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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 15248. Отображено 200.
10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599615C2

Изобретение относится к мобильной связи. Мобильное приемопередающее устройство (10) содержит средство приема (12) радиосигналов от двух или более приемопередатчиков базовых станций, имеющее чувствительность приема, определяющую возможность декодировать данные из радиосигнала одного из двух или более приемопередатчиков базовых станций, принимая радиосигналы от другого из двух или более приемопередатчиков базовых станций. Мобильное приемопередающее устройство содержит средство предоставления (14) информации о чувствительности приема к соответствующему приемопередатчику (200) базовой станции. Приемопередающее устройство (20) базовой станции содержит средство приема (22) информации о чувствительности относительно чувствительности приемника и средство определения (24) информации о конфигурации относительно конфигурации измерения для мобильного приемопередатчика (100), включающей в себя информацию об измерении качества сигнала в мобильном приемопередатчике (100) относительно радиосигналов, принимаемых ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2467509C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в эффективности передачи обслуживания в системе беспроводной связи, использующей большое число базовых станций. Идентификация точки доступа, к которой должно передаваться обслуживание терминала доступа, включает в себя, согласно некоторым аспектам, идентификацию одной точки доступа из набора точек доступа, которые могли быть обнаружены терминалом доступа. Например, терминал доступа мог принять сигнал, имеющий идентифицированную характеристику (например, конкретное смещение фаз) от точки доступа. Каждая точка доступа из набора точек доступа, ассоциированных с идентифицированной характеристикой, может пытаться осуществлять декодирование сигнала из терминала доступа. Точка доступа из возможного набора для использования, чтобы осуществить операцию передачи обслуживания, может быть затем определена на основе сигнала, принятого от терминала доступа, если таковой имеется, каждой из возможных ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2456773C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к обновлению списков соседних узлов доступа в сети беспроводной связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении возможности мобильному устройству обнаруживать пропавшие взаимосвязи с соседними сотами, когда происходит сбой радиолинии. О сбое сообщается по существу в одно время с подключением к новой соте, которая применяет ту же технологию связи по радиолинии. Если подключение повторно установлено к соте, которая применяет отличающуюся технологию связи по радиолинии, информация о сбое радиолинии (и относящаяся к этому информация о пропавшем соседе) сохраняется и сообщается позже, когда устанавливается подключение к соте, которая применяет ту же технологию связи по радиолинии. 7 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2384978C2

Изобретение относится к системам связи. Предложены системы и способы для обработки компонентов беспроводного сигнала для услуги мобильного беспроводного широкополосного доступа. Они включают в себя процессы определения протокола, управляющего тем, следует ли запускать компонент отстройки для определения альтернативного беспроводного канала связи. Определяются один или более параметров отстройки для компонента отстройки. После этого процесс может автоматически выбирать альтернативный беспроводной канал связи частично на основании процедуры отстройки и по меньшей мере одного из параметров отстройки. Техническим результатом является облегчение беспроводной связи между беспроводными устройствами, между станциями, осуществляющими передачу и прием беспроводных сигналов, и/или их комбинациями. 6 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2483483C2
Принадлежит: НТТ ДоСоМо, Инк. (JP)

Изобретение относится к области радиосвязи. Техническим результатом является возможность предотвращения возникновения эффекта «пинг-понга». Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что обеспечивается осуществление операции хэндовера каждой базовой станцией радиосвязи с учетом параметра соседней базовой станции радиосвязи, используемого в соседней базовой станции радиосвязи. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525226C2
Принадлежит: НТТ ДОКОМО, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение отностится к мобильной связи. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении частых запросов системной информации (СИ)целевой соты ЗГА (закрытой группы абонентов) при осуществлении хэндовера. Способ, предлагаемый в настоящем изобретении, включает шаг передачи мобильной станцией UE, с которой осуществляется связь в соте #А с первой частотой f1, сообщения «признак близости» содержащего идентификатор PCI соты #1 ЗГА, в базовую радиостанцию eNB#A, управляющую сотой #А; шаг передачи мобильной станцией UE сообщения «отчет об измерении», содержащего PCI соты #1 ЗГА, в базовую радиостанцию eNB#A; и шаг передачи мобильной станцией UE сообщения «передача СИ», содержащего заранее определенную информацию, широковещательно передаваемую в соте #1 ЗГА, в ответ на сообщение «запрос передачи СИ», принятое из базовой радиостанции eNB#A. 3 н.п. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

12-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020115394A3

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747216C1
Автор: ЯН, Нин (CN)

Изобретения относится к средствам пейджинга. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении способности устройства доступа к сети назначить подходящую зону пейджинга, тем самым снижая оверхед сигнала. Осуществляют отправку оконечным устройством информации о перемещении оконечного устройства устройству доступа к сети. Получают оконечным устройством информации о целевой зоне пейджинга, где устройство доступа к сети инициирует пейджинг оконечного устройства, при этом целевая зона пейджинга определяется устройством доступа к сети, при этом перед отправкой оконечным устройством информации о перемещении оконечного устройства устройству доступа к сети. Отправляют оконечным устройством сообщения с запросом о возобновлении подключенного RRC состояния устройству доступа к сети, при этом сообщение с запросом о возобновлении подключенного RRC состояния применяется для указания текущего типа обновления информации о местоположении оконечного устройства. При этом информация о перемещении содержит информацию ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009134996A

... 1. Способ для межсистемных хэндоверов в системе беспроводной связи, содержащий этапы, на которых ! передают от исходного узла список соседей, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один параметр для соединения с конечным узлом, близким к исходному узлу, ! передают критерий для пользовательского оборудования (UE) для определения, когда осуществлять хэндовер на конечный узел, и ! осуществляют хэндовер UE на конечный узел. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этапы, на которых ! передают список соседей и критерий на UE в неактивном режиме, и ! удаляют пейджинг, запланированный для UE, после того, как конечный узел примет обновление местоположения. ! 3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором передают список соседей, где указано подмножество соседних узлов, в котором UE должен искать. ! 4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором осуществляют хэндовер UE из двойной цепи приема (Rx) с использованием одинарной цепи Rx. ! 5. Способ по п.1, в котором на этапе передачи ...

10-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008139298A

... 1. Способ обеспечения работы с высокой пропускной способностью, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! получают сигнальный кадр в первом интервале; и ! получают на втором интервале пробного кадра замера, содержащего элемент с возможностями высокой пропускной способности (HT), при этом второй интервал короче первого. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором элемент с HT-возможностями в пробном кадре замера включает в себя, по меньшей мере, одну из возможностей, свойств или параметров точки доступа (AP). ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором информация, связанная с высокой пропускной способностью, отображает формат агрегации кадров, позволяющий агрегацию множества элементов протокола управления доступом к среде (MAC) в один физический сервисный блок данных (PSDU). ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором элемент, связанный с высокой пропускной способностью, отображает формат агрегации кадров, позволяющий агрегацию множества элементов службы управления доступом к среде MAC (MSDUs) в один элемент протокола MAC (MPDU). ! 5. Способ ...

04-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656244C1

Изобретение относится к мобильной связи. Способ детектирования соседней соты при обработке повторного выбора соты содержит: прием первого сообщения для указания оборудованию пользователя переключаться из подключенного состояния в состояние ожидания, при этом первое сообщение содержит первую группу полос частот; обновление второй группы полос частот, сохраненной в оборудовании пользователя, в соответствии с первой группой полос частот; детектирование соседней соты в полосе частот в обновленной второй группе полос частот при выполнении повторного выбора соты. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности для UE детектировать соседнюю соту после быстрого перемещения UE и доступа к новой соте, расположенной на большом расстоянии, что улучшает частоту успешного детектирования UE соседней соты и обеспечивает стабильность соединения для передачи данных UE и системы. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 1 табл.

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011102440A

... 1. Способ фонового сканирования в устройстве беспроводной связи, принимающем сигналы от нескольких базовых станций, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! - буферизуют необработанные сигнальные данные от нескольких базовых станций; ! - перенаправляют необработанные сигнальные данные в приемный процессор полосы модулирующих частот для декодирования данных от первой из базовых станций, которая в настоящий момент обозначена как обслуживающая базовая станция с активным подключением к устройству беспроводной связи; ! - перенаправляют необработанные сигнальные данные в процессор фонового сканирования, отдельный от приемного процессора полосы модулирующих частот; ! - формируют характеристики канала, соответствующие нескольким базовым станциям, с помощью процессора фонового сканирования без прерывания обмена данными с первой базовой станцией, обозначенной как обслуживающая базовая станция; и ! - принимают решение по передаче обслуживания, чтобы переключаться с первой базовой станции, обозначенной как ...

20-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010151626A

... 1. Способ управления передачей от первой сети радиодоступа до второй сети радиодоступа, способ выполняется в первом сетевом элементе первой сети радиодоступа, включающий в себя: ! получение измерительных отчетов от оборудования пользователя (UE); принятие решения выполнить передачу (HO) на основании измерительных отчетов для UE от первой сети радиодоступа до второй сети радиодоступа; ! создание указания передачи, указывающей, поддерживает ли целевая сота только сеть с коммутацией каналов (CS) или и CS, и сеть с пакетной коммутацией (PS); и ! передачу, по меньшей мере, одного сообщения запроса передачи и сообщения запроса переадресации, включающих указание передачи к основному сетевому элементу. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором первая сеть радиодоступа - по меньшей мере, сеть с пакетной коммутацией (PS), а вторая сеть радиодоступа - по меньшей мере, сеть с коммутацией каналов. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором элемент первой сети первой сети радиодоступа - по меньшей мере, один eNodeB, NodeB и ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120064A

... 1. Способ согласованной многоточечной передачи информации в сети беспроводной связи, имеющей полное число сот, обслуживаемых соответствующими базовыми станциями, при этом способ содержит:прием из мобильного устройства внутри сети идентификатора кластера предпочтительных сот, выбранного из кластера подходящих сот, причем кластер подходящих сот представляет собой подмножество полного числа сот внутри сети;выбор, по крайней мере, одной базовой станции, расположенной внутри кластера предпочтительных сот, для установления связи с данным мобильным устройством; иустановление беспроводного соединения между выбранной, по крайней мере, одной базовой станцией и мобильным устройством.2. Способ по п.1, в котором мобильное устройство способно работать с использованием набора частотных полос и в котором кластер подходящих сот меняется в зависимости от рабочей полосы частот из набора частотных полос.3. Способ по п.1, в котором кластер подходящих сот меняется со временем.4. Способ по п.1, в котором кластер ...

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010136026A

... 1. Способ оценки точки доступа для установления начальной связи или ее повторного выбора, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! оценивают энергоэффективность, связанную с потерями в тракте и/или уровнем интерференции, ассоциированную с точкой доступа; ! сравнивают энергоэффективность с энергоэффективностью второй точки доступа; и ! устанавливают связь с точкой доступа на основе, по меньшей мере, частично, сравнения энергоэффективности, ассоциированной с точкой доступа, с энергоэффективностью второй точки доступа. !2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором принимают один или более параметров нагрузки, связанных с использованием ресурса и пропускной способностью точки доступа. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором установление связи с точкой доступа дополнительно основано на сравнении одного или более параметров нагрузки с одним или более параметрами нагрузки, связанными со второй точкой доступа. ! 4. Способ по п.2, в котором один или более параметров нагрузки включают в себя количество ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Drahtlose Kommunikationseinrichtung, drahtlose Relaiseinrichtung, drahtloses Kommunikationsverfahren, drahtloses Relaisverfahren, drahtloses Kommunikationsprogramm und drahtloses Relaisprogramm

Номер: DE112015007132T5

Eine Empfangseinheit (1031) empfängt von einer drahtlosen Relaiseinrichtung eine Übergabeantwort, anzeigend Möglichkeit von Verschlechterung in Kommunikationsqualität während drahtloser Kommunikation mit der drahtlosen Relaiseinrichtung. Eine Sucheinheit (1033) sucht, ob oder ob nicht eine andere drahtlose Relaiseinrichtung, an welche Übergabe durchgeführt werden kann, als die drahtlose Relaiseinrichtung vorhanden ist. Wenn die andere drahtlose Relaiseinrichtung, an welche Übergabe durchgeführt werden kann, als die drahtlose Relaiseinrichtung als ein Ergebnis der Suche durch die Sucheinheit (1033) vorhanden ist, sendet eine Sendeeinheit (1032) eine Übergabeanforderung an die durch die Sucheinheit (1033) gefundene drahtlose Relaiseinrichtung.

05-03-2009 дата публикации

Verbesserter assistierter Zellwechsel

Номер: DE602005012349D1

08-09-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zur verbesserten Auswahl eines Kommunikationsnetzes für eine Station

Номер: DE0010036141B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Verfahren zur verbesserten Auswahl eines Kommunikationsnetzes (GSM, UMTS) für eine Station (MS), - bei dem an der Station (MS) Signale (BCCH, FCCH) von mehreren Netzstationen (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) empfangen werden, wobei jede Netzstation (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) einem von mehreren Kommunikationsnetzen (GSM, UMTS) zugeordnet ist, - bei dem die Station (MS) mit Hilfe der empfangenen Signale (BCCH, FCCH) Netzinformationen der Kommunikationsnetze (GSM, UMTS) abhängig von einer Empfangsqualität der Signale bestimmt, - bei dem die Station (MS) mit Hilfe der Netzinformationen (RAT1, ..., RATx, Zelle1, ..., Zelle-y) eine für einen Datenaustausch verwendbare Netzstation (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) auswählt, - bei dem der Datenaustausch über eine Schnittstelle (V) der ausgewählten Netzstation (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) durchgeführt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, - dass bei der Bestimmung der Netzinformationen (RAT1, ..., RATx, Zelle1, ..., Zelle-y) für spätere Zugriffe, Zellwechsel oder Handover nur diejenigen Signale ...

26-08-2009 дата публикации

User communications device which maintains and provides idle state cell/tracking area history

Номер: GB2457653A

A user communications device 3 having active and idle states operates in a cellular communications network. The user communications device maintains history data 32 identifying the cells in which the user communications device has been present whilst in the idle state and provides this history data to a network communications device. This history data is used by the user communications device or by a network communications device to enable adjustment of cell selection/reselection parameters 33 for the user communications device in the active state and therefore to prevent idle state "pinging". The location data maybe cell data or maybe tracking area data (see fig 2), a tracking area being a group of cells. If the user device is in a high mobility state, i.e. on a train, then history data is not provided. The history list may be provided while the user device is in an active state or in an inactive state.

08-12-2004 дата публикации

A method of determining neighbour cell selection

Номер: GB0000424510D0

18-06-2014 дата публикации

Detecting neighbour cells to compile a neighbor cell list in an access point serving a small cell

Номер: GB0002508861A

An Access Point 105 serving a small cell 202 in a cellular communication system (100, figure 1) uses the User Equipment (UE) intra-frequency Primary Scrambling Code (PSC) detection mode to detect neighbours inter-frequency by switching its carrier frequency to a frequency on which it is desired to check for neighbours (for a period long enough and/or often enough for its UE to have a reasonable chance of detecting such a neighbour). Received measurements on such neighbour cells 202, 203 may be used to compile a neighbor cell list if no such list has been preconfigured in the Access Point or if network listen results have provided only a limited number of detected neighbour cells. The access point 105 is allocated a set of operating frequencies and selects an operating frequency in turn. Wireless communication unit 113 is instructed to send measurement reports of neighbour cells 202, 203 which are operating on the selected operating frequency. Neighbour cell measurements are repeated until ...

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Access point with interworking between WLAN and 3GPP standards

Номер: GB0002500172A

A system 32 for WLAN/3GPP interworking has a first air interface for establishing a connection with user equipment (UE) 70 in accordance with a 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) air interface standard and a second air interface for establishing a connection with the UE in accordance with a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard. The interworking system also comprises a 3GPP network interface for connecting with a core network. The system is able to establish a connection with the core network for carrying traffic to the 3GPP air interface and is also able to establish a connection with the core network for carrying traffic to the WLAN air interface. The connection for carrying traffic to the 3GPP air interface may comprise a Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context and the connection for carrying traffic to the WLAN air interface may comprise the same PDP context, or a separate context. The interworking system may be included in an access point.

23-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002472789A

A target communications device receives from a source communications device a notification that a user communications device is to be handed over from that source device and provides the source device with multiple component carrier information for use by the user device. The information may comprise an index for each carrier, which may be exchanged with neighbouring devices during setup or updating of an X2 interface, and includes information indicating to the user device which of the carriers is to be used for initial access. Indexes are used for signalling purposes while at least one of configuring, activating and deactivating carriers. The notification from the source device may be a handover request (4) and the indication of which carrier is to be used for initial access may be provided in a handover request acknowledge (6) which may include a transparent container which may be sent to the user device as a RRC message (7).

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Multiprotocol vehicle communications

Номер: GB0201615256D0

16-09-2009 дата публикации

Communications system

Номер: GB0000914024D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods of enhanced mobility management

Номер: AP0201508460D0

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009395A0

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009426A0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods of enhanced mobility management

Номер: AP2015008460A0

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609395A0

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609426A0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods of enhanced mobility management

Номер: AP0201508460A0

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387813T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433268T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527844T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000525878T
Автор: BI HAO, BI, HAO

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553549T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542383T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000550902T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328452T

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000199616T

24-02-2011 дата публикации

Handover management in group calls

Номер: AU2006305623B2

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Favoring access points in wireless communications

Номер: AU2008322588B2

Systems and methodologies are described that facilitate applying offsets and/or selectable hysteresis values to favor access points in cell reselection. In measuring and ranking surrounding access points in reselection, offsets can be applied to favorable access points to facilitate cell reselection thereto. The offset can positively affect measurements, and thus ranking as well, in some cases. Negative offsets can also be applied to lower measurements (and thus ranking) of some access points. Moreover, hysteresis values can be applied in measuring current cells to prevent frequent reselection. The hysteresis values can be selected based on a type of the current cell or related access point to expand the coverage area where desired. Thus, where the current access point is favorable, a larger hysteresis can be added to measurements related to the current access point.

22-12-2011 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for use in facilitating the communication of neighboring network information to a mobile terminal with use of a radius compatible protocol

Номер: AU2010256311A1

A disclosed example method for requesting neighboring network information from a device involves encoding a request for neighboring network information and sending the request to an authentication server to obtain the neighboring network information. The example method also involves receiving a response to the request, retrieving the neighboring network information contained in the response, and decoding the neighboring network information. The decoded neighboring network information is stored.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

On-demand system information

Номер: AU2016218353A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A wireless network may provide system information by either a fixed periodic broadcast or broad-beam transmission or in response to a request by a user equipment (UE). The wireless network may broadcast (or broad-beam transmit) a signal that indicates to the UEs within a cell or zone coverage area that system information is to be transmitted on a fixed periodic schedule or in response to a request sent by one or more UEs.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Mobile communication method and wireless base station

Номер: AU2009203438B2

A mobile communication method has a step (A) of calculating estimated peripheral wireless base station parameters which are estimated to be used by a peripheral wireless base station (eNB2), based on load information acquired by a wireless base station (eNB1) from the peripheral wireless base station (eNB2). The method also has a step (B) of informing the peripheral wireless base station (eNB2) of the estimated peripheral wireless base station parameters from the wireless base station (eNB1).

26-11-2009 дата публикации

Tune-away protocols for wireless systems

Номер: AU2009233673A1

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Radio link monitoring

Номер: AU2014355109A1

In embodiments, apparatuses, methods, and storage media may be described for monitoring channel quality of a radio link between a secondary evolved NodeB (SeNB) and a user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication network configured for dual connectivity. In embodiments, the UE may generate one or more indications of a channel quality of the SeNB-UE radio link and forward the indication to the SeNB. Based on the indication, the UE may receive a radio resource control (RRC) message from a master eNB (MeNB) related to the SeNB-UE radio link. Other embodiments may be claimed.

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Elastic scheduling

Номер: AU2021202267A1

A method for scheduling resources in a network where the scheduling activity is split across two nodes in the network is disclosed, comprising: receiving, from a local scheduler in a first radio access network, access network information at a global scheduler; accessing information regarding a second radio access network allocating, at the global scheduler, resources for secondary allocation by the local scheduler; applying a hash function to map the allocated resources for secondary allocation to a set of hash values; and sending, from the global scheduler, the set of hash values to the local scheduler.

01-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002589215A1

In one embodiment, a scheme is provided for effectuating generic access network (GAN) selection with respect to a user equipment (UE) device that is operable in wide area cellular network ((WACN) bands as well as in wireless access network bands (e.g., GAN bands and/or UMA bands). A network node (e.g., a GAN controller (GANC) or UMA network controller (UNC)) is equipped with logic for resolving service requirements as well as network information gathered by the UE device. Based thereon, an appropriatelist of UNCs/GANCs is provided to the UE device for selection, the UNCs/GANCs being operable with one or more wide area cellular networks identified for the UE device.

12-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002438929A1

A system and method for supporting mobile Internet communication is provided which employs a plurality of Routers and a plurality of Mobile Nodes (MNs). Each Router has a unique communication address. Each MN is associated with a home Retour. Each Router has an associated Mobile Node Location List identifying each MN for which the Router is the home Router and the communication address of a Router corresponding to a current location of each such MN. Each MN is movable from an old location where the MN communicates with the Internet via one Router to a current location where the MN communicates with the Internet via a different Router. Communication at the current location via the different Router is established by communicating to the MN's home Router the communication address of the different Router as the communication address corresponding to the MN's current location. Accordingly, a data communication from a corersponding node (CN) to a selected MN is communicated to the selected MN ...

23-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002541130C

... ²²²A method operates, in at least one network (20) control mode of operation ²(preferably NC2), for determining in a MS (100) if a cell (30) to which the MS ²(100) is currently assigned has a first type of broadcast control channel (the ²PBCCH) and, if the cell (30) does have the first type of broadcast control ²channel, for sending a PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT message to the network (20) ²for reporting on neighbour cells (30) identified in a list received from the ²PBCCH. If the cell (30) does not have the PBCCH, the method instead sends a ²PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT message to the network for reporting on neighbour ²cells (30) identified in a list received from a second type of broadcast ²control channel (BCCH). The type of list used by the MS (100) is one of ²implicitly specified by the PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT message, or is ²explicitly specified by the PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT message.² ...

09-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002763988A1

A disclosed example method for requesting neighboring network information from a device involves encoding a request for neighboring network information and sending the request to an authentication server to obtain the neighboring network information. The example method also involves receiving a response to the request, retrieving the neighboring network information contained in the response, and decoding the neighboring network information. The decoded neighboring network information is stored.

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002360392A1

... ▓▓▓A method, node and wireless communication terminal for providing handover and ▓roaming from a 3G communication system to a 2G communication system. A dual-▓mode wireless terminal operating in a 3G communication system may obtain ▓control channel information regarding a 2G communication system, and switch ▓service as a function of the control channel information received. The method ▓includes the step of providing control channel information for the 2G ▓communication system over a downlink control channel of the 3G communication ▓system to the wireless terminal. The node includes a means to communicate with ▓the wireless communication terminal and a means providing control channel ▓information of a second generation (2G) communication network over a downlink ▓control channel at the 3G communication network. The wireless communication ▓terminal includes a transceiver capable of communicating with a node of both a ▓third generation (3G) wireless communication network and a second generation ...

12-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002603148A1

A method for performing an inter-technology handover in a wireless communication system in which a mobile subscriber station (MSS) changes base stations (BS) begins by locating one or more target BSs that the MSS can handover to. The technology used by each target BS is identified, and the technology supported by the MSS is determined. A handover of the MSS is performed to a target BS with which the MSS can communicate.

16-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002478006C

Methods and apparatus for selecting a base station transceiver system for communication with a Third Generation (3G) (or better) mobile station are described. In one illustrative example, one or more base station transceiver systems are identified for communication with the mobile station through a scanning process. A first base station transceiver system is identified as providing a Third Generation (3G) communication service or better, whereas a second base station transceiver system is identified as failing to provide the 3G or better communication service (e.g. it may provide a Second Generation (2G) communication service). The first system is selected for communication over the second system based at least in part on identifying that the second system fails to provide the 3G or better communication service. For example, the first system may be chosen over the second system if the first system has a signal quality that is better than a minimum threshold, even if its signal quality is ...

16-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002626779C

A resource assignment method during a tune-away procedure comprises determining a first instance in time that a tune-away will initiate with respect to an access terminal, determining a second instance in time that corresponds to a latest frame boundary associated with the access terminal prior to the instance in time that the tune-away initiates, and determining resource assignment parameters associated with the access terminal and implementing the resource assignment parameters at the second instance in time. The method can further comprise ceasing communications to the access terminal over a forward link at the second instance in time and discontinuing monitoring reverse link control channels associated with the access terminal at the second instance in time.

03-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002630390A1

Methods and apparatus for use in configuring a wireless access point (AP) which serves as a handoff indication mechanism ("AP tripwire") in a wireless local area network (WLAN) for mobile device handoffs between the WLAN and a wireless wi de area network (WWAN) are described. During a configuration procedure or training mode of operation of the wireless AP, radio frequency (RF) signals transmitt ed from a plurality of communication devices are received at the wireless AP. The plurality of communication devices include a first group of communication devices positioned at locations of undesired RF coverage of the wireless AP, outside of an RF coverage boundary of a WLAN coverage region of one or more other wireless APs of the WLAN. The plurality of communication devices also include a second group of communication devices positioned at locations of desired RF coverage of the wireless AP, around the RF coverage boundary of the WLAN coverage region and within the WWAN coverage region. Wireless ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912566A1

A method performed by a first wireless device for handling a device-to-device, D2D, communication with a second wireless device during handover of the first wireless device from a source network node to a target network node in a wireless telecommunications network is provided. The first wireless device interrupts the D2D communication. Then, the first wireless device determines a first uplink timing difference as the difference between the uplink timing to the source network node and the uplink timing to the target network node. Further, the first wireless device reconfigures the D2D communication based on the first uplink timing difference. Then, the first wireless device restarts the D2D communication as reconfigured. A first wireless device (121) is also provided. Further, a target network node (110, 111, 112), a source network node (110, 111) and methods therein for handling a D2D communication are provided.

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002805895A1

A method, device and system for a cell handover in a telecommunication system supporting carrier aggregation are provided in the present invention. The method for the cell handover may include the following steps: a Base Station (BS) determines that whether carrier components corresponding to one or more cells to be accessed are in the same frequency band, wherein the one or more cells to be accessed belong to a target BS, and are selected by a terminal which needs to perform the cell handover and is served by the BS; if yes, the BS encapsulates configuration information of all the cells in the one or more cells to be accessed in a handover command for initiating cell handover; otherwise, the BS encapsulates configuration information of one or more cells in the one or more cells to be accessed in the handover command, and sends the handover command to the target BS. The present invention also provides a device for cell handover in a telecommunication system supporting carrier aggregation ...

18-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002795258C

Mobility states are defined in order to prevent excess signaling overhead and to conserve power on a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) in a wireless network. The WTRU may determine that is operating in a low mobility state based on triggers related to the frequency of movement of the WTRU between network cells. The WTRU may change cells less frequently in a low or no mobility state than in a normal mobility state. Upon determining that the WTRU is in the low or no mobility state, the WTRU may configure mobility procedures associated with the low or no mobility state in order to conserve power and other network resources. The WTRU may coordinate its mobility state with the network.

10-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002118559A1

... ( ) Mobile communication network The present invention concerns a mobile network (MCN) for setting up a communication path between a mobile terminal (MT) and a telecommunication network (FTN). This path may include a radio access link (ICMRN) between the mobile terminal and a relay station (RS) and a relay link (GCFN/GCRN) between this relay station and a fixed base station (FBS). The hand-over decision in the present mobile communication network is based on measurement data relating to the radio access links (DCMRN/ICMRN) as well as to the relay links (GCFN/GCRN) included in the possible paths corresponding to the mobile terminal. In this way, the relay links (GCFN/GCRN) may be of different types and/or have varying characteristics. Allowing such flexibility for these relay links is tantamount to providing a mobile network (MCN) which can be adapted to a great variety of environments of the mobile terminal (MT) and which can to a large extent be integrated with the telecommunication network ...

28-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002148940A1

A method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving signals in a base station with an antenna array in a cellular communication system. The available communication channels are divided into a plurality of classes. The base station transmits signals to the mobile station in a first class of channels in a wide antenna lobe. The position of a mobile station can then be determined from signals received at the base station from the mobile station. After the position of the mobile station has been determined, the base station can transmit signals to and receive signals from the mobile station is a second class channel with a narrow antenna lobe.

28-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002194542C

The invention relates to a mobile communication system that is a multiband network comprising a plurality of bands. The 900 MHz frequency range of the GSM system and the 1800 MHz frequency range of the DCS system is used as an example. In accordance with the invention, the network transmits to the mobile station information not only on the frequencies of another band to be monitored, but also on how many monitored adjacent band frequencies the mobile station should report. The number of adjacent band frequencies to be reported on, given in the information, is not constant, but the network changes it as needed. In this way the network obtains adequate information on the adjacent band frequencies to perform handover between the bands.

29-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201501147A1

24-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000002091B1

... 1. Способ установления обслуживания радиосвязью альтернативной системой связи при отказе связи с активной системой связи, причем способ содержит этапы запоминания перечня предпочтительных систем связи, попытки запроса одной из предпочтительных систем связи, попытки запроса системы связи, наиболее вероятной для обеспечения обслуживания, если одна из предпочтительных систем связи не доступна, и попытки запроса активной системы связи, если система связи, наиболее вероятная для обеспечения обслуживания, не доступна. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит этапы определения, является ли альтернативная система связи желательной, если запрашивают альтернативную систему связи, и повторной попытки захвата одной из предпочтительных систем связи, если альтернативная система связи не является желательной. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что этап попытки запроса одной из предпочтительных систем связи содержит попытку запроса предпочтительных систем связи в последовательном ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791557A1

25-04-2007 дата публикации

Method for connection handover

Номер: CN0001954635A

22-10-2014 дата публикации

Communication system, identifier assignment device, base station, identifier assignment method, and non-transitory computer readable medium embodying instructions for controlling a device

Номер: CN104115514A

The communication system includes a first base station that forms a first cell, a second base station that forms a second cell, and an identifier assignment device that assigns an identifier for identifying the second cell, wherein the first base station transmits first neighbor cell information containing identifier information of neighbor cells of the first cell to the second base station, and the second base station transmits the first neighbor cell information received from the first base station to the identifier assignment device.

08-06-2018 дата публикации

So that the can be improved in the mobile communication network switching method, computer program product and device

Номер: CN0104285470B

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Service bunch in the coordination service access node

Номер: CN0108029052A

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Base station selection method and system

Номер: CN0108632925A

14-12-2011 дата публикации

The selected candidate adjacent area method and system

Номер: CN0102281546A

17-02-2010 дата публикации

Neighbor relationship establishing method

Номер: CN0101651874A

The invention discloses a neighbor relationship establishing method, which comprises the following steps that: a base station receives the Phy-CID of a neighboring cell with the strongest pilot signalreported by each user terminal UE of the cell so as to determine the Phy-CID of the neighboring cell not establishing the neighbor relationship with the cell; any one of all UE reporting the Phy-CIDis selected and indicated to read cell information of the neighboring cell; information reported by the UE is received; and according to the cell information of the cell and the information reported by the UE, the neighbor relationship corresponding to each operator supported by the cell is established. The neighbor relationship establishing method establishes a corresponding relationship betweena cell identifier and the operator supported by a base station by introducing a public land mobile network identifier identifying the operator into the neighbor relationship, so the neighbor relationship ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Centralized mobile access point acquisition

Номер: CN103997767A

Providing for centralized access management to diverse types of mobile network access points is described herein. By way of example, network components can generate a system determination list (SDL) for a user terminal (UT) that is customized to access capabilities of the UT and/or current position of the UT. The SDL can be employed by the UT to determine which network access points to camp on, handoff to, or the like. The network components can include a network database that maintains UT subscriber and related home Femto cell information, or such information can be maintained at a network operator's home location register. In some aspects, the information can be obtained over the air from the UT or from a base station serving the UT.

08-05-2018 дата публикации

Mobile terminal, wireless switching threshold setting processing method and storage medium

Номер: CN0108012296A

13-02-2013 дата публикации

Network selection involving GANC redirection

Номер: CN101069441B

29-10-2019 дата публикации

In HetNet weak coverage scene enhanced UE performance

Номер: CN0106535247B

29-01-2019 дата публикации

The operation of the service in a network node

Номер: CN0104067650B

23-07-2003 дата публикации

Method and appts. for mobile assisted hard handoff using off line searching

Номер: CN0001115938C

11-06-2019 дата публикации

The signaling message synchronization

Номер: CN0105340339B

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Group handover method and apparatus in broadband wireless communication system that supports mobile relay station

Номер: US20120003962A1

Group handover method and apparatus in a broadband wireless communication system which supports a mobile relay station are provided. A method of a serving base station for group handover of the mobile relay station includes when receiving a measurement report message from a relay station, determining whether the relay station is a mobile relay station of a simple type which forwards a signal; collecting handover related information of the mobile relay station and mobile terminals belonging to the mobile relay station, from pre-stored information; requesting handover of the mobile relay station and the mobile terminals by transmitting the collected handover related information to a target base station; and receiving a message indicating whether the handover of the mobile relay station and the mobile terminals is approved, from the target base station.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Wireless communication apparatus, wireless communication base station, and wireless communication system

Номер: US20120046066A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Provided is a wireless communication apparatus that transfers information required for a terminal, which performs a carrier aggregation, to be handed over to another base station, while reducing the size of a measurement result report. When establishing wireless communication with the wireless communication base station by use of a plurality of cells of the wireless communication base station, a controller provided in a wireless communication apparatus determines whether to control the measurement result report preparation section so as to prepare the measurement result report by grouping measurement results of at least two cells of the plurality of cells or to control the measurement result report preparation section so as to prepare the measurement result report while including the measurement results of the plurality of respective cells.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Maintaining different virtual active sets for different cell types

Номер: US20120076018A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

To facilitate inbound mobility for an access terminal, different virtual active sets are employed for different types of access points or cells (e.g., HNBs versus macro cells). In addition, different lists of permitted cells are maintained for these different types of access points or cells. Also, a frequency quality estimate for inter-frequency event triggering may be based on measurement of a single cell present in a virtual active set (e.g., a dedicated HNB virtual active set).

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for supporting coverage expansion of compact cell in heterogeneous network system

Номер: US20120087247A1

An apparatus and method of operating a compact base station for supporting coverage area expansion of a compact cell in a heterogeneous network system are provided. The method includes determining whether an overload takes place in a coverage area where a compact base station and a plurality of terminals communicate using a first Frequency Assignment (FA) in a compact cell, determining whether resources are redistributable using a second FA in a coverage area expanded according to coverage area expansion of the compact cell, and when the resources are redistributable using the second FA in the coverage area expanded according to the coverage area expansion of the compact cell, changing the FA of at least one of the plurality of terminals communicating with the compact base station using the first FA in the compact cell, from the first FA to the second FA.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Cell edge coverage hole detection in celleular wireless networks

Номер: US20120094672A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A cell edge coverage hole detection method based on collecting (S 10 ) radio link failure, RLF, statistics provided by multiple UE reports at the handover stage. At a cell edge, the handover point varies for each UE due to the differences in parameter settings and measurement values, giving a statistical distribution of the exact handover point. In the method, RLF reports are grouped by connectivity pattern and a specific cell edge is identified for closer investigation (S 20 ). Hysteresis and/or offsets are varied for UEs at the cell edge and subsequent RLF reports are monitored for changes in tendencies of event sequences (S 30 ). If RLF persists for most of the UEs, the method infers from this (S 40, S 60 ) the existence of a coverage hole.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for facilitating handover to closed subscriber group cells

Номер: US20120094673A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

Methods, apparatuses, and systems are provided for facilitating handover to closed subscriber group cells. A method may include reading, when operating in idle mode, one or more information blocks broadcast by a closed subscriber group cell. The method may further include extracting one or more routing parameters and/or closed subscriber group identifier for the closed subscriber group cell from the one or more read information blocks. The method may additionally include storing a mapping of the one or more routing parameters and/or closed subscriber group identifier to a physical layer identifier and to a carrier frequency for the closed subscriber group cell. Corresponding apparatuses and systems are also provided.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for optimizing the handover behavior in a mobile radio network

Номер: US20120100857A1

A method for optimizing handover behavior in a mobile radio network includes: a) determining, during a first period of time, the handover behavior of at least one base station of the mobile radio network, with current configuration values of the handover parameters of the at least one base station; b) evaluating a current configuration of the at least one base station based on the determined handover behavior during the first period of time; c1) in the case that step b) does not indicate a need for optimization: repeating steps a) and b); or c2) in the case that step b) indicates a need for optimization: setting an optimization parameter A to a maximum value Amax; and d) modifying configuration values of at least one handover parameter.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods for integrating cell measurement procedures of a communication apparatus and communication apparatuses utilizing the same

Номер: US20120115486A1
Автор: Li-Chi Huang, Ming-Wan Hsu
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

A communication apparatus has at least one radio transceiver module, a first subscriber identity card and a second subscriber identity card, where the first subscriber identity card corresponds to a first public land mobile network (PLMN), and the second subscriber identity card corresponds to a second PLMN. The communication apparatus includes processor logic determining whether the first PLMN and the second PLMN are the same, and for suspending a measurement procedure and a cell reselection procedure of one of the first subscriber identity card and the second subscriber identity card to reduce battery power consumption. Processor logic further triggers an unsuspended measurement procedure to tune the radio transceiver module to a plurality of corresponding channel frequency/frequencies of the neighbor cells.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Adaptive Beamforming Configuration Methods And Apparatus For Wireless Access Points Serving As Handoff Indication Mechanisms In Wireless Local Area Networks

Номер: US20120120918A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A mobile communication device includes a processor and a communication subsystem coupled to the processor. The communication subsystem is configured to provide the mobile device with wireless communications via an access point of a wireless network. The mobile device communicates with the access point via the communication subsystem for adjusting boundaries of an RF coverage region of the access point. The mobile device subsequently communicates with the access point via the communication subsystem in the adjusted RF coverage region for handoff to another wireless network, while the access point serves as part of a handoff indication mechanism in the wireless network.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for supporting handover between macro base station and vehicular base station

Номер: US20120129532A1

Provided are a method and system for handing over a mobile terminal between a macro base station and a vehicular base station to secure a communication service of a movable mobile terminal in a wireless communication system supporting a vehicular base station such as a vehicular relay station. The mobile terminal may be handed over by selecting a network or a vehicular base station suitable to a mobility and type of communication.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Handover properties estimation system, methods thereof, and storage medium

Номер: US20120165024A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A handover properties estimation system includes a moving-route extraction unit which extracts moving routes which pass through a handover area or a neighboring area by using map information of the handover area and the neighboring area. The handover area is an area in which a handover process occurs between cells in a mobile communication system. The system further includes a moving-route handover properties calculation unit for calculating handover properties of the moving routes extracted by the moving-route extraction unit, by using radio-wave environment information of the moving routes.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for selecting a target cell for handover of user equipment in a long term evolution system

Номер: US20120170547A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Solutions Inc

A method and system for selecting a target cell for handover of user equipment in a Long Term Evolution (LTE) communication system are described. In accordance with the method, a serving cell: determines virtual channels supported by each of a plurality of neighboring cells; determines a set of virtual channels of interest to a UE; selects a subset of the neighboring cells, which supports at least one virtual channel in the set of virtual channels of interest to the UE; modifies handover behavior, and uses results of the modified handover behavior to select one of the neighboring cells, from the subset, as a target cell for handover of the UE.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Tune-away protocols for wireless systems

Номер: US20120172035A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Systems and methods are provided for processing wireless signal components for a mobile wireless access broadband service. This can include processes for defining a protocol that controls whether to invoke a tune away component to determine an alternative wireless communications path. This can include defining one or more tune away parameters for the tune away component. The process can then automatically select the alternative wireless communications path based in part on the tune away procedure and at least one of the tune away parameters.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Mobile communication method and radio base station

Номер: US20120188984A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A mobile communication method according to the present invention includes: a step in which a mobile station UE transmits “Measurement Report” including identification information “ECGI” on a cell subordinate to a radio base station eNB, to a radio base station HeNB; a step in which a radio base station HeNB transmits “(X2) HO Request” including the identification information “ECGI” of the cell subordinate to the radio base station eNB, to an IP address of a gateway device HeNB-GW; and a step in which the gateway device HeNB-GW transfers the “(X2) HO Request” to the IP address corresponding to the identification information “ECGI” on the cell subordinate to the radio base station eNB.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Mobile station, radio base station, mobile communication system, and mobile communication method

Номер: US20120190367A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A mobile station UE according to the present invention includes: a determination unit 14 configured to determine whether to notify a measurement result based on the radio quality in the serving cell and the neighboring cell measured by the measurement unit 13 , and the parameter acquired by the parameter acquisition unit 12 ; and a notification unit 15 configured to notify the radio base station eNB of the measurement result when the determination unit 14 determines that the measurement result is to be transmitted, in which only when a first predetermined period or more has elapsed after the mobile station UE starts to communicate with the serving cell, the determination unit 14 is configured to determine whether to notify the measurement result.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for performing a handoff in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20120190401A1
Автор: Takeshi Makabe
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A system for maintaining wireless communication with a plurality of base stations in a communication network is disclosed. A portable terminal having a communication unit is configured to measure signal strength of a transmission signal for neighboring base stations in a frequency band being used by the communication unit, and create a first handoff candidate list in which one or more handoff candidates in a same frequency band are recorded. A handoff using the first handoff candidate list is performed by the portable terminal. Thereafter, the portable terminal measures signal strength of one or more base stations included in a second handoff candidate list. The result of the signal strength measurements are reported to the currently communicating base station, and a handoff is performed based on a response to the report at the portable terminal.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Predictive roaming between subnets

Номер: US20120201201A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A network device of a subnet determines predictive roaming information for a wireless client. Predictive roaming information can identify the wireless client and a home network subnet of the wireless client. The network device provides predictive roaming information associated with a wireless client to neighboring subnets. Neighboring subnets store received predictive roaming information, and use the predictive roaming information if the wireless client roams to them.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Avoiding In-Device Coexistence Interference with Keeping Time Update for Handover

Номер: US20120214489A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method, system and device are provided for avoiding in-device coexistence interference between different radio technologies deployed in adjacent bands on the same device by providing coexistence mode handover procedures which establish an updateable “keeping time” parameter to prevent premature switch back or handover to an interfering network node after handoff.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for processing mobile station history information in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20120238261A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and apparatus for processing mobile station transaction information at a serving control node in a wireless communication system are disclosed. The serving control node may be a base station, such as an eNodeB in an LTE/SAE wireless communication system. The transaction information, which may include, for example, mobility-related transaction information and traffic-related transaction information for a given mobile station, may be passed between controlling control nodes as the corresponding mobile station is handed over, so that a controlling control node has access to information characterizing the past activities of the mobile station. This information may be used in some embodiments for selecting a target control node for handover or for allocating link resources.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

System, method, and computer-readable medium for mobile-to-mobile calls within femtocell network

Номер: US20120270525A1
Принадлежит: Christopher Martin Edward Osborn

A system, method, and computer readable medium for terminating calls in a network system is provided. The communication system features an IP-based femtocell system for provisioning communication services to a user equipment. The femtocell system is provisioned with a list of electronic serial numbers of user equipments that are authorized to access the femtocell system. When a call is received by the femtocell system, the femtocell system determines a directory number of a user equipment to which the call is directed. If the destination user equipment is authorized to access the femtocell system and is currently within the service area of the femtocell system, the call setup may be completed by the femtocell system without any call setup signaling being transmitted to a core telecommunication network.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Enhancing cellular networks via an adjustable handover boundary

Номер: US20120276900A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Solutions Inc

A method for handing off handset in a mobile communication network that defines at a base station ( 110 ) an adjusted handover boundary ( 106 ) different from a default handover boundary ( 104 ) between the base station ( 110 ) and a different base station ( 116 ). Handover adjustment parameters can be conveyed ( 120 ) within messages to user equipment (UE) ( 112 ) within range ( 124 ) of the base station. The handover adjustment parameters can provide specifics for handover permitting the user equipment (UE) ( 120 ) receiving the messages to perform handover operations ( 166 ) in accordance with the adjusted handover boundary ( 106 ) instead of the default handover boundary ( 104 ). The handover adjustment parameters can increment the cell individual offset (CIO) ( 212 ) when adjusting for “too late” ( 210 ) handover conditions. The handover adjustment parameters decrease the cell individual offset (CIO) ( 222 ) when adjusting for “too early” ( 220 ) handover conditions.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Scell radio link monitoring and radio link failure handling

Номер: US20120281548A1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

A method of radio link monitoring (RLM) and radio link failure (RLF) handling over a secondary serving cell (SCELL) is proposed. In a wireless network, a user equipment (UE) establishes a radio resource control (RRC) connection with a base station (eNB). The UE applies carrier aggregation for multiple component carriers (CCs) configured as multiple serving cells. The UE performs radio link monitoring over a primary serving cell (PCELL). The UE also performs radio link monitoring over a secondary serving cell (SCELL). The SCELL belongs to a CC group of one or more CCs, and used as a reference cell for the CC group. When SCELL performance is below pre-defined criteria, the UE and the eNB apply certain actions over the SCELL or all CCs in the CC group. The proposed SCELL RLM/RLF handling prevents spurious and uncontrollable uplink SCELL transmission and interference to other UEs.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

System and method for wireless network offloading

Номер: US20120297055A9
Автор: Gregory G. Raleigh

Wireless offloading provides tools to a service provider to encourage or direct a subscriber to offload from a first network, e.g., a cellular network, to a second network, e.g., a Wi-Fi network. The cellular service provider can use network data to determine wireless offloading priorities for cellular subscribers on an individual or group basis. The cellular service provider may use wireless network data it has and/or wireless network data it learns about networks from the wireless devices (which may obtain Wi-Fi network data from beacon frames of Wi-Fi networks or active scanning and which may report to the cellular service provider). Each wireless device can be given scanning assignments to ensure that the reporting task is shared among subscribers or adjusted to fill in gaps in data. With the network data, the cellular service provider is capable of generating useful prioritized network lists for wireless devices, either individually or as a group. Preferences can be encouraged in the form of incentive offers to subscribers to, e.g., offload from the cellular network to a Wi-Fi network. Incentive offers can include offers to lower service costs or provide additional or improved services.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for selected internet protocol (ip) traffic offload (sipto) and local ip access (lipa) mobility

Номер: US20130003699A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Patent Holdings Inc

Methods and apparatus are described for supporting wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) mobility between Home (evolved) Node Bs (H(e)NBs) that are configured to communicate with a Local Gateway (L-GW). The H(e)NBs and/or L-GW may belong to one or more Local H(e)NB Networks (LHNs). A WTRU may receive services including Selected Internet Protocol (IP) Traffic Offload (SIPTO) or Local IP Access (LIPA) services from the L-GW via one or more H(e)NBs. The WTRU may continue to receive SIPTO or LIPA services after a handover to another H(e)NB that may be in communication with the same L-GW and may belong to the same LHN. The WTRU may receive information related to the LHN or the L-GW to allow continuation of SIPTO or LIPA services as the WTRU moves among H(e)NBs and/or out of the LHN. The WTRU may receive and/or maintain one or more LHN Lists.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and user equipment for reporting handover scenario judgment parameter and base station for handover scenario judgment

Номер: US20130017834A1
Автор: FENG He, Lifeng Han
Принадлежит: ZTE Corp

The disclosure provides a method and user equipment for reporting a handover scenario judgment parameter and a base station for a handover scenario judgment; the method includes: an uplink message transmitted by the User Equipment (UE) includes an Evolved Cell Global Identifier (ECGI) so that a network side performs a handover scenario judgment based on the ECGI, wherein the uplink message is a message that includes Radio Link Failure (RLF)-related measurement information, or the uplink message is a message that includes an indication of RLF-related measurement information. Therefore, the disclosure enables an accurate handover scenario judgment, thus avoiding the problem in the related art that the error rate of a handover scenario judgment is high.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Management of storage of measurement data

Номер: US20130040659A1

A management of storage of measurement Data is provided. A method of managing storage of a set of measurement data comprises the steps of determining whether a value of at least one of said plurality of parameters has changed by more than a threshold amount from a value of the parameter in a previously stored set of measurement data and storing the set of measurement data, dependent upon the determination being affirmative.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Method of Heterogeneous Network Mobility

Номер: US20130040692A1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

Methods for enhanced heterogeneous network mobility are proposed. In a first novel aspect, the cell size of a target cell is considered when determining the TTT value. In one embodiment, pico-specific Time-to-Trigger (TTT) value is configured. When the target cell to be measured is a picocell, pico-specific TTT value is applied. In a second novel aspect, precise mobility state estimation (MSE) is achieved by considering the effect of cell size. In one embodiment, when counting cell changes, a cell change to/from a small cell would be counted to lesser extent than a cell change between large cells. UE uses effective parameters for measurement evaluation, by applying better speed state estimation with speed scaling and by applying parameter differentiation that can be dependent on cell size.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method, Device, and System for Information Processing

Номер: US20130065595A1
Автор: Lingling Gao, Weizhi Hu
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present invention disclose an information processing method. A first base station receives a handover request message from a second base station. The first base station determines whether the handover request message is an initial handover request message directly sent by a source base station in a handover process or a forwarded handover request message. If a judging result is that the handover request message is the forwarded handover request message, the first base station saves a user equipment, context in the handover request message so as to become a prepared base station of the UE.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Data Processing in a Wireless Network

Номер: US20130070679A1

A method and a device for data processing in a wireless network including several base stations are provided, wherein a mobility information is conveyed between at least two base stations. Furthermore, a communication system is suggested including at least one such device. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for data processing in a wireless network comprising several access nodes , wherein a mobility information is conveyed between at least two access nodes , and wherein the mobility information comprises at least one of the following:a mobility parameter;a mobility setting;a mobility configuration;re-selection priorities;handover parameters;re-selection parameters.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein at least two of the access nodes are of different radio access technologies or at least two of the access nodes are of the same radio access technology and utilize different frequencies.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the mobility information conveyed between at least two access nodes comprises a minimum radio quality level below which a mobile terminal experiences synchronization problems.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the mobility information is conveyed periodically.20. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the mobility information is conveyed based on an event comprising at least one of the following:an inter-frequency handover;a handover between different radio access technologies;a re-selection between different radio access technologies;a change of mobility information;a failed handover;a failed re-selection;a ping-pong event.21. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the mobility information conveyed comprises a request to change the mobility information of the access node addressed.22. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the access node receiving the mobility information adjusts its mobility information or a portion thereof.23. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the access node receiving the mobility ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130078993A1

A radio base station eNB#1 comprises: a storage unit 130 which stores a handover parameter for controlling handover, in association with location information indicating a location in a communication area of the radio base station eNB#1; and a controller 120 which detects handover failure and control the storage unit in such a way as to adjust the handover parameter associated with the location information indicating a failure-detected location being a location of a radio terminal of which the handover failure is detected. 1. A radio base station comprising:a storage unit configured to store a handover parameter for controlling handover of a radio terminal, in association with location information indicating a location in a communication area of the radio base station; anda controller configured to detect handover failure and control the storage unit in such away as to adjust the handover parameter associated with the location information indicating a failure-detected location being a location of a radio terminal of which the handover failure is detected.2. The radio base station according to claim 1 , wherein the controller acquires the handover parameter associated with the location information indicating a location of a radio terminal being connected to the radio base station claim 1 , from the storage unit claim 1 , and controls handover of the radio terminal being connected thereto claim 1 , by using the acquired handover parameter.3. The radio base station according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the storage unit in such a way as to adjust the handover parameter claim 1 , which is associated with the location information indicating the failure-detected location claim 1 , in accordance with a reason for the handover failure.4. The radio base station according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the reason for the failure is that the handover start is too late claim 3 , the controller adjusts the handover parameter associated with the location ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Maintaining neighbor cell list

Номер: US20130079003A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Access terminals are provisioned to conduct intra-frequency, inter-frequency, and inter-RAT measurements and report physical layer identifiers of detected cells. The provisioning may involve cycling through all or a portion of a defined superset of physical layer identifier one subset at a time. In addition, the physical layer identifiers may be prioritized to improve the search procedure. Measurement report messages (including physical layer identifiers of the detected cells) are received at an access point as a result of the provisioning. A neighbor cell list for the femtocell is maintained based on the received measurement report messages and, optionally, other information. This other information may related to, for example, one or more of: physical layer identifier information received from access terminals that register with the access point, physical layer identifier information received via network listen operations, information regarding co-located cells, or physical layer identifier information received from a network entity.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079005A1
Автор: Watanabe Yoshinori
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A first mobile terminal group has a first measurement information transmitting means which measures radio quality of a second cell, and transmits measurement information to a first base station, a second mobile terminal group has a second measurement information transmitting means which measures radio quality of a first cell, and transmits measurement information to a second base station, and a neighbor cell list optimizing system has: a measurement information collecting means which collects the measurement information of the first and second cells; a reliability evaluating means which performs processing of evaluating reliability of the measurement information of the second cell; a priority calculating means which, when the reliability is a predetermined threshold or less, calculates a priority for registering the second cell in the neighbor cell list of the first cell based on the measurement information of the first cell; and a neighbor cell list updating means which performs control of determining a neighbor cell to be registered based on the priority, and updating the neighbor cell list. 110-. (canceled)11. A wireless communication system comprising:a first mobile terminal group;a first base station which manages a first cell in which the first mobile terminal group exists;a second mobile terminal group which exists in a second cell which is neighboring to the first cell;a second base station which manages the second cell; anda neighbor cell list optimizing system which manages a neighbor cell list in which a specific neighbor cell which is a handover destination candidate of the first mobile terminal group is registered, wherein:the first mobile terminal group comprises a first measurement information transmitting unit which measures radio quality of the second cell, and transmits measurement information of the second cell to the first base station;the second mobile terminal group comprises a second measurement information transmitting unit which measures ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods And Apparatus For Interference Management

Номер: US20130084865A1

Systems and techniques for managing the use of almost blank subframes in wireless communication systems. Base stations in a wireless network monitor load information affecting network nodes. Load information may be in the form of load metric information. The load information may be exchanged between system elements, and an almost blank subframe proportioning may be updated by one or more of the base stations, and information relating to the updated proportioning. The updated almost blank subframe proportioning may be used in scheduling and load metric calculation, as well as almost blank subframe patterning. Updating of almost blank subframe information and load metric information may be performed iteratively.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084871A1

A radio base station eNB# comprises: a storage unit configured to store a handover parameter for controlling handover of radio terminals, in association with moving velocity information indicating a moving velocity of a given radio terminal; and a controller configured to detect handover failure and control the storage unit to adjust the handover parameter associated with the moving velocity information indicating a failure-detected moving velocity being a moving velocity of a radio terminal to which the handover failure is detected. 1. A radio base station comprising:a storage unit configured to store a handover parameter for controlling handover of radio terminals, in association with moving velocity information indicating a moving velocity of a given radio terminal; anda controller configured to detect handover failure and control the storage unit to adjust the handover parameter associated with the moving velocity information indicating a failure-detected moving velocity being a moving velocity of a radio terminal to which the handover failure is detected.2. The radio base station according to claim 1 , wherein the controlleracquires the handover parameter associated with the moving velocity information indicating a moving velocity of a radio terminal being connected to the radio base station, from the storage unit, andcontrols handover of the radio terminal being connected with the radio base station, by using the acquired handover parameter.3. The radio base station according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the storage unit to adjust the handover parameter associated with the moving velocity information indicating the failure-detected moving velocity claim 1 , based on a reason for the handover failure.4. The radio base station according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the reason for the failure is that the handover start is too late claim 3 , the controller adjusts the handover parameter associated with the moving velocity information ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084874A1

A radio base station eNB# comprises: a storage unit configured to store a handover parameter for controlling handover of a radio terminal, in association with time zone information indicating a time zone; and a controller configured to detect handover failure and control the storage unit to adjust the handover parameter associated with the time zone information indicating a failure-detected time zone being a time zone when the handover failure is detected. 1. A radio base station comprising:a storage unit configured to store a handover parameter for controlling handover of a radio terminal, in association with time zone information indicating a time zone; anda controller configured to detect handover failure and control the storage unit to adjust the handover parameter associated with the time zone information indicating a failure-detected time zone being a time zone when the handover failure is detected.2. The radio base station according to claim 1 , wherein the controlleracquires the handover parameter associated with the time zone information indicating a current time zone, from the storage unit, andcontrols handover of a radio terminal being connected to the radio base station, by using the acquired handover parameter.3. The radio base station according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the current time zone is a time zone in which handover failure occurs more frequently than a predetermined rate claim 2 , the controllerrevises the acquired handover parameter such that the handover parameter varies among radio terminals being connected to the radio base station, andcontrols handover of the radio terminals being connected to the radio base station, by using the revised handover parameter.4. The radio base station according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the storage unit to adjust the handover parameter associated with the time zone information indicating the failure-detected time zone claim 1 , based on a reason for the handover failure.5. The ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090116A1
Автор: Lim Jaewon

A method for performing handover or initial accessing by a terminal includes: receiving a message including one or more of information regarding a smart meter and information regarding neighbor base stations (BSs) connected to the smart meter, the smart meter having a function for managing power, determining at least one of the neighbor BSs connected to the smart meter as a BS to be accessed; transmitting an access request message for accessing the determined BS to the smart meter, and accessing the determined BS if a response message is received from the smart meter. 1. A method for performing handover or initial accessing , the method performed by a terminal and comprising:receiving, by the terminal, a message including one or more of information regarding a smart meter and information regarding neighbor base stations (BSs) connected to the smart meter, the smart meter having a function for managing power;determining, by the terminal, at least one of the neighbor BSs connected to the smart Meter as a BS to be accessed;transmitting, by the terminal, an access request message for accessing the determined BS to the smart meter; andaccessing, by the terminal, the determined BS if a response message is received from the smart meter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the message is received from the smart meter claim 1 , the currently accessed serving BS claim 1 , or a neighbor BS.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the message is a neighbor cell information message received from the currently accessed serving BS or a system information message received from a neighbor BS.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving of the message comprises:searching the smart meter; andtransmitting a request message with respect to the message to the searched smart meter.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the access request message is a handover request message claim 1 , and the handover request message comprises one or more of the ID of the terminal claim 1 , information regarding ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods of selecting target cells using neighbor cell information and related network controllers

Номер: US20130109380A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A method of operating a radio access network may include providing neighbor cell information identifying neighbor cells of a source cell and respective neighbor scrambling codes of the neighbor cells. A report may be received from a wireless terminal through the source cell with the report identifying a reported scrambling code of a reported cell and at least one detected scrambling code of at least one detected cell other than the reported cell. One of the neighbor cells may be selected as a target cell based on the reported scrambling code, the at least one detected scrambling code, and the neighbor cell information.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109389A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The present invention relates to a method for determining handover criterion in a cellular wireless communication system, said cellular wireless communication system employing handover procedures according to which mobile stations may be handed over from a cell to another cell; said method comprising the steps of: receiving at least one handover control criterion parameter, and determining at least one handover criterion based on said at least one handover control criterion parameter. Furthermore, the invention also relates to a method in a network control entity, a method in a network entity, a computer program, a computer program product, a network control entity device, a network entity device and a cellular communication system comprising such devices. 1. A method for determining handover criterion in a cellular wireless communication system , comprising:receiving at least one handover control criterion parameter, anddetermining at least one handover criterion based on said at least one handover control criterion parameter;wherein said at least one handover criterion is a handover trigger value;wherein said at least one handover control criterion parameter defines an allowed interval for said handover trigger value;wherein said at least one handover control criterion parameter comprises at least one threshold value used to define said allowed interval.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said cellular wireless communication system comprises:at least one network entity configured to process mobility parameters for handover procedures, andat least one network control entity configured to control said at least one network entity.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:providing, by said least one network control entity, said at least one handover control criterion parameter.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising:defining, by said least one network control entity, said at least one handover control criterion parameter.5. The ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Received signal strength indicator snapshot analysis

Номер: US20130115888A1
Автор: Mark Austin, Rick Tipton

The disclosed subject matter provides for received signal strength indicator (RSSI) snapshot analysis. RSSI snapshot analysis can be independent of determining location/map information. An RSSI snapshot can be analyzed in view of historic RSSI information to determine a probability that a local wireless resource correlated with the historical RSSI information is instantly available. Machine learning can be employed to train an inference component to facilitate in determining the probability. In an aspect, the state of a wireless radio can be controlled based on the probability and this can reduce the energy consumption of the user equipment by facilitating intelligent enablement of a wireless radio.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Network Nodes for Detecting Short Stay Handover

Номер: US20130115949A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

Embodiments herein relate to a method in a second network node ( 13,14 ) for detecting a short stay handover of a user equipment ( 11 ) in a second cell ( 16 ) in a telecommunication system ( 10 ). The user equipment ( 11 ) is handed over from a first cell ( 15 ) to the second cell ( 16 ) and from the second cell ( 16 ) to a third cell ( 17 ) in the telecommunication system ( 10 ). The second network node sends, to a first network node ( 12,18 ), an indication in a message that a short stay handover has occurred when determined that the user equipment ( 11 ) is handed over to the third cell ( 17 ) before a time threshold, thereby enabling the first network node ( 12,18 ) to detect the short stay handover.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Bandwidth information determination for flexible bandwidth carriers

Номер: US20130115991A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communication are provided for mobility management for wireless communications systems that utilize a flexible bandwidth carrier. Some embodiments include approaches for determining bandwidth information, such as one or more bandwidth scaling factors N and/or flexible bandwidths, at a user equipment (UE), where the bandwidth information may not be signaled to the UE. Embodiments for determining bandwidth information include: random ordered bandwidth scaling factor approaches, delay ordered bandwidth scaling factor approaches, storing bandwidth scaling factor value in UE Neighbor Record approaches, spectrum measurement approaches, spectrum calculation approaches, and/or a priori approaches. Flexible bandwidth carrier systems may utilize spectrum portions that may not be big enough to fit a normal waveform. Flexible bandwidth carrier systems may be generated through dilating, or scaling down, time, frame lengths, bandwidth, or the chip rate of the flexible bandwidth carrier systems with respect to a normal bandwidth carrier system.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Mobility management entity (mme) selection within a border region

Номер: US20130128862A1
Автор: Maria G. Lam, Mingxing Li

A system that includes an eNodeB device located in a border region between a first traffic area and a second traffic area, where the first traffic area includes a first pool of mobile management entities (MMEs), where the second traffic area includes a second, different pool of MMEs, and where the eNodeB is associated with the first pool of MMEs and the second pool of MMEs.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130695A1
Автор: Kang Hyon-Goo, Ryu Yeon-Su
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

An apparatus and method for efficiently manage a neighbor cell list in a mobile communication system. A method for operating a base station in a mobile communication system includes generating a neighbor cell list including at least one cell, including at least one cell among the at least one cell in a first list disallowing a handover, and disallowing a handover to the at least one cell included in the first list. 1. A method for operating a base station in a mobile communication system , the method comprising:generating, a neighbor cell list including one or more cells;including at least one cell among the one or more cells in a first list disallowing a handover; anddisallowing a handover to the at least one cell included in the first list.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein including the at least one cell in the first list comprises:in response to detecting a new neighbor cell while a second list allowing, a handover is in a size full state, moving a cell having a lowest rank in the second list to the first list.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the rank is determined according to at least one of a ratio of a handover success count to the cell to a handover attempt count to the cell claim 2 , and a ratio of a handover to the cell to all handovers from the cell to other cells.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein including the at least one cell in the first list comprises:in response to a handover performance of a cell included in a second list allowing a handover being less than a standard, moving the cell to the first list.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the handover performance is determined according to at least one of a ratio of a handover success count to the cell to a handover attempt count to the cell claim 4 , and a ratio of a handover to the cell to all handovers from the cell to other cells.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein including the at least one cell in the first list comprises:when a terminal attempts a handover from a first cell of the base ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Selectively providing system information in a heterogeneous network environment

Номер: US20130137436A1
Принадлежит: KT Corp

Described embodiments provide an apparatus and method for selectively providing system information in a heterogeneous network environment including a first network overlaid on a second network. The apparatus may include a location determination unit, a mapping table, and a signal processor. The location determination unit may be configured to determine a first network base station in the first network. The mapping table may be configured to store information on at least one second network cell in a second network, which is spatially in a comparatively close distance to each first network base station in the first network. The signal processor may be configured to determine at least one second network cell spatially close to the determined first network base station based on the mapping table and to transmit system information of the at least one second network cell to the user equipment.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142167A1

A method and apparatus for supporting handover of mobile communications is provided. A router performs routing services in a service area. The router maintains a location table configured to store current router addresses of mobile nodes that have the router as a home router. The router receives data intended for mobile nodes that are listed in the location table and are in the routers service area. The router receives a user datagram protocol (UDP) message from a mobile node when it leaves the service area. The UDP message includes an IP address of a new router in the mobile node's new service area. The router updates the location table with the new IP address and transmits data intended for the mobile node to the new router until the data is redirected at the source. 1. A wireless communication apparatus comprising:a first router configured to facilitate a hand-off of a wireless communication conducted in a first area of service between a corresponding node (CN) and a mobile node (MN), the hand-off being from the first router to a second router in a second area of service;the first router configured to receive data of the wireless communication sent from the CN to the MN before the hand-off;the first router configured to obtain an IP address of the second router for the hand-off in response to the MN moving to the second area of service by receiving a message sent from the MN that contains the IP address of the second router;the first router configured to update the location table with the received IP address of the second router for the MN; andthe first router configured to forward data of the wireless communication received from the CN to the second router after the MN stops receiving data of the wireless communication from the first router and before completion of the hand-off.2. A method implemented by a mobile node (MN) in a wireless network that supports mobile Internet communication , the method comprising:moving to various locations to communicate with the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Using identifier mapping to resolve access point identifier ambiguity

Номер: US20130148632A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Ambiguity (e.g., confusion) associated with access point identifiers may be resolved by querying candidate target access points and/or by using historical records indicative of one or more access points that the access point has previously accessed. For example, messages may be sent to access points that are assigned the same identifier to cause the access points to monitor for a signal from an access terminal that received the identifier from a target access point. The target access point may then be identified based on any responses that indicate that a signal was received from the access terminal In some aspects the access points subject to being queried may be selected using a tiered priority. In addition, it may be determined based on prior handoffs of a given access terminal that when that access terminal reports a given identifier, the access terminal usually ends up being handed-off to a particular access point. Accordingly, a mapping may be maintained for that access terminal that maps the identifier to that access point so that the mapping may be used to resolve any future confusion associated with the use of that identifier by that access terminal

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Wireless communication system, wireless communication method, mobile station and base station, and control method and computer readable medium therefor

Номер: US20130150034A1
Автор: Takayuki Kondo
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A wireless communication system according to the present invention is a wireless communication system including a mobile station and a base station that wirelessly communicates with the mobile station. The wireless communication system includes area determination means that determines, based on position information of the mobile station, which of a plurality of areas the mobile station is positioned, in which the plurality of areas are obtained by dividing a cell managed by the base station, and neighbour cell information notification means that notifies the mobile station of neighbour cell information associated with the area where the mobile station is positioned. This configuration enables cell search for the neighbour cell at the mobile station in a smaller area than a cell corresponding to the position of the mobile station.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150047A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

A handover processing method includes obtaining, by a relay station, information, where the information is used for determining whether a mobility management entity (MME) of a user equipment is in a mobility management entity pool (MME pool) to which a neighboring eNB belongs; and determining, by the relay station, that an X2 interface between a serving eNB of the relay station and the neighboring eNB cannot be used for handover if the MME of the user equipment is not in the MME pool to which the neighboring eNB belongs. The foregoing solutions enable the relay station to initiate a correct handover procedure. 1. A handover processing method , comprising:obtaining, by a relay station, information used for determining whether a mobility management entity (MME) of a user equipment is in a mobility management entity pool (MME pool) to which a neighboring eNodeB (eNB) belongs; anddetermining, by the relay station, that an X2 interface between a serving eNB of the relay station and the neighboring eNB cannot be used for handover if the MME of the user equipment is not in the MME pool to which the neighboring eNB belongs.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the information indicates whether the MME of the user equipment is in the MME pool to which the neighboring eNB belongs.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the information indicates the MME pool to which the neighboring eNB belongs; andthe method further comprises: determining, based on the information that indicates the MME pool to which the neighboring eNB belongs, whether the MME of the user equipment is in the MME pool to which the neighboring eNB belongs.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein obtaining of the information comprises one of the following:obtaining the information from an operation administration and maintenance OAM device; andobtaining the information from the serving eNB.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein:obtaining of the information from the serving eNB comprises ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Mobile communication system and base station identifier management method thereof

Номер: US20130150056A1
Автор: Byoungha Yi, Kiyoung Han

A mobile communication system and method for managing the base station identifiers is provided. The method includes transmitting macro base station information from a terminal to a first pico base station; transmitting a Neighbor Relation Table (NRT) including the macro base station information from the first pico base station to a Self Organizing Network (SON) server; determining, at the SON server, whether a second pico base station using same Physical Cell Identifier (PCI) as the first pico base station exists by comparing a previously stored NRT with the received NRT; and reallocating, at the SON server, upon determining that the second pico base station uses the same PCI as the first pico base station, new PCIs to the first and second pico base stations.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155889A1
Принадлежит: Bandwidth.com, Inc.

Systems and methods for intelligently enhancing communication sessions or avoiding dropped and interrupted communication sessions between or among communication devices. Characteristics of a communication link are monitored and are compared to intelligent communication session data to predictively determine whether a handoff may be needed or whether multi-streaming should be invoked or terminated. Intelligent communication session data may be monitored, recorded and/or stored by a handoff service, a bridging service and/or a multi-streaming service, as well as applications executed on communication devices or other network devices. Intelligent communication session data may be any data relating to a communication session, including detected signal strengths, available networks, protocol and buffer statistics and analysis, environmental and/or geographical factors, the performance of access points and other network components, past interactions between or among communication devices, and access points and other network components, context of conversations during voice calls. 1. A method for enhancing or avoiding a dropped or interrupted communication session , comprising:monitoring characteristics of a communication session between a first communication device and a second communication device;comparing said monitored characteristics of the communication session to intelligent communication session data stored in a data store to predictively determine whether multiple media streams should be concurrently transmitted by at least one of the first communication device and the second communication device to enhance the overall quality of the communication session;in response to determining that the multiple media streams should be concurrently transmitted, causing at least one of the first communication device and the second communication device to initiate multi-streaming; andstoring said monitored characteristics of the communication session in the data store as ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Measurement configuration and reporting method for multi-carrier system and device thereof

Номер: US20130163454A1
Автор: Haitao Li, Jing Liang
Принадлежит: Haitao Li, Jing Liang

The present invention discloses a measurement configuration and reporting method for multi-carrier system and device thereof, and the method comprises the following steps: eNB sends RRC signaling carrying multi-carrier measurement configuration information to the terminal; said terminal measures according to said multi-carrier measurement configuration information and carries multi-carrier measurement results in measurement report message. In the embodiments of the present invention, the terminal carries multi-carrier measurement results in measurement report message according to RRC signaling sent by eNB to quickly provide measurement results required during eNB handover, thus facilitating source eNB to perform multi-carrier handover for UE under CA.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Mobility in a wireless enterprise network

Номер: US20130171996A1
Принадлежит: Airvana Inc

A method for configuring a network is described, the method comprising: receiving, from a first radio node in the network, network information associated with one or more second radio nodes in the network; generating a network relation table, the network relation table comprising network information associated with the first radio node and the one or more second radio nodes; and performing a handoff to a third radio node in the network using the network relation table.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178213A1
Автор: LI Shuang
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The embodiments of the present invention disclose a handover method and correspondingly provide a dedicated network user equipment, an access network device, and a system. The method provided in an embodiment of the present invention includes: receiving, by a dedicated network user equipment, a measurement control message sent by an access network device, determining a measurement cycle according to measurement cycle related information, performing neighbor cell measurement within the measurement cycle to obtain a measurement report about quality of neighbor cell signals, sending the measurement report to the access network device, and after receiving a handover command sent by the access network device, performing, by the dedicated network user equipment, handover according to the handover command. With the technical solutions provided in the embodiments of the present invention, a measurement cycle can be adjusted and controlled, and a handover delay can meet the communication requirement in a dedicated network scenario. 1. A handover method , comprising:receiving, by a dedicated network user equipment, a measurement control message sent by an access network device, wherein the measurement control message carries measurement cycle related information, and the measurement cycle related information is used to instruct the dedicated network user equipment to determine a measurement cycle of neighbor cell measurement;determining, by the dedicated network user equipment, the measurement cycle according to the measurement cycle related information;performing, by the dedicated network user equipment, neighbor cell measurement within the measurement cycle to obtain a measurement report about quality of neighbor cell signals;sending, by the dedicated network user equipment, the measurement report to the access network device, wherein the measurement report is a basis for the access network device to make handover determination;receiving, by the dedicated network user ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178215A1

A wireless access system and, more particularly, a method and apparatus for more efficiently performing zone switch are disclosed. The method of performing zone switch by an advanced mobile station (AMS) in a mixed-mode advanced base station (ABS) which operates in a mixed mode of a broadband wireless access system includes receiving a ranging response (RNG-RSP) message including system information of an AMS support zone from a legacy zone (LZone) of the ABS, and performing ranging to the AMS support zone using the system information. 1. A method of performing zone switch operation carried out by an advanced mobile station (AMS) at an advanced base station (ABS) , which operates in a mixed mode , in a broadband wireless access system , the method comprising:receiving a ranging response (RNG-RSP) message including system information of an AMS support zone from a legacy zone (LZone) of the ABS; andperforming ranging to the AMS support zone using the system information.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising transmitting a ranging request (RNG-REQ) message including zone switch capability information indicating a zone switch mode which can be performed by the AMS to the legacy zone.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the ranging request message further includes a change count of a superframe header previously received by the AMS claim 2 , andthe system information is included in the ranging response message if the change count of the previously received superframe header and the change count of the superframe header broadcast in the AMS support zone differ from each other.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the system information included in the ranging response message includes only subpackets (S-SFH SP IE) corresponding to changed information if the change count of the previously received superframe header and the change count of the superframe header broadcast in the AMS support zone differ from each other.5. The method according to ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183973A1

A method for cell reselection by a wireless communication device is described. The method includes camping on a serving cell in idle mode. A neighbor cell is detected. A serving cell rank is computed for the serving cell. A neighbor cell rank is computed for the neighbor cell based on multimedia broadcast multicast service metrics. Cell reselection is determined based on the serving cell rank and the neighbor cell rank. 1. A wireless communication device , comprising:means for camping on a serving cell in idle mode;means for detecting a neighbor cell;means for computing a serving cell rank for the serving cell;means for computing a neighbor cell rank for the neighbor cell based on multimedia broadcast multicast service metrics; andmeans for determining cell reselection based on the serving cell rank and the neighbor cell rank.2. The wireless communication device of claim 1 , further comprising means for reselecting to the neighbor cell if the neighbor cell rank is greater than the serving cell rank.3. The wireless communication device of claim 1 , further comprising means for continuing to camp on the serving cell if the serving cell rank is greater than the neighbor cell rank.4. The wireless communication device of claim 1 , wherein the means for computing the neighbor cell rank comprises:means for receiving one or more evolved multicast broadcast multimedia service services via the serving cell;means for determining a number of temporary mobile group identities of the serving cell;means for determining a number of temporary mobile group identities of the neighbor cell; andmeans for computing the neighbor cell rank based on the number of temporary mobile group identities of the serving cell and the number of temporary mobile group identities of the neighbor cell, wherein the number of temporary mobile group identities of the serving cell and the number of temporary mobile group identities of the neighbor cell are multimedia broadcast multicast service metrics.5. ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for improving cell redirection search time

Номер: US20130183981A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Aspects of the present disclosure provides methods, corresponding apparatus and program products, for improving LTE to another network (e.g., Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, WCDMA) redirection search time. A user equipment (UE) may receive a redirection message indicating a frequency for a potential target cell and may attempt to acquire a target cell based on the frequency indicated in the redirection message. IF the UE's attempt to acquire a target cell based on the indicated frequency fails to find a suitable target cell, the UE may attempt to find a suitable target cell using a heuristic approach involving one or more frequencies different than the frequency indicated in the redirection message.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Radio measurement collection method and radio terminal

Номер: US20130189970A1
Автор: Noriyoshi Fukuta
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A radio measurement collection method in one embodiment is provided with: a step (S 142 ) wherein, in an idle state, radio-environment measurement is performed on a target LTE frequency band in accordance with measurement parameters set by an LTE base station (eNB); a step (S 143 ) wherein, in an idle state, radio-environment measurement is performed on a frequency band for a non-LTE radio access technology and/or an LTE frequency band other than the target frequency band; and a step (S 146 ) wherein, if the result of the measurement in step S 142 is less than a threshold, the result of the measurement in step S 142 and the result of the measurement in step S 143 are both logged together with location information.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Evaluating an Inter-Frequency Measurement Event Utilizing a Detected Cell

Номер: US20130189972A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

A method, apparatus and computer program product are provided to determine if a measurement event is satisfied by one or more detected cells and to correspondingly advise the network to facilitate consideration of whether a handover or cell reselection procedure is desired. The network may, in turn, determine whether the detected cell(s) that satisfied the measurement event are appropriate to be considered in conjunction with a handover or cell reselection procedure, such as by being in the same public land mobile network (PLMN) as opposed to being in a different PLMN and/or cells that are barred or reserved for operator use. Thus, the network may take advantage of opportunities for handover or cell reselection offered by a detected cell, while still insuring that handover or cell reselection procedures remain limited to cells that are appropriate.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189986A1

A method and system for managing neighbor cell information are disclosed in the present invention. A user equipment is reselected into a current Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) cell from a former resident cell belonging to other system, and finds out that the former resident cell is not in a neighbor cell list of the current UTRA cell and the user equipment itself supports a neighbor cell relation maintenance function, and/or after receiving an indication notified by a network side that the user equipment can report neighbor cell relation, the user equipment reports an air interface signaling message carrying cell information of the former resident cell to a Radio Network Controller (RNC); the RNC receives and decodes the air interface signaling message, acquires the cell information of the former resident cell, and updates inter-system neighbor cell information according to the cell information of the former resident cell. 1. A method for managing neighbor cell information , comprising:a user equipment being reselected from a former resident cell belonging to other system to a current Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) cell, and finding out that the former resident cell is not in a neighbor cell list of the current UTRA cell and the user equipment itself supports a neighbor cell relation maintenance function, and/or after receiving an indication notified by a network side that the user equipment can report a neighbor cell relation, the user equipment reporting an air interface signaling message carrying cell information of the former resident cell to a Radio Network Controller (RNC); andthe RNC receiving and decoding the air interface signaling message, acquiring the cell information of the former resident cell, and updating inter-system neighbor cell information according to the cell information of the former resident cell.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the step of the RNC updating inter-system neighbor cell information according to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Radio Access Parameter Tuning

Номер: US20130194915A1

There is provided a solution for performing radio access parameter tuning. The solution includes obtaining first predetermined characteristics related to users who experienced a radio link failure, obtaining second predetermined characteristics related to the users who are according to a predetermined rule prone to a radio link failure, and determining, based on the obtained second predetermined characteristics in addition to the obtained first predetermined characteristics, whether radio access parameter tuning is to be performed or not.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods and devices for adjusting resource management procedures in heterogeneous communication networks

Номер: US20130210434A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

Devices and methods for adjusting resource management procedures in heterogeneous communication networks are disclosed. In one aspect, a method for adjusting radio resource management procedures in a mobile device communicating with a node operating in a cell in a heterogeneous communication network includes transmitting a first message to the node, the first message including a request for cell information, receiving a second message transmitted from the node, the second message including the requested cell information, measuring signal reception information, processing the received cell information and measured signal reception information to determine an adjustment to a radio resource management procedure, and adjusting the radio resource management procedure based on the determined adjustment. The first and second messages may be radio resource control (RRC) messages, such as RRC connection request and response messages.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for managing neighboring cell information

Номер: US20130217392A1
Автор: Shi Lirong

The present disclosure discloses a method and a system for managing neighboring cell information. The method includes: a radio network controller sends a notification message to user equipment (UE), wherein the notification message includes an indication which notifies the UE to measure inter-frequency cells which are not in an inter-frequency neighboring cell list or inter-system cells which are not in an inter-system neighboring cell list; after receiving the notification message, the UE measures the inter-frequency cells, which are not in the inter-frequency neighboring cell list, indicated in the notification message, or measures the inter-system cells, which are not in the inter-system neighboring cell list, indicated in the notification message, and reports the measurement result. In the present disclosure, the UE reports a measurement result to the network side after measuring the cells which are not in the neighboring cell list, to improve the capability of the network side to obtain neighboring cell information. Based on the measurement result reported by the UE, the network side decides inter-frequency handover or inter-system handover, so that the UE performs handover in time and the call drop is prevented effectually. 1. A method for managing neighboring cell information , comprising:sending a notification message by a radio network controller to User Equipment (UE), and including an indication which notifies the UE to measure inter-frequency cells which are not in an inter-frequency neighboring cell list into the notification message by the radio network controller;after receiving the notification message, measuring, by the UE, the inter-frequency cells, which are not in the inter-frequency neighboring cell list, indicated in the notification message, and report a measurement result by the UE.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of including an indication which notifies the UE to measure inter-frequency cells which are not in an inter- ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for reducing data loss during a serving cell change in a multi-flow hsdpa communication network

Номер: US20130235844A1
Автор: Rohit Kapoor, Weiyan Ge
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method and apparatus for wireless communication may provide for reduced data loss during mobility events in a wireless communication network capable of downlink carrier aggregation. Some aspects of the disclosure provide for maintaining data corresponding to a flow in at least one buffer at a Node B when the Node B acts as a serving cell for the same UE both before and after a serving cell change. Another aspect of the disclosure provides for transferring buffered data from a Node B that acts as a serving cell for a UE before a serving cell change, to a Node B that acts as a serving cell for the UE after the serving cell change.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Establishing and Maintenance of a Neighbour Relationship Between Access Nodes in a Wireless Communications Network

Номер: US20130237221A1

A method of establishing a relationship between access nodes in a wireless communications network is provided. An access node is registered with the network. Information about each access node registered with the network is then stored at a control node. A list is then compiled at the control node, which includes each access node registered with the network and the list indicates which access node is a neighbour of another access node. This neighbour list is sent from the control node to each access node in the network. When an access node detects other access nodes, this is reported to the control node, which updates the neighbour list to the access nodes. 1. A method of establishing a relationship between access nodes in a wireless communications network , the method comprising:registering an access node with the network;storing at a control nodeinformation about each said access node registered with the network;compiling a list at the control node including each said access node, wherein the list indicates which said access node is a neighbour of another said access node; andsending the neighbour list from the control node to each said access node in the network.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising detecting at the access node other access nodes in the network.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising reporting information about the access node and the detected other access nodes to the control node.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising receiving at the access node the list from the control node claim 3 , wherein the list indicates which of the detected other access nodes are neighbouring access nodes to said access node.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising updating the neighbour list to the access nodes.6. A method of establishing a relationship between access nodes in a wireless communications network claim 1 , the method comprising:detecting at an access node other access nodes in the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242945A1

A method and apparatus for improving handover in an IEEE 802.21 compliant communication network. A query is transmitted from a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) to a media independent handover (MIH) server (MIHS). The WTRU includes a target point of attachment (PoA) and/or a preferred mobile inter protocol (MIP) method. The WTRU receives a response from the MIHS indicating the MIP method supported by the target PoA. Based on the received response, the WTRU may make an informed decision regarding handover. 1. An integrated circuit (IC) , comprising:circuitry configured to generate a query message that includes an identifier of a preferred Internet Protocol (IP)-based mobility protocol of the WTRU;circuitry configured to output the query message for transmission to a server via wireless network; andcircuitry configured to receive a response message from the server via the wireless network, wherein the response message is responsive to the query message, and wherein the response message includes an identifier of a target point of attachment and an identifier of an IP-based mobility protocol supported by the target point of attachment.2. The IC of claim 1 , wherein:the circuitry configured to generate the query message is further configured to determine to perform a handoff to the target point of attachment based on the IP-based mobility protocol supported by the target point of attachment;wherein the circuitry configured to output the query message is further configured to perform the handoff to the target point of attachment.3. The IC of claim 1 , wherein the query message further includes the identifier of the target point of attachment.4. The IC of claim 1 , wherein the preferred IP-based mobility protocol is a Client Mobile IP (CMIP) protocol or a Proxy Mobile IP (PMIP) protocol.5. The IC of claim 1 , wherein the server is a Media Independent Handover (MIH) server claim 1 , and wherein the query message and the response message are MIH messages.6. An integrated ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Partner Network Sharing Architecture

Номер: US20130267229A1
Автор: Nandu Gopalakrishnan
Принадлежит: FutureWei Technologies Inc

A system and method for a partner network sharing architecture is provided. In an embodiment a piece of user equipment that is part of a partner network is handed off or otherwise attached to a wholesale network. The identification of the partner network that the piece of user equipment originated from is determined by an ordering of a list of PLMN IDs that is transmitted to the wholesale network.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Network device, base station, and mobile station control method

Номер: US20130267235A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

To achieve a transition of a mobile station to any one of neighboring cells while suppressing the increase of processing load related to a neighboring cell information table even when a number of base stations are present in the neighborhood of the mobile station. A RNC 210 includes a NRT storage unit 211 configured to store information on the neighboring cells of a mobile station 301 in a NRT based on the transition of the mobile station 301 from a LTE system 10 to a 3G system 20, and a mobile station control unit 213 configured to return the mobile station 301 from the 3G system 20 to the LTE system 10 based on the information on the neighboring cells stored in the NRT. The NRT storage unit 211 stores a timing to erase the information on the neighboring cells of the mobile station 301 from the NRT.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Wireless local area network handover method based on fuzzy rules

Номер: US20130272264A1
Принадлежит: Beijing Jiaotong University

The present invention provides a wireless local area network handover method based on fuzzy rules, the method comprises: the mobile station S 1 : receives the beacon frames sent in predefined time interval from the current associated access point and the adjacent access point during a preset time period, obtains and stores signal strength of two access points through beacon frames; S 2 : performs fuzzy processing to the value of signal strength of the current access point and the adjacent access point and the change rate of signal strength respectively, then obtains fuzzy data characterizing levels of signal strength and the change rate of signal strength; S 3 : performs fuzzy reasoning taking the fuzzy data as the input according to a preset fuzzy rules, obtains a reasoning output variables which contain handover modes of the mobile station, and determine the target access point according to the reasoning outputs; S 4 : the mobile station authenticates with the target access point; S 5 : the mobile station sends the re-association request frame to the target access point after passing through the authentication; the handover is completed when the establishment of the re-association is finished after the mobile station receives the re-association response frame. According to the method of the present invention, the mobile station can automatically adjust the handover mechanism according to signal strength of the current access point and the adjacent point and change rate of signal strength and the better handover performance can therefore be achieved.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Cell handover method, equipment, and system

Номер: US20130288688A1
Автор: Jiagang Ji, Liqun Xiong
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present invention provide a cell handover method, equipment, and system. The method includes: receiving, by a network equipment, a cell handover request sent by a source base station, where the handover request includes information of the source base station and information of a terminal requiring handover; querying, by the network equipment, a triplet including correspondence between the information of the source base station, the information of the terminal, and information of a target Femto-cell base station, to obtain the information of the target Femto-cell base station corresponding to the information of the terminal requiring the handover; and instructing, by the network equipment, the target Femto-cell base station to prepare resources for handover, and sending a handover command to the terminal requiring the handover, so that the terminal is handed over to the corresponding target Femto-cell base station.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Access control for macrocell to femtocell handover

Номер: US20130288689A1

Access to a femtocell can be controlled as part of handover of a mobile device from macrocell to femtocell. Macro network platform issues a handover (HO) request towards femto network platform and a single virtual femto node, which represents a plurality of femto access points (APs). Location estimate(s) for the mobile device drives selection of a target femto AP. Selection of the target AP results in acceptance of the HO request. The mobile device also can request macro-to-femto (MTF) handover. HO neighbor list(s) is generated by decoding a network-issued identifier for each femto APs in a set of femtocells, and selectively ranking each femto AP based at least on channel quality; access privileges of the mobile device to each of the identified femto APs determines selectivity. Validation of mobile device's access right(s) drives acceptance of the MTF HO request to a top ranked femto AP.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and Arrangement for Automated Handling of Neighbour Cell Relations

Номер: US20130295938A1
Автор: Yamine Badawi

The present invention relates to a method in a network node for handling neighbor cell relations in a cellular communications network, the network node serving user equipments in a first cell, wherein the network node, upon reception of an indication from a user equipment that a second cell is a potential handover candidate cell for said user equipment based on radio condition criteria, is configured to add said second cell to a neighbor cell relation list. The method comprises applying at least one additional criterion for determining if said second cell should be added to the neighbor cell relation list; and if said at least one additional criteria is not met, then rejecting the addition of said second cell to the neighbor cell relation list even if radio condition criteria for addition of the second cell to the neighbor cell relation list are fulfilled. 115-. (canceled)16. A method , in a network node , for handling neighbor cell relations in a cellular communications network , the network node serving a user equipment in a first cell associated with a first cell site; wherein the network node is configured , upon reception of an indication from the user equipment that a second cell , associated with a second cell site , is a potential handover candidate cell for the user equipment based on radio condition criteria , to add the second cell to a neighbor cell relation list , the method comprising:applying at least one additional criterion to determine if the second cell should be added to the neighbor cell relation list;rejecting, in response to the at least one additional criteria not being satisfied, the addition of the second cell to the neighbor cell relation list even if the radio condition criteria for addition of the second cell to the neighbor cell relation list are met.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the at least one additional criterion is related to the geographical location of the second cell site.18. The method of :wherein the applying at least ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Maintaining mbms continuity

Номер: US20130301509A1
Автор: Rene Purnadi, Zhijun Cai
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems, apparatuses, and computer implemented methods may be directed to identifying that a UE is near a cell edge of the source base station, the UE receiving or requesting a multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS). A target base station can be identified based, at least in part, on the MBMS received at or requested by the UE. The target base station can be provided to the UE, for example, by providing an indication to the UE of a target base station from which to receive services. The target base station may be acquired through a handover procedure (RRC connected), or through a cell selection procedure (RRC idle). The target base station can be identified based on a multimedia broadcast single frequency network area identifier (MBSFN AreaID) for a synchronized MBMS continuity across network cells or by a temporary multicast group identity (TMGI) for asynchronous MBMS continuity across network cells.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Wireless communication system with adjacent base stations transmitting a common group cell identifier

Номер: US20130303081A1
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A common group cell identifier is transmitted by adjacent base stations. Handover processing is minimized for mobile relays traveling along a predetermined path that traverses the adjacent base stations. A first base station along the path transmits a group cell identifier and a first single cell identifier within a first service area. An adjacent base station transmits the group cell identifier and a second single cell identifier within a second service area that at least partially overlaps the first service area. The mobile relay monitors the group cell identifier in certain situations and only performs a handover when the group cell identifier changes. As a result, no handovers are initiated as the mobile relay travels down the path since the group cell identifier transmitted by the base stations along the path are the same.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303168A1

Aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication and to mechanisms designed to help improve dynamic sharing of one or more receive chains among different radio access technologies (RATs). For example, the mechanisms may be used with LTE and other RATs where Carrier Aggregation is used for simultaneous voice and LTE (SV-LTE) applications. 1. A method for wireless communications by a user equipment (UE) , comprising:communicating, via at least first and second receive chains, with a first radio access technology (RAT) using carrier aggregation (CA);tuning away, with the second receive chain, to communicate with a second RAT during a tune-away interval; andmanipulating reporting of measurement triggering events used for making decisions regarding CA cells for the first RAT based, at least in part, on a duration of the tune-away interval.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein communicating with the first RAT using CA comprises:communicating via a primary component carrier (PCC) via the first receive chain; andcommunicating via a secondary component carrier (SCC) via the second receive chain.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the manipulating comprises:manipulating measurements in a first manner for relatively short tune-away intervals less than or equal to a first duration; andmanipulating measurements in a second manner for relatively long tune-away intervals greater than the first duration.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein manipulating measurements in the first manner for relatively short tune-away intervals comprises:sending a CQI report with a low value regardless of actual corresponding measurements.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:sending one or more reports based on actual corresponding measurements, after the tune-away interval.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the manipulating comprises:refraining from sending one or more measuring reports even if conditions for triggering such measurement reports are met.7. The method of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310037A1

A method, an apparatus, and a computer program product for wireless communication are provided. The apparatus communicates with a primary serving cell via a first radio, detects a presence of a target cell, sends a first message to the primary serving cell indicating the detected presence of the target cell, receives a command from the primary serving cell to add the target cell as a secondary serving cell, and communicates with at least one of the primary serving cell or the target cell via a second radio to facilitate a handover to the target cell. The first radio and the second radio operate on a same frequency. A downlink control channel of the primary serving cell is not used to schedule a target cell downlink transmission. An uplink control channel to the primary serving cell is not used to provide an acknowledgment of the target cell downlink transmission. The uplink control channel to the primary serving cell is not used to provide channel side information for the target cell downlink transmission. 1. A method of wireless communication , comprising:communicating with a primary serving cell via a first radio;detecting a presence of a target cell;sending a first message to the primary serving cell indicating the detected presence of the target cell;receiving a command from the primary serving cell to add the target cell as a secondary serving cell; andcommunicating with at least one of the primary serving cell or the target cell via a second radio to facilitate a handover to the target cell, wherein:the first radio and the second radio operate on a same frequency,a downlink control channel of the primary serving cell is not used to schedule a target cell downlink transmission,an uplink control channel to the primary serving cell is not used to provide an acknowledgment of the target cell downlink transmission, andthe uplink control channel to the primary serving cell is not used to provide channel side information for the target cell downlink transmission.2. ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310044A1

A method of managing neighbour relations between cells in a cellular communication system comprising the steps of: receiving requests () for admission of a neighbour relation by an admission policy block () having a leaky bucket maintained in respect of that neighbour relation; adding tokens in respect of each request to the leaky bucket; removing tokens from the leaky bucket as time passes; and admitting the neighbour relation () if the number of tokens passes a threshold. 2. A method according to which is applied in an admission policy block.3. A method according to in which receipt of a measurement report identifying a cell for which a neighbour relation has not been established leads to adding predefined numbers of tokens in respect of that cell.4. A method according to in which the number of tokens added following handling of a measurement report may reflect a weight given to the source of the measurement report.5. A method according to in which tokens are added to and removed from a leaky bucket maintained separately for each neighbour relation candidate.6. A method according to in which claim 1 , in order to decide to admit the neighbour relation claim 1 , there is an additional assessment.7. A method according to in which in the additional assessment claim 6 , criteria are evaluated relating to the neighbour relation being between a macro and a micro/pico cell.8. (canceled)9. A method according to in which the method comprises classifying handovers associated with a neighbour relation between cells into classifications of a first type and classifications of a second type.10. A method according to comprising:classifying handovers associated with a neighbour relation between cells into classifications of a first type and classifications of a second type;adding tokens in respect of the classifications of the first type to create a first sum of tokens, removing tokens from the first sum of tokens as time passes, and monitoring the sum of tokens with respect to a ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for configuring donor base station or donor cell for mobile relay node

Номер: US20130329629A1

Disclosed are a method and device for configuring a Donor base station or a Donor cell for a mobile relay node. The method includes: an operation administration and maintenance (OAM) system obtains position information about a mobile relay node (RN) and determines a standby Donor base station or a standby Donor cell which can be accessed by the mobile RN according to the position information thereof; and the OAM system indicates the standby Donor base station or the standby Donor cell to a serving Donor base station of the mobile RN or indicates the standby Donor base station or the standby Donor cell to the serving Donor base station of the mobile RN through the mobile RN, so that the serving Donor base station of the mobile RN selects a target Donor base station or a target Donor cell for the mobile RN. By way of the present invention, the DeNB or the Donor Cell can be configured for the mobile RN when the mobile RN is moving.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Neighbour cell relation

Номер: US20130337778A1

The present invention relates to methods and apparatus for improved neighbour cell relation, in particular in multi mobile network operator environments. A network entity ( 104 ) may receive roaming relation information from a network operator system ( 107 ). The network entity ( 104 ) may also receive an identification report from user equipment ( 106 ) wherein the identification report may include one or more parameters relating to one or more neighbouring cells ( 103 ). The network entity ( 104 ) may categorise the one or more neighbouring cells ( 103 ) based on the one or more parameters and the roaming relation information. The network entity ( 104 ) may further generate a neighbour cell list based on the categorised one or more neighbouring cells.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Relay Node Configuration in Preparation for Handover

Номер: US20130337811A1

A method of initiating configuration of at least one station includes receiving capability information of at least one second base station when the at least one station is within a cell area of a first base station. The method also includes determining some configuration information of the at least one station based on the received capability information. Configuring the at least one station according to the configuration information before the at least one station is handed over from the first base station to the at least one second base station is then initiated. 1. A method of initiating configuration of at least one station comprising;receiving capability information of at least one second base station when the at least one station is within a cell area of a first base station;determining some configuration information of the at least one station based on the received capability information; andinitiating configuring of the at least one station according to the configuration information before the at least one station is handed over from the first base station to the at least one second base station.2. A method according to wherein the capability information is received from the at least one second base station at the first base station and the first base station determines at least a part of the configuration information of the at least one station claim 1 , andwherein the method further comprises sending the configuration information to the at least one station to initiate configuring the at least one station.3. (canceled)4. A method according to wherein the capability information is received from the at least one second base station at the at least one station and the at least one station determines at least a part of the configuration information of the at least one station claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises receiving at least a part of the configuration information for the at least one station from the first base station.5. (canceled)6. ( ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Measurement-based network selection

Номер: US20140003263A1
Автор: Irfan Sheriff
Принадлежит: Google LLC

In one implementation, a computer-implemented method includes transmitting data over a first wireless connection by a computing device and with a first wireless access point; detecting a wireless signal from a second wireless access point; identifying, at the mobile computing device, a received signal strength of the wireless signal from the second wireless access point; determining, by the computing device and having transmitted less than a threshold number of data packets to the second wireless access point after detecting the wireless signal, an estimated level of data packet loss for the second wireless access point based on the signal strength for the second wireless access point; determining, based on the estimated level of data packet loss for the second wireless access point, to switch to a second wireless connection with the second wireless access point; and establishing the second wireless connection as a result of the determining.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018081A1

A femtocell base station in a telecommunications network identifies, for each user device served by the base station, which other base stations in the network that user device is authorized to access. The base station also determines a group identity for each of a plurality of possible neighbour cell base stations in the network. Based on this information, the base station identifies at least one possible handover target cell base station for each user device served by the base station, based on the identified other base stations in the network that user device is authorized to access; and based on the identified group identity for each of a plurality of possible neighbour cell base stations in the network. 1. A method of operation of a base station in a telecommunications network , the method comprising , in the base station:for a user device served by the base station, identifying which other groups of base stations in the network that user device is authorised to access;identifying a group identity for each of a plurality of possible neighbour cell base stations in the network; andidentifying at least one possible handover target cell base station for the user device served by the base station, based on the identified other groups of base stations in the network that that user device is authorised to access; and based on the identified group identity for each of a plurality of possible neighbour cell base stations in the network.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:detecting information transmitted by other base stations in the network, said information transmitted by the other base stations in the network indicating which user devices are authorised to access said other base stations.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of identifying which other base stations in the network that user device is authorised to access comprises:requesting information from a core network node of the communications network.4. A method as claimed in claim 1 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus, Method, and Computer Program Product for Adjusting Handover Parameters

Номер: US20140024374A1

It is presented a method for adjusting handover parameters of a processed base station in relation to neighbouring base stations, neighbouring the processed base station. The method being executed in a handover parameter determiner and comprises: obtaining () a list of neighbouring base stations of the mobile communication network; determining (), for each of the neighbouring base stations in the list, a capability to send handover issue report messages; and adjusting () the handover parameters based on the determined capabilities for each of the neighbouring base stations in the list. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for adjusting handover parameters of a processed base station in relation to neighboring base stations in a mobile communication network , the neighboring base stations each neighboring the processed base station , the method being executed in a handover parameter determiner and comprising:obtaining a list of neighboring base stations of the mobile communication network;determining, for each of the neighboring base stations in the list, a capability to send handover issue report messages;adjusting handover parameters of the processed base station based on the determined capabilities for each of the neighboring base stations in the list.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein the adjusting handover parameters comprises considering an absence of handover issue report messages from a neighboring base station differently depending on whether the neighboring base station is determined to be capable to send handover issue report messages.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein the handover issue report messages include radio link failure indication messages claim 18 , indicating that a mobile communication terminal has lost connection to a base station and subsequently reconnected to another base station.21. The method of claim 18 , wherein the handover issue report messages include handover report messages indicating a failed handover.22. The method of claim 18 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Mobile communication system with device handover and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20140024381A1

A method of operation of a mobile communication system includes: receiving a base carrier frequency signal from a cell tower location; generating a power spectral density from the base carrier frequency signal; measuring a Rician K factor from the power spectral density; estimating a line-of-sight Doppler frequency based on the base carrier frequency signal; determining the cell tower location based on the Rician K factor; and activating a handover decision handler based on the cell tower location.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Handover Signaling in a Wireless Network

Номер: US20140029577A1
Автор: Dinan Esmael Hejazi

A serving base station transmits to a target base station a first message comprising a parameter indicating whether a wireless device supports an enhanced physical downlink control channel (ePDCCH). The serving base station receives from the target base station a second message comprising parameters indicating: a configuration of a subset of subframes in which first radio resources of a first ePDCCH are configured; and a starting OFDM symbol of the first ePDCCH in the subset of subframes. The serving base station transmits a third message to the wireless device comprising the configuration information of the first ePDCCH. 1. A method for use by a serving base station , the method comprising:a) transmitting, to a target base station and in response to said serving base station making a handover decision for a wireless device, a first message comprising a parameter indicating whether said wireless device supports an enhanced physical downlink control channel (ePDCCH); i) a configuration of a subset of subframes in which first radio resources of a first ePDCCH are configured; and', 'ii) a starting OFDM symbol of said first ePDCCH in said subset of subframes; and, 'b) receiving from said target base station a second message comprising configuration parameters of one or more carriers for said wireless device, said second message comprising one or more parameters indicatingc) transmitting a third message to said wireless device, said third message comprising said configuration information of said first ePDCCH.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said one or more parameters further indicate second radio resources of a first data channel to start from said starting OFDM symbol in said subset of subframes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said one or more parameters further indicate a frequency allocation for said first ePDCCH in terms of resource blocks in said subset of subframes.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:a) encrypting said third message; andb) ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for communication based on mobility evaluation in a wireless communication system and apparatus for the same

Номер: US20140031039A1

A method for communication based on mobility evaluation in a wireless communication system is provided. The method includes: receiving evaluation basis information from a network, the evaluation basis information basis information comprising an offset value for mobility evaluation and a domain condition; determining whether the domain condition is satisfied; performing the mobility evaluation for at least one neighbor cell based on the offset value, if the domain condition is satisfied; and selecting a cell among the at least one neighbor cell as a mobility target cell, if a result of the mobility evaluation satisfies a predetermined criterion.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140045499A1

A telecommunications node (e.g., base station subsystem) and method are described herein that broadcasts a set of system information messages (e.g., SI2quater messages or pairs of SI2ter messages and SI2quater messages) for use by a legacy mobile station which enhances the overall probability (over time) that the legacy mobile station (non-supporting mobile station) in a network sharing scenario will find frequency, cell information or a combination of both within the broadcasted system information messages to be used for the legacy mobile station's cell reselection process to provide continuity with the legacy mobile station's registered PLMN (i.e. the Common PLMN of a shared radio access network). In addition, the telecommunications node (e.g., base station subsystem) and method can also broadcast a different type of system information message for used by a supporting mobile station. 1. A telecommunications node for use in a shared radio access network associated with a plurality of dedicated radio access networks , the telecommunications node comprising:a transmitter;a processor; anda memory that stores processor-executable instructions where the processor interfaces with the memory and executes the processor-executable instructions to enable following act:sequentially broadcast a set of first system information messages, wherein each one of the first system information messages is differentiated by an order of neighbor cell information listed therein when compared to the other first system information messages, and wherein the neighbor cell information is associated with one or more of the dedicated radio access networks.2. The telecommunications node of claim 1 , wherein each one of the first system information messages is further differentiated by which neighbor cell information is listed therein when compared to the other first system information messages.3. The telecommunications node of claim 1 , wherein the processor interfaces with the memory and executes ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods for Handover Configuration

Номер: US20140045500A1

The dynamic determination of a handover trigger for triggering handover of a mobile terminal in a wireless network from a source base station to a target base station is based on one or more Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Each KPI indicates a quality of wireless services provided by the wireless network responsive to a particular handover trigger. If an obtained parameter that indirectly or directly impacts handover performance passes a corresponding performance test, the mobile terminal selects the handover trigger based on the KPIs. If the parameter fails the corresponding performance test, the source base station selects the handover trigger based on the KPIs. 1. A method , executed at a source base station , of determining a handover trigger for triggering handover of a mobile terminal in a wireless network from the source base station to a target base station , the method comprising:obtaining a first Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for each of a first candidate trigger and a second candidate trigger, wherein each first KPI indicates, for the corresponding candidate trigger, a quality of wireless services provided by the wireless network to the mobile terminal;obtaining a parameter associated with at least one of the mobile terminal and the wireless network, wherein the parameter indirectly or directly impacts handover performance;if the parameter passes a corresponding performance test, sending the first KPIs to the mobile terminal to facilitate a selection at the mobile terminal of one of the first and second candidate triggers as the handover trigger based on the first KPIs; andif the parameter fails the corresponding performance test, selecting one of the first and second candidate triggers as the handover trigger based on a first comparison between the first KPIs for the first and second candidate triggers.2. The method of wherein sending the first KPIs to the mobile terminal comprises:generating a resource control message including a first information ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140045504A1
Принадлежит: Pantech Co., Ltd.

A method for performing handover in a multiple component carrier system includes a UE transmitting a measurement report message, including measurement values for one or more cells, to a source BS, the source BS transmitting a handover request message, including at least one of a candidate cell list including at least one candidate cell to be used in a target BS, an aggregatable cell list including at least one aggregatable cell in which UE capability is taken into consideration, and a list of sensible cells including at least one cell defined based on a similarity sensitivity of a measured frequency, to the target BS based on the measurement value, the source BS checking the cell included in the at least one list, receiving a handover ACK message including a final cell from the target BS, and determining handover, and the source BS transmitting a handover command message to the UE. 1. A method for performing handover by a source Base Station (BS) in a multiple component carrier system , the method comprising:receiving, from a User Equipment (UE), a measurement report comprising measurement results for one or more cells;configuring a candidate cell list including one or more candidate cells arranged in an order according to the measurement results, the candidate cell list providing at least one information set, each information set including an identifier indicating one of the candidate cells and a corresponding carrier frequency;transmitting, to a target BS, a handover request message comprising the candidate cell list;receiving, from the target BS, a handover request acknowledge (ACK) message indicating admission of the handover; andtransmitting, to the UE, a handover command message commanding the handover.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the candidate cells in the candidate cell list are arranged in a decreasing order according to values of the measurement results.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the handover request message further comprises the measurement ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050138A1
Автор: Chen Li, Liu Jiamin, Wang Ying

Disclosed in the present invention are a method and apparatus for handing over device, and belongs to the field of mobile communication. The method comprises: obtaining the Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) service reception information of the device; according to the MBMS service reception information, selecting a target cell supporting the MBMS service for the device; handing over the device to the target cell. The apparatus comprises: an acquiring module, for obtaining the MBMS service reception information of the device; a selection module, for selecting a target cell supporting the MBMS service for the device according to the MBMS service reception information; a handing over module, for handing over the device to the target cell. By the implementation of the technical solution that selecting a target cell supporting the MBMS service for the device according to the MBMS service reception information, and switching the device to the target cell, the present invention guarantees the continuity of the MBMS service during the handover process of the device. 1. A method for handing over device , wherein , the implementation body of said method includes base station or network node , comprising:Obtaining MBMS service reception information of the device;Selecting a target cell supporting MBMS service for the device according to the MBMS service reception information;Handing over the device to the target cell.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , said obtaining MBMS service reception information of the device comprises:Receiving the MBMS service reception information reported by said device when it detects its MBMS service changes;Or, receiving the MBMS service reception information reported by said device when it receives the MBMS service;Or, receiving the MBMS service reception information reported by said device when it satisfies configuration report trigger conditions;Or, sending MBMS service reception information request message to ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051444A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method and a device for log transfer. The method includes: configuring control information, where the control information is used to control transfer of an automatic neighbour relation ANR log; and sending the control information to control a first radio network controller to pause or continue transfer of the ANR log to a second radio network controller, where: the first radio network controller is a radio network controller that receives the ANR log from a user equipment; and the second radio network controller is a radio network controller that controls a cell where an unconfigured neighbouring cell is detected. 1. A method for log transfer , comprising:configuring control information, wherein the control information is used to control transfer of an automatic neighbour relation ANR log; andsending the control information to control a first radio network controller to pause or continue transfer of the ANR log to a second radio network controller, wherein:the first radio network controller is a radio network controller that receives the ANR log from a user equipment; and the second radio network controller is a radio network controller that controls a cell where an unconfigured neighbouring cell is detected.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sending the control information to control a first radio network controller to pause or continue transfer of the ANR log to a second radio network controller comprises:sending the control information to the first radio network controller, so that the first radio network controller pauses or continues, according to the control information, transfer of the ANR log to the second radio network controller.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sending the control information to control a first radio network controller to pause or continue transfer of the ANR log to a second radio network controller comprises:sending the control information to the second radio ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066070A1
Автор: Hsu Jin-Jia

In a wireless communication system, a user equipment is configured to repeatedly send a measurement report associated with updating active set to a network and records mobility information before receiving a corresponding acknowledgement message from the network. After having sent the measurement report over a predetermined period of time, the user equipment is then configured to analyze the mobility information. 1. A method of analyzing a non-acknowledgement of a network in response to measurement report events , comprising:a user equipment measuring parameters of a plurality of cells;determining whether a specific parameter measured from a specific cell among the plurality of cells satisfies an initial trigger condition of a specific measurement report event;before receiving an acknowledgement message from the network, the user equipment repeatedly sending the specific measurement report event to the network and recording mobility information each time when the specific measurement report event is sent to the network; andthe user equipment analyzing the mobility information for providing information associated with the non-acknowledgement of the network in response to the specific measurement report event after the measurement report event has been repeatedly sent during a period which exceeds a predetermined length.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the specific measurement report event is associated with updating an active set; andthe acknowledgement message is associated with a handover of updating the active set.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the specific cell is included in a monitored set;the specific measurement report event is associated with a handover to perform a radio link addition to or a radio link replacement of the active set; andthe user equipment measuring the parameters of the plurality of cells includes the user equipment measuring a primary common pilot channel of the specific cell.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the specific cell is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066071A1

The present invention relates to a broadband wireless access system, and more particularly, to a method and an apparatus for acquiring system information in a mobile communication system in which a legacy system and an advanced system coexist. A method of receiving system information on a peripheral base station in a mobile communication system includes receiving a second message containing time information for receiving, through a second region of a serving base station, a first message broadcasted through a first region of the serving base station and receiving the first message through the first region of the serving base station using the time information, the first message containing system information on neighbor legacy base stations and/or on the first region of neighbor advanced base stations which operate in a mixed mode. 1. A method for a mobile station to receive neighbor base station information from a serving base station in a wireless access system , the method comprising:receiving a second message including first time point information indicating a time point at which a first message is broadcast from the serving base station,wherein the first message includes first system information of a neighbor legacy base station which supports only a legacy system;receiving the first message from the serving base station using the first time point information; andperforming handover to the neighbor legacy base station by using the first system information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first message further includes second system information of a first resource area of a neighbor advanced base station which operates in a mixed mode claim 1 , andthe handover is performed to one of the neighbor legacy base station or the neighbor advanced base station corresponding to the second system information.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first time point information includes:offset information representing a time point at which the first message is broadcast ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073311A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

An energy saving method, system and device for a base station are applicable to the field of communications technologies. The energy saving method for a base station includes: sending, by a coverage station or an OAM equipment, a second activation request to a capacity station in a second energy saving state under the coverage of the coverage station if it is detected that the load of the coverage station is higher than a preset value, so as to activate the capacity station to enter a first energy saving state. The energy saving system for a base station includes: a coverage station and at least one capacity station under the coverage of the coverage station. Another energy saving system for a base station includes: a coverage station, at least one capacity station under the coverage of the coverage station and an operations, administration and maintenance OAM equipment. 1. An energy saving method for a base station , comprising:detecting whether a load of a coverage station is higher than a preset value; andif the load of the coverage station is higher than the preset value, sending a second activation request to a capacity station in a second energy saving state under coverage of the coverage station, wherein the second activation request is used for requesting the capacity station to enter a first energy saving state from the second energy saving state; wherein,in the first energy saving state, the capacity station only bears a user equipment in a connected state and sends system information of the user equipment in the connected state; and in the second energy saving state, the capacity station rejects to bear a user equipment in any state.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the first energy saving state claim 1 , the capacity station further rejects a handover where a source base station is not the coverage station of the capacity station claim 1 , rejects cell selection and cell reselection where the capacity station is a target claim 1 , and only ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method of enhancing handover by using a group handover over a wireless connection and devices therefor

Номер: US20140073330A1

A method of enhancing handover by using chain handover over a wireless connection, for use in a plurality of moving devices, is introduced. In the method, a control message is received by one of a plurality of moving devices. A report message is transmitted by the one of the plurality of moving devices, in which the one of the plurality of moving devices sets in a state for group handover and represents all others of the plurality of moving devices for a handover decision. It is determined that a part or all of the plurality of moving devices are allowed to perform the group handover according to the report message. The part or all of the plurality of moving devices allowed to perform the group handoversequentially perform a handover procedure after receiving a reconfiguration message.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Mobility robustness optimization based on reference signal strength maps

Номер: US20140087739A1
Автор: Carl F. Weaver
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

A map-based mobility robustness optimization (MRO) capability is provided for improving one or more aspects related to mobility in a wireless communication network. The map-based MRO capability may use one or more reference signal strength map associated with a wireless network to determine at least one management function for the wireless network. The at least one management function may include determining at least one configuration action adapted to satisfy a handover failure rate for the wireless network based on the one or more reference signal strength maps, preventing handover race conditions in a cluster of wireless cells covered by the one or more reference signal strength maps, or the like. The one or more management functions may be adapted to improve or optimize one or more of handover failure rate, prevention of handover race conditions, or the like.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Periodic channel state information reporting for time division duplex (tdd) carrier aggregation systems

Номер: US20140092787A1

Technology for periodic channel state information (CSI) reporting is disclosed. One method can include a user equipment (UE) identifying a configured CSI reporting instance for a secondary cell to report the periodic CSI to a node based on a CSI reporting configuration of the secondary cell. The UE can determine that the configured CSI reporting instance of the secondary cell used to report the periodic CSI does not correspond with an uplink (UL) subframe of a primary cell. The UE can transmit the periodic CSI report for the secondary cell, to the node, using a physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) on the secondary cell when the periodic CSI reporting instance for the secondary cell does not correspond with the UL subframe of the primary cell and an UL-SCH (Uplink Shared Channel) is available in a subframe that corresponds to the periodic CSI reporting instance of the secondary cell.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Determination of enhanced physical downlink control channel candidates in a wireless communication network

Номер: US20140092821A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

In embodiments, an evolved Node B (eNB) of a wireless communication network may configure an enhanced physical downlink control channel (EPDCCH) physical resource block (PRB) set for a user equipment (UE). The EPDCCH-PRB set may include a plurality of PRB-pairs. The EPDCCH-PRB set may further include a plurality of enhanced resource element groups (EREGs) organized into localized enhanced control channel elements (ECCEs) having EREGs of the same PRB-pair and distributed ECCEs having EREGs of different PRB-pairs. In some embodiments, the eNB may determine a set of distributed EPDCCH candidates for the UE from the EPDCCH-PRB set, wherein the individual distributed EPDCCH candidates include one or more of the distributed ECCEs, and wherein the set of distributed EPDCCH candidates includes at least one EREG from each of the plurality of localized ECCEs. Other embodiments may be described and claimed.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Transmission of uplink control information in inter-enb carrier aggregation

Номер: US20140092865A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A user equipment (UE) for communication in a wireless network supporting inter-EUTRAN Node B (eNB) carrier aggregation has a receiver to communicate with a first eNB corresponding to a primary cell (PCell) in the wireless network and a second eNB corresponding to a secondary cell (SCell) in the wireless network. The receiver is configured to receive downlink data through a physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) in the SCell. The UE has a processor configured to, in response to receiving the downlink data, generate a hybrid automatic repeat request acknowledgement (HARQ-ACK) for the SCell. A transmitter of the UE is configured to transmit, through a first physical uplink control channel (PUCCH) in the PCell, uplink control information (UCI) including the HARQ-ACK for the SCell.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098693A1
Принадлежит: Apple, Inc.

A method for triggering cell transition in an uplink power limited condition is disclosed. The method can include a wireless communication device determining that the wireless communication device is experiencing an uplink power limited condition; deriving a modified downlink channel quality measurement by adjusting a measured downlink channel quality to indicate a lower downlink channel quality than the measured downlink channel quality; generating a measurement report including the modified downlink channel quality measurement; and sending the measurement report to the serving cell to trigger transition of the wireless communication device from the serving cell to a second cell. 1. A method for triggering cell transition in an uplink (UL) power limited condition , the method comprising a wireless communication device:determining that the wireless communication device is experiencing an UL power limited condition in which there is a link imbalance between UL channel quality and downlink (DL) channel quality;deriving a modified DL channel quality measurement by adjusting a measured DL channel quality to indicate a lower DL channel quality than the measured DL channel quality in response to the UL power limited condition;generating a measurement report including the modified DL channel quality measurement; andsending the measurement report to a serving cell to trigger transition of the wireless communication device from the serving cell to a second cell.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining that the wireless communication device is experiencing the UL power limited condition comprises determining that an UL block error rate (BLER) exceeds a threshold BLER for observed DL conditions.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining that the wireless communication device is experiencing the UL power limited condition comprises determining that available power headroom (PHR) is less than a threshold PHR.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining that the ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007249A1
Автор: Lu Qianxi, YOU Xin

The present invention discloses a handover processing method, a terminal device and a network device. The method comprises: receiving a handover instruction; executing a handover on the basis of the handover instruction, during the handover execution, interacting with a target network device through a signaling radio bearer (SRB) and/or a data radio bearer (DRB) with the target network device; after receiving the handover instruction, the method further comprises: determining whether to release the SRB with a source network device on the basis of an SRB release condition; and/or, determining whether to release the DRB with the source network device on the basis of the DRB release condition. 1. A handover processing method , applied to a terminal device , comprising:receiving a handover command; andperforming, based on the handover command, a handover, during performing the handover, interaction with a target network device being performed through at least one of a signaling radio bearer (SRB) or a data radio bearer (DRB) between the terminal device and the target network device;the method further comprising: after receiving the handover command, performing at least one of:determining whether to release an SRB between the terminal device and a source network device based on an SRB release condition; or determining whether to release a DRB between the terminal device and a source network device based on a DRB release condition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the SRB release condition comprises at least one of:in response to transmission of a signaling MSG1, releasing the SRB between the terminal device and the source network device;in response to receipt of a random access response (RAR), releasing the SRB between the terminal device and the source network device;in response to transmission of an MSG3 being completed, releasing the SRB between the terminal device and the source network device;in response to the handover being completed, releasing the SRB between ...
