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10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326501C2

Изобретение относится к групповому обмену сообщениями. Техническим результатом является повышение удобства взаимодействия пользователей при групповом информационном обмене. Указанный результат достигается за счет того, что на рабочем столе каждого члена группы визуализируется пиктограммма информационного обмена, с помощью которой члены интерактивной группы могут взаимодействовать друг с другом и принимать участие в различных совместных действиях. Пиктограмма имеет множество атрибутов, включая режимы активации щелчком и функциональные возможности режима «перетащить и сбросить». Пиктограмма обеспечивает каждого члена группы представлением взаимоотношений в группе. Любой член группы может изменить пиктограмму группы и обеспечить передачу этого изменения на компьютеры других членов группы. Пиктограмма может быть активизирована как для вербальных, так и невербальных передач, а также для совместных действий. Интерактивные члены группы уведомляются о статусе группы и действий посредством отображаемой ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2518402C2

Изобретение относится к cистеме мультимедийной конференц-связи, которая отображает различные типы мультимедийного содержания с использованием различных окон или представлений графического пользовательского интерфейса. Техническим результатом является улучшение идентификации различных участников встречи в виртуальной среде. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что устройство управления встречей в системе мультимедийной конференции содержит компонент визуальной композиции, действующий для генерации визуальной композиции для события мультимедийной конференции. Компонент визуальной композиции может содержать модуль видео декодера, действующий для декодирования множества мультимедийных потоков для события мультимедийной конференции; модуль детектора активного участника, действующий для обнаружения участника в декодированном мультимедийном потоке в качестве активного говорящего участника; модуль администратора мультимедийных потоков, действующий для отображения декодированного мультимедийного ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532729C2

Изобретение относится к системам предоставления доступа к части речевого и видео вызова через веб-сеанс. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности коллективного использования видеоконтента с мобильных устройств с пользователями, которые либо не имеют совместимых телефонов, либо не являются абонентами службы коллективного использования вызова. Такой результат достигается тем, что получают речевой и видео вызов, который был инициирован мультимедийным терминалом первого пользователя и включает речевую часть и видео часть, устанавливают звуковую несущую между мульмедийным терминалом и речевым терминалом второго пользователя, которому направлены речевой и видео вызов, устанавливают веб-сеанс с веб-браузером второго пользователя, в котором определено желание второго пользователя получить доступ к видео части речевого и видео вызова, идентифицируют речевой и видео вызов, к которому требуется доступ, получают первую информацию связи, достаточной, чтобы доставить первый видеоконтент ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2477014C2

Изобретение относится к услуге, основанной на сеансах связи, и, в частности, к способу группового оповещения в службе обмена сообщениями на основе протокола инициации сеанса связи (SIP). Техническим результатом является обеспечение способа группового оповещения, включающего в себя задание, настройку и применение правил группового оповещения. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что предложен способ группового оповещения в службе сообщений на основе протокола инициации сеанса связи SIP и устройство для «РТ-клиента». Способ включает в себя прием «РТ-сервером» от запрашивающего «РТ-клиента» запроса на отправку сообщения группового оповещения для определенной «РТ-группы»; определение «РТ-сервером», является ли эта определенная «РТ-группа» ограниченной конференц-группой или заранее сформированной группой; определение «РТ-сервером» на основе документа «РТ-группы», связанного с этой «РТ-группой», разрешено ли указанному запрашивающему «РТ-клиенту» отправлять сообщение группового уведомления ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014136090A

... 1. Способ совместного использования содержимого браузера с использованием электронного устройства, содержащий этапы, на которых:принимают содержимое для совместного использования, выбранное пользователем, и платформу совместного использования, выбранную пользователем;переходят в унифицированный интерфейс проверки для осуществления пользователем входа в платформу совместного использования через унифицированный интерфейс проверки; ипредоставляют содержимое в платформу совместного использования для совместного использования.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этапы, на которых:перед этапом перехода в унифицированный интерфейс проверки, определяют, осуществил ли пользователь вход в выбранную платформу совместного использования;если пользователь не осуществил вход, переходят в унифицированный интерфейс проверки для осуществления пользователем входа в платформу совместного использования через унифицированный интерфейс проверки; иесли пользователь осуществил вход, предоставляют содержимое ...

10-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008135110A

... 1. Способ в системе веб-конференций для обеспечения комнаты для работы в группе, способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! обеспечивают веб-конференцию, состоящую из множества функциональных подсистем, каждая функциональная подсистема обеспечивает функциональную возможность или несколько функциональных возможностей в веб-конференции, причем, множество функциональных подсистем обозначает главную комнату веб-конференции; ! когда система веб-конференций принимает запрос на создание первой комнаты для работы в группе, имеющей первое имя, в пределах веб-конференции (702), ! создают первый контекстный прокси для каждой из множества функциональных подсистем (804), каждый из первых контекстных прокси обеспечивает представление своей соответствующей функциональной подсистемы; и ! привязывают первое имя к каждому из первых контекстных прокси (810), причем коллекция первых контекстных прокси, привязанных к первому имени, обозначает первую комнату для работы в группе в пределах веб-конференции, причем дополнительно ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014125259A

... 1. Способ реализации совместной конференцсвязи для удаленного программного приложения, включающий:предоставление многоуровневой инфраструктуры удаленного доступа, содержащей уровень приложения, уровень сервера и уровень клиента, причем многоуровневая инфраструктура удаленного доступа выполнена с возможностью передачи в первую очередь информации, относящейся к удаленному программному приложению между клиентскими вычислительными устройствами, имеющими доступ к удаленному программному приложению, вместе с моделью состояния, используемой для отображения удаленного программного приложения на клиентских вычислительных устройствах;предоставление на уровне сервера серверного приложения удаленного доступа, при том, что серверное приложение удаленного доступа может изменять модель состояния;предоставление на уровне клиента или на уровне приложения клиентского приложения удаленного доступа;предоставление на уровне клиента клиентского приложения общего доступа к мультимедийным данным, причем клиентское ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007110835A

... 1. Способ передачи звуковой и видеоинформации беспроводного устройства говорящего абонента от сервера к множеству беспроводных устройств во время видеоконференции по беспроводной сети связи, содержащий этапы, на которых принимают в сервере множество видеоданных от множества беспроводных устройств, каждая порция видеоданных связана с беспроводным устройством; принимают в сервере множество звуковых данных от множества беспроводных устройств, каждая порция звуковых данных имеет уровень громкости звука и связана с беспроводным устройством; выбирают говорящего абонента из множества беспроводных устройств; и передают видео и звуковые данные говорящего абонента к множеству беспроводных устройств, за исключением беспроводного устройства говорящего абонента, причем видеоданные и звуковые данные говорящего абонента передают, основываясь на предопределенных критериях, причем видео и звуковые данные говорящего абонента имеют приоритет над видео и звуковыми данными не говорящих абонентов. 2. Способ ...

19-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060214854T2

29-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060218152D1

29-10-2015 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Verwaltung von Konferenzverbindungen durch Verwendung von gefilterten Teilnehmerlisten

Номер: DE102009041847B4
Принадлежит: AVAYA INC, AVAYA INC.

System zur Verwaltung von Konferenzverbindungen, umfassend: a. einen Mischer, der konfiguriert ist, um eine Konferenzverbindung zwischen einer Mehrzahl von Kommunikationsgeräten aufzubauen, wobei jedes Kommunikationsgerät mindestens einen Teilnehmer hat; und b. einen Controller, der konfiguriert ist, um: für jedes Kommunikationsgerät der Mehrzahl von Kommunikationsgeräten, und wenn jedes Kommunikationsgerät sich mit der Konferenzverbindung verbindet, eine Anzahl der Teilnehmer an dem Kommunikationsgerät zu ermitteln, wobei die Anzahl der Teilnehmer auf zumindest einem der Kommunikationsgeräte der Mehrzahl von Kommunikationsgeräten eine Mehrzahl von Teilnehmern umfasst; eine erste Menge von Profilen abzurufen, von denen jedes mindestens einen Parameter für einen der Teilnehmer enthält, wobei es für jeden Teilnehmer ein Profil gibt, eine Identifizierung mindestens eines ersten Parameters zu empfangen und zum Filtern der ersten Menge von Profilen zu verwenden, aus der ersten Menge von Profilen ...

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Controlling the aural position of audio signals of participants associated with a plurality of conferences

Номер: GB0002485668A

A user interface is displayed that depicts a first defined area 50 and a second defined area 52, the first defined area is associated with a first conference and the second defined area is associated with a second conference. A first plurality of participant identifiers 58B-58D is displayed in association with the first defined area, and each of the plurality of participant identifiers corresponds to a different participant of a plurality of participants in the first conference. Aural position identifiers are determined for each participant associated with the first conference, and an aural position identifier is selected for the second conference. Audio signals are provided at aural positions identified by the aural position identifiers, enabling the user to correlate the voices of different participants with corresponding locations on the user interface, and to listen to multiple conferences simultaneously. It allows a participant in multiple concurrent conference calls to easily and ...

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Public BOT management in private networks.

Номер: GB2486137A8

A system for managing the use of BOTs (106) by computer network users (100), the system including a gateway-to-BOT communications manager configurable to relay communications to a BOT (106) on behalf of a computer user (100) in a manner that prevents the BOT (106) from associating the communications with the computer user (100), and a gateway-to-user communications manager configurable to relay the communications from the computer user (100) to the gateway-to-BOT communications manager, and relay to the computer user (100) communications received from the gateway-to-BOT communications manager that originate from the BOT (106).

28-05-2008 дата публикации

Server apparatus

Номер: GB0002438710B

26-02-2003 дата публикации

Telephonic conference using Voice over Internet Protocol

Номер: GB0002379128A

A method and apparatus are provided for providing a three-party connection among a first, second and third call participant 12-14 during a voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) telephone call. The method includes the steps of providing a respective first and second port 48,50 within a transceiving terminal 18 for receiving VoIP voice information of the VoIP telephone call from the first and second call 12-14 participants, mixing the VoIP information from the ports 48,50 of the first and second call participants 12-14 and transferring the mixed VoIP information to the third call participant.

31-03-2021 дата публикации

Audio - visual conferencing systems

Номер: GB0002587500A

A method of establishing or joining an audio-visual (AV) conference call comprises: sending a first password for the call to a first conferencing equipment 152 for output to a first participant on the call; receiving a second password from the first participant via a second conferencing equipment 170; checking whether the second password corresponds to said first password; and initiating an AV conference call with the first participant in response to determining that the first and second passwords match. The first password is sent from a control system 162, 164 to the first conferencing equipment. The second password is received by the control system. The password verification method is also carried out by the control system. The first conferencing equipment is used for capture and display of a video stream of the videocall. The second conferencing equipment is used for the receipt and sending of an audio stream of the videoconference call. The first and second conferencing equipment are ...

07-02-2007 дата публикации

Interactive multimedia system and interface

Номер: GB0002428830A

An interactive multimedia interface and display for providing a variety of multimedia content and services to a plurality of users utilizing various platforms. Users or a group of users can participate in interactive multimedia sessions and communicate by text messaging, audio, or video signals in real time. Interactive tools such as application sharing, synchronized internet browsing allow users to browse the network together, file distribution and sharing, voting and polling, session recording, shared whiteboard, and chat room are provided. Advertising and purchasing information windows allow products to be advertised and purchased. The layout, size, and interactive tools offered can be flexible adapted to requirements.

07-09-2005 дата публикации

Interactive multimedia interface and display

Номер: GB0000515833D0

05-12-2007 дата публикации

Communication system

Номер: GB0000721104D0

29-08-2007 дата публикации

identifying callers in telecommunication networks

Номер: GB0000714131D0

25-09-2013 дата публикации

Data distribution system

Номер: GB0002500399A

A data distribution system used for videoconferencing and the like comprises a plurality of Points of Presence (POPs) (4a-4d) on a global network (2). Each POP includes a control device (6) and at least one processing device (8). Clients (16) are sent a cryptic string such as a URI by a session manager (12), which they access to join a conference session at a POP nearest to the client. Clients are registered in a database (14). The control device authenticates the client and then assigns it to one of the processing devices in the POP. Clients are associated with multicast groups, and the processing devices multicast data received from clients to all other group members. Processing devices are registered to a control device in their own POP and to another control device in a different POP for redundancy in case a control device becomes unavailable (e.g. 6c).

13-01-2016 дата публикации

Method, computer program and device for managing media streams in video conferencing

Номер: GB0002528172A

A method and a decision maker for managing media streams comprising at least video data and audio data in a multi- party video conference are disclosed. The video conference involves one or more groups of one or more nodes respectively receiving a media stream from each of a plurality of associated endpoints.In each of the one or more nodes of each of the one or more groups, the loudest audio of the media streams received from the respective plurality of associated end points is determined. Further, each of the one or more nodes of the respective one or more groups transmits an indication of the volume of the determined loudest audio and an identification of the node associated with the loudest audio to a respective decision maker associated with each one or more groups. In each one or more decision maker, the highest received volume and the associated identification is determined. Next, a descicion maker instructs the node of the identification corresponding to the highest determined volume ...

06-11-2013 дата публикации

Transporting avatars and meeting materials into virtual reality meeting rooms

Номер: GB0201316630D0

01-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for generating a collaboration timeline illustrating application artifacts in context

Номер: GB0201121774D0

21-11-2018 дата публикации

Direct network connections using cloud instance for multipoint meeting service

Номер: GB0002562655A

Direct network connections using cloud instance for multipoint meeting service is provided between two or more computers on a network to facilitate a variety of activities, including desktop sharing, web-meetings, and web-conferences. A first computer sends a request to start a multipoint meeting to a server. The server requests a computing cloud to launch a cloud instance for the first computer. A second computer uses connection information for the first computer cloud instance to send to the first computer cloud instance connection information for the second computer via direct network connection. From this point on, the first computer and the second computer exchange data for multipoint meeting via a direct network connection using the first computer cloud instance, independently of the server.

08-02-2006 дата публикации

Monitoring networked entertainment devices

Номер: GB0000526553D0

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Automated call launching

Номер: GB0002585859A

A conference system, 100, comprising a short-range wireless access point (AP), 101, and a control module, 102, of a videoconferencing apparatus, 103. The wireless AP receives call identification data, 110, from a user equipment, 104, that relates to a virtual meeting between multiple participants. The call data is passed to the control module which initiates a call from the videoconferencing apparatus to at least one participant of the virtual meeting. The conference system may also include a server, 105, which may be queried to map the call data to the parameters of a virtual meeting and a multiparty control unit (MCU), 106, for bridging the endpoints associated with participants. The wireless AP may use near field communication (NFC) or ultrasonic means to receive data-over-sound communications as well as other wireless protocols such as Bluetooth. The wireless AP may also interrogate a user device to obtain the call data from an item such as a radio frequency data tag. The user equipment ...

13-04-2022 дата публикации

System and method of creating and organizing private chat messages

Номер: GB0002599821A

A system and method are disclosed for generating a chat space for two or more communication devices using a computer coupled with a database and comprising a processor and memory. The computer generates a chat space and transmits requests to join the chat space to the two or more communication devices. The computer stores in memory identification information for each of the two or more communication devices and one or more public chat messages transmitted between the two or more communication devices. The computer monitors for one or more requests, transmitted from one of the two or more communication devices to the computer, to generate a private thread. In response to one or more requests, the computer generates a private thread, and stores in the computer memory one or more private thread messages transmitted between two or more communication devices in the private thread.

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367027T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426994T

15-09-2015 дата публикации

Sprachübertragung in redundanten Systemen

Номер: AT515441A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Übermittlung von Sprachdaten zwischen zwei Teilnehmern (2x, 1w), die über eine Mehrzahl von redundanten Kommunikationsservern (2a, 2b) vernetzt sind. Die Erfindung sieht vor, dass vom sendenden Teilnehmer (1x) Sprachinformationen erstellt werden und Datenpakete (X1, ... Xn) umfassend Sprachdatenwerte (x) erstellt werden mit einem Zeitstempel (t) in Form einer fortlaufenden Zahl, - dass die Datenpakete (X1, ... Xn) an die Kommunikationsserver (2a, 2b) übermittelt werden, - dass von jedem Kommunikationsserver (2a, 2b) jeweils weitere Datenpakte (A1, ..., An; B1, ..., Bn) erstellt werden, denen jeweils zumindest ein vom sendenden Teilnehmerrechner (10x) übertragener Sprachdatenwert (x) und ein, weiterer Zeitstempel (t') zugeordnet werden, wobei der Wert des Zeitstempels (t') dem Rest der Division des Zeitstempels (t) geteilt durch eine Zahl N entspricht, und - dass der Teilnehmerrechner (10w) die weiteren Datenpakete (A1, ... An; B1, ... Bn) empfängt ...

10-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342121B

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Modifying video streams with supplemental content for video conferencing

Номер: AU2019266045A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The subject technology provides a video conferencing application in which a live incoming or outgoing video stream can be supplemented with supplemental content, such as stickers, animations, etc., from within the video conferencing application. In this manner, a user participating in a video conferencing session with a remote user can add stickers, animations, and/or adaptive content to an outgoing video stream being captured by the device of the user, or to an incoming video stream from the device of the remote user, without having to locally cache/store a video clip before editing, and without having to leave the video conferencing session (or the video conferencing application) to access a video editing application.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Intelligent whiteboard collaboration systems and methods

Номер: AU2018295212A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Systems and methods are provided for capturing time-stamped data from whiteboard video signals and producing high-resolution whiteboard images. Local patches around a multitude of pixels in the whiteboard are used in classifying background white pixels and foreground color pixels for each foreground marker color. Clustering is performed in alternative color spaces globally and locally in defining background white and each foreground marker color. Color normalization is performed for each foreground pixel classified as a foreground marker color and for each image sensor color plane separately utilizing the maximum local background white and the darkest pixel intensities in local patches. Strokes are reconstructed based on spline interpolation of inflection points of cross sections along the length of each stroke for a foreground marker color with a predetermined width. Also provided is an intelligent whiteboard collaboration system including a messaging utility whereby participants based ...

29-05-2008 дата публикации

A communication device for providing multimedia in a group communication network

Номер: AU2003267302B2

20-10-2003 дата публикации

Enhanced services call completion

Номер: AU2003230774A8

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Monitoring networked entertainment devices

Номер: AU2006329656A1

22-03-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for interactive audience participation at a live spectator event

Номер: AU0008707301A

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2015218560A1

A system for providing a collaborative teaching experience in a classroom environment having a defined layout, the system including: presenter interface circuitry; participant interface circuitry; and a controller coupled between the presenter interface circuitry and the participant interface circuitry, where the controller is configured to receive presentation mode inputs from, and control operation of, one or more input devices via the presenter interface circuitry, and where the controller is configured to direct media stream outputs to, and control operation of, one or more output devices via the participant interface circuitry, the controller having a plurality of presentation modes, each presentation mode defining an operating configuration for coordinated control of the one or more input devices and output devices, where the controller is operable to switch between a first presentation mode of the plurality of presentation modes and a second presentation mode of the plurality of ...

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Unaffiliated web domain hosting service based on a common service architecture

Номер: AU2011205748A1

A website hosting service provides a plurality of services, from a common service architecture, to each of a plurality of unrelated websites, the common service architecture being adapted to provide a different package of services to at least a plurality of unrelated websites.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Multi-content media communication method, device and system

Номер: AU2014305576B2
Автор: YANG WEIWEI, Yang, Weiwei
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Provided are a multi-content media communication method, device and system. The method comprises: a first media provision device sending a first media declaration message to a first media usage device, the first media declaration message comprising at least one individual media capture carrying a capture identifier and capture attribute information, and at least one multi-content media capture carrying the capture identifier; the first media provision device receiving a first media configuration message sent by the first media usage device, the first media configuration message comprising the individual media capture and/or the multi-content media capture selected by the first media usage device according to the first media declaration message; and the first media provision device sending corresponding media data streams to the first media usage device according to the selected individual media capture and/or the multi-content media capture. The embodiments of the present invention realize ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Content item-centric conversation aggregation in shared folder backed integrated workspaces

Номер: AU2016201472B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Disclosed are systems, methods, and non-transitory computer-readable storage media for shared folder backed integrated workspaces. In some implementations, a content management system can provide a graphical user interface (GUI) that integrates communications and content management into a single user interface. The user interface can include mechanisms that allow a user to provide input to generate a new workspace. The user interface can provide a mechanism to allow a user to view conversations related to the workspace and/or content items associated with the workspace. The user interface can present representations of content items associated with the workspace and allow the user to provide input to generate, view, edit, and share content items associated with the workspace.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021203432A1

Smart routing synchronization systems socialize a synthetic rebroadcast or group stream for enabling members of a user group to (re)broadcast select content to other members of the user group and collaboratively curate content delivery. The systems are based on a content 5 identification process and further a process for (re)broadcasting content. These processes are cooperable among a group of member clients each of which are in communication with at least two content sources. The synchronization process identifies select content and directs delivery of the content from an optimal resource for each member client via a smart routing protocol. The (re)broadcast process prompts delivery of the select content to members of the user group from a .0 content origination member of the group, and group members are thereby able to simultaneously access the content for the purpose of providing a content-based platform for social interaction.

23-10-2001 дата публикации

System and method for real-time multi-directional file-based data streaming editor

Номер: AU0005148101A

22-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002460600A1

A system, method, and software architecture/program (10) for handheld PDA (110) applications and users of handheld applications to implement real time wireless collaboration conferencing with a physically remote communication device. Advantageously, the program (10) provides for wireless collaboration conferencing without significant changes to the handheld applications. The handheld application updates its internal state to mirror that of the other participant's devices. The wireless collaboration software implements wireless collaboration conferencing methods which are optimized for the data communication bandwidth, uses native handheld applications fitted to their performance and metrics of a handheld device, communicates using small packets of information, provides a common programmable and user interface for peer-to- peer, peer-to-multi-peer, and peer-to-machine application conferencing, and which software enables end users to schedule, share, manage, and be billed for such conference ...

18-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760108A1

A method and system for managing a target list on behalf of a user agent client, the method receiving a subscription request from the user agent client, the subscription request containing at least one uniform resource identifier identifying a resource; providing a subscription request to a an information owning enabler; receiving a notification containing information associated with a candidate uniform resource indicator set; evaluating information associated with the candidate uniform resource indicator set to create a selected uniform resource indicator set; and notifying the user agent client of the selected uniform resource indicator set.

22-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002374953A1

The proceedings are prepared in a simple manner. A conference management server (11) has: a proceedings control section (44) for preparing time information indicating when presentation data is outputted to a projector device (15) while preparing time information indicating when material data generated by, for example, ascanner device, is outputted to the projector device (15), and for preparing conference management information relating to a conference; a data storage section (45) for storing the presentation data presented by the projector device (15), the time information indicating when the presentation data is presented, generated by theproceedings control section (44), the material data generated by the scanner device,the time information indicating when the material data is presented, and the conference management information; and a proceedings preparation section (49) for arranging the conference management information, the presentation data and the material data in accordance with ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003006899A1

A computer network implemented system for providing an interactive online event is disclosed, the system comprising an online chat manager to provide an attendee interface for one or more attendees to participate in the interactive online event, and a leader interface for one or more leaders to participate in the interactive online event, a video stream subsystem to record at least a portion of a video stream of the one or more attendees or one or more leaders, an authentication subsystem to authenticate the identity of the one or more attendees or one or more leaders, wherein the system is operable to enable the one or more leaders to sign/dedicate an artifact for the one or more attendees.

06-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003062580A1
Принадлежит: HINTON, JAMES W.

The present invention provides a method for creating an enterprise group and a related device. According to an example of the invention, a server of an enterprise instant messaging application can determine, according to a received request to add a first user to an internal group, whether identity information of the first user matches attribute information of the internal group. If the identity information matches the attribute information, then the server can add the first user to the internal group and send a first notification message to a client corresponding to the first user. If the identity information does not match the attribute information, then the server can create a cross-enterprise group containing the first user and all members in the internal group and send a second notification message to the client corresponding to the first user.

07-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002595221A1

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002650995A1

Methods and systems for managing shared state within a distributed system with varying consistency and consensus semantics are described. In one configuration, a computing device receives a first plurality of objects representing the state of a first item and a second plurality of objects representing the state of a second item. The computing device generates a composed view of the state of each of the first item and the second item. The resulting composed views are transmitted using a reliable multicast protocol.

03-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002664262A1

A conference bridge will receive incoming packet steams from multiple sou rces for a conference call. Packets within each of the incoming packet strea ms include audio signals from the corresponding source and source reference information, which uniquely identifies a source from which the packet was de livered. The conference bridge will identify one of the sources as an active source and deliver audio signals for the active source to the multiple sour ces in an outgoing packet stream. Packets in the outgoing packet stream will include active source reference information corresponding to the source ref erence information received for the active source. Based on the active sourc e reference information, the sources may identify the source from which the audio signals in the outgoing packet stream correspond.

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002960484A1

... ²Smart routing synchronization systems socialize a synthetic rebroadcast or ²group stream ²for enabling members of a user group to (re)broadcast select content to other ²members of the ²user group and collaboratively curate content delivery. The systems are based ²on a content-identification²process and further a process for (re)broadcasting content. These processes ²are ²cooperable among a group of member clients each of which are in communication ²with at least ²two content sources. The synchronization process identifies select content and ²directs delivery ²of the content from an optimal resource for each member client via a smart ²routing protocol. The ²(re)broadcast process prompts delivery of the select content to members of the ²user group from a ²content origination member of the group, and group members are thereby able to ²simultaneously ²access the content for the purpose of providing a content-based platform for ²social interaction.² ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937519A1

Provided is a data transmission system comprising a plurality of terminal devices for transmitting or receiving content data that are arranged in a communication network, wherein at least one terminal device (10a) for receiving content data transmitted from another terminal device among the plurality of terminal devices is provided with: a reception priority management unit (13) for managing the priority of two or more content data addressed to the terminal device; and a data reception control unit (12) for sending, on the basis of the output time interval of an output signal corresponding to priority data from among the two or more content data being received which has high priority as managed by the reception priority management unit (13), a request to a transmission source transmitting content data having lower priority than the priority data, the data reception control unit (12) requesting that the transmission of the lower-priority content data be stopped.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002960014A1

Methods and apparatuses, including computer program products, are described for multi- factor authentication of media-based (e.g., video and/or audio) conferencing between a plurality of end point devices. The methods and apparatuses provide for analysis of an end point media stream using a matrix of authentication factors, where the authentication factors include at least two of: user-specific facial recognition attributes, user-specific audio recognition attributes, acoustic environment attributes, visual environment attributes, user gesture attributes, technical attributes of the end point device, and technical attributes of the media stream, to determine an authentication score for the first end point device.

07-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713419A1

The dynamic access evaluation system receives a service request from a device seeking access to a network. The system receives information about the requester, the device from which the request is made and/or the location of the requester and the device. The system analyzes rule sets for the application being requested on the network to determine whether authentication is necessary. The system authenticates the requester based on a comparison of authorization information to information about the requester received in the request. The system authenticates the device by comparing device information in the request to historical device information. Furthermore, the system receives location information for the device and the requester and compares them to determine whether the locations are the same or similar. After granting access, the system continues to monitor information about the requester, device, or location and can terminate device access based on a change in the monitored information ...

31-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002843020A1

There is disclosed one or more methods, systems and components therefor for broadcasting captions of a presenter's speech to audience members to accompany the live viewing of the presentation. A host captioning device converts the presenter's speech to text and communicates the text to and for presentation by an audience member's client device. The communication session between the host captioning device and the client device is established by an invitation request from the host captioning device in response to a registration request from the client device. The captioning information may be communicated in real time as text. The host captioning device either connects to a network or provides one itself, thereby serving as an access point for the client devices.

20-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2835399C

An online system and method are disclosed. An exemplary method includes providing meeting information to a server and/or a participant device prior to the online meeting and streaming audio content to participants during the meeting. The system and method allow online meeting participants to connect to and view meeting information using less network bandwidth during the meeting, compared to traditional online meeting systems and methods.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002871719A1

A management system 50 receives, when a state of a terminal 10 is changed based on control by another management system, state information after change that indicates the state after the change from the another management system. Consequently, there is an effect that, even if control associated with communication is executed by the another management system, the management system 50 can control the state of the terminal 10 based on the received state information after change.

07-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002251154C

An audio conference system includes an audio telephone connection and a separate network computer connect. In arranging a conference with the audio conference system, a conference time and potential participants are designated. At the conference time, the audio conference system directs the public switched telephone network to place a telephone ca ll to each of the potential participants and sends an invitation to a computer systems associated with the potential participants regarding the audio conference. The potential participants then return an indication of whether they desire to be audio conference participants and computer conference participants. If so, the audio conference system will send each computer participant display data with information about the audio conference includi ng who is participating in the conference. Additional display data may also be included such as documents that are to be discussed during the conference. ...

08-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002284797A1

A presentation system (50) is disclosed for distributing a performance of a presentation to a plurality of client sites (54) comprising client nodes on a network such as the Internet. The presentation system (50) distributes presentation content data to a plurality of network server nodes, and during a performance of the presentation, the client nodes receiving the presentation determine a particular variation of data presentation to retrieve from the network server nodes. In particular, the retrieval of presentation data depends upon the transmission characteristics of the network such as data transmission rate. Thus, if a low transmission data rate is detected at a first client node, presentation elements of a reduced size can be retrieved. Alternatively, if a higher transmission rate is detected at a second client node, presentation elements of greater size (and corresponding enhanced quality of presentation) can be retrieved. Thus, within a single performance, client network nodes with ...

15-05-2000 дата публикации

System for holding conferences.

Номер: CH0000690154A5

28-09-2012 дата публикации

Online conference system for e.g. foreign language conference, allows simultaneous interaction of personnel with registered users on web application, while other person is interacted around globe in different language combinations

Номер: CH0000704662A1

The oral language translation and/or training is provided for customers (Kd) through conference call (Ks) by web application. The personnel are simultaneously interacted with the users registered on the web application, while the other person is interacted around the globe during real-time oral interactions in many different language combinations.

07-07-2010 дата публикации

System for realizing switching of multiparty call into meeting and method therefor

Номер: CN0101771767A

The invention relates to a system for realizing the switching of multiparty call into a meeting and a method therefor. The system comprises a PC client and an application server, wherein the application server comprises a meeting service module, a service platform and a multiparty call service module. The method comprises: the PC client sends a switching request of the multiparty call into the meeting to the meeting service module by the service platform and to request terminals in the multiparty call to be switched into the meeting; after receiving the request, the meeting service module instructs the service platform to switch the terminals into the meeting; the service platform executes the instruction and publishes the execution result to the meeting service module; and after the meeting service module returns to process information, a sending terminal releases the information to the multiparty call service module. The system and the method can improve the user experience and improve ...

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and device for access to video conference by phone voice

Номер: CN0109413362A

02-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109565566A

21-12-2011 дата публикации

A transmission terminal, transmission system, and method for transmission

Номер: CN0102291385A

17-01-2003 дата публикации

Multimedia contents internet real time broadcasting having source sending descriptive words with server address collect input and terminals receiving/sending address reception report.

Номер: FR0002827451A1

Les terminaux récepteurs (Ti) récupèrent des données descriptives associées à la source (S) et acquièrent le contenu diffusé en temps réel par la source (S), à partir desdites données descriptives. Afin de faire remonter des rapports de réception, on insère dans lesdites données descriptives une adresse d'un serveur de collecte (SC) et, à partir desdites données descriptives, chaque terminal (Ti) envoie périodiquement un rapport de réception à ladite adresse.

05-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002877523A1

Dans le cadre d'une requête d'arrêt d'une téléconférence, on vérifie en utilisant un fichier (108) de règle de conférence si le participant est autorisé à clôturer la conférence. En cas d'autorisation, la conférence est clôturée.

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101651353B1

The present invention provides an N-screen based video conference system comprising: a terminal capable of connecting to the Internet through a wired or wireless communication network, and including a camera and a web browser; and a video conference server providing the terminal with a conference participation screen area to display an image which is captured by a camera of a terminal connected to a website, a chatting screen area to provide a chatting service among the terminals connected to the website in a method for displaying a message inputted from the terminals, a data sharing screen area for displaying a data screen uploaded from the terminal, and a participant list screen area for displaying a list of participant s participating in a conference by connecting to the website through the terminal when the website providing a video conference service is connected through the web browser of the terminal. According to the present invention, when various terminals such as a smartphone ...

22-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080094082A

A method and system of providing group management for IMS conferencing services involves creating side control channels (320, 322) for membership control services. The membership control channel (320, 322) can use Client Group Management Protocol (CGMP) or alternate group management protocols. The membership channel (320, 322) can use HTTP, SIP, or other transport protocols. Group management protocol primitives (802, 804) and procedure calls (600) can be communicated using SOAP or other XML-based protocols. © KIPO & WIPO 2009 ...

26-01-2016 дата публикации

acesso baseado na web para vídeo associado a chamadas

Номер: BRPI0923538A2

08-09-2004 дата публикации

Interface visual de grupo para uma conectividade de grupo

Номер: BR0302093A

31-07-2012 дата публикации

mÉtodo de anéncio de grupo em serviÇo de mensagem baseado em sip

Номер: BRPI0712466A2

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Instant messaging group management method and apparatus

Номер: TW0201839681A

The invention provides an instant messaging group management method and apparatus. The instant messaging group management method includes the steps: determining the messages which must be read in the group session messages; according to the reading situation of the messages which must be read, determining whether the group dismissing conditions are satisfied; and if the group dismissing conditions are satisfied, dismissing the group, based on the preset strategy. The instant messaging group management method and apparatus can determine whether the group dismissing conditions are satisfied according to the reading situation of the messages which must be read in the group, and can dismiss the group when the group dismissing conditions are satisfied, based on the preset strategy, so as to dismiss a large quantity of corpse groups, thus reducing the complexity of group management, and releasing storage, processing and other resources of the service end at the same time.

19-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009021413A1

A method for inviting to join a group in communication field, particularly relates to a method for joining a group is provided, which mostly includes steps: receiving a request for inviting a member to join a group send by a group management terminal; sending an invite message to the invited new member; receiving response message returned by the invited new member according to the invite message; modifying the status of the new member according to the response message; returning the invite result message to the group management terminal. A method for joining a group actively and a group system also are provided. It realizes the management terminal invites new member to join a group and new member joins a group actively. It can combine to produce more service, rich in experience of member by the function.

11-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012138166A2

Provided are a user terminal for providing a network-based discussion environment and a discussion method therewith. A communications unit communicates with a communications management server for providing a discussion screen required for a discussion and with neighboring terminals for discussion participants, a display unit displays a screen with a discussion screen provided by the discussion management server, and when a comment about the discussion is received from one of the neighboring terminals, a control unit displays the received comment on the discussion screen, wherein the discussion screen comprises a plurality of boards responding to an in-progress discussion, and the received comment can be displayed on the board, from among the plurality of boards, which is in use for the current discussion.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013076554A1

Systems and method for providing a collaborative conferencing capability to an application remotely-accessed by client computing devices. A client media sharing application is provided in a client tier, and the client media sharing application allows at least one of the client computing devices to share media with the client computing devices. A conferencing manager application that receives the shared media is provided to the server tier. The conferencing manager application makes the shared media available to the client computing devices.

14-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007066918A1
Автор: KOO, Ja-Yong

A network system for contents collaboration and a method thereof. The system comprises an application program plug-in module for plugging-in a corresponding application program for implementation of the network system for contents collaboration; a contents map editor for creating a network room for contents collaboration, creating a corresponding item in the network room, and providing a property to the item; and a community service unit for real time sharing information relevant to the item with one or more registered visitors having logged in the network room according to the visitor's consent. Accordingly, users can share and collaborate corresponding contents one another.

21-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002015500A2

A system for relaying messages between a plurality of users is described. The system includes a message server 12 and a plurality of message clients 10 that can exchange messages with the message server 12. In preferred examples, the clients communicate directly with the server, thereby removing the need to use a web browser to retrieve a page located at a fixed URL.

22-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001089149A2

A conferencing system made up of an attendant terminal, a presenter terminal and a chairman terminal is provided. Particularly, attendance authentication is carried out and the contents of a supplementary explanation given by a presenter are presented only to the presenter at the time of preview display. Attendant equipments attending a conference have a presentation function, a chat function, a file transfer function, a teleconference control function, a proceedings control function and a user authentication/equipment management function. On of a plurality of attendant electronic equipments acquires one of the authority to be the presenter terminal having the presentation function, the authority to be the chairman terminal having the authentication function, equipment management function and proceedings control function, and the authority to be the attendant terminal having the presentation contents browsing function. In such a network conferencing system, the authority of the chairman ...

21-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011087377A1
Автор: DAHL, Axel

A system and a method for a computer device remotely controlling a video conferencing device registered with a video conferencing management server, wherein the computer device establishes a connection to the video conferencing management server via a local area network (LAN); receives a list over video conferencing devices registered with the video conferencing management server; selects a video conferencing device from the list of video conferencing devices registered with the management server, downloads a remote control application from the video conferencing management server; receives registration information for the selected video conferencing device from the video conferencing management server, the registration information at least including an internal LAN address of the selected video conferencing device, establishes, using the registration information, a connection directly with the selected video conferencing device, and controls the selected video conferencing device using ...

22-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001088674A2

Different levels of security are provided in a security system so that users can decide the security level of their own communications. Users can choose a low level of security and maintain the security overhead as low as possible. Alternatively, they can choose higher levels of security with attendant increases in security overhead. The different levels of security are created by the use of one or more of two keys: an encryption key is used to encrypt plaintext data in a delta and a message authentication key is used to authenticate and insure integrity of the data. Two keys are used to avoid re-encrypting the encrypted data for each member of the telescape. In one embodiment, the security level is determined when a telespace is created and remains fixed through out the life of the telespace. For a telespace, the security level may range from no security at all to security between the members of the telespace and outsiders to security between pairs of members of the telespace. In another ...

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002004006475A3

The invention relates to a method for managing a packet switched, centralized conference call between a plurality of terminals (13). In order to enable an enhancement of the user comfort, it is proposed that the method comprises at a conference call server (12) receiving data packets from all terminals (13). Based on these data packets, then at least one terminal (13) currently providing voice data is determined. In a next step, the data received in the data packets is mixed, and the mixed data is inserted into new data packets together with at least one identifier associated to one of the terminals (13) which were determined to provide voice data, such that the at least one identifier can be distinguished from any other information in the data packets. Finally, the new data packets are transmitted to terminals (13) participating in the conference call. The invention relates equally to a corresponding server and to a corresponding terminal.

16-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO0001060012A3

A method and system for providing a secure communication network to facilitate consultations between a client and a counselor that limits legal liability to the participants comprising at least one web module, a certificate module, from which a digital certificate is issued to the client once said client contacts the at least one web module, a liability limitation module through which a liability limiting agreement is provided to the client via the at least one web module, a payment module, to which the client communicates a payment method via the at least one web module, a consultant database module, from which the client selects a consultant of choice via the at least one web module, and a consultation module, within which the consultant of choice and the client confer via the at least one web module in a secure environment is described.

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005107189A3

A bandwidth-adaptive method for synchronizing a consumer node representation of a dynamic data set and the source node representation of the dynamic data includes the step of receiving, from a source node, metadata information identifying a plurality of data packets that represent a state of at least a portion of a changing data set at a point in time. At least one of the identified data packets is received from the source node and at least one of the received data packets is selected responsive to the received metadata information. The metadata information and the selected at least one data packet are transmitted to a consumer node.

29-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005125153A1

The present invention addresses the above problem by providing a method and system for regulating on-line services by providing for the receipt of input from users of the service relating to the behaviour of a first user with respect to a second user. The first user's use of the on-line service may then be modified in dependence upon the input, the modification preferably being selectively applied in dependence upon the use of the on-line service by the second user. For example, in a message based application such as a chat-room, the first user may be delayed from posting messages to the chat-room for a certain time period after the second user has posted a message, but is not delayed from posting messages in response to messages posted by other users. The modification of the service in dependence on the input from other users allows other users to rate the relationship between the first and second users, and for appropriate regulatory action to be taken in dependence on the ratings. The ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Remote telepresence gaze direction

Номер: US20120044365A1
Автор: Gary Stephen Shuster
Принадлежит: Gary Stephen Shuster

A method and apparatus for controlling a live avatar include features for directing the live avatar gaze to be consistent with a remote operator's view of the live avatar's surroundings. Indication of gaze direction may be continuously provided to the live avatar using movable optics, for example a heads-up display, or a movable optical prism or lens. Gaze direction or operator commands may be communicated using a haptic device. Video and control streams from multiple live avatars may be aggregated through a host server and allocated via an online interface to multiple prospective remote operators.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Information processing system, storage medium storing an information processing program and information processing method

Номер: US20120066334A1
Принадлежит: Nintendo Co Ltd

A game system includes game apparatuses and a server. The one game apparatus has a first memory storing a software program being made up of a program and save data, the other game apparatus has a second memory capable of additionally storing a software program, and the server has a third memory storing a program. The one game apparatus transmits the save data in the first memory to the other game apparatus by utilizing a local communication, and the server transmits the program in the third memory to the other game apparatus by utilizing Wi-Fi communications. The other game apparatus receives the save data and then the program, and additionally stores them in the second memory as a software program.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, screen transmitting method, and non-transitory computer-readable recording medium encoded with screen transmitting program

Номер: US20120066743A1

An information processing apparatus includes a storing portion, an authentication portion to authenticate a user using one of the one or more user apparatuses on the basis of identification information received from the user apparatus; a selecting portion to select, as main data, a piece of data from among one or more pieces of data stored in a presentation area which is a predetermined one of the plurality of storage areas; a screen generating portion to generate an access screen including an image of the selected main data; an access detecting portion to detect an access to the presentation area; and a screen transmitting portion, when the access detecting portion detects an access to the presentation area by the authenticated user, to transmit the generated access screen to the one of the one or more user apparatuses that is used by the authenticated user.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Seamlessly conferencing a previously-connected telephone call

Номер: US20120069983A1
Автор: Bouna Sall
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An already-connected telephone call is conferenced in a seamless manner that is transparent to the call participants, after which one or more additional participants may join the conference. The existing call is preferably moved to a conference bridge responsive to an existing call participant either logging on to a network-accessible user interface (such as a web page or portal-type page) or entering some special key or key combination using the participant's phone (which may be a software application that provides phone-like services). The participant requesting the move may be authenticated, and the authorization of the participant to request the move may be verified, before moving the call.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

P2p real time media recommendations

Номер: US20120072610A1
Автор: Hugh Svendsen
Принадлежит: Napo Enterprises LLC

Systems and methods are described for providing peer-to-peer (P2P) media recommendations. In one embodiment, a central streaming media service operates to stream media presentations to user devices of users. For each user desiring to send and receive recommendations, each time a media presentation is streamed to and played by a user device of the user, the central media service provides a recommendation identifying the media presentation to one or more other users associated with the user. Similarly, the central media service provides media recommendations to the user from one or more other users. Once streaming and playback of the media presentation is complete or substantially complete, the central streaming media service automatically selects a next media presentation for the user from a group of media presentations including those identified by the recommendations provided to the user and begins streaming the next media presentation to the user device of the user.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Video messaging

Номер: US20120084671A1
Принадлежит: AOL Inc

Systems and techniques for transferring electronic data between users of a communications system by receiving, at an instant messaging host, a video file from a sender and intended for a recipient; authenticating the video file; and sending the video file to the intended recipient.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Network-based quick connect meeting service

Номер: US20120117156A1
Автор: Marton B. Anka
Принадлежит: LogMeIn Inc

A network-accessible service enables participating end users to collaborate with one another over a network. End users have computing devices (e.g., computers, mobile phone, tablet devices, or the like) that include hardware and software to enable the device to access a network, such as the public Internet, a Wi-Fi network connected to the Internet, a 3G or higher wireless network connected to the Internet, a private network, or the like. The network-accessible service provides a publicly-available site (such as a Web site) or a local software application from which a first participating end user initiates a “meeting,” e.g., by selecting a “share” button. In response, the site or software application provides an HTTP link that includes a “meeting” code, which may be a one-time unique code. The first participating end user then shares the link with whomever he or she desires to collaborate. Upon receiving the link (e.g., by e-mail, instant message, SMS, MMS, orally, or the like), a second participating end user joins the meeting “on-the-fly” by simply selecting the link or navigating to the site and entering the “meeting” code (in a “join” field). The service connects the second participating end user to the meeting immediately and without requiring any registration, software download, or the like.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Multi-party audio/video conference systems and methods supporting heterogeneous endpoints and progressive personalization

Номер: US20120169835A1
Автор: Thomas Woo
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

In a method and architecture for multimedia conferencing, each upstream and downstream traffic flow is processed in a custom manner. The custom processing is capable of handling diverse capabilities of end-user devices, diverse access networks over which each conference participant joins the multimedia conference, and/or customizing personalized conference experience for each conference participant.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Communication System and Method

Номер: US20120182988A1
Принадлежит: Skype Ltd Ireland

There is provided a packet-based communication system for conducting voice or video calls over a packet-based network. A client application on a first terminal is configured to determine an availability of one or more other, second user terminals installed with other instances of the client application, and to present a near-end user with an option to select one of said second user terminals for use by the near-end user in conjunction with the first user terminal when conducting a voice or video call with a far-end user via the client instances and packet-based communication system; thereby enabling the voice or video call to be conducted using the second terminal to consume or generate at least one stream of the call whilst the first user terminal concurrently generates or consumes at least another stream of the call or controls the call.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Recursive identification of individuals for casual collaborative conferencing

Номер: US20120185535A1
Автор: Craig Alexander Will

A method for real-time communication among two or more individuals separated in space. The method includes the steps of determining that a first individual is likely to be interested in communicating with a second individual via a first communications link; retrieving information via the first communications link about one or more additional individuals from electronic memory means associated with the second individual; and establishing communication with at least one of the additional individuals based on the retrieved information.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Persistent network resource and virtual area associations for realtime collaboration

Номер: US20120215900A1
Принадлежит: Social Communications Co

Apparatus and methods relating to persistent network resource and virtual area associations for realtime collaboration include managing and displaying an object associated with a virtual area that supports establishment of respective presences of communicants operating respective client network nodes. Examples of the object include an object that has one or more user-modifiable property fields and an object that is associated with screen sharing functionality of the client network node.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Video conferencing with shared drawing

Номер: US20120229590A1
Автор: John Barrus
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

Techniques for enabling video conferencing with interactive sharing of drawings and/or other information. In one set of embodiments, a system is provided that includes a drawing surface, a video camera embedded or integrated into the drawing surface, and a front projector. The drawing surface can capture drawings made on the surface by a user, and the video camera can capture a video stream of the user. The system can send digital information representing the captured drawings and the video stream to a remote system. The system can also receive digital information representing drawings made by a remote user and a video stream of the remote user from the remote system. The front projector can project a video signal onto the drawing surface that incorporates the captured drawings, the drawings made by the remote user, and the video stream of the remote user.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

System and method for listening to teams in a race event

Номер: US20120257765A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A computer-implemented method and system allows a remote computer user to listen to teams in a race event. The method includes receiving audio signals from a plurality of audio sources at the race event; transmitting at least some of the audio signals to a remote computer; and filtering the audio signals as a function of the source of at least some of the audio signals so that at least some of the audio signals are not played by the remote computer and heard by the user.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Public bot management in private networks

Номер: US20120284323A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system for managing the use of BOTs by computer network users, the system including a gateway-to-BOT communications manager configured to relay communications to a BOT on behalf of a computer user in a manner that prevents the BOT from associating the communications with the computer user, and a gateway-to-user communications manager configured to relay the communications from the computer user to the gateway-to-BOT communications manager, and relay to the computer user communications received from the gateway-to-BOT communications manager that originate from the BOT.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Data transmission in a telecommunication conference

Номер: US20120289212A1
Автор: Frank Kowalewski
Принадлежит: Intel Mobile Communications GmbH

A communication terminal into which communication data can be input and which can receive a message signalling that at least one further communication terminal is ready to receive the communication data. Following receipt of the message, a transmission device configured to operate in a first mode, in which it sends data at a first data rate, and in a second mode, in which it sends data at a second data rate, which is higher than the first data rate, is used to send the communication data in the second mode.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

System for Collaborative Content Creation on the Telecom Web

Номер: US20120294197A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system and method that enables the collaborative creation and editing of content on a VoiceSite over a telephone. The system and method enables the collaborative creation and editing of content on the VoiceSite by allowing one or multiple users (authors) to generate and edit the content of the VoiceSite at the same or different times. A Collaboration Manager is utilized to manage calls to/from one or more users. A VoiGen component utilizes voice-activated prompts to allow the one or more users to perform at least one of specify user preferences, load templates, store user preferences and service options, parse through obtained data, and generate/edit the VoiceSite based on the inputs provided by the one or multiple users. A Session Manager stores user specific information and ensures that the content provided by multiple users, including edits/changes, is integrated without conflicts.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for aggregating audio information from multiple sources

Номер: US20120311090A1
Принадлежит: Lenovo Singapore Pte Ltd

Described herein are methods, systems, apparatuses and products providing an audio stream generated on a central information handling device from mixing a collection of audio streams captured at external audio capturing devices. An aspect provides for running a host audio aggregation application on an information handling device, the host audio aggregation application being configured to obtain audio transmitted by at least one secondary audio device external to the information handling device; generating at least one central audio stream via the host aggregation application by mixing the audio transmitted by the at least one secondary audio device and obtained by the host audio aggregation application; wherein the host aggregation application is configured to send the at least one central audio stream to one or more audio receivers.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method, system and device for restricting from logging into a chat room

Номер: US20120311677A1
Автор: Xi Chen
Принадлежит: Tencent Technology Shenzhen Co Ltd

A method, a system, and a device for restricting from logging into a chat room, which belongs to the computer field including, receiving a request from a client corresponding to a chat room administrator for forcing a specified user to exit the current chat room, and sending the client corresponding to the specified user a command to force the specified user to exit the current chat room and changing the status information of the specified user into the restricted state to restrict the specified user into the specified chat room according to the request. The system includes a server and a user client. The user forced to exit the current chat room is prevented from re-entering the chat room and affecting other users therein, but can still enjoy the chat room services in the chat room so as to avoid the chat room losing users and improve the user experience.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Presentation system and display terminal used in the presentation system

Номер: US20120313837A1
Автор: Hiroaki Yoshizawa
Принадлежит: Casio Computer Co Ltd

A presentation system comprising a presenter terminal and at least one audience terminal which is connected to the presenter terminal to communicate with each other; wherein the audience terminal comprises; an identification information transmitting section which transmits identification information of the audience terminal to the presenter terminal; wherein the presenter terminal comprises; a display section which displays an image used for a presentation; an identification information storing section which stores the identification information transmitted by the identification information transmitting section of the audience terminal in association with a displayed image displayed by the display section; an identification information display controlling section which controls the display section to display the identification information in association with information on the displayed image.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Associating communications in collaboration sessions

Номер: US20120317296A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, computer program product, and system for associating communications in collaboration sessions is described. A method may comprise displaying, via one or more computing devices, a document accessible to one or more collaborators of a first collaboration session. The method may further comprise associating, via the one or more computing devices, a first communication session of the first collaboration session with a first portion of the document. The method may additionally comprise indicating, via the one or more computing devices, the association between the first communication session of the first collaboration session and the first portion of the document.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Social network based virtual assembly places

Номер: US20130031475A1
Принадлежит: SCENE 53 Inc

A method of providing virtual meeting environments for user controlled avatars. Each avatar is associated with user information from at least one social network (Facebook), and the user's profile picture and sex controls the general appearance of the avatars. The avatar's appearance can also be customized according to their user's social network relationships such as friends, friends of friends, or strangers. Various online virtual events, such as virtual parties, meeting rooms and the like may be created, and other social network users invited to participate by sending their avatars to the meeting environment. There the avatars may move about and interact with one another according to real-world rules, such as the rule that only avatars that are portrayed as physically being closely associated to each other in the virtual world may chat or interact, as well as exchange social network user information. Virtual environment search engines are also provided.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

System and method for initiating online social interactions based on conference call participation

Номер: US20130041947A1
Автор: Michael J. Sammon
Принадлежит: Avaya Inc

Disclosed herein are systems, computer-implemented methods, and tangible computer-readable storage media for automatically initiating online social interactions based on participation in a conference call. Audio of the conference call is analyzed for data, such as timestamps indicating when people spoke, the volume of speech, words per minute, and emotional context. This analysis determines relationships between participants, and initiates online social interactions compatible with those relationships. This initialization can take the form of a prompt, or can be performed without interruption to the participants.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Television communication system, terminal, and method

Номер: US20130057641A1
Автор: Jyouji Wada, Mikio Morioka
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

When a material sharing mode using a projector at a first point and the projector at a second point is active, the projector at the first point causes a projection unit to project a video image from a first personal computer onto a projection screen, causes an image taking unit to take an image of the projected video image on the projection screen, causes a control unit of the projector or the first personal computer to compare the taken video image with a supply video image supplied from the first personal computer to the projector, and supplies a difference video image generated based on the comparison to the projector at the second point so as to be superimposed on the supply video image.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Electronic tool and methods for meetings

Номер: US20130067121A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An electronic meeting tool for communicating arbitrary media content from users at a meeting includes a node configuration operating a display node of a communications network that is coupled to a display. The node configuration receives user selected arbitrary media content and controls display of the user selected arbitrary media content on the display. At least one peripheral device communicates the user selected arbitrary media content via the communications network. The peripheral device is a connection unit including a connector that couples to a port of a processing device having a second display, a memory and an operating system; and a transmitter communicating with the communications network. A program is provided to run on the operating system of the processing device and obtains user selected arbitrary media content, while leaving a zero footprint on termination.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Content sharing via social networking

Номер: US20130073622A1
Принадлежит: Color Labs Inc

Example systems and methods of content sharing via social networking are presented. In one example, availability of a first user device to provide media content over a communication network is detected. A second user device is identified via an association of the first user device with the second user device that is specified in a social network. An acceptance by the second user device to receive the media content from the first user device is determined. In response to the acceptance, transmission of the media content provided by the first user device over the communication network to the second user device is initiated.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Selective Connection Between Corresponding Communication Components Involved in a Teleconference

Номер: US20130132586A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A client device selectively establishes connections between selected client communication components and corresponding server communication components. The client device receives data from the corresponding server communication components via the connections between the selected client communication components and the server communication components. The data received via different ones of the connections is associated with a different content stream of a teleconference. During the teleconference, a given connection is suspended. When the given connection is suspended, the client computing device continues to receive data via connections other than the given connection.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling information in virtual world

Номер: US20130151627A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Provided is a method for controlling information shared in a virtual world by a server and a plurality of users' client terminals connected to each other through a network. In this information control method, a computer creates a third object between a first object and a second object in the virtual world when the first object and second object transmit communication information therebetween, and filters the information with the third object. In addition, when an object transmits visual information, the third object can be created around the object transmitting the visual information. The third object can be created as a pseudo wall.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and System for Predicting and Measuring Event Durations and Operating Related Contests

Номер: US20130178959A1
Автор: Gary Hirsch
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention allows event participants to predict the duration of an event before it begins, monitor the event duration, establish and record the official event duration and compare the official event duration to the participants' predictions. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, users employ a computer or mobile device interface to predict, monitor and establish the duration of a business meeting or conference call and compete to earn rewards based on the accuracy of their respective predictions and from other meeting participants.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for implementing a group session

Номер: US20130179521A1
Автор: Hanqiang Hu
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

The embodiments of the present invention disclose a method and a device for implementing a group session, relating to communication technologies, for implementing a CPM/IM message group session based on signalling. The method for implementing a group session comprises: receiving a group message that is sent by a terminal participating in a message group session, the group message carrying a session serial number corresponding to the message group session; and sending the group message carrying the session serial number to other terminals participating in the message group session corresponding to the session serial number. The solution in the embodiments of the present invention is well suited for performing a group session via messages.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Automatic provisioning of resources for meeting collaboration

Номер: US20130191891A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method may comprise maintaining by a computer system connected to a network an indication of availability dates and times of one or more output devices connected to the network. The computer system may receive an output device invitation indicating an output device to reserve for a meeting conducted over a conferencing system and determine whether the output device is available for reservation during a date and time period of the meeting. The computer system may be communicating over the network to the output device activation information indicating that the output device is to become active at a predetermined date and time related to the date and time period of the meeting and login information including a credential for the output device to use for logging into the conferencing system for the meeting.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and system for addressing resources

Номер: US20130198340A1
Принадлежит: SENSINODE OY

A method and an apparatus for addressing resources. The apparatus includes a component for forming a group having one or more end-points or other groups and for creating a first abstract universal resource identifier (URI) for the group, the abstract URI includes a domain name and a group identifier; a component for creating a second abstract universal resource identifier (URI) for the end-points, the abstract URI having an end-point and domain name; and a component configured to receive a look-up URI, the look-up URI having tag identifying the look-up URI as a group look-up, the address of the apparatus, optional domain and group parameters; and a component configured to resolve the look-up URI to one or more first or second abstract URIs.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Managing Multiple Participants at the Same Location in an Online Conference

Номер: US20130198635A1
Принадлежит: American Teleconferencing Services Ltd

Various embodiments of systems, methods, and computer programs are disclosed for managing multiple participants at the same location in an online conference. One embodiment is a method for providing an online conference comprising: a conferencing system establishing an audio conference with a plurality of client devices via a communication network, each client device associated with a first participant; the conferencing system determining at least one second participant co-located with one of the first participants and the corresponding client device; and the conferencing system presenting, to each of the client devices, the audio conference and a conference user interface, the conference user interface displaying a participant object identifying each of the first and second participants.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Event Management/Production of an Online Event Using Event Analytics

Номер: US20130198656A1
Принадлежит: American Teleconferencing Services Ltd

Various embodiments of systems, methods, and computer programs are disclosed for producing an online event. One embodiment is a method comprising: a conferencing system establishing an audio conference between one or more speakers and a plurality of listen-only viewers accessing the conferencing system via a communication network; the conferencing system presenting an event production user interface to an event producer, the event production user interface configured to enable the event producer to selectively control a viewer user interface presented to the listen-only viewers during the online event; obtaining analytics data associated with the online event; and during the online event, providing a production recommendation to the event producer in the event production user interface based on the analytics data.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Bandwidth allocation for multimedia conferencing

Номер: US20130208663A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

A method can include analyzing endpoint preference data from each of a plurality of endpoints of a multimedia conference. The endpoint preference data for each respective endpoint represents a desired distribution of bandwidth for different types of data in the multimedia conference for each respective endpoint. The method can also include allocating bandwidth between the different types of data for each of the plurality of endpoints in the multimedia conference based on the analysis of the endpoint preference data.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Multifunctional conferencing systems and methods

Номер: US20130215213A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A conferencing system for providing remote assistance according to the present disclosure includes a service requester device configured to execute a service requester application, a service provider device configured to execute a service provider application and a server application executing on a computer server remotely located from the service requester and service provider devices, the service requester and service provider applications are configured to dynamically connect to each other through the at least one server application.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for automatically setting up and/or controlling a telecommunication conference

Номер: US20130235767A1

A conference condition file is used to check whether at least one stored conference condition is met, which indicates a condition regarding a participant's setup of and/or participation in the telecommunication conference. If at least one condition is met then the conference is set up or the participant is added to the conference.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Beaming to the next conference or between concurrent conferences

Номер: US20130251132A1
Автор: Moni MANOR
Принадлежит: Avaya Inc

A conferencing system and method are described which enable conference participants to beam between back-to-back or concurrent conferences. Specifically, a conference participant is allowed to beam between two or more conferences by providing in-band signaling during a conference. The in-band signaling may include one or more commands to beam the conference participant between the two or more conferences without requiring the conference participant to hang up and redial the conference number.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Method, Device, and Network System for Controlling Multiple Auxiliary Streams

Номер: US20130265380A1
Автор: Jiaoli Wu, Shuzhao Liao
Принадлежит: Huawei Device Co Ltd

A method, a device, and a network system for controlling multiple auxiliary streams are disclosed. The method for controlling multiple auxiliary streams includes: applying, by a terminal at a first site, for a presentation (PRE) token; and sending, by the terminal at the first site after applying for and obtaining the PRE token, an auxiliary stream to a terminal at a second site through a PRE auxiliary stream channel corresponding to the PRE token, and sending one or more other auxiliary streams to the terminal at the second site through an auxiliary stream channel bound with the PRE auxiliary stream channel. By using the technical solutions provided in the embodiments of the present invention, participants at the sites can view images of multiple auxiliary streams simultaneously.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for transporting a virtual avatar within multiple virtual environments

Номер: US20130275886A1
Принадлежит: MYRIATA Inc

A virtual venue application for displaying information is provided, where the virtual venue application is implemented as part of an apparatus, or a system. The virtual venue application allows one or more users to generate and display a virtual avatar that represents a user of the virtual venue application. The virtual venue application also displays a virtual venue, where the display of the virtual venue is based on a position of the virtual avatar within the virtual venue. The virtual venue application also transports a virtual avatar from a first location to a second location.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

User Interface Allowing a Participant to Rejoin a Previously Left Videoconference

Номер: US20130278709A1
Автор: Wayne E. Mock
Принадлежит: Individual

System and method involving user interfaces and remote control devices. These user interfaces may be particularly useful for providing an intuitive and user friendly interaction between a user and a device or application using a display, e.g., at a “10 foot” interaction level. The user interfaces may be specifically designed for interaction using a simple remote control device having a limited number of inputs. For example, the simple remote control may include directional inputs (e.g., up, down, left, right), a confirmation input (e.g., ok), and possibly a mute input. The user interface may be customized based on current user activity or other contexts (e.g., based on current or previous states), the user logging in (e.g., using a communication device), etc. Additionally, the user interface may allow the user to adjust cameras whose video are not currently displayed, rejoin previously left videoconferences, and/or any of a variety of desirable actions.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, conference system, and storage medium

Номер: US20130321562A1
Автор: Masato Takahashi
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An information processing apparatus is provided for a conference system where a plurality of terminals are connected via a network to the information processing apparatus and exchange data via the information processing apparatus to conduct a conference. The information processing apparatus includes a detection unit that detects disconnection of a terminal from the information processing apparatus and recovery of the terminal from the disconnection; a recording unit; a data transmission unit; and a status management unit that causes the recording unit to start recording the data in a storage when the disconnection is detected by the detection unit, and causes the data transmission unit to transmit the data read from the storage to the terminal in response to a data transmission request from the terminal.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Selective sharing of windows among participants in a web conference

Номер: US20140006974A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A Web conference is conducted. A first subset of a plurality of participants is designated in the Web conference. The first subset includes a first participant who is a presenter in the Web conference and at least a second participant, the first subset including less than a total number of the plurality of participants. First window content can be received, the first window content configured to be provided to each of the other participants of the web conference and configured to be presented in a first window. The first window content can be provided to each of the other participants. Second window content configured to be presented in a second window can be provided exclusively to each participant in the in the first subset of the plurality of participants.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Playing Media

Номер: US20140025488A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A scalable architecture is disclosed for delivery of real-time information over a communications network. Embedded into the architecture is a control mechanism that provides for the management and administration of users who are to receive the real-time information. In the preferred embodiment, the information being delivered is high-quality audio. However, it could also be video, graphics, text or any other type of information that can be transmitted over a digital network. Preferably, there are multiple channels of information available simultaneously to be delivered to users, each channel consisting of an independent stream of information. A user chooses to tune in or tune out a particular channel, but does not choose the time at which the channel distributes its information. Advantageously, interactive (two-way) information can be incorporated into the system, multiple streams of information can be integrated for delivery to a user, and certain portions of the information being delivered can be tailored to the individual user.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Managing a sharing of media content among cient computers

Номер: US20140047022A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Technology is provided to manage sharing of media content among client computers. In one example, an application server provides at least a portion of the media content to the client computers. The application server receives a requested session event. A session event is an annotation, a comment, or a navigation request. The application server generates a formatted session event by formatting the requested session event at least according at least one option. An option defines how the application server is to modify a session event for display at the client computers. The application server provides the formatted session event to the client computers for display on user interfaces at the client computers. This Abstract is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for conferencing of text messages

Номер: US20140073301A1
Принадлежит: Phone com LLC

A system and method are provided which provide a text messaging conference among at least three users who communicate on different first communication channels. A message initiated by a first user is received on one of the first communication channels. The message seeks to initiate a text message conference and includes identities of a plurality of additional users to participate in the messaging conference. Conference participants are identified by a two part identifier, which allows a single participant to participate in multiple ongoing simultaneous conferences.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Service providing apparatus and method, and information processing apparatus and method as well as program storage medium

Номер: US20140095639A1
Автор: Tsunetake Noma
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The invention provides a service providing apparatus and method and an information processing apparatus and method as well as a program storage medium by which a plurality of users can communicate with each other simultaneously. A plurality of client computers are connected to a shared server over a network and log in a common chat room of a chat system. If a user of one of those of the client computers which are in a group requests for reproduction of a predetermined tune, then the instruction is transmitted to the shared server over the network. The shared server receives the instruction transmitted thereto and reads out music data of the request stored in a music database therein, and transmits the music data to the client computers of the group.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Joint Use of Face, Motion, and Upper-body Detection in Group Framing

Номер: US20220006974A1

A videoconferencing endpoint is described that uses a combination of face detection, motion detection, and upper body detection for selecting participants of a videoconference for group framing. Motion detection is used to remove fake faces as well as to detect motion in regions around detected faces during postprocessing. Upper body detection is used in conjunction with the motion detection in postprocessing to allow saving faces that have been initially detected by face detection for group framing even if the participant has turned away from the camera, allowing the endpoint to keep tracking the participants region better than would be possible based only on an unstable result coming from face detection. 1. A method of framing a group of participants in a videoconference , comprising:receiving video data from a camera of a videoconferencing endpoint;performing face detection on the video data;saving detected faces for a first threshold time period; performing a first type of motion detection on regions around the saved detected faces;', 'performing upper body detection on regions around the saved detected faces responsive to not detecting motion; and', 'discarding saved detected faces responsive to the first type of motion detection and upper body detection detecting neither motion nor an upper body in the regions around the saved detected faces; and', 'framing the group of participants based on the saved detected faces., 'postprocessing the saved detected faces during the first threshold time period, wherein postprocessing the saved detected faces comprises2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing a second type of motion detection on the detected faces; andeliminating faces from the detected faces responsive to detecting no motion in the detected faces.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein where the second type of motion detection is stricter than the first type of motion detection.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first type of motion detection ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003858A1
Автор: Kocharlakota Sridhar

A method and apparatus are provided for application selection in virtual reality mode. The method includes receiving a selection of an application. The method also includes determining whether a display of a user equipment is in the virtual reality mode. The method also includes, responsive to the user equipment being in the virtual reality mode, determining whether the selected application is included in a grouping of applications. The grouping includes one or more applications related to the selected application. The method also includes, responsive to the selected application being included in a grouping of applications, executing the grouping of applications. The method also includes providing the executed grouping of applications to the display. 1. A method for application selection in virtual reality mode , the method comprising:receiving selection of an application;determining whether a user equipment is in the virtual reality mode;responsive to the user equipment being in the virtual reality mode, determining whether the selected application is included in a grouping of applications, wherein the grouping includes one or more applications related to the selected application;responsive to the selected application being included in a grouping of applications, executing the grouping of applications; andproviding the executed grouping of applications to a display of the user equipment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more applications of the grouping of applications are adjacent in the display.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the grouping is predefined.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the grouping is dynamically set based on usage patterns.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the grouping is dynamically set based on a location of the user equipment.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the grouping is dynamically set based on a time.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the usage patterns are obtained from usage data in a network server.8. The method of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for managing conferencing in a distributed communication network

Номер: US20160006574A1
Принадлежит: Twilio Inc

Systems and methods for a conferencing system. Responsive to a new conference request received at a conference orchestration service, participants of the conference and participant regions for each determined participant are determined. A mixer topology is generated that specifies an assignment of each determined participant to at least one input channel of a plurality of mixers. A mixer state manager generates the mixer topology based on the determined participant regions and at least one regional association of a mixer. Media of each determined participant is routed to the assigned at least one input channel according to the generated mixer topology by using the conference orchestration service. The mixer state manager generates the topology responsive to a request provided by the conference state manager. The conference orchestration service receives the generated mixer topology from the mixer state manager via the conference state manager.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006835A1
Автор: Ho Remyylyang, Li Wei, SHAN Yi

A method including: receiving, from a first terminal, a request for establishing a chat group without receiving an identifier of an existing social network contact; monitoring incoming requests for additional users to join the first chat group; while monitoring, detecting a request from a second terminal to obtain information of other terminals located around the second terminal; in accordance with the request from the second terminal and in accordance with a determination that the second terminal and the first terminal are located within a preset distance, requesting authentication information corresponding to the first chat group; receiving the authentication information from the second terminal, wherein the authentication information is obtained by the second user independently of the server of the social network platform; and in accordance with a determination that the authentication information is correct, establishing the first chat group including the first user and the second user. 1. A method for establishing a chat group , comprising: receiving, from a first client terminal that corresponds to a first user on the social network platform, a request for establishing a chat group, without receiving an identifier of an existing social network contact of the first user on the social networking platform;', creating a respective group chat entry for the first chat group; and', 'monitoring incoming requests for additional users to join the first chat group;, 'initiating a process to establish a first chat group including the first user, including, 'in response to receiving the request to establish the chat group], 'at a server of a social networking platform, the server having one or more processors and memorywhile monitoring the incoming requests for additional users to join the first chat group, detecting a request from a second client terminal corresponding to a second user of the social network platform to obtain information of other client terminals located ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006836A1
Автор: CHI Xingde, Wang Lu, Yuan Xiao

This application discloses a communications control method and a communications terminal, so as to implement a change between a point-to-point chat and a group chat among multiple persons, and a user may set a chat identity of the user by using a character. The communications control method provided in this application includes: controlling, by a communications terminal, a first character to move on a character layer, and displaying, on a communications display interface of the communications terminal, different characters on the character layer with the movement of the first character, the first character being displayed on the communications display interface of the communications terminal, the character layer including: the first character and at least one character other than the first character, and the first character being a user object that represents a user when the user chats using the communications terminal; obtaining, by the communications terminal, chat content entered by the user into the communications terminal; and displaying, by the communications terminal, the chat content on the communications display interface as an identity of the first character. 1. A communications control method performed at a first communications terminal having one or more processors and memory storing one or more programs to be executed by the one or more processors , wherein the first communications terminal is one of a group of communications terminals communicatively coupled to one another in support of a group chat among users of the group of communications terminals , the method comprising:displaying a graphical user interface corresponding to the group chat, the graphical user interface including a first set of characters, each character representing a user of a respective communications terminal;detecting a first message from a user of the first communications terminal through the graphical user interface;in response to the first message, transmitting the first ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

System for a Three Way Coordination of a Video Conference

Номер: US20210006423A1
Автор: Gieseke Holly

The System for Three Way Coordination of a Video Conference is the ability for a remote Family member to schedule an appointment for a Student trained in Social Media and Telecommunication tools to facilitate a video conference call with the Family member from their Senior's location. The system has the ability to match the Family date/time request with a Student and an tablet date/time availability within a local range of the Senior location, describe the social media and phone number needed for the successful video call, monitor successful completion of the appointment and charge the Family credit card for the Product they ordered upon successful completion of the appointment. The Family and Student have the ability to rate each other's performance on the appointment. This system has the ability to perform a three-way match and notify each party of the confirmation and completion or cancellation of the appointment. 1gathering information about Senior individual, including location of the Senior individual;inputting information related to a remote individual, including at least one time for a telecommunications session between the remote individual and the Senior individual;identifying at least one available facilitator individual based at least partially on a proximity of the facilitator individual to the Senior individual;matching the remote individual with the facilitator individual and the Senior individual for a telecommunication session time and telecommunication session location, with the time being acceptable to the remote individual and facilitator individual and with the location being acceptable to the facilitator individual matching the location of the Senior individual; andscheduling and conducting a telecommunication session with the facilitator individual and Senior individual together at the location of the Senior individual, with the telecommunication session also occurring with the individual at the remote location, and with the facilitator ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Weighted data center reselection

Номер: US20180007096A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

An initial data center is selected to host the online conference. This data center can be selected based on the locations of the participants, a weighting (or ‘priority’) of the participants, or a combination of the two (e.g., locations that are weighted by the participant's priority.) Typically, the data center closest to the centroid (i.e., geometric center, or ‘center of mass’) of the participants is selected. In anticipation that participants will join and/or leaver the conference, a list is calculated that each possible change to a respective data center that will be selected if that change occurs. This list may be distributed to the data centers that, if selected, would host the online conference.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007163A1

A social networking server receives a request from a member of an organization to configure a targeted update for the organization. The targeted update may be intended for a particular group of members of a social network service. The social networking server may provide various follower dimensions to associate with the targeted update, where each of the follower dimensions include one or more selectable attributes. When the social networking server receives a request for an organization's webpage from a member of the social network service, the social networking server may compare member attributes of a member profile associated with the member with the follower dimension attributes associated with the targeted update. The social networking server may provide the targeted update for display with the webpage of the organization based on the member attributes satisfying at least one follower dimension attribute associated with the targeted update. 1. A system for providing targeted updates about an organization to members of a social networking service , the system comprising:a machine-readable memory storing computer-executable instructions; and [ an updates interface having an updates entry element configured to receive an update to be displayed on a second webpage based on the first webpage; and', a first selection value corresponding to the plurality of members; and', 'a second selection value corresponding to a targeted set of the plurality of members;, 'a follower selection element configured to display], 'provide a first webpage for an organization being followed by a plurality of members of a social networking service, wherein the first webpage includes, update the second webpage with a first update received in the updates entry element, the first update being visible to the plurality members that request the second webpage; and', 'provide the second webpage with the first update; and based on a selection of the second selection value:', 'display a target ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007353A1
Автор: BAO Feng, Wang Chaopi

A session filtering method including displaying session page entries corresponding to at least a part of communication sessions in which a user at a local end participates via a preset communication application, presentation areas of the session page entries containing filterable labels associated with corresponding communication sessions; when a filterable label is triggered, filtering one or more communication sessions associated with the filterable label from communication sessions corresponding to the displayed session page entries; and presenting one or more session page entries corresponding to the filtered communication sessions to the user at the local end. Through the technical solution of the present disclosure, a communication session is quickly filtered and found, which is conducive to improve communication efficiency. 1. A method comprising:displaying session page entries corresponding to multiple communication sessions via a preset communication application, presentation areas of the session page entries containing filterable labels associated with the multiple corresponding communication sessions;detecting that a filterable label is triggered;filtering one or more communication sessions associated with the filterable label from the multiple communication sessions; andpresenting one or more session page entries corresponding to the one or more filtered communication sessions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a content of the filterable labels is associated with a consistency between team affiliation information of a user at a local end that participates in the multiple communication sessions and a user at a peer end when a corresponding communication session is a personal communication session.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a content of the filterable labels is associated with team affiliation information of a user at a peer end when the corresponding communication session is a personal communication session.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007468A1

An apparatus for extending during a conference call the number of telephone connections being utilized beyond strict numerical capacity is disclosed, together with a method. The method for call management comprises storing a conference table for recording information of agent endpoints that have joined a conference call and having two or more DSP channels. A call is received and the callee endpoint is identified. The number of available agent endpoints in the conference table is also identified, an agent endpoint being identified as available if the number of the DSP channels of the agent endpoint is greater than zero. If there are multiple available agent endpoints, the priority of each available agent endpoint is calculated and the call is redirected to the callee endpoint, with the high-priority agent endpoint in between. 1. An apparatus for call management , comprising:a processor;a computer readable storage medium for storing instructions and a conference table for recording information of at least one agent endpoint that has joined a conference call, wherein the instructions are executed by the processor, and performs the following steps:receiving a call;identifying an endpoint related to the call;determining whether there is a plurality of available agent endpoints in the conference table, wherein each of the available agent endpoints has the number of DSP channels that is greater than zero;calculating a priority of each available agent endpoint when there is a plurality of available agent endpoints; andredirecting the call to the available agent endpoint with the highest priority; andsetting up a connection between the call related endpoint and the available agent endpoint with the highest priority.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein identifying an endpoint related to the call includes:If the call is an outgoing call, the call related endpoint is a caller; and if the call is an incoming call, the call related endpoint is a callee.3. The apparatus of claim ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Contextually aware conferencing system

Номер: US20220021551A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A computer-implemented method for switching the meeting mode of a communication feed during a conference call is disclosed. The computer-implemented method can receive a first feed type from the communication feed during a first meeting mode. The computer-implemented method can detect a plurality of contextual activity from the communication feed of a first party. The computer-implemented method can observe a first mode switch indicator from the plurality of contextual activity. The computer-implemented method can, responsive to observing the first mode switch indicator, switch the conference call from the first meeting mode to a second meeting mode of the communication feed.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021680A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

An online meeting service is configured to determine whether a prospective meeting participant is among a known group of trusted users (e.g., logged in to a trusted domain). If the prospective meeting participant is validated as a trusted user, they may join a meeting without additional steps. If the prospective meeting participant is not validated as a trusted user, they may consent to have the meeting organizer view them through their camera in order to confirm that they may have meeting access. If the organizer recognizes the prospective participant through the camera image (still or video), the organizer may admit them to the meeting. 1. A system for adding a user to an online meeting , the system comprising:a processor; and receive, from a first device, a first signal indicating that a first user of the first device wishes to join an online meeting;', 'determine whether the first user is among a stored group of approved users for joining the online meeting;', 'upon determining the first user is among the stored group of approved users, automatically admit the first user to the online meeting;', 'receive, from a second device, a second signal indicating that a second user of the second device wishes to join the online meeting;', 'determine whether the second user is among the stored group of approved users for joining the online meeting;', 'upon determining the second user is not among the stored group of approved users, send a join request signal to a host of the online meeting requesting to allow the second user to join the online meeting;', 'receive a validation request signal from the host of the online meeting in response to the join request signal;', 'send a control signal to the second device in response to the validation request signal, the control signal directing the second device to activate a camera to capture a representation of the second user;', 'receive, from the second device, the captured representation of the second user;', 'send the captured ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220027021A1

Described herein is a user interface that enables messages within a collaborative workspace environment to be propagated to different workspaces that are associated with different tabs in the collaborative workspace environment. Thus, a comment made in a workspace associated with a first tab is reflected in a workspace associated with a different tab and vice versa. 1. A first user device , comprising:a processor; and establishing, via a communication network, a network connection with a data storage system storing and managing a data collection associated with a category comprising a plurality of subcategories, the data collection comprising a plurality of data sets received from a plurality of user devices including the first user device, each data set associated with one of the plurality of subcategories and one of a plurality of data types;', a first selectable visual element associated with the first canvas configured to display the data sets associated with a first subcategory of the plurality of subcategories; and', 'a second selectable visual element associated with the second canvas configured to display of the data sets associated with a first data type of the plurality of data types;, 'displaying, via a display, a graphical user interface (GUI) associated with the category, the GUI comprising a plurality of selectable visual elements associated with a different one of a plurality of canvases, wherein the plurality of canvases comprises first and second canvases, and the plurality of selectable visual elements comprises, 'receiving, via a user interface, a first user input selecting the first visual element associated with the first canvas;', transmitting, to the data storage system via the communication network, a first request for a first set of the data sets associated with the first subcategory;', 'receiving, from the data storage system via the communication network, the first set of data sets; and', 'displaying, via the GUI, the first canvas showing ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and System of Creating and Signing Electronic Documents With Increased Party-Signatory Accuracy and Execution Integrity

Номер: US20160012556A1

Systems and methods for writing, changing, authenticating and signing web-based documents use an interactive questionnaire methodology and various databases to obtain document content, confirmation of the finality of a proposed document and participant identity verification. Multiple databases may be accessed and/or created to triangulate or otherwise confirm that a purported party to be bound by a legal instrument is the same party adding information to the document and that all parties to be bound by a contract have signed the same final version of the contract. Disclosed embodiments allow participants to change the terms of a proposed agreement that has been signed by others. A modified proposed agreement may be signed by the amending party and then offered to all interested parties. 1. A computer implemented system for creating , editing and electronically signing documents , identity verification and round-robin amendment and resigning of documents and storage of fully signed documents , the system comprising:a) a server system comprising machine readable instructions contained within non-transitory media and a computer processor in communication with the non-transitory media and memory;b) the server system in communication with a plurality of databases and a network;c) the machine readable instructions directing the server system to produce a first user interface that presents document templates and user questionnaires, with the first user interface accepting data and an electronic signature from a first user and transmitting the data and electronic signature to a document production database, the input creating a document in progress;d) the machine readable instructions and the data within the document production database directing the server to produce a second user interface that accepts document revisions and electronic signatures to the document in progress from a second user;e) upon a first user and the second user signing the same version of a document ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012793A1

A data transmission system including a plurality of terminal devices arranged in a communication network and configured to transmit or receive content data. At least one terminal devices configured to receive content data transmitted from another terminal device, among the plurality of terminal devices, includes a reception priority management unit configured to manage priority of two or more content data addressed to the own terminal device, and a data reception control unit configured to, based on an output time interval of output signals corresponding to priority data whose priority managed by the reception priority management unit is high among two or more content data being received, request a transmission source configured to transmit content data having priority lower than the priority data, to perform control to stop transmitting the content data. 1. A data transmission system , comprising:a plurality of terminal devices arranged in a communication network and configured to transmit or receive content data, a reception priority management unit configured to manage priority of two or more content data addressed to the own terminal device, and', 'a data reception control unit configured to, based on an output time interval of output signals corresponding to priority data whose priority managed by the reception priority management unit is high among two or more content data being received, request a transmission source configured to transmit content data having priority lower than the priority data, to perform control to stop transmitting the content data., 'at least one terminal device configured to receive content data transmitted from another terminal device, among the plurality of terminal devices, including2. The data transmission system according to claim 1 , further comprising a relay device configured to relay two or more content data transmitted or received between the plurality of terminal devices.3. The data transmission system according to claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Transitioning video call between devices

Номер: US20170013232A1
Принадлежит: Time Warner Cable Enterprises LLC

A flip signal is received from a first device, at a signaling server, during a video chat between the first device and a second device. The flip signal indicates that media packets from the second device intended for the first device are to be sent to a third device. Responsive to the signaling server receiving the flip signal, the signaling server sends a call request to the third device; and the signaling server sends a message to the second device to cause the second device to send the media packets to the third device. In another aspect, at the first device, during the video chat, a gesture is detected which indicates that media packets from the second device intended for the first device are to be sent to the third device; and, responsive to the detecting, the flip signal is sent.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Information succeeding method, information succeeding system, and information processing apparatus

Номер: US20180013575A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

Disclosed is an information succeeding method executed by a computer. The information succeeding method includes determining whether a context satisfies a predetermined condition; distributing a content to a terminal in a case where the context is determined to satisfy the predetermined condition; transmitting, upon receiving succeeding information indicating succeeding of the content from the terminal, content information corresponding to the succeeding information to the terminal; receiving from the terminal the previously distributed content, based on the content information; and transmitting the previously distributed content to a succeeding destination, upon receiving a content request that has been transmitted from the succeeding destination based on the content information, the content information having been received by the succeeding destination from the terminal.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for enabling dialog amongst different participant groups with expandable membership

Номер: US20180013764A1
Принадлежит: Rushline LLC

An electronic communication system, such as a question-and-answer service, is provided in which a user submitting a question specifies one or more dialog network members to whom a notification of the question is provided. Authenticated responses by a member are published to the asker and other members. Responses may be made available to external users, with content contributors being either publicly identified or anonymous. If authorized, members of a dialog may add other individuals as members of the dialog, and imbue upon them special rights relative to the dialog.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Switching apparatus for switching compressed video streams, conference system with the switching apparatus and process for switching compressed video streams

Номер: US20160014374A1
Автор: Antonie Van Woerdekom

Conference systems are used to support discussions in meeting rooms or plenary halls, whereby the conference systems usually comprise a plurality of delegate units for participants of the discussion. It is furthermore known, that conference systems comprise a display for displaying the active speaker in a conference. Especially in large conferences with a plurality of participants more than one camera is used for viewing the different active speakers to be displayed on the display. A switching apparatus for switching compressed video streams, the switching apparatus ( 9 ) comprising: at least two inputs IN 1, IN 2, each input being operable to receive an input video stream from a camera ( 7 ), an output OUT for outputting an output video stream, whereby the input video streams are compressed video streams, whereby each compressed video stream is represented by a sequence of groups of frames GoF, whereby each group of frames GoF comprises a key frame I and at least one inter frame X, a switching module ( 12 ) operable to receive a switch request SR and to switch the input video streams in the output video stream, so that a first video stream of the input video streams is stopped and a second video stream of the input video streams is started, whereby the output video stream is a compressed video stream.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Online conference system

Номер: US20190013955A1
Автор: Oui-Sik Yoo
Принадлежит: Corentec Co Ltd

An online conference system includes: a pre-conference management module storing and managing information of a scheduled online conference before processing the online conference; a conference process module generating information of an ongoing conference when processing the online conference; and a post-conference management module storing and managing information of a finished online conference after processing the online conference.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013956A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A conference system includes a management system connected via a network to a first communication terminal and a second communication terminal. The management system includes a processing circuitry configured to implement a generation unit configured to generate a topic in response to a conference topic issuance request made by a first user to hold a conference between the first communication terminal and the second communication terminal; and an authorization unit configured to authorize the first user to perform publication and subscription for the topic in response to the conference topic issuance request made by the first user, and to authorize a second user to perform publication and subscription for the topic in response to an invitation request made by the first user to invite the second user to the conference, the invitation request including a topic name indicating a message for the second user. 1. A conference system , comprising:a management system connected via a network to a first communication terminal and a second communication terminal, a generation unit configured to generate a topic in response to a conference topic issuance request made by a first user to hold a conference between the first communication terminal and the second communication terminal, and', authorize the first user to perform publication and subscription for the topic in response to the conference topic issuance request made by the first user, and', 'authorize a second user to perform publication and subscription for the topic in response to an invitation request made by the first user to invite the second user to the conference, the invitation request including a topic name indicating a message for the second user., 'an authorization unit configured to'}], 'wherein the management system includes a processing circuitry configured to implement'}2. The conference system as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe processing circuitry further implements a management unit configured to manage ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014074A1

Electronic conference enables remote participants to obtain conference content from other devices connected as nodes on a network. A presenter may provide all audio content for a portion of the electronic conference and then individuals, associated with nodes on the network, may provide audio content during other portions, such as to ask a question to the presenter or group. Participants may “raise their hand” to request to speak. By automatically unmuting devices associated with requesters in an order different from the order in which the requests were received, devices may be unmuted to receive audio content having a particular importance or relevance to the electronic conference and thereby reduce the time spent on less relevant content. 1. A system for automatically unmuting nodes communicating over a network , comprising:a presenter node and a plurality of participant nodes engaged in an electronic conference via the network and each of the presenter node and the plurality of participant nodes comprising a network interface to the network and receiving audio content of the electronic conference;a processor having instructions to selectively mute and unmute audio content originating from any one or more of the plurality of participant nodes for selective exclusion or inclusion in the electronic conference;wherein the presenter node, when in a lecture mode, provides audio content for the electronic conference and the plurality of participant nodes being muted;wherein the processor receives a hand-raise signal from at least two requesting nodes, of the plurality of participant nodes, wherein the hand-raise signal indicates a request by an associated one of the at least two requesting nodes, to be unmuted; andwherein the processor prioritizes an order in which the at least two of the plurality of participant nodes will be unmuted based on a priority criterion that weights an attribute of at least one of a) a user associated with one of the at least two requesting ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014602A1

A method and apparatus for providing a summary of what is being and/or has been discussed or experienced by members of a talkgroup is provided herein. Upon a new member joining a talkgroup, or just prior to the new member joining the talkgroup, the new member will be placed on a private channel to provide the new member with knowledge on previous discussions/experiences of talkgroup members. Preferably, the prior knowledge will be conveyed to the user audibly by, for example, use of a digital assistant. 1. An apparatus comprising:a wide-area network (WAN) transceiver communicating with a plurality of users on a particular talkgroup/channel;the WAN transceiver receiving a request by a new user to join the particular talkgroup/channel;the WAN transceiver providing the new user with a talkgroup/channel summary over a private channel; andlastly, the WAN transceiver communicating with the plurality of users and the new user on the particular talkgroup/channel.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a natural language processor receiving and summarizing voice transmissions from the WAN transceiver, wherein the voice transmissions are from the plurality of users that are part of the particular talkgroup/channel; andwherein the talkgroup/channel summary is based on the summarizing.3. The apparatus of wherein:the WAN transceiver receives sensor data from the plurality of users that are part of the particular talkgroup/channel; andwherein the talkgroup/channel summary is additionally based on the sensor data.4. A method for providing a user a talkgroup/channel summary claim 2 , the method comprising the steps of:receiving voice transmissions from a plurality of radios that are part of a particular talkgroup/channel;determining a talkgroup/channel summary based on the received voice transmissions, wherein the talkgroup/channel summary comprises a summary of a history of users that have participated, or are participating in the talkgroup/channel;receiving a request by ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Collaborative messaging with natural delays

Номер: US20200014640A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for collaborative messaging including natural delays includes receiving, by a computer, a message from a sender intended for a recipient using a collaborative messaging application, determining, by the computer, message characteristics, sender characteristics, and recipient characteristics, based on the determined message characteristics, sender characteristics, and recipient characteristics, dividing the message into one or more segments, based on the determined message characteristics, sender characteristics, recipient characteristics and segment size, determining a time delay for each of the one or more segments, and transmitting the message to the recipient one segment at a time, wherein successive segments are separated by the time delay corresponding to each segment.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Online Conference System with Real-Time Document Transaction Platform

Номер: US20210014454A1

A computer-implemented online conferencing transactional platform system comprising an interaction module, a video-conferencing module, and a storage device may allow multiple participants in a video-conference to access, co-browse, collaboratively edit, and sign a transactional document. An interaction module fetches an image of a transactional document and a field identifier for an interactive transactional document element to be filled out from a remotely-connected secure signature API, and displays the image of the document, along with the interactive transactional document element on a webpage interface to a moderator and a signer end user in a video-conference. The interaction module receives a filled-out transactional document in an I-frame from the secure signature API, allowing the signer end user to sign the transactional document using a secure embedded signature process. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:retrieving, using a secure signature application programming interface (API), a secure electronic document and an interactive element, wherein the interactive element is a data input mechanism corresponding to a field of the secure electronic document;transmitting, for display, to a signer terminal and a moderator terminal, a webpage comprising the secure electronic document and the interactive element, wherein the interactive element is editable at both the signer terminal and the moderator terminal;receiving, based on user input with respect to the interactive element, information for the secure electronic document, wherein the receiving causes the secure electronic document to be filled out with the information;generating, using the secure signature API, an i-frame comprising the filled out secure electronic document with one or more empty signature blocks; andtransmitting, for display, the i-frame to the signer terminal.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:responsive to receiving a command from the moderator ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Network-based quick-connect meeting service

Номер: US20170019634A1
Автор: Anka Marton B.

A network-accessible service enables participating end users to collaborate with one another over a network. End users have computing devices that include hardware and software to enable the device to access a network. The service provides a publicly-available site or a local software application from which a first participating user initiates a “meeting,” e.g., by selecting a “share” button. In response, the site or software application provides an HTTP link that includes a “meeting” code, which may be a one-time unique code. The first participating user then shares the link with whomever he or she desires to collaborate. Upon receiving the link, a second participating user joins the meeting “on-the-fly” by simply selecting the link or navigating to the site and entering the “meeting” code. The service connects the second participating user to the meeting immediately and without requiring any registration, software download, or the like. 1. A software-as-a-service product , comprising:a non-transitory computer readable storage device; and provide, to a rendering application associated with a first user, a first instance of a page, the page comprising markup language code and embedded code instructions adapted to be automatically executed upon loading of the page, the first instance of the page including at least a first button representing a share function;', 'provide, to a rendering application associated with a second user, a second instance of the page including at least a second button representing a join function, and an associated display field, the embedded code instructions being automatically executed by the rendering application associated with the second user upon loading of the page;', 'provide the first user a control element in response to receipt of first data, the first data indicating a selection of the first button in the first instance of the page by the first user, the control element having a code associated therewith;', 'responsive to receipt ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038580A1

The present disclosure relates to processing operations configured to provide processing that automatically analyzes acoustic signals from attendees of a live presentation and automatically triggers corresponding reaction indications from results of analysis thereof. Exemplary reaction indications provide feedback for live presentations that can be presented in real-time (or near real-time) without requiring a user to manually take action to provide any feedback. As a non-limiting example, reaction indications may be presented in a form that is easy to visualize and understand such as emojis or icons. Another example of a reaction indication is a graphical user interface (GUI) notification that provides a predictive indication of user intent derived from analysis of acoustic signals. Further examples described herein extend to training and application of artificial intelligence (AI) processing, in real-time (or near real-time), that is configured to automatically analyze acoustic features of audio streams and automatically generate exemplary reaction indications. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:detecting an audio stream associated with an audience member that is accessing a live electronic presentation through a presentation broadcasting service;applying, based on identification of a locational classification for the audience member, a trained artificial intelligence (AI) model that is configured to automatically analyze acoustic features of the audio stream using first trained data trained to indicate target classes that each identify specific user reactions to the live electronic presentation and second trained data trained to indicate non-target classes that each identify audio types that are associated with the locational classification of the audience member;identifying, based on analysis of the acoustic features of the audio stream using the trained AI model, one or more frames of the audio stream that correlate with one or more of the target ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Automated Real-Time Data Stream Switching in a Shared Virtual Area Communication Environment

Номер: US20180020032A1
Принадлежит: Sococo, Inc.

Switching real-time data stream connections between network nodes sharing a virtual area is described. In one aspect, the switching involves storing a virtual area specification. The virtual area specification includes a description of one or more switching rules each defining a respective connection between sources of a respective real-time data stream type and sinks of the real-time data stream type in terms of positions in the virtual area. Real-time data stream connections are established between network nodes associated with respective objects each of which is associated with at least one of a source and a sink of one or more of the real-time data stream types. The real-time data stream connections are established based on the one or more switching rules, the respective sources and sinks associated with the objects, and respective positions of the objects in the virtual area. 1. A method of connecting network nodes associated with respective objects in a virtual area , comprising:by computer apparatus, sending to the network nodes computer readable instructions for establishing one or more real-time data stream connections between the network nodes according to a virtual area specification comprising a description of a spatial layout of zones that are fixed in relation to geometric elements of the virtual area, wherein each of the zones is associated with a different respective zone boundary in the virtual area and a respective switching rule, and each switching rule specifies a stream connection between sources of a respective real-time data stream type within the zone boundary of a respective designated source one of the zones and sinks of the respective real-time data stream type within the zone boundary of a respective designated sink one of the zones; andwherein execution of the instructions causes the network nodes to perform operations comprising, for each switching rule, establishing a respective stream connection for streaming the respective real-time ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020181A1

A video display system for a meeting includes a video information terminal device typified by a liquid crystal projector, a video display unit typified by a whiteboard, a server which stores information and a user terminal (mobile terminal) held by a member of the meeting. A host of the meeting transmits information regarding the time of the meeting, members, and contents thereof to the server. A reservation list and a participant list are displayed and updated depending on an attendance/nonattendance answer from a member. A diagram or letters written on the whiteboard during the meeting are captured by the video information terminal device, inverted in brightness, stored in a memory, and displayed as a video image. At the end of the meeting, video data is stored as a file. When the meeting is resumed, the stored file is reproduced, developed in the memory, and displayed as a video image. 1. A video projection system , comprising:a storage unit which stores image information;a projection unit which projects the image information stored in the storage unit by projection light on a board or projects projection light not having the image information on the board; anda camera unit which captures letters or diagrams handwritten by a user on the board,wherein, before the camera unit captures letters or diagrams hand-written on the board by a user, the projection unit changes projection light from projection light for projecting the image information to projection light not having the image information,wherein after the camera unit captured the letters or the diagrams handwritten by a user, the projection unit projects the captured letters or the captured diagrams as a digital image,wherein brightness inverting processing for the captured letters or the captured diagrams is executed before the captured letters or the captured diagrams is projected, based on whether the letters or the diagrams handwritten on a blackboard or on a whiteboard.2. The video projection system ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021453A1

A presentation system includes a control server coupled to a presenter device via a network. The server receives a slide deck from the presenter device and calculates slide identifiers and analyses the slide deck to provide pre-presentation tips to the presenter. Attendee devices may log in to the presentation to receive a copy of the slide deck and to interact with the presenter and other attendees. In automatic log in, an attendee device is utilized to take a picture of a current slide or sample audio of the ongoing presentation. A slide recognition engine on either or both of the attendee device or the control server matches the data from the attendee device to a slide database to determine the presentation session and automatically log in the attendee. During the presentation, the control server automatically populates dynamic slides based on statistics from the audience including engagement and feedback items. 1. An apparatus as shown and described herein.2. A system as shown and described herein.3. A method as shown and described herein.4. A non-transitory processor-readable medium comprising a plurality of processor-executable instructions that when executed by one or more processors cause the one or more processors to perform a method as shown and described herein. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/698,613 filed Jul. 16, 2018, which is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to corporate, professional, educational, and other group settings having in-person conferences and face-to-face meetings. More specifically, the technical field relates to the use of Internet-based software and Internet-enabled digital devices to stream, share and enhance presentation content with audience members/attendees and to provide feedback regarding audience engagement and tips for improvement to the presenter.At a conference, attendees may be requested to connect to an online session for participating in ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Communication system and method

Номер: US20200021627A1
Принадлежит: Skype Ltd Ireland

There is provided a packet-based communication system for conducting voice or video calls over a packet-based network. A client application on a first terminal is configured to determine an availability of one or more other, second user terminals installed with other instances of the client application, and to present a near-end user with an option to select one of said second user terminals for use by the near-end user in conjunction with the first user terminal when conducting a voice or video call with a far-end user via the client instances and packet-based communication system; thereby enabling the voice or video call to be conducted using the second terminal to consume or generate at least one stream of the call whilst the first user terminal concurrently generates or consumes at least another stream of the call or controls the call.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021628A1
Автор: DING Shasha

A communication system, and a construction method and a communication method thereof are provided. The communication system includes a relay server and a plurality of communication nodes. The relay server is in signal connection with the plurality of communication nodes, the plurality of communication nodes respectively store routing links for connection to the relay server, and the relay server stores routing links respectively corresponding to the plurality of communication nodes. The plurality of communication nodes are in signal connection with a plurality of groups of terminals in one-to-one correspondence. The relay server provides communication connections for terminals connected to different communication nodes. 1. A communication system , comprising a relay server and a plurality of communication nodes;wherein the relay server is in signal connection with the plurality of communication nodes, the plurality of communication nodes respectively store routing links for connection to the relay server, and the relay server stores routing links respectively corresponding to the plurality of communication nodes;the plurality of communication nodes are in signal connection with a plurality of groups of terminals in one-to-one correspondence; andthe relay server provides communication connections for terminals connected to different communication nodes.2. The communication system according to claim 1 , further comprising the plurality of groups of terminals claim 1 ,wherein each group in the plurality of groups of terminals comprises at least one terminal.3. The communication system according to claim 2 , wherein the relay server and the plurality of communication nodes are registered with session initiation protocol routing.4. The communication system according to claim 3 ,wherein the relay server is registered to the plurality of communication nodes with a first code,each of the plurality of communication nodes is respectively registered to the relay server with a ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Measuring and Responding to Attention Levels in Group Teleconferences

Номер: US20210021439A1

A system and method are disclosed for generating a teleconference space for two or more communication devices using a computer coupled with a database and comprising a processor and memory. The computer generates a teleconference space and transmits requests to join the teleconference space to the two or more communication devices. The computer stores in memory identification information for each of the two or more communication devices. Each of the two or more communication devices stores audiovisual data pertaining to one or more users associated with each of the two or more communication devices. Each communication device converts the audiovisual data into facial expressions data, generates emotions data from the facial expressions data, generates attention data from the emotions data, and reacts to the emotions data by generating and displaying an alert message on an audiovisual display device associated with one of the two or more communication devices. 1. A system , comprising:two or more communication devices; and generating a teleconference space;', 'transmitting requests to join the teleconference space to the two or more communication devices;', 'storing in the computer memory identification information for each of the two or more communication devices;', 'storing audiovisual data pertaining to one or more users associated with each of the two or more communication devices;', 'converting the audiovisual data into facial expressions data;', 'generating emotions data from the facial expressions data;', 'generating attention data from the emotions data; and', 'reacting to the attention data., 'a computer coupled with a database and comprising a processor and memory, the computer configured to generate a teleconference space in which the two or more communication devices participate by2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising the system converting the audiovisual data into facial expressions data by:assigning one or more data points to the facial structure ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043541A1

The present disclosure generally relates to user interfaces for managing electronic voice communications using an electronic device. In some embodiments, techniques for managing user contacts for electronic voice communications using an electronic device are described. In some embodiments, techniques for managing incoming and outgoing electronic voice communications using an electronic device are described. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a display device;a wireless communication radio;one or more processors; and displaying, via the display device, a communication user interface that includes an activatable indicator displayed with a first visual appearance;', 'receiving a first input corresponding to the activatable indicator displayed with the first visual appearance; and', [ initiating, via the wireless communication radio, a voice communication session with a second electronic device; and', 'displaying the activatable indicator with a second visual appearance; and, 'in accordance with a determination that the first input satisfies a set of input criteria, 'in accordance with a determination that the first input does not satisfy the set of input criteria, displaying the activatable indicator with a third visual appearance that is different from the second visual appearance, the third visual appearance including an indication of an input that would satisfy the set of input criteria, wherein displaying the activatable indicator with the third appearance occurs without initiating, via the wireless communication radio, a voice communication session with the second electronic device., 'in response to receiving the first input], 'memory storing one or more programs configured to be executed by the one or more processors, the one or more programs including instructions for2. The electronic device of claim 1 , the one or more programs further including instructions for:prior to displaying the communication user interface and prior to a determination that the second ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043623A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

An information processing system includes: an information processing apparatus configured to manage sharing of a screen performed by a plurality of screen-sharing terminals coupled communicably to the information processing apparatus; and an administrator terminal configured to have administrative authority and to be coupled to the information processing apparatus via a network. The information processing apparatus includes an information management unit and an instruction delivery unit. The administrator terminal includes an accepting unit a communication control unit. 1. An information processing system comprising:an information processing apparatus configured to manage sharing of a screen performed by a plurality of screen-sharing terminals coupled communicably to the information processing apparatus; andan administrator terminal configured to have administrative authority and to be coupled to the information processing apparatus via a network, an information management unit configured to manage information related to the plurality of screen-sharing terminals coupled communicably to the information processing apparatus, and', 'an instruction delivery unit configured to deliver, to an instruction destination, an instruction transmitted from the administrator terminal, the instruction causing the plurality of screen-sharing terminals to perform a process, and, 'wherein the information processing apparatus includes'} an accepting unit configured to accept an operation from a user to select, as the instruction destination, at least one screen-sharing terminal from among the plurality of screen-sharing terminals coupled communicably to the information processing apparatus and to select a process to be performed by the selected at least one screen-sharing terminal, and', 'a communication control unit configured to transmit, to the information processing apparatus, an instruction for causing the at least one screen-sharing terminal to perform the process selected by the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025416A1

A portable communication device implements a position indication method to determine and convey the relative locations of other portable communication devices in a group. In one embodiment, the portable communication devices are equipped with a GPS sensor and the position indication method determines relative locations of devices using GPS location data. In another embodiment, the portable communication devices determine relative locations of devices using the strength of the received signal as a proxy for distance. In some embodiments, the relative location information is conveyed to each portable communication device by modifying the audio signal playback. For example, a 3D audio playback may be used to convey the relative location information. In other embodiments, other non-audible location indication may be provided on each portable communication device. 1. A method in each of one or more portable communication devices for indicating to a first portable communication device relative locations of the other portable communication devices , the method comprising:receiving data packets at the first portable communication device, the data packets originating from one or more of the other portable communication devices and comprising audio data and position information data;collecting positional information data associated with each of the one or more other portable communication devices;forming, using the positional information, a virtual node map in a three-dimensional space, the virtual node map indicating relative locations of each of the one or more other portable communication devices to the first portable communication device;determining, using the virtual node map, a direction and a distance of each of the one or more other portable communication devices relative to the first portable communication device;generating audio streams from the received data packets, each audio stream being associated with one portable communication device;modifying each audio ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028682A1

A networking activity interactive system includes: a creating module for creating networking activity contents; an interactive module for receiving requests for participating the networking activity and participant data submitted by a user, to ensure only participant data in conformity with the networking activity contents is added to the participant user group of the networking activity, and the user is added to the participant user group; a database for storing the networking activity contents, the participant user group of the networking activity, and the participant reply content volume; and a presenting module for presenting the networking activity content and the participant reply content volume of the networking activity. Furthermore, a non-transitory computer readable recording medium, a client terminal and a server for networking activity interactive are also provided. 1. A networking activity interactive system comprising a client terminal , a server in communication with the client terminal and comprising a computer processor and a non-transitory computer readable recording memory coupled to the computer processor and comprising such computer processor executable instructions which , when executed , cause the computer processor to implement a networking activity interactive method , by performing:creating and storing networking activity contents, wherein the networking activity contents comprise an activity title, activity content, activity scheduled occurrence time, activity classification, participation conditions and activity examples; the detail procedure of determining whether the participant data submitted by the user is in conformity with the networking activity contents comprising: determining whether the participant data submitted by the user is in conformity with the participation conditions and the activity examples, if yes, storing the participant data submitted by the user into the participant reply volume of the networking activity, and ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Identifying topic experts among participants in a conference call

Номер: US20160028895A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A computing device determines one or more skills associated with one or more participants in a conference call. The computing device identifies one or more topics associated with a first time period of the conference call. The computing device designates a first set of participants as experts for at least one of the one or more topics associated with the first time period.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, communication platform determining method, transmission system, and transmission terminal

Номер: US20180027030A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An information processing apparatus that interconnects a plurality of transmission terminals supporting a plurality of communication platforms is provided. The information processing apparatus includes a state detection unit configured to detect a communication state relating to at least one of a communication between the transmission terminals and a communication between at least one of the transmission terminals and the information processing apparatus; a read unit configured to read from a storage unit communication platform determination information associating the plurality of communication platforms with the communication state; and a determination unit configured to determine that a communication platform of the plurality of communication platforms that is registered in the communication platform determination information in association with the communication state that has been detected by the state detection unit is to be used in the communication between the transmission terminals.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027031A1
Автор: Kodaira Itaru
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

An information processing apparatus includes a memory and circuitry. The memory stores shared information, identification information identifying each file of shared information in association with identification information of a group, and user identification information in association with the identification information of the group. The circuitry associates, with at least one file of shared information, masking information defining a masking target that a different group from the group associated with the file of the shared information is restricted from using. The circuitry accepts, from an information terminal, designation of a group for usage of the shared information. The circuitry determines whether any file of the shared information associated with the designated group is associated with the masking information. The circuitry determines one or more files of shared information to be transmitted to the information terminal. The circuitry transmits the determined shared information to the information terminal. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising: shared information,', 'identification information identifying each file of shared information in association with identification information of a group of users who share a use of the shared information, and', 'user identification information identifying a user in association with the identification information of the group; and, 'a memory to store associate, with at least one file of shared information stored in the memory, masking information defining a masking target that a different group from the group associated with the file of the shared information is restricted from using,', 'accept, from an information terminal, designation of a group for usage of the shared information,', 'determine whether any file of the shared information associated with the designated group is associated with the masking information,', 'determine one or more files of shared information to be transmitted to the information ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Providing Bridgeless Conferencing Services

Номер: US20150029899A1

A system and method for making a VoIP-based and other types of group calls includes a user interface adapted for use by a group call administrator via the Internet, a database manager connected to the user interface, and a database connected to the database manager. In one embodiment of the invention, the group call administrator identifier and one or more group call invitee identifiers is a telephone number. A method includes using call information from the database to initiate conference call connections and an administrator call connection to facilitate a conference call in which the administrators call connections and the participants connections are joined to allow communications between the participants and the administrator. 1. A method of establishing a conference call between an administrator and a group of users selected by the administrator as participants in the conference call , wherein the administrator and users are remote from a central location , comprising:receiving call information associated with the group of users from the administrator at the central location;initiating plural conference call connections from the central location to the participants based on call information;initiating an administrator conference call connection from the central location to the administrator; and,connecting the plural conference call connections to thereby allowing communications between the participants and connecting the administrators conference call connection at the central location, to thereby allow communications between the participants and the administrator.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising inviting ones in the group of users to participate in the conference call using the call information.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving a response at the central location from one or more participants in the group of users to the invitation; wherein the response includes participant preference information associated with the one or ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Assembling a presentation by processing selected sub-component parts linked to one other sub-component part

Номер: US20200027062A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The assembling of a presentation for a user by processing selected sub-component parts method using structuring inputs into a plurality of sub-component parts in an ordered-linear, wherein each of the sub-component parts contain change data. The sub-component parts are comprised of a reference that provides a link to one of: another one of the sub-component parts and a position in presentation data. The change data provides information on how to modify a part of presentation data responsive to the associated. The presentation data is assembled using the sub-component parts for a selected set of sub-component parts from the non-transitory memory responsive to said change data and the associated said reference. The presentation is viewed by a user responsive to the presentation data.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and computer program product for generating externally shared communication channels

Номер: US20190028287A1
Принадлежит: Slack Technologies LLC

Methods, apparatus and computer program product for creating an externally shared communication channel in a group-based communication platform are described herein. The group-based communication platform may have a plurality of database shards. A computer-implemented method may include receiving, from a first client device associated with an initiator group identification, a shared communication channel generation query associated with the initiator group identification and a target group identification; generating, in the group-based communication platform, a shared communication channel shard; transmitting, to a second client device associated with the target group identification, a shared communication channel acceptance request; receiving a shared communication channel acceptance notification; updating, in a main database, a shard referential table based on the initiator group identification, the target group identification, and the shared communication channel identification; and transmitting a shared communication channel interface of the shared communication channel based on the shared communication channel shard.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028952A1

A venue system being able to join a meeting offered by a meeting service for which the venue system itself is not native. Thus, the venue system might join into meetings offered by a variety of meeting services, to thereby take advantage of the substantial offerings of a venue system. Furthermore, the joining is done via a web application that is indeed native to the meeting service. Because the native web applications is offered by the same entity as the meeting services, the web applications are typically kept up-to-date to thereby take fuller advantage of newer offerings of the meeting services as the capabilities of the meeting services evolve. Accordingly, even without updating the venue system itself, the venue system is capable of offering more up-to-date services of a variety of different meeting services even though the venue service itself is not native to those various meeting services. 1. A computing system comprising:one or more processors; andone or more computer-readable media having thereon computer-executable instructions that are structured such that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the computing system to executing a meeting client application of a venue system, the meeting client application configured to join meetings of a plurality of different meeting services depending on patterns associated with join Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), the client application configured to:maintain a correlation between patterns and the plurality of meeting services; accessing a pattern associated with a join URL received by the venue system;', 'using the correlation to determine that the pattern is correlated with one of the plurality of meeting services;', 'in response to the determination, activating a join control in the venue system, wherein upon user selection of the join control, the join URL is selected; and', 'using a display of the venue system as a browser for rendering content of the joined meeting provided by a native web ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Online meeting failover to non-video connection

Номер: US20210028953A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

Online conference technology that permits failing over an online meeting to a non-video connection with the online meeting. While video is often important content of an online meeting, video connections are not always possible. The principles described herein failover to a non-video connection when a video connection is not to be made or continued between an online meeting that is hosted by an online meeting computing system and a participant computing system that interfaces with a participant in the online meeting. As examples, that non-video connection might include audio and potentially a sequence of images (albeit not video). Thus, a user might continue to listen to the online meeting, and may view presentations of image sequences, and may even view image samples of video being presented.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Messaging systems

Номер: US20170033941A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A messaging system is described that is configured to implement, via a suitable computerized device, a method for linking groups of users of a messaging system for a mobile computerized device. The method includes receiving group chat data from a first user, said group chat data including one or more topics, to create an open messaging chat and displaying a list of other users that have joined the open messaging chat to the first user.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051652A1

Managing noise during an online conference session includes obtaining audio data from an endpoint participating in an online conference session. The audio data is derived from audio captured at the endpoint that includes musical sounds. The audio data is processed to identify a portion of the audio data in which a decibel level of the musical sounds is stable for a period of time. Non-musical noise present, if any, in the audio data with the musical sounds is identified and the non-musical noise is attenuated from the audio data to generate noise-reduced musical audio data. The noise-reduced musical audio data is transmitted for play out at one or more other endpoints participating in the online conference session. 1. A method comprising:obtaining audio data from an endpoint participating in an online conference session, the audio data derived from audio captured at the endpoint that includes musical sounds;processing the audio data to identify a portion of the audio data in which a decibel level of the musical sounds is stable for a period of time;identifying non-musical noise present, if any, in the audio data with the musical sounds;attenuating the non-musical noise from the audio data to generate noise-reduced musical audio data; andtransmitting the noise-reduced musical audio data for play out at one or more other endpoints participating in the online conference session.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the period of time is three seconds or more.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing of the audio data further comprises:determining that the decibel level is stable when the decibel level of the musical sounds remains within a predetermined range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the audio data comprises a plurality of frequency sub-bands and the processing claim 1 , the identifying claim 1 , and the attenuating is performed for each of the plurality of frequency sub-bands.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the attenuating of the non-musical noise ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

System and method of providing recommendation content

Номер: US20160036897A1

A system and method for providing recommendation content is disclosed. A cloud storage server for recommending content includes a storage unit for providing a folder that stores content of a user in the cloud storage server; a communication unit for providing a device of the user with information regarding the content stored in the folder of the user; and a control unit for determining recommendation content that is to be recommended to the user among contents in the cloud storage server based on the content of the user stored in the folder, storing reference information for accessing the determined recommendation content in the folder of the user included in the cloud storage server, and controlling the communication unit to provide the device of the user with the reference information of the recommendation content such that the device of the user accesses the recommendation content.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Sharing content within an evolving content-sharing zone

Номер: US20150039692A1

A user selects a content item that he wishes to send. He then performs a “sending” gesture and specifies an initial “content-sharing zone.” In order to be eligible to receive the selected content item, a receiving device must be located within the content-sharing zone. However, the content-sharing zone can evolve over time. It can grow in size, change shape, or move (e.g., it can remain centered on the sending user as he moves). A potential recipient makes a “receiving” gesture, and, if the location of the receiving device is located within the evolving content-sharing zone, as currently defined, then the content item is sent from the sending device to the receiving device (either directly or via a content server). A maximum size or duration of the evolving content-sharing zone can be specified. Other restrictions can be stated so that, for example, only intended recipients can receive the content item.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052864A1

A device for providing a location-based automatic participation chat room, the device, when a request to open a chat room is received along with service location information from at least one host terminal, creates at least one chat room, and sets a chat room identifier and a recognition code corresponding to each of the at least one chat room, and when at least one guest terminal accesses a location corresponding to the service location information using a pre-set participation means or the recognition code included in the participation means is received, makes the guest terminal participate in the chat room corresponding to the recognition code. 1. A device for providing a location-based automatic participation chat room ,when a request to open a chat room is received along with service location information from at least one host terminal, creating at least one chat room, and setting a chat room identifier and a recognition code corresponding to each of the at least one chat room, andwhen at least one guest terminal accesses a location corresponding to the service location information using a pre-set participation means or the recognition code included in the participation means is received, making the guest terminal participate in the chat room corresponding to the recognition code.2. The device for providing a location-based automatic participation chat room according to claim 1 , wherein the device claim 1 ,when a conversation is transmitted from at least one guest terminal or host terminal, filters whether the chat room identifier is included,if the chat room identifier is not included, forwards the transmitted conversation to other guest terminals and host terminals participated in the same chat room, andif the chat room identifier is included, forwards the transmitted conversation to other guest terminals and host terminals participated in the chat room corresponding to the chat room identifier.3. The device for providing a location-based automatic ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Secure Video Conferencing System For A Meeting Room

Номер: US20220052986A1
Автор: Bran Cary Arnold
Принадлежит: Plantronics, Inc.

A secure video conferencing system for a meeting room is discussed. The secure video conferencing system comprising a camera for capturing video of at least one writing board in the meeting room and to provide video data thereof; and processing circuitry, connected at least with the camera to receive the video data. The processing circuitry is configured to determine a change in room occupancy of the meeting room and to detect user content on the at least one writing board using the video data. The processing circuitry is further configured to provide a security notification if upon the determination of the change in room occupancy, user content is present on the at least one writing board. 1. A secure video conferencing system for a meeting room , comprising at least:a camera for capturing video of at least one writing board in the meeting room and to provide video data thereof; andprocessing circuitry, connected at least with the camera to receive the video data; whereinthe processing circuitry is configured to determine a change in room occupancy of the meeting room and to detect user content on the at least one writing board using the video data; and whereinthe processing circuitry is further configured to provide a security notification if upon the determination of the change in room occupancy, user content is present on the at least one writing board.2. The secure video conferencing system of claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry is configured to provide the security notification until it is detected that the user content is removed from the at least one writing board.3. The secure video conferencing system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of a video device and a speaker claim 1 , wherein the security notification is provided in the meeting room with at least one of the video device and the speaker.4. The secure video conferencing system of claim 1 , further comprising a communication interface claim 1 , connected with the processing circuitry ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Optimizing Dynamic Open Space Environments Through a Reservation Service Using Collaboration Data

Номер: US20220053036A1

The present disclosure is directed to optimizing dynamic open space environments and includes one or more processors and one or more computer-readable non-transitory storage media coupled to the one or more processors and comprising instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause one or more components to perform operations including receiving a reservation request for a workspace through a user device associated with a user; deriving dynamic user information comprising collaboration data derived from a collaboration service, the collaboration data based on a collaboration history of the user; analyzing the user information to determine one or more workspace suggestions for the user; transmitting the one or more workspace suggestions to the user device; receiving, through the user device, a workspace selection from the one or more workspace suggestions; and updating a reservation of the user in accordance with the workspace selection. 1. A system , comprising:one or more processors; and{'claim-text': ['receiving a reservation request for a workspace through a user device associated with a user;', 'deriving dynamic user information, wherein the user information comprises collaboration data derived from a collaboration service, the collaboration data based on a collaboration history of the user that includes identification information of one or more collaborators who are determined to have been engaged in enhanced communications with the user during a predetermined period of time;', 'analyzing the user information to determine one or more workspace suggestions for the user;', 'transmitting the one or more workspace suggestions to the user device;', 'receiving, through the user device, a workspace selection from the one or more workspace suggestions; and', 'updating a reservation of the user in accordance with the workspace selection.'], '#text': 'one or more computer-readable non-transitory storage media comprising instructions that, when ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Collaboration system and method

Номер: US20150039986A1
Автор: Patrick A. Thomas
Принадлежит: CollaborateNow LLC

A system to provide an environment for two or more people to collaborate on a project, share experiences, or meet new people. An administrator (which may also be a user or group moderator) can use a smart phone application or web browser to create a new group that one or more users may be a member. The administrator may use software on a computer to generate a symbol associated with this group.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Collecting and sharing live video and screen feeds of participants in a virtual collaboration room

Номер: US20220053165A1
Автор: Sameer Maini
Принадлежит: Global Imports LLC

Systems and methods for sharing data streams in a virtual collaboration room. The method includes receiving a user video data stream from a user device for display to one or more other participants in the virtual collaboration environment and receiving a user screen sharing data stream from the user device for display to the one or more other participants in the collaboration environment. The method further includes providing a participant video data stream and a participant screen sharing data stream associated with each participant of the one or more other participants in the collaboration environment to the user device, the data streams associated with each participant configured for simultaneous display with each other participant data stream at the user device and simultaneous display with the user video data stream and the user screen sharing data stream to the one or more other participants.
