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27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531806C2

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат: повышение качества и эффективности бесперебойного электроснабжения потребителей, а также увеличение ресурса работы аккумуляторов. Согласно способу напряжение постоянного тока источника стабилизируют при помощи стабилизаторов с гальванической развязкой до уровня напряжения заряда аккумулятора, при помощи стабилизаторов осуществляют параллельный заряд последовательно соединенных аккумуляторов, электропитание потребителю подают с полюсов, образованных последовательно соединенными аккумуляторами, при этом через аккумуляторы постоянно протекает ток, являющийся разницей тока разряда и тока заряда. 2 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014134133A
Автор: ЛИ Чун Ук (US)

... 1. Аккумулятор переменной конфигурации, который состоит из по меньшей мере одного блока, содержащего:постоянно соединенные последовательно аккумуляторные элементы, каждый из которых имеет первый полюс напряжения и второй полюс напряжения;по меньшей мере один переключатель с управлением от процессора, имеющий электрическое соединение между первым полюсом напряжения каждого аккумуляторного элемента и первым выходным электрическим соединением;по меньшей мере один переключатель с управлением от процессора, имеющий электрическое соединение между вторым полюсом напряжения каждого аккумуляторного элемента и вторым выходным электрическим соединением;причем переключатели с процессорным управлением выполнены с возможностью электрически изменять конфигурацию аккумуляторных элементов путем соединения первого полюса напряжения одного из элементов с первым выходным электрическим соединением, и второго полюса напряжения одного из элементов со вторым выходным электрическим соединением для получения выходного ...

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007136916A

... 1. Система энергоснабжения на основе батареи для питания электронного устройства, содержащая: ! одну основную перезаряжаемую батарею; ! одну дополнительную батарею, содержащую по меньшей мере или один первичный источник тока или по меньшей мере один перезаряжаемый источник тока; и ! один реверсивный регулятор заряда, регулирующий прохождение тока между указанной дополнительной батареей и указанной перезаряжаемой батареей. ! 2. Система энергоснабжения на основе батареи по п.1, в которой указанный реверсивный регулятор заряда регулирует прохождение тока от указанной дополнительной батареи к указанной перезаряжаемой батарее. ! 3. Система энергоснабжения на основе батареи по п.1, в которой указанный реверсивный регулятор заряда регулирует прохождение тока от указанной перезаряжаемой батареи к указанной дополнительной батарее. ! 4. Система энергоснабжения на основе батареи по любому из пп.1-3, в которой указанная дополнительная батарея имеет на клеммах первое номинальное напряжение, а указанная ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010141985A

... 1. Электрически нагреваемая формирующая аэрозоль система для размещения образующего аэрозоль носителя, при этом система содержит: ! по меньшей мере, один нагревательный элемент для нагревания носителя, чтобы образовать аэрозоль; и ! источник питания для подачи питания на, по меньшей мере, один нагревательный элемент, при этом источник электропитания содержит: ! источник напряжения, ! два или более конденсаторов большой емкости, и ! переключатели между источником напряжения и двумя или более конденсаторами большой емкости, при этом переключатели расположены таким образом, что во время режима зарядки два или более конденсаторов большой емкости соединяются, по меньшей мере, частично, параллельно друг с другом для зарядки посредством источника напряжения, а во время режима нагревания два или более конденсаторов большой емкости соединяются последовательно друг с другом для разрядки через, по меньшей мере, один нагревательный элемент. ! 2. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая повышающую или ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftfahrzeugbordnetzes

Номер: DE102018200540A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftfahrzeugbordnetzes, das eine motorisch und generatorisch betreibbare elektrische Maschine, einen ersten Energiespeicher und einen zweiten Energiespeicher aufweist, und in dem Schaltmittel vorgesehen sind, die dafür eingerichtet sind, sämtliche der nachfolgend angegebenen Schaltzustände a) bis c) alternativ zueinander einzustellen a) entweder nur der erste Energiespeicher oder nur der zweite Energiespeicher ist an die elektrische Maschine angebunden; b) der erste Energiespeicher und der zweite Energiespeicher sind in Parallelschaltung an die elektrische Maschine angebunden; c) der erste Energiespeicher und der zweite Energiespeicher sind in Reihenschaltung an die elektrische Maschine angebunden; wobei die Schaltmittel in einer ersten Ansteuerphase (201) derart angesteuert werden, dass eine Betriebsspannung des Kraftfahrzeugbordnetzes einen ersten Spannungswert (U) besitzt, wobei die Schaltmittel in einer sich an die erste Ansteuerphase ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016003258T5

Es ist ein Angleichungs-Schaltungssystem bereitgestellt, das eine Systemkonfiguration aufweist, die durch eine Reduktion der Gesamtzahl von Schaltern vereinfacht ist. Eine Stromspeicherzellen-Spannungsangleichungs-Schaltung wird mit einer Rechteckspannung betrieben, die an einem Schaltknoten in einer Stromspeichermodul-Spannungsangleichungs-Schaltung als eine Eingangsspannung erzeugt wird, wodurch eine Stromspeicherzellen-Spannungsangleichungs-Schaltung ohne einen Schalter erreicht wird. Typischerweise kann es sich bei der Stromspeicherzellen-Spannungsangleichungs-Schaltung um eine Resonanz-Spannungs-Verdopplungs-Gleichrichterschaltung handeln, und bei der Stromspeichermodul-Spannungsangleichungs-Schaltung kann es sich um einen geschalteten Kondensator, eine Resonanz-Spannungs-Verdopplungs-Gleichrichterschaltung, einen Tief-Hochsetzsteller oder dergleichen handeln.

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Umladen von Energiespeicherzellen einer Energiespeichereinrichtung und Energiespeichereinrichtung mit umladbaren Energiespeicherzellen

Номер: DE102012204861A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Aufheizen von Energiespeicherzellen einer Energiespeichereinrichtung mit einer Vielzahl von in mindestens einem Energieversorgungsstrang in Serie geschalteten Energiespeichermodulen, welche jeweils ein Energiespeicherzellenmodul, welches mindestens eine Energiespeicherzelle aufweist, und eine Koppeleinrichtung mit Koppelelementen umfassen, welche dazu ausgelegt sind, das Energiespeicherzellenmodul selektiv in den jeweiligen Energieversorgungsstrang zu schalten oder zu überbrücken. Das Verfahren umfasst dabei die Schritte des Übertragens von elektrischer Energie aus dem Energiespeicherzellenmodul mindestens eines ersten Energiespeichermoduls in einen mit der Energiespeichereinrichtung gekoppelten Gleichspannungszwischenkreis durch Ansteuern der Koppeleinrichtung des ersten Energiespeichermoduls zum Koppeln des Energiespeicherzellenmoduls des ersten Energiespeichermoduls mit dem Gleichspannungszwischenkreis für eine erste vorbestimmte Zeitspanne, und ...

20-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002261623A1

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Stecksystem zur Kombination von Lithium- Polymer- Akkumulatoren und deren Verbindung zu einem Batteriesystem

Номер: DE102014008134A1

Stecksystem zur Kombination von Lithium-Polymer-Akkumulatoren und deren Verbindung zu einem Batteriesystem. Es war ein Behältnis zur Montage eines Batteriesystems zu finden, in dem ein Nichtfachmann mehrere Li-Po-Akkus mit Strom- und Balanceranschluß anordnen und nur durch Steckverbindungen miteinander verbinden kann, dessen Steckverbindungen nicht zu vertauschen sind, eine leichte Montage und Demontage und einen Einzelteiltransport per Flugzeug vorschriftgemäß ermöglichen. Die Lösung ist ein Batteriegehäuse, bestückt mit handelsüblichen Li-Po-Akkus, deren Balancerstecker mit einer Balancerschiene mit kompatiblen Steckerbuchsen mit zentralem Balancerkabel, und deren Stromausführungsstecker über Stromschienen mit Kopplungselementen und kompatiblen Steckbuchsen mit einem zentralen Stromausführungskabel zu einem Batteriesystem zu verbinden sind und das Batteriesystem über das zentrale Balancerkabel durch Steckverbindung an eine Ladestation oder jeweils durch Steckverbindung an einen Verbraucher ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Batteriesystems

Номер: DE102017200898A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Batteriesystems (2) mit mehreren Batteriemodulen (4) umfassend mehrere Batteriezellen (8), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Batteriemodule (4) im Entladebetrieb parallel geschaltet werden und im Ladebetrieb seriell geschaltet werden.Darüber hinaus werden ein Batteriesystem (2) und ein Kraftfahrzeug angegeben.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Umrichter, elektrisches Polyphasen-System und Verfahren zum effizienten Leistungsaustausch

Номер: DE102017124126B4

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen modularen Multilevel-Umrichter (10) mit einer Mehrzahl von Einzelmodulen (12), die jeweils eine Mehrzahl von Schaltelementen und mindestens einen elektrischen Energiespeicher aufweisen, wobei eine erste Anzahl von Einzelmodulen (12) hintereinander zu einem geschlossenen Ring verschaltet sind, und mindestens zwei Abgriffe (14) jeweils zwischen zwei benachbarten Einzelmodulen (12) des Rings angeordnet sind, wobei zwischen zwei benachbarten Abgriffen (14) mindestens ein Einzelmodul (12) des Rings angeordnet ist, das ein Ringsegment bildet, und wobei an mindestens zwei Abgriffen je eine zweite Anzahl von Einzelmodulen als von der Ringanordnung (11) abzweigendes und einen Sternstrang bildendes Phasenmodul (20) aus mindestens zwei Einzelmodulen (12) vorgesehen ist, das mit einem Ende an dem jeweiligen Abgriff (14) angeschlossen ist und an dem anderen Ende einen Phasenanschluss bildet, wobei die Mehrzahl von Schaltelementen ein Verschalten von Energiespeichern ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Batteriesystem und Verfahren zum Bereitstellen einer Zwischenspannung

Номер: DE102011077708A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Batteriesystem (10), mit einem Batteriemodul (11), welches einen ersten Hochspannungsanschluss (12a), einen zweiten Hochspannungsanschluss (12b) und eine Vielzahl von zwischen den ersten und zweiten Hochspannungsanschluss in Reihe geschalteten Batteriezellmodulen (11a, ..., 11n) umfasst, und einer Schaltmatrix (13). Die Schaltmatrix umfasst eine Vielzahl von Schaltschienen (14), welche jeweils mit einem der Knotenpunkte zwischen je zwei der in Reihe geschalteten Batteriezellmodule verbunden sind, eine Vielzahl von ersten Schalteinrichtungen (15a), welche dazu ausgelegt sind, je eine der Schaltschienen (14) mit einem ersten Niederspannungsanschluss (13a) der Schaltmatrix (13) zu verbinden, und eine Vielzahl von zweiten Schalteinrichtungen (15b), welche dazu ausgelegt sind, je eine der Schaltschienen (14) mit einem zweiten Niederspannungsanschluss (13b) der Schaltmatrix zu verbinden. Dabei liegt zwischen dem ersten (12a) und dem zweiten Hochspannungsanschluss (12b ...

01-09-1999 дата публикации

Battery charging system and information processing apparatus with reduced power consumption at charges

Номер: GB0009915338D0

13-03-1996 дата публикации

Multi-voltage control circuit of battery or multiple independent dc power

Номер: GB0009600508D0

03-08-1994 дата публикации

Electric storage battery arrangement

Номер: GB0002245413B

12-04-2000 дата публикации

Aperture closures : door : door drive control

Номер: GB0002342389A

A door, comprising articulated slats 10 raisable into tracks 14, is moved by cables winding on or off drum 12 rotated via belt 16 by electric motor 18. The motor is slidable at 30 to adjust belt tension or to slacken the belt to remove drive. Disclosed motor control includes monitoring of the rate of change in the motor load in response to an obstruction, counting the number of door operations, and the connection of stand-by batteries across a power supply when charging and in series when powering the motor.

03-07-1996 дата публикации

DC-AC converter

Номер: GB0002294826B

26-09-2018 дата публикации

Charging a capacitor from a battery

Номер: GB0201812999D0

26-04-2000 дата публикации

Improved to rechargeable batteries

Номер: GB0000005359D0

21-10-2020 дата публикации

Rechargeable battery jump starting device with control switch backlight system

Номер: GB0002583178A

A rechargeable battery jump starting device with a control switch backlight system. The control switch backlight system is configured to assist a user viewing the selectable positions of the control switch for selecting a particular 12V or 24V operating mode of the portable rechargeable battery jump starting device in day light, sunshine, low light, and darkness.

08-07-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to methods of and apparatus for charging electric storage batteries

Номер: GB0000693750A

... 693,750. Battery-charging systems. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd. Feb. 7, 1950 [Feb. 23, 1949], No. 3142/50. Class 38 (iv). Storage batteries 3, 4 are separately and sequentially given a partial charge at a high rate and are then connected in parallel and receive a final charge at a reduced rate. Closure of a main switch 7 energizes a charging rectifier 2 over transformer 6 and causes relays 14, 21 to pick up. The first relay shorts out a resistor 12 at contacts 13 and opens its contacts 22 to remove a by-pass around contacts 26 of relay 21 which, in picking up, causes (a) energization of contactor 15 (over contacts 26) to connect battery 3 to the rectifier and (b) de-energization of contactor 18 (at contacts 25) to disconnect battery 4 from the rectifier. Upon battery 3 attaining a predetermined voltage-say corresponding to 80 per cent full charge-relay 27 responds and, at its contacts 30, de-energizes relay 21. The conditions of contactors 15, 18 reverse, in consequence, so that battery ...

20-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009100517D0

15-10-2008 дата публикации

A zero power loss ac power signal transmission cable

Номер: GB0000816106D0

28-07-2021 дата публикации

Docking station for mobile device

Номер: GB2591234A

Disclosed is a docking station for at least one mobile, electronic, data processing device, the docking station comprising at least one receptacle for receiving a mobile device, the receptacle having a distal end at which there is provided a backstop for limiting the distance by which the mobile device can be inserted, the position of the backstop being adjustable so as to enable said distance to be correspondingly adjusted.

18-11-1998 дата публикации

Portable electrical equipment

Номер: GB0009820827D0

08-01-1997 дата публикации

Aparatus and method for discharging and charging a multiple battery arrangement

Номер: GB0009622483D0

03-02-2016 дата публикации

Configurable battery module and system

Номер: GB0201522658D0

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Rechargeable battery jump starting device with a dual battery diode bridge

Номер: GB0202001445D0

21-02-1979 дата публикации

Switching arrangement for electrically-driven motor vehicles

Номер: GB0002002604A
Автор: Kapfhammer, Karl

A circuit arrangement for electrically driven motor vehicles with an electric driving motor which is fed from a driving battery, with a transformer which is adapted to be connected on the primary side to an A.C. power supply network and on the secondary side by way of a rectifier arrangement to the driving battery, and with a D.C. converter which includes a chopper, an A.C. voltage step-down device and a rectifier and which recharges a power supply battery having a rated voltage that is lower than that of the driving battery, from the driving battery; the transformer thereby forms the A.C. step-down device, to one side of which the driving battery is connected by way of the chopper and to the other side of which the power supply battery having a correspondingly matched stepped-down ratio is connected by way of the rectifier.

03-03-2021 дата публикации

Managing power in a portable device comprising multiple batteries

Номер: GB202100569D0

09-11-2022 дата публикации

Traction battery assembly for vehicle

Номер: GB0002606347A

A traction battery for a vehicle includes: a first plurality of cells 120; a second plurality of cells 140; a battery connection terminal 111, 112; and a battery control circuit that includes a contactor 400. In a first mode of operation, the battery control circuit selectively interconnects the first and second plurality of cells in a series configuration to provide a first battery voltage (e.g. 800V) at the battery connection terminal. In a second mode of operation, the battery control circuit selectively interconnects the first and second plurality of cells in a parallel configuration to provide a second battery voltage (e.g. 400V) at the battery connection terminal. The contactor is arranged to switch the configuration between series and parallel via mechanically exclusive contacts, wherein the contactor is biased towards the parallel configuration. The biasing may be provided by spring loading a coil 430 of the contactor, wherein the coil may switch from parallel to series when energised ...

25-10-2023 дата публикации

Reconfigurable battery pack

Номер: GB0002592250B

21-12-2004 дата публикации

Method for controlling an electric power plant associated with a random time-dependent source

Номер: AP0000001350A

The invention concerns a method for controlling an electric power plant (2) associated with a power source (6) with random time-based availability, the unit comprising at least one battery (10) adapted to be supplied with electric current from the source. When the random power (6) is available, the battery (10) current supply is controlled. The supply is controlled until it comes as close as possible to the battery complete state of charge, and preferably until it reaches that state.

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Method for controlling an electric power plant associated with a random time-independent source

Номер: AP2001002049A0

28-02-2015 дата публикации

A charge transfer zero loss power and signal transmission cable

Номер: AP0000003119A

30-04-2011 дата публикации

A charge transfer zero loss power and signal transmission cable.

Номер: AP2011005649A0

30-04-2011 дата публикации

A charge transfer zero loss power and signal transmission cable.

Номер: AP0201105649A0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Method for controlling an electric power plant associated with a random time-independent source

Номер: AP0200102049A0

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155585T

04-07-2019 дата публикации

A system of battery assemblies

Номер: AU2017279784B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A SYSTEM OF BATTERY ASSEMBLIES There is provided a system comprising a plurality of battery assemblies. Each battery assembly comprises power storage that can be charged and control electronics and communication means. Each battery assembly is configured to act as a local hub for local DC power demand monitoring; and a local DC power supply for DC loads. A method is provided for installing the system by co-locating a battery assembly near an energy meter and consumer unit and connecting the battery assembly to re-use existing lighting circuit wiring. A battery assembly for use in a distributed battery system of further battery assemblies is also provided. The battery system can receive electrical power from a power source and comprises electrical power storage, power electronics, control electronics and communication means. The control and communication means is configured to receive data and charge the electrical power storage. A method for installing the battery assembly is also provided ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Power tool stystem

Номер: AU2019203039B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

C:\Interwovn\NRPortbl\DCC\AAR762017 L.docx-30/04/2019 A power tool includes a housing, a brushless direct current (BLDC) motor including a rotor and a stator having at least three stator windings corresponding to at least three phases of the motor, the rotor being moveable by the stator when the stator windings are appropriately energized within the corresponding phases, each phase being characterized by a corresponding voltage waveform energizing the corresponding stator winding, the motor being configured to operate within an operating voltage range, and a power supply interface arranged to receive at least one of AC powerfrom an AC power supply having a first nominal voltage or DC power from a DC power supply having a second nominal voltage, the power supply interface configured to output the AC power via an AC power line and the DC power via a DC power line. A motor control circuit is provided to receive the AC power line and the DC power line and supply electric power to the motor ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage device and electric tool system

Номер: AU2019411162A1

The present invention provides an energy storage device, comprising four energy units having the same voltage value, each energy unit being provided with a positive electrode and a negative electrode. The energy storage device comprises a socket, the socket comprises eight separately provided electrode terminals, and the eight electrode terminals include four positive terminals respectively connected to the positive electrodes of the four energy units and four negative terminals respectively connected to the negative electrodes of the four energy units. The present invention also provides an electric tool system using the energy storage device, an electric tool having a plug for connecting the socket, and the plug being provided with male plug pieces electrically connected to the electrode terminals. The four energy units can be in different states by connecting different plugs, so that the energy storage device can output a variety of voltages. The energy storage device of the present ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Power tool system

Номер: AU2019203033A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

C:\Interwo n\NRPortbl\DCC\AAR761998_l.docx-30/04/2019 A power tool includes a housing, a brushless direct current (BLDC) motor including a rotor and a stator having at least three stator windings corresponding to at least three phases of the motor, the rotor being moveable by the stator when the stator windings are appropriately energized within the corresponding phases, each phase being characterized by a corresponding voltage waveform energizing the corresponding stator winding, the motor being configured to operate within an operating voltage range, and a power supply interface arranged to receive at least one of AC powerfrom an AC power supply having a first nominal voltage or DC power from a DC power supply having a second nominal voltage, the power supply interface configured to output the AC power via an AC power line and the DC power via a DC power line. A motor control circuit is provided to receive the AC power line and the DC power line and supply electric power to the motor ...

04-08-1994 дата публикации

Electric power accumulating apparatus and electric power system

Номер: AU0005478194A

17-09-2009 дата публикации

Electrically heated aerosol generating system and method

Номер: AU2009224980A1

08-12-2016 дата публикации

Power tool system

Номер: AU2016262725A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A power tool system (1) includes a first power tool (10A1) having a first power tool rated voltage, a second power tool (10A2, 10A3, 10B) having a second power tool rated voltage that is different from the first power tool rated voltage, and a first battery pack (20A4) coupleable to the first power tool (10A1) and to the second power tool (10A2, 10A3, 10B). The first battery pack (20A4) is switchable between a first configuration having a first battery pack rated voltage that corresponds to the first power tool rated voltage such that the first battery pack enables operation of the first power tool (10A1), and a second configuration having a convertible battery pack rated voltage that corresponds to the second power tool rated voltage (10A2) such that the battery pack enables operation of the second power tool (10A2, 1OA3, 10B). WO 2015/179318 PCT1US20151031432 -o d 0 a) 4-11 bi u~ > m LIP co co Ia w o (0 ~ a N, 0v< 5o o- C 0) 7E O r,4 0 a Ln t 0 < 0 2 0I MU 0) a Qw uI 4-1 ...

12-06-1997 дата публикации

Multi-element battery charging ciruit

Номер: AU0000678952B2

13-01-2000 дата публикации

Battery controller

Номер: AU0000714849B2

08-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001913492A

04-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001306004C

This invention pertains to portable battery-pack power supplies for use in devices which must be operated between an upper voltage and a lower voltage limit. The battery pack is comprised of a main power supply and a reserve power supply. The reserve power supply is switched into series connection with the main power supply when said main power supply is discharged to the lower voltage limit. Means are provided for ensuring that only the initial power supply is switched into the circuit after fresh cells are installed in the battery pack.

07-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001098962A1

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA3127239A1

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040316A1

A charging station (20) adapted for charging electrical vehicles (100) and comprising at least one battery pack (30). The battery pack (30) comprises a plurality of batteries (1) being coupled in series and a control unit (40) adapted for controlling each of the batteries (1) of the plurality of batteries individually. Each battery (1) comprises at least one battery cell (2) with a battery inlet line (8) and a battery outlet line (9), an electrical circuit element (5) arranged to lead from the battery inlet line (8) to the battery outlet line (9) such as to form an electrical path leading around the battery cell (2), and one switch(6 or 7).The one switch (6 or 7) is arranged in one of the battery outlet line (8)and the battery inlet line (9)and is switchable between a first position and a second position. The control unit (40) is connected to the one switch (6 or 7) of each battery (1) and is adapted for controlling the one switch (6 or 7) to switch between the first position, in which ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3110897A1

A dual DC-DC converter includes a controller signaling a plurality of switch sets for charging a first battery connected to a first DC output and a second battery connected to a second DC output. Each of the switch sets includes a high-side switch configured to switch a DC electrical input to a common node and a low-side switch configured to switch a ground to the common node. A filter capacitor is connected between each of the DC outputs and a ground. A mode switch is connected between the DC outputs and is opened to allow the dual DC-DC converter to be operated with each of the DC outputs having different voltages for independently charging the batteries at different states of charge. The mode switch is closed when the voltages on each of the DC outputs are equal or within a predetermined threshold.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3111825A1

A reconfigurable rotating electric machine having a rotor to rotate in association with a stator. Coils are arranged to form the windings of one or more phases. Each coil or group of coils has a pair of terminals to receive an electrical input. Switches are arranged to connect each coil or group of coils in series or parallel with another coil or group of coils to form defined coil topology configurations. A processor has memory storing settings to determine a state of each of the switches for each of the defined coil topology configurations. The switches are controllable to connect the coils into a force expansion topology configuration to form an electrical machine having two, four, or more virtual poles.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3111823A1

Control of an energy storage and provisioning system is disclosed, including a method in which electrical power is received from a power generator in an energy storage system having energy storage cells. Each of the energy storage cells has switching elements selectively operable to connect with terminals of other energy storage cells. The method further includes determining a condition of a number of the energy storage cells via electrical measurement; and grouping, by controlling operation of the switching elements, a subset of the energy storage cells into a topology configuration based on a condition of individual cells of the subset of energy storage cells. The method further includes storing the received electrical power into the subset of energy storage cells arranged into the topology configuration to optimize storage of the electrical power received from the power generator.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003068694A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

A battery pack 100 which has cell units 146, 147 in which top-side and bottom-side battery cells are connected in series, and is capable of switching the connection state of the cell units 146, 147, wherein a control unit 350 monitors voltage imbalances between the plurality of cell units, and also monitors whether or not a cell unit contact failure has occurred. In order to stop charging/discharging when a contact failure occurs, a signal (abnormality stoppage signal 341 or charging stoppage signal 441) for stopping discharge is produced and outputted to the electrical device body-side.

23-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003067395A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

Systems and methods are disclosed herein for a charging system. The charging system may be implemented within an independent charging station or within an autonomous vehicle. Boolean charging can be used to obtain the desired charge or discharge voltage for charging an autonomous vehicle at a charging station. By combining multiple battery arrays together in series, where each battery array includes multiple battery cells, a voltage may be obtained which is equal to the sum. of the voltages across each battery array. This voltage may be used in turn to charge additional battery arrays. The process may be repeated until the desired amount of battery arrays has been charged and the desired voltage has been achieved.

09-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002817315C

Systems and methods to operate a power supply. A power supply has an inductor and a capacitor coupled in a substantially series connection. The power supply has a first selectably conductive path that selectably couples a first power pack to the series reactive circuit and a second selectably conductive path that selectably couples the series reactive circuit to a substantially series combination of the first power pack and a second power pack. When the first power pack output voltage is above the threshold, the first selectably conductive path couples electrical current between the first power pack to the series reactive circuit. Otherwise, the second selectably conductive path couples electrical current between the series combination and the series reactive circuit. The controller further transfers charge from the second power pack to the first power pack.

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002830320A1

A source of environmental pollution is the burning of fuel by the transportation vehicles (e.g., cars, trucks). The use of electric vehicles (EVs) is perceived as an essential step towards better utilization of energy. Current EVs make use of an electric engine and a battery pack that provides energy to that engine. The technology of electric engines is well developed because of the common use of such engines in trains, submarines and industrial facilities. But, while the battery packs used in EVs have made a lot of progress in the last couple of years, these battery packs still have problems. These battery packs are expansive, heavy, and limited in the amount of energy that they can provide. This obstacle is a major factor that limits the use of EVs today in the mass market. Described herein is a switcher chip for use in interconnecting a set of cells, comprising: a main negative terminal; a cascading negative terminal; a main positive terminal; a cascading positive terminal; a plurality ...

16-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002070474A1

08-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002081601C
Принадлежит: Valence Technology, Inc.

A battery and circuitry for monitoring state of charge of the battery are housed in a single housing. A display may be provided for displaying an indication of the state of charge, and a communication circuit may be provided for communicating electrical signals representing the state of charge to the exterior of the housing. Preferably, the battery module additionally includes a switch device for connecting the battery to terminals external to the housing arid control circuitry responsive to the monitoring circuitry for causing the battery to be connected to and disconnected from the terminals. The control circuitry operates in accordance with thresholds to prevent deep discharge and overcharge.

30-05-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000562526A5

31-10-1963 дата публикации

Ladegerät mit wenigstens einem elektrischen Sammler

Номер: CH0000372735A
Принадлежит: EISEMANN GMBH

29-08-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000566087A5

15-01-1979 дата публикации

Device comprising a number N of electric accumulators of like voltage and like capacitance

Номер: CH0000608661A5
Принадлежит: LECLANCHE SA

The device comprises electric accumulators of like voltage and like capacitance which are grouped so that they can be charged in series and discharged in parallel. The device has no switchover means. Three diodes (D1, D2, D3) are in each case joined between the four poles of a group of two accumulators, a first (D2) between the two negative poles with its anode to that of a first accumulator and its cathode to that of the second, a second (D3) between the positive poles with its anode to that of the first accumulator and its cathode to that of the second, and the third (D1) between the negative pole of the second accumulator, where it has its anode, and the positive pole of the first accumulator, where it has its cathode. Thus, these two accumulators are in series for the flow of the charging current and in parallel for the flow of the discharging current. This device is most particularly suitable for industrial or military use. ...

15-10-1992 дата публикации

Battery life extending technique - includes use of switching circuit introducing new cells in series after voltage falls below threshold

Номер: CH0000680691A5

The procedure for extending the useful life of batteries includes adding new cells (12) in series with other cells (11) which are reaching the end of their life. An electronic system (2) includes a threshold voltage detector (20) controlling a switching circuit (21, 22) allowing the addition of new cells in series. When the voltage falls below a given threshold, the switching action takes place, and this is indicated. The circuit may be extended to include several sets of new batteries switched in turn. ADVANTAGE - Maximises useful life derived from batteries, allowing use of energy when voltage has started falling.

26-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000716530A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Ladeeinheit, umfassend eine Anzahl stationärer Kondensatoren (C1-C7) zum Laden mobiler Kondensatoren, die über eine Verbindungsbuchse anschliessbar sind. Die Ladeeinheit umfasst Schalteinrichtungen zum Verbinden eines ersten Kondensators mit den mobilen Kondensatoren und zum schrittweisen Zuschalten jeweils eines weiteren Kondensators. Die Anzahl und jeweilige Kapazität der stationären Kondensatoren (C1-C7) im Vergleich zu den mobilen ist grösser. Zwischen den einzelnen Schritten werden die stationären Kondensatoren (C1-C7) von den mobilen Kondensatoren getrennt und die jeweiligen Kondensatoren parallel geschaltet, damit ihre Spannungszustände sich ausgleichen können.

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for maximum capacitance utilization of capacitors.

Номер: CH0000715367A2

Für das erfindungsgemässe Verfahren zur Nutzung der Kapazität mobiler Kondensatoren (1) sind die mobilen Kondensatoren (1) zum Laden parallel und zur Stromabgabe seriell geschaltet. Die Kondensatoren (1) sind mehrstufig gruppiert derart, dass in einer ersten Stufe Gruppen aus mehreren miteinander verschalteten Kondensatoren (1) gebildet sind, in einer zweiten Stufe wiederum mehrere Gruppen der ersten Stufe zu weiteren Gruppen und in weiteren Stufen jeweils Gruppen der jeweils vorangehenden Stufe zu weiteren Gruppen miteinander verschaltet sind. Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein System zur Durchführung des erfindungsgemässen Verfahrens.

04-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107996014A

01-10-2008 дата публикации

Electronic device containing device for charging for batter device

Номер: CN0100423357C

30-04-2019 дата публикации

The use of such as the battery of the electric power storage device of the array system and method

Номер: CN0106507694B

16-04-2014 дата публикации

Methods to extend the service life of portable devices

Номер: CN101999199B

03-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003076084B1

03-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003076111B1

27-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002923653B1
Принадлежит: VAN, HAUF

27-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002753838B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

09-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002231142B1

27-10-1925 дата публикации

Device of electric drive for the traction of vehicles

Номер: FR0000596553A

05-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002755543B1

14-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003067531A1

02-11-1903 дата публикации

Electrical equalizer coupler

Номер: FR0000001839E

30-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005536B1
Принадлежит: SOFINECO

29-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003061108A1

Une unité de commutation (60) forme un premier état dans lequel de l'énergie est fournie d'une batterie au plomb (71) à un ISG (40) et un second état dans lequel de l'énergie est fournie d'une batterie au Li (72) à l'ISG (40). En outre, une UCE (50) démarre un entraînement de l'ISG (40) (instant t11) dans un état où l'unité de commutation (60) est dans le premier état. Après cela, l'UCE (50) commute l'unité de commutation (60) au second état (instant t12). Lorsqu'une vitesse de rotation de l'ISG (40) est supérieure ou égale à une valeur seuil préréglée, l'UCE (50) commute l'unité de commutation (60) du premier état au second état.

18-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002996965A1

L'invention concerne une batterie d'accumulateurs (1) comportant une pluralité de cellules (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) de stockage d'énergie électrique et un réseau électrique (5) qui connecte lesdites cellules les unes aux autres. Selon l'invention, lesdites cellules étant regroupées par cellules-composites (10, 20, 30) comportant deux branches identiques composées chacune d'au minimum une cellule et lesdites cellules-composites étant connectées en série les unes avec les autres, le réseau électrique comporte : - des moyens de connexion (52) des cellules de chaque cellule-composite en parallèle ou en série, et - des moyens de pilotage (57) desdits moyens de connexion, qui sont adaptés à connecter les cellules de chaque cellule-composite en parallèle ou en série pour adapter la tension en sortie de la batterie d'accumulateurs à la valeur souhaitée et pour équilibrer les états de charge des cellules.

10-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002816464A1

Procédé et dispositif d'alimentation d'un circuit électronique et d'alimentation d'un organe demandeur de puissance commandé par ce circuit, avec de l'énergie électrique provenant d'au moins deux piles, ledit circuit électronique comprenant des moyens de commutation des piles adapté pour placer ces piles en parallèle ou en série, ledit organe étant soumis à des phases de fonctionnement commandées. Les piles sont connectées en série ou en parallèle en fonction de leur état par rapport à deux seuils et l'organe demandeur d'énergie commandé pour fonctionner selon deux modes en fonction de l'état des piles.

14-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005536A1

Le dispositif de récupération, de stockage et de restitution de l'énergie électrique provenant des décélérations d'un système électromécanique tel qu'un rideau souple d'une porte de manutention suivant la présente invention est constitué d'un interface de gestion (IG) raccordé d'une part à un variateur de fréquence (VF) et d'autre part à une carte logique de commande (CC) assurant le pilotage de l'ouverture et de la fermeture du rideau souple d'une porte de manutention, ledit interface de gestion (IG) comportant au moins deux condensateurs de puissance (C1, C2) reliés au réseau par l'intermédiaire d'un premier branchement parallèle puis relié au réseau au moment de l'exploitation de l'énergie par un branchement en série afin de permettre de stocker l'énergie provenant des décélérations et de restituer cette énergie au moment soit de l'accélération suivante lors de l'ouverture du rideau souple soit en cas de panne pour assurer l'ouverture suffisante dudit rideau souple de la porte de manutention ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for charging and discharging a dual battery system

Номер: US20120091731A1
Автор: Larry Nelson
Принадлежит: Individual

A dual battery charging and discharging system controls the configuration of multiple batteries arranged in multiple battery banks. The batteries within each bank are connected in series when powering an electrical load, such as a service motor, and are connected in parallel when charging. A microprocessor monitors the voltage levels of the batteries in each bank and controls relays to switch the electrical load over to a charged battery bank when the voltage level of the discharging battery bank drops below a minimum run threshold. The microprocessor also monitors the voltage levels of the charging battery bank and controls relays to cease charging when the voltage level rises above a minimum charge threshold. The batteries are charged by an alternator driven by a drive motor through a gear reduction system.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Ac conversion of varying voltage dc such as solar power

Номер: US20120139346A1
Автор: Jukka Nurmi, Matti Jussila
Принадлежит: ABB Oy

An alternating current conversion method and system are disclosed that can adapt to varying voltages of the direct current sources. An exemplary system includes a first and second connection arrangements for the voltage sources such that the direct current can be supplied to the DC/AC converter selectively in the first connection arrangement or the second connection arrangement. The selection between the first and second connection arrangements is made on the basis of the voltage levels of the voltage sources such that a proper voltage is supplied to the DC/AC converter. The numbers of the voltage sources in the connection arrangements are selected such that the first and second connection arrangements have different numbers of the voltage sources connected in series, the voltage sources being also grouped in parallel groups.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Multi-port reconfigurable battery

Номер: US20120256568A1
Автор: Chong Uk Lee
Принадлежит: Chong Uk Lee

A multi-port reconfigurable battery has at least one bank of statically joined series connected battery cells, each including a positive and negative pole connected through switches to respective output connections on at least one port. Processor controlled switches reconfigure the cells to provide power for electrical loads on one or more ports and simultaneously provide charging on one or more other ports. An alternative configuration divides groups of series connected cells into separate battery banks that permit other configurations. Ports are configurable to share one electrically common connection with other ports providing a simplified configuration (multi-tap reconfigurable battery). Applications include selectable motor speed control and battery regeneration schemes matched to motor output, and single or multiphase AC power output at selectable frequencies for use as an Uninterruptible Power Supply. The battery is also described as a power source for a forced-air induction system (e.g. electric supercharger) for a combustion engine.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling connection of battery packs

Номер: US20120268070A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed is an apparatus for controlling the connection of a plurality of battery packs including a switching unit provided on a charge/discharge path of each battery pack to selectively open and close the charge/discharge path, a first control unit provided for each battery pack to determine the state of charge (SOC) of each battery pack and control the opening/closing of the switching unit, and a second control unit to receive the determined SOC of each battery pack from the first control unit, group battery packs having a predetermined range of SOCs, select a group containing a largest number of battery packs, connect the battery packs of the selected group in parallel, charge or discharge the parallel-connected battery packs so that a difference in SOC between the parallel-connected battery packs and the non-connected battery pack falls within a predetermined range, and connect the non-connected battery pack thereto in parallel.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154580A1
Автор: Shimizu Kanji

It is possible to prevent overcurrent from flowing at the time of initially charging thin-film capacitors with an inexpensive configuration. There are provided a direct current power supply DC supplying direct current to plural thin-film capacitors, resistors connected in series to the respective thin-film capacitors for limiting the current value of the direct current to be supplied from the direct current power supply DC to the thin-film capacitors, and series-parallel system changeover switches SW connected in series to the respective thin-film capacitors and having one contacts establishing, when selected, a series connection short-circuiting both ends of each thin-film capacitor and other contacts establishing, when selected, parallel connections supplying direct current through the resistors to the thin-film capacitors. A charging operation switch SW1 and a discharge operation switch SW2 are switched so that, at the time of charging, current supplied to the thin-film capacitors C is suppressed by the resistors by the parallel connections, and, at the time of discharging, discharging is permitted by the series connection, irrespective of the resistors. 1a direct current power supply supplying direct current to the thin-film capacitors;resistors connected in series to the thin-film capacitors for limiting a current value of the direct current supplied from said direct current power supply to the thin-film capacitors; andsystem changeover switches connected to the thin-film capacitors for selecting parallel connections and a series connection, whereby all the thin-film capacitors are connected to the resistors for limiting current used at a time of charging to allow charging in the parallel connections, and all the thin-film capacitors are connected in series at a time of discharging to allow discharging.. An apparatus for charging thin-film capacitors for use in a direct current circuit, characterized by: The present invention relates to an apparatus for ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Battery pack, method for charging/discharging same, and power consumption device

Номер: US20130200848A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is a method for charging/discharging a battery pack having an auxiliary charging/discharging device and a battery assembly in which a plurality of secondary battery cell parallel modules, each of which includes a plurality of fasecondary battery cells connected in parallel, are connected in series, the method including, when there is no abnormality in the secondary battery cells during charging/discharging, connecting the auxiliary charging/discharging device in parallel to any of the secondary battery cell parallel modules, and when there is an abnormality in any of the secondary battery cells during charging/discharging, releasing connection to the secondary battery cell at which the abnormality has arisen in the secondary battery cell parallel module including the secondary battery cell at which the abnormality has arisen, and connecting the auxiliary charging/discharging device in parallel to the secondary battery cell parallel module including the secondary battery cell at which the abnormality has arisen.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Battery charger

Номер: US20130229146A1

A battery charger which includes an input supply terminal configured to receive a supply signal, a battery terminal configured to be connected to a battery, at least one output terminal and an electrical path between the battery terminal and the output terminal, at least one device for the detection of one alarm condition of the battery or the battery charger. The battery charger includes circuitry configured to enable the at least one detection device at timing intervals when the battery supplies the at least one output terminal.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems, Methods, and Apparatus for a Homopolar Generator Charger with Integral Rechargeable Battery

Номер: US20130234653A1
Автор: Richard Edward Botts

Systems, methods, and apparatus for providing a homopolar generator charger with an integral rechargeable battery. A method is provided for converting rotational kinetic energy to electrical energy for charging one or more battery cells. The method can include rotating, by a shaft, a rotor in a magnetic flux field to generate current, wherein the rotor comprises an electrically conductive portion having an inner diameter conductive connection surface and an outer diameter conductive connection surface, and wherein a voltage potential is induced between the inner and outer diameter connection surfaces upon rotation in the magnetic flux field. The method can also include selectively coupling the generated current from the rotating rotor to terminals of the one or more battery cells.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems for charging an energy store, and method for operating the charging systems

Номер: US20130241447A1

A system for charging at least one energy reservoir cell in a controllable energy reservoir for controlling/supplying electrical energy to an n-phase electrical machine. The controllable energy reservoir has n parallel energy supply branches each having at least two series connected energy reservoir modules, each encompassing at least one electrical reservoir cell having an associated controllable coupling unit. The energy supply branches are connectable to a reference bus and a respective phase of the machine. As a function of control signals, the coupling units interrupt the respective energy supply branch or bypass the cells or switch the associated cells into the respective energy supply branch. To enable charging of at least one cell, at least two phases of the machine are connectable via at least one respective freewheeling diode to a positive pole of a charging device, and the reference bus is connectable to a negative pole of the device.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

System for charging an energy store, and method for operating the charging system

Номер: US20130257355A1

A system for charging at least one energy reservoir cell in a controllable energy reservoir which serves to control and supply electrical energy to an n-phase electrical machine where n≧1. The controllable energy reservoir has n parallel energy supply branches that each have at least two energy reservoir modules, connected in series, that each encompass at least one electrical energy reservoir cell having an associated controllable coupling unit. The energy supply branches are connected on the one hand to a reference bus and on the other hand to a respective phase of the electrical machine. As a function of control signals, the coupling units either interrupt the energy supply branch or bypass the respectively associated energy reservoir cells or switch the respectively associated energy reservoir cells into the energy supply branch. All energy supply branches are connectable via at least one inductance and one rectifier unit to an external energy supply network. The reference bus is furthermore connectable to the rectifier unit.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Controllable energy store and method for operating a controllable energy store

Номер: US20130317661A1

The invention relates to a controllable energy store ( 2 ) with n parallel energy supply branches ( 3 - 1, 3 - 2, 3 - 3 ), wherein n≧1, each said branch having a first energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 11; 3 - 21; 3 - 31 ) and a second energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 12; 3 - 22; 3 - 32 ) that is connected in parallel to said first energy supply sub-branch. Each energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 11; 3 - 12; 3 - 21; 3 - 22; 3 - 31; 3 - 32 ) has at least one energy storing module ( 4 ), each of which comprises at least one electric energy storing cell ( 5 ) with a corresponding controllable coupling unit ( 6 ). The coupling units ( 6 ) disconnect the energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 11; 3 - 12; 3 - 21; 3 - 22; 3 - 31; 3 - 32 ) or bridge the respective corresponding energy storing cells ( 5 ) or connect the respective corresponding energy storing cells ( 5 ) into the respective energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 11; 3 - 12; 3 - 21; 3 - 22; 3 - 31; 3 - 32 ) dependent on control signals. The energy storing cells ( 5 ) of the energy storing modules ( 4 ) in the first energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 11; 3 - 21; 3 - 31 ) and the energy storing cells ( 5 ) of the energy storing modules ( 4 ) in the second energy supply sub-branch ( 3 - 12; 3 - 22; 3 - 32 ) are arranged in an anti-parallel manner.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for Battery Management and Diagnosis

Номер: US20140077764A1

Method for managing a battery comprising several accumulators that can be linked in series or in parallel, comprising a charging or discharging phase during which the accumulators are disposed in series, characterized in that it thereafter comprises a balancing phase comprising the placing of the accumulators in parallel, during which an electrical quantity Grepresenting the balancing of the accumulator that has attained the maximum voltage during the charging phase or minimum voltage during the discharging phase is measured or estimated, and during which an electrical quantity Grepresenting the balancing of another accumulator i of the battery is also measured or estimated, and in that the state of health SOHof this other accumulator i is computed on the basis of the two electrical quantities Gand Gand on the basis of the knowledge of the performance of the accumulator i at the start of life. 1. Method for managing a battery comprising several accumulators that can be linked in series or in parallel , comprising a charging or discharging phase during which the accumulators are disposed in series , wherein it thereafter comprises a balancing phase comprising the placing of the accumulators in parallel , during which an electrical quantity Grepresenting the balancing of the accumulator that has attained the maximum voltage during the charging phase or minimum voltage during the discharging phase is measured or estimated , and during which an electrical quantity Grepresenting the balancing of another accumulator i of the battery is also measured or estimated , and in that the state of health SOHof this other accumulator i is computed on the basis of the two electrical quantities Gand Gand on the basis of the knowledge of the performance of the accumulator i at the start of life.2. Method for managing a battery according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises a preliminary step of total discharging or total charging and balancing of all the accumulators.3. Method for ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091762A1
Автор: Kondo Toyoshi

A load system includes a power supply input unit for load test of an external power supply, a charging circuit or a charger to which electric power from the power supply is supplied via the power supply input unit, a plurality of loads to which the electric power from the charging circuit or the charger is supplied, and a control circuit that switches selectively and connects the plurality of loads to the charging circuit or the charger. The plurality of loads is a plurality of storage batteries as a load resistance. The control circuit is configured to switch selectively and connect the plurality of storage batteries to the charging circuit or the charger such that the storage battery connected to the charging circuit or the charger among the plurality of storage batteries is charged by the charging circuit or the charger. 110.-. (canceled)11. A load system , comprising:a power supply input unit for load test of an external power supply;a charging circuit or a charger to which electric power from the power supply is supplied via the power supply input unit;a plurality of loads to which the electric power from the charging circuit or the charger is supplied; anda control circuit that switches selectively and connects the plurality of loads to the charging circuit or the charger,wherein the plurality of loads is a plurality of storage batteries as a load resistance, andthe control circuit is configured to switch selectively and connect the plurality of storage batteries to the charging circuit or the charger such that the storage battery connected to the charging circuit or the charger among the plurality of storage batteries is charged by the charging circuit or the charger.12. The load system according to claim 11 ,wherein the storage battery includes a secondary battery and an auxiliary storage battery used for rapid charging, andthe charging circuit includes a rapid charging circuit used for a rapid charging of the secondary battery, and a small-capacity charging ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001770A1

A battery charging apparatus and method for a vehicle are provided. The charging apparatus for the vehicle includes a third switching element provided between a first battery and a second battery, configured to electrically connect or disconnect the first battery and the second battery; a first switching element configured to supply or cut off a charging current supplied from outside to the first battery; a second switching element configured to supply or cut off the charging current supplied from the outside to the second battery; and a controller configured to control the first switching element, the second switching element, and the third switching element in order to selectively charge at least one of the first battery or the second battery. 1. A charging apparatus for a vehicle comprising:a third switching element provided between a first battery and a second battery, the third switching element configured to electrically connect or disconnect the first battery and the second battery;a first switching element configured to supply or cut off a charging current supplied from outside to the first battery;a second switching element configured to supply or cut off the charging current supplied from the outside to the second battery; anda controller configured to control the first switching element, the second switching element, and the third switching element in order to selectively charge at least one of the first battery or the second battery.2. The charging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:variably adjust a magnitude of the charging current supplied to each of the first battery and the second battery so that a charging amount of the first battery is equal to a charging amount of the second battery.3. The charging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein:the first switching element comprises a first transistor configured to adjust a supply amount of the charging current; andthe second switching element comprises a second ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001536A1
Автор: OH Seotaek, Seo Youngdong

A battery pack includes a battery, a battery management system (BMS), and an inertia sensor. The battery includes at least one battery cell to supply electricity to a load. The BMS monitors voltage and current states of the battery and to control charge and discharge operations of the battery. The BMS determines a moving state of the load based on inertia information from the inertia sensor and outputs a control signal to interrupt flow of a discharge current of the battery when the discharge current is equal to or greater than a first critical current value for a preset time period and the load is determined to be stationary. 1. A battery pack , comprising:a battery including at least one battery cell to supply electricity to a load;a battery management system (BMS) to monitor voltage and current states of the battery and to control charge and discharge operations of the battery; andan inertia sensor, wherein the BMS is to determine a moving state of the load based on inertia information from the inertia sensor, and is to output a control signal to interrupt flow of a discharge current of the battery when the discharge current is equal to or greater than a first critical current value for a preset time period and the load is determined to be stationary.2. The battery pack as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an alarm to generate an alarm signal when the load is determined to be stationary and when the discharge current of the battery is equal to or greater than the first critical current value for the time period.3. The battery pack as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the BMS is to turn off the inertia sensor when the discharge current of the battery is lower than the first critical current value, andthe BMS is to turn on the inertia sensor when the discharge current of a discharge switch is equal to or greater than the first critical current value.4. The battery pack as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a global positioning system (GPS) receiver to receive ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001585A1
Автор: Fink Holger

The invention relates to a method for operating an on-board electrical system () for a motor vehicle, wherein the on-board electrical system () has a low-voltage electrical subsystem () with at least one low-voltage load () and a starter (), and has a high-voltage electrical subsystem () having at least one high-voltage load () and one electrical generator (), wherein the high-voltage electrical subsystem () is connected to the low-voltage electrical subsystem () by means of a coupling unit () which is designed to draw energy from the high-voltage electrical subsystem () and to supply energy to the low-voltage electrical subsystem (), wherein the high-voltage electrical subsystem () has a battery () which is designed to generate the high voltage and output said high voltage to the high-voltage electrical subsystem (), and which has at least two battery units (---) with line sections (---) which are routed to the coupling unit (). In this case, the coupling unit () is designed to selectively connect the battery units (---) to the low-voltage electrical subsystem (). The invention also relates to a motor vehicle comprising an internal combustion engine and an on-board electrical system () of this kind. 111. A method for operating an on-board electrical system () for a motor vehicle , wherein the on-board electrical system () includes{'b': 21', '29', '26, 'a low-voltage electrical subsystem () having at least one low-voltage load () and a starter (),'}{'b': 20', '25', '23', '20', '21', '33', '20', '21', '20', '40', '20', '41', '1', '41', '2', '41', '80', '11', '80', '12', '80', '2', '33', '33', '41', '1', '41', '2', '41', '21, 'i': n', 'n', 'n, 'a high-voltage electrical subsystem () having at least one high-voltage load () and one electrical generator (), wherein the high-voltage electrical subsystem () is connected to the low-voltage electrical subsystem () via a coupling unit () which is designed for drawing energy from the high-voltage electrical subsystem () and ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Electrical energy store, device and method for operating an electrical energy store

Номер: US20220006300A1
Автор: Marc-Andre Harvey

Electrical energy store (1) having at least two electrical energy storage modules (3, 13, 23, 33), a control unit (2), a voltage connection (11) and switching elements (4, 6, 14, 16, 24, 26, 34, 36). In one example, the electrical energy store (1) has a first voltage rail (9) and a second voltage rail (10) that are each connected to the voltage connection (11), and the electrical energy storage modules (3, 13, 23, 33) are configured to be connected to the first voltage rail (9) or to the second voltage rail (10) or to one another by means of the switching elements (4, 6, 14, 16, 24, 26, 34, 36).

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002617A1

A tool () for stimulation of wells, includes an electrical supply port, a stimulation head () and at least two capacitive elements (-) between the supply port and the stimulation head, each capacitive element including two terminals (Bp, Bn) with respectively different polarities arranged on the respectively opposed connection faces of the capacitive element, the poles of the capacitive elements (-) having the same polarity being connected together in such a way that the capacitive elements are electrically in parallel. Advantageously, the capacitive elements (-) of the tool () are arranged in series with their connection faces facing each other, and in such a way that the connection faces facing each other of each adjacent pair or capacitive elements correspond to terminals of the same polarity. 111-. (canceled)12. A tool for the stimulation of wells comprising an electric power supply port , a stimulation head and at least two capacitive elements between said power supply port and said stimulation head , each capacitive element comprising two terminals of respectively different polarities arranged on respectively opposite connection faces of said capacitive element ,wherein the terminals of the same polarity of said capacitive elements are connected together such that said capacitive elements are electrically in parallel, andthe capacitive elements of the tool are arranged in series with their connection faces facing each another, and such that the connection faces facing each other of each pair of adjacent capacitive elements correspond to terminals of the same polarity.13. The tool as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the remote terminals of the same polarity of each pair of adjacent capacitive elements are connected by at least one link extending along said pair of adjacent capacitive elements.14. The tool as claimed in claim 13 , comprising at least three capacitive elements claim 13 , and wherein the links between the terminals of different polarities of the same ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002632A1
Принадлежит: ENE29 A.R.L.

A device () for stimulation of wells, includes a tool () including a capacitive element () and a stimulation head (). The device further includes switching elements capable of placing the tool () in at least two states: i) a charging state in which the capacitive element and the stimulation head are electrically in series between the first terminal and the second terminal of the tool, in such a way that the electrical source charges the capacitive element through the stimulation head (), and ii) a discharging state in which the capacitive element discharges through the stimulation head (). A diagnostic method for such a device () for stimulation of wells is also described. 110-. (canceled)11. A well stimulation device comprising a power source connected to a first terminal and a second terminal of a tool , said tool comprising a capacitive element and a stimulation head , said stimulation head comprising a cavity inside of which are arranged a first electrode and a second electrode separated by a fluid , a charging state wherein a first terminal of the capacitive element is connected to the first terminal of the tool and disconnected from the second electrode, and wherein a second terminal of the capacitive element is connected to the first electrode, so that, the capacitive element and the stimulation head being electrically in series between the first terminal and the second terminal of the tool, the power source charges the capacitive element through the stimulation head,', 'a discharging state wherein the first terminal of the capacitive element is connected to the second electrode, and wherein the second terminal of the capacitive element is connected to the first electrode, so that the capacitive element discharges through the stimulation head., 'wherein said device comprises switching means adapted to place the tool in at least two states12. The device as claimed in claim 11 , comprising diagnostic means adapted to determine a state of the stimulation head ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005489A1

An electronic device includes a housing having a first and second battery, a power management integrated circuit, a battery charging circuit, and a booster circuit. The housing also includes a first switch connected with the first battery, a second switch connected with the second battery, and a control circuit. The control circuit provides, one of a first state where the first battery is connected with the PMIC and the battery charging circuit, a second state where the first battery is connected with the booster circuit and the battery charging circuit, a third state where the first battery forms an open circuit, a fourth state where the second battery is connected with the PMIC and the battery charging circuit, a fifth state where the second battery is connected with the booster circuit and the battery charging circuit, and a sixth state where the second battery forms an open circuit. 1. An electronic device comprising: a first battery;', 'a second battery;', 'a power management integrated circuit (PMIC);', 'a battery charging circuit;', 'a booster circuit;', 'a first switch electrically connected with the first battery;', 'a second switch electrically connected with the second battery; and', 'a control circuit,', one of a first state in which the first battery is electrically connected with the PMIC and the battery charging circuit;', 'a second state in which the first battery is electrically connected with the booster circuit and the battery charging circuit; and', 'a third state in which the first battery forms an open circuit; and, 'wherein the control circuit is configured to provide, at least using the first switch, one of a fourth state in which the second battery is electrically connected with the PMIC and the battery charging circuit;', 'a fifth state in which the second battery is electrically connected with the booster circuit and the battery charging circuit; and', 'a sixth state in which the second battery forms an open circuit., 'configured to ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Source bootstrap power conversion for the safe and efficient interconnection of homogeneous or heterogeneous energy storage modules

Номер: US20210006075A1
Принадлежит: Xwave Innovations Inc

The present disclosure comprises devices and methods used to regulate the power, voltage and/or current out of an individual energy storage module. A plurality of energy storage modules and/or individual interconnected energy storage modules can form an energy storage system when interconnected in series, parallel or series/parallel. The present disclosure also provides a method for storing and delivering energy, comprising providing an energy storage module for boosting the voltage of the energy storage component while delivering power to a load.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006241A1

A control device includes a first series circuit and a second series circuit. In the first series circuit, a first switch and a first resistor are connected in series to each other. In the second series circuit, a second switch and a second resistor are connected in series to each other. A current detection circuit outputs a voltage value that corresponds to a voltage value between two ends of the first resistor. When an instruction to turn on the first switch and the second switch has been given, a control unit senses any occurrence of a failure in at least one of the first switch, the second switch, the first resistor, and the second resistor, based on the voltage value output by the current detection circuit. 1. A control device comprising:a first series circuit that includes a first switch and a first resistor connected in series to each other;a second series circuit that includes a second switch and a second resistor connected in series to each other, and is connected in parallel to the first series circuit;an instruction unit configured to give an instruction to turn on the first switch and the second switch;a voltage output circuit configured to output a voltage value that corresponds to a voltage value between two ends of the first resistor; anda sensing unit configured to sense, when the instruction unit has given an instruction to turn on the first switch and the second switch, any occurrence of a failure in at least one of the first switch, the second switch, the first resistor, and the second resistor based on the voltage value output by the voltage output circuit,wherein the voltage value that is output by the voltage output circuit increases with an increase in the voltage value between the two ends of the first resistor,if the voltage value output by the voltage output circuit is less than a first threshold, the sensing unit senses that a failure has occurred in at least one of the first switch, the first resistor, and the second resistor, andif the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Regulated power sources

Номер: US20200006971A1
Принадлежит: Snap Inc

Disclosed herein are regulated power supplies. The power source delivers power to a system load and includes battery units. The power source also includes power flow devices coupled to the battery units that are configured to provide power from the battery units to the system load. Each power flow device corresponds to a respective one of the battery units, and includes a one direction current flow device connected in series with a current regulator between the respective battery unit and the system load.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008879A1

A battery charger includes a housing and a plurality of charging ports coupled to the housing. Each charging port is configured to connect a battery pack to the battery charger. The battery charger also includes a charging circuit positioned within the housing and electrically coupled to the plurality of charging ports. The charging circuit is operable to charge the battery packs connected to the plurality of charging ports in series. The battery charger further includes a skip switch coupled to the charging circuit. The skip switch is operable to skip a battery pack currently being charged and advance to another battery pack connected to the battery charger.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021222A1
Автор: Mack David, Yip Sean

An intelligent rechargeable battery pack having a battery management system for monitoring and controlling the charging and discharging of the battery pack is described. The battery management system includes a memory for storing data related to the operation of the battery, and the battery management system is also configured to communicate the data related to the operation of the battery to other processors for analysis. 118-. (canceled)19. A system for distributing information from a battery-powered medical device to a network via a battery pack , the system comprising: a communication system, and', 'transfer, to an event archive of the battery pack via the communication system, information related to usage of the portable medical device; and', 'a processor controlled by commands embedded in and/or executed upon the processor, wherein the commands are configured to, while the battery pack is inserted in the portable medical device,'}], 'a portable medical device configured to releasably receive a battery pack, the portable medical device comprising'} 'transfer, from the archive of the battery pack, the information related to the usage of the portable medical device.', 'a processor controlled by commands embedded in and/or executed upon the processor, wherein the commands are configured to, while the battery pack is inserted in the equipment,'}, 'an equipment configured to releasably receive the battery pack, the equipment being a different type of a device than the portable medical device, the equipment comprising'}20. The system of claim 19 , wherein the equipment is a charger.21. The system of claim 19 , wherein the portable medical device is a mechanical chest compression device.22. The system of claim 19 , wherein the communication system of the portable medical device comprises a bus.23. The system of claim 19 , wherein the information comprises maintenance data and/or historical operation data.24. The system of claim 19 , wherein the information is ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009685A1

A method for the switched division of a high-voltage battery of a vehicle, which, for the purpose of charging the high-voltage battery, is connected to a charging column supplying a charging voltage of a specific voltage level, wherein the voltage level of the high-voltage battery results from a number M of series-connected modules of the same rated voltage, wherein the voltage level of the high-voltage battery corresponds to an integer multiple N of the voltage level of the charging voltage of the charging column, wherein the high-voltage battery is subdivided into N parallel-interconnected segments consisting of an equal number of modules by means of a first switch position of a number of power semiconductors. 1. A method for the switched division of a high-voltage battery of a vehicle , which , for the purpose of charging the high-voltage battery , comprising the steps of:connecting the high-voltage battery of the vehicle to a charging column supplying a charging voltage of a specific voltage level, wherein a voltage level of the high-voltage battery results from a number M of series-connected modules of the same rated voltage, wherein the voltage level of the high-voltage battery corresponds to an integer multiple N of the voltage level of the charging voltage of the charging column, andsubdividing the high-voltage battery of the vehicle into N parallel-interconnected segments each having an equal number of modules by means of a first switch position of a number of power semiconductors.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the high-voltage battery has a number M of modules that results from a multiplication of the multiple N by a whole number.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:connecting the N segments in series to terminate the charging by switching the high-voltage battery to an operating state by a second switch position of the power semiconductors.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprises the step of:cooling the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029210A1

A communication device includes a battery, a communication module, a first charging circuit between the battery and the communication module, a fast charge signal, a second charging circuit between the battery and the communication module, and a control module configured to route power from the battery to the communication module via the second charging circuit in response to the fast charge signal being enabled and to route the power via the first charging circuit in response to the fast charge signal being disabled. 1. A communication device:a battery;a communication module;a first charging circuit between the battery and the communication module, the first charging circuit comprising a capacitor system connected in series with a first resistor between the battery and the capacitor system;a fast charge signal;a second charging circuit between the battery and the communication module, the second charging circuit comprising the capacitor system connected in series with at least one second resistor between the battery and the capacitor; anda control module configured to route power from the battery to the communication module via the second charging circuit in response to the fast charge signal being enabled and to route the power via the first charging circuit in response to the fast charge signal being disabled.2. The communication device of wherein the capacitor system includes one or more of a hybrid layer/lithium ion capacitor and an electric double layer capacitor.3. The communication device of wherein the first resistor is a high value resistor.4. The communication device of wherein the at least one second resistor is a low value resistor.5. The communication device of wherein the control module includes one or more first active current limit circuits coupled to the second charging circuit.6. The communication device of wherein the one or more first active current limit circuits module are further configured to disconnect the second charging circuit when one ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011147A1
Автор: KAWABE Akira, MORI Gorou

A voltage measuring apparatus is configured to measure voltages of respective battery cells of a battery cell array including a plurality of battery cell groups each including a predetermined number of battery cells connected in series. The voltage measuring apparatus includes a plurality of measuring units each provided for each of the battery cell groups. The adjacent measuring units are connected through a communication channel so as to perform current communication therebetween. A bidirectional diode circuit element is connected to the communication channel extending between the adjacent measuring units. 1. A method of controlling currents in an integrated circuit device provided at each of a plurality of battery cell groups of a battery system including a battery cell array including the plurality of battery cell groups ,the integrated circuit device comprising a measuring unit configured to measure a voltage of one of battery cells of a corresponding one of the battery cell groups, outputting from the measuring unit a current for first communication by which the measuring unit transmits a measurement result of the voltage of the one battery cell or a current for second communication by which the measuring unit receives a drive command; and', 'in at least one of the first communication and the second communication, allowing a reverse current to flow in a direction opposite to a direction of the current for a corresponding one of the first communication and the second communication., 'the method comprising2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the measuring unit is a first measuring unit;a measuring unit of another integrated circuit device is a second measuring unit; anda current generated by a potential difference between a power supply voltage input to the second measuring unit and a reference voltage input to the first measuring unit is not input to the second measuring unit3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the measuring unit is a first ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012445A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

In a power supply system using various kinds of storage batteries such as a large capacity storage battery or a small capacity storage battery, an electric power path is complicated, which may increase failures such as a short circuit trouble. There is a problem in that, when a short circuit trouble between storage batteries occurs, damage to a smaller capacity storage battery is serious. Accordingly, in a power supply system according to the present invention, the relationship among voltages, current capacities, and electric power capacities of various kinds of storage batteries such as a large capacity storage battery or a small capacity storage battery is defined so that damage to the storage batteries may be minimized even when malfunction occurs in, for example, switching a switch, and energy transfers from a higher voltage storage device. 1. A power supply system , comprising:a first storage battery and a second storage battery connected in parallel to electric power giving/receiving equipment;a bidirectional DC-DC converter configured to give/receive electric power between the first storage battery and the second storage battery;a switch configured to be able to independently isolate the first storage battery and the second storage battery from a load apparatus; anda controller configured to control the switch and the DC-DC converter,{'b': 1', '2, 'claim-text': [{'b': 1', '2, 'the first storage battery and the second storage battery are formed so that relational expressions VaU are satisfied; and'}, {'b': 1', '2', '1', '1, 'the nominal voltage Va of the first storage battery, the rated capacity U of the first storage battery, the nominal voltage Vb of the second storage battery, and the rated capacity U of the second storage battery are set so that, when electrical energy transfers from the second storage battery to the first storage battery, voltage increase of the first storage battery does not exceed a predetermined upper limit value VHlim, or, a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013318A1

Examples disclosed herein involve backup power management. In an example, an amount of backup power to power a load bank is estimated, a set of power sources are selected from a plurality of power sources based on respective states of charge of the plurality of power sources and the estimated amount of backup power, and the selected set of power sources are placed in circuit to provide backup power to the load bank via the selected set of power sources. 1. A method to manage backup power , the method comprising:estimating an amount of backup power to power a load bank;selecting a set of power sources from a plurality of power based on respective states of charge of the plurality of power sources and the estimated amount of backup power; andplacing the selected set of power sources in circuit to provide backup power to the load bank via the selected set of power sources.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of power sources comprise a battery pack.6. The method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising selecting the set of power sources from the plurality of power sources that have the strongest state of charge claim 1 , the sum of the states of charge of the power sources of the selected set of power sources being greater than or equal to the amount of backup power to power the load bank and less than the sum of the states of charge of the power sources of the plurality of the power sources.4. The method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising analyzing status information of each of the plurality of power sources capable of supplying backup power to the load bank claim 1 , the status information indicating the state of charge of the respective power sources.5. The method as defined in claim 4 , the status information of each of the plurality of power sources further indicating a most recent discharge of the respective plurality of power sources claim 4 , the method further comprising: selecting the set of power sources based on the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013319A1

A system and method for supplying uninterruptible power includes a housing, a power supply input, a power source equipment input, a first powered device output, a second powered device output, an alternative power supply, and a control module. The control module includes a comparator, a switch, a converter and an injector. The injector includes a regulator and power autonegotiation module. The alternative power supply includes a plurality of battery packs in series. There can also be first and second powered devices with uninterrupted power, even when only one of the powered devices breaks. A power is uninterrupted to the first powered device, even if power is stopped to the second powered device, due to a repair or fault of the second powered device. 1. A system for supplying uninterruptible power , comprising:a housing;a power supply input disposed within said housing, said power supply input having a power source interface on an outside of said housing;a power source equipment input disposed within said housing, said power source equipment input having a power source equipment interface on an outside of said housing;a powered device output disposed within said housing, said powered device output having a powered device interface on an outside of said housing;an alternative power supply disposed within said housing;a powered device connected to said powered device output by an Ethernet cable;power source equipment connected to said power source equipment input, said power source equipment being powered separate from said power supply input and said alternative power supply; anda control module connected to said power supply input, said power source equipment input, said powered device output, and said alternative power supply,wherein said control module comprises an injector means, a comparator means, a switch means, and a converter means,said comparator means detecting power from said power supply input and to said powered device output and connecting said power ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Battery Charging Systems and Methods

Номер: US20220032777A1

A battery charging system of an electronic device includes: a battery having a first nominal voltage and including: battery cells each having a second nominal voltage that is less than the first nominal voltage; and electrical connectors that electrically connect ones of the battery cells to provide the battery with the first nominal voltage; a first charge port configured to electrically connect to a first type of connector; a charging module configured to: receive power via the first charge port; and when a voltage of the received power is less than the first nominal voltage at least one of: charge ones of the battery cells individually; and charge groups of two or more of the battery cells. 1. A battery charging system of an electronic device , comprising: battery cells each having a second nominal voltage that is less than the first nominal voltage; and', 'electrical connectors that electrically connect ones of the battery cells to provide the battery with the first nominal voltage;, 'a battery having a first nominal voltage and includinga first charge port configured to electrically connect to a first type of connector; receive power via the first charge port; and', charge ones of the battery cells individually; and', 'charge groups of two or more of the battery cells., 'when a voltage of the received power is less than the first nominal voltage at least one of], 'a charging module configured to2. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to claim 1 , when the voltage of the received power is less than the first nominal voltage claim 1 , determine a number of the battery cells to charge at a time based on the voltage and the second nominal voltage.3. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to set the number based on the voltage divided by the second nominal voltage.4. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to round the number down to a nearest integer when the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032813A1

Systems and methods for dynamic control of a configuration of electrical circuits are provided. An example system includes a plurality of electric power sources and a plurality of switches configured to connect and disconnect some of the electric power sources. The system may include a controller coupled to the switches. The controller may be configured to enable and disable the switches to cause a change in a configuration of the connections between the electric power sources. The electric power sources can include at least one generator and at least two batteries. The controller can be further configured to cause a change in the configuration to connect the two batteries in series to a load for discharging and connect the two batteries in parallel to the generator for recharging. 120-. (canceled)21. A system comprising:a plurality of rechargeable batteries comprising a first rechargeable battery and a second rechargeable battery;a plurality of switches, the plurality of switches being configured to modify a connection between at least some of the plurality of rechargeable batteries between a series connection and a parallel connection;a load; anda controller coupled to the plurality of switches, the controller being configured to enable and disable the plurality of switches to cause a change in a configuration of connections between the plurality of rechargeable batteries;wherein the plurality of rechargeable batteries are recharged at a lowest voltage capacity associated with the plurality of rechargeable batteries.22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of switches is further configured to:connect and disconnect at least some of the plurality of rechargeable batteries from each other.23. The system of claim 21 , wherein the load is coupled to an anode of the first rechargeable battery and a cathode of the second rechargeable battery.24. The system of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of switches comprises a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Device and method for the reconfiguration of a rechargeable energy storage device into separate battery connection strings

Номер: US20190013681A1
Принадлежит: VITO NV

Reconfiguration of a rechargeable energy storage system into two or more new capacitor or battery or fuel cell packs arranged in “connections”, e.g. series or parallel strings. Each pack of rechargeable energy storage devices includes rechargeable energy storage modules. In each rechargeable energy storage module, which can include one or more capacitors or fuel cells or battery cells, there is arranged a network of banks of switches. A first bank of switches is arranged to connect a rechargeable energy storage module in a first series connection string with other rechargeable energy storage modules. A second bank of switches is arranged to connect a rechargeable energy storage module in a second connection string with other rechargeable energy storage modules. A first bypass switch is arranged to exclude a rechargeable energy storage module from the first series connection string when the first bypass switch is activated.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Architectural materials having integrated energy storage system

Номер: US20220037732A1
Автор: Jeffery T. Kostos
Принадлежит: Spear Power Systems LLC

The present invention is generally directed to energy storage systems comprising manufactured architectural materials having electrical battery systems embedded therein. The manufactured materials are generally provided as architectural panels, such as panels useful for interior or exterior cladding for buildings, flooring, countertops, or stairs. The panels comprise at least one battery device or battery assembly that is over-formed by and/or bonded with the architectural material. In preferred embodiments, the panels are formed by flowing a viscous architectural material precursor around the battery device or assembly and curing the precursor so as to solidify the architectural material. The panels may be electrically connected in any number of various arrangements, which can be chosen based on the specific application for the energy storage system.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037894A1
Автор: Dunn Randy B., Horn Alan

Combination fuel cell stack and electrochemical battery system provides stable and redundant electrical power to one or more traction motors. The electrochemical battery packs comprise modules that are switched between a low-voltage parallel configuration connecting to the fuel cell stack and a high-voltage series configuration connecting to the traction motors, thereby harvesting low-voltage energy from the fuel cells and deploying that energy as high-voltage power to the motor. The plurality of electrochemical battery packs can be switched such that at least one is always connected to the traction motor for continuity of power. 1. (canceled)2. A system , comprising:a first battery circuit;a second battery circuit;a fuel cell stack;a traction motor; and command the system to power the traction motor via the first battery circuit,', 'reconfigure the system to electrically couple the first battery circuit to the fuel cell;, 'an operating system configured to command the fuel cell stack to charge the first battery circuit, and', 'command the second battery circuit to power the traction motor., 'stack and to electrically couple the second battery circuit to the traction motor,'}3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the operating system is further configured to reconfigure the system to electrically couple the first battery circuit and the second battery circuit to the traction motor.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the operating system is further configured to command the first battery circuit and the second battery circuit to power the traction motor simultaneously.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein batteries of the first battery circuit are electrically in parallel during charging of the first battery circuit.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein batteries in the second battery circuit are electrically coupled in series during powering of the traction motor.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the operating system is further configured to reconfigure the system to ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021118A1
Автор: Wang Rui, XU Min, Zhao Qiming

A battery balancing method and circuit for balancing the voltages between battery units with a fly capacitor. In a first time period of a switching cycle, the first battery unit is used to charge the fly capacitor or the first battery unit is used to discharge the fly capacitor, depending on which of the first battery unit and the fly capacitor having a larger voltage value; and in a second time period of the switching cycle, the second battery unit is used to charge the fly capacitor or the second battery unit is used to discharge the fly capacitor, depending on which of the second battery unit and the fly capacitor having a larger voltage value 1. A battery balancing method for balancing the voltages of a first battery unit and of a second battery unit with a fly capacitor , comprising:in a first time period of a switching cycle, charging the fly capacitor from the first battery unit or discharging the fly capacitor to the first battery unit, depending on which of the first battery unit and the fly capacitor having a larger voltage value; andin a second time period of the switching cycle, charging the fly capacitor from the second battery unit or discharging the fly capacitor to the second battery unit, depending on which of the second battery unit and the fly capacitor having a larger voltage value.2. The battery balancing method of claim 1 , wherein the operation of balancing the voltages of the first battery unit and of the second battery unit with the fly capacitor comprises a starting phase and a non-starting phase claim 1 , and the battery balancing method comprises:in the starting phase, charging the fly capacitor from the first battery unit in the first time period of each switching cycle and charging the fly capacitor from the second battery unit in the second time period of each switching cycle; andin the non-starting phase, having the voltage of the first battery unit becoming equal to the voltage of the fly capacitor at the end of the first time period ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021120A1
Принадлежит: Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA

A two-voltage battery for a vehicle, having at least one ground terminal, a first vehicle electrical system connection at which a low, first vehicle electrical system voltage is provided, and a second vehicle electrical system connection at which a high, second vehicle electrical system voltage is provided. At least one battery submodule having at least two battery cell blocks and a multiplicity of switching elements is provided for connecting the battery cell blocks in parallel and/or in series as desired. In a first connection arrangement, the same are connected in parallel with one another such that the first vehicle electrical system voltage is provided at the first vehicle electrical system connection. The switching elements in a second connection arrangement connect the battery cell blocks in series with one another such that the second vehicle electrical system voltage is provided at the second vehicle electrical system connection. 1. A two-voltage battery for a vehicle , comprising:at least one ground terminal;a first vehicle electrical system connection at which a low, first vehicle electrical system voltage is provided;a second vehicle electrical system connection at which a high, second vehicle electrical system voltage is provided;at least one battery submodule having at least two battery cell blocks; andat least two switching elements to connect the battery cell blocks in parallel and/or in series,wherein in a first connection arrangement of the battery cell blocks the battery cell blocks are connected in parallel with one another such that the first vehicle electrical system voltage is provided at the first vehicle electrical system connection,wherein the switching elements in a second connection arrangement of the battery cell blocks connect the battery cell blocks in series with one another such that the second vehicle electrical system voltage is provided at the second vehicle electrical system connection, andwherein a voltage difference across all ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Battery and battery set capable of extracting energy wirelessly

Номер: US20200021140A1
Принадлежит: Tlhm Co Ltd

A battery includes a housing, and a wireless energy extracting device installed in the housing. The wireless energy extracting device includes: an RF generator module for wirelessly receiving an RF charging signal to generate electrical energy; a capacitor module; and an energy management module coupled to the RF generator module and the capacitor module, adapted to be coupled further to an energy consuming device, and performing electrical energy transfer from at least the RF generator module to at least the energy consuming device. Therefore, the battery has relatively low electrical energy loss and thus relatively high energy usage efficiency, and can be charged even if the battery is installed in the energy consuming device.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020998A1
Автор: MEDINA Alon, MUSAFIA Boaz

A multi-level power cell pack switching circuitry having a plurality of first level cell circuits, and additional plurality of cell circuits of consecutively progressing levels, with switching and control configured to facilitate dynamically changing serial and/or parallel connections between cells and cell circuits. 1. A multi-level power cell pack switching circuitry comprising:a plurality of first level cell circuits for connecting a plurality of power cells, each power cell having a positive terminal and a negative terminal, wherein, for each power cell in each of the first level cell circuits, a switch is provided for connecting the positive terminal of that power cell to a positive branching point of that first level cell circuit, wherein, for each power cell in each of the first level cell circuits, a switch is provided for connecting the negative terminal of that power cell to a negative branching point of that first level cell circuit, and wherein a diagonal connection with a switch is provided for connecting the negative terminal of one power cell of two adjacent power cells of said plurality of power cells of that first level cell circuit to the positive terminal of the other power cell of the two adjacent power cells of that first level circuit; and{'sup': 'nd', 'additional plurality of cell circuits of consecutively progressing levels from 2level to Nth level, N being an integer equal to or greater than 2, wherein an Mth level cell circuit of the additional cell circuits, M being an integer equal to or greater than 2 and not greater than N, comprises a plurality of M-1th level cell circuits, each M-1th cell circuit having a positive terminal and a negative terminal,'}wherein that Mth level cell circuit includes a switch to connect a positive terminal of each of the M-1th cell circuits to a positive branching point of that Mth level cell circuit, wherein that Mth level cell circuit includes a switch to connect a negative terminal of each of the M-1th ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021139A1
Автор: Windsor Michael E.

A multi-voltage portable power system includes a plurality of batteries or energy storage devices connected to one or more conversion switches. The conversion switches are actuated in response to an operator-controlled control switch, remotely operated device, or microprocessor controller command. The conversion switches interconnect the batteries of the system to provide a desired output voltage to an output connector, that is then connected to a load. The power output at the desired voltage may be used by a user to jump start vehicles and industrial engines, power equipment, power welding devices, provide battery backup for telecommunication switching systems, provide charge power for an energy storage device or battery assembly, power military applications requiring various levels of power, or for any other desired usage. The system is configured to be contained in various transportable housings. 1. A multi-voltage portable power system , comprising:a plurality of energy storage devices;a conversion switch; andan output connector for attachment to a load; wherein the plurality of energy storage devices are in electrical communication with the conversion switch and the conversion switch is in further communication with the output connector, and wherein the conversion switch is operable to connect the plurality of energy storage devices in series, in parallel, and in combinations thereof to achieve a desired output voltage.2. The multi-voltage portable power system of claim 1 , further comprising a user-operated control switch in communication with the conversion switch claim 1 , wherein the control switch actuates the conversion switch to a commanded configuration to achieve the desired output voltage.3. The multi-voltage portable power system of claim 2 , wherein the control switch comprises: hardwired connection claim 2 , isolated connection claim 2 , remote connection claim 2 , or combinations thereof claim 2 , to the conversion switch.4. The multi-voltage ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022227A1
Автор: Foldesi Dennis

Various embodiments of a battery charging system are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, an electric vehicle includes a battery charging system, a power source, and a motor. The battery charging system includes a charging module for converting power from an external power source into power that can be stored by the power source and/or used by the motor. The battery charging system can switch or reverse the flow of power between the power source and the external power source during a power outage to power electrical loads of a house. 1. A battery charging system comprising one or more charging modules configured to convert power transmitted from an external power source into power that is storable by a rechargeable battery of a vehicle.2. The battery charging system of wherein the external power source comprises household power and/or power transmitted from a vehicle charging station.3. The battery charging system of wherein the vehicle charging station is a supercharging station.4. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to be connected to the external power source via one or more connectors.5. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to be connected to the rechargeable battery via one or more connectors.6. The battery charging system of wherein the power transmitted from the external power source comprises alternating current power.7. The battery charging system of wherein the power that is storable by the rechargeable battery of the vehicle comprises direct current power.8. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to convert direct current power from the rechargeable battery of the vehicle to alternating current power that is usable by an electric motor of the vehicle or by the external power source.9. The battery charging system of wherein the charging module is configured to supply backup power from the rechargeable battery of the vehicle to the external power ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Variable Voltage Controller

Номер: US20190023144A1

A vehicle includes an inverter connected to an energy store having a variable output voltage and including a first pair of battery partitions. The vehicle includes a controller configured to operate a first set of switches to arrange electrical connections between the first pair such that the variable output voltage is greater than battery voltage of a one of the battery partitions. The operation of switches is responsive to a parameter indicative of speed of an electric machine electrically coupled to the inverter exceeding a first predetermined threshold.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026316A1

A storage battery device, a charging and discharging monitoring method and device thereof and a corresponding system are described. The storage battery device includes multiple storage batteries connected in parallel. A storage battery switching unit connected in series with each storage battery is arranged on a parallel branch circuit where the storage battery is located, and includes a charging control unit configured to switch on or switch off a charging loop of the storage battery and a discharging control unit connected in parallel with the charging control unit and configured to switch on or switch off a discharging loop of the storage battery. 1. A storage battery device comprising a plurality of storage batteries connected in parallel , wherein the device comprises:a storage battery switching unit arranged on a parallel branch circuit where each storage battery in the plurality of storage batteries is located and connected in series with the storage battery, wherein the storage battery switching unit comprises a current detection unit and a charging and discharging control unit which are connected in series, and the charging and discharging control unit comprises:a charging control unit, configured to switch on or switch off a charging loop of the storage battery, anda discharging control unit, connected in parallel with the charging control unit and configured to switch on or switch off a discharging loop of the storage battery.2. The storage battery device according to claim 1 , whereinthe charging control unit comprises a subunit unidirectionally switched on in a charging direction and a switch subunit connected in series with the subunit unidirectionally switched on in a charging direction; andthe discharging control unit comprises a subunit unidirectionally switched on in a discharging direction and a switch subunit connected in series with the subunit unidirectionally switched on in a discharging direction,and,the switch subunits are contactors.3. ( ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Battery system

Номер: US20180026456A1
Автор: Dongyoun KANG
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A battery system includes a plurality of battery modules connected in parallel. Each battery module includes a battery, a first output terminal and a second output terminal, a switch circuit connected between the battery and the first output terminal, and a battery manager to detect a battery voltage of the battery and control the switch circuit. Each battery manager is connected to other battery managers through a communication bus and transmits module information of a corresponding battery module to the other battery managers through the bus. Each batter manager also receives module information from the other battery managers through the bus and controls a corresponding switch circuit based on the module information.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045524A1

A charging control device charges a battery device, and a control unit that is configured to control a switch and to control charging of the battery device. The control unit estimates a total voltage when each battery is not bypassed in each of the plurality of storage battery systems, selects the storage battery system having a low voltage among the estimated total voltages, and then repeatedly executes selective charging of charging the selected storage battery system so that an estimated total voltage difference between the storage battery system having the low voltage in the estimated. total voltage and the storage battery system having a. high voltage in the estimated total voltage is less than a predetermined value. 1. A charging control device which charges a battery device , a battery group with a plurality of storage battery systems in parallel in each of which a plurality of batteries are connected in series,', 'a system switch which switches between connection and disconnection of the storage battery system, and', 'a bypass switch which bypasses each of the plurality of batteries constructing the plurality of storage battery systems,, 'the battery device including 'a control unit that is configured to control the system switch and the bypass switch and to control charging of the battery device,', 'the charging control device comprisingwherein the control unit is configured to estimate a total voltage when each battery is not bypassed in each of the plurality of storage battery systems, to select the storage battery system having a low voltage among the estimated total voltages, and then to repeatedly execute selective charging. of charging the selected storage battery system so that an estimated total voltage difference between the storage battery system having the low voltage in the estimated total voltage and the storage battery system having a high voltage in the estimated total voltage is less than a predetermined value.2. The charging control device ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045525A1

A method for operating a battery system. The battery system includes parallel-connected strings. Each string includes at least one battery module. In the battery module, multiple battery cells are interconnected in a series connection and/or in a parallel connection. The strings are switchable on and off from one another. The battery cells and/or battery cell packets are switchable on and off from one another and are bypass-able. The method includes: recognizing a fault of a battery cell; switching off and bypassing the faulty battery cell and/or the faulty battery cell packet which includes the faulty battery cell; switching off the faulty string, which includes the faulty battery cell and/or the faulty battery cell packet; comparing the string voltage of the faulty string to the string voltage of intact strings, in which no fault was recognized; discharging the intact strings if voltage differences between the strings exceed a voltage threshold value. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for operating a battery system , which includes multiple strings connected to one another in parallel , each of the strings including at least one battery module in which multiple battery cells are interconnected in a series connection and/or in a parallel connection , the strings being switchable on and off from one another , and individual battery cells of the battery cells and/or individual battery cell packets which each include multiple battery cells of the battery cells interconnected in parallel , being switchable on and off from one another and being able to be bypassed , the method comprising the following steps:recognizing a fault of a battery cell of the battery system;switching off and bypassing the faulty battery cell and/or a faulty battery cell packet in which the faulty battery cell is located;switching off a faulty string which includes the faulty battery cell and/or the faulty battery cell packet;comparing a string voltage of the faulty string to a string voltage of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Leadless starting accumulator battery, processing method and its use, particularly for combustion engines and motor vehicles

Номер: US20190027790A1

Accumulator battery, the processing method and its use, especially for combustion engines and motor vehicles, consist in serial-parallel connection of at least one or more NiMH—Nickel-metal hydride cells and or Li-Ion Lithium-Ion cells and or Li-Pol—Lithium polymer cells and ultracapacitors.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Micro-Battery Array

Номер: US20190027943A1

A micro-battery array is disclosed. The micro-battery array is present in a battery unit. The battery unit comprises a rectifier for conditioning current and voltage supplied to the battery unit. The battery unit further comprises a plurality of micro-batteries connected in parallel. Each micro-battery of the plurality of micro-batteries may be charged simultaneously while the battery unit is charged. The battery unit may further comprise a controller connected to the battery unit. The controller may monitor charge levels of each micro-battery and may switch usage of micro-batteries in the battery unit based on the charge levels. A next micro-battery in the battery unit may be used while charge of a currently used micro-battery goes below a threshold value. 1. A micro-battery array comprising:a battery unit comprising a plurality of micro-batteries connected in parallel, wherein each micro-battery of the plurality of micro-batteries is charged simultaneously while the battery unit is charged; anda controller connected to the battery unit for monitoring charge levels of each micro-battery and switching usage of micro-batteries in the battery unit based on the charge levels, wherein a next micro-battery in the battery unit is used while charge of a currently used micro-battery goes below a threshold value.2. The micro-battery array of claim 1 , further comprising a rectifier for conditioning current and voltage supplied to the battery unit.3. The micro-battery array of claim 1 , further comprising at least one micro-battery configured for usage during emergency mode operation of a device.4. The micro-battery array of claim 1 , wherein each micro-battery of the plurality of micro-batteries is of similar capacity.5. The micro-battery array of claim 1 , further comprising utilizing an algorithm for monitoring charge of each micro-battery.6. The micro-battery array of claim 1 , further comprising utilizing an algorithm for identifying the next micro-battery in the battery ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Charging device, charging method, and terminal

Номер: US20210028630A1
Автор: Ju-Zhang Wu

A charging device, a charging method and a terminal, an output end of the main charging circuit and output ends of the at least two secondary charging circuits are connected to a battery of an electronic device, and the output end of the main charging circuit is used for supplying power for an internal chip of the electronic device, disconnecting a connection between the main charging circuit and the battery when a voltage of the output end of the main charging circuit reaches a voltage required by the internal chip, and supplying power for the battery through the output ends of the at least two secondary charging circuits, in this way, charging time is shortened and a purpose of fast charging a battery is achieved.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

System and method for managing power and efficiently sourcing a variable voltage for a transport climate control system

Номер: US20220048360A1
Принадлежит: Thermo King Corp

A climate control system for use in a transport vehicle is disclosed. The climate control system includes a variable speed electric load, a controller configured to determine a load of the variable speed electric load, and a battery pack voltage configurator circuit. The battery pack voltage configurator circuit includes a first battery bank providing a first voltage and a first current, a second battery bank providing a second voltage and a second current, and a plurality of switches. The controller is configured to control the plurality of switches based on the determined load of the variable speed electric load. The battery pack voltage configurator circuit is configured to provide an output voltage and an output current to drive the variable speed electric load. The output voltage and the output current vary in magnitude based on the control of the plurality of switches.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033572A1

Methods and systems for managing a battery system. The battery system includes at least on battery cell and sensors configured to measure a voltage and a current of the battery cell. The method includes receiving measured voltage and current, calculating the capacity of the battery cell and regulating the charging or discharging of the battery cell based on the capacity of the battery cell. 1. A battery system comprising ,one or more battery cells comprising an anode, a cathode and an electrically insulating separator located between the anode and the cathode, wherein the electrically insulating separator electrically insulates the anode from the cathode; and receive a functionalized representation of one or more characteristics of one or more battery cells at a first time;', 'receive one or more measured characteristics of one or more battery cells from one or more sensors at a second time, including a characteristic selected from the group consisting of a current measurement of the one or more battery cells, a voltage measurement of the one or more battery cells and a charge measurement of the one or more battery cells;', 'receive one or more measured characteristics of the one or more battery cells from the one or more sensors at a third time, including a characteristic selected from the group consisting of a current measurement of the one or more battery cells, a voltage measurement of the one or more battery cells and a charge measurement of the one or more battery cells, wherein the third time is after the second time;', 'estimate one or more characteristics of one or more battery cells based on the functionalized representation at the first time, the one or more measured characteristics at the second time, and the one or more measured characteristics at the third time;', 'determine the capacity of the one or more battery cells based on the estimated one or more characteristics of the one or more battery cells., 'a battery management system comprising a ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033573A1
Автор: Yoo Anno

Disclosed embodiments relate to a control method of an energy management and more particularly, to an energy management system which is capable of reflecting a state of each energy storage system in the energy management system. 1. An energy management system , comprising:an upper control unit configured to output a total power command for each preset period;a plurality of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), each of which includes a battery and is configured to output power from the battery to a grid or charge power from the grid to the battery, based at least on the total power command; and identify setting target ESSs among the plurality of ESSs based at least on a State of Charge (SOC) of each battery and the outputted total power command for each preset period;', 'determine a power output order or a power charging order between the setting target ESSs based at least on the SOC of each battery included in the identified setting target ESSs;', 'generate an ESS power command for each of the setting target ESSs based at least on the determined order, the total power command and the SOC of each battery; and', 'output the generated ESS power command to each of the setting target ESSs., 'a controller configured to2. The energy management system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , if it is determined that the total power command includes a positive value claim 1 , the controller is further configured to identify an ESS including a battery with a SOC between a preset maximum SOC and a preset minimum SOC as a setting target ESS based at least on the determined order.3. The energy management system according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , if it is determined that the total power command includes the positive value claim 2 , the controller is further configured to determine a power output order in terms of SOC magnitude from an ESS including a battery with a largest SOC to an ESS including a battery with a smallest SOC among batteries with a SOC equal to or smaller than the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033598A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to an emergency inverter and an emergency lighting system. The emergency inverter comprises a power detecting module and a dimming signal generating module. The power detecting module is configured to detect an output power of the emergency inverter in an emergency state. The dimming signal generating module is coupled to the power detection module and configured to generate a dimming signal based on the output power of the emergency inverter in the emergency state. 1. An emergency inverter comprising:a power detection module configured to detect an output power of the emergency inverter in an emergency state; anda dimming signal generating module coupled to the power detection module and configured to generate a dimming signal based on the output power of the emergency inverter in the emergency state.2. The emergency inverter according to claim 1 , wherein the power detection module is further configured to detect an output voltage and an output current of the emergency inverter in the emergency state claim 1 , and to calculate the output power of the emergency inverter based on the output voltage and the output current.3. The emergency inverter according to claim 1 , wherein the dimming signal generating module comprises an analog voltage generator claim 1 , and the dimming signal comprises a voltage within a continuous range generated by the analog voltage generator.4. The emergency inverter according to claim 3 , wherein the continuous range comprises 0˜10V.5. The emergency inverter according to claim 1 , further comprising:a battery pack;a charging module coupled to the battery pack and configured to charge the battery pack in a non-emergency state; anda DC-to-AC converting module coupled to the battery pack and configured to convert a DC output of the battery pack into an AC output in the emergency state.6. The emergency inverter according to claim 5 , wherein the power detecting module is coupled to the DC-to-AC ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036251A1
Автор: Ma Mou-Ming

A quick low-voltage rechargeable battery is switched between a charging mode and a discharging mode. The battery includes plural battery cells and a power management circuit. Each battery cell includes a battery positive terminal and a battery negative terminal. The battery positive terminal of each battery cell corresponds to the battery negative terminal of another battery cell sequentially, so as to constitute a battery cell sequence. Respectively, the battery cells connect the power management circuit. The power management circuit includes a loading positive terminal and a loading negative terminal used to connect to a load. In the discharging mode, the power management circuit switches the battery cells to a series connection state; in the charging mode, the power management circuit switches the battery cells to respectively connect to a charging source and to be charged, and the battery cells are not connected in series. 1. A quick low-voltage rechargeable battery for being switched between a charging mode and a discharging mode , comprising:a plurality of battery cells, wherein each battery cell includes a battery positive terminal and a battery negative terminal; the battery cells are in sequence, with battery positive terminals corresponding to battery negative terminals, to form a battery cell sequence; anda power management circuit, wherein the battery cells are respectively connected to the power management circuit, and the power management circuit includes a loading positive terminal and a loading negative terminal, wherein the loading positive terminal and the loading negative terminal are used to connect to a load,wherein in a discharging mode, the power management circuit switches the battery cells to a series connection state and to connect to the loading positive terminal and the loading negative terminal; in a charging mode, the power management circuit switches the battery cells to separately connect to a charging source and to be charged, and ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Bay Modular Battery Charging System

Номер: US20180034282A1
Автор: Pozgay David, Zhang Yizhuo

A battery charging system comprises a voltage bus; at least one charging circuit comprising: an input connected to the voltage bus; an output; and a converter connected between the input and the output and configured to provide DC power to the output; a plurality of charging ports, each charging port comprising: an input; and a pair of contacts configured to connect to battery terminals, the pair of contacts being connected to the input to enable a voltage received at the input to be applied across the pair of contacts; and a plurality of switches configured to connect and disconnect the output of the at least one charging circuit to the input of any one of the charging ports in the plurality of charging ports; and a control unit operably connected to the plurality of switches and configured to operate the plurality of switches. 1. A battery charging system comprising:a voltage bus; an input connected to the voltage bus;', 'an output; and', 'a converter connected between the input and the output and configured to provide DC power to the output;, 'at least one charging circuit comprising an input; and', 'a pair of contacts configured to connect to battery terminals, the pair of contacts being connected to the input to enable a voltage received at the input to be applied across the pair of contacts;, 'a plurality of charging ports, each charging port comprisinga plurality of switches configured to connect and disconnect the output of the at least one charging circuit to the input of any one of the charging ports in the plurality of charging ports; anda control unit operably connected to the plurality of switches and configured to operate the plurality of switches.2. The battery charging system of claim 1 , the at least one charging circuit comprising:a charge controller configured to operate the converter to control a charging process of a respective battery that is connected to the least one charging circuit via one of the charging ports in the plurality of charging ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034290A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for the adjustment of states of charge of battery cells that are operated electrically in parallel connection, with the following steps: determination of the states of charge of the battery cells; selection of those battery cells whose states of charge are to be adjusted in accordance with a predeterminable selection rule; activation of those battery cells that are adjusted by means of a respective semiconductor switch of the battery cells, and deactivation of the remaining battery cells by means of the semiconductor switches of the respective remaining battery cells; carrying out the adjustment of the states of charge and monitoring of the states of charge; and termination of the adjustment of the states of charge when a predetermined state of charge has been attained by the activated battery cells. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for the adjustment of states of charge of battery cells that are operated electrically in parallel connection , comprising:determination of the states of charge of the battery cells;selection of those battery cells whose states of charge are to be adjusted in accordance with a predeterminable selection rule;activation of those battery cells that are adjusted by means of a respective semiconductor switch of the battery cells and deactivation of the remaining battery cells by means of the semiconductor switches of the respective remaining battery cells;carrying out the adjustment of the states of charge and monitoring the states of charge; andtermination of the adjustment of the states of charge when a predetermined state of charge has been attained by the activated battery cells.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein at least one of the semiconductor switches of an activated battery cell is operated cyclically.13. The method according to claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , in the case of more than two activated battery cells claim 11 , the semiconductor switches are operated by at least two battery cells in time-multiplex mode.14. ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036332A1

The present disclosure provides electronic devices that effectively utilize multiple ports. A first input switch is provided between a first port and an input of a first switching converter. A second input switch is provided between a second port and an input of a second switching converter. A load is connected to an output of the first switching converter. A first load switch is provided between the output of the first switching converter and a battery, and a second load switch is provided between an output of the second switching converter and the battery. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a first port;a second port;a first switching converter, having an output connecting to a load;a second switching converter;a first input switch provided between the first port and an input of the first switching converter;a second input switch provided between the second port and an input of the second switching converter;a first load switch provided between the output of the first switching converter and a battery;a second load switch provided between an output of the second switching converter and the battery;a first controller, configured to control the first switching converter, the first input switch, and the first load switch; anda second controller, configured to control the second switching converter, the second input switch, and the second load switch.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein when the second port is connected to a power supply device claim 1 , then the second input switch claim 1 , the second load switch claim 1 , and the first load switch are on claim 1 , thereby enabling a selection for an operation mode of the second switching converter.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein when the first port is connected to a power supply device and the second port is connected to a power receiving device claim 1 , then the first input switch claim 1 , the second input switch claim 1 , the first load switch claim 1 , and the second load switch are on ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036358A1

A battery capacity grading circuit includes a power supply, a first switch module, an inductor, a sampling module, a battery, a first control module, a second control module, and a second switch module. The first switch module is electrically coupled with the power supply, the inductor and the first control module. The sampling module is electrically coupled with inductor, the second switch module, and the first control module. The second switch module is electrically coupled with the battery and the second control module. The battery is electrically coupled with first control module. The second control module is electrically coupled with the first control module. The power supply charges the battery through the first switch module, the inductor, the sampling module, and the second switch module. The battery discharges to the power supply through the second switch module, the sampling module, the inductor, and the first switch module. 1100. A battery capacity grading circuit () , comprising:{'b': 10', '20', '1', '30', '40', '50', '60', '70, 'a power supply (), a first switch module (), an inductor (L), a sampling module (), a battery (), a first control module (), a second control module (), and a second switch module ();'}{'b': 20', '10', '1', '50', '30', '1', '70', '50', '70', '40', '60', '40', '50', '60', '50', '10', '40', '20', '1', '30', '70', '40', '10', '70', '30', '1', '20, 'wherein the first switch module () is electrically coupled with the power supply (), the inductor (L) and the first control module (); the sampling module () is electrically coupled with the inductor (L), the second switch module (), and the first control module (); the second switch module () is electrically coupled with the battery () and the second control module (); the battery () is electrically coupled with first control module (); the second control module () is electrically coupled with the first control module (); the power supply () charges the battery () through the first ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036195A1

One or more battery sub-modules are selected by obtaining at least one voltage from each battery sub-module and selecting based at least in part on the obtained voltages. The battery sub-modules are electrically connected in series in order to provide power to a primary load. Each battery sub-module includes a plurality of cells electrically connected in series and each battery sub-module further includes a battery management system that monitors the cells in that battery sub-module. Those battery management systems in the selected sub-modules are turned off so that the battery management systems in the selected sub-modules do not consume power at least temporarily from the cells in the selected sub-modules while (1) the battery sub-modules are not providing power to the primary load and (2) the battery sub-modules are not being charged. 1. A system , comprising: the plurality of battery sub-modules are electrically connected in series in order to provide power to a primary load;', 'each battery sub-module includes a plurality of cells electrically connected in series; and', 'each battery sub-module further includes a battery management system that monitors the plurality of cells in that battery sub-module; and, 'a plurality of battery sub-modules, wherein [ obtaining at least one voltage from each battery sub-module; and', 'selecting one or more battery sub-modules based at least in part on the obtained voltages; and, 'select one or more battery sub-modules from the plurality of battery sub-modules, including by, 'turn off those battery management systems in the one or more selected battery sub-modules so that the battery management systems in the selected battery sub-modules do not consume power at least temporarily from the plurality of cells in the selected battery sub-modules while (1) the plurality of battery sub-modules is not providing power to the primary load and (2) the plurality of battery sub-modules is not being charged., 'to a controller that is ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Ac power adapter having a switchable capacitor

Номер: US20200036307A1
Автор: Pradeep M. Pant
Принадлежит: Black and Decker Inc

A power adapter is provided to supply electric power from an alternating current from an alternating current (AC) power supply to a powered apparatus. It includes a switchable capacitor circuit housed within a housing and including: a first switch path associated with a positive half cycle of the alternating current and a second switch path associated with a negative half cycle of the alternating current, both coupled across the AC power supply. Each switch path includes a switchable capacitor in series with a switch.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036308A1
Автор: Pant Pradeep M.

A power adapter is provided to supply electric power from an alternating current from an alternating current (AC) power supply to a powered apparatus. It includes a switchable capacitor circuit housed within a housing and including a switchable capacitor switchably coupled across the AC power supply and a H-bridge circuit including four switches. An OFF-state of the four switches creates a charging path for the switchable capacitor, an ON-state of a first pair of the four switches creates a discharge path for the switchable capacitor during a positive half cycle of the alternating current, and an ON-state of a second pair of the four switches creates a discharge path for the switchable capacitor during a negative half cycle of the alternating current. 1. A power system configured to receive an alternating current from an alternating current (AC) power supply , the power tool system comprising:an electric motor;a switching circuit having a plurality of motor switches connected electrically between the AC power supply and the electric motor to regulate supply of power to the electric motor; anda switchable capacitor circuit comprising a switchable capacitor switchably coupled across the AC power supply and a H-bridge circuit including four switches, wherein an OFF-state of the four switches creates a charging path for the switchable capacitor, an ON-state of a first pair of the four switches creates a discharge path for the switchable capacitor during a positive half cycle of the alternating current, and an ON-state of a second pair of the four switches creates a discharge path for the switchable capacitor during a negative half cycle of the alternating current.2. The power system of claim 1 , further comprising a rectifier arranged between the AC power supply and the switching circuit to output a rectified signal on a DC power bus line.3. The power system of claim 2 , further comprising a DC bus capacitor electrically coupled in parallel with the rectifier and ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036515A1

A module for interconnecting a pair of DC sources or a pair of DC loads into a DC bus includes: a first port for each source or load; a switching cell for each first port, each cell having a pair of terminals and a switching node; a second port operatively connected to the DC bus and having a pair of terminals, one of the pair of terminals of the second port being connected to one of the terminals of one of the cells and the other of the pair of terminals of the second port being connected to one of the terminals of the other of the cells; and a filter inductor connected between the switching nodes of the cells. Systems including the module and methods utilizing the system are also disclosed. 1. A system for interconnecting a plurality of energy storage devices to a DC bus , the system comprising: two switching cells, each switching cell including a pair of terminals and a switching node;', a first capacitor having a (i) positive terminal coupled to a positive node of a first switching cell of the two switching cells, and a (ii) negative terminal coupled to a positive node of a second switching cell of the two switching cells; and', 'a second capacitor having a (i) positive terminal coupled to a negative node of the first switching cell of the two switching cells, and a (ii) negative terminal coupled to a negative node of the second switching cell of the two switching cells; and, 'a capacitor or capacitive network providing capacitive coupling between the pairs of the terminals of the two switching cells, the capacitor or capacitive network including, 'a filter inductor connected between the two switching cells; and, 'at least one interconnection circuit comprising cycle one switching cell of the two switching cells at a relatively high frequency to produce a varying first voltage; and', 'cycle the other switching cell of the two switching cells at a relatively low frequency to produce a varying second voltage;, 'a switching cell controller for providing a target ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Torque And Current Control Methods For Switching Variable Electric Drive Vehicles

Номер: US20210036643A1

A current command module is configured to, based on a direct current (DC) bus voltage for an electric motor of the vehicle, generate a d-axis current command for the electric motor and a q-axis current command for the electric motor. A voltage command module configured to generate voltage commands based on the d-axis current command and the q-axis current command. A battery switching control module is configured to: determine a voltage operating state of a battery based on the voltage commands; compare a battery parameter to at least one of a predetermined voltage parameter and a predetermined current parameter during a dwell time when a plurality of switches of the battery are open; and generate a switch control signal to transition at least one switch of the plurality of switches to cause the battery to operate in the voltage operating state based on the comparison.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043789A1
Автор: Goetz Stefan

A traction power source for electric vehicles in a single unit. Specifically, traction power source integrates several functions, such as the battery and inverter. In addition, further functionalities that are traditionally in separate units can be integrated into the system and efficiently performed by the same electronics, such as battery management and thermal management. 152.-. (canceled)53. An electrical circuit comprising at least three battery modules , wherein each of said battery modules comprises at least one battery subportion and at least two electric switches; andwherein each of said battery modules is electrically connected to at least a second of said battery modules through at least one electric inter-battery-module connection line; andwherein said at least two electric switches in each battery module are configured to change an electric connectivity between a first battery subportion of one of said battery modules and at least one second battery subportion of another of said battery modules between at least two alternatives of the electric connectivity by effective switching of said electric switches.54. The electrical circuit of wherein said at least two alternatives of the electric connectivity include at least two of the following:the at least one battery subportion of one battery module is electrically conductively connected in series with the at least one battery subportion of another battery module;the at least one battery subportion of one battery module is electrically conductively connected in parallel with the at least one battery subportion of another battery module; andthe at least one battery subportion of one battery module is bypassed so that not more than one of the at least two noncongruent electrical contacts of the at least one battery subportion of said battery module is electrically conductively connected to the at least one battery subportion of another module.55. The electrical circuit of wherein said at least two alternatives ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Direct current power supplying system

Номер: US20210050738A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

An energy management system (controller) operates on a charging voltage Vba of a specified storage battery out of storage batteries control power converting operations by bidirectional DC/DC converters. The energy management system controls the power converting operations of the respective bidirectional DC/DC converters so that the SOC of the specified storage battery is always higher than the SOCs of the other storage batteries, executes supplying of power from the other storage batteries to the DC bus with priority over supplying of power from the specified storage battery to the DC bus, and causes the corresponding bidirectional converters to stop the supplying of power from the other storage batteries the DC bus when the SOCs of the storage batteries have fallen below a lower limit value set in advance due to the supplying of power to the DC bus.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044464A1
Автор: Sasu Ioan

The invention provides a battery equipment and fast recharging station capable to recharge the battery in a very short period of time, due to the new design of the recharging stations, battery chargers, inlets and battery connectors. This new design consists in the use of a plurality of battery power supply units per recharging station, which is capable to connect all these power supply units simultaneously to a battery, via a plurality of battery chargers and inlets. For recharging, the battery has many terminals connected to all power supply units of the station and means to switch it from recharging to supplying mode. Bigger the number of power supply units, shorter is the battery recharging time and smaller the area of the recharging station. May be used for on-board recharging electric vehicles, or off-board recharging battery for bicycles, motor-cycles, portable tools. 1. A fast rechargeable battery assembly and recharging equipment for electric vehicles/cordless tools/equipments comprising:a consumer;means to store and deliver electric energy by a charging and discharging process;a battery system capable to support the said charging and discharging process;means to transform the grid electricity to the required parameters for said charging process;a plurality of recharging stands;means to connect the components of the said battery system;means to control the current circuits of the said components;means to measure and display the current parameters of the recharging batteries;means to control the battery out-put parameters (% of battery charge);2. A fast rechargeable battery assembly and recharging equipment for the said electric vehicles/cordless tools/equipments described in claim 1 , wherein the said means to transform the grid electricity to the required parameters for said charging process comprise:a plurality of power stations;a power station room;a plurality of power supply units;a plurality of connectors.3. A fast rechargeable battery assembly and ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044470A1

The present disclosure relates to a device with an electric load and a replaceable electric energy store. The energy store has at least one first storage unit with a first initial energy quantity and at least one second storage unit with a second initial energy quantity, wherein an electronic circuit is designed to actuate the first storage unit or the second storage unit according to an algorithm. By actuating the first storage unit or the second source unit, the energy supply of the device is ensured by the respective storage unit, and by actuating the first storage unit or the second storage unit, it is ensured that when a remaining energy quantity or an applied energy quantity of one storage unit is low, the respective other storage unit has a remaining energy quantity of at least 10% of a total energy quantity. 114-. (canceled)15. An electronic device , comprising:at least one electric load;at least one replaceable electric energy store; andan electronic circuit for operating the electric load and for controlling power management of the electronic device;wherein the energy store has at least one first storage unit with a first initial energy quantity and at least one second storage unit with a second initial energy quantity;wherein the electronic circuit is designed to actuate the first storage unit or the second storage unit by means of a switch according to an algorithm, wherein energy is supplied to the electronic device by the respective storage unit by actuating the first storage unit or the second storage unit;wherein the electronic circuit, by actuating the first storage unit or the second storage unit, determines whether the respective other storage unit has a residual energy quantity of at least 10% of a total energy quantity of the first initial energy quantity of the first storage unit and of the second initial energy quantity of the second storage unit.16. The electronic device of claim 15 , wherein the electronic circuit generates a warning signal ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049811A1

The invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used in chargers of lithium-ion batteries. The system contains a common control block and control blocks of each of the multitude of battery cells, where each cell of the multitude of cells is controlled by its own control block, which contains a micro-controller that has the capabilities to receive data about the condition of the cell, transfer the received information to the block of common control, and balance voltages of cells by high currents (upon receiving a control command from the common control block), where the balancing mode efficiently operates in any mode of the battery operation (during charging, during discharging, and at rest), where the multitude of cells of the accumulator batter are connected in series by direct current, and in parallel by alternating current through the system of DC/AC converter balancing, where the converters are synchronized by the common control signal from the common control block. The invention reduces the charging time and increases the discharging time of the battery. 1. An accumulator battery that consists of many cells , wherein battery cells are connected in series by direct current and in parallel by alternating current through the system of converter balancing.2. The accumulator battery specified in paragraph 1 , wherein each cell is equipped with a DC/AC converter.3. The management system of the accumulator battery specified in paragraph 1 characterized in that it has a common control block and control blocks of each of the multitude of cells in the accumulator battery.41. The system specified in paragraph characterized in that it is controlled by its own control block containing a micro-controller that has the capabilities to receive data about the condition of the cell , transfer the received information to the block of common control , and balance voltages of cells by high currents (upon receiving a control command from the common control block).5. The ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Power storage device, power storage system, and control method of power storage device

Номер: US20160049813A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided a power storage device including a plurality of modules each including secondary batteries, a charging switch that controls charging to the secondary batteries, a discharging switch that controls discharging of the secondary batteries, and a voltage measuring unit that measures a voltage of the module, and a switch control unit that controls one or both of the charging switch and the discharging switch. The modules are connected in parallel. The switch control unit maintains an on state of the discharging switch for at least one of the modules for a predetermined period, and controls the charging switch of the module in which a maximum module charging current estimated based on the voltage of the module is a predetermined value or less, to be in an on state.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047770A1
Автор: Imperial Anthony

A portable solar power station is disclosed herein. The power station is contained and configured with sufficient power to support a plurality of industrial devices and appliances. The devices and appliances can be utilized for a variety of professional and recreational activities. The power station is easily transported because it can fit, e.g., into a truck's bed or a van's cargo area and is not so heavy, e.g., that a person of mild to average strength would have difficulty pushing, lifting or otherwise moving the power station. 1. A mobile solar power station apparatus , comprising:a container, the container including an enclosed internal support structure configured to secure components and external wheels;a solar panel mounted on an articulable joint atop a mast, the mast mounted on top of the container;a rechargeable battery pack comprised of non-flooded batteries with combined voltage of at least 24 VDC, said rechargeable battery pack mounted securely to the internal support structure of the container, said rechargeable battery pack receiving output from the solar panel;a voltage regulator mounted to the internal support structure of the container, and configured to regulate an output of the solar panel;a power inverter mounted to the internal support structure of the container, the power inverter having input terminals and output terminals and an inductor coil electrically coupled to each of the output terminals of the power inverter, wherein the input terminals are electrically coupled to the rechargeable battery pack;an outlet bank mounted on an outer wall of the container, the outlet bank configured to receive the output of the power inverter;a cooling system associated with the power inverter, and further configured to receive power from either of the solar panel or the rechargeable battery pack; andwherein the solar panel and the voltage regulator are electrically coupled in series and in turn in parallel with the rechargeable battery pack, and further ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069407A1
Автор: Liu Chuanjun, Yan An
Принадлежит: Globe (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.

The disclosure provides an electric energy storage device which includes four energy units with a substantially same voltage value. Each energy unit is provided with a positive electrode and a negative electrode. The electric energy storage device comprises a socket with eight independently arranged electrode terminals that are connected with the four energy units. The disclosure also provides an electric tool system using the electric energy storage device. The electric tool is provided with plugs that may be connected with the four energy units in different states, allowing the electric energy storage device to output multiple voltages.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069598A1
Автор: Hobbs Timothy Richard
Принадлежит: OE Electrics Limited

The invention to which this application relates is a system for providing AC or DC power, for charging or powering electrical/electronic devices that are being used whilst the device and typically the person using the same is located at, around or within, an item of furniture which is defined as an item that has no local connection point to a mains AC wired power supply of an environment. The system is provided by a series of modules, at least some of which are based around a single mechanical fixation system, thereby allowing the furniture designer or manufacturer to implement a common mechanical fixing system and choose from a variety of modules to create the electrical system so desired for their application. Modules within the system include at least one battery module plus modules such as a Power Supply Unit (PSU), an AC or DC power in-feed connection point, DC power provision points, inverter, AC power provision points, switches, electrical protection devices and/or power control devices and therefore provide an agile means of configuring and creating a battery based power supply system. 1. A modular power supply apparatus , said apparatus including:at least one battery module with one or more power cells provided therein,a plurality of power provision point modules electrically connected to receive power from said battery module to provide DC or AC power,a power supply unit module to allow the change of power supplied to the apparatus from AC to DC power,and/or a power infeed module,and a mounting means,wherein said modules are selectively directly or indirectly electrically connected to said at least one battery module to provide a selected configuration of the apparatus and whereinat least the said at least one battery module and at least one of, the power provision point modules, power supply unit module and/or power infeed module include mechanical location means of substantially the same form so as to allow said modules to be mechanically located with ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Allocating Propulsion Load Power Drawn from High-Energy and High-Power Batteries

Номер: US20220069605A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

System and method for allocating load power drawn from multiple batteries for powering propulsion of a vehicle. The system includes: high-energy and high-power batteries respectively designed for optimal production of DC power during high-specific-energy and high-specific-power propulsion; and battery health management systems configured to monitor state of charge and state of health of the batteries and generate battery status signals. The system further includes a propulsion load configured to produce propulsion force using power converted from power generated by at least one of the batteries and a system controller configured to allocate load power drawn from the high-energy and high-power batteries for use by the propulsion load in dependence on a propulsion phase of the vehicle and the battery status. 1. A system for allocating load power drawn from a battery system for powering propulsion of a vehicle , the system comprising:a high-energy battery that is designed for optimal production of DC power during high-specific-energy propulsion;a high-energy battery health management system that is configured to monitor a state of charge and a state of health of the high-energy battery and generate first battery status signals representing the state of charge and state of health of the high-energy battery;a high-power battery that is designed for optimal production of DC power during high-specific-power propulsion;a high-power battery health management system that is configured to monitor a state of charge and a state of health of the high-power battery and generate second battery status signals representing the state of charge and state of health of the high-power battery;a propulsion load configured to produce propulsion force using power converted from power generated by at least one of the high-energy and high-power batteries; anda system controller that is configured to receive the first and second battery status signals and then allocate load power drawn from the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069609A1

A battery protection circuit includes: a voltage divider connected in parallel to an outer terminal, and configured to output a divided voltage; a controller configured to output an overvoltage determination signal based on the divided voltage that is input thereto; a logic portion configured to output a switching control signal based on the overvoltage determination signal and the divided voltage that are input thereto; and a switching portion configured to control a connection between a battery module and the outer terminal according to the switching control signal. 1. A battery protection circuit , comprising:a voltage divider connected in parallel to an outer terminal, and configured to output a divided voltage;a controller configured to output an overvoltage determination signal based on the divided voltage that is input thereto;a logic portion configured to output a switching control signal based on the overvoltage determination signal and the divided voltage that are input thereto; anda switching portion configured to control a connection between a battery module and the outer terminal according to the switching control signal.2. The battery protection circuit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the logic portion includes an AND gate and an inverter,the inverter receives the divided voltage from the voltage divider, and outputs an inverter output signal to the AND gate, andthe AND gate receives the overvoltage determination signal and the inverter output signal to output the switching control signal.3. The battery protection circuit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the divided voltage is greater than or equal to a predetermined first voltage claim 2 , the inverter output signal and the overvoltage determination signal are low level signals.4. The battery protection circuit as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the switching portion is opened by the switching control signal when the switching control signal is a low level signal.5. The battery protection ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052524A1

A power device including a housing, charging circuitry, and discharge circuitry. The housing defining a first support operable to support a first battery pack, and a second support operable to support a second battery pack. The charging circuitry electrically is connected to the first battery pack and the second battery pack in a parallel-type connection. The charging circuitry is configured to simultaneously charge the first battery pack and the second battery pack. The discharge circuitry is electrically connected to the first battery pack and the second battery pack. The discharge circuitry is configured to electrically connect the first battery pack and the second battery pack in a series-type connection during a discharge 1. A power device comprising:a housing defining a first support operable to support a first battery pack, and a second support operable to support a second battery pack;charging circuitry electrically connected to the first battery pack and the second battery pack in a parallel-type connection, the charging circuitry configured to simultaneously charge the first battery pack and the second battery pack; anddischarge circuitry electrically connected to the first battery pack and the second battery pack, the discharge circuitry configured to electrically connect the first battery pack and the second battery pack in a series-type connection during a discharge.2. The power device of claim 1 , wherein the charging circuitry includes a first switch to control charging of the first battery pack and a second switch to control charging of the second battery pack.3. The power device of claim 1 , further comprising a balancing circuit configured to balance the first battery pack and the second battery pack during the discharge.4. The power device of claim 1 , wherein the charging circuitry determines a capacity of the first battery pack and a capacity of the second battery pack via a communication with the first battery pack and the second battery pack.5 ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054827A1

An energy storage system for supporting dual electrical functions of a vehicle includes an energy storage unit having a plurality of energy storage modules connected in series, a plurality of sensing units for sensing state of charges of the plurality of energy storage modules, and a pair of primary voltage terminals. The series connected plurality of energy storage modules is connectable across the pair of primary voltage terminals during a key-on state of the vehicle to supply energy storage power at a first voltage level to support primary electrical functions of the vehicle. The energy storage system is further configured to select a subset of the plurality of energy storage modules during a key-off state of the vehicle to connect across a pair of secondary voltage terminals using a switch network to supply energy storage power at a second voltage level. 1. A battery module comprising:a first terminal pair configured to electrically couple the battery module to a first voltage domain;a second terminal pair configured to electrically couple the battery module to a second voltage domain;a plurality of battery cells electrically coupled in series between a first terminal of the first terminal pair and a second terminal of the first terminal pair; a first switch electrically coupled between a first battery cell of the plurality of battery cells and a third terminal of the second terminal pair;', 'a second switch electrically coupled between the first battery cell of the plurality of battery cells and a fourth terminal of the second terminal pair;', 'a third switch electrically coupled between a second battery cell of the plurality of battery cells and the third terminal of the second terminal pair; and', 'a fourth switch electrically coupled between the second battery cell of the plurality of battery cells and the fourth terminal of the second terminal pair;, 'a plurality of switches comprisinga plurality sensing units configured to measure operational parameters of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056798A1
Автор: Syouda Takahiro

During charging, a quick charging device forms a battery module series circuit by connecting a third contact of a first switch to a second contact of the first switch, and connecting a fifth contact of a second switch to a twelfth contact of the second switch, so as to enable a charger to be connected to the battery module series circuit. During discharging, the quick charging device forms a battery module parallel circuit by connecting the third contact of the first switch to a first contact of the first switch, and connecting the fifth contact of the second switch to a fourth contact of the second switch, so as to enable a load unit to be connected to the battery module parallel circuit. 1. A quick charging device comprising:a first battery module and a second battery module that store therein power;a first switch that has a first contact that is connected to a positive electrode of the first battery module, a second contact that is connected to a negative electrode of the first battery module, and a third contact that is connected to a positive electrode of the second battery module, and that switches to connect the third contact to the first contact or the second contact;a second switch that has a fourth contact that is connected to the negative electrode of the first battery module, and a fifth contact that is connected to a negative electrode of the second battery module, and switches between a connected state in which the fifth contact is connected to the fourth contact and a disconnected state; anda controller that controls connections of the first switch and the second switch, whereinthe controller forms, in a charging operation, a battery module series circuit in which the negative electrode of the first battery module and the positive electrode of the second battery module are connected in series by connecting the third contact of the first switch to the second contact of the first switch and by switching the second switch to the disconnected state, so as ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061110A1

A configuration instruction associated with configuring a plurality of batteries which supply power to a plurality of motors in a vehicle is received. The batteries are configuring as specified by the configuration instruction, where the batteries are able to be configured in a plurality of configurations, including: a first configuration where at least some of the batteries are electrically connected together in parallel and a second configuration where at least some of the batteries are electrically connected together in series. 1. A system , comprising:a plurality of batteries which supply power to a plurality of motors in a vehicle;one or more sensors that are configured to monitor the plurality of batteries and generate an indication associated with a bad battery if any such bad battery is detected in the plurality of batteries; and receive a configuration instruction associated with configuring the plurality of batteries to electrically isolate the bad battery, wherein the configuration instruction is generated in response to receiving the indication associated with the bad battery; and', 'configure the plurality of batteries as specified by the configuration instruction such that the bad battery is electrically isolated and a motor corresponding to the bad battery is powered by one or more batteries other than the bad battery in the plurality of batteries, wherein the plurality of batteries is able to be configured in a plurality of configurations., 'a battery configuration controller that is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors includes a voltage sensor configured to detect a battery having a voltage lower than a threshold and generate the indication associated with a bad battery in response to detecting the battery having a voltage lower than the threshold.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors includes a temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature above a threshold and generate the indication ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061114A1
Автор: JIA Minli, SUN Hao, Zhang Jinfa

The embodiments of the present disclosure provide an on-board charging and discharging system, including: a first power conversion module, a second power conversion module, and a third power conversion module, where the input terminals of the first power conversion module, the second power conversion module and the third power conversion module are respectively electrically connected to one corresponding phase of a three-phase power supply; each power conversion module includes an AC-DC converter, a bus capacitor and a first DC-DC converter, an input terminal of the AC-DC converter is electrically connected to the one corresponding phase of the three-phase power supply, and the bus capacitor is connected in parallel with an output of the AC-DC converter and an input of the first DC-DC converter, respectively; where at least the third power conversion module is a bidirectional power conversion module. 1. An on-board charging and discharging system , comprising: a first power conversion module , a second power conversion module , and a third power conversion module , whereininput terminal of the first power conversion module, input terminal of the second power conversion module, and input terminal of the third power conversion module are respectively electrically connected to one corresponding phase of a three-phase power supply;each of the power conversion modules includes an AC-DC converter, a bus capacitor and a first DC-DC converter, an input terminal of the AC-DC converter is electrically connected to the one corresponding phase of the three-phase power supply, and the bus capacitor is respectively connected in parallel with an output of the AC-DC converter and an input of the first DC-DC converter;wherein at least the third power conversion module is a bidirectional power conversion module.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises: a second DC-DC converter claim 1 , whereinan input of the second DC-DC converter is connected in ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055412A1

The invention relates to a circuit for an electrical energy storage system () with two energy storage units (R, R) respectively comprising a first and a second pole connection (P, P, P, P), said circuit comprising: at least one first and one second input (E, E), at least one first and one second output (A, A), a first switching element (S) between the first pole connection (P) of the first energy storage unit (R) and the first output (A), and a second switching element (S) between the second pole connection (P) of the second energy storage unit (R) and the second output (A), a third switching element (S) being arranged between the second pole connection (P) of the first energy storage unit (R) and the first pole connection (P) of the second energy storage unit (R), a fourth switching element (S) being arranged between the second pole connection (P) of the first energy storage unit (R) and the second pole connection (P) of the second energy storage unit (R), and a fifth switching element (S) being arranged between the first pole connection (P) of the first energy storage unit (R) and the first pole connection (P) of the second energy storage unit (R), the energy storage units (R, R) being connected in parallel or in series according to the switch position of the third, fourth and fifth switching elements (S, S, S). 1100121432. A circuit arrangement for an electrical energy storage system () having a first energy storage unit (R) and a second energy storage unit (R) , which each have a first pole connection (P , P) and a second pole connection (P , P) , the circuit arrangement comprising:{'b': 1', '2, 'at least one first input (E) and a second input (E) for electrically conductive connection to a DC voltage source,'}{'b': 1', '2, 'at least one first output (A) and a second output (A) for electrically conductive connection to at least one electrical component,'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1, 'a first switching element (S), which is arranged between ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Cascading Contactor Drive System

Номер: US20190057828A1
Принадлежит: K2 Energy Solutions Inc

A system for sequentially interconnecting battery modules of a battery pack is disclosed. The battery pack may comprise first, second and third battery modules. Each of the first, second and third battery modules includes a first power output terminal and a second power output terminal. Each of the first power output terminals is of a first polarity and the each of the second power output terminals is of a second, opposite polarity. The system comprises a control module for providing a control signal to sequentially interconnect the battery modules, a first interconnect controller electrically disposed between the first and second battery modules, and a second interconnect controller electrically disposed between the second and third battery modules. Each of the first and second interconnect controllers includes a contactor comprising a main contact, an auxiliary contact and an actuating coil for closing the respective main contact and auxiliary contact. The actuating coil of the first interconnect controller responds to the control signal to close the respective main contact, coupling the first battery module to the second battery module, and to close the respective auxiliary contact to pass the control signal to the second interconnect controller. The actuating coil of the second interconnect controller responds to the passed control signal from the first interconnect controller to close the respective main contact of the second interconnect controller, coupling the third battery module to the previously connected first and second battery modules.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

System and method for monitoring and controlling a back-up power supply using temperature controlled batteries

Номер: US20190058352A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Systems and methods of monitoring and controlling a back-up power supply are provided. The back-up power supply can include an uninterruptible power supply system configured with a plurality of primary battery banks maintained in long-term storage and a working battery maintained in an operable state. The back-up power supply system can monitor the condition of a first working battery to determine if the condition is below a performance threshold or a capacity threshold. The uninterruptible power supply system can transition a primary battery bank previously maintained in long-term storage to an operable state and designate the transitioned primary battery as a second working battery. The uninterruptible power supply system can switch the source of power provided by the back-up power supply from the first working battery to the second working battery.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Convertible battery pack

Номер: US20190058435A1

A first battery pack that is switchable between a first configuration having a first rated output voltage that corresponds to a first power tool rated operating voltage such that the first battery pack enables operation of the first power tool, and a second configuration having a second rated output voltage that corresponds to a second power tool rated operating voltage such that the first battery pack enables operation of the second power tool. 1. A battery pack , comprising:a housing including a set of walls having an interior side which defines an interior space and an exterior side which defines an exterior space, the exterior side including an interface configured to electromechanically couple the housing to an electrical device;a set of battery terminals, the set of battery terminals including a first subset of battery terminals and a second subset of battery terminals for providing a rated output voltage to the electrical device;a converter element residing in the interior space of the housing, the converter element having a first position and a second position;at least one switch, the at least one switch being configurable between a first state and a second state, wherein the at least one switch is in the first state when the converter element is in the first position and is in the second state when the converter element is in the second position; anda set of battery cells residing in the interior space of the housing, the set of battery cells electrically coupled to the set of battery terminals, wherein when the at least one switch is in the first state the battery cells provide the rated output voltage to the electrical device through the first subset of battery terminals only and when the at least one switch is in the second state the battery cells provide the rated output voltage to the electrical device through the first subset of battery terminals and the second subset of battery terminals.2. The battery pack claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059084A1

A switch circuit disposed on a wire that connects a plurality of batteries includes a semiconductor switch that switches the connection between the batteries to ON or to OFF, and a protective switch that is connected in parallel to the semiconductor switch. The protective switch has a pair of terminals that are each connected to the wire, and a conductive plate that is constituted by a plurality of conductive members having different thermal expansion coefficients being attached to each other. The conductive plate deforms with increasing temperature of the semiconductor switch and switches the connection between the terminals to ON. 1. A switch circuit disposed on a wire that connects a plurality of power sources , the switch circuit comprising:a semiconductor switch that is disposed on the wire and switches a connection between the plurality of power sources to ON or to OFF; anda protective switch that is connected in parallel to the semiconductor switch and switches the connection between the power sources to ON by deforming with increasing temperature of the semiconductor switch.2. The switch circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the protective switch has:a pair of terminals that are each connected to the wire; anda conductive plate that is constituted by a plurality of conductive members having different thermal expansion coefficients being attached to each other,wherein the conductive plate is connected to one terminal of the pair of terminals, and deforms so as to connect the one terminal and the other terminal of the pair of terminals with increasing temperature of the semiconductor switch.3. The switch circuit according to claim 2 , wherein at least the other terminal of the pair of terminals is constituted by a melting member that is conductive and melts at a predetermined temperature.4. The switch circuit according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the connection between the power sources is ON claim 1 , the protective switch switches the connection ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062514A1

A hybrid active power link device includes a plurality of active power link modules (APLMs). Each APLM of the plurality of APLMs includes a plurality of switching devices including a first switching device and a second switching device coupled in series. Each APLM of the plurality of APLMs also includes at least one first-type energy storage device (ESD) coupled in parallel with both of the first switching device and the second switching device. The hybrid active power link device also includes at least one second-type ESD coupled in series with at least one APLM of the plurality of APLMs. 1. A hybrid active power link device comprising: a plurality of switching devices comprising a first switching device and a second switching device coupled in series; and', 'at least one first-type energy storage device (ESD) coupled in parallel with both of said first switching device and said second switching device; and, 'a plurality of active power link modules (APLMs), each APLM of said plurality of APLMs comprisingat least one second-type ESD coupled in series with at least one APLM of said plurality of APLMs.2. The hybrid active power link device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said plurality of APLMs comprises a first APLM and a second APLM coupled in series claim 1 , said at least one second-type ESD further coupled in series with said second APLM claim 1 , said second APLM positioned opposite said first APLM with respect to said at least one second-type ESD.3. The hybrid active power link device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said at least one first-type ESD comprises at least one of a battery claim 1 , an ultracapacitor claim 1 , a film capacitor claim 1 , an electrolytic capacitor claim 1 , and a fuel cell claim 1 , and wherein said at least one second-type ESD comprises at least one of a battery claim 1 , an ultracapacitor claim 1 , a film capacitor claim 1 , an electrolytic capacitor claim 1 , and a fuel cell.4. The hybrid active power link device in ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Switchable Storage System for a Vehicle

Номер: US20190061551A1

A storage system provides electrical power for driving a vehicle. The storage system has a first and a second storage module for storing electrical energy. The storage system includes a switching unit which is configured for connecting the first storage module and the second storage module in series for a charging operation and in parallel for driving the vehicle. The storage system includes a control unit which is configured to implement measures in order to reduce a difference between a state of charge of the first storage module and a state of charge of the second storage module in preparation for a parallel connection of the first storage module to the second storage module. 1. A storage system for providing electric power for propulsion of a vehicle , the storage system comprising:a first and a second storage module for storage of electrical energy;a switching unit, which is configured to connect the first storage module and the second storage module in series for execution of a charging process, and in parallel for propulsion of the vehicle; anda control unit which is configured to implement one or more measures in order to reduce a difference of a state of charge of the first storage module and a state of charge of the second storage module, in preparation for the parallel connection of the first storage module to the second storage module.2. The storage system as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe storage system comprises a first cooling module and a second cooling module;the first cooling module is operated by electrical energy from the first storage module;the second cooling module is operated by electrical energy from the second storage module; andthe control unit is configured to adjust an electrical consumption of the first cooling module and of the second cooling module, such that the difference between the state of charge of the first storage module and the state of charge of the second storage module is reduced.3. The storage system as claimed in claim ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Power System

Номер: US20210066930A1
Принадлежит: Globe Jiangsu Co Ltd

The invention provides a power system comprising a first batteries and a second batteries which are arranged in parallel, a first switch connected in series between the first batteries and an electrical load for connecting or disconnecting the first batteries and the electrical load, and/or a second switch connected in series between the second batteries and the electrical load for connecting or disconnecting the second batteries and the electrical load. The power system further comprises a control for detecting a voltage difference between the first batteries and the second batteries, and closing the first switch/second switch when the voltage difference is less than a preset value in order that the first batteries and the second batteries supply power/charge in parallel.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062134A1

A circuit arrangement () for supplying an electric vehicle with power comprises a battery () with a first terminal () and a second terminal (), and a reference potential terminal () directly connected to the second terminal () of the battery (). The circuit arrangement () further comprises a first output () that is coupled to the first terminal () of the battery () via a first switch () and that is configured to be connected to an electric machine () of the electric vehicle, and a second output () that is coupled to the first terminal () of the battery () and that is configured to be connected to a power net () of the electric vehicle. Furthermore, a power system () for an electric vehicle comprises the circuit arrangement (), an electric machine () and a power net (). The first output () is coupled to the electric machine () and the second output () is coupled to the power net (). 1. A circuit arrangement for supplying an electric vehicle with power , the circuit arrangement comprising:a battery with a first terminal and a second terminal,a reference potential terminal directly connected to the second terminal of the battery,a first output that is coupled to the first terminal of the battery via a first switch and that is configured to be connected to an electric machine of the electric vehicle, anda second output that is coupled to the first terminal of the battery and that is configured to be connected to a power net of the electric vehicle.2. The circuit arrangement according to claim 1 , where the electric vehicle is at least one of:a craft that can move on ground,a craft that can move in the air,a craft that can move on and/or in water.3. The circuit arrangement according to claim 1 , where the battery voltage which can be tapped between the first terminal and the second terminal of the battery is at most 60 V.4. The circuit arrangement according to claim 1 , where the second output is directly and permanently coupled to the first terminal of the battery.5. ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065500A1
Автор: Mastrandrea Francesco

A rechargeable battery system, a battery pack, and methods of manufacturing the same are disclosed herein. The rechargeable battery system and/or battery pack can be for an electric vehicle. The rechargeable battery system and/or battery pack can include a plurality of battery cells arranged into one or more rows, a busbar, and a housing. The housing can include a plurality of receptacles that can engage with the plurality of battery cells to secure a relative position of the plurality of battery cells with respect to each other. The housing can define a cooling duct in thermal connection with the plurality of receptacles. 1. A battery pack for an electric vehicle , the battery pack comprising: 'each of the plurality of battery cells comprises a first terminal and a second terminal;', 'a plurality of battery cells arranged into one or more rows, whereina busbar configured to conduct electrical energy to and from at least some of the plurality of battery cells;a housing comprising a plurality of receptacles configured to engage with the plurality of battery cells to secure a relative position of the plurality of battery cells with respect to each other, wherein the housing defines a cooling duct in thermal connection with the plurality of receptacles, wherein the housing comprises an entrance and an exit fluidly connected to the cooling duct of the housing; anda heat exchanger fluidly connected to at least one of the entrance and the exit of the cooling duct,wherein the heat exchanger and the cooling duct comprise a cooling fluid contained therein.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The battery pack of claim 4 , wherein the cooling fluid comprises a refrigerant.6. The battery pack of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a top and a bottom.7. The battery pack of claim 6 , wherein the receptacles are located in the top of the housing and comprise a plurality of cups.8. The battery pack of claim 7 , wherein the cooling duct extends at least partially around the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Battery Module

Номер: US20220085430A1
Автор: Speidel Thomas

A battery module has a total of 144 battery cells, wherein the battery cells each have an individual voltage value and wherein the battery module has an output voltage value. The battery cells are connected to each other to form one or more groups of battery cells, wherein, when more than one group of battery cells are formed, the groups of battery cells each contain the same number of battery cells, and wherein the battery cells in each one of the one or more groups of battery cells are connected in parallel to each other. When more than one group of battery cells are formed, the groups of battery cells are connected in series. The battery module provides different connection schemes of the battery cells to form the one or more groups of battery cells connected in series. 1. A battery module comprising:a total of precisely 144 battery cells connected to each other, wherein the battery cells each have an individual voltage value and wherein the battery module comprises an output voltage value;wherein the battery module is configured to connect the battery cells to each other to form one or more groups of battery cells, wherein, when more than one group of battery cells are formed, the groups of battery cells each contain the same number of battery cells, and wherein the battery cells in each one of the one or more groups of battery cells are connected in parallel to each other;wherein, when more than one group of battery cells are formed, the groups of battery cells are connected in series;wherein the battery module is configured to provide different connection schemes of the battery cells to form the one or more groups of battery cells connected in series.2. The battery module according to claim 1 , wherein the battery module is configured to provide different output voltage values as a function of the different connection schemes.3. The battery module according to claim 1 , wherein the battery module is configured to provide a total of 15 different serial ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210075067A1
Автор: YOON Ho-Byung
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A battery balancing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a first selection unit to selectively connect each of a plurality of batteries included in a first battery group between a first node and a second node, a resistance adjustment unit to connect a first resistor, a second resistor, a series circuit of the first and second resistors or a parallel circuit of the first and second resistors between the first node and the second node, and a control unit. The control unit determines at least one of the batteries as a first balancing target based on a first voltage signal indicating voltage of each battery. The first selection unit connects the first balancing target between the first node and the second node. The control unit controls the resistance adjustment unit based on a voltage difference between voltage of the first balancing target and a reference voltage. 1. A battery balancing apparatus , comprising:a detector configured to output a first voltage signal indicating voltage of each of a plurality of batteries included in a first battery group;a first selector configured to selectively electrically connect each of the plurality of batteries included in the first battery group between a first node and a second node;a resistance adjuster configured to selectively electrically connect a first resistor, a second resistor, a series circuit of the first resistor and the second resistor or a parallel circuit of the first resistor and the second resistor between the first node and the second node; anda controller operably coupled to the detector, the first selector and the resistance adjuster,wherein the controller is configured to determine at least one of the plurality of batteries included in the first battery group as a first balancing target based on the first voltage signal,the first selector is configured to electrically connect the first balancing target between the first node and the second node, andthe controller is further ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Battery with switched accumulators

Номер: US20210075231A1

A battery with switched accumulators, including: a first cell; a plurality of second cells series-connected with the first cell, each first and second cell including: an electric accumulator series-connected with a first switch, a second switch connected in parallel with the accumulator and the first switch, and a first diode, the cathodes of the first diodes being connected to an output node, the anode of the accumulator of the first cell being connected to ground, the anode of the first diode of each second cell being coupled to the cathode of the accumulator by at least one third switch; and a control circuit capable of measuring characteristics of at least certain accumulators and of controlling the first, second, and third switches according to the characteristics.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089060A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for adaptive regeneration systems for electric vehicles. In one embodiment, an example method may include determining, by an adaptive regeneration system, that an electric vehicle is decelerating, determining an output voltage of a power source at the electric vehicle, determining that a voltage potential of a battery system at the electric vehicle is greater than the output voltage, and causing the voltage potential of the battery system to be modified to a value equal to or less than the output voltage. 1. A method comprising:determining, by one or more computer processors coupled to at least one memory, that a braking system is being applied at an electric vehicle;determining an output voltage of a power source at the electric vehicle;determining that a voltage potential of a battery system at the electric vehicle is different than the output voltage; andsubstantially matching the voltage potential of the battery system to the output voltage.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining that the output voltage has decreased from a first value to a second value;causing the voltage potential of the battery system to be modified to a value equal to or less than the second value.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the voltage potential of the battery system is substantially matched using one or more switches or transistors to change connections between individual batteries of the battery system to series connections or parallel connections.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:causing the voltage potential of the battery system to be modified to a value equal to or less than the output voltage.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining that the voltage potential of the battery system at the electric vehicle is different than the output voltage comprises determining that the voltage potential of the battery system at the electric vehicle is greater than the output voltage.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070971A1

An electrically powered vehicle includes electric power lines through which electric power supplied from external charger flows, an electric power storage device electrically connected to the electric power lines, a charging circuit electrically connected to the electric power lines, and an electronic control unit. The electric power storage device is configured to be charged with the electric power from the external charger. The charging circuit is configured to charge the electric power storage device in either a first state or a second state. The electronic control unit is configured to acquire charger information indicating information related to electric power to be suppliable from the external charger, generate the command by using the acquired charger information, and output the command to the charging circuit. 1. An electrically powered vehicle comprising:electric power lines through which electric power supplied from an external charger flows;an electric power storage device electrically connected to the electric power lines, the electric power storage device being configured to be charged with the electric power from the external charger;a charging circuit electrically connected to the electric power lines, the charging circuit being configured to switch a connection state of the electric power storage device and the electric power lines between a first state and a second state in accordance with a given command, and the charging circuit being configured to charge the electric power storage device in either the first state or the second state; andan electronic control unit configured to acquire charger information indicating information related to electric power to be suppliable from the external charger,the electronic control unit being configured to generate the command by using the acquired charger information, andthe electronic control unit being configured to output the command to the charging circuit.2. The electrically powered vehicle according to ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Self-balancing switching control of dual-pack rechargable energy storage system with series and parallel modes

Номер: US20200070667A1

An electrical system includes a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) and a controller. The RESS includes first and second battery packs connected to a voltage bus, each pack having a respective plurality of battery cells and a corresponding cell balancing circuit. The RESS further includes switches that selectively connect or disconnect the packs to or from each other to achieve series and parallel modes. The controller executes a method by detecting a requested series to parallel mode transition. Responsive to a threshold imbalance being present in a state of charge or pack voltage of the packs relative to each other, the controller balances the state of charge/voltage using open/closed state control of the cell balancing circuits, and possibly a switching block having PWM-controlled switches and a circuit element. The controller may execute the requested mode transition upon balancing.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Electric powertrain with multi-pack battery system

Номер: US20210078429A1

A multi-pack battery system having at least first and second battery packs each with positive and negative terminals, and each with upper and lower switches respectively connected to the positive and negative terminals. The battery packs have a first voltage level, and are connectable in either series or parallel. A controller controls an ON/OFF state of the switches in response to input signals to select between two series charging modes, three parallel charging modes, and one or more propulsion modes. Some embodiments have a series propulsion mode. An electric powertrain system includes first and second power inverter modules (“PIMs”), an electrical load, front and rear electric machines connected to a respective one of the first and second PIMs, and the battery system. The powertrain system may selectively provide all-wheel, front-wheel, or rear-wheel drive capabilities in each of the various propulsion modes.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074555A1
Автор: ZHANG Zhifu

The present application provides a solar charging system and a control method thereof. The solar charging system includes: a first battery pack, a photovoltaic power generation module, a second battery pack, a DC/DC converter and a control component. The first battery pack is electrically connected to the second battery pack through the DC/DC converter. The second battery pack is electrically connected to the photovoltaic power generation module. The control module is configured to detect the voltage of the second battery pack, and control connection/disconnection between the DC/DC converter and the second battery pack according to the detected voltage. 1. A solar charging system , comprising:a first battery pack,a photovoltaic power generation module,a second battery pack,a DC/DC converter anda control component, whereinthe first battery pack is electrically connected to the second battery pack through the DC/DC converter,the second battery pack is electrically connected to the photovoltaic power generation module, andthe control component is configured to detect a voltage of the second battery pack, and control connection/disconnection between the DC/DC converter and the second battery pack according to the detected voltage of the second battery pack.2. The solar charging system according to claim 1 , wherein the control component includes: a switch claim 1 , a detector and a controller claim 1 , wherein:the switch is configured to control connection/disconnection between the DC/DC converter and the second battery pack;the detector is electrically connected to the second battery pack, and is configured to detect the voltage of the second battery pack;the controller is configured to control connection/disconnection between the switch and the DC/DC converter according to the voltage detected by the detector.3. The solar charging system according to claim 2 , wherein the switch is connected in series between the DC/DC converter and the second battery pack.4. The ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074699A1

A voltage detection circuit detects the voltage of a plurality of serially connected cells in a power storage unit. The voltage detection circuit receives a supply of a power supply voltage from both ends of the plurality of cells. A DC-DC converter converts the voltage between both ends of the plurality of cells into another DC voltage. An adjustment circuit adjusts the power consumption of the plurality of cells. The adjustment circuit operates using the DC voltage generated by the DC-DC converter as the power supply voltage. 1. A power storage unit comprising:a voltage detection circuit that detects voltages of a plurality of series connected cells in a power storage unit, and receives a supply of a power supply voltage from both ends of the plurality of cells;a DC-DC converter that converts a voltage between both ends of the plurality of cells into another DC voltage; andan adjustment circuit that adjusts power consumption of the plurality of cells, and operates using the another DC voltage generated by the DC-DC converter as a power supply voltage.2. The power storage unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the DC-DC converter reduces the voltage between both ends of the plurality of cells, and supplies a reduced voltage to the adjustment circuit.3. The power storage unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the adjustment circuit includes a resistor and a switch,the voltage detection circuit controls the switch so as to adjust the power consumption of the plurality of cells.4. The power storage unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the voltage detection circuit notifies a control circuit of the voltage between both ends of the plurality of cells, as a unit voltage or a unit remaining capacity,the control circuit obtains the unit voltage or the unit remaining capacity from each of the power storage unit and another power storage unit connected in series or parallel with the power storage unit, and the control circuit notifies the power storage unit and the another power ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Power tool powered by power supplies having different rated voltages

Номер: US20180076652A1
Принадлежит: Black and Decker Inc

A power tool is provided including a brushless motor having a rotor and a stator. A power supply interface is arranged to selectively receive a first power input from a first power supply having a first nominal voltage and a second power input from a second power supply having a second nominal voltage, where at least the first nominal voltage does not fall within approximately the operating voltage range of the motor. A motor control circuit is provided including a power switch circuit having power switches that supply electric power from at least one of the first power input or the second power input to the motor, and a controller that controls a switching operation of the power switches to optimize the supply of electric power from the first power input at a level corresponding to the operating voltage range of the motor.
