1 , the other information regions being hidden.4. The protection assembly as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the marking device includes an information display window where at least part of the window is transparent and constitutes the information viewing zone so that the selected information region or regions is or are visible through the at least one transparent window part.5. The protection ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152681A1

A sensor for an intrusion detection fence of a taut wires type and a method implemented in its operation, wherein the sensor is a tri-axes accelerometer that is installed on the sensors' pole of the fence while inclined relative to the fence taut wire unto which it is connected, and the sensor is connected to fence taut wire via a movement converting means such that from an instance of biasing the taut wire as happens when an intrusion attempt through it occurs, the movement converting means converts the movement of the taut wire unto a rotational movement of the sensor that is amenable to be sensed in all of its three axes. 1. An intrusion detection fence of a taut wires type that comprises—a couple of anchoring poles that are positioned at a distance one from another; and—wires that are stretched taut between said two anchoring poles; and—at least one sensors' pole that is located between said anchoring poles; and—at least one sensor that is installed on said sensors' pole and that is linked with at least one of said taut wires for sensing phenomena that accompanies an attempted intrusion through said fence; and—wherein said intrusion detection fence is characterized by that—said sensor is a tri-axes accelerometer that is installed on said sensors' pole wherein it is inclined relative to said taut wire unto which it is connected; and—said sensor is connected to said taut wire via a movement converting means such that from an instance of biasing said taut wire as happens when an intrusion attempt through it occurs, converts a movement of said taut wire unto a rotational movement of said sensor that is amenable to be sensed in all of its three axes.2. An intrusion detection fence in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said sensor is inclined in a spatial position relative to said taut wire unto which it is connected claim 1 , and this in each and every one of its three axes.4. An intrusion detection fence in accordance with claim 3 , wherein said springy axis means ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169440A1
Принадлежит: Pataco AG

A securing device for attachment of an object () which is to be secured. The securing device has a housing with a base plate and a lid as well as an apparatus for generating an alarm when the securing device is removed from the object without authorization. The securing device has an open and closed state. In the closed state the base plate and the lid can be locked to one another by a lock. The apparatus for generating an alarm comprises a mechanical sensor and/or an optical sensor In the closed state the mechanical sensor can detect contact with the object by the base plate and can react to a loss of contact with the object. In the closed state the optical sensor emits light through the base plate, and can sense reflections of this light from the object through the base plate and can react to changes in these reflections. 1. A securing device for attachment to an object that is to be secured , wherein the securing device comprises a housing with a base plate and a lid as well as an apparatus for generating an alarm when the securing device is removed from the object without authorization , wherein the securing device has an open state and a closed state , and wherein in the closed state said base plate and said lid can be locked to one another by a lock , said lock having a locking condition and a releasing condition , wherein the apparatus for generating an alarm comprises a mechanical and/or an optical sensor , wherein the mechanical sensor in the closed state through the base plate can detect contact with the object and respond to loss of contact with the object , and wherein the optical sensor emits light through the base plate , can detect reflections of the light from the object through the base plate , and can react to changes in the reflections.2. The securing device according to claim 1 , wherein a hinge removably connects the base plate and the lid to one another.3. The securing device according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanical sensor comprises a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182382A1
Автор: EHRMAN Dov, VARDI Eyal Dov
Принадлежит: TechIP International Limited

A tamper alert band is provided that includes a strap with conductive and non-conductive elements or layers. The tamper alert band includes an electronic or RFID device that is configured to communicate with RFID readers and/or exciters. The strap may be a single unitary body that has a conductive layer and a non-conductive layer 1. A band adapted for affixation around a human extremity , said band comprising:a non-conductive layer integrally formed with an electrically conductive layer, the electrically conductive layer extending at an extended end beyond the non-conductive layer, the electrically conductive layer including an interruption area located between opposite lengthwise ends of the band; andan electronic circuit disposed within said band and electrically connected to said conductive layer at each side of said interruption area,wherein, when wrapped around a human extremity, said extended end of the conductive layer overlaps and contacts an opposite end portion of the conductive layer to create an electrically conductive layer path via said electronic circuit.2. The band of claim 1 , further comprising:a fastening buckle disposed on said extended end of the conductive layer, said buckle including at least one movable pin configured to physically interconnect the band ends through at least one hole located at an opposing end portion of the band.3. The band of claim 1 , wherein the electronic circuit is disposed within a cavity formed in a central area of the non-conductive layer.4. The band of claim 3 , further comprising a plug disposed over the electronic circuit and into the cavity.5. The band of claim 1 , wherein the band is formed of rubber and the conductive layer includes carbon-loaded rubber.6. The band of claim 1 , wherein the electronic circuit includes a data processor configured to send a wireless alert when said conductive layer path is interrupted.7. An apparatus adapted for secure affixation around a human extremity via a flexible ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187617A1
Автор: THAM Krister

A battery powered electronic device () is protected from being stolen in connection with battery charging. A method comprises establishing a connection with an electric charging device (), entering a locked mode of operation, where the locked mode of operation comprises monitoring an existence of an unlock signal and monitoring an existence of the connection with the electric charging device, and performing a protective action in response to a non-existence of the signaling connection and a non-existence of the unlock signal. 1. A method in a battery powered electronic device for protecting the device from being stolen in connection with battery charging , the method comprising:establishing a connection with an electric charging device,entering a locked mode of operation, where the locked mode of operation comprises monitoring an existence of an unlock signal and monitoring an existence of the connection with the electric charging device, andperforming a protective action in response to a non-existence of the connection and a non-existence of the unlock signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the establishing of the connection with the electric charging device comprises establishing a signaling connection, andthe monitoring of an existence of the connection with the electric charging device comprises monitoring an existence of the signaling connection.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the establishing of the connection with the electric charging device comprises receiving electric charge from the electric charging device, andthe monitoring of an existence of the connection with the electric charging device comprises monitoring an existence of electric charge reception.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the monitoring of an existence of an unlock signal comprises any of:monitoring reception of an identification code; ormonitoring reception of any of a voice detection signal, a face recognition signal and a biometric recognition signal.5. The method of claim 1 , ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Anti-piracy system for the maritime navigation in critical areas, and device for data extraction from on board sensors

Номер: US20130215272A1
Принадлежит: Selex Sistemi Integrati SpA

The invention concerns a maritime anti-piracy system, for the recognition of suspect watercrafts around one or more co-operating ships to be protected. The system includes a shore-based control system having one or more centres, geographically distributed, with shore sensors for detecting watercrafts surveillance data. The system also includes a central station for collecting and elaborating watercrafts surveillance data and a bi-directional communication network between the one or more centres and the central station, in such a way that the central station be able to send commands to the shore-based sensors. The system also includes a communication system between the one or more centres and the one or more co-operating ships to be protected.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Alarm system and method of communicating with alarm system

Номер: US20130222132A1

A portable alarm system includes a wireless receiver configured to receive signals from remote wireless devices and a processor in communication with the wireless receiver, wherein the processor is configured to receive the signals from the wireless receiver. The system further includes an intelligent communications interface in communication with the processor, the intelligent communications interface being configured to receive and translate into wireless digital data at least a portion of the signals from the processor, and transmit the wireless digital data to an external location. 133-. (canceled)34. An alarm system , comprising:a wireless receiver configured to receive alarm data in the form of wireless signals from at least one sensor;a processor in communication with said wireless receiver, said processor being configured to receive said alarm data from said wireless receiver;an electronic circuit in communication with said processor and being configured to be able to receive said alarm data from said processor and to be able to translate at least a portion of said alarm data into wireless digital data;a radio configured to wirelessly transmit said wireless digital data to a mobile electronic device and to receive control data in the form of wireless signals from said mobile electronic device; andsaid processor being configured to be able to control at least one function of said alarm system based at least in part on said control data.35. The alarm system of claim 34 , wherein said sensor is chosen from the group consisting of: (i) a motion sensor claim 34 , (ii) a door sensor claim 34 , (iii) a window sensor and (iv) a fire sensor.36. The alarm system of claim 34 , wherein said wireless digital data is packet-based data.37. The alarm system of claim 34 , wherein said wireless digital data is of one of the following formats: (i) SMS; (ii) MMS; and (iii) GPRS.38. The alarm system of claim 34 , wherein said electronic circuit is a microprocessor.39. The alarm ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Door alarm system and alarming method thereof

Номер: US20130235207A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An alarming method includes: capturing images around a door; determining whether a user has passed through the door by analyzing the captured images; detecting whether the door is closed after determining that the user has passed through the door; and executing an alarm operation to alarm the user to close the door after determining that the user has passed through the door and the door is opened. A door alarm system is also described.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241729A1
Принадлежит: Absolute Software Corporation

A system and method for controlling the surveillance conducted by lost or stolen electronic devices dependent upon the location of such electronic devices is provided. A data repository contains data that specifies, for each of a plurality of geographic regions (e.g. legal jurisdictions), a set of surveillance methods that are permissible in the respective region. At least some of the geographic regions have different respective sets of permissible surveillance methods than others. A computer system is operable to communicate with the devices over a computer network, and programmed to use received information regarding a location of a potentially lost or stolen device, in combination with the data in the computer data repository, to cause the potentially lost or stolen device to initiate surveillance according to the set of permissible surveillance methods (and/or other actions) corresponding to the location. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for facilitating recovery of stolen devices , comprising:maintaining, in computer storage, data that specifies, for each of a plurality of geographic regions, a set of surveillance methods that are permissible in the respective region, wherein at least some of the geographic regions have different respective sets of permissible surveillance methods than others;detecting that an electronic device is reported as stolen;determining, based on information recorded by the electronic device, a geographic region in which the electronic device is located; andin connection with detecting that the electronic device is reported as stolen, causing the electronic device to initiate surveillance using the set of permissible surveillance methods corresponding to the geographic region in which the electronic device is located, such that the electronic device monitors a potential thief during use of the electronic device in compliance with surveillance rules corresponding to the geographic region.11. The method of claim 10 , further comprising causing ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247661A1

A sensor for an intrusion detection fence of a taut wires type and a method implemented in its operation, wherein the sensor is a multi-axes accelerometer that is installed on the sensors' pole of the fence while inclined relative to the fence taut wire unto which it is connected, and the sensor is connected to fence taut wire via a movement converting means such that from an instant of loading the taut wire as happens when an intrusion attempt through it occurs, the movement converting means converts the movement of the taut wire unto a rotational movement of the sensor that is amenable to be sensed in at least two axes. 1. An intrusion detection fence of a taut wires type that comprises—a couple of anchoring poles that are positioned at a distance one from another; and—wires that are stretched taut between said two anchoring poles; and—at least one sensors' pole that is located between said anchoring poles; and—at least one sensor that is installed on said sensors' pole and that is linked with at least one of said taut wires for sensing phenomena that accompanies an attempted intrusion through said fence; and—wherein said intrusion detection fence is characterized by that—said sensor is a multi-axes accelerometer that is installed on said sensors' pole and connected to said taut wire via a movement converting means such that from an instant of loading said taut wire as happens when an intrusion attempt through it occurs, converts a movement of said taut wire unto a movement of said sensor that is amenable to be sensed by at least two of its axes.2. The intrusion detection fence in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein said intrusion detection fence is characterized by that—said sensor is a tri-axes accelerometer that is installed on said sensors' pole wherein it is inclined relative to said taut wire unto which it is connected; and—wherein said movement converting means converts a movement of said taut wire unto a rotational movement of said sensor that is amenable to ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus having a housing, with intrusion detection

Номер: US20130249691A1

An embodiment of an apparatus has a closed housing accommodating an element to be protected, and a pressure sensor coupled to a control unit configured to detect pressure variations within the housing upon opening the housing. The control unit is configured to activate countermeasures upon detecting opening of the housing. For example, the apparatus may be a set-top box, a cell phone, a television set, a printer ink cartridge of toner cartridge, or a meter, wherein the element to be protected is a semiconductor chip and relevant couplings, storing an enabling code or key.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Temporary security bypass method and apparatus

Номер: US20130257611A1
Принадлежит: Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc

A method, system, and apparatus for temporarily disarming a barrier alarm in a security system is described. In one embodiment, a method for temporarily disarming a barrier alarm is described, comprising receiving an indication to disarm the barrier alarm, the indication generated at the barrier alarm by a user, disarming the barrier alarm in response to receiving the indication, re-arming the barrier alarm upon the occurrence of a predetermined condition.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Security Film

Номер: US20130265161A1

A tamper indication device has a film attached and connected within the circuit that generates a signal in response to a tamper event. The tamper indication device can be incorporated into a bullet proof vest. The sensor circuit in the bullet proof vest does not only detect a bullet strike but also determines the location of the strike base in the sensor zone where the sensor zone has been struck. This circuitry includes a cell phone module with a built in GPS sensor for supplying GPS coordinates and communicating by dispatcher with the vest wearer's name and other identifying information. 1. A device for monitoring and indicating when a flexible film has been tampered , penetrated or compromised by an unauthorized individual , fire or structural failure at a time of the tampering , comprising:a device having a flexible indication film of less than 1 percent stretchability attached thereto and connected within a circuit that generates a signal in response to a tamper event, penetration or having been compromised by fire or structural failure; said indication film is incorporated in at least one of one or more corners, a ceiling, a wall or a floor of a building anda transponder for receiving said signal which generates an output signal to a display or data collection device and transceiver.2. The device according to wherein said film has printed ink or traces thereon to provide for electrical communication with the transponder and further comprising a protective coating to ensure that the ink/traces remain intact unless actual tampering has occurred.3. The device according to wherein said protective coating is RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanizing) material applied uniformly over said printed ink or traces printed on said film.4. The device according to wherein instead of printed ink/traces claim 2 , an etched copper circuit is placed through and underneath the film laminate and the protective material for the etched copper circuit is dielectric material housing covering ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Using Alarm System Zones for Remote Objects

Номер: US20130278410A1
Принадлежит: Numerex Corp

An alarm system for monitoring a local premises and multiple remote objects is described. The system includes sensors in the local premises, an alarm panel connected to the sensors in the local premises, and remote objects having alarm systems in communication with the alarm panel. The remote objects are assigned a zone in the alarm panel to represent the remote object, such that an alarm condition at the remote object is reported as an alarm condition in the assigned zone.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

System for advanced security management

Номер: US20130307682A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system receives input from a plurality of sensors in a security management system. The input relates to two or more events. The input is stored in a database. A correlation between the two or more events is determined. A priority is dynamically assigned to the two or more events, and the correlation, the priority, and information relating to the two or more events are reported to a system user.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Tailgating detection

Номер: US20130314232A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Methods, systems, and computer-readable media for tailgating detection are described herein. One method includes collecting, via a computing device, access log data associated with a profile; processing, by a processor coupled to the computing device, the access log data to obtain a statistical access model; detecting, by the processor, a tailgating sequence based on the statistical access model; and providing, by the processor, a notification that the tailgating sequence has occurred.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Wireless Tracking and Monitoring Electronic Seal

Номер: US20130314233A1
Автор: Stevens Timothy Dirk

An electronic security seal (e-Seal) is disclosed. The e-Seal monitors security of shipments including intermodal containers, reports tampers in real-time, monitors environmental status of goods and reports exceptions in real-time, and reports the location of the shipment with high frequency. The security monitoring complies with the ISO 17712 standard, adding electronic real-time reporting of tamper time and location and LED tamper indication. The e-Seal can be manufactured and operated at low cost due to diagnostic and logistic features. The e-Seal supports low cost upgrades due to a modular architecture allowing a plug-in update of separate functions. The e-Seal allows flexible usage across supply chain tradelanes, due to highly programmable operation including over-the-air remote programming via wireless communications. The e-Seal provides low power operation to save battery usage and lower costs. 1. An electronic seal , comprising:a security mechanism configured for attaching to a physical asset;a battery fuel gauge configured to monitor a capacity of a battery of the electronic seal;a navigation system configured to determine a location fix for the electronic seal according to a time interval;a processor coupled to the battery fuel gauge and the navigation system, the processor configured to determine if the batter capacity detected by the battery fuel gauge is below a threshold value and to adjust the location fix time interval when the battery capacity is below the threshold value andthe processor having a security interface coupled to the security mechanism, the processor configured for detecting a security event associated with the electronic seal or the physical asset, and for generating a security status in response to the detecting.2. The electronic seal of claim 1 , where the security mechanism is a bolt seal.3. The electronic seal of claim 1 , where the security mechanism is an indicative seal.4. The electronic seal of claim 1 , where the security ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Theft deterrent system for product display device

Номер: US20130327733A1
Автор: Louis Csak
Принадлежит: Mechtronics Corp

A product display includes a wall member and a support surface coupled to the wall. Merchandise is displayed on the surface. At least one security support arm is pivotally coupled to the support surface and rotates about an axis. A security bar is coupled to the security support arm and extends over at least a portion of the merchandise. A warning device is coupled to the security support arm and activates to provide a warning as the support arm and the security bar rotate between a plurality of positions. The positions provide a multi-stage notification including a first position where no warning is provided, a second position where a first stage warning is provided, and a third position where a second stage warning is provided.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335222A1

A door lock mechanism is disclosed that includes door lock and alarm features. The mechanism includes a controller and a sensor useful to detect motions that are representative of attempted access through a door to which the door lock mechanism is attached. The controller can set an alarm condition if a measured motion, such as a measured acceleration, meet and/or exceeds a threshold. If an appropriate access control credential is provided through a user device then the alarm condition may not be set by the controller. The door lock mechanism can be coupled to a remote station via a communications link if needed, such as a radio frequency link. The remote station can additionally be in communication with the door lock mechanism via a network. The remote station can be used to send and receive messages regarding door lock mechanism status, configuration, etc. 1. An apparatus comprising:a door lock mechanism structured to operate a lock that permits entry through a door and configured to be installed with a door panel;a sensor coupled to the door lock mechanism and operable to detect motion of the door, the sensor also operable to output a data signal representative of motion;a user input device structured to receive an authentication from an authorized user; anda controller in communication with the sensor and coupled to the lock, the controller operable to analyze the data signal representative of motion and trigger an alarm if the data signal satisfies an alarm condition and the authentication is not received by the controller.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the data signal includes one of an acceleration value claim 1 , a wake-up message claim 1 , an intrusion threshold alarm.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an accelerometer and the motion is an acceleration.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the intrusion threshold alarm includes one of a tamper mode and a kick-in mode.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the authentication is ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009288A1

A window safety and security device detects unauthorized movement of a double-hung window upon which the device is installed and communicates an alarm in response to the detecting. The device includes a single, high-powered suction cup with a housing configured to be removably attached to an inside glass pane of a first sash of the double-hung window formed with a first and a second sash, a first electrical switch including an actuator that toggles the switch contacts between an open or non-conducting state to a closed or conducting state when armed (powered) in a case where part of the window contacts and depresses the actuator. The device also includes a light or buzzer, which are activated when the first switch is caused to conduct. Preferably, a second electrical switch is included for “arming” and “disarming” the device. 1. A window safety and security device for detecting unauthorized movement of a double-hung window , a sliding window , or a door upon which the safety and security device is installed and communicating an alarm in response to the detecting , comprising:a single, high-powered suction cup with a housing, the suction cup configured to be removably attached to an inside glass pane of a first sash of a double-hung window, a sliding window, or a door comprising a first and a second sash;a first electrical switch disposed in, on or affixed to the suction cup housing including an actuator that toggles the switch contacts between an open or non-conducting (“off”) state to closed or conducting (“on”) state, when powered, if window movement causes part of the window to contact and depress the actuator and toggle the switch to the closed or conducting state; andmeans for communicating an alarm condition disposed in, on or affixed to the suction cup housing, if the second electrical switch is toggled to the conducting state.2. The window safety and security device as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a second electrical switch disposed in claim 1 , ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009289A1
Автор: Berger Michael

A system to provide an always-on embedded anti-theft protection for a platform is described. In one embodiment, the system comprises a motion detector to detect movement of the platform, a pairing logic to pair the platform with an other device, the other device reached via a network connection, and an arming logic to arm the platform, when an arming command is received. The system further comprises, in one embodiment, a risk behavior logic to detect a potential problem when the platform is armed, the potential problem differentiated based on the movement of the platform and a proximity of the other device, and a core logic component to provide logic to analyze the potential problem, and to move the platform to a suspecting state, when the potential problem indicates a theft suspicion. 1. A system to provide an always-on embedded anti-theft protection for a platform , the system comprising:a motion detector to detect movement of the platform;a pairing logic to pair the platform with an other device, the other device reached via a network connection;an arming logic to arm the platform, when an arming command is received;a risk behavior logic to detect a potential problem when the platform is armed, the potential problem differentiated based on the movement of the platform and a proximity of the other device;a core logic component to provide logic to analyze the potential problem, and to move the platform to a suspecting state, when the potential problem indicates a theft suspicion, a combination of the motion detector and the risk behavior logic enabling the system to protect an in-transit platform while also permitting a user to walk away from a stationary platform.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the arming command comprises an initial manual trigger and loss of proximity to the other device.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the manual trigger activates a proximity detector to track proximity with the paired device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the theft ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009290A1
Автор: Vogt Eric
Принадлежит: eProvenance, LLC

Systems and methods of securing chattels are provided. Motion of a first container can be measured by a sensor over an interval of time and compared to motion of a second container. A relative difference between the motion of the first container and the motion of the second container over the interval of time can be calculated by a data processing circuit. A determination can be made by the data processing circuit that the relative difference in motion of the containers exceeds a predetermined threshold. An alert that the threshold has been exceeded can be transmitted by a transmitting circuit to a remote server. A SIM card and a modem can be associated with a container. Information corresponding to the location and identification of the SIM card can be received by the modem. The location and identification information can be transmitted by the modem to a remote server. 1. A method of determining that a relative difference in motion of at least two containers in a shipment exceeds a predetermined threshold , the method comprising:measuring, by a computing device fixed to a first container, motion of the first container over an interval of time;receiving, by the computing device, information corresponding to motion of a second container over the interval of time;calculating, by the computing device, a relative difference between the motion of the first container and the motion of the second container over the interval of time;determining that the calculated relative difference in motion of the containers exceeds a predetermined threshold; andtransmitting, by the computing device to a remote server, information corresponding to an alert that the calculated difference exceeds the predetermined threshold, responsive to the determination.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of iterating the measuring claim 1 , receiving claim 1 , calculating claim 1 , determining claim 1 , and transmitting steps one or more times during shipment.3. The method of claim 2 ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Cognitive Security System and Method

Номер: US20140070947A1
Автор: Ionson James Albert

A cognitive system and method for predicting and detecting security breaches is provided which yields cognitive inputs to a security management interface accessible by a human operator. The system utilizes symbolic cognitive architectures and inference processing algebras allowing the system to respond to open, incomplete, and/or unknown problem domains, offering flexibility in the case of unexpected changes in the security environment. The system is also capable of intelligently, and in real-time, adapting security peripheral configurations to further probe and analyze the real-time security environment, provided real-time data that can be processed with symbolic cognitive architectures and inference process algebras enabling the identification of new and emerging threat profiles leading to the prediction and detection of security breaches. 1. A cognitive security system for predicting and detecting security breaches , comprising:means for executing cognitive analysis of data representing the current state of security, learning from experiences as data and knowledge are accumulated, accepting direction, being aware of its own behavior, responding to unexpected changes in security environments, and combinations thereof; utilizing techniques that simulate the cognitive processing abilities of the human brain;means for providing security awareness to the system by collecting data from security peripheral configurations comprising at least one security data collection device and analyzing, fusing, processing, and combinations thereof the data to detect and identify events associated with threat profiles characteristic of security breaches; andmeans for managing, sorting, organizing, prioritizing and combinations thereof the results of cognitive analysis of data; helping human operators manage and interpret the results of the cognitive analysis of data comprising visualization of the security state, threat assessment information, alerts, and combinations thereof.2. The ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

System and method of overriding a scheduled task in an intrusion system to reduce false alarms

Номер: US20140082623A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods of overriding a scheduled task in an intrusion system are provided. A method can include identifying a task scheduled to be executed at a scheduled time, identifying a recipient of an alert message for the task, identifying a transmission medium for the alert message for the task, identifying a predetermined period of time prior to the scheduled time, transmitting the alert message to the recipient via the transmission medium when the predetermined period of time prior to the scheduled time occurs, receiving a response message from the recipient, and, based on contents of the response message, executing the task at the scheduled time, canceling the task at the scheduled time, or rescheduling the task for a new scheduled time. The method can confirm receipt of a valid user password before executing, canceling, or rescheduling the task.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Security arrangement and method therfor

Номер: US20140085088A1

The present invention relates to a security arrangement () comprising: a housing (); a sensor arrangement () arranged in said housing; a camera device () arranged in said housing; and a communication unit () arranged in said housing; wherein said sensor arrangement is configured to detect movement of a door () being monitored by said security arrangement and said security arrangement is configured to in response to detection of movement of said door activate said camera device and take a picture, and wherein said security arrangement is configured to transmit a taken picture to a contact list utilizing said communication unit. 1. A security arrangement comprising:a housing;a sensor arrangement arranged in said housing;a camera device arranged in said housing; anda communication unit arranged in said housing;wherein said sensor arrangement is configured to detect movement of a door being monitored by said security arrangement and said security arrangement is configured to in response to detection of movement of said door activate said camera device and take a picture, andwherein said security arrangement is configured to transmit a taken picture to a contact list utilizing said communication unit.2. The security arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor arrangement is configured to transmit a notification to said contact list utilizing said communication unit when no movement of said door has been detected during a predetermined period of time.3. The security arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor arrangement is configured to monitor motion in an area at said security arrangement claim 1 , and said security arrangement is configured to transmit a notification to said contact list utilizing said communication unit when no motion in said area has been detected during a predetermined period of time.4. The security arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said security arrangement is mobile unit claim 1 , which is attached to said door ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091930A1
Принадлежит: VERIFONE, INC.

A data entry device including a housing formed of at least two portions, data entry circuitry located within the housing, at least one case-open switch assembly operative to sense when the housing is opened and tamper indication circuitry operative to receive an input from the at least one case-open switch assembly and to provide an output indication of possible tampering with the data entry circuitry located within the housing, the at least one case-open switch assembly including an arrangement of electrical contacts including at least first, second and third contacts and a displaceable conductive element, the tamper indication circuitry and the third contact together being operative such that when the third contact is short circuited to at least one of the first contact, the second contact and another contact, an output indication of possible tampering is provided. 1. A data entry device comprising:a housing formed of at least two portions;data entry circuitry located within said housing;at least one case-open switch assembly operative to sense when said housing is opened; andtamper indication circuitry operative to receive an input from said at least one case-open switch assembly and to provide an output indication of possible tampering with said data entry circuitry located within said housing,said at least one case-open switch assembly including an arrangement of electrical contacts including at least first, second and third contacts and a displaceable conductive element, which defines a short circuit between said first and second contacts only when said housing is closed,said third contact being arranged between said first and second contacts and said displaceable conductive element so as to normally not be short circuited to said first and second contacts when said housing is closed,said tamper indication circuitry and said third contact together being operative such that when said third contact is short circuited to at least one of said first contact, said ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001581A1

Systems, methods, and computer-readable storage media for dynamically adjusting sensors for use in compactors and receptacles. A receptacle first sends a signal from a transmitter on a first module in a receptacle to a receiver on a second module in the receptacle, wherein the first module is located on a first inner wall of the receptacle and the second module is located on a second inner wall of the receptacle, and wherein at least part of the first module and the second module is located a distance above a bin inside the receptacle. Next, the receptacle determines a signal-detection characteristic including a signal detection status or a number of signal pulses associated with a signal detection. Based on the signal-detection characteristic, the receptacle determines an operating condition of the receptacle, the operating condition including a fullness level or an obstruction level associated with the first or second sensors. 1. A method comprising:controlling, via a controller, an operation of a lower sensor and an upper sensor configured in a storage receptacle;determining a current operating condition of the storage receptacle, the current operating condition comprising at least one of a fullness level associated with a bin in the storage receptacle and an obstruction level associated with at least one of the lower sensor and the upper sensor; anddeactivating, as instructed by the controller and based on the current operating condition of the storage receptacle, the lower sensor and activating the upper sensor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the deactivating is based at least in part on at least one of a volume of contents in the bin claim 1 , a height of the contents inside the bin claim 1 , an energy mode claim 1 , a power storage level claim 1 , an amount of outside light claim 1 , and obstacle levels associated with at least one of the lower sensor and the upper sensor.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting a signal from the lower ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Security Sensor

Номер: US20190001863A1
Автор: Curtis Taylor
Принадлежит: Process4 Inc

A device and method are disclosed for sensing the tension of a securing member and generating a signal indicative of a loose securing member when the tension of the securing member drops below a threshold level. The device can further include features for detection of tampering with either the device itself or the tensioning members.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005334A1
Автор: Grennan Robert Kevin

A security system and apparatus for a home or business is provided. The security system has a sensor connected to a liquid dispenser. The sensor is triggered upon the breaking of glass or a door of a building. The liquid dispenser, when activated, dispenses a non-toxic liquid marker. The liquid dispenser sprays a mist of the liquid on the intruder so that the intruder may be easily identified. 1) A security system is provided comprising:a dispensing pipe wherein the dispensing pipe has at least one opening;a sensor wherein the sensor is attached to a window or a door; anda liquid located within the dispensing pipe wherein the liquid is dispensed from the dispensing pipe upon the sensor being activated by a break in the window or door.2) The security system of wherein the liquid is a paint or dye.3) The security system of wherein the paint or dye is fluorescent.4) The security system of wherein the dispensing pipe is located directly above claim 1 , below or on the side of the window or door.5) The security system of further comprising:a reservoir having an interior wherein the liquid is located in the reservoir prior to being dispensed from the dispensing pipe; anda tube connecting the reservoir to the dispensing pipe.6) The security system of further comprising:a control panel electrically connected to the dispensing pipe for programing the dispensing pipe.7) The security system of wherein the dispensed liquid is uniquely formulated to identify a specific control panel.8) The security system of wherein a non-liquid component is added to the liquid.9) The security system of wherein the non-liquid component is glitter.10) A security system is provided comprising:a floor unit pad wherein the floor unit pad has at least one opening;a sensor wherein the sensor is attached to the floor unit pad; anda liquid located within the floor unit wherein the liquid is dispensed from the floor unit pad upon the sensor being activated by being stepped on by a person.11) The security ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004686A1

A security sensor including a processor, communication module, antenna, and tamper detection circuit, wherein the sensor is configured to detect tampering based at least in part on a difference between an electrical characteristic of a first signal and the electrical characteristic of a second signal. 1. A method for detecting unauthorized tampering with a security sensor including a processor , an antenna and a detection circuit , the method comprising the steps:(a) transmitting a first signal;(b) measuring a first electrical characteristic of the first signal;(c) generating a second signal when an object is in close proximity to the sensor;(d) measuring a second electrical characteristic of the second signal; and(e) determining whether a difference between the first electrical characteristic and the second electrical characteristic is greater than or equal to a tamper threshold.2. The method of further comprising the step of:(f) generating an alarm signal if the difference between the first electrical characteristic the second electrical characteristic is greater than or equal to a tamper threshold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first electrical characteristic and the second electrical characteristic comprise a voltage.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tamper threshold is adjustable.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the tamper threshold is adjustable based at least in part on at least one environmental factor.6. A security sensor comprising:a processor;a communication module in electrical communication with the processor, the communication module configured to transmit a first signal;an antenna in communication with the communication module; anda tamper detection circuit in communication with the processor, the tamper detection circuit configured to generate a second signal and measure a first electrical characteristic of the first signal and a second electrical characteristic of the second signal;wherein the processor is configured to determine ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Mobile rfid container and distribution method

Номер: US20180004988A1
Принадлежит: Promega Corp

A transportable container is enabled with radio frequency identification (“RFID”) technologies to maintain automated inventory levels of those items that are inside the container. The inventory data is communicated via wireless methods, such as cellular or Wi-Fi, to a remote device such as enterprise resource planning (“ERP”) system. The ERP system may use the inventory data received from the remote device to automatically update appropriately and generate appropriate records (e.g., container inventory, restocking, invoicing, etc.). In some embodiments, automated RFID scans are triggered when the container is opened and subsequently closed. The container may include RF containment/screening to prevent inadvertent scanning of RFID tags outside of the container. The container may also include a location device to allow the location of the container to be readily determined.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005036A1

An intelligent door lock system is coupled to a door at a dwelling. A first sensor is at the dwelling. The first sensor is coupled to a drive shaft of a lock device to assist in locking and unlocking a lock of a lock device at a door. The lock device is coupled to the first sensor and the lock device includes a bolt. An engine, an energy source and a memory are coupled together. A magnetic sensor provides a reading or measurement used to determine a door open or closed status. 1. An apparatus to be coupled to a door having a door lock , the apparatus comprising:a housing;a motor disposed at least partially within the housing to drive a rod of the door lock to lock and unlock the door lock;at least one wireless communication circuit disposed at least partially within the housing and configured to receive communications regarding operation of the motor to lock and/or unlock the door; andat least one latch movable between a disengaged position and a clamping position, wherein the at least one latch is configured to removably couple the housing to the door when the at least one latch is in the clamping position.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a plate including a plurality of holes to receive at least one screw to secure the plate the door lock of the door, andwherein the at least one latch is configured to clamp onto the plate when the at least one latch is in the clamping position and the housing is positioned on the plate and thereby couple the housing to the door when the plate is secured to the door lock of the door.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the plate includes a raised central portion, andthe at least one latch is configured to engage the raised central portion when the at least one latch is in the clamping position and the housing is positioned on the plate.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of holes comprises at least two elongated slots.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the at least two elongated slots are ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005065A1

An intruder detection method is provided, comprising a security server sending a verification prompt to a device in a controlled-access area, based on an entry indication of an entrant into the controlled-access area, with the verification prompt indicating the entrant should perform a predefined verification action, the security server receiving entrant behavior information, the security server comparing the entrant behavior information to a behavior model of a set of authorized persons associated with the controlled-access area, with the behavior model including the verification prompt, and the security server generating an intruder indication if the entrant behavior information does not match a behavior sequence included in the behavior model. 1. An intruder detection method comprising:a security server receiving entrant behavior information of an entrant into a controlled-access area;the security server comparing the entrant behavior information to a behavior model of an authorized person associated with the controlled-access area; andthe security server generating an intruder indication if the entrant behavior information does not match a behavior sequence included in the behavior model.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes selecting the behavior sequence from a plurality of behavior sequences in the behavior model claim 1 , with the selected behavior sequence corresponding to a predefined verification action.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes:comparing entry location information and entry time information, received by the security server, to corresponding behavior parameters of each behavior sequence of a plurality of behavior sequences in the behavior model;generating a matching score for each behavior sequence; andselecting the behavior sequence having a highest matching score from a plurality of behavior sequences in the behavior model, with the selected behavior sequence corresponding to the predefined verification ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005498A1

Security systems and methods are disclosed. A security system can be employed with a mobile, unpowered container having a door movable between an open orientation and a closed orientation. The security system can include an enclosure and a switch movable between a closed configuration and an open configuration upon movement of the door between the open orientation and the closed orientation. The security system can further include a battery pack in communication with the switch. The security system can also include a security device. The battery pack can be configured to operably power the security device when the switch is in the closed configuration. The security system can be attached to the container with a magnet and/or an array of magnets enclosed in a flexible magnetic mat. The security system can be deployed for a plurality of deployment cycles. 18-. (canceled)9. A security system for a mobile , unpowered container having a door movable between an open orientation and a closed orientation , wherein the security system comprises:an enclosure;a switch positioned within the enclosure, wherein the switch is movable between a closed configuration and an open configuration upon movement of the door between the open orientation and the closed orientation;a battery pack positioned within the enclosure, wherein the battery pack is in communication with the switch; and an alarm; and', 'a recording device, wherein the battery pack is configured to operably power the security device when the switch is in the closed configuration., 'a security device positioned within the enclosure, wherein the security device comprises10. The security system of claim 9 , wherein the switch comprises a normally-open relay claim 9 , and wherein the security system further comprises:a motion sensor in communication with the normally-open relay, wherein the motion sensor comprises a passive infrared motion sensor; anda secondary battery configured to operably power the motion sensor, ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005610A1

An intruder detection method is provided, comprising a security server sending a verification prompt to a device in a controlled-access area, based on an entry indication of an entrant into the controlled-access area, with the verification prompt indicating the entrant should perform a predefined verification action, the security server receiving entrant behavior information, the security server comparing the entrant behavior information to a behavior model of a set of authorized persons associated with the controlled-access area, with the behavior model including the verification prompt, and the security server generating an intruder indication if the entrant behavior information does not match a behavior sequence included in the behavior model. 1. An intruder detection method , comprising:a security server sending a verification prompt to a device in a controlled-access area, based on an entry indication of an entrant into the controlled-access area, with the verification prompt indicating the entrant should perform a predefined verification action;the security server receiving entrant behavior information;the security server comparing the entrant behavior information to a behavior model of a set of authorized persons associated with the controlled-access area, with the behavior model including the verification prompt; andthe security server generating an intruder indication if the entrant behavior information does not match a behavior sequence included in the behavior model.2. The method of claim 1 , with the entry indication including an entrant identity obtained during an entry event claim 1 , with the method further comprising the preliminary steps of:comparing the entrant identity and the entrant behavior information to authorized person information of the set of authorized persons; andperforming the sending, receiving, comparing, and generating steps if either of the entrant identity or the entrant behavior information does not match the authorized person ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005503A1
Автор: Hecker Weston Lee

A shim detection device is selectively interfaced to a portion of a chip card reader that is integrated into a terminal. The shim detection device is configured to detect when a shimmer is inserted into the chip card reader during a card transaction at the terminal and take an automated action in response thereto. 1. A system , comprising:a chip card reader; anda shim detection device interfaced to at least a portion of the chip card reader and configured to detect when a shimmer is inserted in the chip card reader during a card transaction at a terminal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shim detection device is integrated into the chip card reader as an integrated component of the chip card reader.325. The system of claim 1 , wherein the chip card reader is attached to a voltage and ground lead from C and C contact leads of the chip card reader.425. The system of claim 1 , wherein shim detection device is coupled to a capacitor/resistance component claim 1 , and the capacitor/resistance component is coupled to a voltage and ground lead from C and C contact leads of the chip card reader.525. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shim detection device is overlaid on the C and C contact leads of the chip card reader.625. The system of claim 1 , wherein shim detection device is configured to power on a device in response to detecting variations in voltage or ground from the C and C contact leads of the chip card reader indicating the shimmer has been inserted into the chip card reader.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the device is one of: a sensor device claim 6 , a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) claim 6 , and a microcontroller.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the SIM is configured to send a Short Message Service (SMS) text when powered on by the shim detection device.9. The system of claim 7 , wherein the sensor device is configured to one or more of: illuminate a Light Emitting Diode and play a distinctive audio tone.10. The system of claim 7 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005802A1

A programmable security system and method for protecting an item of merchandise includes a programming station, a programmable key and a security system. The programming station generates a security code and communicates the security code to a memory of the programmable key. The programmable key initially communicates the security code to a memory of the security device and subsequently operates the security device upon a matching of the security code in the memory of the security device with the security code in the memory of the programmable key. The programmable key may also transfer power via electrical contacts or inductive transfer from an internal battery to the security device to operate a lock mechanism. The security code may be communicated by wireless infrared (IR) systems, electrical contacts or inductive transfer. A timer inactivates the programmable key and/or the security device after a predetermined period of time. A counter inactivates the programmable key after a predetermined maximum number of activations. 1. A security system for protecting items of merchandise from theft , the security system comprising:an authorization station comprising a memory;a programmable key comprising a memory configured to store a security code;and a security device comprising an alarm and configured to be attached to an item of merchandise, the security device further configured to activate the alarm in response to the integrity of the security device being compromised,wherein the programmable key is configured to provide the security code to the authorization station to be stored in the memory of the authorization station,wherein the programmable key is configured to wirelessly communicate with the authorization station for authorizing the programmable key to control the security device if the security code of the programmable key matches the security code of the authorization station.2. The security system of claim 1 , wherein the memory of the programmable key is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Illuminating devices and systems

Номер: US20160007425A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Illuminating devices and systems are described herein. One illuminating device embodiment includes a computing component configured to determine a change in a state associated with a room in which the illuminating device is located based on a signal from a sensor, and an illuminating component configured to illuminate the illuminating device at a predefined setting associated with the determined state change and discontinue illuminating the illuminating device a predefined amount of time after the change in the state.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Methods And System For Monitoring An Environment

Номер: US20220028230A1

A method and a target monitoring system (TMS) to generate descriptive parameters of one or more target objects in a region are provided. The TMS dynamically receives first data comprising image data and/or audio data of the target objects in the region and second data comprising circumstantial information related to the first data from one or more sensors positioned in one or more spatial directions in the region over a network. The TMS filters the dynamically received first data and identifies the target objects in the region using image data extracted from the filtered data. The TMS generates descriptive parameters associated with each identified target object in the region using the filtered first data and the circumstantial information. 1. A method for assessing health status of one or more target objects in a region , the method employing a target monitoring system comprising at least one processor configured to execute computer program instructions for performing the method , the method comprising:dynamically receiving first data of the one or more target objects in the region comprising one or more of image data from an image sensor and audio data from an audio sensor, over a network, by the target monitoring system;dynamically receiving second data comprising circumstantial information related to the first data, over the network, by the target monitoring system;filtering the dynamically received first data of the one or more target objects, by the target monitoring system, using a spatial filter and a temporal filter;identifying the one or more target objects in the region, by the target monitoring system, using results from the spatial and temporal filtering and a deep learning network;generating descriptive parameters associated with each of the identified one or more target objects in the region, by the target monitoring system, using one or more of the filtered first data and the received second data; andassessing health status of each of the identified ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Magnetic anti-theft device

Номер: US20200011091A1
Автор: Te-Yu Chen
Принадлежит: Te-Yu Chen

A magnetic anti-theft device, includes: a control circuit, in connection with a plurality of magnetic sensors and a control unit; the plurality of magnetic sensors, allowing different magnetic induction strengths to be preset; and a unlock piece, configured with a plurality of magnetic elements corresponding to the magnetic induction strengths of the plurality of magnetic sensors, whereby, when the correct unlock piece is placed on the magnetic sensors, the plurality of magnetic sensors will induct correct magnetic forces, the control unit is driven to release a monitoring state after interpretation of the control circuit; if the induction is incorrect, the control unit is driven to form a warning action after the interpretation of the control circuit so as to achieve an anti-theft effect and increase safety effectively probably because the magnetic force of the magnetic element of the unlock piece is too small or too large.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Security apparatus and method

Номер: US20180012458A1
Принадлежит: Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc

A security method and apparatus is disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for providing an alarm for a window by a security apparatus comprises calculating a first distance between a detector mounted within a movable portion of the window and a window frame edge and calculating a second distance between the detector and the window frame edge. The method further comprises determining whether the movable portion of the window has remained stationary for more than a predetermined time period based on the first distance and the second distance and, if the movable portion has remained stationary for more than the predetermined time period, storing the second distance in a memory, placing the security apparatus into an active alarm state, calculating a third distance observed by the detector, determining a change between the third distance and the second distance, determining whether the change exceeds a predetermined distance, and generating an alarm signal if the change exceeds the predetermined distance.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012018A1
Автор: Porter Travis Brandon

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a storage device, for securing device data in response to an event. A method includes receiving an instruction to initiate execution of a user device data protection protocol after a determination by a monitoring unit that an event has occurred at a property, determining whether the user device is located at the property, and in response to a determination that the user device is located at the first location, displaying a prompt that asks if the user device data protection protocol should be canceled. The method also include actions of determining whether user feedback responsive to the prompt has been received by the user device within a predetermined amount of time, and in response to a determination that the predetermined amount of has expired without receiving user feedback, performing one or more data protection operations to protect user device data. 1. A method comprising:obtaining sensor data from one or more sensors installed at a property;based on analyzing the sensor data, determining that an event is occurring at the property; andin response to determining that the event is occurring at the property, providing an instruction to each of one or more devices located at the property to initiate device data protection operations.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:receiving, from one of the one or more devices located at the property, an instruction to cancel the device data protection operations; andin response to receiving the instruction to cancel the device data protection operations, sending an instruction to another of the one or more devices to cancel the device data protection operations.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:identifying, from a set of devices associated with the property, one or more devices that are located at the property; andbased on identifying the one or more devices are located at the property, providing the instruction to each of the one or more devices ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Container With Concealed Sensors

Номер: US20190012888A1
Автор: Gordon Michael
Принадлежит: Fort Jameson, LLC

A compartment may include a panel movable between a first position in which the compartment is concealed within a structure and a second position in which the compartment is exposed to an external environment. One or more sensors may be concealed within the structure, where they are actuatable to send signals upon detection of operator inputs. A controller may be programmable to set a predefined or machine-learned, time dependent or non-time dependent sequence of actuation for the one or more sensors, where the controller is configured to receive the signals and to determine whether the predefined or machine-learned sequence of actuation has been achieved by the operator inputs. The controller may be further configured to send a signal to a mechanical element to move the panel ACTUATOR from the first position to the second position when it is determined that predefined or machine-learned sequence of actuation has been achieved. 1. A system for activating one or more actuators upon detection of an activator sequence by one or more sensors , the system comprising:a controller;an actuator in electronic communication with the controller; andat least one sensor in electronic communication with the controller, the controller programmed to receive an input from the at least one sensor upon a detection by the at least one sensor of a sensed sequence performed by an activator, the controller programmed to determine if the sensed sequence substantially matches a predefined or machine-learned, time dependent or non-time dependent, activator sequence, and the controller programmed to activate the actuator when the sensed sequence substantially matches the activator sequence.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the activator sequence is an operator motion in free space.3. The system of any of claim 2 , wherein the controller is capable of being programmed by an operator via a physical or wireless connection.4. The system of any of claim 3 , wherein the at least one sensor is ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012897A1
Автор: SINGH Inderjit

A glass break sensor can optionally include a sensor unit sized and shaped to fit between panes of a glass, such as in a multi-pane window. The sensor unit can optionally include a sensor, a glass break detector circuit configured to input from the sensor and declare a glass break event when specified criteria are satisfied, and a wake-up circuit configured to detect a wake-up event and wake up the glass break detector circuit when one or more wake up criteria are satisfied. A glass break detector assembly can optionally include a first pane, a second pane and a glass break sensor between the first pane and the second pane. 1. (canceled)2. A system comprising:a multiple-pane window assembly including a first cavity bounded at least in part by first and second panes of the window assembly; anda sensor in communication with the cavity and configured to detect a break in the first or second pane of the assembly.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a solar cell coupled to the window assembly and configured to provide a power signal to the sensor.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising:a detector circuit configured to receive a sensor signal from the sensor and configured to use the sensor signal to determine whether the first pane or the second pane is broken;wherein the solar cell is configured to provide the power signal to the detector circuit.5. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a mechanical energy harvesting circuit coupled to the window assembly claim 2 , the mechanical energy harvesting circuit configured to generate a power signal from movement of a component of the window assembly and the mechanical energy harvesting circuit configured to provide the power signal to the sensor.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising:a detector circuit configured to receive a sensor signal from the sensor and configured to use the sensor signal to determine whether the first pane or the second pane is broken;wherein the mechanical energy harvesting ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012936A1

A tamper-proof bolt-seal incorporating a unique identification tamper detection sensor that cannot be restored or duplicated after the bolt. The sensor employs a resistive sensor wire embedded in the bolt. The resistive sensor wire has a randomized length to enable a unique resistive value for that sensor. The resistive value of the sensor is combined with an electronic identification code to create the unique seal identification for the tamper detection sensor, therefore giving the bolt a seal identification that is unique and that cannot be restored or duplicated. 1. An electronic security device , comprising:a mechanical fastener configured to physically secure a container latch in a closed position;at least one non-zero electrical resistor embedded in said mechanical fastener, wherein said non-zero electrical resistor has a resistance value that changes when said mechanical fastener is tampered with; andelectronics, circuitry, and a digital memory that contains a unique electronic identification code for said electronic security device, wherein said electronic identification code is combined with said resistance value of said non-zero electrical resistor to create a unique seal identification code when said electronic security device is fastened to said container latch;wherein the resistance value is randomized based on a randomized embedded length of the non-zero electrical resistor, the randomized embedded length being embedded in said mechanical fastener.2. The electronic security device of claim 1 , wherein said non-zero electrical resistor is a wire winding.3. The electronic security device of claim 2 , further comprising an armature around which said wire winding is wrapped.4. The electronic security device of claim 1 , wherein said non-zero electrical resistor is formed by a contact disk.5. The electronic security device of claim 1 , wherein said non-zero electrical resistor is formed by a miniature discrete resistor.6. The electronic security device of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015395A1
Принадлежит: Synergy Information Systems Inc.

The wireless security system contains a host machine, which in turn contains a processing unit. The processing unit contains an evaluation module which in turn contains a data storage module. The host machine further contains an input/output device, a mode switch module, a wireless transceiver module, a configuration module and an alert module. The wireless security system further contains at least a sensor which in turn contains a wireless transceiver module capable of communicating wirelessly with the wireless transceiver module of the host machine The wireless security system achieves both the functions of home security and home care by having the mode switch module and the evaluation module. A user can set up the time intervals when the evaluation should function. Then, through the mode switch module, a user can switch between different operating modes, thereby avoiding false alarms and achieving the reduction of energy consumption. 1. A wireless security system comprising a host machine and at least a sensor , wherethe host machine comprises a processing unit;the processing unit comprises an evaluation module;the evaluation module comprise a data storage module;the host machine further comprises an input/output device, a mode switch module, a wireless transceiver module, a configuration module, all electrically connected with the processing unit; andthe host machine further comprises an alert module electrically connected with the configuration module;each sensor comprises a wireless transceiver module capable of communicating wirelessly with the wireless transceiver module of the host machine, and a processing unit; andthe processing unit of the sensor comprises a data storage module electrically connected with the wireless transceiver module of the sensor.2. The wireless security system according to claim 1 , wherein the data storage module of the host machine is one of a Random Access Memory (RAM) claim 1 , a Flash memory claim 1 , and a non-volatile memory3 ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015396A1

The present invention relates to a device and a method for an additional electronic immobilizer () having a door-opener and theft-alarm function for a vehicle, comprising: a) a micro-controller; b) a mobile radio interface (); c) a second interface () to a central locking system for doors of the vehicle; d) a near-field radio interface () such as RFID or NFC; e) a smart relay interface () for transmitting a control signal (S) for a smart relay () and for receiving a receiving signal (S) of the smart relay (). 110. Additional electronic immobilizer () with door opening and theft alarm function for a vehicle , comprising:a) a micro-controller control system, comprising a micro-controller and a memory which is connected to the micro-controller integrally or externally,{'b': '1', 'b) a cellular radio interface () with a cellular radio module for transmitting and receiving a cellular radio signal via an aerial interface, the cellular radio module being connected to the micro-controller control system,'}{'b': '2', 'c) a second interface () to a central closure system for doors of the vehicle which is connected to the micro-controller control system,'}{'b': '3', 'd) a near field radio interface () with a near field radio module for receiving a near field radio signal via an additional aerial interface, the near field radio module being connected to the micro-controller control system,'}{'b': 4', '1', '8', '2', '8', '1', '2', '4, 'e) a smart relay interface () adapted to send a control signal (S) to an external smart relay () as a breaker relay and to receive a receive signal (S) from the external smart relay (), the external smart relay being adapted both to receive the control signal (S) and to generate the receive signal (S), and the smart relay interface () being connected to the micro-controller control system,'} [{'b': 1', '3, 'keep the cellular radio interface () and the near field radio interface () ready-to-receive in order to receive data,'}, {'b': 1', '3, 'in ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Alarm System for a Single Mode Optical Fiber Network

Номер: US20150015398A1

A method is provided for detecting intrusion into an optical cable of a single mode optical fiber network comprising where monitoring light signals are transmitted along a telecommunications optical fiber to be monitored either along a fiber additional to a data fiber or by multiplexing onto a common fiber. The received monitoring light signals after transmission along the telecommunications optical fiber are analyzed for changes indicative of movement of the optical fiber for detecting an intrusion event. The monitoring light signals at the receive end of the fiber signals are monitored by feeding the signals from the single mode fiber into a multi-mode fiber in a manner which causes changes in modal power distribution which can be detected by taking a portion only of the modes. 1. A method for detecting intrusion into at least one optical fiber of an optical network comprising:transmitting monitoring light signals along a telecommunications optical fiber to be monitored having a transmit end and a receive end;analyzing received monitoring light signals after transmission along said telecommunications optical fiber for changes in said monitoring light signals indicative of movement of said optical fiber for detecting an intrusion event;wherein said optical fiber comprises a single mode fiber;and wherein the light signal in the single mode fiber are analyzed by injecting the signals from the single mode fiber into a multimode fiber and analyzing changes in a signal from the multimode fiber.2. The method according to wherein the light signals are analyzed by detecting changes in modal power distribution of the signal from the single mode fiber in the multimode fiber.3. The method according to wherein the light signals are analyzed by extracting a portion of the signal which contains a portion of the modes so that the changes in modal distribution provide a change in amplitude of the portion extracted.4. The method according to wherein a tap coupler is used on the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for automated cloud-based analytics for security and/or surveillance

Номер: US20190014289A1
Автор: Renkis Martin A

Systems and methods for virtualized computing or cloud-computing network with distributed input devices and at least one remote server computer for automatically analyzing received video, audio and/or image inputs for providing social security and/or surveillance for a surveillance environment, surveillance event, and/or surveillance target. 1. A surveillance system , comprising:at least one server computer configured for network-based communication with a plurality of remote input devices having input capture mechanisms, wherein the plurality of remote input devices are not registered with the at least one server computer; and receive inputs captured by the unregistered remote input devices via a network;', 'authenticate the inputs; and', 'analyze the authenticated inputs based on at least one surveillance profile for at least one surveillance environment, surveillance event, or surveillance target to determine a status of security., 'wherein the at least one server computer includes at least one processor and a memory storing instructions, wherein the instructions are executable by the at least one processor to cause the at least one server computer to—'}2. The system of wherein the instructions are executable by the at least one processor to cause the at least one sever computer to—receive an input profile;associate the inputs with the at least one surveillance environment, surveillance event, or surveillance target based on the received input profile;receive positional information for the remote input devices; andanalyze the positional information to authenticate the inputs from the unregistered remote input devices located at and/or associated with the at least one surveillance environment, surveillance event, or surveillance target.3. The system of wherein the instructions are executable by the at least one processor to cause the at least one sever computer to automatically associate the inputs with the at least one surveillance environment claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013989A1

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a storage device, for triggering an alarm during a sensor jamming attack. In one aspect, a monitoring system sensor unit is disclosed that includes a sensor, a communication unit configured to communicate with a monitoring system using a range of frequencies, and a jamming detection unit. The jamming detection unit may include a processor and a computer storage media storing instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to perform operations. The operations include detecting a sensor jamming event, selecting a different form of communication other than the range of radio frequencies for the communication unit to communicate with the monitoring system, and providing, to the communication unit, an instruction to communicate with the monitoring system using the form of communication, wherein the communication unit may communicate, to the monitoring system using the form of communication, the sensor data. 1. A sensor unit that is configured to perform operations comprising:generating sensor data that indicates an attribute of a property;determining that a radio frequency jamming event is occurring at the property;based on determining that the radio frequency jamming event is occurring at the property, encoding the sensor data into one or more audio tones representing the sensor data; andproviding, for output, the audio tones representing the sensor data.2. The sensor unit of claim 1 , the operations comprising:after providing, for output, the audio tones representing the sensor data, determining that the radio frequency jamming event is no longer occurring at the property; andbased on determining that the radio frequency jamming event is no longer occurring at the property, providing, for output, one or more radio frequencies representing additional sensor data.3. The sensor unit of claim 1 , the operations comprising:detecting one or more audio tones generated by a second ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Dock Management System

Номер: US20210016741A1

An apparatus manages a dock, a portion of which is disposed over a body of water, from a remote device. A control unit is disposed on the dock. A plurality of sensors is each in data communication with the control unit. Each of the plurality of sensors includes: an electric shock sensor; a water level sensor that senses a distance to the water from a predetermined location of the dock; and a theft detection circuit. A communication chipset is in data communication with the control unit. The control unit includes a processor that is programmed to transmit to the remote device via the communication chipset an indication of the following: a shock likelihood sensed by the electric shock sensor; a level detected by the water level sensor; and an alert when the theft detection circuit detects a likelihood of theft. 1. An apparatus for managing a dock , having a dock frame and a dock wiring system that is connected to a power source by a dock breaker , the dock being disposed in water , configured for use with a remote unit , the apparatus comprising:(a) a shock detection system, including at least one electricity probe configured to detect an electric voltage between a ground and at least one of the dock frame or the water and a shock hazard indicator disposed adjacent to the dock that generates a human-perceptible indication of a shock hazard when a shock warning signal is asserted;(b) a communication chipset; (i) a digital camera mounted on the dock and aimed at a first predetermined location on the dock; and', '(ii) two infrared sensors spaced apart from each other and mounted on the dock; and, '(c) a dock access detection system, including'} (i) store a first voltage value received from the at least one electricity probe, the first voltage value being no greater than a voltage known to be safe and designated as a baseline safe voltage;', '(ii) receive a plurality of second voltage values from the at least one electricity probe;', '(iii) when at least two successive ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170017943A1

A financial transaction system includes sensors, a tamper detection module, and circuitry configurable to control which sensors are used, and the circuitry is configurable after the tamper detection module has been manufactured. 1. A financial transaction system , comprising:a plurality of sensors; first circuitry, coupled to the sensors, configurable to control which sensors are used; and', 'where the first circuitry is configurable after the tamper detection module has been manufactured., 'a tamper detection module comprising2. The financial transaction system of claim 1 , further comprising:a processor, coupled to the first circuitry;where the first circuitry comprises registers that can be written to by the processor.3. The financial transaction system of claim 1 , where at least one of the sensors comprise temperature sensors.4. The financial transaction system of claim 1 , where at least one of the sensors comprise frequency sensors.5. The financial transaction system of claim 1 , the tamper detection module further comprising:programmable input/output ports;where the programmable input/output ports are configurable after the tamper detection module has been manufactured.6. The financial transaction system of claim 5 , where the programmable input/output ports can be configured as switch state monitors.7. The financial transaction system of claim 5 , where the programmable input/output ports can be configured as driver/receiver pairs for a wire mesh.8. The financial transaction system of claim 5 , where the programmable input/output ports can be configured to receive system status information from hardware external to the tamper detection module.9. The financial transaction system of claim 5 , further comprising:second circuitry configured to receive responses from the first circuitry and responses from the programmable input/output ports and to generate trigger signals; andwhere the criteria for generating a trigger signal is configurable after the tamper ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018152A1
Автор: Henrie James B.

The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for guiding emergency personnel to a location in a facility proximate to an alarm that has been generated. In one aspect, a method may include detecting an alarm condition at a facility protected by a security system and determining a location at the facility of the alarm condition. The method may further include causing at least one indicator at the facility, which is proximate to the determined location of the alarm condition, to generate an identifying alert that is humanly perceivable from an exterior of the facility such that emergency personnel can identify the facility based at least in part on the identifying alert. In some aspects, the method may also include notifying a security representative of the alarm condition, and receiving a notification from the security representative indicating that emergency personnel are dispatched to the facility. 120-. (canceled)21. A security and automation system comprising:a sensor, at a premises, configured to generate alarm condition messages in response to alarm conditions; receive an alarm condition message from the sensor based on the sensor detecting an alarm condition;', 'determine a location of the alarm condition within the premises based at least in part on the alarm condition message;', 'validate the alarm condition message, validating the alarm condition comprising confirming both (a) the security and automation system is armed and (b) the alarm condition includes at least one of a door of the premises opening, a window of the premises opening, a motion sensor of the premises being triggered, and a glass break sensor detecting glass breaking at the premises;', 'upon validating the alarm condition message, send a dispatch request to emergency personnel, the dispatch request including information regarding the premises and the alarm condition;', 'upon failing to validate the alarm condition message, bypass sending the dispatch request;', 'receive a dispatch ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Hinge sensor for barrier

Номер: US20170018155A1
Принадлежит: Vivint Inc

Methods and systems are described for determining operation of an openable barrier into a building. A method for determining an open state of a barrier includes confirming a first position for the barrier, the barrier having at least one hinge and a hinge sensor mounted to the at least one hinge, determining with the hinge sensor when the barrier changes position from the first position to a second position, and wirelessly transmitting data concerning the change in barrier position.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Intrusion detection system and method

Номер: US20170018157A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire and Security GmbH

An intrusion detection system controller, including a restriction designator operable for pre-designating an individual for whom access to a portion of the premises is prohibited and, for each individual, pre-designating an individual-specific restricted portion of the premises to which access is prohibited; a designated individual presence ascertainer operable for ascertaining presence of a designated individual on the premises; an intrusion detector element communicator operable for communicating with detection elements, for receiving indications of detection of intrusions and, responsive thereto, for ascertaining an intruded portion of the premises and providing an output indicating detection of the intrusion in the intruded portion of the premises; and a restricted mode enforcer operable, responsive to ascertaining presence of the pre-designated individual and to receiving output indicating detection of the intrusion in the intruded portion, for ascertaining whether the intruded portion corresponds to the individual-specific restricted portion to which access of pre-designated individual is prohibited.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160019763A1

An integrated security system that includes a security coprocessor coupled to a conventional security system panel and an interactive security system. The integrated security system enables conventional security system features as well as the consumer-oriented interactive features and functions of an interactive security system without sacrificing reliability or the significant burden and cost associated with frequent software updates associated with conventional security systems. The integrated security system also minimizes or eliminates the need for new battery backup circuitry or larger batteries.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018166A1
Автор: Johnson Sam

An activity monitor is associated with a container, such as a medication bottle, and includes one or more detectors configured to detect activity associated with the bottle, such as movement, opening and/or closing, and changes in volume and/or mass. The activity monitor may include alerting devices and be programmed with scheduling information. The activity monitor may also, or instead, communicate with one or more remote devices such as a user device or monitoring system, such as to receive programming information from those devices or to output activity information to those devices. 1. A closed-loop content monitoring and feedback system comprising: a housing mountable to the container;', 'at least one activity detector associated with said housing which detects activity associated with said container when said housing is mounted to said container; and', 'a processing unit communicatively coupled to the at least one activity detector; and, 'a content monitoring apparatus configured monitor a container, the content monitoring apparatus comprisinga computing device communicatively coupled to the content monitoring apparatus to receive information from said processing unit regarding activity associated with said container as detected by said at least one activity detector.2. The closed-loop content monitoring and feedback system of wherein said activity detector detects opening and/or closing of said container and wherein said computing device receives information regarding said opening and/or closing of said container as detected by said at least one activity detector.3. The closed-loop content monitoring and feedback system of wherein said computing device outputs an alert if said computing device does not receive information that said medicinal container has been opened at a designated time.4. The closed-loop content monitoring and feedback system of wherein said at least one activity detector is associated with a cap of said container detects opening and/or ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Detecting Of Patterns Of Activity Based On Identified Presence Detection

Номер: US20170018170A1

A unified presence detection and prediction platform that is privacy aware is described. The platform is receives signals from plural sensor devices that are disposed within a premises. The platform produces profiles of entities based on detected characteristics developed from relatively inexpensive and privacy-aware sensors, i.e., non-video and non-audio sensor devices. The platform using these profiles and sensor signals from relatively inexpensive and privacy-aware sensors determines specific identification and produces historical patterns. Also described are techniques that allow users (persons), when authorized, to control remote devices/systems generally without direct interaction with such systems merely by the systems detecting and in instances predicting the specific presence of an identified individual in a location within the premises. 1. A system comprises:plural sensor devices;a computing device, configured to:receive signals from the plural sensor devices;retrieve a profile of an entity from a data store;retrieve movement flow records from the data store, the movement flow records comprising data from one or more sensors and temporal information regarding time and day of collection;analyze the retrieved movement flow records according to a historical pattern rule to determine from the sensor signal data and the temporal information, a set of sensors that satisfy for the retrieved profile the historical pattern rule;construct a representation of the set of sensors that corresponds to an order and relationship of sensors encountered by the entity associated with the movement records.2. The system of wherein the computer system is further configured to:produce an historical pattern record.3. The system of wherein the computer system is further configured to:produce an historical pattern record that includes a reference to the representation of the set of sensors, a profile ID corresponding to the profile and a Rule ID.4. The system of wherein analysis ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Integrated security system with parallel processing architecture

Номер: US20160019778A1
Принадлежит: IControl Networks Inc

An integrated security system that includes a security coprocessor coupled to a conventional security system panel and an interactive security system. The integrated security system enables conventional security system features as well as the consumer-oriented interactive features and functions of an interactive security system without sacrificing reliability or the significant burden and cost associated with frequent software updates associated with conventional security systems. The integrated security system also minimizes or eliminates the need for new battery backup circuitry or larger batteries.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036673A1

In general, a smart door alarm and locking mechanism and methods for use thereof are provided for maintaining security while providing ease of access to a fuel dispenser. In an exemplary embodiment, the methods and devices are used in fuel dispensing devices for providing fuel to a vehicle. However, the methods and devices can be utilized in any device having a payment system where security and access are both required. In some embodiments, the described methods and systems include a door alarm and door lock kit that allow unlocking one or more doors in a housing of a fuel dispenser and simultaneously disabling or de-activating respective door alarm sensor(s). In a similar manner, the door can be locked and the door alarm sensor activated or re-activated substantially simultaneously. 1. A fuel dispenser , comprising:a housing having a base module with fuel dispensing components disposed therein, and an electronics module with electronics for controlling the fuel dispensing components;at least one door coupled to the housing and associated with at least one locking mechanism configured to lock and unlock the at least one door to control access to components within the housing;a door alarm sensor configured to sense when the at least one door is locked and unlocked;a alarm/lock controller disposed in the housing and coupled to the at least one locking mechanism and the door alarm sensor, the alarm/lock controller being configured to control the at least one locking mechanism and the door alarm sensor; anda reader operatively coupled to the controller such that the controller is configured to unlock the at least one locking mechanism and to de-activate the door alarm sensor in response to the reader receiving and authenticating a first input.2. The fuel dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the alarm/lock controller is configured to lock the at least one locking mechanism and to activate the door alarm sensor in response to the reader receiving and authenticating a second ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019380A1
Принадлежит: TekConnX, LLC

The threat detection system described here includes a plurality of nodes that may each have a differently configured set of sensors for observing the area in the vicinity of each node. The nodes provide this information to a command center and/or Internet services so that operators can ascertain the threats in an area being monitored by the plurality of nodes. Threat analytics are performed on the information provided by the sensors in the nodes to further aid the operators' understanding of the threats in the area. 1. A threat detection system , comprising:a plurality of nodes, each node configured for monitoring an area in a venue, wherein at least one node includes a modular device for secure attachment to an object within the venue, the modular device having at least one compartment for interchangeably receiving a sensor of a specified type, a processor, and a transceiver for data communication over a network; anda controller configured to determine a safety threat level based on data received from at least the sensor in the environment.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one sensor is disposed in a housing configured to be detachably connected to the modular device.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the housing includes a first connector that mates with a second connector on the modular device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the modular device includes a processor configured to detect a type of the at least one sensor disposed in the housing connected thereto.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the modular device includes a processor configured to detect connection to a housing and identify a type of sensor provided in the housing.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to perform a diagnostic test on the at least one sensor provided in the housing.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein each node is configured to communicate at least one of sensor and diagnostic data to the controller.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and Device for Door Monitoring and Door Monitoring System Including Such a Device

Номер: US20190019381A1
Принадлежит: INVOXIA

A monitoring method to detect a state of a door () provided with a locking system (). The method comprises the following steps: 12. A monitoring method able to detect at least one state of a door () provided with a locking system , where this method comprises at least the following steps:{'b': 7', '2, 'at least one measurement step during which a mechanical wave sensor () measures a mechanical wave signal corresponding to a mechanical wave propagated in the door ();'}{'b': 8', '2, 'at least one step of comparison between a reference signal stored in the memory () and the mechanical wave signal in order to detect a state of the door ();'}{'b': 7', '2', '2, 'i': 'c', 'Characterized in that it additionally comprises at least one learning step during which said mechanical wave sensor () measures the reference signal while the locking system () of said door () is actuated in a predetermined way.'}{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'b': 2', '15, 'The method according to further comprising a communication step during which data about said state of the door () is delivered to a communication device ().'}2422c. A monitoring device () able to detect at least one state of a door () provided with a locking system () , this device comprising:{'b': 7', '2, 'At least one mechanical wave sensor (), able to measure a mechanical wave signal corresponding to a mechanical wave propagated in the door ();'}{'b': 8', '2', '2, 'i': 'c', 'A memory (), able to store a reference signal corresponding to a mechanical wave propagated in the door () during an actuation of the locking system ();'}{'b': 6', '8', '2, 'A central unit (), able to carry out a comparison between the reference signal stored in the memory () and the mechanical wave signal in order to detect a state of the door ();'}{'b': 6', '7', '2', '2, 'i': 'c', 'characterized in that the central unit () is able to measure the reference signal from the mechanical wave sensor () during a learning operation where the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019382A1

A fenestration assembly includes a fenestration frame and at least one panel rotatably coupled with the fenestration frame. A locking mechanism is coupled with the fenestration frame and the panel, and includes at least one latch and at least one latch fastener. In a secure configuration the panel is in a closed position and the latch is coupled with the latch fastener. In an unsecure configuration the panel is in an open position or the latch is decoupled from the latch fastener. A status monitoring assembly is configured to monitor the secure and unsecure configurations, and includes a sensor operator coupled with one of the fenestration frame or the panel, and a sensor coupled with the other of the panel or the fenestration frame. The sensor is configured to detect the sensor operator if the panel is in the closed position and the latch is coupled with the latch fastener. 1. A fenestration assembly configured for status monitoring , the fenestration assembly comprising:a fenestration frame;at least one panel rotatably coupled with the fenestration frame between open and closed positions;a locking mechanism coupled with the fenestration frame and the panel, the locking mechanism includes at least one latch and at least one latch fastener, one of the latch or latch fastener is coupled with the fenestration frame and the other of the latch fastener or latch is coupled with the panel;wherein the fenestration assembly includes secure and unsecure configurations, in the secure configuration the panel is in the closed position and the latch is coupled with the latch fastener, and in the unsecure configuration one or more of the panel is in the open position or the latch is decoupled from the latch fastener; and a sensor operator coupled with one of the fenestration frame or the panel, and', 'a sensor coupled with the other of the panel or the fenestration frame, and the sensor is configured to detect the sensor operator if the panel is in the closed position and the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019390A1

Embodiments of the present invention are generally directed towards providing a multipurpose event detection sensor and a communications means for delivering a payload notification. In particular, embodiments of the present invention are configured to provide a system comprising a sensor capable of detecting events, such as vibrations of varying forms and amplitude, generating an alert based on certain parameters of those events and transmitting that alert to a remote system via a communications means. 1. An event detecting sensor and alert system , the system comprising:a plurality of event sensors including a first sensor and a second sensor;a processor; anda communications means,wherein said plurality of event sensors, said processor and said communications means are operably connected and are configured to:detect, via said plurality of event sensors, an occurrence of an event,wherein a difference in detection times of detecting said event by the respective first and second sensors is used to determine at least one of a severity and a direction of said event.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said first sensor is located at the front of a vehicle and said second sensor is located at the rear of a vehicle.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of event sensors claim 1 , said processor and said communications means are further configured to:receive event data associated with said event;analyze said event data associated with said event to determine if a magnitude of said event exceeds a predetermined threshold;generate an event message payload when a detected magnitude of said event exceeds said predetermined threshold, and wherein said event message payload comprises relevant information about said event, including which sensor detected said event, the severity of said event, and direction of said event; andtransmit, via said communications means, said event message payload to a remote processing system.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said one or ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022355A1

Surveillance systems and methods are described herein. Surveillance systems and methods can include detecting a number of interactions within a building, determining an event based on the number of interactions, and sending a message to a number of contacts relating to the event 1. A method for surveillance , comprising:detecting a number of interactions within a building;determining an event based on the number of interactions; andsending a message to a number of contacts relating to the event.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting the number of interactions includes detecting number of human interactions within the building.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the number of human interactions includes vocal interactions with a device hub.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the number of human interactions includes a number of motions within the building.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the event includes receiving a voice command.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the event includes receiving a notification from a mobile device.7. The method of claim 1 , comprising storing a number of voice recordings.8. A non-transitory computer readable medium claim 1 , comprising instructions to:receive a number of detected interactions within an area;determine a response based on the number of detected interactions, wherein the response includes altering a number of environmental settings for the area;determine a number of contacts based on the response; andsend a message to the number of contacts.9. The medium of claim 8 , wherein the number of detected interactions includes data provided by a voice activated device.10. The medium of claim 8 , wherein altering the number of environmental settings includes altering a room temperature setting.11. The medium of claim 8 , wherein the message includes information relating to the number of detected interactions.12. The medium of claim 8 , wherein the message includes initiating an audio conversation ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022356A1
Принадлежит: LEEO, INC.

A mounting system for an electronic device is described. This mounting system includes a base that can be rigidly mounted on or underneath a wall. Moreover, the base can be remateably coupled to the electronic device. The remateable coupling may involve pins that are inserted into corresponding holes and rotated into a lock position. Alternatively, the remateable coupling may involve magnets that mechanically couple to each other so long as the electronic device and the base are within a predefined distance. The electronic device may receive power via the remateable coupling or via inductive charging. In addition, the electronic device may monitor a spatial parameter, such as: a location of the electronic device, a velocity of the electronic device and/or an acceleration of the electronic device. If this spatial parameter changes without the electronic device first receiving a security code, the electronic device provides an alert. 1. A mounting system , comprising:a base configured for rigid mounting on an external surface, wherein the base has a first mating surface with negative features in recessed regions below the first mating surface; andan electronic device having a second mating surface with positive features, which correspond to the negative features, protruding above the second mating surface, wherein the second mating surface faces the first mating surface;wherein the positive features are configured to remateably couple to the negative features; pushing the positive features into the negative features;', 'rotating the electronic device relative to the base about an axis perpendicular to the first mating surface so that the positive features interlock with the negative features;', 'applying a torque about the axis to snap the positive features into a lock position in the negative features; and, 'wherein the remateable coupling involves detect a change, exceeding a threshold, in a location of the base based on information other than kinematic information ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022357A1
Принадлежит: LEEO, INC.

A mounting system for an electronic device is described. This mounting system includes a base that can be rigidly mounted on or underneath a wall. Moreover, the base can be remateably coupled to the electronic device. The remateable coupling may involve pins that are inserted into corresponding holes and rotated into a lock position. Alternatively, the remateable coupling may involve magnets that mechanically couple to each other so long as the electronic device and the base are within a predefined distance. The electronic device may receive power via the remateable coupling or via inductive charging. In addition, the electronic device may monitor a spatial parameter, such as: a location of the electronic device, a velocity of the electronic device and/or an acceleration of the electronic device. If this spatial parameter changes without the electronic device first receiving a security code, the electronic device provides an alert. 1. A mounting system , comprising:a base configured for rigid mounting on an external surface, wherein the base has a first mating surface that includes first magnetic coupling elements; andan electronic device having a second mating surface with second magnet coupling elements, wherein the second mating surface faces the first mating surface;wherein the first magnet coupling elements are configured to remateably couple to the second magnet coupling elements; and positioning the second mating surface within a predefined distance from the first mating surface along an axis perpendicular to the first mating surface; and', 'positioning the first magnet coupling elements substantially overlapping the second magnet coupling elements; and, 'wherein the remateable coupling involves detect a change, exceeding a threshold, in a location of the base based on information other than kinematic information of the base; and', 'if the electronic device has not received a security code prior to detecting the change, providing an alert., 'wherein the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Cresatech Limited

Номер: US20150022364A1
Принадлежит: CRESATECH Ltd

A method of detecting disturbance in a metallic conductor, comprises the steps of providing an inductance sensing circuit in mechanically and electrically connected to a metallic conductor having a monitorable inductance, tuning the inductance sensing circuit based on an electromagnetic field impressed upon the metallic conductor and an internally generated circuit oscillation, and outputting an alert signal when a tuned output signal from the tuned inductance sensing circuit becomes detuned due to a change in inductance of the metallic conductor by addition to or removal of at least a portion of the metallic conductor. A metallic conductor disturbance detection device for such a method is also provided, the device comprising an amplitude and/or frequency tunable inductance sensing circuit, and an alarm circuit for outputting an alarm signal based on an output of the inductance sensing circuit.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Security systems and methods for structures with moveable components

Номер: US20200020214A1

Systems and methods are described for securing structures with moveable components. A structure may comprise a plurality of panes. A sensor device may be disposed on a pane of the structure. The sensor device may determine a position of the pane. A computing device in communication with the sensor device may receive, from the sensor device, an indication of the position or state of the pane. The computing device may determine, based on the position or state of the pane, a state of the structure.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

User Intervention Based on Learned Behavior in a Tracking Device Environment

Номер: US20200021944A1

A tracking system can provide intervention notifications to a user to notify the user that a tracking device is potentially lost or is in a predicted state. The tracking system may notify the user that a tracking device is potentially lost or in a predicted state based on a number of factors, including: a proximity of a tracking device to other tracking devices or a user's mobile device, a movement of a tracking device to more than a threshold distance away from a mobile device or other tracking devices, a location of a tracking device relative to a geographic location or to geographic boundaries, a usage or movement behavior of the tracking device, a usage or movement behavior of a user or owner of a tracking device, information received from an external source, or information received from sensors within the tracking device or a user's mobile. 1. A method for locating a tracking device , comprising:determining, by a central tracking system, a current location of a tracking device of a user at a current time, the user associated with a first mobile device;determining, by the central tracking system, a historical movement behavior of the tracking device of the user, the historical movement behavior indicating that the tracking device of the user has not moved from the current location within a previous threshold interval of time;predicting, by the central tracking system, based on the historical movement behavior that the tracking device is expected to remain stationary at the current location;after predicting that the tracking device is expected to remain stationary at the current location, detecting that the tracking device has moved from the current location in response to receiving, from a second mobile device of a second user different from the first user, a location of the second mobile device more than a threshold distance from the current location;in response to detecting that the tracking device has moved from the current location, generating, by the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

System and method for tamper detection on distributed utility infrastructure

Номер: US20170024983A1
Автор: Jason Reeves, Sean Smith
Принадлежит: Dartmouth College

A system and method are disclosed that use information from a distributed, sensor-based network to decide if unwanted tampering is occurring within a utility infrastructure and how to respond. The system and method receive data from sensors located in embedded devices on the edge of the network (i.e., edge devices) and process the data to identify the presence or absence of indicators. A factor graph is generated and. updated with the indicators, along with historical incident and user-defined data, and relationships between the sensors. Based upon the factor graph, the system and method determine what events are occurring at edge devices and decide whether the events are tamper events caused by unwanted tampering. Enforcement programs are used to appropriately mitigate the tamper events.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170024984A1

A programmable barrier alarm includes a sensor, such as a magnetic field detector, for sensing a magnetic field produced by the magnet and for producing an electronic signal associated with the magnetic field, a processor, and, a memory for storing an alarm threshold value and processor-executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the sensor to, in a calibration mode of operation, calculate the alarm threshold value based on a first magnetic field sensed by the magnetic field detector when the barrier is in the closed position, and in a normal mode of operation, compare the electronic signal from the magnetic field detector to the alarm threshold value, and generate an alarm signal if the electronic signal falls below the alarm threshold value. 1. A non-transient , computer readable media having instructions stored thereon for configuring a programmable barrier alarm used to monitor a condition of a barrier , the instructions , when executed by a processing device of the programmable barrier alarm , causing the programmable barrier alarm to perform steps comprising:sensing a first magnetic field generated by a magnet associated with the barrier while the barrier is in a first position;sensing a second magnetic field generated by the magnet associated with the barrier while the barrier is in a second position that is different than the first position; andusing the sensed first magnetic field and the sensed second magnetic field to configure the programmable barrier with an alarm threshold whereupon the configured programmable barrier will function to generate an alarm signal in response to the configured programmable barrier sensing that a magnetic field generated by the magnet associated with the barrier falls below the alarm threshold while the configured programmable barrier is in a barrier condition monitoring mode of operation.2. The non-transient claim 1 , computer readable media as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first position ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027268A1

A method and apparatus for monitoring a door or a window is disclosed. In one embodiment, a method is described, comprising receiving, by a processor, an electronic signal from a motion sensor in response to movement of the door or window, determining a direction of movement of the door or window from the electronic signal by the processor, comparing the direction of movement to a predetermined direction by the processor, detecting, by the processor, an alarm condition of the door or window if the electronic signal indicates that the door or window is being opened, and transmitting, by a transmitter coupled to the processor, an alarm signal when the alarm condition has been detected. 1. A method for monitoring a door or a window by a security apparatus , comprising:receiving, by a processor, an electronic signal from a motion sensor in response to movement of the door or window;determining a direction of movement of the door or window from the electronic signal by the processor;comparing the direction of movement to a predetermined direction by the processor;detecting, by the processor, an alarm condition of the door or window if the electronic signal indicates that the door or window is being opened; andtransmitting, by a transmitter coupled to the processor, an alarm signal when the alarm condition has been detected.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnet-less motion sensor comprises an accelerometer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining a direction of movement of the door or window from the electronic signal comprises:storing a first threshold in a memory;comparing the electronic signal to the threshold; anddetermining that the door or window is being opened when the electronic signal exceeds the threshold.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a magnitude of the electronic signal;comparing the magnitude to a predetermined magnitude threshold;determining when the magnitude of the electronic signal exceeds the predetermined ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025593A1

A doorbell system comprises a doorbell chime (), a first doorbell push () for sending a first input signal to the doorbell chime () in response to the first doorbell push () being activated, and a second device, such as a second doorbell push (), for sending a second input signal to the doorbell chime (). The doorbell chime () is arranged to emit light () of a first colour in response to receiving the first input signal and light of a second, different, colour in response to receiving the second input signal. The light () may be emitted around a perimeter of the doorbell chime, such that it creates a halo effect around the part of the door chime located within said perimeter. 1. A doorbell chime comprising a light unit , the light unit arranged to emit light of a first colour in response to receiving an input signal from a first doorbell push , and wherein the doorbell chime is also operable into a night light mode in which the light unit is arranged to continuously emit light such that the doorbell chime can act as a night light.2. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the doorbell chime is configurable to emit light in the night light mode in response to a timer.3. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the night light mode is initiated by a user.4. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the night light mode is initiated by a user by pressing a button.5. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the night light mode is initiated by a user and remains operable until deactivated by a user.6. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the night light mode is initiated by a user and remains operable for a set period of time.7. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the night light mode is initiated by a timer.8. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the night light mode is activated and deactivated by a timer.9. The doorbell chime according to claim 1 , wherein the doorbell chime is configurable ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025620A1

One embodiment provides a method, including: receiving, at a security device, external data; and adjusting, at the security device, a motion detection feature based on the external data. Other aspects are described and claimed. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, at a security device, external data; andadjusting, at the security device, a motion detection feature based on the external data.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:detecting, at the security device, motion of an object; anddetermining, at the security device, that the motion of the object should be filtered out based on the external condition data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the external data is external condition data.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the external condition data is current condition data.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the current condition data is weather data.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the external condition data is updated according to a policy.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the external data is a predetermined object motion filter.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the predetermined object motion filter comprises a predetermined pattern filter for vertical object movement.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the predetermined object motion filter is a repetitive motion filter.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the predetermined object motion filter is applied to an area in the field of view of the security device.11. An electronic device claim 9 , comprising:a processor; anda memory device that stores instructions executable by the processor to:receive external data; andadjust a motion detection feature based on the external data.12. The electronic device of claim 11 , wherein the instructions are executable by the processor to:detect motion of an object; anddetermine that the motion of the object should be filtered out based on the external condition data.13. The electronic device of claim 11 , wherein the external data is external condition data.14. ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150029023A1
Принадлежит: Cinch Systems, Inc.

A security sensor includes a wall mount having features for fixing the wall mount to a wall to monitor an area for security. A cover is adapted to attach to the wall mount. The cover includes a base to couple to the wall mount, connectors to couple to a power source, a circuit board supported proximate the base and coupled to the connectors, the circuit board having a transmitter to receive signals from a sensor and wirelessly transmit the signals, and an antenna coupled to the circuit board and spaced from the wall to reduce electromagnetic interference from the wall. 1. A security sensor comprising:a wall mount having features for fixing the wall mount to a wall to monitor an area for security; a base to couple to the wall mount;', 'connectors to couple to a power source;', 'a circuit board supported proximate the base and coupled to the connectors, the circuit board having a transmitter to receive signals from a sensor and wirelessly transmit the signals; and', 'an antenna coupled to the circuit board and spaced from the wall to reduce electromagnetic interference from the wall., 'a cover adapted to attach to the wall mount, the cover further comprising2. The security sensor of wherein the base includes a side wall to distance the base from the wall and couple to the wall mount.3. The security sensor of wherein the power source comprises a battery and wherein the antenna is formed on a side of the circuit board opposite the battery.4. The security sensor of wherein the antenna is formed on a side of the circuit board opposite the wall.5. The security sensor of claim wherein the base connectors are configured to hold a battery.6. The security sensor of wherein the wall mount further comprises:connectors to hold a battery; andconductors coupled to the connectors to mate with the connectors of the cover.7. The security sensor of wherein the wall mount comprises multiple protrusions to guide the cover into a snap fit retentive connection with the wall mount.8. The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Security system and a method of using the same

Номер: US20190027016A1
Автор: Penghe Geng
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A security system (10) including a security device (12), the security device including a processor (18), a memory (14) operably coupled to the processor, the memory configured to store a plurality of mobile device identifiers, and a communication device (16) operably coupled to the processor, the communication device configured to transmit and receive communication signals; wherein the processor is configured to operate a program stored in memory, wherein the program is configured to: acquire a mobile device identifier if a communication signal is received for a predetermined duration of time, determine whether the acquired mobile device identifier is one of a plurality of stored mobile device identifiers, and transmit an alarm signal based on the acquired mobile device identifier.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027020A1
Автор: Petrucci Carlo Q.

A method, system, and apparatus for programming a sensor at a customer location is disclosed. A defective sensor at a customer location is replaced by a new sensor that is programmed at the customer location using a programming device or a transducer coupled to a computing device. The new sensor is programming using the sensor's detector normally used to sense a change in a magnetic field, an RF signal, infra-red light, or some other emission or property. 1. A sensor , comprising:a magnetic field detector;a memory for storing processor-executable instructions and sensor data;a transmitter for transmitting alarm signals to a remote receiver; and detect, by the processor, modulation of the magnetic field sensed by the magnetic field detector;', 'convert, by the processor, the further modulation of the magnetic field into programming information; and', 'replace, by the processor, at least some of the sensor data stored in the memory with the programming information., 'a processor, coupled to the magnetic field detector, the memory and the transmitter, for executing the processor-executable instructions that causes the sensor to2. The sensor of claim 1 , further comprising an indicator for providing an indication claim 1 , and the instructions comprise further instructions that causes the sensor to:determine, by the processor, that the programming information was successfully stored in the memory; andin response to determining that the programming information was successfully stored in the memory, provide a signal to the indicator that causes the indicator to generate the indication.3. The sensor of claim 1 , further comprising an indicator for providing an indication claim 1 , and the instructions comprise further instructions that causes the sensor to:enter a programming mode of operation; andin response to entering the programming mode of operation, provide a signal to the indicator that causes the indicator to generate the indication.4. The sensor of claim 2 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027069A1
Автор: Meyers Richard
Принадлежит: Globe Tracker, ApS

Systems and methods can secure freight container seals using electronic sensors. A hardened sensor clamp housing can include one or more sensing portals. The sensor clamp housing can receive a bolt seal through each of the sensing portals. One or more seal sensors may be positioned proximate to the sensing portals to sense a physical characteristic of the inserted bolt seal. This characteristic may be electrical, optical, magnetic, or so forth. The seal sensors can generate an electrical signal associated with cutting or tampering with the inserted bolt seal. The electrical signal can be coupled to a sensor clamp module operable to determine a tamper state of the bolt seal in response to the associated electrical signal. The determined tamper state can be communicated via a sensor clamp wireless module to a container controller or communications gateway. 1. A method for securing freight container seals with electronic sensors , comprising:providing a sensor clamp housing;providing one or more sensing portals within the sensor clamp housing, wherein the sensor clamp housing is operable to receive a bolt seal through each of the one or more sensing portals;positioning one or more seal sensors proximate to the one or more sensing portals, wherein the one or more seal sensor are operable to sense a physical characteristic of the bolt seal and generate an associated electrical signal;coupling the associated electrical signal to a sensor clamp module operable to determine a tamper state of the bolt seal in response to the associated electrical signal; andreceiving the determined tamper state from the sensor clamp module into a sensor clamp wireless module operable to communicate wirelessly to a container controller or communications gateway.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor clamp housing comprises hardened metal to resist tampering.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor clamp housing comprises a substantially C-shaped geometry having two sensing portals ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027337A1

Security system devices are configured to retrieve historic first sensor data acquired from a protected area in response to receiving a threat alarm notification from a peer security system that is related to an area monitored by the peer security system, wherein the protected area is different from and geographically separate from the area monitored by the peer security system. The system devise determines that a security threat is indicated for the protected area by assessing the retrieved selection of historic first sensor data as a function of a relation of the threat alarm notification from the peer security system to the protected area, wherein assessing the historic first sensor data without the function of the relation of the threat alarm notification from the peer security system to the protected area results in determining that the security threat is not indicated for the protected area. 1. A computer-implemented method for a security system with cooperative behavior , the method comprising executing on a computer processor:in response to receiving a threat alarm notification from a peer security system that is related to an area monitored by the peer security system, retrieving historic first sensor data for a protected area, wherein the protected area is different from and geographically distinct from the area monitored by the peer security system;in response to determining that a security threat is not indicated for the protected area by assessing the threat alarm notification, incrementing a total count of contemporaneous sensor data events that are reported from each of a group of peer security systems for the protected area; anddetermining that the security threat is indicated for the protected area in response to determining that the incremented total count of contemporaneous sensor data events meets a threat condition threshold value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the retrieving the selection of historic first sensor data comprises retrieving ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Processing Alarm Signals

Номер: US20200027338A1
Автор: Horrocks Bill, Poder James

Methods, systems, computer-readable media, and apparatuses for processing alarm signals are presented. In some embodiments, a mobile device may be registered with a security system that is installed at a premises. Subsequently, an alarm trigger associated with the security system may be received. Based on receiving the alarm trigger, the location of the mobile device may be determined. A response to the alarm trigger then may be determined based on the location of the mobile device. 1receiving, by a computing device associated with a security system, an indication of an alarm triggering event at a premises;based on receiving the indication of the alarm triggering event, determining at least one sensor condition, wherein the at least one sensor condition is associated with one or more sensors associated with the security system; andbased on the at least one sensor condition and on information indicating false alarm sensor conditions that are indicative of a false alarm, causing adjusted output of an alarm associated with the alarm triggering event.. A method comprising: This application is a continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/658,720, filed Jul. 25, 2017, and entitled “Processing Alarm Signals,” which itself is a continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/687,122, filed Apr. 15, 2015, and entitled “Processing Alarm Signals,” now U.S. Pat. No. 9,754,477, issued Sep. 5, 2017, which itself is a continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/826,489, filed Mar. 14, 2013, and entitled “Processing Alarm Signals,” now U.S. Pat. No. 9,035,763, issued May 19, 2015, each of which is incorporated herein, by reference, in its entirety.Aspects of the disclosure relate to hardware and computer software that may be used with or implemented by home security systems. In particular, various aspects of the disclosure relate to processing alarm signals, such as alarm signals that may be ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028410A1

Disclosed are a digital cap for a medicine container, a control method of a mobile device, etc. The digital cap, according to an embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a fastening module connectable to a medicine container, a communication module for receiving, from a mobile device, at least one if medication time and the type of medicine contained within the medicine container; a detection module for scanning whether the connected medicine container has been opened or closed; an output module for outputting an alarm which restricts medication when the opening and closing is sensed and if the current time is not within the range of the received medication time; a controller for transmitting information regarding the opening and closing to the mobile device by controlling the communication module; and a battery for supplying power to at least one of the elements. 1. A digital cap for a medicine container , comprising:a fastening module capable of being connected with the medicine container;a communication module configured to receive at least one of a type of medicines contained in the medicine container and medication time from a mobile device;a detect module configured to detect whether or not the connected medicine container is opened/closed;if whether or not the connected medicine container is opened/closed is detected and current time is not a range of the received medication time, an output module configured to output an alarm for setting a limit on medication;a controller configured to control the communication module to transmit information on whether or not the connected medicine container is opened/closed to the mobile device; anda battery configured to supply power to at least one of the aforementioned configuration elements.2. The digital cap of claim 1 , wherein the output module corresponds to at least one of a speaker and a display.3. The digital cap of claim 2 , wherein if a level of the remaining power of the battery is equal to or less than ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Storage Delivery Box

Номер: US20180029760A1
Автор: Maser Roman

A storage delivery box is provided. The storage delivery box includes a housing having a base, sidewalls, a lid, and an interior volume. The lid is hingedly attached to the housing for selectively providing access to the interior volume. The lid includes a locking mechanism configured to automatically secure the lid when in a closed position. A door lock disposed on the lid includes an input for unlocking the lid when in the closed position. An alarm system disposed on the housing is configured to detect intruders, activate a home alarm system and a recording device, and wirelessly communicate any attempted intrusions to an electronic device. An auxiliary net removably attachable to the interior volume is configured to receive items that are too large to fit within the interior volume and secure them exteriorly to the storage box. 1) A storage delivery box , comprising:a housing including a base, one or more sidewalls, and an interior volume;a lid hingedly connected to a sidewall of the housing for selectively moving the lid between an open position and a closed position;an automated locking mechanism disposed on the lid;an auxiliary net removably attachable to the interior volume of the housing, the auxiliary net including an open upper end, a middle portion, and a closed lower end;a latching mechanism configured to secure the open upper end of the auxiliary net to the interior volume of the housing;an aperture disposed on the housing, the aperture configured to receive a fastener therethrough for securing the housing to a surface; andan alarm system configured to activate upon an attempted intrusion, wherein upon activation the alarm system is configured to alert an owner of the attempted intrusion.2) The storage delivery box of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a waterproof interior lining configured to protect the interior volume of the housing from precipitation.3) The storage delivery box of claim 1 , wherein the lid includes a door lock including an ...
