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20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2560523C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в трансформаторах. Технический результат состоит в упрощении конструкции и эксплуатации. Станок (10) предназначен для изготовления набираемых пластин (4) магнитного сердечника (6). Пластины выполнены из магнитного полосового материала (2). Станок (10) содержит первый электромеханический кулачковый привод для приведения в действие загибающего устройства, которое изгибает полосовой материал (2), и второй электромеханический кулачковый привод для приведения в действие режущего устройства, которое разрезает полосовой материал (2). Загибающее и режущее устройства выполнены с возможностью приведения в действие независимо друг от друга между самым верхним положением и самым нижним положением. Загибающее устройство может содержать гибочную плиту (130), содержащую соответствующий загибающий брусок (150) для изгиба указанного полосового материала (2). Режущее устройство может содержать гильотинную плиту (230), содержащую соответствующее ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571095C2

Изобретение относится к узлу листового пакета электрического генератора, в частности генератора безредукторной ветроэнергетической установки, а также к способу изготовления узла листового пакета. Технический результат - улучшение отвода тепла узла листового пакета. Узел листового пакета электрического генератора, в частности генератора безредукторной ветроэнергетической установки, содержит по меньшей мере один листовой пакет, по меньшей мере одну расположенную вокруг листового пакета обмотку. Между листовым пакетом и обмоткой расположено электрическое изоляционное средство. Изоляционное средство содержит композиционный материал для пропускания возникающего в обмотке тепла. При этом изоляционное средство содержит керамические частицы. 4 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458423C2
Принадлежит: УЛВАК, ИНК. (JP)

Раскрыт способ изготовления постоянного магнита с Dy или Tb, продиффундировавшими в кристаллическую зернограничную фазу спеченного магнита (S). Этот способ не содержит предварительной стадии очистки поверхности спеченного магнита перед сцеплением Dy и/или Tb с поверхностью спеченного магнита, и поэтому производительность улучшается. Получение спеченного магнита с высокими магнитными свойствами за короткий период времени является техническим результатом предложенного изобретения. В частности, спеченный магнит (S) на основе железа-бора-редкоземельного элемента располагают в рабочей камере (20), которую нагревают до определенной температуры, испаряя испаряющийся материал (V), который размещен в той же самой или другой рабочей камере и состоит из гидрида, содержащего по меньшей мере один из Dy и Tb. Испаренный испаряющийся материал сцепляется с поверхностью спеченного магнита, и атомы металла Dy и/или Tb в сцепляющемся испаряющемся материале диффундируют в кристаллическую зернограничную фазу ...

06-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621497C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии. Для обеспечения низких потерь в железе и небольших колебаний значения потерь в железе способ изготовления листа из текстурированной электротехнической стали включает стадии горячей прокатки исходного стального материала, содержащего, мас.%: C 0,002-0,10, Si 2,0-8,0, Mn 0,005-1,0 и остальное Fe и неизбежные примеси, при необходимости отжиг в зоне горячих состояний, холодную прокатку для получения холоднокатаного листа конечной толщины, отжиг первичной рекристаллизации в сочетании с обезуглероживающим отжигом, нанесение отжигового сепаратора на поверхность стального листа и окончательный отжиг, при этом в процессе нагрева под отжиг первичной рекристаллизации выполняют нагрев со скоростью не менее 50°C/с в области температур 200-700°C и стальной лист выдерживают при любой температуре 250-600°C в вышеуказанной области в течение 1-10 с, а отжиг первичной рекристаллизации проводят при 750-900°C с выдержкой 90-180 секунд в атмосфере с P/P, составляющим ...

13-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697266C2

Изобретение относится к спеченному магниту на основе R-Fe-B и к способу его получения. Спеченный магнит R-Fe-B состоит в основном из 12-17 ат.% Nd, Pr и R, 0,1-3 ат.% M, 0,05-0,5 ат.% M, 4,8+2*m - 5,9+2*m ат.% B, и остальное - Fe, содержащий интерметаллическое соединение R(Fe,(Co))B в качестве основной фазы и имеющий структуру сердечник/оболочка, в которой основная фаза покрыта фазами границ зерен. Спеченный магнит имеет средний размер зерен менее 6 мкм, кристаллическую ориентацию более 98% и уровень намагниченности более 96%. Изобретение позволяет создавать спеченный магнит с коэрцитивной силой, по меньшей мере, 10 кЭ, несмотря на низкое или нулевое содержание Dy, Tb и Ho. 3 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 4 табл.

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2351031C2

Изобретение относится к получению магнитопровода. Магнитопровод с линейной В-Н петлей и высокой регулируемостью переменного и постоянного тока, относительной магнитной проницаемостью 500-15000 и магнитострикцией насыщения меньше 15 ppm выполнен из нанокристаллического ферромагнитного сплава, представленного следующей формулой FeaCobNicCudMeSIfBgXh, где М - по меньшей мере, один из V, Nb, Та, Ti, Mo, W, Zr, Cr, Mn и Hf, Х - Р, Ge, С, а также промышленные примеси. При этом а, b, с, d, e, f, g, h удовлетворяют следующим условиям, ат.%: 0≤b≤40, 2 Подробнее

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662798C2
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат состоит в уменьшении габаритов за счет увеличения магнитного потока. Линейное электромагнитное устройство (200), такое как элемент (202) индуктивности, трансформатор или аналогичное устройство, содержит сердечник, обеспечивающий создание магнитного потока (106) и (108). Сквозь сердечник (204) выполнено отверстие (208). Устройство содержит первый проводник (212), размещенный в отверстии (208) и проходящий через сердечник (204). Первый проводник (212) имеет по существу квадратное или прямоугольное (206) поперечное сечение. Электрический ток, протекающий через первый проводник (212), создает магнитное поле вокруг первого проводника (212), возбуждающее магнитный поток в сердечнике (204). 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613331C2
Принадлежит: ХЕГАНЕС АБ (ПАБЛ) (SE)

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат состоит в повышении производительности. Сердечник катушки индуктивности выполнен из прессованного магнитомягкого порошкового материала и содержит опорный участок сердечника, имеющий первую поверхность и противоположную вторую поверхность; внутренний участок сердечника, продолжающийся от первой поверхности в направлении, поперечном первой поверхности; внешний участок сердечника, продолжающийся в направлении, поперечном первой поверхности, от первой поверхности к торцевой поверхности внешнего участка сердечника. Внешний участок сердечника по меньшей мере частично окружает его внутренний участок, формируя таким образом пространство вокруг внутреннего участка для размещения обмотки. Первая поверхность содержит выемку для размещения соединительного участка обмотки, продолжающуюся на по меньшей мере часть расстояния между внутренним и внешним участками сердечника. Внешний участок имеет щель, продолжающуюся от упомянутой торцевой поверхности ...

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2490367C2
Принадлежит: УЛВАК, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к испаряющемуся материалу и способу его получения, который может быть использован при изготовлении магнитов с повышенной коэрцитивной силой. Упомянутый испаряющийся материал содержит сердцевину, выполненную из тугоплавкого металла с теплоемкостью на единицу объема по меньшей мере 2 МДж/К·ми имеющую сквозные отверстия. Сердцевина покрыта редкоземельным металлом или его сплавом путем расплавления редкоземельного металла или его сплава, погружения сердцевины в расплавленную ванну редкоземельного металла или его сплава, извлечения сердцевины из нее и затвердевания расплавленного редкоземельного металла или его сплава на поверхности сердцевины. Способ получения упомянутого испаряющегося материала включает формирование затвердевшего тела из редкоземельного металла или его сплава путем расплавления редкоземельного металла или его сплава, погружения основы, выполненной из тугоплавкого металла, имеющего теплоемкость на единицу объема по меньшей мере 2 МДж/К·м, в расплавленную ...

11-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2805169C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике.Технический результат заключается в уменьшении потерь в сердечнике. Ленточный сердечник, содержащий участок, в котором листы текстурированной электротехнической стали, в которых плоские участки и изогнутые участки являются попеременно непрерывными в продольном направлении, уложены поверх друг друга в направлении толщины листа. Ленточный сердечник сформирован посредством укладки листов текстурированной электротехнической стали, которые отдельно изогнуты, слоями и собраны в ленточную форму. Когда средняя длина криволинейного элемента для придания шероховатости в направлении ширины, пересекающем продольное направление, формирующее поверхность изогнутого участка листа текстурированной электротехнической стали, составляет RSm(b), и средняя длина криволинейного элемента для придания шероховатости в направлении ширины, формирующем поверхность плоского участка листа текстурированной электротехнической стали, составляет RSm(s), находятся в соотношении 1,00< ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2593435C1

Использование: для контроля стального листа. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что устройство для контроля стального листа содержит магнитооптический элемент, способный определять в качестве оптической характеристики структуру магнитных доменов стального листа, световой источник для облучения магнитооптического элемента линейно поляризованным светом, детектор для обнаружения линейно поляризованного света с плоскостью поляризации, вращающейся в соответствии со структурой магнитных доменов стального листа, которая передается магнитооптическому элементу, и механизм привода для приведения в действие по меньшей мере магнитооптического элемента таким образом, чтобы приводить в контакт стальной лист и магнитооптический элемент, а также отделять их друг от друга. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности повышения выхода продукции посредством осуществления визуального наблюдения и проверки структуры магнитного домена стального листа непосредственно после выполнения процесса измельчения ...

11-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676753C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к способу изготовления катушки индуктивности. Технический результат состоит в предотвращении повышения температуры обмотки катушки индуктивности при склеивании вместе двух сегментов сердечника. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в катушке индуктивности содержится первый сегмент сердечника и второй сегмент сердечника, на которых расположены обмотки. Сегменты сердечника расположены таким образом, что обращены друг к другу с неотвержденным клеем, который зажат между этими сегментами сердечника. Нагревательный сердечник расположен таким образом, что одна оконечность его обращена к первому сегменту сердечника, а другая оконечность обращена ко второму сегменту сердечника. При этом генерирование тепла в первом сегменте сердечника и втором сегменте сердечника происходит посредством переменного магнитного потока, а склеивание вместе первого сегмента сердечника и второго сегмента сердечника происходит путем повышения температуры ...

19-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746618C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения листа из стойкой при отжиге для снятия напряжений текстурированной кремнистой стали. Проводят выплавку чугуна для кремнистой стали, выплавку стали, непрерывную разливку, горячую прокатку, одиночную или двойную холодную прокатку с последующим обезуглероживающим отжигом. На поверхность стали наносят покрытие из разделительного реагента на основе MgO, проводят высокотемпературный отжиг, наносят изолирующее покрытие и выполняют горячее протягивание, дрессировку и отжиг с получением листа из текстурированной кремнистой стали. С помощью сканирования импульсным лазером формируют насечки на одной или обеих поверхностях полученного стального листа. Насечки формируют параллельно друг другу в направлении прокатки стального листа. Сканирование импульсным лазером проводят при ширине периода времени одиночного импульса импульсного лазера, составляющей 100 нс или меньше, пиковой плотности энергии одиночного импульса, составляющей 0,05 Дж/см2или больше, плотности ...

25-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741403C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении потерь в железе трансформатора. В текстурированном листе из электротехнической стали, используемом для изготовления ленточного сердечника трансформатора, толщина t стального листа и степень ухудшения потерь в железе, получаемая при намагничивании стального листа по эллиптической траектории и определяемая формулой ((WA-WB)/WB)×100, удовлетворяют следующим отношениям: когда толщина листа t ≤ 0,20 мм, степень ухудшения потерь в железе составляет не более 60%; когда 0,20 мм < толщина листа t < 0,27 мм, степень ухудшения потерь в железе составляет не более 55%; и когда 0,27 мм ≤ толщина листа t, степень ухудшения потерь в железе составляет не более 50%. WA- потери в железе при намагничивании по эллиптической траектории, частота 50 Гц, магнитный поток 1,7 Тл в направлении RD (направление прокатки) и магнитный поток 0,6 Тл в направлении TD (направление, перпендикулярное направлению прокатки), и WB- потери в ...

27-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005124783A

... 1. Магнитный композит для работы на переменном токе, включающий совокупность поддающихся намагничиванию металлических микроламеллярных частиц, каждая из которых имеет верхнюю и нижнюю поверхности и противоположные концы, причем на указанные верхнюю и нижнюю поверхности нанесено диэлектрическое покрытие для увеличения удельного электрического сопротивления композита и уменьшения потерь на вихревые токи, отличающийся тем, что указанное покрытие изготовлено из тугоплавкого материала, а указанные концы ламеллярных частиц металлургически связаны друг с другом для уменьшения потерь на гистерезис в композите. 2. Магнитный композит по п.1, отличающийся тем, что это магнитно-мягкий композит с коэрцитивной силой менее 500 А/м. 3. Магнитный композит по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанное покрытие изготовлено из материала, стабильного при температуре по меньшей мере 1000°С. 4. Магнитный композит по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанное покрытие изготовлено из по меньшей мере одного оксида металла.

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006127438A

... 1. Состав порошка, состоящий из частиц мягкого магнитного материала железного порошка или порошка на основе железа, причем упомянутые частицы железного порошка или порошка на основе железа обеспечивают электрически изолирующим слоем, и из 0,05-2 мас.% смазочного материала, выбранного из группы, состоящей из первичных амидов насыщенных или ненасыщенных сильных жирных кислот, имеющих 12-24 атомов углерода. 2. Состав по п.1, в котором жирная кислота имеет 14-22 атомов углерода. 3. Состав по п.1, отличающийся тем, что амид жирной кислоты выбирают из группы, состоящей из амида стеариновой кислоты, амида олеиновой кислоты, амида бегеновой кислоты, амида эруковой кислоты, амида пальмитиновой кислоты. 4. Состав по п.1, дополнительно включающий в себя сульфид полифенилена. 5. Состав по п.4, в котором сульфид полифенилена используют в количестве 0, 05-2,0% масс. 6. Состав по п.3, в котором амид жирной кислоты присутствует в количестве 0,05-1. 7. Состав по п.1, в котором электрически изолирующий слой ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011118203A

... 1. Испаряющийся материал, содержащий сердцевину, выполненную из тугоплавкого металла и имеющую множество сквозных отверстий, причем сердцевина имеет редкоземельный металл или его сплав, который расплавлен, налип на сердцевину и затвердел на ней. ! 2. Испаряющийся материал по п.1, при этом редкоземельный металл или его сплав, налипший на сердцевину, образован погружением сердцевины в расплавленную ванну редкоземельного металла или его сплава и извлечением сердцевины из нее. ! 3. Испаряющийся материал по п.1, при этом редкоземельный металл представляет собой элемент, выбранный из группы, состоящей из тербия, диспрозия и гольмия. ! 4. Испаряющийся материал по п.2, при этом редкоземельный металл представляет собой элемент, выбранный из группы, состоящей из тербия, диспрозия и гольмия. ! 5. Испаряющийся материал по любому из пп.1-4, при этом тугоплавкий металл представляет собой элемент, выбранный из группы, состоящей из ниобия, молибдена, тантала, титана, ванадия и вольфрама. ! 6. Испаряющийся ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014107003A

... 1. Электрическая машина (1, 51, 101), содержащая:- первый магнитный полюс (2), который имеет систему слоев, которая содержит магнитно активные слои (3) с общим объемом V,- второй магнитный полюс (4), при этом первый магнитный полюс (2) и второй магнитный полюс (4) установлены подвижно относительно друг друга, и- зазор (5), который имеет длину lв направлении, параллельном одному из слоев, от ограничивающего зазор (5) конца первого магнитного полюса (2) до ограничивающего зазор (5) конца второго магнитного полюса (4),- электрический проводник (6) в качестве связного элемента между контуром (7) электрического тока и магнитным контуром (8),при этом в один рабочий момент времени магнитный контур (8) содержит первый магнитный полюс (2), зазор (5) длиной lи второй магнитный полюс (4), через которые проходит общий магнитный полезный поток для электромеханического преобразования энергии, отличающаяся тем, что система содержит магнитно не активные слои (9) с общим объемом V, которые имеют меньшую ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012123401A

... 1. Ламинированный сердечник (1-2) статора или ротора комбинированного радиально-упорного магнитного подшипника с распределенными постоянными магнитами или распределенными электрическими токами, в котором вышеупомянутый ламинированный сердечник (1-2) содержит плотно упакованный пакет из отдельных плоских пластин (10-11-12), изготовленных из магнитомягкого материала, которые имеют топологическое свойство, заключающееся в том, что они гомотопически эквивалентны шару для создания, по меньшей мере, одного физического прерывания (9) контура циркуляции вихревых токов в плоскости пластин ламинированного сердечника, при этом вышеупомянутый плотно упакованный пакет обладает топологическим свойством, заключающемся в том, что он гомотопически эквивалентен кольцу для обеспечения магнитной симметрии, а, по меньшей мере, одно физическое прерывание (9) заполнено электрически изолирующим материалом (14), характеризующийся тем, что- вышеупомянутое, по меньшей мере, одно физическое прерывание (9) в каждой ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013134252A

... 1. Композитный порошок на основе железа, включающий частицы-ядра с оболочкой из первого, фосфорсодержащего слоя и второго слоя, содержащего силикат щелочного металла в сочетании с глинистым минералом, содержащим листовой силикат, комбинированным кремний-кислородным тетраэдрическим слоем и октаэдрическими гидроксидными слоями, в целом образующими электрически нейтральную структуру.2. Композитный порошок на основе железа по п.1, где глубина фосфорсодержащего слоя составляет от 20 до 300 нм.3. Композитный порошок на основе железа по п.1, где фосфорсодержащий слой получен в результате контакта между частицами-ядрами и фосфорным соединением в растворителе с последующим удалением растворителя путем сушки.4. Композитный порошок на основе железа по п.2, где фосфорсодержащий слой получен в результате контакта между частицами-ядрами и фосфорным соединением в растворителе с последующим удалением растворителя путем сушки.5. Композитный порошок на основе железа по п.3, где фосфорное соединение - это ...

31-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2812447C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении шума в сердечнике при изгибе стального листа. Ленточный сердечник (10) включает в себя участок, в котором листы (1) текстурированной электротехнической стали, в которых плоские участки (4) и изогнутые участки (5) являются попеременно непрерывными в продольном направлении, уложены поверх друг друга в направлении толщины листа, и сформированный посредством укладки листов (1) текстурированной электротехнической стали, которые отдельно изогнуты, слоями, и собраны в ленточную форму. При этом, когда средняя высота криволинейного элемента для придания шероховатости в направлении ширины, пересекающем продольное направление, формирующее поверхность изогнутого участка (5) листа (1) текстурированной электротехнической стали, составляет Ra(b), и средняя высота криволинейного элемента для придания шероховатости в направлении ширины, формирующем поверхность плоского участка (4) листа (1) текстурированной электротехнической ...

22-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2811988C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат заключается в минимизации растрескивания в изогнутых участках листов текстурированной электротехнической стали во время изгиба стальных листов, предотвращении царапин на поверхности стальных листов либо отслаивания или осыпания покрытия на поверхности и улучшении фиксируемости формы. В этом способе изготовления ленточного сердечника по меньшей мере один изогнутый участок (5) одного или более уложенных слоями листов (1) текстурированной электротехнической стали формируется таким образом, что одна сторона (1b) стального листа (1) размещается и ограничивается на матрице (30), а пуансон (40) прижимается против изгибаемого участка (1a) стального листа (1) на другой свободной концевой стороне в направлении толщины (T) стального листа. Внешние поверхности матрицы и пуансона имеют дугообразный участок (30a, 40a), имеющий заданную кривизну, и когда толщина стального листа (1) составляет T, углы изгиба изогнутых участков (5) составляют ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Proportionalsolenoid, Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben und Verfahren zum Steuern von Eigenschaften des Proportionalsolenoids

Номер: DE112018002646T5
Принадлежит: HITACHI METALS LTD, Hitachi Metals, Ltd.

Ein Proportionalsolenoid (100) der vorliegenden Erfindung weist ein röhrenförmiges Element (101) auf, bei dem ein erster magnetischer Bereich (12a), der vorwiegend eine Ferritstruktur aufweist, ein erster halbmagnetischer Bereich (14a), der an einer von einer adsorptiven Oberfläche (11b) beabstandeten Position vorhanden ist, wobei der erste halbmagnetische Bereich eine Ferritstruktur, eine Martensitstruktur und eine Austenitstruktur aufweist, und ein nichtmagnetischer Bereich (13), der an einer Position vorhanden ist, die weiter von der adsorptiven Oberfläche beabstandet ist als der halbmagnetische Bereich, wobei der nichtmagnetische Bereich vorwiegend eine Austenitstruktur aufweist, durchgehend und einstückig ausgebildet sind.

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016107295A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine elektromagnetische Drehstromdrosselspule (300) zur Verwendung in einem Stromsystem mit drei Phasen (U, V, W), umfassend einen ferromagnetischen Drosselkern (310), wobei der ferromagnetische Drosselkern drei Kernschenkel (322, 324, 326) jeweils zum Aufnehmen einer von drei Primärwicklungen (L1, L2, L3) einer der Phasen (U, V, W) und zwei Rückflussschenkel (320, 328) zum Führen einer unsymmetrischen Magnetkomponente aufweist, wobei die zwei Rückflussschenkel (320, 328) bewickelt sind.

03-03-1994 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Impedanz-Einstellung einer Drossel

Номер: DE0004228642A1

The invention relates to a choke coil, the impedance of which can be matched within certain limits to a predetermined impedance, and a process for setting the impedance of the choke coil of the invention. The choke coil of the invention can be used, for instance, in fluorescent lamp ballasts. The core stack of the choke coil is constructed in layers with each layer made up of two C-shaped and one I-shaped lamination. The ends of the C-shaped lamination are in opposite pairs and bonded together on one side. The ends of the C-shaped laminations opposite the bonded ends have a stop device which ensures that, after these ends have been pressed together, they are at a fixed distance apart determined by the compressive force. The impedance of the choke coil can be matched to a predetermined value by pressing the C-shaped laminations of the core stack together.

05-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003170319D1

03-05-2007 дата публикации

Magnetpulver-Herstellungsverfahren, Magnetpulver und Verbundmagnete

Номер: DE0060127353D1

15-01-1970 дата публикации

Induktive Wicklung mit ferromagnetischem Kreis

Номер: DE0001934762A1

22-05-2013 дата публикации

Receiving device with coil of electric line for receiving a magnetic field and for producing electric energy by magnetic induction

Номер: GB0201306401D0

12-02-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in magnetic cores for electrical apparatus

Номер: GB0000209728A

... 209,728. Richard, J. M. A., and Gilbert, L. Jan. 0, 1923, [Convention date]. Void [Published under Sect. 91 of the Act]. Transformers. - The core comprises an endless band of iron wound upon itself as shown in Fig. 1. The magnetic layers may be insulated with varnish or with a strip of varnished paper wound on with the iron, and the core is secured by rivets, metal bands, hooks, &c.

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Transferring electric energy to a vehicle by induction

Номер: GB0201019800D0

20-04-2016 дата публикации

An embedded magnetic component Device

Номер: GB0002531354A

A transformer device embedded in an insulating substrate with a cavity for housing a magnetic core, which may be a toroidal shape, and comprising an electrical winding around the core. Portions of the winding are on the first and second main surfaces of the substrate and comprise conductive traces, and by the use of conductive connectors are connected through the substrate itself to surround the magnetic core. The outer conductive connectors are made up of first 411 and second 411a sets of conductive connectors that connect through the substrate. The second set of connectors 411a are situated further from the core than the first set of connectors. The conductive traces may be curved.

13-12-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001299953A

... 1299953 Valves GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 18 Feb 1970 [27 Feb 1969] 7878/70 Heading F2V [Also in Division B2] A valve assembly 80 comprises a rotatable plate 260 secured to a dial plate 170 which plate can rotate relative to a fixed plate 262 to which are coupled conduits 263, 264, 267. Formed in the fixed plate assembly 262 is a relatively short arcuate groove 269 which can communicate with pipe 78a. A long arcuate groove 270 connects a high pressure fluid source 266 to pipes 78, 78a, 78b, 78c. Also formed in the freed plate 262 are two spaced circular grooves 271, 272 each of which is in communication with one of the heat exchanger conduits 267. The plate 260 is formed with four holes communicating with groove 271 and four holes communicating with groove 27 which can be connected together to provide cooling circuits through the heat exchanger 268.

23-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009119558D0

10-04-2019 дата публикации

An embedded magnetic component device

Номер: GB0002535762B

22-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001501676A

... 1501676 Making laminated cores SIEMENS AG 26 Sept 1975 [30 Sept 1974] 39628/75 Heading B3A [Also in Division H1] A method of manufacturing electromagnetic components consisting of a laminated core and a winding comprises coating laminations with an adhesive resin, passing them in a stack through a heating zone to soften the resin and then through a cooling zone to harden the resin causing the laminations to adhere to one another, thereafter removing assemblies of required length from the stack, providing each assembly with a winding, impregnating the assemblies and windings with curable resin and heat treating to cure the resin. The laminations may be stamped from sheet metal which is precoated with adhesive, either entirely or with strips left uncoated at predetermined spacings so that the laminations at the end of each core in the stack have no adhesive or a reduced amount between them, thus facilitating separation. A polyester resin may be used both for the impregnation resin and the ...

06-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001534724A

... 1534724 Bobbins SONY CORP 17 March 1976 [19 March 1975] 10760/76 Heading B8M [Also in Divisions B3 and H2] Windings 15 for the stator of an electric motor are formed independently of the core of the stator and comprise a bobbin 12 formed of synthetic resin having a predetermined number of turns of wire wound thereon in a conventional winding machine.

20-11-1986 дата публикации

Transformer of distribution to rolled up magnetic circuit.

Номер: OA0000007877A

31-05-1981 дата публикации

Method for realization of inductive circuits.

Номер: OA0000005851A

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA679873A

15-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA667972A

15-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA973776A

15-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512064A1

The invention relates to a heavy-current transformer (12), in particular for a power source (10) for providing a welding current of a resistance welding device (1), comprising at least one primary winding (13) and at least one secondary winding (14) having a center tap. The invention also relates to a transformer element, a contact plate (29) and a secondary winding (14) for such a heavy-current transformer (12), and to a method for the production thereof. In order to reduce losses and improve the efficiency, at least four contacts (20, 21, 22, 23) are provided for forming a multi-point contacting, said contacts (20, 21, 22, 23) being formed by four contact surfaces, within which the at least one primary winding (13) and the at least one secondary winding (14) are arranged in a series/parallel circuit.

15-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510819A2

Magnetischer Kern, insbesondere Kern eines Transformators, der aus einem Blechpaket (1) gebildet ist, wobei der Kern (10) benachbart zueinander liegende Blechstreifen (2, 2') aufweist, zwischen denen in einem Randbereich (5) eine elektrische Isolation (4) ausgebildet ist, durch welche eine randseitige Aufspreizung (8) der benachbart zueinander liegenden Blechstreifen (2, 2') bewirkt ist.

15-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000667972A

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000134067T

15-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000038736T

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Flow distributors for electrochemical separation

Номер: AU2011326019B2

An electrochemical separation system may be modular and may include at least a first modular unit and a second modular unit. Each modular unit may include a cell stack and a frame. The frame may include a manifold system. A flow distribution system in the frame may enhance current efficiency. Spacers positioned between modular units may also enhance current efficiency of the system ...

30-01-1997 дата публикации

Adjustable-impedance choke coil

Номер: AU0000675238B2

26-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002781203A1

A support frame for an electrical transformer assembly, comprising two loop-shaped parts, each loop-shaped part having a plurality of limbs, each limb having a peripheral recessed portion in which a primary electrical coil is mountable, and at least one secondary coil is mountable in piggyback on the primary electrical coil, one limb of each loop-shaped part having a straight section. The frame also includes an adjustable attaching means for attaching one of the loop-shaped parts with respect to the other loop-shaped part and adjusting a distance therebetween, so that only the straight sections are adjacent and form a central leg, the central leg being for receiving a magnetic core distinct from the attaching means. The frame provides a means and a method to efficiently secure adjacent windings in a circular core transformer kernel.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131672A1

The present invention provides a rotating electrical machine using a laminated core in which electrical steel sheets following punching are adhered together with high adhesive strength. Specifically provided is a laminated core comprising a plurality of electrical steel sheets that are laminated together and have both sides coated with an insulating coating, and adhesion sections that are disposed between electrical steel sheets adjacent in the lamination direction and adhere together the electrical steel sheets, wherein all of the groups of electrical steel sheets adjacent in the lamination direction are adhered by an adhesion section, the adhesion sections are provided at a plurality sites between the electrical steel sheets, and the adhesion sections are each a layer formed from an adhesive which contains one or both from among an acrylic resin and an epoxy resin and has an SP value of 7.8-10.7 (cal/cm3)1/2.

02-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA973695A

18-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001029534A1

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003088327A1
Принадлежит: MILLMAN IP INC.

Disclosed is a stress relief annealing resisting method for manufacturing a low-iron-loss oriented silicon steel, the method comprising: carrying out, by means of a pulse laser, scanning grooving on a single surface or two surfaces of a silicon steel sheet after cold rolling, decarburizing annealing, high temperature annealing or after hot-drawing flattening annealing, and forming several grooves parallel with each other in a rolling direction of the silicon steel sheet, wherein a single pulse laser time width of the pulse laser is less than or equal to 100 ns, and a single pulse peak energy density is greater than or equal to 0.05 J/cm2; the energy density of a single scan of a single laser beam is 1 J/cm2-100 J/cm2; a beam spot of the pulse laser is a single beam spot or a combination of a plurality of beams spots, the shape of the beam spot is circular or elliptic, and the diameter of the beam spot in a scanning direction is 5 µm1 mm, and the diameter thereof in a direction perpendicular ...

11-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002997245C

This laminated core manufacturing device is provided with a stacking unit which stacks multiple laminated core materials, an edge position correcting unit, a floating preventing unit, and a punching unit. The edge position correcting unit aligns the edge positions of multiple laminated core materials with respect to each other, and corrects edge position misalignment of the multiple laminated core materials with respect to a standard edge position. The floating preventing unit prevents floating up of the multiple laminated core materials, the edge positions of which have been aligned and the edge position misalignment of which has been corrected by the edge position correcting unit. The punching unit punches the multiple laminated core materials, which have been stacked by the stacking unit and which have undergone processing by the edge position correcting unit and processing by the floating preventing unit, resulting in a punched body of the multiple laminated core materials for use in ...

28-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001106076A1

27-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001247338A1

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002531599A1

Improved form-less electronic apparatus and methods for manufacturing the same. In one exemplary embodiment, the apparatus comprises a shape-core inductive device (200) having a bonded-wire coil (204) which is formed and maintained within the device (200) without resort to a bobbin or other form(er). The absence of the bobbin simplifies the manufacture of the device, reduces its cost and allows it to be made more compact (or alternatively additional functionality to be disposed therein). One variant utilizes a termination header (206) for mating to a PCB or other assembly, while another totally avoids the use of the header by directly mating to the PCB. Multi-core variants and methods of manufacturing are also disclosed.

04-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002973670C

Sheet thicknesses of electrical steel sheets are set to be 0.35 mm or less, a Vickers hardness (test force 1 kg) of the sheets is set tc be 150 to 400, and an average crystal grain size of the sheets is set to be 50 to 250 µm. A clearance_ a of a mold (3) is set to be 7% or more of a minimum sheet thickness of the sheet thicknesses of the electrical steel sheets and 7% or less of a total sheet thickness of the electrical steel sheets. A pressure that a sheet presser (8) of the mold (3) applies to the electrical steel sheets is set to be 0.10 MPa or more. In a state of satisfying all of these conditions, the stacked electrical steel sheets are simultaneously punched out by the mold (3).

31-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002916483A1

The disclosure describes magnetic materials including iron nitride, bulk permanent magnets including iron nitride, techniques for forming magnetic materials including iron nitride, and techniques for forming bulk permanent magnets including iron nitride.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002822168A1

The present invention concerns a composite iron-based powder suitable for soft magnetic applications such as inductor cores. The present invention also concerns a method for producing a soft magnetic component and the component produced by the method.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002848315A1

In this manufacturing device for a magnet body for a field pole that brings an upper mold punch into contact with a magnet body affixed onto a lower mold die and applies pressure to fracture the magnet body, at least one or more protruding parts are formed in the upper mold punch symmetrically with respect to a center position in the direction of the magnet body width.

15-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002817723C

An electrochemical separation system may be modular and may include at least a first modular unit and a second modular unit. Each modular unit may include a cell stack and a frame. The frame may include a manifold system. A flow distribution system in the frame may enhance current efficiency. Spacers positioned between modular units may also enhance current efficiency of the system.

12-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002798345A1

Disclosed is an iron-based soft magnetic powder obtained by preparing an iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder through water atomization, and thermally reducing the iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder. The iron-based soft magnetic powder has an average particle size of 100 µm or more and has an interface density of more than 0 µm-1 and less than or equal to 2.6× 10 -2 µm-1, where the interface density is determined from a cross-sectional area (µm2) and a cross-sectional circumference (µm) of the iron-based soft magnetic powder. The iron-based soft magnetic powder obtained by preparing an iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder through water atomization and thermally reducing the iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder, when used for the production of a dust core, can give a dust core having a low coercive force. Also disclosed is a duct core having a low coercive force and exhibiting superior magnetic properties.

06-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002792399A1

The present invention is directed to electrically conductive compacted metal parts fabricated using powder metallurgy methods. The iron-based powders of the invention are coated with magnetic or pre-magnetic materials.

10-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002836019C

A magnetic field sensor assembly includes a hollow cylindrical core, conductive material and at least first and second lead wires. The hollow cylindrical core is made of ferromagnetic material and has a proximal end and a distal end. The conductive material is disposed around the hollow cylindrical core and forms at least one turn of a coil that has at least one start terminal and at least one finish terminal. The first and second lead wires pass through the center of the hollow cylindrical core and the first lead wire is connected to the start terminal thereby forming a first termination and the second lead wire is connected to the finish terminal thereby forming a second termination. The first and second terminations are positioned within the hollow cylindrical core.

13-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002830532C
Принадлежит: AEM CORES PTY LTD

A machine (10) for manufacturing stackable laminations (4) for a magnetic core (6) is disclosed. The laminations are formed from a magnetic strip material (2). The machine (10) includes a first electromechanical cam drive for actuating a folder that folds the strip material (2) and a second electromechanical cam drive for actuating a cutter that cuts the strip material (2). The folder and the cutter are independently drivable between an uppermost position and a lowermost position. The folder may include a folder platen (130) having an associated folder bar (150) to fold said strip material (2). The cutter may include a guillotine platen (230) having an associated upper cutting blade (245) that cooperates with a fixed lower blade (255) for cutting said strip material (2). The electromechanical cam drive may include any suitable electric actuator (100,200) such as an electric motor.

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002830532A1

A machine (10) for manufacturing stackable laminations (4) for a magnetic core (6) is disclosed. The laminations are formed from a magnetic strip material (2). The machine (10) includes a first electromechanical cam drive for actuating a folder that folds the strip material (2) and a second electromechanical cam drive for actuating a cutter that cuts the strip material (2). The folder and the cutter are independently drivable between an uppermost position and a lowermost position. The folder may include a folder platen (130) having an associated folder bar (150) to fold said strip material (2). The cutter may include a guillotine platen (230) having an associated upper cutting blade (245) that cooperates with a fixed lower blade (255) for cutting said strip material (2). The electromechanical cam drive may include any suitable electric actuator (100,200) such as an electric motor.

01-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811451C

To provide a production method of an anisotropic rare earth magnet capable of being enhanced in coercivity without adding a large amount of a rare metal such as Dy and Th. MEANS FOR RESOLUTION: A production method of a rare earth magnet, comprising a step of bringing a compact obtained by applying hot working to impart anisotropy to a sintered body having a rare earth magnet composition into contact with a low-melting-point alloy melt containing a rare earth element.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859655A1

A three-phase non-linear transformer is cooled by first (30) and second fans (40). The first fan (30) is attached to the first core clamps (12) of the transformer using a first mounting structure (15). The second fan (40) is attached to the second core clamps (24) of the transformer using a second mounting structure (17). The first fan is positioned so that air is directed toward a central passage of the core. The second fan is positioned so that air is drawn through the central passage of the core. The first fan circulates air through a central passage in the transformer core and channels that exist between adjacent coil assemblies. The second fan draws air through the central passage and channels and further expels the air into the surrounding environment. The first and second fans are controlled by a control panel through which they are run automatically or manually.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002855869A1

A method provides a portion of a transformer by forming a core by providing transformer core material, cutting individual laminations and bending them into generally C-shaped members, stacking some members to define a first core portion having a main leg and two opposing end legs, stacking other members to define a second core portion having a main leg and two opposing end legs, arranging the main legs in a back-to-back manner to define the core having a core leg defined by the two main legs, and opposing core yokes, defined by the end legs. Conductive material is wound directly around the core leg to form a primary winding and secondary winding in any order of arrangement, thus providing a first transformer portion. The transformer portion may be part of a single transformer or, when second and third transformer portions are provided, as part of a three-phase transformer.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002884851A1

According to the present invention, the pickling weight loss of a hot-rolled steel sheet having a prescribed composition is adjusted to 40 to 100g/m2 as determined after subjecting the hot-rolled steel sheet to annealing at 1000ºC for 30sec in a nitrogen atmosphere and then immersion in a 7% HCl solution at 80ºC for 60sec. Thus, a hot-rolled steel sheet which is for use in producing a nonoriented magnetic steel sheet and which exhibits not only excellent magnetic characteristics such as iron loss and magnetic flux density but also excellent recyclability and sheet surface appearance can be obtained.

05-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002273769A1

The present invention is for providing a production method of a bead inductor, capable of preventing deformation of a metal coil or dislocation of the axis position of the metal coil by the injection pressure at the time of injecting a molten resin material from a gate. A coil is fitted onto a coil supporting pin provided on a first lower mold of a mold for injection molding in a cavity of the. mold for injection molding such that the inner periphery of the coil is closely contacted with the coil supporting pin. A molten resin material is injected into the cavity. Then, the coil supporting pin and the first lower mold are taken out from the molded product, and a second lower mold without a coil supporting pin is provided for replacement. A molten resin material is injected into the space which has been occupied by the coil supporting pin. After removing the hardened resin molded product from the mold for injection molding, the end parts of the coil are cut so as to be exposed.

15-11-1973 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von kunststoffumhüllten Spulen

Номер: CH0000544390A

28-02-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000559416A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

31-10-1969 дата публикации

Drossel oder Transformator

Номер: CH0000480718A

15-01-1968 дата публикации

Vase d'expansion

Номер: CH0000449897A

30-04-1963 дата публикации

Elektrischer Heiz- oder Kochtransformator

Номер: CH0000368863A

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Nanocomposite bulk magnet and process for producing same

Номер: US20120021221A1
Автор: Toshio Miyoshi
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

In a nanocomposite bulk magnet according to the present invention, nanocomposite magnet powder particles, including an Nd 2 Fe 14 B crystalline phase and an α-Fe phase, are combined together. The composition of the magnet is represented by T 100-x-y-z-n (B 1-q C q ) x R y Ti z M n , where T is at least one transition metal element selected from the group consisting of Fe, Co and Ni and always including Fe, R is at least one rare-earth element including substantially no La or Ce, M is an additive metallic element, and x, y, z, n and q satisfy 4 at %≦x≦10 at %, 6 at %≦y≦10 at %, 0.05 at %≦z≦5 at %, 0 at %≦n≦10 at %, and 0≦q≦0.5, respectively. The powder particles have a minor-axis size of less than 40 μm. And powder particles, of which the major-axis size exceeds 53 μm, account for at least 90 mass % of the entire magnet. And those powder particles are directly combined with each other. Consequently, a full-dense magnet, of which the density is 96% or more of the true density of its material alloy, is realized.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Rare earth sintered magnet

Номер: US20120024429A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

A rare earth sintered magnet includes a main phase that includes an R 2 T 14 B phase of crystal grain where R is one or more rare earth elements including Nd, T is one or more transition metal elements including Fe or Fe and Co, and B is B or B and C; a grain boundary phase in which a content of R is larger than a content of the R 2 T 14 B phase; and a grain boundary triple point that is surrounded by three or more main phases. The grain boundary triple point includes an R75 phase containing R of 60 at % to 90 at %, Co, and Cu. The relational expression 0.05≦(Co+Cu)/R<0.5 is satisfied. An area where a Co-rich region overlaps with a Cu-rich region in a cross-sectional area of the grain boundary triple point is 60% or more.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Alloy for sintered r-t-b-m magnet and method for producing same

Номер: US20120032764A1
Автор: Futoshi Kuniyoshi
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

In order to make a sintered R-T-B-M magnet so that R 2 T 14 B phases that include a lot of Dy in the surface region of the main phase are distributed over the entire magnet, a region including a heavy rare-earth element RH at a high concentration is formed continuously beforehand at an interface between the crystals of an R 2 T 14 B compound that is the main phase of the sintered R-T-B-M magnet and the other phases.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Laminate Stack Comprising Individual Soft Magnetic Sheets, Electromagnetic Actuator, Process for Their Manufacture and Use of a Soft Magnetic Laminate Stack

Номер: US20120038439A9
Принадлежит: Vacuumschmelze GmbH and Co KG

A laminate stack having individual soft magnetic sheets. The individual sheets are involutely curved in the laminate stack. Each individual sheet has a first long side, a second long side opposite the first long side, a first short side and a second short side opposite the first short side. The first long side has a recess, said recess being rectangular and equidistant from the first short side, the second short side and the second long side when the individual sheet is in its uncurved state.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Coil-type electronic component and its manufacturing method

Номер: US20120038449A1

A coil-type electronic component has a coil inside or on an outer surface of its base material and is characterized in that: the base material is constituted by a group of grains of a soft magnetic alloy containing iron, silicon and other element that oxidizes more easily than iron; the surface of each soft magnetic alloy grain has an oxide layer formed on its surface as a result of oxidization of the grain; the oxide layer contains the other element that oxidizes more easily than iron by a quantity larger than that in the soft magnetic alloy grain; and grains are bonded with one another via the oxide layer.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Ferromagnetic amorphous alloy ribbon with reduced surface protrusions, method of casting and application thereof

Номер: US20120062351A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd, Metglas Inc

A ferromagnetic amorphous alloy ribbon includes an alloy having a composition represented by Fe a Si b B c C d where 80.5≦a≦83 at. %, 0.5≦b≦6 at. %, 12≦c≦16.5 at. %, 0.01≦d≦1 at. % with a+b+c+d=100 and incidental impurities, the ribbon being cast from a molten state of the alloy with a molten alloy surface tension of greater than or equal to 1.1 N/m on a chill body surface; the ribbon having a ribbon length, a ribbon thickness, and a ribbon surface facing the chill body surface; the ribbon having ribbon surface protrusions being formed on the ribbon surface facing the chill body surface; the ribbon surface protrusions being measured in terms of a protrusion height and a number of protrusions; the protrusion height exceeding 3 μm and less than four times the ribbon thickness, and the number of protrusions being less than 10 within 1.5 m of the cast ribbon length; and the alloy ribbon in its annealed straight strip form having a saturation magnetic induction exceeding 1.60 T and exhibiting a magnetic core loss of less than 0.14 W/kg when measured at 60 Hz and at 1.3 T induction level in its annealed straight strip form. The ribbon is suitable for transformer cores, rotational machines, electrical chokes, magnetic sensors, and pulse power devices.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Gradient Coil Sub-Assemblies

Номер: US20120068708A1
Автор: Allen Raymond Camp
Принадлежит: Tesla Engineering Ltd

An MRIS gradient coil sub-assembly comprising a first coil layer comprising a first conducting coil portion, a second coil layer comprising a second conductive coil portion electrically connected with the first conductive coil portion so that the first and second conductive coil portions act together as one winding, and a B-stage material consolidation layer sandwiched between the first and second coil layers.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Transformer core

Номер: US20120075047A1

A transformer core for a power transformer, and a power transformer including such a transformer core are provided. The transformer core includes at least two transformer core laminations which are arranged in parallel and are at least approximately congruently adjacent to each other. The transformer core laminations have a similar outline. At least one through-hole is arranged in the outline in each case. The transformer core laminations are comprised of at least predominantly an amorphous ferromagnetic material. At least one cooling channel is arranged between the transformer core laminations.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

magnetic material

Номер: US20120076684A1
Принадлежит: Magnequench International LLC

There is disclosed a magnetic material having a composition in atomic percentage of: (MM 1-a R a ) u Fe 100-u-v-w-x-y Y v M w T x B y wherein MM is a mischmetal or a synthetic equivalent thereof; R is Nd, Pr or a combination thereof; Y is a transition metal other than Fe; M is one or more of a metal selected from Groups 4 to 6 of the periodic table; and T is one or more of a metal other than B, selected from Groups 11 to 14 of the periodic table, wherein 0≦a≦1, 7≦u≦13, 0≦v≦20, 0≦w≦5; 0≦x≦5 and 4≦y≦12.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Induction device

Номер: US20120098631A1
Автор: Hiroshi Ono
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

An induction device includes a first core, a coil wound around the first core, and a second core cooperating with the first core to form a closed magnetic circuit. The first core and the coil are molded by a mold resin to form a molding, and the second core is assembled to the molding.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Stacked inductor using magnetic sheets, and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20120105188A1
Принадлежит: Chang Sung Co

The present invention relates to a multilayered chip power inductor with high direct current superposition characteristics and high-frequency characteristics, particularly to a multilayered chip power inductor using as magnetic materials a magnetic sheet filled up with soft magnetic metal powder and a magnetic core. The present invention is to provide a multilayered chip power inductor achieving high inductance and direct current superposition characteristics. In order to achieve the objective, the present invention provides a multilayered chip power inductor using a magnetic sheet, characterized in that a plurality of magnetic sheets are laminated, wherein an electrical conductive circuit is formed on the surfaces of said sheets; that a terminal is formed at an outermost part; that said electrical conductive circuit and said terminal are electrically connected through via holes, and form a circuit in the form of a coil; and that a magnetic core is inserted into said circuit, and a method for manufacturing the same.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Treating solution for forming fluoride coating film and method for forming fluoride coating film

Номер: US20120111232A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A conventional method for forming an insulating film on a magnet has a difficulty in achieving sufficient improvement in magnetic characteristics due to nonuniformity of a coating film, and an extended time and higher temperature which are required in a thermal treatment. In order to solve the problems, the present invention provides a treating solution composed of an alcohol based solvent and a rare earth fluoride or alkaline earth metal fluoride dispersing in the solvent. In the treating solution, at least one X-ray diffraction peak has a half-value width larger than 1°. The present invention also provides a method for forming an insulating film using the treating solution.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Rare earth magnet material and method for producing the same

Номер: US20120114515A1
Автор: Yuji Kaneko, Yukio Takada
Принадлежит: Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc

A method for producing a rare earth magnet material which allows efficient Dy or the like diffusion into an inside thereof. This method includes a preparation step of preparing a powder mixture of magnet powder including one or more rare earth elements including neodymium, boron, and the remainder being iron; and neodymium fluoride powder; a heating step of heating a compact of the powder mixture and causing oxygen around magnet powder particles to react with the fluoride powder, thereby obtaining a lump rare earth magnet material in which neodymium oxyfluoride is wholly distributed. The fluoride powder traps oxygen enclosed in the powder mixture and fixes the oxygen as stable NdOF. When Dy is diffused into this rare earth magnet material, Dy smoothly enters into its inside without being oxidized at grain boundaries. Consequently, coercivity of the entire rare earth magnet material can be efficiently increased without wasting scarce Dy.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Modular electrochemical systems and methods

Номер: US20120118730A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Pte Ltd

An electrochemical separation system may be modular and may include at least a first modular unit and a second modular unit. Each modular unit may include a cell stack and a frame. The frame may include a manifold system. A flow distribution system in the frame may enhance current efficiency. Spacers positioned between modular units may also enhance current efficiency of the system.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Electrochemical separation modules

Номер: US20120118744A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Pte Ltd

An electrochemical separation system may be modular and may include at least a first modular unit and a second modular unit. Each modular unit may include a cell stack and a frame. The frame may include a manifold system. A flow distribution system in the frame may enhance current efficiency. Spacers positioned between modular units may also enhance current efficiency of the system.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Bulk Nanocomposite Magnets and Methods of Making Bulk Nanocomposite Magnets

Номер: US20120153212A1
Автор: J. Ping Liu
Принадлежит: University of Texas at Arlington

The present invention relates to bulk magnetic nanocomposites and methods of making bulk magnetic nanocomposites.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Amorphous transformer

Номер: US20120161915A1

An amorphous transformer which includes an amorphous core formed of an amorphous material with a lap provided at an upper portion and allowed to stand in substantially a vertical direction while being supported at a core support member, and a coil which is fitted with the amorphous core. The core support member is formed by integrating a core support member for supporting a side surface of the amorphous core and a corner support member for supporting a corner portion of the core. The core support member is provided in substantially a vertical direction along at least one of the side surfaces of the core.

12-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120176212A1
Принадлежит: Intermetallics Co Ltd

A method and system for producing a slim-shaped sintered NdFeB magnet having a high level of coercive force and high degree of orientation, as well as a sintered NdFeB magnet produced by the aforementioned method or system. A system for producing a slim-shaped sintered NdFeB magnet according to the present invention includes: a filling unit and filling alloy powder; an orienting unit; a sintering furnace; and a conveying unit. The orienting unit is provided with a heating and orienting coil for heating the alloy powder in the molds before and/or after the application of the magnetic field so as to decrease the coercive force of the individual particles of the alloy powder.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Permanent magnet and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120181476A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

There are provided a permanent magnet and a manufacturing method thereof capable of efficiently concentrating traces of Dy or Tb in grain boundaries of the magnet and sufficiently improving coercive force due to Dy or Tb while reducing amount of Dy or Tb to be used. To fine powder of milled neodymium magnet material is added an organometallic compound solution containing an organometallic compound expressed with a structural formula of M-(OR) x (M represents Dy or Tb, R represents a substituent group consisting of a straight-chain or branched-chain hydrocarbon, x represents an arbitrary integer) so as to uniformly adhere the organometallic compound to particle surfaces of the neodymium magnet powder. Thereafter, a compact body compacted through powder compaction is held for several hours in hydrogen atmosphere at 200 through 900 degrees Celsius for a hydrogen calcination process. Thereafter, through sintering process, the compact body is formed into a permanent magnet.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Solenoid housing with elongated center pole

Номер: US20120256716A1
Автор: Shreyas R. Mehta
Принадлежит: Indimet Inc

The invention relates to a solenoid housing having an elongated center pole comprising a non-magnetic region thereon for allowing actuation of an armature in response to electric current and a method of the making said solenoid housing. The instant invention eliminates the need for a two-piece construction of the center pole, leading to a simplified fabrication process, increased performance of product solenoid housing, and increased operational lifetimes as well.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Electromagnetically actuatable valve

Номер: US20120305816A1

An electrically actuatable valve for injecting fuel includes a magnetic actuator having multiple components, at least one component of the magnetic actuator having multiple sectors made of soft magnetic material and multiple insulating separating webs. A separating web is situated between each two neighboring sectors and entirely separates the neighboring sectors from one another electrically.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Powder magnetic core and method for producing the same

Номер: US20130015939A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Powdered Metals Co Ltd

The present invention provides a powder magnetic core which has a low iron loss and an excellent constancy of magnetic permeability and is suitably used as a core for a reactor mounted on a vehicle. The powder magnetic core is a compact of a mixed powder containing an iron-based soft magnetic powder having an electrical insulating coating formed on its surface and a powder of a low magnetic permeability material having a heat-resistant temperature of 700° C. or higher than 700° C. and a relative magnetic permeability of not more than 1.0000004. The density of the compact is 6.7 Mg/m 3 or more, and the low magnetic permeability material exists in the gap among the soft magnetic powder particles in the green compact.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130052290A1
Автор: Shinichi Hayashi
Принадлежит: Intermetallics Co Ltd

A NdFeB sintered magnet production system including: a first weight unit for measuring the mold weight when the alloy powder is not yet filled; a guide attachment unit to extend the mold cavity with a guide to form a supply cavity with a predetermined volume; a powder supply unit for supplying the alloy powder into the supply cavity so that the alloy powder volume is equal to the supply cavity capacity; a filling unit for pressing the alloy powder contained in the supply cavity into the mold cavity to densify the alloy powder to the filling density; a second weight unit for measuring the mold weight after being filled with the alloy powder; and a controlling unit for computing the alloy powder weight filled into the mold cavity based on the difference between the measurement value from each of the first weight unit and the second weight unit.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

System and method for manufacturing bonded magnet using rare earth powder

Номер: US20130069269A1
Автор: Jae Ryung Lee
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

Disclosed is a system and method for manufacturing a bonded magnet using a rare earth powder. In particular, a residual rare earth magnet scrap is pulverized to manufacture a regenerated powder using an HDDR process (hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption, and recombination). Then a raw material of a neodymium magnet (Nd—Fe—B) is melted down to manufacture an alloy powder using a quenching process. Subsequently the regenerated powder, the alloy powder, and a binder are mixed together to manufacture a resulting mixture which is then mixed with a thermoplastic resin or a thermosetting resin to manufacture the bonded magnet using a compression process or an injection process.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Simulation apparatus and simulation method

Номер: US20130073270A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A computer-readable medium stores a magnetic substrate simulation program causing a computer to execute a process that includes calculating an effective magnetic field for each area of an element in the magnetic substrate, when magnetization of each area changes and based on a magnetic field generated from magnetic energy in each area and a rate of change of magnetization working in a direction inhibiting change in the average magnetization of the areas; obtaining for each area and based on the calculated effective magnetic fields and magnetization of each area, changes in magnetization and calculating for each area, magnetization after the changes; judging based on magnetization of each area before and after the changes, whether magnetization in the element converges; and storing a combination of the average magnetization of the areas for which magnetization in the given element converges and a static magnetic field based on the average magnetization.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074324A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A reactor which may be employed in an inverter for automotive vehicles. The reactor includes a coil, a core, a casing, and a positioning member. The core is made of a solidified magnetic powder/resin mixture and has the coil embedded therein. The positioning member is disposed in the casing to position the coil relative to the casing and equipped with fins configured to stir the magnetic powder/resin mixture before solidified. Specifically, the positioning member is designed to perform two functions: one is to fix the location of the coil within the casing, and the other is to stir the magnetic powder/resin mixture through the fins, thus eliminating the need for removing a portion of the magnetic powder/resin mixture adhered to the fins, which leads to improved productivity of the reactor. 1. A method of producing a reactor equipped with a core in which a coil is disposed , comprising steps of:preparing one of a vessel and a casing;preparing a positioning member with fins;putting a magnetic powder/resin mixture in the one of the vessel and the casing;stirring the magnetic powder/resin mixture within the one of the vessel and the casing using the fins of the positioning member;arranging a coil and the positioning member within the magnetic powder/resin mixture; andsolidifying the magnetic powder/resin mixture to make the core.2. A method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the coil is embedded in the magnetic powder/resin mixture after the magnetic powder/resin mixture is stirred by the fins of the positioning member.3. A method as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising preparing an assembly of the positioning member and the coil claim 1 , and wherein the magnetic powder/resin mixture is stirred using the fins of the positioning member of the assembly. This application is a Division of application Ser. No. 13/327,814 filed Dec. 16, 2011, which is based on and claims the benefit of priority from earlier Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-281181 filed on Dec. 17, ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076477A1
Автор: Yasushi Kino
Принадлежит: Sintokogio Ltd

The present invention provides a Fe-group-based soft magnetic powder that is used for the pressed powder magnetic cores for a choke coil, reactor coil, etc., and that has a higher magnetic permeability. At least one selected from Fe, Co, or Ni that is generally used is used as the main component of the Fe-group-based alloy (iron-based alloy) soft magnetic powder. The soft magnetic powder is produced by adding a small amount of Nb (0.05-4 wt %) or V, Ta, Ti, Mo, or W, to the molten metal and by means of an inexpensive method such as the water-atomizing method.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087248A1
Автор: Kuniyoshi Futoshi

A method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet includes the steps of: providing a sintered R-T-B based magnet body ; providing an RH diffusion source including a heavy rare-earth element RH (which is at least one of Dy and Tb) and 30 mass % to 80 mass % of Fe; loading the sintered R-T-B based magnet body and the RH diffusion source into a processing chamber so that the magnet body and the diffusion source are movable relative to each other and are readily brought close to, or in contact with, each other; and performing an RH diffusion process in which the sintered magnet body and the RH diffusion source are heated to a processing temperature of more than 850° C. through 1000° C. while being moved either continuously or discontinuously in the processing chamber. 1. A method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet , the method comprising the steps of:providing a sintered R-T-B based magnet body;providing an RH diffusion source including a heavy rare-earth element RH (which is at least one of Dy and Tb) and 30 mass % to 80 mass % of Fe;loading the sintered magnet body and the RH diffusion source into a processing chamber so that the magnet body and the diffusion source are movable relative to each other and are readily brought close to, or in contact with, each other; andperforming an RH diffusion process in which the sintered magnet body and the RH diffusion source are heated to a processing temperature of more than 850° C. through 1000° C. while being moved either continuously or discontinuously in the processing chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing temperature is 870° C. to 1000° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RH diffusion source includes 40 mass % to 80 mass % of Fe.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RH diffusion source includes 40 mass % to 60 mass % of Fe.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RH diffusion process includes the step of rotating the processing chamber.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the RH ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087265A1

This invention is a manufacturing device for a permanent magnet disposed in a rotating electrical machine, in which a plurality of magnet pieces, each formed by being fractured and split along a notch groove, are aligned and joined to each other with an adhesive interposed between fractured surfaces. First pressing means for aligning the plurality of fractured and split magnet pieces with the fractured surfaces opposed to each other in a thickness direction by pressing from the thickness direction of the permanent magnet, second pressing means for aligning the plurality of magnet pieces in a width direction by pressing from a width direction of the permanent magnet are provided. Moreover, third pressing means for joining the opposing fractured surfaces of the magnet piece with the interposed adhesive by pressing the plurality of magnet pieces from a longitudinal direction of the permanent magnet. 17-. (canceled)8. A manufacturing device for a permanent magnet disposed in a rotating electrical machine in which a plurality of magnet pieces , each formed by being fractured and split along a notch groove , are aligned and joined to each other with an adhesive interposed between fractured surfaces , comprising:a first pressing mechanism adapted to align the plurality of magnet pieces in a width direction by pressing from a width direction of the permanent magnet;a second pressing mechanism adapted to align the plurality of fractured and split magnet pieces in a thickness direction with the fractured surfaces opposed to each other by pressing from the thickness direction of the permanent magnet after the pressing by the first pressing mechanism; anda third pressing mechanism adapted to join opposing fractured surfaces of the magnet pieces with an interposed adhesive by pressing the plurality of magnet pieces from a longitudinal direction of the permanent magnet after the pressing by the first pressing mechanism and the second pressing mechanism.9. The manufacturing device ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Electrical Transformer Assembly

Номер: US20130088314A1
Принадлежит: HYDRO-QUEBEC

A support frame for an electrical transformer assembly, comprising two loop-shaped parts, each loop-shaped part having a plurality of limbs, each limb having a peripheral recessed portion in which a primary electrical coil is mountable, and at least one secondary coil is mountable in piggyback on the primary electrical coil, one limb of each loop-shaped part having a straight section. The frame also includes an adjustable attaching means for attaching one of the loop-shaped parts with respect to the other loop-shaped part and adjusting a distance therebetween, so that only the straight sections are adjacent and form a central leg, the central leg being for receiving a magnetic core distinct from the attaching means. The frame provides a means and a method to efficiently secure adjacent windings in a circular core transformer kernel. 1. A support frame for an electrical transformer assembly , comprising:two loop-shaped parts, each loop-shaped part having a plurality of limbs, each limb having a peripheral recessed portion in which a primary electrical coil is mountable, and at least one secondary coil is mountable in piggyback on said primary electrical coil, one limb of each loop-shaped part having a straight section; andan adjustable attaching means for attaching one of the loop-shaped parts with respect to the other loop-shaped part and adjusting a distance therebetween, so that only the straight sections are adjacent and form a central leg, the central leg being for receiving a magnetic core distinct from the attaching means.2. (canceled)3. The support frame according to claim 1 , further comprising securing means for securing the loop-shaped parts to a transformer tank.46-. (canceled)7. The support frame according to claim 3 , further comprising handling means located on a top portion of the loop-shaped parts for handling and displacing the support frame from one location to another.8. (canceled)9. The support frame according to claim 1 , wherein a selected one ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088318A1
Автор: Inaba Kazuhiro
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A reactor α includes one coil , a magnetic core to which the coil is arranged, and a case containing an assembly of the coil and the magnetic core . The magnetic core includes an inner core portion inserted into the coil , and a coupling core portion disposed around the coil . The coupling core portion is made of a mixture of magnetic powder and resin. The coil is covered with the coupling core portion and is enclosed within the case in a sealed state. The reactor α includes, in an outermost surface region exposed at an opening of the case , a magnetic shield layer made of non-magnetic powder, having smaller specific gravity than the magnetic powder and having electrical conductivity, and the resin. A small reactor capable of reducing magnetic flux leaked to the outside is thereby provided. A method of producing a small reactor capable of reducing magnetic flux leaked to the outside is also provided which produces the reactor α by filling the case with a mixture of magnetic powder, non-magnetic powder, and resin, producing a state where the non-magnetic powder has floated to the opening side of the case and the magnetic powder has precipitated on the bottom side of the case , and hardening the resin. 1. A reactor comprising one coil formed by winding a wire , a magnetic core to which the coil is arranged , and a case having an opening and containing an assembly of the coil and the magnetic core ,wherein the coil is enclosed within the case in a sealed state while at least a part of an outer periphery of the coil is covered with the magnetic core,a region of the magnetic core on a side close to the opening of the case is made of a mixture of magnetic powder and resin, anda magnetic shield layer made of non-magnetic powder, having smaller specific gravity than the magnetic powder and having electrical conductivity, and resin is disposed in an outermost surface region, which is exposed at the opening of the case, to cover the opening-side region of the magnetic core.2. ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Electro-mechanical device and associated method of assembly

Номер: US20130093547A1

A method of setting an air gap between an electromagnetic coil and an armature of an electro-mechanical device to be within a desired range includes applying a sensing signal to the electromagnetic coil and monitoring at least one electrical characteristic of the electromagnetic coil. The at least one electrical characteristic is related to a size of the air gap and the sensing signal. The method further includes moving the armature towards the electromagnetic coil to reduce the size of the air gap and stopping movement of the armature towards the electromagnetic coil when the at least one electrical characteristic indicates the size of the air gap is within the desired range.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for Positioning a Suspension Body and Magnetic Suspension Device Using the Method

Номер: US20130093549A1

The present invention provides a method for positioning a suspension body and a magnetic suspension device using the method. The method comprises the following steps: step providing a positioning auxiliary forming a channel for the suspension body to enter and rotate therein; step placing the positioning auxiliary on a magnetic suspension base, and a centre line of the channel of the positioning auxiliary being substantially collinear with a centre line of the rotation of the suspension body at work; step according to the channel of the positioning auxiliary, placing the suspension body at the top of the positioning auxiliary; step releasing the suspension body to make it voluntarily slide down to a position to be suspended to work; step removing the positioning auxiliary. The present invention can make the suspension body quickly slide down to be suspended at its work position by means of the positioning auxiliary, and so make the suspension body suspended normally, thereby greatly increasing the use efficiency. 1. A method for positioning a suspension body comprising the following steps:{'b': '1', 'Step , providing a positioning auxiliary forming a channel for the suspension body to enter and rotate therein;'}{'b': '2', 'Step , placing the positioning auxiliary on a magnetic suspension base, and a centre line of the channel of the positioning auxiliary being substantially collinear with a centre line of the rotation of the suspension body at work;'}{'b': '3', 'Step , according to the channel of the positioning auxiliary, placing the suspension body at the top of the positioning auxiliary;'}{'b': '4', 'Step , releasing the suspension body to make it voluntarily slide down to a position to be suspended to work; and'}{'b': '5', 'Step , removing the positioning auxiliary.'}234. The method for positioning a suspension body of claim 1 , wherein in step claim 1 , according to the centre line of the channel claim 1 , the suspension body is placed at the top of the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

R-Fe-B based magnet having gradient electric resistance and method for producing the same

Номер: US20130093551A1

An R—Fe—B based magnet having gradient electric resistance and a method for producing the same are provided. The magnet includes an exterior layer (G) and a main body layer (H). The exterior layer (G) is connected with the main body layer (H) via a sintered layer (I). The oxygen content in the exterior layer (G) is higher than the oxygen content in the main body layer (H), so the electrical resistivity of the exterior layer (G) is not lower than the electrical resistivity of the main body layer (H). The R—Fe—B based magnet having gradient electric resistance is capable of maintaining high resistance and excellent magnetic performance simultaneously. 1. A method of producing an R—Fe—B based magnet having gradient electric resistance , comprising steps of:{'sub': a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e, '(1) preparing powder A and powder B, wherein composition of the powder A is R-T-B-M-N, wherein R is at least one rare-earth element selected from the group consisting of Nd, Pr, Dy and Tb; T is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Fe and Co; B is Boron; M is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Cu, Ga and Al; N is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Zr, Ti, Nb and Hf; values of a, b, c, d and e which present weight percent of corresponding elements of the R—Fe—B based magnet are within scopes as following: 26≦a≦33, 0.9≦c≦1.1, 0.01≦d≦1.5, 0.01≦e≦1.5, and b is a balance,'}{'sub': m', 'n', 'x', 'y', 'z, 'composition of the powder B is R-T-B-M-O, wherein'}R is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb Ce and Y;T is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Fe and Co;B is Boron;M is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Mn, In, Ge, Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Ga, Ca, Cu, Zn, Si, P, S, C, Al, Mg, Zr, Nb, Ta, W, Mo, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sn and Sb;O is oxygen, values of m, n, x, y and z which present weight percent of corresponding elements of layers of the magnet are within ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098508A1

A grain oriented electrical steel sheet (1) suppresses the content of Cr in the grain oriented electrical steel sheet to 0.1 mass % or less; (2) sets the coating weight of a forsterite coating, in terms of basis weight of oxygen therein, to at least 3.0 g/mand thickness of an anchor portion as a lower portion of forsterite coating to 1.5 μm or less; and (3) controls setting the magnitude of deflection of a test specimen having length: 280 mm to at least 10 mm when the forsterite coating is provided on only one surface thereof and at least 20 mm when forsterite coating and the tension coating are provided on the surface. 1. A grain oriented electrical steel sheet having a forsterite coating , tension coating and magnetic flux density Bof 1.91 T or more and subjected to magnetic domain refinement by laser irradiation , wherein:(1) a content of Cr mixed into the grain oriented electrical steel sheet is 0.1 mass % or less;{'sup': '2', '(2) a coating weight of the forsterite coating, in terms of basis weight of oxygen therein, is at least 3.0 g/mand thickness of an anchor portion as a lower portion of the forsterite coating, biting a base metal of the grain oriented electrical steel sheet, is 1.5 μm or less; and'}(3) a magnitude of deflection of a test specimen having length: 280 mm and the forsterite coating on only one surface thereof, of the grain oriented electrical steel sheet, is at least 10 mm and a magnitude of deflection of a test specimen having length: 280 mm and the forsterite coating and the tension coating on only one surface thereof, of the grain oriented electrical steel sheet, is at least 20 mm.2. A method of manufacturing a grain oriented electrical steel sheet , comprising a series of processes including: rolling a slab with Cr content mixed therein suppressed to 0.1 mass % or less to obtain a steel sheet having a final sheet thickness; subjecting the steel sheet to decarburizing annealing; coating a surface of the steel sheet with an annealing ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106018A1

An inner drive for a magnetic drive pump includes a magnet supported on a yoke. The inner drive is driven about an axis to pump a corrosive process fluid. The magnet and yoke are fully encapsulated during the molding process to completely surround the magnet and yoke in a protective plastic shell. A sleeve is arranged radially outwardly of the magnet to provide further protection. Backing rings are arranged on either side of the magnet. A bonding material joins the plastic shell to the backing rings and sleeve to prevent a space from forming beneath the plastic shell that would become filled with the process fluid once it has permeated the plastic shell. A protective coating is arranged on at least a portion of the magnet to further insulate the magnet from the process fluid. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnetic driving element comprising the steps of:inserting a yoke and a magnet as a unit into a mold;supporting the unit within the mold by a support at a molding support region on the unit;filling the mold with plastic;retracting the support from the mold support region at a predetermined time during the molding process; andfilling the molding support region with the plastic and fully encapsulating the unit with the plastic within the mold to provide a shell.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the shell is continuous claim 1 , uninterrupted claim 1 , and free of voids at the mold support region.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting step includes locating the unit within the mold in a desired position.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the unit includes a backing ring claim 1 , a sleeve and a protective coating claim 1 , wherein the backing ring is arranged radially outwardly of the yoke and axially adjacent to the magnet claim 1 , the sleeve is arranged radially outwardly of the backing ring and the protective coating claim 1 , and the protective coating arranged between the backing ring and yoke and between the backing ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106198A1

Disclosed herein are a core assembly for wireless power communication, a power supplying device for wireless power communication having the same, and a method for manufacturing the same. The core assembly for wireless power communication includes: a plate shaped core including concave parts disposed in a main surface thereof and made of a magnetic material; a plurality of winding type coils received in the concave parts and partially overlapping each other; and a circuit board connected to both ends of each of the coils which controls application of a power to the coils. 1. A core assembly for wireless power communication comprising:a plate shaped core comprising concave parts disposed in a main surface thereof and made of a magnetic material; anda plurality of winding type coils received in the concave parts and partially overlappinq each other.2. The core assembly for wireless power communication of claim 1 , wherein the concave parts comprise:a first concave part formed at a first depth; anda second concave part formed to be in communication with the first concave part and having a second depth shallower than the first depth.3. The core assembly for wireless power communication of claim 2 , wherein the concave parts have a contour in the shape of a closed curve claim 2 , andthe first and second concave parts are recessed in a form in which two small closed curves inscribed in the contour of the concave parts partially overlap each other.4. The core assembly for wireless power communication of claim 3 , wherein portions at which the small closed curves partially overlap each other are recessed at the first depth.5. The core assembly for wireless power communication of claim 3 , wherein the closed curve of the contour of the concave parts has an oval shape.6. The core assembly for wireless power communication of claim 1 , wherein the concave parts comprise a bottom and a sidewall claim 1 , andthe concave parts are recessed at a size allowing an outer circumference ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for making inductor coil structure

Номер: US20130106562A1
Принадлежит: Vishay Dale Electronics LLC

An electrical component is disclosed. The electrical component includes a current conducting coil having inside and outside surface and terminal ends that are configured for connection to an electrical circuit and compressed iron particles that form a body which completely contacts the inside and outside surfaces of the coil for magnetically shielding the coil and leaving the terminal ends exposed for connection to the electrical circuit.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112141A1

A processing system according to the present invention includes: a diffusion processing section which heats a sintered R-T-B based magnet body and an RH diffusion source made of either a metal or alloy of a heavy rare-earth element RH (which is at least one of Dy and Tb) while rotating; a sorting section which selectively sorts the RH diffusion source from the sintered R-T-B based magnet body when the diffusion source and the magnet body come from the diffusion processing section ; and a heat treatment processing section which conducts a heat treatment process on the sintered R-T-B based magnet body , in which the heavy rare-earth element RH has been diffused and from which the RH diffusion source has been removed. 1: A processing system comprising:a diffusion processing section which heats an RH diffusion source made of either a metal or alloy of a heavy rare-earth element RH (which is at least one of Dy and Tb) and a sintered R-T-B based magnet body while rotating;a sorting section which is adjacent to the diffusion processing section and which selectively sorts the RH diffusion source from the sintered R-T-B based magnet body when the diffusion source and the magnet body come from the diffusion processing section; anda tilting mechanism which tilts the diffusion processing section and the sorting section.2: The processing system of claim 1 , wherein the sorting section has a plurality of holes to eject the RH diffusion source out of itself claim 1 , each said hole having a smaller size than the sintered R-T-B based magnet body.3: The processing system of claim 1 , wherein the sorting section sends the sintered R-T-B based magnet body back to the diffusion processing section while being rotated claim 1 , andwherein the diffusion processing section does a heat treatment on the sintered R-T-B based magnet body that has come back from the sorting section.4: The processing system of claim 1 , wherein the diffusion processing section has a first outer wall portion that ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127282A1

A method of resin sealing a permanent magnet in a magnet insertion portion of a laminated body, the body formed by laminating plural core sheets and including the plural portions formed around a shaft hole in a center thereof, the portion connected to an internal space via an opening. The method includes a first process of positioning a blocking member blocking the opening from a side of the space in a way that the member is vertically-placed in a lower die or an upper die, while the both dies hold the body from both sides in an axial direction and close the portion; and a second process of filling a resin extruded from a resin reservoir portion provided in the die or the die into the portion having the magnet inserted therein and having the opening closed by the member. 15-. (canceled)6. A method of resin sealing a permanent magnet , the permanent magnet inserted in a magnet insertion portion of a laminated body , the laminated body formed by laminating a plurality of core sheets , the laminated body having a plurality of the magnet insertion portions and internal spaces , the magnet insertion portions formed around a shaft hole in a center of the laminated body , each of the internal spaces connected to the magnet insertion portion via an opening , the method comprising:a first process of positioning a blocking member, the blocking member closing the opening from a side of the internal space in a manner that the blocking member is vertically-placed in one of an upper die and a lower die, the upper die and the lower die holding the laminated body from both sides in an axial direction and blocking the magnet insertion portion; anda second process of filling a resin into the magnet insertion portion having the permanent magnet inside and having the opening blocked by the blocking member, the resin extruded from a resin reservoir portion provided in one of the upper die and the lower die.7. A method of resin sealing a permanent magnet , the permanent magnet inserted ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Outer core manufacturing method, outer core, and reactor

Номер: US20130127574A1

When an outer core that is to be mounted on a reactor is seen in plan, the outer core is a compact that has a plan-view shape in which a side of the outer core that is opposite to a facing side of the outer core, which faces the inner cores, has a smaller dimension in a width direction, which is parallel to a facing surface, than the facing side of the outer core. A method of manufacturing such an outer core includes a preparing step and a compacting step. In the preparing step, coated soft magnetic powder including multiple coated soft magnetic particles formed by coating soft magnetic particles with insulating coated films is prepared as raw-material powder of the outer core. In the compacting step, a compacting space 31 , which is defined by a pillar-like lower punch 12 and a tubular die 10 A, is filled with the coated soft magnetic powder and then the coated soft magnetic powder in the compacting space 31 is compacted by the lower punch 12 and a pillar-like upper punch 11 , the lower punch 12 and the tubular die 10 A being movable relative to each other. In the compacting step, the facing surface of the outer core is pressed by the upper punch 11.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135072A1
Автор: Inaba Kazuhiro
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A reactor α includes a coil formed by winding a wire , a magnetic core that is disposed inside and outside of the coil and forms a closed magnetic circuit, and a case that has an opening portion and a bottom surface that opposes the opening portion and that houses an assembly of the coil and the magnetic core . At least the opening portion of the case side of the magnetic core is formed of a molded solid body that contains magnetic powder and resin. A surface layer , which prevents the magnetic powder from rusting, is provided on a surface of the magnetic core on the opening portion of the case side. The surface layer has a resin portion formed of resin similar to the resin contained in the magnetic core . The resin portion is formed so as to be continuous with the resin contained in the magnetic core without an interface formed therebetween. 1. A reactor comprising:a coil formed by winding a wire;a magnetic core that is disposed inside and outside of the coil and forms a closed magnetic circuit; anda case that has an opening portion and a bottom surface that opposes the opening portion, an assembly of the coil and the magnetic core being housed in the case,wherein at least the opening portion of the case side of the magnetic core is formed of a molded solid body that contains magnetic powder and resin,wherein a surface layer is provided on a surface of the magnetic core on the opening portion of the case side, the surface layer preventing the magnetic powder from rusting, andwherein the surface layer has a resin portion formed of resin similar to the resin contained in the magnetic core, the resin portion being formed so as to be continuous with the resin contained in the magnetic core without an interface formed therebetween.2. The reactor according to claim 1 ,wherein the resin portion is formed of part of the resin contained in the magnetic core.3. The reactor according to claim 1 ,wherein the surface layer is formed of the resin portion that does not contain ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136933A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A composite magnetic material manufactured by mixing a metal magnetic powder with an insulating binder to produce a mixed powder, press-molding the mixed powder to produce a molded product, and heat-treating the molded product in an oxidizing atmosphere at not lower than 80° C. and not higher than 400° C. to form an oxide film on a surface of the molded product. The metal magnetic powder includes Si, Fe, and component A, and the composition thereof satisfies 5.5%≦Si≦9.5%, 10%≦Si+component A≦13.5%, and the remainder is Fe, where % denotes weight %. The component A includes at least one of Ni, Al, Ti, and Mg. 1. A composite magnetic material manufactured bymixing a metal magnetic powder with an insulating binder to produce a mixed powder;press-molding the mixed powder to produce a molded product; andheat-treating the molded product in an oxidizing atmosphere at not lower than 80° C. and not higher than 400° C. to form an oxide film on a surface of the molded product,the composite magnetic material comprising:the metal magnetic powder that includes Si, Fe, and component A, and a composition of the metal magnetic powder satisfies 5.5 wt %≦Si≦9.5 wt %, 10 wt %≦Si+component A≦13.5 wt %, and a remainder is Fe, and the component A includes at least one of Ni, Al, Ti, and Mg.2. A production process of a composite magnetic material , the process comprising:mixing a metal magnetic powder with an insulating binder to produce a mixed powder;press-molding the mixed powder to produce a molded product, andheat-treating the molded product in an oxidizing atmosphere at not lower than 80° C. and not higher than 400° C. to form an oxide film on a surface of the molded product,wherein the metal magnetic powder includes Si, Fe, and component A, and a composition of the metal magnetic powder satisfies 5.5 wt %≦Si≦9.5 wt %, 10 wt %≦Si+component A≦13.5 wt %, and a remainder is Fe, and the component A includes at least one of Ni, Al, Ti, and Mg.3. The production process of a composite ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139929A1
Принадлежит: HYDRO-QUEBEC

A method and a system for continuously in-line annealing a forwarding ferromagnetic amorphous alloy ribbon in a curved shape to improve its magnetic properties without causing the ribbon to become brittle and which operates at significant high ribbon feeding rates. The amorphous alloy ribbon is fed forward, tensioned and guided along a path at a preset feeding rate and is heated at a point along the path at a rate greater than 10° C./sec to a temperature to initiate a thermal treatment. Then the ribbon is initially cooled at a rate greater than 10° C./sec until the thermal treatment ends. During the thermal treatment, a series of mechanical constraints is applied on the ribbon until the amorphous alloy ribbon adopts a specific shape at rest after the thermal treatment is ended. After the initial cooling, the amorphous alloy ribbon is subsequently cooled at a sufficient rate to a temperature that will preserve the specific shape. 1. A method for treating an amorphous alloy ribbon , comprising steps of:a) feeding forward, tensioning and guiding the amorphous alloy ribbon along a path at a preset feeding rate;{'sup': '3', 'b) heating the amorphous alloy ribbon at a point along said path at a rate greater than 10° C./sec to a temperature to initiate a thermal treatment;'}{'sup': '3', 'c) cooling the amorphous alloy ribbon at a rate greater than 10° C./sec until the thermal treatment ends;'}d) applying a series of mechanical constraints on the ribbon during said thermal treatment until the amorphous alloy ribbon adopts a specific shape at rest after said thermal treatment; ande) cooling the amorphous alloy ribbon at a rate to preserve said specific shape, after said thermal treatment.25-. (canceled)6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in step a) claim 1 , the preset feeding rate is greater than 1 m/sec.712-. (canceled)13. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:in step b) the amorphous alloy ribbon is in contact with at least one first cylinder having a first ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139932A1

This method of manufacturing a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet includes, between a cold rolling process and a winding process, a groove formation process of irradiating the surface of a silicon steel sheet with a laser beam multiple times at predetermined intervals in a sheet passing direction, over an area from one end edge to the other end edge, in a sheet width direction of the silicon steel sheet, thereby forming a groove along a locus of the laser beam. 1. A method of manufacturing a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet , the method comprising:a cold rolling process of performing a cold rolling while moving a silicon steel sheet containing Si along a sheet passing direction;a first continuous annealing process of causing a decarburization and a primary recrystallization of the silicon steel sheet;a winding process of winding the silicon steel sheet, thereby obtaining a steel sheet coil;a groove formation process of irradiating a surface of the silicon steel sheet with a laser beam multiple times at predetermined intervals in the sheet passing direction, over an area from one end edge to the other end edge, in a sheet width direction of the silicon steel sheet, thereby forming a groove along a locus of the laser beam, during the period from the cold rolling process to the winding process;a batch annealing process of causing a secondary recrystallization in the steel sheet coil;a second continuous annealing process of unwinding and planarizing the steel sheet coil; anda continuous coating process of imparting a tension and an electrical insulation properties to the surface of the silicon steel sheet,wherein in the batch annealing process, a crystal grain boundary penetrating the silicon steel sheet from a front surface to a back surface along the groove is generated, and [{'br': None, 'i': P', 'Dl×Vc, 'Up=(4/π)×/()\u2003\u2003(Formula 1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': Ip', 'P', 'Dl×Dc, '=(4/π)×/()\u2003\u2003(Formula 2)'}, {'br': None, '1≦Up≦10(J/mm2)\u2003\u2003( ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141194A1

There are provided a rare-earth permanent magnet and a manufacturing method thereof capable of simplifying manufacturing process and improving productivity through advanced ability to produce net shapes. In the method, magnet material is milled into magnet powder, and the magnet powder and a binder are mixed to prepare a mixture. Next, the prepared mixture is formed into a green sheet. Thereafter, the green sheet is held for predetermined time at binder decomposition temperature in non-oxidizing atmosphere, whereby depolymerization reaction or the like changes the binder into monomer and thus removes the binder. The green sheet with the binder removed therefrom undergoes pressure sintering such as SPS method so as to obtain a rare-earth permanent magnet 1. A rare-earth permanent magnet manufactured through steps of:milling magnet material into magnet powder;preparing a mixture of the magnet powder and a binder;obtaining a green sheet by forming the mixture into a sheet like shape; andpressure sintering the green sheet.2. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of pressure sintering the green sheet claim 1 , the green sheet is sintered by uniaxial pressure sintering.3. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of pressure sintering the green sheet claim 1 , the green sheet is sintered by electric current sintering.4. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , before the step of pressure sintering the green sheet claim 1 , the binder is decomposed and removed from the green sheet by holding the green sheet for a predetermined length of time at binder decomposition temperature in a non-oxidizing atmosphere.5. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , when decomposing and removing the binder from the green sheet claim 4 , the green sheet is held for the predetermined length of time at temperature range of 200 degrees ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141196A1

There are provided a rare-earth permanent magnet and a manufacturing method thereof capable of achieving improvement of magnetic properties by optimizing magnetic field orientation. In the method, magnet material is milled into magnet powder. Next, the magnet powder and a binder are mixed to obtain a mixture. Next, the thus prepared mixture is formed into long-sheet-like shape so as to obtain a green sheet . Before the thus formed green sheet dries, magnetic field is applied in an in-plane and transverse direction or an in-plane and machine direction of the green sheet for magnetic field orientation. Thereby, a permanent magnet is obtained. 1. A rare-earth permanent magnet manufactured through steps of:milling magnet material into magnet powder;preparing a mixture by mixing the magnet powder and a binder;obtaining a green sheet by forming the mixture into a long-sheet-like shape;applying magnetic field in an in-plane and transverse direction or an in-plane and machine direction of the green sheet for magnetic field orientation; andsintering the green sheet subjected to the magnetic field orientation.2. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,in the step of obtaining a green sheet, the green sheet is formed by applying the mixture onto a surface of a substrate that is continuously conveyed, andin the step of applying magnetic field, magnetic field is applied to the green sheet that is continuously conveyed together with the substrate.3. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the step of applying magnetic field claim 2 , the green sheet conveyed together with the substrate is made to pass through a solenoid charged with electric current so as to apply magnetic field in the in-plane and machine direction of the green sheet for the magnetic field orientation.4. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of sintering the green sheet claim 1 , the green sheet is ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141197A1

There are provided a rare-earth permanent magnet and a manufacturing method of the rare-earth permanent magnet capable of preventing deterioration of magnet properties. In the method, magnet material is milled into magnet powder, and the magnet powder is mixed with a binder made of a hydrocarbon to prepare slurry , and one or more kinds of organic solvents selected from a group of organic compounds consisting of hydrocarbons. Next, the slurry is formed into a sheet-like shape to obtain a green sheet . After that, the green sheet is held for a predetermined length of time at binder decomposition temperature in a non-oxidizing atmosphere so as to cause depolymerization reaction or the like to the binder, which turns into monomer and is removed. The green sheet with the binder removed is sintered by raising temperature up to sintering temperature. Thereby a permanent magnet is obtained. 1. A rare-earth permanent magnet manufactured through steps of:milling magnet material into magnet powder; a binder made of a hydrocarbon, and', 'one or more kinds of organic solvents selected from a group of organic compounds consisting of hydrocarbons;, 'preparing slurry by mixing the magnet powder with'}obtaining a green sheet by forming the slurry into a sheet-like shape; andsintering the green sheet.2. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to manufactured further through a step of decomposing and removing the binder from the green sheet by holding the green sheet for a predetermined length of time at binder decomposition temperature in a non-oxidizing atmosphere claim 1 , before sintering the green sheet.3. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the step of decomposing and removing the binder claim 2 , the green sheet is held for the predetermined length of time in a temperature range of 200 degrees Celsius to 900 degrees Celsius in a hydrogen atmosphere or a mixed gas atmosphere of hydrogen and inert gas.4. The rare-earth permanent magnet ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced magnet

Номер: US20130146206A1
Автор: David Michael Jones
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Ltd

A magnet that includes a composite body and at least one reinforcing element. The reinforcing element is embedded within the body and increases the radial strength of the body. As a result, the magnet is able to rotate at higher speeds without fracturing. Additionally, methods of manufacturing the magnet are described.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147081A1

The invention includes: powder preparation step of obtaining magnetic core powders by mixing, of magnetic powders with thermosetting resin powders in hot state; powder filling step of filling the obtained magnetic core powders into a die; a compaction step of compacting magnetic core powders; and compact heating step of heating, compacts to the elevated temperature state at which the thermosetting resin hardens after compaction. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method of producing a powder magnetic core , comprising:{'sup': '4', 'obtaining magnetic core powders by mixing magnetic powders with thermosetting resin powders in hot state at temperature that brings the viscosity of the thermosetting resin to less than or equal to 10Pa-s such that a resin film is formed on the particle surfaces of the magnetic core powders;'}filling the obtained magnetic core powder into a die;compacting the filled magnetic core powders to obtain a compact; andheating the obtained compact into a state in which the thermosetting resin hardens.17. The method of producing the powder magnetic core according to claim 16 , whereinfilling the obtained magnetic core powders into a die includes filling the obtained magnetic core powders into the die which is preheated; andcompacting the filled magnetic core powders includes compaction of the magnetic core powders in hot state.18. The method of producing the powder magnetic core according to claim 16 , wherein the mixing claim 16 , in hot state claim 16 , of magnetic powders with resin powders includes mixing magnetic powders with resin powders at temperature that is at least 10° C. higher than the initial softening temperature of the thermosetting resin and not more than 130° C. higher than the initial softening temperature of the thermosetting resin.19. The method of producing the powder magnetic core according to claim 16 , wherein the mixing claim 16 , in hot state claim 16 , of magnetic powders with resin powders includes mixing magnetic powders with ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147588A1

A transformer is provided having a stacked core with a pair of outer legs extending between a pair of yokes. The core is arranged in a plurality of layers. Each of the layers includes a pair of yoke plates and a pair of outer leg plates. In an inner-most layer, the width of each yoke plate is less than the width of each outer leg plate. In each of the layers, the inner points of the outer leg plates are substantially in contact with the yoke plates. The cross-section of the inner leg and the outer legs may be rectangular or cruciform. 1. A distribution transformer comprising: first and second yokes, each having an inner longitudinal side and an outer longitudinal side and each comprising a stack of consecutive yoke plates, each of the yoke plates having a unitary construction; and', 'first and second outer legs, each of which comprises a stack of outer leg plates, each of the outer leg plates having a unitary construction and a trapezoidal shape with an inner longitudinal edge, an outer longitudinal edge and mitered edges extending between the inner and outer longitudinal edges, the mitered edges meeting the inner longitudinal edges at inner points, respectively;', 'wherein the core is arranged in a plurality of layers, each of the layers comprising a pair of the yoke plates and a pair of the outer leg plates;', 'wherein in an innermost layer, the width of each yoke plate is less than the width of each outer leg plate; and', 'wherein in each of the layers, the inner points of the outer leg plates are substantially in contact with the yoke plates; and, '(a.) a ferromagnetic core comprising(b.) at least one coil winding mounted to one of the outer legs.2. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein in each of the outer leg plates claim 1 , the mitered edges meet the outer longitudinal edges at outer points claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , the outer points being disposed outwardly from the yokes.3. The transformer of claim 1 , wherein in the innermost layer claim 1 , the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Alloy material for r-t-b-based rare earth permanent magnet, method for producing r-t-b-based rare earth permanent magnet, and motor

Номер: US20130154424A1
Принадлежит: Showa Denko KK

An alloy material for an R-T-B-based rare earth permanent magnet, including (i) an R-T-B-based alloy composed of R being two or more members selected from rare earth elements, T being a transition metal that essentially contains Fe, B and unavoidable impurities, and in which the Dy content is more than 10% by mass and less than 31% by mass, and (ii) a metal powder. Also disclosed is a method for producing an R-T-B-based rare earth permanent magnet and a motor provided with the R-T-B-based rare earth permanent magnet.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Low-neodymium, non-heavy-rare-earth and high performance magnet and preparation method

Номер: US20130154778A1

The invention discloses a low-neodymium, non-heavy-rare-earth and high-performance magnet and its preparing method, and belongs to technical field of rare earth permanent magnetic material. The magnet has a chemical formula of [(Nd, Pr)(CeLa)]FeBTM, wherein x, y, a, b and c represent mass percents of corresponding elements respectively, 0≦x≦40%, 0≦y≦15%, 29≦a≦30%, 0.5≦b≦5%, 0.5≦c≦5%; and TM is one or more selected from Ga, Co, Cu, Nb and Al elements. A series of grades of magnets can be prepared with rapidly solidified strips of only three components. Component proportioning of magnet can also be directly performed by using mixed rare earth, so that the cost increased by further separation and purification of the rare earth is reduced. During the preparation of magnetic powder with a jet mill, an antioxidant lubricant which is composed of alcohol, gasoline and basic synthetic oil is added. A low-temperature sintering technology is adopted; and the sintering temperature is 1, 010-1, 050° C. and the annealing temperature is 450-550° C. The magnetic energy product (BH)is more than 40 MGOe; and the coercive force His more than 10 kOe. The production time and the energy loss can be significantly reduced. 1. A low-neodymium , no heavy rare earth elements and high-performance magnet , its chemical formula is [(Nd , Pr)(CeLa)]FeBTM , wherein , x , y , a , b and c represent respectively the mass percent of the corresponding elements , and 10%≦x≦40% , 0%≦y≦15% , 29%≦a≦30% , 0.8%≦b≦1.5% and 0.5%≦c≦2% , TM is one or more selected from Ga , Co , Cu , Nb and Al.2. A method to prepare the low-neodymium claim 1 , no heavy rare earth elements and high-performance magnet as claim 1 , wherein the method comprises:{'sub': 100-x', '100-y', 'y', 'a', '100-a-b-c', 'b', 'c', 'a', '100-a-b-c', 'b', 'c, '(1) preparing the raw materials respectively according to the nominal composition of Nd—Fe—B alloy in mass percent: [Nd(CeLa)x]FeBTM(wt. %) and (Nd, Pr)FeBTM(wt. %), wherein 10%≦x≦40%, 0%≦y≦ ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175242A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A method for efficiently machining magnets with curved surfaces is disclosed. The use of machining equipment capable of making curved cuts through magnetic material can allow significant cost and material savings, particularly when machining magnets with complementary surfaces. A process for using a series of cutting wires to simultaneously cut magnetic material into conformally shaped magnets is described. 1. A multi-wire cutting machine for simultaneously cutting a plurality of complementary magnets from a magnetic substrate , the multi-wire cutting machine comprising:a plurality of cutting wire groups, each of the cutting wire groups including a plurality of parallel cutting wires, wherein at least two of the cutting wire groups are oriented in different directions, and are separated by a standoff distance preventing interference between the cutting wire groups during a cutting operation;a workpiece holder suitable for securing the magnetic substrate, wherein the plurality of cutting wires and the workpiece holder cooperate to cut the magnetic substrate into a pre-determined number of conformally shaped magnets; anda working fluid application mechanism, wherein the working fluid application mechanism immerses the portions of the plurality of wires that are in close proximity to the magnetic substrate with working fluid.2. The wire cutting machine as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cutting wires is fixed in place and the workpiece holder is configured to maneuver the workpiece in both an X axis and a Z axis with respect to the plurality of cutting wires.3. The wire cutting machine as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cutting wires is movable with respect to the workpiece and the workpiece holder is fixed in place.4. The wire cutting machine as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least two cutting wire groups are orthogonally aligned.5. The wire cutting machine as recited in claim 4 , wherein each of the plurality of wires in each of the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176098A1
Принадлежит: TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD.

A magnetic material constituted by a grain compact obtained by shaping metal grains and then heat-treating them in an oxidizing ambience, wherein the metal grains are made of a Fe—Cr—Si alloy and their Fe/(Fe+Fe) ratio as measured before shaping by XPS, with respect to the sum of integral values at the peaks of 709.6 eV, 710.7 eV and 710.9 eV, or Fe, and peak integral value at 706.9 eV, or Fe, is 0.2 or more. 1. A magnetic material constituted by a grain compact obtained by shaping metal grains and then applying heat treatment in an oxidizing ambience , wherein the metal grains are made of a Fe—Cr—Si alloy and their Fe/(Fe+Fe) ratio as measured before shaping by XPS , with respect to the sum of integral values at peaks of 709.6 eV , 710.7 eV and 710.9 eV , or Fe , and peak integral value at 706.9 eV , or Fe , is 0.2 or more.2. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , wherein the Cr content in the grain compact is 2.0 to 15 percent by weight.3. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , wherein the grain size distribution of metal grains before shaping claim 1 , based on volume claim 1 , is such that d10/d50 is 0.1 to 0.7 and d90/d50 is 1.4 to 5.0.4. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , wherein the tap density of metal grains before shaping claim 1 , as specified in the JIS Z 2512: 2006 standard claim 1 , is 3.8 g/cmor more.5. A metal powder configured to constitute a magnetic grain compact claim 1 , which meal power is made of a Fe—Cr—Si alloy whose Fe/(Fe+Fe) ratio as measured by XPS claim 1 , with respect to the sum of integral values at peaks of 709.6 eV claim 1 , 710.7 eV and 710.9 eV claim 1 , or Fe claim 1 , and peak integral value at 706.9 eV claim 1 , or Fe claim 1 , is 0.2 or more.6. A coil component having a magnetic material according to claim 1 , and a coil formed inside or on a surface of said magnetic material.7. A method of manufacturing a magnetic material claim 1 , comprising:{'sub': Metal', 'Metal', 'Oxide', 'Oxide', 'Metal, ' ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180860A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals,Ltd.

An object of the present invention is to provide a novel method for forming an electrolytic copper plating film having excellent adhesion on the surface of a rare earth metal-based permanent magnet. The method of the present invention as a means for achieving the object is characterized in that after a magnet is immersed in a plating solution, a cathode current density of 0.05 A/dmto 4.0 A/dmfor performing an electrolytic copper plating treatment is applied thereto over 10 seconds to 180 seconds to start the treatment. 1. A method for forming an electrolytic copper plating film on the surface of a rare earth metal-based permanent magnet , characterized in that after a magnet is immersed in a plating solution , a cathode current density of 0.05 A/dmto 4.0 A/dmfor performing an electrolytic copper plating treatment is applied thereto over 10 seconds to 180 seconds to start the treatment.2. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the electrolytic copper plating treatment is performed for a period of time of 2 minutes to 450 minutes.3. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the plating solution is alkaline.4. A rare earth metal-based permanent magnet having an electrolytic copper plating film formed on the surface thereof claim 1 , characterized in that an oxygen-containing layer that is present at the interface between the magnet and the film has a thickness up to 10 nm claim 1 , and the film has an average crystal grain size of 0.5 μm to 3.0 μm.5. A magnet according to claim 4 , characterized in that the film has a thickness of 2 μm to 20 μm.6. A magnet according to claim 4 , characterized in that the electrolytic copper plating film is formed by the method of .7. A method for improving the adhesion of an electrolytic copper plating film formed on the surface of a rare earth metal-based permanent magnet claim 4 , characterized in that after a magnet is immersed in a plating solution claim 4 , a cathode current density of 0.05 A/dmto 4.0 A/ ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Soft magnetic powder, granulated powder, dust core, electromagnetic component, and method for producing dust core

Номер: US20130181802A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

Provided are a soft magnetic powder for obtaining a dust core having a low iron loss, the dust core, and a method for producing a dust core. The present invention relates to a soft magnetic powder including a plurality of soft magnetic particles, each having an insulating layer. The Vickers hardness HV0.1 of a material constituting the soft magnetic particles is 300 or more, and the insulating layer contains Si, O, and at least one of an alkali metal and Mg. As long as the soft magnetic powder has such features, a material having a high electric resistance, such as an iron-based alloy, can be used. The eddy current loss can be reduced, and it is possible to effectively obtain a dust core having a low iron loss.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181804A1

Disclosed is an iron-based soft magnetic powder obtained by preparing an iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder through water atomization, and thermally reducing the iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder. The iron-based soft magnetic powder has an average particle size of 100 μm or more and has an interface density of more than 0 μmand less than or equal to 2.6×10μm, where the interface density is determined from a cross-sectional area (μm) and a cross-sectional circumference (μm) of the iron-based soft magnetic powder. The iron-based soft magnetic powder obtained by preparing an iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder through water atomization and thermally reducing the iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder, when used for the production of a dust core, can give a dust core having a low coercive force. Also disclosed is a duct core having a low coercive force and exhibiting superior magnetic properties. 1. An iron-based soft magnetic powder obtained by preparing an iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder through water atomization , and thermally reducing the iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder ,wherein the iron-based soft magnetic powder has an average particle size of 100 μm or more, and{'sup': −1', '−2', '−1', '2, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'Interface density=Σ(cross-sectional circumferences of iron-based soft magnetic powder particles)/2/Σ(cross-sectional areas of iron-based soft magnetic powder particles) \u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'wherein the iron-based soft magnetic powder has an interface density of more than 0 μmand less than or equal to 2.6×10μm, where the interface density is determined from a cross-sectional area (μm) and a cross-sectional circumference (μm) of the iron-based soft magnetic powder according to following Expression (1)2. A dust core derived from the iron-based soft magnetic powder of .3. A dust core derived from an iron-based soft magnetic powder obtained by preparing an iron-oxide-based soft magnetic powder through water atomization claim 1 , and ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Magnetite-containing resin and electronic component

Номер: US20130182460A1
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

This disclosure provides a magnetic material-containing resin to be used for coating and forming cores. A magnetite-containing resin of the present invention includes a magnetite having a residual magnetic flux density of less than 15 Am 2 /kg and a coercive force of less than 12 kA/m. A coil is provided that has a structure in which by coating a winding with the magnetite-containing resin, a magnetite-containing resin layer is formed.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Core for wire-wound component and manufacturing method thereof and wire-wound component made therewith

Номер: US20130186995A1

A drum core for a wire-wound component having a pair of flange parts provided on both ends of an axis core around which a winding wire is wound, with tapered surfaces of roughly conical shape formed on their facing inner surfaces in such a way that the interval of the inner surfaces increases toward the outer sides of the flange parts. The flange parts have roughly a rectangular shape and the sides along which their long side faces contact the tapered surfaces have the curved shapes that convex roughly at the center. The curved shapes make the height of the corners of the flange parts from the reference surface lower than the height of the convex parts of the curved shapes from the reference surface, and the loads received by the wire during winding are reduced as a result.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189148A1
Принадлежит: POSCO

A wire rod and steel wire having superior magnetic characteristics and a method for manufacturing same, wherein the wire rod and the steel wire can be used in transformers, vehicles, electric or electronic products, or the like which require low iron loss and high permeability. Provided are a wire rod and steel wire having superior magnetic characteristics and a method for manufacturing same, wherein the wire rod or the steel wire comprises, by wt %, 0.03 to 0.05% of C, 3.0 to 5.0% of Si, 0.1 to 2.0% of Mn, 0.02 to 0.08% of Al, 0.0015 to 0.0030% of N, and the remainder being Fe and unavoidable impurities. The wire rod and steel wire having directional properties may be provided by a general manufacturing process without using expensive alloying elements and without having to add a manufacturing facility. 1. A wire rod having excellent magnetic characteristics , comprising , by weight , C: 0.03 to 0.05% , Si: 3.0 to 5.0% , Mn: 0.1 to 2.0% , Al: 0.02 to 0.08% , N: 0.0015 to 0.0030% , the balance: Fe , and other unavoidable impurities.2. The wire rod of claim 1 , wherein the wire rod comprises a Goss structure of not less than 2 area %.3. The wire rod of claim 1 , wherein the wire rod has a saturated magnetic flux density of not less than 180 emu.4. Steel wire having excellent magnetic characteristics claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , C: 0.03 to 0.05% claim 1 , Si: 3.0 to 5.0% claim 1 , Mn: 0.1 to 2.0% claim 1 , Al: 0.02 to 0.08% claim 1 , N: 0.0015 to 0.0030% claim 1 , the balance: Fe claim 1 , and other unavoidable impurities.5. The steel wire of claim 4 , wherein the steel wire comprises a Goss structure of not less than 7 area %.6. The steel wire of claim 4 , wherein the steel wire has a saturated magnetic flux density of not less than 250 emu.7. A method for manufacturing a wire rod having excellent magnetic characteristics claim 4 , comprising:heating steel comprising, by weight, C: 0.03 to 0.05%, Si: 3.0 to 5.0%, Mn: 0.1 to 2.0%, Al: 0.02 to 0. ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing sintered ndfeb magnet

Номер: US20130189426A1
Автор: Masato Sagawa
Принадлежит: Intermetallics Co Ltd

A method for producing a sintered NdFeB magnet having high coercivity and capable of being brought into applications without lowering its residual magnetic flux density or maximum energy product and without reprocessing. The method includes applying a substance containing dysprosium (Dy) and/or terbium (Tb) to the surface of the sintered NdFeB magnet forming a base body and then heating the magnet to diffuse Dy and/or Tb through the grain boundary and thereby increase the coercivity of the magnet. This method is characterized in that: (1) the substance containing Dy or Tb to be applied to the surface of the sintered NdFeB magnet is substantially a metal powder; (2) the metal powder is composed of a rare-earth element R and an iron-group transition element T, or composed of R, T and another element X, the element X capable of forming an alloy or intermetallic compound with R and/or T; and (3) the oxygen content of the sintered NdFeB magnet forming the base body is 5000 ppm or lower. The element T may contain nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co) to produce an anticorrosion effect.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192723A1
Принадлежит: MINEBEA CO., LTD.

A method for manufacturing a magnetized bonded magnet, including the steps of: arranging a magnetization permanent magnet for magnetizing a magnetic field near a non-magnetized bonded magnet; heating the non-magnetized bonded magnet to a temperature of a Curie point thereof or higher; and continuously magnetizing the magnetic field to the non-magnetized bonded magnet by the magnetization permanent magnet for magnetizing the magnetic field while cooling the non-magnetized bonded magnet reached at the temperature of the Curie point thereof or higher to a temperature of less than the Curie point, wherein the non-magnetized bonded magnet is a rare-earth iron bonded magnet including two or more different rare-earth elements in magnet powder thereof. 1. A method for manufacturing a magnetized bonded magnet , comprising the steps of:arranging means for magnetizing a magnetic field near a non-magnetized bonded magnet;heating the non-magnetized bonded magnet to a temperature of a Curie point thereof or higher; andcontinuously magnetizing the magnetic field to the non-magnetized bonded magnet by the means for magnetizing the magnetic field while cooling the non-magnetized bonded magnet reached at the temperature of the Curie point thereof or higher to a temperature of less than the Curie point,wherein the non-magnetized bonded magnet is a rare-earth iron bonded magnet including two or more different rare-earth elements in magnet powder thereof.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the non-magnetized bonded magnet is formed in a ring shape and surrounded with a plurality of the means for magnetizing magnetic field so as to be multi-pole magnetized.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the rare-earth elements have an atomic percentage of 12 at % or more in total amount.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet powder has an intrinsic coercive force of 716 kA/m (9 kOe) or more.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the rare-earth elements ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Surface modified magnetic material

Номер: US20130196145A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An article exhibiting magnetic properties, a method for providing corrosion resistance to an article, and an electric machine element are disclosed. The article comprises a substrate comprising a first portion of a magnetic material, the magnetic material exhibiting magnetic properties. The article further comprises a transition layer comprising a second portion of the magnetic material and a first portion of a coating material. The transition layer is disposed on at least a portion of the substrate. The article further comprises an outer layer comprising a second portion of the coating material. The outer layer is disposed on at least a portion of the transition layer.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200970A1
Принадлежит: TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD.

A coil-type electronic component has a coil inside or on the surface of its base material wherein the base material in the coil-type electronic component is constituted by a group of grains of a soft magnetic alloy containing iron, silicon and other element that oxidizes more easily than iron; the surface of each soft magnetic alloy grain has an oxide layer formed on its surface as a result of oxidization of the grain; this oxide layer contains the other element that oxidizes more easily than iron by a quantity larger than that in the soft magnetic alloy grain; and grains are bonded with one another via this oxide layer. The coil-type electronic component can be produced at low cost and combines high magnetic permeability with high saturation magnetic flux density. 1. A coil-type electronic component having a coil inside or on the surface of its base material , wherein said coil-type electronic component is characterized in that: the base material is constituted by a group of grains of a soft magnetic alloy containing iron , silicon and other element that oxidizes more easily than iron; the surface of each soft magnetic alloy grain has an oxide layer formed on its surface as a result of oxidization of the grain; this oxide layer contains the other element that oxidizes more easily than iron in a quantity larger than that in the soft magnetic alloy grain; and grains are bonded with one another via this oxide layer.2. A coil-type electronic component according to claim 1 , characterized in that the oxide layer via which the soft magnetic alloy grains are bonded with one another is thicker than an oxide layer other than the bonding oxide layer on the surface of the soft magnetic alloy grains.3. A coil-type electronic component according to claim 1 , characterized in that the oxide layer via which the soft magnetic alloy grains are bonded with one another is thinner than an oxide layer other than the bonding oxide layer on the surface of the soft magnetic alloy grains.4 ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206283A1

A grain oriented electrical steel sheet has thermal strain introduced thereinto in a dotted-line arrangement in which strain-imparted areas are lined in a direction that crosses a rolling direction of the steel sheet, wherein the strain-imparted areas introduced in the dotted-line arrangement have a size from 0.10 mm or more to 0.50 mm or less and an interval between the adjacent strain-imparted areas is from 0.10 mm or more to 0.60 mm or less. 1. A grain oriented electrical steel sheet having thermal strain introduced thereinto in a dotted-line arrangement in which strain-imparted areas are lined in a direction that crosses a rolling direction of the steel sheet , wherein the strain-imparted areas introduced in the dotted-line arrangement have a size from 0.10 mm or more to 0.50 mm or less and an interval between the adjacent strain-imparted areas is from 0.10 mm or more to 0.60 mm or less.2. The grain oriented electrical steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein a line interval between the dotted-lines in the rolling direction is 2 mm to 10 mm.3. A method for manufacturing a grain oriented electrical steel sheet claim 1 , comprising: {'br': None, 'i': 'E', '=[Acceleration voltage of electron beam (kV)×Beam current value (mA)×Irradiation period per one dot (μs)/1 000]/Beam diameter (mm) \u2003\u2003(1).'}, 'introducing thermal strain into a grain oriented electrical steel sheet in a dotted-line arrangement in which strain-imparted areas have been lined in a direction that crosses a rolling direction of the steel sheet by irradiating with an electron beam, wherein a line interval between the electron beam irradiation in the rolling direction is 2 mm to 10 mm, an irradiated dot interval in the dotted-line arrangement is 0.2 mm or more to 1. 0 mm or less, and an irradiation energy amount E per unit beam diameter defined by Formula (1) is 30 mJ/mm or more and 180 mJ/mm or less, wherein4. A method for manufacturing a grain oriented electrical steel sheet comprising: {'br': None, ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Superconducting Magnet Device

Номер: US20130207658A1
Автор: Aubert Guy

Disclosed is a compact superconducting magnet device for generating an intense and homogeneous magnetic field component Bz along an axis Oz in a zone of interest ZI successively includes, starting from the axis Oz, at least two coaxial superconducting helical coils formed around circular cylinder sections of axis Oz delimited by end circles. The lateral ends of the helical coils are arranged, to within the thickness of the coils, in the vicinity of one same sphere of radius c whose centre O is placed on the axis Oz at the centre of the zone of interest ZI and which encompasses the magnetic device assembly. The azimuthal current densities j, jof the helical coils are of opposite sign. The lengths of the helical coils are of decreasing length. 1. A compact superconducting magnet device to generate a homogeneous magnetic field component Bz along an axis Oz in a zone of interest ZI for nuclear magnetic resonance or magnetic resonance imaging applications , successively comprising , starting from the axis Oz and in a direction perpendicular to this axis Oz , a first superconducting helical coil around a first circular cylinder section of axis Oz delimited by first end circles , said first superconducting helical coil having a first outer radius , a first inner radius , and a first length , with a first azimuthal current density j , at least one second superconducting helical coil formed around a second circular cylinder section of axis Oz delimited by second end circles and surrounding said first circular cylinder section , the said second coil having a second outer radius , a second inner radius and a second length , with a second azimuthal current density j , wherein the lateral ends of the first and second helical coils are arranged , to within the thickness of the coils , in the vicinity of one same sphere of radius c whose centre O is placed on the axis Oz in the centre of said zone of interest ZI and which encompasses the magnet device assembly , in that the first ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207756A1
Автор: Maier Dieter

Magnetic actuator includes a pole body having at least one magnetic region and at least one nonmagnetic region, the nonmagnetic region providing a magnetic isolation of the magnetic region. The pole body is developed as a one-piece component, and the magnetic regions and the nonmagnetic regions of the pole body are connected in a continuous material manner, using a two-component metal powder injection molding process. 111-. (canceled)12. A magnetic actuator , comprising:a pole body configured as a one-piece component, the pole body having at least one magnetic region and at least one nonmagnetic region;wherein the nonmagnetic region provides a magnetic isolation of the magnetic region, and wherein the at least one magnetic region and the at least one nonmagnetic region of the pole body are connected by a continuous material, using a two-component metal powder injection molding process.13. The magnetic actuator as recited in claim 12 , wherein the pole body has at least two magnetic regions and at least two nonmagnetic regions situated alternatingly in a circumferential direction of the pole body claim 12 , the nonmagnetic regions providing an isolation of the magnetic regions from one another claim 12 , and wherein all the magnetic regions and all the nonmagnetic regions of the pole body are connected by a continuous material claim 12 , using a two-component metal powder injection molding process.14. The magnetic actuator as recited in claim 13 , wherein two lateral areas of the nonmagnetic regions of the pole body are configured parallel to each other.15. The magnetic actuator as recited in claim 13 , wherein the pole body includes a flange extending radially outwards.16. The magnetic actuator as recited in claim 15 , wherein a lead-through for an electric contacting is situated in the flange.17. The magnetic actuator as recited in claim 15 , wherein the pole body is surrounded by a coil housing along at least a portion of an extent of the pole body along an axial ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214893A1
Автор: Petzold Jörg
Принадлежит: Vacuumschmelze GmbH & Co. KG

Magnet core for low-frequency applications and method for producing a magnet core for low-frequency applications 1. Magnet core for low-frequency applications , which is made of a spiral-wound , soft-magnetic , nanocrystalline strip , the strip essentially having the alloy composition{'br': None, 'sub': Rest', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f, 'FeCoCuNbSiBC,'}wherein a, b, c, d, e and f are stated in atomic percent and 0≦a≦1; 0.7≦b≦1.4; 2.5≦c≦3.5; 14.5≦d≦16.5; 5.5≦e≦8 and 0≦f≦1, and cobalt may wholly or partially be replaced by nickel,{'sub': s', 's', '1', '1', 'max', 'max, 'the magnet core having a saturation magnetostriction λof λ<2 ppm, a starting permeability μof μ>100 000 and a maximum permeability μof μ>400 000, and a sealing metal oxide coating being provided on the surfaces of the strip.'}2. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,{'sup': nd', 'rd, 'wherein the oxide coating contains magnesium oxide and/or zirconium oxide and/or oxides of an element selected from the group of Be, Al, Ti, V, Nb, Ta, Ce, Nd, Gd, further elements of the 2and 3main groups and of the group of rare earth metals.'}3. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,{'sub': max', 'max', 'max, 'wherein the magnet core has a maximum permeability μof μ>400 000, preferably μ>600 000.'}4. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'wherein the magnet core has a starting permeability μof μ>150 000, preferably μ>200 000.'}5. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,{'sub': s', 's', 's, 'wherein the magnet core has a saturation magnetostriction λof λ<1 ppm, preferably λ<0.5 ppm.'}6. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,wherein the strip has a strip thickness d of d<24 μm, preferably d<21 μm.7. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,{'sub': a', 'a', 'a, 'wherein the strip has an effective roughness R(eff) of R(eff)<7%, preferably R(eff)<5%.'}8. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,wherein the strip has a total metalloid content c+d+e+f>22.5%, preferably c+d+e+f>23.5%.9. Magnet core according to claim 1 ,{'sub': R', 'S', 'R ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219701A1

In a solenoid magnet assembly, and a method for manufacture thereof, the magnet assembly includes a number of concentrically aligned coils, each including a winding impregnated with a resin. Each coil is mechanically restrained so as to hold the coils in fixed relative positions relative to each other when forming the magnet assembly. The mechanical restraint can be formed by annular support sections bonded to the respective coils, lugs bonded to the respective coils, or by lugs that are at least partially embedded in a crust formed on a radially outer surface of the respective windings. 1. A method for constructing a solenoidal magnet assembly comprising a plurality of axially aligned coils , each comprising a winding impregnated with a resin , comprising:adhesively bonding a radially outer surface of the resin of each coil to a corresponding annular support section; andmechanically restraining the annular support sections in fixed relative positions to form the magnet assembly.2. A method for constructing a solenoidal magnet assembly according to claim 1 , comprising locating the coils in correct positions using a jig claim 1 , before the associated annular support sections are fixed in their relative positions.3. A method for constructing a solenoidal magnet assembly according to comprising restraining the annular support sections against one another claim 1 , and providing the annular support sections with an axial extent that is longer than the axial extent of the associated coil claim 1 , to define a spacing between coils by the axial length of the annular support sections.4. A method for constructing a solenoidal magnet assembly according to claim 1 , comprising placing spacers between at least one pair of adjacent annular support sections claim 1 , to define an axial spacing between associated coils by the axial length of the annular support sections and of the intervening spacers.5. A method for constructing a solenoidal magnet assembly according to claim 4 ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222094A1
Автор: BABA Toshiyuki, NISHI Koji

Material powders made of a R—Fe—N compound that contains a light rare earth element as R or material powders made of a Fe—N compound are formed into a compact having a predetermined shape through compression forming. Then, the compact formed of the material powders is heated in an oxidative atmosphere to bond the material powders to each other by oxide films formed on the material powders. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnet , comprising:a forming step of forming material powders made of a R—Fe—N compound that contains a light rare earth element as R or material powders made of a Fe—N compound into a compact having a predetermined shape through compression forming; andan oxidation-firing step of heating the compact formed of the material powders in an oxidative atmosphere to bond the material powders to each other by oxide films formed on the material powders.2. The method of manufacturing a magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the oxidation-firing step claim 1 , the compact is heated at a temperature lower than a decomposition temperature of the R—Fe—N compound or the Fe—N compound.3. The method of manufacturing a magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the light rare earth element R is Sm.4. The method of manufacturing a magnet according to claim 2 , wherein the light rare earth element R is Sm.5. A magnet that is formed by forming material powders made of a R—Fe—N compound that contains a light rare earth element as R or material powders made of a Fe—N compound into a compact having a predetermined shape through compression forming;and heating the compact formed of the material powders in an oxidative atmosphere to bond the material powders to each other by oxide films formed on the material powders The disclosure of Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-040136 filed on Feb. 27, 2012 including the specification, drawings and abstract is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to a method of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222100A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A reactor of the present invention includes: a combined product provided with a coil and a magnetic core where the coil is disposed; and a case storing the combined product . The case includes: a bottom plate portion fixed to a fixation target when the reactor is installed in the fixation target; a side wall portion attached to the bottom plate portion to surround the combined product ; and a heat dissipation layer formed on the inner face of the bottom plate portion to be interposed between the bottom plate portion and the coil . The bottom plate portion is made of aluminum, and the side wall portion is made of an insulating resin. The heat dissipation layer is made of an adhesive agent whose thermal conductivity is high and which exhibits an excellent insulating characteristic. Since the bottom plate portion is structured as a separate member from the side wall portion , the heat dissipation layer can easily be formed and, moreover, the heat dissipation layer can be made of a material possessing an excellent heat dissipating characteristic. Since the insulator evenly presses the coil against the heat dissipation layer , an even more excellent heat dissipating characteristic is achieved. 1. A reactor comprising:a combined product and a case storing the combined product, the combined product including a coil formed by a wire being spirally wound and a magnetic core where the coil is disposed, wherein 'an insulator insulating the coil and the magnetic core from each other, and', 'the combined product includes'} a bottom plate portion being fixed to a fixation target when the reactor is installed in the fixation target,', 'a side wall portion that is fixed to the bottom plate portion by a fixation member and that surrounds the combined product, and', 'a heat dissipation layer formed on an inner face of the bottom plate portion to be interposed between the bottom plate portion and the coil, wherein, 'the case includes'}the bottom plate portion is equal to or higher ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229251A1
Принадлежит: CYNTEC CO., LTD.

An electronic device comprising a first magnetic powder, a second magnetic powder and a conducting wire buried in the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder is provided. The conducting wire comprises an insulating encapsulant and a conducting metal encapsulated by the insulating encapsulant. The Vicker's Hardness of the first magnetic powder is greater than the Vicker's Hardness of the second magnetic powder, and the mean particle diameter of the first magnetic powder is larger than the mean particle diameter of the second magnetic powder. By means of the hardness difference of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder and the conducting wire buried therein are combined to form an integral magnetic body at the temperature lower than the melting point of the insulating encapsulant. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a first magnetic powder;a second magnetic powder, wherein the mean particle diameter of the first magnetic powder is larger than the mean particle diameter of the second magnetic powder, the Vicker's Hardness of the first magnetic powder is greater than the Vicker's Hardness of the second magnetic powder by a first hardness difference, and the first magnetic powder mixes with the second magnetic powder; anda conducting wire buried in the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, wherein the conducting wire comprises an insulating encapsulant and a conducting metal encapsulated by the insulating encapsulant;wherein by means of the first hardness difference of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder and the conducting wire buried therein are combined to form an integral magnetic body at a temperature lower than the melting point of the insulating encapsulant.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the Vicker's ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229253A1

A laminated electronic component includes a first magnetic material portion, a low-magnetic-permeability portion laminated on the first magnetic material portion, a second magnetic material portion laminated on the low-magnetic-permeability portion, at least one annular or spiral coil disposed within the low-magnetic-permeability portion, and a plurality of columnar magnetic material portions disposed within the low-magnetic-permeability portion so as to extend through inside of the coil and connecting the first magnetic material portion to the second magnetic material portion. 1. A laminated electronic component comprising:a first magnetic material portion;a low-magnetic-permeability portion laminated on the first magnetic material portion;a second magnetic material portion laminated on the low-magnetic-permeability portion;at least one annular or spiral coil disposed within the low-magnetic-permeability portion; anda plurality of columnar magnetic material portions disposed within the low-magnetic-permeability portion so as to extend through inside of the coil and connect the first magnetic material portion to the second magnetic material portion.2. The laminated electronic component according to claim 1 , wherein the coil includes a pair of coils which are electromagnetically coupled to each other to constitute a common mode choke coil.3. The laminated electronic component according to claim 1 , wherein each of the columnar magnetic material portions has a circular transverse section.4. The laminated electronic component according to claim 2 , wherein each of the columnar magnetic material portions has a circular transverse section.5. A method of manufacturing a laminated electronic component claim 2 , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a plurality of magnetic material sheets;preparing a plurality of low-magnetic-permeability sheets;forming, in the low-magnetic-permeability sheets, a plurality of holes extending through the low-magnetic-permeability ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234363A1
Принадлежит: MITSUI HIGH-TEC, INC.

In a method of manufacturing a laminated core, a laminated core body including magnet insertion holes and with magnet pieces inserted therein is placed between a molding (upper) die and a retaining (lower) die , and a molding resin is filled from resin reservoir portions (pots) to fix the pieces in the holes and . Between the die and the body , a guide member is placed, which includes resin passages provided from the portions to the holes and and gates connecting to the holes and on downstream sides of the passages . The method can reduce lead time of a production line without replacing the molding dies for different laminated rotor cores and thus without preparing different types of molding dies. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of manufacturing a laminated core , the laminated core formed by placing a laminated core body having magnet pieces inserted in magnet insertion holes of the laminated core body between a molding die and a retaining die , filling a molding resin from resin reservoir portions of the molding die to the magnet insertion holes , and thereby fixing the magnet pieces in the magnet insertion holes , the method comprising: a) groove-type resin passages provided from the resin reservoir portions to the magnet insertion holes; and', 'b) gates on downstream sides of the resin passages, the gates being through holes, the gates connected to the magnet insertion holes., 'placing a guide member between the molding die and the laminated core body, the guide member comprising14. The method as defined in claim 13 , wherein the guide member is made of one flat plate claim 13 , the resin passage comprises a groove opened to the molding die claim 13 , and the gate is a through-hole provided at an end of the resin passage.15. The method as defined in claim 13 , wherein the guide member comprises at least two flat plates claim 13 , the resin passage is formed by penetrating through one of the flat plates adjoining the molding die claim 13 , the gate is formed in ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241333A1

In an embodiment, a permanent magnet includes a composition represented by a composition formula: R(FeMCu(CoA)), where, R is at least one element selected from rare earth elements, M is at least one element selected from Ti, Zr, and Hf, A is at least one element selected from Ni, V, Cr, Mn, Al, Si, Ga, Nb, Ta, and W, 0.05≦p≦0.6, 0.005≦q≦0.1, 0.01≦r≦0.15, 0≦s≦0.2, and 4≦z≦9, and a two-phase structure of a ThZncrystal phase and a copper-rich phase. In a cross-section of the permanent magnet containing a crystal c axis of the ThZncrystal phase, an average distance between the copper-rich phases is 120 nm or less. 2. The permanent magnet according to claim 1 ,wherein an average thickness of the copper-rich phases is 10 nm or less.3. The permanent magnet according to claim 2 ,wherein 50 atomic % or more of the element R is samarium.4. The permanent magnet according to claim 3 ,wherein 50 atomic % or more of the element M is zirconium.6. The manufacturing method according to claim 5 ,wherein the aging treatment comprises a first heat treating the sintered body at a temperature T1 satisfying the temperature T, and a second heat treating the sintered body at a temperature T2 higher than the temperature T1.7. A variable magnetic flux motor comprising the permanent magnet according to .8. A variable magnetic flux generator comprising the permanent magnet according to . This application is a continuation of prior International Application No. PCT/JP2010/002317, filed on Mar. 30, 2010; the entire contents of all of which are incorporated herein by reference.Embodiments described herein relate generally to a permanent magnet and a method for manufacturing the same, and a variable magnetic flux motor and a variable magnetic flux generator using the same.In a variable magnetic flux motor and a variable magnetic flux generator, two types of magnets, a variable magnet and a stationary magnet, are used. Conventionally, in the variable magnet, an Al—Ni—Co based magnet or a Fe—Cr—Co ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241686A1

A reactor includes a coil and a core unit having partial cores butted against one another to form a closed magnetic path. The partial cores include a first partial core forming and a second partial core. The first partial core is inserted in the hollow of the coil. A pressed face of the first partial core is oriented orthogonal to the winding axis direction of the coil. The second partial core is butted against the first partial core. A pressed face of the second partial core is oriented orthogonal to a direction different from the winding axis direction. The pressed face of the second partial core is a substantially flat plane. 1. A reactor comprising:a coil; anda core unit comprising a plurality of partial cores butted one another to form a closed magnetic path, and partially inserted and disposed in a hollow core part of the coil,the plurality of partial cores comprising a first partial core which forms a magnetic path passing through the hollow core part of the coil; anda second partial core which forms a magnetic path passing through an exterior of the hollow core part of the coil,the first partial core being inserted and disposed in the hollow core part of the coil such that a pressed face of the first partial core is oriented orthogonal to a winding axis direction of the coil,the second partial core being butted against the first partial core and disposed such that a pressed face of the second partial core is oriented orthogonal to a certain direction which is different from the winding axis direction, andthe pressed face of the second partial core being a substantially flat plane.2. The reactor according to claim 1 , whereinthe certain direction is a direction orthogonal to the winding axis direction, andthe pressed face of the second partial core is disposed in a direction orthogonal to the pressed face of the first partial core.3. The reactor according to claim 1 , whereinthe first partial core comprises a first magnetic path end face orthogonal to the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for connecting sheet metal parts to form a laminated core

Номер: US20130248100A1

The invention relates to a method for connecting sheet metal parts ( 4 ) to form a laminated core ( 11 ), wherein sheet metal parts ( 4 ) are separated, in particular punched, from a sheet metal strip ( 2 ) that has, at least in some areas, a layer having curable polymer adhesive ( 12 ), and the sheet metal parts ( 4 ) are preliminarily connected to form a laminated core ( 11 ), the preliminary connection comprising plasticizing the adhesive ( 12 ) at least in some areas and joining the sheet metal parts ( 4 ) in order to connect the sheet metal parts by means of the plasticized adhesive ( 12 ) of at least one of the sheet metal parts ( 4 ), and in a subsequent step the laminated core ( 11 ) having preliminarily connected sheet metal parts ( 4 ) is subjected to a curing of the adhesive ( 12 ). In order to create an advantageous connection between the sheet metal parts, the plasticizing of the adhesive ( 12 ) comprises the introduction of a softener ( 16 ), in particular H 2 O.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248311A1

A system for transferring electric energy to a vehicle, wherein the system comprises an electric conductor arrangement for producing a magnetic field and for thereby transferring the energy to the vehicle, wherein the electric conductor arrangement comprises at least one current line, wherein each current line is adapted to carry the electric current which produces the magnetic field or is adapted to carry one of parallel electric currents which produce the magnetic field and wherein: 110-. (canceled)11. A system for transferring electric energy to a vehicle travelling on a track in a direction of travel , wherein the system comprises an electric conductor arrangement for producing a magnetic field and for thereby transferring the energy to the vehicle , wherein the electric conductor arrangement comprises at least one current line , wherein each current line is adapted to carry the electric current which produces the magnetic field or is adapted to carry one of parallel electric currents which produce the magnetic field and wherein:the at least one current line extends at a first height level,the system comprises an electrically conductive shield for shielding the area below the conductor arrangement against the magnetic field, wherein the shield extends under the track and extends below the first height level, anda magnetic core extends along the track in the direction of travel at a second height level and extends above the shield.12. The system of claim 11 , wherein the second height level at which the magnetic core extends is below the first height level and wherein the magnetic core extends between the shield and the at least one current line.13. The system of claim 11 , wherein the material of the magnetic core is placed in grooves claim 11 , or recesses claim 11 , or grooves and recesses of pre-fabricated modules adapted to carry the material and to fix the at least one current line.14. The system of claim 11 , wherein the shield extends in a layer ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249666A1

First and second divisional cores each including right and left leg portions and a yoke interconnecting those together are formed by molding respective yoke-side core members in a resin. Cylindrical core mounting portions extending from the outer circumference of the surface of the yoke-side core member are formed integrally with the respective right and left leg portions of the first. divisional core. I-shaped leg-portion-side core members and spacers are attached in the cylindrical core mounting portion formed in each of the right and left leg portions. The surface of the yoke-side core member molded in the resin and the surface of the leg-portion-side core member are disposed so as to have a spacer therebetween. The two divisional cores are joined together by butting respective leg portions of the two divisional cores with each other to form an annular mold core, and a coil is wound around the mold core. 1. A reactor comprising:an annular core; and [ the first divisional core being formed by molding a first yoke-side core member in a resin and including right and left leg portions and a yoke interconnecting the leg portions together,', 'the first yoke-side core member having right and left end surfaces respectively exposed at the right and left leg portions of the first divisional core,', 'the right and left leg portions of the first divisional core being formed integrally by the resin molded around the first yoke-side core member and including cylindrical core mounting portions each extending from an outer circumference of the end surface of the first yoke-side core member,', 'the cylindrical core mounting portion being provided thereinside with a leg-portion-side core member and a spacer disposed between the end face of the first yoke-side core member and an end face of the leg-portion-side core member,, 'the annular core including a first divisional core and a second divisional core and formed by abutting ends of the first and second divisional cores against ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252004A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

The present invention provides a rare earth-iron-nitrogen-based alloy material which can produce a rare earth magnet having excellent magnetic characteristics and a method for producing the same, a rare earth-iron-based alloy material suitable as a raw material of the rare earth magnet and a method for producing the alloy material. A rare earth-iron-based alloy material is heat-treated in a hydrogen-containing atmosphere to produce a multi-phase powder in which a phase of a hydrogen compound of a rare earth element is dispersedly present in a phase of an iron-containing material. A powder compact produced by compression-molding the multi-phase powder is heat-treated in a vacuum with a magnetic field of 3 T or more applied, thereby forming a rare earth-iron-based alloy material . The rare earth-iron-based alloy material is heat-treated in a nitrogen atmosphere with a magnetic field of 3.5 T or more applied, thereby forming a rare earth-iron-nitrogen-based alloy material . The rare earth-iron-based alloy material has a structure in which a crystal of a rare earth-iron-based alloy is oriented in the c-axis direction. The rare earth-iron-nitrogen-based alloy material composed of an ideal nitride can be formed by nitriding the rare earth-iron-based alloy material having this oriented structure with the magnetic field applied, and a rare earth magnet having excellent magnetic characteristics can be formed. 110.-. (canceled)11. A rare earth-iron-based alloy material used for a raw material of a rare earth magnet , the alloy material comprising a compact composed of a plurality of alloy particles which are composed of a rare earth-iron-based alloy containing a rare earth element ,wherein I(a, b, c)/Imax≧0.83 is satisfied, where when any desired plane constituting the outer surface of the compact or any desired section of the compact is used as a measurement plane, Imax is a maximum X-ray diffraction peak intensity at the measurement plane, I(a, b, c) is an X-ray diffraction ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing Surface-Mount Inductor

Номер: US20130255071A1

A method of producing a surface-mount inductor having an external electrode with high connection reliability even in a high-humidity environment is provided. 1. A method of producing a surface-mount inductor comprising the steps of:forming a coil by winding an electrically-conductive wire having a self-bonding coating;forming a core portion using a sealant comprising primarily of metal magnetic powders and a resin so as to encapsulate the coil while allowing each of opposite ends of the coil to be at least partially exposed on a surface of the core portion;applying an electrically-conductive paste containing metal fine particles having a sintering temperature of 250° C. or less onto the surface of the core portion; andforming an underlying electrode on the surface of the core portion by sintering the metal fine particles through a heat treatment of the core portion to achieve electrical conduction with the coil.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the resin comprises a thermosetting resin claim 1 , and the underlying electrode is formed by curing the core portion and sintering the metal fine particles through the heat treatment.3. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the metal fine particles contain at least one selected from the group consisting of Ag claim 1 , Au and Cu claim 1 , and has a particle size of less than 100 nm.4. The method as defined in claim 3 , wherein the electrically-conductive paste further contains metal particles having a particle size of 0.1 to 10 μm claim 3 , wherein the metal particles are contained in an amount of 30 to 50 wt % based on the total amount of the metal fine particles and the metal particles contained in the electrically-conductive paste. The present invention relates to a method of producing a surface-mount inductor and, more particularly, to a method of forming an external electrode with high connection reliability of the surface-mount inductor.Conventionally, a surface-mount inductor has been used which has ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256574A1

A material containing a soft magnetic substance is subjected to a plastic deformation such as a roll processing to obtain a rod-shaped body. Then, the rod-shaped body or a shaped body obtained by processing the rod-shaped body into a shape other than a flat plate shape is subjected to a heat treatment in the presence of a magnetic field. The rod-shaped body or the shaped body is made magnetic-anisotropic by the heat treatment thereby to obtain a magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body. 1. A magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body comprising a plastically deformed body obtained by processing a material containing a soft magnetic substance into a shape other than a flat plate shape , the plastically deformed body exhibiting a magnetic anisotropy.2. The magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body according to claim 1 , having one magnetization easy axis oriented in an arbitrary direction claim 1 , thereby exhibiting a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy.3. The magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body according to claim 1 , having a crystal grain size corresponding to a grain size number of 3 to 9.4. The magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body according to claim 1 , comprising a silicon steel or an Fe—Al alloy.5. The magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body according to claim 1 , having a rod shape.6. The magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body according to claim 1 , obtained by plastically deforming the material and subjecting the deformed material to a heat treatment in the presence of a magnetic field.7. A method for producing a magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body claim 1 , the magnetic-anisotropic plastically deformed body comprising a soft magnetic substance and exhibiting a magnetic anisotropy claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:plastically deforming a material containing the soft magnetic substance to obtain a rod-shaped body; andsubjecting the rod-shaped body or a shaped body obtained by processing the rod- ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257573A1

The present invention relates to ferromagnetic particles comprising an FeNcompound phase in an amount of not less than 70% as measured by Mössbauer spectrum, and at least one metal element X selected from the group consisting of Mn, Ni, Ti, Ga, Al, Ge, Zn, Pt and Si in such an amount that a molar ratio of the metal element X to Fe is 0.04 to 25%, the ferromagnetic particles having a BHvalue of not less than 5 MGOe, and a process for producing the ferromagnetic particles, and further relates to an anisotropic magnet or a bonded magnet which is obtained by magnetically orienting the ferromagnetic particles. The ferromagnetic particles according to the present invention can be produced in an industrial scale and are in the form of FeNparticles comprising different kinds of metal elements having a large BHvalue. 1. Ferromagnetic particles comprising an FeNcompound phase in an amount of not less than 70% as measured by Mössbauer spectrum , and at least one metal element X selected from the group consisting of Mn , Ni , Ti , Ga , Al , Ge , Zn , Pt and Si in such an amount that a molar ratio of the metal element X to Fe is 0.04 to 25% , the ferromagnetic particles having a BHvalue of not less than 5 MGOe.2. The ferromagnetic particles according to claim 1 , further comprising an Si compound and/or an Al compound with which a surface of the respective ferromagnetic particles is coated.3. The ferromagnetic particles according to claim 1 , wherein a saturation magnetization value of the ferromagnetic particles is not less than 130 emu/g claim 1 , and a coercive force Hof the ferromagnetic particles is not less than 600 Oe.4. The ferromagnetic particles according to claim 1 , wherein a BET specific surface area of the ferromagnetic particles is 3 to 80 m/g.5. A process for producing the ferromagnetic particles as defined in claim 1 , comprising the step of subjecting iron compound particles previously passed through a mesh having a size of not more than 250 μm to reducing ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Magnet Recycling

Номер: US20130263699A1

The present invention discloses a method for recovering rare earth particulate material from an assembly comprising a rare earth magnet and comprises the steps of exposing the assembly to hydrogen gas to effect hydrogen decrepitation of the rare earth magnet to produce a rare earth particulate material, and separating the rare earth particulate material from the rest of the assembly. The invention also resides in an apparatus for separating rare earth particulate material from an assembly comprising a rare earth magnet. The apparatus comprises a reaction vessel having an opening which can be closed to form a gas-tight seal, a separator for separating the rare earth particulate material from the assembly, and a collector for collecting the rare earth particulate material. The reaction vessel is connected to a vacuum pump and a gas control system, and the gas control system controls the supply of hydrogen gas to the reaction vessel.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264894A1
Автор: KIM Byoung Soo
Принадлежит: AMOTECH CO., LTD.

An amorphous magnetic component for use in a high-power, high-speed electric motor, in which amorphous metal materials are powdered, compressed, and molded, to be easily molded into magnetic components of a complex shape, and crystalline metal powder of excellent soft magnetic properties is added to the amorphous alloy powder, to promote improvement of a magnetic permeability and improvement of a packing density at the time of compression molding. A method of manufacturing the amorphous magnetic component; includes the steps of: pulverizing ribbons or strips of amorphous alloys to obtain plate-shaped amorphous alloy powder; classifying the amorphous alloy powder, and mixing the amorphous alloy powder with spherical soft magnetic powder, in order to improve magnetic permeability and packing density, to obtain mixed powder; mixing the mixed powder with a binder, to be molded into a shape of the magnetic components; and sintering the molded magnetic components to implement magnetic properties. 1. A method for making an amorphous magnetic component for electric motors , the method comprising the steps of:pulverizing ribbons or strips of amorphous alloys to thus obtain plate-shaped amorphous alloy powder;classifying the amorphous alloy powder, and then mixing the amorphous alloy powder with spherical soft magnetic powder, to thus obtain mixed powder;mixing the mixed powder with a binder, to then be molded into a shape of the magnetic components; andsintering the molded magnetic components so as to implement magnetic properties.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spherical soft magnetic powder is added in the range of 10% by weight to 50% by weight with respect to the entire mixed powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an aspect ratio of the plate-shaped amorphous alloy powder is set in the range of 1.5 to 3.5 claim 1 , and an aspect ratio of the spherical soft magnetic powder is set in the range of 1 to 1.2.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ribbons or strips ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264903A1
Принадлежит: SHOWA DENKO K.K.

An alloy material for an R-T-B system rare earth permanent magnet having a high orientation rate and high coercivity (Hcj), and a method for producing an R-T-B system rare earth permanent magnet using the alloy material. The alloy material includes a plurality of R-T-B system alloys having different compositions and a metal powder. The respective R-T-B system alloys are formed of R which is composed of two or more kinds selected from rare earth elements, T which is composed of a transition metal essentially containing Fe, B, and unavoidable impurities. A first alloy having the greatest Dy content contains 17 mass % or greater of Dy, and a Dy concentration difference between the first alloy and a second alloy having the smallest Dy concentration difference with respect to the first alloy among the plurality of R-T-B system alloys is 5 mass % or greater. 1. An alloy material for an R-T-B system rare earth permanent magnet , comprising:a plurality of R-T-B system alloys having different compositions; anda metal powder,wherein the respective R-T-B system alloys are formed of R which is composed of two or more kinds selected from rare earth elements, T which is composed of a transition metal essentially containing Fe, B, and unavoidable impurities, a first alloy having the greatest Dy content among the plurality of R-T-B system alloys contains 17 mass % or greater of Dy, and a Dy concentration difference between the first alloy and a second alloy having the least Dy concentration difference with respect to the first alloy among the plurality of R-T-B system alloys is 5 mass % or greater.2. The alloy material for an R-T-B system rare earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal powder includes one or two or more selected from Al, Fe, Si, Ta, Ti, and Zr, or an alloy containing the metals.3. The alloy material for an R-T-B system rare earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal powder is included in an amount of 0.02 mass % to 6 mass %.4 ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Compact Superconducting Magnet Device

Номер: US20130265124A1
Автор: Aubert Guy

Disclosed is a compact superconducting magnet device for generating an intense and homogeneous magnetic field component Bz along an axis Oz in a zone of interest ZI successively includes, starting from the axis Oz, at least three coaxial superconducting helical coils formed around circular cylinder sections of axis Oz delimited by end circles. The lateral ends of the helical coils are arranged, to within the thickness of the coils, in the vicinity of one same sphere of radius c whose centre O is placed on the axis Oz at the centre of the zone of interest ZI and which encompasses the magnetic device assembly. The azimuthal current densities j, j, jof the helical coils are alternately of opposite sign. The lengths of the helical coils are of decreasing length. 111011011010101101101101221022012020201201201011021022121011025105310330130303013013020120310322221231011021033104110111013104bbbbbb. A compact superconducting magnet device to generate a homogeneous magnetic field component Bz along an axis Oz in a zone of interest (ZI) for nuclear magnetic resonance or magnetic resonance imaging applications , successively comprising , starting from the axis Oz and perpendicular to this axis Oz , at least one first superconducting helical coil (; ) formed around a first circular cylinder section (; ) of axis Oz delimited by first end circles (A , B; A , B) , said first superconducting helical coil (; ) having a first outer radius (a) , a first inner radius (a) , and a first length () , with a first azimuthal current density j , at least one second superconducting helical coil (; ) formed around a second circular cylinder section (; ) of axis Oz delimited by second end circles (A , B; A , B) and surrounding said first circular cylinder section (; ) , said second coil (; ) having a second outer radius (a) , a second inner radius (a) and a second length () , with a second azimuthal current density j , characterized in that the lateral ends of the first and second helical coils ( ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271256A1

A method includes a step of compacting an insulation-coated pure iron powder or an iron-based alloy powder mainly containing iron using a die to obtain a dust core, a step of heat-treating the obtained dust core, and a step of post-machining at least one portion of the heat-treated dust core using a grinding wheel. In the post-machining step, grinding is performed in such a manner that the dust core and the grinding wheel are rotated, whereby isotropic machining marks are formed on a machined surface of the dust core. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for manufacturing a dust core , comprising:a step of compacting an insulation-coated pure iron powder or an iron-based alloy powder mainly containing iron using a die to obtain the dust core;a step of heat-treating the obtained dust core; anda step of post-machining at least one portion of the heat-treated dust core using a grinding wheel,wherein the post-machining step is a step of performing grinding in such a manner that the dust core and the grinding wheel are rotated.19. The manufacturing method according to claim 18 , wherein the die includes a first die and second die facing each other claim 18 , at least one of the first die and the second die exhibits a stepped shape having a convex portion and/or a concave portion or a shape that a plurality of stepped portions are separated claim 18 , and the dust core obtained by compacting has a density of 7.0 g/cmto 7.6 g/cm.20. The manufacturing method according to claim 18 , wherein the rotational speed of the dust core ranges from 150 rpm to 1 claim 18 ,500 rpm and the grinding wheel is rotated at a peripheral speed of 720 m/min or more and not more than the maximum allowable peripheral speed thereof.21. The manufacturing method according to claim 18 , wherein the grinding wheel contains abrasive grains which have a median diameter of 25 μm to 88 μm and which are made of diamond or cubic boron nitride.22. The manufacturing method according to claim 18 , wherein the grinding ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for making surface mount inductor

Номер: US20130276298A1
Автор: Chien Chih Liu
Принадлежит: Mag Layers Scientific Technics Co Ltd

A method for manufacturing an inductor includes a mold device having a mold cavity, disposing a coil member above the mold cavity of the mold device, filling metallic particles into the mold cavity of the mold device, forcing the coil member into the metallic particles to form a base member, applying two conductive coating members onto the base member and electrically connecting to the terminals of the coil member respectively, and attaching two conductive coverings onto the conductive coating members respectively and electrically connecting to the conductive coating members respectively for allowing the inductors to be quickly manufactured in a mass production.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Composite, soft-magnetic powder and its production method, and dust core formed thereby

Номер: US20130277601A1
Автор: Fumi Kurita, Hisato Tokoro
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

A composite, soft-magnetic powder comprising soft-magnetic, iron-based core particles having an average particle size of 2-100 μm, and boron nitride-based coating layers each covering at least part of each soft-magnetic, iron-based core particle, said coating layers being polycrystalline layers comprising fine boron nitride crystal grains having different crystal orientations and an average crystal grain size of 3-15 nm, the average thickness of said polycrystalline layers being 6.6% or less of the average particle size of said soft-magnetic, iron-based core particles, is produced by (1) mixing iron nitride powder having an average particle size of 2-100 μm with boron powder having an average particle size of 0.1-10 μm, (2) heat-treating the resultant mixed powder at a temperature of 600-850° C. in a nitrogen atmosphere, and (3) removing non-magnetic components.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280119A1

A magnetic material is produced by mixing a magnet powder with an amorphous metal containing a rare-earth element, iron, and boron, the rare-earth element being in the range of 22 to 44 atomic %, and the boron being in the range of 6 to 28 atomic %; and heating the mixture to a temperature or more, the temperature being lower than the crystallization temperature of the amorphous metal by 30° C., or when the amorphous metal is a metallic glass, to a temperature of the glass transition temperature thereof or more. 1. A magnetic material in which a magnet powder and an amorphous metal are used as ingredients ,wherein the amorphous metal contains a rare-earth element, iron, and boron;the amorphous metal contains the rare-earth element in the range of 22 to 44 atomic %, and the boron in the range of 6 to 28 atomic %; andthe magnetic material is obtained bymixing the magnet powder and the amorphous metal, andheating the mixture to a temperature or more, the temperature being lower than the crystallization temperature (Tx) of the amorphous metal by 30° C., orwhen the amorphous metal is a metallic glass, heating the mixture to a temperature of the glass transition temperature (Tg) thereof or more.2. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , whereinthe amorphous metal further contains cobalt, and in the amorphous metal, the atomic ratio of the cobalt to iron is 1.5 or less.3. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , further containing an additive claim 1 ,and the additive content relative to 100 parts by mass of the magnetic material is below 10 parts by mass.4. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , whereina magnetic anisotropic magnet powder is used as the magnet powder, and a mixture of the magnetic anisotropic magnet powder with the amorphous metal is subjected to magnetic field pressing.5. A method for producing a magnetic material comprising:mixing a magnet powder with an amorphous metal having an initial softening temperature of 600° C. or less, thereby ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285778A1

There are provided a rare-earth permanent magnet and a manufacturing method thereof capable of preventing deterioration of magnet properties. In the method, magnet material is milled into magnet powder. Next, a mixture is prepared by mixing the magnet powder and a binder made of long-chain hydrocarbon and/or of a polymer or a copolymer consisting of monomers having no oxygen atoms. Next, the mixture is formed into a sheet-like shape so as to obtain a green sheet. After that, the green sheet is held for a predetermined length of time at binder decomposition temperature in a non-oxidizing atmosphere so as to remove the binder by causing depolymerization reaction or the like to the binder, which turns into monomer. The green sheet from which the binder has been removed is sintered by raising temperature up to sintering temperature. Thereby a permanent magnet is obtained. 2. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the binder is any one of: polyisobutylene; polyisoprene; polybutadiene; polystyrene; a styrene-isoprene copolymer; an isobutylene-isoprene copolymer; and a styrene-butadiene copolymer.3. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , from use as the binder claim 1 , there are excluded: a polymer consisting of a possible monomer of which Rand Rin the general formula (1) each represent a hydrogen atom; and a polymer consisting of a possible monomer of which Rand Rin the general formula (1) represent a hydrogen atom and a methyl group claim 1 , respectively.4. The rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of decomposing and removing the binder claim 1 , the green sheet is held for the predetermined length of time in a temperature range of 200 degrees Celsius to 900 degrees Celsius in a hydrogen atmosphere or a mixed gas atmosphere of hydrogen and inert gas.6. The manufacturing method of a rare-earth permanent magnet according to claim 5 , wherein the binder is any one of: ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Rotary Transformer and Associated Devices, Systems, and Methods for Rotational Intravascular Ultrasound

Номер: US20130289412A1

Rotational intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging devices, systems, and methods are provided. The present disclosure is particularly directed to rotary transformers incorporating flex circuits that are suitable for use in rotational IVUS systems. In one embodiment, a rotary transformer for a rotational IVUS device includes: a rotational component and a stationary component. At least one of the rotational and stationary components includes a core formed of a magnetically conductive material and a flex circuit coupled to the core. In some instances, the flex circuit is coupled to the core such that a coil portion of the flex circuit is received within a recess of the core and an extension of the flex circuit extending from the coil portion extends through an opening of the core. 1. A rotary transformer for a rotational intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) device , the rotary transformer comprising: a core formed of a magnetically conductive material, the core having a front surface and a back surface, wherein the front surface includes a recessed surface portion that is recessed relative to surrounding portions of the front surface to define a recess, wherein an opening extends through the core from the recessed surface portion to the back surface; and', 'a flex circuit coupled to the core, the flex circuit including a coil portion and an elongated extension extending from the coil portion, wherein the flex circuit is coupled to the core such that the coil portion is received within the recess of the front surface of the core and the elongated extension extends through the opening extending through the core from the recessed surface portion to the back surface; and, 'a rotational component configured to be fixedly secured to a rotating portion of the rotational IVUS device such that the rotational component rotates with the rotating portion of the rotational IVUS device, the rotational component including a core formed of a magnetically conductive material; and', 'a coil ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292882A1

Upon producing a transparent polycrystalline material, a suspension liquid (or slurry ) is prepared, the suspension liquid being made by dispersing a raw-material powder in a solution, the raw-material powder including optically anisotropic single-crystalline particles to which a rare-earth element is added. A formed body is obtained from the suspension liquid by means of carrying out slip casting in a space with a magnetic field applied. On this occasion, while doing a temperature control so that the single-crystalline particles demonstrate predetermined magnetic anisotropy, one of static magnetic fields and rotary magnetic fields is selected in compliance with a direction of an axis of easy magnetization in the single-crystalline particles, and is then applied to them. A transparent polycrystalline material is obtained by sintering the formed body, the transparent polycrystalline material having a polycrystalline structure whose crystal orientation is controlled.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Bonded magnet and motor provided with same

Номер: US20130293038A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A bonded magnet of the present invention has a configuration that it contains at least a magnetic powder and a binder, and in which the magnetic powder and the binder are mixed such that a content of the magnetic powder is 98 mass % or more and a content of the binder is more than 0 mass % and 2 mass % or less. Accordingly, a bonded magnet having good magnetic characteristics and high heat resistance can be attained.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

R-t-b sintered magnet

Номер: US20130293328A1
Автор: Futoshi Kuniyoshi
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

This sintered R-T-B based rare-earth magnet includes: R 2 Fe 14 B type compound crystal grains, including a light rare-earth element RL (which includes at least one of Nd and Pr) as a major rare-earth element R, as main phases; and a heavy rare-earth element RH (which includes at least one of Dy and Tb). Before its surface region is removed, the sintered R-T-B based rare-earth magnet has no layer including the rare-earth element R at a high concentration in that surface region. The sintered R-T-B based rare-earth magnet has a portion in which coercivity decreases gradually from its surface region toward its core portion. The difference in the amount of TRE between a portion of the sintered R-T-B based rare-earth magnet that reaches a depth of 500 μm as measured from its surface region toward its core portion and the core portion of the sintered R-T-B based rare-earth magnet is 0.1 through 1.0.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Composite soft magnetic material having low magnetic strain and high magnetic flux density, method for producing same, and electromagnetic circuit component

Номер: US20130298730A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corp, Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A composite soft magnetic material having low magnetostriction and high magnetic flux density contains: pure iron-based composite soft magnetic powder particles that are subjected to an insulating treatment by a Mg-containing insulating film or a phosphate film; and Fe—Si alloy powder particles including 11%-16% by mass of Si. A ratio of an amount of the Fe—Si alloy powder particles to a total amount is in a range of 10%-60% by mass. A method for producing the composite soft magnetic material comprises the steps of: mixing a pure iron-based composite soft magnetic powder, and the Fe—Si alloy powder in such a manner that a ratio of the Fe—Si alloy powder to a total amount is in a range of 10%-60%; subjecting a resultant mixture to compression molding; and subjecting a resultant molded body to a baking treatment in a non-oxidizing atmosphere.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305522A1
Принадлежит: Correlated Magnetics Research, LLC

An improved field emission system and method is provided that involves field emission structures having electric or magnetic field sources. The magnitudes, polarities, and positions of the magnetic or electric field sources are configured to have desirable correlation properties, which may be in accordance with a code. The correlation properties correspond to a desired spatial force function where spatial forces between field emission structures correspond to relative alignment, separation distance, and the spatial force function. 17-. (canceled)8. A system for manufacturing a field emission structure , comprising:a material, said material having first field emission properties;a heat source for heating said material to at least a critical temperature at which said material is susceptible to a change in its field emission properties; anda field emission structure comprising a plurality of field emission sources having a polarity pattern, said polarity pattern including a first polarity and a second polarity opposite said first polarity, said field emission structure having second field emission properties in accordance with said polarity pattern,wherein said field emission structure is brought into proximity with said material while said material has been heated to at least said critical temperature and causes said material to have third field emission properties in accordance with said polarity pattern after said material has cooled to a temperature below said critical temperature.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein said field emission structure is a magnetic field emission structure.10. The system of claim 8 , wherein said material comprises a ferromagnetic material and said critical temperature is called the Curie temperature.11. The system of claim 8 , wherein said material comprises an anti-ferromagnetic material and said critical temperature is called the Néel temperature.12. A system for manufacturing a field emission structure claim 8 , comprising:a material, ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307659A1
Автор: Johnson Charles W.

A distribution transformer having a slot-and-tab core frame assembly. The core frame () encloses a transformer core () having at least one phase and provides compression on the core yokes and end members of the transformer to bind the assembly together. First and second clamps () of the core frame contain receiving slots () for the tabbed (), longitudinal side supports (), creating an interlock when connected. For larger transformers, the tabbed side supports may be alternatively comprised of a subassembly of end plates, cams, and tabbed locking plates, encompassing a sturdy locking mechanism. 1. A distribution transformer comprising:a ferromagnetic core comprising at least one limb extending between the first and second yokes;at least one coil assembly mounted to at least one limb; a first clamp comprising a pair of first plates between which the first yoke is disposed, each of the first plates having opposing end portions, each of which has a slot formed therein;', 'a second clamp comprising a pair of second plates between which the second yoke is disposed, each of the second plates having opposing end portions, each of which has a slot formed therein;', 'first and second side supports, each of which has opposing side edges and opposing first and second end portions, the first end portion having first tabs extending outwardly from the side edges respectively, and the second end portion having second tabs extending outwardly therefrom, respectively; and', 'wherein the first tabs of the first and second side supports are disposed in the slots of the first plates of the first clamp, respectively, and the second tabs of the first and second side supports are disposed in the slots of the second plates of the second clamp, respectively., 'a frame for holding the core, the frame comprising2. The distribution transformer of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second side supports is in contact with at least one limb of the core.3. The distribution transformer of claim ...
