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20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584113C2

Герметичная упаковка (1′) для текучего пищевого продукта образована путем сгибания и запечатывания листового упаковочного материал, имеющего постоянную ширину, измеренную ортогонально продольной оси листового упаковочного материала. Упаковка содержит нижнюю панель, имеющую переднюю грань (10) и заднюю грань, верхнюю панель (5), имеющую переднюю грань (15) и заднюю грань (16), и переднюю панель (8), продолжающуюся между передней гранью (10) нижней панели и передней гранью (15) верхней панели (5) и имеющую боковые грани (19, 20). Задняя панель упаковки продолжается между задней гранью нижней панели (6) и задней гранью (16) верхней панели (5) и имеет боковые грани. Упаковка имеет две противоположные вогнутые боковые панели. Верхняя панель (5) предназначена для установки на нее имеющего крышку (52′) устройства (3′) открывания в области верхней панели (5), ограниченной передней гранью (15). Верхняя панель (5) является наклонной относительно нижней панели (6) и опускается от задней грани (16) ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604025C2

Изобретение относится к емкости (1, 21) для упаковки фасуемых материалов, в частности пакету или мешку, изготовленному из пластмассовой пленки. Емкость содержит по меньшей мере одну стенку, окружающую фасуемый материал, которая содержит по меньшей мере одну переднюю и одну заднюю стенки (2, 3, 22, 23), причем в нижней области (5, 25) емкости между передней и задней стенками (2, 3, 22, 23) расположены два внутренних слоя внутренней складки секции полотна пластмассовой пленки, которая согнута внутрь по меньшей мере на одной стороне на одной из ее продольных сторон, причем посредством данной внутренней складки образовано устойчивое основание (4, 24), соединяющее переднюю и заднюю стенки (2, 3, 22, 23). Емкость содержит также многослойную область (11, 31), содержащую больше двух наложенных друг на друга слоев (7, 8, 27, 28) и образованную в ее верхней области (6, 26), причем многослойная область (11, 31) содержит по меньшей мере одно средство для переноса, выполненное в виде отверстия (12, ...

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573343C2

Изобретение относится к гигиеническим абсорбирующим изделиям. В абсорбирующем слое изделия имеются полосы, протяженные в сущности в продольном направлении и не содержащие абсорбирующего материала (100). Способ и устройство предусматривают использование движущейся бесконечной поверхности (30) с гнездовыми элементами (33), содержащими протяженные в продольном направлении стержни (36). Изобретение позволяет уменьшить вероятность утечек и повысить абсорбирующие характеристики гигиенических изделий. 2 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497678C2
Принадлежит: СТОРА ЭНСО ОЙЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к формовочной системе, предназначенной для изготовления контейнера на основе картона. Указанная система содержит подвижную половинку пресс-формы и стационарную половинку пресс-формы, расположенные одна напротив другой, и обеспечивает возможность изготовить контейнер, который имеет дно, отпрессованное из картонной заготовки, стенки, присоединенные к дну, и обод, по меньшей мере, частично отлитый из пластика и присоединенный к верхней кромке стенок, охватывая их по периметру. Половинка пресс-формы, выполненная подвижной относительно стационарной половинки пресс-формы, содержит, по меньшей мере, пластину для сердечника, снабженную сердечником, и плоскую уплотнительную рамку, которая может перемещаться по отношению к сердечнику, имеет уплотнительную поверхность и окружает сердечник. Кроме того, в указанной половинке имеется ограничивающая рамка, выполненная с возможностью установки между сердечником и уплотнительной рамкой. С помощью этой рамки на контейнере можно выполнить ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496648C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе для контролирования относительного положения между печатным рисунком и непечатным рисунком, таким как, например, рисунок из линий бига или отверстий, на перемещающемся полотне материала посредством снабжения полотна материала по меньшей мере одной меткой в форме вдавленного углубления с трехмерной топографической конфигурацией на заданном расстоянии от печатной приводочной метки и распознавания этих меток одной и той же системой контролирующего датчика. Такая особенность способа и системы контролирования позволяет использовать их для изготовления многослойного упаковочного материала, имеющего печатное оформление и бигованные линии складывания в приводке. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности непрерывного отслеживания относительного положения между печатным рисунком и непечатной трехмерной структурой или рисунком, таким как линии бига и/или отверстия или перфорации. 4 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005117633A

... 1. Упаковка из упаковочного материала, содержащая по меньшей мере частично цилиндрический корпусной участок (1;11), сужающийся плечевой участок (2;12), который образован в виде одной детали с корпусным участком (1;11) и соединен с одним его концом, донный участок (5;15), который соединен с противоположным по отношению к плечевому участку (2;12) концом корпусного участка (1; 11), а также устройство (3;13) для открывания, которое соединяется с противоположным по отношению к корпусному участку (1;11) концом плечевого участка (2;12), при этом тем частям плечевого участка (2; 12), которые соединяются с теми частями корпусного участка (1;11), которые имеют цилиндрическую конфигурацию, придают сужающуюся форму за счет того, что упаковочный материал сгибают в виде большого количества перекрывающих друг друга клапанов (6;16), так что три проходящих по окружности последовательных участка (6а-6с) упаковочного материала согнуты таким образом, что первый участок (6а) образует наружную сторону, второй ...

10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006130971A

... 1. Способ скрепления подборок из сложенных вдвое печатных листов, вставленных один в другой, отличающийся тем, что выполняют, по меньшей мере, одну прорезь (16) в листах (14) подборки (12) на малом расстоянии от края загиба (13) подборки (12), при этом после прорезания каждого листа (14) подборки (12) образуется язычок (17), который расположен перпендикулярно по отношению к краю загиба (13) подборки (12) и сцеплен с подборкой (12) своим дальним концом (18), повернутым к краю загиба (13), причем язычок (17) имеет широкую часть (19). 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что широкая часть (19) расположена на расстоянии L от дальнего конца (18) язычка (17), повернутого к краю загиба (13). 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что язычок (17) выполняют Т-образной формы. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что прорезь (16) в подборке печатных листов (12) выполняют с наклоном относительно поверхности подборки (12). 5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что прорезь (16) выполняют посредством профилированного ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009111004A

... 1. Способ создания предшественника многослойной тары из единой заготовки материала, которая определяет продольное направление от первого конца до второго конца, причем способ содержит: ! определение внутренней панели, которая формирует внутренние боковые стенки тары в собранном состоянии, причем внутренняя панель содержит некоторое количество частей, где каждая часть внутренней панели граничит с соседней частью внутренней панели и каждая часть внутренней панели содержит одну внутреннюю боковую стенку тары в собранном состоянии; ! определение по меньшей мере одной пары противоположных друг другу средних клапанов, которая проходит от внутренней панели до дальнего края, причем сумма поперечных длин пары средних клапанов от их пересечения с внутренней панелью до дальнего края равна или меньше поперечной длины внутренней панели от пересечения с первым противоположным средним клапаном до пересечения с вторым противоположным средним клапаном и причем каждый средний клапан содержит некоторое количество ...

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014118472A

... 1. Формованный бумажный корпус, образованный путем глубокой вытяжки заготовки, состоящей в основном из бумаги, в процессе которой обеспечивается подъем внешнего периферического участка заготовки и формирование участка стенки, в котором размер полостей в горизонтальном поперечном сечении участка стенки составляет не более 30 от 100 по отношению к толщине бумаги основания вертикальной части заготовки на расстоянии от донного элемента в пределах порогового значения а, где пороговое значение а представляет собой заданную высоту, ниже которой не возникает складок.2. Корпус по п. 1, который представляет собой донный элемент контейнера, состоящего из двух элементов - корпусного и донного.3. Способ изготовления формованного бумажного корпуса посредством глубокой вытяжкой листа заготовки, состоящего в основном из бумаги, с использованием пуансона и матрицы, в котором используется механизм удержания внешнего периферического участка заготовки за счет его сжатия между обжимающим складки элементом и ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156992A

... 1. Способ изготовления абсорбирующего конструктивного элемента, содержащего абсорбирующий слой, содержащий протяженные в продольном направлении полосы, в сущности не содержащие абсорбирующего материала, при этом упомянутый абсорбирующий слой поддерживается на поддерживающем листе, при этом способ содержит этапы:обеспечения фидера с абсорбирующим материалом, а также, в непосредственной близости к нему:обеспечения движущейся бесконечной поверхности, движущейся в направлении движения в машине (MD), имеющей наружную оболочку с одним или более формирующими гнездовыми элементами, имеющими поперечное направление и среднюю ширину и размер в поперечном направлении, и продольное направление и среднюю длину и размер в продольном направлении; при этом упомянутая средняя длина больше, чем упомянутая средняя ширина; при этом упомянутые гнездовые элементы содержат множество стержней, протяженных в сущности в продольном направлении, пространственно разнесенных друг от друга в поперечном направлении, при ...

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008110587A

... 1. Барабан (2) биговального устройства, содержащий: ! первую часть (14) барабана, имеющую цилиндрическую наружную поверхность (12) и отверстие для установки первой части барабана на вал (4); и ! вторую часть (15) барабана, имеющую цилиндрическую наружную поверхность (12) и отверстие для установки второй части барабана на вал (4); ! при этом первая и вторая части (14, 15) барабана имеют такую форму, что две части (14, 15) барабана упираются друг в друга с образованием между ними основания (18) и двух боковых стенок (20, 21) канала (6) для размещения упругого биговального кольца (8); ! причем, по меньшей мере, одна боковая стенка (20, 21) канала (6) выполнена с углублением так, что обеспечивается удержание упругого биговального кольца (8), расположенного в канале (6) и выступающего в боковом направлении в углубление (26) в радиальном направлении из канала (6). ! 2. Барабан по п.1, в котором поперечное сечение канала (6) имеет, по существу, плоское основание (18) и две боковые стенки (20, ...

20-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94022781A

Изобретение относится к упаковке продукции, а именно к технологии производства тары. Способ включает разметку и раздельное формование первой и второй ленты упаковочного материала путем их многократного поперечного изгиба и последующей сборки отдельных частей изделия. Из первой ленты формуют многократным изгибом боковые стороны и днище внутренней коробки, а затем на оставшейся части ленты выполняют продольные разрезы, параллельные краям ленты, с образованием полос, длина, ширина и количество которых соответствуют количеству и размерам изготовляемых карманов. Из указанной оставшейся части первой ленты и образованных полос формуют вертикальные поперечные складки одинаковой или разной высоты внутри указанной коробки с образованием карманов. Отдельно изготовляют две торцевые стенки внутренней коробки со створками и прикрепляют их к этой коробке путем размещения створок торцевых стенок между вертикальными складками боковых стенок внутренней коробки. Кроме того, из второй ленты формуют путем многократного ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156998A

... 1. Модуль для модульной производственной системы, причем модуль содержит:раму; инесущую платформу, подвижную относительно рамы, причем движение несущей платформы осуществляется в направлениях, в сущности, перпендикулярных направлению движения изделий через модуль, и при этом несущая платформа содержит:основание, содержащее:первое крепление для оборудования, подвижно соединенное с основанием; ивторое крепление для оборудования, подвижно соединенное с основанием;причем первое и второе крепления для оборудования выполнены с возможностью перемещения относительно друг друга в направлениях, в сущности перпендикулярных направлению движения изделий через модуль, и в сущности перпендикулярных направлениям движения несущей платформы.2. Модуль по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что несущая платформа содержит второе основание, содержащее:третье крепление для оборудования, подвижно соединенное со вторым основанием; ичетвертое крепление для оборудования, подвижно соединенное со вторым основанием.3. Модуль по ...

02-09-1976 дата публикации

Packaging container production device - has split internal section former to produce inner box with support type collar

Номер: DE0002507215A1

A device for the manufacture of an inner box with an attached collar or support device to act as a packaging container within an outer carton. A series of stair wheel type formers with moving tools produce tubular sheaths with open ends which are formed onto the packing container. Each former (3) is subdivided into two sections (9, 10) in its region of smallest cross-section, lateral to its long axis. These sections are moved relative to one another by a drive (11, 15, 16, 19, 20) such that, when the collar (8) and inner box (5) are produced the former (3) is of extended length, and of contracted length when the outer jacket is attached by one end to the prefinished outer carton (24).

28-04-1966 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Verkleben von Stuelpfaltschachtelzuschnitten mit Vorstehrandzuschnitten

Номер: DE0001215494B

02-01-1964 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Verschliessen eines Endes einer offenen Trommel

Номер: DE0001160721B

19-07-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003043491C2

14-08-1958 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Herstellen der Innenteile von Zuendholzschachteln

Номер: DE0001036620B

03-03-1960 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001807462U

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002141892C3

20-07-1995 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Überwachen von Faltdornen.

Номер: DE0059105721D1

10-05-2001 дата публикации

CD-Verpackung (Karte)

Номер: DE0020021924U1

20-08-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000099750A5

20-03-1930 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Schutzhuellen aus Celluloid oder aehnlichem Material fuer Fahrkarten u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000494256C
Принадлежит: ERICH HUNN

07-03-1931 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Flachfalten von Beuteln aus Papier

Номер: DE0000520121C

26-01-1933 дата публикации

Maschine zur Herstellung von Klappdeckelschachteln aus einem einzigen Zuschnitt

Номер: DE0000569011C

09-02-1935 дата публикации

Maschine zum Lackieren von Zuschnitten aus Pappe o. dgl.

Номер: DE0000608997C

21-10-1932 дата публикации

Maschine zur Herstellung von Pappschachteln oder Behaeltern

Номер: DE0000562097C

26-09-1933 дата публикации

Maschine zur Herstellung von Schachteln, z. B. Streichholzschachteln

Номер: DE0000584889C

29-07-1940 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Herstellen von Beuteln

Номер: DE0000694305C
Принадлежит: FR HESSER, FR. HESSER

30-11-1933 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung beiderseits mit Metallfolie ueberzogener Behaelter aus Pappe

Номер: DE0000588953C
Принадлежит: LEOPOLD RADO

17-09-1970 дата публикации

Maschine zur vollautomatischen Herstellung von Papptueten fuer Naegel,Stifte,Schrauben,Niete usw.

Номер: DE0001901380A1

02-04-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Aufrichten beleimter oder beschichteter Faltschachtelzuschnitte

Номер: DE0001486947A1

28-02-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001704101B2

31-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002218260A1

03-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001332628A

... 1332628 Packaging TETRA PAK DEVELOPPEMENT SA 15 Aug 1972 [20 Aug 1971] 37945/72 Heading B8C A container is produced by folding a strip 13 to form a series of open-ended channels 2 and sealing another strip 3 having flaps 23, 23a to the strip 13 to close the open ends and tops of the channels 2. When the flaps 23, 23a have been sealed to the strip 13, each container is filled through a filling tube extending underneath the strip 3, prior to the top panel portion 29 of the strip 3 being sealed to a portion 17 of the strip 13. This latter sealing is effected by an ultrasonic or a heat sealing device. Individual sealed packages are cut from the series of packages by a knife (100, Fig. 2). During formation, filling, sealing and separation of the containers, the strip 13 is supported on the bases and upright walls (26, Fig. 2) of forming parts. The strips 3, 13 are of foamed polystyrene sheet or a material provided with a thermoplastic layer along the lines or surfaces to be sealed. Specification ...

07-09-1955 дата публикации

Apparatus for withdrawing collapsed folding boxes from a pack, opening the same, and re-collapsing them

Номер: GB0000736160A

... 736,160. Breaking creases in cartons. HESSER MASCHINENFABRIK AKT.-GES. Jan. 12, 1953 [Jan. 23, 1952], No. 875/53. Class 94 (1). [Also in Groups XVI and XXIX] In apparatus for withdrawing collapsed folding boxes seriatim from a pack, opening the extracted boxes and re-collapsing them in the reversed condition, collapsed boxes are packed in a container 1 provided with a pusher member (not shown) which urges the pack of boxes toward an open end of the container, which end is adjacent a rotatable drum 4 provided with elongated suction nozzles formed by slots 11a, 11, the nozzles being periodically brought into connection with a suction pipe 5 also serving as a shaft for the drum 4. Between each pair of nozzles is a spiker 17 which is reciprocated vertically by the engagement of a roller 18 in a cam track 19 formed in a cylinder 3 housing the drum 4. Each nozzle is provided with a non-return valve 12 comprising a leaf spring carrying clips 13, 14 and having slots 15 for flow of suction air.

02-03-1955 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the manufacture and closing of the inner lining bags in packages comprising an outer case with an internal lining

Номер: GB0000725340A

... 725,340. Making bags; closing receptacles after filling. HESSER MASCHINENFABRIK-AKT.,-GES., F. March 10, 1953 [March 10, 1952], No. 6591/53. Classes 94 (1) and 94 (2). A method of manufacturing bags, particularly inner linings, on a rotary mandrel co-operating with a former, and using heat sealing, is characterised in that a web of foil is fed to the former in conjunction with compressed air which flows between the web and the web supporting surfaces of the former, or with the assistance of additional mechanical means, the folded flaps of the foil blank are held to the mandrel by suction before and during the heat sealing operation, and the finished bag is removed from the mandrel with the assistance of compressed air. As shown, a plurality of mandrels 2 are carried by a wheel 1 which is intermittently rotated in a horizontal plane. At station I the web of thermoplastic material or metal foil F is drawn from a supply reel and fed forward on a runway 25 by rollers 10, '11, and is cut into ...

22-11-1934 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to methods of and machines for the automatic productionof paper tubes or containers

Номер: GB0000419958A

... 419,958. Conical paper tubes &c. MAJER, C., 8, Swarzlocherstrasse, T³bingen, W³rtemberg, Germany. May 22, 1933, No. 14805. Convention date, Feb. 18. [Class 99 (ii).] Paper tubes, &c., of conical shape are made from a continuous paper web 6 by first cutting out therefrom symmetrical chevronshaped blanks 16 having bevelled edges 10 by means of a cutter comprising two adjustable blades 13 mounted on a rising and falling frame 14, then feeding the blanks in succession to a rotatable conical hollow mandrel 23 provided with suction orifices 26, and finally trimming the tube during winding by an adjustable circular knife 29 at one end and a rotatable circular knife 47 and counter-blade 45 at the other end. The bevelling of the edges 10 is effected by adjustable grinding devices 7 and pressers 9 which are applied to the paper prior to cutting, and the blanks are fed to the mandrel by a suction device 49 and an adjustable guide 39 and are held thereon during winding and application of adhesive from ...

18-03-1964 дата публикации

Machine for the manufacture of packaging bags

Номер: GB0000952699A

... 952,699. Forming bags on mandrels. F. HESSER MASCHINENFABRIK A.G. Aug. 28, 1962 [Nov. 3, 1961], No. 32947/62. Heading B5D. A stream of air from the interior 8 (Fig. 6) of a mandrel 2 (Fig. 6) about which a bag blank is folded ensures that the ends B of the blank are turned outwardly before they are welded, to form a fin seam, by welding heads 5, 6. The air issues from holes 7 (see also Fig. 4) lying in a groove 9 in the mandrel. Further holes 21 can be connected to suction to retain the wrapper. The blowing air can be admitted to the interior 8 of the mandrel through a pipe 12 passing through a block 11 for forming end folds in the bag, and fitted with a flexible bush 13 which, when the forming block 11 is moved towards the end of the mandrel, seals around the bore 8 in the mandrel. The block 11 may include a valve which passes air through the tube 12 only when this is pressed, by engagement with the mandrel, into the block 11 against the bias of a spring. Suction is connected to the holes ...

28-09-2005 дата публикации

Drum for a creasing device

Номер: GB0000517115D0

17-05-2006 дата публикации

Doubled-Walled Paperboard Cup

Номер: GB0000606957D0

21-01-1970 дата публикации

High-Strength Container and Container Blank having Seamless Bottom Walls, and Method of Forming Same

Номер: GB0001178716A

... 1,178,716. Forming and erecting boxes; blow-moulding. CHEVRON RESEARCH CO: 5 April, 1967 [5 April, 1966], No. 15594/67. Headings B5A and B5D. [Also in Division B8] Plastics blanks 15 are produced and erected into boxes having a top closure and a reentrant seamless bottom (97), Figs. 11, 13 (not shown) comprising tuck-up panels (100), (101) adhered to a bottom panel (98) (see Division B8) by producing an array of joined pairs of blank preforms 12 by blow moulding or extrusion and severing the array into preform pairs 12 and then individual preforms which are flattened, printed, scored and erected into the completed containers. Palletized plastics material from a hopper 11, Fig. 1, is heated and passed through dual-head dies 23 to form a soft parison 22, portions of which are successively sealed between the two hinged halves 20a, 20b of each of a series of water and/or air cooled moulds arranged on a rotary wheel 21 and closed by air cylinders 24. A hollow blow needle (not shown) is placed ...

10-10-1947 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wrapping machines

Номер: GB0000593192A

... 593,192. Wrapping-machines. NEWTON, E. P. (Bronander, W. B.). Dec. 12; 1944, No. 24930. [Class 94 (i)] In a wrapping-machine feeding and cutting means are provided for forming the wrapper and attaching to it a tear strip 25 which is made so as to extend at 76, Fig. 9, beyond the wrapper to facilitate opening of the wrapper. As shown at Fig. 1 the tear strip 25 is fed from a roll T through a guide 26 to feed rollers 27, 28 one of which has a gap 29. The strip passes over a heating bar 32 before and after passing a wick 36 supplied with adhesive from a reservoir 37. The wrapper band 45 passes from a roll W to rollers 46, 47 which coact to form an H-shaped cut and form two flaps 51, 52 in the web as shown in Fig. 9, the strip 25 being secured across the vertical slit and being arranged parallel to the horizontal slits. The join is effected by rolls 55, 57, and roll 55 is formed with a pocket 56 into which the strip 25 and flaps 51, 52 are forced by a stud 65 on roll 57 forming a loop in the ...

04-04-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in machines for applying reinforcements to bags or the like

Номер: GB0000292463A

... 292,463. Daisy Products, Inc., (Assignees of Plass, R. H.). June 18, 1927, [Convention date]. Hand and like bags.-Relates to a machine for inserting cardboard or other reinforcing strips between the bodies and linings of hand hat bags, boxes, and the like. A frame 10, Fig. 3, carries a tubular support 11 at one end of which is mounted a stationary head 13 in the centre of which is fixed a, pivot shaft 15 on the other end of which is a head 17, similar to the counterpart of head 13. The heads are preferably of cylindrical form and constitute a mandrel over which the bag &c. to be operated upon is placed. The heads have at their edges guide-ways 24, 24 opening towards the centre of the mandrel and adapted to receive the strip of reinforcing material. Each head has formed in it a gap 25, Figs. 2, 5, opposite to which there extends from the guide-ways a guide-nose 26 composed of four metal blades spaced in pairs. A shaft 31, which may be driven from a motor through suitable gearing, carries ...

16-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001598218A

29-08-1962 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for applying a tear-off strip to wrapping material

Номер: GB0000904353A

... 904,353. Applying tear-strip to wrapping material. SCHWEIZERISCHE INDUSTRIEGESELLSCHAFT. Sept. 15, 1960 [Sept. 17, 1959], No. 31768/60. Class 73. [Also in Group XVII] Tear-strip 4 from a roll 3 is coated on one side with a wax by a disc 9 rotating in a heated wax trough 8 and is fed via guide rollers 10 to a roller 5 over which is also guided wrapping material 2 from a roll 1. The strip 4 is applied to the wrapping material 2 by means of a spring- urged pressure roller 11 and the material 2 with the tear-strip thereon is fed from the roller 5 to a cutting device and wrapping apparatus (not shown). During the passage of the strip around the rollers 10, the wax on the strip cools down and sets.

18-09-1957 дата публикации

Method for the production of structural members of any cross or longitudinal sectionprovided with hollow spaces

Номер: GB0000783184A

... 783,184. Laminated structural members. STEBLER, P., [trading as STEBLER-SANES, METALLWARENFABRIK]. Oct. 6, 1954 [Oct. 6, 1953], No. 28736/54. Class 140. [Also in Groups X and XXII A method of producing structural elements comprising parallel tension plates 1, and intermediate supporting members 5, secured thereto and providing hollow spaces 2 between said plates is characterized in that between two such tension plates arranged parallel to each other is a supporting member having swellings or mammillations on each side, each such swelling or mammillation having a plane crest parallel to the median plane of the member and said crests being joined at 4, to the respective tension plate by means of self-hardening synthetic resin under a relatively low applied pressure. The supporting members and the tension plates may be made of different materials, e.g. sheet metal, impregnated paper or synthetic materials and they may be of latticed construction. The strength of the structure may be increased ...

22-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002022062B

16-09-1959 дата публикации

Apparatus for producing containers from paper, card or the like

Номер: GB0000820050A

... 820,050. Making cartons. JAGENBEBGWERKE A.G. Dec. 9, 1955 [Dec. 9, 1954], No. 22763/57. Divided out of 820,049. Class 18. Mandrels about which are folded blanks to produce cartons of the kind shown in Fig. 4 comprise a frusto-pyramidal body 12a the smaller section 12b of which merges upwardly in a part of circular cross-section. The mandrels have internal heating elements 49 which assist in the forming of the sharp corners at the upper end of the cartons. The heat may also activate or assist in drying adhesive. The method of folding the blanks about the mandrel is described in Specification 820,049.

11-04-1988 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detachably connecting packaging cartons for beverage cups or the like

Номер: AT0000385467B

Method for the detachable connecting of parallelepipedal packaging cartons in which flat sleeve-like packaging cartons K are taken from two storage magazines 2, 3 and erected to form parallelepipedal cartons, being brought into contact with one another at a narrow side wall and in each case a top flap D, a bottom flap B and two side flaps S projecting from the narrow side walls perpendicular thereto; the bottom flap is then folded over and the mutually adjacent side flaps S', provided with a tear-off perforation, of the two cartons are jointly folded against the bottom flap of the one carton and the other side flaps are folded against the associated bottom flaps, the top flaps of the cartons then being folded over and adhesively bonded to the bottom flaps and the side flaps. ...

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435112T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000464250T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460268T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465955T

15-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA240175A

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000531494T

15-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000087088A

27-12-1932 дата публикации

Procedure and device zuf production of box parts with curved ground.

Номер: AT0000130854B

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000031895T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173995T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036828T

15-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000059024T

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016468T

10-03-1937 дата публикации

Procedure and device for manufacturing conical paper containers.

Номер: AT0000148875B

15-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000189159T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000329836T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309089T

27-03-1972 дата публикации

Device to manufacturing tubing containers and/or tubing packing from plastic to the filling readiness

Номер: AT0000297600B

26-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343454B

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345924T

20-10-1998 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing tubular hollow items

Номер: AU0007332998A

21-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000561841B2

15-09-2011 дата публикации

Drum for a creasing device

Номер: AU2006283422B2

A drum (2) for mounting the resilient creasing ring (8) of a creasing device is formed in two parts (14, 15), each having a cylindrical outer surface (12) and a bore for mounting the drum part about a shaft (4). The first and second drum parts (14, 15) are shaped such that they may abut one another to define between them the base (18) and two side walls (20, 21) of a channel (6) for receiving the resilient creasing ring (8). At least one side wall (20, 21) of the channel (6) is recessed so that a resilient creasing ring (8) located in the channel (6) and projecting laterally into the recess cannot be withdrawn radially from the channel (6). As a result, it is no longer required that the ring (8) be under tension to hold it in place so a split ring (8) can be used and replacement rings can be added to the device without removing the shaft (4) from the machine in which it is mounted.

06-08-2009 дата публикации

Cup made of a paper material

Номер: AU2008264158A1

13-06-2013 дата публикации

A disposable content use monitoring package with a removable re-usable electronic circuit board

Номер: AU2011320064A1

There is provided a content use monitoring package and method of making the same. The package includes a cover layer followed by a blister card layer. The third layer comprises an electronic sensor monitoring tag connected to a rupturable layer imprinted with a conductive grid. The grid is printed on a non-conductive, non paperboard rupturable substrate and is aligned with associated blisters in the blister card. To ensure precise and reliable electrical continuity between the tag and grid they are connected by a low or zero insertion force flat flex connector which connection is also reversible. The tag includes re-usable electronic circuitry and power source. The fourth and bottom layer is a backing which contains a mechanism to tear open the package and remove the tag by unplugging the flex circuit connector. The tag can then be reused and the battery replaced as required.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Sealed package for pourable food products and packaging material for producing sealed packages for pourable food products

Номер: AU2011264003A1

There is described a sealed package (1, 1') for pourable food products, comprising a quadrangular bottom panel (6) which comprises a first front edge (10) and a second rear edge (11) opposite to each other; a quadrangular top panel (5) which is opposite to bottom panel (6) and comprises a third front edge (15) and a fourth rear edge (16); a front panel (8) which extends between first and third edges (10, 15); and a rear panel (7, 7') which extends between second and fourth edges (15, 16); the distance between first and third edges (10, 15) is smaller than the distance between second and fourth edges (11, 16); top panel (5) is angled with respect to a first plane defined by first and second edges (10, 11); first and third edge (10, 15) define a second theoretical reference plane (P); front panel (8) comprises a fifth and sixth edge (19, 20) which are opposite to one another and extend both between first and second edges (10, 15); at least one of fifth and sixth front edge (19, 20) extends ...

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Method for binding a quire and device applied thereby

Номер: AU2005209016A1

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Combined box and resealable bag

Номер: AU2014250720B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

COMBINED BOX AND RESEALABLE BAG A method of forming a bag-in-container assembly (100) comprising the steps of: providing a mandrel (90) suitable for supporting a bag member (14) and a container member (12) thereon, placing the bag member (14) on the mandrel (90) and placing the container member (12) over the bag member (14) on the mandrel (90) at a distance from a bottom of the container (100), and applying pressure to the container member (12) to join the bag member (14) to the container member (12) to yield a bag-in-container assembly (100).

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014325885B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Provided are: a paper container that is configured such that it is difficult to feel heat therefrom when picked up without having to increase the thickness of a foam insulating layer and without the associated transport efficiency degradation, and such that occurrences of appearance defects due to over foaming are prevented; and a paper container manufacturing method. This paper container has a container body comprising a body section and a bottom plate section, and a foam insulating layer that is provided on the exterior side of the body section and that comprises a foam section and a foam suppressed section. The paper container is characterized in that the foam insulating layer is formed by heating a thermoplastic resin layer having a foaming control ink coating portion and in that the thickness of the foam suppressed section is no more than 25% of the thickness of the foam section.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Plastic bag making apparatus

Номер: US20120035035A1
Автор: Mikio Totani
Принадлежит: Totani Corp

Plastic bags are made by feeding webs joined at a joint line, and by supplying a side gusset sheet between the webs. The webs are temporarily fixed to two side gusset layers. One web is folded along a first folded line spaced from the joint line to open the webs and form an open surface. One side gusset layer is folded along the first folded line to open the side gusset layers along with an auxiliary gusset portion and form an open surface on layers of the auxiliary gusset portion. One web is turned along a turned line formed between the joint line and the first folded line to make a turned portion superposed on the open surfaces. The other web is folded along a second folded line spaced from the joint line to make a folded portion superposed on the open surfaces.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Tool holding device and sheet-processing machine and folding carton gluer having the device

Номер: US20120053034A1

A device for holding tools for processing flat, sheet-like material includes top and bottom tool holding devices which have respective top and bottom tool units that are driven by drive shafts through servomotors and are laterally displaceable by tool guide elements which are supported on cross members. The top and bottom cross members have a rectangular construction and are fitted perpendicularly in the device. A sheet-processing machine and a folding carton gluer having the device, are also provided.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Display carton

Номер: US20120085816A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

The carton is comprised of an attached arrangement an outer front panel, a top panel, a rear panel, a bottom panel and an inner front panel; the outer front panel overlaying the inner front panel and having an attachment strip at a lower edge for attachment to the inner front panel. The attachment strip has an outer front panel weakened area whereby upon the outer front panel being separated from the inner front panel this weakened area is severed leaving the attachment strip attached to the inner front panel. The outer front panel will have a grip tab to open the carton by severing the outer front panel weakened area of the attachment strip, with the attachment strip remaining with the carton.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Methods and a machine for forming multiple types of containers

Номер: US20120100976A1
Принадлежит: Rock Tenn Shared Services LLC

A blank delivery system for use in a machine for forming a container from a blank sheet of material is described herein. The blank delivery system includes a blank loading assembly that includes a plurality of blank hoppers. Each blank hopper is configured to hold a plurality of blanks for forming a different type of container. A blank transfer assembly is coupled to each blank hopper of the plurality of blank hoppers. The blank transfer assembly is configured to convey the blanks from each blank hopper to a container forming system of the machine.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Machine and method for forming reinforced polygonal containers from blanks

Номер: US20120100977A1
Принадлежит: Rock Tenn CP LLC

A method of forming a container from a blank of sheet material using a machine is provided. The blank includes a bottom panel, two side panels, two end panels, and a reinforcing panel assembly extending from a first side panel. The machine includes a hopper station, a corner post forming station, and a plunger station. The method includes rotating the reinforcing panel assembly upwardly toward the first side panel as the blank is transported from the hopper station to the corner post forming station, forming a corner wall and a reinforcing end tab by folding reinforcing panels about fold lines as the blank is transported through the corner post forming station, rotating the side panels and the end panels to be substantially perpendicular to the bottom panel by directing the blank through the plunger station, and coupling the reinforcing end tab to an end panel to form the container.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Process for the erection of a cardboard box blank and equipment for effecting the same

Номер: US20120122646A1
Автор: Pascal Murano
Принадлежит: Sidel Participations SAS

A process for erecting a cardboard box blank into the form of a case for the manufacture of a shipping-type cardboard box, together with equipment for its implementation. The process includes the following stages: drawing off a blank having an inscription in standard or reverse form from a stand using a first extractor arm, holding this first arm in contact with a first side of the blank and then placing a second arm on a second side of the blank, the second side being opposite the first side. The process includes operation of a control mechanism after application of second arm to erect a blank having an inscription in standard or reverse form into the form of a case, the control mechanism activating the first extractor arm or the second arm to open the blank.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Erecting Aid

Номер: US20120131888A1
Принадлежит: PACKSIZE LLC

An erecting aid for packaging materials is described and may include a table portion and a panel. A panel may be coupled to one side of the table portion. The table portion and the panel can be configured such that the table portion and panel form an acute angle and the panel acts as a type of back support wall with respect to the table portion. A clamp may cooperate with the table portion to produce a clamping force. The clamping force may occur by biasing at least a portion of the clamp towards a relaxed, closed. The combination of the table, panel and biased clamp provide the forces necessary to stabilize a partially folded corrugated box during the erecting process such that the partially folded corrugated box is stabilized and maintained in a partially assembled state while the operator can use both hands to complete the erecting process.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Assembly for producing paper packaging for fast food, particularly comprising deep coated pleats

Номер: US20120193031A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to the description of machine-assisted production assemblies and to the optimization thereof, said assemblies having, built therein, a patented device for folding into deep coated folds, thus making it possible to create paper packaging for fast food, said assemblies all comprising a folded element from a folded paper strip 31 . Said machines are modular and all comprise, upstream, an assembly of modules 5, 6 , and 7 that supply a folded paper strip 31 that is then converted in a specific finishing module 8 for making, from said lidded paper strip, a packaging for a sandwich or loose product such as fries or chicken pieces.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Collapsible corrugated beverage sleeve

Номер: US20120234846A1
Автор: Donn J. COSTANZO, JR.
Принадлежит: Thatbox Design LLC

A collapsible beverage sleeve includes a single sheet of material having a bottom section defining a bottom of the beverage sleeve when the blank is folded into a use configuration; and a plurality of side sections defining sides of the beverage sleeve when the blank is a use configuration. The plurality of side sections are defined by one or more first fold lines extending therebetween and comprise: a first end side section; a second end side section; a plurality of standard length side sections, an extended length side section subdivided by second fold lines into a side portion, a hinge portion, and a bottom attachment portion; and a shortened length side section integrally connected by way of a third fold line with the bottom section. The second fold lines extend generally parallel to each other and extending orthogonally to the first fold lines.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Novel plastic bag, methods for making bags and improved pouch machine

Номер: US20120270712A1
Автор: James F. Pease
Принадлежит: Karlville Dev LLC

Method and apparatus for making a plastic bag or pouch wherein a plastic web is moved in a longitudinal direction and a tape made from an elongated plastic film is fed to the web. The tape is made of a pair of elongated attachment lanes of complementary fastening elements sealed to the film to function as attachable-detachable closures. The lanes extend parallel and are spaced apart. A perforation line is formed in the film between lanes, and a flange is defined on one side of only one of said lanes. The lanes are separated and pairs of lengths are cut off said lanes. The pairs of cut off lengths are sealed on a diagonal to the moving web in different directions to form V-shaped closures with the lane having the flange on one side thereof sealed to the web by the flange only. Bags are formed from the moving web. An intermediate product is described consisting of a narrow substrate having V-shaped closures spaced longitudinally for placement on a moving web in a bag making machine.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Plastic bag making apparatus

Номер: US20130068392A1
Автор: Mikio Totani
Принадлежит: Totani Corp

An apparatus makes plastic bags in succession by intermittently feeding webs of plastic film longitudinally along a path. Movable units are spaced apart along the path and are driven by drive units, one for each movable unit, longitudinally of the film webs. Control switches, one for each movable unit, works on each drive unit to move the corresponding movable unit for position adjustment. The film webs are processed by at least some of the movable units whenever being fed intermittently, to successively make the plastic bags.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for folding paper boxes

Номер: US20130090222A1
Автор: Jeremy Peter GREEN
Принадлежит: International Paper Co

An apparatus for folding box blanks into completed boxes includes a feeding station having a swing guide assembly designed to provide an abutting surface which makes contact with flaps/panels of the box blank as the box blank is feed from the feeding station into a folding station. The swing guide assembly can be synchronized with a feed assembly which moves box blanks from a hopper assembly to a first feed position. Actuating drives operating at different speeds can be used to move the box blanks from the feeding station to a first and second folding station. Critical actuating motions used in the process of folding and advancing the box blanks can be performed at a different speed than other non-critical actuating motions.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116712A1
Автор: Belson Amir

Apparatus and methods for endoscopic colectomy are described herein. A colectomy device having a first and a second tissue approximation device is mounted on a colonoscope separated from one another. During deployment of the colectomy device, a diseased portion of the colon is positioned inbetween the tissue approximation devices. The tissue approximation devices are radially expanded such that they contact and grasp the colon wall at two sites adjacent to the diseased portion of the colon. The diseased portion is separated from the omentum and is transected using a laparoscope or is drawn into the colonoscope for later removal. The tissue approximation devices are then urged towards one another over the colonoscope to approximate the two free edges of the colon into contact together where they are fastened to one another using the tissue approximation device as a surgical stapler to create an end-to-end anastomosis. 1. An endoscopic device for approximating tissue within a hollow body organ , comprising: an elongated body having a plurality of articulatable segments and a steerable distal portion , wherein each of the segments are configurable to assume a selected shape along an arbitrary path when the elongated body is advanced distally or proximally; a first tissue approximation component positioned about the elongated body , wherein the first component is adapted to radially expand and adhere a first region of tissue to a plurality of tissue gripping regions circumferentially located about the first component; and a second tissue approximation component positioned about the elongated body proximally of the first component , wherein the second component is adapted to radially expand and adhere a second region of tissue to a plurality of tissue gripping regions circumferentially located about the second component , wherein the first component and the second component are adapted to approximate and securely fasten the first region to the second region of tissue.2. ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133287A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

An apparatus for closing containers includes a movable closing head for applying closures to the containers and is arranged in the interior of a sterile chamber of the apparatus and arranged to move in a longitudinal direction (L) of the containers to be closed. At least one wall is provided which delimits the sterile chamber, wherein the closing device is arranged on a carrier which is arranged partially inside the sterile chamber and partially outside the sterile chamber, and extends through the wall and moves in the longitudinal direction (L) relative to the wall. Arranged in the interior of the sterile chamber is a first sealing element which is elastic in the longitudinal direction (L) and which seals off from the sterile chamber a region of the outer periphery of the carrier. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus for closing containers , comprising a closing device which applies closures to the containers , wherein the closing device comprises a movable closing head for applying closures to the containers , which is arranged in the interior of a sterile chamber of the apparatus , and comprising a drive device for driving the closing head , wherein the drive device is arranged outside the sterile chamber , wherein the apparatus comprises a rotatable output shaft driven by the drive device to drive the closing head , wherein the output shaft extends through a boundary wall of the sterile chamber and a housing is provided which surrounds the output shaft , and wherein a channel is provided to conduct a medium out of the housing.17. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the medium comprises a gaseous medium.18. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein a volume which depends on a position of the carrier in the longitudinal direction (L) is formed between the first sealing element and the outer periphery of the carrier claim 16 , which volume is in flow connection with a chamber arranged geometrically outside the sterile chamber.19. The apparatus according ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133290A1

Device for packaging goods, in particular a stack of goods with a tubular film having a film-feeding means with a welding and cutting array for producing and feeding a tubular film hood and having a film-fitting means that cooperates with the film-feeding means, can be translated up and down vertically and is designed to grip and fit the film hood over the goods, characterized in that the film-feeding means is disposed so that it is horizontally translatable between an operating position and a maintenance position. 1. Device for packaging goods , in particular a stack of goods , with a tubular film , having a film-feeding means with a welding and cutting array for producing and feeding a tubular film hood and having a film-fitting means that cooperates with the film-feeding means , can be translated up and down vertically and is designed to grip and fit the film hood over the goods , characterized in that the film-feeding means is disposed so that it is horizontally translatable between an operating position and a maintenance position.2. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that film-feeding means can be translated along a rectilinear translation path.3. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , when in the maintenance position claim 1 , film-feeding means is disposed adjacent a horizontal working platform.4. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , when in the maintenance position claim 1 , film-feeding means is located above a film roll mount.5. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that film-feeding means and film-fitting means are actuated by a joint control in coordinated fashion.6. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that film-feeding means and/or film-fitting means is or are designed to process shrink or stretch film material.7. Device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the goods that are to be packaged are transported in feed direction beneath film-fitting means claim 2 , ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133291A1

A forming member for controlling the volume of packages of pourable food products formed from a tube of packaging material and sealed at a number of sections of the tube crosswise to an axis of the tube; the forming member having: a main wall which cooperates cyclically with a first portion of the tube extending between two consecutive sections; and at least one flap extending alongside the wall. The flap is movable, with respect to the wall, between a first position, in which it cooperates with a second portion of the tube, extending between the two consecutive sections, to control the volume, between the two consecutive sections, of the package being formed, and a second position, in which it is detached from the second portion. 1. A packaging unit for producing sealed packages of pourable food products from a tube of packaging material , comprising:a sealing assembly configured to grip and seal a section of the tube of packaging material; anda forming member configured to control a volume of a portion the tube while the section of the tube is gripped and sealed by the sealing assembly, the forming member having a main wall hinged to a jaw of the sealing assembly and adapted to cooperate with a first subportion of the portion of the tube, and a flap connected to the main wall, wherein the flap is movable with respect to the main wall between a first position, in which it cooperates with a second subportion of the portion of the tube to control the volume of the portion of the tube, and a second position, in which it is detached from the second subportion of the portion of the tube.2. A packaging unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flap is hinged to the main wall.3. A packaging unit as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an elastic member for loading the flap into one of the first and second positions.4. A packaging unit as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising a control member operable to engage an interaction surface to thereby move the flap into the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods And Devices For Endoscopically Creating An Anastomosis

Номер: US20130138126A1

A method and devices that endoscopically create an anastomosis between two sections of the digestive tract, thereby allowing at least some chyme to bypass a section of the digestive tract while, optionally, the remaining chyme passes through the entire tract. 1. A system for creating an anastomosis between two body lumens comprising:an elastic member; an elongate body;', 'a location mechanism positioned at a distal end of said body;', 'a carrying mechanism capable of securely receiving said elastic member for delivery to a target site; and,', 'a stretching mechanism capable of expanding said elastic first member;, 'a first delivery device includinga receiving member including an outer surface with a receiving feature suitable for securely receiving an elastic element; and, an elongate body;', 'a location mechanism positioned at a distal end of said body;, 'a second delivery device includinga carrying mechanism capable of transporting said receiving member to a target site;wherein said first delivery device is useable to stretch said elastic member over said receiving member such that said tissue barrier is trapped between said elastic member and said receiving member.2. The system of wherein said first delivery device location mechanism comprises a receiving tube having a hollow lumen capable of being advanced over a guidewire passing through said hollow lumen.3. The system of wherein said second delivery device location mechanism comprises a centered spike having a hollow lumen capable of being advanced over a guidewire passing through said hollow lumen claim 2 , and sized to be received by said first delivery device receiving tube.4. The system of wherein said stretching mechanism capable of expanding said elastic first member comprises a continuous wall of increasing diameter and a pusher capable of advancing said elastic first member over said continuous wall.5. The system of wherein said first delivery device location mechanism comprises a grabbing device ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Screwing Assembly for Screwing Closing Plugs onto Syringes

Номер: US20130145725A1
Принадлежит: HEALTH ROBOTICS S.r.I.

A closing plug is screwed onto the threaded open end of a syringe by a screwing assembly provided with a pocket adapted to receive the closing plug from a hopper which houses in its inside a plurality of closing plugs, a support device of the syringe, and an actuating device for moving the pocket and the support device with respect to each other with a roto-translating movement about and along a longitudinal axis of the syringe so as to screw the closing plug onto the open end of the syringe itself. 12334567592112931211293353129426. Screwing assembly for screwing closing plugs () onto syringes () , each syringe () presenting a longitudinal axis () and comprising a cylinder () provided with a threaded open end () and a plunger () engaged in a sliding manner in the cylinder () itself; the screwing assembly being characterized in that it comprises a hopper () , which houses in its inside a plurality of closing plugs () , and presents an outlet () of the closing plugs () from the hopper () itself; a pocket () suited to receive and hold the closing plug () fed each time through said outlet (); a support device () for supporting the syringe (); and an actuating device () for moving the pocket () and the support device () with respect to one another with a roto-translating movement around and along said longitudinal axis () , so as to screw the closing plug () onto said open end ().226926211. Screwing assembly according to and comprising claim 1 , furthermore claim 1 , a first stop device () claim 1 , which is mobile inside the hopper () from and to an operating position claim 1 , in which the first stop device () prevents a first closing plug () from reaching said outlet ().32326923229. Screwing assembly according to and comprising claim 2 , furthermore claim 2 , a second stop device () claim 2 , which is arranged behind the first stop device () claim 2 , and is mobile inside the hopper () from and to an operating position claim 2 , in which the second stop device () is ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods And Devices For Endoscopically Creating An Anastomosis

Номер: US20130150873A1

A method and devices that endoscopically create an anastomosis between two sections of the digestive tract, thereby allowing at least some chyme to bypass a section of the digestive tract while, optionally, the remaining chyme passes through the entire tract. 1. A device for creating an anastomosis between two body lumens comprising:a first element including an outer surface with a receiving feature suitable for securely receiving an elastic element;an elastic second element sized to stretch over said first element and rest within said receiving feature while in a stretched state.2. The device of wherein said first element comprises a continuous wall having an overhanging lip radiating therefrom.3. The device of wherein said elastic second element comprises an o-ring. This application is a divisional of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/809,709 filed Sep. 22, 2010 entitled Methods And Devices For Endoscopically Creating An Anastomosis, which is the U.S. National Phase of International Patent Application No. PCT/US2008/087792, International Filing Date Dec. 19, 2008, entitled Methods And Devices For Endoscopically Creating An Anastomosis, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/016,221 filed Dec. 21, 2007 entitled Methods and Devices for Endoscopically Creating an Anastomosis, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.The present invention relates generally to addressing problems related to the digestive system, particularly obesity and type II diabetes. Additionally, it is contemplated that the methods and devices of the present invention may be used in treating other digestive conditions such as benign or malignant obstructions of the stomach, small bowel and/or colon when clinically indicated; peptic ulcer disease; inflammatory bowel disease; adhesions; annular pancreas; duodenal, pancreatic, intestinal, or colonic primary malignancies; and secondary malignancies.ObesityAccording to the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Quality control method for a machine for producing packaging

Номер: US20130177233A1
Автор: Mario Bellino
Принадлежит: Individual

A quality control method for a machine for processing flat objects for producing packaging: A prepress file for packaging is used to define, in an extremely simple and quick way, masked zones which define which parts of the surface of the object are the parts in which the defects are not to be considered.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178879A1
Автор: Laufer Michael D.

Methods and devices for modifying the location at which bodily fluids interact with nutrients in a gastrointestinal tract. The methods and devices utilize a conduit configured to divert bodily fluids from an entrance within a gastrointestinal tract to a location downstream from the entrance. 1. A device for diverting fluid from a duct in a wall of a small intestine , the device comprising:a support frame having a first cuff a second cuff, a central portion and a passageway extending through the central portion, where the central portion has as reduced diameter relative to a diameter of the first or second cuffs and at least one opening, in a side-wall of the central portion, wherein the first and second cuffs are expandable, the second cuff being configured to form a fluid tight seal against the wall of the small intestine distal to a duct opening and the first cuff being configured to form a fluid tight seal against the wall of the small intestine proximal to the duct opening such that the first and second cuffs in combination with an exterior wall of the central portion and a wall of the small intestine define a reservoir for receiving fluid from the duct; andan elongate conduit coupled to the side-wall of the central portion where at least a portion of the conduit extends within the passageway, the conduit having a first end, a second end having an opening, and a side-wall having an opening, wherein the opening in the side-wall of the conduit is connected to the opening in the side-wall of the central portion such that fluid entering the opening in the side-wall of the central portion from the reservoir or directly from the duct passes through the opening in the side-wall of the conduit, the conduit being configured to advance fluid from the opening in the side-wall of the conduit to the second end of the conduit and, wherein a diameter of the elongate conduit is smaller than a diameter of the passageway such that foods and other digestive substances may pass ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206763A1
Автор: Sinn Mark, Sullivan Joseph
Принадлежит: CDF Corporation

A container for holding contents includes a shell having a peripheral rim defining a substantially open top, a lid positioned on the shell, covering the substantially open top, and having a peripheral portion engaging the peripheral rim, and a liner disposed within the shell, conforming to the shape of the shell, and having peripheral ribbon secured to the lid forming a continuous seal between the liner and the lid. 1. A container for holding contents , comprising:a shell having a peripheral rim defining a substantially open top;a lid positioned on the shell, covering the substantially open top, and having a peripheral portion engaging the peripheral rim; anda liner disposed within the shell, conforming to the shape of the shell, and having a peripheral ribbon secured to the lid forming a continuous seal between the liner and the lid.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the peripheral portion of the lid includes a continuous peripheral channel nestingly engaging the peripheral rim.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein the peripheral ribbon of the liner includes a continuous peripheral channel nestingly engaging the peripheral rim claim 2 , the peripheral ribbon being arranged between the peripheral portion of the lid and the peripheral rim of the shell.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the peripheral ribbon of the liner is secured to the peripheral portion of the lid with a hot-melt glue.5. The container of claim 1 , wherein the lid includes an access portion for accessing the contents of the container.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the access portion is arranged within the peripheral portion of the lid and includes an engagement feature for engaging the peripheral portion of the lid.7. The container of claim 6 , wherein the engagement feature includes a catch arranged on a tab claim 6 , the tab being biased to engage the peripheral portion of the lid.8. A method of assembling a container claim 6 , comprising:expanding a shell and a liner from respective ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Packaging material comprising magnetisable portions

Номер: US20130228614A1
Автор: Lars Bergholtz
Принадлежит: Tetra Laval Holdings and Finance SA

A packaging material comprising a plurality of magnetisable portions thereon comprising at least one detectable magnetisable portion per package to be formed from the packaging material is disclosed. At least one of the magnetisable portions provides a first magnetic mark carrying a magnetic field pattern.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233912A1
Автор: Piotrowski Christian
Принадлежит: VITA PAK UG

The invention relates to a packaging container for pourable liquids, powders and granules, in particular pourable food products, wherein the packaging container comprises an inner flexible bag having an outlet opening, and further comprises an outlet part and an outer cover adhesively bonded to the inner bag in a punctiform manner that be disposed of separately therefrom. A carrying handle makes it possible for a variety of packaging containers to be transported easily. The outer cover of the packaging container may comprise two swing-open hard shells. A further packaging container according to the invention comprises a foldable outer cover and, when the latter is folded, the inner flexible bag can be fastened to the cover by means of the outlet part and, when the cover is unfolded, the inner flexible bag can be separated therefrom and the two can be introduced into different recycling systems. 11357955993. A packaging container () for pourable liquids , powders , and granulates , comprising an outer cover () , and inner flexible bag () having an outlet opening () , and an outlet part () connected to the inner flexible bag () , wherein the inner flexible bag () is fixedly connected to the outlet part () by means of a welding seam , by means of an adhesive connection , or by molding , and wherein the outlet part () is connected to the outer cover () by means of a welding seam , by means of an adhesive connection , a punching process , a plug connection , a clamping device , or by inserting a guide wire.2153113. The packaging container () according to claim 1 , wherein the shape of the inner flexible bag () in the filled state follows the shape of the outer cover () and makes close contact with the inner side () of the outer cover ().3159793. The packaging container () according to or claim 1 , wherein the inner flexible bag () is connected to the outlet part () in the area of the outlet opening () and the outlet part () is connected to the outer cover ().413. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253550A1
Принадлежит: G. I. WINDOWS, INC.

The invention is an implantable magnetic anastomosis device having an exoskeleton that directs self-assembly. The design allows the device to be delivered in a linear configuration using a minimally-invasive technique, such as endoscopy or laparoscopy, whereupon the device self-assembles into, e.g., a polygon. A coupled set of polygons define a circumscribed tissue that can be perforated, or the tissue can be allowed to naturally necrose and perforate. The device can be used to create anastomoses in a variety of tissues, such as tissues found in the gastrointestinal, renal/urinary, and reproductive tracts. New procedures for using anastomoses, e.g., surgical bypass are also disclosed. 1. An implantable device comprising a plurality of magnetic segments coupled together with an exoskeleton that directs the magnetic segments to self-assemble into a geometric shape.2. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the geometric shape is angular claim 1 , polygonal claim 1 , or spiral.3. The implantable device of claim 2 , wherein the device comprises four or more magnetic segments and the device self-assembles into a polygon.4. The implantable device of claim 3 , wherein the polygon is a square claim 3 , a hexagon claim 3 , or an octagon.5. The implantable device of claim 3 , wherein a magnetic pole of each segment is normal to the face of the polygon.6. The implantable device of claim 3 , wherein the distance across the polygon claim 3 , measured through the center of the polygon claim 3 , is 5 mm or greater.7. The implantable device of claim 3 , wherein the distance across the polygon claim 3 , measured through the center of the polygon claim 3 , is 5 cm or less.8. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the exoskeleton comprises a material that returns to a shape after it is deformed from the shape.9. The implantable device of claim 8 , wherein the exoskeleton comprises a shape metal alloy.10. The implantable device of claim 9 , wherein the shape metal alloy is ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276410A1
Автор: Okezawa Hiroaki

A packaging container includes a top wall and a bottom wall that are substantially horizontal when the packaging container is straight, and side walls. The top wall and the bottom wall have a trapezoid shape and a rectangle shape, respectively, a section of a transverse direction of a main body of the packaging container formed in four ridgelines which connect four corner points of the top wall and four corner points of the bottom wall has a trapezoid shape, and the horizontal top wall overhangs one panel of the side walls. 1. A packaging container , comprising:a top wall and a bottom wall that are substantially horizontal when the packaging container is straight; andside walls, whereinthe top wall and the bottom wall have a trapezoid shape and a rectangle shape, respectively, a section of a transverse direction of a main body of the packaging container formed in four ridgelines which connect four corner points of the top wall and four corner points of the bottom wall has a trapezoid shape, and the horizontal top wall overhangs one panel of the side walls.2. The packaging container according to claim 1 , further comprising an opening for a straw claim 1 , a pouring plug claim 1 , and an opening device on the top wall by the side of the overhung side wall.3. A method of manufacturing a packaging container claim 1 , comprising:forming a web-like packaging material having crease lines into a tube shape by longitudinal sealing;filling the tube shaped packaging material with a liquid product;sealing the tube shaped packaging material in a transverse direction to form pillow shaped packaging bodies;cutting the packaging bodies individually;folding the packaging body along the crease lines to form a top wall, side walls, and a bottom wall; andattaching one or more fins and one or more flaps to the top wall, bottom wall, or side walls to form a final shape, whereinthe top wall and the bottom wall are substantially horizontal when the packaging container is straight, wherein ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Carton With Insert

Номер: US20130277260A1
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A carton for holding a plurality of containers. The carton comprises a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton. At least two end flaps can cooperate to at least partially form a closed end of the carton. A reinforcing insert comprises a central panel and at least one reinforcing end flap. The central panel can be at least partially disposed in the interior of the carton, and the at least one reinforcing end flap can comprise a base portion and a distal portion foldably connected to the base portion. The base portion extends in an oblique direction from the central panel toward the closed end of the carton.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296899A1

Various obesity treatment tools and methods are described herein, as well as treatments for other gastric-related diseases, e.g., GERD. Treatment includes reducing the size of the stomach pouch to limit the caloric intake as well as to provide an earlier feeling of satiety. This may be done by creating a smaller gastric pouch within the stomach directly from the interior of the stomach itself. The smaller pouches may be made through the use of individual anchoring devices, rotating probes, or volume reduction devices. A pyloroplasty procedure may also be performed to render the pyloric sphincter incompetent. A gastric bypass procedure may additionally be performed using atraumatic magnetic anastomoses devices so that sugars and fats are passed directly to the bowel while bypassing the stomach. Many of these procedures may be done in a variety of combinations. Treatment may create enforced behavioral modifications by discouraging the ingestion of high-caloric foods. 18-. (canceled)9. A system for organ volume reduction , comprising:a device for insertion into all organ, the device being adapted to draw up a portion of an interior of the organ;a fastening device adapted to fasten the portion of interior; anda side-to-side anastomosis device for coupling adjacent regions of digestive tract, the anastomosis device including a distal segment and a proximal segment, the distal and the proximal segments each being adapted to align in apposition with each other while maintaining the regions of digestive tract therebetween.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein the device for insertion is inserted into the organ endoscopically via an esophageal passageway.11. The system of claim 9 , wherein the anastomosis device is inserted into the digestive tract endoscopically via an esophageal passageway.12. The system of claim 9 , wherein the anastomosis device is inserted into the digestive tract laparoscopically.13. A method for gastric reduction claim 9 , comprising: creating a first ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304100A1

A device for anastomosis of a tubular structure comprises first and second hollow members having a rigid part and an elastic part, and a connection member for interlocking the first and second members. The elastic parts are essentially circular rings, and are made of a polymeric, a biocompatible and/or biodegradable material. The rigid parts have an outer surface that is partly semi-circular in cross section, wherein the diameter at a non-connecting end is larger than or equal to the diameter at a connecting end, which ends in an edge. The first and second members are connected to each other so that a distance is formed between the elastic parts. A cavity is formed between the rigid parts and the connection member and the tubular structure, when arranged in the device. 1. A device for anastomosis of a tubular structure , said device comprising: a first elastic ring structured and operable to be enclosed within an introverted fold of a first end of a severed tubular structure; and', 'a first rigid part including a first annular channel formed about a radially outer circumferential edge of the first rigid part, the first rigid part structured and operable to be disposed within the first elastic ring such that the first elastic ring is disposed within the first annular channel having an end portion of the introverted fold of the first end of the severed tubular structure clasped within the first annular channel between the first rigid part and the first elastic ring;, 'a generally hollow open first connector assembly comprising a second elastic ring structured and operable to be enclosed within an introverted fold of a second end of the severed tubular structure; and', 'a second rigid part including a second annular channel formed about a radially outer circumferential edge of the second rigid part, the second rigid part structured and operable to be disposed within the second elastic ring such that the second elastic ring is disposed within the second annular channel ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Producing Packaging

Номер: US20130305659A1

An apparatus for producing packaging, in particular composite packaging for liquid foodstuffs, having a cross-sectional area that decreases in the pour-out direction in the gable region. The packaging is composed of a sleeve having a gable region having a plurality of gable faces and a pouring element. The apparatus has at least one rotatable mandrel wheel having a plurality of mandrels for holding the sleeves. Additionally, a method for producing such packaging and a gable press for use with the aforementioned apparatus. In order to allow easier and more cost-effective production, it is proposed that the apparatus has a gable press, assigned to a single mandrel wheel position, for folding the gable region, for connecting all the gable faces of the gable region of the sleeve to the pouring element and for sealing the protruding ears in the same mandrel wheel position. 1. An apparatus for producing packaging , with a cross-sectional area that decreases in the pour-out direction in the gable region , the packaging comprising: a sleeve having a gable region having a plurality of gable faces and a pouring element , wherein the apparatus comprises at least one rotatable mandrel wheel having a plurality of mandrels for holding the sleeve , and a gable press assigned to a single mandrel wheel position for folding the gable region , for connecting all gable faces of the gable region of the sleeve to the pouring element and for sealing ears protruding from the gable region in the same mandrel wheel position.2. The apparatus for producing packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus has an ear press for turning down and tacking the ears.3. The apparatus for producing packaging according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus has a pusher for pushing the sleeve on one of the plurality of mandrels from an intermediate position into a final position.4. The apparatus for producing packaging according to claim 3 , wherein the apparatus has at least one heating device for ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306707A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An apparatus for forming an anastomosis between adjacent intestinal sections of tissue is provided. The apparatus includes a circular surgical stapler having an anvil assembly with an anvil shaft and an anvil, the circular surgical stapler further having a tubular body portion with an annular knife and a body portion shaft selectively attachable to the anvil shaft; and a seal structure for deposition between the intestinal sections of tissue including a hub configured to engage attachment structure on at least one of the anvil shaft and the body portion shaft. The attachment structure is positioned so that the seal structure is located between the intestinal sections of tissue when the circular surgical stapler is disposed within the intestinal sections of tissue. 1. (canceled)2. A support structure for deposition between intestinal sections , comprising at least one disc having a generally centrally located aperture , the support structure comprising a material selected from the group consisting of at least one of an adhesive , a sealant , a hemostat , and a medicament , and including at least one portion of a hook and a loop type fastener.3. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the support structure is impregnated with the material.4. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the support structure comprises an inflatable annular structure.5. The structure of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of spokes extending radially inwardly from the disc.6. The structure of claim 2 , wherein an interior space of the support structure contains the material.7. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the support structure comprises a first layer and a second layer.8. The assembly of claim 7 , wherein the first layer comprises a first part of a two-part adhesive and the second layer comprises a second part of the two-part adhesive.9. The structure of claim 7 , wherein the first layer has a plurality of loops and the second layer has a plurality of hooks.10. The structure of claim 7 , ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318923A1

An object is to provide a technology capable of decreasing the possibility that bubbles may reach a first member. A method of manufacturing a liquid container includes (a) a process of preparing a liquid container, (b) a process of storing liquid in a first storage chamber by injecting the liquid from the downstream side of the first storage chamber based on a flow direction of a fluid from an atmosphere opening port to a supply port. 1. A method of manufacturing a liquid container which stores liquid , comprising:(a) a process of preparing a liquid container, in which the liquid container includesa first storage chamber for storing the liquid,a transparent member which is disposed in the first storage chamber,a liquid guiding channel in which a supply port is formed on one end and a liquid communication hole is formed on the other end, and which communicates with the first storage chamber by the liquid communication hole, andan atmosphere introduction channel which circulates atmosphere to the first storage chamber,the first storage chamber includesa transparent member disposition surface on which the transparent member is disposed, anda first inner wall which is disposed above the transparent member, andthe liquid communication hole is provided at a position which does not overlap with the first inner wall below the first inner wall and when the liquid container is vertically projected; and(b) a process of injecting the liquid from the downstream of the first storage chamber to the first storage chamber.2. The method of manufacturing a liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein the first inner wall is inclined.3. The method of manufacturing a liquid container according to claim 1 ,wherein the first storage chamber includes, a bottom surface partition wall which is disposed in the inner portion of the first storage chamber and extends from the transparent member disposition surface, and in which the liquid communication hole is formed on the lower end of the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Bag making machine

Номер: US20130324386A1
Автор: Yao-Chang Lin
Принадлежит: Individual

A bag making machine includes a feeder to unwind and feed a sheet in a first direction, a forming device to bend and fold the sheet to form a tubular body, a speed controller for controlling upstream and downstream speeds of advancement of the tubular body, a cutter to cut the tubular body into a plurality of tubular pieces, a direction changing device to change a direction of advancement of the tubular pieces so that the tubular pieces are advanced in a second direction substantially perpendicular to the first direction, a sewing device to sew and close an open bottom side of each of the tubular pieces, and a sealing device to hot press a sealing tape against the bottom side of each of the tubular pieces.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334279A1
Автор: Prior Scott J.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling device including a handle assembly, a body portion extending distally from the handle assembly, a head portion including an anvil retainer and a shell assembly, the anvil retainer being movable in relation to the shell assembly between unapproximated and approximated positions, a tube surrounding a portion of the anvil retainer, wherein the anvil retainer includes a distal annular protrusion for releasably engaging an anvil assembly and wherein the anvil assembly includes a center rod. 1. An anvil receiving apparatus , comprising:an anvil retainer operatively coupled to a surgical device; anda tube surrounding a portion of the anvil retainer;wherein the anvil retainer includes a distal annular protrusion for releasably engaging an anvil assembly and wherein the anvil assembly includes a center rod.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tube has an outer diameter larger than an outer diameter of the center rod.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tube has an outer diameter equal to the outer diameter of the center rod.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tube comprises a proximal tube and a distal tube claim 1 , wherein a resilient member is disposed between the proximal tube and the distal tube.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the anvil retainer further comprises a proximal protrusion configured to disable the proximal tube from moving proximally.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the center rod is configured to engage with the anvil retainer.7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein proximal advancement of the center rod onto the anvil retainer causes proximal advancement of the distal tube toward the proximal tube.8. The apparatus as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the center rod further comprises at least one resilient arm for releasably engaging the anvil retainer.9. The apparatus as claimed in claim 8 , wherein each of the at least one resilient arms further ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340393A1
Автор: Benedetti Luca
Принадлежит: UNITEC S.P.A.

Method and apparatus for opening pairs of opposed reclined walls of a plurality of crates, comprises carrying a first stack to a first working station, raising opposed walls of the upper crate by rotation with respect to the bottom plane, raising the other two front walls by rotation, blocking at least one of the side walls to an adjacent side wall, horizontally transferring the open crate into a position where it is lowered onto an adjacent second stack opened crates. 1. Method to fully automatically open the side and reclined walls of a plurality of crates preferably for agricultural products , provided with a bottom plane and with two pairs of opposed walls , each of them hinged on said bottom plane , which are arranged in the same and ordered way , and vertically laid one on the other so as to form a respective first stack , wherein it comprises the following operations:a) carrying said first stack into an loading stationb) vertically raising two opposed walls of the upper crate by respective rotation with respect to said bottom plane,c) vertically rising of the other two opposed walls of the upper crate by respective rotation with respect to said bottom plane,d) blocking of at least one of said side walls to an adjacent side wall,e) horizontally transferring said open crate into a position outside the vertical projection of said first stack.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after said operation in a) claim 1 , and before said operation in b) claim 1 , said first stack is lifted to a level such as the crate in the upper position and with the reclined side walls claim 1 , reaches a pre-determined level into a first working station.3. Method according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , after said lifting to said level claim 2 , said upper crate is blocked with respect to said first working station by means acting laterally onto said bottom plane of said upper crate.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after said operation in e) claim 1 , ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000427A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

One automated process for evenly applying a thin layer within a device housing includes applying a vacuum hold from a curved surface applicator to the thin layer, pressing the thin layer against the device housing with the applicator, wherein said pressing includes applying pressure from the center of the applicator first and then radially expanding said pressure, and pressing the cylindrical outer housing against an outer region of the thin layer to effect a hard pressed application at the outer surface thereof. 1. A cutting tool for cutting a notch within a side wall of a housing that defines an interior cavity , the cutting tool comprising:a plurality of blades extending from a central hub, each of the plurality of blades having a substantially triangular geometry, wherein the plurality of blades cooperate to form a substantially square cross section and wherein a cutting radius of the plurality of blades is about 1.4 times a length of one side of the substantially square cross section; anda cutting shaft having an end coupled to a central portion of the central hub of the plurality of blades and configured to rotate the pinwheel cutting blade about an axis arranged along a longitudinal axis of the cutting shaft,wherein a depth of the notch corresponds to the cutting radius of the plurality of blades.2. The cutting tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cutting tool is configured to fit into an opening in the housing having a dimension about equal to the length of the one side of the substantially square cross section.3. The cutting tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades includes four blades.4. The cutting tool as recited in claim 3 , wherein the substantially triangular geometry of each of the four blades corresponds to a right triangle.5. The cutting tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein a length of a radius of the cutting shaft is more than half of the length of the one side of the substantially square cross section.6. The cutting tool ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for manufacture of packaging container with reclosable connection and method of manufacture

Номер: US20140008363A1
Принадлежит: Disc Graphics Inc

An apparatus for manufacturing and converting a container includes a platform for slidably accommodating a sheet of packaging material, an actuation mechanism for feeding the sheet through the platform, and a gluing device for applying glue to a portion of the sheet. The apparatus further includes a magnet applicator assembly housing a plurality of magnets, a slug applicator assembly housing a plurality of slugs and a folding mechanism to align the sheet in a final glued form. The magnet applicator assembly applies magnets to the sheet at a pre-determined time, and the slug applicator assembly applies slugs to the sheet at a pre-determined time. The magnet and the slug are attached to the sheet by the glue applied by the gluing device. The magnet aligns with the slug forming a reclosable connection.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Package flap folding method and apparatus

Номер: US20140011653A1
Автор: Richard J. Fallas
Принадлежит: Packaging Distributors Inc

An apparatus for folding the flaps of a package is provided. The apparatus has a pair of folding conveyors positioned such that, as a package having open major flaps is urged towards the folding conveyors, the folding conveyors fold the major flaps of the case to a closed position. The apparatus has a front flap mechanism configured to close the front flap of the package, and a rear flap mechanism configured to close the rear flap of the package.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027493A1
Автор: Jankowski Bruce K.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Surgical stapling apparatus are disclosed including an anvil having a working surface with a shaped topography; and a staple cartridge, in juxtaposition with the anvil. The staple cartridge includes a working surface with shaped topography which is complementary to the shaped topography of the working surface of the shaped anvil. When the anvil and the staple cartridge are approximated with or toward one another, at least a portion of the working surface of the anvil cooperates with at least a portion of the working surface of the staple cartridge to enhance alignment of the staple cartridge and the anvil in at least one of a transverse and longitudinal direction. 118-. (canceled)19. A surgical stapling apparatus , comprising:an anvil having a non-planar, annular working surface defining a plurality of staple forming depressions; anda staple cartridge having a non-planar, annular working surface defining a plurality of staple retention slots, the non-planar, annular working surface of the staple cartridge being positioned and configured to cooperate with the non-planar, annular working surface of the anvil when the anvil and staple cartridge are in an approximated position to align the plurality of staple forming depressions with the plurality of staple retention slots.20. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the staple cartridge includes an upstanding annular side wall extending from at least one of an inner and outer terminal edge of the annular working surface of the staple cartridge claim 19 , the upstanding annular side wall defining an obtuse angle relative to the annular working surface of the staple cartridge.21. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the staple cartridge includes an upstanding annular side wall extending from each of an inner edge and an outer edge of the annular working surface of the staple cartridge claim 19 , wherein the annular side walls each define an obtuse angle relative to the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods of Making Flexible Containers

Номер: US20140033654A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Methods of making non-durable self-supporting flexible containers. 1. A method of forming a flexible container , the method comprising:providing one or more flexible materials; a product volume and', 'a plurality of structural support members that are configured to be formed into a structural support frame; and, 'joining together at least a portion of the one or more flexible materials to formfilling the product volume so that the product volume directly contains a fluent product.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding a dispenser that is configured to dispense the fluent product from the product volume.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the adding of the dispenser includes forming the dispenser from the one or more flexible materials.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the adding of the dispenser includes incorporating the dispenser into the flexible container by using a fitment.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising filling the plurality of structural support members claim 1 , to form the structural support frame.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein:the plurality of structural support members include a plurality of structural support volumes; andthe filling of the structural support members includes providing into one or more of the structural support volumes, one or more expansion materials.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the filling of the structural support members includes providing the one or more expansion materials claim 6 , which include one or more materials selected from the group consisting of:materials capable of creating a gas through a phase change;materials capable of creating a gas through a chemical reaction;materials capable of creating a gas by action of electromagnetic radiation; andcombinations thereof.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the filling of the structural support members includes providing the one or more expansion materials claim 6 , which include liquid nitrogen.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the filling of ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058419A1

This tissue fastening apparatus is a tissue fastener for clamping first biological tissue and second biological tissue so as to be in close contact with each other, including: a first tissue fixation portion, made of an elastic wire wound in a coil, that is locked on the first biological tissue; and a second tissue fixation portion, made of an elastic wire wound in a coil, that is locked on the second biological tissue, the second tissue fixation portion continuing into the first tissue fixation portion, in which when falling off first and second biological tissue necrotized by being clamped between the first tissue fixation portion and the second tissue fixation portion, the tissue fastener moves only from the second tissue fixation portion to the first tissue fixation portion side and falls off. 1. A method of forming a through hole that communicates between a first hollow organ tissue and a second hollow organ tissue which is adjacent to the first hollow organ tissue , comprising the steps of:inserting a needle tube which holds a tissue fastening instrument into the first hollow organ tissue and the second hollow organ tissue in an extended state, wherein the tissue fastening instrument includes a first tissue fixing portion and a second tissue fixing portion which are formed by being wound in a coil shape, and a peripheral spring portion that is wound in a shape of a spiral around periphery of the first tissue fixing portion and the second tissue fixing portion, that extends in an outer diameter direction, and that connects to the second tissue fixing portion;engaging the second tissue fixing portion, which is restored to a coil shape, with the first hollow organ tissue by allowing the tissue fastening instrument to extrude from the needle tube;pulling out the needle tube from the first hollow organ tissue and the second hollow organ tissue;holding and fastening the first hollow organ tissue and the second hollow organ tissue between the first tissue fixing ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing a container for a bulk product

Номер: US20140061244A1
Автор: Kertels Peter
Принадлежит: NOAFLEX GMBH

The invention relates to a container () for a bulk product, comprising a housing () and a rubber-elastic force-generating body () protruding into the housing and having a filling space for receiving the bulk product. The force-generating body has a closed first longitudinal end and is suspended relative to the housing in the area of an opposite second longitudinal end. When being filled, the force-generating body expands radially and axially in the housing in such a manner that, when a partially filled state is reached, said body makes contact with a first wall part () of the housing () radially bounding the expansion, and when filling is continued, the first longitudinal end approaches a second wall part () of the housing axially bounding the expansion as the axial enlargement of the area of contact between the force-generating body and the first wall part increases. Before the force-generating body is filled, at least one part of the first wall part on the inside of the housing and/or at least one part of the outer face of the force-generating body is subjected to a friction-reducing surface treatment. 1. A method for manufacturing a container for a filling product , the method comprising:forming a container having a housing and a rubber-like force generating body projecting into the housing and having a longitudinal axis and a filling space for receiving the filling product, wherein the force-generating body has a closed first longitudinal end and is suspended relative to the housing in the region of an opposite second longitudinal end, wherein the force-generating body, when being filled, expands radially and axially with respect to the longitudinal axis in the housing in such a manner that it abuts on a first wall portion of the housing upon reaching a partial filling state, the first wall portion limiting the expansion radially, and that upon continued filling the first longitudinal end approaches a second wall portion of the housing while the area of abutment ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076841A1
Автор: Peck James
Принадлежит: G3 Enterprises, Inc.

A system and method for controlling oxygen ingress in cap closures is disclosed. According to one embodiment, an apparatus includes a cap and a cap liner. The cap liner includes a first diffusive layer and a semi-diffusive layer. A first side of the semi-diffusive layer is adjacent to the first diffusive layer, where the semi-diffusive layer has a lower oxygen transmission rate than that of the first diffusive layer. The cap liner further includes a second diffusive layer, where a first side of the second diffusive layer is adjacent to a second side of the semi-diffusive layer, and the semi-diffusive layer has a lower oxygen transmission rate than that of the second diffusive layer. The oxygen transmission rate of the cap liner is controlled by varying a thickness of the semi-diffusive layer. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a cap; anda cap liner,wherein the cap liner includes a first diffusive layer,wherein the cap liner includes a semi-diffusive layer, wherein a first side of the semi-diffusive layer is adjacent to the first diffusive layer, wherein the semi-diffusive layer has a lower oxygen transmission rate than that of the first diffusive layer,wherein the cap liner includes a second diffusive layer, wherein a first side of the second diffusive layer is adjacent to a second side of the semi-diffusive layer, wherein the semi-diffusive layer has a lower oxygen transmission rate than that of the second diffusive layer, and wherein varying a thickness of the semi-diffusive layer controls an oxygen transmission rate of the cap liner.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen transmission rate of the cap liner increases linearly with an inverse of the thickness of the semi-diffusive layer.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first diffusive layer comprises an expanded foam of one or more of very low density polyethylene (VLDPE) claim 1 , polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , low-density polyethylene (LDPE) claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) claim 1 , high-density ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Manufacturing Spout-Equipped Bags

Номер: US20140083061A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Jidoki Co., Ltd

Method and apparatus for manufacturing spout-equipped bags in which the lateral sides of a bag are gripped by a pair of grippers, the bag is conveyed along a conveying path, and a spout is attached to the bag mouth during the conveyance. Unloading suction members adheres by suction to a bag in a horizontal orientation and takes out the bag; and then bag suction members adheres to the bag and changes the bag into a vertical orientation, the bag is then rotated through a predetermined angle, making the bag mouth horizontal. A transfer chuck grips the bag and conveys it towards grippers, and the bag is displaced a predetermined distance horizontally and supplied to the grippers. The horizontal displacement distance of the transfer chuck is set in advance such that gripping margins on the bag for the grippers are made substantially equal on the left and right of the bag. 1. A method for manufacturing spout-equipped bags , comprising:a bag unloading step for adhering by suction to an empty bag positioned in a substantially horizontal orientation in an empty bag storage device and upwardly unloading the bag;a bag feeding step for changing an orientation of the upwardly unloaded bag to a substantially vertical orientation and feeding the bag to a pair of left and right grippers;a bag conveying step for gripping predetermined locations on opposite sides of a mouth of the bag using the pair of left and right grippers and conveying the bag along a predetermined conveying path;a bag mouth opening step for opening the mouth of the bag; anda spout attachment step for substantially vertically lowering a spout, inserting the spout into the opened bag mouth, and, subsequently, sealing the spout to the bag mouth, andthe bag mouth opening step and the spout attachment step are performed on bags conveyed along a conveying path while the bag conveying step is being performed,wherein:the bag has a bag mouth formed slanted in a bag width direction in a corner portion at an upper edge ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000484A1

An apparatus is provided for stapling tissue. The apparatus includes an anvil and a trocar selectively coupled with the anvil. The anvil may have an inner opening and a plurality of staple pockets aligned around a surface of the anvil. The anvil may be inserted trans-orally through an esophagus prior to being coupled with the trocar. The trocar may include a shaft and a locking assembly. The locking assembly may secure the anvil in position relative to the trocar when the locking assembly is in the expanded position. The apparatus may also include an alignment assembly to align the staple pockets of the anvil relative to the apparatus. The apparatus may also include an introduction assembly to guide the anvil through the esophagus. 1. An apparatus for stapling tissue , the apparatus comprising: (i) a body, wherein the body has a disc shape,', '(ii) an inner opening formed through the body, and', '(iii) a plurality of staple pockets, wherein the plurality of staple pockets are positioned along a surface of the body;', 'wherein the anvil is configured to be inserted through a bodily lumen; and, '(a) an anvil, wherein the anvil comprises (i) a shaft, and', '(ii) a locking assembly configured to transition from a collapsed position to an expanded position, wherein the locking assembly is operable to secure the anvil in position relative to the shaft of the trocar when the locking assembly is in the expanded position., '(b) a trocar selectively coupled with the anvil, wherein the trocar comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the anvil comprises a first plurality of staple pockets positioned along a top surface and a second plurality of staple pockets positioned along a bottom surface of the body.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the locking assembly comprises at least one resilient tab extending from the shaft of the trocar.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the locking assembly comprises a pair of resilient tabs extending from the shaft of the trocar.5. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001583A1
Автор: Osterhout Ryan

A box forming machine includes a converter assembly, a fold assembly, and an attachment assembly. The converter assembly converts sheet material into a box template. The fold assembly engages a first end of the box template and moves the first end of the box template to a predetermined position. The attachment assembly engages a second end of the box template and moves the second end of the box template toward and into engagement with the first end of the box template to attach the first and second ends of the box template together. 1. A box forming machine comprising:a converter assembly that is configured to perform one or more conversion functions on a sheet material to convert the sheet material to a box template; and at least one upper set of guide channels configured to direct a first sheet material into the infeed changer;', 'at least one lower set of guide channels configured to direct a second sheet material into the infeed changer; and', 'an active roller that is configured to draw the first or second sheet material into the infeed changer, the active roller being configured to rotate in a first direction and in a second direction, wherein rotation of the active roller in the first direction draws the first sheet material into the infeed changer and rotation of the active roller in the second direction draws the second sheet material into the infeed changer., 'an infeed changer that is configured to direct different sheet materials into the converter assembly, the infeed changer comprising2. The box forming machine of claim 1 , wherein at least one of:the at least one upper set of guide channels comprise a fixed guide channel and a movable guide channel; orthe at least one lower set of guide channels comprise a fixed guide channel and a movable guide channel.3. The box forming machine of claim 1 , wherein at least one of:at least one guide channel of the at least one upper set of guide channels comprises a flared open end; orat least one guide channel of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001587A1

A slotter head, a slotter apparatus, and a box making machine form a joining piece with a high degree of accuracy by each being provided with: a cutter rest; a movable block mounted in an outer peripheral portion of the cutter rest; a first cutting blade that is fixed to the movable block along a shaft direction and along a direction inclined in a circumferential direction by a predetermined angle; a first support shaft that supports, on the cutter rest, the movable block rotatably around a first shaft center along the shaft direction; and a second support shaft that supports, on the cutter rest, the movable block rotatably around a second shaft center along the circumferential direction. 1. A slotter head , comprising:a cutter rest that is disk shaped, and is rotatably supported;a movable block that is mounted in an outer peripheral portion of the cutter rest;a first cutting blade that is fixed to the movable block along a rotation shaft center direction of the cutter rest and along a direction inclined in a circumferential direction by a predetermined angle;a first support shaft that supports, on the cutter rest, the movable block rotatably around a first shaft center along the rotation shaft center direction of the cutter rest; anda second support shaft that supports, on the cutter rest, the movable block rotatably around a second shaft center along a circumferential direction of the cutter rest.2. The slotter head according to claim 1 , wherein a biasing member that biases the movable block outward with respect to the cutter rest claim 1 , and a restricting member that restricts an amount of outward rotation of the movable block by the first support shaft with respect to the cutter rest claim 1 , are provided.3. The slotter head according to claim 2 , wherein a link member having the second support shaft is rotatably supported on the cutter rest by the first support shaft claim 2 , and the movable block is rotatably supported on the link member by the second ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001917A1

Disclosed is a paperboard tray that includes a bottom panel; a plurality of side panels, each side panel attached to an edge of the bottom panel; a plurality of outer panels, each outer panel attached to an outer edge of one of the side panels; and a plurality of corner gussets that connect a pair of adjacent side panels of the plurality of side panels. A first subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a first of the plurality of side panels and a first of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the first subset of the plurality of corner gussets. A second subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a second of the plurality of side panels and a second of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the second subset of the plurality of corner gussets. 1. A paperboard tray comprising:a bottom panel;a plurality of side panels, each side panel attached to an edge of the bottom panel;a plurality of outer panels, each outer panel attached to an outer edge of one of the side panels; anda plurality of corner gussets, each of the plurality of corner gussets connecting a pair of adjacent side panels of the plurality of side panels, wherein:a first subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a first of the plurality of side panels and a first of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the first subset of the plurality of corner gussets;a second subset of the plurality of corner gussets is adhered to a second of the plurality of side panels and a second of the plurality of outer panels is adhered to the second subset of the plurality of corner gussets; andthe paperboard tray has a flat configuration and an erected configuration.2. The paperboard tray of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the erected configuration claim 1 , each of the plurality of corner gussets is folded about three fold lines.3. The paperboard tray of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the erected configuration claim 1 , each of the plurality of corner gussets is folded ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002021A1
Автор: McLeod Michael B.

A container includes a plurality of panels connected together to enclose an interior space. At least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels. An insert is adhered to the at least one tear away portion for removal from the plurality of panels together with the at least one tear away portion to provide access to the interior space. The insert can extend from a first end of the interior space to an opposite end of the interior space as a load bearing member between two opposed panels of the plurality of panels. 1. A container comprising:a plurality of panels connected together to enclose an interior space, wherein at least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels; andan insert adhered to the at least one tear away portion for removal from the plurality of panels together with the at least one tear away portion to provide access to the interior space;wherein the insert extends from a first end of the interior space to an opposite end of the interior space as a load bearing member between two opposed panels of the plurality of panels.2. (canceled)3. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert defines a load bearing path from the first end of the interior space to the second end of the interior space claim 1 , wherein the load bearing path is free of lines of weakness.4. The container as recited in claim 3 , wherein the insert includes corrugated paper material with corrugations aligned along a corrugation direction claim 3 , wherein the load bearing path extends in the corrugation direction.5. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert is positioned inside the interior space.6. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the insert forms at least part of an exterior cooperating with the plurality of panels to enclose the interior space.7. The container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one tear away portion is defined in the plurality of panels by at least one respective line of weakness in ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001740A1
Автор: RICHARD Persson

An apparatus for fetching a blank from a magazine holding a number of blanks is presented. Each of the blanks is a sleeve shaped piece of packaging material folded planar. The apparatus comprises a rotary feeder provided with a gripper. The rotary feeder and the gripper are arranged to rotate around a main rotational axis, such that the gripper is moved between a fetching position in which a blank is fetched and a releasing position in which the blank is released. The gripper is arranged to rotate around a gripper specific rotational axis, such that fetching the blank in the fetching position is facilitated. 1. An apparatus for fetching a blank from a magazine holding a number of blanks , each of said blanks being a sleeve shaped piece of packaging material folded planar , said apparatus comprisinga rotary feeder provided with a gripper,wherein said rotary feeder and said gripper are arranged to rotate around a main rotational axis, such that said gripper is moved between a fetching position in which a blank is fetched and a releasing position in which said blank is released,wherein said gripper is arranged to rotate around a gripper specific rotational axis, such that fetching said blank in said fetching position is facilitated, anda gripper cam curve to control rotation of said gripper around said gripper rotational axis when said rotary feeder is rotated around said main rotational axis.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said rotary feeder is arranged to rotate around said main rotational axis in a main rotational direction claim 1 , and said gripper is arranged to rotate around said gripper specific rotational axis in a gripper specific rotational direction claim 1 ,wherein said main rotational direction is opposite to said gripper specific rotational direction during a time period starting at a fetching point of time.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said rotary feeder is arranged to rotate around said main rotational ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Triangular shipping container

Номер: US20170001749A1
Принадлежит: Art com Inc

Disclosure is directed to a preconfigured planar container template (“container template”) that can be assembled into a triangular shipping container (“container”). The container template is a substantially planar panel/flat sheet having a specified number of fold lines at specified positions in the planar panel, and which can be assembled into the container by folding at the fold lines. While not only assembling the container template into the container is very easy, making or manufacturing the container template is also very easy. The making or the manufacturing of the container template can include cutting a planar panel, e.g., made of some preferable material, into a container template of a specified shape and size and making a specified number of fold lines on the container template. The container template can be manufactured without using any securing products, such as glue and staple.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001750A1

A blank of sheet material for forming a container is provided. The blank of sheet material includes at least one major bottom panel, two opposing side panels, and two opposing end panels. Each end panel includes a plurality of fold lines that define two opposing side edges, a first minor end panel, a second minor end panel, and at least two reinforcement panels positioned between the two side edges. The at least two reinforcement panels are configured to move inwardly towards an interior cavity of the container forming a reinforcement structure when the container is formed. 1. A blank of sheet material for forming a container , said blank of sheet material comprising:at least one major bottom panel;two opposing side panels; andtwo opposing end panels, wherein each end panel comprises a plurality of fold lines that define two opposing side edges, a first minor end panel, a second minor end panel, and at least two reinforcement panels positioned between the two side edges, wherein the at least two reinforcement panels are configured to move inwardly towards an interior cavity of the container forming a reinforcement structure when the container is formed.2. The blank of sheet material in accordance with further comprising a first minor bottom flap and a second minor bottom flap extending from a bottom edge of a first of the two opposing end panels.3. The blank of sheet material in accordance with further comprising a third minor bottom flap and a fourth minor bottom flap extending from a bottom edge of a second of the two opposing end panels.4. The blank of sheet material in accordance with claim 2 , wherein an angled edge portion is defined in each of the first and second minor bottom flaps claim 2 , the angled edge portions extending from the bottom edge of the first opposing end panel and configured to form a notch sized to receive at least a portion of the reinforcement structure when the container is formed.5. The blank of sheet material in accordance with claim ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002048A1
Автор: Shaffer Douglas

A package for a gravity feed rack display system that is shipped with product includes a plurality of panels connected together at fold lines configured for extending at least partially around an interior space. The plurality of panels includes a front panel, a back panel, a first side panel, a top panel, a second side panel and a bottom panel. The interior space is configured to receive at least one product. The package includes a first extension flap foldably connected to a first side of the front panel and a second extension flap foldably connected to a second side of the front panel. The plurality of panels and the first and second extension flaps define a first depth in a first position for shipping, and a second depth in a second position for display. 1. A package comprising:a plurality of panels connected together at fold lines configured for extending at least partially around an interior space, including a front panel, a back panel, a first side panel, a top panel, a second side panel and a bottom panel, wherein the interior space is configured to receive at least one product; anda first extension flap foldably connected to a first side of the front panel and a second extension flap foldably connected to a second side of the front panel, wherein the plurality of panels and the first and second extension flaps define a first depth in a first position for shipping, and a second depth in a second position for display.2. The package as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second extension flaps is configured to be collapsed toward the front panel in the first position for shipping and folded back toward the back panel in the second position.3. The package as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second extension flaps includes a respective first panel and a respective second panel claim 1 , wherein the second panel is foldably connected with respect to the first panel claim 1 , wherein a width of the first panel of the extension flap ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002059A1

The present invention relates to a collapsible virtual reality viewer. Aspects of the viewer include a body portion and a viewing portion, each having a plurality of panels abutting fold lines. The viewer may be folded along the fold lines to move from an expanded configuration to a collapsed configuration when it is not being used. In one aspect, the viewer includes a detachable panel that is removeably coupled to the viewer along a plurality of perforations. Promotional material may be printed on or attached to the detachable panel. In another embodiment, the body portion and the viewing portion are each formed of a unitary construction in which the panels of each portion are die cut from a single piece of material and folded along fold lines to form the body and viewing portions, which are then secured together at one or more locations. 1. A collapsible virtual reality viewer comprising: a first body wall;', 'a second body wall opposite the first body wall;', 'a first side wall joining the first body wall and the second body wall; and', 'a second side wall opposite the first side wall and joining the first body wall and the second body wall; and, 'a body portion, the body portion comprising an outer viewing panel having one or more viewing apertures for permitting viewing a virtual reality display device when received in the viewer,', 'an inner viewing panel having a display aperture for permitting viewing a virtual reality display device when received in the viewer,', 'a back panel, the back panel and the inner viewing panel forming a slot, and', 'an intermediate viewing panel that spaces apart the outer viewing panel and the slot,, 'a viewing portion coupled to the body portion, the viewing portion comprisingwherein the collapsible virtual reality viewer includes a plurality of fold lines and is configured to fold between a collapsed configuration and an expanded configuration,wherein, when in the expanded configuration, the slot is configured to hold a virtual ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002060A1
Принадлежит: Packaging Corporation of America

Wall panels for a corrugated paper board container have bulge control lines formed therein to control the bending of the wall panels as the container is loaded with contents, such as liquid containing contents. The bulge control lines are configured to control the bending of the wall panels to mitigate the possibility of undesirable spouting that makes the containers more difficult to store. 1. A container comprising corrugated paper board , the container comprising:first and second side wall panels opposed to one another, the container comprising a plurality of other wall panels other than the first and second side wall panels which other wall panels together with the first and second side wall panels are coupled together and form the walls of the container;a bottom or base portion coupled to the first and second side wall panels and to the other wall panels;the first and second side wall panels each comprise a panel body including a bottom edge, a top edge, a center between the bottom edge and the top edge, and first and second side edges; andwherein each panel body comprises a plurality of bulge control lines that extend from a first location at or adjacent to the bottom edge of the panel body to a second location at or adjacent to the top edge of the panel body, the bulge control lines subdividing the panel body into at least three subpanels, the bulge control lines extending from the first location to a second location adjacent to the to the top edge of the panel body, and wherein the bulge control lines are further apart at the first location than at a third location that is above the first location.2. A container according to wherein the bulge control lines of each panel body comprise first and second bulge control lines claim 1 , the first bulge control line comprising a first bulge control line section below the center of the panel body and the second bulge control line comprising a second bulge control line section below the center of the panel body claim ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002145A1

A method of applying a tape to an article. The method includes contacting a first activatable adhesive composition of an adhesive tape with a placement device. The adhesive tape has a carrier substrate, the first activatable adhesive composition disposed on a first surface of the carrier substrate, and a second activatable adhesive composition disposed on a second surface of the carrier substrate. The method includes activating the first activatable adhesive composition such that the adhesive tape adheres to the placement device through the first activatable adhesive composition, separating the adhesive tape from a tape delivery system, activating the second activatable adhesive composition, contacting an article with the second activatable adhesive composition, and separating the placement device from the adhesive tape such that the adhesive tape remains adhered to the article. 1. A method of applying a tape to an article , the method comprising:contacting a first activatable adhesive composition of an adhesive tape with a placement device, the adhesive tape having a carrier substrate, the first activatable adhesive composition disposed on a first surface of the carrier substrate, and a second activatable adhesive composition disposed on a second surface of the carrier substrate;activating the first activatable adhesive composition such that the adhesive tape adheres to the placement device through the first activatable adhesive composition;separating the adhesive tape from a tape delivery system;activating the second activatable adhesive composition;contacting an article with the second activatable adhesive composition; and separating the placement device from the adhesive tape such that the adhesive tape remains adhered to the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the article is a container having a first panel claim 1 , a second panel claim 1 , and a flap contiguous with the first panel claim 1 , and contacting the article with the second activatable ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017260A1

A box assembly can include an exterior piece including a first middle portion, a second middle portion, a third middle portion, and a fourth middle portion; the first middle portion and the third middle portion positioned perpendicular to the second middle portion and the fourth middle portion; a plurality of insulator pads including a first side insulator pad, a second side insulator pad, and a third side insulator pad; the first side insulator pad contacting the first middle portion; the second side insulator pad contacting the first middle portion, the second middle portion, and the third middle portion; the third side insulator pad contacting the third middle portion; and an interior piece positioned within the exterior piece, the interior piece including a first side panel and a second side panel; the first side insulator pad positioned between the first side panel and the first middle portion. 1. A box assembly comprising:an exterior piece comprising a first middle portion, a second middle portion, a third middle portion, and a fourth middle portion; the first middle portion and the third middle portion positioned perpendicular to the second middle portion and the fourth middle portion;a plurality of insulator pads comprising a first side insulator pad, a second side insulator pad, and a third side insulator pad; the first side insulator pad contacting the first middle portion; the second side insulator pad contacting the first middle portion, the second middle portion, and the third middle portion; the third side insulator pad contacting the third middle portion; andan interior piece positioned within the exterior piece, the interior piece comprising a first side panel and a second side panel; the first side insulator pad positioned between the first side panel and the first middle portion; the second side panel extending between the second side insulator pad and each of the first side insulator pad and the third side insulator pad.2. The box assembly of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Snack tray assembly

Номер: US20160007806A1
Принадлежит: Target Brands Inc

A snack tray assembly includes snack and condiment holders. The snack holder has a receptacle defined by a bottom and a plurality of sides and a condiment flap having an upper surface, an opposing lower surface, a fixed end coupled to the top of one of the plurality of sides, at least one free end and an opening that extends from the upper surface to the lower surface. The condiment holder is defined by a bottom and a plurality of sides. The opening in the condiment flap of the snack holder receives and holds the condiment holder so that a first portion of the condiment holder is protruding substantially upward from the upper surface of the condiment flap and a second portion of the condiment holder is protruding substantially downward from the lower surface of the condiment flap.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008659A1
Автор: Brewster Daniel Allen

The present invention is a collapsible holder for beverage containers (e.g., cans and bottles) that may present the containers in an appealing “bouquet” fashion while separately securing the containers within the beverage holder. The beverage containers may be placed substantially vertically in holes arranged in a hexagonal arrangement, similar to a vase for flowers with a base for support against tilting. The beverage holder may be made of cardboard with a plurality of fold lines, cut lines, and scored lines. 1. A beverage display and carrying apparatus , comprising:a base;a column inserted into the base; andan array of apertures supported within the column;wherein the array of apertures may support a plurality of beverage containers.2. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the column carries at least one beverage container within the column and below the array of apertures3. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the column comprises a hollow portion.4. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a divider is situated within the hollow portion of the column.5. A beverage display and carrying apparatus claim 3 , comprising:a base;a column inserted into the base; anda platform supported Within the column, the platform comprising an array of apertures;wherein the base is comprised of a precut sheet with nonparellel fold lines for folding the sheet such that the base constitutes a flat bottom for the apparatus and sides of the base of a polygonal section with the sides of the polygon widening downwards.6. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the base comprises a plurality of bottom tabs that are folded downward and inserted into bottom tab slots within the precut sheet to secure the bottom tabs under the beverage display and carrying apparatus.7. The beverage display and carrying apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the platform is comprised of a precut sheet with ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008665A1
Автор: Morin Jeremy, Price Trevor

A container includes a metal end applied and sealed to an all-thermoplastic container body by a crimp-seaming or double-seaming operation. The metal end has an outer curl joined to a chuck wall that extends down from the curl. One or both of the inner surface of the container side wall and the outer surface of the chuck wall has/have a heat-sealable material thereon. The metal end is crimp-seamed or double-seamed to the container body and the heat-sealable material(s) are heated to soften or melt such that the interface between the chuck wall and the side wall is fused. The interface is oriented along a direction relative to internal pressure exerted on the metal end such that stress on the interface caused by the internal pressure is predominantly shear stress. 1. A method for making a container , comprising the steps of:providing a container body having a side wall extending about a container body axis, the side wall having a lower end and an upper end, the upper end defining an upper edge that extends about a top opening of the container body, the side wall having an inner surface and an outer surface;providing a metal end for closing the top opening of the container body, the metal end having at least a metal layer and comprising a central portion and an outer peripheral portion extending generally radially outwardly from the central portion and extending circumferentially about the central portion, the peripheral portion having a radially outer part and a radially inner part, a first heat-sealable material being present on one of (a) a lower surface of at least the peripheral portion of the metal end and (b) the inner surface of the side wall adjacent the upper end thereof, the radially outer part of the peripheral portion defining a curl, the radially inner part of the peripheral portion defining a chuck wall that extends generally downward from the curl and has a radially outer surface;applying the metal end to the container body such that the metal end ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009439A1

A blank of sheet material for forming a container includes a bottom panel and two opposing side panels. Each side panel extends from a side edge of the bottom panel. The blank also includes two opposing end panel assemblies. Each end panel assembly extends from an end edge of the bottom panel and includes an outer end panel extending from the end edge, and an inner end panel extending from a top edge of the outer end panel. The blank further includes a plurality of reinforcing side panel assemblies. Each reinforcing side panel assembly extends from a side edge of one of the end panel assemblies. Each reinforcing side panel assembly includes a first reinforcing side panel extending from the inner end panel, and a second reinforcing side panel extending from the first reinforcing side panel and the outer end panel. 1. A blank of sheet material for forming a container , the blank comprising:a bottom panel;two opposing side panels, each side panel extending from a side edge of the bottom panel; an outer end panel extending from the end edge; and', 'an inner end panel extending from a top edge of the outer end panel; and, 'two opposing end panel assemblies, each end panel assembly extending from an end edge of the bottom panel, wherein each end panel assembly comprises a first reinforcing side panel extending from the inner end panel of the respective end panel assembly; and', 'a second reinforcing side panel extending from the first reinforcing side panel and the outer end panel of the respective end panel assembly., 'a plurality of reinforcing side panel assemblies, each reinforcing side panel assembly extending from a side edge of one of the end panel assemblies, wherein each reinforcing side panel assembly comprises2. The blank in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the end panel assemblies and the reinforcing side panel assemblies are configured to define at least a double wall thickness around a perimeter of the container when formed.3. The blank in accordance with ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Box with Two Product Compartments

Номер: US20160009440A1

A glued blank for producing a two compartment box. The blank comprises a bottom, a shelf, and a lid. The shelf has front and rear supports for supporting the shelf on the bottom of the blank. The shelf has side supports for supporting the shelf on the bottom of the blank. The lid has side walls, a front wall and a rear wall and the lid rear wall connects the lid to the bottom of the blank. The rear shelf support connects the shelf to the bottom of the blank. The blank is glued.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Convertible Package Assembly and Display System

Номер: US20160009441A1

A package assembly suitable for use in storing and shipping a plurality of product containers includes a shipping configuration and a display configuration. In the shipping configuration the package assembly is constructed from a single blank of packaging material and formed into a case into which a plurality of product containers are inserted. In the display configuration a top portion of the case is removed from a bottom portion of the case along one or more tear lines on the blank. 120.-. (canceled)21. A package assembly comprising: a case formed from a single piece of packaging material with a single tear line , the case having a shipping configuration and a display configuration;the case in the shipping configuration having a top portion and a bottom portion enclosing a space for product containers, the single piece of packaging material comprising at least twelve polygonal sections folded to form the case, three of the at least twelve polygonal sections divided by the tear line into six partial sections, the top portion of the case comprising six full sections and three of the six partial sections, and the bottom portion of the case comprising three full sections and the other three of the six partial sections;the case in the display configuration having a bottom portion for displaying product containers and a front panel portion, one of the six full sections forms the front panel portion of the case in the display configuration, wherein the case is convertible from the shipping configuration to the display configuration by separating the top portion from the bottom portion along the single tear line.22. The package assembly of claim 21 , the at least twelve polygonal sections being fifteen polygonal sections folded to form the case claim 21 , three of the fifteen polygonal sections divided by the single tear line into the six partial sections claim 21 , the top portion of the case comprising six full sections and three of the six partial sections claim 21 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009188A1

A machine for forming a container from a blank of sheet material is provided. The blank includes a reinforcing panel assembly for forming a reinforcing corner assembly. The machine includes a hopper station for storing the blank in a substantially flat configuration and a forming station for forming the blank into the container. The forming station includes an initial forming station that rotates a first portion of the reinforcing panel assembly with respect to a second portion of the reinforcing panel assembly, and a secondary forming station having male and female forming members with shapes corresponding to an interior shape and an exterior shape of the reinforcing corner assembly, respectively. The male and the female forming members are configured to form the reinforcing corner assembly by compressing together the first and second portions of the reinforcing panel assembly. 1. A method of forming a container from a blank of sheet material using a machine , the blank including a bottom panel having opposing side edges and opposing end edges , two opposing side panels each extending from one of the side edges of the bottom panel , two opposing end panels each extending from one of the end edges of the bottom panel , and a reinforcing panel assembly including a plurality of reinforcing panels separated by a plurality of fold lines , the reinforcing panel assembly extending from a first side edge of a first end panel of the two end panels , the machine including a forming station , said method comprising:forming a reinforcing corner assembly from the reinforcing panel assembly by folding the plurality of reinforcing panels about the plurality of fold lines by compressing the plurality of reinforcing panels into face-to-face relationship using a male forming member and a female forming member within the forming station;rotating a first portion of the reinforcing panel assembly with respect to a second portion of the reinforcing panel assembly by forcing the first ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009189A1

A folding arrangement intended for folding of a continuous flow of box blanks. The folding arrangement includes: a feeding arrangement adapted to generate the continuous flow of box blanks through the folding arrangement and a folding unit. Also is a folding machine including the arrangement. Also is a method for adjustable folding of box blanks passing through the folding arrangement. 1. Folding arrangement intended for folding of a continuous flow of box blanks passing through the folding arrangement along a longitudinal direction , said box blank comprising at least a first and a second portion arranged on either side of a substantially linear folding notch and a first side face adapted to form an outer side after folding and a second side face adapted to form an inner side after folding , said folding arrangement allowing an optional folding of said second portion between 90° and 180© with respect to said first portion along the folding notch V forming a folding line parallel to the longitudinal direction of the folding arrangement , wherein said folding arrangement comprises:a feeding arrangement adapted to generate the continuous flow of box blanks through the folding arrangement along the longitudinal direction, said feeding arrangement comprising an upstream end in which the box blanks are guided into the folding arrangement, and a second end in which the folded box blank exits the folding arrangement, wherein the box blanks are fed through the folding arrangement such that said first portion is substantially horizontal and the folding notch V is parallel to the longitudinal direction;a folding unit comprising:at least one folding belt which runs at least around a first wheel arranged upstream along the feeding arrangement and a second wheel arranged downstream along the feeding arrangement, said first wheel rotates around a first axle and is pivotally mounted to said folding arrangement, said second wheel rotates around a second axle and is adjustably ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024633A1
Автор: Tsao Chung-Piao

A dual-hanger beverage packaging box includes a box body, which has front and rear sides each including a closure lid that is provided with a fold line and a curved cut line formed in a middle of each fold line, such that each closure lid is formed, in an end portion thereof, with a handle portion that is erectable up and the closure lids are movable to close a top side of the box body and the handle portions are foldable along the fold lines to show an erected-up state, with the cut lines forming openings, the handle portions being positionable against and abutting each other to form a hand-carrying handle; and a plurality of receptacle elements, which are respectively arranged at a left side and a right side of the box body, such that each of the receptacle elements receives and holds a beverage container therein. 1. A dual-hanger beverage packaging box , comprising:a box body, the box body having a front side and a rear side each of which is provided with a closure lid, each of the closure lids being provided with a fold line, each of the fold lines being formed in a middle thereof with a cut line that is in a curved form, such that each of the closure lids is formed, in an end portion thereof, with a handle portion that is erectable up, wherein each of the closure lids is movable to close a top side of the box body and each of the handle portions is foldable along a respective one of the fold lines to show an erected-up state, and each of the cut lines forms an opening in such an erected-up state, and the handle portions of the closure lids are positionable against and abutting each other to form a hand-carrying handle; anda plurality of receptacle elements, which are respectively arranged at a left side and a right side of the box body, each of the receptacle elements being formed with a through hole, such that each of the receptacle elements receives and holds a beverage container inserted in the through hole.2. The dual-hanger beverage packaging box according ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024635A1
Автор: Chen Shifeng, Sollie Greg

A method for collapsing a collapsible box can include pressing inward on a first side panel and a second side panel of the collapsible box along a lateral hinge, the collapsible box defining the lateral hinge extending at least partially across a front panel, the first side panel, the second side panel, and a rear panel of the collapsible box; and pressing a top panel and a bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened, the top panel and the bottom panel being hingedly coupled to the rear panel. 1. A method for collapsing a collapsible box , the method comprising:pressing inward on a first side panel and a second side panel of the collapsible box along a lateral hinge, the collapsible box defining the lateral hinge extending at least partially across a front panel, the first side panel, the second side panel, and a rear panel of the collapsible box; andpressing a top panel and a bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened, the top panel and the bottom panel being hingedly coupled to the rear panel.2. The method of wherein pressing the top panel and the bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened comprises folding the first side panel substantially in half.3. The method of wherein pressing the top panel and the bottom panel of the collapsible box together until the collapsible box is substantially flattened comprises reconfiguring the rear panel from a substantially planar shape to a truncated pyramidal shape.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising opening the collapsible box.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein opening the collapsible box comprises:tearing a perforation between a lower flap portion of the front panel and a frame portion of the front panel; andfolding the lower flap portion away from the frame portion.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the lower flap portion is hingedly attached to a first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008825A1
Автор: Bradley Michael
Принадлежит: Keymac USA LLC

A forming machine for erecting a packaging article, the machine comprising a female cavity and a plunger which moves up and down in a generally vertical cycle and which can push a packaging article down into the cavity when moving down, in which the plunger is driven to move up and is not driven to move down. 1. A forming machine for erecting a packaging article , the machine comprising a female cavity and a plunger which moves up and down in a generally vertical cycle and which can push a packaging article down into the cavity when moving down , in which the plunger is driven to move up and is not driven to move down.2. A machine as claimed in claim 1 , in which the plunger is pushed up.3. A machine as claimed in claim 1 , in which the plunger is allowed to drop down under its own weight.4. A machine as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a cam.5. A machine as claimed in claim 4 , in which the cam is an eccentric cam.6. A machine as claimed in claim 4 , in which the cam is non-circular.7. A machine as claimed in claim 6 , in which the cam is generally oval claim 6 , ovoid claim 6 , elliptical or ellipsoidal.8. A machine as claimed in claim 4 , comprising a cam shaft.9. A machine as claimed in claim 8 , in which the cam shaft is balanced.10. A machine as claimed in claim 4 , in which a cam follower is provided on or by the cam.11. A machine as claimed in claim 10 , in which the cam follower is or carries an arm which in turn controls/carries the plunger.12. A machine as claimed in claim 1 , in which the plunger is not directly connected to a mechanical drive.13. A machine as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a plunger arm which pivots up and down.14. A machine as claimed in any claim 13 , in which if the plunger arm does not reach bottom dead centre the machine stops downwards motion of the plunger.15. A machine as claimed in claim 14 , in which a sensor stops the motion to clear cartons or objects claim 14 , stopping the down motion of the plunger.16. A machine as ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for forming a package box

Номер: US20190009490A1
Автор: Jouni Suokas
Принадлежит: JOPAMAC Oy AB

The object of the disclosure is a method and an apparatus for forming a package box. In the first phase of the method, a box blank is placed at the start of the box-forming process and is brought to the conveying motion. In the next phase, the markings of the package boxes are formed. In the third phase, the box blank is folded around an inner support and its ends are fastened together into one tubular blank component. In the fourth phase, a base panel is affixed to the box frames. In a fifth phase, the package boxes are transferred for further processing according to the order. The different phases of the method also comprise at least the following actions to be taken on the basis of online data coming from the picking system: In the first phase, a box blank is selected, which forms a box frame for one or more package boxes, the width of which box frame corresponds most suitably to the online data; or a box blank is cut to the correct width according to online data. In the next phase, the necessary fold lines are formed in the box blank on the basis of online data and the necessary markings are made on each box frame to be formed from a box blank. In the third phase, the box blank is cut by means of the cutting device on the basis of online data into box frames of the height of the package boxes to be formed.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009309A1
Автор: BELLAMAH Stephen J.
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

The package includes sidewall panels, at least one first platform panel configured to support at least one first consumer product within the package, at least one foot panel that is at least partially positioned under the at least one first platform panel to support at least one portion of the at least one first platform panel, and a tear-off section defined by at least a lower end of the package. 1. A package , comprising:sidewall panels;at least one first platform panel configured to support at least one first consumer product within the package;at least one foot panel that is at least partially positioned under the at least one first platform panel to support at least one portion of the at least one first platform panel; anda tear-off section defined by at least a lower end of the package.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first platform panel is positioned near the lower end of the package.3. The package of claim 2 , wherein the at least one first platform panel at least partially forms a false bottom for the package.4. The package of claim 1 , wherein the sidewall panels include claim 1 ,a front panel,at least one back panel opposing the front panel,a first side panel, anda second side panel opposing the first side panel.5. The package of claim 4 , wherein a first bottom edge of the first side panel and a second bottom edge of the second side panel are sloped in an upward direction claim 4 , from the front panel to the at least one back panel claim 4 , causing the package to incline backwards relative to a third bottom edge of the front panel.6. The package of claim 4 , whereinthe front panel at least partially defines the tear-off section, anda first longitudinal length of the at least one back panel is shorter than a second longitudinal length of the front panel, such that the sidewall panels incline backwards relative to a location of the tear-off section on the front panel.7. The package of claim 6 , whereinthe tear-off section is further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009946A1

A display ready container having an outer front wall panel and an inner front wall panel. The outer front wall panel has a display opening formed therein and a display edge defining at least a portion of the display opening. The inner front wall panel has a removable inner cover section disposed against the front wall panel to cover at least a portion of the display opening, and overlapping at least a portion of the display edge. An area of weakness is formed in the removable inner cover section that is configured to deform when pulled outwardly to decrease in at least one of the width and height dimensions in a desired manner to effect removal of the removable inner cover section. 1: A display ready container , comprising:multiple container side walls, said container side walls including an outer front wall panel, inner front wall panel, and first and second side wall panels adjacent to and on opposite sides of said outer front wall panel, said container side walls having an inner face facing an internal space of said container;a display opening formed in said outer front wall panel, said outer front wall panel having a display edge defining at least a portion of a boundary of said display opening;at least one bottom panel forming the container bottom;at least one top panel forming the container top;said inner front wall panel being disposed against the inner face of said outer front wall panel so as to cover said display opening and overlap at least a portion of said display edge, said inner front wall panel having an inner removable cover section and an inner remainder front wall section separable from one another along a separation line therebetween, andan area of weakness formed in said inner removable cover section configured to deform said inner removable cover section when pulled outwardly so as to decrease in at least one of said width and height dimensions in a desired manner to effect removal of said inner removable cover section from said container.2: A ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010233A1

The present disclosure relates to a storage container and, more particularly, to a foldable packaging system and methods of assembly. The foldable packaging system includes: a main body; a front flap section; and an intermediate body portion connecting to both the main body and the front flap section at a first fold line and a second fold line along upper and lower edges of the intermediate body portion, respectively, wherein the first fold line has a length “x”, the second fold line has a length “x′”, and x>x′. 1. A foldable packaging system , comprising:a main body which forms a back side and partially a front side of the foldable packaging system;a front flap section; andan intermediate body portion foldable over with the front flap section onto the front side of the foldable packaging system, the intermediate body portion connecting to both the main body and the front flap section at a first fold line and a second fold line along upper and lower edges of the intermediate body portion, respectively, wherein the first fold line has a length “x”, the second fold line has a length “x′”, and x>x′.2. The foldable packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate body portion includes a fold line between the first fold line and the second fold line claim 1 , the fold line and the first fold line having a same length and a space between the first fold line and the fold line of the intermediate body portion forms a bottom portion of the foldable packaging system.3. The foldable packaging system of claim 2 , wherein the intermediate body portion includes inwardly foldable flaps on opposing sides which claim 2 , in a folded state claim 2 , adhere to an inside surface of the intermediate body portion.4. The foldable packaging system of claim 2 , wherein the inwardly foldable flaps are foldable along a third fold line which claim 2 , in the folded state claim 2 , provide an exterior edge that will have a graphic scheme matching an exterior of the foldable packaging ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Convertible Package Assembly and Display System

Номер: US20200010234A1
Принадлежит: Delkor Systems, Inc.

A package assembly suitable for use in storing and shipping a plurality of product containers includes a shipping configuration and a display configuration. In the shipping configuration the package assembly is constructed from a single blank of packaging material and formed into a case into which a plurality of product containers are inserted. In the display configuration a top portion of the case is removed from a bottom portion of the case along one or more tear lines on the blank. 120.-. (canceled)21. A package assembly , comprising:a case formed of a single sheet of packaging material, the single sheet including three rows of panels, the three rows comprising first and second edge rows and a middle row disposed between the first and second edge rows, the panels being foldable at fold lines to form the case, wherein a front of the case includes a first end panel of the middle row extending fully between a top and a bottom and a first side and a second side of the case, wherein the second side of the case opposite the first side and a rear of the case include a tear line configured to separate the case into a top portion and a bottom portion, wherein the first end panel is included with the top portion.22. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first end panel of the middle row defines an opening claim 21 , the opening being circular or rectangular in shape.23. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the first end panel of the middle row extends within the bottom portion of the case.24. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein at least one of panels is pentagonal in shape.25. The package assembly of claim 21 , wherein the tear line extends fully across each of the three rows to divide the case into the cover portion and the display portion.26. A package assembly claim 21 , comprising:a case formed of a single sheet of packaging material, the single sheet including three rows of panels, the three rows comprising first and second edge rows and a middle ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032569A1

An apparatus and method for expanding a box blank into a box, the apparatus comprising an arm assembly, a controller, a camera and a box blank conveyor. The arm assembly includes a folding arm having a position in a first direction and a rotational angle controlled by the controller based on a position of a feature of the box blank in the field of view of the camera. The camera captures images of the box blank which are used to position the arm assembly and to evaluate the need to reject a box blank. 1. An apparatus for expanding a box blank , comprising: a base having a surface;', 'a first arm coupled to the surface of the base through a rotation joint, the first arm having a box blank contact surface perpendicular to the surface of the base; and', a body, coupled to the surface of the base; and', 'an actuator arm coupled to the first arm;, 'an actuator, including], 'an arm assembly, includinga box blank conveyor, which, in operation, moves the box blank against the box blank contact surface of the first arm of the arm assembly, expanding the box blank; anda controller, the controller in operation, sets a rotation angle of the first arm around the rotation joint based on a first dimension of the box blank.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the box blank conveyor including:a vacuum cup;a valve to selectively couple the vacuum cup to a vacuum;a positioner coupled to the vacuum cup; andthe controller coupled to the positioner and the valve, the controller, in operation, causes the positioner to move the vacuum cup against the box blank, opens the valve to couple the vacuum to the vacuum cup, and causes the box blank to move in a first direction against the box blank contact surface of the first arm.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first linear actuator coupled to the arm assembly, the controller, in operation, causes the linear actuator to move the arm assembly in a second direction.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a first direction is transverse to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032570A1

A method for erecting a box includes positioning an unerected box in an automated erecting apparatus. The method further includes bending major and minor flaps on the unerected box relative to sides of the unerected box. The method further includes, while the major and minor flaps are bent relative to the sides of the unerected box, performing an automated opening operation on the unerected box, wherein the unerected box comprises a stacking fold 1. A system for erecting a box from an unerected box , the system comprising: a first folding arm configured to bend a first major and a first minor flap in a first direction on the unerected box;', 'a second folding arm configured to bend a second major and a second minor flap in a second direction on the unerected box; and', 'a suction panel configured to erect the unerected box while the major and minor flaps are bent,', 'wherein bending the first major and first minor flaps or bending the second major and the second minor flaps is configured to limit or prevent the unerected box from bending or folding at a stacking fold in the unerected box., 'an automated erecting apparatus comprising2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the first direction is opposite the second direction.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the unerected box comprises four sides claim 1 , wherein a first set of two sides are coplanar and a second set of two sides are coplanar claim 1 , wherein the four sides are parallel to each other.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein the unerected box comprises four corner creases claim 3 , wherein the corner creases are positioned between two respective sides of the unerected box.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the stacking fold is located on one of the four sides separate from the corner creases.6. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the unerected box comprises more than one stacking fold located on one of the four sides separate from the four corner creases.7. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Package For Containers

Номер: US20220033134A1
Автор: Pinkstone Felicia A.

A construct for holding a plurality of containers. The construct can comprise a tray portion comprising at least a bottom panel and a side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, a cover portion comprising at least a top panel, an open configuration for inserting or removing the plurality of containers from the construct, and a closed configuration for at least partially retaining the plurality of containers in the construct. The top panel can be opposite to the bottom panel and the cover portion can be spaced apart from the side panel when the construct is in the closed configuration. The tray portion can be for at least partially receiving at least a first container of the plurality of containers, and the construct can be for receiving a second container of the plurality of containers between the first container and the top panel when the construct is in the closed configuration. 1. A construct for holding a plurality of containers , the construct comprising:a tray portion comprising at least a bottom panel and a side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel;a cover portion comprising at least a top panel; andthe construct comprises an open configuration for inserting or removing the plurality of containers from the construct and a closed configuration for at least partially retaining the plurality of containers in the construct;wherein the top panel is opposite to the bottom panel and the cover portion is spaced apart from the side panel when the construct is in the closed configuration, the tray portion is for at least partially receiving at least a first container of the plurality of containers, and the construct is for receiving a second container of the plurality of containers between the first container and the top panel when the construct is in the closed configuration.2. The construct of claim 1 , wherein the cover portion further comprises a top flap for at least partially retaining the second container in the construct.3. The construct of claim ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033175A1
Автор: Carman Gregory A.

A bulk bin sleeve pack is repeatably erected to form a bulk bin having a bottom wall and a perimeter wall and collapsed when not in use. The bulk bin sleeve pack includes a base that forms the bottom wall of the bulk bin. First and second wall members form the perimeter wall and are attached to one another and the base. The first and second wall members overlap a portion of the base. Locking tabs are associated with at least one of the base and the first and second wall members. Locking openings are associated with at least one of the base and the first and second wall members. The locking openings oppose the locking tabs when the first and second wall members are attached to the base to form the perimeter wall of the bulk bin. The locking tabs are lockingly inserted into the locking openings to secure the first and second wall members to the base to form the bulk bin. 1. A bulk bin sleeve pack for being repeatably erected to form a bulk bin having a bottom wall and a perimeter wall and collapsed when not in use , the bulk bin sleeve pack comprising:a base configured to form the bottom wall of the bulk bin;a first wall member configured to form a portion of the perimeter wall of the bulk bin, the first wall member having a bottom edge margin, a top edge margin, and first and second side margins, the bottom edge margin configured for attachment to the base so that the first wall member overlaps at least a portion of the base;a second wall member configured to form another portion of the perimeter wall of the bulk bin, the second wall member having a bottom edge margin, a top edge margin, and first and second side margins, the bottom edge margin of the second wall member being configured for attachment to the base so that the first side margin of the first wall member overlaps the second side margin of the second wall member, the second side margin of the first wall member overlaps the first side margin of the second wall member, and the second wall member overlaps at ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Pre-Folding Packaging Sleeves

Номер: US20170015078A1

Shown and described is an apparatus for the pre-folding of packaging sleeves including: at least one folding device with folding tools for pre-folding the bottom surfaces of a packaging sleeve and at least one folding device with folding tools for pre-folding the gable surfaces of a packaging sleeve. In order to achieve a precise and rapid pre-folding of the gable surfaces of a packaging sleeve on a compact system, it is proposed that all the folding devices are mounted movably in the vertical and in the horizontal direction. In addition, a method for the pre-folding of packaging sleeves is shown and described.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Flexible Container with Fitment and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20160016679A1

A flexible container is provided. The flexible container includes four panels. The four panels form (i) a body portion; (ii) a neck portion, and a flare portion that extends from the neck portion; (iii) a tapered transition portion between the body portion and the neck portion; and (iv) the neck portion has a reduced width. The flare portion has an expanded end. The width of the flare portion gradually increases from the neck portion to the expanded end.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

A Pack

Номер: US20160016723A1
Автор: Hodges Paul

A pack () is disclosed. The pack () comprises a front and a rear wall (), and side walls () extending therebetween. At least one side wall ()comprises at least three layers. 1. A pack comprising a front and a rear wall , and side walls extending therebetween , wherein at least one side wall comprises at least three layers.2. The pack according to claim 1 , wherein the layers of the side wall are formed from a single sheet of material.3. The pack according to claim 2 , wherein the sheet of material includes fold lines to enable the sheet to be folded about said fold lines to form said layers.4. The pack according to claim 1 , comprising a body that includes a side body panel that overlaps with a secondary side body panel claim 1 , wherein the pack further comprises a reinforcement body panel being positionable so that it overlaps its corresponding side body panel and secondary body panel to form a multi-layered side wall.5. The pack according to claim 4 , wherein the side body panel extends from the front wall and the secondary side body panel extends from the rear wall claim 4 , and the reinforcement body panel extends from the side body panel and/or the secondary side body panel.6. The pack according to claim 1 , comprising a lid that includes a side lid panel that overlaps with a secondary side lid panel claim 1 , wherein the pack further comprises a reinforcement lid panel being positionable so that it overlaps its corresponding side lid panel and secondary lid panel to form a multi-layered side wall.7. The pack according to claim 6 , wherein the side lid panel extends from the front wall and the secondary side lid panel extends from the rear wall claim 6 , and the reinforcement lid panel extends from the side lid panel and/or the secondary side lid panel.8. The pack according to claim 4 , wherein the reinforcement body panel is folded about a fold line in a direction such that it is located between the side body panel and the secondary body panel.9. The pack ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Reclosable Carton

Номер: US20180016054A1
Автор: Waddington Paul

A carton for holding at least one article includes a plurality of panels and a plurality of end flaps. The plurality of panels at least partially defines an interior space of the carton, and includes a first side panel and a second side panel foldably connected to the first side panel. At least a portion of the first side panel and at least a portion of the second side panel are reconfigurable between an open position allowing access to the interior space and a closed position wherein the access to the interior space is restricted. The plurality of end flaps is respectively foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and form a closed end portion of the carton. The closed end portion is removable from the carton to allow access to the interior space. 1. A carton for holding at least one article , comprising:a plurality of panels at least partially defining an interior space of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising a first side panel and a second side panel foldably connected to the first side panel, at least a portion of the first side panel and at least a portion of the second side panel are reconfigurable between an open position allowing access to the interior space and a closed position wherein the access to the interior space is restricted; anda plurality of end flaps respectively foldably connected to respective panels of the plurality of panels and forming a closed end portion of the carton, the closed end portion is removable from the carton to allow access to the interior space.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein in the open position the at least a portion of the first side panel and the at least a portion of the second side panel protrude outwardly from a centerline of the interior space and are generally concave relative to the centerline of the interior space.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein in the closed position the at least a portion of the first side panel and the at least a portion of the second side panel are curved ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016081A1

Systems for providing efficient manufacturing of sheet or box structures, corrugate sheets, or other products of varying size and structure often with pre-applied print (“pre-print”) are provided herein. The systems include various features and modules that enable automated control of the corrugator, including the knives, slitters, scorers and cut-to-mark detection system(s), are contemplated. Colored markings may be used to indicate an order change section between two order sections of a roll plan for the manufacturing process. The colored markings are detected as the corrugator runs and, once detected, a controller determines a next set of order instructions—e.g., to match the upcoming order. Thus, an order change may occur, thereby enabling automated control of the corrugator based on the new order instructions. Computer readable markings may enable checking of the actual position in the roll plan to an intended position, enabling stopping or changing of the corrugator operation if needed. 1. A system for making corrugated box structures using a corrugator , the system comprising:a corrugated board web comprising at least a first order section and a second order section, wherein the first order section includes at least one standard cut-to-mark marking that is used to signal an initiation of a cut of the corrugated board web to help form at least one first box structure, wherein the second order section includes at least one standard cut-to-mark marking that is used to signal an initiation of a cut of the corrugated board web to help form at least one second box structure, wherein the first order section is different than the second order section, wherein the corrugated board web further comprises an order change section positioned between the first order section and the second order section, wherein the order change section includes at least one colored cut-to-mark marking that is used to signal an initiation of a cut of the corrugated board web, wherein the at ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016498A1
Автор: COUTURE David G.

A carton defines a bottom wall, a first side wall coupled to the bottom wall, a second side wall disposed opposite the first side wall and coupled to the bottom wall, a first end wall coupled to both the bottom wall and first and second side walls, and a second end wall disposed opposite the first end wall and coupled to both the bottom wall and the first and second side walls. The carton is formed from a blank having a first side and a second side disposed opposite said first side. The first side defines the interior surface of the bottom wall and the interior and exterior surfaces of the first and second side walls and the first and second end walls. 1. A method of forming a carton comprising:providing a blank having a first surface and a second surface disposed opposite said first surface, said blank comprising a plurality of main panels hinged together in a linear series, said plurality of main panels comprising a bottom panel, first and second inner side panels, and first and second outer side panels, wherein said first outer side panel is hingedly connected to said first inner side panel, said first inner side panel is hingedly connected to said bottom panel, said bottom panel is hingedly connected to said second inner side panel, and said second inner side panel is hingedly connected to said second outer side panel, said blank further comprising first and second end panels, first, second, third, and fourth inner end flaps, and first, second, third, and fourth outer end flaps, wherein said first and second end panels are hingedly connected to said bottom panel at respective opposite ends of said bottom panel, said first and second outer end flaps are hingedly connected to said first outer side panel at respective opposite ends of said first outer side panel, said third and fourth outer end flaps are hingedly connected to said second outer side panel at respective opposite ends of said second outer side panel, said first and second inner end flaps are hingedly ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018855A1

A leakage detecting implant can detect leakage of body fluid from an incision, resection, or other internal surgical site in a subject. The leakage detecting implant can include: one or more biodegradable colorant members having a tissue-contacting inner surface and an opposite outer surface; a resilient member having an inner surface coupled to the outer surface of the one or more colorant members; and a cover member having a body with an internal chamber and an opening on a tissue-contacting side, the internal chamber containing the resilient member and at least a portion of the one or more biodegradable colorant members with the tissue-contacting inner surface exposed through the opening, the cover member having an inner surface of the internal chamber coupled to an outer surface of the resilient member, the tissue-contacting side having one or more affixation surfaces adapted to be affixed to tissue of a subject. 1. An implant comprising:one or more biodegradable colorant members having a tissue-contacting inner surface and an opposite outer surface;a resilient member having an inner surface coupled to the outer surface of the one or more colorant members; anda cover member having an elongate body that is fluid-impermeable with an internal chamber and an opening on a tissue-contacting side, the internal chamber containing the resilient member and at least a portion of the one or more biodegradable colorant members with the tissue-contacting inner surface exposed through the opening, the cover member having an inner surface of the internal chamber coupled to an outer surface of the resilient member, the tissue-contacting side having one or more affixation surfaces adapted to be affixed to tissue of a subject, wherein the fluid-impermeable body provides a fluid-tight seal when the affixation surfaces are affixed to a tissue so as to cover the opening.2. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the one or more biodegradable colorant members include a visible colorant claim ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016861A1

A high-speed cornet bending machine with high production capacity and mechanically independent motion control system is provided. At least one feeding device is provided for transferring the sheets in order to the conveying device. Feeding device motors are provided for driving the feeding device. Conveying devices include a transfer line for transferring the sheets from the transport apparatus to the end bending unit as standard and end bending units for standard bending the product ends into a high production capacity and mechanically independent movement control system. 1. A high speed cornet bending machine with high production capacity and mechanically independent motion control system , characterized by:at least one feeding magazine, which sequentially transfers the papers to a conveying apparatus;feeder motors which give the drive action to the feeder magazine;wherein the conveying apparatus feeds the sheets coming from the feeding magazine to a transfer line;wherein the transfer line transfers the papers from the transport apparatus to an end bending unit as a standard; andthe end bending unit is provided to allow the product ends to be bent in a standard manner.2. A coating machine according to claim 1 , characterized by:an upper bending conical mold which provides for the vacuum removal of the papers from the transfer line.3. A coating machine according to claim 1 , characterized by:a lower bending conical mold which bend together with the upper bending conical mold by compressing the paper coming from the transfer line.4. A coating machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the upper bending conical mold comprises an upper bending drive motor providing the drive action.5. A coating machine according to claim 1 , wherein the lower bending conical mold comprises a lower bending drive motor providing the drive action.6. A coating machine according to claim 1 , characterized by:an On/Off engine which allows the upper bending conical mold to be opened and closed.7. ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103101A1
Автор: Alvarado, JR. MAURO

A container comprising a cardboard enclosure having six sides, wherein the left side of the container and the right side of the container each comprises at least a first layer of cardboard and a second layer of cardboard for increased top load strength. 1. A container comprising:(a) a cardboard enclosure having six sides, wherein the six sides comprise a top side, a bottom side, a back side, a front side, a left side, and a right side, wherein the top side and the bottom side are opposing, wherein the left side and the right side are opposing, and wherein the left side and the right side each comprise at least a first layer of cardboard and a second layer of cardboard; and(b) a fillable bladder positioned within the cardboard enclosure, an interior of the fillable bladder being accessible through a pour spout opening in the top side of the enclosure.2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer of cardboard on the left side and right side comprises two abutting flaps.3. The container according to claim 2 , wherein the second layer of cardboard of the left side and the right side comprises a panel.4. The container according to claim 3 , wherein the first layer of cardboard is the inner most layer.5. The container according to claim 4 , wherein the second layer of cardboard is the outer most layer.6. The container according to claim 5 , wherein the left and right side further comprises a third layer of cardboard.7. The container according to claim 6 , wherein the third layer of cardboard is the outer most layer.8. The container according to claim 7 , wherein the third layer of cardboard is a panel.9. The container according to claim 8 , wherein the front side and the back side each comprise a single layer of cardboard.10. The container according to claim 9 , wherein the bottom side comprises only a single layer of cardboard.11. The container according to claim 10 , wherein the top side comprises an attachment flap.12. The container according to claim ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Magnetic Anastomosis Device and Delivery System

Номер: US20180021043A1
Автор: Sharma Virender K.

An anastomosis device includes magnets coupled to a wire capable of changing shape from a straight wire into a coil when deployed within a body. The coil exerts compressive force upon layers of tissue caught between loops of the coil. The compressive force is enhanced by attractive forces between magnets coupled with adjacent loops of the coil and causes the coil to cut through the tissue layers, creating an anastomosis. One end of the wire is preferably provided with a connecting member, such as a screw or a nut, for connecting with a delivery device. 1. A method of creating an anastomosis between two adjacent body tissues comprising: a wire, wherein said wire has a first state and a second state, wherein, in said first state, the wire has a substantially linear form, wherein, in said second state, the wire forms a coil having at least a first loop and a second loop, and wherein said wire comprises a shape memory alloy that is adapted to transform from the first state to the second state when exposed to a temperature greater than a threshold value; and', 'a plurality of magnets positioned over said wire, wherein each of said plurality of magnets has a lumen through which said wire extends, wherein, in each of said first loop and second loop, a portion of adjacent magnets of said plurality of magnets are configured to not attach to each other, and wherein a portion of said plurality of magnets in the first loop are configured to attract a portion of said plurality of magnets in the second loop;, 'positioning an anastomosis device, via a catheter, within a body cavity proximate at least one of said adjacent body tissues, wherein the anastomosis device comprisesusing a tip of the wire, piercing the adjacent body tissues and positioning the anastomosis device through a hole created by said piercing;before releasing the anastomosis device, heating the wire by passing electrical current through the wire, thereby causing the wire to transform from the first state to the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023798A1

A blank for forming a tray for shipping and displaying at least one product is provided. The blank includes a bottom panel, a pair of opposed side panels connected to the bottom panel, and at least one divider panel assembly connected to the bottom panel and one of the side panels. The at least one divider panel assembly includes a plurality of support slots configured to receive a portion of at least one of the containers to secure the container to the tray, to display the containers within the tray, and to enable individual access to each of the containers within the tray. 130-. (canceled)31. A blank for forming a tray , the blank comprising:a front end panel connected to, and at least partially removable from, a front bottom end panel along a bottom edge of the front end panel;a pair of opposing side panels connected to the front end panel along opposing side edges of the front end panel; anda first bottom side panel connected to a first side panel of the pair of side panels along a bottom edge of the first side panel, wherein the first bottom side panel includes a first plurality of slots for supporting products within the formed tray.32. The blank of claim 31 , further comprising a front top end panel connected to the front end panel along a top edge of the front end panel claim 31 , wherein the front top end panel is removable with at least a portion of the front end panel.33. The blank of claim 31 , further comprising an access gap extending from the bottom edge of the front end panel into the front bottom end panel claim 31 , the access gap enabling access to facilitate removal of at least a portion of the front end panel.34. The blank of claim 31 , further comprising a first top side panel connected to the first side panel along a top edge of the first side panel claim 31 , wherein the first top side panel is removable with at least a portion of the front end panel.35. The blank of claim 34 , further comprising a second top side panel connected to a second ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021961A1
Принадлежит: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC

A convertible case for shipping and displaying packages of a food product includes a body formed from a first blank of a cardboard material and a hood formed from a second blank of a cardboard material. The first blank is foldable into a six-sided rectangular body and filled, using automatic or manual production processes, into a shipping configuration assembly having a front with a partially open region and a removable portion with a glue area, a back having a partially open region and a removable portion having a glue region, a left side, a right side, a top having a left panel and a right panel that are each shaped to provide a logo area and defining a partially open region between the logo areas, and a bottom having one or more selectively removable vent panels. 1. A convertible case for shipping and displaying a food product , the convertible case comprising: a front portion and a back portion each having a partially open region and a removable portion, wherein each removable portion includes a fastening area;', 'a left side;', 'a right side;', 'a top portion having a left panel that includes a first logo area and a right panel that includes a second logo area, the first and second logo areas defining a partially open region; and', 'a bottom portion having a removable bridge panel defined by two substantially parallel perforated lines, wherein a first removable vent panel is composed adjacent to a left side of the bridge panel and a second removable vent panel is composed adjacent to a right side of the bridge panel, and wherein each removable vent panel includes a push-in tab or a vent configured to increase airflow within the case for cooling the food product; and, 'a body comprisingan inverted U-shaped cover comprising a top panel defined by two parallel hinge lines, a front panel, and a back panel, the front panel and the back panel each having a push-in tab;wherein the cover is configured to fit over and attach to the body to provide a first configuration ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021736A1

An apparatus is operable to provide an anastomosis coupling two hollow organs, such as a duodenum and ileum. The apparatus includes a first component that is inserted through an enterotomy in a first hollow organ and a second component that is inserted through an enterotomy in a second hollow organ. The first and second components are brought together to o align the enterotomies and compress apposed layers of tissue adjacent to the enterotomies. The compressed tissue eventually necroses and the apparatus may be removed or simply pass through the hollow organ. Each component may include a set of pivoting links and a resilient member that is configured to both bias the links to an expanded configuration and grip the tissue adjacent to the enterotomy. The components may include magnets that secure the positioning of the components relative to each other and provide a compressive force on the apposed tissue. 120-. (canceled)21. A tissue compression device for forming an anastomosis between first and second tissue structures , the device comprising: (i) a first magnetic member, and', '(ii) a first latching member; and, '(a) a first device portion comprising (i) a second magnetic member, and', '(ii) a second latching member,, '(b) a second device portion comprisingwherein the first and second magnetic members are configured to magnetically draw together the first and second device portions in a confronting relationship to compress tissue positioned therebetween,wherein the first and second latching members are configured to lockingly engage one another when the first and second device portions are magnetically drawn together.22. The tissue compression device of claim 21 , wherein the first and second device portions are configured to combine to define an outer periphery of the tissue compression device claim 21 , wherein the first and second latching members are positioned inwardly of the outer periphery.23. The tissue compression device of claim 21 , wherein the first ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Reinforced polygonal containers and blanks for making the same

Номер: US20180022052A1
Принадлежит: WestRock Shared Services LLC

A blank of sheet material for forming a polygonal container is provided. The blank includes a bottom panel, two opposing side panels, two opposing end panels, and a reinforcing panel assembly extending from a first side edge of a first end panel of the two end panels. The reinforcing panel assembly includes a corner panel extending from the first side edge of the first end panel, a first reinforcing side panel extending from a side edge of the corner panel, a second reinforcing side panel extending from a side edge of the first reinforcing side panel, a reinforcing corner panel extending from a side edge of the second reinforcing side panel, and an inner end panel extending from a side edge of the reinforcing corner panel. The corner panel and the reinforcing corner panel are configured, upon articulation of the blank, to be positioned into face-to-face relationship to form a corner wall of the container extending from a side edge of an end wall of the container to an end edge of a side wall of the container.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022499A1

The present invention provides a carton () made of paperboard having flaps (), the carton () comprising, at least one score () along a crease line () of at least one flap (), wherein the score () is 25% to 85% of thickness of the paperboard and 5% to 70% of length of the crease line (). The invention also provides a method of securing flaps () of the carton (). 1100101105100. A carton () made of paperboard , having flaps ( , ) , the carton () comprising ,{'b': 102', '103', '101', '105, 'at least one score () along a crease line () of at least one flap (, ),'}{'b': 102', '104', '103, 'wherein the score () is 25% to 85% of thickness () of the paperboard and 5% to 70% of length of the crease line ().'}2102104. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 30% to 70% of the thickness () of the paperboard.3102104. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 50% to 60% of the thickness () of the paperboard.4102103. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 20% to 65% of the length of the crease line ().5102103. A carton as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the score () is 40% to 60% of the length of the crease line ().6102103101105. A carton as claimed claim 1 , wherein the score () is at the crease line () of each flap ( claim 1 , ).7100. A blank for making the carton () as claimed in .8101105100. A method of securing flaps ( claim 1 , ) of a carton () made of paperboard claim 1 , the method comprising claim 1 ,{'b': 102', '103', '101', '105, 'making at least one score () along a crease line () of at least one flap (, ),'}{'b': 102', '104', '103, 'wherein the score () is 25% to 85% of thickness () of the paperboard, and is 5% to 70% of length of the crease line ().'}9. A method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the score is 30% to 70% of the thickness of the paperboard.10104. A method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the score is 50% to 60% of the thickness () of the paperboard.11103. A method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the score is 20 ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022503A1
Автор: Waddington Paul

A carton for holding at least one article includes a dispenser that includes a dispenser feature and at least two first panels extending at least partially around an interior of the dispenser. The carton also includes a sleeve including at least two second panels extending at least partially around an interior of the sleeve. The interior of the sleeve at least partially receives the dispenser, and the dispenser is in slidable engagement with the sleeve and is moveable between a first position in which the dispenser feature is inaccessible and a second position in which the dispenser feature is accessible. 1. A carton for holding at least one article , comprising:a dispenser comprising at least two first panels extending at least partially around an interior of the dispenser, the dispenser comprising a dispenser feature; anda sleeve comprising at least two second panels extending at least partially around an interior of the sleeve, the interior of the sleeve at least partially receiving the dispenser, the dispenser is in slidable engagement with the sleeve and is moveable between a first position in which the dispenser feature is inaccessible and a second position in which the dispenser feature is accessible.2. The carton of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the first position of the dispenser claim 1 , the dispenser feature is covered by the sleeve.3. The carton of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the second position of the dispenser claim 2 , the dispenser feature is positioned outside of the sleeve.4. The carton of claim 1 , wherein the dispenser feature comprises a dispenser opening.5. The carton of claim 4 , wherein the dispenser feature comprises a dispenser tab adjacent the dispenser opening and removably connected to a respective panel of the at least two first panels.6. The carton of claim 5 , wherein the dispenser opening is expandable upon removal of the dispenser tab.7. The carton of claim 4 , wherein at least one panel of the at least two second panels ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040950A1

A machine a mandrel assembly includes a mandrel having an external shape complimentary to an internal shape of at least a portion of a container, a first lift mechanism operatively coupled to a first servomechanism to wrap a first portion of a blank about the mandrel, a second lift mechanism operatively coupled to a second servomechanism to wrap a second portion of the blank about the mandrel, and a folding arm coupled to the first lift mechanism and operatively coupled to a third servomechanism. A control system is in communication with the first servomechanism, the second servomechanism, and the third servomechanism and is configured to transmit a signal to each of the servomechanisms to independently control movement of the first lift mechanism, the second lift mechanism, and the folding arm to wrap at least the first and second portions of the blank about the mandrel to form the container. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for forming a container from a blank of sheet material using a machine including a servo-controlled transfer assembly , a mandrel assembly , a servo-controlled lateral presser arm adjacent the mandrel assembly , and a servo-controlled folding arm adjacent the mandrel assembly , the method comprising:positioning the blank under the mandrel assembly using the servo-controlled transfer assembly;wrapping a first portion of the blank about the mandrel assembly using the servo-controlled lateral presser arm;wrapping a second portion of the blank about the mandrel assembly using the servo-controlled folding arm, wherein at least one of a speed and a timing of movement of the servo-controlled folding arm is controlled independently of the servo-controlled lateral presser arm; andejecting the container from the mandrel assembly after the first portion and the second portion of the blank are wrapped about the mandrel assembly.22. A method in accordance with claim 21 , wherein positioning the blank under the mandrel assembly using the servo-controlled ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

A blank for forming a packaging container and a packaging container

Номер: US20220041326A1
Автор: David Sheldon
Принадлежит: Mars Inc

A blank for forming a packaging container, the blank comprising: a sheet defining an internal side and an external side of the packaging container; wherein the sheet comprises: a plurality of side panels separated from one another by side crease lines; a plurality of flaps, each one of the flaps extending from one of the side panels and being joined to the respective side panel by a flap crease line, each pair of adjacent flaps forming an inner flap and an outer flap; a sealant film disposed on the internal side of the sheet and having areas which are bonded to a portion of each one of the side panels and to a portion of each one of the flaps; wherein the sealant film comprises an unbonded area between the areas bonded to adjacent inner and outer flaps to allow the inner flap to first be folded inwards before the outer flap is folded onto the inner flap to form an end panel of the packaging container, with the sealant film forming a seal between the flaps.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041361A1

Method for packaging a particulate material, paste or gel, said method involving the steps of: 1. Method for packaging a particulate material , paste or gel , said method involving the steps of:providing a rigid package, having a bottom, a top, and a vertical wall, said rigid package being open at the top and comprising an adhering layer on at least part of the inside bottom or inside vertical wall,filling a flexible package with the particulate material, paste or gel,contacting the filled flexible package with the adhering layer, thereby adhering the flexible package to the rigid package,closing the rigid package,wherein the particulate material, paste or gel is a chemical compound requiring GHS and/or CLP labelling.2. Method according to wherein the adhering layer is on at least part of the inside bottom of the rigid package.3. Method according to wherein the adhering layer is a one-component adhesive.4. Method according to wherein the flexible package is a bag and the adhering layer constitutes the first component of a two-component adhesive; the second component of said adhesive being present on the outside bottom of the bag.5. Method according to wherein the flexible package is a bag claim 2 , the rigid package is a box or drum claim 2 , and the adhering layer constitutes one part of at least one hook-and-loop strip adhered to the inside bottom of the box or drum; the opposite part of said at least one strip being adhered to the outside bottom of the bag.6. Method according to wherein the rigid package is a box or drum comprising cardboard or fibre board.7. Method according to wherein the flexible package is a bag comprising plastic.8. Method according to wherein the chemical compound is an organic peroxide or organic peroxide formulation.9. Method according to wherein the adhesive is a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA).10. Method according to wherein the adhesive is a hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive (HMPSA).11. Method according to wherein the adhering ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022967A1

A box-making apparatus includes an electronic controller assesses abnormalities in the affixing of tape on the basis of a timing at which a cardboard box passes a detection position Pd, and a timing at which a tape roll starts or stops an action of unreeling the tape. The electronic controller assesses abnormalities in the affixing of tape also when there is a discrepancy of at least a predetermined amount between the timing at which the cardboard box passes the detection position and the timing at which the tape roll starts or stops the action of unreeling the tape. 1. A box-making apparatus comprising:a tape-affixing section configured to affix tape unreeled from a tape roll to a cardboard box assembled into a box shape;a detection unit configured to detect an action of unreeling the tape from the tape roll;a conveying section configured to convey the cardboard box during tape affixing; andan electronic controller is configured to monitor the conveyed state of the cardboard box and the unreeled state of the tape and determine whether or not there are abnormalities in the affixing of the tape.2. The box-making apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic controller is further configured to determine abnormalities in the affixing of the tape on the basis of a timing at which the cardboard box passes through a preset conveying position, and a timing at which the unreeling action of the tape is started or stopped.3. The box-making apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe detection unit is configured to detect the unreeling action of the tape from a rotating action of the tape roll.4. The box-making apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe detection unit is configured to detect the unreeling action of the tape from a rotating action of the tape roll.5. The box-making apparatus according to claim 1 ,further comprising a circular plate that has a slit provided in a predetermined position and that rotates in synchronization with the tape roll,the detection ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023451A1

A shipping and display container that can be formed from one or more blanks folded and formed according to a method for creating the container such that it encloses the storage space on all sides. A portion of the blank forming the front wall can be formed from two stacked, joined layers including an interior and an exterior blank layer. An interior separation line can be formed in the interior blank layer that creates locking teeth along the line to support the removable window in the front wall during shipping and storage. A plurality of nicks extend across an exterior separation line to also structurally support and retain the removable window while enabling it to be quickly removed to display the goods. 111-. (canceled)12. A method of forming a container , comprising:(a) providing an outer portion comprising an outer front panel, an outer left side panel located adjacent to a left edge of the outer front panel, an outer right side panel located adjacent a right edge of the outer front panel, and at least one outer back panel, the outer front panel, the outer left side panel;(b) providing an inner portion comprising an inner front panel having an inner fixed portion, an inner left side panel, an inner right side panel, an inner left back panel, an inner right back panel;(c) providing a top front major flap extending from one of the outer front panel and the inner front panel, a top left minor flap extending from the outer left side panel, a top right minor flap extending from the outer right side panel, and at least one top back major flap, each of the at least one top back major flap extending from one of at least one outer back panel, the top front major flap, a top left minor flap, the top right minor flap, and the at least one top back major flap being shaped and positioned to form a substantially enclosed top surface;(d) providing an outer separation line in the outer front panel that defines a border between an outer removable portion and an outer fixed ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Corrugated cardboard sheet feeding apparatus and box making machine

Номер: US20200023603A1

A corrugated cardboard sheet feeding apparatus, which comprises: an upstream-side conveying unit which conveys a corrugated cardboard sheet mounted on delivery rollers; and a downstream-side conveying unit which is adjacent to the downstream side of the upstream-side conveying unit and conveys, to a sheet processing unit, the corrugated cardboard sheet delivered from the upstream-side conveying unit. The downstream-side conveying unit has: a downstream-side suction unit which has openings facing a sheet conveyance path; and feed rollers with a portion of the outer peripheral surfaces thereof protruding towards the sheet conveyance path, which are accommodated in the downstream-side suction unit. The distance between the downstream ends of the openings and the axis of the most-downstream-side delivery rollers is set to be not larger than the maximum range of the distance between the conveyance rollers of the sheet processing unit.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023604A1
Автор: CECI Maurizio

A main die-cut element is divided along a predefined division line to obtain a first die-cut element and a distinct second die-cut element. Glue is deposited on a first portion of one from between the first die-cut element and a secondary die-cut element and on a second portion of one from between the second die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element. The method includes forming an opened die-cut element of the tray plus lid type given by the combination of the first die-cut element and the second die-cut element, wherein these two elements are coupled to the secondary die-cut element, with the first die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element partly superposed and pressed to one another at the first portion and the second die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element being partly superposed and pressed together at the second portion. 1. A method for forming a die-cut element , comprising:providing a main die-cut element and a secondary die-cut element,dividing the main die-cut element along a predefined division line in such a way as to obtain a first die-cut element and second die-cut element that are mutually distinct, wherein grip and contrast means retain the main die-cut element during division thereof into the first die-cut element and into the second die-cut element,depositing glue on a first portion of one from between the first die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element and on a second portion of one from between the second die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element,forming an opened die-cut element of the tray plus lid type provided by the combination of said first die-cut element and of said second die-cut element, wherein: the first die-cut element and the second die-cut element are coupled to the secondary die-cut element with the first die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element partly superposed and pressed to one another at the first portion and the second die-cut element and the secondary die-cut element ...
