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26-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730939C2

Изобретение относится к головке (20) переключателя ступеней нагрузки для переключателя (10) ступеней нагрузки и содержит первую зону (21), которая образована в головке (20) переключателя ступеней нагрузки и через которую может протекать изолирующая текучая среда (17) переключателя (10) ступеней нагрузки; вторую зону, которая с помощью стенки отделена от первой зоны (21); детекторное устройство для обнаружения повышенной скорости потока изолирующей текучей среды (17), содержащее заслонку потока, которая расположена в первой зоне (21) и, начиная с заданной скорости потока изолирующей текучей среды (17), опрокидывается из первого положения во второе положение; первый магнит сцепления, который закреплен на заслонке и находится во втором положении заслонки потока в непосредственной близости от стенки; второй магнит сцепления, который расположен в непосредственной близости от стенки (22) во второй зоне; переключатель, который расположен во второй зоне и соединен со вторым магнитом сцепления так ...

19-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625909C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат состоит в уменьшении габаритов. Высокочастотный и высокомощный трансформатор имеет сердечник (1), на котором размещается первичная обмотка (2), на которой изолированно размещена вторичная обмотка (4). Весь узел размещается и монтируется в изоляторе (3), который выполнен из двух частей или половин (6) и (7), симметричных относительно поперечной вертикальной плоскости. Каждая часть имеет полый трубчатый элемент (3.1), размещенный внутри внешнего корпуса (3.2) каждой половины изолятора, образуя в каждой части кольцевое пространство (3.3), содержащееся между внешней стенкой трубчатого элемента (3.1) и внутренней стенкой внешнего корпуса (3.2), где размещается вторичная или высоковольтная обмотка. Изолятор (3) имеет в его внешнем корпусе (3.2) щель (5), выполненную на нулевом уровне напряжения и через которую масло проникает к вторичной обмотке. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2489763C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, к системе масляного охлаждения, в частности, для трансформаторов, питающих тяговые электродвигатели и для масла в условиях высокой вязкости. Технический результат состоит в повышении надежности и эксплуатационной безопасности в условиях очень низких температур и при очень медленных потоках охлаждающей текучей среды. Система содержит первый теплообменник для отвода тепла от источника тепловыделения к охлаждающему маслу, соединенный по меньшей мере одним подающим трубопроводом и по меньшей мере одним возвратным трубопроводом со вторым теплообменником для охлаждения масла передачей тепла, поглощенного в первом теплообменнике, в окружающую среду, имеющую температуру ниже температуры охлаждающего масла. В контуре, состоящем из упомянутых первого и второго темлообменников и упомянутых подающих и возвратных трубопроводов, дополнительно предусмотрены средства обеспечения потока охлаждающего масла из первого теплообменника во второй и обратно и средства мониторинга ...

13-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU177199U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и энергетики и предназначена для охлаждения силовых масляных трансформаторов с последующей очисткой элегаза в электрическом фильтре. Задачей полезной модели является повышение эффективности очистки элегаза от масла в силовых масляных трансформаторах. Установка для охлаждения масляного трансформатора с электрическим фильтром очистки, содержащая последовательно соединенные емкость, заполненную элегазом, компрессор, подключенный к источнику электрической энергии, бак с минеральным маслом, трубки с равномерно расположенными на них клапанами-распределителями, размещенные в нижней части бака, бак-расширитель, электрический фильтр, подключенный к источнику электрической энергии, абсорбер, холодильник, датчик температуры, размещенный непосредственно в зоне обмотки трансформатора, блок управления, вход которого подключен к выходу датчика температуры, а выходы подключены к управляющим входам компрессора и холодильника, при этом на входе электрического ...

25-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU216262U1

Устройство относится к электротехнике и предназначено для прекращения потока трансформаторного масла из расширителя в бак трансформатора. Техническим результатом заявленного технического решения является создание клапана, обеспечивающего автоматическое перекрытие потока масла при увеличении расхода выше установленного порогового значения за счет клапана отсечного потока, характеризующегося тем, что содержит полый корпус, снабженный патрубком подвода и патрубком отвода жидкости; патрубок подвода и патрубок отвода жидкости выполнены соосными и снабжены фланцами; внутри корпуса расположены взводный запорный механизм, магнит, магнитный датчик и флажок, при этом флажок установлен с возможностью отклонения потоком проходящей через корпус жидкости при воздействии на флажок силы, направленной вдоль оси патрубков; флажок в своем крайнем штатном положении расположен в зоне действия магнитного датчика и магнитного поля магнита; взводный запорный механизм выполнен с возможностью перекрытия потока жидкости ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014119693A

... 1. Изолирующая система (1-1; 1-2; 1-3; 1-4) для структуры (11) обмоток, содержащая:самую дальнюю внутреннюю пару (3) барьеров, размещенную для покрытия большей части структуры (11) обмоток в осевом направлении (A) структуры (11) обмоток внутри и снаружи структуры (11) обмоток относительно кривизны витков обмоток для структуры обмоток, причем, по меньшей мере, один барьер самой дальней внутренней пары (3) барьеров задает первый тракт (3-1) потока, обеспечивающий протекание диэлектрического флюида (F), главным образом, в первом осевом направлении между структурой (11) обмоток и, по меньшей мере, одним барьером самой дальней внутренней пары (3) барьеров, когда изолирующая система (1-1; 1-2; 1-3; 1-4), находится в собранном состоянии, ипервый внешний барьер (5), размещенный радиально внутри или радиально снаружи относительно каждого барьера самой дальней внутренней пары (3) барьеров, причем первый внешний барьер (5) задает второй тракт (5-1) потока, параллельный первому тракту (3-1) потока, ...

20-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011141754A

... 1. Колпачок (10) для высоковольтного вывода с установленным вокруг оси (20, 70) вращения электропроводящим элементом ((12+14), (62+64+66)) в виде полого цилиндра, переходящим с одного своего аксиального конца (16) в полусферическую форму (14, 64), с содержащим сквозное отверстие (116) соединительным устройством ((22+24), (74+76), (100а,b)) для электрического и механического соединения элемента ((12+14), (62+64+66)) с электрической экранирующей трубкой (26, 72), по меньшей мере с двумя изоляционными барьерами ((30+34+38), (32+36+40)), дистанцированными друг от друга, согласованными, соответственно, с формой элемента ((12+14), (62+64+66)) в виде полого цилиндра, которые охватывают его на соответствующих первом и втором расстоянии, причем изоляционные барьеры ((30+34+38), (32+36+40)) содержат соответствующий патрубок (30, 32) для подвода экранирующей трубки (26, 72) к соединительному устройству ((22+24), (74+76), (100а,b)), отличающийся тем, что первый изоляционный барьер (30+34+38) дистанцирован ...

23-01-2012 дата публикации

Elektrische Maschine mit einer Kühlung durch einen flächigen Temperierungskörper und ein Wärmetauschlfluid

Номер: DE202011107026U1

Wärmetauschvorrichtung, die zwischen einer elektrischen Maschine und einem flächigen Temperierungskörper, wie der Erdfläche, einem See, Teich oder Fluss, installiert und mit einem primären Fluidkreislauf und einem sekundären Fluidkreislauf ausgestattet ist, so dass die durch die elektrische Maschine erzeugte Wärme durch das primärseitige Fluid der Wärmetauschvorrichtung übertragen wird und ein sekundärseitiges Fluid durch einen Kühler fließt, der in dem flächigen Temperierungskörper installiert ist, um Wärme durch den flächigen Temperierungskörper abzugeben, wobei die Wärmetauschvorrichtung im Wesentlichen umfasst: einen Transformator (101), der ein Spannungstransformationsgerät ist, der eine Wicklung und einen Eisenkern aufweist und in einem Gehäuse (100) installiert ist, wobei das Gehäuse (100) mit einem isolierenden Kühlfluid (103) versehen ist, um die von dem Transformator (101) erzeugte Wärme abzuführen; einen externen Kühler (302), der ein ein Fluid durchlassender Behälter ist, an ...

04-11-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003025661C2

05-10-1953 дата публикации

Transformator mit kuenstlichem OElumlauf

Номер: DE0000892169C

09-08-2001 дата публикации

Radiator für einen elektrischen Transformator

Номер: DE0020022325U1

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Transformator mit beheiztem Radiatorenglied

Номер: DE102016221080A1

Um ein elektrisches Gerät (5) zum Anschluss an ein Hochspannungsnetz mit einem Kessel (6), der mit einem Isolierfluid (7) befüllt ist und in dem ein magnetisierbarer Kern (8) und wenigstens eine einen Abschnitt (10) des Kerns (8) umschließende Wicklung (9) angeordnet sind, und einer Kühlanlange (11), die wenigstens einen Radiator (1) umfasst, der außerhalb des Kessels (6)angeordnet und mit diesem zum Umwälzen des Isolierfluids (7) über den Radiator (1) verbunden ist, wobei der Radiator (1) wenigstens zwei einander parallel geschaltete Wärmeaustauschglieder (3) aufweist, zu schaffen, mit dem ein Kaltstart beschleunigt und auch bei tieferen Temperaturen durchgeführt werden kann, wird vorgeschlagen, dass nur eines der Wärmeaustauschglieder (3) als beheiztes Wärmeaustauschglied (12) in wärmeleitender Verbindung mit einer Wärmequelle steht, die beim Starten des Betriebs des elektrischen Geräts (5) Wärme erzeugt.

01-03-2007 дата публикации

Stabspule für Zündanlagen

Номер: DE102005040364A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Stabspule für Zündanlagen, insbesondere für Zündanlagen in Brennkraftmaschinen, umfassend einen Stabkern (2), einen ersten Spulenkörper (3) mit einer ersten Spulenwicklung (4), welche um den Stabkern (2) herum angeordnet sind, und einen zweiten Spulenkörper mit einer zweiten Spulenwicklung, welche um den ersten Spulenkörper (3) mit erster Spulenwicklung (4) herum angerodnet sind, wobei ein Zwischenraum (8) zwischen dem Stabkern (2) und dem ersten Spulenkörper (3) mit einem flüssigen Medium (5) gefüllt ist.

14-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002160865A1

02-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001368696A

... 1368696 Cooling liquids in bulk SOC INDUSTRIELLE NOUVELLE DE FABRICATION POUR L'AUTOMOBILE ET LE CYCLE 5 June 1972 [8 June 1971 13 April 1972] 26107/72 Heading F4S [Also in Divisions H1 and H2] In a transformer-rectifier assembly wherein a transformer is housed in an oil-filled tank (3, Fig. 1), and rectifiers 161 are mounted externally of the tank on a metal block 131 constituting a heat sink with fins (20, 21, Fig. 2) dipping into the oil in the tank, a cooling arrangement comprises tubes 141 extending through the heat sink and through which cooling water passes, and further tubes 31, 32, parallel to the tubes 141 and through which the tank oil is circulated and thereby cooled. The oil circuit includes an outlet pipe 34 from the tank, leading to a pump 33, and a pipe 35 for returning the cooled oil to the tank.

25-08-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to containers having cooling means therein for a liquid insulation for high voltage electrical apparatus

Номер: GB0000714302A

... 714,302. Cooling insulating-liquids for electrical apparatus. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES, Ltd. May 15, 1952 [May 18, 1951], No. 12300/52. Class 64(3) In high-voltage electrical apparatus in which liquid insulation 2 of the apparatus is cooled by a cooling liquid supplied through a pipe 4 extending through the top wall 1 of a casing enclosing the insulation, and flowing through an indirectcontact heat-exchanger immersed in the insulation, condensation of water from the air above the insulation 2 upon the pipe 4 is prevented by surrounding the pipe 4 by a hollow body 5. This body is united at the top to the wall 1, extends below the surface of the liquid insulation, and is closed at the bottom except for a passage for the pipe 4.

27-06-1984 дата публикации

A liquid container especially for a transformer

Номер: GB0002132031A

A liquid container (6) for use in containing a transformer (not shown) surrounded by oil, includes a barrier (8) made up of four walls (10, 12, 14, 16) connected together by liquid diffusion members (18). Two opposed walls (14, 16) are constructed from a rectangular sheet of metal which is folded into corrugations to form individual hollow heat dissipation members (2) having elongated reinforcing means (4). Groups of the hollow elongated dissipation members (2) are formed into rows and connected one to another. Two opposed walls (10, 12) are constructed from corrugated and reinforced metal sheets which have been formed into heat dissipation modules (20), where two heat dissipation modules (20) are connected together by a liquid diffusion member (18). In addition the liquid container (6) includes a tray (28) and an angle curb (30) to which the barrier (8) is attached by a liquid tight weld. ...

15-03-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to liquid cooling radiators, particularly for electric transformer tanks

Номер: GB0000280517A

... 280,517. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri, et Cie. Nov. 13, 1926, [Convention date]. Right to Patent relinquished. Tanks with radiator elements.- Radiators R for electric transformer oil tanks &c., supplied by a blower with separate streams of cooling-air, have the tubes K arranged around the periphery of the radiator so as to leave a, space J in the middle, whereby inflow of the surrounding air is induced and uniform cooling is effected. The tubes may be parallel and set in staggered formation, or may converge towards the top headers as shown. The air is supplied from the blower through branches L which may extend through the bottom header S and be formed with nozzle ends D.

02-09-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the acceleration of a thermogravity circulation of liquids in a pipe or pipe systems

Номер: GB0000968797A

... 968,797. Closed liquid circulating systems for cooling transformers. H. G. BINDER. Feb. 27, 1963, No. 7781/63. Heading F4U. [Also in Division F1] In a method of increasing the rate of circulation of the cooling medium in an electric transformer thermo-gravity cooling system having a transformer tank connected by pipes to its cooling bank, a portion of the cooling medium is continuously withdrawn from the system by a pump or pumps and is continuously delivered back to the system in a direction and at a rate of flow such as to increase the rate of circulation of the cooling medium in the cooling system, and when the pump or pumps is out of action the circulation is provided exclusively by the thermo-gravity effect. A flow accelerator unit u, Fig. 4, comprising the pump and a Venturi-ring g, Fig. 3, is inserted in a pipe connecting the transformer tank t to the cooling bank which has a number of radiators q. Flanges m and n on the Venturi-ring g are connected to the pump, which may be of the ...

07-11-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in cooling apparatus for transformer tanks and like uses

Номер: GB0000401278A

... 401,278. Electric transformer and like tanks with radiator elements. ST. GEORGE'S ENGINEERS, Ltd., ANDERSON, J., and PURSLOW, H., Ordsall Lane, Trafford Bridge, Manchester. May 7, 1932, No. 13191. [Class 29.] Radiator elements are formed of two juxtaposed corrugated metal sheets B welded together at their longitudinal edges, pressed at their ends to flatten out the corrugations, and then bent to form end headers d of diamond or triangular shape, the end edges being welded together. Branch pipes c connecting the headers to the tank C may enter the headers at the ends, as shown, or at the sides or top and bottom. The open ends of the headers are closed by plates d<1>, The plates may be assembled with the corrugations parallel to one another. Where the plates are assembled as shown the meeting surfaces of the corrugations may be spot welded at intervals. The elements may be assembled in a group with a common connection to the tank, and may be set parallel or at an angle to the tank wall.

06-04-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to cooling systems for electrical apparatus

Номер: GB0000832349A

... 832,349. Cooling systems for electrical apparatus. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. May 15, 1956 [May 17, 1955], No. 15116/56. Class 64(3) [Also in Group XXXV] In a cooling system for electrical apparatus, a jet pump is provided in the lower part of a tank 13 which contains the apparatus immersed in a liquid coolant, the discharge opening 34 and suction inlet 36 of the jet pump communicating with the coolant in the vicinity of the pump and the pressure inlet 33 of the jet pump being supplied with a flow of said coolant from a part of the tank situated substantially higher than the jet pump, said supply being through the intermediary of a driven pump. In the form shown, a power transformer comprising a core 11 and windings 12 is immersed in a dielectric fluid contained in the tank 13. A baffle 19 in the lower part of the tank ensures that dielectric fluid leaving a chamber 21 defined by the baffle, must flow through ducts 22 in the transformer windings 12. Fluid is drawn from the upper part of the tank ...

04-05-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to liquid cooled apparatus

Номер: GB0000834056A

... 834,056. Cooling systems for electric transformers; cooling liquids in bulk. ENGLISH ELECTRIC CO. Ltd. June 18, 1958 [June 18, 1957], No. 19128/57. Class 64(3) [Also in Group XXXV] Liquid cooled devices, e.g. oil filled transformers, have the liquid space divided into cells 21 by inclined barriers 16 which are preferably of heat insulating material, e.g. paper or laminated plastic, and may be hollow to trap a layer of the liquid. The embodiment shown is a transformer with concentric windings 12 in a tank 14; the top of each cell 21 and the space above them is connected to a tube 19 while the bottom of each of the cells and the space below them is connected to a further tube 20, the two tubes being interconnected by inclined cooling tubes 22. In alternative arrangements each cell has its own cooling tube.

15-06-2020 дата публикации

Reduction of ageing in insulating material of a winding, in particular an oil-impregnated high-voltage device

Номер: AT0000521932A1
Автор: MARIO SCALA, Mario Scala

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anordnung umfassend zumindest eine Wicklung (2) und ein Gehäuse (3), in welcher die Wicklung angeordnet ist, wobei die Wicklung zumindest einen elektrischen Leiter (8) aufweist, wobei die Wicklung und/oder deren elektrischer Leiter zumindest teilweise von einem zellulosehaltigen Isoliermaterial umgeben sind und wobei das Gehäuse (3) im Betriebszustand mit einem flüssigen Kühlmittel (4) gefüllt ist, sodass sich die Wicklung (2) im Betriebszustand in einem flüssigen Kühlmittel (4) befindet. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass - zusätzlich zum vorhandenen zellulosehaltigen Isoliermaterial, das die Wicklung (2) und/oder deren elektrischen Leiter (8) zu Isolationszwecken umgibt - im Gehäuse (3) und/oder in einem Kühlkreislauf (5) für das Kühlmittel (4) zumindest ein Mittel (15, 16) enthalten ist, das chemische Verbindungen zum Reduzieren des Alterns von zellulosehaltigem Isoliermaterial enthält.

15-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000825778A

10-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323283B

26-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002435505C
Принадлежит: CHEHOURI, RAFIC

Method of cooling oil immersed transformer or an electrical machine by heat transfer to a liquefied gas, e.g. Freon. A first heat exchanger transfers heat from oil to liquefied gas, which circulates in a closed heat pump circuit with an evaporating cycle. Finally heat is removed by airflow. This done by either using external or remotely cooler unit containing heat exchanger in communication with conventional refrigeration unit on trailer or any fixed or movable applicable method to locate near Transformer, or by directly locating the heat exchanger and/or pre-engineered evaporating coil within the transformer housing connected to outside refrigeration unit. My new Transformer Oil cooler unit can be applied to existing transformers or can be adopted in new design and manufacturing of electrical Transformers, which can have better temperature control, and better cooling for the hot spot area in Transformers. This is a practical and cost effective system to cool electrical Transformers particularly ...

08-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770864C

An insulation system for a fluid-filled power transformer that allows for operation of the transformer at higher temperatures and with lowered susceptibility to aging. The insulation system includes a plurality of fibers that are bound together by a solid binding agent. The solid binding agent may. for example, for sheaths around the fibers or may be in the form of dispersed particles that bind the fibers to each other. Also, a method of fabricating such an insulation system.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003055933A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

A system for distribution transformer monitoring may comprise a distribution transformer that includes a transformer fluid tank, a monitoring unit that includes a plurality of sensors, wherein the monitoring unit is coupled to the distribution transformer, and wherein the plurality of sensors comprises a fluid sensor that includes a sensor probe that extends out of the monitoring unit into the transformer fluid tank of the distribution transformer, and a communication unit coupled to the distribution transformer and communicatively coupled to the monitoring unit. The monitoring unit may further comprises a sensor module to receive sensor data from the plurality of sensors, a storage module to store the sensor data in an internal data storage device of the monitoring unit, an analysis module to analyze the sensor data to determine generated data, and a communication module to communicate the sensor data or the generated data to a remote computing device.

27-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3113307A1

Disclosed is a three-phase transformer comprising a transformer housing; a shell-form five-limb transformer core (100) wherein main limbs (110a, 110b, 110c) comprise two outer main limbs (110a, 110c) and a middle main limb (110b); three coil arrangements (120) comprising two outer coil arrangements (120a, 120c) each arranged around a respective one of the outer main limbs (110a, 110c), and a middle coil arrangement (120b) arranged around the middle main limb (110b). The outer coil arrangements (120a, 120c) have an inter-coil insulation (140) configured to electrically insulate the coil arrangements from the transformer housing and from the respective other ones of the coil arrangements (120), and wherein no inter-coil insulation is provided to the middle coil arrangement (120b).

29-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001245756A1

17-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002633911C

The invention relates to a method for controlling the cooling of an industrial plant with at least one electrical component, such as, for example, a transformer, comprising at least one cooling element for cooling the electrical components, wherein at least one sensor is provided for measuring the temperature and/or the viscosity of the coolant in the cooling system. An optimal control of the cooling system can be provided by means of controlling the electrical components with selected control profiles taking into account specific data for the electrical components.

20-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002940802C

An apparatus for measuring dissolved gas includes a body having an internal space, a separator installation part provided in the body and having a separator allowing a dissolved gas to pass therethrough and blocking insulating oil installed therein, and a sensor installation part provided in the body and allowing a gas sensor measuring dissolved gas separated by the separator to be installed therein, wherein the separator installation part and the sensor installation part are configured in such a manner that the separator and the gas sensor are independently installed in the body or separated from the body. According to the apparatus for measuring dissolved gas, a gas sensor may be manufactured to be standardized, and excellent compatibility with respect to various types of gas sensors may be provided.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002939573A1

Methods and systems of field upgradeable transformers are provided. Voltage transformation, intelligence, communications, and control are integrated in a flexible and cost effective manner. A field upgradeable transformer may comprise a transformer module and a cold plate. The transformer module provides voltage transformation. The transformer module is enclosed in a housing containing coolant with dielectric properties, such as mineral oil. The cold plate may be mounted to the housing and thermally coupled to the coolant. Interfaces to the primary side and/or secondary side of transformer module may be configured to be disposed on the surface of the housing. A field upgradable transformer may comprise various electronic modules that are configured to be mounted to the cold plate. An electronic module may be thermally coupled to the coolant, and may be configured to be coupled to the transformer module.

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002838701A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Provided herein are dielectric fluids comprising at least one estolide compound of formula (II); in which n is an integer equal to or greater than 0; m is an integer equal to or greater than 1; R1, independently for each occurrence, is selected from optionally substituted alkyl that is saturated or unsaturated, and branched or unbranched; R2 is selected from hydrogen and optionally substituted alkyl that is saturated or unsaturated, and branched or unbranched; and R3 and R4, independently for each occurrence, are selected from optionally substituted alkyl that is saturated or unsaturated, and branched or unbranched. Also provided herein are uses of dielectric fluids and electrical devices such as transformers that comprise a dielectric fluid comprising at least one estolide compound.

01-03-1920 дата публикации

Dispositif de refroidissement aux transformateurs électriques statiques, à bain d'huile

Номер: CH0000084347A

15-05-1929 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000133013A

01-05-1923 дата публикации

Transformateur électrique refroidi à l'huile.

Номер: CH0000098890A

30-09-1960 дата публикации

Gekühlte elektrische Einrichtung

Номер: CH0000349001A

30-11-1966 дата публикации

Olgekapseltes elektrisches Gerät

Номер: CH0000424970A

13-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000554063A

15-07-1966 дата публикации

Behälter für eine Induktivität

Номер: CH0000416820A

15-04-1962 дата публикации

Olarmer Hochspannungstransformator

Номер: CH0000361335A

30-09-1972 дата публикации

Kühlradiator für ölgefüllte Transformatoren

Номер: CH0000528811A

13-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000554086A

13-07-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000612290A5

30-11-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000607263A5

31-05-1985 дата публикации

Oil-insulated inductor coil having a load resistor

Номер: CH0000649648A5

In the case of an oil-insulated inductor coil having a load resistor (36) for resistive loading of the coil (31), the load resistor is arranged in a dedicated, oil-filled tank (33b). In order to manage with a very small additional quantity of oil for dissipating the heat produced by the load resistor, the tank (33b) which contains the load resistor (36) is connected via pipe connections (38a, 38b) to the tank (33a) for the inductor coil (31). The main heat centre of the load resistor (36) is arranged to be so deep that the oil flow flowing via the pipe connections (38a, 38b) integrates that part (34b) of the insulating oil which is located under the active part (31) of the inductor coil into the cooling-oil circuit. ...

29-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000664050A5

A blade body (1) comprised of hollow blades (2) and bridges provided therebetween has at least on the sides (3) of the hollow blades (2) mouldings extended perpendicularly to the blade back (4) and shaped as conduit cavities (7) or rib elevations (8). The mouldings (7) are extended perpendicularly to the blade back (4) of the hollow blades (2). The blade body (1) is mainly used in transformer tanks and is also used to cool active elements situated in a cooling liquid inside the tank. In the hollow blades (2) arranged perpendicularly, a cooling liquid flow is generated in parallel to the blade back (4). Despite the mouldings which are extended transversely with respect to the flow, the cooling action of known hollow blades is similar to that of the mouldings parallel to the flow. The advantage of the mouldings extended transversely with respect to the flow is the following: contrary to the mouldings parallel to the flow, the mouldings transversal to the flow may be produced without additional ...

11-01-2019 дата публикации

A main transform underground water cooling system

Номер: CN0109192461A

10-06-1966 дата публикации

Improvements with the transformers

Номер: FR0001442066A

23-10-1981 дата публикации

Mineral oil based insulating oils for transformers, etc. - with low flammability and toxicity

Номер: FR0002326016B1

05-07-1926 дата публикации

Vat of transformer with corrugated sheet wall

Номер: FR0000607567A

01-02-1963 дата публикации

Cooling for transformer of great power or mobile transformer

Номер: FR0001317056A

17-08-1932 дата публикации

Device for the cooling of the oil of electricals appliance by means of air

Номер: FR0000730531A

25-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002298865B1

16-05-1929 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the artificial circulation of oil in the tanks of transformers and other apparatuses

Номер: FR0000657066A

18-07-1922 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000540768A

22-07-1930 дата публикации

Device of refrigeration of the oil of circulation for electricals appliance with high tension current, in particular for transformers

Номер: FR0000686106A

24-05-1921 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the radiators and cooling agents

Номер: FR0000518373A

30-07-1953 дата публикации

Ferment for the cooling of the immersed transformers and in general of the immersed machines or apparatuses, requiring a cooling

Номер: FR0001034732A

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Термоэлектрическое устройство для дополнительного охлаждения масляного трансформатора, работающего в условиях достаточного количества дождевых осадков

Номер: RU0000165629U1

Термоэлектрическое устройство для дополнительного охлаждения масляного трансформатора, работающего в условиях достаточного количества дождевых осадков, содержащее верхний и нижний горизонтально расположенные коллекторы, соединенные с баком трансформатора с помощью патрубков, вертикально расположенные охлаждающие трубы, гидравлически соединенные с верхним и нижним горизонтальными коллекторами, отличающееся тем, что над нижним горизонтальным коллектором размещена теплопередающая поверхность основной емкости, установленной на отдельной опоре, заполненной жидким теплоносителем и имеющей тепловую изоляцию, при этом к одной из стенок основной емкости прикреплены термоэлектрические модули, образующие батарею, холодная сторона которой использована для теплопередачи охлаждаемой жидкости, находящейся внутри этой емкости, а для отвода тепла в окружающую среду с нагретой стороны термоэлектрической батареи установлены теплоотводящие ребра, кроме того, над основной емкостью размещена дополнительная емкость, открытая сверху для сбора дождевой воды и имеющая сливной патрубок в нижней ее части, при этом над дополнительной емкостью установлена кварцевая лампа, служащая для уничтожения микроорганизмов и бактерий, образующихся в дождевой воде. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H01F 27/12 (13) 165 629 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016112658/07, 04.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2016 Бюл. № 30 1 6 5 6 2 9 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Термоэлектрическое устройство для дополнительного охлаждения масляного трансформатора, работающего в условиях достаточного количества дождевых осадков, содержащее верхний и нижний горизонтально расположенные коллекторы, соединенные с баком трансформатора с помощью патрубков, вертикально расположенные охлаждающие трубы, гидравлически соединенные с верхним и нижним ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации

Установка для трансцилляторного охлаждения масляного трансформатора элегазом

Номер: RU0000183146U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и энергетики и предназначена для охлаждения силовых масляных трансформаторов. Задачей полезной модели является разработка новой установки для трансцилляторного охлаждения масляного трансформатора элегазом с достижением следующего технического результата: повышение эксплуатационной безопасности установки за счет предотвращения появления коронирующего заряда и контроля давления элегаза в баке трансформатора. Установка для трансцилляторного охлаждения масляного трансформатора элегазом, содержащая последовательно соединенные емкость, заполненную элегазом, компрессор, подключенный к источнику электрической энергии, бак с минеральным маслом, трубки с равномерно расположенными на них клапанами-распределителями, размещенные в верхней части бака, бак-расширитель, абсорбер, холодильник, датчик температуры, размещенный непосредственно в зоне обмотки трансформатора, сигнализатор повышенного давления, расположенный в верхней части бака, блок управления, входы которого подключены к выходу датчика температуры и сигнализатора повышенного давления, а выходы подключены к управляющим входам компрессора и холодильника. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 146 U1 (51) МПК H01F 27/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01F 27/12 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018117055, 07.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 07.05.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 12.09.2018 Бюл. № 26 1 8 3 1 4 6 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 167206 U1, 27.12.2016. RU 177199 U1, 13.02.2018. SU 832607 A1, 23.05.1981. US 20180028769 A1, 01.02.2018. (54) Установка для трансцилляторного охлаждения масляного трансформатора элегазом (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области емкость, заполненную элегазом, компрессор, электротехники и энергетики и предназначена подключенный к источнику ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Spherical cap for high-voltage outgoing lines in oil transformers

Номер: US20120090889A1

The disclosure relates to a spherical cap for a high-voltage outgoing line, including an electrically conductive element, which is arranged hollow-cylindrically about a rotational axis and which merges into a hemispherical form at its first axial end. A connection device has a passage opening for electrically and mechanically connecting the element, to an electrical screening pipe. At least two insulation barriers are spaced apart from one another and respectively adapted to the form of the hollow-cylindrical element and enclose the latter at a respective first and second distance. The insulation barriers respectively have a pipe attachment connector for leading through a screening pipe to the connection device. The connection device has a first part for connection to a screening pipe and a second part connected to the conductive element and a connection adjustable in a force-locking manner is provided between the first and second parts.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Electric equipment in which heat being dissipated through superficial temperature maintaining member and exchanging fluid

Номер: US20120099277A1
Автор: Tai-Her Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a heat exchange device equipped with a primary fluid circulation loop and a secondary fluid circulation loop and installed between an electrical equipment and a superficial temperature maintaining member, such that the heat generated by the electrical equipment is transmitted by a primary side fluid of the heat exchange device, and a secondary side fluid passes through a heat equalizer installed in the superficial temperature maintaining member so as to dissipate heat through the superficial temperature maintaining member.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Combined hydrogen and pressure sensor assembly

Номер: US20120247191A1
Принадлежит: Qualitrol Co LLC

A housing sensor having a semiconductor element for measuring hydrogen concentration in an insulating fluid in equipment having a mounting flange on the equipment providing access to the interior of the equipment provided with a plurality of bolt receiving openings arranged on the mounting flange in a first pattern which includes a first flange having at least one or more openings and an outer periphery. The sensor also includes a tubular housing support member having one end received in one of the openings, a plurality of bolt receiving apertures arranged in a pattern corresponding to the first pattern within the outer periphery of the first flange. The sensor further includes at least one wire receiving opening extending through the housing body, a cover closing an end of the housing body distal from the one end, a first seal disposed between the first flange and the tubular housing support member, a second seal disposed on the first flange for engaging the mounting flange.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Transformer chamber for a wind turbine, wind turbine structure component, wind turbine, and method for assembling a wind turbine

Номер: US20130058070A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A transformer chamber for a wind turbine is described. The transformer chamber includes a liquid-tight tank for receiving a liquid-filled, in particular oil-filled, transformer, a wind turbine structure component includes a component bedframe adapted for receiving such a transformer chamber and a wind turbine includes such a transformer chamber and such a wind turbine structure component. Furthermore, a method for assembling a wind turbine is described.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Tap changer

Номер: US20130213777A1

The invention relates to a tap changer for switching among winding taps of a step transformer without interruption, said step transformer having an oil-filled transformer tank, wherein the tap changer does not have a separate housing or a housing that completely encloses the tap changer and is arranged on the outside of or inside the transformer tank connected to the oil filling of the step transformer.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Integrated cooling system

Номер: US20130329343A1
Автор: Arnold Schwaiger
Принадлежит: Starkstrom Geratebau GmbH

The present invention relates to an integrated cooling system 10 for a power station 14 comprising a transformer 16 and at least one of a generator 18 and/or a rectifier 20 . The integrated cooling system 10 comprises a cooler 28 for reduction of an operative temperature of a cooling fluid circulating in the integrated cooling system 10 . A pipe system 12 couples the cooler 28 to the transformer 16 and the generator 18 and/or the rectifier 20 in the power station 14 . Further, a controller 32 of the integrated cooling system executes the cooling control of the integrated cooling system 10 according to operative temperatures of the transformer 16 and the generator 18 and/or the rectifier 20 in the power station 14 . The provision of a common cooler for the different components of the power station 14 allows for a reduced installation space, reduced costs, and lower energy consumption for power station heating.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005522A1

Method and system for predicting an oil temperature of a transformer for a desired load and/or predicting a load that a transformer can support for a desired time. A machine learning algorithm is developed using historical data of a transformer. After the algorithm is developed, historical data corresponding to the transformer are input into the algorithm to develop a profile of the transformer describing how the temperature of oil within the transformer is expected to change as a function of a desired load. Using the profile, the of temperature of the transformer is predicted for a desired load. In this way, a prediction is made as to whether and/or for how long a transformer may support a desired load before the oil temperature reaches a specified threshold and/or before the transformer fails due to the load. 1. A method for a power system , comprising:predicting an oil temperature of a transformer of the power system for a desired load based upon a profile of the transformer developed via a machine-learning algorithm.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:predicting a time that the transformer can support the desired load as a function of the predicted oil temperature.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:responsive to the predicted oil temperature indicating that the transformer cannot support the desired load for a desired time, identifying a load that can be supported by the transformer for the desired time.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising:providing the machine-learning algorithm with historical data corresponding to the transformer to develop the profile of the transformer.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising:training the machine-learning algorithm utilizing historical data from the power system.6. The method of claim 1 , the machine-learning algorithm being a feed-forward artificial neural network algorithm.7. The method of claim 6 , the neural network algorithm comprising two-hidden layers.8. The method of claim 4 , the historical data corresponding to ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Use of a mixture as dielectric fluid

Номер: US20210005345A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The use of a mixture as dielectric fluid comprising a composition A comprising dibenzyltoluene and benzyltoluene for improving the service life of a transformer is described, in addition to a mixture comprising said composition A with at least one ester and optionally at least one additive, and a transformer comprising said composition A or a mixture comprising said composition A with at least one ester and optionally at least one additive.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015355A1

An oil-filled transformer switching frame is disclosed which includes at least one longitudinal channel element that is essentially formed by a wall that is curved in a U-shaped manner, for receiving in its inner region stranded conductors of an oil tank of an oil transformer. The wall of the channel element can include a first layer of mechanically strong, planar insulating material and a second layer of mechanically strong, planar insulating material that is adjacent to and fundamentally parallel to said first layer, the first layer and the second layer being connected to and spaced apart by a third layer of a mechanically strong, corrugated insulating material having hollow spaces that can be flooded with a fluid by way of lateral edges. 1. An oil-filled transformer switching frame , comprising:at least one longitudinal channel element that is essentially formed by a wall that is curved in a U-shaped manner, said channel element being configured for receiving stranded conductors of an oil tank of an oil transformer in an inner region of said channel element, said inner region being defined by the wall;a first layer of the wall of the channel element being formed of mechanically strong, planar insulating material;a second layer of the wall of the channel element being formed of mechanically strong, planar insulating material that is adjacent to and fundamentally parallel to said first layer; anda third layer, said first layer and said second layer being connected to and spaced apart by the third layer of a mechanically strong, corrugated insulating material that is arranged between said first layer and said second layer, wherein the third layer includes lateral edges and is corrugated such that the hollow spaces are formed by the corrugated shape that can be flooded with a fluid by way of the lateral edges.2. The oil-filled transformer switching frame according to claim 1 , comprising:at least one meshing element that is positioned facing the opening of the U- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013535A1

Provided is a transformer oil that has high environmental compatibility and is expected to be further improved in transformer cooling properties. The transformer oil is a transformer oil prepared by mixing a plant oil and a silicone oil and containing no mineral oil, in which a volume ratio of the plant oil to the silicone oil is 3:7 to 7:3 and magnetic particles (for example, temperature-sensitive magnetic particles) are dispersed. 1. A transformer oil prepared by mixing a plant oil and a silicone oil and comprising no mineral oil , whereina volume ratio of the plant oil to the silicone oil is 3:7 to 7:3, andmagnetic particles are dispersed.2. The transformer oil according to claim 1 , wherein a volume concentration of the magnetic particles is 10 to 30%.3. The transformer oil according to claim 1 , wherein a surfactant is adsorbed to surfaces of the magnetic particles.4. The transformer oil according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic particles are temperature-sensitive magnetic particles whose magnetization is reduced according to an increase in temperature in a normal temperature range.5. A method for evaluating a transformer oil prepared by mixing a plant oil claim 1 , a silicone oil claim 1 , and magnetic particles and containing no mineral oil claim 1 , the method comprising:a first step of heating one side of an accommodation section in which the transformer oil is accommodated and cooling the other side facing the one side to generate a temperature difference between the one side and the other side and to generate a convection flow in the transformer oil; anda second step of calculating a Nusselt number of the transformer oil and evaluating the transformer oil on the basis of the Nusselt number.6. The method for evaluating a transformer oil according to claim 5 , wherein the magnetic particles are temperature-sensitive magnetic particles whose magnetization is reduced according to an increase in temperature in a normal temperature range claim 5 , andin the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037072A1
Автор: NISHIMURA Ryoki
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A stationary induction apparatus includes a core, a winding, a tank, a refrigerant, a radiator, and a unit cooler. The winding is wound around the core as a central axis. The tank contains the core and the winding. The refrigerant is filled into the tank. The radiator is mounted to the tank and includes a first heat exchange unit capable of naturally air-cooling the refrigerant that is naturally convecting while allowing the refrigerant to flow therethrough. The unit cooler is mounted to the tank and includes a pump to forcibly circulate the refrigerant, and a second heat exchange unit to forcibly air-cool the refrigerant that is being forcibly circulated while allowing the refrigerant to flow therethrough. 1. A stationary induction apparatus comprising:a core;a winding wound around the core as a central axis;a tank to contain the core and the winding;a refrigerant filled into the tank; 'a first heat exchange unit capable of naturally air-cooling the refrigerant that is naturally convecting while allowing the refrigerant to flow therethrough; and', 'a radiator mounted to the tank and including'} a pump to forcibly circulate the refrigerant, and', 'a second heat exchange unit to forcibly air-cool the refrigerant that is being forcibly circulated while allowing the refrigerant to flow therethrough, wherein, 'a unit cooler mounted to the tank and including'}the central axis extends in a vertical direction,the stationary induction apparatus further comprises a partition plate to partition an interior of the tank into an upper portion and a lower portion within an area where the winding is located in the vertical direction,the radiator includes a first header pipe and a second header pipe spaced from each other in the vertical direction, extending in a horizontal direction, and connected to each other by the first heat exchanger,the radiator further has a first connection port connected to the tank, and a second connection port connected to the tank and located below the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for diagnosing internal fault of oil-immersed transformer through composition ratio of dissolved gas in oil

Номер: US20150020572A1
Принадлежит: Hyosung Corp

The present invention relates to a method for diagnosing an internal fault of an oil-immersed transformer by analyzing the composition ratio of dissolved gas in oil that is caused when an internal fault of the oil-immersed transformer occurs. According to the present invention, a method for diagnosing an internal fault of an oil-immersed tranformer by extracting and analyzing dissolved gas in oil from the oil-immersed transformer for which an internal fault is to be diagnosed comprises: a first step of calculating the composition ratio of each of CH4/H2, C2H2/C2H4, C2H4, C2H4/C2H6, and C2H4/CH4 from among the extracted dissolved gas in oil; a second step of determining whether the internal fault is an electrical fault or a thermal fault using the calculated composition ratios of CH4/H2 and C2H2/C2H4; and a third step of determining, if said internal fault is determined to be an electrical fault in the second step, whether the electrical fault is a partial discharge (PD), a discharge of low energy (D1), or a discharge of high energy (D2) using the calculated composition ratios of C2H2/C2H4 and C2H4/C2H6.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Cooling System of a Transformer

Номер: US20210020346A1

A method for operating a cooling system of a transformer, wherein the transformer is cooled via a cooling liquid that circulates in the cooling system that includes a heat-exchanger, devices for increasing heat exchange performance of the at heat-exchanger and a controller, where in a normal operating state, the controller adjusts power of the devices for increasing the heat exchange performance as a function of a measured upper temperature and where, irrespective of the measured upper temperature, the controller refrains from activating the devices and/or operates the devices at a reduced power relative to the normal operating state if the lower temperature of the cooling liquid lies below a lower threshold value during operation of the transformer to achieve improved characteristics of the cooling system during operation under low environmental temperatures of the transformer, particularly in the case of a turn-on operation following lengthy storage in a cold state. 1. A method for operating a cooling system of a transformer having at least one transformer winding , a cooling liquid of the cooling system surrounding the at least one transformer winding and the cooling liquid circulating in the cooling system in a normal operating state of the transformer , at least heat produced in the at least one transformer winding being released into a surrounding atmosphere via the circulating cooling liquid , said cooling system comprising at least one heat-exchanger unit through which the cooling liquid can flow , for release of heat from the cooling liquid into the surrounding atmosphere , devices for increasing heat exchange performance of the at least one heat-exchanger unit , said devices interacting with the at least one heat-exchanger unit , a control unit for adjusting the heat exchange performance of the at least one heat-exchanger unit , an upper temperature being measured in at least one of (i) the cooling system and (ii) at the transformer and , in a normal ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020355A1

Devices, systems, and methods for determining gas characteristics to monitor transformer operation include extracting gas from transformer fluid for analysis. 1. An extraction module comprising:a frame, andan extraction probe secured with the frame and arranged for engagement with a fluid for sample extraction, the extraction probe including an extraction coil comprising gas-permeable material for receiving dissolved gas from the fluid.2. The extraction module of claim 1 , wherein the extraction coil includes a number of coil loops permitting dissolved gas to permeate therein.3. The extraction module of claim 1 , wherein the extraction coil is arranged for positioning within a fluid reservoir of a transformer.4. The extraction module of claim 3 , wherein the frame includes a probe arm for receiving the extraction coil claim 3 , the probe arm arranged for positioning the extraction coil within the fluid reservoir.5. The extraction module of claim 4 , wherein the probe arm includes a spool for receiving the extraction coil looped around the spool for engagement with the fluid.6. The extraction module of claim 5 , wherein the extraction coil forms a number of successive coil turns for exposure to the fluid.7. The extraction module of claim 6 , wherein the number of coil turns are stacked.8. The extraction module of claim 5 , wherein the spool defines an annular spool bed for receiving the extraction coil.9. The extraction module of claim 8 , wherein the annular spool bed defines openings to permit fluid contact with inner portions of the extraction coil.10. The extraction module of claim 8 , wherein the spool is formed as a hollow frame defining the spool bed.11. The extraction module of claim 3 , wherein the frame includes a wall configured for attachment with the transformer to define at least a portion of a fluid boundary of the transformer.12. The extraction module of claim 11 , wherein the frame includes a probe arm for receiving the extraction coil claim 11 , the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Transformer With Temperature-Dependent Cooling Function

Номер: US20190027292A1

An electric device has a housing and an active part in the housing that can be supplied with a high voltage and that generates heat when operated. The housing is filled with an insulating liquid for cooling. A cooling system for cooling the insulating liquid has at least one cooling element which is connected to the external atmosphere in a heat-conductive manner and via which the insulating liquid is conducted. Temperature fluctuations of the electric device are limited or even prevented in an inexpensive manner. The cooling system has a rising section which is connected to the housing, is provided with rising branches, and is connected to a cooling element at each rising branch. The volume of the rising section is selected on the basis of a thermal expansion coefficient of the insulating liquid such that the fill state reaches a different number of rising branches at specific temperatures. 115-. (canceled)16. An electrical device , comprising:a housing;an active part disposed in said housing, said active part being subject to high voltage and generating heat when operated;an insulating liquid for cooling filled in said housing; anda cooling system for cooling said insulating liquid,said cooling system having a rising section connected to said housing for carrying said insulating liquid, said rising section being formed with a plurality of rising branches and having a respective cooling element connected at each said rising branch, said cooling elements being thermally conductively connected to an ambient atmosphere;wherein a volume of said rising section is selected in dependence on a coefficient of thermal expansion of said insulating liquid such that a filling level reaches a different number of said rising branches at prespecified temperatures.17. The electrical device according to claim 16 , wherein said rising section has at least one inclined section which runs in an inclined manner in relation to a side wall of said housing claim 16 , and wherein said ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Power Transmission Transformer with a Noise Inhibiting Function

Номер: US20170032890A1

A power transmission transformer () includes a transformer body (). Each of two upper pipings () is connected between the transformer body () and one of two heat dissipators () outside of the transformer body (). Each of two lower pipings () is connected between the transformer body () and one of the heat dissipators (). A sound absorbing device () is mounted between and spaced from one of two sidewalls of the transformer body () and one of the heat dissipators (). The sound absorbing device () is fixed to one of the upper pipings () and one of the lower pipings (). An outer wallboard () and a sound absorbing material () are respectively mounted to two sides of at least one fixing frame () of the sound absorbing device (). 1. A power transmission transformer with a noise inhibiting function comprising:a transformer body including a housing, with the housing being a parallelepiped and including two sidewalls opposite to each other, with the housing further including two end walls opposite to each other;two heat dissipators mounted outside of the transformer body, with the two heat dissipators respectively facing and spaced from the two sidewalls;two upper pipings, with each of the two upper pipings connected between the transformer body and an upper section of one of the two heat dissipators, with a transformer oil received in the transformer body adapted to flow into the two heat dissipators via the two upper pipings;two lower pipings, with each of the two lower pipings connected between the transformer body and a lower section of one of the two heat dissipators, with the transformer oil in each of the two heat dissipators adapted to flow through the two lower pipings into the transformer body; anda first sound absorbing device mounted between and spaced from one of the two sidewalls of the housing and one of the two heat dissipators, with the first sound absorbing device fixed to one of the two upper pipings and one of the two lower pipings, with the first sound ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032919A1

An electrical transformer system includes an electrical transformer and a depressurization system in fluid communication with an outlet of the electrical transformer. The depressurization system may include a rupture disk housing assembly, a rupture disk cartridge, and a removable cover. The housing assembly may include a container having an opening and cavity to receive the cartridge and first and second flanges to connect to duct piping of the transformer. The removable cover may enclose the opening of the housing assembly. The cartridge may include a rupture disk secured between first and second disk support plates. The cartridge may be pre-assembled outside the housing assembly. The cartridge may be removed from and/or installed in the housing assembly through the opening. The rupture disk may be inspected, serviced, and/or replaced without disconnecting the housing assembly from the duct piping. 1. A depressurization system for an electrical transformer , the depressurization system comprising:a rupture disk housing assembly having a container with an opening, a first flange attached to the container, a second flange attached to the container;a rupture disk cartridge comprising a rupture disk secured between a first disk support plate and a second disk support plate, wherein the rupture disk cartridge is disposed within the container;and a removable cover enclosing the opening.2. The depressurization system of claim 1 , wherein the removable cover forms part of the rupture disk cartridge.3. The depressurization system of claim 1 , wherein the removable cover is attached to the first disk support plate.4. The depressurization system of claim 1 , wherein the rupture disk cartridge is pre-assembled outside the rupture disk housing assembly.5. The depressurization system of claim 1 , wherein the opening has a first height and a first width claim 1 , wherein the first height is at least equal to a height of the rupture disk cartridge claim 1 , wherein the first ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid thermal management of electronics

Номер: US20210050138A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A transformer assembly includes a housing, a core within an interior of the housing, and at least one winding positioned around the core. The at least one winding and the core are mounted to the housing with potting material. At least a portion of a fluid circuit is defined within at least one wall of the housing. The at least the portion of the fluid circuit is defined through an opening in the at least one wall of the housing in fluid communication with the interior of the housing. A transformer assembly includes a housing, a core within an interior of the housing, at least one winding positioned around the core, and a fluid circuit defined at least partially within at least one wall of the housing being configured such that heat is transferred to the fluid from at least one of the core and the at least one winding.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210050139A1

An electric device, for example a track transformer, connects to a high-voltage line. The electric device has a magnetizable core, at least one winding which is arranged in the vicinity of the core, and a housing which is filled with an insulating fluid and in which at least one winding is arranged. The core is arranged at least partly outside of the housing. In order to allow a stable mounting of a core formed of two halves, the core is arranged completely between two opposing pressing plates, between which tension elements for clamping the core extend. 111-. (canceled)12. An electric device for connection to a high-voltage line , the electric device comprising:a magnetizable core;at least one winding disposed in a vicinity of said magnetizable core;a housing filled with an insulating fluid and in which said at least one winding is dispose, wherein said magnetizable core is disposed at least partly outside said housing;tension elements; andtwo pressing plates, said magnetizable core is disposed completely between said two pressing plates which are situated opposite one another and between which said tension elements for clamping said magnetizable core extend.13. The electric device according to claim 12 , wherein said magnetizable core has a lower yoke claim 12 , an upper yoke and core limbs which are connected to one another by means of said lower yoke and said upper yoke claim 12 , wherein said upper yoke is supported at an end side against an upper pressing plate of said two pressing plates and said lower yoke is supported at an end side against a lower pressing plate of said two pressing plates.14. The electric device according to claim 12 , wherein:said magnetizable core has a yoke; andat least one of said two pressing plates has a recess formed therein for receiving said yoke of said magnetizable core.15. The electric device according to claim 12 , wherein:said at least one winding is one of at least two windings; andsaid magnetizable core has two core limbs ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210050146A1

The present disclosure relates to a tank of a high-voltage generator including a tank body and a tank lid. There is an opening in the tank lid. The opening is connected to the bellows so as to counteract the volume change of the transformer oil and avoid generation of bubbles. The tank includes a positive transformer, a negative transformer, a bellows, and other components. The high-voltage winding is embedded in the PCBs. The outer insulating bushing is covered by the PCBs so as to improve the insulativity between the turns of the high-voltage winding. In addition, oil barriers may be placed between the positive and the negative transformers, or between the transformers and the ground so as to eliminate the bridge breakdown effect and make the electric field uniform. By means of said measures, the present disclosure improves the stability of the high-voltage generator. 1. A transformer for a high-voltage generator tank , comprising:an inner insulating bushing;an outer insulating bushing, the inner insulating bushing being inside the outer insulating bushing, wherein at least one oil passage is formed on an outer side surface of the outer insulating bushing to allow oil in the high-voltage generator tank to flow through;a low-voltage winding wound on the inner insulating bushing; andan iron core going through the inner insulating bushing.2. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein the transformer further comprises more than one printed circuit board (PCB) outside the outer insulating bushing claim 1 , the more than one PCB being configured in a stack structure.3. The transformer of claim 2 , wherein the more than one PCB comprises a rectifier block.4. The transformer of claim 2 , wherein a first oil barrier is set on upper and lower surfaces of the stack structure of the more than one PCB.5. The transformer of claim 4 , wherein the transformer further comprises a sampling board.6. The transformer of claim 5 , whereinone end of the stack structure of the more than one ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220068541A1

A vehicle is provided with a transmission having an inductor assembly. The inductor assembly is mounted within the transmission such that it is directly cooled by transmission fluid through at least one of spraying, splashing and immersion. The transmission includes at least one gear that is configured to, when rotating, transmit torque between an input and output of the transmission and splash fluid onto the inductor assembly to cool the inductor assembly.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Transformer systems and methods for operating a transformer system

Номер: US20190051443A1
Автор: Bryan Siefker
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

A transformer system includes a transformer and a transformer tank housing the transformer in a bath of a coolant; and a plurality of radiator systems operative to transfer heat from the coolant, each radiator system being in fluid communication with the transformer tank. The transformer system also includes means for determining an occurrence of a potential coolant leak in one or more radiator system of the plurality of radiator systems; and means for isolating only radiator systems of the plurality of radiator systems that are leaking, in response to a determination of the occurrence of the potential coolant leak.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057124A1
Принадлежит: Cargill, Incorporated

An electrical device containing an enzymatically-degummed vegetable oil is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods for insulating and cooling a transformer using enzymatically-degummed vegetable oils, and methods for adding an enzymatically-degummed vegetable oil to an enclosure of an electrical device. Further disclosed are processes for making dielectric fluids using enzyme-degumming of vegetable oils or using enzyme-degummed vegetable oils as the starting material for the process. 1. A electrical device comprising:an enzymatically-degummed oil, wherein the electrical device comprises a computer.2. The electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the enzymatically-degummed oil comprises at least one of a vegetable oil claim 1 , an algal oil claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The electrical device of claim 2 , wherein the vegetable oil comprises at least one of a rapeseed oil claim 2 , a corn oil claim 2 , a mustard oil claim 2 , an olive oil claim 2 , a palm oil claim 2 , a palm kernel oil claim 2 , a peanut oil claim 2 , a safflower oil claim 2 , a sesame oil claim 2 , a soybean oil claim 2 , a nut oil claim 2 , a cottonseed oil claim 2 , a crambe oil claim 2 , a coconut oil claim 2 , a meadowfoam oil claim 2 , a vernonia oil claim 2 , a lesquerella oil claim 2 , a jatropha oil claim 2 , a jojoba oil claim 2 , a grape seed oil claim 2 , a sunflower oil claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the computer included an oil containing housing.59.-. (canceled)10. A method of using an enzymatically-degummed oil claim 1 , the method comprising:adding an enzymatically-degummed oil to an enclosure of an electrical device, wherein the electrical device comprises a computer.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the enzymatically-degummed oil comprises a vegetable oil claim 10 , an algal oil claim 10 , and mixtures thereof.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the vegetable oil comprises at least one of a rapeseed oil claim 11 , a corn oil claim 11 ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132378A1

A vehicle is provided with a transmission having an inductor assembly. The inductor assembly is mounted within the transmission such that it is directly cooled by transmission fluid through at least one of spraying, splashing and immersion. The transmission includes at least one gear that is configured to, when rotating, transmit torque between an input and output of the transmission and splash fluid onto the inductor assembly to cool the inductor assembly. 1. A vehicle comprising:a transmission including an inductor assembly and at least one gear configured to, when rotating, transmit torque between an input and output of the transmission and splash fluid onto the inductor assembly to cool the inductor assembly.2. The vehicle of wherein the inductor assembly further comprises a coil in electrical communication with switches mounted external to the transmission claim 1 , and wherein the fluid flows over the coil and facilitates heat transfer from the coil.3. The vehicle of wherein the transmission defines a chamber and wherein the inductor assembly is mounted within an upper region of the chamber and the fluid accumulates in a lower region of the chamber.4. The vehicle of further comprising a nozzle disposed in the upper region of the chamber and configured to displace the fluid toward the inductor assembly.5. The vehicle of wherein the transmission defines a chamber and the inductor assembly is mounted within an intermediate region of the chamber between an upper region and a lower region;wherein the vehicle further comprises a nozzle disposed in the intermediate region, the nozzle being configured to displace the fluid toward the inductor assembly.6. The vehicle of wherein the at least one gear further comprises three intermediate gears claim 1 , the intermediate gears being coaxially aligned and configured to transfer torque between at least one of an engine and an electric machine to a driveshaft.7. A transmission comprising:a housing; anda cylindrical inductor ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132379A1

A vehicle is provided with a transmission that defines a chamber, and a coil that is mounted within the chamber. The coil defines a cavity. The vehicle also includes a core having at least two projections that are spaced radially outward of the coil and angularly spaced apart from each other to define openings therebetween. The core also includes first and second ends that are interconnected by a post that extends through the cavity. 1. A vehicle comprising:a transmission defining a chamber;a coil mounted within the chamber and defining a cavity; anda core having at least two projections spaced radially outward of the coil and angularly spaced apart from each other to define openings therebetween and first and second ends interconnected by a post extending through the cavity.2. The vehicle of wherein the transmission further comprises fluid disposed within the chamber claim 1 , and wherein the fluid flows through the openings in the core and over the coil for facilitating heat transfer from the coil by convection.3. The vehicle of further comprising a rotatable element coupled to the transmission and disposed within the chamber claim 2 , the rotatable element being in contact with the fluid for displacing the fluid onto at least one of the core and the coil during rotation.4. The vehicle of wherein the rotatable element further comprises an intermediate gear claim 3 , the intermediate gear engaging an output gear of an electric machine for coupling the electric machine to a driveshaft.5. The vehicle of wherein the vehicle further comprises an inductor assembly claim 1 , the inductor assembly having the coil claim 1 , the core and an insulator disposed on a portion of the coil for physically separating the coil from the core.6. The vehicle of further comprising:a converter configured to adjust a voltage level of energy transmitted between an energy storage device and an electric machine, the converter comprising the inductor assembly and at least two switches, ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132382A1

A vehicle is provided with a transmission having a chamber with fluid therein. The vehicle includes a core and a conductor that are mounted within the chamber. The core includes a pair of elements that are oriented toward each other along a longitudinal axis. Each element includes a base with a post and at least two projections extending longitudinally from the base. The conductor is disposed over the posts and is configured to receive the fluid through an opening formed between adjacent projections. 1. A vehicle comprising:a transmission having a chamber with fluid therein;a core mounted within the chamber and having a pair of elements oriented toward each other along a longitudinal axis, each element having a base with a post and at least two projections extending longitudinally from the base; anda conductor disposed over the posts and configured to receive the fluid through an opening formed between adjacent projections.2. The vehicle of wherein the projections further comprise an array of projections spaced about an outer periphery of the base.3. The vehicle of wherein the projections are radially spaced apart from the post to form a cavity claim 1 , wherein the conductor forms a helical coil and is disposed in the cavity.4. The vehicle of wherein each post is centered about the longitudinal axis and longitudinally spaced apart from each other to define an air gap.5. The vehicle of wherein each projection is oriented axially adjacent to the longitudinal axis and a distal end of each projection contacts a distal end of a corresponding projection of the other element such that the core is formed in a generally cylindrical shape.6. The vehicle of further comprising:an inductor assembly comprising the core and the conductor; anda converter configured to adjust a voltage level of energy transmitted between an energy storage device and an electric machine, the converter comprising the inductor assembly and at least two switches, wherein the switches are mounted ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140133054A1

A safety apparatus and method for monitoring a liquid-filled power transformer wherein there is provided a sensing device associated with an electronic unit. The sensing device is suitable to be at least partially immersed into liquid and includes at least one movable part displaceable by movements of the liquid. The electronic unit detects signals indicative of an actual position of the movable part and is arranged to provide, based on the detected signals, data related to actual conditions of the transformer and/or of its cooling liquid. 1. A safety apparatus for a power transformer including a tank filled with a cooling liquid , the safety apparatus comprising:an electronic unit; anda sensing device for at least partial immersion into the cooling liquid and including at least one movable part displaceable by movements of cooling liquid, the sensing device being configured to output signals indicative of an actual position of the at least one movable part, wherein the electronic unit is configured to provide, based on the output signals, data related to actual conditions of the transformer or of its cooling liquid.2. The safety apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic unit is configured to remotely transmit the data.3. The safety apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic unit is configured to provide data indicative of a quantity of gas generated inside the transformer.4. The safety apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the electronic unit is configured to output an alarm signal if the data indicative of the actual quantity of gas generated inside the transformer exceeds a predetermined first threshold.5. The safety apparatus according claim 3 , wherein the electronic unit is configured to output a trip signal if the data indicative of the actual quantity of gas generated inside the transformer exceeds a predetermined second threshold.6. The safety apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic unit is configured to provide ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056446A1
Автор: DUKARM James J.

A method for assessment of fault severity, risk exposure, and gassing status for a liquid-filled high-voltage apparatus involves taking a series of samples from a liquid-filled high-voltage apparatus at intervals over a time period and subjecting those samples to gas analysis to measure and record the concentrations of selected gases. A fault energy index is computed for each of the insulating liquid samples based upon the concentrations of the selected dissolved gases for that sample. Gassing events are identified where there is a continuous production of fault gases for a time period causing an increase in the fault energy index. A computer is used to calculate a severity of each gassing event and a cumulative severity of multiple gassing events collectively, where each severity is a based on probabilities of failure provided by a reliability model comprising a random variable representing failure-related values of the fault energy index. Risk exposure is calculated by multiplying a severity value by a cost factor such as replacement cost or MVA rating. The gassing status of an apparatus is a value suitable for ranking apparatus and is determined on the basis of the severity and timing of gassing events of the apparatus. 1. A Method for Assessment of Fault Severity , Risk Exposure , and Gassing Status for a Liquid-Filled High-Voltage Apparatus , comprising:taking a series of samples from a liquid-filled high-voltage apparatus at intervals over a time period;performing a gas analysis on each of the samples to measure concentrations of selected gases;storing in electronic form (called “the database”) a data record for each sample containing the gas concentration measurement values pertaining to that sample as well as information (sufficient for calculating time intervals between samples) as to when the sample was collected. to calculate a fault energy index value for each of any number of selected sample data records in the database based upon the gas concentrations ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Bi-Directional Oil-Flow Adapter for Attaching to a Valve-Controlled Port of a Transformer

Номер: US20180059087A1

Certain embodiments of the disclosure relate to a bi-directional oil-flow adapter that is attachable to a valve-controlled port of a transformer housing in which oil is contained for cooling parts of the transformer such as a primary coil and a secondary coil. The bi-directional oil-flow adapter not only allows for an oil sample to be drawn out of the transformer housing via the valve-controlled port but also allows for the oil sample to be used (along with an additional volume of oil if so desired) for flushing the valve-controlled port in order to ensure that a subsequent oil sample is different than a current oil sample. The oil sample can be provided to a dissolved gas analyzer for detecting and analyzing one or more gases that may be present in the oil sample, the one more gases indicative of a level of contamination of the oil sample. 1. A system comprising:a transformer comprising a valve-controlled port for use when accessing oil contained inside the transformer; an oil outlet port configured to output an oil sample acquired from the transformer via the valve-controlled port and the bi-directional oil-flow adapter when the bi-directional oil-flow adapter is attached to the valve-controlled port;', 'a first conduit contained inside the bi-directional oil-flow adapter, the first conduit having a first cross-sectional area that is selected to provide a first oil flow velocity to the oil sample when flowing from the valve-controlled port and through the bi-directional oil-flow adapter to the oil outlet port;', 'an oil inlet port configured to accept an inflow of a volume of oil into the bi-directional oil-flow adapter; and', 'a second conduit contained inside the bi-directional oil-flow adapter, the second conduit having a second cross-sectional area that is smaller than the first cross-sectional area, the second cross-sectional area selected to provide a second oil flow velocity to the volume of oil when flowing from the oil inlet port and through the bi- ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220076882A1
Автор: Scala Mario

An assembly includes at least one winding and a housing in which the winding is disposed. The winding has at least one electrical conductor and a cellulosic or cellulose-containing insulation material at least partially surrounds the winding and/or the electrical conductor thereof. The housing is filled with a liquid coolant during operation so that the winding is located in a liquid coolant during operation. In addition to existing cellulose-containing insulation material which encloses the winding and/or the electrical conductor thereof for insulation purposes, the housing and/or a coolant circuit for the coolant contains at least one composition containing chemical compounds for reducing the aging of cellulose-containing insulation material. A method of reducing the aging of cellulosic insulation material of a winding is also provided. 119-. (canceled)20. An assembly , comprising:a housing filled with a liquid coolant during operation;a cooling circuit for the coolant;at least one winding disposed in said housing and disposed within the liquid coolant during operation, said at least one winding including at least one electrical conductor;a cellulosic insulation material at least partly surrounding at least one of said at least one winding or said electrical conductor of said at least one winding, for insulation purposes; andat least one composition in addition to said cellulosic insulation material at least partly surrounding at least one of said at least one winding or said electrical conductor of said at least one winding for insulation purposes;said at least one composition disposed in at least one of said housing or said cooling circuit; andsaid at least one composition containing chemical compounds for reducing aging of said cellulosic insulation material.21. The assembly according to claim 20 , wherein said at least one composition includes an additional cellulosic insulation material provided with chemical compounds for reducing the aging of cellulosic ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063496A1
Автор: Harris Richard

A method of determining polymerisation of transformer insulation within a transformer. The method includes the steps of measuring a first and second moisture activity of oil in a transformer, and a first and second temperature of the transformer. The method further includes calculating the ratio of the gradients of the moisture equilibrium curves associated with the moisture activity and the temperature. The calculated ratio can then be used to characterise the polymerisation of the insulation and age of the transformer. 1. A method of determining polymerisation of transformer insulation , the method comprising the steps of:measuring a first temperature of a transformer;measuring a first moisture activity of oil in the transformer at the first temperature;measuring a second temperature of the transformer;measuring a second moisture activity of oil in the transformer at the second temperature,wherein a moisture content of paper of the transformer is not measured or calculated; andcalculating a ratio of gradients of moisture equilibrium curves associated with the first moisture activity and the first temperature, and the second moisture activity and the second temperature,wherein the moisture content of paper of the transformer is assumed to be substantially constant between the first temperature and the second temperature, andwherein the ratio indicates the degree of polymerisation of transformer insulation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of gradients is the ratio of the moisture equilibrium curves modelled using a linear relationship between a water content of oil and a water content of paper.3. The method of further comprising the step of comparing the ratio of gradients with historical records or laboratory test data to estimate a level of polymerisation of insulation in the transformer.4. The method of further comprising the step of determining if the ratio indicates the insulation of the transformer requires maintenance.5. The method of claim 4 , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210065958A1

A power inductor includes a housing and a magnetic core disposed in the housing. The core includes a first segment and a second segment spaced apart from each other to define a gap. The first and second segments are supported in the housing such that the they are movable relative to each other to increase and decrease the size of the gap. A fluid having a positive thermal expansion coefficient is disposed in the housing such that expansion and contraction of the fluid due to change in temperature increases and decreases the gap, respectively. 1. A power inductor comprising:a housing;a magnetic core disposed in the housing and including a first segment and a second segment spaced apart from each other to define a gap, the first and second segments being supported in the housing such that the first and second segments are movable relative to each other to increase and decrease the size of the gap;windings coiled around the core;a damper; anda fluid packet disposed in the gap, the fluid packet including a fluid encapsulated in a flexible membrane, the fluid having a positive thermal expansion coefficient configured to enlarge the packet in response to a temperature of the fluid increasing to separate the first and second segments and increase a width of the gap, and configured to contract the packet in response to the temperature decreasing to allow the damper to urge the first and second segments towards each other and reduce the width of the gap.2. The power inductor of claim 1 , wherein the damper is disposed between the housing and the first segment.3. The power inductor of claim 1 , wherein the fluid is a thermal oil.4. The power inductor of claim 1 , wherein the thermal expansion coefficient is at least 0.0008 per degrees Kelvin.5. The power inductor of claim 1 , wherein the core further includes a third segment spaced apart from the second segment to define a second gap claim 1 , the second and third segments being supported in the housing such that the second ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Wind turbine transformer arrangement

Номер: US20150070869A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An improved transformer arrangement of a wind turbine is provided. A wind turbine transformer arrangement comprises a transformer that is arranged in the wind turbine. The transformer comprises a housing. The transformer housing is filled with an oil. The transformer arrangement comprises at least one decompression chamber and the interior of the transformer housing is connected to the interior of the decompression chamber by a pressure release tube in a way that an increase in the pressure in the transformer housing due to a malfunction of the transformer is transferred through the pressure release tube into the decompression chamber.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180075963A1

A transformer is provided, which comprises an enclosure () with a first and second cover () arranged at opposite ends of the enclosure (), the enclosure having an enclosed volume () filled with isolation material () and comprising at least one channel () which extends through the enclosure () from the first cover () to the second cover (). The interior of each channel () is separated from the enclosed volume (), and the core () is provided outside of the enclosed volume () and comprises a leg () and a yoke (). The leg () extends through the channel (). The transformer () further comprises a coil () inside the enclosed volume () and being wound about the channel (). The first and second cover () each comprise an electrically insulating material () and at least one electrically conductive component (). 1. A transformer , comprising:an enclosure with a first cover and a second cover arranged at opposite ends of the enclosure, having an enclosed volume comprising an isolation material, the enclosure comprising at least one channel which extends through the enclosure from the first cover to the second cover, wherein the interior of each of the at least one channel is separated from the enclosed volume,a core provided outside of the enclosed volume, comprising at least one leg and at least one yoke, wherein the at least one leg extends through the interior of the at least one channel,at least one coil provided inside the enclosed volume and being wound about the at least one channel, andwherein the first cover and the second cover each comprise an electrically insulating material and at least one electrically conductive component.2. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrically conductive component comprises a layer of conductive material.3. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive component comprises a conductive paint coating or a thin film metal coating.4. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrically ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170084375A1

A vehicle is provided with a transmission having an inductor assembly. The inductor assembly is mounted within the transmission such that it is directly cooled by transmission fluid through at least one of spraying, splashing and immersion. The transmission includes at least one gear that is configured to, when rotating, transmit torque between an input and output of the transmission and splash fluid onto the inductor assembly to cool the inductor assembly. 1. A vehicle comprising:a transmission including an inductor assembly and at least one gear adapted to, when rotating, transmit torque between an input and output of the transmission and splash fluid onto the inductor assembly to cool the inductor assembly.2. The vehicle of wherein the inductor assembly further comprises:an insulator;a coil wound around the insulator and having exposed surface area portions; anda core formed in a generally planar shape and supported by the insulator.3. The vehicle of wherein the inductor assembly further comprises at least one switch mounted external to the transmission and in electrical communication with the coil.4. The vehicle of wherein the core comprises a plurality of elements that are spaced apart from each other to define air gaps between adjacent elements.5. The vehicle of wherein the core further comprises an insulative spacer disposed between adjacent elements to maintain the air gap.6. The vehicle of wherein the insulator supports the coil and the core without an additional housing.7. The vehicle of wherein the insulator supports the coil and the core without insulative material disposed on an outer portion of the coil claim 2 , such that the coil is exposed to direct contact with fluid within the transmission to cool the coil.8. The vehicle of wherein the transmission defines a chamber and wherein the inductor assembly is mounted within an upper region of the chamber and the fluid accumulates in a lower region of the chamber;wherein the vehicle further comprises a ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089879A1

An apparatus for measuring dissolved gas includes a body having an internal space, a separator installation part provided in the body and having a separator allowing a dissolved gas to pass therethrough and blocking insulating oil installed therein, and a sensor installation part provided in the body and allowing a gas sensor measuring dissolved gas separated by the separator to be installed therein, wherein the separator installation part and the sensor installation part are configured in such a manner that the separator and the gas sensor are independently installed in the body or separated from the body. According to the apparatus for measuring dissolved gas, a gas sensor may be manufactured to be standardized, and excellent compatibility with respect to various types of gas sensors may be provided. 1. An apparatus for measuring dissolved gas , the apparatus comprising:a body having an internal space;a separator installation part provided in the body and having a separator allowing a dissolved gas to pass therethrough and blocking insulating oil, installed therein; anda sensor installation part provided in the body and allowing a gas sensor measuring dissolved gas separated by the separator to be installed therein,wherein the separator installation part and the sensor installation part are configured in such a manner that the separator and the gas sensor are independently installed in the body or separated from the body.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a connection part provided in the body and connecting the body to a casing of a transformer.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , whereinthe separator partitions the internal space into an insulating oil accommodation space and a gas collection space,the connection part is provided on the insulating oil accommodation space side, andthe gas collection space is provided on the sensor installation part side.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a valve member coupled to the casing of the transformer ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190088399A1

A toroidal magnetic element. A plurality of coils is arranged in a toroidal configuration. Each coil may be a hollow cylinder, formed by winding a rectangular wire into a roll. The coils alternate with spacers, each of which may be a wedge. The coils may alternate in winding orientation, and the inner end of each coil may be connected, through an S-Bend to the inner end of an adjacent coil. Small gaps are formed between the coils and the wedges, e.g. as a result of each wedge having, on its two faces, a plurality of raised ribs, against which the coils abut. Cooling fluid flows through the gaps to cool the coils. 1. A magnetic element , comprising:a first electrically conductive coil, having a first annular surface and a second annular surface;a first electrically insulating spacer having a first flat face and a second flat face, the first flat face being separated from the first annular surface by a first gap;a fluid inlet; anda fluid outlet,wherein a fluid path extends from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet through the first gap.2. The magnetic element of claim 1 , wherein the first coil is a hollow cylindrical coil claim 1 , and the first electrically insulating spacer is a first wedge.3. The magnetic element of claim 2 , further comprising a second hollow cylindrical coil claim 2 , the second coil having a first annular surface forming a second gap with the second flat face of the first wedge.4. The magnetic element of claim 3 , wherein the first coil has an outer end and an inner end claim 3 , and the second coil has an outer end and an inner end connected to the inner end of the first coil claim 3 , and wherein a contribution to a magnetic field at the center of the first coil claim 3 , from a current flowing through both coils in series claim 3 , is in the same direction as a contribution to the magnetic field from the current flowing through the second coil.5. The magnetic element of claim 4 , comprising a plurality of pairs of coils including the first ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Optical sensing system for determining hydrogen partial pressure

Номер: US20180095041A1
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

An optical sensing system for sensing hydrogen in a fluid comprising a first optical sensor comprising a first optical fiber, wherein an end portion of the first optical fiber is coated with a first hydrogen-sensitive multilayer on an end surface perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the first optical fiber, the first multilayer being adapted to change its optical properties dependent on a hydrogen partial pressure in the fluid and dependent on a temperature of the fluid, with a known first characteristic; a second optical sensor comprising a second optical fiber, wherein an end portion of the second optical fiber is coated with a second hydrogen-sensitive multilayer on an end surface perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the second optical fiber, the second multilayer being adapted to change its optical properties dependent on the hydrogen partial pressure in the fluid and dependent on a temperature of the fluid, with a known second characteristic which is different from the first characteristic; at least one light source adapted for coupling light into the first optical fiber and the second optical fiber, at least one light detector adapted for detecting light reflected by the first and second multilayer, a control unit adapted for calculating the hydrogen partial pressure in the fluid by using the first characteristic and the second characteristic and an output signal of the at least one light detector.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140184371A1

A nonwoven web of poly(phenylene-1,3,4-oxadiazole) and polymetaphenylene isopthalamide. was found to have greater retention of tensile strength than kraft paper after immersion in oil at high temperature, making it useful as an insulation material for transformers. 1. An insulating material comprising a nonwoven web , the web comprising a polymer of poly(meta-phenylene-1 ,3 ,4-oxadiazole) and a co-polymer of para-phenylene-1 ,3 ,4-oxadiazole or meta-phenylene-1 ,3 ,4-oxadiazole , wherein the insulating material does not include: (1) polymer or copolymer derived from a diaminodiphenyl sulfone , or (2) aromatic polyesters and copolyesters obtained from aromatic bisphenols and aromatic dicarboxylic acids.2. The insulating material of further comprising polymetaphenylene isophthalamide.34.-. (canceled)5. The insulating material of wherein a weight ratio of para-phenylene-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,4-oxadiazole to meta-phenylene-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,4-oxadiazole is from about 99:1 to about 1:99.6. The insulating material of comprising at least about 30 weight percent of polymetaphenylene isophthalamide.7. The insulating material of wherein a tensile strength represented by the measurement of tenacity at maximum is at least about 80% retained after 28 days of immersion in oil at 180° C.8. A multilayer structure comprising the insulating material of .9. A honeycomb structure comprising the insulating material of .10. A device comprising an electrical conductor and an insulating material of wherein the insulating material is an electrically insulating material.11. The device of wherein the device is a transformer.12. The device of wherein the transformer is oil filled.13. The device of wherein the transformer has a capacity of at least 200 kVa.14. The device of wherein the transformer has a capacity of at least 400 kVA.15. A process for making a nonwoven insulating paper comprising the steps:a) providing a solid, slurry, or solution of a (co)polymer of phenylene-1,3,4- ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Housing, Which Contains A Cooling Liquid, Of An Electric Device

Номер: US20210104347A1
Автор: Joerg Findeisen
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Global GmbH and Co KG

A housing of an electric device contains a cooling liquid. The housing has at least one barrier in the housing interior. The barrier is impermeable to the cooling liquid and separates a first housing interior region, lying between the barrier and a lateral housing wall of the housing, from a second housing interior region. The barrier is configured to increase a cooling liquid flow of the cooling liquid between the interior regions separated by the barrier in the event that the filling level of the cooling liquid in the housing rises due to the temperature.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121797A1
Автор: Virtanen Sami

The disclosure relates to a system for preventing gas bubbles in oil flow to enter a high-voltage device, which system is located in flow direction of the oil before the high-voltage device and comprises a gravitational gas bubble filter in which velocity of the oil flow is decreased by an enlargement of space for the oil flow and in which the gas bubbles in the oil are separated from the oil flow based on the effect of gravity. The invention also relates to a method for preventing gas bubbles in oil flow to enter a high-voltage device, in which method velocity of the oil flow is decreased by an enlargement of space for the oil flow and the gas bubbles of the oil flow are separated from the oil flow based on the effect of gravity. 1. A system for preventing gas bubbles in oil flow to enter a high-voltage device , wherein the system is located in a flow direction of the oil before the high-voltage device and comprises a gravitational gas bubble filter in which velocity of the oil flow is decreased by an enlargement of space for the oil flow and in which the gas bubbles in the oil are separated from the oil flow based on the effect of gravity.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the system is located in respect of the oil flow between a dissolved gas analysis system used for analyzing the gas dissolved in oil of the high-voltage device and the high-voltage device.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the gravitational gas bubble filter is an oil vessel with an oil inlet at an upper part of the oil vessel and an oil outlet at a lower part of the oil vessel located in a channel for oil flow and in which oil vessel the velocity of the oil flow decreases such that by the effect of gravity the gas bubbles are separated from the oil flow.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises means to control temperature of the oil entering the gravitational gas bubble filter or the temperature of the gravitational gas bubble filter itself ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Fiber optic sensing system for grid-based assets

Номер: US20210123797A1

A sensor system includes a sensor network comprising at least one optical fiber having one or more optical sensors. At least one of the optical sensors is arranged to sense vibration of an electrical device and to produce a time variation in light output in response to the vibration. A detector generates an electrical time domain signal in response to the time variation in light output. An analyzer acquires a snapshot frequency component signal which comprises one or more time varying signals of frequency components of the time domain signal over a data acquisition time period. The analyzer detects a condition of the electrical device based on the snapshot frequency component signal.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180114626A1
Автор: Bachinger Florian

An electrical device for connecting to a high-voltage power grid has a boiler, which is filled with an insulating fluid and in which a magnetizable core and at least one winding, which surrounds a section of the core, are arranged, and a cooling system which includes at least one radiator which is arranged outside the boiler and is connected thereto via the radiator in order to circulate the insulating fluid, wherein the radiator has at least two heat exchange elements which are connected in parallel with one another. In order to enable a cold start to be accelerated and to be carried out even at relatively low temperatures only one of the heat exchange elements has a heat-conducting connection, as a heated heat exchange element, to a heat source which generates heat when the operation of the electrical device is started. 113-. (canceled)14. An electrical device for connecting to a high-voltage power grid , the electrical device comprising:a boiler filled with an insulating fluid;a magnetizable core and at least one winding, which surrounds a section of said core, disposed in said boiler; anda cooling system having at least one radiator arranged outside said boiler and being connected thereto via said radiator in order to circulate the insulating fluid;said radiator having at least two heat exchange elements connected in parallel with one another, only one of said at least two heat exchange elements being a heated heat exchange element having a heat-conducting connection to a heat source which generates heat when an operation of the electrical device is started.15. The electrical device according to claim 14 , wherein said heat source is an electrical heating source.16. The electrical device according to claim 15 , wherein said electrical heating source has heating wires disposed to bear on said heated heat exchange element.17. The electrical device according to claim 14 , wherein said heat source is formed by said boiler filled with insulating fluid claim 14 , and ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180114630A1

An electrical device for connection to a high-voltage system includes a magnetizable core, at least one winding which encloses a section of the core, a tank which is filled with insulating fluid and in which the core and each winding are disposed, and at least one pressing element, which is surrounded by insulating fluid, for generating a winding pressure. The pressing element is supported on the core and the winding. In order to adjust the winding pressure from the outside in a simple and cost-effective manner, the pressing element is provided as a drivable pressing element and is connected to an actuating unit. The actuating unit is configured to set the winding pressure which is generated by the pressing element. 114-. (canceled)15. An electrical device for connection to a high-voltage system , the electrical device comprising:a tank filled with insulating fluid;a magnetizable core disposed in said tank;at least one winding enclosing a section of said magnetizable core, said at least one winding being disposed in said tank;at least one drivable pressing element for generating a winding pressure, said at least one drivable pressing element being surrounded by insulating fluid and being supported on said magnetizable core and said at least one winding; andan actuating unit being connected to said drivable pressing element and being configured to set said winding pressure generated by said drivable pressing element.16. The electrical device according to claim 15 , wherein:said drivable pressing element is an electrically drivable pressing element;an electrical connection line connects said electrically drivable pressing element to said actuating unit; andsaid actuating unit has an output end providing a predeterminable electrical voltage or a predeterminable electric current.17. The electrical device according to claim 16 , wherein said electrically drivable pressing element has a piezo element or an electric motor.18. The electrical device according to claim 15 , ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114393A1

A material coating system for an apparatus having a housing configured to contain a fluid is disclosed herein. A multi-layer coating is applied to the housing to mitigate damage caused by external factors. The multi-layer coating includes: a layer of a primer coating having anti-corrosive properties, a layer of a mid coating having mechanical and chemical properties capable of at least partially closing a hole in the housing to avoid fluid leakage and optionally a layer of a top coating having properties that resist ultraviolet radiation from passing therethrough. 135.-. (canceled)36. A system for detecting an object approaching and/or impacting electrical equipment , the system comprising:a housing for the electrical equipment;at least one acoustic sensor for measuring a sound pressure of the object approaching the housing, the at least one acoustic sensor disposed at a predetermined location at which the at least one acoustic sensor is not in contact with the housing;at least one vibration sensor for measuring an acceleration of a surface of the housing caused by the object striking the housing, the at least one vibration sensor disposed at a predetermined location at which the at least one vibration sensor is in contact with the housing;at least one computer processor; anda non-transitory computer readable storage medium having thereon a plurality of machine-readable instructions that when executed by the at least one computer processor cause the at least one computer processor to determine at least one of approach of the object for impact on the housing using comparisons of signal received from the at least one acoustic sensor against a threshold, and impact of the object to the housing using comparisons of signal received from the at least one vibration sensor against a threshold for the acceleration.37. The system of claim 36 , wherein the at least one computer processor carries out instructions to perform the following steps:a. determine a maximum amplitude ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Branched Triglyceride-Based Fluids Useful for Dielectric and/or Heat Transfer Applications

Номер: US20200115606A1

A fluid composition comprises a triglyceride, having at least one alpha-branched fatty acid residue, wherein each alpha-branched fatty acid residue comprises at least one saturated or mono-unsaturated alkyl chain having a total number of carbon atoms ranging from 12 to 20, and wherein the triglyceride has at least one of (a) a flash point of at least 185° C., (b) a fire point of at least 230° C., (c) a pour point of −25° C. or lower, or (d) a combination thereof. The fluid composition may be useful, for example, as a dielectric fluid and/or as a heat transfer fluid in transformers and other electrical device applications. 19-. (canceled)10. An electrical device comprising:a transformer comprising a dielectric fluid composition comprising [ at least one alkyl chain', 'having a total number of carbon atoms ranging from 12 to 20,', 'and is saturated or mono-unsaturated;', 'the carboxyl group of the alpha-branched fatty acid residue is located between C6 and C10 on the alkyl chain; and, 'wherein each alpha-branched fatty acid residue comprises'}, (a) a flash point of at least 185° C.,', '(b) a fire point of at least 230° C.,', '(c) a pour point of -25° C. or lower, or', '(d) a combination thereof., 'wherein the triglyceride has at least one of'}], 'a triglyceride, having at least one alpha-branched fatty acid residue,'}11. The electrical device of wherein the alkyl chain contains at least one pendant methyl moiety.12. The electrical device of wherein the alkyl chain contains one or two pendant methyl moieties.13. The electrical device of wherein the triglyceride has at least one of (a) a flash point of at least 230° C.; (b) a fire point of at least 265° C.; (c) a pour point of -35° C. or lower; or (d) a combination thereof.14. The electrical device of wherein the triglyceride has (a) a flash point of at least 265° C.; (b) a fire point of at least 265° C.; and (c) a pour point of -35° C. or lower.15. The electrical device of wherein the triglyceride has at least one of ( ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120683A1

A liquid level indicating device includes a moving member which is arranged in a liquid tank storing a cooling liquid and moves vertically in conjunction with variation in a liquid level of the cooling liquid, a string member having one end portion connected to the moving member, the string member being configured to be bendable and non-extendable in a longitudinal direction, an indicator connected to the other end portion of the string member and which indicates a height position of the moving member as a remaining amount of the cooling liquid by operating in conjunction with movement of the moving member through the string member, and a tube member which is configured to be bendable and non-extendable in the longitudinal direction, has the string member passed therethrough, and connects the liquid tank and the indicator. 1. A liquid level indicating device comprising:a moving member which is arranged in a liquid tank storing a cooling liquid and moves in a vertical direction in conjunction with variation in a liquid level of the cooling liquid;a string member having one end portion connected to the moving member, the string member being configured to be bendable and non-extendable in a longitudinal direction;an indicator which is connected to the other end portion of the string member and indicates a height position of the moving member as a remaining amount of the cooling liquid by operating in conjunction with the movement of the moving member through the string member; anda tube member configured to be bendable and non-extendable in the longitudinal direction, the tube member connecting the liquid tank and the indicator to each other with the string member passed therethrough.2. The liquid level indicating device according to claim 1 , wherein a case;', 'a rotary body provided rotatably in the case, having the other end portion of the string member connected to an outer peripheral surface and capable of taking up the string member;', 'a shaft portion provided ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Transformer in-situ inspection vehicle with a cage hull

Номер: US20160129979A1
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

An inspection device for use in a fluid container includes at least one thrust device, at least one ballast device and a cage which carries the at least one thrust device and the at least one ballast device. The cage includes at least two bars. Each bar provides an opening, the openings forming a cage cavity to carry the at least one thrust device and the at least one ballast device.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220277883A1
Автор: AGUIRRE Miguel
Принадлежит: Hitachi Energy Switzerland AG

A tank for a liquid-filled shell transformer or shell reactor is provided. The tank includes: a lower tank portion, and an upper tank portion comprising an inner tank portion with inner sidewalls and an outer tank portion with outer sidewalls arranged radially outwardly with respect to the inner sidewalls. The lower tank portion and the inner tank portion are joined together along a substantially horizontal first perimetric joining line and defining an internal space. A space is formed between the inner sidewalls and the outer sidewalls, such space being in fluid communication with the internal space. The outer and the inner tank portions are joined together along a substantially horizontal second perimetric joining line. The tank further includes a tank cover configured to be joined to an upper end of the outer sidewalls. A method for assembling and an adjustable pad are also provided. 1. A tank for a liquid-filled shell transformer or shell reactor , comprising:a lower tank portion comprising a bottom plate and lower sidewalls, and an upper tank portion, wherein the upper tank portion comprises an inner tank portion with inner sidewalls and an outer tank portion with outer sidewalls, wherein the outer sidewalls are arranged radially outwardly with respect to the inner sidewalls such that the outer tank portion surrounds the inner tank portion,the lower tank portion and the inner tank portion being joined together along a substantially horizontal first perimetric joining line and defining an internal space for housing an active part of the shell transformer or shell reactor and an insulating liquid, wherein a space is formed between the inner sidewalls and the outer sidewalls, wherein the space is in fluid communication with the internal space for housing the active part of the shell transformer or shell reactor and insulating liquid, andthe outer tank portion and the inner tank portion being joined together along a substantially horizontal second perimetric ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210166856A1
Автор: Bachinger Florian

An electrical device, such as a transformer or an inductor, for connecting to a high-voltage network includes a tank which is filled with an insulating fluid and which encases a magnetizable core and at least one winding. A cooling system includes at least one radiator which is arranged outside the tank and is connected to same for circulating the insulating fluid via the radiator. The radiator has at least two heat exchange elements connected in parallel with one another. In order to cost-effectively accelerate a cold start, one of the heat exchange elements is fitted with a thermal insulation unit which reduces the heat transfer from the insulating fluid into the insulated heat exchange element to the atmosphere in comparison with a heat exchange element with no thermal insulation unit. 19-. (canceled)10. An electrical device for connection to a high-voltage network , the electrical device comprising:a tank filled with an insulating fluid;a magnetizable core and at least one winding disposed in said tank;a cooling system having at least one radiator arranged outside and fluidically connected to said tank for circulating the insulating fluid via said radiator, said radiator having at least two heat-exchange elements connected in parallel with one another;at least one of said heat-exchange elements being an insulated heat-exchange element equipped with a thermally insulating unit configured to reduce a heat transfer from the insulating fluid in said insulated heat-exchange element to an exterior atmosphere in comparison with a heat-exchange element without a thermally insulating unit.11. The electrical device according to claim 10 , wherein one single heat-exchange element is equipped with said thermally insulating unit.12. The electrical device according to claim 11 , wherein said at least one radiator has an upper feed line and a lower return line each connected to said tank and connected to one another via said heat-exchange elements claim 11 , and wherein said ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200135378A1

An inductor assembly includes a housing including a base, a sidewall, and an insert. The base and the sidewall define a cavity and the insert being positioned within the cavity. A core assembly is positioned within the cavity. The core assembly includes a core and a plurality of windings wrapped about the core and disposed between the sidewall and the insert. A flow path is formed in the housing for receiving a coolant to remove heat from the core assembly. 1. An inductor assembly comprising:a housing including a base, a sidewall, and an insert, wherein the base and the sidewall define a cavity, the insert being positioned within the cavity;a core assembly within the cavity, wherein the core assembly includes a core and a plurality of windings wrapped about the core and disposed between the sidewall and the insert; anda flow path formed in the housing for receiving a coolant to remove heat from the core assembly.2. The inductor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flow path includes at least one first channel claim 1 , the at least one first channel extending within a plane defined by the base.3. The inductor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one first channel is aligned with one of the plurality of windings.4. The inductor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one first channel has an arcuate contour.5. The inductor assembly of claim 2 , wherein a radius of the at least is equal to an outer diameter of the core.6. The inductor assembly of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the at least one first channel extends at an angle to the base.7. The inductor assembly of claim 6 , wherein the portion of the at least one first channel is formed in the sidewall.8. The inductor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the flow path includes at least one second channel arranged in fluid communication with the at least one first channel claim 2 , wherein a portion of the at least one second channel extending at an angle into the base.9. The inductor assembly of claim 8 , wherein the ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180143176A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The present invention is a diagnosis method for internal fault of an oil-immersed electric apparatus using a silicone oil as an insulating oil. The method diagnoses an internal fault of the oil-immersed electric apparatus based on a first concentration ratio that is a concentration ratio between two gases selected from an analysis gas group consisting of hydrogen gas, methane gas, ethane gas, and ethylene gas contained in the, silicone oil, and a second concentration ratio that is a concentration ratio between the other two gases selected from the analysis gas group. A combination of the two gases and a combination of the other two gases are a combination of ethylene gas and hydrogen gas, a combination of ethane gas and hydrogen gas, a combination of ethylene gas and methane gas, or a combination of methane gas and ethane gas. 1. A diagnosis method for internal fault of an oil-immersed electric apparatus using a silicone oil as an insulating oil ,the method comprising diagnosing an internal fault of the oil-immersed electric apparatus based on a first concentration ratio that is a concentration ratio between two gases selected from an analysis gas group consisting of hydrogen gas, methane gas, ethane gas, and ethylene gas contained in the silicone oil, and a second concentration ratio that is a concentration ratio between the other two gases selected from the analysis gas group,a combination of the two gases and a combination of the other two gases being a combination of ethylene gas and hydrogen gas, a combination of ethane gas and hydrogen gas, a combination of ethylene gas and methane gas, or a combination of methane gas and ethane gas.2. The diagnosis method for internal fault according to claim 1 , wherein the first concentration ratio and the second concentration ratio are a concentration ratio of ethylene gas to hydrogen gas claim 1 , a concentration ratio of ethane gas to hydrogen gas claim 1 , a concentration ratio of ethylene gas to methane gas claim 1 , ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for insulation of high-voltage generator tank

Номер: US20170148565A1

The present disclosure relates to a tank of a high-voltage generator including a tank body and a tank lid. There is an opening in the tank lid. The opening is connected to the bellows so as to counteract the volume change of the transformer oil and avoid generation of bubbles. The tank includes a positive transformer, a negative transformer, a bellows, and other components. The high-voltage winding is embedded in the PCBs. The outer insulating bushing is covered by the PCBs so as to improve the insulativity between the turns of the high-voltage winding. In addition, oil barriers may be placed between the positive and the negative transformers, or between the transformers and the ground so as to eliminate the bridge breakdown effect and make the electric field uniform. By means of said measures, the present disclosure improves the stability of the high-voltage generator.

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Furan concentration quantifying method, transformer deterioration diagnosis method using same, and apparatus therefor

Номер: US20220291180A1
Принадлежит: Korea Electric Power Corp

Disclosed is a method of quantifying furan concentration to efficiently manage a deterioration state of a transformer in the field. The method of quantifying furan concentration includes: measuring a color-development degree of an extraction solution by making the extraction solution containing furan extracted from an insulating-oil sample mix and react with a color reagent; and quantifying furan concentration by correction based on a correlation between a precise analysis and a simple analysis with regard to the color-development degree of the extraction solution, wherein the precise analysis is to obtain a quantitative value through color column separation based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in a laboratory to analyze a furan compound in insulating oil of a transformer, and the simple analysis is to obtain a chromaticity value in a field with regard to actual transformer samples.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Wind turbine transformer

Номер: US20140252775A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

A transformer assembly for a wind turbine is described. The transformer assembly includes a liquid-filled main transformer and an auxiliary transformer connected on the high-voltage side of the main transformer. The auxiliary transformer benefits from improved power quality in this configuration.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180166209A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A stationary induction apparatus includes a winding formed of a plurality of winding layers disposed in a central axis direction, an insulating barrier and an insulating oil. The insulating barrier includes a first extension extending radially outwardly of the winding and partitioning the outer peripheral ends, a second extension bent from an end of the first extension, extending toward one side in the central axis direction, and covering at least a part of one outer peripheral end of the outer peripheral ends, a third extension bent from an end of the second extension and extending radially outwardly of the winding, and a fourth extension bent from an end of the third extension, extending toward the other side in the central axis direction, and covering at least a part of the other outer peripheral end of the outer peripheral ends. The fourth extension faces the second extension with a spacing therebetween. 6. A stationary induction apparatus comprising:a winding formed of a plurality of winding layers disposed in a central axis direction;an insulating barrier disposed between outer peripheral ends of the winding layers adjacent to each other in the central axis direction, the outer peripheral ends being not connected to each other; andan insulating oil in which each of the winding and the insulating barrier is immersed, a first extension extending radially outwardly of the winding and partitioning the outer peripheral ends,', 'a second extension bent from an end of the first extension, extending toward one side in the central axis direction, and covering at least a part of one outer peripheral end of the outer peripheral ends,', 'a third extension bent from an end of the second extension and extending radially outwardly of the winding, and', 'a fourth extension bent from an end of the third extension, extending toward the other side in the central axis direction, and covering at least a part of the other outer peripheral end of the outer peripheral ends,, 'the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190172632A1

The present disclosure relates to a tank of a high-voltage generator including a tank body and a tank lid. There is an opening in the tank lid. The opening is connected to the bellows so as to counteract the volume change of the transformer oil and avoid generation of bubbles. The tank includes a positive transformer, a negative transformer, a bellows, and other components. The high-voltage winding is embedded in the PCBs. The outer insulating bushing is covered by the PCBs so as to improve the insulativity between the turns of the high-voltage winding. In addition, oil barriers may be placed between the positive and the negative transformers, or between the transformers and the ground so as to eliminate the bridge breakdown effect and make the electric field uniform. By means of said measures, the present disclosure improves the stability of the high-voltage generator. 14-. (canceled)5. A transformer for a high-voltage generator tank , comprising:an inner insulating bushing;an outer insulating bushing, the inner insulating bushing being inside the outer insulating bushing;a low-voltage winding wound on the inner insulating bushing;a high-voltage winding wound outside the outer insulating bushing;more than one printed circuit board (PCB) outside the outer insulating bushing, the more than one PCB being configured in a stack structure; andan iron core going through the inner insulating bushing.6. The transformer of claim 5 , wherein the more than one PCB comprises a rectifier block.7. (canceled)8. The transformer of claim 5 , wherein a first oil barrier is set on upper and lower surfaces of the stack structure of the more than one PCB.9. The transformer of claim 8 , wherein the transformer further comprises a sampling board.10. The transformer of claim 9 , wherein one end of the stack structure of the more than one PCB is connected with the first oil barrier claim 9 , and the other end is connected with the sampling board.11. The transformer of claim 5 , wherein the ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160195891A1
Принадлежит: VARENTEC, INC.

Methods and systems of field upgradeable transformers are provided. Voltage transformation, intelligence, communications, and control are integrated in a flexible and cost effective manner. A field upgradeable transformer may comprise a transformer module and a cold plate. The transformer module provides voltage transformation. The transformer module is enclosed in a housing containing coolant with dielectric properties, such as mineral oil. The cold plate may be mounted to the housing and thermally coupled to the coolant. Interfaces to the primary side and/or secondary side of transformer module may be configured to be disposed on the surface of the housing. A field upgradable transformer may comprise various electronic modules that are configured to be mounted to the cold plate. An electronic module may be thermally coupled to the coolant, and may be configured to be coupled to the transformer module. An electronic module may monitor the voltage level of the primary side and/or the secondary side of the field upgradeable transformer, the current level through the field upgradeable transformer, the power factor, and/or the coolant temperature; create an outage alert; communicate with a control center; provide electromechanical tap changing; regulate line voltages, power factor, and/or harmonics; and/or mitigate voltage sags. 1. A system for voltage transformation , comprising:a transformer module, the transformer module comprising a transformer core, a first set of windings, and a second set of windings;a housing enclosing the transformer module;a cold plate configured to be thermally coupled to the interior of the housing;a set of interfaces disposed on the surface of the housing; anda temperature sensor, wherein an interface of the set of interfaces is coupled to the temperature sensor and the temperature sensor measures an ambient temperature of the transformer module;wherein the electronic module comprises a voltage sensor configured to be coupled to the ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160196915A1

Both the size reduction and the increase in breakdown voltage of a high-voltage isolation transformer are realized, which is to be used in an insulating liquid in an X-ray generating apparatus. In the isolation transformer, an annular core and a primary coil wound around the annular core are housed in a first container, and a secondary coil is wound around the first container. A first opening through which an insulating liquid flows is provided in the first container. 1. An isolation transformer , comprising:an annular core having an annular portion surrounding a bore portion pierced by an imaginary axis;one coil wound around the annular core;a first container housing the annular core and the one coil, the first container having an annular shape and an insulating property;a first lead-out line pair that is connected to the one coil and is extracted outside the first container;another coil wound around the first container; anda second lead-out line pair connected to the other coil,the isolation transformer being disposed in an insulating liquid,the first container having a first opening through which the insulating liquid flows.2. The isolation transformer according to claim 1 , wherein the first opening is located in the first container on an outer peripheral side thereof.3. The isolation transformer according to claim 1 , wherein the one coil and the other coil are symmetrically located around a central axis of the annular core.4. The isolation transformer according to claim 3 , further comprising a partition structure that is located outside of the first container and protrudes in an axial direction of the first container claim 3 ,wherein, in a radial direction of the first container, the one coil is located on one side of the first container and the other coil is located on another side thereof across the partition structure.5. The isolation transformer according to claim 1 , wherein the first lead-out line pair and the second lead-out line pair are symmetrically ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210225583A1

An on-load tap changer head includes: a first region for an insulating fluid of the on-load tap changer to flow; a second region separated from the first region by a wall; and a detector for detecting an increased flow speed of the insulating fluid. The detector includes: a flow flap in the first region configured to tilt from a defined flow speed of the insulating fluid from a first position to a second position; a first magnet secured to the flap such that in the second position of the flow flap, the first magnet is in an immediate vicinity of the wall; a second magnet in the second region in the immediate vicinity of the wall; and a switch in the second region that is operationally coupled to the second magnet such that tilting over of the flow flap from the first position to the second position actuates the switch. 1. An on-load tap changer head for an on-load tap changer , the on-load tap changer head comprising:a first region, which is in the on-load tap changer head through which an insulating fluid of the on-load tap changer can flow;a second region separated from the first region by a wall; and a flow flap, which is arranged in the first region and is configured to tilt due to a defined flow speed of the insulating fluid from a first position to a second position;', 'a first coupling magnet, which is secured to the flap such that in the second position of the flow flap, is the first coupling magnet is disposed in an immediate vicinity of the wall;', 'a second coupling magnet, which is in the second region in the immediate vicinity of the wall; and', 'a switch, which is in the second region and which is operationally coupled to the second coupling magnet such that tilting over of the flow flap from the first position to the second position actuates the switch., 'a detector configured to detect an increased flow speed of the insulating fluid, the detector comprising2. The on-load tap changer head according to claim 1 , wherein the second region is in the on- ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Polyamide electrical insulation for use in liquid filled transformers

Номер: US20170200555A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A transformer assembly and a method of producing the same are provided. The transformer assembly includes a housing, transformer oil, and a plurality of coils of electrically conductive wire. The transformer oil is disposed within the housing. The coils of electrically conductive wire are disposed in the housing and in contact with the transformer oil. A cross-linked aliphatic polyamide insulation material configured to electrically insulate the electrically conductive wire. The insulation material includes stabilizing compounds that provide thermal and chemical stability for the insulation material.

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Stationary Induction Apparatus

Номер: US20180204670A1

A stationary induction apparatus includes a main body tank and a stationary induction apparatus main body. The main body is accommodated in the tank. An electrostatic shield ring is placed on the upper and lower end parts of a winding. An electrostatic shield ring has a magnetic ring and two insulating rings vertically fixing the magnetic ring for a spool. A conductive tape is laid on an insulating tape. These tapes are wound around the spool. An insulating tape is wound around the wound tapes. The width of the insulating tape is equal to or greater than the width of the conductive tape. One end of the conductive tape is connected to one end part of the winding and to the magnetic ring. A gap is provided at at least one place on the magnetic ring. The winding direction of the conductive tape is inverted at at least one place. 1. A stationary induction apparatus comprising:a main body tank; and an iron core having at least two legs; and', 'a winding individually wound around each of the legs,, 'a stationary induction apparatus main body includingwherein the stationary induction apparatus main body is accommodated in the main body tank;an insulating cooling medium is sealed in the main body tank, and the stationary induction apparatus main body is immersed in the insulating cooling medium;the iron core is fastened and fixed with an upper iron-core fastener and a lower iron-core fastener;an insulating winding support is provided between the upper iron-core fastener and the winding and between the lower iron-core fastener and the winding;an electrostatic shield ring is provided on at least one of an upper end part and a lower end part of the winding;the winding and the electrostatic shield ring are fixed with the upper iron-core fastener or the lower iron-core fastener and the winding support;a magnetic ring configured of a magnetic substance is provided inside the electrostatic shield ring;the electrostatic shield ring is configured in a manner that a conductive layer ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200203066A1

An assembly for connection to a high-voltage system has multiple single-phase transformers each having a transformer tank which is filled with a fluid and in which a core with at least one winding is situated. At least some of the windings of the single-phase transformers are connected to one another, forming a neutral point. A short-circuit voltage curve or impedance of the assembly can be adapted to different requirements. The windings are each connected to the neutral point via a switchover unit and a choke winding. The choke winding has multiple tappings, and the switchover unit is configured to select the tapping via which the winding in question is connected to the neutral point. 112-. (canceled)13. An assembly for connection to a high-voltage system , the assembly comprising:a plurality of single-phase transformers each having a transformer tank filled with a fluid and a core with at least one core winding disposed in said transformer tank;a neutral point;a switchover unit and a choke winding connecting said at least one core winding of each of said cores to said neutral point;said choke winding having multiple tappings and said switchover unit being configured to select a respective one of said tappings through which the respective core winding of said core is connected to said neutral point.14. The assembly according to claim 13 , wherein said switchover unit is a power stepping switch or a load stepping switch.15. The assembly according to claim 13 , wherein said switchover unit is a reconnection unit that can only be switched when not under load.16. The assembly according to claim 15 , wherein said reconnection unit is configured for manual actuated.17. The assembly according to claim 13 , wherein said switchover unit and said choke winding are situated outside said transformer tank and are connected to said at least one core winding via a cable connection.18. The assembly according to claim 13 , wherein said switchover unit and said choke winding are ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190206605A1

The subject of the present application is a cover for distribution transformer filled with a dielectric liquid, equipped with electronic device integrated with the cover which is applied for transmission and distribution of electric energy. The cover is characterized in that the electronic device is immersed in the dielectric liquid filling a cooling compartment fixed on the cover; the cooling compartment has side walls, a top wall and a bottom wall which bottom wall is matched in the window made in the cover and the bottom wall forms a thermal barrier between the interior of the electric power device and the interior of the cooling compartment and the both interiors of the cooling compartment and of the electric power device are hermetically closed together. 1. A cover for covering a distribution transformer filled with a dielectric liquid in which an active part of the distribution transformer is placed; the cover comprising: a cooling compartment located at an upper part of the cover , wherein the cooling compartment has side walls and a top wall , wherein the cover is equipped with a window in which a bottom wall of the cooling compartment is inserted and matched by a chamfer disposed on the entirely circumference of the bottom wall and the bottom wall forms a thermal barrier between the interior of a main tank of the distribution transformer and the interior of the cooling compartment and the both interiors of the cooling compartment and of the main tank are hermetically closed together when filled with the dielectric liquid and in the dielectric liquid filling the cooling compartment at least one electronic device is placed having an electrical connection with the active part of the distribution transformer.2. The cover according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal barrier is made from a high thermal resistive material having a coefficient of the thermal conductivity not higher than 0.24 W/(m*K).3. The cover according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom wall of the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200211761A1

Devices, systems, and methods for determining gas characteristics to monitor transformer operation include extracting gas from transformer fluid for analysis. 1. A gas analysis system for determining characteristics of gas dissolved in a fluid of a transformer , the system comprising:an extraction coil for contact with the fluid, the extraction coil including gas-permeable material for receiving dissolved gas,a gas analyzer for determining gas characteristics, the gas analyzer including a gas cell having a cavity for receiving gas for analysis, anda gas circuit formed to include the extraction coil and the gas analyzer to circulate gas.2. The gas analysis system of claim 1 , wherein the extraction coil includes a number of coil loops each permitting dissolved gas to permeate therein.3. The gas analysis system of claim 1 , wherein the gas circuit includes a transport conduit fluidly coupled with each of the extraction coil and the gas analyzer to transport gas between the extraction coil and the gas cell for analysis.4. The gas analysis system of claim 3 , wherein the transport conduit includes a motive pressure source fluidly coupled with the extraction coil to circulate gas through the transport conduit.5. The gas analysis system of claim 4 , wherein the motive pressure source is fluidly coupled with the extraction coil to provide a lower pressure within the extraction coil relative to a pressure within the cavity of the gas cell.6. The gas analysis system of claim 3 , wherein the transport conduit includes a supply segment fluidly connected to provide gas from the extraction coil to the gas cell and a return segment fluidly connected to provide gas from the gas cell to the extraction coil.7. The gas analysis system of claim 1 , wherein the gas analyzer includes a light source and at least one light detector for receiving light from the light source.8. The gas analysis system of claim 7 , wherein the light source is arranged to pass light from one side of the gas ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150243428A1
Принадлежит: VARENTEC, INC.

Methods and systems of field upgradeable transformers are provided. Voltage transformation, intelligence, communications, and control are integrated in a flexible and cost effective manner. A field upgradeable transformer may comprise a transformer module and a cold plate. The transformer module provides voltage transformation. The transformer module is enclosed in a housing containing coolant with dielectric properties, such as mineral oil. The cold plate may be mounted to the housing and thermally coupled to the coolant. Interfaces to the primary side and/or secondary side of transformer module may be configured to be disposed on the surface of the housing. A field upgradable transformer may comprise various electronic modules that are configured to be mounted to the cold plate. An electronic module may be thermally coupled to the coolant, and may be configured to be coupled to the transformer module. An electronic module may monitor the voltage level of the primary side and/or the secondary side of the field upgradeable transformer, the current level through the field upgradeable transformer, the power factor, and/or the coolant temperature; create an outage alert; communicate with a control center; provide electromechanical tap changing; regulate line voltages, power factor, and/or harmonics; and/or mitigate voltage sags. 1. A system for voltage transformation , comprising:a transformer module, the transformer module comprising a transformer core, a first set of windings, and a second set of windings;a housing enclosing the transformer module; anda cold plate, the cold plate configured to be thermally coupled to the interior of the housing.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cold plate is mounted to a surface of the housing.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a set of conduits claim 1 , wherein one end of each conduit coupled to cold plate and the other end coupled to the housing.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a set of interfaces ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170234762A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A system and method for detecting leakage oil with a high degree of accuracy while avoiding the complexity of the system and the influence of noise light comprise: ultraviolet light sources arranged to irradiate an oil-filled device from a plurality of different incidence angles, and are switched on and off at the respective incidence angles in sequence, and include a wavelength exciting oil; an imaging device to photograph the oil-filled device irradiated with ultraviolet light emitted from the ultraviolet light sources when the ultraviolet light sources are switched on; a recorder to record respective images photographed by the imaging device; and a display to display the respective images. The respective images are compared, a site where a light emitting position does not change always is judged as a leakage oil site, and a site emitting light or not emitting light occasionally is judged as a noise light site. 1. A leakage oil detector system having:an ultraviolet light source that is arranged so as to irradiate an oil-filled device from a plurality of different incidence angles, is switched on and off at the respective incidence angles in sequence, and includes a wavelength exciting oil;an imaging device to photograph said oil-filled device irradiated with ultraviolet light emitted from the ultraviolet light source when the ultraviolet light source is switched on;a recorder to record respective images photographed by the imaging device; anda display to display the respective images in order to compare the respective images, judge a site where a light emitting position does not change always as a leakage oil site, and judge a site emitting light or not emitting light occasionally as a noise light site.2. A leakage oil detector system according to claim 1 , wherein the ultraviolet light source including the wavelength exciting oil has a light emission peak of 265±50 nm claim 1 , 275±50 nm claim 1 , 345±50 nm claim 1 , or 365±50 nm.3. A leakage oil detector system ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180233271A1

A transformer with integrated cooling is disclosed. The transformer comprises a primary winding and a secondary winding, and a coolant line partly or completely embedded in at least one of the primary or secondary windings. The coolant line is supplied with coolant from a supply device. The coolant line has a plurality of exit holes that are arranged to lead in a direction of at least one of the primary or secondary winding, so as to supply it with coolant. 1. A transformer with integrated cooling , comprising:a primary winding;a secondary winding; anda coolant line embedded partly or completely in at least one of the primary winding or the secondary winding, wherein the coolant line is supplied with coolant from a supply device, and wherein the coolant line comprises a plurality of exit holes, which lead in a direction of at least one of the primary winding or the secondary winding, so as to supply it with coolant.2. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein the coolant line comprises a flexible hose line claim 1 , and wherein the flexible hose line comprises a heat-resistant plastic including one or more of the following: PTFE claim 1 , silicone claim 1 , or Viton.3. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein the coolant line is wound in the same direction as the at least one winding.4. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein a first coolant line and a second coolant line are provided claim 1 , and wherein the first coolant line is wound around an inner winding layer of the primary winding and the second coolant line is wound around an outer winding layer of the secondary winding.5. The transformer of claim 4 , wherein the first coolant line comprises exit holes arranged unidirectionally distributed along its wall.6. The transformer of claim 4 , wherein the second coolant line comprises exit holes directed exclusively inwardly along its wall.7. The transformer of claim 4 , wherein the first coolant line comprises an inside diameter of about 2 to 4 mm and the second coolant line ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180233274A1

A transformer assembly and a method of producing the same are provided. The transformer assembly includes a housing, transformer oil, and a plurality of coils of electrically conductive wire. The transformer oil is disposed within the housing. The coils of electrically conductive wire are disposed in the housing and in contact with the transformer oil. A cross-linked aliphatic polyamide insulation material configured to electrically insulate the electrically conductive wire. The insulation material includes stabilizing compounds that provide thermal and chemical stability for the insulation material. 1. A method of electrically insulating elements within an electrical transformer assembly , which electrical transformer assembly includes transformer oil disposed within a housing , the method comprising:providing a cross-linked aliphatic polyamide electrical insulation material that includes at least one cross-linker comprising a carboxylic anhydride group and ethynyl moieties; andpositioning the electrical insulation material in the transformer oil between a first element and a second element, which first element is configured to be at a first electrical potential during operation of the transformer assembly, and which second element is configured to be at a second electrical potential during the operation of the transformer assembly, and wherein the second electrical potential is different than the first electrical potential.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked aliphatic polyamide electrical insulation material further includes one or more stabilizing compounds that provide thermal stability claim 1 , or chemical stability claim 1 , or both thermal and chemical stability claim 1 , for the insulation material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one cross-linker is the range of about 0.1% to about 10.0% by weight of the insulation material.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the aliphatic polyamide insulation material contains at least about ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140327506A1

An oil transformer includes a transformer vessel, a transformer core mounted in the vessel, at least one upright hollow cylindrical transformer coil including at least one axial cooling channel arranged around a limb of the transformer core, and an oil chamber arranged at an axial front side of the transformer coil. At least one first opening leading from the inner chamber to the belonging front side of the transformer coil is provided, and at least one second opening is provided within the surrounding boundaries of the oil chamber. The oil chamber is an under-pressure chamber, wherein the at least one first opening is an inlet port and the at least one second opening is an outlet port. 1. An oil transformer , comprising:a transformer vessel;a transformer core mounted in the transformer vessel, the transformer core including at least one limb;at least one upright hollow cylindrical transformer coil including at least one axial cooling channel arranged around the limb of the transformer core;an oil chamber arranged within the transformer vessel on an upper side of the upright transformer coil, the oil chamber forming a coil fixture for the transformer coil by applying pressure on the transformer coil;at least one first opening leading from inside the oil chamber to the upper side of the transformer coil; andat least one second opening within surrounding boundaries of the oil chamber,wherein the at least one first opening is an inlet port for oil and the at least one second opening is an outlet port for oil.2. The oil transformer according claim 1 , wherein the oil chamber is fluidly connected with an upper axial front side of the transformer coil.3. The oil transformer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one axial cooling channel of the transformer coil and the at least one first opening are arranged congruent to each other with respect to their respective cross sections.4. The oil transformer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one second opening is ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Subsea transformer with integrated high resistance ground

Номер: US20160247618A1
Автор: Asbjoern Diesen
Принадлежит: OneSubsea IP UK Ltd

According to some embodiments, a subsea transformer is protected by an integrated high resistance grounding (HRG) device. The active components, including primary and secondary sets of windings for the transformer are mounted in an oil-filled transformer tank that is suitable for long-term deployment in a subsea environment. The HRG device is mounted in the same oil-filled transformer tank as the active transformer components.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Combined Subsea Transformer and Compensating HV Reactor

Номер: US20180247753A1
Автор: Strømsvik Torbjørn

A subsea AC power supply device comprises a subsea transformer, having a primary winding arranged to be connected to a topside AC power supply via a subsea power supply cable, and a subsea shunt reactor, connected in parallel with the primary winding of the subsea transformer. The subsea transformer and the subsea shunt reactor are arranged within a common subsea watertight housing. A subsea AC power supply system comprises a topside AC power supply, a subsea power supply cable connected to the topside AC power supply, and a subsea AC power supply device connected to the subsea power supply cable. 1: A subsea AC power supply device comprising:a subsea transformer having a primary winding which is arranged to be connected to a topside AC power supply via a subsea power supply cable;a subsea shunt reactor which is connected in parallel with the primary winding of the subsea transformer;wherein the subsea transformer and the subsea shunt reactor are arranged within a common subsea watertight housing.2: The subsea AC power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein an electrical connection between the subsea shunt reactor and the primary winding of the subsea transformer is positioned within the watertight housing.3: The subsea AC power supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the electrical connection between the subsea shunt reactor and the primary winding of the subsea transformer is disconnectable by a switch which is positioned within the watertight housing.4: The subsea AC power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the connection between the subsea power supply cable and the primary winding of the subsea transformer includes a dry mate HV penetrator which penetrates the watertight housing.5: The subsea AC power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the watertight housing is filled with a dielectric oil.6: The subsea AC power supply device according to one of - claim 1 , wherein the watertight housing includes first and second compartments ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160268035A1
Автор: Noda Toshihiro
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A vehicle-mounted transformer comprising an iron core including a main leg, two side legs, and two pairs of connections, a winding, two covers each connected to each of opposite end faces of the iron core in a direction in which the steel plates are stacked, each of the covers surrounding the periphery of the winding together with the iron core and storing insulating oil in which the winding is immersed, and each of the covers having an opening serving as a flow path for the insulating oil, and a pump connected to the openings to circulate the insulating oil to flow from the opening in one of the covers and through two windows each surrounded by the main leg, each of the side legs and one pair of the connections toward the opening in the other cover. 1. A vehicle-mounted transformer comprising: a main leg,', 'two side legs located parallel to the main leg and opposite each other with respect to the main leg, and', 'two pairs of connections extending in a direction orthogonal to the main leg, each pair connecting opposite ends of the main leg to opposite ends of each of the side legs,, 'an iron core including'}the iron core being formed as one piece by joining a plurality of stacked steel plates together;a winding wound around the main leg;two covers each connected to a corresponding one of opposite end faces of the iron core in a direction in which the steel plates are stacked, each of the covers surrounding the periphery of the winding together with the iron core and storing insulating oil in which the winding is immersed, and each of the covers having an opening serving as a flow path for the insulating oil; anda pump connected to the openings to circulate the insulating oil to flow from the opening in one of the two covers and through two windows each surrounded by the main leg, each of the side legs and one pair of the connections toward the opening in the other of the two covers,an outer shape of each of the two covers being smaller than an outer shape of the ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140354387A1
Автор: BRENDEL Hartmut

An exemplary oil transformer insulation module includes at least a first flat layer and a second layer adjacent and substantially and parallel to the first layer. The first and second layers include planar first insulation material and are connected to and spaced apart from a third corrugated layer that is arranged between the first and second layers. The third layer includes planar second insulation material, has lateral edges, and is corrugated such that all the cavities formed by the corrugated form can be flooded with a liquid via the lateral edges. 1. An oil transformer insulation module comprising:at least a first flat layer and a second layer adjacent and substantially parallel to the first layer, wherein the first and second layers include planar first insulation material;a third layer arranged between the first and second layers, wherein the third layer includes planar second insulation material, has lateral edges, and is corrugated such that all cavities formed by the corrugated form can be flooded with a liquid via the lateral edges,wherein at least one lateral edge of the corrugated third layer is offset inwardly relative to the adjoining layers, such that a first groove with a first groove cavity is formed, the first groove in the corrugated third layer corresponding to a second groove having a second groove cavity formed in at least another oil transformer insulation module for joining to the other oil transformer module at the first and second groove cavities,wherein the first and second layers of insulation material are connected to and spaced apart from the third layer, andwherein the corrugated third layer is homogenous and has a size corresponding to a respective size of the adjacent first and second layers.2. The oil transformer insulation module according to claim 1 , wherein the third layer is corrugated in a trapezium-like manner at least in regions.3. The oil transformer insulation module according to claim 1 , wherein at least one further ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259444A1

Devices, systems, and methods for determining gas characteristics to monitor transformer operation include extracting gas from transformer fluid for analysis. 1. A gas analysis device for determining characteristics of dissolved gas of a transformer , the device comprising:a gas cell defining a cavity for receiving gas for analysis,a light source arranged to transmit light,a cell light detector arranged to receive light propagated by the light source through the cavity of the gas cell, anda reference light detector arranged to receive light propagated by the light source through an ambient space.2. The gas analysis device of claim 1 , wherein a cell light distance is defined between the cell light source and a reference source point of light from the light source.3. The gas analysis device of claim 2 , wherein the cell light distance corresponds to a reference light distance defined between the reference source point and the reference light detector.4. The gas analysis device of claim 3 , wherein the reference source point is a beam splitter arranged to divide light from the light source into at least two beams claim 3 , one of the at least two beams for propagation through the cavity and another of the at least two beams for propagation through the ambient space.5. The gas analysis device of claim 4 , wherein the cell light detector is arranged to receive light from the beam propagated through the cavity that has not been absorbed by gas within the cavity claim 4 , and wherein the reference light detector is arranged to receive light from the beam propagated through the ambient space that has not been absorbed by gas within the ambient space.6. The gas analysis device of claim 1 , wherein each of the cell light detector and the reference light detector provide a signal indicating a spectrum corresponding to light received by that detector.7. A transformer comprising:at least one electrical winding,a fluid system including fluid for insulating the at least one ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Method of Estimating Overheating Temperature of Oil-Immersed Electric Appliance

Номер: US20190257812A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The present invention is directed to a method of estimating an overheating temperature of an oil-immersed electric appliance in which ester oil is used as insulating oil. The overheating temperature is estimated based on a first concentration ratio representing a concentration ratio between two types of gas components contained in the ester oil and a second concentration ratio representing a concentration ratio between other two types of gas components contained in the ester oil. The first concentration ratio and the second concentration ratio are selected from a concentration ratio between acetylene and ethane, a concentration ratio between acetylene and hydrogen, a concentration ratio between acetylene and methane, and a concentration ratio between acetylene and ethylene. 1. A method of estimating an overheating temperature of an oil-immersed electric appliance in which ester oil is used as insulating oil , the method comprising:estimating the overheating temperature based on a first concentration ratio representing a concentration ratio between two types of gas components contained in the ester oil and a second concentration ratio representing a concentration ratio between other two types of gas components contained in the ester oil,the first concentration ratio and the second concentration ratio being selected from a concentration ratio between acetylene and ethane, a concentration ratio between acetylene and hydrogen, a concentration ratio between acetylene and methane, and a concentration ratio between acetylene and ethylene.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinone of the first concentration ratio and the second concentration ratio is the concentration ratio between acetylene and ethane.3. The method according to claim 2 , whereinthe first concentration ratio and the second concentration ratio are selected from the concentration ratio between acetylene and ethane, the concentration ratio between acetylene and methane, and the concentration ratio between ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150279509A1

An oil-oil bushing is disclosed which can include a rotationally symmetrical, paraboloid-like, hollow bushing element of a solid insulating material, along the axial extent of which there is formed radially toward the inside a tubular bushing channel, the wall thickness of which is tapered conically toward at least one of its two ends. An electrical bushing conductor can be fitted into the bushing channel with a form fit and protrude from it on both sides. At at least one of the two axial ends of the bushing channel there is arranged a hollow-cylindrical shielding element of a conductive material, which is thick-walled at least in certain regions, which element can enclose on one side a respective end of the bushing channel, and on another side, electrically contact a connecting conductor. 1. An oil-oil bushing , comprising:a rotationally symmetrical, paraboloid-like, hollow bushing element of a solid insulating material, along an axial extent of which there is formed radially toward an inside a tubular bushing channel, a wall thickness of which is tapered conically toward at least one of its two ends;an electrical bushing conductor fitted into the bushing channel with a form fit and protruding from it on both sides;at at least one of the two axial ends of the bushing channel, a respective hollow-cylindrical shielding element of a conductive material, which is thick-walled at least in certain regions, which element encloses on its one side a respective end of the bushing channel with the bushing conductor protruding from it, and another side of the shielding element being configured for receiving and electrically contacting a respective connecting conductor, axial ends of the shielding element being of a round design; andcontacting means provided in the shielding element for its electrical contacting with the protruding bushing conductor or with a received connecting conductor, wherein the contacting means include at least one thread running radially through a wall ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180268981A1

One embodiment of the present application provides a method for obtaining a first data set representing operational cost related parameters specific to the power equipment and its cooling system forecasted for a series of time intervals of present load cycle in consideration of a second data set representing operational condition related parameters for the power equipment forecasted for a series of time intervals of present load cycle; in consideration of the parameters represented by the first data set, through knowledge-based predetermined numerical and/or logical linkages, establishing a third data set representing cooling capacity parameters for the cooling system at the series of time intervals of the present load cycle according to criteria for operational cost optimization of the power equipment and its cooling system for the present load cycle; and in the present load cycle, controlling the cooling system to operate at the cooling capacity parameters at the series of time intervals represented by the established third data set. 1. A method for controlling cooling system of a power equipment , including:obtaining a first data set representing operational cost related parameters specific to the power equipment and its cooling system forecasted for a series of time intervals of present load cycle in consideration of a second data set representing operational condition related parameters for the power equipment forecasted for a series of time intervals of present load cycle;in consideration of the parameters represented by the first data set, through knowledge-based predetermined numerical and/or logical linkages, establishing a third data set representing cooling capacity parameters for the cooling system at the series of time intervals of the present load cycle according to criteria for operational cost optimizations of the power equipment and its cooling system for the present load cycle; andin the present load cycle, controlling the cooling system to operate ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200258669A1
Автор: Jensen Lasse

Provided is a method for servicing a transformer, especially a transformer of a wind turbine, wherein a lifting device is used to lift a lid that closes a case of a transformer from the case to expose at least one electrical component of the transformer that is connected to the lid for exchanging or servicing the electrical component, wherein the lifting device includes at least one fixed component that is fixed with respect to the case and at least one moveable component that is coupled to the lid, wherein the moveable component is moveable with respect to the fixed component by at least one actuator to lift the lid. 1. A method for servicing a transformer , wherein a lifting device is used to lift a lid that closes a case of a transformer from the case to expose at least one electrical component of the transformer that is connected to the lid for exchanging or servicing the electrical component , wherein the lifting device includes at least one fixed component that is fixed with respect to the case and at least one moveable component that is coupled to the lid , wherein the moveable component is moveable with respect to the fixed component by at least one actuator to lift the lid.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a conductive connecting element that is electrically connected to a respective winding of the transformer and passes through the lid is replaced as the electrical component.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the lifting device comprises at least one telescopic bar claim 1 , wherein the lid is lifted by extending the telescopic bar via the actuator.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one moveable component is claim 1 , comprises or forms a lift frame that is coupled to the lid at at least two separate positions.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the lifting device comprises at least two or three of the telescopic bars claim 3 , wherein the lift frame connected to all the telescopic bars.6. The method ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210350966A1

A transformer includes an outer cabinet and an inner tank. The outer cabinet includes a base configured to be installed below ground level, a housing wall configured to be installed at least partially below ground level, and a sill coupled to the housing wall and configured to be installed above ground level. The sill includes a top access opening between an interior space of the outer cabinet and an exterior of the outer cabinet. The inner tank is disposed on the base at least partially below ground level and includes an active part including a transformer circuit. The inner tank includes a plurality of terminals electrically coupled to the active part, each terminal extending from the inner tank into the interior space of the outer cabinet along a respective terminal axis that passes through the top access opening at a respective upward angle with respect to ground level. 1. A transformer comprising: a base configured to be installed below ground level;', 'a housing wall configured to be installed at least partially below ground level;', 'a sill coupled to the housing wall, the sill configured to be installed above ground level, the sill including a top access opening between an interior space of the outer cabinet and an exterior of the outer cabinet; and', 'a movable hood configured to be selectively coupled to the sill to cover the top access opening; and, 'an outer cabinet including an active part disposed within the inner tank, wherein the active part includes a transformer circuit configured to transform a first electrical current having a first voltage to a second electrical current having a second voltage; and', 'a plurality of terminals electrically coupled to the active part,, 'an inner tank configured to be disposed on the base within the interior space of the outer cabinet at least partially below ground level, the inner tank includingwherein each terminal of the plurality of terminals extends from the inner tank into the interior space of the outer ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Bullet-Resistant Electrical Installation

Номер: US20170279251A1
Автор: LEBER Gerald

An electrical installation, in particular a transformer, phase shifter or inductor, which includes a fluid-filled tank having side walls, wherein, for protection against bombardment and/or fragmentation effects, the side walls are formed in a bullet-resistant manner and are made of a material having a traction strength of greater than 1000 MPa, or wherein a bullet-resistant reinforcement made of such a material is provided, the outer side of which envelope the side walls. 114-. (canceled)15. An electrical installation , comprising:a fluid-filled tank having side walls;{'b': '11', 'wherein one of (i) the side walls are formed penetration-inhibiting manner and made of a material having a tensile strength greater than 1000 MPa for protection against effects of at least one of bullets and fragments and () a penetration-inhibiting reinforcement made of such a material is provided and envelops the side walls on the outside for protection against the effects of at least one of the bullets and fragments.'}16. The electrical installation as claimed in claim 15 , wherein a reinforcement envelops the side walls all-round at a distance and is fastened to the tank via a plurality fastening elements.17. The electrical installation as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the reinforcement is formed of panels claim 16 , wherein adjacent panels overlap each other.18. The electrical installation as claimed in claim 17 , wherein that the panels are arranged vertically or horizontally lengthways.19. The electrical installation as claimed in claim 17 , wherein each panel has a cross-sectional profile with limbs claim 17 , wherein adjacent limbs interlock.20. The electrical installation as claimed in claim 18 , wherein each panel has a cross-sectional profile with limbs claim 18 , wherein adjacent limbs interlock.21. The electrical installation as claimed in claim 18 , wherein each fastening element of the plurality fastening elements has a spring element.22. The electrical installation as ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160285354A1
Принадлежит: CTM Magnetics, Inc.

A high frequency inductor filter cooling apparatus and method of use thereof is described. In one embodiment, an inductor is potted in an epoxy-silica mixture to facilitate thermal transfer from the inductor. The inductor is optionally used to filter/invert/convert power. The inductor comprises a distributed gap core and/or a powdered core material. In one example, the minimum carrier frequency is above that usable by an iron-steel inductor, such as greater than ten kiloHertz at fifty or more amperes. Optionally, the inductor is used in an inverter/converter apparatus, where output power has a carrier frequency, modulated by a fundamental frequency, and a set of harmonic frequencies, in conjunction with a notched low-pass filter, a low pass filter combined with a notch filter and a high frequency roll off filter, and/or one or more of a silicon carbide, gallium arsenide, and/or gallium nitride based transistor. 1. A cooling apparatus , comprising:a housing;a first inductor positioned in said housing; a potting agent comprising a thermal conductivity of less than 0.3 W/m-K; and', 'a heat transfer agent comprising a thermal conductivity of greater than 0.5 W/m-K, said heat transfer agent comprising a silica mixture of particles, said particles comprising a size distribution with a ninety-fifth percentile particle size of less than 1500 micrometers, said silica mixture comprising greater than ten percent an oxide of silicon., 'a potting material positioned about said first inductor, within said housing, and within a quarter inch of said first inductor, said potting material comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , said oxide of silica comprising:silicon dioxide.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , said potting agent comprising at least one of:a urethane;a multi-part urethane;a polyurethane;a multi-component polyurethane;a polyurethane resin;a resin;a polyepoxide;an epoxy;a varnish;an epoxy varnish;a copolymer;a thermosetting polymer;a thermoplastic; anda silicone based ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210366648A1

A coil assembly including a plurality of substantially planar plates interconnected to define a plurality of electrically conductive windings for surrounding a magnetic core. In one example the invention is used for a magnetic core assembly, including a magnetic core and at least two coil assemblies, the coil assemblies each including a plurality of substantially planar plates interconnected to define a plurality of electrically conductive windings for surrounding the magnetic core. 1) A coil assembly , the coil assembly including a plurality of substantially planar plates interconnected to define a plurality of electrically conductive windings for surrounding a magnetic core.2) The coil assembly according to claim 1 , wherein successive windings are laterally spaced apart by spacer elements.3) The coil assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the spacer elements are at least one of:a) formed integrally with each plate; and,b) separate elements inserted between adjacent plates.4) The coil assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the spacer elements are one of:a) an electrical conductor; and,b) an electrical insulator.5) The coil assembly according to any one of the preceding claims claim 3 , wherein each of a plurality of the substantially planar plates have a similar or identical geometric shape.6) The coil assembly according to claim 5 , wherein the substantially planar plates are generally U-shaped.7) The coil assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the U-shaped plates defining successive windings are rotationally offset.8) The coil assembly according to claim 7 , wherein the U-shaped plates of successive windings are rotationally offset by 90 degrees.9) The coil assembly according to any one of to claim 7 , wherein the U-shaped plates are interconnected at joints claim 7 , the joints of successive windings being rotationally offset.10) The coil assembly according to claim 9 , wherein each joint includes a conductive spacer element sandwiched between successive ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160293314A1

The present application discloses a method to optimize operation of a transformer cooling system, the corresponding cooling system, and a method to determine the capacity of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) that are used in the transformer cooling system. The method comprises: preprocessing the initial data input by user; collecting the on-line data, and calculating the optimized control command to meet the requirement of the transformer loss, top-oll temperature variation and noise; and executing the control actions by controlling a controllable switch and/or sending a control command to a VFD. Compared with the existing prior arts, the proposed solutions are much more intuitive and practical in the field of the cooling system. 1. A method to optimize operation of the transformer cooling system , comprising:preprocessing the initial data input by a user;collecting the on-line data, and calculating the optimized control command to meet the requirement of the transformer loss; andexecuting the control actions by controlling a controllable switch and/or nding a control command to a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said calculating the optimized control command includes considering the requirement of the top-oil temperature variation and/or the noise level.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said calculating the optimized control command includes considering the requirements according to the weighting factors of the transformer loss claim 2 , the top-oil temperature variation and the noise level.4. The method according to wherein said preprocessing comprising:collecting parameters of the transformer type, the transformer ratio, and the ratio o load losses at rated current to no-load losses;collecting parameters of the transformer thermal model;collecting parameters of the tap changer mid position, the step voltage and the present tap changer, position;collecting parameters of the cooler type, the fart rurnber and the ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Oil Type Phase Shift Transformer for Medium Voltage Inverter System

Номер: US20170288572A1
Автор: KIM Tae-Bum

Disclosed is a phase shift transformer for supplying voltage to a plurality of unit power cells in a medium voltage inverter system. The phase shift transformer according to the present invention comprises a first bushing arranged by the side of a tank and connected to a first winding to apply high voltage and a plurality of second bushings arranged on the top of a cover and connected to each of a plurality of second windings to output low voltage, wherein three outputs of the plurality of second bushings can be applied to unit power cells. 1. A phase shift transformer for supplying voltage to a plurality of unit power cells in a medium voltage inverter system , comprising:a first winding which is configured to surround the outside of a core and to which three phase high voltage is applied;a plurality of second windings which are configured to surround the outside of the core and convert high voltage applied thereto from the first winding to low voltage;a tank providing an internal space in which the core, the first winding and the plurality of second windings are arranged and containing insulating oil therein;a cover provided on the top of the tank to provide a sealed internal space along with the tank;a first bushing arranged by the side of the tank and connected to the first winding to apply high voltage; anda plurality of second bushings arranged on the top of the cover and connected to each of the plurality of second windings to output low voltage,wherein three outputs of the plurality of second bushings can be applied to the unit power cells.2. The phase shift transformer of claim 1 , further comprising radiators arranged on the front and back surfaces of the tank to cool the insulating oil or the first winding and the second windings.3. The phase shift transformer of claim 1 , further comprising a tap changer arranged on the top of the cover to control voltage variation during operation of the phase shift transformer.4. The phase shift transformer of claim 1 ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Site Replacement Of Internal Saturable Reactors Of A Rectifier Power Transformer

Номер: US20160300655A1
Автор: teNyenhuis Ed G.
Принадлежит: ABB INC.

A method replaces a saturable core reactor (SCRs) in a rectifier power transformer disposed in a transformer vault at its field location. The transformer has an oil-filled tank housing the SCRs. The tank has a manhole opening therein. A busbar structure is associated with each SCR. The method drains the oil from the tank. A busbar structure is disconnected from an associated SCR. The disconnected busbar structure is moved away from the transformer. The SCR is removed from the tank through the manhole opening and is lowered. The SCR is then conveyed from the transformer vault. A replacement SCR is moved to be adjacent the manhole opening and is then slid through the manhole opening and into the tank to a certain location. The busbar structure is moved so as to be associated with a replacement SCR and is connected to the replacement SCR. 1. A method of replacing a plurality of saturable core reactors (SCRs) in a rectifier power transformer disposed in a transformer vault at its operating , field location , the transformer having an oil-filled transformer tank that houses the SCRs , the tank having at least one manhole opening therein , a busbar structure being associated with each SCR , the method comprising the steps of:a) draining the oil from the tank,b) disconnecting a busbar structure from an associated SCR,c) moving the disconnected busbar structure away from the transformer,d) repeating steps b) to c) for each busbar structure,e) accessing the at least one manhole opening,f) removing a SCR from the tank through the at least one manhole opening,g) lowering the removed SCR,h) conveying the removed SCR from the transformer vault,i) repeating steps f) to h) for the other SCRs disposed in the tank,j) moving a replacement SCR to be adjacent the at least one manhole opening,k) sliding the replacement SCR through the at least one manhole opening and into the tank to a certain location,l) repeating steps j) to k) to place the other replacement SCRs in the tank,m) moving ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200279670A1

The invention relates to the use of a composition comprising a mixture of vegetable oil fatty acid esters as a dielectric fluid in an electrical apparatus.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180294068A1

An electrical device containing an enzymatically-degummed vegetable oil is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods for insulating and cooling a transformer using enzymatically-degummed vegetable oils, and methods for adding an enzymatically-degummed vegetable oil to an enclosure of an electrical device. Further disclosed are processes for making dielectric fluids using enzyme-degumming of vegetable oils or using enzyme-degummed vegetable oils as the starting material for the process. 1. A electrical device comprising:an enzymatically-degummed oil.2. (canceled)3crambevernonialesquerellajatrophajojoba. The electrical device of claim 2 , wherein the enzymatically-degummed oil is a vegetable oil comprising at least one of a rapeseed oil claim 2 , a corn oil claim 2 , a mustard oil claim 2 , an olive oil claim 2 , a palm oil claim 2 , a palm kernel oil claim 2 , a peanut oil claim 2 , a safflower oil claim 2 , a sesame oil claim 2 , a soybean oil claim 2 , a nut oil claim 2 , a cottonseed oil claim 2 , a oil claim 2 , a coconut oil claim 2 , a meadowfoam oil claim 2 , a oil claim 2 , a oil claim 2 , a oil claim 2 , a oil claim 2 , a grape seed oil claim 2 , a sunflower oil claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the electrical device is selected from the group consisting of a reactor claim 1 , a switchgear claim 1 , a regulator claim 1 , a tap changer compartment claim 1 , a high-voltage bushing claim 1 , an oil-filled cable claim 1 , a computer including an oil-filled computer housing claim 1 , and a transformer.5. A method of insulating and cooling a transformer claim 1 , the method comprising:filling a transformer enclosure to from about 80% to about 120% of capacity with an enzymatically-degummed oil.6. (canceled)7crambevernonialesquerellajatrophajojoba. The method of claim 5 , wherein the enzymatically-degummed oil is a vegetable oil comprising at least one of a rapeseed oil claim 5 , a corn oil claim 5 , a mustard oil claim 5 , an ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Intra-tank under-oil vacuum primary switches for medium voltage transformer applications

Номер: US20180301279A1
Принадлежит: Carte International Inc, Quality Switch Inc

A controllable primary switch for isolating a transformer from a power grid or network, wherein the controllable primary switch is mountable within and integral to the transformer and is electrically connected to high voltage feeder cables to allow the transformer to be disconnected from the power grid or network. The controllable primary switch includes one or more vacuum interrupters having first and second electrical switch contacts mounted inside the casing, actuator means for moving the second switch contact relative to the first switch contact in each of the one or more vacuum interrupters; and a handle connected to the actuator means, wherein said handle is capable of engaging the actuator means to move the second switch contact relative to the first switch contact.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

A Device Comprising A High Voltage Apparatus Including A Fluid And Equipment For Detecting One Or More Physical Properties Of The Fluid

Номер: US20160322151A1
Автор: Tommy Larsson
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

A device including a high voltage apparatus enclosing a fluid for providing cooling and/or electrical insulation of the apparatus, and a detector for one or more physical properties of the fluid positioned spaced apart from the housing. The device includes a pipe assembly for housing a fluid, whereby the pipe assembly is arranged between the detector equipment and the housing such that the fluid is extended without interruption in the pipe assembly. The fluid in the pipe assembly is in communication with the fluid in the housing, and the detector equipment is in direct communication with the fluid in the pipe assembly. The detector equipment is positioned below a top level of the housing and at a safe distance from the housing of the apparatus, which makes it possible to carry out inspection, testing, maintenance, and calibration of the detector equipment without taking the high voltage apparatus out of operation.

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150325332A1
Принадлежит: Cargill, Incorporated

An electrical device containing an enzymatically-degummed vegetable oil is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods for insulating and cooling a transformer using enzymatically-degummed vegetable oils, and methods for adding an enzymatic ally-degummed vegetable oil to an enclosure of an electrical device. Further disclosed are processes for making dielectric fluids using enzyme-degumming of vegetable oils or using enzyme-degummed vegetable oils as the starting material for the process. 1. A electrical device comprising:an enzymatically-degummed oil comprising at least one of a vegetable oil, an algal oil, and mixtures thereof.2. (canceled)3. The electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the vegetable oil comprises at least one of a rapeseed oil claim 1 , a corn oil claim 1 , a mustard oil claim 1 , an olive oil claim 1 , a palm oil claim 1 , a palm kernel oil claim 1 , a peanut oil claim 1 , a safflower oil claim 1 , a sesame oil claim 1 , a soybean oil claim 1 , a nut oil claim 1 , a cottonseed oil claim 1 , a crambe oil claim 1 , a coconut oil claim 1 , a meadowfoam oil claim 1 , a vernonia oil claim 1 , a lesquerella oil claim 1 , a jatropha oil claim 1 , a jojoba oil claim 1 , a grape seed oil claim 1 , a sunflower oil claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the electrical device is selected from the group consisting of a reactor claim 1 , a switchgear claim 1 , a regulator claim 1 , a tap changer compartment claim 1 , a high-voltage bushing claim 1 , an oil-filled cable claim 1 , a computer including an oil-filled computer housing claim 1 , and a transformer.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. A method of using an enzymatically-degummed oil comprising a vegetable oil claim 1 , and mixtures thereof claim 1 , the method comprising:adding an enzymatically-degummed oil to an enclosure of an electrical device.11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 4 , wherein the vegetable oil comprises at least one of a ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190304657A1

An electric transformer is provided. The electric transformer includes an electric transformer main body and a heat radiating portion including a pipe configured to introduce an insulating oil into the electric transformer main body so as to absorb heat generated from the electric transformer main body, and the pipe is provided with a fixing member to which a sensing member is coupled such that the sensing member is exposed to the inside of the pipe so as to detect a dissolved gas in the insulating oil. 1. An electric transformer , comprising:an electric transformer main body; anda heat radiating portion including a pipe configured to introduce an insulating oil into the electric transformer main body so as to absorb heat generated from the electric transformer main body, andwherein the pipe is provided with a fixing member to which a sensing member is coupled such that the sensing member is exposed to the inside of the pipe so as to detect a dissolved gas in the insulating oil.2. The electric transformer of claim 1 , whereinthe fixing member comprises:a head portion exposed to an outer surface of the pipe; anda body portion exposed to the inside of the pipe and provided with a exposure hole such that the insulating oil is in contact with the sensing member.3. The electric transformer of claim 2 , whereinthe head portion further comprises:an insertion hole into which the sensing member is inserted in a first direction.4. The electric transformer of claim 3 , whereinthe body portion further comprises:a coupling hole to which the sensing member inserted in the first direction is coupled.5. The electric transformer of claim 4 , whereinan inner surface of the coupling hole is provided with a thread to which the sensing member is screw-coupled.6. The electric transformer of claim 2 , whereinthe fixing member further comprises:a blocking plate inserted and fixed to the head portion to prevent backflow of the insulating oil when the sensing member is not coupled.7. The ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190304673A1

A method for controlling operation of transformer system includes receiving, by a controller unit, transformer data corresponding to a transformer. The transformer data includes a plurality of transformer input parameters and a plurality of transformer output parameters. The method further includes receiving, by a digital transformer unit, the plurality of transformer input parameters from the controller unit. The digital transformer unit is a real-time operational model of the transformer. The method also includes generating, by the digital transformer unit, a plurality of transformer output parameter estimates corresponding to the plurality of transformer output parameters. The method further includes controlling operation of the transformer, by the controller unit, based on at least one of the transformer data and the plurality of transformer output parameter estimates. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a controller unit, transformer data corresponding to a transformer, wherein the transformer data comprises a plurality of transformer input parameters and a plurality of transformer output parameters;receiving, by a digital transformer unit, the plurality of transformer input parameters from the controller unit, wherein the digital transformer unit is a real-time operational model of the transformer;generating, by the digital transformer unit, a plurality of transformer output parameter estimates corresponding to the plurality of transformer output parameters; andcontrolling operation of the transformer, by the controller unit, based on at least one of the transformer data and the plurality of transformer output parameter estimates.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transformer data further comprises environmental data claim 1 , design data claim 1 , operational data claim 1 , historical data claim 1 , inspection data related to the transformer claim 1 , data from name plate information claim 1 , a temperature claim 1 , a leakage current claim 1 , a partial ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Transformer With Hinged Cooling Module

Номер: US20170316861A1
Автор: Christian Ettl
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An electrical appliance for connection to a high-voltage grid has a housing which can be filled with insulating liquid and in which there is arranged a core with at least one winding. A cooling module for cooling the insulating liquid is connected to the housing via attachment lines. The electrical appliance is inexpensive and can be quickly transported and quickly set in operation on site, in that the novel cooling module is fastened to the housing by way of a hook connection.

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170316862A1

An electrical appliance for connection to a high-voltage network has a housing that is fillable with an insulating liquid, in which housing a core with at least one winding is arranged, and a bushing plug-in socket fixed to the housing and a high-voltage bushing insertable into the bushing plug-in socket. The electrical appliance is also able to be used at higher voltages, in that the high-voltage bushing has a fixing section, with which the high-voltage bushing can be fixed to the housing and/or to the bushing plug-in socket and from which the high-voltage bushing extends with a column section in a longitudinal direction over a length L towards a high-voltage terminal. The length L is greater than three meters. 16- (canceled)7. An electrical appliance for connection to a high-voltage network , the electrical appliance comprising:a housing to be filled with insulating liquid, and a core with at least one winding disposed in said housing;a bushing plug-in socket fixed to said housing; and{'b': 2', '2, 'a high-voltage bushing configured for insertion into said bushing plug-in socket, said high-voltage bushing including a fixing section for affixing said high-voltage bushing to one or both of said housing or said bushing plug-in socket and a column section extending from said fixing section in a longitudinal direction over a length L towards a high-voltage terminal, said length L being greater than three meters.'}811. The electrical appliance according to claim 7 , wherein said high-voltage bushing claim 7 , introduced into said bushing plug-in socket claim 7 , extends with a plug-in section in the longitudinal direction into said bushing plug-in socket over a length L claim 7 , said length L being less than 600 mm.9. The electrical appliance according to claim 7 , wherein said bushing plug-in socket comprises a fixing section for fixing to said housing claim 7 , a hollow receiving section made of an electrically non-conductive insulating material extends from said ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Replacement Transformer With Modular Construction

Номер: US20170316864A1

A configuration for the rapid replacement of a faulty multiphase transformer includes a plurality of single-phase transformers each of which has a housing filled with an insulating fluid and in which a core having a higher-voltage and a lower-voltage winding is disposed. At least one bushing socket is connected by a winding connection lead extending within the housing to the higher-voltage or lower-voltage winding. At least one high-voltage feed-through or bushing can be inserted into the bushing socket and a cooling module, which can be detachably connected to the housing and is filled with insulating fluid, cools the insulating fluid. 114-. (canceled)15. A configuration for replacing a multiphase transformer , the configuration comprising:a plurality of single-phase transformers each including a housing filled with an insulating fluid and a core having a higher-voltage and a lower-voltage winding disposed in said housing;at least one bushing socket connected by a winding connection lead extending within said housing to said higher-voltage or lower-voltage winding;at least one high-voltage bushing being insertable into said at least one bushing socket; anda cooling module to be detachably connected to said housing and being filled with the insulating fluid for cooling the insulating fluid.16. The configuration according to claim 15 , wherein both of said housing and said cooling module have at least one cooling fluid inlet and at least one cooling fluid outlet to be connected to one another for an exchange of insulating fluid claim 15 , and said at least one cooling fluid outlet and said at least one cooling fluid inlet each being equipped with a respective fluid-tight closing valve.17. The configuration according to claim 16 , which further comprises an intermediate piece for a fluid-tight connection of said at least one cooling fluid outlet and said at least one cooling fluid inlet claim 16 , said intermediate piece delimiting a connecting channel and having a ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170330670A1

A toroidal magnetic element. A plurality of coils is arranged in a toroidal configuration. Each coil may be a hollow cylinder, formed by winding a rectangular wire into a roll. The coils alternate with spacers, each of which may be a wedge. The coils may alternate in winding orientation, and the inner end of each coil may be connected, through a connection pin, to the inner end of an adjacent coil. Small gaps are formed between the coils and the wedges, e.g. as a result of each wedge having, on its two faces, a plurality of raised ribs, against which the coils abut. Cooling fluid flows through the gaps to cool the coils. 1. A magnetic element , comprising:a first electrically conductive coil, having a first annular surface and a second annular surface;a first electrically insulating spacer having a first flat face and a second flat face, the first flat face being separated from the first annular surface by a first gap;a fluid inlet; anda fluid outlet,wherein a fluid path extends from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet through the first gap.2. The magnetic element of claim 1 , wherein the first coil is a hollow cylindrical coil claim 1 , and the first electrically insulating spacer is a first wedge.3. The magnetic element of claim 2 , further comprising a second hollow cylindrical coil claim 2 , the second coil having a first annular surface forming a second gap with the second flat face of the first wedge.4. The magnetic element of claim 3 , wherein the first coil has an outer end and an inner end claim 3 , and the second coil has an outer end and an inner end connected to the inner end of the first coil claim 3 , and wherein a contribution to a magnetic field at the center of the first coil claim 3 , from a current flowing through both coils in series claim 3 , is in the same direction as a contribution to the magnetic field from the current flowing through the second coil.5. The magnetic element of claim 4 , comprising a plurality of pairs of coils including the ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200317237A1

An electrical device for connection to a high-voltage supply system includes a fluid-tight tank which is filled with an insulating fluid and in which a core is surrounded by a winding at least in sections. A cooling unit is connected to the tank and a pump circulates the insulating fluid of the tank through the cooling unit. A measuring sensor is provided for detecting vibrations of the pump while providing time-triggered vibration measurement values. A protection unit is connected to the measuring sensor and is configured to receive and convert the time-triggered vibration measurement values into frequency-triggered vibration values. The protection unit analyzes the frequency-triggered vibration values with the aid of a previously determined logic for the existence of a fault criterion and is configured to generate a warning signal in the event that a fault criterion is determined. 113-. (canceled)14. An electrical device for connection to a high-voltage supply system , the electrical device comprising:a fluid-tight tank to be filled with an insulating fluid;a core disposed in said tank and a winding partially enclosing said core;a cooling unit connected to said tank;a pump for circulating the insulating fluid of said tank through said cooling unit;a measuring sensor for detecting vibrations of said pump and providing time-triggered vibration measured values; anda protection unit connected to said measuring sensor and configured for receiving and converting the time-triggered vibration measured values into frequency-triggered vibration values, said protection unit analyzing the frequency-triggered vibration values for an existence of a fault criterion by using previously determined logic, and said protection unit configured to generate a warning signal upon determining a fault criterion.15. The electrical device according to claim 14 , which further comprises a display unit connected to said protection unit.16. The electrical device according to claim 14 , wherein ...
