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27-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2296054C2

В настоящем изобретении раскрыто эластичное изделие, включающее подложку с одной или большим количеством упрочняющих дискретных полимерных областей, а также композитная ткань, включающая упомянутую подложку и способ ее получения. На подложке формируют множество дискретных полимерных областей из эластомерной и неэластомерной термопластичных композиций. Композитная ткань содержит одну или большее количество разделительных линий, определяющих границы множества отдельных участков, включающих, по меньшей мере, одну неэластомерную дискретную полимерную область и, по меньшей мере, одну эластомерную дискретную полимерную область. Композитная ткань содержит ламинированную подложку. Технический результат - получение дискретных полимерных областей, простирающихся по всей длине подложки, без возможного растягивания их вместе с основной поверхностью подложки. 4 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 26 ил.

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2536553C2

Описаны разнообразные системы, способы и материалы, которые обеспечивают эффективное введение вещества в приклеенное изделие, в которых данное вещество производит желательное действие по мере необходимости. Данная стратегия, несмотря на ее общий характер, описана также более конкретно в отношении ослабления боли и нетравматического снятия изделий, прикрепленных к тканям млекопитающих, включая кожу и волосы, с помощью введения соответствующего средства или аналогичной текучей среды. Также описаны другие способы и устройства, которые способствуют использованию или снятию указанных клейких изделий. 3 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 29 ил., 3 табл.

12-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017111494A3

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017115220A3

28-02-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015141567A3

10-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2110460C1

FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: flexible material has at least two different layers with different thermal expansion coefficient. One of layers is made of plastic. Non-straight slot in made in material. When temperature comes out of definite limits, deformation of material takes place with change of area of slot. Material is good for packing, binding and other barrier members to provided ventilating regulation. EFFECT: enlarged operating capabilities. 23 cl, 6 dwg ОО ГГСс ПЧ Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ "” 2410 460 ' (51) МПК 13) СЛ В 650 81/24, 5/42, 81/34 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 93055773/13, 24.03.1992 (30) Приоритет: 25.03.1991 СВ 9106317.2 (46) Дата публикации: 10.05.1998 (56) Ссылки: Ц5, патент, 4497431, кл. В 65 О 5/42, 1985. (86) Заявка РСТ: СВ 92100537 (24.03.92) (71) Заявитель: Бритиш Текнолоджи Груп Лтд. (СВ) (72) Изобретатель: Энтони Артур Леонард Чаллис[СВ], Майкл Джон Бевис[СВ] (73) Патентообладатель: Бритиш Текнолоджи Груп Лтд. (СВ) (54) ГИБКИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (57) Реферат: Гибкий материал содержит по меньшей мере два разных слоя с различными коэффициентами термического расширения, по меньшей мере один из которых выполнен из пластика. В материале выполнена непрямая прорезь. При выходе температуры за определенные пределы — происходит деформация материала с изменением площади прорези. Материал может использоваться в упаковочных, перевязочных и тому подобных барьерных материалах для обеспечения вентиляционной регуляции. 22 з.п. Ф-лы, 6 ил. 2110460 С1 КО ОО ГГСс ПЧ Го КУЗЗАМ АСЕМСУ ГОК РАТЕМТ$ АМО ТКАОЕМАКК$ 12) АВЗТКАСТ ОЕ 1МУЕМТОМ (19) ВИ” 2110 460 Сл ОО” В 650 81/24, 5/42, 81/34 (21), (22) АррИсаНоп: 93055773/13, 24.03.1992 (30) Рношу: 25.03.1991 СВ 9106317.2 (46) Рае ог рибИсаНоп: 10.05.1998 (86) РСТ аррИсанНоп: СВ 92100537 (24.03.92) (71) АррИсапе: ВгИ$п Текпоюа7мт Сгир Ма. (СВ) (72) пуетог. — Ейпп®ютт Айиг Геопага Сва!Ш$[СВ], Мак О7Поп Вем$[СВ] (73) Ргорпеюг: Виёзп ...

10-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2083374C1

Использование: материал для разметки дорожных покрытий. Сущность изобретения: материал включает эластичную или гибкую основу, которая соответствует неровной поверхности покрытия. С поверхностью основы сцеплен прочный износостойкий полиуретановый верхний слой. Верхний слой способен переносить хрупкий разлом при температуре от 0o до 45oC так, что когда основа повторяет неровную поверхность, верхний слой легко образует трещины, снимая напряжение, создающееся в верхнем слое, в то время как области верхнего слоя, определенные разрывами, остаются сцепленными и сохраняют соответствие основе. Множество частиц внедрено в верхний слой и выступают из него, в предпочтительном варианте верхний слой характеризуется модулем Юнга от 350 до 2100 МПа и относительном удлинении при разрыве от 4% до 35%. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл. , 4 ил.

11-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664524C9
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

FIELD: aeronautics; aviation; cosmonautics.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to composite structures and relates to a laminated composite radius filler with a geometric shaped filler element and method for manufacture thereof. Filler comprises a stacked ply assembly comprising a plurality of stacks of laminate radius filler plies cut to a desired width and having a desired ply orientation. Laminated composite radial filler further comprises a geometric shaped filler element positioned at a desired location on a first portion of the stacked ply assembly. Geometric shaped filler element deforms a second portion of the stacked ply assembly stacked over the geometric shaped filler element, such that the laminate radius filler plies of the second portion of the stacked ply assembly change direction and have a component of direction comprising a horizontal direction and a vertical direction. Laminated composite radius filler has a shape substantially corresponding to a radius filler region of the composite structure.EFFECT: invention provides a solution to the problem of delamination of laminated composite radius fillers used in composite structures, such as reinforcing stiffeners and stringers.20 cl, 8 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 664 524 C9 (51) МПК B64C 1/06 (2006.01) B64C 1/12 (2006.01) B32B 3/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) СКОРРЕКТИРОВАННОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Примечание: библиография отражает состояние при переиздании (52) СПК B64C 1/064 (2018.02); B32B 3/266 (2018.02); B64C 1/12 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2014126644, 01.07.2014 01.07.2014 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Зе Боинг Компани (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.01.2016 Бюл. № 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2002/0031641 A1, 14.03.2002. US 5639535 A, 17.06.1997. US 4789594 A, 06.12.1988. WO 0162495 A3, 28.02.2002. (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2018 (15) Информация о коррекции: ...

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002115630A

... 1. Устройство для устранения дефектов поверхности, содержащее корпус, выполненный с возможностью взаимодействия с поверхностью; ремонтное уплотнение, предназначенное для герметизации стыка между корпусом и участком вокруг подлежащего устранению дефекта и образования над дефектом ремонтного пространства между поверхностью и корпусом; первое средство вакуумирования, сообщающееся с ремонтным пространством для создания частичного разрежения в ремонтном пространстве, второе средство вакуумирования, предназначенное для создания более глубокого разрежения в ремонтном пространстве, и резервуар для подачи в ремонтное пространство ремонтной жидкости. 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором резервуар выполнен сообщающимся с ремонтным пространством, а первое и второе средства вакуумирования выполнены сообщающимися с ремонтным пространством и резервуаром для создания частичного и более глубокого разрежения соответственно в ремонтном пространстве и в резервуаре без подачи ремонтной жидкости из резервуара в ремонтное ...

03-01-2008 дата публикации

Geräuschdämmeinrichtung für ein Kettenrad und Kettenrad

Номер: DE202007015303U1

Geräuschdämmeinrichtung (1) für ein Kettenrad (10), umfassend - einen Montagefuß (2) zum Anschluss an ein Kettenrad (10), - einen an dem Montagefuß (2) angebrachten elastischen Körper (3), der zum Abfedern einer auf ein Kettenrad (10) auflaufenden Kette (14) geeignet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der elastische Körper (3) mit einer Schutzkappe (4) oder Schutzbeschichtung versehen ist.

31-07-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002737244C2

16-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003207464A1

02-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002723465A1

15-01-2009 дата публикации

Thermische Schutzvorrichtung

Номер: DE602005011352D1

14-09-2011 дата публикации

Forming of consolidation regions in a web and a web comprising such regions

Номер: GB0201113003D0

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive sheet

Номер: GB0201219405D0

15-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008509498D0

24-06-1992 дата публикации

Reinforcement preform of knitted fibres.

Номер: GB0002251001A

A reinforcement preform for a carbon/carbon or the like component such as an airfoil guide vane comprises a knitted fabric formed with a hole or slot (12) in the vicinity of a junction between adjacent sections of the finished article and on assembly the reinforcement fabric (6, 8) for one of the sections is passed through the hole. In this way stresses can be better transmitted to a base section with reduced risk of tearing or delamination. In addition a rib may be formed on the part (4) and may be secured by stitching. The fabric may be of silicon carbide fibres. ...

03-06-2009 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to composite structures

Номер: GB0000907010D0

12-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001281484A

... 1281484 Laminates CONSOLIDATED PAPER (BAHAMAS) Ltd 21 April 1970 [21 April 1969] 19118/70 Heading B5N A laminated material comprises a first layer 15 of paper material and a second layer 17 of paper material, the said first and second layers -being secured one on each side of a central reinforcing layer, which reinforcing layer has an ultimate elongation of 5 to 30% and is composed of a fibrillated film web of polymeric material, or of two or more fibrillated film webs 5 and 7 of polymeric material bonded together, the or each web having a plurality of substantially parallel filaments 9 connected with adjacent filaments at spaced locations 11 along their length. When the reinforcing layer comprises a single web, the laminated material may be made by securing the paper layers to either side of the web. When the reinforcing layer comprises two or more webs, the laminated material may be made by either: (i) bonding the webs together and simultaneously or subsequently securing the paper layers ...

25-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001324661A

... 1324661 Laminates HERCULES Inc 22 July 1970 [22 July 1969 16 Dec 1969] 26379/70 Heading B5N [Also in Division D1] Two layers, each comprising substantially parallel synthetic thermoplastic filaments in spaced apart side-by-side relationship with adjacent filaments interconnected by a plurality of fibrils, are cross laid one upon the other with the filaments of one layer being disposed at an angle of from 20 degrees to 90 degrees to those of the other layer and the two layers being bonded together to form a net-like non-woven fabric. The filaments may be 1À5 to 20 denier polypropylene, polypropylene/ethylene copolymer, nylon, polyethylene terephthalate or polyacrylonitrile, they may be foamed or bicomponent (so as to crimp on heating) and are preferably produced by fibrillating plastics film, by passing the film over a triangular crosssection rotatable bar 6 having serrated edges 7, Fig. 2. In the embodiment of Fig. 4 the warp filaments are drawn from one or more supply beams 11 by pinch ...

12-01-2000 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for and methods of damage repair

Номер: GB0009926864D0

11-01-1995 дата публикации

Plastics material mesh structures

Номер: GB0009423721D0

28-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395443B

15-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324202T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000471889T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473859T

15-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA285475A

15-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA117774A

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546385T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000548293T

15-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000117774A

15-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000219890A

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009013T

15-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000020325T

15-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000023056T

15-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000005782T

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000117936T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166989T

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000226287T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000277835T

10-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334820B

25-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347887B

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Two-sided non-stick release film

Номер: AU2006323069B2

Assemblies (100) for the adhesive attachment to the skin or mucosa of a host are disclosed. The assembly or transdermal patch includes an outer backing layer (112) , a first layer of adhesive (110) on the inner surface of the outer backing layer (112) , an inner backing layer (124) , and an intermediate release liner (104) between the first layer of adhesive (110) and the inner backing layer (124) . The intermediate release liner (104) includes a releasable surface on both its inner and outer surfaces .

26-03-2002 дата публикации

Folded sheets

Номер: AU0008610701A

30-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002364391A1

14-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008911482A

13-05-1999 дата публикации

Self-adhesive label for reclosing packets

Номер: AU0000705127B2

24-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005153379A

08-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001074963A1

24-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001206498A1

09-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001091217A1

26-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002570437A1

17-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001146320A1

12-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002507166C

An absorbent article comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet is disclosed. The topsheet has a first side and a second side, the first side being a body-facing side and the second side being in fluid communication with the absorbent core. The topsheet also has a first relatively hydrophobic component and a second relatively hydrophilic component, the relatively hydrophilic component extending through the relatively hydrophobic component and being disposed on both of the sides of the topsheet. The absorbent article exhibits a rewet value of less than about 94 mg, and a fluid acquisition rate of at least about 0.10 ml/sec when tested by the Gush Acquisition and Rewet Test Method.

06-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002477011C

A temporary floor covering 10 that allows air and moisture to pass through the covering 10 is disclosed. The floor covering 10 has a first layer 12, a second layer 14 connected to the first layer 12, and a plurality of perforations 18 in the covering 10. The first layer 12 is typically made of a low-density polyethylene foam, and the second layer 14 is typically made of a polyethylene film. The perforations 18 extend through the first and second layers 12, 14 to allow air and moisture to pass through both the first layer 12 and the second layer 14. Additionally, an outer surface of one of the first layer 12 or the second layer 14 may have an increased coefficient of friction.

06-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002755519C

A laminate web having a nonwoven web in facing relationship with a polymer film. The laminate web has a first side comprising the polymer film and a plurality of discrete tufts including fibers integral with and extending from the nonwoven web. Each of the tufts has a tuft base proximal to the nonwoven web and a distal portion opposing the tuft base. At least part of the distal portion of each of the tufts is covered by a cap, each cap being an integral extension of said polymer film extending over the distal portion of a discrete tuft. The cap has a first opening including a location of rupture in the polymer film above which the tuft extends.

28-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002759300A1

A split core for a composite structure is described. The split core includes a first core layer, a second core layer, and a functional interlayer disposed between the first and second core layers. The first core layer separates the functional interlayer from a functional layer of the composite structure and/or from an outer surface of the composite structure. The thickness of the first core layer is substantially uniform across the composite structure and the distance between the functional interlayer and the functional layer and/or the outer surface of the composite structure is substantially constant across the composite structure.

26-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002694350A1

The invention relates to a bearing structure for lightweight structural components, comprising longitudinal strips (10; 110; 210) of a solid material, wherein each strip (10; 110; 210) is provided with notches (14) from one of the longitudinal sides (12) thereof, the width of said notches being somewhat greater than the thickness of the material and said notches running diagonally forward and diagonally backward in an alternating fashion in the longitudinal direction of the strip (10; 110; 210), and wherein the individual strips (10; 110; 210) are inserted one into the other by means of the notches (14) such that the longitudinal directions of the strips (10; 110; 210) inserted into one another are disposed perpendicular to one another. The invention further relates to a method for producing such a bearing structure.

24-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002000889C

Disclosed herein is a fibrillated weatherproof web having a network structure, which can be produced with ease and is economical. The web comprises a multilayer composite film composed of at least two layers, one being a first layer (I) made of a first thermoplastic resin and the other a second layer (II) made of a second thermoplastic resin having a melting point lower than the first thermoplastic resin and containing at least 300 ppm of a light resistance imparting agent. A number of slits have been formed in a longitudinal or transverse direction. The web has been oriented at a draw ratio in a range of from 1.1 to 15 times. A nonwoven fabric making use of one or more fibrillated webs of the above sort and processes for the production of the web and nonwoven fabric are also disclosed.

25-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1252993A

TEMPORARY COMPACTION OF FIBER NON-WOVENS A method of temporarily densifying a bulky non-woven matting or fabric for handling and storage is disclosed, wherein the non-woven is heated, preferably to a temperature above 100.degree.C but below the softening temperature while in a compacted state, then immediately cooled in the compacted state. Means for reducing stiffness of the compacted matting are also disclosed.

13-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1228092A

A continuous strip (10) of a preferably flexible material for forming a plurality of sequent-ally arranged panels (12-18), includes a hinge means (19-24) between mutually adjacent panels. These hinge means (19-24) permit the strip to be folded along one or more of the hinge means, particularly in a manner to enable a selected panel (12-18) to face the viewer when the strip (10) is folded to form a bundle or part bundle. According to the invention each hinge means includes a number of bridges or hinge-sections (19a-24b) and a number of openings (19a-24b) which are so orientated in relation to one another that when the strip (101 is folded along one or along all of the hinge means, a hinge-section or the hinge-sections of one hinge means will always co-act with an opening or the openings of a selected, other hinge means.

31-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1237278A

There is disclosed a composite label web and method of labeling. The composite label web has a flexible, longitudinally extending carrier web with cuts to provide feed registration, flexible labels carried on the carrier web, non-tacky adhesive releasably adhering the labels at their undersides to the carrier web, a longitudinally extending line of weakening spaced between side edges of the labels and dividing the labels into detachably connected first and second label parts, pressure sensitive adhesive on the outer sides of the first label parts, and flexible masking material adhered to and masking off the pressure sensitive adhesive on the first label parts. The disclosed method can be practiced using a hand-held labeler which effects printing on the second label parts, effects separation of the labels from the carrier web at its delaminator and dispenses the labels. When the masking material is removed, the first label part can be adhered to the underside of a marginal side edge of a ...

18-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1179591A

The present invention relates to a sheet assembly with a permeability at least to gaseous media as well as a method for manufacturing same. The object of the present invention is to produce a sheet assembly which may be used as a forming fabric, press fabric and/or drying fabric, including as a press felt or drying felt. This object is achieved in that a sheet assembly according to the present invention is characterised by a foil (1) of a substantially liquid impermeable material which is coordinated with a reinforcement structure (3) which is disposed wholly or partially within the fail (1) and is permeable to gas and possibly also to liquid, at least the foil (1) displaying substantially vertical through-channels (2).

11-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1201565A

In order to produce an intermediate structure which has high strength in the direction of orientated strands with continuous orientated material extending from one end of the structure to the other, and in order to produce a final structure which has good tear strength and impact strength at each junction, plastics material mesh structures are made by providing a starting material having a pattern of primary holes or depressions and smaller secondary holes or depressions between the primary holes or depressions, and stretching the plastics material to orientate the zones between adjacent holes or depressions to form orientated strands. A first stretch in a single direction produces intermediate structures having first mesh openings and smaller second mesh openings. A subsequent stretch at right angles to the first stretch produces the structures having main orientated strands interconnected by shorter orientated strands arranged in such a way that only three strands meet at any junction ...

30-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1186118A

In order to provide uniaxially-stretched and biaxially-stretched mesh structures which allow for different specific designs of the interconnecting strands, a special punching pattern is used to provide holes in the starting material. The starting material has a "square" pattern of large holes. Further holes are added. These further holes can be small holes which are staggered and in pairs. When the starting material is stretched, the uniaxially-stretched structure has transverse bars interconnected by highly orientated strands each of which forks at both ends into further highly orientated strands, providing a structure which is particularly suitable for soil reinforcement. When the structure is stretched in the direction at right angles to form a biaxially-stretched structure, the zones of the bars which are between aligned strands remain as unorientated or partly orientated junctions. The remaining zones of the bars are stretched out to form highly orientated strands. This biaxially-stretched ...

25-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1189274A

A floor covering, such as a nap mat or carpet, of washable type comprises a rubber or plastic back, wherein the nap or tufts is/are fastened in the back material. The floor covering has means for increasing the drain of liquid from the nap when the floor covering is subjected to the influence of a force, such as a pressing force, a centrifugal force, and/or a pressure difference between the front and rear side of the floor covering. This means may be a normally closed perforation of the back material and/or an intermediate tissue via which the nap is secured to the back material. Preferably the intermediate tissue is a non-woven material, mainly consisting of synthetic fibres having a weight of 100-300, preferably 250 g per m2, a f1bre thickness of 5-30, preferably 8 decitex, and a tissue thickness of 1-5, preferably 2 mm. Thereby a nap mat or carpet is achieved having a short drying time and/ or provides a small drying energy consumption after washing.

08-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001258171A1

12-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001144327A1

27-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002402385A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A nonwoven web is provided which can be readily converted to an apertured web by stretching. In its initial non-apertured state, the web comprises a plurality of multicomponent fibers comprising at least two thermoplastic polymer components arranged in at least first and second separate continuous structured domains. The polymer component of the first domain comprises polyethylene. Prior to stretch aperturing, the web has a peak elongation of at least 100 percent and is characterized by having a plurality of discrete, spaced-apart, frangible bond sites of polymer bonding the fibers to form a coherent extensible nonwoven web. The frangible bond sites are structured and arranged to readily rupture when subjected to tensile stress to form discrete, spaced-apart apertures in the nonwoven fabric. Aperturing the web tends to produce remnants of the bond site polymer at the edges of the apertures. The web has a total energy absorption in at least one of the machine direction or the cross-machine direction of at least 50 gcm/cm2.

19-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001182639A1

02-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001118964A1

11-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002563125A1

Adhesive tape having a backing material applied to at least one side of which is an adhesive, in particular a pressure-sensitive adhesive, the backing material being composed of a laminate of at least one supporting film and one slitted film, characterized in that the slitted film has at least one slit extending in the machine direction of the adhesive tape.

22-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002416846A1

A snap-in sheet protector that may be reversibly inserted into and removed from a binder without opening the binder rings. The snap-in sheet includes a plurality of holes on at least one edge of the snap-in sheet protector. The snap-in sheet protector also includes a plurality of channels that join the edge of the sheet protector to the holes. The region around the holes and channels of the snap-in sheet protector are strengthened by a stiffening member. The stiffening member provides the snap- in sheet protector with sufficient rigidity to allow the sheet protector to be inserted into the binder without opening the binder rings. Furthermore, inserting the snap-in sheet protector is facilitated by a channel having a wider entry point.

14-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002611305A1

A papermaking belt having a reinforcing structure and a pattern layer is disclosed. The reinforcing layer has a first layer of interwoven machine direction yarns and cross-machine direction yarns. The machine direction and cross-machine direction yarns of the first layer are interwoven in a weave. The pattern layer extends outwardly from and into the first layer. The pattern layer provides a web contacting surface facing outwardly from the first layer. The pattern layer further has at least one region having an amorphous pattern of elongate two-dimensional geometrical shapes having a longitudinal axis having an angle relative to either of the machine direction or the cross- machine direction. The amorphous pattern of two-dimensional geometrical shapes has a statistically controlled degree of randomness.

23-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000986068A1

17-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001097597A1

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003049164A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

The invention relates to a laminated pane (1) comprising an electric consumer (9), an outer sheet (3) and an inner sheet (5) which are bonded to each other by means of a thermoplastic intermediate layer (4), wherein the thermoplastic intermediate layer (4) has a cutout (6) which includes an insertion hole (8), the insertion hole (8) is sized such that the electric consumer (9) can be inserted into the cutout (6) through the insertion hole (8) and the electric consumer (9) is placed in the cutout (6).

03-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001159620A1

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002907119A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Void structures, systems and devices with void structures, and methods of fabricating void structures are disclosed. A void structure is disclosed with a repeating elongated-aperture pattern designed to provide negative Poisson's Ratio behavior under macroscopic stress and strain loading. The pattern can include horizontal and vertical elliptically shaped apertures that are arranged on horizontal and vertical lines in a way that the lines are equally spaced in both dimensions. The centers of each aperture is on a crossing point of two of the lines. The vertical and horizontal elliptically shaped apertures alternate on the vertical and horizontal lines such that any vertical aperture is surrounded by horizontal apertures along the lines (and vice versa), and the next vertical apertures are found on both diagonals. The voids can also act as cooling and/or damping holes and, due to their arrangement, also as stress reduction features.

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934896A1

The present disclosure relates to a method of producing a veneered element (10), comprising providing a substrate (1), applying a sub-layer (2) on a surface of the substrate (1), applying a veneer layer (3) on the sub-layer (2), and applying pressure to the veneer layer (3) and/or the substrate (1), such that at least a portion of the sub-layer (2) permeates through the veneer layer (3). The disclosure also relates to such a veneered element (10).

24-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002694031A1

A strip (2/4) for tamper evidencing comprises a first layer (10) and one or more reinforcing layers (16). Adhesive means (15a) is provided on a first portion (14) of the strip to selectively adhere the first portion (14) of the strip (2/4) onto the first layer (10) of a second portion of the strip, wherein the first layer (10) is such that removal or attempted removal of the first portion (14) of the strip from the second portion of the strip (4) will be evidenced by the first layer (10). The reinforcing material (16) may be arranged such that portions of it are bonded to each other at a plurality of locations spaced along the length of the strip (2/4). A security system (1) may include a tamper evidencing device (2) and a receipt portion (20) where the tamper evidencing device (2) and the receipt portion (20) have corresponding unique identifiers. The receipt portion may include one or more zip tab securing portions (15d) for securing zip tabs (23) or luggage locking points. A tamper evidencing ...

07-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002693327C

The invention concerns a flame-resistant spun staple yarns and fabrics and garments comprising these yarns and methods of making the same. The yarns have at least 25 parts by weight of a polymeric staple fiber containing a polymer or copolymer derived from a monomer selected from the group consisting of 4,4'diaminodiphenyl sulfone, 3,3'diaminodiphenyl sulfone, and mixtures thereof; 2 to 15 parts by weight of a fiber having low thermal shrinkage; 1 to 5 parts by weight of an antistatic fiber; and the remainder being flame resistant fibers having a limiting oxygen index of 21 or greater, based on 100 total parts by weight of the polymeric fiber, the low thermal shrinkage fiber, the antistatic fiber, and the flame resistant fibers in the yarn.

22-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002694031C

A strip (2/4) for tamper evidencing comprises a first layer (10) and one or more reinforcing layers (16). Adhesive means (15a) is provided on a first portion (14) of the strip to selectively adhere the first portion (14) of the strip (2/4) onto the first layer (10) of a second portion of the strip, wherein the first layer (10) is such that removal or attempted removal of the first portion (14) of the strip from the second portion of the strip (4) will be evidenced by the first layer (10). The reinforcing material (16) may be arranged such that portions of it are bonded to each other at a plurality of locations spaced along the length of the strip (2/4). A security system (1) may include a tamper evidencing device (2) and a receipt portion (20) where the tamper evidencing device (2) and the receipt portion (20) have corresponding unique identifiers. The receipt portion may include one or more zip tab securing portions (15d) for securing zip tabs (23) or luggage locking points. A tamper evidencing ...

02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002804786C

A sheet-form paper for separating portions produced by a portion control machine and dispensing from a paper feed system, each sheet of the sheet-form paper including a recess formed in at a side edge for receiving a male guide, and a slit extending inwardly from an edge of the recess for engaging a knife edge of the male guide. The slit extends from an innermost edge of the recess substantially perpendicular to the side edges of the sheet.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002857783A1
Принадлежит: SIM & MCBURNEY

A laminated composite radius filler for a composite structure has a stacked ply assembly having a plurality of stacks of laminate radius tiller plies cut to a desired width and having a desired ply orientation. The laminated composite radius filler further has a geometric shaped filler element positioned at a desired location on a first portion of the stacked ply assembly. The geometric shaped tiller element deforms a second portion of the stacked ply assembly stacked over the geometric shaped filler element, such that the laminate radius filler plies of the second portion of the stacked ply assembly change direction and have a component of direction including a horizontal direction and a vertical direction. The laminated composite radius tiller having a shape substantially corresponding to a radius filler region of the composite structure.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Dense vertically cracked thermal barrier coatings

Номер: US20120003102A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

This invention relates to dense, vertically cracked thermal barrier coatings made from high purity yttria or ytterbia stabilized zirconia powders. The high purity yttria or ytterbia stabilized zirconia powder consisting essentially of less than about 0.01 weight percent silicon dioxide (silica), less than about 0.002 weight percent aluminum oxide (alumina), less than about 0.005 weight percent calcium oxide, less than about 0.005 weight percent ferric oxide, less than about 0 to about 0.002 weight percent magnesium oxide, less than about 0 to about 0.005 weight percent titanium dioxide, from about 1.5 to about 2 weight percent hafnium oxide (hafnia), from about 6 to about 25 weight percent yttrium oxide (yttria), less than 0.1 weight percent other impurity oxides, and the balance zirconium oxide (zirconia) and the balance zirconium oxide (zirconia). The thermal barrier coatings are intended to be used in cyclic thermal environments such as for gas turbine blades, vanes and seal surfaces exposed in the hot section of gas turbine engines.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Inserts with holes for damped products and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20120015134A1

One embodiment of the invention includes a frictional damping insert including a body constructed and arranged to be incorporated into a product and to form at least a portion of a frictional damping means, the body including lines of weakness constructed and arranged to segment the body into separate sections upon exposure to a molten material.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Roll of continuous web of optical film laminate with predefined slit lines, and method and system for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120073758A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A roll of a continuous web of an optical film laminate with predefined slit lines for use in a continuous manufacturing system by laminating optically functional film sheets to liquid-crystal panels. The optical film laminate with predefined slit lines comprises an optically functional film having an adhesive layer which is subjected to a preliminary inspection, and a carrier film releasably laminated to the adhesive layer. Defect-free normal sheets and defective or defect-containing sheets having predefined length corresponding to the dimension of the liquid-crystal panel are formed on the carrier film by sequentially forming slit lines along the transverse direction with respect to the lengthwise direction of the optical film laminate.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Woven ground cover materials

Номер: US20120141730A1
Автор: Jonathan Dallas Toye
Принадлежит: Extenday IP Ltd

A ground cover sheet material for use in agriculture is woven from warp and weft tapes of a plastics material and at least some of the warp or weft tapes have a greater width and/or thickness than the weft or warp tapes, or the material includes a higher density of warp or weft tapes relative to the weft or warp tapes per unit area, or includes slits through the tapes, or the tapes are folded lengthwise, all optionally in one or more high water flow through lengthwise extending parts of the material. In one embodiment the material is woven from warp or weft tapes some having a rectangular or square cross-section and some having a circular or oval cross-section. In some embodiments the material is also a reflective material.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Continuous web of a plurality of tabs and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20120205037A1
Автор: Peter Kitzer
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An elongate continuous material web is disclosed that includes a plurality of adjacent tabs arranged in a longitudinal direction of the web with connection regions between adjacent tabs. Each connection region includes three or more incisions that extend in the transverse direction of the web and are arranged in a manner such that at least one extensible connection member, extensible in the longitudinal direction of the web, is formed. At least one incision forms a side incision that travels through one longitudinal edge of the web, and at least one incision forms a further side incision that travels through the other longitudinal edge of the web. Also disclosed are a method for making such a web, a method for manufacturing a tab from such a web, a method for manufacturing an absorbent hygiene product with the help of such a web, and a cutting device to produce such a web.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Industrial fabric comprised of selectively slit and embossed film

Номер: US20120244311A1
Автор: Allan Manninen
Принадлежит: AstenJohnson Inc

A nonwoven industrial fabric, and a method of constructing the fabric. The fabric comprises at least one layer of a polymeric film having a plurality of apertures extending from an upper surface through to a lower surface. Adjacent pairs of the apertures define land areas therebetween, and selected land areas comprise protrusions extending from at least one of the upper surface and the lower surface of the layer to form a profile to the respective surface. The method comprises optionally pre-embossing the film, cutting the film to provide the plurality of apertures, applying pressure to selected land areas to form the protrusions to create a contoured profile, and treating the film to set the contoured profile. Additional surface treatment can be provided, and two or more layers can be secured over each other for multilayer fabrics. The invention provides a simplified and economical construction, while maintaining stability and strength.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Hinge type seaming element for joining ends of an industrial textile

Номер: US20120244313A1
Принадлежит: AstenJohnson Inc

A seaming element and a method of seaming an industrial textile. The seaming element comprises first and second components, each constructed of a substantially planar polymeric film, comprising a textile body contacting portion and a free edge, and at least one row of pairs of substantially parallel slits spaced across the component, the slits having first ends substantially equidistant from the free edge of the component, and the pairs of slits defining strips which are deformable out of a plane of the film. When the two components are attached respectively to textile edges to be seamed, and the components are brought together, deformed strips of the first component are alignable with deformed strips of the second component to interengage the two components and to define a channel for a seam securing means, thus providing a simple and secure seam which is compatible with the properties of the textile body.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Non-slip surface and process for making same

Номер: US20130045357A1
Принадлежит: Infonet Corp

A non-slip surface is provided comprising a surface having at least one arcuate lug, said arcuate lug comprising a raised center portion and raised and twisted side portions for preventing slippage. Additionally, a process is provided comprising the steps of cutting an arc into a surface, raising and twisting said arc in relation to said surface by bending said surface along a secant perpendicular to a line connecting the midpoint of said arc and the secant, creating at least one arcuate lug in said surface.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Holding sheet and cutting apparatus provided therewith

Номер: US20130104716A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A holding sheet which is set to a cutting apparatus cutting an object to be cut includes a sheet member comprising a flat plate-shaped member and an adhesive portion located on an area of the sheet member located a predetermined distance inside an outer edge of the sheet member. The adhesive portion holds the object so that the object is removable therefrom. The sheet member has a plurality of holes which is defined formed through the sheet member so as to encompass the adhesive portion.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Nonwoven Composite Containing an Apertured Elastic Film

Номер: US20130126070A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An elastic nonwoven composite that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials is provided. The composite is formed by passing the film through a nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material(s). Concurrent with bond formation, apertures are also formed in the elastic film. The apertures are of a size sufficient to provide a desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and/or aesthetic appeal to the composite without having a significant adverse effect on its elastic properties. Aperture and bond formation are accomplished in the present invention by selectively controlling certain parameters of the lamination process, such as film content, bonding pattern, degree of film tension, bonding conditions, etc.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Expandable Surface Breather and Method

Номер: US20130126386A1
Автор: Kenneth Marvin Dull
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A breather for use in vacuum bag processing a composite part comprises a sheet of permeable material having at least one slit therein.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Flexible corner trim product

Номер: US20130196113A1
Автор: Gregory A. Amundson
Принадлежит: Gregory A. Amundson

A trim piece for sealing a work surface including a body having a first side, a second side, and a span disposed between the first side and the second side, wherein the span includes an aperture for receiving a communications cable, a topcap is affixed to the span of the body, wherein the topcap includes a left side having a first wing and a right side having a second wing, an adhesive is bonded to the first side of the body and an aperture is disposed within the body.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Flexible corner trim cut product

Номер: US20130266760A1
Автор: Gregory A. Amundson
Принадлежит: Gregory A. Amundson

A trim piece for receiving and concealing wire having an elongated unitary structure of indeterminate length which when viewed in cross section, includes a body presenting a first wing portion and an opposed second wing portion and an intervening decorative surface on an outwardly visible face comprising a flap extending between the first wing portion and the second wing portion, the first wing portion and the second wing portion extending outwardly away from the body and terminating in a substantially knife edge, wherein a channel is disposed in the body, whereby the channel is capable of receiving a fiber wire, whereby the body includes an aperture and a seam for providing access to the aperture, whereby the seam is formed by an overlap between the flap and an inner flap.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Inside corner trim product

Номер: US20180003375A1
Автор: Gregory A. Amundson
Принадлежит: Gregory A. Amundson

A flexible inside corner trim piece is formed with concave depressions at hinge portions where wings attach to the body. The trim piece can be formed such that wings and a top cap lay flat in plane perpendicular to body or wings and top cap curve at an angle. Hinge portions can be narrow or wide and symmetrical or asymmetrical. The trim piece can be dyed, paintable, or present another decorative surface. The trim piece can include embedded lighting.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038104A1
Автор: Tipping Steven B.

A corrugated sheet metal wall sheathing for resisting external excitations such as wind or earthquake of light-framed wall structures. The sheathing has sheet profile proportioned to insure the top flutes deform laterally and yield at the end of the flute before the onset of any failure mode. A transverse slot in included ineach top flute and adjacent web of the sheathing and spaced at intervals along the length of the sheathing. 110-. (canceled)11. A structural shear panel comprising:a corrugated sheet metal panel extending in a horizontal direction and in a vertical direction along a vertical plane, the corrugated sheet metal panel having a plurality of upper flute portions, a plurality of lower flute portions, and a plurality of web portions interconnecting the upper and lower flute portions, the pluralities of upper flute portions, lower flute portions, and web portions all being elongated along the horizontal direction;a first plurality of openings that linearly extend along the vertical direction through the plurality of upper flute portions and through the plurality of web portions, but not through the lower flute portions; anda second plurality of openings that linearly extend along the vertical direction, parallel to the first plurality of openings, through the plurality of upper flute portions and plurality of web portions, but not through the lower flute portions.121. The structural shear panel of claim , wherein a graphic depiction of shear forces applied to the corrugated sheet metal panel and resulting deformation comprises a full non-pinched hysteresis loop.131. The structural shear panel of claim , wherein the first plurality of openings and the second plurality of openings are spaced at an interval that enables a drift ratio of up to 6% in the corrugated sheet metal panel.141. The structural shear panel of claim , wherein the first plurality of openings and the second plurality of openings are spaced at an interval that enables a drift ratio of 3% ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063739A1
Автор: Amundson Gregory A.

A flexible inside corner trim piece is formed with concave depressions at hinge portions where wings attach to the body. The trim piece can be formed such that wings and a top cap lay flat in plane perpendicular to body or wings and top cap curve at an angle. Hinge portions can be narrow or wide and symmetrical or asymmetrical. The trim piece can be dyed, paintable, or present another decorative surface. The trim piece can include embedded lighting. 1an elongated unitary structure of indeterminate length which when viewed in cross section, includes;a body presenting two angled interior surfaces that are angled relative to one another at an angle approximating an angular relationship of two surfaces forming an inside corner that is to be finished and an inside apex between the two angled interior surfaces;the body further presenting two outside portions including a first outside portion and a second outside portion;a first wing portion extending outwardly away from the first outside portion;a second wing portion extending outwardly away from the second outside portion;a first hinge portion between the first wing portion and the first outside portion having a first cross section relatively thinner than the adjacent first wing portion and first outside portion; anda second hinge portion between the second wing portion and the second outside portion having a second cross section relatively thinner than the adjacent second wing portion and second outside portion.. A trim piece for finishing inside corners, comprising: This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 15/701,906, filed Sep. 12, 2017, entitled “Trim Product and Methods of Manufacturing”, which in turn is a continuation of application Ser. No. 14/983,979, filed Dec. 30, 2015, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,765,960, issued Sep. 19, 2017, entitled “Inside Corner Trim Product, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/212,230, filed Aug. 31, 2015, entitled “Inside Corner Trim Product, each ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072037A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc.

Disclosed herein is a dry, self-supporting fibrous material, the fibers of which have been treated with a binder composition. The fibrous material can be slit into tapes or tows that are suitable for use in an Automated Tape Laying (ATL) or Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process. This fibrous material is suitable for forming preforms which are configured to receive a matrix resin by resin infusion in the manufacturing of structural composite parts. 122-. (canceled)23. A fibrous tape suitable for automated tape laying , comprising:a ply of structural fibers laminated to a nonwoven veil comprising randomly-arranged carbon fibers;a first binder composition distributed onto the structural fibers and the nonwoven veil, said binder composition comprising (i) one or more polymers selected from polyhydroxyethers, polyurethanes, a mixture thereof, a copolymer thereof, and a reaction product thereof, and (ii) a methoxyalkyl melamine aminoplast cross-linker,wherein the ply of structural fibers comprises unidirectional carbon fibers, and the fibrous tape is permeable to liquid resin.24. The fibrous tape of claim 23 , wherein the ply of structural fibers is not bonded to another layer other than the nonwoven veil.25. The fibrous tape of claim 24 , further comprising a second epoxy-based binder claim 24 , which comprises one or more multifunctional epoxy resins and a thermoplastic polymer.26. The fibrous tape of claim 23 , wherein said tape has a width of 24 inches or less.27. The fibrous tape of claim 23 , wherein said tape has a width of 1.5 inches or less.28. A method comprising laying up a plurality of the fibrous tape of in an automated process to form a preform that can be infused with a liquid resin. The present disclosure is related to the field of preforming and resin infusion manufacturing of structural composite components.In recent years, the aerospace and automotive industries showed increasing levels of interest in the application of resin infusion processes to ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

System, method and apparatus for roofing product with applied shadow effect

Номер: US20170073973A1
Принадлежит: Certainteed LLC

A roofing shingle has a shingle body with at least a top layer having a buttlap portion with a butt edge and a headlap portion. An exposure zone extends from the butt edge toward the headlap portion is configured to be exposed to the environment when the roofing shingle is installed on a roof. A shadow formation may be located in the exposure zone of the top layer. The shadow formation and the exposure zone differ from each other in at least one aspect, such as color. The top layer may be substantially rectangular and have no tabs formed along the butt edge. A thickness of the exposure zone and a thickness of the shadow formation may be substantially identical. The shadow formation may be a simulated cut out, slit or slot.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Patterned apertured webs and methods for making the same

Номер: US20190076305A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A disposable absorbent article having a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core disposed therebetween is described. The topsheet includes a plurality of apertures arranged in a first zone and a first plurality of structures which are disposed adjacent to the first plurality of apertures. The plurality of apertures have an Effective Aperture Area of from between 0.5 mm2 to about 8 mm2 as measured by the Aperture/Feret Angle test as described herein, and the topsheet has a top layer and a lower layer, wherein the top layer is more hydrophobic than the lower layer.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122492A1

A composite panel having a plurality of carbon plies, a perforated metallic foil comprising several apertures and being secured to the plurality of carbon plies, and a protective layer made from resin secured to the metallic foil. The perforated metallic foil is embedded in the protective layer through its apertures. A free surface of the protective layer forms a top side of the composite panel. The thickness of the protective layer between the top side of the composite panel and the perforated metallic foil is at least 15 micrometers and the perforated metallic foil has a thickness of not more than 30 micrometers. The plurality of apertures in the aggregate defines an open area of not more than 40% of the surface area and a maximum distance between two opposed points in a perimeter of an aperture is equal to or less than 3 mm 113-. (canceled)14. A composite panel for an aerospace structure comprising a plurality of carbon plies , comprising:a perforated metallic foil comprising a plurality of apertures secured to the plurality of carbon plies, anda protective layer made from resin secured to the metallic foil with the perforated metallic foil being embedded in the protective layer through its apertures,a free surface of the protective layer forming a top side of the composite panel, the perforated metallic foil having a thickness of not more than 30 micrometers,', 'the plurality of apertures having a predefined geometric shape extending through the thickness of the perforated metallic foil and being distributed across a surface area defined by a length and a width of the perforated metallic foil,', 'the plurality of apertures in an aggregate defining an open area of not more than 40% of the surface area and a maximum distance between two opposed points in a perimeter of an aperture being equal or less than 3 mm, 'a thickness of the protective layer between the top side of the composite panel and the perforated metallic foil being at least 15 micrometers and'}15. ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Board panel

Номер: US20170107718A1
Автор: Kenichi Sato
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is transportable economically in a flat state, and easy to attach and detach, and can provide a curved surface simply while maintaining decoration and strength without craftsmanship and absorb sound. Slits are provided on a rectangular board panel comprising two or more layers of a hard material and a soft material. Two or more layers comprising a hard material and a soft material are laminated on a rectangular board panel, and slits having a length of ½ to ¾ of the vertical side are provided thereto. The use of slits makes formation of curved surfaces easy. Since there is no need to reinforce the outside to maintain the strength thereof, the board panel can be removed easily. Even if an external pressure is applied to the board panel, the flexibility of the hard material divided by the slits and the elastic characteristic of the soft material cause the pressure to be dispersed and absorbed, and sound to be absorbed.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Thermally Insulating Member

Номер: US20150151895A1
Автор: Shao-Wen Zhang

A thermally insulating member includes a plane sheet having two ends spaced in a length direction and two sides spaced in a thickness direction perpendicular to the length direction. The plane sheet includes a plurality of rows of slits between the ends of the plane sheet. Each row of slits extends from one of the sides through the other side of the plane sheet. A first spacing between two adjacent rows of slits in the length direction is larger than a spacing between two adjacent slits in the same row of slits in a width direction perpendicular to the length and width directions by a second spacing. A thermally insulating strip is defined between two adjacent rows of slits. A stretchable rib is formed between two adjacent slits in the same row of slits. Each end of the plane sheet is a coupling portion free of the slits.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic sheet for non-contact power receiving device, non-contact power receiving device, electronic apparatus, and non-contact charger

Номер: US20140239892A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A magnetic sheet of an embodiment includes a laminate of a plurality of magnetic thin plates. The laminate constituting the magnetic sheet includes a first magnetic thin plate and a second magnetic thin plate different in kind from the first magnetic thin plate. The first magnetic thin plate has a magnetostriction constant exceeding 5 ppm in an absolute value, and the second magnetic thin plate has a magnetostriction constant of 5 ppm or less in an absolute value. Alternatively, the first magnetic thin plate has a thickness of from 50 to 300 μm, and the second magnetic thin plate has a thickness of from 10 to 30 μm.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Cushion sheet and display device having the same

Номер: US20160176151A1
Автор: Jeong Seok Oh, Yun Ho Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A cushion sheet including: a cushion film, the cushion film defining a first surface of the cushion sheet; and an adhesive layer deposited on at least one surface of the cushion film, the adhesive layer defining a second surface of the cushion sheet, wherein the cushion film and the adhesive layer include a plurality of bubble discharge members inclined with respect to the first and second surfaces, the plurality of bubble discharge members including openings extending through the cushion film and the adhesive layer for removing air bubbles generated at adhesion, the openings having a first end in the adhesive layer and a second end in the cushion film; and each of the plurality of bubble discharge members are inclined at a penetrating angle within the cushion sheet, the penetrating angle being an angle formed between a respective one of the bubble discharge members and a line perpendicular to a plane of the cushion sheet, the line extending from the first end of the respective bubble discharge member to the first surface of the cushion sheet.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190166951A1
Автор: Holt Scott C.
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An expandable support member for an article of footwear includes a plurality of expansion components that are joined together. The support member can be expandable between a contracted position and an expanded position. The plurality of expansion components are configured to expand along a non-linear path when the support member moves between the contracted position and the expanded position. 1. A method of forming an article of footwear comprising:providing a support member in an unexpanded state, the unexpanded support member having a first width; a first internal slit that extends between a first strip member and a second strip member of a first expansion component, the first strip member and the second strip member of the first expansion component being joined at a first end junction;', 'a second internal slit that extends between a first strip member and a second strip member of a second expansion component, the first strip member and the second strip member of the second expansion component being joined at a second end junction; and', 'a third internal slit that extends between a first strip member and a second strip member of a third expansion component, the first strip member and the second strip member of the third expansion component being joined at a third end junction;, 'forming a plurality of internal slits in the unexpanded support member to provide a plurality of expansion component including at least a first expansion, a second expansion component, and a third expansion component, the plurality of internal slits comprisingforming a plurality of external slits in the unexpanded support member, the plurality of external slits comprising a first external slit separating the first and second expansion components and a second external slit separating the second and third expansion components;expanding the support member from the unexpanded state to an expanded state generally along a direction of the first width to increase an area of the plurality of ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180260A1
Автор: Crawford, III Howard E.

Briefly, a variety of embodiments of composite materials including part fabrication using composite materials is described. 128.-. (canceled)29. A method of forming a composite part comprising:heating a discontinuous fiber reinforced composite panel to a temperature so that the panel becomes pliable;forming the heated panel in a manner so that it stretches to substantially conform to a mold having a shape that includes compound curves; andcooling the shaped panel.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the forming includes: pressure forming the panel onto the mold via compression molding the heated panel with a compression tool that includes the mold in which the compression tool is closed so that the panel is pressed to a mold surface of the compression tool.31. The method of claim 29 , wherein the forming the heated panel includes stretching the panel in a manner so that nearly all discontinuous fibers in the panel are in physical contact with or physically overlap with another discontinuous fiber before stretching and remain in physical contact with or continue to physically overlap with the another discontinuous fiber after stretching.32. The method of claim 29 , wherein the dimensions of the part are in the range of from about 0.02 square meters to about 4 square meters.3338.-. (canceled)39. The method of claim 31 , wherein the forming comprises vacuum forming in which a vacuum is initiated to remove air between the mold and the panel to permit the pliable panel to more tightly substantially conform to the shape provided by the mold.40. The method of claim 29 , wherein the discontinuous fiber reinforced composite panel comprises at least two sheets with respective sheets comprising a composite of a matrix material and a reinforcement material.41. The method of claim 40 , wherein the matrix material comprises one or more polymer materials and the reinforcement material comprises one or more fiber materials.42. The method of claim 41 , wherein the one or more ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Device for covering a door to provide for smoke and odor insulation and method for using and packaging same

Номер: US20140311097A1
Автор: Nicolas J. Etienne
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for covering a door of an entryway when the door is in a closed position, comprising a rectangular sheet pre-cut to a predetermined length and width, and a pressure sensitive adhesive coated onto one side of the rectangular sheet. The pressure sensitive adhesive is spaced apart from an edge of the rectangular sheet and extends around an entire perimeter of the rectangular sheet.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Verifiable Quick Patch Repair for Composite Structures

Номер: US20150231837A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A composite structure comprising a parent structure having a hole, an insert in the hole, and a first patch bonded by adhesive to one side of the parent structure and one side of the insert. The first patch comprises a first multiplicity of pre-stressed members arranged in side-by-side relationship around a perimeter of the first patch. Each pre-stressed member is capable of returning to an unflexed curved state in the event that a strength of the bond between that pre-stressed member and an opposing portion of the parent structure becomes zero. The composite structure may further comprise a second patch bonded by adhesive to another side of the parent structure and another side of the insert. In one application, the composite structure is part of an aerial vehicle, e.g., a fuselage of an aircraft.

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Method of producing a veneered element

Номер: US20210277670A1

A method of producing a veneered element, including providing a substrate, applying a sub-layer on a surface of the substrate, applying a veneer layer on the sub-layer, and applying pressure to the veneer layer and/or the substrate, such that at least a portion of the sub-layer permeates through the veneer layer. Also, such a veneered element.

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Patterned Apertured Webs

Номер: US20200246199A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A patterned apertured web is disclosed. The patterned apertured web includes a plurality of land areas in the patterned apertured web and a plurality of apertures defined in the patterned apertured web. At least some land areas of the plurality of land areas surround at least some apertures of the plurality of apertures. The patterned apertured web has an Effective Open Area in the range of about 3% to about 30%, according to the Aperture Test herein. The plurality of apertures include a first set of apertures defining a first shape and a second set of apertures defining a second shape. The first shape is positioned within the second shape.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Ultra-thin metallic foil for lightning strike protection

Номер: US20180257790A1
Принадлежит: Dexmet Corp

A metallic foil for lightning strike protection in a composite aerospace structure having a length, a width, and a thickness of not more than 30 microns. There are a plurality of pores of a predefined geometric shape extending through the thickness of the metallic foil and being distributed across a surface area defined by the length and the width of the metallic foil. The plurality of pores in the aggregate define an open area of not more than 40% of the surface area and the metallic foil has a weight of not more than 115 g/m2. The metallic foil has a weight to conductivity ratio of not more than 0.40 gram-ohms per square.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Dry fibrous material for subsequent resin infusion

Номер: US20140370237A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc

Disclosed herein is a dry, self-supporting fibrous material, the fibers of which have been treated with a binder composition. The fibrous material can be slit into tapes or tows that are suitable for use in an Automated Tape Laying (ATL) or Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process. This fibrous material is suitable for forming preforms which are configured to receive a matrix resin by resin infusion in the manufacturing of structural composite parts.

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Roofing shingle system and shingles for use therein

Номер: US20150315789A1
Автор: Stephen A. Buzza
Принадлежит: Building Materials Investment Corp

A two-layer laminated roofing shingle is disclosed comprising a posterior layer having a headlap and a buttlap including a plurality of simulated tabs extending from the posterior headlap, each simulated tab is connected to at least one adjacent simulated tab by a connecting segment, and an anterior layer having a headlap and a buttlap including one or more anterior tabs extending from the anterior headlap. Also disclosed is a single layer roofing shingle comprising a headlap and a buttlap including a plurality of simulated tabs extending from said headlap, the simulated tabs spaced apart by a plurality of partial slots, and each simulated tab is connected to at least one adjacent simulated tab by a connecting segment. Also disclosed is a roofing system comprising a plurality of courses of the inventive shingles.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Expandable Support Member For An Article Of Footwear

Номер: US20160366978A1
Автор: Scott C. Holt
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An expandable support member for an article of footwear includes a plurality of expansion components that are joined together. The support member can be expandable between a contracted position and an expanded position. The plurality of expansion components are configured to expand along a non-linear path when the support member moves between the contracted position and the expanded position.

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Liquid absorbent body

Номер: US20200391181A1
Автор: Yoichi Miyasaka
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A liquid absorbent body includes a water absorbent resin, and a small piece aggregate that includes a plurality of small pieces having a pulp fiber base material carrying the water absorbent resin, in which the pulp fiber base material is provided with a cutout portion that exposes a pulp fiber inside the pulp fiber base material, other than an outer peripheral end surface that defines an outer shape of the small piece. The cutout portion is preferably provided at a depth of half or more of the pulp fiber base material in a thickness direction. The small piece preferably includes a pair of pulp fiber base materials, and the water absorbent resin is preferably provided between the pulp fiber base materials.

20-05-2004 дата публикации

Layered structures with enhanced properties

Номер: US20040096626A1
Автор: Jose Azevedo
Принадлежит: EPOLI Espumas de polietileno SA

The invention relates to layered structures with enhanced physical properties, which can be used in the areas of packaging, athletics, water sports, and construction. In general, the structures are laminated polymer articles that include a layer of a low density foam and one or more layers of relatively high density material. The high density layers provide improved physical properties to the foam structures, by improving the flexural strength, resistance to bending, and resulting damage from bending in the laminated foam structure and/or having a region that expands, while the high density material, for example, modestly increases the weight of the laminated structure. Uses of the foam structures include, but are not limited to, packaging materials, gym mats, body boards, or eaves fillers. The high density material can act as a hinge and/or expansion joint or region to fold a die cut piece into a collapsible packaging system.

06-03-2008 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite containing an apertured elastic film

Номер: WO2008026106A2

An elastic nonwoven composite that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials is provided. The composite is formed by passing the film through a nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material(s). Concurrent with bond formation, apertures are also formed in the elastic film. The apertures are of a size sufficient to provide a desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and/or aesthetic appeal to the composite without having a significant adverse effect on its elastic properties. Aperture and bond formation are accomplished in the present invention by selectively controlling certain parameters of the lamination process, such as film content, bonding pattern, degree of film tension, bonding conditions, etc.

24-04-2008 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite containing an apertured elastic film

Номер: US20080095978A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An elastic nonwoven composite that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials is provided. The composite is formed by passing the film through a nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material(s). Concurrent with bond formation, apertures are also formed in the elastic film. The apertures are of a size sufficient to provide a desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and/or aesthetic appeal to the composite without having a significant adverse effect on its elastic properties. Aperture and bond formation are accomplished in the present invention by selectively controlling certain parameters of the lamination process, such as film content, bonding pattern, degree of film tension, bonding conditions, etc.

29-01-2013 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite containing an apertured elastic film

Номер: US8361913B2
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An elastic nonwoven composite that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials is provided. The composite is formed by passing the film through a nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material(s). Concurrent with bond formation, apertures are also formed in the elastic film. The apertures are of a size sufficient to provide a desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and/or aesthetic appeal to the composite without having a significant adverse effect on its elastic properties. Aperture and bond formation are accomplished in the present invention by selectively controlling certain parameters of the lamination process, such as film content, bonding pattern, degree of film tension, bonding conditions, etc.

21-04-2015 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite containing an apertured elastic film

Номер: US9011625B2
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An elastic nonwoven composite that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials is provided. The composite is formed by passing the film through a nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material(s). Concurrent with bond formation, apertures are also formed in the elastic film. The apertures are of a size sufficient to provide a desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and/or aesthetic appeal to the composite without having a significant adverse effect on its elastic properties. Aperture and bond formation are accomplished in the present invention by selectively controlling certain parameters of the lamination process, such as film content, bonding pattern, degree of film tension, bonding conditions, etc.

28-09-2010 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite containing an apertured elastic film

Номер: US7803244B2
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An elastic nonwoven composite that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials is provided. The composite is formed by passing the film through a nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material(s). Concurrent with bond formation, apertures are also formed in the elastic film. The apertures are of a size sufficient to provide a desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and/or aesthetic appeal to the composite without having a significant adverse effect on its elastic properties. Aperture and bond formation are accomplished in the present invention by selectively controlling certain parameters of the lamination process, such as film content, bonding pattern, degree of film tension, bonding conditions, etc.

24-07-2002 дата публикации

Microperforated polymeric film for sound absorption and sound absorber using same

Номер: EP1101218B1
Автор: Kenneth B. Wood
Принадлежит: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Tufted laminate web

Номер: WO2004059061A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A laminate web comprising a first and second precursor webs, at least the first precursor web being a nonwoven web, the laminate web having a first side, the first side comprising the second precursor web and at least one discrete tuft, each of the discrete tufts having a linear orientation defining a longitudinal axis and comprising a plurality of tufted fibers being integral extensions of the first precursor web and extending through the second precursor web; and a second side, the second side comprising the first precursor web.

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Inverse textured web

Номер: WO2004058497A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A composite web adapted for use as a component in a disposable absorbent article is disclosed. The composite web comprises a first fibrous layer and a second layer, the first and second layers each comprising a body-facing side and a garment-facing side and are disposed in a face to face relationship to form a laminate. The first fibrous layer comprises a fibrous web of randomly oriented fibers with respect to an X-Y plane, and a plurality of discrete regions of fiber reorientation at least on the body-facing side thereof, and a plurality of fibers having portions reoriented in a direction substantially orthogonal to the X-Y plane and extending toward the garment-facing side.

19-09-2017 дата публикации

Prepregs including UV curable resins useful for manufacturing semi-flexible PCBs

Номер: US9764532B2
Автор: Roland Schönholz
Принадлежит: Isola USA Corp

Prepregs having a UV curable resin layer located adjacent to a thermally curable resin layer wherein the UV curable resin layer includes at least one UV cured resin portion and at least one UV uncured resin as well as methods for preparing flexible printed circuit boards using the prepregs.

21-06-2007 дата публикации

Sheet materials with zoned machine direction extensibility and methods of making

Номер: US20070141303A1
Автор: Eric Steindorf
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A sheet material with zoned machine direction extensibility is disclosed. The sheet material includes a plurality of discontinuous slits, wherein the plurality of discontinuous slits define at high extensibility zones extending in the machine-direction and further define low extensibility zones extending in the machine-direction. The sheet materials exhibit stable machine direction extensibility during processing and converting. Methods of making the sheet materials are also disclosed. The sheet materials are useful in a wide variety of applications not the least of which include garments, surgical drapes and other supplies as well as personal care absorbent articles including diapers, training pants, sanitary napkins, incontinence garments, bandages and the like.

02-08-1977 дата публикации

Laminated bituminous roofing membrane

Номер: US4039706A
Принадлежит: Tajima Roofing Inc

A novel self-adhesive type multi-layer laminated bituminous roofing membrane suitable for the formation of the roofing or waterproofing layer on roofs, floors and the like is provided. It comprises a base sheet of a sheet-like material, one or more bitumen layers coated on all or part of one or both faces of the base sheet, at least one layer of compound bitumen including both bitumen and rubber and/or resin laminated on all or part of the surface of said bitumen-coated layer on the base sheet and at least one release sheet laid over the whole surface of said compound bitumen layer. This roofing membrane is produced by uniting the bitumen-coated base sheet and the compound bitumen-coated release sheet, and can be applied over a substrate in a simple manner, without the step of melting or liquefying bitumen as in the conventional application process.

05-08-2008 дата публикации

Extruded polypropylene sheets containing beta spherulites

Номер: US7407699B2
Автор: Philip Jacoby
Принадлежит: Mayzo Inc

Improved extruded polypropylene sheets containing a high level of beta crystallinity and A process for making such sheets are disclosed herein. The polypropylene sheets comprise a resinous polymer of propylene and an effective amount of beta spherulites. Uniaxially or biaxially oriented mesh structures produced from the disclosed sheets exhibit lower density, higher strength, and higher torsional rigidity than polypropylene meshes without beta spherulites. Thus, lighter weight mesh structures which meet all of the physical property requirements for end-use applications, such as reinforcing grids to stabilize concrete and soil in civil engineering and landfill applications, are produced. The lighter weight extruded beta-nucleated sheet can also be stretched at higher line speeds, thereby reducing manufacturing costs.

08-03-2007 дата публикации

Label for in-mold molding and resin container decorated with the same

Номер: US20070054091A1
Принадлежит: Yupo Corp

A label for in-mold molding having a porosity of 10% or less and an opacity (in conformity with JIS-P-8138) of 20% or less, and comprising a thermoplastic resin film base layer (I) and a heat sealable resin layer (II), wherein the heat sealable resin layer (II) has the degree of a non-crystallinity of from 60 to 90% measured with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) at less than 90° C., and contains a copolymer of propylene and α-olefin having from 4 to 20 carbon atoms, and a labeled container having the same.

14-12-2006 дата публикации

포토 프린터의 인쇄 미디어 및 인쇄방법

Номер: KR100657263B1
Автор: 정종성
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

개시된 포토 프린터의 인쇄 미디어는, 인쇄영역과, 이 인쇄영역의 길이방향의 양단부로부터 각각 연장된 것으로서 그 연장된 길이가 서로 다른 제1, 제2탭 영역과, 제1, 제2탭영역 중 어느 한 곳에 관통형성되어 삽입방향을 표시하는 방향표시부를 포함한다. 또, 포토 프린터의 인쇄미디어는 미디어에 관한 정보를 표시하기 위하여 제1, 제2탭영역 중 어느 한 곳에 형성되는 하나 이상의 슬릿을 포함하는 ID표시부를 포함한다.

27-05-2004 дата публикации

Layered structures with enhanced properties

Номер: WO2004043689A1
Принадлежит: Epoli - Espumas De Polietileno Sa

The invention relates to layered structures with enhanced physical properties, which can be used in the areas of packaging, athletics, water sports, and construction. In general, the structures are laminated polymer articles that include a layer of a low density foam and one or more layers of relatively high density material. The high density layers provide improved physical properties to the foam structures, by improving the flexural strength, resistance to bending, and resulting damage from bending in the laminated foam structure and/or having a region that expands, while the high density material, for example, modestly increases the weight of the laminated structure. Uses of the foam structures include, but are not limited to, packaging materials, gym mats, body boards, or eaves fillers. The high density material can act as a hinge and/or expansion joint or region to fold a die cut piece into a collapsible packaging system.

30-12-2014 дата публикации

Label for in-mold forming and resin container with the label

Номер: US8920890B2
Принадлежит: Yupo Corp

A label for in-mold forming which comprises a thermoplastic resin film base layer (I), a heat-sealable resin layer (II), and an antistatic layer (III), wherein the heat-sealable resin layer (II) comprises a heat-sealable resin including a copolymer of propylene and α-olefin having 4-20 carbon atoms and has a degree of non-crystallinity of 60-90% as determined with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) at temperatures less than 90° C., the antistatic layer (III) comprises an antistatic agent in an amount of 0.001 to 1 g per unit area (m 2 ) and the surface of the layer has a wettability index (JIS-K-6768) of 32-54 mN/m, and the label has a porosity higher than 10% and not higher than 70% and has an opacity (JIS-P-8138) higher than 20% and not higher than 100%; and a labeled container with the label.

02-11-1976 дата публикации

Absorptive devices having porous backsheet

Номер: US3989867A
Автор: James Bryant Sisson
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Absorptive device having a breatheable backsheet resistant to aqueous liquid passage, wherein the backsheet has bosses and small apertures at the apex of the bosses, the apexes of the bosses being located adjacent the absorbent body with which the backsheet is associated.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Substrate for support of sensors, executive elements or electric components

Номер: RU2506890C2

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine. Sensor unit is made with possibility of attaching to human or animal body surface and with possibility of measuring internal body temperature. Sensor unit contains multi-layered structure of flexible substrate and sensors, executive elements, electronic components or their combination, attached to substrate structure or in-built into said structure. Surface of each layer of substrate structure represents relief structure with specified geometry, formed by means of slots. Said geometry is selected in such a way that expandability of substrate structure becomes adapted to geometry of underlying body surface. Layers of structure are separated with thermo-isolating expandable and flexible layer. In the process of sensor unit production multi-layered structure of substrate is provided, slots with specified geometry are formed in surface of each layer and sensors, executive elements, electronic components or their combinations are placed or fixed in each layer. EFFECT: application of the invention will make it possible to provide flexible and expandable unit of medical sensors due to provision of flexible and expandable substrate for sensors. 7 cl, 8 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 506 890 (13) C2 (51) МПК A61B 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010152667/14, 18.05.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.05.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС Н.В. (NL) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 23.05.2008 EP 08156802.4 (72) Автор(ы): ПАДИЙ Александр (NL) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.06.2012 Бюл. № 18 2 5 0 6 8 9 0 (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2014 Бюл. № 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2004030258 A1, 12.02.2004. US 2007167859 A1, 19.07.2007. US 2004133092 A1, 08.07.2004. GB 2276326 A, 28.09.1994. US 7187961 B2, 06.03.2007. RU 2138192 C1, 27.09. ...

21-04-2014 дата публикации

Nonwoven composite containing an apertured elastic film

Номер: KR101386800B1

하나 이상의 부직 웹 물질에 적층된 탄성 필름을 함유하는 탄성 부직 복합체가 제공된다. 복합체는 필름을 닙에 통과시켜 필름을 부직 웹 물질(들)에 결합시킴으로써 형성된다. 결합 형성과 동시에 천공이 또한 탄성 필름에서 형성된다. 천공은 복합체의 탄성 성질에 유의적 부작용을 미치지 않으면서 원하는 수준의 텍스쳐, 부드러움, 손 촉감, 및/또는 미학적 어필을 복합체에 제공하기에 충분한 크기를 가진다. 천공 및 결합 형성은 적층 공정의 특정 파라미터들, 예컨대 필름 함량, 결합 패턴, 필름 장력 정도, 결합 조건 등을 선택적으로 조절함으로써 본 발명에서 달성된다. An elastic nonwoven composite is provided that contains an elastic film laminated to one or more nonwoven web materials. The composite is formed by passing the film through the nip to bond the film to the nonwoven web material (s). At the same time as the bond is formed, perforations are also formed in the elastic film. The perforation is of sufficient size to provide the composite with the desired level of texture, softness, hand feel, and / or aesthetic appeal without significant side effects on the elastic properties of the composite. Perforation and bond formation are achieved in the present invention by selectively adjusting certain parameters of the lamination process such as film content, bonding pattern, film tension degree, bonding conditions, and the like. 부직 웹 물질, 탄성 부직 복합체 Nonwoven Web Material, Elastic Nonwoven Composite

01-10-2019 дата публикации

Laminated composite radius filler with geometric shaped filler element and method of forming the same

Номер: KR101999577B1
Принадлежит: 더 보잉 컴파니

복합 구조체를 위한 라미네이트 복합체 방사상의 필러는 소망하는 폭으로 절단되어 있고, 소망하는 플라이 방향을 가지는 라미네이트 방사상의 필러 플라이의 복수의 적층물을 가지는 적층형 플라이 조립체를 가진다. 라미네이트 복합체 방사상의 필러는 추가로 적층형 플라이 조립체의 제1 부위에 소망하는 위치에 배치되어 있는 기하학적 형상의 필러 소재를 가진다. 기하학적 형상의 필러 소재는 해당 기하학적 형상의 필러 소재를 적층시킨 적층형 플라이 조립체의 제2 부위를 변형시켜서, 적층형 플라이 조립체의 제2 부위의 라미네이트 방사상의 필러 플라이가 방향을 변화시키고, 횡방향과 종방향을 포함하는 방향의 성분을 가지도록 한다. 라미네이트 복합체 반사상의 필러는 복합 구조체의 방사상의 필러 영역에 실질적으로 해당하는 형상을 가진다. The laminate composite radial filler for the composite structure is cut to the desired width and has a laminated ply assembly having a plurality of stacks of laminated radial filler plies having a desired ply direction. The laminate composite radial filler further has a geometrically shaped filler material disposed at a desired location in the first portion of the laminated fly assembly. The geometric filler material deforms a second portion of the stacked ply assembly in which the geometric filler material is laminated so that the laminated radial ply of the second portion of the laminated ply assembly changes direction, and the transverse and longitudinal directions To have a component in the direction including the. The filler of the laminate composite reflector has a shape substantially corresponding to the radial filler region of the composite structure.

10-01-2012 дата публикации

Non-woven composite material containing perforated flexible film

Номер: RU2439223C2

FIELD: textiles, paper. SUBSTANCE: flexible nonwoven composite material comprises a flexible film layered on one or more non-woven material. Composite material is obtained by passing the film and a non-woven material through the clamp formed of at least one patterned roll. In the clamp there is a simultaneous fusion of the film with non-woven sheet, and formation of holes in the film essentially without softening of the polymer of nonwoven material sheet. At least one of the holes has a length of about 200 to about 5000 microns, and the film is stretched with relative elongation of about 1.5 or more in the machine direction in the clamp. Absorbing product contains the outer coating, an undercloth adjacent to the body which is connected to the outer coating, and the absorbing core. The latter is located between the outer coating and the undercloth adjacent to the body. The absorbing product contains a non-woven composite material mentioned above. EFFECT: improvement of preservation of physical properties of nonwoven materials, namely fluid permeability, softness, voluminosity and pleasurableness by feel. 27 cl, 17 dwg, 2 tbl, 5 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 439 223 (13) C2 (51) МПК D04H 13/00 (2006.01) D04H 1/54 (2006.01) A61F 13/15 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.07.2007 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 31.08.2006 US 11/513,497 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.10.2010 Бюл. № 28 2 4 3 9 2 2 3 R U (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 31.03.2009 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6830800 В2, 14.12.2004. WO 2004060666 A1, 22.07.2004. WO 2004060664 A1, 22.07.2004. WO 9914047 A1, 25.03.1999. WO 2006024394 A1, 09.03.2006. RU 2245947 C2, 10.02.2005. RU 2224772 C2, 27.02.2004. RU 2005102410 A, 10.08.2005. RU 2004119034 A, 10.03.2005. (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2007/052873 (18.07.2007) (87) ...

02-08-1984 дата публикации

Patent JPS5931591B2

Номер: JPS5931591B2
Автор: Hanmaa Robaato
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

25-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CN101234545B
Принадлежит: Yupo Corp

本发明提供模内成型用标签及具有其的带标签容器,所述模内成型用标签按顺序含有热塑性树脂薄膜基材层(I)、热封性树脂层(II)和防静电层(III),其中,构成该热封性树脂层(II)的热封性树脂含有丙烯与碳数为4~20个的α-烯烃的共聚物,且其使用差示扫描热量计(DSC)测定的不足90℃的非晶度为60~90%,该防静电层(III)每单位面积(m 2 )含有0.001~1g防静电剂,且其表面的润湿指数(JIS-K-6768)为32~54mN/m,该标签的孔隙率超过10%且在70%以下、且不透明度(JIS-P-8138)超过20%且在100%以下。

14-10-2003 дата публикации

Multicomponent apertured nonwoven

Номер: US6632504B1
Принадлежит: BBA Nonwovens Simpsonville Inc

A nonwoven web is provided which can be readily converted to an apertured web by stretching. In its initial non-apertured state, the web comprises a plurality of multicomponent fibers comprising at least two thermoplastic polymer components arranged in at least first and second separate continuous structured domains. The polymer component of the first domain comprises polyethylene. Prior to stretch aperturing, the web has a peak elongation of at least 100 percent and is characterized by having a plurality of discrete, spaced-apart, frangible bond sites of polymer bonding the fibers to form a coherent extensible nonwoven web. The frangible bond sites are structured and arranged to readily rupture when subjected to tensile stress to form discrete, spaced-apart apertures in the nonwoven fabric. The web has a total energy absorption in at least one of the machine direction or the cross-machine direction of at least 50 gcm/cm2.

14-10-2014 дата публикации

Mask Assembly and Fabrication method of the same

Номер: KR101450728B1
Автор: 고정우
Принадлежит: 삼성디스플레이 주식회사

본 발명은 마스크 조립체 및 그의 제조 방법에 관한 것으로, 마스크 프레임에 패턴 마스크를 인장 용접하여 마스크 조립체를 제조하는 경우, 상기 마스크 프레임과 용접되는 상기 패턴 마스크의 인장용접부의 구조를 변경하여, 상기 마스크 프레임과 패턴 마스크를 용이하게 용접될 수 있으며, 상기 패턴 마스크의 패턴이 정밀하게 정렬되도록 하여, 상기 마스크 조립체에 의한 얼룩 불량율을 최소화할 수 있는 마스크 조립체 및 그의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a mask assembly and a method of manufacturing the same, and in the case of manufacturing a mask assembly by tensile welding a pattern mask to a mask frame, the structure of the tensile welded portion of the pattern mask welded to the mask frame is changed, And a pattern mask can be easily welded and a pattern of the pattern mask can be precisely aligned to minimize a stain defect rate caused by the mask assembly, and a method of manufacturing the same. 본 발명은 개구부 및 지지대를 포함하는 마스크 프레임; 및 매트릭스 형태로 배열된 다수의 패턴을 포함하는 패턴부 및 상기 지지대와 용접되기 위하여 상기 패턴부로부터 제 1 방향으로 연장되며, 상기 제 1 방향과 수직인 제 2 방향으로 서로 이격되는 다수의 인장용접부를 포함하는 패턴 마스크를 포함하는 마스크 조립체에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a mask frame comprising an opening and a support; And a plurality of tensile welds extending in a first direction from the pattern portion to be welded to the support and spaced apart from each other in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction, The present invention relates to a mask assembly including a pattern mask. 또한, 본 발명은 개구부 및 지지대를 포함하는 마스크 프레임을 제공하고, 매트릭스 형태로 배열된 다수의 패턴을 포함하는 패턴부 및 상기 패턴부로부터 제 1 방향으로 연장되며, 상기 제 1 방향과 수직인 제 2 방향으로 서로 이격되는 다수의 인장용접부를 포함하는 패턴 마스크를 제공하고, 상기 패턴 마스크의 패턴부가 상기 마스크 프레임의 개구부에 위치하며, 상기 패턴 마스크의 다수의 인장용접부가 상기 마스크 프레임의 지지대와 접촉하도록 상기 패턴 마스크와 마스크 프레임을 위치시키고, 상기 패턴 마스크의 다수의 인장용접부와 마스크 프레임의 지지대 를 1차 용접하여 상기 패턴 마스크와 마스크 프레임을 결합하고, 상기 패턴 마스크의 제 1 방향으로 배열된 패턴의 정렬 상태를 측정하고, 상기 정렬 상태에 따라 상기 제 1 방향으로 배열된 패턴으로부터 연장된 인장용접부와 지지대를 2차 용접하는 것을 포함하는 마스크 조립체의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention also provides a mask frame including an opening and a support, comprising: a pattern portion including a plurality of patterns arranged in a matrix; and a pattern portion extending in the first direction from ...

11-08-1998 дата публикации

Laminate and uniaxially oriented laminate

Номер: JPH10211679A
Принадлежит: Nippon Petrochemicals Co Ltd

(57)【要約】 【課題】 添加剤を含み、かつ後加工する際に添加剤の 析出によるトラブルを生じない積層体および一軸配向積 層体を提供する。 【解決手段】 添加剤を含む配向性樹脂Aからなる内層 2の両面に、内層からの添加剤の析出を防止する樹脂B からなる被覆層3を積層したことを特徴とする積層体、 およびそれを一軸延伸してなる一軸配向積層体1。

28-06-2007 дата публикации

High impact strength, elastic, composite, fibre, metal laminate

Номер: US20070148486A1
Автор: Jasko Musaefendic
Принадлежит: Jasko Musaefendic

A damage resistant High Strength, Impact Resistant, Elastic Composite Laminate primary (singular) structure with optionally having first ( 4 ) and second ( 4 ) outer face layers, having first ( 2 ) and second ( 2 ) inner reinforced plies being located between the first and second outer layers, and ( 1 ) a dissipating element located between the first and second reinforced plies, wherein the dissipating element is adapted to dissipate and redirect, randomly directed active loading applied to at least one of the two outer surface, to tensile loading being directed along the respective longitudinal axis of the inner reinforced ply; and a matrix ( 3 ) between ( 2 ) and ( 4 ).

17-02-2015 дата публикации

High impact strength, elastic, composite, fibre, metal laminate

Номер: US8956711B2
Автор: Jasko Musaefendic
Принадлежит: Jasko Musaefendic

A damage resistant High Strength, Impact Resistant, Elastic Composite Laminate primary (singular) structure with optionally having first ( 4 ) and second ( 4 ) outer face layers, having first ( 2 ) and second ( 2 ) inner reinforced plies being located between the first and second outer layers, and ( 1 ) a dissipating element located between the first and second reinforced plies, wherein the dissipating element is adapted to dissipate and redirect, randomly directed active loading applied to at least one of the two outer surface, to tensile loading being directed along the respective longitudinal axis of the inner reinforced ply; and a matrix ( 3 ) between ( 2 ) and ( 4 ).

19-01-2011 дата публикации

Anti-dazzling film

Номер: EP2006711A4
Принадлежит: Daicel Chemical Industries Ltd

17-09-1996 дата публикации

Ready-tear packaging

Номер: US5556674A
Автор: Daniel Meilhon
Принадлежит: SODAP

Heat-shrinkable coextrudate thermoplastic film packaging materials, well suited for the packaging of any one or more of a wide variety of articles, e.g., canned goods, and readily torn in a transverse direction substantially perpendicular to the machine direction thereof, e.g., by the provision of a tab or pull member thereon, are shaped from (a) at least one layer of a polyolefin; and (b) at least one layer of a copolymer selected from among ionic copolymers of: (1) α-olefins of the formula R--CH═CH 2 wherein R is hydrogen or an alkyl radical having from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, with (2) α, β-ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acids having from 3 to 8 carbon atoms, and (3) optionally, an additional monoethylenically unsaturated comonomer; with the proviso that from 10% to 90% of the carboxylic acid functions of such copolymer are ionized by neutralization by means of metallic ions distributed over the copolymer.

19-01-1988 дата публикации

Heat-activated blotter

Номер: US4720410A
Принадлежит: Conagra Inc

The present invention is an absorbent pad for use below a meat product or the like during storage and during cooking. The pad includes a blotter means adapted to absorb liquids released from the meat product during cooking. In order to prevent substantial absorption prior to cooking, the pad also includes a heat shrinkable film adjacent the top surface of the blotter means, which film is partially attached to the blotter so as to leave at least one area which is not attached to the blotter means. The film also includes at least one opening feature, i.e. a perforation or pre-weakened area, in the at least one area which is not attached to the blotter means. As a result, when the pad is subjected to heat during cooking, the film around the perforation to weakened point shrinks so as to open a hole through the film to thereby allow liquids released from the meat product to pass into the blotter. Various configurations of perforations and pre-weakened areas are described.

14-04-2005 дата публикации

Packaging material and packaging product

Номер: AU780703B2
Принадлежит: Plast Corp

24-04-1991 дата публикации

Heat activated blotter

Номер: EP0271269B1
Принадлежит: Conagra Inc

08-05-1991 дата публикации

Material having a passage therethrough

Номер: GB9106317D0
Принадлежит: National Research Development Corp UK

PCT No. PCT/GB92/00537 Sec. 371 Date Jan. 21, 1994 Sec. 102(e) Date Jan. 21, 1994 PCT Filed Mar. 24, 1992 PCT Pub. No. WO92/16434 PCT Pub. Date Oct. 1, 1992A bilayer laminated material has a gas permeability increasing greatly with temperature, achieved by cutting a star-shaped hole in it when it is relaxed and flat. On warming, the leaves between the radial cuts curl and disproportionately increase the hole size. Such a material, if flat at 5 DEG C. and wide open at 20 DEG C., is useful for packaging vegetable produce.

26-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DK165550C
Принадлежит: Conagra Inc

06-11-2013 дата публикации

Cleaning sheet

Номер: CN102164529B
Автор: 山田菊夫
Принадлежит: Individual


16-06-2015 дата публикации

Biodegradable polyester mixture

Номер: US9056979B2
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Disclosed is a biodegradable polyester mixture comprising 45 to 95 wt %, based on the total weight of polyester I and II, of a polyester I constructed from an aliphatic C 9 -C 18 dicarboxylic acid or a C 9 -C 18 dicarboxylic acid derivative; terephthalic acid or a terephthalic acid derivative; a C 3 -C 6 diol; an at least trihydric alcohol; and a chain extender. The biodegradable polyester mixture further comprises 5 to 55 wt %, based on the total weight of polyester I and II, of a polyester II constructed from an aliphatic C 4 -C 6 dicarboxylic acid or a C 4 -C 6 dicarboxylic acid derivative; terephthalic acid or a terephthalic acid derivative; a C 3 -C 6 diol; an at least trihydric alcohol; and a chain extender. The biodegradable polyester mixture further comprises 10 to 25 wt %, based on the total weight, of calcium carbonate; and 3 to 15 wt %, based on the total weight, of talc.

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Wood fibre based panel with a surface layer

Номер: WO2015105455A1

A building panel with a surface layer (1) comprising a wood veneer, a wood fibre based core (2) and a sub-layer (3) between the surface layer (1) and the core (2). The sub-layer (3) comprises wood fibres (4) and a binder (5). The surface layer (1) has surface portions (6) comprising material from the sub-layer (3). The surface portions (6)comprising material from the sub-layer (3) extend into the wood veneer.

26-10-1998 дата публикации

적층체 및 일축 배향 적층체

Номер: KR19980070948A
Автор: 야마자키신지

본 발명은 첨가제를 함유하며 또 후가공할때 첨가제의 석출에 의한 트러블을 일으키지 않는 적층체 및 일축배향 적층체를 제공한다. 본 발명은 첨가제를 함유하는 배향성수지(A)로 이루어지는 내층(2)의 양면에 내층으로부터의 첨가제의 석출을 방지하는 수지(B)로 이루어지는 피복층(3)을 적층한 것을 특징으로 하는 적층체 및 그것을 일축 연신하여 되는 일축배향 적층체(1)에 관한 것이다.

20-09-2016 дата публикации

Diagonal openings in photodefinable glass

Номер: US9446590B2
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

In one example, a method for making diagonal openings in photodefinable glass includes exposing part of a body of photodefinable glass to a beam of light oriented diagonally to a surface of the body at an angle of 5° or greater measured with respect to a normal to the surface of the body and removing some or all of the part of the body exposed to the light beam to form a diagonal opening in the body.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Diagonal openings in photodefinable glass

Номер: WO2014028022A1

In one example, a method for making diagonal openings in photodefinable glass includes exposing part of a body of photodefinable glass to a beam of light oriented diagonally to a surface of the body at an angle of 5° or greater measured with respect to a normal to the surface of the body and removing some or all of the part of the body exposed to the light beam to form a diagonal opening in the body.

17-05-2011 дата публикации

Radiation resistant silicone formulations and medical devices formed of same

Номер: US7943697B2
Автор: Mark W. Simon
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

The disclosure is directed to a sterilized medical device including a non-polymerized blend including a silicone matrix material and a radiation resistant component.

02-02-2005 дата публикации

Packaging material and packaging product

Номер: KR100469764B1

내용물이 공기로부터 차단되고 기밀하게 밀봉되고, 가열밀봉부의 별도의 처리 없이도 작은 구멍이 적절한 위치에 형성되며, 내부압력이 정상 압력이상의 압력에서 매우 안정적으로 유지되는 포장 백이나 용기 커버를 제공하는 포장재료에 관한 것이다. 예를 들면, 전자 오븐에서 가열하기에 적합한 포장재료이다. 포장재료는, 저융점의 가열밀봉제(4)가 합성수지제 연신 필름(2)의 소정 부위에 도포되고, 절단선(5)이 가열밀봉제(4)가 도포된 부위를 통과하는 실선 또는 파선의 형태로 합성수지제 연신 필름(2)에서 절단되며, 가열밀봉성을 가지는 합성수지제 미연신 필름(3)이 합성수지제 연신 필름(2)에 부착되는 필름을 사용한다. 이러한 필름은 포장 백(1) 또는 용기커버로 사용된다. A packaging material that provides a packaging bag or container cover whose contents are isolated from air and hermetically sealed, and small holes are formed in appropriate positions without any additional treatment of the heat seal, and the internal pressure is kept very stable at pressures above normal pressure. It is about. For example, it is a packaging material suitable for heating in an electronic oven. The packaging material is a solid line or broken line in which a heat-sealing agent 4 having a low melting point is applied to a predetermined portion of the stretched film 2 made of synthetic resin, and the cut line 5 passes through a portion where the heat-sealing agent 4 is applied. The film which is cut | disconnected from the synthetic resin stretched film 2 in the form of, and adhere | attaches the synthetic resin unstretched film 3 which has heat sealing property to the synthetic resin stretched film 2 is used. This film is used as a packaging bag 1 or a container cover.

13-03-2007 дата публикации

Flexible film packaging having removable strip

Номер: US7189300B2
Принадлежит: Frito Lay North America Inc

Slitters cut through a first layer of film immediately prior to lamination of the first layer to a second layer of film to form a strip therebetween. The degree of bonding between the first and second layers is adjusted so that the strip can be removed without harming the rest of the film or destroying any barrier properties. The lamination process can utilize extrusion lamination or adhesive lamination to provide a variety of uses: removable coupons, prize disclosures, stickers, and an adhesive re-close strip.

27-10-2009 дата публикации

Multilayer packaging with peelable coupon

Номер: US7608317B2
Принадлежит: Milprint Inc

A multilayer film with an integrated peelable coupon that may be used as a packaging unit for products is described. The flexible, multilayer film has at least a first polymeric layer, indicia, a layer of release coating that is applied in a pattern to a portion of an interior surface of the first layer and a second polymeric layer which may be made in combination with additional layers. A removable portion of the film structure is provided by a pattern of perforations or slits through certain layers of film in alignment with the release coating pattern. The method of manufacturing the multilayer film with an integrated coupon includes providing a first polymeric layer as an outer layer, printing indicia, applying a layer of release coating in a pattern to a portion of an interior surface of the first layer, cutting slits through certain layers and laminating a second polymeric layer.

26-08-2008 дата публикации

Flexible film packaging having removable strip

Номер: US7416768B2
Принадлежит: Frito Lay North America Inc

Slitters cut through a first layer of film immediately prior to lamination of the first layer to a second layer of film to form a strip therebetween. The degree of bonding between the first and second layers is adjusted so that the strip can be removed without harming the rest of the film or destroying any barrier properties. The lamination process can utilize extrusion lamination or adhesive lamination to provide a variety of uses: removable coupons, prize disclosures, stickers, and an adhesive re-close strip.

11-03-2010 дата публикации

Carpet for vehicles and manufacture method thereof

Номер: KR100946521B1
Автор: 황진호

본 발명은 차량용 카페트 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 특히, 차량용 카페트의 제조방법은 흡음재와 카페트원단을 성형하여 카페트를 제조하기 위해, 흡음재의 일부를 트리밍하여 홈부가 형성된 메인흠음재를 성형하는 단계와, 홈부에서 트리밍된 상기 흠음재의 일부를 압착하여 조각흡음재를 성형하는 단계와, 성형된 조각흡음재 및 메인흡음재를 카페트 금형에 투입하여 카페트원단과 접합 성형하는 단계를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a vehicle carpet and a method of manufacturing the same. In particular, the manufacturing method of the vehicle carpet is formed by molding a portion of the sound absorbing material to form a main sound absorbing material formed by grooves to form a sound absorbing material and a carpet fabric, and a part of the grooved material trimmed in the groove portion Molding a piece of sound absorbing material, and inserting the molded piece of sound absorbing material and the main sound absorbing material into the carpet mold and forming a joint with the carpet fabric. 흡음재, 카페트원단, 금형, 시트레일홈 Sound-absorbing material, carpet fabric, mold, seat rail groove

16-07-2021 дата публикации

A method of producing a veneered element

Номер: KR102279102B1
Принадлежит: 뵈린게 이노베이션 에이비이

본 개시는 베니어판 요소(10)를 제조하는 방법으로서, 기판(1)을 제공하는 단계, 기판(1)의 표면에 서브-층(2)을 가하는 단계, 서브-층(2)에 베니어 층(3)을 가하는 단계, 서브-층(2)의 적어도 일부가 베니어 층(3)을 통해 침투되도록 베니어 층(3) 및/또는 기판(1)에 압력을 가하는 단계를 포함하는, 베니어판 요소를 제조하는 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 개시는 또한 베니어판 요소(10)에도 관한 것이다. The present disclosure provides a method of manufacturing a veneer element (10), comprising the steps of providing a substrate (1), applying a sub-layer (2) to the surface of the substrate (1), and applying a sub-layer (2) to the sub-layer (2) ( manufacturing a veneer element comprising the step of applying 3), applying pressure to the veneer layer (3) and/or the substrate (1) such that at least a portion of the sub-layer (2) penetrates through the veneer layer (3) it's about how to The present disclosure also relates to the veneer element 10 .

05-05-2004 дата публикации

Packing material and packing product

Номер: CN1148309C
Автор: [UNK], 稻垣宏道, 高桥盛
Принадлежит: Plast Corp


26-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: IT233249Y1
Автор: Maurizio Pedrini
Принадлежит: Barilla Flli G & R

26-01-2021 дата публикации

Self sealing tag stock

Номер: US10902749B2
Автор: Peter J. Dronzek, Jr.
Принадлежит: Polymeric Converting LLC

A polymeric film tag stock which comprises; (a) a layer of a polymeric film having a top surface and a bottom surface; (b) a layer of a cohesive adhesive on the bottom surface of said polymeric film.

17-11-2003 дата публикации

Flexible sheet for disposable wearing articles

Номер: JP3467432B2
Принадлежит: Uni Charm Corp

17-08-2016 дата публикации

A method of producing a veneered element

Номер: CN105873762A


12-05-2009 дата публикации

Carpet for vehicles and manufacture method thereof

Номер: KR20090047250A
Автор: 황진호

본 발명은 차량용 카페트 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 특히, 본 발명은 메인흡음재 및 조각흡음재를 포함하는 흡음재를 성형하고, 성형된 흡음재의 홈부에서 조각흡음재를 트리밍하고, 성형된 조각흡음재 및 메인흡음재를 카페트 금형에 투입하여 조각흡음재 및 메인흡음재를 카페트원단에 접합 성형함으로써, 흡음재의 홈부에서 제거된 조각흡음재를 카페트의 강도 보강으로 재활용할 수 있다는 특징이 있다. 흡음재, 카페트원단, 금형, 시트레일홈

31-07-2008 дата публикации

Label for in-mold forming and resin container with the label

Номер: US20080182117A1
Принадлежит: Yupo Corp

A label for in-mold forming which comprises a thermoplastic resin film base layer (I), a heat-sealable resin layer (II), and an antistatic layer (III), wherein the heat-sealable resin layer (II) comprises a heat-sealable resin including a copolymer of propylene and α-olefin having 4-20 carbon atoms and has a degree of non-crystallinity of 60-90% as determined with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) at temperatures less than 90° C., the antistatic layer (III) comprises an antistatic agent in an amount of 0.001 to 1 g per unit area (m 2 ) and the surface of the layer has a wettability index (JIS-K-6768) of 32-54 mN/m, and the label has a porosity higher than 10% and not higher than 70% and has an opacity (JIS-P-8138) higher than 20% and not higher than 100%; and a labeled container with the label.

06-10-2015 дата публикации

Label for in-mold forming and resin container with the label

Номер: US9149976B2
Принадлежит: Yupo Corp

A label for in-mold forming which comprises a thermoplastic resin film base layer (I), a heat-sealable resin layer (II), and an antistatic layer (III), wherein the heat-sealable resin layer (II) comprises a heat-sealable resin including a copolymer of propylene and α-olefin having 4-20 carbon atoms and has a degree of non-crystallinity of 60-90% as determined with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) at temperatures less than 90° C., the antistatic layer (III) comprises an antistatic agent in an amount of 0.001 to 1 g per unit area (m 2 ) and the surface of the layer has a wettability index (JIS-K-6768) of 32-54 mN/m, and the label has a porosity higher than 10% and not higher than 70% and has an opacity (JIS-P-8138) higher than 20% and not higher than 100%; and a labeled container with the label.

15-06-1986 дата публикации

Versions of non-detachable net plastic structure

Номер: SU1238727A3

Plastics material mesh structures are made by providing a starting material (1) having a pattern of primary holes or depressions (2) and smaller secondary holes or depressions (3) between the primary holes or depressions (2), and stretching the plastics material to orientate the zones between adjacent holes or depressions (2, 3) to form orientated strands. A first stretch in a single direction produces intermediate structures such as those shown in Figures 1 b and 22b, having first mesh openings (4) and smaller second mesh openings (5). A subsequent stretch at right angles to the first stretch produces the structures such as those shown in Figures 1c or 22c having main orientated strands (8) and (11) or (23) interconnected by shorter orientated strands (10) or (25) and (29) arranged in such a way that only three strands meet at any junction.

10-03-2010 дата публикации

Elastic metal composite material, reinforced with fibres, having lamellar structure and having high impact resistance

Номер: RU2383440C2
Принадлежит: Еласо Пти Лимитед

Изобретение относится к композиционным материалам и может быть использовано в авиационной, аэрокосмической, автомобильной промышленности, на железнодорожном транспорте, в морском судоходстве, при возведении объектов, а также при изготовлении средств защиты. Материал имеет первый и второй внешние лицевые слои, первую и вторую прослойки, расположенные между ними, рассеивающий элемент, размещенный между первой и второй прослойками, и полимерную матрицу между прослойкой и лицевым слоем. Рассеивающий элемент выполнен с возможностью рассеивания и перенаправления случайно направленной активной сосредоточенной нагрузки, приложенной по меньшей мере к одной из двух внешних поверхностей, в нагрузку, направленную вдоль первой и второй прослоек и растягивающую их. Материал обладает высокой ударной вязкостью, большой энергопоглощающей способностью, высокой упругостью при ударных нагрузках, высокой степенью упругого восстановления после пластической деформации, высокой усталостной прочностью и долговечностью, простой и дешевой механической обработкой и изготовлением. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 383 440 (13) C2 (51) МПК B32B 15/00 (2006.01) B32B 3/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006119301/02, 29.07.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.07.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЕЛАСО ПТИ ЛИМИТЕД (AU) R U (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 19.01.2004 AU 2004900201 (72) Автор(ы): МУСАЕФЕНДИК Джаско (AU) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.02.2008 2 3 8 3 4 4 0 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2010 Бюл. № 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 10153165 A1, 08.05.2003. US 2003/0180516 A1, 25.09.2003. US 5903920 A, 18.05.1999. RU 2105262 C1, 20.02.1998. RU 94037605 A1, 27.08.1996. 2 3 8 3 4 4 0 R U (86) Заявка PCT: AU 2004/001004 (29.07.2004) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 21.08.2006 (87) ...

30-01-2001 дата публикации

Thermal barrier coatings having an improved columnar microstructure

Номер: US6180184B1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An article having a spallation resistant TBC comprises a metal substrate, such as a high temperature superalloy, and a TBC, such as a coating of yttria stabilized zirconia. The TBC comprises a plurality of plasma-sprayed layers. The TBC has a coherent, continuous columnar grain microstructure, wherein at least one layer has a plurality of continuous columnar grains which have been extended by directional solidification into an adjacent layer. In a preferred embodiment, the coherent, continuous columnar microstructure comprises substantially all of the volume of TBC. A coherent, continuous columnar grain microstructure is also taught wherein at least some of the plurality of coherent, continuous columnar grains which comprise a TBC extend through essentially the entire thickness of the coating. A columnar crack pattern of cracks extending generally normal to the surface of the metal substrate is also developed within TBCs of the present invention in conjunction with the coherent, continuous columnar grain microstructures described.
