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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 13718. Отображено 200.
10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586888C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки видеоизображений и, в частности, к способу кодирования/декодирования матрицы квантования в изображении. Техническим результатом является обеспечение высокоэффективного кодирования/декодирования матриц квантования посредством горизонтального/вертикального сканирования при кодировании матриц квантования. Предложено устройство кодирования изображений, которое содержит: модуль разделения на блоки, сконфигурированный с возможностью разделять входное изображение на множество блоков, модуль прогнозирования, сконфигурированный с возможностью осуществлять прогнозирование на основе кодированных пикселов, чтобы формировать ошибки прогнозирования, модуль преобразования, сконфигурированный с возможностью осуществлять ортогональное преобразование для ошибок прогнозирования, чтобы формировать коэффициенты преобразования, модуль формирования матриц квантования, сконфигурированный с возможностью формировать матрицы квантования, которые используются, чтобы квантовать ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582057C2

Изобретение относится к технологиям кодирования/декодирования видеоданных. Техническим результатом является уменьшение объема кода, требуемого для обработки данных изображений, за счет передачи значения заменяющего коэффициента, вместо коэффициента, расположенного в начале матрицы квантования. Предложено устройство обработки изображений. Устройство содержит задающий модуль, модуль повышающего преобразования, модель замены, модуль деквантования. Устройство содержит модуль замены, выполненный с возможностью замены заменяющим коэффициентом, коэффициента, расположенного в начале подвергшейся повышающему преобразованию матрицы квантования, заданной модулем повышающего преобразования. Устройство содержит модуль деквантования, выполненный с возможностью выполнения деквантования квантованных данных, получаемых посредством декодирования кодированных данных, с использованием подвергшейся повышающему преобразованию матрицы квантования, в которой коэффициент, расположенный в начале, заменен модулем ...

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2597509C2

Изобретение относится к технологиям кодирования/декодирования видеоданных. Техническим результатом является уменьшение объема кода, требуемого для обработки данных изображений, за счет передачи значения заменяющего коэффициента, вместо коэффициента, расположенного в начале матрицы квантования. Предложено устройство обработки изображений. Устройство содержит задающий модуль, модуль квантования, передающий модуль. Задающий модуль осуществляет задание заменяющего разностного коэффициента, который представляет собой разность между заменяющим коэффициентом и коэффициентом, расположенным в начале матрицы квантования, размер которой ограничен размером, не превышающим размер передачи, который представляет собой максимальный размер, допускаемый при передаче данных. Заменяющий коэффициент используется для замены коэффициента, расположенного в начале подвергшейся повышающему преобразованию матрицы квантования, полученной посредством повышающего преобразования матрицы квантования до того же размера ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595624C2

Изобретение относится к обработке изображений. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности кодирования изображений за счет уменьшения количества кодов параметров матрицы квантования. Устройство обработки изображения содержит блок установки, блок квантования и блок кодирования. Блок установки выполнен с возможностью установки первой матрицы квантования и второй матрицы квантования в качестве матриц квантования, используемых в случае квантования. Блок квантования выполнен с возможностью квантования данных изображения с использованием матриц квантования, установленных блоком установки, для генерирования квантованных данных. Блок кодирования выполнен с возможностью кодирования квантованных данных для генерирования кодированного потока, включающего в себя параметр, указывающий, следует ли использовать в качестве второй матрицы квантования, соответствующей второму идентификатору, ту же матрицу квантования, что и первая матрица квантования, соответствующая первому идентификатору.

21-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2792225C2
Принадлежит: КТ КОРПОРЕЙШЕН (KR)

Изобретение относится к способам и устройствам обработки видеосигнала. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности кодирования/декодирования изображений. Результат достигается тем, что декодирование изображения включает этапы, на которых: получают остаточные коэффициенты текущего блока; выполняют обратное квантование остаточных коэффициентов; выполняют вторичное обратное преобразование в отношении обратно-квантованных остаточных коэффициентов и выполняют первичное обратное преобразование в отношении результата выполнения вторичного обратного преобразования. Вторичное обратное преобразование можно выполнять для частичной области текущего блока. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 4 табл.

14-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2710873C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности декодирования цветного изображения. Способ декодирования цветного изображения из потока битов, в котором получают дополнительный компонент яркости посредством линейного комбинирования компонентов яркости и цветности, полученных из потока битов; получают первый компонент посредством применения нелинейной функции динамического расширения к дополнительному компоненту яркости, чтобы динамика первого компонента увеличивалась по сравнению с динамикой дополнительного компонента яркости; получают нормализованный коэффициент умножения из коэффициента умножения, полученного из потока битов и первого компонента; восстанавливают цветовой компонент цветного изображения, которое должно декодироваться, из компонентов цветности и первого компонента посредством этапов, на которых: получают промежуточные компоненты цветности из компонентов цветности и нормализованного коэффициента умножения; получают ...

19-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2619888C2

Изобретение относится к кодированию и декодированию данных. Техническим результатом является повышение качества изображения при кодировании и декодировании данных. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: прогнозируют яркостные и/или цветоразностные отсчеты изображения на основе других соответствующих опорных отсчетов, полученных из этого же изображения согласно режиму прогнозирования; определяют разности между отсчетами и соответствующими прогнозируемыми отсчетами; разлагают на частотные составляющие обнаруженные разности для блока отсчетов; выбирают схемы сканирования из группы двух или более схем-кандидатов сканирования; на этапе выбора выбирают схему горизонтального сканирования применительно к группе преимущественно вертикальных режимов прогнозирования, выбирают схему вертикального сканирования применительно к группе преимущественно горизонтальных режимов прогнозирования и выбирают схему диагонального сканирования применительно к другим режимам прогнозирования и кодируют разложенные на частотные ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571404C2
Принадлежит: НЕК КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к средствам кодирования видео. Техническим результатом является повышение скорости кодирования параметра квантования видео. В способе генерируют предсказанный параметр квантования из прошлого восстановленного параметра квантования, генерируют дельта-параметр квантования из параметра квантования и предсказанного параметра квантования, выполняют двоичное арифметическое кодирование первого бина, указывающего, является ли дельта-параметр квантования значащим, второго бина, указывающего, является ли дельта-параметр квантования положительным или отрицательным, бинов, указывающих абсолютное значение дельта-параметра квантования, в случае, если дельта-параметр квантования является значащим. 6 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599935C2

Изобретение относится к технологиям кодирования и декодирования видеосигнала. Техническим результатом является повышение разрешения изображений за счет осуществления интерполяции прогнозирования. Предложен способ генерирования модулей прогнозирования для декодирования видеосигнала, причем способ выполняют в отношении видеосигнала форматов 4:2:0 и 4:2:2. Способ включает в себя этап, на котором генерируют модули прогнозирования текущего изображения из одного или более сохраненных изображений, предшествующих текущему изображению, при этом на этапе генерирования. Далее, согласно способу, для видеосигнала формата 4:2:0 получают отсчеты интерполированного модуля прогнозирования с использованием фильтра яркости х4 с 8 отводами, применяемого в вертикальном и горизонтальном направлениях к сохраненному модулю прогнозирования яркости, причем фильтр яркости х4 является фильтром интерполяции, четырехкратно увеличивающим разрешение, и с использованием фильтра цветности х8 с 4 отводами в горизонтальном ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604340C2
Принадлежит: ИНФОБРИДЖ ПТЕ. ЛТД, (SG)

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству декодирования изображения, а именно к адаптивному формированию блока прогнозирования и остаточного блока. Технический результат, заключающийся в уменьшении длительности внутреннего прогнозирования и уменьшении количества битов кодирования остаточного блока, достигается за счет выполнения этапов: получают режим внутреннего прогнозирования единицы прогнозирования, используя три режима внутреннего прогнозирования; определяют размер текущего блока; формируют блок прогнозирования текущего блока в соответствии с режимом внутреннего прогнозирования. Так же формируют остаточный блок текущего блока; формируют восстановленный блок текущего блока, причем размер текущего блока равен или меньше размера единицы прогнозирования. Выполняют обратное сканирование информации о квантованных коэффициентах для формирования квантованного блока. Выполняют обратное квантование и преобразование квантованного блока. Параметр квантования формируют, используя предиктор параметра ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586024C2

Изобретение относится к средствам и методам кодирования и декодирования изображений. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности параллельного кодирования/декодирования в качестве всей обработки. Устройство выполнено с возможностью разделять изображение на один или более слайсов, каждый из которых включает в себя множество блоков, и кодировать каждый слайс по блокам, включает в себя первый модуль кодирования, выполненный с возможностью кодировать блоки, включенные в первую часть слайса, и второй модуль кодирования, выполненный с возможностью кодировать блоки, включенные во вторую часть слайса, причем, когда второй модуль кодирования кодирует начальный блок во второй части, второй модуль кодирования кодирует начальный блок, включенный во вторую часть, посредством обращения к первому параметру квантования, обеспеченному для слайса в качестве начального значения и к которому обращается первый модуль кодирования, когда первый модуль кодирования кодирует начальный блок в первой части. 16 ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586572C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в минимизации объема данных изображения с визуальным динамическим диапазоном (VDR), которые подлежат переносу на уровнях расширения. Способ кодирования включает прием входного VDR-изображения в последовательности входных изображений, причем указанный VDR является широким или расширенным динамическим диапазоном, где входное VDR-изображение содержит первую битовую глубину; выбор конкретной функции усовершенствованного квантования из одной или нескольких доступных функций усовершенствованного квантования; применение функции усовершенствованного квантования к входному VDR-изображению для генерирования входного изображения базового уровня, где входное изображение базового уровня содержит вторую битовую глубину, которая является меньшей, чем первая битовая глубина; сжатие данных изображения, полученных из входного изображения базового уровня, в видеосигнал базового уровня (BL); и сжатие остаточных данных изображений ...

03-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742221C2

Изобретение относится к области компьютерной техники. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении задержки за счет компенсации движения. Выполняемый на компьютере способ для кеширования векторов движения предусматривает: передачу ранее сгенерированной библиотеки векторов движения от сервера клиенту, причем библиотека векторов движения может храниться на клиенте; передачу клиенту команды на отслеживание данных ввода от пользователя; передачу клиенту команды на вычисление оценки движения исходя из данных ввода; и передачу клиенту команды на обновление сохраненной библиотеки векторов движения, клиент применяет сохраненную библиотеку векторов движения для инициации движения в графическом интерфейсе перед приемом актуальных данных вектора движения от сервера. 2 н. и 18 з.п ф-лы, 13 ил.

18-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753643C2

Изобретение относится к кодированию видео и, в частности, к методикам разделения изображения видеоданных. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности кодирования изображения видеоданных. Предложен способ формирования прогнозирования для области видеоданных, включающий прием прямоугольного видеоблока, включающего в себя значения выборки, и формирование прогнозируемого значения выборки для каждой выборки, включенной в видеоблок, путем усреднения горизонтальной интерполяции и вертикальной интерполяции, соответствующих местоположению выборки в видеоблоке. 4 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил., 9 табл.

09-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699677C2

Изобретение относится к технологиям энтропийного декодирования/кодирования видеоданных. Технический результат заключается в улучшении эффективности декодирования/кодирования видеоданных за счет оптимизации инициализированного состояния вероятности для каждого контекста. Декодер содержит: энтропийный декодер, извлекающий число бинов бинаризаций из потока данных с использованием двоичного энтропийного декодирования посредством выбора контекста из числа различных контекстов и обновления состояний вероятности; модуль преобразования из символьной формы, осуществляющий дебинаризацию бинаризаций элементов синтаксиса; модуль восстановления, восстанавливающий видео на основе целочисленных значений элементов синтаксиса с использованием параметра квантования, при этом энтропийный декодер проводит различие между 126 состояниями вероятности и инициализирует состояния вероятности, ассоциированные с различными контекстами, согласно линейному уравнению параметра квантования, также для каждого из различных ...

23-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678168C2

Изобретение относится к средствам для кодирования и декодирования. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности кодирования. Выполняют квантование входного сигнала для получения множества квантованных значений с использованием мертвой зоны. Кодируют множество квантованных значений с использованием схемы энтропийного кодирования для получения множества значений после энтропийного кодирования. Выполняют квантование остаточного сигнала, образованного квантованием входного сигнала, причем выполнение квантования остаточного сигнала содержит этап, на котором определяют для ненулевого квантованного значения по меньшей мере одно квантованное остаточное значение в зависимости от ширины мертвой зоны секции квантования. Формируют битовый поток из множества значений после энтропийного кодирования и множества квантованных остаточных значений. Формирование битового потока содержит этап, на котором присоединяют по меньшей мере одно квантованное остаточное значение или множество квантованных ...

20-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2350041C2

Изобретение относится к системам кодирования/декодирования сжатого изображения с использованием ортогонального преобразования и прогнозирования/компенсации движения на основе разрешающей способности компонентов цвета и цветового пространства входного сигнала изображения. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности кодирования/ декодирования изображений формата 4:2:2, формата 4:4:4, пространства цветов RGB и/или пространства цветов XYZ. Предложено устройство (10) кодирования информации изображения. Блок (23) прогнозирования с внутренним кодированием предназначен для адаптивного изменения размера блока при генерировании прогнозируемого изображения, на основе сигнала формата цветности, указывающего, является ли разрешающая способность компонентов цвета одним из формата 4:2:0, формата 4:2:2 и формата 4:4:4, и сигнала цветового пространства, указывающего, является ли цветовое пространство одним из YCbCr, RGB и XYZ. Блок (14) ортогонального преобразования и блок (15) квантизации ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615675C2

Изобретение относится к декодированию и кодированию изображения. Технический результат – повышение эффективности кодирования параметров квантования. Способ декодирования изображения содержит этапы, на которых получают, когда блок, соседствующий слева с текущим блоком, и блок, соседствующий сверху с текущим блоком, можно использовать в качестве опорных блоков, прогнозный параметр квантования на основе среднего значения параметра квантования для блока, соседствующего слева, и параметра квантования для блока, соседствующего сверху; получают, когда блок, соседствующий слева с текущим блоком, и блок, соседствующий сверху с текущим блоком, нельзя использовать в качестве опорных блоков, прогнозный параметр квантования на основе параметра квантования модуля обработки, не соседствующего с текущим блоком; получают из потоковой информации разностную информацию, указывающую разность между полученным прогнозным параметром квантования и параметром квантования текущего блока; и генерируют параметр квантования ...

20-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2476000C2

Изобретение относится к кодированию цифровых мультимедийных данных с преобразованием. Техническим результатом является обеспечение гибкого квантования по различным измерениям кодированных цифровых мультимедийных данных. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что предложен цифровой мультимедийный кодер/декодер, который использует метод гибкого квантования, который предоставляет возможность изменять квантование по различным измерениям закодированных цифровых мультимедийных данных, включающим пространственные каналы, каналы частотных поддиапазонов и цветовые каналы. Кодек эффективно использует схему сигнализации для сигнализации различных перестановок комбинаций гибкого квантования для исходных сценариев использования. Когда выбор квантователя доступен, кодек эффективно кодирует текущий квантователь, определяя подмножество квантователей и индексирует текущий квантователь из набора. 5 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

29-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2796934C2
Принадлежит: ОП СОЛЮШНЗ, ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к области кодирования и сжатия видео, в частности к измерениям пространственных действий для изображений на основе блоков. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности кодирования видео. Предложено устройство кодирования, содержащее схему для приема кадра видео, разбиения кадра видео на множество блоков, определения соответствующей измерения пространственной активности для каждого блока из этой совокупности нескольких блоков и кодирования, с использованием матрицы преобразования, кадра видео в соответствии с «мерой пространственной активности/действий», которая обозначает величину, указывающую, как часто и с какой амплитудой изменяется текстура в пределах соответствующего блока. Таким образом «плоские», «гладкие» области, такие как небо, будут иметь небольшую меру пространственных действий, тогда как сложные области, такие как трава, должны получить большую меру пространственных действий. Процедура определения соответствующей измерения пространственных ...

14-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2779898C1

Изобретение относится к средствам для кодирования видео. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности кодирования. Декодируют элементы синтаксиса на основе одного или более из множества контекстов, используемых при бинарном энтропийном декодировании. Причем по меньшей мере один из множества контекстов инициализируется на основе параметра квантования, значения наклона и значения смещения. Причем значение наклона и значение смещения являются четырехбитными переменными, определенными на основе разных частей 8-битного значения инициализации, ассоциированного с упомянутым по меньшей мере одним контекстом. Восстанавливают видео на основе энтропийно декодированных элементов синтаксиса и параметра квантования. 5 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 19 ил.

07-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020114319A3

29-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016122546A3

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016142728A3

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2480940C2

Изобретение относится к цифровому видеокодированию, а более конкретно к способам квантования для видеокодирования. Техническим результатом является создание способа квантования коэффициентов видеоблоков, посредством которого можно достичь требуемого баланса скорости и искажения. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что посредством описанных способов можно анализировать множество уровней квантования, связанных с каждым отдельным коэффициентом, для выбора уровня квантования для отдельных коэффициентов, который в результате приводит к наименьшей величине затрат на кодирование. Так как при контекстнозависимом адаптивном кодировании с переменной длиной кодового слова (CAVLC) каждый коэффициент не кодируется независимо, то посредством упомянутых способов можно рассчитывать величины затрат на кодирование для каждого из уровней квантования-кандидата, связанных с отдельными коэффициентами, на основе уровней квантования, выбранных для ранее квантованных коэффициентов, и оцененных (или ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621967C1
Принадлежит: ИНФОБРИДЖ ПТЕ. ЛТД. (SG)

Изобретение относится к области декодирования видеоданных. Технический результат – повышение эффективности декодирования видеоданных посредством выбора различных фильтров согласно положению пикселей предсказания. Способ декодирования видеоданных содержит этапы, на которых: получают индекс опорного изображения и вектор движения текущего элемента предсказания; генерируют блок предсказания текущего элемента предсказания с использованием индекса опорного изображения и вектора движения; генерируют квантованный блок посредством обратного сканирования составляющих квантованных коэффициентов; генерируют преобразованный блок посредством обратного квантования квантованного блока с использованием параметра квантования; генерируют остаточный блок посредством обратного преобразования преобразованного блока; и генерируют восстановленные пиксели с использованием блока предсказания и остаточного блока, при этом пиксели предсказания блока предсказания генерируют с использованием интерполирующего фильтра ...

20-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636125C1
Принадлежит: НЕК КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к области кодирования и декодирования видео. Техническим результатом является декодирование параметра квантования видео для декодирования видео, которое использует контекстно-адаптивное двоичное арифметическое кодирование. Раскрыт способ декодирования параметра квантования видео для декодирования параметра квантования для процесса декодирования видео, который основан на контекстно-адаптивном двоичном арифметическом кодировании, способ декодирования параметра квантования видео состоит в том, что: генерируют предсказанный параметр квантования из прошлого восстановленного параметра квантования; и выполняют двоичное арифметическое декодирование первой ячейки, указывающей, является ли дельта-параметр квантования значащим, ячейки знака, указывающей, является ли дельта-параметр квантования положительным или отрицательным, и других ячеек, указывающих абсолютное значение дельта-параметра квантования, при этом двоичное арифметическое декодирование выполняют, не используя контекст ...

23-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695531C1

Изобретение относится к средствам кодирования и декодирования изображения для использования при сжатии и записи динамического изображения. Технический результат – обеспечение параллельного кодирования/декодирования в качестве всей обработки. Изобретение обеспечивает кодирование изображения, выполненное с возможностью разделять изображение на один или более слайсов, каждый из которых включает в себя множество блоков, и кодировать каждый слайс по блокам, включает в себя первый модуль кодирования, выполненный с возможностью кодировать блоки, включенные в первую часть слайса, и второй модуль кодирования, выполненный с возможностью кодировать блоки, включенные во вторую часть слайса, причем когда второй модуль кодирования кодирует начальный блок во второй части, второй модуль кодирования кодирует начальный блок, включенный во вторую часть, посредством обращения к первому параметру квантования, обеспеченному для слайса в качестве начального значения, и к которому обращается первый модуль кодирования ...

20-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709797C1
Принадлежит: ЭППЛ ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к кодированию/декодированию видеосигналов. Технический результат - расширение арсенала технических средств квантования цветности для сигнализации дополнительных значений сдвига параметра квантования (QP) цветности. Предложен способ сигнализации дополнительных значений сдвига QP цветности, которые являются конкретными для групп квантования, причем каждая группа квантования явно задает свой собственный набор значений сдвига QP цветности. Альтернативно, задают таблицу возможных наборов значений сдвига QP цветности в области заголовка изображения, и каждая группа квантования использует индекс для выбора записи из таблицы, для определения своего собственного набора значений сдвига QP цветности. Конкретные значения сдвига QP цветности группы квантования затем используют для определения значений QP цветности для блоков в пределах группы квантования, дополнительно к значениям сдвига QP цветности, уже заданным для более высоких уровней иерархии кодирования видеосигналов. 17 ...

06-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656718C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении ухудшения субъективного качества изображения для декодированного изображения. Устройство обработки изображений содержит схему, выполненную с возможностью установки флага, определяющего, имеется ли разностный параметр квантования, а текущий параметр квантования для текущего кодированного блока сформирован посредством разделения блока, при котором рекурсивно разделяют наибольший блок кодирования на меньшие блоки кодирования; квантования данных коэффициента преобразования, на основе установленного текущего параметра квантования для генерирования квантованных данных и кодирования указанных квантованных данных для генерирования потока битов, содержащего указанный флаг. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 43 ил.

24-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642373C1

Группа изобретений относится к технологиям энтропийного декодирования/кодирования видеоданных. Техническим результатом является улучшение эффективности декодирования/кодирования видеоданных за счет оптимизации инициализированного состояния вероятности для каждого контекста. Предложен декодер для декодирования массива информационных выборок из потока данных, в который элементы синтаксиса кодируются с использованием бинаризаций элементов синтаксиса. Декодер включает в себя энтропийный декодер, модуль преобразования из символьной формы, модуль восстановления. Энтропийный декодер сконфигурирован с возможностью извлекать число бинов бинаризаций из потока данных с использованием двоичного энтропийного декодирования посредством выбора контекста из числа различных контекстов и обновления состояний вероятности. Модуль преобразования из символьной формы сконфигурирован с возможностью осуществлять дебинаризацию бинаризаций элементов синтаксиса, чтобы получать целочисленные значения элементов синтаксиса ...

21-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707411C9

Изобретение относится к технологии кодирования и декодирования движущихся изображений. Технический результат - предоставление технологии, обеспечивающей повышение эффективности кодирования за счет снижения величины кода параметра квантования. Предлагается устройство кодирования видео, в котором каждый кадр изображения видео разделятся на первые блоки заданного размера, которые затем разделяются на один или несколько вторых блоков, и видео кодируется в единицах блоков. Блок вычисления параметров квантования вычисляет параметр квантования второго блока. Блок вывода предсказанных параметров квантования выводит предсказанный параметр квантования второго блока, используя параметр квантования третьего блока, который примыкает ко второму блоку слева, и четвертого блока, который примыкает ко второму блоку сверху. Блок генерации разностных параметров квантования генерирует разностный параметр квантования второго блока из разности между параметром квантования второго блока и предсказанным параметром ...

17-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627103C9
Принадлежит: НЕК КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к области кодирования и декодирования параметров квантования изображений. Техническим результатом является кодирование параметра квантования изображений для кодирования изображений, которое использует контекстно-адаптивное двоичное арифметическое кодирование. Раскрыт способ кодирования параметров квантования изображений для кодирования параметра квантования для процесса кодирования видео, который основан на контекстно-адаптивном двоичном арифметическом кодировании, причем способ кодирования параметров квантования изображений содержит этапы, на которых: генерируют предсказанный параметр квантования из восстановленного в прошлом параметра квантования; генерируют дельта-параметр квантования из параметра квантования и предсказанного параметра квантования; и осуществляют двоичное арифметическое кодирование первой ячейки, указывающей, является ли дельта-параметр квантования значимым, других ячеек, которые идут после упомянутой первой ячейки, указывающей абсолютное значение ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663199C1

Изобретение относится к декодированию изображений. Техническим результатом является обеспечение высокоэффективного декодирования матриц квантования. Предложено устройство декодирования изображений, содержащее: средство получения из битового потока, значения разности между элементами, включенными в матрицу квантования из n строк x n столбцов (n является целым числом, которое ≥4); средство извлечения первого элемента посредством суммирования первого значения разности из множества значений разности, полученных средством получения, и предопределенного начального значения и извлечения (r-го) элемента посредством суммирования r-го (r является целым числом, которое ≥2) значения разности из упомянутого множества значений разности и (r-1)-го элемента, чтобы извлечь множество элементов; и средство ассоциирования упомянутого множества элементов, извлеченных средством извлечения, с элементами в матрице квантования, которая может быть выражена в двумерном массиве, при этом когда средство ассоциирования ...

07-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653256C1
Принадлежит: НЕК КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к области декодирования параметров квантования видео. Техническим результатом является декодирование параметра квантования видео для процесса декодирования видео на основе контекстно-адаптивного двоичного арифметического кодирования. Раскрыт способ декодирования параметра квантования видео для декодирования параметра квантования для процесса декодирования видео, который основан на контекстно-адаптивном двоичном арифметическом кодировании, способ декодирования параметра квантования видео состоит в том, что генерируют предсказанный параметр квантования из прошлого восстановленного параметра квантования; выполняют двоичное арифметическое декодирование первого бина, указывающего, является ли дельта-параметр квантования значащим, бина знака, указывающего, является ли дельта-параметр квантования положительным или отрицательным, и других бинов, указывающих абсолютное значение дельта-параметра квантования; генерируют дельта-параметр квантования путем дебинаризации упомянутого ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559751C1

Изобретение относится к средствам декодирования видеоданных. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности декодирования. В способе получают информацию о разделении блока кодирования; разделяют изображение на блоки кодирования глубин с использованием информации о разделении; получают режим квантования, указывающий, какая глубина блока кодирования содержит дельту параметров квантования; определяют глубину блока кодирования, содержащего дельту параметров квантования; когда глубина текущего блока кодирования соответствует определенной глубине блока кодирования, получают дельту параметров квантования для текущего блока кодирования из упомянутого битового потока; выполняют обратное квантование над блоками преобразования, включенными в текущий блок кодирования, с использованием дельты параметров квантования. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 23 ил., 8 табл.

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156636A

... 1. Способ декодирования видеоданных, причем способ содержит:получение информации о разделении блока кодирования из принятого битового потока;разделение изображения на один или несколько блоков кодирования глубин с использованием информации о разделении; получение из битового потока режима квантования, указывающего, какая глубина блока кодирования содержит дельту параметров квантования;определение глубины блока кодирования, содержащей дельту параметров квантования, на основании режима квантования;получение дельты параметров квантования на основании определенной глубины блока кодирования из битового потока; ивыполнение обратного квантования над блоками преобразования, включенными в определенную глубину блока кодирования, с использованием дельты параметров квантования,причемизображение разделено на множество максимальных блоков кодирования,максимальный блок кодирования является иерархически разделенным на один или несколько блоков кодирования с глубинами, включающими в себя по меньшей мере ...

10-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008138706A

... 1. Устройство кодирования изображения, содержащее: ! преобразователь глубины пикселя в битах для преобразования глубины в битах каждого пикселя входного изображения, сформированного из множества пикселей, каждый из которых имеет глубину N бит, до глубины (N+M) бит, которая больше глубины N бит на М бит; ! генератор предсказываемого изображения для создания предсказываемого изображения глубиной (N+M) бит по входному изображению глубиной (N+M) бит исходя из опорного изображения глубиной (N+M) бит; ! вычитатель для получения дифференциального сигнала между входным изображением глубиной (N+M) бит и предсказываемым изображением глубиной (N+M) бит; ! кодер для кодирования дифференциального сигнала и вывода информации о кодированном изображении; ! декодер для вывода декодированного разностного изображения на основе информации о кодировании изображения; ! сумматор для добавления предсказываемого изображения глубиной (N+M) бит к декодированному разностному изображению глубиной (N+M) бит и вывода ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013125499A

... 1. Устройство для обработки изображения, содержащее:секцию генератора, конфигурированную для генерации на основе первой матрицы квантования, соответствующей единице преобразования первого размера, второй матрицы квантования, соответствующей единице преобразования второго размера; исекцию обратного квантования, конфигурированную для обратного квантования данных коэффициентов преобразования для данных изображения с использованием второй матрицы квантования, сформированной секцией генератора, когда для обратного ортогонального преобразования применяется единица преобразования для второго размера.2. Устройство для обработки изображения по п.1, отличающееся тем, что секция генератора формирует вторую матрицу квантования с применением дублирования элементов первой матрицы квантования.3. Устройство для обработки изображения по п.2, отличающееся тем, что секция генератора формирует вторую матрицу квантования путем дублирования одного из элементов - первого элемента или второго элемента, и вставки ...

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007137490A

... 1. Способ декодирования мультимедийного битового потока, содержащий следующие этапы: ! принимают кодированные данные первого уровня и кодированные данных второго уровня; ! объединяют принятые кодированные данные первого уровня и принятые кодированные данные второго уровня и ! декодируют объединенные данные; при этом первый уровень содержит базовый уровень, а второй уровень содержит улучшенный уровень. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий следующие этапы: ! принимают коэффициент остаточных ошибок в данных базового уровня и принимают дифференциальное уточнение к коэффициенту остаточных ошибок базового уровня в данных улучшенного уровня; ! объединяют коэффициент остаточных ошибок и дифференциальное уточнение с объединенными данными первого уровня и второго уровня и ! декодируют объединенные первый уровень, второй уровень и объединенные коэффициент остаточных ошибок и дифференциальное уточнение. ! 3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий следующие этапы: ! принимают коэффициент остаточных ...

19-09-2002 дата публикации

Bildkodierungsverfahren und -vorrichtung mit Schätzung der Datenmenge

Номер: DE0069527770D1

16-03-2000 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Bildkodierung

Номер: DE0069422967D1
Принадлежит: SHARP KK, SHARP K.K.

11-11-2004 дата публикации

Bildkodierungsverfahren und -vorrichtung

Номер: DE0069133421D1

12-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060001896T2

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Codierung eines Bildes

Номер: DE102014006442A1

Eine Quantisierungsstufe wird bestimmt zur Verwendung durch einen Encoder bei der Codierung eines Bildes gemäß einer Zielanzahl von Bits. Für jeden Abschnitt des Bildes werden die Pixel analysiert, um die Komplexität des Bildabschnitts zu schätzen. Für jede aus einer Mehrzahl von Kandidaten-Quantisierungsstufen werden eine Beziehung und die geschätzte Komplexität des Bildabschnitts verwendet, um die Anzahl von Bits zu schätzen, welche durch die Codierung des Bilds mit dem Encoder unter Verwendung der jeweiligen Kandidaten-Quantisierungsstufe erzeugt werden würden, und basierend darauf wird eine der Kandidaten-Quantisierungsstufen ausgewählt. Die Beziehung ist eine Funktion der vom Encoder verwendeten Quantisierungsstufe und wird verwendet bei dem Inbeziehungsetzen der Komplexität eines Bildabschnittes und der Anzahl von Bits, welche durch die Codierung dieses Bildabschnittes mit dem Encoder erzeugt werden würden. Der Encoder verwendet die ausgewählte Quantisierungsstufe bei der Codierung ...

02-01-2013 дата публикации

Encoding and decoding residual image data using probabilistic models

Номер: GB0002492397A

A method of encoding video data comprises encoding video data having a first resolution in conformity with HEVC 13 to obtain video data of a base layer 14 and decoding the base-layer video data in conformity with HEVC 15. The decoded base-layer video data is up sampled 16 to generate decoded video data having a second resolution higher than the first resolution. A difference is formed 17 between the generated decoded video data having the second resolution and the original video data to generate data of a residual image. The residual-image data is compressed 18, 19 to generate video data of an enhancement layer 20. The compression of the residual data does not involve temporal or spatial prediction but is carried out by the application of a discrete cosine transform to the data and the employment of a parametric probabilistic model of the discrete cosine transform coefficients. This parametric model is then used to choose quantisers from a pool of available quantisers for quantizing the ...

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Chrominance Processing in High Efficiency Video Codecs

Номер: GB0002501535A

For 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chroma-subsampling schemes, a high efficiency video coding system may implement several aspects of its encoding method differently to when using a 4:2:0 chroma ­subsampling scheme, in recognition of the greater amounts of chroma information retained in these schemes and the resulting changes to prediction unit and transform unit block structures. Consequently aspects of the present invention variously split a largest coding unit to a unit of 4x4 pixels, adapt coding unit tree structures, chroma transform unit block size selection, chroma intra-prediction mode angles, chroma intra­ prediction unit interpolation, chroma motion vector derivation, chroma spatial frequency transforms, so-called `cipprime' flags, chroma quantisation parameters, and chroma. quantisation matrices.

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Subsampling Interpolated Chrominance Prediction Units in Video Encoding and Decoding

Номер: GB0002501550A

Inter prediction encodes video in which each chrominance component has 1/Mth horizontal and 1/Nth vertical resolution of the luminance component resolution (M & N ¥ 1). Higher resolution prediction units (PUs) of stored images (1360) are interpolated so that a luminance component of an interpolated PU has a horizontal resolution xP and a vertical resolution xQ of the stored images corresponding portion (P & Q >1). Motion vectors (MVs) are generated between a current image PU and preceding image(s) areas. A motion compensated prediction of the current image PU is generated with respect to an area of an interpolated stored image pointed to by a respective MV. The interpolating step also comprises applying a xR horizontal and xS vertical interpolation filter to the chrominance component PUs of a stored image to generate interpolated chrominance PUs, where R is equal to (U x M x P) and S is equal to (V x N x Q), (U & V ¥1). The interpolated chrominance PUs are subsampled by respectively dividing ...

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Encoding an image

Номер: GB0002515158A

Image processor (104) comprises pre-processor (106) and encoder (108). The pre-processor receives data and uses it to provide an image comprising sections, each comprising pixels. For each section, the pre-processor analyses the pixels to estimate the section complexity, metadata being determined based on the section complexity. The metadata passes to the encoder for use in determining a quantization level used in encoding the image. Encoder then encodes the image using the determined level. The pre-processor processes the data to provide the image, therefore has access to the image data from which it can determine the metadata without requiring a separate image read operation. Also disclosed is determining a quantization level for use by an encoder encoding an image according to a target number of bits. Pixels in each image section are analysed (114) (e.g. comparison with neighbours) to estimate the section complexity (e.g. entropy). For each candidate quantization level, a relationship ...

29-12-2010 дата публикации

Video compression

Номер: GB0201019602D0

02-02-2011 дата публикации

Method for encoding a video sequence and associated encoding device

Номер: GB0201021768D0

06-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods of encoding and decoding an image, and corresponding devices

Номер: GB0201207176D0

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Compressing high dynamic range images

Номер: GB0201408618D0

15-04-2015 дата публикации

Image data compression and decompression

Номер: GB0201503433D0

07-06-1995 дата публикации

Apparatus for video data quantization control

Номер: GB0002260668B

04-04-2001 дата публикации

Picture coding and transmission,and recording media

Номер: GB0002322033B

10-08-2005 дата публикации

Manipulation of video compression

Номер: GB0002410852A

A method of compressing a picture sequence in which a first set of pictures in the sequence, and a second set of pictures interleaved with the first set of pictures in the sequence are identified, and in which the first set of pictures are coded to a high coding quality and the second set of pictures are coded to a quality determined by the remaining bitrate resources. Downstream the first set of pictures can be extracted to produce a separate high quality picture sequence. The compression coding is preferably MPEG based, and control of the coding quality may be achieved by varying quantizer weighting matrix values in a linear combination of a flat matrix and a default non-flat matrix.

03-03-1993 дата публикации

An apparatus and method for compressing still images

Номер: GB0002259215A

Image data is compressed wherein the pixel data is first horizontally transformed eg using the Generalized Chen Transformation (G.O.T) and employing only adders, the transformed data is rotated to vertical using a transposition memory and the rotated data vertically transformed - eg using G.C.T and only adders and the transformed data subjected to a single multiplication function. The method and apparatus described is achieved using adder arrays and is compatible with a JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Transform. ...

23-03-1994 дата публикации

Decoding digital data for error detection/correction

Номер: GB0002270822A

A video data compression system is described utilizing frequency separation and quantization. The video data is separated into primary frequency components (components 4, 5, 6) and secondary frequency components (components 0, 1, 2, 3). The primary frequency components undergo fewer frequency separating stages (N>M) than the secondary frequency components. The quantization step width (Q1, Q2) applied to the differing primary and secondary components is varied in dependence upon the relative human visual responsiveness (R(fs)) to the spatial frequency (fs) represented by that component. In addition, those frequency components that have undergone fewer frequency separating stages are subject to a larger quantization step width than the other frequency components since the fewer frequency combination stages such frequency components will subsequently undergo has the result that the image degradation introduced by quantization is less noticeable. The system also includes entropy encoding (42 ...

01-09-1993 дата публикации

Data compression

Номер: GB0002264609A

PURPOSE:To provide the expansion method and compression method for still picture data or a device executing the methods in which bits are used optimizingly while keeping compatibility with the JPEG standards. CONSTITUTION:The expansion method for still picture data to invert the conversion converting a sequence for a substantial value into a sequence for a conversion area coefficient is provided with a stage in which each conversion area coefficient is multiplied with a Q coefficient stored in an N-bit storage register in a form of M-bit exponent part identified to be a Q exponent part and an (N-M)-bit mantissa part identified to be a Q mantissa part and a value of a range larger than 2AN is provided to the Q coefficient by a form of Q coefficient=Q mantissa part *2AQ exponent part and with a stage in which a sequence of the multiplied conversion area coefficient is converted into a 2nd sequence approximated to the sequence for a substantial value.

27-01-1999 дата публикации

Re-encoding decoded signals

Номер: GB0002327577A

If a signal is repeatedly encoded and decoded, coding noise generally accumulates as it passes through the various coding systems. The present system provides means for preventing this, by providing means for identifying, at the second coding system, which coding system was previously used. The second coding can then use the same system as the previous coding. This use of matching coding systems results in very little extra coding noise being introduced by the second coding. The input signal 12 is coded by two different encoders 10 and 11, their outputs are decoded and compared with the input signal at 20 and 21, the differences accumulated at 22 and 23. The smaller of the differences is used by selector 13 to select the encoder which matches the previous coding of the signal. The principles can be extended to MPEG Layer II Audio Coding and similar block coding systems.

20-05-1998 дата публикации

Data compression

Номер: GB0009806396D0

12-04-2000 дата публикации

Video quantisation based on image activity

Номер: GB0002342525A

Apparatus for generating a quantisation value for use in quantising regions of an input image 200, which value will result in generation of a signal having a desired bit rate, comprises: means 230 for generating a quantisation scale factor qs from an initial value 210 and an image activity value 220; means 240 for quantising the incoming video signal 200 using the generated scale factor and comparing the bit rate with the desired bit rate; means for adjusting the basic quantisation scale factor aqsf(1) according to the comparison; and means for generating a further quantisation scale factor based on aqsf(1) and the activity value. The apparatus generates a compressed video signal having the desired bit rate, regardless of the amount of activity in the image.

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Selection of image encoding mode based on preliminary prediction-based encoding stage

Номер: GB0002501495A

A method for encoding blocks of image pixels, which may form an ultra-high definition image 101, comprises: providing a preliminary prediction-based encoding 106 of original blocks, comprising obtaining a preliminary prediction residual image portion resulting from the difference between the original blocks and corresponding predictors; segmenting the preliminary prediction residual image portion into preliminary prediction residuals; and providing a second prediction-based encoding of original blocks. The second prediction-based encoding involves choosing a coding mode to apply to each prediction residual, from among several coding modes including a static coding mode 111 and a probabilistic coding mode 112A. The static coding mode implements quantization using only predefined quantizers, which may be user-defined, and the probabilistic coding mode implements quantization using quantizers selected based on statistics 117 on the preliminary prediction residuals. Selection of the optimal ...

07-02-2001 дата публикации

Data compression

Номер: GB0002352905A

Data compression apparatus in which data are compressed on a block-by-block basis comprises a frequency-transformer for frequency-transforming input data to generate corresponding groups of coefficient values representing different frequency components; a quantiser operable on the groups of coefficient values to map each of a contiguous plurality of ranges of coefficient values onto respective quantised data values, the extent of each range being controlled by a quantisation factor and the first non-zero range boundary being defined by a range boundary parameter; the quantiser being operable to vary the boundary parameter data blocks by selecting from a range of boundary parameter regimes; a detector operable: (a) to trial-encode at least some of the data blocks using a range of at least one quantisation factor and at least a subset of the range of boundary parameter regimes available for use by the quantiser, in order to assess the quantity of compressed data produced with each quantisation ...

04-09-2013 дата публикации

Encoding and decoding methods and devices that select pixel transform coefficients based on image frame and block merits

Номер: GB0002499844A

A method for encoding a video sequence, comprising at least one frame having plural blocks of pixels, comprises: determining a frame merit (e.g. determined based on a fixed relationship between luminance frame and colour frame distortions) and a distortion at the frame level such that a video merit (e.g. using peak-signal-to-noise ratio), computed based on the distortion and frame merit, corresponds to a target video merit; determining, for each block of the plurality, a block merit for the concerned block based on the frame merit; transforming, pixel values for the block into a set of coefficients each having a coefficient type; selecting coefficient types based, for each coefficient, on an initial coefficient type encoding merit and on the block merit for the concerned block (e.g., if the coefficient type merit is greater than the block merit); quantizing the selected coefficients into quantized symbols; and encoding the quantized symbols. A broadly equivalent decoding method is also ...

28-05-2003 дата публикации

Data compression

Номер: GB0000308954D0

18-12-2019 дата публикации

Improved video bitstream coding

Номер: GB0002574733A

A method of decoding JVET video includes receiving a bitstream indicating how a coding tree unit was partitioned into coding units, and parsing said bitstream to generate at least one predictor based on an intra prediction mode signaled in the bitstream. The predictor may be generated by interpolating neighboring pixels for each pixel within a coding block. The computation may be more accurate by deriving a value for a bottom right neighboring pixel.

29-09-2021 дата публикации

Improved video bitstream coding

Номер: GB2584942B
Принадлежит: ARRIS ENTPR LLC, ARRIS Enterprises LLC

11-11-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for rendering & pre-encoded load estimation based encoder hinting

Номер: GB0002583825A

Encoding video data in a game environment, comprising: recording one or more playthroughs 700, 702 of a game environment; sorting a plurality of frames from the one or more playthroughs into cells 706 according to their location in the game environment; calculating an average encoded frame size 714 for each frame 708 associated with a given cell; calculating an average frame size 718 across all cells; based on these calculations, associating a quality setting 720 for each cell; encoding frames based on the quality setting associated to each cell. The cells are cells of a heatmap 704 tracking locations of frames in the playthroughs on a game environment map. Preferably the quality is adapted via setting a quantisation parameter used in transform encoding the video frames.

26-02-1997 дата публикации

Adaptive quantizer for use in a video signal encoding system

Номер: GB0009700110D0

19-02-1997 дата публикации

Video signal encoding method and apparatus employing inter-block redundancies

Номер: GB0009627045D0

25-02-1998 дата публикации

Scalable encoding apparatus and method with improved function of scaling motion vector

Номер: GB0009727345D0

29-09-1999 дата публикации

Data compression

Номер: GB0009918014D0

29-09-1999 дата публикации

Video data compression

Номер: GB0009918012D0

08-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for rendering & pre-encoded load estimation based encoder hinting

Номер: GB0201916978D0

06-05-2020 дата публикации

Improved video bitstream coding

Номер: GB0002574733B
Принадлежит: ARRIS ENTPR LLC, ARRIS Enterprises LLC

14-12-2022 дата публикации

Random accessible image data compression

Номер: GB0002607692A

Methods and compression units for compressing a block of image data. The block of image data comprising a plurality of image element values. Each image element value is divisible into at least a first value and a second value such that the block of image data comprises a two dimensional block of first values and a two-dimensional block of second values. The method comprises: compressing each of a first data set and a second data set in accordance with a fixed-length compression algorithm of one or more fixed-length compression algorithms to generate first and second compressed blocks respectively, the first data set comprising all or a portion of the two-dimensional block of first values and the second data set comprising all or a portion of the two-dimensional block of second values, wherein each data set is compressed in accordance with the fixed-length compression algorithm by: identifying common base information for the data set; and identifying a fixed-length parameter for each value ...

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Entropy coding of motion vector differences

Номер: AP0201407360A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Entropy coding of motion vector differences

Номер: AP2014007360A0

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Video coding apparatus and video coding control method

Номер: US20120002725A1
Автор: Kimihiko Kazui
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

In a video coding apparatus, a plurality of coding units perform compression coding of a single source stream of video data. A control unit controls those coding units in such a way that all the coding units produce respective interframe coded pictures with identical playback times as a first-coded picture in a picture group (e.g., GOP) and produce identical local decoded pictures based on the respective intraframe coded pictures. A selection decision unit makes a selection, for each picture group, of one of the coded video data from the coding units on the basis of their coding results. According to this selection, a selection unit selectively outputs one of the coded video data. This output switching operation is performed at a point immediately before a forward interframe predictive coded picture that appears first of those in a picture group included in each of the coded video data outputs being switched.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Quantization Control for Variable Bit Depth

Номер: US20120008678A1
Принадлежит: Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corp

The quantization parameter QP is well-known in digital video compression as an indication of picture quality. Digital symbols representing a moving image are quantized with a quantizing step that is a function QSN of the quantization parameter QP, which function QSN has been normalized to the most significant bit of the bit depth of the digital symbols. As a result, the effect of a given QP is essentially independent of bit depth a particular QP value has a standard effect on image quality, regardless of bit depth. The invention is useful, for example, in encoding and decoding at different bit depths, to generate compatible, bitstreams having different bit depths, and to allow different bit depths for different components of a video signal by compressing each with the same fidelity (i.e., the same QP).

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Data Compression For Video

Номер: US20120044990A1
Принадлежит: Skype Ltd Ireland

The present invention provides a technique for performing one or more aspects of video coding such as quantization, intra prediction coding or inter prediction coding in dependence on a perceptual model taking into account human sensitivity to data in the video signal. The perceptual model may relate to spatial frequency, temporal frequency, contrast sensitivity, colour sensitivity, a structural metric, and/or one or more parameters affecting perception such as motion in the video, the distance of a recipient user from the screen, and the size, aspect ratio or resolution of the screen of the recipient terminal.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for improving compressed image chroma information

Номер: US20120087409A1
Автор: Gary A. Demos
Принадлежит: Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corp

Methods, systems, and computer programs for improving compressed image chroma information. In one aspect of the invention, a resolution for a red color component of a color video image is used that is higher than the resolution for a blue color component of the color video image. Another aspect includes utilizing a lower or higher value of a quantization parameter (QP) for one or more chroma channels as compared to the luminance channel. Another aspect is use of a logarithmic representation of a video image to benefit image coding. Another aspect uses more than two chroma channels to represent a video image.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

I-Frame Size Estimation Based on Edge Strength

Номер: US20120093219A1
Автор: Gijesh Varghese
Принадлежит: Individual

Various embodiments of the present invention relate to systems, devices and method of video encoding that select a quantization parameter set based on a global edge strength value and an available bitrate for a corresponding compressed frame. Quantization parameters are selected using a mathematical correlation between the global edge strength value of the I-frame and an available bitrate/maxim target frame size for the corresponding compressed frame.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus of Delta Quantization Parameter Processing for High Efficiency Video Coding

Номер: US20120114034A1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

In the current high efficiency video coding development, each LCU has its own quantization parameter (QP) and the difference between a current QP and a reference QP is transmitted instead of the QP value itself. Since the LCU is much larger than the macroblock of AVC/H.264, using one delta QP per LCU may cause rate control unable to adapt to the bitrate quickly enough. Consequently there is a need to adopt delta QP in units smaller than LCU to provide more granular rate control. Furthermore, it is desirable to develop a system that is capable of facilitating more flexible delta QP. Accordingly, adaptive quantization parameter processing is disclosed where a QP minimum CU size for incorporating or deriving a delta QP is indicated selectively in the slice level or in the sequence/picture level. In one variation, the delta QP is incorporated or derived only if nonzero quantized transform coefficients exist in a leaf CU that is larger than the QP minimum CU size. In another variation, quantization parameter information is only incorporated or derived when a leaf CU has any nonzero quantized transform coefficient. In yet another variation, a flag is used to indicate whether one delta QP per LCU is transmitted if the LCU has any nonzero quantized transform coefficient or one delta QP per leaf CU is transmitted if the leaf CU has any nonzero quantized transform coefficient.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for coding image information, method and apparatus for decoding image information, method and apparatus for coding and decoding image information, and system of coding and transmitting image information

Номер: US20120140818A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image information decoding method for decoding a bit stream in an image decoding apparatus. The decoding process includes decoding, in a decoding unit in the image decoding apparatus, the bit stream and generating a chroma component of quantized coefficients; and performing, in a dequantization unit in the image decoding apparatus, dequantization on the chroma component of quantized coefficients using a chroma quantization parameter calculated on the basis of a luma quantization parameter weighted by an addition operation.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for encoding a video sequence and associated encoding device

Номер: US20120163473A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The invention relates to encoding a video sequence. A method according to the invention comprises encoding a first image; generating two reconstructions from the encoded first image, using two different reconstruction offsets; encoding a second image using temporal prediction based on a reference image selected from a set comprising the two reconstructions; wherein the obtaining of a different reconstruction offset comprises: partitioning the encoded first image to select the blocks of one partition, for example using criteria based on CTB, PU, TU of the HEVC standard or the Skip mode; for several reconstruction offsets, estimating a distortion measure based only on blocks collocated with those selected blocks, between the first reconstruction and an image reconstruction of the first image using each offset; and selecting the offset associated with minimum distortion.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Recording medium having recorded thereon coded information using plus and/or minus rounding of images

Номер: US20120201302A1
Автор: Yuichiro Nakaya
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of decoding images including the steps of: extracting motion vector information from input information to be decoded; synthesizing a prediction image by performing motion compensation using the motion vector information and a reference image which is a previously decoded image; and synthesizing a decoded image by adding the prediction image to an error image, wherein the motion compensation includes specifying either a positive rounding method or a negative rounding method for interpolating intensity values of pixels in performing the motion compensation.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Harmonic quantizer scale

Номер: US20120224627A1
Автор: Sridhar Srinivasan
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A digital media encoder/decoder performs quantization/dequantization based on quantization parameters taken from a harmonic quantizer scale. The harmonic quantizer scale can include a normal portion consisting of quantization parameter values harmonically-related as simple fractions of each other, and a denormal portion of quantizers having a linear or other relation. The encoder/decoder further supports a scaled quantizer mode where quantization is performed based on the quantization parameter as scaled by a fractional value. A compressed domain contrast adjustment is effected by adjusting the quantization parameters in the compressed bitstream, without having to adjust and recode the digital media data in the compressed bitstream.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method, system and computer program product for optimization of data compression with iterative cost function

Номер: US20120224780A1
Автор: En-hui Yang, Longji Wang
Принадлежит: SlipStream Data Inc

A method, system and computer software product for improving rate-distortion performance while remaining faithful to JPEG/MPEG syntax, involving joint optimization of Huffman tables, quantization step sizes and quantized coefficients of a JPEG/MPEG encoder. This involves finding the optimal coefficient indices in the form of (run, size) pairs. By employing an interative process including this search for optimal coefficient indices, joint improvement of run-length coding, Huffman coding and quantization table selection may be achieved. Additionally, the compression of quantized DC coefficients may also be improved using a trellis-structure.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Image coding method and decoding method, image coding apparatus and decoding apparatus, camera, and imaging device

Номер: US20120229636A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An image coding method includes: a predictive pixel generation step of generating a predictive value from at least one surrounding pixel located near a compression target pixel; a code conversion step of code-converting the pixel data to generate a Gray code; and quantizing bit change information (exclusive OR) between the generated Gray code and a Gray code of the predictive value to a quantization value, to compress the pixel data. This prevents significant image quality degradation, so that high image quality can be achieved.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Zero pass jpeg bit rate controller

Номер: US20130034300A1
Принадлежит: CSR Technology Inc

Embodiments are directed towards compressing an image to substantially a preset file size using statistical information obtained from a single subset of the image and an initial compression of the single subset. A representative subset portion of the image is selected based in part on a clustering analysis of the image. The representative subset is then compressed, in one embodiment, twice, in order to obtain statistics useable for the entire image. A scale factor is then determined that may be used in the quantization and for creating a Bit Rate Control (BRC) curve that represents an amount of accumulated bits per Minimal Codec Unit (MCU). During the compression process, the BRC curve is used to prevent accumulating bits from over shooting a final preset file size target.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20130071039A1
Автор: Kazushi Sato
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image processing apparatus and a method capable of performing a quantization process or an inverse quantization process more suitable for contents of an image. A lossless decoding unit decodes coded data read from an accumulation buffer at a predetermined timing. A sub macroblock inverse quantization unit obtains a quantization value for each sub macroblock by using a quantization parameter supplied from an inverse quantization unit and returns the same to the inverse quantization unit. The inverse quantization unit inversely quantizes a quantization coefficient obtained by decoding by the lossless decoding unit by using the quantization value for each sub macroblock supplied from the sub macroblock inverse quantization unit.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for coding image information, method and apparatus for decoding image information, method and apparatus for coding and decoding image information, and system of coding and transmitting image information

Номер: US20130094577A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image decoding apparatus for decoding a bit stream includes a receiving unit that receives the bit stream and a weight parameter that is added to a luma quantization parameter. The image decoding apparatus also includes a decoding unit that decodes the bit stream and generates a chroma component of quantized coefficients. Further, the image decoding apparatus includes a dequantization unit that performs dequantization on the chroma component of quantized coefficients using a chroma quantization parameter calculated on the basis of a luma quantization parameter weighted by the weight parameter. In addition, the image decoding apparatus includes a transform unit that performs an inverse orthogonal transform.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for coding image information, method and apparatus for decoding image information, method and apparatus for coding and decoding image information, and system of coding and transmitting image information

Номер: US20130094578A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image decoding apparatus for decoding a bit stream includes a decoding unit that decodes the bit stream and generates a chroma component of quantized coefficients. The image decoding apparatus also includes a dequantization unit that performs a dequantization on the chroma component of quantized coefficients using a chroma quantization parameter calculated on the basis of a luma quantization parameter weighted by an addition operation. Further, the image decoding apparatus includes a transform unit that performs an inverse orthogonal transform.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for encoding and/or decoding moving pictures

Номер: US20130101026A1

A method of encoding moving pictures using a plurality of quantization matrices. The method involves selecting one of the plurality of quantization matrices in consideration of an at least one characteristics of an input image; transforming the input image; and quantizing the transformed input image using the selected quantization matrix.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for decoding motion information in merge mode

Номер: US20130148735A1
Автор: Hyunoh OH, Kwangje Kim
Принадлежит: Ibex PT Holdings Co Ltd

Disclosed is an apparatus for decoding motion information in merge mode for reconstructing a moving picture signal coded at a low data rate while maintaining a high quality of an image. The apparatus for decoding motion information in merge mode discloses the position of a merge mode candidate and the configuration of a candidate in order to predict motion information in merge mode efficiently. Furthermore, a merge candidate indicated by the merge index of a current block can be efficiently reconstructed irrespective of a network environment by adaptively generating a merge candidate based on the number of valid merge candidate.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium having recorded thereon coded information using plus and/or minus rounding of images

Номер: US20130195193A1
Автор: Yuichiro Nakaya
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Computer-readable medium with an image decoding program performing: storing a reference image of a previously decoded image; receiving coded information including motion vector and rounding method information specifying a rounding method used in synthesizing a prediction image of a currently decoded image; and synthesizing prediction image by performing motion compensation using the motion vector information and reference image; wherein synthesizing a prediction image uses a positive and negative rounding method for interpolating pixel intensity values; wherein the interpolation of pixel intensity values uses a rounding method specified by the rounding method information; wherein interpolation is via the rounding method specified by rounding method information included in the encoded bitstream when the current frame is a P frame; wherein the rounding method information is not in the encoded bitstream when the current frame is an I frame; and wherein the rounding method information specifies one of a plurality of values.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium having recorded thereon coded information using plus and/or minus rounding of images

Номер: US20130195196A1
Автор: Yuichiro Nakaya
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Computer-readable medium having an image decoding program performing: storing a reference image of a previously decoded image; receiving coded information including motion vector and rounding method information specifying a rounding method for synthesizing a prediction image of a currently decoded image; and synthesizing the prediction image via motion compensation using the motion vector information and reference image, using a positive and negative rounding method for interpolating pixel intensity values; wherein interpolation of pixel intensity values uses a rounding method specified by the rounding method information included in the encoded current P frame bitstream; wherein the rounding method information is not received from the encoded I frame bitstream; wherein the rounding method information includes a header section of the currently decoded image's coded information, and specifies one of two values; and wherein one of the two values specifies a positive rounding method, and another specifies a negative rounding method.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium having recorded thereon coded information using plus and/or minus rounding of images

Номер: US20130195197A1
Автор: Yuichiro Nakaya
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Computer-readable medium having an image decoding program performing: storing a reference image of a previously decoded image; receiving coded information including motion vector and rounding method information specifying a rounding method for synthesizing a prediction image of a currently decoded image; and synthesizing via motion compensation using the motion vector information and reference image, using a positive and negative rounding method for interpolating pixel intensity values; wherein interpolation of pixel intensity values uses a rounding method specified by the rounding method information included in the encoded current P frame bitstream; wherein the rounding method information is not received from the encoded I frame bitstream; wherein the rounding method information includes a header section of the currently decoded image's coded information, and specifies one of two values; and wherein one specifies a positive rounding method, and another a negative rounding method; and wherein the rounding method information is one bit.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium having recorded thereon coded information using plus and/or minus rounding of images

Номер: US20130202043A1
Автор: Yuichiro Nakaya
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Computer-readable medium having an image decoding program performing: storing a reference image of a previously decoded image; receiving coded information including motion vector and rounding method information specifying a rounding method for synthesizing a prediction image of a currently decoded image; and synthesizing the prediction image via motion compensation using the motion vector information and reference image, using a positive and negative rounding method for interpolating pixel intensity values; wherein interpolation of pixel intensity values uses a rounding method specified by the rounding method information included in the encoded current P frame bitstream; wherein the rounding method information is not received from the encoded I frame bitstream; wherein rounding method information specifies one of two values; and wherein one of the two values specifies a positive rounding method, and another of the two values specifies a negative rounding method, and wherein the rounding method information has one bit.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods for encoding and decoding an image, and corresponding devices

Номер: US20130230101A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A video sequence comprises at least one frame comprising a plurality of blocks of pixels. A method for encoding the video sequence includes the steps of: determining a frame merit and a distortion at the frame level such that a video merit, computed based on said distortion and said frame merit, corresponds to a target video merit; determining, for each block of said plurality of blocks, a block merit for the concerned block based on the frame merit; transforming, for each block of the plurality of blocks, pixel values for the concerned block into a set of coefficients each having a coefficient type; selecting coefficient types based, for each coefficient, on an initial encoding merit for said coefficient type and on the block merit for the concerned block; quantizing the selected coefficients into quantized symbols; and encoding the quantized symbols. Corresponding decoding methods, encoding and decoding devices are also proposed.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for bit rate control within a scalable video coding system and system therefor

Номер: US20130251031A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for bit rate control within a scalable video coding system is described. The method comprises, for an access unit within a scalable encoded video bit stream, determining a bit budget for at least one spatial dependence layer within the scalable encoded video bit stream, and calculating at least one quantization parameter value for encoding the at least one spatial dependence layer based at least partly on the determined bit budget for the at least one spatial dependence layer.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Level decision in rate distortion optimized quantization

Номер: US20130272385A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A computing device, such as a video encoder, determines an initial quantized level for a coefficient of a coefficient block and determines whether the coefficient is less than the product of the initial quantized level and a quantization step size value. In response to determining that the coefficient is less than the product of the initial quantized level and the quantization step size value, the computing device determines rate-distortion costs of quantizing the coefficient to be the initial quantized level for the coefficient, the initial quantized level minus one, and in some circumstances, 0. The computing device determines an actual quantized level for the coefficient based at least in part on the calculated rate-distortion costs and includes the actual quantized level in a quantized version of the coefficient block.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus of Quantization Matrix Coding

Номер: US20130272391A1
Принадлежит: FutureWei Technologies Inc

A method of coding a quantization matrix (QM) comprising non-uniformly downsampling the QM to generate a plurality of downsampled quantization coefficients. Also, an apparatus used in video encoding comprising a processor configured to non-uniformly downsample a QM to generate a plurality of downsampled quantization coefficients, scan the downsampled quantization coefficients, and encode the downsampled quantization coefficients based on scanning the downsampled quantization coefficients to generate encoded coefficients, and a transmitter coupled to the processor and configured to transmit a bitstream comprising a picture parameter set containing the encoded coefficients.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Encoding and reconstruction of residual data based on support information

Номер: US20130322530A1
Автор: Guido Meardi, Luca Rossato
Принадлежит: Guido Meardi, Luca Rossato

Decoder processor hardware reproduces a support plane including a set of support values. The set of support values is derived from combining a sequence of multiple original sets of values. The decoder processor hardware receives compensation information. The decoder processor hardware utilizes the compensation information to produce preliminary renditions of the multiple original sets of values based on the set of support values. Encoder processor hardware processes a sequence of original sets of values. The encoder processor hardware utilizes the values of the original sets in the sequence to produce a set of support values, the set of support values representing a baseline to reproduce a rendition of each of the original sets of values. The encoder processor hardware generates reconstruction data to include data corresponding to the set of support values, the reconstruction data indicates how to reconstruct the original sets of values using the set of support values.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and method for three-dimensional (3d) image

Номер: US20130322738A1

An image processing apparatus and method for a three-dimensional (3D) image is provided. The image processing apparatus may include a parameter setting unit to set a first parameter related to a color image, and a parameter determining unit to determine an optimal second parameter related to a depth image, using the first parameter.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Control and use of chroma quantization parameter values

Номер: US20140003497A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Innovations in control and use of chroma quantization parameter (“QP”) values that depend on luma QP values. More generally, the innovations relate to control and use of QP values for a secondary color component that depend on QP values for a primary color component. For example, during encoding, an encoder determines a QP index from a primary component QP and secondary component QP offset. The encoder maps the QP index to a secondary component QP, which has an extended range. The encoder outputs at least part of a bitstream including the encoded content. A corresponding decoder receives at least part of a bitstream including encoded content. During decoding, the decoder determines a QP index from a primary component QP and secondary component QP offset, then maps the QP index to a secondary component QP, which has an extended range.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014747A1

Various embodiments provide an encoder that generates a plurality of quantization matrix elements for a current block; generates a quantization matrix using the plurality of quantization matrix elements; and quantizes, using the quantization matrix, transform coefficients of the current block. The quantization matrix includes only a subset of quantization matrix elements of the plurality of quantization matrix elements. Each of the subset of quantization matrix elements has an x-coordinate value less than a threshold x-coordinate value, a y-coordinate value less than a threshold y-coordinate value, or an x-coordinate value less than the threshold x-coordinate value and a y-coordinate value less than the threshold y-coordinate value. 1. An encoder comprising:circuitry; andmemory coupled to the circuitry, wherein generates a plurality of quantization matrix elements for a current block;', 'generates a quantization matrix using the plurality of quantization matrix elements, the quantization matrix including only a subset of quantization matrix elements of the plurality of quantization matrix elements, each of the subset of quantization matrix elements having an x-coordinate value less than a threshold x-coordinate value, a y-coordinate value less than a threshold y-coordinate value, or an x-coordinate value less than the threshold x-coordinate value and a y-coordinate value less than the threshold y-coordinate value; and', 'quantizes, using the quantization matrix, transform coefficients of the current block., 'using the memory, the circuitry, in operation2. The encoder according to claim 1 , wherein the threshold x-coordinate value is 31 claim 1 , and the threshold y-coordinate value is 31.3. A decoder comprising:circuitry; andmemory coupled to the circuitry, wherein obtains a plurality of quantization matrix elements for a current block;', 'generates a quantization matrix using the plurality of quantization matrix elements, the quantization matrix including only a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Intra prediction method and apparatus

Номер: US20170006293A1

An intra prediction method according to the present invention comprises the following steps: performing a directional prediction using at least one of a neighboring pixel of a current block and a left upper corner pixel positioned at a left upper corner of the current block so as to obtain a first prediction value for the current block; obtaining a second prediction value for the current block using the reference sample positioned in the current block; and weighted summing the first prediction value and the second prediction value using a weighting matrix so as to obtain a final prediction value for the current block. According to the present invention, image encoding/decoding efficiency may be improved.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006794A1

A video encoder derives a minimum allowed base quantization parameter for video data based on an input bitdepth of the video data, determines a base quantization parameter for a block of the video data based on the minimum allowed base quantization parameter, and quantizes the block of video data based on the base quantization parameter. In a reciprocal fashion, a video decoder derives a minimum allowed base quantization parameter for the video data based on an input bitdepth of the video data, determines a base quantization parameter for a block of the video data based on the minimum allowed base quantization parameter, and inverse quantizes the block of video data based on the base quantization parameter. 1. A method of decoding video data , the method comprising:deriving a minimum allowed base quantization parameter for video data based on an input bitdepth of the video data;determining a base quantization parameter for a block of the video data based on the minimum allowed base quantization parameter; andinverse quantizing the block of video data based on the base quantization parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:decoding a syntax element indicative of the input bitdepth.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the block of the video data is a transform unit of pixel domain video data claim 1 , the method further comprising:decoding the inverse quantized transform unit of pixel domain video data using a transform skip mode or an escape mode of palette mode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein deriving the minimum allowed base quantization parameter for the video data based on the input bitdepth of the video data comprises:deriving the minimum allowed base quantization parameter for the video data as a function of an internal bitdepth (internalBitDepth) minus the input bitdepth (inputBitDepth).5. The method of claim 4 , wherein deriving the minimum allowed base quantization parameter for the video data as the function of the internal bitdepth ( ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Signaling Of Quantization Matrices

Номер: US20210006795A1

A method for signaling scaling matrices for transform coefficient quantization is provided. A video decoder receives data from a bitstream to be decoded as a current picture of a video. The video decoder determines a plurality of scaling matrices that are used to code the current picture, wherein a first scaling matrix of the plurality of scaling matrices is determined by referencing a previously determined second scaling matrix of the plurality of scaling matrices. The video decoder dequantizes transform coefficients of transform blocks of the current picture by using the determined plurality of scaling matrices. The video decoder reconstructs the current picture by using the dequantized transform coefficients. 1. A video decoding method , comprising:receiving data from a bitstream to be decoded as a current picture of a video;determining a plurality of scaling matrices that are used to code the current picture, wherein a first scaling matrix of the plurality of scaling matrices is determined by referencing a previously determined second scaling matrix of the plurality of scaling matrices;dequantizing transform coefficients of transform blocks of the current picture by using the determined plurality of scaling matrices; andreconstructing the current picture by using the dequantized transform coefficients.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein when a flag in the bitstream indicates that corresponding elements of the first and second scaling matrices are identical claim 1 , the first scaling matrix is determined by replicating the elements of the second scaling matrix as the elements of the first scaling matrix.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein when a flag in the bitstream indicates that corresponding elements of the first and second scaling matrices are not identical claim 1 , the first scaling matrix is determined by adding a set of delta values to the elements of the second scaling matrix as elements of the first scaling matrix.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Image processing device and image processing method

Номер: US20210006796A1
Автор: Takeshi Tsukuba
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

[Solution] An image processing device is provided. The image processing device includes a decoding unit that decodes scaling list data to generate a first quantizing matrix of a first size, a generating unit that generates a second quantizing matrix for a transform block of a second size to which zeroing of a high-frequency component is applied, by referring to only a partial matrix of the first quantizing matrix generated by the decoding unit, and an inverse quantizing unit that inversely quantizes a quantized transform coefficient of the transform block of the second size, using the second quantizing matrix generated by the generating unit.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007356A1
Автор: KADU Harshad, Su Guan-Ming

In a system for coding high dynamic range (HDR) images using lower-dynamic range (LDR) images, a reshaping function allows for a more efficient distribution of the codewords in the lower dynamic range images for improved compression. A trim pass of the LDR images by a colorist may satisfy a director's intent for a given “look,” but may also result in unpleasant clipping artifacts in the reconstructed HDR images. Given an original forward reshaping function which maps HDR luminance values to LDR pixel values, a processor identifies areas of potential clipping and generates modified forward and backward reshaping functions to reduce the visibility of potential artifacts from the trim pass process while preserving the director's intent. 1. In an encoder comprising one or more processors , a method for generating a reshaping function , the method comprising:receiving with the processor a first video frame in a first dynamic range;receiving a second video frame in a second dynamic range, wherein the first and the second frames represent the same scene;receiving a tone-mapping function mapping luminance pixel values from the first dynamic range to luminance pixel values in the second dynamic range;receiving a first cumulative density function (CDF) matching curve which maps luminance values from the first dynamic range to reshaped luminance values in the second dynamic range;generating a first histogram of luminance values based on luminance pixel values in the first video frame;generating a second histogram of luminance values based on luminance pixel values in the second video frame;generating one or more histogram peaks based on the first and second histograms of luminance values and the first CDF matching curve;generating a first luminance pixel range in the first dynamic range based on the one or more histogram peaks and the first CDF matching curve;generating a second luminance pixel range in the first dynamic range based on the first luminance pixel range, the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007370A1
Автор: Sato Kazushi

An image processing apparatus, including processing circuitry configured to decode a bit stream to generate quantized data. The bit stream includes a flag, for each block, that specifies whether or not a difference quantization parameter is present in the bit stream. The flag is included in a first layer that is higher than a second layer in which the difference quantization parameter is set. The processing circuitry is configured to set, according to the flag, a current quantization parameter for a current sub block formed by block partitioning, which splits a block into smaller sub blocks. The processing circuitry is configured to inversely quantize the generated quantized data using the set current quantization parameter. 1. (canceled)2. A method for processing an image performed by an image processing apparatus , the method comprising:decoding a bit stream to generate quantized data, the bit stream including a flag, for each block, that specifies whether or not a difference quantization parameter is present in the bit stream, and the flag being included in a first layer that is higher than a second layer in which the difference quantization parameter is set;setting, by processing circuitry of the image processing apparatus according to the flag, a current quantization parameter for a current sub block formed by block partitioning, which splits a block into smaller sub blocks; andinversely quantizing, by the processing circuitry, the generated quantized data using the set current quantization parameter.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the setting comprises:setting the current quantization parameter for the current sub block using a value indicating a minimum coding block size for which the difference quantization parameter is set.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the difference quantization parameter is a difference value between the current quantization parameter for the current sub block and a previous quantization parameter for a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007373A1

Systems, apparatus and methods are described including operations for a dual mode GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) scoring accelerator for both speech and video data. 1. A computer-implemented method for scoring operations , comprising:intermittently receiving, via a dual use module, image input and speech input from one or more applications, wherein the image input and speech input include a plurality of Gaussian Mixture Model means and a plurality of feature vectors;determining, via the dual use module, when there is a switch between image input and speech input; andflip-flopping, via the dual use module, a buffer destination for the plurality of Gaussian Mixture Model means and the plurality of feature vectors between a speech specific buffer destination and a image specific buffer destination.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:scoring, via a Gaussian Mixture Model scoring accelerator, based at least in part on a buffered plurality of Gaussian Mixture Model means and a buffered plurality of feature vectors,wherein the Gaussian Mixture Model scoring accelerator comprises a single use speech-specific-type scoring accelerator or a single use image-specific-type scoring accelerator, and wherein the dual use module is implemented in software in conjunction with the Gaussian Mixture Model scoring accelerator to facilitate dual usage for image and speech input.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:scoring, via a Gaussian Mixture Model scoring accelerator, based at least in part on a buffered plurality of Gaussian Mixture Model means and a buffered plurality of feature vectors,wherein the Gaussian Mixture Model scoring accelerator comprises a dual use-type scoring accelerator wherein the dual use module is implemented in hardware associated with the Gaussian Mixture Model scoring accelerator to facilitate dual usage for image and speech input.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flip-flopping of the buffer destination is based at least in part on ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007380A1
Автор: KIM Kwangje, OH Hyunoh

A method of encoding an image in a merge mode, the method including determining motion information of a current prediction unit, and generating a prediction block using the motion information; generating a residual block using an original block and the prediction block, transforming the residual block to generating a transformed block, quantizing the transformed block using a quantization parameter to generate a quantized block, and scanning the quantized block to entropy-code the quantized block; and encoding the motion information using effective spatial and temporal merge candidates of the current prediction unit. Further, a motion vector of the temporal merge candidate is a motion vector of a temporal merge candidate within a temporal merge candidate picture, and the quantization parameter is encoded using an average of two effective quantization parameters among a left quantization parameter, an upper quantization parameter and a previous quantization parameter of a current coding unit, also when the quantized block is larger than a predetermined size, the quantized block is divided into a plurality of subblocks to be scanned, and a scan pattern for scanning the plurality of subblocks is the same as a scan pattern for scanning quantized coefficients within each subblock. In addition, information indicating a position of a last non-zero quantized coefficient in a transform unit is transmitted to a video decoder. 1. A method of encoding an image in a merge mode , the method comprising:determining motion information of a current prediction unit, and generating a prediction block using the motion information;generating a residual block using an original block and the prediction block, transforming the residual block to generating a transformed block, quantizing the transformed block using a quantization parameter to generate a quantized block, and scanning the quantized block to entropy-code the quantized block; andencoding the motion information using effective ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007873A1

The disclosure describes example techniques for determining a context used for encoding or decoding flags used to indicate a value of a coefficient. The techniques also relate to determining a quantization or dequantization factor to use for the coefficient. For determining the context and the quantization or dequantization factor, a video coder may determine values of flags used for encoding or decoding a previous coefficient and use the determined values of the flags for determining the context and the quantization or dequantization factor for the current coefficient. 1. A method of coding video data , the method comprising:selecting, for coding a current coefficient of the video data, a context set from a plurality of context sets based on whether a previous coefficient has an absolute value greater than zero;determining a context from the selected context set; andcoding a value for the current coefficient based on the determined context.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting at least one of a quantization or a dequantization factor for the current coefficient based on whether the previous coefficient has an absolute value greater than zero; andapplying at least one of the selected quantization factor or the selected dequantization factor for the current coefficient.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein selecting at least one of a quantization or a dequantization factor for the current coefficient comprises selecting the quantization factor claim 2 , and wherein selecting the context set from the plurality of context sets comprises selecting the context set from the plurality of context sets based on the selected quantization factor.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein selecting at least one of a quantization or a dequantization factor for the current coefficient comprises selecting the dequantization factor claim 2 , and wherein selecting the dequantization factor comprises selecting the dequantization factor based on the selected context set.5. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Compound motion-compensated prediction

Номер: US20200007890A1
Автор: Jingning Han, Yaowu Xu
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A prediction scheme is selected for encoding or decoding a video block. A first compound motion block can be determined by weighting distances from a first reference frame to the video frame and from a second reference frame to the video frame using one or more quantized weighting coefficients. A second compound motion block can be determined based on an average of pixel values a video block of the first reference frame and pixel values from a video block of the second reference frame. One of the first compound motion block or the second compound motion block is selected and used to generate a prediction block. Alternatively, data encoded to a bitstream including the video frame can be used to determine which compound motion block to use to generate the prediction block. The current block of the video frame is then encoded or decoded using the prediction block.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Content adaptive parametric transforms for coding for next generation video

Номер: US20150010062A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Techniques related to content adaptive parametric transforms for coding video are described.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030242A1

Provided is an encoder including: circuitry; and memory coupled to the circuitry, in which the circuitry: derives a prediction residual indicating a difference between a current block and a prediction image of the current block; performs primary transform on the prediction residual, and performs secondary transform on a result of the primary transform; performs quantization on a result of the secondary transform; and encodes a result of the quantization. In the performing of the secondary transform, when a matrix weighted intra prediction included in intra prediction and having prediction modes is used, the circuitry uses, as a transform set for the secondary transform, a common transform set shared among the prediction modes. The matrix weighted intra prediction generates the prediction image by performing matrix calculation on a pixel sequence obtained from pixel values of surrounding pixels of the current block. 1. An encoder that encodes an image , the encoder comprising:circuitry; andmemory coupled to the circuitry, wherein derives a prediction residual indicating a difference between a current block and a prediction image of the current block;', 'performs primary transform on the prediction residual, and performs secondary transform on a result of the primary transform;', 'performs quantization on a result of the secondary transform; and', 'encodes a result of the quantization, and, 'the circuitryin the performing of the secondary transform,when a matrix weighted intra prediction included in intra prediction and having a plurality of prediction modes is used, the circuitry uses, as a transform set for the secondary transform, a common transform set shared among the plurality of prediction modes, the matrix weighted intra prediction generating the prediction image by performing matrix calculation on a pixel sequence obtained from pixel values of surrounding pixels of the current block, the transform set for the secondary transform being applied to primary ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013267A1

The present disclosure relates to an image encoding device and an image encoding method, and an image processing device and an image processing method that enable easier bitstream concatenation. A structure according to the present disclosure includes: a setting unit that sets header information related to a hypothetical reference decoder in accordance with information about a position and information about reference, the information about a position and the information about reference being of the current picture of image data to be processed; and an encoding unit that encodes the image data and generates a bitstream containing the encoded data of the image data and the header information set by the setting unit. The present disclosure can be applied to image processing devices or image encoding devices, for example. 1. An image encoding device comprising:a setting unit configured to set header information related to a hypothetical reference decoder in accordance with information about a position and information about reference, the information about a position and the information about reference being of the current picture of image data to be processed; andan encoding unit configured to encode the image data and generate a bitstream containing the encoded data of the image data and the header information set by the setting unit.2. The image encoding device according to claim 1 , wherein the setting unit sets information indicating a null unit type.3. The image encoding device according to claim 2 , whereinthe setting unit further sets information indicating bitstream concatenation.4. The image encoding device according to claim 3 , whereinthe setting unit further sets information indicating a difference between a position of an access unit at the end of the bitstream and a position of a previous non-discardable picture.5. The image encoding device according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 ,when the current picture is a first picture,the setting unit sets the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014016A1
Автор: Basu Samit Kumar

A compression device for compressing image data generated by a computed tomography (CT) imaging system is described herein. The compression device is configured to compress the image data by implementing a method including receiving image data from the CT imaging system and requantizing the image data in a square root domain. The method further includes identifying a group of projections (GOP) in the image data, including a first projection and a plurality of subsequent projections, and performing spatial-delta encoding on the first projection and temporal-delta encoding on each of the plurality of subsequent projections. The method also includes identifying a signed value in the GOP, and converting the signed value to an unsigned value. The method further includes entropy coding the image data in the GOP, and packetizing the GOP for transmission or storage. 1. A compression device for compressing raw image data generated by a computed tomography (CT) imaging system , said compression device including a processor coupled to a memory and to the CT imaging system , said compression device configured to compress the image data by:receiving raw image data from the CT imaging system;requantizing the raw image data in a square root domain;identifying a group of projections in the requantized image data, including a first projection and a plurality of subsequent projections;performing spatial-delta encoding on the first projection;performing temporal-delta encoding on each of the plurality of subsequent projections with respect to at least one of the projections in the group of projections;identifying at least one signed value in the delta-encoded group of projections;converting the at least one signed value to an unsigned value;entropy coding the sign-converted image data in the group of projections; andpacketizing the entropy-coded group of projections for at least one of transmission and storage.2. The compression device of further configured to compress the raw image ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014027A1
Автор: KIM Kwangje, OH Hyunoh

A method of encoding an image in a merge mode, the method including determining motion information of a current prediction unit, and generating a prediction block using the motion information; generating a residual block using an original block and the prediction block, transforming the residual block to generating a transformed block, quantizing the transformed block using a quantization parameter to generate a quantized block, and scanning the quantized block to entropy-code the quantized block; and encoding the motion information using effective spatial and temporal merge candidates of the current prediction unit. In addition, a motion vector of the temporal merge candidate is a motion vector of a temporal merge candidate within a temporal merge candidate picture, and the quantization parameter is encoded using an average of two effective quantization parameters among a left quantization parameter, an upper quantization parameter and a previous quantization parameter of a current coding unit, also when the quantized block is larger than a predetermined size, the quantized block is divided into a plurality of subblocks to be scanned, and a scan pattern for scanning the plurality of subblocks is the same as a scan pattern for scanning quantized coefficients within each subblock. Further, a scanning scheme for scanning the quantized coefficients is determined according to an intra-prediction mode and a size of a transform unit. 1. A method of encoding an image in a merge mode , the method comprising:determining motion information of a current prediction unit, and generating a prediction block using the motion information;generating a residual block using an original block and the prediction block, transforming the residual block to generating a transformed block, quantizing the transformed block using a quantization parameter to generate a quantized block, and scanning the quantized block to entropy-code the quantized block; andencoding the motion information using ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Region-of-Interest Aware Video Coding

Номер: US20150016510A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

An encoder comprising an encoding module and an adaptation module. The encoding module is configured to encode video in at least one region-of-interest and outside the region-of-interest. The encoding comprises quantization, and the encoding module is operable to apply a difference in quantization granularity between the encoding inside and outside the region-of-interest. The adaptation module is configured to determine at least one metric representative of a difference in benefit of the quantization inside and outside the region-of-interest, and to adapt the difference in quantization granularity in dependence on this metric.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Partial reconstruction based template matching for motion vector derivation

Номер: US20190014342A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method of decoding video data includes determining, by a video decoder, a neighboring block in a current frame is inter coded. The method includes, in response to determining the neighboring block is inter coded, determining, by the video decoder, a template for a current block in the current frame based on a partial reconstruction of the neighboring block. The method includes determining, by the video decoder, a reference block in a reference frame corresponding to the template for the current block and determining, by the video decoder, motion vector information for the current frame based on the reference block and the template. The method includes generating, by the video decoder, a predictive block for the current block of video data based on the motion vector information and decoding, by the video decoder, the current block of video data based on the predictive block.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014496A1

Various embodiments provide an encoder that performs an up-conversion and a down-conversion on a first quantization matrix to generate a second quantization matrix, and quantizes transform coefficients of a current block using the second quantization matrix. The first quantization matrix has a first number of rows and a first number of columns equal to the first number of rows, and the second quantization matrix has a second number of rows and a second number of columns different from the second number of rows. In the up-conversion, the circuitry generates the second quantization matrix such that one of the second number of rows or the second number of columns is larger than the first number of rows. In the down-conversion, the circuitry generates the second quantization matrix such that the other of the second number of rows or the second number of columns is smaller than the first number of rows. 1. An encoder comprising:circuitry; andmemory coupled to the circuitry, wherein performs an up-conversion and a down-conversion on a first quantization matrix to generate a second quantization matrix, the first quantization matrix having a first number of rows and a first number of columns equal to the first number of rows to form a square matrix, the second quantization matrix having a second number of rows and a second number of columns different from the second number of rows to form a rectangular matrix; and', 'quantizes transform coefficients of a current block using the second quantization matrix, wherein', 'in the up-conversion, the circuitry generates the second quantization matrix such that one of the second number of rows and the second number of columns is larger than the first number of rows; and', 'in the down-conversion, the circuitry generates the second quantization matrix such that the other of the second number of rows and the second number of columns is smaller than the first number of rows., 'using the memory, the circuitry, in operation2. The encoder ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Filtering of prediction units according to intra prediction direction

Номер: US20200014916A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A video coding or decoding method in which luminance and chrominance samples in a 4:4:4 format or a 4:2:2 format are predicted from other respective samples according to a prediction direction associated with blocks of samples to be predicted; comprises detecting a prediction direction in respect of a current block to be predicted; generating a predicted block of chrominance samples according to other chrominance samples defined by the prediction direction; if the detected prediction direction is substantially vertical, filtering the left column of samples in the predicted block of chrominance samples, or if the detected prediction direction is substantially horizontal, filtering the top row of samples in the predicted block of chrominance samples; and encoding a difference between the filtered predicted chrominance block and the actual chrominance block or applying a decoded difference to the filtered predicted chrominance block so as to encode or decode the block respectively.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014927A1

A method and device for coding and decoding are disclosed. The method includes: dividing a picture to be encoded into several slices, each containing macroblocks continuous in a designated scanning sequence in the picture; dividing slices in the picture into one or more slice sets according to attribute information of the slices, each slice set containing one or more slices; and encoding the slices in the slice sets according to slice and slice set division information to get a coded bit stream of the picture. The decoding method includes: obtaining slice and slice set division information from a bit stream to be decoded and decoding the bit stream according to the obtained slice and slice set division information. The invention improves the performance of video transmission effectively and realizes region based coding. The implementation of coding and decoding is simple and the complexity of coding and decoding systems is reduced. 1. A video coding method , comprising:dividing a picture to be encoded into a plurality of slices;grouping the slices contained in the picture into a plurality of slice sets, each slice set containing one or more of the slices; and encoding a slice set syntax element for a first slice in a current slice set of the plurality of slice sets;', 'using the slice set syntax element as a slice set syntax element of a second slice without encoding a new slice set syntax element for the second slice, wherein the second slice is in the current slice set and after the first slice., 'encoding the slices in the slice sets to get a coded bit stream of the picture, wherein the encoding the slices in the slice sets comprises2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:writing a slice set enable flag in the coded bit stream indicating whether the slice sets are divided in a coding process of a current picture.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the encoding the slices in the slice sets comprises at least one of the following coding ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014933A1

According to an embodiment, an encoding device includes an index setting unit and an encoding unit. The index setting unit generates a common index in which reference indices of one or more reference images included in a first index and a second index are sorted in a combination so as not to include a same reference image in accordance with a predetermined scanning order. The first index representing a combination of the one or more reference images referred to by a first reference image. The second index representing a combination of the one or more reference images referred to by a second reference image. The encoding unit encodes the common index. 1. (canceled)2: A decoding method comprising: a syntax describing a first syntax element including a first number of reference images in a first reference image list and a second syntax element including a second number of reference images in a second reference image list, and', 'a syntax describing a plurality of parameters that are obtained by using a common index commonly used for the first reference image list and the second reference image list; and, 'receiving encoded data, the encoded data includingperforming a decoding process that uses common index.3: A decoding device comprising:circuitry configured to: a syntax describing a first syntax element including a first number of reference images in a first reference image list and a second syntax element including a second number of reference images in a second reference image list, and', 'a syntax describing a plurality of parameters that are obtained by using a common index commonly used for the first reference image list and the second reference image list; and, 'receive encoded data, the encoded data includingperform a decoding process that uses the common index. This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/113,330, filed Aug. 27, 2018, which is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/679,520, filed Aug. 17, ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014956A1

A system and method of decoding a set of greatest coded line index values for a precinct of video data from a video bitstream, the precinct of video data including one or more subbands. The method comprises decoding a greatest coded line index prediction mode for each subband from the video bitstream; decoding a plurality of greatest coded line index delta values for each subband from the video bitstream using the greatest coded line index prediction mode for the subband; and producing the greatest coded line index values for each subband using the plurality of greatest coded line index delta values and the greatest coded line index prediction mode for the subband. 1. A method of decoding a set of greatest coded line index values for a precinct of video data from a video bitstream , the precinct of video data including one or more subbands , the method comprising:decoding a greatest coded line index prediction mode for each subband from the video bitstream;decoding a plurality of greatest coded line index delta values for each subband from the video bitstream using the greatest coded line index prediction mode for the subband; andproducing the greatest coded line index values for each subband using the plurality of greatest coded line index delta values and the greatest coded line index prediction mode for the subband.2. A method according to wherein each greatest coded line index value signals a most significant bit-plane among a group of coefficients coded in the video bitstream.3. A method of encoding a set of greatest coded line index values for a precinct of video data into a video bitstream claim 1 , the precinct of video data including one or more subbands claim 1 , the method comprising:encoding a greatest coded line index prediction mode for each subband into the video bitstream; andencoding a plurality of greatest coded line index delta values for each subband into the video bitstream using the greatest coded line index prediction mode for the subband.4. A ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Image processing device and image processing method

Номер: US20160021370A1
Автор: Kazushi Sato
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is an image processing device including a selection section configured to select, from a plurality of transform units with different sizes, a transform unit used for inverse orthogonal transformation of image data to be decoded, a generation section configured to generate, from a first quantization matrix corresponding to a transform unit for a first size, a second quantization matrix corresponding to a transform unit for a second size from a first quantization matrix corresponding to a transform unit for a first size, and an inverse quantization section configured to inversely quantize transform coefficient data for the image data using the second quantization matrix generated by the generation section when the selection section selects the transform unit for the second size.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021371A1
Автор: Sato Kazushi

Provided is an image processing device including a selection section configured to select, from a plurality of transform units with different sizes, a transform unit used for inverse orthogonal transformation of image data to be decoded, a generation section configured to generate, from a first quantization matrix corresponding to a transform unit for a first size, a second quantization matrix corresponding to a transform unit for a second size from a first quantization matrix corresponding to a transform unit for a first size, and an inverse quantization section configured to inversely quantize transform coefficient data for the image data using the second quantization matrix generated by the generation section when the selection section selects the transform unit for the second size.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038699A1

A video colour component prediction method and apparatus, and a computer storage medium are provided. The prediction method includes: obtaining a first colour component neighboring reference value and a first colour component reconstructed value corresponding to a current coding block, wherein the first colour component neighboring reference value represents a first colour component parameter corresponding to a neighboring reference sample of the current coding block, and the first colour component reconstructed value represents one or more reconstruction parameters of a first colour component corresponding to the current coding block; determining a weight coefficient corresponding to the neighboring reference sample; determining a scale factor according to the weight coefficient and the first colour component neighboring reference value; and obtaining a second colour component predicted value corresponding to the current coded block based on a linear model corresponding to the scale factor. 1. A method for decoding a video , comprising:acquiring a first colour component neighboring reference value and a first colour component reconstructed value corresponding to a current block, wherein the first colour component neighboring reference value is indicative of a first colour component parameter corresponding to a neighboring reference sample of the current block, and wherein the first colour component reconstructed value is indicative of one or more reconstructed parameters of a first colour component corresponding to the current block; andgenerating a second colour component predicted value corresponding to the current block at least based on a weight coefficient corresponding to the neighboring reference sample related to a position of the current block and the neighboring reference sample; anddecoding the video based on the second colour component predicted value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a scaling factor according to the weight ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038700A1
Автор: Meardi Guido, Rossato Luca

Computer processor hardware receives settings information for a first image. The first image includes a set of multiple display elements. The computer processor hardware receives motion compensation information for a given display element in a second image to be created based at least in part on the first image. The motion compensation information indicates a coordinate location within a particular display element in the first image to which the given display element pertains. The computer processor hardware utilizes the coordinate location as a basis from which to select a grouping of multiple display elements in the first image. The computer processor hardware then generates a setting for the given display element in the second image based on settings of the multiple display elements in the grouping. 1. A motion compensation system within a signal processor configured as a decoder , the motion compensation system comprising:a motion compensation block to receive a reference image for a video signal and information on motion compensation and to generate a motion compensated image; anda combiner to combine the motion compensated image with residual data to reconstruct a rendition of a target image for the video signal,wherein the information on motion compensation is used to determine a plurality of motion vectors for a plurality of display elements associated with the motion compensated image,wherein each motion vector is used to determine a set of fractional coordinates, the set of fractional coordinates indicating a location within the reference image that is at a resolution that is higher than the reference image,wherein the set of fractional coordinates are used to determine a grouping of multiple display elements in the reference image, andwherein the grouping of multiple display elements in the reference image are weighted to determine values for display elements in the motion compensated image.2. The motion compensation system of claim 1 , wherein a set of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020219A1

An image processing device and method that enable suppression of an increase in the amount of coding of a scaling list. The image processing device sets a coefficient located at the beginning of a quantization matrix by adding a replacement difference coefficient that is a difference between a replacement coefficient used to replace a coefficient located at the beginning of the quantization matrix and the coefficient located at the beginning of the quantization matrix to the coefficient located at the beginning of the quantization matrix; up-converts the set quantization matrix; and dequantizes quantized data using an up-converted quantization matrix in which a coefficient located at the beginning of the up-converted quantization matrix has been replaced with the replacement coefficient. The device and method can be applied to an image processing device. 1. (canceled)2: An image processing device , comprising: decode encoded data including a difference value that is a difference between a replacement coefficient and an initial value, the replacement coefficient being used to replace a (0, 0) coefficient of an up-converted quantization matrix which is obtained by up-converting the quantization matrix to the same size as a transform block size, and a replacement difference coefficient that is a difference between the replacement coefficient and a (0, 0) coefficient of a quantization matrix whose size is limited to not greater than a transmission size that is a maximum size allowed in transmission;', 'set the replacement coefficient according to the replacement difference coefficient and the (0, 0) coefficient of the quantization matrix according to the replacement difference coefficient;', 'up-convert the quantization matrix set by the circuitry to set the up-converted quantization matrix;', 'replace the (0, 0) coefficient of the up-converted quantization matrix set by the circuitry with the replacement coefficient, and', 'dequantize quantized data obtained by ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020220A1

Embodiments feature families of rate allocation and rate control methods that utilize advanced processing of past and future frame/field picture statistics and are designed to operate with one or more coding passes. At least two method families include: a family of methods for a rate allocation with picture look-ahead; and a family of methods for average bit rate (ABR) control methods. At least two other methods for each method family are described. For the first family of methods, some methods may involve intra rate control. For the second family of methods, some methods may involve high complexity ABR control and/or low complexity ABR control. These and other embodiments can involve any of the following: spatial coding parameter adaptation, coding prediction, complexity processing, complexity estimation, complexity filtering, bit rate considerations, quality considerations, coding parameter allocation, and/or hierarchical prediction structures, among others. 1. (canceled)2. A method for decoding a bitstream , the method comprising: wherein image frames of the second temporal scalability level are not used as a reference for motion-compensated prediction of image frames of the first temporal scalability level,', 'wherein at least one frame of the second temporal scalability level is signaled in the bitstream as a disposable frame, and at least one frame of the second temporal scalability level is not signaled in the bitstream as a disposable frame, and', 'wherein at least one frame of the second temporal scalability level is an I-coded picture;, 'receiving, at a decoder comprising one or more processing devices, image frames associated with at least a first temporal scalability level and a second temporal scalability level,'}discarding, without decoding, all frames of the second temporal scalability level; anddecoding frames of the first temporal scalability level.3. The method of wherein the at least one frame of the second temporal scalability level that is not ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020233A1

A computation unit subtracts a prediction image from an input image. An orthogonal transformation unit applies orthogonal transformation to an output of the computation unit. A quantization unit quantizes an output of the orthogonal transformation unit. An encoding unit encodes an output of the quantization unit. A prediction mode determination unit determines a prediction mode from the input image. The prediction mode is different according to types of an I-picture, a P-picture and a B-picture. 1. A moving image encoding device comprising:a computation unit subtracting a prediction image from an input image;an orthogonal transformation unit applying orthogonal transformation to an output of the computation unit;a quantization unit quantizing an output of the orthogonal transformation unit;an encoding unit encoding an output of the quantization unit; anda prediction mode determination unit performing an intra-prediction to the input image to determine an intra-prediction mode when the input image is an I-picture, and performing the intra-prediction and an inter- prediction to the input image to determine any one of the intra-prediction mode and an inter-prediction mode when the input image is a P-picture and a B-picture,wherein the prediction mode determination unit calculates a flat area determination parameter for determining whether each pixel block of the input image is a flat area or not, calculates an offset value based on a threshold determination result of the flat area determination parameter of a block positioned around a coding target block of the input image, and selects and applies a prediction mode of the coding target block based on an evaluation value to which an error between the input image and the prediction image corresponding to the coding target block, header cost integrated with a weighting coefficient, and the offset value are added.2. The moving image encoding device according to claim 1 , wherein the prediction mode determination unit ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Encoding an image

Номер: US20150023411A1
Принадлежит: Imagination Technologies Ltd

A quantization level is determined for use by an encoder in encoding an image in accordance with a target number of bits. For each section of the image, the pixels are analysed to estimate the complexity of the image section. For each of a plurality of candidate quantization levels, a relationship and the estimated complexity of the image sections are used to estimate the number of bits that would be generated by encoding the image with the encoder using the respective candidate quantization level, and based thereon one of the candidate quantization levels is selected. The relationship is a function of the quantization level used by the encoder, and is for use in relating the complexity of an image section to the number of bits that would be generated by encoding that image section with the encoder. The encoder uses the selected quantization level in encoding the image.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Fractional Quantization Parameter Offset In Video Compression

Номер: US20190020875A1

A method of coding includes receiving a bitstream, obtaining a chroma quantization parameter range offset, a luma quantization parameter, quantization parameter offsets, and coefficients; calculating first intermediate chroma quantization parameters using the chroma quantization parameter range offset, the luma quantization parameter, and the quantization parameter offsets; where the first intermediate chroma quantization parameters have non-integer values; determining second intermediate chroma quantization parameters based on the first intermediate chroma quantization parameters, where the second intermediate chroma quantization parameters have non-integer values; calculating final chroma quantization parameters based on the second intermediate chroma quantization parameters and the chroma quantization parameter range offset; calculating a quantization step using the final chroma quantization parameters; quantizing the coefficients using the quantization step to produce quantized coefficients and transforming the quantized coefficients to residual pixels; and combining the residual pixels with prediction pixels to obtain reconstructed pixels. 1. A method of coding implemented by a decoding device , comprising:receiving a bitstream from an encoding device;obtaining a chroma quantization parameter range offset, a luma quantization parameter, quantization parameter offsets, and coefficients from the bitstream using an entropy decoder of the decoding device;calculating first intermediate chroma quantization parameters using the chroma quantization parameter range offset, the luma quantization parameter, and the quantization parameter offsets, wherein one or more of the first intermediate chroma quantization parameters have non-integer values;determining second intermediate chroma quantization parameters based on the first intermediate chroma quantization parameters, wherein one or more of the second intermediate chroma quantization parameters have non-integer values; ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020876A1

Method For Implementing A Quantizer In A Multimedia Compression And Encoding System is disclosed. In the Quantizer system of the present invention, several new quantization ideas are disclosed. In one embodiment, adjacent macroblocks are grouped together into macroblock groups. The macroblock groups are then assigned a common quantizer value. The common quantizer value may be selected based upon how the macroblocks are encoded, the type of macroblocks within the macroblock group (intra-blocks or inter-blocks), the history of the motion vectors associated with the macroblocks in the macroblock group, the residuals of the macroblocks in the macroblock group, and the energy of the macroblocks in the macroblock group. The quantizer value may be adjusted in a manner that is dependent on the current quantizer value. Specifically, if the quantizer value is at the low end of the quantizer scale, then only small adjustments are made. If the quantizer value is at the high end then larger adjustments may be made to the quantizer. Finally, in one embodiment, the quantizer is implemented along with an inverse quantizer for efficient operation. 133-. (canceled)34. A non-transitory computer readable medium storing a computer program for execution by at least one processing unit , the computer program for decoding a video picture that comprises a plurality of pixel sets , each pixel set comprising a plurality of pixels , the computer program comprising sets of instructions for:identifying a plurality of groups of pixel sets comprising the plurality of pixel sets of the video picture, each of the groups comprising one or more pixel sets, wherein the number of pixel sets in at least two groups are different;identifying, for each group of pixel sets, a same single quantizer value to all pixel sets in the group; andde-quantizing, for each group of pixel sets, the pixel sets in the group by using the same single assigned quantizer value for each pixel set in the group.35. The non- ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods and Devices for Emulating Low-Fidelity Coding in a High-Fidelity Coder

Номер: US20200021811A1

Methods of encoding and decoding video in a low-fidelity mode are described. A coding unit level low-fidelity flag is present in the bitstream to signal whether low-fidelity mode is enabled for a particular coding unit or not. If enabled, then, for that coding unit, the chroma quantization parameter is determined using the luma quantization parameter adjusted by a low-fidelity-mode offset. If not enabled, then, for that coding unit, the chroma quantization parameter is determined using the luma quantization parameter without adjustment by the low-fidelity-mode offset. The chroma quantization parameter is then used in the scaling of quantized chroma transform domain coefficients. Use with luma or other video components is also proposed. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of decoding video from a bitstream of encoded video using a video decoder , the video including a picture partitioned into coding units , the method comprising: decoding, from the bitstream, a low-fidelity flag for said one of the coding units, wherein the low-fidelity flag is associated with a chroma component and indicates whether or not to determine a chroma quantization parameter (QP) for the chroma component based on a low-fidelity-mode offset, wherein:', 'if the low-fidelity flag is set, then determining the chroma QP for the chroma component by adding a low-fidelity-mode offset to a sum of a luma QP and a global QP offset, wherein the low-fidelity-mode offset is signaled in a picture parameter set;', 'if the low-fidelity flag is not set, then determining the chroma QP for the chroma component without using the low-fidelity-mode offset; and, 'for one of the coding unitsdequantizing decoded coefficients in the chroma component for said one of the coding units, based upon the chroma QP, to produce dequantized coefficients.22. The method claimed in claim 21 , wherein decoding the low-fidelity flag comprises decoding the low-fidelity flag from a coding unit header associated with said one of the coding ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021818A1

A method of decoding video data including, receiving a first block of video data, receiving a first syntax element indicating if a coding mode is to be used for the first block of video data in the case that the first block of video data is associated with a number of non-zero transform coefficients greater than or equal to a threshold, explicitly decoding a value of the received first syntax element, and applying the coding mode to the first block of video data in accordance with a value of the first syntax element. 1. A method of decoding video data , the method comprising:determining an intra prediction mode for a current block of video data;determining if a position dependent intra prediction combination (PDPC) mode is to be used for the current block of video data based on the intra prediction mode for the current block of video data; andapplying the PDPC mode to the current block of video data in accordance with the determination.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining if the PDC mode is to be used for the current block of video data comprises:determining that the PDPC mode is not to be used for the current block of video in the case that the determined intra prediction mode is in a first subset of intra prediction modes; anddetermining that the PDPC mode is to be used for the current block of video in the case that the determined intra prediction mode is in a second subset of intra prediction modes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining if the PDC mode is to be used for the current block of video data comprises:determining if the PDPC mode is to be used for the current block of video based how close an index for the determined intra prediction mode is to one or more of a horizontal intra prediction mode, a vertical intra prediction mode, or a diagonal intra prediction mode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining if the PDC mode is to be used for the current block of video data comprises:determining if the PDPC mode is to be used for the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021844A1
Принадлежит: Tencent America LLC

A method of processing point cloud data at a decoder can include receiving three dimensional (3D) coordinates of a set of points of a point cloud including first points and a current point. Each of the first points can be associated with a reconstructed attribute value. A group of neighboring points of the current point can be determined from the first points. An attribute distance for each of the neighboring points can be determined based on the reconstructed attribute values of the neighboring points. An attribute prediction of the current point can be determined based on the attribute distances of the neighboring points. 1. A method of processing point cloud data at a decoder , comprising:receiving three dimensional (3D) coordinates of a set of points of a point cloud including first points and a current point, each of the first points being associated with a reconstructed attribute value;determining a group of neighboring points of the current point from the first points;determining an attribute distance for each of the neighboring points based on the reconstructed attribute values of the neighboring points; anddetermining an attribute prediction of the current point based on the attribute distances of the neighboring points.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the group of determined neighboring points of the current point are a subset of the first points that are nearest to the current point in terms of geometric distances.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the attribute distance is one of:a deviation of a respective one of the reconstructed attribute values of the neighboring points from a median or mean value of the reconstructed attribute values of the neighboring points.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the attribute prediction of the current point comprises: a first attribute based weight that is an inverse of a deviation of the respective reconstructed attribute value of the neighboring points from a median value of the reconstructed ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021852A1
Автор: KIM Kwangje, OH Hyunoh

A device configured to encode video data is discussed. The device includes a generator configured to generate a prediction block of a current prediction unit using a reference index and a motion vector of the current prediction unit, and a residual block using a difference between the current prediction unit and the prediction block; a transformer configured to transform the residual block to generate a transform block; a quantizer configured to quantize coefficients of the transform block to generate a quantization block using a quantization parameter. Further, the quantizer generates the quantization block by selecting two effective quantization parameters that are available and exist among left, upper, and previous quantization parameters according to an order of priority levels set for the left, upper, and previous quantization parameters and using an average of the two effective quantization parameters; and an entropy-coder configured to entropy-code the quantization block using a scan pattern. 1a generator configured to generate a prediction block of a current prediction unit using a reference index and a motion vector of the current prediction unit, and a residual block using a difference between the current prediction unit and the prediction block;a transformer configured to transform the residual block to generate a transform block;a quantizer configured to quantize coefficients of the transform block to generate a quantization block using a quantization parameter, wherein the quantizer generates the quantization block by selecting two effective quantization parameters that are available and exist among left, upper, and previous quantization parameters according to an order of priority levels set for the left, upper, and previous quantization parameters and using an average of the two effective quantization parameters; andan entropy-coder configured to entropy-code the quantization block using a scan pattern,wherein the motion vector is encoded using a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029042A1
Принадлежит: Allegro DVT

The invention concerns a method of video encoding comprising: determining a first ratio (IP) based on previously encoded picture frames of a video sequence comprising one or more intra-coded pictures (I) and one or more predicted pictures (P), the first ratio (IP) being calculated based on the ratio between the size of one or more previously encoded intra-coded pictures and the size of one or more previously encoded predicted pictures; and determining a quantization parameter (QP) to be applied to a frame to be encoded based on the first ratio (IP). 1. A method of video encoding comprising:{'sub': RATIO', 'RATIO, 'determining a first ratio (IP) based on previously encoded picture frames of a video sequence comprising one or more intra-coded pictures (I) and one or more predicted pictures (P), the first ratio (IP) being calculated based on the ratio between the size of one or more previously encoded intra-coded pictures and the size of one or more previously encoded predicted pictures; and'}{'sub': 'RATIO', 'determining a quantization parameter (QP) to be applied to a frame to be encoded based on the first ratio (IP).'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first ratio (IP) is determined based on a previous value of the first ratio (PREVIOUS_IP) and on a latest ratio between the encoded size of the latest of the intra-coded pictures to be encoded and the latest of the predicted pictures to be encoded.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the quantization parameter comprises:{'sub': 'SW', 'determining the size (S) of a sliding window of N previously encoded picture frames of the video sequence, the sliding window comprising one or more of the intra-coded pictures (I) and one or more of the predicted pictures (P), where N is an integer equal to three or more;'}{'sub': SW', 'RATIO, 'determining a target size (T) of the sliding window based on at least the first ratio (IP); and'}determining the quantization parameter (QP) to be applied to a frame to be encoded ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027234A1
Автор: Sato Kazushi

An image processing apparatus and a method for improving the coding efficiency for a quantization parameter are provided. The method includes steps of setting a predicted quantization parameter for a current coding unit by using multiple quantization parameters which are set for multiple surrounding coding units located around the current coding unit which is target of coding processing, and setting a difference quantization parameter indicating a difference value between the quantization parameter which is set for the current coding unit and the predicted quantization parameter. 1. An image processing apparatus for encoding image data , the image processing apparatus comprising:a predicted quantization parameter setting unit for, with a variable-sized coding unit as a processing unit, according to a position of a current coding unit within a current maximum coding unit, when it is determined that all adjacent coding units adjacent to the current coding unit are located outside the current maximum coding unit and are not in available state, setting, as a predicted quantization parameter, a quantization parameter which is set for a surrounding coding unit located around but not adjacent to the current coding unit, wherein the variable-sized coding unit is obtained by recursively dividing a fixed-sized maximum coding unit according to a quad tree structure in a sequencing unit;a difference quantization parameter setting unit for setting a difference quantization parameter indicating a difference value between the current quantization parameter which is set for the current coding unit and the predicted quantization parameter which is set by the predicted quantization parameter setting unit; andan encoding unit for generating a bit stream comprising the difference quantization parameter set by the difference quantization parameter setting unit, by encoding the image data with the coding unit as the processing unit.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Speedup Techniques for Rate Distortion Optimized Quantization

Номер: US20180027245A1

Techniques for selecting a coding mode for an image coding process are described. Coding modes can be selected through a coding mode transition state machine, a re-quantization process, selection of an optimal transform size, by skipping some quantization parameters, or by performing motion search. 1. A method of selecting a coding mode and a quantization parameter for an image coding unit to be coded and quantized in an image coding process , comprising:(a) performing a first quantization process having a first type of quantization technique during evaluation of M possible coding modes;{'sub': 1', '1, '(b) based on the first quantization process, selecting Mbest coding modes according to a predefined coding criterion, wherein M>M≧1;'}{'sub': '1', '(c) after steps (a) and (b) have been performed for each of the M possible coding modes, performing a second quantization process that has a second type of quantization technique for the Mbest coding modes; and'}(d) selecting a best coding mode based on the results of the first quantization process and the second quantization process;wherein the first quantization process has the first type of quantization technique, wherein the first type of quantization technique comprises a faster type of quantization than the second quantization type;wherein the second quantization process has the second type of quantization technique, which comprises a slower quantization type than the first quantization type; andwherein the first quantization process and the second quantization process are repeated for each quantization parameter.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein information about the positions and magnitudes of quantized transform coefficients of one or more quantization parameters is used during the quantization processes of subsequent quantization parameters.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second quantization process is applied to a single best coding mode among the M possible coding modes claim 1 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027252A1

The present disclosure generally relates to a device and a method of decoding a color picture from a bitstream. It comprises: —obtaining an expanded range luminance as a first component by applying a nonlinear dynamic expansion function to a luminance component obtained from the bitstream, wherein said nonlinear dynamic expansion function is determined depending on an inverse of a dynamic reduction function that has been applied to an original luminance component obtained when encoding the color picture; —obtaining a second component by calculating a square root of a difference between a value determined by the first component and another value computed as a linear combination of a multiplication product of two chrominance components and square values of the two chrominance components obtained from the bitstream; and —obtaining at least one color component of the color picture to be decoded at least from said second component and said two chrominance components by determining said at least one color component as a linear combination of the second component and the two chrominance components. 114-. (canceled)15. A method of decoding a color picture from a bitstream , comprising:obtaining a final luminance component (L) by linear combining a luminance (L′) and chrominance (U′, V′) components obtained from a bitstream;obtaining a first component (Y) by applying a non-linear dynamic expansion function on said final luminance component (L) in order that the dynamic of the first component (Y) is increased compared to the dynamic of the final luminance component (L);{'sub': 'γ', 'obtaining a normalized multiplicative factor (β′) by dividing a multiplicative factor (β′) obtained from the bitstream by the square root of the first component;'}{'sub': 'HDR', 'recovering at least one color component (RGB) of the color picture to be decoded from said chrominance components (U′, V′) and said first component (Y) by{'img': {'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00010', '@he': '3.89mm', '@wi': ' ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028608A1

A method for controlling an electronic device including at least one processor configured to encrypt an image and upload the encrypted image to an external server by using an artificial intelligence neural network model is provided. The method includes receiving a command to upload an image to the external server; acquiring, based on the command, a characteristic value corresponding to the image by inputting the image and a key of the electronic device into a neural network model trained to identify characteristic values based on an input image and an input key; and transmitting identification information of the image and the characteristic value to the external server. 1. A method for controlling an electronic device including at least one processor configured to encrypt an image and upload the encrypted image to an external server by using an artificial intelligence neural network model , the method comprising:receiving a command to upload an image to the external server;acquiring, based on the command, a characteristic value corresponding to the image by inputting the image and a key of the electronic device into a neural network model trained to identify characteristic values based on an input image and an input key; andtransmitting identification information of the image and the characteristic value to the external server.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the key of the electronic device is one from among a password of the electronic device and identification information of the electronic device.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the key is one of a plurality of keys claim 1 , andwherein the transmitting comprises transmitting version information of the key corresponding to the image to the external server together with the identification information of the image and the characteristic value.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:acquiring, based on the command, a thumbnail image corresponding to the image;matching and ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Compression method and apparatus for panoramic stereo video system

Номер: US20190028707A1
Автор: Jingyi Yu, Yi Ma
Принадлежит: ShanghaiTech University

A method of compressing a stereoscopic video including a left view frame and a right view frame is provided, the method including: determining a texture saliency value for a first block in the left view frame by intra prediction (1101); determining a motion saliency value for the first block by motion estimation (1102); determining a disparity saliency value between the first block and a corresponding second block in the right view frame (1103); determining a quantization parameter based on the disparity saliency value, the texture saliency value, and the motion saliency value (1104); and performing quantization of the first block in accordance with the quantization parameter (1105).

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028708A1

The present disclosure relates to an image processing device and method that enable suppression of an increase in the amount of coding of a quantization matrix. 1. (canceled)2. An image processing device , comprising:a decoding unit configured to decode a bit stream including a second quantization matrix of second size extracted from elements of a first quantization matrix of first size as to generate quantized data;a setting unit configured to set the first quantization matrix of first size by performing a nearest neighbor interpolation process onto each element of the second quantization matrix of the second size during performing an inverse orthogonal transform, in transformation units of the first size, onto transform coefficient data dequantized from the quantized data generated by the decoding unit; anda dequantization unit configured to dequantize the quantized data generated by the decoding unit using the first quantization matrix of first size set by the setting unit.3. The image processing device according to claim 2 , wherein the second quantization matrix of second size is included in a picture parameter set of the bit stream.4. The image processing device according to claim 3 , further comprising:an inverse orthogonal transformation unit configured to inverse orthogonal transform, in transformation units of first size, the transform coefficient data resulted from dequantization to the quantized data generated by the decoding unit.5. An image processing method claim 3 , comprising steps of:decoding a bit stream including a second quantization matrix of second size extracted from elements of a first quantization matrix of first size as to generate quantized data;setting the first quantization matrix of first size by performing a nearest neighbor interpolation process onto each element of the second quantization matrix of the second size during performing an inverse orthogonal transform, in transformation units of the first size, onto transform coefficient ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Content adaptive predictive and functionally predictive pictures with modified references for next generation video coding

Номер: US20150036737A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Techniques related to content adaptive predictive and functionally predictive pictures with modified references for next generation video coding are described.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for encoding and decoding image information

Номер: US20140119433A1

The present invention relates to a method for encoding and decoding image information and to an apparatus using same, and the method for encoding the image information, according to the present invention, comprises the steps of: generating a recovery block; applying a deblocking filter to the recovery block; applying a sample adaptive offset (SAO) to the recovery block to which the deblocking filter is applied; and transmitting the image information including information on the SAO which is applied, wherein in the step of transmitting, information for specifying bands that cover a scope of a pixel value, to which a band off set is applied, is transmitted when the band offset is applied during the step of applying the SAO.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Multimedia Distribution System

Номер: US20220051697A1
Принадлежит: DIVX, LLC

A multimedia file and methods of generating, distributing and using the multimedia file are described. Multimedia files in accordance with embodiments of the present invention can contain multiple video tracks, multiple audio tracks, multiple subtitle tracks, a complete index that can be used to locate each data chunk in each of these tracks and an abridged index that can enable the location of a subset of the data chunks in each track, data that can be used to generate a menu interface to access the contents of the file and ‘meta data’ concerning the contents of the file. Multimedia files in accordance with several embodiments of the present invention also include references to video tracks, audio tracks, subtitle tracks and ‘meta data’ external to the file. One embodiment of a multimedia file in accordance with the present invention includes a series of encoded video frames, a first index that includes information indicative of the location within the file and characteristics of each encoded video frame and a separate second index that includes information indicative of the location within the file of a subset of the encoded video frames. 1. (canceled)2. An encoder for encoding video to a media file , the encoder comprising:{'claim-text': ['encoding a track of video frames;', 'generating a first index that includes location information indicative of locations of chunks within a media file, where each chunk includes at least a portion of the track of encoded video frames;', 'generating a second index that includes location information for a particular encoded video frame within at least one chunk identified by the first index; and', 'storing the media file that includes the track of encoded video frames, the generated first index, and the generated second index.'], '#text': 'a set of one or more processors configured to perform the steps of:'}3. The encoder of claim 2 , wherein the location information indicative of locations of chunks within the media file from ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Video encoding method and apparatus, video decoding method and apparatus, device, and storage medium

Номер: US20220053191A1
Принадлежит: Tencent Technology Shenzhen Co Ltd

A video encoding method and apparatus is provided. The method includes determining a chroma format of a video frame, determining, for a currently decoded first quantization matrix (QM), a size of the first QM according to the determined chroma format and a size of a luma transform block (TB) when the first QM is a chroma QM, and decoding the first QM when the size of the first QM is greater than zero. Thus, a size of a chroma QM is flexibly determined according to a chroma format and a size of a luma TB, rather than a fixed size predefined according to an identifier of the QM, thereby improving flexibility during encoding and decoding of the chroma QM. Apparatus and non-transitory computer-readable storage medium counterpart embodiments are also provided.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Quantization Control for Variable Bit Depth

Номер: US20190037214A1

The quantization parameter QP is well-known in digital video compression as an indication of picture quality. Digital symbols representing a moving image are quantized with a quantizing step that is a function QSN of the quantization parameter QP, which function QSN has been normalized to the most significant bit of the bit depth of the digital symbols. As a result, the effect of a given QP is essentially independent of bit depth a particular QP value has a standard effect on image quality, regardless of bit depth. The invention is useful, for example, in encoding and decoding at different bit depths, to generate compatible, bitstreams having different bit depths, and to allow different bit depths for different components of a video signal by compressing each with the same fidelity (i.e., the same QP). 2. The data storage apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the QSis based on 2 claim 1 , C being a non-zero constant.3. The data storage apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the non-zero constant C equals 6.4. The data storage apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first bit depth equals 10.5. The data storage apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first bit depth equals 12.6. The data storage apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first bit depth equals 14.7. The data storage apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first bit depth equals 16. This application is a continuation of, and claims the benefit of priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/889,378 filed on Feb. 6, 2018, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/625,192 filed on Jun. 16, 2017 and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,924,172 on Mar. 20, 2018), which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/789,419 filed on Jul. 1, 2015 (and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,794,564 on Oct. 17, 2017), which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/666,595 filed on Mar. 24, 2015 (and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,113,165 on Aug. 18, 2015), which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/093,852 ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037215A1

Several methods, systems, and computer program products for quantization of video content are disclosed. In an embodiment, the method includes determining by a processing module, motion information associated with a block of video data of the video content. A degree of randomness associated with the block of video data is determined by the processing module based on the motion information. A value of a quantization parameter (QP) associated with the block of video data is modulated by a quantization module based on the determined degree of randomness. 1. A method of quantization of video content , comprising:determining by a processing module, motion information associated with a block of video data associated with the video content;determining by the processing module, a degree of randomness associated with the block of video data based on the motion information; andmodulating by a quantization module, a value of a quantization parameter (QP) for the block of video data based on the determined degree of randomness.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:comparing by the processing module, the determined degree of randomness with a plurality of threshold degrees of randomness;classifying by the processing module, the block of video data into a category of blocks from among a plurality of categories of blocks based on the comparison, each of the plurality of categories of the blocks being associated with a range of values associated with the threshold degree of randomness; andadjusting by the quantization module, the value of QP of the block of video data based on a first predetermined value from among a plurality of predetermined values, the first predetermined value corresponding to the category of blocks.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising prior to modulating:comparing by the processing module, the determined degree of randomness with a first predetermined threshold degree of randomness; and a random block when the determined degree of randomness ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037220A1

A method of encoding an image into a coded image, the method comprising: writing a quantization offset parameter into the coded image, determining a prediction mode type for coding a block of image samples of the image into a coding unit of the coded image, determining a quantization parameter for the block of image samples, and determining if the prediction mode type is of a predetermined type, wherein if the prediction mode type is of the predetermined type, the method further comprises: modifying the determined quantization parameter using the quantization offset parameter, and performing a quantization process for the block of image samples using the modified quantization parameter, and wherein if the prediction mode type is not of the predetermined type, the method further comprises: performing a quantization process for the block of image samples using the determined quantization parameter. 123-. (canceled)24. A method of encoding an image into a coded image , the method comprising:determining a first parameter related to quantization for a unit of the image; anddetermining if a prediction mode of the unit is a first prediction mode, modifying the determined first parameter using a second parameter for the unit in the first prediction mode; and', 'performing a quantization process for the unit using the modified first parameter, and, 'wherein if the prediction mode is the first prediction mode, the method further comprises 'performing a quantization process for the unit without using the second parameter for the unit in the first prediction mode.', 'wherein if the prediction mode is a second prediction mode which is different from the first prediction mode, the method further comprises25. A method of decoding a coded image , the method comprising:determining a first parameter related to quantization for a unit of the coded image; anddetermining if a prediction mode of the unit is a first prediction mode, modifying the determined first parameter using a second ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037227A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

An apparatus of video encoding is described herein. The apparatus includes an encoder and a hardware bit packing unit. The encoder includes a fixed function hierarchical motion estimation search unit, fixed function integer motion estimation search units, and a fixed function check and refinement unit. The check and refinement unit is to generate residuals using nested loops based on at least one spatial domain prediction and at least one frequency domain prediction and perform a final mode decision based on rate distortion optimization (RDO) costs associated with the generated residuals. The hardware bit packing unit is to pack bits as coded according to the final mode decision into a data format. 1. A system for video encoding , comprising: execute a hierarchical motion estimation search;', 'execute an integer motion estimation search based on at least the results of the hierarchical motion estimation (HME) search, and spatial and temporal neighbors;', 'execute a skip check, an inter refinement, and an intra search, using nested loops to generate residuals based on at least one spatial domain prediction and at least one frequency domain prediction;', 'calculate a rate distortion optimization (RDO) cost for each of the generated residuals and execute a mode decision for transform unit sizes up to a size of a coding unit; and', 'generate a largest coding unit (LCU) based on rate distortion optimization (RDO) cost comparisons of the generated residuals and execute a final mode decision., 'an encoder comprising a plurality of fixed function hardware units comprising a hierarchical motion estimation unit, an integer motion estimation unit, and a check and refinement unit, wherein when the encoder is to execute the plurality of fixed function hardware units, wherein the plurality of fixed function hardware units are operable to2. The system of claim 1 , comprising:a memory that is to store instructions and that is communicatively coupled to the encoder; anda processor ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037232A1

The present invention provides a method for encoding a video signal by using an enhanced prediction signal, the method comprising the steps of: generating a prediction signal for a current block, wherein the prediction signal is generated by applying a prediction weight to a reconstructed pixel of the current block and a pixel of a motion-compensated previously decoded block; obtaining an optimal quantized transform coefficient for the current block through rate-distortion optimization, on the basis of the prediction signal; and performing entropy encoding of the optimal quantized transform coefficient. 1. A method for encoding a video signal using an enhanced prediction signal , comprising:generating a prediction signal for a current block, wherein the prediction signal is generated by applying a prediction weight to a reconstructed pixel of the current block and a pixel of a motion-compensated previously decoded block;obtaining an optimal quantized transform coefficient for the current block by a rate-distortion optimization based on the prediction signal; andentropy-encoding the optimal quantized transform coefficient.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prediction weight is generated based on a predetermined block type.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the predetermined block type is divided into a plurality of categories, andthe plurality of categories comprises at least one of a horizontal type, a vertical type, a diagonal type, a non-diagonal type or a smooth type.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of categories is classified based on a score obtained by filtering the motion-compensated previously decoded block.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein:a 5-tap flattening filter is used to determine a score of the smooth type, anda 3-tap directional filter is used to determine a score of remaining types.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingtransmitting a pixel recursive transform flag indicating whether the optimal quantized transform ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036968A1

A method for decoding a bitstream comprising: (a) decoding at least one pictures from the bitstream; and (b) partitioning each of the at least one pictures into a plurality of slices, wherein each of the plurality of slices includes at least one coding units, wherein (c) palette table predictor size of a coding unit of the at least one coding units is set equal to 0 at start of a slice of the plurality of slices. 1. (canceled)2. A method for decoding a bitstream comprising:(a) receiving the bitstream including at least one picture which includes a plurality of tiles, wherein each of the plurality of tiles comprises a plurality of coding units;(b) receiving a new palette entry in the bitstream;(c) generating a palette table predictor by using a previous palette table which includes a set of pixel values of a previous coding unit;(d) generating a current palette table by using the palette table predictor and the new palette entry; and(e) decoding pixel values of a current coding unit by using the current palette table, wherein the method further comprising(f) setting a size of the palette table predictor, specifying a number of entries of the palette table predictor, equal to 0 at the start of each of the plurality of tiles, and(g) synchronizing the size of the palette table predictor with a size of the previous palette table if a coding tree unit is not a first coding tree unit in each of the plurality of tiles. The present invention relates to video encoding and/or decoding.Electronic devices have become smaller and more powerful in order to meet consumer needs and to improve portability and convenience. Consumers have become dependent upon electronic devices and have come to expect increased functionality. Some examples of electronic devices include desktop computers, laptop computers, cellular phones, smart phones, media players, integrated circuits, etc.Some electronic devices are used for processing and/or displaying digital media. For example, portable ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Recording medium having recorded thereon coded information using plus and/or minus rounding of images

Номер: US20150043644A1
Автор: Yuichiro Nakaya
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A computer-readable medium having stored thereon an image decoding program which, when executed by a computer, implements operations including: extracting motion vector information, and rounding method information from input information to be decoded; synthesizing a prediction image by performing motion compensation using the motion vector information and a reference image which is a previously decoded image; and synthesizing a decoded image by adding the prediction image to an error image; wherein a rounding method used for pixel value interpolation in performing the motion compensation for synthesizing the prediction image is one of a positive rounding method and a negative rounding method which is different from a one of a positive rounding method and a negative rounding method used for pixel value interpolation in performing the motion compensation for synthesizing a last prediction image.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043654A1

An image coding method and apparatus considering human visual characteristics are provided. The image coding method comprises (a) modeling image quality distribution of an input image in units of scenes such that the quality of an image input in units of scenes is gradually lowered from a region of interest to a background region, (b) determining a quantization parameter of each region constituting one scene according to the result of modeling of image quality distribution, (c) quantizing image data in accordance with the quantization parameter, and (d) coding entropy of the quantized image data. 1. An image decoding method comprising:decoding image data including information on a quantization parameter for each macroblock in a bitstream; anddetermining respective quantization parameters based on a location of each macroblock and inverse-quantizing each macroblock using the respectively determined quantization parameter, wherein macroblocks located on a boundary of a region are inverse-quantized using a second quantization parameter obtained based on a first quantization parameter, with all other macroblocks of the region being inverse-quantized using the first quantization parameter decoded from the bitstream for macroblocks of the region.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding an image restored for each macroblock according to corresponding positions and constitutes one scene.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second quantization parameter for the boundary of the region is determined according to a predetermined rule.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the respectively determined quantization parameters claim 1 , being obtained based on the decoded information on the quantization parameter for each macroblock claim 1 , so that image quality is lowered in the boundary of the region and so that the determination of the quantization parameter for each macroblock is region specific claim 1 , include a determined quantization parameter at least along ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043816A1
Автор: Tanaka Junichi

An image processing device including an acquiring section configured to acquire quantization matrix parameters from an encoded stream in which the quantization matrix parameters defining a quantization matrix are set within a parameter set which is different from a sequence parameter set and a picture parameter set, a setting section configured to set, based on the quantization matrix parameters acquired by the acquiring section, a quantization matrix which is used when inversely quantizing data decoded from the encoded stream, and an inverse quantization section configured to inversely quantize the data decoded from the encoded stream using the quantization matrix set by the setting section.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037243A1

An encoder includes circuitry and memory. Using the memory, the circuitry: performs a transform process of (i) applying a first transform to a prediction residual signal indicating a difference between a current block to be encoded and a prediction image of the current block and (ii) further applying a second transform to a transform result of the first transform; and in the second transform, selects one transform basis (i) from a first group of candidates when a size of the current block is a first block size and (ii) from a second group of candidates when the size of the current block is a second block size different from the first block size, the first group including one or more candidates for a transform basis, the second group being different from the first group. 1. An encoder , comprising:circuitry; andmemory, wherein performs a transform process of (i) applying a first transform to a prediction residual signal indicating a difference between a current block to be encoded and a prediction image of the current block and (ii) further applying a second transform to a transform result of the first transform; and', 'in the second transform, selects one transform basis (i) from a first group of candidates when a size of the current block is a first block size and (ii) from a second group of candidates when the size of the current block is a second block size different from the first block size, the first group including one or more candidates for a transform basis, the second group being different from the first group., 'using the memory, the circuitry2. The encoder according to claim 1 , whereinthe first block size is a size of the current block having a shorter side whose length is less than 8, and the second block size is a size of the current block having the shorter side whose length is greater than or equal to 8.3. The encoder according to claim 1 , whereinthe first block size is 4×4 and the second block size is 8×8.4. The encoder according to claim 1 , ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Rate Control in Video Coding

Номер: US20210037252A1

A method of rate control in coding of a video sequence to generate a compressed bit stream is provided that includes computing a sequence base quantization step size for a sequence of pictures in the video sequence, computing a picture base quantization step size for a picture in the sequence of pictures based on the sequence base quantization step size, a type of the picture, and a level of the picture in a rate control hierarchy, and coding the picture using the picture base quantization step size to generate a portion of the compressed bit stream. 1. A method comprising: the initial picture in the sequence of pictures is a level 0 frame; and', 'remaining pictures in the sequence of pictures are not a level 0 frame;, 'determining, with one or more processors, whether an initial picture in a sequence of pictures for a video sequence is an intracoded picture or a predicted picture, wherein the sequence of pictures includescomputing, with the one or more processors, a sequence base quantization step size value for the sequence of pictures according to a first technique in response to determining that the initial picture in the sequence of pictures is the intracoded picture;computing, with the one or more processors, the sequence base quantization step size for the sequence of pictures according to a second technique in response to determining that the initial picture in the sequence of pictures is a predicted picture, the second technique being different than the first technique; and adjusting the sequence base quantization step size value that is computed for the sequence of pictures based on whether variable bit rate or constant bit rate coding is being performed and a level of the respective predicted picture in a rate control hierarchy to generate a picture base quantization step size for the respective predicted picture;', 'coding, with the one or more processors, the respective predicted picture using the picture base quantization step size for the respective ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Method of generating reconstructed block

Номер: US20170041603A1
Автор: Moonock Yang, Soo Mi Oh
Принадлежит: Infobridge Pte Ltd

A method is provided for deriving an intra prediction mode for a current prediction unit. The method includes entropy decoding a mode group indicator and a prediction mode index, constructing a most probable mode (MPM) group using intra prediction modes of a left block and an above block, wherein the MPM group includes three intra prediction modes, determining whether the mode group indicator indicates the MPM group, determining an intra prediction mode specified by the prediction mode index among the three intra prediction modes in the MPM group as the intra prediction mode of the current prediction unit when the mode group indicator indicates the MPM group, and deriving the intra prediction mode of the current prediction unit using the prediction mode index and the three intra prediction modes in the MPM group when the mode group indicator does not indicate the MPM group.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041609A1
Автор: Meardi Guido, Rossato Luca

Computer processor hardware receives a first set of adjustment values. The first set of adjustment values specify adjustments to be made to a predicted rendition of a signal generated at a first level of quality to reconstruct a rendition of the signal at the first level of quality. The computer processor hardware processes the first set of adjustment values and derives a second set of adjustment values based on the first set of adjustment values and a rendition of the signal at a second level of quality. The second level of quality is lower than the first level of quality. 1. A method comprising: receiving a first set of adjustment values, the first set of adjustment values specifying adjustments to be made to a preliminary rendition of a signal generated at a first level of quality to reconstruct a rendition of the signal at the first level of quality;', 'processing the first set of adjustment values; and', 'deriving a second set of adjustment values based on the first set of adjustment values and on a rendition of the signal at a second level of quality, the second level of quality lower than the first level of quality., 'via computer processing hardware2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein producing the second set of adjustment values includes:applying a quantization algorithm to the first set of adjustment values to produce a quantized set of adjustment values;applying at least one lossless and invertible operation on the quantized set of adjustment values to produce an intermediate set of adjustment values;receiving a value derived based at least in part on the rendition of the signal at the second level of quality; andutilizing the value to convert the intermediate set of adjustment values into the second set of adjustment values.3. The method as in claim 2 , wherein a difference between respective settings in the set of quantized set of adjustment values and corresponding settings in the first set of adjustment values is below an error threshold value.4. The ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041610A1

A method and a device for encoding/decoding an image are disclosed. The method for decoding an image comprises the steps of: decoding information on a quantization matrix; and restoring the quantization matrix on the basis of the information on the quantization matrix, wherein the information on the quantization matrix includes information indicating a DC value of the quantization matrix and/or information indicating differential values of quantization matrix coefficients. 1. A video decoding method , comprising:decoding a bitstream to generate a transform coefficient block;decoding information on a quantization matrix;reconstructing a quantization matrix based on the information on the quantization matrix,wherein the information on the quantization matrix includes at least one of information indicating a prediction method of the quantization matrix, information on a reference quantization matrix identifier of the quantization matrix, information representing a DC value of the quantization matrix, and information representing a difference value between quantization matrix coefficients; andscaling the transform coefficient block based on the quantization matrix,wherein the reconstructing of the quantization matrix includes,deriving a quantization matrix coefficient by using the information representing a difference value between the quantization matrix coefficients, andarranging the quantization matrix coefficients in the quantization matrix by up-right diagonally scanning the quantization matrix coefficients.2. The video decoding method of claim 1 , wherein when a size of the transform coefficient block in which the quantization matrix is used is 16×16 or 32×32 claim 1 , the quantization matrix is reconstructed by using the information representing the DC value of the quantization matrix.3. The video decoding method of claim 1 , wherein the information representing the DC value of the quantization matrix is decoded as a value of −7 to 247.4. The video decoding ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041775A1

A video encoding method, a video encoding apparatus, a video decoding method, and a video decoding apparatus are provided. The video encoding method includes producing a fast transform matrix based on a transform matrix which is used for frequency transformation on a block which has a predetermined size; producing a transformed block by transforming the block having the predetermined size by using the fast transform matrix; and performing scaling with respect to the transformed block in order to correct a difference between the transform matrix used for the frequency transformation and the fast transform matrix. 1. A video decoding method comprising:receiving a bitstream including quantized transform block information;entropy-decoding, from the quantized transform block information, a quantized transform block;determining a scaling constant for scaling of transform coefficients included in the quantized transform block based on a quantization parameter;scaling the transform coefficients by using the scaling constant; andinverse-transforming the transform block that includes the scaled transform coefficients,wherein, where i denotes a remainder after the quantization parameter is divided by 6, the scaling constant for i=0 is 40, the scaling constant for i=1 is 45, the scaling constant for i=2 is 51, the scaling constant for i=3 is 57, the scaling constant for i=4 is 64, and the scaling constant for i=5 is 72.2. A video encoding method comprising:obtaining a transform block by transforming a residual block indicating differences between a current block and a predicted block of the current block;determining a scaling constant for quantization of transform coefficients included in the transform block based on a quantization parameter;quantizing the transform coefficients in the transform block based on the scaling constant;entropy-coding the quantized transform block; andoutput a bitstream including quantized transform block information indicating the quantized ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045188A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Techniques related to transform coefficient shaping for video encoding are discussed. Such techniques include applying weighting parameters from one or more perceptually-designed matrices of weighting parameters to blocks of transform coefficients to generate weighted transform coefficients and encoding the weighted transform coefficients into a bitstream. The process may be based on sets of perceptually designed matrices of weighting parameters. Classifier outputs may be used to select from the set of perceptually designed matrices a subset of matrices to work with. The latter may be used in a synthesis procedure to develop the final weighting matrix to be used is shaping the transform coefficients. 1. A computer-implemented method for video encoding comprising:receiving a block of transform coefficients corresponding to a transform block of a picture of input video;applying a set of weighting parameters to the block of transform coefficients to generate weighted transform coefficients; andencoding the weighted transform coefficients into a bitstream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the block of transform coefficients comprises a block of quantized transform coefficients.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:quantizing, after said applying the set of weighting parameters, the weighted transform coefficients, wherein said encoding comprises encoding quantized weighted transform coefficients.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting a subset of matrices of weighting parameters for the block of transform coefficients from a plurality of perceptually-designed matrices of weighting parameters based on one or more classifiers corresponding to the block of transform coefficients; andevaluating at least a portion of each matrix of the subset of matrices to determine the set of weighting parameters for the block of transform coefficients.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more classifiers comprises at least one of a block size of the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051318A1

A method of decoding JVET video includes receiving a bitstream that includes encoded video data that includes encoded video data. From the encoded data, a horizontal predictor and a vertical predictor for a pixel in the current coding block may be interpolated. A coding block size may be identified to determine whether to use equal weight or unequal weights to apply to each of the horizontal and vertical predictors for calculating a final planar prediction value P(x,y) by comparing the coding block size to a coding block size threshold. 1. A method for calculating a final planar prediction in planar mode to predict pixel values for a current coding block having height H , width W , and a top-left (TL) pixel within the current coding block is defined by coordinates x=0 and y=0 , the method comprising:receiving a video bitstream including encoded video data;from the encoded data, interpolating a horizontal predictor and a vertical predictor for a pixel in the current coding block;identifying a coding block size to determine whether to use equal weight or unequal weights to apply to each of the horizontal and vertical predictors for calculating a final planar prediction value P(x,y) by comparing the coding block size to a coding block size threshold in accordance with:{'sub': h', 'v, 'if the coding block size is larger than the coding block size threshold, calculating final planar prediction value P(x,y) using unequal weights applied to each of the horizontal and vertical predictors in accordance with P(x, y)=(A(x, y)*P(x, y)+B(x, y)*P(x, y)+c(x, y))/(D(x, y)), where A(x, y) and B(x, y) are position dependent weighting factors for the horizontal and vertical predictors, respectively, c(x, y) is a position dependent rounding factor, and D(x, y) is a position dependent scaling factor,'}{'sub': h', 'v, 'else if the coding block size is smaller than the coding block size threshold, calculating the final planar prediction value P(x,y) using equal weights applied to each of ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Adaptive Bilateral Filtering Using Look-Up Tables

Номер: US20210051320A1

A system comprises an encoder configured to compress video data. The encoder includes an adaptive bilateral filter that uses look-up tables. The encoder may encode one or more adaptive adjustment factors to be used by a decoder to select or adjust look-up tables used to decode the compressed video data. 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the encoder is configured to sum the approximated offset values and apply a shift operator based on a number of neighboring pixels being used to the determine the bilateral filter offset value claim 1 , andwherein the encoder is configured to take an absolute value of the summed approximated offset values prior to applying the shift operator and then apply a sign, positive or negative, associated with the summed approximated offset values after applying the shift operator.3. The system of or claim 1 , wherein the one or more characteristics of the respective portion used to determine the adaptive adjustment factor claim 1 , comprise one or more of:a bit-depth of pixels of the respective portion, wherein the encoder generates or maintains different look-up tables for different bit-depths;a dynamic range associated with the respective portion, wherein the encoder generates or maintains different look-up tables for standard dynamic range and high-dynamic range;color primaries, wherein the encoder generates or maintains different look-up tables for different color primaries;transfer characteristics, wherein the encoder generates or maintains different look-up tables for different transfer characteristics;matrix coefficients, wherein the encoder generates or maintains different look-up tables for different matrix coefficients; orprediction mode type, wherein the encoder generates or maintains different look-up tables for an intra-prediction mode and an inter-prediction mode.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more characteristics of the respective portion used to determine the adaptive adjustment factor claim 1 , comprise one ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Image processing device and method with a scalable quantization matrix

Номер: US20200045314A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image processing device and method that enable suppression of an increase in the amount of coding of a scaling list. The image processing device sets a coefficient located at the beginning of a quantization matrix by adding a replacement difference coefficient that is a difference between a replacement coefficient used to replace a coefficient located at the beginning of the quantization matrix and the coefficient located at the beginning of the quantization matrix to the coefficient located at the beginning of the quantization matrix; up-converts the set quantization matrix; and dequantizes quantized data using an up-converted quantization matrix in which a coefficient located at the beginning of the up-converted quantization matrix has been replaced with the replacement coefficient. The device and method can be applied to an image processing device.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045315A1

A method and a device for encoding/decoding an image are disclosed. The method for decoding an image comprises the steps of: decoding information on a quantization matrix; and restoring the quantization matrix on the basis of the information on the quantization matrix, wherein the information on the quantization matrix includes information indicating a DC value of the quantization matrix and/or information indicating differential values of quantization matrix coefficients. 1. A video decoding method , comprising:decoding information on a quantization matrix;reconstructing the quantization matrix based on the information on the quantization matrix;generating a residual block for a current block based on the reconstructed quantization matrix;generating a prediction block for the current block; andreconstructing the current block based on the generated residual block and the generated prediction block,wherein the residual block is generated by performing inverse-quantization on a quantized coefficient of the current block with the reconstructed quantization matrix, andwherein the information on the quantization matrix includes at least one of information indicating a prediction method of the quantization matrix, information indicating a reference quantization matrix identifier of the quantization matrix, information representing a DC value of the quantization matrix, and information representing a difference value between quantization matrix coefficients.2. The video decoding method of claim 1 , wherein when a size of a transform coefficient block in which the quantization matrix is implemented is one of a 16×16 size and a 32×32 size claim 1 , the quantization matrix is reconstructed by using the information representing the DC value of the quantization matrix.3. The video decoding method of claim 1 , wherein the information representing the DC value of the quantization matrix is decoded as a value of −7 to 247.4. The video decoding method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170048520A1

The present invention proposes to provide methods, apparatus and systems for inverse tone mapping of a high dynamic range image. The method may include the operations of obtaining a luminance component of the high dynamic range image. The method may further include determining an HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper operator. The method may further include determining a tone expanded image by applying the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper to the luminance component of the high dynamic range image. The method may further include wherein the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve comprises a linear part for dark and mid-tone levels, and an expanding non-linear part for highlights. The system or apparatus may be configured to perform the operations of the method. 1. A method for inverse tone mapping of a high dynamic range image , the method comprisingobtaining a luminance component of the high dynamic range image;determining an HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve;determining a tone expanded image by applying the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve to the luminance component of the high dynamic range image;wherein the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve comprises a linear part for dark and mid-tone levels, and an expanding non-linear part for highlights.2. An apparatus for inverse tone mapping a high dynamic range image , the apparatus comprisinga processor for obtaining a luminance component of the high dynamic range image, determining an HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve, and determining a tone decompressed image by applying the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve to the luminance component of the high dynamic range image;wherein the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper curve comprises a linear part for dark and mid-tone levels, and an expanding non-linear part for highlights.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the HDR to HDR inverse tone mapper includes a threshold for determining when the luminance is changed linearly and when the luminance is non-linearly expanded.4. The ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170048526A1
Автор: He Dake
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Limited

Methods and devices for image and video coding. A block of N coefficients is defined as an input vector of N dimensions having a magnitude value and N−1 angle values. The encoder normalizes and quantizes the angle values to produce quantized angle values, reconstructs the angle values from the quantized angle values and determines a quantizer based on the reconstructed angle values. The determined quantizer is then used to quantize the magnitude value. The quantized angle values and the quantized magnitude value are entropy encoded. The decoder preforms the reverse process, and determines the quantizer for inverse quantizing the quantized magnitude value from the reconstructed angle values. 1. A method of encoding an image to create a bitstream of encoded data using an encoder , the image being partitioned into blocks , wherein a current block contains a sequence of N coefficients , and wherein the sequence is an input vector of N dimensions , the input vector having a magnitude value , the method comprising:normalizing the input vector using the magnitude value of the input vector to generate a normalized vector, the normalized vector having angle values;quantizing the normalized vector to produce a quantized normalized vector;reconstructing the angle values from the quantized normalized vector;determining a quantizer based on the reconstructed angle values;quantizing the magnitude value using the quantizer; andentropy encoding the quantized normalized vector and the quantized magnitude value to produce the encoded data.2. The method claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sequence of N coefficients comprises a sequence of N transform coefficients.3. The method claimed in claim 2 , wherein the current block comprises a 4×4 block and wherein N=16.4. The method claimed in claim 2 , wherein the current block comprises AC coefficients of a 4×4 block and wherein N=15.5. The method claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the reconstructed angle values comprises an angle whose ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and System for Coding Signals using Distributed Coding and Non-Monotonic Quantization

Номер: US20170048537A1

A decoder includes a memory storing a map of a space of encoded values. The map includes a plurality of cells partitioning the space, such that each cell encloses a cluster of encoded values and quantizes the cluster of encoded values to a quantized encoded value. Each cell is identified by a label selected from a finite alphabet, such that multiple cells in the map are identified by the same label, and the cells are labeled such that a pair of cells identified by the same label does not share a common boarder. The decoder also includes a receiver to receive from an encoder a label of a cell enclosing an encoded value on the map of the space and a processor to estimate the encoded value using side information to produce an estimation of the encoded value, to select a cell identified by the received label on the map of the multi-dimensional space that is the closest to the estimation of encoded value, and to determine the encoded value as the quantized encoded value of the selected cell. 1. A decoder , comprising:a memory storing a map of a space of encoded values, wherein the map includes a plurality of cells partitioning the space, such that each cell encloses a cluster of encoded values and quantizes the cluster of encoded values to a quantized encoded value, wherein each cell is identified by a label selected from a finite alphabet, such that multiple cells in the map are identified by the same label, and wherein the cells are labeled such that a pair of cells identified by the same label does not share a common boarder;a receiver to receive from an encoder a label of a cell enclosing an encoded value on the map of the multi-dimensional space; anda processor to estimate the encoded value using side information to produce an estimation of the encoded value, to select a cell identified by the received label on the map of the space that is the closest to the estimation of encoded value, and to determine the encoded value as the quantized encoded value of the ...
