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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 35330. Отображено 200.
27-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2179864C2

Изобретение используется в медицинской технике для введения жидкого лекарственного средства в ткани объекта. Безыгольный инъектор содержит исполнительный механизм в соединении с ампулой, предварительно заполненной жидкостью и снабженной отверстием и поршнем. Исполнительный механизм имеет встроенный источник энергии, использующий газ под давлением, который перемещает ударник для удара по свободному поршню с последующим его перемещением для вытеснения дозы жидкости, и фиксатор ударника, при этом камера со сжатым воздухом оказывает постоянное силовое воздействие на ударник. Ампула выполнена из стекла, с поршнем в корпусе. Поршень выполнен из материала не упругого при медленном приложении силы и упругого - при быстром приложении или содержит политетрафторэтилен. Использование изобретения позволяет повысить эффективность инъекции, уменьшить боль и снизить повреждение тканей. 5 с. и 46 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

13-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2809606C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к колпачку наконечника для медицинского инъекционного устройства. Колпачок содержит соединитель (100) наконечника, выполненный с возможностью взаимодействия с наконечником медицинского инъекционного устройства; закрывающий колпачок (101), выполненный с возможностью герметичного закрытия дистального отверстия наконечника, при этом закрывающий колпачок съемным образом соединен с соединителем (100) наконечника; метку (2) РЧИ, содержащую чип (20) и антенну (21), в котором чип (20) выполнен накладным формованием в одном из следующих элементов: соединитель (100) наконечника и закрывающий колпачок (101), а антенна выполнена накладным формованием в другом из элементов: соединитель (100) наконечника и закрывающий колпачок (101), при этом чип (20) и антенна (21) электрически соединены перемычкой (22), выполненной с возможностью разрушения при инициировании относительного перемещения закрывающего колпачка (101) и соединителя наконечника (100) для ...

20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2426527C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины и фармации и касается фармацевтического устройства, содержащего биологические материалы, такие как вакцины, которые могут быть стабилизированы в определенных стекловидных материалах, растворимых в воде. Было предложено формировать эти стекловидные материалы в виде порошка, взвешенного в неводной жидкости для инъекции в пациента. Стекловидный материал помещен на пористой мембране, отдельно от элюента. Когда требуется ввести биологический материал, элюент можно передать через мембрану, растворяя стекло и обеспечивая перенос вещества вместе с жидкостью в тело пациента. 5 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602039C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к автоматическим инъекционным устройствам. Устройство содержит корпус, ограничивающий полость для вмещения контейнера, первую наформованную поверхность захвата, продолжающуюся в продольном направлении вдоль участка корпуса на первой выпуклой боковой поверхности корпуса, и вторую наформованную поверхность захвата, продолжающуюся в продольном направлении вдоль участка корпуса на выпуклой боковой поверхности корпуса, противоположной первой выпуклой боковой поверхности. При этом корпус имеет проксимальный участок, выполненный с возможностью захвата рукой пользователя, и дистальный участок, выполненный с возможностью выполнения инъекции пользователю. При этом проксимальный участок имеет неправильную трубчатую форму, в которой передняя поверхность и противоположная задняя поверхность являются планарными, а первая и вторая боковые поверхности являются выпуклыми. Использование изобретения позволяет облегчить пользователю захват автоматического ...

27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2266756C2
Принадлежит: Промонеса С.А. (ES)

Изобретение относится в основном к области здравоохранения, применяется для медицинских инъекций и взятия крови или других жидкостей из организма. Изобретение может быть использовано и в других областях, которые требуют использование шприцев для работы с жидкостями, в лабораториях, на предприятиях различного профиля. Техническим результатом является повышение удобства эксплуатации за счет возможности использования одной резкой операций всасывания и введения жидкостей. Шприц содержит первую часть в форме цилиндра, имеющую передний конец, в котором расположено впускное и выпускное отверстие для жидкости, и второй, открытый конец, и вторую часть, содержащую шток, имеющий на переднем конце поршень, а на заднем конце стопор, и установленную с возможностью перемещения между первым положением, в котором поршень штока находится в месте, близком к переднему концу первой части, и вторым положением, в котором поршень штока находится в месте, удаленном от переднего конца первой части, а также содержащую ...

27-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2193418C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины и используется для автоматического введения лекарственного средства, включающего смесь первого вещества и второго вещества. Устройство содержит первую камеру для размещения первого вещества, вторую камеру для размещения второго вещества и мембрану, выполненную с возможностью перемещения при воздействии на нее определенных условий из первого положения, в котором она разделяет первую и вторую камеры для предотвращения смешивания первого и второго веществ, во второе положение, в котором она обеспечивает возможность смешивания первого и второго веществ. Мембрана может содержать барьерный материал, включающий полихлортрифторэтилен или его сополимер, поливинилиденхлорид или его сополимер, или оксид кремния. В другом аспекте первая камера выполнена из полимера на основе полиэтилена. Технический результат заключается в предупреждении смешивания лекарств в процессе длительного хранения и обеспечении легкого смешивания при проведении инъектора в действие.

10-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2190430C2
Принадлежит: НОВО НОРДИСК А/С (DK)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано для инъекций. Шприц содержит корпус, в котором находится ампула с лекарственным препаратом, количества которого достаточно для заданного числа инъекций. Шприц имеет механизм установки дозы, с помощью которого можно устанавливать размер дозы путем вращения элемента установки дозы относительно корпуса, причем установленная доза показывается на шкале. Шкала выполнена в виде циферблата часов, имеющего первую часть, прикрепленную к корпусу, а также вторую часть, которая поворачивается относительно первой части и которая связана с элементом установки дозы, причем на одной из частей закреплена шкала, а другая часть несет указательный элемент, направленный на отметку шкалы. Угловое расстояние между делениями шкалы соответствует минутным делениям обычных часов. Вдоль шкалы распределены отверстия, в этих отверстиях может быть установлен штифт, образующий стопор, мимо которого не может пройти указательный элемент. Технический результат ...

20-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2170593C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к хирургическим устройствам. Устройство для ввода катетера пациенту, включающее в себя простую конструкцию из рычага и зажима, которая будет надежно закреплять втулку узла катетера на корпусе обычно одноразовой иглы или канюли, и средство защиты, которое позволит отделять простым способом втулку катетера от узла канюли или средства защиты при отводе и предохранительной защите использованной канюли или иглы. Применение рычажного зажимного средства для безопасного катетера, который после расщепления и освобождения втулки катетера одновременно выталкивает втулку катетера с защитного средства для переднего конца узла канюли или иглы, позволяет врачу или медицинскому персоналу освободить катетер при помощи только одной руки. Другой вариант исполнения предназначен для обеспечения возможности разделения между втулкой гибкого катетера и узлом иглы или канюли в устройстве для ввода катетера путем простого манипулирования рычагом, установленным на узле канюли или на средстве ...

07-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621843C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к медицинским инъекционным устройствам, и в частности к применению слоя силиконового масла, обработанного плазмой, в качестве покрытия для медицинского инъекционного устройства. Применение силиконового масла, обработанного плазмой, в качестве покрытия (5) в медицинском инъекционном устройстве (1), предварительно заполненном фармацевтической композицией, включающем цилиндр (2) и поршень (3), находящийся в скользящем контакте внутри цилиндра (2), для ограничения числа частиц довидимого диапазона, имеющих размер от 0,1 мкм до 100 мкм, находящихся на поверхности покрытия (5), и для ограничения числа частиц довидимого диапазона, высвобождаемых в фармацевтическую композицию (6), содержащуюся в инъекционном устройстве (1). Изобретение проявляет высокую совместимость с чувствительными лекарственными средствами, хранящимися внутри в течение длительного периода времени, в целях соответствия нормам Фармакопей в отношении уровня частиц в лекарственном ...

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2277939C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Шприц имеет заполняемый жидкостью цилиндр и закрывающий его колпачок, который надевается на выходной конец цилиндра. На внешней поверхности цилиндра на участке, на который надевается колпачок, расположен первый стопорный элемент. На внутренней поверхности боковой стенки колпачка в соответствующем месте расположены вторые стопорные элементы, которые взаимодействуют с первым стопорным элементом. На колпачке выполнено несколько вторых стопорных элементов, расположенных по окружности на внутренней поверхности его боковой стенки. Помимо этого в боковой стенке колпачка имеются расположенные между каждыми двумя соседними вторыми стопорными элементами (12) участки (13), повышающие податливость колпачка к растяжению. Изобретение позволяет снизить усилие, с которым колпачок надевается на цилиндр, и тем самым уменьшить вероятность его повреждения. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2261700C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Получение вспененного материала с микропузырьками газа, пригодного для использования в склерозирующей терапии кровеносных сосудов, включает пропускание смеси физиологически приемлемого, диспергируемого в крови газа и водной склерозирующей жидкости через один или более каналов, имеющих, по меньшей мере, один размер поперечного сечения, составляющий от 0,1 до 30 мкм. При этом соотношение между газом и жидкостью регулируют таким образом, что получают вспененный материал с микропузырьками газа, имеющий плотность от 0,07 до 0,19 г/мл и период полупревращения не менее 2 минут. Устройство для получения вспененного материала с микропузырьками газа, пригодного для использования в склерозирующей терапии кровеносных сосудов, содержит корпус, в котором расположена камера, выполненная с возможностью повышения давления в ней и содержащая водную склерозирующую жидкость, проходной канал с одним или более выходными отверстиями для прохода жидкости из камеры, выполненной ...

17-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727040C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к инъекционным устройствам. Инъекционное устройство содержит: первый корпусный участок; второй корпусный участок, согласованно сцепляющийся с первым корпусным участком для формирования области захвата устройства на его проксимальном участке и для образования инъекционной области устройства на его дистальном участке; первую наформованную поверхность захвата, расположенную вдоль первой длины области захвата; вторую наформованную поверхность захвата, расположенную вдоль второй длины области захвата, противоположной первой наформованной поверхности захвата; первый заглубленный участок, примыкающий к первой наформованной поверхности захвата; второй заглубленный участок, примыкающий ко второй наформованной поверхности захвата; пусковую кнопку, продолжающуюся от заглубленной поверхности первого корпусного участка; смотровое окно, расположенное в инъекционной области для предоставления пользователю возможности наблюдения содержимого контейнера ...

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725968C2
Принадлежит: АЛЛЕРГАН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к шприцам. Шприц содержит: цилиндр, имеющий внутренний просвет и фланец, выступающий радиально из проксимальной торцевой части цилиндра, для облегчения манипулирования шприцем во время работы с ним; и плунжер, имеющий плунжерный стержень и плунжерную головку, причем плунжерный стержень имеет дистальную торцевую часть, по меньшей мере частично расположенную во внутреннем просвете цилиндра, и проксимальную торцевую часть, соединенную с плунжерной головкой, причем плунжерная головка имеет проксимально и дистально направленные поверхности и множество зацепляющих структур, выступающих дистально из дистально направленной поверхности, для облегчения захвата большим пальцем пользователя во время работы со шприцем. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

28-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689762C2

Узел для устройства доставки лекарственного средства, содержащий металлический элемент (150, 132) и пластиковый элемент (131, 133), выполненные с возможностью совместного образования функционального блока, где металлический элемент (150, 132) и пластиковый элемент (131, 133) неподвижно соединены друг с другом и где металлический элемент (150, 132) выполнен с возможностью обеспечения наружной поверхности узла, которая выполнена для манипулирования пользователем. При этом узел содержит отверстие (13, 135, 136), причем металлический элемент (150, 132) и пластиковый элемент (131, 133) закреплены по отношению друг к другу посредством дополнительного компонента, помещенного в отверстие (13, 135, 136), и причем дополнительный компонент представляет собой вставку (130), выполненную в виде окна. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 27 ил.

21-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2626127C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к колпачкам для шприца. Колпачок наконечника содержит: закрытый дистальный концевой участок, имеющий по существу поперечную проксимальную поверхность; периферийную юбку, проходящую в проксимальном направлении от указанной проксимальной поверхности, при этом указанная периферийная юбка имеет внутреннюю поверхность, выполненную с возможностью взаимодействия с внешней поверхностью наконечника инъекционного устройства; соединительный выступ, выступающий от проксимальной поверхности дистального концевого участка в проксимальном направлении и выполненный с возможностью сцепления с наконечником инъекционного устройства. Внутренняя полость колпачка наконечника образована так, что: внешняя галтель имеет радиус кривизны от 0,4 до 0,6 мм; внутренняя галтель имеет радиус кривизны от 0,25 до 0,35 мм; ширина основания соединительного выступа составляет от 1,4 до 1,6 мм; куполообразный проксимальный участок соединительного выступа имеет радиус кривизны ...

20-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2137509C1

Изобретение предназначено для смешивания первого компонента, такого, как парентерально вводимая текучая среда 27, с вторым компонентом, таким, как неподвижно удерживаемое спорной структурой 50 лекарственное средство, для образования целебного вещества, непосредственно вливаемого больному. Устройство содержит механизмы для соединения с обеспечением сопряжения стеклянного пузырька 30, который содержит первый компонент, с корпусом 12, имеющим выходное отверстие 22 для текучей среды. В корпусе 12 размещен герметично закрытый контейнер 44, содержащий второй компонент. Последующее регулируемое смешивание компонентов производится в стерильных условиях для образования вводимого внутрь раствора, который автоматически вытесняется через выходное отверстие 22 для выхода текучей среды. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности добавления в стерильной среде к растворителю или другой парентерально вводимой текущей среды, содержащейся внутри стеклянного пузырька, заданных компонентов, химических ...

10-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2136321C1
Принадлежит: Томас Шоу (US)

Изобретение предназначено для использования при одноразовых инъекциях. Шприц имеет иглу для инъекцирования и содержит механизм отвода и подвижный элемент, перемещающийся внутри корпуса. Механизм отвода включает в себя иглодержатель и смещающий элемент для приложения усилия к иглодержателю и освобождающий механизм. Иглодержатель и освобождающий механизм представляют собой соединенные между собой с возможностью разделения элементы, ориентированные в подвижном интерфейсе, и могут отводиться за счет их относительного перемещения, вызванного передвижением подвижного элемента. Технический результат - изготовление практичного одноразового шприца при низкой стоимости производства. 4 с. и 20 з.п.ф-лы, 13 ил.

10-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2134295C1

Изобретение относится к подаче материала в клетки организма, а именно к подаче генетического материала к живой ткани. Инструмент содержит корпус с каналом для прохождения частиц с коническим выходным соплом. К обратной стороне канала подведено средство для впуска сжатого газа. Канал выполнен с возможностью совмещения с гильзовой камерой. Гильза содержит частицы с нанесенным генетическим материалом. Инструмент располагают вблизи живой ткани и потоком сжатого газа переносят частицы в ткань. Использование изобретения позволяет равномерно вносить генетический материал в клетки. 4 с. и 17 з.п. ф-лы. 11 ил., 1 табл.

20-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139736C1

Изобретение предназначено для использования при инъекциях. Инъекционный патрон (1) однокамерного или двухкамерного типа, в котором передний поршень (3) служит для вытеснения инъецируемого препарата (2) через выпускной патрубок (4) для лечения. Дополнительная камера расположена позади переднего поршня (3) и уплотнена на ее заднем конце посредством заднего поршня (10). Дополнительная камера содержит промывную жидкость (9), и через байпасное соединение (11), расположенное на переднем конце патрона (1), промывная жидкость (9) может течь вокруг переднего поршня (3) и вытесняться через выпускной патрубок (4). Выпускной патрубок в результате этого промывается и остатки инъецируемого препарата (2) в упомянутом выпускном патрубке будут вытесняться для введения пациенту. Технический результат - возможность лучше использовать применяемый инъецируемый препарат. 4 с. и 24 з.п.ф-лы, 15 ил.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU115666U1

... 1. Манипулятор, имеющий держатель корпуса шприца, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит цилиндрический противоупор, закрепленный на внешней поверхности шприца, и установленный на противоупоре тяговый рычаг, держатель корпуса шприца выполнен с зазором для корпуса шприца, рукояткой, с двумя направляющими телескопическими штангами, жестко связанными с подпятником, фиксирующим шток шприца, корпус шприца используется в качестве направляющей штанги. ! 2. Манипулятор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус шприца в верхней части дополнительно фиксируется в манипуляторе шайбой.

10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU120876U1

... 1. Устройство для введения раствора в ткани, содержащее одноразовый шприц, отличающееся тем, что в корпусе шприца около иглы выполнены два отверстия, закрытые герметично гибкой пленкой, диаметр отверстий 2-4 мм, сверху отверстия с пленкой закрыты прозрачным куполом, внутри каждого купола размещены микроминиатюрные лампочка и батарейка, соединенные последовательно в цепь, также над пленкой размещена токопроводящая поверхность из фольги и два электрода, подключенные к концам вышеуказанной цепи, причем электроды замыкаются - размыкаются с токопроводящей поверхностью под воздействием растяжения-вздутия гибкой пленки в процессе введения анестетика. ! 2. Устройство для введения раствора в ткани, содержащее медицинский шприц, отличающееся тем, что внутри корпуса шприца помещена пружина, закрепленная с одной стороны к внутренней тыльной стороне корпуса, а с другой стороны - к внутренней приемной части плунжера шприца приемной шайбе, служащей для набора раствора, причем упругость пружины выбирается ...

10-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2132704C1

Устройство предназначено для распределения лекарственного средства. Устройство включает патрон, предназначенный для содержания в нем инъецируемого продукта, и впрыскиватель, прикрепленный к патрону. Впрыскиватель включает механизм привода, содержащий дозировочную втулку, имеющую дозировочную головку на ее ближайшем к месту прикрепления конце и шток с резьбой, подсоединенный к втулке и способный перемещаться в осевом направлении в патрон при вращении головки по часовой стрелке для установки лимба на требуемую дозировку, подлежащую инъецированию. Храповой механизм расположен в корпусе впрыскивателя и включает способную вращаться деталь, прикрепленную к дозировочной втулке для вращения с ней, и блокировочное гнездо в зацеплении со способной вращаться деталью. Храповой механизм позволяет осуществлять вращательное движение втулки только в направлении по часовой стрелке. Механизм расцепления прикреплен к корпусу узла жидкокристаллического дисплея и включает штифт, который проходит в способную ...

27-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2140296C1

Изобретение предназначено для использования в медицине. Корпус шприца выполнен с трубчатой цилиндрической горловиной со сквозным отверстием для подачи содержимого шприца. Крышка содержит удлиненный стержень, имеющий свободный конец и площадь поперечного сечения, практически совпадающую с площадью поперечного сечения сквозного отверстия горловины шприца. Первое трубчатое цилиндрическое уплотнительное кольцо крышки имеет внутренний диаметр, практически совпадающий с наружным диаметром горловины шприца. Второе трубчатое цилиндрическое уплотнительное кольцо крышки размещено концентрично вокруг упомянутого первого уплотнительного кольца. В крышке выполнен базовый диск, практически перпендикулярный продольной оси шприца, и уплотнительные кольца для вертикального хранения сборки. В закрытом положении стержень и первое уплотнительное кольцо плотно прилегают к внутренней и наружной поверхностям горловины шприца, тогда как свободные концы уплотнительных колец плотно прилегают к наружной поверхности ...

03-07-2023 дата публикации

Способ введения лекарственного препарата в супрахориоидальное пространство

Номер: RU2799076C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии. Осуществляют установку на глаз фиксационного кольца, трансконъюнктивально-трансклеральное введение препарата в супрахориоидальное пространство (СХП) через иглу 30G на расстоянии 3,5-4 мм кзади от лимба в верхне-височном квадранте под углом 15° к глазной поверхности с направлением хода иглы в плоскости, параллельной плоскости лимба, с одновременным надавливанием на поршень шприца в момент продвижения иглы. Перед началом инъекции выполняют парацентез роговицы в квадранте, противоположном месту введения препарата, используют шприц 0,5 мл с иглой длиной 8 мм. Введение иглы в склеру производят срезом, обращенным кнаружи. Выполняют выпускание влаги передней камеры глаза через парацентез в объеме 0,1 мл. Затем вводят препарат в объеме 0,2 мл и через 10 секунд извлекают иглу. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение риска интраоперационных, послеоперационных осложнений и рефлюкса лекарственного препарата из СХП на глазную поверхность. 2 пр.

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Первичное упаковочное средство и способ производства первичного упаковочного средства

Номер: RU2682326C1

Группа изобретений относится к области фармацевтики и может быть использована для упаковки лекарственных средств. Первичное упаковочное средство (1) для лекарственных средств включает основной корпус (3), содержащий полимерный материал и имеющий по меньшей мере одну стенку (5) с наружной поверхностью (7) и с по меньшей мере одной внутренней поверхностью (9). При этом наружная поверхность (7) снабжена газонепроницаемым покрытием (11), а внутренняя поверхность (9) снабжена газонепроницаемым внутренним покрытием, на котором расположен, по меньшей мере, местами внутренний функциональный слой, который исключен по меньшей мере в одной свободной области. Группа изобретений относится также к способу производства указанного первичного упаковочного средства. Группа изобретений позволяет расширить область применения при сохранении безопасности первичной упаковки. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

21-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698067C1
Принадлежит: РА Йонг-Кук (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к шприцу, и более конкретно к устройству, получаемому путем усовершенствования традиционного шприца, сформированному с наличием канала для инъецируемого потока, включая инъекционную иглу, с тем чтобы совместно использовать участок канала для инъецируемого потока, кроме инъекционной иглы, либо чтобы сформировать канал для всасываемого потока, совершенно независимый от канала для инъецируемого потока, тем самым делая забор жидкого лекарственного средства еще более плавным. Шприц включает в себя инъекционную иглу (10) и цилиндр (20) и сформирован с наличием канала для инъецируемого потока, проходящего от цилиндра (20) до инъекционной иглы (10). Шприц дополнительно включает в себя средство (400) открывания/закрывания для избирательного открывания и закрывания канала для инъецируемого потока; и канал для всасываемого потока, сформированный от заостренного полого колпачка (100) до цилиндра (20) и снабженный сквозным отверстием, образованным в любом из следующих ...

18-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700669C1
Принадлежит: ДЖЕНЕНТЕК, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Адаптер для выдачного устройства для текучей среды имеет продольную ось и содержит: стопор, выполненный с возможностью ограничения вставления по продольной оси выдачного устройства в адаптер посредством приложения в продольном направлении контактного усилия к торцевой поверхности выдачного устройства. Уплотнение выполнено с возможностью деформирования торцевой поверхностью с образованием уплотнительного контакта с торцевой поверхностью при упоре торцевой поверхности в стопор. Корпус, выполненный с возможностью вмещения торцевой поверхности и поддержки стопора и уплотнения. Уплотнение размещено в корпусе в углублении, имеющем дно. Корпус включает внутреннюю, проксимально обращенную фаску, которая расположена более проксимально, чем дно, и более дистально, чем верхняя часть стопора. Раскрыты вставка для адаптера, варианты устройства для выдачи малого объема текучей среды и способ выдачи заданного малого объема вещества. Технический результат ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006110039A

... 1. Устройство для автоматической инъекции инъекционных жидкостей, содержащее разделенный по оси корпус, части которого выполнены с возможностью соединения друг с другом, где выполненный с возможностью осевого перемещения шток (5) направляется в первой части (2) корпуса), при этом шток выполнен с возможностью вставляться в аккумулятор (6) силы и блокироваться во вставленном положении, и выдвигаться при освобождении этого аккумулятора (6) силы, при этом инъекционная игла (15), зафиксированная в направляющей (14) иглы, и ампула (13) установлены во второй части (3) корпуса с возможностью осевого перемещения относительно друг друга, где та сторона инъекционной иглы (15), которая обращена к ампуле (13), выполнена как перфорирующая деталь для ампулы (13), отличающееся тем, что ампула (13) своим концом, обращенным к инъекционной игле (15), установлена во втулке (16), зафиксированной во второй части (3) корпуса, и внутренний диаметр которой по существу соответствует наружному диаметру ампулы (13 ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721656C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к способу и устройствам для стабилизации устройства шприца. Устройство для стабилизации шприца содержит основание, опору для шприца. Опора для шприца вертикально расположена над основанием, поднимает заполненный текучей средой участок инфузионного набора вертикально над основанием, ориентирует доставочный конец заполненного текучей средой участка вверх относительно горизонтальной плоскости для использования гравитационного воздействия на текучую среду в процессе доставки текучей среды из заполненного текучей средой участка в организм пациента. Опора содержит первый держатель, селективно активируемый зажим для трубки. Первый держатель имеет отверстие для введения жесткого участка инфузионного набора и удерживается в нем без дополнительного участия пользователя. Селективно активируемый зажим для трубки функционально сопряжен с первым держателем и выполнен с возможностью зажимать гибкую трубку в закрытом состоянии, может высвобождаться первой ...

28-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676440C1
Принадлежит: РА Йонг-Кук (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к фильтрующему шприцу и, в частности, к устройству, полученному усовершенствованием шприца, снабженного фильтрационным средством для фильтрации таких примесей, как фрагменты стекла ампулы, чтобы предотвращать загрязнение инъекционной иглы или инъекционного проточного канала примесями, при этом допуская плавное всасывание жидкого лекарственного препарата с небольшим усилием. Фильтрующий шприц включает в себя инъекционную иглу, цилиндр и плунжер и дополнительно включает в себя проточный канал всасывания, сформированный от контейнера с жидким лекарственным препаратом до цилиндра; инъекционный проточный канал, сформированный от цилиндра до инъекционной иглы; фильтрационное средство и одностороннее клапанное средство, обеспеченные в проточном канале всасывания; и разъемное открывающее/закрывающее средство, обеспеченное в инъекционном проточном канале, причем участок проточного канала всасывания, продолжающийся из контейнера с жидким лекарственным препаратом в ...

22-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018136896A

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018130681A

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008123059A

... 1. Фармацевтическое устройство содержащее: средство, определяющее путь для потока жидкости-носителя к пациенту, фармацевтический материал, стабилизированный в стекловидном веществе и служащий для переноса в жидкости-носителе по пути потока к пациенту, отличающееся тем, что стекловидное вещество формируется как покрытие на опорной поверхности, которая подвергается внешнему воздействию на указанном пути потока жидкости, и стекловидное вещество растворяется в жидкости таким образом, что при растворении фармацевтический материал освобождается и поступает в жидкость прежде, чем он будет введен пациенту. ! 2. Фармацевтическое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что опорная поверхность представляет собой пористое тело. ! 3. Фармацевтическое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что опорная поверхность является волокнистым телом. ! 4. Фармацевтическое устройство по п.2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что опорная поверхность формируется из синтетического пластического материала. ! 5. Фармацевтическое устройство ...

20-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94007352A
Автор: Питер Мичел, US]

Устройство распределения лекарственного средства, включающее патрон, предназначенный для содержания в нем инъецируемого продукта, и впрыскиватель, прикрепленный к патрону. Впрыскиватель включает механизм привода, содержащий дозировочную втулку, имеющую дозировочную головку на ее ближайшем к месту прикрепления конце и шток с резьбой, подсоединенный к втулке и способный перемещаться в осевом направлении в патрон при вращении головки по часовой стрелке для установки лимба на требуемую дозировку, подлежащую инъецированию. Храповой механизм расположен в корпусе впрыскивателя и включает способную вращаться деталь, прикрепленную к дозировочной втулке для вращения с ней, и блокировочное гнездо в зацеплении со способной вращаться деталью. Храповой механизм позволяет осуществлять вращательное движение втулки только в направлении по часовой стрелке. Механизм расцепления прикреплен к корпусу узла жидкокристаллического дисплея и включает штифт, который проходит в способную вращаться деталь храпового ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017120276A

20-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002124138A

... 1. Безыгольный шприц (1), содержащий корпус (2), в котором установлена цилиндрическая емкость (3, 33) с активным началом, закрытая передвижным верхним обтюратором (4, 24, 34, 54) и передвижным нижним обтюратором (5, 25, 35, 55), кожух (7, 27, 37, 57) в нижней части по меньшей мере с двумя периферийными инъекционными каналами (8), выполненными с внешней стороны кожуха, при этом кожух содержит глухое отверстие (10, 20, 21), высота которого обеспечивает освобождение входов (8а) периферийных каналов (8), когда нижний обтюратор (5, 25, 35, 55) входит в соприкосновение с дном (7а) кожуха под действием приводного средства (70), перемещающего узел “верхний обтюратор - жидкость - нижний обтюратор”, отличающийся тем, что кожух содержит средство амортизации нижнего обтюратора (5, 35) перед его остановкой в кожухе (7, 37). 2. Безыгольный шприц по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кожух (37) содержит выступ (39), который взаимодействует с углублением (36) нижнего обтюратора (35). 3. Безыгольный шприц по п.1 ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94035666A

В другом предпочтительном варианте исполнения корпус имеет пару криволинейных прорезей на удаленном конце и пару удерживающих прорезей на ближнем конце, причем прорези имеют такие размеры, чтобы в них ходил кольцевой буртик, выполненный на узле, содержащем баллончик и иглу, и прорези расположены так, чтобы удерживать узел, содержащий баллончик и иглу, в положении использования и в безопасном положении. Держатель проще в использовании и в изготовлении и уменьшает вероятность случайных уколов медицинских работников иглами.

20-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99107380A

... 1. Шприц для инъекций, содержащий корпус (1, 11), в котором находится ампула с лекарственным препаратом, количества которого достаточно для заданного числа инъекций, шприц имеет механизм установки дозы, с помощью которого можно устанавливать размер дозы путем вращения элемента установки дозы относительно корпуса, причем установленная доза показывается на шкале (5, 15, 19, 23), которая выполнена в виде циферблата часов, на котором указательный элемент (18, 22, 27) показывает величину установленной дозы, а элементы: шкала и указательный элемент выполнены с возможностью вращения относительно друг друга, отличающийся тем, что один из упомянутых элементов (5, 15, 22, 23) выполнен за одно целое с корпусом, а другой элемент (18, 19, 27) связан с элементом установки дозы шприца. 2. Шприц для инъекций по п.1, отличающийся тем, что элемент, который выполнен отдельно от корпуса, связан с элементом установки дозы через шестеренчатый механизм. 3. Шприц для инъекций по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012147341A

... 1. Способ введения лекарственного средства в глаз пациента, включающий:введение полой микроиглы в белочную оболочку глаза в месте введения микроиглы, имеющей острый конец с отверстием; ивведение при помощи инфузии в течение определенного периода времени жидкой лекарственной композиции, содержащей лекарственное средство, через вставленную микроиглу в супрахориоидальное пространство глаза,при этом в течение определенного периода введенная при помощи инфузии лекарственная композиция циркулирует в пределах супрахориоидального пространства в стороне от места введения.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в течение определенного периода времени введенная при помощи инфузии жидкая лекарственная композиция протекает, по меньшей мере, на 5 мм в сторону от места введения.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что место введения находится около экватора глаза.4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что место введения находится между экватором и лимбом глаза.5. Способ по п.4, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013133911A

... 1. Камера для переноса интраокулярной линзы (ИОЛ) для переноса ИОЛ к картриджу для инжекции, содержащая:держатель линзы для удержания ИОЛ, включающий в себя канал;сгибающие элементы внутри держателя линзы, сконфигурированные с возможностью сгибания ИОЛ в частично согнутое положение, когда ИОЛ проскальзывает по каналу через сгибающие элементы;блок сопряжения, сконфигурированный соединяться с возможностью съема с картриджем для инжекции, причем блок сопряжения размещается для доставки ИОЛ в частично согнутом положении внутри картриджа для инжекции, когда блок сопряжения соединен с картриджем для инжекции; ипоршень, соединенный с держателем линзы и сконфигурированный с возможностью толкания ИОЛ в частично согнутом положении по каналу для доставки ИОЛ в картридж для инжекции.2. Камера для переноса ИОЛ по п. 1, в которой сгибающие элементы содержат, по меньшей мере, одну наклонную плоскость, асимметрично размещенную внутри канала.3. Камера для переноса ИОЛ по п. 1, в которой сгибающие элементы ...

18-12-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2832029C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для подачи лекарственных препаратов, а более конкретно к автоинъекторному устройству для подачи лекарственных препаратов. Автоинъекторное устройство (100) содержит шприцевый узел (206), плунжер (216) и блокировочный элемент (214). Шприцевый узел (206) содержит иглу (222), выполненную с возможностью выпускать лекарственные препараты из шприцевого узла (206) и цилиндр (224), выполненный с возможностью содержания лекарственных препаратов и соединения с иглой (222), при этом предусмотрена возможность направления потока лекарственных препаратов наружу из цилиндра (224) через иглу (222). Плунжер (216) расположен коаксиально относительно цилиндра (224) и выполнен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения внутри цилиндра (224) для выпускания лекарственных препаратов. Блокировочный элемент (214), выполненный с возможностью входить в зацепление с плунжером (216) для удержания плунжера в надлежащем положении относительно цилиндра (224). Причем предусмотрена ...

28-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069429918D1

09-06-2004 дата публикации

Herstellung einer Injektionskartusche

Номер: DE0069433044T2

29-01-2009 дата публикации

Spritze mit Kolbendichtung

Номер: DE202008015188U1

12-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060222426T2

12-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002629557A1

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Medical safety syringe comprises an injection cylinder having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder which is fixed in a positioning section

Номер: DE202005013458U1
Принадлежит: WU WEI SHUI, WU, WEI-SHUI

Medical safety syringe comprising an injection cylinder (1) having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod (2) which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder (3) which is fixed in a positioning section, is new. The hollow chamber has a reduced positioning section in the front which passes through the wall of the injection cylinder. Medical safety syringe comprising an injection cylinder (1) having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod (2) which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder (3) which is fixed in a positioning section, is new. The hollow chamber has a reduced positioning section in the front which passes through the wall of the injection cylinder. The upper end of the positioning section progresses into a cone tapering in the direction of the hollow needle bore.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Beidseitig beschichtete Spritzennadel

Номер: DE202009017828U1

24-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002637908A1

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050009063D1
Принадлежит: SCHERING AG

13-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002627875A1

08-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE502004002485D1
Принадлежит: PRIMOJEX GMBH

29-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069824726D1

28-11-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9112950U1
Принадлежит: HIRSCH, GESINE, 8000 MUENCHEN, DE

05-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069812588T2

18-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069836334T2

25-05-2000 дата публикации

Tip cap unit for a syringe cylinder comprises inner and outer caps and a sleeve interacting in such a way that the inner cap can be removed only after the outer cap has been removed

Номер: DE0019956243A1

A new tip cap unit (I) for a syringe cylinder has an inner cap (56) which grips and seals the syringe tip (22) when the sleeve (44) is firmly positioned around the syringe tip to seal the substance in the syringe chamber (20). It can be removed from the syringe tip only when outer cap (58) of the unit is removed from the sleeve (44). An Independent claim is also included for a syringe with a syringe cylinder as in (I).

06-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060005627D1

14-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002419435A1

25-09-1997 дата публикации

Hypodermic syringe finger grip

Номер: DE0019613035A1

Finger grip (1) for the plunger of a hypodermic syringe has three recessed zones (32,34,36) to allow the grip to be pushed sideways on to the syringe. The first recess (32) holds a glass flange ring projecting from the hypodermic barrel cylinder. The second recess (34), is a leading extension of the first (32), and holds the near end of the glass cylinder barrel. The third recess (36), is a trailing extension of the first (32), and allows entry for the plunger shaft but not the plunger. The grip has two extending side surfaces (30,31) for the fingers. The finger grip is a one-piece unit of plastic, and preferably of polyethylene.

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060035889T2

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060216467T2

08-09-2005 дата публикации

Universeller Auslauf für Filtereinheiten

Номер: DE0069919485T2

25-11-1993 дата публикации

Reservoir or reservoir system - for inactivation, inhibition and/or elimination of pathogens

Номер: DE0004217104A1

A reservoir (or) reservoir system for inactivation, inhibition and/or elimination of pathogens and/or for propylaxis in biological materials consists of one or more chemical, biochemical and/or biological cpds., effectors (or) pharmaceutical agents, with or without adjuvants, metals, metal cpds. natural substances and/or immunological prepns. and/or prods. USE - The invention may be used in a wide range of pharmaceutical, medical, chemical hygiene, environmental and research applications, e.g. for the inactivation of HIV and hepatitis viruses in biological samples. It can be used in vessel, syringes, devices, bioreactors and/or systems for the withdrawal, delivery, uptake, rinsing, recovery, prodn., pretreatment, modification, post-treatment, preservation, storage and/or transport of biological materials, their components and/or intermediates.

13-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007919910U1

08-09-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Befüllen eines Einmalinjektors

Номер: DE102010010699A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum sterilen Befüllen eines Einmalinjektors mit einer definierten Dosis einer Injektionslösung, wobei der Einmalinjektor eine Zylinder-Kolben-Einheit mit einem Zylinder und mit einem manuell zurückziehbaren Kolben umfasst. Die definierte Dosis der Injektionslösung ist in einem Behälterinnenraum eines Behälters einer in einem Durchgangsstopfen gehaltenen Nadelspritze bevorratet. Der Zylinderinnenraum ist mit dem Behälterinnenraum durch den Durchgangsstopfen hindurch gas- und flüssigkeitsdicht verbunden. Die Zylinder-Kolben-Einheit wird durch Zurückziehen des Kolbens oder Drücken des Nadelspritzenkolbens befüllt. Mit der vorliegenden Erfindung werden ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Befüllen eines Einmalinjektors entwickelt, bei dem ohne Zwischenwiegen oder Gefahr von Ableseungenauigkeiten der Einmalinjektor mit einer definierten Dosis einer Injektionslösung aus einer Spritze mit eingeschmolzener Kanüle befüllt werden kann.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Disposable syringe for use with safety features, particularly for medical applications, has syringe body and syringe piston, where syringe body and plunger of syringe piston have triangular cross section with rounded corners

Номер: DE102011052878A1

The disposable syringe has a syringe body (1) and a syringe piston (2), where the syringe body and a plunger (6) of the syringe piston have a triangular cross section with rounded corners. The reinforcing ribs are arranged in the longitudinal direction on the syringe piston in a radial manner. A conical projection is arranged on an angular or round extension rod (12). The syringe plunger has a predetermined breaking point (10) and is movably fitted in the syringe body. An outlet opening is formed for a needle holder (4) in the region of a syringe head (3).

01-03-2017 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: GB0002490721B
Принадлежит: OWEN MUMFORD LTD, Owen Mumford Limited

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Novel device

Номер: GB0000206560D0

21-02-1996 дата публикации

Syringe Cover

Номер: GB0009526102D0

05-09-1949 дата публикации

Paste-dispensing syringe for medical purposes

Номер: GB0000628790A

... 628,790. Surgical syringes. ROOS, W. Oct. 16, 1947, No. 27753. Convention date, Oct. 20, 1946. [Class 81(ii)] A syringe for dispensing paste comprises a cylindrical body a, having a shouldered end, within which is removably contained a capsule d, enclosing the paste, having a nozzle adaptor b at one end and a plunger e at the other, both of which have concave inner faces b2, e, respectively. The nozzle b is shaped to prevent rotation in the body and has a threaded end portion b3 to receive a needle or similar fitting. The capsule is retained by a spring-loaded plunger a2 engaging- a recess d1. The plunger is actuated by a rod f and may be fluted, as at e2, to reduce friction with the wall's of the capsule.

27-11-1974 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001375675A

14-10-1998 дата публикации

Needleless injectors and other devices

Номер: GB0009818110D0

29-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001297750A

12-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002308302B
Принадлежит: GILL JOHN, JOHN * GILL

28-04-2004 дата публикации

Needle sheath

Номер: GB0002359754B

17-10-2007 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical device for the administration of substances to patients

Номер: GB0002437147A

Biological materials such as vaccines can be stabilised in certain glassy materials soluble in water. It has been proposed to form these glassy materials as a powder suspended in a non-aqueous liquid for injection into a patient. This method is complicated by the need to find suitable compatible liquids and to stop the glassy particles from congregating in liquid. These problems have been obviated by supporting the glassy material on a porous membrane 5 remote from the eluant. When the biological material requires administration, the eluant can be passed across the membrane 5 dissolving the glass and causing the substance to be carried by the liquid into the patient.

26-08-1998 дата публикации

Non-reusable syringe

Номер: GB0002287192B

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Safety syringe

Номер: GB0002360458B

09-09-2009 дата публикации

A vessel having gradations relating to specific measurements

Номер: GB2458126A

A vessel 1 such as a syringe or pipette has gradations 6 on the barrel 2 relating to specific measurements. The measurements may be related to the actual amount of drug contained in the volume of liquid in the vessel 1. The gradations 6 may be indicative of the dose of the drug or drug concentration 4, not the volume. The vessel 1 may be labelled with a specific drug 3 of a specified concentration. The barrel 2 of the vessel 1 may be colour-coded to match the colour of a vial from which a drug is taken. The vessel 1 may have two scales 6 one having a zero point at a nozzle end and the other scale having a zero point at a plunger 5 end of the barrel. The markings on the barrel 2 may be indicative of a characteristic of a patient such as weight or age. Also claimed is a method of administering a drug by using the afore described vessel and a kit incorporating the vessel.

02-12-2009 дата публикации

Auto-injector having a magnetic injection indicator and a needle sheath retainer

Номер: GB2460398A

An auto-injector is provided with a magnetically operated "injection complete" indicator. A moveable magnet (44) associated with the drive piston (38) is kept at one end of a recess by a soft iron keeper (46) until the drive piston reaches its forward position where the moveable magnet (44) is attracted to impact a magnet (48) on the housing to generate an audible click. Also described is a spring finger (52) that slips behind the rear edge of the syringe boot (50) temporarily to hold the end of the boot well clear of the housing to that it can be gripped for removal.

25-02-1998 дата публикации

A retractable and destructible safety syringe

Номер: GB0009727303D0

10-08-2013 дата публикации

Впрыскиватель для лекарств

Номер: RU0000130852U1

1. Впрыскиватель для лекарств, содержащий:вытеснительный стержень 11, который перемещается относительно защитного колпачка 10 для лекарства по осевой линии, проходящей в одном направлении от защитного колпачка 10 для лекарства, и оказывает давление на жидкое лекарственное вещество, содержащееся в защитном колпачке 10 для лекарства, чтобы вытеснить его из защитного колпачка для лекарства, и который имеет множество выступов 11, спирально расположенных на его наружной поверхности;поворотный элемент 17, который содержит направляющую деталь для направления перемещения выступов 111 и с возможностью поворота стационарно соединен с внутренней поверхностью главного корпуса 12 с целью перемещения вытеснительного стержня 11 и оказания давления на жидкое лекарственное вещество, при этом направляющая деталь выполнена на внутренней поверхности поворотного элемента;средство поворота, которое расположено между поворотным элементом 17 и главным корпусом 12 и служит для поворота поворотного элемента 17; ипрепятствующий повороту элемент 13, который установлен на главном корпусе 12 с возможностью вхождения в контакт с наружной поверхностью поворотного элемента 17 и выхода из контакта с наружной поверхностью поворотного элемента 17 с целью избирательного поворота поворотного элемента 17.2. Впрыскиватель для лекарств по п.1, дополнительно содержащий пружину 14, которая упруго давит на препятствующий повороту элемент 13 в направлении главного корпуса 12, чтобы препятствующий повороту элемент 13 выходил из контакта с поворотным элементом 17 за счет силы упругости пружины 14 и принудительно входил в контакт с поворотным элементом 17 за счет с РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 130 852 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61M A61M A61M 5/31 (2006.01) 5/315 (2006.01) 5/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012113898/14, 07.10.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.10.2010 (73) Патентообладатель( ...

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Автоматический инъектор с защитой иглы

Номер: RU0000182223U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, медицине и ветеринарии. Более конкретно полезная модель обеспечивает устройство для последовательного автоматического введения иглы и жидкого лекарственного средства в мышечную ткань и может быть использована при оказании скорой медицинской помощи населению и экстренной помощи людям и животным при чрезвычайных ситуациях, а также само- и взаимопомощи военнослужащим в военно-полевых условиях. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении возможности случайного постинъекционного ранения иглой. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в заявляемом автоматическом инъекторе применена система постинъекционной защиты иглы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 223 U1 (51) МПК A61M 5/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61M 5/20 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018112482, 06.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.04.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 171991 U1, 23.06.2017. WO (45) Опубликовано: 07.08.2018 Бюл. № 22 (54) АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ИНЪЕКТОР С ЗАЩИТОЙ ИГЛЫ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к медицинской ситуациях, а также само- и взаимопомощи технике, медицине и ветеринарии. Более военнослужащим в военно-полевых условиях. конкретно полезная модель обеспечивает Технический результат заключается в устройство для последовательного предотвращении возможности случайного автоматического введения иглы и жидкого постинъекционного ранения иглой. Указанный лекарственного средства в мышечную ткань и технический результат достигается тем, что в может быть использована при оказании скорой заявляемом автоматическом инъекторе медицинской помощи населению и экстренной применена система постинъекционной защиты помощи людям и животным при чрезвычайных иглы. R U 1 8 2 2 2 3 2010035060 A1, 01.04.2010. WO 2008029280 A2, 13.03.2008. US ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Drug delivery device

Номер: US20120029442A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to drug delivery devices. The drug delivery device according to the invention includes a housing with a needle holder suitable for attaching a needle unit to the housing at the distal end, and a cap being capable of covering the distal end of the drug delivery device and comprising a retaining member capable of securing the cap by engaging with the housing, the retaining member is prevented from engaging with the housing with the needle unit being attached to the needle holder. Furthermore, using a cap for covering the distal end of the drug delivery device is disclosed.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20120029443A1
Автор: Anders Holmqvist
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a medical delivery device comprising a tubular distal housing; a tubular proximal housing; a medicament container arranged inside said tubular proximal housing; a threaded hollow plunger rod; a spring force means pre-tensioned arranged within said plunger rod; activation means arranged to be movable between a non-medicament delivery state and a medicament delivery state; dose setting means being threadedly arranged to said threaded hollow plunger rod and arranged to be rotationally moved between a stop position and a set dose position, whereby upon activation of said activation means from the non-medicament delivery state to the medicament delivery state, said threaded hollow plunger rod is linearly displaced due to the force of the pre-tensioned spring means such that the dose setting means is also linearly displaced from the set dose position to the stop position.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Retrobulbar needle and methods of use

Номер: US20120041369A1
Автор: Bruce Becker
Принадлежит: Individual

A syringe and needle assembly includes a needle that extends through the barrel of the syringe and is attached to a proximal portion of the syringe. The distal end of the needle extends through a sleeve attached to the distal end of the syringe. The proximal end of the needle includes a spring which biases the needle proximally, so that the distal tip of the needle is normally retracted within the sleeve. The assembly can be used for injections in portions of a patient's body including delicate tissues that could be damaged if contacted by the needle tip

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Automatic reconstitution injector device

Номер: US20120078172A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

The present invention is directed to an automatic reconstitution drug delivery device. The inventive device effects simple and automatic reconstitution of a dry drug. To effect reconstitution, a user displaces a release button which causes first and second chambers of a drug cartridge to communicate, resulting in automatic mixing of a diluent and dry drug to effect reconstitution of the dry drug. The user then simply sets the dose volume using a dose-setting mechanism, and administers the injection in a manner typical of self-injection drug delivery devices. Whole or partial automatic priming can be also achieved by the device.

03-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120109072A1
Принадлежит: Denki Kagaku Kogyo KK, Taisei Kako Co Ltd

There is provided a syringe capable of preventing the occurrence of “link-thread” from the distal end nozzle when the cap is pulled out, even in the case where the medicinal liquid filled has a high viscosity. The inner peripheral surface ( 631 ) of the seal cap ( 63 ) in the cap ( 6 ) is brought into close contact with the outer peripheral surface ( 214 ) of the distal end side portion of the distal end nozzle ( 21 ) in the barrel ( 2 ) so that the distal end opening ( 211 ) is hermetically closed off. At the same time, the outer peripheral side of the luer lock adapter ( 22 ) is covered with the outer tubular cover ( 62 ) of the cap. The bulge part ( 213 ) is formed in the distal end side portion of the inner aperture ( 212 ) in the distal end nozzle so that the aperture diameter (d) of the distal end opening is reduced to a small aperture diameter and, in addition, the length of seal (s) by the seal cap ( 63 ) is made to be a relatively short, predetermined length. The diameter of the filled medicinal liquid to be sucked in until the vacuum breaks down when the cap is pulled out, is made very small and, in addition, the vacuum is made to break down instantly, thereby making it possible to prevent the occurrence of “link-thread” even if the medicinal liquid filled is of high viscosity.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Medicated Module with Premix Medicament

Номер: US20120116349A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A medicated module ( 4 ) for an injection system to co-deliver at least two medicaments ( 1, 2 ) is disclosed where a primary delivery device ( 7 ) contains a first drug agent and accepts a medicated module ( 4 ) containing a single dose of a secondary premix medicament ( 2 ) containing the first drug agent and at least a second drug agent, where both the primary medicament ( 1 ) and the secondary premix medicament ( 2 ) are delivered through a single hollow needle ( 3, 16, 21, 31 ).

24-05-2012 дата публикации

pre-filled syringe or autoinjector

Номер: US20120130318A1
Автор: Matthew Young
Принадлежит: Oval Medical Technologies Ltd

The invention provides a syringe for dispensing a drug ( 1 ), comprising: a rigid syringe body,—a first container ( 2 ), in contact with and enclosing the drug; and a second container ( 3 ), enclosing the first container, the second container being less gas permeable than the first container, wherein the second container partially or fully forms the rigid syringe body or is held within the rigid syringe body. The invention preserves the drug but allows the drug to be easily accessed without the need for a user to remove a gas barrier structure as a separate action in addition to the other actions needed to deliver the drug.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Spindle and Bearing Combination and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20120165739A1
Автор: David Plumptre
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

An improved spindle and bearing combination for a drug delivery device is provided that has a first connection between the spindle ( 1 ) and bearing ( 4 ) comprising a web ( 5 ) and a second connection that replaces the first connection when the web ( 5 ) is severed that allows the spindle ( 1 ) to rotate relative to the bearing ( 4 ).

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Medical Device Having a Mechanism and Use of a Low-Friction Synthetic Material Within a Medical Device

Номер: US20120172818A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A first movable element ( 4 ) and a second movable element ( 7 ) of a mechanism in a medical device are arranged in such a manner that, during an operation of the mechanism, a surface of the first element slides on a surface of the second element. The first element and the second element are formed from materials providing a coefficient of sliding friction of said surfaces on one another of less than 0.14 at a relative velocity of 2 mm per second.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Compact Device That Rapidly Mixing and Deliverings Substances To a Patient

Номер: US20120179137A1
Принадлежит: GLUCAGO LLC

Injection devices are disclosed for injections of substances. The disclosed devices separately may hold two separate substances, e.g., solid, liquid or gas substances, in separate compartments which are interrupted so that the separate substances come into contact during the activation of the device. One disclosed device includes a needle for injection and two substances that are mixed with only a few actions by the operator of the device. The device may or may not activate mixing by the removal of a sleeve which triggers compartment interaction through movement of pins, pegs, springs, wires, string, or other mechanisms which allow the materials held in separate chambers to come into contact with each other. Operator error during mixing and checking the dosage of substances to be injected is avoided with the disclosed devices. Also, the needle is maintained in a sterile state because the needle is held internally of the device until the sleeve is removed and the device begins to activate.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: US20120184900A1

A pen injection device designed for use with dual or multi-chamber cartridges 14 , is provided with an extended length plunger 24 having a non-drive portion 24 ′ on its forward end and the usual screw-threaded drive portion 24 ″ on its rearward end. This arrangement allows the plunger to be pushed forwardly whilst the dosing drive mechanism is disengaged to effect a reconstitution movement of the rearward bung 18 ′ in the cartridge. Thereafter the threaded portion on the plunger 24 ′ engages the drive mechanism to allow metered dosing.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

System Comprising a Drug Delivery Device and a Cartridge Provided with a Bung and a Method of Identifying the Cartridge

Номер: US20120195182A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a bung ( 20 ), to a drug containing cartridge ( 10 ) and to a drug delivery device, wherein the bung ( 20 ) comprises a coding feature ( 28 ) for carrying information regarding at least one of the cartridge ( 10 ) and the content of the cartridge ( 10 ). Furthermore, it relates to a method for identifying a cartridge ( 10 ) containing a medicinal product.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Related to automatic injection devices

Номер: US20120197209A1
Принадлежит: Abbott Biotech Ltd Bermuda

An injection device comprises a syringe extendible against a spring bias from a retracted position in a housing to a projecting injecting position. A spring biased plunger has collapsible elbows which, when the plunger is released, initially engage the end of the syringe to drive it to the projecting position, whereupon arresting of the syringe movement causes the elbows to collapse inside the syringe to allow the plunger to engage and drive the bung.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Resetting mechanism for a drug delivery device

Номер: US20120209211A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A resettable dose setting mechanism for a drug delivery device comprising a driver for driving a spindle of the drug delivery device is provided. Said driver comprises a first component and a second component rotationally coupled to said first component. During resetting of said drug delivery device, said first component is rotationally decoupled from said second component.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Drive Mechanisms Suitable for Use in Drug Delivery Devices

Номер: US20120215176A1

The present disclosure is directed to a dose setting mechanism that may be used with a drug delivery device. The dose setting mechanism may include an inner body having a helical thread along an outer cylindrical surface of the inner body, and a drive sleeve for driving a piston rod in an axial direction, the drive sleeve positioned within at least a portion of the inner body. The dose setting mechanism may further include a dose dial sleeve rotatably engaged with the helical thread of the inner body and a dial grip connected to the dose dial sleeve and releasably connected to the drive sleeve. Further when a dose is set, the dial grip is rotated so that both the dose dial sleeve and the drive sleeve rotate with respect to the inner body.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20120220953A1
Автор: Anders Holmqvist
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

Medicament delivery device comprising relatively movable housing parts, a medicament container,a proximal plunger rod part and distal plunger rod part in threaded engagement with each other, wherein said proximal plunger rod part is movably arranged in relation to said housing part sand in contact with a stopper of said medicament container, a lever pivotally attached to said housing parts and to the distal plunger rod part. The housing parts are ergonomically shaped having a grip-size for achieving a full hand grip and wherein said distal housing part and said proximal housing part are operably interconnected to each other through said lever such that a relative movement of said housing parts is capable of operating the lever for setting and injecting a dose.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device

Номер: US20120253287A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a housing having opposite distal and proximal ends; a medicament container holder releasably connected to said housing; a medicament container arranged inside said medicament container holder; a threaded plunger rod arranged to pass through a first inner wall of the housing and arranged to act on a stopper in the medicament container; a lead screw member coaxially connected to the threaded plunger rod by co-acting first slidably-and-rotatably-locked means; wherein said device further comprises a nut coaxially connected to the threaded plunger rod by a treaded engagement between them, connected to the lead screw member by co-acting non-slidable-and-rotatable means, and connected to the housing by co-acting second slidably-and-rotatably-locked means; a primary dose member coaxially rotatable on the lead screw member when the device is in a non-activated state and connected to the lead screw member by co-acting third slidably-and-rotatably-locked means when the device is in an activated state; a locking member fixedly connected to the housing and releasably connected to the lead screw member by co-acting locking means; a first spring force means arranged between the first inner wall of the housing and the nut, wherein the first spring force means is in a pre-tensioned state when said locking means are engaged and the device is in the non-activated state; a secondary dose member rotatably connected to said primary dose member via a pinion gear; dose setting means connected to the primary dose member by co-acting fourth slidably-and-rotatably-locked means, such that when the device is to be set from the non-activated state to the activated state, the dose setting means are manually manipulated in a pre-determined direction, whereby the locking means are released and the lead screw member is distally moved a pre-determined distance by the first spring force means independent of the size of a dose to ...

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Syringe Assembly

Номер: US20120259286A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A syringe assembly comprises a syringe barrel having an elongated body defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end, a distal end and a frusto-conically shaped tip extending from the distal end and having a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with the chamber. The chamber has an inside diameter of at least 13.5 mm. A stopper is in fluid-tight engagement inside the barrel. An elongated plunger rod extends proximally from the stopper through the open proximal end of the barrel. A flange is positioned at the proximal end of the plunger rod. The flange is shaped and positioned to limit the distal motion of the plunger rod in the barrel by contacting the proximal end of the barrel. A tip cap is releasably connected to the tip for sealing the passageway and the chamber contains injectable liquid.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Resettable Drive Mechanism for a Medication Delivery Device and Medication Delivery Device

Номер: US20120265151A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A resettable drive mechanism for a medication delivery device is proposed, said mechanism comprising a housing ( 13, 17, 40 ) with a proximal end and a distal end, a drive member ( 20 ) rotatable with respect to the housing in a second direction for delivering a dose of a medication, a piston rod ( 12 ) adapted to be driven in a distal direction with respect to the housing by the drive member, when the drive member rotates in the second direction, a stop member ( 26 ) adapted to prevent rotation of the drive member in a first direction opposite to the second direction with respect to the housing, when the stop member engages the drive member, and a clutch member ( 58 ) movable with respect to the housing between a delivery position (D) and a reset position (R), wherein, when the clutch member is in the delivery position, the stop member and the drive member are engaged and the drive member is prevented from rotating in the first direction with respect to the housing, and when the clutch member is in the reset position, the drive member and the stop member are disengaged, the drive member is rotatable in the first direction with respect to the housing and the piston rod is movable in the proximal direction with respect to the housing. Furthermore, a medication delivery device is provided.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Injection device without a gearing

Номер: US20120277683A1
Автор: Claus Schmidt Moller
Принадлежит: Moeller Claus Schmidt

A dose delivery device is disclosed wherein a dose can be set by rotating a dose setting member, whereby a push button ( 4 ) is elevated from one end of the device a distance proportional to the set dose from a position fixed relative to the housing, and wherein the set dose can then be injected by pressing the push button back to its non- elevated position, through which motion a piston rod will move approximately the same distance. The invention provides a method of forcing a numbered scale drum to rotate both during dose setting and injection to allow the user to read the remaining dose at any time during setting and injecting a dose.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Safety pen needle assembly

Номер: US20120277685A1
Автор: Amit Uday Limaye
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

In one aspect, a safety pen needle assembly is provided which includes a hub, a needle fixed to a transverse wall of the hub, and a shield formed to at least partially telescope over the hub. An outer ablumenal surface of the hub and an inner lumenal surface of the shield are formed with cooperating thread elements to permit relative rotation between the hub and the shield. In an initial state, the cooperating thread elements are in threaded engagement with the shield being positioned relative to the hub with a distal end of the shield sidewall being located distally of a distal end of the needle. Also, in the initial state, the shield and the hub are configured with a rotation-resistance arrangement which inhibits relative rotation between the hub and the shield. The rotation-resistance arrangement is surmountable to allow relative rotation between the hub and the shield with an at least threshold amount of torque being applied, the threshold amount of torque being greater than required to mount the pen needle assembly onto an injector body. Advantageously, with the subject invention, a safety pen needle assembly can be provided having a shield threaded onto a hub with the assembly being mountable with the needle being in a shielded state. This minimizes the possibility of needle stick during mounting of the safety pen needle assembly.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Resettable drive mechanism for a drug delivery device

Номер: US20120279329A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present disclosure relates to a resettable drive mechanism for use in a drug delivery device. The drug delivery device is having a distal direction and a proximal direction. The drive mechanism comprises a drive rack engaged with a drive gear, a piston rack engaged with a piston gear and coupling means for coupling the drive gear with the piston gear. In a first state of the drive mechanism, the drive gear and the piston gear are coupled and the piston rack moves in distal direction when the drive rack is moved in distal direction. In a second state of the drive mechanism, the drive gear and the piston gear are decoupled and the piston rack is moveable in proximal direction for resetting the drive mechanism.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Drive mechanism for a drug delivery device

Номер: US20120283648A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A first output member is rotatable around an axis relatively to the body. A second output member is movable relatively to the body along the axis. The first output member and the second output member are rotationally coupled. A drive feature is provided to generate a rotation of the first output member. A part which is removable from and attachable to the body is provided so that the first output member is unidirectionally rotationally coupled with the drive feature when the part is attached to the body.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Assembly and Piston Rod for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20120283652A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive mechanism for a drug delivery device ( 1 ) comprises a housing ( 2 ), a drive member ( 5 ) and a piston rod assembly ( 32 ). The drive member ( 5 ) is configured to be axially displaced in a dose setting direction with respect to the housing ( 2 ) for setting a dose of a drug ( 24 ) and to be axially displaced in a dose delivery direction with respect to the housing ( 2 ) for delivering the set dose of the drug ( 24 ). The drive member ( 5 ) comprises a drive feature ( 15 ). The piston rod assembly ( 32 ) comprises a set of interaction surfaces ( 17 ) for mechanical interaction with the drive feature ( 15 ), with at least two interaction surfaces ( 17 ) being axially and angularly offset with respect to each other. When the drive member ( 5 ) is displaced in the dose delivery direction for delivering the set dose, the drive feature ( 15 ) mechanically interacts with one of the interaction surfaces ( 17 ) and the piston rod assembly ( 32 ) rotates with respect to the housing ( 2 ), thereby rotating and axially displacing another one of the interaction surfaces ( 17 ) from a non-interaction position into an interaction position in which the drive feature ( 15 ) may interact with the other one of the interaction surfaces ( 17 ) when the drive mechanism is actuated once more for setting and delivering a further dose. Also, a piston rod ( 3 ) is proposed.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Resettable drug delivery device

Номер: US20120283658A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive member for driving a piston rod in a drug delivery device is provided. The drive member is configured to be driven in a rotational movement by an actuating member. The drive member comprises a track for transmitting a driving load from the actuating member to the drive member. The track comprises both sections running in a distal and sections running in a proximal direction of the drive member. Moreover, a drug delivery device comprising such a drive member is provided.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Drive Mechanism for Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20120283661A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drive mechanism for a drug delivery device, preferably for a pen-type injector, the mechanism comprises a spindle ( 6 ) movable in a first direction during a delivery step, a splined portion ( 5, 11 ) operatively coupled to the spindle ( 6 ), and retraction means ( 12, 15, 16, 17, 20 ) acting on the splined portion ( 5, 11 ) at least at the end of the delivery step. Thereby, that after the delivery step the spindle ( 6 ) and/or the splined portion ( 5, 11 ) is moved in a second direction contrary to the first direction, such that the whole drive mechanism is relieved from stresses.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Resettable Drive Assembly and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20120289908A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A resettable drive assembly for a drug delivery device ( 1 ) is provided. The drive assembly comprises a drive unit ( 3 ) for driving a piston rod ( 5 ) in a dispense operation of the device ( 1 ). The drive unit ( 3 ) comprises a first drive member ( 35 ), a second drive member ( 37 ) and locking means preventing a relative rotational movement of the first ( 35 ) and the second drive member ( 37 ) during a dispense operation and allowing a relative rotational movement for enabling a resetting of the device ( 1 ). Moreover, a drug delivery device ( 1 ) comprising a resettable drive assembly is provided.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Pneumatic injector

Номер: US20120302992A1

This document discloses, among other things, an air-powered auto-injector device for subcutaneous delivery of a rescue drug. The device is configured for self-administered treatment of anaphylactic shock. Air is compressed by relative movement of a piston and a cylinder and released to subcutaneously drive an hypodermic needle.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20120310156A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

Injection device for manual penetration and injection comprising a distal housing part ( 10 ); a proximal housing part ( 12 ) with a multi-chamber container ( 20 ); a plunger rod ( 40 ); a push button ( 70 ); an activation member ( 30 ); a drive force means( 100 ) and a locking member ( 50 ), wherein the device further comprises a guide rod ( 60 ) arranged to generate an audible and tactile indication of the start of an injection.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Safety Syringe Having A Manually Activated Retractable Needle

Номер: US20120316466A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A retractable needle assembly includes a housing having a sidewall defining a hollow bore, and an elongate plunger, the distal end of the plunger forming a reservoir within the hollow bore for containing a fluid therein. The plunger is adapted for slideable movement within the hollow bore. The assembly includes a hub disposed within the hollow bore and at least partially supporting a cannula therewith, and a needle retraction member engaged with the hub for manually selectable advancement with respect to a portion of the housing. The needle retraction member may be advanced from an initial position in which at least a portion of the needle is disposed outside the housing, to a retracted position in which the needle is fully surrounded by the housing. The elongate plunger may be advanced about the hub for extracting the fluid into the reservoir or expelling the fluid from the reservoir.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Medical syringe filling and valving

Номер: US20120323173A1

Apparatus and methods for providing a field environment filled proximal chamber of a multi-chamber syringe and for filling a prime-free syringe are disclosed. In addition, methods for resetting valves of a multi-chamber syringe without special tools or insertion of foreign objects into the syringe are disclosed. A valve for interfacing with syringes telescopically inserted into a larger syringe and which are generally used as proximal chambers in multi-chamber syringes used in mixing and serial delivery applications is disclosed. Four embodiments of novel resettable valves are disclosed. Also, a syringe assembly for delivering a saline-dose-saline medication sequence is disclosed.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Syringe needle cap

Номер: US20130012886A1
Автор: Yasushi Kawachi
Принадлежит: Daikyo Seiko Ltd

A syringe needle cap ( 10 ) is filled to the tip of the barrel ( 21 ) of a prefilled syringe ( 20 ). And the tip of a syringe needle ( 22 ) is stuck into a needlepoint receiving section ( 12 A) on the inner layer portion ( 12 ) of the syringe needle cap ( 10 ). The outer circumference of a needle section ( 21 B) on the tip of the prefilled syringe ( 20 ) is closely attached to a joining section ( 12 B) on the inner layer portion ( 12 ) of the syringe needle cap ( 10 ), thereby securely sealing the inner space within the syringe needle cap ( 10 ) which covers the syringe needle ( 22 ). The outer layer portion ( 11 ) functioning as the cap main body of the syringe needle cap ( 10 ) is formed from a transparent resin, and the inner layer portion ( 12 ) is formed from a transparent elastomer as the interior material. As a consequence, the entire syringe needle ( 22 ) of the prefilled syringe ( 20 ), including the tip section, can be seen from the outside.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Single use syringe with plunger arm safety cover

Номер: US20130030364A1
Автор: Ming-Yuan Wu
Принадлежит: Individual

A single use syringe with plunger arm safety cover comprising a plunger arm, plunger tip, syringe body, and tip retaining sleeve is disclosed. The tip retaining sleeve surrounds tip retaining arms of the plunger tip allowing the tip retaining arms to grasp the plunger arm. After the plunger arm is pulled backwards, sleeve ribs prevent the tip retaining sleeve from moving in a forward direction. As the plunger arm is pushed forward, the tip retaining arms are no longer surrounded by the tip retaining sleeve and the tip retaining arms move outwards and release the plunger tip. After the plunger tip has been released from the plunger arm, the plunger tip and the plunger arm cannot be reconnected and the single use syringe cannot be reused. The plunger arm is removed from the syringe body and locked onto a guide lock and covers the needle tip.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge Holder Assembly for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130030378A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a cartridge holder assembly for a drug delivery device as well as to such drug delivery device and to a corresponding method of assembly, wherein the cartridge holder assembly comprises: a cartridge holder ( 14; 40 ) adapted to receive a cartridge ( 12 ) to be filled with a medicinal product to be dispensed by the drug delivery device, wherein the cartridge holder ( 14; 40 ) comprises at least one through opening at a distal end section to receive a piercing element ( 20 ) being adapted to penetrate a sealing septum ( 22 ) of the cartridge ( 12 ), a constriction member ( 26; 42 ) being adapted to axially abut against the septum ( 22 ) and comprising a through opening ( 34; 52 ) to receive the piercing element ( 20 ), wherein said through opening ( 34; 52 ) is adjustable in diameter.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Mixing Substances

Номер: US20130030412A1
Принадлежит: GLUCAGO LLC

A method and device for mixing substances to form a mixture that can he administered to a patient are disclosed. Such a device can include a hollow cylindrical member, a barrier sealing an opening of the member, and a tether attached to the barrier so that the harrier at least partially ruptures when the tether is pulled in a direction away from the barrier. Such a method for mixing substances can include providing a device with a first substance contained within the hollow cylindrical member. The method can also include the step of inserting the device into the barrel of an administering system, where the administering system includes a second substance, and the step of pulling the component in a direction away from the barrier such that the tether causes the barrier to at least partially rupture.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device

Номер: US20130041327A1
Автор: Mattias Daniel
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a drive means configured to act on a medicament container for expelling a medicament; a holding means configured to hold said drive means in a pre-tensioned state; an activation means configured to interact with said holding means for releasing said drive means from the pre-tensioned state; wherein the device further comprises feedback means configured to interact both with said holding means and with said drive means for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely expelled.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Drive Mechanism for Drug Delivery Devices

Номер: US20130046250A1
Автор: Andreas Bode
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to an ergonomic drive mechanism for a drug delivery device comprising: a housing ( 36 ), an axially displaceable piston rod ( 12 ) to act on a piston ( 18 ) of a cartridge ( 16 ) containing a medicinal product to be dispensed, an actuating member ( 26 ) operably engageable with the piston rod ( 12 ) and being slidably disposed relative to the housing ( 36 ) between a distal and a proximal stop position along a displacement path, wherein the actuating member's displacement path is inclined with respect to the longitudinal extension of the piston rod ( 12 ).

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130053814A1
Принадлежит: Bayer HealthCare LLC

The present application is directed to devices. The device may used for connecting a closed receptacle and a container, such as a syringe.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Retractable safety syringe

Номер: US20130066269A1

A retractable safety syringe comprises a needle body, a syringe barrel, and a pusher plunger. The needle body has a needle and a needle seat having an upper needle seat and a lower needle seat; the upper needle seat is used for fixing the needle thereon and is provided with a connecting portion on the bottom; and the removable lower needle seat can be embedded to the upper needle seat from below. The pusher plunger has a piston in the front end thereof; the piston has a connecting member, which can connect to the connecting portion on the bottom of the upper needle seat, so that after injection, by applying a force to press and deform the piston till connecting to the connecting portion, the needle body can depart from the needle socket and the abutment and can be drawn back to the interior of the syringe barrel.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072856A1

A medical device for reducing the force necessary to penetrate living being tissue using a variety of reciprocating motion actuators, including piezoelectric, voice coil, solenoids, pneumatics or fluidics. The reciprocating actuator drives a penetrating member, such as a needle, through the tissue at a reduced force while the device detects the passage of the penetrating member through the tissue. Upon passage of the penetrating member through the tissue, electrical power to the reciprocating actuator is automatically terminated. One exemplary method for detecting this passage is via a fluid-containing syringe that is coupled to a channel within the penetrating member. Once the penetrating member tip has passed through the living tissue, the fluid within the syringe no longer experiences any pressure and a plunger within the syringe displaces indicating passage of the penetrating member tip. This motion can provide direct tactile feedback to an operator of the medical device or can automatically open a switch providing electrical power to the medical device. Alternatively, a pressure transducer can also monitor the pressure within the penetrating member channel and automatically activate the switch to cut off the electrical power. 1. (canceled)2. A medical device for penetrating living being tissue , said device comprising:a penetrating member which is vibrated to reduce the force needed to penetrate living being tissue;a driving actuator coupled to said penetrating member and causing said vibration when energized; andan electrical power cut off automatically de-energizing said medical device when said penetrating member has passed through said living being tissue, a distal end coupled to said and said penetrating member;', 'a first channel extending to said distal end;', 'at least one piezoelectric element for converting electrical energy into oscillatory motion when energized; and', 'a second channel having a first end in communication with said first channel and ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072857A1

A medical device for reducing the force necessary to penetrate living being tissue using a variety of reciprocating motion actuators, including piezoelectric, voice coil, solenoids, pneumatics or fluidics. The reciprocating actuator drives a penetrating member, such as a needle, through the tissue at a reduced force while the device detects the passage of the penetrating member through the tissue. Upon passage of the penetrating member through the tissue, electrical power to the reciprocating actuator is automatically terminated. One exemplary method for detecting this passage is via a fluid-containing syringe that is coupled to a channel within the penetrating member. Once the penetrating member tip has passed through the living tissue, the fluid within the syringe no longer experiences any pressure and a plunger within the syringe displaces indicating passage of the penetrating member tip. This motion can provide direct tactile feedback to an operator of the medical device or can automatically open a switch providing electrical power to the medical device. Alternatively, a pressure transducer can also monitor the pressure within the penetrating member channel and automatically activate the switch to cut off the electrical power. 124.-. (canceled)25. A method for reducing the force needed to penetrate living being tissue , said method comprising:vibrating a penetrating member against the living being tissue using a reciprocating actuator that converts electrical energy to reciprocating motion;detecting the passage of said penetrating member through said living being tissue; andautomatically cutting off the electrical energy to said reciprocating actuator when said penetrating member has passed through said living being tissue.26. The method of wherein said step of detecting the passage of said penetrating member through said living being tissue comprises the movement of a plunger within a fluid-containing syringe that is in fluid communication with a channel within ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072879A1

A set of members for a drug delivery device comprises at least two components for the device, wherein both components are provided with a marking, the markings being substantially equivalent or identical. Furthermore, a drug delivery device and a set of drug delivery devices are provided. 118-. (canceled)19. A drug delivery device , comprising at least two components , wherein both components are provided with a marking , wherein the at least two components comprise a main housing and one or more of the following additional components:a cartridge, anda cartridge holder,wherein the respective additional component is connectable to the main housing,wherein the markings are identical on the housing and on the respective additional component, andwherein the markings each comprise at least one tactile marking20. The drug delivery device according to claim 19 , wherein the main housing comprises a housing body and a housing insert which is releasably connected to the housing body claim 19 , a marking of the main housing being provided on the housing insert.21. The drug delivery device according to claim 19 , wherein the markings each comprise at least one colour marking22. The drug delivery device according to claim 19 , wherein the markings each comprise at least one text marking23. The drug delivery device according to claim 22 , wherein the at least one text marking comprises a name of a drug for the device.24. The drug delivery device according to claim 19 , wherein the markings each comprise at least one symbol.25. The drug delivery device according to claim 19 , wherein a marking is provided on an actuation surface of a dose button.26. A set of drug delivery devices comprising two claim 19 , three claim 19 , or more drug delivery devices according to claim 19 , wherein the components of different devices are provided with different markings claim 19 , and wherein differently marked components are part of devices holding different drugs.27. The set of drug delivery ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072881A1
Принадлежит: WYETH LLC

An immunogenic composition comprising a plurality of capsular polysaccharides from serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F and 23F conjugated to a carrier protein, and further comprising at least one preservative, preferably 2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE). The preservative-containing immunogenic compositions of the invention confer resistance to one or more micro-organisms and are useful for producing multi-dose vaccine formulations having advantageous properties with respect to long term stability of the different antigenic determinants in the immunogenic composition of choice. Related compositions and methods for measuring the efficacy of one or more preservatives in a vaccine formulation are also provided. 1Streptococcus pneumoniae. A multivalent immunogenic composition comprising a plurality of capsular polysaccharides from selected from the group consisting of serotypes 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6A , 6B , 7F , 9V , 14 , 18C , 19A , 19F and 23F , wherein each of the capsular polysaccharides are separately conjugated to a carrier protein , and further comprising 2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE).2. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises seven or more capsular polysaccharides.3. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises 2-PE at a concentration of between 7 mg/mL and 15 mg/mL.4. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 3 , wherein said composition comprises 2-PE at a concentration of about 10 mg/mL.5. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises not less than 7 mg/mL of 2-PE.6. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises not less than 10 mg/mL of 2-PE.7. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises not less than 15 mg/mL of 2-PE.8. The multivalent immunogenic composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises an adjuvant claim 1 , ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079635A1

Devices and systems for injecting fluids, such as anesthetics, to or near nerve tissue or other targeted anatomical location are disclosed herein. A conduit is generally configured to place the fluid delivery module in fluid communication with a needle that is configured to be inserted into the patient's anatomy. One or more medicaments (e.g., anesthetics) and/or other materials contained within containers (e.g., vials) that are secured to the injection system can be selectively delivered into an anatomy through the needle. Nerve stimulation and/or imaging technologies (e.g., ultrasound) can be used to locate a targeted anatomical location. Aspiration can be used to confirm needle location. An overlay on the imaging display can include, in addition to real-time imaging data, data and other information relating to back pressure at or near the needle tip, volumes or other amounts of fluids delivered by and remaining within the system, stimulation level and/or the like. 1. A method of delivering an anesthetic to a target anatomical location of a patient , comprising:positioning a container containing an anesthetic to an injection system;wherein the container is configured to be secured to a loading area of a fluid delivery module of the injection system, said loading area being configured to securely receive various sizes and shapes of the container;wherein the fluid delivery module comprises at least one fluid reservoir within its interior;wherein at least one fluid conduit is configured to be placed in fluid communication with the at least one fluid reservoir, said at least one fluid conduit comprising a distal end;selectively transferring at least a portion of the anesthetic from the container through the at least one fluid conduit via the at least one fluid reservoir;removably securing a stimulation needle along the distal end of the at least one fluid conduit, said stimulation needle being configured to provide electrical stimulation to an anatomy of the patient; ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079708A1

An electro-mechanical drug delivery device comprises a main body having a distal end and a proximal end. The distal end is configured to attach to a dispense interface. A separable housing that can prevent an administration of a drug by the drug delivery device, the housing configured to cover at least a portion of the distal end of the main body when the separable housing is coupled to the main body of the drug delivery device. A conduction element is provided by the main body and configured for establishing an electrical connection with an electrical connector. Establishment of the electrical connection is prevented when the housing does not cover at least a portion of the distal end of the main body. The electrical connection may be established when the housing covers at least a portion of the distal end of the main body of the drug delivery device. 115-. (canceled)16. A drug delivery device comprising:a main body having a distal end and a proximal end, wherein the distal end is configured to attach to a dispense interface;a separable housing configured to couple to and to decouple from the main body;a conduction element provided by the main body, wherein the device is configured for establishing an electrical connection between the conduction element and an external electrical connector;wherein the device is configured such thatwhen the separable housing is coupled to the main body the administration of a drug by the drug delivery device is prevented, the separable housing covering at least a portion of the distal end of the main body, and establishment of the electrical connection between the conduction element and an external electrical connector is allowed, the separable housing interacting with the main body and enabling access of an external electrical connector to the device andwhen the separable housing is decoupled from the main body the administration of a drug by the drug delivery device is enabled and the establishment of the electrical connection ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079718A1

Automatic injection device includes a housing, a syringe, a plunger, and a syringe carrier. The housing includes a barrel. The barrel includes an elongated window to allow viewing of contents inside the housing. The syringe is disposed within the housing and has a reservoir. The plunger is at least partially disposed within the syringe and includes a visual indicator. The syringe carrier is disposed within the housing and configured to contain the syringe and displace the syringe within the housing between a first position and a second position. The syringe carrier has a first opening and a second opening. The first opening is configured to align with the window and the reservoir when the syringe carrier is in the first position, and the second opening is configured to align with the window and the visual indicator when the syringe carrier is in the second position. 1. An automatic injection device comprising:a housing having a first end, a second end, and a barrel between the first end and the second end, the barrel comprising an elongated window to allow viewing of contents inside the housing;a syringe disposed within the housing and having a first end, a second end, and a reservoir between the first end and the second end;a plunger at least partially disposed within the syringe and comprising a visual indicator on a portion of the plunger; anda syringe carrier disposed within the housing and configured to contain the syringe and displace the syringe within the housing between a first position and a second position, the syringe carrier having a first opening and a second opening, the first opening configured to align with the window and the reservoir when the syringe carrier is in the first position, and the second opening configured to align with the window and the visual indicator when the syringe carrier is in the second position.2. The automatic injection device of claim 1 , wherein the elongated window has a substantially symmetrical oval shape or pill shape. ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Injection Needle Assembly And Drug Injection Device

Номер: US20130079729A1

A needle does not come off even if a high back pressure occurs at the skin upper section. Thus, the drug leakage from the skin can be prevented. A drug administration device includes a tubular section having a fluid chamber capable of accommodating a drug and a discharge section a pusher member moving within the tubular section a grip section and a connection section The pusher member includes a rod-shape plunger and a gasket The grip section is disposed along the outer periphery of the tubular section and kept away from the tubular section and the connection section is formed between the tubular section and the grip section 1. A drug administration device comprising:a tubular section having a fluid chamber capable of accommodating a drug therein and a tubular discharge section formed at a tip end thereof;a pusher section having a gasket slidably movable within said fluid chamber and a plunger which is connected to said gasket and part of which is exposed outside from a base end of said tubular section;a tubular grip section disposed outside of said tubular section and kept away from said tubular section; anda connection section connecting said tubular section and said grip section.2. The drug administration device as defined in claim 1 , characterized in that said tubular section includes a first tubular portion wherein said fluid chamber is formed and a second tubular portion disposed contiguously from a base end of said first tubular portion.3. The drug administration device as defined in claim 2 , characterized in that an inner diameter of said first tubular portion is formed smaller than an inner diameter of said second tubular portion.4. The drug administration device as defined in claim 3 , characterized in that said plunger is so formed that the diameter on the tip end side is smaller than the diameter on the base end side.5. The drug administration device as defined in claim 2 , characterized in that said grip section is disposed not to cover said first ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090602A1

Disclosed herein are fastening features for cartridge assemblies that include coding features that help dedicate a medicament reservoir to specific injection devices. An exemplary cartridge assembly comprises a cylindrical inner surface for holding medicament and a cylindrical outer surface comprising a fastening feature having a first coding element protruding from the cylindrical outer surface. The coding element is configured to engage a complementary coding feature on the fastener on a dose setting member specifically configured to dispense the medicament, thereby allowing only the correct cartridge assembly to connect to the correct dose setting member. 116-. (canceled)17. A collection comprising a plurality of cartridge assemblies each having one or more coded fasteners for connecting different medicaments to specifically matched dose setting members of the collection to make up a family of delivery devices , the collection comprising:two or more cartridge assemblies, where a first cartridge assembly comprises,a) a first medicament; andb) a fastener comprising a first coding feature that is unique to the first medicament and is specifically coded to engage a complementary coding feature on a fastener on a first dose setting member that is configured to dispense the first medicament,wherein the first coding feature is different than a second coding feature on a fastener on a second cartridge assembly in the collection that contains a second medicament, where the first and second medicaments are different and where the second cartridge assembly will not operably connect to the first dose setting member, thereby preventing the first dose setting member from administering the second medicament.18. The collection of claim 17 , further comprising a third cartridge assembly having a fastener comprising a third coding feature unique to a third medicament contained in the third cartridge assembly that is different than the first and second medicaments and where the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090603A1
Автор: Hoyle, JR. John D.

A dosage control syringe includes a barrel, a plunger, an adjustable lock member supported along a guide (such as a track) that is disposed along or outside an outer wall of the syringe barrel, and a stop member coupled to the plunger or the lock member. The stop member is generally aligned between the adjustable lock member and a portion of the plunger so as to limit or preclude further movement of the plunger upon engagement of the stop member with both the lock member and the plunger. The plunger is stopped by the lock member, via the stop member, when the plunger has traveled a predetermined distance set by the lock member, the distance corresponding to a desired dosage of fluid from the syringe. 1. A syringe comprising:a barrel defining a fluid chamber and having a longitudinal axis;a plunger at least partially disposed in said fluid chamber of said barrel and having a sealing member for slidably and sealingly engaging said barrel, said plunger having a plunger flange extending outwardly away from the longitudinal axis;an elongate guide disposed along said barrel;an adjustable lock member movably disposed along said elongate guide;a stop member coupled to one of said adjustable lock member and said plunger flange and aligned so as to selectively contact the other of said adjustable lock member and said plunger flange; andwherein when said plunger is moved sufficiently so that said stop member contacts said other of said adjustable lock member and said plunger flange, further movement of said plunger relative to said barrel is substantially precluded.2. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein said lock member is configurable between a locking configuration in which said lock member lockably engages said elongate guide claim 1 , and a movable configuration in which said lock member is movable along said elongate guide.3. The syringe of claim 2 , wherein said elongate guide comprises a track having plurality of ratchet teeth and said lock member comprises a tooth- ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096493A1

An administration device can discharge a prescribed, equal amount of medicine a number of times by spraying. A spraying device includes a barrel; a gasket provided slidably movable in liquid-tight manner in the barrel; a rod coupled to a base end of the gasket; and a regulating member provided on the barrel, having a projection that can slidably fit with the guide groove. The guide groove includes at least first and second continuous administering grooves. The second administering groove is configured to include a transitional portion extending in the circumferential direction with a groove wall on the base end side aligned with the base end of the first administering portion, and a second administering portion extending from the transitional portion to a base end along the longitudinal direction. An energizing protrusion engageable with the projection is provided at a boundary between the transitional portion and the second administering portion. 1. A spraying device for spraying liquid , comprising:a hollow barrel having a spray nozzle mounting portion formed at a tip end and a flange formed at a base end;a gasket provided slidably movable in liquid-tight manner in said barrel;a rod coupled to a base end of the gasket;a guide groove provided on said rod; anda regulating member, provided on said barrel, having an opening allowing passage of the rod formed at the center, and having a projection projecting from an edge of the opening to the center to be slidably fit with said guide groove; whereinsaid guide groove includes at least a first administering groove and a second administering groove provided continuous from said first administering groove;said first groove is configured to include a priming portion and a first administering portion extending from said priming portion to a base end along the longitudinal direction;said second administering groove is configured to include a transitional portion extending in the circumferential direction with a groove wall on ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096509A1

A system for a drug delivery device comprising a reservoir holder configured to hold a reservoir, and an alignment interface comprising a main body configured to be coupled to the reservoir. A first alignment feature is provided on the main body. The first alignment feature cooperates with a corresponding alignment feature provided by the reservoir holder such that when the reservoir is inserted into the holder, the first alignment feature cooperates with the corresponding alignment feature provided by the holder so as to rotate the alignment interface and thereby align the alignment interface within the holder. Thus, the reservoir may be aligned within the reservoir holder. The first alignment feature may comprise at least one protrusion provided on the main body of the interface. The system further comprises one or more coding features. 118-. (canceled)19. A system for a drug delivery device comprising:a reservoir holder configured to hold a reservoir,an alignment interface comprising a main body configured to be coupled to the reservoir and a first alignment feature provided on the main body,one or more coding featureswherein, when the alignment interface is inserted into the reservoir holder, the first alignment feature cooperates with a corresponding alignment feature of the reservoir holder so as to rotate the alignment interface and thereby align the alignment interface within the reservoir holder.20. The system of claim 19 , wherein the first alignment feature comprises at least one protrusion or at least one groove provided on the main body of the alignment interface.21. The system of claim 19 , wherein the corresponding alignment feature comprises at least one protrusion or a ramp provided on the reservoir holder.22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the ramp is provided along an inner surface of the holder.23. The system according to claim 19 , wherein the main body comprises a bore claim 19 , the bore defining a diameter configured to receive the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096510A1

A ferrule and a cartridge for use with a drug delivery device. A neck portion of the cartridge comprises a first coding feature. The ferrule comprises a main body defining a bore that extends from a proximal end and a distal end of the main body. The bore is configured for receiving the cartridge. A pass through is defined by the distal end. A coding feature is provided along at least a portion of the main body of the ferrule. This coding feature cooperates with a corresponding coding feature provided by a drug delivery device. Further, the ferrule is configured to cooperate with the first coding feature of the neck portion of the cartridge. 119-. (canceled)20. A cartridge for use with a drug delivery device , the cartridge being configured for delivering at least one drug , the cartridge comprising:a neck portion, the neck portion comprising at least one first coding feature, anda ferrule comprising:a main body defining a bore, said main body extending from a proximal end to a distal end, said bore being configured for receiving the cartridge,at least one coding feature provided along at least a portion of the main body,wherein the at least one coding feature is configured to cooperate with a corresponding coding feature provided by the drug delivery device, andwherein the ferrule is configured to cooperate with the first coding feature of the neck portion of the cartridge.21. The cartridge according to claim 20 , wherein the ferrule comprises a molded ferrule or a metallic ferrule.22. The cartridge according to claim 20 , wherein the main body of the ferrule comprises a side wall claim 20 , and wherein the coding feature of the ferrule is provided along at least one of or both of the side wall of the main body and an end face of the main body.23. The cartridge according to claim 20 , wherein the coding feature of the ferrule comprises at least one of an indentation and a protrusion.24. The cartridge according to claim 20 , wherein the coding feature of the ferrule ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096511A1

A tactile identification coding for a cartridge for use with a drug delivery device is described. The tactile identification coding includes the cartridge containing a drug and an identification coding located on the cartridge, the identification coding including a logical symbol to visually indicate to a user the type of drug contained in the cartridge. A cartridge holder may also be included to receive the cartridge, the cartridge holder having a second tactile identification coding that corresponds to the tactile identification coding on the cartridge. 115-. (canceled)16. 1. A tactile identification system , comprising:a cartridge containing a drug;an identification coding located on the cartridge, the identification coding including a symbol to visually and tactilely indicate to a user the type of drug contained in the cartridge and wherein the symbol indicates a drug action rate information, the drug action rate information including one of at least two different drug action rates.17. The tactile identification system of claim 16 , wherein the drug action rate information is provided by the outer shape of the symbol.18. The tactile identification system of claim 16 , wherein the symbol represents an animal.19. The tactile identification system of claim 16 , wherein the symbol represents one of a hare and a turtle.20. The tactile identification system of claim 16 , wherein the identification coding comprises a turtle to indicate that the cartridge contains slow acting insulin.21. The tactile identification system of claim 16 , wherein the identification coding comprises a hare to indicate that the cartridge contains fast acting insulin.22. The tactile identification system of claim 16 , further comprising a cartridge holder configured to receive the cartridge.23. The tactile identification system of claim 22 , wherein the cartridge holder includes a second tactile and/or visual identification coding that corresponds to the identification coding on the cartridge. ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Automatic injection device with torsional spring

Номер: US20130096513A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A semi-automatic “fixed” dose injection device is disclosed containing a reservoir of medicament, where a trigger controls the unwinding of a torsional spring to cause a predetermined injection of medicament from the reservoir through a disposable needle.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device with Braking Means

Номер: US20130102971A1
Автор: Stephan Olson
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device has an elongated housing; a medicament container carrier for a medicament container to which a medicament delivery member is attached, the carrier being slidable in the housing; a trigger unit; a cover unit coaxial and slidable in the housing; a release mechanism adapted to be actuated partly by the trigger unit and partly by movement of the cover unit; a preloaded drive unit releasably connected to the carrier and controlled by the release mechanism for advancing the carrier to a predetermined proximal position in relation to the housing at which the drive unit becomes disconnected from the carrier for advancing a slidable stopper in the container and thereby dispensing the medicament; and a braking mechanism acting between the preloaded drive unit and the release mechanism for controlling the speed of the preloaded drive unit when advancing the slidable stopper in the container.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge Holder and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130102972A1

The present invention relates to a cartridge holder for a drug delivery device and to a corresponding drug delivery device, wherein the cartridge holder comprises: 1. A cartridge holder for a drug delivery device comprising:{'b': 36', '12, 'a proximal portion () for receiving a cartridge () filled with a medicinal fluid to be dispensed by the drug delivery device,'}{'b': 34', '24', '25', '30, 'a distal portion () comprising a mount for a piercing assembly (, , ),'}{'b': 12', '30, 'wherein the piercing assembly is adapted to provide a fluid-transferring connection with the inner volume of the cartridge () by way of a piercing element () pointing in distal direction with a pointed free end section; and'}{'b': 40', '42', '44', '12', '36', '34, 'retaining means (; ; ) adapted to substantially prevent the cartridge () from displacing in proximal direction with respect to the proximal portion () and/or distal portion ().'}23634. The cartridge holder according to claim 1 , wherein the proximal portion () and/or the distal portion () comprise a substantially cylindrical shape.340424434. The cartridge holder according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the retaining means (; ; ) extend radially inwardly from an inside wall of the distal portion ().4404244. The cartridge holder according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the retaining means (; ; ) comprise a flexible deformable material.54044. The cartridge holder according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the retaining means comprise radially inwardly protruding struts (; ).640341312. The cartridge holder according to claim 5 , wherein the retaining means () are arranged at a distance from the distal portion's () free end claim 5 , that corresponds to the axial dimensions of a distal neck portion () of the cartridge ().7424234. The cartridge holder according to any one of the preceding claims claim 5 , wherein the retaining means () comprise axially and/or ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Syringe carpule for storing, transporting and in situ mixing of lidocaine and sodium bicarbonate and delivery of buffered anesthetic solution

Номер: US20130110039A1
Автор: George Just
Принадлежит: Individual

A syringe carpule for storing, transporting and in situ mixing of a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, and a buffer, such as sodium bicarbonate, and delivery of buffered anesthetic solution according to the present invention that comprises a hollow tubular body received within the frame of a carpule syringe, at least one axially movable plunger within the body and configured to be engaged and moved by a rod of the carpule syringe, a seal pierced by a rear portion of a needle coupled to the carpule syringe, a first chamber within the body filled with anesthetic solution during storing and transport, a second chamber defined within the body filled with buffering solution during storing and transport; and a breachable separating member between the first and second chamber configured to be removed for in situ mixing of the buffering and the anesthetic solutions allowing for delivery of a buffered anesthetic solution.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Medical Needle Safety Devices

Номер: US20130116626A1

A safety device for shielding the sharp tip of a medical needle has a needle mount which either directly supports a medical needle, or indirectly supports the needle for instance where the needle is provided as a part of a syringe. A sleeve is carried directly or indirectly on the needle mount and is slidably movable to a needle shielding position where the sleeve surrounds the needle sharp tip. A spring including forwardly projecting spring blades when sufficiently loaded acts on an internal conical surface of the sleeve to drive the sleeve to its shielding position and a locking mechanism then locks the sleeve in that position. A camming mechanism serves to load the spring blades in the course of the use of the safety device such that thereafter the interaction of the blades with the conical surface urges the sleeve to its shielding position, the camming mechanism being activated by movement of the sleeve to expose the needle for use. 146.-. (canceled)47. A safety device for shielding the sharp tip of a medical needle , which device comprises the following components:a needle support for directly or indirectly mounting a needle;a sleeve for protecting the sharp tip of a needle mounted on the needle support, said sleeve being slidably mounted directly or indirectly on the needle support and having a needle shielding position where the sleeve surrounds the sharp tip of a mounted needle;a spring separate from the sleeve and arranged to act on the sleeve such that when sufficiently loaded the spring is able to move the sleeve to a needle shielding position; anda control arrangement having a camming surface configured to interact with the spring to increase the loading thereof;wherein said components have respective initial positions when the device is ready for use but the spring has insufficient loading to move the sleeve to said needle shielding position, and in the course of use of the device relative movement between the control arrangement and spring from their ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123685A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

Medical injection advice adapted for operating in a dose setting mode and in a dose administration mode, comprising a dosing actuator () reversibly actuatable from a first state for operating the device in the dose setting mode to a second state for operating the device in the dose administration mode, a switch () adapted to sense positional information associated with the dosing actuator, and a controller coupled to the switch arrangement, wherein electronic mode representation is configured to enter dose setting mode after a time delay following detecting the dosing actuator has moved away from said second state or detecting the dosing actuator has moved into said first state. 2. The medical injection device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the dose sensor arrangement comprises a single sensor adapted to detect said positional information associated with the drive member during both dose administration and dose setting operations.3. The medical injection device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the controller is adapted to determine the size of a set dose and adapted to determine the size of an expelled dose.4. The medical injection device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the device further comprises a spring means configured for storing energy during a pre-injection procedure claim 1 , and wherein the drive member claim 1 , during dose administration claim 1 , is forced by the spring means to expel medication from the container when energy previously stored in said spring means is released.5. The medical injection device as defined in claim 4 , wherein the dosing actuator cooperates with the spring means to release energy when the dosing actuator is moved into its second state claim 4 , said release of energy being interrupted when the dosing actuator is returned towards its first state.6. The medical injection device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the time delay is larger than 5 msecs.7. The medical injection device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the injection ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Plunger Rod Retaining Anchors

Номер: US20130123712A1
Автор: Milan Ivosevic
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A plunger rod includes: an elongated body formed by a plurality of orthogonally spaced elongated ribs extending along a longitudinal axis; a first ledge adjacent a first end of the elongated body; a second ledge adjacent a second end of the elongated body; and an attachment portion extending from the second ledge. The second end of the elongated body opposes the first end of the elongated body. At least one elongated rib includes a retaining anchor positioned adjacent the second end adjacent the second ledge.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131601A1

A method and system is disclosed for differentiating a drug delivery device that may be used to administer a plurality of drug types. The drug delivery system includes a drug delivery device and a differentiation shell. The drug delivery device holds a given medicament. A differentiation shell is attachable to the drug delivery device. The differentiation shell may include at least one shell-type feature configured to attach to a drug delivery device and at least one differentiation feature. The differentiation feature identifies the given medicament in the drug delivery device. 114-. (canceled)15. A drug delivery system comprising:a drug delivery device, wherein the drug delivery device is suitable for holding a medicament;a differentiation shell comprising:at least one shell-type feature comprising the shape of a shell and being configured to be attached to the drug delivery device; andat least one differentiation feature, wherein the differentiation feature is suitable for identifying a feature of the drug delivery device or of a medicament used with the drug delivery device,the differentiation shell being attachable to the drug delivery device and the differentiation feature being suitable for identifying a feature of the drug delivery device or of a medicament used with the drug delivery device,wherein the drug delivery device is configured such that the drug delivery device is unable to deliver a dose when the differentiation shell is not attached to the drug delivery device.16. The drug delivery system according to claim 15 , wherein the at least one shell-type feature comprises the shape of a sleeve or of parts of a sleeve.17. The drug delivery system of claim 15 , wherein the at least one shell-type feature comprises:a first shell-type feature having a first connection means; anda second shell-type feature having a second connection means, wherein the first and second connection means are configured to interact with each other such that the first and second ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138079A1
Автор: TUCKER Peter L.

A method of reconstituting and administering an injectable fluid distributed to practitioners in dry-form includes receiving a drug or medicine in dry form, selecting a reconstitution concentration for the drug or medicine, reconstituting a desired number of units of the drug or medicine by adding diluent to the dry-form drug or medicine, selecting a syringe having units marked according to the selected reconstitution concentration, drawing up a desired number of drug or medicine units using the selected syringe, and administering a desired number of units according to the unit markings on the selected syringe. Such a syringe includes a barrel, a plunger assembly that has a plunger handle and a piston, a needle, and a needle cap. The syringe includes a visual indicia, representing a first drug concentration contained in the barrel, that is distinguishable from a corresponding visual indicia, on a second syringe, representing a second drug concentration. 1. A method of reconstituting and administering an injectable drug or medicine , distributed to practitioners in dry form , comprising:receiving a drug or medicine in dry form;selecting a reconstitution concentration for the drug or medicine;reconstituting a desired number of units of the drug or medicine by adding diluent to the dry-form drug or medicine;selecting a syringe marked in correspondence to the selected reconstitution concentration;drawing up a desired number of drug or medicine units using the selected syringe; andadministering a desired number of units according to the unit markings on the selected syringe.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of selecting a reconstitution concentration includes selecting the reconstitution concentration from a plurality of different standardized reconstitution concentrations.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of selecting a syringe includes selecting the syringe from a plurality of differently-marked syringes claim 2 , wherein the markings on each of the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Injection Device

Номер: US20130144218A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device comprising a housing,a tubular activation member,a first resilient member,a container holder, a medicament container (), a tubular operation member (), a plunger rod (), a delivery member; wherein the container is a cartridge, having a membrane () and in that the delivery member comprises a retainer member () fixedly connected to the container holder, a hub () coaxially movable within the retainer member, a needle having opposite proximal and distal ends, and a cap () interactively connected to the hub and to the retainer member, wherein the cap comprises a distal end surface abutting with the proximal end surface of the annular contact member such that said hub may be distally moved whereby the needle penetrates the membrane and the cap is detached from the retainer member, allowing the tubular activation member to be moved its activated position. 17.-. (canceled)8. A medicament delivery device , comprising:a tubular housing having opposite proximal and distal ends;a tubular activation member slidably and coaxially arranged inside the tubular housing and comprising a proximal annular contact member;a first resilient member arranged at the distal end of the tubular activation member for moving the tubular activation member in a proximal direction from a non-activated position, in which the annular contact member is in contact with the proximal end of the housing, to an activated position, in which the annular contact member is at a predetermined distance from the proximal end of the housing;a container holder coaxially arranged within the tubular activation member and fixedly attached to the tubular housing;a medicament container arranged within the container holder and including a slidable stopper;a tubular operation member rotatably arranged between the container holder and a tubular extension part at the distal end of the housing and comprising a first co-acting device interactively connected to a corresponding first co-acting device ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144219A1

A rigid needle shield () for covering a distal end of a syringe is provided. The rigid needle shield includes an elongated flexible member () connected to a sidewall of the rigid needle shield for moving the rigid needle shield between a first relaxed position and a second flexed position. When in the first relaxed position, the elongated flexible member is substantially within the rigid needle shield. However, when the elongated flexible member is moved to the second flexed position, the elongated flexible member extends beyond a proximal end of the rigid needle shield to engage a needle hub or a shoulder of the syringe to move the rigid needle shield distally relative to the syringe. 1. A rigid needle shield comprising:an open proximal end;a closed distal end;a sidewall extending between the open proximal end and the closed distal end forming an elongated chamber therein; and a first end connected to the rigid needle shield,', 'a second end slidably connected to the needle shield proximate the open proximal end, and', 'a middle portion extending between the first end and the second end, and deflectable to move the elongated flexible member between a first relaxed position and a second flexed position, wherein the second end extends further beyond the open proximal end in the second flexed position., 'an elongated flexible member having2. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein the first end is connected to at least one of the closed distal end and the sidewall claim 1 , and the second end is a free end.3. The rigid needle shield of claim 2 , wherein the second end slidingly engages an inner portion of the rigid needle shield proximate the open proximal end.4. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein in the first position claim 1 , the second end is within the elongated chamber.5. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein the middle portion is convex claim 1 , bowing outwardly from the sidewall when in the first position.6. The rigid needle shield of ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Autoinjector with audible indication of completed delivery

Номер: US20130150798A1
Автор: Lionel Maritan
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

The present invention relates to a device for automatic injection of a product into an injection site, the device comprising: a container having a displaceable piston; a tubular housing having at least a flexible part which, in a rest state, defines a first opening; a piston rod; and, an intermediate part fixed to the piston rod which defines a diameter larger than the first opening. With sufficient distal displacement of the piston rod, the intermediate part causes the at least a flexible part to deflect outwardly with further distal displacement of the piston rod causing the intermediate part to wholly pass through the first opening with the at least a flexible part returning towards the at rest state, engagement of the at least a flexible part with a surrounding element under force of movement towards the at rest state generating a sound.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158485A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A syringe made of borosilicate glass and having a cone for fastening or mounting of transfer adapters and needles is provided. The cone includes a coating that increases roughness. The coating has structure-forming particles are embedded in a glass matrix and is free of Pb, Cd, Hg and Cr. 1. A syringe comprising:a cylinder for accommodating a liquid; and{'sup': −6', 'VI, 'a cone comprising borosilicate glass having a thermal expansion in the range from 20 to 300° C. of less than 6·10/K, wherein the cone encloses an outlet channel and includes an outside surface having a coating at least in regions, and wherein the coating has an increased roughness compared to the outside surface, comprises a glass matrix with structure-forming particles embedded therein, and is free of Pb, Cd, Hg and Cr.'}2. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the coating has a roughness of R(rms) between 0.3 and 2 μm.3. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the coating has a roughness of R(rms) between 0.5 and 1.8 μm.4. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the coating has an average layer thickness from 0.5 to 20 μm.5. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the glass matrix has a viscosity of less than or equal to 10dPas below 700° C.6. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the structure-forming particles are ceramic or hard glass particles having an average particle size (d) from 0.2 to 5 μm.7. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the structure-forming particles make up a proportion of between 1 and 30% by weight of the coating.8. The syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the structure-forming particles comprise a material having a thermal expansion in the temperature range from 20 to 300° C. of less than 8·10/K.9. The syringe according to claim 8 , wherein the glass matrix comprises a material having a thermal expansion of less than 7.5·10/K in the temperature range from 20 to 300° C.10. The syringe according to claim 9 , wherein the glass matrix comprises a ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174518A1

Disclosed is a method of assembling a medicament injection device including the following steps: a step of integrally fixing a needle tube to a needle hub by high-frequency welding; a step of radiation sterilizing the needle tube and the needle hub; a step of subjecting a container to be filled with a medicament to a sterilization treatment which involves generation of heat; a step of aseptically transporting the needle hub which has been subjected to the radiation sterilization into an isolator device; a step of fixing the needle hub to the container in a sterile environment in the isolator device; and a step of filling the container fixing the needle hub with the medicament in the sterile environment. 1. A method of assembling a medicament injection device , comprising:integrally fixing a needle tube to a needle hub for holding the needle tube by high-frequency welding, and the needle tube having a needle tip capable of puncturing a living body;subjecting the needle tube and the needle hub fixing the needle tube to a radiation sterilization treatment;subjecting a container to be filled with a medicament to a sterilization treatment which involves generation of heat;aseptically transporting the needle hub having been subjected to the radiation sterilization treatment into an isolator device;fixing the needle hub having been subjected to the radiation sterilization treatment to the container having been subjected to the sterilization treatment which involves the generation of heat in a sterile environment in the isolator device; andfilling the container fixing the needle hub with the medicament in the sterile environment.2. The method of assembling the medicament injection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the fixing the needle hub to the container is carried out by a mechanical fixing method.3. The method of assembling the medicament injection device according to claim 2 ,wherein the needle hub includes a hub-side engaging claw or a hub-side engaging receptor, ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184648A1
Принадлежит: Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd.

A percutaneous medication device, comprising a syringe to be filled with medical liquid and a needle formation attached to a leading-end of the syringe is provided. The needle formation comprises a needle formation body, from the surface of which a needle projects and a cover portion covers a leading-end of the needle formation body. The needle is inserted into a through-hole formed at the leading-end of the needle formation body and fixed by a fixation member. The needle formation body is mated to the cover portion, a space is formed between an inner surface of the cover portion and the leading-end of the needle formation body, and the needle projects from the leading-end surface of the cover portion through a needle insertion hole formed at the leading-end of the cover portion. 1. A percutaneous medication device , comprising: a syringe to be filled with medical liquid; and a needle formation attached to a leading-end of the syringe , whereinthe needle formation comprises a needle formation body in which a needle projects from a leading-end surface and a cover portion covering a leading-end of the needle formation body,the needle is inserted into a through-hole formed at the leading-end of the needle formation body and the needle is fixed to the needle formation body by a fixation means,the needle formation body is mated to the cover portion and a space is formed between an inner surface of the cover portion and the leading-end surface of the needle formation body, andthe needle projects from a leading-end surface of the cover portion through a needle insertion hole formed at the leading-end of the cover portion.2. The percutaneous medication device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover portion comprises a resilient piece contacting an outer surface of the needle formation body claim 1 , a engaging portion is formed on the outer surface of the needle formation body claim 1 , and an engaged portion which can be engaged to the engaging portion is formed on the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184651A1

An assembly is disclosed comprising: a reservoir holder, a dose setting mechanism, and flexible fastener configured to fasten the reservoir holder to the dose setting mechanism, wherein the flexible fastener is provided at one of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism. The flexible fastener is configured to releasably fasten the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism to each other. Moreover, said flexible fastener is arranged on a retention ring provided at the one of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism. Furthermore, a drug delivery device with such an assembly is disclosed. 112-. (canceled)13. An assembly comprising:a reservoir holder,a dose setting mechanism, anda flexible fastener configured to fasten the reservoir holder to the dose setting mechanism, wherein the flexible fastener is provided at one of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism and wherein the flexible fastener is arranged on a retention ring provided at the one of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism.14. The assembly of claim 13 , wherein the flexible fastener comprises at least one flexible arm bendable for connecting or disconnecting the reservoir holder with or from the dose setting mechanism.15. The assembly of claim 13 , wherein the retention ring is radially bendable for connecting or disconnecting the reservoir holder with or from the dose setting mechanism.16. The assembly of claim 13 , wherein the flexible fastener provides a differentiation feature for coding the one of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism.17. The assembly of claim 13 , wherein the flexible fastener of the one of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism comprises at least one protrusion for engaging at least one aperture provided near a distal end of the other of the reservoir holder and the dose setting mechanism.18. The assembly of claim 13 , comprising a sleeve configured to be axially movable and to interact with the flexible ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Medical Components Having Coated Surfaces Exhibiting Low Friction and Methods of Reducing Sticktion

Номер: US20130190695A1
Автор: Wu Shang-Ren

A medical article is provided including a chamber formed from a cyclic polyolefin having an inner surface in sliding engagement with an exterior surface of a sealing member, the inner surface of the chamber being coated with a composition including a first mixture of organopolysiloxanes having different molecular weights and a viscosity ranging from about 5,000 centistokes to about 100,000 centistokes; and a sealing member having an exterior surface coated with a second mixture of organopolysiloxanes having different molecular weights and having a viscosity ranging from about 10,000 centistokes to about 500,000 centistokes, the coatings being adhered to the surfaces by crosslinking induced by irradiation with an isotope, electron beam, or ultraviolet radiation. 1. A medical article comprising:(a) a chamber formed from a cyclic polyolefin and having an inner surface in sliding engagement with an exterior surface of a sealing member, wherein the inner surface of the chamber has a coating thereon prepared from a composition comprising a first mixture of organopolysiloxanes having different molecular weights and a viscosity ranging from about 5,000 centistokes to about 100,000 centistokes, the coating being adhered to the inner surface by crosslinking induced by irradiation with an isotope, electron beam, or ultraviolet radiation; and(b) a sealing member having an exterior surface in sliding engagement with the inner surface of the chamber, the exterior surface of the sealing member having a coating thereon prepared from a composition comprising a second mixture of organopolysiloxanes having different molecular weights and a viscosity ranging from about 10,000 centistokes to about 500,000 centistokes, the coating being adhered to the exterior surface by crosslinking induced by irradiation with an isotope, electron beam, or ultraviolet radiation.2. The medical article according to claim 1 , wherein the medical article is selected from the group consisting of syringe ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: US20130197442A1
Автор: Jeremy Marshall, Toby Cowe

An injection device includes an elongate housing ( 10 ), a syringe ( 12 ) disposed in the housing, and an internal piston ( 20 ) to express a dose from a needle ( 16 ) at its front end. The injection device further includes a shroud element ( 24 ) movable forwardly relative to the syringe to shroud the needle after use and a latch ( 74 ) movable between a latched state in which it restricts rearward movement of the shroud element, and a release state. The latch is moved to its latch state by a magnetic force ( 56 ).

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20130197446A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

Provided is a medicament delivery device comprising an axially elongated housing, a coaxially extending plunger rod mounted with in the housing for expelling successive doses of medicament and rotateable about the axis. The plunger rod can be axially displaced from a ready-to-use position for expelling a dose of medicament to a non-ready-to-use position axially spaced from said ready-to-use position along the axis, and from said non-ready-to use position to a subsequent ready-to-use position angularly spaced from said non-ready-to use position about the axis The device further comprises an indicator member displaceably mounted onto the housing between a first angular position indicative of the ready-to-use positions and a second angular position indicative of the non-ready-to use positions. 115-. (canceled)16. A medicament delivery device , comprising:an elongated housing extending along an axis for containing a medicament;a coaxially extending plunger rod mounted in the housing so as to be axially displaceable for expelling successive doses of medicament and rotatable about the axis;wherein the plunger rod and housing respectively comprise first and second guides in mutual engagement that are configured to guide the plunger rod in the housing successively from a ready-to-use position, in which the plunger rod is axially displaceable for expelling a dose of medicament, to a non-ready-to use position, in which the plunger rod is axially blocked, the non-ready-to use position being axially spaced from the ready-to-use position, and from the non-ready-to use position to a subsequent ready-to-use position angularly spaced from the non-ready-to use position about the axis;an indicator member displaceably mounted on the housing between a first angular position indicative of the ready-to-use positions and a second angular position indicative of the non-ready-to use position and subsequent ready-to-use position, the indicator member and plunger rod respectively comprising ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204196A1

A safety device for a pre-filled syringe comprises a hollow support body to retain the pre-filled syringe, a retaining collar and a rotating collar arranged within the support body. The retaining collar is releasably mounted to the support body. The rotating collar is slidable along an axial length of the support body and rotatable around a central axis of the safety device. The retaining collar is movable with respect to the support body in a proximal direction when the retaining collar is released from being mounted to the support body by the rotating collar. 115-. (canceled)16. A safety device for a pre-filled syringe , comprisinga hollow support body to retain the pre-filled syringe therein,a retaining collar releasably mounted to the support body anda rotating collar comprising a central opening for the reception of the prefilled syringe and at least one outwardly protruding guide pin that protrudes through a guide track formed into the support body, whereas the rotating collar is arranged within the support body and slidable along an axial length of the support body and rotatable around a central axis of the safety device and whereas the retaining collar is movable with respect to the support body in a proximal direction when the retaining collar is released from being mounted to the support body by the rotating collar.17. A safety device according to claim 16 , characterized in that an outer body slidably arranged relative to the support body abuts the outwardly protruding guide pin claim 16 , so that the rotating collar jointly moves together with the outer body along a substantial axial length of the support body.18. A safety device according to claim 16 , characterized in that an inclined section of the guide track is oriented at an acute angle relative to an axial section of the guide track claim 16 , whereas the inclined section is connected to the axial section by a narrowed section limited by a flexing gate element that is resiliently deflectable.191. ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204197A1

A needle shield arrangement for a syringe (), having a generally cylindrical body with a needle () at its forward end, includes a shield portion () adapted for shielding the needle (); a syringe engaging portion () for engagement with the syringe body, and a frangible connecting portion () connecting the shield portion and the syringe engagement portion. 111-. (canceled)121016. A needle shield arrangement for a syringe () , the syringe having a generally cylindrical body with a needle () at its forward end , the arrangement comprising:{'b': 20', '16, 'a shield portion () adapted for shielding said needle ();'}{'b': '22', 'a syringe engaging portion () for engagement with said syringe body, and'}{'b': '24', 'a frangible connecting portion () connecting said shield portion and said syringe engagement portion.'}1322. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 12 , wherein said syringe engaging portion () is adapted to engage a forward end portion of the syringe.143022. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 13 , wherein said syringe body is formed with a forward facing circumferential shoulder () at its forward end claim 13 , and said syringe engagement portion () is complimentarily shaped to engage said shoulder.1522. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 13 , wherein said syringe engaging portion () is adapted slideably to receive a forward end of a syringe body.16202224. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 12 , wherein said shield portion () and said syringe engaging portion () are each solids of revolution about a longitudinal axis claim 12 , and said frangible connecting portion comprises a concentric plurality of frangible tabs () connecting said shield portion and said syringe engaging portion.172022. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 12 , wherein an outer peripheral portion of at least one of the shield portion () and the syringe engaging portion () is non-circular claim 12 , thereby in use allowing non-rotational ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204224A1

In order to improve the energy efficiency of an injection device , a current is caused to be applied to a motor of the injection device , which is related to a signal from a force sensor . The signal represents a force that is applied by the motor to a plunger of a cartridge 1. A method comprising:receiving a signal from a force sensor, the signal representing a force that is applied by a motor of an injection device to a plunger of a cartridge; andcausing a current that is required to enable the motor to apply the force represented by the signal from the force sensor to the plunger, incremented by a predetermined value, to be applied to the motor.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined value is a predetermined fixed value.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined value is a predetermined fraction of the represented force.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the motor is stepper motor.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprising measuring the force that is applied by the motor to the plunger of a cartridge by means of a force sensor that is integrated in the plunger.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the motor is configured to apply a force to the plunger by means of a piston rod claim 1 , the method further comprising measuring the force that is applied by the motor to the plunger by means of a force sensor that is one of:integrated in the piston rod; andarranged between the piston rod and the plunger.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the force sensor is one of a force sensitive resistor claim 1 , a quantum tunneling composite sensor and a strain gauge.8. An apparatus comprising a controller claim 1 ,the controller being configured to receive a signal from a force sensor, the signal representing a force that is applied by a motor of an injection device to a plunger of a cartridge; andthe controller being configured to cause a current that is required to enable the motor to apply the force ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204225A1
Автор: Creaturo Michael A.

Methods, apparatuses, and systems are disclosed for reducing Medical Administered Errors, (MAE) in the administration of injectable medications to patients by using a syringe device that is designed, labeled, and calibrated to decrease the risk of such errors. The syringe may be designed for a specific medication, and labeled to indicate the name of the medication for which it was designed. The syringe is calibrated to deliver a specific amount of the medication that is the appropriate dosage for a patient of a particular weight or other feature, thereby making it unnecessary for the user to perform calculations to determine the correct dosage volume for the particular patient. The syringe may also be calibrated with additional measurement scales that enable the user to verify that the correct dosage. 1. A method for extracting a medication comprising the steps of:providing a medication in a medication container;providing a first syringe, said first syringe comprising an indicia relating to a recommended dosage of the medication;delivering a portion of the first syringe into the container;filling the first syringe to a recommended dosage of the injectable medication;obviating the need for calculations or correlations of a medication dosage to a patient's weight or body surface area; andadministering the injectable medication into a patient.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dosage is indicated on the syringe in volumetric dosage.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the dosage is indicated in units selected from the group consisting of: CC claim 2 , IU claim 2 , MG claim 2 , MCG claim 2 , and ML to patient weight or body surface area.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the container is selected from the group consisting of: vials claim 1 , ampoules and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the patient weight or body surface area is indicated in units selected from the group consisting of: KG claim 3 , LB claim 3 , G and m.6. The method of claim 1 , ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Puncturable membrane for safety syringe

Номер: US20130204228A1
Принадлежит: SafeShot Technologies Inc

A safety syringe may define a variable fluid chamber and detached needle assembly. The variable fluid chamber may be hermetically sealed off from the environment or ambient air until the needle assembly is attached to a syringe body of the safety syringe. A proximal end of the variable fluid chamber is sealed off from the environment via a seal between a piston and syringe body. The distal end of the variable fluid chamber may be sealed off from the environment via a barrier covering the distal end of the syringe body. The barrier may be punctured to allow fluid to through therethrough at or about the same time when the needle assembly is attached to the distal end portion of the syringe body.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204229A1

A device configured to administer a medication can comprise a lower housing that includes a housing latch. The device can further comprise a needle guard that is movable relative to the lower housing along a first direction from a first position to a second position so as to expose a needle, and an upper housing supported relative to the lower housing. The upper housing can be configured to move with respect to the lower housing along a second direction from a pre-use position to a dispensed position. The housing latch can releasably interfere with the upper housing when the upper housing is in the pre-use position so as to prevent the upper housing from moving toward the dispensed position, and the movement of the needle guard toward the second position, causes the interference to be removed, thereby allowing the upper housing to move toward the second position. 1. A device configured to administer a medication , the device comprising:a lower housing that includes a housing latch;a syringe supported by the lower housing and being configured to retain a medication, the syringe having a needle configured to be inserted into tissue;a needle guard that is movable relative to the lower housing along a first direction from a first position to a second position so as to expose the needle;an upper housing supported relative to the lower housing, the upper housing configured to receive a manual force and move with respect to the lower housing along a second direction opposite the first direction from a pre-use position to a dispensed position in response to the manual force; anda plunger rod carried by the upper housing and movable with the upper housing so as to advance relative to the syringe when the upper housing is moved along the second direction, wherein advancement of the plunger rod relative to the syringe causes the syringe to deliver the medication out the needle;wherein the housing latch releasably interferes with the upper housing when the upper housing is in ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge Assembly Having Shared Fastening Means and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130211327A1

A cartridge assembly () having a shared fastening features for use with a drug delivery device (). The cartridge assembly includes a cartridge holder (), a drug cartridge (), and a connector (). The connector may be attached to the drug cartridge. The cartridge assembly further includes a fastening means () for fastening to a drug delivery device, and this fastening means is shared between the cartridge holder and the cartridge or between the cartridge holder and the connector. The drug delivery device may be a reusable drug delivery device or a disposable drug delivery device. 1. A cartridge assembly comprising:a cartridge holder,a cartridge,the cartridge holder being provided with a first fastening feature;the cartridge being provided with a second fastening feature,the first fastening feature and the second fastening feature being provided as a fastener of the cartridge assembly to a drug delivery device; anda connector that is attached to the cartridge, wherein the second fastening feature is provided on the connector.2. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first fastening feature is a protrusion from the cartridge holder and the second fastening feature is a protrusion from the connector.3. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector allows the cartridge holder to be connected to a drug delivery device when the connector is attached to the cartridge.4. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector comprises a non-rotation feature that prevents relative rotation between the cartridge holder and the connector.5. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector is fitted around a sidewall of the cartridge.6. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector is coded to the cartridge holder or wherein the first fastening feature and the second fastening feature are coded to a drug delivery device.7. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe connector has a first sidewall that extends a partial extent of the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device Comprising a Manual Activation Member with Improved Gripping and Activation Abilities

Номер: US20130211336A1
Автор: Anders Holmqvist
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device includes a housing for a medicament container assembly; a drive member interactively connected to the assembly for expelling a dose of medicament; a dose actuation assembly operably connected to the drive member; and an actuation member interactively connected to the housing and the dose actuation assembly by a gear assembly. The actuation member is movable generally perpendicularly to a longitudinal axis of the device from an initial position, in which the actuation member is positioned within the housing, to a dose-set position, in which a portion of the actuation member protrudes a distance proportional to the set dose from the longitudinal surface of the housing when the dose actuation assembly. The actuation member is manually operated in a direction generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the device from the dose-set position to the initial position for driving the dose actuation assembly and drive member.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211342A1

An assembly for a drug delivery device is provided, comprising a housing, a rotation member adapted and arranged to be rotated in a first and in a second rotational direction with respect to the housing in an operational mode of the assembly, a drive member which is configured to mechanically cooperate with the rotation member such that the drive member follows rotation of the rotation member when the rotation member is rotated in the second rotational direction and such that the rotation member rotates with respect to the drive member when the rotation member is rotated in the first rotational direction, and a piston rod. The assembly further comprises at least one biasing member which is adapted and arranged to provide a force tending to bring the rotation member and the drive member out of mechanical cooperation in the operational mode. The assembly is switchable from the operational mode into a reset mode. For switching from the operational mode into the reset mode, the biasing member is configured to drive a relative axial movement between the drive member and the rotation member such that the rotation member and the drive member are brought out of mechanical cooperation. Furthermore, a drug delivery device is provided. 115-. (canceled)16: An assembly for a drug delivery device , comprising:a housing having a distal end and a proximal end,a rotation member adapted and arranged to be rotated in a first rotational direction and in a second rotational direction with respect to the housing in an operational mode of the assembly,a drive member which is configured to mechanically cooperate with the rotation member such that the drive member follows rotation of the rotation member when the rotation member is rotated in the second rotational direction and such that the rotation member rotates with respect to the drive member when the rotation member is rotated in the first rotational direction,a piston rod adapted and arranged to be driven in the distal direction with ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211343A1
Автор: Plumptre David Aubrey

A lead screw, a lead screw nut and a drive member are aligned with an axis defining an axial direction and an opposite axial direction. A coupling between the lead screw and the lead screw nut allows a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the lead screw nut at least in the axial direction. The lead screw is coupled with the drive member, the coupling generating a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the drive member when the drive member is moved in the axial direction with respect to the lead screw. A dispense stop feature of the lead screw nut and a dispense stop feature of the drive member prevent the generation of the helical movement of the lead screw when a specified end position of the drive member is approached. 110-. (canceled)11: A drive mechanism for a drug delivery device , comprising:a lead screw, a lead screw nut and a drive member, aligned with an axis defining an axial direction and an opposite axial direction,a coupling between the lead screw and the lead screw nut allowing a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the lead screw nut at least in the axial direction,the lead screw being coupled with the drive member, the coupling generating a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the drive member when the drive member is moved in the axial direction with respect to the lead screw, and the coupling being overridden to prevent a helical movement of the lead screw with respect to the drive member when the drive member is moved in the opposite axial direction with respect to the lead screw,a dispense stop feature of the lead screw nut, anda dispense stop feature of the drive member,the dispense stop features interacting and thereby preventing the generation of the helical movement of the lead screw when the drive member approaches a specified end position.12: The drive mechanism according to claim 11 , wherein the dispense stop features have corresponding contact surfaces claim 11 , which are oblique to ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Dose Setting Mechanism for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130211377A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a dose setting mechanism for a drug delivery device and a method of using same. The mechanism comprises a housing, a mechanism member movable in a first axial direction relative to the housing during dose setting and movable in a second, opposite axial direction relative to the housing during injection, wherein the mechanism member is designed and arranged such that the mechanism member is able to change its condition between a first condition preventing movement in the second axial direction and a second condition allowing movement in the second axial direction, and a switching member forcing the mechanism member to change from its second condition into its first condition at a predefined position of the movement in the first axial direction during dose setting.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218090A1

According to the invention a safety device for a pre-filled syringe comprises a substantially cylindrical and hollow support body and a hollow needle shield slideably arranged relative to the support body. The support body comprises at least one resilient arm and the hollow needle shield or a needle shield assembly comprises at least one curved actuation ramp. The curved actuation ramp protrudes in a lateral direction (L) perpendicular to a central axis (A) of the safety device. The curved actuation ramp comprises a first lateral dimension (L) at a proximal end of the needle shield and a second lateral dimension (L) exceeding the first lateral dimension (L) at a distal end of the needle shield. The resilient arm engages the curved actuation ramp when the needle shield is slid relative to the support body. 112-. (canceled)13. A safety device for a pre-filled syringe , comprisinga substantially cylindrical and hollow support body comprising at least one resilient arm and{'b': 1', '2', '1, 'a hollow needle shield slideably arranged relative to the support body, wherein the needle shield or a needle shield assembly comprises at least one curved actuation ramp protruding in a lateral direction (L) perpendicular to a central axis (A) of the safety device, characterized in that the curved actuation ramp comprises a first lateral dimension (L) at a proximal end of the needle shield and a second lateral dimension (L) exceeding the first lateral dimension (L) at a distal end of the needle shield, whereby the resilient arm engages the curved actuation ramp when the needle shield is slid relative to the support body.'}14. A safety device according to claim 13 , characterized in that the resilient arm is made from a plastics material.15. A safety device according claim 13 , characterized in that the resilient arm is integrally formed to the support body.16. A safety device according to claim 13 , characterized in that the resilient arm is non-energized in a rest position claim ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Medical Injection Device

Номер: US20130218093A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

The present invention relates to injection devices for injecting a medicament from a cartridge () through a needle cannula (). The injection device () includes an actuator () for driving a piston driver () and includes an end of stroke limiter (). When the piston driver () is arrested by the end of stroke limiter () a shielding driver () is automatically triggered to actively shift the needle cannula () into a shielded state. The injection device may include a fluid dispensing interruption mechanism that automatically interrupts fluid flow when the piston driver has moved a predetermined stroke length. The injection device may also include a single pre-stressed spring acting exclusively in a linear compression mode or exclusively in a torsion mode and adapted to sequentially drive the device to enable fully automatic operation. The invention also relates to a method of sterilizing a needle cannula assembly. 23201320330360133013603101310320132031013103101310611341161113413201320310131037013601001100. An injection device as in claim 1 , wherein an actuator connector (;) couples the actuator ( claim 1 ,; claim 1 ,) with the piston driver (;) claim 1 , wherein the actuator connector (;) is configured to move the piston driver (;) during the injection stroke until the piston driver (;) is arrested by the end of stroke limiter ( claim 1 ,; claim 1 ,) whereupon the actuator connector (; ) is capable of movement relative to the piston driver (;) for triggering the shielding driver (;) to shift the injection device (;) from the unshielded state to the shielded state.332013203101310313322400315345131013221400131513453133224001310132214003153451315134531332240013101322140031534513151345611341310. An injection device as in claim 2 , wherein the relative movement of the actuator connector (;) and the piston driver (;) is controlled by a damper ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 ,; claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 ,) claim 2 , said damper comprising a variable volume ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218094A1
Принадлежит: TecPharma Licensing AG

In an elongated casing, an active agent container connected to an injection needle can be shifted axially by a spring force. Auto-injectors which are sold or distributed filled and with the springs tensed have to be provided with a needle protecting cap to ensure the sterility of the injection needle. When such a needle protecting cap is removed as preparation for using the auto-injector, a tensile force can be exerted on the active agent container. Therefore, the active agent container comprising the injection needle must be prevented from being undesirably pulled forwards. At least one latching tongue prevents the active agent container from being prematurely shifted with respect to the casing, by abutting a flange arranged on a sliding sleeve which accommodates the active agent container. When the auto-injector is placed onto a person's skin, a needle protecting tube is shifted into the casing, forcing the latching tongue away from the flange and, thus, freeing the travel path for needle movement. 17-. (canceled)9. The auto-injector according to claim 8 , wherein the needle protecting tube comprises a cavity formed in the needle protecting tube adjacent to the heel.10. The auto-injector according to claim 8 , further comprising a needle protecting cap for substantially sealing the needle end of the auto injector prior to use claim 8 , wherein the needle protecting cap has an outer sleeve reaching over the needle protecting tube and an inner sleeve reaching over the injection needle and a front end of the active agent container.11. The auto-injector according to claim 10 , wherein the needle protecting cap has an attached position in which it secures the auto-injector against being intentionally or unintentionally triggered by preventing the needle protecting tube from being touched or shifted.12. The auto-injector according to claim 10 , wherein when the needle protecting cap is removed claim 10 , a tensile force is exerted on the active agent container as a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Mechanism for Preventing Selection of a Dose

Номер: US20130218095A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A dose setting mechanism having a locking mechanism for preventing selection of a dose in a drug delivery device is disclosed. The dose setting mechanism includes a locking mechanism that prevents movement of the dose setting mechanism. When a correct cartridge is inserted into the drug delivery device, the locking mechanism unlocks so as to allow movement of the dose setting mechanism. In one arrangement, the locking mechanism prevents rotation of the dose setting mechanism.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Flush Syringe Having Compressible Plunger

Номер: US20130218097A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

An I.V. flush syringe assembly includes a barrel having an inside surface defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end and a distal end with a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with the chamber. An elongate plunger having a proximal end, a distal end and a stopper is slidably positioned in fluid-tight engagement with the inside surface of the barrel for drawing fluid into and out of the chamber by movement of the stopper relative to the barrel. The plunger includes anti-reflux structure for minimizing stopper deflection when fluid has been delivered from the chamber and the stopper is being forced against the distal end of the chamber.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Medical instrument

Номер: US20130218293A1

A medical instrument includes a handpiece, a tank portion configured to house a fluid, a suction/discharge unit configured to change a volume or pressure of an inside of the tank portion to suction the fluid into the tank portion or discharge the fluid from the tank portion, and an operating unit providing a member different from the suction/discharge unit and configured to operate the suction/discharge unit.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226137A1
Автор: Brown Robert A.

A system for delivering or withdrawing a fluid to or from the body of a patient in a manner that permits delivery to be controlled based upon feedback from the patient, the system including a syringe assembly providing a syringe operably coupled to one or more sensors adapted to determine one or more corresponding parameters associated with fluid delivery and/or withdrawal, and a monitor adapted to be communicably associated with the one or more sensors of the syringe assembly, and optionally with other sensors or inputs providing additional parameters as well, the monitor comprising one or more read out mechanisms either directly or indirectly corresponding to the one or more fluid delivery/withdrawal parameters, and optionally with one or more of the additional parameters as well. 1. A system for delivering or withdrawing a fluid to or from the body of a patient in a manner that permits delivery to be controlled based upon feedback from the patient , the system comprising:a) a syringe assembly comprising a syringe adapted to contain, and to deliver and/or withdraw, a fluid to and/or from the body, the syringe being operably coupled to one or more sensors adapted to determine one or more corresponding parameters associated with fluid delivery and/or withdrawal, andb) a monitor adapted to be communicably associated with the one or more sensors of the syringe assembly, the monitor comprising one or more read out mechanisms either directly or indirectly corresponding to the one or more fluid delivery/withdrawal parameters.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein at least one sensor and corresponding parameter associated with the syringe is selected from the group consisting of: rate of fluid delivery or withdrawal claim 1 , amount of fluid delivered or withdrawn at any point in time and/or in total claim 1 , amount of drug or material delivered or withdrawn at any point in time and/or in total claim 1 , concentration of drug or material being delivered claim 1 , ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236448A1

The present invention relates to polypeptide formulations with reduced viscosity and methods of making and using polypeptide formulations with reduced viscosity. 1. A liquid formulation comprising (a) a polypeptide in an amount of greater than about 50 mg/mL and (b) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or dimethylacetamide (DMA) in an amount of between about 0.1% to about 50% v/v of the formulation , wherein the formulation has reduced viscosity compared to the same formulation in the absence of DMSO or DMA.2. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the polypeptide is capable of forming a secondary structure claim 1 , tertiary structure claim 1 , and/or quaternary structure.3. The formulation of claim 2 , wherein the polypeptide is capable of forming a secondary structure.4. The formulation of claim 3 , wherein the secondary structure is a β-sheet.5. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the polypeptide is hydrophobic.6. The formulation of claim 2 , wherein the polypeptide is about 100 amino acids or greater.7. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the polypeptide has a molecular weight of greater than about 5 claim 1 ,000 Daltons.8. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the polypeptide is a therapeutic polypeptide.9. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the polypeptide is an antibody.10. The formulation of claim 9 , wherein the antibody is a monoclonal antibody.11. The formulation of claim 10 , wherein the monoclonal antibody is a chimeric antibody claim 10 , humanized antibody claim 10 , or human antibody.12. The formulation of claim 10 , wherein the monoclonal antibody is an IgG monoclonal antibody.13. The formulation of claim 9 , wherein the antibody is an antigen binding fragment.14. The formulation of claim 13 , wherein the antigen binding fragment is selected from the group consisting of a Fab fragment claim 13 , a Fab′ fragment claim 13 , a F(ab′)fragment claim 13 , a scFv claim 13 , a Fv claim 13 , and a diabody.15. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein DMSO or DMA is in an ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237913A1

The present invention relates to an injection device including a container, intended for receiving a product and provided with an injection needle and a housing receiving the container. The container is movable relative to the housing between an initial position, an insertion position, and a final position. A collapsible chamber is defined within the housing outside of the container. The chamber is collapsible with the container in the insertion position. The chamber is at least partially defined by a proximal wall and a seal element, wherein, with the container in the initial position, the proximal wall is spaced proximally from the seal element, wherein, with the container in the insertion position, the proximal wall is caused to engage the seal element, and, wherein, with the proximal wall engaging the seal element, the container is caused to move from the insertion position to the final position. 1. A device for automatic injection of a product into an injection site , the injection device comprising:a container having an open proximal end and a substantially closed distal end and being intended to receive a product, an injection needle being provided at said distal end;a housing intended to receive, at least partially, said container, said container being movable relative to said housing between an initial position, in which said needle is contained within said housing, an insertion position, distally spaced relative to said initial position and in which said needle is exposed over a predetermined length, and a final position in which said needle is contained within said housing; and,a collapsible chamber defined within said housing and outside of said container, said chamber being collapsible with said container in said insertion position, said chamber being at least partially defined by a proximal wall and a seal element, wherein, with said container in said initial position, said proximal wall being spaced proximally from said seal element, wherein, with ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237917A1
Принадлежит: Mallinckrodt LLC

A flow rate assessment protocol () that may be utilized by a power injector () is disclosed. This flow rate assessment protocol () monitors a flow rate () during execution of a medical fluid delivery protocol (). This monitored flow rate is compared with a target flow rate (). A comparative output of this monitored flow rate and target flow rate is displayed (), for instance on a graphical user interface (). 1. A power injector , comprising:a powerhead;a syringe plunger driver;a graphical user interface; andcontrol logic configured to: a) execute a medical fluid delivery protocol, wherein said medical fluid delivery protocol comprises at least one phase configured to deliver a programmed volume of a medical fluid at a programmed target flow rate, and wherein said power injector attempts to provide said target flow rate in an execution of said at least one phase; and b) display a first output on said graphical user interface, wherein said first output comprises a numerical representation of a relationship between said target flow rate of said at least one phase of said medical fluid delivery protocol and a current flow rate that exists during an execution of said at least one phase of said medical fluid delivery protocol.2. The power injector of claim 1 , wherein said first output is presented on said graphical user interface only when said current flow rate differs from said target flow rate by more than a predetermined amount.3. The power injector of claim 1 , wherein said first output is presented on said graphical user interface throughout execution of said medical fluid delivery protocol.4. The power injector of claim 1 , wherein said numerical representation comprises a magnitude of said current flow rate and a magnitude of said target flow rate.5. The power injector of claim 4 , wherein said numerical representation further comprises a numerical value for each of said magnitude of said current flow rate and said magnitude of said target flow rate.6. The power ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20130245558A1
Автор: Anders Holmqvist
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a housing arranged to receive a medicament container ( 20 ), a drive unit ( 25 ) arranged to act on a stopper ( 27 ) in said medicament container ( 20 ), which drive unit ( 25 ) comprises a torsion drive spring ( 50 ). A dose setting member ( 56 ) is operably connected to said drive unit ( 25 ) such that a manual turning of said dose setting member ( 56 ) causes a tensioning of said torsion drive spring ( 50 ). The device further comprises an activation mechanism ( 76 ) having an activation button ( 94 ) protruding through the distal end of the device, wherein said activation mechanism ( 76 ) is operably connected to said drive unit ( 25 ) such that actuation of said activation mechanism ( 76 ) causes a release of said drive unit ( 25 ) whereby a set dose of medicament is delivered.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Piston rod for a container

Номер: US20130253435A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

The invention relates to a piston rod for an injection device, comprising a first and a second legs, each leg being foldable on itself and comprising a proximal region, said piston rod being in one of a folded position and an unfolded position, said piston rod comprising coupling means for coupling the proximal region of the first leg to the proximal region of the second leg when said piston rod is in said unfolded position. The invention also relates to a kit comprising said piston rod.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261557A1
Автор: EVANS Timothy Simon

An injection device includes a housing to containing a syringe The contents of the syringe are viewable through a window in the mid-section of the housing. The window is concealed by a slideable shutter The slideable shutter is biased by a bias spring which also biases an internal syringe carrier. Also disclosed is a reversible needle cap which operates initially to cap the front end of the housing and, upon removal thereof, pulls a needle sheath off the syringe needle The cap is designed to be reversible so that, after use, it can be reversed and reconnected to the housing to cover the exposed needle. 1. An injection device comprising:an elongate housing for receiving in use a syringe or cartridge, the housing having a forward end and a rearward end;the syringe or cartridge having a needle which projects from the forward end of said housing at least on completion of an injection process, the needle being initially protected by a longitudinally removable sheath; anda removable cap adapted to be fitted to the forward end of the housing in either of a pre-injection orientation and a post-injection orientation respectively, said cap having a rearwardly extending element adapted to engage at its rearward end behind a base of the removable sheath, when said cap is in its pre-injection orientation,wherein upon removal of said cap from the forward end of said housing, said sheath is removed from said needle, andwherein said cap is adapted to be re-fitted to the forward end of the housing in its post-injection orientation in which the rearwardly extending element of the cap extends forwardly of the housing to shroud said needle.2. The injection device according to claim 1 , wherein said rearwardly extending element is of generally hollow cylindrical form with the rearward end thereof including an inwardly directed rib or tooth for engaging behind the base of said sheath.3. The injection device according to claim 1 , wherein the engagement between said rearwardly extended ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261558A1

An auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) comprises of a substantially cylindrical housing arranged to contain a pre-filled syringe with an injection needle, a plunger and a stopper for sealing a syringe barrel and a drive means releasably coupled to the plunger for advancing the syringe in the proximal direction (P) for needle insertion into an injection site and for displacing the dose of medicament (M) into the injection site. The drive means is arranged to be decoupled from the plunger for advancing a needle shroud to a safe position (PS) to surround the injection needle after the injection. According to the invention, the drive means bears against a thrust collar arranged to be releasably coupled to the plunger through a ramped engagement of a first tongue and a first recess so as to rotate the thrust collar on translation in proximal direction (P). At least one longitudinal gap (G G) is provided for guiding at a first and/or second protrusion of the thrust collar to prevent a rotation of the thrust collar. A circumferential gap (G) is arranged to allow the thrust collar to rotate out of engagement to the plunger on removal of the auto-injector from the injection site. 115-. (canceled)16. Auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) , comprising:a substantially cylindrical housing arranged to contain a pre-filled syringe with an injection needle, a plunger and a stopper for sealing a syringe barrel anda drive means releasably coupled to the plunger for advancing the syringe in the proximal direction (P) for needle insertion into an injection site and for displacing the dose of medicament (M) into the injection site,wherein the drive means is arranged to be decoupled from the plunger for advancing a needle shroud to a safe position (PS) to surround the injection needle after the injection,characterized in that the drive means bears against a thrust collar arranged to be releasably coupled to the plunger through a ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Needle Assembly for a Prefilled Syringe System

Номер: US20130261562A1

A needle assembly () for a prefilled injection syringe is described. A needle holder () has a needle () secured to it and is adapted to be secured to a syringe barrel of the injection syringe. A needle sheath () has a distal end forming a releasable sterile seal with the needle holder (), and surrounds and shields the needle (). A needle seal () surmounts the needle tip and is arranged at least in part in the proximal end of the needle sheath () and closed off by a closure element (). A closure connection between the closure element () and the needle sheath () is configured as a non-releasable and sterile barrier () produced by means of bonding or welding. 110210. A needle assembly (; ) for a prefilled injection syringe , comprising:{'b': 12', '212', '14', '214', '12', '212, 'a needle holder (; ) adapted to be secured to a syringe barrel of the injection syringe and a needle (; ) secured to the needle holder (; );'}{'b': 16', '216', '12', '212', '14', '214, 'a needle sheath (; ), releasably connected ate its distal end to the needle holder (; ) to form a sterile seal, and surrounding and shielding the needle (; );'}{'b': 18', '218', '16', '216, 'a needle seal (; ) located on the needle tip and arranged at least in part in the proximal end of the needle sheath (; ); and'}{'b': 20', '220, 'a closure element (; ) that closes off the proximal end of the needle seal;'}characterized by:{'b': 20', '220', '16', '216', '54', '254, 'a closure connection between the closure element (; ) and the needle sheath (; ), configured as a non-releasable and sterile barrier (; ) produced by means of bonding or welding.'}254254. The needle assembly as set forth in claim 1 , characterized in that said sterile barrier (; ) is produced by ultrasonic welding.354254. The needle assembly as set forth in claim 1 , characterized in that said sterile barrier (; ) is produced by laser welding.454254. The needle assembly as set forth in claim 1 , characterized by the use of non-toxic acrylic-based ...
