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20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573507C2

Изобретение относится к неорганическому, не содержащему галогенов огнезащитному средству, выполненному из регидратированного красного шлама (MR2S). Состав включает от 10 до 50% по массе соединений железа, от 12 до 35% по массе соединений алюминия, от 5 до 17% по массе соединений оксида кремния, от 2 до 21% по массе TiOи от 0,5 до 6% по массе соединений кальция. Содержание гидроксидов и гидратированных оксидов в соединениях железа выше или равно 50% по массе, предпочтительно выше или равно 80% по массе по отношению к оксидам в соединениях железа, и при этом содержание гидроксидов и гидратированных оксидов в соединениях алюминия выше или равно 50% по массе, предпочтительно выше или равно 80% по массе по отношению к оксидам в соединениях алюминия. Кроме того, настоящее изобретение также относится к огнестойким системам компонентов, содержащим горючий материал и неорганическое, не содержащее галогенов огнезащитное средство, и способу их получения. Изобретение обеспечивает ограничение доступа ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2467421C2
Принадлежит: НЕКСАНС (FR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к электрическим кабелям, которые могут быть использованы в авиации, например на борту самолета. Кабель включает: электрический проводник, окруженный первым слоем, содержащим, по меньшей мере, одну обмотку микаленты, причем упомянутая микалента состоит из частиц слюды, нанесенных на подложку посредством полимерного связующего вещества; второй слой, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одну обмотку полиимидной ленты; и третий слой, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одну обмотку политетрафторэтиленовой (ПТФЭ) ленты; причем первый слой подвергают термической обработке при температуре, по меньшей мере, 400°С; и при этом отношение R массы на единицу длины ПТФЭ к сумме масс на единицу длины полимерного связующего вещества и полиимида, является таким, что: R больше или равно 2, когда сечение электрического проводника не больше 0,2 мм2 и предпочтительно находится в диапазоне от 0,1 мм2 до 0,2 мм2; R больше или равно 4, когда сечение электрического проводника строго больше 0,2 ...

14-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635604C2

Изобретение относится к новым полиорганосилоксановым композициям, вулканизуемым в горячем состоянии с образованием кремнийорганических эластомеров, то есть вулканизуемым при температуре материала, которая в общем случае находится в интервале от 100 до 200°C и в случае необходимости может доходить до 250°C. Композиция C для использования в изоляционных материалах содержит (A) 100 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного полиорганосилоксанового полимера A, содержащего в молекуле по меньшей мере две алкенильные группы C-C, связанные с атомом кремния; (B) от 0,1 до 250 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного минерала B, выбранного из группы, состоящей из смеси гидромагнезита с брутто-формулой Mg(CO)(OH)·4HO и хантита с брутто-формулой MgCa(CO); (C) от 0,00001 до 0,02 массовых частей или от 0,1 до 200 млнв расчете на массу металлической платины по отношению к общей массе композиции C по меньшей мере одного термостабилизатора D, позволяющего улучшить стойкость кремнийорганических эластомеров к разложению ...

17-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633702C2
Принадлежит: ПРИЗМИАН С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к области электрических кабелей, стойких к огню, воде и механическим нагрузкам. Описан электрический кабель (1), содержащий по меньшей мере один проводник (10) и барьер, расположенный снаружи по меньшей мере одного проводника. Барьер содержит два первых слоя (12), содержащих неорганический материал, и второй слой (13), содержащий полимер-металлический композитный материал, причем второй слой расположен между двумя первыми слоями. Электрический кабель также содержит, в промежуточном положении между по меньшей мере одним проводником и барьером, только прерывистые слои и/или слои несминающихся под воздействием температуры материалов. Изобретение обеспечивает устойчивость кабеля к огню, воде и механическим нагрузкам. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

22-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658650C2

Изобретение относится к контейнеру для электрического или оптического проводника, использованию газопроницаемой, огнеупорной и предпочтительно механически гибкой или упругой оболочки и к комплекту для изготовления кабельного соединения или кабельной спайки. Контейнер содержит изоляцию (102), которую изготавливают из изоляционного материала, наполненного огнезащитным средством, который можно установить на проводник (100), так чтобы он, по меньшей мере частично, окружал его. Также выполнена внешняя оболочка (104), которую изготавливают из газопроницаемого, огнеупорного материала и которая окружает изоляцию (102) так, что работоспособность изоляции сохраняется в случае пожара в течение определенного периода времени. При этом слой изоляции и слой внешней оболочки являются единственными слоями контейнера. Изобретение также относится к соответствующему комплекту для изготовления кабельного соединения или кабельной спайки. Изобретение обеспечивает безопасную работу проводника в течение долгого ...

11-12-2023 дата публикации

Силовой пожаробезопасный кабель

Номер: RU222081U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности и безопасности эксплуатации кабеля силового на напряжение -10 кВ при воздействии пламени. Кабель силовой содержит одну токопроводящую жилу, последовательно покрытую первым электропроводящим слоем, комбинированной изоляцией и вторым электропроводящим слоем, обмоткой из электропроводящей ленты и металлическим экраном, разделительным слоем, внутренней оболочкой и наружной оболочкой из поливинилхлоридного пластиката пониженной пожароопасности с максимальной оптической плотностью дыма при горении и тлении не более 200 Дмакс, с кислородным индексом не менее 35 %, при этом первый слой комбинированной изоляции выполнен в виде обмотки из слюдосодержащей ленты, а второй – из сшитой полимерной композиции. 3 з.п. ф-лы.

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019131857A3

17-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU168021U1

Полезная модель относится к монтажным кабелям для систем промышленной автоматики. Технической задачей является защита кабеля от повышенной влажности.Кабель содержит изолированные токопроводящие жилы 1. Изоляция токопроводящих жил выполнена из поливинилхлоридного (ПВХ) пластиката 2 с низким дымо- и газовыделением или из полимерного компаунда, не содержащего галогенов. Под пластикатом 2 на жилы наложена огнестойкая обмотка из двух слюдосодержащих лент 3. Между жилами проложены продольно нити 4 из водоблокирующего материала (ВБМ). Жилы 1 скручены вместе с нитями 4 в пучки 5. На пучки наложены экраны 6 из алюмофлекса. Пучки скручены в сердечник 7. На сердечник наложена лента 8 из полиэтилентерефталата (ПЭТ). На ленту 8 наложена лента 9 из ВБМ, продольно или обмоткой с перекрытием. На ленту 9 наложен общий экран 10 из алюмофлекса. На экран 10 наложена оболочка 11 из ПВХ пластиката с низким дымо- и газовыделением или из полимерного компаунда, не содержащего галогенов. На оболочку наложена броня ...

03-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU172234U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к конструкциям силовых кабелей с пропитанной бумажной изоляцией, используемым для прокладки в кабельных сооружениях, помещениях и в сооружениях метрополитенов, в том числе в пожароопасных и взрывоопасных зонах при отсутствии растягивающих усилий в процессе эксплуатации.В кабеле силовом с пропитанной бумажной изоляцией, содержащем токопроводящие жилы, каждая из которых покрыта бумажной изоляцией, пропитанной вязким или нестекающим изоляционным составом, поясную изоляцию, свинцовую оболочку, подушку под броню, броню и наружную оболочку, при этом наружная оболочка выполнена из материала пониженной пожарной опасности с низкой токсичностью продуктов горения, характеризующегося удельным объемным электрическим сопротивлением при (20±2)°C не менее 1⋅10Ом⋅см, прочностью при разрыве не менее 10,5 МПа, относительным удлинением при разрыве не менее 200%, кислородным индексом не менее 35%, максимальной плотностью дыма при горении не более 120 Дм ...

25-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU212471U1

Полезная модель относится к конструкциям силовых кабелей, не распространяющим горение, пожаробезопасным, с алюминиевыми и медными жилами, с бумажной изоляцией, пропитанной вязким или нестекающим составом, в металлической оболочке, с оболочкой из поливилхлоридного пластиката пониженной пожароопасности. Кабели предназначены для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в стационарных установках в электрических сетях на напряжение до 35 кВ переменного тока частотой 50 Гц. Полезная модель относится к конструкциям электрических силовых кабелей, предназначенных для эксплуатации в условиях повышенной пожароопасности и взрывоопасности, соответствующих требованиям по нераспространению горения, пониженного дымовыделения, пониженного выделения хлористого водорода при горении, например на тепло- и гидроэлектростанциях, на предприятиях нефтегазового комплекса, на химических предприятиях, при строительстве высотных зданий, в метрополитенах, в подземных выработках и на ряде других объектов, на которых ...

04-02-2020 дата публикации

Кабель контрольный

Номер: RU195697U1

Полезная модель относится к электрическим кабелям. Кабель содержит токопроводящие жилы 1, изоляцию 2, внутреннюю экструдированную оболочку 3, броню 4 и наружную оболочку 5. Технический результат: повышение характеристик пожарной безопасности кабеля. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 697 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/295 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01B 7/295 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019135003, 31.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 04.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 04.02.2020 Бюл. № 4 (54) Кабель контрольный (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к электрическим кабелям. Кабель содержит токопроводящие жилы 1, изоляцию 2, внутреннюю экструдированную R U 1 9 5 6 9 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 109319 U1, 10.10.2011. RU 160352 U1, 20.03.2016. RU 174771 U1, 01.11.2017. US 4398058 A1, 09.08.1983. Стр.: 1 оболочку 3, броню 4 и наружную оболочку 5. Технический результат: повышение характеристик пожарной безопасности кабеля. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 111024, Москва, шоссе Энтузиастов, 5, ОАО ВНИИКП, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество Всероссийский научно-исследовательский, проектно-конструкторский и технологический институт кабельной промышленности (ОАО ВНИИ КП) (RU), Акционерное общество "Завод "Энергокабель" (АО "Завод "Энергокабель") (RU) 1 9 5 6 9 7 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 31.10.2019 R U 31.10.2019 (72) Автор(ы): Мещанов Виталий Геннадиевич (RU), Шувалов Михаил Юрьевич (RU), Каменский Михаил Кузьмич (RU), Фрик Андрей Александрович (RU), Сливов Алексей Анатольевич (RU), Недайхлиб Татьяна Александровна (RU), Пташинский Дмитрий Викторович (RU), Бекренева Ирина Сергеевна (RU) U 1 U 1 1 9 5 6 9 7 1 9 5 6 9 7 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 195 697 U1 Область техники, к которой относится полезная модель Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, в ...

04-10-2021 дата публикации

Кабель силовой с полипропиленовой изоляцией

Номер: RU206947U1

Полезная модель предназначена для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в стационарных установках на номинальное переменное напряжение 6-35 кВ включительно номинальной частотой 50 Гц. Технический результат, заключающийся в разработке конструкции силового кабеля, который можно использовать для вторичной переработки, и имеющего повышенную рабочую температуру, достигается за счет кабеля с пропиленовой изоляцией, в котором по токопроводящей жиле и изоляции наложены экструдируемые полупроводящие слои, при этом изоляция выполнена из композиционного материала на основе блок-сополимера пропилена с этиленом. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 947 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/295 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01B 7/295 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021121573, 21.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 21.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 04.10.2021 Бюл. № 28 2 0 6 9 4 7 R U (54) Кабель силовой с полипропиленовой изоляцией (57) Реферат: Полезная модель предназначена для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в стационарных установках на номинальное переменное напряжение 6-35 кВ включительно номинальной частотой 50 Гц. Технический результат, заключающийся в разработке конструкции силового кабеля, который можно использовать для вторичной переработки, и Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2700506 C1, 17.09.2019. RU 2137234 C1, 10.09.1999. CN 106024125 A, 12.10.2016. CN 101297379 A, 29.10.2008. имеющего повышенную рабочую температуру, достигается за счет кабеля с пропиленовой изоляцией, в котором по токопроводящей жиле и изоляции наложены экструдируемые полупроводящие слои, при этом изоляция выполнена из композиционного материала на основе блок-сополимера пропилена с этиленом. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 634061, г. Томск, а/я 4177, Рыбакова Наталья ...

13-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU174934U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к конструкциям кабелей радиочастотных со сплошной пластмассовой изоляцией и оболочкой, предназначенных для соединения различных радиоустройств и радиочастотных установок в цепях управления, связи и межприборных соединений при температуре окружающей среды от минус 50°С до плюс 60°С и относительной влажности воздуха до 98% при температуре плюс 35°С.Кабель радиочастотный содержит внутренний проводник 1, изоляцию 2, термический барьер 3 из слюдосодержащей ленты или стеклоленты, внешний проводник 4 из медных или медных луженых проволок и наружную оболочку 5 из полимерной композиции, не содержащей галогенов, с кислородным индексом не менее 35 и определенными по ISO 5660-1 удельной теплотой сгорания не более 18 МДж/кг и пиковым значением скорости тепловыделения не более 260 кВт/м. Кабель может дополнительно содержать внутреннюю экструдированную оболочку 6 из полимерной композиции, не содержащей галогенов, с кислородным индексом не менее 40 ...

11-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU192248U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехнике, а именно к конструкции силового кабеля, предназначенного для передачи и распределения электроэнергии в стационарных установках при номинальном переменном напряжении 0,66 кВ и 1 кВ. Кабель силовой содержит скрученные в сердечник, по меньшей мере, три изолированные токопроводящие жилы 1, поверх сердечника наложена внутренняя экструдированная оболочка 4 из термопластичной полимерной композиции, поверх которой наложен защитный шланг 5 из термопластичной полимерной композиции, а каждая токопроводящая медная жила 1 покрыта двухслойной изоляцией, причем контактирующий с жилой первый слой 2 изоляции выполнен из термореактивного лакового материала, а второй слой 3 изоляции выполнен из термопластичного материала. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

04-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU189777U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к кабельной отрасли электротехнической промышленности и может быть использована для фиксированного монтажа бортовой электрической сети авиационной техники, предназначенные для фиксированного монтажа бортовой электрической сети авиационной техники в пожароопасной зоне и работы при напряжении 250 В переменного тока частоты до 6000 Гц (350 В постоянного тока) при атмосферном давлении от 0,67 до 60 кПа или 600 В переменного тока частоты до 6000 Гц (750 В постоянного тока) при атмосферном давлении выше 60 кПа и температуре от минус 60 до плюс 250°С.Многожильный экранированный огнестойкий бортовой провод содержит сердечник из скрученных изолированных токопроводящих жил, на который наложен экран, поверх которого наложена наружная оболочка, при этом изоляционный слой выполнен в виде обмотки с положительным перекрытием лент и пленок, состоящий из слюдяной ленты, полиимидной пленки с фторопластовым покрытием и пленки фторопласта-4Д, экран выполнен в виде оплетки ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU200580U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к конструкциям кабелей силовых с резиновой изоляцией, предназначенных для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в электрических сетях на номинальное переменное напряжение 1 и 3 кВ частотой 50 Гц.Кабель силовой огнестойкий содержит как минимум одну токопроводящую жилу, обмотку из слюдосодержащих лент, изоляцию из этиленпропиленовой резины, внутреннюю и наружную оболочки, выполненные из огнестойких керамообразующих безгалогенных композиций с кислородным индексом не менее 35.

09-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2787357C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно к кабельной технике и может быть использовано в конструкциях кабелей применяемых в низкоскоростных системах автоматики, преимущественно для использования во взрывоопасных средах промышленных производств. Повышение взрывобезопасности кабеля при сохранении гибкости и требуемой емкости является техническим результатом изобретения, который достигается за счет использования в качестве наполнителя воздушных полостей, расположенных между жилами, вспененного полимерного заполнителя с образованием в нем пузырьков газа диаметром 30-50 мкм, что препятствует распространению по сердечнику взрывоопасных газов, легковоспламеняющихся жидкостей и пламени из взрывоопасной зоны в невзрывоопасную зону, особенно при соединении кабелей с электрооборудованием с взрывозащитой вида «взрывонепроницаемые оболочки «d». 6 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

28-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678316C1

Изобретение относится к области электроизоляционных композиций для изотропной электротехнической стали. Состав для электрической изоляции изотропной электротехнической стали содержит, мас. %: Ортофосфорную кислоту - 12,4-17,9, Оксид магния - 0,33-0,83, Гидроксид алюминия - 0,29-0,87,ПАВ - СНСНO(СНO)nН - 0,2-1,2, Дипропилен-гликолевый моно n-бутиловый эфир - 0,01-0,3, Поливиниловый спирт - 4-5, Химочищенную воду - до 100. Изобретение позволяет получить состав с повышенной влагостойкостью, электрическим сопротивлением, с неслипаемостью обработанных листов стали в рулонах, пожаростойкостью за счет исключения органических растворителей. 1 табл., 4 пр.

09-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746225C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Изобретение относится к полиолефиновой композиции, обладающей свойствами замедления горения и/или огнестойкими свойствами и подходящей в качестве замедляющего горения и/или огнестойкого слоя провода или кабеля. Полиолефиновая композиция по настоящему изобретению содержит гомо- или сополимер полиолефина, измельченный гидроксид магния, имеющий гранулометрический состав D50от 1,5 до 5,0 мкм, в количестве от 30 до 65 мас.% в расчете на массу полиолефиновой композиции и кремнийорганическую жидкость или смолу в количестве от 0,1 до 20 мас.% в расчете на массу полиолефиновой композиции. Изобретение дополнительно относится к проводу или кабелю, содержащему один или несколько слоев, где по меньшей мере один из слоев получен из полиолефиновой композиции по настоящему изобретению. Наконец, настоящее изобретение дополнительно относится к применению полиолефиновой композиции по настоящему изобретению в качестве замедляющего горение слоя провода или кабеля. Изобретение сочетает в себе превосходные замедляющие ...

18-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667288C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Настоящее изобретение относится к огнезащитной полипропиленовой композиции, предназначенной для получения огнезащитного слоя электрического провода или кабеля. Огнезащитная композиция содержит базовую смолу, включающую в себя гетерофазный пропиленовый сополимер, который содержит полипропиленовую гомо- или сополимерную матрицу, и этилен-пропиленовый каучук, диспергированный в упомянутой матрице, а также гидроксид металла. При этом гетерофазный пропиленовый сополимер имеет показатель текучести расплава (MFR) ниже 0,8 г/10 мин и содержание растворимой в холодном ксилоле фракции от 1 до 15 мас. %, в расчете на общую массу гетерофазного пропиленового сополимера. Огнезащитная композиция по изобретению обладает хорошими огнеупорными свойствами, гибкостью при минусовой температуре и стойкостью к абразивному износу, что позволяет применять её в качестве огнезащитного слоя в автомобильных проводах и проводах для бытовых электроприборов. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

10-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008131702A

... 1. Электрический кабель, включающий: ! токопроводящую жилу, окруженную первым слоем, включающим, по меньшей мере, одну обмотку микаленты, где указанная микалента состоит из частиц слюды, нанесенных на подложку с помощью полимерного связующего; ! второй слой, включающий, по меньшей мере, одну обмотку полиимидной ленты; ! третий слой, включающий, по меньшей мере, одну обмотку политетрафторэтиленовой (ПТФЭ) ленты; ! первый слой, подвергаемый термообработке при температуре, по меньшей мере, 400°C; ! отношение R массы на единицу длины ПТФЭ к сумме масс на единицу длины полимерногосвязующего и полиимида, являющееся таким, что: ! R больше или равно 2, когда сечение токопроводящей жилы не больше 0,2 мм2, и предпочтительно находится в диапазоне от 0,1 до 0,2 мм2; ! R больше или равно 4, когда сечение токопроводящей жилы строго больше 0,2 мм2 и строго меньше 0,6 мм2; ! R больше или равно 6, когда сечение токопроводящей жилы равно 0,6 мм2; и ! R больше или равно 12, когда сечение токопроводящей жилы ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153914A

... 1. Композитная изоляционная лента (20), выполненная из нескольких слоев или совместной экструзией, по меньшей мере, двух слоев, включающая в себя огнестойкий первый слой (24) полимерной матрицы, в который диспергированы частицы слюды, и второй слой 26 полимера, содержащего ароматические и/или гетероциклические кольца и имеющего температуру плавления, составляющую, по меньшей мере, 350°С, и температуру стеклования, составляющую, по меньшей мере, 150°C.2. Лента по п.1, в которой второй слой (26) содержит смесь или сплав, содержащий, по меньшей мере, 65 масс.% полиарилэфиркетона, имеющего соотношение кетонных и эфирных групп, связывающих ароматические кольца, составляющее по меньшей мере 1:1.3. Лента по п.2, в которой полиарилэфиркетон второго слоя (26) смешан или образует сплав с полимером из гетероциклических звеньев, содержащих шестичленное кольцо, конденсированное с пятичленным кольцом.4. Лента по любому одному из пп. 1-3, в которой огнестойкий первый слой (24) имеет политетрафторэтиленовое ...

27-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU210683U9

Полезная модель относится к конструкциям силовых кабелей не распространяющим горение, пожаробезопасным, с алюминиевыми и медными жилами, с бумажной изоляцией, пропитанной вязким или нестекающим составом, в металлической оболочке, с оболочкой из поливинилхлоридного пластиката пониженной пожароопасности. Кабели предназначены для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в стационарных установках в электрических сетях на напряжение до 35 кВ переменного тока частотой 50 Гц. Полезная модель относится к конструкциям электрических силовых кабелей, предназначенных для эксплуатации в условиях повышенной пожароопасности и взрывоопасности, соответствующих требованиям по нераспространению горения, пониженного дымовыделения, пониженного выделения хлористого водорода при горении, например, на тепло- и гидроэлектростанциях, на предприятиях нефтегазового комплекса, на химических предприятиях, при строительстве высотных зданий, в метрополитенах, в подземных выработках и на ряде других объектов, на ...

03-05-1990 дата публикации

Single-core or multi-core electric medium-voltage or high-voltage cable

Номер: DE0003837046A1

In the case of a single-core or multi-core electric medium-voltage or high-voltage cable with a conducting layer arranged between the surface of the conductor and the insulation, the conducting layer is of an at least two-layered construction, the layer (2) immediately adjacent to the conductor (1) consisting of impregnated, fire-proof wound material and the layer (4) lying over the latter, facing the insulation (5), consisting of extruded, conductive polymers. ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Isolierter Draht

Номер: DE112019004984T5

Es wird angestrebt, einen isolierten Draht bereitzustellen, dessen Flammhemmung durch ein anderes Verfahren als ein Verfahren zur Erhöhung des Gehalts eines Flammschutzmittels in einer Isolationsbeschichtung verbessert werden kann. Ein isolierter Draht beinhaltet einen Drahtleiter und eine Isolationsbeschichtung, die aus einer Harzzusammensetzung zum Bedecken eines Außenumfangs des Drahtleiters hergestellt ist. Ein Querschnittsflächenverhältnis S, das als ein Verhältnis S2/S1 einer Querschnittsfläche S2 der Isolationsbeschichtung zu einer Leiterquerschnittsfläche S1 definiert ist, und ein Sauerstoffindex Ol der Isolationsbeschichtung bildenden Harzzusammensetzung erfüllen eine Beziehung von S ≤ Ol-17,2.

10-01-1985 дата публикации

Cable core with emergency operating characteristics in the event of fire and process for its production

Номер: DE0003322203A1

The invention relates to a cable core with emergency operating characteristics in the event of a fire, in which a flame-retardant layer consisting of glass fibres is arranged between the conductor and the extruded-on insulating sheet. To improve the emergency operating characteristics with a simplified possible type of production, the flame retardant layer with a thickness of 0.3 to 0.7 mm comprises a multiplicity of fibres which run parallel to one another and essentially in the longitudinal direction of the core, are able to slide one against the other and the diameter of which is less than 30 mu m.

27-11-1958 дата публикации

Flammsichere Kabel mit einer zusammengesetzten Isolation

Номер: DE0001044914B

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Nicht-halogenhaltige flammwidrige Harzzusammensetzung und isolierter elektrischer Draht und Rohr unter deren Verwendung

Номер: DE112012001275T5

Es wird eine halogenfreie flammwidrige Harzzusammensetzung, die ein Basispolymer enthält, das hauptsächlich ein Harz auf Polyolefinbasis enthält, die einen Flammtest besteht und eine gute Wärmeresistenz und gute Wärmealterungsresistenz aufweist, die die 150°C-Bewertung erfüllen kann, und ein isolierter elektrischer Draht und ein Rohr unter Verwendung der halogenfreien flammwidrigen Harzzusammensetzung zur Verfügung gestellt. Die halogenfreie flammwidrige Harzzusammensetzung umfasst (A) ein Basispolymer, umfassend 90 Massen oder mehr einer Mischung eines Harzes auf Polyolefinbasis und eines Elastomers auf Styrolbasis, (B) ein Metallphosphinat, und (C) ein flammwidriges Mittel auf Stickstoffbasis. Die Isolationsbeschichtungsschicht und das Rohr sind bevorzugt durch Bestrahlung mit ionisierender Strahlung vernetzt.

08-12-1994 дата публикации

Polymer mixture

Номер: DE0004318768A1

The invention relates to a polymer mixture for sheathing cables and lines. Part of this mixture is a propylene homopolymer or copolymer having a melt flow index of from 0.5 to 100 g/10 min, measured at 230 DEG C/216 kg. Polyethylene and/or synthetic rubber is admixed with this polymer as mixing partner. A further constituent of the polymer mixture is a flameproofing agent comprising an intumescent system based on ammonium polyphosphate or a metal hydroxide.

12-06-1980 дата публикации

Halogen-free fire-resistant strong olefin! copolymer mixt. - contains pptd. alumina hydrate having small particle size and given specific surface

Номер: DE0002849940A1

Flame-resistant halogen-free polymer mixts. contain, as basic polymers, (A), olefin copolymers with acrylate esters, C2H4-acrylate rubber, acrylate rubber, or their blends with one another or with other polymers, e.g. nitrile rubber, polyethylene or olefin copolymers, and, as additive, w.r.t. 100 parts (A), 90-200 (120-180) parts Al2O3 hydrate, (I), having particle size 6 mu, specific surface >6 m2/g and contg., w.r.t. Al2O3, >0.25 (>0.4)% Na2O including >=0.05 (>=0.10)% soluble Na2O. The polymer mixts. are used as insulating-, filler- and/or sheathing mixts. for electric cables and conduits, and also for the prodn. of floor and wall covers and technical articles, e.g. conveyor belts, seals, coated textiles. The mixts. are flame-resistant, stable to oil and sea-water, are non-smoking and have good workability. The structural surface of (I) has a favourable catalytic activity on (A), crosslinking and age-retarding.

26-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002844693A1

15-10-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electric cables

Номер: GB0000681084A

A polymerizable liquid material which is converted to an infusible, insoluble, flexible polymer by heating to between 60 DEG and 120 DEG C. may have either of the following compositions. Example 1 : styrene 32.4 per cent, divinyl benzene 3.6 per cent, polystyrene 24.0 per cent, tricresyl phosphate 40.0 per cent. Example 2 : styrene 21.6 per cent, divinyl benzene 2.4 per cent, polystyrene 16.0 per cent, pentachlorodiphenyl 60.0 per cent. Polymerization accelerators such as benzoyl peroxide or tertiary butyl benzoate may be added.

30-10-1985 дата публикации

Electric cable

Номер: GB2157881A

An electric cable which is combustion resistant and which prevents the spreading of fire, the cable having insulated conductors and a sheath, the materials of the conductor insulation and the sheath being materials which emit low amounts of toxic gases and smoke when burned. The spaces between the insulated conductors and between such conductors and the sheath are filled with a filler constituted by, the sheath is made from or the sheath is covered with a layer of hydrated aluminum sulfate and a binder of elastomeric or plastomeric material.

22-01-1997 дата публикации

Plasticised PVC compositions

Номер: GB0002302543A

Esters of fatty acids having the formula RCOOR 1 wherein the groups R and R 1 which may be the same or different represent alkyl or alkenyl groups comprising from 6 to 24 carbon atoms have been discovered to be used as lubricants in PVC compositions which comprise a phosphate ester as a plasticiser or flame retardant because their use reduces the evolution of unpleasant odours during manufacture of the compositions and in applications such as extrusion. The novel PVC compositions find particular value in coating of wire and cable where they reduce odour and may enable the use of a composition which does not contain any heavy metals. The preferred ester is stearyl stearate.

15-09-1999 дата публикации

Electric or optic cable which evolves gas for fire protection

Номер: GB0002335304A

An electric or optic cable 11 comprises a copper conductor 10 surrounded by insulating layers 14 and 15 and an outer sheath 16. One of the insulating layers 14 or 15 incorporates a material, preferably a blowing agent which evolves a gas or gases at elevated temperatures. Preferably, in the event of a fire, the chemical blowing agent is activated to give off gases which cause the cable to swell to form a bulge 7. The bulge 7 provides a physical barrier to flame spread and heat propagation along the cable. The blowing agent may include sodium bicarbonate, azodicarbonamide, dinitrosopentamethylenetetramine, 4-4'-oxy-bis (benzenesulphonylhydrazide), trihydrazinotriazine, modified azodicarbonamide N,N dimethyl N, N dinitrosoterephthalamide or 5-phenyl tetrazole.

05-05-1983 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to cladded substrates

Номер: GB0002107720A

An elongate substrate, for example a wire or cable or a pipe or duct, is provided over at least part of its length with a flame retarded cladding formed from a polymeric composition which comprises a crosslinked blend of a vinyl acetate/alkene copolymer, preferably a vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer, having a vinyl acetate content of greater than 55 weight per cent, with a thermoplastic elastomeric polyester or a styrene/butadiene rubber, and incorporates an effective amount of a halogen- free inorganic flame retardant, e.g. alumina trihydrate.

24-03-1965 дата публикации

Method of improving properties of flame resistant polyethylene and products thereof

Номер: GB0000987172A

A flame resistant composition comprises polyethylene, an inorganic flame retardant such as chlorinated paraffin wax and 2 to 20 parts (per 100 by weight of the polyethylene) of a chlorinated elastomer such as neoprene. In examples, other ingredients are carbon black and stabilizers such as phenyl alpha naphthylamine and an epoxy resin. The composition finds application as insulation for electrical conductors.

15-04-1981 дата публикации

Flame retardant electric cables.

Номер: GB0002059140A

The flame-retardant cable comprises at least one individually insulated conductor 10, 11, 12 within a sheath 22 of flame-retardant insulating material, and an insulating filling material 18 within the sheath and surrounding the or each individually insulated conductor, the sheath, the insulation on the or each conductor and the filling material being of compositions such that, upon combustion of the cable, no toxic or irritant gases are evolved and no dense smoke is formed. The improvement comprises that the filling material comprises a major amount of inorganic ash-forming ingredients and a minor amount (such as up to 25% by weight) of at least one cross-linked ethylene copolymer elastomer, the filling material having a tear strength of not greater than 5 Newtons per millimetre. Such a filling material enables the conductors to be manually separated from the material when forming cable terminations. ...

23-12-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Telecommunication Cables

Номер: GB0001175850A

... 1,175,850. Cables. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER'S CABLES Ltd. 6 Sept., 1968 [7 Sept., 1967], No. 40974/67. Heading H1A. A telecommunication cable comprises a multiplicity of plastics insulated conductors enclosed within a waterproof sheath of plastics material, the interstices between the insulated conductors and between the insulated conductors and the sheath, being filled with a flame resistant water impermeable medium comprising a blend of a flame resistant medium, e.g. chlorinated paraffin wax, and a water impermeable medium, e.g. petroleum jelly. The conductor insulation may be of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene, in solid or cellular form.

14-01-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in Electric Cables.

Номер: GB0001177472A

... 1,177,472. Cable. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER'S CABLES Ltd. 31 Dec., 1968 [1 Jan., 1968], No. 128/68. Heading H1A. A light-weight cable consists of a conductor, preferably stranded, and a composite sheath comprising an inner layer, preferably extruded, of a polycarbonate or polyphenylene oxide and an outer layer of a nylon, which term includes any linear, fibre-forming superpolyamide. The outer layer may be extruded or may be a fibrous nylon braid impregnated with nylon laquer. A glass or other mineral fibre layer in the form of a braid or lapping, preferably impregnated with a flame-retarding paste based on a highly halogenated wax, may be interposed between the two layers. Alternatively a layer of the paste alone may be interposed. The conductor may be of copper alloy or copper coated with silver or nickel or tin.

04-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002020305B
Принадлежит: GEN ELECTRIC, GEC

14-11-1979 дата публикации

Solid silicone rubber compositions as insulators from fire for electrical components

Номер: GB0002020305A
Автор: Modic, Frank Joseph

A process for insulating electrical components located in a conduit from fire and also conducting away the heat generated by the electric current in the electrical component, comprising mixing and pouring into the conduit a composition comprising a vinyl-containing polysiloxane polymer, an extending filler which is preferably alpha quartz, a platinum catalyst and a hydrogen-containing polysiloxane. The composition is allowed to surround the electrical components in the conduit and cured at room temperature to a solid silicone elastomer. Such a process has been found imminently suitable for insulating electrical components in a nuclear plant from fire for an extended period of time so as to maintain the electrical integrity of the components.

02-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001519781A

... 1519781 Fire-retarded plastics PIRELLI GENERAL CABLE WORKS Ltd 18 Dec 1975 [8 Jan 1975] 827/75 Heading C3K A composition comprises a chlorine-containing thermoplastic, e.g. PVC or polychloroprene, a plasticizer therefor, hydrated alumina as fire retardant, and CaCO3 having a surface area of at least 15 m<2>/g. The composition may also contain Sb2O3 and MgCO3.

17-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001575308A

31-10-2010 дата публикации

Low-smoke, fire-resistant and water-resistant cable coating.

Номер: AP2010005419A0

31-10-2010 дата публикации

Low-smoke, fire-resistant and water-resistant cable coating.

Номер: AP0201005419A0

27-12-1994 дата публикации

Flame-resistant cable

Номер: AT0000398498B

A flame-resistant electrical cable has at least one sheath 4, 9 which encloses the conductors 1 and is or are composed of polyolefin, to which flame-inhibiting additives are added. The sheath has ribs 6, 11 which run in the axial direction of the cable and enclose grooves 5, 10 between them. The ribs and the grooves are covered by at least one further layer 8, 12, 13. The elongated cavities formed by the grooves form free spaces, which the material of the sheath 4, 9 can enter when it expands, and are also used to dissipate gases or vapours in the event of fire. ...

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404623T

15-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA928175A

15-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA767274A

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000466047T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000485334T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499688T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420442T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538479T

15-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000767274A

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000137882T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000105967T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000105966T

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000058447T

15-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000163105T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000303415T

10-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000339395B

15-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000198240T

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000258204T

27-12-1971 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of a fire-safe material from filled polymers

Номер: AT0000295163B

11-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031530000T

26-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034355649T

10-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035181195T

17-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039829989T

26-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036712971T

09-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039874257T

02-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035450188T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034226126T

28-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032580061T

09-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005750873A

12-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005760490A

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Optical Fiber Composite Fireproof Cable and Intelligent Early Warning Communication Device

Номер: AU2019100250A4
Принадлежит: James & Wells Intellectual Property

Abstract Provided is an optical fiber composite fireproof cable and an intelligent early warning communication device, relating to the technical field of optical communication transmission, this cable, while being capable of optical communication and having good performance of high temperature resistance and flame retardance, can work with an early warning system or monitoring device of fire protection, so that a fire may be spotted at the beginning of its occurrence and an early warning may be sent out to reserve time for escape and rescue. It includes an optical unit for communication, an optical unit for early warning and at least three power transmission units, the optical unit for communication, the optical unit for early warning and the power transmission units are stranded to form a cable core; the optical unit for communication consists of a loose bushing, a plurality of optical fibers for communication located within the loose bushing and a polyolefin sheathing layer extruded around ...

19-06-2008 дата публикации

Power transmission cable

Номер: AU2006351788A1

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Flame-retardant electrical cable

Номер: AU2008360331B2

The present invention relates to a flame-retardant cable comprising at least one conductor and at least one coating made from a flame-retardant composition, wherein said flame-retardant composition comprises: (a) at least one crystalline propylene homopolymer or copolymer; (b) at least one copolymer of ethylene with at least one C ...

12-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007016981A

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Electrical cable resistant to fire, water and mechanical stresses

Номер: AU2013206638A1

What is described is an electrical cable comprising at least one conductor and a barrier arranged externally to the at least one conductor. The barrier comprises two first layers comprising an inorganic material and a second layer comprising a polymer-metal composite material, the second layer being interposed between the two first layers. The electrical cable also comprises, in an intermediate position between the at least one conductor and the barrier, solely discontinuous layers and/or layers of non-thermally-collapsible materials. (Figure 1a) cc a / ~ a ti-i :>IQ K ) }, op / r £2 --- s (N Ci c'~] r N- to Ci N r I to I 'st r *~=> -I \ £2 '- C N4- - ~N~ Co ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Провод автотракторный медный с диапазоном рабочих температур от (-40оC) до (+105оC )

Номер: RU0000168423U1

Заявляемое техническое решение относится к области электротехники, а именно к проводам, предназначенным для соединения электрооборудования автотранспортных средств.Провод автотракторный медный с диапазоном рабочих температур от (-40°C) до (+105°C), содержащий гибкую многопроволочную токопроводящую жилу из медных или медных луженых проволок и тонкостенную изоляцию из пожаробезопасных полимерных материалов на основе безсвинцового износостойкого поливинилхлорида, полипропилена или безгалогенной композиции.Заявляемый провод соответствует Директиве Европейского Парламента (RoHS) по ограничению использования опасных веществ. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 423 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/295 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016135109, 29.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.08.2016 02.02.2017 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "Самарская кабельная компания" (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.08.2016 Адрес для переписки: 443030, г. Самара, ул. Красноармейская, 135, Самарская областная организация ВОИР, председателю Фомину Анатолию Леонидовичу 1 6 8 4 2 3 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Провод автотракторный медный с диапазоном рабочих температур от (-40°C) до (+ 105°C), содержащий гибкую многопроволочную токопроводящую жилу из медных проволок и тонкостенную изоляцию, изготовленную из износоустойчивых ПВХкомпаундов, сшиваемых и несшиваемых безгалогенных композиций с твердостью по Шору А не менее 95 ус. ед. и пониженной пожароопасностью с кислородным индексом не менее 24% из пожаробезопасных полимерных материалов. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) Провод автотракторный медный с диапазоном рабочих температур от (-40оC) до (+105оC ) 1 6 8 4 2 3 (45) Опубликовано: 02.02.2017 Бюл. № 4 R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Ключников Валерий Фёдорович (RU), Баннов Владимир Вениаминович (RU), Родионов Вячеслав Николаевич (RU), Зуев Алексей ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации

Провод реакторный

Номер: RU0000169339U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к проводам реакторным с изоляцией из термопластичного эластомера, теплостойким, предназначенным для обмоток токоограничивающих реакторов, а также изготавливаемым для нужд народного хозяйства.Провод обмоточный реакторный содержит алюминиевую токопроводящую жилу, покрытую изоляцией, выполненной из термопластичного эластомера с диапазоном рабочих температур от -60°C до +180°C. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 339 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/295 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016142391, 27.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.10.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Кабель Технологии Инновации" (RU) 15.03.2017 U1, 10.03.2009. CN 10937738 A, 05.01.2011. Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.10.2016 1 6 9 3 3 9 (45) Опубликовано: 15.03.2017 Бюл. № 8 Адрес для переписки: 614030, г. Пермь, ул. Гайвинская, 99, ООО "Кабель Технологии Инновации", отдел интеллектуальной собственности R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Провод обмоточный реакторный, содержащий алюминиевую токопроводящую жилу, покрытую изоляцией, отличающийся тем, что изоляция выполнена из термопластичного эластомера с диапазоном рабочих температур от -60°C до +180°C. 2. Провод по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что алюминиевая токопроводящая жила выполнена круглой формы. 3. Провод по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что алюминиевая токопроводящая жила выполнена прямоугольной формы. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ПРОВОД РЕАКТОРНЫЙ 1 6 9 3 3 9 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 141504 U1, 10.06.2014. RU 81372 Дата регистрации:

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Кабель для фотогальванических электрических установок

Номер: RU0000173088U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к кабелям, не распространяющим горение, предназначенным для передачи и распределения электрической энергий в стационарных фотогальванических электрических установках (для присоединения солнечных батарей к электрическим сетям), а также для соединения отдельных модулей с преобразователем постоянного тока в переменный ток.Кабель для фотогальванических электрических установок содержит токопроводящую жилу, изоляцию и оболочку, при этом изоляция и оболочка выполнены из силанольносшиваемого полиэтилена с кислородным индексом не менее 33% и с количеством галогеноводородных кислот не более 0,5 мг/г. Оболочка выполнена из силанольносшиваемого полиэтилена, содержащего в своем составе ультрафиолетовые стабилизаторы. Ц 1 173088 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК НОВ 7/295 (2006.01) =; < Ре м5 5203) ил К ОЕ х << < (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017110545, 29.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.03.2017 Дата регистрации: 10.08.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.03.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2017 Бюл. № 22 Адрес для переписки: 614030, г. Пермь, ул. Гайвинская, 105, ООО "Камский кабель", Служба главного технолога (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Камский кабель" (КО) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: КО16882 01, 20.02.2011. К 9148502 01, 10.12.2014. 953828119 А1, 06.08.1974. (54) КАБЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ФОТОГАЛЬВАНИЧЕСКИХ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИХ УСТАНОВОК (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к кабелям, не распространяющим горение, предназначенным для передачи и распределения электрической энергий в стационарных фотогальванических электрических установках (для присоединения солнечных батарей к электрическим сетям), а также для соединения отдельных модулей с преобразователем постоянного тока в переменный ток. Стр.: 1 Кабель для ...

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Герметизированный огнестойкий многожильный кабель

Номер: RU0000181342U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к одной из отраслей электротехнической промышленности - кабельной технике, более конкретно к герметизированным судовым огнестойким кабелям, предназначенным для применения в силовых цепях для стационарной и нестационарной прокладок для присоединения к электрическим приборам, аппаратам, сборкам электрических распределительных устройств и электрическом напряжении до 1 кВ переменного тока частоты до 400 Гц или до 1,5 кВ постоянного тока и до 3 кВ переменного тока частоты до 400 Гц или до 4,2 кВ постоянного тока, устойчивых к воздействию продольного и радиального гидростатического давления до 6 МПа.Герметизированный огнестойкий многожильный кабель герметизированный огнестойкий многожильный кабель включает в себя сердечник из, по меньшей мере, двух многопроволочных жил, изолированных резиной, в которых междупроволочные пустоты заполнены герметизирующим составом, а также внешнюю оболочку из резины, при этом герметизирующий состав выполнен на основе полимерных связующих, изоляция каждой многопроволочной жилы выполнена из кремнийорганической керамизирующейся резины, на сердечник наложен водоблокирующий слой, а внешняя оболочка выполнена из маслостойкой безгалогенной резины. Сердечник кабеля может содержать жгут из водоблокирующих нитей, и/или жгут из экструдированной этиленпропиленовой резины. В частном случае кабель может быть экранированным, в таком случае между водоблокирующим слоем, покрывающим сердечник, и наружной оболочкой из маслостойкой безгалогенной резины наложены последовательно следующие слои: слой внутренней оболочки из безгалогенной резины, водоблокирующий слой, экран и водоблокирующий слой.Заявляемый герметизированный огнестойкий многожильный кабель обладает повышенными эксплуатационными характеристиками при работе в условиях воздействия продольного и радиального гидростатического давлений до 6 Мпа, может найти широкое применение в кабельной промышленности, в частности при изготовлении судовых огнестойких кабелей для ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Кабель судовой пожаробезопасный

Номер: RU0000191800U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к конструкциям судовых безгалогенных и огнестойких кабелей для стационарной прокладки на судах и плавучих сооружениях, эксплуатируемых в силовых и осветительных сетях, а также в цепях управления, контроля, сигнализации, связи и межприборных соединений.Кабель содержит токопроводящие жилы из медных или медных луженых проволок, с изоляцией из полиэтилена или из безгалогенной композиции, сшитых методом радиационного модифицирования, или из этиленпропиленовой резины, не поддерживающей горение. Под изоляцией каждой жилы может быть огнестойкий элемент из стеклослюдолента толщиной не менее 0,1 мм, наложенный в виде обмотки с перекрытием.Наружная оболочка выполнена из сшиваемой методом радиационного модифицирования эластичной, безгалогенной, коксующейся в пламени, стойкой к воздействию горячих минеральных масел и буровых растворов композиции на основе сополимера этиленвинилацетата с введенными антипиренами и стабилизирующими добавками, причем содержание винилацетатных звеньев в сополимере 26-32%, а содержание антипиренов в композиции 55-65%, стабилизирующих добавок - не менее 3%.Поверх изоляции жил может быть наложен экран из медных проволок. Изолированные жилы могут быть скручены в группы из двух или трех жил, которые, в свою очередь, скручены в сердечник. По группам жил может быть экран из металлополимерной ленты, под которой размещен контактный проводник.Поверх сердечника может быть заполнитель из эластичной, безгалогенной, не распространяющей горение композиции, общий экран из медных проволок или из металлополимерной ленты, под которой размещен контактный проводник, и при необходимости броня из стальных оцинкованных или медных луженых проволок, а также внутренняя оболочка из материала для наружной оболочки.Полезная модель позволяет повысить надежность кабеля судового пожаробезопасного за счет повышения гибкости (эластичности) кабеля, снижения дымогазовыделения при горении и тлении, а также повышения стойкости ...

14-10-2019 дата публикации

Кабель для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта

Номер: RU0000193078U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к кабелям для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта. Кабель содержит скрученные медные токопроводящие жилы, каждая из которых покрыта полимерной изоляцией, и внешнюю полимерную оболочку. Изоляция выполнена из безгалогенного термопластичного компаунда марки TPO 70HZ-80A. Материал оболочки – пластикат поливинилхлоридный марки ENC/70А. Кабель также может содержать обмотку из полиэтилентерефталатной пленки, наложенную поверх скрученных изолированных токопроводящих жил. Технический результат – повышение срока службы кабеля. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 078 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/295 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01B 7/295 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019122977, 19.07.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.10.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 14.10.2019 Бюл. № 29 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 88192 U1, 27.10.2009. RU 136912 U1, 20.01.2014. UA 39267 U, 25.02.2009. 1 9 3 0 7 8 Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество Научно-инвестиционный центр "Кабельные Технологии" (RU) R U 19.07.2019 (72) Автор(ы): Осипов Валерий Максимович (RU) 1 9 3 0 7 8 R U (54) Кабель для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области марки TPO 70HZ-80A. Материал оболочки – электротехники, а именно к кабелям для пластикат поливинилхлоридный марки ENC/70А. подвижного состава рельсового транспорта. Кабель также может содержать обмотку из Кабель содержит скрученные медные полиэтилентерефталатной пленки, наложенную токопроводящие жилы, каждая из которых поверх скрученных изолированных покрыта полимерной изоляцией, и внешнюю токопроводящих жил. Технический результат – полимерную оболочку. Изоляция выполнена из повышение срока службы кабеля. безгалогенного термопластичного компаунда Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Flame Retardant Cable Fillers and Cables

Номер: US20120063730A1
Автор: John P. Gagnon
Принадлежит: Web Ind Inc

Flame retardant cable fillers and cables made with the same using halogen-free flame retardant actives.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Flame-retardant resin composition for aluminum electric wire and aluminum electric wire using same

Номер: US20120312582A1
Автор: Kousuke Kogo
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

The invention relates to a flame-retardant resin composition for an aluminum electric wire, the resin composition comprising: a base resin containing (A) 75 to 95 parts by weight of a resin composition containing 45 to 65 parts by weight of an olefin-based resin having a tensile modulus of 1000 to 1500 MPa, 10 to 30 parts by weight of an olefin-based resin having a D hardness of 40 to 55, and 5 to 15 parts by weight of a maleic acid-modified resin and (B) 5 to 25 parts by weight of a flexible resin, and (C) 90 to 150 parts by weight of magnesium hydroxide blended into 100 parts by weight of the base resin.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Polyurethane/Polyolefin Blends with Improved Strain and Scratch Whitening Performance

Номер: US20130081853A1

A composition, preferably a halogen-free, flame retardant composition, comprising in weight percent based on the weight of the composition: A. 1 to 90% TPU polymer, B. 1 to 90% polyolefin polymer, preferably a polar polyolefin polymer, C. 1 to 60% phosphorus-based, intumescent flame retardant, D. 0.5 to 25% liquid phosphate modifier, e.g., bis-phenol-A-polyphosphate, and E. Optional additives and/or fillers. The compositions exhibit excellent strain and scratch whitening performance in combination with excellent burn performance, good flexibility and tensile properties, and good fabrication extrusion characteristics including improved surface smoothness.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146330A1
Автор: NI YONG

Disclosed herein is a flame-retardant copolyetherester composition comprising: (a) at least one copolyetherester; (b) about 5-35 wt % of at least one halogen-free flame retardant; (c) about 0.1-20 wt % of at least one nitrogen-containing compound; (d) about 0.1-10 wt % of at least one aromatic phosphate and (e) about 0.1-10 wt % of at least at least one novolac resin. Further disclosed herein are articles comprising component parts formed of the flame-retardant copolyetherester composition. 2. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one copolyetherester is present at a concentration of 25-94.7 wt % claim 1 , with the total wt % of all components of the copolyetherester composition totaling to 100 wt %.3. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one copolyetherester is present at a concentration of 40-94.7 wt % claim 1 , with the total wt % of all components of the copolyetherester composition totaling to 100 wt %.4. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one copolyetherester is present at a concentration of 40-90 wt % claim 1 , with the total wt % of all components of the copolyetherester composition totaling to 100 wt %.5. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein in the at least one halogen-free flame retardant claim 1 , each of Rand Ris hydrogen.6. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogen-free flame retardant is aluminum hypophosphite.7. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogen-free flame retardant is present at a concentration of 5-30 wt % claim 1 , with the total wt % of all components of the copolyetherester composition totaling to 100 wt %.8. The flame-retardant copolyetherester composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogen-free flame retardant is present at a concentration of 7.5-30 wt ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161056A1
Принадлежит: VIAKABLE, S. A. DE C. V.

A flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition, that is extrudible and suitable for electric cable sheaths, having from 5% to 25% by weight of at least one ethylene copolymer, from 5% to 25% by weight of linear low density polyethylene, from 0.5% to 25% by weight of at least one polyolefin grafted with maleic anhydride, and from 40% to 80% by weight of at least one flame retardant. This composition is resistant to immersion in oil over 60 days at an oil temperature of 60° C. 1. A flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition for an electrical cable sheath , comprising:from 5% to 25% by weight of at least one ethylene copolymer;from 5% to 25% by weight of linear low density polyethylene;from 0.5% to 25% by weight of at least one polyolefin grafted with maleic anhydride; andfrom 40% to 80% by weight of at least one flame retardant.2. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a resistance to immersion in oil over 60 days at an oil temperature of 60° C.3. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a strength retention to stress of 15% to 60% and a retention to elongation of 30% to 90% in a sample of immersion in oil for 90 hours at an oil temperature of 100° C.4. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said linear low density polyethylene has a density of 0.89 g/cm3 to 0.93 g/cm3.5. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said linear low density polyethylene has a melt index of 0.1 g/min to 25 g/min.6. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises from 10% to 15% by weight of linear low density polyethylene.7. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises from 10% to 20% by weight of ethylene copolymer.8. The flame and oil resistant halogen-free composition of claim 1 , wherein said ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161058A1
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corporation

A cable that comprises a core that has at least one conductor, a dielectric barrier layer that surrounds the core, and a conductive shield that surrounds the core. The dielectric barrier layer is formed of a substantially non-flammable material and is devoid of fluoropolymers. 1. A cable , comprising:a core having at least one conductor;a dielectric barrier layer surrounding said core, said dielectric barrier layer being formed of a substantially non-flammable material and said dielectric barrier layer being devoid of fluoropolymers; anda conductive shield surrounding said dielectric barrier layer.2. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid substantially non-flammable material is both a low smoke and zero halogen material.3. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid core includes a plurality of twisted insulated conductor pairs.4. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisinga separator separating said plurality of twisted insulated conductor pairs, said dielectric barrier layer surrounding said separator.5. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid dielectric barrier layer is a tape.6. A cable according to claim 5 , whereinsaid tape is formed of fiberglass.7. A cable according to claim 6 , whereinsaid fiberglass is woven or chopped.8. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid dielectric barrier layer includes a coating of a flame retardant material.9. A cable according to claim 8 , whereinsaid coating is formed of a low smoke zero halogen material.10. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisingan outer jacket that surrounds said conductive shield.11. A cable claim 1 , comprising:a core including a plurality of twisted pairs of conductors and a separator separating said plurality of twisted pairs of conductors;a dielectric barrier layer surrounding said core, said dielectric barrier layer being formed of a substantially non-flammable, low smoke, zero halogen material and said dielectric barrier layer being devoid of fluoropolymers;a conductive shield ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Cable component with non-flammable material

Номер: US20130161063A1
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corp

A cable component that comprises a main body where at least a part of the main body is formed of an insulation material, and at least one non-flammable portion is disposed in the insulation material of the main body. The non-flammable portion forms at least about 25% by volume of the cable component, is flexible, and reduces the amount of the insulation material of the main body, thereby reducing the fuel load in the cable component.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206448A1
Автор: Schmidt Angelika
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

An insulated wire, comprising an electrical conductive core and an insulating layer of a polymer composition surrounding the electrically conductive core, which polymer compositions contains: (A) a metal salt of a phosphinic acid and/or a diphosphinic acid and or a polymer thereof, (B) ammoniumpolyphosphate (C) an oligomer or a polymer of a triazine derivative. 1. An insulated wire , comprising at least one electrically conductive core and a part of a polymer composition , characterized in that the polymer compositions contains:(A) a metal salt of a phosphinic acid and/or a diphosphinic acid and or a polymer thereof,(B) ammoniumpolyphosphate(C) an oligomer or a polymer of a triazine derivative.3. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition contains a thermoplastic copolyester elastomer (TPE-E).4. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein component (A) is Al-dimethylphosphinate claim 1 , Al-methylethylphosphinate and/or Al-diethylphosphinate.5. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein component (B) is ammonium polyphosphate coated with melamin or a melamin resin or coated with melamin or a melamin resin and cross-linked with melamin.6. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein component (C) is polymer of 2-piperazinyl-4-morpholino-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazine claim 1 , 2-piperaxinylene-4-piperidino-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazine or of 2 claim 1 ,4-piperazine-1 claim 1 ,4-yl-6-morpholine-4-yl-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazine.7. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition contains a styrenic block copolymer.8. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition contains:(D) a nitrogen containing or a nitrogen/phosphor containing synergist.9. Wire according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition consist of:3-10 wt. % of component (A)15-30 wt. % of component (B) and (C), the ratio (B):(C) is between 6:1 and 2:10-10 wt. % of component (D)0.1-3 wt. % of usual additives,the balance being polymer constituents.10. Wire according to claim 9 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Flat cable covering and flat cable comprising the same

Номер: US20130206451A1
Автор: Masatoshi Arai

There is provided a flat cable covering that possesses superior flame retardance, heat resistance, durability, blocking resistance, processability and other properties and, at the same time, is eco-friendly without use of halogen-based flame retardants and antimony-based flame retarding assistants. The flat cable covering includes a base film; and an anchor coat layer and a heat seal layer stacked in that order on the base film, wherein the heat seal layer comprises a resin composition including at least 70 to 30% by weight of a filler component composed mainly of a flame retardant and 30 to 70% by weight of a resin component composed mainly of a polyester-based resin, and the flame retardant is a non-halogen-based flame retardant including a metal salt of phosphinic acid and contained in an amount of 5 to 40% by weight based on the whole resin composition.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228358A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.

A multilayer insulated wire includes a conductor, an inner layer coated on an outer periphery of the conductor, the inner layer comprising a resin compound containing 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing modified-poly(2,6-dimethylphenyleneether) as a main component, and 10 to 100 parts by weight of calcined clay as additive, and an outer layer coated on an outer periphery of the inner layer, the outer layer including a polyester resin compound including 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing polyester resin as a main component, and 50 to 150 parts by weight of polyester block copolymer, 0.5 to 3 parts by weight of hydrolysis inhibitor, and 10 to 30 parts by weight of magnesium hydroxide. 1. A multilayer insulated wire comprising:a conductor;an inner layer coated on an outer periphery of the conductor, the inner layer comprising a resin compound containing 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing modified-poly(2,6-dimethylphenyleneether) as a main component, and 10 to 100 parts by weight of calcined clay as additive; andan outer layer coated on an outer periphery of the inner layer, the outer layer comprising a polyester resin compound comprising 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing polyester resin as a main component, and 50 to 150 parts by weight of polyester block copolymer, 0.5 to 3 parts by weight of hydrolysis inhibitor, and 10 to 30 parts by weight of magnesium hydroxide.2. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the base polymer containing the polyester resin comprises polyethylene terephthalate or polybutylene naphthalate.3. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrolysis inhibitor comprises an additive comprising having a carbodiimide skeleton.4. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 2 , wherein the hydrolysis inhibitor comprises an additive comprising having a carbodiimide skeleton. The present application is based on Japanese patent application No. 2012-047598 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240263A1
Автор: Onodi Tamas
Принадлежит: Woertz AG

A cable tray preserving cable support functionality under fire impact, including a bed for laying and supporting at least one cable. The bed is made from fire resistant textile woven material which is embedded in resin. The textile woven material is provided on both sides with respect to the longitudinal direction of the cable tray with a fire resistant attachment device. The attachment devices are coupled to the textile woven material, wherein, with burned-off resin, the attachment devices remain coupled to the textile woven material to take up tension force from the textile woven material when the textile woven material extends like a hammock between the attachment devices to still support the at least one cable. An installation kit for an electrical installation, and an electrical installation with cable trays of this sort are also described. 1. A cable tray preserving cable support functionality under fire impact ,wherein the cable tray comprises a bed for laying and supporting at least one cable, which bed extends over a length of the cable tray,wherein the bed is made from fire resistant textile woven material which is embedded in resin and the textile woven material is provided on both sides with respect to the longitudinal direction of the cable tray with a fire resistant attachment device,wherein the attachment devices are coupled to the textile woven material, wherein, with burned-off resin, the attachment devices remain coupled to the textile woven material to take up tension force from the textile woven material when the textile woven material extends like a hammock between the attachment devices to still support the at least one cable.2. The cable tray according to claim 1 ,wherein the textile woven material is electrically non-conductive, andwherein the textile woven material is configured to form an electrically insulating support for the cable which support extends over the entire length of the cable tray when the resin and the cable insulation have ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Flame-retardant, flexible resin composition and resin tube and insulated wire using same

Номер: US20130243988A1
Автор: Hayato Aoi, Taro Fujita

Provided are a flame-retardant, flexible resin composition having high mechanical strength, flexibility, heat resistance, oil resistance, flame retardancy, and processability with a good balance between the properties and a resin tube and an insulated wire having an insulating coating, the resin tube and the insulating coating being formed by using the flame-retardant, flexible resin composition as a material. The flame-retardant, flexible resin composition contains a resin component that mainly contains chlorinated polyethylene, and 0.5 to 20 parts by mass of a zeolite-based compound relative to 100 parts by mass of the chlorinated polyethylene, and is cross-linked by irradiation with ionizing radiation. The resin tube and the insulated wire having an insulating coating are formed by using the flame-retardant, flexible resin composition as a material.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284491A1

A cable that comprises a cable core that includes a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein, the insulation of at least one pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, the inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, the outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and the insulation of at least another pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant. 1. A cable , comprising: a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein,', 'said insulation of at least one pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, said inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, said outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and said insulation of at least another pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant., 'a cable core including2. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisinga jacket surrounding said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors, said jacket being formed of a zero halogen material.3. A cable according to claim 2 , whereinsaid zero halogen material of said jacket is a mixture of substantially flame retardant material and non-flame retardant material.4. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid plurality of said insulated pairs of twisted conductors includes three pairs with insulation that is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant.5. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid plurality of said insulated pairs of twisted conductors includes two pairs with insulation that is formed of said inner and outer layers and two pairs with insulation that is formed of zero halogen material that is not ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292155A1

A cable that comprises a cable core that includes a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein, the insulation of at least one pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, the inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, the outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and the insulation of at least another pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, wherein at least a portion of one of the inner layer and the outer layer is foamed. 1. A cable , comprising:a cable core including:a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein, said insulation of at least one pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, said inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, said outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and said insulation of at least another pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant,wherein at least a portion of one of said inner layer and said outer layer is foamed.2. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid inner layer being entirely foamed.3. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisinga jacket surrounding said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors, said jacket being formed of a zero halogen material.4. A cable according to claim 2 , whereinsaid zero halogen material of said jacket is a mixture of substantially flame retardant material and non-flame retardant material.5. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid plurality of said insulated pairs of twisted conductors includes three pairs with insulation that is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant.6. A cable according to ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306350A1

An electrical line with a temperature resistance of at most at least 90° C. and particularly fire properties which meet the Standard UL83 (corresponds to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 75-08) and are halogen free as a result, where the line has at least one electrical strand including a conductor and a flame retardant, temperature resistant halogen free insulating layer surrounding the conductor. The strand is surrounded by a casing of a polyamide containing polymer mixture, particularly of polyamide. The casing rests on the insulating layer of the strand or the line has an intermediate layer which forms an intermediate casing and borders the insulating layer of at least two strands and the casing which surrounds the intermediate layer and which is also called intermediate casing. 1. Electrical line with a temperature resistance of up to at least 90° C. , comprising:{'b': '1', 'at least one electrical strand which has a metal conductor and a flame resistant, temperature resistant insulating layer, surrounding the conductor (), wherein the strand is surrounded by a casing of a polyamide containing polymer mixture, resting on the material, of the flame resistant insulating layer,'}wherein the insulating layer surrounding the conductor includes a flame retardant, temperature resistant halogen free polymer mixture whose polymer component are polyolefins,wherein the flame retardant, temperature resistant halogen free polymer mixture includes95 to 80 phr polyolefin,5 to 20 phr polymer adhesion promoter 0 to 15 phr silicon', '0 to 15 phr of either one of an oxide or a stearate of a two-valent metal ion selected from the group consisting of calcium, magnesium, strontium, barium and zinc, and', '0.1 to 2 phr stabilizers and processing aids., '40 to 200 phr filler selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate and/or aluminum hydroxide and/or magnesium hydroxide,'}2. Electrical line according to claim 1 , wherein the casing of a polyamide containing polymer mixture claim 1 , ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Non Halogen Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Номер: US20130316174A1

Flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) compositions are disclosed having a flame retardant package comprising an organo-phosphinate component, an organo-phosphate component, and a polyhydric alcohol. The flame retardant components may be present in an amount from about 5 to about 40 weight percent of the phosphinate compound; from about 5 to about 20 weight percent of the phosphate compound, and from about 0.1 to about 15 weight percent of the polyhydric alcohol, based on the total weight of the TPU composition. Processes are disclosed to make the TPU compositions and to make wire and cable constructions employing the TPU compositions as the jacket of the wire and cable constructions. The TPU compositions exhibit excellent flame retardant capabilities as measured by Limited Oxygen Index testing and/or UL 94 Vertical Burn tests. 1. A method of rendering a thermoplastic polyurethane composition flame retardant comprising:mixing a flame retardant package comprising (a) a first non-halogenated flame retardant compound comprising a phosphinate compound, (b) a second non-halogenated flame retardant compound comprising an organic phosphate compound, and (c) a third non-halogenated flame retardant compound comprising a polyhydric alcohol, with a thermoplastic polyurethane polymer wherein the flame retardant package is present in an amount sufficient to confer at least one predetermined flame retardant characteristic to the thermoplastic polyurethane composition.2. The method of wherein the at least one predetermined flame retardant characteristic comprises a limited oxygen index of at least about 35 as measured according to ASTM D-2863.3. The method of wherein the at least one predetermined flame retardant characteristic comprises a V-0 flame rating at a thickness of 75 mils (1.90 mm) as measured in accordance with UL 94.4. The method of wherein:the phosphinate compound is present at a level of about 5 to about 40 weight percent;the organic phosphate compound is ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327558A1

Halogen-free flame retardant compositions comprising copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers, melamine cyanurate and epoxy-containing compounds and cables and wires made from such flame retardant polymer composition provide good electrical insulation resistance during use. 1. A flame retardant polymer composition comprising:a) one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers;b) melamine cyanurate;c) at least one epoxy-containing compound; and 'with the proviso that i) when the flame retardant polymer composition comprises an aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant and a phosphite, the amount of epoxy-containing compound present is such that the total epoxy functional group equivalent weight is at least about 32 milliequivalents per kg of the combined weight of the one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers and the aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant and ii) when the flame retardant polymer composition comprises an aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant in the absence of phosphite, the amount of epoxy-containing compound present is such that the total epoxy functional group equivalent weight is at least about 56 milliequivalents per kg of the combined weight of the one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers and the aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant.', 'd) optionally at least one compound selected from the group consisting of phosphites and aromatic phosphate ester flame retardants and mixtures thereof;'}2. A flame retardant polymer composition consisting of:a) one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers;b) an amount of melamine cyanurate that is at least from at or equal to 10 weight percent based on the total weight of the flame retardant polymer composition;c) one or more epoxy-containing compounds; and optionallyd) 0 to 2 weight percent based of the total weight of the flame retardant polymer composition of phosphite,e) 0 to 15 weight percent based on the total weight of the flame retardant polymer composition ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Flame Retardant Composition for Thermoplastic Polyurethane Polymers

Номер: US20130338279A1

The present invention relates to a formulation comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane polymer and a flame retardant composition, the flame retardant composition comprising 1. A formulation comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane polymer and a flame retardant composition , said flame retardant composition comprisingi) at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle selected from magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, silicon oxide, or aluminium oxide;ii) at least one phosphate component selected from the group comprising ammonium polyphosphate (APP), melamine phosphate, melamine pyrophosphate and melamine polyphosphate or mixture thereof, andiii) at least one oligomeric phosphate ester.2. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle selected from magnesium oxide claim 1 , silicon oxide claim 1 , or aluminium oxide.3. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle is magnesium oxide.4. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one oligomeric phosphate ester is resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate).5. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle has an average particle size D99 of less than 300 μm claim 1 , said average particle size D99 being measured by laser diffraction analysis.6. A formulation according to any one of to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle is present in the flame retardant composition in an amount ranging from 0.5 % to 11 % by weight based on 100% by weight of the flame retardant composition.7. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle is present in the flame retardant composition in an amount ranging from 0.5% to 11% by weight based on 100% by weight of the flame retardant composition.8. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphate component is present ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008098A1

An electrical cable includes at least one conductor and a barrier arranged externally to the at least one conductor. The barrier includes two first layers including an inorganic material and a second layer including a polymer-metal composite material, the second layer being interposed between the two first layers. The electrical cable also includes, in an intermediate position between the at least one conductor and the barrier, solely discontinuous layers and/or layers of non-thermally-collapsible materials. 115-. (canceled)17. The electrical cable according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one conductor of the electrical cable has an insulating coating comprising at least one discontinuous layer of inorganic material and a layer of ceramifying polymer.18. The electrical cable according to claim 17 , wherein the insulating coating comprises at least two discontinuous layers of inorganic material.19. The electrical cable according to claim 18 , wherein said at least two discontinuous layers are provided in a radially internal position with respect to the layer of ceramifying polymer.20. The electrical cable according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one discontinuous layer is in a form of a tape wound with an overlap equal to or higher than 20%.21. The electrical cable according to claim 19 , wherein the at least two discontinuous layers are tapes which are wound with opposite winding directions.22. The electrical cable according to claim 17 , wherein the inorganic material of the at least one discontinuous layer is glass fiber and/or mica.23. The electrical cable according to claim 17 , wherein the layer of ceramifying polymer is made of a polymer filled with refractory additives.24. The electrical cable according to claim 17 , wherein the layer of ceramifying polymer comprises silicone rubber.25. The electrical cable according to claim 16 , wherein the inorganic material of each first layer of the barrier comprises glass fiber and mica.26. The electrical cable ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011028A1

An insulated wire for vehicle use includes a conductor and an insulating layer disposed on an outer circumference of the conductor. The insulating layer comprises a halogen-free flame retardant cross-linkable resin composition containing a base polymer, and a silane coupling agent and a metal hydroxide which are added to the base polymer. The base polymer includes, as major components, (a) an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and (b) an acid-modified olefin resin having a Tg of −55° C. or lower at a ratio (a):(b) of 70:30 to 100:0 and has an acetic acid content (VA) of 50% to 70% by mass. The silane-coupling agent is added in an amount of 1 to 5 parts by mass and the metal hydroxide is added in an amount of 100 to 250 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base polymer. 1. An insulated wire for vehicle use comprising:a conductor; andan insulating layer disposed on an outer circumference of the conductor,wherein the insulating layer comprises a halogen-free flame retardant cross-linkable resin composition containing a base polymer, and a silane coupling agent and a metal hydroxide which are added to the base polymer;the base polymer includes, as major components, (a) an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and (b) an acid-modified olefin resin having a glass transition temperature (Tg) determined by DSC of −55° C. or lower at a ratio (a):(b) of 70:30 to 100:0 and has an acetic acid content (VA) of 50% to 70% by mass;the silane-coupling agent is added in an amount of 1 to 5 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base polymer; andthe metal hydroxide is added in an amount of 100 to 250 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base polymer.2. The insulated wire for vehicle use according to claim 1 , wherein the EVA includes two or more types of EVAs and includes 5% to 10% by mass of an EVA having a melt flow rate (MFR) of 15 g/10 min or more.3. A cable for vehicle use comprising:a conductor;an insulating layer disposed on an outer ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083738A1

A non-halogen flame-retardant insulated wire includes a conductor and an insulating coating layer including an inner layer and an outer layer. The inner layer includes an inner layer resin composition in which 50 to 95 parts by weight of a polyethylene with a density of 0.930 g/cmor more and 5 to 50 parts by weight of an ethylene copolymer are mixed. The outer layer comprises an outer layer resin composition including a base polymer in which 60 to 95 parts by weight of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer containing 60% by weight or more of vinyl acetate and 5 to 40 parts by weight of a maleic acid-modified ethylene-α-olefin copolymer are mixed, and also including 80 to 200 parts by weight of a metal hydroxide. At least the outer layer resin composition is crosslinked. 1. A non-halogen flame-retardant insulated wire comprising:a conductor; andan insulating coating layer disposed on an outer circumference of the conductor, the insulating coating layer including an inner layer and an outer layer,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the inner layer comprises an inner layer resin composition in which 50 to 95 parts by weight of a polyethylene with a density of 0.930 g/cmor more and 5 to 50 parts by weight of an ethylene copolymer are mixed so as to make the total 100 parts by weight;'}the outer layer comprises an outer layer resin composition comprising a base polymer in which 60 to 95 parts by weight of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer containing 60% by weight or more of vinyl acetate and 5 to 40 parts by weight of a maleic acid-modified ethylene-α-olefin copolymer modified with maleic anhydride are mixed so as to make the total 100 parts by weight, and also including 80 to 200 parts by weight of a metal hydroxide mixed with the base polymer; andat least the outer layer resin composition is crosslinked.2. The non-halogen flame-retardant insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin constituting the maleic acid-modified ethylene-α-olefin copolymer is a comonomer having ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000955A1

The invention concerns a flat fire-resistant safety cable (), comprising: at least two electrical conductors (), one insulating layer () around each electrical conductor () to provide at least two insulated elements (), the insulating layer () consisting of at least one polymeric material transformable at least at the surface into ceramic state at high temperatures in case of fire; and an outer sheath () enclosing said insulated elements (), said cable having, in cross-section, an outer profile including at least two substantially planar and substantially mutually parallel surfaces, and the insulated conductors being adjacent to each other, side by side and their axes being located in a common plane included between said at least two surfaces. 120-. (canceled)21. A fire-resistant safety cable , comprising:at least two electrical conductors;an insulating layer around each of the at least two electrical conductors in order to obtain at least two separate insulated elements; andan outer jacket surrounding the at least two separate insulated elements;wherein the insulating layer is formed from at least one polymeric material capable of being converted, at least on a surface of the insulating layer, into a ceramic state at high temperatures in a fire,wherein the at least two separate insulated elements are untwisted and arranged so as to be parallel to each other, side by side, and separated by a space,wherein the outer jacket at least partially fills the space, andwherein a thickness of the outer jacket is approximately constant over an external surface of the at least two separate insulated elements.22. The cable of claim 21 , wherein the at least one polymeric material comprises a polysiloxane.23. The cable of claim 21 , wherein the insulating layer comprises silica.24. The cable of claim 21 , wherein the insulating layer comprises one or more metal oxides.25. The cable of claim 21 , wherein the outer jacket comprises an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer claim 21 , a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001587A1
Автор: DePompeo Nicholas

A thermal sleeve for protecting an electronic member connected to a wiring harness against exposure to heat, combination thereof, and method of construction thereof is provided. The thermal sleeve has a tubular member including a circumferentially continuous wall with an insulative inner layer bounding an inner cavity extending along a central longitudinal axis between open opposite ends and a reflective outer layer. The sleeve further includes a positioning member constructed of resilient, reflective metal material. The positioning member has a tubular portion and at least one resilient finger extending radially inwardly from the tubular portion for abutment with the wiring harness. The tubular portion is fixedly attached to one of the opposite ends of the wall of the tubular member. 1. A method of constructing a sleeve for protecting an electronic member connected to a wiring harness against exposure to heat , comprising:providing a tubular member including a circumferentially continuous wall with an insulative inner layer bounding an inner cavity extending along a central longitudinal axis between open opposite ends and a reflective outer layer;providing a positioning member constructed of a resilient reflective metal material, the positioning member having a tubular portion and at least one resilient flange extending radially inwardly from the tubular portion for abutment with a wiring harness; andfixing the tubular portion of the positioning member to one of the opposite ends of the wall of said tubular member.2. The method of claim 1 , further including providing the at least one resilient finger to extend in oblique relation from said wall of said tubular member.3. The method of claim 2 , further including providing the at least one resilient finger as a plurality of resilient fingers.4. The method of claim 3 , further including providing the plurality of resilient fingers having lengthwise extending edges overlapping one another.5. The method of claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002179A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to compositions comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 based on an aliphatic diisocyanate, at least one metal hydroxide and at least one phosphorus-containing flame retardant, especially those compositions which further comprise at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 based on an aromatic diisocyanate. The present invention further relates to the use of such compositions for production of cable sheaths. 1. A composition comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 based on an aliphatic diisocyanate , at least one metal hydroxide and at least one phosphorus-containing flame retardant ,wherein the composition further comprises at least one thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 based on an aromatic diisocyanate.2. (canceled)3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 in the composition is in the range from 0.1% to 65% based on the overall composition.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 has a Shore hardness in the range from 85 A to 65 D claim 1 , determined in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 is based on at least one aliphatic diisocyanate selected from the group consisting of hexamethylene diisocyanate and di(isocyanatocyclohexyl) methane.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-1 has a molecular weight in the range from 100 claim 1 ,000 Da to 400 claim 1 ,000 Da.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 is based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI).8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 has a Shore hardness in the range from 80 A to 95 A claim 1 , determined in accordance with DIN ISO 7619-1.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane TPU-2 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002199A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to compositions comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane, at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, polyethylene, polypropylene, ethylene-propylene copolymers and copolymers based on styrene, at least one metal hydroxide and at least one phosphorus-containing flame retardant, wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane is selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic polyurethanes based on at least one diisocyanate and at least one polycarbonatediol and thermoplastic polyurethanes based on at least one diisocyanate and polytetrahydrofuran polyol. The present invention further relates to the use of such compositions for production of cable sheaths. 120.-. (canceled)21. A composition comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane , at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers , polyethylene , polypropylene , ethylene-propylene copolymers and copolymers based on styrene , at least one metal hydroxide and at least one phosphorus-containing flame retardant , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane is a thermoplastic polyurethane based on at least one diisocyanate and at least one polycarbonatediol.22. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polymer is an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer.23. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane is a thermoplastic polyurethane based on at least one diisocyanate and at least one polycarbonatediol and the at least one polycarbonatediol is selected from the group consisting of polycarbonatediols based on butanediol and hexanediol claim 21 , polycarbonatediols based on pentanediol and hexanediol claim 21 , polycarbonatediols based on hexanediol claim 21 , and mixtures of two or more of these polycarbonatediols.24. The composition according to claim 21 , wherein the polycarbonatediol has a number-average molecular weight Mn in the range from 500 to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Polymer Composition for Use in Cables

Номер: US20190002677A1
Принадлежит: Celanese EVA Performance Polymers LLC

A polymer composition that comprises an olefinic polymer, a flame retardant that includes a halogen-free mineral filler, and a compatibilizing agent is provided. The halogen-free mineral filler constitutes from about 20 wt. % to about 80 wt. % of the composition. The composition may exhibit a degree of water uptake of about 5 wt. % or less after being immersed in water for seven days at a temperature of 23° C.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004265A1

In one aspect, the present invention relates to a communications cable, which comprises a support separator providing a plurality of channels for receiving transmission media, said support separator comprising a first polymeric material, at least one optical fiber disposed in one of said channels, at least an electrical conductor capable of carrying at least about 10 watts of electrical power disposed in another one of said channels, an insulation at least partially covering said electrical conductor, a jacket surrounding said support separator and said transmission media, said jacket comprising a second polymeric material. In some embodiments, the first and second polymeric materials can be the same material, and in other embodiments, they can be different materials. 133-. (canceled)34. A communications cable comprising:a support separator configured to provide a plurality of channels for receiving transmission media;at least an electrical conductor disposed in one of the plurality of channels, the at least one electrical conductor comprising an American Wire Gauge (AWG) in a range of about 18 and capable of carrying at least about 200 watts of electrical power; anda jacket configured to surround the support separator and any transmission media received by the plurality of channels;wherein at least one of the support separator and the jacket comprises a plurality of cellular structures, the cellular structures comprising one or more cells each comprising a size ranging from about 0.0005 inches to about 0.003 inches.35. The communications cable of claim 34 , wherein at least one of the support separator and the jacket comprises a foamed polymeric material.36. The communications cable of claim 35 , wherein the foamed polymeric material comprises a foaming level ranging from about 20% to about 70%.37. The communications cable of claim 34 , wherein the support separator and the jacket comprise different polymeric materials.38. The communications cable of claim 34 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004906A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

Provided is an insulated electric wire that mainly contains a polyolefin resin, has excellent flexibility, heat life, and waterproofness, and is used in wiring of vehicles such as automobiles, and an insulating resin composition used in forming an insulating layer of this insulated electric wire. The insulating resin composition contains a first copolymer, which is a copolymer of ethylene and an unsaturated hydrocarbon having 4 or more carbon atoms and which has a density less than 0.88 g/cm, a second copolymer which is a copolymer of ethylene and an acrylic acid ester or a methacrylic acid ester, a flame retardant, and a crosslinking aid. Also provided is a crosslinked body having a 2% secant modulus of 35 MPa or less at room temperature and an elastic modulus of 2 MPa or more at 150° C. 1. An insulating resin composition comprising: [{'sup': '3', 'the first copolymer being a copolymer of ethylene and an unsaturated hydrocarbon having 4 or more carbon atoms, and having a density less than 0.88 g/cm,'}, 'the second copolymer being a copolymer of ethylene and an acrylic acid ester or a methacrylic acid ester; and, 'a resin comprising a first copolymer and a second copolymer at a first copolymer-to-second copolymer ratio (mass ratio) of 100:0 to 40:60,'}30 to 100 parts by mass of a flame retardant and 1 to 5 parts by mass of a crosslinking aid relative to 100 parts by mass of the resin.2. The insulating resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first copolymer is an ethylene-butene copolymer.3. The insulating resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the second copolymer is an ethylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer.4. The insulating resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the first copolymer to the second copolymer is 80:20 to 40:60.5. A crosslinked body prepared by crosslinking a resin composition mainly containing a polyolefin resin claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked body has a 2% secant modulus of 35 MPa or less at room temperature ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005347A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A core wire for multi-core cables includes a conductor obtained by twisting a plurality of elemental wires, and an insulating layer coated on an outer peripheral surface of the conductor. The insulating layer contains polyethylene-based resin as a main component, and the product of a linear expansion coefficient C1 of the insulating layer in the range of 25° C. to −35° C. and an elastic modulus E1 at −35° C., namely (C1×E1) is 0.01 MPaKor more and 0.90 MPaKor less. The melting point of the polyethylene-based resin is 80° C. or higher and 130° C. or lower. 1. A core wire for multi-core cables comprising:a conductor obtained by twisting a plurality of elemental wires; andan insulating layer coated on an outer peripheral surface of the conductor,the insulating layer containing polyethylene-based resin as a main component,{'sup': −1', '−1, 'the product of a linear expansion coefficient C1 of the insulating layer in a range of 25° C. to −35° C. and an elastic modulus E1 at −35° C., namely (C1×E1) being 0.01 MPaKor more and 0.90 MPaKor less, and'}the melting point of the polyethylene-based resin being 80° C. or higher and 130° C. or lower.2. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating layer has an elastic modulus E2 of 100 MPa or more at 25° C.3. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': −4', '−1, 'the insulating layer has a linear expansion coefficient C2 of 5.0×10Kor less in a range of 25° C. to 80° C.'}4. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'the average area of the conductor in the cross section is 1.0 mmor more and 3.0 mmor less.'}5. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , whereinthe average diameter of the plurality of elemental wires in the conductor is 40 μm or more and 100 μm or less, andthe number of the plurality of wires is 196 or more and 2450 or less.6. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , whereinthe ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005349A1

Disclosed is a high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station which is related to the technical field of mobile base station accessories. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station of the present disclosure comprises an inner conductor, a PTFE insulation layer, an outer conductor and a sheath successively, wherein the PTFE insulation layer has at least one hollow channel extending in an extending direction of the inner conductor. The plurality of hollow channels are parallel to and symmetrically distributed around the inner conductor. 1. A high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station comprising an inner conductor , a PTFE insulation layer , an outer conductor and a sheath successively , wherein the PTFE insulating layer has at least one hollow channel extending in an extending direction of the inner conductor.2. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 1 , wherein the PTFE insulating layer has a plurality of the hollow channels which are not communicated with one another.3. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of hollow channels are parallel to and symmetrically distributed around the inner conductor.3. (canceled)4. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 1 , wherein the outer conductor is a spiral copper tube.5. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 1 , wherein the PTFE insulation layer has an outer diameter of 2.0 to 20.0 mm.6. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 5 , wherein the PTFE insulation layer has an outer diameter of 3.0 to 20.0 mm.7. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 5 , wherein the hollow channel has a diameter of 0.20 to 5.0 mm.8. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 7 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a fire-resistant and/or fire-retardant cable

Номер: US20210005358A1

A method of manufacturing a cable includes at least one elongated electrically conducting element and at least one composite layer surrounding the elongated electrically conducting element. The composite layer is obtained from at least one step of impregnation of a non-woven fibrous material with a geopolymer composition. 1. Method of manufacturing a cable having at least one elongated electrically conducting element and at least one composite layer surrounding said elongated electrically conducting element , said method comprising the steps of:i) impregnating a non-woven fibrous material with a geopolymer composition, in order to form a tape impregnated with said geopolymer composition,ii) drying the impregnated tape obtained in step i), in order to form a dried impregnated tape, andiii) applying the dried impregnated tape obtained in step ii) around a cable comprising at least one elongated electrically conducting element, in order to form said composite layer surrounding said elongated electrically conducting element.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the non-woven fibrous material is selected from cellulosic materials claim 1 , materials based on synthetic organic polymers claim 1 , glass fibres claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the geopolymer composition is an aluminosilicate geopolymer composition.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein step i) is carried out by coating-impregnation.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein step i) is carried out by passing the non-woven fibrous material through a coating device supplied with the geopolymer composition.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein step ii) is carried out at a temperature of at most 120° C.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein step ii) is carried out at a temperature of at least 50° C.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein step iii) of application of the dried impregnated tape around a cable comprising at least one elongated electrically conducting ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009139A1

A heat-absorbing material including particles including a magnesium phosphate hydrate and a binder. 1. A heat-absorbing material comprising particles comprising a magnesium phosphate hydrate and a binder.2. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the magnesium phosphate hydrate is magnesium phosphate tribasic octahydrate.3. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the binder is an inorganic binder.4. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the binder is sodium silicate.5. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the particles have an average diameter of 0.01 mm to 20 mm.6. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the particles are accommodated in a container.7. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 6 , wherein the container comprises a heat-resistant cloth.8. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 7 , wherein the heat-resistant cloth is a glass cloth claim 7 , a silica cloth or an alumina cloth.9. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 7 , wherein the heat-resistant cloth is a cloth with aluminum being deposited on a surface thereof.10. The heat-absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the containers are serially connected to each other.11. A method of producing a heat-absorbing material claim 1 , comprising;mixing a magnesium phosphate hydrate and a liquid glass to form a mixture,granulating the mixture to form hydrous particles, andremoving water from the hydrous particles to obtain particles.12. The method according to claim 11 , further comprising accommodating the particles in a container. The invention relates to a heat-absorbing material using a magnesium phosphate hydrate and a producing method thereof.It is required for some facilities such as atomic power plants and thermal power plants that cables in the facilities have heat resistance or fire resistance against extraordinary accidents, e.g., fire. The heat ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011822A1

A heat-resistant wire includes a conductor, and an insulation including not less than two layers and covering the conductor. An outermost layer of the insulation includes a flame-retardant resin composition having a melting point of not less than 200° C. and is cross-linked by exposure to ionizing radiation, the flame-retardant resin composition including a polyolefin grafted with polyamide as a base polymer. 1. A heat-resistant wire , comprising:a conductor; andan insulation comprising not less than two layers and covering the conductor,wherein an outermost layer of the insulation comprises a flame-retardant resin composition having a melting point of not less than 200° C. and is cross-linked by exposure to ionizing radiation, the flame-retardant resin composition comprising a polyolefin grafted with polyamide as a base polymer.2. The heat-resistant wire according to claim 1 , wherein a layer of the insulation other than the outermost layer comprises a resin composition claim 1 , and a base polymer of the resin composition comprises one or two or more selected from high-density polyethylene claim 1 , linear low-density polyethylene claim 1 , low-density polyethylene claim 1 , ethylene-α-olefin copolymer claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , ethylene-acrylic ester copolymer and ethylene-propylene-diene copolymer.3. The heat-resistant wire according to claim 1 , wherein the polyamide has a melting point of not less than 200° C.4. The heat-resistant wire according to claim 1 , wherein a total thickness of the insulation is not more than 0.5 mm and the outer diameter of the wire is not more than 2.5 mm.5. A heat-resistant cable claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a twisted wire formed by twisting a plurality of the heat-resistant wires according to ; and'}a sheath formed by extruding a flame-retardant resin composition to cover the twisted wire,wherein the sheath is cross-linked by exposure to ionizing radiation. The ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Insulated electric cable

Номер: US20200013525A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

An insulated electric cable 10 has a core member 1 formed by stranding a plurality of core wires 4 , each of the core wires 4 including a conductor 5 and an insulating layer 6 covering the conductor 5 , an inner sheath 7 covering the core member I, an outer sheath 8 covering the inner sheath 7 , and a paper tape 2 disposed between the core member I and the inner sheath 7 in a state that it is wrapped around the core member I, in which the outer sheath 8 is formed by a flame-retardant polyurethane resin, and a cross-sectional area of each of conductors 5 is within 0.18-3.0 mm2

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015689A1
Автор: Takata Yutaka

A sound-absorbing material obtained by stacking nonwoven fabrics that has a structure for both maintaining its sound-absorbing performance and providing flame-retardancy. The sound-absorbing material is obtained by stacking a base material made of nonwoven fabric and a surface material made of nonwoven fabric, in which a flame-retardant material made of nonwoven fabric having a density that is higher than those of the base material and the surface material is disposed between the base material and the surface material. Also, a wire harness is provided with the sound-absorbing material in which the wire harness and the sound-absorbing material are integrated with each other by covering at least a portion of the wire harness extending in an axial direction, with the sound-absorbing material. 1. A sound-absorbing material obtained by stacking a base material made of nonwoven fabric and a surface material made of nonwoven fabric having a thickness that is smaller than that of the base material ,wherein a flame-retardant material made of nonwoven fabric having a density that is higher than those of the base material and the surface material is disposed between the base material and the surface material, and{'sup': 3', '2, 'an airflow rate of a stacked nonwoven fabric obtained by stacking the base material, the surface material, and the flame-retardant material is from 5 to 50 cm/cm·s.'}2. The sound-absorbing material according to claim 1 ,wherein an olefin-based resin, a polyester-based resin, or a polyamide-based resin is used as a fiber material for the flame-retardant material.3. The sound-absorbing material according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the density of the flame-retardant material is less than 0.3 g/cm.'}4. The sound-absorbing material according to claim 1 ,wherein at least one layer of the surface material is stacked between a plurality of the base materials.5. A wire harness provided with a sound-absorbing material claim 1 ,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': ' ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015393A1

An electromagnetic shielding film for a cable, which relates to the field of wire manufacturing, for use in resolving the problem of easiness of break of the existing electromagnetic shielding film and the great consumption of time and power in the preparation process. The electromagnetic shielding film comprises a first metal layer (), a conductive layer (), and a protective film (). The first metal layer covers the outer part of a conductor of a cable, and is used for shielding electromagnetic interference and is used as a medium. The conductive layer is disposed on the first metal layer, and is used for shielding electromagnetic interference, and the conductive layer comprises a curing agent, metal particles and polyurethane for carrying the metal particles. The protective film is disposed on the conductive layer and protects the electromagnetic shielding film. 1. An electromagnetic shielding film for a cable , wherein the electromagnetic shielding film comprises a first metal layer , a conductive layer and a protective film;the first metal layer is coated on a jacket of the conductor of the cable, and is used for shielding electromagnetic interference and acts as a medium;the conductive layer is disposed on the first metal layer, and is used for shielding electromagnetic interference, and the conductive layer comprises a curing agent, metal particles and a polyurethane for carrying the metal particles; andthe protective film is disposed on the conductive layer, and is used for protecting the electromagnetic shielding film.2. The electromagnetic shielding film for a cable according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive layer further comprises an epoxy resin claim 1 , which is used for increasing the adhesiveness of the conductive layer.3. The electromagnetic shielding film for a cable according to claim 1 , wherein the metal particles are combined particles formed from two or more kinds of metals.4. The electromagnetic shielding film for a cable according to claim ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016426A1

The present invention relates to a flame retardant polypropylene composition for a conduit, appliance, and/or automotive wire, comprising a flame retardant composition comprising: a) a base resin comprising a heterophasic propylene copolymer which comprises a polypropylene homo- or copolymer matrix and an ethylene propylene rubber dispersed in said matrix, and b) a metal hydroxide or hydrated compound, wherein the heterophasic propylene copolymer has a MFRbelow 0.8 g/10 min and a xylene cold soluble (XCS) fraction content between 1 and 15 wt % based on the total weight of the heterophasic propylene copolymer.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Flame or Fire Protection Agent and Production and Use thereof, in Particular for Wood-, Cellulose- and Polyolefin-Based Products

Номер: US20190016958A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to the use of expanded graphite for reducing flammability and/or combustibility, in particular the use thereof as a flame protection agent and/or a fire protection agent, for materials and/or products which consist of or comprise wood fibers, cellulose fibers, wood powder, cellulose powder, wood granulates, cellulose granulates, and/or polyolefin-based materials. The invention further relates to materials and/or products which consist of or comprise wood fibers, cellulose fibers, wood powder, cellulose powder, wood granulates, cellulose granulates and/or polyolefin-based materials. In order to reduce the flammability and/or combustibility, expanded graphite is embedded into the materials and/or products, in particular in the form of a flame protection agent and/or a fire protection agent. The invention also relates to such an agent, in particular a flame protection agent and/or a fire protection agent, wherein expanded graphite is used alone or in combination with a boric acid/borax/alkali salt mixture. A particularly preferred area of use is binders, glues, and/or materials, products, and/or pre-products containing polyolefin-based materials in particular, preferably for damping (walls, floors, ceilings) and/or for floor and wall fittings. The invention is characterized by surprising advantages in fire protection tests with vertical edge flaming.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Flame-retardant flat electrical cable

Номер: US20190019600A1
Автор: Rui Yang, Ta-Hua Yu
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A flame-retardant flat electrical cable has a magnesium oxide dielectric layer. A plurality of spaced apart substantially parallel electrical conductors generally lie in the same plane and extend along the length of the cable. A dielectric layer is disposed on the top and/or bottom sides of the cable and covers the conductors. The dielectric layer comprises at least 90% magnesium oxide by weight. The dielectric layer exhibits good dielectric properties and is flame retardant without the use of halogens.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Dielectric structure, a method of manufacturing thereof and a fire rated radio frequency cable having the dielectric structure

Номер: US20210020327A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Shanghai Bell Co Ltd

An article of manufacture comprising a first section having a first dielectric material and a second section having a second dielectric material and provided on an outer surface of the first section. The second dielectric material of the second section is more flexible than the first dielectric material of the first section, and the second section comprises elements of an organic material located partially on an outer surface of the second section. A coaxial cable using the article of manufacture and a method of manufacturing of the article are also disclosed.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024303A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed are a fire retardant thermoplastic resin composition suitable for preparing an electric wire, etc. by enhancing extrudability of a resin composition without hindering fire retardancy of the resin composition, and an electric wire comprising the same. The fire retardant thermoplastic resin composition comprises a matrix resin that comprises 20 to 35% by weight of a poly arylene ether resin, 20 to 35% by weight of a vinyl aromatic resin and 5 to 20% by weight of an olefin-based resin comprising a rubber ingredient, 1 to 10% by weight of a room-temperature liquid-type fire retardant, and 8 to 20% by weight of an ancillary fire retardant, based on 100% by weight of a mixture of a poly arylene ether resin, a vinyl aromatic resin, an olefin-based resin, a room-temperature liquid-type fire retardant and an ancillary fire retardant.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023989A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

Disclosed is a flame retardant resin composition in which relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, a silicone based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.1 to 10 parts by mass a fatty acid metal salt is blended at a ratio of 0.1 to 20 parts by mass, a flame retardant agent is blended at a ratio of 5 to 200 parts by mass, a hindered phenol based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.05 to 10 parts by mass, and a hindered amine based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.05 to 10 parts by mass. The hindered amine based compound has a group represented by the following formula (1). 3. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant agent contains calcium carbonate particles.4. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant agent contains silicate compound particles.5. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hindered amine based compound has a molecular weight of 1000 or more.6. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 5 ,wherein the silicone based compound is blended at a ratio of more than 0.2 part by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin,the fatty acid metal salt is blended at a ratio of more than 3 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, andthe hindered amine based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.5 part by mass or more and 10 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin.7. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the hindered amine based compound has a molecular weight of 3000 or less.8. A cable comprising:a sheath; anda transmission medium provided on the inner side of the sheath and composed of a conductor or an optical fiber,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the sheath is composed of the flame retardant resin composition according to .'} This application is a continuation of Ser. No. 15/305,734 filed Oct. 21, 2016 ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025200A1

The present invention relates to an improved insulated conductor with a low dielectric constant and reduced materials costs. The conductor () extends along a longitudinal axis and an insulation (>) surrounds the conductor (). At least on channel (>) in the insulation (>) extends generally along the longitudinal axis to form an insulated conductor. Apparatuses and methods of manufacturing the improved insulated conductors are also disclosed. 1. A wire comprising:a conductor extending along a longitudinal axis, an insulation surrounding the conductor and at least one first channel extending generally along the longitudinal axis to form an insulated conductor, wherein an outer peripheral surface of the conductor forms one side of the at least one first channel, the channel containing a gas.2. The wire of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the at least first channel is in the insulation.3. The wire of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the at least first channel is in the conductor.4. The wire of claim 1 , wherein an outer peripheral surface of the conductor forms one side of the at least one first channel.5. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the gas is in contact with the conductor.6. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the gas has a dielectric constant that differs from a dielectric constant of the insulation.7. The wire of claim 6 , wherein the at least one first channel contains air.8. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the gas is unassociated with closed-cell gas pockets.9. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the gas has a dielectric constant of approximately one.10. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the insulated conductor has an overall dielectric constant of less than approximately 2.0.11. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the insulation includes a plurality of first channels.12. The wire of claim 11 , wherein no one of the plurality of first channels has a cross-sectional area greater than about 30% of a cross-sectional area of the insulation.13. The wire of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110149A1
Автор: Suzuki Daisuke
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

The objective of the invention is to provide flame retardant composition which is capable of providing thinner insulating covering or insulating layer for a vehicular insulated electrical wire, and meets abrasion resistance, gasoline resistance, flame retardant properties, and low temperature resistance requirements. 1. A flame retardant composition , comprising: 100 parts by weight of (A) base resin , containing (A1) from 40 to 70 parts by weight of polyphenylene ether , (A2) from 10 to 40 parts by weight of polyolefin , and (A3) from 10 to 30 of styrene ethylene butylene styrene block copolymer; and (B) from 10 to 30 parts by weight of condensed phosphoric acid ester.2. The flame retardant composition according to claim 1 , wherein (B) styrene ethylene butylene styrene block copolymer has styrene unit content of from 30% by weight to 65% by weight.3. The flame retardant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant composition is used for manufacture of an insulating covering of an insulated electrical wire.4. An insulated electrical wire claim 1 , comprising a conductor portion and an insulating covering disposed over the conductor portion claim 1 , wherein the insulating covering is formed of the flame retardant composition according to . The invention relates to an insulated electrical wire showing remarkably enhanced abrasion resistance which may be particularly suited for vehicle application, and a flame-retardant composition used for the manufacture of an insulating covering of the insulated electrical wire. cl BACKGROUND ARTAn insulated electrical wire disposed in a vehicle (i.e., a vehicular insulated electrical wire) is generally needed to meet high grade of abrasion resistance. This is because the vehicular insulated electrical wire is often disposed in vehicle interior in which a large amount of vibration occurs and there is only a little space.In addition, the vehicular insulated electrical wire particularly disposed in an engine and ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025808A1

An insulated electric cable has a core member formed by stranding a plurality of core wires , each of the core wires including a conductor and an insulating layer covering the conductor , an inner sheath covering the core member , an outer sheath covering the inner sheath , and a paper tape disposed between the core member and the inner sheath in a state that it is wrapped around the core member , in which the outer sheath is formed by a flame-retardant polyurethane resin, and a cross-sectional area of each of conductors is within 0.18-3.0 mm. 15-. (canceled)6. An insulated electric cable comprising:a core member formed by stranding a plurality of core wires, each of the core wires including a conductor and an insulating layer covering the conductor;a first coating layer which is formed of extruded resin covering the core member;a second coating layer covering the first coating layer; anda tape member disposed between the core member and the first coating layer in a state that it is wrapped around only the core member,wherein the insulating layer does not include magnetic powder,wherein the first coating layer covers only the core member and the tape member,wherein the second coating layer is formed by a flame-retardant polyurethane-based resin, andwherein the core member has two first core wires respectively being discrete from each other and having a same diameter as each other and two second core wires respectively having a second diameter different from that of the two first core wires, andthe two second core wires are mutually stranded to form a subunit, and the subunit and the two first core wires are stranded to form the core member, and{'sup': '2', 'a cross-sectional area of each of the conductors is in a range of 0.18 to 3.0 mm, and a cross-sectional area of a conductor of the first core wires is greater than that of the second core wires.'}7. The insulated electric cable as in claim 6 , wherein the insulating layer of the core wires is formed by a flame- ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024827A1

A fire-retardant material comprising from 25 to 50 wt % base oil, from 0.5 to 2.5 wt % polymer, from 0.1 to 1.0 wt % antioxidant, and from 50 to 75 wt % flame retardant. 1. A fire-retardant material comprising from 25 to 50 wt % base oil , from 0.5 to 2.5 wt % polymer , from 0.1 to 1.0 wt % antioxidant , and from 50 to 75 wt % flame retardant , wherein the flame retardant is a metal hydroxide , a metal oxide or a metal silicate , or a combination of one or more of a metal hydroxide , a metal oxide and a metal silicate.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the base oil is an iso-paraffinic white oil.3. (canceled)4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the base oil is a hydro-treated neutral base oil.5. (canceled)6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the base oil is a Group II base oil.7. (canceled)8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is a linear di-block co-polymer.9. The material of claim 8 , wherein the polymer is a styrene-based di-block co-polymer.10. The material of claim 9 , wherein the polymer is a di-block styrene ethylene/propylene co-polymer.11. (canceled)12. The material of any of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is a styrenic-based thermoplastic rubber.13. (canceled)14. The material of any of claim 1 , comprising from 0.1 to 0.5 wt % antioxidant.15. The material of claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant is a phenolic antioxidant having a molecular weight of from 400 g/mol to 1200 g/mol.16. (canceled)17. The material of any of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant has an average particle size of from 2 to 10 μm claim 1 , optionally from 2 to 6 μm.18. (canceled)19. The material of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant is aluminium hydroxide claim 1 , optionally aluminium trihydroxide.20. (canceled)21. The material of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant is calcium hydroxide.22. A product incorporating the material of .23. The product of claim 22 , wherein the product is a cable.24. The product of claim 23 , wherein the cable is a telecommunications cable. ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030762A1
Автор: Day James F., Mehta Veerag

Materials for making bromine- and antimony-free polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compounds and constructions that have low flame and smoke properties as well as low brittleness properties. The compositions are especially useful for making cable jackets, particularly riser and plenum cables. The compositions contain PVC resins, plasticizers, non-brominated flame retardants, fillers and stabilizers, and optionally smoke suppressants. 1. A composition of matter , said composition of matter comprising:A. at least an extrudable polyvinyl chloride resin, andB. at least an organofunctional silicon additive.2. A composition of matter as claimed in wherein A. is present in the range of from 30 to 50 weight percent and B. is present in the range of from 1 to 30 weight percent claim 1 , based on the weight of the total composition.3. A method of preparing a composition of matter as claimed in claim 1 , said method comprising blending and compounding the components together prior to introduction into an extrusion device.4. A method of providing an insulated jacketed cable claim 1 , said method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00003', 'claim 3'}, 'providing a composition as claimed in , and'}extruding said composition on conducting cable by an extrusion process. This application is a utility application claiming priority from D.S. Provisional Patent application Ser. No. 61/859,474, filed on Jul. 29, 2013.The present invention relates to PVC compositions and constructions free of bromine flame retardants and free of antimony synergists. These compositions are particularly useful for making cable jackets especially for riser and cable jackets that have low flammability and smoke properties and allow the cable to meet UL910 or NFPA-262 or UL1666 specifications.The present invention is useful in a variety of PVC constructions that specify low flammability and/or smoke requirements such as construction, electrical and electronic applications, as well as, aerospace and automotive ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030853A1

A crosslinkable halogen-free resin composition includes a base polymer including at least one type of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and an acid-modified polyolefin resin having a glass-transition temperature (Tg) as measured by DSC of not more than −55° C. at a mass ratio of 70:30 to 99:1, and a metal hydroxide included in an amount of 100 to 250 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the base polymer. The at least one type of EVA has a melting temperature (Tm) as measured by DSC of not less than 70° C. The base polymer includes 25 to 50 mass % of a vinyl acetate (VA).

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034359A1

There is provided an electric insulation cable with shield, including: conductors; an insulating layer provided on an outer periphery of the conductors; a braided shield provided on an outer periphery of the insulating layer; and a sheath provided on an outer periphery of the braided shield, wherein the sheath is made of a silane-crosslinked composition which is obtained by silane-crosslinking a non-halogen composition under a normal pressure, and the non-halogen composition includes 100 pts.mass of silane-grafted polymer obtained by graft copolymerizing a silane compound to the polymer including at least one of non-halogen rubber and ethylene-based copolymer, and includes 1 pts.mass or more and 10 pts.mass or less of an antioxidant. 1. An electric insulation cable with shield , comprising:conductors;an insulating layer provided on an outer periphery of the conductors;a braided shield provided on an outer periphery of the insulating layer; anda sheath provided on an outer periphery of the braided shield,wherein the sheath is made of a silane-crosslinked composition which is obtained by silane-crosslinking a non-halogen composition under a normal pressure, and the non-halogen composition contains 100 pts.mass of silane-grafted polymer obtained by graft copolymerizing a silane compound to the polymer including at least one of non-halogen rubber and ethylene-based copolymer, and includes 1 pts.mass or more and 10 pts.mass or less of an antioxidant.2. The electric insulation cable with shield according to claim 1 , wherein the non-halogen composition includes 1 pts.mass or more and 7.5 pts.mass or less of the antioxidant.3. The electric insulation cable with shield according to claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant includes a hindered phenol compound and a thioether compound.4. The electric insulation cable with shield according to claim 3 , wherein a ratio of the hindered phenol compound to the thioether compound is 1 or more and 6 or less.5. The electric insulation cable ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Crosslinkable Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Номер: US20150034361A1

The TPU of this invention contains unsaturation in its polymeric backbone. The unsaturation can be present in the soft segment or in the hard segment or in both the soft and hard segments of the TPU. The TPU can be molded like a thermoplastic, and can be subsequently crosslinked by exposure to electron beam irradiation into thermoset articles having excellent chemical resistance, dimensional stability, set properties, heat resistance, oxidative resistance, and creep resistance. In one embodiment, the TPUs of this invention are the reaction product (1) a hydroxyl terminated intermediate, (2) a polyisocyanate, (3) a saturated glycol chain extender, and (4) a glycol chain extender containing carbon-carbon double bonds, such as the allyl moieties present in trimethylolpropane monoallyl ether. In another embodiment of this invention, the thermoplastic polyurethane which is crosslinkable by e-beam irradiation is comprised of the reaction product of (1) a saturated hydroxyl terminated intermediate, (2) an unsaturated hydroxyl terminated intermediate, wherein the unsaturated hydroxyl terminated intermediate contains carbon-carbon double bonds, (3) a polyisocyanate, and (4) a saturated glycol chain extender.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031868A1

A composition for use in jacketing or insulation materials is disclosed, the composition comprising from 42 to 54 percent by weight of a halogen-free flame retardant, from 26 to 46 percent by weight of an ethylene alkyl acrylate copolymer, such as ethylene ethyl acrylate, optionally from 0 to 15 percent by weight of an ethylene-based polymer, optionally from 0 to 12 percent by weight of a coupling agent, and optionally from 0 to 1 percent by weight of an antioxidant. A cable insulation layer, a cable protective outer jacket, a cable core sheath, and cable comprising the jacketing material composition are also disclosed. Components comprising the composition exhibit balanced and improved melt rheological, tensile, and flame-retardant properties. 1. A composition comprising:42 to 54 percent by weight of a halogen-free flame retardant;26 to 46 percent by weight of an ethylene alkyl acrylate copolymer;1 to 15 percent by weight of an ethylene-based polymer;0 to 12 percent by weight of a coupling agent; and0 to 1.0 percent by weight of an antioxidant.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the halogen-free flame retardant is selected from the group consisting of aluminum hydroxide claim 1 , magnesium hydroxide claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , and combinations of two or more thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition exhibits a tensile elongation greater than 300% claim 1 , a tensile strength greater than 1 claim 1 ,450 psi claim 1 , and a relative viscosity at 160° C. and stress of 16 claim 1 ,000 Pa claim 1 , not to exceed 4.0.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene-based polymer comprises subunits derived from ethylene and from Cthrough Cα-olefins.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the ethylene-based polymer has a melt index (I) of 1 to 10 g/10 min.6. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the ethylene-based polymer has a density of 0.86 to 0.96 g/cc.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent is a maleic- ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032867A1

A multilayer insulated wire includes a conductor, an inner insulation layer, and an outer insulation layer. A gel fraction of the inner insulation layer defined below is not less than 80%. A gel fraction of the outer insulation layer defined below is less than the gel fraction of the inner insulation layer and not less than 75%. An insulation covering layer including the inner and outer insulation layers is cross-linked and has a tensile modulus of not less than 500 MPa in a tensile test conducted at a tensile rate of 200 mm/min. Gel fraction (%)=(mass of inner or outer insulation layer after being immersed in xylene at 110° C. for 24 hours, then left at 20° C. and atmospheric pressure for 3 hours and vacuum-dried at 80° C. for 4 hours/mass of inner or outer insulation layer before immersion in xylene)×100 1. A multilayer insulated wire , comprising:a conductor;an inner insulation layer that covers the conductor and comprises a resin composition comprising a polyolefin as a main component; andan outer insulation layer that covers the inner insulation layer and comprises a resin composition comprising a polyolefin as a main component,wherein a gel fraction of the inner insulation layer defined below is not less than 80%,wherein a gel fraction of the outer insulation layer defined below is less than the gel fraction of the inner insulation layer and not less than 75%, and {'br': None, 'Gel fraction (%)=(mass of inner or outer insulation layer after being immersed in xylene at 110° C. for 24 hours, then left at 20° C. and atmospheric pressure for 3 hours and vacuum-dried at 80° C. for 4 hours/mass of inner or outer insulation layer before immersion in xylene)×100'}, 'wherein an insulation covering layer comprising the inner and outer insulation layers is cross-linked and has a tensile modulus of not less than 500 MPa in a tensile test conducted at a tensile rate of 200 mm/min.'}2. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the resin composition of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033522A1
Принадлежит: PRYSMIAN S.P.A.

An electrical cable includes a conductor and a couple of mica tapes surrounding the conductor. The couple of mica tapes are formed of a first mica tape and a second mica tape wound around the first mica tape. Each of the first and the second mica tape includes a mica layer attached to a backing layer. The mica layer of the first mica tape faces and contacts the mica layer of the second mica tape. 1. An electrical cable comprising a conductor and a couple of mica tapes surrounding the conductor , the couple of mica tapes being formed of a first mica tape and a second mica tape wound around the first mica tape , each of the first and the second mica tape including a mica layer attached to a backing layer , wherein the mica layer of the first mica tape faces and contacts the mica layer of the second mica tape.2. The electrical cable of claim 1 , further comprising at least one insulation layer surrounding the couple of mica tapes.3. The electrical cable of claim 1 , wherein the couple of mica tapes is an inner couple of mica tapes surrounding the conductor claim 1 , the electrical cable further comprising an outer couple of mica tapes surrounding the inner couple claim 1 , the outer couple of mica tapes being formed of a third mica tape and a fourth mica tape wound around the third mica tape claim 1 , the third and the fourth mica tape including a mica layer attached to a backing layer claim 1 , wherein the mica layer of the third mica tape faces and contacts the mica layer of the fourth mica tape.4. The electrical cable of claim 3 , wherein the backing layer of the second mica tape faces and contacts the backing layer of the third mica tape.5. The electrical cable of claim 3 , further comprising at least one insulation layer surrounding the inner and the outer couple of mica tapes.6. The electrical cable of claim 1 , wherein the first mica tape is wound in a winding direction that is opposite to a winding direction of the second mica tape.7. The electrical cable of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190035515A1
Принадлежит: PRYSMIAN S.P.A.

A fire-resistive cable system comprises an electrical cable housed in a fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin conduit. The electrical cable comprises a conductor and has only one couple of mica tapes surrounding the conductor. The couple of mica tapes are formed of a first mica tape and a second mica tape wound around the first mica tape. The mica layer of the first mica tape faces and contacts the mica layer of the second mica tape. The fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin conduit is made of a material comprising fibers of a glass selected from E-glass and E-CR-glass, and a resin. 1. A fire-resistive cable system comprising an electrical cable housed in a fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin conduit , wherein the electrical cable comprises a conductor and has one couple of mica tapes surrounding the conductor , the couple of mica tapes being formed of a first mica tape and a second mica tape wound around the first mica tape , each of the first and the second mica tape including a mica layer attached to a backing layer , and the mica layer of the first mica tape faces and contacts the mica layer of the second mica tape; and wherein the fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin conduit is made of a material comprising fibers of a glass selected from E-glass and E-CR-glass , and a resin.2. Fire-resistive system of claim 1 , wherein the electrical cable further comprises at least one insulation layer surrounding the couple of mica tapes.3. Fire-resistive system of claim 1 , wherein the first mica tape is wound in a winding direction that is opposite to a winding direction of the second mica tape.4. Fire-resistive system of claim 2 , wherein the electrical cable further comprises a first insulation layer and a second insulation layer.5. Fire-resistive system of claim 4 , wherein the first insulation layer is formed of a silicone-based compound.6. Fire-resistive system of claim 5 , wherein the silicone-based compound includes a silicone-based rubber forming ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Cable comprising a fire-resistant ceramic layer

Номер: US20210035710A1

A cable, in particular a power and/or telecommunication cable, has at least one elongated electrically conductive element, and at least one fire-resistant layer surrounding said elongated electrically conductive element. The fire-resistant layer is a ceramic layer in direct physical contact with the elongated electrically conductive element. 1. Cable comprising:at least one elongated electrically conductive element; andat least one fire-resistant layer surrounding said elongated electrically conductive element,wherein said fire-resistant layer is a ceramic layer in direct physical contact with said elongated electrically conductive element, and said ceramic layer is obtained by heat treatment of a liquid ceramic composition.2. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the heat treatment is carried out at a temperature of at most 1100° C.3. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the heat treatment is carried out at a temperature of at least 700° C.4. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic layer is an inorganic layer.5. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid ceramic composition comprises at least one ceramic material.6. Cable according to claim 5 , wherein the liquid ceramic composition further comprises water.7. Cable according to claim 5 , wherein the liquid ceramic composition further comprises at least one plasticizer.8. Cable according to claim 5 , wherein the liquid ceramic composition further comprises at least one first anti-flocculation agent.9. Cable according to claim 5 , wherein the ceramic material is obtained from a solid ceramifiable composition comprising at least 15% by weight of metal oxide(s) claim 5 , based on the total weight of said solid ceramifiable composition.10. Cable according to claim 9 , wherein the solid ceramifiable composition comprises at least one silicon oxide and at least one aluminium oxide.11. Cable according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid ceramic composition has a viscosity ranging from 5×10to 7×10m/s (50 to 70 ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Compositions, methods, and devices providing shielding in communications cables

Номер: US20160042838A1
Принадлежит: Cable Components Group LLC

Compositions, devices, and methods for providing shielding communications cables are provided. In some embodiments, compositions including electrically conductive elements are disclosed. In other embodiments, cable separators, tapes, and nonwoven materials including various electrically conductive elements are disclosed.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040086A1
Автор: Nakahashi Masanobu

There is provided an insulaled wire, comprising: a conductor; and 1. An insulated wire , comprising:a conductor; andan insulated coating layer provided on an outer circumference of the conductor,wherein the insulated coating layer is made of a fluorine-containing elastomer composition containing a base polymer containing tetrafluoroethylene-α-olefin copolymer in which tetrafluoroethylene and α-olefin having 2 to 4 carbon atoms are polymerized, and having: [{'br': None, 'i': A', 'd/', 'd, 'sup': −1', '−1, '0(ON)={(tan(45)×180/π)/45}−{(tan()×180/π)/2025}\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': A', 'A, '0(OFF)=1.5×0(ON) \u2003\u2003(2); and'}], 'low smoke emission in which a target value of an optical density at the time of performing a smoke emission test based on a test method BS6853 is A0(ON) or less represented by the following formula (1), and A0(OFF) or less represented by the following formula (2), when an outer diameter of the insulated wire is defined as d [mm].'}low toxicity in which toxic gas total index is 1.0 or less when a toxicity test is performed based on a test method NFX-70-100.2. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , having flame retardancy in which a char length is 2.5 m or less when a vertical tray combustion test is performed based on a test method BS EN60332-3.3. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , having flame retardancy in which the distance from the upper end to the upper carbide part of the insulated wire is 50 mm or more and the distance from the upper end to the lower carbide part is less than 540 mm when a vertical combustion test is performed for the insulted wire based on a test method EN60332-1-2.4. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein a fluorine content in the base polymer is 55 mass % or more and 65 mass % or less.5. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the base polymer contains a tetrafluoroethylene-propylene-based copolymer and an ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene-based copolymer as the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Fire Stop Conduit

Номер: US20160045773A1

Embodiments of the disclosed technology are directed to methods and/or apparatuses having a conduit with at least one length of conductive metal wire therein along with a length of non-conductive wire therein. The length of non-conductive wire comprises a heat-expandable firestop insulator material. Upon reaching a pre-defined temperature corresponding to that of a fire, the non-conductive wire expands to fill a length of the conduit. Alternatively, the firestop insulator material may be disposed in the void within the conduit that exists outside of the conductors. The expansion of the material prevents the spread of fire along the length of the conduit. 1. A conduit opening at , at least two ends , comprising:a conductive metal wire extending substantially to said at least two ends;a non-conductive wire formed primarily of heat-expandable material extending substantially to said at least two ends;wherein said non-conductive wire is calibrated to fill, at least 90% of a cross-section of said conduit upon reaching a threshold temperature.2. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein said non-conductive wire occupies less than 25% of said cross-section before expansion claim 1 , and occupies the entire free space of said cross-section after expansion.3. The conduit of wherein all said wires of said conduit are braided around one other claim 2 , including said non-conductive wire.4. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein said non-conductive wire surrounds said conductive wires in a non-expanded condition.5. The conduit of claim 4 , wherein said non-conductive wire is permanently affixed to at least one said conductive wire.6. The conduit of wherein said non-conductive wire fills at least a majority of a void between said conductive wire and said conduit.7. The conduit of wherein said cross-section extends along a substantial portion of a length of said conduit between said at least two ends.8. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein upon said threshold temperature being reached claim 1 , ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Cable comprising a fire-resistant layer

Номер: US20210050130A1
Автор: Christophe Brismalein
Принадлежит: Berk Tek LLC

A cable including at least one elongated conductive element and at least one fire-resistant insulating layer in direct physical contact with the elongated electrically conductive element, the fire-resistant layer is obtained by heat treatment of a liquid inorganic composition.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049221A1

A cable intended for use in a nuclear environment includes one or more conductors, a longitudinally applied corrugated shield surrounding the one or more conductors, and a cross-linked polyolefin jacket layer surrounding the longitudinally applied corrugated shield. The cable conducts about 5,000 volts to about 68,000 volts in use and is radiation resistant and heat resistant. The cable comprises a life span of about 40 years or more when measured in accordance with IEEE 323. Methods for making a cable and a nuclear reactor utilizing such a cable are also provided. 1. A cable for nuclear environments comprising:one or more conductors;a longitudinally applied corrugated shield surrounding the one or more conductors; anda cross-linked polyolefin jacket layer surrounding the longitudinally applied corrugated shield; andwherein the cable conducts about 5,000 volts to about 68,000 volts in use, is radiation resistant and heat resistant, and comprises a life span of about 40 years or more when measured in accordance with IEEE 323.2. The cable of conducts about 15 claim 1 ,000 volts in use.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the conductor substantially continuously operates at a temperature of about 90° C. or more over the about 40 years or more.4. The cable of passes the requirements of IEEE 383 after a Design Basis Event simulating a loss of coolant accident.5. The cable of claim 4 , wherein the Design Basis Event comprises submersion in a boric acid solution for about 1 year claim 4 , wherein the boric acid is maintained at about 50® C. to about 205° C.6. The cable of is exposed to about 100 MRad or more of radiation to simulate a reactor life of about 40 years or more prior to the Design Basis Event.7. The cable of claim 6 , wherein the about 100 MRad or more of radiation comprises one or more of gamma radiation and beta radiation.8. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked polyolefin jacket comprises one or more ethylene-containing polymers comprising ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Self healing materials and cables

Номер: US20170047143A1
Принадлежит: Nexans SA

The present invention concerns a cable comprising an elongated conducting element and a self-healing material surrounding said elongated conducting element, characterized in that the self-healing material is a cross-linked material obtained from a polymeric composition comprising: A. a polymer matrix comprising at least one olefin polymer with hydrophilic moiety, and B. at least one amphiphilic compound, as self-healing additive.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

High temperature insulated bus pipe

Номер: US20170047147A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The proposed high temperature insulated bus pipe (busbar section) is equipped with a conductive pipe having end contacts and disposed within electrical insulation, a grounding shield covering the insulation, and a case having a fire-resistant coating. A fire-resistant layer made of a cured composite material is located between the case and the shield. The composite material includes a filler composed of thermally expandable graphite, and a binder configured to form cavities in the fire-resistant layer when the busbar section is exposed to heating. The case is made of a non-magnetic material and is formed as a plain or corrugated vacuum-proof tube. The thickness of fire-resistant layer depends on the cross-section area of conductive pipe and configuration thereof. The binder includes epoxy resin combined with curing agent. The dimension of graphite particles are specified and provided as loose powder or powder whose particles are affixed to a substrate.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048187A1

A cable has one or more conductors and a jacket. The jacket is made from a composition including a polymer blend of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), and Polyvinylbutyral (PVB), with the ratio of PVB to TPU being up to 49% PVB by weight of the total weight of the polymer blend, the remainder of the polymer blend being TPU. 1. A cable , said cable comprising:one or more conductors; anda jacket,wherein said jacket is made from a composition including a polymer blend of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), and Polyvinylbutyral (PVB), with the ratio of PVB to TPU being up to 49% PVB by weight of the total weight of the polymer blend, the remainder of the polymer blend being TPU.2. The cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said the ratio of PVB to TPU being substantially 25% PVB to 75% TPU by weight over the total weight of the polymer blend.3. The cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said cable further comprises any one of filler claim 1 , ground wire and ground check wire.4. The cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises one or more fire retardants.5. The cable as claimed in claim 4 , wherein said fire retardants are selected from the group consisting of aluminium trihydroxide claim 4 , magnesium hydroxide claim 4 , silicates claim 4 , talc claim 4 , silica and phyllosilicates claim 4 , montmorillonite claim 4 , kaolinite claim 4 , mica claim 4 , calcium carbonate claim 4 , magnesium carbonate claim 4 , microgranulated nanoclay claim 4 , montmorillonite claim 4 , bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl claim 4 , salt with bentonite claim 4 , metal oxides claim 4 , magnesium oxide claim 4 , zinc oxide claim 4 , antimony oxide claim 4 , Fe2O3 with ATH or MDH claim 4 , tin components claim 4 , zinc stannate claim 4 , Zinc hydroxystannate claim 4 , expandable graphite claim 4 , zinc molybdate claim 4 , zinc borate claim 4 , magnesium hydroxide claim 4 , zinc borate claim 4 , melamine cyanurate claim 4 , melamine phosphate claim 4 , melamine ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051136A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

In a flame retardant resin composition containing a polyolefin resin, a silicone-based compound blended at a ratio of 1.5 parts by mass or more and 20 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin, a fatty acid containing compound blended at a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more and 20 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin, and an inorganic flame retardant blended at a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more and 40 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin, the decomposition onset temperature of the inorganic flame retardant is lower than the decomposition onset temperature of the silicone-based compound. 1. A flame retardant resin composition comprising:a polyolefin resin;a silicone-based compound blended at a ratio of 1.5 parts by mass or more and 20 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin;a fatty acid containing compound blended at a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more and 20 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin; andan inorganic flame retardant blended at a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more and 40 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin,wherein the decomposition onset temperature of the inorganic flame retardant is lower than the decomposition onset temperature of the silicone-based compound.2. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic flame retardant is aluminum hydroxide.3. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic flame retardant is blended at a ratio of 10 parts by mass or more and 25 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyolefin resin.4. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fatty acid containing compound is magnesium stearate or calcium stearate.5. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051208A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

Disclosed is a flame retardant resin composition containing a base resin containing a polyolefin based compound, a silicone based compound, a fatty acid metal salt, a flame retardant agent consisting of at least one kind selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate particles and silicate compound particles, a hindered phenol based compound, and a hindered amine based compound. In the composition, the silicone based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.1 part by mass or more and 10 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, the fatty acid metal salt is blended at a ratio of 0.1 part by mass or more and 20 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, the flame retardant agent is blended at a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more and 200 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, the hindered phenol based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.05 part by mass or more and 10 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, and the hindered amine based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.05 part by mass or more and 10 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin. The hindered amine based compound has a monovalent group represented by the following formula (1) or the like. 2. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant agent is composed of calcium carbonate particles.3. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant agent is composed of silicate compound particles.4. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hindered amine based compound has a monovalent group represented by the formula (1).5. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hindered amine based compound has a divalent group represented by the formula (2).6. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the silicone ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056450A1
Автор: Shan Wei

Disclosed are polymer compositions, comprising: 1. A polymer composition , comprising:(a) 10 to 40 weight percent of a poly(phenylene ether)-polysiloxane copolymer; wherein the poly(phenylene ether)-polysiloxane copolymer is a mixture of a poly(phenylene ether) homopolymer and a poly(phenylene ether)-poly(phenylene ether)-polysiloxane block copolymer;(b) 5 to 25 weight percent of a hydrogenated block copolymer of an alkenyl aromatic compound and a conjugated diene;(c) 0 to 10 weight percent of a polybutene;(d) 30 to 60 weight percent of magnesium hydroxide;(e) 0 to 10 weight percent of an anti-UV agent;{'sub': 3', '12, '(f) 1 to 40 weight percent of a copolymer of ethylene and a C-Calpha-olefin; and'}(g) 0 to 30 weight percent of a polyolefin homopolymer.2. (canceled)3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the poly(phenylene ether)-polysiloxane copolymer has an intrinsic viscosity of 0.385-0.425 dL/g and 4-6 percent siloxane incorporation.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the anti-UV agent is present and selected from the group consisting of a benzotriazole-type UV absorber claim 1 , a triazine-type UV absorber claim 1 , a hindered amine light stabilizer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the magnesium hydroxide is a high purity magnesium hydroxide that has been surface treated with an amino polysiloxane.8. The composition of claim 1 ,wherein the composition comprises 15 to 25 weight percent of the poly(phenylene ether)-polysiloxane copolymer;wherein the composition comprises 10 to 25 weight percent of the hydrogenated block copolymer of an alkenyl aromatic compound and a conjugated diene;wherein the composition comprises 3 to 8 weight percent of the polybutene;wherein the composition comprises 30 to 45 weight percent of the magnesium hydroxide;wherein the composition comprises 2 to 5 weight percent of the anti-UV agent;{'sub': 3', '12, 'wherein the composition comprises 1 to 10 weight percent of the copolymer of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

M-jacket for a telecommunications cable

Номер: US20190051433A1
Принадлежит: Sterlite Technologies Ltd

The present disclosure provides an M-jacket for use in a telecommunications cable. The M-jacket includes a jacket body. The jacket body extends along a longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable. The longitudinal axis passes through a geometrical center of the telecommunications cable. The jacket body includes a first surface. The first surface surrounds a core region of the telecommunications cable. The first surface defines a plurality of first grooves extending radially outwardly from the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable and a plurality of second grooves extending radially outwardly from the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable. The plurality of second grooves is disposed at an interstitial position between the plurality of first grooves. In addition, the jacket body includes a second surface. The second surface extends along the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable and disposed in a spaced relation to the first surface.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057129A1

A coaxial cable with two hour circuit integrity is provided and can include an inner conductor, an outer conductor, an insulating layer disposed between the inner conductor and the outer conductor that includes a polymer support structure and air pockets that act as a dielectric for a signal transmitted through the inner conductor, an outer jacket, and a flame barrier disposed between the outer jacket and the outer conductor to avoid choking the signal, wherein the flame barrier can prevent fire from advancing from the outer jacket to the outer conductor for at least two hours. 1. A coaxial cable comprising:an inner conductor;an outer conductor;an insulating layer disposed between the inner conductor and the outer conductor that includes a polymer support structure and air pockets that act as a dielectric for a signal transmitted through the inner conductor;an outer jacket;a flame barrier disposed between the outer jacket and the outer conductor to avoid choking the signal;a first heat barrier disposed between the flame barrier and the outer conductor; anda second heat barrier disposed between the first heat barrier and the flame barrier wherein a combined thickness of the first heat barrier and the second heat barrier is less than a thickness of the flame barrier,wherein the flame barrier works with the first heat barrier and the second heat barrier to prevent fire from advancing from the outer jacket to the outer conductor for at least two hours, andwherein a first dielectric constant of the flame barrier is higher than a second dielectric constant of the polymer support structure and a third dielectric constant of the air pockets.2. (canceled)3. The coaxial cable of wherein claim 1 , if the flame barrier were disposed inside of the outer conductor claim 1 , the flame barrier would choke the signal.4. (canceled)5. The coaxial cable of wherein the first heat barrier includes mica tape claim 1 , and wherein the second heat barrier includes PTFE tape.6. The coaxial ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060107A1

A halogen-free resin composition includes an engineering plastic as a main component including an aromatic ring. A thermal weight-change rate measured by a thermogravimetry (under conditions that a dry air as a purge gas is introduced and that heating is conducted from 40° C. at a temperature rise rate of 10° C./min) is not less than −60% when it is 430° C. 1. A halogen-free resin composition , comprising an engineering plastic as a main component comprising an aromatic ring ,wherein a thermal weight-change rate measured by a thermogravimetry (under conditions that a dry air as a purge gas is introduced and that heating is conducted from 40° C. at a temperature rise rate of 10° C./min) is not less than −60% when it is 430° C.2. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the engineering plastic comprises one of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) claim 1 , modified polyphenylene ether (PPE) and polybutylene naphthalate (PBN).3. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a halogen-free flame retardant except a phosphorus-based compound.4. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein the halogen-free flame retardant comprises a metal hydroxide except an aluminum hydroxide.5. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein the halogen-free flame retardant comprises a metal oxide.6. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein the halogen-free flame retardant comprises a silicone compound.7. An insulated wire claim 1 , comprising an insulation layer comprising the halogen-free resin composition according to .8. A cable claim 7 , comprising the insulated wire according to .9. A cable claim 1 , comprising a sheath comprising the halogen-free resin composition according to . The present application is based on Japanese patent application No. 2013-179346 filed on Aug. 30, 2013, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061985A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

Provided is a flame retardant resin composition that includes a base resin, a filler blended in a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, a silicone compound blended in a ratio of 0.5 part by mass or more relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, and a fatty acid-containing compound blended in a ratio of 3 parts by mass or more relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin. The filler may have a silane coupling agent having a polar group adhered to at least a part of a surface of a silicate compound. Further provided are an insulated wire, a cable, and an optical fiber cable that includes in part the flame retardant resin composition. 1. A flame retardant resin composition , comprising:a base resin;a filler blended in a ratio of 5 parts by mass or more relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin;a silicone compound blended in a ratio of 0.5 part by mass or more relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin; anda fatty acid-containing compound blended in a ratio of 3 parts by mass or more relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin;wherein the filler has a silane coupling agent having a polar group adhered to at least a part of a surface of a silicate compound.2. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polar group includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a nitrogen atom claim 1 , a sulfur atom claim 1 , and an oxygen atom.3. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polar group includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a nitrogen atom and a sulfur atom.4. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polar group includes an amino group.5. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polar group includes a mercapto group.6. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the base resin includes a polar group-free polyolefin resin ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056096A1
Автор: MATSUI Seiji

The present invention provides alumina hydrate particles, a flame retardant and a resin composition that are each for an electric wire/cable covering material improvable in flame retardancy and mechanical properties while the covering material keeps acid resistance; such an electric wire/cable; and producing methods thereof. The alumina hydrate particles of the present invention for electric wire/cable covering material have an average particle size of 0.5 to 2.5 μm, and having a primary particle variation R of 24% or less, the variation R being represented by the following expression: primary particle variation R=“standard deviation σ (μm) of major axis diameters of the primary particles”/“average value (μm) of the major axis diameters of the primary particles”×100. 1. Alumina hydrate particles for electric wire/cable covering material , having an average particle size of 0.5 to 2.5 μm , and having a primary particle variation R of 24% or less , the variation R being represented by the following expression: primary particle variation R (%)=“standard deviation a (μm) of major axis diameters of the primary particles”/“average value (μm) of the major axis diameters of the primary particles”×100.2. The alumina hydrate particles according to claim 1 , having a BET specific surface area of 2.5 to 10 m/g.3. The alumina hydrate particles according to claim 1 , comprising boehmite claim 1 , which is an alumina monohydrate.4. The alumina hydrate particles according to which are treated with at least one surface treating agent selected from the group consisting of higher aliphatic acids claim 1 , higher aliphatic acid alkaline earth metal salts claim 1 , coupling agents claim 1 , esters each made from an aliphatic acid and a polyhydric alcohol claim 1 , and phosphates each made from phosphoric acid and a higher alcohol.5. A flame retardant for electric wire/cable covering material that comprises alumina hydrate particles surface-treated with a surface treating agent claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059345A1
Автор: Gallo Emanuela

An optical fiber cable includes a plurality of optical fibers and at least one tubular jacketing element surrounding the plurality of optical fibers. The jacketing element has a jacketing material containing at least a first ingredient being a thermoplastic polymer, a second ingredient being an intumescent material capable of releasing gas, under the influence of heat, for generating a foam, and a third ingredient being a stiffening agent capable of decomposing, under the influence of heat, with formation of a glass and/or of a ceramic material for stiffening the foam. 1. An optical fiber cable comprising:a plurality of optical fibers andat least one tubular jacketing element surrounding the plurality of optical fibers,wherein the jacketing element comprises a jacketing material containing at least the following ingredients mixed with one another:a first ingredient (A) being a thermoplastic polymer,a second ingredient (B) being an intumescent material capable of releasing gas, under the influence of heat, for generating a foam, anda third ingredient (C) being a stiffening agent capable of decomposing, under the influence of heat, with formation of a glass and/or of a ceramic material for stiffening the foam.2. The optical fiber cable of claim 1 , characterized in that the stiffening agent is an organo-reactive stiffening agent.3. The optical fiber cable of claim 1 , characterized in that the stiffening agent is a material that decomposes claim 1 , under the influence of heat claim 1 , with the formation of silicon dioxide.4. The optical fiber cable of claim 1 , characterized in that the stiffening agent is an organo-silicon-compound containing silicon claim 1 , such as siloxane.5. The optical fiber cable of claim 1 , characterized in that the jacketing material is an extrudate material in which the stiffening agent is compounded with the thermoplastic polymer and the intumescent material.6. The optical fiber cable of claim 1 , characterized in that the content of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064465A1
Принадлежит: Equistar Chemicals, LP

A low-smoke, non-halogenated flame retardant composition made from and/or containing polypropylene, magnesium dihydroxide, and aluminum magnesium layered double hydroxide modified with a hydrogenated fatty acid is disclosed. A composition containing and/or made from (a) a polypropylene, (b) a first distribution of magnesium dihydroxide particles having a d50 in the range of about 0.75 microns to about 1.25 microns, (c) a second distribution of magnesium dihydroxide particles having a d50 in the range of about 1.50 microns to about 3.50 microns, and (d) aluminum magnesium layered double hydroxide modified with a hydrogenated fatty acid is disclosed. A power cable having a jacket made from and/or containing a low-smoke non-halogenated flame retardant composition is also disclosed. 1. A low-smoke , non-halogenated flame retardant composition comprising(a) a polypropylene,(b) a first distribution of magnesium dihydroxide particles having a d50 in the range of about 0.75 microns to about 1.25 microns,(c) a second distribution of magnesium dihydroxide particles having a d50 in the range of about 1.50 microns to about 3.50 microns, and(d) aluminum magnesium layered double hydroxide modified with a hydrogenated fatty acid.2. The low-smoke claim 1 , non-halogenated flame retardant of further comprising(e) a maleic anhydride grafted polyolefin and{'sup': 3', '3, '(f) an ethylene copolymer having a melt index greater about 2.0 grams/10 minutes and a density in the range of about 0.89 g/cmto about 0.91 g/cm.'}3. The low-smoke claim 2 , non-halogenated flame retardant of wherein the ethylene copolymer is an ethylene/octene copolymer having a melt index greater than or equal to about 3.0 grams/10 minutes and a density of about 0.900 g/cm.4. The low-smoke claim 1 , non-halogenated flame retardant of wherein the first distribution of magnesium dihydroxide particles has a specific surface area (BET) in the range of about 9.0 m/g to about 11.0 m/g.5. The low-smoke claim 1 , non- ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061525A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A multi-core cable for vehicles comprises two power lines, two signal lines, two electric wires, and a jacket. The two power lines are the same in size and material, each comprise an insulation layer composed of an inner layer and an outer layer, and are excellent in abrasion resistance and bending resistance. The two signal lines are the same in size and material and the two lines are twisted as a set to constitute a twisted pair of the signal lines. The two electric wires are the same in size and material and the two wires are twisted as a set to constitute a twisted pair of the electric wires. The two power lines, the twisted pair of the signal lines, and the twisted pair of the electric wires are integrally twisted. 1. A coated electric wire comprising a conductor and a resin-made insulation layer that covers the conductor:{'sup': 2', '2, 'cross-sectional area of the conductor being 1.5 mmor more and 3.0 mmor less,'}the insulation layer covering the conductor in a thickness of 0.3 mm or more and 0.5 mm or less, andthe insulation layer having an inner layer and an outer layer that is provided on the outer periphery of the inner layer,wherein one of the inner layer and the outer layer contains a copolymer of ethylene and an α-olefin having a carbonyl group and the other of the inner layer and the outer layer is composed of a polyolefin or a fluororesin.2. The coated electric wire according to claim 1 , wherein the inner layer contains the copolymer of ethylene and an α-olefin having a carbonyl group as a main component.3. The coated electric wire according to claim 1 , wherein the inner layer is composed of a polyolefin or a fluororesin.4. The coated electric wire according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , of the inner layer and the outer layer claim 1 , the layer containing the copolymer of ethylene and an α-olefin having a carbonyl group as a main component is thicker than the layer composed of a polyolefin or a fluororesin and the thickness of the layer composed ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170062092A1

An insulated electric wire of the present disclosure includes a conductor and an insulation layer provided on an outer circumference of the conductor. The insulation layer includes a base polymer comprising ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and a metal hydroxide. The base polymer has a vinyl acetate content of 25% by mass or more and less than 50% by mass, and the metal hydroxide includes magnesium hydroxide. 1. An insulated electric wire comprising:a conductor; andan insulation layer provided on an outer circumference of the conductor, a base polymer comprising ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, the base polymer having a vinyl acetate content of 25% by mass or more and less than 50% by mass; and', 'a metal hydroxide comprising magnesium hydroxide,, 'wherein the insulation layer comprises tensile properties such that a tensile strength is 10 MPa or more and a tensile elongation is 125% or more in an initial tensile test in accordance with EN60811-1-1;', 'a heat resistance such that a tensile strength change rate is within ±30% and a tensile elongation change rate is within ±40% in a heat resistance test in accordance with EN60811-1-2;', 'an oil resistance such that an elongation change rate is within ±40% in an oil resistance test in accordance with EN60811-2-1; and', 'low-temperature properties such that a tensile elongation is 30% or more in a low-temperature test in accordance with EN60811-1-4, and, 'wherein the insulation layer has a flame retardancy such that, in a combustion test in accordance with IEC60332-1, a distance from a bottom of an upper holder to a carbonized portion of the insulated electric wire is 50 mm or more in an upper part of the insulated electric wire and 540 mm or less in a lower part of the insulated electric wire;', 'low smoke emission properties such that a transmissivity is 70% or more in a smoke emission test in accordance with EN61034-2;', 'a flexibility such that, when the insulated electric wire is placed on a test stand so as to ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141240A1

A halogen-free resin composition includes 100 to 250 parts by mass of metal hydroxide and 3 to 50 parts by mass of amorphous silica per 100 parts by mass of polyolefin-based resin as a base polymer. The amorphous silica has a specific gravity of 2.1 to 2.3 g/cmand a specific surface area of 15 to 50 m/g. An electric wire includes a covering including the halogen-free resin composition. A cable includes the electric wire or a covering including the halogen-free resin composition. 1. A halogen-free resin composition , comprising 100 to 250 parts by mass of metal hydroxide and 3 to 50 parts by mass of amorphous silica per 100 parts by mass of polyolefin-based resin as a base polymer ,{'sup': 3', '2, 'wherein the amorphous silica has a specific gravity of 2.1 to 2.3 g/cmand a specific surface area of 15 to 50 m/g.'}2. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin-based resin comprises a maleic anhydride-modified ethylene-α-olefin-based copolymer.3. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin-based resin comprises a polyethylene having a melt mass flow rate (MFR) of not more than 2.0 (g/10 min) and a density of 0.900 to 0.925 g/cm.4. The halogen-free resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin-based resin comprises:10 to 40 parts by mass of maleic anhydride-modified ethylene-α-olefin-based copolymer; and{'sup': '3', '60 to 90 parts by mass of polyethylene having a melt mass flow rate (MFR) of not more than 2.0 (g/10 min) and a density of 0.900 to 0.925 g/cm.'}5. An electric wire claim 1 , comprising a covering comprising a halogen-free resin composition claim 1 , comprising 100 to 250 parts by mass of metal hydroxide and 3 to 50 parts by mass of amorphous silica per 100 parts by mass of polyolefin-based resin as a base polymer claim 1 ,{'sup': 3', '2, 'wherein the amorphous silica has a specific gravity of 2.1 to 2.3 g/cmand a specific surface area of 15 to 50 m/g.'}6. A cable ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141244A1
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corporation

The present invention relates to materials for making cable jackets, particularly for riser and plenum cables. The materials provide low flammability and allow the cable to meet UL 910 or NFPA-262 or UL 1666 specifications. The composition contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin, a plasticizer, ammonium octamolybdate, a molybdate compound, a stabilizer, a lubricant, aluminum trihydrate, and either i) metal oxide particles, ii) a polytetrafluoroehtylene (PTFE), iii) an intumescent compound, or iv) combinations thereof. 1. A composition comprisinga) a PVC resin;b) a plasticizer;c) ammonium octomolybdate;d) a molybdate compound;e) a stabilizer;f) a lubricant;g) aluminum trihydrate; andh) metal oxide particles, PTFE, an intumescent compound, or combinations thereof.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide particles are silicon dioxide.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer includes tetrabromophthalate ester and isodecyl diphenyl phosphate ester.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the tetrabromophthalate ester is present at about 5-30 phr claim 3 , and the isodecyl diphenyl phosphate ester is present at about 10-40 phr.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein component a) is present at about 100 parts by weight claim 1 , component b) is about 15-70 phr claim 1 , component c) is present at about 10-40 phr claim 1 , component d) is present at about 10-40 phr claim 1 , component e) is present at about 0.1-10 phr claim 1 , component f) is present at about 0.1-2 phr claim 1 , or component g) is present at about 20-80 phr.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein component h) is present at about 1-10 phr for each of metal oxide particles claim 1 , PTFE claim 1 , and the intumescent compound.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide particles are solid claim 1 , non porous claim 1 , low surface area claim 1 , non ionic claim 1 , non hydrated claim 1 , micro mineral or metal oxide particles.8. The composition of claim 1 , further ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210065931A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An insulated electric cable including: two first core wires, each of the two first core wires including: a first conductor; and a first insulating layer covering the first conductor; and two second core wires, each of the two second core wires including: a second conductor having a cross-sectional area smaller than that of the first conductor; and a second insulating layer covering the second conductor; wherein the two second core wires are mutually stranded to form a subunit, and wherein one of the two first core wires, another of the two first core wires, and the subunit are mutually stranded and are in contact with each other to form a core member. 1. An insulated electric cable comprising: a first conductor; and', 'a first insulating layer covering the first conductor; and, 'two first core wires, each of the two first core wires including a second conductor having a cross-sectional area smaller than that of the first conductor; and', 'a second insulating layer covering the second conductor;, 'two second core wires, each of the two second core wires includingwherein the two second core wires are mutually stranded to form a subunit, andwherein one of the two first core wires, another of the two first core wires, and the subunit are mutually stranded and are in contact with each other to form a core member.2. The insulated electric cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the first insulating layer is formed by a polyolefin-based resin, a cross-linked polyethylene, or a cross-linked fluorine resin.3. The insulated electric cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the second insulating layer is formed by a polyolefin-based resin, a cross-linked polyethylene, or a cross-linked fluorine resin.4. The insulated electric cable according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first coating layer covering the core member; and a second coating layer covering the first coating layer.5. The insulated electric cable according to claim 4 ,wherein the first coating layer is any of a polyolefin ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066906A1

The present invention relates to compositions comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane, at least melamine cyanurate, at least one first phosphorus-containing flame retardant (F1) selected from the group consisting of derivatives of phosphoric acid and derivatives of phosphonic acid and at least one further phosphorus-containing flame retardant (F2) selected from the group consisting of derivatives of phosphinic acid, and to the use of such a composition for production of cable sheaths. 115-. (canceled)16: A composition , comprising:at least one thermoplastic polyurethane,at least one melamine cyanurate,at least one first phosphorus-containing flame retardant (F1) selected from the group consisting of a phosphoric acid compound and a phosphonic acid compound, andat least one further phosphorus-containing flame retardant (F2) selected from the group consisting of a phosphinic acid compound,wherein the phosphorus-containing flame retardant (F1) is a phosphoric ester, andwherein the phosphorus-containing flame retardant (F2) is a phosphinate.17: The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the phosphinate is selected from the group consisting of an aluminum phosphinate and a zinc phosphinate.18: The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the flame retardant (F1) is selected from the group consisting of resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate) (RDP) claim 16 , bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) (BDP) and diphenyl cresyl phosphate (DPK).19: The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the melamine cyanurate has a particle size in the range from 0.1 to 100 μm.20: The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the phosphinate is selected from the group consisting of an aluminum phosphinate and a zinc phosphinate claim 16 ,wherein the flame retardant (F1) is selected from the group consisting of resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate) (RDP), bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) (BDP) and diphenyl cresyl phosphate (DPK), andwherein the melamine cyanurate has a ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Microencapsulated ammonium octamolybdate as a flame retardant in a cable jacket

Номер: US20220084720A1
Принадлежит: Commscope Inc of North Carolina

An indoor rated communications cable includes a communications carrying medium surrounded by a jacket. A material used to form the jacket is a polymer including a microencapsulated ammonium octamolybdate (AOM) additive therein. In some embodiments, the polymer may include polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) or polyolefin (PO). One or more additional flame retardants may also be added to the polymer. The communications cable may be a twisted pair, fiber optic or coaxial cable. The present invention also provides a method of forming the communications cable.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190066874A1

The present disclosure provides a jacket for use in a telecommunications cable. The jacket includes a jacket body. The jacket body extends along a longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable. The longitudinal axis passes through a geometrical center of the telecommunications cable. The jacket body includes a first surface. The first surface surrounds core region of the telecommunications cable. The first surface defines a plurality of grooves extending radially outwardly from the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable. The plurality of grooves includes a first groove area section and a second groove area section. The first groove area section and the second groove area section are in continuous contact with each other. In addition, the jacket body includes a second surface. The second surface extends along the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable and disposed in a spaced relation to the first surface. 1. A jacket for use in a telecommunications cable , the jacket comprising: a first surface surrounding a core region of the telecommunications cable, and', 'wherein the first surface and the second surface collectively forms a mushroom shape having a plurality of smooth edges, wherein structure of the jacket enables increase in air gap between cable pairs and the jacket and provides better protection against alien cross talk from surrounding cables at a wide frequency range.', 'a second surface extending along the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable and disposed in a spaced relation to the first surface,'}], 'a jacket body extending along a longitudinal axis passing through a geometrical center of the telecommunications cable, wherein the jacket body comprises2112233. The jacket as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first surface defines a plurality of grooves extending radially outwardly from the longitudinal axis of the telecommunications cable claim 1 , wherein the plurality of grooves has a cross-sectional shape selected ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069408A1
Автор: Gagnon John P.

Flame retardant fiber optic and electrically conductive cables having halogen-free flame retardant cable filler materials. 1. A fiber optic or electrically conductive cable comprising one or more coated wires or fiber optic filaments , a flame retardant cable filler in the form of a continuous yarn , fiber , filament , web , strip , tape or rod and formed of a polyolefin composition having incorporated therein from about 0.5 to 5 percent by weight of at least one halogen free NOR hindered amine flame retardant , at least one NOROL hindered amine flame retardant or a combination thereof , based on the combined weight of the hindered amine flame retardant and the polyolefin , and a sheath encasing the foregoing.2. The cable of wherein the flame retardant cable filler material is intertwined with one or more internal structural components of the cable.4. The cable of wherein the hindered amine flame retardant is present in an amount of from about 1 to about 2.5 weight percent based on the combined weight of the flame retardant and the polyolefin.5. The cable of wherein the polyolefin consists essentially of a homopolymer or copolymer of wholly olefin monomers or a blend of homo- and/or co-polyolefins comprised of wholly olefin monomers.6. The cable of wherein the polyolefin is selected from polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , ethylene-propylene copolymer claim 1 , polyethylene-polypropylene blends claim 1 , and thermoplastic olefin polymer (TPO).7. The cable of wherein the polyolefin is a foamed polyolefin.8. The cable of wherein the foamed polyolefin has a density reduction of from about 20% to 60%.9. The cable of wherein the polyolefin cable filler is fibrillated.10. The cable of wherein the polyolefin cable filler is fibrillated.11. The cable of wherein the cable filler is in the form of a yam or a web material rolled into a cylinder shape having a denier of from 800 to 50 claim 1 ,000.12. The cable of wherein the cable filler is in the form of a fiber ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Composition for wire protective member, wire protective member, and wiring harness

Номер: US20150075861A1
Автор: Kenji Ito, Masashi Sato

A composition for a wire protective member with heat resistance, flame retardancy, and resistance against both a calcium chloride and a braided wire; a wire protective member and a wire harness using the composition. The composition for a wire protective member is produced by including a polypropylene having a propylene monomer constituting 50 to 95 percent by mass of monomers forming a polymer, a melt flow rate of 0.5 to 5 g/10 min, and a melting point of 150 degrees C. or more; a bromine-based flame retardant and an antimony trioxide as a flame retarder; a phenol-based antioxidant as a heat resistance life improving agent; and a metal deactivator, wherein the propylene has a tensile strength of 20 to 35 MPa and a Charpy impact strength of 10 kJ/m 2 or more at 23 degrees C.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071567A1
Автор: PENG Hui, Shan Wei

A composition includes specific amounts of a poly(phenylene ether), a hydrogenated block copolymer of an alkenyl aromatic monomer and a conjugated diene, a polypropylene, a low molecular weight polybutene, a flame retardant, an ultraviolet absorbing agent, and a poly(alkylene oxide). The composition is useful as an insulation or jacketing material for wires and cables. 1. A composition , comprising:15 to 45 parts by weight of a poly(phenylene ether);5 to 50 parts by weight of a hydrogenated block copolymer of an alkenyl aromatic monomer and a conjugated diene;1 to 15 parts by weight of a polypropylene;2 to 10 parts by weight of a polybutene having a number average molecular weight of 500 to 1500 grams/mole;10 to 45 parts by weight of a flame retardant;0.5 to 10 parts by weight of an ultraviolet absorbing agent; and0.5 to 10 parts by weight of a poly(alkylene oxide);wherein all parts by weight are based on 100 parts by weight total of flame retardants and polymers other than the poly(alkylene oxide).2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the poly(phenylene ether) is a poly(2 claim 1 ,6-dimethyl-1 claim 1 ,4-phenylene ether) having an intrinsic viscosity of 0.35 to 0.5 deciliter per gram.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the poly(phenylene ether) has an intrinsic viscosity of 0.35 to 0.5 deciliter per gram and comprises poly(phenylene ether) homopolymer and poly(phenylene ether)-polysiloxane block copolymer.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant is selected from the group consisting of magnesium dihydroxides claim 1 , metal dialkylphosphinates claim 1 , melamine polyphosphates claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ultraviolet absorbing agent is selected from the group consisting of benzotriazole ultraviolet absorbing agents claim 1 , 2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazine ultraviolet absorbing agents claim 1 , benzophenone ultraviolet absorbing agents claim 1 , oxanilide ultraviolet ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Polymer Composition and Heat-Shrinkable Article

Номер: US20170073514A1
Автор: Kurup Sreeni
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics UK Ltd

A polymer composition is disclosed. The polymer composition comprises 30 to 40% by weight of a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer, 15 to 25% by weight of an ethylene acrylic elastomer, and an organic phosphorus-based flame retardant comprising a metal salt of a dialkyl phosphinate. 1. A polymer composition , comprising:30 to 40% by weight of a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer;15 to 25% by weight of an ethylene acrylic elastomer; andan organic phosphorus-based flame retardant comprising a metal salt of a dialkyl phosphinate.2. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer comprises a copolymer of polybutylene terephthalate and polyalkylene-ether glycol.3. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal salt is aluminium diethyl phosphinate.4. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene acrylic elastomer comprises a terpolymer of ethylene claim 1 , methyl acrylate claim 1 , and a cure site monomer.5. The polymer composition of claim 1 , further comprising an antihydrolysis agent.6. The polymer composition of claim 5 , wherein the antihydrolysis agent is an aromatic polymeric carbodiimide.7. The polymer composition of claim 1 , further comprising a stabilizing agent.8. The polymer composition of claim 7 , wherein the stabilizing agent is an aromatic amine type antioxidant.9. The polymer composition of claim 1 , further comprising a plasticizer.10. The polymer composition of claim 9 , wherein the plasticizer is a polyester adipate.11. The polymer composition of claim 1 , further comprising a radiation crosslinking agent.12. The polymer composition of claim 11 , wherein the radiation crosslinking agent is triallyl cyanurate (TAC) claim 11 , triallyl isocyranurate (TAIC) claim 11 , triallyl trimellitate claim 11 , triallyl trimesate claim 11 , tetrallyl pyromellitate claim 11 , the diallyl ester of 1 claim 11 ,1 claim 11 ,3 claim 11 ,-trimethyl-5-carboxy-3-(4-carboxyphenyl)indene claim 11 , ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180075942A1

An electrical wire includes a conductor wire and a covering disposed over the conductor wire. The covering includes a thermoplastic composition. The thermoplastic composition includes a blend of an aromatic polyketone and a poly(etherimide-siloxane) copolymer. Electrical wires having such coverings can be useful in providing articles including electrical wires for high-heat applications including railway vehicle, automobile, marine vehicle, aircraft, or data transmission components. 1. An article comprising an electrical wire , wherein the electrical wire comprisesa conductor wire; anda covering disposed over the conductor wire, 5-75 weight percent aromatic polyketone; and', '25-95 weight percent poly(etherimide-siloxane) copolymer having a siloxane content of more than 0 to less than 50 weight percent based on the total weight of the poly(etherimide-siloxane) copolymer;, 'wherein the covering is formed from a thermoplastic composition comprising,'}wherein all weight percents are based on the total weight of the composition; andwherein the thermoplastic composition coating the conductor wire has one or more of the following properties:a tensile stress of greater than 30 MPa, determined according to UL-1581 after 24 hours at 23° C.;a tensile elongation of greater than 100%, determined according to UL-1581 after 24 hours at 23° C.; andachieves a pass rating in the single wire vertical flame propagation test conducted according to EN50265-2-1/IEC60332-1, as determined in the presence of the wire conductor.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the electrical wire has:a tensile stress of greater than 30 MPa, determined according to UL-1581 after heat aging for 168 hours at 178° C.; anda tensile elongation of greater than 50%, determined according to UL-1581 after heat aging for 168 hours at 178° C.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the electrical wire achieves a pass rating in the single wire burn test conducted according to UL-1581 VW1.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Unit Cable for Central Network Communications

Номер: US20220093291A1

An example communications cable includes a core carrier disposed within a cable jacket. A pair of twisted conductors are partially disposed within the core carrier. A portion of the core carrier separates a first conductor in the pair of twisted conductors from a second conductor in the pair of twisted conductors. 1. A cable comprising:a cable jacket; being in contact with the cable jacket,', 'being an electrical insulator, non-compressible, and a single element, and comprising first and second partial outer tubes; and, 'a core carrier disposed within the cable jacket, the core carrier the first and second partial outer tubes are configured to hold the pair of twisted conductors in place when the cable jacket is stripped from the core carrier,', 'a portion of the core carrier separates a first conductor in the pair of twisted conductors from a second conductor in the pair of twisted conductors,', 'less than half of a cross-section of each of the first conductor and the second conductor protrudes from the core carrier when the cable jacket is stripped from the core carrier, and', 'the first conductor and the second conductor are in partial contact with the first and second partial outer tubes, respectively., 'a pair of twisted conductors partially disposed within the core carrier, the pair of twisted conductors each lacking an insulator, wherein2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first conductor and the second conductor are independent channels of a centralized communications network between electronic control units of a vehicle.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the pair of twisted conductors is fully disposed within the cable jacket.4. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first conductor and the second conductor are litz wire.5. The cable of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the first conductor and the second conductor is approximately 0.2 millimeters.6. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the cable jacket is an electrical insulator.7. The cable of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Electrical cable and methods of making the same

Номер: US20200075196A1
Принадлежит: Trilogy Communications Inc

Systems and methods for making an electrical cable. The electrical cable comprises: an inner conductor member formed of a conductive material; a dielectric member disposed as a single non-solid layer on the inner conductor member such that the inner conductor member is only partially covered by the dielectric member (the dielectric member being formed of a silica material (a) with a melting point equal to or greater than 1500° F., (b) that does not experiences a transformation from a flexible material to a rigid material when exposed to temperatures less than 1000° F., and (c) that comprises 60% or more silica); and an outer conductor member that is formed of a conductive material, encompasses the dielectric member and the inner conductor member, and is coaxial with the inner conductor member.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Handrail installation with emergency lighting

Номер: US20190078771A1
Принадлежит: Woertz Engineering AG

A handrail installation with emergency lighting for tunnels, comprising a handrail, a closed cable duct, at least one flat cable that is installed along the closed cable duct, and multiple branching boxes for contacting the flat cable without stripping of insulation. The branching boxes contact the flat cable within the closed cable duct. The handrail and the cable duct rest on support surfaces, which are different from one another, on the top side of multiple support members, and the handrail is provided separately from the closed cable duct and the support members, the cable duct is provided separately from the support members, and the handrail is situated above the closed cable duct. The emergency lighting includes multiple lamps situated in succession, which are placed at the branching boxes and are supplied with power by same. The lamps are passed through superposed installation openings in the floor of the cable duct, in the direction of the tunnel floor, so that the lamps radiate into an area below the closed cable duct. The closed cable duct and the support members are made of fireproof metal, and the flat cable as well as the branching boxes have a fireproof design.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Low-smoke, halogen-free flexible cords

Номер: US20190080819A1
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corp

Halogen-free flexible cords are disclosed. The cables include one or more conductors, each surrounded by an insulation layer and a nylon layer. The flexible cords exhibit low smoke when burned. Methods of making and using the cables are also disclosed.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079969A1

A resin composition, containing an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (A); and 15 to 30 mass parts of a bromine-based flame retardant (B), 5 to 15 mass parts of antimony trioxide (C), 6 to 12 mass parts of a benzimidazole-based aging retardant (D), 2 to 4 mass parts of a phenol-based aging retardant (E), 2 to 4 mass parts of a thioether-based aging retardant (F), 0.5 to 2 mass parts of a copper inhibitor (G), and 3 to 6 mass parts of a crosslinking aid (H), with respect to 90 to 100 mass parts of the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (A); 1. A resin composition , comprising:an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (A); and15 to 30 mass parts of a bromine-based flame retardant (B), 5 to 15 mass parts of antimony trioxide (C), 6 to 12 mass parts of a benzimidazole-based aging retardant (D), 2 to 4 mass parts of a phenol-based aging retardant (E), 2 to 4 mass parts of a thioether-based aging retardant (F), 0.5 to 2 mass parts of a copper inhibitor (G), and 3 to 6 mass parts of a crosslinking aid (H), with respect to 90 to 100 mass parts of the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (A).2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , comprising 1 to 10 mass parts of a maleic acid-modified polyethylene (I).3. The resin composition according to claim 1 , which is the resin composition is a resin composition for a resin-coating material layer of an insulated wire.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (A) is any one of (1) an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , (2) a combination of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and a maleic acid-modified polyethylene claim 1 , and (3) a combination of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , a maleic acid-modified polyethylene and a low-density polyethylene.5. The resin composition according to claim 4 , the content of the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (A) is 90 to 100 mass parts when the total amount of the resin of the resin composition is taken as 100 mass parts claim 4 , and ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Communication Wire

Номер: US20140166328A1
Принадлежит: ADC Telecommunications Inc

The present invention relates to an improved insulated conductor with a low dielectric constant and reduced materials costs. The conductor ( 12 ) extends along a longitudinal axis and an insulation ( 14, 14<1> ) surrounds the conductor ( 12 ). At least on channel ( 16, 16<1> ) in the insulation ( 14, 14<1> ) extends generally along the longitudinal axis to form an insulated conductor. Apparatuses and methods of manufacturing the improved insulated conductors are also disclosed.
