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10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602044C2

Группа изобретений включает окклюзионную вилку с определением положения в пространстве, приспособление для позиционирования модели верхней челюсти в пространстве и способ пространственного переноса положения верхней челюсти с учетом индивидуальных параметров пациента, относится к ортопедической стоматологии и может быть использована для точного клинически определяемого правильного расположения модели верхней челюсти в артикуляторе. Окклюзионная вилка с определением положения в пространстве представляет собой пластину, применяемую для оценки топографии окклюзионной плоскости зубного ряда верхней челюсти. Пластина выполнена с внутриротовой частью в виде подковообразной формы элемента, несущего дистальные отделы и снабженного рукояткой, представляющей проксимальную часть пластины, несущую по средне-сагиттальной линии указатель для позиционирования вилки относительно зубного ряда верхней челюсти. Окклюзионная вилка снабжена датчиком для определения положения, размещенным на проксимальной части ...

27-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2222287C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии, и предназначено для регистрации движений нижней челюсти. Устройство содержит стержень, площадку и раму с пелотами. На раме установлены подвижный в вертикальном направлении кронштейн для крепления цифрового регистрирующего прибора и стержень. Стержень имеет пружину и выполнен с межзубным упором на одном конце и площадкой на другом. Стержень установлен с возможностью движения в трех взаимно перпендикулярных плоскостях посредством шарнира. В результате устройство позволяет клинически регистрировать функциональные движения нижней челюсти, учитывая индивидуальные окклюзионные взаимоотношения зубных рядов и движения в височно-нижнечелюстном суставе, проводить цифровую запись функциональных движений нижней челюсти. 1 ил.

27-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2222286C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к ортодонтической стоматологии, к способам и устройствам для определения силы давления активных элементов ортодонтических аппаратов. Способ включает механическое воздействие на ортодонтический аппарат. В месте приложения силы активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата к зубам устанавливают предварительно протарированный в единицах силы давления емкостный датчик длиной, равной протяженности контакта активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата с поверхностью зубов. Далее в процессе активации ортодонтического аппарата производят измерение электрической емкости, снимаемой с установленного емкостного датчика между его пластинами. Одна из пластин прилегает к поверхности зуба, а другая - к поверхности активного элемента. По значению изменения электрической емкости по тарировочной кривой определяют силу давления активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата на зубы пациента. В результате повышается точность измерения силы давления активного элемента ...

10-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2408324C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам для лечения аномального положения нижней челюсти. Устройство содержит датчик положения нижней челюсти 12, электронный блок с источником звукового сигнала 13, быстросъемные средства крепления датчика 12 и электронного блока 13 к голове пациента. Датчик является датчиком Холла 12 с магнитным маркером 1 для него. Магнитный маркер 1 выполнен из материала неодим-железо-бор в форме диска диаметром 8-12 мм и толщиной 1,5-2,5 мм и крепится на коже подбородка пациента. Датчик 12 и электронный блок 13 размещены в общем корпусе 2, который смонтирован с возможностью поворота на стержневой рамке, охватывающей подбородок с возможностью изменения положения относительно него. Электронный блок 13 содержит интерфейс 19 для подключения персонального компьютера и микропроцессор 15 с запоминающими устройствами 15А и узлом калибровки 15В. Использование изобретения позволит повысить точность определения положения нижней челюсти и оперативность ...

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2495644C1

Изобретение относится к медицине. Производят регистрацию звуковых шумов с помощью электронного стетоскопа Littmann. Преобразуют полученный звуковой сигнал в электрический. Расшифровывают полученные фонограммы в режиме Sp - определяют амплитуду вспышек, цвет звуковой волны по интенсивности от голубого до красного и ее высоту. При этом выполняют регистрацию шумов височно-нижнечелюстного сустава (ВНЧС) во время одного замедленного открывания и закрывания рта и сосудов головы и шеи - при сомкнутых зубах. При показателях фонограммы ВНЧС в режиме Sp: амплитуда 0,01 до 0,05, зелено-голубого цвета, не выше нижней трети шкалы, а также открывании рта больше 4 см без признаков патологии на рентгенограмме ВНЧС определяют, что первопричиной болевой патологии является привычная гипермобильность суставной головки ВНЧС. При показателях фонограммы, выслушиваемых во втором - пятом межреберье в межлопаточном пространстве при сомкнутых зубах, в режиме Sp: амплитудой от 1,05 и выше, желто-оранжевого цвета, ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации

Способ пространственного переноса положения верхней челюсти с учетом индивидуальных параметров, окклюзионная вилка с определением положения в пространстве и приспособление для позиционирования модели верхней челюсти в пространстве для реализации этого способа

Номер: RU2015103197A

... 1. Окклюзионная вилка с определением положения в пространстве, представляющая собой пластину, применяемую для оценки топографии окклюзионной плоскости зубного ряда верхней челюсти, выполненную с внутриротовой частью в виде подковообразной формы элемента, несущего дистальные отделы и снабженного рукояткой, представляющую проксимальную часть пластины, несущую по средне-сагиттальной линии указатель для позиционирования вилки относительно зубного ряда верхней челюсти, отличающееся тем, что она снабжена датчиком для определения положения, размещенным на проксимальной части пластины, указатель для позиционирования вилки относительно зубного ряда верхней челюсти выполнен в виде выступа или углубления на поверхности пластины на участке между местом размещения указанного датчика и подковообразной форму элемента пластины, выполненного со средствами удержания регистрирующего материала для отпечатка зубов, десен и небной поверхности.2. Окклюзионная вилка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что указанный датчик ...

10-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005102320A

Способ измерения параметров объемной поверхности нижней челюсти человека, при котором координаты определяют с помощью автоматизированного бесконтактного измерения, отличающийся тем, что первоначально на лицо пациента белой краской наносят реперные точки, затем пациенту вводят первую жевательную пробу, устойчивую к воздействию слюны, по съемке процесса пережевывания данной пробы определяют гармонические незатухающие составляющие движения челюсти, затем пациенту вводят вторую жевательную пробу, неустойчивую к воздействию слюны и по съемке процесса пережевывания определяют координаты первых реперных точек экспоненциальных составляющих движения челюсти, после чего пациенту вводят третью жевательную пробу, неустойчивую к воздействию слюны, объем которой минимум в 8 раз больше объема второй жевательной пробы и по съемке процесса пережевывания третьей пробы определяют координаты вторых реперных точек экспоненциальных составляющих движения челюсти.

10-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002130491A

Способ регистрации движений нижней челюсти путем снятия графических показаний, отличающийся тем, что, с целью получения возможности диагностики нарушения функции височно-нижнечелюстного сустава, пациент производит сагиттальные, а затем трансверзальные движения нижней челюсти, регистрирующиеся одновременно параллельными графическими линиями, при симметричности амплитуд сагиттальных движений и неизменной линии трансверзальных движений, а также при симметричности амплитуд трансверзальных движений и неизменной линии сагиттальных движений диагностируют норму, при несимметричности амплитуд или при измененной линии параллельного измерения диагностируют нарушение функциональной окклюзии или патологию височно-нижнечелюстного сустава.

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011111125A

... 1. Устройство слежения за жевательными движениями, выполненное с возможностью установки на голове пользователя в области его височной и/или жевательной мускулатуры, отличающееся тем, что включает датчик Холла и, по меньшей мере, один постоянный магнит, установленные с возможностью взаимного смещения в упругодеформируемом корпусе, и блок управления и обработки информации от датчика Холла, смещаемого относительно постоянного магнита при деформации корпуса. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упругодеформируемый корпус выполнен с возможностью охвата ушной раковины пользователя и прилеганием к его височной и/или жевательной мышцам. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упругодеформируемый корпус выполнен с возможностью установки в ушной раковине пользователя. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упругодеформируемый корпус является корпусом наушника. ! 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упругодеформируемый корпус состоит, по меньшей мере, из двух частей, упруго ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004116832A

... 1. Способ регистрации движений нижней челюсти при протезировании, включающий измерение и регистрацию суставного и резцового путей, сагиттального сдвига и трансверзальных движений, отличающийся тем, что наушники жестко соединяют с Т-образными металлическими пластинами, к которым прикрепляют затылочную и скуловую дуги, при этом на скуловой дуге взаимноперпендикулярно закрепляют два реостатных гнатодатчика, соединенных через переключатель с регистрирующим устройством и источником питания, на подбородок накладывают жесткую пращу с резьбовой втулкой, щупом и контргайкой и при помощи резиновых тяг соединяют с Т-образными металлическими пластинами. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что после определения центрального соотношения беззубых челюстей с помощью восковых базисов на разогретый восковой валик базиса нижней челюсти накладывают Т-образные металлические трубки с внутренним диаметром 3,5 мм в соответствии с центральной резцовой линией с последующим плотным смыканием челюстей пациента, в ...

03-11-1972 дата публикации

Устройство для определения наклона зубов

Номер: SU357975A1
Автор: Пучко Н.А.

08-02-1979 дата публикации

Device for recording denture movements - has relatively movable recording plates, with writing pins on upper plate and hardenable substance on lower one facing each other

Номер: DE0002733981A1

The device comprises upper and lower base plates (1) one of which has scribing pins (3) which move in a hardenable mass retained in facing regions (4) of the other plate. The plates are secured to their respective dentures by U-shaped receptacles (2) that are removably attached to the base plates. Various releasable fastenings may be used, both mechanical andmagnetic. In use the receptacles (2) are filled with a plaster-like mass to permit fixing to the dentures. The device permits ready selection of suitably sized receptacles form a complete set.

26-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003672092D1

09-12-1993 дата публикации

Exact location of hinge axis of articulators or bite simulators - using bite-on or contact plates respectively arranged at upper and lower jaw in form of jig and adjusted using lens system with light source.

Номер: DE0004218168A1

The first contact plate (1) is fixed at the patient upper jaw row of teeth, which is so adjusted using sleeve/pin elements, that marking flags (30,30') are aligned sagitally on the presumed hinge axis. The under jaw row of teeth includes a second contact plate (2). The adjusting system is adjusted, that the flags found at their side arms (18,19) come in to line. A stable three leg pin jaw articulated jig is produced across a sloping plane of the upper jaw contact plate and across a pin (4) of the second contact plate. The pin of the second contact plate when extended meets the sloping plane of the first contact plate, and also forms a stable three leg pin-jaw joint. The flags of the lower jaw arc make identifiable the rotation point, by a selected scanning with a rotational motion, which is transmitted on the skin of the patient as a coloured marking. ADVANTAGES - Simple and reliable using articulator. Ensures higher precision and saves time for operator.

20-10-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003032913C2
Принадлежит: MACK, HEINZ, 8000 MUENCHEN, DE

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Aufnahme von Kieferbewegungen

Номер: DE102016120583B3
Принадлежит: SICAT GMBH & CO KG, SiCAT GmbH & Co. KG

Hauptantrag: Verfahren zur Aufnahme von Kieferbewegungen eines Patienten (14), wobei ein Sensorelement (18) und ein für das Sensorelement erkennbarer Positionsmarker (20) am Kopf (12) des Patienten (14) angebracht werden, wobei das Sensorelement (18) am Schädel und der Positionsmarker (20) am Unterkiefer, oder umgekehrt, angebracht werden, wobei bei einer Kieferbewegung die Relativbewegung des Sensorelements (18) zum Positionsmarker (20) aufgenommen wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass auf Oberflächen der Zähne (30) des Unterkiefers Zahnklammern (28) lösbar aufgeklebt werden, wobei das Sensorelement (18) oder der Positionsmarker (20) vermittels der Zahnklammern (28) befestigt wird.

25-06-1981 дата публикации

Computer based data acquisition system to simulate jaw-bone - has linkage mechanism with potentiometers providing input to desk top computer

Номер: DE0002950847A1

A multiple degree of freedom linkage mechanism with potentiometer measuring units is used to register the motions of the lower jawbone for use in dental diagnostics. The mechanism is secured to the jaw in such a way that any movement of the jawbone results in a change in the signals produced by seven potentiometers (P2500). The analogue signals are converted (AD363) to digital form and the values are multiplexed (257)onto the data bus of a desk top computer for further processing. The peripheral devices include a printer, XY-plotter, monitor and copy former.

13-05-1993 дата публикации

Vorrichtung/Bausatz zum scharnierachsbezüglichen Einbau von Kiefermodellen

Номер: DE0009200196U1

03-06-1964 дата публикации

Means for recording oral proprioception

Номер: GB0000959915A

... 959,915. Recording mandibular movements. CULLEN BROS. Ltd. July 20, 1962, No. 28113/62. Headings A5K and A5R. [Also in Division G1] Apparatus for recording mandibular movements for indicating the flex ability and sensitivity of mouth opening and closing muscles comprises means to position a patient's skull and means to be secured to the patient's chin and connected to marking means for indicating relative movements of the upper and lower jaws, when the mouth is opened and closed. The patient's head is positioned by a forehead support 49 and a nose-supporting bar 54 which are adjustably but rigidly supported by a column 34 and a support 50, respectively, mounted on a base 10. A chin support member 42 is secured on the patient's chin by a band 43 and is articulated by a ball-and-socket joint 41 to a tubular member 40 which is telescopically arranged on one end of a rod 38. The rod 38 is vertically and horizontally pivoted on a ball-and-socket joint on the column 34. The rod carries a spring ...

24-08-1966 дата публикации

Dental instrument

Номер: GB0001040296A

... 1, 040, 296. Dental articulators. D. G. SMITH. Aug.14, 1963 [Aug. 14, 1962], No. 31092/62. Heading A5R. A device for recording and reproducing movements of the jaws comprises two bows 1, 2 on each of which a bite device 14, 15, for fixing to the upper and lower jaws, respectively, is adjustably carried, and coacting recording devices on the bows for recording movements of the bite devices relative to one another in response to movement of the jaws. Bite trays 14, 15 are supported by rods 12, 13 which selectively engage apertures in plates 10, 11 carried by each face bow 1, 2. The upper bow has depending members 6, 7, 8 which engage mouldable material 9 in cups 3, 4, 5 on the lower bow. In use a tray is cemented to the patient's upper and lower teeth respectively and the bows are connected to the trays by the rods. Relative movement of the trays in response to jaw movement is recorded by the depending members as paths traced in the mouldable material. The ends and middle of the upper bow ...

04-04-2001 дата публикации

A facebow

Номер: GB0002354713A

A facebow for registering the position of a third reference point on a patient's face, said facebow comprising left and right arms, a main body adjustably receiving said arms and a sight structure formed on said housing for use in locating the third reference point. Preferably the entire facebow is sterilizable. A method of using said facebow is also claimed. Alternatively claimed is a facebow with rack and pinion means of adjusting the left and right arms. Also alternatively claimed is a facebow with ear pieces and the ear pieces themselves with a terminal end forming a bulbous lobe.

16-01-2019 дата публикации

Zero moment adjuster

Номер: GB0002564630A

The objective of the present invention is to provide a zero moment adjuster capable of reproducing simply and accurately an occlusal curve specific to a patient, within the oral cavity, and which is more convenient to use. The zero moment adjuster according to the present invention is provided with: a base frame 11; face-bow attachment portions 12A, 12B; a face-bow 13; a mouthpiece 14; a securing means 15 which can be attached to and removed from one of the face-bow attachment portions 12A to secure the face-bow 13 to the face-bow attachment portions 12A, 12B with a prescribed attachment angle θ3; an earpiece attachment portion 16; an earpiece 17; a pad portion 18; and a reference point indicating tool 19 for indicating an occlusal force concentration part N. The mouthpiece 14 is formed in the shape of a curved surface along an occlusal spherical surface centered around a point on an occlusal line which passes through the occlusal force concentration part N and is parallel to side frames ...

25-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385410B

10-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000389045B
Принадлежит: MAI Martin

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000471123T

15-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000296787A

15-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000168183A

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000065493A

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508706T

15-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000048081T

15-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000025484T

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000117193T

15-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000028558T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000276712T

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Upper jaw contact element for contact with a human upper jaw

Номер: AU2020236859A1

The invention relates to an upper jaw contact element for contact with a human upper jaw, which contact element is formed as a dental arch-shaped upper jaw bite fork (5) which has receiving portions on at least the open end portions that are configured to reversibly receive upper jaw crowns, in particular with the aid of impression material, in a manner as to be stable during manipulation, and which can be connected to at least one jaw relation element (6, 7, 8, 500) in the area of vertex of the arch.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Device and method for detecting jaw relation data

Номер: AU2020239185A1

The invention relates to a device (4) for detecting jaw relation data of a person, comprising a first elongated jaw relation element (6) which extends in a ventral direction when installed on the person and which is configured to be secured to an upper jaw bearing element (5); a second elongated jaw relation element (7) which extends in a transversal and caudal direction relative to the first jaw relation element (6); and a third elongated jaw relation element (8) which extends in the transverse and dorsal direction relative to the second jaw relation element (7). The second jaw relation element (7) is movably connected to the first jaw relation element (6) in the extension direction of the second jaw relation element, and/or the third jaw relation element (8) is movably connected to the second jaw relation element (7) in the extension direction of the third jaw relation element such that the second or third jaw relation element (8) is configured so as to be supported on at least one incisal ...

28-01-2010 дата публикации

Method of detecting implants

Номер: AU2007231744B2

11-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002673504C

The invention relates to a method and a registering system for the transfer of a jaw model in relation to a hinge axis, for example, in an articulator, and to a connection device for connecting a lower jaw adapter (1) to a measuring carrier (4), and a bite carrier (3) for producing a bite key. The invention is characterised in that the transfer of the mandibular joint geometry, especially the exact position of the hinge axis of the patient, can be carried out in a state of assembly or an articulator using only a hinge axis determination relative to the lower jaw of the patient. The transfer of the facial arc required until now in prior art is rendered superfluous by the invention. Moreover, the possibilities of use of the transfer in relation to the hinge axis are extended, modularised and simultaneously simplified and accelerated. Sources of error are eliminated, and the expenditure on equipment and costs of the transfer of the model can be critically reduced.

02-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639928A1

30-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000522400A

29-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000643728A5

31-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000652018A5

15-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000648196A5

31-10-1986 дата публикации

Device for recording the mandibular movements of a patient

Номер: CH0000658178A5
Принадлежит: JOZSEF BALOGH

The movements of the lower jaw of a patient during chewing or talking are measured using ultrasonic waves. The ultrasonic waves are emitted by three emitter heads (23, 24, 25) arranged on the front side of a first rod (21). The first rod (21) is fastened on a means fixed to the lower jaw of the patient, so that the mandibular movements are transmitted to the first rod (21). The ultrasonic waves emitted are received by ultrasonic receiver heads (26, 27, 28) arranged on a second rod (22). This second rod (22) is fastened on a means to be placed onto the head of the patient and cannot be moved. The ultrasonic waves received are passed into the housing (12) in which the ultrasonic waves are evaluated and stored. The matrix printer (11) located in the housing (12) prints the selected measurement results on a record strip. These are: sagittal movements, opening and closing movements, bite angle, lateral movements in degrees, and forward movements of the lower jaw in millimetres. ...

15-05-2007 дата публикации

Способ определения высоты относительного физиологического покоя в положении центрального соотношения челюстей

Номер: KZ0000018425A

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ортопедической стоматологии и может быть использовано при протезировании зубов. Способ заключается в том, что положение суставных головок челюсти, центральное положение нижней челюсти и момент измерения высоты нижней трети лица определяют и контролируют визуально путем проекции на экран лазерных лучей от источников, которые фиксируют в области суставных впадин челюстей и подбородка пациента. Для этого два источника лазерного изучения фиксируют симметрично слева и справа в области суставных впадин челюстей пациента (вперед от козелка ушных раковин) при максимально открытом рте, третий источник фиксируют в области подбородка. Лучи лазера проецируют на любую вертикальную поверхность (или специальный экран) что значительно облегчает работу врача, особенно при отсутствии фиксированной высоты прикуса у пациента. Предложенный способ позволяет объективно и с высокой точностью определять высоту относительного физиологического покоя в положении центрального ...

28-11-2007 дата публикации

Denture base and method of preparing it and instrument used therefor

Номер: CN0100350883C

22-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003027205A1
Принадлежит: MODJAW

L'invention concerne un procédé de modélisation de la cinématique mandibulaire d'un patient, comprenant : - l'acquisition d'au moins une image stéréoscopique du visage du patient au moyen d'une caméra stéréoscopique, - la construction, à partir de ladite image stéréoscopique, d'un modèle surfacique tridimensionnel du visage du patient, - l'identification d'éléments caractéristiques du visage du patient sur ladite image stéréoscopique ou sur ledit modèle surfacique tridimensionnel du visage du patient, - à partir desdits éléments caractéristiques, la détermination, sur ladite image stéréoscopique, respectivement ledit modèle surfacique tridimensionnel du visage du patient, de points, axes et plans de référence du visage du patient, - l'obtention d'un modèle tridimensionnel de l'arcade dentaire maxillaire et d'un modèle tridimensionnel de l'arcade dentaire mandibulaire du patient, - le recalage des modèles tridimensionnels des arcades dentaires par rapport aux plans de référence du modèle ...

22-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002464054B1

19-11-1965 дата публикации

Dental Articulator and his process of use

Номер: FR0001418367A

17-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003027205B1

05-03-1971 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002046258A5

31-12-1970 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002036813A5

31-12-1970 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002036813A1

09-08-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for measuring jaw motion

Номер: KR0100608997B1
Автор: 김문상, 김중한
Принадлежит: 한국과학기술연구원

본 발명은 환자의 턱 운동의 회전중심과 그 이동궤적을 측정할 수 있는 턱 운동 측정장치에 관한 것이다. 턱 운동 측정장치는, 환자의 얼굴 좌우 측면에 각각 부착되는 한 쌍의 고정 마커부(10, 10')와, 고정 마커부(10, 10')들과 각각 소정 간격을 두고 대향된 상태로 환자의 아래턱의 움직임에 연동하여 이동 가능하게 배치된 한 쌍의 이동 마커부(20, 20')와, 아래턱의 움직임에 따른 고정 마커부(10, 10')에 대한 이동 마커부(20, 20')의 상대적인 이동을 3차원으로 촬영하는 4대의 카메라(30)와, 카메라(30)와 연결되어 카메라(30)로부터의 이미지 신호를 수신하고 처리하는 퍼스널 컴퓨터(40)를 포함한다. 이러한 턱 운동측정장치에서는, 카메라(30)로부터 획득된 이미지 신호를 스테레오 비전 프로세싱 함으로써 고정 마커부(10, 10')와 이동 마커부(20, 20')의 좌표를 계산하여 아래턱의 움직임에 관한 데이터를 측정하고, 이렇게 측정된 데이터에 기초하여 턱 운동의 회전 중심을 찾는다. The present invention relates to a jaw motion measuring apparatus capable of measuring the rotational center of the jaw motion of the patient and its movement trajectory. The jaw motion measuring apparatus includes a pair of fixed marker portions 10 and 10 'attached to the left and right sides of the patient's face, and the patient is opposed to the fixed marker portions 10 and 10' at predetermined intervals. A pair of moving marker parts 20 and 20 'arranged to be movable in conjunction with the movement of the lower jaw of the lower jaw and the moving marker parts 20 and 20' for the fixed marker parts 10 and 10 'according to the movement of the lower jaw. Four cameras 30 for photographing the relative movement of the camera in three dimensions, and a personal computer 40 connected to the camera 30 to receive and process image signals from the camera 30. In the jaw motion measuring apparatus, the coordinates of the fixed marker parts 10 and 10 'and the moving marker parts 20 and 20' are calculated by performing stereo vision processing on the image signal obtained from the camera 30. The data is measured and the center of rotation of the jaw motion is found based on the measured data. 턱, 운동, 스테레오 비전 프로세싱(Stereo Vision Processing), 오비탈 플레인(Orbital Plane) Jaw, Exercise, Stereo Vision Processing, Orbital Plane

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020191017A1

A motion adjustment prediction system is described. A scan of a dentition is performed to generate a digital dental model from which a position and orientation of each tooth in the upper and lower dental arches of the dentition is determined with respect to each other tooth. A dentition motion assessment is performed to capture motion data representing a movement of the dental arches relative to each other. A dental treatment plan with dentition adjustment is determined based on the scan and the dentition motion assessment. The dentition adjustment can include a restoration preparation, such as a crown or a bridge, or can include an orthodontic alignment. A motion adjustment is predicted based on the dentition adjustment, and the dental treatment plan is modified based on the predicted motion adjustment.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: WO2018065487A1

The invention relates to a device for the reversibly detachable attachment to teeth of an upper jaw or lower jaw, comprising: concave surface regions, each designed for contacting a lateral, in particular buccal, surface region of a tooth to produce a respective positive engagement, the occlusal surfaces of all teeth remaining free so that mastication is not impeded.

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012128669A1

Устройство слежения за жевательными движениями позволяет подсчитать количество жевательных движений. Устройство включает корпус, выполненный с возможностью упругой деформации под действием височной и/или жевательной мускулатуры, датчик Холла и постоянный магнит, установленные внутри корпуса с возможностью взаимного смещения при упругой деформации корпуса. Корпус устройства может быть выполнен с возможностью охвата ушной раковины пользователя или с возможностью установки в ушной раковине пользователя.

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020247699A1

A method, system and computer readable storage media for determining articulator parameters. A dentist may use a mobile device such as a smart phone to quickly and inexpensively visualize a 3D model of a patient's face and jaw, with a depth sensor being used to detect depth information. Articulator parameters may then be obtained to be used for treatment planning based on an analysis of the correct functioning of the patient's teeth.

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013030511A3
Автор: JAISSON, Maxime

The invention relates to a method for designing a dental appliance for a facial skeleton, including dental crowns and the roots corresponding thereto, said method including the following steps: producing a volumetric image of the facial skeleton, in the form an initial digital file, using medical imaging; modifying said volumetric image by computer processing of said initial digital file, and obtaining a modified digital file, said modification including at least one tooth movement with a view to implementing a desired correction of the dentition; designing said dental appliance using said initial digital file and said modified digital file, and producing a file that can be used by digitally controlled machines capable of manufacturing a dental appliance; in the volumetric image modification step, for each tooth that is moved, the crown thereof is individualized and the root corresponding thereto is associated therewith, wherein the volumetric image of the facial skeleton includes the image ...

09-04-1963 дата публикации

Номер: US0003084438A1

20-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for designing an orthodontic appliance

Номер: US0009922454B2
Принадлежит: MODJAW, JAISSON MAXIME, Jaisson Maxime

The invention relates to a method for designing a dental appliance for a facial skeleton including dental crowns and the roots corresponding thereto, said method including the following steps: producing a volumetric image of the facial skeleton, in the form an initial digital file, using medical imaging; modifying said volumetric image by means of the computer processing of said initial digital file, and obtaining a modified digital file, said modification including at least one tooth movement with a view to implementing a desired correction of the dentition; designing said dental appliance using said initial digital file and said modified digital file, and producing a file capable of being used by digitally controlled machines capable of manufacturing a dental appliance. In the step of modifying the volumetric image, for each tooth that is moved, the crown thereof is individualized and the root corresponding thereto is associated therewith, characterized in that said volumetric image of ...

09-05-2017 дата публикации

Digital technologies for planning and carrying out dental restorative procedures

Номер: US0009642685B2

A method and system for the fabrication of dental articles includes at least two imaging and measuring devices, which measure and provide images of the internal and external structure of intra-oral objects in a patient's oral cavity. The outputs from these devices are linked so that the descriptions of the intra-oral objects and features, oral cavity and surrounding bone structure are stored in a system of reference positions. The system of reference positions functions as a “global positioning device” registering locations and orientations of the measuring and imaging device or probe relative to the intra-oral objects and bone structure and orientations of the resulting individual frames or scans in the global system of coordinates. Three-dimensional images, scans and/or maps of the oral cavity obtained from each device are pieced together to generate solid three-dimensional models of the intra-oral objects.

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Tracking a dental movement

Номер: US0010485451B2

It is described an arrangement (230, 330, 430, 530) and a method for tracking a movement of an upper jaw (100) relative to a lower jaw (120), the arrangement comprising: a lower mounting structure (231) mountable relative to the lower jaw (120); at least one lower motion sensor system (233) mounted at the lower mounting structure; and at least one data transmission unit (127) adapted to transmit measurement data (245) from the lower motion sensor system to an analysis unit (239).

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312065A1
Автор: Michael C. Marshall

Apparatuses, components, devices, methods, and systems for determining jaw movement are provided. An example patient assembly for capturing motion data of a patient includes a clutch configured to be worn by the patient on a dentition of the patient. The clutch includes a dentition coupling device configured to couple to the dentition of the patient and includes an extension member configured to protrude out from the patient's mouth. The clutch also includes a position indicating system rigidly connected to the dentition coupling device. An example position indicating system emits a plurality of light beams. Some examples also include an imaging system and a motion determining device. An example imaging system captures a plurality of image sets that each include at least one of a plurality of screens upon which the light beams project. An example motion determining device processes the captured image sets to determine the motion of the patient's dentition. 1. An apparatus configured to be worn on a dentition of a patient , the apparatus comprising:a dentition coupling device configured to couple to the dentition of the patient, the dentition coupling device including an extension member configured to protrude out from the patient's mouth; and a housing configured to rigidly connect to the extension member of the dentition coupling device;', 'at first light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a first direction;', 'a second light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a second direction, the second direction being collinear with and opposite to the first direction; and', 'a third light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a third direction, the third direction that is different than the first direction and the second direction., 'a position indicating system rigidly connected to the dentition coupling device, the position indicating system including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

12-09-2023 дата публикации

Dynamic virtual articulator for simulating occlusion of teeth

Номер: US0011751981B2
Принадлежит: 3SHAPE A/S

Disclosed is a computer-implemented method of using a dynamic virtual articulator for simulating occlusion of teeth, when performing computer-aided designing of one or more dental restorations for a patient, where the method includes the steps of: providing the virtual articulator including a virtual three-dimensional model of the upper jaw and a virtual three-dimensional model of the lower jaw resembling the upper jaw and lower jaw, respectively, of the patient's mouth; providing movement of the virtual upper jaw and the virtual lower jaw relative to each other for simulating dynamic occlusion, whereby collisions between teeth in the virtual upper and virtual lower jaw occur; wherein the method further includes: providing that the teeth in the virtual upper jaw and virtual lower jaw are blocked from penetrating each other's virtual surfaces in the collisions.

28-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001079761B1
Автор: Tomasini, Gianni
Принадлежит: Tomasini, Gianni

17-05-2000 дата публикации

Face bow for rapid transfer of jaw movements

Номер: EP0001000589A3

The high-speed transmission curve contains an arched flag (1) which is tensioned by the spring force of a rubber band (6) towards the rear wall of the auditory canal and or the glabella. The flags (2) are each fixed to an end-piece (7) detachably joined to the arch. Each flag has fixed to it a detachable angle table with adjustable angle. Writing heads are positioned on the angle table and on the flag beside which is a centering point (20). An axial hole (10) in the flags marks the position of the patient's axis.

06-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000007334A1
Автор: LEE, Robert, L.

Styluses (25) defining a hinge axis (28) in a dental articulator are received in guide block pathways (68) defined by side walls (70, 72, 74, 76) and a curved upper wall (59). The blocks (48) are rotatably mounted to vary the slope of the upper wall (59). A supply of guide blocks is provided having a medial wall (80) with a rear curved portion which varies for different blocks based on average values. The user selects the blocks having the desired medial wall to provide the desired side shift. In one arrangement, the side walls are formed as a unit (64) and removeably mounted on the upper wall (59) and the user selects the side wall unit from a supply of units providing different degrees of side shift movement. In another form, the medial wall (97) is transversely adjustable.

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2284750C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано в ортопедической стоматологии для получения объективной информации о функциональном состоянии зубочелюстной системы, автоматизации процесса обработки результатов измерений и получения достоверной информации для постановки диагноза. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что координаты объемной поверхности определяют с помощью автоматизированного бесконтактного измерения с использованием стереотелевизионной системы технического зрения. Согласно изобретению предварительно на лицо пациента наносят белой краской реперные точки, вводят первую жевательную пробу, устойчивую к воздействию слюны, при съемке фиксируют перемещение реперных точек в процессе пережевывания пробы и по полученным изображениям определяют их координаты, после чего пациенту вводят вторую и третью жевательные пробы, не устойчивые к воздействию слюны, и для каждой из них процесс съемки и определения координат реперных точек повторяют, после чего по полученным ...

11-06-2019 дата публикации

Отслеживание движения челюсти

Номер: RU2691320C2
Принадлежит: ПЛАНМЕКА ОЙ (FI)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам отслеживания движения челюсти пациента. Устройство для отслеживания движения челюсти человека содержит по меньшей мере одну камеру, выполненную с возможностью фотографировать движение элементов отслеживания, содержащих реперные объекты и прикрепленных к нижней челюсти человека и к верхней челюсти человека или к части анатомической структуры человека, которая находится в неподвижном соединении с верхней челюстью, систему управления, включающую в себя первую подсистему для управления операциями по меньшей мере одной камеры, и вторую подсистему, содержащую средства обработки визуальной информации для обнаружения проекций и определения позиций элемента отслеживания на изображениях, захваченных по меньшей мере одной камерой, и для использования этой информации применительно к цифровой модели, изображающей твердую ткань по меньшей мере нижней челюсти, а также для генерирования динамической цифровой модели, подлежащей показу ...

02-04-2021 дата публикации

Система и способ для проведения ортодонтического диагностического анализа пациента

Номер: RU2745879C2
Принадлежит: ОРТО-ТЭЙН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к ортодонтической диагностике. Предложены способы и система для ортодонтической диагностики, в которых позиционируют точки в полости рта пациента с использованием визуализирующего устройства, где визуализирующее устройство создает данные визуализации. Данные визуализации передаются в центральный процессорный элемент, где центральный процессорный элемент имеет доступ к базе данных, имеющей информацию, связанную с ортодонтическими состояниями, сохраненную в ней. Центральный процессорный элемент проводит измерения, ассоциированные с выбранными точками и зубной системой в полости рта пациента, и прогнозирует ортодонтические состояния пациент исходя из результатов измерений и информации в базе данных. Центральный процессорный элемент дает рекомендации по лечению пациента исходя из спрогнозированных ортодонтических состояний. Группа изобретений обеспечивают на различных стадиях созревания зубной системы прогнозирование будущего состояния и/или ...

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Способ цифрового трекинга артикуляции (СЦТА)

Номер: RU2696941C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ортопедической стоматологии, и предназначено для регистрации движений нижней челюсти путем мониторирования - трекинга артикуляции. Предложен способ цифрового трекинга артикуляции, включающий установку точки-маркера на нижней челюсти, видеорегистрацию движений нижней челюсти путем мониторирования точки-маркера, загрузку в программное обеспечение и последующую обработку полученных файлов. Установку точки-маркера, в качестве которой используют проволочный гнутый кламмер, имеющий на конце сферу из светоотверждаемого композитного материала, осуществляют в межзубное пространство, а мониторирование точки-маркера производят с помощью системы двух взаимосвязанных камер с разрешением от 4К и частотой кадров от 120 fps, закрепленных на штативе, причем одной камерой снимают фронтальный вид, а второй вид сбоку, после записи, полученные файлы загружают в программное обеспечение, предназначенное для редактирования видео и динамических изображений, и получают ...

20-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2230522C1

Изобретение относится к стоматологии, может быть использовано для диагностики опорно-удерживающего аппарата зуба или тканей, окружающих имплантат. Способ включает приложение к зубу нижней челюсти двух переменных сил с постоянными амплитудами, но разными частотами. Частота второй переменной силы находится в интервале 1,5-2,5 частоты первой переменной силы. Измеряют амплитуды Х и смещения зуба для обеих переменных сил. Определяют параметр . По параметру R судят о состоянии опорно-удерживающего аппарата зуба нижней челюсти. Технический результат - повышение точности и качества диагностирования заболевания, уменьшение погрешности измерения. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 табл.

27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU50109U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к ортопедической стоматологии и предназначена для регистрации сагиттальных и трансверзальных движений нижней челюсти с целью получения возможности диагностики заболеваний височно-нижнечелюстного сустава и контроля проводимого лечения. Целью полезной модели является повышение надежности фиксации устройства на голове пациента. Устройство используется следующим образом. На голове пациента закрепляют оголовье, соединенное с помощью регулируемого винтового соединения с дополнительным стержнем, на котором с помощью регулируемого винтового соединения закреплен ⊂-образный фиксирующий элемент, снабженный на рабочих концах эластичными ушными вкладышами, которые фиксируются в ушных раковинах пациента. На лицевой части головы пациента закрепляют неподвижную раму таким образом, чтобы пелот был расположен в клыковой ямке с двух сторон. Стержень устанавливают так, чтобы межзубной упор был между центральными резцами нижней челюсти. Движения нижней челюсти ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002112535A

Способ определения силы давления активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата на зубы пациента, включающий механическое воздействие на ортодонтический аппарат, отличающийся тем, что в месте приложения силы активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата к зубам устанавливают предварительно протарированный в единицах силы давления емкостной датчик с длиной, равной протяженности контакта активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата с поверхностью зубов, далее в процессе активации ортодонтического аппарата производят измерение электрической емкости, снимаемой с установленного емкостного датчика между его пластинами, одна из которых прилегает к поверхности зубов, а другая - к поверхности активного элемента и по значению изменения электрической емкости по тарировочной кривой определяют силу давления активного элемента ортодонтического аппарата на зубы пациента.

27-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93042076A

Изобретение относится к стоматологии и может быть использовано при контроле за адаптационным состоянием пациента к зубным протезам. Задача предлагаемого решения - разработка способа объективной оценки состояния адаптационного процесса к стоматологическому вмешательству. Для решения поставленной задачи в способе определения адаптационного процесса, включающем регистрацию электромиографических импульсов (ЭМГ) от жевательных мышц в процессе жевания, ЭМГ-импульсы регистрируют до и после стоматологического вмешательства, полученные данные сравнивают и по интенсивности появления импульсов в процессе жевания за одинаковые промежутки времени судят о состоянии адаптации. При равенстве интенсивности импульсов до и после стоматологического вмешательства судят о хорошей адаптации, при меньшей интенсивности импульсов судят о плохом состоянии адаптации.

06-11-2024 дата публикации

Лицевая дуга для фиксации протетической плоскости с ориентацией на камперскую горизонталь

Номер: RU229932U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицинского инструментария и может быть использована в стоматологии. Лицевая дуга для использования в стоматологии содержит стойку, в средней части которой установлена рама с фиксатором, обеспечивающим вертикальное перемещение по стойке и фиксацию, и двумя скобами, закрепленными на опорной пластине, содержащей продольное отверстие с фиксирующей ручкой, на концах скоб установлены беруши; нижняя часть стойки содержит движущийся элемент, на котором установлена изогнутая пластина, содержащая перфорацию и градуированную сетку и зафиксированная прижимом; в верхней части стойки, с возможностью регулировки длины, закреплен пруток, на котором с помощью зажима и фиксатора закреплен носовой упор, причем крепление прутка обеспечивает его вертикальное перемещение по стойке, установку под углом и фиксацию положения носового упора. Изогнутая пластина может иметь радиус сферической поверхности, равный 108 см. Опорная пластина может быть выполнена в виде трезубца. Технический ...

15-08-1992 дата публикации

Электродное устройство

Номер: SU1754089A1

Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности к ортопедической стоматологии, и может быть использовано в коррозионной диагностике для измерений потенциала И тока коррозии металлических зубных протезов и пломб. Целью изобретения является повышение точности электрохимических параметров металлических зубных протезов и пломб Электродное устройство содержит корпус 1 с контактным элементом 2, соединенным с проводником 3, корпус выполнен монолитным из пластизоля, а контактный элемент имеет форму треугольной равнобедренной пирамиды и помещен внутри корпуса. Koprtyc 1 с контактным элементом 2 помещают в полость рта пациента. Измерение потенциала проводят при смыкании зубных рядов пациента. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung für die Vermessung der Kondylen einer Person und zur Montage wenigstens eines Kiefermodells in einem Artikulator

Номер: DE202005021815U1
Принадлежит: Peters, Heiko, Dr., 53225 Bonn, DE

Gesichtsbogen für die Vermessung der Kondylen einer Person, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass er mittels eines Übertragungshilfsmittels (11, 19) an einem Kiefer befestigbar ist und optische Hilfsstrukturen (1) trägt, mittels denen die Position eines Unterkiefers zu einer Referenzposition, insbesondere eines Oberkiefers optisch mittels einer Kamera (21) erfassbar ist, wobei das Übertragungshilfsmittel eine Bißgabel (11, 19) umfasst, die unter Verwendung von plastischen Registriermaterialien an Zähne adaptierbar ist und die Zähne in diesen Registriermaterialien Impressionen hinterlassen, die eine eindeutige Reponierbarkeit eines Kiefermodells ermöglichen und die an einem Ende ein Kupplungselement (5) umfasst, mit dem es eindeutig reponierbar an dem Gesichtsbogen (20) und an einer Vorrichtung zur Montage (17) eines Kiefermodells in einem Artikulator (4) an einem entsprechenden Gegenstück montierbar ist.

04-04-1985 дата публикации

Dental technical apparatus for the recording and reproduction of relative movements between upper and lower jaw

Номер: DE0003432415A1

In a dental technical apparatus for the recording and reproduction of relative movements between upper and lower jaw it is provided that an upper and a lower bracket system attachable to the upper or lower jaw of the patient interact with each other in such a way that several guiding elements of one bracket system engage in a multidimensional guide track of the other bracket system. This guide track represents the movements executed by the jaw of the patient, so that after insertion of a maxillary and mandibular model into the associated bracket system these models have exactly the same movement sequence as the upper and lower jaw of the patient. The individual guide tracks are produced in that the movements executed by the jaws of the patient are engraved by several guide pins of one bracket system into an elastic filling of several containers of the other bracket system. As a result of this the apparatus according to the invention can be employed for the recording and reproduction of ...

21-05-1987 дата публикации

Transfer bow

Номер: DE0003540756A1

The invention relates to a transfer bow with a bracket and a measuring or transfer element adjustably held on the bracket via a linkage, for example an occlusion plate or an impression tray. It is characterized in that the linkage has at least one joint formed from a first articulated body and a second articulated body connected in articulated fashion to the first body, in that the first articulated body or a part of the linkage or bracket having this first articulated body has a first surface which is directly opposed by a second surface on the second articulated body, so that a gap is formed between the two surfaces, and in that an adhesive can be introduced into this gap in order to fix the joint.

13-03-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002814551C2

09-12-1982 дата публикации

Method for measuring jaw and jaw joint movements in a one-dimensional to three-dimensional range and arrangement for carrying out the method

Номер: DE0003123526A1

Methods and arrangements for measuring jaw movements and jaw joint movements in a one-dimensional to three-dimensional range are described, during which measuring a measuring signal is output by a measuring device (2, 5, 6, 7) per spatial direction to be measured and is processed in an evaluation circuit or with electronic data processing. The evaluation circuit for the measured signals has a display device (9, 11, 13) which indicates the signals output by the measuring device directly into the values (side shift, Bennett angle and/or Condyle path inclination) relevant by bite diagnostics for dentists. With the aid of electronic data processing, a graphic illustration of the jaw joint movements can be obtained on a computer screen (16) or a three-dimensional illustration of the jaw movements and jaw joint movements can be obtained. The measuring device can be connected either directly or via a computer (14) to the input of an electronically controlled shaping device (64, 70, 65) which produces ...

27-03-2003 дата публикации

Anatomical transfer curve, alignable with interpupillar axis using leveling device

Номер: DE0010142139A1

The curve includes a leveling device for aligning it with the interpupillar axis (13). The curve comprises a middle part (1) and two pivotally attached side parts (2), as well as a nasal support (4), a nasal support holder (5), an occlusion fork (8) and an occlusion fork holder.

12-11-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0004036471C2

31-05-2001 дата публикации

Surgical planner for clinical jaw alignment computes positions of three or more transmitters in space from transition times of transmitter signals determined by receiver unit

Номер: DE0019957428A1

The surgical planner has a transmitter unit with at least three transmitters and a rigid connection between them, a receiver unit and a data processing system that computes the positions of the transmitters in space from the transition times of the transmitter signals determined by the receiver unit. The transmitter unit is mechanically attached to at least one plaster model.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015206884B4
Автор: FRANK ELMAR, Frank, Elmar
Принадлежит: FRANK ELMAR, Frank, Elmar

Bissgabel (1) zur geräteübergreifenden und anwendungsübergreifenden Verwendung in der Zahnheilkunde, aufweisend einen Hauptkörper (2) mit im Wesentlichen U-förmigem, flächigem Basiskörper (3), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Bissgabel (1) wenigstens zwei Messkörper (60-65) zur Dichtekalibirierung einer 3D-Röntgenaufnahme oder von Rohdaten für die 3D-Röntgenaufnahme aufweist, welche sich in ihrer definierten Dichteeinheit auf einer entsprechenden Dichteskala unterscheiden.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

System , method and article for measuring and reporting craniomandibular biomechanical functions

Номер: US20120107763A1
Автор: Bruce W. Adams
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a motion analysis system for measuring the relative function of one anatomical structure to another based on optical fiducial markers tracked in a series of images and in turn data, where the components of hard and soft tissue are used in analysis and where the image data can be compared in a time series such that probabilities of involvement with various tissues can be correlated to the image data. The system measures displacement at various positions and can relate the data to various muscle and other soft tissue variations within the constraints of the anatomy and physiology including motion in three dimensional space, including rotations and translations and functions including velocity and acceleration.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

System and method for positioning teeth

Номер: US20120225400A1
Принадлежит: Align Technology Inc

Methods and apparatus fit a set of upper and lower teeth in a masticatory system by generating a computer representation of the masticatory system and computing an occlusion based on interactions in the computer representation of the masticatory system.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Dynamically Generated Dental Articulator Controls

Номер: US20130034828A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention relates to improved methods and apparatus for recording and simulating the condylar movement of an individual. This invention also provides a dental articulator which is designed to simulate the jaw or condylar movements of a patient. This instrument enables a dentist to obtain the necessary diagnostic information for treatment of the occlusal irregularities, such as malocclusion, and the fabrication of dental cast or “dentures”.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

System and method for positioning teeth

Номер: US20130085721A1
Принадлежит: Align Technology Inc

Methods and apparatus fit a set of upper and lower teeth in a masticatory system by generating a computer representation of the masticatory system and computing an occlusion based on interactions in the computer representation of the masticatory system.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Mandible position indicator for measuring and replicating occlusion

Номер: US20130130195A1
Автор: Roger A. Evenson
Принадлежит: NorthPointe Holding Co LLC

One embodiments of the present subject matter include a method that includes fixing a top pantograph to a patient via clutches to the top teeth of the patient, fixing a bottom pantograph to a patient via clutches to the bottom teeth of the patient, optically monitoring the bite of the patient by monitoring the relation of the top pantograph to the bottom pantograph during a bite cycle, storing data relating to the actual bite storing patient data including a three-dimensional model including a top teeth model and a bottom teeth model, storing a digital top pantograph model associated with the top pantograph, storing a digital bottom pantograph model associated with the bottom pantograph, digitally pairing the bite data, the top pantograph model and the bottom pantograph model to the patient data, and digitally modeling the bite.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157218A1

Apparatus for detecting motions of a lower jaw relative to the upper jaw of a vertebrate, comprising a first holder () to be fixed to the head of a vertebrate with a fixed assignment relative to the upper jaw for accommodating transmitter or receiver units of a position determining system () for the detection of motion, a second holder (A) to be fixed to the lower jaw on the left side for accommodating corresponding left-sided receiver and transmitter units of the position determining system, a third holder (B) to be fixed to the lower jaw on the right side for accommodating corresponding right-sided receiver and transmitter units of the position determining system, and a first evaluation unit () for processing signals from the receiver units so as to generate a differentiated dynamic image of the motions of the left and right sides of the lower jaw from relative positional changes of the transmitter units () which are associated with the motions of the lower jaw and are detected by the receiver units. 1. Apparatus for detecting motions of a lower jaw relative to the upper jaw of a vertebrate , comprising:{'b': 30', '1, 'a first holder () which is to be placed with a fixed assignment relative to the upper jaw, especially to be fixed to the head of a vertebrate, for accommodating transmitter or receiver units of a position determining system () for the detection of motion,'}{'b': '40', 'a second holder (A) to be fixed to the lower jaw on the left side for accommodating corresponding left-sided receiver and transmitter units of the position determining system,'}{'b': '40', 'a third holder (B) to be fixed to the lower jaw on the right side for accommodating corresponding right-sided receiver and transmitter units of the position determining system, and'}{'b': 13', '11, 'a first evaluation unit () for processing signals from the receiver units so as to generate a differentiated dynamic image of the motions of the left and right sides of the lower jaw from relative ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Auxiliary device for articulator

Номер: US20140017627A1
Принадлежит: National Cheng Kung University NCKU

An auxiliary device for an articulator includes a base and at least an adjusting structure. The base is provided for positioning an articulator, and the adjusting structure is disposed on the base. The adjusting structure includes a first ball joint, a second ball joint and a connecting assembly. The first ball joint is connected to the base, and the two ends of the connecting assembly are connected to the first ball joint and the second ball joint, respectively. The adjusting structure is moved relatively to the articulator by the movement of at least one of the first ball joint and the second ball joint, thereby adjusting the position of a dental cast disposed on the articulator. The auxiliary device is advantageous for conveniently adjusting the dental cast disposed on the articulator and accelerating the process of the preoperative planning.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008106A1

A full mouth reconstruction method and apparatus includes a denture molding structure mounted onto a patient's maxilla and mandible after being filled with an impression material, so that a static molding of the patient's gum can be performed based on the patient's occlusion. Important reference data including the vertical height of occlusion, facial midline, horizontal occlusion line, connecting line between two pupils and nose-ear horizontal line are recorded for facial and oral reconstructions while the patient is biting a first recording device, and the facial movements of the patient's chewing and speaking are recorded quickly while the patient is biting a second recording device. Records of a metal calibration are applied to obtain data of a patient's front-and-rear, left-and-right, and up-and-down maxillary and mandibular movements through facial movements of a patient's chewing and speaking, and these data are provided to a dental mold technician for producing the denture. 1. A full mouth reconstruction method , comprising:a step of performing a static molding of a patient's gum, wherein a denture molding structure is mounted onto the patient's maxilla and mandible after the denture molding structure is filled with an impression material, so that the static molding of the patient's gum can be performed based on the patient's occlusion;a step of recording a horizontal line and a vertical line of the patient's occlusion, wherein a vertical height, a facial midline, a horizontal occlusion line, a connecting line between two pupils and a nose-ear horizontal line of the patient are recorded quickly to provide important reference data for facial and oral reconstructions while the patient is biting a first recording device; anda step of recording the patient's dynamic and static occlusions, wherein facial movements of a patient's chewing and speaking are recorded quickly while the patient is biting a second recording device, and records of a metal calibration are ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008107A1
Автор: Brunner Wolfgang

Bite fork for check-bite, especially with position marker elements for position determination in a position determination system, wherein the bite fork comprises recesses at the contact surface for partial visualization of the tooth surface to an image sensor placed into the mouth cavity of a patient and markers, which are detectable by said sensor. 1. A bite fork for check bite , especially with position marker elements for positioning in a positioning system , the bite fork having recesses on the contact surface for partial visualization of the tooth surfaces to a 3D surface scanner placed in the mouth cavity of a patient and markers which are detectable by this sensor.2. The bite fork according to claim 1 , comprising adjustment means for variably adjusting opening area of at least part of the recesses.3. The bite fork according to claim 2 , wherein the adjustment means comprise slidable ribs claim 2 , which are designed such that they are able to connect an outer rim region and an inner rim region of the bite claim 2 , fork to each other at various points of its extension.4. The bite fork according to one claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the makers are designed as characteristic optically detectable or surface-shape-detectable positive casts or impressions or contrast markers claim 1 , especially as a series of positive casts or impressions or contrast markers claim 1 , preferably in a rim region for in both rim regions of the bite fork.5. The bite fork according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the marker elements is designed as radiopaque elements claim 1 , which are attached to or embedded in a base body of the bite fork.6. The bite fork according to claim 1 , comprising a check-bite part with first attachment means and a position marker part or sensor part with second attachment means matching the first attachment means claim 1 , which is releasably connected to the check-bite part.7. The bite fork according to claim 6 , wherein the first ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus, system and method for determining compliant use of an intraoral appliance

Номер: US20210022672A1
Принадлежит: RESMED SAS

A compliance monitoring system ( 40 ) for an intraoral appliance comprises a power source ( 460 ), a detector ( 410 ) for detecting when the intraoral appliance is positioned in the mouth for use, a recorder ( 430 ) configured to record measurement data, and a transponder ( 440 ) configured to communicate the measurement data. The monitoring system is adjustable based on a particular property of a patient or a group of patients.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030144A1
Автор: Hansen Stephen R.

A digital face bow system for capturing a patient's dento-facial characteristics by acquiring and registering data defining the tilt or slant of the occlusal or incisal plane of a patient's teeth in three planes of space in relation to the cranium, head and/or face. The system includes a substrate adapted to support bite registration material, and a digital multiple axis inclinometer coupled to the substrate for registering the orientation of the occlusal or incisal plane, where the midline of the patient's horizontal-facial plane is registered. An adjustable mounting platform is adapted to receive the substrate and replicate the inclination registered by the digital multiple axis inclinometer. 1. A digital face bow system for capturing a patient's dento-facial characteristics by acquiring and registering data defining the tilt or slant of the occlusal or incisal plane of a patient's teeth in three planes of space in relation to the cranium , head and/or face , the system comprising:a substrate adapted to support bite registration or dental impression material; anda digital multiple axis inclinometer coupled to the substrate for registering the orientation of the occlusal or incisal plane.2. The digital face bow of also comprising an adjustable mounting platform adapted to receive the substrate and replicate the inclination registered by the digital multiple axis inclinometer.3. The digital face bow of wherein the digital multiple axis inclinometer comprises a microsensor accelerometer.4. The digital face bow of wherein the microsensor accelerometer comprises a wide range dual axis angle measurement sensor.5. The digital face bow of wherein the index tray comprises an alignment element having a mid-sagittal indicator.6. The digital face bow of wherein the substrate comprises a device selected from the group consisting of an index tray claim 1 , an impression tray and a dental jig.7. The digital face bow of wherein the substrate comprises an index tray including an ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030990A1
Автор: Lang Hans-Walter

An electronic register device for recording movements of the lower jaw of a person relative to the upper jaw of the person, the device having a bite fork for recording a position of the upper jaw relative to reference points on the head of the person, wherein the bite fork is designed to receive a plastic compound for recording an impression of the dentition of the upper jaw. The register device further includes a lower-jaw attachment for recording movements of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw. In addition, the register device has a reference body, wherein the register device is designed so that the reference body can be connected in a fixed position to the bite fork. The bite fork and the reference body connected thereto in a fixed position are designed in such a way that both the impression and also the reference body can be recorded by a scanning procedure. In this way, it is possible to establish a relationship between the scanned impression and the movement data recorded by the register device. By this means, it is possible to determine adjustment values for a virtual articulator without having to produce plaster models of the dentition of the upper jaw and lower jaw. In addition, the register device according to the invention allows three-dimensional data of an X-ray system to be superposed with the movement data of the register device. This facilitates the production of drill jigs in implantology. 116-. (canceled)17. Electronic register device for recording movements of the lower jaw of a person relative to the upper jaw of the person , the register device comprising:a bite fork adapted to record a position of the upper jaw relative to at least one reference point on the head of the person, wherein the bite fork is further adapted to record an impression of the dentition of the upper jaw,a lower-jaw attachment for recording movements of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw; anda reference body,wherein the reference body is adapted to be connected in ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030997A1
Автор: Lang Hans-Walter

The invention concerns methods and a device for the determination of the centric position of a human set of teeth with improved precision. This is needed for the adjustment of an articulator in the production of dentures. For this purpose a plurality of successive bite movements or displacement movements of the lower jaw are recorded in form of electronic signal data and evaluated for the determination of the centric position. 1. Method for the determination of the centric position of a human set of teeth , comprising:carrying out a plurality of biting movements of a patient's lower jaw;detecting the biting movements with measurement technology for each biting movement;converting the biting movements into electrical signal data; anddetermining the centric position from the signal data by averaging the signal data of the plurality of biting movements.2. (canceled)3. Method according to claim 1 ,wherein, for the determination of the centric position, only the signal data items lying in a coordinate plane in a restricted hit field are evaluated.49-. (canceled)10. Method according to claim 1 ,wherein signal data of bite end positions of the biting movements and the signal data of the determined centric position are represented on a display as symbols.11. Method according to claim 10 ,wherein the symbols are represented on the display in a coordinate plane which allows the actual spacings of the bite end positions from the centric position to be recognized in appropriate measurement units.12. Method according to claim 11 ,wherein the coordinates are Cartesian coordinates.1317-. (canceled)18. Device for carrying out a method according to any preceding claim for the determination of the centric position of a human set of teeth claim 11 , employing carrier frames for transmitter and receiver elements claim 11 , wherein in each case one carrier frame is connectable in a reproducible position with the lower jaw and the upper jaw of the patient concerned claim 11 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038160A1

The invention relates to a device for the reversibly detachable attachment to teeth of an upper jaw or lower jaw, comprising: concave surface regions, each designed for contacting a lateral, in particular buccal, surface region of a tooth to produce a respective positive engagement, the occlusal surfaces of all teeth remaining free so that mastication is not impeded. 1. A device for reversibly releasable attachment to teeth of an upper jaw or lower jaw , comprising:concave surface regions, each designed for contacting a lateral, in particular buccal, surface region of a tooth in order to produce in each case a form-fit engagement,wherein masticatory surfaces of all the teeth remain free, such that a chewing movement is not impeded.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the device has a horseshoe shape or a U shape.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface regions of the device and the surface regions of the teeth are each brought into contact and kept in contact by an elastomechanical force.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface regions of the device and the surface regions of the teeth have at least in part a complementary surface shape.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface regions of the device have at least three claim 1 , in particular four claim 1 , concave surface regions of the device claim 1 , in particular a left anterior claim 1 , a left posterior claim 1 , a right anterior and a right posterior surface region claim 1 ,wherein, between the anterior and posterior surface regions in each case, an intermediate portion of the device is provided in which there are no contact regions with teeth or in which there are only contact regions without form-fit and/or force-fit engagement.6. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a spacing between the anterior and posterior surface regions is in each case 0.1 to 0.6 claim 1 , in particular 0.2 to 0.4 claim 1 , times a dentition range from front to rear.7. ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046860A1

A maxillary, mandibular, or dual concussion orthotic that substantially reduces concussion resulting from forces applied to the lower jaw, and a method of producing the orthotic. The orthotic device produced according to the method described herein is objectively measured and produced to physiological parameters for an individual user. The orthotic is constructed so that the mandibular teeth are firmly indexed into the orthotic to hold the mandible in a specific position relative to the maxilla. The upper and lower jaws are positioned by the orthotic to act as a unit, and cooperate with the orthotic to effectively dissipate concussive forces and provide spacing of the temporomandibular joint, resulting in the decompression of the joint to mitigate transmission of concussive forces from the condyles of the mandible to the temporal bones of the skull. 1. A method of producing a concussion retarding dental orthotic , comprising steps of: taking a bite registration and capturing structure of maxillary teeth and mandibular teeth and capturing a relative position of the maxillary teeth to the mandibular teeth while a condyle of a right temporomandibular joint rests firmly on a right articular disc of the right temporomandibular joint with the right articular disc braced against a bone of a right articular eminence , and a condyle of the left temporomandibular joint rests firmly on a left articular disc of the left temporomandibular joint with the left articular disc braced against a bone of a left articular eminence;subsequently forming from the bite registration a resilient dental orthotic;placing the resilient dental orthotic to receive the maxillary teeth and the mandibular teeth; andholding, by the resilient dental orthotic, a mandible in position relative to a maxilla so that the condyle of the right temporomandibular joint rests firmly on the articular disc of the right temporomandibular joint with the right articular disc braced against the bone of the right ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046477A1
Автор: Dekel Doron

A kit and method for tracking a human jaw are provided. The kit and method can involve a bone screw and an extension arm. The bone screw has a threaded portion, a head portion and a longitudinal axis. The threaded portion can have a thread diameter of less than or equal to about 2.5 mm and can be inserted into a bone of the human jaw within 45° of the occlusal plane. The head portion protrudes out of the bone of the human jaw when the threaded portion is inserted into the bone. The extension arm can be rigidly secured to the head portion of the bone screw to maintain a fixed spatial mapping between the head portion of the bone screw and an optically detectable marking provided on the extension arm. When secured to the head portion of the bone screw, the extension arm can be positioned such that the optically detectable marking is detectable by an optical tracking system positioned outside the mouth containing the jaw bone. 21. The kit as defined in claim wherein the extension arm comprises an optically trackable attachment and a receiving portion , the optically trackable attachment ,comprising the optically detectable marking; and,being detachably and rigidly attachable to the receiving portion of the extension arm to maintain the fixed spatial mapping between the head portion of the bone screw and the optically detectable marking of the extension arm.3. The kit as defined in whereinthe extension arm comprises at least one optically trackable attachment engaging surface, andthe optically trackable attachment comprises a corresponding connecting region, such that when the extension arm is detachably and rigidly attached to the optically trackable attachment, the at least one engaging surface is aligned with the corresponding connecting region of the optically trackable attachment to define a pose of the optically trackable attachment in relation to the extension arm according to the fixed spatial mapping for the optically trackable attachment.41. The kit as defined ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Computer, Computer-Implemented Method, Computer Program, and Face-Bow

Номер: US20180049855A1

A diagnosis device provided with a position data generation unit () and a linking unit (). The position data generation unit () generates first position data and second position data using a relative position image showing the relative positions of an upper bow and a bite-fork, an upper-part image showing the positional relationship of the bite-fork and the maxillary dental arch of a patient, and an articulation image showing the positional relationship of the maxillary dental arch and the mandibular dental arch of the patient. The linking unit () generates a virtual articulator by positioning three-dimensional models of the patient's maxillary dental arch and mandibular dental arch generated by a model generation unit (), using the first position data and the second position data. 1. A virtual articulator data generation device capable of generating virtual articulator data which is data of a virtual articulator , by using images of a face-bow comprising an upper-bow fixedly securable to a cranium of a patient , keeping the relative positional relationship including angle in relation to a predetermined reference surface in the cranium of the patient uniquely determined , and a bite-fork fixedly securable to an lower face of a maxillary dental arch of the patient by coating curable substance , which are precisely mounted on the patient , the virtual articulator data generation device comprising:a reception means for receiving maxillary dental arch image data which is data of a maxillary dental arch image defined as an image of a maxillary dental arch, mandibular dental arch image data which is data of a mandibular dental arch image defined as an image of a mandibular dental arch, upper-part image data which is data of an upper-part image defined as an image representative of the relative positional relationship including angle between the bite-fork and a lower face of the maxillary dental arch, relative position image data which is data of relative position images ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071744A1
Автор: Kopelman Avi

A method and system are provided for providing patient data useful for dental procedures, including scanning a dental structure of a patient when coupled to a geometric structure to provide a virtual model representative of the coupling and the dental structure, and relating the virtual model to a body reference of the patient. 1. A system for generating a three-dimensional model of a patient's dentition , the system comprising:{'claim-text': ["receive a first optical scan data from a first scanning operation, wherein the first optical scan data corresponds to at least a portion of the patient's dental arch;", "generate a model of the patient's dental arch based at least in part on the first optical scan data;", "receive a second optical scan data from a second scanning operation, wherein the second optical scan data corresponds to a region of the patient's face, wherein the region comprises at least the portion of the patient's lip and an externally visible portion of the patient's dental arch;", "spatially align the model of the patient's dental arch with the portion of the patient's lip based at least in part on matching the externally visible portion of the patient's dental arch with a corresponding portion of the model of the patient's dental arch; and", "output a three-dimensional model of the patient's dentition based on the spatial alignment."], '#text': 'a computer comprising a processor and a computer readable medium comprising instructions which, if executed, causes the computer to:'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first optical scan data and the second optical scan data comprise color data.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the patient's lip is an upper lip.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional model comprises a three-dimensional representation of a patient's facial feature.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the facial feature comprises the at least a portion of the patient's lip.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055420A1

It is described an arrangement () and a method for tracking a movement of an upper jaw () relative to a lower jaw (), the arrangement comprising: a lower mounting structure () mountable relative to the lower jaw (); at least one lower motion sensor system () mounted at the lower mounting structure; and at least one data transmission unit () adapted to transmit measurement data () from the lower motion sensor system to an analysis unit (). 1230330430530100120. Arrangement ( , , , ) for tracking a movement of an upper jaw () relative to a lower jaw () , the arrangement comprising:{'b': 231', '120, 'a lower mounting structure () mountable relative to the lower jaw ();'}{'b': '233', 'at least one lower motion sensor system () mounted at the lower mounting structure; and'}{'b': 127', '245', '239, 'at least one data transmission unit () adapted to transmit measurement data () from the lower motion sensor system to an analysis unit ().'}2. Arrangement according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 353', '100, 'an upper mounting structure () mountable relative to the upper jaw ();'}{'b': '355', 'at least one upper motion sensor system () mounted at the upper mounting structure,'}{'b': 357', '361', '339, 'wherein the at least one data transmission unit () is further adapted for transmitting measurement data () from the upper motion sensor system to the analysis unit ().'}3233355. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the lower motion sensor system () and/or the upper motion sensor () system are configured as position sensors with an accuracy of between 0.001 mm and 0.5 mm claim 1 ,wherein the upper motion sensor and/or the lower motion sensor is in particular configured as a Micro-Electro-Mechanical System.4. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the upper motion sensor system and/or the lower motion sensor system comprises:{'b': 235', '357, 'an accelerometers and/or a gyroscope (, ), in particular a 6-axis or 9-axis combo sensor;'}a microcontroller;an electronic ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079722A1
Принадлежит: DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc.

The present invention relates to method of measuring patient-specific temporomandibular joint relation and transferring it into a virtual articulator () by using, a device () comprising: a transfer linkage () which can be attached from its upper end to a ace bow (); an impression means () for bolding impression material () and for taking the impression of the upper jaw and/or the lower jaw of the patient through said impression material (); at least a first form-fitting component () fixed at the lower end of the transfer linkage (), for leaving an impression () on the impression material () to be placed on the grip () of the impressions means () projecting out of the mouth of the patient. 1. A method of measuring patient-specific temporomandibular joint relation and transferring it into a virtual articulator , the method comprising:inserting an impression means such as a bite fork, an impression tray or a dual-arch impression tray into the mouth of the patient and fixing on the upper jaw;fixing the face bow on the patients head and aligning according to a predefined cranial reference plane (C);fixing of a transfer linkage including at least a first form-fitting component fixed at its lower end, to the face bow:leaving an impression of the first form-fitting component with the help of silicone impression material or the like on the grip of the impression means;removing the face bow, the transfer linkage and the impression means from the patient; andseparating the first form-fitting component from the impression in the impression means;further comprising:creating digital 3D models of the upper jaw and the lower jaw of the patient;detecting by using a surface scanner, the surface of the impression means including at least part of the upper jaw impression and the surface of the impression left by the first form-fitting component optionally with/without a scanbody inserted therein, thereby creating a model of the impression means;correlating the upper jaw model with the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060796A1
Автор: Clauss Petra Ina

The invention relates to a system for recording, transferring and simulating a relative position and/or movement, measured on a patient, of a mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla (OK) of the patient, comprising: —a transmitter coil () for transmitting a magnetic measurement field (), wherein the transmitter coil () can be arranged extra-orally laterally or above the maxilla (OK) in a fixed position in relation to the maxilla; —at least one sensor () placed on the mandible (UK) of the patient and arranged in at least one holding device () having a position marking () for the sensor () —a sensor positioning device () provided for setting the axis-orbital plane and condylar points and comprising at least one sensor () for capturing and emitting positional data which can be introduced into the position marking () of the holding device (); —a data set of a relative movement, measured on a patient, of a mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla (OK) of the patient, the data set is generated from the sensor signals of the at least one sensor () arranged on the mandible (UK) of the patient and from the positional data from the sensor signals from the sensor positioning device (); and —a computer for recording, processing and displaying the movement data from the data set from the sensor(s) (), the fusion of the position and movement data producing a three-dimensional image of the movement sequence and enabling the therapeutic positions or functions to be controlled. The invention relates to a corresponding method for recording, transferring and simulating a relative position and/or movement, measured on a patient, of a mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla (OK) of the patient. 1. A system for recording , transferring and simulating a relative position and/or relative movement , measured at a patient , of a mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla (OK) of the patient , comprising:a transmitter coil for emitting a magnetic measurement field, wherein a transmitter coil is disposable in ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087791A1

The present invention provides a dental restoration manufacturing method for improving the precision and reliability of a dental restoration, the dental restoration manufacturing method comprising: a first step for acquiring, through an imaging device, each of a scanning image of a part where implantation is to take place and a corresponding antagonistic part, before the mounting of a coupling bite disposed between the part where implantation is to take place and the corresponding antagonistic part, and after the mounting of the inner and outer surface portions of the coupling bite in consideration of a vertical dimension of a patient by occlusal pressure, a CT image of the oral cavity occluded by means of the coupling bite, and a gothic arch motion image of a three-dimensional motion trajectory of the temporomandibular joint of the patient in a state where a mastication protrusion part, provided on the coupling bite, and the corresponding antagonistic part are mutually occluded, and transmitting the images to a planning unit; a second step for generating an integrated scanning image by aligning and arranging a plurality of the scanning images so that same correspond to the vertical dimension, wherein a three-dimensional planning image is generated by overlapping and matching the integrated scanning image on the basis of a common portion between same and the CT image; a third step for, on the basis of the three-dimensional planning image, generating and arranging dental restoration design information including a virtual masticatory surface, and displaying an overlapping occlusal area on the virtual masticatory surface by overlapping the motion image on the dental restoration design information; and a fourth step for correcting the dental restoration design information by configuring an overlapping elimination area of the overlapping occlusal area, and manufacturing a dental restoration by transmitting the corrected dental restoration design information to a ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190069981A1

The device for recording centric jaw relation and orientation jaw relation simultaneously is disclosed that provides an accurate and precise recording of centric jaw relation as well as orientation jaw relation recording and transfer. The device includes a central bar, a centric relation recorder, a dentulous adjustable fork or an edentulous fork, a semi-circular frame, a nasion pointer and an orbital pointer. The central bar is received by a plurality of clamping assemblies that adjustably position the nasion pointer, the adjustable fork or the edentulous fork and the centric relation recorder respectively. The device can be used in case of both, dentulous as well as edentulous subjects. The device can advantageously transfer the centric relation record to any semi-adjustable articulators or non-adjustable articulators. 1. A device for recording centric jaw relation and orientation jaw relation simultaneously of an edentulous subject in a single step comprising:a central bar;a first recorder comprising a semi-circular frame adjustably positionable on the central bar through a first clamping assembly, the semi-circular frame having a first end and a second end defining a pair of posterior reference points relative to the first clamping assembly of the semi-circular frame secured to the central bar;a centric relation recorder including, comprising a calibrated rod, a calibrated slider and an arcuate grip, the calibrated rod having a predefined first main scale and the calibrated slider having a predefined second scale for recording a centric jaw relation of the edentulous subject through the arcuate grip thereby adjusting according to the first main scale and the second scale of the calibrated rod and the calibrated slider, respectively, the calibrated slider being freely movable within the calibrated rod along a predefined axis thereof;an edentulous fork having a curved first end and a straight second end, the curved first end having a C-clip attached at a ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076226A1
Автор: Clauss Petra Ina

The invention relates to a device () for measuring a relative position and/or movement of a mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla of a patient, comprising an emitting coil () for emitting an electromagnetic measuring field (), at least one mandible sensor (US), said mandible sensor (US) being placed and/or can be placed on teeth in the mouth (U-U) or in the mouth on a mandible device (UK). The mandible sensor (US) is designed as a sensor at least for determining a position in a measuring field () and/or relative to the emitting coil (), also comprising an evaluation device () for determining the relative position and/or relative movement of the mandible (UK) relative to the maxilla (OK) based on positions determined by the sensor (US). The sensor coil () is placed and/or can be placed outside of the mouth on the side or above the maxilla (OK). The invention also relates to a method for determining a relative position and/or movement of the mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla (OK) of a patient with a device (), a device (X) for simulating and transferring a measured relative movement from the method and a holding device for at least one maxilla sensor (OS) and/or at least one mandible sensor (US). 1185. A device () for measuring a relative position and/or relative movement of a mandible (UK) relative to a maxilla (OK) of a patient , comprising a transmitter coil () for emitting an electromagnetic measurement field () ,{'b': 1', '1', '1', '8, 'comprising at least one mandible sensor (US), wherein the mandible sensor (US) is arranged and/or arrangeable intraorally on the teeth (U-U) or intraorally on a mandible accessory of the mandible (UK),'}{'b': 1', '5', '8, 'wherein the mandible sensor (US) are designed as a sensor at least for determining a position in the measurement field () and/or in relation to the transmitter coil (),'}{'b': 3', '1, 'comprising an analysis unit () for determining the relative position and/or relative movement of the mandible (UK) relative to ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Denture Facelift System

Номер: US20200078148A1

Various embodiments of improved methods of creating removable or fixed over-implant dentures are disclosed that make patients look younger without plastic surgery. Different combinations of dentures may be used. The Denture facelift System (DFS) improves the “look” of virtually some facial defects or aging wrinkles, improves appearance as called anti-aging. These methods provide state-of-the-art dentures while decreasing the number of clinic visits for the patient. The embodiments employ specialized impression trays, a facial and bite registration instrument, and teeth selection kit strips of films to increase the efficiency of the denture-making process. The facial registration instrument comprises adjustable rods and plates to secure a temporary measuring grid above the patient's face, allowing for more accurate marking of anatomical features on wax bite blocks. 1. A denture facelift system comprising upper and lower impression trays; and a vertical-and-horizontal-bite-registration face bow transfer instrument.2. The system of further comprising a tooth strip having a flexible film.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the tooth strip contains a visual representation that matches the color claim 2 , shape claim 2 , or arrangement of a set of artificial teeth.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the tooth strip is configured to mount to a patient's mouth using the waxed bite blocks.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the instrument comprises a base claim 4 , a Level-A front measuring guide claim 4 , and a Level-B front measuring guide penetrated and spaced apart by a Type-A vertical pin.6. The system of further comprises Level-A side measuring guides claim 5 , Level-B side measuring guides claim 5 , and the base claim 5 , wherein Level-A side measuring guides and Level-B side measuring guides are penetrated and spaced apart by a Type-B vertical pin.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the instrument has registration aides comprising an earplug extending headwards from a ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170587A1
Автор: Kopelman Avi

A device including a coded pattern for use in dental procedures is provided. Related methods and systems are also provided. 1. A device for use in dental scanning procedures of a patient , the device comprising:an occlusal portion and a non-occlusal portion, the occlusal portion comprising a bite plate for securing the device positioned in a patient's mouth during a scanning procedure and the non-occlusal portion comprising a coded pattern for aligning scanned images of the patient,the occlusal portion and the non-occlusal portion being coupled together at an angle such that the coded pattern is outwardly oriented from the patient's mouth when the bite plate is positioned between the patient's teeth, so that the coded pattern is presented to permit scanning of the coded pattern simultaneously when scanning at least some of the patient's teeth.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the occlusal portion and the non-occlusal portion are coupled together at an angle that is adjustable around an axis formed by the coupling of the occlusal portion and the non-occlusal portion.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a lip displacement attachment configured to move a lip of the patient so as to expose at least some of the patient's teeth and allow scanning of the coded pattern in relation at least some of the patient's teeth.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the coded pattern comprises a plurality of bars oriented in the coded pattern at predetermined distances from each other claim 1 , intersecting at predetermined angles claim 1 , or both.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the coded pattern comprises horizontal bars intersected vertically oriented bars disposed at different angles with respect to the horizontal bars.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the coded pattern comprises bars in a radial pattern claim 1 , a crosshatch pattern or a honeycomb pattern.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the coded pattern comprises at least one portion that comprises a lengthwise ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Device and method for detecting jaw relation data

Номер: US20220142758A1
Автор: Jörg Schlieper
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for detecting jaw relation data that includes three moveable and interconnected elongated elements: the first extends in a ventral direction and is secured to an upper jaw bearing element; the second extends in a transversal and caudal direction relative to the first; the third extends in the transverse and dorsal direction relative to the second. The second or third elongated element may be configured to be supported on at least one surface of one or more lower jaw tooth crowns or to be arranged at a distance from these crowns in a capturable manner together with the lower jaw tooth crowns by a digital capturing device. A method for detecting jaw relation data may use such a device along with a scanner. Markings on the device may be detected by the scanner to uniquely detect positions of the elongated elements to ascertain jaw relation positions.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142759A1

The invention relates to an upper jaw contact element for contact with a human upper jaw, which contact element is formed as a dental arch-shaped upper jaw bite fork () which has receiving portions on at least the open end portions that are configured to reversibly receive upper jaw crowns, in particular with the aid of impression material, in a manner as to be stable during manipulation, and which can be connected to at least one jaw relation element () in the area of vertex of the arch. 1. An upper jaw fitting element for fitting to a human upper jaw , which is adapted as an upper jaw bite fork that is dental arch-shaped , which comprises , at least at open end sections , receiving areas configured to reversibly receive , with aid of impression material , upper jaw tooth crowns in a manner as to be stable during manipulation , and which can be connected to at least one jaw relation element in an area of a vertex of the arch , wherein the upper jaw bite fork comprises at least one opening for filling at least one intermediate space in the area of anterior tooth crowns and/or an intermediate space distal to the anterior tooth crowns between the upper jaw bite fork and an upper jaw.2. The upper jaw fitting element according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving areas leave out an area of the anterior tooth crowns and/or anterior tooth crown portions.3. The upper jaw fitting element according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving areas leave out tooth crowns and/or tooth crown portions arranged distally to an area of the anterior tooth crowns.4. The upper jaw fitting element according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving areas comprise a portion arranged palatally adjacent and/or close to or spaced apart from the tooth crowns.5. The upper jaw fitting element according to claim 1 , wherein the upper jaw bite fork is formed at least in the area of the anterior tooth crowns such that gingiva claim 1 , at least partially vestibule and at least partially labial tooth crown ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093583A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Eiji

Provided is an instrument capable of performing maxillomandibular registration after an occlusal vertical dimension is accurately registered in the oral cavity of a patient. With the use of these instruments in the oral cavity, maxillomandibular registration can be performed and a prosthesis can be produced in a state where occlusal stability is reproduced by point contact. Further, with the use of an articulator capable of reproducing the shape and movement of the mandible, a prosthesis can be produced regardless of the experience of the operator. 17-. (canceled)8. An occlusion recording instrument which performs occlusal registration after an occlusal vertical dimension is determined , whereinthe occlusion recording instrument is made of a hard material,the occlusion recording instrument has a length of a mesiodistal distance which requires prosthetic treatment, andthe occlusion recording instrument has a flat plate shape, or includes a protruding portion.9. The occlusion recording instrument according to claim 8 , whereinthe occlusion recording instrument having the flat plate shape is configured such that an occlusal vertical dimension is adjustable by selecting a thickness of the occlusion recording instrument or by making the occlusion recording instruments overlap with each other, andthe occlusion recording instrument equipping the protruding portion is configured such that an occlusal vertical dimension is adjustable by machining the protruding portion, or by adding a resin.10. The occlusion recording instrument according to claim 8 , wherein the occlusion recording instrument is capable of being cut corresponding to a mesiodistal distance which occlusal registration requires.11. The occlusion recording instrument according to claim 9 , wherein the occlusion recording instrument is capable of being cut corresponding to a mesiodistal distance which occlusal registration requires.12. The occlusion recording instrument according to claim 8 , further comprising ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098829A1
Принадлежит: 3Shape A/S

A method for modeling a digital design of a denture for a patient, the denture includes a gingival part and a teeth part including a set of denture teeth, where the method includes obtaining a digital 3D representation of the patient's gum; obtaining virtual teeth models corresponding to the denture teeth; virtually arranging the virtual teeth models in relation to the digital 3D representation of the patient's gum; and generating a virtual outer gingival surface of the gingival part of the denture. 1. (canceled)2. A method for modeling a digital design of a denture for a patient , said denture comprising a gingival part and a teeth part comprising a set of denture teeth , where the method comprises:obtaining a digital 3D representation of the patient's gum;obtaining a digital 3D representation of a lower wax rim or obtaining a digital 3D representation of an upper wax rim;obtaining virtual teeth models corresponding to the denture teeth;arranging the teeth models relative to the 3D representation of the patient's gum, wherein the arranging is based on the digital 3D representation of the patient's gum and at least one of the digital 3D representation of the lower wax rim and the digital 3D representation of the upper wax rim; andgenerating a virtual outer gingival surface of the gingival part of the denture.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the 3D representation of the lower wax rim and the 3D representation of the upper wax rim represent a space available for the denture teeth and the gingival part.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the method comprises providing a straight occlusal plate or a curved occlusal plate.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the method comprises forming an upper wax rim for the patient's maxillary arch and forming a lower wax rim for the patient's mandibular arch.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the method comprises obtaining a digital 3D representation of the lower wax rim and obtaining a digital ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Modeling a digital design of a denture

Номер: US20150111177A1
Принадлежит: 3Shape AS

Disclosed is a method for modeling a digital design of a denture for a patient, said denture comprising a gingival part and a teeth part comprising a set of denture teeth, where the method comprises: obtaining a digital 3D representation of the patient's gum; obtaining virtual teeth models corresponding to the denture teeth; virtually arranging the virtual teeth models in relation to the digital 3D representation of the patient's gum; and generating a virtual outer gingival surface of the gingival part of the denture

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186793A1

A device for determining or measuring temporomandibular joint positions and movements of a patient. A method for determining or measuring one or more than one temporomandibular joint position or movement of a patient. A method of diagnosing a condition or disease of a temporomandibular joint of a patient. 1165-. (canceled)166. A mandibular/maxillary reference device for determining or measuring temporomandibular joint positions and movements of a patient , where the patient has a maxilla with an inferior anterior portion and a mandible with a superior anterior portion , the device comprising:a) a mouthpiece configured to fit the inferior anterior portion of the maxilla of the patient or the superior anterior portion of the mandible of the patient, the mouthpiece comprising an anterior end and a posterior end, and a plane ‘p’ passing from the anterior end of the mouthpiece to the posterior end of the mouthpiece;b) one or more than one support comprising a first posterior end, a second posterior end, an axial length ‘l’ from the first posterior end to the second posterior end, and one or more than one attachment position, where the one or more than one attachment element attaches the support to the mouthpiece at the one or more than one attachment position along the length ‘l’;c) one or more than one attachment element attaching the one or more than one support to the mouthpiece; andd) one or more than one marker attached to the one or more than one support;where the mouthpiece is configured to interchangeably and reversibly fit both the inferior anterior portion of the maxilla of the patient and the superior anterior portion of the mandible of the patient by rotating the mandibular/maxillary reference device around an axis passing from the anterior end of the mouthpiece to the posterior end of the mouthpiece in plane ‘p.’167. The device of claim 166 , where the mouthpiece is symmetric about the plane ‘p.’168. The device of claim 166 , where the mouthpiece is selected ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Denture As Well As Method Of Producing A Denture

Номер: US20190105135A1

The invention relates to a denture, made of teeth, in particular prefabricated teeth, and of a denture base made of a gingival material, comprising cavities for teeth in which cavities for the teeth are mounted, in particular attached by bonding, characterized in that the denture base () is produced by a CAD/CAM process forming the cavities () for the teeth (), and in that cervical areas () of the teeth () extending through the basal surface () of the denture base () are removed, in particular abraded or milled. 1. A method of producing a denture having teeth and a denture base having cavities comprisinginserting and bonding the teeth into the cavities by adhesive bonding,wherein at least one tooth of the teeth has a cervical area extending through one of the cavities such that the cervical area of the at least one tooth extends through the denture base over the basal surface, andremoving the cervical area of the at least one tooth that extends through the denture base.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprisingfabricating the denture with a gingival material by a CAD/CAM process.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprisinginserting the teeth into the cavities via a transfer template.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the teeth comprise prefabricated teeth claim 1 , comprisingmachining the prefabricated teeth either before the production of the basal surface of the denture or after the production of the basal surface of the denture.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprisingremoving protruding cervical areas of the teeth such that a basal surface of the tooth ends flush with the basal surface of the denture.6. The method according to claim 1 , comprisingremoving the cervical area of the teeth by abrading or milling.7. The method according to claim 4 , comprisingmachining by abrading or milling.8. The method according to claim 5 , comprisingremoving by abrading or milling manually or by CAD/CAM.9. A method of producing a denture made of a denture ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110603A1

One embodiment of the apparatus and method comprises a physical recording instrument () for forming a right and a left side engraved analog (), the analogs () being subsequently attached to a physical articulating instrument (), the analogs () with timing controls then serving as guides for simulating the motion of mounted patient dental models (). Another embodiment comprises a digital recording system () for generating the right and left side virtual engraved analogs (), the analogs () being subsequently milled or digitally formed in a CNC rapid prototyping machine, the analogs () then being attached to the physical articulating instrument (), the analogs () with the timing controls serving as guides for simulating the motion. Some of the foregoing embodiments facilitate production of technologist fabricated dental restorative and orthodontic treatments. Another embodiment comprises the digital recording system () for generating the right and left side virtual engraved analogs () and a virtual articulating instrument () for virtual simulating of mandibular jaw motion. Some of these digital workflow embodiments facilitate production of milled or digitally fabricated dental restorative and orthodontic treatments. 1. An apparatus and method for recording and simulating of patent-specific mandibular jaw motion comprising;{'b': 2000', '154, "a physical recording instrument that converts the patient's real-time jaw motion into a physical right side and a physical left side 3D curvilinear envelope-of-motion or plurality of pathways ;"}{'b': 3000', '154', '122, 'a physical articulating instrument that attaches and actively engages the pathways with a right side and a left side guide pin ;'}{'b': 3000', '164', '164, 'the physical articulating instrument having a right and a left side genuine vertical rotation-center , the rotation-centers being adjustably located.'}2154136136150. The apparatus and method of wherein claim 1 , the pathways are engraved or formed in a right ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Intra Oral Dental Motion Recording Device and Method for the Digital Diagnosis, Computer Design and Manufacture of Dental Devices

Номер: US20150118640A1

An intra oral dental device and method for recording the 3D envelope of motion of a patient and translating the recording into digital information used to diagnose, computer design and manufacture dental restorations. The dental device is comprised of upper and lower tracing members having tracing pins on one member and complementary recording material on the other. The method includes forming a set of intra oral gothic arch tracings to define the 3D envelope of motion, converting the tracings to a digital data set reproducing the motion, and using the data to create a virtual model of the patient and the jaw motion. The data is used to mill articulator housings to reproduce jaw motion, to virtually position and shape virtual teeth in conformity with the patient's jaw motion, and to mill the completed dental prosthesis insuring teeth contacting surfaces are in harmony with the patient's jaw motion. 1. An intra oral gothic arch dental motion recording device comprising:an upper gothic arch tracing member having a top side and a bottom side, wherein said top side of said upper gothic arch tracing member is configured to fit against a patient's upper jaw;a lower gothic arch tracing member having a top side and a bottom side in a complementary opposing position relative to said upper gothic arch tracing member, wherein said bottom side of said gothic arch tracing member is configured to fit against a patient's lower jaw;a post removably connected to said top side of said bottom gothic arch tracing member;a plurality of tracing pins connected to said bottom side of said upper gothic arch tracing member;a plurality of fiducial markers on said bottom side of said upper gothic arch tracing member;a plurality of recessed areas on said top side of said lower intra oral gothic arch tracing member; andrecording material, wherein said recording material covers said plurality of recessed areas.2. The intra oral gothic arch dental motion recording device claim 1 , as recited in ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113663A1

A facebow-free transfer method includes: registering virtual upper and lower casts respectively to an upper teeth part of a virtual maxilla model and a lower teeth part of a virtual mandible model so as to form a virtual teeth and jaw model; mounting the virtual teeth and jaw model on a virtual articulator; generating a virtual occlusion transfer module that is mounted on the virtual articulator and that has a part extending to and fitting in an in-between space of virtual upper and lower casts of the virtual teeth and jaw model; and creating an actual occlusion transfer device that is to be mounted on an articulator based on the virtual occlusion transfer module. 1. A facebow-free transfer method adapted to transfer an occlusal relationship between a maxilla and a mandible of a subject to an articulator that an associated dental cast uniquely of the subject is mounted on , the facebow-free transfer method comprising:(A) by an image processor based on image registration, registering a virtual upper cast that corresponds to an upper cast of the associated dental cast to an upper teeth part of a virtual maxilla model established based on the maxilla of the subject, and registering a virtual lower cast that corresponds to a lower cast of the associated dental cast to a lower teeth part of a virtual mandible model established based on the mandible of the subject, the virtual upper cast, the virtual lower cast, the virtual maxilla model and the virtual mandible model cooperatively forming a virtual teeth and jaw model;(B) by the image processor, mounting the virtual teeth and jaw model on a virtual articulator that corresponds to the articulator;(C) by the image processor, generating a virtual occlusion transfer module that is mounted on the virtual articulator and that has a part extending to and fitting in an in-between space of the virtual upper cast and the virtual lower cast of the virtual teeth and jaw model; and(D) by an output device, creating, based on the ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150132716A1
Автор: Hanssen Nils, KUSCH JOCHEN

A method for generating a virtual jaw image includes performing a movement recording method to obtain a movement record which comprises producing at least one position data record over a defined time. A position data record describes a spatial position of a lower jaw to an upper jaw at a specific time. Surface sections of the upper and lower jaw are scanned at the defined time during the movement recording method to obtain a spatial relation of the surface sections during the defined time. Digital upper and lower jaw images are recorded. A position data record of a virtual position of the digital lower jaw image is assigned to the digital upper jaw image. A position data record is selected to obtain a selected position data record. The digital lower and upper jaw images are virtually aligned based on the selected position data record to produce the virtual jaw image. 18-. (canceled)9. A method for generating a virtual jaw image depicting a digital lower jaw image in relation to a digital upper jaw image in different positions , the method comprising:performing a movement recording method to obtain a movement record, the movement recording method comprising producing at least one position data record over a defined time, wherein each of the at least one position data record describes a spatial position of a lower jaw in relation to an upper jaw at a specific time;scanning surface sections of the upper jaw and of the lower jaw at the defined time during the movement recording method so as to obtain a spatial relation of the surface sections during the defined time;recording digital upper jaw images and digital lower jaw images;assigning at least one of the at least one position data record of a virtual position of the digital lower jaw image in relation to the digital upper jaw image;selecting one of the at least one position data record so as to obtain a selected position data record; andvirtually aligning the digital lower jaw image in relation to the digital upper ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128180A1

The device for recording centric jaw relation and orientation jaw relation simultaneously is disclosed that provides an accurate and precise recording of centric jaw relation as well as orientation jaw relation recording and transfer. The device includes a central bar, a centric relation recorder, a dentulous adjustable fork or an edentulous fork, a semi-circular frame, a nasion pointer and an orbital pointer. The central bar is received by a plurality of clamping assemblies that adjustably position the nasion pointer, the adjustable fork or the edentulous fork and the centric relation recorder respectively. The device can be used in case of both, dentulous as well as edentulous subjects. The device can advantageously transfer the centric relation record to any semi-adjustable articulators or non-adjustable articulators. 1. A device for recording centric jaw relation and orientation jaw relation simultaneously of a dentulous subject in a single step comprising:a centric relation recorder including a calibrated rod, a calibrated slider and an arcuate grip, the calibrated rod having a predefined first main scale, a calibrated slider having a predefined second scale for recording a centric jaw relation of a subject through the arcuate grip thereby adjusting the calibrated rod and calibrated slider; the calibrated slider being freely movable within the calibrated rod along a predefined axis thereof;a dentulous adjustable fork having a first curved end and a second straight end, the first curved end having a pair of arms attached at a predefined position, the arms facilitating fastening of a desired recording material and the second straight end to the central rod;a first combination of reference point including a semi-circular frame and a nasion pointer, the semi-circular frame having two posterior points of reference, the nasion pointer defining a first anterior point of reference; anda second combination of reference point including a semi-circular frame and an ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133724A1
Автор: Kopelman Avi

A device including a coded pattern for use in dental procedures is provided. Related methods and systems are also provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for use in dental scanning procedures of a patient , the device comprising:a bite plate for securing the device in a mouth of a patient during an optical scan of exposed teeth of the patient; andan outer structure having a coded pattern integrated therein and being coupled to the bite plate, the coded pattern for aligning scanned 3D model data of the exposed teeth of the patient, the outer structure and the bite plate being arranged in order to capture the coded pattern in the scanned 3D model data of the exposed teeth.17. The device of claim 16 , wherein the outer structure and the bite plate are coupled together at an angle that is adjustable around an axis formed by the coupling of the outer structure and the bite plate.18. The device of claim 16 , further comprising a lip displacement attachment configured to move a lip of the patient so as to expose at least some of the patient's teeth and allow scanning of the coded pattern in relation at least some of the patient's teeth.19. The device of claim 16 , wherein the coded pattern comprises a plurality of bars oriented in the coded pattern at predetermined distances from each other claim 16 , intersecting at predetermined angles claim 16 , or both.20. The device of claim 16 , wherein the coded pattern comprises horizontal bars intersecting vertically oriented bars disposed at different angles with respect to the horizontal bars.21. The device of claim 16 , wherein the coded pattern comprises bars in a radial pattern claim 16 , a crosshatch pattern or a honeycomb pattern.22. The device of claim 16 , wherein the coded pattern comprises at least one portion that comprises a lengthwise portion forming a reference line for aligning images acquired during the scanning procedure.23. The device of claim 16 , wherein the device further comprises at least one extension ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133730A1

Approaches presented herein enable performing an oral health diagnosis of a user using an oral monitoring device fixed in the oral cavity. Specifically, an oral monitoring device collects jaw movement data as a user goes about daily living. An oral healthcare analysis is performed comparing current measurement data against abnormality classifications to identify abnormal jaw movement. If an abnormality is identified, an oral healthcare professional can be notified. 18-. (canceled)8. An oral monitoring system for identifying at least one jaw abnormality of a user , the system comprising:an oral monitoring device having an outer housing, the outer housing being affixed within an oral cavity of the user;a set of sensors located in the oral monitoring device that collects jaw movement data of the user;a network adapter located in the oral monitoring device that forwards the jaw movement data of the user to an diagnosis computer system that performs a diagnostic that compares the jaw movement data with a set of abnormality classifications in a database and identifies a jaw abnormality of the user based on the diagnostic.9. The computer system of claim 8 , wherein the diagnosis computer system further:performs a diagnostic of the jaw movement data by comparing the jaw movement data, the set of abnormality classifications, and jaw movement data aggregated across at least one population of users to assess an abnormality in jaw movement; andidentifies a jaw abnormality using the diagnostic.10. The computer system of claim 8 , wherein the diagnosis computer system:compares the identified jaw abnormality to similar abnormalities in jaw movements of at least one population of users similar to the user; andreturns diagnosis and treatment recommendations within a specified confidence interval, weighted by effectiveness, based on treatments and success with the similar abnormalities in jaw movements of the population of users similar to the user.11. The computer system of claim 10 ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133731A1

Approaches presented herein enable performing an oral health diagnosis of a user using an oral monitoring device fixed in the oral cavity. Specifically, an oral monitoring device collects jaw movement data as a user goes about daily living. An oral healthcare analysis is performed comparing current measurement data against abnormality classifications to identify abnormal jaw movement. If an abnormality is identified, an oral healthcare professional can be notified. 1. A computer-implemented method for identifying at least one jaw abnormality of a user comprising:collecting jaw movement data of the user over a period of time from an oral monitoring device affixed within the oral cavity of the user;retrieving a set of abnormality classifications from a database;performing a diagnostic of the jaw movement data by comparing the jaw movement data and the set of abnormality classifications to asses an abnormality in jaw movement; and,identifying a jaw abnormality of the user based on the diagnostic.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing a diagnostic of the jaw movement data by comparing the jaw movement data, the set of abnormality classifications, and jaw movement data aggregated across at least one population of users to asses an abnormality in jaw movement; andidentifying a jaw abnormality using the diagnostic.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:comparing the identified jaw abnormality to similar abnormalities in jaw movements of a population of users similar to the user; andreturning diagnosis and treatment recommendations within a specified confidence interval, weighted by effectiveness, based on treatments and success with the similar abnormalities in jaw movements of the population of users similar to the user.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , further comprising:returning diagnosis and treatment recommendations using cognitive data analysis.5. The computer-implemented method of ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150147726A1

The method for articulator adjustment and gnathological instruments for work under this method find application in dental medicine and laboratory dental techniques. These and other goals of this invention are achieved with the measurement of the individual parameters of the patient's mandibular transversal hinge axis in the three planes: transversal, frontal and sagittal, including the following steps: measurement of inter-condylar distance; measurement of the distance between the condylar axis and the occlusal plane; measurement of the distance between the condylar axis and central incisors with a face-bow and bite-tray (FIGS. ); recording of values; simultaneous fixation in the articulator in minimal gathered position of the manufactured in advance two primary working models juxtaposed in central position: a mandibular lower working model to the working plate of the lower articulator frame and a maxillary upper working model to the opposite working plate, which is connected in a telescopic way to the upper articulator frame (FIGS. ); coincidence of the mandibular transversal hinge axis of a patient in terms of measured values of his individual parameters and the articulator transversal hinge axis (FIGS. ); and closure of this articulator in an individual spread-out position. 1. A method for adjustment of an articulator for a patient , comprising the steps of:measuring individual parameters of the patient's mandibular transversal hinge axis in three planes: transversal, frontal and sagittal, the individual parameters comprising an inter- condylar distance, a distance between a condylar axis and an occlusal plane, and a distance between the condylar axis and central incisors;fixing a manufactured in advance primary lower working model and a manufactured in advance primary upper working model to working plates on articulator frames;coinciding of the patient's mandibular transversal hinge axis in terms of the individual parameters and a transversal hinge axis of the ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Zero moment adjuster

Номер: US20190142561A1
Автор: Naoki Nishihama
Принадлежит: Individual

A zero moment adjuster, with which an occlusal curve inherent in a patient can be reproduced within the buccal cavity easily and accurately, includes a base frame, face-bow mounting parts, a face bow, a mouthpiece, a fixing section for fixing the face bow on the face-bow mounting parts at a prescribed mounting angle, which is detachably fitted to the one face-bow mounting part, earpiece mounting parts, earpieces, a pad part, and a reference point indicating part for indicating an occlusion force concentration portion, wherein the mouthpiece is formed in the shape of a curved surface along an occlusion spherical surface whose center is a point on an occlusion line passing through the occlusion force concentration portion and being parallel to side frames, and the prescribed mounting angle is designed to allow the mouthpiece to be positioned on an occlusion curved surface within the buccal cavity.

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147039A1

The disclosure provides an improved bite information collection apparatus. In some embodiments, the bite information collection apparatus includes an upper face bow coupled to an upper clutch and a lower face bow coupled to a lower clutch. Additionally the bite information collection apparatus can be configured to a system for digitally retrieving and analyzing a patient's bite. The systems and methods described better simulate motion by using data to replicate bite motion on an improved automated articulator, which can be retrieved by digital or mechanical means. 1. A bite information collection apparatus comprising:an upper face bow connected to an upper clutch anda lower face bow connected to a lower clutch,wherein the upper clutch comprises at least one fiducial and is configured to releasably connect to the upper teeth of a patient and wherein the lower clutch comprises at least one fiducial and is configured to releasably connect to the bottom teeth of the patient and wherein the upper face bow and lower face bow each comprise at least one fastener for adjusting the bite information collection apparatus.2. The bite information collection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper face bow comprises an anterior rod connecting two opposing side arms.3. The bite information collection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lower face bow comprises an anterior rod connecting two opposing side arms.4. The bite information collection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper clutch comprises a compound for reproducing the shape of the upper teeth.5. The bite information collection apparatus claim 1 , wherein the lower clutch comprises a compound for reproducing the shape of the lower teeth.6. The bite information collection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper clutch is connected to the upper face bow by a clutch rod.7. The bite information collection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lower clutch is connected to the lower face bow by a clutch rod.8. The bite ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151046A1
Автор: BOEHM UWE, FUNK Matthias

The invention relates to a temporary dental prosthesis for determining abrasion facets, having at least one prosthetic tooth, in which at least the occlusion surface of the prosthetic tooth or at least one of the prosthetic teeth is made of a material that is abradable such that, within a maximum of 12 weeks of use as a dental prosthesis by a patient, abrasion facets are produced on the prosthetic teeth and are suitable for ascertaining the chewing movements of the jaw of the patient. 1. A temporary dental prosthesis for determining abrasion facets , having at least one prosthetic tooth , in which at least an occlusion surface of the prosthetic tooth or at least one prosthetic tooth is made of a material that is abradable such that , within a maximum of 12 weeks of use as a dental prosthesis by a patient , abrasion facets are produced on the prosthetic teeth and are suitable for ascertaining chewing movements of a jaw of the patient , wherein a material thickness of at least 0.1 mm is eroded on at least one of the abrasion facets produced within a maximum of 12 weeks.2. The dental prosthesis according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasion facets are produced by normal use of the dental prosthesis for a maximum of 4 weeks and/or wherein a material thickness of at least 0.5 mm is eroded on at least one of the produced abrasion facets.3. The dental prosthesis according to claim 1 , wherein the abradable material is of such a nature that on a flat surface of the abradable material with two-media abrasion with respect to an aluminum oxide ball with a diameter of 4.75 mm under water claim 1 , a volume loss of from 0.01 mmto 4 mmis created after 4 claim 1 ,600 cycles claim 1 , wherein with each cycle the aluminum oxide ball is placed on the surface claim 1 , then rolled over the flat surface of the material over 0.8 mm with a force of 50 N claim 1 , and then is lifted again from the surface.4. The dental prosthesis according to claim 3 , wherein the described volume losses as ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153646A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed enabling an orthodontist or a user to create an unified three dimensional virtual craniofacial and dentition model of actual, as-is static and functional anatomy of a patient, from data representing facial bone structure; upper jaw and lower jaw; facial soft tissue; teeth including crowns and roots; information of the position of the roots relative to each other; and relative to the facial bone structure of the patient; obtained by scanning as-is anatomy of craniofacial and dentition structures of the patient with a volume scanning device; and data representing three dimensional virtual models of the patient's upper and lower gingiva, obtained from scanning the patient's upper and lower gingiva either (a) with a volume scanning device, or (a) with a surface scanning device. Such craniofacial and dentition models of the patient can be used in optimally planning treatment of a patient. 1. A method of registering an upper arch and a lower arch of a patient , with accompanying teeth with or without roots , with respect to jaw bones or facial tissue structure , comprising the steps of:capturing a three dimensional volumetric scan of a craniofacial complex and a dentofacial complex of the patient;defining reference planes; andregistering the three dimensional volumetric scan of the dentofacial complex with accompanying roots to the patient's facial structure to the defined reference planes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the three dimensional volumetric scan data includes crowns and roots of the teeth claim 1 , bone claim 1 , soft tissue claim 1 , and appliances attached to any of these structures.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the defined reference plane is defined from a frontal perspective.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the defined reference plane is defined from a lateral perspective.5. A method of registering an upper arch and a lower arch of a patient claim 1 , with crowns accompanying teeth without roots claim 1 , ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153658A1
Автор: Azer Shereen S.

An anatomical articulator for modeling a temporomandibular joint includes a lower base portion comprising at least one upright support. A set of replica condyles produced from digital data representing a patient jaw structure is connected to the at least one upright support. An upper frame portion defines receptacles on either side. A set of replica mandibular fossae produced from the digital data representing a patient jaw structure is configured to connect to the upper frame portion via the receptacles. The replica condyles and the replica mandibular fossae meet to form a hinge of the articulator. 1. An anatomical articulator for modeling a temporomandibular joint comprising:a lower base portion comprising at least one upright support;a set of replica condyles produced from digital data representing a patient a structure, wherein the set of replica condyles connect to the at least one uptight support;an upper frame portion defining receptacles on either side;a set of replica mandibular fossae produced from the digital data representing a patient jaw structure and configured to connect to said upper frame portion via the receptacles;wherein the replica condyles and the replica mandibular fossae meet to form a hinge of the articulator.2. An anatomical articulator according to claim 1 , wherein said set of replica condyles is removable from said upright support.3. An anatomical articulator according to claim 1 , wherein said replica mandibular fossae define axle portions that fit within the receptacles of the upper frame portion claim 1 , allowing the upper frame portion to rotate about the replica condyles.4. An anatomical articulator according to claim 1 , wherein the hinge moves as allowed by the respective shapes of the replica condyles and the replica mandibular fossae.5. An anatomical articulator according to claim 1 , wherein the lower base portion and the upper frame portion are configured to each mount a dental cast.6. An anatomical articulator according to ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200146609A1
Автор: Davis Kim Thorsen

Various embodiments are directed to systems and methods for evaluating jaw movement characteristics of a user, for example, in a plurality of distinct jaw motion directions. In an example implementation, a jaw exercise system as discussed herein is configured to facilitate the exercise and/or quantification of a user's jaw strength in at least one of six distinct directions. As described herein, the jaw exercise system may comprise a frame assembly to which a user may selectively attach one of a plurality of an interchangeable functional assemblies, each configured to facilitate the evaluation of the jaw movement characteristics of a user in six jaw movement directions. The jaw exercise system comprises one or more of a progressive resistance attachment assembly, a passive motion attachment assembly, a force characterization attachment assembly, and a hyoid motion attachment assembly. 1. A system for evaluating jaw movement characteristics of a user , said user having a jaw , the jaw of the user comprising one or more body parts of a user that are at least substantially functionally attached to said jaw , said system comprising: an interchangeable assembly interface; and', 'a stabilizing interface assembly configured to operably secure the frame assembly in an at least substantially stationary position;, 'a frame assembly, the frame assembly comprisingat least one interchangeable assembly configured to attach to the interchangeable assembly interface of the frame assembly, the at least one interchangeable assembly comprising a plurality of user interface attachments configured to interact with the jaw of the user;wherein the at least one interchangeable assembly further comprises a hexadirectional range of motion such that the respective plurality of user interface attachments of the at least one interchangeable assembly is configured to facilitate the evaluation of a jaw movement characteristic of the user in at least one of six jaw motion directions.2. The system ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200146790A1

Apparatuses, components, devices, methods, and systems for determining and tracking movement are provided. An example apparatus that includes a position indicating system having a first light emitter positioned and oriented to emit light in a first direction, a second light emitter positioned and oriented to emit light in a second direction, the second direction being collinear with and opposite to the first direction; and a third light emitter positioned and oriented to emit light in a third direction, the third direction being different than the first direction and the second direction. The third direction may be offset from the first direction by an offset angle that is an acute angle. The apparatus may also include a screen; an imaging system configured to capture an image of the screen. The first light emitter and the third light emitter may both be configured to emit light toward the screen. 1. An apparatus comprising:a screen;an imaging system configured to capture an image of the screen; and a housing;', 'a first light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a first direction toward the screen;', 'a second light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a second direction, the second direction being collinear with and opposite to the first direction; and', 'a third light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a third direction, the third direction being different than the first direction and the second direction;, 'a position indicating system that includeswherein the screen is disposed between the position indicating system and the imaging system.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the third light emitter is positioned so that a line corresponding to the third direction intersects with a line corresponding to the first direction.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the third light emitter is oriented so that the third direction is perpendicular to the first direction.4. The ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160162631A1
Автор: Klein Konrad

A method is proposed for creating a virtual articulator for a jaw and the associated dentition having the following steps: 1. A method for determining the position of the condylar articulation axis of a jaw relative to the teeth of the mandible and/or maxilla , the method comprisingbuccal imaging of the position and orientation of the teeth of the maxilla and mandible in the closed-bite position;buccal imaging of the position and orientation of the teeth of the maxilla and mandible in a position in which the mandible or maxilla is rotated relative to the closed-bite position by an angle of 1-20° about the condylar articulation axis; andcomputational determination of the position of the condylar articulation axis relative to the teeth of the mandible and/or maxilla from the imaged positions and orientations.2. A method for creating a virtual articulator for a jaw and the associated dentition , the method comprisingimaging a virtual model of the teeth of the maxilla;imaging a virtual model of the teeth of the mandible;determining the position of the condylar articulation axis of the jaw relative to the teeth of the virtual model of the mandible and/or maxilla; andcreating a virtual articulator from the virtual models of the mandible and maxilla, their relative positions to each other, and the relative position of the condylar articulation axis.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the position and orientation of the teeth of the maxilla and mandible is imaged by surface triangulation.4. A device for determining the position of the condylar articulation axis of a jaw relative to the teeth of the mandible and/or maxilla claim 1 , the device comprising:an imaging unit for the buccal imaging of the position and orientation of the teeth of the maxilla and mandible;a computer configured to determine the position of the condylar articulation axis relative to the teeth of the mandible and/or maxilla from:a buccal image of the position and orientation of the teeth of ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165042A1

Apparatuses, components, devices, methods, and systems for determining jaw movement are provided. An example patient assembly for capturing motion data of a patient includes a clutch configured to be worn by the patient on a dentition of the patient. The clutch includes a dentition coupling device configured to couple to the dentition of the patient and includes an extension member configured to protrude through the patient's mouth. The clutch also includes a position indicating system rigidly connected to the dentition coupling device. An example position indicating system emits a plurality of light beams. Some examples also include an imaging system and a motion determining device. An example imaging system captures a plurality of image sets that each include at least one of a plurality of screens upon which the light beams project. An example motion determining device processes the captured image sets to determine the motion of the patient's dentition. 1. A patient assembly for capturing motion data of a patient comprising: ["a dentition coupling device configured to couple to the dentition of the patient, the dentition coupling device including an extension member configured to protrude through the patient's mouth; and", 'a position indicating system rigidly connected to the dentition coupling device., 'a clutch configured to be worn by the patient on a dentition of the patient, the clutch comprising2. The patient assembly of claim 1 , wherein the position indicating system comprises:a housing configured to rigidly connect to the extension member of the dentition coupling device;at first light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a first direction;a second light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a second direction, the second direction being perpendicular to the first direction; anda third light emitter disposed within the housing and oriented to emit light in a third direction, the third direction ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Jaw Motion Tracking System And Operating Method Using The Same

Номер: US20180168787A1
Принадлежит: National Yang Ming University NYMU

In this invention, a high-accuracy jaw motion tracking system and method using the same are disclosed. The jaw motion tracking system of the invention mainly comprises an eyewear facebow static positioning device, a lower jaw dynamic tracking device and a stereo-vision charge-coupled device (CCD) and can provide information regarding the locations and relative movement of lower and upper jaws. The eyewear facebow static positioning device has several passive and active reflective markers. The lower jaw dynamic tracking device equips with a plural of lightweight light emitting devices. Using OpenCV-based self-developed algorithm and post-iterative compensator, the disclosed system can record the dynamical jaw movement with a high accuracy. The disclosed jaw motion tracking system and related method have minimal occlusal disturbance and provide smooth motion-tracking performance. The disclosed system can be used in clinical dentistry.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150209123A1
Принадлежит: Robotically Generated Prosthesis, LLC

This invention relates to improved methods and apparatus for recording and simulating the condylar movement of an individual. This invention also provides a dental articulator which is designed to simulate the jaw or condylar movements of a patient. This instrument enables a dentist to obtain the necessary diagnostic information for treatment of the occlusal irregularities, such as malocclusion, and the fabrication of dental cast or “dentures”. 1. An improved method for making dental restorations using an improved dental articulator comprising and upper frame for simulating the upper dental arch and a lower frame for simulating the lower dental arch , a pair of condyle , one or more removable condylar tables , an incisal pin , and a removable anterior guide table , the method comprising the steps of:producing an impression of a patient's dentition;recording the functional dynamics of occlusion to create a functionally generated path record;producing a model of the patient's upper dental arch and lower dental arch;placing the model of the upper arch and the lower arch in the improved articulator;placing the functionally generated path record in the articulator;filling the removable condylar tables and removable anterior guide table with a malleable material; andmanipulating the model of the upper dental arch and the lower dental arch to scribe a path into the malleable material.2. The method of further comprising the step of removing the functionally generated path record and allowing the malleable material to harden.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the functionally generated path is recorded by placing impression material into the patents mouth and having the patent bite with strenuous force in the left and right directions.4. An improved method for making dentures using an improved dental articulator comprising and upper frame for simulating the upper dental arch and a lower frame for simulating the lower dental arch claim 1 , a pair of condyle claim 1 , one or ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing Dental Solutions Incorporating a Guidance Package

Номер: US20210245444A1
Автор: Lucas Kelly

A method of producing a retention piece having a guidance package configured to provide a desired movement profile including: obtaining data descriptive of mandibular and maxillary arches, an index position of the mandibular arch at a maximum closure position, and a temporomandibular joint of a recipient; specifying an appropriate guidance package based on the desired movement profile; positioning a retention piece comprising at least a portion of the specified guidance package about virtual representations of at least one of the mandibular and maxillary arches within a virtual articulator; modeling relative movement of the virtual representations of the mandibular and maxillary arches within the virtual articulator; and generating data that can be used by a computer aided machining (CAM) process to create at least one physical retention piece comprising the specified guidance package configured to provide the desired movement profile. 1. A method of producing a guidance-equipped solution configured to provide a desired movement profile for mandibular and maxillary arches of a recipient relative to each other , the method comprising:obtaining data descriptive of the mandibular and maxillary arches, an index position of the mandibular arch with respect to the maxillary arch, and one or more boundaries of a three-dimensional region, and boundaries of a three-dimensional region, wherein a boundary of the three-dimensional region comprises a region embedded within surfaces of at least one of the mandibular arch and the maxillary arch;specifying an appropriate virtual guidance package based on the desired movement profile, the virtual guidance package associated with a movement profile;positioning the specified virtual guidance package in virtual space;parameterizing the positioned guidance package to create one or more virtual guidance equipped solutions, each of the one or more virtual guidance equipped solutions being configured to provide the movement profile of the ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170224448A1
Автор: Kopelman Avi

A device including a coded pattern for use in dental procedures is provided. Related methods and systems are also provided. 1. A method for digitally aligning a patient's teeth with a reference portion of the patient , the method comprising:acquiring, using a scanner, a first image of at least a portion of the patient's teeth;positioning a device in a patient's mouth to align the device with a reference portion of the patient, the device comprising an occlusal portion and a non-occlusal portion, the occlusal portion comprising a bite plate held between the patient's teeth so as to secure the device in a position during a scanning procedure and the non-occlusal portion comprising a coded pattern for aligning scanned images of the patient, the occlusal portion and the non-occlusal portion being coupled together at an angle such that the coded pattern is outwardly oriented from the patient's mouth when the bite plate is positioned between the patient's teeth, so that the coded pattern is presented to permit scanning of the coded pattern simultaneously when scanning at least the portion of the patient's teeth;acquiring, using the scanner, a second image of at least a portion of the coded pattern and at least the portion of the patient's teeth: andprocessing the first image and the second image to determine a spatial relationship between at least the portion of the patient's teeth and the reference portion by calculating a first spatial relationship between at least the portion of the coded pattern and at least the portion of the patient's teeth and the alignment between the device and the reference portion.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a lip displacement attachment configured to move a lip of the patient so as to expose at least some of the patient's teeth and allow scanning of the coded pattern in relation to at least some of the patient's teeth.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coded pattern comprises a plurality of bars oriented in the coded ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic virtual articulator for simulating occlusion of teeth

Номер: US20190216580A1
Принадлежит: 3Shape AS

Disclosed is a computer-implemented method of using a dynamic virtual articulator for simulating occlusion of teeth, when performing computer-aided designing of one or more dental restorations for a patient, where the method includes the steps of: providing the virtual articulator including a virtual three-dimensional model of the upper jaw and a virtual three-dimensional model of the lower jaw resembling the upper jaw and lower jaw, respectively, of the patient's mouth; providing movement of the virtual upper jaw and the virtual lower jaw relative to each other for simulating dynamic occlusion, whereby collisions between teeth in the virtual upper and virtual lower jaw occur; wherein the method further includes: providing that the teeth in the virtual upper jaw and virtual lower jaw are blocked from penetrating each other's virtual surfaces in the collisions.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Virtual Dental Articulator And System

Номер: US20200214810A1
Автор: Richter David D.

A system and method for creating a model of a patient's mandible and any teeth supported from the mandible and manipulating the mandible relative to anatomical features of the patient's maxilla. The system uses markers positioned on the mandible and on the maxilla to create a functional mandibular axis that approximates an axis through the condyles of the patient. The functional mandibular axis and geometric and anatomical information about the patient's upper and lower jaw are then used to create prostheses for the patient. The system is also used for making corrections to the prosthesis. 1. A method for creating a three-dimensional dental model of a patient having a head with teeth , including a lower jaw having mandibular teeth , the patient's teeth also comprising maxillary teeth that oppose the mandibular teeth , the maxillary teeth including maxillary tooth surfaces for use in mastication , and the mandibular teeth including mandibular tooth surfaces for use in mastication , the mandibular tooth surfaces for use in mastication mating with the maxillary tooth surfaces for use in mastication , method comprising:obtaining a three-dimensional map of the surfaces of the patient's maxilliary teeth;selecting point on a surface of a maxilliary tooth;obtaining a three-dimensional map of the surfaces of the patient's mandibular teeth;selecting point on a surface of a mandibular tooth;recording the spatial relationship between the selected point on a surface of a maxilliary tooth and the selected point on a surface of a mandibular tooth when the mandibular tooth surfaces for use in mastication are in mating contact with the maxillary tooth surfaces for use in mastication;defining a first functional condyle location by rotating the lower jaw about the head in a first direction along a transverse plane, and determining the approximate center of rotation of the jaw about the head, so that the first functional condyle coincides with the approximate center of rotation of the ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222156A1
Автор: Kopelman Avi

A method and system are provided for providing patient data useful for dental procedures, including scanning a dental structure of a patient when coupled to a geometric structure to provide a virtual model representative of the coupling and the dental structure, and relating the virtual model to a body reference of the patient. 124-. (canceled)25. A method for providing a spatial relationship of a dental structure of a patient with respect to a facial feature of the patient , comprising:optically scanning, in a first optical scanning operation, an externally visible portion of teeth of the patient in occlusion to produce a first model, the first model including spatial relationship information that spatially relates the externally visible portion of the teeth with a facial feature of the patient;optically scanning, in a second optical scanning operation, the teeth of the patient to produce a second model, the second model including the externally visible portion of the teeth scanned in the first optical scanning operation and second portions of the teeth of the patient not scanned in the first optical scanning operation;aligning the externally visible portion of the teeth in the first model with the externally visible portion of the teeth in the second model;associating the spatial relationship information of the first model with the second model so that the second portions of the teeth of the patient are spatially related with the facial feature;outputting the second model of the teeth of the patient with the spatial relationship information; andgenerating a dental treatment using the second model of the teeth with the spatial relationship information.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the first optical scanning operation and the second optical scanning operation are performed with an intraoral scanner.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the spatial relationship information that spatially relates the externally visible portion of the teeth with the facial ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Electronically Enabled Removable Dental Device

Номер: US20140329192A1

A dental device is provided in which the dental device comprises electronic components for ornamental functionality as well as orthodontic functionality. The dental device comprises components for light, sound, and video display for patients with braces, or for recreational users. 1. A dental device comprising an electrical module , energy source , and at least one of the following:(a) a monitoring module,(b) an audio/visual (A/V) module, and(c) a fluid dispenser.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising fixtures to align and straighten teeth.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is removably attached from an existing dental brace or corrective mouth piece.4. The device of wherein the electrical module is hermetically sealed for electrical and chemical insulation.5. The device of where the energy source is a small rechargeable battery or capacitor.6. The device of where the rechargeable battery or capacitor is charged by kinetic energy.7. The device of here the rechargeable battery or capacitor is charged by inductive coupling.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the A/V module further comprises at least one of: a projector claim 1 , light display claim 1 , speaker claim 1 , video recorder claim 1 , and microphone.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein the projector projects an image or video in the user's mouth by either direct projection or reflecting the projection onto small mirrors or lenses fixed at certain points along the device.10. The device of claim 9 , wherein the projector projects an image or video onto the front of the user's teeth by either direct projection or reflecting the projection onto small mirrors or lenses fixed at certain points along the device.11. The device of claim 8 , wherein the light display is a Light Emitting Diode (LED) or a small array of LED's that display various colors or images within the user's mouth.12. The device of claim 8 , wherein the light display is a light guide fixture that can be attached to existing dental ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for treatment planning

Номер: US20180243061A1
Принадлежит: SICAT GmbH and Co KG

A method for planning a treatment includes recording a first data record of three-dimensional image data of surfaces of an upper and lower jaw. A bite plate with cured impressions of the upper and lower jaw and markers is fitted to the patient. A second data record is recorded of three-dimensional image data of surface data of the bite plate without the patient. A movement recorder is fastened to the lower jaw while the patient bites on the bite plate. The bite plate is removed from the patient. Movements of the movement recorder during mastication movements are recorded and stored in a third data record as movement data. The three-dimensional image data of the first data record is combined with the movement data. A registration is performed using the second data record. The mastication movements of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw are displayed for treatment planning.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190239776A1
Автор: Dekel Doron

Systems and methods of tracking a head of a patient are provided. The system includes a motion tracking system and a head tracker. The head tracker includes a frame, at least one trackable target coupled to the frame, at least one nose pad coupled to the frame, and a pair of adjustable ear coupling members coupled to the frame and shaped for engaging with at least a portion of a back surface of an ear of the patient. The head tracker is configured to apply a clamping force to hold the trackable target in a stable spatial relationship with a location of interest in the head. The motion tracking system includes a sensor for tracking the trackable target and a processor configured for determining a position of the location of interest from the position and orientation of the trackable target and the stable spatial relationship. 1. A system for tracking a head of a patient , the system comprising: ["i. a frame comprising a front arm and two side arms, the two side arms being spaced apart to accommodate the width of the patient's head between the side arms;", 'ii. at least one trackable target coupled to the frame, a position and orientation of the at least one trackable target being determinable by a motion tracking system tracking the target;', 'iii. at least one nose pad coupled to the front arm of the frame, defining at least one nose pad contact surface for engaging with a nasion region of the patient; and', 'iv. a pair of adjustable ear coupling members shaped for engaging with at least a portion of a back surface of an ear of the patient, each ear coupling member being coupled to a respective side arm;', 'the head tracker is configured to apply a clamping force to pull the at least one nose pad rearwardly to hold the nose pad contact surface against the nasion region of the patient and to pull the pair of adjustable ear coupling members forwardly to hold the ear coupling members against the back surfaces of the ears of the patient, to hold the at least one ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

System for the Construction of a Dental Prosthesis

Номер: US20190239988A1

Method and system for the construction of a total dental prosthesis, wherein the shapes of the upper and lower jaw bases taken in the plastic material are digitized and stored as a digital prosthesis model in a data-processing device, and the upper and lower jaw prosthesis bases are produced from dental materials according to the digital prosthesis model by ablative or constructive methods. 1. A system for the construction of a total dental prosthesis , comprising{'b': '40', 'an upper, lower or set of upper and lower standard front dental arch(es) (),'}{'b': 2', '4', '12', '14, 'one or more standard impression tray(s) (, ) or individualized impression tray(s) (, ) for taking shapes of the upper and/or lower jaw bases with plastic material,'}a fastening means for fastening the upper, lower or set of upper and lower standard front dental arch(es) to the one or more standard or individualized impression trays,a scanner for scanning an impression of the upper, lower or upper and lower jaw bases,a memory for storing the scanned impression as a digital prosthesis model, anda manufacturing apparatus for producing the upper and/or lower jaw prosthesis bases from dental materials according to the digital prosthesis model.2. The system for the construction of a total dental prosthesis according to claim 1 , further comprising{'b': '22', 'a bite fork () for acquiring the position of an occlusal plane by alignment parallel to a bipupillar line and a Camper plane when taking the shapes of the upper and lower jaw bases, and'}wherein the memory is further configured for storing the digitized position of the occlusal plane relative to the upper and lower jaw bases,wherein the manufacturing apparatus produces the upper and lower jaw prosthesis bases by ablative or constructive methods under the control of a data-processing device.3. The system for the construction of a total dental prosthesis according to claim 2 ,wherein the scanner is configured to digitize and store impressions ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200237265A1
Автор: JAISSON Maxime

A device for attaching a localization marker to the lower jaw of an individual. The marker includes an inner face provided with two attachment lugs including an intra-oral portion having a general U-shape adapted for coming into contact with the outer face of the teeth of the lower jaw, an extra-oral portion including an attachment element for the marker, a connecting portion connecting the intra-oral portion and the extra-oral portion. The attachment element includes two recesses each adapted for receiving a respective lug of the marker, the recesses being separated by a tab adapted for being elastically deformed when one of the lugs is engaged in a respective recess so as to exert a pressure force on the lug. 1. A device for attaching a localization marker to a lower jaw of an individual , said marker comprising an inner face provided with two attachment lugs , comprising:an intra-oral portion having a general U shape adapted for coming into contact with an outer face of teeth of the lower jaw,an extra-oral portion comprising an attachment for the marker,a connecting portion connecting the intra-oral portion and the extra-oral portion,wherein the attachment comprises two recesses each adapted for receiving a respective lug of the marker, said recesses being separated by a tab adapted for being elastically deformed when one of the lugs is engaged in a respective recess so as to exert a pressure force on said lug.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the attachment further comprises two lateral fins adapted for deforming elastically when each lug is engaged in a respective recess so as to exert a pressure force on the inner face of the marker.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the intra-oral portion is flexible in the plane of the U.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the face of the intra-oral portion oriented towards the teeth has a rough surface.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the face of the intra-oral portion oriented towards the teeth comprises at least one ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170273762A1

Disclosed is a method for determining the geometrical relationship between a patient's dental structure and a reference feature on the head of the patient, the method including obtaining a first digital representation of a facebow including a fiducial marker, an adjustable pin member attached to the facebow and an attachment section of the facebow for placing the facebow in relation to the reference feature, the attachment section having a geometrical relationship with the fiducial marker; obtaining a second digital representation comprising a part of the patient's dental structure, a part of the pin member, and part of the facebow including the fiducial marker; obtaining information about the placement of the attachment section relative to the reference feature; and determining the geometrical relationship between the patient's dental structure and the reference feature based on the first and second digital representations and the placement of the attachment section. 1. A method for determining the a geometrical relationship between at least a first part of a patient's dental structure and at least one reference feature on the a head of the patient , the method comprising:obtaining a first digital representation of a facebow including a fiducial marker, an adjustable pin member attached to the facebow and an attachment section of the facebow for placing the facebow in relation to the reference feature, the attachment section having a geometrical relationship with the fiducial marker;obtaining a second digital representation comprising a part of the patient's dental structure, at least a part of the pin member, and at least a part of the facebow including the fiducial marker;obtaining information about the placement of the attachment section relative to the reference feature; anddetermining the geometrical relationship between the part of the patient's dental structure and the reference feature based on the first and second digital representations and the ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180279975A1

An apparatus, method and kit are provided for registering a human jaw with a CT image of the human jaw. The apparatus includes a moldable retainer and an arm having a moldable link portion and a rigid fixation portion. The link portion is attachable to the retainer and hardenable to maintain a fixed mapping between the fixation portion and the retainer. The fixation portion includes a CT marker connection region for detachably attaching a CT marker that includes a fiducial. The fixation portion also includes a tag connection region for detachably attaching a tag that is trackable by a pose measurement system. The pose of the tag connection region relative to a pose of the CT marker connection region is fixed prior to attaching either the tag or the CT marker, providing a known and fixed tag to fiducial coordinate mapping. 1. An apparatus for registering a human jaw with a volumetric CT (computerized X-ray tomography) image of the human jaw , the apparatus comprising:a retainer appliance configured to be moldable to an appliance geometry that mates with a surface geometry of at least a portion of the human jaw, such that when mated with the human jaw, the retainer appliance resists displacement relative to the human jaw, the retainer appliance being further configured to be hardenable to remain rigid and resist deformation once molded to the appliance geometry; andan arm comprising a moldable link portion and a rigid fixation portion; whereinthe link portion is rigidly attachable to the retainer appliance and is hardenable to remain rigid and resist deformation once hardened to maintain a fixed spatial mapping between the fixation portion and the retainer appliance when the link portion is rigidly attached to the retainer appliance;the fixation portion comprises CT marker engaging surfaces for i) indicating a CT marker connection region, ii) aligning the CT marker connection region with corresponding surfaces of a CT marker, the CT marker including a fiducial ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170296296A1

This invention concerns a set of three-dimensional markers that should be included in the scanning protocol. These markers together with the scanned information of the dental arches allow the transposition of the terminal hinge axis (for axiography) and the determination of the individual values of the condylar guidance angle and Bennett angle (for virtual articulators) to the virtual articulator. This invention involves a marker () which has three elements: upper element (), intermediate element () and lower element (). These components fit together forming a single piece (), or the elements () () () respectively, in case of edentulous patients that does not allow the attachment, it should be used the spacer (); and markers () (), which are exclusives for individual values determination. 1. Set of three-dimensional markers characterized by:{'b': 1', '10', '14', '11', '14, 'a) upper element () that has a projection () in the upper front area. This projection has two slots () on lateral inner sides. It develops into a depression (), which also presents two slots () on the lateral inner side;'}{'b': 2', '3', '6', '7, 'b) intermediate element () and lower element (), each one having two lateral projections () () on the upper front area;'}{'b': 2', '1', '8', '9', '1', '2', '3', '6', '7, 'c) both intermediate element () and upper element (), have two lateral slots ()() on the upper rear area. This slots allow elements ()()() to set by sliding and fitting projections ()();'}{'b': 5', '12', '14', '13, 'd) marker () has a two-part symmetrical geometry, each one formed by a projection () with two slots () on lateral inner area. This slots also develop into a depression and a second projection () which also has two slots on lateral inner area; or'}{'b': 16', '25', '24', '24', '16', '16', '27, 'e) spacer () shows the groove () at the bottom and has three top grooves () These grooves () have a lower dimension on the outside of spacer () in comparison with the one shown on the ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190290190A1
Принадлежит: DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc.

Described is a method for detecting and displaying the movement of a temporomandibular joint which connects a lower jaw and an upper jaw by magnetic resonance imaging. A marker is secured to the lower jaw, a marker movement curve is generated using magnetic resonance imaging measurement data sets during a first measurement interval, during which the lower jaw is moved relative to the upper jaw, and a point which corresponds to a first position of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw is ascertained on the movement curve. An image data set is generated during a second measurement interval, during which the temporomandibular joint is not moved, and a first model, which represents at least one part of the upper jaw and/or a temporal bone part that comprises the temporomandibular joint socket, and a second model, which represents at least one part of the lower jaw, are ascertained therefrom. A movement curve of the second model relative to the first model is calculated and displayed using the marker movement curve. 1. Method for detecting and displaying the movement of a temporomandibular joint of a patient with magnetic resonance imaging , comprisingsecuring at least one marker that is visible to the magnetic resonance to the lower jaw of a patient by a securing measure,generating a plurality of magnetic resonance imaging measurement data sets of a recording volume in chronological succession during a first measurement time interval,positioning at least the temporomandibular joint, and/or at least a part of the lower jaw, as well as the at least one marker within the recording volume during the first measurement time interval,executing a movement of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw during the first measurement time interval, where the movement of the lower jaw involves a first position relative to the upper jaw,identifying one at least two-dimensional marker position of the at least one marker in the recording volume in each measurement data set,producing a ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Fully edentulous jaw 3D facial universal temporal relationship recording device

Номер: US20190298501A1

A fully edentulous jaw 3D facial universal temporal relationship recording device includes a swing plate, a first substrate, a second substrate, an upper jaw plate, a lower jaw plate, two universal components and a horizontal detector. Each universal component is composed of a ball socket member having a ball socket portion and a ball head member having a spherical portion, and each ball socket member is fixed to the top side of the first and second substrates, and each ball head member is fixed to a bottom side of the swing plate and the upper jaw plate, so that the spherical portion of each ball head member is received and positioned at the ball socket portion of each ball socket member, and the horizontal detector is installed at the assembling portion of the swing plate for making horizontal adjustments and correction accurately. 1. A fully edentulous jaw 3D facial universal temporal relationship recording device , comprising:a swing plate, having an assembling portion disposed at an end of the swing plate;a first substrate, disposed on a bottom side of the swing plate;a second substrate, disposed on a top side of the swing plate;an upper jaw plate, disposed on a top side of the second substrate;a lower jaw plate, disposed on a bottom side of the first substrate;two universal components, each comprising a ball socket member having a ball socket portion and a ball head member having a spherical portion, and each ball socket member being fixed to a predetermined position of the top sides of the first and second substrates, and each ball head member being fixed to a predetermined position of the bottom sides of the swing plate and the upper jaw plate, so that the spherical portion of each ball head member is received and positioned at the ball socket portion of each ball socket member; anda facial scan positioning block, installed at the assembling portion of the swing plate.2. The fully edentulous jaw 3D facial universal temporal relationship recording device of ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312064A1
Автор: JAISSON Maxime

The invention relates to a method for modeling the mandibular kinematics of a patient, comprising: 1. A method for modeling the mandibular kinematics of a patient , comprising:acquiring at least one stereoscopic image of the face of the patient by means of a stereoscopic camera,constructing, from said stereoscopic image, a three-dimensional surface model of the face of the patient,identifying characteristic elements of the face of the patient on said stereoscopic image or on said three-dimensional surface model of the face of the patient,from said characteristic elements, determining, on said stereoscopic image, respectively said three-dimensional surface model of the face of the patient, reference points, axes and planes of the face of the patient,obtaining a three-dimensional model of the maxillary dental arch and a three-dimensional model of the mandibular dental arch of the patient,registering the three-dimensional models of the dental arches with respect to the reference planes (A, B, C) of the three-dimensional surface model of the patient,recording the mandibular kinematics of the patient,applying said recorded mandibular kinematics to the three-dimensional models of the registered dental arches, so as to animate said three-dimensional models.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the stereoscopic image of the face of the patient is a color image and in that a texture based on said image is applied to the three-dimensional surface model.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the stereoscopic image of the face of the patient is a black and white image of the face of the patient and wherein after constructing the three-dimensional surface model from said image claim 1 , a color image of the face of the patient is imported and a texture is applied to said model from said imported color image.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the display in real time claim 1 , on a screen claim 1 , of a video image of the face of the patient ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Method for recording jaw movements

Номер: US20190328313A1
Принадлежит: SICAT GmbH and Co KG

A method for recording jaw movements of a patient includes detachably adhering dental brackets to teeth surfaces of the teeth of a lower jaw of the patient, attaching a position marker and a sensor element which detects the position marker to a head of the patient, and recording, via a jaw movement, a relative movement of the sensor element relative to the position marker. The sensor element is attached to a skull of the patient, and the position marker is attached to the lower jaw of the patient via the dental brackets, or the sensor element is attached to the lower jaw of the patient via the dental brackets, and the position marker is attached to the skull of the patient.

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150359614A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed enabling an orthodontist or a user to create an unified three dimensional virtual craniofacial and dentition model of actual, as-is static and functional anatomy of a patient, from data representing facial bone structure; upper jaw and lower jaw; facial soft tissue; teeth including crowns and roots; information of the position of the roots relative to each other; and relative to the facial bone structure of the patient; obtained by scanning as-is anatomy of craniofacial and dentition structures of the patient with a volume scanning device; and data representing three dimensional virtual models of the patient's upper and lower gingiva, obtained from scanning the patient's upper and lower gingiva either (a) with a volume scanning device, or (a) with a surface scanning device. Such craniofacial and dentition models of the patient can be used in optimally planning treatment of a patient. 1. Apparatus comprising , in combination , (a) data representing facial bone structure of the patient including the upper jaw and lower jaw;', '(b) data representing facial soft tissue of the patient;', '(c) data representing teeth including crowns and roots of the patient, the data including information of the position of said roots relative to each other and relative to the facial bone structure of the patient including said upper jaw and said lower jaw;', 'wherein the data representing parts (a), (b) and (c) of said unified three dimensional virtual craniofacial and dentition model of said patient are constructed solely from digital data obtained by scanning as-is anatomy of craniofacial and dentition structures of said patient with a volume scanning device;', "(d) data representing three dimensional virtual models of the patient's upper and lower gingiva, wherein said data represent three dimensional virtual models of said patient's upper and lower gingiva are constructed from scanning said patient's upper and lower gingiva either (a) with a ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Tracking pieces for tracking movements of hard tissue of a jaw

Номер: US20190358008A1
Принадлежит: PLANMECA OY

The invention relates to tracking pieces ( 110 ) used in the context of tracking movements of hard tissue of a jaw. According to the invention, a tracking piece ( 110 ) to be used in such context is designed to be patient-specific by including in the design of the tracking piece ( 110 ) a surface model representing a part of a person's intraoral anatomy, which surface model is generated based on imaging results acquired by imaging the anatomy.

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200405465A1

An occlusion control system and a corresponding method for occlusion control, in which dimensional data of a digital upper and lower jaw model are stored on a data processing and control device, an upper jaw representative model and a lower jaw representative model are manually moved relative to one another in an adjustment plane, position changes of the upper jaw representative model and the lower jaw representative model are detected. An associated relative position between the upper and lower jaw models is calculated. If, in this relative position, there is a dental arch penetration and/or a dental arch decoupling from the upper and lower jaw model, a length of at least one of at least three spacer elements between the upper jaw representative model and the lower jaw representative model is adjusted, which brings about a haptically detectable change in the representative model. 111-. (canceled)12. An occlusion control system , comprising:a data processing and control device having stored thereon dimensional data of a digital dental model including an upper jaw model and a lower jaw model;a physical representative model coupled to said data processing and control device by way of at least one data and/or signal transmission medium, said physical representative model having an upper jaw representative model and a lower jaw representative model mechanically connected to one another and configured to be manually moved in translation and rotation relative to one another in an adjustment plane;at least one detection device coupled to said data processing and control device and configured to detect position changes of said upper jaw representative model and said lower jaw representative model;at least three spacer elements disposed between said upper jaw representative model and said lower jaw representative model, and defining the adjustment plane between said upper jaw representative model and said lower jaw representative model;wherein said at least three spacer ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for treatment planning

Номер: WO2017042156A1
Принадлежит: SICAT GMBH & CO. KG

Method for planning treatment on the teeth of a patient (9), wherein the planning is based on a representation of a chewing motion of the patient (9) in which the upper and lower rows of teeth move with respect to one another, wherein a first set of data with three-dimensional image data of the surfaces of the at least partially toothed upper jaw (13) and of the at least partially toothed lower jaw (14) are recorded with a camera, wherein the patient (9) is fitted with a biting plate (1), which has cured impressions of the upper jaw (13) and of the lower jaw (14), wherein identifiable markers (4) are provided on and/or in the biting plate (1), wherein a second set of data with three-dimensional image data including surface data of the biting plate (1), in which the surfaces of the jaws (13), (14) and the markers (4) of the biting plate (1) can be identified, is recorded without involving the patient, wherein a movement sensor (7) is releasably fastened to the lower jaw (14) of the patient (9) while the patient is biting on the fitted biting plate (1), wherein the position of the movement sensor (7) with respect to the biting plate (1) is registered, wherein the biting plate is removed, wherein the movements of the movement sensor (7) during chewing motions are recorded by a detector (11) releasably fastened to the head of the patient (9) and are stored in a third set of data as movement data, wherein the three-dimensional image data of the first set of data are combined with the movement data of the third set of data, wherein a registration is performed by means of the second set of data and wherein the chewing motions of the lower jaw (14) with respect to the upper jaw (13) are displayed on a screen for the purpose of treatment planning.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for creating a virtual jaw image

Номер: DE102012104912A1
Автор: Jochen Kusch, Nils Hanssen
Принадлежит: SICAT GmbH and Co KG

Verfahren zum Erstellen eines virtuellen, insbesondere volumetrischen Kieferabbildes, wobei ein digitales, insbesondere volumetrisches, Unterkieferabbild in unterschiedlichen Stellungen gegenüber einem digitalen, insbesondere volumetrischen, Oberkieferabbild dargestellt werden kann, umfassend die folgenden Verfahrensschritte: Durchführen eines Bewegungsaufzeichnungsverfahrens, insbesondere ein Kondylographieverfahren, zum Erhalt einer Bewegungsaufzeichnung, insbesondere eines Kondylogramms, worin eine Vielzahl von Positionsdatensätzen über einen definierten Zeitraum erzeugt werden, wobei ein Positionsdatensatz eine reale räumliche Stellung eines Unterkiefers gegenüber einem Oberkiefer zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt beschreibt; Abtasten von Oberflächenabschnitten des realen Oberkiefers und des realen Unterkiefers zu einem definierten Zeitpunkt während des Bewegungsaufzeichnungsverfahrens, insbesondere mittels eines Bissregistrats, zum Erhalt einer räumlichen Relation der Oberflächenabschnitte während des definierten Zeitpunkts; Zuordnen zumindest eines Positionsdatensatzes einer virtuellen Stellung des digitalen Unterkieferabbildes gegenüber dem digitalen Oberkieferabbild, insbesondere mittels des Bissregistrats, welches digitalisiert wurde; Auswählen eines Positionsdatensatzes, und virtuelles Ausrichten des digitalen Unterkieferabbildes gegenüber dem digitalen Oberkieferabbild entsprechend des ausgewählten Positionsdatensatzes, wodurch das virtuelle Kieferabbild erzeugt wird, wobei die virtuelle Ausrichtung einer realen Stellung des Unterkiefers gegenüber dem Oberkiefer entsprechend des ausgewählten Positionsdatensatzes entspricht. Method for creating a virtual, in particular volumetric, jaw image, wherein a digital, in particular volumetric, lower jaw image can be displayed in different positions with respect to a digital, in particular volumetric, upper jaw image, comprising the following method steps: performing a motion recording method, in particular a ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Bite fork with recesses

Номер: DE102013204207A1
Автор: Wolfgang Brunner

Bissgabel zur Bissnahme, insbesondere mit Positionsmarkerelementen zur Positionsbestimmung in einem Positionsbestimmungssystem, wobei die Bissgabel an der Beißfläche Aussparungen zur partiellen Sichtbarmachung der Zahnoberflächen für einen im Mundraum eines Patienten platzierten Bildsensor und Markierungen aufweist, welche für diesen Sensor erfassbar sind. Bite fork for bite registration, in particular with position marker elements for position determination in a position determination system, the bite fork having recesses on the bite surface for partial visualization of the tooth surfaces for an image sensor placed in the oral cavity of a patient and markings which can be detected by this sensor.

01-12-2011 дата публикации

Dental tool

Номер: DE102010021934A1

Dental-Werkzeug zur Gewinnung von Korrelations-Daten, die eine röntgenographische Abbildung in Beziehung setzen zu einer optischen Abbildung eines Unterkiefers und/oder Oberkiefers eines Wirbeltieres, aufweisend eine Bissplatte mit optischen Markierungen, die in der optischen Abbildung als solche erkennbar sind, und eine mit dieser in vorbestimmter räumlicher Zuordnung definiert verbundene Röntgenmarker-Konfiguration mit mindestens drei in der röntgenographischen Abbildung als solche erkennbaren Röntgenmarkerelementen. Dental tool for obtaining correlation data that relate a radiographic image to an optical image of a lower jaw and / or upper jaw of a vertebrate, having a bite plate with optical markings that can be recognized as such in the optical image, and one with this X-ray marker configuration connected in a defined spatial relationship with at least three X-ray marker elements recognizable as such in the radiographic image.

06-11-2008 дата публикации

Occlusal plane related diagnostic device for use in restorative and functional dentistry, has adjustable elements provided on occlusal fork guided in base of beginning of crossbar in longitudinally adjustable and non-twisted manner

Номер: DE102007020675A1
Автор: Rainer Schoettl
Принадлежит: Schottl Rainer Dr

The device has height adjustable elements provided on a occlusal fork (1) and permitting direct comparison of parallelism of occlusal plane to lines and planes of a facial bone. One of the elements is formed as a differential pressure sensor (3) is arranged for testing a mean perpendicular of the facial bone. A bar is adjustable perpendicular to the fork and has a non-circular cross-section such as square cross-section. The occlusal fork is guided in a guide base (4) of a beginning of a crossbar in longitudinally adjustable and non-twisted manner by a locking nut (5).

17-03-2011 дата публикации

Surgical guides and methods for positioning artificial teeth and dental implants

Номер: US20110066267A1
Автор: Stephen M. Schmitt
Принадлежит: Voxelogix Corp

A method is set forth for making a computer model of patient's jaws on the basis of digital information. Digital data about the jaws, teeth, soft tissues and artificial teeth is joined in computer space to create aesthetic and functional plans for the removal of teeth, shaping of supporting bone and placement of dental implants. Artificial teeth and pre-manufactured prosthetic devices are made and attached to the dental implants at the time of surgery. The aesthetic and functional position of artificial teeth is determined prior to surgical removal of natural teeth and the ideal position of implants and the proper form of the remaining bone are determined prior to surgery. Surgical guides used to shape bone, record occlusal orientation and position dental implants are manufactured using computer milling or layered manufacturing.

16-06-1987 дата публикации

Device for measuring relative jaw positions and movements

Номер: US4673352A
Автор: Markus Hansen
Принадлежит: Individual

The apparatus comprises a first holder (10) fixed stationarily relative to the upper jaw to the patient's head, and a second holder (16) which is secured to the lower jaw. The second holder contains a number of distributed transmitters (S1, S2, S3) which successively supply stepwise ultrasonic pulses. A supplied ultrasonic pulse is successively received by all of the receivers (E1, E2, E3) of the other holder (10). By the transit times, the distances between the receivers and the activated transmitter may be noted. Changes of the sound velocity are detected by a reference path (S4R, E3; S3, E4R) and used for the correction of the transit time signals. By means of an additional, freely movable holder which also carries a number of transmitters and which contains a scanning tip, the position, data of individual teeth or of other points of the mouth may be imputted into the computer.

06-06-1989 дата публикации

Mandibular motion monitoring system

Номер: US4836778A
Принадлежит: Vexcel Corp

A method and apparatus for monitoring, storing and displaying movements of a person's mandible in relation to the cranium, comprises a plurality of infrared LED's securely mounted to the cranium and to the jaw, in immovable relation to the mandible. The location of each LED, as determined by photodiodes as the LED's are sequentially turned on and off, is compared against an established three dimensional system frame of reference and through distinct local frames of reference associated with the cranium and the jaw, respectively, within the system frame of reference. A pointer, also provided with LED's is used to locate specific points on the mandible in reference to the movement described by the LED's attached to the lower jaw. The data is collected, calibrated and stored by a computer for subsequent display and analysis, either alone or in conjunction with a video display of the person's actual head and jaw as the data was taken.

29-01-2013 дата публикации

Surgical guides and methods for positioning artificial teeth and dental implants

Номер: US8364301B2
Автор: Stephen M. Schmitt
Принадлежит: Bankruptcy Estate of Voxelogix Corp

A method is set forth for making a computer model of patient's jaws on the basis of digital information. Digital data about the jaws, teeth, soft tissues and artificial teeth is joined in computer space to create aesthetic and functional plans for the removal of teeth, shaping of supporting bone and placement of dental implants. Artificial teeth and pre-manufactured prosthetic devices are made and attached to the dental implants at the time of surgery. The aesthetic and functional position of artificial teeth is determined prior to surgical removal of natural teeth and the ideal position of implants and the proper form of the remaining bone are determined prior to surgery. Surgical guides used to shape bone, record occlusal orientation and position dental implants are manufactured using computer milling or layered manufacturing.

27-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for obtaining model of the human body and surgery guide and recording media for computer program thereafter, and model of the human body obtained by the same method

Номер: KR101333886B1
Автор: 김수관, 김충원, 임성훈
Принадлежит: 조선대학교산학협력단

본 발명은 의료용 인체 모형 및 수술 가이드 획득방법 및 그 방법을 수행하는 컴퓨터 프로그램을 기록한 기록매체, 그리고 의료용 인체 모형 및 수술 가이드 획득방법에 의해 획득된 인체 모형에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 의료용 인체 모형 및 수술 가이드 획득방법은, 인체 모형의 획득을 위해 촬영된 영상을 받아서 초기 3차원 모델을 생성하는 초기 3차원 모델 생성 단계; 생성된 상기 초기 3차원 모델에 시술 또는 교정의 기준이 되는 적어도 하나의 기준 가이드를 추가하는 기준 가이드 추가 단계; 및 초기 3차원 모델에 기준 가이드가 추가되어 형성된 최종 3차원 모델을 출력하는 최종 3차원 출력 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의해, 시술 또는 교정을 위해 미리 제작되는 치아 모형이나 악안면 모형 등의 인체 모형에 시술 또는 교정의 기준이 되는 기준 가이드가 함께 제작되도록 함으로써 시술 또는 교정의 완성도를 향상시킬 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method for obtaining a medical human body model and a surgical guide, a recording medium recording a computer program for performing the method, and a human body model obtained by a method for obtaining a medical human body model and a surgical guide. The method for obtaining a medical human body model and a surgical guide of the present invention includes: an initial three-dimensional model generation step of generating an initial three-dimensional model by receiving a photographed image for obtaining a human body model; A reference guide adding step of adding at least one reference guide as a reference for a procedure or correction to the generated initial three-dimensional model; And a final three-dimensional output step of outputting a final three-dimensional model formed by adding a reference guide to the initial three-dimensional model. As a result, a reference guide, which is a standard for the procedure or correction, may be produced together with a human body model, such as a tooth model or a maxillofacial model, which is prepared in advance for the procedure or correction, thereby improving the completeness of the procedure or correction.

14-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for diagnosis of lower jaw mobility and device for its implementation

Номер: RU2628064C2

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions includes a device for diagnosis of movements and forces of the lower jaw dentition relative to the upper jaw dentition and a method of diagnosis using the device, refers to the field of medicine and can be used in dental practice. The device for diagnosis of movements and forces of the lower jaw dentition relative to the upper jaw dentition contains a carrier fastened to the dentition or on the tooth or on a dental structure or inside a dental structure or on the gum, and on which at least one sensor is located for real-time registration of the investigated parameter associated with lower jaw functioning, as well as an electronic unit with the function of obtaining measurement data and their processing, a power unit and unit for measurement data transmission to the external receiving computerized means. The carrier is made in the form of a flexible or rigid plate, on which the electronic unit in the form of a microprocessor, a measurement data transmission unit made in the form of a process connector for wire communication or a wireless communication module, and a sensor or sensors made with different functions for measurement of the investigated parameters are fixed, and a power supply made in the form of at least one battery, or a wired power module or a wireless power module, is located next to the carrier, mechanically associated with it and electrically connected to the components on the carrier. The method for diagnosis of movements and forces of the lower jaw dentition relative to the upper jaw dentition is performed by the device. EFFECT: possibility of obtaining a reliable picture of movements and efforts of the lower jaw dentition relative to the upper jaw dentition to obtain a diagnosis and choose a method of treatment. 8 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 628 064 C2 (51) МПК A61C 19/045 (2006.01) A61B 5/11 (2006.01) A61F 5/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12 ...

20-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of determining prosthetic plane projection on person's face and device for its realisation

Номер: RU2504345C1

FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medicine, namely to dentistry, and is intended for determination of prosthetic plane projection on person's face. For this purpose device for registration of sagittal articular way, containing U-like shaped arc, passing from the area of temporo-mandibular joints to central maxillary incisors, is used. In the area of maxillary incisors arc is provided with paraocclusion fork. On each side of the arc, opposite the area of location of lower jaw joint, placed is one holder of registering device, made with possibility of contact with fixed on patient's face self-adhering millimetre paper. To find prosthetic plane projection on patient's face, Frankfurt horizontal line and line of lower jaw base are applied. Value of the first angle, formed by intersection of said lines, is determined. After that, by means of the claimed device determined is line of sagittal articular way, which together with line, representing prosthetic plane projection on patient's face, constitutes the second angle. Prosthetic plane projection on face is determined by formula: value of the second angle minus 102° equals value of the first angle.EFFECT: method makes it possible to increase accuracy of prosthetic plane determination in form of its projection on patient's face due to application of dependence of 2 angles, where the first angle is formed by line of Frankfurt horizontal and line of lower jaw base, and the second angle by line of sagittal articular way and line representing prosthetic plane projection.2 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 504 345 (13) C1 (51) МПК A61C 19/05 (2006.01) A61C 19/045 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012134040/14, 25.04.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.04.2012 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рощин Евгений Михайлович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2014 Бюл. № 2 2 5 0 4 3 4 5 ( ...

01-11-2021 дата публикации

Способ и система автоматизированного моделирования ортотика

Номер: RU2758752C1

Группа изобретений относится к неинвазивным методам лечения височно-нижнечелюстных расстройств, в частности к моделированию твердотельной поверхности ортотика, и может быть применена в медицинской промышленности. Сущность группы изобретений заключается в способе автоматизированного моделирования ортотика, в котором перед моделированием следящего артикулятора и при построении твердотельной модели ортотика пациенту устанавливают депрограммирующую окклюзионную шину. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение точности полученной модели ортотика. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 30 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 758 752 C1 (51) МПК A61C 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61C 11/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021103298, 11.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.11.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 01.11.2021 Бюл. № 31 (54) Способ и система автоматизированного моделирования ортотика (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к моделирования ортотика, в котором перед неинвазивным методам лечения височномоделированием следящего артикулятора и при нижнечелюстных расстройств, в частности к построении твердотельной модели ортотика моделированию твердотельной поверхности пациенту устанавливают депрограммирующую ортотика, и может быть применена в медицинской окклюзионную шину. Группа изобретений промышленности. Сущность группы изобретений обеспечивает повышение точности полученной заключается в способе автоматизированного модели ортотика. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 30 ил. R U 2 7 5 8 7 5 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2017312065 А1, 02.11.2017. US 2018078344 A1, 22.03.2018. US 2020275995 A1, 03.09.2020. US 2015289960 A1, 15.10.2015. Стр.: 1 C 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 620072, Свердловская обл, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Конструкторов, 5, оф. 229, ООО 'Царская привилегия', Левкину А. Ю. 2 7 5 8 7 5 2 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ...

07-09-2016 дата публикации

How to create a chin virtual image

Номер: JP5989234B2
Принадлежит: SICAT GmbH and Co KG

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Diagnostic technique for dentition taking into consideration axis of head of mandible and device for implementation thereof

Номер: RU2461367C1

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: group of invention refers to medicine, dental diagnostic, orthodontic therapy and comprises an articulator, a face bow and a detachable instrument for jaw cast position transfer in the face bow into a space of the articulator relatively to an opening axis, as well as to a diagnostic technique for dentition. Together with pivotally connected upper and lower bows (UB and LB) with the rotatable LB, cast fixators of upper and lower jaws (UJ and LJ), the articulator is equipped with a detachable corrector of the LB rotation axis relatively to a horizontal pivot of the UB in the form of a variable-length lever perpendicular to the LB rotation axis. The face bow for each joint support is provided with said corrector of the LJ head rotation axis in the form of a detachable variable-length lever perpendicular to the support axis perpendicular to an application point of the latter, and one end of which is pivotally arranged on the support and rotatable about its axis, and the other one - with the perpendicular axis adjusted with a skin projection of the LJ head rotation axis. One end of the lever rotatable about the LB rotation axis of the articulator is detachable and fixed thereafter, and the axis is adjusted on the other end of the lever with the axis of the horizontal pivot of the UB. The diagnostic technique for dentition involves placing the face bow on the patient's face to determine a point of the LJ rotation axis; its projection is marked on skin as a point. When the UJ cast is transferred onto the articulator, its LB rotation axis is moved with respect to the UB by the value equal to the distance of the support axis of the face bow and the point of the skin projection of the LJ head taking into consideration an angel of said axis relatively to a horizontal extending through the support axis. EFFECT: group of inventions provides higher accuracy of patient's UJ position transfer into the articulator. 5 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ...

29-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2671029C2

FIELD: robotics.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to robotics, or more precisely to medical robots, used in orthopedic dentistry as automatic articulators – imitators of the movement of the lower jaw, with the help of which the dentition is adjusted for prosthetics. Articulator contains actuators and a base for the lower dental rows, connected through hinges to the actuator rods. Each drive is provided with four magnetic systems comprising an excitation source having a core, surrounded by excitation coils, and two magnetic circuits. In this case, two three-stage drives are used in parallel on a common base, each of which contains a coil mounted in springs that are radially fixed relative to the center of the coil, located in the field of the uniformly spaced apart magnetic systems.EFFECT: invention is aimed at simplification of the design.1 cl, 10 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 671 029 C2 (51) МПК A61C 11/00 (2006.01) B25J 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61C 11/00 (2006.01); B25J 11/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017105608, 20.02.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Воронежский государственный технический университет" (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.10.2018 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.08.2018 Бюл. № (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2390405 C2, 27.05.2010. RU 2300456 C1, 10.06.2007. US 6142779 A1, 07.11.2000. US 8814564 B2, 26.08.2014. GB 2019728 B, 24.11.1982. 23 (45) Опубликовано: 29.10.2018 Бюл. № 31 2 6 7 1 0 2 9 R U (54) Артикулятор (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к робототехнике, а точнее к медицинским роботам, применяющимся в ортопедической стоматологии в качестве автоматических артикуляторов - имитаторов движения нижней челюсти, с помощью которых осуществляется подгонка зубных рядов при протезировании. Артикулятор ...

21-09-2006 дата публикации

Dental facebow

Номер: JPWO2004082511A1
Автор: 直樹 西浜
Принадлежит: Individual


21-08-2019 дата публикации

Zero-point controller

Номер: RU2697979C1
Принадлежит: Наоки НИШИХАМА

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, particularly to dentistry, and is intended for use in dental treatment in case of abnormal bite, edentulous jaw, oligodontium. Zero torque controller comprises a bearing frame, a transverse frame, a face arc, mounting elements for the face arc, a mouthpiece, a fixing part for fastening the face arc on the mounting elements for the face arc at a given installation angle, headphones fixed on adjusting elements for headphones, control point indicator for indication of bite occlusion concentration segment. Supporting frame with left and right side frames is configured to be placed on both sides of patient's head. Crosswise frame interconnects left and right side frames. Mounting elements for face arc are fixed to side frames. Face arc is made with possibility of installation on mounting elements for front arc with possibility of disconnection. Mouthpiece is configured to be fixed on the face arc and is intended for insertion into the oral cavity of the patient. Fixing part for fastening of face arc on mounting elements for face arc at specified angle of installation is made with possibility of connection to mounting element for front arc with possibility of disconnection. Headphone setting elements are installed on side frames. Headphones are fixed on adjusting elements for earphones. Covering element for support of bearing frame is arranged in area between eyebrows of patient and is located in central part of crosswise frame. Reference point for indicating an occlusal force concentration segment is set in the region of the patient's nasal area and is located in the central part of the transverse frame. Mouthpiece is made in the form of a curvilinear surface located along a spherical occlusal surface, the center of which is a point on an occlusion line passing through a segment of concentration of occlusion force and parallel to side frames, and a preset angle of installation is selected so that the ...

31-08-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for morphometry of the human cranio-maxillofacial region and registration of mandibular movement

Номер: RU2754290C1

FIELD: medical equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to apparatuses for morphometry of the human cranio-maxillofacial region and registration of mandibular movement. The apparatus comprises a supporting part made in the form of an elastic bandage. The supporting part comprises a box with a cover, installed in the frontal part on the elastic bandage. The measuring system comprises a rectangular frame located in the plane parallel to the face of the patient. The frame is equipped with a telescopic unit installed under the cover of the box, made of two L-shaped elements forming the upper side of the frame and two vertical rods in the form of the lateral sides of the frame, wherein each of the rods is equipped with a measuring scale. The L-shaped elements are connected by a flexible tube in the upper part. The frame is equipped with three horizontal rails at the bottom and in the centre, wherein each of the rails comprises a measuring scale with moving recorders for the position of the control points of the face. The horizontal rails are configured to changing the position relative to the control points of the face and the measuring scale on the vertical rods of the frame so as to allow for measurement of the height of the lower and the middle third of the face, estimation of the width of the face, type of the face and symmetry thereof. The apparatus is equipped with a unit for registering mandibular movement, containing a digital camera, a plexiglass screen attached to the middle rail of the frame of the telescopic system and equipped with a measuring grid with millimeter lines and angles. The apparatus comprises a fibre-optic sensor configured to be installed on the mandibular teeth at the contact point corresponding to the median line of the face. The sensor is connected with a laser pointer by a fibre-optic cable. The registration unit is configured to calculate the trajectory of the movement of the mandible. EFFECT: increase in the functional ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Device for improving the breathing of a person

Номер: DE102012003564B3
Автор: Patentinhaber gleich
Принадлежит: Bernd Scheffel

Die Vorrichtung der vorliegenden Erfindung kann bestimmte Nachteile und Probleme, die mit bekannten Vorrichtungen zur Vorverlagerung des Unterkiefers verbunden sind, eliminieren. Wesentliche, mit der Erfindung erzielte Vorteile bestehen darin, dass diese aus zwei Schienen (10), (20) und einem Koppelelement (30) für beide Schienen besteht, welches zur Einstellung der Protrusion ohne Werkzeuge auswechselbar ist. Diese Vorrichtung erlaubt einfache, kostengünstige Herstellung, leichte Pflege und ist komfortabel beim Tragen, da im Zungenraum keine Bauteile vorhanden sind und die Beweglichkeit des Unterkiefers nicht eingeschränkt wird. Eine Beispielvorrichtung (1) zur Verbesserung der Atmung des Benutzers ist erkennbar am Koppelelement (30), welches ausgehend von den hinteren Verbindungspunkten (21 und 21') an der oberen Zahnschiene (20), zu beiden Seiten der Zahnbögen zum vorderen Verbindungspunkt (11) an der unteren Zahnschiene (10) verläuft. Die Vorrichtung kann benutzt werden um Atemstörung beim Schlaf, wie Schnarchen oder Schlafapnoe zu behandeln, indem der Unterkiefer relativ zum Oberkiefer in einer vorgelagerten (protrutierten) Position gehalten wird. Während der Behandlung, im Schlaf, verbleibt die Vorrichtung 100 innerhalb des Mundes des Benutzers. Es wird ein Verfahren zum Montieren des Koppelementes (30) angegeben. Es wird ein Verfahren zur Überprüfung der richtigen Protrusion angegeben. The device of the present invention can eliminate certain disadvantages and problems associated with known mandibular advancement devices. Essential, achieved with the invention advantages are that it consists of two rails (10), (20) and a coupling element (30) for both rails, which is interchangeable to adjust the protrusion without tools. This device allows simple, cost-effective production, easy care and is comfortable to wear, since no components are present in the tongue room and the mobility of the lower jaw is not restricted. An example device (1) for improving the ...

28-08-2013 дата публикации

Device for improving the respiration of a person

Номер: EP2630938A1
Автор: Bernd Scheffel
Принадлежит: Bernd Scheffel

The device has a U-shaped coupling element (30) which comprises lower tooth rail (10) having front connection point (11) in lateral direction running through hole, and upper tooth rail (20) having rear connection points (21,21'). An elongated opening is provided in the posterior region. The bent ends of coupling element are introduced into elongated openings at the rear connection point to form a hinge. The apex of the coupling element is releasable in certain position of tooth rails, by the lateral through hole at the front connection point so that rotary sliding joint is formed. An independent claim is included for method of assembling the device for improving breathing of user.

10-11-2015 дата публикации

Динамический виртуальный артикулятор

Номер: RU2567604C2
Принадлежит: 3Шейп А/С

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для динамической виртуальной артикуляции. Способ состоит в использовании виртуального артикулятора, содержащего виртуальную трехмерную модель верхней челюсти и виртуальную трехмерную модель нижней челюсти, повторяющие верхнюю челюсть и нижнюю челюсть, обеспечение движения виртуальной верхней челюсти и виртуальной нижней челюсти относительно друг друга. Способ включает предотвращение пересечения между собой виртуальной поверхности зубов виртуальной верхней челюсти и виртуальной поверхности зубов виртуальной нижней челюсти. Во втором варианте выполнения способа, содержащего виртуальную трехмерную модель зубов, в которую входит верхняя челюсть, определяемая как виртуальная верхняя челюсть, и виртуальную трехмерную модель зубов, в которую входит нижняя челюсть, определяемая как виртуальная нижняя челюсть. Система виртуального артикулятора содержит виртуальный артикулятор, содержащий виртуальную трехмерную модель верхней челюсти и виртуальную трехмерную модель нижней челюсти, повторяющие верхнюю челюсть и нижнюю челюсть пациента, и средства обеспечения движений виртуальных верхней и нижней челюстей относительно друг друга. Использование группы изобретений позволяет выполнять движения, повторяющие и имитирующие реальные процессы, происходящие во рту. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил.

10-09-2004 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for locating costume vocal cords model in articulators

Номер: KR100420873B1
Принадлежит: 데이비드 엘. 이버

본 발명은 일반적으로 치궁 모델에 의해 나타난 상악 치궁의 위치설정을 본뜨도록 치과용 교합기내에서 상악치궁 모델(13)을 위치설정하는 장치 및 방법에 관한 것이다. 치궁 모델은 3개의 상호 수직인 축이 정렬되어 있는 지점(20)으로 편편한 면을 가지는 판(14)상에 위치설정될 수 있다. 추가로 판은 교합기에 제거가능하게 장착될 수 있으며 환자의 두개골내의 환자의 상악치궁의 위치설정에 관한 3개의 선형과 3개의 각도 측정치를 근거해서 이들 축에 대해서 조정될 수 있다. The present invention relates generally to an apparatus and method for positioning an upper gingival model (13) within a dental articulator so as to mimic the positioning of the upper gingival by the gingival model. The crown model can be positioned on the plate 14 having a plane that is flat at a point 20 where three mutually perpendicular axes are aligned. In addition, the plate may be removably mounted on the articulator and adjusted for these axes based on three linear and three angular measurements of the position of the patient's maxillary first premolar in the patient ' s skull.

16-12-2022 дата публикации

Compatible height adjustment device between heterogeneous dental confluents

Номер: KR20220165907A
Автор: 김현수
Принадлежит: 김현수

본 발명은 인공치아로 교체하거나 보철작업을 수행하기 위한 관련작업을 수행하는 작업자의 전방시야 및 작업공간을 확보하면서도 악간조절 작업도 가능하고, 악간 조절을 위해, 형태가 상이한 각 상악 고정용 몸체 및 각 하악 고정용 몸체를 이용하여 높이 조절 시 하나의 높낮이 조절부재로 가능하도록 이종의 인공치아 교합기 간에 호환가능한 치과용 교합기에 적용되는 높낮이 조절부재에 관한 것으로, 하악 치아모형이 결합되는 부재(1)가 상면쪽에 연결되는 것으로, 전단에 하부측 고정용 요홈(11)이 형성되고, 후방 양측에 수직방향으로 지지부(12)가 각각 연결되는 하악 고정용 몸체(10) 및 상악 치아모형이 결합되는 부재(2)가 하면쪽에 연결되는 것으로, 전단에 상부측 고정용 요홈(21)이 형성되고, 후방 양측이 상기 지지부(12)와 힌지 결합되어 회전하는 상악 고정용 몸체(20)를 포함하는 치과용 교합기에 상기 상악 고정용 몸체(20)의 높낮이를 조절하는 높낮이 조절부재;를 포함하고, 상기 높낮이 조절부재는, 상면에 상기 상악 고정용 몸체(20)의 하면이 안치되되 이동되지 않도록, 상면에 상기 상악 고정용 몸체(20)의 상부측 고정용 요홈(21)에 끼워지는 상부측 제 1끼움단턱(110)이 돌출되는 상측 평판(100)과; 상기 상측 평판(100) 및 상기 상부측 제 1끼움단턱(110)에 상부측 체결공(120)이 관통형성되고, 상기 상측 평판(100)의 상부측 제 1끼움단턱(110)에 끼워진 상기 상악 고정용 몸체(20)의 하면을 상기 상부측 체결공(120)을 따라 나선결합되어 가압고정하는 상부측 고정나사(200)와; 하면에 상기 하악 고정용 몸체(10)의 상면이 안치되되 이동되지 않도록, 하면에 상기 하악 고정용 몸체(10)의 하부측 고정용 요홈(11)에 끼워지는 하부측 제 1끼움단턱(310)이 돌출되는 하측 평판(300)과; 상기 하측 평판(300) 및 상기 하부측 제 1끼움단턱(310)에 하부측 체결공(320)이 관통형성되고, 상기 하측 평판(300)의 하부측 제 1끼움단턱(310)에 끼워진 상기 하악 고정용 몸체(10)의 하면을 상기 하부측 체결공(320)을 따라 나선결합되어 가압고정하는 하부측 고정나사(400)와; 상기 상측 평판(100)의 일측부 및 상기 하측 평판(300)의 일측부에 수직으로 연결되어, 높낮이를 조절하는 일측 높낮이 조절부(500); 및 상기 상측 평판(100)의 타측부 및 상기 하측 평판(300)의 타측부에 수직으로 연결되어, 높낮이를 조절하는 타측 높낮이 조절부(600);로 이루어진다.
