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27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006113760A

... 1. Интерфейс передачи данных, содержащий приемо-передающий блок, конфигурированный для приема и передачи данных, который соответствует спецификации USB (универсальной последовательной шины); блок детектирования, конфигурированный для определения данных, принятых приемо-передающим блоком, для того, чтобы определить, необходимо ли преобразовать принятые данные в данные, которые соответствуют конкретной спецификации; и блок преобразования, конфигурированный для преобразования принятых данных в данные, которые соответствуют конкретной спецификации, после определения, что принятые данные должны быть преобразованы в данные, которые соответствуют конкретной спецификации, и для преобразования данных передачи, которые соответствуют конкретной спецификации, в данные, которые соответствуют спецификации USB, для передачи через приемо-передающий блок. 2. Интерфейс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что блок преобразования содержит блок распаковки, конфигурированный для распаковки принятых данных в данные, которые ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008107683A

... 1. Способ управления работой карты ТВ-тюнера, включающий шаги: ! оборудование компьютера модулем ТВ-тюнера, причем модуль ТВ-тюнера электрически соединен с компьютером через PCI-E интерфейс; ! использование пульта дистанционного управления для включения или выключения компьютерной операционной системы через активизирующий контакт PCI-E интерфейса; ! использование пульта дистанционного управления для активизации всех функций модуля ТВ-тюнера с целью показа ТВ-программ на экране компьютерного монитора, ! причем, когда PCI-E интерфейс согласован с PCI-E картой, в качестве активизирующего контакта используют вывод В11 PCI-E карты; когда PCI-E интерфейс согласован с миникартой, в качестве активизирующего контакта используют вывод 1 миникарты; когда PCI-E интерфейс согласован с PCI экспресс-картой, в качестве активизирующего контакта используют вывод 11 PCI экспресс-карты. ! 2. Способ управления работой карты ТВ-тюнера по п.1, в соответствии с которым PCI-E интерфейс представляет собой интерфейс ...

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013143167A

... 1. Приемное устройство, содержащее:первый блок обработки высокочастотного сигнала для обнаружения первой радиовещательной волны, передаваемой с использованием первого частотного диапазона, и выделения первого высокочастотного сигнала;второй блок обработки высокочастотного сигнала для обнаружения второй радиовещательной волны, передаваемой с использованием второго частотного диапазона, отличающегося от первого частотного диапазона, и выделения второго высокочастотного сигнала; ипо меньшей мере один местный гетеродин для генерирования сигнала местного гетеродина, используемого в первом блоке обработки высокочастотного сигнала и во втором блоке обработки высокочастотного сигнала.2. Приемное устройство по п.1,в котором по меньшей мере один местный гетеродин сконфигурирован с цепью PLL со схемой N-дробного деления частоты.3. Приемное устройство по п.2, содержащее:первый блок коммутации, выполненный с возможностью переключения между первым блоком обработки высокочастотного сигнала и вторым блоком ...

23-12-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU230867U1

Полезная модель относится к технологиям для спутникового вещания, в частности, с использованием двухтюнерных приемников с уменьшенными кросс-помехами и помехами, вызванными конструктивными особенностями приемника. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение качества обработки транслируемого сигнала, и как следствие, повышение эксплуатационных характеристик приемника. В приемнике системы спутникового вещания усилитель сигнала основного тюнера выполнен малошумным, встроенным и регулируемым, с коэффициентом собственного шума, не превышающим 0,8 dB, и шагом изменения коэффициента усиления 1 dBm в диапазоне от 0 до 6 dBm, а ВЧ-ключ со степенью изоляции до -70 dB. Усилитель основного тюнера на выходе в линии подключения к ВЧ-ключу снабжен емкостным фильтром режекции постоянной составляющей выходного комплексного сопротивления петлевого выхода тюнера и согласования S-параметров между выходом тюнера и входом ВЧ-ключа. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Digitalrundfunkempfänger und Informationsaktualisierungsverfahren dafür

Номер: DE102013225901B4

Digitalrundfunkempfänger (1, 2, 3), der an einen Mobilkörper montiert ist, wobei der Digitalrundfunkempfänger umfasst:einen Tuner (22), der konfiguriert ist, ein Rundfunksignal eines physikalischen Kanals zu empfangen, das durch Digitalrundfunk gesendet wird;einen Signalintensitätsdetektor (23), der konfiguriert ist, eine Signalintensität des durch den Tuner (22) empfangenen Rundfunksignals zu detektieren;einen Istpositionsdetektor (31), der konfiguriert ist, eine aktuelle Position des Mobilkörpers zu detektieren;einen Bewegungsrichtungsdetektor (32), der konfiguriert ist, eine Bewegungsrichtung des Mobilkörpers zu detektieren;eine Empfangsbewertungseinheit (26), die konfiguriert ist, den Tuner (22) zu steuern, um zu entscheiden, ob der physikalische Kanal empfangen werden kann oder nicht;eine Bereichsinformationsspeichereinheit (33), die konfiguriert ist, Empfangsbereichsinformation zu speichern, welche einen Empfangsbereich des physikalischen Kanals anzeigt; undeine Bereichsinformationsaktualisiereinheit ...

11-02-1999 дата публикации

Programmierbarer Fernsehsignalempfänger

Номер: DE0019733730A1

The invention concerns a television signal receiver tunable to different transmitters and comprising two receiver parts (1, 2) tunable to different frequencies and a connection (6) for sending output signals of the first receiver part (1) to a reproducing device (7, 8). In order to facilitate a change of transmitter at a time not precisely known as yet by the user, said receiver is characterised in that a sensor (5) is connected to the second receiver part (2) output. Said output monitors the second receiver part (2) output signal and emits a signal when it senses a predetermined sign in the output signal.

04-09-2003 дата публикации

Video receiver for multiple source reception has automatic tuner selection

Номер: DE0020308983U1

A video receiver (1) has radio and television input (13), monitor (2 ,9) and loudspeaker (8) connectors to a controller that automatically selects an active tuner from two tuners inserted at the output.

05-01-2006 дата публикации

Empfänger mit mehreren Tunern

Номер: DE0069832620D1

29-06-2006 дата публикации

Fernsehapparat mit Textdatenverarbeitungsfunktion

Номер: DE0069734176T2

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Fernsehapparat mit Textdatenverarbeitungsfunktion

Номер: DE0069734176D1

03-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060127490T2
Принадлежит: SONY CORP, SONY CORP.

08-08-2002 дата публикации

Vorrichtung mit mehreren Transportstrompfaden zum Empfang von digitalen Rundfunksignalen

Номер: DE0010104440A1

The invention relates to a device for receiving digital radio signals, comprising a digital radio receiver which has several transport current paths and at least two signal sinks. Switching means which are used to connect each of the transport current paths to each of the two signal sinks are also provided.

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Concurrent decoding of a composite packetized audio-video data stream according to packet arrival times

Номер: GB0002500616A

An audio/video content receiver has a content decoder capable of concurrently decoding two or more audio/video programmes from a single packetized data stream of encoded audio/video data packets 400, 402. The receiver receives encoded audio/video content as two or more packetized data streams TS1 and TS2, each data stream comprising one or more programmes having respective encoded audio/video data packets. It then generates a composite packetized data stream having programme data from the packetized data streams by selecting a subset of data packets from the received packetized data streams, the subset including those audio/video data packets relating to those programmes to be decoded. Timing data indicating at least an arrival time of those audio/video data packets included in the composite packetized data stream is stored, preferably adjacent to each packet as private data or in a DVB table. The receiver then decodes and outputs audio/video programme data from the composite packetized ...

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of processing received audio/visual data stream, selecting further data packets when packet identifiers (PIDs) are not included

Номер: GB0002500615A

A method of operating an audio/video (AV) content receiver (e.g., set-top box (STB)) having a decoder for an audio/video programme from a packetized data stream, using data packets defining decryption information, comprises: receiving encoded content as a packetized data stream comprising one or more programmes having data packets identified by respective sets of one or more packet identifiers (PIDs) and comprising identification (ID) data mapping programmes to respective sets of PIDs; selecting data packets from the stream for a required programme according to the set of packet identifiers defined by the identification data for that stream in respect of the required programme; selecting further, additional data packets from the stream which have packet identifiers (PIDs) not included in the identification data for that packetized data stream; generating a composite packetized data stream from selected packets; generating composite stream identification data indicating packet identifiers ...

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Digital remote control device

Номер: GB0000207791D0

12-11-2003 дата публикации

Video signal processing apparatus and computer system integrated with the same

Номер: GB0000323817D0

06-06-2001 дата публикации

A switching unit for switching between received video signals

Номер: GB0002355136B
Принадлежит: ACTV INC, * ACTV, INC.

28-04-2004 дата публикации

Video recorder catch up

Номер: GB0002394618A

A hard disk recorder is arranged to receive and record signals defining a television programme, and can play back time shifted programmes. The recorder is operable to replay signals at a higher frame rate to catch up with a regular programme so as to reduce the time shift when, for instance, the start of a programme has been missed. The recorder may have buffers on its input and output, and the output buffer's data rate may be higher than that of the input buffer.

18-04-2007 дата публикации

Multiple tuner for digital TV (DVB-T) receiver

Номер: GB0002431305A

A multi-tuner system 100 includes a first tuner 200 and a second tuner 300. The tuners 200, 300 operate in different conversion modes. For example, tuner 200 is a single conversion tuner and tuner 300 is a double conversion tuner. As the tuners have different intermediate frequencies, interference between the tuners is eliminated, even when they are tuned to the same broadcast station. The tuner 100 may be fabricated as a single module or package.

11-11-1998 дата публикации

Demodulating digital video broadcast signals

Номер: GB0002325127A

A demodulator suitable for implementation in a single chip for demodulating digital video broadcast signals comprising data modulated on a multiplicity of spaced carrier frequencies, wherein an input broadcast signal is converted to a frequency sufficiently low to enable analog digital conversion of the signal, includes analog to digital conversion means 20 for converting the broadcast signal to a series of digital samples, real to complex conversion 22 means for converting each digital sample to a complex number value, Fourier transform means 24 for analysing the complex number values to provide a series of data symbol values for each carrier frequency, and signal processing means 301 for receiving the data symbol values and providing an output for decoding, and timing synchronisation means 26 for synchronising the Fourier Transform means with the symbol periods of the broadcast signal, including correlation means 50 (Fig 5 not shown) for receiving said data sample values and comprising ...

21-02-2001 дата публикации

Seamless switching between two video signals

Номер: GB2353430A

An interactive television system is able to provide an interactive television program having a plurality of video signals related in time and content. The video signals are in a digital format. At a receiving station, a first video signal is selected for display. The system is able to provide a seamless transition when the viewer switches from the display of the first video signal, to the display of a second video signal. Live or pre-recorded programs are stored on an optical disc together with control codes so that on reading the video signals from the optical disc, seamless switching between video signals from the disc, or between video signals from the disc and received from other sources, is enabled. The optical disc may be played by the viewer at his receiving station, or may be played at a central location and the video signals transmitted to receiving stations.

20-12-2000 дата публикации

Mixed-media telecommunication call set-up

Номер: GB0000026700D0

29-05-2002 дата публикации

Improvements in the field of programme delivery

Номер: GB0000209120D0

08-08-2001 дата публикации

Automatically adjusted AGC take over point

Номер: GB0000114593D0

01-07-1998 дата публикации

Demoulding digital video broadcast siginals

Номер: GB0009809587D0

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000437529T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000529945T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000513281T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000275801T

15-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000341854T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000222041T

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Program Guide System With Video-on-Demand Browsing

Номер: AU2011201696B2

An interactive television program guide system is provided in which a viewer may direct a television to display a program guide display. A viewer may use the program guide display to browse available video-on-demand (VOD) and to request a video clip preview of a video-on demand program represented on the video-on-demand program listing. The system also indicates whether or not a video clip preview is available for the various programs in the program listing. WO 99/60790 PCT/US99/1 1015 CATEGORY 1: DRAMA CATEGORY 2: COMEDY CATEGORY CATEGORY 3: SCI-Fl --- 5 SELECT CATEGORY 8: HISTORY ...

27-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003220693A1

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Mixed-media telecommunication call set-up

Номер: AU0009405501A

23-12-2002 дата публикации

Improvements in the field programme delivery

Номер: AU2002348896A1

03-06-2002 дата публикации

Media return system

Номер: AU0008066501A

03-04-2000 дата публикации

Compressed digital-data seamless video switching system

Номер: AU0001831099A

14-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002330429A1

A broadcasting system, broadcasting receiver, and broadcasting receiving method, wherein the viewer can determine whether commercial messages can be displayed or not and determine the category of commercial messages displayed. A broadcasting apparatus (10) broadcasts a program broadcasting and a commercial message broadcasting through respective channels. A broadcasting receiver (20) receives the program and commercial message broadcasting as program data and commercial message data, respectively, and records the commercial message data in broadcasting content recording means (23). Control means (24) invokes a commercial message from the commercial message data recorded under the conditions made by condition making means (25), creates commercial message synthesized data by arranging the invoked commercial message in the program data, and performs a display using the commercial message synthesized data.

23-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002768993C

Described herein is a smart card (208A) having a first set of contact pads (404) disposed on a first region of a first surface of the smart card and a second set of contact pads (406) disposed on a second region of the first surface. The first and second set of contact pads are configured to simultaneously electrically engage a socket of a host device and exchange data with the host device. The smart card also includes control circuitry (304) communicatively coupled to the first and second sets of contact pads and operable to control the exchange of data with the host device.

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002779744A1

A network digital video recording (nDVR) system may take into account the capabilities of a requesting user's local DVR when managing network recordings. The user's local DVR may include a temporary buffer that is normally used to record what the DVR is tuned to, and may be used for local trickplay functionality such as pausing live television. The nDVR features described herein may track the usage of the user's temporary DVR buffer, and use that in determining what to stream in response to a user's playback request. The nDVR system can also determine if the user's local DVR has an unused tuner at a time of a program recording, and can instruct the user's local DVR to also tune to the program.

31-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001298399C

... 39-0100.2074 PATENT A television receiver incorporating a video cassette recorder and having a display, for example, a picture screen, for showing a main-channel picture within which a sub-channel picture may be superimposed, includes first and second tuners which are independently controllable for each selecting one of a number of broadcast channels, with the video signal broadcast on the channel selected by the first tuner being supplied to the display for forming the main-channel picture while the video signal broadcast on the channel selected by the second tuner is supplied to the display for forming the sub-channel picture in a sub-channel picture display mode of the receiver, and a system controller is programmed so that, when initiating a recording mode of the video cassette recorder, the second tuner is made to select the same broadcast channel as the first tuner.

20-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3034726C

Apparatus and methods for enhanced tuner efficiency, wherein tuner resources function to permit multiple content streams to be demultiplexed and thus made available for subsequent display. In one embodiment, Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) comprises a resource manager on which a guide application is run to control the tuning of an available tuner resource. This approach obviates reliance on OCAP or other proprietary vendor architecture applications. In another variant, the CPE is adapted to receive RF source data from a wideband tuner, or multiple tuners. The CPE may also be utilized in conjunction with other system configurations designed to enforce a security or other policies within a premises network. The CPE may also employ 'look ahead' capabilities to anticipate a QAM stream content before it is received.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003042207A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

24-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002509672C

... ²A system and methods perform an automatic TV signal/tuner ²setup in a tuner device (e.g., a PC, a personal video recorder, a set-top box, ²etc.) ²that has one or more tuners. The setup identifies the number of tuners in the ²device, whether the tuners are analog or digital, and what broadcast standard ²each tuner supports. The geographic region in which the device will be ²receiving TV signals is identified, and tuners supporting that region are ²identified. Digital tuners are reported as being digital, while analog tuners ²are ²scanned to locate valid TV signals, and to determine the source of any valid ²TV ²signals (e.g., an antenna, a cable provider, a set-top box).² ...

12-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002455378A1

A method of controlling descrambling of a plurality of program transport streams received by a receiver system comprises receiving a sequence of messages in a conditional access sub-system (9,10) comprised in said receiver system, each message being associated with one of a number of scrambled program transport streams and representing a request for returning information enabling the associated scrambled transport stream to be descrambled by at least one descrambler module (12) in the receiver system, determining whether messages received within a certain interval are associated with a number of different scrambled program transport streams, and denying at least one of the requests represented by the messages received in the certain interval, if the number of different scrambled program transport streams with which the messages are associated exceeds a pre-determined number.

07-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002640553A1

31-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002824751A1

A method and system for micro-cloud computing is described. An application serving node, which is a specifically configured piece of customer premises equipment such as a set-top box, is the server for a micro-cloud network. Various user devices that form part of the micro-cloud network, such as television sets and smart phones, communicate with the application serving node. The application serving node is configured with software that allows various heterogeneous types of data to be obtained and streamed to the user devices in multiple ways. The application serving node performs much of the processing necessary for such content streaming itself and thus represents an edge-based network architecture.

31-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002821454A1

A method and system for micro-cloud computing is described. An application serving node, which is a specifically configured piece of customer premises equipment such as a set-top box, is the server for a micro-cloud network. Various user devices that form part of the micro-cloud network, such as television sets and smart phones, communicate with the application serving node. The application serving node is configured with software that allows various heterogeneous types of data to be obtained and streamed to the user devices in multiple ways. The application serving node performs much of the processing necessary for such content streaming itself and thus represents an edge-based network architecture.

27-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002722792A1

Apparatus and methods for enhanced tuner efficiency, wherein tuner resources function to permit multiple content streams to be demultiplexed and thus made available for subsequent display, hi one embodiment, Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) comprises a resource manager on which a guide application is run to control the tuning of an available tuner resource. This approach obviates reliance on OCAP or other proprietary vendor architecture applications, hi another variant, the CPE is adapted to receive RF source data from a wideband tuner, or multiple tuners. The CPE may also be utilized in conjunction with other system configurations designed to enforce a security or other policies within a premises network. The CPE may also employ 'look ahead' capabilities to anticipate a QAM stream content before it is received.

25-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002048758A1

24-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002218543A1

The present invention provides a scheme for merging television schedule information received from multiple sources (26, 28, 30 and 34). In the preferred embodiment, a microprocessor (36) mixes and sorts the schedule information received from multiple source devices (26, 28, 30 or 34). The schedule information is then displayed in a television schedule guide (50). A user can select a program (60 or 62) by pointing to that program in the displayed schedule information (50). The system (10) then carries out an automatic switching/tuning such that the required source device (26, 28, 30 or 34) is input to the destination device (22), and a tuner is then tuned to the selected programm's channel (52).

31-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002237065C

A receiver which receives two-channel multiplex broadcasting using second sound band of television broadcasting. Two-channel data and/or facsimile data broadcast by multiplexing the data upon the second sound broadcasting band of a television broadcast wave composed of a video band, a main sound band, and the second sound band are displayed, printed, or outputted. The receiver may be a receives having no display for displaying television picture, a receiver having such a display, and a receiver having a device for displaying and printing data multiplexed upon the second sound band of an FM-broadcast wave in addition to the display. In addition, the receiver may be a receiver which only displays multiplexed data, a receiver which only prints the data, a receiver which only outputs the data, and a receiver which displays, prints, and outputs the data.

29-08-2014 дата публикации

Control unit for entertainment electronics devices.

Номер: CH0000704390B1
Принадлежит: REVOX AG

Die Bedieneinheit wird eingesetzt für Unterhaltungselektronikgeräte, welche über mehrere Datenquellen verfügen, auch mehrere Datenquellen gleicher Art, sodass zum Beispiel mehrere Radiostationen auf UKW parallel abspielbar sind. Die Bedieneinheit schliesst einen Signalgeber (4) ein, welcher zeitsynchronisierbar und speicherprogrammierbar ist, zur Abgabe von auf der Zeitachse wählbaren Steuersignalen. Hierfür steuert die Bedieneinheit eine elektronisch wirkende Umschalteinheit, die im mindestens einen zugehörigen Unterhaltungselektronikgerät (1, 2, 3, 7, 8) eingebaut ist, welche durch die zeitabhängigen Steuersignale des Signalgebers (4) zum Wechseln zwischen verschiedenen Quellen der Unterhaltungselektronikgeräte (1, 2, 3, 7, 8) und zum Auswählen jeweils eines benutzerspezifisch bestimmten Angebotes aus einer oder mehreren dieser Quellen steuerbar ist. Der Signalgeber (4) wird von den Signalen einer Funkuhr zeitsynchronisiert, welche im Unterhaltungselektronikgerät eingebaut ist. Der Signalgeber ...

31-07-2012 дата публикации

Control system for entertainment electronics devices.

Номер: CH0000704390A2

Das Bediensystem wird eingesetzt für Unterhaltungselektronikgeräte, welche über mehrere Datenquellen verfügen, auch mehrere Datenquellen gleicher Art, sodass zum Beispiel mehrere Radiostationen auf UKW parallel abspielbar sind. Das Bediensystem schliesst einen Signalgeber (4) ein, welcher zeitsynchronisierbar und speicherprogrammierbar ist, zur Abgabe von auf der Zeitachse wählbaren Steuersignalen. Weiter gehört zum Bediensystem mindestens ein zugehöriges Unterhaltungselektronik-Gerät (1, 2, 3, 7, 8), in welchem eine elektronisch wirkende Umschalteinheit eingebaut ist, welche durch zeitabhängige Steuersignale des Signalgebers (4) zum Wechseln zwischen verschiedenen Quellen der Unterhaltungselektronik-Geräte (1, 2, 3, 7, 8) und zum Auswählen jeweils eines benutzerspezifisch bestimmten Angebotes aus einer oder mehreren dieser Quellen steuerbar ist. Der Signalgeber (4) wird von den Signalen einer Funkuhr zeitsynchronisiert, welche im Unterhaltungselektronik-Gerät eingebaut ist. Der Signalgeber ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000100586C2

Представленное изобретение относится к модульному устройству для приема цифровых телевизионных сигналов, а также к модульному устройству для дешифровки цифровых телевизионных сигналов, в котором предоставляются соответствующие интерфейсы для подсоединения модульного устройства для передачи данных и питания.

01-05-2018 дата публикации

Receiving the audio/video content

Номер: CN0104919810B

19-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001497965A

... 一种电视万维网接收装置及其控制方法。在一种用于在显示单元的屏幕上有选择地显示由主调谐器和辅助调谐器接收的广播信号和电视万维网信号的电视万维网接收装置中,该主调谐器用于调谐其中存在广播信号的频道,该辅助调谐器用于有选择地调谐包括电视万维网信号的频道,该装置包括:输入单元,输入至广播模式或电视万维网模式的模式转换命令;存储单元,存储经辅助调谐器接收的电视万维网信息;控制单元,用于在电视万维网模式中显示由辅助调谐器调谐的电视万维网信息的同时,当电视万维网接收装置通过输入单元接收至广播模式的模式转换命令时,控制在显示单元上显示由主调谐器调谐的广播信号并向存储单元下载由辅助调谐器调谐的电视万维网信息。 ...

09-12-2009 дата публикации

Digital convergent recorder

Номер: CN0100568368C

24-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002818074B1

19-07-2002 дата публикации

Several video source television video control having current state video source measured/information image produced and image sequence embedded.

Номер: FR0002819673A1

Un boîtier (101) récepteur de télévision comporte plusieurs sources (102, 103, 118) vidéo produisant des séquences d'images simultanément. L'une de ces sources vidéo est sélectionnée afin que la séquence d'images qu'elle produit soit affichée sur un écran (116) connecté au boîtier. On mesure l'état de chacune de ces sources vidéo afin de produire des images informations sur l'état de ces sources vidéo. On produit autant d'images informations qu'il y a de sources vidéo dans le boîtier. Ces images informations présentent des informations de commandes et de temps. Les temps présentés sont des temps différés imposés par un utilisateur du boîtier. Ces informations de temps correspondent aux images visualisées par l'utilisateur et non aux images produites par la source vidéo.

20-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003057732A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de balayage d'une bande de fréquence pour la production d'un plan de services. L'invention parallélise ce balayage en divisant l'analyse en deux étapes : une étape d'exploration ayant pour but de détecter des canaux ou fréquences porteuses de services ; une étape d'analyse ayant pour but d'extraire des canaux détectés des informations de programmes pour alimenter un plan de services. Chacune des étapes est réalisée par plusieurs instances de tâches. Ces tâches se partagent la bande à explorer et se synchronisent, pour une même étape, via des sémaphores et, pour une communication inter étape, selon un principe de producteur-consommateur.

06-10-2005 дата публикации

Real time channel grouping method and the apparatus thereof

Номер: KR0100518825B1

24-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100885221B1

21-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100761140B1

16-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR20030038414A

PURPOSE: A personal video recorder including a network interface is provided to overcome limited capacitance of a hard disk. CONSTITUTION: A broadcasting data recording/reproducing system having a built-in storage unit includes a tuner(100) for tuning a broadcasting signal received through sky waves, a digital signal processor(110) for converting the broadcasting signal into a digital signal and compressing an image, and a network interface(130) through which the personal video recorder is connected to an external network(140). The digital signal processor receives broadcasting data stored in a storage unit of another broadcasting data recording/reproducing system through the network interface and outputs the broadcasting signal on a screen. The network interface is one of a modem, dedicated line and LAN. © KIPO 2003 ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100042784A
Автор: • SEO, DONG UK

PURPOSE: A device for receiving broadcast of two kinds of modes with one tuner and a method thereof are provided to reduce power consumption by using the tuner in a set top box, and to reduce manufacturing costs of products. CONSTITUTION: An integrated tuner unit(200) receives a broadcast signal of an OOB(Out-Of-Band) mode or a DSG(DOCSIS Set-top Gateway) mode. The integrated tuner units tune a desired broadcasting band. The integrated tuner unit converts the tuned broadcasting signal to an IF(Intermediate Frequency) signal. An IF switching unit converts an IF signal into a demodulator. A DSG demodulator(202) demodulates the IF signal to the DSG mode. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060067924A

An interactive picture-in-picture system and methods for distributing television information signals. A display device located at a subscriber site is divided into two viewing areas, one showing interactive television information signals received from a first tuner andone showing television information signals received from a second tuner. A user at the subscriber site can interact with the signals by using an input device. The input device sends data that is defined in relation to the displayed signals to an interactive control node. The interactive control node responds with data that causes one or both of the tuners to select a different television information signal for display. The tuners select the different signal based to on the data sent by the interactive control node, causing at least one of the viewing areas to change, or continue to display the current signal if no data sent to them from the interactive control node. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

17-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: KR20040106326A

A reception device including a plurality of tuners for receiving broadcast such as a satellite broadcast. A tuner circuit (1) includes an input terminal (11) into which a broadcast wave of a video signal and/or audio signal modulated into predetermined format is input and a mount layer (13) having a main circuit for selecting a video signal and/or audio signal contained in a predetermined frequency band from the broadcast wave. A first ground layer (15) is provided via a first dielectric layer (14) on the surface of the mount layer (13) not having the main circuit (12) and a second ground layer (17) is provided via a second dielectric layer, thereby suppressing interference between the plurality of tuners. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

11-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070038785A

PURPOSE: A multi-output broadcasting receiving system using a single set-top box having a plurality of tuners is provided to allow a user to voluntarily select a plurality of the tuners installed in the single set-top box and remotely control the selected tuners in respective remote places where the set-top box is not installed by installing a plurality of the tuners in the single set-top box and connecting the one set-top box to TV receivers of the respective remote places through a previously installed network. CONSTITUTION: A set-top box(100) has the first and the second tuners(101,102), a tuner selecting unit(103), the first broadcasting reception processing module(110), and one or more second broadcasting reception processing modules(120). The tuner selecting unit(103) sets TS(Transport Stream) paths of the first and the second tuners(101,102) according to an inputted tuner selection control signal. The first broadcasting reception processing module(110) outputs the tuner selection ...

21-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070064552A

A multichannel video receiver having an analog-to-digital conveyer, fast-Fourier transform circuit and inverse- Fourier transform circuit. The analog-to-digital converter circuit generates a digitized representation of a frequency band used to convey a plurality of video signals, and the fast-Fourier transform circuit generates a frequency-domain representation of the digitized representation of the frequency band. The inverse-Fourier transform circuit recovers, from the frequency-domain representation, a plurality of digitized time-domain signals that correspond to the plurality of video signals. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

26-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR20030076595A

The invention relates to a device for receiving digital radio signals, comprising a digital radio receiver which has several transport current paths and at least two signal sinks. Switching means which are used to connect each of the transport current paths to each of the two signal sinks are also provided. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070085306A

A digital television receiver circuit module (1) is formed by superimposing a decoder layer board (507) including a decoder LSI (2), which incorporates a CPU and a decoder, and also including a CA interface circuit (3); a demodulating function layer board (620-1) including a demodulator (12); and an expanding function layer board (401) including a communication controller (404). Either one of the demodulating function layer board (620-1) and expanding function layer board (401) can be selectively superimposed on the decoder layer board (507) in accordance with the type of the broadcast system of a digital television signal or the type of CA module. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

15-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130080855A

07-11-2000 дата публикации

Sistema interativo digital para fornecer integração completa com eventos de programação ao vivo

Номер: BR9714670A

16-06-2009 дата публикации

Wireless communication receiver, system, and method for loading firmware

Номер: TW0200925987A

A wireless communication system comprises a plurality of antennas, a plurality of tuners, a plurality of receiver ends, a bus, and a processor. Each of the tuners is connected to one of the antennas and one of the receiver ends. Each of the receiver ends has a corresponding address. A common address code is assigned to the corresponding addresses of part of receiver ends during firmware loading. The processor transmits the firmware to the part of the receiver ends via the bus based on the common address code. The corresponding addresses of the part of the receiver ends are converted back into unique address codes after the firmware is loaded.

07-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011041048A2
Автор: YANG, Lin

A device is provided, the device comprises A device comprising: a Frequency Domain Maximum Ratio Combining Decision Feedback Equalizer (FD-MRC- DFE), a first device down stream to the FD-MRC-DFE; a second device down stream to the FD-MRC-DFE; and a third device for averaging the outputs of the first device and the second device.

13-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011005382A2

Embodiments of systems and methods for implementing multi-channel tuners are generally described herein. Other embodiments may be described and claimed.

31-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013016626A1

The present disclosure is directed to a time shifting approach for utilizing multiple tuners. The present disclosure makes use of a temporary buffer to record programs that a user may be interested in by having a variable buffer which stores programming which can be received from multiple tuners. The buffer space allocation per channel is variable so that the time duration recorded for the buffer changes.

02-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009082092A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus of searching a broadcast channel and a method of the same. According to the present invention, a quick channel searching is achieved because information of two channels may be searched simultaneously on at least two divided sections of a screen with a single channel change input signal. Furthermore, it is possible to compare and select channels because one of the channels is fixed and only the other one is changeable on the at least two divided sections of the screen.

12-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007040927A1

A technique includes receiving a signal spectrum that includes a plurality of channels within a first frequency range. The technique includes receiving a selection signal that identifies at least one desired channel to be tuned. The technique includes providing an oscillator that has a second frequency range that is substantially the same as the first frequency range and controlling the oscillators to generate one of a plurality of coarse-tune analog mixing signals. The signals substantially span across the second frequency range and each depends upon the location of the desired channel within the signal spectrum. The technique includes mixing the signal spectrum with the selected coarse-tune analog mixing signal to generate a coarsely tuned signal spectrum. The technique includes digitally processing the coarsely-tuned signal spectrum to fine tune the desired channel and to produce digital baseband signals for the desired channel.

14-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000221739A3

The invention relates to a TV signal receiver (5) having a first input terminal (7) for receiving a first input signal, a first unit (11) for deriving a first TV signal from the first input signal, a second unit (xx) for supplying a second TV signal. A signal combination unit (19) replaces in response to a first control signal at least a part of the first TV signal by the second TV signal so as to obtain a composite TV signal. The composite TV signal is supplied to an output terminal. Control signal generator means (25) are provided for generating the first control signal. The TV signal receiver further comprises a storage device (17) for storing and reading the first TV signal so as to enable to delay the first TV signal prior to submitting the first TV signal to the signal combination unit, the storage device being adapted to suspend reading the first TV signal in response to the first control signal.

11-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999012091A3

Video adapter hardware and software permitting the display of computer information and television signals across several display devices. The video adapter hardware includes two graphics user interface accelerators, two television tuners, one or more video decoders, and one or more video multiplexers. Each accelerator is coupled to a memory unit for access to graphics data. One television tuner accepts input from an outside television source, such as a cable television company or a video cassette recorder. In addition, the video multiplexers accept input from other external video sources. Video data is output from the graphics accelerators to multiple screens. Video adapter software displays a tool window allowing the user to select first input for the first display device and a second input for the second display device. The software displays the results of the two inputs on the respective display devices. If the inputs are identical, however, the information may be displayed across both ...

18-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003077451A1
Автор: HOOIJMANS, Pieter, W.

The in-home system comprises a complex main receiver (MR) and at least one standard receiver (AR). The main receiver (MR) receives the broadcast signals (HFIS) from the provider(s) and demodulates and/or decodes and/or descrambles (DEM) the broadcast signals (HFIS). A modulator (MOD) re-modulates the demodulated and/or decoded broadcast signals (MIS) onto a high-frequency carrier and provides this modulated signal (HFOS) to the standard receiver (AR). The demodulating, decoding, and/or descrambling (DEM) needs to be performed by the main receiver (MR) only, and is distributed via a high-frequency link to the standard receiver (AR) in the home environment. The main receiver (MR) comprises at least one tuner (TUi) with a tuner input (TUIi) for receiving the high-frequency input signal (HFIS) and a tuner output (TUOi) for supplying a tuner output signal (TOSi). A test signal generator (TSG) of the main receiver (MR) supplies a test signal (TSi) to the modulator (MODi) to obtain the high-frequency ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013134006A3

Techniques are disclosed for capturing, transcoding, and caching off-air programming at a location local to the consumer. According to certain embodiments, a device is provided that receives off-air (e.g., broadcast) and/or cable (e.g. ClearQAM) programming via one or more antennas and caches the programming in various streams having various bit rates for later viewing using, for example, Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) streaming. Such a device can be incorporated in a larger system that can stream content via a data communication network (e.g., the Internet) and the device in a seamless manner. The device also can be controlled by a remote system via the data communication network, and further can be configured to stream content to a remote device via the data communication network.

30-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000072509A2

L'invention concerne un système multimédia à large bande comprenant un bus de communication, un routeur, connecté à ce bus de communication et reliant une pluralité de sources média et une pluralité d'émetteurs de réseau, un gestionnaire de session connecté au bus de communication et fournissant des instructions d'acheminement au routeur afin d'acheminer les données reçues en provenance des sources média jusqu'aux émetteurs de réseau, afin que ces derniers puissent les émettre dans le réseau à large bande.

15-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001011865A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif d'enregistrement sur disque dur (HDR)(3) prévu pour recevoir des signaux définissant des programmes de télévision et des données de programmes de télévision. Ce dispositif d'enregistrement reçoit des données de programmes mises à jour placées sensiblement dans une voie spécialisée de de données de programme. Ce dispositif permet de produire des données de programme en vue de leur affichage sur un écran de télévision (2). Ce dispositif comprend un disque dur (16) pour enregistrer des programmes de télévision reçus. Une commande à distance (28) est prévue pour sélectionner des programmes de télévision devant être enregistrés à partir du programme. En outre, ce dispositif est prévu pour recevoir des informations supplémentaires de programmes comprises dans chacune des voies de télévision reçues, lesquelles informations permettent de commander le disque dur pour enregistrer des programmes de télévision pré-programmés selon un calendrier. Le disque dur peut ...

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Non-Real Time Services

Номер: US20120297436A1

In certain embodiments, a method for receiving non-real time content involves receiving a transport stream containing an Internet Protocol stream of packets containing non-real time content, non-real time service metadata and non-real time content metadata; demultiplexing the Internet Protocol stream of packets to produce: non-real time content, non-real time service metadata, and non-real time content metadata. This abstract is not to be considered limiting, since other embodiments may deviate from the features described in this abstract.

23-10-2012 дата публикации

Non-real time services

Номер: US0008296804B2

In certain embodiments, a digital television receiving method that receives non-real time (NRT) content involves receiving a transport stream containing an Internet Protocol (IP) stream of packets containing non-real time content, NRT service metadata and NRT content metadata; at a demultiplexer, demultiplexing the IP stream of packets to produce: NRT content that is stored in the electronic storage medium, NRT service metadata, and NRT content metadata; parsing the NRT metadata to produce NRT service metadata, and NRT content metadata; and where the NRT content metadata contains a signal that indicates that an update is available indicating whether or not a referenced content item will be updated periodically. This abstract is not to be considered limiting, since other embodiments may deviate from the features described in this abstract.

20-12-2007 дата публикации

Single chip cable set-top box supporting DOCSIS set-top Gateway (DSG) protocol and high definition advanced video codec (HD AVC) decode

Номер: US20070294738A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corporation

A single integrated circuit is provided to enable the distribution of voice, video, and/or data services throughout a multimedia distribution network, such as a cable communications network. The single integrated circuit supports both digital and analog television services (e.g., PVR, pay-for-view, EPG, e-commerce, etc.) and computer data services (e.g., telephony, Internet browsing, facsimile, messaging, videoconferencing, etc.). In an embodiment, the single integrated circuit includes three components that constitute a DOCSIS™ compliant cable modem, namely an inband demodulator, an upstream burst modulator, a media access controller, and a microprocessor. In an embodiment, a digital out-of-band demodulator is also included. In another embodiment, the single integrated circuit integrates front-end and backend set-top box functionality in addition to DOCSIS™ cable modem functionality.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Image output apparatus and image output method

Номер: US20120019630A1
Автор: Joji Yamashita
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an image output apparatus includes a counter and an output module. The counter is configured to count a 3D image output time. The output module is configured to output a 3D image and 3D image output time information used to provide notification of the 3D image output time.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Non-real Time Services

Номер: US20120066733A1
Автор: Mark Kenneth Eyer
Принадлежит: Mark Kenneth Eyer

In certain embodiments, a digital television receiver method for receiving non-real time (NRT) program content involves receiving a transport stream containing an Internet Protocol (IP) stream of packets containing non-real time program content, NRT service metadata and NRT content metadata; a demultiplexer that demultiplexes the IP stream of packets to produce: NRT program content, NRT service metadata, and NRT content metadata; an NRT metadata parser that produces NRT service metadata and NRT content metadata; and where the NRT service metadata contains an indication whether or not a particular NRT service is to be offered on a subscription basis. This abstract is not to be considered limiting, since other embodiments may deviate from the features described in this abstract.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Audio video device with externally bundled tv tuner

Номер: US20120120323A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A CE device is vended with a TV tuner module which may be provided in an envelope in the same shipping container along with instructions to the consumer to connect the tuner module to the CE device if TV capabilities are desired and to return the module for a rebate if TV capabilities are not desired.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Providing multiple video perspectives of activities through a data network to a remote multimedia server for selective display by remote viewing audiences

Номер: US20120133772A1
Автор: Luis M. Ortiz
Принадлежит: Front Row Technology LLC

Multiple visual perspectives in video of private and public activities including those in public areas such as entertainment venues captured by cameras located near the activities can be transmitted over data networks to a server where video-related data is processed and recorded for selective display by authorized, remote video display devices (e.g., HDTV, set-top boxes, computers, handheld devices) in wired/wireless communication with the server. Users can be registered and authorized to access the server to provide/access video captured by cameras at activities. Wireless handheld devices can selectively retrieve video-related data captured at activities for server storage and subsequent display by video display devices. Captured video/pictures can be organized in a server based on at least one of: activity title, activity time, activity date, activity place, wireless handheld device location at time of video recording, distance from location of interest. Simultaneous display of multiple videos on a display can be synchronized.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Digital broadcast reception device and digital broadcast reception method

Номер: US20120133840A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Disclosed is a digital broadcast reception device that includes a plurality of tuner/demodulator units; a tuning control unit; a current position detection unit for detecting a current position; a channel scan control unit that has one of the plurality of tuner/demodulator units perform tuning for program viewing or listening, and has another one of the plurality of tuner/demodulator units perform a channel scan by tuning to the physical channels sequentially and detecting receivable physical channels; a broadcast area map generation unit for generating broadcast area maps including the receivable physical channels when the channel scan is executed, broadcast service information regarding broadcast content of the physical channels, and receivable position information; and a broadcast area map storage unit for storing the generated broadcast area maps.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Video signal transmission device, video signal transmission and receiving system, and video processing system, that transmit/receive over a clock line

Номер: US20120147904A1
Принадлежит: Akira Shibata, Nobuaki Kabuto, Yoshiaki Mizuhashi

The present invention is intended to permit both real-time display of a picture represented by a non-compressed video signal on a television and display of a picture represented by a compressed video signal at any desired time by simultaneously transmitting the compressed video signal and non-compressed video signal via one interface. An STB packetizes a compressed video signal, and multiplexes the compressed video signal and a blanking signal combined with a non-compressed video signal. Thus, both the video signals are transmitted simultaneously. A picture represented by the non-compressed video signal is displayed on a television in real time. The compressed video signal is stored in a storage medium incorporated in the television, read at any user's desired time, and decoded so that a picture represented by the compressed video signal can be viewed at the user's desired time.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Display apparatus for providing enhanced electronic program guide and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20120284751A1
Автор: Ryoung KIM, Yujin Bae
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of controlling a display apparatus including receiving, via a receiving unit, first metadata corresponding to contents to be displayed on the display apparatus from at least a first source externally connected to the display apparatus, said first metadata including channel information and broadcast programs to be broadcast for each channel included in the channel information; matching, via a controller thumbnail images with the broadcast programs; generating, via the controller, an enhanced program guide including a designated time zone indicating when a broadcast program is to be broadcast and a corresponding matched thumbnail image; and displaying via the display apparatus, the enhanced program guide based on a selection signal requesting the enhanced program guide be displayed.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing an interactive and or electronic programming guide

Номер: US20120321279A1
Автор: Ronald Quan
Принадлежит: Rovi Technologies Corp

An interactive or electronic programming guide is provided, wherein a receiving device such as a DVD or Blu-Ray player, PVR, recorder, set top box, etc., receives data or video signals as well as a trigger, flag or bit pattern signal. A processing and or encoding circuit provides programming, enabling, or disabling of a content control signal in response to the trigger, flag, or bit pattern signal and the content control signal is combined with the video signal to provide a content controlled video signal which provides resistance to a circumvention device (e.g., a “black box”).

17-01-2013 дата публикации

System, method, and apparatus for an integrated antenna and satellite dish

Номер: US20130019270A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Delaware Intellectual Property Inc

Systems and methods for an integrated antenna and satellite dish. Exemplary embodiments include an apparatus, including a satellite dish, a wireless antenna coupled to the satellite dish and a coupling box communicatively coupled to the satellite dish and the wireless antenna. Additional exemplary embodiments include a content communication method, including receiving a satellite signal, receiving a first wireless signal, performing coupling box processing on the satellite signal and the wireless signal, transmitting the satellite signal and the wireless signal to a set top box and performing set top box processing on the satellite signal and wireless signal. Further exemplary embodiments include a content communication system, including a satellite dish for receiving content from a satellite, a wireless antenna for receiving content from a wireless network and a coupling box for processing the content from the satellite and the content from the wireless network.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Automatically Recording Supplemental Content

Номер: US20130051773A1

A content provider transmits instructions to a content receiver to record multiple instances of content. The instances of content are included in the same frequency band of a broadcast transmitted by the content provider via a first communication link and scrambled utilizing the same control word. The content provider determines to supplement the multiple instances of content and transmits an instruction to record a supplemental instance of content from a second content provider via a second communication link. The content receiver receives the instructions and accordingly receives, descrambles, and stores the multiple instances of content and the supplemental instance of content. In some implementations, the first communication link may be a satellite communication link and the second communication link may be a different type of communication link such as a terrestrial broadcast communication link and/or an Internet protocol communication link.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of adapting a bit rate for a mobile device

Номер: US20130122938A1
Принадлежит: Disternet Technology Inc

A method and system for micro-cloud computing is described. An application serving node, which is a specifically configured piece of customer premises equipment such as a set-top box, is the server for a micro-cloud network. Various user devices that form part of the micro-cloud network, such as television sets and smart phones, communicate with the application serving node. The application serving node is configured with software that allows various heterogeneous types of data to be obtained and streamed to the user devices in multiple ways. The application serving node performs much of the processing necessary for such content streaming itself and thus represents an edge-based network architecture.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Receiver apparatus

Номер: US20130135534A1
Принадлежит: Clarion Co Ltd

Receiver apparatus comprises: first and second receiving systems; a demodulation/diversity combining means for combining demodulated signals of first and second receiving systems; a selection means for selecting and outputting an output of either one of first and second receiving systems; and a control means for controlling the operations of the whole receiver apparatus. Control means causes to execute a first composite operation, either one of the receiving systems is caused to continue reception operation while the other receiving system is caused to perform channel search to search a channel satisfying a predetermined condition, further the selection means is caused to select output of the resulting receiving system for performing continuous reception operation. If no channel to be received is found, the control means controls to interchange the receiving system for performing continuous reception operation and the receiving system for performing channel search, and to perform a second composite operation.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Service executing apparatus

Номер: US20130145417A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A broadcast receiving terminal, which implements a service executing method, includes a receiver operable to receive a service that uses a plurality of resources, a recording medium, and a service executer operable to execute a service that uses the plurality of resources in a service execution environment intended for the service. The terminal also includes an associater operable to associate the service execution environment with resource set information indicating the plurality of resources used by the service, when an application requests the service executer to execute the service, and a storager operable to store a plurality of service execution environments together with the associated resource set information. The terminal further includes a resource manager operable to provide, to a selected service, the plurality of resources indicated in the resource set information in the associated service execution environment.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Digital broadcast receiver

Номер: US20130155326A1
Автор: Yoshio Todoroki
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A digital broadcast receiver includes: a plurality of broadcast receiving units that receive program images and broadcast information; an image selecting/combining unit that selectively combines program images as a main-screen and a sub-screen; a plurality of monitors that display program images; a control unit that includes an idle-state detecting unit for detecting the broadcast receiving unit of idle-state, an idle-state establishing unit for controlling the broadcast receiving unit to halt receiving broadcast waves and controlling the image selecting/combining unit to output the program image received by other broadcast receiving unit to a monitor as a main-screen when an instruction of receiving broadcast information is accepted and when there is no broadcast receiving unit of idle-state, and a broadcast information acquisition instructing unit that control the broadcast receiving unit of idle-state to acquire the broadcast information when the instruction of receiving broadcast information is accepted.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Signal processing device for processing plurality of 3d content, display device for displaying the content, and methods thereof

Номер: US20130169755A1

A display device includes a plurality of reception units receiving a plurality of content, a storage unit, a plurality of scaler units reducing data sizes of the plurality of content, storing the respective content with the reduced data sizes in the storage unit, and reading the respective content stored in the storage unit according to an output timing, a plurality of frame rate conversion units converting frame rates of the respective read content, and a video output unit combining and displaying the respective content output from the plurality of frame rate conversion units. Accordingly, the resources can be minimized.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Remote control video modulator

Номер: US20130232535A1
Автор: Stephen Strong

A video modulator is presented. The modulator includes a video input interface, a video modulation circuit, a video output interface, a communication interface, and control circuitry. The video input interface is configured to receive a video signal to be modulated, the video modulation circuit is configured to modulate the video signal, and the video output interface is configured to transmit the modulated video signal. The communication interface is configured to receive a command via a communication link to control the video modulator. The control circuitry is configured to receive the command from the communication interface and to control at least one of the video input interface, the video modulation circuit, and the video output interface based on the command.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Chip Antenna Diversity Picture-in-Picture Architecture

Номер: US20130271662A1
Принадлежит: Newport Media Inc

A multi-chip antenna diversity architecture and method includes a first receiver chip that receives a first input signal from a first antenna. The first receiver chip includes a first tuner that amplifies the first input signal, a crystal operatively connected to a first crystal oscillator circuit, and a first crystal oscillator clock buffer that receives a clock signal from the first crystal oscillator circuit. A first demodulator demodulates the input signal received from the first tuner. A second receiver chip receives a second input signal from a second antenna. The second receiver chip includes a second crystal oscillator circuit, a second crystal oscillator clock buffer, a second tuner, and a second demodulator that receives diversity data from the first demodulator. The first crystal oscillator clock buffer drives the clock signal to the second crystal oscillator clock buffer, the second tuner, and the second demodulator of the second receiver chip.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Fast Channel Change Via a Mosaic Channel

Номер: US20130339997A1

A fast channel change (FFC) system including a tuner arrangement to receive at least one transport stream including an aggregated video service (AVS) and TV channels, each video frame of the AVS including some video data of each channel, a demultiplexer arrangement to demultiplex a first channel and the AVS, a FCC buffer to buffer the video frames of the AVS, a decoder arrangement to decode the first channel, a controller to instruct the decoder arrangement to switch from decoding the first channel to decoding the AVS from the FCC buffer, and a graphic engine to extract the video data of a second channel from the AVS yielding a full-screen video, and output the full-screen video to a display device, wherein the controller is operative to instruct the decoder arrangement to switch from decoding the AVS to decoding the second channel. Related apparatus and methods are also described. 1. A fast channel change system comprising:a tuner arrangement to receive at least one transport stream including an aggregated video service and a plurality of TV channels, each of the TV channels including video data, the aggregated video service including a plurality of video frames, each of the video frames of the aggregated video service including some of the video data of each of the TV channels, the TV channels including a first TV channel and a second TV channel;a demultiplexer arrangement to demultiplex the first TV channel and the aggregated video service from the at least one transport stream;a fast channel change buffer to buffer the video frames of the aggregated video service, the aggregated video service including a plurality of random access points, the fast channel change buffer being operative to: buffer a latest one of the random access points and any of the video frames dependent upon the latest random access point for decoding purposes; and purge from the fast channel change buffer the video frames which are older than the latest random access point;a decoder ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

System, method, and apparatus for an integrated antenna and satellite dish

Номер: US20130343264A1

Systems and methods for an integrated antenna and satellite dish. Exemplary embodiments include an apparatus, including a satellite dish, a wireless antenna coupled to the satellite dish and a coupling box communicatively coupled to the satellite dish and the wireless antenna. Additional exemplary embodiments include a content communication method, including receiving a satellite signal, receiving a first wireless signal, performing coupling box processing on the satellite signal and the wireless signal, transmitting the satellite signal and the wireless signal to a set top box and performing set top box processing on the satellite signal and wireless signal. Further exemplary embodiments include a content communication system, including a satellite dish for receiving content from a satellite, a wireless antenna for receiving content from a wireless network and a coupling box for processing the content from the satellite and the content from the wireless network.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140040969A1
Принадлежит: APTIV DIGITAL, INC.

The present invention is directed to a resource sharing system of set-top boxes. The set-top boxes are arranged in a network. The resources of each set-top box in the network are potentially available to another set-top box in the network that has run out of resources. When a user needs a tuner resource, the set-top box determines if it has a local tuner available. If not, the set-top box attempts to use the tuner of another set-top box in the network. In one embodiment all of the tuners in the network are pooled together and used as a global resource of tuners for all of the set-tops. Alternatively, if a set-top box runs out of resource space on a storage device, it attempts to use the storage device on another set-top box before deleting shows locally to make room for the new show. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for using a network of user devices , the method comprising:receiving a user request to perform at least one of receiving and storing a media asset, wherein performing the at least one of receiving and storing the media asset requires a resource; whether the queried user device is inactive; and', 'whether the resource is available at the queried user device; and, 'querying each of a plurality of user devices coupled to the network to determineif one of the plurality of user devices is inactive and the resource is available at the one user device, causing the one of the plurality of user devices to perform the at least one of receiving and storing the media asset.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the one of receiving and storing the media asset comprises storing a transmission of the media asset.30. The method of claim 28 , wherein the resource comprises a tuner.31. The method of claim 28 , wherein the resource comprises sufficient storage space to store the media asset.32. The method of claim 28 , further comprising determining that the queried user device is inactive if a display associated with the user device is OFF.33. The method of claim 28 , further ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Receiving Device

Номер: US20140053215A1
Принадлежит: Clarion Co., Ltd.

Provided is a receiving device that without interrupting a program being viewed is capable of switching the channel to the program in a destination reception area. When reception is good, a plurality of receiving units select the same channel and receive a program; and when reception worsens, the plurality of receiving units is divided into units for program reception and units for channel searching. The receiving units for program reception continue receiving the program, and the receiving units for channel searching search for a relay station and switch to a relay station channel having better reception than the channel being viewed. In a case where a relay station channel with good reception cannot be found, series broadcast stations in the same network are searched and a switch is made to a channel of a series broadcast station in the same network that has better reception than the channel being viewed. 1. A receiver device which receives broadcast signals ,the receiver device comprising a plurality of receiving units which receive broadcast signals and select a predetermined channel and demodulate the same,a combining unit which combines a plurality of demodulated signals output from the plurality of receiving units,and a control unit which controls a selection operation of the plurality of receiving units and a combining processing operation of the combining unit,the control unit,when the receiving state of the broadcast radio wave is good, causing all of the plurality of receiving units to select and demodulate the same channel, and causing the combining unit to combine all of the plurality of demodulated signals to receive a program,and when the receiving state of the broadcast radio wave has deteriorated, dividing the plurality of receiving units into ones for receiving the program and ones for searching the channel, and while causing the combining unit to combine a plurality of demodulated signals output by the receiving units for receiving the program to ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Digital Video Recording System

Номер: US20140056572A1
Принадлежит: Tivo Inc

A digital video recorder (DVR) system processes digital streams and associates stream information with segments of video and audio components. Segments of video and audio components from memory are sent to one or more decoders essentially simultaneously with the storing of the segments of video and audio components from the memory on one or more storage devices. The decoder converts the video and audio components into output signals.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Recorded Multimedia and Live Television Roaming

Номер: US20140096166A1
Принадлежит: ARRIS Enterprises LLC

Methods, systems, and apparatuses can be operable to facilitate pausing playback of recorded multimedia or live television on a multimedia player and resuming playback from the pause point on the same or a different multimedia player. A user can pause a channel on a multimedia player and resume play of the paused channel on a different multimedia player. A user can pause a channel on a multimedia player and tune the multimedia player to a different channel without losing content associated with the paused channel.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Signal Reception and Distribution

Номер: US20140096176A1

A system and method for receiving and distributing an over-the-air signal over a network. At least one antenna receives an over-the-air signal containing a plurality of channels, at least one tuner isolates from the over-the-air signal information associated with a selected channel and produces an intermodulated carrier wave associated with the selected channel, at least one demodulator demodulates the intermodulated carrier wave to produce a data stream in a first format. Optionally a processor (for example a transcoder) converts the data stream in a first format into a second format. A communications interface produces a network transport stream from the data stream in the second format and distributes the network transport stream over the network. A line coupling unit (LCU) sets resistance/capacitance values which optimize the signal for distribution. 1. A system for optimizing the reception of an over-the-air signal , comprising:at least one antenna for receiving the over-the-air signal;at least one line coupling unit (LCU) coupled to the at least one antenna for detecting an impedance on the at least one antenna and adjusting one or more characteristics of the LCU based on the detected impedance; andat least one tuner for isolating, from the over-the-air signal, signal information associated with a selected signal frequency;whereby the one or more characteristics of the LCU are adjusted on a substantially constant or intermittent basis to obtain the best available quality of signal.2. The system of wherein:the signal information comprises signal quality parameters.3. The system of wherein:the LCU comprises a microcontroller for analyzing signal data.4. The system of wherein:the tuner produces a carrier wave associated with the selected frequency, and further comprising:at least one demodulator for demodulating the carrier wave to isolate signal quality parameters associated with the carrier wave, whereby one or more characteristics of the LCU are adjusted to ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007075A1
Автор: HEO Jae-cheol

A broadcast signal receiving apparatus including: a communication interface which receives a broadcast signal of a variable channel group including at least one channel selected from among a plurality of channels optionally included in the broadcast signal; a memory which stores tuning information corresponding to the at least one channel; and a controller configured to request current tuning information corresponding to a current at least one channel of the variable channel group currently included in a current broadcast signal, wherein the stored tuning information does not correspond to the current at least one channel, receive the current tuning information corresponding to the current at least one channel, store the received current tuning information in the memory, and receive the current broadcast signal of the current at least one channel based on the stored current tuning information in response to receiving a command to view the current at least one channel 1. A broadcast signal receiving apparatus comprising:a communication interface configured to communicate with a transmitting apparatus to receive a broadcast signal comprising a variable channel group, the variable channel group comprising at least one channel selected from among a plurality of channels optionally included in the broadcast signal;a memory configured to store tuning information corresponding to the at least one channel of the variable channel group included in the broadcast signal; anda controller configured to control the communication interface to transmit a request for current tuning information corresponding to a current at least one channel of the variable channel group currently included in a current broadcast signal, wherein the stored tuning information does not correspond to the current at least one channel, to the transmitting apparatus, control the communication interface to receive the current tuning information corresponding to the current at least one channel, store the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007076A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A digital broadcast receiver includes: a receiver that receives a broadcast signal of a physical channel in digital broadcasting; a current position detector that detects a current position; a current region determiner that determines, as a current region, a region to which the current position belongs; a receivability determiner that controls the receiver to determine whether the broadcast signal of the physical channel can be received; a storage unit that stores receivable area information indicating a receivable area where the broadcast signal of the physical channel can be received; and an updating unit that, when the receivability determiner determines that the broadcast signal can be received, obtains, out of the stored receivable area information, receivable area information for the current region indicating a receivable area in the current region, and performs an update process to update the receivable area information for the current region based on the current position. 1. A digital broadcast receiver comprising:a receiver that receives a broadcast signal of a physical channel in digital broadcasting;a current position detector that detects a current position;a current region determiner that determines, as a current region, a region to which the current position detected by the current position detector belongs and which is specified by at least one parameter indicating a position and a shape of the region;a receivability determiner that controls the receiver to determine whether the broadcast signal of the physical channel can be received;an area information storage unit that stores receivable area information indicating a receivable area where the broadcast signal of the physical channel can be received; andan area information updating unit that, when the receivability determiner determines that the broadcast signal of the physical channel can be received, obtains, out of the receivable area information stored in the area information storage unit, ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006743A1

A system and method of entering a low power mode includes an external tuner module having a first external tuner and a receiving device having a first receiving tuner. The receiving device has a controller determining an unused tuner from one of the first external tuner or first receiving tuner and controls entering a low power mode at the unused tuner. 1. A method comprising:commanding, by a receiving device including a processor, a front-end group including an external tuner to enter a high-power mode, wherein the external tuner includes a first tuner and a second tuner;determining, by the receiving device, the front-end group is inactive while not in a standby mode;responsive to determining the front-end group is inactive while in the standby mode, determining, by the receiving device, the front-end group has been inactive while in the standby mode for a time exceeding a threshold; andresponsive to the determining the front-end group has been inactive while in the standby mode for the time exceeding the threshold, commanding, by the receiving device, the front-end group to enter a low power mode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the front-end group is inactive while in the standby mode further comprises determining claim 1 , by the receiving device claim 1 , one of the first tuner or the second tuner are not streaming data to the receiving device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the commanding the front-end group to enter the low power mode further comprises commanding claim 2 , by the receiving device claim 2 , one of the first tuner or the second tuner to enter the low power mode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the front-end group is inactive while in the standby mode further comprises determining claim 1 , by the receiving device claim 1 , the first tuner and the second tuner are not streaming data to the receiving device.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the commanding the front-end group to enter the low power mode ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007105A1

By a transmission method according to one aspect of the present disclosure, in a broadcasting system that generates a first broadcasting signal and a second broadcasting signal by performing multi-antenna encoding on program data, and wirelessly transmits a first broadcasting signal and a second broadcasting signal, a first transmit station transmits the first broadcasting signal, a second transmit station transmits the second broadcasting signal, the first transmit station and the second transmit station transmit the first broadcasting signal and the second broadcasting signal to an overlapping area at an identical time using an overlapping frequency band, polarized wave transmitted from the first transmit station differs from polarized wave transmitted from the second transmit station, and arrangement of the first transmit station differs from arrangement of the second transmit station. 1. A transmission method for transmitting a first broadcasting signal and a second broadcasting signal each generated using a multi-antenna encoding scheme ,wherein a first transmit station transmits the first broadcasting signal to a first service area,a second transmit station transmits the second broadcasting signal to a second service area, at least part of the second service area overlapping the first service area,the first broadcasting signal and the second broadcasting signal are transmitted from the first transmit station and the second transmit station at an identical time using an identical frequency band,the second service area is narrower than the first service area,the first broadcasting signal includes a first pilot signal,the second broadcasting signal includes a second pilot signal, anddensity of the second pilot signal in a frequency direction is lower than density of the first pilot signal in the frequency direction.2. The transmission method according to claim 1 , wherein the second transmit station is densely arranged compared with the first transmit station.3. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006844A1

The disclosure relates to a method comprising: receiving, from a first network, a input signal conveying a plurality of audio and/or video channels; sending, on a second network, a first signal comprising a first digital stream conveying a first audio and/or video channel comprised in the input signal, the first signal comprising, for a second channel of said plurality of audio and/or video channels other than the first channel, and a second digital stream comprising an identifying information of the other second channel and requiring less bandwidth than a digital stream conveying the other second audio and/or video channel of the input signal. It also relates to a method comprising: receiving via a first network a digital signal comprising a plurality of streams, one stream conveying a channel, converting the digital signal to a signal; outputting the signal to a tuning device; upon obtaining a channel identifier representative of a tuning, sending, via the first network, a channel change request comprising the channel identifier to a transmitter of the digital signal. It also relates to corresponding signal, devices, system, computer readable program products and storage media. 1. A method , implemented in an electronic device , the method comprising:receiving, from a first network, an input signal conveying a plurality of audio and/or video channels;sending, on a second network, a first signal comprising one or more first digital stream conveying at least one first audio and/or video channel comprised in said input signal, said first signal comprising, for at least one second channel of said plurality of audio and/or video channels other than said at least one first channel, a second digital stream comprising an identifying information of said other second channel and requiring less bandwidth than a digital stream conveying said other second audio and/or video channel of said input signal.2. The method of comprising claim 1 , upon receiving a channel change ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007418A1
Автор: Ellis Michael D.

An interactive television program guide system is provided in which a viewer may direct a television to simultaneously display a selected television program and a program guide display. A viewer may use the program guide display to browse available video-on-demand (VOD) while continuing to view a previously selected program in the background. The viewer may browse through video-on-demand programs on the program guide display using a variety of keys on a remote control unit. The viewer may direct the program guide to order a given video-on-demand program/and set a desired broadcast time for that program. 197-. (canceled)98. A method comprising:outputting a video of a scheduled media asset for display in a full screen display;receiving a first navigational command from a user input device;retrieving first information relating to a first unscheduled media asset including a first media asset title;generating for display in a partial screen media guidance application display over the video of the scheduled media asset, the first media asset title for the first unscheduled media asset;receiving a second navigational command from the user input device;retrieving second information relating to a second unscheduled media asset including a second media asset title and a second source identification code identifying a type of the second unscheduled media asset;generating for display in place of the first media asset title, the second media asset title for the second unscheduled media asset available from the source, when the second navigational command is received;receiving a user input from the user input device; andgenerating for display, the second unscheduled media asset, based on the type of the second unscheduled media asset when the user input is received.99. The method of claim 98 , wherein the first navigational command is associated with a first directional input and a first direction and the second navigational command is associated with a second directional input ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009275A1
Автор: Numano Fujihito

According to one embodiment, a video display apparatus includes: a broadcast data input module; a data input module; a restricting module; and a video processor. The broadcast data input module inputs broadcast contents including first video data. The data input module inputs information including the second video data from an information processor connected via a network. The information complies with a standard different from that of the broadcast contents. The restricting module sets a value related to an item so as to restrict reproduction of the first video data. The video processor restricts, when a value of the item of the first video data input from the broadcast data input module deviates from the value set by the restricting module while the data input module is inactive, reproduction of the first video data, and disables, when the data input module is active, the restriction restricted by the restricting module. 1. A video display apparatus comprising:a first receiver configured to receive broadcast contents comprising first video data;a second receiver configured to receive information comprising second video data from an information processor connected to the video display apparatus via a network, the information complying with a standard different from that of the broadcast contents; anda controller configured to execute, upon receipt of the broadcast contents by the first receiver, a first application for displaying the first video data on a display, and to execute, upon receipt of the information by the second receiver, a second application for displaying the second video data on the display, wherein,upon receipt of the information by the second receiver while executing the first application, the controller is configured to display a notification indicating that the information has been received on the display without executing the second application.2. The video display apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a third receiver configured to receive ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Broadcast receiving apparatus, broadcast receiving method, and contents outputting method

Номер: US20220030301A1
Принадлежит: Maxell Ltd

A broadcast receiving apparatus includes: a digital broadcast receiver configured to receive digital broadcasting in which contents are transmitted; a network transceiver configured to execute network communication; a data string converter configured to perform a mixing process for creating a new coded data string based on a coded data string of the received contents and a coded data string acquired by the network transceiver; a digital interface configured to output the contents to external equipment; and a controller configured to determine a state of the network communication of the external equipment. The state of the network communication of the external equipment includes a first state in which the network communication is in a communicable state and a second state in which the network communication is in an uncommunicable state. In accordance with the determined state of the network communication, the digital interface performs three types of output operations.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Display interface partitioning

Номер: US20210012752A1
Автор: Seh W. Kwa
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Various embodiments are generally directed to techniques to partition a display interface such that pixel data associated with display data having indications of an image to be displayed may be transmitted to multiple timing controller and driver (TCON-DR) sets over the display interface without necessitating each TCON-DR set receive all the pixel data. In some examples, the display interface may be partitioned such that each TCON-DR set receives only the pixel data for which the respective TCON-DR set corresponds to.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104499A1
Принадлежит: MaxLinear, Inc.

A wideband receiver system is provided to concurrently receive multiple RF channels including a number of desired channels that are located in non-contiguous portions of a radio frequency spectrum and to group the number of desired channels into a contiguous frequency band. The system includes a wideband receiver having a complex mixer for down-shifting the multiple RF channels and transforming them to an in-phase signal and a quadrature signal in the baseband. The system further includes a wideband analog-to-digital converter module that digitizes the in-phase and quadrature signals and a digital frontend module that transforms the digital in-phase and quadrature signals to baseband signals that contains only the number of desired RF channels that are now located in a contiguous frequency band. An up-converter module up-shifts the baseband signals to a contiguous band in an IF spectrum so that the system can directly interface with commercially available demodulators. 1. A wideband receiver system comprising:a wideband receiver configured to concurrently receive a plurality of desired RF channels; said wideband receiver comprising:a mixer module coupled to the plurality of desired RF channels and having a first mixer configured to generate an in-phase signal and a second mixer configured to generate a quadrature signal;a wideband analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module having a first wideband ADC coupled with the in-phase signal and configured to generate a digitalized in-phase signal and a second wideband ADC coupled with the quadrature signal and configured to generate a digitalized quadrature signal; anda digital frontend (DFE) module having a plurality of complex mixers coupled to the digital in-phase and quadrature signals, each one of the plurality of complex mixers frequency-shifting a different one of the plurality of the desired RF channels to a baseband signal.2. The system of further comprises a local oscillator having an oscillator frequency centered ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Set-Top Box for Changing Channels and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20170019707A1
Принадлежит: Enseo LLC

A set-top box for changing channels and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment, the set-top box includes a network interface controller that is configured to receive a source internet protocol television signal, which includes two channels, from an external source and at least partially prepare the source internet protocol signal in order to forward the tuned signal to a television. The set-top box saves in a buffer the at least partially prepared second channel beginning at a recent periodic, sequential signal access point. In response to receiving a channel change instruction when the set-top box is forwarding the at least partially prepared first channel signal, the set-top box causes the television tuner to forward the at least partially prepared signal based on the second channel stored in the buffer beginning at the recent periodic, sequential signal access point.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus, systems and methods for storing program events in an enhanced history buffer

Номер: US20170026682A1
Автор: Andrew Blight
Принадлежит: EchoStar UK Holdings Ltd

Enhanced history buffer systems and methods are operable to temporarily store program content for program events. An exemplary embodiment receives program content corresponding to each of the plurality of program events, generates a unique discrete program content file in the enhanced history buffer for each of the plurality of program events, and stores the received program content for each of the plurality of program events in the associated one of the discrete program content files. Each discrete program content file begins at a known starting location in the enhanced history buffer and ends at a known ending location in the enhanced history buffer.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029066A1
Автор: Tanaka Yoshiki

A broadcast receiver includes a processor that processes a broadcasting signal, a detector that detects a level of a signal of a first predetermined band of the broadcasting signal, and an adjuster that adjusts at least one of a characteristic and an operation of the processor based on the detected level. 1. A broadcast receiver comprising;a processor that processes a broadcasting signal;a detector that detects a level of a signal of a first predetermined band of the broadcasting signal; andan adjuster that adjusts at least one of a characteristic and an operation of the processor based on the detected level.2. The broadcast receiver according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic of the processor is at least one of a filter characteristic and a characteristic of a matching circuit that matches impedance.3. The broadcast receiver according to claim 2 , whereinthe filter characteristic is a characteristic of a high pass filter that attenuates a signal at or below a predetermined frequency, andthe adjuster adjusts the predetermined frequency based on the detected level.4. The broadcast receiver according to claim 2 , further comprising:a frequency converter that is connected to the processor and converts a frequency of a signal of the first predetermined band to a predetermined frequency of a second predetermined band, whereinwhen the detector detects the level of the signal of the first predetermined band to be greater than a predetermined level, the adjuster adjusts the filter characteristic and causes an amplitude of the converted signal to become greater than a first level at or above a frequency of the second predetermined band.5. The broadcast receiver according to claim 4 , whereinthe adjuster adjusts the characteristic and causes the amplitude of the converted signal to become greater than an amplitude of the signal of the second predetermined band of when the detector detects the level of the signal to be smaller than the predetermined level.6. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Set-Top Box for Changing Channels and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20160029078A1

A set-top box for changing channels and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment, the set-top box includes a television input that is configured to receive a source signal, which includes at least first and second channels, from an external source and tune the source signal in order to forward the tuned signal to a television. Within the set-top box, memory is accessible to the processor such that processor-executable instructions, when executed, cause the processor to save in a buffer the at least partially tuned second channel beginning at a recent periodic, sequential signal access point. In response to receiving a channel change instruction when the television tuner is forwarding the tuned first channel signal, the set-top box causes the television tuner to forward the fully tuned signal based on the second channel stored in the buffer beginning at the recent periodic, sequential signal access point. 1. A set-top box for changing channels comprising:a housing securing a television input, a television output, a processor, memory, buffer, a first tuner, and a second tuner therein;a busing architecture communicatively interconnecting the television input, the television output, the processor, the memory, the storage, the first tuner, and the second tuner therebetween;the television input configured to receive a source signal from an external source, the source signal including a plurality of channels, each of the plurality of channels having periodic, sequential signal access points that permit tuning initiation;the television output configured to forward a fully tuned signal to a television;a first tuner configured to receive and at least partially tune a first channel from the source signal, the first tuner providing a at least partially tuned first channel;a second tuner configured to receive and at least partially tune a second channel from the source signal, the second tuner providing a at least partially tuned second channel; buffer in the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029082A1
Автор: Wordley Chris

Systems and methods for aiding user content navigation are described. An exemplary system may include an electronic device configured to receive audiovisual content and/or user inputs. The electronic device may additionally include one or more outputs coupled with a display device. The electronic device may further include one or more processors as well as memory, which when executed by the one or more processors, cause them to perform one or more navigation functions to receive a channel change command to adjust from a first channel to a second channel. The one or more processors may further be caused to determine that the second channel is presenting advertising content instead of program content, and determine that a third channel is presenting program content. The one or more processors may further be caused to adjust the output to the third channel. 1. An electronic device comprising:at least one input component configured to receive audiovisual content including both program content and advertising content;at least one output component communicatively coupled with at least one display device;one or more processors; and receive a channel change command to adjust from a first channel to a second channel,', 'determine that the second channel is presenting advertising content instead of program content,', 'determine that a third channel is presenting program content, and', 'adjust the output to the third channel., 'memory communicatively coupled with and readable by the one or more processors and having stored therein processor-readable instructions, which when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the electronic device comprises at least 2 tuners claim 1 , wherein the first tuner is set to the first channel.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the processors are further caused to receive instructions from a user to adjust channels based on a determination of each channel ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037199A1
Автор: Moon Kyoungsoo, Oh Sejin

The present invention relates to a device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service and a method for transmitting the same. The device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service, according to one embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a first reception unit for receiving a first broadcast signal transmitted through a first network; a second reception unit for receiving a second broadcast signal transmitted through a second network, wherein the broadcast signal includes a service information table; a signaling information processing unit for extracting the service information table from the broadcast signal, wherein the service information table includes a component identifier descriptor for signaling information for identifying each of a plurality of components constituting one broadcast service, the component identifier descriptor including identification information; and an audio/video processing unit for acquiring the broadcast service including the plurality of components by using the component identification information, and decoding and reproducing the acquired broadcast service. 1. A hybrid broadcast service reception apparatus comprising:a first receiver for receiving a first broadcast signal transmitted over a first network;a second receiver for receiving a second broadcast signal transmitted over a second network, wherein at least one of the received first and second broadcast signals comprises a service information table;a signaling information processor for extracting the service information table from the at least one of the received first and second broadcast signals, wherein the service information table comprises a stream identifier descriptor for signaling information for identifying each of a plurality of components of one broadcast service, wherein the stream identifier descriptor comprises component identification information for identifying each of the components; andan Audio/Video (A/V) processor for acquiring the broadcast service ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037204A1

A selection of a television program through a set-top box (STB) may be detected, and a counter value associated with the program may be incremented after the STB presents the program for a certain amount of time. The incremented counter value may be evaluated to determine whether the incremented counter value satisfies a threshold. When the incremented counter value satisfies the threshold, another broadcast associated with the program, such as another episode in a related series, may be identified. The identified broadcast is presented on a particular channel at a particular time, and the STB may automatically tune to the particular channel at the particular time to cause the STB to provide the broadcast without receiving an input from the user. 1. A method comprising:detecting, by a processor, a selection of a program through a set-top box (STB);determining, by the processor, whether the STB provides the program in connection with the selection for at least a threshold amount of time;incrementing, by the processor, a counter value associated with the program when the STB provides the program for at least the threshold amount of time;determining, by the processor, whether the incremented counter value satisfies a counter value threshold;presenting, by the processor and when the counter value satisfies the counter value threshold, a menu, wherein the menu presents a first option related to automatically tuning to another broadcast related to the program, a second option related to ignoring the selection of the program and continuing to monitor for other selections of the program, a third option related to ignoring the selection of the program and the other selections of the program, and a fourth option related to recording the other broadcast related to the program;receiving, by the processor, an input associated with the menu;detecting, by a processor, another selection related to the program through the STB;re-presenting, by the processor, the menu based on ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037209A1
Автор: Miyoshi Eisuke

According to one embodiment, video audio output device is connected to an electronic device and reproduces a predetermined content together with the electronic device. The video audio output device includes storage, first module, second module, and seamless reproduction controller. The storage stores correspondence relationship between different position within view of image acquiring device and the electronic device placed outside the view. The image acquiring device acquires an image around the video audio output device. The first module specifies, based on the image, position at which person has disappeared from the view. The second module specifies, based on the correspondence relationship, an electronic device associated with the position specified by the first module. The seamless reproduction controller transmits, to the electronic device specified by the second module, signal for requesting preparation of seamless reproduction of a content that is currently being reproduced by the video audio output device. 1. A video audio output device connected to an electronic device and configured to reproduce a predetermined content together with the electronic device , the video audio output device comprising:a storage configured to store a correspondence relationship between a different position within a view of an image acquiring device and at least one electronic device placed outside the view, the image acquiring device being configured to acquire an image around the video audio output device;a first specifying module configured to specify, based on the image acquired by the image acquiring device, a position at which a person has disappeared from the view;a second specifying module configured to specify, based on the correspondence relationship stored in the storage, at least one electronic device associated with the position specified by the first specifying module; anda seamless reproduction controller configured to transmit, to the at least one electronic ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Broadcast receiving apparatus, broadcast receiving method, and contents outputting method

Номер: US20180035158A1
Принадлежит: Maxell Ltd

A broadcast receiving apparatus capable of exerting a function with a higher added value is provided. The broadcast receiving apparatus can receive a first digital broadcasting service of a broadcasting system adopting a first media transport method and a second digital broadcasting service of a broadcasting system adopting a second media transport method, and the broadcast receiving apparatus includes: a first broadcast receiving unit that receives a broadcast wave of the first digital broadcasting service; a first separating unit that separates at least first coded program video data related to a first broadcasting program and first event schedule information, from the broadcast wave received by the first broadcast receiving unit; a first video decoding unit that decodes the first coded program video data to reproduce first program video information; a second broadcast receiving unit that receives a broadcast wave of the second digital broadcasting service; a second separating unit that separates at least second coded program video data related to a second broadcasting program and second event schedule information, from the broadcast wave received by the second broadcast receiving unit; a second video decoding unit that decodes the second coded program video data to reproduce second program video information; an electronic program guide creating unit that creates electronic program guide information based on at least the first event schedule information and the second event schedule information; a presentation processing unit capable of receiving the first program video information, the second program video information, and the electronic program guide information, properly performing a selection process, and outputting a result of the selection process as video information; a display unit that displays the video information; an operation input unit to which an operation instruction of a user is input; and a control unit, and when an instruction to display an ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and device for transmitting and receiving broadcast service in hybrid broadcast system on basis of connection of terrestrial broadcast network and internet protocol network

Номер: US20190037262A1
Автор: Kyoungsoo Moon, Sejin Oh

The present invention relates to a device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service and a method for transmitting the same. The device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service, according to one embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a first reception unit for receiving a first broadcast signal transmitted through a first network; a second reception unit for receiving a second broadcast signal transmitted through a second network, wherein the broadcast signal includes a service information table; a signaling information processing unit for extracting the service information table from the broadcast signal, wherein the service information table includes a component identifier descriptor for signaling information for identifying each of a plurality of components constituting one broadcast service, the component identifier descriptor including identification information; and an audio/video processing unit for acquiring the broadcast service including the plurality of components by using the component identification information, and decoding and reproducing the acquired broadcast service.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037026A1

A method and system for micro-cloud computing is described. An application serving node, which is a specifically configured piece of customer premises equipment such as a set-top box, is the server for a micro-cloud network. Various user devices that form part of the micro-cloud network, such as television sets and smart phones, communicate with the application serving node. The application serving node is configured with software that allows various heterogeneous types of data to be obtained and streamed to the user devices in multiple ways. The application serving node performs much of the processing necessary for such content streaming itself and thus represents an edge-based network architecture. 1. A method of adapting a content transmission bit rate for a user device having Global Positioning System (GPS) , the method comprising:receiving, by a serving node, GPS coordinates and differential coordinates from the user device, the serving node associated with a user of the user device, the serving node located at a premises of the user;calculating, by the serving node, a speed of the user device based on the GPS coordinates and the differential coordinates;using, by the serving node, the speed of the user device to calculate a probable content transmission error rate and a probable packet loss rate;determining, by the serving node, a closest server to the user device based on the GPS coordinates;adjusting, by the serving node, the content transmission bit rate for content to be transmitted to the user device based on the calculated probable content transmission error rate, the calculated probable packet loss rate, and the determination of the closest server; andcausing, by the serving node, the closest server to transmit the content to the user device based on the adjusted content transmission bit rate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the differential coordinates include a change in distance and elevation over time.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037277A1
Автор: Moon Kyoungsoo, Oh Sejin

The present invention relates to a device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service and a method for transmitting the same. The device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service, according to one embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a first reception unit for receiving a first broadcast signal transmitted through a first network; a second reception unit for receiving a second broadcast signal transmitted through a second network, wherein the broadcast signal includes a service information table; a signaling information processing unit for extracting the service information table from the broadcast signal, wherein the service information table includes a component identifier descriptor for signaling information for identifying each of a plurality of components constituting one broadcast service, the component identifier descriptor including identification information; and an audio/video processing unit for acquiring the broadcast service including the plurality of components by using the component identification information, and decoding and reproducing the acquired broadcast service. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for delivering contents over hybrid broadcast/broadband networks in a digital transmitter , the method comprising:generating at least one component of a service and signaling data providing information for the service and the at least one component, wherein the at least one component comprises a video component or an audio component,wherein the signaling data includes information for identifying the service, status information for specifying whether status of the service is active or inactive, name information for representing a name of the service and delivery method type information on a delivery mode for the at least one component,wherein the delivery mode relates to a broadcast network or a broadband network;generating a packet comprising the at least one component of the service and the signaling data, wherein the packet comprises a header and a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037279A1
Принадлежит: DISH Technologies L.L.C.

Media content presentation systems and methods are operable to control content presentation on a touch-sensitive display of a multi-media table that is communicatively coupled to a media device that is operable to access the media content. An exemplary embodiment receives, at the multi-media table from the media device, a media content event; presents the media content event on a portion of the touch-sensitive display of the multi-media table; detects a gesture-based touch movement made by a user on the touch-sensitive display; determines an intended user command based on the detected gesture-based touch movement; generates a media device command when the intended user command is configured to control presentation of the media content event; and communicates the generated media device command from the multi-media table to the media device, wherein the media device controls the media content event in accordance with the received media device command. 1. A system comprising:one or more processors; and executing an application that generates graphics presented on a first portion of a touch-sensitive display of a multi-media device that is communicatively coupled to a media device;', 'receiving media content and causing presentation of the media content on a second portion of the touch-sensitive display of the multi-media device concurrently with presentation of the graphics of the executing application;', 'causing presentation of a particular graphic on a third portion of the touch-sensitive display concurrently with presentation of the graphics of the executing application and the media content, where the particular graphic is associated with an electronic device communicatively coupled to the media device; and', 'consequent to a user selection corresponding to the particular graphic at the touch-sensitive display of the multi-media device, causing control of one or both of the electronic device and the media device in accordance with a command to control one or more ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Method of displaying multiple content streams on a user device

Номер: US20190045232A1
Принадлежит: Mimik Technology Inc

A method and system for micro-cloud computing is described. An application serving node, which is a specifically configured piece of customer premises equipment such as a set-top box, is the server for a micro-cloud network. Various user devices that form part of the micro-cloud network, such as television sets and smart phones, communicate with the application serving node. The application serving node is configured with software that allows various heterogeneous types of data to be obtained and streamed to the user devices in multiple ways. The application serving node performs much of the processing necessary for such content streaming itself and thus represents an edge-based network architecture.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Control Circuit of High-Definition Naked-Eye Portable Stereoscopic Video Player and Stereoscopic Video Conversion Method

Номер: US20170048514A1
Автор: LU Xiaofen

The present invention relates to a control circuit of a high-definition naked-eye portable stereoscopic video player and a stereoscopic video conversion method which enables the user to watch a stereoscopic video without wearing the stereoscopic glasses, wherein the control circuit includes a power supply. An HD video CH1 and an HD video CH2 are connected to the signal input terminal of a respective HDMI decoder through a respective HDMI plug interface. the signal output terminal of the HDMI decoder is connected to the signal input terminal of an FPGA programmable logic device. A DDR2 memory, a SRAM Static Random Access Memory, and a FLASH memory bi-directionally exchange data with the FPGA programmable logic device. 1. A control circuit of a high-definition naked-eye portable stereoscopic video player , comprisinga power supply,an HD video CH1,an HD video CH2,a plurality of HDMI plug interfaces, each of which has a signal input terminal and a signal output terminal,an FPGA programmable logic device, having a signal input terminal and two signal output terminals,a DDR2 memory,a SRAM Static Random Access Memory,a FLASH memory,a MIPI 4 line encoder, having a signal input signal and a signal output terminal, anda mobile phone screen, having a signal input terminal,wherein the HD video CH1 and the HD video CH2 are connected to the signal input terminal of respective HDMI decoder through respective HDMI plug interface,wherein the signal output terminal of the HDMI decoder is connected to the signal input terminal of the FPGA programmable logic device,wherein the DDR2 memory, the SRAM Static Random Access Memory and the FLASH memory bi-directionally exchange data with the FPGA programmable logic device,wherein the two signal output terminals of the FPGA programmable logic device are respectively connected to the signal input terminal of the MIPI 4 line encoder, andwherein the signal output terminal of the MIPI 4 line encoder is connected to a the signal input terminal of ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Wireless transmission of sports venue-based data including video to hand held devices

Номер: US20150052546A1

Venue-based data including video from cameras located at a sports venue can be provided to hand held devices authorized by at least one casino. A casino patron's hand held device can enable to view sporting events provided to a hand held device from a server and placement of wagers with the server. Venue-based data including video and statistics are received from server including camera views captured as video by at least one camera located within at least one sports venue. Venue-based data is processed at server for display on a display associated with at least one hand held device operating within a casino. Venue-based data is displayed on hand held devices, enabling casino patrons to view event video. Portable devices can be authorized only when moving about a casino. Casino patrons can also gamble using said hand held device while viewing selected sporting events within the casino.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Internet Protocol Television Tuning Adapter

Номер: US20150052547A1
Автор: Ansley Carol J.

Methods, systems, and computer readable media can be operable to facilitate the provisioning of data and video services to client devices using communication standards and/or protocols that are not compatible with corresponding CPE device(s). An IPTV adapter can be embedded in a CPE device, can be connected to a CPE device, or can be a stand-alone device, and the tuning adapter can translate/reformat communications between client devices and an upstream component and/or content server. The IPTV adapter can support various communication standards and protocols. 1. A method comprising:receiving at an adapter a request for video content, the request for video content being received from a host device configured to request content to be received by the host device through a first content delivery platform, wherein the host device is without an interface configured to retrieve the video content over a second content delivery platform;retrieving the requested video content over the second content delivery platform;formatting the retrieved video content according to a format that is compatible with the host device; andoutputting the formatted video content to the host device,wherein the second content delivery platform delivers content in a different format than the first content delivery platform.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the host device is a set-top box.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the adapter is connected to the set-top box over a Digital Living Network Alliance interface.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a client device requesting the video content through the host device, wherein the client device is identified based upon information in the request for video content received at the adapter;determining encoding parameters compatible with the identified client device; andencoding the retrieved video content according to the encoding parameters.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:recognizing an encryption associated with ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170048580A1

Particular embodiments provide a hybrid approach to confirming a presence of the second-screen device in a same location as a first-screen device. In one embodiment, a trigger phase and a confirmation phase are used to confirm the presence of the second-screen device in a physical proximity to the first-screen device. The trigger phase may be performed at a back-end system. The back-end system may detect events for the content being delivered to the first-screen device using content detection techniques. The back-end system may generate a trigger event when certain conditions are met based on the detection. Once the trigger event is detected, the back-end system may confirm that the second-screen device is physically present in a same location with the first-screen device. For example, the back-end system may communicate with the second-screen device to initiate a content detection analysis on the second-screen device. 1. A method for confirming presence of a second-screen device with regard to a first-screen device , the method comprising:receiving, by a back-end computer system comprising one or more servers coupled to a network of a content delivery system, a content that is being delivered by the content delivery system via the network to a first-screen device, wherein the back-end computer system is at a remote physical location separate from both the first-screen device and the second-screen device, and wherein the first-screen device is associated with a user account;performing, by the back-end computer system, a content detection analysis of the content;determining, by the back-end computer system, a trigger event based on the content detection analysis, the trigger event being triggered based on a portion of the content;selecting, by the back-end computer system, a second-screen device associated with a user account entity, wherein the user account entity is associated with the user account of the first-screen device; andcommunicating, by the back-end ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Dynamic Tuner Allocation

Номер: US20150052568A1

In an embodiment, a first tuner task type is identified from among a plurality of tuner task types, in response to receiving a first tuner request. The first tuner request was made to perform a tuner task of the first tuner task type. A first set of tuner selection rules specifically for the first tuner task type is determined and applied to a set of tuners to determine whether the set of tuners comprises a tuner available to perform the tuner task of the first tuner task type. 1. A method comprising:in response to receiving a first tuner request, identifying a first tuner task type from among a plurality of tuner task types, the first tuner request being made to perform a tuner task of the first tuner task type;determining a first set of tuner selection rules specifically for the first tuner task type; andapplying the first set of tuner selection rules to a set of tuners to determine whether the set of tuners comprises a tuner available to perform the tuner task of the first tuner task type.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of tuner selection rules comprises one or more of tuner filtering rules or tuner sorting rules.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, based on a set of tuner tasks being performed by the set of tuners, that the set of tuners does not comprise a tuner available to perform the tuner task of the first tuner task type; in response to receiving a second tuner request, identifying a second tuner task type from among the plurality of tuner task types, the second tuner request being made to perform a tuner task of the second tuner task type;', 'determining a second set of tuner selection rules specifically for the second tuner task type, the second set of tuner selection rules being different the first set of tuner selection rules; and', 'determining, based on the second set of tuner selection rules, that the set of tuners comprises a tuner available to perform the tuner task of the second tuner task type., 'while the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052574A1
Автор: Yang Lin
Принадлежит: M&A HOLDINGS

The present invention provides an implementation method for a Software Defined ATSC TV Demodulator with Wi-Fi Tuners. The method includes the wireless interface between the ATSC TV tuner and the computing platform, the wireless interface (Wi-Fi) transport stream protocol, and the vector-based digital signal processing algorithm for each individual functional block. 1. A software defined ATSC TV Demodulator with Wi-Fi Tuners comprising of:a. One or more ATSC TV Tuners,b. A computing platform (PC, laptop, tablet, smart phone, wearable computing device, Over-The-Top box, etc.),c. The wireless interface (Wi-Fi) device, i. Compress/Decompress or Un-compress the ATSC TV Digital IF Signal', 'ii. Segment the continuous ATSC TV signal into blocks (i.e. one field of ATSC TV signal per block)', 'iii. Pass channel tuning and IF AGC (Automatic Gain Control) information', 'iv. Transform the TV Signal to a Wi-Fi Signal and Wi-Fi signal to a TV signal, 'd. The wireless interface (Wi-Fi) transport stream protocol between the ATSC TV tuner(s) and the computing platform through the wireless interface (Wi-Fi) device, which performs the following functions i. IF to Baseband down-conversion and signal synchronization Functional Block', 'ii. Channel State Estimation and Signal-To-Noise-Ratio (SNR) Estimation Functional Block for each Tuner', 'iii. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) Weighted Combining Functional Block for multiple tuners', 'iv. Frequency Domain Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) Equalizer Functional Block', 'v. Time Domain Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) Equalizer Functional Block', 'vi. Equal Gain Combining Functional Block', 'vii. Selective Combining Slicing Functional Block', 'viii. Forward Error Correction (FEC) Functional Block: includes Viterbi Decoder, De-interleaver, R. S. Decoder, and De-randomizer', 'ix. Selective Combining Functional Block, 'e. The vector-based digital signal processing algorithm for each individual functional block, which performs the following functions2. A ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Server for Providing Television and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20180048927A1

A sever for providing television and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment, the server includes a network interface controller that is configured to receive a source internet protocol television signal, which includes two channels, from an external source and at least partially prepare the source internet protocol signal in order to forward the signal to a television. The server saves in a buffer the at least partially prepared second channel beginning at a recent periodic, sequential signal access point. In response to receiving a channel request instruction from a requesting television when the server is forwarding the at least partially prepared first channel signal, the server forwards the at least partially prepared signal based on the second channel stored in the buffer beginning at the recent periodic, sequential signal access point. 1. A server for providing television comprising:a housing securing an internet protocol television output, a processor, memory, buffer, and a network interface controller therein;a busing architecture communicatively interconnecting the internet protocol television output, the processor, the memory, the buffer, and the network interface controller therebetween;the network interface controller configured to receive a source internet protocol television signal from an external source, the source internet protocol television signal including a plurality of channels, each of the plurality of channels having periodic, sequential signal access points that permit tuning initiation;the internet protocol television output disposed in communication with a plurality of televisions, the internet protocol television output configured to forward at least a partially processed signal toward one of the plurality of televisions;the network interface controller configured to receive and at least partially prepare a first channel from the source internet protocol television signal, the network interface controller ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Tuner Using Interpolative Dividers

Номер: US20150055021A1

An apparatus includes a splitter to receive a radio frequency (RF) signal and to provide the RF signal to multiple channels of a tuner. Each channel may include an amplifier to amplify the RF signal, a mixer to downconvert the amplified RF signal to a second frequency signal using a local oscillator (LO) signal, where each of the channels is configured to receive a different LO signal, a filter to filter the downconverted second frequency signal, and a digitizer to digitize the downconverted second frequency signal. A clock generation circuit has multiple interpolative dividers and a frequency synthesizer to generate a reference clock signal. Each of the interpolative dividers is configured to receive the reference clock signal, generate a corresponding LO signal, and provide the corresponding LO signal to the mixer of at least one of the channels. 1. An apparatus comprising: a first amplifier to amplify the RF signal;', 'a mixer to downconvert the amplified RF signal to a second frequency signal using a local oscillator (LO) signal, each of the plurality of channels configured to receive a different LO signal;', 'a first filter to filter the downconverted second frequency signal;', 'a digitizer to digitize the downconverted second frequency signal; and, 'a plurality of channels for receiving a radio frequency (RF) signal, wherein each of the plurality of channels comprisesa clock generation circuit including a frequency synthesizer to generate a reference clock signal and a plurality of interpolative dividers, each of the plurality of interpolative dividers to receive the reference clock signal and to generate a corresponding LO signal therefrom and to provide the corresponding LO signal to the mixer of at least one of the plurality of channels.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus comprises a multi-tuner circuit configured on a single semiconductor die.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the clock generation circuit comprises a controller coupled ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050630A1
Автор: Flores Guerra Jesus

Described are systems, methods and computer program products for suggesting television programs to a user by, for example, analyzing closed caption or subtitle content of unwatched or unrecorded video content to determine if the video content is of interest to the user. The user may indicate one or more keywords for use in the analysis and the analysis may scan the text of the closed caption or subtitle content to identify matches to the keywords. Beside user input keywords, the keywords may also be determined through analysis of video content watched or recorded by the user to determine frequently encountered words. These frequently encountered words may automatically be used in matching the text of the closed caption or subtitle content. The users may also or alternatively select particular words of the frequently encountered words to use for matching. 1. A television receiver , comprising:one or more processors; and receiving a plurality of video content streams, a first video content stream of the plurality of video content streams being watched or recorded by a user;', 'populating, automatically and concurrently with the receiving, a respective buffer for each of the video content streams with the respective set of keywords by parsing respective text data from the video content stream to generate the respective set of keywords;', 'determining, automatically in response to the populating, a second video content stream of the plurality of video content streams for which the respective set of keywords in the respective buffer overlaps with the respective set of keywords in the respective buffer for the first video content stream, the second video content stream not being watched or recorded by the user; and', 'generating, automatically in response to the determining, a notification to the user indicating the second video content stream., 'a non-transitory computer readable storage medium communicatively coupled with and readable by the one or more processors and ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Methods And Systems For Accessing Content

Номер: US20160057474A1

Methods and systems for accessing content are provided. A non-tunable device (e.g., a device without the capability to tune to a particular channel) can access a particular channel via a tunable device (e.g., a device with the capability to tune to the particular channel). A computing device can facilitate content tuning. In an aspect, the non-tunable device can transmit a request for content to the computing device. The request for content can comprise a title of the content, a type of content, channel information, and the like. Upon receiving the request for content, the computing device can determine the characteristics of the non-tunable device such as device type, device capabilities, location, and identify all the tunable devices capable of communicating with the non-tunable device. Entitlement information can be provided to the one or more tunable devices. The entitlement information can facilitate access to the requested content by the non-tunable device. 1. A method comprising:receiving a request for content, the request comprising user information;determining one or more tunable devices associated with the user information; andproviding entitlement information to the one or more tunable devices, wherein the entitlement information facilitates access to content by a source of the request for content.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the request for content further comprises an error indication.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the request for content comprises a request for pay-per-view content claim 1 , video-on-demand content claim 1 , or both.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user information comprises user account information.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the tunable devices comprises a QAM tuner.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more of the tunable devices comprises a gateway device.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the entitlement information comprises a tuner reservation identifier.8. A method comprising: ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Methods And Systems For Accessing Content

Номер: US20160057478A1

Methods and systems for accessing content are provided. A non-tunable device (e.g., a device without the capability to tune to a particular channel) can access a particular channel via a tunable device (e.g., a device with the capability to tune to the particular channel). A computing device can facilitate content tuning. As an example, the non-tunable device can send user information (e.g., a request for content) to the computing device. The computing device can reserve the available tuner and transmit the tuning information (e.g., tuner reservation identifier) to the non-tunable device. Upon receiving the tuning information, the non-tunable device can transmit a tuning request (e.g., all or portion of tuning information, device identifier) to the tunable device. Upon receiving the tuning request, the tunable device can tune to the particular requested channel and transmit a data asset (e.g., requested content, tuning denial) to the non-tunable device. 1. A method comprising:transmitting user information to a computing device;receiving tuning information from the computing device based at least in part on the user information;transmitting a tuning request to a tunable device based on the tuning information; andreceiving a data asset based on the tuning request.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tuning information comprises a tuner reservation identifier.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user information comprises a request for content.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tuning request comprises a tuner reservation identifier.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tuning request comprises a request for pay-per-view content claim 1 , video-on-demand content claim 1 , or both.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tunable device comprises one or more QAM tuners.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a non-tunable device receives the tuning information from the computing device and transmits a tuning request to the tunable device based on the tuning information ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Dynamic Tuning in Dense Arrays of Electrically Small Elements

Номер: US20160057486A1
Автор: Bingham James Alan

A system and method for dynamically tuning antenna elements is disclosed. The method comprises: receiving requests to capture over the air broadcasts; selecting an antenna element from a group of available antenna elements to capture one of the requested over the air broadcasts; applying default settings to tune the selected antenna element to capture the one of the requested over the air broadcasts; and dynamically tuning the selected antenna element to enhance reception of the one of the requested over the air broadcasts. The method may further comprise measuring parameters toward optimizing the selected antenna element. The method may also include maintaining the tuning of the selected antenna element until the received request is automatically released because time has elapsed. The method may additionally include recording and/or streaming the requested broadcast to an end-user. 1. A method for dynamically tuning antenna elements , the method comprising:receiving requests to capture over the air broadcasts;selecting an antenna element from a group of available antenna elements to capture one of the requested over the air broadcasts;applying default settings to tune the selected antenna element to capture the one of the requested over the air broadcasts; anddynamically tuning the selected antenna element to enhance reception of the one of the requested over the air broadcasts.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising measuring parameters of the selected antenna element to determine how to optimize the selected antenna element claim 1 , wherein the parameters are selected from the group comprising received power claim 1 , signal quality claim 1 , temperature of the antenna element claim 1 , and automatic gain control.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising prioritizing the measured parameters.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprises maintaining the tuning of the selected antenna element until the received request is released.5. ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Set-top Box with Technical Configuration and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20150058909A1

A set-top box with a technical configuration and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the set-top box, the set-top box executes an technical protocol to make the set-top box and an associated television ready for use. During the installation, maintenance, or repair, a human-readable visual label and a machine-readable optical label are generated that contain information about the status of the technical protocol. The labels are forwarded, via the television output, to the television. The set-top box dynamically updates the human-readable visual label and the machine-readable optical label as the status of the technical protocol changes. 1. A set-top box with technical configuration comprising:a housing securing a television input, a television output, a processor, memory, storage, a first tuner, and a second tuner therein;a busing architecture communicatively interconnecting the television input, the television output, the processor, the memory, the storage, the first tuner, and the second tuner therebetween;the television input configured to receive a source signal from an external source;the television output configured to forward an output signal to a television; and execute a technical protocol to make the set-top box and television ready for use;', 'generate a human-readable visual label that contains information about the status of the technical protocol;', 'generate a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the status of the technical protocol;', 'forward, via the television output, the output signal including the human-readable visual label and the machine-readable optical label; and', 'dynamically update the human-readable visual label and the machine-readable optical label as the status of the technical protocol changes., 'the memory accessible to the processor, the memory including processor-executable instructions that, when executed, cause the processor to2. The set-top box as recited in claim ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Program guide system with video-on-demand browsing

Номер: US20170055021A1
Автор: Michael D. Ellis
Принадлежит: Prevue Networks Inc, Rovi Guides Inc

An interactive television program guide system is provided in which a viewer may direct a television to simultaneously display a selected television program and a program guide display. A viewer may use the program guide display to browse available video-on-demand (VOD) while continuing to view a previously selected program in the background. The viewer may browse through video-on-demand programs on the program guide display using a variety of keys on a remote control unit. The viewer may direct the program guide to order a given video-on-demand program, and set a desired broadcast time for that program.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055026A1
Автор: MacInnis Alexander G.

A system and method that provide reduced latency in a video signal processing system. Various aspects of the present invention may comprise receiving a current request from a user for first video information. Such a request may, for example, be received with a user interface module. A first video stream and a second video stream may be received simultaneously, where the first video stream comprises the first video information currently requested by the user, and the second video stream comprises second video information not currently requested by the user. A video receiver module may, for example, perform such receiving. The first video stream may be processed to present the first video information to the user at the current time. Further, the second video stream may be pre-processed in preparation for being presented to the user in the future. A video processing module may, for example, perform such video stream processing. 132.-. (canceled)33. A method , comprising:receiving a request for first video information;predicting a request for second video information;receiving a first video stream and a second video stream, the first video stream corresponding to the request for the first video information and the second video stream corresponding to the request for the second video information;processing the first video stream; and receiving conditional access information for the second video stream after predicting the request for the second video information and before receiving the request for the second video information;', 'subsequent to receiving the conditional access information for the second video stream, buffering at least a portion of the second video stream starting from an access point in the second video stream; and', 'tracking timing components of the second video stream relative to timing components of the first video stream, the timing components of the second video stream comprising timestamp or synchronization components, wherein the tracking of the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055040A1

Aspects of the present disclosure include techniques for dynamically generating a results list based on real-time data gathered from a television receiver, user interaction, and other resources. The systems and methods may include receiving, via the one or more tuners, from the television service provider distribution network, a set of television data, wherein the television data is associated with programming of multiple television channels, receiving a set of user data, wherein the user data includes data associated with a user of the television receiver, receiving an input from the user, wherein the input indicates a preference for a search, determining a list of input results based on the set of television data, the set of user data, and the input, and transmitting the list of television input results, wherein when the list of television input results is received, the list of television input results is displayable on the display device. 1. A television receiver for generating input results , the television receiver comprising:one or more tuners configured to receive television programming via a television service provider distribution network;a television interface configured to output the television programming to a display device;one or more processors; and receive, via the one or more tuners, from the television service provider distribution network, a set of television data, wherein the television data is associated with programming of multiple television channels;', 'receive a set of user data, wherein the user data includes data associated with a user of the television receiver;', 'receive an input from the user, wherein the input indicates a preference for a search;', 'determine a list of input results based on the set of television data, the set of user data, and the input; and', 'transmit the list of television input results, wherein when the list of television input results is received, the list of television input results is displayable on the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150062438A1

A digital television includes a power line and a monitor. The power line includes a power connector, an electrical conductor, and a connector. The monitor includes a display module and a signal receiving module. The electrical conductor is used to supply power to the display module and the signal receiving module. The power line further comprises a transmitting module and an antenna conductor. The transmitting module is electrically connected to an external signal receiver to receive signal. The antenna conductor is connected to the transmitting module and the signal receiving module, whereby the signal received by the transmitting module is transmitted to the signal receiving module by the antenna conductor, and processed by the signal receiving module and transmitted to the display module. A digital television system is also provided. 1. A digital television comprising:a power line having a power module and an electrical conductor connected to the power module, anda monitor having a display module and a signal receiving module electrically connected to the display module;wherein, the electrical conductor is electrically connected to the display module and the signal receiving module and used to supply power to the display module and the signal receiving module;wherein, the power line further comprises a transmitting module and an antenna conductor;wherein, the transmitting module is electrically connected to an external signal receiver to receive signal;wherein, one end of the antenna conductor is connected to the transmitting module, and the other end of the antenna conductor is connected to the signal receiving module, whereby the signal received by the transmitting module is transmitted to the signal receiving module by the antenna conductor, then processed by the signal receiving module and transmitted to the display module.2. The digital television as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power line further comprises an amplifier module; the transmitting module is ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160065881A1
Автор: KIM Sung Ju

Disclosed herein are a display apparatus including a tuner including one tuner, a display configured to display a plurality of images in a plurality of divided regions, and a controller configured to control the tuner to sequentially lock a plurality of channels and control the display to display an image of a currently locked channel as a moving image and an image of a previously locked channel as a still image. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a tuner;a display configured to display a plurality of images in a plurality of divided regions; anda controller configured to control the tuner to sequentially lock a plurality of channels and control the display to display an image of a currently locked channel as a moving image and an image of a previously locked channel as a still image.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the tuner to update the currently locked channel to correspond to another channel of the plurality of channels after a predetermined time period has lapsed.3. The display apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a storage configured to store an image of the previously locked channel claim 2 ,wherein the controller is configured to control the storage to store the image of the previously locked channel and control the display to simultaneously display the image of the previously locked channel and the image of the currently locked channel.4. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a receiver configured to receive a channel signal of a channel button and a confirmation signal of a confirmation button claim 1 ,wherein the controller is configured to control the tuner to repeat the sequential locking of the plurality of channels until the confirmation signal is received, and in response to the confirmation signal, identify the currently locked channel and control the display to display an image of the identified channel on a full screen of the display.5. The ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160066026A1

Allocating idle tuner resources to buffer or record broadcast programming determined to be desirable or preferred by any particular user or television viewer. 1. A method , comprising:identifying a particular tuner of a multi-tuner television receiver, wherein the particular tuner is designated as in an idle mode;accessing, in response to the identifying, a listing that itemizes a plurality of television channels to be recorded by the television receiver for an indeterminate time period; andrecording at least one television channel of the plurality of television channels using the particular tuner while the particular tuner is designated as in the idle mode.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a change in status of the particular tuner from the idle mode to an active mode; anddiscontinuing recording of the at least one television channel in response to determining the change in status.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:recording multiple television channels of the plurality of television channels using the particular tuner while the particular tuner is designated as in the idle mode.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting the at least one television channel based upon a priority scheme that identifies the at least one television channel as preferred over other television channels of the plurality of television channels.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:populating the listing with one or more television channels different than each of the plurality of television channels without user-input designating the one or more television channels as intended for inclusion within the listing.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:populating the listing with one or more television channels different than each of the plurality of television channels based on user-input designating the one or more television channels as intended for inclusion within the listing.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Digital video broadcasting - terrestrial (dvb-t) system and modulation method thereof

Номер: US20160066057A1
Автор: Kuo-Feng Kao
Принадлежит: Aten International Co Ltd

The present invention provides a digital video broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) system and modulation method thereof. The system comprises a transmission module and a receiving module. The transmission module modulates a video signal to a DVB-T signal. The receiving module receives the DVB-T signal via a transmission line and demodulates the DVB-T signal to the video signal, and at the same time, monitoring the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or bit error rate (BER), and quantizes them to a reference data. The receiving module transmits the reference data to the transmission module through the same transmission line. The system can determine a control parameter according to the reference data to set the modulation parameter of the DVB-T signal.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Wideband Tuner Architecture

Номер: US20180063570A1

A wideband receiver system comprises a wideband analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module and a digital frontend (DFE) module. The wideband ADC is configured to concurrently digitize a band of frequencies comprising a plurality of desired channels and a plurality of undesired channels. The DFE module is coupled to the digital in-phase and quadrature signals. The DFE module is configured to select the plurality of desired channels from the digitized band of frequencies, and generate an intermediate frequency (IF) signal comprising the selected plurality of desired channels and having a bandwidth that is less than a bandwidth of the band of frequencies, where the generation comprises frequency shifting of the selected plurality of desired channels. The IF signal may be a digital signal and the DFE is configured to output the IF signal via a serial or parallel interface. 118-. (canceled)19. A system comprising:a first analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to digitize a first frequency band comprising a first plurality of channels;a second ADC configured to digitize a second frequency band comprising a second plurality of channels;a digital frontend (DFE) circuit operatively coupled to the first ADC and the second ADC, wherein the DFE comprises a plurality of channel filters configured to perform selection of the one or more channels from the first plurality of channels and the one or more channels from the second plurality of channels, and wherein each one of the plurality of channel filters is a finite impulse response filter; and frequency shift the selected one or more channels from the first plurality of channels; and', 'frequency shift the selected one or more channels from the second plurality of channels, wherein the frequency-shifted one or more channels from the first plurality of channels and the frequency-shifted one or more channels from the second plurality of channels are combined into an intermediate frequency (IF) signal., 'an upconverter being ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170064361A1

A set-top box for controlling a display device includes a controller, a first circuitry for receiving over-the-air broadcast digital content, a second circuitry for receiving online streaming content over IP protocol, and an operating system running on the controller. The operating system is configured to allow a user to selectively switch between on-line content and local over-the-air broadcast programs without shutting down the set-top box. 1. A set-top box for controlling a display device , the set-top box comprising:a controller;a first circuitry for receiving over-the-air broadcast digital content;a second circuitry for receiving online streaming content over IP protocol;an operating system running on the controller,wherein the operating system is configured to allow a user to selectively switch between on-line content and local over-the-air broadcast programs without shutting down the set-top box.2. The set-top box of claim 1 , further comprising a first antenna for receiving over-the-air digital broadcast signals.3. The set-top box of claim 2 , wherein the first circuitry includes a wireless network interface controller communicatively coupled to the first antenna.4. The set-top box of claim 1 , further comprising a second antenna for receiving online streaming content.5. The set-top box of claim 4 , wherein the second circuitry includes a tuner processor communicatively coupled to the second antenna.6. The set-top box of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to transmits a main start-up menu to a display device.7. The set-top box of claim 6 , wherein the main start-up menu includes one or more applications including a channel guide application.8. The set-top box of claim 1 , further comprising a coaxial cable input and a coaxial cable output.9. The set-top box of claim 8 , further comprising a tuner processor communicatively coupled to either or both of the coaxial cable input and the coaxial cable output.10. The set-top box of claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065036A1
Автор: SHIMADA Akinari

An assessment information gathering system provides an assessment on content of a game with an operation in real-time when a player or a tester finds that the content of the game is “Good” or “Bad” during the playing of the game. Assessment information and operator guidance information input by the player is transmitted to a server. Game progressing processing, such as a virtual combat between a player character and an enemy character or the occurrence of an event, is executed in the server in accordance with a prescribed program based on the operator guidance information. Results of the game progressing processing are transmitted to the player. A game image obtained by perspective transformation of a virtual 3-dimensional space on a virtual screen is displayed on a display screen based on the results. 1. An assessment information viewing system , comprising:a game device including an input device;a server connectable to the game device via a communication network; anda client terminal including a display that is configured to display assessment information on an assessment of a content of a network game, the network game being progressed in accordance with an operation of a player to the input device, wherein an interface that accepts the assessment information in accordance with the operation of the player to the input device during the progression of the network game, and', 'a communication interface that transmits the assessment information accepted by the interface and content information on the content to the server, and, 'the game device includes'} 'the display that displays the assessment information and the content information transmitted by the game device.', 'the client terminal includes'}2. The assessment information viewing system according to claim 1 , whereinthe server includes a memory that stores the assessment information and the content information transmitted by the game device in correlation.3. The assessment information viewing system according ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

System And Method For Time Shifting At Least A Portion Of A Program

Номер: US20150071602A1
Автор: Fitzsimmons Todd

A system and method is provided for time shifting a video program. In one embodiment of the present invention, a receiver, which may be configured to function as both a receiver and a DVR, is configured to receive a video program having both primary and secondary portions. The receiving device is further configured to play both portions of the video program if the program is being watched (a) during a first period of time or (b) during a second period of time and a user desires to watch both portions, and to play only the primary portions if the program is being watched during the second period of time and the user desires to watch only the primary portions. By doing this, the user can avoid the secondary portions when those portions have a diminished value to the user, the content owner, the content provider and/or advertisers. 1. A digital video recorder (DVR) for time shifting at least one video program , said video program being transmitted over a data distribution system , comprising:a tuner for receiving a plurality of video programs, wherein (i) said plurality of video programs are transmitted at the same time on a single channel within said data distribution system, (ii) said tuner can be tuned to said single channel to receive said plurality of video programs, and (iii) at least one of said plurality of video programs includes at least first, second and third portions, wherein said second portion as transmitted is configured to follow said first portion, and said third portion as transmitted is configured to follow said second portion;a memory device for storing said plurality of video programs, allowing said one of said plurality of video programs to be played back at a later time;a controller configured to receive commands from a user of said DVR, wherein a first command changes said DVR from a first playback state to a second playback state, a second command initiates playback of said one of said plurality of video programs from said memory device, and a ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069353A1
Автор: Taxier Karen, Walker Jason

Systems and methods of coordinating home automation activity may include accessing event data from a storage database communicatively coupled with an electronic device. Each item of event data may include a time and date at which the event data was collected. The methods may also include generating an event table identifying the number of events occurring during discrete time intervals for a date range. The event table may include a graphical depiction of the number of events that occurred for each discrete time interval. The methods may further include outputting the event table from the electronic device for display on a display device. 1. A method of coordinating home automation activity , the method comprising:accessing event data from a storage database communicatively coupled with an electronic device, wherein each item of event data comprises a time and date at which the event data was collected;generating an event table identifying the number of events occurring during discrete time intervals for a date range, wherein the event table includes a graphical depiction of the number of events that occurred for each discrete time interval, wherein the graphical depiction comprises a bar chart having a bar for each discrete time interval, and wherein the event table includes selectable filters;receiving an instruction to apply a filter to the event table;applying at least one filter to the event table, wherein application of the filter adjusts bar height of the bar chart to include only the items of event data included by the at least one filter; andoutputting the event table from the electronic device for display on a display device.2. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:receiving an instruction selecting one or more of the discrete time intervals; andin response to the instruction, further outputting for display a tabularized description of each item of event data occurring during the selected discrete time interval.3. The method of claim 2 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220086527A1
Принадлежит: Dish Network L.L.C.

Devices, systems, and processes are described for seamless use of timers across multiple user devices on a LAN. A system may include a first user device, communicatively coupled to the LAN, having at least one first tuner and a first hardware processor configured for facilitating a first timer manager. A second user device communicatively coupled to the LAN may include at least one second tuner and a second hardware processor configured for facilitating a second timer manager. Each of the first timer manager and the second timer manager may be configured to populate a universal timer schedule that identifies at least one of a future availability and a future use for each of the at least one first tuner and the at least one second tuner. The universal timer schedule is populated based upon a request type, such as an auto-tune, PPV, original content, re-run, and a Joey request type. 1. A non-transitory machine-readable storage medium , having stored thereon instructions which cause processors in electronic devices to perform operations , the operations comprising:{'claim-text': 'populating a first instance of a universal timer schedule;', '#text': 'facilitating, in a first electronic device, a first seamless timer manager performing first operations comprising:'}{'claim-text': 'populating a second instance of a universal timer schedule;', '#text': 'facilitating, in a second electronic device, a second seamless timer manager performing second operations comprising:'}wherein the first electronic device is communicatively coupled to a local area network (LAN);wherein the first electronic device comprises a first tuner;wherein the second electronic device is communicatively coupled to the LAN;wherein the second electronic device comprises a second tuner; andwherein the first instance of the universal timer schedule and the second instance of the universal timer schedule identify at least one of a future availability and a future use for the first tuner and for the second ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150074708A1
Автор: MacInnis Alexander G.

A system and method that provide reduced latency in a video signal processing system. Various aspects of the present invention may comprise receiving a current request from a user for first video information. Such a request may, for example, be received with a user interface module. A first video stream and a second video stream may be received simultaneously, where the first video stream comprises the first video information currently requested by the user, and the second video stream comprises second video information not currently requested by the user. A video receiver module may, for example, perform such receiving. The first video stream may be processed to present the first video information to the user at the current time. Further, the second video stream may be pre-processed in preparation for being presented to the user in the future. A video processing module may, for example, perform such video stream processing. 133-. (canceled)34. A method , comprising:receiving a request for first video information;predicting a request for second video information;receiving a first video stream and a second video stream, the first video stream corresponding to the request for first video information and the second video stream corresponding to the request for the second video information;decoding the first video stream; andwhile decoding the first video stream, pre-processing the second video stream, the pre-processing comprising:buffering the second video stream starting from an access point in the second video stream to cause at least a portion of the second video stream starting from the access point to be available for decoding upon receiving the request for the second video information.35. The method of claim 34 , wherein the pre-processing of the second video stream further comprises:receiving conditional access information for the second video stream after predicting the request for the second video information and before receiving the request for the second ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150074724A1

A program information acquisition unit acquires program information of each of a plurality of channels over a plurality of broadcasting types, among which a transmitting form of a broadcasting signal is different. A program table displaying unit causes a program table, in which program information of the plurality of channels is juxtaposed in a classified state for each channel, to be displayed. The program table displaying unit causes both of program information of channels belonging to a first broadcasting type and program information of channels belonging to a second broadcasting type to be displayed in a juxtaposed relationship in the same program table. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:a program information acquisition unit configured to acquire program information of each of a plurality of channels over a plurality of broadcasting types, among which a transmitting form of a broadcasting signal is different; anda program table displaying unit configured to cause a program table, in which program information of the plurality of channels is juxtaposed in a classified state for each channel, to be displayed and cause both of program information of channels belonging to a first broadcasting type and program information of channels belonging to a second broadcasting type to be displayed in a juxtaposed relationship in the same program table, whereinthe program table displaying unit causes the program table to be displayed in a region which is part of a screen image which displays programs being broadcasted and is smaller than a region in which the programs being broadcasted are displayed, andthe program table displaying unit causes a width of a region for each channel in the program table being displayed to be increased or decreased in response to a predetermined operation input by a user to increase or decrease number of channels whose program information is to be displayed at the same time in the program table being displayed.2. The information ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150074725A1
Автор: Hale Jeffrey, Ogarek David

A hybrid, expandable electronic programming guide that may allow broadcast programming customers to view both broadcast programming options and over-the-top service options in a single electronic programming guide. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:outputting for presentation by a display device and within an interactive electronic programming guide a continuously updated menu of programming provided to at least one television receiver by at least one broadcast programming provider; andsimultaneously outputting for presentation by the display device and within the interactive electronic programming guide a continuously updated menu of over-the-top (OTT) content provided to the at least one television receiver by at least one OTT service provider.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:outputting for display within the interactive electronic programming guide a selectable icon positioned in association with a descriptor that identifies a particular OTT service provider; andgenerating, in response to user selection of the selectable icon and for presentation by the display device, an interactive pane that identifies at least one instance of content provided by the particular OTT service provider.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:detecting selection within the interactive pane of a particular instance of content provided by the particular OTT service provider;receiving data, provided by the particular OTT service provider to the at least one television receiver over a broadband connection, associated with the particular instance of content; andoutputting for presentation by the display device the data associated with the particular instance of content.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:detecting invocation of a particular command to return to the interactive pane that identifies at least one instance of content provided by the particular OTT service provider; andgenerating, in response to detecting invocation of the particular ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070135A1
Автор: Wordley Chris

Systems and methods for aiding user content navigation are described. An exemplary system may include an electronic device configured to receive audiovisual content and/or user inputs. The electronic device may additionally include one or more outputs coupled with a display device. The electronic device may further include one or more processors as well as memory, which when executed by the one or more processors, cause them to perform one or more navigation functions to receive a channel change command to adjust from a first channel to a second channel. The one or more processors may further be caused to determine that the second channel is presenting advertising content instead of program content, and determine that a third channel is presenting program content. The one or more processors may further be caused to adjust the output to the third channel. 1. An electronic device comprising:at least one input component to receive audiovisual content including both program content and advertising content;at least one output component communicatively coupled with at least one display device;a plurality of tuners; [ adjusting a first tuner of the plurality of tuners to a first channel of the first plurality of channels, the first channel carrying a broadcast;', 'outputting first content corresponding to the broadcast for display by the at least one display device;', 'during the outputting the first content corresponding to the first channel, adjusting one or more additional tuners of the plurality of tuners to one or more other channels other than the first channel to determine whether each of the one or more other channels is currently carrying advertising content in anticipation of a change from the first channel to at least one of the one or more other channels; and', 'upon determining that a channel of the one or more other channels is currently carrying advertising content, skipping the channel by at least one tuner of the one or more additional tuners during the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

System, Apparatus And Method For Providing Remote Tuner Options In A Vehicle Entertainment System

Номер: US20210075992A1

In one example, a remote tuner module includes: a first tuner to receive, process and demodulate a first radio frequency (RF) signal to output an analog audio signal, and to receive and process a second RF signal to output a first downconverted modulated signal; a second tuner to receive and process the second RF signal to output a second downconverted modulated signal; a demodulator circuit coupled to the first and second tuners to demodulate and link the first and second modulated signals, to output a linked demodulated signal. The remote tuner module may further include a gateway circuit coupled to at least the demodulator circuit to output the analog audio signal and the linked demodulated signal. 1. At least one computer readable storage medium comprising instructions that when executed enable a system to:receive, in a processor of a head unit of a vehicle entertainment system, a user selection of a requested radio band and channel;send control information to a remote tuner module coupled to the head unit to cause the remote tuner module to output one or more digital I/Q data streams representing one or more radio frequency (RF) signals;receive the one or more digital I/Q data streams in the processor from the remote tuner module, via a link that couples the remote tuner module and the head unit;demodulate the one or more digital I/Q data streams in the processor into a demodulated audio stream, via execution of a software defined demodulator; andoutput the demodulated audio stream to an audio processor of the head unit.2. The at least one computer readable storage medium of claim 1 , further comprising instructions that when executed enable the system to send the control information to the remote tuner module via the link claim 1 , the link comprising a digital bus.3. The at least one computer readable storage medium of claim 1 , further comprising instructions that when executed enable the system to link two of the one or more digital I/Q data streams in the ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Resolving Conflicts in a Multi-Tuner Digital Video Recording System

Номер: US20140153904A1

An exemplary method includes a conflict resolution system 1) detecting a request for a DVR system having a plurality of tuners to tune to a media content program at a time during which all of the tuners are tuned to other media content programs, 2) identifying one or more media content programs that are being presented by the DVR system at the time of the request and one or more media content programs that are only being recorded by the DVR system at the time of the request, 3) presenting a conflict resolution interface that includes one or more selectable entries representative of the identified one or more media content programs that are only being recorded by the DVR system, and 4) excluding the identified one or more media content programs that are being presented by the DVR system from being represented in the conflict resolution interface.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150082334A1

A display apparatus, a paid broadcast processing apparatus, and a control method thereof are provided. The display apparatus includes: a tuner configured to receive at least one broadcast signal through at least one broadcast channel; a signal processor configured to signal-process the received at least one broadcast signal; a display configured to display the signal-processed at least one broadcast signal; an interface connected with at least one paid broadcast processing apparatus which descrambles at least one paid broadcast signal; and a controller configured to control the signal processor to signal-process the received at least one broadcast signal into a form that is displayable through the display, and, when the received at least one broadcast signal is the at least one paid broadcast signal, transmit the at least one paid broadcast signal to the paid broadcast processing apparatus through the interface. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a tuner configured to receive at least one broadcast signal through at least one broadcast channel;a signal processor configured to signal-process the received at least one broadcast signal;a display configured to display the signal-processed at least one broadcast signal;an interface connected with at least one paid broadcast processing apparatus which descrambles at least one paid broadcast signal; anda controller configured to control the signal processor to signal-process the received at least one broadcast signal into a form that is displayable through the display, and, when the received at least one broadcast signal is the at least one paid broadcast signal, transmit the at least one paid broadcast signal to the at least one paid broadcast processing apparatus through the interface.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a storage configured to store paid broadcast channel information of the at least one paid broadcast processing apparatus which is connected through the interface claim 1 ,wherein the ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160080800A1

A content provider transmits instructions to a content receiver to record multiple instances of content. The instances of content are included in the same frequency band of a broadcast transmitted by the content provider via a first communication link and scrambled utilizing the same control word. The content provider determines to supplement the multiple instances of content and transmits an instruction to record a supplemental instance of content from a second content provider via a second communication link. The content receiver receives the instructions and accordingly receives, descrambles, and stores the multiple instances of content and the supplemental instance of content. In some implementations, the first communication link may be a satellite communication link and the second communication link may be a different type of communication link such as a terrestrial broadcast communication link and/or an Internet protocol communication link. 1. (canceled)2. A television receiver comprising:one or more tuners;a communication component;one or more processors; and receive a plurality of instances of content via the one or more tuners broadcast by a first content provider;', 'record the plurality of instances of content received via the one or more tuners from the first content provider;', 'receive, from the first content provider, an instruction to record a supplemental content instance available as offline content; and', 'record, via the communication component, the supplemental content instance available as offline content in accordance with the instruction, wherein the one or more tuners receive the plurality of instances of content via a first communication link and the communication component receives the supplemental content instance via a second communication link distinct from the first communication link., 'a memory communicatively coupled with and readable by the one or more processors and having stored therein processor-readable instructions which, when ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Chip Modules Having Stacked Television Demodulators

Номер: US20150085195A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for MCM (multiple chip module) packages having multiple stacked demodulator dies that share one or more MCM pins. The shared pins can include clock generation pins, clock input/output pins, receive signal path input pins, voltage supply pins, ground supply pins, and/or any other desired pins. In addition to reducing footprint sizes for printed circuit board (PCB) applications, the multi-demodulator MCM package embodiments described herein also allow for improved routing of connection traces on PCBs. 1. A multi-chip module (MCM) package having multiple television demodulator dies , comprising: a plurality of input pins configured to receive two or more tuned broadcast channels associated with at least one of satellite television broadcasts;', 'a plurality of input pins configured to receive two or more tuned broadcast channels associated with terrestrial or cable television broadcasts; and', 'a plurality of output pins configured to provide two or more demodulated television signals;, 'a plurality of pins, the pins comprisingat least two stacked demodulator dies coupled to the plurality of pins, each die having at least one pad connected to a shared pin for the MCM package and each die being configured to provide at least one of the demodulated television signals;wherein the MCM package has a top surface area of about 64 square millimeters or less.2. The MCM package of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pins is 68 pins or less.3. The MCM package of claim 2 , wherein a top surface of the MCM package is a square shape and has edges that are 8 millimeters or less in length.4. The MCM package of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pins is 48 pins or less.5. The MCM package of claim 4 , wherein a top surface of the MCM package is a square shape and has edges that are 7 millimeters or less in length.6. The MCM package of claim 1 , wherein a pin pitch for the plurality of pins is about 0.5 millimeters or less.7. The MCM package of claim 1 , ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for switching television channels and method thereof

Номер: US20150085196A1
Автор: Lei-Ming Xu, Wei-Duo Wang
Принадлежит: Ali Zhuhai Corp

An apparatus for switching television channels and a method thereof are provided. The apparatus for switching television channels includes a tuner unit, at least two video de-multiplexing modules and a switch unit. The tuner unit locks a specific frequency point in a broadcast stream, and the frequency point has at least two program channels. After the tuner unit locks the specific frequency point, each of the video de-multiplexing modules simultaneously and respectively receives the broadcast stream, and performs a de-multiplexing operation and a decoding operation to each of the program channels to generate at least two program streams. The switch unit selects and displays one of the at least two program streams corresponding to a first program channel, and when a second program channel is selected, the switch unit selects and displays the other one of the at least two program streams corresponding to the second program channel.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084363A1
Автор: Sharma Deepak

Systems and methods for facilitating setting of television program series recording priority ranking include functionality that monitors television series program viewing habits of a user for a plurality of different television program series. The system then changes television program series recording priority rankings to resolve recording conflicts based on the monitoring of the television series program viewing habits. In some embodiments, the system first sends a notification to the user of an option to upgrade a recording priority ranking. Additionally, the system may record television program episodes whose recordings were skipped due to them having a lower recording priority ranking. The system may record such skipped television program episodes during the next time slot in which a skipped episode is rebroadcast and does not conflict with a higher priority broadcast. 1. A computer implemented method for facilitating setting of television program series recording priority ranking , comprising:accessing, by a computerized system for facilitating setting of television program series recording priority ranking, a current recording priority ranking of a plurality of different television program series;monitoring, by the computerized system for facilitating setting of television program series recording priority ranking, television series program viewing habits of a user for the plurality of different television program series;determining, by the computerized system for facilitating setting of television program series recording priority ranking, there exists a program recording conflict between at least two television program series of the plurality of television program series based on at least one episode of a first television program series of the at least two television program series being scheduled to be broadcast in a same time slot as at least one episode of a second television program series of the at least two television program series;determining, by ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Set-Top Box for Changing Channels and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20210084371A1
Принадлежит: Enseo LLC

A set-top box for changing channels and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment, the set-top box includes a network interface controller that is configured to receive a source internet protocol television signal, which includes two channels, from an external source and at least partially prepare the source internet protocol signal in order to forward the tuned signal to a television. The set-top box saves in a buffer the at least partially prepared second channel beginning at a recent periodic, sequential signal access point. In response to receiving a channel change instruction when the set-top box is forwarding the at least partially prepared first channel signal, the set-top box causes the television tuner to forward the at least partially prepared signal based on the second channel stored in the buffer beginning at the recent periodic, sequential signal access point.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150089536A1
Автор: Byerley Seth A.

A system includes a server in communication with a first set top box and a second set top box. The server receives a request from the first set top box to access an available tuner of the second set top box, accesses account information associated with the first set top box, and commands the second set top box to stream content from the available tuner to the first set top box according to the account information. A method includes identifying available tuners of set top boxes assigned to different customers, receiving a request from a first set top box to access an available tuner of a second set top box, accessing account information associated with the first set top box, and commanding the second set top box to stream content to the first set top box according to the account information of the first set top box. 1. A system , comprising a server configured to:identify at least one available tuner associated with at least one of a plurality of set top boxes in communication with the server, the plurality of set top boxes including at least a first set top box and a second set top box;receive a request from the first set top box to access an available tuner of the second set top box;access account information associated with the first set top box; andcommand the second set top box to stream content from the available tuner of the second set top box to the first set top box according to the account information.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the account information associated with the first set top box is different from account information associated with the second set top box.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first set top box is assigned to a first user and the second set top box is assigned to a second user.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the server is configured to receive a content request from the first set top box and transmit the content request to the second set top box if the content request is permitted by the account information associated ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Recording of Multiple Television Channels

Номер: US20180084296A1
Автор: Minnick Danny Jean

Various arrangements for recording multiple television channels are presented. A plurality of sets of television channels may be identified. An interface may be output for presentation, the interface presenting indications of each of the plurality of sets of television channels and a plurality of input elements associated with the plurality of sets of television channels. User input may be received via one or more of the plurality of input elements indicative of one or more sets of television channels of the plurality of sets of television channels to be recorded. Dates and times at which the one or more sets of television channels are to be recorded may be determined. The one or more sets of television channels may be recorded at the determined dates and the determined times. 1. A television receiver configured to record multiple television channels , the television receiver comprising:a tuner;one or more processors; and receive a single selection indicative of enablement of multiple channel recording functionality;', 'output for presentation a user interface that permits selection of individual channels from a plurality of television channels on a transponder stream in response to receiving the single selection indicative of enabled of multiple channel recording functionality;', 'receive a user-defined selection indicative of multiple television channels selected from the plurality of television channels broadcast on the transponder stream, wherein the multiple television channels represent a subset of the plurality of television channels broadcast on the transponder stream, the subset of plurality of television channels to be received via the tuner and recorded concurrently;', 'receive an indication of a plurality of time periods for recording from a television service provider; and', 'set a plurality of timers to concurrently record on the multiple television channels indicated by the user-defined selection such that recording occurs for the plurality of time ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082209A1

A video display apparatus pairs with a first terminal device. The video display apparatus receives an audio-visual content, and displays the audio-visual content. The video display apparatus acquires enhanced service information on an available enhanced service for the audio-visual content, and notifies an occurrence of the available enhanced service to the first terminal device. 128-. (canceled)29. A video display device comprising:a display unit;a receiving unit configured to obtain a broadcast content; anda control unit configured to perform automatic content recognition(ACR) by executing an ACR application,wherein the control unit is further configure toextract one or more video frames from the broadcast content,transmit a first query including the one or more video frames to a first server,obtain an address of a second server based on the first query,transmit, to the second server, a second query based on the address of the second server, andobtain an enhanced service based on the second query,wherein the display unit displays the broadcast content and the enhanced service,wherein the control unit is further configured to terminate the ACR application, when a first broadcast content currently being viewed is changed to a second broadcast content other than the first broadcast content.30. The video display device according to claim 29 , wherein the control unit terminates the ACR application claim 29 , when an user input for a channel change is received.31. The video display device according to claim 30 , wherein the user input for a channel change is transmitted from a terminal device.32. The video display device according to claim 29 , wherein the broadcast content is uncompressed video content.33. The video display device according to claim 29 , further comprising:a tuner to receive a broadcast signal including the broadcast content.34. An operating method of a video display device comprising:obtaining a broadcast content through an receiving unit;extracting ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082212A1

Provided are a method of receiving an enhanced service and a video display device thereof. The method includes: receiving an audio-visual (AV) content; extracting first feature information from the received AV content; receiving a database including at least one of content information, enhanced service information, and an enhanced service, which correspond to the first feature information, from a first server by transmitting the extracted first feature information to the first server; storing the database received from the first server in a memory; extracting second feature information from the received AV content; and searching and obtaining one of content information, enhanced service information, and an enhanced service, which correspond to the extracted feature information, from the database. 18-. (canceled)9. A video display device comprising:a display unit;a receiving unit configured to obtain a broadcast content; anda control unit configured to execute automatic content recognition (ACR) application,wherein the control unit is further configured to:extract one or more video frames from the broadcast content,transmit a first query including the one or more video frames to a first server,obtain an address of a second server based on the first query, andtransmit, to the second server, a second query based on the address of the second server, andobtain an enhanced service based on the second query,wherein the display unit displays the obtained enhanced service overlaid on the broadcast content,wherein the enhanced service is a voting event related to the broadcast content.10. The video display device according to claim 9 , wherein the voting event is time-related to the broadcast content claim 9 ,11. The video display device according to claim 9 , wherein the enhanced service is displayed semi-transparently.12. The video display device according to claim 9 , wherein the display unit displays a notification message for notifying the voting event.13. The video ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Wideband Tuner Architecture

Номер: US20160088337A1

A wideband receiver system comprises a wideband analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module and a digital frontend (DFE) module. The wideband ADC is configured to concurrently digitize a band of frequencies comprising a plurality of desired channels and a plurality of undesired channels. The DFE module is coupled to the digital in-phase and quadrature signals. The DFE module is configured to select the plurality of desired channels from the digitized band of frequencies, and generate an intermediate frequency (IF) signal comprising the selected plurality of desired channels and having a bandwidth that is less than a bandwidth of the band of frequencies, where the generation comprises frequency shifting of the selected plurality of desired channels. The IF signal may be a digital signal and the DFE is configured to output the IF signal via a serial or parallel interface. 1. A system comprising:a first analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to digitize a first frequency band comprising a first plurality of channels;a second ADC configured to digitize a second frequency band comprising a second plurality of channels; and frequency shift one or more channels from the first plurality of channels; and', 'frequency shift one or more channels from the second plurality of channels, wherein the frequency-shifted one or more channels from the first plurality of channels and the frequency-shifted one or more channels from the second plurality of channels are combined into an intermediate frequency (IF) signal., 'a digital frontend (DFE) circuit operatively coupled to the first ADC and the second ADC, the DFE being configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the IF signal is a digital signal and the DFE is configured to output the IF signal via a serial interface.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the IF signal is a digital signal and the DFE is configured to output the IF signal via a parallel interface.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein:prior to the frequency shift of ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088344A1

A wideband receiver system comprises a mixer module, a wideband analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module, and digital circuitry. The mixer module is configured to downconvert a plurality of frequencies that comprises a plurality of desired television channels and a plurality of undesired television channels. The wideband ADC module is configured to digitize the swatch of frequencies comprising the plurality of desired television channels and the plurality of undesired television channels. The digital circuitry is configured to select the desired plurality of television channels from the digitized plurality of frequencies, and output the selected plurality of television channels to a demodulator as a digital datastream. 1. A wideband receiver system comprising:a wideband analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module configured to digitize a plurality of frequencies comprising a plurality of desired television channels and a plurality of undesired television channels, said plurality of frequencies having been received and downconverted; select said plurality of desired television channels from said digitized plurality of frequencies; and', 'output said selected plurality of television channels to a demodulator as a digital datastream., 'digital circuitry configured to2. The wideband receiver system of claim 1 , wherein said output of said digital datastream is via a serial interface.3. The wideband receiver system of claim 1 , wherein said output of said digital datastream is via a parallel interface.4. The wideband receiver system of claim 1 , comprising a mixer module configured to upconvert said digital datastream.5. The wideband receiver system of claim 1 , wherein said wideband analog-to-digital converter comprises:a first ADC configured to generate a digital in-phase signal; anda second ADC configured to generate a digital quadrature signal.6. The wideband receiver system of claim 1 , wherein said digital circuitry comprises a plurality of complex mixers configured ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088348A1

A device may be configured to receive a request to record content. The device may receive copy control information associated with the content that indicates a first quantity of copies of the content that the device is permitted to make available for check out from each recording of the content. The device may determine to record the multiple times based on the first quantity of copies failing to satisfy a particular value. The device may record the content multiple times using multiple tuners based on the request. The device may make a second quantity of copies of the content available for check out to at least one client device based on recording the content the plurality of times. The second quantity of copies may be greater than the first quantity of copies. 1. A device , comprising: receive a request to record content;', 'receive copy control information associated with the content that indicates a first quantity of copies of the content that the device is permitted to make available for check out from each recording of the content;', 'determine to record the content a plurality of times based on the first quantity of copies failing to satisfy a particular value;', 'record the content the plurality of times using a plurality of tuners based on the request; and', 'the second quantity of copies being greater than the first quantity of copies.', 'make a second quantity of copies of the content available for check out to at least one client device based on recording the content the plurality of times,'}], 'one or more processors to2. The device of claim 1 , where the one or more processors claim 1 , when determining to record the content the plurality of times claim 1 , are to:determine an amount of memory available; anddetermine to record the content the plurality of times based on the amount of memory available being sufficient to store a number of copies of the content equal to the plurality of times the content is recorded.3. The device of claim 1 , where the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088351A1

The provisioning of media content to computing devices that might not normally have access thereto. Example types of media or media content may include advertising media, broadcast media, social media, news media, and others. 1. A method , comprising:receiving a request at a television receiver to transfer particular content to another device over a broadband terrestrial communication channel, the television receiver associated with a customer account of a satellite television provider different than another customer account associated with the another device;allocating by the television receiver a particular tuner of the television receiver to receive the particular content over a satellite communication channel; andestablishing a communication connection between the television receiver and the another device in order to transfer the particular content to the another device over the broadband terrestrial communication channel.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving by the television receiver the particular content over the satellite communication channel.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:transferring by the television receiver the particular content to the another device over the broadband terrestrial communication channel.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:terminating the communication connection between the television receiver and the another device upon completion of transfer of the particular content to the another device over the broadband terrestrial communication channel.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:monitoring the transfer of the particular content to the another device over the broadband terrestrial communication channel to identify any disruption in the transfer of the particular content to the another device.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining by the television receiver that a recorded instance of the particular content is inaccessible to the television receiver; andin response ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Methods to Combine Programming from Multiple Channels

Номер: US20170085939A1
Принадлежит: Rovi Guides Inc

Methods and systems for a media guidance application that may enhance viewer experience. The media guidance application may tune to a first program with a first tuner and generate for display the first program on a display area of a display device, determine other programs of interest being broadcast, and simultaneously with the generating for display of the first program, use the second tuner to tune to and generate for display the other programs of interest being broadcast. The second tuner cycles between the additional programs of interest to periodically update the segments of the additional programs of interest generated for display.

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods to detect events in programming from multiple channels

Номер: US20170085941A1
Принадлежит: Rovi Guides Inc

Methods and systems for a media guidance application that may enhance viewer experience. The media guidance application may tune to a first program with a first tuner and generate for display the first program on a display area of a display device, determine additional programs for display, monitor the additional programs for upcoming events of interest to the user, display segments of the additional programs with the second tuner, determine an event of interest and automatically modify a portion of the display area corresponding to the segment with the second tuner. The second tuner cycles between the additional programs to periodically update the segments of the additional programs generated for display.

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150095950A1
Автор: KIM Ryoung, LEE Soonkyo

A television according to one embodiment including a display; a tuner configured to receive a broadcast signal; a network interface configured to receive a plurality of thumbnail images representing broadcast programs currently being broadcasted on a plurality of channels which are searched by the tuner; a user input interface to receive a control signal from a remote controller; and a controller configured to display a broadcast video included in the received broadcast signal on a screen of the display, and in response to a first control signal from the remote controller, display the broadcast video and the thumbnail images on the screen. The screen includes a first region configured to display the broadcast video and a second region configured to display the thumbnail images. 1. A television comprising:a display;a tuner configured to receive a broadcast signal;a network interface configured to receive a plurality of thumbnail images representing broadcast programs currently being broadcasted on a plurality of channels which are searched by the tuner;a user input interface to receive a control signal from a remote controller; and display a broadcast video included in the received broadcast signal on a screen of the display, and', 'in response to a first control signal from the remote controller, display the broadcast video and the thumbnail images on the screen,, 'a controller configured towherein the screen includes a first region configured to display the broadcast video and a second region configured to display the thumbnail images.2. The television of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in response to a change of a broadcast program broadcasted on a specific channel claim 1 , the controller moves at least one thumbnail image to a preset position within the second region.3. The television of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , if a broadcast program broadcasted on a specific channel is changed from a first broadcast program to a second broadcast program claim 1 , the controller ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160094868A1

A method includes automatically identifying a multi-channel video programming distributor (MVPD) using an electronic device and automatically determining infrared (IR) codes for a set top box (STB) device connected to the electronic device. The STB device receives information from the MPVD. 1. A method comprising:automatically identifying a multi-channel video programming distributor (MVPD) using an electronic device; andautomatically determining infrared (IR) codes for a set top box (STB) device connected to the electronic device, wherein the STB device receives information from the MVPD.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein automatically identifying the MVPD comprises using at least one of: reverse Internet protocol (IP) lookup claim 1 , searching known MVPDs based on zip code claim 1 , on screen display detection (OSD) claim 1 , template matching and optical character recognition.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a plurality of display templates are used for determining at least one match with a particular screen display for the STB device.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining at least one match comprises channel banner detection.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein channel banner detection comprises classification of at least one channel banner based on at least one of screenshot global features claim 4 , screenshot key differentiating points matching and template matching.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the global features comprise features of a channel banner that discriminate channel banner screenshots from non-banner screenshots.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the screenshot key differentiating points matching comprises extracting key differentiating points from a current screenshot and comparing the extracted key differentiating points with a predetermined key differentiating points matrix for all possible MVDPs.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein key differentiating points comprise coordinates on a template that do not change.9. The method of ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150103255A1

An apparatus for searching broadcast channels may include a broadcast signal distributing unit distributing a broadcast signal, a first channel searching unit searching an analog broadcast channel in the distributed broadcast signal, a second channel searching unit searching a digital broadcast channel in the distributed broadcast signal, and a controlling unit receiving search results from the first channel searching unit and the second channel searching unit, generating effective channel information regarding the analog broadcast channel and the digital broadcast channel using the received search results, and controlling the second channel searching unit to skip a channel search in a frequency band in which the analog broadcast channel is present using the generated effective channel information regarding the analog broadcast channel when the search for the analog broadcast channel by the first channel searching unit is terminated first. 1. An apparatus for searching broadcast channels , the apparatus comprising:a broadcast signal distributing unit configured to distribute a broadcast signal;a first channel searching unit configured to search an analog broadcast channel in the distributed broadcast signal;a second channel searching unit configured to search a digital broadcast channel in the distributed broadcast signal; anda controlling unit configured to receive search results from the first channel searching unit and the second channel searching unit, generate effective channel information regarding the analog broadcast channel and the digital broadcast channel using the received search results, and control the second channel searching unit to skip a channel search in a frequency band in which the analog broadcast channel is present using the generated effective channel information regarding the analog broadcast channel when the search for the analog broadcast channel by the first channel searching unit is terminated first.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092597A1
Автор: Moon Kyoungsoo, Oh Sejin

The present invention relates to a device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service and a method for transmitting the same. The device for receiving a hybrid broadcast service, according to one embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a first reception unit for receiving a first broadcast signal transmitted through a first network; a second reception unit for receiving a second broadcast signal transmitted through a second network, wherein the broadcast signal includes a service information table; a signaling information processing unit for extracting the service information table from the broadcast signal, wherein the service information table includes a component identifier descriptor for signaling information for identifying each of a plurality of components constituting one broadcast service, the component identifier descriptor including identification information; and an audio/video processing unit for acquiring the broadcast service including the plurality of components by using the component identification information, and decoding and reproducing the acquired broadcast service. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for transmitting at least one broadcast signal in a transmitter , the method comprising:generating at least one component of a service and signaling data providing information for the service and the at least one component, wherein the at least one component comprises a video component and an audio component,wherein the signaling data includes information for identifying the service, status information for specifying whether status of the service is active or inactive, name information for representing a name of the service and delivery method type information on a delivery mode for the at least one component;generating a packet comprising the at least one component of the service and the signaling data, wherein the packet comprises a header and a payload, further the header comprises information for a packet type for representing an IP packet; ...
