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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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11-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713929C2

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. Устройство выполнено с возможностью получения информации, показывающей результат обнаружения узла связи, управляемого второй системой управления использованием частоты и уведомления второй системы управления использованием частоты о первой совместно используемой информации, сгенерированной из первой информации использования частоты, относящейся к первому узлу связи, управляемому первой системой управления использованием частоты. Первая совместно используемая информация сохраняется первой базой данных, содержащейся в первой системе управления использованием частоты. Технический результат заключается в исключении увеличения нагрузки на сервер обнаружения сосуществования и информации (CDIS). 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 35 ил., 1 табл.

28-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665270C2
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к технологиям сетевой связи. Технический результат заключается в повышении скорости обработки информации. Способ содержит: проверку получения от равноправного устройства через соединение для передачи данных по беспроводной сети запроса на дистанционное отображение экрана; получение адреса интернет-протокола (IP-адреса) и номера порта равноправного устройства в случае получения от равноправного устройства запроса на дистанционное отображение экрана; формирование единого указателя ресурса (URL), соответствующего медиа-данным, предназначенным для воспроизведения на экране равноправного устройства, в соответствии с IP-адресом и номером порта; определение стандартного проигрывателя, соответствующего URL; и воспроизведение медиа-данных, соответствующих URL. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

27-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2292657C2

Изобретение относится к системам широковещательной передачи, в частности изобретение предоставляет системы и способы, которые уменьшают потребление питания подвижных терминалов между передачей пачек импульсов. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности использования батареи подвижных терминалов, достигаемое тем, что подвижный терминал принимает пачки содержимого, причем некоторые пачки содержимого включают в себя информацию связанного времени, идентифицирующую время передачи следующей пачки содержимого. Подвижный терминал может отключать питание от модуля приема в течение периодов времени, когда подвижный терминал не запланирован принимать пачки содержимого. 5 н. и 35 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648982C2

Изобретение относится к хост-устройству для беспроводной стыковки со стыкуемым устройством. Техническим результатом является уменьшение требуемой полосы пропускания для аудио/видео (AV) функций при беспроводной стыковке. Предложено хост-устройство (300), которое предоставляет беспроводную стыковку стыкуемому устройству (250) и содержит: блок (210) удаленного клиента для предоставления по меньшей мере одной функции AV рендеринга приложению (252) через блок (251) удаленного сервера в стыкуемом устройстве, блоки (211, 212, 213, 214) переноса, выполненные с возможностью обеспечения переноса нисходящего потока первых AV данных к стыкуемому устройству и приема восходящего потока вторых AV данных, в отношении которых должен быть осуществлен рендеринг, от стыкуемого устройства. Хост-устройство также имеет AV маршрутизатор (310) для обработки нисходящего потока и восходящего потока с тем, чтобы замещать первые AV данные в нисходящем потоке предварительно определенным шаблоном перед передачей нисходящего ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505939C2

Изобретение относится к области цифровой связи, в частности для обеспечения серверу широковещания возможности предоставлять доступ среди устройств беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является обеспечение различных методик для получения мультимедийных данных от одного или более источников и передачи этих данных в локальной сети на одно или более устройств, тем самым обеспечивая повсеместный доступ к мультимедиа по всей сети. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что сервер принимает мультимедийные данные от одного или более устройств в локальной сети, создает мультиплексный сигнал из различных мультимедийных данных, принятых от этих устройств, и беспроводным образом передает мультиплексный сигнал по локальной сети. Сервер дополнительно сконфигурирован таким образом, что мультиплексный сигнал содержит множество логических каналов, причем по меньшей мере один из этих логических каналов представляет мультимедийные данные, принятые от одного из устройств в сети. Посредством ...

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2524844C2

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в возможности снижать потребление энергии путем запуска функции блока считывания/записи в ответ на инструкцию пользователя. Устройство беспроводной передачи данных включает в себя модуль перехода для передачи данных терминала, модуль передачи данных терминала, который переходит в состояние, в котором обмен данными с терминалом передачи данных становится возможным в ответ на инструкцию перехода, переданную модулем перехода для передачи данных терминала, модуль генерирования сигнала, предназначенный для генерирования сигнала инструкции перехода, модуль передачи, предназначенный для беспроводной передачи сигнала инструкции перехода, генерируемого модулем генерирования сигнала, в устройство обработки информации, модуль приема для приема по беспроводному каналу отклика из устройства обработки информации на сигнал инструкции перехода, переданный из модуля передачи, и модуль управления передачей данных ...

04-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2793700C1

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении надежного обнаружения электронным устройством других устройств для соединения с ними, не оказывая влияния на обмен пакетами с точкой доступа (AP). Для достижения технического результата первое электронное устройство, выполненное с возможностью подключения по каналу 5 ГГц, выполняет прослушивание по каналу 2,4 ГГц. Второе устройство, поддерживающее только диапазон 2,4 ГГц, передает кадр пробного запроса на первое электронное устройство. Первое электронное устройство передает пробный ответ на второе электронное устройство и устанавливает P2P-соединение со вторым электронным устройством. Второе электронное устройство передает информацию на первое электронное устройство. Причем до выполнения прослушивания первым электронным устройством по каналу 2,4 ГГц, оно выполняет прослушивание по каналу 5 ГГц. Продолжительность выполнения прослушивания по каналу 2,4 ГГц меньше продолжительности выполнения ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014153567A

... 1. Пользовательское устройство (UE), выполненное с возможностью радиосвязи с удаленным сервером медиа содержания и инициирования обмена сигналами о характеристиках, содержащее:датчик ориентации;устройство отображения;радиочастотный приемопередатчик;процессор, функционально соединенный с радиочастотным приемопередатчиком; ипамять, функционально соединенную с процессором, при этом память хранит команды для конфигурирования процессора, для:передачи, с помощью радиочастотного приемопередатчика, информации, сообщающей удаленному серверу медиа содержания или серверу профилей устройств о характеристиках ориентации устройства указанного UE, при этом указанные характеристики ориентации устройства UE содержат одну или более заданных позиций ориентации устройства, соответствующих информации об ориентации обеспечиваемой датчиком ориентации.2. UE по п. 1, в котором команды дополнительно конфигурируют процессор, для:приема, от удаленного сервера медиа содержания, файла описания, описывающего множество ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656096C1
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области управления электронными устройствами, имеющими средства беспроводной связи, а именно к пробуждению электронного устройства, находящегося в режиме энергосбережения. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности быстрой удаленной активизации спящего электронного устройства за счет широковещательной передачи команды пробуждения, не требующей установления соединения с пробуждаемым устройством. Для этого осуществляют получение целевого электронного устройства в той же целевой локальной сети, что и пробуждаемое электронное устройство, и отправляют команду пробуждения целевому электронному устройству так, что целевое электронное устройство широковещательно передает в целевой локальной сети сообщение пробуждения для пробуждения пробуждаемого электронного устройства в соответствии с командой пробуждения. При этом определение целевой локальной сети, к которой обращается пробуждаемое электронное устройство, осуществляют в соответствии с предварительно утвержденным ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010129914A

... 1. Интерфейсная часть цифрового устройства отображения для использования в первом аудиовизуальном устройстве для поддержки интерфейса цифрового устройства отображения между первым аудиовизуальным устройством и вторым аудиовизуальным устройством, ! причем интерфейс цифрового устройства отображения предназначен для передачи несжатой информации о пикселях, причем интерфейсная часть содержит: ! вход для получения данных изображения; ! средство форматирования, выполненное с возможностью форматирования данных для передачи через интерфейс, причем средство форматирования выполнено с возможностью работы в: ! первом режиме, в котором средство форматирования формирует поток первых элементов данных, которые переносят данные о пикселях 20-изображения; и ! втором режиме, в котором средство форматирования формирует поток вторых элементов данных, которые переносят объединенную комбинацию компонентов стереоскопического изображения, ! причем интерфейсная часть выполнена с возможностью отправки служебной ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011109558A

... 1. Способ управления представлением мультимедийных данных, которые доставляются к одному или более устройствам по локальной сети, причем способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! принимают по меньшей мере часть мультиплексного сигнала в управляющем устройстве, причем мультиплексный сигнал содержит множество логических каналов, представляющих один или более типов мультимедийных данных, которые исходят из множества источников в локальной сети; ! определяют в управляющем устройстве множество логических каналов, содержащихся в мультиплексном сигнале; ! обнаруживают в управляющем устройстве присутствие множества управляемых устройств в локальной сети; ! принимают по меньшей мере часть мультиплексного сигнала в управляемых устройствах; и ! передают команды из управляющего устройства в одно из управляемых устройств, чтобы удаленно управлять управляемым устройством и предписывать управляемому устройству выводить конкретный тип мультимедийных данных, ассоциированных с одним или более логических каналов ...

06-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017138094A

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013148773A

... 1. Микропроцессорная система, предназначенная для обеспечения доступа медиаплеера к удаленно сохраненному цифровому медиаконтенту и/или к связанным с ним метаданным (которые называются в собирательном значении как "контент"), при этом (a) система выполнена с возможностью получения доступа к контенту; (b) обеспечения медиаплеера подходящим интерфейсом, доступным с помощью этого медиаплеера для взаимодействия с контентом.2. Система по п.1, в которой медиаплеер подсоединен к сети, медиаплеер не подсоединен к сети или медиаплеер периодически подсоединяется к сети.3. Система по п.1, в которой подходящий интерфейс, представленный в медиаплеере, состоит из одного или более из следующего, или некоторых их комбинаций: USB-соединение и технологии, которые относятся к нему, такие как мини-USB и микро-USB-соединения любой версии, которые представлены или нет в виде интерфейса массового запоминающего устройств в медиаплеере; беспроводное USB-соединение; соединение с помощью карты формата Secure Digital ...

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005108049A

... 1. Система дешифрования данных с условным доступом, включающая в себя следующие компоненты: центр (10) широковещательной передачи зашифрованных данных, предназначенный для широковещательной передачи данных, зашифрованных с помощью, по меньшей мере, одного контрольного слова (cw); по меньшей мере, один центр (11) управления, предназначенный для широковещательной передачи индивидуальных сообщений (ЕСМ-сообщений, ЕММ-сообщений), используемых для управления средствами доступа к зашифрованным данным; оконечное устройство (12), предназначенное для преобразования указанных зашифрованных данных в форму, пригодную для использования; декодер (13), предназначенный для дешифрования, по меньшей мере, части зашифрованных данных, и расположенный между центром (10) широковещательной передачи зашифрованных данных и оконечным устройством (12) отличающаяся тем, что декодер (13) включает в себя модуль (14) приема и дешифрования зашифрованных данных, и модуль (15) управления полномочиями на доступ к этим данным ...

21-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069232440T2
Принадлежит: OPEN TV INC, OPEN TV, INC.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015002358T5
Принадлежит: AGT INT GMBH, AGT International GmbH

Ein System zur Gesichtserkennung umfasst eine mobile Kamera, die dazu ausgelegt ist, in einer verborgenen Art von einem Benutzer getragen zu werden. Ein Prozessor ist in Kommunikation mit der Kamera und ist konfiguriert zum Anwenden von Gesichtserkennung auf ein Bild, das von der Kamera erhalten wird. Der Prozessor ist des Weiteren konfiguriert zum Bestimmen, ob eine Meldung ausgegeben werden soll, und eine Meldung an eine Meldungsvorrichtung auszugeben.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Verarbeitung von Daten in einem Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102010029030A1

Es wird ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen zur Verarbeitung von Daten in einem Fahrzeug, bei dem die Daten über ein Netzwerk von einer ersten Verarbeitungseinheit empfangen werden; bei dem die Daten von der ersten Verarbeitungseinheit dekodiert werden; und bei dem eine Wiedergabeinformation umfassend eine Ausgabezeit oder eine Synchronisationsinformation an die zweite Verarbeitungseinheit übertragen wird. Weiterhin wird eine entsprechende Vorrichtung angegeben.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019125849A1

Eine Ausführungsform stellt ein Verfahren bereit, enthaltend: Empfangen von Kontextdaten, die Interaktionen eines Benutzers mit einer anderen Vorrichtung zugeordnet sind, an einer Informationshandhabungsvorrichtung; Bestimmen, ob die Kontextdaten Vorrichtungsverwendungsdaten zugeordnet sind unter Verwendung eines Prozessors, wobei die Vorrichtungsverwendungsdaten einer Absicht des Benutzers entsprechen, die andere Vorrichtung zu bedienen; und Herstellen einer drahtlosen Verbindung zwischen der Informationshandhabungsvorrichtung und der anderen Vorrichtung in Erwiderung auf das Bestimmen, dass die Kontextdaten den Vorrichtungsverwendungsdaten zugeordnet sind. Andere Aspekte sind beschrieben und beansprucht.

12-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004019225D1

25-09-2002 дата публикации

Transmission method and system

Номер: GB0000218961D0

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Digital remote control device

Номер: GB0000207791D0

12-03-2003 дата публикации

Communications systems and methods

Номер: GB0000302590D0

23-12-2015 дата публикации

Method and device for transmission of video data packets

Номер: GB0201519847D0

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for scheduling channel access in a switching unit

Номер: GB0201317368D0

30-03-2016 дата публикации

System for the transmission of data for television programmes in a defined area

Номер: GB0201602693D0

20-05-2015 дата публикации

Information/Entertainment system

Номер: GB0201505912D0

13-06-2007 дата публикации

A method of making media files available for delivery to portable devices

Номер: GB0002433138A

There is described a method of making media files, for example video clips 10 available for delivery to portable electronic devices, for example mobile phones. The method comprises receiving media content as data input at an encoder 21 and encoding the media content to generate a plurality of output files 23 each having the media content. Each of the plurality of output files is specially adapted by the encoder for use with a different model of mobile phone. The plurality of output files are stored on a server 30 for downloading there from over a communications network. A user can download to a computer 40 an output file compatible with his or her mobile phone 50 and transfer the file for the computer to the mobile phone.

02-04-2003 дата публикации

Remote access system for digital data storage media

Номер: GB0000304472D0

11-07-2007 дата публикации

Reflector and method for improving transmission speed of video data in a wan-based data collection-server architecture

Номер: GB0000710569D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus, and control method and program thereof

Номер: GB2583801B
Автор: DAIYA UENO, Daiya Ueno
Принадлежит: CANON KK, Canon Kabushiki Kaisha

18-02-2004 дата публикации

Audio-visual system for a mobile data processing device and mobile television apparatus

Номер: GB0000400815D0

07-07-2021 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus, and control method and program thereof

Номер: GB2583801A8
Автор: DAIYU UENO, Daiyu Ueno

An image capturing apparatus comprises image capturing means (such as a digital camera), and communication means (e.g. via wireless, local area network, LAN) arranged to communicate with a distribution server via the internet; the image capturing apparatus comprises: time measuring means arranged to measure, if a distribution instruction for live distribution using the distribution server has been given, an elapsed time since the distribution instruction has been given; and control means arranged to start, if the elapsed time measured by the time measuring means has reached a set time, distributing an image captured by the image capturing means to the distribution server via the communication means. The set time or a plurality of set times may be set by a user.

10-02-2021 дата публикации

Augmented reality and artificial intelligence integrated interactice display platform

Номер: GB202020687D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Establishing a wireless display session between a computing device and a vehicle head unit

Номер: AP2015008410A0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Establishing a wireless display session between a computing device and a vehicle head unit

Номер: AP0201508410D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Establishing a wireless display session between a computing device and a vehicle head unit

Номер: AP0201508410A0

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380429T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347771T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000418841T

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000268520T

15-04-2002 дата публикации

Methods for audio capture and communication during television broadcasts

Номер: AU0006494501A

31-05-2018 дата публикации

A Method of Pairing Wireless Devices

Номер: AU2018203216A1
Принадлежит: Golja Haines & Friend

A METHOD OF PAIRING WIRELESS DEVICES The invention relates to a method of pairing a first device with a second device, the first and second devices being adapted for wirelessly communicating with each other, the pairing of devices aiming at ensuring communication only between trusted devices. The invention further relates to a communication device, a system, a computer readable medium and a data processing system. The object of the present invention is to provide a simple and intuitive scheme for pairing two wireless devices. The problem is solved by providing in the first device an algorithm comprising at least the following states a) A STANDBY state where the first device is in a default state; b) A CONNECTED state where wireless communication between the first and second devices is established; c) A PAIRING state comprising a pairing search state where pairing inquiries are repeatedly issued by the first device; and further providing that when the first device is NOT in the STANDBY or ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Transferring playback queues between devices

Номер: AU2018203023B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

In some implementations, a computing device can transfer a playback queue between the computing device and a playback device. For example, the computing device can detect when the computing device is within a threshold distance of a playback device. The computing device can establish a connection to the playback device and receive state information describing the media playback state of the playback device. The computing device can determine the media playback state of the computing device. The computing device can present graphical user interfaces for initiating a transfer of a playback queue between the computing device and the playback device based on the playback state of the devices. The computing device can initiate a transfer of the playback queue in response to user input to one of the graphical user interfaces or automatically based on the context of the computing device.

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Predictive media routing

Номер: AU2019283975B2

In some implementations, a user device can predictively route media content to a remote playback device based on playback context information obtained by the user device. The playback context can include local playback context information related to the state and/or context of the user device. The playback context can include remote playback context information related to the state and/or context of available remote playback devices. Based on the playback context information obtained by the user device, the user device can generate a predictive score for each available playback device that indicates or predicts the likelihood that the user will want to send media content to the corresponding playback device. The user device can generate and present a graphical user interface that can identify the playback devices having predictive scores over a threshold score. In some instances, the user device can automatically route selected media content to a predicted playback device. o o C))-~ C" ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Transferring playback queues between devices

Номер: AU2018203023A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

In some implementations, a computing device can transfer a playback queue between the computing device and a playback device. For example, the computing device can detect when the computing device is within a threshold distance of a playback device. The computing device can establish a connection to the playback device and receive state information describing the media playback state of the playback device. The computing device can determine the media playback state of the computing device. The computing device can present graphical user interfaces for initiating a transfer of a playback queue between the computing device and the playback device based on the playback state of the devices. The computing device can initiate a transfer of the playback queue in response to user input to one of the graphical user interfaces or automatically based on the context of the computing device.

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Home digital assistant

Номер: AU0005868500A

15-04-2002 дата публикации

Remote control and set top box with audio input

Номер: AU0006115101A

04-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003268993A1

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003277814A1

01-10-2009 дата публикации

Peripheral device for a television set

Номер: AU2004210383B2

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Interactive Television Program Guide with Remote Access

Номер: AU2010241295B2

... - 68 (Figure 1) The present invention relates to a method for ordering a program. The method comprises receiving a user selection of a program listing corresponding to the 5 program available for ordering at a remote access program guide on a remote program guide access device. The remote program guide access device comprises a display for displaying the program listing. The remote guide access device has a link to a local interactive program 10 guide equipment. The local interactive program guide equipment has a display. The method also comprises using the link to indicate the program to the local interactive program guide implemented on the local interactive program guide equipment for display on the display of the 15 local interactive program guide equipment. MAIN FACILITY 14 PROGRAM INTERACTIVE TELEVISION 7 GUIDE DATA PROGRAM GUIDE EQUIPMENT REMOTE PROGRAM GUIDE ACCESS DEVICE ...

18-02-2002 дата публикации

System and method for providing content, management, and interactivity for client devices

Номер: AU0008120401A

09-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003205433A1

23-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003260852A1

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Media content control module and presentation device

Номер: AU2013277052B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

An intermediary wireless device that wirelessly communicates media content. The intermediary wireless device includes a first wireless I/O interface configured to communicate with a media content source device using a first wireless protocol, a second wireless I/O interface configured to communicate with at least one media presentation device using a second wireless protocol, and control circuitry. The control circuitry is coupled to the first wireless I/O interface and to the second wireless I/O interface and configured to receive media data from the first wireless I/O interface, modify control information associated with the media data, and provide the media data with the modified control information to the at least one media presentation device through the second wireless I/O interface. A wireless media presentation device is also provided.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013203017B2

Abstract A contents reproducing method which is executable by using a portable device, the contents reproducing method comprising: reproducing contents; detecting an occurrence of a short distance communication with a remote control configured to control an electronic device; generating data required by the electronic device for reproducing the contents; and transmitting the generated data to the remote control. ,41 7 DEViCE 110 REMOTE CONTROL 1 SHORT DISTANCE COMMUNICATION PORTABLE DEV CE SHORT DISTANCE COMMUNICA TION 161i 162 151 ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

A Method of Pairing Wireless Devices

Номер: AU2016204773B2

A METHOD OF PAIRING WIRELESS DEVICES The invention relates to a method of pairing a first device with a second device, the first and second devices being adapted for wirelessly communicating with each other, the pairing of devices aiming at ensuring communication only between trusted devices. The invention further relates to a communication device, a system, a computer readable medium and a data processing system. The object of the present invention is to provide a simple and intuitive scheme for pairing two wireless devices. The problem is solved by providing in the first device an algorithm comprising at least the following states a) A STANDBY state where the first device is in a default state; b) A CONNECTED state where wireless communication between the first and second devices is established; c) A PAIRING state comprising a pairing search state where pairing inquiries are repeatedly issued by the first device; and further providing that when the first device is NOT in the STANDBY or ...

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Combined serial and infrared port for consumer electronic devices

Номер: AU0000763014B2

02-01-2002 дата публикации

Methods and systems for controlling consumer electronics external devices via data delivered to a device

Номер: AU0005085501A

04-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002432690A1

A method and apparatus is presented for burying a hidden data stream (214) into a combined network data stream (210). In the preferred embodiment, the network data stream (210) is an MPEG-2 type video data stream, and the hidden data stream (214) is embedded so that it is neither readily detectable nor easily removable from the network data stream (210). A home gateway (100) having a wireless transceiver (170) communicates with appliances (180-188) in the home (20) via this network data stream (210). The hidden data stream (210) can be embedded with a main data stream (212) either by the content provider (220) or by the gateway (100) in the home (20). At he appliance (180-188), the hidden stream (214) can be removed and is presented to or used by the user in a way appropriate for the appliance (180-188). Instructions as to how the hidden stream (214) is to be presented on the appliance (180-188) can be embedded into the hidden stream (214) itself. The hidden data stream (214) can be further ...

01-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002567021A1

An audio-visual presentation system delivering a presentation to a vehicle passenger compartment is provided that includes a video display mounted external to a vehicle passenger compartment and viewable from within the compartment. A controller provides a video signal to the display and an audio signal. The audio signal is broadcast by an antenna coupled to the controller as a radio frequency is received by a vehicle radio and discernable to a vehicle sound system. The audio-visual presentation system is particularly well suited as a method of education and sale regarding vehicle service products. Rather than providing a discernable audio signal through a vehicle sound system, it is appreciated that a portable radio set is readily placed within a vehicle passenger compartment or the audio signal delivered via a wireless network. A still further advantage is realized by providing a technician servicing the vehicle with a microphone operative to interrupt the audio signal of the presentation ...

18-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002353233C

A display terminal and display method for a radio LAN system for receiving image data from an apparatus by radio communication and displaying an image based on the received image data on a display are disclosed. The terminal includes a bit error calculator for calculating a bit error rate per unit time of digital data received from the apparatus and a movement determination section for determining from a pattern of variation of the calculated bit error rate whether or not said display terminal is moving. Also provided is a reception quality display controller for displaying a quality level of the received data at the display terminal on the display section when it is determined that the display terminal is moving.

05-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002775318C

A method and system for audio transmission in a wireless communication system which transmits digital video and digital audio in High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) format. Position information of audio packets within the HDMI frame is obtained. Digital audio information including the position information is transmitted from a data source device to a data sink device via a wireless communication medium. At the data sink device, an HDMI frame is reconstructed by inserting received audio packets into horizontal and vertical blanking periods of the HDMI frame.

07-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002701309C

A media guidance application is provided by which users can define rules for assigning user equipment devices as destinations for media content. For example, a user may define a rule by which selected media content having attributes that satisfy a user-defined condition are downloaded, recorded, or streamed to a particular, user-specified user equipment device. The user may define and manage rules using media guidance menus, and may restrict other users from accessing the rules (e.g., parents restricting children).

08-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002499925A1

21-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002390679A1

A system for self contained, low-power re-broadcast and reception of content signals at least contains a content signal transmitter adapted to transmit/re-broadcast a content signal which it has Frequency Modulated (FM), at least includes one receiver adapted to receive the FM content signal, a cable infrastructure with cables adapted for transmitting in- building content signals, and an antenna connected to a cable and placed in the effective range of the receiver, given predefined maximum antenna power limits (such as those defined by the Federal Communications Commission). Consequently, receivers which do not have (or have available) coaxial cable jacks, or those which do have coaxial cable jacks but are not physically reachable by coaxial can still receive re-broadcast content signals. In the preferred embodiment, an automatic gain control (AGC) circuit is connected between the cable and the antenna to maintain the signal transmitted power level close to the allowable maximum, while ...

05-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002571533A1

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003046645A1

An electronic apparatus, method, and algorithm achieve synchronization between video data executed on a video sink device and audio data executed on one or more Bluetooth audio sink devices. The electronic apparatus, method, and algorithm obtain calibration information for the one or more Bluetooth devices, determine a delay for outputting the video and audio data to the video sink device using the calibration information, control the Bluetooth transceiver to output the audio data to the one or more Bluetooth devices, and control the output circuit to output the video and audio data to the video sink device in accordance with the determined delay.

26-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002672319A1

A method of downloading and playing a media file stored on a network computer, on a media player having a USB port to input data thereto, comprises the following steps: i) providing a streaming media device having USB wireless radio hardware including an embedded operating system, a controller, a basic input output system which controls the hardware and interfaces with the operating system, a caching system -controlled by the operating system, a data storage capability, and a USB port; ii) connecting the USB port of the player to the USB jack connected to the streaming media device; and, iii) selectively downloading a shared data file from the network computer to the streaming device connected to the media player. In another aspect of the invention the streaming media device is integrated within the media player and the above method deletes the step of designated ii) above.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938477A1

A method for synchronized utilization of an electronic device is provided. The method receives closed captioning data from an audio/video content receiver for a set of audio/video content; retrieves detail for a first event occurring in the set of audio/video content, wherein the first event is indicated by the received closed captioning data; and presents content to a user, using the electronic device, based on the retrieved detail.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002920144A1

A method, wireless communication device, and computer readable medium, are disclosed, for wireless transmission of real-time media from a source to a sink over a wireless transmission channel. The wireless device initiates a peer-to-peer communication session between the sink and the source, and determines based on a time-allocation for the wireless transmission, an available bandwidth for the wireless transmission. The wireless device encodes the real-time media for the wireless transmission such that a time-required for transmission of the first frame- type is less than or equal to a period-of-availability for transmission defined in the time-allocation for the wireless transmission.

28-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002820342A1

The disclosure describes methods or communication protocols that enable second-screen applications, such as smartphones, to discover and launch first-screen applications on first-screen devices, such as Internet enabled high definition televisions. Second-screen devices can search local networks for the presence of discovery servers on first-screen devices. Well-known protocols such as RESTful HTTP services and Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) may be leveraged to implement the discovery servers. Once located, the discovery servers may assist communications and interactions between the first-screen and second-screen devices, allowing a specified application to be launched on the first-screen device and controlled from a local application on the second-screen device. The specified application may be installed if not previously installed, and may also be hosted as a web application on a cloud server accessible outside of the local network, for example on the Internet.

19-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002820342C

The disclosure describes methods or communication protocols that enable second- screen applications, such as smartphones, to discover and launch first-screen applications on first-screen devices, such as Internet enabled high definition televisions. Second-screen devices can search local networks for the presence of discovery servers on first-screen devices. Well-known protocols such as RESTful HTTP services and Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) may be leveraged to implement the discovery servers. Once located, the discovery servers may assist communications and interactions between the first-screen and second-screen devices, allowing a specified application to be launched on the first-screen device and controlled from a local application on the second-screen device. The specified application may be installed if not previously installed, and may also be hosted as a web application on a cloud server accessible outside of the local network, for example on the Internet.

05-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002819526C

A wireless computer that pairs with a remote audio-video presentation device, such as a television. As a result of the pairing, a communication channel is established for the computer to transmit audio-video content for presentation through that device. Additionally, as part of the pairing, the computer and remote device select a side channel for communication of user commands. The wireless computer may display a user interface through which a user may input commands that control the manner in which the remote audio-video device presents the content. As a result, a user may use the wireless computer as a remote control for the audio-video device, controlling both the content presented and the manner in which it is presented. The side channel may use different frequencies than the channel used to communicate audio-video content, and may use very low power at frequencies in the digital TV spectrum.

09-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002250653C

A peripheral device is provided for a personal computer enabling the PC to provide the functions of a set-top box for television reception. Communication of television and control signals between the television and PC can be provided over the cable wiring already provided in the subscriber premises. Alternatively, wireless communication can be provided between the television and the PC. The invention obviates the need for a set-top box and the associated expense thereof. The television operations take place in the multitasking environment of the PC, so that the PC can be concurrently used for other applications.

14-08-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for wireless data transfer from an input device to a display device.

Номер: CH0000715830A2

Gegenstand der vorliegenden Erfindung sind ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung für die drahtlose Übertragung von audio-visuellen Mediendateien, Texten oder Bildern von einem Eingabegerät an Beamer und andere Anzeigegeräte. Als Eingabegeräte werden insbesondere Windows-, Android- und Apple-Computer sowie Smartphones berücksichtigt. Im Gehäuse (1) der Vorrichtung sind Adapter (2) für die verschiedenen Eingabegeräte angeordnet. Über einen Umschalter (3) werden die Daten an den Beamer oder an andere Anzeigegeräte aufgegeben. Audiodaten werden in einem Audioextraktor (6) extrahiert und über einen Verstärker (7) an Lautsprecher (8) abgegeben. Eine Instant Cloud (9) erzeugt ein lokales WLAN. Die im Raum anwesenden Personen können dadurch mit ihren Computern oder Smartphones Daten mit dem Vortragenden und untereinander austauschen. Ein Netzteil (10) versorgt die verschiedenen Bauteile mit dem jeweils erforderlichen Strom.

28-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000017461B1
Принадлежит: Е.Н.Т.Т. ЛТД. (IL)

В одном аспекте данное изобретение относится к системе для визуализации звуковой анимации, при этом система включает две или более неживые фигуры; устройство воспроизведения звука, имеющее два или более источника звука соответственно двум или более неживым фигурам для одновременного воспроизведения звуковых сигналов, связанных с двумя или более неживыми фигурами; и два или более громкоговорителя, соответствующие двум или более источникам звука. Система может дополнительно включать средство для беспроводной передачи звукового сигнала по меньшей мере одного из источников звука к его удаленному громкоговорителю. Средство для беспроводной передачи может включать блок беспроводной передачи, размещенный в устройстве воспроизведения звука, и блок беспроводного приема, размещенный в громкоговорителе. Неживая фигура может быть двухмерной, трехмерной фигурой и т.д.

30-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA201070031A1

В одном аспекте данное изобретение относится к системе для визуализации звуковой анимации, при этом система включает две или более неживые фигуры; устройство воспроизведения звука, имеющее два или более источника звука соответственно двум или более неживым фигурам для одновременного воспроизведения звуковых сигналов, связанных с двумя или более неживыми фигурами; и два или более громкоговорителя, соответствующие двум или более источникам звука. Система может дополнительно включать средство для беспроводной передачи звукового сигнала по меньшей мере одного из источников звука к его удаленному громкоговорителю. Средство для беспроводной передачи может включать блок беспроводной передачи, размещенный в устройстве воспроизведения звука, и блок беспроводного приема, размещенный в громкоговорителе. Неживая фигура может быть двухмерной, трехмерной фигурой и так далее.

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Transmission arrangement for wirelessly transmitting an mpeg2-ts-compatible data stream

Номер: CN0105027576A

25-05-2011 дата публикации

Bluetooth matching method and system for digital television receiving terminal and mobile terminal

Номер: CN0102075219A

The invention discloses a Bluetooth matching method for a digital television receiving terminal and a mobile terminal, which comprises the following steps: a digital television receiving terminal Bluetooth device searches nearby Bluetooth devices; a digital television receiving terminal Bluetooth device compares names according to a Bluetooth device list, and determines a mobile terminal according to the searched Bluetooth device; the digital television receiving terminal Bluetooth device initiates a matching request to the determined mobile terminal Bluetooth device; and the mobile terminal Bluetooth device carries out comparison according to index rules established by the digital television receiving terminal Bluetooth device and the mobile terminal Bluetooth device, and determines and responds the matching request. The invention also discloses a mobile terminal/digital television receiving terminal system which comprises a mobile terminal and a digital television receiving terminal, ...

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Mobile equipment panoramic video playing system based on deep reinforcement learning

Номер: CN0109413448A

12-05-2010 дата публикации

High-definition fast ball for interior wireless transmission vedio

Номер: CN0201467302U
Автор: Kong Yajun

31-07-2018 дата публикации

Media management host

Номер: CN0108347634A

10-08-2016 дата публикации

Method for using magnetometer together with gesture to send content to wireless display

Номер: CN0105849710A

24-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for interference mitigation in a wireless home gateway interface

Номер: CN102754450A

The invention relates to a wireless home gateway apparatus and methods of wirelessly delivering audio and/or video programs between a home gateway and a client device and to interference mitigation techniques on such system. Specifically, the invention relates to transmitting an audio video program on a first channel, receiving a control signal from a remote control indicating interference on said first channel, changing the transmission channel to a second channel, and transmitting data indicating said second channel to said remote control.

20-02-2002 дата публикации

System and method for radio multiple channel data communication and image data transmission system

Номер: CN0001336753A

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Adaptive Media Content Scrubbing on a Remote Device

Номер: US20120050012A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems and techniques are disclosed for controlling, from a mobile device, media content stored on the mobile device to a media client for presentation on a display device. Data can be provided from the mobile device to the media client for identifying the location of the media content and a playback time. Based on the data, the media client can obtain a portion of the media content associated with the playback time. Also, playback of the media content on the display device can be controlled by a user of the mobile device.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Common purchase plan based advertisement

Номер: US20120072949A1
Автор: Sarbajit K. Rakshit
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, system, and computer program product are disclosed for selecting an advertisement for play on a specified device for one or more users. Each of the users has a defined relationship with the specified device, and has an information description stored on a mobile communications device. In one embodiment, the method comprises transmitting the respective information description of each of one or more users from the user's communications device to a provider server. The server analyzes one or more information descriptions to identify an advertisement for playing on the specified device. The specified device, in one embodiment, is a television. In an embodiment, advertisements are displayed based on common purchase profiles and common purchase plans among different people. The purchase plans may be sent to the television when the users are in a defined area or come within a given distance of the television.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transmitting a packet in a wireless network

Номер: US20120082076A1

The present invention related to a method in which a transmitting device transmits a packet in a wireless network, wherein said method comprises: a step of receiving, from an upper layer, video data divided into a plurality of slices and compressed into one or more types of layers; a step of constructing a MAC packet such that information on the types of said one or more layers of the video data is included in a MAC header of the MAC packet; and a step of delivering the MAC packet to a lower layer to transmit the MAC packet to a receiving device.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

System and Method of Delivering Advertisements to a Mobile Communication Device

Номер: US20120117593A1
Автор: YANG Pan
Принадлежит: Individual

System and method of delivering advertisements to a mobile computing and communication device is disclosed. The system comprises a digital television system and a mobile communication device. A video program being played by the television system may be transferred to the mobile device when a user intends to move away from the television system. According to one embodiment, an advertising message may be delivered on a display of the mobile device when the digital content of the video program is being transmitted. According to another embodiment, advertising messages may be inserted into predetermined positions of the received video program. The advertising messages may be selected based on the user's identity of the mobile device.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Wireless av transmission and receiver modules, portable wireless av transmission and receiver devices, and av source and playback devices

Номер: US20120169925A1

A wireless audio-video (AV) transmission module is to be disposed in an AV source device. The AV source device includes an AV source unit for generating an AV signal. The wireless AV transmission module includes a video scaler unit and a wireless transmission unit. The video scaler unit is to be coupled electrically to the AV source unit, upscales a video signal of the AV signal from the AV source unit, and outputs an upscaled AV signal including the upscaled video signal. The wireless transmission unit is coupled electrically to the video scaler unit and wirelessly transmits the upscaled AV signal that includes the upscaled video signal.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Wireless transmission display system and wireless transmission displaying method

Номер: US20120169926A1
Автор: Huang-Ti Lin, Yen-Feng Lu

An exemplary wireless transmission display system includes a signal generating apparatus and at least one display apparatus. The signal generating apparatus receives a display data represented in a first data format and converts the display data to be represented in a second data format. Then, the display data represented in the second data format is transmitted to the display apparatus in wireless manner. The display apparatus receives the display data represented in the second data format and performs a display directly according to the display data represented in the second data format without converting the second data format into any other data format. Moreover, a wireless transmission displaying method is also provided.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Performing wirelss communications in half-duplex and full-duplex modes

Номер: US20120188921A1
Автор: Shinji Hamai
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

In a wireless communication system including at least a plurality of wireless communication terminal apparatuses each including first and second wireless communication apparatuses, the first wireless communication apparatus includes first and second wireless communication parts. The first wireless communication part transceives digital data in a half-duplex communication mode via a first wireless communication path, and the second wireless communication part transceives digital data in a full-duplex communication mode via a second wireless communication path. A first control part controls transmission of digital data for the first and second wireless communication parts. The second wireless communication apparatus includes third and fourth wireless communication parts. The first control part controls the first and second wireless communication parts to transmit identical digital data from both of the first and second wireless communication parts when instructing the second wireless communication apparatus to transmit digital data.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Video Transmission Systems

Номер: US20120192243A1
Автор: Julian Hall
Принадлежит: Veebeam Ltd

This invention relates to video transmission systems, in particular to those used to transmit video content generated and displayed on a source device to a second remote display. We describe a method of transmitting a video stream over a data link is described. Video frames are captured at a capture frame rate. The captured frames are then processed to identify duplicated frames in consecutively captured frames. Duplicated frames, duplicated as a result of capture the same source frame twice, are deleted leaving a filtered set of video frames. The remaining frames are retimed to amend a presentation time and transmitted over a data link to a rendering device.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Dual mode projection docking device for portable electronic devices

Номер: US20120194738A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dual mode projection display apparatus for portable electronic device comprises: a projection device, a built-in screen, an input device and a wired or wireless connector to said portable electronic device. It has dual operation mode: in the first mode, it produces an image onto the built-in screen; in the second mode, it produces an image onto any external surface with substantially high reflectance/scattering. When connected with a smartphone, the apparatus provides a big screen and convenience input method for the user. The invention increases the functionality and utility of a smartphone.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Trick mode technique for a bandwidth limited channel

Номер: US20120251086A1
Автор: Gregory William Cook
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for transmitting frames of fast trick mode video commences by detecting whether a frame of the fast trick video constitute an I-frame, and if so, then replacing the I frame with a dummy B-frame to maintain a target bandwidth. If the frame of video trick mode data constitutes at least one of a B or P frame, then that frame and the frame(s) predicted by the at least one B or P frame is replaced with a dummy B-frame.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Providing supplemental content associated with an information device

Номер: US20120254347A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Solutions Inc

A system and method for providing supplemental content associated with an information device includes a user device detecting ( 700 ) the information device and that the information device has associated supplemental content. A next step includes requesting ( 702 ) a delivery of the supplemental content. A next step includes delivering ( 704 ) the supplemental content to a remote device, such as a home television. A next step includes presenting ( 706 ) the supplemental content to a user on the remote device

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for synchronizing clocks in a communication system

Номер: US20120257642A1

A method for clock synchronization between higher layers using synchronization information provided from lower layers in multi-clock communication system in which the higher layers and the lower layers use heterogeneous clocks is provided.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Data transmitting apparatus, data receiving apparatus, data transmitting method, and data receiving method

Номер: US20120257754A1
Автор: Toru Nagara
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention provides a data transmitting apparatus in which a device information obtaining unit obtains device information of a device connected to the data transmitting apparatus; a verification unit verifies validity of a data receiving apparatus, based on the device information obtained by the device information obtaining unit; and a control unit performs control as to whether to obtain the device information through a wireless communication unit or obtain the device information through a wire communication unit, and as to whether to transmit image information encrypted by a first encryption unit from the wireless communication unit or transmit image information encrypted by a second encryption unit from the wire communication unit when the verification unit verifies that the data receiving apparatus is authorized.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Wireless Audio Dissemination System

Номер: US20120260295A1
Принадлежит: PLANETMAC LLC

A wireless audio dissemination system includes a plurality of television monitors configured to display video content from a media source coupled thereto. The system further includes a plurality of transmitters coupled to an associated one of the plurality of television monitors and configured to propagate a wireless broadcast stream including audio content corresponding to video content displayed on the associated television monitor. At least one mobile device is configured to wirelessly communicate and receive the broadcast stream from each of the plurality of transmitters and allow a user to selectively receive the associated audio content from one of the plurality of transmitters.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for using 802.11 wlans in tv white space

Номер: US20120307817A1
Автор: Hou-Shin Chen, WEN Gao
Принадлежит: Hou-Shin Chen, WEN Gao

A method and apparatus for using 802.11 Wireless LANs in TV white space are provided that additionally allows coexistence with non-802.11 devices in the same spectrum space. The method and apparatus extend concepts used in traditional 802.11 applications in the MAC and PHY layers so that WLANs can function over TV white space channels. The method and apparatus also facilitates coexistence of non 802.11 devices and existence with other 802.11 applications by extending the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access mechanism used to provide quality of service. An OFDM system with fixed subcarrier spacing is suggested to accommodate spectrum characteristics (variable center frequency and channel bandwidth) of the TVWS.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Wireless transmission system and wireless transmitter, wireless receiver, wireless transmission method wireless reception method and wireless communication method used with same

Номер: US20130010849A1

A wireless transmission system includes a wireless HDMI transmitter and a wireless HDMI receiver. The wireless HDMI transmitter includes a carrier oscillator provided for each channel of an HDMI transmission path to output a carrier signal in a millimeter band, an OOK modulator provided for each carrier oscillator to perform on-off keying modulation on a carrier signal outputted by its corresponding carrier oscillator, and an input circuit provided for each channel of the HDMI transmission path to input a digital signal outputted by a source device to the OOK modulator. Radio signals have different planes of polarization from their adjacent channels.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Personal access and control of media peripherals on a media exchange network

Номер: US20130014188A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Methods are disclosed for indirectly monitoring and controlling at least one media peripheral device in a media exchange network by accessing a media management system (MMS) via a first media peripheral (MP) device (e.g., a TV screen) using a user control device (e.g., a remote control). An operation corresponding to a second media peripheral (MP) device (e.g., a digital camera) may be selected via the MMS using the first MP device and the user control device. The operation is then carried out (i.e., performed) by the second MP device. A status of the second MP device may be selected via the MMS using the first MP device and the user control device. The selected status is then displayed on the first MP device.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Image display apparatus, portable terminal, and methods for operating the same

Номер: US20130027613A1

An image display apparatus, a portable terminal, and methods for operating the same are disclosed. The method for operating an image display apparatus includes displaying a screen based on a setting of a first user account corresponding to a first portable terminal on a display, receiving a login input for a second user account corresponding to a second portable terminal, logging in to the second user account, and switching the screen displayed on the display to a common screen based on the first and second user accounts.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Low latency wireless display for graphics

Номер: US20130047189A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

As part of a communication session, a wireless source device can transmit video component data and metadata to a wireless sink device. The wireless source device can intercept the video component data prior to the video component data being rendered by the wireless source device, and the wireless sink device can generate a frame of video data based on the video component data and the metadata.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method of adapting the data rate during transmission of variable bit-rate data streams

Номер: US20130051380A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of adaptively controlling the data rate in a transmission channel carrying a packet data signal corresponding to a data stream of variable data rate is suggested. In accordance with the method the variability of the transmission channel, the data rate requirement of the data stream, and the capacity of the transmission channel are determined. Then, the data rate is adapted so that the transmission channel capacity exceeds the data rate requirement of the data stream, and the next time instant for data rate probing and adaptation is determined based upon the transmission channel variability and data stream rate requirement.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for browsing using multiple coordinated device sets

Номер: US20130054820A1
Автор: Richard Reisman
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for navigating hypermedia using multiple coordinated input/output device sets. Disclosed systems and methods allow a user and/or an author to control what resources are presented on which device sets (whether they are integrated or not), and provide for coordinating browsing activities to enable such a user interface to be employed across multiple independent systems. Disclosed systems and methods also support new and enriched aspects and applications of hypermedia browsing and related business activities.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Presentation of Still Image Data on Display Devices Using a Wireless Home Entertainment Hub

Номер: US20130055330A1
Автор: Patrick T. Igoe
Принадлежит: Porto Vinci Ltd LLC

A method of presenting still image data on multiple display devices using a wireless home entertainment hub comprises obtaining a registration of a plurality of devices with the wireless home entertainment hub, where the plurality of devices includes at least two display devices. An assignment of a zone for each display device of the at least two display devices is received. Still image data is caused to be displayed on a subset of the at least two display devices.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Device for playback in a motor vehicle and method for synchronization

Номер: US20130114653A1
Принадлежит: Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH

A device and method for synchronization of data for audio and/or video between a memory of a device in a motor vehicle and an external device is provided. The method comprises synchronizing the data between the memory and the external device through a radio connection through a synchronization unit. The method further comprises outputting a status signal (St) based on a charge state (C) of the first power source by a monitoring unit to the synchronization unit and signaling from the synchronization unit to the external device an interruption of the synchronization due to low charge level. The method further comprises terminating the synchronization of the data based on the status signal (St) indicating that the charge state (C) of the first power source is below a threshold (th) and/or that a second power source for charging of the first power source is disconnected from the first power source.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Communicating Electronic Service Guide Information in a Satellite Television System

Номер: US20130117785A1
Автор: Curtis Ling
Принадлежит: Individual

Aspects of a method and apparatus for communicating electronic service guide information in a satellite television system are provided. A satellite communication system may receive a signal via an interface to a satellite dish, and receive data from a network via a second interface (e.g., an interface to a LAN or a WAN, such as the Internet). The satellite communication system may be operable to channelize the received satellite signal into a plurality of channels, wherein a first channel of the plurality of channels carries electronic service guide (ESG) data. The satellite communication system may select which of the plurality of channels to input to a demodulator based, at least in part, on whether ESG data is available via the second interface. A second channel carrying media data may be input to the demodulator while the ESG data is available via the second interface.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Communication apparatus and method for controlling the communication apparatus

Номер: US20130122815A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A method for controlling a communication apparatus includes communicating with an external device through close proximity wireless communication, receiving a remote control signal transmitted from a remote controller, storing a remote control setting which enables or disables an operation of the remote controller, making a determination as to whether a connection between the communication apparatus and the external device through the close proximity wireless communication is established, and controlling an operation of the remote controller for the communication apparatus on the basis of the determination.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of making a coexistence decision on centralized topology

Номер: US20130155995A1
Автор: Jihyun Lee, Junho Jo

Disclosed is a radio technology independent method for coexistence among dissimilar or independently operated TV Band Device (TVBD) networks and dissimilar TV Band Devices. A resource allocation method on centralized topology is disclosed, which comprises steps of receiving at least one available resource; performing a neighbor set calculation based on the received at least one available resource; calculating the resource according to the neighbor set calculation, where the calculated resource is allocated to at least one device.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Wireless Hands-Free Computing Head Mounted Video Eyewear for Local/Remote Diagnosis and Repair

Номер: US20130174205A1
Принадлежит: Kopin Corporation

The present application relates to human/computer interfaces and more particularly to a wireless computing headset with one or more microdisplay devices that can provide hands-free remote control of attached or remote peripheral devices, systems and/or networks. A wireless hands-free video computing headset, and corresponding method, enabling communication with a host processor to provide the user omnipresent expertise is disclosed. The wireless hands-free video computing headset, which includes a microdisplay device to present information to the user graphically, communicates with a host processor to provide the user with an expert resource. The expert resource may take numerous forms, such as diagnostic software, or live human support. The wireless hands-free video computing headset is useful by enabling the user to focus his or her attention, and maintain his or her focus, on a physical subject by enabling hands-free control, enabling the user the ability to continuously manipulate the subject manually with his or her hands as needed. 1. A portable wireless video computing headset device comprising:one or more microdisplays, for displaying visual information received from a local processor;one or more peripheral ports, for supporting one or more peripheral devices that provide input signals indicating a sensor input or at least one of a user motion and/or vocal input; one or more receivers, for receiving the peripheral inputs;', 'a translator, for translating sensor information, user motion and/or vocal input into one or more user commands;', 'a display controller, for forwarding information to be displayed on the one or more microdisplays; and', 'a communications interface, for wirelessly communicating with a remote host processor, the remote host processor enabled to access expert diagnosis and/or repair information., 'the local processor, located in the portable wireless video computing headset device, and further comprising2. The apparatus of wherein the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Mobile terminal, television receiver, and communication system including the mobile terminal and the television receiver

Номер: US20130176500A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, a communication system includes a transmitter, a power-on unit and an activating unit. The transmitter transmits, to a television receiver, an address on a network used by a mobile terminal. If the transmitter transmits the address, the power-on unit causes the television receiver to be in a power-on state. The activating unit automatically activates an application for displaying content acquired by the television receiver using the address.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179929A1

In a wireless video system, the clock rate for wirelessly transmitting the video data from the transmitting device should be identical to the clock rate for receiving the video data at the receiving device. But the two devices have separate clocks, whose frequencies may drift apart over time, leading the video buffer to be over run or under run. Clock synchronizing messages to prevent this may be sent at short intervals when clock synchronization is first being acquired, and at larger intervals after clock synchronization has already been achieved and is merely being maintained. 1. A first device for communicating video data wirelessly to a second device , the first device comprising:a processor, a memory, and a radio coupled to the processor and the memory;wherein the radio is to wirelessly communicate video data between the first and second devices;wherein the radio is to receive clock synchronization information from the second device to synchronize a first video clock in the first device with a second video clock in the second device; andwherein the clock synchronization information is to be received at intervals of a first duration during a first mode and at intervals of a second duration during a second mode, the second duration being longer than the first duration.2. The first device of claim 1 , wherein the second duration is an integer multiple of the first duration.3. The first device of claim 1 , wherein the radio is to receive a packet from the second device indicating whether the first device is to operate in the first mode or the second mode.4. The first device of claim 1 , wherein the first mode is a clock acquisition mode and the second mode is a clock tracking mode.5. A method for synchronizing a video clock in a first device with a video clock in a second device claim 1 , comprising:wirelessly communicating video data between the first and second devices; andreceiving clock synchronization information from the second device to synchronize the video ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Acoustic signalling to switch from infrastructure communication mode to ad hoc communication mode

Номер: US20130182193A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A system includes a first computerized device configured for communicating in an infrastructure mode and an ad hoc mode and a second computerized device configured for communicating at least in the ad hoc mode. A first computerized device operating in infrastructure mode prompts the user of the first computerized device to switch to ad hoc mode in order to communicate with the second computerized device.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Synchronized wireless display devices

Номер: US20130188632A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

This disclosure relates to techniques for synchronizing playback of media data between a source device and one or more sink devices in a Wireless Display (WD) system. WD systems enable mobile devices to share a local display of the source device with remote sink devices. The techniques of this disclosure include a management procedure at the source device to select a universal queue size for the source device and the participating sink devices. The source device selects the universal queue size based at least on supported queue sizes of the source device and the sink devices. The media packets are then held in queues having the universal queue size at the source device and the sink devices. The uniform queue size combined with compensation for transmission delay enables each of the devices to begin processing the media packets at the same time.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Multimedia service system and method for operating the same

Номер: US20130219437A1

A multimedia service system includes a portable terminal that communicates with a server. When a portable terminal is located at or within a building, the portable terminal acquires floor information of the building from a server, calculates a present altitude itself, determines a floor corresponding to the calculated altitude from the floor information, receives a multimedia service for the detected floor from the server, and outputs the received multimedia service. The server provides altitude-by-altitude floor information of the building and a floor-by-floor multimedia service to the portable terminal.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

User defined rules for assigning destinations of content

Номер: US20130227615A1
Принадлежит: United Video Properties Inc

A media guidance application is provided by which users can define rules for assigning user equipment devices as destinations for media content. For example, a user may define a rule by which selected media content having attributes that satisfy a user-defined condition are downloaded, recorded, or streamed to a particular, user-specified user equipment device. The user may define and manage rules using media guidance menus, and may restrict other users from accessing the rules (e.g., parents restricting children).

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Multifunction Portable Electronic Device and Mobile Phone with Touch Screen, Internet Connectivity, and Intelligent Voice Recognition Assistant

Номер: US20130231160A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A multifunction portable electronic device, mobile device, or smart phone may have a touch screen, cellular radio, microphone, speakers, video, camera, voicemail, website, and Internet connectivity. The device records spoken audio, processes the audio, transcribes the audio into text, and displays the text on the screen. The spoken audio may be used for composition of emails or documents. The mobile device may accept voice commands for actions including calling, dialing a number, or accessing an Internet site. The device may use local or server-based voice recognition software. Voice patterns may be stored in a database specific to an individual. Voice may be used to control functions on the device, a server, Internet site, or an intelligent television. The mobile device may communicate using an inside line path such as a Bluetooth, Ethernet, USB, WiFi or 802.11x or a cellular, GSM, CDMA, LTE, GPS, or other outside line path.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Portable video-telecommunication device, data transmission method, in particular audio/video data, and other application

Номер: US20130271554A1
Принадлежит: ZUZA PICTURES Sp z oo

The subject of the application is a portable communication device having possibility of wired and wireless transmission of audio/video data, characterized in that it is composed of a camera ( 2 ) and at least one microphone ( 3 ), for the synchronous image capturing, and a speaker ( 4 ). These elements ( 2, 3, 4 ) are connected to the central unit ( 5 ) equipped with cache memory and a microprocessor directly or through the first communication interface ( 6 ) to connect to external devices. Moreover, the central unit is connected to a second communication interface ( 7 ) for transmission and receiving data through the telecommunication network; all of these items are powered by power source ( 8 ). The patent application concerns the method of data transmission which is done by using the device ( 1 ) and applications of the device ( 1 ), as well as the method.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283324A1
Автор: BONFRER David

A method for transmitting data between two devices, such as a set-top box and a mobile device. The user of the mobile device may view the transmitted data as it is received by the mobile device. The data may be transmitted via UMTS. Additionally, the user may be allowed to view data because the user has a subscription to access the data through the set-top box. Furthermore, the set-top box may send a notification to the user to query whether the set-top box should transmit the data to the mobile device. In the case that the user responds and requests the data to be transmitted to the mobile device, the set-top box may transmit the requested data to the mobile device. 1. (canceled)2. A method for transmitting video content from a television receiver to a mobile device , comprising:receiving at the television receiver from the mobile device a request for particular video content;transcoding by the television receiver the particular video content from a first encoding scheme to a second encoding scheme different than the first encoding scheme; andtransmitting the transcoded particular video content from the television receiver to the mobile device.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving at the television receiver the particular video content encoded at a first bit rate; andmodifying encoding of the particular video content so that the particular video content is encoded at a second bit rate less than the first bit rate.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving at the television receiver from a content provider the particular video content encoded at a first bit rate; andstreaming from the television receiver to the mobile device the particular video content encoded at a second bit rate different than the first bit rate.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving at the television receiver from a content provider the particular video content encoded at a first bit rate;storing at the television receiver the particular video ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and server for the social network-based sharing of tv broadcast content, and method and device for receiving a service for the social network-based sharing of tv broadcast content

Номер: US20130291037A1

A method and apparatus for transceiving television (TV)-content-related information based on a social network. A TV content sharing method for providing TV-content-related information to a plurality of TV users based on a social network includes receiving from a TV user a request to check in a TV content sharing service; providing real-time user information regarding users who check in a content checked-in by the TV user, in real time; and providing related service information regarding accessible related services in the social network in relation to the checked-in content.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Image networks for mobile communication

Номер: US20130295991A1
Автор: Raman K. Rao, Sunil K. Rao
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile communication system based on images, enabling communication between a plurality of mobile devices and servers, wherein the images have associated additional properties in the nature of voice, audio, data and other information. The system further enabling the formation of one or more image networks wherein the images are stored, organized, connected and linked to each other by one or more methods inclusive of one to one connection between images, a hierarchical connection between images and or other methods of connection between images to facilitate efficient image based communication between mobile devices, stationary devices and servers based on the mobile device identification, mobile device specific profiles and user specific profiles. The imaged base network system further having the ability to learn and form intelligent association between objects, people and other entities; between images and the associated data relating to both animate-and inanimate entities for intelligent image based communication in a network.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Supporting multiple users from a single location sharing a media processing system via a personal media guide

Номер: US20130298152A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Systems and methods of supporting multiple users from a single location sharing a media processing system via a personal media guide are provided. In one embodiment, a system may comprise, for example, a communication device, media content, and a software platform. The communication device may be coupled to a communication network. The media content may be disposed in the communication network or the communication device, and the media content may comprise broadcast media and personal media. The software platform may reside on the communication device, and the software platform may further receive authentication information and facilitate a display of a user-defined selection from the media content by the communication device in a user-defined layout.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305291A1
Автор: DUA Robin

A media storage and access system and methodology including a set-top box which receives and processes a plurality of signal sources and makes programming available locally through connected devices or via a data network such as a LAN, WAN, or the Internet. The system also integrates a multimedia storage system that allows programming content to be digitally stored. The system utilizes an integrated digital storage system and operating software to allow users to view a broadcast program (e.g., television, radio, etc.) with the option of instantly reviewing previous segments within the program. In addition, the system allows the user to store selected media programming while the user is simultaneously watching or reviewing another program. The system also allows stored media assets to be accessed locally via a media device connected to the unit or remotely via the Internet. 1. A method of providing broadcast media content receivable by a media controller from one or more broadcast media sources to one or more media devices , the method comprising:providing a list of the broadcast media sources having broadcast media content to the one or more media devices from the media controller as a programming guide;receiving a selection of broadcast media content from among the list of broadcast media sources via at least one of the one or more media devices; andtransmitting the selected broadcast media content from the media controller to the at least one of the one or more media devices.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving the broadcast media content of the broadcast media sources via an antenna of the media controller.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the receiving the broadcast media content of the broadcast media sources via the antenna comprises:receiving over-the-air broadcast signals with the antenna.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the receiving the over-the-air broadcast signals includes receiving at least one of broadcast television signals and ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus and control method of the same

Номер: US20130308054A1
Автор: Seok-Woo Yong

A display apparatus includes a receiver which receives a broadcasting signal, a display which displays an image based on the received broadcasting signal, a communication unit which communicates with a mobile device, and a controller which determines whether the mobile device interferes with at least one channel of a plurality of broadcasting channels received through the receiver, and controls the display to display a user interface (UI) indicates a user whether image noise has resulted from channel interference by the mobile device.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Wireless modem module server system

Номер: US20130335585A1
Автор: Akihiko Toyoshima
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Sony Electronics Inc

An apparatus and method for managing data for a wireless device, which includes a first memory for storing received data of a wireless device, a second memory for storing a network operational file, the operational file consisting of instructions for selecting a destination using a wireless module of the wireless device, and instruction steps for operating the network operational file for sending the received data using the wireless module to the selected destination .

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Home Theater Component For A Virtualized Home Theater System

Номер: US20130340014A1
Принадлежит: Novara Technology LLC

The present disclosure relates to a Wide Area Network (WAN) based home theater system. In one embodiment, a home theater at a subscriber premises includes multiple home theater components, which include multiple audio playback components and a video playback component. Each home theater component is enabled to receive data from and send data to a virtualized home theater service via a WAN. In operation, each home theater component receives an appropriate media content stream for the home theater component from the virtualized home theater service via the WAN and provides playback of the media content stream according to the absolute playback timestamps for the media content stream.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Audio device that extracts the audio of a multimedia stream and serves the audio on a network while the video is displayed

Номер: US20140002738A1
Автор: Bryan Nunes
Принадлежит: REBELUTION Inc

A device, system, and method may provide an audio component of a multimedia stream playing on a video monitor to one or more wireless computing devices. The extracted audio component of the multimedia content may be packetized into data packets and broadcast via a network such that the data packets can be received by the wireless computing devices and the audio component can be played by the wireless computing devices in synchronization with the visual component playing on the video monitor.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Image transfer apparatus

Номер: US20140002748A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A video transmitting apparatus including: a first register that is set when receiving a CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) message which is transmitted by a video signal source and is reset in response to a leading edge of a predetermined voltage that is supplied from said video signal source; and a second register which reads an EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) of a video displaying apparatus, is set when a decision is made that said video displaying apparatus is a predetermined video displaying apparatus, and is reset when a state where an HPD (Hot Plug Detect) is in a state of low has continued for a predetermined period of time or longer, wherein when both of said first and second registers have been set, a determination is made that said video signal source, said video transmitting apparatus, and said video displaying apparatus have been connected.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for implementing digital television technology and wireless fidelity hot spot apparatus

Номер: US20140013362A1
Автор: Zhigang Li
Принадлежит: Huawei Device Co Ltd

The present invention discloses a method for implementing a digital television technology, including performing, by a wireless fidelity hot spot apparatus, decryption and parsing on a received digital television data stream, obtaining an audio stream, a video stream, and a system stream, performing packing on the obtained audio stream, video stream, and system stream according to a predetermined format, sending the packed audio stream, video stream, and system stream to a terminal by using a wireless fidelity technology, and performing, by the terminal, decoding and playback on the packed audio stream, video stream, and system stream received from the wireless fidelity hot spot apparatus. The present invention also discloses a wireless fidelity hot spot apparatus. By applying the method and the apparatus according to the present invention, implementation complexity of a digital television technology is decreased.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

System for Managing Media Services

Номер: US20140013363A1
Автор: Hisao Chang, Richard Cox

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a media content processor (MCP) having a controller to detect a communication device roaming into a personal area network, receive a communication identifier from the communication device, authenticate the communication device responsive to validating the communication identifier, and enable the communication device to manage operations of the MCP according to a profile of a subscriber of the communication device responsive to a successful authentication of the communication device. Other embodiments are disclosed.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Information processor and information processing method

Номер: US20140036149A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an information processor includes a display controller and a transmitter. The display controller is configured to cause a display module to display a screen on which a plurality of content images based on a plurality of pieces of content data are arranged. The transmitter is configured to receive a captured image including at least one of the content images in at least a portion of the captured image, to specify a content image to be transmitted based on the captured image and the at least one of the content images, and to transmit one of the pieces of content data corresponding to the content image to be transmitted to a predetermined external device.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Display apparatus, display system, and control method thereof

Номер: US20140037104A1

Exemplary embodiments disclose a display apparatus, a display system, and a control method thereof, the display apparatus including: an image processing device configured to process an image signal; an audio processing device configured to process an audio signal; a communication device configured to conduct wireless communication with a peripheral and configured to transmit the audio signal processed by the audio processing device to an audio output device; and a controller configured to operate in a discoverable mode for wireless communication access of the communication device, and configured to control the communication device to conduct pairing of the audio output device configured to transmit a preset message and the display apparatus for the wireless communication, when the preset message is received from the audio output device.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Electronic device and content sharing method

Номер: US20140059707A1

A method of sharing content for an electronic device is provided. The electronic device is capable of changing contents that are to be shared when a network changes. The content sharing method includes storing a list of contents shared between the electronic device and another electronic device via a network formed using an access point, such that the contents match the access point, and setting contents included in a list of contents stored to match the access point as contents to be shared in response to the electronic device being connected to the network via the access point.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Providing and receiving wireless broadcasts

Номер: US20140094110A1
Принадлежит: Syncbak Inc

Systems, methods, apparatus, and computer program products are provided for wirelessly providing transcoded broadcasts to mobile devices and receiving content wirelessly via mobile devices. For example, in one embodiment, a distribution device can receive an over-the-air broadcast, transcode the over-the-air broadcast, and broadcast the transcoded broadcast to mobile devices within range.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Enhanced user experience for miracast devices

Номер: US20140096164A1
Автор: JianWei Bei, Manish Kumar

A method is implementable in a source device that is operable to provide, via a wireless channel, a video stream to a sink device for display by the sink device. The method includes receiving compressed video data corresponding to one or more video frames of the video stream, and generating a current packet of a plurality of packets. The plurality of packets collectively includes the compressed video data. The current packet includes a current portion of the compressed video data and recovery information indicative of at least one of (i) an arrangement of an earlier portion of the compressed video data, or (ii) content of the earlier portion of the compressed video data, wherein the earlier portion of the compressed video data is data included in an earlier packet of the plurality of packets. The method also includes causing the current packet to be transmitted to the sink device.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096165A1

A method is implementable in a source device operable to provide, via a wireless channel, a video stream to a sink device for display by the sink device. The method includes receiving link quality information indicative of a condition of the wireless channel and/or performance of communications between the source device and the sink device via the wireless channel. The method also includes determining a measure of network congestion based on the link quality information, and, based on the measure of network congestion, skipping one or more, but not all, video frames of a plurality of video frames in the video stream, such that the one or more video frames are not provided to the sink device, reconfiguring a video encoder operating on the plurality of video frames, such that an output bit rate of the video encoder is changed, and/or changing a video format of the video stream. 1. A method implementable in a source device , wherein the source device is operable to provide , via a wireless channel , a video stream to a sink device for display by the sink device , the method comprising:receiving, in the source device, link quality information indicative of at least one of (i) a condition of the wireless channel, or (ii) performance of communications between the source device and the sink device via the wireless channel;determining, in the source device, a measure of network congestion based on the link quality information; andbased on the measure of network congestion, at least one of (i) skipping, in the source device, one or more, but not all, video frames of a plurality of video frames in the video stream, such that the one or more video frames are not provided to the sink device, (ii) reconfiguring, in the source device, a video encoder operating on the plurality of video frames, such that an output bit rate of the video encoder is changed, or (iii) changing, in the source device, a video format of the video stream.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:based ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Master device, slave device, and control method therefor

Номер: US20180003969A1

A master device providing an image to a slave device providing a virtual reality service is provided. The master device includes: a content input configured to receive an input stereoscopic image; a communicator configured to perform communication with the slave device providing the virtual reality service; and a processor configured to determine a viewpoint region corresponding to a motion state of the corresponding slave device in the input stereoscopic image on the basis of motion information received from the slave device and control the communicator to transmit an image of the identified viewpoint region to the slave device.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus and method for controlling thereof

Номер: US20200004491A1

An electronic apparatus includes an interface connected to a modular display apparatus, and a processor scales an image signal received from an external device to a predetermined resolution, divides each display module among a plurality of display modules included in the modular display into a plurality of groups in a first direction, decomposes the scaled image signal to image signals corresponding to each of the plurality of groups, and transmits the decomposed image signals to each of the plurality of groups via the interface connected to each of the plurality of groups.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004791A1
Автор: Ricci Christopher P.

Methods and systems for a complete vehicle ecosystem are provided. Specifically, systems that when taken alone, or together, provide an individual or group of individuals with an intuitive and comfortable vehicular environment. The present disclosure includes a system that provides various outputs based on a user profile and determined context. An output provided by the present disclosure can change a configuration of a vehicle, device, building, and/or a system associated with the user profile. The configurations can include comfort and interface settings that can be adjusted based on the user profile information. Further, the user profiles can track health data related to the user and make adjustments to the configuration to assist the health of the user. 1. A method , comprising:detecting a presence of at least one user in a vehicle;determining an identity of the at least one user;receiving data associated with the at least one user, wherein the data includes biometric information;detecting a deviation between the received data and an established baseline biometric profile associated with the at least one user; anddetermining, based at least partially on the detected deviation, to provide an output configured to address the deviation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein prior to receiving data associated with the at least one user the method further comprises:determining the baseline biometric profile associated with the at least one user; andstoring the determined baseline biometric profile in a user profile memory associated with the at least one user.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the presence of the at least one user inside the vehicle further comprises:detecting a person via at least one image sensor associated with the vehicle.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining the identity of the at least one user further comprises:identifying facial features associated with the person detected via the at least one image sensor; anddetermining ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005720A1
Автор: Takahashi Tetsuyuki

A display device may include: an acquisition unit acquiring transmitting terminal identification information that is identification information of a transmitting terminal transmitting image data by wireless communication, and receiving terminal identification information that is identification information of a receiving terminal receiving the image data by wireless communication; and an information display unit displaying the transmitting terminal identification information and the receiving terminal identification information. 1. A wireless communication system , in which a terminal that wirelessly transmits image data is referred to as a transmitting terminal , a terminal that wirelessly receives image data is referred to as a receiving terminal , and a device that instructs to switch a wireless communication connection between the transmitting terminal and the receiving terminal is referred to as a connection switching device , the wireless communication system having a plurality of the transmitting terminals , a plurality of the receiving terminals , and at least one of the connection switching device , the wireless communication system comprising:a first display device connected by cable to the transmitting terminal; anda second display device connected by cable to the receiving terminal, a control unit configured to establish transmitting terminal identification information that is identification information of the transmitting terminal and receiving terminal identification information that is identification information of the receiving terminal;', 'a wireless communication unit configured to wirelessly transmit the established transmitting terminal identification information to the transmitting terminal and wirelessly transmit the established receiving terminal identification information to the receiving terminal; and', 'a display unit configured to display the transmitting terminal identification information of the transmitting terminal that is currently ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Entertainment Center Technical Configuration and System and Method for Use of Same

Номер: US20220014798A1
Принадлежит: Enseo LLC

An entertainment center technical configuration and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the system, a remote server receives an installation quality assurance signal from a room within the hospitality establishment to ensure installation quality assurance of the room. Substantially contemporaneously, the server receives from a proximate wireless-enabled interactive programmable device located within the room, images of a unique identifier of the room, a unique identifier of the set-top box, and a physical connection between the set-top box and the display. These images are utilized to establish physical quality assurance of the room. The server may then render a map view of the hospitality establishment based on obtained map data. The map view including a graphical representation of the room annotated with at least one of the images.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014816A1
Автор: DÖNER Cagdas

Device for access to a wireless network, the device is connected to a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) connector of a television signal receiver. Network configuration data is passed from the television signal receiver to the device via the PCMCIA connector. In some examples, the network configuration data is transmitted in a Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) transport stream. 1. A method of configuring a device for access to a wireless network , the method comprising:receiving the device in a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, PCMCIA, connector of a television signal receiver;passing network configuration data from the television signal receiver to the device via the PCMCIA connector of the television signal receiver to configure the device for access to the wireless network.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising receiving the network configuration data at the television signal receiver from a media operator.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising receiving the network configuration data at the television signal receiver in a Moving Picture Experts Group claim 1 , MPEG claim 1 , transport stream.4. The method according to claim 3 , comprising receiving the network configuration data at the television signal receiver in a Conditional Access Table of an MPEG transport stream.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the television signal receiver is connected or is connectable to the wireless network that is to be accessed by the device claim 1 , the television signal receiver comprising data storage in which network configuration data that enables the television signal receiver to connect to the wireless network is stored claim 1 , the television signal receiver obtaining the network configuration data required to configure the device for access to the wireless network from the network configuration data stored in the data storage.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the wireless ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Extending functionality in multimedia presentation device

Номер: US20150007247A1
Автор: Robin Dua
Принадлежит: Robin Dua

Functionality of a multimedia presentation device is enhanced by establishing a communication path through an electrical connector that is selectively separable from the multimedia presentation device. Output streaming media are conveyed to the multimedia presentation device over the established communication path. A wireless communication channel is established over which input streaming media are received from a multimedia source device. Multimedia data of the input streaming media are stored in a memory that is selectively separable from the multimedia presentation device at the electrical connector. A processor, which is also selectively separable from the multimedia presentation device at the electrical connector, retrieves the multimedia data stored in the memory and the retrieved multimedia data are conveyed to the multimedia presentation device as the output streaming media on the communication path to the multimedia presentation device through the electrical connector.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006330A1

The invention relates to a method of managing the operation of a control module (TCD) suitable for controlling a device (DEC) suitable for delivering services, the module (TCD) comprising a processor (CPU) and a plurality of control elements (GRS, ACC, CT, CLV) suitable for issuing commands, the method being characterized in that it comprises a step of modifying its operation as a function of the service delivered by the device. 1. A management method for managing the operation of a control module (TCD) suitable for controlling a device (DEC) suitable for delivering services , the module (TCD) comprising a processor (CPU) and a plurality of control elements (GRS , ACC , CT , CLV) suitable for issuing commands , the method being characterized in that it comprises a step of modifying its operation as a function of the service delivered by the device.2. A management method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the control module receives data (INF/CDE) associated with the service delivered by the device.3. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the modules are electrically powered and in that the control elements (GRS claim 1 , ACC claim 1 , CT claim 1 , CLV) are powered selectively as a function of the service delivered by the device.4. A communication method according to claim 1 , characterized in that a control element issues commands at a given rate claim 1 , and in that the rate at which commands are issued by said control element is modified as a function of the service delivered by the device.5. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the device is a data receiver suitable for receiving data representative of a service.6. A control module (TCD) suitable for controlling a device (DEC) suitable for delivering services claim 1 , the module comprising a processor and a plurality of control elements suitable for issuing commands claim 1 , the module being characterized in that it includes receive means suitable for receiving data ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006340A1

Disclosed is a system and method for reducing the total latency for transferring a frame from the low latency camera system mounted on an aerial vehicle to the display of the remote controller. The method includes reducing the latency through each of the modules of the system, i.e. through a camera module, an encoder module, a wireless interface transmission, wireless interface receiver module, a decoder module and a display module. To reduce the latency across the modules, methods such as overclocking the image processor, pipelining the frame, squashing the processed frame, using a fast hardware encoder that can perform slice based encoding, tuning the wireless medium using queue sizing, queue flushing, bitrate feedback, physical medium rate feedback, dynamic encoder parameter tuning and wireless radio parameter adjustment, using a fast hardware decoder that can perform slice based decoding and overclocking the display module are used. 1. A method for pipelining a frame over a low latency camera system , the method comprising:receiving an unprocessed frame captured by a camera system;performing one or more image processing operations by an image processor on the frame;overclocking an image processor pipeline, the overclocking to increase an operating frequency of the image processor;forwarding frame from a first pipeline stage to a second pipeline stage of the image processor that includes a plurality of pipeline stages;squashing the processed frame data, the squashing to reduce the size of the image data without losing image information; andtransmitting the processed frame to an encoder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image processing operations include performing at least one of a Bayer transformation claim 1 , demosaicing claim 1 , noise reduction claim 1 , image sharpening claim 1 , image stabilization claim 1 , rolling shutter artifact reduction claim 1 , color space conversion or compression.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein overclocking the image ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007080A1

A host device () provides wireless docking to a dockee device (). The host has a remote client unit () for providing at least one audio/video (AV) rendering function to an application () via remote server unit () in a dockee device. The host has transfer units () arranged for enabling transmitting a downstream of first AV data to the dockee device, and receiving an upstream of second AV data to be rendered from the dockee device. The host device has an AV router () for processing the downstream and the upstream so as to replace first AV data in the downstream by a predetermined pattern before transmitting the downstream to the dockee device, and replace at least part of second AV data in the upstream by at least part of the first AV data after receiving the upstream from the dockee device and before rendering the AV data. Advantageously required bandwidth is reduced in the wireless communication. 1. A wireless docking system comprising a host device and a dockee device , the host device being configured for rendering audio or video (AV) data , the host device comprising:a host communication unit for accommodating wireless communication,a remote client unit for providing at least one AV rendering function to a remote client for enabling rendering the audio data via a sound device or the video data via a screen,at least one transfer unit configured for enabling transmitting a downstream of first AV data to the dockee device, and receiving an upstream of second AV data to be rendered from the dockee device, the dockee device comprising:a dockee communication unit for accommodating the wireless communication,a remote server unit for cooperating with the remote client unit for enabling said AV rendering function,an application unit for receiving of the downstream and for generating of the upstream, and the host device further comprisingan AV router configured for processing the downstream and the upstream so as to replace the first AV data by a predetermined pattern ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007013A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

A system and method of wireless display, including a transmitter processing a first encrypted content into a second encrypted content without decoding, and transferring the second encrypted content over a wireless display connection to a receiver. 1. A method of wireless display , comprising:negotiating a wireless connection between a transmitter and a receiver to wirelessly couple the transmitter and the receiver;establishing a wireless display connection between the transmitter and the receiver;receiving at the transmitter a first encrypted content;processing, via the transmitter, the first encrypted content into a second encrypted content without decoding; andtransferring, via the wireless display connection, the second encrypted content from the transmitter to the receiver.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wireless connection comprises Wi-Fi Direct® claim 1 , and wherein the wireless display connection comprises Miracast™.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising the transmitter performing a license acquisition to obtain a first key claim 1 , wherein the processing comprises:decrypting the first encrypted content with the first key; andperforming encryption with a second key different than the first key to give the second encrypted content.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first key comprises a Digital Rights Management (DRM) key claim 3 , and wherein the second key comprises a High Definition Copy Protocol (HDCP) key.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing comprises:dividing the first encrypted content into a first encrypted video and a first encrypted audio;decrypting the first encrypted video to decrypted video, and decrypting the first encrypted audio to decrypted audio;encrypting the decrypted video to a second encrypted video, and encrypting the decrypted audio to a second encrypted audio; andcombining the second encrypted video and the second encrypted audio to give the second encrypted content.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for selecting an audio endpoint

Номер: US20210006915A1
Автор: Uday Sooryakant Hegde
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

A method for providing audio information to a user during display of video information includes, at a source device of the user, casting video information to an endpoint display device, identifying a first endpoint audio component of the endpoint display device, comparing one or more capabilities of the first endpoint audio component to one or more capabilities of a second endpoint audio component, selecting the second endpoint audio component as a preferred audio output device based on the comparison, and casting audio information to the preferred audio output device.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Wireless display implementation of applications

Номер: US20180007428A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A system and method of wireless display, providing for a transmitter registering an application, and the application enabled via the transmitter transfer stack of the wireless display connection. The application operated between the transmitter and the receiver via the wireless display connection.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007730A1

In an embodiment, a user equipment (UE) is configured to operate in accordance with different wireless personal area network (WPAN) radio access technologies (RATs). The UE prioritizes a plurality of WPAN RATs supported by the UE, and dynamically allocates a plurality of shared WPAN radios to the plurality of WPAN RATs based on the prioritization. 1. A method of operating a user equipment (UE) that is configured to operate in accordance with different wireless personal area network (WPAN) radio access technologies (RATs) , comprising:prioritizing a plurality of WPAN RATs supported by the UE; anddynamically allocating a plurality of shared WPAN radios to the plurality of WPAN RATs based on the prioritizing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prioritizing assigns a first priority to a first WPAN RAT and a second priority to a second WPAN RAT claim 1 , the first priority being higher than the second priority.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the dynamically allocating allocates two or more of the plurality of shared WPAN radios to the first WPAN RAT.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the dynamically allocating does not allocate any of the plurality of shared WPAN radios to the second WPAN RAT.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the dynamically allocating allocates the two or more shared WPAN radios to the first WPAN RAT in accordance with a spatial diversity scheme.6. The method of claim 5 ,wherein the spatial diversity scheme uses the two or more shared WPAN radios as a Maximum Ratio Combiner (MRC) for receiving data traffic over a WPAN communication session, orwherein the spatial diversity scheme uses the two or more shared WPAN radios for transmitting data traffic by beamforming the same data traffic over the WPAN communication session, ora combination thereof.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the dynamically allocating allocates the two or more shared WPAN radios to the first WPAN RAT in accordance with a spatial multiplexing scheme for transferring different ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007921A1
Автор: Ojala Pasi Sakari

Systems and methods described herein are provided for displaying video content in a multi-device environment where video content may be synchronized between two or more display devices. Video content displayed on one or more of the display devices may be a cropped version (or region of interest) of video content shown on a main display. Some embodiments may make recommendations to determine regions of interest based on contextual cues and user preferences. For some embodiments, a user may indicate a desire to follow a traced object, which may be used to determine regions of interest. 1. A method of sharing media , the method comprising:receiving, at a first node, a primary video stream;displaying the primary video stream;receiving, at the first node, data identifying a plurality of regions of interest corresponding to spatial portions of the primary video stream;transmitting, from the first node to at least one additional viewing device, one or more options for tailored content streams, at least one of the one or more options for tailored content streams comprising a cropped portion of the primary video stream;receiving, at the first node from a first additional viewing device, a first user selection of a first tailored content stream of the one or more options for tailored content streams; andresponsive to receiving the first user selection, transmitting, from the first node to the first additional viewing device, the first selected tailored content stream for synchronous display with the primary video stream.2. The method of wherein the first selected tailored content stream has a different resolution than the primary video stream.3. The method of wherein transmitting the first selected tailored content stream comprises transmitting the first selected tailored content stream over a wireless local area network (LAN).4. The method of wherein transmitting the first selected tailored content stream comprises transmitting the first selected tailored content stream ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007929A1

A portable computers or other client device that obtains files or media streams from a portable digital video recorder (DVR) or similar target device may not be able to obtain certain web content when the target device operates in an offline mode in which the Internet or a similar wide area network (WAN) is unavailable. When the client device contacts a web domain for authentication or other purposes, however, the client device suitably opens a secondary data connection to the domain to transparently request and received web content. The received content is cached by the client device for subsequent use in offline mode when the WAN is unavailable. 1. An automated process performed by client device having a processor and a storage , the process comprising:establishing, by the client device, a first connection to a network service over a wide area network;while the first connection to the network service remains active, the client device transparently establishing a second connection to the network service over the wide area network, wherein the second connection is not visible to a user of the client device;transparently requesting and receiving, via the second connection over the wide area network, web content available from the server system at an address on the wide area network;caching the web content received via the second connection over the wide area network in the storage of the client device;subsequently disconnecting from the wide area network and establishing a third connection between the client device and a target device via a separate data connection that is separate from the wide area network; andin response to a client application executed by the client device requesting the web content available at the address on the wide area network via the separate connection, the client device obtaining the cached web content from the storage of the client device and presenting the cached content to a user of the client device.2. The automated process of claim 1 ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007950A1

A hardware encoder includes a chassis including at least one vent cut into a first surface of the chassis. The hardware encoder further includes an input interface disposed within the chassis and configured to receive a media signal. The hardware encoder further includes encoding circuitry disposed within the chassis and configured to encode the media signal to generate a media stream. The hardware encoder further includes a network interface disposed within the chassis and configured to send the media stream to a publishing destination. The hardware encoder further includes a bezel attached to the first surface of the chassis and enabling a view of a display screen. A portion of the bezel extrudes in a direction away from the first surface to enable airflow into the at least one vent. 1. A hardware encoder comprising:a chassis including at least one vent cut into a first surface of the chassis;an input interface disposed within the chassis and configured to receive a media signal;encoding circuitry disposed within the chassis and configured to encode the media signal to generate a media stream;a network interface disposed within the chassis and configured to send the media stream to a publishing destination; anda bezel attached to the first surface of the chassis and enabling a view of a display screen, wherein a portion of the bezel extrudes in a direction away from the first surface to enable airflow into the at least one vent.2. The hardware encoder of claim 1 , further comprising one or more input devices configured to receive user input related to encoding of the media signal.3. The hardware encoder of claim 1 , further comprising one or more output devices configured to output status information associated with encoding of the media signal.4. The hardware encoder of claim 1 , wherein the bezel is produced from a single piece of metal.5. The hardware encoder of claim 1 , wherein the encoding circuitry comprises a field programmable gate array (FPGA).6. The ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021859A1

Embodiments relate generally to electrical/electronic hardware, computer software, wired and wireless network communications, portable, wearable, and stationary media devices. RF transceivers and/or audio system in each media device may be used to wirelessly communicate between media devices and allow configuration and other data to be wirelessly transmitted from one media device to another media device. The proximity detection system may be configured to detect a presence of a user or multiple users and upon detecting presence, access content on a user device, and record the content while also playing back the content on the media device. One or more user devices in proximity of the media device post detection may wirelessly communicate with the media device and the media device may orchestrate handling and/or queuing of content from those devices or from a wirelessly accessible location such as the Cloud, Internet, NAS, Flash memory, or other wireless sources. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for proximity-based control , comprising:detecting an approach of a user using a proximity detection island positioned on a media device;notifying the user, using one or more of light, sound, or vibration, that a presence of the user has been detected by the proximity detection island;indicating that the media device is ready to receive input from the user;waiting for input from the user; andtaking an action based on a type of input received from the user.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein detecting the approach comprises:using an ambient light sensor to monitor ambient light; anddetecting the approach based at least in part on the ambient light monitored using the ambient light sensor.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein notifying the user comprises:notifying the user that the presence of the user has been detected based on the ambient light.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein detecting the approach comprises:detecting the approach based at least in part on radio frequency ( ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009612A1

A disclosed digital media device operational at user premises to receive media signals from a media source for presentation via endpoint devices such as a television display. The digital media device can include gateway and digital media management functionality and can be referred to as a gateway and digital media device. The device offers application services obtained over a wide area network and a user premises network. The digital media device may form a composite signal from the media signal and application service information, for example, for a composite audio and/or video signal for television type presentation to the user. The digital media device may receive a selection signal based on the presentation, for transmission to the application service provider device or to the media source. The media device also offers a GUI presenting a moveable arrangement of icons for selectively accessing application services. 1. A method , comprising:storing, at the user premises, a plurality of media applications; a first application icon that represents a first media application of the plurality of media applications, wherein the first application icon is selectable to establish bi-directional communication, via at least one wireless network, with a first server associated with a first service provider to stream first service provider media, and', 'a second application icon that represents a second media application of the plurality of media applications, wherein the second application icon is selectable to establish bi-directional communication, via the at least one wireless network, with a second server associated with a second service provider independent of the first service provider to stream second service provider media; and, 'displaying, via an endpoint device, a plurality of user selectable application icons representing the plurality of media applications, wherein the represented plurality of user selectable application icons include—'}dynamically adding or ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems enabling access by portable wireless handheld devices to data associated with programming rendering on flat panel displays

Номер: US20150012931A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Flat panel displays (e.g., Smart TVs) can wirelessly broadcast their identity for discovery to users of handheld devices (e.g., smartphones) interested in obtaining additional data associated with programming displayed on the flat panel displays. Data can include video, text, audio, and identifying information needed to access related data from a remote server. An application can be downloaded and activated on smartphones that will enable them to see a list of available (discovered) flat panel displays (multiple screens, depending on venue) that allow wireless access to data associated with programming displayed (or previously displayed and stored in a queue) on flat panels. A flat panel of interest can be selected by the smartphone and it can access additional data (either directly from the flat panel or from a remote server once the data has been identified) and/or engage in an interactive session in association with the displayed programming or data.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030319A1

The present invention is to provide an image display device capable of performing various functions in association with a mobile terminal such as a smartphone or the like, and a method for controlling the same. The image display device includes a display unit, an audio output unit, a wireless communication module for a communication between a mobile terminal and a remote controller, a controller that perform control to establish a first communication connection with the mobile terminal in response to a first communication connection request received through the wireless communication module from the mobile terminal playing first content, receive the first content from the mobile terminal through a first communication and output the first content through the audio output unit, and display a user interface for controlling playback of the first content of the mobile terminal on the display unit. 1. An image display device comprising:a display unit;an audio output unit;a wireless communication module for a communication between a mobile terminal and a remote controller; establish a first communication connection with the mobile terminal in response to a first communication connection request received through the wireless communication module from the mobile terminal playing first content;', 'receive the first content from the mobile terminal through a first communication and output the first content through the audio output unit; and', 'display a user interface for controlling playback of the first content of the mobile terminal on the display unit., 'a controller configured to perform control to2. The image display device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to perform control to receive a content playlist through the first communication from the mobile terminal and display the content playlist to be overlapped on the user interface.3. The image display device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to:request a playback order change of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Screen-Projection Emitter, Screen-Projection Emission System and Screen-Projection System

Номер: US20210011680A1
Автор: Cheng Xinyi, Luan Kelong

The present disclosure relates to a screen-projection emitter, a screen-projection emission system and a screen-projection system. The screen-projection emitter includes a memory which is configured to store screen-projection data processing software instruction set. The computer device is configured to receive the screen-projection data processing software instruction set from the memory, run the screen-projection data processing software instruction set locally to process data of content to be projected, and provide the processed data of content to be projected to the screen-projection emitter. 1. A screen-projection emission system comprising:a screen-projection emitter which includes:a memory which is configured to store a screen-projection data processing software instruction set; anda computer device detachably connected with the screen-projection emitter, which is configured to:acquire the screen-projection data processing software instruction set from the memory,run the screen-projection data processing software instruction set locally to process data of content to be projected, andprovide the processed data of content to be projected to the screen-projection emitter.2. The screen-projection emission system according to claim 1 , wherein the screen-projection emitter further includes:an MCU controller which is configured to transmit the screen-projection data processing software instruction set stored in the memory to the computer device.3. The screen-projection emission system according to claim 2 , wherein the screen-projection emitter further includes a WiFi radio frequency emitter claim 2 , the MCU controller is further configured to:receive the processed data of content to be projected from the computer device; andby way of the WiFi radio frequency emitter, transmit the processed data of content to be projected to a screen-projection receiver, wherein the screen-projection emitter is connected with the screen-projection receiver by way of a point to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012631A1
Принадлежит: Dynastrom ApS

A method is provided for synchronizing playback of audio an/or video by a plurality of separate devices in a computer network. Each separate device generates a virtual clock in response to a timing of the audio codec of a received audio stream. Either the virtual clock is generated directly in response to the tick counter of the audio codec, or by a periodic measurement of the timing of the audio codec interpolated by a monotonic clock. A sample rate converter may be used to slightly adjust the frequency of the virtual clock. 1. A method for synchronizing playback of audio and/or video from a source in network of a plurality of separate devices in a computer network session , receive an audio stream according to an audio codec via the computer network,', 'generate a virtual clock in response to a timing tick counter of a clock system of the audio codec, and', 'use the virtual clock for synchronizing audio and/or video playback., 'wherein each of the separate devices in the computer network session are programmed to2. (canceled)3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the virtual clock is generated in response to periodic measurements of the audio codec clock.4. Method according to claim 3 , wherein the virtual clock is generated in response to an interpolation between said periodic measurements of the audio codec clock.5. Method according to claim 4 , wherein a monotonic helper clock is used to interpolate time between said periodic measurements of the audio codec clock.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the virtual clock is adjustable with respect to clock frequency claim 1 , so as to allow synchronization to an other clock claim 1 , such as by means of a sample rate converter to slightly lengthen or shorten time for playback of individual buffers.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of separate devices comprises a loudspeaker arranged to playback audio streamed to the device in a wired or wireless network session in a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013316A1
Автор: Zhang Chaojun

Disclosed are systems and methods for improving interactions with and between computers in content communicating, rendering, recommending, generating, hosting and/or providing systems supported by or configured with personal computing devices, servers and/or platforms. The systems interact to identify and retrieve data within or across platforms, which can be used to improve the quality of data used in processing interactions between or among processors in such systems. The present disclosure provides systems and methods for pushing information between two network connected devices during rendering of content on one of the devices. While a first device is rendering content, additional information corresponding to the rendered content can be communicated to the connected second device and rendered on the second device without interrupting the playback of the content rendered on the first device. 1. A method comprising:displaying, on a display of a first device, a two-dimensional (2D) code, said display enabling a second device to scan the displayed 2D code in order for the first device to establish a network connection with the second device ;receiving, at the first device, an identifier (ID) associated with the second device based on said scanning, said second device ID corresponding to a network address of the second device;establishing, via the first device, a network connection with the second device based on the received second device ID that enables the first device to communicate information to the second device;identifying, via the first device, content to render on said first device, said content comprising media content and push information, said push information comprising a push time for when the push information is to be sent to an identified device and information associated with the media content at said push time;rendering, via the first device, said media content resulting in display of the media content on the display of the first device;monitoring, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Reflective video display apparatus for interactive training and demonstration and methods of using same

Номер: US20220032163A1
Автор: Brynn Putnam
Принадлежит: Curiouser Products Inc

A smart mirror can show live or recorded streaming video of an instructor performing a workout in a package that is attractive and unobtrusive enough to hang in a living room. The smart mirror includes a mirror surface with a fully reflecting section and a partially reflecting section. A display behind the partially reflecting section shows the video when the smart mirror is on and is almost invisible when the smart mirror is off. The smart mirror also has a speaker, a microphone, and a camera to enable a user to view the video content and interact with the instructor. The smart mirror may connect to the user's smart phone, a peripheral device (e.g., a Bluetooth speaker) to augment user experience, a biometric sensor to provide biometric data to assess user performance, and/or a network router to connect the smart mirror to a content provider, an instructor, and/or other users.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013368A1

A display apparatus transmits a picture acquisition request for getting picture information to an external image apparatus connected through a predetermined interface to the display apparatus from the external image apparatus at predetermined intervals and gets a plurality of pieces of picture information from the external image apparatus to be displayed. The plurality of pictures may be switched at predetermined intervals, for example, to be displayed, so that the plurality of pictures may be displayed in a so-called slide show manner. A plurality of pictures for thumbnail may be produced from the plurality of pieces of picture information and be arranged together to be displayed in one picture screen of a display device. 1. An image display apparatus , comprising:Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface circuitry configured to receive compressed first image information from a digital camera over a USB cable;wireless LAN interface circuitry configured to wirelessly receive compressed second image information from the digital camera over a network;a decoder configured to decode the compressed first image information received by the USB interface circuitry or the compressed second image information received by the wireless LAN interface circuitry; anda display screen configured to display at least one of first images based on decoded the first image information and second images decoded the second information obtained by the decoder, the USB interface circuitry transmits, over the USB cable, a first signal to the digital camera for causing the digital camera to output compressed first image information corresponding to first still pictures, and receives, over the cable, the compressed first image information corresponding to first still pictures output from the digital camera,', 'the decoder decodes the compressed first image information corresponding to first still pictures received by the USB interface circuitry, and', 'the display screen displays a slide show at ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013369A1

A display apparatus transmits a picture acquisition request for getting picture information to an external image apparatus connected through a predetermined interface to the display apparatus from the external image apparatus at predetermined intervals and gets a plurality of pieces of picture information from the external image apparatus to be displayed. The plurality of pictures may be switched at predetermined intervals, for example, to be displayed, so that the plurality of pictures may be displayed in a so-called slide show manner. A plurality of pictures for thumbnail may be produced from the plurality of pieces of picture information and be arranged together to be displayed in one picture screen of a display device. 1. A television display apparatus , comprising:Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface circuitry configured to receive compressed image information from a digital camera over a USB cable;a decoder configured to decode the compressed image information received by the USB interface circuitry;High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) interface circuitry configured to receive uncompressed image information from the digital camera over a HDMI cable;a display screen configured to display at least one of first images based on decoded image information obtained by the decoder and second images based on the uncompressed image information received by the HDMI interface circuitry; anda selector configured to select displaying the first images on the display screen or displaying the second images on the display screen in response to a user operation on an input device of the television display apparatus,wherein the display screen is further configured to display a received television broadcast program, the USB interface circuitry transmits, over the USB cable, a first signal to the digital camera for causing the digital camera to output compressed image information corresponding to first still pictures, and receives, over the USB cable, the compressed image ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

System and method for ubiquitous appliance control

Номер: US20180014057A1
Принадлежит: Universal Electronics Inc

A slave relay station is adapted to serve and/or host pages comprising a simplified graphic user interface (GUI) encoded in a widely recognized format such as, for example, HTML or WML. The GUI embodies activatable links corresponding to control functions for configured appliances. A wireless phone or other device with network access and the capability to process and present such pages, for example via a Web browser, may then be utilized to effect control of such appliances by simply navigating to the network address of the slave relay station, obtaining an appropriate GUI page, and interacting with the links.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Accessing a Terminal Device Camera to a Target Device

Номер: US20180014063A1
Автор: Liu Haopeng

The present disclosure discloses a method and apparatus for accessing a terminal device camera to a target device. The method includes: establishing a connection channel between the terminal device camera and the target device; starting the terminal device camera and obtaining image data captured by the terminal device camera; and transmitting the obtained image data to the target device through the connection channel established. 1. A method for accessing a terminal device camera to a target device , comprising:establishing a connection channel between the terminal device camera and the target device;starting the terminal device camera and obtaining image data captured by the terminal device camera; andtransmitting the obtained image data to the target device through the connection channel established.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein establishing the connection channel between the terminal device camera and the target device comprises:accessing to a network server pre-configured on the target device through a browser on a terminal device;establishing a web real-time communication interface channel between the browser and the network server.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein starting the terminal device camera and obtaining the image data captured by the terminal device camera comprises:starting the terminal device camera through an application programming interface (API) of the browser, and obtaining the image data captured by the terminal device camera.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein establishing the connection channel between the terminal device camera and the target device comprises:establishing a Bluetooth transmission channel between the terminal device camera and the target device using a Bluetooth video transmission protocol.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein establishing the connection channel between the terminal device camera and the target device comprises:capturing identity information sent by the target device using a private protocol;sending a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014442A1
Принадлежит: VIXS SYSTEMS, INC.

A universal serial bus (USB) dongle device includes a USB interface for receiving a video signal in a first format and for sending a processed video signal in a second format wherein the first format differs from the second format. An encoding module generates the processed video signal based on the video signal. In a further embodiment, A video card includes a video receiver for receiving a video signal in a first format, based on a selection command. An encoding module generates a processed video signal in a second format based on the video signal, wherein the first format differs from the second format. A USB interface transfers the processed video signal to the host device, receives the selection command from the host device and receives a power signal from the host device to power the video receiver and the encoding module. 1. A dongle device for use in conjunction with a television , the dongle device comprising:an electronic program guide module configured to operate via at least one processor to generate program data relating to a plurality of video programs;a wireless network transceiver configured to receive a streaming video signal in a first format from a video source in response to selection data that indicates a selected one of the plurality of video programs and a selection of the first format from a plurality of available formats, wherein the selection data is received from a mobile communication device in response to commands from a user;a decoding module, coupled to the wireless network transceiver, configured to operate via the at least one processor to decode the video signal from the first format to generate a decoded video signal;an encoding module, coupled to the wireless network transceiver, configured to operate via the at least one processor to generate a processed video signal in a second format from the decoded video signal, wherein the second format is a high definition multimedia interface format;a housing that encloses the wireless ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014445A1

Signals from a remote control device may be received in a first viewing area and retransmitted to a second viewing area to control customer premises equipment (CPE) devices in the second viewing area. In some embodiments, signals are translated for compatibility with the CPE devices in the second viewing area. A repeater in the first viewing area may receive infrared signals encoded with a remote control command and retransmit the remote control command with an RF signal to a receiver in the second viewing area. The repeater may be incorporated into a multimedia processing resource such as a set-top box. 1. A customer premises device , comprising:a processor;a first interface for wirelessly receiving an original remote control signal indicative of an original remote control command from a remote control device;a second interface for wirelessly receiving a relayed remote control command wirelessly transmitted by a second customer premises device;a network interface for coupling the customer premises device to an access network for receiving a stream of encoded multimedia content from a multimedia service provider; and [ performing the original remote control command; and', 'wirelessly broadcasting a signal indicative of the original remote control command;, 'responsive to receiving the original remote control signal, 'responsive to receiving the relayed remote control command, performing the relayed remote control command; and', 'responsive to receiving encoded multimedia content from the multimedia service provider, decoding the stream of encoded multimedia content stream for presentation of a multimedia program on a display device coupled to the customer premises device., 'a non-transitory computer readable medium, accessible to the processor, and including processor-executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to perform operations comprising2. The customer premises device of claim 1 , wherein the network interface is ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Communication Interface System and Method

Номер: US20160014447A1
Принадлежит: MYE Entertainment, Inc.

An interface system for facilitating the communication between a fitness device having a television system and a cable/satellite set top box is provided, wherein the interface system includes a first interface article and a second interface article. The first interface article is in signal communication with the television system and the second interface article is in signal communication with the first interface article and the cable/satellite set top box. The first interface article is configured to receive television control signals from the television system, identify channel control signals having Remote Control (RC) codes from the television control signals and transmit the channel control signals to the second interface article and wherein the second interface article is configured to identify the RC codes from the channel control signals, generate a processed signal containing the RC codes and transmit the processed signal to the cable/satellite set top box. 1. A communication interface system for facilitating the communication between a fitness device having a television system and a cable/satellite set top box , the communication interface system comprising:a first interface article, wherein the first interface article is in signal communication with the television system; anda second interface article, wherein the second interface article is in signal communication with the first interface article and the cable/satellite set top box;wherein the first interface article is configured to receive television control signals from the television system, identify channel control signals having Remote Control (RC) codes from the television control signals and transmit the channel control signals to the second interface article, andwherein the second interface article is configured to identify the RC codes from the channel control signals, generate a processed signal containing the RC codes and transmit the processed signal to the cable/satellite set top box.2. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014452A1
Автор: PARK Sung Heum

Disclosed herein are a digital broadcasting reception system and method for lean-back control. The broadcasting reception system includes an RCU configured to input a command for entering into second device control mode, a broadcasting receiver configured to enter second device control mode when a signal of a specific key is received from the RCU, connect with a second device, and send a predetermined command value of the signal received from the RCU to the second device so that the second device is controlled in accordance with a common RCU manipulation manner, a TV terminal configured to output videos and audio signals output by the broadcasting receiver, and the second device configured to operate in response to control of the broadcasting receiver according to the common RCU manipulation manner after being connected to the broadcasting receiver. 1. A broadcasting reception system for lean-back control , comprising:a Remote Control Unit (RCU) configured to input a command for entering into second device control mode;a STB (Set Top Box) configured to enter into the second device control mode when the command for entering into the second device control mode is received from the RCU, connect with a second device, and send a predetermined command value corresponding to a control signal received from the RCU to the second device so that the second device is controlled in accordance with a common RCU manipulation manner;a TV terminal configured to output videos and audio signals output by the STB; andthe second device configured to operate in response to control of the STB according to the common RCU manipulation manner after being connected to the STB.2. The broadcasting reception system according to claim 1 , wherein the control of the STB comprises outputting information about a channel being watched to the second device in response to a common RCU input under the second device control mode.3. The broadcasting reception system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for video streaming in a dynamic network using wireless communication devices

Номер: US20160014455A1
Принадлежит: MOBILITIE LLC

A short-range wireless network is established by direct communication between wireless devices and wireless access points. A wireless communication device provides initial registration information to a network and becomes a registered device. An API is downloaded to the wireless device to permit automatic authentication of the device for future communications. When a registered device enters a venue, at least one access point will automatically detect the wireless device and extract the necessary identification data to permit authentication of the device. Authenticated devices receive video data from video data sources remote from the venue, local to the venue, vide from other authenticated wireless communication devices.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014553A1

A portable terminal includes a receiving unit which receives content information, an external device communication unit which conducts communication with an external information device, a display unit which displays the content information received by the receiving unit, an acquiring unit which acquires identification information identifying the content information displayed by the display unit, an operation unit which receives an operation indication from a user, and a control unit which conducts control such that if a transmission indication of the identification information is received by the operation unit while the content information is being displayed, the identification information acquired by the acquiring unit is transmitted to the external information device and the display of the content information by the display unit is terminated. 14-. (canceled)5. A display apparatus displaying a video content acquired via a television broadcast or via the internet and receiving from a remote controller an operation input for television broadcast signal reception and an operation input for content acquisition via the internet , the display apparatus comprising:a communication device configured to conduct communication with an external mobile terminal having a display screen for a video content, the external mobile terminal being different from the remote controller,a display panel configured to display a video content; anda controller configured to control an operation mode of the display apparatus, control the operation mode of the display apparatus to start first operation mode in response to an operation input from the remote controller, wherein in the first operation mode the display panel is configured to display a first video content acquired via a television broadcast;', 'control the operation mode of the display apparatus to terminate the first operation mode and to start second operation mode in response to reception of first information from the external ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Set-Top Box with Enhanced Functionality and System and Method For Use of Same

Номер: US20210014555A1

A set-top box with enhanced functionality and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the set-top box system, first and second set-top boxes each include a housing securing a television input, a television output, a processor, a wireless transceiver, memory, and storage communicatively interconnected by a busing architecture. Each of the set-top boxes is connected to a display, such as a television. A syndication profile associated with the set-top boxes enables a proximate wireless-enabled interactive programmable device to control both displays via each of the set-top boxes. 1. A set-top box system comprising: a housing securing a television input, a television output, a processor, memory, and storage therein,', 'a busing architecture communicatively interconnecting the television input, the television output, the processor, the memory, and the storage,', 'a wireless transceiver associated with the housing and coupled to the busing architecture, the wireless transceiver operable to communicate with a proximate wireless-enabled interactive programmable device,', 'the television input configured to receive a source signal from an external source,', 'the television output configured to forward a fully tuned signal to a first display, and', establish a pairing between the proximate wireless-enabled interactive programmable device and the first set-top box,', 'receive and process virtual remote control functionality input instructions from the proximate wireless-enabled interactive programmable device,', 'evaluate the virtual remote control functionality input instructions to assign a meaning,', 'generate a command signal, and', 'send the command signal to the first display;, 'the memory accessible to the processor, the memory including processor-executable instructions that, when executed, cause the processor to], 'a first set-top box includinga syndication profile associated with the first set-top box and a second set-top box that ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014573A1
Автор: Liu Wei, ZHAN Zicong

Disclosed are a video synchronous playback method and device, and a computer-readable storage medium. The method includes: in a synchronous member mode, sending, by a video playback device, first video information corresponding to a video currently played back by the video playback device to another video playback device; after receiving second video information corresponding to a video played back by the another video playback device, determining a target video and a target progress according to the second video information, the video currently played back by the video playback device, and a current playback progress of the video playback device; and playing back according to the target video and the target progress. 1. A video synchronous playback method , comprising:in a synchronous member mode, sending, by a video playback device, first video information corresponding to a video currently played back by the video playback device to another video playback device;after receiving second video information corresponding to a video played back by the another video playback device, determining a target video and a target progress according to the second video information, the video currently played back by the video playback device, and a current playback progress of the video playback device; andplaying back according to the target video and the target progress.2. The video synchronous playback method according to claim 1 , wherein before the operation of in a synchronous member mode claim 1 , sending claim 1 , by a video playback device claim 1 , first video information corresponding to a video currently played back by the video playback device to another video playback device claim 1 , the video synchronous playback method further comprises:in an automatic mode, detecting, by the video playback device, whether the second video information is received within a first preset duration; andif the second video information is received within the first preset duration, in ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

User interface for multimode synchronous rendering of headphone audio and video

Номер: US20200014969A1
Принадлежит: DTS Inc

Media is selected for video playback through a first device and audio playback through one or more separate devices connected through a wireless network. Different techniques for synchronizing the audio and video can be selected based on one or more factors to improve media playback. One aspect features a method and associated user interfaces for selecting to listen to audio through headphones using a user interface on a mobile device. The audio played through the headphones is synchronized to the video being displayed using techniques and systems described herein.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Image processing method and apparatus for interactive augmented reality

Номер: US20180018141A1
Автор: Xiaoting WANG
Принадлежит: Tencent Technology Shenzhen Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to methods and systems for generating augmented reality. The method may include capturing a first image in a viewing range of a first augmented reality device in real time via a camera of the first augmented reality device, and synchronizing the first image to a second augmented reality device, the first augmented reality device being a device for providing an augmented reality image to a first user in the first display, and the second augmented reality device being a device for providing an augmented reality image to a second user in a second display. The method further includes receiving a second image from the second augmented reality device, the second image being an image returned in real time by the second augmented reality device after augmenting the first image by the second augmented reality device. The method further includes generating the augmented reality image to the first display at the first augmented reality device based on the first image and the second image, and displaying the augmented reality image in the first display at the first augmented reality device.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020122A1

A mobile device, a display apparatus and a method for sharing content thereof are provided. The method for sharing content of the mobile device includes connecting to a display apparatus for communication, receiving a request for content sharing from the display apparatus if the mobile device is verified by the display apparatus, retrieving at least one content, according to a preset condition, from among a plurality of contents stored at the mobile device, and transmitting the at least one retrieved contents to the display apparatus. 1. A method for sharing a content of a mobile device , the method comprising:connecting to a display apparatus for communication;receiving a request for content sharing from the display apparatus if the mobile device is verified by the display apparatus;retrieving at least one content, according to a preset condition, from among a plurality of content stored at the mobile device; andtransmitting the at least one retrieved content to the display apparatus.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the connecting to the display apparatus comprises:determining whether the mobile device enters a home where the display apparatus is located; andconnecting to the display apparatus for communication upon determining that the mobile device enters the home where the display apparatus is located.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the determining of whether the mobile device enters the home comprises determining whether the mobile device enters the home where the display apparatus is located using at least one of position information of the mobile device claim 2 , user context information claim 2 , movement information of the mobile device claim 2 , network connection information of the mobile device claim 2 , and Near Field Communication (NFC) tagging information.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the connecting to the display apparatus comprises:displaying a User Interface (UI) to control power supply of the display apparatus upon determining that the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Bandwidth Flexibility Through Multiple Frequency Channel Data Distribution

Номер: US20150020123A1

An enhanced multimedia over coax alliance (MoCA) implementation having a single Receive (Rx) physical (Phy) module that is arranged to receive data via one of at least two Rx radio frequency (RF) modules, which are arranged to be in communication with a coaxial cable, and at least two transmit (Tx) Phy modules respectively arranged to be in communication with two Tx RF modules, which are also arranged to be in communication with the coaxial cable. 1. A method comprising:constructing a reservation request frame comprising a series of request elements at a first multimedia over coax alliance (MoCA) implementation, wherein each of the series of request elements comprises details of a transmission opportunity being requested, and wherein the MoCA implementation comprises a single Receive (Rx) physical (Phy) module that is arranged to receive data via one of at least two Rx radio frequency (RF) modules, which are arranged to be in communication with a coaxial cable, wherein a first one of the Rx RF modules is configured to operate on a first channel (channel A), and a second one of the Rx RF modules is configured to operate on a second channel (channel B), the MoCA implementation further comprising at least two transmit (Tx) Phy modules respectively arranged to be in communication with two Tx RF modules, which are also arranged to be in communication with the coaxial cable; andtransmitting the reservation request, wherein bandwidth is reserved at least in part by a reservation request protocol information element (PIE).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein channel A and channel B occupy different frequency bands.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the transmission opportunity details comprise: a duration claim 2 , a destination node claim 2 , a priority claim 2 , and a packet type to be transmitted.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the duration is determined by factoring a number of bytes to be transmitted and one or more details of an Adaptive Constellation Multi-Tone ( ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018999A1

A video processing system has a storage device, an audio/video demultiplexing circuit, and a video decoder. The storage device has a bitstream buffer that is a ring buffer. The audio/video demultiplexing circuit receives an input data, and performs an audio/video demultiplexing operation upon the input data to write data of a video bitstream into the ring buffer. The video decoder fetches data of the video bitstream from the ring buffer, and performs a video decoding operation upon the fetched data of the video bitstream. 1. A video processing system comprising: 'a bitstream buffer, wherein the bitstream buffer is a ring buffer;', 'a storage device, comprisingan audio/video demultiplexing circuit, arranged to receive an input data, and perform an audio/video demultiplexing operation upon the input data to write data of a video bitstream into the ring buffer; anda video decoder, arranged to fetch data of the video bitstream from the ring buffer, and perform a video decoding operation upon the fetched data of the video bitstream.2. The video processing system of claim 1 , wherein the audio/video demultiplexing circuit is further arranged to update a write pointer to the video decoder claim 1 , where the write pointer is indicative of a current write address of writing data of the video bitstream into the ring buffer by the audio/video demultiplexing circuit; and the video decoder comprises:a read controller, arranged to compare the write pointer with a read pointer, and stop fetching data of the video bitstream from the ring buffer when the read pointer catches up the write pointer, where the read pointer is indicative of a current read address of fetching data of the video bitstream from the ring buffer by the video decoder.3. The video processing system of claim 2 , wherein the read controller does not resume fetching data of the video bitstream from the ring buffer until the audio/video demultiplexing circuit updates the write pointer to a new value.4. The video ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021414A1

A device is configured to receive media content from a mobile device. The device may receive security information from the mobile device. The security information may indicate a setting for presenting the media content on a display device. The device may store the media content and the security information. The device may receive an instruction to present the media content on the display device. The device may determine whether the media content is permitted to be presented on the display device based on the security information. The device may selectively cause the display device to present the media content based on whether the media content is permitted to be presented on the display device.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for retrieving information while commanding operation of an appliance

Номер: US20160021416A1
Принадлежит: Universal Electronics Inc

Media rendering system including a remote control device and associated docking station. The remote control device interfaces with a remote server to stream media content for local and/or external playback. The remote control device may interface with a docking station to playback rendered media on one or more entertainment appliances. The portable device preferably has standard remote control capability in order to enable advanced features and functions for media playback.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Displaying Heterogeneous Video

Номер: US20160021418A1

Heterogeneous video may be independently encoded in a processor-based system and transmitted for display on a display device. In the display device, the independent video streams may be de-packetized for display on the same display at different frame rates. Thus, each of the video sources may be displayed in a separate portion of the display at its native frame rate. For example, an electronic programming guide may be transmitted for display at one frame rate and displayed in a distinct region on the display screen while video corresponding to an ongoing television program may be displayed in another portion of the display screen at its native frame rate.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for transferring the rendering of multimedia content

Номер: US20170019443A1
Принадлежит: ORANGE SA

A transfer method and a method for controlling the transfer of digital content. The content is available on a content server, accessible via a service gateway, and can be processed by at least two devices of a user, namely a first device known as the mobile device and at least one second device known as the rendering device. The rendering device is connected to a transfer device. The content is selected on the mobile device and rendered on the rendering device. The transfer method includes: opening a point-to-point communication channel between the mobile device and the transfer device; receiving an identifier of a service gateway over the point-to-point communication channel; connecting the transfer device to a local network using the gateway identifier received; receiving an identifier of content to be rendered; accessing the identified content on the content server via the identified gateway.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019700A1

A mobile real-time video recording and transmission mirror/hairbrush/lipstick includes a mirror holder holding a webcam, a processing circuit assembly consisting of an image processing circuit and a wireless transmission circuit, a battery, a USB charging jack for the connection of a USB charging cable to charge the battery with an external power source, white LEDs for lighting enhancement, infrared LEDs for giving off infrared light when space appears dark or at night, and a control switch for switching on/off the webcam. 1. A mobile real-time video recording and transmission mirror , comprising:a mirror holder;a mirror mounted within said mirror holder;a webcam mounted in said mirror holder;a processing circuit assembly mounted in said mirror holder at a rear side relative to said mirror, said processing circuit assembly comprising an image processing circuit adapted for processing images picked up by said webcam into corresponding digital video signals and a wireless transmission circuit adapted for transmitting said digital video signals to an external smart phone or tablet computer for enabling the image signals to be displayed on a screen of the smart phone or tablet computer subject to the running of an APP in the smart phone or tablet computer;a battery mounted in said mirror holder and electrically connected to said processing circuit assembly for providing said processing circuit assembly with the necessary working electricity;a USB charging jack located at a bottom side of said mirror holder for the connection of a USB charging cable to charge said battery; anda control switch mounted in a peripheral wall of said mirror holder and operable to switch on/off said webcam.2. The mobile real-time video recording and transmission mirror as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said wireless transmission circuit is Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or ZigBee.3. The mobile real-time video recording and transmission mirror as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one white LED ...
