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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 12918. Отображено 199.
10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316636C2
Принадлежит: ФОС ГРУП, ИНК. (US)

Способ заключается в том, что подают снабженную декоративным рисунком бумагу, причем бумагу изготавливают на машине так, что ее накатывают только один раз в рулон при изготовлении. Подают меламиновый полимер с предварительно заданным содержанием твердого вещества. Пропитывают бумагу с использованием меламинового полимера путем сматывания бумаги с рулона, в который она была намотана при изготовлении, и пропитывают размотанную часть в меламиновом полимере. Фрезеруют базовые края доски и укладывают пропитанную меламиновым полимером бумагу на доску. Вводят пропитанную меламиновым полимером бумагу и доску в пресс, снабженный прессовой плитой, которая имеет трехмерную структуру. Используют базовые края для укладки декоративного рисунка в пресс так, чтобы декоративный рисунок занял предварительно заданное положение относительно трехмерной структуры. Причем для получения ламината осуществляют термофиксацию пропитанной меламиновым полимером бумаги и доски прямым прессованием. Причем для изготовления ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607111C2
Принадлежит: КЛЮГЕ Хольгер (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности, в частности к устройствам для нанесения окантовочной ленты на детали. Сопловое устройство содержит сопловый корпус с каналом впуска воздуха, группами отверстий для выхода воздуха и запирающими элементами. Канал впуска воздуха выполнен с возможностью подключения к генератору горячего воздуха. К сопловому корпусу может подводиться находящийся под давлением горячий воздух. Отверстия для выхода воздуха выполнены вертикально расположенными на расстоянии друг от друга на обращенной к окантовочной ленте поверхности соплового корпуса. Отверстия соединены по потоку с каналом впуска воздуха. Группы отверстий для выхода воздуха расположены в направлении подачи окантовочной ленты на расстоянии друг от друга. Количество запирающих элементов соответствует количеству групп отверстий для выхода воздуха. Запирающие элементы выполнены таким образом, что некоторые из отверстий для выхода воздуха могут выборочно открываться и запираться в зависимости от ширины подведенной окантовочной ленты. Повышается скорость нанесения окантовочной ленты на детали. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 607 111 C2 (51) МПК B27D 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2014125434, 22.11.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.11.2012 (72) Автор(ы): КЛЮГЕ Хольгер (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): КЛЮГЕ Хольгер (DE) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: FR 2318736 A1, 25.03.1977. WO Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 2008090056 A1, 31.07.2008. SU 17074 A1, 30.09.1930. SU 655526 A1, 05.04.1979. SU 1653955 A1, 07.06.1991. 24.11.2011 DE 102011055690.7; 20.04.2012 DE 102012103508.3 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2017 Бюл. № 1 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.06.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2012/073379 (22.11.2012) 2 6 0 7 1 1 1 (43) ...

27-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2786998C2
Принадлежит: РAУТЕ ОЙЙ (FI)

Группа изобретений относится к производству изделий из древесины, в частности к ремонту фанеры. Выполняют прием во входной секции (А) системы множества фанерных плит, перемещение фанерных плит от входной секции (А) к выходной секции (В), сканирование в системе остановленной фанерной плиты с помощью подвижного устройства (120) обнаружения. Выполняют с помощью ремонтного устройства (130) ремонт фанерной плиты, остановленной для ремонта после получения управляющего сигнала от устройства (140) управления, выполненного с возможностью формирования управляющего сигнала для ремонтного устройства (130) после обнаружения дефекта фанерной плиты на основе информации, полученной с помощью устройства (120) обнаружения. Устройство (120) обнаружения и ремонтное устройство (130) расположены в одном из следующих элементов: входная секция (A), выходная секция (B). Устройство (120) обнаружения может перемещаться в направлении перемещения фанерной плиты от входной секции (A) к выходной секции (B). Выполняют ...

20-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU72436U1

Полезная модель относится к лесному и транспортному комплексам и, в частности, к производству фанеры для фургонов. Сущность полезной модели состоит в том, что технологическая линия производства фанеры снабжена размещенным в зоне узла лущения шпона приспособлением формирования влаго-, водостойких, противоизностных плоскостей фанеры для фургонов, которое выполнено в виде дополнительного лущильного станка для производства шпона толщиной 0,05-1,0, мм и дополнительным узлом нанесения клея, при этом дополнительный лущильный станок имеет поперечный суппорт очистки рабочей поверхности чурака, дополнительный узел нанесения клея кинематически соединен с выходом дополнительного лущильного станка, узел формирования пакета выполнен с карманами укладки внутренних и наружных листов шпона, причем карманы укладки наружных листов шпона соединены с дополнительными узлами нанесения клея, узел формирования пакета выполнен в виде подвижного ленточного конвейера и поперечного узла пиления длинномерных пакетов ...

21-02-2017 дата публикации

Способ изготовления слоистой деревянной клееной конструкции

Номер: RU2611161C1

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности, в частности к производству деревянных клееных конструкций. Наносят клей на пласти деревянных заготовок, собирают конструкцию из заготовок и транспортируют ее к запрессовочному устройству. Укладывают собранную конструкцию на опорные башмаки запрессовочного устройства. Выполняют запрессовку конструкции посредством приложения усилия на прижимные башмаки. Выдерживают под давлением склеиваемую конструкцию до набора клеевым соединением необходимой прочности. Осуществляют окончательную механическую и защитную обработку склеенной конструкции. Перед запрессовкой внутренние прижимные башмаки устанавливают со смещением относительно внутренних опорных башмаков. Крайние опорные и прижимные башмаки располагают друг против друга. Между двумя соседними внутренними опорными башмаками с противоположной стороны устанавливают не менее одного прижимного башмака. Конструкцию запрессовывают при давлении, обеспечивающем допускаемый относительный прогиб ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2465126C1

Изобретение относится к пристановочному оборудованию деревообрабатывающей промышленности по производству фанеры и направлено на значительное упрощение конструктивных элементов устройства, повышение его надежности и снижение энергетических затрат, без использования специального дополнительного оборудования, а также на снижение себестоимости изготовления и эксплуатации, сокращение времени изготовления и оптимизации производственного цикла при изготовлении фанеры. Поворотное устройство состоит из нижнего неподвижного основания, верхнего подвижного основания и узла их соединения. Нижнее неподвижное основание имеет вид прямоугольного каркаса, а верхнее подвижное основание имеет вид прямоугольной рамы, расположенных с зазором параллельно одна под другой, и внутри которых посередине расположены опорные пластины, соединенные стыковочным узлом, состоящим из обоймы с упором, двух подшипников, удерживающей пластины, упорного кольца с двумя проставками и осью с элементами крепления. С двух параллельных ...

23-01-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения пропитанного шпона

Номер: RU2788522C1

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности, в частности к пропитке шпона. Способ получения пропитанного шпона включает обработку шпона импрегнирующим составом. Импрегнирующий состав наносят дозировано на поверхность шпона в проходном цикле для введения в объем шпона распылением, поливом или окунанием с созданием избытка состава на поверхности или без него. Повышается стабильность получаемых в результате пропитки огнезащитных, антисептических, прочностных свойств шпона, а также повышается технологичность пропитки шпона. 7 з.п. ф-лы.

10-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2073088C1
Автор: Ирье Ахо[FI]

Использование: изобретение относится к конструкции слоя древесной поверхности для паркета и методу изготовления вышеупомянутого. Сущность изобретения: кусок свежей древесины разрезается в направлении, поперечном направлению волокон, на куски или бруски, которые транспортируются через микроволновую печь. Сразу же после прохождения через печь, когда куски или бруски охлаждаются, их поверхность покрывается растворимым в воде полиспиртом, который впитывается в древесину, в результате чего в древесине развивается вакуум. Полиспирт замещает некоторую часть воды в оболочке клеток древесины и таким образом предотвращает образование сезонных трещин и движений в древесине порожденных влажностью. 2 с. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706186C1

Группа изобретений относится к деревообрабатывающей и мебельной промышленности, в частности к устройствам для оклейки кромок заготовок. Направляющая для кромочного профиля имеет верхнюю и нижнюю части, между которыми может перемещаться кромочный профиль. Верхняя и нижняя части направляющей могут перемещаться относительно несущего плиту устройства в направлении, проходящем наклонно к плоскости, в которой проходит верхняя сторона несущего плиту устройства. Приспособление имеет по меньшей мере один оптический датчик, соединенный с устройством управления. Устройство управления выполнено с возможностью управления положением каждого направляющего средства в зависимости от переданных датчиком данных. Расположение предусмотренной вдоль длины кромочного профиля линии разметки ориентируется параллельно к плоскости, в которой проходит верхняя сторона несущего плиту устройства, или параллельно к плоскости, в которой проходит верхняя сторона плитообразной заготовки. Кроме того, группа изобретение включает ...

14-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2021136879A

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007132579A

... 1. Способ производства фанеры для фургонов, включающий взаимосвязанные между собой технологические операции подготовки чураков, лущения шпона, сушку его, нанесение смолы, формирования пакета и прессование, отличающийся тем, что способ снабжен дополнительной операцией формирования противоизностных плоскостей фанеры для фургонов, которая выполнена в виде дополнительных операций лущения шпона и пропитки наружних слоев смолой, при этом дополнительное лущение осуществляют с очисткой рабочей поверхности чурака, а формирование пакета выполняют с расположением пропитанных спиртораствримой смолой листов шпона толщиной 0,05-1,0,мм по наружным слоям и расположением внутренних листов шпона толщиной 1,0-6,0 мм - по внутренним слоям, или противоизностные слои выполняют из конструкционных полимеров с отделочным слоем и последующим соединением противоизностногослоя с внутренними слоями. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что формирование противоизностных плоскостей фанеры для фургонов осуществляют с введением ...

15-10-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для нанесения клея на листы шпона

Номер: SU1430271A2

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение качества нанесения шпона. Устройство состоит из верхних выпуклого 1 клеевого вальца, дозирующего вогнутого 3 ролика и нижних вогнутого 2 клеевого вальца, дозирующего выпуклого 4 ролика. Клеевые вальцы 1 и 2 выполнены сборными из секций 5. Крайние секции 5 нижнего вальца 2 и средняя секция 5 верхнего вогнутого вальца 1 жестко закреплены на валах 6 и 7 и, вращаясь с заданной скоростью, захватывают лист шпона приводя его в двщсение. Остальные секции 5, свободно посаженные на валах 6 и 7 вращаются за счет контакта с движущимся листом шпона, каждая с другой скоростью в зависимости от радиуса секции. 2 ил. О) ...

10-10-1950 дата публикации

Сушилка для листового материала

Номер: SU84401A1

28-07-1972 дата публикации

Линия изготовления фанеры

Номер: SU346109A1

14-03-1972 дата публикации

Ленточный шлифовальный станок

Номер: SU331890A1

01-01-1947 дата публикации

Сушилка для шпона

Номер: SU68755A1
Автор: Штамм А.М.

15-03-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для облицовки кромок мебельных щитов

Номер: SU1381151A1

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающим станкам и может быть использовано в мебельной промышленности при облицовывании кромок щитов. Цель изобретения - повышение адгезионной прочности при облицовке в условиях низких температур и повьш енной влажности материала щитов и окружающей среды. Для этого приспособление для предварительного нагрева щита выполнено в виде подпружиненного плоского элемента, установленного с возможностью регулировки его положения относительно механизма для нанесения клея-расплава, и снабжено средствами для регулировки длины плоского элемента и его нагрева. Плоский элемент выполнен в виде металлической ленты, концы которой закреплены в направляющих с фиксаторами. Средство для регулировки длины плоского элемента выполнено в виде двух натяжных роликов с механизмами их перемещения , установленных между направляющими по обе стороны от средства для нагрева плоского элемента. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. СЛ ...

07-10-1989 дата публикации

Установка для облицовывания пластей мебельных щитов

Номер: SU1512768A1

Изобретение позволяет автоматизировать операцию набора пакетов на серийно-выпускаемых линиях для облицовывания пластей мебельных щитов типа МФП или АКДА. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности и расширение технологических возможностей. Установка включает манипуляторы укладки облицовок (нижней и верхней) и проклеенных щитов. Манипулятор 9 облицовок оборудован пневматическими захватами 16, а манипулятор проклеенных щитов - клещевыми захватами, причем захваты расположены по всей ширине ленточного транспортера. Переместительные операции по набору пакета заключаются в последовательной укладке на ленточный транспортер нижней облицовки - проклеенного щита - верхней облицовки. Управление работой манипуляторов и согласование с работой технологического оборудования линии, контроль за ходом техпроцесса осуществляются по гибкой программе от устройства циклового программного управления. 2 з.п.ф-лы. 11 ил.

23-05-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для торцовки свесов на кромкооблицовочном станке

Номер: SU1565692A1

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности, в частности к оборудованию мебельного производства. Цель - увеличение производительности. Устройство для торцовки свесов на кромкооблицовочном станке содержит станину 1, параллельно расположенные рычаги 2, на которых смонтирован пильный агрегат 3, и привод перемещения последнего, выполненный в виде пневмоцилиндра 4, шарнирно соединенного с одной стороны со станиной 1, с другой - с параллельно расположенными рычагами 2. Пильный агрегат 3 состоит из платформы 5, на которой жестко закреплены упор 6 и корпус 7. В последнем в подшипниках установлен шпиндель, на одном конце которого закреплен режущий инструмент 9, а на другом - маховик 10. На режущем инструменте 9 выполнено утолщение 11 в виде кольца. Маховик 10 соприкасается с приводным диском 12, жестко закрепленным на валу электродвигателя 14. При этом диаметр ведущего диска 12 больше диаметра маховика 10 в 4 раза. Электродвигатель 14 неподвижно закреплен на станине 1. Параллельно ...

31-08-1936 дата публикации

Способ полировки фанеры

Номер: SU49174A1

22-07-1964 дата публикации

Способ сушки упругопластических материалов

Номер: SU163342A1
Автор: Шубин Г.С.

05-02-1977 дата публикации

Режущий инструмент

Номер: SU545463A1

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for processing of edge area of plate i.e. furniture plate, involves sharpening edge area with multi stage drawing blade that comprises two drawing blades for forming chip space, where liquid is sprayed to chip space as spray jet

Номер: DE102012108721A1

The method involves profiling of an edge area (3) of a plate (1) by a profile cutter after attaching an edge tape (2) to the plate and after milling of a projection of the edge area opposite to an adjacent surface of the plate. The edge area is sharpened with a multi stage drawing blade (4), where the drawing blade has two drawing blades (6) that are arranged one behind the other in a running direction of the plate. A chip space (7) is formed by the drawing blades, where liquid is sprayed to the chip space as spray jet, where the liquid is mixed with pressurized air in a mixer. An independent claim is also included for a device for executing a method for processing an edge area of a plate.

09-08-2001 дата публикации

Querfaserfurnier und Furniertafel

Номер: DE0019708196C2

10-05-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002553042B2

19-07-1924 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000399071C
Принадлежит: PETER STROHM

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren sowie Vorrichtung zur Schmalflächenbeschichtung

Номер: DE102015219108A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Schmalflächenbeschichtung bzw. zur Erstellung eines Kantenverschlusses an der Schmalfläche von vorzugsweise plattenförmigen Werkstücken. Bei den genannten Werkstücken kann es sich insbesondere um Elemente bzw. Bauteile aus der Möbel- bzw. Bauelementeindustrie handeln.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Holzfurniers, Furnierblock, Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Formteils und Formteil

Номер: DE102017113764B3

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Holzfurniers (10), wobei das Holz-furnier (10) als Dekorlage (11) für ein als Formteil (12) ausgebildetes Dekor- und/oder Verkleidungsteil für einen Fahrzeuginnenraum vorgesehen ist, wobei das Formteil (12) an seiner als Sichtseite ausgebildeten Vorderseite (13) wenigstens ein Linienelement (14) aufweist, umfassend die Schritte:a) Bereitstellen eines Holzrohlings (15),b) Generierung von zweidimensionalen Zuschnittdaten durch Ab-wicklung einer vorgesehenen dreidimensionalen Form des Holzfurniers (10) einschließlich in dem Holzfurnier (10) vorgesehener Linienelemente (14) zu einer zweidimensionalen abgewickelten Form (16) des Holzfurniers (10) mit abgewickelten Linienelementen (14),c) Bildung von Holzlamellen (18) durch Ausschneiden der zweidimensionalen abgewickelten Form (16) des Holzfurniers (10) aus dem Holzrohling (15) und Zerschneiden der zweidimensionalen abgewickelten Form (16) entlang der abgewickelten Linienelemente (14) ...

05-06-2019 дата публикации

Umleimgruppe zum Umleimen von Tafeln aus Holz oder dergleichen

Номер: DE202019001923U1
Принадлежит: BIESSE SPA, BIESSE S.p.A.

Umleimgruppe zum Umleimen von Tafeln (2) aus Holz oder dergleichen, umfassend eine Umleimstation (6) zum Verbinden eines Umleimers (7) mit einer Tafel (2); eine Druckeinrichtung, angeordnet an der Umleimstation (6), zum Stabilisieren des Umleimers (7) an der Tafel (2); ein Magazin (8) für eine Mehrzahl von Wickeln (9) von Umleimern (7); und einer Vorschubeinheit (11) zum Zuführen des Umleimers (7) vom Magazin (8) zur Umleimstation (6); dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass weiterhin eine Begradigungsvorrichtung (21) zwischen dem Magazin (8) und der Umleimstation (6) vorgesehen ist, zum Geradeführen und Verringern der Krümmung des von Mal zu Mal zugeführten Umleimers (7) vom Wickel (9) zur Umleimstation (6).

13-12-2001 дата публикации

Control for electro-mechanical gearbox which has epicyclic gearing with input element suitable for connection to engine and element and 2 elements respectively connected to 1st and 2nd electric machines operable as motor/generator

Номер: DE0010110985A1

The two electric machines (36,70) and the connected elements are respectively rotatable, to control a torque, which reacts on the output element. The control has a first control system for the control of the rotation of the first electric machine and a second control system for the rotation of the second electric machine. The two control systems are electrically connected and are controllable by a first or a second command signal. Sensors measure the rpms of the two machines. A gearbox control system (76) is operable for the production and output of the first and second torque command signals at the control systems, and corresponding to a desired torque value for the output element, and by determining the first and second torque values for the first and second command signals. Without exceeding predetermined torque limits for the electric machines, and during an electric parameter of the cable connection, maintains a desired region.

20-06-1977 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007715660U1

12-12-1996 дата публикации

Machine tool for flat wooden workpiece

Номер: DE0019601331C1

The machine drills, grooves and mills the edges of the wooden workpiece. It may also be used on plastics or other materials. The beam (14) above the gap (13) in the surface (11,12) accommodates the slide (15), which is driven along it and also movable up and down in a vertical direction. There is a narrow slide (16) supporting the workpiece (30). It lies adjacent to the supporting surface and on the rear side of the machine. It travels to-and-fro with the workpiece parallel to the rear side of the machine.

25-04-2002 дата публикации

Device for flat application of free flowing adhesive to relatively movable band has guiding device detachably fastened to applicator head for guiding band material at adhesive outlet along defined movement path

Номер: DE0010051201A1

The device for flat application of free flowing adhesive to a relatively movable band comprises a slotted nozzle (16) communicating with an adhesive channel in the applicator head, and a slotted outlet opening (18) for delivery of adhesive onto the band. A guiding device (3) is detachably fastened to the applicator head for guiding the band material at the outlet along a defined movement path. The guiding device has a first element (38) which comes into contact with the surface of the band material lying opposite the surface to be glued, and at least one additional element (46,48) which comes into contact with one edge of the band material.

23-09-1971 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Abrunden der Ecken von plattenfoermigen,rechteckigen Werkstuecken

Номер: DE0001577793A1

20-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001428127B2

19-07-2001 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Auftragen eines Klebstoffs

Номер: DE0019916776C2

25-01-2007 дата публикации

Heissverformbare Pressstoffplatte

Номер: DE0050013849D1

04-01-2001 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur unterschiedlichen spanenden Bearbeitung eines Werkstücks mit nur einem Spanwerkzeug

Номер: DE0019915673C1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur unterschiedlichen spanenden Bearbeitung eines aus Holz, holzähnlichen Werkstoffen oder Kunststoffen bestehenden, meist plattenförmigen Werkstückes (2) mit nur einem Spanwerkzeug (6), das sich aus zwei Teilabschnitten (7, 8) zur spanenden Bearbeitung zusammensetzt. Bei dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren mittels eines ersten spanenden Teilabschnitts (8) des Spanwerkzeugs (6) wird ein erster Werkstückabschnitt (3, 9) bearbeitet, um damit an dem Werkstück (2) eine erste Spanbearbeitung in der durch die Formgebung des ersten Spanwerkzeug-Teilabschnitts (8) vorgegebenen Weise durchzuführen. Dabei wird das Spanwerkzeug mittels einer Tasteinrichtung (11) an einer ersten Werkstückfläche (3, 4, 15) geführt. Am Ende der ersten Werkstückfläche (3, 4, 15) wird die Tasteinrichtung auf eine sich daran anschließende Werkstückfläche (3) geführt, wobei während dieses Wechsels von einer Werkstückfläche (3, 4, 15) zur nächsten das Spanwerkzeug (6) ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Arbeitsmaschine zum Bearbeiten von Holzelementen

Номер: DE202006021287U1
Принадлежит: SCM Group S.p.A.

Arbeitsmaschine zum Bearbeiten von Elementen (100) aus Holz oder ähnlichem Material, mit: – einem Kantenumleimermittel (2), das mit einem Klebmittel zum Verteilen von Klebstoff auf Kantenabschnitte eines Elementes (100) aus Holz oder ähnlichem Material versehen ist; – einem Arbeitsmittel (3), das mit einem antropomorphen Arbeitskopf mit gesteuerten Achsen versehen ist, und das ein Spindelmittel (5) aufweist, das zum Antreiben eines Werkzeugmittels (30) zum Ausführen einer Mehrzahl an Bearbeitungen an den Elementen (100) geeignet ist, wobei das Arbeitsmittel (3) bezüglich des Elementes (100) entlang drei gesteuerten geradlinigen Achsen, die im Wesentlichen senkrecht zueinander sind, und um zwei gesteuerte Drehachsen (B, C), die nicht parallel zueinander und im Wesentlichen inzident sind, bewegbar ist; und – einem Aufnahmemittel (20, 21) zum verschiebbaren Aufnehmen des Kantenumleimermittels (2) und des Arbeitsmittels (3), wobei das Aufnahmemittel (20, 21) ein festes Portalmittel (20) und ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Einwechselbares Beschichtungsaggregat

Номер: DE202010009174U1
Принадлежит: Homag Holzbearbeitungssysteme AG

Einwechselbares Beschichtungsaggregat (1) für ein Bearbeitungszentrum (2) zum Bearbeiten von Werkstücken (5), die bevorzugt zumindest abschnittsweise aus Holz, Holzwerkstoffen, Kunststoff oder dergleichen bestehen, mit einem Generator (10) für die Erzeugung elektrischer Energie, einem Mittel (12), das mittels des Generators (10) mit Energie versorgt wird, zum Erwärmen von Beschichtungsmaterial (6), einer insbesondere lösbaren Drehmomentschnittstelle (14) zum Übertragen eines Drehmoments von außen zum Beschichtungsaggregat (1), wobei der Generator (10) eingerichtet ist, mittels des Drehmoments angetrieben zu werden.

30-10-2008 дата публикации

Profilierter Gegenstand mit Deckmaterial und Versiegelungsschicht

Номер: DE202008009137U1

Profilierter Gegenstand enthaltend einen Profilbereich mit profilierter Oberfläche, wobei auf der profilierten Oberfläche ein Deckmaterial aufgebracht ist, das auf dessen der profilierten Oberfläche abgewandten Fläche eine Versiegelungsschicht aus einer Reaktiv-Schmelzmasse aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Profilbereich mindestens einen Profilradius aufweist, der kleiner als 3 mm ist.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Kantenanleimmaschine, die betriebsfähig ist, wenn ein Leistungskabel entfern ist

Номер: DE202014008449U1
Принадлежит: Lin

Eine Kantenanleimmaschine, die folgende Merkmale umfasst: eine Maschinenkörpereinheit (10); eine Klebstoffaufbringeinheit (20), die einen Klebstoffbehälter (21), der auf der Maschinenkörpereinheit (10) angeordnet ist, ein Klebstoffaufbringbauglied (24), das Klebstoff führt, damit derselbe aus dem Klebstoffbehälter (21) fließt, und ein Heizelement (22) zum Erwärmen von Klebstoff umfasst, der in dem Klebstoffbehälter (21) aufgenommen wird; eine Antriebseinheit (30), die auf der Maschinenkörpereinheit (10) angeordnet ist und einen Motor (31) und eine Ausgangswelle (321) umfasst, die Leistung von dem Motor (31) ausgibt; und eine Übertragungseinheit (40), die auf der Maschinenkörpereinheit (10) und an einer Seite des Klebstoffaufbringbauglieds (24) angeordnet ist, und ein vorderes Förderrad (41), ein hinteres Förderrad (42), das auf die Ausgangswelle (321) geschoben ist, und ein Übertragungsbauglied (44) umfasst, das antreibbar ist, um eine Drehung des vorderen Förderrads (41) und des hinteren ...

15-11-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9013028U1

08-04-1976 дата публикации

Chipboard panel edge two part cutter - with deflector to displace one part axially and second part opposite way

Номер: DE0002541259A1

The cutting tool, for working the edges of pieces, is suitable for work on the edges of chipboard panels with hard material coatings, and incorporates a cutter in two parts with laterally overlapping teeth. The first cutter part (21a) is fixed on a spindle (17) which can rotate in a headstock (13), displaceable in the line of the spindle axis. While operative, the spindle or headstock with this part can be displaced axially, the second cutter part (21b) being axially displaceable on the first. A deflector device (23) is incorporated, to displace the second cutter part in the opposite direction when the first is axially displaced. One cutter part can always be seated with absolute firmness on the spindle, and the coupling media can be easily executed in a coaxial setting.

05-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001280501A

... 1280501 Finishing edges ROYAL INDUSTRIES Inc 18 Aug 1969 [3 March 1969 41141/69 Heading B5K Apparatus for installing edging 174 comprising a tongue 178 within a slot 408 in the peripheral edge of a workpiece 406 comprises a hammer structure 310 comprising a hammer head 312 normally biased to an idle position and drive means 354 for oscillating the head 312 when the head is displaced counter to the bias into responsive relation with the drive means to hammer the tongue 178 of the edging 174 into the slot 408, and a cutting structure comprising (a) means defining a through-bore 172 into which the edging 174 is loosely fitted and from which the edging 174 is discharged adjacent the head 312, (b) a severing blade 232 disposed generally transverse to the edging 174 in the through-bore 172 and (c) actuating means for displacing the blade 232 across the edging to sever the edging at the desired location. A slotting head mechanism 30, Figs. 1, 2 and 3, is mounted on a workbench 22 and, in operation ...

12-11-1997 дата публикации

Laminate trimmers

Номер: GB0002287217B

28-09-1966 дата публикации

Milling machine

Номер: GB0001044483A

... 1,044,483. Copy-milling. K. REICH. Feb. 18, 1964 [March 8, 1963; July 17, 1963], No. 6687/64. Heading B3K. [Also in Division B5] A machine for planing or milling off parts of layers 2, Fig. 5, of veneer or plastic which are secured to, and project beyond the edges of, boards or plates 1 comprises two rotatable tools 3, 4 located one above the other on shafts 45, 46 which have horizontal axes and are rotatably mounted in swing arms 7, 8, Fig. 2, feeler elements 27, 28 carried by the arms for controlling the distance apart of the tools by engagement with the workpiece, and bifurcated members 11, 12 which resiliently mount the arms, the lower member being rigidly secured to the frame 50 of the machine and the upper member being pivotable about the axis 47 of the upper arm and adapted to be locked in position on the frame. Each swing arm 7, 8 is mounted on an axis 47, 48 and is formed with a cup-shaped member 16, Fig. 3, which houses a plurality of cup springs 17 at one end abutting the bottom ...

25-07-2001 дата публикации

Laminate trimming tool

Номер: GB0002358366A

A hand-held laminate trimming tool relies on a cutting wheel similar to that employed in the cutting of pipes in the removal of surplus laminate material projecting at edge surfaces of chip board and the like employed in, for example, domestic, e.g. kitchen, applications. The cutting wheel is mounted in bearings in a rigid body with the wheel so disposed as, in the course of running the rigid body along an laminate covered edge surface of the chip-board, the sharp rim of the wheel is makes cutting contact with the laminate material at an edge of said edge surface, with the result that surplus laminate material is severed from the main body of the edge covering material.

12-05-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001231772A

04-07-1979 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for simulating woodgrain finish

Номер: GB2011063A
Автор: Bates, Robert Ernest

An apparatus to simulate a woodgrain finish on composite wooden sheet material. The apparatus comprises a plurality of burner heads coupled to a gas supply and each having a row of transversely disposed nozzles. The burner heads are mounted on transversely disposed rods longitudinally reciprocated in their mountings. Reciprocation of the rods is by a cam associated with each rod, the cams being of different profiles and/or timing relative to one another. With ignition of the nozzles corresponding carbonization scorch lines are formed on the surface of the sheet as the sheet is passed through the apparatus. The reciprocal action of the burner support rods imparts a substantially wavy motion to the lines, a random wave pattern resulting from the varying profiles and timing of the cams. The scorching results in minimal charring and the surface is finish sanded to remove raised smut.

21-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001514677A

... 1514677 Hooke's joints KOYO SEIKO CO Ltd 16 Aug 1976 [18 Aug 1975] 34038/76 Heading F2U A Hooke's joint for rolling mills has a ratio of trunnion diameter d to allowable rotation diameter D of the joint greater than 24% and needle bearings 4a which bear directly against, and run between, the trunnions and bearing covers 5 mounted directly on the yokes. The bearing covers 5 of the yokes may be detachable.

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362829T

25-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362566B

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385452T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388001T

11-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368431B

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000446830T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000490066T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000478757T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000402795T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000539862T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000537948T

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Milling unit with adjustable copying device

Номер: AT0000518689A3

Fräsaggregat mit verstellbarer Kopiereinrichtung (15), Folgendes beinhaltend: - einen Fräser (11), der eine Schneidkante (12) aufweist, die ringförmig zu einer Arbeitsachse (A) angeordnet ist, und der um letztgenannte drehbar ist, um die Kante (13) einer Platte (14) zu fräsen; - eine Kopiereinrichtung (15) zum Führen des Fräsers (11) relativ zu der Platte (14), beinhaltend ein ringförmiges Element (16) und eine Expansionseinrichtung (17), die mit dem ringförmigen Element (16) gekoppelt ist, um dieses auszudehnen. Die Expansionseinrichtung (17) beinhaltet - zumindest ein Expansionsorgan (18), das koaxial zum Fräser (11) ist, einen äußeren Rand (18a) aufweist und verformbar ist zwischen einer ersten und einer zweiten Konfiguration, in der zumindest ein Abschnitt seines äußeren Randes (18a) einen ersten beziehungsweise einen zweiten Abstand von der Arbeitsachse (A) einnimmt; wobei der zweite Abstand größer ist als der erste Abstand; - ein Betätigungselement (19), das entlang der Arbeitsachse ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000548170T

15-12-2017 дата публикации

Copying device and a milling device for processing a mounted on a plate containing the edge

Номер: AT0000518705A2

Kopiereinrichtung (10) für eine Fräsvorrichtung, die an einem Fräser befestigt werden kann, um dessen Position relativ zu einer zu fräsenden Platte (A) zu führen, beinhaltend eine Halterung ( 11) und ein Rollorgan ( 12) ' das beweglich an der Halterung ( 11) befestigt ist, um infolge einer Bewegung der Halterung ( 11) relativ zu der Platte (A) auf der Oberfläche der Platte (A) zu rollen. Die Kopiereinrichtung (10) beinhaltet einen Drucksensor (13), der an der Halterung (11) befestigt und derart angeordnet ist, dass er den Druck erfasst, den das Rollorgan ( 12) auf die Halterung (11) ausübt, um die Andruckkraft zu messen, die beim Gebrauch auf die zu bearbeitende Platte (A) ausgeübt wird.

15-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152379A

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507592B1

A wood composite material comprises a wood veneer (3) having a thickness of 0.2-1.5 mm, where the wood veneer is bonded with a tear-resistant film (1) by using an adhesive (2). The tear-resistant film includes cellulose or cellulose fibers with a thickness of 0.01-0.4 mm. Independent claims are also included for: (1) production of wood composite material, which involves bonding wood veneer with the tear-resistant film by using adhesive; and (2) production of a flat or multi-dimensional shape composite material, which involves connecting a wood veneer with a stiff, highly tear-resistant film and forming composite material or lamination of composite material on a carrier.

15-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AT516112A2

Kantenrundungsvorrichtung, die eine Auflage (11), auf der eine zu bearbeitende Platte (12) angeordnet werden kann, und ein Fräsorgan (13), das neben der Auflage (11) angeordnet ist, beinhaltet und die eine Fühlervorrichtung (14) und ein bewegliches Hauptwerkzeug (15) beinhaltet, das dazu dient, den Fräsvorgang entlang einer primären Bewegungsbahn (A), die auf einer relativ zu der Auflage (11) feststehenden Arbeitsfläche (B) liegt, in Abhängigkeit von der durch die Hauptfühlervorrichtung (14) erfassten Position auszuführen. Das Fräsorgan (13) ist dafür ausgelegt, die Platte (12) auch entlang einer sekundären Bewegungsbahn (C) zu fräsen, die nicht auf der Arbeitsfläche (B) liegt.

15-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517183B1

Umleimapparat zur Befestigung eines Deckbands an der Kante (200a) einer Platte (200), wobei das Band eine thermoaktivierbare Seite (100a) aufweist. Der Umleimapparat umfasst eine Haltevorrichtung, dazu geeignet, eine Platte (200) festzuhalten und eine Andrückvorrichtung (11), dazu geeignet, das Band an eine Kante (200a) der Platte (200) anzudrücken, um diese zu verbinden. Der Umleimapparat weist eine Vielzahl von Emittern (12) auf, die so konfiguriert sind, dass sie Laserstrahlbündel abgeben, die so ausgerichtet sind, dass sie während des Betriebs auf eine Vielzahl von Zonen (A) der thermoaktivierbaren Seite (100a) des Bands (100) treffen. Die Emitter (12) sind bezüglich der Andrückvorrichtung (11) so angeordnet, dass die Zonen (A) während des Betriebs entlang der Vorschubrichtung (C) ausgerichtet sind.

15-01-2018 дата публикации

Edge-banding machine

Номер: AT0000516455B1

Kantenanleimvorrichtung (10) zum Fixieren eines Kantenabschlussstreifens (11) an einer Kante (14a) einer Platte (14), beinhaltend eine Heizvorrichtung (12), die eine Seite (A) aufweist, welche im Gebrauch von dem Streifen (11) berührt wird, um diesen zu erwärmen, wobei diese Heizvorrichtung (12) dafür ausgelegt ist, eine Fläche des Streifens (11) zu erwärmen und dafür konfiguriert ist, an diesen eine Wärmeleistung durch Strahlung und erzwungene Konvektion zu übertragen.

15-02-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren der Oberflächenstrukturierung

Номер: AT14239U3

Bei einem Verfahren der Oberflächenstrukturierung von Paneelen, Möbelbauplatten oder dergleichen durch Pressen wird ein mit Ausnehmungen versehenes Furnier (3) mit einer durchgefärbten Platte (2) aus einem Holzersatzwerkstoff verpresst.

15-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000031044T

15-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000168594A

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157036T

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Surface Trimming Plane

Номер: US20210008753A1

A surface trimming plane includes a holder, a blade, a press plate, a movable nut, and an adjusting screw. The holder is provided with an inner stepped face which is provided with two tracks, a guide channel and a perforation. The movable nut is mounted in the guide channel. The adjusting screw extends through the perforation, and is screwed through the movable nut. The blade is located between the two tracks and is secured on the movable nut. The press plate is mounted on the holder and located above the blade. The press plate presses the blade to locate the blade. When the adjusting screw is rotated, the movable nut is moved in the guide channel, and the blade is moved with the movable nut to adjust a displacement of the blade. 1. A surface trimming plane comprising:a holder, a blade, a press plate, a movable nut, and an adjusting screw;wherein:the holder has a front portion provided with an inner stepped face;the inner stepped face of the holder has two tracks provided on two sides thereof;the inner stepped face of the holder is provided with a guide channel;the holder is provided with a perforation connected to the guide channel;the movable nut is mounted in the guide channel of the holder;the adjusting screw extends through the perforation of the holder, and is screwed through the movable nut;the adjusting screw is rotatable in the perforation of the holder;the blade is placed on the two tracks of the holder;the blade moves in concert with the movable nut;the press plate is mounted on the holder;the press plate presses the blade to locate the blade at the front portion of the holder;when the adjusting screw is rotated, the movable nut is moved in the guide channel of the holder by rotation of the adjusting screw, and the blade is moved with the movable nut to adjust a displacement of the blade;the perforation of the holder has a first end connected to the guide channel and a second end provided with a groove;the adjusting screw has a first end provided with a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Tool unit and switchable tool system for a tool unit

Номер: US20220032414A1
Принадлежит: Ledermann GmbH and Co KG

A tool unit includes a tool head, a motor and a switching drive for the head. The head has a first section with first blades and a second section with second blades. The second section is movable to and fro between a passive and an active position relative to the first section, the second blades being retracted in the passive position, and the second blades projecting axially beyond the first blades in the active position. The drive includes an electromagnet and an actuating armature made from magnetically attractable material and is arranged in the region of action of the electromagnet. The electromagnet is positioned between the head and the motor and is fastened to a housing part of the motor such that it cannot be rotated. The armature is connected fixedly to the second section. A gap remains between the electromagnet and the armature in the passive and active position.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

An Edge-Banding Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20190017702A1
Принадлежит: Hyfuse Limited

An edge-banding apparatus is provided and configured to apply an edging strip having a heat activated layer to a substrate or work piece. The apparatus uses localised heat generated from a controlled flame from combustible fuel to apply heat to the edging strip to active the heat activated layer. 1. An edge-banding apparatus configured to apply an edging strip having a heat activated layer to a substrate or work piece , the apparatus comprising:a. an edging strip feeding device to feed the edging strip along a predetermined path towards the substrate or work piece;b. the apparatus being configured to comprise, or be in fluid communication with, a source of combustible fuel;c. the apparatus further comprising a fuel delivery device in fluid communication with the source of combustible fuel such that combustible fuel can be delivered to the fuel delivery device;d. the apparatus further comprising an ignition device configured to ignite the combustible fuel at or near the fuel delivery device such that a controlled flame is generated by the fuel delivery device;e. the apparatus further comprising one or more controllers configured to control one or more properties of the controlled flame of combustible fuel such that the heat from the flame activates the heat activated layer of the edging strip such that the edging strip is applied to the substrate or work piece.2. The apparatus of wherein the properties of the flame of combustible fuel that are controlled included any one or more of:a. synchronisation of the timing of generation of the flame with respect to the position of the edging strip and/or the substrate or work-piece;b. size of the flame;c. temperature of the flame;d. duration of the flame;e. timing of ignition of the combustible fuel to generate the flame;f. timing of extinguishing of the flame.3. The apparatus of or further comprising a fuel flow controller configured to control the flow rate of combustible fuel through the fuel delivery apparatus.4. The ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047171A9

A door pressing system for pressing interior passage doors, exterior entry doors, bi-fold doors, and/or closet doors features a multi-door pressing station including first and second presses, a loading device, and a discharging device. The pressing station is configured to alternatively move the first and second presses into operative alignment with the loading and discharging devices. The press in operative alignment delivers a pressed assembled door to the discharging device and receives an assembled door layup to be pressed from the loading device. The other press that is out of operatively alignment presses an assembled door received therein. Additional methods and systems are also provided. 1. A system for making interior passage doors , exterior entry doors , bi-fold doors , and/or closet doors , comprising: a first press including a first set of platens, and', 'a second press including a second set of platens, each set of platens respectively having at least one platen movable relative to the other platen of the set of platens between an open state and a closed state;, 'a multi-door pressing station comprising'}a loading material handling and movement device configured to deliver assembled doors in a layup state to the multi-door pressing station; anda discharging material handling and movement device configured to receive the assembled doors that have been pressed by the multi-door pressing station,the multi-door pressing station configured to alternatingly move the first and second presses between (i) a loading/unloading position, in which one of the first and second presses is in the open state and operative alignment with the loading and discharging material handling and movement devices to receive at least a first of the assembled doors in the layup state delivered by the loading material handling and movement device and to discharge at least a second of the assembled doors that has been pressed to the discharging material handling and movement device, ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078198A1
Автор: SCHMIEDER Volker

The invention relates to an application device, in particular for planar or bar-shaped workpieces of wood, comprising a device for applying a strip or an adhesive to an adhesive bonding surface of the workpiece, in particular for the adhesive bonding of the workpiece to an element to be adhesively bonded, the application device being of modular design, having a number of sub-devices for performing partial process steps. 1. An application device , in particular for board-shaped or bar-shaped workpieces from lumber , having a device for applying a tape or an adhesive to an adhesive-bonding face of the workpiece , in particular for adhesively bonding the workpiece to an element to be adhesively bonded , wherein the application device is of modular configuration , having a number of sub-devices for carrying out process sub-steps.2. The application device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an adhesive tape is applied as the tape claim 1 , and/or an adhesive tape as the adhesive and/or a liquid adhesive and/or pasty adhesive are/is applied.3. The application device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the adhesive tape is a double-sided adhesive tape having two mutually opposite adhesive sides claim 2 , which by way of one adhesive side is adhesively bonded to the adhesive-bonding face of the workpiece claim 2 , wherein the other adhesive side is available for adhesively bonding an element to be adhesively bonded.4. The application device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the adhesive tape is a one-sided adhesive tape having one adhesive side and one non-adhesive side claim 2 , which by way of the non-adhesive side is adhesively bonded to the adhesive-bonding face of the workpiece by means of a previously applied adhesive claim 2 , wherein the adhesive side is available for adhesively bonding an element to be adhesively bonded.5. The application device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a cleaning device for cleaning the workpiece or at least the adhesive-bonding face of the workpiece ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106581A1

The invention concerns a device () for the coating of workpieces () which preferably consist, at least in sections, of wood, wooden materials, plastics, aluminium or the like, comprising: a feed means () for feeding a coating material (), a pressing means () for pressing the coating material () onto a surface () of a workpiece (), a conveyor means () for causing a relative motion between the pressing means () and the respective workpiece (), and a first joining means () for applying and/or activating an adhesive agent on a coating material () fed by the feed means () and/or a surface to be coated of the workpiece (), characterized in that the device further comprises at least a second joining means () for applying and/or activating an adhesive agent on a coating material () fed by the feed means () and/or a surface to be coated of a workpiece (). 1. A method of coating first and/or a second workpiece by a coating device comprising the steps of:causing a relative motion between a pressing device and first and/or second workpiece by a conveyor of the coating device;providing multiple different coating materials in a feeding device of the coating device, which materials are applied to the workpiece or workpieces;providing a first joining device of the coating device for activating an adhesive on a first coating material fed by the feeding device;providing a second joining device of the coating device for applying an adhesive agent comprising a second different coating material on a surface to be coated of the workpieces fed by the feeding device;wherein said first and/or second joining devices further comprise an energy source selected from the group consisting of a laser, an infrared source, an ultrasound source, a magnetic field source, a microwave source, a plasma source, and a gassing source,choosing between activation of the first coating material of the first joining device and application of the second coating material of the second joining device or both, ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Method to produce a veneered element and a veneered element

Номер: US20220176582A1

A method to produce a veneered element, including providing a first layer of a first powder and applying a second layer of a second powder above the first layer. Further the method includes applying a veneer layer above the second layer. Thereafter heating and pressing the first layer, the second layer and the veneer layer together to form the veneered element and forming a bevel at least partly along at least one side portion of the veneered element, where the first layer, the second layer and the veneer layer are at least partly exposed in the bevel.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176583A1

A device for coating workpieces preferably consisting at least in parts of wood, wood materials, plastic, aluminium or the like, comprises: a feed device for feeding a coating material; a pressing device for pressing the coating material onto a surface of a workpiece; a conveying device for inducing a relative movement between the pressing device and the respective workpiece; and an activation device for activating an adhesive on a coating material fed in the feed device and/or for activating an adhesive on a surface of a workpiece to be coated. The activation device comprises at least one supply line for supplying an activation medium as well as a nozzle body having an inlet duct and an outlet region. The activation device comprises at least one acoustic element that is configured to reduce the sound pressure resulting from the flow of the activation medium and/or to effect a frequency shift. 1. Device for coating workpieces comprising a feed device for feeding a coating material; a pressing device for pressing the coating material onto a surface of a workpiece; a conveying device for inducing a relative movement between the pressing device and the respective workpiece; and an activation device for activating an adhesive on a coating material fed in the feed device and/or for activating an adhesive on a surface of a workpiece to be coated , said activation device comprising at least one supply line for supplying an activation medium as well as a nozzle body having an inlet duct and an outlet region ,wherein the activation device comprises at least one acoustic element that is configured to reduce the sound pressure resulting from the flow of the activation medium and/or to effect a frequency shift.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one acoustic element is configured as a sound-absorbing element and/or as a resonator.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic element is arranged at at least one of the locations: supply line of ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177722A1
Автор: RIEPE Bernd

A hydrophobic fluid includes a solvent-based solution of at least one aliphatic and/or aromatic hydrocarbon, with a chain length of C9 to C15 and at least one ether, ester, ketone and/or an alcohol, in particular a non-flammable alcohol. The hydrophobic fluid also has a fluoropolymer, in particular a non-combustible fluoropolymer with a flash point>60° C. in a proportion of 0.1 to 30 wt. %. 110-. (canceled)11. A hydrophobic fluid , comprising:a solvent-based solution of at least one aliphatic and/or aromatic hydrocarbon, having a chain length of C9 to C15 and at least one ether, ester, ketone and/or a non-flammable alcohol, wherein the hydrophobic fluid additionally comprises a non-flammable fluoropolymer having a flash point>60′C. in a proportion of 0.1 to 30 wt. %.12. The hydrophobic fluid of claim 11 , wherein the non-flammable alcohol is present in a proportion of 2 to 17 wt. %.13. The hydrophobic fluid of claim 11 , wherein the ether is a glycol ether having a flash point>60° C.14. The hydrophobic fluid of claim 13 , wherein the glycol ether is present in a proportion of 2 to 17 wt. %.15. The hydrophobic fluid of claim 11 , wherein the proportion of fluoropolymer is from 3 to 4 wt. %.16. The hydrophobic fluid of claim 11 , wherein the aliphatic hydrocarbon is an isoparaffin.17. A method comprising:providing a hydrophobic fluid comprising as solvent-based solution of at least one aliphatic and/or aromatic hydrocarbon, having a chain length of C9 to C15 and at least one ether, ester, ketone and/or a non-flammable alcohol, wherein the hydrophobic fluid additionally comprises a non-flammable fluoropolymer having a flash point>60° C. in a proportion of 0.1 to 30 wt. %; andapplying the hydrophobic fluid to a region of a joint between two components, at least one of the two components is a wood or wood-based material.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the hydrophobic fluid is applied to a tongue-and-groove of the two components forming a joint area of the joint.19. ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129130A1
Автор: Schmid Johannes

The invention relates to a device () for coating workpieces (), preferably consisting of wood, wood-based materials, plastics material or the like at least in sections, comprising a feed device () for feeding a coating material (), a pressing unit () for pressing the coating material () against a surface () of a workpiece (), a conveyor device () for bringing about a relative motion between the pressing device () and the respective workpiece (), an energy source () for applying energy onto the coating material () and/or the workpiece (), and a control device () for controlling at least the energy source (). The device according to the invention is characterized in that the energy source () comprises at least two energy generating sections (″), wherein the control device () is equipped to operate at least two energy generating sections (″) at least intermittently with at least one operating parameter, the parameters being different from each other, or the energy generating sections are different from each other. 1. A method for coating at least sections of a workpiece selected from the group consisting of wood , wood-based materials , and plastics material using a coating device comprising ,feeding a coating material using a feed device, which is an element of the coating device,pressing the coating material onto a surface of the workpiece using a pressing device of the coating device,bringing about a relative movement between the pressing device and the workpiece using a conveyer device of the coating device,applying energy to the coating material and/or to the workpiece, using an energy source of the coating device, andcontrolling at least the energy source, using a control device of the coating device,wherein the energy source comprises at least two energy generating sections and wherein, the control device operates at least the two energy generating sections wherein at least one operating parameter of one of the at least two energy generating section is different ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129164A1

A device for fixing an edge material to a narrow side of a panel-shaped workpiece is provided, which has a feed mechanism for supplying the edge material to the narrow side of the workpiece, at least one infrared emitter for activating an adhesive layer, facing the workpiece, of the edge material, and a pressing mechanism for pressing the edge material onto the narrow side of the workpiece. In order to activate the adhesive layer of the edge material by means of infrared radiation using a reliable process without adversely affecting the visible face of the edge material, a radiation exposure zone with a specifiable size is arranged in the feed path of the edge material. In the exposure zone, the adhesive layer of the edge material is exposed to infrared radiation. The device has a guide mechanism for guiding the edge material through the radiation exposure zone. 1. A device for fixing a band-shaped or strip-shaped edge material to a narrow side of a panel-shaped workpiece , the device comprising a feed mechanism for supplying the edge material along a feed path to the narrow side of the workpiece , at least one infrared emitter for activating an adhesive layer , facing the workpiece , of the edge material , and a pressing mechanism for pressing the edge material onto the narrow side of the workpiece , wherein a radiation exposure zone with a specifiable size is arranged in the feed path of the edge material , in which zone the adhesive layer of the edge material is exposed to infrared radiation , and wherein the device comprises a guide mechanism for guiding the edge material through the radiation exposure zone.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the size of the radiation exposure zone is changeable.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the radiation exposure zone is surrounded by a housing with an entrance for introducing the edge material and an exit for guiding the edge material out.4. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the guide mechanism ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136758A1
Автор: TYLER Kenneth Charles

The present invention is directed to a method of making a door having first and second door facings and an internal doorframe. An interior side of a first facing is coated with quick acting adhesive. A frame is placed on the coated interior side about the periphery of the first facing. The frame is then coated with quick acting adhesive. An interior side of a second facing is placed on the coated frame. The facings and frame assembly are then compressed to form a door. The present invention also provides for an automated system of making the door. 1. A method of making a door , comprising the steps ofcoating an interior side of a first door facing with quick acting adhesive;placing a doorframe on the coated interior side about the periphery of the first door facing;coating exposed surfaces of the doorframe with quick acting adhesive;placing an interior side of a second door facing on the coated frame; andcompressing the door facings and doorframe and thereby forming a door.213-. (canceled)14. A system for making a door , comprising:first and second stations, each of said first and second stations for receiving a plurality of door facings;a production conveyor, operably associated with said first station for receiving and transporting in a first direction an exterior surface of a door facing;a third station operably associated with said production conveyor for applying quick acting adhesive on an interior surface of the door facing;a fourth station operably associated with said production conveyor for positioning a doorframe onto the adhesive covered interior surface of the door facing;a fifth station operably associated with said production conveyor for applying quick acting adhesive on the doorframe;a transfer mechanism operably associated with said second station for positioning an interior surface of a facing from said second station onto the adhesive covered door frame; anda compression station operably associated with said production conveyor for compressing ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288806A1

An exchangeable machining unit () for a machining centre () for machining workpieces () that preferably consist at least in sections of wood, wood-based materials, plastic or the like is disclosed, wherein the exchangeable machining unit () comprises a generator () for generating energy, selected from the group consisting of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, thermal energy, and radiation and vibration energy, in particular mechanical rotation energy of a drive spindle, in particular of a milling spindle, and has a drive () that can be supplied with energy by means of the generator (). The generator () comprises an in particular releasable torque interface () for transmitting a torque from the outside to the machining unit (). The generator () is configured to be driven by means of the torque, wherein the drive () is driven using the energy from the generator (). A machining centre having such an exchangeable machining unit is also disclosed. 1. Exchangeable machining unit for a machining centre for machining workpieces that consist at least in sections of wood , wood-based materials , plastic or the like , the exchangeable machining unit comprising:a generator for generating energy selected from the group of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, thermal energy, and radiation and vibration energy of the machining centre, anda drive that can be supplied with energy by means of the generator,the generator comprising a releasable, torque interface for transmitting a torque from the outside to the machining unit, andthe generator being configured to be driven by means of the torque,characterised in thatthe drive is driven using the energy from the generator.2. Exchangeable machining unit according to claim 1 , wherein the drive is an actuator.3. Exchangeable machining unit according to claim 1 , wherein the drive is configured to adjust a movement of the machining unit in at least one plane and/or about at least one axis and/or along at least one axis.4. Exchangeable ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210188543A1
Принадлежит: IMA Schelling Deutschland GmbH

An edge processing system has at least one edge processing machine to which an edge magazine is attached and at least one primary cassette reserve arranged in the spatial vicinity of the edge magazine of the edge processing machine. The primary cassette reserve has a plurality of receptacle slots in which cassettes can be or are received, each containing an edge band. The edge processing system further comprises at least one secondary cassette reserve, which is different from the primary cassette reserve and which is arranged spatially separate from the primary cassette reserve. 114010210140212265. An processing system having at least one edge processing machine ( , ) to which an edge magazine () is attached and at least one primary cassette reserve () arranged in the spatial vicinity to the edge magazine () of the at least one edge processing machine ( , ) , which has a plurality of receptacle slots ( , ) , in which at least one cassette () can be or are received , each containing an edge band () ,wherein{'b': 4', '8', '50', '2', '2, 'the edge processing system further comprises at least one secondary cassette reserve (, , ) different from the at least one primary cassette reserve (), which is arranged spatially separate from the at least one primary cassette reserve ().'}2. The edge processing system according to claim 1 ,further comprising{'b': '7', 'at least one automated manipulation device ().'}3. The edge processing system according to claim claim 2 ,wherein{'b': '7', 'the at least one automated manipulation device () is designed to{'b': 6', '4', '8', '50', '4', '8', '50, 'i) transfer the at least one cassette () from the at least one primary cassette reserve to the at least one secondary cassette reserve (, , ) and/or from the at least one secondary cassette reserve (, , ) to the at least one primary cassette reserve; and/or'}{'b': 5', '6', '2', '21', '22', '10', '1', '40', '10', '6, 'ii) supply an edge band (), which is in the at least one cassette () ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197443A1
Автор: Such Duncan Karl

An improved method of edge modification such as edge banding comprising placing a roller in contact with an edge and measuring a first position of the roller. Subsequently moving the contact roller along the edge to a second position and measuring the second position before calculating a desired force direction from the first and second position measurements, applying a force via the pressure roller in the desired force direction. 1. A method of edge modification to modify an edge of an object comprising:placing a roller in contact with an edge of the object,determining co-ordinates of a first position of the roller,moving the roller along the edge from the first position to a second position,determining co-ordinates of the second position of the roller,calculating a desired force direction from the first position co-ordinates and the second position co-ordinates,applying a force, by a pressure roller, along the desired force direction at the second position.2. A method of edge modification according to claim 1 , wherein the contact roller is the pressure roller.3. A method of edge modification according to claim 1 , wherein the desired force direction is calculated from a vector angle between the first position and the second position of the roller.4. A method of edge modification according to claim 3 , wherein the desired force direction is calculated by adding or subtracting a transform value to the vector angle.5. A method of edge modification according to claim 4 , wherein the transform value is such that the desired force direction is substantially normal the vector angle.6. A method of edge modification according to claim 3 , wherein the vector angle is calculated from a differential position between the second position and the first position.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A method of edge modification according to claim 1 , wherein a new position of the contact roller is sampled at regular intervals as the contact roller is moved ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170181231A1
Принадлежит: HOMAG GMBH

The invention relates to a device for the heating a functional layer of coating material, such as a surface coating or an edge strip, in particular for applying the coating material onto an area of a workpiece, comprising a microwave source, an applicator and a microwave channel for supplying the microwave radiation generated in the microwave source to the applicator, wherein a microwave field is generable in the applicator on account of the supplied microwave radiation, wherein the applicator has at least one material channel, which passes through the applicator and through which the coating material can be fed such that the functional layer of the coating material is heated in the microwave field within the applicator. 1. An apparatus for heating a functional layer of a coating material , such as a surface coating or an edge band , in particular for applying the coating material onto an area of a workpiece , comprising a microwave source , an applicator and a microwave channel for supplying the microwave radiation generated in the microwave source to the applicator , wherein a microwave field is generable in the applicator on account of the supplied microwave radiation , wherein the applicator has at least one material channel which passes through the applicator and through which the coating material may be passed such that the functional layer of the coating material is heated in the microwave field within the applicator.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a plurality of applicators are provided.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one applicator or all applicators have an applicator segment or a plurality of applicator segments.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an applicator or an applicator segment has a material channel or a plurality of material channels.5. An apparatus claim 1 , in particular as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a stop for the microwave radiation is provided at at least one applicator and/or at at ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Device and Method for Fitting an Edge Profile and Furniture Component

Номер: US20190176360A1
Принадлежит: FRITZ EGGER GMBH & CO. OG

The invention relates to an apparatus for fitting an edge profile on a narrow surface of a panel-form material in an edge-banding apparatus, having a panel carrier for accommodating a panel-form material. The panel carrier has an upper side running in a plane, having an edge-profile-feeding device, and having an edge-profile guide, said guide having at least one guide means along which or through which can be guided the edge profile. This can be fed by the edge-profile-feeding device. In order to prevent or reduce offsetting in the corner region of the panel-form material, the invention proposes that the at least one guide means should be movable relative to the panel carrier in a direction running at an angle to the plane in which the upper side of the panel carrier runs. The invention also relates to a method for fitting an edge profile, and to a furniture part produced thereby. 121.-. (canceled)22. A device for fitting an edge profile to a narrow face of a plate-like material , in particular an edge gluing device , comprising:a plate carrier for receiving a plate-like material, wherein the plate carrier has a plate carrier upper side which extends in a plane;an edge profile supply device configured to supply an edge profile; andan edge profile guide configured to guide the edge profile on which or by which the edge profile can be guided along,wherein the edge profile guide as a guide means has an upper guide portion and a lower guide portion, respectively, between which the edge profile, which can be supplied by the edge profile supply device, can be guided along, wherein the upper guide portion and the lower guide portion can be moved relative to the plate carrier in a direction which extends at an angle to the plane in which the plate carrier upper side extends,wherein a control device is provided to control the position of each guide means, in particular the upper guide portion and the lower guide portion,wherein the control device has at least one sensor, in ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180200915A1

The invention relates to a system for feeding a coating material from a modular unit to a coating device, said modular unit (-) being provided for the storage and provision of preferably roll-type or coil-type coating material units, in particular edge strips (K) for applying to a narrow side of panel-type workpieces (W) and said feed system having: a feed section () for holding and transporting the coating material; a cassette unit () for guiding the coating material provided by the feed section (); at least one mobile modular unit (-); and a coupling section () for coupling the mobile modular unit (-) to the feed section (), the modular unit (-) holding coating material units. 14042. System for feeding a coating material from a modular unit , said modular unit (-) being provided for the accommodation and provision of preferably roll-like or coil-like coating material units , in particular edge bands (K) for attaching to a narrow side of panel-like workpieces (W) , to a coating device , having:{'b': '20', 'a feed section () for accommodating and transporting the coating material,'}{'b': 25', '20, 'a magazine unit () for guiding the coating material provided by the feed section (),'}{'b': 40', '42, 'at least one movable modular unit (-),'}{'b': 30', '40', '42', '20', '40', '42, 'a coupling section () for coupling the movable modular unit (-) at the feed section (), said modular unit (-) accommodating coating material units.'}24042. System according to claim 1 , in which the at least one modular unit (-) is configured to accommodate cassettes claim 1 , wherein each cassette accommodates a coating material unit (K).34042. System according to claim 2 , in which the at least one modular unit (-) has a grid for accommodating cassettes of a certain width.44042. System according to claim 2 , in which the at least one modular unit (-) has a variable insert for accommodating cassettes of different widths.54042. System according to claim 1 , in which the at least one modular ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203464A1

Disclosed is a method for connecting a connecting face of an edge material to a connecting face of a workpiece by a synthesis element, including the steps: of making available the workpiece, feeding the synthesis element, which is made available by at least one function film composed of an adhesive, activating the adhesive function film, applying the synthesis element to one of the connecting faces, connecting the synthesis element to the other of the connecting faces, wherein the workpiece and the edge material are connected by the synthesis element located between them. Furthermore, there is disclosed a synthesis element and a device for connecting a connecting face of an edge material to a connecting face of a workpiece. 1532110. Method for bonding a connecting face () of an edge material () to the connecting face () of a workpiece () via a synthesis element () , wherein the method comprises the steps:{'b': '1', 'Providing the workpiece (),'}{'b': 10', '11', '12', '13', '11', '12', '13, 'Feeding in the synthesis element () which is provided by at least one function film (, , ), wherein at least one function film (, , ) is composed of an adhesive,'}{'b': '11', 'Activating the adhesive function film (),'}{'b': 10', '2', '5, 'Applying the synthesis element () onto one of the connecting faces (, ),'}{'b': 10', '5', '2', '1', '3', '10, 'Bonding of the synthesis element () to the other one of the connecting faces (, ) such that the workpiece () and the edge material () are bonded together by means of the synthesis element () located between them.'}21012. Method according to claim 1 , in which the synthesis element () is additionally provided with a carrier function film ().3. Method according to claim 2 ,{'b': 12', '11, 'in which the carrier function film () is activatable, that is preferably in a different way from the adhesive function film ().'}4. Method according to one of the preceding claims claim 2 ,{'b': 11', '12', '13', '10', '11', '12', '13', '11, 'in which ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170232635A1

A door pressing system for pressing interior passage doors, exterior entry doors, bi-fold doors, and/or closet doors features a multi-door pressing station including first and second presses, a loading device, and a discharging device. The pressing station is configured to alternatively move the first and second presses into operative alignment with the loading and discharging devices. The press in operative alignment delivers a pressed assembled door to the discharging device and receives an assembled door layup to be pressed from the loading device. The other press that is out of operatively alignment presses an assembled door received therein. Additional methods and systems are also provided. 1. A system for making interior passage doors , exterior entry doors , bi-fold doors , and/or closet doors , comprising: a first press including a first set of platens, and', 'a second press including a second set of platens, each set of platens respectively having at least one platen movable relative to the other platen of the set of platens between an open state and a closed state;, 'a multi-door pressing station comprising'}a loading material handling and movement device configured to deliver assembled doors in a layup state to the multi-door pressing station; anda discharging material handling and movement device configured to receive the assembled doors that have been pressed by the multi-door pressing station,the multi-door pressing station configured to alternatingly move the first and second presses between (i) a loading/unloading position, in which one of the first and second presses is in the open state and operative alignment with the loading and discharging material handling and movement devices to receive at least a first of the assembled doors in the layup state delivered by the loading material handling and movement device and to discharge at least a second of the assembled doors that has been pressed to the discharging material handling and movement device, ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224908A1

A device for coating of workpieces, which preferably includes, at least in sections, wood, wooden materials, plastics, aluminium or the like. The device includes a feed device for feeding a coating material, a pressing device for pressing the coating material onto a surface of the workpiece, a conveyor device for causing a relative motion between the pressing device and the respective workpiece, and a first joining device for applying and/or activating an adhesive agent on a coating material fed by the feed device and/or a surface to be coated of the workpiece. The device further includes at least a second joining device for applying and/or activating an adhesive agent on a coating material fed by the feed device and/or a surface to be coated of the workpiece. 18-. (canceled)9. A device for the coating of a workpiece which preferably consists , at least in sections , of wood , wooden materials , plastics , and aluminium , comprising:a feeding device for feeding a coating material,a pressing device for pressing the coating material onto a surface of the workpiece,a conveyor causing relative movement between the pressing device and the workpiece,a first joining device for activating an adhesive agent on the coating material fed by the feeding device,a second joining device for applying and activating a second adhesive agent on the surface of the workpiece,wherein at least one of the joining device comprises an energy source selected from the group consisting of a laser source, an infrared source, an ultrasound source, a magnetic field source, a microwave source, a plasma source, and a gassing source, anda controller for controlling the first and the second joining device to activate the adhesive agents in alternation.10. The device according to claim 9 , characterized in that at least one joining device is arranged stationary.11. The device according to claim 9 ,characterized in thatat least one joining device is movable between a joining position and a rest position. ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Hot gas generation device

Номер: US20140326413A1
Принадлежит: Homag Holzbearbeitungssysteme GmbH

A hot gas generation device with which a gas flow, for example, an air flow, is heated. This device is used for heating an edge band or another coating material, in particular an adhesive layer provided on this coating material. In this way, the coating material is prepared for being applied to a (wooden) work piece, which may, for example, be plate-shaped.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for applying adhesive to a substrate

Номер: US20170253768A1
Автор: Roman Kappeler
Принадлежит: Robatech AG

A device for applying adhesive to a substrate, having an application roller that is rotatable about an axis, an installation for dispensing adhesive to a circumferential area of the application roller, a dispensing region of the application roller for dispensing adhesive from the application roller, and having a doctor blade, wherein the dispensing region for adhesive in the rotation direction of the application roller is located behind the installation for dispensing the adhesive to the application roller and ahead of the doctor blade. In such a device it is provided that the application roller is rotatable about a vertical axis and the excess adhesive wiped by the doctor blade reaches a collection installation that is located below the doctor blade. In a method for applying adhesive to a substrate, excess adhesive that has not been applied to the substrate is disposed of.

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Wood-processing system and wood-processing method

Номер: US20210379716A1
Автор: Dirk Niebur
Принадлежит: IMA Schelling Deutschland GmbH

A wood-processing system having a buffer, which receives and buffers planar workpieces of wood materials or wood substitute materials, and a deposit device, onto which workpieces removed from the buffer can be deposited. At least one robot is included to remove the workpieces from the buffer and to deposit said workpieces on a deposit element of the deposit device and/or at another deposit location in the buffer. The system can be operated continuously, with workpieces being loaded sequentially into the buffer, removed from the buffer by the robot, and sorted onto the deposit device.

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210379792A1
Автор: Schürmann Ralf
Принадлежит: IMA Schelling Deutschland GmbH

A method for processing panel-shaped workpieces having the steps of providing a large-format panel, and feeding the large-format panel to a detachment station; detaching panel-shaped workpieces by dividing the large-format panel in the detachment station by making cuts in the large-format panel using a detachment unit; and feeding the workpieces thus detached to a downstream processing station in order to complete the panel-shaped workpiece. In step b) at least a part of each detached workpiece acquires from the detachment unit an alignment section for engaging gripping elements and/or introducing reference bores. After the workpiece provided with the alignment section has been detached it is taken over by a gripping element, engaging element or grasping element which engages the alignment section. After the workpiece is taken over, the gripping element, engaging element or grasping element engaging in a form-fitting manner on the alignment section of the workpiece runs through a cycle. 145. A method for processing panel-shaped workpieces ( , ) , in particular made of wood or wood substitutes , in which the following steps are carried out:{'b': 4', '1', '4', '1, 'a) providing a large-format panel (), in particular made of wood or wood substitute materials, and feeding (P) the large-format panel () to a detachment station ();'}{'b': 5', '4', '1', '4', '11, 'b) detaching panel-shaped workpieces () by dividing the provided large-format panel () in the detachment station () by making cuts in the large-format panel () using at least one detachment unit (); and'}{'b': 5', '2', '3', '110', '111', '112', '5, 'c) feeding the workpieces () thus detached to at least one downstream processing station (, ; , , ) in order to complete the panel-shaped workpiece (),'}{'b': 11', '5', '14', '15', '5', '5', '14', '15', '5', '15', '5', '5', '100, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'a, 'wherein in step b) at least a part of each detached workpiece acquires from the detachment unit () an alignment ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269460A1

The present disclosure is directed towards an Improved Circular Saw Blade for simultaneous and combination cutting and chamfering a workpiece comprising a modified circular saw blade configured as a primary cutter to be mounted to one end of an arbor shaft rotatable on an axis. The modified circular saw blade comprises a plurality of substantially identical slots spaced circumferentially and extending radially inward towards the center. A modified chamfer tool is then configured as a secondary cutter to be aligned and mounted coaxially behind the primary cutter on the arbor shaft. The modified chamfer tool comprises angularly disposed peripheral chamfer blades mounted in the slots of the primary cutter so as to be displaceable transversely to the longitudinal axis of the modified circular saw blade. During manufacturing operations the peripheral chamfer blades of the secondary cutter are configured to follow the path of the primary cutter for simultaneously cutting and chamfering of the workpiece to a certain desired length and angle, respectively. 1. An Improved Circular Saw Blade for simultaneous cutting and chamfering a workpiece , the Improved Circular Saw Blade comprising:a modified circular saw blade configured as a primary cutter to be mounted to one end of an arbor shaft rotatable on an axis, the modified circular saw blade having a plurality of substantially identical slots spaced circumferentially and extending radially inward towards the center;a modified chamfer tool configured as a secondary cutter to be aligned and mounted coaxially behind the primary cutter on the arbor shaft;the modified chamfer tool having angularly disposed peripheral chamfer blades mounted in the slots of the primary cutter so as to be displaceable transversely to the longitudinal axis of the modified circular saw blade; andwherein during manufacturing operations the peripheral chamfer blades of the secondary cutter are configured to follow the path of the primary cutter for ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275780A1

A door pressing system for pressing interior passage doors, exterior entry doors, bi-fold doors, and/or closet doors features a multi-door pressing station including first and second presses, a loading device, and a discharging device. The pressing station is configured to alternatively move the first and second presses into operative alignment with the loading and discharging devices. The press in operative alignment delivers a pressed assembled door to the discharging device and receives an assembled door layup to be pressed from the loading device. The other press that is out of operatively alignment presses an assembled door received therein. Additional methods and systems are also provided. 1. A system for making doors comprising: a first press including a first set of platens, and', 'a second press including a second set of platens, each set of platens respectively having at least one platen movable relative to the other platen of the set of platens between an open state and a closed state;, 'a first pressing station comprising'}the first pressing station configured to alternatingly move the first and second presses between (i) a loading/unloading position, in which one of the first and second presses is in the open state to receive at least a first assembled door in a layup state to discharge at least a second of assembled door that has been pressed, and (ii) a pressing position, in which the other of the first and second presses is in the closed state for pressing a third of assembled doora first accumulator configured to hold the assembled doors that have been pressed in the first pressing station while an applied adhesive develops bond strength; a third press including a third set of platens, and', 'a fourth press including a fourth set of platens, each set of platens respectively having at least one platen movable relative to the other platen of the set of platens between an open state and a closed state,', 'the second pressing station configured to ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Method for coating a preferably plate-shaped workpiece

Номер: US20180290173A1
Автор: Achim Homeier
Принадлежит: HOMAG GMBH

The invention relates to a method which has applications in the furniture and component industry. In particular, planar workpieces are coated in order to adapt their exteriors to the wishes of individual customers. A curable substance is applied and a three-dimensional structure is thus produced, at least partially in the region of the narrow side surface layer.

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Method for Beveling Veneers

Номер: US20180304491A1
Автор: Hanses Josef

A method for bevelling veneers (), in which an edge () of the veneer () is pressed, by a pressure shoe () that extends along the edge, against a base () in such a way that the edge projects over the base, and in that a trimming device () and a grinding tool (), which has a grinding surface set at an angle to the plane of the veneer, move along the edge () of the veneer such that an edge strip () of the veneer is cut-off by the trimming device () and the veneer is bevelled by the grinding tool (). 1. A method for bevelling veneers , comprising the steps of:pressing an edge of a veneer, by a pressure shoe that extends along said edge, against a base in such a way that the edge projects over the base, andmoving a trimming device and a grinding tool, which has a grinding surface set at an angle to a plane of the veneer, along the edge of the veneer such that an edge strip of the veneer is cut-off by the trimming device and the veneer is bevelled by the grinding tool.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of moving including the step of moving the trimming device and the grinding tool along the edge of the veneer together.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of moving along the edge of the veneer claim 1 , includes the step of arranging the trimming device and the grinding tool such that the trimming device precedes the grinding tool.4. The method according to claim 1 , further including the steps of:supplying the veneer to the base on a conveyer,electronically detecting the edge of the veneer during transport on the conveyor, andcontrolling the length by which the edge projects beyond the base by controlling the conveyor.5. The method according to claim 4 ,wherein the step of electronically detecting includes the step of detecting the edge of the veneer with a measuring system,further including the step of assessing a condition of the edge by processing measurement data obtained from the previous step, andwherein the step of controlling ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Method for coating a surface using a profiled coating material and a coating material

Номер: US20200307066A1
Автор: Felix Schatz
Принадлежит: HOMAG GMBH

The present invention relates to a method and a coating material ( 10 ) for coating a surface, particularly a narrow side of a plate-shaped workpiece (W), which preferably consists, at least in part, of wood, wood materials, wood substitute materials, plastic or the like, said method comprising the following steps: supplying a coating material ( 10 ), wherein the coating material ( 10 ) has a recess ( 10 a ) extending in a longitudinal direction of the coating material ( 10 ), and; applying the coating material ( 10 ) to at least one surface (W 1 ) of a workpiece (W) to be coated, wherein the workpiece (W) has, on the at least one surface (W 1 ) to be coated, a profile (P), which is complementary at least in part to the recess ( 10 a ).

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160368162A1

A method for coating a surface portion of a plate-like workpiece with a coating material is disclosed, wherein the workpiece is formed at least partially of wood, wood materials, plastic materials and the like, wherein the method includes coating the surface portion of the workpiece with a coating material by use of a coating unit, wherein the surface portion is formed in a coating direction with an angle that changes with respect to the plane of the workpiece at an angle of 0°<α<90° with respect to the plate plane, and has a curvature in the coating direction, and mechanically adjusting the coating unit during processing such that the position of the coating unit with respect to that part of the surface portion that is currently being processed is constant. Also disclosed is an apparatus having a control device for carrying out this method. 1. A method for coating a surface portion of a plate-like workpiece with a coating material , wherein the workpiece is formed at least in sections of wood , wood-based materials , plastics material or the like , comprising the steps of:coating the surface portion of the workpiece with the coating material using a coating unit, wherein the surface portion is formed in a coating direction (B) at an angle (α) that changes in relation to the plane of the workpiece, or at an angle 0°<α<90° with respect to the plane of the workpiece and has a curvature in the coating direction (B), andadjusting the coating unit during processing such that the position of the coating unit in relation to the part of the surface portion being processed is constant.2. The method according to claim 1 , in which the surface portion has claim 1 , in the coating direction (B) claim 1 , an angle (α) that changes in relation to the plane and a curvature of the workpiece.3. The method according to claim 1 , in which the coating material is coated onto the surface portion at least in sections to excess and further comprising face-milling the surface portion after ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of applying side tape on narrow surfaces, particularly, panel-like work pieces, and work pieces thus produced

Номер: RU2459703C1

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to application to side tape on narrow surfaces, panel-like work pieces, and to work pieces thus produced. Glue is applied on side tape to activated by heat and heated by plasma. EFFECT: perfected process. 9 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 459 703 (13) C1 (51) МПК B29C 63/00 B29C 65/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011106328/05, 06.07.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КАРЛ В. НИМАНН ГМБХ УНД КО. КГ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 21.07.2008 DE 102008034115.0 (72) Автор(ы): ШУМАХЕР Райнхард (DE) (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2012 Бюл. № 24 2 4 5 9 7 0 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 102006021171 A1, 08.11.2007. WO 2009026977 A1, 05.03.2009. DE 10144524 A1, 27.03. 2003. SU 899347 A1, 23.01.1982. SU 358817 A1, 01.01.1972. SU 1052400 A1, 07.11.1983. 2 4 5 9 7 0 3 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/004859 (06.07.2009) C 1 C 1 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 21.02.2011 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2010/009805 (28.01.2010) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ НАНЕСЕНИЯ КРОМОЧНОЙ ЛЕНТЫ НА УЗКИЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ, В ЧАСТНОСТИ ПАНЕЛЕОБРАЗНЫЕ ЗАГОТОВКИ, И ЗАГОТОВКИ, ПОЛУЧЕННЫЕ ЭТИМ СПОСОБОМ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к технологии крепления кромочной ленты к поверхности заготовок и касается способа нанесения кромочной ленты на узкие поверхности, в частности панелеобразные заготовки, и заготовок, полученных этим способом. На кромочную ленту наносят клей, который может быть активирован теплом и который нагревают плазменным излучением. Изобретение позволяет усовершенствовать нанесение кромочной ленты на узкие поверхности заготовок. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл. Ñòð.: 1 ru RUSSIAN ...

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for transferring edge-band of edge-banding machine

Номер: KR101209304B1
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: 김진수

The present invention can prevent the vertical movement of the edge band during the transfer of the edge band only by a simple operation based on a simple configuration, and the edge banding machine can improve the reliability of the product by blocking the rear push phenomenon of the edge band at the source. An edge band transfer apparatus, comprising: a transfer die installed on a line into which a wooden panel is inserted; a guide portion installed at the transfer die to guide an edge band released from a band roll to be constantly forwarded; and the transfer die A drive roller and a transfer roller installed in the feed die and selectively attached to both sides of the edge band guided from the guide part to transfer the edge band to the edge surface of the wood panel; To the edgeband feeder of the edge banding machine, which includes a cutter that cuts to the length of the panel. The guide part may include: a guide plate contacting one surface of the edge band to guide the edge band; a guide roller contacting the other surface of the edge band and rotating together with forward movement of the edge band; It includes an elastic piece for pressing the other surface of the edge band to prevent the rear movement during cutting, and the vertical restraining member for restraining the upper end of the edge band to prevent the up and down shaking of the edge band.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Edge band forming apparatus for timber panel

Номер: KR101948161B1
Автор: 김상수
Принадлежит: 김상수

According to the present invention, an edge band forming apparatus of a timber panel, having enhanced reliability of adhesion, comprises: a band supply member provided to unwind an edge band wound in a roll shape and supply the edge band; a panel transferring member provided to transfer a timber panel to which the edge band is to be attached; an adhesive applying member provided to apply adhesive on an edge of the timber panel; an adhering member provided to adhere the edge band to the edge of the timber panel on which the adhesive is applied; a length cutting member provided to cut the edge band attached to the timber panel at the same length as the timber panel; a drying member provided to dry a portion having the edge band attached thereto; a width cutting member provided to cut the edge band attached to the timber panel at the same width as the timber panel; and a trimming member provided to trim the edge band portion cut by the width cutting member. The panel transferring member comprises: a first transferring roller unit provided to transfer the timber panel while being in contact with an upper surface of the timber panel to rotate; and a second transferring roller unit provided to support the timber panel while being in contact with a lower surface of the timber panel, wherein a concave portion inclined towards the first transferring roller is formed on a surface of the second transferring roller. The band supply member comprises rollers to support a lower portion of the edge band wherein a concave portion inclined towards the center of the band supply member is formed on a surface of each roller. According to the present invention, reliability of adhesion of an edge band to an edge portion of a timber panel such as an MDF panel can be enhanced, thereby reducing defective rates, and thus, production yield of the panel can be increased.

01-11-2003 дата публикации

Tape cutting device of wood panel side tape wrapper

Номер: KR200331894Y1
Автор: 이내우
Принадлежит: 이내우

본 고안은 미감 향상을 위해 목재패널의 측면에 부착되는 측면테이프에 관련된 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 목재패널의 측면 사방으로 연장되는 여분의 측면테이프 에지(Edge)면을 커팅함에 있어 일반적인 측면테이프는 물론 돌출부를 갖는 방풍측면테이프의 상,하 에지면 커팅이 가능하고, 측면테이프의 전,후 에지면 커팅시 깨짐이나 백화현상이 발생되지 않아 매끈한 절단면을 얻을 수 있도록 한 목재패널 측면테이프 접착기의 테이프커팅장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a side tape attached to the side of the wooden panel to improve the aesthetics, and more specifically, in cutting the extra side tape edge surface extending in all sides of the wooden panel as well as the general side tape Tape cutting of the wood panel side tape gluer to cut the upper and lower edges of the windproof side tapes with protrusions and to obtain a smooth cut surface without cracking or whitening when cutting the edges of the side tape. Relates to a device. 이러한 본 고안은 트리밍커터의 내측 중앙에 방충측면테이프의 돌출부가 수용되는 안내턱을 갖도록 다단으로 형성하고, 상기 트리밍커터가 고정되는 트리밍커터고정부재의 내측면에 목재패널의 이송을 안내하는 안내면을 만곡지게 형성하되 안내면의 상측에는 방충측면테이프의 돌출부가 수용되는 안내턱을 형성시킨 트리밍커팅수단을 구비하고, The present invention is formed in multiple stages to have a guide jaw receiving the projection of the insect repellent side tape in the inner center of the trimming cutter, the guide surface for guiding the transport of the wood panel to the inner surface of the trimming cutter fixing member is fixed to the trimming cutter It is formed to be curved but has a trimming cutting means formed on the upper side of the guide surface to form a guide jaw for receiving the projection of the insect-repellent side tape, 상기 목재패널의 측면에 수평상으로 작동하는 엔드커터고정부재를 설치하고, 상기 엔드커터고정부재에 엔드커터를 수직상으로 입설하여 엔드커터의 날끝이 측면테이프의 측면에 접촉하면서 전,후 에지면을 말끔하게 절단하는 엔드커팅수단을 구비시키므로써 이루어지는 것이다. An end cutter fixing member operating horizontally is installed on the side of the wood panel, and an end cutter is vertically placed on the end cutter fixing member so that the blade edge of the end cutter contacts the side of the side tape before and after It is made by having an end cutting means for cutting neatly.

28-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting panel for edge banding machine

Номер: KR101301423B1
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: 김진수

본 발명은 절삭수단이 평밀링커터이든 회전톱이든 상관없이 간단한 구성을 통해 이송되는 패널의 에지면 절삭시 패널의 전후 양단면에 부착된 에지밴드가 이탈되는 것을 완전히 방지할 수 있어 패널제품의 품질의 연속성을 확보할 수 있는 에지밴딩기용 패널 절삭장치에 관한 것으로서, 무한궤도식으로 이동하는 컨베이어 및 상기 컨베이어 위에 회전 가능하게 설치된 복수의 이송롤러에 의해 전방으로 이송되는 패널의 에지면에 요철이 없이 균일하도록 절삭하는 절삭수단이 구비된 에지밴딩기용 패널 절삭장치에 있어서, 상기 절삭수단은, 회전중심축이 세로방향으로 세워져 커터날이 상기 패널의 에지면을 바라보도록 설치되어 상기 패널의 에지면 전단부터 후단까지 일정하게 상향절삭하는 평밀링커터와, 상기 평밀링커터에 의해 상기 패널의 에지면 전단이 절삭된 후 상기 패널의 에지면 후단이 절삭되기 전에 상기 패널의 에지면 후단에 접촉하여 상기 패널의 후면을 압박하면서 상기 패널의 이송과 함께 전진 이동하는 압박부재를 포함하여 이루어진다. The present invention can completely prevent the edge bands attached to both front and rear end faces of the panel during cutting of the edge of the panel, which is transferred through a simple configuration, regardless of whether the cutting means is a flat milling cutter or a rotary saw, thereby improving the quality of the panel products. The present invention relates to a panel cutting device for an edge banding machine capable of securing continuity of a device, the method comprising: an endless track conveyor and a plurality of feed rollers rotatably mounted on the conveyor without irregularities on the edge surface of the panel. In the panel cutting device for edge banding machine is provided with cutting means for cutting so that the cutting means is installed so that the axis of rotation is vertically erected so that the cutter blade facing the edge surface of the panel from the front edge of the panel The flat milling cutter for constant upward cutting to the rear end and the edge of the panel by the flat milling cutter After the front end face and the cutting contact with the trailing edge surface of the panel before the trailing edge surface of the panel cutting pressure on the rear surface of the panel comprises a pressure member for forward movement with the transfer of the panel.

29-05-2018 дата публикации

A kind of hot pressing humidity discharging method of glued board and core-board

Номер: CN108081405A


12-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for transferring edge-band of edge-banding machine

Номер: KR20120034279A
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: 김진수

본 발명은 간단한 구성에 기한 편리한 조작만으로 에지밴드의 이송시 에지밴드의 상하 움직임을 방지할 수 있고, 에지밴드의 후방 밀림 현상을 원천적으로 봉쇄할 수 있어 제품의 신뢰성을 제고할 수 있는 에지밴딩기의 에지밴드 이송장치에 관한 것으로, 목재패널이 투입되는 라인 상에 설치되는 이송다이와, 상기 이송다이에 설치되어 밴드롤로부터 풀려나오는 에지밴드가 일정하게 전방으로 이송되도록 가이드하는 가이드부와, 상기 이송다이에 설치되어 상기 가이드부로부터 가이드된 상기 에지밴드의 양면에 선택적으로 밀착되어 상기 에지밴드를 목재패널의 에지면으로 이송시키는 구동롤러 및 이송롤러와, 상기 이송다이에 설치되어 상기 에지밴드를 상기 목재패널의 길이에 맞게 절단하는 커터를 포함하는 에지밴딩기의 에지밴드 이송장치에 있어서, 상기 가이드부는, 상기 에지밴드의 일면에 접촉되어 상기 에지밴드를 가이드하는 가이드판과, 상기 에지밴드의 타면에 접촉되어 상기 에지밴드의 전방 이송과 함께 회전하는 가이드롤러와, 상기 에지밴드의 절단시 후방 이동을 방지하도록 상기 에지밴드의 타면을 압박하는 탄성편과, 상기 에지밴드의 상하 흔들림을 방지하도록 상기 에지밴드의 상단을 구속하는 상하구속부재를 포함하여 이루어진다.

22-05-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating corner of wood panel

Номер: KR101521582B1
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: (주)세아테크

본 발명은 목재패널의 모서리를 도장재 도포 등의 목적을 위해 자동으로 표면 처리할 수 있는 목재패널의 모서리 처리장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 의한 목재패널의 모서리 처리장치는, 목재패널을 수평 이송시키는 목재패널 이송장치와, 작업벨트 어셈블리와, 작업벨트 어셈블리를 이동 가능하게 지지하는 작업벨트 어셈블리 이동장치를 포함한다. 작업벨트 어셈블리는 이송되는 목재패널의 모서리에 접하여 목재패널의 모서리를 표면 처리하는 작업벨트와, 작업벨트를 무한궤도 운동 가능하게 지지하는 구동롤러 및 아이들롤러와, 구동롤러를 회전시켜 작업벨트를 작동시키는 작업벨트 구동장치를 구비한다. 작업벨트 어셈블리 이동장치는 작업벨트 어셈블리와 결합되고 목재패널의 모서리에 대해 수직 방향으로 배치되는 전후 가이드 부재에 직선 이동 가능하게 결합되는 전후 이동부재와, 전후 이동부재를 전후 가이드 부재를 따라 이동시켜 작업벨트 어셈블리를 목재패널의 모서리에 대해 수직 방향으로 전후 이동시키는 전후 이동장치를 갖는다. The present invention relates to an edge processing apparatus for a wood panel which can automatically surface the edge of a wood panel for the purpose of applying a coating material or the like. An edge processing apparatus for a wood panel according to the present invention includes a wood panel transfer device for horizontally transferring a wood panel, a work belt assembly, and a work belt assembly transfer device for movably supporting the work belt assembly. The operation belt assembly includes a work belt contacting the edge of the wood panel to be conveyed and surface-treating the edge of the wood panel, a drive roller and idler roller for supporting the work belt in an endless track motion, and a drive belt And a work belt driving device for driving the work belt. The work belt assembly moving device includes a back and forth moving member coupled to a working belt assembly and linearly movably coupled to a front and rear guide member disposed in a vertical direction with respect to an edge of a wood panel, Backward movement device for moving the belt assembly back and forth in the direction perpendicular to the edge of the wood panel.

05-01-2021 дата публикации

Full-automatic gluing and edge sealing production line for plates

Номер: CN112171820A
Автор: 易树华, 陈文明, 龙健


03-09-2009 дата публикации

Edge vending machine with panel devided cutting and hollow out a groove device

Номер: KR100915141B1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

본 발명은 가구용 목재패널의 제작을 위해 투입되는 패널 소재의 양 측면에 에지테잎이 부착되도록 하는 에지벤딩기에 있어, 측면에 에지테잎이 부착되면서 이송되는 패널소재의 폭 방향 중앙부를 서로 임의 크기로 양분되도록 절단되게 함과 동시에, 양분되는 각각의 패널소재의 절단부에 근접되게 각각 뒤판 끼움홈이 함께 가공되도록 함으로써, 이송되는 패널소재에 대한 에지테잎 부착작업과 일정크기로 양분하는 절단작업 및 절단되는 각각의 패널소재에 대한 끼움홈 가공이 한번의 공정으로 동시에 이루어지도록 하는 것에 의해, 목재패널의 제작을 위한 패널소재의 가공공정을 대폭 줄여 그 작업성을 향상시킴으로써 각종 가구 제작을 위한 목재패널의 제작단가를 크게 낮출 수 있도록 한 것으로, 가구용 목재패널을 이루기 위한 패널소재(a)의 양 측면부에 에지테잎이 부착되도록 하는 양면 에지벤딩기(A)에 있어서, 에지벤딩기(A)의 에지테잎 부착측 바닥 프레임(5)상에는, 복수의 이송스크류(13)의 작동에 의해 복수의 슬라이딩부재(15)를 타고 수평이동되는 이송판(1)과, 이송판(1) 일측의 복수의 버팀대(12)에 각각 설치되는 승강수단(21)의 작동로드(21a)의 승,하강 작동에 의해 이송판(1) 상에서 수직이동되는 받침판(2)과, 이 받침판(2) 상에 지지판(31)(31)을 개재하여 직립 되게 설치되는 복수의 지지대(3)(3)(3)(3)와, 상기 지지대(3)(3)(3)(3)에 고정부재(45)(46)에 의해 각각 수평 및 수직 이동이 가능하게 설치되어 그 구동축에 제1 내지 제4커팅휠(41)(42)(43)(44)이 설치되게 한 구동모터(4)(4)(4)(4)로 되는 패널 절단 및 홈 가공수단(b)을 부착설치하여, 양 측면부에 에지테잎이 부착되는 상태로 이송되는 패널소재(a)의 바닥면에 뒤판 끼움홈(a-1)을 형성하면서 패널소재(a)를 일정 폭 크기로 양분 절단할 수 있도록 한 것을 특징으로 하는 패널소재에 대해 이분할 절단 및 홈 가공이 동시에 가능한 에지벤딩기이다. The present invention is an edge bending machine for attaching the edge tape to both sides of the panel material input for the production of wood panel for furniture, the width of the center portion of the panel material to be transported while the edge tape is attached to the side in any size At the same time, the back plate fitting grooves are processed together in close proximity to the cut portion of each panel material to be divided, so that the edge tape attaching operation and the bisecting cutting work to a certain size are carried out. By making the fitting groove processing for the panel material at the same time in one process, the manufacturing process of the wood panel for various furniture is greatly reduced by greatly reducing the processing process of the panel material for the production of the wood panel. In order to significantly lower the panel material (a) of the wood panel for furniture In the double-sided edge bending machine (A) in which the edge tapes are attached to both side ...

23-08-2011 дата публикации

Edge banding machine

Номер: KR101059022B1
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: 김진수

본 발명은 패널의 에지면을 직각으로 절삭할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 소정의 각도로 경사지게 절삭할 수 있고, 그에 따라 절삭된 패널의 에지면에 에지밴드를 용이하게 부착할 수 있는 에지밴딩기에 관한 것으로, 패널 절삭장치의 회전톱 하단에 인접하게 설치된 제1 회동축과, 상기 제1 회동축을 매개로 상기 패널 절삭장치의 양단을 회동 가능하게 지지하는 제1 지지대와, 상기 패널 절삭장치를 회동시키는 제1 실린더로 구성된 제1 각도 조절장치를 더 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 에지밴딩기, 패널 절삭장치, 패널 부착장치, 각도 조절장치

17-09-2021 дата публикации

An edge band tip removal device

Номер: KR102304037B1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

The present invention relates to an edge band guide apparatus for an edge band attachment apparatus. According to the present invention, an edge band guide apparatus guides and bond a band (B) to an edge of a plate material (P) transferred through a conveyor belt on the upper surface of a frame (F). The edge band guide apparatus comprises: a guide member (100) disposed and fixed to the frame (F) and forming a guide path (110) to erect and guide an input band (B); an edge band guider (200) vertically movable at the upper end of the band (B) transported along the guide path (110) to control an upward movement of the band (B); a setting member (300) fixed to the setting body (310) fixed to the frame (F) through a guide means (320)to move only up and down and fixing the edge band guider (200) to one side; and a position setting unit disposed to move the setting member (300) up and down so that the lower end of the edge band guider (200) is positioned close to the band (B) to secure allowance. According to the present invention, the edge band guide apparatus provides advantages of setting the size of a band through the edge band guider while guiding the band to an edge of the transferred plate member and, at the same time, forming an optimized guide path on the basis of the set size to guide the band.

29-09-1978 дата публикации

Panel edge press for veneer or strip gluing

Номер: CH605062A5
Автор: Walter Wismeth
Принадлежит: Walter Wismeth

Panel edge press for veneer or strip gluing has four or more interfacing paired press units on frame

16-04-2019 дата публикации

A kind of dipping fancy veneer lamination core-board

Номер: CN109623970A


14-02-2011 дата публикации

Guide roll and drive roll synchronous rotating device for edge banding machine

Номер: KR101014528B1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

본발명은 에지벤딩기의 목재패널 도입부의 콘베어 벨트측에 근접되게, 가공을 위해 투입되는 목재패널의 하면이 접촉되어 목재 패널의 이송에 따라 회전되는 구동로울러를 설치하여, 이 구동로울러와 에지 벤딩기의 패널 도입부 일측에 설치되어 투입되는 목재패널의 선단부 일 측면이 최초 접촉되면서 안정적으로 안내되어 이송되도록 하는 안내로울러를 와이어케이블로 서로 연결하는 것에 의해, 목재 패널의 투입시 구동로울러의 회전력이 와이어케이블에 의해 안내로울러에 전달되어 구동로울러와 안내로울러가 동시에 회전되도록 함으로써, 가공을 위한 목재 패널의 선단부 일 측면이 회전되는 안내로울러와 접촉되면서 순간적으로 정지되는 일없이 부드럽게 안내되어 이송되면서 후가공 공정으로 안내 이송될 수 있도록 함으로써, 목재패널의 가공 효율을 높여 양질의 가공된 목재패널을 얻을 수 있게 될뿐만아니라, 투입되는 목재 패널에 의해 안내로울러가 받게 되는 진입 충격을 미연에 막아주게 되므로, 에지벤딩기의 사용성 제고와 함께 사용수명을 연장할 수 있도록 한 것으로, 복수의 이송로울러(51)와 콘베어벨트(52)에 의해 협지되는 상태로 에지벤딩기(5)의 안내로울러(3)측으로 목재패널(4)이 투입되도록 하는 안내로울러 동기구동 구조에 있어서, 에지벤딩기(5)의 목재패널 도입부의 콘베어벨트 구동경로 일 측에는 구동로울러(1)를 설치하여 그 외면이 투입되는 목재패널(4)의 하면에 접촉되어 회전되게 하고, 이 구동로울러(1)의 구동축(11)에는 연결구(21)를 개재하여 와이어케이블(2)의 일단을 연결한 상태에서 상기 와이어케이블(2)의 타단은 상기 안 내로울러(3)의 구동축(31)에 연결구(22)를 기재하여 연결하는 것에 의해, 목재패널(4)의 이송에 따른 구동로울러(1)의 회전력이 와이어케이블(2)을 통해 안내로울러(3)에 전달되어 구동로울러(1)와 동기 구동 되도록 한 것을 특징으로 하는 에지 벤딩기의 목재 패널 도입부측 안내 로울러의 동기 구동 구조이다. The present invention is installed close to the conveyor belt side of the wood panel introduction portion of the edge bending machine, install a drive roller that is in contact with the lower surface of the wood panel to be injected for processing and rotates in accordance with the transport of the wood panel, By connecting the guide rollers, which are installed at one side of the panel introduction part, with the wire rollers, guide rollers which are stably guided and transported upon initial contact with the first side of the wood panel, the rotational force of the driving roller is applied to the wire cable when the wood panel is inserted. It is transmitted to the guide roller by the drive roller and the guide roller to rotate at the same time, one side of the front end of the wood panel for processing is guided to the post-processing process while gently guided and transported without contacting the rotating guide roller at the moment By making it possible to In addition to improving the processing efficiency, ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации

Processing method for furniture board using korean paper

Номер: KR101114564B1
Автор: 노재근
Принадлежит: 주식회사 코아스

본 발명은 가구용 판재 가공방법에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 판재 가공시 친환경 재료를 이용하고 공정 조건을 적절히 조절하여 한지를 판재에 적용하면서도 경도, 내구성 및 외관성이 우수하며, 환경유해물질이 배출되지 않아 친환경적인 판재 가공방법에 관한 것이다.

25-01-2006 дата публикации

Laminate manufacturing apparatus and manufacturing method

Номер: JP3739383B1
Автор: 久也 加藤
Принадлежит: Kato Mokuzai Kogyo Co Ltd

【課題】 不良品の発生率を低下させつつ曲面部の曲率半径が極めて小さな積層体を得ることができる積層体を提供する。 【解決手段】 本積層体50は、基材51の表面及び側面に化粧材52を積層してなる積層体であって、前記基材の角側には第1切欠部53が形成されており、前記化粧材の裏面側の該第1切欠部と対応する部位には円弧状部を有する第2切欠部54が形成されており、該化粧材が該第2切欠部の該円弧状部で折り曲げられていることを特徴とする。 【選択図】 図10 PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a laminate capable of obtaining a laminate having an extremely small curvature radius of a curved surface portion while reducing the incidence of defective products. SOLUTION: This laminate 50 is a laminate in which a decorative material 52 is laminated on the surface and side surfaces of a substrate 51, and a first notch 53 is formed on the corner side of the substrate. A second cutout portion 54 having an arcuate portion is formed in a portion corresponding to the first cutout portion on the back side of the decorative material, and the decorative material is formed by the arcuate portion of the second cutout portion. It is bent. [Selection] Figure 10

10-11-2011 дата публикации

Edge banding machine

Номер: KR101082736B1
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: 김진수

본 발명은 패널의 에지면을 직각으로 절삭할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 소정의 각도로 경사지게 절삭할 수 있고, 그에 따라 절삭된 패널의 에지면에 에지밴드를 용이하게 부착할 수 있는 에지밴딩기에 관한 것으로, 패널 절삭장치의 양단에 각각 돌출 형성된 제1 돌기와, 상기 패널 절삭장치를 회동 가능하게 지지하도록 상기 제1 돌기가 삽입되어 가이드되는 제1 가이드홈이 형성된 제1 지지대와, 상기 패널 절삭장치를 회동시키는 제1 실린더로 구성된 제1 각도 조절장치를 더 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to an edge banding machine capable of cutting the edge surface of the panel at a right angle, as well as cutting at an inclined angle, and thus easily attaching an edge band to the edge surface of the cut panel. A first support protrusion protruding from both ends of the panel cutting device, a first support having a first guide groove into which the first protrusion is inserted and guided to rotatably support the panel cutting device, and rotating the panel cutting device. It further comprises a first angle adjusting device composed of a first cylinder. 에지밴딩기, 패널 절삭장치, 패널 부착장치, 각도 조절장치 Edge Bending Machine, Panel Cutting Machine, Panel Attachment, Angle Adjuster

29-07-2020 дата публикации

Edge thermal bonding method of panel

Номер: KR102139490B1
Автор: 최민호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 넥시스

The present invention provides a method of thermal-bonding an edge of a panel that can prevent moisture penetration through the edge of a panel for furniture. The method includes a first step of arranging a sheet on an edge surface of a panel; a second step of temporarily fixing the sheet to the edge surface at a first temperature by a fixing roller that moves the panel in one direction and rotates in contact with the sheet; a third step of thermally bonding the sheet to the edge surface by spraying high-pressure hot air having a second temperature higher than the first temperature on the sheet temporarily fixed to the edge surface; a fourth step of performing trimming to remove excess sheet portions exposed above the upper and lower surfaces of the panel beyond the thickness of the edge surface; a fifth step of applying a cleaning agent to the edge and upper and lower surfaces of the panel to remove foreign substances generated in the fourth step from the panel; and a sixth step of introducing and polishing a disc made of a fibrous material from the top and bottom of the panel to polish the edge of the panel, wherein the panel includes a particle board or a medium density fiberboard.

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Edge adhesion apparatus of panel

Номер: KR102109766B1
Автор: 최민호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 넥시스

The present invention relates to a panel edge bonding apparatus comprising: a first unit including a release agent applicator, an adhesive agent applicator, and a protective agent applicator, wherein the release agent applicator applies a release agent along edges of upper and lower sides of a panel including a particleboard or a medium-density fiberboard, the adhesive agent applicator applies an adhesive agent PUR onto an edge surface vertically adjacent to the upper and lower surfaces of the panel, the adhesive agent being applied so as to be exposed on the upper and lower surfaces vertical to the edge surface, and the protective agent applicator applies a protective agent on the adhesive agent exposed on the upper and lower surfaces of the panel vertical to the edge surface of the panel and the edges of the upper and lower surfaces of the panel so as to prevent foreign materials from sticking thereto; a second unit including a trimming means for removing a residual portion of the adhesive agent exposed on the upper and lower surfaces of the panel, exceeding the thickness of the edge surface; and a third unit which includes a cleaning agent applicator and a grinder, wherein the cleaning agent applicator applies a cleaning agent on the edge surface and the upper and lower surfaces of the panel in order to remove foreign materials generated by the trimming means from the panel, and the grinder grinds the cured PUR around the corners of the panel by having fibrous discs introduced above and below the panel. In particular, the panel is a particleboard or a medium-density fiberboard.

08-10-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of surface material formed embossing on sheet and surface material formed embossing

Номер: KR101314782B1
Автор: 이장섭, 이행섭
Принадлежит: (주)원진우드

본 발명은 표면재의 제조방법 및 표면재에 관한 것으로서, 특히 가열 및 가압방법이 아닌 코팅제의 점도를 이용하여 엠보싱을 형성함으로써, 표면재의 내마모성 및 내스크래치성 등을 향상시킬 수 있는 투명시트에 엠보싱이 형성된 표면재의 제조방법 및 엠보싱이 형성된 표면재에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 투명시트에 엠보싱이 형성된 표면재의 제조방법은, 투명한 합성수지 재질의 시트를 공급하는 공급단계와; 패널에 접착되는 상기 시트의 하면에 문양을 인쇄하는 인쇄단계와; 상기 시트의 상면에 투명한 코팅제를 도포하여 코팅층을 형성하는 코팅단계와; 코팅된 시트를 건조하는 건조단계와; 건조된 시트를 권취하는 권취단계로 이루어지되, 상기 코팅단계에서는 상기 코팅제의 점도에 의해 엠보싱 형상의 코팅층을 형성하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

08-10-2003 дата публикации

A triming device of an edge banding machine

Номер: KR200329225Y1
Автор: 장봉관
Принадлежит: 장봉관

본 고안은 에지밴딩기의 트리밍장치에 관한 것으로, 1쌍의 안내봉(10)에 패널(P)의 이송방향을 따라 슬라이드 가능하게 결합되는 커터 지지블럭(20)과, 상기 커터 지지블럭(20)의 일측에 밴드(B)의 폭방향에 대하여 소정각(α)을 이루며 슬라이드 가능하게 구비되고, 절단날(31)이 밴드(B)의 폭방향과 나란하게 구비되는 커터(30)와, 상기 커터(30)를 커터 지지블럭(20)에 대하여 슬라이드 이동시키는 커터 실린더기구(40), 상기 커터 지지블럭(20)을 슬라이드 이동시키는 지지블럭 실린더기구(50)로 구성되어, 목재패널의 에지부에 밴드 접착후 밴드의 폭방향으로 트리밍시 밴드가 찢어지거나 깨지는 것을 방지할 수 있어 제품의 불량률을 낮출 수 있도록 된 것이다. The present invention relates to a trimming device of the edge banding machine, a cutter support block 20 and slidably coupled to the pair of guide rods 10 along the transport direction of the panel (P), the cutter support block 20 A cutter 30 provided at one side of the band B in a slidable direction with respect to the width direction of the band B, and the cutting blade 31 being provided in parallel with the width direction of the band B; The cutter cylinder mechanism 40 which slides the cutter 30 with respect to the cutter support block 20, and the support block cylinder mechanism 50 which slides the cutter support block 20, consists of an edge part of a wood panel. It is possible to prevent the band from being torn or broken when trimming in the width direction of the band after adhesion to the band, thereby lowering the defective rate of the product.

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Laminated body, device and method for manufacturing the same, and cutter used for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR100888295B1
Автор: 히사야 가또오

불량품의 발생률을 저하시키면서 곡면부의 곡률 반경이 매우 작은 적층체의 제조 장치를 얻을 수 있는 적층체를 제공하는 것이다. 본 장치(1)는 기재(51)의 표면 및 측면에 화장재(52)를 적층하여 이루어지는 적층체의 제조 장치이며, 상기 기재의 모서리측에 제1 절결부(53)를 형성하고, 또한 상기 화장재의 이면측의 상기 제1 절결부와 대응하는 부위에 원호 형상부(54a)를 갖는 제2 절결부(54)를 형성하는 절삭 기구(3)와, 상기 화장재를 상기 제2 절결부의 상기 원호 형상부에서 절곡하는 절곡 부재[막대 형상 부재(32)]를 구비하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 장치, 기재, 화장재, 절삭 기구, 절결부, 원호 형상부

02-12-2020 дата публикации

The embossed MDF with transfer paper attached on the top edge

Номер: KR102185546B1
Автор: 황덕규
Принадлежит: (주)오엠씨, 황덕규

The present invention relates to an MDF embossed plate with transfer paper formed on an edge protrusion of an upper surface. The present invention has a specific configuration in which an adhesive film (3) is attached to a side edge portion of MDF (1), a stepped protrusion (9) is formed along the edge of the upper surface of the MDF (1), and transfer paper (2) is positioned and attached to the stepped protrusion (9).

03-03-2006 дата публикации

A manufactured method the wood panel

Номер: KR100555718B1
Автор: 이경재
Принадлежит: 방염코리아(주)

본 발명은 다양한 색상과 형태를 가지는 이미지를 선명하고 간단하게 형성할 수 있는 새로운 구성의 이미지가 형성된 목재패널의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a wood panel is formed of a new configuration of the image that can form a clear and simple image having a variety of colors and shapes. 본 발명에 따르면, 장롱이나 싱크대 또는 출입구의 도어 등을 포함하는 목재패널의 제조방법에 있어서, 소정규격의 패널본체(12)를 제작하는 단계와, 상기 패널본체(12)의 상면에 프라이머를 코팅하는 단계와, 코팅된 프라이머층(14)의 표면에 이미지(16)를 인쇄하는 단계와, 인쇄된 이미지(16) 표면에 투명수지로 이루어진 보호층(18)을 코팅하는 단계를 포함하여 이루어진 것을 특징으로 하는 이미지가 형성된 목재패널의 제조방법이 제공된다. According to the present invention, in the method of manufacturing a wood panel including a cabinet, a sink or a door of an entrance, etc., a method of manufacturing a panel body 12 of a predetermined standard, and a primer is coated on an upper surface of the panel body 12. And printing the image 16 on the surface of the coated primer layer 14, and coating the protective layer 18 made of a transparent resin on the surface of the printed image 16. Provided is a method of manufacturing a wood panel having an image formed thereon.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Manufacturing Apparatus of Wood Plastic Composite Panel with Continuous Pattern

Номер: KR101364489B1
Автор: 성순현
Принадлежит: (주)정한개발

본 발명은 압출 성형하여 제조하는 합성목재판의 제조장치에 관한 것으로서, 특히 압출되는 패널에 다양한 패턴의 무늬들을 연속적으로 성형할 수 있게 구성한 것이다. 상기와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명에 따른 합성목재판의 제조장치는 원료를 공급하는 공급부와, 용융된 원료를 압출하는 압출부와, 압출부에 의해 압출된 원료가 성형되는 금형부와, 금형부에 의해 판재로 압출된 패널에 무늬를 전사하는 패턴성형부와, 성형된 패널을 냉각하는 냉각부와, 냉각된 패널을 절단하는 절단부를 구비하며, 패턴성형부는 판재로 압출된 패널의 상면에 패턴을 성형하는 성형밴드와, 성형밴드가 궤도 회전하도록 성형밴드를 지지하며 구동하는 롤러들과, 성형밴드를 긴장시킬 수 있도록 이동 가능한 이동롤러와, 이동롤러와 연결되어 이동롤러가 이동 가능하도록 스트로크가 신축하는 유압시스템을 포함하는 것을 기술적 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing a composite wood board manufactured by extrusion molding, and is particularly configured to continuously mold the patterns of various patterns on the panel to be extruded. Apparatus for manufacturing a composite wood board according to the present invention for achieving the above object is a supply unit for supplying the raw material, an extrusion unit for extruding the molten raw material, a mold unit for molding the raw material extruded by the extrusion unit; A pattern molding part for transferring a pattern to a panel extruded into a plate by a mold part, a cooling part for cooling the molded panel, and a cut part for cutting the cooled panel, wherein the pattern molding part has an upper surface of the panel extruded from the sheet material. A forming band for shaping the pattern, rollers for supporting and driving the forming band so that the forming band is orbitally rotated, a movable roller movable to tension the forming band, and a movable roller connected to the movable roller. The technical feature is that the stroke includes a hydraulic system that expands and contracts.

27-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005139417A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2005 139 417 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ B32B 21/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005139417/12, 16.12.2005 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÁÜÅÑÑÅ Ñ.ï.À. (IT) (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 10.06.2005 IT BO2005A 000397 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÁÅÐÍÀÐÄÈ Ïàîëî (IT) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.06.2007 Áþë. ¹ 18 R U Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 107023, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñåìåíîâñêà , 49, îô.404, Ôèðìà ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ ÎÎÎ "ÈÍÍÎÒÝÊ", ïàò.ïîâ. Î.Â.Àðãàñîâó R U (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ïàíåëü èç äðåâåñèíû èëè àíàëîãè÷íîãî ìàòåðèàëà, ñîäåðæàùà êîìïîíåíò èç äðåâåñèíû èëè àíàëîãè÷íîãî ìàòåðèàëà, ñîäåðæàùèé äâà ïàðàëëåëüíûõ ëèñòà èç äðåâåñèíû èëè àíàëîãè÷íîãî ìàòåðèàëà è íàïîëíèòåëüíóþ ñòðóêòóðó ìåæäó ëèñòàìè è èìåþùèé áîêîâîé êîíòóð, è, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, îäèí êàíò, çàêðåïëåííûé âäîëü, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, ÷àñòè óêàçàííîãî áîêîâîãî êîíòóðà, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî êàíò âë åòñ êîíòóðíûì êàíòîì, ñîäåðæàùèì, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, îäèí çóá, ïðîõîä ùèé âíóòðü êîìïîíåíòà è ìåæäó óêàçàííûìè ëèñòàìè. 2. Ïàíåëü ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî óêàçàííûå ëèñòû ðàçìåùåíû â êîíòàêòíîì âçàèìîäåéñòâèè ñ çóáîì. 3. Ïàíåëü ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî îíà òàêæå ñîäåðæèò äë êàæäîãî çóáà ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåå ãíåçäî, îáðàçîâàííîå â íàïîëíèòåëüíîé ñòðóêòóðå äë ðàçìåùåíè çóáà. 4. Ïàíåëü ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî íàïîëíèòåëüíà ñòðóêòóðà âë åòñ ñîòîâîé ñòðóêòóðîé. 5. Ïàíåëü ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî êîìïîíåíò òàêæå ñîäåðæèò, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, äâå ïðîêëàäêè èç äðåâåñèíû èëè àíàëîãè÷íîãî ìàòåðèàëà, ðàñïîëîæåííûå ìåæäó óêàçàííûìè ëèñòàìè è ñîåäèíåííûå ñ óêàçàííûìè ëèñòàìè, à íàïîëíèòåëüíà ñòðóêòóðà ðàñïîëîæåíà ìåæäó óêàçàííûìè ïðîêëàäêàìè, ïðè÷åì çóá èìååò äëèíó, ïðèáëèçèòåëüíî ðàâíóþ, íî íå áîëüøóþ, ðàññòî íè ìåæäó ïðîêëàäêàìè, òàê, ÷òîáû ïðîõîäèòü âíóòðü êîìïîíåíòà è ìåæäó ïðîêëàäêàìè. 6. Ñïîñîá ïîëó÷åíè ïàíåëè èç äðåâåñèíû èëè àíàëîãè÷íîãî ìàòåðèàëà, ñîäåðæàùåé ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé êîìïîíåíò èç äðåâåñèíû èëè àíàëîãè÷íîãî ...

17-01-2012 дата публикации

Door manufacturing method for twisted prevention

Номер: KR101104874B1
Автор: 이광, 이정언
Принадлежит: 이정언

PURPOSE: A door manufacturing method for preventing torsion is provided to enable a manufacturer to make variously designed doors by attaching various colors of transcription papers and various shapes of decorations. CONSTITUTION: A door manufacturing method for preventing torsion is composed like next. The predetermined board is cut according to a size in order to form a base(S10). A groove is formed on the surface of the base(S20). A bond is spread in the base in which the grooves are formed, and attached with a transfer paper(S30). The transfer paper heats and presses a heat press plate in order to adhere to the surface of the base, and a coating vinyl of the transfer paper is removed(S40). The first molding is attached to the bottom of the groove in order to form a space in a side wall of the groove(S50). The first molding and second molding are attached each other in order to cover the space(S60). The urethane is coated on the base, in which the first molding and the second molding are attached, and compressed by a silicone rubber pressure plate for 3~4 minutes after drying(S70).

27-05-2009 дата публикации

Bend Fiberboard of manufacture method for building

Номер: KR100899839B1
Автор: 임재현
Принадлежит: (주) 현대목재

본 발명은 건축물용 절곡판재의 제조방법에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 도어프레임, 천정몰딩, 코너몰딩, 커텐박스 등을 각종 건축물의 코너를 형성하기 위하여 설치되는 건축물용 절곡판재를 대량생산에 의한 원가절감과 품질을 향상시킬 수 있도록 하려는 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a bending plate for a building, and more specifically, to a door frame, a ceiling molding, a corner molding, a curtain box, etc. The aim is to reduce costs and improve quality. 상기 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명의 건축물용 절곡판재의 제조방법은 중밀도 판재에 천연무늬목 시트, 부직포, 모양지 필름을 접착하고, UV 락카, 우레탄 락카들 중에 하나를 도장하여 판재를 형성하고, 절곡판재의 규격에 따른 재단, 절곡부 형성하기 위한 커팅홈, 접착제 주입, 순차적인 절곡 및 접착으로 건축물용 절곡판재의 제조방법을 제공하고, 또 상기 방법에 의한 건축물용 절곡판재를 제공하는 것을 특징으로 하며, 이상과 같은 본 발명의 건축물용 절곡판재는 중밀도 판재를 사용함으로써, 재질이 균일/치밀하고, 표면이 평탄하여 2차 가공성이 매우 우수하기 때문에 고품질의 절곡판재를 제공할 수 있는 효과가 있으며, 또한 소재를 준비하고 절곡판재를 형성하기 위한 절곡부에 커팅홈을 형성하고 또 접착제 주입 및 순차적인 절곡에 따른 전체적인 공정이 일률적으로 제공되기 때문에 규격화된 절곡판재를 대량으로 생산이 가능하게 됨으로써 품질향상과, 원가절감으로 대외 경쟁력을 향상시켜 경제적인 이득을 얻을 수 있게 되는 등의 효과가 있은 매우 유익한 발명이다. Method for manufacturing a building bending plate material of the present invention for achieving the above object is to bond a natural pattern wood sheet, non-woven fabric, shape paper film to the medium density plate, UV lacquer, urethane lacquer by coating one of the plate, Cutting method according to the specification of the bending plate, cutting grooves for forming the bent portion, adhesive injection, sequential bending and bonding provides a manufacturing method of the building bending plate material, and further provides a building bending plate material by the above method The building bending plate material of the present invention as described above, by using the medium density plate material, the material is uniform / dense, the surface is flat, the secondary workability is very excellent, and thus the effect of providing a high quality bending plate material Also, cutting grooves are formed in the bent portion for preparing the material and forming the bent plate material, and also in accordance with the adhesive injection and the sequential bending. Since ...

02-07-2012 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of inner gate decoration panel and inner gate decoration panel manufacturied by the method

Номер: KR101161649B1
Автор: 김종록
Принадлежит: 김종록

PURPOSE: A manufacturing method of a decorative panel for an inner gate is provided to simultaneously form a shape body frame and a decoration part from one disk. CONSTITUTION: A manufacturing method of a decorative panel(100) for an inner gate comprises: a step of forming a decorative body, and a shape body frame(110) by laser-processing a disk; a step of forming a decorative part(130) by coloring the decorative body; and a step of assembling the decorative body and the shape body frame by inserting the decorative body into the shape body frame.

16-10-2012 дата публикации

Synthetic wood wiht heat insulation funcion manuaturing method and synthetic wood thereby

Номер: KR101191243B1
Автор: 박준남
Принадлежит: 박준남

PURPOSE: An adiabatic functional artificial timber manufacturing method and adiabatic functional artificial timber thereof are provided to fill adiabatic materials in an internal hollow unit of artificial timber by spraying adiabatic materials to the artificial timber. CONSTITUTION: An adiabatic material injection pipe(30) is inserted into the internal hollow unit(14) of artificial timber(10). A foamed adiabatic material(20) is sprayed from the front end unit of the adiabatic material injection pipe and draws the adiabatic material injection pipe from the internal hollow unit of the artificial timber. The adiabatic material is foamed and transformed to the internal hollow unit. The front end unit of the adiabatic material injection pipe approaches to the one end side of the internal hollow unit.

13-10-2014 дата публикации

Edge bending machine with cutting chips backflow prevention plate

Номер: KR101450440B1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

본 발명은 가구용 패널의 제작을 위해 패널소재를 가공하는 과정에서, 패널소재의 측면에 부착되는 에지테잎의 패널소재 두께를 초과하는 잉여모서리부를 트리밍하는 트리밍 수단의 절삭날에 근접하여, 탄성편 형태로 되는 얇은 두께의 절삭칩역류방지편을 부착설치하는 것에 의해, 이송되는 패널소재의 측면이 절삭칩역류방지편에 접촉된 상태로 이동하면서, 트리밍 수단의 절삭날에 의해 에지테잎의 잉여모서리부가 절삭될 때, 코일 형태로 말리면서 절삭되는 절삭 칩이 절삭칩역류방지편에 의해 에지벤딩기 내부 측으로 역류, 유입되는 것을 효과적으로 방지할 수 있게 하는 것에 의해, 역류 되는 절삭칩의 제거를 위한 각종 집진설비의 설치가 불필요할 뿐만 아니라, 유입되는 절삭칩에 의한 에지벤딩기의 오동작이나 작동정지를 막을 수 있게 함으로써, 에지벤딩기의 작동성능과 함께 그 상품성을 제고할 수 있도록 한 것으로, 가구용 목재패널을 이루기 위한 패널소재(1)의 측면에 에지테잎(11)이 부착된 상태에서, 패널소재(1)가 상, 하부 가이드를(2)(2) 사이에 협지된 채 이송되면서, 에지테잎(11)의 상,하 잉여모서리부(111)(111)를 트리밍수단(3)(3)의 절삭날(31)(31)에 의해 트리밍 절삭하도록 하는 에지벤딩기(A)에 있어서, 상기 가이드롤(2)(2)과 트리밍수단(3)(3)의 절삭날(31)(31) 사이의 공간부 측 지지대(4)(4) 표면에는, 절삭칩역류방지편(5)(5)의 일 측을 부착고정하고, 그 타 측은 가이드롤(2)(2) 외면에 접촉되게 설치하되, 상기 절삭칩역류방지편(5)(5) 일단의 절삭칩유출단부(51)(51)는, 절삭날(31)(31)과의 사이에 틈새가 유지되게 설치되는 것을 특징으로 하는 에지테잎 절삭칩역류방지편을 갖는 에지벤딩기 이다. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a panel for furniture, which comprises the steps of: forming, in the process of processing a panel material, a cutting edge of a trimming means for trimming the excess edge portion exceeding a thickness of a panel material of an edge tape attached to a side surface of the panel material, Of the panel material to be conveyed is in contact with the chip backflow preventing piece so that the surplus edge portion of the edge tape is pressed by the cutting edge of the trimming means, It is possible to effectively prevent the cutting chips, which are cut while being rolled in the form of a coil when cut, from flowing backward into the edge bending machine by the chip backflow preventing pieces, And it is also possible to prevent malfunction or stoppage of the edge bending machine caused by the incoming cutting chips. The edge material 11 is attached to the side surface of the panel material 1 for the purpose of forming a wooden panel for furniture. The edge material 11 is attached to the panel material 1, The upper and lower surplus edge portions 111 and 111 of the ...

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Milling motor with multiple spindles and individually exchangeable tools

Номер: CN102649284A
Принадлежит: Homag Holzbearbeitungssysteme GmbH


10-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006138435A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2006 138 435 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ B27D 5/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006138435/03, 29.03.2005 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÑÈÌÎÐ, ËÈÍÄÇÈ ÁÐÅÍÄÀ (ZA) (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 01.04.2004 ZA 2004/2588 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.05.2008 Áþë. ¹ 13 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2005/095071 (13.10.2005) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 101000, Ìîñêâà, Ì.Çëàòîóñòèíñêèé ïåð., 10, êâ.15, "ÅÂÐÎÌÀÐÊÏÀÒ", ïàò.ïîâ. È.À.Âåñåëèöêîé R U (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Óñòðîéñòâî äë èçãîòîâëåíè ñëîèñòîãî ìàòåðèàëà èç ñëîåâ øïîíà, ñîäåðæàùåå îñíîâíóþ áîáèíó äë ðàçìåùåíè ðóëîíà áàçîâîãî ñëî øïîíà, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå îäíó äîïîëíèòåëüíóþ áîáèíó äë ðàçìåùåíè ðóëîíà ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå îäíîãî äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî ñëî øïîíà, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííîãî äë ëàìèíèðîâàíè íà áàçîâûé ñëîé, ñðåäñòâî äë íàïðàâëåíè ïàðû ñìåæíûõ ñëîåâ íàâñòðå÷ó äðóã äðóãó, è ïàðó ñìåæíûõ ëàìèíèðóþùèõ ðîëèêîâ, óñòàíîâëåííûõ ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ ïðèåìà è íåïðåðûâíîãî ëàìèíèðîâàíè ïðîõîä ùèõ ìåæäó íèìè áàçîâîãî è äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî ñëîåâ. 2. Óñòðîéñòâî ïî ï.1, êîòîðîå äîïîëíèòåëüíî ñîäåðæèò áàòàðåþ íàãðåâàòåëüíûõ ýëåìåíòîâ, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûõ äë àêòèâàöèè êëå , êîòîðûì ïðîïèòàí äîïîëíèòåëüíûé ñëîé øïîíà. 3. Óñòðîéñòâî ïî ï.2, â êîòîðîì àêòèâèðóåìûé ïðè íàãðåâàíèè êëåé ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé êëåé-ðàñïëàâ íà îñíîâå ýòèëåíâèíèëàöåòàòà. 4. Óñòðîéñòâî ïî ëþáîìó èç ïðåäûäóùèõ ïóíêòîâ, êîòîðîå äîïîëíèòåëüíî èìååò ñðåäñòâî äèíàìè÷åñêîãî âûðàâíèâàíè äë êîíòðîë âçàèìíîãî ïîëîæåíè ïðîõîä ùèõ ÷åðåç óñòðîéñòâî ñëîåâ øïîíà. 5. Óñòðîéñòâî ïî ï.4, â êîòîðîì ñðåäñòâî äèíàìè÷åñêîãî âûðàâíèâàíè âêëþ÷àåò ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå îäèí êîíòðîëèðóþùèé ýëåìåíò äë ïðîâåðêè âûðàâíèâàíè ïðîõîä ùèõ ÷åðåç óñòðîéñòâî ñëîåâ è èñïîëíèòåëüíîå ñðåäñòâî, ñîåäèíåííîå ñ êîíòðîëèðóþùèì ýëåìåíòîì ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ ðåãóëèðîâàíè âûðàâíèâàíè ñëîåâ. 6. Ñïîñîá èçãîòîâëåíè ñëîèñòîãî ìàòåðèàëà, ëàìèíèðîâàííîãî èç ñëîåâ øïîíà, ïðè îñóùåñòâëåíèè êîòîðîãî ïîäãîòàâëèâàþò áàçîâûé ñëîé øïîíà è ïî ìåíüøåé ...

12-07-2003 дата публикации

Straight and softforming edge banding machine capable of precisely trimming corners and ends of a panel

Номер: KR200319632Y1
Автор: 이상천
Принадлежит: (주)극동정밀

패널의 코너에 대한 상하 트리밍 작업 및 패널의 단부에 대한 절단 작업을 각각 정밀하게 수행할 수 있는 개선된 코너 트리밍장치와 엔드 트리밍장치를 구비함으로써, 작업의 정밀도와 신뢰도 및 생산성이 향상된 에지 밴딩기가 개시되어 있다. 컨베이어에 의해 이동되는 패널의 코너를 정밀하게 트리밍하기 위하여, 컨베이어 주위에 하부 트리밍장치와 상부 트리밍장치를 순차적으로 배치하며, 이때 하부 트리밍장치는 컨베이어의 아래쪽에 배치되어 패널의 코너 하부를 가공하고, 상부 트리밍장치는 컨베이어의 위쪽에 배치되어 패널의 코너 상부를 가공한다. 또한, 컨베이어에 의해 이동되는 패널의 전후 단부를 정밀하게 절단하기 위하여, 한쌍의 제 1 및 제 2 엔드 커팅 어셈블리를 패널의 이송방향에 대하여 수직하게 컨베이어 주위에 순차적으로 배치시키며, 이때 제 1 엔드 커팅 어셈블리는 컨베이어의 진행방향 상류에 배치되어 컨베이어를 따라 이송되는 패널의 진입 선단부를 절단하고, 제 2 엔드 커팅 어셈블리는 컨베이어의 진행방향 하류에 배치되어 패널의 진입 후단부를 절단한다.

16-12-2022 дата публикации

Trimming device of edge banding machine

Номер: KR20220166080A
Автор: 지창용
Принадлежит: 지창용

본 발명은 패널제품의 엣지에 밴드를 접착하는 엣지밴딩기의 트리밍장치에 관한 것으로, 특히 프레임에 고정설치되는 가동블록(14)상에 대하여 수평방향으로 탄력설치된 가동블록(18)의 선단에는 조정나사(30)에 의해 상하로 슬라이드이동하는 슬라이드바아(28)에 패널(P)을 상하에서 눌러서 지지하는 회전원판(22)과 고정원판(20)이 고정설치되어 이 슬라이드바아(28)를 조정나사(30)로 상하이동시킬 때 상하로 위치 이동하며 상기 가동블록(18)의 아래쪽에는 이송하는 패널(P)의 한쪽 측면을 가이드하여 기준위치를 설정하는 가이드블록(32)이 구비되고, 그 가이드블록(32)에는 패널엣지에 부착된 엣지밴드의 상하 가장자리를 그 패널의 두께에 맞추어 잘라내며, 이때 트리밍되는 밴드스크랩은 가이드블록(32)에 형성된 밴드스크랩배출홈(36)을 따라 뒤쪽으로 배출된다.

12-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230007828A1

Apparatus () for coating a workpiece () which preferably consists at least in sections of wood, wood-based material, synthetic material or the like, comprising a pressing device () for pressing a coating material () onto a surface () of the workpiece () to be coated, a conveying device () for inducing a relative movement between the workpiece () and the pressing device (), an activation device () for activating a joining agent () used for joining the coating material () to the surface () of the workpiece () to be coated, and a sensor () for detecting an operating variable of the joining agent (), characterized in that the apparatus comprises a shielding device () for shielding a sensor section () of the sensor ().

29-03-2005 дата публикации

Cutting device for surplus part of edge tape for wood panel

Номер: KR200380348Y1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

본 고안은 목재패널의 측면마감을 위해 부착되는 측면마감재의 잉여부분에 대한 커팅·가공을 위해 공압으로 구동되는 커팅부재가 실린더에 의해 승·하강되는 본체 일측에 피봇회동가능하게 설치되어, 이송되는 목재패널의 한쪽 세로모서리에 대한 가공이 한번의 동작으로 이루어지도록 하는 것에 의해 그만큼 커팅부재의 설치개수 및 가공 작업공정을 줄일 수 있게 하여 목재패널의 모서리 가공작업성을 좋게 함과 동시에 그만큼 장치의 전체적인 제작비용을 절감할 수 있도록한 것으로, 에지벤딩기의 목재패널이 이송경로일측에 설치되어 이송되는 목재패널(a)의 측면에 부착된 측면마감재의 모서리측 잉여부분을 커팅·가공하는 측면마감재 가공장치(A)에 있어서, 일측에 실린더(13)가 설치되어 안내레일(11)을 타고 이동되는 베이스(1) 상에, 실린더(21) 작동에 의해 가이드봉(22)을 타고 승·하강 가능하게 본체(2)를 설치하되, 상기 본체(2) 타측에는 완충기(23)을 설치함과 동시에 본체(2) 일측에는, 패널가이드구(31)와 구름롤(32)이 각각 설치되며 그 선단의 가이드면(34a)으로 부터 일정부분 돌출되게 커터(33)가 설치되도록한 커터본체(34)로 되는 커팅부재(3)가 패널의 이송력에 대해 피봇회동 가능한 상태로 탄발지지되게 설치한 것을 특징으로하는 목재패널의 측면마감재 모서리 가공장치이다. The present invention is a pneumatically driven cutting member for cutting and processing the surplus portion of the side finish material attached to the side finish of the wood panel is pivotally installed on one side of the main body to be moved up and down by the cylinder, which is transported It is possible to reduce the number of cutting members and the number of cutting work processes by processing the vertical edges of one side of the wood panel in one operation, thereby improving the edge workability of the wood panel and at the same time. In order to reduce the manufacturing cost, the side finish material processing apparatus for cutting and processing the edge portion of the side finish material attached to the side of the wood panel (a) which is installed on one side of the conveying path of the wood panel of the edge bending machine In (A), the cylinder 2 is installed on one side and the cylinder 2 is mounted on the base 1 which is moved on the guide rail 11. 1) The main body 2 is installed to move up and down by operating the guide rod 22. The shock absorber 23 is installed on the other side of the main body 2, and the panel guide is provided on one side of the main body 2. Sphere 31 and rolling roll 32 are respectively installed and the cutting member (3) made of a cutter body 34 to be installed to the ...

01-11-2017 дата публикации

a cutting edge protective device for edge banding machine

Номер: KR101791971B1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention [0001] The present invention relates to a cutter blade protecting device according to a chemical liquid supply in end cutting of an automatic edge bending machine. In the end cutting of an automatic edge bending machine, a chemical liquid is selectively and automatically injected from a chemical liquid supply part into a cutting blade for repeatedly cutting a protruded sheet paper protruding part attached to an edge of a plate material, . In the end cutting apparatus of the automatic edge bending machine, since the cutting blade surface and the slide surface on which the cutting blade is in contact are selectively and automatically inserted, the cutting blade can be continuously used and the cutting blade is protected and the workability is greatly improved .

10-10-2007 дата публикации

Device for finishing edges on front faces of plate-shaped workpieces

Номер: EP1479467B1
Принадлежит: OTT Verwaltungs GmbH

01-09-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus for processing the narrow surfaces of preferably plate-shaped workpieces

Номер: DE102010009525A1
Принадлежит: Homag Holzbearbeitungssysteme GmbH

Die vorliegende Erfindung schafft eine Vorrichtung zum Bearbeiten von bevorzugt plattenförmigen Werkstücken, die bevorzugt zumindest abschnittsweise aus Holz, Holzwerkstoffen, Kunststoff oder dergleichen bestehen, mit einer auf das Werkstück einwirkenden Werkzeuganordnung, die zumindest ein Werkzeug aufweist, und einer Tasteinrichtung mit wenigstens einer Tastrolle, die um ihre Rotationsachse drehbar neben dem Werkzeug angeordnet ist und die die Lage des Werkzeugs relativ zum Werkstück steuert, wobei ein Durchmesser der Tastrolle verstellbar ist. The present invention provides a device for processing preferably plate-shaped workpieces, which preferably consist at least in sections of wood, wood-based materials, plastic or the like, with a tool arrangement acting on the workpiece, which has at least one tool, and a probe device with at least one probe roller, which is arranged rotatably about its axis of rotation next to the tool and controls the position of the tool relative to the workpiece, a diameter of the sensing roller being adjustable.

27-09-2022 дата публикации

Edge bonding machine for plate processing and using method thereof

Номер: CN114378915B
Принадлежит: Huangshan Aofer Furniture Co ltd


13-11-1986 дата публикации

Method and device for machining edges of plate-shaped workpieces

Номер: DE3517194A1
Принадлежит: Heinrich Brandt Maschinenbau GmbH

With the new method and device for implementing the method, even complicated contours with convexly curved or radially running edge sections can be machined without great mechanical and control outlay and without using manual work. To this end, the machining unit (9) arranged on the free end of a lever arm (H) is moved in the longitudinal direction and the transverse direction in each case via actuators and the angular position of the lever arm is picked off at the edge during sliding along the feeler roller (R). The actuators are then in each case controlled via the angles picked off in such a manner that the machining unit moves with constant speed parallel to the edge. <IMAGE>

15-04-2000 дата публикации

Bonding apparatus for the edge of wooden panel

Номер: KR200177947Y1
Автор: 박성수
Принадлежит: 박성수

본 고안은 합판 또는 MDF와 같은 가구용 목재 패널의 측면에 합성수지테이프를 접착하는 목재 패널 측면 테이프 접착장치에 관한 것으로서; 패널이 안내면을 따라 이송되는 중에 접착제를 가열하여 상기 목재패널의 측면에 도포하는 접착제 공급장치가 상기 안내면 측방에 설치되며, 상기 안내면의 측방에 설치되는 압착롤러를 포함하는 목재패널 테이프 접착기에 있어서; 상기 테이프가 소정의 온도로 상승된 상태에서 공급되도록 상기 테이프 공급장치에 가열수단이 제공되는 것을 특징으로 함에 의하여; 작업공간의 온도가 낮은 경우에도 접착면에서의 기포발생이 없게 되며, 압착롤러에 고착되는 접착제의 양은 극미하게 된다. The present invention relates to a wood panel side tape bonding apparatus for bonding a synthetic tape to the side of a wood panel for furniture such as plywood or MDF; In the wood panel tape adhesive machine comprising a pressing roller is provided on the side of the guide surface, the adhesive supply device for heating the adhesive to the side of the wood panel while the panel is transported along the guide surface, the pressure roller is installed on the side of the guide surface; Characterized in that the heating means is provided in the tape supply device so that the tape is supplied at a predetermined temperature; Even when the temperature of the working space is low, there is no bubble generation on the adhesive surface, and the amount of adhesive adhered to the pressing roller is minimal.

29-07-2020 дата публикации

Edge thermal bonding apparatus of panel

Номер: KR102139493B1
Автор: 최민호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 넥시스

The present invention relates to an edge thermal bonding apparatus of a panel, which, from a structure in which a sheet paper is thermally fused to an edge surface of the panel by a first unit, a trimming process is performed by a second unit, and the polishing is performed by a third unit, can easily form an edge structure capable of preventing moisture penetration itself through the edge part of the panel for manufacturing furniture by heat fusion.

18-04-2014 дата публикации

Multi-function apparatus for manufacturing finishing material bonding furniture edge

Номер: KR101387079B1
Автор: 이창인
Принадлежит: 이창인

The present invention relates to a multi-functional device for processing the edge of a piece of furniture. The multi-functional device comprises: a support frame coupled to a seating plate on which a furniture base material is seated; a guide part that supports the support frame; and a finishing treatment part that is prepared at one side of the guide part and treats a finishing member coupled on the outer edge of the base material. The finishing treatment part comprises: a trimming part that cuts the parts of the finishing member that protrude over the top or bottom of the base material having a particular thickness; a rotating body that supports the trimming part in order to be capable of being rotated; and a scrapping part that is coupled to the rotating body to be separated from the trimming part and cuts the edge parts of the finishing member and base material. The rotating body is rotated after a cutting procedure is performed by means of the trimming part, so that a cutting procedure is performed by means of the scrapping part.

30-06-2006 дата публикации

A Method for Preparing Metal Inner Electrode Paste Having High Dispersibility for Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitor Having Super High Capacity

Номер: KR100593906B1
Принадлежит: 삼성전기주식회사

초고용량 적층 세라믹 콘덴서 제조시 내부전극 형성에 사용되는 표면조도, 건조막밀도 및 분산성이 우수한 내부전극용 금속 페이스트 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 금속 파우더와 금속 파우더 100중량부당, 터피네올 및/또는 석유계 용매 100-300중량부 및 분산제 0-1.5중량부를 예비혼합하고 저점도 분산하는 단계; 세라믹 공재(共材)와 세라믹 공재 100중량부당, 터피네올 및/또는 석유계 용매 100-300중량부 및 포스페이트 에스테르 분산제 0-1.5중량부를 예비혼합하고 저점도 분산하는 단계; 금속분산물과 세라믹 공재(共材) 분산물을 금속 파우더 100중량부당 세라믹 공재 10-30중량부가 되도록 혼합 및 분산하는 단계; 필터링하여 상기 용매를 제거하는 단계; 금속 파우더 100중량부당 에틸 셀룰로스 수지 4-8중량부 및 터피네올 용매 70-80중량부가 되도록 에틸 셀룰로스 수지 및 터피네올 용매를 첨가 및 혼합하는 단계; 점도조절 및 진공 탈포(脫泡)하는 단계; 및 카트리지 필터링하는 단계를 포함하는 내부전극용 금속 페이스트 제조방법이 제공된다. 본 발명의 방법으로 제조된 내부전극용 금속 페이스트는 분산성이 개선되며, 우수한 표면조도, 건조막 밀도 및 소성 수축율을 나타낸다. The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a metal paste for an internal electrode having excellent surface roughness, dry film density, and dispersibility, which is used to form an internal electrode in the manufacture of an ultra high capacity multilayer ceramic capacitor. Premixing and dispersing low viscosity per 100 parts by weight of the metal powder and metal powder, 100-300 parts by weight of terpineol and / or petroleum solvent and 0-1.5 parts by weight of dispersant; Pre-mixing and dispersing low viscosity of 100% by weight of terpineol and / or petroleum solvent and 0-1.5 parts by weight of phosphate ester dispersant per 100 parts by weight of the ceramic and ceramic additives; Mixing and dispersing the metal dispersion and the ceramic powder dispersion to 10-30 parts by weight of the ceramic powder per 100 parts by weight of the metal powder; Filtering to remove the solvent; Adding and mixing ethyl cellulose resin and terpineol solvent to 4-8 parts by weight of ethyl cellulose resin and 70-80 parts by weight of terpineol solvent per 100 parts by weight of the metal powder; Viscosity control and vacuum defoaming; And it provides a method of manufacturing a metal paste for the internal electrode comprising the step of filtering the cartridge. The metal paste for internal electrodes prepared by the method of the present invention has improved ...

21-11-2018 дата публикации

Method for edgebanding panels

Номер: EP2985126B1
Автор: Michael Arlt, Uwe Seifert

16-03-2021 дата публикации

Need not manually operation's panel banding device

Номер: CN112497420A
Автор: 汤桂清
Принадлежит: Individual


21-08-1973 дата публикации

Edge banding machine

Номер: US3753832A
Автор: L Veneziale
Принадлежит: Westvaco Corp

Apparatus and method is disclosed for applying a continuous edge band to a panel of woody material which comprises a plurality of elements strategically mounted on a smooth, flat working surface including a bracket for guiding the edge banding material to a heated, curved platen or heating bar, a resiliently mounted pressure roller containing a grooved guide slot in the face surface thereof, and a finishing roller each mounted in sequence.

28-04-1995 дата публикации

Workpiece support device for milling or machining.

Номер: FR2702688B1
Автор: Pierre Giovine
Принадлежит: Pierre Giovine

26-09-2003 дата публикации

An edge banding machine for a wood panel

Номер: KR200327944Y1
Автор: 장봉관
Принадлежит: 장봉관

본 고안은 목재패널 에지밴딩기에 관한 것으로, 목재패널(P)의 에지부에 접착제를 도포하는 접착제 공급기구와, 밴드롤(2)에 권취된 에지밴드(B)를 견인하는 이송롤러(20)와, 에지밴드(B)를 절단하는 커터(30) 및, 상기 이송롤러(20)를 구동시키는 구동모터(15), 에지밴드(B)를 목재패널의 에지부에 대하여 가압하여 부착시키는 가압롤러(40), 상기 접착제 공급기구를 목재패널(P)의 이동방향을 가로질러 탄성적으로 이동시키는 실린더기구(50), 상기 이송롤러(20)와 구동모터(15)와 함께 상기 제2구동체인(26)을 무한궤도식으로 이동가능하게 지지하는 아이들 스프라켓(25), 에지밴드(B)를 커터(30)로 안내하는 가이드블럭(70)으로 구성되어, 도포롤러의 탄성지지력을 간편하게 가변시킬 수 있어 생산성을 향상시키고, 도포롤러의 이동시 이송롤러를 구동시키는 체인이 탈거되는 것을 방지하고 커팅된 에지밴드가 이송롤러에 권취되는 것을 방지하여 작업성을 향상시킬 수 있도록 된 것이다. The present invention relates to a wood panel edge banding machine, the adhesive supply mechanism for applying the adhesive to the edge portion of the wood panel (P), and the transfer roller 20 to pull the edge band (B) wound on the band roll (2) And a pressure roller for pressing the cutter 30 for cutting the edge band B, the driving motor 15 for driving the feed roller 20, and the edge band B by pressing against the edge of the wood panel. 40, the second drive chain together with the cylinder mechanism 50 for elastically moving the adhesive supply mechanism across the moving direction of the wood panel P, the feed roller 20 and the drive motor 15. An idle sprocket 25 for movably supporting the 26 in an orbital manner, and a guide block 70 for guiding the edge band B to the cutter 30, can easily vary the elastic bearing force of the application roller. To improve productivity and drive the feed roller when the application roller is The cutting edge and prevented from going to the band prevents the take-up roller to transfer to the will to improve the workability.

14-08-2003 дата публикации

heat transfer press machine

Номер: KR200323301Y1
Автор: 박복수
Принадлежит: 박복수

본 고안은 양 측면과 표면에 대해 전사지나 비닐 시트지가 한번의 공정으로 부착되도록 하기 위해 이송되는 목재패널의 이송부 양 측면 및 평면에 측면가공수단과 상면샌딩수단 및 상면부착수단과 측면부착수단을 순차적으로 설치하는 것에 의해 이송되는 목재패널에 대한 양 측면의 가공 및 상면과 측면에 대한 전사지나 비닐 시트지의 부착 작업이 한번의 공정만으로 순차적으로 이루어지게 하여 목재패널에 대한 전사지나 시트지의 부착 작업 효율을 높여 목재패널의 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 것으로, 다수의 이송롤과 콘베어 사이에서 이송되는 목재패널(8)의 양 측면 및 표면에 대해 가공 및 부착필름의 부착이 이루어지도록 하는 필름부착장치(A)에 있어서, 목재패널(8)의 이송경로 양측으로 그 이격거리가 조절되게 대향 설치되는 커터(11)(11)로 되는 측면가공수단(1)과, 목재패널(8)의 이송경로 상부에 설치되어 필름홀더(22)로부터 공급되는 부착필름(7)을 목재패널(8)의 상면에 부착시키는 압착롤(21)로 되는 상면부착수단(2)과, 목재패널(8)의 이송경로 양측으로 그 이격거리가 조절되게 대향 설치되어 상면에 부착필름(7)이 부착된 채 이송되는 목재패널(8)의 양 측면을 압착하여 부착필름(7)의 양 측면측 연장부를 목재패널(8) 측면에 부착시키는 측면압착롤(31)(31)로 되는 측면부착수단(3) 및 이송되는 목재패널(8)의 양측 하부에 설치되어 부착된 부착필름(7)의 끝단을 트리밍 하는 칼날(41)(41)로 되는 트리밍수단(4)으로 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 하는 목재패널의 측면과 상면에 대한 가공 및 부착필름의 부착이 동시에 가능한 필름부착장치이다. The present invention sequentially processes the side processing means, the upper sanding means, the upper surface attaching means, and the side attaching means on both sides and the plane of the conveying part of the wood panel to be transferred to the transfer paper or vinyl sheet paper on both sides and surfaces in one step. The process of attaching transfer paper or sheet paper to the wood panel can be performed by processing both sides of the wood panel to be transported by installing them and attaching the transfer paper or vinyl sheet paper to the top and side in one step. In order to increase the productivity of the wood panel, a film attachment device for attaching the processing and attachment film to both sides and surfaces of the wood panel 8 transferred between the plurality of transfer rolls and the conveyor (A In the Cutter 11, which is installed so that the separation distance is adjusted to both sides of the feed path of the wood panel (8) ( 11) a pressing roll for attaching the side processing means 1, which is to be formed on the upper side of the wood panel 8, and the attachment film 7 supplied from the film holder 22 to the upper surface of the wood ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing hydrophobic, waterproof facing tile from wood

Номер: RU2666851C1

Изобретение относится к органической химии, в частности к способу изготовления изделий с фторопластовым покрытием различных древесных поверхностей для защиты их от воздействия воды и агрессивных сред. Способ изготовления гидрофобной, водостойкой облицовочной плитки из древесного материала заключается в том, что древесный материал покрывают защитным слоем, образованным раствором политетрафторэтилена в органическом растворителе, при этом изготавливают заготовку плитки из древесного материала, помещают ее в матрицу, в которой под действием пуансона ее подвергают термопрессовой обработке при давлении от 25 до 200 кг/сми температуре пуансона и матрицы от 100 до 310°С с временем выдержки при нагружении от 1 до 10 мин, после чего на ее поверхность наносят защитный слой толщиной в интервале от 0,1 до 10 мкм, причем для нанесения используют политетрафторэтилен низкой молекулярности с размером молекул в интервале от 3 до 50 звеньев мономера тетрафторэтилена, после нанесения защитного слоя проводят операцию сушки для удаления растворителя и завершения процесса полимеризации с формированием пленочной структуры на поверхности древесного материала, причем прогрев древесного материала с нанесенным на него защитным слоем проводят при температуре от 130 до 150°С в течение от 10 до 15 мин. В результате достигается возможность получения гидрофобной, водостойкой облицовочной плитки из древесного материала, покрытой политетрафторэтиленом (тефлоном) с высокой адгезионной прочностью покрытия, что позволяет повысить срок службы изготовленной плитки во влажных средах. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 666 851 C1 (51) МПК B27D 5/00 (2006.01) B32B 21/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B27D 5/00 (2017.08); B32B 21/08 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017119894, 07.06.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.09.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 12.09.2018 Бюл. № 26 2 6 6 6 8 5 1 R U (56) Список ...

22-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR2813032A1
Принадлежит: Homag Maschinenbau AG

Un centre d'usinage 100 comprend au moins deux unités de broche 101, 102, 103 destinées à recevoir des moyens de travail, au moins un magasin d'outils 104, 105, au moins une table d'ablocage 106, 107 pour l'ablocage d'au moins deux pièces devant être usinées par les unités de broche, des dispositions de guidage 108 destinées à déplacer les unités de broche entre les pièces et ledit au moins un magasin d'outils, et une unité de commande destinée à commander les dispositions de guidage, les unités de broche et ledit au moins un magasin d'outils, plusieurs programmes d'usinage pour l'usinage des pièces par les unités de broche étant mémorisés dans l'unité de commande. L'unité de commande appelle les programmes d'usinage de manière telle, que les unités de broche 101, 102, 103 effectuent simultanément différents programmes d'usinage moyennant une minimisation des temps d'arrêt des broches. A machining center 100 comprises at least two spindle units 101, 102, 103 intended to receive working means, at least one tool magazine 104, 105, at least one clamping table 106, 107 for the securing at least two parts to be machined by the spindle units, guide arrangements 108 intended to move the spindle units between the parts and said at least one tool magazine, and a control unit intended to control the guide arrangements, the spindle units and said at least one tool magazine, several machining programs for machining the parts by the spindle units being stored in the control unit. The control unit calls up the machining programs in such a way that the spindle units 101, 102, 103 carry out different machining programs simultaneously while minimizing spindle downtime.

17-12-1971 дата публикации

Patent FR2084411A5

Номер: FR2084411A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Karl M Reich Maschinenfabrik GmbH

05-10-2011 дата публикации

Edge band pressing device for edge banding machine

Номер: KR101069894B1
Автор: 김진수
Принадлежит: 김진수

본 발명의 일실시예에 의한 에지밴딩기용 에지밴드 누름장치는, 에지밴딩기에 고정되고 안내구멍을 갖는 고정부재, 안내구멍에 슬라이드 이동 가능하게 삽입되는 지지바, 지지바에 지지되고 고정부재의 하부로 공급되는 에지밴드의 가장자리를 누르기 위한 하면을 갖는 누름부재, 지지바가 삽입되는 삽입구멍을 갖고 지지바에 이동 및 고정 가능하게 결합되는 홀딩 유닛, 홀딩 유닛을 떠받치기 위한 제 1 받침면 및 제 1 받침면과 단차지도록 돌출된 제 2 받침면을 갖는 받침부재를 포함한다. 상기 받침부재는 제 1 받침면 및 제 2 받침면 중에서 어느 하나가 선택적으로 홀딩 유닛을 떠받칠 수 있도록 고정부재와 홀딩 유닛의 사이에 이동 가능하게 설치된다. 본 발명의 일실시예에 의한 에지밴드 누름장치는 공급되는 에지밴드가 바뀌더라도 에지밴드와 누름부재 사이의 간격이 항상 일정하게 조절될 수 있다. Edge band pressing device for an edge banding machine according to an embodiment of the present invention, a fixing member having a guide hole fixed to the edge banding machine, a support bar that is slidably inserted into the guide hole, supported by the support bar to the lower portion of the fixing member A pressing member having a lower surface for pressing the edge of the edge band supplied, a holding unit having an insertion hole into which the supporting bar is inserted, the holding unit movably and fixedly coupled to the supporting bar, a first supporting surface for holding the holding unit, and a first supporting surface And a support member having a second support surface protruding from the step. The supporting member is movably installed between the fixing member and the holding unit so that any one of the first supporting surface and the second supporting surface can selectively support the holding unit. In the edge band pressing device according to an embodiment of the present invention, even if the supplied edge band is changed, the distance between the edge band and the pressing member may be constantly adjusted.

06-01-1967 дата публикации

Device for installing plastic rods

Номер: FR1464624A
Автор: Guy Tirlet

17-12-1971 дата публикации

Patent FR2084412A5

Номер: FR2084412A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Karl M Reich Maschinenfabrik GmbH

31-12-2021 дата публикации

Edge scraping mechanism of edge bonding machine

Номер: CN113858377A
Принадлежит: Guangdong Sandar Cnc Machinery Co ltd


19-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE7517104U

31-07-2001 дата публикации

Method of applying veneer to a substrate

Номер: CA2176319C
Автор: William John Ewaschuk

The invention provides a method of applying a veneer to a substrate having edges with a compound curve. The invention includes the steps of trimming the veneer to provide a peripheral margin and applying a stretchable releasable adhesive tape to the margin, applying an adhesive to the surfaces of the substrate, positioning the veneer over the substrate and securing the veneer in position, and subjecting the veneer to a substantially uniform pressure over thesubstrate. An embodiment for convex edges provides the further steps of providing one or more v-shaped relief cuts converging where the curved edge surface meets the main surface and applying a releasable adhesive tape to retain a butt joint between the edges of each relief cut. An embodiment for concave edges provides the further steps of providing one or more slits extending into the margin of the veneer parallel to the direction of the grain and applying a releasable adhesive tape over the relief cuts. The invention thus permits a single sheet of veneer to be applied over the main and edge surfaces of furniture and the like having concave or convex rounded or bullnose edges.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

An adjustable infeed for use with a panel return and an edgebander

Номер: AU2018204765A1
Принадлежит: Turinsky Wilfried Manfred

An adjustable infeed for use with an edgebander and a panel return, and configured to receive a panel from the edgebander, the infeed comprising: at least one roller; a roller mount upon which the roller is mounted; and adjustment means configured to adjustably mount the roller mount to the panel return to adjust a dimension of the infeed. 3BF uT Figure 1

20-12-1966 дата публикации

Flexible band clamping device

Номер: US3292922A
Автор: Vasil C Nastev
Принадлежит: Individual

21-02-1985 дата публикации

Method of coating a board with a veneer and use of the method

Номер: DE3429388A1

Panel boards are also veneered for reasons of cost. For visual reasons, the veneer (2) resting on the board top (8) is also to extend over the narrow side of the board at least at one board end. The taping of the veneer (2) from the board top to the narrow side of the board is a problem, especially if the veneer (2) is relatively thick and/or is made of real wood. The veneer (2) is now glued in its flat state to the board top (8); then the board material is removed at the narrow side of the board up to the base (4) at the veneer, e.g. by routing, in order to create a newly formed board narrow side (5) (to be coated) which is inclined or at right angles to the board top (8). The veneer area (7) exposed by the board material is then bent down and glued to the newly formed board narrow side (5), e.g. by means of a two-component adhesive. If a veneer (2) made of real wood is used, it is convenient to apply the hardener to the exposed veneer area (7) and the glue to the narrow side (5) of the board, since the workability of the veneer is increased by the liquid phase of the hardener. <IMAGE>
